Managing for Social Impact - Creativity Marketing Centre
Managing for Social Impact - Creativity Marketing Centre
Managing for Social Impact Paula Aravena Ya Li Susan Liu Marisela Martinez Antonella Raffo If we ask the main top managers of small, medium and big companies what is the most effective form of marketing most of them may answer word of mouth. Word of mouth is not a new concept, but what happens when this is taken to another level? What happens when word of mouth goes to World of Mouth? People are talking increasingly about your brand and taking more and more prominence in brand evolution. The global connectivity that contemporary organisations are facing nowadays helps to push them to take into consideration new stakeholders. As Masters candidates we strongly believe that non-profit organizations like Gawad Kalinga should follow the same rules in order to be successful at targeting young adults. The purpose of this project is to understand the attitude, behaviour of students in the 3 main universities in London and the best ways to get in touch with them and engage them with options to volunteering activities. For that, first of all we will look at the importance of social media platforms to interact with the group that we are targeting and the current situation of Gawad Kalinga in that area. Secondly, we will explore the current networks of Gawad Kalinga in the student environment in London and how to take advantage of it. And finally, we will propose a realistic solution in order to improve Gawad Kalinga’s awareness and attractiveness among young students in the UK. 1. Importance of strong Social Media platforms Erik Qualman’s book, Socialnomics: How social media transform the way we live and do businesses, explains that the great thing about technologies like Twitter (microblogging) for businesses is that it is a tool that enables a company to search for a brand name like Gawad Kalinga and see what hundreds of people are saying about it. Good companies do this, but tech-savvy companies take it one step further and act on it. As you can see on Table A, looking for the hashtag #gawadgkalinga on Twitter we can see that at least once a day someone around the world is talking about the foundation. Most of them are coming from Philippines and mostly from young people as well. That confirms our theory that Twitter as a social media platform is a good and powerful tool to get in touch with young people. TABLE A: #gawadkalinga on Twitter June 22nd, 2014. In terms of performance on search engines, the Google Trends tool enables us to understand searching for specific topics in specific countries. If we look for “England” and keywords like “volunteering” and “social works” we can find that the main times of a year when people look for these keywords are in May, October and November. This is a key finding for Gawad Kalinga in order to understand potential windows for the launch of their campaign. Currently, Gawad Kalinga’s official facebook has 220,587 fans (by June 22nd, 2014). Gawad Kalinga UK has 91 fans (by June 22nd, 2014) with the last post on March 19th 2014. We propose to have one Facebook page where the information and updates are more consolidated rather than having more without being engaging and attractive. What we want to say with that is: - Having several community managers across the world using the same platform - For international relevant information make it available for every fans across the globe in order to reinforce this idea of “international community”. - For specific information, like local campaigns, the assigned community manager should post the information filtering by country (free tool available at Facebook). This strategy will reinforce the idea of global social vision with a strong support worldwide, but focusing at the same time on local details. Gawad Kalinga UK should take advantage of the good practices that have been taking place in other countries in order to have those as a guideline. Gawad Kalinga has a lot of good content on Youtube, where there are several videos reaching more than 1,000 viewers. However, there are barriers between the conversions of viewers to subscribers (only 394 subscribers by June 22nd, 2014). In order to improve this number, we recommend to include a 10s copy engaging people to subscribe at the end of every video. A really nice way to do it is filming 10s videos with children from Philippines saying a short claim like “if you want to know more about Gawad Kalinga please subscribe below”. We believe social media should be the core of the communication strategy to the young adult student audience. Daily messages to followers instead of twice a month posts through global platforms like Twitter and Facebook can increase involvement and awareness of the target customer to the brand in the UK market. 2. Networking Another way of promoting and creating awareness of Gawad Kalinga is through the already existing network of students that have already been involved with the organization. They are the ones who have a deeper understanding and can act as ambassadors of Gawad Kalinga by sharing their experiences with other students. The ambassadors can be the key contact person to reach student clubs in relevant universities by promoting GK through their personal experience. Currently, we have contacted three UK students who have been involved with Gawad Kalinga in order to share their experience and explain to them what the ambassador role would be and how they should be involved. Through research focusing in London, we have found students clubs which promote: - Cultural events of Philippines and South East Asia Furthermore, we have found universities based in London which have student clubs and centres dedicated to promoting South East Asian culture in general. For example: - The School of Oriental and Asian Studies (SOAS) has a centre of South East Asian studies dedicated to support for volunteering abroad, internship and research – on field for Master and PhD students. - London Business School has one student club focused on volunteering and another one for students interested in the South East Asia. - London School of Economics is one of the few universities that have a student club focused only on Philippines culture. If the ambassadors implement to contacting all the student associations mentioned above, the impact of creating brand awareness will be significantly positive. In order to promote Gawad Kalinga, the ambassadors can participate in some events such as workshops, speeches to attract more students. After implementing the viral video, which will be explained in the coming section, the ambassadors will promote the video through their own network and be eager to talk about Gawad Kalinga and their personal experience. There are two existing Gawad Kalinga Internet webpages: the official site and the global one, which gives more details about the presence in different countries worldwide and the activities they are currently running. Both websites have the same layout and design in the headline; which is clear and appropriate. The main tone of both webpages is grey and orange, which respectively mean maturity & neutrality and emotion & energy, in terms of colours. After clicking through the webpage, the content is consistent when referring to the Gawad Kalinga mission, volunteer programmes, and general information, etc. However the official webpage has more images and banners that change approximately every 10 seconds making the webpage look more dynamic and attract the visitors. It also highlights the different programmes that Gawad Kalinga has been involved in the Philippines and other relevant information about Philippines, news release, etc. We would suggest that the global Gawad Kalinga site replicates the idea of displaying more images and provide shortcuts to interesting sections to attract more people. Another idea would be to offer the opportunity to interact through contacting an ambassador of a country in order to get personalised answers. Images below show the home page of the official (on the left) and the European (on the right) website. 3. Understanding your market The model above is drawn in order to understand the variables that would influence a UK university student’s behaviour of 1) joining a volunteering or social internship program in the Philippines 2) being an advocate for the program As is shown in the model, the influencing variables are: Budget; Schedule; Safety concern; Net Promoter Score (willingness to recommend to friends/family); Past experience Preference of persuading message style Social media interaction habits A survey is then designed to test the variables mentioned and their relationship in between (See Appendix for the questionnaire). With the result of the survey, we will be able to define the target audience of our campaign, what kind of advertisement and video best to implement, and when and where to communicate the message. 4. Recommendation and deliveries Through benchmarking with virally successful videos for social causes, we have identified several elements that contribute to the engagement with mass audiences. First of all, story-telling is an important aspect that engages the audience and acquires their attention, which is vital in the digital age when there is an overload of information and distractions are abundant. There are several approaches to how a story can be told, to appeal emotionally or to reason with factual information, either in an entertaining tone of voice or more touching. Emotional content is used more commonly in videos for social causes, for reasons that issues of humanity appeal strongly to touching the heart, but at the same time some information needs to be provided to consequently changing the mind. Testimonials from people actually involved in the projects are also especially appealing to the audience are they can personally relate to the experiences shared and feel closer to the issues that usually seem very distant. Once the audience is engaged, they need to be activated to share the video. The content of the video needs to be of relevance to them and to the social network they spread this story to. The video shared by each individual is part of an identity they present to the public, and people want to align themselves with something that could be a reflection of their issues of concern, causes worthy of supporting and eye-opening truths of the world around us. Follow-up content is needed good way to keep the audience constantly engaged, creating an overall campaign that expresses the story in different ways to appeal to a greater audience, initiating interest with an emotionally touching video, followed by a more educationally inspirational video communicating the facts, then perhaps some entertaining content as a more humoristic approach. The ease of sharing such content is an important factor to allow for viral distribution and connecting to the various channels that are most popular in the student population and also adapting the same story from the video to individual graphic advertisement that can be shared through Instagram and further applied to flyers etc. creating an overall campaign around the cause. Finally, through linking the digital content to real-life actions to activate the audience to possibly participate physically in campaign events by providing relevant links and information as a portal of access to prompt those interested for future contact points. The following video was considered by our group as the best-in-class example, and also the main inspiration for our proposed big idea, to show our student audience a different world beyond their familiar environment and prompt them to take action to participate in GK’s projects. First World Problems What can seem like a big problem in the so called "first world' doesn't even come close to the day-to-day challenges faced by the billions who live in extreme poverty. This video highlights the stark contrast in very simple terms. 5. The Proposed Story Objective: Increase Gawad Kalinga United Kingdom Awareness Strategy: Show a video where people can understand what the real problems are in the Philippines community by comparing it with problems that are not as relevant in life. Example 1: 22.8 million People are in Slums I hate it when my garage is blocked Example 2: 1 out of 6 kids is not in school 8 hours is too long for a class Example 3: 3 million Child labour in Philippines I hate not having the latest iPad Your hand will help to stop these real problems APPENDIX Below we include some of the emails we have written to previous UK students who have been involved with Gawad Kalinga. Online Survey Please take about 15 minutes to finish this questionnaire that studies the preference and behavior of students in the UK towards volunteering and social internship in the Philippines. Collected data will be used for Gawad Kalinga’s UK market research only. There is absolutely no right or wrong answer; we are interested in what you really think! Information will be kept completely confidential and anonymous. Thank you very much for taking part of our project! The questions below concern your basic information. Please tick the relevant boxes. (/) Male Female ☐ ☐ Gender: <18 18-22 23-27 28-32 33-40 >40 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Age: Bachelor’s 1st year Bachelor’s 2nd year Bachelor’s 3rd year ☐ ☐ ☐ Bachelor’s 4th year Master PhD ☐ ☐ ☐ Study status: Social Science Business Law Engineering Art & Design Science ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Area of study: Please specify your school and major: The questions below help us understand your behavior and preference in volunteering. No Yes (Please answer only the next question and skip to question 7) ☐ ☐ Yes No ☐ ☐ Have you ever participated in volunteer work? If not, please specify the reason: 1. If not, would you consider going one day? 2. How many times have you 0 1-3 4-6 7-10 >10 volunteered in a foreign country? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Europe North America South America Africa Asia ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Social media Friends & family School Advertisement Others ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ CV addition Help others Social See different things Accomplishment Others ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Health/h ygiene Financial Safety Time Trust Accessibility Others ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ 3. Which continent(s) have you taken part in volunteer work? (Please tick all that apply) 4. Volunteering has changed your life 5. You would recommend your friends and family members to participate in volunteer work 6. Which channel(s) do you acquire information on volunteer jobs? (Please tick all that apply) 7. What reasons attract you most to a volunteer program (Please tick all that apply) 8. What would be the barrier(s) for you to participate in a volunteer program in the Philippines? (Please tick all that apply) 9. How long in advance do you plan for your summer vacation? More than 6 months ahead 4-6 months ahead 2-3 months ahead 1 months ahead Less than 1 month ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ 10. Please describe previous volunteer jobs (time/place/mission) if you have done any: Time: Place: Mission(s): Feedback: The section below is about your opinions concerning videos made by NGOs or Social enterprises. Before answering the questions, please watch the short clips from the following link: First World Problems The 1st The 2nd None ☐ ☐ ☐ Which video do you consider more touching? Which one would motivate you to actually participate in a volunteering or internship programme? You always need a lot of emotional push to be motivated. You prefer to have more facts to feel reassured What are the actions after you see a video that touches you? (Tick all that apply) Which social media channel(s) would you share the video through? (Tick all that apply) Where would you expect to acquire access for such videos? (Tick all that apply) Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ “Like” it Share on social media Look for further informatio n Look for similar programmes None ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Facebook Twitter Youtube Others I won’t share ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Billboards Online adss Social media Campus Others ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Strongly agree ☐ Strongly agree Mobile phone Computer Tablet Physical interaction Others ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ What is your main device of interaction? Thank you for your time and valuable information provided! ESCP Europe Msc Marketing and Creativity students
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