2005 LWC Minutes - City of Delafield
2005 LWC Minutes - City of Delafield
6: 00 PM January 12, 2005 Page 1 of 3 CITY OF DELAFIELD LAKE WELFARE MINUTES Cot 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER P. Schuman called the 2. meeting to order at 6: 04 p. m. ROLL CALL Present Absent Kent Attwell ( 6: 06 p. m.) Jerry Bills Richard Landwehr Jerry Steve Headley Ruth Marshall Dunnick Bonnie Fieber Dennis Hart (6: 35 p. m.) Phil Schuman Don Tills Ken 3. Wiedmeyer APPROVE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 8, 2004 B. FIEBER MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM THE DECEMBER 8, 2004 MEETING. J. BILLS SECONDED THE MOTION. THERE WAS NO FURTHER DISCUSSION. CJ ALL WERE IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRIED. 4. CITIZEN' S COMMENTS ON ITEMS PERTAINING TO THE AGENDA. No citizens 5. were present. OLD BUSINESS a. LAKE RESTORATION PROJECT- DREDGING APPLICATION P. Schuman met with T. Hafner on the preliminary application regarding Vierbicher. J. Bills is for the lake restoration project. working He reviewed his progress and distributed a spreadsheet showing a summary database for the commissioners' review. This spreadsheet will be included in the see anything preliminary application. that was J. Bills stated that he did not hazardous waste. A graph will be made for every chemical that has criteria and will be included in the preliminary example and spoke in detail about it. After all of the data has been analyzed and the recommendations have been made as to what should be analyzed, the next question will be how many samples need to be done. A proposal regarding sampling will be presented to the DNR. The process is that the preliminary application will be submitted to the DNR, they will come back to the City with their opinions, a meeting with the DNR will take place to come to a consensus application. c He used arsenic as an 6: 00 PM January 12, 2005 Page 2 of3 CITY OF DELAFIELD LAKE WELFARE MINUTES t. as to what will be sediment b. analyzed, a sampling plan sampling will take place. will be submitted, and then CONTENTS OF RESTORATION RFP copies of the documents prepared by D. Tills, B. Fieber, and J. Bills. They talked about the outputs of what the study would be. A list was compiled showing what requirements/ knowledge and demonstrated work products would be expected from the consultant for this project. The project requirements included that the consultant The commissioners had would: produce a written aquatic habitat restoration plan for all areas of Nagawicka Lake that were to be dredged (including the channels and those going up to the Kettle) review of all wetlands adjacent to Nagawiclm Lalce and recommend a management plan for each wetland area review current shoreline landscape and prepare a recommended native plant shoreline management plan ( a generic plan or a menu of plans that a landowner could choose from) prepare a fisheries habitat plan for all areas to be dredged P. Schuman did not want to raise issues that would the (he used bullet number two project City that the would restore where as an dredging cause problems example). place and took under the water, and that restoration of the shoreline would also take wetlands would be protected and enhanced. for J. Bills stated D. Tills place. thought that The the message would be protection and enhancement of wetland areas. Discussion took place. J. Bills stated that the committee needed to focus on the habitat improvement of where the dredging would take place and major shoreline restoration. D. Tills stated that he would be comfortable narrowing the list down as long as the opportunity was kept open in the future to look at some of the other issues. It was the consensus of the committee that the second bullet of the above list should be taken out. The RFP will be worked on, a draft will be created and it will be given to T. Hafner. c. MILL POND The City taking action on this. The committee had a copy of the passed by the City. The Public Works Committee and Plan will be Resolution Commission will review this. An official brochure will be sent to M. Zerwekh. Because she has taken the action to abandon the dam, the City had to take official action in order to protect the dam. Discussion took place on the process of eminent domain. Work will continue on this. G, January 12, Page 3of3 2005 6: 00 PM CITY OF DELAFIELD LAKE WELFARE MINUTES d. CITY BOATHOUSE CODE P. Schuman sent this out to various response had been received at this e. departments point in time. within the City, but no BUOY & BOATING SURVEY The survey was sent out to the City residents with the last newsletter and is on the website. Some responses have been received. Discussion took place as to who will tabulate the responses. B. Fieber will assist with the tabulation. The deadline for responses is February. 7. NEW BUSINESS a. LAKE AWARENESS SPRING MEETING The date of this meeting will be May 11th meeting. K. ATTWELL MOTIONED TO HAVE B. FIEBER CHAIR THE COMMITTEE FOR THIS MEETING. MOTION. D. HART SECONDED THE THERE WAS NO FURTHER DISCUSSION. ALL WERE IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRIED. Agenda items and the location for the meeting will be determined at a later date. 8. 9. CORRESPONDENCE a. E- mail on b. E- mail on c. WAL NR 115, 1-4- 05 Plant Aquatic Mgt January Newsletter Plan, 1- 5- 05 ADJOURN B. FIEBER MOTIONED TO ADJOURN FROM THE MEETING. SECONDED THE MOTION. WERE IN FAVOR. J. DUNNICK THERE WAS NO FURTHER DISCUSSION. MOTION CARRIED. ALL THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED. I I I February 9, Page 1 of 3 2005 6: 00 PM CITY OF DELAFIELD LAKE WELFARE MINUTES c.., 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER P. Schuman called the meeting to I order at 6: 00 p. m. I 2. ROLL CALL Present Absent Jerry Dunnick Kent Attwell Bonnie Fieber Dennis Hart J. Bills Steve R. Landwehr Headley Phil Schuman Don Tills Ken Wiedmeyer Ruth Marshall (entered 6: 07 p. m.) 3. APPROVE MINUTES OF JANUARY 12, 2005 B. FIEBER MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 12, 2005 MEETING AS PRESENTED. D. TILLS SECONDED THE MOTION. THERE WAS NO FURTHER DISCUSSION. ALL WERE IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRIED. 4. CITIZEN' S COMMENTS ON ITEMS PERTAINING TO THE AGENDA. Al Hazle. 3243 Svlvester - was present at the meeting but did not have any comments. 5. OLD BUSINESS a. LAKE RESTORATION PROJECT- DREDGING APPLICATION P. Schuman reported that J. Bills has been letter from T. Hafner to Vierbicher was working with Vierbicher. A referenced which outlined areas that the City agreed with and disagreed with. A preliminary application needs to be put together. An analysis of the history of sediment testing is being compiled. b. RESTORATION RFP A sample of the RFP included in the committee member' s packets suggested that under the project description, the last sentence " to improve the acceptance of the dredging project by the DNR" should state that the main purpose was to improve the lake and shoreline habitat and prevent re- silting of the lake. Under the scope of services, number three, fish habitat, it was suggested to change this to and was reviewed. was D. Tills February 9, Page 2 of3 2005 6: 00 PM CITY OF DELAFIELD LAKE WELFARE MINUTES fish habitat, restoration, and improvement plan". Page two, typographical errors should be corrected. The word " sign" should be changed to " competent professional". D. Tills thought that conceptually the RFP held together and stated the three objectives for the consultant to prepare: I. Plant Restoration Plan for the Dredged Area Shoreline Management Plan to Prevent or Delay Future ReSilting should include a listing of different option available to owners) Fish Habitat for the Restoration of those Dredged Areas Aquatic 2. 3. Under Scope of Services the Assist with Outside Progress Reports as following will be added: Funding Requested Meet with Lake Welfare Committee Construction Plan The RFP will be The timeline project plan c. Bidding approved by was the Documents city staff before it is sent ou t. reviewed. Item # 4 will be reworded to state " Submit complete scope of work" and costs and MILL POND The City is taking action on the eminent domain. A meeting will be held by Upper Nemahbin Lake Association and members of the Lake Welfare Committee were encouraged to attend. S. Headley stated that he would attend this meeting. the d. CITY BOATHOUSE CODE A proposed city boathouse code was distributed to the committee members. M. Czubkowski, City Clerk, and T. Maney, Building Inspector submitted comments regarding the proposed code. No responses have been received from the DNR or the County. This would require a public hearing and would also have to go through the Plan Commission. D. Tills will consider the comments received, will rework the code, and bring it back to the next Lake Welfare Committee meeting for consideration. e. BUOY & BOATING SURVEY The survey deadline is the end of February. Presently, forty- three surveys have been received. The survey will be tallied in time for the next Lake Welfare Committee meeting. I February Page 1 9, 2005 3of3 6: 00 PM CITY OF DELAFIELD LAKE WELFARE MINUTES LAKE AWARENESS SPRING MEETING f. The meeting The agenda will be held May 11, 2005 at 7 p. m. at the Fish Hatchery. will include: Lake Restoration/ Dredging Permit Boathouse Code ( to be determined) Results of the Buoy and Boating Survey Mill Pond 6. NEW BUSINESS VILLAGE OF HARTLAND STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN a. The members discussed the plan and felt that it was a good idea that Village of Hartland had a plan to protect the lake. Copies of the plan were given to M. Carlson and T. Hafner for technical review. 7. CORRESPONDENCE E- mail from Doreen Bollman, USACE, 1- 24- 05 a. 8. the ADJOURN A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO ADJOURN FROM THE MEETING. THERE WAS NO FURTHER DISCUSSION. MOTION CARRIED. P. M. Minutes ALL WERE IN FAVOR. THE MEETING ADJOURNED AT APPROXIMATELY 7: 20 Prepared By: Accurate Business Communications, LLC 6: 00 PM March 9, 2005 Page lof4 CITY OF DELAFIELD LAKE WELFARE MINUTES 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER P. Schuman called the 2. meeting to order at 6: 06 p. m. ROLL CALL Present Absent Kent Attwell Richard Landwehr Dennis Hart Bills Jerry Jerry Dunnick Bonnie Fieber Steve Headley (entered 6: 44 p. m.) Ruth Marshall (Nashotah Rep) Phil Schuman Don Tills Ken 3. Wiedmeyer APPROVE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 9, 2005 B. FIEBER MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 9, 2005 MEETING. J. DUNNICK SECONDED THE MOTION. WAS NO FURTHER DISCUSSION. ALL WERE IN FAVOR. THERE MOTION CARRIED. v 4. CITIZEN' S COMMENTS ON ITEMS PERTAINING TO THE AGENDA. Andrew Lukas. Brown and Caldwell ( a firm of environmental consultants) 5. was present at the meeting. He had no engineers and comments. OLD BUSINESS a. LAKE RESTORATION PROJECT- DREDGING APPLICATION Drawings were received from Vierbicher today. J. Bills distributed briefly discussed a rough draft of the Preliminary Application for Dredging as Part of the Restoration Plan for Nagawicka Lake. It is hoped to have the final draft of the application completed by the next meeting. Discussion took place on the progress of the dredging application. The rough draft will be forwarded to T. Hafner for his opinion. The committee members should direct any comments on the rough draft via email to J. Bills within two weeks. Composite cores will be proposed to the DNR for sampling. B. Fieber expressed concern that the Geason property should not be developed for the park until after the lake restoration project has been completed. J. Bills thought that the Geason property is a large contributor of silt to that particular area of the lake and will need to be assessed when the land is developed. and C1 March 9, 2005 6: 00 PM Page 2of4 CITY OF DELAFIELD LAKE WELFARE MINUTES v b. RESTORATION RFP A document entitled " City of Delafield, Request for Proposals, Nagawicka Lake & Bark River Habitat & Shoreline Improvements Plan" was prepared by J. Bills and was included in the packet of material for the committee members. This RFP would be for Phase 1, 2, and 3, however there would be five phases included in the Habitat Improvement Plan. Any changes, comments, or corrections should be sent to P. Schuman before the next again c. at the next Lake Welfare This will be discussed meeting. meeting. MILL POND The committee members' packets included copies of portions of the City Council minutes regarding their decisions to maintain the integrity of the dam in order to preserve the pond and to encourage the City to use every conceivable mechanism to negotiate a settlement with the property owner and to turn to the use eminent domain as a last result only. S. Headley recapped an informational meeting that was held in the Town of Summit by the Upper Nemahbin Lake Management District regarding the Mill Pond and the potential results if the dam was removed. Approximately 30+ people attended the meeting with approximately 75% of the attendees wanting the dam to remain. The City continues its attempts to negotiate with the owner of the dam. Plan Commission and d. CITY BOATHOUSE CODE A copy of the suggested amendments to Delafield Code 17. 22 Boathouses was distributed to the committee members. D. Tills met with M. Carlson to review the process. If the Lake Welfare Committee made a recommendation it would need to go to the Plan Commission, they would hold a public hearing, and then they would make a recommendation to the Common Council. D. Tills asked if the committee wanted to do anything formally now public at the or wait until after comments had been received from the Spring meeting. Spring meeting. The committee was agreement to review this at the D. Tills reviewed the work he has done up to this point in time. He would like to receive feedback from the committee members via em ail and then bring a revised copy meeting. This will Committee back to the April Lake Welfare agenda for the Spring be added to the meeting. e. BUOY & BOATING SURVEY B. Fieber c., reported that fifty- three responses were received. A copy of Buoy & Boating Survey results was given to the committee members. She encouraged the committee members to read it. The the 2005 6: 00 PM March 9, 2005 Page 3 of4 CITY OF DELAFIELD LAKE WELFARE MINUTES v object of the survey was to receive feedback on the speed limits, buoys, and boat patrols. This will be put on the agendas for the April meeting and the Lake Awareness Spring Meeting. Conclusions need to be drawn up. f. LAKE AWARENESS SPRING MEETING proposed agenda for the meeting was distributed to the committee It was suggested to use the upstairs room at the Fish Hatchery for overflow and to have the City videotape the meeting. P. A members. Schuman will make the introductions and he and J. Bills will talk about the lake restoration plan. It was suggested that instead of species that perhaps shoreline restoration could be police department could address boating etiquette. Outside speakers for the education portion could be obtained. It was suggested to have T. Hafner discuss the weed cutting plan, dam service, and to give an update on the dam abandonment. D. Tills will discuss the boathouse code. K. Attwell will provide cookies for the Spring meeting. More discussion on the Lake Awareness Spring Meeting will take place at the April meeting. about talking discussed. The 7. NEW BUSINESS a. SE WI WAL MEETING ON FEB 19, 2005 S. Headley area attended seminars about the Fox River Watershed. The spending". Discussion took place about water from is in " deficit the Great Lakes. The State meeting for WAL is April 28- 30 in Green Bay. meeting. Anyone interested in attending will attend the P. Schuman this meeting should contact P. Schuman. b. DIRECT LEGISLATION PETITION This item At the was was moved up in the February agenda and discussed after item 5C. 21, 2005 Common Council meeting the City Attorney An open meeting law has been filed with the District Attorney. P. Schuman in attendance to discuss this item. complaint City Attorney at all times petition was certified by during the City Clerk. P. Schuman discussed the petition and how it would affect projects within the City. The City Council passed Ordinance 536 on the February 21, 2005 Council meeting. The options available to the Common Council are to accept the petition and put it stated that the the on City was represented by February 21, 2005 meeting. the fall election discussed. The 1 The turn it down because it would invalidate an already passed ( Ordinance 536). The water system petition for Direct Legislation means that all projects million would go to referendum and everything would need to ordinance over $ or the was April Page 13, 2005 6: 00 PM 1 of 3 CITY OF DELAFIELD LAKE WELFARE MINUTES CJ 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER P. Schuman called the 2. meeting to order at 6: 05 p. m. ROLL CALL Present Absent Kent Attwell Richard Landwehr Jerry Bills Jerry Dennis Hart Phil Schuman Steve Don Tills Ruth Marshall (Nashotah Ken 3. Dunnick Bonnie Fieber Headley Rep) Wiedmeyer APPROVE MINUTES OF MARCH 9, 2005 K. ATTWELL MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 9, 2005 MEETING. D. TILLS SECONDED THE MOTION. FURTHER DISCUSSION. 4. ALL WERE IN FAVOR. THERE WAS NO MOTION CARRIED. CITIZEN' S COMMENTS ON ITEMS PERTAINING TO THE AGENDA. No citizens wished to comment. 5. OLD BUSINESS a. LAKE RESTORATION PROJECT- DREDGING APPLICATION dredging application will be complete within the next week. The proposed for the sediment on Oakwood Road provides for 13 acres for disposal. The parameters of 100' from navigable water, 200' from private wells, and 500' from residences, did not leave enough The location storage area at this location. However, if land from the Morris Farm property and the Kettle Moraine Evangelical Free Church (the abutting property) were incorporated into the plan, it would provide more than enough area. The St. John' s disposal area would not meet the criteria using the above parameters. There is a concern regarding the flood plain at the proposed St. John' s disposal area which could make this option unacceptable for use. It was questioned whether this was a viable disposal area. When the final application is submitted, a detailed disposal plan will need to be included. Discussion took place as to when whether the Mill Pond sediment could be dewatered and trucked to the disposal location. The Preliminary Application will be submitted without the flood v plain. Eventually, RFPs will need to go out for the design of the 6: 00 PM April 13, 2005 Page 2of3 CITY OF DELAFIELD LAKE WELFARE MINUTES v disposal J. Bills discussed areas. case laws regarding jurisdiction over lakes. b. RESTORATION RFP This has been sent to T. Hafner for review. J. Bills stated that it would be c. a good idea to have the RFP' s sent out by early May. MILL POND A group of citizens have put forth a petition stating that they were not in favor of the city acquiring this property. The eminent domain process has been started d. the by City. LAKE AWARENESS SPRING MEETING agenda and flyer for the lake Awareness Spring meeting were distributed to the commissioners. The words " Fish Hatchery" will be added to the location section on the flyer. On the main agenda the first An heading should read " Introduction to Lake Welfare Committee and Year The order of the End SummarY". agenda will be: Introduction of Lake Welfare Committee, Aquatic Plant Management (new item), Education, Dams- Servicing/ Abandonment Update, Lake Restoration Plan Progress, Boathouse Code, c.., Buoy & Boating Survey Results, Nagawicka Night. The ae:enda and postcard items should be chane:e of order. e. obtained at the city residents May meeting. on the City Boathouse Code will be BUOY & BOATING SURVEY This is included on the be discussed at that g. to reflect the CITY BOATHOUSE CODE Reactions from the f. re- arrane:ed agenda meeting. for the Lake Awareness Meeting and will DIRECT LEGISLATION AND ORDINANCE 536 P. Schuman reported meeting. p roce ss. The City City Council passed Ordinance 536 and legislation petition at the last Common Council been guided by its legal counsel through this that the turned down the direct has June 8, 2005 6: 00 PM Page lof4 CITY OF DELAFIELD LAKE WELFARE MINUTES 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Chairperson 2. P. Schuman called the meeting to order at 6: 02 p. m. ROLL CALL Present Absent Kent Attwell Richard Landwehr Jerry Dunnick Jerry Bills Bonnie Fieber Dennis Hart Steve Terri Headley Phil Schuman Schojnacki Don Tills Ken Wiedmeyer John Brodie Also Present Tom Hafner Joe Dorava 3. APPROVE MINUTES OF APRIL 13, 2005 K. ATTWELL MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF APRIL 13, 2005 J. DUNNICK SECONDED THE MOTION. THERE WAS NO FURTHER DISCUSSION. ALL WERE IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRIED. AS PRESENTED. 4. CITIZEN' S COMMENTS ON ITEMS PERTAINING TO THE AGENDA. Steve Headlev. 364 Bark River Court - Stated that he was speaking as representative of "Tru th in Delafield, Inc." This group will offer an educational tool for all of the issues involved regarding direct legislation. As a private citizen he thought Direct Legislation would be a crippling blow to the City of Delafield. If enacted, it will be for a two year period and then would have to be rescinded or adopted again. He questioned why the City is spending $ 3, 0005, 000 for the election since there are no capital projects for 2005 and the Direct Legislation would not affect any capital for the of spending projects City Delafield during that time. They will have three websites with identical information: www. truthindelafield. org, www. truthindelafield. net, and www. truthindelafield. com. The mailing address is PO Box 180409, Delafield, Wisconsin 53018. They will make sure that the correct and truthful answer will be provided to the citizens of Delafield. If anyone has questions on Direct Legislation he asked that they be contacted. Dave Chvla - Present in the audience Association. representing Nagawicka Shores Condo June 8, 2005 Page 6: 00 PM 2 of4 CITY OF DELAFIELD LAKE WELFARE MINUTES c., 5. OLD BUSINESS a. LAKE RESTORATION PROJECT- DREDGING APPLICATION J. Bills is working on the dredging application. The timeIine for the City' s budget was distributed to the committee members. A copy of article in the City' s newsletter was also provided to the committee the members. A survey will be put out to the citizens P. Schuman encouraged all to attend the regarding the budget. budget meetings. J. Dorava present to fmd out the progress and offered to assist in whatever way he could. It was stated that the plan for the lake restoration project is on the City' s website. P. Schuman summarized the progress that has taken place on this project since last year. T. Hafner clarified that a comprehensive environmental assessment would need to be compiled. J. Dorava stated that detailed analysis of the spoil piles would need to be conducted for the environmental assessment. The granting process and the relationship to Direct Legislation has not been addressed. was yet B. Fieber asked that the b. dredging project Mayor Craig hold his comments until he has all of the facts. on the funding I of RESTORATION RFP I I T. Hafner had an environmental specialist look at the document and make recommendations. The selection process was discussed, and T. Hafner suggested forming a selection committee. K. Attwell, K. Weidmeyer, B. Fieber, and J. Dunnick volunteered to serve this committee. Selection will take place in approximately five weeks. c. CITY BOATHOUSE CODE D. Tills reported that this reviewed at the annual lake meeting. A distributed at that meeting and the results were included in survey the committee members' packets. He requested that the committee determine if this was worth pursuing and if so, he would work on was was proposed language. He reviewed the questions asked at the annual lake and the responses received from the group. It was the consensus of the committee to continue pursuing changes to the code. This committee can make a recommendation to the Plan Commission meeting which would then hold d. a public hearing and consider it. BUOY & BOATING SURVEY A copy of email from B. Fieber to P. Schuman dated June 7, 2005 was distributed to the committee members showing the results of the survey. She reviewed the results. It was her opinion that the slow/ no wake on Sundays starting at 3 p. m. should be pursued and put on a future an I I I June 8, 2005 6: 00 PM Page 3of4 CITY OF DELAFIELD LAKE WELFARE MINUTES e. survey. Further investigation implemented other lakes. on will take place as to what rules are DIRECT LEGISLATION VOTE ON JULY 12, 2005 S. Headley summarized how Direct Legislation would affect various Lake Welfare Committee projects. P. Schuman distributed the " Notice of Referendum" wording to the committee members. He explained that this referendum is not retroactive. S. stated that for the next two Headley years there are no capital projects on the table. A copy of a letter to Ms. Doreen Bollman, Corp of Engineers, dated January 19, 2004, was also distributed to the committee members in addition to a copy of the Wisconsin Administrative Code with NR 7. 083 highlighted. P. Schuman stated that if the Direct Legislation were passed, it would have a affect negative any attempt to obtain grants, etc. P. Schuman stated that he was not lobbying one way or another, but was discussing the facts. S. Headley discussed bonding or borrowing and the effect Direct Legislation may have - it may make it more difficult for the City to bond and it might make the City' s credit rating go down. He stated that if the City cannot borrow money at advantageous rates, it would result in taxes. P. on Schuman 6. higher encouraged all to vote on July 12th. NEW BUSINESS a. UPDATE REGARDING VILLAGE DISCUSSION It b. was stated that this project SQUARE would not WELL/ WATER SYSTEM- come out of taxes. HIGH CAPACITY WELLS P. Schuman attended a discussion on high capacity wells took place at the Wisconsin Lakes Convention. Wisconsin Act 310 was included in the commissioners' packets. T. Hafner explained the existing water system' s problem with radium compliance. The existing system also has only one well, and the DNR requires that redundancy be built in. The City also has some of the highest water rates in the state because of the small base of users. Without the system expansion, the present customers would experience a rate increase of approximately 45%. He explained the proposed expansion. A high capacity well is any well that has the capacity of producing 100, 000 gallons/ day. The c., project engineer on this project, John Isleb from EarthTech, was present at the meeting. Exploratory borings are taking place. He explained what was needed for a well to work. Chapter NR81l and NRl5l requirements were reviewed. Due diligence is required to make I I J I I I I I July 13, 2005 Page lof2 6: 00 PM CITY OF DELAFIELD LAKE WELFARE MINUTES 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Chairperson 2. P. Schuman called the meeting to order at 6: 06 p. m. ROLL CALL Present Absent Kent Attwell Richard Landwehr Jerry Bills Jerry Dunnick Bonnie Fieber ( entered 6: 10 p. m.) Steve Headley Dennis Hart Phil Schuman I Don Tills Ken Wiedmeyer John Brodie (Nashotah 3. I Rep) APPROVE MINUTES OF JUNE 8, 2005 K. ATTWELL MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JUNE 8, 2005 MEETING. D. TILLS SECONDED THE MOTION. THERE WAS NO FURTHER DISCUSSION. ALL WERE IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRIED. 4. CITIZEN' S COMMENTS ON ITEMS PERTAINING TO THE AGENDA. There 5. were no citizens who wished I I to comment. OLD BUSINESS a. LAKE RESTORATION PROJECT - DREDGING APPLICATION J. Bills had no report. He will contact J. Dorava at Vierbicher prior to the next LWC ( Lake Welfare Committee) meeting. D. Tills volunteered to assist on this project. b. I RESTORATION RFP An email from T. Hafner dated July 13, 2005 was distributed to the commissioners regarding the affect that the Direct Legislation referendum has on the Restoration RFP' s. Discussion took place as to whether the project should be pursued. Five proposals have been received in response to the RFP ranging in costs from $ 37, 000 - $ 90, 000. D. Tills and K. Attwell will meet with the DPW to review the proposals. Because the dollar range is great, J. Bills asked that the scope of work that was quoted on be closely reviewed. I August 10, Page 1 of 3 2005 6: 00 PM CITY OF DELAFIELD LAKE WELFARE MINUTES v 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER P. Schuman called the 2. meeting to order at 6: 00 p. m. ROLL CALL Present Absent Kent AttwelI Jerry Jerry Dunnick Bonnie Fieber I Bills John Brodie ( Nashotah Rep) I Richard Landwehr Terri Schojnacki ( Nashotah Dennis Hart Steve Headley I I Altemate) Phil Schuman Don Tills Ken 3. Wiedmeyer APPROVE MINUTES OF JULY 13, 2005 K. ATTWELL MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JULY 13, 2005 MEETING. B. FIEBER SECONDED THE MOTION. THERE WAS NO FURTHER DISCUSSION. ALL WERE IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRIED. I 4. There 5. I CITIZEN' S COMMENTS ON ITEMS PERTAINING TO THE AGENDA. were no citizens who wished to comment. OLD BUSINESS a. LAKE RESTORATION PROJECT- DREDGING APPLICATION Pete Pacetti ( audience member) was concemed about the possible of the lake and wanted to know if the DNR had approved this yet. He is considering buying a home near the bay by St. John' s Bay. J. Bills was not present to discuss the status of the dredging preliminary application. Repeated attempts to made by P. Schuman and were unsuccessful. contact him were S. HEADLEY MOTIONED TO MOVE THE UNCOMPLETED WORK FOR THE PRELIMINARY APPLICATION BACK TO VIERBICHER & ASSOCIATES. K. ATTWELL SECONDED THE MOTION. THERE WAS NO FURTHER DISCUSSION. MOTION CARRIED. I ALL WERE IN FAVOR. v I I I I August 10, 2005 Page 3 of3 6: 00 PM CITY OF DELAFIELD LAKE WELFARE MINUTES K. Attwell would like Dr. Thornton to be more specific about recommended ways to use chemicals on the lake. One possibility is the thick patch of milfoil sou th of where the Bark River flows into the lake. Paul Price ( a member of the audience) talked about using pellets 7. to kill the weeds rather than a weed- cutter. was necessary to using NEW BUSINESS a. 2006 CITY BUDGET Discussion took place about whether or not it put $ 2M into the budget for dredging as it might not be done until 2007. It was agreed to put some money in the budget for various fees from contractors that may arise in preparation for the dredging. Discussion took place about putting money in the budget for chemical treatment of weed control versus money for new weed harvester. Again it was noted that Dr.Thornton will need to be specific in his recommendation of where to use the chemicals. Money will be put into the budget for WAL State Convention (Wisconsin Association of Lakes) and the a I r Regional meetings. possibility 8. as well as I the CORRESPONDENCE a. 9. Potential budget caps were talked about, of direct assessment for weed harvesting. I Wisconsin Association of Lakes Letter, July 20, 2005 ADJOURN B. FIEDER MOTIONED TO ADJOURN FROM THE MEETING. K. WIEDMEYER SECONDED THE MOTION. THERE WAS NO FURTHER DISCUSSION. ALL WERE IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRIED. THE I I MEETING ADJOURNED AT 7: 50 P. M. Minutes Prepared By: I Accurate Business Communications, LLC I I I September Page lof3 14, 2005 6: 00 PM CITY OF DELAFIELD LAKE WELFARE MINUTES 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER K. Attwell called the 2. meeting to order at 6: 00 p. m. ROLL CALL Present Absent Kent Attwell Jerry Dunnick (Dun- ick) Bonnie Fieber (Feeber) Dennis Hart Steve Richard Landwehr Bills Terri Schojnacki ( Nash. Rep) Phil Schuman I Jerry I I Headley Don Tills Ken 3. Wiedmeyer APPROVE MINUTES OF AUGUST 10, 2005 K. WIEDMEYER MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 10, 2005 MEETING AS PRESENTED. D. HART SECONDED THE MOTION. THERE WAS NO FURTHER DISCUSSION. CARRIED. ALL WERE IN FAVOR. MOTION I I I I I 4. CITIZEN' S COMMENTS ON ITEMS PERTAINING TO THE AGENDA. I No citizens wished to comment. 5. OLD BUSINESS a. LAKE RESTORATION PROJECT- DREDGING APPLICATION It reported that J. Dorava of Vierbicher has submitted a list of the projects that need to be completed along with fees associated to complete them. There are approximately 10 items. T. Hafner is negotiating the to the work. D. Hart liked the timeline price that was provided complete by J. Dorava and would like it to be included in the contract for the preliminary application. was S. HEADLEY MOTIONED TO COMPLETE THE CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS BY SEPTEMBER 25, 2005 SO THAT VIERBICHER AND ASSOCIATES COULD MAKE A PRESENTATION TO THE LAKE WELFARE COMMITTEE (LWC) ON OCTOBER 13, 2005 AND SO THE DREDGING APPLICATION COULD BE PRESENTED TO THE DNR NO LATER THAN NOVEMBER 1, 2005 AND TO INCLUDE THE TIMELINE AS PART OF THE CONTRACT. D. TILLS SECONDED THE MOTION. THERE WAS NO FURTHER DISCUSSION. ALL WERE IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRIED. I I I September 6: 00 PM 14, 2005 Page 3 of3 CITY OF DELAFIELD LAKE WELFARE MINUTES c.., It was done e. the on consensus this of the committee that more research needed to be topic. CAPITAL BUDGET ITEMS Budget sheets were given to the members prior to the meeting for informational purposes. P. Schuman will be contacted for additional information Current state of maintenance on police boat Replacement S. Headley thought Dredging 2007 was too high and that $2 of the was more be accurate. budgeted the weed on: harvesting equipment in 2007 that the $ 2.4 million budgeted for dredging million for restoration and The members thought in 2006 ( approximately that $ 200, 000) some and money should approximately 1.8 in 2007. Hatchery Dam, St. John' s Park Fishing Pier - more money should be designated for this item Information regarding the Geason Park development Well on the NW quadrant municipal well site investigation Open space conservancy program Fish v 7. NEW BUSINESS a. DANE COUNTY LAWN FERTILIZER ORDINANCE The ordinance was provided to the commissioners. B. FIEBER MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL PASSING AN ORDINANCE IN THE CITY OF DELAFIELD SIMILAR TO THE DANE COUNTY LAWN FERTILIZER ORDINANCE. D. HART SECONDED THE MOTION. DISCUSSION TOOK PLACE. SIX WERE IN FAVOR. S. HEADLEY ABSTAINED. 8. CORRESPONDENCE a. 9. MOTION CARRIED. VIERBICHER E- MAIL ADJOURN B. FIEBER MOTIONED TO ADJOURN FROM THE MEETING. J. DUNNICK SECONDED THE MOTION. THERE WAS NO FURTHER DISCUSSION. ALL WERE IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRIED. 7: 16 P. M. c., Minutes Prepared By: Accurate Business Communications, LLC THE MEETING ADJOURNED AT 6: 00 PM October 12, 2005 Page 1 of 3 CITY OF DELAFIELD LAKE WELFARE MINUTES I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Acting Chairperson 2. K. Attwell called the meeting to order at 6: 08 p. m. ROLL CALL Present Absent Kent Attwell Richard Landwehr Bonnie Fieber (exited at 7: 47 p. m.) Jerry Jerry Steve Headley ( exited at 8: 05 p. m.) Bills Dunnick Don Tills Dennis Hart Ken Terri Wiedmeyer Schojnacki ( Nashotah Rep) Phil Schuman Also Present Tom Hafner, Director of Public Works Lisa Reas, W Reas Environmental 3. APPROVE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 14, 2005 B. FIEBER MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 14, 2005 MEETING. K. WIEDMEYER SECONDED THE MOTION. WAS NO FURTHER DISCUSSION. THERE ALL WERE IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRIED. 4. CITIZEN' S COMMENTS ON ITEMS PERTAINING TO THE AGENDA. None. 5. OLD BUSINESS a. LAKE RESTORATION PROJECT- DREDGING APPLICATION T. Hafner gave a brief history of the project. J. Dorava ofVierbicher has been contacted and has provided a scope of additional services which would cost an additional $ 10, 000 - $ 15, 000 to complete the project. T. Hafner has been in contact with J. Dorava about the quote. For various reasons, T. Hafner did not think that the City should use J. Dorava of Vierbicher to complete the project. T. Hafner suggested going back to the original RFP' s and seeing who input to complete the project. the other firms were and getting their The commissioners were in agreement that another firm is needed to complete the project. Frustration was expressed about the amount of time that has passed. T. Hafner will obtain some proposals for the project and report back to the LWC next month. S. Headley suggested taking the preliminary application 6: 00 PM November 9, 2005 Page 1 of 3 CITY OF DELAFIELD LAKE WELFARE MINUTES 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Chairperson 2. P. Shuman called the meeting to order at 6: 02 p. m. ROLL CALL Pre sen t Absent Kent Attwell Richard Landwehr Jerry Bills Jerry Dunnick Bonnie Fieber (entered at 6: 07 p. m.) Steve Headley ( exited at 7: 00 p. m.) Phil Schuman Dennis Hart Don Tills Ken Wiedmeyer John Brodie (entered at 6: 07 p. m.) Also Present Tom Hafner Lisa Reas, Shoreland Restoration 3. Specialist APPROVE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 12, 2005 J. DUNNICK MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 12, 2005 MEETING. D. TILLS SECONDED THE MOTION. THERE WAS NO FURTHER DISCUSSION. ALL WERE IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRIED. 4. CITIZEN' S COMMENTS ON ITEMS PERTAINING TO THE AGENDA. No citizens 5. were present. OLD BUSINESS a. LAKE RESTORATION PROJECT- DREDGING APPLICATION reported that three other proposals were originally submitted for this project: Ruekert- Mielke, TN & Associates, and Foth & Van Dyke. For various reasons, the first two companies are not feasible, but T. Hafner is attempting to contact Foth & Van Dyke. He has also been in contact with the DNR who stated that they have not received any application from the City on the project. A meeting with the DNR to determine appropriate action will take place at 10 a. m. on November 30, 2005 at the DNR offices in Waukesha. P. Schuman, S. Headley, and K. Attwell will accompany T. Hafner to the meeting. T. Hafner I I 6: 00 PM November 9, 2005 Page 2 of 3 CITY OF DELAFIELD LAKE WELFARE MINUTES I b. I RESTORATION CONSULTANT REPORT at the meeting Lisa Reas, Shoreland Restoration Specialist was present and through a PowerPoint presentation reviewed the concepts, goals, classification of the possible demonstration sites, grant opportunities, SEWRPC lake, the status of vegetation on the shorelines around utilization of site Inventory from 1999, restoration strategies, protection, for characteristics, natural recovery, accelerated recovery, focal point increased vegetation protection, managing existing vegetation, of a buffer, functions access/ less vegetation, loss of native vegetation, demonstration from rooting depths of native plants, points excluded site signs, St. Johns Park, projects, Bleeker Street boat ramp, visible areas, possible Nagawaukee Park Shoreline, visible private restoration of restoration dredged areas ( this cost sharing, and Phase 1II vegetative took place by the committee. L. phase is " on hold"). General discussion In Reas will attend the next meeting and present more information. addition P. Schuman will be provided a copy of the Power Point presentations from this and the previous meeting. c. BOATHOUSE CODE to Delafield copy of the Suggested Changes be in favor of the not would he that Boathouse Codes. K. Attwell stated on top of amenities not allow code due to the fact that the proposal did 10). the flat roof and because of the side lot setback required ( limitations proposed and it was on the took D. Tills distributed Discussion suggested a place to increase inspector for input. d. the height height. D. He will report Tills will consult with the back at the next building meeting. 2006 BUDGET After Members of the committee received a copy of the capital budget. the about aquatic plant reading the commentary in the budget, concerns was that committee of the The were eliminated. feeling harvester general with the the weed harvesting during the summer months was good, not receive did which lake of the corner exception of the northwestern contact should much attention. When residents are not pleased, they I I I corner the DPW. T. Hafner will be contacted regarding the northwestern older the piece of the lake. B. Fieber discussed the possibility of keeping the to one new the option to provide of equipment in addition purchasing the of increasing weed harvesting activities. J. Brodie discussed using with this will discuss older piece of equipment as back- up. P. Schuman the police boat and T. Hafner. The committee questioned the need for s needs and if thought that if the present boat met the police department' D. Tills maintenance was not an issue, the boat should not be replaced. for a future relief tax and incentives shoreline restoration discussed budget. P. Schuman reviewed the northwest quadrant municipal well I I I I I I I 6: 00 PM December 14, 2005 Page CITY OF DELAFIELD LAKE WELFARE MINUTES I. I CALL MEETING TO ORDER P. Schuman called the 2. meeting I to order at 6: 03 p. m. I ROLL CALL Present Absent Kent Attwell Richard Landwehr Jerry Bills Jerry Dunnick Dennis Hart I I I Bonnie Fieber Steve Headley Phil Schuman Don Tills Ken Wiedmeyer John Brodie ( Nashotah 3. Rep Alternate) APPROVE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 9, 2005 K. ATTWELL MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM THE NOVEMBER 9, 2005 MEETING. D. TILLS SECONDED THE MOTION. THERE WAS NO FURTHER DISCUSSION. ALL WERE IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRIED. 4. ClTIZEN' S COMMENTS ON ITEMS PERTAINING TO THE AGENDA. No citizens 5. I 1 of 3 were present. OLD BUSINESS a. LAKE RESTORATION PROJECT- DREDGING APPLICATION meeting with the DNR took place on November 30 to review the dredging application as it is to date. K. Attwell stated that the DNR would like the application to be finished and submitted sometime in January, 2006. With the exception of the Kettle and St. Johns' Bay, the DNR did not have many objections. Regarding the sediment sampling, the DNR may consider samples done within the last ten years. It was thought that the meeting went very well. A memo dated December 5, 2005 regarding the meeting on dam restoration with the DNR was A distributed to the lake commissioners. The DNR would like the dam repaired in a faster mode than previously stated. RFP' s for the preliminary application and dam repair are being conducted. Discussion took place on contacting the DNR to obtain a list of firms that for and received approval for a preliminary application and have applied dredging project. I 6: 00 PM December 14, 2005 Page 2 of3 CITY OF DELAFIELD LAKE WELFARE MINUTES I b. RESTORATION CONSULTANT REPORT An email from Lisa Reas was distributed to the commissioners. The demo planting on the berm in St. John' s email included sketches of a Park along with a draft plan dated December 7, 2005. Volunteers are 1. Reas will being sought for shoreline restoration on private properties. for these candidates need to decide what properties would be good demonstration sites. Possible funding/ funding assistance for the private discussed. The drawing of the berm in St. John' s Bay should include areas for pedestrians to access the lake and boaters to come sites was I I I I I I ashore. c. BOATHOUSE CODE no A draft of the boathouse code was submitted to M. Carlson, but the at discussed January comments have been received. This will be meeting. d. LAWN FERTILIZER ORDINANCE s The Wisconsin Green Industry Federation is challenging Dane County' ordinance. Until the Dane County ordinance has been decided, the City of Delafield will not take action on this subject. e. 2006 BUDGET of the Fish Hatchery Dam has been approved. The money allotted for the Mill Pond dam has been zeroed out. A new weed in. harvester will be purchased and the old weed harvester will be traded The 2007. money The purchase of a police boat has been deferred until in the 2005 budget remained in the for sediment The repair allocated budget River 7. analysis The USGS test station at Nagawicka Road at the Bark approved along with phosphorous testing. for 2006. was NEW BUSINESS a. SPRING LAKE AWARENESS MEETING MAY 10, 2006 for May 10, The date of the Spring Lake Awareness meeting has been set will 2006. B. Fieber will chair coordination of the meeting. Some topics Lisa Reas include restoration and dredging. A presentation will take by this will be the main focus. b. NALMS SYMPOSIUM REPORT on sediment P. Schuman attended the NALMS Symposium. A brochure at the the commissioners to around dewatering was obtained and passed I I