HOG CALLER Southwest Florida Chapter of the Harley Owners Group Volume 11, Issue 2 February 2015 Website: www.swflhog.com 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS DIRECTOR: Ron Chappron 239-872-5285 [email protected] Asst. Director Bob Hotovy 239-770-8202 [email protected] Secretary Anita Corrado 347-234-3885 [email protected] Treasurer Linda Hicks 239-691-4407 [email protected] Editor Jim Gruber 239-994-1201 [email protected] Membership & Goodwil Linda Leitch 239-281-2665 [email protected] Road Captain Coordinator George Corrado 845-590-5753 [email protected] Safety Officer Vern Brown 239-849-1018 [email protected] Historian Bill Mobley 239-410-2603 [email protected] HOG Chapter Manager Kelly Lanham 239-275-4647 [email protected] Activities Coordinator Larry Will 630-945-1452 [email protected] Webmaster Bobbie Buczyna 239-940-3678 [email protected] From The Direct or Director Hello everyone. This is going to be a very busy year, but I know this Chapter can handle it!! Beginning this month with our Annual Membership Renewal Party at the monthly meeting. Come join us to not only renew your membership, but to hang out with new and old friends. We will have a Continental breakfast, don’t worry, we remove ALL calories from the food before we serve it. The fun and renewal registration begins at 9:00 AM but check Linda Leitch’s article just to be sure. Hope to see you at the meeting. Along with the SFE Tour ride and the Florida State HOG Rally, don’t forget about the great “Easter Bunny Toy Run” to the Children’s Hospital at Health Park. This is a two day event on the Friday and Saturday before Easter. We will need volunteers for Friday and Saturday so if you can donate some time, let us know. As always, it is greatly appreciated. Hopefully you were able to attend our Annual “Wayne Throckmorton” Mini Golf Tournament on February 1st. By the way, if your reading this on February 1st, put it down and jump on the two wheeler and come have some fun. Ride leaves Six Bends at 10:00 AM. “Tee Off” is at 10:45 AM at Castle Golf on Gladiolus Drive just West of Lakes Park. $8.00 per person includes 18 holes of golf, clubs (a putter) and cart (your feet), what a deal. Our Chapter Manager, Kelly Lanham, has been reassigned within the Six Bends Harley Davidson corporate structure. We would like to let her know that we enjoyed having her with us and wish her great success in her future endeavors. Thanks Kelly!! As an old friend moves on, we welcome a new friend. Mr. Zak Gibson will move into the position of Chapter Manager. I’m sure everyone will join me in welcoming Zak to his new position and wish him great success also. Welcome Zak!! On a personal note, I know I can type this better than I said it at the January meeting. I would like to thank all of you, from the bottom of my heart, for your calls, emails, ecards, cards and texts’ concerning the passing of my Mother. My family and I greatly appreciated all the concern, thoughts Chappron and prayers. “Friends” will get you through anything!! RonDirector Pg 1 Ride Safe, Dealership hog Chapter Manager- Kelly Lanam I hope everyone had a happy and safe New Year. Six Bends Harley-Davidson started having their Friday night Cruise In Car Show from 5-8p every week and no longer have live music on Wednesdays. We also moved the live music to the Pit area so we are closer to the store on Sundays and you can receive 25 VIB points when you come to hang out from 1-4pm. We enjoyed serving you breakfast on your meeting day and thank all those who helped clean up the Triple Tree Room. We also wanted to thank those who came in on Wednesday to be part of the commercial shoot for us…can’t wait to see your famous faces on TV! Although this goes to print before the chili cook-off has happened…I hope to see lots of faces there, if not as a winner, as a taster! I also wanted to let you know that my role at Six Bends Harley-Davidson has changed. I will no longer be the Chapter Manager and will be focused on our marketing efforts full-time. Zakary Gibson (Rider Services Manager) will be our new H.O.G Chapter Manager. Please join me in welcoming him to his new role! I have had a great time working with everyone and will see you around! Thank you, Kelly Lanham Marketing & Communications Manager Kelly Lanham Chapter Manager ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Do you realize that the 2015 Florida H.O.G. Rally is October 7th – 10th, and by the time you read this, that’s only 8 months away. The rally event equipment and some event supplies are here. Our web site and face book page are up and running. We are receiving pre-registrations and volunteer preferences and rally preparations are under way. Be sure to thank your 2015 Rally Team for all of their efforts. Our web site is: flstatehogrally.com You can go on-line to pre-register and sign up as a volunteer to help at the rally. We encourage you to pre-register and sign up, on line, to volunteer early. This will help us in our planning process. Thank you for your rally ideas and enthusiasm to help! We look forward to making this a great rally! Have a great month! Ride safe! Just Bob Bob Hotovy Assistant Director Pg 2 SOUTHWEST FLORIDA CHAPTER HARLEY OWNERS GROUP SCHEDULE OF HOG RIDES & EVENTS AS OF 1/26/15 Check HOG Line 275-4647 option 5 February 2015 Sunday Mond Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday ay ALL RIDES BEGIN AT HDFM UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, AND END AT THE DESTINATION. Events in Green are other Bike events Rides in Blue are SWFL HOG; All Rides are closed rides unless otherwise noted A (P) MEANS AN EVENT OR RIDE HAS VIB POINTS GIVEN AT DESTINATION 4 5RDG&DSWDLQ¶V Choice, 10am, RC Paul P Saturday 1 :D\QH¶V*ROI 2 Tournament, in memory of one of our own, Castl Golf, FM, 10am, RC Jack F 3 Ride Planning Meeting / Road Captains, 6:30 SB 6pm, SB 8 GENERAL MEETING(P), 10am, 9am-10am, 2015 membershiprenewal, continental brkfst,Ride after, Sandy Parrot, Bonita, RC Ron M 9 10 15 Crackling Jack's, Naples, 10am, RC Ken 16 17 18 THE GUN RUN (Ride to visit local Gun Dealers)10am, Jerry K 19 22 Ride Back To (Sunday @ The PIT), 10am, RC George 23 24 25 5RDG&DSWDLQ¶V Choice, 10am, RC Len 26 Board Meeting, 27 6:30pm, Six Bends 6pm Six Bends 28 Cross Roads Café, CC, 10am, RC MikeS (P) 3 Ride Planning Meeting Road Captains, 6:30pm 4 5RDG&DSWDLQ¶V Choice, 10am, RC Mike S 5 1st Shootout 6 Qualifying Round RIDE LEAVES FROM HESS CORNER OF DELPRADO & 41 AT 10AM 7 Orange BlossomTrail, 10am, RC George 5 6 7 Florida State Fair, Tampa, 9am, RC Mike S VFW Post in LaBelle n o State Road 29, Poker Run Registration9am 11 5RDG&DSWDLQ¶V Choice, 10am, RC Mike S 12 13 14 Valentine Day Dinner Ride, 6:30pm,Sunflower Café, FM, RC Jack F(P) Cape Coral Bike Night, CC, 4pm, RC Mike M 1 MEMBER RIDERS 2 "LUCKY PICK", 10am RC George 20 21 Capt Con's, Pine Island, 10am, RC Just Bill (P) ACTIVITIES OFFICER Many Thanks to those who participated in the Cape Coral “Adopt-a-Family” Christmas ride. All had the usual good time at the High Seas Christmas light boat cruise and dinner as well at those that attended (great turnout) for our annual New Years Day “hang over” ride to the Green Flash restaurant. Upcoming events for January to note: the Hog shootout and cookout on Jan. 17th, the Clearwater motorcycle expo at Quaker Steak and Lube on Jan. 24th and our ride to the Octagon Wildlife Sanctuary on Jan. 31st (Adults $10, over 55 $5). In February: on the 1st we have our Wayne Throckmorton memorial golf tourney at Castle Golf ($8) and optional lunch at Bayside Grill along with our ride to Tampa for the Florida State Fair on the 7th. Always check the chapter calendar for times and watch for the blasts for any last minute updates. I have had many new ride suggestions and am always looking for more. Please remember that our rides are scheduled up to two months in advance so we will do our best to implement new rides and destinations in as soon as possible. Keep those ideas coming—this is your chapter: so help us make it the best that we can! Welcome back to our chapter and the warmth to all those from the frigid north....our ranks are swelling and it is great to see the large turnout for our rides and events. Have a great month and ride safe. Larry Will Activities Officer Road Cap tain Co-or dinat or Capt Co-ordinat dinator I know I did this last year, but it is still really Impressive . This should have gone in last month’s Newsletter, but I didn’t have all the figures in for the year 2014 at the time.(disclaimer) So Here We Go: DO WE RIDE or DO WE RIDE ????? Here are the cumulative Stats for the year 2014::: Total Number of Rides 143 Total Number of People attending our rides >>>>>>> 2,703 Total Number of Bikes on our rides 2,200 (and here’s the best one) Total Number of Miles Traveled 9165 ONE Way Remember we all had to come home We are just starting this year’s riding, Come Be A Part of this years Stats!! Pg4 RIDE SAFE GEORGE Membership & Goodwill Our number of memberships for Feb is 404. The first month of membership renewal for 2015 went very well, with 204 people renewing. At the Feb General Meeting from 9-10AM we will be doing renewals upstairs by the Triple Tree Room. That meeting is on Sunday, Feb 8th. There will be a Continental Breakfast available upstairs. I wish to thank Joan Fenwick, Jerry Hicks, Linda Gehrlein, Fran Wilson, Diane Roberts, Rebecca Sewell, Deb Spirithawk, Reta Grassini, Warren Jack, Lin Williams, Tim & Tena Jones, and Jane Brenner who volunteered to work membership renewals at the Jan meeting. Four Goodwill cards were sent out on behalf of SWFL HOG during the month. If you know of a member who is ill or has a loss, please Linda Leitch. email me that information. Membership & Ride Safe, Linda Leitch, Goodwill Director Membership/Goodwill Road Cap tains Lis t Capt List George Corrado Coordinator (239) 772-3242 Jack Fenwick- Asst CO (239) 209-7968 Vernon Brown (239) 849-1018 Ron Chappron (239) 872-5285 Ken Dixon (239) 541-8460 Mike Gaudio (239) 284-2972 Bill Geary (239) 433-5021 Len Grassini (239) 443-9254 Bob Hotovy (239) 770-8202 Jerry Knapp (701) 721-6565 Linda Leitch (239) 281-2665 Bill MC Neill (Just Bill (239) 292-2539 “Big Jim” Moran (239) 265-4098 Mark Moran (239) 333-5692 Ron Mueller (314) 791-9939 Bill Mobley (239) 410-2603 Paul Perisho (239) 785-4721 (239) 224-9944 Bernie Somers Mike Spirithawk (239) 849-5766 Mike Tompkins (MTT) (239) 462-1873 “Diddles: Vecchio (917) 517-0831 Larry Will (630) 945-1452 Al Wise (PC) (239) 283-2176 HOG Activities Photo by Bil Mobley Photos by Linda Leitch Activity Photo’s Photo by Bil Mobley Pg 5 New Members Linda Leitch New Members introduced at the January 11th General Meeting: Member of the Month: Tom Budner Member of the month is Tom Budner. He lives in Cape Coral, and was originally from Bethel CT. He rides a 2011 Electric Glide. He says he loves to ride as much as possible. Photos by Linda Leitch Pg 6 Secretary’s Report The meeting in Dec. was a Christmas celebration. Therefore there are no minutes. I would like to welcome our snowbird friends back. We’ve missed you. Just a word of concern, please be extra careful on the roads. The traffic seems to have quadrupled and many of Anita Corrado, Secretary those drivers are looking for an address. George and I call it the “Florida Shuffle” when the drivers cut across three lanes of traffic as they try to reach their destination. They are not paying attention to the road. Looking forward to a wonderful and safe 2015. Anita SurPrize Congrats to Chapter Member Ron Cox who won the monthly drawing of a 39" LED TV. Shown here with Ron is Kelly Lanham Six Bends Marketing & Communications Manager.(Photo by July) SAFET Y AFETY When we ride solo or with a small group we tend to take up a lot of space along the roadway and are not too concerned about our riding position on the road. When riding in formation this changes all the rules on the roadway. We travel at a two second interval between the motorcycle in front and to the rear of us. We ride staggered giving a one second interval with the bike adjacent to us. This is very important to maintain the correct interval, giving all a safe operating zone to drive. Veering into the path of the person behind you, the reaction time for all motorcycles around is shortened. This is where crashes start to form. Only conscious thought and paying attention keeps your path straight and it needs to be practiced. Line of travel is the path you maintain in relationship on the roadway to others in and near your lane. When riding in a formation this is a must. When you’re uncomfortable keeping it uniform within tight formations or are unsure of your own riding performance, go to the rear of the formation where you have more reaction time. If you are in the front of the pack and have a problem, it could affect the riders behind you. Practice riding on the inside and outside lines of travel in the group formation. It does change the feel of the ride on curves, oncoming traffic and making turns on the roadway. Find the area that feels good. The only way to get comfortable and competent in your motorcycle riding is to put the miles on. There are enough large open parking lots or back roads without obstruction to practice. Practice U-turns, figure eights, starting off and braking. You will be surprised how much better you become just by putting some mileage on. Vern Brown When riding in formation it’s very important to maintain your correct distance and Safety Officer spacing among the other riders. Group riding is not for everyone, it’s a choice we make. If you are not comfortable in the group formation ride behind the group or find the destination and take an alternate route and meet up for the lunch. Being aware will help all in having a safer ride. Every rider makes their own choices, make wise ones. Vernon Brown Pg 7 HOG General Meeting - January 11 February 2015 Volume 11 Issue 2 Designed & Produced by Jim Gruber, HOG Editor. Six Bends Harley-Davidson 9501 Thunder Road Fort Myers FL 33913 T 239 275 4647 F 239 274 3323 www.sfe-us.com Meeting Dates: Road Captains/ Planning: 1st Tuesday each month 6:15 pm @ HDFM Board of Directors: Last Thursday each month 6:15 pm @ HDFM General Meetings: Second Sunday each month, 10:00 am @HDFM This newsletter has been approved by the Management of Fort Myers Harley-Davidson Photos by Linda Leitch