SNC Magazine - St. Norbert College


SNC Magazine - St. Norbert College
As we look back on a year that has seen
the college move forward in several areas
of great significance, it is clear that our
pursuit of excellence continues apace.
St. Norbert College President’s Report 2009-10
St. Norbert College President’s Report 2009-10
President Thomas
Kunkel reports on
his third year in
office, one that
brought much
to celebrate.
t had been an uncomfortably hot, wet summer, and going into Labor Day weekend the weather remained
much better suited to mosquitoes and mildew than to football.
But on the Friday evening before our first kickoff, a cold front blasted through the area as if on cue.
Saturday broke clear and dry, a good 20 degrees cooler than it had been all the previous week. So even
though the calendar insisted it was late summer, we had a perfect fall day to open the Donald J. Schneider
Stadium and Outdoor Athletics Complex.
An hour before our game with highly ranked St. Thomas, smoke from dozens of grills was wafting over
the grounds: clear sign that tailgating had begun. The Arndt-Bush Center, a commodious picnic pavilion, was
full of St. Norbert alums. Over here children were romping on freshly laid sod near the ticket booths, over
there they were carefully navigating the prayer labyrinth so generously underwritten by Don and Carol
St. Norbert gear was being snatched up as quickly as the brats and the hamburgers in the concession
Clearly we weren’t at Minahan Stadium anymore.
I know many of you were among the boisterous crowd of 3,500 who helped us open Schneider
Stadium, a beautiful facility and the envy of most other Division III programs. Almost 200 former Green
Knight football players returned and joined the family of legendary coach Howard “Chick” Kolstad to
dedicate the state-of-the-art, all-weather field in his honor.
On such a glorious day, full of so much pageantry and pride, even our ultimate defeat at the hands
of the talented Tommies couldn’t diminish the sense of celebration.
Schneider Stadium is the new home for our football team, as well as our men’s and women’s soccer
and track programs. It represents another huge step in St. Norbert’s ongoing pursuit of excellence – and
not just because of the competitive edge it’s apt to give our teams. It’s also helping in our overall student
recruiting and, as you can read on page 18 of this magazine, we saw an incoming freshman class that was a
record both in terms of its size and its academic achievement.
That freshman cohort in turn is part of a record total enrollment at St. Norbert College this fall, an
indication of the institution’s robust health as it enters its 113th year of operation.
Indeed, we feel we’ve had much to celebrate in 2010. In its widely watched rankings, U.S. News &
World Report recently reported that St. Norbert is continuing its rise among the nation’s leading liberal
arts colleges. And a newer national ranking by Forbes magazine, which is pegged to students’ satisfaction
with their collegiate experience, sees St. Norbert take its place along with Lawrence and Beloit as the top
three colleges and universities in Wisconsin, public or private.
On the academic side of things, our outstanding faculty continue to distinguish themselves, nationally
and even internationally – publishing important books, for instance, on topics ranging from the Incan
civilization to interpersonal communications to the Catholic intellectual tradition. And in May the college
partnered with the Green Bay Packers in a first-of-its-kind collaboration for a national conference on the
impact of sports in American society – an event that brought hundreds of academics and sports experts to
our campus, and garnered extensive media attention.
As you know, we take this opportunity every fall to report to you on matters financial. In that vein,
too, we continue to perform well, especially considering the shaky nature of the economy. On May 31,
we finished the college financial year ahead of budget on revenue and well beneath projected expenses,
and, as before, much of that difference was reinvested in maintenance of our plant and other capital needs.
That performance was helped considerably, as always, by our many benefactors. We received nearly $10
million in gifts and donations in FY2010, and more than $1.4 million of that went to our important
St. Norbert Fund. Most remarkably, despite the challenging economic times, we saw the total number of
our donors increase by nearly 250 over last year.Your assistance in some way touched literally every student
at St. Norbert College.
And it seemed as if virtually every one of those Green Knight students came out to help us kick off
Schneider Stadium – a symbol of the vitality of a college with genuine momentum.
eople who believe in St. Norbert College have always
been ready to contribute to its future, prompting our deepest
gratitude. Financial support comes from many sources, and every
gift makes a difference to current and future students.
Donor Groups
Percent of donors by source
Trustees 1%
Foundations 1%
Corporations 6%
Total Gifts
In millions
Other 3%
St. Norbert Fund Annual Giving
In millions
Friends 19%
Alumni 54%
Parents 17%
Donor Dollars
Total Donors
Percent of donations by donor group
Other 5%
Alumni 9%
Parents 2%
Friends 9%
Trustees 56%
Corporations 9%
Foundations 10%
Alumni Giving Participation
By percentage
P r e s i d e n t ’ s
R e p o r t
2 0 0 9 - 1 0
A continuum
of engagement
“I am a St. Norbert College
t’s easy for most of us to complete that sentence. Student, alum,
parent, faculty member, staff member, friend … we all know
who we are in relation to the college right now.
When we include the past, our answers may become
somewhat more complex: “I was a student; now I’m an alum.”
Or, “I’m a legacy student; both my parents and one of my
grandparents attended St. Norbert.”
Look to the future, and the answers might grow more
elaborate still: “I plan to go to graduate school and return to
join the SNC faculty.” “Next year, our daughter will enroll at
St. Norbert.” “We’re hoping to establish a scholarship for needy
students.” “I plan to bring two SNC students into my company
as interns.” (And of course, there’s much about the future we just
can’t anticipate.)
When we look at all of it – past, present and future – what
becomes clear is that, for all its change, for all its steady evolution,
our relationship with our college is an enduring one. We
experience a continuum of engagement and interaction that spans
our lives, bonding us to those who came before and those who will
come after us.
It is indeed true that, with regard to St. Norbert, we “belong
to all its yesterdays and will be a part of all its tomorrows.” We are
connected always.
The work of the division of college advancement is to help
maintain that connectedness – to keep us engaged in the
remarkable and ongoing history of St. Norbert College. Its staff
strive to provide us, throughout the continuum of our lives, with
a parallel continuum of involvement with the college that is both
meaningful and rewarding.
It begins with outreach to our current students, to help
instill in them the knowledge that long after they’ve graduated,
St. Norbert will always be their “home by the river.”
It continues through the efforts of the office of alumni and
parent relations staff, who help us extend a warm “welcome home”
– in a literal sense when alumni return to campus to visit, and in a
figurative one when we engage alumni in their home communities
through activities and events.
It extends to the college’s fundraising entities, which provide
opportunities for community members at all stages of their life’s
journey to help the college maintain and build on its proud 112year legacy.
And it drives the division’s development of partnerships with
corporations and foundations, not only to build a stronger college
for future generations, but to strengthen the bonds between the
college, our community and our region.
We have all been brought together to share the special
experience of belonging to the St. Norbert College community.
We’re encouraged to remember that this singular institution is
always home, and we have a common responsibility to preserve and
carry forward what has been built here.
All of us – students and alumni, parents and friends, faculty
and staff – belong to the yesterdays and tomorrows of St. Norbert
“I stand by the river and I know that it has been here yesterday
and will be here tomorrow and that therefore, since I am
part of its pattern today, I also belong to all its yesterdays
and will be a part of all its tomorrows.”
– Virginia Eifert, Wisconsin naturalist
2009-10 Honor Roll of Donors
The 1898 Society
A new and vital society, established last financial year,
recognizes those whose support is fueling the momentum that
is taking St. Norbert College to new standards of excellence.
The 1898 Society honors in its name the year of the founding
of St. Norbert College. The college’s achievements over the past
112 years and its vision for continued growth are both testimony
to the ongoing generosity of the friends whose gifts, large and
small, make all possible.
This donor recognition society acknowledges individuals,
couples, foundations and corporations. It is a means of recognizing
those who give annually to St. Norbert College, who make a major
gift to the college, or who indicate their support through a planned
gift by remembering the college in their will.
Current giving, lifetime giving and planned giving
are recognized by membership at various levels within the
1898 Society. These guilds and clubs honor the leadership,
dedication and extraordinary philanthropy that encourages
excellence in our students, faculty and staff; expands the college’s
academic programs; and provides for the maintenance and
construction of essential facilities. (Class participation rates in this
honor roll reflect the percentage of living alumni who gave to the
college during the 2009-10 financial year.)
Additional information about the 1898 Society
is available at
An Honor Roll of Donors is maintained online
How the giving levels work:
Lifetime Giving
Norbert Guild – Donors who have made gifts to St. Norbert College totaling $1 million or more over their lifetime.
Pennings Guild – Donors who have made gifts to St. Norbert College totaling $250,000 or more over their lifetime.
Burke Guild – Donors who have made gifts to St. Norbert College totaling $50,000 or more over their lifetime.
Current Giving 2009-10
The President’s Club – Donors who have made gifts to St. Norbert College totaling $2,000 or more over the previous fiscal year.
The Dean’s Club – Donors who have made gifts to St. Norbert College totaling $1,000-$1,999 over the previous fiscal year.
The Main Hall Club – Donors who have made gifts to St. Norbert College totaling $500-$999 over the previous fiscal year.
The Founder’s Club – Donors who have made gifts to St. Norbert College totaling $100-$499 over the previous fiscal year.
Planned Giving
Anselm Keefe Society – Donors of any age who have made a planned gift: a future bequest, charitable gift annuity, charitable
remainder trust, charitable lead trust or life insurance policy with St. Norbert College as a beneficiary.
P r e s i d e n t ’ s
R e p o r t
2 0 0 9 - 1 0
2009-10 Honor Roll of Donors
$1,000,000 and above
$250,000 to $999,999
$50,000 to $249,999
Patricia Baer
Carol and Bob Bush
Mary Ann Cofrin
Paul and Carol Gehl
George and Sharon*
Biebel Hartmann
Mary Bleser Hayes and
Thomas Hayes
Phil and Betsy Hendrickson
Jim and Julie-Anne Kress
Ed and Joni Meyer
Miriam and James Mulva
Pat and Ann Murphy
Evie Neufeld
Michael and Elizabeth Riordan
Don and Pat Schneider
Ed and Ann Gentine Sturzl
Marianne Van Drisse
Fred and Carol Wakeman
Jim Yocum
Errico and Patrizia Auricchio
Dick and Kristin Bemis
Stuart and Cindy Brotz
Tom and Sandy Calaway
Bob and Linda Cloud
Lee Cloud
Leo and Barbara Crowley
Dan and Nancy Dickinson
Paul Dlouhy
Chris Doerr
Eliot* and Bonnie* Elfner
Earl and Vera Finkbeiner
Ernest and Joan Harvey
Don Jones
Joe Kline
Carol and Don Kress
Eleanor La Force
Fred and Kathy Lamont
Len Liebmann
Darlene Long
Jack and Patti Brash McKeithan
Pat and Marysue Michels
Ruth Michels
Ron and Mary O'Keefe
Tom and Dawn Belmeier
Kathryn Peot
Joan and Bob Schaupp
Larry and Phyllis Schoenberger
Bob and Leslie Shade
Steve and Barb Slaggie
Drs. Mark F. and
Mary Ellen Stinski
Ed and Sally = Thompson
Paul and Sara Johnson Tutskey
Quent and Dorothy Willems
Agnes and Frank* Wood
Vince Zehren
* Indicates past and present
faculty or staff donor
= Indicates deceased donor
Mike and Mimi Ariens
Jim Asmuth
Bill and Fiorella Auriemma
Rick* and Virginia Baer
Bill and Cindy Bain
Frank and Jean Blaha Battaglia
Keith and Mary Bednarowski
Lois Beisel
Bruce and Carol Bell
Dennis and Mary Bersch
Mike Boberschmidt and
Nancy Gross
Dan and Penny Bollom
Dave Brandel
John and Joan Brusky
John and Nancy Burgoyne
Donna Burke
Bill and Nancy Zajkowski Burns
Joanne Burns
Tom and Karen De Groot Camilli
Joe and Dawn Colwin
Nick Conlon
Andy and Karen Kalter Cook
Jim Cuene
Doris DeCaster
Tim and Maria Delaney
Dan and Kate Doerr
Peter and Jane Dorschel
Dick and Anne Witteborg Egan
Howard Frankenthal
Tom and Jane Frawley
Bob and Carmen Gallagher
Larry and Kathy Gentine
Jerry Haen
Tom and Ruthann Hall
Chris and Evie Hartwig
Jim and Jane Hayes
Wally and Tricia Hilliard
Paul and Barbara Hills
Gretchen Hoffmann and
Joseph Doherty
William Hoffmann
John and Sherri Huff
William Hynes* and
Life to Date
Margie Shurgot*
Cathy and Bud Jacobs
Mary Johnson
Steve Kaplan and Marci Paul*
Patrick and Lisa Kelly
Bill and Marilyn Kioski
Herb Kohler and Natalie Black
Louie and Pat Konop
Carmel Kosmoski
John and Jacqueline Kress
Bernard Kubale
Carol Kwaterski
Mitch and Carol Kwaterski
Donna and Donald Landry
Randy and Catherine
Clifford Lawton
Mary Layde
Bert and Diane Liebmann
John and Kathy Lochner
Dan Lunney
Harry Macco
Jack and Marilyn Mackin
Jim Madigan
Glenn and Barbara Madrigrano
Harry* and Marian Maier
Bob and Betsy Manger
Andrew Masterson
Margaret McAndrews
Karen McDiarmid*
Virginia McKenna
Rosemary McMonagle
Kevin and Connie Michels
Tim and Barbara Michels
Shirlyn Miller
Fred Mohr
Mike Mooney
The Rev. C.P. Mulrooney,
Emma Naumann
Larry and Arleen Neuman
Lou Neuville
Greg and Darcey Nicklaus
John and Grace Phillips
Jim and Suzanne Piette
Dave and Karen Porter
Peter and Kathleen Reines
Harold Richter
Dan and Nena Ritter
Jeff* and Kathy* Ritter
Gary Rosenberg and Bridgit
Martha Maudsley Sauter
Paul and Carol Schierl
Fred* and Teresa* Schmidt
Jim and Dona Schmitt
Elizabeth Schroeder
Maggie Shea
Wayne Sigl and Leesa Erickson
Mike Sir
Rollie and Sue Ellen Stephenson
Jane Stewart
Steve and Lorry Stiles
K.C. and Georgia Stock
Roy and Hallie Stumpf
John* and Gere Sutton
Paul and Joanne Swain
Donald Taylor*
Dick and Cay Terry
Ron and Diana Tortelli
John and Jo Anne Touchett
Tim and Anise Baccash Traynor
Gordy and Ramona Van Asten
Mike Van Asten
Gordon and Grace Van Dinter
Harold and Arleen Vanden
Scott and Michelle
Joe and Grace Vander Zanden
Clayton Lee and Norma Vannes
Tony and Peggy Reynolds
Gerald Verstoppen
Kurt Voss
Louise Waldkirch
Tony and Jennifer Walter
Mary Watermolen
Tom and Beverly Whealon
When new students enroll at St. Norbert College,
they begin a relationship that will continue far beyond
their years on campus. Membership in the college community
is truly something that lasts a lifetime.
2009-10 Honor Roll of Donors
* Indicates past and present
faculty or staff donor
= Indicates deceased donor
5 10 20 Indicates consecutive
giving years
Class of 1935
Participating Member
Main Hall Club
Class of 1951
John Wigman 20
Robert and Marjorie Servais 20
R. James and Joan Smits 20
Participation: 33 percent
Participating Member
Class of 1944
Founder’s Club
Dean’s Club
Participation: 25 percent
Dean’s Club
Robert* and Margaret
Hoffmann 20
Participation: 100 percent
Founder’s Club
Francis = and Cecilia =
Vande Loo 20
Class of 1945
Participation: 25 percent
Founder’s Club
Howard and Joan Jacques
Class of 1936
Participation: 100 percent
President’s Club
Leonard Liebmann 20
Class of 1938
Participation: 17 percent
Participation: 15 percent
Participating Member
Class of 1950
Founder’s Club
Participation: 33 percent
Thomas Basche
President’s Club
Participating Member
James and Rita McDonald 20
Fred and Carol Wakeman 20
John McLeod
Class of 1947
Main Hall Club
Frank and Mary Lucas
Robert Appleton =
Founder’s Club
Class of 1940
Participating Member
Participation: 25 percent
Ralph and Bonnie Duprey
Founder’s Club
Joseph and Jean Foeller 20
Alexander and Gloria Klieforth
Vincent Fonder
Class of 1948
Participation: 38 percent
Participating Member
President’s Club
Maurus = and Jean
Schumacher 20
Dean’s Club
Class of 1941
Participation: 13 percent
Founder’s Club
Vincent Zehren 20
Vernon Biever = 20
Roland Hershman 20
Seymour and Lilian Reich 5
Donald and Alice Rohlinger 20
Bernard and Joan Gigot
Founder’s Club
Class of 1942
William and Margaret Fitzpatrick
Willard and Mary Joan Janssen
Participation: 23 percent
Founder’s Club
Patrick Drury = 20
Robert and Nell Duquette 20
James and Marian Lison 20
Class of 1943
Participation: 23 percent
Main Hall Club
Orville and Betty Kubiak
Founder’s Club
Francis and Irene Hochrein 20
James and Louise Kelly 20
Leland Laux
Theodore Wing 20
John and Marlys Jehn
Robert and Mary Schuchart
Kenneth Sippel
John and Janice Ziebell 20
Class of 1946
Participation: 14 percent
Class of 1939
Participating Member
Participation: 25 percent
Main Hall Club
The Hon. William Duffy 20
Edmund and Corinne Arndorfer
The Rev. Robert Finnegan,
O.Praem. 20
Kenneth and Betty Heim
John Pritchard
Kenneth Romenesko 20
Participating Member
The Rev. Rowland De Peaux,
James Esselman =
Joseph and Carol Regenfuss
Lloyd Windhauser
Class of 1949
Participation: 32 percent
President’s Club
Thomas Rondou 10
Dean’s Club
Earl and Agnes Heyrman
John Melchior and
Nancy Herwig 20
Dean’s Club
Earl and Vera Finkbeiner 20
J. Roger Hermsen 20
Main Hall Club
Francis and Carmela Linsmeyer 20
Patrick and Geraldine Noonan
Founder’s Club
John and Jane Bertz 20
Jerome and Phyllis Cherney
James Cuene 20
Donald and Cecilia Du Chateau 20
Paul and Vivian Goodreau
Emmett and Elinor Hoks 20
Laurence and Rosella Janquart 20
Jack and Joan Kaster
Raymond Kiefer Jr. and
Nancy Kiefer
Myron Klika 10
Henry Leaper 20
Arvid and Mary McGuire 20
Rudolph Reinhard 20
Roy and Viola Rickert 20
Richard and Jonella Schwaller 20
Raymond and Patricia Strenski
Ervin and Patricia Wright
Participating Member
William Biolo
Gordon De Wane 20
Albert and Carole Fisher
Harold and Esther Gillis 20
Jerome Janssen
Jerry and Rosemary Lannoye
Richard and Mary Nelson
Merrill Van Handel
Donald and Mary Vandersteen
Harold and Barbara Wesley 20
Donald and Jeannine Youniss
Alfred Zeller Jr. and Alice Zeller 20
James and Irene Ziegelbauer 20
Robert Beckers 20
Herschul and Theresa
Richard and Alice Collette
Richard and Olive Conley
George Greenwood 20
William Mistele Sr. and
Jing Zhang 20
Eldon and Mary Ullmer 20
Mary and Donald Vandersteen
Herbert and Joan Cuene
Richard and Patricia
Leitermann 20
Roger McKenna
Main Hall Club
Harold* and Marian Maier 20
Founder’s Club
James and Ramona Bouressa 20
Steven and Jacqueline Donarski
James and Marjorie du Bois 20
Richard and Patricia Hearden 20
Earl Herbert Clement and
June Kueper
Myron and Elaine Mommaerts 20
John and Suzanne Schwalbach
William Stumpf
Leo Van De Loo =
The Hon. John Wiebusch
Participating Member
Class of 1953
Participation: 32 percent
President’s Club
Joseph Kline 20
The Rev. Conan Mulrooney,
O.Praem.* 20
Ronald and Eileen Nelson 20
Dean’s Club
Bernard Olejniczak and
Margaret Olson 20
Main Hall Club
Charles and Jewell Beilke 20
Jack and Donna Conlon 20
Norman and Gerrie Domach 20
Fred and Rita Greenwald 20
Richard and Elaine Hansen
Jerome Hildebrand 20
Kenneth Knauf 20
Martial and Patricia Ledvina
Clayton Maloney
Philip and Leta McDonald 20
Edward Pezanoski
Hugh and Mary Rafferty
The Hon. Leo Schlaefer and
Marilyn Schlaefer
J. Patrick and Marjorie
Donald and Dwyn Smits
Robert Weber 20
Michael and Mary Ariens
John and Frances Soukup
Founder’s Club
Donald Beerntsen 20
Vernon Bougie and
Kay Williamsen Bougie 20
Patrick and Lois Finnegan
Don* and Anne La Violette 20
James and Joyce Lampereur 20
Leo and Kay O’Connell 20
William and Marlene Scholten 20
Eugene and Gertrude Walsh
Alan and Elaine Wolfe 20
Participating Member
Arnold and Shirley Bashynski
Kevin Conroy
Bruce and Mary Erickson
William Getzloff
Richard and Marlene Hoerning 20
John and Jane Kleinheinz 20
Jerome Kuskowski
Jerome Manderfield
James and Iris Williquette
Robert* and Gertrude Wilson 20
Class of 1952
Participation: 31 percent
President’s Club
Richard Romanski
Dean’s Club
Robert and Beverly Nys
Main Hall Club
Class of 1954
Francis and Marilyn Fruzen
Participation: 25 percent
Founder’s Club
President’s Club
Arthur = and Helen Biesenthal
Frank and Geraldine Pirman
Edward Rademacher Jr. and
Annette Rademacher
Timothy Reilley and Janet Nelson
John Ritchay and Mary Weix
Donald and Marian Tremel 20
The Rev. Willard Van De Loo
Wayne and Mary Verhagen
Allan and Noreen Weber 20
Norbert and Elvara Weinberger 20
Robert and Donna Welch
Joanne Burns 20
Bernard and Margaret Roels 20
P r e s i d e n t ’ s
Dean’s Club
John Arndorfer 20
Daniel Goggin 20
Main Hall Club
The Hon. Thomas Linck 20
Thomas and Marian Selig
Founder’s Club
Paul and Kay Bossert 20
R e p o r t
2 0 0 9 - 1 0
2009-10 Honor Roll of Donors
John and Betty Elmer 20
John and Kathryn Hartl
William and Rosemary
Hinkfuss 20
Charles and Virginia Markl 20
Richard and Verna Rohe 20
Participating Member
Wallace Bruce Jr. and
Dorothy Bruce
Maynard and Jeanette Charniak 20
Edward and Geneva Kennedy 20
Robert and Mary McWilliam
Gerald Mollen
William and Carol O’Leksy 20
F. Roger Thiel 20
Louis and Geraldine Van Derhei
Class of 1955
Participation: 32 percent
Erwin Benka 20
Donald and Christie Blink 20
Thomas and Shirley Davis
George and Janice Desmarais
Robert and Gloria Fredrichs 20
Raymond and Margherita
Robert and Dora Hsiung
Mary McNamara Janssen 20
Paul and Jo Ann Kleinheinz 20
Peter and Marian Lemere 20
The Rev. Leon Powell
Herman Richardson 20
Mike Russell and
Pat Kolzow Russell 20
Larry and Gail Smits
Donald and Marilyn Swette 20
Norbert and Kathryn Zelten 20
Participating Member
Lloyd and Mary Croatt
Cletus and Loretta Delvaux 20
Querin Herlik
Norbert and Joan Jadin
Robert and Romona Jonet
T. Allan and Jean Logan 20
James and Helen Reinkober
Donald and Beverly Barlament 20
Al and Joan Bleser
Philip and Birdie Bouressa
L. Grant Bourgeois and
Jean Bourgeois
Patricia Reinhart Britton
John and Gisela Brogan
Donna and Francis De Broux 20
Robert and Helen De Grave
Karen and John De Quardo 20
Norman and Charlotte Duchateau
Patrick and Joan Duffey
Colleen Sullivan Hawley and
Richard Hawley 20
Robert and Joyce Hoerning
Ann Hollenback
Leonard Hunsader
James and Joann Lawler
Henry Neubert Jr. and
Teresa Neubert 20
Daniel Rukamp
Giles and Barbara Tassoul
Mary Jean Barrett Terry and
Leo Terry =
Francis Tremel and
Jean Nooyen Tremel 20
Class of 1956
Class of 1957
Dean’s Club
Benjamin and Louisa Chu 20
Lawrence and Mary Clowry 20
Richard and Carol Faucett
Joan and James Hogan 20
Main Hall Club
Roger and Mary Harring
Founder’s Club
John Anderson
Jerome and Ethel Dufek 20
Robert and Shirley Friedman 20
Patrick and Miriam Gowaski 20
James and Norma Ritchay 20
Francis and Janis Seroogy 20
William Snedic 20
James and Patricia Van Straten 20
Participating Member
Participation: 41 percent
President’s Club
Ronald and Mary O’Keefe 20
Thomas and Beverly Whealon 20
Joseph and Jolene Zimmer 20
Dean’s Club
Reginald and Ellen Barlament 20
James and Joan Hogan 20
Catherine and Merlin Jacobs 20
Victor and Diana Kopidlansky 20
James and Virginia Romanski 20
Lawrence* and Helen*
Van Alstine 20
Main Hall Club
James and Margaret Burns 20
Paul and Joanne Swain 20
Founder’s Club
Thomas and Barb Kiedinger 20
Ronald and Joyce Mammoser 20
Thomas and Mary Mueller 20
Michael and Mary Quigley 20
James and Corinne Richie
Pat Kolzow Russell and
Mike Russell 20
Jerrie Phimister Walsh 20
James and Shelby White
Genie Williams
Participating Member
Willard Allen Jr. and
Valerie Allen 20
Jules and Marjorie Bader 20
Jean and Grant Bourgeois
Janet De Cleene
John and Joanna Henze 20
Bernard Kartheiser 20
Donald and Shirley Kuplic 20
Frances Schmitt Kwitek
and Donald Kwitek
Gertrude Reinhard La France and
Albert La France Jr.
Rodney and Carole La Luzerne
Roger Lawyer 20
Richard and Carol McMillin
James and Sandy Meidl 20
Cyril Mennen
Joan Schmitt Meyer and
Herbert Meyer 20
Jerome and Margaret Mullarkey
Geraldine and Ted Niedzwiecki
E. Sheridan and Marlene O’Rourk
Raymond Piper 20
Jeanne Tomashek Pischke
James Reilley
Clarence and Agnes Rockey
C. Edward and Eleanor Roeske
James = and Jackie Woulf
Class of 1958
Dean’s Club
Richard and Alice Van Egeren
Participation: 34 percent
Robert and Nancy Gorzek 20
Charles and Helene Walsh 20
President’s Club
Founder’s Club
Dean’s Club
John and Jean Bayer 20
Virginia and James Romanski 20
Main Hall Club
Suzanne Nelson Hoeft 20
Founder’s Club
William and Patricia Casey 20
Joseph and Ramona Elson 20
Myron Hauser and
Margaret Hess Hauser
Participating Member
Richard Allen
Paul and Lynne Berendsen
Richard and Shirley Bielinski 20
Ann Geigel Byers and
James Byers
Donald and Sheryl De Cleene 20
Joseph and Peggy Florey 20
Donald and Beverly Hrubesky
Eugene Jacobs
Clifford and Janet Lange 20
James and Mary Logan
Richard and Bobbi Maes
John and Karen Miller
Roger and Laura Mommaerts
Thomas and Eileen Nytes
Donald Ourada and Susan Murray
Magdalene Press Rabby and
John Rabby 20
Arvilla Rank
Marie and Mathew Schweiner 20
Bill and Clareen Shackelford
Ronald and Janice Spielbauer
Jerome and Mary Steffel
Jean Nooyen Tremel and
Frank Tremel 20
Class of 1959
Participation: 40 percent
President’s Club
Kenneth and Bonnie Meyer
Roy and Hallie Stumpf 20
Richard and Catherine Terry 20
Participation: 36 percent
Main Hall Club
Harold and Shirley
Braspenninckx 20
Donald and Patricia Schneider 20
Robert and Mary Van Dyck 20
Celeste Richardson and
Monika Schmiemann
Donald and Joanne Rubow 20
John and Doris Schneider 20
Stanley Smits
Gerald and Marlene Vande Loo
Nancy Eklund Wells and
George Wells 20
Clifford and Shirley Bougie
William Clark 20
Robert and Helen Daun 20
Lawrence Francois 20
Donald and Agnes Gibson
Lee and Mary Gloudemans 20
Rolland Graf and
Clare Gilson Graf
Duane and Jeri Hoerning 20
Clarice Krawczyk Jarock and
Norman Jarock
Violet Kings Laack
James and Ruth Lahiff 20
Thomas and Joyce Martens 20
Gerald Peck 20
James and Alice Rass
Dean’s Club
William and Jane Dalsaso 20
Paul and Mary Ann Sinkler
Ronald and Bonnie Willems
Main Hall Club
Gerald Lamers and
June Konop Lamers
Tom Louden Jr.
Ronald and Joan Strebel
Gerald and Darlene Wirtz
Founder’s Club
William and Joanne Albers
Robert and Doris Barron
Jerome Bielinski 20
Robert and Carol Burger
Mary Tennis Donarski and
David Donarski
Kathy Burns Feller and
William Feller
Clare Gilson Graf and
Rolland Graf
Margaret Hess Hauser and
Myron Hauser
Richard and Adrienne Kessler 20
Paul and Ann Koehler
Noel and Virginia Kohn 20
John and Georgia Linzmeyer
James and Mary Maes
Gerald and Mary Menne 20
William and Barbara Morrissey
Paul Noack 20
Thomas and Rosemary
Quevillon 20
James and Ruth Snedic
Patricia O’Meara Swope and
Joseph Swope
Gerald and Carol Teresinski
Robert and Yvonne Tochterman
James Vander Pas
Nicholas and Joan Wahl
James and Joyce Young
Participating Member
Edward and Darlene Baetke
Dennis and Mary Bersch
Michael and Pat Bird
Cyril Cavanaugh 20
Fran De Broux and
Donna Janssen De Broux 20
Joyce Drewiecki 20
Wilbert Ferry Jr. and
Margaret Ferry
Richard and Darlene Funk
Kenneth and Ann Halron
Richard Hawley and
Colleen Sullivan Hawley 20
Thomas and Cornelia Kauth
Joan Klister 20
Donald Kwitek and
Frances Schmitt Kwitek
Mary Krumdick Lemens
Charles and Pauline Meyer
William and Jo Ann Miller 20
Edward and Bonnie Morris
James Nault and
Mary Busch Nault
John and Carol Payne 20
Patrick and Carol Pflieger
Richard and Donna Pinkart
Don and Evvie Smith
Roy and Joan Smits
John and Berdeen Snyder
George Torrey
Class of 1960
Participation: 23 percent
President’s Club
Mitchell and Carol Kwaterski 20
Kenneth and Georgia Stock
Dean’s Club
John and Inger Kane 20
The Most Rev. Robert Morneau*
Robert Nackers 20
Main Hall Club
John and Bonny Becker
David and Rita Frye 20
June Konop Lamers and
Gerald Lamers
2009-10 Honor Roll of Donors
Founder’s Club
Jerold and Mary Belot 20
John Biese Jr. and
Agnes Allard Biese 20
Herman and Antoinette
Buechel 20
Robert and Sarah Buerger 20
James and Rosalyn Coenen 20
The Hon. N. Patrick Crooks
and Kristin Crooks 20
William Feller and
Kathy Burns Feller
Paul Forster Sr. and
Caryne Forster
Vincent and Lois Koehler 20
Dean and Barbara Lemmers
Judith Lorrig 20
James and Mary Meyer
Edward and Mary Opichka 20
James and Bonnie Shepeck 20
Richard Smits 20
Richard Van Drunen 20
Participating Member
Mary Lummerding Downs and
Martin Downs 20
Robert Entringer 20
Mary Seroogy Geniesse and
Peter Geniesse 20
Warren Greco and Rosa Russo
Leo and Mary Hietpas 20
Albert Lodl
Mary Busch Nault and
James Nault
Ronald and Anne Paradeis 20
Donald and Sophie Parmentier
Clareen and Bill Shackelford
Donald and Dolores Stepniak 20
Donald and Gayle Weyers
Class of 1961
Participation: 29 percent
President’s Club
Thomas and Barbara Flanagan 20
Dean’s Club
William and Lois McEssy 20
John and Nona Renn 20
Main Hall Club
Kathleen Heffron Dorosz and
Lee Dorosz
Paul and Elizabeth Geohegan 20
Francis and Diane Junio
Dennis McGuire and
Sandy Lardinois McGuire
Michael Monfils and Mary Timney
James and Barbara Schaefer 20
Founder’s Club
Jerome and Joyce Blink
John and Rita Bradish 20
Paul and Gail Craven
Ronald and Betty Cyr
Mel and Shirley Feit
Richard and Mary Gausselin
Gerald Grimmer
John and M. Sandra Guay 20
Roger and Marlene Herold 20
Rodger and Mary Jacquet
Michael and Margaret Jelenic
Jeanne Zeihen Pfister and
Robert Pfister 20
Jerome Rottier and
Lois Daul Rottier 20
Lee Stadtmiller 20
James Weber and
Janet Agamaite Weber 20
Nona Wilke 20
Gary and Ellen Zarter
Participating Member
Susan Maresch Buth and
William Buth
Stanley and Valerie Crevier 20
John Dachelet Jr. and
Sandra Dachelet
Jerold and Carol Diny 20
Betty Smith Gritt and David Gritt
Theodore Hein
Alan Kane and Diann Wimmer
Roger and Janet Merens
Barbara Pharris 20
W. Daniel and Heide Rohrbeck
Sylvia Wusterbarth Scott and
Richard Scott 20
Barbara Tobias Stenger
Henry and Edith Stichart 20
R. Alex and Carol Westhoff
Sharon Seeman Wetherington and
Barry Wetherington
Bernadine Cherney Williamsen
Class of 1962
Elaine Vande Hei 20
Paul and Carol Vanevenhoven 20
Janet Agamaite Weber and
James Weber 20
Thomas and Kathryn Whitman 20
Participating Member
Richard and Carol Anheier 20
Ellen Balthazor 20
Richard and Sandra Burg
John and Susan Coppens
Sandra and John Dachelet
Michael and Eleanor Dockry
Michael and Nancy Geary 20
Susan Mongin Hinkens and
William Hinkens 20
Robert and Ann Hittner
Henry and Carole Jacoby
James Kershasky
James and Mary Klein 20
Franklyn and Rita Loberger
Roger and Suzanne Louden
John Maloney Jr. and
Mary Maloney
John Maul 20
Tom McAndrews
Gerald and Doris Meulemans
Thomas Payne and
Jean Hertel Payne 20
William and Margaret Reimer
James and Berthe Slattery
Gerald Snow and
Carol Kollross Snow
Jerome and Elaine Statz
Rita Svetlik
Laverne Tilkens Swille
Participation: 34 percent
President’s Club
Virginia Voelker Thompson and
Fred Thompson 20
Robert and Diane Williams 20
Class of 1963
Participation: 26 percent
President’s Club
Gerald Magnanenzi 20
William and Patricia Zanzig 20
Anne Witteborg Egan and
Richard Egan 20
James Koleske and
Audrey Mahloch Koleske
Thomas and Carol Tess
Main Hall Club
Dean’s Club
Dean’s Club
William and Elaine Campbell
Harold and Carol Huempfner 20
Melvin and Shirley Koenigs 20
Gerald Simoens
Mary and Norbert Siolka 20
Founder’s Club
Nicholas and Janet Bachhuber 20
Barbara Basteyns 20
Barbara Effenberger Boyer and
Robert Boyer* 20
Carolyn and John Cavanagh 20
Carol De Groot 20
Michael and Judith DeGroot
Barbara and Jerome Hagens
James and Edith Linnen
Mary Morgan
Jerome Mostek
Stephen and Olga Schumack 20
David and Vivian Stolp
Richard Vande Hei and
Dale and Mary Legois 20
Michael and Jessica Raymaker 20
Michael Rietbrock
Judith Russell 20
Paul and Nancy Schwemin
Norbert Stingle
David and Gail Thiel
Laurence and Diane Wilkinson
Kay Yuenger Wisneski and
Michael Wisneski 20
Barbara Salm Wood and
Perry Wood 20
Charles Zarnoth and
Judith Geiser Zarnoth 20
Participating Member
James and Karen Cramer 20
Donald Gabriel and
Marcia Warden Gabriel
Eric and Barbara Jenschke 20
Gary and Jean Jorgensen
Lloyd and Constance
Lagerstrom 20
Bruce and Patricia Miketinac
James and Judy Neuser
John and Linda O’Meara
Jean Hertel Payne and
Thomas Payne 20
Robert and Mary Schmidt
Gregory and Maureen Sinkler
Ann Van Beckum Tepp
Joanne and Robert Vandenbusch
David Zoch and Mary Irish Zoch 20
Class of 1964
Participation: 25 percent
Dean’s Club
Dean’s Club
Frederick and Katherine
Lamont 20
Main Hall Club
George and Sharon* Hartmann 20
David* and Patricia Klopotek
Stephen and Mary Mayheu 20
Main Hall Club
Founder’s Club
Founder’s Club
Lee Kadow Allen and
David Allen 20
Patrick Dewane and
Jane Hyska Dewane 20
Virginia Barbiaux Dimeo 20
Patricia Jones Gage and
Michael Gage
Richard and Judy Glesner
Marilyn Kollross
Thomas and Janice Krautkramer
Nancy and James Ayers
Robert and Linda Bougie 20
Wayne and Mary Danen 20
Colette Lessuise Finch and
John Finch 20
Richard and Joyce Griesbach
Andrew Helwig 20
Howard and Rowena Hufnagel
Dorothy and Donald Josephs 20
John and Denise Ketter 20
Mary Ellen Tappa Lamm and
Joseph Lamm
Michael Landreman
Ann Miskella McCabe
Carol Ward Rothe and Kurt Rothe
Michael and Bonnie Schmitt 20
Robert and Elizabeth Schuster 20
William and Carol Simon
Dale and Diane Van Mieghem 20
Kathleen Wallerstedt
Bruce Zahn
Joseph and Rosa Zingsheim
Mary Irish Zoch and
David Zoch 20
Participation: 31 percent
Dave Brandel 20
Audrey Mahloch Koleske and
James Koleske
Edward Lyons 20
Agnes Allard Biese and
John Biese Jr. 20
Mary and William Diedrick 20
Dennis and Donna Engels 20
Joseph and Marianne Gowaskie
Kathryn Hurley 20
Edwin and Jan Jenkins
Michael Juchniewich 20
David Kons Sr.*
Theodore and Doris Menard
Robert Morrissey Jr. and
Rita Morrissey
Thomas and Julie Nooyen
Linda Madson Papageorge and
Thomas Papageorge
Kent Pitlik 20
Participating Member
Class of 1965
President’s Club
Donald* and Judeann
Maslinski 20
Patrick and Vivian Rice 20
James and Susan David 20
Karen Wagner Gosz 20
Sandy Lardinois McGuire and
Dennis McGuire
Bonnie Beucher Poquette and
Gordon Poquette 20
William Powell
Lois Daul Rottier and
Jerome Rottier 20
Douglas and Ellyn Sachs 20
Thomas Salp
Martin and Carmella Vande Ven 20
Ann Augustine Abbott and
Arthur Huntley 20
The Hon. Jerome Fox and
Gail Fox 20
Charles and Mary Hoch
Ronald and Catherine Hughes
David and Rebecca Jauquet
Paul Mahlberg 20
The Hon. Mary Mullarkey and
Thomas Korson 20
Andrew and Nancy Nicks
Pamela and Thomas Reinkober 20
John* and Jere Sutton 20
Main Hall Club
Daniel and Catherine Bittner 20
John Cumicek 20
Sharon* and George Hartmann 20
Maureen and David Lang 20
Mary and Stephen Mayheu 20
Judith Gill Poh
Clifford Schweitzer 20
Founder’s Club
Daniel Baker Jr. and
Margie Baker 20
Patricia Meisinger Becker and
Jim Becker
Graduation from St. Norbert College doesn’t mean “farewell.”
Indeed, alumni often find their relationship with the college
as richly rewarding as it was while they were students.
P r e s i d e n t ’ s
R e p o r t
2 0 0 9 - 1 0
2009-10 Honor Roll of Donors
Peter and Alice Brusky 20
Marsha Crull Dowd and
Phillip Dowd
Norman Dyer and
Mari Berner Dyer 20
David and Terrel Gagermeier 20
Willa Hofacker Gaines and
Robert Gaines
Joan Cox Gill 20
Michael and Barbara Guenther 20
Dave and Kathleen Hutchison
Donald and Susan* Jauquet 20
Susan Bins Johnson and
William Johnson 20
Barry Jolette 20
Leroy and Jane Keuler 20
Philip Logan and
Lois Garrett-Logan
John Looney 20
Kenneth and Peggy Maier 20
John and Sheila Mooney
Daniel Murphy
Paul and Lee Novotny
Robert Rader and
Mary Evans Rader 20
Richard* and Rosemary Rankin 5
John Russert Jr. and
Kathleen Russert
Thomas Schumann and
Eileen Taylor Schumann
Joel and Penny Seymour 20
Kenneth Smits 20
Michael and Carol Weiss 20
Participating Member
William and Judith Ashbeck
Joyce Calderon 20
Helen Fink De Villers and
Dale De Villers
Robert DeBoth 20
David and Gail Devroy 20
Marcia Warden Gabriel and
Donald Gabriel
Georgia Hickey
Donald and Dorothy Josephs 20
Dianne Raue Keller and
William Keller
Steven and Annette McCabe
John and Vivian Meidl 20
David* and Carolyn Minten
Robert and Mary Monroe
Joan Debauche Rothe
Carol Kollross Snow and
Gerald Snow
Michael and Linda Stoller 20
Roger and Carol Jean Van Boxtel
Robert and Jane Van Lanen 20
Dianne Wagner*
Class of 1966
Participation: 22 percent
President’s Club
Paul Dlouhy 20
John and Grace Phillips
Dean’s Club
Michael Flanagan 20
Thomas and Jan Hosty
Robert Imig 10
Donald and Susan Lamers 20
Michael Mooney 20
Main Hall Club
William Farrey and
Ann Weber Farrey
Patrick Woodke 20
Founder’s Club
Cynthia Hart Barczak and
Robert Barczak 20
Michael and Jane Blick 20
Mary Ann White Boyno and
Edward Boyno
Patrick Cavera
The Hon. N. Patrick Crooks and
Kristin Crooks 20
Jane Hyska Dewane and
Patrick Dewane 20
Donald Egan and Denise Egan
Ronald and Martha Gribbins
Susan* and Donald Jauquet 20
Paula Koszarek Koehler 20
Martin Mattern
Gilbert and Kathleen Niesen
Mary Evans Rader and
Robert Rader 20
Mark Reinhart and
Mary Mueller Reinhart
Michael and Pattie Ryan 5
James and Karen Salp
Peter Schumacher Jr. and
Patricia Schumacher
David and Judith Simon
David Thiel and
Karen Vanevenhoven Thiel 20
Richard and Pat Van Remortel
Judith Geiser Zarnoth and
Charles Zarnoth 20
Participating Member
Barbara Allcox
William Duddleston and
Priska Duddleston-Koch
Santo Filippo
Frank Grogan
James and Anita Hayes
Gary and Barbara Herdegen
Michael Hermans
Gene Williamson Jacquet and
James Jacquet 20
John and Patricia Larson
Michael and Kathryn
MacDonald 20
Kenneth and Mary Menting
Carla Cucciatti Overbeck and
Julius Overbeck 20
James and Mary Rusch
Ann Mueller Schaap and
John Schaap 20
Mary and Patrick Vanden Heuvel
Susan Dewane Vine and
James Vine 20
President’s Club
Mary Bartlett Schaefer 20
Susan Wright Skibba and
Richard Skibba
David and Suzanne Tlachac
Donald and Carol Kress
John McNally and
Susan Jones McNally 20
Participation: 28 percent
Dean’s Club
President’s Club
Class of 1967
Participation: 18 percent
Virginia Skortz Baeten* and
Ralph Baeten
Stephen Nicks
Sherman and Cheryl Wade 20
Class of 1968
Main Hall Club
Robert and Leila Bradley 20
Michael Dumas 20
Lawrence and Kathleen
Gentine 20
Donald Taylor* 20
James and Linda Santy 20
Dean’s Club
Founder’s Club
Ralph Baeten and
Virginia Skortz Baeten*
Thomas and Roberta Fox 20
Susan Dogot
Mary Drella 20
Denise McMahon Egan and
Don Egan
Renee Forrest
Douglas Harder and
Carol Moser Harder
Barbara Fagerholm Hoferle and
Harry Hoferle
Dave and Kathleen Hutchison
Dennis and Janey Malloy
Jean and Harry Monahan
Thomas and Patricia Nick
Diane and Robert Paulick 20
Wayne Raisleger
Carol Tomsa Shepherd and
Richard Shepherd
Elaine Didier Sugent and
John Sugent 20
Therese and Donald Trost
Thomas Turriff
Gerald and Liz
Barron Verbeten 20
Participating Member
John and Madonna Broihier
Patricia Panucci Burns 20
Mary Docka Geenen and
James Geenen 20
An Vanderloop Gehrmann and
Ralph Gehrmann 20
James and Barbara Harding
Timothy and Barbara Houlton
Suzanne Quintenz Huber and
Joseph Huber
Suzanne Steckart Jarosh and
Joe Jarosh
Richard Jerry and
Kathy Miller Jerry
Henry Katz and Barbara
Brunette Katz 20
Sue Anne Osterhaus Lynch and
James Lynch
Maria and James Moran 20
Michael and Bonnie Moschkau 20
Gerald and Linda Mroczkowski 20
Pamela Piane and Calvin Bower
William and Carol Rawlsky 20
Stephen Rhode and
Janet Pouchnik Rhode 20
Rick Schaefer and
Main Hall Club
Karen De Groot Camilli and
Thomas Camilli 20
Anita Blaising Delaney and
Harry Delaney 20
Ann Weber Farrey and
William Farrey
Founder’s Club
Georgine Buehler Bapat and
Suresh Bapat 20
John and Pamela Beaver 20
Elaine and Jeffrey Chiappetta 20
Thomas Dorner 20
William and Sally Duveneck
Mary Berner Dyer and
Norman Dyer 20
Christopher Forrest 20
Ronald and Diane Gilles
Richard and Frances Gregorin
Al Groves* and Katherine
Palmer Groves
Nancy Madiol Hannon 20
Carol Moser Harder and
Douglas Harder
Richard Heier
Karen Jossi 20
Kathleen* and Daryl Kapalin
Terrence Kelly and
Peg O’Rourke Kelly 20
Jeffrey Kervin and
Catherine Carle Kervin 20
Susan Charlier Langemak and
James Langemak
Judith Lindbom 20
Stefan Mokrohisky 20
Patricia Glynn Mrozek and
Donald Mrozek
Thomas and Gloria Nesbitt
Robert and Diane Paulick 20
Kathleen Klug Quirk and
Michael Quirk
Timothy Rasman
David and Barbara Roznowski 20
Raymond and Carol Schauer
Joseph Seroogy and
Claudia Schultz
James Sutton and
Melissa Barbour 20
Carol Hines Swetish and
Peter Swetish 20
John and Teresa Trudeau
Carmella and Martin Vande Ven
Elizabeth and Gerald Verbeten 20
A. Nancy Enders Volk and
Jan Volk 20
Stephanie Welsh and
Garrett Pendergast
Dr. Nancy Bollweg Zajano and
Dr. Michael Zajano
Alyson Dietzmann Zierdt
Participating Member
Michael Arendt 20
Robert and Ruth Berger 20
Carmen Wolfe Birk and
Robert Birk
Dale De Villers and
Helen Fink De Villers
Jeffrey and Mary Donaldson
John and Patricia Dorr 20
Richard and Jayne Feldhausen
Dan Ferry
Michael Franken and
Mary Ann Fitzharris
Steven Frozena and
Susan McShane Frozena 20
James Geenen and
Mary Docka Geenen 20
Pat Hitt and Patricia
Vande Castle Hitt 20
Mary and John Hughes
Gretchen and Gregory
Hunsader 20
Paul La Fond
Thomas and Susan McAllister 20
Joseph Miks Jr.
Cecile Nadeau
Gary Paulin 20
Mary Anne Quinlan
Janet Pouchnik Rhode and
Stephen Rhode 20
Mary Bartlett Schaefer and
Rick Schaefer 20
James and Sandra Smits 20
Barbara Ladi Terry and
Timothy Terry
Ronald and Diana Tortelli 20
John and Frances Van Lanen 20
Joseph and Patricia Walsh
Joanne Wisdom
Class of 1969
Participation: 19 percent
President’s Club
Anthony* and Bernadette*
Berken 20
Karen Kalter Cook and
Andrew Cook II 20
Timothy and Maria Delaney 20
Miriam and James Mulva 20
Dean’s Club
Barbara Kaufmann Schmidt and
William Schmidt 20
Steven and Sharon Wilmet
Alumni are always welcome home to St. Norbert,
and on-campus events like Homecoming, Reunion Weekend
and SNC Day draw them back to campus year-round.
2009-10 Honor Roll of Donors
Main Hall Club
Elizabeth Buckley and
Dennis McGrath
Thomas Camilli and
Karen De Groot Camilli 20
Ronald Robinson and
Susan Valentino 20
Sue and Jack Witkin
Founder’s Club
Steven Bach and
Franny VanNevel-Bach
Lynn Campbell Barkinge and
Lennart Barkinge
Linda Laforest Bleser
Mark and Carla Briemann
Sharon O’Leksy Bright and
Robert Bright
Jim and Judy Dreis Burki
Jeffrey and Elaine Chiappetta 20
Gail Richards Comeau and
Wayne Comeau
Bonnie and Dennis Connolly
MaryDan Casey Cooper and
Robert Cooper 20
Barbara Allender Douglass and
John Rabe 20
Bonnie Brodzeller Dowdy and
Melvin Dowdy
Chester and Barbara Gerlach
Vickie Gillio
Robert and Sue Gloudemans
Kathy Palmer Groves and
Al Groves*
Jo Ann Katzban and
William Beren
Peg O’Rourke Kelly and
Terrence Kelly 20
Patricia and Thomas Kuzma
Mary Beth Martha Morgan and
Bill Morgan 20
Mary and Thomas Mulligan 20
Thomas Nett
Susan French Prust and
Thomas Prust 20
Joseph and Lynne Ptacek
Catherine Rottier 20
Patricia Leahy Sachtler
Willard Secor Jr. and
Monica Arens
Sharon Simons and
William Hinton 20
Jeanne Robertson Suda
Lee and Marti Vandervest 20
Sonya Kissh Whitney and
Richard Whitney
Participating Member
Michael Barber
Judy Basso 20
Madonna McDunn Broihier and
John Broihier
Mary and Michael Brunet 20
Theresa Prisegem Cooley and
Frank Cooley
Sue Cox
Pamela* and Paul Curley
Janis Feldhausen and
Larry Chatman
Mary Ann Fitzharris and
Michael Franken
April Foster
Susan Creviere Frost and
Max Frost
Susan McShane Frozena and
Steven Frozena 20
Nancy Middendorf Gibbons
Mary Hancur
Lavon Kraus Hanson and
Jeffrey Hanson
Barbara Brunette Katz and
Henry Katz 20
Katherine Kohlbeck
Constance Weyers Konkle and
Michael Konkle
Carol Denis La Combe and
Larry La Combe
Richard and Donna Lubinski 20
Kathleen Mallon 20
Mary Leresche Marten and
Ronald Marten 20
Mary Barg Morrell
Margaret Dickens Nebi and
John Nebi 20
Jane Cable Phelps and
Owen Phelps Jr.
Lynn Gonring Punzenberger and
John Punzenberger 20
Patrick and Karen Riordan
James and Gail Schleis
Lee Anne Riopelle Scovell and
James Scovell
Jeffrey Timler
Charles and Josephine Weber
Jane Smeester Wicker and
Roland Wicker 20
Class of 1970
Participation: 18 percent
President’s Club
Margaret and Isaac Barpal
Frank and Jean Blaha Battaglia 20
Michael Boberschmidt and
Nancy Gross
Wayne Sigl and Leesa Erickson 20
Anthony and Margaret Ventura 20
Dean’s Club
Thomas and Mary Domer 20
Connie and Lee Steffanus 20
Main Hall Club
Mary Wesley Carson and
Douglas Carson 20
Ronold Platner and
Mary Soens Platner 20
Glen and Helen Yurjevich 20
Founder’s Club
Kathleen Lay Borges and
Robert Borges
Kay Williamsen Bougie and
Vernon Bougie 20
Jim and Judy Dreis Burki
Al and Chris Carlotto 20
Ellen Salathe Crocker and
Randall Crocker
Timothy and Jean Decker
Joseph and Patricia Emer
Dr. Susan Anderson Freed 20
Gary and Linda Gerschke 20
Sue and Robert Gloudemans
Paul Hartmann
Charles and Cheryl Holznecht
Gregory and Rita Immel
Michael Janssen 20
Catherine Carle Kervin and
Jeffrey Kervin 20
Larry and Jeanne Lucier
Colette Kolstad Olbrich and
Gerald Olbrich
Ruth Regent-Smith and
John Smith
Christina Lison Rosera
Joseph and Marie Schaefer 20
Thomas and Susan Schouten 20
Eileen Taylor Schumann and
Thomas Schumann
Grace Bellino Steckart and
James Steckart
Karen Oestreicher Stuckey 20
Mary Therrian
Bonnie Cull Voller and John Voller
Barbara Feulner Wagner and
Ed Lackey
Participating Member
Linda and Ronald Anderson
David and Eileen Baldus
William and Joanne Bollenbeck
Robert and Karen Fischer
Jeanne Goedert 20
Brian and Sheri Hanlon
Carolyn Suess Haugner and
John Haugner Jr. 20
Patricia Vande Castle Hitt and
Patrick Hitt 20
Kathy Miller Jerry and
Richard Jerry
Larry and Nancy Krause
Mavis Kryzanek and Roger Bartnik
Vincent and Maribarbara Lane
Craig and Margaret Lemerond 20
Arlynn Ewald Liberty and
Ronald Liberty 20
Vicki Moss
John and Mary Nichol
Mary Niederehe and
Bruce Meredith
John and Lu Nowak 20
John Pesch Jr. and Ann Pesch 20
Anita Butkus Philipp and
Leslie Philipp 20
Patricia Ponto
Leon and Janice Propson
Bob and Lorrie Rushkewicz 20
Donald Scheinoha
Mary Murphy Stapleton and
Gerald Stapleton
Suzanne Mech Szuberla and
John Szuberla 20
Susan Kutz Vrba and
Andrew Vrba 20
Richard and Grace Wirkus
Lawrence Wood
Marijean Allen Zahorski
and Ken Zahorski* 20
Class of 1971
Participation: 23 percent
President’s Club
Bill Burns Jr. and
Nancy Zajkowski Burns
Donald and Linda Eckes
Dianne Stark Henke and
Brian Henke 20
Patrick and Sue Hickey
Wayne Lubner and
Terese Emer Lubner 20
Patricia Brash and Jack
McKeithan 20
Dawn and Thomas Olejniczak 20
Stephen Reiten
Edward Sturzl Jr. and
Ann Gentine Sturzl 20
Anthony and Margaret Ventura 20
Dean’s Club
Gregory Haldeman
Patrick and Ann Murphy 20
Patrick and Jane Riopelle 20
Thomas and Mary Schmidt
John Zabel
Main Hall Club
Mitch Lehmann 20
Mary Soens Platner and
Ronold Platner 20
Victoria Weiss and
Philip Neujahr 20
Founder’s Club
Mary Beth Earle Ascher and
Donald Ascher
Paul and Patricia Bachhuber
Kathleen Drea Brauer and
William Brauer
Robert and Catherine Cabelka 20
Jane and Owen Decker
Timothy Engels
Charles and Anna Fehring 20
Julie and Joseph Felicelli
Anne Gerlach 20
Susan Roemaat Gornall 20
G. William Hardgrove II and
Florence Hardgrove
Paul Hemmer and
Chris Pergoli Hemmer 20
Mary Oswald Holzmann
Dr. Robert Hruska and
Dr. Jean Van Handel Hruska 20
Robert and Judy Jansen 20
William and Patricia Karlovitz
Carol Lasee Kekula and
Robert Kekula 20
Gary Kryshak and
Christine Jonas Kryshak 20
M. Allison Domke McWilliams
and Thomas McWilliams
P r e s i d e n t ’ s
Michael and Eva Moormann
Stephen and Ann Nickols 20
Mary Reinbold Novak and
Wayne Novak 20
John and Catherine Pick 20
Mark Ransom and Judy McQuade
Mary Varju Raven and
Patrick Raven 20
Cari Geiser Sevcik and
Ron Sevcik 20
David and Judy Terry 20
Marti and Lee Vandervest 20
Peter and Donna Vercauteren
Nancy Gibbons Wieszcholek and
Robert Wieszcholek
Andrew Wottreng
Participating Member
Curtis and Sandi Albers
Sheila Phelan Balloffet and
Armando Balloffet
Deborah Hill Bangert
Raymond Bishop II
Mary Bergan Blaney and
Michael Blaney 20
Michael Buss and
Anne Freund Buss 20
Patrick and Pamela De Wane
Sally Sheets Delp and David Delp
Gary and Vicki Dencker
Joyce Powell Durra and
Richard Durra 20
John and Diane
Leszczynski Fallon 20
Jayne and Richard Feldhausen
Terrence and Jane Gaffney
Susan Beauchaine Gundlach and
Howard Gundlach 20
Lynn Eichman Herrmann and
Phillip Herrmann
D. Patrick Houlton and
J.I. Houlton
Timothy and Lisa Kautza
Patricia Kent
Marilyn Kosik
Karen Kurz-Riemer and
Richard Riemer 20
Linda Johnson Langlitz and
John Langlitz
Christine Duggan Lienau and
Bernard Lienau 20
Margaret and David Listug
James and Bonita Maier
Marcella Hutjens Mancoske and
Lee Mancoske
Donald and Elizabeth
McDonald 20
Cecelia and Peter Nelson
Kathleen Walsh Nufer and
Bruce Nufer
Arlene Jarzombek Porter 20
Susanne Hollis Rudnick 20
Constance Miller Schmidt and
Warren Schmidt 20
Gregory and Kathryn Smith 20
Patrick and Cathryn Spice
R e p o r t
2 0 0 9 - 1 0
2009-10 Honor Roll of Donors
Judith Hummitzsch Straus and
Stephen Straus 20
Randall Van Boxtel 20
Julie Vargas
Mitchell Weber
Kathleen Ziccarelli
Mary Beth Smith
John and Joyce Suttner
Michael and Patricia Valentyn 20
Maribeth Gagnon Whitton and
David Whitton 20
Class of 1972
Kathleen and Matthew Anich 20
Mary Krueger Bernard and
John Bernard 20
David Bissonette
Barbara Schaetzer Bitter and
William Bitter
Barbara Bobrowitz
Jeanne Bunker
Patricia Byrne
Kathryn Lisch Collins and
Thomas Collins 20
Mary Beltz Dyke and Dennis Dyke
Ellen Ellwanger
John and Diane
Leszczynski Fallon 20
Christine Liebman Geurts and
Thomas Geurts
James Hughes
David and Paulette Kitowski
Mary Lou and Robert* Kramer 20
Charlotte Bitkers Liddicoat 20
Sandra Lynch
Diane Jagodowski Malooly and
Robert Malooly 20
The Hon. David Matyas and
Susan Matyas 20
Kathleen McGinnis
Sharon Banaszynski Mierow
Dennis = and Carla
Oudenhoven 20
Michael Porubcan and
Audrey Lund
Timothy and Joanne Ross
Janice Rossing 20
Virginia Schubilske Schwerm
and Thomas Schwerm
Patricia Greenwald Sheneman 20
Ralph Spaeth
Linda Zima Tappa and
Kenneth Tappa 20
Barbara Bertagni Teff and
Michael Teff
Donald and Julie Weill 20
Kathleen Boyle Yaffe and
Richard Yaffe
Participation: 23 percent
President’s Club
Mary Bleser Hayes and
Thomas Hayes
Timothy and Linda Martin 20
Ann Gentine Sturzl and
Edward Sturzl Jr. 20
Dean’s Club
Raynelle and William Hackett
Michael and Barbara Kimps 20
Joseph and Carla Nicks
Main Hall Club
Theodore and Roberta Fritsch
Thomas and Susan O’Leary
Founder’s Club
Mary Fran Byrnes Collier and
Michael Collier
Peter and Teresa Daleske 20
Caryle Faust
John Fetherston III
John Fitzgibbons 20
Harry Freeman and
Donna McGee Freeman
Gerald and Bonnie Fusco
Kathleen Donahue Hansen and
Larry Hansen
Kenneth and Daryl Henning
Cheryl and Charles Holznecht
Dr. Jean Van Handel Hruska and
Dr. Robert Hruska 20
Luke Ivers Jr. and
Mary Jo Murphey Ivers 20
Ellen Groh La Belle and
James La Belle 20
Kenneth and Pamela Lask
Patricia Takala Linhart and
Dennis Linhart
Diane Mittelsteadt Mader and
Francis Mader 20
William McDonald Jr. and
Deborah McDonald
Richard Nordberg and
Kathy Hruska Nordberg
John O’Malley and
Jacqueline Eberle O’Malley 20
Sharmaine Scacco Peele and
Willis Peele
L. Lee Prange and Neil Van Dyke
David Reichenberger
Virginia Macco Rickert and
David Rickert 20
William Schalk Jr. and
Eileen Schalk
Daniel Schneider and
Mary Lansing 20
James Slatky 20
Participating Member
Class of 1973
Participation: 17 percent
President’s Club
Jay and Tamara Peerenboom 20
Emil and Ellen Pfenninger 20
Madonna Young Williams and
John Williams 20
Dean’s Club
William and Raynelle Hackett
Thomas Ponto and
Susan Nicks Ponto
Ann Roemaat 20
Main Hall Club
Fly O’Meara and Mame O’Meara
Founder’s Club
Sally Bachofer 20
Robert Brummond 20
Catherine and Robert Cabelka 20
Christina Crowell Chiu and
Peter Chiu
Susan De Groot and
Joseph Boucher 20
Thomas Deters
Denise McKinney Ethun and
Larry Ethun
Chris Pergoli Hemmer and
Paul Hemmer 20
Mary Jo Murphey Ivers and
Luke Ivers Jr. 20
Michael and Joy Jaeger 20
Christine Jonas Kryshak and
Gary Kryshak 20
Cline Lampkin Jr. and
Mary Lampkin
Jan Moore
Kathy Hruska Nordberg and
Richard Nordberg
Jacqueline Eberle O’Malley and
John O’Malley 20
Mary Mueller Reinhart and
Mark Reinhart
Christine Bush Schulthess and
Bruce Schulthess
Geraldine Tapling-Funke and
William Funke 20
Richard and Betty Toneys 20
Peggy Martin Gramarossa Ziegler
and John Ziegler
Participating Member
Gregory Beyer
Patricia Chambers Bryhan and
Patrick Bryhan
Bruce and Deanna Buchner 20
Rose Traxler Clifford and
Thomas Clifford 20
Catherine Schmit Czaja and
Thomas Czaja 20
Linda Feicht Honrath and
Alfred Honrath
Jeffrey and Darlene Jonas
Gwendlyn Tourdot Kingston and
Jeffery Kingston 20
Karolyn Kneser Krueger and
Regge Krueger
Rebecca Gosse Krugman and
John Krugman 20
Kevin and Leslie Lally 20
Lawrence and Carolyn Lasee
Rose Migas Mayer and
Wade Mayer 20
James and Debra McNally
Mark and Michelle Monserez
Antoinette Marchese Powell and
Keith Powell 20
Susan Exner Ruf 20
Michael Schultz and
R. Mason Landrum
Terrence and Mary Smith
Mary Romenesko Smrecek and
Edward Smrecek
Barbara Kotula Szeszycki and
Ronald Szeszycki
Michael Teff and
Barbara Bertagni Teff
Marcia Voissem Theisen and
Jeffrey Theisen 20
Kathryn Wirth and Philip Palmer
Class of 1974
Participation: 20 percent
President’s Club
Nancy Zajkowski Burns and
William Burns
Gretchen Hoffmann and
Joseph Doherty 20
Terese Emer Lubner and
Wayne Lubner 20
Gwen McDiarmid Middeke and
Paul Middeke 20
Ellen and Emil Pfenninger 20
Paul Tutskey and
Sara Johnson Tutskey 20
Dean’s Club
Gregory and Ann Mendez
Sharon Howell Saunders and
Joseph Saunders
William Schmelzer 20
Tesfaye Terrefe
Main Hall Club
Steven and Susan Brettingen 20
John Higgins 20
Mame O’Meara and Fly O’Meara
Bruce Benson
Nancy Harrill Bowen and
James Bowen 20
Anne Freund Buss and
Michael Buss 20
James and Mary Beth Cahill
Toni Rozek Cane
Thomas Clifford and
Rose Traxler Clifford 20
Janet Hoffmann Dickelman and
Terry Dickelman
Howard Ebert* and
Patricia Mader-Ebert 20
James and Mary Etchingham
Christi and Dean Hansen
Jeanne Agen Keyser and
Richard Keyser
Kay Wirth Lovell and
Kevin Lovell 20
James and Joan Marcellus 20
Jean Bertoldi Miazga and
James Miazga 20
William and Margaret
Neurauter 20
Timothy Ryan
John and Jan Simonsen
Mary Torborg Slavek and
Charles Slavek
Edward Smrecek and
Mary Romenesko Smrecek
James Spinella
Mike Thomas and
Donna Arneberg Thomas
Jerome Turba and
Judy Sprangers Turba* 20
Founder’s Club
Class of 1975
Edward Baumann
Joseph Boucher and
Susan De Groot 20
Margaret Phair Butts and
Edward Butts 20
Ferdinand and Susan Chiappetta
Joseph and Patricia Emer
Michael Gavin
John George Jr. and
Lorelei George
Patricia and Andrew Gonring
Michael and Catherine Halloran 20
James and Rebecca Krueger
Francis Mader and
Diane Mittelsteadt Mader 20
Marybeth Marchese 20
James and Janice Nelson
Mona Kaufman Parry and
Robert Parry
Edward and Darlene Sayre
Joanne and Kristopher Sjostrom
Judith Wright Vandenberg
Mary Kay and Thomas
Von Rueden 20
Gary and Lorraine Wieseckel
Edward Wroble and
Carol Stram-Wroble
Participation: 19 percent
Participating Member
Mary Kobos Benson and
President’s Club
Teresa and Fred Schmidt 20
Michael Van Asten 10
Dean’s Club
John and Linda Blaida
Donn and Mary Pierce 20
Susan Nicks Ponto and
Thomas Ponto
Shirley and Frank Volm
Main Hall Club
Rita Dufour 20
Gary and Sharon Rotherham 20
Founder’s Club
Gerard and Debra Brost
Gerard and Shawn Fontaine
James and Jacqueline Frett 20
Kevin and Diane Goggin
Mary Brotz Gordon and
Larry Gordon
Joan Harvieux
Mary Heffran
David and Kathleen Hornung
Peter and Marianne Houlihan
Heidi Reis Kepchar
David and Stephanie Konsler
Michael and Mary Krombach
2009-10 Honor Roll of Donors
Anthony and Janet Lombardo 20
Timothy and Eve O’Brien 20
Paula Olson-Krueger and
John Olson
Steven and Deborah Rovtar
Anne Hartlaub Smith and
Gregory Smith 20
Sally Weber Smits 20
Thomas Von Rueden and
Mary Kay Von Rueden 20
Thomas and Mary Walsh 20
Participating Member
Patricia Ward Antony and
Erling Antony
Peter and Coleen Asmuth
Michael and Anne Burns
Mary Thoele Busse and
Robert Busse 20
John and Kathleen Carlson
Clark and Christine Eichstedt
Tim Enright and
Marilyn Malone Enright
Deborah and Alan Feldman
Thomas Fritsch 20
Jude and Colleen Gosz 20
John Guthrie III and
Diana Sweetland
Gloria Haen Kennedy and
Patrick Kennedy
Dennis Kirk
Charles and Judy Kranzusch
Charles La Ham
Janet Marx
Louise Endres Moore and
Kelly Moore
Richard Pagano
Roberta Dulany Sauter and
James Sauter
Kathleen Miller Schnagl
Jeffrey and Karen Smith 20
Anita and Andrew Tully 20
Mary Van Dyke
Janice and Edward Wajda
Marianne Anich Walsh and
Roger Walsh 20
Thomas Zwicky
Class of 1976
Participation: 21 percent
President’s Club
Dennis Corry
Linda and Timothy Martin 20
Sara Johnson Tutskey and
Paul Tutskey 20
Dean’s Club
Claire Vasilovik Giambalvo
Mary Harp-Jirschele and
Jeffrey Jirschele 20
Daniel and Mary Huber 20
Dale and Winifred Hutjens
Thomas Johnson 20
Rick Kobriger and
Michelle Wiberg Kobriger 20
Main Hall Club
Patti Albers and Charles Albers
Robert and Susan Burns 20
Patricia Sreenan Tobin and
John Tobin 20
Leanne Wiedemann and
Robert Krumlauf
Founder’s Club
Peter and Cynthia Allcox 20
Richard and Jennifer
Gregory and Jayne Benesh
Anne Zimmerman Conzemius
and William Conzemius 20
Budde Fifarek
Marianne Gerrits
Christopher and Lynelle Johns 20
Robert and Heather Markwart 20
James and Lucie Mullen
Jill Reginato Pitterle and
Daniel Pitterle 20
Peter and Donna Sawyer
Lawrence and Melanie Sikowski 5
C. Remy Stephenson and
Mary Stephenson 20
Edward and Joan Tomkowiak
Patricia Marin Vickman and
Steven Vickman
Warren and Judy Wanezek 20
John Weidmann
Richard Zidek and
Nancy Christien-Zidek
Participating Member
Laurence Armstrong
Mary Ann Kachan Bartlett and
Herbert Bartlett
Janet Gastaldello Cesar and
Robert Cesar 20
Ellen Burns Cetera and
Kenneth Cetera 20
Maureen McGinnis Eichenold and
Richard Eichenold
Janis Habun Hancock and
Edward Hancock 20
Timothy Hansen
James Jacobs 20
Julius Kissh III and Barbara Kissh
William Klimek =
Robert and Janice Kloss
Joan and James Marcellus 20
Kerry Slack Marrer and
James Marrer 20
Joseph Meurer Jr. and
Darlene Meurer
Rod and Sheri Noffke
Lynne Haney Paplham and
James Paplham
Kim Pierce and
Elizabeth Carroll Pierce
Kerry Ryan Shay and
Terrence Shay
Mary and Mark Silverberg
Donna Arneberg Thomas and
Mike Thomas
Judy Sprangers Turba* and
Jerome Turba 20
Kelli Fagan Westbrook and
David Westbrook
Participation: 26 percent
Mary and Remy Stephenson 20
Clare Wettstein 20
President’s Club
Participating Member
Class of 1977
William and Fiorella Auriemma
Julie Heyroth Gasper and
James Gasper 20
Patrick and Lisa Kelly
Thomas and Lois Maher 20
Dean’s Club
Todd Danen* and
Anne Vandeveld Danen 10
Raymond Dignan and
Susan Dignan 20
Martha Webb Dwyer and
Thomas Dwyer Sr. 20
Robert and Cynthia Hilger 20
Jay and Karin Hiller 20
Michelle Wiberg Kobriger and
Rick Kobriger 20
Kristin Hoffmann Powley and
Kent Powley 20
Keith and Valerie Spaulding
Jeffrey and Diane Walters 20
Main Hall Club
Margaret Coleman Cahill and
William Cahill 20
Colleen Kennedy Cole and
David Cole
Diane Merkel Knoll and
Allie Knoll 20
Michael and Mary O’Malley
Founder’s Club
Carol Earle Adrian and
John Adrian
John and Barbara Bauschka 20
Steven and Debra Butz
Kevin and Patricia Campau 20
Nancy Christien-Zidek and
Richard Zidek
Dennis and Kathy Corrigan
Carolyn Daly
Maureen Faricy
William Funke and
Geraldine Tapling-Funke 20
Jay and Bonnie Greeley
Camille Shea Hatton and
Peter Hatton
Carol and Terry Herbstritt
Carol Konshak 20
William and Mariann Krippinger
Theresa Ludwig Kruk and
Stephen Kruk
Douglas and Valerie Laurent 20
Catherine and David Nettleton
Stephen and Paula Peot
Marianne Miller Potter and
James Potter 20
Cathryn Zielinski Reitz and
Jeffrey Reitz
Richard Rose and
Amanda Aldridge
Steven and Faye Rose 20
Ellen Burns Rossmeissl and
Joseph Rossmeissl 20
John and Mary Schroeder 20
Judson and Nancy Schumacher
John Tobin and
Patricia Sreenan Tobin 20
Donald and Daryl Barry 20
Susan Danforth Bergs and
Timothy Bergs
Antoinette Block Bianco
Margaret Hamilton Bissen and
Daniel Bissen
Charles Bonuccelli and
Mary Thomas
James Bowton Jr. and
Marsha Bowton 20
G. Kevin and Pamela Brash
Virginia George Costigan and
Todd Costigan
Jacob* and Cindy
Czarnik-Neimeyer 5
Diane Dillon 20
Deborah Behnke Dorak and
Chris Dorak
Brian and Angela Hansen
Sharon Krause Hansen and
John Hansen 20
Robert and Jane Kahman
Claudia Kerski-Nienow and
Mark Nienow
Daniel Laurent and
Christine Wall Laurent 20
Michael and Diane Lotto
Thomas Lowery
Timothy and Kathleen McElroy
Edward Noelke
Terrence and Sally O’Hara
Elizabeth Carroll Pierce and
Kim Pierce
Michael and Rita Porter 20
Patricia Robison 20
Catherine and Randall Schmidt
Laurie and Timothy Sewall
John and Kate Sherrier
Clare Faltynski Signorelli 20
Estelle Mehegan Soger and
Dennis Soger
Mary O’Hara Tansey and
Robert Tansey
George Tapling Jr. and
Marguerite Tapling
Edward Van Zeeland 20
Sheila Barrett Wippich and
Keniel Wippich
Founder’s Club
David Barry Jr. and Karen Barry
Frederick and Laura Boehm
Ronald Calewarts 20
Sue and Paul De Grave
Hope Hackett De Leon and
Lorenzo De Leon
Roger and Patricia Gadda
Jerry and Marjorie Havel
David Hawking and Laura Gibson
Mark and Sheri Jacobs 20
Terry and Patti Lardinois
Kevin and Mary Larsen 20
David Navratil 20
Daniel and Anna Salbego
Thomas and Robin Schumacher
Lori Smith Young and
James Young
Participating Member
Kathleen Stevens Carlson and
John Carlson
Kathleen Oraham Dionesotes
and Mark Dionesotes
Annette Miller Hamilton and
Tom Hamilton
Maureen Murphy Harrigan and
Patrick Harrigan
Carl Heinze Jr.
James Hussey
Glen and Amy Johnson 20
Robert Karger 20
Susan and Bryan Knapp
Kevin and Kim Leitermann 20
Paula Greco Maloney and
John Maloney
Jo Ann and Melvin Peters
Paul Podlaski
Brenda Rakers-Di Febo
Denise McDermid Ristow and
Kenneth Ristow 20
Suzanne McLennon Shanahan
and Matthew Shanahan
Randy and Suzanne Treml
M. Claire Schultz Williams and
James Williams 20
Kenneth and Roxann Zoromski
Class of 1978
Participation: 16 percent
Class of 1979
Dean’s Club
Susan Cook Barthel and
David Barthel
Patrick* and Mary Georgia
Michael Knippen and Anne Nagle
Gregory and Ann Rotherham
Ralph Tease Jr. and
Susan Lambert Tease 20
Main Hall Club
Edward Bellock 20
Daniel Kafka 20
Harold and Patti Radix 20
Participation: 17 percent
President’s Club
Timothy and Jan Romenesko
Dean’s Club
Renee Ingrassia Ariens and
Michael Ariens 20
David Barthel and
Susan Cook Barthel
Susan Dignan and
Raymond Dignan 20
Off-campus events also keep alumni connected to the college. Alumni in
cities including Milwaukee, Chicago, Madison and Minneapolis enjoy
college-hosted social hours, ballgames, golf outings and other events.
P r e s i d e n t ’ s
R e p o r t
2 0 0 9 - 1 0
2009-10 Honor Roll of Donors
Therese Doyle Jackson and
William Jackson
Richard and Cinthia Kekula
Kim Wolfe Schemmel and
Scott Schemmel 20
Lois and Thomas Schumacher
Jill McEwen Spude
Anthony and Lynn Von Rueden 20
Main Hall Club
Allen and Julie Freis 20
Mark and Julie Kasper 20
William and Nancy Murphy
Founder’s Club
Anthony and Dee Abts
Barbara Hanlon Bauschka and
John Bauschka 20
Julie Milder Bump and
Perry Bump 20
D. Todd Ehlers and
Cynthia Ehlers 20
Lisa Groff
Faye and John Hanley 20
Elaine Henry 20
Christine Jansch 20
Lisa Wagner Jones and
Warren Jones
Joseph and Eileen Karlovich 20
Mary Beth Payin Killinger and
John Killinger
Elaine Becker Moss* and
Marshall Moss* 20
Paul and Alison Nevins 20
Donald and Rose Noskowiak 20
Eugene and Barbara Schramka 20
Michael Ullstrup 20
James Young and
Lori Smith Young
Participating Member
Bernadette Bach
Mary Hackett Bernbrock and
John Bernbrock
Patricia Braun
Dolores and Eugene* Bunker 20
Mark and Patricia Bykowski
Lisa Elson Cornell and
Robert Cornell 20
Donald Drewiske and
Lynn Liddle-Drewiske 20
Maureen McDermid Harmeling
and Craig Harmeling
Julie Pelishek Kuehl and
Terry Kuehl 20
Robert and Sue Ann La Violette 20
Patricia Ratican Levasseur and
Noel Levasseur 20
Michael and Julie Mackin
Sally Mahoney
Mary Baxter Meier and
George Meier 20
Patricia St. Cyr Powers and
Dale Powers
Steven and Connie Smits
Thomas and Ingrid Swittel
James Venard and
Joanne Manna Venard 20
Carl and Carol Vogel
Class of 1980
Participation: 19 percent
President’s Club
Sean and Kay Dwyer
Robert and Kelly Olejniczak 20
Dean’s Club
Terrence Frett and
Laureen Leverick Frett 20
Lori Van Sistine Maher* and
Tripp Maher* 20
James and Cynthia Reilly 20
John Spude
Patricia Mancosky Zach and
Steven Zach 20
Main Hall Club
Lynn Carli and Paul Standa 20
Gerard and Laurie Hruska 20
Warren and Colleen Jablonsky
Judy Quick and James Spooner
Margaret Paulson Rooney
Robert Schoos
Founder’s Club
Barbara Baldwin Alldredge 20
Barbara Hooyman Baker and
Jeff Baker
Pamela Baker 20
Paul and Sue De Grave
Alison Ebert 20
Thomas Gilling
Faye and John Hanley 20
Timothy and Kathy Hinkfuss
Mary Ann Burke Jahrling and
James Jahrling 20
Donna Kies Joss and David Joss
William Katzfey and
Susan Kratt Katzfey
Lucille Steiner Kuhl and
Robert Kuhl
Scott and Debbie Larson
Richard and Belinda Lusk 20
Patrick and Diane McClone
Catherine Challed McPeek and
Robert McPeek
Shawn O’Neil and
Mary Sullivan O’Neil 20
Carla Lombardo Pappalardo and
Joseph Pappalardo
John Pennington* and
Karlyn Crowley*
Mark Peterson
James and Dona Schmitt
Barbara and Eugene Schramka 20
Betsy and James Stavropoulos
Louise and Leo Van Sistine
Janice Freele Wiesner and
George Wiesner
Participating Member
David Andrews
David Behncke III and
Mary Behncke 20
Dawn Rardin Brozovich and
Joe Brozovich
Kevin and Lori Butch
Louis and Susan Gerlach 20
Brian and Kathy Giff
Julie Rickaby Hauber and
Donald Hauber
Katherine and Stephen Huber 20
Julie Curro Idzikowski* and
Bob Idzikowski 20
Patricia Licata
Steven and Suzanne Mocarski
James Paplham and
Lynne Haney Paplham
Cynthia Reinl
Joanne Manna Venard and
James Venard 20
James Webb
Class of 1981
Participation: 17 percent
President’s Club
Patrick and Marysue Michels
Dean’s Club
John Cronin
Cathleen Block Riordan and
Robert Riordan
Theresa Heim Trantow and
John Trantow
Lynn and Anthony Von Rueden 20
Main Hall Club
Thomas Bollenbeck
Brian Hake
Colleen and Warren Jablonsky
Paul Standa and Lynn Carli 20
Dan and Christine Van Alstine
Founder’s Club
Barbara Basche
Rick Binzak 10
Richard and Sharon Brown
Joseph and Carolyn Bunker 20
Timothy Flanigan
Mark Guderski 20
John Ivers 20
Eileen and Joseph Karlovich 20
Susan Kratt Katzfey and
William Katzfey
Thomas and Julia Kinderman 20
Deonne Degner Krenz and
Kenneth Krenz
Linda Hooyman Maleport and
Gerald Maleport
James Maloney Jr. and
Bridie Maloney
Charlotte and Daniel McLaughlin
Ingrid Hoffmann Merkatoris and
Michael Merkatoris
John and Christine Morrissey
Lynn Gilmack Nealis and
Kevin Nealis 20
Mary Sullivan O’Neil and
Shawn O’Neil 20
Michael and Nancy Oswald
Debra Wolfe Palm and
Michael Palm 20
Vito and Marikay Piazza
Jeanne Garrison Rowan and
Peter Rowan
Leon and Lori Seliger 20
Participating Member
Martin and Barbara Albers
Lisa Myers Biegler and
Robert Biegler
Susan Behring Briski and
Larry Briski 20
Richard and Penny Carriveau
Julie Hearden Eklund and
William Eklund 20
Therese King Fauerbach and
James Fauerbach
Mary Bangert Lindstrom and
Steven Lindstrom
Robert Hadley
Ronald and Colleen Hruska 20
Elizabeth Jannotta Kavanagh
and Preston Kavanagh III
Tina Turriff Kocken and
Thomas Kocken
Christine Wall Laurent and
Daniel Laurent 20
Stephanie Skall Matticks and
Daniel Matticks
Ann Cismoski Mitchell and
Jack Mitchell III
Loretta and Carl Neuberger
David Rhode
Theresa Englebert Ritchay and
William Ritchay
Dale and Susan Robertson 20
Lisa Kemps Ropella 20
Renee De Chatelets Waterman
and Douglas Waterman
Constance Menne Weigel and
Mike Weigel
Karen and John Younk
Alice Zyks
Class of 1982
Participation: 17 percent
President’s Club
Patrick Dunks and
Jean Schneider Dunks
Chuck Geurts and
Theresa Rosik-Geurts
Dean’s Club
Robert and Maria D’Amour
Anne Vandeveld Danen and
Todd Danen* 10
Main Hall Club
Susan Manna Bronken and
Jeffrey Bronken
Lynn and Tim Van Alstine
Founder’s Club
Joseph Andreas
Mary Claire Coonen Bartz and
Allan Bartz
Gregory Bollom and
Kathleen De Mets
Theresa Briick Byron and
Joseph Byron 20
James and Patricia Cook
Margaret Ariens Denten and
Martin Denten
Michael and Cynthia Devine 20
Al Fosha and Kathleen
Scullion Fosha
Laureen Misgen Grasso
Mary Grace Hendricks
James and Christine Hennessy
Margaret Houren
Thomas Janssen
Barbara Nicholson Kane 20
Michael and Mary Lambert 20
Janet Stoller Mashl and
Steve Mashl
James and Laura McCormick
Julie Connor McComis and
Michael McComis 20
Bonnie McVey*
Frederick and Suzanne Miller
Stephen O’Toole
Linda Panszczyk
Mary Remiker Schenian and
Terry Schenian 20
Elizabeth and Paul Schilling
Nancy Hruska Shore and
Peter Shore 20
Charles and Francine Smeester
Nobuhiko and Michiko Tsuchihiro
Daniel and Barbara Wood
Participating Member
Daniel and Sandra Bach
Robert Bouressa
James Chereskin
Patrick and Becky Connor
Ann Barry Davis and
Charles Davis
Cathleen Finn
Amy Garrigan Goudzwaard and
Jeff Goudzwaard 20
Ann Hart Halbach and
Daniel Halbach
Mary Gibbons Haley and
Timothy Haley 20
Marie Resch Hermus and
Donald Hermus
Andrew Herson
Jean Scheuer Hopka and
Neil Hopka
Laurel Gehr Hornick and
Mark Hornick 20
Rebecca Ehlinger Ibach and
Mark Ibach
Elder Koeller Jr.
Michael Kolloway and
Mary Reilly Kolloway
Patrick McElroy 20
Timothy and Jean Quill
Sean and Deborah Quirk
Beth Gunther Rybakowicz and
Mark Rybakowicz
Katherine Noth Shadid and
James Shadid
Kelly and Walter Swietlik Jr.
Scott Vanden Heuvel
Anne Miske Wiegman and
Bruce Wiegman
Alumni can keep up with college news and their classmates’
accomplishments through KnightKlub, the alumni social network;
through @St. Norbert, the college’s monthly e-newsletter;
and, of course, through this magazine.
2009-10 Honor Roll of Donors
Class of 1983
Participation: 17 percent
President’s Club
Thomas and Diane Campion 20
William and Jaclyn Rehm
Theresa Rosik-Geurts and
Chuck Geurts
Kathryn Skar Stites
Robert Tomasetti and
Kathleen Fanning
Agnes and Frank* Wood
Dean’s Club
Eileen Butch and Tom Balthazor
Margaret Burns Pichler and
Daniel Pichler
Main Hall Club
Mary Jo Grabner 20
John Kennedy
Lori Halaburt Menzner and
Philip Menzner 20
Keith Noskowiak
Michael and Lisa Van Alstine
Joseph and Karen Zegers
Natalie Braspenninckx Zellner
and Roger Zellner
Founder’s Club
Katherine Kaye Adrians and
Thomas Adrians
John and Betsy Ahearne
Elizabeth Ahlenius
Philip Behling and Elizabeth
Brien Behling 20
Melissa Brabazon Braun and
Dale Braun
Beth Beimel Clabots and
Gregory Clabots
Michael Dauplaise and
Bonnie Groessl
Joseph Fazio III and Lisa Fazio
Kathleen Scullion Fosha and
Al Fosha
M. Joan Birder Gilliam and
Michael Gilliam
Steven and Alina Globis
Patricia Gosch Gromala and
Edward Gromala
Paul and Michelle Hirschboeck
Roxanne Krueger Jossart and
Scott Jossart
Bill Meo and Twila
Zahorski Meo 20
Robert Nasshan and
Karen Wilson Nasshan
Joseph and Joan Phelps
Barbara Kirschling Quigley and
Gregory Quigley
Shari Frieler Saeger and
Jay Saeger 20
Georgia Gottschalk Schroeder
and Mark Schroeder
Patrick Slein
Becky Baugnet Stefely and
Thomas Stefely
Mary Gallenberger Tesch and
David Tesch
Janine Wagner 20
Lisa Ciolkowski Wilson and
Gregory Wilson
Jennifer Hoeft Zimmerman and
John Zimmerman 20
Participating Member
John Boyd and Elizabeth
Helland Boyd
Colny and Jill Gretzinger
Paul Klister and Mary Jane
Beschta Klister
Mary and Michael Kolloway
Michael and Cynthia Lefevre
Gail O’Bright Liberty and
Kenneth Liberty
Jean Vetta Mauthe and
Joseph Mauthe
William and Shannon McKeown
Mary Reesink McGinley and
Bradley McGinley
Patrick and Karalyn O’Melia
Kevin Poehls
Beth Sorenson Simonet and
John Simonet
Craig and Theresa Stertz
Theresa Matuszak Sullivan and
Michael Sullivan
Class of 1984
Participation: 20 percent
President’s Club
Jean Schneider Dunks and
Patrick Dunks
Michael and Jennifer Foley
Timothy and Barbara Michels
Thomas Purtell and
Jocelyn Hair Purtell
Sharon Solfest 20
Douglas and Maureen Winterrose
Dean’s Club
Mary Ellen McCarthy Benzik
and David Benzik
Debra De Bruin
Kathryn Ruddy Happ and
Scott Happ
Gerald Lang and Maria Weber 20
Main Hall Club
Robert Armstrong and
Karen Hietpas Armstrong
Daniel Costello II and
Ann Close Costello
Clare Guse 20
Brian and Kathi Pritzl 20
Jim and Amy Viola
Founder’s Club
Jeffrey Bartolai
Ann Mettlach Bauer and
Paul Bauer
Rosellen Schwaller Brannigan and
John Brannigan
Dale Braun and
Melissa Brabazon Braun
Timothy and Laura Collins 20
JoAnn Glowacki Cotter and
Michael Cotter
Jane Van Alstine Dawkins and
Simon Dawkins
Mary Nix Degn and Randall Degn
Joseph and Beth Emmerich
Sheila Fitzgerald
Christine Nejedlo Goulet and
Timothy Goulet
Gerald Haske and
Linda Bekkers Haske 20
Jodi Wagner Holman and
Alan Holman 20
Michael and Kristine Kersten
Crystal Christenson La Plante
Jimmy and Elisabeth
Neusser Madagame
Margaret Marchand
Kathryn Ariens Martell and
Michael Martell
Grace Meyer 20
Karen Wilson Nasshan and
Robert Nasshan
Charles and Renee Peters
Barbara and Daniel Peterson
Corinne Hammen Romenesko and
Dan Romenesko 20
Dawn Ausloos Schroeder and
Todd Schroeder
Thomas Stefely and
Becky Baugnet Stefely
Teresa Van Horn
Thomas and Jeanne Van Sistine
Paul and Patty Vanden Heuvel
Peter Vandenbergh III 20
Jeffrey* and Karen Verkuilen 20
Carol Sladek Wilda* and
Steven Wilda
Julie Elliott Nolan and
Patrick Nolan
Rita Schmitt Pampel and
Dennis Pampel 20
Claire Flierl Panarusky and
Mark Panarusky
Carolyn Webb Radtke and
Jeffrey Radtke
Mark Randerson
Marie Bostwick Skinner and
Brad Skinner
Sharon Agen Sullivan and
Patrick Sullivan
Jeffrey Vande Loo
John and Mary Wilde
Participating Member
Main Hall Club
Kathleen and Richard Anderson
Elizabeth Helland Boyd and
John Boyd
Christie Linskens Christie and
Jeff Christie
Jacqueline Jirovetz Di Cecco
and John Di Cecco
Joseph Doucette
Jane Biechler Feuerstein and
Matthew Feuerstein
Patricia Trybek Gremore and
David Gremore
Richard and Andrea Hearden
Deborah Tobin Kitching and
Joseph Kitching
Mary Bougie Krautkramer
Brian and Susan
Boucher Madonna
Jospeh Mauthe and
Jean Vetta Mauthe
Mary Mueller Mazza and
Robert Mazza
Laura McCann Michelfelder and
Steven Michelfelder
Mark Missurelli and
Katherine Adele 20
Mark Naze and Elizabeth Timmins
Class of 1985
Participation: 21 percent
President’s Club
William Boehme and
Sharon Schirger Boehme
Andrew and Christine
Lampereur 20
Jocelyn Hair Purtell and
Thomas Purtell
Kathleen Klister Svabek and
Lawrence Svabek 20
William and Carol Van Ess
Dean’s Club
Ann Stanton Hoernke and
Mike Hoernke 20
Sharon Trainor Murphy and
Paul Murphy
Amy* and Thomas Vandenberg
Ty Vannieuwenhoven
Katheleen McNamara Weinman
and Lee Weinman
Karen Hietpas Armstrong and
Robert Armstrong
John and Peggy Commerford
Ann Close Costello and
Daniel Costello
Betsy Wermuth Cypcar
Lisa Cooper Fry
Andrew Masterson
Paul Olejniczak 20
Mary Ellen Schill
William and Carlyn Tochterman
Founder’s Club
Lisa Kessler Barrientez and
David Barrientez
Elizabeth Brien Behling and
Philip Behling 20
Elizabeth Behring
Mary Haderer Bollom and
Steven Bollom 20
Sally Villa Groleau and
Thomas Groleau 20
Ann Harty
Annette Gatto Hennessy and
John Hennessy 20
Susan Prock Hodgman and
Daniel Hodgman 20
P r e s i d e n t ’ s
Kris Heinzen Kersten and
Michael Kersten
Lynn Krebsbach Kulow and
Randall Kulow
Paul Lantolf
Julie Herold Lynch and
John Lynch
Joanne Franzen Madigan and
John Madigan 20
Kevin McTernan and
Eilena Sharapata McTernan 20
Thomas and Laura Mich
Joan Drascic Perrone and
Daniel Perrone
Scott and Cheri Simonet
Jeff Steagall and
Susan Rine-Steagall
Stephen Swidler and Ruth Heaton
Julie Tebo and Paul Danes
Shannon and Andrew Thaeler
Steven Wilda and
Carol Sladek Wilda*
Kenneth and Carolyn Zacharias 20
Kenneth Zilch and
Amy Sager Zilch
Participating Member
Daniel Chopp and
Maureen Gibbons Chopp
Nora and Kevin Conneighton
Julie Diliberti
Renee Hansen Flesch and
Charles Flesch 20
Mary Herber Gach and
Taras Gach 20
Debra Gray
Amy Fetherston Groh and
Daniel Groh
John Hake and Julie Nolan Hake
Bro. Steven Herro, O.Praem.*
Kate Hogan and Mark Rudolph
Megan Druschba Johnson and
Fred Johnson
Mary Niesen Kalaus and
Brent Kalaus
Mary Jane and Paul Klister
Scott Krueger
Christopher and
Gabriela Lambesis
Karen Rowan Lieser and
James Lieser
Carla Mulvey
David Muscato 20
Kristin Koehler Quinlan and
Henry Quinlan
Laurie Carruthers Restifo
Nancy Adamson Reuter and
Christopher Reuter
Michelle Preslaski Schlosser
and Todd Schlosser
Gail Strehlow Thomas and
Robert Thomas
Timothy and Debbie Van Gompel
Joseph and Mary Zaremba
R e p o r t
2 0 0 9 - 1 0
2009-10 Honor Roll of Donors
Class of 1986
Participation: 15 percent
Dean’s Club
Paul Bruce and
Laura Anzia Bruce 20
Michael Daniels
Thomas and Susan Van Riper
Main Hall Club
Robert Bridgman Jr. and
Kristin Bridgman
Laura Beck Sinclair* and
Steve Sinclair
Scott and Michelle Vandenhouten
Founder’s Club
Gretchen De Groot
Michael Diamond and
Connie Kalupa Diamond
Daniel and Maureen Donahue
Peter and Stephanie Emenecker
Jacquelyn Kraft Engebos and
Rick Engebos
Karen Zachary Haley and
James Haley
Brian and Janice Higgins
Michael and Susan Mallahan
James and Nancy Martin
Eilena Sharapata McTernan
and Kevin McTernan 20
Jonathan Moss
Janeen Zimmer Olson and
James Olson
Chris and Monique Parrilli
Daniel Peterson and
Barbara Peterson
Doug and Amy Polasky
Anne and Scott Rieckhoff
Susan Rine-Steagall and
Jeffrey Steagall
Lisa Carnot Salter and
David Salter
E. Regan Daniels Shepley and
Aaron Shepley
Tara Brennan Torkelson and
Erik Torkelson
Patty and Paul VandenHeuvel
Amy Sager Zilch and
Kenneth Zilch
Participating Member
Karen Kluck Bell and
Michael Bell
Debra Ourada Brodziski and
Kevin Brodziski
Barbara Lemp Caan and
Thomas Caan
Daniel Cerny and
Anne Harrington Cerny
Maureen Gibbons Chopp and
Daniel Chopp
Lisa Lindstrom Danielson and
Timothy Danielson
Kathryn Hilbert Denlinger and
Douglas Denlinger 20
Theresa Galewski Dew* and
Deryl Dew
Karla and Steven Duchac
Lisa Valenziano Gariup and
Alex Gariup
Mary Beth Heffernan and
Mike Heffernan
Julie Sharapata Houk and
Sam Houk
Brennan and Ellen Hussey
James and Jeanne Kerr
Shannon and William McKeown
Bonnie Diny Nockerts and
Steven Nockerts
Megan Sokolowski
Mary Ryan Spielbauer and
Gary Spielbauer
Elizabeth Timmins and
Mark Naze
John and Julie Van Hoof
Monica Walk
Mary-Kay Simonet Young and
Rick Young
Class of 1987
Participation: 15 percent
President’s Club
Christine and Andrew
Lampereur 20
Leonard and Carolyn Svabek
Dean’s Club
Laura Anzia Bruce and
Paul Bruce 20
Mary Ariens Dellanina and
Emo Dellanina
James and Kelli Prast
Main Hall Club
Brian and Molly Hughes
Katherine Loewen
Amy Schlumpf Manion and
Andrew Manion
Mary Clare Miske
Joseph and Wendy Siekierski
Founder’s Club
Jack and Deborah Arends
Susan and Kenneth Baert 20
James and Jeanne Blachowicz
Deborah and John Collins
Curt Esser
Katherine Spanbauer Fleming
and Carl Fleming
Kathleen O’Brien Frank and
Sergio Frank
Karen Ferfecki Gall and Mark Gall
Linda Bekkers Haske and
Gerald Haske 20
Timothy and Ann Healy
Daniel Hodgman and
Susan Prock Hodgman 20
Monique Jeanquart and
Christopher Parrilli
Julieann Donovan Massey* and
Shawn Massey
Beth Pier*
Chris Pier
Mary-Jo Heinrich Pierce and
Douglas Pierce
Christina Wypych Roberti and
Anthony Roberti 20
Kurt and Stephanie Rotherham
Steven and Kathleen VanLieshout
Carolyn and Ken Zacharias 20
Participating Member
Kathleen Kane Boehm and
Michael Boehm
Patricia Cassidy
Anne Harrington Cerny and
Daniel Cerny
Lisa Duckart
M. Joy Gerdes and Robert Gerdes
Julie Nolan Hake and John Hake
James and Maureen Hatchell
Daniel Henderson
Sharon Johns Janega and
Ronald Janega
Paul Klister and
Brenda Kobussen Klister
William Kriesand
Thomas Larsen* and
Sarah Gertz Larsen
Lisa Hensel Lemler and
Dave Lemler
Jeanne Jungquist Nelson and
Allan Nelson 20
Doreen Vance Potter and
Thomas Potter
John and Elizabeth
Schumacher 20
Kirstin Le Mieux Slusarek and
Gregg Slusarek
Dennis and Karen Stephani
Richard Tengowski and
Beth Hill Tengowski
Jeffrey Vande Hey
James White
Class of 1988
Participation: 17 percent
Dean’s Club
Ronald Altenburg 20
Robert Antolec and
Suzanne Wilde Antolec
Michael Beinhauer and
Lorraine Herr
John and Sherri Huff
Troy and Lori Roovers
Main Hall Club
Matthew Lang and
Kerry Smits Lang
James Logsdon
Wendy and Joseph Siekierski
Founder’s Club
Steven and Sarah Abts
Julie Fisher Arnieri and
Thomas Arnieri
Royce and Kathy Bedward
Mark Binder
John and Cynthia Briscoe
Richard and Carol Carani
Carl Clementi and
Chris Wetstein Clementi
William Cook II and Bev Cook
Catherine and Mark Daniels
Curt and Jean Detjen
Connie Kalupa Diamond and
Michael Diamond
Mark Gall and
Karen Ferfecki Gall
Alan Gripentrog
Bridget Hilbert Haubold and
Fred Haubold
Tracy Louis Infante and
Michael Infante 20
Kathleen Jackson
Kipp Karakas and
Amy Leiterman Karakas
Janice and Thomas Krautkramer
Brian and Ewa Langenberg
Katherine Reynolds Lombardi
and John Lombardi
Twila Zahorski Meo and
Bill Meo 20
Patrick Metzger
Patrick O’Gorman
Judy Phillips O’Neill and
Tim O’Neill
Cynthia Malvitz Overly and
Jim Overly
Debra Prette
Scott and Anne Rieckhoff
Theresa Roetter and
Mark McColloch
Stephanie and Kurt Rotherham
Anne Calawerts Stewart and
Dean Stewart
William and Julia Trainor
Lisa Bruss Truttman and
Jeffrey Truttman
Participating Member
Ruth Bleick
Pamela Kullmann Carroll and
Michael Carroll
Mark and Renee Doering
Brian Garvin
Jill Beardsley Gonzalez and
Daniel Gonzalez
Maureen and James Hatchell
Michael and Lynn Jadin
Lori Janssen Jaeger and
Ronald Jaeger
Kim Parczick Janus and
Brian Janus
Brenda Kobussen Klister and
Paul Klister
Catherine Wavrunek Kornowski
and Dan Kornowski
Sarah Gertz Larsen and
Thomas Larsen*
Stephanie and Dan Lundquist
Monica and Jon McCabe
Julie Angelini Morones and
Albert Morones
Laura and David Owens
Lori Langer Paul and Steve Paul
Elizabeth and John
Schumacher 20
Joan Stanley Shanahan and
Edward Shanahan
Vicki and Trevor Vannieuwenhoven
Doreen Bolle Voight and
Michael Voight
Steven and Marilyn Wronkowski
Class of 1989
Participation: 16 percent
President’s Club
Elise Amel and Richard Davies
Sharon Schirger Boehme and
William Boehme
Kevin and Connie Michels
Laura Lis Pasternak* and
Frank Pasternak
Dean’s Club
John Cawley
Michael Cyrus
Kathryn Sabish Geenen* and
Robert Geenen
Sheri Kasper Hank 5
Main Hall Club
Kerry Smits Lang and
Matthew Lang
James and Patricia Montalbano 20
Founder’s Club
John Archambault*
Kris Babicky
Paul and Brenda* Beck
John Blazel and
Caroline Sausen Blazel 20
Kay Casper
John and Kim Connelly
Mark and Karen Coonen
Mark and Catherine Daniels
Lisa Bressanelli Geneser and
Christopher Geneser
Claire Gigon and Luc Gillieron
Robert and Mary Greifenkamp
Craig and Penny Kaczorowski
Amy Leiterman Karakas and
Kipp Karakas
Katherine Slattery Keith
Faye Laundrie Klismet and
Todd Klismet
John and Robin Kulas
Larry Lueck and
Becky Koeppel Lueck
David O’Brien
Amy Tonyan Mercurio and
John Mercurio
Alicia Ryan Ramstack and
Mark Ramstack
Michael and Jacqueline Schimke
Stephan and Sonya Schreck
Steven and Sandi Seiler
Brian Skaletski and
Julie Beno Skaletski
Amy Weiler
Alan Zarnoth
Mary Schneider Zeiger and
Dale Zeiger
Participating Member
Mary and Dan Aschenbrener
Laura Whalen Bennett
Wendy Bremer Bolland
2009-10 Honor Roll of Donors
Melinda Higgins Brom and
Kenneth Brom
Jayne Cromheecke Butterbrodt
and James Butterbrodt
Jacqueline Waters Compton and
Michael Compton
Timothy and Jessica Goodmanson
Timothy Horner
Christine Keegan Kelley and
John Kelley
Mary Kelly
Rebecca Brandl Kowaleski
Thomas Krabbe
Mark and Jennie Le Mere
Frank Novotny and
Ellen Simpson Novotny
Beth Hill Tengowski and
Richard Tengowski
Ann Vanden Wymelenberg and
John Vanden Wymelenberg
Catherine Vander Zanden
Riana Bishop Ventura and
Oscar Ventura
Mary Larsen Wagner and
John Wagner
Scott and Kimberly Wagner
Michael Walsh
Kumiko and Steven Webb
Lisa Schultz Wroblewski and
Tom Wroblewski
Class of 1990
Participation: 15 percent
President’s Club
Susan and Todd Naccarato
Gregory and Darcey Nicklaus
Frank Pasternak and
Laura Lis Pasternak*
Richard and Johanna Svabek
Main Hall Club
Cathy Biese Barnes and
John Barnes* 20
Carol and Brian Bruess
Mary Ross Karnitz and
Chris Karnitz
Christopher Moss and
Sarah Richardson Moss 10
Founder’s Club
Jennifer Moroni Anderson
Jeanne and James Blachowicz
Christopher and Diane Butterfield
Thomas and Nichole Carroll
Christine and Carl Clementi
Sarah Connor
James Domach and
Candace Jadown Domach
Marybeth Crozier Gerth and
John Gerth
Sarah Mullins Griffiths* and
Ian Griffiths
Gina Stangel Kelly
Tracy Flanagan Kennedy
Robert Klipstine
Ellen Lamarre
James Litz and Jacki Brieske Litz
Steven Maliborski
Charles Mares and
Elizabeth Morrell Mares
Amy Schaefer Marshall and
Nathaniel Marshall
Kristine Konkol Ross and
Craig Ross
Kevin Ryan
Jacqueline and Michael Schimke
Alexander Schuman III
Julie Beno Skaletski and
Brian Skaletski
Keith and Jodi Steckbauer
John and Jamie Van Dyck
James and Peggy Zwicker
Participating Member
Anne and Dean Del Ghingaro II
Michael Douglas
Stephen Fitzpatrick
William and Heather Gilles
John Kelley and
Christine Keegan Kelley
Lisa Drewek Kern and
Stephen Kern
Timothy and Carrie Labinski
Michele Thielman Laufer and
William Laufer
Timothy and Mary Loversky
AnnMarie Marlier and
Donald Circo
Amy Wondrash McClellan
Michele Piette Micksch
Lynn Strojny Miller and
Edward Miller
Ellen Simpson Novotny and
Frank Novotny
Cynthia Eversole Olson and
Eric Olson
Beth Ann Baxter Pollard and
John Pollard
Lisa Richie Quenan and
Patrick Quenan
Karen Hucek Reschke and
Darren Reschke
Julianne Solon Schuberth and
Robert Schuberth
Timothy Strnad
Tim and Susan Van Gheem
Class of 1991
Participation: 14 percent
President’s Club
Anthony and Linda Ahern
Karen Kraft Bendel and
Michael Bendel
Dean’s Club
Robert and Tracy Mitchell
Phillip Pinello Jr. and Lisa Pinello
Main Hall Club
Sarah Richardson Moss and
Christopher Moss 10
Founder’s Club
John and Jennifer Barnes
Maureen Burns Beck and
Peter Beck
Jacqueline Zagrodnik Binger
Michelle Krueger Brown and
Dale Brown
Kelly Chmielewski
Michael Collins
Roberta Borchardt Conrad and
Jack Conrad
Candace Jadown Domach and
James Domach
Jane Gehl* and Todd Thiel
Michael and Mary Ann Gozdecki
Fredrick Grimes
Mark Gruber and
Jacqueline Souza
Jennifer Harty
Scott and Renee Hemauer
David Henze and
Laura Donzelli Henze
Amy Joyce
Amy Johnson Junge and
Nick Junge
Sarah Diedrick Kasdorf and
David Kasdorf
Luke Kelly
Barbara Bray Kreul and
Christopher Kreul
Michael and Deanna Laemmrich
Karen Fowler Latterell
Elizabeth Morrell Mares and
Charles Mares
Traci Frisbie Martens and
Jeffery Martens
Daniel Nelson and Marina Nelson
Thomas Ploetz
Matthew and Elizabeth Reidel
Erin Healy Ross and John Ross
Amy Wittkopf Uribe and
Ruben Uribe
Participating Member
Andrew Bloechl
Robert and Mary Blohowiak
Rosemary and William Campbell
Catherine Stephani Green and
Richard Green
Kimberly Nielsen Gregory and
James Gregory
James Hall
Traci Kroner Klevenow and
Michael Klevenow
Dina O’Hara Kosiba and
Jeffrey Kosiba
Chad and Christine Lemerande
The Rev. Mark Payne, O.Praem.*
Maria Quinlan and
Shawn Brighton
Lynda Kempf Rank* and
Glenn Rank
James and Laurie Schirger
Rebecca Dinan Schneider and
John Schneider III
Lisann Bolte Snedden
Elizabeth Anstee Valdivia and
Javier Valdivia
Keith and Kristin Van Den Heuvel
Mark Vander Sanden
Lynda Piering Wachter and
Michael Wachter
Kimberly and Scott Wagner
Scott Wilson
Jennifer and William Wittkopf
Class of 1992
Participation: 16 percent
President’s Club
Cheryl and John* Frohliger
Clay and Lori Naccarato
Dean’s Club
Aaron Hilts and Ann Hilts
Main Hall Club
Patrick and Synara Brown
Christine and Dan Van Alstine
Founder’s Club
Kenneth and Kristine Best
Dale Brown and
Michelle Krueger Brown
Mary La Mere Burich and
Jeffrey Burich
Douglas and Roxanne Chronert
Scott Corbett
Amy Kotur Gray and David Gray
Linda Mueller Gregory and
Cristopher Gregory
Eugene Heidkamp
Laura Donzelli Henze and
David Henze
James Hergert and Irena Kubiak
Anne and Jeffrey Jenkins
Joseph and Danica Kiedinger
Jacki Brieske Litz and James Litz
Shannon MacNab
Jennifer Breidster Mattes and
Karl Mattes
Maureen and Jim Merkatoris
Bonnie and Douglas Moquin
Tiffany Stuth O’Day and
Daniel O’Day
Shannon Stoll Rabas and
Bart Rabas
Gary Radke and Nancy Geneva
Karen Meles Rottier and
Kelly Rottier
Eric Snyder and
Anna Piazza-Snyder
Amy Zickert Vandenberg
Cheryl Vaughan and Jose Lopez
Joanne Shimon Weycker and
Brent Weycker
Participating Member
Thomas and Denise Abts
Catherine and Christopher Beres
Timothy Buerger and
Karyn Lange Buerger
Steven and Katherine Cantwell
Kevin and Christine Cherney
Sarah Flanigan Duke and
Matthew Duke
Deborah Jansch Gauthier and
Mark Gauthier
Linda Infante
Jill Kettenhofen Kerhin and
Brian Kerhin
Laura Souik Kittelson and
Andrew Kittelson
Katie Nelson Kleiber and
Lawrence Kleiber
Michael Klevenow and
Traci Kroner Klevenow
Gerald Lowrie
Jane and Patrick Lynch
Jason and Mei McKee
Wendy Kohlbeck Miedl and
Douglas Miedl
Rashelle Mossman Middlebusher
and Mark Middlebusher
Bonnie Moore
Steven Moore
Scott Nikolai
Justin and Dawn Ritter
Michael Ruffing
Robert Smits
Amy Gerrits Soquet and
Randy Soquet
Robert Sorenson*
Amy Wegand Stover
Thomas and Susan Tengowski
Susan and Timothy Van Gheem
Mark Van Zeeland
Shawn and Deborah Volk
Karina Willes
William and Jennifer Wittkopf
Dennis Zurfluh and
Jodee Beck Zurfluh
Class of 1993
Participation: 14 percent
President’s Club
Robert Garofolo
Dean’s Club
Todd Cieslak
Ann and Aaron Hilts
Frank Russomanno
Founder’s Club
Michael Aleckson
Michelle Norton Anderson* and
David Anderson
Mark and Heather Bougie
Nichole and Thomas Carroll
Roxanne and Doug Chronert
Christopher and Joselyn Cichocki
Jennifer Cox
Robert Domach
Jonathan and Stacie Dooley
Kelly Messman Friedlander
Laura Kroll Gordon and
Joe Gordon
Angela Wright Gruesen and
Michael Gruesen
Christopher and Ginger Howard
Eric Jacobson
Linda Thompson Kinziger and
William Kinziger
Carrie Murphy Kohloff
James Lauer
Kristin and Todd Lindblom
Family weekends offer students the chance to “show off” their
college experience to their parents and others, as do events ranging from
SNC Day (autumn’s campus-wide open house) to numerous
sports, music and theatre offerings.
P r e s i d e n t ’ s
R e p o r t
2 0 0 9 - 1 0
2009-10 Honor Roll of Donors
Becky Koeppel Lueck and
Larry Lueck
Catherine Manning
Heidi Nick Nagy and
Jacob Nagy
Marina Seme Nelson and
Daniel Nelson
Bridget Pape Posta and
Thomas Posta 10
Lucy Reeve
James and Mary Sabish
Susan Schmatzhagen
Thomas Ter Horst
Lisa Berg Treichel and
Craig Treichel
Judith Luzbetak Ward and
David Ward
Participating Member
John and Amy Bastuga
Jennifer Black Beehler and
James Beehler
Christopher and Catherine Beres
Karyn Lange Buerger and
Timothy Buerger 10
Katherine and Steven Cantwell
Mark and Yvonne Ebinal
Laura Salm Fischer and
Tony Fischer
Kathleen Graven Frost and
Michael Frost
Amy Galarowicz
Lisa Wendelborn Garstka and
Gregory Garstka
Marnie Hade
Jay and Susan Isselmann
Craig Johnson
Diane Brefka Martin and
William Martin
Darcy Meisner McBeth and
Samuel McBeth
Julie Dretzka Myers and
Tim Myers
Andrea Brunner Nelson
Thomas and Valerie Neumann
Colin and Laura Noone
Bridget Krage O’Connor* and
Jeff O’Connor 10
Laura Sikowski Pagenkopf and
Mark Pagenkopf
Pamela Coulter Parzych and
Gregory Parzych
Kenneth Roeder Jr. and
Kerri Roeder
Darrin Schaefer
Nancy and Robert Skalla
Deborah and Richard Truyman
Nicole and Kent Youngstrom
Jodeele Beck Zurfluh and
Dennis Zurfluh
Class of 1994
Participation: 12 percent
President’s Club
Rebecca Simons Roever and
Andrew Roever
Dean’s Club
Brian and Lynn Bunkelman 5
Michael McEvoy and
Nicole Gentine McEvoy
Founder’s Club
Bethany Zerfas Ames and
Christopher Ames
Thomas and Tiffany Benkowski
Scott and Jessica Bolle
Susan Proteau Burns and
Robert Burns
Annette Entringer Cleary and
Dan Cleary
Gerard and Linda Deprez
Rebecca Evans Dieringer and
Derek Dieringer
Scott and Susan Domach
Jodi Erickson Donovan and
Michael Donovan 5
Kevin Dugan and
Amy Hansen Dugan
Amy Gajewski
Kathryn Meyer Gettelman and
John Gettelman
Michael and Jennifer Haderer
Paul and Wendy Hartman
Jeffrey and Heather Hoffman
Nancy Karls and Christopher Dale
Patrick and Jodi Keller
Amy Kiiskila and Chad Evenson
Daniel and Samantha LaViolette
Blake Lemke and Paul Scott
Joan Glueckert Maternoski and
Scott Maternoski
Michelle and Michael McKenna
Kimberly Steinke Monday and
David Monday
Cheryl Scholtz
David Ward and Judith
Luzbetak Ward
Participating Member
Denice Delorto Brogan and
John Brogan
Lori Weyers Hein and John Hein
Bridget Leahy Hodgman and
Peter Hodgman
Chandra Janczak Kearney
Dennis and Michelle Keffer
Julie Berg Klebba and
John Klebba
Kristin Le Tourneau Kreuser and
Terry Kreuser
Jesse and Christine Lamberg
Denise Myran Martin and
Thomas Martin
Ann Dellemann Mathu and
Jeffrey Mathu
Van Nguyen and
Brandi Snyder Nguyen
Jennifer and Mark Rentmeester
David and Jennifer Rice
Amber Rich
Ann and Galen Schleunes
Lisa Utvik Simplot
Steven and Jane Travis
Megan Voss
Carrie Kurth Wiza and
David Wiza Jr.
Class of 1995
Participation: 13 percent
President’s Club
Andrew Roever and
Rebecca Simons Roever
Dean’s Club
Beth Ryan Lunow and
Matthew Lunow
Nicole Gentine McEvoy and
Michael McEvoy
Kimberly Lopas Sullivan and
Matthew Sullivan
Main Hall Club
Adrienne Cumicek 20
Amy Vrabel MacLean and
Matthew MacLean
Michelle Slaggie Schlehuber and
Thomas Schlehuber
Nathan and Kristina Zastrow
Founder’s Club
Todd* and Blake Bierowski
Brian and Karri Biscobing
Lynn Petersen Bub and
Jason Bub
Jenni Joers Cha and Eugene Cha
Norah Collins
Christopher Dale and Nancy Karls
Kathleen Sturm Dickrell and
Jamie Dickrell
Kristine Gettelman
Jennifer Van Sistine Glodowski
and Mark Glodowski
Jeanne Jung
Kathleen Killeen
Jennifer Kerley Kobilca
Kurt and Dana Koszarek
Jason and Michelle Linn
David Monday and
Kimberly Steinke Monday
Brian and Bridget Bruen O’Meara
Kristie Kushava Ott and
Nathan Ott
Jane Schirger
Craig Treichel and
Lisa Berg Treichel
Karen Loritz Werowinski and
Kurtis Werowinski
Participating Member
Elizabeth and Timothy Derozier
Gretchen and Christopher Dimmer
Taryn Fuhrman
Anne Doersching Gariepy
Mary Ann Glime and
Richard Glime
Patrick and Ruth Goggins
Dianne Schubert Goulette and
Jason Goulette
Michelle and Dennis Keffer
Denise Lozier
Julie Wolter Maurer and
Thomas Maurer
Steven Neville
Brandi Snyder Nguyen and
Van Nguyen
Christie Bosetski Nimmer and
Steven Nimmer
Barbara and William Patz
Mark and Jennifer Rentmeester
Patrick Rusch and
Allison Hurley Rusch
Anton and Jackie* Staley
Denise Ferkey Swaluk and
Jeffrey Swaluk
D. Scott Vettraino and
Britta Vettraino
Peter Victor and Angela
Godin Victor
Tara Bradley Williams and
Jim Williams
David Wiza Jr. and
Carrie Kurth Wiza
Class of 1996
Participation: 13 percent
President’s Club
Leanne Knobloch and
David Schug
Dean’s Club
Eric and Melodie Dugenske
Main Hall Club
Kimberly Herring 5
Jesse Sevcik
Founder’s Club
Jennifer Staats Andreae
Lucy Pecus Burke and
Timothy Burke
Maria Sturino Cancino and
John Cancino
Eugene Cha and Jenni Joers Cha
Stephen and Stacie Cotey
Michael Donovan and
Jodi Erickson Donovan 5
Amy Hansen Dugan and
Kevin Dugan
John and Amy Fassbender
Ethan Haas
Kay and Christopher Handrick
Rebecca Holton Kleefisch
Ann Marie Kline
Samantha and Daniel LaViolette
Michael and Michelle McKenna
Rebecca Schill Nimmer* and
Kenneth Nimmer
Mary Lee Odem and Drew Odem
Brian Sethness
Amy Ouradnik Van De Hey and
Richard Van De Hey
Greg and Kay Waite
Participating Member
Thomas and Carole* Basak 5
Alexandra Beinhauer
Michael and Pam Berg
Jill Wing Blaha and Brian Blaha
Crystal Gabrich Brown and
Robert Brown
Jody Haig Calarco and
Frank Calarco
Jesse Chuckel and
Jessica Carter Chuckel
Liliya Davidova*
Christopher Gariepy
Michael Gruetzmacher Jr. and
Christine Gruetzmacher
Steven and Carrie Hyde
Christopher and Stacy Jost
Debbie Van Schyndel Kasper
and Thomas Kasper
Amy Verwiel Kline and
Jeffrey Kline
Sarah Goggin Krzykowski and
Jeffrey Krzykowski
Heather Locke Marlow
Beverly Gudex Matheys and
Bernard Matheys
Scott* and Jennifer McMahon
Jennifer Bierl Melching and
Michael Melching
Melissa Schmitz Moren and
Bob Moren
Steven Nimmer and
Christie Bosetski Nimmer
Rodney and Christina Ratajczak
Allison Hurley Rusch and
Patrick Rusch
Daniel Shimon and
Jennifer Vena Shimon
Anne Sundberg Siess and
Ryan Siess
Kelly Wolslegel Suda and
Scott Suda
Therese Gajewski Sukanen and
Mark Sukanen
Diane and Christopher Thompson
Jennifer Pieschek VanRemortel
and Andrew VanRemortel
Angela Godin Victor and
Peter Victor
Margaret and Ronald Ward
Jenna and Jeffrey Wick
Class of 1997
Participation: 12 percent
President’s Club
Sean Twohig and
Keri McElhaney Twohig
Dean’s Club
William Martin
Russell and Charity Olson
Founder’s Club
Andrew Bradford* and
Katherine Groth Bradford
Timothy Burke and
Lucy Pecus Burke
Stephen and Stacie Cotey
Edward Dudek
Jeffrey Duffrin
Brendon and Megan Duffy
Nathan and Catherine Eastman
As part of our lifelong engagement with the college, we all share in
the challenge of supporting it – to maintain 100-plus years of progress
and momentum, and to provide current and future generations the
opportunity to experience the unique joys of a St. Norbert education.
2009-10 Honor Roll of Donors
David Frieder
John and Sara Grochowski
Ragan Prucha Jorgensen and
Timothy Jorgensen
Kevin and Jessica Kempf
Melissa Zych McDonald and
Robert McDonald
Amanda Mickelson
Silverio Mirao* and
Heidi Nerat Mirao
Kelly Langenecker Peiffer and
Coleman Peiffer
Joanna Rouse
Joy Schaub-Matthews and
Jacob Matthews
Lawrence and Amanda Schneider
Jason Schreiber*
James Strick
Bridget Murray Sullivan and
Matt Sullivan
Julie Treder
Participating Member
Christopher Ayers
Melanie Jeanquart Christensen
and John Christensen
Jodi Berkhahn Ciesielczyk and
Matthew Ciesielczyk
Melissa Collins-Gokey and
Patrick Gokey
Travis Glandt and
Jamie Brennan Glandt
Sandra Rovinski Graan
Sharon and Chris Gunnell
JoMarie Hoholik and
Richard McAfee
Angela Christel Houston and
Christopher Houston
Kathleen Schleis Ingels and
Michael Ingels
Cabrini Jablon*
Daniel Kiernan and Rose Turba
Kathleen Klos
Rae Sturzl Kollbaum and
Kyle Kollbaum
Douglas Mancosky
Jodi Koslow Martin and
Michael Martin
Jennifer and Scott* McMahon
Tammy Zimmer O’Connor and
Timothy O’Connor
Michael Piehl
Cale and Kristina Politoski
Rebecca Rayala-Ansay and
Scott Ansay
Bridget Scallen Rodine and
Peter Rodine
Patricia Downey Roth and
Jason Roth
Jennifer Pierzchalski Ryan and
Daniel Ryan
Renee Schiemann
Jennifer Vena Shimon and
Daniel Shimon
Christopher and Diane Thompson
Michelle Burkart Wagner and
Roger Wagner
Laura and Mitchell Warner
Angela Welle Wied and
Anthony Wied
Class of 1998
Kevin and Sarah Tschudy
Elisabeth Witt and
Michael Mulvey
Ni Yun
Amy Farah Ziegler
Keri McElhaney Twohig and
Sean Twohig
Dean’s Club
Nabali Bawa
Founder’s Club
Class of 1999
Participation: 9 percent
Main Hall Club
Kathryn and Scott Burns
Julie Damon
Amy Aurit Dwyer and
Thomas Dwyer 10
Elizabeth DeCleene Mikula
Sara Bork
Stacy Eckes Borys and
Cory Borys*
Robyn Barry Bunkers and
Darin Bunkers
Jeremy and Coleen Feucht
Jennifer Pody Gaskell and
Luke Gaskell
Sara and John Grochowski
Megan Jones
Heidi Nerat Mirao and
Silverio Mirao*
Steven O’Connell
Andrew Riemer
Jessica* and Wade Schmechel
Amanda and Lawrence Schneider
Carin Swanson Tijan and
Sam Tijan
Anthony Wied and
Angela Welle Wied
Amanda Locy Bacher
Katherine Groth Bradford and
Andrew Bradford
Michael Brennan
Cher Ostrowski Davis and
Rick Davis
Sean Harrington
Christopher Jewitt and
Korren Hansen Jewitt
Jaime Henseler Leick and
Richard Leick Jr.
Stephanie Maufort
Robert May 5
Trevor Peterson
Theodore Sarosiek
Wade and Jessica* Schmechel
William Stack
Jesse Wotruba
Participating Member
Participating Member
Claire Baggot Brooker and
Aaron Brooker
Jessica Carter Chuckel and
Jesse Chuckel
Christine Daniels and
John MacCarthy
Jeremy Dart and
Olivia Wendt Dart*
Stacy Carlson Handeland
Catherine Hoban Herr and
David Herr
Ken Holtschlag
Paul Huber
Dustin Hutter
Adam Kilp
John Knetzger
Margret Blake Kudick and
Nathan Kudick
Emily Larson
Angela Hunt Madison and
Matt Madison
Colleen Steiger Michaud and
Chadwick Michaud
Michael Mulvey and
Elisabeth Witt
Melanie Berken Novinska
James and Linda* O’Keefe
Sara Hansen Pasterski and
Peter Pasterski
Erin Rebhan
Patrick and Jillian Sheehan
Class of 2000
Participation: 7 percent
Main Hall Club
Participation: 9 percent
President’s Club
Ray E Gabriel III
Erin Jensen Gray
Caryn Harman
Nicholas and Katharine
Peter and Stacy Pfarr
Steven and Stephanie Remelius
Mark Sternig and
Elizabeth Stelow Sternig
Elizabeth Wiebel
Founder’s Club
Kerry Hartman Bloemers and
Bryan Bloemers
Olivia Wendt Dart* and
Jeremy Dart
Andrew Ferguson and
Jill Wisnewski Ferguson
Jamie Brennan Glandt and
Travis Glandt
Matthew Graf
Michael Hamm
Susan Hoffer Holbrook and
Jeff Holbrook
Elizabeth Shields Keating
and John Keating
George Letten
Cheryl Dercks Mader and
Doug Mader
Christopher Martin
Sarah Elquist Martin and
Slade Martin
Linda* and James O’Keefe
Dana Parlier Pease and
Eric Pease
Bobbie Jo Krause Pieschek and
Gregg Pieschek
Tyler and Stephanie Qualio
Renee* and Daniel Rovinski
Terri Schroth
Laurie Romeo Sloma and
Philip Sloma
Steven Sturm
Leah Sturzl Brix and Aaron Brix
Thomas Dwyer and
Amy Aurit Dwyer 10
Steven and Anna Grunwald
Participating Member
Founder’s Club
Nadia Czajkowski-Schepp and
Keven Schepp
Jennifer and Christopher Diedrich
Travis Dodge
Anthony and Laura Kraft
Michael Nooyen
Lisa Tutskey Schubring and
Cory Schubring
Elizabeth Stelow Sternig and
Mark Sternig
Participating Member
Shauna Baranczyk*
James Bott
Tommy* and Lindsey Cianflone
Jamie Elliott Cousins
Robin-Nicole Schuster Gaertig
and Neil Gaertig
Thomas Gornick Jr. and
Caroline Gornick
Leslyn Hooper
Kristin Miller Karnitz and
Nicholas Karnitz 5
Erin Nitka
Timothy and Jennifer Pierret
Catherine Sanders
Susan Sanfelippo
Andrew Schleis
Anne Leiterman Schlies and
Christopher Schlies
Jennifer Schnabel*
Tricia Miller Spencer and
Mike Spencer
Chad and Lindsay Wing
David Winkler and
Erica Gilson Winkler
Kathy* and James Yursis
Chad and Laura Ashenberg
Natalie Buhl
Amber Renier Chibuk
Lindsey and Tommy* Cianflone
Brian Englebert
Jill Wisnewski Ferguson and
Andrew Ferguson
Suzanne Cumicek Jansky and
Ryan Jansky
Jerimiah Janssen and
Sara Gross Janssen
Amii and Tim Kreft
Lana Krummen-Fuentes and
Jose Fuentes
K. Heidi Meves Lueck
Kathleen McPartlin
Edward Obermueller
Matt Michael O’Grady
Sasha Strack
Kathy and Dan White
Class of 2002
Participation: 7 percent
Dean’s Club
Megan Rosichan Demeter and
John Demeter
Founder’s Club
Kevin and Melinda Braun
Ray Gabriel III and
Erin Hassing Gabriel
Amanda Holtz
Kristine Behnke Lillie 5
Katharine and Nicholas
Papanicholas Jr.
Stephanie and Steven Remelius
Laura Weiland Yaklin
Class of 2001
Participating Member
Participation: 7 percent
Carson and Allison Diltz
Anne Dwyer
George Ermert
Molly Flanagan
Erin Folan
Michelle Price Gauthier
Emily Schwantes Heller and
Michael Heller
Jason Hensler
Kory Kaltenberg
Kelley Kepler
Gina Hanson Lingnofski and
Matthew Lingnofski
Andrew Martinelli
Amanda Oudenhoven
Constantine Saites
Dean’s Club
Heather Olm Dunn and
Brian Dunn
Jason Housh and
Stephanie Zais Housh
Founder’s Club
Elizabeth Schill Borgen and
Jim Borgen
Michelle Budzban 5
Shane Dickson* and
Jill Schram-Dickson 5
Christopher Diedrich and
Jennifer Diedrich
Erin Hassing Gabriel and
P r e s i d e n t ’ s
R e p o r t
2 0 0 9 - 1 0
2009-10 Honor Roll of Donors
Mark Schmitz
Tyler and Amber Schwartz
Ryan* and Melanie Wempe
Amanda Metzler Werner
Tammy Evers Weyenberg and
Nathan Weyenberg
Ann Wieseckel
Class of 2003
Participation: 8 percent
Dean’s Club
Barton Mapes
Colin Wiesner
Main Hall Club
Daniel Sundberg
Founder’s Club
David and Jennifer Archibald
Kathryn and Michael Buchan
Kristy Tracy Busam and
Robert Busam
Michael Demerath
Nora Graham
Luke and Kendall Hansen
Sarah Duffrin Jackson and
Jeremy Jackson
Tyler Lueschow
Mistie Literski Mollner and
Matthew Mollner
Michael Nash
Tracy Shaw
Participating Member
Jennifer Nack Cunniff
Ryan Cunniff
Leslie Barnes Deuchars and
Jeremy Deuchars
Christopher Dietz
Molly Donaldson
Jessica Wirth Flynt
Jaime Bothun Frisque and
Troy Frisque
Kari Youngbauer Haas and
Luke Haas
Elizabeth Hartlaub
Erin McCarthy Hoffman and
Scott Hoffman
Stephanie Zais Housh and
Jason Housh
Kristin Paupore Kass and
Brian Kass
Edward and Angela Kowalewski
Brian Lesandrini
Michael Lueder
Brett Meach and
Casee Corcoran Meach
Michael Nuthals
April Pesek
Ryan Reigle
Daniel Schultz
Jessica Thull
Michael Wallenberg
Class of 2004
Participation: 6 percent
President’s Club
Jessica and Dustin Beauchamp
Founder’s Club
Class of 2006
Participating Member
Participating Member
Kristine Barnes Andrews and
Peter Andrews
Beth Blahnik*
Michael and Kathryn Buchan
Ryan and Sara Hartman
Greg Klaubauf
Bradley Nielsen
Donald Pfotenhauer
David Salter and
Lisa Carnot Salter
Participation: 4 percent
Austin Baranek
Nicole Been
Merran Behling
Tyler Belisle
Heidi Berner
Patrick Callahan
Joseph Cohen
Elizabeth Colletti
Stephen Cunningham
Jesse Czech
Kathryn De Lorme
Mark Droste
William Falk*
Molly Gill
Jack Kallies
Corey Klein
Mary Knudsen
Alissa Kurek
Jennifer Rosin
Katie Vater
Sheila Wall
Michelle Behrens
John Grogan
Derek Harrington
Megan Henning
Lance Smith
Steven Sprung
Class of 2009
Participating Member
Andrea Bostwick
Cassie Colwin
Benjamin Creamer
Amber Dehne
Jeremy Deuchars and
Leslie Barnes Deuchars
Bridget Mueller Erwin
Christine Fossen-Rades and
Patrick Rades
Dianne Gerber
Kelsey Ebben Gross
Ann Hillman
Jeffrey Krol
Casee Corcoran Meach and
Brett Meach
Stephanie Mullen
Elizabeth Knox Oates
Patrick Rades and
Christine Fossen-Rades
Rachel Meagher Richards and
William Richards
Jamie Mikula Silver
Andrea Spoehr
James Ziebka Jr. 5
Class of 2005
Participation: 4 percent
Main Hall Club
Alan Swanke
Founder’s Club
Molly Bacon
Collin Jeanquart
James Underwood
Participating Member
Chad Blohm
Eric DeJardine
Erica Gilson
Christopher Griffin
Kayla Gumm
Sara Gross Janssen and
Jerimiah Janssen
John Karls
Marcus Koehl
Robert Latterman
Michael Mancini
Eric Markovic
Anna Dolney
Lindsay Perkins
Jennifer Stevens
Brenda Wendt
Stefanie Westerman
Founder’s Club
Phillip Bandoch
Robert Forstrom*
Nicholas Heer
Donald McConville
Andrew McIlree
Daniel O’Kray
Julie Rice
Allison Schnese
Shannon Wright
Participating Member
Jonathan Barber
Michael Demchuk
Michelle Murray
Amber Wene Okray and
John Okray
Jolene Popour
Daniel Schneeman
Lindsey Vogel
Eric Wagner*
Class of 2007
Participation: 6 percent
Participation: 2 percent
President’s Club
Founder’s Club
Adam Mason
Kelsey Marsh
Matthew Muenster
Travis Vanden Heuvel*
Michael Wallerich
Founder’s Club
Andrew Caldie* 5
Daniel Fischer*
William* and Nancy* Mathias
Brittany Sullivan
Participating Member
Christina Aho
Sara Baeten
Kayla Baudhuin
Timothy Berto
Samuel Buyarski
Cory Cosentino
Jeffrey Ehnert
Sandi Fagan
Ryan Geschke
Kevin Harrington
Kathryn Heitman
Peter Herrnreiter
Teresa Heuvelmans
Katie Johnson
Zachary Lewandowski
Nina Nolan*
Emily Osby
Brian Perszyk
Meghan Smith
Molly Vandeelen
Jennifer Vissers
Daniel Weitzel
Class of 2008
Participation: 5 percent
Participating Member
Jenna Heinrichs
Johanna Panzer
Melissa and James Patterson
Steven Wulz
Class of 2010
Participation: 2 percent
Founder’s Club
Michael Dickman
Jacob Reisner
John Strotman
Participating Member
Anthony Jandron
Adam Pahl
Gina Smith
Grant Wegner
Zachary Wollner
Class of 2011
Participation: .21 percent
Participating Member
Allyce Rupp
Class of 2012
Participation: 2 percent
Founder’s Club
Luke Auxier
Dana and Timothy* Bald 5
Jennifer Jacobsen
Founder’s Club
Andrew Chesbro
Jonathan DesChane
Class of 2013
Participation: 2 percent
Founder’s Club
Petr Bohacek
Joseph Conti
Jacob Meneghini
Andrew Pennenberg
Participating Member
Brent Barton
Mirjam Koehler
Patricia McConnell
Philip Mueller
Philip Neylon
Michael and Virginia Reinardy
* Indicates past and present
faculty or staff donor
= Indicates deceased donor
5 10 20 Indicates consecutive
giving years
President’s Club
Friends of St. Norbert College
Debra Alder and Jeffrey Scherer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Arndt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Atwell
Errico and Patrizia Auricchio 10
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Badciong
Maureen Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bell
Richard and Kristin Bemis
Daniel and Penny Bollom 20
Marilyn Borree
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Brotz Sr.
William Buerschinger
Carol and Robert Bush 20
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chernick
Mr. and Ms. Robert Cloud
Mrs. Walter Cloud
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Crowley
Mr. and Mrs. William Dichraff
Daniel and Nancy Dickinson
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dorff
Eliot* and Bonnie* Elfner 20
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Fairchild
Paul and Carol Gehl 20
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Groh 10
Michael and Leanne Haddad
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hartwig
Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Harvey
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hock 20
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Hurckman
Mary Johnson 20
Donald Jones
Jeffrey* and Kay Kanzelberger
Dr. and Mrs. David Klodd
Herbert Kohler and Natalie Black
2009-10 Honor Roll of Donors
David Krause
Mr. and Mrs. John Kress 5
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Lamers
Mr. and Mrs. John Lochner
Darlene Long
James Madigan 20
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Manger
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Martin
Margaret McAndrews 10
Timothy McCaskey
Joan and Edward Meyer Jr.
Ruth Michels
Evaleen Neufeld 20
Mr. and Mrs. James Podewils
Mr. and Mrs. David Porter 20
Patricia Rauch
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Reines
Carl Reinhold and Eileen Kehoe
June Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Russell Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schaupp 20
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schinkten
Mr. and Mrs. Terrance Schmitz
Elmer and Nancy Secker
Mark Skogen
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Stephenson
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Stoehr 5
Mary Jo and William Sulzmann Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sur
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Susienka
Edward and Sally = Thompson
Dr. and Ms. James Toniolo
Marianne Van Drisse 20
Kurt and Kim Voss
Louise Waldkirch
Virginia Windhauser
Mr. and Mrs. James Wochinske
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Wolf
James Yocum
Mary Zaborski
Dean’s Club
Friends of St. Norbert College
Dr. and Mrs. Ernesto Acosta 5
Frederick* and Virginia Baer
Mr. and Mrs. John Butz
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Callen 10
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ebben
Catherine Everson
Edith Everson
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ferguson 10
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ferris
Monica* and Kenneth* Golomski
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Gracyalny
Carol Harty 20
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Herson 20
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Jackson
Paul Kegel*
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Kempken
Martin and Cathie Kolinski
Irene Daniell Kress
Bernard and Karen Kubale 20
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kuehne
Thomas* and Debra Kunkel
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Lang Jr. 20
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Larson
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Liebmann III
Dr. and Mrs. Rolf Lulloff 20
Mr. and Mrs. James Lunney 20
Michael Marsden* and
Mary Ryder-Marsden
Mr. and Ms. Barry Martzahl
Anne McDaniel 10
Rosemary McMonagle
Daniel Neufelder
Neal and Kathy O’Connor
Phil* and Lorrie Oswald
Kathryn Hasselblad-Pascale
and Dr. Ronald Pascale*
Richard* and Cynthia* Poss
Sylvia Pratt 10
Charles and Erika Priester
Deacon and Mrs. Timothy Reilly
Richard Resch
Catherine and Rick Ripley
Jeffrey* and Kathleen* Ritter 20
Donald Salmon* 20
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Scully 20
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. James Strohschein
Joyce* and Joseph* Tullbane 10
James Verhoeven
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wallace
David Wiers
Regina Willems*
Jeffrey* and Kristen Zahn
William Ziemendorf
Main Hall Club
Friends of St. Norbert College
Helen* and James* Benton 20
Frances Bollenbeck
Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Bonnell
Mr. and Ms. Scott Brzezinski
Peter Cardinal
Mr. and Mrs. William Carlson 20
Sara Steinhardt Chapman and
John Chapman
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Charipar 10
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dorsch
Annette Egan
Mr. and Ms. Robert Fleming
Robert Gaertner
Marilyn Gaughan
Paul Gigot
Linda Gohlke
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Grabiel
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Grant 10
Dr. Norbert Hill Jr. and
Mary Anne Hill
Jeff and Dana Hlavach
Mr. and Mrs. James Jarvis
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Koehl
Julie-Anne and James Kress 20
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lisle
Barbara Ann Londo
Mr. and Ms. Francis Lonergan
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Macco
Mr. and Mrs. John Mackin Jr. 20
Pamela MacMullen
Ann Martel
Frank Mattia
D. F. McKeithan Jr.
Mr. and Ms. Gerard Morris
Thomas Morris
Dr. and Mrs. James Ostrenga
Mr. and Ms. Andrew Pini
George Possley*
Joseph Pregont
Mrs. Thomas Reddin
Sharon Reeves
James* and Betty Regan
Sharon James Resch
James Ritchay Jr. and
Susan Ritchay
Mr. and Ms. Craig Rojek
Mr. and Ms. Dick Rupiper
Robert Rutter* 20
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schrock
James Smith and Dannielle Weiss
Catherine Stevens and
Sen. Ted Stevens =
Mr. and Mrs. David Strom
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Victor
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Vottero
Mr. and Mrs. John Werner
Emily* and Lyle Wery 20
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wickman
Gary Ziegelbauer and
Marti Spittell
Founder’s Club
Friends of St. Norbert College
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Abbott
Mural* and Judith Adams 20
Mr. and Ms. Richard Agostinelli
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Allen
Malcolm and Susan* Allen
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Amel 20
Kim and James Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Anderson
David and Barbara* Angst
Mr. and Ms. Peter Appleton
Mary Arden
Karen Arndt
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Arts
Mr. and Ms. Richard Baer
Mr. and Ms. Peter Baierl
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Baker
Jim Ballantine
Mr. and Ms. Lee Basten
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bauer
Sally Baye
Charles Lee Beach* 10
Linda Beane-Katner*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beaumier
Mr. and Mrs. John Beaupre 5
Mr. and Ms. Michael Behrens
Michael and Jean Berghammer
Mr. and Ms. Gregory Bergmann
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Bergs Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bergstrom
Benjamin Berlowski
Mr. and Ms. Steven Betts
Sheri Bianchin
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Biese
Irvin Biesinger
Mr. and Ms. Michael Bingham
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bishop
Mr. and Ms. Nowell Blecha
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Block
Chris Blue
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bodager
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bodwin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Boettner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bork 20
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bott
Suzanne Brault
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Brehm
Mary Bressers*
Mr. and Ms. Marvin Breunig
Mr. and Ms. Preston Breunig
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Brien 20
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Brix
Mr. and Mrs. James Broad Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Broecker
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Broucek
Alayne Broussard
David Brown
Dolores Brumm
Mr. and Ms. Ken Brumm
Mr. and Ms. Robert Bruno Jr.
Marian Brzykcy
David Budinger
Dan Buehrle
Mr. and Ms. James Buffardi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burant
Mary Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Burnham
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burruss
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Butkovich
Mr. and Ms. Randal Buttke
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Buyarski
James Cahill
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Callahan
Mr. and Mrs. William Carlin 20
Barbara and Philip Carollo
Mr. and Ms. Aric Carpenter
John Carrig
Mr. and Mrs. William Casey
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Loraine Clancy
Mr. and Ms. Daniel Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clausen
Mr. and Ms. John Coenen
Kevin Coenen
Mr. and Mrs. James Connelly
Mr. and Ms. Dennis Conta
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Conway
Michael Conway
Jeffrey and Janelle Corcoran
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Corrado
Mr. and Mrs. John Cosgrove
Dave Courtney
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Cremer
Casey Cuene
Carol Cummins-Kolinski
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Czachor 5
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Danaher
Michael D’Andrea
Kathleen Danen
Pamela Forgianni Daniels and
Mark Daniels
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Darling
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Dart
Mr. and Ms. Rick Dault
Mr. and Mrs. Robert David
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas De Bartolo
Mr. and Ms. Gary De Wolfe
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Deeney
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deibele 5
Benjamin DeMarais
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas DeMarais
Maribeth Dempsey
Mr. and Mrs. James Dempster
Robert Denor
Mr. and Ms. James DeWaal
Mr. and Ms. John Di Maria
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph
Di Raimondo 20
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dietz
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Dietz
Mike Digiacomo
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Domagola
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Donath
James Dowdle
Dr. and Mrs. John Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. James Draves 20
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Droste
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Druschba
Mr. and Mrs. Dan du Bois Sr.
David Dufeck
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dukinfield
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Durrett
Janice Duve
Mr. and Mrs. Jules Eberhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ebert
Margaret Eckerle*
Patrice Elacqua
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Elliott
Jason Ells
Mr. and Ms. James Enright
Mr. and Ms. Riley Enright
Mr. and Ms. William Enright
Sandra Evans
Joan Faase
Patti Fabrizio
Dennis Faherty
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Favret
John and Randi Fay
Lynn Fey
Susan Finco and Edward Kralovec
Michael Fine
Mr. and Ms. James Finger
Mr. and Mrs. Royce Finne
Eileen Finnerty* 20
Robert Flannery Sr. and
Janice Flannery
Cathrine and Dan Fleischmann
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fontana
Mr. and Mrs. James Freeman 20
Julie* and Mark Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Friese 10
Mr. and Ms. Robert Fulton
Mr. and Ms. William Furey
Mr. and Ms. John Furiasse
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gabrielse
Sherry Gage
Robert and Carmen Gallagher 20
The support of our friends is essential to the advancement
of the college; such generosity is also at the heart
of the Norbertine value of communio.
P r e s i d e n t ’ s
R e p o r t
2 0 0 9 - 1 0
2009-10 Honor Roll of Donors
Kristi Gamache
Mr. and Mrs. John Gardner
Mr. and Ms. Michael Gauthier
Mr. and Mrs. William Gauthier
Mr. and Ms. Wayne Gearig
Kenneth* and Mary Gehm
Mr. and Ms. Daniel Georgevich
E. L. Gerschke 20
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Gettelman
Dee Geurts-Bengtson* 5
Norman Gill
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gilles
Robert Glasebrook
Corday Goddard*
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Goelz
Mr. and Ms. Louis Goffett
George and Deanna Golden
James Goodwin
Mr. and Mrs. James Gord
Dr. and Mrs. James Grace
Mr. and Ms. Gary Gray
Mr. and Ms. Arlo Green
Mr. and Mrs. John Grogan 20
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Grossman
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Grzesk Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Gulling
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gusick
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Guyette
Ken Hady
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Halron
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hammer
Thomas Hannon
Chris Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hansmann
Mr. and Ms. Mark Hanson
Ralph* and Jean* Haroldson
Ileen Hart
Dr. and Mrs. Loren Hart
Patricia Harvey 20
Gordon Haugan and Mary Meyer
Ron Hayes
Mr. and Ms. Ronald Hayes
Philip and Elizabeth
Hendrickson 20
Bernard Hennig Jr. and
Judith Hennig
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Henricksen
Donald* and Judy* Henrickson
Mr. and Ms. Michael Herro
Joan Hogan 20
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hollub
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Holterman
Stephen Hopkins
Mr. and Mrs. William Hopps 5
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Horak
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Howe
Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Huppert 20
Mr. and Ms. Howard Husslein
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Imp
Elaine Jacobe
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jaeck
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Jaeger
Eileen* and Roger Jahnke
Erica Janssen
Mr. and Ms. Edward Jarosz
John and Carol Jefferson
Mr. and Mrs. Milan Jelic
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Johnsen
Shirley Johnsen
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johnson
Mr. and Ms. James Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. William Jones
The Rev. Barbara Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Jungquist 20
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jursnick
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Kaftan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kaminski
Chad Kane
Lois Kania
Marie Kasten
Mr. and Mrs. Garry Kausch 10
Mr. and Mrs. John Kavalunas
Mr. and Ms. Ronald Kelnhofer
Barbara Kemp
Delores Kennedy
Kenneth Kimport
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Kincheloe
Anna Kindt
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Klemens
Mr. and Ms. Charles Klinger
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Klunk
Mr. and Mrs. Kraig Knueppel
Janell Knutson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Koppi
Stuart* and Christina Korshavn
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kraft
Paul Krajewski
Mr. and Mrs. George Krakora
Mr. and Ms. Robert Kress
Mr. and Dr. Randall Kretzschmar
Mr. and Ms. Paul Krueger
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Kudick
Mr. and Ms. Kenneth Kuehl
Mr. and Ms. Thomas Kugel
Mr. and Ms. Thomas Kumm
Patricia Kwaterski =
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Kwiecinski
Mr. and Mrs. William La Plant
Dr. and Mrs. James Lacey
Mr. and Mrs. John Lagowski
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Laird 10
Jane and Robert Laird
Mr. and Ms. Michael Lalich
Mr. and Ms. John Landrum
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lanser
Mr. and Ms. Anthony Lasusa
Judith LaSusa-Martin
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Laukka
James Lawson
Patrick Lawton
Karen Le Sage
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Leach
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Ledesma
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Leedom
Cindy and Jonathon Leinfelder
Suzanne Leiterman
Mr. and Ms. Michael LeMere
Mr. and Ms. Klaus Lemke
Dr. and Mrs. David Lemoine
Monica Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. James Liethen 20
Richard Lindquist
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Linehan
Kathleen Lockwood
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Loehrke
Mr. and Ms. Roger Loger
Thomas Lopina Sr. 5
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Louis
Margaret Lowery
Lynn Lunde
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Lundell
Felice Maciejewski*
Mr. and Ms. Jerry Madunich
Martha Maier
Mildred Majchrowitz
Thomas Makens 20
Nancy* and Dale Malaczewski 5
Mr. and Ms. John Mancosky
Mr. and Mrs. John Markgraf
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Marnocha
Mr. and Ms. Peter Masias
William* and Nancy* Mathias
Gerald* and Anne* Mattern
Dr. and Mrs. James Mattson
Mr. and Ms. Denis Mayer
Mr. and Ms. Craig Mayo
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McCarty
Ronald McKenzie
Mr. and Mrs. John Meng
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mertens
Ruth Mettner 20
John Meyer
Mr. and Ms. Mickelson
Mr. and Mrs. George Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller
Shirlyn Miller
Matt Minor
Mr. and Ms. Gregory Misiewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Moncher 20
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Montalbano
Virginia Montgomery
Theodore Morrill
Mr. and Mrs. James Morrison 10
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Mottley
Mr. and Ms. Francis Muehlbauer
Ann and Steven Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mueller
Paul Mullen and Joan Gilmour
Mr. and Ms. Michael Muno
Brenda Murphy
Mr. and Ms. Robert Murphy
Mr. and Ms. Ronald Murphy
Mr. and Ms. Thomas Murray
Mr. and Mrs. William Nantell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nault
Dr. and Mrs. William Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. William Neureuther
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Niccolai
Gregory Nimis
Janet Nolan
Mr. and Mrs. William Noone
Paul and Kristin Northway
Mr. and Mrs. James Nothnagel
Mr. and Mrs. William Novak
Padraic Obma
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O’Connell
Mary Beth O’Connor
Sandra* and Thomas Odorzynski
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard O’Kray
Mr. and Ms. Kevin Olm
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Olson
Dr. and Mrs. Michael O’Neill
Mr. and Ms. William Orchard
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O’Regan
Dr. and Mrs. Michael O’Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Osol
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oswald 20
Margaret Oteman
Mr. and Mrs. James Ott
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Ottum
Pamela Otzelberger
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Oudenhoven
Dian Page
Nancy and Richard Page
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Pahl
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Palliser
Laura and John Pandl
Charles Pankonen
Mr. and Mrs. John Pankratz
James Panzer
Mr. and Mrs. David Papke
Steve Pasholk
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Peck
Dr. and Mrs. Arch Pequet
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Perszyk
Margaret Perszyk
Carolyn Peterson
Jay and Cheryl Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Petesch
Marcia and Jeff Pethke
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Pfeifer
Mr. and Ms. Daniel Piazza
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pickens
Mr. and Ms. John Pini
Janet Plantz
Anne Plochman
Mr. and Mrs. James Pohl
Gregory Polacheck 5
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Pollard
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Polzer 20
David Preng
Joseph Prinster
Mr. and Mrs. James Prosser
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Pulak
Tony Purpur
Dr. and Ms. Edward Quinn
Kevin* and Therese Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Raether
Mr. and Ms. Jeffrey Rafn
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ramaker
Mr. and Mrs. James Ransom Jr.
Mr. and Ms. Walter Ratschan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Reese
Mr. and Ms. Steven Remy
Mr. and Mrs. John Rice
Betty Richtman
Mr. and Ms. Kenneth Rideout Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Roberts
Daniel Robinson*
Amy Rodgers
Ken Roffers
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Rogers
Lynne Rogers
Mr. and Ms. Robert Romenesko
Michael* and Ellen Rosewall
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Rosichan
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rozek
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Russo
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Russo
Mr. and Mrs. James Ryan
Joseph Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ryan
Mr. and Ms. Thomas Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rylko
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sabish
Claire Sadowski
Paul and Thea Sager
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Santaga
Jay and Kristine Sauter
Mr. and Mrs. James Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schierl 20
Robert Schillerstrom
Mr. and Ms. Fred Schindler
Mr. and Mrs. James
Schmeisser 10
Robert Schmidt Jr. and
Maureen Liebergen Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Schneider
Dr. and Mrs. William Schneider 20
Mr. and Ms. Charles Schreiter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schrimpf 20
Mary Schumacher
Marion Schuman
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Schuster Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Scodellaro
Harold Scott
Dennis and Barbara Sengbusch
Jess Senn
Mr. and Ms. Bobby Shackouls
Mark and Sandra Sheedy
Paul Showers
Mr. and Ms. Porter Shults
Mr. and Ms. Edward Sierawski
Mr. and Mrs. David Silvers
Bethany Strong Sinnott
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Sitter
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Sjoquist
Dr. and Mrs. Darrell Skarphol
Mr. and Ms. Richard Skifton
Harriette Sobczak 20
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Sonneland
Dr. and Mrs. Leslie Spitz
Mrs. James Stanley 20
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Stefely 20
Geraldine and Frank Steiner
Mr. and Ms. Todd Stelmach
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sterner
Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Sterr
Nancy Stiles
Gwen Stoppenbach
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strauss
Mr. and Mrs. William Strotman
Mr. and Mrs. James Styka
Jeffrey Suchla
Mr. and Mrs. John Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Swaer 20
Alumni and others are invited to support the St. Norbert Fund – a
critical source of revenue. Helping bridge the gap between the amount
students can afford and the cost of running the college, the fund enables
us to achieve institutional excellence while helping students.
2009-10 Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. and Mrs. John Switzer
Mr. and Ms. Gael Syoen
Dr. and Mrs. Sylvester
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Taft
Mr. and Ms. James Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Theriault
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Thomas
Carole Thomas-Berndt and
Lynn Berndt 10
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Thornton
Mr. and Mrs. Taige Thornton
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Tielens
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Tikka
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tomasoski
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Treslo
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Trudell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Trzaska
Mr. and Mrs. James Tyburski
Mr. and Mrs. John Underwood
Mr. and Ms. Heath Urick
Patricia Van Essen
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Van Etten
Chris Vanden Avond
Robert* and Connie
Vanden Burgt 20
Mr. and Ms. Tim Vanden Heuvel
Adeline Vasquez-Parra
Mr. and Ms. Matt Verboort
Stephen Voboril
Mr. and Mrs. James Wachholz
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Wackwitz
Edmund Wafle
Patrick* and Patricia Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Walden
Mr. and Ms. Timothy Warrick
Mr. and Ms. James Waters
Mr. and Mrs. James Waters Jr. 20
Mr. and Mrs. James Weber
John Weber III
Mr. and Mrs. William Weber
David* and Susan Wegge
Marilyn Weinstein
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Wenig
Dr. and Mrs. Alan Wentworth
Stephen Westergan*
Ronald and Colleen Weyers
Mr. and Mrs. William Whalen III
Michael and Jeanine Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Whipple
Dr. and Mrs. James Wiesner 10
Mr. and Mrs. Louie Wieting
Mr. and Ms. Elvin Will Jr.
Dennis Williams and
Mary Nordstrom
Joyce Williams
Steven and Susan Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Wine
Mr. and Ms. Mark Winter
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wipperfurth
Mr. and Ms. Dennis Wittrock
Margaret Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Yonke
Mr. and Ms. Brien Yost
Mr. and Ms. Bart Young
Jennifer Young
Ruth Zajkowski
Dr. and Mrs. Nami Zarvan
Mr. and Ms. Samuel Zavatsky
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Zelten 20
Susan and Philip Zera
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Ziegler
Harriet Ziemer 20
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ziemer Jr.
Mark Zilavy
June Zimonick =
Vincent Ziolkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zwaska
Participating Member
Friends of St. Norbert College
Mr. and Ms. John Abler
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Abraham
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Abts
Professor and Mrs. John Adams
Dwain Adkins
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Adler
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Aho
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ajango
Mr. and Ms. Ronald Albrecht
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Alex
Lisa Alexander
Beverly Allen*
Mr. and Ms. Daryl Allen
Mr. and Ms. John Allen
Sue and Jeffrey Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Altenburg
Mr. and Ms. Gene Ament
Eleanor Amundsen
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Anders 20
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Andersen
Dr. and Mrs. Marc Anderson
Susan Anger
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Angst
Mary Antil
Mr. and Mrs. James Apfel
Carol and David Arndt
Mr. and Ms. Charles Arnold
Charles Aslakson
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Atchu 20
Dr. and Mrs. Fredrick Austermann
Susan Baier*
Larry Baierl
Mr. and Mrs. John Baine
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Balcerowski
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Baldock 5
Mr. and Mrs. John Balistreri 20
Kelly Ball-Stahl* and
Jeffrey Stahl 5
Michael Bandoch 5
Robert Bankert
Mary Sue Banks 5
John Baratti
Janice and James Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Baron
Mr. and Mrs. John Barry
Mr. and Ms. Jonathan Barstow
A. Karin Barth 10
Marjorie Bass
Mr. and Ms. Charles Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bauer
Mr. and Ms. Pete Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bauler
Mr. and Ms. Gerard Baumgartner
Lynn Baumgartner
Mary Ann Baxter
Mr. and Ms. Dennis Bayard
Mr. and Ms. Ralph Bayard
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bayard
Brent Becker
Dorothy and David Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Began
Doras Behnke
Mr. and Ms. Keith Behnke
Mr. and Ms. Lloyd Behrens
Shelley Behrens
Helen and James Beine
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bell
Mr. and Mrs. John Bellin
Mr. and Mrs. James Benesh 20
Mr. and Ms. Lloyd Benner
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Benner
Mr. and Ms. Steven Benner
Mr. and Ms. Thomas Benner
Richard Bennett
Jodi Beno
Jane and Jeff Benson
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Benz
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Berger
Avram Berk
Char Bero
Janice Berth
Colleen Bertrand
Elizabeth Biebel
Mr. and Mrs. Norm Bierowski
Dr. and Ms. Ronald Biese
Mr. and Ms. Roger Bintz
Mary Ann Blahnik
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blahnik
Mary Kay Blazel
Mr. and Ms. Bret Blozinski Sr.
Mr. and Ms. Gary Bolle
Jan Bone
Mr. and Ms. Richard Bonkowski
Beverly Borchardt
Mr. and Ms. Scott Borchardt
Mr. and Ms. Martin Borowicz
Elaine Braccio
Helen Braccio
Janet Braccio
Margaret Braccio
Jeffrey and Julie Brandt
Mr. and Mrs. Don Brantmeier
Mr. and Ms. Scott Braun
Carol Braunschweig
Mr. and Ms. Darrell Brey
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Brice
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brick
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bridgman Sr.
Sueanne and Kevin Brinkman
Yvonne Briski
Mr. and Mrs. William Brockman
Diane Brodigan
Mr. and Ms. Raymond Broeder
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Brommer
Mr. and Ms. Bruce Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brooks 20
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bross
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brost
Donald Brown Jr.
Mr. and Ms. Douglas Brown 5
Mr. and Ms. J. Michael Brown
Dr. and Mrs. John Brown
Melanie Brown*
Otis Brown
Keith and Nancy Brunelli
Lisa Brunette
Mr. and Ms. Michael Brunette
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bublitz
James Buckley
Mr. and Mrs. William Buerger
Mr. and Ms. Jon Bukowski
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bunkelman
Robert Burckle
Jerome Burke
Paul* and Debra Bursik
Carla* and Kieran Byrne
Mary Byrne
Patrick Byrne
Mr. and Ms. Peter Byrne
Patricia Byron
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cahill Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Calewarts
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Callahan
Donald Callender
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Campbell 20
Helen Campion 20
Kathleen Candee
Mr. and Ms. Patrick Cannon
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carlson
Mary Ann Carnot
David Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Casey
John Cashman and
Maxine Cayce-Cashman
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cassel
Mr. and Ms. Joel Caulum
Galen Cawley 20
Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds Challoner
Mr. and Mrs. William
Kerrie* and Guillermo Chang
Kurt Chesbro
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Chmill
Joseph Chojnacki
Anindo Choudhury*
Mr. and Mrs. John Christian
Mr. and Mrs. James
Tom Christofferson
Mr. and Ms. Donald Cierzan
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clark
Mr. and Ms. David Clark Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Clark
Kimberly Clark
Matthew Clark*
Warren Clark
Mary Clauss
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cleary
Mr. and Ms. Chris Clemens
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cobb
Timothy* and Barbara Coghlin
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Cole
Mary Coleman
P r e s i d e n t ’ s
Mr. and Ms. Kevin Collins
Patrick Connors Jr. 5
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Connour
Beverley Cook
Jay Cook* and
Linda Klein Cook*
Barbara and Jack Cooper
Michael* and Mary Counter
Betty Courchaine
Mr. and Ms. John Coutre
Michele Cowans*
Brad and Diane* Cramer 10
Scott Cuene
Mr. and Mrs. William Culbertson
Rosemary Cummings
Mr. and Ms. James Curtis
Marguerite Cygan
Sally Cywinski
Mr. and Ms. Gregory Czajka
Mr. and Ms. Jamie Czajka
James Dahlke
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Dahlke
Mr. and Ms. Weldon Dahlke
Mr. and Ms. James Dashner
Jacqueline Dault
Rick Dault
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Davister
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dawson
John* and Janice Day
Larry De Groot
Mr. and Ms. Mark De Koning
Shirley De Lorme
Marilyn De Marais
Mr. and Ms. Robert De Roche
Mr. and Ms. John Deignan
Martin Deignan
Mr. and Ms. Michael Deignan
Mr. and Ms. Patrick Deignan
Mr. and Mrs. James Delach
Mary Delany
Mr. and Mrs. John Dellemann
Steven Demaris
Shannon Dempsey
Michael Demski
Carol Dennen
Karen* and David Derbique 5
Patricia Derse
Mr. and Mrs. Richard DesChane
Helen Desotell
Jean Dessart
Jovan Dewitt*
Barbara DeYoung
Joseph Deyoung
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dhuey
Katherine Dichraff
Mr. and Ms. John Dittmer
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dolan
Joseph Dorschel
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Draths
Carole Drew
Ed Duda
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Duerwaechter
Peter Dulany
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Dulmes
Betty Dunne
David Duquette* and
Ann Romenesko
R e p o r t
2 0 0 9 - 1 0
2009-10 Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Durkin
Mr. and Ms. Harold Ebben
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Ebben
Tamara Ebner
Mr. and Mrs. William Eckenrod
Mr. and Ms. Terry Eckers
Mr. and Ms. Darrell Eggert
Arlene Ehlers
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ehlers
Mary Ehm
Dolores Eisch
Erin Elliott
Judie Purdie Elliott and
Stefan Elliott
Joy Ellison
Mr. and Ms. Mark Emmons
Gordon Engel
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney
Patricia Enright
Jill Erickson
Mr. and Mrs. James Ermert
Mary Eserkaln
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Eslien
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Esser 20
Ellen Evangelisti
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Evers
Mr. and Mrs. Bary Eversole
Mr. and Mrs. John Fassbender
Sharon Fehrmann
Clifford Feldkamp
Linda Feldmann*
Mr. and Ms. Kevin Fessler
Jean Fiedler
Jodi Finger
Mr. and Ms. Todd Fischer
Gladys Fitzgerald
Mr. and Ms. Holly Fitzgerald
Stephen Fitzgerald
Jerilyn Fletcher
Timothy Flood* and
Sarah Wolfe 20
Jean Flowers
Elizabeth Foley*
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Follett
Margaret Ford
Cheryl Forst-McLean and
Eric McLean
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Fostner 5
Mary Foti
Jacalyn and Edward Fowles Jr.
Audrey Franken
Fran Chapman Frigo
Abby Fritz
Julie Fink Fronsee and
Michael Fronsee
Jon Gabik
Annette and Kenneth Gajeski
Mr. and Mrs. James Galligan
Jean Galligan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gannon
David Gardner
Joseph Gasper
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Gehring
Mr. and Ms. Jeffrey Geib
Marissa Geiger
Cathleen Geimer
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Geiser
Mr. and Ms. James Gerbers
Richard* and Mary Gerbers
Mr. and Ms. Raymond Gevers
Kathleen Gigl
Joan Gigot
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Gigot
Mark Gigot
Diane Gill
Mr. and Ms. Paul Gill
Mr. and Mrs. John Gilman
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gleason
Luann Glielmi
Robert Gohsman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goll
Margaret Gonzales
Karen Goode-Bartholomew*
Mr. and Ms. Laurence Gooding Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Gorman
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gossen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Grabner
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Grace
Steve Gradus
Paul Grall
Paul Grant
Dinah Grassel*
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Grebliunas
Dr. and Mrs. Jeremy Green
Mary Greenlaw* 5
Margaret Gregoire
Allen and Colette Gregory
Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas
Greifenkamp 20
Arlis Greiling
Eugene Greiling
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gresen
Mr. and Ms. Dennis Gries
James Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Grinde
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grogan
Mary Gronnert
Debra Grothe
Mr. and Ms. Todd Grover
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Gruett
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grzeca
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Guenther
Jeanne Guerin
Mr. and Ms. William Guile
Mr. and Mrs. James Guinn
Cheryl Gusick
Mr. and Ms. John Gutschow
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hackbart
Jane Haeger
Mr. and Mrs. William Hagen
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Haig
Mr. and Ms. Randall Halberg
Mr. and Mrs. John Hallberg 20
Mr. and Ms. Robert Hameister
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Handrick
Shirley Hannon
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hansen
Thomas and Barbara Hansinger
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hanson
Delores Harder
Mr. and Ms. Daniel Harkness
Sallie Harrigan
Mr. and Mrs. John Harrington
Mr. and Ms. David Hart
Karen Youngs Hartley
Mr. and Mrs. James Haskins
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hasseler 20
Stephen Hathway*
Mr. and Mrs. John Healy
Eunice Heaney
Mr. and Ms. Gerald Heaney
Melinda Heaney
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Hechimovich 20
Mr. and Ms. Robert Heckl
Mr. and Ms. William Heckl
Eileen Meely Heinrichs 20
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Heintzkill
Amy Helgren 5
Karen Helin
Adam Helms
Mr. and Ms. Daniel Helwig
Mr. and Ms. Dave Hemans
Mr. and Ms. William Hemans
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henderson
Michael Hennessy*
Mr. and Mrs. Kristopher Henning
The Rev. Bruce Hennington
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Henseler
Sergio and Kathleen Heredia 10
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hergert
The Very Rev. James Herring,
Mr. and Ms. Sean Herriott
Mr. and Ms. Thomas Hetzel
Norine and Donald Heuser
Mary Hiltanen
Mr. and Ms. Gerald Hintz Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hoban
Jacqueline Hobbs
Barbara Hoch
Charlotte Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore Hoffman
Mr. and Ms. Thomas Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hoffmann
Dianne Hojnacki
Eugene Hollnagel
Mr. and Mrs. James Holtz
Benjamin Hommerding
Mr. and Ms. Stanley Honett
Tavia and Rob Hopfensperger
Mr. and Ms. Paul Hoppe
Donald Houlihan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hoy
Mr. and Mrs. William Hren
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Huebbe
Charles Huebner
Robert Huehnerfuss*
Mr. and Mrs. James Humann
Mr. and Ms. Peter Humann
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Husslein
Elizabeth Husslein
Ruth Ann Ibach
Mr. and Ms. Daniel Idzikowski
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ihander
Mr. and Ms. Paul Ihlenfeldt
Michael Immel
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Irish
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jacob
Charles Jacobs*
Robert Jacobs
James Jacquart
Jessica Jacques*
Mr. and Ms. Ronald Jadin
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Jaeger
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Jagielski
Marilee Jahn
Daniel Jahnke
Pamela Janecek
Mr. and Ms. David Jansen
Nathan Jaschob
Diane Jaskolka
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Jeanquart
Laura Jerina-Potts
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jeske
Mr. and Mrs. John Johannes
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johns
Mr. and Ms. Eric Johnsen
Colleen Johnson
Mrs. Dale Johnson
Mary Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Johnson
Annette Johnsrud
Mr. and Mrs. David Jones
Patricia Jonet
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Joswick
Diane Joyce
Lynn Jung
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Kabat
Randal Kabat
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Kalinosky
Heather Kaminski*
Robert Kamps and
Lisa Kamps-Duac
Kris Kandler
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kandravi
Michelle Karbon
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Karisny
Mr. and Mrs. David Kasper
Mr. and Mrs. John Kasprzak
Carol Katz
Mr. and Ms. Michael Katz
Amy Keehan* 5
Mr. and Mrs. David Keil
Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly
Rose Marie Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Urban Kerner Jr.
Mr. and Ms. Frederick Kestly
Mr. and Ms. Steven Kestly
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Kiela Jr.
Beverly Kiernan
Rita and Bruce Kilmer
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kimmeth
Mr. and Ms. Jonathan Kinney
Elizabeth Kinsella
Mr. and Ms. Peter Kirschling
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kitchen Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George Kitzman
Denise Kleczewski
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Klemp
Charlotte Klenz
Mr. and Ms. Matthew Klett
Arlene Klika
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Klingensmith
Mr. and Mrs. John Klish
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kloak
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Klos
Mr. and Ms. Michael Kloster
Lesa Klug
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Kneeland
Rachel Knetzger
Cheryl* and John Knuth
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Knutson
Mr. and Ms. Steven Kocourek
Mr. and Ms. Craig Kodanko
Karen* and Kevin Koenig
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Koeppel
Janet Koester
Mary Koester
Mr. and Ms. Christopher Kohnle
Mr. and Mrs. James Koles
Eleanor Konrath
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kosmoski
Mr. and Ms. Frank Kowalkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Krabbe
Mr. and Ms. Gregory Krause
Mr. and Ms. Robert Krause
Mr. and Mrs. Zachary Krause
Mr. and Ms. Michael Kriofsky
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Kroll
Mr. and Ms. Barry Krueger
Joann* and William Krueger
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Krumenauer
Mr. and Ms. Byron Kruschke
Jeannie Kryca
James Kuchera
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kuchler
Gordon Kuenzi
Mr. and Mrs. John Kula 5
Donald Kulas
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kurth
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kutil
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kyles
Mr. and Ms. Richard
La Jeunesse Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce La Liberte 20
Catherine La Violette
Susan* and Bill Laluzerne
Mr. and Ms. James Lamack
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Lambert
Dawn Lamere
Edward Lamm*
Mr. and Ms. Bryan Lampereur
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lancelle
Laurine Lancelle
Mark Lancelle
Susan Landt*
Chuck Lane
Elaine Lang
Stephen Lang
Mr. and Ms. Brad Lange
Mr. and Ms. Michael Langeberg
Mr. and Mrs. John Larkey
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Lawrence
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Laws
Mr. and Ms. Victor Ledesma
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Leick 20
John Lemke
Mr. and Mrs. David Lemme
Jeffrey Lenihan
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Leonardelli
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leone
2009-10 Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. and Mrs. Terrance Leoni
Michael Lepak
Mr. and Mrs. James Leser
Mr. and Ms. Ted Leute
Pamela Levar
Mr. and Mrs. Demetrius Lewis
Norma Licht
R. Scott Liebl and
Maureen O’Connor
Mr. and Ms. Thomas Lieder
Althea Lillie
Richard Lindahl
Carol Lindsley 5
William Linssen
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Little
Mr. and Mrs. George Livernash
Linda and Patrick Lobeck
Mr. and Ms. Paul LoCicero
Mr. and Ms. Anthony Logemann
Steven and Cynthia Lombardi
Mr. and Ms. James Long
Desiree Luburich
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ludvik
Mr. and Ms. Jerome Luebke
Mr. and Ms. Brent Lueck
Mr. and Ms. Tim Luetschwager
Carol Lulewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Luzbetak
Mr. and Ms. Thomas Lynch
Peggy MacCarthy
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Mackin
Mary MacMullen
Mr. and Ms. I. A. Madsen
Mr. and Ms. Francis Maher
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Maher
Charles Mahnke
Lisa Maloney
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mancosky
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mancosky
Robert* and Karen* Mand
Mr. and Mrs. John Mandell
Mr. and Mrs. James Mangan
Michelle Manke*
Marjorie Marcks
Cleo and James Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Martin
Mr. and Mrs. William Martin
Mr. and Ms. James Massa
G. Stewart Mathison*
Nancy Mattke
Mr. and Mrs. David Maul
Karen* and Mark Mazzoleni 5
Lawrence McAndrews*
Mr. and Mrs. Desmond
McCullagh 10
Mr. and Mrs. Roger McGill
Mr. and Ms. James McHugh
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McIlree
Beatrice McKeough
Margaret McMahon
Mr. and Mrs. William McShea
Mr. and Ms. Pat McCarey
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McCarthy
Mary McCarthy
Michael McCully*
Sylvia McDiarmid
Mr. and Ms. Leland McDonald
Susan McGarrity
Mr. and Mrs. Leo McGinty
Mr. and Ms. Brian McGrane
Bruce McKay
Bruce and Penny McLeod
Mr. and Ms. Richard McNutt
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McPartlin
Peggy and Gary Mecklenburg
Mr. and Ms. David Mellem
Mr. and Ms. Mark Meneghini
Mr. and Mrs. Elburne Mertz
Matthew Metzler
Mr. and Mrs. James Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Meyers
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Michulsky
Mr. and Ms. Charles Miller
Dr. and Mrs. Gary Miller
Jerrold and Margaret Miller
Mr. and Ms. Keith Miller
Mr. and Ms. Jeffrey Millmann
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Millsaps
Margaret Minik
Mr. and Ms. Rudy Mishich
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mizwicki
Rosanne and Jase Moesch
Mr. and Ms. Matthew Mogenis
Mr. and Mrs. William Montague
Mr. and Ms. Dan Moore
James Moore
Mr. and Ms. Larry Moreland
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morelli Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Morgan 20
James Morgan
Mr. and Ms. David Morin
Bridget Morrill
Mary Jo* and Michael Morris
Mr. and Ms. Mike Mosley
Cheri Mossman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mrochinski
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Mroczenski
Mr. and Mrs. John Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. Dyanna Muldoon
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mulleady
Shelly* and Mark Mumma
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Mundt
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murawski
Kathleen Murray 10
Judith Nachtwey
Darlene Nadler
Beverly Narahara
Kevin Nasal
Mr. and Ms. Randall Nass
Mr. and Ms. Larry Natzke
Mr. and Ms. Michael Naughton
Dale Nault
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Nault
John* and Laura* Neary 20
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Neeck
Kristi Neitzel
Mr. and Ms. Joseph Nejedlo
Mr. and Ms. Edward
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Nelson
Dorothy Nelson
Mary Kay Mandli Nelson
Terry and Susan Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nennig
Mr. and Mrs. James Neuman
Dolores Neumeyer
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Neuser
Harold Neville Jr.
Mr. and Ms. Grant Newsome III
Cathleen* and Kevin Nick
Christina Niermann
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Niermann
Mr. and Ms. Donald Nimis
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Nitka
Susan Noel
Diane Nolan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nolan
Carol Nordengren 20
Mr. and Ms. Michael Norder
Mr. and Mrs. James Noth
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Noth
Mr. and Ms. John Nugent Jr.
Amanda Nycz*
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Oberstadt
Mr. and Mrs. James O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Michael O’Byrne
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O’Connell
Mr. and Ms. Scott O’Hara
Mr. and Mrs. John O’Leary
Tim and Jodie Olejniczak
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Olivares
Richard Oliver
Kristine O’Meara
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O’Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Erik Osby
Robert and Lori Osmanski
Alissa Oudenhoven
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Paczesny 20
Mr. and Ms. James Pagel
Joy Pahl*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pankratz
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Pape
Sarah* and Andrew Parks
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Parrish
Mr. and Ms. Martin Passe Jr.
Judith Patefield 10
John Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Paul
Kent* and Emily Paulsen
Gregory Pawlak
Pamela Pearson
Bruce Pepin
Mr. and Mrs. Marco Perez
Anita Pesch
Ann and James Peterson
Mr. and Ms. Bruce Peterson
Mr. and Ms. Patrick Pfankuch
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Philipps
Mr. and Ms. Timothy Philipps
Mr. and Ms. Mark Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Phillips
Mr. and Ms. Thomas Pierquet
Maria Pini
Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Pintz
Anne and Jonathan Piotrowski
Danielle Pirelli
Holly Pirelli
Mr. and Ms. Joseph Piumbroeck
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Plantz
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Plouff
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Podbielski
Mr. and Ms. Terry Pomeroy
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ponschock
Richard* and Dori Porior
Mr. and Ms. Norbert Poupore
Mr. and Ms. Gerald Prebelski
Mark Pribbenow
Mr. and Ms. David Prinster
Agnes Proell
Dorothy Pronold
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prucha
Lewis* and Deborah* Pullen
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Purpero
Mr. and Ms. Bill Radtke
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Raethz
Mr. and Mrs. David Rajek
Maria Perez Ramos
Mr. and Ms. David Rasmussen
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Raulin
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Raunio
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rauterkus
Hubert Rauterkus
Mr. and Ms. Leonard Reedyk
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reilly
Jessica Reinhardt
Melissa Reinhart
David Reinking
Mr. and Ms. Wilton Renard
Mr. and Ms. Raymond Rennhack
Mr. and Ms. Paul Rentmeester
Mr. and Ms. Wayne Resch
Mr. and Ms. David Reynolds
Kristin Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rhode 20
Richard Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Richards
Mr. and Ms. Claude Richardson
Elizabeth Richardson
Mr. and Ms. F. Michael Richmond
Robert Richter
Bob* and Joey Rickards 5
Jane Rideout
Mr. and Mrs. Kieran Ridge
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Riemer
Mr. and Mrs. Terrance Riemer
Mr. and Ms. Emil Ripley
Rodney Ripley
Margaret Ritchey
Christina Ritsema*
Natalie Robinson
Mr. and Ms. Jason Robshaw
Emily Rock
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Roden
Brian Roehrig
Virginia Rogers
Mr. and Ms. Don Romenesko
Mr. and Ms. Vernon Romsos
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ronsman
Mr. and Ms. Marvin Rosenau
Mr. and Mrs. Kenton Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rotter
Mr. and Ms. Rick Roundy
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rousseau
Mr. and Ms. Jeffrey Royle
Kathleen Ruedinger
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ruelle
Dr. and Ms. Scott Ruggles
Stephen Rupsch Jr.*
Jacqueline Ryan
Mr. and Ms. John Saffran
Douglas Salewsky
Diane and Roy Salmela
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. John Sandrick
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Sands
Rosemary Sands*
Mr. and Mrs. William Sands
Mr. and Mrs. James Scanlan
Dr. and Mrs. James Scapillato
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Scatterday
Wendy Scattergood*
Dawn Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Schaepe
Heidi Schafhauser-Schmitz 5
Mr. and Ms. Curt Schaller
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Scharrer
Mr. and Mrs. William Schill
Mr. and Ms. Fred Schindler
Marian Schlise
Marjorie Schlosser
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Schmatzhagen
Angela Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Schmidt
Mr. and Ms. Scott Schneiberg
Mr. and Ms. Cletus Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Schneider
Dave and Jann Schonke 5
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schramm
Dr. and Mrs. Norman Schroeder
Mr. = and Mrs. Bryan Schultz
Mr. and Mrs. William Schulz III
Kathleen and John Schumacher
Mr. and Ms. Paul Schwabe
Mr. and Ms. Mark Schwartzmiller
Mr. and Mrs. James Schweigl
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scofield
David Sebora
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Seckel
Mr. and Ms. Steven Seehawer
Martha Senechal
Jason* and Ferelith Senjem
Mr. and Ms. Gregory Sessler
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sessler
Cora Shafer
Mr. and Mrs. Omar Shanti
Catherine Shantz
Mr. and Ms. Kirk Shepherd
Mr. and Mrs. John Shier
Susan Siebers
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Siebold
Krissti* and Dean Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Skaletski
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Skifton Jr.
James* and Bonnie Skorczewski
Mr. and Ms. Kim Slater
Mr. and Ms. David Slavik
Catherine Small
Mr. and Ms. Bruce Smeester
Edward Smidelbush
Bradley Smith
Greg Smith
Linda Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith
All around campus are testaments to the generosity of those
who support St. Norbert College. Some take the form
of state-of-the-art facilities; others, scholarships and chairs. But perhaps
most compelling is the experience of our students.
P r e s i d e n t ’ s
R e p o r t
2 0 0 9 - 1 0
2009-10 Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. and Mrs. John Smithy
Patricia Smole
Mr. and Ms. Larry Sobal
David Soeldner
Judy Sokol*
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sosnoski
Shelly* and David Soulis
Mr. and Ms. Adam Spankowski
Mr. and Ms. Jack Sparks
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sperber
Chris Spiering
Mr. and Mrs. John St. Andre
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Staats
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Stanczak
Elizabeth Stathas
Mr. and Mrs. John Stauber
Mr. and Mrs. Terence Steiger
Mr. and Ms. Clark Steinhardt 5
Dr. and Ms. William Stempski
Patricia and Scott Stender
Dorothy Stepien*
Bo Stermer
Mr. and Ms. Brian Stern
Richard and Mary Stevens
Mr. and Ms. C.J. Stodola
Jim Stortzum and Mary Walter
Mr. and Ms. Thomas Strutt
Doris Stueck
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sturm
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sukowatey
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Sullivan Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Suslick
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sutherland
Mr. and Ms. George Sutton
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Svachula
Mr. and Ms. Terry Tabbert
Mr. and Ms. Brian Taggart
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tarantino
Mr. and Ms. Scott Tate
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Tegen
Mr. and Ms. Brad Tegge
Anita Thompson
Lorrie Thompson
Philip Thompson
Mr. and Ms. Travis Thompson
Ruth Throwbridge
Barbara Thurston
Mr. and Ms. Paul Tieri
Mary Ann Tikalsky
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Titus
Patti* and Tom Tomashek
Mrs. John Touscany
Mr. and Ms. Jay Tracy
Mr. and Mrs. James Trainor
Mr. and Ms. Daniel Treml
Laverne Treml
Stephen Trimble
Mr. and Mrs. John Troyer
Steve True
Jo Ann Truss
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Truttmann
Nancy Ubick
Mr. and Ms. James Ugarte
Gary Umhoefer*
Paul Urmann
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Van Beckum
Patricia* and Clarence
Van Beckum 20
Peter Van Den Heuvel
Drew* and Kathleen Van Fossen
Mr. and Ms. William Van Klooster
Roger Van Lanen
Mr. and Ms. Joel Van Lannen
Julie Van Lannen
Constance Van Oss
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Van Rixel
Mary Van Sistine
Mr. and Ms. Gregory Van Winkle
Jill Vandenbush*
Mr. and Ms. Emery Vandenhouten
Mark Vandenhouten
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
April VandenPlas
Shark Vander Woude
Mr. and Mrs. James VanSistine
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Vater
Dolores Vaughan 20
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Verfuerth
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Vettraino
Mr. and Ms. Douglas Vine
Barbara Vitchus 5
Mr. and Ms. Robert Vogel
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Vokac
Mr. and Ms. David Vollmer
Mr. and Ms. Eugene Vollmer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Voss
Diane Waddington
Mr. and Mrs. David Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Waite
Clifford Wall
Elizabeth and Douglas Wallace
Mr. and Ms. Michael Walsh
Mr. and Ms. Russell Wanta
Mr. and Mrs. William Warborg
Judith Ward
Rebecca Wardrop-Yankle and
Richard Yankle
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Warner Jr.
James and Marie Waters
James and Virginia Waters
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Waugh
Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Weber
Mr. and Ms. James Weber
Stephen Webster
Mr. and Ms. Matthew Wecker
Mr. and Ms. Lawrence Weidig
Jonathon Weiss 5
Daniel Welch
Cheryl Wender
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wenig
Mr. and Ms. John Wenig
Mr. and Ms. Todd Wentz
Allan Wery
Patricia Wery*
Gary Wesa
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher West
Mark Westpahl
Cynthia White*
Linn White
Richard and Joyce White
Richard and Sandra White
Mr. and Ms. Shayne White
Gerald* and Chris Wied
Adele Wiese
Mr. and Mrs. James Wilke
Mr. and Ms. Charles Williams
Karen Wochos
Mr. and Ms. Harold Woelfel
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Woelfel 20
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Woessner
Patricia Wolfe-Thornton*
Mr. and Mrs. William Woodward
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Wopat
Mr. and Ms. Brian Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert
Wronkowski 20
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Wulff
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wulz
Mr. and Mrs. William Yoho
James and Margaret Young
Joyce Young
Mary Lynn Young
Mr. and Ms. Robert Youngs
Mr. and Ms. Steven Youngs
Clare Zach
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zeman
Capt. (Ret.) and Mrs. Ralph Zettel
Harold Ziegler
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zigmond
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Zillmann
Mr. and Ms. Merlin Zimmer
Mr. and Mrs. Gary
William Zipperer
Mr. and Ms. Matthew Zitny
Scott Zittlow
Mr. and Mrs. David Zochert
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Zoeller 20
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Zordan
John Zovnic
Janice Zvara 5
Michelle Zvara
Estate of Raymond W. Baudhuin
Estate of James B. Esselman
Estate of June Margaret Fons
Estate of Edward J. Goetz
Estate of William G. Hansen
Estate of Edward J. Hruska
Estate of Gladys Jacobs
Estate of Mary Ellen
Neufeld Martin
Estate of Horace E. Tennes
President’s Club
1923 Fund
AAR Corporation
Accenture Foundation Inc.
J. F. Ahern Company
Ameriprise Auto &
Home Insurance
Ameriprise Financial Gift
Matching Program
Aon Corporation
Aon Foundation
Archer Wire International
Associated Banc-Corp Services
AT&T Foundation
Avoca Bement Corporation
AXA Foundation
Ayco Charitable Foundation
Baird Foundation Inc.
Baylake Bank
BelGioioso Cheese Inc.
Bellin Health
Belmark Inc.
Bleser Family Foundation Inc.
Matthew Borling Memorial
Bradner Central Company
F.G. and F.K. Brotz
Family Foundation
Catholic Foundation for the
Green Bay Diocese
Chernick Family Foundation
Chesapeake Corporation
Cleaning Systems Inc.
Crystal Print Inc.
Design and Programming Service
Door County Community
Foundation Inc.
Eli Lilly and Company
Faith Technologies Inc.
Festival Foods
Fidelity Investments Charitable
Gift Fund
Follett Higher Education Group
GE Foundation
The Gentine Foundation Inc.
Grace Fleming Reinhold Trust
Grant Thornton LLP
The P&G Fund of The Greater
Cincinnati Foundation
Greater Green Bay Community
Green Bay Area Public
School District
Green Bay Packers Foundation
Green Bay Packers Inc.
Hurckman Mechanical
Industries Inc.
Incredible Edibles Inc.
Joseph Johnson Charitable Trust
Jones Family Foundation
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Kahler Slater Inc.
Kelly Foundation Inc.
Kohler Company
George Kress Foundation Inc.
Lamers Bus Lines Inc.
Liberty Hall Banquet &
Conference Center
Liebmann, Conway, Olejniczak
& Jerry S.C.
Lunda Construction Company
Lux Foundation Inc.
The Manna Company
H.J. Martin and Son Inc.
Dale R. & Ruth L. Michels
Family Foundation
Miron Construction Company Inc.
Mulva Family Foundation
The Joseph & Evaleen Neufeld
Nicolet National Bank
Northwestern Mutual Foundation
Performa Inc.
Pomp’s Tire Service Inc.
The Premonstratensian Fathers
Prevea Health
Lee Remmel Sports
Awards Banquet
Maurice A. & June C. Robinson
Family Foundation Inc.
Ryan Funeral Home
Sanimax Corporation
Sargento Foods Inc.
Schenck SC
Schneider National Foundation
Schreiber Foods Inc.
Schwab Fund for Charitable
K.C. Stock Foundation Inc.
Straubel Company Inc.
U.S. Venture Inc./Schmidt
Family Foundation
Joseph and Sarah Van Drisse
Charitable Trust
Vanguard Charitable
Endowment Program
Wisconsin Foundation for
Independent Colleges
Byron L. Walter Family Trust
Wilmington Trust
Wilton Industries Inc.
Wisconsin Energy Corporation
Wisconsin Public Service
Wood Family Foundation
Yale Materials Handling
Dean’s Club
Affinity Health System
Allstate Insurance Company
American Foods Group
Bank of America Matching Gifts
The Baxter International
Bay Towel Linen and
Uniform Rental
CobraSource Inc.
Confidential Credit Consultants
Dallas Lung Consultants P.A.
Deluxe Corporation Foundation
The Elite Group
ExxonMobil Foundation
FEECO International Inc.
Frett/Barrington Ltd.
Gustman Pontiac GMC
Independent Printing
Company Inc.
J. W. Industries Inc.
Kimberly-Clark Foundation
M&I Marshall & Ilsley Bank
William H. & Lois J. McEssy
The continuum of engagement provides sustenance to both the
institution and the ongoing relationships we enjoy as members
of the St. Norbert College community.
2009-10 Honor Roll of Donors
New North Inc.
Northrop Grumman Corp.
Nutter McClennen and Fish LLP
Pharmacia Matching Gifts
The Reich Fund
Richard J. Resch Foundation Ltd.
Rock Road Companies Inc.
William J. & Barbara A. Schmidt
Family Foundation Inc.
The Joseph C. and Judith A.
Scully Foundation
St. Michael’s Abbey
Tax Executives Institute –
N.E. Wis. Chapter
Upper Lakes Coal Company
Weinman McNamara and
Associates Inc.
Willems Landscape Service Inc.
Main Hall Club
Alcan Inc.
Amerhart Ltd.
Ariens Foundation Ltd.
BP Amoco Foundation
Robert W. Baird and Company
Beste Scientific Glass
The Boeing Company
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Brown County Bar Association
Castle Sales Company Inc.
Hanaway Ross Law Firm
IBM Corporation
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
JT & Associates LLC
Kimberly-Clark Foundation
Kraft Foods Matching Gifts
Macco’s Floor Covering Center
Nationwide Insurance Foundation
Optima Machinery Corporation
PACCAR Foundation
PPG Industries Foundation
The Procter & Gamble Fund
Sentry Insurance
Sports Corner Bar & Grill
Strom Family Foundation
Terrance Electric & Technology
Thrivent Gift Multiplier Program
Triangle Distributing Company
WellPoint Foundation
Wells Fargo Community Support
Wells Fargo Foundation
Dorothy E. Werner Family
West Bend Mutual Insurance
Founder’s Club
1st Choice Landscaping LLC
3M Foundation
5728 W Belmont Inc.
A.K.G. Inspection Services Inc.
A.W. Management Company
The Abbey
Abbott Laboratories
ABC Computers Inc.
Abitz Water Service
Advanced Digital Inc
AKG Roofing Inc.
Alldredge Family Foundation
Altra Industrial Motion
American International Group Inc.
Anixter Inc.
AptarGroup Charitable Foundation
Ariens Company
Associated Banc-Corp
Assurant Health Foundation
Auto-Owners Insurance Group
Peter Baierl Insurance Inc.
The Bar - Holmgren Way Inc.
Barnes Group Inc.
BASF Corporation
Bemis Company Foundation
Bemis Company Inc.
Bergstrom Saturn of Appleton
Beverly Financial Group Inc.
Brady Corporation
Braico Trust
Brumm Electric Inc.
G.C. Burnham Commercial
Real Estate Inc.
Burnham Richards
Advertising LLC
Carpets In The Park
Cavan Investments
Chevron Matching Gift Program
Chicago Community Foundation
Community Foundation for the
Fox Valley Region Inc.
Competitive Edge Show Horses
The Conover Company/Oakwood
Solutions LLC
Courtesy Sports Inc.
D.I.C.E. Foundation
De Pere Flooring Center Inc.
De Pere Foundry Inc.
Dean Foods Matching Gift
Delta County Credit Union
William P Drew III Inc.
DuPage Precision Products
Ebert & Sebastian Inc.
EKT Investments LLC
Expedited Freight Systems Inc.
Fairchilds Best Investments Inc.
Fay Dental Care
First American Title
Insurance Company
First Weber Group
Foundation Inc.
Fox Harbor Inc.
G & G of Delaware Ltd.
Gabe’s Construction
Company Inc.
Garofalo, Schreiber, Hart &
Storm Chartered
Glacier Transit and Storage
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Goodrich Foundation
Grand LLC
Great-West Life & Annuity
Insurance Foundation
Green Bay Converting Inc.
Green Bay Gamblers LLC
Green Bay Seven-Up Bottling
Company Inc.
Gregory Builders Inc.
Gruett’s Inc.
Gundersen Lutheran
Medical Center
Harley-Davidson Foundation
Hemans Electric Inc.
Henri’s Music Company
Henson & Efron
Hermans & Associates CPAs S.C.
Home Team Sports & Apparel Inc.
Humana Inc.
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
Integrys Energy Group Inc.
Johnson Controls Foundation
Jonas Service & Supply Inc.
JPG Inc.
JRT Agency LLC
Konop Family Foundation Fund
Laboratory Corporation of America
Lancour Building & Excavating
Le Mieux and Son Toyota
Legacy Bakehouse LLC
Lichter Realty Inc.
M&B Holdings Enterprises LLC
Marth Peshtigo Pellet
Company LLC
Maslon Edelman Borman &
Brand LLP
Merrill Lynch & Company
Foundation Inc.
Midwest Scrap Metal
Norman Miller Family
Foundation Inc.
Monday Shakespeare Club
Morgan Stanley
The National Collegiate Athletic
NEW Track & Field Officials
Northland Cold Storage Inc.
Novartis U.S. Foundation
Oneida Tribe of Indians
of Wisconsin
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
of Lake County P.C.
Patriot Mortgage Services LLC
Pearson Education
PepsiCo Foundation
Picasso Automotive Paint
Specialists Corporation
Plan Administrators Inc.
PMI Entertainment Group
Mark Pribbenow Agency LLC
Prophit Marketing Inc.
The Prudential Foundation
Puroclean Property Restoration
Pyramid Management Group
Quest Diagnostics Inc.
Rademacher Photography Studio
Rally Wheel Repair LLC
Risk Management Solutions Inc.
Robinson Metal Inc.
Rocket Dog Fireworks Inc.
Rock’n W Ranch LLC
St. Therese of Lisieux
Catholic Church
SC Johnson Fund Inc.
Securian Foundation
Siemens Automotive Corporation
Siemens Medical Solutions
USA Inc.
Simon’s Specialty Cheese
SPX Foundation
Straubel Paper Company
Supervalu Matching Gifts to
Colleges and Universities
T & T Supper Club
T.A.B. Decor Ltd.
Temployment Inc.
Textron Matching Gifts Program
Titletown Baseball Group LLC
Top to Bottom Cleaning
TW Group Inc.
Union Pacific Matching
Gift Program
United Construction and
Realty Inc.
United Way of Central
New Mexico
Valley of the Sun United Way
Verizon Foundation
Vibrant Impressions Inc.
W. W. Grainger Inc.
Wanezek & Jaekels S.C.
Waterski & Wakeboard Team of
St. Norbert College
Wegge Strategic Research Inc.
Wells Fargo Private Bank
Welsing Associates
The Windhover Foundation
Wisconsin Public Service
WP Properties LLC
Xerox Corporation
Participating Member
ADC Foundation
Aetna Giving Campaign
Alliant Energy Foundation
The Ambrose Group Ltd.
Ashwaubenon Ice
Management Inc.
Assessing Services Company Inc.
Back In Motion Physical
Therapy Clinic PC
Bank Mutual
Bay Title and Abstract Inc.
C & C Custom Builders Inc.
Cargill Matching Gifts Program
Chubb Group of Insurance
C.O.D. Social Committee
Cole Oil & Propane Company Inc.
Columbus Community Hospital
Cotter Funeral Home
Denmark State Bank
P r e s i d e n t ’ s
Kent Gehler Agency
General Mills Foundation
Giddings & Lewis Foundation Inc.
Gold Standard Services LLC
Grabner, Putzer, Noffke, Caflisch
& Lynch LLP
Greater Green Bay YMCA
Group Dimensions Inc.
Hero Inc. Industrial Equipment
Hilly Haven Golf Course
Hockman, Ehlers & Associates
Jim’s Excavating
KAK Enterprises LLC
Kersten Realty
McFarland & Company Inc.
The Merck Company Foundation
James N. Morrison & Associates
Northeast Insurance
Northern Automotive Tire & Repair
The Northern Trust Company
Paul’s Jewelers Inc.
Peninsula Bank
Quad/Graphics Inc.
Recreation Lanes
Red Cord Graphics
River City Ice Company
Rockwell International
Corporation Trust
Rookies Bar & Grill
Rubert Chiropractic Ltd.
Situs Appraisal Group Inc.
State Farm Companies
Stauber Electric Inc.
Stonehouse Window and Door
T&C Pub & Grill LLC
Patrick Thomson Agency
Tyco Employee Matching
Gift Program
United Way of Lake County
VFW Post 2113
VFW Post 2113 Ladies Aux.
Van Drisse Insurance Inc.
Wachovia Foundation
Whetter Law Offices
R e p o r t
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