board coNtacts other coNtacts
board coNtacts other coNtacts
e presideNt’s letter very year, Lucy convinces Charlie Brown that she’ll hold the football until he kicks it. And every year, she snatches it away, causing Charlie to land on his back in the autumn leaves. That’s what our picnic with the Cherryhurst Civic Association is starting to feel like for me. Once again, we’re postponing our picnic, this time until Spring of next year. I started doubting the likelihood of us getting a bright, sunshiny day on Saturday, Nov. 2, especially before 2 PM. And Cherryhurst holds their annual chili cook off the next day, which likely would’ve decreased their attendance at a picnic the day before. at Rudyard’s to elect board members, officers and Deed Restriction Committee members for next year. The complete slate is listed elsewhere in this newsletter. Our meetings now start at 6:30 PM so we can vacate the room before 8 PM when a comedy club kicks off in the same space. Treasurer bill curry chose not to run again, which is our loss. Besides being a nice guy, Bill worked behind the scenes to accomplish tasks for which he did not get much credit in public – until now. Thank you, Bill. Having you on the board made my life easier and our civic association better. May you always be blessed with an abundance of tasty and exotic cheeses (it’s a Bill thang). My Cherryhurst co-organizer of the picnic says “third time’s the charm.” Spring may be the perfect time for that to come true. I’m grateful to have volunteers to fill spots on the board and the Deed Restrictions Committee. People cherish our neighborhood enough to offer their time and talents to maintain and improve it. record croWd at NNo holidaY partY dec. 2 A record crowd turned out Oct. 1 for our annual National Night Out celebration in Lamar Park. Local businesses outdid themselves with generous contributions of food and drink. Neighbors shared those contributions under twinkling lights in the trees above. Those lights are soon to reappear on our annual Christmas tree near the dolphin fountain. Mark your calendars for our annual Holiday Party on Monday, Dec. 2, at Rivas. That’s about a month after you receive this newsletter. We always have a good time at Rivas, which is decked out with enough Christmas decorations to bring a smile to any Grinch. To promote our National Night Out, local Realtor Mike spear once again produced and mailed at his expense a postcard announcing date, time and location. Thank you, Mike. Vice President Macy bodenhamer herded the “cats” – otherwise known as volunteers – into picking up food, tables, and chairs, then cleaning up and returning everything afterward. Thank you, Macy. I know you’ll make a terrific president next year. doNate to the FoUNtaiN The end of the year is also a good time to consider a tax-deductible donation to renovate the dolphin fountain in Lamar Park. We’re raising $150,000 to rebuild, renovate and improve the fountain and surrounding area, making it a eyecatching feature of our neighborhood for years to come. To make a taxdeductible donation, visit, click the “Donate” button, then “Pay by Credit Card,” then “Donation for” and select “Lamar Park” as the recipient. aNNUal electioN I hope to see you Monday, Nov. 4, at Rudyard’s for our annual election. On Monday, Nov. 4, we gather upstairs george sroka, President cherrYhUrst picNic Postponed until next year aNNUal electioN Mon. Nov. 4 • 6:30 PM @ Rudyard’s Please note our meetings now start at 6:30. holidaY partY Mon. Dec 2 • 6:30 PM @ Riva’s Buy meal tickets in advance at board coNtacts presideNt George Sroka [email protected] Vice presideNt Macy Bodenhamer [email protected] secretarY Janet Nichols [email protected] treasUrer Bill Curry [email protected] other coNtacts deed restrictioNs Shane Wilson deed [email protected] MeMbership Susan Ellis [email protected] citiZeN patrol Cynthia Greenwood [email protected] NeWsletter Paul Civiletto [email protected] NeWsletter adVertisiNg Carlos Fernandez [email protected] laMar park Rodney Morris and Dean Emmons [email protected] hPU civic association, Po Box 66422, houston, Tx 77266-6422 Neighborhood Block Captains Bomar Greg Jeu & Jim Hurst 281-541-6756 California / Westheimer Cecilia Kammer 832-788-1586 Commonwealth Liz Hudson & Carol Brownstein 713-527-9852 Mark McCreary 713-338-1929 Fairview Irene Dahlgren 713-299-5190 Hyde Park / Hyde Park Apts. Linda Carter 713-524-2952 Alex Aranda 713-533-9474 Hyde Park Crescent Susan Ellis 713-528-8289 Carlos Fernandez 713-520-7017 Hyde Park Townhomes Daniel Posada 713-454-7834 Indiana / Yupon Alice McCarthy 713-521-5807 Jackson Brandon Bartee 832-866-1426 Maryland Cathy Hanchett 713.542.4921 Michigan Tom Whitworth 713-523-8035 Missouri Dawn Reeves 713-529-6000 Montrose Syndee Sharrar 281 216 0953 Peden Lori Corwin 832-582-6520 Vermont Sharon Lord 713-522-9427 Waugh Will Martin 405-361-2523 Welch Scott and Lina Rigrod 713-528-2791 Cliff Jones 713-524-3055 West Drew Mike McKann 713-526-6777 West Gray / Hazel Sherry Waddell 713-252-3968 Willard Camille Bogel 832-794-2577 Yoakum/Van Buren Macy Bodenhamer 713-201-5810 Block captains: Notify [email protected] of any changes in contact information. 2 Hyde Park 2014 Candidates President – Macy Bodenhamer Macy has served as vice president since May 2011 and is now running for the presidency. She served as secretary in 2009-2011, and as newsletter and coeditor in 2009-2010, and as Yoakum Blvd. and Van Buren block captain. A 19-year Montrose resident, Macy has resided in Hyde Park for the past five years. She is a principal of Four22 Creative Marketing and Public Relations, serves on the board of the Museum of Cultural Arts Houston, and is a Class XXVII Leadership Houston graduate and former board member. Beyond her appreciation for our awesomely livable and vibrant community, Macy is grateful for her wonderful neighbors. Vice President – Tammi Wallace Tammi is the Founder and Principal Consultant for EnFocus Strategies, a consulting firm supporting for-profit and nonprofit organizations engaged in transformative work with strategic counsel and high-quality consulting services. Before launching EnFocus Strategies, Tammi was the Chief Growth Officer at KIPP Houston Public Schools; Chief of Staff and Campaign Manager to former Texas State Representative Ellen Cohen; and Executive Director of the Houston Equal Rights Alliance. She worked as Vice President for Bank of America/NationsBank, Project Manager at CheckFree Corporation, and Assistant Vice President at Mellon Mortgage. Tammi lives in Hyde Park with her life partner, Mercedes Leal. She serves as Vice President and Grants Committee Co-Chair for the Hollyfield Foundation and Board Member for the Victory Fund Campaign Board. She was voted as the 2011 Female Grand Marshal in recognition of her work in the community. She has previously served as President of the Townhouse Manor Homeowner’s Association, Board President of the Houston Equal Rights Alliance and Board Vice President for the Houston GLBT Political Caucus. Treasurer – Rex Richardson Rex Richardson and his wife, Jayne, moved to Houston from Durango, Colorado in 2009. Initially living in an apartment off Allen Parkway, they found a home in Hyde Park three years ago. Earning a BS in accounting from the University of Wyoming, Richardson started his career with an oil and gas company in Denver in the early 1980s. He subsequently earned a BBA in petroleum land management from the University of Texas. He has worked as a landman for 30 years, the last 18 years with Red Willow Production Co., of Durango, CO. Currently, he manages their land holdings in the Gulf of Mexico and throughout Texas. Richardson looks forward to contributing to protecting and furthering the Hyde Park community. Secretary – Janet Nichols Janet Nichols has lived in Hyde Park since 1993. She now resides in Hyde Park Crescent with her husband of 12 years, Dairus, who serves on our Deed Restrictions Committee. After retiring from her massage therapy business a couple years ago, Janet decided to become more actively involved with the civic association. She served as Secretary this year, and looks forward to serving in that capacity again. Continues Page 11 2013 caleNdar trash pickUp General meetings held upstairs at Rudyard’s at 6:30 pm november 4 – General Meeting / election december 2 – annual holiday party General meetings held on the first Monday of the month except when they conflict with holidays. Monday is our regular garbage collection day. Please do not put out your trash/recycling bins before 6 PM Sunday. When our collection day falls on a Monday holiday, garbage and recyclables are picked up the following day. hpU citiZeN patrol report: sept 2013 Number of known incidents reported to police: 1 Number of arrests: 0 Hours patrolled on foot: 129.25 Hours patrolled by car: 45.5 Number of trained citizen patrollers: 28 NeWsletter deadliNe Deadline for the December 2013 newsletter is November 15. Inquiries: [email protected] Advertising: [email protected] recYcliNg pickUp As of July 29, 2013, most of Hyde Park switched to single stream recycling (large green bins on wheels.) However, those south of Fairview and west of Waugh will continue with dual stream (small recycling bins, no glass allowed). Recylables are picked up every other Monday. However ... Pickup dates differ for single and dual stream recycling Single stream (large bin with wheels) recycling pickup dates: november 4, 18; december 2, 16, 30 Dual stream (small bin, no glass) recycling pickup dates: november 12, 25; decmeber 9, 23 heaVY/JUNk Waste aNd tree Waste nov. 6 – Tree Waste • december 4 – heavy/Junk 3 VolUNteer hermann park conservancy Park Run – nov. 9 Hermann Park Conservancy’s annual run, Park Run, will be held on Saturday, November 9, 2013 at 8 am., in conjunction with the unveiling of the newly renovated running trail in Hermann Park. This unique aspect of this year’s run will generate more interest and excitement than ever. Volunteers are needed to pass out water to participants, set up and break down booths for vendors, directing runners/ walkers on the right path and collect data from participants. No matter your skills, we have a job for you. Sign yourself and/or a group up to be a part of the excitement. For a Volunteer Registration Form, please contact diane Kerr, Manager of Volunteer Programs, at [email protected] or 713-524-5876, ext. 332. RSVP by Oct. 31. 4 reMiNder exPanded A Photo ID is now required to vote. But the name on your photo ID must match EXACTLY the information on your voter registration. If it does not, then you must fill out a form to change your voter registration to the information on your photo ID. Houstonians can now drop off e-waste to be recycled free of charge at storage facilities participating in the GREENspot DROPoff Houston Program. Items that can now easily be recycled include Beta/ DVD/VCR players, cables, computer mice and monitors, cords, hard drives, fax machines, keyboards, laptops, radios, stereo components, televisions and zip drives. Note: All personal information will be stripped before recycling. To Vote, exact Match required for photo id If your Photo ID (usually a driver’s license) has your name as Susan B. Anthony and your Voter Registration (the name on your Voter Registration Card) says Susan Brownell Anthony it will not be considered a match. . If you have married, divorced, had a name change, moved recently - make sure to update your card so it matches your Photo ID. For more information, visit: sosaCManager city expands e-Recycling Currently, there are over 30 locations throughout the city where residents can drop off e-waste, with the goal to add an additional 20 locations by the end of 2013. For GREENspot locations, visit Your Realtor & Neighbor for 23 Years. A perennial name among the Houston Business Journal’s annual list of Top 25 Agents, Mike Spear is a recognized leader in residential real estate sales. Mike’s enthusiasm, dedication and consummate market knowledge make him the Realtor of choice for his many clients who do not hesitate to recommend his services to family and friends. For any of your real estate needs, call me! MIKE SPEAR REALTOR ASSOCIATE Circle of Excellence 713.204.7653 [email protected] WELCOME HOME w w w. M A R T H AT U R N E R . c o m Support Our Advertisers 5 6 National Night Out – October 1, 2013 More Photos on the Next Page 7 8 We are proud to be a part of Hyde Park! blacksmith BREAKFAST LUNCH COFFEE TEA Underbelly: 713.528.9800 • Hay Merchant: 713.528.9005 • Blacksmith: 832.360.7470 9 blessing of pets On October 26, Grace Lutheran Pastor Lura Groen blessed pets in Lamar Park. september crime activity Report Report compiled by Rick Wannall Activity Name Date/Time 1100-1199 Gray Road/Street/Sidewalk 9/9/2013 10 Agg. Assault 1000-1099 Westheimer Bus Stop 9/17/2013 06 Burglary 1400-1499 Maryland Residence/House 8/28/2013 12 Burglary 1500-1599 Missouri Apartment 9/12/2013 06 Burglary 2500-2599 Waugh Residence / House 9/12/2013 06 Robbery 2500-2599 Commonwealth Road/Street/Sidewalk 9/13/2013 15 Theft 1200-1299 Bomar Other/Unknown 9/10/2013 18 Theft 1100-1199 California Road/Street/Sidewalk 9/11/2013 21 Theft 1400-1499 California Road/Street/Sidewalk 9/7/2013 22 Theft 1500-1599 California – 9/7/2013 20 Theft 2600-2699 Commonwealth Driveway 9/7/2013 08 Theft 1200-1299 Fairview Road/Street/Sidewalk 9/16/2013 20 Theft 1100-1199 Jackson Driveway 9/7/2013 17 Theft 1500-1599 Maryland Residence/House 9/10/2013 22 Theft 1500-1599 Michigan Road/Street/Sidewalk 9/6/2013 20 Theft 1200-1299 Missouri Road/Street/Sidewalk 9/17/2013 23 Theft 2500-2599 Waugh Restaurant/Cafeteria Park Lot 9/17/2013 08 Theft 2600-2699 Waugh – 9/11/2013 20 Theft 2600-2699 Waugh Residence / House 9/18/2013 19 Theft 900-999 Westheimer Hotel/Motel Parking Lot 9/10/2013 07 Theft 900-999 Westheimer Restaurant/Cafeteria 9/19/2013 17 Theft 900-999 Westheimer Service/Gas Station 9/6/2013 19 Theft 1100-1199 Westheimer Misc Business 9/6/2013 08 Theft 1300-1399 Westheimer Bar/Night Club Parking Lot 9/26/2013 20 Theft 2600-2699 Yoakum Commercial Parking Lot/Garage 9/11/2013 16 Theft 2400-2499 Yupon Apartment Parking Lot 9/5/2013 23 IMPORTANT NUMBERS 9-1-1 for Emergencies Only HPD dispatch line 713-884-3131 to report suspected criminal activity 3-1-1 City Help & Info OR ROAR Hotline (improper dumping): 713-525-2728 10 Street/Block Agg. Assault Hyde Park 2014 Candidates (Continued) Deed Restrictions Committee Chair – Diana Mobley Deed Restrictions Committee – Finis Cowan Past President – George Sroka Diana grew up around the world as a Navy brat, but settled in Houston in 2002 to attend the University of Houston. She is a licensed professional engineer in the oil and gas industry, and enjoys the local parks and restaurants, her pets, and volunteering with Big Brothers Big Sisters. Diana has lived in the Montrose area for most of her time in the city, and is excited to permanently be settled in Hyde Park and become part of this unique community. Finis Cowan and his family moved to Maryland Street in Hyde Park after getting flooded out by Ike. They love their new neighborhood. Cowan’s office is within walking distance and his family enjoys the neighborhood parks. George has served as president since May 2011, initially completing the term of Trevor Eade, who resigned due to illness. Subsequently, he was elected president for 2012 and 2013. From 2006-2008, he served as Hyde Park’s newsletter editor. He has been a trial lawyer and CPA for 28 years. He handles mostly commercial and tax litigation and assists people who have legal issues with the IRS. He enjoys making complex, boring matters understandable and interesting to a jury. In 1994, he served as president of the now-defunct Montrose Business Guild. He has lived and worked in Hyde Park for 30-plus years. He is the co-owner of Laser Ink, a toner supply and laser printer repair company now celebrating 26 years in business. He practices and teaches yoga, and enjoys life with his partner, David, and their cats, Jenny the “love puss” and Joey the “stoner dude.” Her interest in the role of Deed Restrictions Committee Chair stems from the motivation to preserve the character that drew many of us to this neighborhood to begin with. She believes that this is best accomplished by enforcing existing building regulations. Cowan is interested in serving on the deed restriction committee to preserve the quality and character of the Hyde Park neighborhood. Join the Hyde Park United Civic Association or renew your membership Fill out this Membership Form, check “New Member” or “Renewal,” then mail the application with your $30 check to: HYDE PARK UNITED CIVIC ASSN, PO BOX 66422, HOUSTON TX 77266-6422. Date: Lamar Park Check one: ❏ New Member ❏ Renewal $ ☞ for these local projects ☞ Enforcement Fund $30 $ Name: Address: Primary Telephone: Secondary Phone: Email Address: Interests/Concerns (check all that apply): ❏ Membership ❏ Lamar Park ❏ Social ❏ Newsletter ❏ Citizens on Patrol ❏ Block Captains ❏ National Night Out ❏ Other ________________________________________________________________ Thank you for joining, and helping us all build a “Sense of Community.” You can also join online using PayPal at 11 12 celebration our thoughts turn gratefully to you with warm appreciation. Thanksgiving At this time of [email protected] 713.526.2273 Houston, Texas 77019 1405 Waugh Drive Happy Thanksgiving Hyde Park Elections 6:30 PM Rudyard’s November 2013
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