Community Spirit Magazine
Community Spirit Magazine
What are your kids listening to? In Search of a Christian School? Is it Time for you to go back to college? to e E Liv O Ov R er U e2 Ba 20 00 nd of Ma s, th b 4C M e Ri us Top ee o de ic, C s, Fo hr Ce mi C ww he an od ist nt ng w. ck o d Fu , G ian e .co hne ut n ame Roc r! s, k m liv Also Inside: HN EE FR July 2004 ® Dr. James Dobson endorses Tom Coburn for U.S. Senate.... hance to ave had a c h I , s ie il m ssed efense of fa he one who has impre d in r e re a c om ures. T ssional political fig ily doctor fr of my profe g m e in fa rs d a u a o le is c e ’s e h n ; In th r natio n at all some of ou nal politicia io s s fe ro p get to know a t wever, is no at he me most, ho . a hom as taking th la w k y O tr , n e u e o g c o Musk in the ction our to Congress out the dire d b a te d c e le E rn . ree e e c a differenc more than th was so con e o k rn n a u g m b o in lp C rv e e h m s ears Dr. To n-legislator ashington to ng his six y e ri W iz u it d to c t o n a g u e o b to c ery day decided vowed to he made ev of 1994, he t u s s b , la e c is c m ri histo that pro ot only kept r terms. He n vision of ou re c ti a m ra . s d ding a e in Congres issues, inclu urageous and effectiv h lt a e h s u as o ro c e a m u h s , n a ll ay on ove a e w . He w b w ic a e , m d e th n id d A p le . e s at e AIDS nt issue Dr. Coburn ily issues th proach to th this and other importa m p a fa d d e n il a l fa ra ’s nation ility on tical mo al responsib worked with on the cri c s fi r fo e ic vo ever . est leader I y own work the single b m f o rt e to the full a m e o h h e d th e t rn a tu n oburn re uty in have bee gress, Dr. C the call to d n , o w c o n in t e u ic B . rv kles, ndchildren l term of se rs, Don Nic ra u to g rf a e is n d h e n S y o . jo w .S n t the oma’s U After his and to e ne of Oklah f medicine d throughou o n O a . e c in te ti a c g ta s a ra e lf p e time ted its cross th office. has presen ople from a ate for that id Washington office this year, and pe d n a c a e om becom is retiring fr r. Coburn to D d e a second h c e e s be e loves for h y it n u m seat nation have m o open Senate h leave the c e to th e r c n fo ta te c a f relu candid tition wit great deal o call. He is a d in compe t in a h th e b g r n ri fa In spite of a e d ons. w neral electi race late an burn is ans e o g is C d th n m d a o e T , rt ry e a ta tim He s the prim ma in 2004. ents in both n o p p o d from Oklaho e d a n mire him as and well-fu d a le b d a n a id d rm n fo as a frie make a n. I love him Senate will nd a s m te l a ta n S o d ti e p individual a xce Unit te e a e n v th a ri p in is a e rn s c u a n voting Tom Cob peaking his prese ill consider r country. S elieve that w u b o u I f o . o y n a e re p m o s tu h state r the fu sincere ay that I difference fo ost. It is my ad, let me s m le r I e n tt o a ti m oral a t significant iz a traditional m e things th of the organ e th lf t th a u t h o u e b o b a b a n s o n d not victio mily an to elect of deep con ture of the fa ould consider helping fu e th t u for this man o b a , you sh t if you care as founded w n o ti opinion tha a n e n which th te. principles o e U.S. Sena th to rn u b o Dr. Tom C h.D. . Dobson, P C s e m a J — , Dear Friend 918.684.4308 Paid for by Coburn for U.S. Senate Committee P.O. Box 977 Muskogee, OK 74402 Lifting Up the Name of Jesus! NURSERY/PRESCHOOL KIDS’ EXPLOSION • YOUTH EXPLOSION INFORMATION: 918-491-7700 • WWW.VICTORYTULSA.ORG HOTEL INFORMATION TULSA SOUTHERN HILLS HILTON 7902 South Lewis, Tulsa, OK 74136 $79.00 (2-4 people) •1-918-492-5000 AMERISUITES 7037 S. Zurich Ave., Tulsa, OK 74136 $59.00 (2 people) •(918) 491-4010 $10.00 per additional person *ASK FOR VICTORY WORD EXPLOSION FOR SPECIAL RATES VICTORY CHRISTIAN CENTER • 7700 S. LEWIS AVE • TULSA, OK 74136 David & Terri McAuliff An independently owned and operated member of The Prudential Real Estate Affiliates, Inc. Whether buying or selling, give us a call. Community Spirit JULY 2004 Cover Just when you were ready to throw out the radio, Christian bands and recording artists have found new audiences in nearly every genre from country and blues to rock and rap. Suddenly their strong Christian lyrics are being played across secular radio stations, and yes, their videos are even being shown on MTV. The result is that your kids now have healthy alternatives. The ORU Mabee Center is bringing over twenty of the top acts to town and they fully expect thousands of kids to respond to the beat... and to the Gospel. “We are a family serving families.” 808-5498 - Direct Line SOLD by the ROCK For over 30 years, Dillon International, Inc. has been bringing children home from Features PUBLISHER Tom McCloud Korea China India Ukraine Haiti Guatemala Vietnam ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR Zik Jackson FAMILY LIFE EDITOR Linda Mansur DESIGN AND PRODUCTION AdGraf For more information, please call: If you’re not praying for your children, who is? Tulsa Area Schools... We’re praying for you! For more information on how you can pray for your children and their schools through Moms In Touch, contact Kathy Sengel at 491-2226. ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Julie Cowell, Lynn Evans, Stephanie Reall, Jim Sage, and Jamie Sweeney CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Randy Cowell, Zik Jackson, Mickey McCloud, Brent Organ, Brian Phillips, Dane Tyner TULSA SALES OFFICE KWHB TV-47 Office Building 8835 S. Memorial, Tulsa, OK 74133 (918) 307-2323 phone (918) 625-5324 cell phone (918) 307-1221 fax DISTRIBUTION Community Spirit is distributed to churches, schools, restaurants, Christian bookstores, and other businesses. Call us today to deliver to your church. Community Spirit is published monthly by McCloud Media ONE WORD ABOUT FUNERALS. SIMPLICITY. We reduce the complicated task of arranging a funeral or cremation service to three simple choices. Each Dignity Memorial Plan comes with a 100% service guarantee, pus transferability of prearrangements to more than 1,500 affiliates in the U.S. and Canada. For a simple explanation of the Dignity Memorial Plans, please call Stanleys Funeral Service HNE Live 2004 Christian Music Festival 8 Looking for a Christian School for your Kids? “Crossover” bands headline main event 743-6271 COMMUNITY SPIRIT Copyright © 2004 by Equipment Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction without written permission from the publisher is strictly prohibited. Subscriptions are available at the cost of only $28 for 12 issues. Purchase online or mail in your check payable to Community Spirit Magazine, KWHB TV-47 Office Building, 8835 S. Memorial, Tulsa, OK 74133 Claims by advertisers and the opinions of writers within this publication do not necessarily represent the views of Community Spirit or its publisher, Equipment Publications, Inc. 11 Adults Going Back to School... And Loving Every Minute of It! 13 Carrying Laurel’s Burdens 14 KEEP Abstinence Program 16 The Greatest Generation 19 Host an International Exchange Student! 21 Teaching Kids to ESCAPE! 22 Tulsa Talons, a Team on a Double Mission Free teacher training offered in Tulsa and OKC Father and Son Experience WWII Memorial Stanley’s Funeral Service Offers Kids Safety Program Departments 23 To Your Health: A Healthy Dose of Summer 24 Heart & Home: Beyond Celebrating Freedom 25 Good Stewardship: Conquering The “B” Word 26 Business Focus: Shepherd's Guide 28 News Around Town Visit our Website! Check our our new website. You can download this issue or any of the last three or four issues. Looking for a distribution site? Simply type in your zip code to find the ones closest to you. Also, visit our new Business Directory, a quick source for finding our recommended list of businesses. Our Mission... To glorify God by telling stories of individual Christians whose good works testify to God’s active presence in Oklahoma. Through the telling of these true stories, we pray that... Christians will be inspired to do more good works, the Body of Christ will be unified, and that all will hear the Good News — that God offers everyone an abundant new life in Jesus. 3959 Est 31st Street (Between Harvard and Yale) 4 6 PRODUCTION MANAGER Steve Trickett 918 749-4600 Service Beyond Expectation ® VOLUME 5 • NO. 4 July 2004 NOW on the RHEMA USA campus 1025 W. Kenosha, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma JULY 25-AUGUST 1 Don’t miss this dynamic week of powerful, relevant ministry for the whole family! Service Times: 10:00 a.m. | 2:30 p.m. | 7:30 p.m. With special services for children and youth Rev. Kenneth Hagin Jr. S Rev. Gary Crowl Rev. Lynette Hagin P E Rev. Mark Hankins Bishop Keith Butler A Rev. Patsy Cameneti K Rev. J. C. Hash Rev. Paul Chase E Rev. Darrell Huffman Rev. Charles Cowan R Rev. Kate McVeigh MAKE PLANS NOW TO ATTEND! Call (918) 258-1588, Ext. 2238 Offer #AD01 | S Rev. Reggie Scarborough HNE Live 2004: New Christian Music Festival Started in Tulsa “Crossover” bands headline main event B Y Z I K J AC K S O N , E N T E R TA I N M E N T E D I TO R make sure to take the Cross over with you,” a wise sage once told a starry-eyed young band as it finally broke into the world of big label record companies. As Christian music becomes more mainstream, both in style and substance, there are some who feel that the message gets lost in the melding of marketing and ministry. By some accounts, the industry is full of really bad lyrics, but the good news is that Christian artists are no longer just on Christian labels and stations. Eddie Huff, a former record exec and concert promoter, says the crossover phenomenon is nothing new, but it comes with responsibility. “When the message is pure and the heart that delivers it is pure, God will cause them to respond... Crossover needs to be seen as a blessing and an opportunity, but not as a goal,” says Huff. “A good song will get exposure and airplay regardless of who it’s with.” At the same time, the name recognition that comes with an artist’s song or video being played on Top 40 radio or MTV can expand the artist’s fan base. From this standpoint, the prospect exists through concerts to reach audiences that normally would not frequent the churches and fellowship halls where Christian artists perform. Meanwhile, the new reality for Christian youth is that they may have to choose whether or not to go see their favorite band at a smoke-filled bar, now that the band has gone “mainstream.” As Christian songs and bands become more and more popular, parents can help direct their kids to the Christian stuff, while youth leaders can help show the kids that these bands are “cool.” Enter HNE Live 2004, a new indoor/outdoor music festival in Tulsa. This two-day event August 27th and 28th will give Christian youth the best of both worlds—an opportunity to see popular Christian bands that they are familiar with in a safe, clean environment, free of alcohol and tobacco. It is also a terrific opportunity for evangelism. It is easier for teens to ask their schoolmates to a concert or festival than to a church serv- “W 6 HEN YOU CROSSOVER, COMMUNITY SPIRIT Attention Parents and Youth 2004’s Top The O.C . Superton es Leaders: Evangelism will be stages both inside the Mabee Center and in the parking lot, where there will also be vendor booths selling food and merchandise in a carnival-like atmosphere. By allowing concertgoers to choose from an air-conditioned indoor venue with restroom facilities and an outdoor open-air stage and booth area, everyone gets the best of both worlds. “In Oklahoma in August, nobody wants to sit out in a field,” says Winters. “All the outdoor stuff is free, and we hope people will enjoy it so much that they will buy a ticket and see what else is going on inside.” Another benefit will be for the smaller bands, who always desire to reach a larger audience. Brady Deaton ran Pizzazz in Coweta, and brought in many local artists. “We’ve given the other local venues their own booth at the festival,” Deaton says. “Kids can see these bands again locally at 24/7 [in Tulsa], OneEighty [in Broken Arrow], The Wherehouse [in Bartlesville] or The Mustard Tree [in Claremore]. It’ll help the local music scene.” If this year’s festival is successful, it will Opportunity Aug 27 & 28 ice. And this is an interdenominational event, reaching out to the entire teen populace. Churches don’t have to worry about doctrine here... just good music and testimony by artists whom the kids will admire. “Their message is positive and affirming and Biblically-based,” says Tony Winters. Tony Winters and Brady Deaton, the masterminds behind HNE Live (which stands for Hear No Evil), intend to provide an event that reaches out to the teen generation. They promise to deliver a wide variety of artists, covering genres from rap to rock, alternative to “hard music” and everything in between. HNE Live will feature nearly thirty artists with headliners such as The O.C. Supertones and Blindside, plus rising stars like Bethany Dillon, Sleeping At Last, and Ill Harmonics. Local and regional bands Radial Angel, Recycled Souls, Edison (formerly ManBlindside nafest), and many othThe O.C. Supertones ers will also play the event, gaining exposure for their Barlow Girl music and helping to stimuRadial Angel late the music scene in Cool Hand Luke Tulsa. “You’ll get a full day’s Mending Point show from each band,” says Bethany Dillon Winters. East West ORU’s Mabee Center will play host to the event, Ill Harmonics with a unique twist. There Mourning September Subseven July 2004 HNE Live 2004 Artist Line-up: Pivitplex Fighting Jacks Last Tuesday Poor Man’s Riches The Lonely Hearts (formerly Holland) Lester Finn Philmore Sleeping At Last One-21 Secondary Line-up Edison (formerly Mannafest) Recycled Souls Reaction North of OK Jackson Waters Ember Days J Stone Neviah Nevi Corban Eldra become an annual event. “We want to pump up kids at the end of summer,” says Winters. “The universities will be back, and the other schools will be about to start.” Winters and Deaton plan to share their contagious excitement about HNE Live with youth pastors across the region, inviting their input. “We want to give them a blank piece of paper and ask the Christian community to write on it,” says Winters. For an all-inclusive ticket price of $25 ($20 for ORU students or groups of ten or more), HNE Live is a great value. “We really kept the ticket prices low,” says Winters. He is expecting up to 8,000 music fans to flood the ORU campus. “Blindside by itself usually draws about 3,500, and The O.C. Supertones get about 2,500, plus the ORU students will be back on campus, so we think the numbers will be there,” says Winters. “We want to get a lot of kids that would normally not go to a Christian show in the door.” Fans who buy tickets in advance get free admis- sion to a “meet-and-greet” with the bands and a special concert. For youth leaders, here is an idea to turn the festival into your own youth group event. Make HNE Live into a backto-school bash! Use buses to shuttle kids from your church building to the Mabee Center parking lot and have a tailgate party at the concert. Do whatever it takes to get kids there to have a good time and get a taste of being around your youth group. This can open up new kids to evangelism, which is ultimately what HNE Live is all about. For more information: HNE Live 2004 Friday Aug. 27 and Saturday Aug. 28, 2004 Mabee Center—81st & Lewis, Tulsa, Oklahoma Tickets are $25.00 ($20.00 for groups of ten or more or with an ORU ID) available at the Mabee Center box office (918-495-6000),, or any Homeland store in Oklahoma. Website: Evangelistic Temple School PreK - 9th Grades 2004-2005 School Term Check out our Super Summer Camps! Exciting opportunities for children entering kindergarten through 6th grade for full-time summer camp or part-time enrichment camps! Call 743-5597 for enrollment or camp information or visit us at! ETS is an interdenominational Christian school accredited by the Association of Christian Schools International and the State of Oklahoma. July 2004 COMMUNITY SPIRIT 7 LOOKING for a Christian School for your Kids? Tomorrow Curriculum, and a learning center for academic assistance. the new school year is just around the corner. And if you haven’t begun shopping for the right school, it is none too early. In fact, many of the schools are already full. But don’t despair. Get on the phone and start your initial research. The Tulsa area is blessed with many fine schools. B ELIEVE IT OR NOT, Bible Fellowship School, 4915 S. Waco, 445-1993 Bishop Kelley High School, 3905 S. Hudson, 627-3390 Bishop Kelley is a Lasallian Catholic high school of 940+ students, grades 9-12, located in the center of the Tulsa metropolitan area on a campus of 37 acres, and is owned by the Catholic Diocese of Tulsa. It is a comprehensive secondary school with a curriculum that is primarily college preparatory. The course offerings reflect the needs of a diverse student body in terms of both ability and interest levels. Bishop Kelley serves Catholic and non-Catholic families in Tulsa and the surrounding communities who seek a college preparatory program within a Christian environment of concern, trust and growth. Cascia Hall Preparatory School, 2520 S. Yorktown, 746-2604 Cascia Hall is a Catholic, Augustinian school with a college preparatory curriculum for grades 6-12. On the average, 12 percent of Cascia Hall seniors are recognized by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation and 100 percent matriculate to college after graduating. Sports competition and extracurricular activities are an important aspect of the Cascia Hall education. Extracurricular activities include debate, drama, academic bowl, foreign language clubs, and Key Club. Admission to the school is competitive and begins with an entrance exam. Also required of applicants are academic records, recommendations, and an interview. For more information, call 7462604 or visit our website at Christian Heritage Education Center, (Home School Academy) 5455-H S. Mingo, 828-9069 Christian Heritage Education Center is a privately owned center that assists parents in educating their children. Services provided are: Home School Academy, tutoring, School of 8 COMMUNITY SPIRIT Paula on Friday Cornerstone Christian Academy, 1821 E. 66th St. North, 425-6782 Cornerstone Christian Academy offers Christian education to grades K3 through 12th grade. Currently it has an enrollment of approximately eighty-five and prides itself in providing individualized attention. The school is a ministry of the Cornerstone Free Will Baptist Church and is celebrating its twenty-first year in providing quality Christian education. Eastwood Baptist School, 948 S. 91 E. Ave., 836-8546 Established in 1976, EBSS is a fully accredited K4-8th grade school that offers Biblical studies, software-based curriculum, a fully functioning tech. lab with high-speed Internet linkage, fine arts opportunities, use of a new gym facility, and weekly chapel programs. EBSS now also offers a K3 program. Call or visit their website at for more information. Evangelistic Temple School, 1339 E. 55th Street, 743-5597 Evangelistic Temple School is an interdenominational Christian school located in the heart of Tulsa. ETS serves students prekindergarten through the ninth grades. Known for quality academics in a distinctively Christian environment, ETS offers a warm, nurturing atmosphere where teachers and parents work together to see students succeed. The certified, professional ETS staff integrate Scriptural truths in all subject areas, helping students develop a Biblical worldview. ETS students enjoy art, music, computer, Spanish, and physical education in addition to core subjects. Extracurricular sports include volleyball, flag football, basketball, cheerleading, track and golf. The early childhood department at Evangelistic Temple School offers full-day prekindergarten and kindergarten programs. These classes offer hands-on, multi-sensory activities which stimulate learning. Evangelistic Temple School is accredited by the Association of Christian Schools International and the State of Oklahoma July 2004 Faith Central Christian Academy, 612 E. Lincoln, Sapulpa, 224-5705 Grace Fellowship Christian School, 9610 S. Garnett Rd., 249-9100 Grace is a charismatic college preparatory school serving K4 through the 12th grade. Founded in 1978, the school has had a longstanding reputation for its focus on academics. ACT scores place Grace in the top 3 schools in Tulsa and among the top 7 in the state. Grace is fully accredited through ICAA, NCA, and CITA and is a member school of ORUEF. Admission is by appointment only. Holland Hall School, 5666 E. 81st Street, 481-1111 Holland Hall is an independent, coeducational, college preparatory Episcopal affiliated day school that educates, nurtures, and empowers the individual student for lifelong learning. Founded in 1922, the school strives to offer a challenging and supportive environment for each student. It is accredited by the Independent Schools Association of the Southwest and the Oklahoma State Board of Education, and is a member of the National Association of Independent Schools, National Association of Episcopal Schools, The College Board, Southwestern Association of Episcopal Schools, and since 1968 a member of Cum Laude. Holy Family Cathedral School, 820 S. Boulder, 582-0422 Holy Family Cathedral School has served the Tulsa community for over a hundred years. HFCS currently serves Pre-K (4-year-old Montessori program) through 8th grades in a small Catholic school setting. HFCS takes great pride in its cultural diversity with students of African-American, Caucasian, and Hispanic descent, equally represented in the student body. The HFCS mission is to work with Christ to create articulate, faith-filled leaders and peacemakers. Students who attend HFCS will be spiritually and academically well-prepared. Assisted by technology, in close collaboration with parents, the school strives to prepare students to become life-long learners and active participants in the life of the Church and the civic community. The school embraces parents as the primary educators of their children. Therefore the school works with parents for the total development of the child. The school’s mission is to develop the spiritual, social, emotional, and physical growth of each student. Holy Family Cathedral School takes great pride in celebrating diversity and its graduates qualify for top area high schools. Immanuel Christian School, 400 North Aspen, B.A, 251-5422 Immanuel Christian provides a foundation of quality Christian education to kids preschool through the 8th grade. Dedicated to ensuring that they prepare the children for Godly leadership, the founders of the school have taken every step to ensure that Christian faith is integrated into all curriculum and activities. Immanuel Christian is accredited by the National Lutheran School accreditation and the state of Oklahoma. Jenks Christian Academy, 2525 W. Main, 299-8181 Lincoln Christian School, 1003 N. 129th E. Ave., 234-8863 Lincoln Christian School, in operation since 1997, is a fully accredited facility enrolling students in kindergarten through 12th grade. Classes and activities offered in addition to our core curriculum include: art, drama, choir, drawing, computer lab, Spanish, yearbook, journalism, leadership, praise and worship band, honor society, and pep band. Our outstanding sports program offers football, basketball, volleyball, baseball, soccer, and cheerleading. Metro Christian Academy, 6363 S. Trenton, 7459868 Metro Christian Academy serves pre-K through the 12th grade. Metro offers small class sizes in secondary (17-1) with full academic offerings including extracurricular activities through the Oklahoma Secondary Activities Association. MCA is fully accredited with the State Department of Education and North Central and offers an atmosphere where individual students are challenged to excel academically, spiritually, physically, and socially. MCA emphasizes the advanced placement curriculum at secondary and Great Expectations at the elementary and middle school level. Elementary students concentrate on such programs as Accelerated Reader and Character First. MCA graduates have among the highest composite ACT scores of schools in Oklahoma. MCA has been in operation for over twenty years. Mingo Valley Christian School, 8720 E. 61st Street, 294-0404 MVCS is a Non-Denominational, ACSI Accredited, K4-12th School. Open since 1976, they seek to serve God in Partnership with Parents to Build Faith, Knowledge and Character in the Hearts and Minds of their Students to the glory of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Their website is Monte Cassino School, 2206 S. Lewis, 746-4237 New Covenant Academy, 801 W. Houston, BA, 251-3367 New Covenant is an independent Christian school for grades K through 12th grade. They typically have about forty students, focusing on providing individual curriculum. They pride themselves on building strong characters and happy kids. Regent Preparatory School of Oklahoma, 4801 S. 72nd E. Ave., 663-1002 Regent begins its fifth year of REJOICE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL — Impacting Lives For Eternity — Call for Availability ❖ Preschool-3 and Kindergarten-4 Half & Full Day Kindergarten-5 ❖ Grades 1-8 P.E. ❖ Computer ❖ Music ❖ Art ❖ Spanish ❖ Athletics Accredited K5-8th grade by Association of Christian Schools International Hwy 169 and 106th St. North, Owasso, Oklahoma 272-7235 Rejoice Christian School admits students of any race, color, nationality and ethnic origin. Metro Christian Academy This year’s “Oklahoma Academic Scholars” 27 ACT or higher and a minimum 3.7 Cumulative G.P.A. • Student to faculty ratio of 17-1 • Authentically Christian with Chapel & Bible classes for all students and electives in worship and Evangelism in the Arts. • The Tulsa area school which meets educational needs of the entire family. Whether you have an honors student in need of advanced placement or a student with a learning disability. • Fifty-five percent of our current 7th graders qualified to compete for Duke University’s Talent Identification Program. Call today to schedule your appointment for 2004 enrollment openings, classes are limited. Metro Christian Academy Preschool through Grade 12 6363 S. Trenton Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136 (918) 745-9868 Tim Cameron, Headmaster Accredited with the State Department of Education, North Central Association of Colleges and Schools and member of the Oklahoma Secondary Activities Association. Maren Christopher Emilie Anna Grace Emily Joel Heather John Kara Olivia Bryce Steven Matthew Amanda Blake Daniel Davidson Billy Michaela Rodney Dalton Gaige Kiley Joel Ruth Kristen Drew Jack Trey Tyler Tara Megan David Caleb Gavin Chad Courtney Mikayla Sarah Jacob Jonathan Victor Allison Alexis Hailey Hannah Annie Kalee Samuel Clint Tom Devin Katie Jo Aaron Mikayla Matthew Sam Racey Katie Jenny Isaac Preston Joel Cole Ella Ryan Mackensy Tyler Charles Myranda Laura Janelle Joshua Andrea Lance Caleb Katlyn Kalie Jared Brittany Zachery Brandon Cody Nicholas Adriane Shae Allison Amanda Richard Lacy Caleb Lauren Laura Kelsey Seth Amy Emily Jon Hannah Taylor Jeff Timothy Maegan Tyler Sally Paul Candace Andrea Megan Emerson Kaitlyn Mitchell Kahyla Josh Sam Morgan Jordan Logan Rachel Jacob Derek Jonathan John Wendy Mark Josh Zach Alex Andrew Cole Meredith Lauren Tanner Brooke Patrick Caroline Kelsey Garett William Eric Tim Julie Olivia Emily Zach Adrian Myles Gregory Brittany Kathryn Laura Seth Stephanie Blake Stacy Teylor Desiree Laura Evan Molly Michael Sarah Amanda Adam Evan Rachael Sam Rachel Kara Sarah Mindy Eric Jerry Amy Brad Beth Kevin Taylor Ben Anna Callie Drue Christa Stephen Brooke Kala Daniel Kristin Joel Anne Justin Alex Rob Lyndsie Christina Kyle Brenda Gerri Shannon Ashlee Daniel Katie Maddie Kariah Alyssa Brady Austin Shane Sarah Allison Maddie Gabbie Grady Kaitlyn Kayla Aleksey Ethan Shelby Joshauh John Caleb Alexandra Luke Josh Julio Zack Califf Erik Heather Paul Kristin Kristin Tiffany Chad Myles Julianne Kyle Joe Devin Devin Stephenie Landon Jonathan Austin Luke Brady Grahm Jarrod Danielle Daniel Patrick J.R. Jennifer Kathryn Ben Megan Ezra Alicia Jonathan Melanie Travis Sean Sarah Kyle Ashley Lena Alyssa Kaylie Emma Mallory Brandon Josiah Jesse Hill Dave Thad Bill Jonthan Chris Vernon Joshua Keith Bernard Larry Daughn Jason Del Devin Savannah Meredith Larry John Johnny Richard Josh Charley Amanda Whitney Erin Marshall Marshall Amy Kevin Peter Avery John Steve Steve Joseph Larry Bob Gary Kevin John Win Dale Paul Paul Hill Allan Frank Frank Gary Karleen Elizabeth David David Debbie Bob Paul Jason Crissie John Tom Craig Melissa Drew Megan Joseph Stephanie Tim Dallas Ashley Brittany Alan Michael Stuart Erin Mike Matthew Lori Matthew Justin Kimberlee Angela David Harold Ronnie Deborah John Angela Zachariah Elizabeth Mark Danny Kristi Clint Rhonda Ruth Phil Cheryl Sarah John Katie Kevin Lauren Melissa Mathew Becky Duane Jeff Angela John Carolyn Susan Corey Bill Katie Ray Kim Karen Vince Gregory Carolyn Mike Joni Jennifer Alice Shanel Samuel Lyndsey Steve Susie Seth Rachel Cooper Kramer Quincy John Rick Debbie Abby Steve Bill Tom Rachel Sarah Martha Roy Patrick Eric Kent Charles Dreya FaDawn Rodney Jordan Anna Abigail Molly Tanya Andrew Katie Michael Bryan Ron Patti Andrew Adam Duane Richard Julie Timothy Christina Joel Kensey Philip Mike Abigayle Jerry Dayla Larry Pieter Isaac Joe Andy Aaron Matt Lacey Lisanne John Rachelle Roy Kristina Brett Rick Reese Josh Gary Martha Asher Bonner Beth Greg Joshua Holly Jim Scott Grayson Gordon Greg Kelly Chole Bre Kamille David Stephen Phil Matthew Claudia Claudia Paul Tim Racheael Carly Jordan Madeline Dwayne Dr. Curtis Clint Ross Beth Brenda Jesse Barbara Jess Dan Doyle Todd Warren Mary Ted Amy Garry Luke Ted Kendra Derek Courtney Sarah Seth Harold Roy Steven Daniel 8720Jamie E. 61st Street Stephanie Debbie David Marc Sarah Debbie Larry Jr. Kyle Dwain Chase Stephanie Curtis Jennifer Matt Kendra Kristin 294-0404 David Katie Colby Anthony Caleb Bruce Shane Joshua Amber Julie Essie Jarod Stefanie Rebecca Missy Gary Ken Mackenzie Tiffany Lauren Leon Ashley Joe Carrissa Ron Kristen Phillip Katie Bonnie Fred Austin Amanda Mingo Valley Christian School proudly presents the Graduating Class of 2004 July 2004 COMMUNITY SPIRIT 9 classes this fall serving Pre-K through the seventh grade and is adding one grade each year. The school’s mission is “to provide academically able students with a challenging educational experience designed to help them know, love, and practice that which is true, good, and excellent and to prepare them to live purposefully and intelligently in the service of God and man.” Regent utilizes a classical model of education to accomplish this mission and to immerse its students in a Christian worldview. Our students will understand and appreciate the impact of Western civilization on our culture as they study ancient history, languages, and culture in light of Biblical Christianity. The school provides a unique moral and educational environment and focuses on developing excellent spiritual, moral, and academic habits beginning at very young ages. All of this is pursued to maximize each child’s God-given ability, interests, and gifts, and to create individuals who love to learn throughout their lives. Please call to establish a time to visit the campus. Rejoice Christian School, 13413 E. 106th St. North, 272-7235 Rejoice Christian School just completed its twelfth year of operation. It started as a preschool in 1992 with forty students. Today, it has expanded to the 8th grade with a student body of 500+. It is a ministry of Rejoice Freewill Baptist Church of Owasso. RCS is an accredited member of the Association for Christian Schools International. Sapulpa Christian School, 408 S. Walnut, 224-2441 St. Augustine Academy, 6310 E. 30, 832-4600 St. Augustine Academy is a non-denominational classical school under the guidance of an independent school board. It offers grades kindergarten through 12 with 95% of its graduates attending colleges and universities, and an average ACT score of 28. Following the time-tested format of the Trivium, St. Augustine Academy trains students to learn, reason and persuade from a distinctively Christian worldview. With an emphasis on original sources and classical literature, hands-on science, Latin, logic, and performing arts round out a strong college-preparatory program. The campus is located in Tulsa close to 31st Street and Sheridan Avenue. Parents interested in a challenging curriculum for their children are encouraged to call the school for an information packet and a tour of the campus. St. Catherine’s School, 2515 W. 46th 446-9756 Saint Catherine School exists to motivate the whole student to become a life-long learner in mind, heart and spirit. They offer Pre-K3 - 8th grade programs, and are the only Catholic school in the state to operate on a year-round schedule. Students are in session for nine-week quarters, followed by two- to six-week breaks depending on the season. During the fall and spring breaks, we offer two-week Intercessions that provide remediation and/or enrichment opportunities for your child. For more information, please contact Vicky Adams at 918446-9756. School of St. Mary, 1365 E. 49th, 749-9361 A highly acclaimed parish school offering education to K through the 8th grade, and a pre-school for ages two to four. Note: Currently under long waiting list. Saints Peter and Paul Catholic School, 1428 N. 67 E. Ave., 836-2165 Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic School, founded in 1950, serves students in preschool through eighth grade. Students participate in vibrant religious education programs, are challenged to meet high academic Education expectations, compete in diverse co-curricular activities and celebrate their education in a faith-rich, small-school environment. At Peter & Paul, students can participate in Music, Computers, Science Lab, Ecology Center, Drama, Creative Writing, Speech and Debate, and several other academic and athletic programs. The school also offers hot breakfast and hot lunch programs and morning and extended day programs. REGENT PREPARATORY SCHOOL A Classical, Christian LING NOW ENROL • Pre-K–7th grade • Shortened school days for pre-K – 2nd grade • Weekly Chapel • Christian Worldview approach to education • Academically accelerated curriculum • Nurturing, family-oriented environment • 11 to 1 student/teacher ratio 4801 S. 72nd East Ave. • 663-1002 At Regent, we partner with our parents. We strive to offer our students a classical and Christian education in an atmosphere of faith, love, and affirmation. Call for a visit today. 10 COMMUNITY SPIRIT July 2004 Southpark Christian School, 10811 E. 41st, 663-4141 Southpark Christian School offers excellent education for students K4 through 8th grade. It operates under the oversight of the Southpark Community Church and has been in existence for 26 years. Their desire is to provide a well-balanced, comprehensive education, that is integrated with Biblical truths and principals within a nurturing Christ-centered environment. Summit Christian Academy, 200 E. Broadway, B.A., 918-251-1997 All areas of genuine learning exist because God has allowed man to discover principles, formulas, and truths that are in harmony with the laws that govern His universe. Summit Christian Academy fosters an educational experience for each student that presents the Truth, Jesus Christ at the very center of all we do. We seek to relate every fact and principle to His Truth and His Character in such a way that we promote overall student development. Summit Christian Academy is privileged to educate students Kindergarten-12th grade in a Christ-centered atmosphere. We are accredited by the State of Oklahoma, the Association of Christian Teachers and Schools, as well as the North Central Association. Our teachers are certified and we offer full range of extra-curricular activities. Summit is ìsetting a new standard of Christ-centered academic excellence. Temple Christian School, 6308 E. Apache, 836-5176 Temple Christian School has been educating kids for thirty years. Under the ministry of the Bible Baptist Temple, they offer a small, highly individualized program for grades PreSchool through 12th grade. They are a model school of the School of Tomorrow program. They pride themselves in offering a focused education, treating kids as individuals and adapting to their learning style. Scripture, Bible memory, and chapels are an integral part of their curriculum. Tulsa Lutheran School, 146 S. Sheridan Rd., 834-3813 Victory Christian School, 7700 S. Lewis, 491-7720 VCS is accredited with the Oklahoma State Department of Education and the International Christian Accrediting Association. It is the mission of Victory Christian School to help each student become as much like Jesus Christ as possible. This means that each student will be trained spiritually, academically and physically in an excellent manner. Furthermore, it is the mission of VCS to create Christian leadership that will be able to be either part of the five-fold ministry or able to function as professionals in various other fields to help carry out the “Great Commission” (Matthew 28:18-20). Serving six weeks to 12th grade. Wright Christian Academy, North 11391 E. Admiral Place, 438-0922 Adults Going Back to School And Loving Every Minute of It! for a moment. Do you wish you could have that college degree? Would things be better at work if you did? Would you have more opportunity for advancement? Wouldn’t you be proud to walk across that stage to receive your diploma? “But come on,” you say. “I work a full schedule and with my responsibilities with the kids and church, it would be impossible for me to go back to school... wouldn’t it?” Millions of adults just like you across the country are finding that it is possible. In fact, it is completely manageable, and depending upon your background, you could have that degree in just over a year by attending class as little as only one night per week. It is part of a growing trend among colleges and universities to design programs with the adult student in mind. They know that you aren’t the same person you were ten to fifteen years ago. Your life experiences and your maturity make it possible to put you on the fast track to graduation. “But you don’t know how bad of a student I was,” you might be thinking. Sure, every case is different, but generally, today’s adult programs offer a second chance to prove yourself. They want to help you. “We care much more about where they are going than where they have been,” explained Jody Jones, Director of Enrollment Services at Oklahoma Wesleyan. “Lets face it. We know that if you dropped out of school, you probably weren’t a straight-A student. L ET YOURSELF DREAM Don’t be afraid to apply for the program. We will help you get where you want to be.” The fact is that the adult programs are designed for that large percentage of students who dropped out of school after the first couple of years. There is no reason to be self-conscious. If you have that first sixty hours of the basics out of the way, they are generally able put you on schedule to earn your degree. In the “cohort” style programs, students remain with the same classmates throughout the year. You will study just one subject at a time for a few weeks. Once you complete that class, you can check it off your list and move on to the next one. And before long, you and your classmates will find that you are well on your way to graduation. Other schools offer a more traditional approach, allowing you to maintain your own schedule (and pace) of taking individual classes. Some students find that this provides a more flexible way to complete and afford each class. No matter which style of program you choose, you will find that adult classes have a different “attitude” than the school days you remember from your youth. There are no demerits for chewing gum in this classroom! In fact, the classes are very casual and there is lots of time for discussion. Choosing a School Tulsa is blessed with an abundance of choices. Each program is slightly different, and of course the individual schools offer different degree plans. You should first determine your ultimate goal. If “Adults should understand that the cost of most if not all of their education can be paid for through Federal Student Loans and grants. Most adults do not realize that they qualify for financial assistance.” Thousands of people will be returning to school this fall and you could be one of them! As a working adult, University of Phoenix knows you have a schedule that includes a demanding job, an active lifestyle, and a busy family. That is why we provide an efficient and convenient way to earn your degree – attending classes at times and locations that work for you. In addition, our concentrated format enables you to cover more ground in less time. Call or visit our Web site to learn more about our degree programs. 1-800-MY-SUCCESS © 2004 University of Phoenix. All Rights Reserved. PRNT:TCS06/04 COLLEGE DEGREES for working adults in 15 months 918-728-6143 — STEVE STEARMAN, DIRECTOR OF RECRUITMENT AND MARKETING SNU To learn more about your financial aid options contact Financial Aid Office at the college of your choice or visit the Department of Education web site at You can also fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid on-line at . This is the official process for obtaining student assistance from the U.S. Government for your college education. July 2004 Fulfill your promise COMMUNITY SPIRIT 11 you are looking for advancement within your company, for instance, ask your superiors for guidance on what degree program would do the best job in preparing you for your desired job. Then, compare the schools on the basis of cost, location, flexibility, and style. Depending upon your reason for going back to school, you may want to limit your search to only the state accredited colleges and universities. Although there are many good trade schools in the area that will do a good job in preparing you for a particular skill, they may not enhance your resume as well as a fully accredited program. What will it cost? Of course that depends upon your school and your degree plan, but you will find that attending an accelerated adult program is about the same cost as attending a traditional oncampus school, but is much faster. As one student put it, “It is going to cost you about the price of a new car, but this one doesn’t wear out. You will have it forever.” “It is time well spent,” said another student. “I used to think it would be impossible for me to ever get my degree. Now I am thinking about going after my Masters. It has boosted my ego, has been a great example to my kids, and it has already helped my career. It hasn’t been easy, but it was well worth it!” So... are you ready to check it out for yourself? Here is a brief list of schools which offer fasttrack programs for adults. We suggest that you first visit each of their websites to gather the basic information. Then you will want to go interview the ones that appear to do the best job of meeting your specific needs. Bacone College— Oklahoma City University— Oklahoma State University— Oklahoma Wesleyan University— Oral Roberts University— Saint Gregory’s University— Southern Nazarene University— University of Oklahoma— University of Phoenix— PREPARE TO SUCCEED Today’s business leaders, and those of tomorrow, are learning the impact faith has on success. God has a plan of prosperity and opportunity for every career, and the ORU School of Business can help you achieve that plan. The School of Business combines leading-edge business practices with Christian values and ethics, making employees more attractive and employers more effective. Degree programs include: Master of Business Administration (MBA) Master of Management: Human Resources Master of Management: Non-Profit The Non-Profit Management track is available in the traditional residential format, or without the need to relocate via online courses combined with modules on campus. ORAL ROBERTS UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS 12 COMMUNITY SPIRIT July 2004 FOR MORE INFORMATION 800-643-7976 918-495-6117 [email protected] Carrying Laurel’s Burdens BY MICKEY MCCLOUD A S I WALKED DOWN THE HALLWAY of Jenks High School, just as I had done every day, I noticed a father standing near my locker. He was dressed in a very nice suit and seemed to be carrying his child’s textbooks. He waited patiently by the door for the teacher to arrive so that he could carefully place the textbooks inside the classroom for his daughter. Throughout the semester, I continued to watch this man as he sacrificed time to lighten the load for his little girl. I thought it was nice, but didn’t fully understand his reason for being there until I heard the rest of the story. Four years ago, Laurel Dyson was living her life as a typical teenage girl. She had been an active gymnast for seven years, and an involved member in her church youth group. Laurel woke up one evening and was having difficulty moving her hands but she thought it would go away. It didn’t. The next morning, she was paralyzed from her elbows down. Laurel had a virus in the middle of her spine and was in the hospital for three weeks for physical therapy. Thankfully, through much prayer and extreme faith, she was able to recover with less paralysis than had been expected. I asked Laurel how her relationship with God had changed since that scary evening. Laurel explained that she now practices her faith instead of simply believing. She told me of the peace God provided her during this time and the understanding of living in “His will and not my own.” Laurel said “I have refocused on God’s plan instead of what I wanted, and looking back, I see that His plans were far better than the ones I would’ve made for myself.” I also asked Laurel how her relationship with her parents had changed through these events. Laurel told me how blessed she was to have two parents so actively involved in her life and so active in prayer as well. She witnessed the way her father strengthened her mother and provided faith when there seemed to be none. She then explained that “Earthly parents can be a perfect example of Christ’s love if they allow themselves to be,” and that she was blessed to watch how her parents handled the situation. Although she has still not completely recovered, she has big plans for the future. She studies hard, is a superior student, and she feels that the Lord is calling her into the ministry. And though she doesn’t know what the future will hold, she dreams of a lifetime of serving others in His name. Thinking back to my first encounter with this family, I realize that Laurel’s father was a testimony to me as well. Through his example, I couldn’t help but think of the ways my heavenly Father watches over me. For our Lord is much like this father, providing strength, peace, and comfort at all times, and always there... to carry our burdens. • Retreats • Weddings • Special Events • Team Building • Leadership Development Nestled in the heart of 1,200 acres of rolling, wooded hills Overnight accommodations for 84 and a private dining room with seating for 120 guests Private, secluded, yet only 5 minutes from Tulsa! 918-425-2112 July 2004 COMMUNITY SPIRIT 13 homa young people have been challenged intellectually and emotionally to embrace for themselves the life-saving message of sexual abstinence-until-marriage. KEEP Abstinence Program Free teacher training offered in Tulsa and OKC this August AY I ASK YOU SOME QUESTIONS? In your heart of hearts, M do you care about young people? As a parent, teacher, school board member, youth group leader, or health professional, when it comes to sex, are you personally concerned about the often untrue—and, indeed, immoral—messages that teenagers are learning from the overly sexualized divas and celebrities of popular culture? Do you believe all teens—from at-risk inner-city youth to privileged suburban kids—should have the opportunity at home or in school to learn how they can not only avoid pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases but have the best life and marriage possible? If these core beliefs describe you, then you’re invited to come be a part of KEEP’s two-day volunteer teacher training, which will be offered free to the public in Tulsa on Aug. 11–12 and in Oklahoma City on Aug. 12–13. KEEP: State’s Largest Abstinence Program As you may know, KEEP (Kids Eagerly Endorsing Purity) is Oklahoma’s largest abstinence-until-marriage education program for teenagers. KEEP is taught by trained volunteers in numerous public and private schools, churches and at other venues located primarily in Oklahoma and Tulsa Counties, but in other areas of the state, too. The abstinence-until-marriage program is operated by Oklahoma Family Policy Council, KEEP’s parent organization, with the full consent of the U.S. Congress and under the oversight of the Oklahoma State Department of Health. “As a character-based program, KEEP is unique because it has a different focus,” says Mike Jestes, OFPC’s executive director and a KEEP presenter. “Other programs teach sexual activity before marriage as inevitable, because they believe teenagers ‘can’t say no.’ But, we believe young people can be given truthful information that touches both their minds and emotions. We believe they can be encouraged to consider their future life goals and aspirations. When we teach them this values-oriented perspective via KEEP, we find that teenagers do have the capacity to make excellent personal choices that put sex within its proper context: marriage.” Through KEEP, thousands of Okla- Want a Better Alternative? Since 1977... •State and ACSI Accredited •Quality Christian Education K-4 Thru 8th Grade •Christian Curriculum •Offering Fine Arts & Spanish •New Gymnasium •New Technology Partnership Program with University of Richmond •Before & After School Care Summit Christian Academy Now Enrolling K–12th Grades for the Spring Semester 14 COMMUNITY SPIRIT July 2004 KEEP Training Overview You may ask, “What happens over the two days of a KEEP teacher training event?” Well, you’ll hear from Chicago, Illinois teacher Jim Coughlin, author of Facing Reality, which is the KEEP program’s EASTWOOD BAPTIST SCHOOL State, ACTS, North Central Accredited Certified Teachers Great Teacher to Student Ratio Challenging College - Prep Curriculum Extra Curricular Activities – music, band, sports, and drama 200 E. Broadway Broken Arrow, OK 74012 918-251-1997 “Setting a new standard in Christ-centered Academic Excellence” Abstinence Approach Working Research conducted by the University of Oklahoma’s Institute for Public Affairs now shows the overall effectiveness of KEEP’s “abstinence-only” instruction for young people. The numbers of young Oklahomans reached with the abstinence-until-marriage message are equally impressive. Since 1999, nearly 34,000 Oklahoma teenagers have been reached with the abstinence-until-marriage message through KEEP. Much of that positive contact has occurred in the classroom over several weeks, but also through large school assemblies featuring national abstinence speakers like Miss America 2003 Erika Harold, Doug Herman, or Rachel Whitehawk-Day. Another major factor, KEEP has been supported by over 2,000 media spots on several Oklahoma media outlets in Oklahoma City and Tulsa. Success breeds success, and as the KEEP program grows, more volunteer presenters are needed. KEEP’s upcoming teacher training is the first step to your involvement. 948 S.91 E.Ave • 74112 On 11th Street between Hwy 169 & Memorial at Eastwood Baptist 836-8546 ✔ Our Rates! excellent curriculum, and from OFPC’s Executive Director Mike Jestes. Also presenting will be David Dunn, OFPC’s research director, and KEEP Area Coordinators Gwendolyn Poteat (Oklahoma County) and Rosemary Gee (Tulsa County). The KEEP training offers a blend of interesting educational theory, cultural insight, and down-to-earth practical help for people interested in enthusiastically taking KEEP’s abstinence-only message to Oklahoma’s young people. According to Jestes, “Always popular is the demonstration of a variety of interactive teaching skits and other activities that help to make the classroom come alive for guys and girls alike. “Through KEEP,” Jestes explained, “you will make a dynamic difference in the lives of Oklahoma’s youth!” The training is offered free of charge, and all parents, educators, CPC workers, youth workers, pastors, medical doc- tors, nurses, and concerned citizens are invited to attend. Even if you have attended before, join us again to refresh your abstinence-until-marriage teaching skills. “We need and appreciate your support and participation in this community effort to continue touching lives in high schools, middle schools, and youth groups,” said Poteat, who directs daily operations of the Oklahoma County KEEP program. “Additional trained teachers— the backbone of the KEEP program—are needed for the 2004-05 school year in both Tulsa and Oklahoma Counties,” she said. What You Can Do: • Make plans today to attend the two-day August KEEP teacher training nearest you. • For more information, or to register for either the Tulsa or Oklahoma City KEEP teacher training, call KEEP at (405) 787-7744 or tollfree (888) 381-0044. Attention Business Owners! Give a Batch of Cookies... Get a Bunch of Referals Build your repeat & referral business with a tasty thank you. Your customers will remember every bite! Our Customers Include: Car Dealerships Physicians Stock Brokers Realtors RV Dealers Year round gifts shipped nationwide with a personalized thank you card from you to your customer or client. We do all the work... you get all the credit. Operated by Oklahoma Family Policy Council, Associated with Focus on the Family Now Serving All Tulsa-Area Public and Private Schools & Youth Programs to Help Teens Make Right Choices KEEP’s Next Free Volunteer Teacher Training Class, Featuring Author/Teacher Jim Coughlin, a 28-year veteran of Chicago Public Schools, is Scheduled for Aug. 11—12 in Tulsa F Av ran ai ch la ise bl s e! Call for a free sample 369-4777 Toll Free 888-6COOKIE Oklahoma’s Largest Character-Based, AbstinenceUntil-Marriage Education Program for Teenagers You’re Invited to Attend!!! To Register, Call (918) 610-KEEP or Toll-Free 1-(888) 381-0044 July 2004 COMMUNITY SPIRIT 15 The Greatest Generation Father and Son Experience WWII Memorial BY BRENT ORGAN UADALCANAL, Normandy, Iwo Jima, Midway, Dunkirk, Anzio, Bastogne, and of course, Pearl Harbor... names that far too many of the present generation have forgotten or never recognized at all. But the “greatest generation,” those who experienced World War II both at home and abroad, remember those places and many more all too well. For on those far away battlefields, many young lives were given in order to vanquish tyranny and preserve freedom for generations yet unborn. More than 400,000 American soldiers gave the “last full measure of devotion,” and never came home to friends and loved ones. Many more survived with memories of comrades lost and horrors witnessed. In many ways they have not been forgotten. Countless movies have been filmed, and thousands of books have been written so that no future generation could possibly be ignorant of the reasons for or the cost of that great conflict. But one thing has been missing these last sixty years. Inconceivable though it may be, in a city where memorials exist for every other war in our history, none has ever been erected to immortalize those who fought in World War II. Thankfully, that is no longer true. Though long overdue by any measure, the World War II Memorial was dedicated on May 29, and now lies appropriately between the Washington and Lincoln memorials on the National Mall in our nation’s capitol. I took my eight- G 16 COMMUNITY SPIRIT July 2004 een-year-old son to see it and the many other majestic and solemn sights. It was an all too brief trip that neither one of us will ever forget. I had several reasons for going, but none more important than the simple desire to pay my respects to a generation of special Americans. The site on which the spacious monument sits was dedicated in 1995, with construction beginning in September 2001. Of the more than $195 million in cash and pledges received for the project, all but $16 million came from the private sector. The structure itself is oval shaped with a length of 384 feet and width of 279 feet. On either long end there is a forty-three-foottall arch, one representing the Atlantic and the other the Pacific war theatre. In the middle of the plaza is a picturesque Rainbow pool with fountains. Rimming the beautiful granite and bronze icon are fiftysix pillars representing the states and territories in existence at the time of the war. Each pillar has two bronze wreaths, and the pillars are joined by bronze ropes. Arguably the most poignant feature is the Freedom wall, which is situated on the side nearest the Lincoln Memorial. On it are affixed four thousand gold stars, each one representing one hundred Americans lives lost in the struggle against tyranny. In front of the wall is the inscription: “Here we mark the price of freedom.” Numerous inscriptions are etched into the walls of the memorial. The words of men like Eisenhower, Truman, MacArthur, Roosevelt, Nimitz, and Marshall serve to remind us of the terrible cost of the war, and the valor of all who fought it. As my son, who is in the Army Reserve, and I strolled through the memorial, I made it a point to speak with as many veterans as possible. I wanted to know what they thought of the memorial itself, what memories were brought to mind, even what opinions they had on the state of the country. We saw caps and berets indicating service rendered on numerous ships, in battles, and theatres. I met a Pearl Harbor survivor named Frank Coppola. Though in a wheelchair, he looked quite spry as he talked to someone on a cell phone. He was accompanied by two proud men I took to be a son and grandson. I later researched Mr. Coppola on the official memorial website, where a registry has been set up to allow veterans from that era to be registered in a database. One can also query the registry to look for men and women who were in the military then, whether in a combat or non-combat role. I discovered that this hero was at Hickham Field, on December 7, 1941. After war was declared, he went to England where he served with the Eighth Air Corp and flew thirty missions over Germany as a ball turret gunner in a B-17. I spoke for nearly thirty minutes with an Army officer from Iowa named Melvin McDonald. He was in the 11th Armored Division and served in France and Germany. Mr. McDonald saw action in the Battle of the Bulge, and was involved in the liberation of the Nazi concentration camp at Mauthausen in May, 1945. (Simon Wiesenthal was freed from that camp). I tried my best to get him to answer questions about his experiences that I thought were so important. Instead, this passionate man talked my ear off about the issues of today that he thought were important. I smiled to myself as I listened. Old soldiers never die; I suppose they just find a new enemy to fight! A reunion tent had been provided where veterans and their families could meet and visit. Additionally, there were message boards set up for all service branches and the many theatres of the war. The boards were overflowing with notes from people hoping to meet long lost war buddies or their relatives. Others were looking for anyone who had known a now deceased relative. As I read some of the posts, I thought of my father-in-law, Bennie Hesselrode of Sikeston, MO. He was a navigator on a B-29 at the tail end of WWII and in Korea. When I think of him I always remember the story he tells of being called home because his wife was ill in the hospital. While he was stateside, his crew was shot down and all but two ever forget having a veteran of the Battle of the Bulge take his hand and wish him well. As our pilgrimage to Washington drew to a close, I recalled a memorable scene from the recent film, Saving Private Ryan. As the character played by Tom Hanks lay dying on a bridge, he whispers to Private Ryan that he must “earn this,” meaning the gift of surviving the conflict and being able to go home to his family. The scene then dissolves to the present where the elder Ryan is standing reverently in front of the cross under which the Hanks character is interred. Ryan is remembering the words that were whispered in his ear. He then quietly asks his wife, “am I a good man, have I led a good life?” That is a heart-wrenching question that we should all ask ourselves. Have we been worthy of the gift that we have been bequeathed? More importantly, will we too preserve this “last, best hope” for future generations? You know what? I believe that we will. Permit me one last personal note. I arrived back home in Tulsa to find that a great uncle, himself a veteran of the war in Germany, had passed away on the day of the dedication. How very appropriate. men were lost. I’m grateful that God had other plans for him. I met a man whose cap told an incredible story in these few words, “veteran of WWII, Korea, Vietnam.” I hesitantly and respectfully asked if he would speak with me for a moment. He politely declined saying that he had just come from another location where he had been relating war stories. He was quite tired and just wanted to sit down for a rest. I would not have dared to press him. I just shook his hand and thanked him for what must have been at least thirty years of service. Of course I saw many other men and women whom I would have been honored to meet, but frankly felt embarrassed to approach. A part of me has always felt unworthy of their sacrifice, incapable of understanding their sense of loss or accomplishment. Perhaps I’ll always wonder whether I’ve been a good steward of the liberty that they preserved. There was one other aspect to our trip that neither my son nor I are likely to forget. I made a point of telling each veteran I spoke to that my son is now in the Army Reserve, and will likely go into active duty in the near future. See the fun and functional Craftmade Without exception, ceiling fan at Garbe’s. We have hundreds of each one of them fans, blades, and light kits to choose from. turned to my son and From a wide assortment of gift items to the told him how proud most ornate crystal they were that he had chandeliers, we have made the choice to products that will set serve his country. your home apart. Not one had a disparaging word to say to him. As I said, I 4137 South 72nd East Ave. • 627-0284 • Open 9:30-5:00; 12-5 Saturday doubt that he will Cool Down This Summer July 2004 COMMUNITY SPIRIT 17 first peanut butter sandwich, the first youth group retreat, the first Thanksgiving, and maybe even the first prom. Exchange students really grow up during this special year, and as the host family, you have the opportunity to play an important role in helping the student to become a young adult. Your family will also grow this year by learning about a different culture and learning to accept and love a new family member. And when it is all done, you will know that you have provided not only the experience of living in America but also the quiet Host an International Exchange Student! It’s a Win – Win! the ASPECT Foundation helps thousands of kids from all over the globe come to America to study in our schools and get a taste of our culture. Individually placing students from nearly thirty different countries with American families, the foundation successfully blends students and families together in such a way that creates life-long friendships. The students are “mainstreamed” into everything from school and church to hot dogs and apple pie, and in the process, everybody wins. Imagine greeting your student (new family member) at the airport and watching them as they see and experience new things. As one parent said, “Everything takes on a new meaning as you see your “typical American life” through your student’s eyes.” The students attend your local school for a semester or academic year, and during their stay, they are fully insured and have their own spending money. You will find that your year will fly by. It is a year of “firsts,” the first day of American school, the first American friendship, the E ACH SCHOOL YEAR, testimony of the benefits of living in a Christian family. As one area ASPECT representative said, “Hosting international students is an awesome opportunity for Christians to share the love of God with young people from around the world. Many of them come from nations closed to the gospel (such as Mongolia and Vietnam), from nations hardened to the gospel (such as Germany and France), and from nations very receptive to the Lord where the gospel has not been shared. It’s a great way to establish relationships. The kids essentially become yours for an academic school year or semester. They agree before coming that they will attend church with you, do chores as a member of the household, and seek to fit into your family’s lifestyle. Host families can be married or single adults, with or without children, who can provide meals and a loving home for one or two exchange students.” The school year is quickly approaching, and right now there is a student hoping for the opportunity to come stay with you. You can learn more about hosting an exchange student through the ASPECT Foundation by visiting their website at or by calling 1-800-US YOUTH. You may also write to them at ASPECT Foundation, 350 Sansome Street #900, San Francisco, CA 94104. It is a “winning” idea! A Letter from a past student... “I became like a daughter and we had so much fun as a family! Thank you for giving me the best experience of my life, for showing me this wonderful country, and for making me get to know myself! — Eva-Karin, Sweden A Letter from the parents of a past student... We hope this letter will be an initial step of friendship and open dialogue between two families of one son. As parents we have concerns and worries about sending our son to live with an unknown family. We imagine you share those feelings with us when you will host an unknown young boy. We believe this experience will be a positive one for our son, for you, and for us. We hope this letter will be a first step toward a truthful friendship for entire life. Tulsa’s Leader in Floor Covering Ceramic Tile offers infinite design possibilities Create customized looks for your floor, wall and countertops Whatever look you desire—rustic, traditional, contemporary—we’re confident you’ll find it here in Grigsby’s Showroom Stainmaster Flooring Center 6 3 3 5 E A S T 4 1 S T • T U L S A , O K 9 1 8 / 6 2 7 - 6 9 9 6 • W W W. G R I G S B Y S . C O M July 2004 COMMUNITY SPIRIT 19 0DNLQJ0XVLFZLWK<RXU/LIH 92&$/&2$&+,1* 'HYHORSLQJ &RQILGHQW,PSDFWIXO6LQJHUV &DULQJ3RVLWLYH0RWLYDWLQJ (PSKDVLVRQ7UDLQLQJIRU:256+,3 ([FHOOHQW5HIHUHQFHV$YDLODEOH &DOO'HERUD%DUUHWW CLASSIFIED ADS 10% Off 10032 South Sheridan Phone: 918-296-0667 Expires 08/31/04 Chinese Kitchen Fax: 918-296-0876 MARK CLOSE Roofing & Construction Inc. “Since 1988” We Give You the Best Roof for Your Money Fully Insured Workman’s Comp Member BBB Free with each New Roof: • 04-Roof Vents • Heavy Felt Paper • Painted metal edge • 5 Year Written Warranty 371-9677 CLASSIFIED ADS $25 for 1 Month with discounts for pre-paid additional months. Deadline: 10th of each month, Maximum of 25 words, plus maximum of six words bold headline. Christian Single Men Mission Trip! Meet and interact with Christian single Russian ladies in ministry activities. This trip will change your life. Sign up today for our September 2004 trip to Minsk, Belarus. Call for more information or visit our web site. 619.757.9453; Web: meetchristiansinglesinternational Listen to THE VOICE OF THANKSGIVING on Mon/Wed/Fri. at 3:45 p.m., on 1340AM. Call 749-1049 anytime for pre-recorded or special prayer. Aelsworth Ministries. Box 700387, Tulsa, OK 74170 Victory Christian Center Vacation Bible School “Time Trackers” June 19-21, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. Ages 5-12. For more information, call 491-7796. Heavy Burdens? Are you tired, stressed out, or frustrated? Call Always Solutions Counseling Services for a new perspective. See our ad in the Shepherd’s Guide Phone Book Ask about our Painting & Guttering Specials with a New Roof! Coupon Expires 08-31-04 4870 South Lewis • Suite 125 Tulsa, OK 74105 • 918.352.1081 300 $1000 The Mustard Seed $ Full Service Car Wash Brushless Spot Free We Care For Your Car Inside & Out! OFF OFF GOLD OR PLATINUM PACKAGE COMPLETE DETAIL PACKAGE Extra Charge For Oversize or Muddy Vehicles 4222 S. Memorial Dr. Tulsa, OK 74145 6510 E. 71st Street Tulsa, OK 74135 4637 S. Peoria Tulsa, OK 74105 627-8015 494-6091 749-0602 Limit One Coupon Per Visit • Not Valid With Other Offers • Must Be Present At Time Of Service • Expires 9-30-04 20 COMMUNITY SPIRIT July 2004 Massage & Center for Health $10.00 Off Your First One Hour Massage (expires 7/31/04) Pregnancy, therapeutic, stress/pain relief & relaxation massage Body wraps, paraffin dips, and ear candling 6333 S. Memorial Suite E. (918) 459-9669 “If ye have as much faith as a grain of mustard seed... Nothing shall be impossible unto you.” Matthew 17:20 Teaching Kids to ESCAPE! the Dignity program, “Last month my son celebrated his tenth birthday with his friends and family because he was able to escape from an abductor. Thank You! I am grateful to Dignity Memorial® Escape School®.” Please, call Stanley’s Funeral Service to get your child into the earliest program available. Get with your school or — ABC NEWS church and have them organize a class for Stanley’s to teach. It absolutely could save the life of your child as well as his or her friends. You can learn more about the program by visiting Then, to arrange a program for your school, church, or civic group, call Stanley’s Funeral Service at (918) 743-6271. They can explain the details. And when you contact them, be sure to thank them for being such good corporate citizens. Since 1909, they have been a community leader. In fact, through the years they have offered many “firsts,” such as the first mechanized ambulance, the first funeral home built specifically for that purpose, and the first urban funeral home. Now they are donating their time and resources to minister to our community in a different, but life-giving way. We think that deserves a special thanks! Stanley’s Funeral Service Offers Safety Program for Kids “Dignity Memorial Escape School makes you D ANGER LOOMS EVERYWHERE rethink who has the power. And it’s the child.” you look... at the mall, on the little league ball diamond, at the bus stop, and yes, even at the church building. Tragically, this year alone some 5,000 children will be abducted by strangers and almost four hundred of the children will never be seen alive again. Could it happen to your child? “Absolutely,” says a young mother in Houston. “I never imagined or dreamed a kidnapping could ever occur in our family,” she said. But it did. The unthinkable did happen one day when a stranger tried to grab her daughter. Thankfully though, she got away. “Ashlie is safe with us now. She attributed getting away to all the things she learned at Dignity Memorial® Escape School.” The employees of Dignity Memorial® funeral, cemetery, and cremation providers are mothers and fathers, aunts and uncles, grandmothers and grandfathers too. And based upon their belief that children can be taught skills to often escape or prevent abduction, they pulled together a unique training seminar. Now their company, Dignity Memorial (the affiliate company of Stanley’s Funeral Service), has turned the program into a nationally recognized seminar. In fact, their child abduction prevention program has been featured on “The Oprah Winfrey Show,” “Good Morning America,” “The View with Barbara Walters,” “Hard Copy,” and others. “The program teaches kids to be smart, not scared,” explains Stanley’s Managing Funeral Director, Jon Hoopert. “It covers how to differentiate between ‘good’ or ‘bad’ strangers, how to get away—right away, how to escape from a car, and other skills to avoid and escape abduction.” Stanley’s Funeral Service has been offering the course as a free gift to the community for the past year. They have given the class at such places as Boston Avenue Methodist Church, Olive School, and Drumright Schools, as well as at their funeral home on 31st just west of Harvard. When we asked why a funeral service would get involved in such a program, a very serious Hoopert replied, “If you had to sit in front of grieving parents, you too would be willing to do everything you could to prevent it... to stop it!” Hoopert, a father of two teenage girls, knows the dangers, and wants to provide every bit of protection possible for his girls and for kids all over the area. Susan Hill, a mom from Shelbyville, Tennessee, said about HELP WANTED SALES REPRESENTATIVES • Distinctively Different • Specializing in Contemporary Design • Weddings & Event Planning • Corporate, Church & Personal Accounts • Large Selection of Cash & Carry By The Stem Tulsa’s Most Unique and Unusual Annuals and Perennials 20% Discount on Garden Plants (with this ad) Email: [email protected] Website: Make a Great Income! Work with “the neatest Christian businesses in town!" Selling something that truly touches lives! Full or Part Time Flexible Hours Lucrative Commissions Advertising Sales Experience Required Call for an interview today. (918) 307-2323. Community Spirit ® In the Heart of Brookside, 1210 E. 41st (41st & Peoria) 918-744-9595 • 1-866-744-9595 • Fax 918-744-8040 July 2004 COMMUNITY SPIRIT 21 three players from last year’s championship team retired or departed for other teams. One thing remains the same: the Tulsa Talons are in the thick of another championship quest. That’s Mission Number One. Mission Number Two is to really be an active part of the Tulsa community. After a three win and three loss start, the Talons put together a string of impressive Team On A Double Mission N A HOT SATURDAY NIGHT in August 2003, before a standing room only Tulsa Convention Center crowd, the Tulsa Talons won the Arena Football 2 Championship. Then everything changed. It was like someone pulled the artificial turf out from under the new champions. Tulsa automobile dealer and philanthropist Henry Primeaux partnered with Tulsa entrepreneur Paul Ross to purchase the team from founder Jeff Lund. University of Tulsa football star, and later Philadelphia Eagle standout, David Alexander was brought in as part-owner and General Manager. Last year’s winning coach, Skip Foster, departed after three seasons for the upper echelon Arena Football League and was replaced by as yet untested Ken Matous. Finally, all but O victories to regain a position atop the standings in the af2 Southwest Division. At press time, it looks like the division title and playoff spot will come down to a three-way battle between the Talons and arch rivals Oklahoma City and Wichita. One of the few carry-overs from last year is the involvement of Bruce Ewing, pastor of Tulsa’s Fellowship Bible Church, as team chaplain and unofficial head spiritual cheerleader. Before games and even at practice, Ewing can be seen encouraging players and snagging footballs. It is not a surprise that several of the players are eager to share their testimony. Wide receiver/ defensive back Robert Reed has been quick, even in media interviews, to 3030 S. Harvard Ave. 6999 S. Memorial Dr. Tulsa, OK 74114 Tulsa, OK 74133 give God full glory 918-749-2020 Phone 918-461-2020 Phone for his successes on 918-749-2024 Fax 918-461-2022 Fax the field. In recent post game Custom LASIK 1 $ Free Consult 585.2020 22 COMMUNITY SPIRIT July 2004 views and TV47’s weekly “Tulsa 2025,” Reed talked openly about his abilities as a “gift from God.” It is common after af2 games to see both teams come together midfield and kneel in prayer. The players often make appearances at local hospitals and charities spreading goodwill and encouragement. Much is said about the relatively low pay for players in the league, but that does not make this an inexpensive operation. This franchise is rumored to have cost Primeaux and Ross in excess of half a million dollars, not including operating costs. The new owners have not spared expenses. Not only were new uniforms ordered but also a new bus was purchased for travel. The new bus will sleep the entire team, a welcome relief on long road trips. Every interview with players includes positive comments about the new ownership. The new owners know the importance of the fans, also. They made free tickets available to Talons fans traveling to Wichita for the game played at Kansas Coliseum on June 19. After every home game, the players, coaching staff, and cheerleaders are available for autographs and photos. Arena Football league games are carried nationally on NBC. One of the first things Primeaux did upon buying the team was set up the local broadcast alliances. All 2004 Talons games are heard on AM1170 KFAQ, and a group of six games, including all of the remaining away games, are seen live on KWHB-TV47/Cox Cable Channel 7. TV47’s Mark Wedel does play-by-play, and KFAQ’s Michael DelGiorno handles the color on the broadcast team for both radio and television. This is the first year Talons regular season games have been shown live on local television. The Talons have three home games in July with ticket specials for all three games. The three Maxwell Convention Center games in July include contests with the Wichita Stealth on July 10, the Rio Grande Valley Dorados on July 17, and the Laredo Law on July 31. A family four pack, with four tickets to each of the three games, is just $49. Primeaux and Ross, both very involved corporate citizens, have created a ticket plan available to all non-profit organizations which can assist groups in fund raising. Interested parties should contact the Talons ticket office for details at 294-1000. This is the fourth year for the Talons in the twenty-five team af2 league. As of this writing, the Talons are 43 and 15 in regular season wins and losses. To Your Health B Y M A RY A N N O ’ D E L L , M S , R D A Healthy Dose of Summer A S THE SUMMER MONTHS ARRIVE, more and more people will be heading outdoors for camping trips, picnics, water skiing, swimming, gardening, and other activities. Everyone enjoys the warmth of the sun, but fears the dreaded sunburn and the very real threat of skin cancer. Small amounts of sun, meaning ten to fifteen minutes per day, can actually be beneficial by forming essential vitamin D. Vitamin D is an essential vitamin that helps with calcium utilization, improves the immune system, and increases metabolism. However, spending too much time in the sun can lead to skin damage. Here are some guidelines for enjoying the summer sun while protecting your body: Protection on the Outside If you are planning on being in the sun for more than ten to fifteen minutes, or if you are outside at all between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., wear a good sunblock (at least SPF 15) to protect the skin and prevent burning. In particular, look for sun blocks that contain protection against both UVA and UVB rays, and that include other nourishing and protecting ingredients, such as vitamin E, vitamin C, green tea or chamomile. Be sure to re-apply sunblock every two hours and after swimming. Protection from the Inside Consider taking an antioxidant supplement with vitamin E and mixed carotenes. Studies show that free radical damage from the sun is involved in UVinduced skin cancer. Antioxidants play a key role in protection against free radical damage and prevention of cancer. Another form of protection that many people do not think of is water. While water does not necessarily protect the skin, it does protect the body from dehydration. When we are at the pool or on the lake, surrounded by water, we often forget that we still need to drink pure water to keep the body hydrated. After-Sun Protection After sun exposure, apply a lotion or moisturizer that contains antioxidants, which act to moisturize and protect the skin. Aloe vera gel applied topically is also beneficial for its cooling, soothing, and healing properties. Mary Ann O’Dell is a registered dietitian working with Akin’s Natural Foods Market. WARREN PLACE TRAVEL WE’RE NOW YOUR PREMEAR TRAVEL AGENCY FOR DISNEY VACATIONS! SCIENTIFIC BREAKTHROUGH ANNOUNCED! Experts Announce a True Businessman/Technology Guru Hybrid “We have invented a computer jock who can communicate!” Just imagine... • Websites that don’t require a computer nerd to maintain • Websites that YOU can easily update • Websites that help you manage your business “I was thrilled to hear about Quantum Delta. They took the time to understand my business and build a site that not only works, but also is a complete management tool.” —Tom McCloud, Publisher, Community Spirit It IS possible. They DO exist. Make a call and see for yourself! Web Solutions 6100 S. YALE AVE. • (918) 492-4724 [email protected] 918.369.5834 | 918.606.1267 July 2004 COMMUNITY SPIRIT 23 Heart & Home B Y N . DA N E T Y N E R Beyond Celebrating Freedom this month, we have a natural venue for discussing this grand concept in our homes with our children. I encourage you to seize the opportunity. To that end, I want to help us mentally prepare for this valuable family activity. Freedom is a popular word in our land. As a nation, it’s what we stand for, what we’re known for. Americans love freedom, even if we don’t understand it; at least, we all know we are supposed to love freedom. For many of us, however, our understanding of freedom is simplistic and shallow. Freedom is a A S WE CELEBRATE FREEDOM deep and complex concept, easily misunderstood, easily distorted, and easily abused. Disregarding these complexities can result in the loss of freedom. Freedom does not exist in isolation from other forces. In fact, freedom is always under threat. Whether from intentional assault of freedom-haters or from the unintended consequences resulting from choices made by those exercising their freedom, or from gradual microscopic erosion, freedom is under constant attack. It should therefore be protected constantly and diligently. To disregard this protective role diminishes the Thank You for a Great Year! “Air Assurance was recently awarded the “2004 National Residential Contractor Of The Year” award by the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA), the nation’s “Air Assurance represents the best of the best in the largest trade association heating and air conditioning representing the heating, industry. Their growth and ventilation, air conditioning, success is directly related to and refrigeration industry. their exceptional service and customer satisfaction.” We competed against 6,000 -Paul Stalknecht, ACCA President & CEO heating and air conditioning contractors nationwide, and were very surprised when our name was announced at the annual conference in New Orleans. The award acknowledged us for our commitment to the community, product sales, employee technical support, and training. They also recognized that 100 percent of our service technicians were NATE* certified, which is the most stringent technical training program in the industry. Thank you ACCA. And a special thank you to all of our customers – this award belongs to you too!” Our Family Taking Care Of Yours. All Day. Everyday. 258-HEAT 258-COOL Or visit our showroom at 61st & 145 East Avenue in Broken Arrow *North American Technician Excellence, Inc. 24 COMMUNITY SPIRIT July 2004 freedom we have and renders the freedom left less pure. Freedom can be divorced from the concepts of “right and wrong,” “personal responsibility,” “consequences of actions,” and “rules of social order,” but only at its peril. For many Americans, freedom has been divorced from these vitally related concepts. The result: our freedom is different from the freedom our Founding Fathers sought. Theirs was a freedom connected to each of these concepts. Who can question that the concept of “right and wrong” has been nearly blurred into oblivion by situational ethics and moral relativism? Who can question that an exaggerated emphasis on our personal rights has eclipsed meaningful emphasis on personal responsibilities and respect for social order? As people have lauded “freedom of choice,” notice their failure to warn those considering life-altering choices (such as becoming sexually active outside of marriage or having an abortion) that we have no guaranteed freedom from the consequences of our choices? I believe the Founding Fathers’ liberty can be restored in America, one home at a time. We can wrestle with these deep issues and re-inject Biblical wisdom into our thought processes regarding freedom. The Apostle Paul wrote to the church in Galatia, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” (Gal 5:1 NIV). Notice the admonition to guard freedom; it is subject to assault. Slavery would have you back. Now, let’s have our family discussions. Pick a time and place conducive to open and relaxed discussion. Prepare to lead without dominating. Write down two or three discussion points. You might use something like: “Freedom is the right to do whatever I please.” Ask each participant to respond to the statement: Do you agree or disagree and why? Perhaps you could discuss a pertinent quote like the following from our second president, John Adams: “It is religion and morality alone which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand.” You might also encourage a family research project, with every able-member searching the Internet or elsewhere for powerful “freedom” quotations to share in your discussion time. Use your creativity and keep discussion productive rather than argumentative. May our discussions help all of us prize and protect our freedoms. And may the Author of freedom guide us into freedom. Dane Tyner is founder and director of Home Improvement Ministry. H.I.M. is a Christian counseling ministry with offices in Cityplex Towers in Tulsa. Contact the ministry at 918.492.4811. Visit the ministry website at Good Stewardship B Y R A N DY C . C O W E L L , M . S . , L U T C F, C F P, C S A Conquering The “B” Word ...B...B...BUDGET. For most people just saying the word causes the blood pressure to rise, palms to sweat, and an uncontrolled stammering. Over the years I have found that most men use budgets to punish their wives. They never seem to work successfully and often cause collateral damage in the form of hurt relationships and the termination of much needed financial products. This article is for all those wishing, once and for all, to get a handle on their finances and actually establish a budget that works! In the fourteenth chapter of Luke, Jesus was teaching the disciples when he posed a great rhetorical question. “Suppose you want to build a tower... Will you not first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it?” The answer Jesus gave to this question was this: “For if he lays the foundation and is not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule him, saying, ‘This fellow began to build and was not able to finish.’” Let’s face it, most of us aren’t building many towers these days, but if we substitute the word house, college fund, or retirement plan for tower, the verse speaks to each and every one of us. The fact is that everyone has a financial plan and those around us—friends and family—are watching to see how we manage our affairs. B A Plan That Works There are four basic parts of a successful budget. The first and possibly one of the most critical steps in establishing a successful one is to determine your cash flow. It is imperative that you know what you are currently spending. How else can you determine your out-go unless you do an inventory? I’ve found the best way to determine your expenses is to analyze your checkbook. Go back for three months and record all your non-discretionary expenses, such as mortgage payments, utilities, food (not eating out—that’s a discretionary item), insurances, etc. Don’t forget your tithe! Now determine your discretionary expenses, such as eating out, entertainment, and clothing. Once you have determined these expenses, you can proceed to the next step of planning your budget. Once expenses are identified and categorized, the second step is to establish three separate checking accounts. The first checking account will be for non-discretionary items and will be entitled “Household Accounts.” The second is for savings and investing, and the third will be entitled, “Fun and Toys” and will be for all discretionary expenses. When establishing these checking accounts, request the title be placed on the checks along with your personal info. This will help you to identify them and keep them separate. A bank officer assisting you in establishing these accounts will gladly put this in the title section of your checks. Here’s a word of caution: for security purposes, never put your social security number or drivers license number on your checks. Once these three accounts are established, then you can use the cash-flow analysis to establish your budget. In Summary If we summarize the budget process, this is what you will have accomplished: you will have identified all of your non-discretionary household items. These items are not negotiable. They are paid out of your household account, and the same amount will be paid every month. The second account will establish and maintain all of your savings and investments such as mutual funds and brokerage accounts. It will be responsible for making automatic monthly contributions and payments. The third part of our budget process is the Fun and Toys account, and as we have discussed, is maintained by the wife. This is the discretionary account and is the account where all discretionary expenses originate. Technically speaking, this is the only account that has to be budgeted. If you are interested in taking a trip, then this is the account you would do it from. Clothing, entertainment... the money comes from this account. When you receive your payroll check, you can establish split deposits into each of the three accounts. This set-up seems to work the best when all the accounts are established with the same bank or credit union. You simply have to make split deposits to fund the three separate accounts. I have been reviewing financial plans for nearly two decades and have observed that the most successful ones are integrated, coordinated, and departmentalized. Those plans which don’t have these key features seldom succeed or reach their full potential. God bless and happy budgeting! Anyone interested in learning more about budgeting can contact Randy at (918) 664-0081 or by e-mail at [email protected]. What’s The Purpose of All The Accounts? Now that the accounts are established, what’s next? Let’s recap the purpose of each account: Household Account—all non-discretionary expenses are to be written out of this account, only non-discretionary items and nothing else! Investing and Savings—insurance companies, mutual funds, brokers’ firms, love these types of arrangements. By saving through automatic bank draft, you will be automating the savings and investing process. Anything related to savings and investing, such as life and disability insurance, can be included in this account. By saving in this fashion, establishing a money-market account will be a breeze. Fun and Toys—in my opinion, is the missing link in the budget process. NormalRandy C. Cowell is a columnist, author, and president ly when I am discussing budgeting with of ACT Financial Services, Inc. in Tulsa, Oklahoma. couples, by this time in our conversation, He recently published his first book, God Good-Debt the wife has virtually checked out of our Bad, and welcomes your thoughts and prayers. discussion. When I discuss the “Fun and Toys” account and mention the fact that the wife is solely in charge of it, the wife is back on board and interested in knowing more about it. This account utilizes the cookie jar theory OF THE of saving and spending, which is, you July 17, 18 & 19 put money in, you take money out. Friday & Saturday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. When the cookie-jar Sunday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Crafts, Antiques, Collectibles & Gift Items is empty, you stop spending! AT THE TULSA COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS AT EXPO SQUARE AN AFFAIR HEART A Unique Marketplace July 2004 COMMUNITY SPIRIT 25 Business Focus Its True... Christians Should Do Business with Christians The Shepherd’s Guide Promotes Christian Businesses HEN THE SHEPHERD’S GUIDE, a nationally-franchised Christian business directory, came to town last year, owners Ken and Pam Walker had some challenges ahead of them. Other Christian directories had come and gone, leaving a distaste in the mouths of many of their advertisers, and though Tulsans loved the concept, businesses were rightfully skeptical. But the Walkers were different. Armed with a prayerful obedience, they jumped in with both feet and in the process, they have proven both themselves and their attractive, new directory. The Shepherd’s Guide is a blessing to over 125 cities across the country. Started twenty-five years ago by Doug Scheidt, a Christian businessman in Baltimore, Maryland, it has expanded with the belief that if given a chance, Christians will choose to keep their business “in the family.” With the first year successfully under their belt, the Walkers are busy putting the final W touches on the upcoming second edition. “This year’s directory will be bigger and better than ever. In fact, we have already more than doubled the number of advertisers from last year,” Ken explained. But just having a “big” directory isn’t the intention of this dynamic couple. Dedicated to protecting the integrity of the directory, they do their best to include the best companies from each field. Though the deadlines are quickly approaching, it is not too late to be included into this year’s directory. “It is a great way to gain new customers,” insists Ken. “Advertising is like putting your salesperson in front of thousands of people. Repetition is the key to effective advertising. People need to see you again and again. We keep your business in people’s mind throughout the entire year.” 50,000 Shepherd’s Guides are distributed all across the Tulsa area in places like Mardel and Family Christian stores. Several area restaurants also welcome the guide, such as Golden Corral (71st & Mingo) and Shiloh’s at 51st and the Broken Arrow Expressway. The Shepherd’s Guide offices are now located in the KWHB TV-47 Building, just next door to Community Spirit. In fact, Ken and Pam have offered a special $100 advertising discount to Community Spirit readers. You can learn more about Shepherd’s Guide by visiting their website at Or you can contact Ken and Pam directly at [email protected] or at (918) 259-0003. In August, the Shepherd’s Guide website will include a business directory where you can find Christian businesses in cities all over the country. Meet the Walkers Ken and Pam have made their home in Tulsa. The Shepherd’s Guide is something altogether different for the couple. Ken, a Gulf war veteran and an Airborne Paratrooper, was an interrogator for the Army in both French and Spanish. After the first Gulf war, he attended Baltimore International Culinary College where he graduated Valedictorian. Though selling advertising now seems a far cry from cooking French cuisine, Ken believes that this is right where God wants him to be. The couple has a five-year old daughter named Gracie. We are Professional Grade Where Customers Send Their Friends Exit Hwy 51 East to Hwy 69 South • Wagoner 1-800-375-9464 918-485-2188 Take a Short Drive To Savings! 26 COMMUNITY SPIRIT July 2004 ® The Shepherd’s Guide The Christians’ Choice of Yellow Pages e h t g n Over 25 i v r e s w o n Is METRO TULSA Years! a Tulsa are REACH OVER 50,000 CHRISTIAN FAMILIES, CHURCHES & GROUPS THROUGHOUT METRO TULSA BY ADVERTISING IN THE SHEPHERD’S GUIDE! Metro ! n o i t i d e d n 2 s t i with Benefits You Receive from Advertising in The Shepherd’s Guide: • You will be making a statement of your faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. The Shepherd’s Guide is more than another phone book... IT’S A STATEMENT OF FAITH! • You will reach thousands of believers who prefer doing business with other Christians and frequently look in The Shepherd’s Guide FIRST when they have a need. WE ARE NOW ACCEPTING ADVERTISERS FOR OUR 2004 EDITION! PLEASE CALL TO RESERVE YOUR SPACE TODAY! 918-259-0003 Visit Us On The Web: Community Spirit readers receive $100.00 OFF your Shepherd’s Guide ad. Better hurry though. Time is running out to be in the next edition! and Surrounding Areas SECOND EDITION If they’re not paying rent, you should evict them. 665-2129 July 2004 COMMUNITY SPIRIT 27 HeyYouth Ministers! Come join the fun at Celebration Station’s Area Wide Open Church Lock-in! FEED THE FAMILY MONDAYS Just A Large, One Topping Pizza 10 BUCK Just • Midnight - 6am! • Unlimited Rides! • Unlimited Golf! • Unlimited Video Games! • 20 Game Tokens! Only $19.99 a person + tax Call 918-493-3331 for details. Ask how to include the Rock Climbing Wall for your Group! TUESDAYS Unlimited Go-Kart Rides And 20 Tokens WACKY WEDNESDAYS Just 18 Holes of Miniature Golf Just ROARING THURSDAYS Unlimited Go-Kart Rides News Around Town Circle July 10! Tulsa Southern Gospel Worship Gathering Hosted By Peter & Dorothy Enns And Ted & Joanne Robertson, Bringing A Little Of Branson To Tulsa There is no admission charge to this monthly Tulsa Southern Gospel Worship Gathering. Approximately 3,000 guests have attended. Enjoy Darlene Kipling at the grand piano with The Good Word Worship Singers, Mark & Brenda Chapman, Doyle McAlister & The Tulsans Quartet. Also enjoy a Two-piece Chicken Dinner with Potatoes, Corn, Coleslaw, Rolls, Coffee/Tea Included. Served 5:00 to 6:30, just $5 per person. For guaranteed reservations call: 918.299.5722 by Thursday, July 8. Worship Gathering will follow. Location: Tulsa Family Worship Center Facility, 15303 E. 21st Street (1/2 Mile East of Eastland Mall), Saturday, July 10, 2004 7:00 p.m. For More Information call 918.299.5722. or go online to Thoroughly Modern Millie debuts in Tulsa AUGUST 11-15, 2004 Thoroughly Modern Millie was 2002’s most awarded new show on Broadway. Now the spectacular experience that is Millie is coming to the Tulsa Performing Arts Center August 11th to the 15th. The production is directed by Michael Mayer, choreographed by Rob Ashford and presented by Olay® Regenerist. Based on the 1967 Oscarwinning film of the same name, Thoroughly Modern Millie takes audiences back to the height of the Jazz Age, when “moderns”—including a flapper named Millie Dillmount—were bobbing their hair, raising their hemlines, entering the workforce, and rewriting the rules of love. This singing, dancing, romancing musical takes place 28 COMMUNITY SPIRIT July 2004 in Manhattan, 1922, with all the jazz-age razzmatazz you want in a big, bright, brand-new Broadway blockbuster. It’s the story of a Midwestern girl who arrives in New York determined to take the town by storm. USA Today says Millie is “a thoroughly delightful experience.” And as Time Out New York says, “you can’t see this kind of whirling, transporting pop entertainment anywhere else!” Thoroughly Modern Millie, welcomed by Bank of Oklahoma, will be at the Tulsa Performing Arts Center from August 11th to August 15th. Tickets may be purchased at the Tulsa Performing Arts Center, via phone at (918) 596-7111 (outside the Tulsa area 800-3647111) or via the internet at Groups of twenty or more may call Celebrity Attractions at (918) 477-7469, ext. 220. For more information, interviews and glossies, contact Celebrity Attractions at (918) 477-SHOW (7469) or visit their web site at For more info: “Run for the Children” Event to Benefit Local Agency Tulsans will don their running shoes and Run for the Children in a first-ever event for fun, fitness, and to support Dillon International’s programs for orphaned children. Proceeds raised from this USA Track and Field Foundation-sanctioned event will help support Dillon International’s programs for orphaned children in China, South Korea, India, Guatemala, Haiti, Ukraine, and Vietnam by providing funds for food, medicine, clothing, and school supplies. The 5 km Run (starting at 7:30 p.m.) and 1 km Fun Run/Walk (starting at 7:00 p.m.) will be held Friday, July 30 at Cascia Hall Preparatory School, 2520 S. Yorktown Ave. Advance registration costs $16 Single Men on a Mission with Russian Singles! In the Russian church, single women greatly outnumber the men! For nearly ten years now the International Christian Interpreters Assoc. (ICIA) has been operational in the Former USSR. This organization was established by Jim Harper as he began his resident missionary work in 1994 in the Former USSR. There were very few interpreters available and even fewer who were Christians and the need was great. Jim and his wife, Tanya, who is from Belarus, have trained and developed nearly four hundred of them in character, integrity, commitment and spiritual growth. It is interesting that 80% of the members of the ICIA are women and most of them are single. In seeing the need for these Christian ladies to meet and interact with single men, the Lord stirred up the hearts of Jim and Tanya to develop “Meet Christian Singles International” (MCSI). The committed Russian Single ladies are eager to meet and work with single Christian men from the U.S. The first Single Men’s Mission Trip to Minsk, Belarus will be in late September of 2004 with the theme of “Building Relationships.” These men will meet mature Christian single ladies from the Former Soviet Union, fellowship with them, attend relationship-building seminars and workshops, and work on charity projects together. MCSI is a Bible-based, nondenominational organization with a goal of building the Kingdom of God and supplying the needs of the body of Christ. This is one tool the Lord has provided for singles to go on a mission trip with purpose and fulfillment. You can sign up today for the September trip by going to the web site, meetchristiansinglesinternational, or calling: 619.757.9453. TICKETS ON SALE JULY 9TH! ©2003ModernMillieLLC with a T-shirt and $11 without a T-shirt. Advance registration continues through July 29 at the Dillon International office, 3227 E. 31st St., Suite 200; pre-registration will also be held July 2629 at Fleet Feet Sports in KingsPointe Village, 6022 S. Yale. Race day registration starts at 6 p.m. and the fee is $20 with a T-shirt and $15 without a Tshirt. Registration is free for participants under 10-years-old. T-shirts may be purchased separately for $8. Sponsorship opportunities, ranging from $250 to $2,500, are still available. Major sponsors include Fleet Feet Sports of Tulsa. For more information on registering for, or sponsoring, the run, please call Dillon International at 918-749-4600. Information and registration is also available on the Dillon website, NEW YORK. THE ROARING ’20s. A SMALL-TOWN GIRL IS ABOUT TO TURN THIS BIG-TIME TOWN UPSIDE DOWN! 2002 TO TONY AWARD WINNER! ® Experts in Laser Vision Correction Nearsightedness • Farsightedness • Astigmatism ASK ABOUT OUR FREE SCREENING! Marc L. Abel, D.O. J. Harley Galusha, D.O. Brian F. Williams, O.D. Joe Cope, O.D. Brett Enyart, O.D. 6140 S. Memorial, Tulsa Toll Free 1.800.325.0113 252.2020 3131 Military Blvd, Muskogee 918.687.6600 1.877.325.0113 $100 3233 E. 31st St. Ste 202, Tulsa 918.743.9494 OFF Per Eye With Ad Original Broadway Cast Recording on Welcomed By AUGUST 11-15, 2004 Tulsa Performing Arts Center FOR TICKETS CALL 596-7111 OUTSIDE TULSA CALL 1-800-364-7111 • ONLINE AT TULSAPAC.COM Tickets also available at select Homeland locations, Tulsa PAC Box Office Groups of 20 or more call 477-SHOW (7469) ext. 220 to receive a discount Celebrity Attractions • Offer Expires July 31, 2004 July 2004 COMMUNITY SPIRIT 29 Now Open! Get Ready for Back to School BODY DEFINED FITNESS • 24-Hour Access Gym • No Contract—Month to Month • 81st and Memorial, North end of the Echelon Center CLOTHESLINE CLOTHING Previously Owned Clothing for little “Buddies” of All Ages 918.459.2639 (459.BODY) 5 (One discount per ad please) OKcomsprt E E W AV DO T H MON-THURS, 10am -6pm FRI & SAT, 10am-8pm SUN, 12 -6pm 21st. & Yale 749-7385 30 COMMUNITY SPIRIT July 2004 20th Anniversary $ 5 Just bring this ad and receive one $5 discount. That’s just $12.95 (regularly $17.95) for all the slides, dives, swings, plunges and thrills you can grab. Big Splash Ne w Wav e FunO.FF Make your hot Summer WAY COOL with our $ OFF Special. Clothes for the Whole Family... Men’s (Business & Casual), Women’s, Children, Maternity, Formal Wear Plus Sizes too! Clothes So Good They Deserve a Second Chance 8988-B S. Sheridan 495-1428 Open Monday-Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Mention this ad for a 10% Discount! If all you get is MAD after listening to other talk stations, try ours! 7:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Insight for Living Chuck Swindoll Family Life Today Dennis Rainey Focus on the Family Dr. James Dobson Point of View Marlin Maddoux Money Matters Crown Financials New Life Live (Psychology) Steven Arterburn America’s Family Coaches Gary & Barbara Rosberg TALK RADIO THAT MAKES YOU BETTER... NOT BITTER. Commitment to Quality • Quality Service • Quality Products Quality = Customer Satisfaction Fuel For The Soul Sierra GTO Vibe Grand Prix Denali Canyon Envoy XUV We Are Professional Grade 258-1800 161st & BA Expressway Faith Dreher always respected her co-workers. Especially when they helped her survive her breast cancer.* An easy decision A comprehensive treatment plan When CTCA employee Faith Dreher was diagnosed with breast cancer, there was no question where she would be treated. She saw the fighting spirit, comprehensive care and innovation every day on the job. CTCA in Tulsa is one of the few hospitals in the Southwest offering HDR brachytheraphy for breast cancer. CTCA’s unique integrative approach blends such medical treatment with nutrition, naturopathy, mind/body medicine and spiritual support all under one roof. To learn more about innovative treatment options available in Tulsa, call 918-496-5170 to receive your FREE breast cancer information kit. A better option* Faith discussed her options. She chose to have a lumpectomy followed by High Dose Rate Brachytheraphy. This innovative treatment delivers a high dose of radiation directly to the tumor site. The entire treatment takes five to seven days instead of the five to seven weeks for typical radiation treatment. Plus, Faith knew there would be less damage to healthy surrounding tissue. Before long, she was back to doing what she loves. Making a difference at CTCA. *No case is typical. You should not expect to experience these results. Call now for your FREE breast cancer information kit 918-496-5170