1985 - Golf Manitoba
1985 - Golf Manitoba
Message from M.G.A. President It is with co nsiderabl e enthusiasm that I look forward to th o 198 5 golf season. Ono might identify it as a ye.r of change. Th e M anitoba Opon will have its larges t purso In several years and It is expoc ted this w ill attra ct a very strong field. Special th anks should go to Southwood for their effort s. The Manitoba Am atour will soe change in its format with I ho low 60 and ties making th o championship flight after th o first two round s. Thi s will reduce the numbor of m atch-play flight s to four, There will also be 8 on e-w eek broak between the Willingd on Cup trial s and th o M anitoba Am ateur. Th e M anit oba Junior progmm will see several Innovations in the form at for the Sunday Junior Intorclubs. The golf c amp form erly held at Shile w ill be changed to include 8 camp in Carman redirec ted to rural players and an elite camp in Winnipeg for pl ayers from bOlh Winnipeg and rural Manitoba, Tho cut in the M anitoba Junior Championships will also be changed to th e low 60 and ti es after th e second round . Rossmere will hos t the Canadian Junior Championship from Augu st 26 to 30 . With several excellent junior pl ayors w e are predic ting 0 'lory good show ing by our M anitoba team. April saw the larges t turnout 8vor at a first cOllncil mee ting of th o se ason. Th is speaks w ell for tl1 8 enthusiasm and interes t at the adnlinis trative level. Tho M anitoba Sports Federati on and th e Oepartmer'll of Fitness, Recreation and Sport have continued th eir fin e supPort toward tho game of golf. Obviously, we are 'lory pleased w ith their contributions and look forwa rd to w orking with Ihem. We w ish 011 th e golfers in M anitoba a good se ason. Remember, the M anitoba Golf Associ ation is only as strong as Its member clubs and, in turn, their membership. In closing, special congratul ations should go to Rud y Boivin, Ralph Bagley and th ir committoo for an excollont Golf Annual. Thi s is the sixth edition of the Golf Annu al. I ca n asSl"e you Ihat we are the onvy of all tho other associa tions in Canada. Best Wishes from RCGA President Greetings from Province of Manitoba On bohalf of the Royal Canadian Golf A ssociation, it is a pl easure to extend be t wi shos to the Manitoba Golf A ssociati on and alt Man itoba golfers for a success ful soason in 1985. M anitoba has produ ced some of Canada's fin es t golf ers and certainl y has a repu tation for excell ent golf administrators, The deve lopm ent of these pl ayers and lead ers is a tribute to the M ani toba Golf Ass ociation and I urge you to continu e your good work in the interes t of th o gam e of golf. M ay I al so ox tend congratul ati ons ag ain t o th e M ,G,A . (or its initia tivo in publishing U,is Golf Annu al for Iho information and intoros t of its members. It is a most worthwhil e undertakin g. JAMES D. BRUCE, President, Royal Canadian Golf A ssociati on MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL ' 85 AL MA CA TAVISH • MGA Presi(lent It is my pl easure, on bohalf of tho Government of Manitob a, to ex tend warmes t to the Manitoba gree ting Golf A ssocia tion. To know th at the Sport Directorate is working cooperatively w ith th e M anitoba Golf A ssociati on and com muniti es in providing golf opportuniti os for poopIe throughout the province is gratifying. Golf draw s poople from all walks of life and helps provide fun and fallow shlp in addition 10 the challenge of athletic proficiency. May I pay tribute to the m any vo lunteers associa ted with the sport of golf. Bes t wishes for 1985. ~Y.oe~e£1 L.L. DESJARDINS Minister Responsible for Sport v 1985 MGA COUNCIL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President - AI M acatavish, Elmhurst President-Elect Jim Bristow, Breezy Bend Past President Keith Armstrong, Niakwa First Vice-President Rick Thain, City Municipal Courses Second Vice-President Rudy Boivin, Southwood Treasurer Bob Forcand, Breezy Bend Executive Director Ken Hanford, Niakwa ASSISTANTS COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Manitoba Open Tournaments Junior Development Non-Golf Events Rural Events - Keith Armstrong, Niakwa Rick Thain, Municip al - Jim Bristow, Breezy Bend Rudy Boivin, Southwood Barrie Sanders, Carman Bob Forcand, Breezy Bend Lome Kingyens, Bel Acres AI Gray, Charleswood OTHER MEMBERS OF COUNCIL Ken Abbott, Wildewood Steve Bannatyne, St. Charles Jim Berry, Reston Ron Cassels, Assiniboine Ted Chop, Northernaire Andy Delorme, Transcona Ray Dring, Boissevain Keith Fawcett, Neepawa Lloyd Goodman, Pine Ridge Peter Guenther, Steinbach Joe Kachor, Carman Ken Kovacs, Rossmere Don MacDonald, Pine Ridge Al an Ma xwell, St. C~arles Brian McPherson, Southwood Dave Morrison, Breezy Bend Mike Mykytyn, Six:rhirty Club Larry Naha chewsky, Shilo Ed Revel , Tuelon Weldon Ridley, Morden Warren Scott, St. Boniface Irv Slusky, Glendale Alex Smaluk, Elmhurst Sonny Solmundson, Charleswood Jim Sorenson, Gladstone Bob Stafford, Niakwa Clarence Sveinson, Canoe Club Don Thompson, Swan River Dave Turpie, Thompson Weiland Williams, Bel Acres Hal Wilmeri ng, Dryden Stan Witwicki, Selkirk MGA YEARBOOK COMMITTEE General Chairman - Rudy Boivin Editorial Director - Ralph Bagley Advertising - Gord Pattison, Gavin McFadzean, Keith Armstrong, Rick Thain , Ken Hanford, Barb Palleva. Congratulations to the MANITOBA GOLF ASSOCIATION from Site of the Canadian Junior Championships, August 27-30 2 MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL ' 65 Contents Features Messages . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . .. 1 MGA Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . .. 2 In Memoriam ... . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . • . . . 4 MGA Financial Report . .. ...... . . • . ....... 53 Adverti sers' Index ........ . ... . .•... .. . .. 64 Manitoba Open Supplement .......... . S 1 to S8 Palt Winner. Manitoba Junior Championship . . , .. , . , . . . . . . . . 30 M anitoba Open Chpmpionshlp ." .. ,." . . . . . . . 32 Jack Blair M omorla l Motch Play ..... • . , .. " . . . 32 Manitoba Amateur Championship , , ... , , .. .... . 33 Menltobo Senior Championship . .. . , , .... ..... , 33 Intor-Club Championships . , ..... , , . , , , .. 54 to 56 TOURNAMENT CALENDARS MGA, RCGA .......••.....•.• •. , .•....... 57 MPGA ......•.•....... . .. , . , •• , . ........ 58 Othor men's . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • .• , , . , , , .. . 60-61 Women's "vents .. , , , .. ... , .. ...... . ..... . 62 -63 Articles How Manitoba Golf Association 8 egan ...• . . . 6 1984 Manitoba Golfer of the Year ....... , .. . 10 The 1984 Manitoba Open . .. . . ..... , . . , . . . 12 Manitoba Amateur Championship ... . .•. , ... 16 Jack Blair Memorial Match Play ....... . , , ... 20 Free Press Inter·Club Championships ... . . , . .. 22 North American Life Family Classic .... .. • ... 24 Manitoba Junior Championship . .. .... . .. ... 26 Report from CPGA of Manitoba .. . . .. . . .. ... 34 Golf Course Superintendents of Manitoba .. . .. 36 Manitoba Senior Championships ... ...... .. . 38 Crown Life Pro·Am Team Championship ..... . . 42 Rural Manitoba Amateur Championship . ..... . 44 M anitoba Women's Golf Reports .. ........ . . 47 Rossmere host for 1985 Canadian Junior . . .. .. 52 How much will you spend over the next three years for: o o o o oil changes filters tune-ups spark plugs o repairs (parts & labour) o regular tire replacement o emergency road service o CAA membership • Whenwubuy an Audi, The Audi Card pays for all tilL..... ... and more. The Cover Tho wator hazard at the 17th holo at Hecla Island Is shown upper left . The course will again be the site for rural amateur championship. Part of the crowd following Dan Halldorson at Nlokwo In tho 1984 Monltoba Opon Is shown con tro loft. Lower left Is an oorlol vlow of part of th o Rossmoro courso, which will be host for the Canadian Junior championship this yoor. Top right Is 0 look at tho 11th halo 8t Southwood , where the 1985 Manitoba Open championship will be playod . Lowor righ t Is 8 view looking from the first fairway 8t Pine Ridge, one of the clubs which will be host for the 1986 CDnodlen sonlor chompionshlps, along with nolghborIng Elmhurst . Photoaraphs on the cover w ere provided by freelance photographer Hugh Allan, as w ere most of the other pictures in the magazine. Special thanks also go to the Winnipeg Free Press and other sources. MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL 1985 is published by the MANITOBA GOLF ASSOCIATION 1700 Ellice Avenue, Winnipeg, Man. R3H OB1 This magazine was produced by WALLINGFORD PRESS LIMITED 358 Ross Avenue, Winnipeg, Man. MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL '85 See us lor lull delalls and view our seleclion oilho eXlraordinary Audl aulomoblles. LEASE OR BUY St. James '«lLUWAGEN AUDI axo 305 M.dlson .t Nesl Winnipeg, Mon. 888·0260 "WeC. re" 3 1Ju fWltmnriam 4 Wil liam J. 18ill/ Doyle Colleen Hutchison The M anitoba Golf A ssocia ti on and tho M anitoba Ladies' Golf A ssocfat ion both w ere saddon d through the loss o f pas t presidents during th e pss t year. William J, IBIllI Doyle, who served as president of the MGA In 1975, died M arch 25, 198 5, at Whitby, Ont. , at th e age of 6 1. Though he was born in M ontreal, aft er service in the Royal Canadian Air Force during the Second Worl d War hi s bu siness ca reer took him to many part s o f the country, including British Columbia. Albarta and Nova Sco tia, But, it was in M anitoba he becam e deepl y involved with the administrati on o f golf. He came to thi s province in 1962. left again for a few yea rs, then returned in 197 1 to rejoin the M anitoba Golf A ssoci ation council. Prior to his term 8S president, Doyl e served as public relations chairman in 1972, junior ch airman in 1973 and vice -president and tournament chairm an In 1974 , w hen he was also the no n ~ pl ay in g ca ptain for Manitoba's only winn ing Willingdon Cup team. He Is survi ved by his w ife Jane, daughter Barbara in Vancouve r and sons M ichaal in Toron to and John In Winnipeg . Colleen Hutchison , w ho was pre sident of th e MLGA for the 1981 8 2 torm , diad Aug, 10, 19 84, at the age of 48, Her dea th occ urred on th e day o f the fin al of th e Tribun e Handicap golf tou rn amen t, an event Sl18 had w on in the pas t, and MLGA o f ficia fs decided to co ntinue her associa ti on wi th th o event by renaming it in her honor beginning thi s season. The t ournament, w hich is a handicap mat ch pl ay ovant, will now bo known as the Colleen Hutchison M emori al tournament, w ith a now trophy dona ted by her hu sband. Hutchison was a popular golf officia l and olso a co mp etitive pl ayer, h aving taken part in Trilight League acti on for th e Rossmere club. Prior t o her term as president, she served lwo ~yea r terms as tournament chai rman and vice-presi don t of th e MLGA. She was instrumental in reinsta ting tho M anitoba-Saska tchewan wo men's golf matches during her term as president. ~ A NI T08A GOLF A NNUAL '86 BE DRAWN INTO THE FUTURE TODAY. Ford and Mercury bring you the best-built North American cars and trucks. Our cOlllmitmen t to a bold nl-'W aerodynamic design philosophy has re~ulted in beautiful ~ tyl1 ng . advanced techno logy, oulstanding qualit% supt!rior efficiency and the best-built Nonh America n ars and Iruck"i. I he evidence of thc"i(, dramatic r('''iu IIScan be S('('11 in ur lopaz and the extraordinary nl'W breed o f 3port edan M ('rkur XR4Ti . The be!!ol of the future In ~,utoll1 o t lve tec hnology is here and now. For more detail s, step into the world of t rno rrow at your f-ord o r M ercu ry dealer today. Vou 'll sec how our drslg" newe",' crcalion, the futuristic slalC-of·the.art Aero3tar, as well philosophy and COlTIll1itll1£'ni as in the new foord Thllndcrbird , Tempo, Mercury Cougar, nClllltiful driving rea lity, Our dt."')i);n~ Oil the future .Irl~ here and now. 10 Cluality Iranslatc"i Into a Quality is Job 1. MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL '85 5 How Manitoba Golf Association was formed It all started with meeting of five clubs back in 1915 This is 8 reproduction of 8 handwritten repon p rovided to the Manitoba Goff AssociMion in 19 19 by ReS Brv ee, one of the original directors of the association. It (rBces the format/on of the MGA in 19 15 end lists the original member clubs and original execu· livB. It is reproduced here to inform 81/ present M anitoba g olfers how it 0/1 begon 70 years ago. A mee ting of those Interested in forming a M anitoba Golf A ssociat ion was held in th e Winnipeg Industri al Bure.u. Winnipeg, on Tuesday, 6th July. 191 5 at 12 d cl ock noon. 30 golfers at tended th is meet ing wh ich w as presided over by Mr. W.O. Nares, amongst th ose present w ere M essrs A . Macaw. G.M . Black. A .S. Bond. H.G. Patterson. W. Bain. A . Sull iva n. J .A .O. G emm il l. T.K . Middlemas. C.W. Jackson. H.M. Tucker, T.F. Hub le. R.L. D eni son . J .H. Bl ackwood. R.C.s. Bruce. Dr. R.R. Sw an. C.S. Gunn and Harold Keene. Mr. Macaw outlined the purpose of the meeting, after which it w as decided to form a Golf Association for M anitoba to look after th e Manitoba Championship and such other matters in connoc· tion with the game which may be found • dvlsabl e. It w es moved and seconded th et t he meet ing elect a special committee of 2 members of each club w ith instructions - 1st To have th eir clu b appoint 2 delegates to attend a subsequent meet· Ing with the power to vote for or against the formation of the Association; 2nd To prepare a draft Constitution and Byelaw s: The follow ing representatives were appointed: Brand on T h. Presi dent and Secretary Elmhurst J .W. Kelly and F.R. Sproule Norwood - R.C.S. Bruce and H.J . Dunca n Pine Ridge - T.F. Hubi. and R.D. Stratton Wpg . Hunt Club - G.M. Bleck and L. MacCa rthy Stonewall - CW . Jackson and G.H. Clarke St . Charl es - C.S. Gunn and A . Sullivan Winnipeg - GW . Markle and A . Macaw IContinued on page BI B. W. STAPLETON & SON LTD. Excavating - Levelling - Loading Landscape Shaping. Specializing In Golf Courses WORKING TO AN Y DESIGN, YOURS OR MINE TO BUILD A NEW COMPLETE COURSE OR TO UPDATE TH E OLDER ON E CALL - DON STAPLETON Phone 832-1713 221 Wallasey St. 6 Winnipeg, Man. R3J 3C2 MAN ITOBA GOLF AN NUAL '85 MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL ' 85 7 Here's how it all got started M.G.A. Past Presidents IContlnued from page 61 Kei th Arm strong Michael Averbac h 'Donald L. Nutley The delegates appointed held a mee ting Immediately after wh en Mr. C.S. Gunn was ca ll ed to the chair. A subco mmittee w as form ed to draw up th e draft constitut ion to be submit- ted to the dolega tos ot a meotin g to bo ca lled on Tu esday, 12th July, 191 5. Th is mee ting met as arranged: dele gates ca me w ith in stru ctions to go ahead with the org anization and on thi s date, viz; Tu esday, 13th July, 191 5, the Manitoba Golf Association was founded and the draft constitution and bye law s edopted. Th ose present were: C.S. Gunn, representing Th o St. Charl es Country Club. G.W. Markle and A. Macaw, representing The Winnipeg Golf Club Ltd. A.D, Stratton, representing The Pine Ridge Golf Club. J .W. Kelly and F.R. Sproule, representIng The Elmhurst Golf Club. R.C.S. Bruce, representing The Norwood Golf Club. There were thus originally 5 clubs and continued so till 27th March, 1918, wh en th e newl y organi zed A ss iniboin e Golf Club joined. Mr. F.L. Patton. St . Charl es, was appointed President. Mr. R,D. Stratton, Pin e Ridge, was appointed Vice -President. Mr. Harold Keene, Norwood and Wpg. C lub, w as ap pointed Sec'y-Treasurer. Mr. H,M , Tucker, Elmhurst. was appointed Direc tor. Mr. R.C.S. Bruce, Norwood, was appointod Diroc tor. The meeting un anim ously of opin ion , that owing to the G reat W ar, th ere should be no championship held, but In Its place a Tournament be held In aid of Patriotic or Red Cross Funds. This policy w as confirmed during the w ar until after Poace w as declared. The First Championship to be hald und er the Buspi ces of the A ssocia tion was In 1919. This attracted an entry of 198 players and w as won by Mr. J.T. Cuthbert of The Norwood Golf Club. The inter club cham pionship ror Trophy presentod by M essrs Henry Birks and Sons w as Inaugurated in 19 16 . There Is no record or any o ther • P.M . IPeter) Kremer E. K. IBud) Foster Gordon Pattison D. R. IDon) Craig R. B. IBob) Goodwin 'W .J . (Billl Doyl e John C. Brown M anuel Bricker H. E. Caldwell R. E. Galloway Dwight Parkinson, M.D. J . P. Vinet 'Herb ert A . Fos ter J. W . Abbott 'Charles L. Jones 'J . A . Swanson W . Arthur Johnston 'J . M . Blair 'C. M . Thompson 'Fred J . O'Malley 'W. J. Bickell Harold Parker H. Bruce Boreham 'Dr. N. C. Carmichael 'Gordon L. Leggo 'R . G. Murray 'R . J . Gallagher 'J . L. M . Thomson 'Judge J . E. Ad amson 'Robert Jacob 'D. E. Clement 'D. E. Clement 'C. E. Harvey 'T. J . Lytle 'R . H. Baird 'G . B. Saunders 'R. C. S. Bruce 'C . P. Wilson 'F. L. Pallon 1984 1982-83 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1970-71 1968-69 1966-67 1964-65 1962-63 1960-61 1958-59 1956-57 1954-55 1952-53 1950-51 1948-49 1946-47 1944-45 1942-43 1940-41 1938-39 1936-37 1934-35 1932-33 1930-31 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1918 1915-16 Niakwa Countr y Club Glendalo Country Club Bal Acres Goll Club Charleswood Golf Club Elmhurst Golf & Country Club St. Boniface Golf Club Wpg. Municipal Courses Niakwa Country Club Southwood Golf & Country Club Winnipeg Canoe Club Glendale Country Club Elmhurst Golf & Country Club Pine Ridge Golf Club 51. Charles Country Club Assiniboine Golf Club Pine Ridge Golf Club Southwood Golf & Country Club Nlakwa Country Club Assiniboine Golf Club Pine Ridg e Golf Club St. Charles Country Club Niakwa Country Club Southwood Golf & Country Club Elmhurst Golf & Country Club Pine Ridg e Golf Club Tu xedo Golf Course 51. Charles Country Club Southwood Golf & Country Club Assin iboine Golf Club Norwood Golf Club Niakwa Country Club Sandy Hook Golf Club Elmhurst Golf & Country Club Brandon Golf & Country Club Brandon Golf & Country Club Elmhurst Golf & Country Club Assin iboine Golf Club St. Charlos Country Club Southwood Golf & Country Club Norwood Golf Club St. Charles Country Club • Denotos doco ased. Championship resull in the Minute Book bayond the first one held in 1919. isigned) R.C.S. Bru ce. P.S. Previous to 1915 the Annu al Championship was looked after by Th e St. Cherles Club. B MANITOBA GOLF A NNUAL '85 CE CONSOLIDATED TURF EQUIPMENT (1965) LTD. D I STR I6U TORS OF P QWF.:REO AND RECREAT I O NAL. EQU I PME N T . U ..OW ELL. AVENUIE J WINNIPEG, MANITOIIA "3M OM' I .. HONE ( 20 4) In _7211 .JACOBSEN® TURFCATD • Barley-Davidson Cushman Turf Truckstar nf1W 22-hp gas engine MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL 'B5 9 Southwood's Todd FBnning receives trophy Bnd frBmed ph oto from LBbo tt 's Manitoba genera! manager Vern Penner at M 8nitob8 Golf Association annual meeting in Febfllory. Todd Fanning named Golfer of the Year 76-year-old Southwood • sWinger dominates 7984 golf . • scene In Manitoba 10 The 1984 golf season in M anitoba could be summed up as the Year of Todd Fanning, so It was reall y no surpri se w hen Todd Fanr'ling was named M a n i ~ toba's Golfer of t he Ye. r for 1984. At 16 years of age, Fanning dominated the MG A competitive season by w in nlng both the am ateur and junior pr o ~ vinclal Crowns and earning berth s on both the am ateur W illingdon Cup team and tho provincial junior team. 8 Th e young Southwood wh iz became th e younges t player ever to w in the M anitoba amateur title and also the first to win both titlos in th e sarn o year. Fanning w as presented w ith the Golfor of th e Yea r honors in Fobruary at tho annual meoting of the Manitoba Golf A ssociati on, at whi ch time it w as also announced he was the winn er of t he RCG A's 1984 Junior Ac hievem ent Award for M anitoba, an award based 0 11 Scholasti c achievements, general atti· tude toward the game and co ntributions to t he gam e as we ll as pl aying abili t y. His Golfer of the Yea r award was won stri ctl y on porform anco and ho won it over t wo o tl~e rs w ho had impressive credontials w hich might have wo n the award in an oth er yea r. In fact , Ca thy Burton Of Selki rk completed the 198 4 season wi th similar accompli shmen ts to th ose w hich won th e Golfer of the Yea r award the yea r . before for Gail Ande rson of 5 1. Charl es, having w on the City and Di strict championship and both th o M anitoba and Saskatchew an wo men's am ateur titles. It just w asn't enough in the Year of Fanning. The otl1or runnoru p for th e 1984 award was Crai g Ki ndrat, anoth er Selkirk golfer, w ho had been in the runnerup position before (1 982 ). HiS 1984 accomplishmen ts included low amateur in the M anitoba Open, low sc orer in th e provincial W illingdon Cup MA NlT08A GOLF ANNUAL '85 Team trials and winner of tho W estern M anitoba Opon at Brand on with a cou rse -rocord 6 4 along U1e way. In addition to w inning both th e Amateur and Junior provincia l cham- Share runner-up honors pionships and pl aying on both the W illingdon and junior tea ms, Fanning's 1984 accomplishm ents includ ed his second straig ht runn er-up fini sh in the Canadian juve nile cham pionship, w hich is pl ayed In co njunction with tho Ca'1adi an junior. He also placod seventh in the Doug Sandors Invi tational Junior tournament in Toxas earl y in tho season, an event he attended along w ith Glenn Collins of SI. Charles, Fanning 11as beon invi tod to pl ay in th e Sandors event again thi s yea r. Fanning became the 10 th w inn er of tho Laball Golfer of Ihe Year Award , whi ch w as present ed at the annual moo ting by Vern PO'1nor, La ba tt general manager, M att Poleschuk of Pine Ridg e was the initial w inner of th o award for the 1975 season, Terry Hashimoto of St. C harl os w on tw ice, In 1976 and 1980 and 8ill Parke r was also a double w inner, taking tho honors in 1979 out of Elmhurst and 1982 out of Breezy 8end, Th e othor w inners were Jimmy King of Elmhurst in 197 7, Terry M ore of Elmhurst in 1978, Sheuna Geehel of Breozy Bend in 198 1 and Gail Anderson of SI. Charles in 198 3, CATHY BURTON Selkirk CRAIG KINDRAT Solkirk bIcacIuuoocII bcvcfOgC/llmltcd 1.uo Ellie. A••nul, Winnipeg, Mlnltobe R3H OB8 MANITOBA GOLF AN NUAL '85 11 Champion Dan Halldorson receives Bay Bronze shield from M anitoba Golf Associa tion presi· dent Keith Armstrong after winning M anitobs Open championship for fourth (im e las( year at Niakwa Country Club. Halldorson Wins Fourth Manitoba Open Title There wa s plenty of dram a packed into tho fin al day of playas Dan Halldorsan of Brandon cap tured his fourth M anitoba Opon golf championship at Nlakwa Country Club. It took a 15-foot birdie putt on the fi rst playoff holo fo r Halldorson to claim t he title after finishing the 54 -hole tournament at 208, t ied with Sand y Harper of Nanaimo, B.C, Helldorson had started the final round t w o strokes behind Harper, the 36-holo leader, and he moved into a throo -stroke load at the half w ay point of th e fin al round , only to soe Harper rebound to gain th e t ie and force the ex tra hole, In fact , Halldorson w as two ahead Former Opon winners list e d on page 3 2 12 pl aying th e 18th halo in th e fin al round , blll had 10 so tt le for a bogey fi ve wh ile Harper was claiming an excellent birdie three to draw even. It w as ironic th at his putter pl ayed a bi g role in Halldorson's fourth M anitoba Op en vic tory, since he Isn't part icularl y known for his pu ttIng prow ess On the U.S. pro tour. In addition to his pressue 15-footer on the pl ayoff hole, Halldorson sank a few long ones during the fin al round to pull ahead of Harper. " I was reall y lucky," he said after th e w in. " I don't w in many tournam ents Sinki ng 40-foot putts." Halldorson w as below par In all three trips arOllnd the revamped Niak wa course, Sl100ling 68 -70 -70 over th e per-72 layout. Harp er 101lred Niak wa in 6 7-6 9-72. Th e victory w as w orth $4 ,100 to Halldorson, w hile Harper won $2,100 from th o total pro prize money of $18,500. Halldorson also won th e Say Bronze championship plaque. Third money, $1,650, wen t to another wes t coa st swl ngor, Stove Anderson Chapm an of V ict o ri a, w ho sho t 69-69· 72 for 210 . H. had taken a two stroke penalty on his first hole of play in th e opening round for starl ing out w ith too many clubs in his bag, then matched the leaders the rest of the way. Frank Edmonds of Thu nder 8ay played stea dy through th e final t wo rounds to claim fourt h money of $1,300 w ith scores of 73 -69-69 for 2 11 . Craig Ki ndrat of Selki rk l ook th e top amateur honors and claimed th e Hal Ei dsvig Trophy for th e socond time, shooting rOllnds of 68 -69 -75 for 212, one stroke ahead of Torry Hashimoto of (Con tinued on page 14) MA NtTOBA GOLF ANNUAL '8 5 PRIZES 1984 MANIT08A OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP PRIZE LIST PROFESSIONALS 208 Dan Halldorson, Brandon .............. $4,100 208 Sandy Harper, Nanalmo , B.C. . . . . . . . . . .. 2, 100 210 Steve Anderson -Chapman, Victoria, B.C . ... 1,650 211 Frank Edmonds, Thunder Bay, Ont. . . . . .. 1,300 213 Jim Rutledgo , Victoria, B.C. ........ 1,200 215 Scott Knapp , Brampton, Ont o 950 215 Pat O'Donnell , Pine Ridge , , . . . . . . . 950 217 Rabble Phillips, J ackson's Point, Ont. SOO 21S Stan Homenuik , Dauphin, Man. ,........ 700 219 Mark Shushack , Thunder Bay, Ont. . , . . . . . 600 22 1 Robin Henderson, Stoinbach, Man . ... , , , . 500 22 1 Jim Terry, St. Paul. Minn . . . . . . . . . . ,... 500 22 1 Bob Seauchemin, Sidney, B.C. . . . . . . . . . . 500 223 Ken Tarling, Grimsby, Ont. ... , , .. , , . . . . 375 223 Sandy Paterson, Breezy Bend . . . . 375 224 Randy Brekke, Thompson, Man .... , , . . , . 237 , 50 224 Harry Brotchie , Harbour Viow . . ... , , .... 237 . 50 224 Michel Pilon , Harbour View . 237 . 50 224 Jim Collins, St. Charles ......•.... 237 . 50 224 Jim Szturm , Thunder Bay, Onto .. " ..... 237 .50 225 Kevin Dickey, Kingston , Ont. .... ,',.... 125 225 Ben Smirnov, John Blumberg ..... , . . 125 226 Jim Lazarko, St. Charles .... . .. " .. ... 50 50 226 Kelly Murray , Vancouver, B.C. ... . . . . . . . AMATEURS MERCHANDISE ORDERS 212 Craig Kindrat , Selkirk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $350 250 213 Terry Hashimoto, SI. Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. , , .. , . . 200 218 Brian French, Regina, Sask . 222 Kevin Nicholson, Bel Acres ....... , . . , . . . 175 224 Jim Doyle, Sandy Hook, Man ...... , . , .... 137.50 224 Terry More, Elmhurst ............ , . . . . 137.50 225 Todd Teplltskl, Pine Ridg e .......... , . . . 100 226 Dave Holloway , Brampton , Onl. . . ... ,... 75 227 Gary Kullman , Rossmere ........... , . , . . 50 227 Carl Lechman , Rossmere . . . . .. .. , .. ,',. 50 227 David Whit e, Southwood .. .,.,.,.,., 50 NEW FROM TAURUS GOLF THE LEVEL SYSTEM These unique sets of gal' clubs are custom made and designed with golfer's different levels of ability In mind. We. p8in st8k~ ingly make eac h sot al a limo, usi ng only high quality components, the woods are persimmon. the metal woods 17~4 stainless sleel, the Irons 4·31 stai nless steel and the shafts true temper. Our high leve l of craftsmanship assures you 01 true angles and exact weig hts. As these sots are assembled Individually by hand we req uire fmm two to three weeks for deUvery. At Taurus we aro so proud of our Leval System that we guarantee that they will Improve your game. If within a month of your purchase you are not totally satisfied we wilt give you you r mon ey back , HOURI: Mon .-Fri. 9 o.m.-6 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m.-S p.m. In the Redwood Plaza 728 - 6967 'aupusGallf 223 EIGHTEENTH ST. NORTH BRANDON , MANITOBA CRA IG KINDRAT ... low amateur MAN ITOBA GOLF ANNUA L '85 13 Manitoba Open (Continued (rom page 12) St. Charl es, wh o ca rd ed 67 -71-75 fo r hiS 2 13, J im Rutlodg e. anothor Vi ctoria golfor, posted tho ba st individual round o f the tournament on the fin al day, shoo tin g a seven-under-par 6 5, a rec ord for the altered course, to fin ish at 213, good for fifth pro money of $1,200 . Rutl edge's fine round includod soven birdi es and an eagl e, al ong with a double-bog ey seven on th e 16th hol e, conslderod ono of the easiest bi rdie holes on the course. Pat O'Donnoll w as the low 51100ter among the M anitoba club professionals with rounds of 70-73-72 for 215 which left him tied w ith Scott Knapp o f Brompton, Ont .. at 2 16. Each received $9 50 . The 198 4 M anitoba Open attrac ted a record field o f 159 pl eyers 67 professi onal s and 92 amateurs and tho pro money fea turod an increase of $3,500 ove r the $15,00 0 prize pot o f the previous yea r. There's 8 m ajor incroase In tho pri ze money situation fOr the 198 5 cvont to be held at Southwood, where the c ommittee obtained sponsors for each hole to buil d up the po t. It is hoped t he Increased money might attract some lOP players to th e ven t. Da" Hal/dorson ploys fro m sand (rap 011 Nillk wa's 15 th hole during f inel found of 1984 Menitobe Open on the way to his fOUfth championship. Full details o f the Southwood layou t for the 1985 Open are covered in 8 speciel insert in the centre of his edition. Halldorson became the fourth golfer t o win tho M anitoba Open four times. He had previously topped th e field in 1977, 197 8 and 19 83 . Bobby Rai th , WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU AND YOUR FAMILY TO JOIN ONE OF WINNIPEG'S FIN EST GOLF CLUBS EXCELLENT FACILITIES TO HOLD MEETINGS AND RECI!PTIONS now li ving in Minnoapolis and a visitor to Niakwa during the Opon in 1984 , w on the ti tle in 1932, 1934, 1935 and 19 50; am ateur All an Boes of Southw ood did it in 194 1, 19 4 3, 19 4 4 an d 1948; and the late Hal Eldsvig wo n in 19 4 7, 194 9, 1952 and 1955. BAY BRONZE INDUSTRIES LTO. BAyeD 2200 Logan Ave .. Winnipeg, Canada Phone: (204) 633-5650 R2R OJ2 Telex: 07-587811 THE HOME OF * Manitoba Amateur Champion * Mundie Jun ior Champion * AI B08a, Manltoba'a Only Golf " Hall of Famer" * Bill Thompaon PI'<1-Am Invitat ional 14 CUSTOM SAND CASTINGS Brass · Bronze · Copper · Aluminum PERMAN ENT MOLD CASTING S Aluminum-Zinc Bayloy COMPLETE MACHINING S RVICE BRONZE and ALUMINUM PLAQUES Metal Sign Letters · Memorial Tablols Forfurther information ca ll : BAYCO PLUMBING PODUCTS Swllch Gear & Transformer Costlngs Dal McCloy 284 -4123 Membership Chairman BAYWALL COAT and HAT RACKS Larry Franco Office 269-7867 Home 257-7932 Club Manager BAYCO FUEL DISPENSING PRODUCTS, NOZZLES, VENTS, QUICK COUPLERS. FILL CAPS, ETC. MAN ITOBA GOLF ANNUAL ' 85 NORTHWE~T TIORfIITORIES .IoIf\NITOM HUDSON BAY PACIFIC OCEAN ' Seattle U. S. A. Only one airline touches down In all these destinations. Pacific Western. We fly to more places In the west than the other major airlines combined. From Inuvlk to Seattle, from Victoria to Toronto, we go farther than anyone to save you time when you fly on business and make more time when you fly for fun. <"Pacific Western MAN ITOBA GOLF ANNUAL '85 15 Fanning Surprises Amateur Field TODD fANNING, SOtlthwood 1984 M anitoba Amtlteur Champion Manitoba's top competitive golfers will likely look back on th e 1984 Manitoba Amateur championship as one of th e tightes t contes ts in the event's history - s o tig ht. it b ro ught abo ut H ~~fi~9cJ~~in~upO~e~~e tr~~~~e~ro f~~~ effec t this year. Si x teen-yeer-old Todd Fanning o f Southwood w as th e surpriso winn er o f th e Amateur title, becoming the younges t ever to do so and start ing him on his w ay to 8 record double 8 5 he later added th e provincial junior titl e. BLlt, th e Todd Fanning vi ct ory w as only part of the 1984 Manitoba Am ateur and Wlilingd on Cup trials story. The tight competiti on w as parti cularly notabl e In the first two days and it led to th o revi si on of the championship form at whi ch will be in errect thi s year. Whore th e championsll ip Ilight pre viously took in lho low 32 scores and tios after the 36-hole qualifying tost. it will now include the low 60 and ties. or all players within 10 SHakes or the leader. With thi s increase in th e number remaining in th e chase for th e championship, there will be only four oHler flights of 16 pl ayers going into match Former Amateur winners listed on page 33 16 , pl ay in stead of th e previou s ix fligl1ls. How close were thing s last year? Well, th e leading qualifying score was 14 5 and there were 34 pl ayers m aking th e culoff at 151, beliovod the lowest qualif yi ng score ever and only six shots o ff tho pace. There wero seven more players at 152 and another 14 at 153, plu s seve ral at 154 and 155, still w ithin 10 shots of the lea ders. but w ith no opportunity to pl ay the o th er 36 holes in th e champi onship lIiglll . Worse than th at. these golfers we re also automatica lly eliminated from th e Wiliingd on Cup team tri als after playing in only two of a po ssible si x rOlmd s. A golfer 10 shot s off th e pa ce in the first two rounds might co sily mako up Ihat difference in four m ore rounds of pl ay. Am ong those w ho mi ssed the cut were David White o f SOllthwood, the 1983 provincial junior ch amp, at 152; form er Canadian am ateur champ Jim Doyla of Sandy Hook and Rossmore's Carl Lechman, a member of the 1983 W illingclon team, at 153; and defending Manitoba Amateur ch ampion Pat Doyl e o f Sandy Hook at 154. Under the new formet , these golfers and others w ith simil ar scores w ould still be in the running for th e provinCia l af'natollr crOwn al1d the Willingdon Cup team. After th e 72Mhole amateur c hampi o n ~ ship is compl eted, the Willingd on te am tr ials w ill take pla ce a w eck later f eaturing the tOP 15 players and ties, plu s any players w ithin eight sho ts of fourth place. A further cut to th e low 12 and ties and pl ayers w ithin Si)( shot s of fou rth pl ace w ill be m ade be fore the fin al round. This year's M anitoba Am ateur Cham pion ship will be pl ayed July 8·11 at Elmhurst and Pi no Rid ge (final two rounds in championship fli ght at Pine Rid ge l and th e Will ingdon Cup team trials are set for July 20·21 at 5 1. Charles. Gott ing back to the 1984 champion· ship, it w as a spurt of sub par shooting that put Fanning into the winning posi tion. He birdi ed three the las t four holes at Breel Y Bend in hi s second round to salvage a thro e over par 7 5 and a two ro und lotal of 151 to just make the c ut. He remain ed hot through the third found to co rd a thrco under-par 69 . best score of the tournam ent - and shot into the lea d w ith a 54 ·hole total of 220 , two shots ahead of a pair of Rossmere golfers, Gary Kull man and Rob Loowen, bo th at 2 22. Fanning's 69 Includod sevon bird ies, t wo bogi os ond ono double-bogey for going alII. of bounds over the green on the 13th hole. He m atched Kullm an's 76 in th e final round to w in with a tWQ M stroke margin , shooting 296 to Kullman's 29 8 over the 72·hole route. Craig Kindrat of SOlkirk, M MA NtTO BA GOLF ANNUAL ' 65 Manitoba's 1984 Willingdon Cup team, left to right: Gary Kullman of Rossmer8, Todd T8plitskl of Pm. Ridge, non-playillg cap toin Keith Armstrong, MGA president; Todd Fanning of Southwood and Craig Kindrst of Selkirk. with 8 closing 77, and Don Glinz of Breezy Bend, with 8 7 4 , ti ed in third place with 300 and Loewen w as in a three -w ay tie for fifth with Garth Coll ings of Breezy Bend and Darcy Furbor of Pin e Ridge, all at 301. Winnipeg Jets superstar D ale Hawer· chuk was in the lim elight In the first two days of the 1984 Amateur. sharing the lead through th e qusHfying rounds before slipping to an 8 2 in his third round, Hawerchuk, playing out of Niakwa. cardod a ono under·par 71 at Breezy Bond and sharod th e first-round load with Craig Kindrat of Selkirk, Denis Burns of W innipeg Canoe Club and Gerry Dubanski of Southwood . all w ith par-71 effOrt s at St. Boniface. They swi tched coursos for the second rounds and Hawerchuk shot three -overpar 74 ot St. Boniface and retained a share of the lead with a new se t of challeng ers. Gary Kullman of Ro ss mere and Mike GOllfred of Southwood both matched par with 72 at Broozy Bend to join Hawerchuk with 14 5 and the to fini sh ot 443 in tho second spo t on • th o provincial team. Kullman had 75 -77 quali fying load. Kindrat ca rd od 75 and sellied at 14 6 for 4 50 and Teplitski roundod out th e lBam wi th 73 -74 for 451 , At th e Canadittn AmatOllr champion ship and Wiliingdon Cup matches at London, ant., in August , Kullman was the leodor for M anitoba with two 74's and a 36 holo total of 14 8. Fanning had 74 and B2 for 156 and Kindrat and Toplitski both totelied 157 . Kindrat was 75-82, Teplltskl 76·B1. Tho Manitoba along with Rob Loew en of Rossmero and Bill North of Carman . Dubanski slipped to 77 to se ttle at 148 and Burns skidded to 8 2 for a 153 10 101 to miss the cut . Fanning made th o big move in the third round wi th his 69 after opening wi th 76· 75 and his 220 was two ahead of Kullman and Loewen. Kindrat was learn pia ed a disappointing ninth and Kullman was tho only tea m member to nex t at 223, followed by Dubanski, Broozy Bend's Garth Collings and Pine Ridge's Todd Teplitski al 22 4. make tha cu t for the final 36 holes of th e Conadian ama teur. Four other M anitobans look part in the nati onal championship, with Terry Has himo to of St. C harl es the onl y one to survive the cut. Nineteen golfers with scores of 309 or better qualified for th e final two rounds of the Willingdon Cup team trial s at Glendale, where Kindral took over the No. 1 spot with round s of 70 and 72 to go with his 300 for a six round total of 442. Full Am at eu r resu lts list ed o n page 18 That was one sho t batter th an Fan ning, who carded 72 and 75 al Glondalo TNT Golf Equipment Made In Canada By: Canadian Designers & Manufacturers of Highest Quality Golf Clubs * e N T T 1< e urto (\ * * Hornet lites - Clubs, Bags, Putters Aqua " Soft" Cabretta Leather Gloves Ladles Honee Bee - Clubs. Bags, Gloves. Umbrellas Torkos Bros Inc. 14 Curlty Ave, Toronto, Ont. M4B 1X7 (416) 752-8166 * Available through your Leading Canadian P.G.A. Golf Shops Serving MANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN, & NORTHWESTERN ONT. Goll e ags .,. " etal '-No ods !Old Goll e alls Goll snoes il'-l ' '" 1< I'e(\ 1< LI~ e)l 1< MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL ' 85 Robert Masterton Agencies 1101 -1 150 Munroe Ave. Winnipeg , Man . R2K 3S4 (204) 668-4647 17 DAVID WHITE First Flight J IM DOYLE Second Flight 19B4 MANITOBA AMATEUR RESULTS Todd Fanning, Southwood ... .... .......... 76· 75· 69· 76 Gary Kullman, Rossmere ...... .. . .. . . ..... 7 2· 73· 77· 76 Craig Kln drat, Selkirk .... ... •.. . .......... 7 1· 7 5· 77· 77 Don Glinz, 8reezy Bend ....... , ...... . . . . . 75· 73· 78· 74 Rob Loew en, Ross mere .. . .... , .. . . ... • . .. 75· 7 1· 76· 79 Garth Collings , Breezy Bend ..... . ... , . . . ... 79· 7 1· 76· 77 Darcy Fu rber, Pi ne Ridge . . ....•.. . ........ 74·77· 74· 76 Doug How ell , Rossme re .... . . . • .. . .•...... 78· 72· 75· 77 Grant Foster, John Blum berg ... .. . .. .... ... 76· 75· 75· 77 Barry Chipka , Elmhurst ........... . ........ 75· 86· 75· 78 Dale Haw erc hu k, Niak w a ............ . . . . . . 7 1· 74· 8 2· 77 Todd Teplitski , Pine Ridge .....•... . •... . . . 76-72-76·80 Gerry Dubanskl , Southwood ....•... . ....... 7 1· 77· 76 -8 1 Robin Les lie, Sout hwood . .. . . . . ....•... .. . 76· 74· 80· 77 Ken W arw ick, W indsor Park .... , .. .. •...... 75· 76· 77· 80 Rob Oliph ant , Rossmere ............•..•... 76· 75· 85· 73 Bruce Nort h, Carma n . . .... . . . . ..... . . ... . 78· 73· 80· 78 Garth Reimer, Rossmere . . . . .......... . .... 76· 75· 80· 78 Jim Scoll an, Elmhurst . ................. . .. 75-73-80·8 1 (These 19 golle rs qualified to continue play in Willingdon Cup team M ICHAEL AVER8ACH Third Flight 296 298 300 300 30 1 30 1 30 1 302 303 304 304 304 305 307 308 30 9 309 309 309 tria lsl BRETT TODD Fourth Flight • FLIGHT WINN ERS First - David Wh ite, Southwood, del. Rob Sapinsk i, Sout hw ood, 1 up. Second - Jim Doyle, Sandy Hook, del . Al an Curtis, Breezy Bend, 2 and 1. Third - Michael A verbac h, Glenda le, del . Curt Bauer, Rossmere, 4 and 3. Fourth - Brett Todd, Blumberg, def. Bob Genoway, Minnewasta, 2 and 1. Fifth - Nell St edma n, Glendale, de l. Bob Bingham , Steinbac h, 2 and 1. Sixth - Bi li Kearn s, Elmh urst, del . Mark Solomon, Elmhurst, 5 and 4 . WILLING DON CUP TEAM TRIALS Craig Kindrat. Selkirk ...................... 300· 70· 72 - 442 Todd Fan ning, Sout hwood ..... . ......... .. .. 296· 72· 75 - 443 Ga ry Kull man, Rossmere . . ....... ... •. ..... . 298· 75· 77 - 450 Todd Teplitski , Pine Ridge ......•. . . .•.... . . . 304· 73-74 - 45 1 Rob Loew en, Rossme re . ....... • ..• . •..• . ... 30 1· 78· 75 - 454 Ga rth Coll ings , 8reezy Bend ......•. . •....... 30 1· 77· 76 - 4 54 Ge rry Du banski, Southwood ... . •....•... . ... 305· 77 · 73 - 455 Doug Howell , Rossmere . . ..........•..... . . 302 · 75· 79 - 4 56 Bru ce Nort h, Carman ... . ...... .... .. ....... 309· 72· 77 - 458 Grant Foster, John Blumberg ... . • .... •.. ... .. 303· 79· 77 - 459 Rob Oliphant , Rossmere . . .. . ..•.. . .. . . ..... 309· 76 · 74 - 459 Darcy Furber, Pi ne Ridge . .......•. .. .•..• .... 301 · 78 ·82 - 46 1 Robin Leslie, Southwood .......•....•....... 307· 78·80 - 465 Garth Reimer, Rossmere .....•.•. .. .•. . . .. .. 309· 75·83 - 467 Jim Scoll en, Elmhurst .......•.•.... •... .... 309· 75·84 - 468 Don Glinz, Breez y Bend .. ... ..... ...• . . ..... 300· 85·84 - 469 Dale Haw erchuk, Nlakw a . .. . . . .... . •. ... .. . 304· 86· 8 1 - 471 Ken W arw ick, Windsor Park .........•. , ..... 308· 7 8·85 - 4 71 Barry Chipka , Elmhurst .... ... ...• . ...• . ..... 304· 7 5·w ithdrew 18 NEIL STEDMAN Fifth Flight 81LL KEARNS Six th Flight MAN ITOBA GOLF ANNUA L ' 8 5 Something for everyone at Eaton's Sporting Goods EATON'S MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL ' B5 19 Ron Wilson captures Jack Blair championship RON WILSON, 8roozv S.nd Moves from rinks to win on links Up until June of 1984. Ron Wilson's claim to fame around Manitoba was 85 H member of the Winnipeg Jets hockey team in the National Hockey League. , He ex tended his fame to tho golf courses, however, whon he captured the Jack Blair M emorial M atch Play Champion ship, the first major event of tho year on tho provincial ama tour golf calenda r. Pl aying out of BreelY Bend in his firs t full summer as a Winnipeg resident, the Ontario product scored a 2-and -l vi ctory over junior David White of Southwood in th e fin al of the Blair even t, played Elt tho John Blumborg courso. The 1984 Blair compe titi on opened with qualifying round s at WUdowood and Pino Ridge June 2 and 3, th en continued with 16 players moving into match play at Blumberg June 13·14 and 20· 21. Carl Lachman of Rossmore and Gerry Dubanski of Southwood sharod tho medal honors with 36·hole scores of 148, Lechman carding 7870 and Dubanski shooting 75· 73, Right on th eir heels came Cra ig Kind rst of Selkirk, Terry M ore of Elmhurst and Doug Howell of Rossmore, all with 149, Defending cha mpion Terry Hashimoto of St. Charlos Qualified com fortably with 150, It took a score of 157 to move into match play, White winning the final berth after a two· hole playoff when he tied with Glen Hnatiuk of Solkirk and fellow Southwood golfers M ike GOllfred and Mark Allen at that figure, Before the match play began, Ki nd rat and Kon Warwick Former Jack Blair winners listed on page 32 20 withdrew, allowing Gonfred and Allen to move Into the 16·player field for the matches, Southwood was in the spotlight after the first rOlu'ld Of match play, golfers from th8t club winning five of th e eigh t matches playod. In that first round , Oubanski defeated Southwood clubmate Don Nelson 4 and 2 whilo co modallist Lochman bowod to Southwood's Chris Nelson One ' llP In a battie that went to ti'e fin al putt, White, the youngest player in (')9 field at 17, got another win for Southwood as ho odgod veteran Don McNeill, a former w inner, one up. Allen was a 2-and -l winner over Rossmere's Rob Oliphant ond Go ttfrod won 4 and 3 ovor Darcy Furbor of Pine Rid ge to round out the Southwood victories. In the other matches, Wilson topped Elmhurst's Terry More 4 -and -3, Rossmere's Rob Loewen went to an ex tra hole to oust clubmote Doug Howell ami Hashimoto scored a 2 ~ and -1 vic tory over John Ra cc iatti of Pine Ridge. In tho quarterfinal round, four of tho five Southwood golfers went down to defeat. Hashimoto topped Nelson 2 up, White defeated Dubanski 2·and·1, Wilson blasted Allen 5·and·4 and Loewen look care of GOllfred 4 -and -3. Wilson defested defending champion Hashimoto 2 ~ 8nd -l and White went to the 20th hole to sideline Loewen in the semifinals. In tho final. played in a brisk 2112 hours and finishing just before a downpour, Wilson was a 2-and -1 winner over Whit e in a well ·playod match, The 1985 Jack Blair Memorlel event was scheduled to open with qualifying rounds at Breozy Bond and Wildewood June 1·2 and the matches to be playod June 12 13 and 1920 at St, Charles Country Club, MANIT08A GOLF ANNUAL '85 MANIT06A GO~F ANNUAL '85 21 St. Charles team shows Free Press trophy ofter winning city Inter·Club chompionship. Loft to right 8re Bob Dunbar, Terry H8shimoto and Steve 88nno tyne. St. Charles, Selkirk repeat • Inter-Club team winners Though the event w as pl ayed in the latter part of the season rather than near th e start, tho res ults wore the same 8s th e previous yoar w hen til e 1984 Free Press Intor·Club championships were pleyed at Southwood Golf and Country Club. Originally schedulad for Juno 22, th a ovont was reschedul ed for one wee k lator, th on put off again due to wet conditions to be finally played at tha end of th e compotiti ve calendar on Sept. 7 , But, ea rly in th o SOason or la te, it made no differonce to the teams from St. Charles and Salk irk, who won handily for the second straight year in the urban and rural divisions . . Tho St. Charl as No. 1 team topped " fi eld of 28 tea ms among the city clubs, finishing 10 strokes ahead of th a runnorup team from Elmhurst . In 1983, St. Charles had a six-stroke edge on 8reezy Bond. Selkirk toppod the 14-team rural entry wi th an adva ntago of eig ht strokes over Brandon's Whea t City entry. Selkirk won by tho samo margin in 19B3, w ith Sandy Hook and Brandon tied in the runn erup position. Terry Has himoto, Steve Bannatyne and Bob Dunbar formed the w inning St. Charles t8am, which scored 213, only three over par, to claim the city cham- pionship. Hashimoto lod tho team with a Former Inter-Club winners list ed on p ages 64-6 6 22 two -und er-p ar 6 8, Bann atyn e matchad th o card w ith 70 and Dunbar shot 75. Has himoto and Dunbar WO re also on th e 19 83 w inning team. along w ith Gavin Spi ers. Elmhurst was paced by Barry Chipka wi th 72. along with Mick Palahniuk w ith 75 and AI Brownridge w ith 76 for a 223 total. Third pl ace went to tho St. Charles No. 2 team with 226. followed by Rossmere No. 2 wi th 231 and Rossmere No. 1 w ith 232. For Selki rk. Ke n Grove was the leader with 74, followed by Randy Spence r with 75 and Bob Bingham with 76 for a total of 226. Bingham was also on the 1983 w inning tea m along with Gord Le nton and Tim C romarty, the same three which had also won In 198 2 for Selkirk. The Whea t Ci ty taam was lad by Brian Clarko with 75, while Gary Poole contributed 77 and Ted Jacobson had 81 for a total of 233. Third place went to Morden's Mlnnewasta team w ith 236, followed by Sandy Hook w ith 237 and Wa sagaming w ith 241. Th e 1985 Froe Press intor-club championships are to be played June 21 at Glendale Country Club. MA NITO BA GOLF A NNUAL '85 " ", !.·I;.~ T ~+ .• ":, t.' ": 6.~ir,-:'.:m~ MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL 'B5 23 Almer and Gory Kullman captured the fBther-sorl honors over their home course, but noeded 8 playoff to claim tho trophies. Kollmans win playoff for father-son honors There was a dofinite Rossmere -Sandy Hook flavor to the father-son portion of th e 1984 North American Life Family Golf Classic, which was played in August at Rossmere Golf and Country Club, Th ree teams flnl shod in a tie ror the honors by shoo tin g 74 in tho alterna te Shot compo tition - one from Rossmore, ono from Sandy Hook and one with 8 Iflember from each of those two clubs. Almer and Gary Kullman, the Rossmere duo, wound up with the trophy after a playoff, defeating the team of AI and Roller! Baldwln son (father AI from Sandy Hook, son Robart from Ross more) . Tho third team in the tio, do fo"dlng champions Jim and Pat Doyle of Sandy Hook, wasn't available for the playo ff. Only one stroke away from th o first-place tie were three mOre tBams. Dick and David Quinton of Niakwa, M ax and Joan Desaulniers of Elmhurst and Stan and Robert Badiuk of Fort Frances each toured Rossmore In 75. Tho Desaulniers emergod with low net honors, with LOrl,e and Larry Knowles of Niakwa os the runnerup toam in the fa ther-son division. In the B division father-son compotltion, Stanley and Joel Nozlck of Glendale and Alf and Robert Sobkowich of Rossmere each chock in with 79 and a coul"ltback gave th o Nozlck pair the gross honors, whlla the Sobkowich team took tho net pri ze. Eugene and Curt Letkeman took socond low gross, Jim end Darren M cMillan won second low not. Tho mother-daughter portion of tho family tournament wos won by June and Nancy Bagley of Southwood, who shot 83 to finish four shots al1ead of Edna Baldwin son of Sandy Hook and daughter Donna Browridgo of Elmhurst. Low not honors went to Helen Koslowsky and Horvalh, For the th ird year In a row, th e parent-child portion of the North Am erican competition was won by Art Smith of St. 80niface and daughter Lynda Palahniuk of Elmhurst, who shot 78. Bob and Shannon Bingham of Steinboch tied with Joyco end Doug Collier of Portage at 84, with the Binghams winning 24 the countback. The Colliers finished up with second prize in the net category, with th e top prizo going to Gerry and Danny IIchyna of Canoe Club, In the pro -child ca tegory, Gerry and Gorald M orrissey of Rossmore took the honors with 77, three sho tS ahead of pro Brad Keats and his mOlher Gloria, The 1985 North American Life Family Classic even t is scheduled for Aug, 13 at Niakwa Country Club, Leverno Fyke of North American Life (left) presents mothordaughter trophy 10 winners June and Nancy 8agley of Southwood, 8S MGA president Keith Armstrong looks On. MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL ' 85 Join u" 'tlml" fio/f,'" tit th, ",5 fAMILY GOLf C~IC On Tuesday, August 13 at Niakwa Country Club, site of the 1984 Manitoba Open. In the five years since we started sponsoring fam ily golf here, you have made The Classic the largest of our parent and child golf cha mpi onships in Western Canada - and one of the most popular events on Manitoba's golfing calendar. We and our co ll eagues at the Manitoba Golf Association, who cond uct the champ ionships, look forward to seeing you at The Classic. TOGETHER WEARE STRONGER NORTH AMERICAN LIFE lllJ.WJ= Group Division: 333 Broadway, Winnipeg MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL 'B5 25 Todd Fanning Tops Juniors TODD FA NNING, Southwood 1984 Manitoba Junior Champion Full of confidonce after w inning th e provincial am ate ur championship two w eeks earlier. Todd Fanning had little troubl. adding tl1e 1984 Manitoba junior , golf tit I. to his trophy case. The 16-year·old Southwood swinger fired 8 three ·undor.. par 69 to clai m a three ·stroke leed in th e opening ro und and never looked back 8S he finished with a four-shot adva ntage in the the 16-year·old Tom Relf from tho 8randon Wh eat City club claimed the runn e r~up spot w ith a par 72 at Bel Ac res, Greg Mcivo r of Dauphin, another 16-yee r·old, shot 74 at Bel Acres and Dan Racicot of Selkirk settled in with 74 at the per· 71 Selkirk course. As th e players swi tched co urses for the second roun d. Fanning slipped to a four·over·par 75. but still managed to Collin s made the bes t move on tho final day w ith a o n e~ve r -p 8 r 72 , but it was n't enough to catch Fa nning. who settl ed for a 75 and his w inning to tel of 292. Collins did catch Tresoor, who shot 73, to share th e runn er-up spot w ith 296, then Collins we nt on to w in e pl ayoff to win the 17-18 age group, with Tresoor the runn er-up. Fanning was easil y the w inn er in the 72 -hole competition. Fanning had scores of 69 at Bel Acres end 75-73-75 at Selkirk to finish w ith 292, four shots ahead of runn ers·up Glenn Collins of St. Charl es and Kon stretch his lead to four strokes as his closes t chasers fe ll by the w aysid e. Tresoo r of Ross more, w ho t ied w ith Fanning 's two-over-pa r 73 w as th e round s w ere playod at S t. Charlos following the junior championship to de termine the makeup of tho provin cial junior team over a six-round route. 296. Collins shot 75 -74 -75-72 w hil. Tresoor had 75-74 -74-73. Next in lino cam e D ave M c Millan of Rossmere with 78 -72 -75-74 for 299, defending junior champion David Whito of Southwood with 77 -73 -79-74 for 30 3 and Elmhurst's Jason Groshek w ith 79 -76-76-74 for 305. Fanning's 69 w as th e only sub·par round of tho event and it provid ed his w inning margin early. Three young Another Brandon golfer, Ian Lorimer, climbed into the runner·up position w ith 16-16 age group, followed by McMiliarn . who fin ished w ith 74 for 299. In the younger ago groups, played ovar 36 holes, a pair of Southwood a one-ave r-par 72 to go w ith an open- golfers took the honors. Colin Drew e of ing 76 for 148, four behind Fanning's 36-hole total of 144. Relf slipped to 80 after his opening 72 to drop into 11th pl ace. Collins and Tresoor both shot 74 after opening with 76 and se ttl ed Into third place at 149, followed by White, whose 73 gave him a 160 total to tie with McMillan end Selkirk's Dean Iwanoczko, w ho both had 78 -72. Southwood shot 156 to w in th e 13-14 group, twOshots ahead of Darrell Roland of Oca la, Florid a. Andy Nemiroff of Southwood shot 171 to take the 12-end· golfers from rural Manitoba provIded the best SCOre of the third round et Selkirk and it allowed him to stretch his lea d to closest competition on th e first day as six strokes going into the final round . Former J un ior winners Tresoor shot 74 to take Over the runner-up position alone. Collins shot 75 to settl a into third pl ace and McMillan had th e same scora to mOve into fourth place. listed on page 3 0 26 under group, six shots better than Jeffery Lailey of Elmhurst. JUNIOR TEAM S For th e first time, two additional White made the big move at St . Charl es as he shot four·under·par 68 and one·under par 71 for a 139 total to gain 8 berth on the tea m, taking over third spot. MANITOBA GOLF A NNUAL 'B5 Manitobs's junior provinci81 golf t88m for 1984 was comprised of, left to right: Glenn COl/illS of St. Charles, David White of Southwood, non-playlng c8p tain Jim Bristow of th e MGA. Todd Fanning of Southwood and Ken Tresoor of Rossmore. As oxpocted, Fanning led the way with a six·round total of 436 after shooting 70· 74 144 at St. Charl es. Collfn s shot 73-72 ovor his home course to retain socond spot with 441. only one Also nam ed to the Mani toba tea m for that ovenl were 14 -year-old Colin Drewe of SouthWOOd. 15-year-old Brian Burn s ahead of White. Tresoor noodod 78 76 but had no trouble holding down tho The M anitoba team finished third in comp eti ti on at Richmond, 16 strokes fourth spo t on th e provincial toam with bahlnd British Columbia and Alberta. The B.C. lOam won after a playoff. a total of 448. The noxt four players ea rned the right to join the four leaders for the ManitobaMinnosota matches ond those four posi- tions wont to Jeff Zyloway of 5 1. Boniface with 454, Jason Groshak of Elmhurst with 455 and Rob Anderson and Kevin Baker, both of St. Charlos and both with 456. Davo McMillan of Rossmore, who shot a pair of 79s at 5 1. Charles, just missod out in th e tea m play with a total of 457, but he was chosen as one of the 15-year-old players for the W es tern Canada junior men's team matches played in Augu st at Richmond, B.C. GLENN COLLINS 17-18 group winner MANITOBA GOLF ANNUA L ' 85 of Drydon, Ont .. and 16·year·old Blair Neal of Kildonan Park. BlIrns led the M ani tobans with 77 · 83· 78 238, Mc Mill an sho t 84· 80· 79 - 243, Drewe had 88·80·76 - 244 and Neal shot 85·85·87 - 257. singles matc hes and leave both teams with eight wins . This year's M anitoba ·Minneso ta matchos will be playod Aug. 7·9 at • M oorhead, Minnesota. CANADIAN JUNIOR At the Canadian Junior and Juvonile championships and intorprovl nclal team matches at Moncton, N.B. at th e end of August, the Manitoba team had the third best score of the second day, but couldn't recover from a bad first round In tho M anitoba-Minneso ta matches. and fin ished sixth. British Columbia won played In Augu st at Breezy 8end, ttiere by 10 stroke s over Ontario. Brent Franklin of B.C. was also 8 run away winner of the junior championship and M anitoba champion Todd Far1ning was the best of th e M anitoba players, finishing strong with two 719 for was a tie for the first tim e in th o four· year hi story of the event, which was won twi ce by Manitoba and once by the Minne sotans in th e pas t. Tho M anitoba squad jumped into a lead, winning six of tho eight matches on the opening day. but the U.S. players bounced back to win six of the eight COLIN DREWE 13-14 group winne! e 297 totel. It left him seven th overel! and in the runner-up spolln the Juvenile (Continued on page 281 ANDY NEMIROFF 12·nnd-under winner 27 JUNIORS (Continued from page 271 competition for the second straight year. D avid White wa s one shot behind Fanning and tl ad for 11th place, whi le Glenn Collins finished et 30 1, ti ed for 21st. Eloven Manitoban s competed at Moncton and oight of them made the cut of the low 6 0 and ti es who scored 15 5 or better after two round s. The oth er Manitoba golfers pl aying (our round s w ere Tom Relf of Brandon, who shot 307, Rob Officer of Rossmore, 310, Kevin Bokor of St, Chorlos, 312, Jamie Bristow of Broezy Bend, 315, and Rob Andorson of St, Charles, 320, JUNIOR INTER-CLUB Teams from St, Charl es Country Club and the Brandon Wheat City Golf Club claimed th a honors In junior inter-club competition in August at Trenscona Golf Club The St, Charles team got one-over-par 72s from Glenn Collins, Kevin Baker and M ichael Millard end a 75 from Rob And erson to post a tota l of 291, six shots better th an Southwood to top 15 toam s from city clubs, The Brandon foursom e won a onehalo pl ayoff over Oauphin to top 10 toams from rural clubs. Both teams had fin ished with 313, one shot ahead of defending champion Selkirk , Brandon won the playoff with a total of 15 to Dauphin's 18, Tom Ralf lad th a Brandon team with 73, Ian Lorimer added 78, Chris Cading shot 80 and Dan Cristall had 8 2, For Dauphin, Greg Mcive r led the way w ith 73, Derri ck Kabel shot 77, Scott Snitka had 81 and Rob Damsgaard had 8 2, • Todd Fanning, wh o shared low Individual honors for the day with Dean Goodbrandson of Pin. Ridge with oneunder-par 70, w as the Southwood leader. with Dav id White contributing 73, Tim Stone 75 and Colin Drewe 7 9, City Junior Inter-Club championship te8m: Glenn Collins, M ike Millsrd, Kevin B8ker Dnd Rob Anderson of St, Charles Countrv Club, In not sc oring , Oakvicw led the w ay with 257 followed by Breez y 8 end with 268, MUNDIE PU TTER Nineteen junior golfers took part in the 1984 Mundie Putter Lea gue schedule over on elght-waek period and the MGA Junior loam finish ed second in th e B division, th en lost to Elmhurst, th o A di vision winner, in th e qu arterfin als. Th e second -place fini sh made th o tea", eligible for pro moti on to th o A division for tho 1985 seaso n and , on the ba sis of th e perform ance of the players still eligibl e, it wa s decided the team should compete in the A di vision in 12 th time th e junior developmen t program was at th at loca tion. It also marked the last time at Shilo, at leas t for th e time baing. Because of accommoda ti on difficulti es over the past few seasons, it wa s decided to seek oth er fac ilitie s. As a result, thor. wi ll be three ph ases for th e MGA junior developm ent pro gram thi S year - a camp for rural golfers July 2-5 at Carman, a clinic for city golfers later In July at John 8lumberg, and a camp for th e elite junior pl ayers July 1-4 at Hecla Island , At last yea r's ca mp, CPGA of Mani ex perience aga inst top pl ayers. toba professionals Harry Brotchie and John Isaac providod the instruction with J UNIOR CAMP Brotchi e on a rul es seminar. There wore 2 9 boys - 10 from rural areas and 19 from city clubs - at the D avo M cMillan of Rossm ere w as w inn er of the fin al day tourn ament, whil e Grog Bea udin of St. Charles won 1985 to allow the young golfers to gain Crown Life Junior Golf Camp held July 3-6 at Shilo Golf and Country Club, th e the MGA's Rick Thain wo rking w ith th e putting co ntest and Jeff Burden of Charleswood won tho chippi ng contest. The 29 attending th e 1984 ca mp at Shilo were: Rural golfers Marty Burgess and Chri s Collin s of Shllo, Myron Corne lson and Barry Kehler of Altona, Ted Cmitrowskl of Plnawa, Greg Mciver of Dauphin, Chris Olafson of Morden, Randall Sawa tsky of Steinbach and Jim West and Myles Zyblock of Selkirk: and city golfers Jamie Bri stow and Geoff Mcintyre of Breezy Bend, Jeff Burden and Bob Rud ick of Ch arl eswood, Colin Drewe and Mike Derksen of Southwood, Dave McMillan and Dave Strick of Ross mere, Rural Junior Inter-Club chBmplonship te8m: Chris Coding, Tom Relf, Don Cristall 8nd Ian Lorimer of the Wheat Cirv Golf Club, Brandon. 28 Jim Scol lan and M ark Szewczyk of Elmhurst, Greg Beaudin of St. Ch a rl es , Darre n G a rn ea u of Transcona, John Haneslak of Harbour View, Darrln Jeanson of St, Boniface, David Lecuyer of Ass inibolne, Bill McNeill of Nlakwa, Robert Taylor of Klldonen, Scott Thain of Wildewood and Bart Todd of John Blumberg , MA NIT08A GOLF ANNUAL ' 8 5 • Let oor team SIIlrit take rom places. reqolpe d'Alr canada Whether you're participating in the game 01' in the chcoring, travelling alone or in a gro up, Air Canada's team of sports specialists will take oare of a ll your travel arrangements . We'll oven make sure your equipment is specially tagged and handled . No matter what or where yo ur sport, oontac t your Travel Agent or Air Canada. Quo vous pratiquiez au non votre sport pretere, que VOUR voyagiez seul. ou en groupe, Ail' Canada vous oftrc les serv ices de son quipe d'expcrts. Elle excelle au sport de prevoi r' taus les besoins du sportif voyageur. Elle identifie ra sp cialement toute piece d 'equipomcnt at I.. maniera avec Ie plus grand soin . Quel que soit Ie spO r1; OU la destination, c < mmuniquez avec votre agent de voyag ou Air Canada. We've got it all KOing for you. C'est de premiflre classe, lalt do spun. AIR CANADA MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL 'BS @ 29 I1TheDdta LJWmnipeg '1a8 Ponaqc A9'enue. WIrH'IIPl'fJ. Man rnc OM • (\lO4 ) 956-Q.410 The Delta Winnipeg is pleased 10 off er spe(:ial golf 'oumamen' rales during 198J, Margot D. Lockhart Aceou m e ~ ~ ul hle Past Winners of Manitoba Junior Golf Championships Year 1942 1943 Winner SCOt" Runner-up Em llo Boauchem ln .. ".,.".,"',.. . ..... ,."., ... ,',.,." ............... ,"',." .. ,... . . Bill BraINn .......................................... , .. ,."." .. , .... , .. , ... , .. ,',., ,., .. "....... 1945 BlllyAoV .... , .................... ,... ...... 1946 1941 Oon Gardner ." ................ , .... ".".". 1944 Cam Millin .. , ....... , ..... , ... ,',.,.,. , .. ".. . ..... " . . . . . ...... .•... .. , .. , .. ,..... . ................ ,'" ................... ".... Scoro 72 80 78 75 . ........... , , .. , , . , , . , . , , , . . . ...... , . , 72 Billy Roy .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,.. , ... "",,...................... 152 Don Howe ............... . ...... ,., .... , .. ,.. . ... . ............... ,.... . ....... 149 1949 Don Gardner ......... ,.,.... • ....... ,....... . ........ , ... , .. , , ...•...... , ...... ,.. . . . 148 1950 Ken To land ..... ,' .....••......•.• . • , . ,... ....• •...•..•.................. . 151 1951 Jim Doyle ....... , .. , ... , ..... ,.... • .... ,.. .•.. .............., .......... 148 1952 To m M cDoug all .. , ... , .•..... ,. .......... .., .... , .......... " ....... ,.,.,. ' .. 148 1953 Al an Patterso n ............. ,..... .....•............... ........ ,.,..... . ...... 149 1964 George Knudson ........ . . .. , .. , ...•. , .. , . . . . .••.. , ......•.......... 147 '965 George Knudson ... ".... ............• ........••........... ,..................... .,., .. 143 1956 Don Atkinson ...... ,..... ." .. , . . . . . . . . . ...•.. " .......... ,... , .. 156 1957 DonBoes ..... , .......................• ,... .................... . ..... 144 1958 Don Atkinson ...... , ...... , .. , .......... ,.,... . ... ,., ...................... , .. ,.,.".. •...... 167 . .......... . . ".,. . .............. ,., 10and8 1959 Bo bOUnbar. NiakwaC.C..... . .... ,... 1960 Peter Bell. So uthwood C,C, ........ . .. . .......................... , ... , ...... . .......... Sa nd 3 1961 J erry M oore. Southwood C.C....... . ........... ......... .... . .. . ...................... . ... , .. 2 Dnd ' 1962 Jerry Moore. Southwood C.C••..•..............•...........Ken Fulton. Elmhurst ........ ... ........ .. 3 and 2 1963 Jerry Harnevich. Pine Ridge ........... , ..•... , •.... " . . Gavin Speir• • A,slnlboi ne . .............. . . 2 up 1964 Terry More.... Southwood G. & C.C. , ... , .. , .. ,... . ....... Norm FOISyth, 51. Boniface G.C.. .." ... ,., 6 and 5 . ..... ,Ross Ki lfoyle. Aaslnlboine G.C. .. . ........... , 6 and 3 1965 David Hill. :»outhwood C.C........... , .... ,.... 1966 David Hili. Southwood C.C.. , ........... , ..... , .... , ....... Steve Bannatyne, Rossmt"o G.C. . ...... , ... 4 and 2 1967 Oevld Hili. Southwood G. & C.C........... , • ... , .... , ....... St6vO BMnll ryne. Rossmere G.C..•..• , •....... 2 and 1 1968 M . Braov ac, Strathcona .....................•.............Mark Sh ulheck, Strathcona . . . .. " .... , ........ 5 and 4 . ......... 3 and 2 1969 Mark Shushack, Strathcona ., ..........•....................Greg Pidlukl, Elmhu rst. G. & C.C . 1970 Dan Halldorson, Brandon G. &. C.C............ , ............. .Jack Palmer. Stra thcona ...................... 3 and 2 1971 John Kro pp. Niakwa C.C.....•. . .............. 307 Go ry Kullman, Rossm ere C,C, , .. , ......•....... 308 1972 Craig Deardon, Elmhurst G. & C.C............... 310 Kevin Snoll , Elmhurst G. & C.C....• , •......... 311 1973 Darrell M cDonald, Niakwa C.C.... , ... , ~ .•...... 298 08'116 Stm en , Drydon G. & e.c. ................. 300 Jim l U l.IrkO. Portag e la Prai rie G.C, .. , ...•...... 300 (Ba rrett won play-o ff on fourth ho le) Matt Poteachuk, EIr'nhur$t G. &. C.C............. 302 Bill Parker. Nlakwa C.C. ..... " ................. 296 197. M att POIOlChuk, Elmhu(ll G. & 307 1975 Darrell M cDonald, Nlakwa C.C. . . . . .. .. . . .... 307 (.udden death play off l al hole) TerN Hashimoto, Breezy Bend C.C. .... , ........ 304 1976 Doug Howell , Jo hn Blumberg G.C... , ... , ...... 302 Barry Wood, Nlakwa C.C....................... 310 1977 Peter Hayes, ROlSmOrO G. &. C.C.... . ........... 307 Darryl Currie. Southwood G. & C.C. ............. 303 1978 Poter Hayel , ROlsmere G. & C.C................ 302 Ken Chomyn, Elmhurst G. & C.C..............•. 301 1979 Todd Teplltskl, PInt; Ridge G. & C.C............. 295 1980 Brion Baen , St. Boniface G.C. ................. 307 Glenn Dum a. Nlakw& C.C. . . . . . . . . 307 (sudden death playoff. hI! hole) Breezy Bend ... , ... , ..... 285 Ga rth Rohner, St. Bon iface C.C .. , .. .. 290 M arc Chambe rland, 1981 Marc Chamberland. Breezv Bond C.C. . .. 294 198 2 Craig Klndrat . Salklrk G.c. . ....... , ....... 286 Glonn Colllnl, St . Cha rlos C.C. . .......... 30 1 198 3 Oavld Whlta. Southwood G. & C.C .......... 297 . 296 Glenrl Collin. , St . Ch8rtOli C .C, .. 1984 Todd Fanning, Southwood G. & C.C ......... 292 Ken Treloor, ROlSmere G. & C C 296 1948 c.e .. ,.,., ... ,. Cou rse and Vonu. Tu)(edo G,C. Tu)(edoG ,C. Tu)(odoG ,C. TU.II edOG.C. Tuxedo G,C. TuxedoG .C. Southwood G,C. Tuxedo G.C. Tu )(OOo G.C. Tu)(edo G.C, Tu )(e(toG.C. Southwood G.C. Southwood G.C. Glenda le G, & C,C. Pine Ridge G,C. NiakwIl C,C. Glenda leG. & C.C. NiakwaC.C. Wlldewood G.C. St. Bonlfaco G.C. Elmhurst O. & C.C. Ro ••m ere G. /51 C.C. Southwood G. & C.C. Breezy Bond C.C. Bel Acres G. & C.C. Breozy Bend C.C. Plno Ridge G.C. St. Boniface G.C. Elmhurst G. &. C.C. S1. Charlet C.C. Bol Acrel G. & C.C, Bfeocv Bend C.C. Glendale C.C. Elmhurst G. & C.C. John Blum berg G.C. Nial(wa C.C. Breozy Bend C.C. ROlSmore G. &. C.C. Bel Acrel G. /51 C.C Tr{Jnscona . C.C. Rou mere G. & C.C. Pine Ridge C.C. Selk irk G.C. GLENDALE COUNTRY CLUB MAJOR COURSE CHANGES IN PROGRESS CLUBHOUSE IMPROVEMENTS TO FOLLOW For information call Mgr. - 832-1306 30 MAN ITOBA GOLF A NNUAL ·8 5 WINKLER GOLF CLUB RESTAURANT OP E N TO THE PUBLI 7 DAYS 44 SEAT COFF E HOP 88 SE AT D INING ROOM FULL M NU DA ILY SP EC IALS OPEN DA ILY 7:00 A .M. - 8:00 P.M . S UNDAY 9:00 A .M . - 8:00 P.M . NOT Ll CE N E D P E RM ITS AVAILABLE CALL JIM FOR INFORMATION 1-325-8264 ONE OF SOUTHERN M ANITOBA'S FINEST CONDI TIONED GOLF COURSES WI TH COMPLETE IRRIGATION WINKLER CENTENNIAL GOLF CLUB AND PRO SHOP DATES TO RE ME MB E R MAY ....... . . . M a tch Play J U N E . ... . . .. . M en's Open J ULY .. . . . . .. Internaliona l AUG . . ... . ... Mcn's Senior SE PT. . ..... . . Ladies Opcn To urn ament Tournament Tournament To urnament Tourna ment Steak Ni ght a lternati ng Wednesdays in May, June a nd Ju ly Call 1-325-7582 for information on all 01" the abo ve eve nt s. MAN ITOBA GOLF ANNUAL ·85 A COMPLETE SELECTION OF TOP LINE GOLF EQUIPMENT AND ACC SSOR IES • COMPETITIVE P RICES • DRIVING RANGE • RENTAL CLUBS PHONE 1-325-7582 31 Past Winners of Manitoba Open Championships Veur 193 1 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 19<13 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1962 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 197 1 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1994 Win nOr Score Aunnur·u!) Score Eric Bannister, SI. Charles C.C........ , ..... ,., ..... , .. , ........ .. . . . .. .......... . . ................. , ... , ". R, J . Reith , Asslniboine G.C...... , . . ,.,., ,., ...... . 'Art'h~; 'l~~d: SI,'Ch&~jes 'c.e: .'.' :.' .'.' .' . .' .'.' .'.'.'.'.' .' .' '1'Sri Bud 00110..,81'1, Niakwa C.C................... , ., 146 Eric Bannlstor, S1. Charl es e.c.................... . R. J, Raith, A sslnlbolno G.C.. " "... .. .. • . . . .. 142 R. J . Rallh, Asslnlboine G.C.............•.....• 152 Kasmi r Zabowskl. Plno Ridgo G,C. . . ,.... 142 C. L. Hodgman, 51. Charles C.C. ............... 165 Ern ie Pa lmer, Southwood G.C. , .. , ..... ,. . .. 145 Joo Land, St. Charles C.C............ . Tom Ross, Regina G.C. .. ... . . . . . . •. . ... 144 138 Joe Land, Pine Ridge G.C. .................... 160 141 Charli e Reith, Tuxedo G.C...... , .. , .......... , 150 149 Bill Ezin ickl, St. Boniface G.C....... ,......... 147 Allan B095. Sou th wood G.C...... " ....• , ..... 146 How ard BeMoU, SOuthwood G.C. . . . . . . Gorhord KOr"lr'lody. 51 . Cha rl es C.C. .... , .. ,., .. 141 145 Chestor Luk05SWiOCl, Pine Falls G.C. .... 16 Allan Boos. So uthw ood G,C, .................. 149 Ha rOld Eldsvlg, Pine Ridge G.C. . 146 All an Boos, Sou thwood G.C. . . ................ 143 Dan StaCk, Sudbury G.C.... .................. , 76 Claude Shacke", St . Bonl lace G.C...... , . 76 Harold Eidsvig, Pine Ridgo G.C............. ,.. 75 Joe Tachen, Elmhurst G.C. , .. , .. , ...•. , . 70 Joe Tachan, Elmhurst G.C. , ........... , ..... , ... . . Ha rold Eldsvlg , Pino Rldgo G,C. 147 HbrOld Eldsvlj'j, Pin e Ridge G.C................ 160 Allon Boes, Southwood G.C. . . . 149 Wallv Keep, St . Boniface G.C. ................. 143 H8ro ld Elclsvlg, A!lSlniboine G.C. 142 Jim McKendry, St. Bonl fttco G.C............... 143 .......... 218 R. J . ROIth , A ssh, lbolne G,C. ... M ike Pidlaskl, SI. Bonifa ce G.C. ................ 227 Dobby Folr, Scarboro, Toronto ................ 227 R. J . Rel lh , Assinlboine ....................... 22 1 Joo Tachen , Elmhu rst G.C. . .. 219 223 Mike Pidlaski, St . Bonifa ce G.C. . . Harold Eidsvig, Niakwa G.C. .. Bill Thom50n, Pt. Arthul G.C. . . . .. 227 Len Harvoy St . Ch8rles G.C. " 226 Coce Chustor, St. Boniface G.C.... , ........... 227 ............... 220 8111 Newman. P0l'1ag8 la Prairie .....•......... 22 1 Lon Harvev A ssinibolne G C Harold Eidsvig, Niakwa C.C. ......... ,. .... 221 AI Bald ing. Toronto ........................ ". 221 (The above tie was plavud o ff and Eidsvlg won on the 19th w ith a 3 aga inst Balding 's 4.) I:v. Stual1 , Dululh .......... .... . , , ........ ,. 284 Oannv Slack, Glendale C.C. """ , .•• , •..••.•• 286 (This was a 72· holo competition ) Frank Wllloy, Edmon to n •.••.... , , ...... , .... 286 Joo Tachan. Elmhu rst G.C...... .,.,,. ......... 213 Jim Dovle. Sandy Hook ....................... 214 Geo Knudson. Southwood G.C.....•. ,.,.,.,. 214 Lvle CriJwf ord, Vancouver ., ....... . ...... ., ... 2 11 Goo. Knudson, Oakdale G.C.• Toronto ..... .. 210 Will Homenuik, Sandy Hook G.C, ... , , .•......• 2 12 Geo, Knudson. Ookdalo G.C., Toronto ......... 211 Wllf Homenulk, Glendale G,C. , ................ 212 GOO. Knudson , O&kdsle G.C., To ronto ..... ,.,. 210 W ill Homenuik, Glendale G.C ... , ........ , ... 211 Ted Homenulk, Aossm ere G.C. '.'.'.' .. '.".,. 216 Henry MOl'1ull, Hlghlltnds G.C., Edmonton ...... 218 Alvio Thompso!'t Toronto .. , ....... , . ........ , 217 Al vio Thompson, "To ronto . ... , ....... . ... , .... 213 Davton Olson, Minneapolis , ...... , .. ,... . 2 13 Arthur Land, 51 . Charles C.C. " .... ,.... . .. Kasmlr Zabowskl, Pine Ridg e G,C. . . Kasmlr ZaOOwskl , Pine Ridge G C. . . . , •.....• Art Land, St. Charles C.C.... ".".,.,.".".,. 151 ... ", (The above tie was won by Olson on thO 55th ho le) Alvis Thompson, Wh ltuvolO, Of){ ............... 212 M oe No nnBlI, To ronio ...... , ........... , ... ,. '08 M oo Normun, To ron to ..... . 212 M oo Norm an , Toronto . . . , .... , . . . . 20 1 (TIe won by M oe Norman ) Alvie Thompson . Toronto ....... 213 M lkO Roasor. Californ Ia ,." .. ",..,.,., ...... , Gary Pitch ford , Toronto John Elliott Jr" Florida ... ,' .. (TIe won by John EWoll Jr.) Will Homonuik , W inn ipeg .. ,., Gar Hamll1on , TorOnto . bTie won b~ Hami1ton on ', 's't' hoi ci III Topo, itchcnOl. Ontario ... , (Tie won by Tape on 1st hole) Ed Byman, M exico ....... . ........ R. Ehrmanntraut. W . 5 1. Paul, U S.A . Dan Hallc1orson. Douglas, M an .. . Dan Halldorson, Shilo, Man ... Jerry Anderso n. Scarborough . ant : Bob Cox. Richmond, B.C..... ". . 209 211 210 211 .... 212 ..... 211 208 , 211 208 21 212 210 207 Dan Croor' Qv lst. St. PaUl. Minn . Kall y Murray , VanCOuver , ... . .. . 2 18 ITla w on I)y MurrAy M 2nd holel Dan Halldora on, Brandon . ........ . . . , .... , 201:1 Dnn Hnfldorson , Brandon .. , . , ..... . .. 208 ITle won bV Hl:llldl'lI 80r' on 1 5 1 hole) M oa Norman, Toronto ., .................... , Will Homenulk, Bel Acres , . . Len HarvtlV , ..... ,......... .......... E, M . Shor1rldge, 5 t. Pau l . .. . ...... .. 2 16 210 213 201 Bill Wright Jr., EdmontOn ..... . 220 Bill Waktlham. Victoria , .•.•........... , ...... . 220 WaYlie Vollmer, Vancouver 210 213 George Shortridge. 51. Paul Moe Norman, Gi lford . , . , , . 210 A I KIOllln8n. SOUlh Afl ice ................... . John Morgan. Victoria ... . John Ellio" Jr.. Florida . .. .. Moe No rman. TOlonto ..... , W olttlr Owon , Bel nhl da Dunes, Cal. 713 213 213 21 2 .. 211 Wilf Hom enu ik, Winnipug .. " .... ,. .,... 211 T. Kendall, Auckland, N.Z.. . ,', ... , ,., 215 Sandy P8Hltson. Brantford, Ont o ............... 2 15 Ravmond Thompson. Philadolph la, Ponn, . , .... 209 T. More, Elmhurst G, & C,C.. W lnnlpoO ... , .... 215 . ........ 214 Grog Pldlaskl , Toronto. Ont ... Jony Anderson, Scarboroug h, Ont. . . . 211 Terry Hashimoto. 51. Charlos C.C. ,.. 211 Dar' Ha lldorson. Sh110 , Mon .... . ........... 211 Rav StewArt. M iSSion , B.C, . 21 a S COII Knapp , Sramp tan . 0,,1. . Sandy Harpor, Nanaimo, B.C . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 12 , ...... 20B Course and Venue St . Charls!I C.C, Elmhurst G.C, Niakwtl G.C. Pine Ridge G.C. St. Charl es C.C, Elm hurst G.C. Southwood G.C. Nla""'a G.C. Pine Ridge G.C. Southwood G,C, Nlakwa G.C. Sou thwood G.C. St. CharlOI G.C. Pine Ridge G.C. Ni/:lkwa G.C. Assiniboine G.C. Southwood G.C, St. Charl es G.C. Pine Ridge ElmhUlst G.C • Niakwa G.C. Glendale G.C. Nlakwa CC. Southwood C.C. Glenda le G.C. Nlakwa C.C. Elmhurst G. & C.C. 51. Charlas C.C. Pine Ridge G.C, Pine Ridge G.C. Southwood G. & C.C. Pine Ridge G.C. Elmh urst G. & C,C. Glendale C.C. Elmhurst G. & C.C. Bel Acres G. 1\1 C.C. BreelY Band C.C. Pine Ridge G.C, Rossmere G. & C,C. Glendale C.C. Nlakwa C,C, St. Charles C.C. Breezy Bend C,C. Ro&sm()rt1 G. & C.C. Pine Ridge G.C. Glendale G. & C.C. Pine Ridge G.C. Brocu v Bond. C.C. Elmhurst G. & C.C . Ro.. mero G & CC . Nlu kw u C .C . Past Winners of Jack Blair Match Play Event Scor. V•• t W lnn.r 1974 1976 1976 1977 1978 1979 Jim King, Elmhurst G. & C.C. .... . " " " . ' " ." 3 to 2 Jim OOvl', Elmhurlt G, & C.C. ...... " ........ 1 up Don McNeill , Nle kwe C.C....... ,., ... , .... "., 3 &, David Kruclk, Elmhurst G. &. C.C .. , ..... ".,." 4 & 3 Gary Kullman , Rossmere C,C. .... , ............ 4 & 3 Gary Kullman, Elmhurst G. & C.C.. , .. , ..... , .. 2 up Ken Chomvn, Elmhu rst G. & C.C........•... , .. , up 8111 Parker, Breezy Bend C.C............•... . ,. 4 & 3 Bill Parkor , Br06l Y Bond C.C . . . . . . . . . , ..... 3 &. 2 TerlY Huhh'n oto, St . Charles C .C .... , ....... 1 up Ron Willon , Breezy Bend C,C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 & 1 1980 1981 1982 1983 19B4 32 Runn. r -up CoUI'H Ind Venue Harry Brotchi • • Blumberg G C .... , , .. , •. ,,,. ,., ........ ,51. Chlrl.1 C.C. Terry Mor., Sou thwood G, & C,C. " •. " • • , •. • ' ., .• •.•... . ,St. Chlr1es C.C. Bruce North, Clrmln G,C. ... . ........................ , . , . , 51. Charlel C,C. AI Brownridge, Elmhurll G. & C.C......•..•... , . .•. . ... . .. Nlakwa C.C. Oon M cNeill , Nlalcwa C.C............. .. .......... ... , ..... Southwood G, &. C.C, Bing Sheerer, Bel Acre. G. & C,C. ...... . ........ . . . . . . .... 51. Chlrles C.C. Bob Dunbar, St. Cha rlel C.C.......... .. .... . ... . . . ... ,., .. Pine Ridge G.C. Bob Ounber, St. Boniface C,C, ........... " •..... ' •..... , .. Breezy Bend C.C. Terry Hashi moto, St . Chorl os C .C . . . . . . . , ............. Nlakwa C .C . Elmhu rst O. So C .C . Bob Dunbar, St. Chl.ltl08 David White, SOuthwodd G . & C .C . , .... , ... , .. , ....... 'Olin Blumberg e.c........ ....... .......... MAN1TOBA GO LF ANNUAL ' 86 Southwood Golf and Country Club August 15,16,17, 18, 1985 Sponsored By: blac kwoodl beverQle, Itc'. Budget ~Pa ·'f · ' W ste rent a ca~ '-.. CI Ie e rn Conducted By The Manitoba Golf Association Supplement To MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL '85 SI Although Southwood Golf and Country Club was designed and built over sixty y ars ago it has kept pace with changes in the game by making alterations to sev raTholes over an extended period. While relatively short by modem standards, the combination of fairways ribboned with 2·3" rough, new elevated greens, several hundred newly planted trees and a lake between the II th and 18th holes, should make for a challenge sumcient to determine a worthy champion. The current course record is 64 , established several years ago by myself, so it will be interesting to see if a new one will be set. The key to scoring well on Southwood lies with the par 35 and th ree of the par 4s. The pa r 55 will provide good birdie and eagle opportunities but the winner will be the player who does not give those shots back on the par 3s. Let me take you on a tour of the 1985 Manitoba Open site. BHrrie McWha L...._ _ --...lL....._ Ca nad ia n PGA Proressio na l Soulhwood Golrand -' CounlryClu b AfOTORWAYS TH E PROFESSIONALS IN TRA N SPO~TATI O N -.. HOLE 1st 320YardPar4 TIMEX Committed to the futu re of professional golf in Ca nada. S2 De pending on wind and where the tee markers are set some of the long hitters.may go over the grov of trees in an attempllo drive the green. The smart player though will hit a tee shot straight out to the comer, leaving a wedge or 9 iron to the green . It is not a dimcult starting hole but many a bogey will be made by making an error in judgement on the tee shot. Supplement To MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL '85 HOLE 2 nd 455 Yard Par 4 c~ The longest par 4 on the course, this hole tests the player by combining length with accuracy. Hitting the tee shot on the fairway is a must in order to have a chance at getting on in regu lation. Missing the green to either side will require a very delicate pitch to the narrow portion of the green, a green which is very fast. 1986 Canadian PGA ManuJije Senior Pro Championship- Southwood G&CC HOLE 3 rd 205 Yard Par 3 • nell ~' ~ . ....... ® Regi stered Trademark of RCA In c. HOLE 4 th 532 Yard Par 5 XEROX SERVICE CENTRE X I.R OX 1)1:1 n: tl l ... ll.'n:lI ..... J n.'~ I 'h:rl.'~1 A legitimate 3 shot hole for all but the longest hitters. It is important to drive the ball in the trtHJcmurk 01 XI.R OX O RPORA110N . u"J XI· ROX CANA DA I NC The first of Southwood's par 3s the third hole gets interesting around the green. There is a ridge running down the middle of the green lengthwise and this can present some difficulty, moreso when playing a pitch or chip shot. The one area the player wants to avoid most is going over this green. The rear bank is quite steep and the trees are very close. oy u..a Supplemont To MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL '85 fairway because an easy second shot will leave a short pitch for a possible birdie. However, if the tee shot finds trees, right or left, the recovery shot will mean a middle or long iron third. The green is not large so this sets up the possible bogey. . S3 HOLE 5 th 180 Yard Par 3 An excelle nt par three, the players will be hitting mid to long irons. The large bunker g uarding the fron t le n forces the golfer who can't hit the hig h long iron to hit a tee shot right to le n and it's difficult to hold the green with that kind of sho t. There is a ridge that runs across the green and the first third of the putting surface slopes to the fron t sign ificantly. A long putt can prove to be q uite a challe nge. H OLE 6 th 428 Yard Par 4 An excelle nt driving ~ BEAVER hole as the landing area for the tee shot is quite tig ht. The green is tiered at the rig ht rear and it is im portant to hit the approach shot to the same tier as the hole. Otherwise it ca n be an in teresti ng putiing contest. LUMBER COMPANY LI MITED HOLE I 7 th 4 78YardPar5 NR'AI'L Leading the way. A relatively short par 5 this hole should give up some eag les. If it is p laying into the wind the two fa irway bunke rs short of the green will force players to ma ke a decision : lay up on the second shot or go for it. The r is ou t of bounds rig ht behind the green so if the hole plays down wind that becomes a consideration. One ollhe e N Group Of Compan ies , IX S4 Supplement To MANI TOBA GOLF A NNUAL '85 HOLE 8 th 383 Yard Par 4 This medium leng th par 4 will reward a good tee shot with a possible birdie but anything to the right otT the tee is trouble. The ideal tee shot is right of centre so the player ca n look at the e nti re green . Coming in from the left forces the golfer to carry the large bunker g uarding the left front corne r. The green is deceiving in le ng th so a grea t many approach sho ts will come up short. HOLE HOLE the 9th 152YardPar3 This final hole on the fron t nine has one of the l at~er greens on the course so club selection is important. The golfer must g uard against leaving the tee shot out to the right as the bank drops down to the river. If the club selection on the tee shot is uncertain it is best to be long. Tha t leaves a relatively simple chip shot and a good chance at ma king par. 10th 253YardPar4 ay • aramlS Supplement To MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL '85 This shQrt par 4 should SUI' render many birdies but there will be lots of bogies as well. For those who attempt to drive the green the margin of error is small. Those who choose to lay up with an iron otT the tee must position the tee shot carefully. A large elm tree g uards the front of the green so the tee shot must be placed far enough to the right to permit a pitch shot to the pin. A tee shot that is long will be blocked by the trees on the rig ht side of the green . S5 HOLE II th 320 Yard Par 4 An excellent positional S Silverwood HOLE 12th 350 Yard Par 4 INN Official hotel of the Manitoba Open, HOLE 13th hole this par 4 requi res a tee shot to be positioned slig htly left of centre on the fairway just short of the water. Most of the golfers will hit fairway woods or long irons off the tee. The kidney shaped g reen is quite undulating and has a number of subtle breaks. It is important to get the ba ll up high on the approach shot in order to carry the bunker and mound guarding the front of the green. 136 Yard Par 3 The landing area for the tee shot is q uite narrow so care must be take n. Give n a tee shot in the fairway this is an excellent birdie hole although the green is quite flat, making judgement of distance on the approach shot some· what triCky. This is the shortest of the par 3s on Southwood but it doesn't yield as many birdies as one might expect. The green is quite large and rolling making club selection the key. The re will be a surprising number of bogies on this hole, primarily made by those who we re thinking too much about birdies. THE OAS APPI..IANCE STORE FROM IIIICG S6 Supplemen t To MANITO BA GOLF ANNU AL '65 HOLEI4 th 395 Yard Par 4 XEROX SERVICE CENTRE The 141h hole will reward Ihe well placed tee shot with a short iron for a possible birdie. There is no trou ble in front of the green and the green itse lf is not 100 Iricky. The lee shot is the key, Ihoug h. The roug h alon\:l lhe left is very tough so a "good" miss should favour the fig ht side. .,.j \ 1 HO\ r~' )<:"l nnl tr .. J ~ I1l .lIk 01 \ 1 RO'\ <:O RI'ORA II ON . u '~' ll hv XI RO '\ CANA DA I NC , 1\ , I r ~'j,! I , t "' I\' d U \l' r HOLE 15 th 437 Yard Par 4 It is im peralive 10 keep the lee shol in the fairway here if the player is going 10 have a chance a t hilling the green in regu la tion. The long hillers will be able to carry an iron in over the bunker g uard ing Ihis small /lat green . The shorte r hillers will be forced to playa wood shot 10 Ihe left corner of the pUlling surface or play to get up and down from near the green. The re won't be a 101of 3s On Ihis hole. DEL_ REAL ESTA TE LTD. HOLE 16th 213YardPar3 This hole req uires a lee shot(usuallya long iron) thai comes in from left to rig ht. The long bunke r on Ihe rig hl side calches a 101of lee shots tha I don't d raw. Those tha t do move right to left can e nd u p in the left ha nd bunker. Supplement To MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL '85 S7 HOLE 17 th 503 Yard Par 5 Old This hole should see some exciting mome nts. With two good shots it is reachable, so the potential ror an ea!,lle exists. The long green slopes significa ntly to the rront so It is important on an approach shot to get all the way up to the flag. The green is protected by a pa ir orIa rge bunkers and rough on the greenside slopes. 320 Yard Par 4 the ay • aramlS @ fho.;J brOilmostur The finishing hole is anothe r that tempts those willing to take the risk. It is possible to drive the green but a hook ofT the tee will e nd up in the pond to the le n. The percentage shot is an iron across the corne r of the trees leaving a short iron to the green. With the finest players in Ca nada competing there will be some exciting golf played in this yea r's event. Given reasona ble wea ther I would pred ict a score or 200 ror 54 holes ( \0 under pa r) will win . By the evening of August 18 we will know. Gas Grills Special thanks to Tim Nosworthy and Matt Simpson of Westcan Insurance Agencies Ltd. leG LIQUID GAS LTD 58 Supplement To MANITOBA GOLF ANNU AL '85 Past Winners of Manitoba Amateur Championships Ye.r ~or. Winner Runner·up Scor. Cours•• nd Venue t' {~l:r~{~l~~~~~~ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : 1922 1923 192' 1925 J , T , CUlhben, NoowoodG,C" " " " " " " " " , . " .. , .. ,. , .... ,' .",., ..... , .. , ......... , ... .. , .. , .... , ..... , ,.," ",., .. ", ... " " " , ,., 1926 C. AOI'Sommervllle. l.Qndon Hunt .......... ,_ ..... , .... , ....• _.•....• _... ,_ ... , ....... , .........••• ,.,'., •.. , .• "", •. ,."".", .... ,.", .. 1927 C. L. Hodgman, Nlakwa G.C...................... ,., ... " .......... , ..... _,_ ....... , .. ,., ...... " , .. '.,." . • . • • ,., .•. " •........... ,., ... . 1928 A. C. MacWiliiaml, Elmhur.tC.C.. , ... ,., .. , .... , ...• , ... , , .. , •.... ".,., .. ", .. ".,."." ... ,...... .•..... . ......... "', .. 1929 A . A. Wolr, Nlakwa G,C" " " " " " " " " " " " " . " "" ",. . .. ". , ..... , ...... , ... ,., .....•. , 1930 D. N . Arnon. A lslnlbolneG.C... .................• , .•.... , ................ , ... , .... ,., ... ,., .. ".,.,.,., .. , •....• """ , •....... " .. ,', ... , .. 1931 1932 ~: ~'R':N~."A:.~~\~~~G~·.~ ·.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1933 R. J. Reith. A'liniboine G,C... . , .... , ... , , .. , ... , .. ,."., .• C, L, Hodgrnan. St. Charles G,C, , .. , .. ,', ... ,.. . . , . , ...... Pine Ridge G.C. 1934 A , A , Wolr. Wlnnlpog Boach G ,C, .,',.:., .... "., .......... Ernie Pelmer. Canoe Club G.C.............................. St. Charlol C.C. 1935 R, J. Reith, AsslnlboTne G.C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... D. J. Kennedy. St. Charles G.C. .. , , , .. , .' . , . , . , , . , , •. , . , . , .. ,Elmhurst G, & C,C, 1936 R, J , Reith. Assinlbolne G,C, . , .. , . , . . . . . .......... Dave Arnott. Nlakwa G.C, ....... , .. , . , . , .. , , Wasogomlng G.C, . .. , .. ,.,., A. A . Wolr. Winnipeg Boach .. ,... . .. ,.,." ..• ,.,.,.," Nlakwe C,C. 1937 R, J, Reith. Asalnlbolne G.C.. 1938 Ernie Palmer. Southwood G.C... ,.,.,"",., ... , ., •.. "., •• J. Hopwood, St. Charles G.C. . . . . . . . •... , .... , Pine Ridge G.C. 1939 Ernie Palmor, Southwood G.C, , . . " .... , . ".,., 6 and 6 Art Johnson. Pine Ridge G.C. "., ... ,"",., .. ,' .,"',.,'" SI. Charlos C.C . .0, ••••• " ••••• , ••• , •••• • •••••••••• , ••••• :::::::: 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1946 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1900 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1966 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 Howerd Bennen. Southwood G,C. " ... " . " . " , 4 and 3 Allen Boe•• Southwood G.C. . .......... , ....... 8 and 6 Howard Bonnell. Southwood G.C, , .. "., ... ",. 6 and 4 Allan Boel. Sou thwood G.C. ,.,',.,"", ....... 9 and 8 Allen Boel. Southwood G.C, , .................. 3 and 2 Charllo Woodl. Nlakwa G,C, . , ••• , . , , , . , .. , , , , . , 3 end 2 Herold Eldavlg, Pine Ridge G.C, ..... , , .... , . , .. , 6 and 5 Harold Eld.vlg , Pine Ridge G.C.................. 3 and 2 AHen Boel. SOuthwood G.C......... , ......... , 2 and 1 Mlko Pidiliski. St. Bonifllce G.C.................. 4 and 3 Mike Pidleskl, St . Boniface G.C. ....•... , .. ,.,." 2 end 1 Bill Budd. St , Boniface G.C. , .• " . " , . , ' , .. , .. , . , 2 and 1 M eN Moxley. Nlakwa G.C...................... 8 and 7 Roy Kepron. Elmwood G.C.................. 6 and 5 Jeck J&C()ba, Tuxedo G.C.......... , ... , .. ,., ... 5 and 4 Rod McCulloch , MlinlbalM G.C... " ... " ..... 10 and 9 Wilt Homenu lk. Elmhurst G.C. .... . ...... 7 and 6 . . , ... 5 and 4 W lif Homenul k. Elmhurst G. C. . OOn Gardner, Nla kwa C.C. . ........ 6 and 4 Ron Fiddl er, Sf. Bo nlfact;! G.C. , , , . , 3 and 2 BI1I Pidlaskl, Elmhurst G.C. . .. . . ......... , , . 9 and 8 Tod Homonu lk, ROtiSmOrfl G,C, , , . , ..•.... , . 37th ho le Ron Fiddler. Elmhurst G. & C,C. , .. , , , , ... , , , , , 9 and 8 Bill Pldl81kl. Elmhurst G. & e.c. . ... 39th hol e Oon Ale xander. Niakwa C.C. .... . .. ..... , .. , , , 3 Dnd 2 Barry M cKenzie, Ros!lmere C.C.. , , , . , ..•... , , ... 4 ar,d 3 Nick Mlckolkl, Elmhurst G, & C.C. , , . , , ...... , , , . 8 and 6 Terry Mote, Southwood G, & C,C, ".,.,."., .. ,, 5 and 4 Barry Chlpka , Rossmere G. &. C.C................ 6 and 3 Ted Homenu i'!,- Elmhur. t G. & C.C...... , , , . , .. , , 8 Dnd 7 David Kruclk, t:lmhutlt G, & C.C, , , .. , , , , , , , . , . , . 4 and 2 Gory Kullman , ROllmere G, & C,C.. , ... , ... , .... 4 and 3 . .... 288 Steve 8annatyne. Rossmore G. &. C.C. . . . In holes medal) Gary Kullman. Rossme re G. & C.C. .. ,., ........ 292 1974 Steve Bannatyne. Rossmere G. & C.C........ . . 166 Jim Dovle. Elmhurst G. & C.C. . ............. . .. 266 Gary Kullman. Rossmore G. & C.C......... . ,, 296 1977 Ted Homenuik. Rossmere G, & C,C....... , .... , . 289 (After playoff) Bill Purker. Elmhurst G & C.C. , , , , 299 (won shOt plav o lf) 8111Parker. Elmhurst G. & e .c . ..... 289 .. , 292 Craig Dearden, Glenda le C.C. ... 189 Dun Scunlon , BroolV DMd C C. 1975 1976 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 Bill Parker , 8 rOllzv Bend C.C. 1983 Ptlt Oovlu. Sundy Hook G.C. ., .. ". 1984 Todd Fanning , Southwood G. & e ,c ... . , , 288 , 207 . 298 e.c. Erniu Palmor, SOulhwood G.C. .. ,., , . , , , , . , , , , " .. ,",.,.,' Elmhurst G. & BlII Ezlnlcki. St. Bo nifaco G.C, ".".".,",." .... ,"' .. ,.,' SOLJthwood G. & C.C. Allen B08S, Southwood G.C. . .................... ,., Niakwa C.C. Bill Ezlnlckl , 51. Boniface G.C.. "".".,.,.,."., ".,"', .. , Southwood G, & C,C, Gao. Cotton, 51. Charles G. C, ., .. ,.,.,', .. ,., .... , ,.,." .. SI. Charles C,C, Allan Boes. Southwood G.C...... , .... , ... , .. , ... ,.,.,", .. Nlokwa C.C. HOWard Bennett. Southwood G.e . , . , , . , ... , . , , ., " .... ,', .. Elmhut81 G. & C,C, Allan Boel, Southwood G.C. " " " " " " " " " " ..• ,." ...• Pine Ridge G,C. Mlkc Pldlaskl. SI. Boniface G.C, , .. , , ... , •.. , .. , .. ,'".,,, .. St. Boniface G.C. Bill BUdd, St. Boniface G.C. , .... , ....... " ..... ,., .. , , .. Niakwa C.C. Bill Pidlaskl. 51. Boniface G.C....... , .... , ....... . .......... Elmhurllt G. & C.C. M erv Moxlev. Nlakwa G.C.. ........................... , .. ,. Sou thwood G. & C.C. Rov Kepron, Elmhurst G.C. ....... . ......... ' ...... , ..• Niekwa C.C. Tom BIIIOI1 , Soothwood G.C. .................. . .......... Pine Ridge G.C. Poter King. SI. Charl os G.C........... ,., •.. , .• , .... " ...... SI , Charlos C.C. Sian Lucas, N lakwa C.C..................... . .............. Elmhur.t G. & C.C. Harry Critchley, Charlo5wood G.C... , . , ' . , .• , ....• ,.,.". Glenda le C.C. Ted Homcnu lk. Elmhurst G,C. , , . , , , .. , . , , , . , .• , .. ,' •.. ,.". Pine Ridge G.C. Ted Homcnuik, Elmhurst . .... ' ", .• ", ... ,." •• ,., •• ,., .. elmhurst G. & C,C, Too Homonulk. Elmhurst G.C. , .. ~...... , .. , , .. , ... ,.,', .. ,. Southwood G. & C.C. W allv Keep. Rossm6r6 G.C. .... . ........................ Glendale G.C. Ron Fidd ler, Elmhurst G,C. . . . . . .. . . , • , . , . , .. Elmhut.t G, & C.C. Bill . Plnnlngur, Elmhurst G. & C.C. . , .... , .. , . Breezy Bend C.C. Kon Fulton, Elmhurst G. tit C.C, .,. , ..• , . , • , , • 51. Chllrles G, & C,C, Bob Robinson. Glenda le C.C... , .. , , . , • , ..... , Nlakwa C,C. Bo hhv Dunbllr. Nlakwa C.C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..•..... , . SI. Bonlfaco G,C. Randy Brekke, Rossmere G.C.. , . , , , .. , . , . , , , , I " " , ' , " " " RossmOre G. & C.C. Ken Redfern , Breezy Bend C.C, . . , ... ".,',.".,' ,." .. ,.", Sout hwood G. & C,C. Nick Mlckoskl, Elmhurlt G. & C.C. " " " " " , .. ,' ",.,""" Rossmere G. & C.C. R8nd l Chiu rke , Bel Acres G. & e .c . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... Bel Acres G. & C.C. Greg Pldlaskl . John Blumberg G.C......... , ,.,' , ,., .. ,'" Elmhurlt G. & C.C. Ted Hornenuik, Elmhurst G. &. C.C.... ,.,""',., ,.,.,',.,., Breozy Bend C.C. Hal Wilmering , Drydon G. & C.C.. " .. '" .,. 298 Pine Ridge G , & e ,c , 08vld Kruclk, EhnhUlsl G. & C.C. . . . . . .. 294 Steve Bannatyne. ROlsmere G. & C.C. , ... 294 (Kruclk won plav.off on first ho le ) Barry McKenzie. Roumere G. & C.C, .... , . . . . . 294 Mall POIOlChuk, Elmhurst G. & C.C. , ., .... , .. 288 R. Dunbal', SI. Chartes C.C...................... 297 H. CrilchloV. Southwood G. & e .c ............... 297 J . Dovle, Elmhurst G. &. C.C..................... 297 B. Parkor. Niakwa C.C... . , ... , .. ,., ., ... ,., .. , 297 . ......... 289 Darry Chll)ka, Rossmere G. & C.C. Stove 88nn8tvne, 51. Charles C.C. ...... 299 Torry M oro. Elmhursi. G, & C.C. , " " " " " " ' " 290 Turry Hashimoto. SI. Charles C.C . , ... , , , , , , . 292 Terry Hashimoto, SI Charles c.e . . . . . . . . . . .. 292 292 Rick Blight . Vancouver " .. ," . 290 David W alch , Glendalo C .C " , .• " Gory Kullman, ROBSrTluru G. & e .c .......... 288 Gorv Kullman , ROB5mura G, & C ,C. , .. , . , . , . 298 St . Boniface G. & C.C. ROllrnet6 G. & C,C. Glendele c .e Glendale e .c , 51. Cha rles e.c. Bol AcroB G. & C.C. Elmhl!rs! G. & C.C, Rossml3r43 G, & c .e . Nlakwa C,C. Glendale C.C. St . Cha rlo s C ,C . Breozv Bend e .c . Past Winners of Manitoba Senior Championships Winner Scor. J im McKendry , Nlekwa e .c ......... ,.,., .. , .. , 232 1967 Fred Adami, 51. Boniface G. & C.C, , ..... , , , , .. , 234 1966 AlI,n 808• . Southwood G. &: C.C......... ....... 249 1969 Lei Evanl, ROllmere C.C, ..................... 241 1970 Bill Plnnlnger. Elmhur't G. & C.C. ...... , .... ". 230 1971 Jack G,rdner. Pine Ridge G,C..•••... ,., .. , .. ,. 220 1972 Harry Critchley, Breezy Bend C,C. . . . ........... 216 1973 H,rry Critchley. Breezy Bend G. &. C.C........... 22 1 224 197' Harry Crhchley. Breezy Bend G. & 1975 Harry Critchley. Southwood G. & C.C........... 215 1976 Fred Ono, SI. Cherlel C.C. . .. , ........ ,., . .... , 222 1977 Bill Pidlllki. Elmhur.t G. &. c ,e , ..... , .... , ..... 226 1978 Bill Pldlalkl, Elmhurlt G. & C,C... , .. , ... " .. ,., 227 1979 Hlrry Crltchlev. Southwood G. & c .e ..... ...... 223 1980 Herry Critchley, SouthwOOd G. & C.C.• " " " ' , . 149 1981 Smilev Meronek. SI. Charlel e ,c , ...• , ..• , . , " 230 1982 Gord Lenton , Plno Aldgo 8. Selkirk . , , , 222 (Len ton won pluyo tl on hi hole I . .... 226 1983 Nick Mlckollk l. Elmhurst G. 81 C.C . Vear 1966 e.c........... 19B4 Smllev Meronek, St. Charles e ,c . MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL ' 85 . . 226 Runne, -up 800re Allan Boel, Southwood G. & C.C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 233 piieTro'ikv, 'Kildo~i~ 'G :c:::::::::::::::::::::: '237 Bill Pinning,,,. Elmhur.t G. &. C.C. . .... , •.. ,., .• 228 Bill Plnn lnger. Elmhurlt G. & C.C, , .. ,., ... , .... 222 Jeck Gardner. Pine Ridge G.C....... , ... .... " . 227 Bill Pinnlnger. Elmhurst G. & C,C.... , ....•..... 229 J.ck G.rdner. Pine Ridge G. & C.C.............. 218 H. Crltchlev. Southwood G. & C,C. , .. , ..... , .. ,. 225 Fred Otto. S1. Charles C.C.................. , ... 231 CaSi Tobin, Elmhurat G. & C.C.. , .. ,., .... , .,.,' 233 Barrie Sande,., C.rman G,C.. , . , , , , .. , . , . , . , . . , 230 Bill Pldlalkl. Elmhurlt G. & C.C...... ,., .. ,.,.,. 150 Harry Critchley.Southwood G, & C,C...... , ••• " 233 0111 Pldloskl, Elmhurst G. & C ,C .. , , .. , , 222 GOrd Lenton , PIne Rldna . 5elkhk ......... , ,229 . . , ,2 29 Bill Pldluskl , rJmhwSI G. & C.C. ... , , 22 9 e .c .. Nick Mickollkl, E lmh ~lrst G. a. CouI'M and Venue Pine Ridge G.C. St. Boniface G. & C,C. NI.kw.C.C. SI. Chertel C,C. ROlSmere G. & e ,c . Soulhwood G, So C,C, Soulhwood G. So C.C. Elmhurst G. & C.C. Soulhwood G, So C,C, Soulhwood G. So C,C, Soulhwood G, So C,C, Pine Ridge G.C. Elmhurlt G. & C.C. Nlakwe G. &. C,C. Southwood G, It C.C, Glend,le C.C. Prno Rldgu C ,C. Bol Acres C.C . Elmhur.1 G. & e .c . 33 FUTURE MEMBERS Pros provide many programs for juniors By Harry Brotchl. President, CPGA of Manitoba M embers of tho Canadian Professional Golfers' A ssociation have a great interest in Junior Golf. Th e A ssocia ti on's goal Is to introduce as m any youngs ters as possible to golf. " the gam e of a life-tim e", and through those efforts enSure an oxciting future for the sport . CPGA Professionals at public facilities offer instruction ooc h yoar to juniors wh ose parents do not belong to pri va te clubs. Those lessons Of 0 hold earl y in the season, usually before school ends. and provi de an intrOduction to the game for interested youngsters. CPGA mombers also hold c linics oach yea r at rnLlnici pal golf fa cilities th at do not have pro fessionals. Those clinics provide an expo sure to th e game to juniors wh o otherwiso might not Unplayab.le lie. Tnnl' up 'r'ouge'. p(lrl oci II" 1811me! In every ,nund yn' 1\ • a.mo,. unpillyab.ti 'or m.,"y ~o ltor. Th"y Ikull Ihe olin They s~y " T'"ily whl l! It S IJmtmlrtl!lS lng, an(lilit no' 'flUC'1 lun I. onen' ynur portne, I " havl'll,! hili IJluOlemi OU Ihll Ifill , u\l\ltl81 he tee hi" goll Pl ot!! .. ,o nal 101losso n! And conlH1el IIln..on you l · Itlil [v"n Oet' el Ol)ltms c an Il~ tl@lped ~ANAOIAN 34 PROFESSIONAL GOLFERS' ASSOCIATION, HARRY BROTCHIE Harbour VI'ew Golf Course have the opportun ity to experience th e joys th at the game ca n bring. Club Professionals at pri va te clubs have always offered a variety of junior programs, including sw ing lessons, clinics and rul es seminars. These programs havo produced some fine pl ayers and many Iife ~ l o n g club membors, Professionals hove always been eager to participate in junior golf ca mps, rural clinics and pro-junior events. Th e es tablishment of a Nati onal Junior-J unior Program earli er thi s yea r by the CPGA marks an exciting entry into a now area of junior golf. The Junior-J unior Program is a nationwide program gearod to youngsters ages 4 to " in an attempt to start them in golf at an earlier ogo. The program co mos complete wi th national press releases, a cl ub appeal to ensure that equipment is available for the juniors and an es tablished program for players at this age. All Juniors part icipa tin g receive T-shirts, ca ps and part icipation ce rtifica tes, but, more import antly. gain a valuabl e introduction to the game and the chance to fulfill the dream of a child at. that age".th e opportunity to ac tu all y hit real golf balls on 0 rea l golf co urse l So, th e nex t tim e yo ur club professional is bu sy giving a Junior Clinic or you see a littl e tyke strut by w ith a golf bag slung ovOr his shoulder... smile and remember th at these yo ungsters are th e members of the future and th e future of th e game. CANADIAN PROFESSIONAL GOLFERS ' ASSOCIATION MANITOBA ZONE BOARD OF DIRECTORS President - Harry Brotchie (H arbour View Golf Course ) Vice -President - John Isaac (Tu xedo Golf Course ) Directors - Chick Dunca n (Ni akwa Country Club) Tom Kinsman (Southwood Golf and Country Club) Gorry M orri ssey (R ossmore Golf and Country Club) Laurie Pi erce (Elmhurst Golf and Country Club) Jim Steep (Gl endale Country Club) Past President - Sand y Paterson (Breezy Bend Golf end Country Club) Executive Director - Jim Mayer (H ecla Golf Courses ) MAN ITOBA GOLF ANNUAL '85 AieKllnOer, Nor""",J - F.IlIa, Ken J _ WInnipeg, Mlln F,-, M>ert W - Winnipeg, Man WInnIOeg. Man Allen, MI'k- Wlnnlooa, Min Afmslrong, Sam- CoChenour, Onl .......m. 1M A.. - WlnniJ)eg, Man. AlChlton) Ptltf J - Wlnniotg, Man Ba<;hyn~l , John- Winnipeg, Man. 8IdowIch, Qlarle. J.- Brandon, Man. Bel(t.vln, Kurt - Winnipeg, Min Bal,,,,, Oavld - Winnlpeg, Man a.,kw-'I, John- Winnipeg, Man. Bartlfy, Ken- Blandon. Man &lIler, John N - Kenor', Onl Bell, fI'hVIll.-Wlnn~, Min Befclflf, Dougl. . W _ Wlnn~ , Man DoI'g, ~'" fI"- AoMnlHi, Min Befger, MIUI' IeI - W1nnlpeg, Mati Bet'kowIkl, Ron L - Winnipeg, Mill BIener, Rev A - Winnipeg, Men Blue, Oa\t-Calgat)'. AlII. BoOIt'I, Oavld T - WlnnIPfO. Man Boorbonnlere, Guy H J Winnipeg, M.n. TtId P- WIMIpeg, Min ~ &Ibtnl, Alan- Winnipeg, Min &IIIOW, J.mea- Wlnnipeg, Min Bfooker, ~fry _WlnnlpeQ , Man Brown, EIOOn I( - WiM~ , Man Bt'ownrldOe, Ellle - GrancMow, Man &~. ~ymond E - Winnloea, Man 9u(;hwakt M'r1In -Wlnn~ , Man Buc~. ~ S - Virden, Man Butk~m, CyrMW - VlfOln , Man Buc'''''"'''', Jim- W""Ioeo, Moo ButlIef,'MiChael 0 - MoI,I" 1.4," 8ofn,. Donald W - WlMlpeg, Man C.mpbell, Donald B - BrandOn, M,," c.p, BIll WlnniotQ, Man C.,II, I.. 8111 w ....:.wrnnlpeg, Man (Allalane, nOOIId- Wlnnlpeg, Man. ChaboI. Ernie- Winnipeg. M.n. Ch.nee. Fr.nkG. -Winnlpeg. Man. Ch.nlel'. Gllber1l- Winnipeg, M.n ChIIl'lOlm. JoMph- Wlnnipeg. Man Chvchmuc;h, D......- BtIl'lOOn. Man o,nc. AIeII- BfIl'lOOn, Man Conan. Syd S - WlnnIpog. Man Corcoran. Kr.1n B.J - lDnCIOn. Ont CorP, John- Winnipeg, Man eow.,d, J.IOfl- WImI::3' M.n CowIe, P8ter G _ WInn • Man D.YIe. Revn- Wlnnloeo. an. D.~ . John E - Wmlpeg. Man ()efhak. Wlltv - Wlnnlpeg. Man. Deacntmpe. MeI<Xl!e A.Ru'MlI. Man Dilcon, Jlm -WInn~g . Man Dobie. Reg C WlnnlOtg, Man Dodd, Slephen E - Mancntm, Ont Do.ruen, Clrol-WInn~ , Min OouM, Ib'ne M - &)1.111., M.n Dow, Mieholll - Winnipeg, Man Dreger, 0 ... T - Monll, 'Man Orudge. TheImI L..M - &tMdrk, Man DubeIky, Don P _ Winnlptg, 1.4"" I)yt)ka, Don- WinnIPeg, Man Eblle, Hatry-on.llWI, On! EII'II)ke..l Wrlllam A - WlnniplQ, Man Enn•. p"'ank - WInn!oeo, Man. F.bbll, \llIole S _ Wlnnlpeg, Miln 'Two HQIe. ·ln-One Filld. NorINn W - WlnnlOeo, Man f1at\ef, M.rie A,_Wr nnipOg,M.n Flth",.n, Harry_ Winnipeg, Man Flood, Aober1 P. - Wll"Mllpeg. MIn F(Ir'8Sl, Befnll - Wllln~ , Mlln FOUyTh, Don Winnipeg, Mlln Gaboury. Aclr"lan J P- Wlnnlpeg, Man. aelpern, Myar M.- Wlnnlpeg, Man. Gaudre.u, Efrll.- Wlnn!ptg, M.n o.Ulhlel', Claude R - Wlnnlpeo, M/ln GiIIIlOl'\, Clf'\"'¢ell H _ Wlnniplg, Man 011I0I"l, 0 ..... B - Winnipeg, Man GoberI. AI.n R - WlnniPeO, Man. Goga', Oene G - WInnipeg, Man Goo<tNin, AotIer1 B - WInriIPtg, Man Gowanlock, Don R - Winnipeg, Man Gi"am, Jim- Winnipeg, Man GI.y, Randy Winnipeg, Man GINO. K.ren - Wlnnioeo, Man Hllbetm., Hlrry H ~\AllMIpeg , MAn Halliday. Oavl<! H -Dryden, Onl , Hamcwloh, R,'ph -Wlnn'~ , Mill"! Hawrylyahen, D.nl,1 M Wlnnloea, Man Helptf, J8Ir- Wlnnloog, Mlln Htw"IdIi(:kl, BfyQltv ' Winnipeg, Man Henrickaon, Wilhelm R WinnIPeg, M.n. HI8beI1. Paul - Winnipeg, Man Hoch, Irv- WlnnlOea , Man. HoII.nd. D.nlel J.- Wlnnjpag, Man Hooper, let- Winnipeg, Man Hunt, ScoIl-01a0l1OOt, MfItI HUllIer, Allin - Winnipeg, Man 11\IjI1&aOn, BlII- Wloolpeg, Man. lafeld , Kllll).n Winnipeg Buch, M.n Jaruen, Chvc k WlnnlPOg, MBn Janl,", CoI"nl.- Blumenorl. Man. JOhnlOrl. A - WInf'lIOeo, Man ..IOhnl()f1. RO'/ \I _ WlnnlOeg-, Man .)ohnllon, OoroIny- wlnnlpeg. Man Johnl lOn, MeI _ WlnnIPOg, M"n Jonel , EdW,'d F" - Blandon, Man Kale!, Ger.Id- Wlnnl.,.g, Min Kalml/enulc, M.nley- Clrman, Man KI.ml. DwIoh1 W - 8fal"lCXln, Man KeddIe. D..... - Winnlpeg, Man ~ , wayne_ Wrnnlpeg, MM ~II , lDtn.- Wlnnlpeg, MM Kennedy. BobJ.- WlnnipOg, Man KIII"I, SI.n- Snkatoon, &aSk Kllroe, Lllry- Wlnnlpeg, Man Klecknel. ~ [ - B,andon. Man Kowllskl, Mlka - Wlnnlpeg, Man KozICJlc, SI......- WlnnlpeQ, Man. Kur1z, Chal"l W - WlnriiJleG, M.n l./Iond, a.rry W - WlnnlQeg, Man Langloll, All,n 0 - WIMiOeg. Man l.8rkln. Hugh- &al"lCXln. Man. lalllon, IWvin l .- WInnIJ)tg. Man lAwfonc.. Mike W - Winnipeg, Man. 1AIbI. lDU- Wlnnit»g, Mill lBwatlon, W. Aob8l'1 - WinnrPOQ, Min lewll , MUII.y " _ Wlnnlpeg, Man Lin(:\IIl, F,ank- WlnnJpeg, Man L.lvetgan!. Neil- Winnipeg, Man LlroIle, Fleurlen H,- Wlnnlpeg. Man e.... r," lDcke, Gary- WlnnlpeQ, Man l.DweI'y, Hugh- Winnipeg, Man Lowty, KIn 0 - Btan<lon Man MICKIIU:Ie, Jlmel A.=carm.n , Man MIddet1, Ib'ne- Winnipeg. Man M;aQla. 1bnv- Selklrk. Man Mlr1ynIUk, Mike- Winnipeg, M.n. MaalankO. a"bilra A _ Winnipeg, Min Mllheaon, Del M _ Winnipeg, Man Mallhews. Aonald S.- Wlnnlpeg, Man M.ynald. Amv- Wlnnlpfg, Man Malut, Nee W- Winnipeg, Man. McArthur, James- Winnipeg. Man Mccarlrey, OOI01hy- Wlnn\peg. Man MeCorquodllle. UY$fno N BoiIHY8ln, Man. McDonlId, ROboI'I WA. • Wlnn!ptQ, Man McF. ., Bob S _ WlnnlpoQ. Man McO~I , EdWIIO- 9t,noon. Man Mc Kie. Jim- Winnipeg. Man Mcl(lnn., CoHn Wlnnipeo, Man McMiller, Jellley L - Winnipeg, Man McMeet(ln, Marge- Winnipeg, Man McMillan, Jarne. B.- Winnipeg, Mlln McNtlb, Robin J _ Wrnnlpeg, M.n Mc Nabb. OOn -wlnn~ , Man p _ calgary, A"a MlKflursl l MelnyIc , Mike- Winnipeg. M.n Mendell., Rlchllfd J - Wll'lnlpeg, Man MondoIlOf1. DI J,ck - Wlnnlpeg. M,n Menne. RoDen - WlnnlOflO, Man Me"OilompOI', lDv w'1I'II11peg, Man MlCkOItC l. Nlck- Wlnnlpag. Man Miller. W~lIam F - WlnniClla, Man MitcheM, nooetl A. - Salknli, Mill Moody, BIII - 8fan<lOn. Man MOfIIIOl'\, D.....- Wlnnlpeg. Man Nambl, Tim R - [IoIl tOvitln, Min Nel&en, Chrll - Wlnnlpeg, Man NerbAII, Bruce 0.· Winnipeg, Man Nlckar!, Jlm- Wlllnlpag, Mall ilt Gr,", ,~,~ ~\~ ®~'l~~~~~r~~;~ ,')ljli"" ...., ~- Nrxon , MIIIQII181- HBadlngly. Man Nor"', Druc.- L.un<l~I, M"n NolIcworlhy, Ro<I- WIr>nIPBO. Man Nol ~ k , SI,nley- Wlnnlpeg. M.n OeKOen. Dean T.- BlandOn, Mill ObelIOn. Hank M E Gibert PI.In•• Man OliO. I-rICl- Wrnnlptg, Mill Pankiw. BIII- Wlnnlj')tg. Man ~1I" IOII. AlI.n e rman, Man PaLIUII, L.y1o - Dauptlln. Milln Peacock. Roa. A.- WlnnJpov, Man PMIPI, Qlmeron B - Winnipeg, Man l'l&lce, lawllt!lCe W Winnipeg, Man Thanks to all the Golfers. ScOl"Od In 1064 The Molson Hole·ln·One program is operated In co-operatlon with the Society for Crippled Children and Adults of Manitoba and the Manitoba Golf Association. MOLSON MAN ITOBA GOLF ANNUAL '85 eM) 35 Su perintendent has variety of duties By Jock B. Lubinski President , Golf Course Superintendents A ssociation of M anitoba As soon as the snow bogins to m elt and th e frost starts coming out of the ground, the golfers wa nt to be out on the golf course. Generall y, golf COurse superintendents don't allow thi s because at this tim e the ground bocom es very soft from snow m elting and the ground th awing out. Walking on th o turf at this tim e ca n result in foot printing. compaction end perm anent damage to the turf, w hich has alroady had to survive our sovore winter. Once pl ay has resumed, m any suporintondents may leave e fow greens out of pl ay for th e first w hile. This may be because the green is stili soft due to its loca tion or because it sustained severe wi nter dam age. Leaving it out of play w ill speed l IP the recovery of that green, A wi nter-damaged green, if played on, co uld easi ly take t w ico as long to recuperate th an a green w hich is ke pt out of play for a short peri od . A ERATION In late sprin g, a projoc t which may be hard to understand from th e golfer's point of view is aerating. A superintendent will aerate greens and tees for al'Y or all of the following reasons: 1) to deepen th e roo t sys tem, thu s m akin g it hardi er. 21 to thicken grow th of turf, such as a green w hich has had w inter damage. 3) to m ake the soil surface softer. thu s holding the ball ' better on approac h shot s. 4) to open up th o soil surface and allow for better wa ter penetration. 51 to roduco th atch and graininess of the putting surfa ce. M os t superintendel"lts disliko aerating more th an any oth er m aintenance practi ces, just as golfers don' t like puttiJ,g on freshl y aerated greens. However, It's a Job w hich must be done to maintain good turf quality. In oarl y autumn, many superint endents aerate again, for m any of th e same reason s mentioned. For golf courses wh ich have been on a sand program of lap dressing for sevoral yea rs, It Isn't 9S criti ca l to aorate as often. FERTILIZING During th e se ason, tiny light co lored pellets are occasion· oily seen on greens and toes. These are fertilize r or fungicide granuals. Yea rs ago, fertilize r was applied in a quick ro lcase form, w hich had to bo wa tered In immedia tely in order to avoid burning U,e turf. Due to technologica l improvemen t s in fert ilizers in th e past few yea rs, a slow release form is now widely used which doesn't burn wh en appliod prop erly. It may bo visible for a day or t wo, so its disruption Is short·lived. SYRINGE GR EENS With the adve nt of modern irriga tion sys tems, m any superintendents syr inge greens and lees in th e day during hot, dry wea th er th at is, putting on a light wa tering 01 t wo or th ree minutes during mid afte rnoon. For shortl y-mowed turf, such as on greens and too s, the sun ac tu all y hea ts th e soil and turf to a point w here plan ts begin to w ilt. By appl ying a ligh t coa t of coo l wa tor. th e plant has th o opportun it y to recuperate and survive anothor hot day. SPRAYING Occasionall y. golfers wi ll no tico a person from the grounds sta ff oporating a mechanical sprayer. On fairways and in tho rough, it would likoly be for weeds, but on greens and teos it would be for a totall y different reason - to apply fun gicides. Th e shortl y-m owod tu rf. high fertil it y and frequ ent irriga tion on green and tees un fo rtu na tely crea tes an ideal envi ronment for fungus disease. To prevent the turf from being dam aged by the so diseases. th ey must be treBled w ith a fun gicide. With out spraying, an ou tbreak of th e disease could easily des troy a w hole green in a m atter of days. This cou ld oCCur anytime during the soaSon - spring, summer Or fall. Recentl y, some superintenden ts have been spraying gre ens wi th liquid fert ililer as on altern ative to grollular appli ca tions. CUTTING HEIGHTS The height at w hich th e turf is cut is of IOn 0 great deba te at m any golf clubs. Understandably, a gol for would like a "closely mowed" golf course, w hich would provide an ideal lie for the ball and the smooth es t. fas tes t putting surfaces . Unfortun ately, th at lalls short of th e needs of th e turf itself. Si mply put, tho shorter turf Is cut, th o w eaker it becomes and thus it is more suscep tibl e to injury. It should also be understood that ce rt ain turfgrass species ca n w ithstand low er cutting heights than oth ers. Tho co nditions at va rious clubs can also determine cu t ti ng heights, namely th e ca pability of tho irrigation sys tem, size GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS' ASSOCIATION OF MANITOBA sponsors 01 the · Annual Manitoba Turf Grass Research Tournament President - MR . JACK LUB INSKI Secretary - MR. DOUG McEWEN For membership contact secretary, ci a Even-Spray & Chemicals Ltd. Bay 11'2 - 851 Lagimodiere Blvd., Wpg .. Manitoba R2J 3K4. To encourage and promote research and the interchange 01 scientific and practical knowledga relating to tha maintenance 01 golf courses In order to assist Interested members. 36 MANtTOBA GOLF ANN UAL '85 of budget for a more demanding turf quali ty and the avail able equipment and manpower. Cutting heights .ro variabl e and should be discussed with your superintendent to better understand the c ondition s at your golf course. COURSE SHUTDOWN A s th e cool days of autumn arrive and our first snowfall is just around th e c ornor, co rtain maintenance prac tices are often c arried out. Depending on the needs of variou s courses, any of the following could be done on tho greens and t ees; Aerate with a thi ck layer o f topdressing, topdressl"g alone, straw cover, m at covor, snow fence and a fungi cide treatment. Golf courses in heavily sheltered areas often need only an appli ca ti on of fungi cid e, an ally to improve th e turf's ability to overw inter. LATE FALL AND WINTER Thi s is the critic al period whi ch determin es th o quality of golf course a superintendent will have when spring comes. Any Irregularity In weath er patterns can have an effect on turf survival. Late fall rainfall (i ce buildup), lack of snow, cold tempera tures ca n all contributo to po or quality turf in the spring . THE SUMMARY A golf course suporintondent ha s a w ide va ri ety of duties to develop and maintain top quality turf, Th en, Mother Nature has to lend a hand . In spring, we hope for a quick melt of snow to prevent ice buildup. Then, warm weather is needed for seed germina tion to get the turf growing , Summ er rains are needed to keop everything groon and healthy, And, lastly, In late fall we hope f or a pormanent hoavy snow fall to protec t th e tu rf through th e harsh winter. J8ck Lubinski of Elmhurst, president of the Golf Course Superintendents Association of Manitoba (left) presented new Superintendent of the Year award to J ack Davies o f Southwood Golf and Country Club, WHAT BUSINESS IS COMING TO IN WINNIPEG Su ccess ful m ee tings a rc a Westin Winnipeg t !'ad II lon, You ra il Ix'ly " " Ill(' W('s lln's fI 11(' r('pl1 t :1 t 1011 nnrl ('x p ert Is(' to (, I1SUrc you r nex t meet Ing Is a reso undIng s uccess. Accommodations Yllllr cll'h-g'w 's wl ll m.l"1' alii hl ' corn lc)rts lira n11,, 1 class hol el willi 350 well-appointed gu est rooms. t.:o lourcable TV. a year-round s wlrnmllig pool and sa una plus convenient pa rklnp;. FacUlties W(,'re ready to accommoda te up to 1.300 cl elega tes with seven fin c m ce tlng and b anqLlci roOIllS p illS a g!'allcl hallrolllll IOf'lIll y, Amenities 1'1((' W('st i 11 Is l 'Olll'll't'I('d III a mlnh'lty or two underground s h opping ('U llt·O U r.::;l'S with OVt'f 80 s h ops and services. And we' re rl gh t a t th e h ea rt o rWlnnlpc~:( s downtow ll dining, nig h tille, and cull LlI'3 1acll vlll"., Ol !;('ovc.'r what con vent Ion s arc comIng to In Winnipeg, POl' furth er deta ils or Informa tion on our ~ p ('(' l a l group ra tes co ntact Brla" H ornya k a t (2041 957-1350 or ca ll OLlr toll-free line HlOO-22H-3000, MEET WITH SUCCESS ~ T~E.WESTIN HOTEL ~ Winnipeg MA NITOBA GOLF AN NUAL 'B5 37 William (Smileyl Meronek of St. Charies Country Club displays trophy 8fter winning 19S4 Menltobe Senior men's golf chempions/)/p ot ElmllUrst. Smiley Meronek rules • • senior golfers In 1984 After tw o succ essi ve years of " rookio" w inners, Willi am (Smileyl ' Meron ek of St. Charles showed th at some of "older folks" could still do a few th ings on the golf course. Meronek led a fiold of 177 entries to ca pture the 1984 M anitoba senior men's golf championship over a 54 ·hole route town. P.E.I., in September for th e Cana- 85-8 2 - di an senIor champion ship and interprovincial team matche s. M eronek put together round s of Don Brereton of Breezy Bend w as nex t 72 -75-7 9 for his w inning 226 total, while Mickoski ca rded 72 -78-78 for 228, Pidlaski shot 77 -73-79 for 229 and Lenton wa s 73 -78-79 for 230. at Elmhurst Golf and Country Club. Competing in th o 65-69 age group. Meronek had a three-round scoro of 226 with Elmhurst's M ax Desa ulnler right to regain tho titl o ho had also w on in behind with 79-71-81 - 1981. The crown wont in 1982 to Gord Lenton of Selkirk and in 198 3 to Nick Mickoski of Elmhurst. both making their M cCallum, also of Elmhurst, nex t with Mickos ki ca ptured th e honors for tho 55 -59 age group, follow ed by Lenton. 2 31 and Bill 187 ove r the 36 -hole route. with 90-89 - 179 and Rube Ludwick of Glendale was third with 91 -90 - 181. At the national championship at Charlottetown , Pidlaski w as the bos t of the Manitoba contingent, sitting only twO shots behind the leader after the second round of play and fini shing onl y eight strokes back as scores w ent up on th e final day. Pidlaskl shot 75-77 for 152 in the first two rounds, with M lckos ki noxt in lino first appoa rance s in the se ni or eve nt at 74 -7 9-8 2 - 235. The 60-64 age group saw Russ Jones o f St. Boniface and J im Isaac of 51. the age of 55. M ickoski finished in th e runnerup Charles tiod at 240, with Jones winning on a count back. He had round s of position last yea r with 228, two shots 79-78· 83, while Isaac went 81-76-8 3. behind th e w inner. Elmhurst 's Bill Barrie Sanders of Carm an w as third with paco. Micko ski 's final round of 7 9 gave Pidl aski, wh o w as the senior champ in 79-8 2-83 - 224, and Ed Klein of Ross mere fourth with 80-84-81 - 245. Meroll ek led the 65-69 group with him a 54-halo score of 238. Pidlaski in tho runnorup spot. Third place w ent to former six-tim o senior champ senior 1977 and 1978. fini shed in th ird spot with 229 and Lenton pl aced fourth with 230. These four made up the provincial senior toam which travelled to Charlotte- Former Senior winners listed on page 33 38 Herry CritChley of Southwood with 80-77-81 - 238 and fourth wa s Don McNabb of A ssiniboine with 81 -80-84 - 245. In the 70-and--over divi sion, Elmhurst's Cass Tobin wa s a runaway leader with for Manitoba with 81 -78 - 159. Lenton with 80-81 - 161 and Meronek with 80·84 - 164. Th e team placed fifth . Pidl aski added an 6 5 in his final round for a 54 -hala score of 235_ eight off the Many of th o same pl ayors w ere back in the spotlight In September when the interclub championship w as played at St. Charl es, wi th 34 teams representing 22 clubs. Th e No. 1 team from St. Charl es edged th e Elmhurst No. 1 team for th e gross honors, 232 to 2 33. (Continued on page 401 MANITOBA GO"F ANNUA" ' 85 AIR GUARD CONTROL OF MANITOBA 237-4276 I I PERSONAL PROTECTION PRODUCTS I I I I I I I I I ~ I ~ . . PYRETHRIN BASED Konk INSECTICIDES Business Meetinos Too Costly? . ". ,. ,.-. WHEN YOU WANT TO TALK TO SEVERAL PEOPLE IN DIFFERENT PLACES- AT THE SAME TIME- TRYA CONFERENCE CALL! TELECONFERENCING TO[)/\V'S W/\Y T O OPERAT E For Details Dial CCO~~ Ask for the Conference Operator. MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL ' 85 eg fIffi M . ... . . . TI ..... 104 0 N. '''''TIM 39 Manitobs 's provineisl Senior team for the 1984 was comprised of, left to right: Bill Pidlaskl of Elmhurst, Gord Lenton of Selkirk and Pine Ridge, Smiley Meronek of St. Cherles ond Nick Mickoski of Elmhurst. SENIORS (Conrliwed from pogo 38) Mike Halicki paced St. Charles wit h his 75, tho bost individual scoro of tho day. Meronek co ntributed a 76 and Jim IS88c shot 81 for the 232 tot81. Pidla ski was the leade r for Elmhurst with 76, Bill McCa llum con tributed with 77 and Mickoski shot BO for 233. In net scoring , Tronscone edged Bel Acres No. 2, also by a single stroke, 22 1 to 222. M. Kowalski shot 85-13 - 72, C. Everton had 83-9 - 74 and John Bayrack 80-5 - 75 for Transcona's 221. whil e W. Melnyk's 85-12 - 73, G. Ke ith's 89-15 74 end Sonny Perteet's 90-15 - 75 m8de up eel Acres 222. The 1985 Manitoba senior men's championship will be played Aug. 20-22 at St. Boniface and the senior inter-club ovent Is scl1eduled for Sept. 5 at Falcon Laka. • This toom from St. Chorlos won the Senior Inter-Club championship. Left to righ t are: Jlin Isaac, Mlko Halicki and Smiley Meronok. ESSENTIAL FINANCIAL PLANNING • AnnuilJ es • RellSltred Retirement SavinEs Plans • Pensions • Pn - Retirement Councelling T , J, Rice & ASlIociat(s &assoclates Insura nce Programs . Term OCtJOsits 10th . Ireet Winnipeg , M anhoba \ JnICII ) In:<.urnnc\! Aj;enc) lt d , 11 77 Na irn Av enue W inn ipctj" M anitotm Or"/I(.1UII , Manit uba K 11\ 4Ub R)L lT4 204 - 477-5350 Kl l. OY6 204 - 668-8277 1 - 72M~640 4 10 • 5 Ollrlald 40 I"'_~m • Guaranteed In \lcstmen l Certlrical tS • Em ployee Bendit I'rog .. m • Personal, Busine'ss. Partnership St reet (11) - MAN tTOBA GOLF ANNUAL '86 "3j !' For the BEST DEAL in Manitoba Drive a little to Selkirk! SELKIRK PUBLISHERS LTD. ~ Almost everybody reads the . .. P.O. BOX 187 217 CLANDEBOYE AVE. SELKIRK. MANITOBA R1 A 2B2 CHEVROLET·OLDSMOBILE LTD. 230 MAIN STREET SELKIRK, MANITOBA Business Ph . 482-3140 Winnipeg Ph. 475-9879 • • • • PRINTERS LITHOG RAPHERS OFFICE SUPPLI ES ADVERTISING CONSULTANTS "Covering Community and District Advertising, News and Sports " For on the spot news coverage and printing requirements call : JOHN W. KINDRAT, Presldenli Publisher CRAIG KINDRAT - RON SCHERZA, Sales 482-3721 "Serving Selkirk and Surrounding District for 100 yoars. " ounLryClub Tho Solklrk Golf Club, looking toward tho 18th green and clubhouse. In The Heart of Downtown Selkirk W ELCOMES ALL VISITORS EIGHTEEN HOLES, 5716 METERS, GRASS GR EEN S Rural Manitoba's Very Popular Golf Course MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL '85 41 The Crown Life Manitoba champions for 19B4 from J ohn Blumberg Golf Course, laft to right: pro Ben Smirnov, Winston J ohnson. J ohn Lovelace and Tony D VCk. John Blumberg team wins Crown Life honors 1,800 Manitobans, 21,000 across Canada take part in 1984. Crown event has raised $525,000 for charity since 1973. 42 One of the most popul ar golf ovents in Manitoba e8ch season is the C rown Life Pro-Am comp etition . which is unique In a number of w ays, First, it's an opportunity for the golfers of the province to help a coupl e of worthy causes because the $ 5 entry fee goes directly to the Society for Crippled Children and Adults of Manitoba 160 per ce nt) and th e M anitoba Golf A ss ocia· tion's junior development program 140 per cent), All tourn ament expenses and pri zes are provid ed by the sponsoring Crown Life Insurance Company. Second. it's a co mpetition th at has a pie ce for ell levels of golf. Whether you're a scratch pl ayer or one w ith a handicap of 30 or more. you ca n take part . T hird , it providos an opportunit y for some match-play comp etition at th e individual clubs. th ough rul es were changad las t year to allow clubs to decide their tea ms on stroke pl ay if desired. Fourth, it gi ves th e club pro a chance to tea m up with three of his members in three distinct handicap categories and pl ay again st similar tea ms from the other cl ubs, The format for th is yea r's C rown Life event Is much the same as In previ OU S year•. Tha handica p groups are 0 -12, 13-18 and 19-30, the entry fae remains at $ 6, players can attempt to qu alify as often as th ey wi sh and th e qu alifying peri od was set for M ay 19 to June 10, Match play lor stroke playl to determin e the three division winn ers takes pla ce from June 11 to Au g. 1. Th e prov incial championship is se t for Aug. 9 at Niakw a Country Club. Th e provin. cial w inn er will reprosent Manitoba at the national Crown Life Pro-Am team championship ove r a 36-hole route Sept. 12-13 at th e Will ow Park Golf and Country Club in Calgary. Last yea r, there were 1,90 0 partici· pants in the Crown Life event in Manl· MA NITOBA GOLF A NNUAL '85 'rh' • Congratulations ~ niB CO U N T R Y ' toba, raising a total of $9,000, which provided $5,400 for the Society and $3,600 for junior golf development. Across th e country. t here w ere 21,000 golfers in tt, o Crown life evont last year, Since th o ince ption of th e competition in 1973, thoro have been 10 5,000 participants and they have raised 8 total of $ 525,000 for charity. It all started in M anitoba in 1973 and it w as stric tly a provincial competition at the time. It spread t o the oth or w estern provinces and the first w estern championship w as played in 1979 at Nlakwa, w here pro Stan Hom enuik led his Dauphin team to th e first championship. Ontario jolned tho nex t year and it has now spread across Canada. wa to the M anitoba Golf Association C L U B Last year's national championship w as won by a t eam from Newfoundland, the first timo that province has won a national golf t itl e. Ontario has w on t w ice, in 1980 and 1983, Sas katchewan w on in 198 2 and British Columbia In 198t Manitoba's Crown Life championship last year w ont to pro Ben Smirnov and his team from th e John Blumberg municipal course by a wide m argin. Playing at Elmhurst , Smirnov and his team of Tony Dyck, John Lovelace and Winston Johnson co mpilod 8 total of 145 Stableford points, sevon more than runn orup Pat O'Donnell and his Pin e Ridg o squad of Helmut Dahl, Jim Darraco tt and AI Cooper, with 138. • Next in line ca me Flln Flon's team of pro John Gaudet and am ateurs Ali ster Walker, Gary Lyons and Terry Plischke with 131. Three team s tied at 130 Th e Pas led by St. Charles assis tant pro Richard Philpot , with amateurs Keith Elvers, John Rigby and J ack Ashley; Breez y Bond, led by pro Sand y Paterson with Tom Sykes, Phil Rhuobottom and Doug Soo tae t; and Deloraine, led by Tuxedo assistant pro Garth Goodbrandson w ith amateurs Dennis Ollshetskl, Lerry Shew chuk and Doug Hicks. In Indi vi dual scorin g for th e pros, O'Donnell w as low m an w ith fl neat 70 , whil e Stan Homenuik and Brad Kea ts we re nex t with 749 and Smlrn ov, Dan Hunter and AI Scott each had 75. , Leasing of All Makes Cars & Light Trucks. Call Jim Isaac for all Leasing Needs. McNaught. Pontiac. Buick. Cadillac. 634 P o r tage Avenue 786-3 8 11 605 PORTAGE AT LANGSlDE MAN ITOBA GOLF AN NUAL '85 43 Ted Chop captures Rural Amateur Championship Ted Chop of the Northernaire Golf Club established a co mpetitivo course rocord at Hecla Island on the way to winning the 1984 Manitoba rural golf championship. Chop, who Is also a member of the MGA executive, shot a blistering three under-par 69 on U10 second day of tt1 e 36 -1'1010 competition to pull ahead o f tt1reo -tlme winner Bruce North 01 Carman and win by two shots. The record -se tting round featured six birdies and threo bogies as CI10P carded 8 ono -ul''1der par 35 on the front nine Bnd two -under-par 34 on th e back ninc. There were eight 38 on his card and U1e round also included two three PUll Northernaire golfer sets competitive course record with 69 at Hecla Island. greens. Chop had open e d th e two -day tournam ent with a one-ovor par 73 in hi s opening round. which left him tied w ith defending champior1 Pat Doyle of Sand y Hook in th ird place, three sho ts behind Cannan's Bill North and ono behind Bruce Nortl .... Bruc e North added 8 second straigh t par-72 round 011 the second day to finish at 144 , bu t It wasn't good enough to earn him a fourth rural titl o bocause Chop's 69 gave him a 36 hole total o f 142. Don J a c k50r~ Of Portage la Prairie also broke par with a 70 in hi s second round after an opening 76 10 pull into third place with 146, Tied in founh place with 150 were Ron Lyman o f Morden, 76-74; Brad Clem en ts o f Ru ssell, 75-75; and Dwight Kearns o f Brandon, 75-7 5. Bill North slipped to 81 in his second round to fin ish at 151 and Doyle took 80 strokes on Iho second day to finish at 153. Fifteen o f tho start ing fiel d of 136 (Continued on pogo 461 "Golf Course Living" The "NEW" 18 Hole • THE CITY OF BRANDON RECREATION AND SPORTS CENTRE GOLF COURSE 34th Street and McDonald Ave, SANDY HOOK GOLF DEVELOPMENT Offers and Excellent Selection of Homesites with Golf Course Frontage #/ " v' ~ " - For Information Visit or Call SANOY HOOK GOLF CLUB SANDY HOOK, MAN, .. 1'''''I)/~ ." ""-1>"1.~1I.... 389-5466 '''' NEW COURSE TO OPEN 1985 SEASON - 18 Hole, Grass Green, Par 71 , Public Golf Course Golf Shop - Power Cart Rentals for information, rates and reservations - phone 728-9054 For your after game enjoyme nt visi t ROB RO YS Lou nge & Dinin g Room open 7 days per week A _ David Tu rpie Thompson Pl aza Thompson , Man . RaN OM7 (204 ) 677-3560 44 MANnOBA GOLF ANNUAL ' 85 Beefeater Dry Gin retains its fine taste even In mixes. Distilled and bottled in London, England. Welcome to Carman (THE FRIENDL V CLUB) • We now have a beautiful 18 hole course, where you can relax and enjoy the unhurried pace, with no crowds or line ups. • Just one hour from Winnipeg. • Golf for the day, the weekend or a week. Bring the family along and enjoy serviced campgrounds, supervised swimming pool, tennis courts and child's playground all within walking distance of the golf course. • Clubhouse oHers licensed facilities , excellent food, pro shop, club rentals, cart rentals , pull or drive . • We book compan y or group tournaments with reserved tee times . For bookings , call us at 1-745-2366 -IC ARMAN GOLF MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL '8 5 I.UR 45 RURAL (Con tinued from p8g8 44) golfers were 76 or be tter in tho opening round to ge t Into the championship fl ight. Some extro oxcitement was add ed to the socond day's pl ay w hen John Roskam of Falcon Beach scored a holein-one on the 165 yard fifth hole. Barrie Sanders won the rural senior champi onship for the fourth straight time 8S he pu t toge ther rounds of 79 and 76 for 155. Tom Marsh of Portaga ma tched Sanders on opening day w ith 79 but needed 8 2 in the sec ond round to fin ish at 161, six shots off th e pace. Third place wenl 10 Cal Thorpe of Kil chen Creek (Fort Frances ) with 82-83 - 165. There w ere 11 pl ayers in the senior even t. Prize wi nners in th o fti ghts w ere: Firat - Brian Clark, Brandon Whea t Cil y, 77 -74 - 151; Phil Hall, Brandon Whea t City, 7 7-76 153; Gene Hodgson, Brandon Whea t City, and Tim Breton, Pina Fall s, (tiod) both wilh 77 -78 - 155. Second - Bev Leadbea ter, Sw an River, 77 -71 148; Ke n Stadnek, North ern aire, 77-72 - 149; Ken Grove, Selkirk, 78-75 - 153. Third - Tim Cromarty, Selkirk, 79-76 - 155; Dan Lipinski, Steinbach, 7 9-80 - 159; Mark Szew czyk, Selkirk, 84-76 - 160. Fourt h - 81 ake North, Glenboro, 77 -8 3 160; Bob T homp son , Thompson, 8 2-79 - 161; Don Traub, Winkler, 8 2-8 2 - 164. Fifth - Brad Wall, Wink ler, 88 -7 9 167; Al an Johnson, Northernaire, 84-8 5 - 169; Vi cl or Klassen, Winkl er, 8 6-84 - 170. Sixth - Rick Oakden, Brandon Wheat City, 85 -88 - 173; Loui s McGill/vary, Ru ssell, 87 -87 - 174; Colin Jamieson, Mord en Minnew asta, 89-86 - 175. Seventh - Victor Wallack. Hecla Island, 89 -87 - 176; Dennis Smith, Ru ssoll, 90 -8 7 - 177; Harb Sims, Flin Flon Phantom Lake, 91 -89 - 180. RURAL HIGHER HANDICAP Only 28 gollers show ed up at Carm an for the first rural higher handica p tournament last July, but officials ara going to try again at th e same IOC8 tion on July 2 9 th is yea r, hoping for more Interes t. Carm an golfers led the way In the initial outing, with pri zes award ed On a net scoring basis. Norm All en and Jack McKay 0 1 Carm an both wound up wilh net 60. with All en winn ing on a coun t back. Teulon golfers took Over the lirst fl ight, which w as w on by Harry Bad am s w ith net 64, on e better then clubmate Don Mollard. In th e third flight, Frank Peters of W inkler took first pri zo w ith net 62, DRG GLOBE ENVELOPES , 1221 Inks t er Blvd .. Winn ip eg . M on . R 2X 1P4 ph. ( 2 04) 63 3 - 2580 M a nufa ctur rs and Printe rs o f Fine Q u a lity Enve lo p e s DRG "The good idea company" GORD LEN T ON D iv ision Manag er PINE RI DGE M EM BE R 46 FL Y_IN_ follow ed by Reg Las t of Carman with not 64. Low gross score of the day w as an 81 by Larry David son of Morden. M EAGH ER BEEFEATER TROPHY The rural team handica p event wh ich w as form erly playod for the Manitoba Sugar Bowl w as taken over in 1984 for joint sponsorship by Meagher's Distillery and th e M anitoba Golf Ass ociation. Mitch Blako and Norm Beaudin of M eagher's were hos t s for the event. The compotit ion w as hel d Sept . 8 at Shllo Golf Club and th a Shilo team becam e th e first w inners of th e Bee f· ea ter Trophy. The Shllo team of John Murphy, Larry Nahachewsky, Tom Bryan and Andy Gobeil pos tod a gross score of 336 and had a handicap of 49.5 (7 6 per cent of tholr l otal handicap of 66) for a net score of 286.6. Runner·up honors w en t to Sw an River's team of Neil Colton, Goorgo Craig, Ken Treasure and DerwI n Rooks wi th a gross total of 341 , less handicap of 4 2.75 (75 per cent of 571 for a net SCOre of 298.25. The competi tion is open t o winning teams from quali fyi ng pl ay in th a 14 rural zones and there we re 10 zones represented in the 19 84 event. Th e 19 8 5 Meagl'er Boefoater Interzo ne championship w ill again be played al Shilo on Sept. 8. _S_T_E_IN~B _A =C =H~..£.~ -=-----.J GOLF CLUB Golf at STEINBACH you will love our : • 18 HOLES OF CONTOURED IRRIGATED FAIRWAYS, PONDS AND CREEKS. • CHALLENGING, ROLLING GRASS GREENS. • NEW RESTAURANT AND GOLF SHOP_ • LOW WEEKDAY RATES _ • RELAXED, FRIENDLY RURAL ATMOSPHERE_ Tourn aments welcome_ Reservations available. Phone 1-326-6813 MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL '85 Manitoba's female golfers enjoy full season of .activity By SHIRLEY WOlECHUK Secretary, MlGA From the Two-Ball Foursome tournament which opened our season in carly June, to the Sun UfO Pro-Am in late August, Manitoba lady golfers enjoyed a full seeson of golf. Prior to the opening tournament, of course, our semi annual meeting and district chairmen's meeting were held and served to set the stago for a successful summer. Tho Manitoba Association has seven new member clubs - Tuxedo, Harbour View, Pilot Mound, Roland, Oakview (Altona/Gretna I. Delahunt, and Hecla requested and received Associate membership. Our opening Two-Ball tournament was won by Gabrielle Dosaulnlers and Aileen Springer of St. Boniface. The Ci ty and District Tournament Champion was Cathy Burton with Verna Turnbull winning the B Division. Our three -day Tribune Trophy Handica p Tournamont was won by loretta McKonna of the Asslniboine Golf Club. Loretta was both the medalist winner and the tournament champion, the first time in memory that the same person has won both. Helen Calverley of John Blumberg led a field of 118 golfers in the Higher Handicap Tournament to capture the Elva Amos Trophy. M orie Linton of 51. Boniface was the B Division winner with Marjorie Hyndiuk of Charleswood tOklng C DiVision. ThO C.l.G .A . National Handicap Award final round wa s hold at the Dauphin Country Club on August 29th. From all reports the Dauphin ladies were excellen t hosts and their warm hospitality made up for tho extremoly windy playing conditions. Congratulations to the winners, Betty Capstick, Betty Gollat and Barbara Rubeni ck from Chapples Golf Club in Thunder Bay. Forty-four teams participated in the Inter-Club Tourna ment held at the 51. Charles Country Club with a host club team winning the A low gross, Elmhurst ladles taking the A low net and the B low gross, with a team from Falcon Beach ca ptming th e B low net, The Manitoba Champions for 1984 are: Senior Marg Ford, Pine Falls Golf Club, Runner-up: Isny Gallimore, Pine Ridge Golf & Country Club. Amateur - Cath\\ Burton, Selkirk Golf Club. Runner-up: Gail Andorson, 51. Charles Country Club. Junior - Janet Cochrane, St. Charlas Country Club. Runner up: Ail oon Roberl son, St. Charles Country Club. (Continued on page 48) COUNTRY CLUB TITUSVILLE, FLORIDA This magnificent rosort, owned and operated by the Canadian P.G.A., is 8 Golfer's Winter Paradise. The championship golf cou rse can play from 6500 yards to 7000 yards. After golf rela x in the lou nge to live entertainment and enjoy dining in the beautiful Cedar Room . There is 8 well stocked Pro Shop and full practise facilities . Enjoy the option of playing with a golf car or walking . - Titusville is 30 minutes east of Orlando - 45 minutes from Disney World/Sea World - 15 minutes from Kennedy Space Centre For more Information Call 305-269-4500 MANlT06A GOLF ANNUAL ' 65 47 WOM EN (Continued "om page 471 The Aules Chairman, with th o assis tan ce of tho President and Alh lin Walker, held a Ru les Clinic in Winnlpog at the beginning of th e season. Thi s was ve ry well attended and, from all reportS, we ll recoived. In addition, several M anitoba oxecutive members travelled throughout th e province holding rules clinics In rural areas and rating CO urSes, M anitoba golfers woro saddened by tho un timely passing of Pas t President Colleen Hutct,ison in late summer. Colleen was an enthusiasti c support r of ladies' golf in Manitoba and w ill be soroly missed. It is th o inten t o f the Manitoba It was also decided to chango the name o f tho A ssoda· tlon from tl1e Canadian Ladies' Golf Association Manitoba Bran ch Inc., to tho M ani toba Ladios' Golf A ssociation Inc. It was felt that this wa s 8 less cumbersome designation. Association to es tablish a Colleen Hutchison Memorial Tournament com mencing in 1985, The season c losed w ith th o annual meeting in Sep tembor at tho Rossmere Golf and Country Club. Members of tl1e Sonior, Amateur and Junior t eam s wero guests at dinner along with Mayor William Norrio of Winnipeg and representatives from th e Manitoba Sports Federation, the C.L.G .A . and tho press. The annual meeting dealt with som e changes to our bylaws nocessitated by tl,o fac t that we arc now fun c tioning out of the SpOrtS Federa tion Buildlno in Winnipeg. This movo has eliminated the noed for a paid socretary-u easuror, thorefore th e by-laws had to be adju sted to provide for a vo lun teer secretary end a volunteer traasurer. MANITOBA LADIES' GOLF ASSOCIATION 1985 Executive Pres ident ... . ..... , .. . . Ethel Colnek, Rossmere Past President . . . . . . . . . . Phylles Wotton, Nlakwa Vice-President . ... . Lorrain e Macl eod, Canoe Club Secretary .. ......... Shirley Wolechuk, Ki ldonan Treasurer .. . .. . .. .... Isny Gallimore, Pin e Ridg o COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Tournament . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . Ella Gill, Elmhurst Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . Jossle M cLachlan, A ssiniboine Handicap . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. GW8n Laxdel, Tuxado Course Rating . ..... MBbe Harwood, Charleswood Teams ......... . .. . . . . Phyllis Boll, SI. Charles Prizes . •.. ..... ... . . Peggy Andarson , Elmhurst Junior Development . .. . Karen B1n91'91'11, Steinbach ASSISTANTS Tournament ........... Wi llio Lockie, Asslnlboino Course Rating ..... . ..• Jean Farwell, St. Charles Junior Development . .... Ev M ackol"llio. Rossm ere Rul e. . ....... .. ..... Va l Spen ce r, Breezy Bend Ann Leibl, Wildewood Ca thy Burton of Selkirk, who domina ted the Manitoba women 's golf sceno In 1984, receives p laque from Labatt 's general manager Vern Penner 85 B runnerup 1i1 voting for Manitoba Golfer of the Year honors. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Tell them you saw it in the M anitoba Golf Annual '85 " BEST WISHES FOR A GREAT GOLF SEASON" ST. CHARLES COUNTRY CLUB 48 MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL '85 Emphasis on development for Juniors By JOYC E COLLIER Junior Developm ent Chairman pro fessional s Harry Brotchie and Michol Pilon, Fi ft een girl s received in stru ction in skill developm ent, rul es, handica p and on -cours man agem ent. Th e Advanced Camp introduced in 198 3 was repea tod thi s year at Hecla Provincial Park on July 5 and 6 , Ten o f M anitoba's top junior girl s received t wo days o f instru c tion in on-course managem ent. compotiti ve psychology, rul es and skill developm ent from t wo golf pro fessionals. Harry Bro tchie and Lauric Pierce, All ten attending com pe tod in th e M anitoba Junior Championships and sevon o f these went on to pl ay in th o National Champi ons hips in Colgary in August . Aileen Robertson, Brol1da Srn oil and J anet Cochrane co mrlO t ed in the Saskatchew on Am atour in Regina. Ail een w as runner-up in th e fi rst flight ond fourth low gross overall; Brenda won tho second fli ght. (Conrlnuod 0 11 pBgO 501 The 1984 season was a succoss fu f and busy golfing one for M anitoba junior lady golfers. A strong empha sis w as pla ced on development with an increase in th e number Of golf c amps offered. A Spring Bulletin w as sent to all clubs outlining the schedule of events for th e summer. Early In M ay a Junior Chairman's mee ting was held with nine cluhs sonding representatives indica ting tt1eir interes t in junior golf. Once again, tho Monitoba Golf A ssoci ation included the girl s in tho Junior Intor Club in May and June. Nine girl s competed wi tl1 the boys. A Begl "ner'S Clinic w [)s held at Crescent Drive Golf Course preceding th e Novico Tournamont and all 17 entrants w ere included in th e clinic. Harry Brolchi o, pro fessional, conduc ted th e clinic. For tl, e first tlm o, on Intermediate Camp wa s held al Harbour Vi ow on July 18 and 19 under th e dirOC llon of Phone (204) 786-2435 me Caine... E.leetric.. (1979) Ltd. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS • 630 Erin Street, Winnipeg , Manitoba R2G 2V9 COTTONWOOD GOLF COURSE "A NEW CHALLENGE JUST OUTSIDE OF WINNIPEG" Dial 1-422-5540 18 HOLES (CONSTRUCTION OF AN ADDITIONAL 9 HOLES IN THE PROCESS) PRO SHOP - BAR & LOUNGE - SNACK BAR - CLUB RENTALS 25 minutes east of Winnipeg on the Trans-Canada Hwy. MA NITOBA GOLF ANNUAL 'B5 49 JR . WOMEN (Continued from page 49) Barbara M aslanko won the qualifyi ng tournament of th e Optimist Club's Junior World for Manitoba, Minneso ta. North and South Dakot a and as a result was sent to com · p ete in th o Optimis t Intern ational W orld Tourn ament in San Diego in July. Janet Cochrane w as tho rec ipient of a M arleno Stroit Award and w as one of six Canadian junior girl s participa ting In th e U.S. Wes tern Junior Golf Championships in Ka nsas Ci t y In JUly. Fifteen Junior girl s participa ted in the M anitoba Junior Championships on J ul y 10 . 11 end 12 at Bel Acres. Selkirk and Niakwa. Low Gross and M ani toba Junior Champion for the second time was J anet Cochrane followed by Ail een Robert son. A four-hole playo ff wa s roquired to determine our 198 4 champion. Barbara M aslanko won the low net aggrogat e and A ileen Robertson w on th e " Under 16" trophy. fro m th e Th e she low qualifi ers and ti es - seven in all Junior cham pionships w ent on to pl ay July 13 and 14 at Elmhurst and Rossm ere to de termino th e Junior Team . Janel Cochrane, toam cap tain, Barbara M aslanka and Ail een Robert son represented Manitoba in the Canadian Junior Championships. The M anitoba Bran ch also sponsored Brenda Sm ail and Rhonda Swit zer. Congratul ations to Barbara M aslanka on hor hole in-one sc ored at Selkirk during th o M anitoba J LJI1ior Cham pionships. Junior tournamen t wi nners in 1984 we re: Pre -Season - 18 holes: M elissa Vorry; 9 holes: Nancy Herm an at John Blumberg Golf Course. Novice - Brenda Houston at Crescen t Drive. Mother-Daughter Ail ce n and EdiHl Robertson at St. Charl es. 9 and 18 Hole - 18 holes: Jane t Harvey; 9 holes: Eliase Gros brink at Breezy Bend . Field Day - Team Winners: A ileen Robert son. Robyn Nelterf iold, Nancy Herm an and Jul ie A rchibald at Portage Ie Prairie. A number of junior girl s particl pated this year in both th e City and Di stric t and Tribune tournamonts of the C.L.G.A ., M anitoba Branch. Earl Grey Golf Club in Calgary w as the site 01 the Canadian Junior Ladies' Championships. Eight Manitoba junior girt s had a memorabl e wack of competiti ve golf and fellow ship wi th other juniors from across Canada and the United St at es. The M anitoba team finished third , following Ontari o and British Columbia. The team w as very competi· tive as all throe leam members played with handicaps of 6. Aileen Robertson won th e 15 and undor low gross and Rhond a Switze r was the rsClpie"t of the low net oggrego te of th e field trophy. Boside th e M anitoba toam of Janet Cochrane, Barbera Maslanko and Ail een Robertson, five other junior girls parti cipot ed - Brenda Small, Rh onda Switze r. Ang ela M artons, Jennifer Ross and Val erie Nettelfiold. J anet Coc hr a n ~, Barbara M aslanko and Brenda Sm ait w ent on to ptay in the Canadian Ladies' Am ateur. M y term as Junior Chairman is com pleted but my interes t in junior golf has boon deepened by th o enthusiasm , talent and dedica tion of the girls I have had the pl oasure of w orking with those pas t t w o yea rs. M any thanks to all thoso w ho supported tho junior program . W ithout tho interes t and assist ance given by my t wo Assis tants, Karen Bingham and Ev M ackenzie, tho Junior Chairmen at the clubs, Our Provincial Executive and the National Executive, our Junior program could not have been th o success it w as. Bes t wishes to my successo r, Karon Bingh am , and to th e girl s who havo such grea t pot ential in the gomo of gOlf. In the money game. you only go with experience, At Investors, we offer over 40 years of experience in financial planning and counselling, plus the widest range of services under one roof. Gf4UJ&ftoifJ PROFIT FROM OUR EXPERIENCE 50 MAN ITOBA GOLF ANNUAL ' 86 Todd Fanning and Friends There's no doubt 1984 was tho yeBf of Todd Fanning on the Manitoba golf scene. He kept showing up Ii} picturos. On the loft, he receives the RCGA Junior Achievement Award for 1984 from Don Craig, Manitoba repreSen18fiv8 to tho ReGA, 01 the MGA annunl moetlilg 'in February. Be/ow, he poses with Bobby Reith of Minneapolis during tho Manitoba Open at Niakw8. Reith hod been the youngest winner of the Manitoba Amotour, 81 17. untH Fonmilg won it las( yeor 01 the age of 16. THE CITY OF WINNIPEG PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT MUlIlCIPAl GOLF cau Klldonan Park Golf Course 334 - 0452 Crescent Drive Golf Course 4 5 3 - 4875 Wlndaor Park Golf Course 253 -1354 John Blumberg Golf Course 888 - 8860 Harbour View Golf Course 1867 Springfield Road 222-2751 VI.1t our 'ull" .toclced goI'shop. For ell /fOur golfing need. ENJOY A GAME WITH US THIS WEEK MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL '8 5 51 A ppro8ching the mi 1th green Dnd clubhouse Bt Rossm ore Countr y Club Rossmere club will be host of 1985 Canadian Junior event Canada's best young golfers to test East Kildonan layout in August. The best young golfers from across th e co untry will gathar in Winnipeg In Augu st for th e 198 5 Canadian Junior and Juvenile Golf Champi onships, to be played at Rossm ere Country Club. Th e par-70 Ro ssmere layout should provide a good test for th e junior men, just as it did for th e Can adian junior w omen's championship in 198" Th e Rossmere club has been bu sil y preparing for this national co mpetiti on, with a committoe es tabli st, ed to look after th e many details. Bryan Crampton is chairman of the Rossmere committee, with Bob Brow n serving as vice -chairman. Brown and green s superintondent Vi c Peters will be in charge of ground s and course and Brown will also look scoring , a chore he al so perform s effi ciently for th e Manitoba Golf Associ tlon at major competition s. Club manager Joll n Olthof will be in charge of house arrangements and publicity will be handled by Gerry and Eth el Ca lnek. Elhel Is also president of th e Manitoba Ladl es' Golf A ssociation. 52 Ken Kovacs w ill be in charge of accommodation and transportation and will also wo rk w ith Crampton on finan ce. Gary Kullm an, a votoran of Willing don Cup pl ay from Rossmore, w ill serve on th e committoe as a co nsul tan t. Th e comp etitors w ill be pl aying for th e Junior Interprovincial Team Championship and the Pepsi-Cola Trophy and the Indi vi dual Junior Cham· plonship will be for th o Popsi Cola Sliver Cup. The Canadian juvenilo championship , will be decided in conjuncti on w ith th e junior event. W innipeg Southwood's Todd Fanning was runn erup in this event for the pas t two seasons. The Junior championship event is scheduled for Au g. 27· 30 at Rossmere and offi cial s are antici pating M anitoba golfers will turn out in good numbers to watch some of the ac ti on, particu· larly to gi ve moral support to the Manitoba golfers in th e event. Further details w ill be announced as the date nears, MAN ITO BA GOL~ ANNUAL '85 How MGA Money is raised and spent MANITOBA GOLF ASSOCIATION INC. STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DIS BURS EM ENTS BALAN ELECTRIC Year Ended November 30 , 19B4 24 IIOUR S E R VI E Receipts 1984 Donations ... Entran co Foos ... , ........ , ........ , Golf Annu al Magazine ... , , . ... .. .... . IntoreS I .,'." ... ,', . • ... , ...... . . M embership dues . . . . . . . .. . .. " . , . , Other .... . ........... .... . . ..... . Province o f M anitoba & M anitoba Sport s Fecleralion $20 ,986 4 2,007 19,2 73 4 ,084 46,73 5 8.4 28 17,9 3 1 ~~~~ar 159, 444 Specialized Disbursem ent s Administration Golf Annual M agazine .......... . Grants .. , , . , , , .. , . , . . , . , ... Junior Golf Dovolopm ent ..... . .....•.. M embership dues .. , , ..... , , . Rural ac tivit ies ., .. , .. , . , , , , , , , . , , , , Tournament pri zes and expenses 109 HI GG I NS AVENU F W I NN I PIiO , M A NI milA Rl lJ Oll l 27, 468 14,583 2, 88 5 6,583 23,223 380 45,51 6 ~ Ul Cc1fl1)Q1)cillc CCM Raleigh Nishiki Norco Apollo .BIC~YCLES-A.... X ,..... WI , PH ON E: 942-6606 I' II ONF: Y43 ·J070 0 0 0 C H'S TheBicycicSpecialists 1I:I~ ~"'IN't~Mnlob.I Wiliingdon Cup, Junior and 12,335 Sonlor Toams , .... 132, 9 73 26, 4 7 1 Excess (Disbursements) Receipt s Tho abovo is a stat om ont of reve nues and e)(pen ses for the Manitoba Golf Assoc i,:ltion for the year er1ding November 30. 1984, and is re produced here to give our membership somo ideo both o f our sources o f reve nu ~ and w hore the money goes. We would particul arly like to ackn owledge th e considerable assis tance received from Corporate and other donors and from the Province of Manitoba and the M anit oba Sports Federation. In addition, th e M .S.F. provides assist ance in th e w ay of off ice space and ad,ninislrati ve support sorvi cos whi ch does 110t app ear in Our fin ancial statern ent. For th o inform oti on of our members, w e are indebted to th e following fr iands of golf for fin ancial don ati ons in 1984 : Hy Bern stein Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ford Motor Comp any . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carling O'Keel e . . ........... . .... . . Crown Lifo ........... , . . . . . . . . . • . Bl ackwoods Beverages . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Win nipeg Free Press . . .. , ..... " ... North American Life .... , . ..... . . ••. M eagher's Di Stillery . , , . . . . . . . . . . . , , , MlJndie Putter League , ... , ..... , , , , , M anitoba Opon "A ssociates" . , . . . , , , • ' . . , . $ 550 3,500 3, 500 3,600 3,500 1,6 16 1,236 500 48 7 4,500 • Falcon Beach "Once is never enough", That's w hnl you' ll say afler playing Ihe Fa lcon Beac h Golf Cou rse. Neslled in Ihe nalu ra l bea uly of Ihe Whil eshell. Fa lco n Bea h's lush fairways wi ll bring you back lime and lime again. Wh elher a pro or new 10 the ga me fa l on Bea h Go lf Course provides an exciling challenge fo r all. Your individual. gro up or club bookings al e welcome, For more inform ation ca ll: 22,9 89 It is with th e continued support of golfors, mombor c lubs and fri end s o f golf w e look forward to a good golf season in 1985 for ell M anitobans. MANITOBA GOLF ANN UAL '85 Golf Pro: Bud Edwards Telephone: 1·349·2554 Bookings: Park office: 1·349· 2201 53 PAST WINNERS 1926 - ELMH URSt - A. Staphens, J . W . Thompson, M . Thompson. A. A. Wair. 1927 - NORWOOD - J . T. Cuthbert . F. F. Tribe, B. O' Kelly, H. R. Parker. 1928 O'Ke lly, 1929 - NORWOOD - J . T. Cuth bert, H. R. P8rker. F. F. Tribe. B. J . Gordon, C. I. HOdgman, G. Hoffolflnger. NIAKWA - A. A. We ir. 1930 - NIAKWA - C. I. Hodgman, G. O. Heffelfing er, O. R. Beatt ie, A. L. Mcintyre. 1931 - NIAKWA - A. W eir, J . Go rdM , A. I. Mcintyre, D. Kennedy . 1932 - NIAKWA - Bud Donovan, H. Creenfield. J . l. Thompson, R. L. Wright . 1933 - NIAKWA - City Inter-Club 1916 - PINE RIDGE - G. R. Wil son, D. Laird. A. A. Ha tgra lt, D. Dawson , F. O. Fowl er, R. D. Stratton, H. O. Gooderham . 1917 - NORWOOD - E. W. S. MacVey, F. F. Tr'lOO, M. Thom son, G. G. G. Wilson, A . S. Al exander. T. S. English , R. l. Denison . 1918 - PINE RIDGE - A. R. Dobull. O. W . Finnie, A. R. Harcraft , p, L. Patton , R. Fowler. J . Glasson, J. F, Brooks. 1919 - PINE RIDGE - Douglas Laird. K. C. Allen , G. P. Wilson , H, G. Wilson, Arthur Sullivan. H. J . McDermid. A. J . Andrews. 1920 - WINNIPEG GOLF CLUB - J . T. Cuthbert, A. Campbell, G. W . Morkle. F. G, Hale. J . A. O. Gemmill, T . K. Mldd lCmass, A. J . Stevenson. 1921 - PINE RIDGE - R. R. Dobell , K. C, Allen, D. N. Finkle, Or. W, H. AOld . A . J . Wilson , F. l. Potion. E. 8 . Eadie, I. No rthrod, A. A, Walcot. 1922 WINNIPEG GOLF CLUB - F. G. Hale, A. J . Stevenson. G. How $on. G. Wilso n. J . Gemmill . J . W . She ...... John Sha ..... , C. V. Sanders. J . S. Wight. 1923 - PINE RIDGE - A. J. Wilson. C. N. B8 ..... 1I. K. C. Allen. Douglas lflird, D. N. Finnie, Arch Campbell , R. R. Ooboll . J . Ft Murray. 1924 - NORWOOD - F. F. Tribe. T. S. English. E. W . S. M acVey, H. R. Parker. 1925 - NORWOOD - J . T. Cu thbert, F. F. Tribe, Bryan O'Kelly, H. R. Parker. Bud Dono van , H. H. Groenfleld, R. L. Wright, Dan Stack . 1934 - NIAKWA - Bud Donovi'ln. R. L. Wright , A. R. Mcintyre . Allan Boes. 1935 - WINNIPEG CANOE CLUB - Ernie Palmer, Rod Palmer, Dick Hack, John Murdock. 1936 - NIAKWA - D. N . Arnott, R. L. Wright, A. Bo68, M . Boulton , 1937 - NIAKWA - O. N. ArnOH. R. L. Wright, A. BOBS. H. J . Crabtree. 1938 - ST. CHARLES - H. l. i=lood, C. L. Hodgman. J . Hopwood, J . G. M undie. 1939 - SOUTHWOOD - H. Benne" . A. Boel, E. Palmer, E. W oolley. 1940 - SOUTHWOOD - E. P.!Ilmor, A. Boea. R. Watson, R. Baletur. 19011 - WINNIPE G CANOE CLUB - Bud Foster, Kel B8)(ter. Ed M cKuah, Fred Walker. 1942 - NIAKWA - H. Eldsvlg, R. J . Walsh , R. J . WatSOn, J . A. WOOd•. 19013 - SOUTHWOOO - A. Boe$, H. Bennett. R. Reaney, K. Harvey. 1944 - NIAKWA - M . BoultOn, W . McCallum , K. Ha rvey, O. C. Sl eole . 19015 - NIAKWA - M . Bou lton, W. McCallum, N. Lucas. K. Harvey . 1946 - NIAK.WA - M . Boulton, C. WOOdS, A. Black. Jr. N . Lucas. 1947 - ST. BON IFACE - B. Budd, M . Pidls!lki. Gragg McDonald. W . Keep. 19018 - EI.MHUR ST - A. Siady. M . Techan. M . Uswak, A. Colonelio. 1949 - ST. BONIFAC E- W. Budd, W . Keep, M . Pidlaski, W. Pidlaski. 1950 - ST. BONIFACE - R. Gardner. W . Keep. W. Pldl8lkl. M . Pidlaskl. 1951 - 1962 - ST. BONIFACE - W . Budd, R. Gardner. W . Keep. M . Pldlaskl. ST. BONIFACE - R. Gardner, W . Keep, W. Pid laskl, M . Pidlaskl. 1953 - ELMHURST - 1954 - B. Green, M . Tachan . J . Kruse. R. Kepron . ST. BONIFACE M . Pidl&sk l, W. Kemp, E. Macdonald. AI M cMillin . 1955 - ELMHURST - Roy Kepron, Ted Homenv ik, Bert Greer. Boh 1956 - ELMHURST - WII Hom onuik. TOd Homonulk, Bo b Gray, Roy Fair. STEWART Kepron . 1957 - ST. BONIFACE - Bill Pidl8 !1kl . M ike Pidleskl. Ron Fiddler, Roy Trophies & Engraving Ltd, • 1958 - EI..MHUA ST - Wilf Homenu lk, Ted Homenul k, Mik e P,dlaskl. Bill Pidlaski. 1843 PORTAGE AVE, WINNIPE G, MAN , R3J OG7 Te lephone 837·9066 GEORGE STEWART Harris . 1959 - ELMHURST - Roy Kepron, Sill PU'Inlger, Nick M lckoski, Ernie Tachan . 1960 - PINE RIDGE - J . Gardner, R. Stimpson , A Gray, J , Isaac 1961 - ELMHUR Si - W . Pldl askl, R. Fiddler. W . Pinniger, M . Pidlaskl. ELMHURST - Bill Pidlbskl , Aon Flddlor, NICk MickOtikl, Bill Plnn lger. 1963 - ELMHURST - Bill Pldlaski . Ron Fiddler, Nick Mickoski, Bill Pin niger. 1964 - ROSSMER E - Wally Koop, Tod HOrtlOnulk. Les Evans. KtJn Lal ley. 1965 - ELMHURST - Bill Pidlaski, Nick Mickoski. Bill Pin niger, M ike Pidl eskl. 1962 - ALL GOLFERS WELCOM E AT CHARLESWOOD Best Wishes to MGA in '85 from CHARLESWOOD GOLF CLUB (1976) INC. Manitoba's Oldest Golf Course 310 Haney Street President- FRANK RICHARDSON Golf Professional: BOB McVICAR 64 MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL '8 5 1966 - ElMHURST - Bill Pidlaskl , N ick M lckoskl. Bill Plnnlg(lI, Mike Pidlask l. 1967 _ ELMHURST - Nick M lckoskl. Ted Homenulk, Bill Pldlaskl. Bill Pinniger. 1968 - ROSSMERE Barry McKOfllle. Barry e hlpkl!, Bill SUlherlllnd, Jerry Moor e. 1969 - NIAKWA - Bob Dunbar, Bob Goodwin, Ron Llnquilu. Oon M cNeil l. 1970 NIAKWA - Bob Dunbar. Bob Goodwin, Rod LlnQuhsl . John Watson. 1971 _ ELMHURST Dave Kr\Iclk, KeHV TrOlman, Dave Canfrey. Nick M ickollkl. Tod Homenulk, 08ve Kruclk . Kevin Snell , Bill 1972 ELMHURST Plnnlgor. 1973 - ROSSMERE - Barry M cKenzie. Ba rry Chipka. Gary Kullmuf1 , Stuve Bannatyno. • 1974 - ROSSMERE - Barry McKenzie. Ted Hom enulk, Gary KUllmen . Jill' King, David Walch, Nick Mlckoskl. 1975 ELMHURST 1976 - ROSSMERE - Gary KullmAn. Terl HomAnlilk. Wol fgang Kaminski. 1977 - ElMHURST - Jim King. David Walch . Terry Man: 1978 TRANSCONA D8vo M aI1u) . POler POIrICk, FrnlC EW8Sko 1979 - ElMHURST - Terry More. Gary Kullman . Bill Parker 1980 ELMHURST - Terry Mo re, Bill PArker. Barry Chlpka 198 1 ST CHARLE S Steve Bannalync, Darvl MasstlV . Jill) IS88C 1982 BAEE7V BI;ND Gall" Collings. Merk Olson , Derek Tallon . 1983 ST CHARlCS Tarry Hashimoto . Gavin SpiU II, Bob OunbUi 1984 ST CHARLES Torry HlwhirnolO , Sl evjj BAnnAlyne . 11011 Dunbal . PAST WINNERS Rural Inter-Club 1931 SHERRIDON - D. C. Walker. E H. RogOI. William Mesleck, N. Bairner. 1932 - PINE FALLS - C C · lrvll)c. J M JODD. W . lllughian. J W. Aselt ine. 1933 - KENORA - L. P Johnson , A WIckSllom. H. Smith. L. A. EAgleton . 1834 - ELKHORN - Dr. C. W. JOhn,ton, W. H. Le., A. J . Walson, S. B. Card. 1935 - KENCRA - Larry John,on, Alex Wlck.trom, Jack Porter. Dr. E. J . Wh lHaker. 1936 - KENDRA - Roger Swanton, Alex Wlck'tram. larry John.on, L. A. Eagleton . 1931 KENDRA - Dr. J. P. Palon. Or. R. J . Whitaker. Alex W ickstrom, L. P. Johnson . 1938 - EMERSON - Ian Mackenzie, T. A. Spear, Ken Meckenlle, Bob Murphy. 1939 - KENDRA - A. Wickstrom, R. Swanton, K. Ctlhon, Or. J . P. Palon . 1940 - PINE FALLS - F. A. Brown, J . O. Dean , S . Kahle. G. H. Derep • . 1941 - PINE FALLS - J. O. Dean. C. lukasiewicz, Edward Aseltine, J . W . Aseltine . 1M2 - PINE FALLS - Ed A,.ltlne. C. lukasiewicz, K. Kruger, F. Brown. 1943 - PINE FAllS - Ed Ateltlne, E. Luk•• iewk:.z, K. Kruger. F. Brown. 1944 - BRANDON - R. 8. Alex.nder, Bill Thompson. Mlle., Art FlnnlCn . 184e - KENDRA - A. Wick'trom. G. Peteraon. F. Greenwood. L. T. Johnlon . 1947 - PINE FALL\ - J. O. De.n, C. Lukasiewicz. Edward Anltine, W. Roy. 1948 - PINE FALLS - B. Roy. Ed A.eltlne. C. Lukulewlcz, J . O. Dean. 1949 - PINE FALLS - J . O. Dean. A. G. Firmer. K. C. Kruerger, E. p, Aseltine. James e. e. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Tell them you saw it in the Manitoba Golf Annual '85 (Continued on pl:lge 56) THE HOME OF CHAMPIONS WE WISH TO EXTEND OUR CO NGRATULATIONS TO THE MANITOBA GOLF ASSOCIA TlON FOR ITS PRODUCTION OF THE "GOLF ANNUAL" ALL GOLF ENTHUSIASTS WILL FIND THIS A MOST INTERESTING PUBLICATION . ELMHURST OFFERS • A well groomed 18 hole championship goll course • Facilities to fit the needs of all membership requirements • Excellent instruction available from club professionals • Located within easy driving distance from all points in Winnipeg Elmhurst GOLF & COU NTRY R.R. 5, Winnipeg, Canada R2C 2Z2 MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL ' B6 LUB Office: 224-2244 55 PAST WINNERS Rural Inter-Club 1959 - Jack tl aac. (ConrlilUed from page 551 1950 Aaeltine. PINE FALLS - J. 0 . Dean , A. G. Farmer. K. C. Kruerger, e. P. 1951 - KENORA - T. Evana, E. Bowman, C. Engstrom, A. Johnson. '1&2 - KENORA - CI.rence Ings.rom . Art Hanaon, Gordon Pet,raon. Roger SWinson, 1953 - KENORA - Cowie Engstrom. Gordon Pete~n . Le. Evana. Art Johnson. 1964 - KENORA - A. Hanlon, G. PeterlOn, E. Bowman. A, Wickstrom , 1955 - KENORA - A. Hanson. C. Engstrom, L. Johnson, E. Bowman . 1958 - KENORA - C. Engstrom , LEvIn., I. P. John.on, G. Peterson, 1957 - TRANSCONA - Ernie Tachan , Coca Evenon, John Fawns, Mvron Kupchuk. Swing into Summer! SWIM - GOLF - TENNIS THE WILDEWOOD CLUB 761 North Drive PH. 474·1389 for Information We also offer - Badminton, Curling Cross Country Skiing Year round Dining & Banquet facilities. The PORTAGE - Rocky Campbell, Del Campbell. Jack BreffiH. 1980 - PINE FALLS - Wm . Boivin. Ron Seguin. Joe Reichart. C. Ahrensback . 1961 - SANDY HOOK - Bryan Derren. Bing She.rer. Doug Be.ltV. Dave Vincent 1962 - WASAGAMING - 81U 8eu. Jack M atheson. Jim King. Tom Wright. 1913 - RAINY LAKE - Bob Brlgg • • Hlfold Klyne. H.rry Barefool. Ron Bileski. 1"", - RAINY LAKE - Bob 8lggl. Harold Klyne. Ron Bllelkl. B1I1 Badluk. 1965 - PINE FALLS - Ron Seguin. Bill Boivin. Joe Reichart. Keith Kruger. 1966 - RAINY LAKE - Harry Ba refoot. Ron BU"kl. Bill a.dluk. Merdo Krawchuk. 1987 - BRANOON - J.ck Mathelon. Ron Maxwell . M ike SPlck. ON. Vicke rs. 1968 - BRANDON - Oon Cargarv. Greg. Palmer. Ron Mlxwell. Jim King . 1969 - CARMAN - Bill North . Barry Sa ndera. Or. Clint North . Slggl Goodbrandson. 1970 - PINE FALLS - Ted Harrllon, Bill M cGuire. Joe ReiChart. Don Stupak. 1971 - BRANDON - Dan Halldorson. Bob Cornell. Dw'ight Keam • . Bruce Penton. 1972 - BRANDON - Bob Comell . Jim King. Oon McNeill . Bruce Penton. 1973 - PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE - Jim Laurko. H.rry Robinson. Rick Blight, Glenn Baalnglo n. 1974 - PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE - Arden ChrlltientOn, Jim Llz.rko, Oon Jackson. 1975 - CARMAN - Bill North, Bruce North, Oarrle Sandera. 1978 - SANDY HOOK - Jim Doyle. Pat Doyle. Tim Coughlin. 1977 - SANOY HOOl( - Jim Doyle. Pat Doyle. Elmer Thorne. 1978 - CARMAN - 8ruce North . 8111 No rth. Jim M cKenzie. 1979 - SAND Y HOOK - Jim Ooyle. Pat Doyle. Art SI.ter. 1980 - DAUPHIN - Lltry Johnson. M ike Pernarowaki, Ron M cMillan . 1981 - SANOY HOOK - Jim Doyle. Tim Coughl in, Pat Doyle. 1982 SEL.K IR K COrti L.f}rHOn . Bob f:Hr1{Jll tlll' . Trrn Cromanv. 1983 SEL.K IRK Gord Lenton. Bob Bingham. Tim Cromony . 1984 SI:L.K IR K Ktln Grovo . Bob Blnghom. ROlldy SPtlnCUr asters Gas Appliances are outperforming the others when it comes to economy, convenience and efficiency. Check into natural gas appliances today. Strike up a . new Ilapplianc.e romance" with an old flame... 6 Natural Gas. GlJIgilS Greater Wlnnlpco Gas Company 265 Notre Dame Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba R38 1N8 66 MANrTOBA GOLF ANNUA L 'B 6 TOURNAMENT CALENDARS FOR 1985 MANITOBA GOLF ASSOCIATION June 1 - J ack Blair Memorial Qualifying Round. Breez y Bend 2 - Jack Bl air Memorial Q llaHfying Round, Wildow ood 2 - Junior Intor Club. Transco na, Bel Ac res 9 Junior Inter-Club, Assiniboine. Charlesw ood 12·13 - Jack BI ~ ir Memori al M at ch Pl ay, St. Charles 16 - Ju nior Inter-Club, St. Boniface, Selkirk 19· 20 - Jack Blair M emori al Match Pl ay, St. Charl es 21 - Free Press Manito ba Inter-C lub, Glendale 23 - Junior Inter-Club, Breezy Bend July 2 to 5 8 to 11 20 ·2 1 22 to 25 27· 28 29 - Crown Lif e Rural Junior Golf Camp, C ~ rm a n M anitoba Amateur Championship, Elmhurst and Pin e Ridg e Will ingdon Cup Team Tri als, Sl. Charles M anitoba Junior Championship, John Blumberg and Glendale Junior Toam Tri als, Rossmore Rural Higher Handica p Tournament, Carman Aug. 2 7 to 9 9'1 -12 13 - M anitoba J unior Inter-Club, Bel Acres M an·Minn. Junior M atches, M oorh ead, Minn. Crown Life Pro·Am , Nlakwa RlJral A ma teur Champion ship, Hecl a Island North Am erica n Ufo Famil y Taurnoment, Niakwa 15 - M anitoba Opon Pro·Am , South wood 16 to 18 M anitoba Opon Championship, Southwood 20 to 22 - Manhoba Sonior Chompionship, Sl. Boniface Sept. 5 - M anitoba Senior In tor-Club, Falcon Lake 8 - M eagher Boo footer Intor-Zo ne, 5 hllo ROYAL CANADIAN GOLF ASSOCIATION July 4 to 7 - Canadian Open Championship, Glen Abbey Golf Club, Oakvi lle, Onto Aug . 21 to 24 - Willin gdon Cup Intorprovincia l Toa m M atches and Canadian A m ateur C hampio nship. Saskat oo n, Sask. Aug . 27 to 3D - Canadian Junior Interprovincla l Team M atc hes a'nd Juvenil o and J unior Championship, Rossmore Golf and Country Club, Winni peg Sept. 12·13 - Canadian Pro""m Team Cllam pionship, Calgary, A lta. Sept. 18-20 - Senior Interprovincial Team M atches and Championship, Vic tori a, B.C. Compliments of ... ROY KEPRON & COMPANY • Representative wUaon, SPORTS EQUIPMENT CANADA LTD. In 1984 the most popular golf club on the North American continent was the Wilson 1200GE (goar effect). In 1985 1il will be surpassed by lhe Wilson Formul. 45 Dynapower system featuring a completely refashioned face on the woods, providing longer and straighter shots on off-centre hits and a 2-way radial designed sole on Irons featuring the Formula 45 system lor accuracy. Seo your profess ional for a trial set of Ihese uniquely designed clubs, the forerunner of what ali golf clubs will be like in the future. Win With wUaon. Congratulations To The Manitoba Golf Association " 26 Years of Golf and Friendship " MANI TOBA GOLF A NNUAL '65 57 Bel Acres Golf and Country Club COME AND JOIN US. Manager Proles.f io llal Wray Thylor Len Haughey WINN II'EG MAN ITOBA CANA DA Phone 632-8337 TOURNAMENT CALENDARS CPGA OF MANITOBA TOURNAMENTS MAY 23 - Pro-President-M edia-Sponsor Day, Breezy Bend 27 - First T,N.T. Package Tournament. Rossmore 30 - Pro-Pro Best Ball, John Blumberg JUN E Assiniboine Fletcl,er Pro -A ssistant, Elmhurst Pro-Am Tournam en t, Dryden CPGA of Man , Pro -Lady, Glendale Vipond Classic Pro -M ember, St. Charles e- Pro -Member Event, 11 14 20 - U\I 26 - Regent Travel Ltd . ~t5 - t530 ~\:.'Il\ Regent Ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba R2C 394 Telephone (204) 222-2727 EXECUTIVE GOLF HOLIDAYS UNIGlOBE Is pleasod to oller spI:K:lal golf packages for you and your goiling fri ends, You pack your clubs and we'll lake care 01 the rest . Including bOOking your 100 olf timos! So whother you're slnglo. a. Coupl9. or even a group ...why nOI call us 10 book your GOL F' HOLIDAYI Comp liments of R. J . (Bob) FORCAND PR ESIDENT Winnipeg Valve & F itting Ltd. 341 BEeSON STRE ET, WINNIPEG , R3K lR2 5" -' 2 15 17 24 -26 - JULY Pro -Member Event, Breezy Bend BIII Thomson Invitational Pro-Am, Southwood CPGA of Man , Pro.Junior, Steinbach Hadassah-Wi20 Pro -Am , Glendala CPGA of Man, Championship, St, Charles 6915-18 19 30 31 - AUGU ST Second T.N.T, Package Tournamen t, Pin e Ridge Crown LI fe Pro-Am Team Evont, Niakwa MGA Manitoba Open, Southwood 5 hilo Pro-Am , Shilo Sun Life Pro-Am Team Event. Pine Ridg e 0pen Tournament, Kenora SEPTEMBER , - Open Tournament, Falcon Lake 19-20 - CPGA-Molsons Fall Tournament, Glendale NATIONAL EVENTS July 4 -7 - Canadian Open, Glen Abbey J uly 29-Aug . 4 - CPGA Seniors Classic, Aurora, Ont. Aug , 19-23 - CPGA National Club Pro Championship, London, Ont. Aug , 27-28 - Club 34, Regina, Sask, Sept. 9-1S - Canadian PGA Championship, Brampton, Ont, Sept. 23-2 7 - CPGA Assistants Championship, Kleinburg, Onto Let Royal Trust's services keep you out of the rough. • 68 Royal Trust 33 0 St. Ma r y Ave nu e Winn ip eg, Man itoba MANtTOBA GOLF ANNUAL 'B5 Scenes From 1984 AUTO GLASS FASTEST IN TOWN SPECIAUSTS IN: e WINDSHIELDS REPLACED e GLASS lor VENTS, DOORS, end BACK WINDOWS eVINYL TOPS e BODY SIDE MOULDINGS eVAN WINDOWS eSUN ROOFS e PINSTRIPING Transcol1a Golf Club members won't want to see thiS scene repeated in 1985. This was the view from the clubhouse on J(Jne 17, 1984, when Les Gillem was able to sell his boat on the roin ~ flooded Trenscone fairw8Ys. Believe it or notl • OUR SERVICE FEATURES: • • • • • • WHILE · U· WAIT SERVICE CARS PICKED UP • DELIVER ED GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP WAITING LOUNGES COMPLETE STOCK ON HAND MOBILE SERVICE • OPEN ON SATURDAYS ::E NOW 7 LOGA TIONS TO SERVE YOU Menitobo Golf Association offieinls wH/ we/come 8 repeat of this scene, only moreSQ, This was port of the gallery following Den Hal/dorsan in the finol round of the 1984 Manitoba Open at NlekwB. They 'd like bigger crowds ou t in August for the 1985 Open at Southwood. ST. BONIFACE GOLF CLUB 6 WINNIPEG LOCATIONS 950 St. James St............ 786-5551 354 Sherbrook .. ...... . . . . . 775·8131 948 St. Mary·s Rd. . . . ..•. . . . 257·3447 25 Derby at Jarvis . . .•.•. . .. 586·9727 250 York at Garry ...... . .... 943·4451 704 Scotland .... . ......... . 452-4745 SELKIRK MANITOBA LOCATION 620 Sophia . . .. ........ .... . 785-8244 100 You ville St. , Wpg. Home of the Original LABOUR DAY ALTERNATE SHOT CLASSIC August 31 and Sept. 1, 1985 For informatio n telephone : 233·4276 233·2497 MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL 'B5 DON'T JUST GET IT AXED ... GET IT "KILLEEN ED" 15 lS-16 15-16 15-16 15 16 16 22 23 22 -23 22-2 3 23 23 23 29 to July 1 1985 Calendars OTHER M EN'S GOLF TOURNAM ENTS (A s roportod up t o the deadline o f thi s yea rbook I 12 1-2 28 9 8 9914-15-16 - JU NE Men's Open, Virden-Wellview Wlnnl pog River Open, Pine Falls Amateur Tourr'lam ent, Charl eswood Mon's Open, Minnewast 8 (M ord en) Sprlng Open, Delorain. 0 pen Tournam ent, Portago la Prairi e Grev Owl TOLJrn arnent , Wasag om ing ~ -~ NIGHTLY . :.1 ENTERTAINM 105> ~ ,.:,~, JQQ) . JU LY ... ~ ':", -" ~I ,.. M en's Open, Pin aw a M en's Op en, Glenbora Sprlng Open, Ru ssel: Yellawhoa d Op ~ n , No.pawa M en's Open, Carman M on's Tournamont , MacG rogor Open Tournamont, Shllo $ pring Opan, Souris-Glonwood M en's Opon, Rol and North ern Classic, Swan River M en's Open, Oakview Men's Amateur, Wild ewood Opon Tournamont , Phantom Lako IFlin Fl onl ! ' , ~,' BIRCHWOOD INN 2520 PORTAGE AVE , PH , 885 -4478 UNDERGROUND PARKING AVAILABLE 14556-7 8 13 14 14 16-17 17 - 20 20 -21 20 21 22 and 25 23 - 25 26 to 28 Junior Open, M orri s-Rive rviow M an, Curling Ass'n Tournament, St. Boniface Junior Op en, Wild ewood Al ex Welsh M em orial, Broez y Bend M en's Opon, Thompson Soniors Tournam ent. Roland Annu al Tournament. Selkirk M en's Open, Dolahunt ITrehorn ol Seniors Tournament. John Blumberg Seniors lover 50 1 Open, Deloraine Open Tourr'loment. Steinbach Shilo Stag Tournament, Shllo Moonshlno Dazo Tournament, Roblin Seniors Tournamonts. Klld onof''1 and Wind sor Seniors Op en, M orri s-Riverview Junior Open, Charles wood Internationa l Tournam ent, Morden. Winkl er. Walhalla, Cavalior • XEROX XEROX CANADA CUSTOM ER SERVI CE A N OUTSTANDIN G TEAM OF PRO FESS IONALS XEROX CANADA INC_ XEROX tS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF XEROX CORP, 60 801 · 310 BROADWAY AVENUE WINNIPEG, MANITOBA R3e 056 MA NI TOBA GOLF ANNUAL ' 85 AU GUST 3-4 - Rob Roy's Wes tern Open, Wh ea t Ci t y, Brandon 5 - Senior Op on, Ru ssoll e·g - J unior Tournam ent, Blumberg, Wind sor, Kildonan 9-11 - Northwes t Open, Pin e Fall s 10-11 - Municipal Men's Club Champi on ships, Blumb org , Wind sor, K Iidonan ll - Junior Op on, Th ompson l1 - Lefth an ders Open, Portago 10 Prairie 14 - Seniors Tournament, MacG rogor 16 Junior Open, Minnew as ta (M ordonl 17-24 - Tam arack Tournaments, Wasagamlng 17-18 - South Central Op en, M anitou 17·18 - Banner Coun t y Op on, Ru sse ll 18 - M en's Opon, Transcona 1S Mon's Bes t Ball, Breezy Bend 1S-19 - Labatt's Pro-Am , Shilo 24 Junior Open, Carm an 24 - Junior M ixed Tourn ament. Ru ssoll 24 -25 - M en's Open, Kill arn oy 24 -25 - FalJ Open, Souris-Glenwood 25 - Men's Open, Swan River 26 - Grey Beard Senior, Minnewas ta (M ord en) 26 - Senior Open, Carm an 3 1-Sept. 1 Labor Day Classic, Carm an 3 1-Sept. 1 Autumn King Classic, Wh ea t City, Brandon 31-Sopl. 1 - Whit eshell Amat eur and Falcon Boach Open, Fal con Boach 3 1-Sept. 2 - Labor Day Tournamont , Ph an tom Lake, (Flin Flonl 31 Sept. 2 - Rose Bowl Tournament, Neepawa 3 1 ~Se pt. 2 M atch Pl ay Tournament, Vi rd en -Well view 26 7 7·S7-S,2 14-15 14-15 22 SEPTEMBER Seniors Opon, Delahun t (TroI10rne) Munici pal Grand Final, Blumberg Noil Sposito M omori al Tourn amerH , Ki ldonan Last Chance Tournament, Selkirk Fall Open, Deloraine Over-the-Hill Seniors, Transcona Wes tm an Opon Invitati onal, Shilo M en's Open, Glenboro Fall Open, M acGregor Morri's Tailoring MADE TO MEASUR E ALTERATIONS Specializing in MADE TO MEASU RE CLOTHES FOR MEN AND WOM EN By Samuelsohn, Ritchie Rubinoff, Mickey Allen Alterations on Men's and Women 's Cloth es 515-265 Portage Avenue WINNIPEG, MAN. R3B 2B2 PH. 942-6839 INLAND TRUST ond SAVINGS Our Friendl y Personal Services Include PASS BOOK SAVIN GS and CHEQU IN G ACCOUNTS REG ISTERED RETIR EM ENTS SAVI NGS PLAN S TRANSCONA GOLF CLUB (1982) INC. invites you to play TRANSCONA OPEN Au gust RESIDENTIAL FIRST M ORTGAGES 18 OVER THE HILL TOURNAMENT September 12 for details PHON E PRO SHOP at 222 -6171 MAN ITOBA GOLF A NNUAL '85 GUARANTEED INVESTM ENT CERTIFICATES INLAND TRUST & SAVINGS 1054 PORTAGE AVENUE, WINNIPEG R3G 3M2 FREE PARKING PHONE 786-7801 M ember Canada Dopos il lnsur ance Co rporati on 61 12 13 16 17 23 - Tournament Calendars MANITOBA LADIES' GOLF ASSOCIATION Team tri als, Pin e Ridge Team tri als, St. Charles Higher Handicap tournament, Bel Acres Higher Handicap tournament, Niekwa Manitoba Inter-Club, Carm an Au g. 6 - Co11 88n Hutchison M emorial Qu alifying, St. June 4 - Tw o-bell tourn ament, F"in a Ridge Boniface 7 - Colleen Hutchison Memorial Match Pl ay, j ohn Blumberg 25 - City & District championship, Southwood 26 Cit y & District championship, Glendale 27 - City & District championship, 5 1. Charl es a - Coll oon Hut chi son M emori al M atch Pl ay, Wild ewood Jul y 9 - Am ateur, Senior and Junior championships and tea m trials, Ross more 10 - Am ateur, Seni or and Junior championship s and tea m tri als, Breezy Bend 11 - Am ateur, Senior an d Junior cham pionships and tea m trials, Elmhurst 9 - Coll een Hutchison M emori al M atch Pl ay, A ss iniboine 13 - Rural Open Tournament, Shilo CANADIAN LADIES ' GOLF ASSOCIATION july 29 to Au g. 1- Senior Championship, lie Bi zard, Que. Aug, 12-15 - junior Championship, Kentville, N.s. 19-23 - Am ateur Championship, Halifax, N.s. Shilo Golf & Country Club Bldg. A-2 COVQ Road P.O . Box 10 CFB Shllo. M anit oba CFB Shllo, Manitoba ROK 2AO JUNIOR LADIES' EVENTS Jul y a - Novice Junior tournament, Crescent Dri ve 29 - M oth er-daughter team event, Assinibolne Featuring Summer & Winter Recre8lion • 18 Hole Golf Course • 6 Sheet Curling Rink • Dining Room • Bar & Lounge Aug. 5 - Nine and lB-hole even ts, Bel Acres 29 - junlor Field Day, Steinbach • 18 Hole Mini Golf Course • Banqu et Fa cilities OTHER WOMEN'S TOURNAMENTS Available (As reported at MLGA se mi annu al mee ting ) For Informati on & Bookings Pl ease Ca ll : General Offi ce j . E. McCa be, M anagor 7 6 5-49 8 8 7 65-2 128 JUNE 2 - Morden, Selkirk 8 - Bel Acres / PRINTERS • LITHOGRAPHERS BUSIN ESS FORMS RULER S • BOOKBINDERS ONE-WRITE SYSTEMS PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL ; , ,JJi·\ WALLINGFORD PRESS LIMITED 358 Ross Avenue WINNIPEG, MANITOBA R3A OL4 Phone 943-0601 62 MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL '85 9l3 19 20 22-23 23 24 - Neepawa Killarney, Carman Minnedosa Elmhurst Shilo (m en & womonl Dauphin, SI. Boniface Sunnyslde (Brandonl 4-5 714 19 20-21 28 31 - JULY Canoe Club Rainbow Red Lake Breezy Bend (best baili. Thompson Morden ' Atikokan Charleswood Portage la Prairie 3-4 45ll 12 14 1618 19 25 29-30 - AU GUST Central Plains Mlxod IPortage, Southport, M acG regor, Treherne) Kenora Falcon Lake Assinibolne, Fort Frances Western Open (Brandonl Dryden Portago lofth anders Rossmere Ru ssoll Wildewood, Neepawa Fort William Country Club SEPTEM BER 5-6 - Southwood Daisy 9 - Winkler 10 - Blumberg be st·ball •Hecla Golf's even more enjoyable when played In a beautl· fu l setting like Hecla Island . This season we again look forward to seeing familiar faces and some new ones too. Pro or duffer you'll enjoy the Hecla cou rse and the events that add a challenge to the game. Keep us in mind for club or group tournaments. For Information and bookings please call: • M. nllOb. ~ Golf Pro: Jim Mayer Hllural "nollrcn Park! Tel eph one: H ecla '72 Book i ngs: Park offi ce: 1·378-2945 C~~br.llng 25 YearS I I~I I I I I I I I I I 1111111111 manitoba's renewable energy source ' " MANITOBA GOLF ANNUA L ' 85 63 ADVERTISERS ' INDEX Adams, Kon . Draperies/lnlerlors Ltd ..• ... ...... , . , , .... 55 Alt Canada .... , . . . . . . .. ...... .... .... .. .. 29 Air Guard Con trol PrOducts . , , , . . . . . , . , , , . , .. .. 39 Appliance World ..... , , , . . . . . .. , . , . . . .. , , 56 Belan Electric . . . .. . .,........ , , , .. , , .... 53 Bay Bronze InclllSl ries . , ...•.•. , . . . ..... 14 Bay, The - ArHll1i s , , .. , . , ... , , .. , ........ , , , , , 55 , S8 Beaver lumbOr Com pany .. , ••. . ... , .. , , ... , , . , , , ... 54 Bol Acres Golf Club . " " ........ , •.... . .... , .. " . 58 Belleville Homos ltd. . . ... , ........ , ... " .. , ..... IBC Birchwood Inn .. , ........ ,',., ..... .. .•... " .. ,' 00 Blackwood BeverAgOS Llmltod , , .. , , ... , .... .. . , , , , 1, 51 Brandon , Ci ty of .. , , ...... , , , •.. , . . . . . . . . .. 54 . . . . .. . • . •. 67 Breezy Bend Golf and Country Club . . . . Budget Ron t A Car ............ . . .. . .. . 51 Ca rling O'Koe fa Brewe ri es . . . . . .................. 51 CurrnonGol f Club .. .... . ..•....• ' .. 46 Charloswood Golf Club . . . • • . . . . . . ...... , 54 CN Rail .................... . . . . .. 5 4 Consollda tod Turf Equipment Ltd ..... , . . . • . . . . . ... 9 Co ttonwood Golf Course . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 CPGA M anitoba Zone ................•. , .......... 34 00 ehr Homo Furnishing Ce ntr o .. , . ...... , , •. , .•. , .. 57 Del Bra Rt;w l Estb to Ltd . . . ,', .... , .. , . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Dolto Inn ........ . .......... , , . . . .. . ....... 30 . 19 5 Eaton's . . ...... , .. Elmhurst Golf and Country Club Ford M otor Company of Co noda Ltd ... ..• , , ....... .. 5, 8 1 Glandu la Courilfy Club . ., .......... .... . .. 30 Globe Enve lopos . . .. .... . . . .. , .. ,.,... .. 46 Golf Courso 5 upofi nten don l s of Manitoba ... , , , . , .. 36 Gooch's Blcyc los . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , ..... 53 Grea ter Winnipeg Gas Company .,.... . 56 Groat West lifo Assuronce Co. . . . . .7 Gulf OU ......... .... . ........ H orri~ , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Chuv Olds , . Imporlol Tobacco Limited .•........ . 55 . . . . . . . . . . . . 06C 1eamupwith the Royal Bank Inler1d Trust & Savings COIp. Ltd ........•.•..••• , .... 61 IntOt City Gas . . . . . •..•....... ' •.•.•••. , ,. S8 ., .. , , . , ' •. " ••• , 50 hWQstors SyndictHtl Limited 57 Kopron , Roy & Company .. Killeen's Auto and Plato Glass Ltd ......•. 59 Loball 's (Manitoba) Browery ...... , .. 21 M anito ba Hydro ..... 63 Manitol.H) P3rks Branch ... , , .... 53 . 63 Manit oba 1olophor1o System ........... 39 Manulifo . , .. ............ . 53 44 M cCain e I:leCttl c ....... , . . . . . . . .• , " , . , . , •.. , M c Naught Pontiac .... , ....... , • , .. 43 M eagh or's Di still ery Limited .... , . , .•. . .. . . . 45 M olson Brewery Manitoba Ltd . .," •.... . 35 Morrt's Tailorlny ... . . . . . 61 MQtorwilys . . .. ., 52 Nabisco Brnnds . Nlllkwa Country Club ...... . North American lifo Assuranco Co. . 54 43 25 . 30 O'Brien World Travol Service .. . .. , , .. Old Dlltch ..... , . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pacific Western Alrlino s . 58 . I ~ . 51 .... 56 . .. 53 40 Ramada Ifln RCA .......•............. Ri co, T.J . and Asso clatlHi . Ross more Golf and Count ry Club . . ...... , • Royal Bank of Canada . Royal Oak Golf Course Royol Tru st , .......... . 2 64 47 56 51. Boniface Golf Club . • . •. " 59 51. Charlos Country Cil lb , , , , .. .. 48 51. Jamos Volkswagen ... ,' .• 3 Sandy Hook Go lf Club ....... ,. . .... ,. 44 S03gram Distill ers limited IFC Solkhk Enterprise ,. ... "" . 41 Selkirk Golf and Coun tr y Club .. 41 5 11 110 Ga ll and Country Club ...... . 62 Silverwood Dairies 56 Southwood Golf or1d Coun try Club 14 Stapleton , B.W. & Son Ltd . .. 6 Steh'Dach Fly· ln Golf Club . , . . . , . • . •. ' •• . 46 Stewart Troph ies & Engraving Ltd . , . .• • •.. , .•• 54 Supreme Vinyl Ropal r . ... . ...•.. , •• ,. · 64 Taurus Golf Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .. TinlOx .•..... .. , .......... , ... . T,N.T. Golf Equlpmom . , , , .. , ... . Transcona Golf Cl ub ........... . Turp ie, Dave, M en's W OlJ l .•• , • • • . . . · . 13 .. 52 · . 17 61 · 44 Unlolobe Regent Travol ................... WAllingford Pross limited Westin Ho tel . . . . . . . . Wlld owood Club , . . . . . . . . Winkl er Golf Club ....... , Winnipeg FlOC Press .... , , Wlnnlpog Parks & Recreation Wlnnipog Valve & Fitting . . . ....• , • . • .. .. ,. ., . . VIP Pf1OOUCTO ... 58 .• , .... 62 37 .... 66 ... .. ............ . 31 . . . . . . .. 23 .. . . 51 . . . . . . . ... , .• 68 Xerox Canado Ir,c. . ..... "......... VINVl CI> INOUS H1IAl .,., • .. . .. 53, 57, 60 DON'T DESPAIR WE DO REPAIR CUTS - RIPS - TEARS AND BURNS ON VINYL GOLF BAGS & LUGGAGE 64 When you s ucceed ... . we succeed. Plus all other articles where vinyl material is used . ~ ROYAL ~ BANK FOR FAST PROFESSIONAL SERVICE & ESTIMATES CALL Supreme Vinyl Repair Service 589-1150 MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL ' 85 Belleville Homes Ltd. 75 LINDENWOOD DRIVE E. 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