AnnuAl RepoRt - Barbados Football Association


AnnuAl RepoRt - Barbados Football Association
Annual Report
Annual Report
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Annual Report 2015
Notice of the Annual General Meeting
President’s Address
The Executive Board
The General Secretary’s Report
Committee Members
Minutes of the 2014 Annual General Meeting
The BFA Year In Review
Facilities Committee Report
Youth Committee Report
Women’s Committee Report
Organizing Committee Report
Technical Committee Report
Referees Committee Report
Disciplinary Board Report
Public Relations & Sponsorship
Financial Statements
Annual Report 2015
Notice of the Annual
General Meeting
Notice is hereby given of the Annual General Meeting of the Barbados Football Association
(BFA) on Sunday March 13, 2016 at 9:00 am in the “Sir Hugh Springer” Auditorium, Barbados
Workers Union, Harmony Hall, St. Michael.
a. Declaration that the Annual General Meeting has been convened and composed in
compliance with the Statutes of the BFA;
b. Verification of the composition of the Meeting and of the Council Members and Delegates
entitled to vote
c. Approval of the Agenda;
To be a self sustaining organization
of excellence with a holistic view
towards overall the development
of the game while protecting the
integrity of football.
d. The President’s Address;
h. Presentation and the approval of the Annual Report of Activities of the Association for the
past year;
To provide an effective football
delivery system
e. The appointment of scrutineers;
f. Suspension or expulsion of Members;
g. The approval of the Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting and the Minutes of
any intervening Extraordinary General Meetings;
i. Presentation and approval of the audited Accounts and Balance Sheet of the Association
(Financial Report) for the past year;
j. The approval of the budget for the coming year
Value Statement
Voluntarism, fair
play, passion,
respect members
rights, integrity and
k. The election of the Officers of the Association mentioned in Article 26 (ii) of the Statutes,
in the following order:
The President; The Senior Vice President; The Junior Vice President; Senior Assistant
Secretary; Junior Assistant Secretary;
The Treasurer; Assistant Treasurer
l. The election of five executive members;
m. Admission of new members;
n. The election of the External Auditor of the Association for the coming year;
o. The consideration of any additions or alterations to the Statutes of the Association that
may have been submitted; and
p. The discussion of any motions that may have been submitted
Dated this 9th day of February, 2016.
Edwyn Wood
Annual Report 2015
Randolph Harris
In keeping with the philosophy of the Barbados Football
Association, which is that we are not just existing to develop
this beautiful game, but to also mold the young minds of our
footballers in unity, camaraderie and discipline, the Board of
the Association has set about to empower its members.
From 2012 to present, we have systematically set about to
improve the management of this great organization in the
following areas;
During this Period under review the Board has instituted the
1. Revamping of our Constitution, bringing it in line with
that of our International Partners; FIFA and CONCACAF.
1. Participation of a Beach Soccer National team in the FIFA
World Cup preliminary Competition, for the first time.
2. Reducing the number of Board members, thus making the
Executive a more manageable unit.
2. The introduction of a Youth and Women’s Futsal
3. Introduction of a player and competition management
system, which allows for online registration.
3. The Senior Women’s, U17 and U15, Senior Men’s, U20 and
U17 all participated in FIFA World Cup competition.
4. With the goal of having certified managers developing
our member Clubs technically, we introduced coaching
education, and I am now proud to report that with the
assistance of CONCACAF, we now have fifty eight (58) ‘D’
License coaches on the Island.
4. An active website with corresponding social media.
5. The introduction of a Disciplinary Code.
6. The introduction of a Code of Ethics.
7. The introduction of a Referees Code.
8. The introduction of a Finance Code.
9. The employment of a Technical Director.
10. The employment of a Referees Manager.
11. The employment of a Marketing Officer.
12. The part time employment of a Finance Officer.
By instituting the above, we have eliminated the ‘old boys’
network and privilege that existed in the BFA, prior to
2012, thus now giving way to new standards of ethics and
5. Phase two of the Goal Project, the Association’s offices
and changing rooms, had been a challenge, but through
skilled negotiation, we were able to convince FIFA to
allow us to proceed. We are happy to inform you that this
stage has now been completed and that the building is
occupied and fully equipped.
6. The introduction of training of coaches and managers in
FIFA’s grassroots program and the collaboration in this
activity with schools and communities for girls and boys.
7. The reorganization of our Clubs’ structure by the licensing
of our Clubs through FIFA and CONCACAF. I am proud
to report that the Barbados Football Association is
being used as a model for the CONCACAF region, for the
efficient way in which we implemented this program.
8. Included our Premier League Clubs in our kit sponsor’s
The Board has applied for, and has been successful in
acquiring FIFA Goal Project three (3), the installation of
tower lighting, and bleacher stands under the FIFA Win – Win
programme which is a way of assisting Member Associations
to generate additional income.
We have also been awarded the performance programme,
which is for MAs who satisfy the requirements of good
governance as required by FIFA.
Annual Report 2015
The Executive Board
Furthermore, so far we have secured the following courses
from FIFA for 2016;
1. Administrative Course for Clubs.
2. FIFA Medical Diploma for Football injuries.
3. Referees Assistance Programme course
4. The Women’s Football Development Project, which
includes the financing of the following activities;
‘Live your Goals’ Project and Grassroots for women.
Competition and league development for ladies,
including a youth camp.
Coaching education – intermediate
Women’s football Administration
Are we perfect? Of course we are not. We were committed to
a comprehensive strategy for our FIFA World Cup drive, which
was derailed by our eviction from the tournament. However
we will not be daunted, we will recognize our mistakes and
pursue improvements in all facets of the local game.
Our finances have continued to be problematic. One of the
areas of concern is that the FIFA Assistance Programme
(FAP) of US$250.000, has been subsidizing our local and
international competitions,( which should be our main
revenue earners), courses and Seminars, as well as covering
the expenses of administration and maintenance.
The Board in an effort to be more self-sufficient, has
offered season tickets on sale to the public, as a means of
raising additional funds, and at the same time offering the
opportunity to our Member Clubs to benefit from this venture
by earning 25% of the sales to their supporters.
We must recognize that the FAP is not a right but a privilege,
we cannot continue to take it for granted, we must work
together for the success of the game of football.
Capt. Al Walcott
Ashton Chapman
Senior Vice President
Junior Assistant Secretary
Barney Callender
Nicole Puckerin
Assistant Treasurer
Junior Allsopp
Gregory Thompson
Adrian Donovan
Thomas Jordan
Finally, I must commend the Board for its unwavering
guidance, to the Sponsors, Government and its agencies, the
Media and you the football family for your continued support.
Randolph Harris
Annual Report 2015
General Secretary’s Report
The Barbados Football Association continues to make
strides in its administration of football and the staff remains
dedicated to the cause.
In July 2015 the Secretariat moved into it spanking new
offices at the Wildey Sporting Complex after 105 years of
occupying space not directly owned by the BFA. This move
allows us to better serve our members in comfort. We have
installed a brand new computer server and computers which
now facilitates easier access to information.
In keeping inline with our mission statement which is: “to
provide an effective football delivery system” the secretariat
continues to strive to improve it communication and
marketing of the sport. To this end we have hired a full time
Marketing and Communications Officer, Ms Katrina Kirton,
who is in charge of our social media and communications
tools including our very active website. The website continues
to be the catalyst for communicating with our members who
are able now to register their players easily online, view their
fixtures for competitions, view results and standings. It also
acts as a distribution center for notices to clubs’ officials and
In 2012 the BFA set about to bring a greater level of trust to
the association by transforming it finance practices. Several
measures have been put in place to ensure that all monies
are accounted for. Of recent we have hired Ms Shelly Griffith
as our Head of Finance to continue this process.
The revamping of our Statutes was a major milestone and
as a follow up to this the BFA has developed several policies
which will further streamline its overall governance. These
policies include a Disciplinary Code, and Ethics Code, a
Referees Code, a Finance Policy, a Human Resources Policy
and a Strategic Plan.
The CONCACAF Club Licensing process has seen some
80 clubs being licensed in 2015 with registration for all
participating during the season paid up by the end of
November. This is a first in the recent history of football. So
impressed were CONCACAF that our club licensing process
Neil Walker
Admin Assistant
Edwyn Wood
General Secretary
Sherrol Austin
Snr Admin Assistant
Katrina Kirton
Marketing Officer
Mark Forde
Referees Manager
Shelly Griffith
Head of Finance
Annual Report 2015
has been used as a model to the other 40 CONCACAF nations
during a Club Licensing Seminar held in Panama.
The Secretariat will continue to manage the BFA’s programmes
and provide a professional approach to the management of the
BFA’s competitions and workshops.
Digicel Premier League
Guardian Group Youth
Football Tournament
BFA Super Cup
Live Your Goals Women’s Campaign
So Far
Women’s League
FIFA Women’s
Coaching Course
Grassroots Continues
Beach Soccer
Futsal Fiesta
Women’s Football
Administrative Course
Youth Football
Development Camps
Stephanie Drayton
Patrina Brathwaite
Cherisse Holder
Clerical & Accounts
Kofie Worrell
Turf Maintenance
Andre Brathwaite
Turf Maintenance
Annual Report 2015
Committee Members
Emergency Committee
Randy Harris - Chairman
Al Walcott
Edwyn Wood
Junior Allsopp
Ashton Chapman
Finance Committee
Randy Harris - Chairman
Capt. Al Walcott
Edwyn Wood
Nicole Puckerin
Mr. Barney Callender
Audit & Compliance Committee
Shelly Griffith - Chairman
Anthony Rocheford
Erskine Simmons
Laura Hinkson
Organising Committee
Ashton Chapman - Chairman
Mark Forde
Renaldo Gilkes
Lyndon Lashley
Thomas Jordan
Nicole Puckerin
Adrian Donovan
Technical Committee
Adrian Donovan - Chairman
Marcos Falopa
Thomas Jordan
Snr National Men’s Coach
Kenville Layne
Martin Newton
Azard Weekes
Referees Committee
Barney Callender -Chairman
Andrew Belgrave
Sherlock Wall
Beverley Grant
Kurt Trotman
Women’s Football Committee
Adrian Donovan - Chairman
Nicole Puckerin
Joelle Gibson
Thomas Jordan
Anthony Rocheford
Marketing Committee
Chris Donawa - Chairman
Greg Castagne
Clifford Gooding-Edghill
Edwyn Wood
Theresa Stuart
Legal Committee
Junior Allsopp - Chairman
Alphonzo Carew
Alwyn Callender
Youth Committee
Gregory Thompson - Chairman
Ashton Chapman
Caveton Greenidge
Clifton Garnes
Carlos Jackman
Futsal/Beach Soccer Committee
Capt. Al Walcott - Chairman
Michael Foster
Kurt Trotman
Adrian Hall
Samuel Carrington
Martin Parris
Dr. June Caddle
Sports Medical Committee
Dr. Raymond Forde - Chairman
Dr. Rene Best
Dr. Llewellyn Harper
Players Status
Al Walcott - Chairman
Ashton Chapman
Renaldo Gilkes
Media Committee
Randy Harris - Chairman
Joyce Stewart
Edwyn Wood
Football Committee
Frederick Hoyte - Chairman
Junior Allsopp
Barney Callender
Malcolm Ifill
Franklyn Gill
Strategic Committee
Roland Butcher - Chairman
Michael Jules
Erskine Simmons
Credentials Committee
Erskine Simmons - Chairman
Malcolm Ifill
Frederick Hoyte
Club Licensing First Instance Board
Trevor Taylor - chairman
Lora Hinkson
Frederick Hoyte
Alphonzo Carew
Alwyn Callender
Minutes 2014
Annual General
Minutes of the 2014 Barbados Football Association held on Sunday
September 28th 2014 at the “Sir Hugh Springer” Auditorium, Barbados
Workers Union, Solidarity House, Harmony Hall, St. Michael.
General Secretary
Senior Vice President
Assistant Treasurer
Mr. Randolph Harris
Ms. Joyce Stewart
Captain Al Walcott
Mr. Edwyn Wood
Mr. Barney Callender
Member Clubs
Carlton Club
Central League
Clarkes Hill
College Savannah United
Flat Rock United
Fairy Valley
Hoytes Ambassador
Kick Start National Sports Council
Paradise F.C
Parish Land
Potential Ballers
Pro Shottas
St. Philip League
Sunrise University of the West Indies
Victoria Sports Club
Youth Milan
Mr. Wayne Jordan
Mr. Ashton Chapman
Mr. Patrick Gibbs
Mr. Spencer Hutchinson
Mr. Ashley Scott Williams
Mr. Mark Gittens
Mr. Caveton Greenidge
Mr. Rodinald King
Mr. Ambrose Carter
Ms. Keisha Kirton
Mr. Rodney Pilgrim
Mr. Anthony Yarde
Mr. David Porter
Mr. Richard Forde
Mr. Adrian Donovan
Mr. Kenville Layne
Ms. Nicole Puckerin
Mr. Dave Alleyne
Mr. Carlos Jackman
Ms. Lisa Lashley
Mr. Greg Castagne
Mrs. Sylvia Darlington
Mr. Frederick Grant
Mr. John Brathwaite
Mr. Cassius Taitt
Mr. Christian Renwick
Ms. Sasha Sutherland
Mr. Algernon Jones
Ms. Landra Jones
Ms. Lisa Bannister
Disciplinary Committee
Mr. Richard Lavine
Mr. Michael Murray
Mr. Anthony Jordan
Mr. Marcos Falopa
Call to order
President’s Address
Minutes of the 2013 Annual General
Matters arising from Minutes of 2013
Annual General
Consideration and Adoption of the
Executive Council’s
Annual Report
Consideration and Adoption of the
Audited Financial
Election of Members of the Executive
Council to serve for
the period 2014-2016
Election of Chairman, Members of the
Disciplinary Committee to serve for the
period of 2014-2015
Appointment of Auditors for the
2014/2015 Financial Year
Consideration and Adoption of motions
and resolutions
General Business
1.1 The Roll Call was conducted by Ms.
Stewart, who instructed the delegates that
voting would be done by show of hands other
than the elections; it would be done by secret
1.2 A quorum met and the 2013/2014
Annual General meeting was called to order
at 9:15 a.m. by Mr. Randolph Harris, the
2.0 Prayers
Mr. Neil Murrell of the National Sports Council
said the prayers.
3.0 Welcome
Ms. Joyce Stewart, General Secretary gave the
4.0 President Address
4.1 Mr. Harris extended thanks to all
of those who attended the meeting and
addressed the audience on the positives of
the Barbados Football Association (B.F.A.).
This included visits of FIFA Vice President,
Mr. Michel Platini who was also the UEFA
President as well as Mr. Jeffrey Webb,
President of CONCACAF. He indicated
that these visits were instructive and has
provided an opportunity for them to discern
the situation of the game here in regards to
facilities and other infrastructure needs.
Mr. Harris said that as a result, we have
received much needed assistance from
CONCACAF in the area of Marketing, Beach
Soccer, Grassroots, Coaching and Finance and
through their WIN in CONCACAF Programme.
The Chairman welcomed the appointments of
Ms. Joyce Stewart as General Secretary and Mr.
Marcos Falopa as Technical Director.
He acknowledged the guidance of Mr. Howard
McIntosh, FIFA’s Development Officer for the
The President stated that the introduction of
the upgraded Statues as mandated by FIFA
since 2010 was a positive step in this new
The President also acknowledged Mrs. Sherrol
Austin for her herculean efforts while the
office was without a General Secretary and
presented her with a small token to show the
Board’s appreciation.
5.0 Minutes of the 2013 Annual General
5.1 Mr. Lascaris queried a motioned from
the last AGM regarding the Barbados Cup.
The Chairman denied another motion on the
matter citing that it was already passed and
accepted by the body.
The Chairman indicated that he had agreed
that the Barbados Cup should be constituted
as a League. He said that he had a copy of the
Barbados Cup Constitution which said that
the Barbados Cup was a Federation and not
a League.
The chairman said that as the President of
the Barbados Football Association he was not
aware that the Barbados Cup was running any
kind of League other than the International
5.3 The motion for the adoption of the 2013
Minutes was moved by Mrs. Sylvia Darlington
and it was seconded by Mr. Gregory Thompson.
6.0 Matters arising from Minutes of 2013
Annual General Meeting
6.1 Page 11: Item 7.39 Mr. Donovan said
that this was a two part question. One (1) he
queried who where the three (3) individuals
that borrowed money from the Barbados
Football Association.
6.2 Mr. Harris said that he was not too sure
if they had borrowed the monies from the
Barbados Football Association, but that there
were outstanding sums owed by Mr. Hally
Haynes who was no longer a member of the
Barbados Football Association’s Executive. He
also said that Mr Charles Husbands who was
the Senior Assistant Secretary of the BFA, had
Annual Report 2015
an outstanding amount for the BFA which had
not been paid and that this was the second
Annual General Meeting and that was the
position at that time.
6.3 Mr. Donovan stated that it was the
second occasion on which he was speaking
on the matter and strongly believed that
any member of the Council sitting, who
owes the BFA money for two years and had
made no effort to repay, and continued
to sit on Council day in and days out had
enjoyed the benefits of the Council and had
made absolutely no effort to pay, something
seriously ought to be done to him or her. He
said a recommendation was made last year
to remove Mr. Haynes from the Council and
that he was not particularly happy with Mr.
Husbands in that particular case.
Mr. Donovan said that when he checked
the other pages Mr. Husbands record of
attendance at meetings and on the last page
of the Finance Statement, page 42, other loan
payables, it represented monies owed to the
BFA by Executive Council Members. He stated
that in his opinion that was not good enough.
Mr. Donovan brought a motion that the
Executive Council write Mr. Husbands a letter
stating it was not good enough or take the
matter to Coleridge Street I believe that Mr.
Husbands has a fixed set of money through
the Government every month.
6.4 The Chairman informed Mr. Donovan
that the BFA had written to both Mr. Husbands
and Mr. Haynes on no less than five (5)
occasions about the matter and they have
ignore the letters which were registered
and he believes it was a matter that had
been going on. The President stated that
the Council had not been firm in making
a decision on the matter. He said that the
situation was untenable. He stated that the
Annual General Meeting, was the highest
authority for the Football Association and that
I can make a decision on this.
6.5 Mr. Donovan informed the Chairman,
that he had raised the matter because of
three (3) members as far as he was aware the
third member was in the process of repaying
the monies that he owed the Council. He
stated that whilst on one hand a member
was repaying and the other members after
two years had not paid a cent. Mr. Donovan
said that he wanted closure on this matter
and that he didn’t want to come back again
in two years with this matter embarrassing
the Association. He stated that BFA was not a
lending institution.
6.6 The Chairman asked Mr. Donovan if
he wanted to make a motion. Mr. Donavan
responded yes. The Chairman granted him
permission to do so.
6.7 Mr. Donovan made the motion that the
BFA formally entertain taking legal action
against Mr. Husbands with regards to the
Annual Report 2015
outstanding sum.
6.8 The Chairman informed Mr. Donovan,
that under the BFA, FIFA and CONCACAF
Statutes that the BFA try and avoid that kind
of action, and that he preferred the matter to
be dealt with in house. The Chairman asked
the Treasurer to give a back ground on the
matter so that the members had a better idea
of what was going on.
6.9 Mr. Edwyn Wood, the Treasurer stated
that the invoice dated back to the 26 August
2010 for an airline ticket purchased by the
BFA for which the BFA was to be refunded
with 1. 5% per month to be added on the
reducing balance as interest charged was on
the ticket for the 60th FIFA Congress in South
Africa. The balance was $1640.16 Barbados
He stated that Mr. Husbands was asked to
repay the money for a while, and that it was
now two years. Later he said that it was
raised at the last AGM and to date the BFA
has had no response, or any attempt to make
a payment plan.
He said that Mr. Husbands who sat as Senior
Assistant Secretary on the Council of the
BFA, as one of the officers of the BFA. Mr.
Wood stated that the BFA already had issues
attracting Sponsors for the BFA and that he I
believed that a motion should be floored to
remove Mr. Husbands from Council then. He
said that the BFA waited two years to have
$1600.00 settled and that it still had had no
suggestions from Mr. Husbands on any kind of
payment plan but that he had acknowledged
in the meeting that he knows about the
A motion was made by Mr. Wood for the
removal of Mr. Husbands from the Council and
the various Committees on which he sat.
6.10 The Chairman stated that there was
a motion on the floor, and asked if anyone
wanted to speak on it.
6.11 Mr. Castagne asked for a point of
clarification on item 7.40 whether he had
been on a vocation or vacation
6.12 The Chairman informed Mr. Castagne
that he didnt really know.
6.13 Mr. Castagne asked if the person was Mr.
Gittens or Mr. Husbands.
6.14 The Chairman said that he knew that
Mr. Gittens used $3500.00 from the BFA
under the pretext that he was attending a
Conference on the behalf of the BFA a week
after the 2012 AGM. He said that he was
elected President on September 30, 2012 and
that Mr. Gittens left on either the 3rd or 4th
of October without his knowledge or without
notifying him, even though the decision was
made before he was elected President but
he thought that this was disrespect at the
time. He said that he only found out after a
week had elapsed and he raised it with the
Executive Council because he realized that
Mr. Gittens did not attend the Conference as
stated said that he would like the monies
returned to the BFA. The Chairman said that
Mr. Husbands started to pay and it was two
years. He indicated that he was not sure of
the amount he has repaid so far but he knew
that he had made an attempt to repay the
The Chairman said that in the case of Mr.
Husbands and Mr. Haynes neither had made
an attempt to repay the monies even after
numerous letters were sent.
6.15 Mr. Greg Castagne asked if the BFA had
written to Mr. Husbands and if he had replied
in writing.
6.16 The Chairman said that we wrote him
and that he ignored all the letters and that
he had raised the other matter at least three
times at Council and at the AGM. He stated
that it was recorded in the minutes of 2013 of
his acknowledgement of the matter.
The motion was passed. 20 for; 2 against; 3
6.17 Regarding Item 7.40, the Chairman
informed the General body that Mr. Gittens
has made an effort to repay the funds. He has
a balance of $1500.00
6.18 Mr. Callender continued. In light of that I
would like to move a motion that the General
body be allowed to vote and put guidelines in
place to disbar for breaches of distrust.
6.19 Mr. Porter made a query to whether Mr.
Gittens had been given a deadline for the
repayment or will the body see a balance the
next year or up to 2020. He said it appears
as if Mr. Gittens started paying monies two
weeks before the meeting.
6.20 The Chairman corrected Mr. Porter
in that Mr. Gittens had been paying in
increments. The last payment was $200.
There was no fixed deadline but in discussion
he said he would pay $500 per month. It was
agreed upon by the BFA.
6.21 Mr. Wood stated that the body have
been looking at this issue that Mr. Gittens
owe monies. But the real point was that
Mr. Gittens was a Junior Vice President of
the BFA, the 3rd highest position of the
BFA. Mr. Gittens had deceived the entire
Executive Council stating that he was going
to a meeting on behalf of the BFA and when
quizzed said that he went until afterward. He
stated that this was the person who would
run the Association if the 1st Vice President or
the President could not function.
He further stated that it was more along
the lines of integrity to the Association that
represents Barbados and that he honestly
believed that the BFA should look pass the
money issue and deal with the matter based
on integrity.
6.22 Ms. Sasha Sutherland stated that she
agreed in principle that persons representing
the BFA should have integrity. She said she
was making her point based on Mr. Basil
Gittens because she was at that meeting
when he spoke and that she believes from
your making decisions then and the people
were not getting the entire picture. She
stated that from what Mr. Gittens indicated at
the meeting, while not defending anyone, he
had said that he went with the intention to
attend the Conference but a personal matter
had come up, that a friend died etc, she said
that she was not miscounting the fact that
integrity is needed but in this case it was not
that the money was borrowed and that the
person made an arrangement to repay. She
stated that the entire picture is needed.
6.23 The Chairman queried whether
Mr. Gittens was present. Ms. Sutherland
responded he was not.
6.24 The Chairman said that he will wait Mr.
Gittens arrival and that he would deal with
the matter.
6.25 Mr. Erskine Simmons stated that that
was exactly the point that he was making
before and that is why he said that he was
satisfied only to a point. He also said that I fa
ticket is issued by FIFA or whoever individuals
should know that Council had decided that
there are no changes full stop. That way the
BFA won’t have this problem.
6.26 Mr. Fredrick Grant stated that he
was in agreement with Mr. Simmons and
believed that EXCO members should be
disbarred because if nothing was done, they
would continue to make a mockery of the
Association and set a dangerous premise for
future Council members.
6.27 Mr. Husbands arrived at the meeting.
The Chairman informed Mr. Charles Husbands
that the matter on item 7.39 in the minutes
had once again raised its head. The matter of
the funds owing to the BFA by him, was raised
by a member and the BFA had notified him
that it had written Mr. Husbands a number
of times about it, to which he had never
responded, but he had responded at the AGM
in 2013 when Mr. Hunte made the statement
that this money was owed to the BFA.
The Chairman said that a motion was
made there at the AGM that Mr. Husbands
be debarred from holding office of the BFA
and it was passed 20 votes for; 2 against
with 3 abstentions. The Chairman asked Mr.
Husbands if he wanted to address the body.
6.28 Mr. Charles Husbands accepted and
stated that there were some inaccuracies
and that the Chairman was well aware that
an Attorney wrote the BFA on his behalf
and he also wrote the BFA and that he was
90 percent sure that Mr Chairman had the
6.29 The Chairman informed Mr. Husbands
that a motion was made in his absence as
he was late for the meeting and that he was
allowing him to address the body.
He also stated that he had not received any
letter from any Attorney or from Mr. Husbands
concerning the particular issue. He said he
had received a letter from Mrs. Darlington, Mr.
Basil Gittens and Mr. Husbands about an issue
of $60,000 or US$30,000 which was spent on
a program that FIFA conducted in Barbados.
He said that he made certain allegations
that the money was misused and that to date
about $16,000 had not been accounted for.
The Chairman stated that as far as the
current matter was concerned, they had dealt
with this issue at the AGM and the former
Treasurer, Mr. Curtis Hunte had confirmed that
Mr. Husbands used the money and it is owed
to the BFA. He stated that the auditor in his
audit can confirm that the BFA accepted the
audit that Mr. Husbands and Mr. Hally Haynes
owed a sum of money arising out of a trip to
South Africa.
6.30 Mr. Husbands stated that it was incorrect
as facts put on the table. He said that the BFA
was written a letter surrounding the matter.
He stated that he was scheduled to go South
Africa as one of the representatives. When he
got the airport he had only one passport and
his VISA was in another, so he was unable to
get on the flight. He came back home. Mr.
Sherlock Yarde who was the acting President
as Mr. Ronald Jones was on the flight. He said
that he told Mr. Yarde that he did not have my
VISA so, he couldn’t go. He said that Mr. Yarde
told him to call the Treasurer and organise for
a ticket to go.
He indicated that Mr. Harris saw him and
told him that he wanted the money that he
borrowed from the BFA and that he told him
that he never borrowed any money from the
BFA and that is the nature of the matter. Mr.
Husbands said that he found it ironic that a
motion was passed without giving him the
opportunity to present his case.
6.31 The Chairman asked Mr. Husbands to
have a seat and informed him that the matter
was raised with him present in 2013. He said
that the Auditor was here and the Auditor can
confirm that you owed the BFA. The Chairman
said that he didn’t know if he borrowed it,
Annual Report 2015
but that he came last year and the Financial
Statement was bought before the body,
someone from the floor had raised the matter,
and he wasn’t aware of it and when someone
queried the outstanding balances in the
Financial Statement they said that they were
made to understand that Council Members
owed the BFA money. He stated that it was
raised by Mr. Husbands at the AGM and at
Council on more than one occasion. The
President said that he was saddened that Mr.
Husbands would try to infer that the Members
of the Executive Council including him would
‘’rig up’’ this matter to put you in trouble.
6.32 Mr. Jerry Nurse asked what the amount
was owed to the BFA by the two individuals.
He was told $3100. He stated that he would
bring the amount to the office Monday or
Tuesday to settle the debt citing that they had
done a lot for football in Barbados.
6.33 The Chairman queried, Mr. Nurse on
what the payment of the loans would have
6.34 Mr. Nurse said that it would change
nothing, but would clear the amount from the
6.35 Mr. Erskine Simmons stated that it has
left a bad taste in his mouth and hopes that
the Executive Council would put some serious
methods in place to ensure that this would
not happen again.
6.36 Mr. John Brathwaite asked if the
payment of funds were paid by Mr. Nurse, if
the motion still stays.
6.37 The Chairman stated the payment of
the funds and the motion which was passed
were two different items and that he got the
impression that Mr. Nurse only wanted to help
the BFA.
7.0 Consideration and Adoption of the
Executive Council’s Annual Report
7.1 The Chairman queried if there were any
additions, omissions or corrections.
7.2 Correction to be made on page 14 as it
relates to the Division One Standing. Mr. Mark
Forde, from the Referees Department said that
the present standing has Maxwell with 23
points and Clarkes Hill on 20. It should read
Clarkes Hill on 23 points.
7.3 The Chairman asked Mr. Forde for an
explanation to be given to the body as to why
this happened.
7.4 Mr. Forde said that a match between
Clarkes Hill and Bagatelle went before
the Tournament Committee. At the time of
compiling the stats, the BFA did not have the
reports as to the assigning of the points. The
match did not play the full time as a Referee
was assaulted. The Tournament Committee
awarded the match to Clarkes Hill.
7.5 Ms. Lisa Bannister from Youth Milan
stated that they had an ongoing problem
with a game against St. John Sonnets in
the first round which did not play due to St.
John Sonnets saying the field was not fit for
play. However, the second match was played.
Even though the 2nd round had started this
match was still outstanding. To compound
it even further there were problems with
communication and a shortage of fields
coming on to the end of the season. The first
round never played. Ms. Bannister indicated
that Youth Milan wanted to be awarded the
7.6 The Chairman informed her that he
could not award the points to Youth Milan.
He advised that the Fixture and Tournament
Committees deals with these matters and
would give Mr. Mark Forde the opportunity to
answer this query.
7.7 Mr. Forde said the problem was that this
match was scheduled on several occasions
and there were communication issues. He
indicated that the Tournament Committee
took the view that the game did not have any
direct bearing on the Standings since St. John
Sonnets were already demoted and Youth
Milan would not benefit from the points to
put them in contention for any of the first
three places
7.8 The Chairman had queried whether this
decision was communicated to both teams.
7.9 Mr. Forde indicated that it was to be
communicated to both St. John Sonnets and
Youth Milan but he was not sure if it was
7.10 The Chairman expressed apologies to
Youth Milan on the behalf of the BFA and
hoped that the explanation given is accepted
in good faith as the points do not affect the
demotion or promotion for Division One. The
Chairman added that the standings remain as
is so that everybody would be satisfied.
7.11 Mr. Forde requested that the points
standings be updated showing teams which
did not parade.
7.12 The Chairman stated for a matter of
interest, that in Women’s Football, we sent the
National U15 team to the CONCACAF Women’s
Tournament. We did not perform very well as
most of the young ladies were never exposed
to competition at that level. The Chairman
indicated that plans were being put in place
to keep them together and they will become
the U17 Women’s for next year and onward.
The Chairman indicated that he had spoken
to the Technical Director regarding training
development programmes for them and the
Annual Report 2015
Women’s Coaches.
7.13 Ms. Sasha Sutherland indicated that the
Women’s Report that was included was not
the final draft. Ms. Sutherland requested that
the final copy be emailed to all the clubs.
7.14 The Chairman confirmed that this would
not be a problem. It was noted that the report
was edited and some pertinent information
was omitted.
7.15 On page 20 of the report which related
to Youth Football, Mr. David Porter pointed
out that U9 Kickstart ended up with the same
points (19) as Pro Shottas but lost on goal
difference which was shown as 16.
7.16 A query was made as to why the MVP
in the Women’s League did not make the
National Team
7.17 The Chairman stated that the MVP
is selected by a team of persons. He also
indicated that because you are the MVP does
not mean that you will automatically make
the team. There are several reasons why a
player may not be selected.
7.18 Ms. Sutherland stated that in this
instance the player had some challenges and
advised that she did not wish to play.
7.19 Page 16 Ms. Sutherland requested that
the report not be accepted as is, pending the
acceptance of the full edited version being
provided to the clubs.
7.20 The Chairman stated that the minutes
will highlight Ms. Sutherlands’ concerns about
the edited version.
7.21 A question was posed regarding the
structural program and regularity of referees
7.22 The Chairman extended to Mr. Barney
Callender, the Chairman of the Barbados
Football Referees Association to answer this
7.23 Mr. Callender stated that the Referees
meet every Sunday at 630a.m. at the Turf for
7.24 He also stated that in general, Referees
are under scrutiny by the public. And the
public is not aware of what goes on behind
the scenes to get them ready. We advised
that practical and theoretical sessions are
conducted about four times a year. Mr.
Callender advised that the program which is
in place has produced good referees but we
have to realize everyone is on different stages
of learning curve and persons should look at
the positives that come out of the programme.
Mr. Callender gave the example of the young
lady who will be going on the FIFA list shortly.
He also mentioned that Referees travel
regionally and internationally officiating
games which you may not be aware of. Mr
Callender indicated that more Referees were
needed to service tournaments or we will see
an overworking of those currently in place.
7.26 The Chairman informed members
that the project had commenced and that
the office should be relocated sometime in
November. He further advised that the BFA
was approved for a FIFA Income Generating
Project which includes seating. He also
informed the meeting that the 3rd phase
would be lighting.
7.27 Mr. Cassius Taitt commented that outside
of the Goal project, he would like to see the
members doing more to help themselves.
7.28 The Chairman thanked Mr. Taitt for his
7.29 A well wisher congratulated the BFA for
the work being done at the Astroturf. He also
stated that he would like to see the BFA and
NSC working together in getting the usage
of other venues around the island as there is
always conflict between cricket and football.
7.30 The Chairman informed the body that
the BFA has an excellent working relationship
with the NSC and that footballers needed to
lend a hand to assist with the preparation of
the grounds.
Mr. Greg Castagne moved a motion that the
Executive Council’s Report be accepted and
it was seconded by Mr. Kenville Layne. The
motion was passed with one abstention.
8.1 Mr. Winston Waithe, representative of
Auditors, Brian F. Griffith & Co., Chartered
Accountants read the Auditor’s Report dated
26th September 2014.
8.2 Mr. Edwyn Wood, the BFA Treasurer
presented the Statement of the Financial
position of the Barbados Football Association.
8.3 Ms. Sutherland queried the amount
spent on Women’s football in the tune of $60,
8.4 Mr. Wood explained that it was used for
accommodation, meals and airfare. He also
stated that the BFA received some funds from
the National Sports Council.
8.5 Another query was made on why the
players were not given a stipend while
management was given as well as the large
amount paid for insurance.
8.6 The Chairman explained that as
it relates to the insurance, every person
registered with the BFA regardless to men or
women were insured and paid in a lump sum.
The Chairman also stated that the BFA was
not in a strong enough financial position to
give stipends to players but contingencies
were given to management in the event if
there were any unforeseen circumstances.
8.7 Ms. Lisa Bannister raised the question
on the receivables regarding the high figure
and wanted to know how old the receivables
were, and if they were recoverable and in
addition, what the BFA were going to do
about collecting as well as if we have a Public
Relation person in place.
8.8 She was informed that Arawak payment
listed dated back to 2010. There was no
formal agreement in place and when the BFA
tried to collect the money the persons who
dealt with sponsorship were no longer there
nor could any written agreement be found.
The Chairman stated that there is no Public
Relations person in place but there was a
committee to oversee this.
8.9 Mr. Castagne queried the amount listed
under the youth tournament and said that all
figures pertaining to youth should be linked
under that one heading.
8.10 It was explained to Mr. Castagne that the
figure of $4100 represents rental of grounds,
purchase of minor stuff etc.
8.11 The Treasurer make reference to page
36 for an account of income and expense.
8.12 An individual said that he did not see
the logic for insurance if it was not covering
small bills.
8.13 The Chairman explained that most
insurance company had a deductible clause
in their contract similar to car insurance. He
said the BFA was getting a deal for $13.00
per player and that if a lower deductable was
sought the cost of the insurance is likely to be
8.14 Mr. Erskine Simmons queried if the
$13.00 was per annum.
8.14 The Chairman responded yes, that it
covers a year.
8.15 A motion was moved by Ms. Sherphine
Howell and seconded by Mr. Caveton
Greenidge to adopt the Audited Financial
Statements. It was unanimously carried.
PERIOD OF 2014 -2016
9.1 Mr. Neil Walker and Mrs. Sherrol Austin
were asked to assist with the Election process
which was scrutinised by Mr. Neil Murrell from
the National Sports Council.
9.2 There are ten (10) nominees vying for
five (5) Executive member positions.
9.3 Mr. Husbands was informed that he was
eligible to vote by the Chairman
The nominees were
Mrs. Sylvia Darlington
Ms. Nicole Puckerin
Ms. Sasha Sutherland
Mr. Michael Jules
Mr. Adrian Donovan
Mr. Roland Butcher
Mr. Junior Allsopp
Mr. Gregory Thompson
Mr. Thomas Jordan
Mr. Erskine Simmons
Mr. Roland Butcher was not present but had
submitted indicating his interest in a position.
9.5 The five (5) members elected to serve
on the Committee for two years 2014 - 2016
Mr. Adrian Donovan - 43
Mr. Junior Allsopp
- 40
Mr. Gregory Thompson - 27
Ms. Nicole Puckerin
- 29
Mr. Thomas Jordan
- 37
9.6 The Chairman indicated that as a
result of the new Constitution the Executive
Committee will now be known as the
Executive Board.
10.1 The Chairman informed the body that
Mr. Barney Callender could no longer served
on the Disciplinary Committee as he is a
sitting member of the Executive Board and
was therefore offering Mr. Alwyn Carew as his
10.2 The Chairman extended his thanks to Mr.
Neil Murrell for lending his assistance to the
voting process.
10.3 The Chairman told the meeting that the
current chairman was Sgt. Richard Lavine, and
the other members were Mr. Mark Forde, Mr.
Anthony Jordan and Mr. Michael Murray.
The voting was as follows:
Deputy Chairman:
Michael Murray
Annual Report 2015
Mr. Mark Gittens -
Mr. Rodney Yarde
Mr. Caveton Greenidge-
Malcolm Ifill
Mr. Anthony Jordan -
1 abstention
33 for, 0 against,
0 abstentions
15 for, 0 against,
0 abstentions
40 for, 0 against,
0 abstentions
05 for, 0 against,
0 abstentions
17 for, 0 against,
0 abstentions
10.4 Mr. Richard Lavine was declared the
duly elected Chairman, Mr. Alfonso Carew as
the Deputy Chairman, Messrs Michael Murray,
Mark Gittens, Caveton Greenidge and Anthony
Jordan makes up the new the Disciplinary
Board for the period 2014/2015.
11.1 A motion was made to adjust item 11.0
and seconded by Ms. Sasha Sutherland. It was
unanimously carried.
11.2 A motion was moved for Brian F. Griffith
& Company, Chartered Accountants to be
re-appointed Auditors for the 2014/2015
Financial Year. It was moved by Mr. Gregory
Thompson and seconded by Ms. Sasha
Sutherland. It was unanimously carried.
There were no motions or resolutions
13.1 Mr. Charles Husbands asked the
Chairman for clarity on the motion which
dealt with him earlier. And wanted to know if
it was a dismissal.
13.2 The Chairman stated that the exact the
motion was Mr. Husbands is to be remove
from the Council and any Committees he sat
13.4 The Chairman read from the
Constitution a section which which states
the AGM may dismiss a person or body or
the Executive Board can place the dismissal
of the person or body on the Agenda for the
AGM. The Executive Board may also dismiss
a person or body provisionally. Any Board
member may submit a proposal to place such
a motion for dismissal on the Agenda.
13.5 Mr. Allsopp stated that page 14 spoke to
it quite clearly.
- Mr. Richard Lavine
- Mr. Alfonso Carew
13.6 The Chairman read a section of the
constitution on Suspensions and Termination
and said that it relates to member clubs.
- 22 for, 0 against,
13.7 Mr. Husbands said that Section 2 of the
statutes states that these motions must be
sent to AGM and the person giving them a
chance to defend them self.
13.8 The Chairman stated that Mr. Husbands
had been given five chances and never did
anything about it.
13.9 Mr. Erskine Simmons said that procedure
was not followed and the person should be
given the opportunity of due diligence.
13.10 The Chairman acknowledged Mr.
Simmons’ point and said that Mr. Husbands
was correct that the members should have
been notified before the meeting.
The Chairman also said the person or body
in question has the right in his or its own
defence if the motion for dismissal is upheld
and stated that the AGM or Executive Board
shall reach a decision by secret ballot which
did not happen.
He indicated that for the motion to pass a
majority of 2/3 of the valid votes are required.
The person or body dismissed provisionally
must be relieved of his or its functions with
immediate effect. The new Executive Board
would have to decide if they would dismiss
the person provisionally but the process
performed today could not dismiss him.
The chairman said that the Executive Board
will deal with the issue as they deem fit.
13.11 Mr. Mark Forde stated that this
Constitution took away the power of decision
from the members of the BFA. He queried if
the body could not dismiss a person and if
it had to go through the Executive board to
do so.
13.12 The Chairman replied that he had been
advised professionally that we will deal with
the issue otherwise.
14.1 There being no further business the
meeting was adjourned at 2.30pm.
Annual Report 2015
Year in Review
Senior Men’s National Team
The Barbados Senior Men’s National Team began their quest
for qualification to the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia during
2015. Barbados faced US Virgin Islands in home & away
matches where they lost 1-0 to USVI at home (Kensington
Oval) , but delivered a whopping 4-0 defeat to USVI in the
away match. Barbados then qualified on the cumulative for
Round 2. Barbados met Aruba in Round 2 of the qualifiers
thrashing Aruba 2-0 in Oranjestad and then again 2-1 at
home at the Usain Bolt Sports Complex. Barbados was
unfortunately disqualified from the tournament for fielding an
ineligible player in the home match.
Barbados also played St. Vincent for the third time 2015 in St.
Vincent and drew 2-2.
The Barbados Senior Men’s Team also played a number of
friendly matches during the year. The season opened with a
friendly against Guyana. Barbados was able to draw 2-2 in
this game. Barbados also met St. Vincent & The Grenadines
in two friendlies on home turf. Barbados defeated St. Vincent
3-1 in the first game and drew 2-2 in the second game in
March. In May, Barbados came up against St. Kitts in another
friendly and went down 3-1 on home turf.
Senior Women’s National Team
Under 23 Men’s National Team
The Senior Women’s National Team played two international
friendlies. In December 2014, Barbados came up against
Grenada and the game ended in a 2-2 draw. Barbados Women
also met Dominica in January 2015 and the game ended 3-1
in favour of Barbados. Both matches were played at the Usain
Bolt Sports Complex.
The U23 Senior Men’s Team departed Barbados on June 22nd
for the CFU Olympic Qualifiers in Haiti. The team drew Group
1 coming up against Haiti, St. Kitts & Nevis & Cayman Islands.
Results: Barbados vs St. Kitts 1-2; Barbados vs Haiti 0-2;
Barbados vs Cayman Islands 1-0
Under 17 Women’s National Team
The Under 17 Women’s departed for Suriname on July 12th
2015 to participate in the CFU Qualifiers for Under 17 World
Cup & CONCACAF Under 17 Tournament. They were in
Group 4 with host Suriname, Haiti, Jamaica & St. Lucia. The
team finished 3rd in the zone and moved on to the Final
round scheduled for November 14-19 2015. The girls were
unsuccessful at this stage.
Results Round 1: Barbados vs Jamaica 1-2; Suriname vs
Barbados 1-2; St. Lucia vs Barbados 0-3
Results Final Round: Haiti vs Barbados 13-0; T & T vs
Barbados 1-7; Barbados vs Dom Republic. 1-4
Annual Report 2015
Under 17 Men’s National Team
Beach Soccer National Team
The Barbados Team advanced to the final round of the Under
17 CFU Men’s Competition held in Haiti. Barbados drew Group
A and came up against Haiti, Trinidad & Tobago & St. Lucia.
Results: Barbados vs Haiti 0-2; Barbados vs Trinidad & Tobago
0-3; Barbados vs St. Lucia 1-1.
The Beach Soccer National Team left Barbados on 25th March
2015 for El Salvador to participate in the CONCACF Beach
Soccer Championships.
Results: Bahamas VS Barbados 10-4; USA VS Barbados 4-3;
Barbados VS Antigua & Barbuda 7-10
BFA Youth Football Tournament
Under 9
Pos Team Pts
1 Kick Start Sparks U9
2 Pinelands Academy U9 23
3 Pro Shottas United U9 20
4 Launfal Soccer Academy 19
5 Brittons Hill Youth 17
6 B.S.A Under 9 14
7 Kick Start Suns U9 13
8 Pro- Shottas Spurs U9 12
9 Mavericks Heat Under 9 9
10 Cosmos Soccer Tots 6
11 Kick Start Shooters U9 5
12 BP Youth U9 2
Champions: Pro-Shottas U11
1st Runner Up: Kick Start
2nd Runner Up: Britton’s Hill
Champions: Kick Start Sparks
1st Runner up: Pinelands
2nd Runner up: Pro-Shottas
Under 13 Youth Zone A
Pos Team
1 Mavericks F A 12
2 B.S.A Under 13 9
3 Kick Start U13 Hammers 9
4 Waterford Compton U13 3
5 Pro Shottas Spurs U13 3
The Under 11 – Under 17
categories were contested in
zones. The top two in each zone
contested the semi-finals and
results are below:
Under 11 Youth Zone A
Pos Team
1 Launfal Soccer Academy 12
2 Pro Shottas United U11 9
3 Pinelands Academy U11 6
4 Paradise Youth U17 1
5 Cosmos Soccer Tots 1
6 B.S.A Under 11 0
Under 11 Youth Zone B
Pos Team Pts
1 Brittons Hill Youth 13
2 Kick Start Kickers U11 11
3 Pro Shottas Spurs U11 9
4 Kings Park Rangers Youth 6
5 BP Youth U11 4
6 Church Bottom United 3
7 Mavericks Fire U11 0
Best Goalkeeper - Michael
Chandler (Pro Shottas)
Best Defender -Shay Prescod (Pro
Best Midfielder - Aaron
Cumberbatch (Pro Shottas)
Most Goals - Michael Browne
Most Outstanding Player
Michael Chandler (Pro Shottas)
Under 13 Youth Zone B
Pos Team
1 Pro Shottas United U13 15
2 Pinelands Academy U13 9
3 Empire U13 9
4 Ivy Rovers FC Youth 6
5 NSC Blenheim Ballers 3
6 Byde Mill Youth U13 0
7 Brittons Hill Youth 0
Champions - Pro-Shottas U13
1st Runner up - Pine lands
2nd Runner up - Mavericks
Best Goalkeeper - Shaquan
Phillips (Pro Shottas)
Best Defender - Abiola Grant (Pro
Best Midfielder - Akil Layne (Pro
Chandler (BSA Warriors)
Most Goals - Thierry Gale (Pro
Most Outstanding Player
Thierry Gale (Pro Shottas)
Under 15 Youth Zone A
Pos Team
1 Pro Shottas United U15 21
2 Pinelands Academy U15 18
3 Paradise U15 Youth 16
4 B.S.A Superstars U15 11
5 Notre Dame U15 Youth 9
6 Mavericks Heat U15 7
7 St John Youth Academy 5
8 Waterford Compton U13 0
Under 15 Youth Zone B
Pos Team
1 B.S.A Warriors U15 2 Kick Start U15 Gunners 3 Pride of Gall Hill Youth 4 Mavericks Heat U15 5 Brittons Hill Youth 6 Cosmos U17 7 Pro Shottas Spurs U15 8 Empire U13 9 Byde Mill Youth U15 Pts
Champions: Kick Start
1st Runner Up: BSA Warriors
2nd Runner Up: Pro Shottas U15
Best Goalkeeper - Kade Nicolson
Best Defender - Sheran Hoyte
(BSA Warriors)
Best Midfleider - Christian Smith
(Kick Start)
Most Goals - Avery Chandler (BSA
Most Outstanding Player - Avery
Under 17 Youth Zone A
Pos Team
1 B.S.A U17 Warriors 2 Mavericks Fire U17 3 Notre Dame U 17 Youth 4 Pinelands Academy U17 5 Pro Shottas United U17 6 Whitehall U17 7 RR Ballers 8 Checker Hall Youth Pts
Under 17 Youth Zone B
Pos Team
1 B.S.A U17 Super-Stars 17
2 Paradise Youth U17 13
3 Mavericks Heat U17 10
4 Pride of Gall Hill Youth 9
5 Bagatelle F.C. Youth 6
6 Kick Start U17 United 6
7 Fitts Village F.
8 Church Bottom United 0
Champions: BSA Warriors
1st Runner up: Notre Dame
2nd Runner up: BSA Superstars
Best Goalkeeper - Akeem Scott
(BSA Warriors)
Best Defender - Kemar Williams
(BSA Warriors)
Best Midfleider - Shacolby Corbin
(BSA Superstars)
Most Goals - Alex Atherley
Most Outstanding Player - Akeem
Scott (BSA Warriors)
Digicel Premier League & Division One ** Denotes where 6 points were deducted for not parading on opening day.
Digicel Premier League
Pos Team 1 BDFSP 2 Rendezvous FC 3 U.W.I BlackBirds 4 Weymouth Wales FC 5 Brittons Hill United 6 Paradise FC 7 Notre Dame SC 8 Pinelands FC 9 Pride of Gall Hill 10 Silver Sands FC Pts
Division One League
Pos Team
1 Empire Club 2 Belfield Soccer Club 3 Ellerton Football Club 4 Waterford Compton FC 5 Youth Milan** 6 Bagatelle SSC 7 Porey Spring Football Club BFA Champions Cup
1st. BDFSP
2nd. Rendezvous
Pos Team
8 Sunrise Ballers
9 Clarkes Hill Football Club 10 Parish Land Football Club 11 Cosmos 12 Tudor Bridge Bombers 13 Dayrells Road FC 3rd. UWI Blackbirds
Annual Report 2015
Division Two Competition
Edwin Harding
1 St Andrew Lions 2 Road View United FC**
3 Blackspurs 4 Haynesville 5 Cave Hill FC 6 Orange Hill 7 Central League Spartans 8 Trents United F.C
9 Greens United**
** Denotes where 6 points were deducted for not parading on opening day.
Division Three Competition
Gordon Douglas
1 Potential Ballers FC 38
2 Melverton 22
3 Byde Mill S.C 21
4 College Savannah
6 St. Matthias Sports Club 14
7 Gemstars Sports & Cultural Club** 12
8 V.I.P Thyme Bottom 12
9 Eastern United**
Gregory Goodridge
Pos Team 1 St John Sonnets 2 L & R United 3 KPR Football Club 4 Wotton Football Club 5 Benfica Sports Club 6 Maxwell 7 Ivy Rovers
8 Fairy Valley**
9 Sargeants Football Club 10 Lodge Road Sports Club
Lambert Thomas
Pos Team
1 Barbados Youth Service 2 Eden Stars F.C 3 Deacons Football Club 4 Barbados Soccer Academy 5 Kick Start FC
6 Pro Shottas Soccer School 7 Exactly Unified 8 Oxley Football Club 9 Elite Sport Club
** Denotes where 6 points were deducted for not parading on opening day.
Major Hugh Barker
Pos Team 1 Red & White United 2 Carlton Club 3 Flat Rock United 4 Hothersal Turning 5 Caribbean United FC 6 Police Sports Club 7 Unity Ballers**
8 Combined Faith Pts
Victor ‘Gas’ Clarke
Pos Team
1 Barbados Defence Force 2 WRBSSC**
3 Diamondshire FC**
4 Welchman Hall F.C**
5 Whitehall Titans 6 BFS Sports Club
7 Checker Hall FC 8 Jackson F.C Pts
Inaugural Futsal Fiesta
The BFA hosted its first FUTSAL Tournament during the month of October, at the Wildey Gymnasium. Dubbed the Inaugural Futsal
Fiesta Challenge, twelve teams made their bid to be the champions of this Challenge, but there was to be only one winner . The
competition was open to the categories of Under15 Boys, Under17 Boys & Open Women.
Under 15 Boys Zone A
Pos Team
1 Empire
2 Mavericks
3 B.S.A
4 Checker Hall
5 Pinelands
Under 15 Boys Zone B
Pos Team
1 Brittons Hill
2 Paradise
3 Whitehall
4 Kick Start
Champions - Paradise
1st Runner Up – Mavericks Sports Club
2nd Runner Up – Empire
Under 17 Boys Zone A
Pos Team
1 Kick Start
2 Mavericks
3 Fitts Village
4 Paradise
Under 17 Boys Zone B
Pos Team
1 Pinelands
2 B.S.A
3 Notre Dame
4 Brittons Hill
5 Checker Hall
Women Open
Pos Team
1 National Sports Council
2 Genesis
3 U.W.I Blackbirds
4 Mavericks
5 Technique
Champions – National Sports Council Women
1st Runner up – U.W.I Blackbirds
2nd Runner up – Mavericks Women
Champions – Mavericks
1st Runner Up – Kick Start Football Club
2nd Runner Up – Pinelands Football Club
Women League
Team UWI
ESFC Unity Stars
Best Goalkeeper Best Defender Best Midfielder
Most Goals Most Valuable Player Pts
Kamillah Burke (NSC)
Shonna Evelyn (UWI)
Soraya Toppin Herbert (UWI)
Soraya Toppin Herbert (UWI)
Soraya Toppin Herbert (UWI)
The Year in photos
Annual Report 2015
Annual Report 2015
Annual Report 2015
Annual Report 2015
Annual Report 2015
Facilities Committee Report
Youth Committee Report
The facilities committee’s main focus for the past year was on
the achievement of its goal to complete the Phase 2 of the
FIFA Goal Project at Wildey. Regular on site meetings were
convened with the contractor to ensure that targets were
met and to minimize any delays. Despite some challenges the
works were completed and the building handed over during
July 2015.
A new approach was taken for the 2015 Barbados Football
Association Youth Tournament. Without a title sponsor, the
reserves of the BFA were called in to action. There were
numerous meetings held by the youth committee now under
a newly appointed chairman. The committee was reduced in
size according to FIFA’s mandate.
Capt. Al Walcott - Chairman
The building is a timely resource to the BFA operations
housing the administrative offices, player’s changing rooms, a
referee’s room and a medical examination room. The complex
will be enhanced through the FIFA Win Win program with
the installation of bleacher seating for approximately One
thousand, eight hundred and forty –five (1845) persons and
state of the art lighting system through the FIFA Goal 3
project. The BFA is awaiting assistance from the government
in the waiver of duties and taxes where eligible.
The future development for the complex will comprise of
landscaping and developing a terraced seating area on
the northern end, and the erection of a perimeter wall and
entrance gate.
The Wildey Artificial Turf is in excellent condition with a
regular maintenance schedule being enforced.
Gregory Thompson - Chairman
Designated venues were allocated across all the age groups
with matches fixtured to allow for greater spectatorship.
The venues used were: Under 9’s at Banks, Under 11’s at
Barclays, Under 13’s at Blenheim and Deacons, Under 15’s
at Bayland and Lumber Company and the Under 17’s at
Eden Lodge and Wildey Artificial Turf. The Pine ground was
also used as an alternative venue for the Under 15 age
group. For the first time, Venue Coordinators were appointed
for the various venues and this allowed for a smoother
tournament. Committee members were fully involved in
the day to day running of the tournament, with this active
participation, allowing for any matters arising to be dealt with
There was an increase in the number of teams taking part in
the tournament. This corresponded to a forty percent (40%)
increase in the number of active players taking part across all
age groups. All youth players were issued with Identification
cards and added to the General Secretariat’s database where
their progress in football can be monitored.
Also in addition, the Technical Director, along with the
Committee Chairman, visited several youth clubs across
the island conducting coaching clinics and imparting much
needed technical assistance to their coaching staff.
Annual Report 2015
Women Committee Report
Adrian Donovan - Chairman
Some one hundred and twenty (120) girls between the ages
of 5 – 14 participated, which was held at Wildey Complex.
Awards were presented in different categories.
Girls Grassroots Programme
In the Women’s Development Program for 2014 – 2015, the
BFA had identified five (5) days for grassroots festivals to
be held. The response to the first two festivals were very
positive and we were able to conduct five (5) major ones at
the Wildey Complex and at the Blenheim playing field.
Major strides were made this last year as it relates to the
women’s football in the country. Having recognized that
the development is an integral part of our football, the BFA
sought to implement programs at varying levels of the game.
The year was a very active one for women’s football at all
levels but mainly in the areas of coaching education and
grassroots football.
Coaching Courses
Having recognized the need for more female coaches, the BFA
conducted a women’s coaching course which was presented
by Technical Director Marcos Falopa. Thirty (30) females
participated which included present and former National
players and physical education teachers.
The first grassroots course was conducted by two CONCACAF
Officials for thirty participants and among this group were
five females. This course laid the foundation for the first
girl’s grassroots festival which was conducted by most of the
female coaches who took part in the two previous courses.
There were approximately one hundred and ten (110) in
attendance ranging from ages 5 – 12. The enthusiasm shown
by coaches and participants was high.
Later in the year four females were successful in obtaining
the CONCACAF ‘’D’’ Licence – Kerry Trotman, Clair Evelyn,
Alanna King and Shonelle Stephens.
National coach Thomas Jordan attended a regional coaching
workshop in Canada June 6th -17th. Deputy Chairman Nicole
Puckerin accompanied General Secretary Edwyn Wood to a
Women’s Symposium from July 1st- 7th in Canada.
CONCACAF Women’s Day
May 23rd was designated as CONCACAF Women’s Day. Each
MA were requested to plan an event for the day based on
guidelines from CONCACAF. The BFA chose a Grassroots
Festival and a 5 v 5 tournament.
Eight (8) grassroots sessions as a result of the growing
popularity were held at Primary Schools around the Island.
Once again the coaches who participated in the grassroots
course assisted.
The festivals allowed the BFA to keep a running database of
all the attendees which was used to contact them to inform
them of upcoming activities. In addition some of these young
ones were encouraged to join clubs of their choice.
Women’s League
The introduction of running the Women’s League
simultaneously with the Men’s Premier League was tried
but suffered from a lack of media coverage. UWI took the
honours this time around as former champions NSC had to
settle for second position. Five (5) teams only took part this
year due to the non-participation of Empire and Technique. It
is hoped that these teams would return for the 2016 season.
Plans for 2016 Season
• Grassroots Clinics Feb – December
• FIFA Coaching Course Women’s (Intermediate) April
• Grassroots Festival – May, June, September, October and
• Women’s Football Administration Course – June
• Grassroots & Elite Summer Camps – July/August
• Women’s League – September- November
• Futsal Competition - July August
Organizing Committee Report
Ashton Chapman - Chairman
Annual Report 2015
Technical Committee Report
Adrian Donovan - Chairman
Empowering local coaches with the latest coaching
methodologies was high on the priority list for the BFA. To
this end the Association sought to raise the level of coaching
on the island by undertaking an aggressive approach in the
area of coaching education.
For the first time ever CONCACAF offered a ‘D’ Licence course
and the BFA applied and were able to offer three of these
The Organizing Committee held three (3) meetings during the
season; mainly to ascertain that the fixtures met the approval
of the Executive Board and the member clubs. Some of
the members volunteered to collect match scores and keep
records (their personal) of the standings of specific divisions/
The season commenced on February 1st 2015. The late start
of the season, the time taken by the Football Committee
to address all the default or uncompleted matches and the
constant postponement/re fixture of matches, resulted in the
season being uncomfortably extended to late July.
Our World Cup engagements also forced the committee to
postpone/re fixture several premier league matches. Neverthe-less, the postponements resulted in those stronger teams
(most National players) climaxing the season, much to the
delight of the fans.
The Organising Committee was faced with a number of Youth
clubs requesting entry to the youth annual competition
after the start. As much as the BFA places pride on the
development of youth in the competition, there were too
many such late requests. A few clubs also registered and
then withdrew. These situations present challenges in the
organizing of fixtures and the timely distribution of the same.
The Organizing Committee Plans for the 2016 Season
The Premier League will play on Saturdays and Sundays.
(The implementation was welcomed by all clubs)
The Season will start early. (now January 3rd , thus
avoiding Crop Over activities)
The Astro Turf will be made available for the entire
The Organizing Committee is requesting that the fans, players
and club officials continue to show their appreciation for the
notions, energy and dedication which this organization has
given to the development of this sport.
Some seventy six (76) coaches were successful in obtaining
the ‘D’ licence. Much emphasis was placed in the area of
grassroots football which saw sixty (60) coaches participating
in the two grassroots courses that were offered.
It is recommended that at the start of the 2017 season, all
Premier League and Division One coaches would be licenced
Courses Offered During the Period Under Review
‘D’ Licence Course – CONCACAF 10th – 13th Nov 2014
‘D’ Licence Course – CONCACAF 24TH 27TH Sept 2015
‘D’ Licence Course – CONCACAF 7TH – 11TH Dec 2015
Beach Soccer Course – CONCACAF 20TH – 23rd Nov 2015
Goal Keeping Course – CONCACAF 21st – 23rd May 2015
Grassroots Course – FIFA 14TH – 18TH Jan 2015
Grassroots Women’s Coaching Course – FIFA 14th – 18th April 2015
BFA Women’s ‘D’ Course – BFA 11, 12, 20, 21 Feb 2015
Without a doubt the interest shown towards the courses
offered were well received with some courses being
It is the intention of the BFA to continue to offer as many as
our coaches and administrators to the highest standards as
This year the BFA has applied to offer two other ‘D’ licence
courses as well as a ‘C’ licence course. In addition new
courses in the area of administration and medical as well
as one for perspective match commissioners will be held
between March – April 2016.
The emphasis on grassroots football will continue with seven
(7) festivals being planned and monthly clinics at schools and
in the communities.
Annual Report 2015
Referees Committee Report
Barney Callender - Chairman
The 2015 season began at the Barbados Football Association
(BFA) Artificial Turf at Wildey with pre-season training, where
most of the active referees were involved in physical and
technical drills.
All FIFA Referees were appointed to various international
tournaments in the Caribbean and North and Central America.
Tonia Deane was appointed to the FIFA list as a female
Assistant Referee in 2015. This appointment now gives
Barbados three female officials on FIFA list.
Referee Development
The development of referees continued throughout the year
with much emphasis on the younger referees. One Male
referee, and four Male ARs and two female ARs are presently
earmarked for future development. The Referee Committee
along with the technical and physical instructors continue to
assist in the improvement of all referees who officiate in the
BFA tournament. There is continuous assessment of referees
in the Premier League and other divisions which contribute to
the growth and improvement of referees.
The Referee beginner’s course was held at the Barbados
Olympic Association and was facilitated by MA Instructors
Barney Callender, Mark Forde and Sherlock Wall. Twenty eight
(28) recruits took the final examination and twenty five were
successful. Most of the successful recruits officiated in the
2015 BFA Youth Football Competition and Schools League
Football. There was one outstanding recruit, Kevon Clarke,
who was able to officiate as an Assistant Referee in the 2015
Premier League.
Training of referees remains a main priority for the Physical
and Technical instructors of the Referees Committee. Physical
and technical training sessions were conducted every Sunday
at 7:00 am at the BFA Artificial Turf and these sessions
were supervised mainly by MA Instructor Andrew Belgrave
and Barney Callender, with assistance from Beverley Grant.
These sessions were complemented by three (3) workshops.
During these breakfast workshops, lectures on report writing,
examinations on the laws of the games, trivia and video
analysis were conducted.
In preparation for the 2016 season, four workshops were
conducted, specifically for only premier league referees. These
sessions focused on critical areas of refereeing e.g. teamwork, reading the game, anticipation, fitness and positioning.
All FIFA referees were tested on three occasions by MA
Physical Instructor Andrew Belgrave and one occasion by FIFA
physical instructor Allan Brown. All of the FIFA Referees along
with other talented referees who are earmarked for the FIFA
list, passed the required standard.
FIFA RAP Referee MA Course:
Twenty-five (25) referees were selected for this course which
was held on 16-20 October, 2015. This course was facilitated
by FIFA Physical Instructor Allan Brown and CFU Technical
Instructor Dave Meikle.
Annual Report 2015
Referee appointments for 2014 were as follows:
Trevor Taylor:
• Grenada: World Cup Qualifiers;
• Montserrat: World Cup Qualifiers
• T&T: CONCACAF Champions League;
• Honduras: CONCACAF Champions League
• T&T: CFU Club Championship; Trinidad
• Antigua: Olympics Qualifiers; Antigua
• Antigua and Barbados: International Friendly
Arian Skeete:
• Honduras: 2015 CONCACAF Under 17 Finals
• T&T: CFU 2015 Club Championship Finals
• Dom Rep: Olympic 2016 Qualifier
• Grenada: FIFA WCQ Russia 2018
• Toronto: Pan Am Games
• USA: Concacaf Champions League LA Galaxy vs Central
• Haiti: CFU Olympic 2016 Finals
• USA: International Friendly Mexico vs T&T
• USA: Concacaf Olympic 2016 Finals
FUTURO III RAP Regional Instructors Course:
This course was held in Barbados during April 2015, Four MA
instructors attended, Mark Forde, Barney Callender, Beverley
Grant and Andrew Belgrave while Sherlock Wall and Desmond
Edwards were observers.
During the year, Tonia Deane was nominated to the FIFA as an
Assistant Referee. The nomination was approved and she is
now a FIFA Assistant Referee.
Challenges in 2015
• Unavailability of Premier League footage for analysis
• Shortage of Assessors for Premier league and other
Plans for 2016
• Continue the recruitment programme
• Start video analysis sessions
• Identify candidates for men and women FIFA list
Gillian Martindale:
• Canada : Pan Am Games
• Haiti: CFU Women’s Under 20 Championships
• Trinidad and Tobago: CFU Women’s Olympic Qualifying Finals
• Honduras: CONCACAF Women’s Under 20 Championship
Adrian Goddard
• Trinidad: 2015 CFU Club championship
• Grenada: World Cup Qualifier
Trinidad: 2015 CFU Club championship
Clifton Garnes
• Trinidad: 2015 CFU Club championship
• Antigua: International Friendly
• St. Vincent: CFU Men’s Olympic Qualifiers
• Grenada: World Cup Qualifier
• Honduras: Concacaf Champions League
Shannon Gibson:
• Barbados: International friendly
• Anguilla: International friendly
• Miami: CONCACAF/Comes futline International referee symposium
• Dominica Republic: CFU Women’s Under 17
• Haiti: CFU Women’s Under 20 final round qualifiers
• Puerto Rico: CFU Women Under 17 final round qualifiers
Appointments for Referee Assessors:
Barney Callender:
Guyana: CFU Club Championship
St Kitts: World Cup Qualifier
Annual Report 2015
Disciplinary Board Report
Richard Lavine - Chairman
The Disciplinary Board (Richard Lavine- Chairman; Mark
Gittens - Secretary, Michael Murray, Anthony Jordan, Alphonzo
Carew and Caveton Greenige) dealt with a number of cases
through the period of July 2014 to February 2016 ranging
from violent conduct, using abusive language, serious foul
play, showing dissent and bringing the games into disrepute.
The Board would like to reiterate the importance of good
report writing as these have an impact on how some cases
are adjudicated. Too many occasions important information is
inadvertently left out.
We wish to extend our thanks to the Secretariat and the
Referees’ Department for all the assistance and support
given over the past year and we look forward to a reduction
incidents in 2016. Much praise must also be extended to the
committee members who worked tirelessly giving much of
their time and effort in completing their task.
The following cases have been dealt with before and during
the 2015 Football Season
Shonna Evelyn
UWI (Women)
Shanelle Als
UWI (Women)
to miss additional game
Cosette Brathwaite
UWI (Women)
Severely reprimanded
Sharifa Corbin
Eden Stars (Women)
Severely reprimanded
Nykeyah Gittens
Eden Stars (Women)
to miss additional game
Mandisa Gittens
Eden Stars (Women)
Severely reprimanded
Dahlia Bartel
Eden Stars (Women)
Severely reprimanded
Nadia Bretney
Technique (Women)
to miss additional game
Jabarry Chandler
Pride of Gall Hill
to miss the 1st match of the 2015
Tazieo Riley
Severely reprimanded
Matthew Bushell
L& R United
To miss the first two (2) matches
in the 2015 Season
Norman Forde
Youth Milan
Renaldo Roach
Lindon Watson
Dayrells Road
To miss the next two (2) matches
Ricardo Coward
Dayrells Road
Trevor Ifill
suspended from all football
activity under the auspices of the
BFA until Feb. 27, 2017
Omani Leacock
Notre Dame
John Parris
Notre Dame
To miss the next match
Adrian Hall
Cave Hill
To miss the next three (3) matches
Troy Jemmott
Cave Hill
To miss the next match
Akeen Broomes
To miss the next three (3) matches
Akeem Alleyne
Ricardo Licorish
Exactly Unified
Shaheim Thornhill
Wayne Sobers
To miss the next three (3) matches
Mario Marshall
Notre Dame
Shane Clarke
To miss the next two (2) matches
Maradona Springer
To miss the next two (2) matches
Rudy Pinder
Renaldo Benn
To miss the next four (4) games
Jamal Roberts
Bydes Mill
Adrian Trotman
To miss the next two (2) matches
Kenny Miller
Silver Sands
Rhaun Cox
Silver Sands
Severely reprimanded
Rasheed Parris
Pride of Gall
Carl Joseph
Severely reprimanded
Renaldo Bailey
To miss the next game
Amal Mayers
Severely reprimanded
Ricardo Goddard
To serve a suspended sentence.
If breached this you will be
barred for three (3) matches
Omar Archer
Brittons Hill
Severely reprimanded
Marcelous Serieux
Shakir Sargeant
L & R United
To miss the next three (3) matches
Zidan Harte
Lodge Road
To miss the next two (2) matches
Uriel Spooner
Severely reprimanded
Ramon Griffith
Road View
Severely reprimanded
Christopher Shepherd
Jeffrey Williams
To miss one (1) match
Michael Daniel
Silver Sands
To miss all football under the
auspices of the BFA and the first
two (2) matches in the 2016
Tramaine Cobham
To miss the first three (3) matches
in the 2016 Season
Jabarry Greenidge
Brittons Hill
You have a suspended sentence,
if breach you will have to miss the
first three (3) matches in the 2016
Andre Gibson
Brittons Hill
Rasheed Parris
Pride of Gall Hill
To miss all football under the
auspices of the BFA and the first
two (2) matches in the 2016
Yekini Miller
Dario Lewis
To serve a suspended sentence,
if breached you will miss three (3)
matches in the 2016 season
Rico Brathwaite
L & R United
you are suspended for the 2016
football season and all football
under the auspices of the BFA
Lennux Ferdinand
Clarkes Hill
Severely reprimanded
Dario Alleyne
St. Andrew Lions to miss the
first game in 2016
Kareem Burrowes
Road View
Severely reprimanded
Reco Browne
Parish Land
Severely reprimanded
Ricardo Gibson
Parish Land
Severely reprimanded
Zico Phillips
Severely reprimanded
Rommel Corbin
Henderson Best
Severely reprimanded
Lionel Paul
to miss the next game
Marc Alleyne
to miss the remainder of the
2015 season and the first match
in the 2016 season
Trevin Barker
to miss the remainder of
the 20115 season and the first
three (3) matches in the 2016
Shamar Edwards
Severely reprimanded
Shauh Gibson
To miss the remainder of the
2015 season and the first five (5)
matches in the 2016 season
Rashida Williams
to miss one match
Justin Sealy
Marlon Quashie
To miss the next match
Annual Report 2015
Danny Hurley
St. Matthias
Shane Codrington
To miss the next three(3) matches
Rohan Hall
Brittons Hill
suspended for the balance of the
2015 season
Zeco Edmee
Notre Dame
suspended for the balance of the
2015 season
Marco Clarke
St. Andrew Lions
To miss the first game in 2016
Marco Clarke
St. Andre Lions
Antonio Cummins
reprimanded but if you commit
the same offence, you will have to
miss the next five (5) matches
Josimar Skinner
Kadeem Latham
suspended from all football under
the auspices of the BFA until
January 14, 2017
Elsid Miggins
Brittons Hill
To miss the next game
Shaun Thorpe
Lodge Road S.C
Mitchum President
Sargeants F.C
Saheka Duke
Serving a suspended sentence of
3 months, if you appear before
the Disciplinary Board again
Carl Joseph
Renaldo Seale
Notre Dame
Kirk Beckes
Beverley Hills
suspended for the next six (6)
matches in the 2016 BFA
Antonio Hoyte
suspended for the next three (3)
matches in the 2016 season
Damion Similey
Caribbean United
Angelo Williams
College Savannah
to serve a suspended sentence, if
breached you will miss eight (8)
The following persons are barred from football activities
until they appear before the Disciplinary Board:
Mark Thomas
Christopher Archer
Jamar Yarde
Renaldo Bourne
Dwayne Lewis
Shequille Yearwood
Andre Armstrong
Fabian Jones
Michael Herbert
Ryan Beckles
Renaldo Hunte
Rashawn Davis
Lamar Grahme
Bagatelle United F.C
Dayrells Road F.C
Dayrells Road F.C
Lodge Road S.S.C
Empire Club
Empire Club
St. Matthias F.C
Maxwell F.C
Cave Hill F.C
Hothersal Turning United F.C
Porey Spring F.C
Parish Land
Kickstart F.C.
Annual Report 2015
Public Relations
& Sponsorship
The BFA revamped its sponsorship packages during 2015 with an aim at streamlining rights and benefits
to sponsors and ensuring the financial viability of the association. Digicel continued its partnership with
the association through the sponsorship of the BFA’s Digicel Premier League. Banks also continued its
sponsorship with the BFA and undertook the sponsorship of the Champions Cup. The BFA would also
like to acknowledge the Starcom Network, CBC, Medic for Hire & University of the West Indies.
Top: Soccerex Americas Forum in Barbados October 2014
Top right: Barbados Football Association President Randy Harris and Stanno CEO
Erwin Boonacker after the launch of the Stanno Team Wear
Bottom right: Senior Men’s National Team members Mario Harte, Jomo Harris &
Hadan Holligan assist the Kiwani’s with their Champion for the Disabled Out reach.
Bottom left: L-R: BFA President Mr. Randy Harris & UWI Pro Vice Chancellor Sir Hilary
Beckles signing the Memorandum of Understanding while Head of Coaching Mr.
Roland Butcher looks on.
Annual Report 2015
As a result of the newly enacted
Barbados Football Association statutes
there has been a shift in the financial
year of the Association.
The year now begins at January 1st and
ends December 31st. In previous years
the financial year was July 1st to June
As a result of this change it is necessary
to present statements for the last 6
months in 2014 as well as the year
6mths 12mths
Pages 27 - 41
Pages 42 - 55
Annual Report 2015
Financial Statements for the Six Months Ended December 31, 2014
Auditors Report
Statement of Financial Position
As at December 31, 2014
(with compadatives as at June, 2014)
Annual Report 2015
Annual Report 2015
Statement of Changes in Equity
For the period ended December 31, 2014
Statement of Income and Expenditure
For the six months ended December 31, 2014
(with comparatives for the year ended June 30, 2014)
Annual Report 2015
Annual Report 2015
Statement of Cash Flows
For the six months ended December 31, 2014
(with comparatives for the year ended June 30, 2014)
Annual Report 2015
Statement of Football Administration, National and International Expenditure
For the six months ended December 31, 2014
(with comparatives for the year ended June 30, 2014)
Annual Report 2015
Statement of Football Administration, Women’s Football
For the six months ended December 31, 2014
(with comparatives for the year ended June 30, 2014)
Annual Report 2015
Statement of General Administration Expenditure
For the six months ended December 31, 2014
(with comparatives for the year ended June 30, 2014)
Annual Report 2015
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2014
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2014
Annual Report 2015
Annual Report 2015
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2014
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2014
Annual Report 2015
Annual Report 2015
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2014
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2014
Annual Report 2015
Annual Report 2015
Financial Statements for the Year Ended December 31, 2015
Auditors Report
Statement of Financial Position
As at December 31, 2015
Annual Report 2015
Annual Report 2015
Statement of Changes in Equity
For the period ended December 31, 2015
Statement of Income and Expenditure
For the period ended December 31, 2015
(with comparatives for the six months ended December 31, 2014)
Annual Report 2015
Annual Report 2015
Statement of Cash Flows
For the period ended December 31, 2015
(with comparatives for the six months ended December 31, 2014)
Annual Report 2015
Statement of Football Administration, National and International Expenditure
For the period ended December 31, 2015
(with comparatives for the six months ended December 31, 2014)
Annual Report 2015
Statement of Football Administration, Women’s Football
For the period ended December 31, 2015
(with comparatives for the six months ended December 31, 2014)
Annual Report 2015
Statement of General Administration Expenditure
For the period ended December 31, 2015
(with comparatives for the six months ended December 31, 2014)
Annual Report 2015
Notes to the Financial Statements
December 31, 2015
Notes to the Financial Statements
December 31, 2015
Annual Report 2015
Annual Report 2015
Notes to the Financial Statements
December 31, 2015
Notes to the Financial Statements
December 31, 2015
Annual Report 2015
Annual Report 2015
Notes to the Financial Statements
December 31, 2015
Notes to the Financial Statements
December 31, 2015
Annual Report 2015
Annual Report 2015
During this period unbder review, we remain
most appreciative and grateful for the support
received in many ways. We thank God for
his continued providence and recodnise the
invaluable cooperation, assistance and support of
the following persons and organizations:
Amalgamated Security Services
Accra Beach Hotel
Banks Holdings Limited
Blue Ho0rizon Hotell
Barbados Advocate
Barbados Olympic Association Inc
Barbados Football Referees Association
Confederation of North Central American and Caribbean
Associations of Football - CONCACAF
Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation
Caribbean Football Union
Chief Immigration Officer and the Immigration/Passport
Cadogans Tent Rentals
Cosmopolitan Pharmacy
Crane & Equipment Ltd.
Davan Enterprises Ltd
DIGICEL Barbados
Dr. Raymond Forde
ELLCO Rentals
Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA)
Going Places Travel
Golden Sands Apartments Hotel
Gymnasium Ltd.
Infinity Hotel
Medic for Hire
MPact Screenprinters
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Tourism
Ministry of Family, Sports & Youth
Nation Publishing Company Ltd.
National Sports Council (NSC)
Polly Rentals
Royal Barbados Police Force
Seju Selektion
Sports & Games (B’dos) Limted
Starcom Network Inc.
Triple R Freighting
Trophy World
Tropical Laundry
University of the West Indies
Wayne Hunte
Williams Equipment Ltd
Membership 2015
1 Bagatelle
33Fairy Valley
65Red & White
2 Barbados Masters Footbal Association
34Flat Rock
3 Bdos Defence Force
35Fitts Village F.C.
67 Road View
4 Bdos Defence Forces Sports Program
36Gall Hill
5 Bdos Fire Service Sports Club
37 Gems Stars
6 Bdos Soccer Academy
38Genesis (women)
70Shawn hope
7 Belfield
39Greens United
8 Benfica
40Haggatt Hall
9 Beverley Hills
73Shop Hill
42Hothersal Turning
74Silver Sands
43Hoytes Village
75St. Andrews Lions
12Brittons Hill United FC
44Ivy Rovers
76St. John Sonnets
13Byde Mills
45Jackson S.C.
77 St. Matthias Sports Club
14Caribbean United
46Kick Start FC
15Carlton Club
47 Kings Park Rangers
79Technique F.C.
16Cave Hill
48L & R United
80Thyme Bottom
17 Central League
49Lodge Road
81Transport Board S.S.C
18Checker Hall
50Mavericks (Women)
19Clarkes Hill
83Tudor Bridge
20College Savannah United
84Unity Ballers
21Combined Faith
53National Sports Council
85University of the West Indies
54Notre Dame
55Orange Hill
87 Villa United
24Dayrells Road
56Oxley United
57 Paradise
89Welchman Hall
58Parish Land
90Weymouth Wales
27 Eastern United
59Pine & Wildey
91White Hall F.A. Titans
28Eden Stars
29Elite Sports Club
61Police Sports Club
62Porey Spring
94Youth Milan
63Potential Ballers
32Exactly Unified
64Pro Shottas
Wildey Sporting
1234 Street,
Wildey, St.
Post Code,
Ph. 246Ph.
456 7890
Fax. 246Fax.
6468456 7890
email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]