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Visionary Founder, President and CEO of Omega World Travel
rom a 400-square-foot space in a house in Fredericksburg, Virginia, in
1972 to an international travel industry giant now billing annually more
than $1 billion in trips and $50 million in revenue, Omega World Travel
(OWT), an award-winning leader in the travel management industry and one of
the largest woman-owned businesses in the country, is the success story of Gloria
Bohan, its prescient founder and developer, and her late husband, Dan Bohan.
September marks their 42nd year in business; and they have been operating out of
their expanded headquarters in Fairfax, Virginia for the last 35 years.
12 NETWORKING® September 2014
Early Days
As a girl in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, Gloria Spinelli Bohan credits her parents with
her strong work ethic saying “My parents taught me respect and discipline…My
father was an accountant who survived the Depression and my mother, a pianist,
came from a musical family and her love for music
introduced my sister, Lucille, and I into a
wonderful world.”
Although her ultimate goal was a career in
Manhattan, after graduation from Marymount
Manhattan College, Bohan, who has a home on
eastern Long Island, taught in a troubled junior
high in Brooklyn. While not liking the job, she said,
“The encouragement and confidence gained by my
teaching experience has sustained me throughout
my business career. It helped me to communicate
and work with others; but the true satisfaction is
seeing people develop their skills.”
limelight. A lot of people wrote about us but it was risky and different for travel
agents to do this so we were considered a pioneer in government travel,”
explained Bohan adding, “It was a high point in our technology since we had to
take over the business within less than 48 hours and did so by moving in
computers and using dial-up technology for reservations. At that time, it was quite
As one of the leading woman-owned businesses doing business with the federal
government, Bohan has sound advice to share. "You must be prepared to be exact
about what you can do, and live up to whatever it is that you agree to do in a
contract. You are under scrutiny; but adhering to quality assurance standards
really makes you strong. You are definitely in a fish bowl!
“I was co-founder of The Society of Travel Agents in Government. The
government is such a big customer, we needed to
start opening it up to others. It is tax-payer money
and has gone on to be a successful program. It gave
us entrée into other government contractors like
Health and Human Services. That is part of how
we grew,” added Bohan whose OWT story is a
tutorial on how to succeed in business by really
The Digital Age
In 1978, Omega World Travel computerized their
business and had an interface program that
enabled people to get management reports on their
travel-spend. Said Bohan, “We were really ready
for the Government because they needed perfect
reporting or they would not pay their bills! There
had been a government contractor who did not
have a good back-office interfacing system; and
who eventually defaulted on their contract. That
opened the door for Omega to assume some of the
Always a step ahead, OWT developed on-site
travel offices within corporations and made sure
technology drove their services. They added a
24-hour hotline allowing customers to call at
any time. The Internet played a big part in reenergizing the company. Since the Internet
allows travelers to shop around, Bohan
diversified putting major emphasis on
organizing conferences and meetings. The
move became a big growth engine for OWT
and, today, corporate and government travel
make up 70% of the business. About 20% is
cruises and the rest is leisure travel and
conferences. Earlier this year Omega was
voted one of the top meeting planners in the
“Technology, airline commissions and the
Internet, have played a part in (our) not
needing as many staffers. Travelers do not
look for leisure travel agencies as much as
they did before the Internet. Our offices are
down to under 70 from 187. Some offices are
on site within organizations and accounts;
some are full service, walk in offices; many
are spread out across the USA; and, also in
the UK; and with literally many expert
partners globally,” added Bohan.
A Love Story
In 1969, while sitting on a beach blanket in the
Hamptons, Bohan experienced that seminal
moment when her life was forever changed. She
met Daniel Peter Bohan, a creative young
businessman who had learned the real estate and
development business from his father. They
married a year later and celebrated their wedding
reception and honeymoon aboard the QE2. Ms.
The Bohans honeymooning aboard the QE2
Bohan said, “Because of our honeymoon on a
cruise ship, the beginning of my lifetime career
and Omega World Travel were born.”
The Bohans were living in Washington, D. C.
and she recalled, “I taught school hoping to
save up to go back on the QE2 for my wedding
anniversary….as a bride and groom we had
been upgraded but this time we stayed in our
minimum cabin only to learn a whole group of
travel agents were in the best cabins! When I
complained to Dan he said, ‘Well, if you can’t
beat them, join them!’ ”
Bohan did indeed “join them” and looked
for someone qualified to help her. She said, “I
finally found a 76 year old woman who had
her own agency which she wanted to close and
help others get started. She was my first
employee, a great salesperson and she got us
“In the late 70’s interest rates skyrocketed
and Dan’s real estate and building business
was not the place to be. Meanwhile, my
business was really taking off. I already had a
second office; but, in 1978 when the travel
business was deregulated, I followed the advice
of my customers who urged me to open in
Cruise Control
Washington, D.C. It was a huge step and a
In 1997, the Bohans created
great move. The lesson here is – listen to your
specializing in one-on-one booking and trip
customers. Don’t get locked into a box or you
management for individuals and groups. She
Magazine cover featuring the Bohans courtesy of Smart Business Magazine said, “At that time nobody in the industry
won’t do anything creative.”
Dan Bohan became more active in OWT in the
was developing search engines and booking for
early 80’s, scouting out good locations that enabled the company to open a lot of
cruises on the Internet. We really loved cruising, knew it well and could put
offices around the Beltway. Said Ms. Bohan, “In those days we had to hand deliver
together a booking site that would help the customer and build our cruise
tickets. I had little cars running around Washington with my name, Omega, on
business. We have grown to be one of the largest sellers of cruises on the Internet,
them delivering tickets.”
still growing strong and having received many awards.”
The following year they started TravTech, a travel technology provider owned
Government Contracts
“In 1982, the government issued an RFP or request for proposal to see how
by Omega which is the booking engine seen online. That business is not just for
private industry could handle official government travel. It was risky because the but it is powering others who sell cruises. Bohan said, “We have offices
airlines didn’t want to pay commissions on government travel. We bid for it as part
in Bangalore, Romania, and Florida and the headquarters is in Fairfax, Virginia.
of the test program from the General Accountability Office (GAO) and were
“We now do marketing through videos and chat rooms as part of our business
fortunate to get about $6 million in government business. It put us into the
plan. is expanding so we do pre and post tours especially for high-end
Gloria Bohan speaking in Paris
at the Global Summit of Women,
June 2014
An Umbrella Agency
“Many agents love the business, are viable in certain markets but do not have
the money to invest in the technology they need so they need a mother company
(like OWT),” explained Bohan. “We have helped people working virtually to stay
in business through an incentive and affiliate program. Because of technology and
telephony, actual locations are less important when it comes to the labor market so
we can now tap into people all over the world and get the best experts. Some of
them are very key for us,” she said adding, “Some people still want their own
company but need a fulfillment company to help with negotiations. They can kind
of ride our higher volume coattails to service their customers better. We are there
24-7, 365 days a year.”
continued next page
NETWORKING® September 2014 13
travel. We have established a luxury travel team,” she said adding, “I don’t believe
we should be only one thing but we have to be expert in each area.” In 2013, was named Agency of the Year by Mediterranean Shipping Company
(MSC) Cruises.
continued from previous page
14 NETWORKING® September 2014
Entrepreneurs Extraordinaire
To hear Bohan relate how she and Dan Bohan built Omega World Travel
into the Alpha of privately-held travel agencies is to have a master class in
entrepreneurship. The Bohans were blessed with an enviable ability to
recognize “the next big thing” and develop it into a money-maker for OWT
before others even spot the trend.
What’s next for OWT? Gloria Bohan explained that since 2002, through
technology, the company has developed more of a business-to-business
product selling to other businesses. She said, “We put together an event
planning division called Omega Meetings & Conferences which goes along
with our MegaHousing. We have mostly Fortune 500 and Fortune 1000
companies that look to find women-owned businesses they can share their
travel spend with because they are asked by the government to farm out
some of that spend to diversity companies.
“In 1998, I got more involved with the Women’s Business Enterprise
National Council (WBENC) which certifies you to make sure you really are a
women-owned business. That certification is valued by Fortune 500
companies as a very legitimate source of certification. Through their
programs, I have also gained entrée into many of these big companies not
just where our offices are but through a virtual network of meeting planners
in the U. S. and other countries who are involved and have the contacts but
need an umbrella (like OWT) so they can continue to sell while someone else
is planning the meetings.”
As an employer, OWT’s employee base is 86% women and minorities. In
2012, it was ranked #4 among
the top 500 diversity owned
businesses in the U.S. and
ranked #2 among U.S. top 500
women-owned businesses.
"We're pleased to accept
accolades from as a
reinforcement of an effective
corporate philosophy centered
on the value of a diverse
workforce," said Bohan. "We
look forward to continuing our
successful path as a diversity
In May, 2004, Dan Bohan had
an operation and, due to
hospital errors, suffered
permanent brain damage. For
the following six and a half
years Gloria Bohan, ever at his
side, explored every avenue of
treatment for Dan. But, recovery
Omega World Travel supports Junior
was not to be and on August 5,
Achievement and has an office in their Fairfax,
2010, Dan Bohan “passed on to
Virginia Finance Park
his new life.”
Gloria Bohan said, “In grief I
believe we know who we are and what is important to us. Grieving is not a
terrible thing but a state to understand and tackle. We are meant to carry the
proverbial cross at some point and the life we have led and the people we
have known play a role in how we face adversity. I am understanding this
Gloria and Dan Bohan traveled the world. She said, “We particularly liked
going to Asia and the Orient in the 70’s when it was undeveloped by outside
forces…Italy is a return destination for me anytime. Even the French love the
food in Italy! I am re-interested in France which is still a big deal for me. I
enjoy going back on a cruise ship as it is so much easier as I have gotten
A co-founder of Space Adventures, the futuristic Bohan was instrumental
in sending the first tourists into space. She said, “We promote Space
Adventures through Omega because zero gravity flights (ZERO-G) give
people an opportunity to experience weightlessness. In a re-configured 737
aircraft you go up to 35,000 feet and encounter the sensation of
weightlessness. I did it and people have even done this for birthday parties!
It is great for wanna-be astronauts and lovers of space. It is how to
experience what it is going to be like in space.
“My career and all the people I have met has been an unbelievable
education. Listening to them you learn a lot about yourself. (When you
travel) you want to reach out to other people and extend a hand because
people always make the difference.”
Public Recognition
Bohan is a trustee and holds an honorary doctorate from her alma mater,
Marymount Manhattan College. She was honored by the American Society
of Travel Agents (ASTA) as their “Travel Agent of the Year” in 2004. She has
received many awards from her peers including being named one of the 25
most influential leaders in the travel industry by Tour and Travel News. She
was named Office Depot’s “Businesswoman of the Year” and was inducted
into the Enterprising Women “Hall of Fame.” In 2011 Bohan was honored as
the Washington Business Hall of Fame Laureate for community outreach
through Omega’s support of Junior Achievement, Greater Washington, D.C.
She is a member of the Women Presidents' Organization, the National Association
of Woman Business Owners, and the American Society of Travel Agents. Omega is
certified as a woman-owned business by the Women's Business Enterprise National
Bohan has formed the Gloria and Dan Bohan Foundation for the brain-injured and
for support of entrepreneurship. She believes entrepreneurship is key to the growth
of America.
This summer, Omega World Travel moved its Manhattan office to the Time-Life
Building and will be celebrating with the move in mid-September, close to the
anniversary date of the opening of their first office in Fredericksburg. The Time-Life
Building offers a convenient center for New York and Long Island travelers to meet
face-to-face to plan itineraries with OWT’s international travel experts.
For more information go to ■
Omega World Travel Milestones
• Opened doors as an independent travel agency with one employee,
Fredericksburg, VA.
• Expanded to Washington DC and suburbs with 4 offices
• First to install airline computer systems
• Launched travel hotline 24/7 reservation service
• Moved headquarters to Fairfax, VA
• Omega makes history as one of the first travel agencies to
service official Government travel
• Co-founded the Society of Travel Agents in Government, now
called (SGTP) Society of Government Travel Professionals
• Installs airline reservation terminals on client premises
pioneering on-site corporate travel concept
• Inc. Magazine recognizes Omega as one of the fastest growing
companies in the US
• Omega’s nationwide network grows to 160 offices in most
major cities
• Ranked one of the top 10 travel agencies in the US by Travel
• Opened offices in Japan and Middle East locations in Asia and
• Opened offices in United Kingdom
• Offered complete on-line booking capabilities with T&E
• Certified as a Women owned business by (WBENC) Women Business
Enterprise National Council
• Launched Cruise.Com
• Co-founded Space Adventures
• Founded TravTech an Internet Technology Company
• Gloria Bohan named “Travel Agent of the Year” by (ASTA) American Society
of Travel Agents
• Cruise.Com becomes one of the largest sellers of cruises on the Internet
• Ranked by Business Travel News as the second largest travel management
company in the nation
• Opened affiliates in Kuwait
• Winner of the US Postal Service Performance award for “Service Excellence
and Dedication & Quality Control”
• Global launch partner for Tripcase smart mobile phone application.
• Gloria Bohan honored as 2011 Washington Business Hall of Fame Laureate
for community outreach through Omega’s support of Junior Achievement,
greater Washington DC.
• Omega World Travel celebrates 40 years in business based on a diversified
business model which include business travel, government travel, meetings and
leisure programs including our sister company
• Recognized for the past 10 years, beginning in 2005, as one of the Top Women
owned Businesses in the US and the top Women Owned Business in Virginia
• launches cruise mobile app with over 200,000 downloads
• wins online agency of the year by Royal Caribbean Cruise Line
• Omega Introduces e-commerce team as a consultative arm of Omega’s
account management
• Omega partners with GlobalStar travel management to extend our customer
support throughout Europe, Asia and South America.
• wins agency of the year by MSC cruises
• Voted one of the top meetings planners in the US. ■