
“I’m about to have a baby and
need support and advice.”
A guide to places for
young people in
4 da tymz
u need sum1
2 tlk 2 bout
wats hapnin
in ur life
“I’m being hurt at home.”
“I’m in trouble with the Police
and need legal advice.”
“I don’t like my body and
I’m not really eating well.”
“I’m worried about STIs (sexually
transmitted infections).”
You can go to or talk to:
You can go to or talk to:
You can go to or talk to:
You can go to or talk to:
You can go to or talk to:
Whānau Whanui 0800 942 628
Mid Wife
Community or Public Health Nurse
(see back of brochure)
Adolescent Clinic at your
High School
Your local High School/College
Child Youth and Family Services
0508 FAMILY / 0508 326 459
Lifeline 0800 543 354
Youthline 0800 376 633 or Text 234
What’s Up 0800 942 8787
Youth Law – Tino Rangatiratanga
Taitamariki (09) 309 6967 (call collect)
Your local court can advise you the
duty Youth Advocate
Community or Public Health Nurse
(see back of brochure)
Adolescent Clinic at your
High School/College
Your local doctor
Youthline 0800 376633 or Text 234
Eating Disorders – Solutions
(09) 385 215
Community or Public Health Nurse
(see back of brochure)
Adolescent Clinic at your
High School/College
Your local GP or Health Clinic
Family Planning (09) 438 1986
“I feel pressured because
everyone expects me to do well
at school.”
“I am confused about
my sexuality.”
“I’m finding it hard to
get on with my parents.”
“I’ve been kicked out of home
and have nowhere to go.”
“I’ve been sexually abused.”
You can go to or talk to:
You can go to or talk to:
You can go to or talk to:
You can go to or talk to:
You can go to or talk to:
Your local High School/College
Far North Adult Literacy
(09) 408 1040
Outline (for gender issues)
0800 688 546
Gay Line 0800 GayLine
Rainbow Youth 376 4155
Adolescent Clinic at your
High School/College
Your local GP or Health Clinic
Relationship Services
0800 RELATE / 0800 735 283
Community or Public Health Nurse
(see back of brochure)
Ngapuhi Iwi Social Services
(09) 400 9000
Te Runanga o Whaingaroa
(09) 405 0340
Work and Income 0800 599 009
Your local High School/
College counsellor
Community or Public Health Nurse
(see back of brochure)
Ngapuhi Iwi Social Services (09) 400 9000
Te Runanga o Whaingaroa
(09) 405 0340
Community or Public Health Nurse
(see back of brochure)
Adolescent Clinic at your
High School/College
Lifeline 0800 543 354
Mid North Family Support/
Crisis & Youth (09) 407 7511
“I’m feeling down, and my
friends are worried about me.”
“I have arrived in New Zealand
and finding it hard to fit in.”
“I’m having relationship problems
with my boyfriend/partner.”
“I want a job to support my
girlfriend/partner and baby.”
“I’m being hassled or
bullied by others.”
You can go to or talk to:
You can go to or talk to:
You can go to or talk to:
You can go to or talk to:
You can go to or talk to:
Your local High School/College
Community or Public Health Nurse
(see back of brochure)
Adolescent Clinic at your
High School/College
Youthline 0800 376 633 or Text 234
What’s Up 0800 942 8787
Pacific Island Trust (09) 430 2717
Settlement Support
0800 776948 or (09) 470 3056
Your local High School/College
Relationship Services
0800 RELATE / 0800 735 283
Mid North Women’s Refuge
401 1303
Mid North Family Support/
Crisis & Youth (09) 407 7511
Youthline 0800 376 633 or Text 234
Work and Income 0800 559 099
Youth Transition Service 0800 737 573
Career Services 0800 222 733
Your local High School/College
0800 NO BULLY / 0800 662 855
Youthline 0800 376 633
What’s Up 0800 942 8787
“I want to feel better
about myself.”
“I’m very angry and having
trouble controlling my temper.”
“I’m having a hard time
because I drink too much.”
“I’m worried about
taking drugs.”
“I’m confused about my sexual
feelings for other guys.”
You can go to or talk to:
You can go to or talk to:
You can go to or talk to:
You can go to or talk to:
You can go to or talk to:
Adolescent Clinic at your High
Ngapuhi Iwi Social Services
(09) 400 9000
Te Runanga o Whaingaroa (09) 405 0340
Community or Public Health Nurse
(see back of brochure) or self referral
clinic at your High School/College
Ngapuhi Iwi Social Services
(09) 400 9000
Te Runanga o Whaingaroa
(09) 405 0340
Miriam Centre (09) 4437 6010
Youthline 0800 376 633 or Text 234
Te Roopu Kimiora (Alcohol /Drugs)
0800 100 643
Kia tu Taki – Ngati Hine Health Trust
0800 737 573
Alcohol Helpline
0800 787 797
Community or Public Health Nurse
(see back of brochure)
Adolescent Clinic at your
High School/College
Kia tu Taki – Ngati Hine Health Trust
0800 737 573
Te Roopu Kimiora 0800 100 643
Narcotics Anonymous 0800 628632
Community or Public Health Nurse
(see back of brochure)
Adolescent Clinic at your
High School/College
Outline (for gender issues)
0800 688 546
Rainbow Youth (09) 376 4155
These are just some of the
services in the Mid North
that can help you. Visit
nz/directory for more
organisations and services.
Emergency – Ambulance, Fire,
Police – 111
> Career Services Rapuara 0800 222 733
Text Bully
> AIDS Hotline 0800 802 437
> G & H Training (Carpentry, Joinery)
(09) 459 6029
If someone is picking on you via your
mobile call NetSafe on 0508 NETSAFE
and they’ll help you out.
> Eating Disorders – Solutions (09) 438 5215
> Family Planning (09) 438 1986
> Pregnancy Counselling Services (09) 438 0413
> Mid North Family Support/Crisis & Youth
(09) 407 7511
> Rape Crisis (09) 438 6221
> Sexual Clinic Kaikohe 0800 100 643
> BOI Hospital (09) 404 0280
> Kaikohe Police Station (09) 430 4500
> Whangaroa Health (09) 405 0355
> Kerikeri Police Station (09) 407 9211
> Hokianga Health (09) 405 7709
> Paihia Police Station (09) 402 7130
> Ngati Hine Health Trust 0800 737 573
> Rawene Police Station (09) 405 7760
> Kawakawa Police Station (09) 404 0299
> Public Health Nurses (Kerikeri/Kaeo)
0800 537 4342
> Kaeo Police Station (09) 405 0147
> Public Health Nurses (Kaikohe) 0800 100 643
> Russell Police Station (09) 403 9090
> Public Health Nurses (BOI) (09) 404 2858
Youth and Family Services
Alcohol & Drugs
> Hauora Whanui (09) 430 2386
> Te Roopu Kimiora Child & Youth Mental Health
(Alcohol/Drugs) 0800 100 643 or
(09) 401 2570
> Miriam Centre (09) 437 6010
> Relationship Services
0800 RELATE or (09) 405 2532
> Alcohol Helpline 0800 787 797
> Ngapuhi Iwi Social Services (09) 400 9000
> Quitline – Smoking 0800 778 778
> Te Runanga O Whaingaroa (09) 405 0340
> Narcotics Anonymous 0800 628 632
> Mid North Family Support/Crisis & Youth
(09) 407 7511
> Bridge Programme (09) 401 2865
> Strengthening Families (09) 408 6541
> Kia tu Taki – Ngati Hine Health Trust
0800 737 573
Help Lines & Information
Family Violence
> Citizens Advice Bureau 0800 367 222
> Te Runanga O Whaingaroa (09) 405 0340
> Kidsline 0800 543 754
> Kaikohe Victim Support (09) 405 2496
> Lifeline 0800 543 354
> Ngapuhi Iwi Social Service (09) 400 9000
> What’s Up 0800 942 8787
> Mid North Family Support/Crisis & Youth
(09) 407 7511
> Youthline 0800 376 633
> No Bully 0800 662 855
> Settlement Support [Migrant Services]
0800 776 948 or (09) 470 3056
> Mid North Women’s Refuge (09) 401 1030
> Far North Adult Literacy (09) 408 1040
> Northland Polytech 0800 808 856
> Northland Business Development Trust
(09) 438 1700
> People Potential (09) 405 2525
> Don’t feel as if you have to deal with a text
bully by yourself. Tell your friends and parents,
or call NETSAFE.
might be upset. So, don’t do it to someone
else. Ask if it’s okay before you take a PXT.
> Don’t use language or pictures that might
upset or offend people.
Lots of great information
> NETSAFE 0508 638 723
Māori education, great links
> VODAFONE 0800 800 021
> StudyLink 0800 889 900
> Vodafone can also help you. They can block
the bully from sending TXTs, switch you
to a new number, or bar the bully from their
network. As soon as you receive 4 text
bullying messages, and do not reply, you can
call Vodafone free on 777 from your mobile
and give them the message details of the text
> Te Kotahitanga E Mahi Kaha Trust
(09) 401 1278
Important Warnings
What’s on, info on youth programs
> Te Wananga o Aotearoa 0800 355 553
> Do not give out your number to people
you don’t know.
Info and advice about heaps of stuff
> Do not reply to a TXT from someone you
don’t know.
Good links to other youth sites
> Do not reply to a TXT or PXT that makes
for you feel uncomfortable, threatened
or harassed.
Ministry of Youth Development
Chat Lines
Site for da girls
> Regent Training Centre (09) 407 4369
> Rural Training Solutions (09) 430 3007
> Salvation Army Employment Plus
0800 437 587
> Student Job Search (09) 438 4925
> Youth Transitions Service 0800 737 573
Legal Advice
> Citizens Advice Bureau 0800 367 222
> Te Tai Tokerau Community Law Service
(09) 436 1714
> Youth Law (You can call collect) (09) 309 6967
Young Parents
> HIPPY Program (3½ - 4½ year olds)
(09) 400 9000
> Plunket - Kaikohe (09) 401 0549
> Plunket – Kerikeri (09) 407 9488
> Whānau Whanui – Family Start 0800 942628
> Tamariki Ora (09) 404 1551
Learning to Drive
> Driver Licensing Enquiries 0800 822 422
> Driver Education Services (09) 430 3868
> Northland Driving School (09) 438 4470
> Hauora Hokianga (09) 405 7709
> Advance Training Centre (09) 401 0529
> Te Puna Wai (09) 404 1274
> Apprenticeships & Trade Services
(09) 438 3317
> Te Runanga o Whaingaroa (09) 405 0340
> Remember people may not be who they
say they are.
> Once you have your chat nickname, that’s
all the other people will see. They can only
find out your mobile number and personal
details if you tell them.
> When you choose a chat nickname, people
may judge what kind of person you are
by the ‘tone’ of that name.
> If you get into conversations or receive
messages you’re uncomfortable with, you
can send the IGNORE command to 220
to stop receiving TXT chat messages from
that person.
Safe Messaging
> Before sending a TXT, PXT or Video-TXT ask
yourself if you would be happy to receive such
a message. If the answer is no, don’t send it.
> If someone took a PXT or Video-PXT of you
without your knowledge and sent it on, you
Promotes Māori art
Go to Children and Young People
Be active on global issues
Online information for homework
NZ Family Violence Clearinghouse
Gay and lesbian
Gay and lesbian
Suicide prevention
Great links
Info, links, services for young people
What’s on; great info
Keep safe online
Phone counselling-children & young people
Info for families
Remember, your school or education
organisation will have either
a school counsellor or a student
support person you can speak to.
Look on your school’s website
or ask at the reception.
Produced by Family and Community Services (Ministry
of Social Development www.familyservices.govt.nz).
We would like to acknowledge those organisations and
young people that contributed to this youth guide.
Youth health and information service
Law stuff for young people
Know your rights
Alcohol and drug information
Info, links, services
Great directory of services
Sticker Positional

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