The Year in Review - Museum Foundation


The Year in Review - Museum Foundation
J U L Y 1 , 2 0 1 1 – J U N E 3 0 , 2 0 1 2
Museum of New Mexico Foundation
On the cover: From left to right, Phil, Jody and Kate Schiliro
engage in Telling New Mexico, the core exhibition at the
New Mexico History Museum. © Daniel Quat Photography.
Below: Kate Schiliro learns about the state’s history through
interactive media at the New Mexico History Museum.
© Daniel Quat Photography.
Tab l e of C o n te n t s
Letter to Members 1
Board of Trustees
Members and Donors
Teaching New mexico
Fund for Museum Education
Ways to Give 21
Our Mission
The mission of the Museum of New Mexico Foundation
is to support the Museum of New Mexico system through
fund development for exhibitions and education programs,
financial management and advocacy.
The Museum of New Mexico Foundation supports the
following state cultural institutions:
• Museum of Indian Arts & Culture / Laboratory of Anthropology
• Museum of International Folk Art
• New Mexico History Museum / Palace of the Governors
• New Mexico Museum of Art
• New Mexico State Monuments
• Office of Archaeological Studies
Mariann Minana-Lovato, Director of Membership and Communications
Carmella Padilla, Editor / Writer
Lynn Cline, Writer
Shannez Dudelczyk, Writer
Monica Meehan, Graphic Designer
The Foundation’s audited financial statements are available
at Please notify us
of any corrections in this publication.
D ea r M embe r s ,
As we near the winter solstice and holiday festivities get under way,
all of us at the Museum of New Mexico Foundation extend our very best
wishes to you and yours this season.
In this issue of Member News, our annual year in review, we take the opportunity to reflect on the Foundation’s activities during our 2011–12 fiscal year,
which ended on June 30. As the celebration of our 50th anniversary draws to a
close, we are delighted to report on the Foundation’s success and celebrate the
many members and donors whose generous support and engagement mean so
much to the Museum of New Mexico system.
Ford W. Bell, left, president of the
American Alliance of Museums,
and John Easley, Foundation executive
director, celebrate the Foundation’s
50th Anniversary on Museum Hill.
© Daniel Quat Photography.
On the following pages, you will learn about the important work of our
museum development teams and the great job they are doing to raise funds
to support museum exhibition programs. You will also discover the results
of our Fund for Museum Education, which is having a vital impact on teachers
and students throughout New Mexico. And we are proud to call your attention
to the names of donors who have provided leadership support for our museums
during the past year.
Private philanthropy has immeasurably enhanced our Museum of New Mexico
system, providing funds for collections, exhibitions and education programs
that would be impossible with state funding alone. We salute and thank you
for your support and participation and encourage you to include the Foundation
in your year-end giving plans. Please see page 21 for more information.
As always, thank you for your generous gifts of time and treasure. You are
truly making a difference for New Mexico and all those who love our
museums and monuments.
John P. Easley
Executive Director
Museum of
New Mexico Foundation
Board of Trustees
From left to right, new Foundation Trustees
Nancy Meem Wirth, Charles M. Smith, Ann Rather
Livingston, Charles Gaillard, Nicole A. Hixon, Kathy
Roberts and Patty Newman at the New Mexico
Museum of Art. © Daniel Quat Photography.
Bud Hamilton, Chairman
Lynn Brown, Vice Chair
Jim Goodwin, Treasurer
Stuart Kirk, Secretary
Charmay B. Allred
JoAnn Lynn Balzer
John Berl
Jane Buchsbaum
Rosa Ramirez Carlson
John P. Comstock, M.D.
Susan Corn Conway
Liz Crews
Joan Dayton
Clara L. Dougherty
Jim Duncan Jr.
Jim Foley
Leroy Garcia
Pat Hall
Mortimer H. Herzstein
Barbara Hoover
Bruce Larsen
Margot Linton
Janis Lyon
Jim Manning
Doris Meyer
Bill Neuhaus
Patty Newman
James T. Ortíz
Dennis A. O’Toole, Ph.D
Jane O’Toole
Alan Rolley
Carol H. Warren
Nancy Meem Wirth
Donald F. Wright
Catherine A. Allen
Keith K. Anderson
M. Carlota Baca Ph.D.
Roy Bidwell
Cynthia Bolene
Dorothy H. Bracey
Bruce Chemel
Robert L. Clarke
Sherry Davis
Rosalind Doherty
Charles Gaillard
Gail Goodwin
J. Scott Hall
Catherine M. Harvey
Susie Herman
Nicole A. Hixon
Frank Hogan
Peggy Hubbard
Kent F. Jacobs, M.D.
Candace Jacobson
Connie Thrasher Jaquith
Cathy Kalenian
Ann Rather Livingston
Ronald S. Lushing
David Matthews
Dee Ann McIntyre
Helene Singer Merrin
Bob Nurock
George A. Pelletier
Michael E. Pettit
Jerry Richardson
Kathy Roberts
Keith Roth
Judy Sherman
Marian Silver
Charles M. Smith
J. Edd Stepp
Patty Terrell
Marilynn Thoma
Claire Woodcock
John Young
Dr. Robert Zone
Lloyd E. Cotsen
Anne and John Marion
Edwina and Charles Milner
Dolores Duke Ortiz
Binnie Postelnek
J. Paul Taylor
Eileen A. Wells
Thomas B. Catron III
Saul Cohen
Phyllis Gladden
James Snead
Thanks to thousands of generous
members and donors, a total of
$4.81 million in membership
contributions, gifts, grants and
pledges were received and
administered by the Museum
of New Mexico Foundation during
the 2011–12 fiscal year.
A Banner Year
As a result, our cultural institutions received vital resources to
present a variety of world-class exhibitions, programs and other
cultural offerings for thousands of visitors to enjoy in 2012 — the
Foundation’s 50th anniversary year.
“Community support is critical to the success of our museums,”
says Museum of New Mexico Foundation Executive Director John
Easley, noting that the State of New Mexico funds only staff salaries
and building operations. “Private support funds exhibitions, public
programs, education programs, acquisitions and other essential
activities that our museums, monuments and Office of Archaeological Studies offer New Mexicans and visitors to our state.”
There are many ways to support the museum system, including
membership, gifts to museum education programs, and gifts and
sponsorship for exhibitions. Following is a summary of how your
generosity impacted the Museum of New Mexico between July 1,
2011 and June 30, 2012.
Membership Programs
Providing Essential Museum Support
Membership dues provided a substantial portion of the Foundation’s development income this year and translated to significant
Foundation support in the form of services to our state museums
and monuments.
More than 12,500 members in nearly 7,000 households provided
more than $1.33 million through membership dues that allow the
Foundation to assist the museums in everything from grant administration to endowment and investment management to other vital
support services.
Members of the following membership groups contributed:
General members, more than 6,500 households contributed
$560,000 through membership dues.
Continued next page
Top: Raven Ryan learns calligraphy at the New Mexico
History Museum, one of the free events offered at The
Big Thank-You. © Cheron Bayna.
Bottom: From left to right, June and Tom Catron with
Laurel Seth at the 50th Anniversary Founders Dinner.
© Daniel Quat Photography.
The Circles, a dedicated group of 265 member households
who contribute at leadership levels of more than $1,500, together
contributed $635,000 in 2011–12, or nearly half of the Foundation’s total membership revenues.
The Business Council, a dynamic group of nearly 200 New
Mexico business leaders, contributed $257,000 in 2011–12.
The Friends, enthusiastic members of museum support groups,
generated $68,000 through membership dues.
Exhibitions Development and
Director’s Leadership Funds
Sustaining the Long-term Exhibition Vision
New this year, the Foundation launched the Exhibitions
Development Fund, a special giving program that aligns a
donor’s philanthropic interests with the museum exhibitions
they wish to support. These direct gifts help pay for shipping
fees for items on loan, research expenses for curators, conservation, public programs and more. In its debut year, the fund raised
$151,000, establishing a reliable source of funding for planning
and presenting future exhibitions.
Meanwhile the Foundation’s new Director’s Leadership Fund,
which supports museum initiatives and programs led by the
museum directors through gifts of $10,000 or more, also surpassed
its funding goal and generated $330,000.
For museum directors like Mary Kershaw of the New Mexico
Museum of Art, these new funds help make our museums
dynamic, exciting, inspiring places.
“The support of our donors to the Exhibitions Development
and the Director’s Leadership Funds has given me the resources
I need to create a new rhythm to the shows in the museum, and
to work in new and surprising ways in our galleries,” Kershaw says.
“Our program this past year has been a varied menu of shows
drawn from our collections. This variety would not have been
possible without this generous support.”
Designated Gifts
From top: New Mexico Museum of Art Director Mary
Kershaw with Foundation Executive Director John Easley
at the Alcove Shows exhibition at the New Mexico Museum
of Art. © Cheron Bayna. Chip and Kay Chippeaux (middle)
and Sherry and Jim Davis (bottom) commemorate the 50th
Anniversary Founders Dinner. © Daniel Quat Photography.
Other designated gifts, grants and sponsorships totaled
$1.475 million in support for the museum system, while
$725,000 in pledges for future years ensured continued
support. Some highlights:
• The New Mexico History Museum’s development team, led
by trustee Sherry Davis, raised $475,000, exceeding its $350,000
goal, and raised an additional $282,000 for future years.
• The Museum of International Folk Art’s development team,
chaired by trustees Bruce Chemel and Connie Jaquith, raised
$399,000 in gifts and grants, surpassing a $200,000 goal.
The Folk Art Flea generated $63,000 to support the Museum
of International Folk Art. An additional $174,000 was pledged
for exhibitions and programs in future years.
• The New Mexico Museum of Art raised $285,000 and
$151,000 in pledges with a development team led by advisory
trustee Pat Hall.
• The Museum of Indian Arts & Culture raised $185,000,
exceeding its goal of $150,000, including net proceeds of
more than $125,000 from the annual Native Treasures Indian
Arts Festival.
• A combined $130,000 was raised for Museum Resources,
State Monuments and Office of Archaeological Studies
in the current year.
Great Grants
Here are a few examples of grant support received this year:
• The Albuquerque Community Foundation provided $15,000
to Coronado State Monument to help restore the rare late
15th-century Kuaua Kiva murals.
Museum of
New Mexico Foundation
By the Numbers
Fiscal Year 2011–12
Thanks to generous, broad-based community support, we
are pleased to report the following results for the benefit
of the Museum of New Mexico system over the past year:
• Total private contributions and pledges
$4.81 million
• Total Program services
(membership, development services,
financial support services and advocacy)
$1.54 million
• Total gifts
• Total active members
• The Brown Foundation of Houston provided $25,000 for
the New Mexico Museum of Art exhibition, James Drake:
Salon of a Thousand Souls.
• Endowment assets
$16.9 million
• The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation provided $179,600 for
cataloging the New Mexico History Museum’s historic map
• Endowment distribution for programs
(based on an annual payout of 4.5% using
a 12 quarter rolling average of asset base)
• The National Endowment for the Arts provided $20,000
for the Woven Identities exhibition at the Museum of Indian
Arts & Culture.
• The Ames Family Foundation provided $35,000 for the Ames
After-School Program at the Museum of International Folk Art.
• The Institute of Museum and Library Services and Bureau
of Land Management provided $121,000 and $55,000, respectively, to support the move of archaeological materials to the
Center for New Mexico Archaeology.
Fund for Museum Education
Investing in Future Generations
• Management, administrative and fundraising costs
(4% of total contributions, pledges and
program services)
• Total new legacy and promised gifts for the future
$4.4 million pledged this year
An independent audit of the Foundation’s financial
activities was recently completed by Atkinson and Co.
and is available online at
Special thanks to our Trustee Audit Committee,
J. Scott Hall, Chair.
The Fund for Museum Education, under the leadership of Rosalind
and Lowell Doherty, raised $200,000 in contributions for museum
education to help our cultural institutions offer hundreds of
free education programs to more than 335,000 visitors to New
Mexico’s museums and monuments each year.
Continued next page
As spaces that inspire lifelong learning, the fund helps children,
youth and adults expand their understanding of the diverse
cultures of the world by engaging with art, Native and regional
history, and world cultures. The fund invests in resources for
student field trips, exhibition-related art projects, teacher curriculum materials and other classroom resources.
“As former career educators, my husband and I are keenly aware
of the importance of educational experiences throughout one’s
life,” says Rosalind Doherty. “We have high hopes of topping our
campaign goals again this year in order to provide even more
support for the wonderful educational programs in our museums.”
Please see page 18 to read about one family’s educational journey
through the interactive, hands-on experiences of the New Mexico
History Museum’s Hands on History Program, supported by the
Fund for Museum Education.
Legacy Gifts
Creating a Lasting Impact
Promised and legacy gifts totaled $4.4 million this year, surpassing
a $2 million goal and increasing total future gifts to $35 million.
Planned gifts, in the form of bequests, charitable gift annuities and
other long term pledges, unite a donor’s personal philanthropic
and financial goals and are a rewarding way to make a major
lasting impact on our cultural institutions.
Donors responded generously with bequests and other legacy gifts
as a way to honor the Foundation’s 50th Anniversary, says Foundation Vice President of Development Ann Scheflen.
“Many members came forward this year and let us know that
they had included us in their estate plans,” Scheflen says. “We
were honored by their significant commitment to our mission and
the wonderful stories they had to tell of their connection to our
museums and to the art and culture of New Mexico. We established
the Founders Society, a recognition program to honor and thank
our most loyal and generous longtime supporters, whose cumulative
contributions and planned gifts total $100,000 or more.”
“Legacy donors want to perpetuate their current giving beyond
their own lifetime to help ensure that what they treasure will be
here for future generations,” Scheflen continues. “We couldn’t be
more thankful.”
Clockwise from top: Susie and C.T. Herman enjoy the
50th Anniversary Founders Dinner. © Daniel Quat
Photography. A young visitor at the New Mexico State
Monuments’ living history demonstration at The Big
Thank-You. © Daniel Quat Photography. People of all
ages participate in the free activities at the New Mexico
History Museum. © Cheron Bayna.
The Foundation thanks all of the donors, members and
supporters who helped make the 2011–12 fiscal year a
success. Audited financials for all Foundation fundraising
efforts are available online at
There’s still time to make a gift this year. Please call
(505) 982-6366 or visit
The Big Thank-You
Celebrating 50 Years of Community Support
To celebrate the generosity of our members and statewide community,
the weekend of September 23 and 24 was full of events and activities for
all to enjoy. Here are a few photos that captured the weekend’s festivities.
All photos © Daniel Quat Photography and Cheron Bayna
Founders Society members Frauke and Keith Roth honored
Tom Catron, at the 50th Anniversary Founders Dinner.
© Daniel Quat Photography.
Founders Society
The Founders Society recognizes donors who have enhanced
the Museum of New Mexico system through their longtime
support and generosity. We honor the following donors whose
cumulative cash contributions and planned gifts total $100,000
or more as of June 30, 2012. Together these donors have
contributed and pledged more than $67 million.
G r a n d B e n efacto r
$ 2,000,000 and above
Anonymous (1)
Margit and Lloyd Cotsen
Institute of Museum
and Library Services
Sallie Ritter and
Kent Jacobs, M.D.
Connie Thrasher Jaquith
Bob Nurock
Mara and Charles Robinson
Sue and Felix Warburg
Eileen A. Wells
B e n efacto r
$ 1,0 0 0,0 0 0
to $ 1 , 9 9 9 , 9 9 9
Anonymous (2)
The Andrea Waitt Carlton
Family Foundation
J.B.L. Goodwin n
Valerie and Bud Hamilton
Albert and Ethel Herzstein
Charitable Foundation,
Houston, TX
Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Hogan
Mary Anne and Bruce Larsen
National Endowment
for the Humanities
Maggy Ryan n
City of Santa Fe
Arts Commission
Vicki and Ron Sullivan
Pat r o n
$ 50 0,0 0 0
to $ 9 9 9 , 9 9 9
Anonymous (2)
Lewis Barker n
Nancy and Richard Bloch
The Frost Foundation
Phyllis and Eddie Gladden
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
The Kresge Foundation
Edwina H. and
Charles P. Milner
I.A. O’Shaughnessy Foundation
Louisa Stude Sarofim
Rosemarie Shellaberger n
Thaw Charitable Trust
Milton n and Adele Ward
Robert n and Carol Warren
Pa r t n e r
$ 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 to $ 4 9 9 , 9 9 9
Anonymous (1)
Carl Allen n
Charmay Allred
The Ames Family Foundation
John Berl and
Bob Bauernschmitt
Edwin Bewley n
Dorothy and Rolfe Black
Dorothy Bracey and
Tom Johnson
Lynn and Norman Brown
The Brown Foundation, Inc.
of Houston
Bureau of Land Management
Jean n and Robert L. Clarke
Linda and John Comstock
William W. Cunningham n
Doug n and Joan Dayton
Rosalind and Lowell Doherty
R. D. Erwin n
The Ford Foundation
Robert Frazer n
Pat and Jim Hall
Mickey Inbody n
Nance and Ramón José López
y Familia
Jeanne and Jim Manning
Janice n and Dave Matthews
Seymour Merrin n and
Helene Singer Merrin
New Mexico
Humanities Council
Joan Higgins Reed n
Arnold and Doris Roland
Frauke and Keith Roth
Helen Spuhler n
The Stockman
Family Foundation
Marilynn and Carl Thoma
Thornburg Foundation
The Wallace Foundation
F o u n de r
$ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 to $ 2 4 9 , 9 9 9
Anonymous (2)
M. Carlota Baca, Ph.D.
Sam and Ethel Ballen n
BF Foundation
Bob Blommer and
Lowell Soucie
Elizabeth and
Duncan n Boeckman
Jane and Bill Buchsbaum
June E. Catron and
Thomas B. Catron III
Jordie M. Chilson n
Joan and Richard Chodosh
Helen and George Cowan n
Valerie and Charles Diker
Ruth Dillingham
James H. Duncan, Jr.
Natalie Fitz-Gerald
Mr. Gayle D. Fogelson
The Getty Foundation,
Los Angeles
Gail and Jim Goodwin
Pauline and Bert Heil
Barbara and Bud Hoover
Sheryl Kelsey and
George Duncan
Miryam and Bob Knutson
La Fonda on the Plaza
Diane and John Lenssen
Margot and Robert Linton
The Henry Luce Foundation
Terese Lyons and
Anthony Foltman
Anne and John Marion
Dr. and Mrs. James McCaffery
Scott n and Dee Ann McIntyre
The Andrew W. Mellon
Doris Meyer and Richard Hertz
The Mill Atelier Foundation
National Endowment
for the Arts
Mark Naylor and Dale Gunn
Newman’s Own Foundation,
Patty and Arthur Newman
Ernestine O’Connell n
Kathryn O’Keeffe
Ambassador Frank V. n and
Dolores Duke Ortiz
Jane and Tom O’Toole
Trudy and Dennis O’Toole
Eugenia Cowden Pettit
Joann and Gifford Phillips
Jerry Richardson
Doug Ring n and
Cindy Miscikowski
The Rockefeller Foundation
Ann and Alan Rolley
Don n and Bergit Salazar
William and Salome
Scanlan Foundation
Jacqueline and
Richard Schmeal
Lety and Stephen Schwartz
Marian and Abe Silver, Jr.
Barbara and Albert Simms
Warren von Preissig
Nancy Meem Wirth
Sharon and Don Wright
We remember and recognize
these members of our donor
family for their generosity
during their lifetime.
Endowment Funds
Market Value as of September 30, 2012
Endowment funds provide perpetual support to protect New Mexico’s cultural treasures. Whether you add to the principal of an established endowment fund or create
a new one, your gift provides a vital source of annual income to sustain a variety of
cultural programs and purposes. The Foundation manages the following 28 endowment funds with a market value of $16.9 million.
Boeckman Acquisition Fund
for the New Mexico Museum
of Art ($99,157)
Tom Catron Endowment Fund ($44,229)
Chairman’s Endowment Fund ($48,772)
Jean and Robert L. Clarke
Endowment Fund for the New
Mexico Museum of Art ($291,276)
Cotsen Family Foundation Fund
#1 for the Neutrogena Collection
of the Museum of International
Folk Art ($2,061,065)
Cotsen Family Foundation Fund
#2 for the Neutrogena Collection
of the Museum of International
Folk Art ($1,012,158)
Robert W. Frazer Fund for the Palace
of the Governors Library ($386,606)
Friends of Archaeology Endowment
Fund ($102,591)
Georgia O’Keeffe Museum
Endowment Fund for the
New Mexico Museum of Art ($1,830,202)
Phyllis and Edward Gladden
Endowment Fund for the Palace
of the Governors and New Mexico
History Museum ($167,909)
Herzstein Family Art Acquisition
Fund for the New Mexico Museum
of Art ($317,294)
Herzstein Family Endowment Fund
for the Palace of the Governors
and New Mexico History
Museum ($341,094)
Museum of New Mexico Foundation
Endowment Fund for the Palace
of the Governors and New Mexico
History Museum ($415,064)
Clinton King Purchase Award ($38,463)
Museum of New Mexico Foundation
Endowment Fund for the State
Monuments ($394,259)
Margot and Robert Linton
Endowment Fund for
Contemporary Hispanic Folk Art ($112,039)
Museum of Indian Arts & Culture
Acquisition Endowment Fund ($212,611)
Museum of New Mexico Acquisition
Endowment Fund ($467,745)
Museum of New Mexico Foundation
Endowment Fund ($1,973,918)
Museum of New Mexico Foundation
Endowment Fund for the New
Mexico Museum of Art ($361,965)
Museum of New Mexico Foundation
Endowment Fund for the Museum
of Indian Arts & Culture ($457,182)
Museum of New Mexico Foundation
Endowment Fund for the Museum
of International Folk Art ($392,333)
The Ambassador Frank and
Mrs. Dolores Ortiz Palace of the
Governors Preservation Fund ($66,056)
Marianne and Michael
O’Shaughnessy Endowment Fund
for the Palace of the Governors and
New Mexico History Museum ($362,139)
Palace of the Governors and
New Mexico History Museum
Endowment Fund ($385,818)
Arnold and Doris Roland
Endowment Fund for the
New Mexico Museum of Art ($110,337)
Starkweather Docent Program
Endowment Fund ($61,960)
Museum of New Mexico Foundation
Operating Investment Fund ($4,205,868)
To contribute to an endowment fund or to establish
a new one, contact Ann Scheflen at (505) 982-6366 ext. 108
or [email protected].
Planned Giving
Make a Positive Impact
Most of us, if given the chance, would like to contribute
to a cause that will positively impact others for generations
to come. A charitable bequest is the simplest way to create
a lasting personal legacy that will benefit the Museum of
New Mexico and all who treasure its cultural riches.
Bequests allow you to remain in control of your assets during
your lifetime, are inexpensive to create and can reduce estate
tax burdens. They can be made with cash, stock, art or real
estate. For these reasons and more, bequests account for half
of all planned gifts.
Build Your Bequest
Follow these three easy steps to a make a meaningful bequest:
• Decide the amount, purpose and beneficiary of your gift.
• Inform the Foundation of your bequest so that we can
ensure your intentions will be carried out.
• Visit your attorney to create or modify your will.
Express Your Bequest
Use this sample language to begin crafting your bequest:
“I give, devise and bequeath to the Museum of New Mexico
Foundation, a non-profit corporation in the state of New
% of my estate)
Mexico, the sum of $ (or all of the residuary of my estate) to be used for (options
include, but are not limited to,: general purposes, endowment, exhibitions, educational programs, for the foundation
or a specific museum).”
To discuss options for making a bequest
or other legacy gift, contact Bonnie
McLeskey at (505) 982-6366 ext. 113 or
[email protected].
Legacy Society members Sheryl Kelsey and George Duncan
at the annual Legacy Society Luncheon at the Museum of
International Folk Art. © Daniel Quat Photography.
Legacy Society Members
As of October 1, 2012
The Legacy Society honors donors who have made an estate gift
through the Museum of New Mexico Foundation. Legacy Society
members enjoy exclusive gatherings, special recognition and the
satisfaction of making a difference in the future of the museums
they love. The Legacy Society was created in honor of Santa Fe
fiber artist Maggy Ryan, who bequeathed a substantial charitable
remainder trust. A planned gift may take the form of a bequest in
a will or living trust, an IRA or retirement account designation, a
gift annuity, a charitable trust or other arrangement.
Anonymous (3)
Ann Neuberger Aceves ●
Carl M. Allen n
Charmay B. Allred
Keith K. Anderson and
Barbara G. Lenssen
M. Carlota Baca, Ph.D.
Nancy Ballenger n
Rhoda H. Barkan n
Louisa Barkalow
Lewis Barker n
Ann Baumann n
Dr. Barry and Natalie Beller
Susan and Lee Berk
Edwin E. Bewley n
Robert H. Blommer
Bill Bohnhoff n
Dorothy Bracey
Lynn G. Brown
Gladys and Selig Burrows n
James Lee Byars n
Lawrence Calcagno n
Beverly M. Carl
Charles D. Carroll n
Mel Carter n
Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas B. Catron, III
Jordie M. Chilson n
Joan and Richard Chodosh
Ronald Costell and
Marsha Swiss
Anne Croy n
William Wallace Cunningham n
Helen M. Derbyshire n
Ruth H. Dillingham
Richard Dillingham n
Rosalind and Lowell Doherty
George Duncan and
Sheryl Kelsey
James Duncan, Jr.
Ardith Eicher
Robert C. Ellis n
R.D. Erwin n
Eva Feld n
Natalie Fitz-Gerald
Robert Frazer n
Sheilah Garcia
Robert H. Glaze
Rod Goebel n
J.B.L. Goodwin n
Gail and Jim Goodwin
Gilda M. and
Norman C. Greenberg
Jacquelyn Hall and
JD Bullington
Jim and Pat Hall
Valerie and Bud Hamilton
Henriette Harris n
Dorothy S. Harroun
Pat Haueter
Mildred N. Healy n
Bertram and Pauline Heil
William Hoffman n
Frank and Ruth Hogan
Barbara and Bud Hoover
Mickey Inbody n
Connie Thrasher Jaquith
James R. Johnson n
Eleanore B. Joseph
Clinton and
Narcissa Swift King n
Judith Kingsley Fitting
Ronald P. Klein and
Doris Rosen
Walter and Allene Kleweno
Patricia Kuhlhoff
Greg LaChapelle n
Henry and Judith Lackner
Charitable Remainder Trust
Bruce and Mary Anne Larsen
Louise and Joseph Laval
Barbara H. Lidral n
To join the Legacy Society, contact
Bonnie McLeskey at (505) 982-6366 ext. 113
or [email protected].
Ronald S. Lushing
Terese Lyons and Anthony Foltman
Janice n and David Matthews
Eileen A. Maynard n
Susan McGreevy
Seymour Merrin n and Helene Singer Merrin
Doris Meyer
Edwina Hawley Milner and Charles P. Milner
Mary Sue Mize n
Edgar H. Mueller
Jerome Munday n
Scott Murray and Mihail Lari
Mark Naylor and Dale Gunn
Bob Nurock
Dr. Ernestine O’Connell n
Claudia O’Keeffe n
Frank V. Ortiz n and Dolores Duke Ortiz
Jane and Tom O’Toole
Melinda Miles Phister n
Don Pierce
Aline Porter n
Binnie Postelnek
Margery Clark Primus n
Richard C. Pritzlaff n
Joan Higgins Reed n
Jerry Richardson
Sallie Ritter and Kent F. Jacobs, M.D.
Mara and Charles Robinson
Paul Rosenberg
Keith Roth
Celia D. Rumsey n
Maggy Ryan n
John Sadd and Maggie Alexander
Henry A. Sauerwein n
Jacqueline and Richard Schmeal
Gertrude Schweitzer n
Rosemarie Shellaberger n
Eugenie Shonnard n
Abe and Marian Silver
Albert and Barbara Simms
Sue Ann Snyder
Helen McKaig Spuhler n
Helen L. Starbuck n
Virginia E. and Douglas Starkweather n
Carole and J. Edd Stepp
Michael and Anita Stevenson
Vicki A. and Ronald L. Sullivan
Fredric and Caroline Thompson
Robert W. Uphaus and Lois M. Rosen
Warren von Preissig
Sue and Felix Warburg
Johnette Ward
Carol H. Warren and Robert A. Warren n
Eileen A. Wells
Ray and Corinne Willison
We remember these special friends who
created legacy gifts during their lifetime.
● We proudly welcome these new members.
Mark Naylor and Dale Gunn
Sustaining a Lifelong Connection
to Folk Art
Mark Naylor well remembers visiting the Museum of International Folk Art as a kid.
He was there with his grandfather in 1953 on the day the museum opened. And
while growing up in Albuquerque, he returned often with his family to explore the
museum, and later, to enjoy the Alexander Girard folk art collection.
“We’d come to Santa Fe and we’d always end up at the folk art museum,” Naylor
says. “The folk art museum offers something that other museums don’t — it takes
people around the world.”
Naylor and his partner, radiologist Dale Gunn, have been visiting the museum for 35
years. They stay connected to the museum as members of Friends of Folk Art and
by giving to museum exhibitions. The Albuquerque residents joined the Museum
of New Mexico Foundation in 2009 and are members of the Governor’s Circle and
regular contributors to the Fund for Museum Education. They are also part of the
Founders Society, a group of donors whose cumulative contributions and planned
gifts total $100,000 or more.
Among Naylor and Gunn’s most notable gifts to the Museum of International Folk
Art is a recent contribution to the museum’s Gallery of Conscience, an exhibition
space dedicated to examining contemporary issues faced by traditional folk artists
and cultures worldwide. Their gift will fund programming and exhibitions in this
gallery named in their honor for years to come.
“We love the Gallery of Conscience and the issues with which it deals,” Naylor says.
The couple also has made a planned gift to the museum through the Foundation’s
Legacy Society. For them, this investment honors the words written above the
entrance to the museum: The art of the craftsman is a bond between the peoples
of the world.
“Our own lives have been enhanced by the museum,” Naylor says. “We want
to make sure that future generations are engaged by the institution as well.”
Above: Mark Naylor, left, and Dale Gunn in front of the milagro wall inside the Museum
of International Folk Art. © Daniel Quat Photography.
Exhibitions Development Fund
As of October 1, 2012
We proudly thank the following donors who have made contributions of $1,000 or more
to the Exhibitions Development Fund. These important funds provide a base of support for
exhibitions and programs that are only possible through private philanthropic gifts. While
gifts at all levels are gratefully accepted and appreciated, we are pleased to recognize donors
of $1,000 or more annually through this listing and on the exhibition sponsor wall at the
museum of their choice.
$ 5 , 0 0 0 o r above
Dorothy Bracey and
Tom Johnson l l l l
Dobkin Family Foundation l
Jane and Charlie Gaillard l
Lannan Foundation l
Mary Anne and
Bruce Larsen l l
Hank Lee and
Paul Bonin-Rodriguez l
Macy’s, Inc. l
Maryann and
Jim McCaffery l l l l
Dee Ann McIntyre l
Newman’s Own Foundation l
Trudy and Dennis O’Toole l l
Poeh Cultural Center
and Museum l
Frauke and Keith Roth l
Judy and Bob Sherman l l
Investment Management l
Carol Warren l
Eileen A. Wells l
Claire and Jim Woodcock l
$ 2 , 5 0 0 to $ 4 , 9 9 9
Foundation Trustee Lynn
Brown stands before
longtime friend and artist
Tony Abeyta’s mural,
American Indian Creativity,
inside the Museum of Indian
Arts & Culture. Lynn and
her husband Norman were
compelled by the concept of
the Exhibitions Development
Fund, and decided to make
a gift to each of the four
museums. © Daniel Quat
Cathy Allen and
Paul Rooker l
Blue Rain Gallery l
Cynthia and Bruce Bolene l
Lynn and
Norman Brown l l l l
Deb and Robert Chase l
Diane and Peter Doniger l
Harris Finch Foundation l
Ruth and Frank Hogan l
Barbara and Bud Hoover l l
Candace Good Jacobson l
Connie Thrasher Jaquith l
Patricia Arscott La Farge
Foundation for Folk Art l
Legends Santa Fe l
Ann and Mark Livingston l
Peters Family
Art Foundation l
Sandia Resort and Casino l
Charles M. and
Ann H. Smith l
Carole and Edd Stepp l
$ 1 , 0 0 0 to $ 2 , 4 9 9
Anonymous l
Charmay Allred l
Elizabeth Allred l
Catherine and John Alsip l
Keith Anderson and
Barbara Lenssen l
Kitty and Bill Atterbury l
M. Carlota Baca, Ph. D. l
Donna and John Bailey l
Frederick and Karen Bailey l
JoAnn and Bob Balzer l
John Catron and
Laurie Archer l
Bruce Chemel l
Liz Crews l
Sherry and Jim Davis l
Nancy Sue Dimit l
Rosalind and
Lowell Doherty l
Barbara Doroba-Ogg and
Michael Ogg l
Lucy and John Draper l
Karen and
Stephen Durkovich l
Ardith Eicher and
Dave Rashin l
Karen Freeman l
Kathy and Jim Gentry l
Valerie and Bud Hamilton l
Susie and C.T. Herman l
Susan Herter l
Nicole Hixon l
Jane and Stephen Hochberg l
Julia Hunkins l
Peggy and Tom Hubbard l
Jean and Donald Lamm l
Annie and Jeff Lowdermilk l
Ron Lushing l
Thomas Merlan and
Frances Levine l
The Philip and Julia Meshberg
Family Foundation l
Doris Meyer and
Richard Hertz l
Pamela and Don Michaelis l
Alicia and Bill Miller l
Manuel Monasterio,
Vazquez Portfolio Group at
UBS Financial Services Inc. l
Bob Nurock l
Arlene Schiffer, Passport
DMC, Inc. l
Michael Pettit l
Don Pierce l
Jerry Richardson l
Sallie Ritter and Kent Jacobs l
Christopher Rocca and
David Rosen l
Marian and Abe Silver l
Anita and Mike Stevenson l
Lorlee and
Arnold Tenenbaum l
Patty Terrell l
Andrew Wallerstein and
Mary Sloane l
Nancy Ziegler Nodelman and
Dwight Strong l
Peggy and Bob Zone l
To make a gift, contact Laura Waller
at (505) 982-6366 ext. 116 or laura@
New Mexico Museum of Art
New Mexico History Museum / Palace of the Governors
l Museum of International Folk Art
l Museum of Indian Arts & Culture
l New Mexico State Monuments
Leadership Fund
July 1, 2011 through October 1, 2012
We proudly thank the following donors who have made leadership contributions of $10,000 or more to support museum
exhibitions and programs. These important funds provide
discretionary funds for museum programs and projects.
$ 1 0 , 0 0 0 o r mo r e
Anonymous l
Ann Neuberger Aceves
in memory of
Roy R. Neuberger l
Folk Art Committee l
Friends of Contemporary Art l
Friends of Indian Art l
Tammy and Leroy Garcia l
Pat and Jim Hall l
Kay Harvey l l
The Hubbard
Broadcasting Foundation l
Diane and John Lenssen l
Jeanne and Jim Manning l
Seymour and Helene Singer
Merrin Education Fund l
Palace Guard l
Terra Foundation
for American Art l l
The Carl & Marilynn Thoma
Foundation l
Gordon and Judith Wilson l
Spo n s o r ed
P r og r am s
a n d P r o j ect s
Designated gifts and grants
support a variety of programs
and projects.
$ 2 5 , 0 0 0 o r above
The Ames Family Foundation l
Brown Foundation, Inc. l
City of Santa Fe Community
Development Division l
Institute of Museum
and Library Services l l
Margot and Robert Linton l
The Andrew W. Mellon
Foundation l
National Endowment for the
Humanities l
Newman’s Own
Foundation l l l l
Santa Fe Arts Commission and
the 1% Lodgers Tax l l l l
John M. Scanlan l
Luke Sullivan l
$ 1 0 , 0 0 0 to $ 2 4 , 9 9 9
Ann and Joel Berson l
Bureau of Land Management l
National Endowment
for the Arts l
Thaw Charitable Trust l
To make a gift, contact Bonnie McLeskey
at (505) 982-6366 ext. 113 or
[email protected].
New Mexico
Museum of Art
l New Mexico History
Museum / Palace
of the Governors
l Museum of
International Folk Art
l Museum of
Indian Arts & Culture
New Mexico
State Monuments
l Office of
Archaeological Studies
l Museum of
New Mexico Press
l Museum of
New Mexico Foundation
Ann Neuberger Aceves
Connecting Artists
and Museums
Art philanthropy is in Ann Neuberger Aceves’s family genes.
Her father, Roy R. Neuberger, was an art collector who was
well known for supporting living artists. Neuberger, who died
at age 107 in 2010, donated his collection to the Neuberger
Museum of Art at the State University of New York in 1974
and also established the Neuberger Family Foundation. “My father was living in Paris in the 1920s when he was in his
20s,” says Aceves. “He wanted to become an artist but found
he didn’t have any talent. He read a bio about Van Gogh that
said he only sold one painting while he was alive. My father
was absolutely horrified. He said to himself that when he
went back to New York, he would go into business and hopefully make enough money so he could support living, young,
struggling American artists.”
Today, Aceves, a Regents’ Circle member, honors her father’s
philanthropic legacy by supporting the New Mexico Museum
of Art’s Director’s Leadership Fund, which provides direct
funding for the museum’s long-term exhibition planning and
programs. Aceves got involved after hearing museum director
Mary Kershaw talk about how crucial private gifts are for
exhibitions and programs. She particularly liked Kershaw’s
goal to re-connect the museum with its original history of
exhibiting works by living New Mexico artists through the
museum’s Alcove Shows.
A museum member for more than two decades, Aceves also
has given to the Foundation’s Fund for Museum Education for
numerous years, as well as to programs and projects at the
New Mexico History Museum and Palace of the Governors.
In 2011, the Neuberger Family Foundation was divided among
Aceves and her two brothers. Aceves established a family
fund through which she is now teaching her children about
philanthropy — ensuring that her parents’ philosophy of
generosity will be passed on to the next generation.
Above: Ann Neuberger Aceves inside the Alcove Shows exhibition
at the New Mexico Museum of Art. © Daniel Quat Photography.
A Year to Remember,
A New Year Ahead
The Circles Members
The Circles members enjoyed a full calendar of events this
past year with two trips, first access to opening exhibitions,
lunch lectures, a historic ranch visit with roping demonstrations, private collection tours and the annual holiday party.
We are busy planning the 2013 Circles events which promise
a year of art, exclusive cultural experiences and fun.
The Circles members demonstrate leadership in our arts
community by providing the cornerstone of annual funding for
vital services and support on behalf of our museums, monuments and Office of Archaeological Studies. Membership in
The Circles brings many benefits, including special discounts
and invitations to an exclusive calendar of events that provide
access to New Mexico artists, art collectors and scholars, as
well as cultural travel opportunities and private tours with
museum directors.
often for up-to-date information on the year ahead.
Top: Circles member Mary Lou Pringle discusses a textile with
a guest at Cocktails with the Collector, hosted by Suzanne and
Joel Sugg in their Santa Fe home. © Daniel Quat Photography.
Bottom: From left to right, Randy Pugh, Peggy Hubbard, Bonnie
Binkert and Kathleen Pugh at The Circles Round Up this summer
at San Cristóbal Ranch. © Daniel Quat Photography.
As of October 1, 2012
$ 1 0,0 0 0 A N D A BOV E
$ 2 ,500 TO $ 4,9 9 9
Valerie and Bud Hamilton
Miryam and Bob Knutson
Dee Ann McIntyre
Frauke and Keith Roth
Beth and Rick Schnieders
Marilynn and Carl Thoma
Cyndy and Len Alaimo
Emy Lou and Jerry Baldridge
JoAnn and Bob Balzer
Rene Barker
John Berl and
Bob Bauernschmitt
Sallie Bingham
Elizabeth Boeckman
Jane and Richard Borchers
Dorothy Bracey and
Tom Johnson
Priscilla and Jordan Braun
Joyce Buford
Mary Ann and
John Bumgarner
June and Tom Catron
Honey and Peter Chapin
Robert Clarke
Elaine and Ken Cole
Mary and David Cost
Benjamin Crane
Stanley Damberger and
Madeleine Grigg-Damberger
Sherry and Jim Davis
Joan Dayton and
Richard Curless
Nancy Dickenson
John Duncan and Anita Sarafa
Cavett Fallis
Debbie Fleischaker
Susan Foote and
Stephen Feinberg
Marlene and Darryl Fry
Connie and
David Girard-diCarlo
Chris and Scott Hall
Pat and Jim Hall
Pauline and Bert Heil
Susie and C.T. Herman
Nicole Hixon
Barbara and Bud Hoover s
Joseph and Lynne Horning
$ 5,0 0 0 T O $ 9,9 9 9
Catherine Allen and
Paul Rooker
Barbara and Gary Ames
Keith Anderson and
Barbara Lenssen
Ann Ash
Tana and Roy Bidwell
Nancy and Richard Bloch l
Cynthia and Bruce Bolene
Lynn and Norman Brown
Ruth Dillingham
James Duncan, Jr.
Linda Gardner
Gail and James Goodwin
Ann and Wade Harrison
Kay Harvey
Ezra Hubbard
Candace Jacobson
Judy and Henry Lackner
Mary Anne and Bruce Larsen
Jeanne and Jim Manning
Susan and Philip Marineau
Joan and Mitchell Markow
Maryann and Jim McCaffery
Collins and Jon Redman
Karen Rogers and Marc Still l
Judy and Bob Sherman
Jane and Bud Smith
Mary and John Sparks
Claire and Jim Woodcock
Peggy and Tom Hubbard s
Patsy and Bill Hutchison
James Hutson-Wiley and
Olga Echevarria
Maryanne and Sid Jones
Cathy and Paul Kalenian
Margot and Robert Linton
Ann and Mark Livingston s
Dianne Loomis
Ron Lushing
Janis and Dennis Lyon s
Anne and John Marion
Dave Matthews
Ellen McCabe and
Richard Middleton
Joyce and
Steve Melander-Dayton
Helene Singer Merrin
Doris Meyer and Richard Hertz
Edwina and Charles Milner
Ann and Russ Morton
Mark Naylor and Dale Gunn
Bob Nurock s
Kathryn O’Keeffe
Trudy and Dennis O’Toole
Jane and Tom O’Toole
Michael Pettit
Don Pierce
Susan and Win Priem
Mary Lou Pringle
Mozelle Richardson and
Judy Richardson
Regina Richdale
Mara and Charles Robinson
Donna Rust
Suzannah and Marshall Sale
Harriet and Karl Schreiner
Nan Schwanfelder
Mr. James R. Seitz, Jr.
Marian and Abe Silver, Jr.
Ann and Charles Smith
Carole and J. Edd Stepp
Suzanne and Joel Sugg
Jane and Gary Swanson
Lorlee and Arnold Tenenbaum
Patty Terrell
Mari and Alex Thornburg
Barbara and
Richard Van Dongen
John and Iris Vazquez l
Diane Tipton Veirs l
J. Kevin Waidmann and
Don Shina
Gil Waldman
James Warshawski and Kristi
Jean and Kent Watts
Helen Way
Eileen A. Wells
Sharon Curran-Wescott and
Earle Wescott
Sharon and Don Wright
Beverly and John Young
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Zone
R E G E N T S ’ C IR C L E
$1,500 TO $ 2,499
Cris and Kenneth Abbott
Ann Aceves
Roberta Aidem
Judith and Bill Alger
Charmay B. Allred
Marilyn Almendinger
Jonathan Altman
Ruth and David Arthur
Peggy and David Ater
M. Carlota Baca, Ph.D.
Betty and Russell Bellamy
Joan and Robert Benedetti
Susan and Lee Berk
Myrna and Barry Bernard
Marcia and Ted Berridge
Karen and Stephen Bershad
Marylou and Bob Best
Evelyn Biery
David Bigby and Barbara Tyson
Joyce Blalock
Karen Bohnhoff
Eva and Edward Borins
Julie Bowdich
Kathleen Brandt and
Kevin Hammar
Victoria and Roy Bridges
Jenne Britell
Joseph M. Bryan, Jr.
Georgia and Bill Carson
Elaine and William Chapman
Kathy and David Chase
Bruce Chemel
Mary and David Colton
Linda and John Comstock
Q and Phil Cook
Susan Corn Conway and
Patrick Oliphant
Carole and Philip Coviello
Liz Crews
Shane Cronenweth
Joan and Tom Dalbey l
Susan and Jed Dean
Rosalind and Lowell Doherty
Ann and Richard Donnelly
Joan Donner
Susie and Ron Dubin
Susan and Cameron Duncan
Genevieve Duncan
Karen and Stephen Durkovich
Robert Eagle
Mary and John Easley
Martha Egan
Sheila and Kirk Ellis l
Don McLaughlin and
Sharon Ettinger-McLaughlin
Jane and Charlie Gaillard
Sheilah Garcia
Marc Geller and Beth Beloff
Richard George and
Melissa McCurley
Carolyn Gibbs and Rick Nelson
George Goldstein and
Elizabeth Hahn
Judith Golley
John L. Gray
Catherine and Guy Gronquist
Sue and David Halpern
Roddie and Steve Harris
Dorothy Harroun
Holly and Michael Henry l
Jean and Richard Higgins
Jane and Stephen Hochberg
Rae Hoffacker and
Peter Pappas
Ruth and Frank Hogan
Gloria S. Holloway
Myra and Robert Hull
Roger Hyndman and
Elizabeth Romero
Kay and David Ingalls
Julie and David Itz
Kent Jacobs and Sallie Ritter
Connie Jaquith
Diane Jergins and Wade Wilson
Kathryn Jordan
Leslie Nathanson Juris and
Hervey Juris
Selby and Douglas J. Key, MD
Elizabeth and Albert Kidd
Fiddle and Stuart Kirk
Gayle Kuldell
Lawrence Lazarus and
Mariana Geer
Mary and Jim Leatherberry
Diane and John Lenssen l
Jamie and John Lewinger
Lola Lyons
Suzy and Bill MacGillivray
Erin Mathews
Kathie and Bruce McBroom
Leslea and Frank McCabe
Jackie and Steve McFeely
Susan McGreevy and
Herb Beenhouwer
Claire and French McKnight
Terry and Walter Melendres
Cindy Miscikowski
Beth and Steve Moise
Sandy Nachman
Melinda and Jack Naumann, Jr.
Kay and Bill Neuhaus
Polly O’Brien and Barrett Toan
Kerry Olson and David Katz
Jay Oppenheimer and
Dolph Haas
Sallyann Paschall
George Pelletier and Jim Hailey
Katie and Gerald Peters
Francine and Fred Pevow
Sandra and Richard Porter
Rose Provan
Deborah and James Quirk
Roberta and Barry Ramo
Elizabeth Raspolic l
Mary Lynn Reese
Lisa and Richard Reichman
Jerry Richardson
Julia and James Roberts
Kathleen Roberts
Nancy Anderson Roberts
Ann and Alan Rolley
Jane Rote
Janet and Carl Russo
Merry Schroeder
Eve and Fred Simon
Barbara and Louis Sklar
Georgia and Jim Snead
Silvia and
Alexander Speyer, III l
Helen and
Frederick Spiegelberg
Jane and Charles Stringfellow
David Frank and
Kazukuni Sugiyama
Carol and James Thomson
Marge Tillman and Bill Watson
Carol and Bernie Toobin
William Keller and
Bebe Van Arsdale
Joan and Cliff Vernick
Carol Warren
Florette and Robert Weiss
Pattie White
Judy and Gordon Wilson
Nancy Meem Wirth
Karen Wohlgemuth
As of July 1, 2012:
l We proudly welcome these
new members
s We salute these members for
increasing their support
To join The Circles, contact Laura Waller
at (505) 982-6366 ext. 116
or [email protected].
Business Council Members
As of October 1, 2012
The Business Council comprises New Mexico business leaders who together contribute some
$250,000 annually in financial support and in-kind services to benefit the Museum of New
Mexico’s museums, monuments and Office of Archaeological Studies. Connecting art, culture
and commerce, the Business Council provides members with valuable networking opportunities
at our museums and other cultural venues. We thank the following businesses for their support.
C ha i r ma n ’ s C o u n c i l
$ 1 0 , 0 0 0 a n d above
Buffalo Thunder
Resort & Casino
Garcia Automotive Group
Hutton Broadcasting
La Fonda on the Plaza
Neutrogena Corporation
The Santa Fe New Mexican
Nat i o n a l C o u n c i l
$ 5 , 0 0 0 to $ 9 , 9 9 9
American General Media
Century Bank
Comcast Spotlight
Four Seasons Resort
Rancho Encantado
Heritage Hotels & Resorts
Los Alamos National Bank
New Mexico Business Weekly
Reynolds Insurance
Santa Fe Trust
Investment Management
Western Art and Architecture
G ove r n o r ’ s C o u n c i l
$ 2 , 5 0 0 to $ 4 , 9 9 9
Adobo Catering
Bishop’s Lodge Ranch
Resort and Spa
Blue Rain Gallery
Catron, Catron,
Pottow & Glassman
Eight Modern
Eldorado Hotel and Spa
The Essential Guide
Hilton Santa Fe
Hotel Santa Fe,
The Hacienda & Spa
Local Flavor Magazine
Los Poblanos Inn and
Historic Cultural Center
Marja Custom Catering
Marshall Plan
Peas ‘n’ Pod Catering, Inc.
Rosewood Inn of the Anasazi
Santa Fe Reporter
Santa Fean
Sotheby’s International Realty,
Ashley Margetson
Storyteller Theatres
Whole Foods Market
Rege n t s ’ C o u n c i l
$ 1 , 5 0 0 to $ 2 , 4 9 9
Albuquerque Journal North
Allan Houser Inc.
Andrew Neighbour
Casa Cuma B&B
CB Richard Ellis / Crow Holdings
Cisneros Design
Classic Party Rentals
CPC Solutions
Dana Waldon Photography
Daniel Quat Photography
David Richard
Contemporary, LLC
Demand Printing Solutions
Dougherty Real Estate Co.
El Rey Inn
Fire Dragon Color
Galpert / Ortega Group
of Wells Fargo Advisors
Get Printing
GF Contemporary
Hatcher & Tebo, P.A.
INK Santa Fe
Inn and Spa at Loretto
Inn of the Governors
Inn on the Alameda
Invisible City Designs
JLH Media
Knitworks, LLC
Kyla Thompson
Public Relations
Lamplighter Inn
Lyn A. Fox
Fine Pueblo Pottery l
Michael S. Bottrill, LLC
Nedra Matteucci Galleries
Old Santa Fe Inn
The Pantry Restaurant
Paper Tiger
Plastic Bottle Corporation
Pronto! Signs and Graphics
Santa Fe Audio Visual
Santa Fe BMW
Santa Fe Print & Images
Sign Graphics
Someone’s In The Kitchen
Southwest CARE Center l
Starline Printing
Target Concierge
Vivo Studios
Waddell & Reed
Ward Russell Photography
Water Street Inn
Webb Design, Inc.
Wells Fargo
B e n efacto r
$ 5 0 0 to $ 1 , 4 9 9
20th Century West
Art Appraisal, Inc.
222 Shelby Street Gallery
Addison Rowe Fine Art
Adobe Gallery
Albuquerque Hispano
Chamber of Commerce
AllStays LLC
Andrea Fisher Fine Pottery
Armadillo Santa Fe,
Protective Packaging
Atelier Art and Advisory l
Avalon Trust Company
Beals & Abbate Fine Art
Bellas Artes Gallery
The Bull Ring
C. Michael Spain
and Associates
Café Café
The Collector’s Guide
Conron & Woods Architects
Coulter-Brooks Art & Antiques
Daniel Anthony Studio
El Castillo
LifeCare Community
Evoke Contemporary
First National Bank of Santa Fe
Bank & Trust Company
Five and Dime General Store
The Frank Howell Gallery
Gallagher & Associates
Giacobbe-Fritz Fine Art
Gold Leaf Catering l
Goldleaf Framemakers
of Santa Fe
H & H Private Investigations
Hunter Kirkland
HVL Interiors LLC
Iliff School of Theology
InArt Santa Fe Gallery
Ink & Images
James Kelly Contemporary Art
Jane Sauer Gallery
Jane Smith Home
Karan Ruhlen Gallery
Judith Kingsley Art
La Boca
Patricia Arscott La Farge
Foundation for Folk Art
La Posada de Santa Fe
Laura Sheppherd
Salon de Couture
Legends Santa Fe
LewAllen Galleries
Lily of the West / Santa Fe Photography
and Art Gallery
Maggie Faralla/Maggie’s Cakes
Marcia Owen Associates, Inc
Marshall Rose & Associates
Munson Graphics
New Mexico Bank & Trust
New Mexico Magazine
New York Deli Upper East Side
New York Life,
Claudia M. Phillips
Ohori’s Coffee
Tea & Chocolate
The Olmstead Company
Packard’s on the Plaza
Patricia Roberts, DDS
Pippin Contemporary
Poeh Cultural
Center & Museum
Prull Custom Builders
Sandia Resort and Casino
Santa Fe
Chamber of Commerce
Santa Fe Convention
and Visitors Bureau
Santa Fe Indian
Trading Company
Santa Fe Place
Santa Fe Postscript
Santa Fe School of Cooking
Slover Linett Strategies, Inc.
Southwestern Association
for Indian Arts
Standard Art & Antiques Co.
studio x, inc.
Tanti Luce
Joe Wade Fine Art
Walter Burke Catering
White & Luff Financial
Winterowd Fine Art
Wolf Corporation
Zane Bennett
Contemporary Art
As of July 1, 2012:
l We proudly welcome
these new members.
To join the
Business Council,
contact Mariann
Minana-Lovato at
(505) 982-6366
ext. 117 or mariann@
Herman Miller
Honoring Alexander Girard’s
Folk Art Legacy
When the ever-popular Museum of International Folk Art exhibition, Multiple Visions:
A Common Bond, opened in 1982 featuring 10,000 folk art items from the museum’s 106,000piece Alexander and Susan Girard collection, tables and chairs from Herman Miller were used
to furnish the museum’s atrium.
In 2012, Herman Miller honored the folk art legacy of Alexander Girard with a generous donation of new tables and chairs to refresh the museum’s atrium — and provide color and comfort
for all to enjoy.
An iconic name in modern industrial design and contemporary interior furnishings since 1923,
Herman Miller cultivated the talents of several prolific designers, including Charles and Ray
Eames, Isamu Noguchi and Alexander Girard, who from 1952–73 served as director of design
in the company’s textile division.
Girard revolutionized textile design with eccentric patterns and colors at a time when furniture
design and aesthetics were typically utilitarian and uninventive. During his time at Herman
Miller, Girard created more than 300 textile designs in various mediums, ranging from furniture and wallpapers to objects and prints. His sense of humor and passion for international
cultures significantly influenced his unique design sensibility.
“People got fainting fits if they saw bright, pure color,” Girard once said in reference to his
unorthodox use of color. By the time that Multiple Visions, which was designed by Girard,
introduced the public to the colorful folk art traditions of the world, Girard’s brilliant use of
color, pattern and form were ready to be fully embraced.
Having been captivated by nativities, toys and miniatures as a child, Girard began collecting
international folk art in the early 1930s while honeymooning with Susan in Mexico. In 1978,
the couple gifted their unparalleled collection to the Museum of International Folk Art,
helping to put the museum on the map as home to the largest collection of cross-cultural folk
art in the world.
Today, both Girard, who died in 1993, and Herman Miller continue to be recognized among
the world’s greatest innovators of contemporary design.
Top: Herman Miller donated tables and chairs to furnish the Museum of International Folk Art’s
atrium, in honor of the late Alexander Girard, who worked for the company from 1952–73.
© Daniel Quat Photography.
The Fund for Museum Education
Phil Schiliro of Santa Fe stands
inside Telling New Mexico, the
core exhibition at the New Mexico
History Museum, and asks, “Where
else can you see Geronimo’s rifle
and learn about the thirty shades
of brown for adobe walls?”
Phil, his wife Jody and their daughter Kate recently moved
to New Mexico from northern Virginia. Since then, the
Schiliro family has quickly learned how important tradition
is to New Mexicans.
“The history museum helps teach the origins of the rich traditions and culture of the state,” Phil continues. “The past is very
much present here. The history of the state is palpable.”
Kate, a seventh-grade student at Santa Fe Preparatory School,
also recently visited the museum with her class to participate in
the Hands on History education program. The two-part program
illuminates students’ classroom history lessons by exposing
them to exhibitions, artifacts and research that bring those
lessons to life. Spending one hour in Telling New Mexico and an
hour collecting information about exhibition artifacts, students
develop and practice their own skills of interpretation and
research while collaborating with their peers.
“It was fascinating to compare life to what it was like then to
what it is now,” Kate says of her visit. “It’s hard to imagine what
I’m learning without seeing and touching the objects.”
Hands on History is one of many programs supported by
the Museum of New Mexico Foundation’s Fund for Museum
Education, a vital source of funding that creates and enhances
educational programming at our four museums, six statewide
monuments and the Office of Archaeological Studies.
At the history museum, for example, the fund pays for a
part-time contract educator to bring the Hands on History
program to students.
People of all ages engage in educational activities at our
museums, which are funded by the Fund for Museum
Education. © Daniel Quat Photography and Cheron Bayna.
Lisa Sheppard, Kate’s New Mexico history teacher, was the
museum’s contract educator before becoming employed at
the prep school. Sheppard not only helped develop Hands on
History, she now brings her students to the museum to benefit
from the program.
Learning for Life
The Fund for Museum Education benefits the following
educational programs:
“Visiting the museums serves as an opportunity for students
to get out of the comfort zone of the classroom,” Sheppard
says. “History suddenly becomes alive when it is learned within
context. The hands-on component creates a distinct memory
for each student.”
Rene Harris, collections and education programs manager at
the history museum, adds: “One of the most important things
that museums do is expose people to the real thing: the real
macaw feather, the real chain mail, the real photograph. This
is particularly important to children.” Sheppard and countless other teachers statewide rely on our
museums to provide opportunities for students to learn about
their own histories, cultures and traditions. Each year, 40,000
schoolchildren are among the more than 335,000 visitors who
participate in education programs throughout the Museum
of New Mexico system. More than a simple field trip, student
museum visits are educational experiences carefully developed
by educators and curators who collaborate to enhance classroom learning.
As institutions for lifelong learning, our museums and monuments play an essential role in providing visitors of all ages
unique educational experiences. For students and teachers
statewide, the experience is particularly valuable as New
Mexico schools decrease funding for arts education and
teachers increasingly depend on museum education programs
to fill the gap.
Students and teachers are not the only ones who benefit from
the Fund from Museum Education. While the State of New
Mexico pays expenses for museum staff and general operations, museum education programs are exclusively funded
through private gifts. Thus, the main reason that people visit
museums — to learn — is solely dependent on private giving.
The Fund for Museum Education recently received a
$75,000 grant from the Hearst Foundations to inspire
community support for museum education programs.
The Foundation is asking 500 museum members to
demonstrate that support by stepping forward with
a gift of $150 to the fund.
Show your support for museum education and make
a gift today.
• K-12 School Tours and Programs To assure
our museums are accessible to all, we offer free
docent-led exhibition tours and hands-on activities
to school groups and often reimburse schools for
the cost of bus transportation.
• Children, Teen and Family Programs Our museums
and monuments offer children, teens and their
families a place for shared learning experiences.
• Teacher Training and Materials Our museum
educators partner with local schools to train
teachers to bring arts and history curriculum
into their classrooms.
• Online Museum Collections Our museums have
robust websites that enrich a visitor’s museum
experience and serve as a vital resource for those
who cannot visit the museums.
• Exhibition Activities and Programming Our museum professionals design dynamic exhibitions
and related programming that engage audiences
of diverse ages and backgrounds.
• Programs for Lifelong Learning Our museums
and monuments provide outlets for continued
adult learning and community involvement that
includes guided tours, lectures, readings, artist
demonstrations, performances and more.
• Outreach Initiatives Our educators travel to
communities statewide to engage New Mexicans
with lectures, hands-on demonstrations and other
How to Give
There are three ways to give to the Fund for
Museum Education:
• Mail in the envelope provided in this issue of
Member News
• Online at
• Call Shannez Dudelczyk at (505) 982-6366 ext. 107
Your contribution is 100% tax-deductible and
fully supports museum education programs. Donors
of $250 or more will be invited to a special thank-you
event. Gifts of $500 or more will be listed in Member
News and other Foundation publications. Gifts of
$1,500 or more will be recognized on the donor boards
at the four museums.
Fund for
Museum Education
As of June 30, 2012
We thank the following donors who made a contribution of
$250 or more to the Fund for Museum Education between July
1, 2011 and June 30, 2012. These gifts support the creation and
enhancement of educational programming at four museums, six
statewide monuments and the Office of Archaeological Studies.
$ 1 0 , 0 0 0 a n d above
McIntyre Foundation
Marilynn and Carl Thoma
$ 5 , 0 0 0 to $ 9 , 9 9 9
Gail and Jim Goodwin
Kay Harvey
Jeanne and Jim Manning
Maryann and Jim McCaffery
Wells Fargo
Claire and Jim Woodcock
Woodmere Foundation
$ 2 , 5 0 0 to $ 4 , 9 9 9
Lynn and Norman Brown
Debbie Fleischaker
Mary Anne and Bruce Larsen
Anne and John Marion
Bob Nurock
Frauke and Keith Roth
Nan Schwanfelder
Judy and Bob Sherman
Carole and J. Edd Stepp
Investment Management
Eileen A. Wells
$ 1 , 0 0 0 to $ 2 , 4 9 9
Charmay B. Allred
M. Carlota Baca, Ph.D.
Tana and Roy Bidwell
Cynthia and Bruce Bolene
Dorothy Bracey and
Tom Johnson
Robert Clarke
Rosalind and Lowell Doherty
James Duncan, Jr.
John Duncan and Anita Sarafa
Tammy and Leroy Garcia
Pat and Jim Hall
Valerie and Bud Hamilton
Peggy and Tom Hubbard
James Hutson-Wiley and
Olga Echevarria
Candace Jacobson
Connie Jaquith
Kathryn Jordan
Christopher and Janet Larsen
Margot and Robert Linton
Ron Lushing
Janis and Dennis Lyon
Dave Matthews
Darryl McCall and
Miren Letemendia
Mark Naylor and Dale Gunn
Trudy and Dennis O’Toole
Michael Pettit
Lisa and Richard Reichman
Mara and Charles Robinson
Sam’s Club
Mr. James R. Seitz, Jr.
Carol Warren
Marie C. and
Joseph C. Wilson Foundation
Sharon and Don Wright
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Zone
$ 5 0 0 to $ 9 9 9
Ann Aceves
Jonathan Altman
Ann Ash
Avalon Trust Company
Bank of America
Matching Gifts Program
John Berl and
Bob Bauernschmitt
Karen and Stephen Bershad
Jane and Bill Buchsbaum
Christine Cassel and
Michael McCally
Joan and Dick Chodosh
Mary and David Cost
Carole and Philip Coviello
Clara and David Dougherty
James H. Duncan, Sr.
Mary and John Easley
Ilona and Thomas Fox
Helen Gabriel
Susan and Rick Gordon
Chris and Scott Hall
Debra and Kenneth Hamlett
Doris Meyer and Richard Hertz
Ruth and Frank Hogan
Barbara and Bud Hoover
Mary Ann and Tom Horan
Rosalyn Hurley
Kent Jacobs and Sallie Ritter
Cathy and Paul Kalenian
Ann and Mark Livingston
Susan McGreevy and
Herb Beenhouwer
Terry and Walter Melendres
Helene Singer Merrin
Beth and Steve Moise
Polly O’Brien and Barrett Toan
Nicola and James Ortiz
Jane and Tom O’Toole
George Pelletier and Jim Hailey
Mary Lou Pringle
Carol Prins and John Hart
Jerry Richardson
Nancy Anderson Roberts
Jenna and Wilson Scanlan
Shirley and Marlis Smith
J. Paul Taylor
Lorlee and Arnold Tenenbaum
Patty Terrell
Joan and Cliff Vernick
Walmart Supercenter
Linda and Steven Wedeen
Nancy Meem Wirth
Beverly and John Young
$ 2 5 0 to $ 4 9 9
Elisabeth and James Alley
Keith Anderson and
Barbara Lenssen
Harriett and Harris Barber
Myrna and Barry Bernard
Bonnie Binkert and
Michael Melody
Elspeth Bobbs
Brindle Foundation
Leslie and Brad Burnside
Rosa and Gary Carlson
Chalmers Capitol Ford
Bruce Chemel
Marge H. Closson
Linda and John Comstock
Amy and Bill Conway
Benjamin Crane
Jennie and Michael Crews
Sherry and Jim Davis
Paul De Stefano and
Patricia Bacha
Deborah Douglas
Fred Durham
Ardith Eicher and
David Rashin
Kathleen and Stephen Elliott
Stuart Feen
James Flaws and Marcia Weber
Judith Golley
Patricia and Richard Hawkins
Susie and C.T. Herman
Thomas Higley and
Alan Fleischauer
Bob Himmerich y Valencia and
Eva Valencia de Himmerich
Ken and Kathy Hirshon
Helen Holt
Elizabeth Hutz
Reba and Gary Johnson
Steve Ann and
Lawrence Kalinec
Sherry and Adel Kheir-Eldin
Bill and Bobbie Kilberg
Judy and Phil Laughlin
Stanford E. Lehmberg
Kay and Willard Lewis
Mike McGonagle and
Wendy Dunaway
Frances McKinney
Daniel Merians and
Elizabeth Bradley
Beth and William Overstreet
Mozelle Richardson and
Judy Richardson
Ann and Alan Rolley
Barbara and Richard Rotto
Sue and John Shaffer
Marian and Abe Silver, Jr.
Jo Anne Singer
William Singer and
Joanne Cicchelli
Robert St. John
Suzanne and Joel Sugg
Ron Tarrson and
Camille Canzone
Patricia Tuohy
Gil Waldman
Andrew Wallerstein and
Mary Sloane
Jean and Kent Watts
Joe Wright
To make a gift to the Fund for Museum Education,
contact Shannez Dudelczyk at (505) 982-6366
ext. 107 or [email protected].
Ways to Give
In this season of giving, your year-end contributions to the
Museum of New Mexico system through the Museum of
New Mexico Foundation provide critical support for our
cultural institutions and a tax deduction for 2012. However
you choose to give, your generosity will be properly recognized
and appreciated by all who treasure art, history and culture.
If you have already made a year-end gift, thank you. If you
are still considering a contribution, here are the different
ways to give:
M embe r s h i p
Provides revenues that support the Foundation’s ability to
deliver essential services to our cultural institutions, while
offering members a number of benefits to enjoy.
the c i r c l e s
Leadership-level membership that gives you access to
a series of exclusive events.
B u s i n e s s C o u n c i l M embe r s h i p
a n d Spo n s o r s h i p
Aligns your business as a supporter of the museums,
provides community recognition, and awards benefits to you,
your business, clients and employees.
Tips for Year-End Giving
Making a year-end gift? Follow these tips
to help you meet the deadline.
Check Envelopes must be postmarked by December 31 to
qualify for a gift made in 2012. The legal date for mailed-in
gifts is the postmark date, not the date on the check.
Credit Card Gifts made with a credit card are deductible the
year the charge is cleared, regardless of when you ask us to
post the donation.
Stock When transferring stock, the legal gift date is the
date of the transfer, not the date the broker is asked to make
the transfer.
For more information or to make
a gift, please contact Ann Scheflen
at (505) 982-6366 ext. 108 or
[email protected].
F u n d fo r M u s e u m E d u cat i o n
Directly funds museum education and outreach programs,
including hands-on activities, field trips and exhibition-related
activities for 335,000 youth and adults annually.
E x h i b i t i o n s D eve l opme n t F u n d
Allows you to support a season of exhibitions and their related
programming at the museum of your choice.
Legacy G i ft
Provides a lasting impact on our cultural institutions through an
estate gift, bequest or gift of art to commemorate your commitment to your favorite museum, division or the Foundation.
E n dowme n t
Establishes a new fund or adds to the principal of an existing
fund to provide a reliable source of annual income that sustains
a variety of cultural programs and purposes.
C ha r i tab l e G i ft A n n u i ty
A little girl shows off the retablo she made during The
Big Thank-You at the Museum of International Folk Art.
© Daniel Quat Photography.
Provides $10,000 or more through a charitable annuity
that returns fixed annual payments to yourself or your loved
ones while making a significant contribution to the museums
or the Foundation.
MuSeuM of InteRnAtIonAl folk ARt
exhibition opening, Dec. 9 ~ Member Preview, fri. Dec. 7
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