QkfJ (rr^hjuy` \^T K> . 16. 20. 12. 6. 10. 10. 26.
QkfJ (rr^hjuy` \^T K> . 16. 20. 12. 6. 10. 10. 26.
SHIPMENT: MISR STUDIOS. .SUBJECT : Date Seed: Date of Issue 14th May 1951. _ WEDDING OF KING FAROUK. Orig Nog :Dupe :Neg Neg, Track :Pos :Traok : F.G. : B/W Lav. Release B/V '\V Red Master Length : 561 ft. Mute XXX XXX I N D E X LOCATION OF STORY EGYPT. S H O T Cairo. L I S T • l-V 1. LS. Sgytian troops marching along. 2. L3. Egyptian flag flying over Abdin Palace. • 3. L3. QkfJ (rr^hjuy' »(i,.) v/ Uf.n v -^z \ ^ T ff 22. Royal car ^Rae leaving Palace. LS. lliAian aircraft flying over. 5. MS. princess Fawzia leaving car at Narriman's house. 32. 6. LS. Royal car passing along. 19. 7. LS. Aircraft flying overhead. 6. 8. LS. Queen Narriman and Princess Fawzia on steps. 13. 9. LS. Queen Narriman entering 19. 9. car. 12. 10. LS. Rolls Royce conveying Queen approaching. 11. Guard of honour. 9. 12. LS. Queen's car approaching. 8. 13. LS. Aircraft flying overhead. 5. 14. Procession approaching camera. 6. MS. IS. Procession 10. passing under triumphal arch. Crowds. 17. Crowds ob balconies of flats. 10. 18. LS. Aircraft overhead. 19. LS. Queen's car approaching and turning intomP^lace. 20. MS. Farouk on steps awaiting Queen's arrival. 7. 21. LS. Car entering courtyard of Palace. 9. 22. MS. Farouk assists Narriman from car. 10. XL'S c/^A" 4. 4. ^y>VW*jLluu 15. LS. , 1 K> . ^£VUTLX-<L S/A**et4^ 16. LS. Jt V » Q /(•aaawhwV , 17. LS. fyv 14. 9. 26. 3. 23. IS. Guard of Honour. 24. MS. Farouk and Narriman pose for cameras. 25. 25. LS. GV of Abdin Palace. 26. -PT6-- CtfrXtt ti'W/vX&Ur Cuts of Issue No; jL \hJ Ju<yv^- " M Used In Issue No : r —"— I Unused: VNtVT O AA Cr 51-39. u**|. LIBRARY NO. (S tx~3. Prime Minister Moustupha El-Hagas Pacha passing camera. Various shots of Government officials arriving. Aga Khan arriving. Officials arriving. sev shots. GV. Abdin Palace. Officials including Prime Minister in courtyrad. (Dope not sufficient for indentification) SUBJECT ; EGYPT 7" "T TyDY T, 4 f U / L t w c m a v x , Date of Issue I4/5/5I Orig Neg* :Dupe :Neg Neg. Track :Pos .•Track Lav. W hrj \* £P 1 ' Studio MIsr Date Heed: — T-n Mute Comb, Release B/W Red Master Length : ft. 1 SHIPMENT: INDEX LOCATION OF STORY SHOT Cairo. LI 1. S.v. Towards and an Princess Fawzia arriving at bride's home. go 2. s/. Guards marching along. 7 3. (VP "CU- j- fry'$*4/uy1 S. v . Fawzia and Narriman standing on steps of bride's home. 7 4. S#V. Fawzia and Narriman walking down steps towards car. 12 5. S *. Guards at the / IV- II, p it esent. 3 &o<i-cjCXf. 6. 1.V. /X 0 JWyi^ J) Towards bridal car and escort driving through arch surmounted by heart nd crown.6 7. S.V. People lining street. 8. S.^. Towards and pan bride's car and escort, into Palace. 9. S.V. Palac e. 3 10. S.v. Farouk awaiting arrival of bride. II. S.V. Bride's car arriving pan to guard of honour. 6 12. C.U. Farouk assisting bride from car. 9 13- S.V. Guard at the present. 2 14. S.V. King and bride. Used In Issue No : Unused: 7 13 LIBRARY NO. Outs of Issue Hoi V Turning II .MZ29_ vmcaTT ORIG?
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