handbook for pensioners / family pensioners
handbook for pensioners / family pensioners
For Restricted Circulation DEPARTMENT OF ATOMIC ENERGY PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTS OFFICE a b. HANDBOOK FOR PENSIONERS / FAMILY PENSIONERS Disclaimer: Utmost care has been taken to compile the information given in this Hand Book on the basis of extant Rules and Orders. This Hand Book is for the general information and not to be quoted as the ultimate authority for grant of any benefit which is not envisaged in the rules. PENSIONER / FAMILY PENSIONER 1. Name 2. Designation 3. Unit 4. Residential address 5. Telephone Number (Residence) Mobile No. E-mail ID 6. PPO Number 7. Bank Account Number 8. Branch Name & Code BSRCode 9. Bank Address Phone No. of CPPC 10. lmportant dates to remember (a) (b) (c) Payment of Pension Life Certificate : Last working day of the month : November of every year Date of Restoration of commuted pension (d) Due date for Filing : 31st July of every year : 2016-2017 lncome Tax Return (e) 7 CPC expected (0 11. DR Rate as on, 01.01 .2014 100o/o 01.07.2014 107o/o 01.01 .2015 01.07.2015 01.01 .2016 01.07.2016 INDEX Page No. 1 lntroduction '.- 1 - Pension & other Retirement benefits Chapter .- 2 - Pension Payment Order ( PPO ) 14 Chapter :- 3 - Procedure to be followed with Bank 19 Chapter - Grievance Redressal Mechanism Chapter :- 5 - Family pension & other entitlements Chapter '.- Annexures 4 4 25 27 - Model Calculation Sheet 40 2 Form 1 Application for commutation of pension after retirement but before one year. 42 3 Table of Commutation Value 44 4 Table containing G.P.F. lnterest Rates 1 5 6 7 8 I since 01.04.1982 Form of Application to be submitted for endorsement of post-retiral spouse in Pension Pay Order List of CPPC and contact details of Authorised Banks Life Certificate 45 46 48 55 Circular dated 30.06.201 1 from CPAO on submission of Life Certificate Procedure for getting Digital Life Certificate Procedure for getting Digital Life Certificate 56 58 10 Specimen letter of undertaking Bank by the Pensioner. to be given to the 59 11 60 14 Form 5 Particulars to be obtained by the Head of Office from retiring Government servant Pension Payment Processing Timelines Application for Restoration of Commuted Portion of Pension Form 3 : Details of Family 15 Form 14 . Application for Family Pension 65 16 OM 67 12 13 17 : No.412512008-P&PW(D) dated 19.11.2014Enhancinq Fixed Medial Allowance to { 500/- p.m. lnvestment options and lncome Tax 62 63 64 68 lntrod uction This handbook is an attempt to empower the retiring employees governed by pension rules and pensioners / family pensioners with the relevant information about their entitlements, rights and privileges. Chapter one gives an overview of the eligibility for pension, different kinds of pension, relevance of Qualifying Service in the matter of calculation of pensionary benefits etc. An important change regarding verification of service rendered in another Department, issued vide Notification dated 29.08.2014 available is to incorporated in Para 5. The various retirement benefits eligible employees (GPF subscriber), including a model calculation (Annexure-1) are included in this chapter. The applicability of income tax on pension, exemption available to the lumpsum payment of retirement benefits etc. is given in Para 18. Chapter two covers all aspects relating to Pension Payment Orders (PPO). The PPO is an important document for the pensioners. The PPOs are issued in two parts one for the pensioner and the other for the Pension Disbursing Bank. The manner of issue of duplicate PPO and amendments to PPO are given in Paras 23 and 24 respectively. The PPO number is a 12 digit number. The 12 digit PPO number has to be quoted by the Pensioner / Family Pensioner in all their correspondence with the Authorities. Banks are the Pension Disbursing Authority. The role of bank and the dealings with the bank in the matter of pension payment is elaborated in Chapter three. The monthly pension along with the Dearness Relief is credited to the account of the pensioner by the bank. Every year in November pensioner is required to submit a Life Certificate to the Bank. The procedure for submission of Life Certificate is given in Para 26. Government has recently introduced, vide OM dated 14.11.2014 Diqital Life Certificate for the convenience of the Pensioners/Family Pensioners. Due to the simplifications of procedure introduced by the Government of lndia, vide OM dated 7.5.2014, the pensioner need not visit the bank to collect the pensioner's portion of PPO and submit an undertaking (Annexure- 10) to activate the first payment of pension (Para 27). Facility is also available for the pensioner for transfer of the pension account from one branch/bank to another (Para 28). Procedure for restoration of commuted pension is given in Para 31. Various Grievance redressal mechanisms available to the pensioner is given in Chapter four. Attempt has been made to compile the current contact details of the Central Pension Processing Centres (CPPC) of all banks. The details may be seen at Annexure-6. Chapter five covers all the entitlements of the family in case of death of employee / pensioner. One of the focus area of the Government is the welfare of the family. Various measures have been taken to simplify the procedures and extend the family pension benefits to the more needy members of the family like unmarriedlwidowed/divorced daughter, disabled child ren/siblings and parents. The Form 3 for submission of details of family has been revised to include all the members of family likely to be eligible for family pension. The names of unmarried/divorcedlwidowed daughter/parents disabled sibling, can be added in PPO even when eligibility occurs after the issue of the PPO. For this, pensioner/spouse may intimate the details of such family members to Pension Sanctioning Authority. The criteria member is described in para given in Para application 39. 38. of eligibility of each family Procedure for claiming family pension is On the death of the pensioner on submission of an in plain paper, payment of family pension to spouse will commence, provided the pensioner had a joint account with the spouse and undertaking/personal particulars have already been fonrvarded along with the original P.P.O. 3 Ghapter 1 - Pension & other Retirement Benefits Eliqibilitv:Employees appointed on pensionable establishment on or before 31.12.200A and subscribing to the General Provident Fund (GPF) on completion of 10/20 years of qualifying service, are eligible for full pension as per CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972. 2. Different kinds of pension: st. No Types of Pension 1. Superannuation Pension 2. Retiring Pension Amount & Authority (Rule) pavable qualifying 50o/o of the average (1) 10 years minimum pensionable basic pay of last 10 service establishment and opted for months or the last month basic pay GPF. is more whichever (2) Upon attaining the age of 60 years or extended further by beneficial. Govt. for certain category of (Basic pay includes employees. pay in Pay Band + (3) Retirement is effective from Grade Pay + NPA the afternoon of last day of the where applicable). month in which the Govt. Servant pm attains the age of 60 years. A Minimum: t 3500 pm Maximum: {45000 Govt. servant whose date of birth is the first of a month, shall retire Rule 35 of CCS from service on the afternoon of (Pension)Rules,1972 the last day of the preceding month on attaining the age of 60 years. (1) Upon voluntary retirement on 50o/o of the average completion of minimum 20 years basic pay of last 10 months or the last service. month basic pay (2) Upon compulsory retirement whichever is more as per Rule 56 of Fundamental beneficial. Conditions upon which in a Rules. Minimum: { 3500 pm Maximum:t45000 pm 4 Pension on w.e.f. 01.01.2006 full pension Rule 36 -50% of the Conversion after completing minimum 10 average basic pay of years of service as Govt. Servant. last 10 months or the of a Govt. last month basic pay Department whichever is more into a beneficial. Corporation or Minimum: t 3500 pm absorption Before 01.01.2006 pro-rata Maximum: t45000 pm from Govt. completing As per DP&PW into a minimum 10 years qualifying clarification dated Corporation service as Govt. Servant. 17.6.2011. Pension on pro-rata basis calculated on the length of qualifying service. Rule 37 & 37 A. Minimum: ( 3500 pm Retirement upon permanent lnvalid 4. incapacitation due to mental or Pension Maximum: t45000 pm physical infirmity. As per Rule 38 of CCS (Pension) Rule 1972. Pension granted on abolition of a Minimum: t 3500 pm 5. Compenpermanent post held by the Maximum: t45000 pm sation employee. Pension As per Rule 39 of CCS (Pension) Rule 1972. Rule 40 - Not less than 6. Compulsory Pension granted to Government Servant compulsorily retired from two-third and not more Retirement than full compensation service as a penalty. Pension pension or gratuity or both. Rule 41 - Amount of Pension granted to a dismissed 7. CompaGovernment servant, if the Pension not exceeding ssionate twothird of pension or Allowance case is deserving special gratuity or both which consideration. would have been admissible if retired on compensation pension. 3. pension after 5 3. Qualifvinq service for Pension & Gratuitv: Commences from the date on which the Government servant takes charge of the post to which he is first appointed either permanently or in an officiating capacity or temporary capacity. Temporary service followed by confirmation without interruption will also qualify. For calculating the length of qualifying service, fraction of a year equal to three months and above shall be treated as a completed one half year. The maximum qualifying service taken for the purpose of calculation of Gratuity is 33 years. 4. Verification of service rendered in another Office / Department: lf the service rendered in another office or Department could not be verified, the Head of Office shall refer the said period to the Head of Office in which the government servant is shown to have served during that period. On receipt of the communication, the Head of Office in that Office or Department shall verify the portion of service and send necessary certification to the referring Head of Office within two months from the date of receipt of reference. lf no response is received within two months, the said period shall be deemed to qualify for pension. lf any time thereafter it is found that the Head of Office and other concerned authorities had failed to communicate any non- qualifying period of service, responsibility shall be fixed. 6 \ 5. Retirement benefits available to DAE emplovees eliqible for penqion: The following are the various retirement benefits available: Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I Authority / Documents Retirement Benefits Pension Payment Order (PPO) Monthlv Pension Commutation of Sanction issued by Head of Office and paid by pension PAO (or) paid by the Pension Paying Branch. - " can be verified from Calculation Sheet. (see para 6 for details ) Sanction issued by Head of Office and paid by Retirement PAO. - * can be verified from Calculation Sheet. Gratuity (see para 7 for details) Sanction issued by Head of Office and paid by Leave PAO. - * can be verified from Calculation Sheet. encashment (see para 10 for details) On the basis of application submitted by the General to the PAO through Head of Office for employee Provident final withdrawal. (see para 14 for details). Fund. Sanction issued by Head of Office and paid by Central Govt. PAO Employees (see para 11 for details). Group lnsurance Scheme 1980 T.A. for settlement Sanction issued by Head of Office and paid by PAO. at a station after Retirement. C.H.S.S. benefits. As per the CHS Scheme prevailing in the Department. (see para 15 for details). Rs.500/- p.m. is paid along with pension where Fixed Medical CHSS benefits are not opted. Allowance (see para 16 for details) ( *Model Calculation Sheet enclosed as Annexure - 1 ) 6. Gommutation of pension: Every pensioner is eligible to commute a percentage of monthly pension not exceeding 40%. Application in Form 1-A to be submitted in duplicate at least three months before the date of superannuation, so as to facilitate payment by the Accounts Officer. 7 After the date of retirement but within one year of retirement, if pensioner is submitting his application for commutation, Form t has to be submitted (enclosed as Annexu re 2). When the commutation amount is paid after the date of retirement by the Bank, then the full pension has to be paid by the bank till the commutation amount is paid. Once the commuted value is paid the reduced pension will become payable. Amount of commutation- Percentage of pension opted for commutation x Commutation factor as per commutation table x12 Commutation factor table is enclosed as Annexure- 3 7. Retirement Gratuitv: A Government servant who has completed minimum five years of qualifying service, on his retirement, shall be granted retirement gratuity equal to Tlh of emoluments for each completed six monthly period (SMP) of qualifying service, subject to a maximum of 16% times the emoluments. The maximum amount of gratuity - Rs. 10 lakh Emoluments for gratuity - Basic Pay + Dearness Allowance (Pay in Pay Band + Grade Pay is the basic pay) Retirement Gratuity = Tax emoluments x completed SMPs. 8. Service Gratuitv: A Government Servant retiring before completing qualifying service of 10 years is not eligible for pension. lnstead, service gratuity at the rate of half month's emoluments for every completed six monthly period of service is payable. 8 9. lnterest for delav in pavment of Gratuitv: lf the payment of Gratuity is delayed beyond 3 months from the date of retirement, interest at the rate applicable to GPF deposit is payable to the pensioner. 10. Leave Encashment: Cash equivalent of Leave Salary is admissible as per Rules 39 of CCS Leave Rules for the number of days of earned leave and half pay leave at the credit on the last date of service subject to overall limit of 300 days. The half pay leave component cannot be commuted fully to make up for the shortfall in earned leave. The cash equivalent of leave salary is calculated as follows: (1) For Earned Leave:Basic pay+DA admissible on the date of retirement from service x No.of days of unutilized earned leave at credit subject to a maximum of 300 days * ln case EL credit is falling short of 300 days, encashment of Half Pay (2) Leave can be availed for the difference. For Half Pay Leave-Half of basic pay+DA thereon on the date of retirement 30x No. of days of half pay leave at credit subject to the total of earned leave and HPL at credit not exceeding 300 days. 11. Central Govt. Employees Group lnsurance Scheme (CGEGIS) 1980: The scheme is compulsory for all Central Government employees joining service after 1.11.1980 and optional for those entered service before 'l .1 1 .1980. lt provides for the Central Government employees the benefits of low cost insurance cover to help the families in the event of death while in service and a lumpsum payment on retirement, resignation, etc. 9 Rates of monthly subscription Group to which the employees belongs Monthly rate of subscription Rate Rs. (A) Up to December. 1989 Group'A' GrouP'g' Group'C' Group'D' 80 40 20 (B) From Januarv, 1990 Group'A' Group'B' Group'C' GrouP'P' 120 60 30 10 15 12. Benefits payable on Retirement: Lumpsum amount of accumulation in the Saving Fund is paid as per the Table of Benefits issued by the Ministry of Finance every year based on the Group held by the Government servant from time to time. 13. T.A. on retirement: Admissible when retired employees settle in a station other than the last station of duty. The entitlements are as applicable in case of transfer. The concession should be availed within 1 year of retirement. For settling down at a station not more than 20 km from the last station of duty, the following are the entitlements - (a) (b) Self and family Actual cost of conveyance not exceeding the road mileage allowance Personal effects admissible for transfer. Actual cost of transportation not exceeding the amount admissible for transfer. 10 of An allowance at the rates prescribed by the Director of Transport for journey by Conveyance taxi / auto-rickshaw, as the case may be. Where the above allowance is claimed, no mileage will be admissible for self. lf the family also travels by the same conveyance, they will also not be entitled to mileage allowance. Amount equal to Ts of the basic pay plus Composite Transfer NPA, if applicable. Grant Transportation (c) (d) 14. General Provident Fund: Subscription to the GPF shall be stopped during the last 3 months before superannuation. On retirement, the accumulation in GPF along with interest as per Rule 11 of GPF Rules is paid. Rate of interest for the years from 01 .04.1982 to 31 .03.2014 is given in the Annexure-4 for information. GPF accumulation paid is exempt from lncome Tax. 15. Gontributory Health Service Scheme (CHSS) Benefits: (a) The retiring employee has an option to retain the CHSS benefits available at stations where CHSS is operated. (b) The benefit is admissible only to the employee and spouse. (c) Employee should pay the contribution in advance for a minimum period of one calendar year with reference to the pay drawn prior to retirement. This needs to be renewed. Else, employees have an option to pay "one time contribution" of 10 years to be eligible for life long registration. (d) The rate of contribution is (e) 1o/o of basic pay per month. The reimbursement of any claim for treatment under CHSS after retirement will be made by the Pay & Accounts Officer (PAO) of the office from where the pensioner retired. The bank account details may be provided to the PAO for direct remittance of the payment into the bank account. 11 (f) Option is also available to join the scheme any time after retirement subject to payment of one time contribution for life long registration or arrears of contribution from the date of retirement. Employees retired from non CHSS station settled at a CHSS station can also become a member. 16. Fixed Medical Allowance (F.M.A): Option for CHSS benefits or Fixed Medical Allowance is available to the retiring employee. lf fixed Medical Allowance is opted an amount of Rs.300/- p.m. is payable with effect from 0'1.09.2008. The amount of Fixed Medical Allowance has been enhanced to { 500/- p.m. vide OM No.4/25I2008-P&PWD dated 19.11.2014 (enclosed as Annexure-16). 17. Additional Pension: (a) Additional pension is admissible from 80 years to 100 years of age as detailed below: Additional quantum of pension Aqe of Pensioner 80 vears to less than 85 years 85 vears to less than 90 years 90 years to less than 95 years 95 years to less than 100 years of basic pension 30% of basic pension 40% of basic pension 50% of basic pension 100% of basic pension 20o/o 100 years or more (b) Payment of additional pension is automatic. (c) Pensioners may like to check up with the Paying Branch upon attaining the eligible age as per the table. 18. Income Tax and Exemptions: The following lumpsum payments are exempted from payment of lncome Tax under Section 10 of the lncome Tax Act: 12 (a) Commuted value of pension (b) Gratuity (c) (d) (e) Leave encashmeft CGEGrs Provident Fund lncome Tax pavable on monthlv Pension / Familv Pension: Monthly pension is taxable like salary. (a) If the total pension receivable in a year is more than the exempted amount as stipulated in lncome Tax Act, tax will be deducted at applicable rates by the Pension Disbursing Authority (bank). (b) lf the pensioners have made investments eligible for tax exemption ( under 80C, 80CCC, 80D, 80DD, 80DDB,80E, 80G, etc.), the saving particulars should be furnished to the Pension Disbursing Authority (PDA) (Bank) for getting exemption/rebate of lncome Tax. 19. Tax Benefits to Senior Gitizens (60 vears) / Super Senior Citizens(8O vears): (a) lndividuals attaining 60/80 years of age at any time during the financial year are eligible for the benefits of Sr. Citizens/Super Senior Citizens respectively. (b) Sr. citizens/ Super senior citizens are provided concessions as per the lncome Tax Act. The income tax exemption limit for Sr. Citizen/Super Senior Gitizen during the assessment year 2015-16 is Rs.3.00 lakh and Rs.S lakhs, respectively. Banks are also providing higher rate of interest on investments / deposits to Senior Citizens. Pensioners may like to avail of such facilities provided by the bank. Return on investment of the retirement dues by way of interest, etc. would also be liable for income tax as per the lncome Tax Act. 13 Ghapter 2 - Pension Payment Order (PPO) 20.Pension Payment Order: The Pension Payment Order (PPO) is in two parts, one for the pensioner and the other for the pension Disbursing Authority (PDA), i.e. the authorised bank. PPO is issued by the Pay & Accounts Officer under special seal. The PPO in Form CAM 52 contains the following information: (i) PPO number and date (ii) Class of pension (iii) Name of pensioner (iv) Details of Family ( Name, Age, Address, etc. ) (v) Department / Ministry in which the pensioner was last serving (vi) Accounts Officer issuing the PPO with PAO Code Number (vii) Date of retirement of pensioner (viii) Date of commencement of pension (ix) Gross amount of monthly pension (x) Gratuity(paid/payable) (xi) Commutation of pension (paid/payable) (xii) Reduced amount of monthly pension on account of commutation (xiii) Fixed MedicalAllowance, if payable. (xiv) Family pension at normal / enhanced rate admissible to the family, etc. Part IV of Form CAM 52 has been introduced vide correction slip dated 7.1.2014 for co-authorisation of family pension of permanently disabled children/sibling and dependent parent. Every PPO is given a distinct Pension Payment Order number. PPO numbers are allotted by CPAO. The PPO number is to be quoted in all correspondence with PAO, CPAO and Bank. Each PPO number comprises 12 digits, the first five digit indicate the code number of PPO issuing PAO, 14 next two digits indicate the year of issue, next four digit indicate the sequential number of the PPO and the last digit is a check digit for the purpose of computer. The status of PPO and amendment can be tracked in the Central Pension Accounting Office (CPAO) website (www.cpao.nic.in) by entering the PPO number. 21. Role of Gentral Pension Accounting Office (GPAO): The Central Pension Accounting Office (CPAO) was established on 1.1.1990 for payment & accounting of Central (Civil) pension. The CPAO / receives the PPOs submitted by the PAOs and issues Special Seal Authority (SSA) to the authorised banks. The CPAO also register the grievances of the pensioners (www.cpao.nic.in). 22. Provisional pension (for reasons other than Departmental judicial proceedings): ln spite of following the procedure laid down in Rule 59, if it is not possible to assess the pension and gratuity and settle before the date of retirement of the employee, Head of Office shall determine and authorise provisional pension and provisional retirement gratuity. The payment of provisional pension shall not continue beyond six months. lf the final amount of pension and gratuity have not been determined by the Head of Office within a period of six months, the Accounts Officer shall treat the provisional pension and gratuity as final and issue Pension Payment Order immediately on expiry of the period of six months. 15 23. Issue of Duplicate PPO : sr. Procedure Nature of lssue No. 1. lf both the halves The paying branch will address to the concerned of a PPO are Pay & Accounts Office through the usual channel have i.e. Link Branch, CPAO etc. requesting for issue been lost in transit of a duplicate PPO in favour of the concerned pensioner. Before initiating action in this behalf before commencement of the paying branch will, however, verify from the of register of payment of pensions that no payment pension. has already been made to the pensioner and confirm this fact to the PAO while writing for a duplicate PPO. Pensioner's The paying branch will forward the request of the portion of the PPO pensioner, along with both halves of the PPO to is lost, worn or torn the CPAO through the Link Branch for renewal in and it is sought to terms of the provisions of rules. ln order that payment of pension is not unnecessarily delayed be renewed. in such cases in the absence of disburser's portion of the PPO, care may be taken to send the connected documents to the CPAO immediately after payment for a month is made, so as to leave sufficient time with the CPAO to do the needful and return the documents by the time payment for the next month becomes due. The CPAO will also be reminded by the paying branch in cases where the return of the documents is unduly delayed. ln case where The Paying Branch will report the matter to the disburser's portion concerned Pay & Accounts Office through the of PPO is lost by usual channel, i.e. Link Branch, CPAO the Paying branch requesting for issue of duplicate disburser's portion of PPO. For this purpose, the Paying ofthe bank. Branch will fonruard the photocopy of the pensioner's portion of PPO duly attested by the Bank Manager and certificate indicating the month upto which the payment has been made to the pensioner. CPAO will send this information to the concerned PAO for issue of duplicate Disburser portion of PPO. reported to payment 2. 3. 24. Amendment to PPO: Amendment to PPO can happen due to revision of pension, changes in the family particulars etc. 16 24.1 Revision of Pension: After issue of the PPO, revision of authorised pension may be required due to the following:- 1. Retrospective revision of pay due to stepping up, promotion etc. 2. Retrospective Upgradation of pay scales 3. On lmplementation of new Pay Commission recommendations. 4. Govt. orders relating to change in effective date of up-gradation / revision, etc. The Head of Office/PAO may be contacted for providing information required for revision. An amendment for carrying out corrections on both the halves of the PPO will be issued by PAO under special seal. The corrections on the PPO will be carried out under the attestation of Branch Manager. Pensioners are advised to visit the Branch to ensure that the amendment is carried out. 24.2 Change of Address & Contact details: When the contact details and address for correspondence changes, the same may be intimated to the Head of Office for issue of suitable amendment to the PPO. This will also facilitate contacting the pensioner by the office for any revision related issue. 24.3 Endorsement of family pension entitlement of post retiral spouse in the PPO: An application in the proforma (enclosed as Annexure - 5) along with stipulated documents to be submitted to Head of Office. The Head of Office after due verification will forward the papers to the Pay and Accounts Officer for issue of corrigendum to PPO. 17 The payment of family pension will be subject to the provisions of clause (b) of Sub Rule (7) of Rule 54 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972. When the pensioner does not have any children from previous marriage, if any, the post retiral spouse shall be eligible for full family pension. Where the pensioner has any eligible child from another wife who is not alive, the family pension payable to the post retiral wife and the child/children from the previous marriage will be in equal share. When the shares of family pension payable to the widow or child ceases to be payable, such share shall not lapse but is payable to the widow or child. 24.4 Payment of family pension to eligible children: As far as children, including those borne after retirement, a fresh PPO will be issued as and when the turn of each child for receipt of family pension arise. 18 Ghapter 3 - Procedure to be followed with Bank 25. Payment of Monthly Pension / Family Pension: Pension / Family Pension will be credited to the bank account of Pensioner / Family pensioner on the last working day of every month except in the case of March which will be credited on the 1't working day of (a) April. , The amount of pension is the basic pension minus the pension commuted, if any. ln case of Family Pension, there is no concept of cornmutation. ln addition, Dearness Relief (DR) on basic pension is payable. DR as on 01 .07.2014 is 1O7o/o which is revised w.e.f. 1't January/July of each year. (b) The order for revision of DR is issued by Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare (DP&PW). (c) Copies of the orders are made available on the DP&PW Website (www. persmin. nic. in /pension). (d) ln case Pension / Family Pension is not credited to the account, pensioner may approach the Central Pension Processing Centre (CPPC) of the concerned bank or the toll free number of the bank. The address and contact details of CPPC of all authorised Banks are enclosed as Annexure - 6. 26. Life Certificate to be furnished by the Pensioner/ Family Pensioner to the Bank : (a) The Pensioner / Family Pensioner is required to furnish a Life Certificate in November each year in the form stipulated (enclosed as Annexure-7). 19 to give Officers of the RBI and authorised banks are authorised Life Certificate for this purpose. (b) ln case Pensioner / Family Pensioner is unable to obtain a Life Certificate from an authorised bank officer on account of serious illness/incapacitation etc. intimation to this effect supported by a Medical Certificate about his inability to appear in person may be sent to the Officer- in-Charge of the paying branch so that the latter may nominate an officer to visit the Pensioner / at his/her Family Pensioner residence/hospital for the purpose of recording the Life Certificate. (c) A pensioner who produces a Life Certificate signed by any person stipulatedinCPAooMdated30.06.2011(enclosedasArcE)is exempted from personal appearance. The Pensioner / Family Pensioner can also submit the certificate to any Branch of the Bank through which pension is being disbursed. (d) Digital Life Gertificate - Government has introduced Digital Life Certificate based on Aadhar Biometric Authentication. The detailed process for getting Digital Life Certificate is enclosed as Annexure-9. . 27. Simplification of pension procedure to avoid personal visit of the Pensioner to the Bank : (a) As per the scheme for payment of pension through Authorised Banks, an undertaking (enclosed as Annexure retiring Govt. ServanUPensioner commencement of - 10) is to be submitted by the to the Disbursing Bank before pension. By this undertaking, the undertakes to refund any excess payment paid by the bank. 20 pensioner (b) ln order to simplifo the procedure and to avoid delay in commencement of pension, it has been decided vide OM No.112712011-P&PWE dated 7.5.2014 that the required undertaking may be obtained by the Head of Office from the retiring Govt. servant along with Form 5 (enclosed as Annexure - 11) and other documents, before his retirement. This undertaking shall be forwarded to the pension disbursing bank along with the PPO by the Accounts Officer. (c) The pensioner would no longer be required to visit the bank to activate the first payment of pension. The PAO, after ascertaining that the Bank's copy of the PAO has been despatched by the CPAO, may hand over the pensioner's copy of the PPO along with retirement dues at the time of retirement. This procedure should be feasible in all cases where the Government Servant had submitted pension papers within the time limits stipulated in the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 (time schedule enclosed as Annexure -12). (d) An employee posted at a location away from the Head of Office or for any other reasons desire to receive his copy of PPO from the Bank may exercise the option in writing to Head of Office while submitting the pension papers (as per the existing practice). 28. Procedure for Transfer of Pension / Family Pension from one Branch/ Bank to another: For reason of convenience etc. a pensioner/family pensioner can change the Pension Paying Branch or even the Bank by following the procedures given below: 21 (a) Transfer from one paying branch to another of the same bank within the same station or at a different station - Request for this may be entertained by the bank itself. ln case transfer is at the same station, Link Branch will make necessary entries in the register maintained by them and fonrvard the Disburser's portion of PPO to the paying Branch at which payment is desired under intimation to the Central Pension Accounting Office and the Pensioner. ln case the transfer is at different station, Link Branch after keeping the requisite note will Disburser's portion of the PPO to the Link Branch fonruard at new station for arranging payment through the new paying branch. Necessary intimation of affecting such transfer will be sent to CPAO by the new as well as old link Branches for keeping a note of change in their records under intimation to the pensioner. The receiving Link Branch on receipt of the pension documents will ensure forwarding the PPO to the paying branch within three days and intimate the pensioner simultaneously. (b) Transfer from one bank to another within the same station (such transfers to be allowed only once in a financial year) & (c) Transfer from one bank to another bank at a different station When a pensioner applies for transfer on a simple sheet of paper the old bank (paying branch) will send a letter duly signed by its Branch Manager to the Branch Manager of the new paying branch, wherever located, along with photocopy of the pensioner's PPO showing the last payment made. 22 This will be sent by Speed-posUCourier/Regd. post to the new paying branch at the new location, along with a copy each to the pensioner, CPAO and for information to the Link Branch of the old paying branch. Simultaneously, the old paying branch will send the Bank's copy of the PPO to its Link Branch, duly completing all entries for transmission to the new Link Branch. However, pensioner's copy of PPO will be retained by pensioner and produced at the new paying branch. The new paying branch will commence the pension payment immediately on receipt of letter of the last payment certificate. Simultaneously, it will send intimation to its Link Branch with full details of the commencement of the pension. The old paying branch and its Link Branch will ensure that the bank's copy of PPO is transmitted to the new paying branch through its Link Branch. Pension will be paid for 3 months on the basis of the photocopy of the pensioner's PPO at transferee (New) branch, from the date of last date of payment made at the transferor (Old) branch. During this time, it will be the joint responsibility of both transferor (Old) and transferee (New) bank branches to ensure that all the documents are received by the transferee (New) branch within the period of 3 months. With the introduction of CBS and implementation of CPPC the pensioner has the option of putting a request at either the Old Branch or the New Branch. Except as provided above, the transfer of a payment point to another will not ordinarily be permitted. 23 pension from one 29. Payment of pension to N.R.l. Pensioners / Family Pensioners: In case where the pensioner has become non-residents, facility is provided for converting the account of the pensioner to non-residents ordinary account on following stipulated conditions and the pension will be credited to the NRI account. 30. Joint bank account by pensioner with spouse: lt is permitted to credit pension to joint account operated by pensioner with spouse in whose favour an authorisation for family pension exist in PPO. The joint account will enable spouse to receive family pension without applying in Form-14( Form for applying for Family Pension ). 31. Restoration of commuted pension: The pension commuted will be restored after 15 years. The date of restoration is indicated in the PPO in case of superannuation where the commuted value was paid by the PAO. For restoration of the pension commuted, the pensioner has to apply in the proforma (enclosed as @g-tg-13) to the pension disbursing bank. lf the pension commuted is not restored on due date, the pension paying branch may be contacted or the grievance redressal mechanism as given Chapter- 4, may be followed. 24 in Chapter 4 - Grievance Redressal Mechanism 32. Grievance Redressal: Pensioners/Family Pensioners have the following option for registering their grievances. The PPO Number has to be quoted in all their correspondence with the authorities. (a) A grievance redressal portal is exclusively available for Pensioners / Family Pensioners in Department of Pension & Pensioner's Welfare Website (www.persmin.nic.in/pension). The link'CPENGRAMS' in the web site, provide facility for lodging pension related grievances and knowing the status of the grievances. (b) Central Pension Accounting Office website (www.cpao.nic.in) also provides facility for Pensioners & Family Pensioners for lodging grievance and check status of grievance settlement. (c) Toll Free Telephone No. of CPAO is 1800-1 1-77-88. (9 am to 5.30 pm) on all working days for registrations of grievance and obtain registration number. (d) ln DAE Website (www.dae.nic.in) on clicking the image link "Pensioner Portal" 'DAE Pensioners Corner' will be opened. This Handbook will be available in the 'DAE Pensioners Corner' and changes pertaining to the information contained in this Hand Book will be updated in the e- Handbook. (e) Contact details of Central Pension Processing Centres (CPPC) of various Banks are enclosed as Any Grievance relating to payment of pension, non-payment of DR etc. the concerned CPPC of the Bank may be contacted. 25 (0 SBI has also pensioner grievance redressal portal( www.sbi.co.in ). (g) The Nodal Officer for DAE for pension matter is Joint Controller (F&A). The contact details of JC(F&A), DAE is given below: Joint Controller (F&A) Department of Atomic Energy Anushakti Bhavan, C.S.M. Marg, Mumbai - 400 001. e-mail lD : [email protected] Phone No. (022) 2286267 O (h) The Pensioner/Family Pensioner can take up their grievance with their Head of Office/PAOs as the case may be. 26 Ghapter 5 - Family Pension & Other Entitlements 33. Entitlements of the family of the deceased employee dying while in service: Sr. No. Authority Entitlements 1 Monthly 2 Pension Death Gratuity Family Pension Payment Order ( see para 35 to 39 for details). Paid by PAO based on sanction issued by Head of Office (see para 41 for details). Paid by PAO based as per sanction issued by Head of Office ( see para 42 for details ). 3 Leave Encashment 4 Paid by PAO based on sanction issued by Head Central Govt. Employees Group of Office ( see para 43 for detaild ). lnsurance Scheme, 1980 General Provident On the basis of application submitted by the nominee. (see para 44 for details ). Fund T.A. for settlement Paid by PAO based on sanction issued by Head at a station after of Office.( see para 45 for details). Retirement. Paid by PAO based on sanction issued by Head Deposit linked of Office.( see para 46 for details). lnsurance Scheme Paid by PAO based on sanction issued by Head Residuary of Office.( see para 49 for details). Gratuity Paid by PAO based on sanction issued by Head lmmediate Relief of Office.(see para 50 for details ). DAE Employees' Paid by Treasurer as per the Scheme(see para 51 for details). Family Relief Scheme As per the CHS Scheme prevailing in the C.H.S.S. benefits Department.( see para 47 for details ). 5 6 7 I I 10 11 Please see para 38 for the entitlement of family pension to the family members, the order of priority and the other conditions of eligibility. 27 34. Details of Familv to be given bv the Govt. servant : A Government Servant shall give details of family in Form-3 (enclosed as Annexure- 14). In the Revised Form-3, details of spouse. all children and parents and disabled siblinqs ( brothers & sisters ) whether eligibie for family pension or not may be given. Please also see para 52for changes in the composition of family after retirement. Family members eligible for family pension as per GCS (Pension) Rules 1972 z Familv Family pension will be given in the orO", given below: First categorv: 1. Spouse 2. Children upto the age oI25 years of age Second category: 1. Mentally/physically disabled children above 25 years for 2. 3. 4. life Unmarried/widowed/divorced daughter. Parents who are wholly dependent on the Govt. servant. Dependent disabled brothers or sisters. 35. Eligibility for family pension: a. After completion of one year continuous service. b. Before completion of one year provided already medically examined and found fit. c. After retirement from service and was on the date of death is in receipt of pension. 28 36. Amount of Family Pension: Enhanced rate Payable when the govt. servant has rendered not less than 7 years of service. Death while in service: Amount of Family Pension is payable 50% of pay last drawn for 10 years from the date, following the date of death. Death after retirement: 50% of pay last drawn or pension authorised whichever is less. Payable for a period of seven years or upto the date on which he would have attained 67 years had he survived. Norma! rate 30% of basic pay Pension : 1 Maximum Normal Family Pension , Minimum Normal Family ( 3500 p.m. t 27000 p.m. 37. Dearness Relief: Applicable Dearness Relief will be credited by the bank along with pension. DR as on 0110712014 Revision of DR : : 1o7o/o 1't January/July of each year 38. Griteria of eligibility for family members for family pension: Sr. No Family Members Period of payment & conditions Income criteria Upto the date of death or remarriage, whichever is earlier. Not applicable 1. Spouse (Husband/ Wife) (a) Childless widow ln case of childless widow even after remarriage subject to lncome Criteria. (b) Judicially separated spouse with no child Judicially separated spouse with no child is eligible. Not eligible if judicial separation is granted on the ground of adultery and the spouse was held The minimum family pension i.e. T 3500 plus DR thereon. guilty of committing adultery. (c) Judicially separated spouse with children Judicially separated spouse children will get family pension the children cease to be eligible. 29 with after Declaration regarding income is to be given to disbursing authority every six months. 2. 3. 4. Son/ Daughter Disabled children above 2Syears Unmarried/ widowed/ divorced daughter The minimum Upto the age of 25 years or until marriage or starts earning, whichever family pension i.e. { 3500 plus DR is earlier. Payable in the order of birth. thereon. Younger will become eligible after the elder become ineligible. The minimum 1 Eligible after the turn of last minor family pension i.e. child is over. < 3500 lf more than two children suffering plus pension is DR thereon. from disorder, family payable in the order of birth. The younger one will be eligible after the elder cease to be eligible. ln case of twin children family pension shall be paid to both of them in equal shares. Eligibility has to be certified by competent med ical authority. 6 Payable even after marriage 7 Certificate to be furnished to bank about income. As and when the disability manifests itself in a child which makes him/her unable to earn his/her living, Heads of Office shall be notified supported with medical certificate. 1 . Effective from 1 .1 .1998. Eligible if she is not earning her living. The minimum i.e. 2. lf eligibility occurs after issue of family pension PPO, the spouse, if alive, or the { 3500 plus DR thereon widowed unmarried/divorced/ daughter can themselves intimate the details to the pension sanction nq authority. The minimum 1. Wholly dependent on the govt. family pension i.e, servant when alive. { 3500 plus DR rates only. 2. Payable at normal thereon 3. lf both parents are alive, first, mother qets familv pension. The minimum Following the same criteria as laid pension i.e. family children. down for disabled { 3500 plus DR thereon i 5. Parents 6. Disabled siblings unable to earn their livinq 30 Note : Family pension admissible to deceased employee/pensioner a beneficiary in respect of one is not to be counted aS income for the purpose of determination of etigibility for another family pension, which is admissible in connection with another deceased employee/beneficiary. However, any other income/earning of the beneficiary under consideration will be counted towards income for deciding eligibility for family pension. 39. Procedure for grant of familv pension: The following are the steps td ne taken for grant of family pension: Death after retirement On submission of an application on plain paper along with death certificate the payment of family pension to spouse will commence from the date following the date of death provided: (a) the pensioner had a joint bank account with the spouse. Death while in service The Head of Office will obtain a claim in Form-14. The Head of Office shall assess and & death gratuity in Form-18 within a month of receipt of claim. To avoid delay in payment of family pension and other retirement benefits, Head of Office should initiate action to process the authorise family pension (b) the specimen signature, personal mark of identification, left hand case immediately on receipt of thumb impression, proof of age/date intimation without waiting for of birth and undertaking for recovery of receipt of formal excess payment have been certificate. by Head of Office and obtained forwarded along with the PPO. lf a & b are not complied with application in Form-14 (enclosed as Annexure 15) has to be submitted to Bank. 31 death The family pension at the rate indicated ln the PPO will commence. Separate PPO need not be issued for payment of family pension to spouse. Separate PPO need not be issued in case disabled children/sibling and parents where already authorised in the PPO and there are no prior eligible claimant. ln case of other eligible family members, Form-14 has to be submitted to the Head of Office. 40. Additional Pension: Applicable from 80 years and above at the rate indicated in para 17. 41. Death Gratuity: When a government servant dies while in service, the amount of gratuity payable shall be as indicated below:Sl. No. (i) (ii) Lenqth of Service Less than one year One year or more, but Death Gratuity payable to family 2 times of 'emoluments' 6 times of 'emoluments' less than 5 vears ( 5 iii) years or more, but 12 times of 'emoluments' less than 20 vears (iv) Half of emoluments for every completed six monthly period of qualifying service subject to a maximum of 33 times 20 years or more 'emoluments' or t 10 lakhs. The maximum amount of gratuity - t 10 lakh Emoluments for 42. gratuity Encashment of Leave - Basic Pay + Dearness Allowance (Basic Pay = pay in Pay Band+Grade Pay) : Admissible as in the case of retirement details given at para 10. 32 43. Gentral Govt. Employees Group lnsurance Scheme: It provides for the Central Government employees the benefits of low cost insurance cover to help the families in the event of death while in service. Rates of monthly subscription and amount of lnsurance cover Monthly rate of subscription Group to which the employees belongs Rate t (A) Up to December, 1989 Group'A' GrouP'g' Group'C' Group'D' 80 40 20 10 Amount of lnsurance cover { 80,000 40,000 20,000 10,000 (B) From January, 1990 Group'A' Group'B' Group'C' Group'D' 120 60 30 15 1,20.000 60,000 30,000 15,000 Benefits payable on Death while in service: a. Amount of appropriate insurance cover as indicated above. b. Lumpsum amount of accumulation in the Saving Fund as per the Table of relevant year. 44. General Provident fund: payable to the Nominee / Family. The rate of interest rate applicable during Balance at credit at the time of death is the past years is given in Annexure-4. 45. Travelling Allowance for settlement of station: Travelling allowance as admissible in the case of retirement. Details given at para 13. 33 46. Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme: On the death of a GPF subscriber (while in service) after five years service an additional amount equal to the average balance in the account during the 3 years immediately preceding the death is payable to the nominee/family subject to the following conditions: (a) The balance at the credit of such subscriber shall not at any time during the three years preceding the month of death have fallen below the limits indicated in column 2 of the table: lf the subscriber was drawing Minimum monthly balance during the Period Grade Pay of < 4,800 p.m. or more Grade Pay of < 4,200 p.m. or more but less than ( 4,800 p.m. Grade Pay of { 1,400 p.m. or more but less than t 4,200 p.m. Grade Pay less than t 1,400 p.m. 25,000 15,000 10,000 6.000 (b) the additional amount payable under this rule shall not exceed ( 60,000/47. CHSS benefits: The spouse of a deceased employee and other family members registered under the CHS Scheme can continue to avail of the benefits provided the deceased employee had completed a minimum of one year's service in the Department and spouse pays the contribution last paid by the deceased employee. The eligibility is further subject to the conditions that the spouse and other members of the family are othenruise eligible. 48. Medical Allowance: Family pensioner not opted for CHSS is entitled to medical allowance of { 500/- per month. 34 49. Residuary Gratuity: Payable to the nominee/family of an employee who dies within five years after retirement. lf the amount already received towards pension & gratuity is less than 12 times of the emoluments drawn at the time of retirement, the difference is granted to the nominee/family as Residuary Gratuity. (a) (b) (c) (d) Amount to be deducted Amount of Pension/Gratu ity paid alreadv 12 times the emoluments Pension/Service q ratu ity drawn at the time of retirement DR on Pension Retirement gratuity Commutation amount Total 50. lmmediate Relief to the Familv of an emplovee who die while in service: ln case a Government Servant dies while in service, the family will be eligible for relief in the shape of an advance. Amount of advance is limited to two month Basic Pay or Rs.8000/- whichever is less. The advance will be adjusted against arrears of Pay & Allowance or any other payment due in respect of deceased Govt. Servant. 51. DAE Employees Family Relief Scheme (DAEEFRS): Membership of the Scheme is voluntary. The Scheme is open to all the employees of all the Units of Department of Atomic Energy except Bhabha Atomic Research Centre. Separate similar scheme is available for the employees of BARC. Person joining one of the participating Units of DAEEFRS on transfer from Bhabha Atomic Research Centre and vice-versa would automatically become a member of the DAEEFRS or Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Employees Family Relief Scheme unless specifically opted out. 35 51.1 Gontribution: The contribution is Rs.251-per month, forall employees with effect from 01 .11.2012. 51.2 Quantum of Relief: The amount of relief payable to the family of the deceased employee is Rs.1,00,000/-. The relief amount is payable to the family of the member nominated under the GPF/CPF/New Pension Scheme as the case may be. lf no nomination has been made by a member, payments under the scheme shall be made to the person to whom the amount under GPF/CPF/NPS is payable. 51.3 Payment of Relief: Within sixty days as far as possible from the date of receipt of a communication from the Head of the Unit regarding the name of the nominee to whom PF dues are payable. The Secretary of the Scheme shall write to the Treasurer in this regard within seven days from the date of receipt of information by him from the Head of the Unit. 52. lnclusion of names of the widowed or divorced or daughter/parents/disabled siblings after the issue of avoid undue hardship/delay/denial members, of rightful claim unmarried PPO: In order to of eligible family it is clarified vide DP&PW OM No.1/6/08-P&PWE dated 22.06.2010, that (a) in case where the eligibility of the above mentioned family members occurs after the issue of PPO, the pensioner or spouse may intimate the details/names of such family members to the Pension Sanctioning Authority and obtain acknowledgement. (b) in case where the pensioner or spouse has expired, the widowed or divorced or unmarried daughter/parents/dependent disabled siblings can themselves intimate such details to the Pension Sanctioning Authority. 36 (c) However, the production of an acknowledgement will not be a pre- condition to the processing of claim for family pension. Family pension can be processed by the pension sanctioning authority even without such intimation/ acknowledgement, if sufficient proof of entitlement is produced by the claimant and all other conditions for grant of family pension are fulfilled. 53. Family pension to chitdren when both Father and Mother are Govt. Servants: lf husband and wife are government servants, when one of them dies, family pension is payable to the surviving husband or wife. The children are eligible for family pension in respect of both parents subject to the limits specified below: (i) lf two family pensions are payable at enhanced rates, maximum amount of both the family pensions shall be restricted to Rs.45,000/- per month. (ii) lf one family pension at enhanced rate and the other at normal rate, the maximum amount of both family pension will be restricted to Rs.45,000/per month. (iii) lf both family pension are payable at normal rate, maximum amount is restricted to Rs.27,000/- per month. 54. Two Family pension allowed: Sub Rule - 13A & 13B of Rules 54 of CCS (Pension) Rules are omitted vide Notification dated 27.12.2012. Accordingly, two family pensions are allowed where the pensioner drew is drawing or may draw two pension i.e. for Military and or Civil employments. 37 55. Procedure for automatic payment of family pension for permanently disabled children/siblings and dependent parenh: Considering the difficulties being faced by the old parents and disabled children /siblings after the death of pensioner/family pensioner, the following procedures are laid down vide OM No.112712011-P&PWE dated 1.7.2013. (a) Disabled children/siblins: The employee/pensioner/family pensioner may at any time before or after retiremenUdeath of employee, make a request to the Appointing Authority seeking advance approval for grant of family pension for life to a permanently disabled child/siblings in terms of Rule 54 of CCS (Pension) Rules. (b) Parents: A request for advance approva! to the grant of family pension to the parents may be made to the Head of Office. (c) On acceptance of such a request Head of Office will immediately issue a sanction order ch ild ren/sib (d) Ii for grant of family pension to such ng/dependent parents on thei r tu rn. The names of permanently disabled child/children/siblings and or dependent parents may be added to the PPO issued to the retiring Govt. Servant. If there is no other eligible prior claimant for family pension other than the spouse, no PPO need to be issued in such cases and the family pension will be payable by the bank in the following order: (a) Spouse (b) Permanently disabled child (c) Dependent parents (d) Permanently disabled sibling 38 (e) Where there are other eligible prior claimants to family pension, the names of permanently disabled child/sibling/dependent parents will be added to the PPO issued to the preceding eligible family pensioner. The Bank will start disbursing the family pension to the permanently disabled child/sibling or dependent parents after the death of the pensioner/spouse/other family members. On the basis of the PPO/revised PPO approval of the appointing authority and the death certificates and selfcertificate for income. ln order to facilitate the Bank to promptly sanction the family pension, bank account may be opened for such children/siblings/parents and intimated to Head of Office for inclusion in the PPO/revised PPO. 39 Annexure-1 Model Galculation - Superannuation 1. Name : ABC 2. Designation 3. Pay Band and GP of the post last held : CAO : t 15600-39100 GP < 7600 4. Date of Birth 5. Date of Entry in Govt. service 6. Date of Ending Service : 01-11-1954 : 21-06-1974 : 31110/2014 AN : Year/Month/Days Service 40,04,10 (i) Total length of non-qualifying service : 00,00,00 (Year, Month, Days) (ii) Total Iength of qualifying service : 40,04,10 (iii) Qualifying service in half years : 81 SMPs (Restricted to max. 66 SMPs) 8. Emoluments drawn during 10 months period 7. Total length of Gross : and those reckoned for calculation of Average Emoluments Pay From Pay Upto 01-01-2014 01-07-2014 30-06-2014 31-10-2014 TOTAL Pay in the Pay Band+ Grade Pay 39550 40740 Pension drawn Retirement Gratuity a) Amount of Retirement Gratuity (subject to max. of ( 10,00,000/-) 12. Details of deductions / 9. Average Emoluments for 10.Pay last 11. Emoluments for Total 237300 1 62960 400260 : t 40026 : 7 40740 : < 40740 + DA (100%) 40740 : = 81480 : = 81480x66 = 1344420 : 4 < 1000000(Restricted) : adjustments PAYABLE Pension : t 1000000 : SOYo of average NET GRATUITY 13. Calculation of emoluments i.e. t40026x50% = 200'13 OR pay last drawn i.e. 5Oo/o of 7 4O740x5Oo/o = 20370 whichever is more beneficial 40 a) Amount of monthly pension : ( 20370 admissible before communication pension c) Percentage / amount of pension commuted d) Commuted value payable e) Reduced monthly pension b) Date of commencement of : 01-11-2014 : 4Oo/o =20370x40o/o= 8148 : : 8148 x 12 x8.194 = 801177 : On completion of 15 years = 20370-8148 = 12222 after commutation g) Restoration commuted of portion of pension : { 5001 p.m. or CHSS benefits 14. MedicalAllowance DETAILS OF SPOUSE :- Name Relationship with the Govt. Servant ABC WIFE Family Pension:L At enhanced rate (a) 50% of pay last drawn Date of Birth 1 8-05-1 957 : or : t 20370 (b) pension authorised : ( 20370 (a) or (b) whichever is less : upto 3111012021 '. < 12222 from 01-11-2021 ll At normal rate 30% of < 40740 Bank Account Details:BankAccount Name Branch & Code BSR No. ofBank No. Code Location District : : : : : : xxx SBI xxx. xxx xxx MUMBAI State Pin Code PAO Head of Office 41 Annexure - 2 F&R.&,g I FGR.},q OF AFFLTC.AT{SN F'GR COh{h{U'[AT'{ON GF A PERC E}iT,A.GE CIF FEh" SION IV{THGU T &?E &TCAL EXA&,ISNi ATTG}i (To be subniitted in iir"iptricate afier retirement bi:t rvithin one year of the date of reiirei:ier:t) PART i To Tire (F{ere indicate the designation and fi:li address of t}re Head of Office Subject:- Con-lmutation of pension rvithout sredical exarnimaticn. Sir. I dcsirc to commrite a percentage of my pensicn as lndicalecl belcrv in accordance u'ith the provisions of the Central Civil Senices (Commutation of Pension) Rules. 1981. The ilecessary parliculars are fllmished belorv - 1" 2" 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. i0. I l. Name (in tslock Letters) Father's name {also husband's narne in the case of a fernale Govemment sen'ant) Designation at the time of retirement Name of OlficeiDepartment/Ministry in u'hich employed Date of birth (by Ciuistian era) Date of reiirement Class of pension on rvhich retired Arnount of pension atithorized. lln case final amount of pension has not been authorized. indicate the amount of provisional pension sanctian under Rule 64 of the Central Cir.il Sen,ices {Pension) Rules, 1972] " Percenta-{e of pension proposed to be commuted Designation of the Accounts Officer who authorized the pension and the No. and date of the Pension Payrnent Order. if issued rDisbursing anthority for payment of pension - (a) Treasury/Sub-Treasuly {Naure .". and complete address of the Treasury/SubTreasi:ry to tie indica'red) (b) (i) Branch of the Nationaiized Bank rvith complete postal address (ii)Bank Account No. to u,hich rnonthly pension is being cledited each montir (c) Accourrts OtEce of the MinistryiDeparlmentl0 lEce 42 ... : : Sigirature Place Postal Address Date * The applicant shor.rid indicate riie percentage of tire amount of the monthly pension subject to maximuin of ,1091o theleof i.r.hich he desiles and not ttrre amollnt in Rupees. i Scole out which is not applicable. PAR.T {tr ACiL-NOIVLEDGE&{EF{T Received from Shri... ..(name)..... .. (fonrrer designatir:n) application in Part i of Fonn I for the commutation of a percentage of pensir:n without medical exalninatiou. Piace Date Signature : Head of Office : }{OTE. - This acknou,ledgement is to be signed. stamped and dated and is to be detaclted tiom the Fonn and handed over to the app[cant. If the fonn has been received by the post, it i]as to be acknorvledged on the same day and the acknowledgement sent rinder registered covcl". Pr\RT {lI Fonvarcled to tire Accounts Officer....... designation) rvith the remarks that - (i) {ii} (iii) (iv) .(here indicate the adclress and tire parliculars fuinished by the appiicant in Part I have been verified and are coffiect : the applicant is eligibie to get a percentage of his pension commuted without medical examination ; tlie courmuted vaiue of pension detemrined w'itir ref'erence to the Table applicable at present comes to Rs............. the amorrlt of residuary pension aftel con-unutation will be Rs...."....,......., 2. lt is reciuested that further action to authodze the palment of the arnount of commuted value of pension may be taken as in Rule l5 of the Cenn'al Civil Ser.rices (Commutation of Pension) Rules. 198L 3. Tiie receipt of Part I olthe For:n has heen acknorvledged in Part II which has been tbrwarded separately to the applicant on.............. 4. The cornmuted value of pension is debitable to Head of Account -----. Flace Signatu'e Head of Otfice : Date: 43 ,, Annexure - 3 (]o;\,tN{U.l A.rIoN \IALI.]E FoR A P[.]NS|ON (}Ii (lonrmutatiotl virlttc Agc rucxt birthtlav c)(prci-scd as rrunrber of (lotunrtt t:rtiott Age rrext 1,:ll lt (' birttrdal' cxll'cssctl :ts nunrhct'of ANNt]l\,1 Agc ruett ( .ortrttttttittttltt birthd:tr' crglt't'.';sctl:ts rtuurhcr ttl' valuc 2() 9.lBit 4l 9.075 62 )'ear's Durcltlst: li.()el lr 9.1 87 42 6l 7.e82 2l 9.t86 9.t85 +-) (r4 ().184 45 l.ii(t: ?.7i I f')l 9.1 83 9.059 9.()40 9.()19 ii.()9(t u.e7l 8.943 !'€itrrs 'purcltase. !'eal''$ purcltase -) 1 ..1 ')<. 44 65 (r(l 67 i.+.) (r8 126) I l(r e.t82 46 47 ?1 9.1 80 48 8.9 r3 (r9 l8 l9 9.1 78 4<) E.881 1(t r'.(),\.i (l.S() i 9.17(r 50 1l (t t() q.t7l 5r li.E.l(r 5.9{)ii rl 9.1.69 52 8.7(Ij jl 9. t04 53 9.1 59 54 l-i (t. )o 7l .i ( (r.l'1(, 1..t t+ (r.()85 75 -5.871 7tt 5.(r57 55 5(r 8.5 72 77 5.44.r 57 8.5 rl 78 5 5ti li.rt46 7r) 5.() I fi _li 9.152 9.1 45 9.13(r 9.126 9.I l(r IJ.7l4 8.678 8.627 .5q 8.171 3() 1(, 1'l -t.(l l- l,) 9.t0l (r0 E.]Si 8l -[.(r I 4() 9.090 6l 8. tr)4 -1 -) j4 35 ^)o ?', lte'l PliR .l l') I intcrcstl IBasis: l.l(' (()4=9(i] tJltinrate Tablcs and 8'(]0*]f .', i -'r, ', r-l!1*;-,1;"1J ;irilii,i,) r' a rr(J-rr.,\' ',,9$'i,o'r\' 44 ? Annexure-4 GPF INTEREST RATES 1. u.a4.2013 8.7% 2. 01.04.2012 08.80% 3. u.a4.2011 08.60% 4. 01.04.2003 08.00% 5. 01.04.2002 09.00% 6. 01.04.2001 09.50% 7. 01.04.2000 11.00% 8. 01.04.1988 12.jQo/o 9. 01.04.1985 10.50% (lncentive 1o/o for no withdrawal for previous 3 years) 10. 01.04"1984 10.a00/o (lncentive 1o/o for no withdrawal for previous 3 years) 11. 01.04"1983 09.50% (Balance upto 12 01.04.'1983 09.00% (Balance above 13. 01.04.1982 08.00% 45 t 20,000/-) { 20,000/-) @xure Plto F*R}"{A Fom of,application til be submitted b,v Pensioters tbr ertdorsetnent of particulai:s of spLruse t.lix. post-retiral niarriage and children bom after retirement in tire PPO. * . _ (To be fiileii in triplicate and s,,rbmitted to Head of Office, \vho processed pensicru papers initiai!-y-.i Sir, ........ I aru to siate that I have marriedr'remaried on..... beiou, the reqiiisite particuiars* ol m-y sponse for necessary etdorsernet'tt or: rt:iy PPO. i also enclose -1 copies of passpori i gile size-fcir"rt piiotcgraph rvith my spouse duly aitested fi:r necessary action. 1, Na'une of lire Pensioner {as recorded in PPO) 2. Fuil present Address 3. Date of Retirerneat 4. (i) PPO l{o. ct Daie {ii) Name of PPC lssr"ring Authorit-v 5. Narne of 1lre Pensior: Disbursing Ar,rthoritl 6. i.No (i) Station {il) Treasury,/DPDO,'PAO/PSB, as the case may ire (iii) Bank Branch u,it-l-r fuli Address and SBICA/A;c. No. (a) De tails of family (as recorded in PPO) Name(s) and Adddess of members famiiy of Relationship Vlariial with Status in the Pensioners case of daughter (b) ilihe application is for inclusion of post retiral spouse, the date of deattvdivorce of the prcvious sporise (Attesteri copies of ileath ce$ificate,'divcrce decree to be enclosed) 1 . Partlculal of spouse from post-retiral marriage - 46 \trtiethei the childl Children ph,vsically handicaored - S 8. (i) Nante {ii) Date of n-larriage u,ith the pensioner. iPiease attach attested copy of r.narriage certif-icate) (iii) -loint Pliotosraph of tlre pensioner and the spouse refened to ar Item (a) above duly attested. Pafiicuiars ol Children bom after retirement lnd S. Namets) No post i-r'riral famiiy rrddrc:s ol Relationship with the Date of Whether the Child (ren) Birth are physically handicapped pensioner 9. Verificaiion tr certify that the particulars furnished above ale coil'ect. Attested by Signature ofPensioner (il,ith naure in Block letters u,ith address) 1. Sigrralure Place Name Address 2. Date Signature Name Address 47 : rsi Annexure - 6 LIST sl. No. Address Name of Bank BANKS CENTRES CENTRAL P Phone/Fax No. 0522--2286 6378 Asst. General Manager 1 Allahabad Bank Centralized Pension Processing Centre 0522-2286489 3d, floor, Zonal Office, New Building Mob. No.9956277766 HazratGanj, Lucknow [email protected] Pin-226001, (UP) 040-24757153(Fax) Senior Manager Head Office 2 Andhra Bank a40-247s7828 Centralized Pension Processing Centre Andhra Bank Building Mob. No.0666{49852 Sth floor, Koti, Sultan Bazar Hyderabad - 500195 (Andhra Pradesh) Axis Bank Ltd. Centralized Pension Processing Centre 3 Axis Bank [email protected] Debraj Saha(AVP)-01 1 -43506532 PH : 022-24253687 I 27 1 31 263 Settlement Cell, 4th floor, Gigaplex Builidng No.1, Plot No.l.T.5, Airoli Knowledge Park, Airoli, [email protected] [email protected] Navi Mumbai - 400708 01 1 -23441 The Chief Manager 355, 23441 348, 23441 347 Fax : 01 1-23441343 13th floor, Building 16, 4 cppc.telecom@ban kofbaroda.com Bank of Baroda Parliament Stret, [email protected] New Delhi - 110001 ob.del hitobankofbaroda.com 022-66684471150 Chief Manager Fax-022-66684494 Centralized Pension Processing Centre 5 Bank of lndia 87-A, 1st floor, Gandhibaug, PH : 07 1 2-27 64341 127 64091 -95 cppc.naqpurl @bankofindia.co.in [email protected] Nagpur, Maharashtra - 440001 headoffi ce. ssy@ba-!-kof! ndta€oi-E 020-24467937138 Dy. General Manager 6 Bank of Maharashtra Centralized Pension Processing Centre 9850434779 1177, Budhwar Peth, Janmangal, Bajirao Road, Pune(Maharashtra) boml vi n ita.va Pune - 411002 48 407 @mahabank. co.in idya@ma h aba n 8.c9.ln 080-25596693 Sr. Manager Canara Bank 7 Canara Bank 080-25580778 Centralized Pension Processing Centre 86, Spencer Towers, Sth floor,. cooctOcanarabank.com M.G.Road, Banglore (Karnataka), PrN - 560001 022-22703216117 Chief Manager Centralized Pension Processing Centre 8 Central Bank of Central Office, 2nd floor, lndia Central Bank Building, M.G.Road, FAX - 22703218 cmcppc@central bank.co.in cooc(@central bank.co, in Hutatma Chowk, Fort, Mumbai - 400001. 0824-24414251 The General Manager Corporation Bank 9 Corporation Bank 2426532 Centralized Pension Processing Centre 9818244077 Pandeshwar, Mangaladevi TemPle [email protected] n Road, Post Box No.88 Manqalore - 575001 (Karnataka) hopension@corPbank'co.in 022-22690tr9112 Asst. General Manager Gentralized Pension Processing Centre 10 Dena Bank Mumbai Main Office, lstfloor, obd(Odenabank.co.in cppcdena@denabank'co.in 17-8, Horniman Circle, Fort, Mumbai - 400001. 01204894258159 Dy. Vice President 11 H.D.F.C. Centralized Pension Processing Centre su [email protected] n 1st Floor, A-lll, Sector4 oension hel pdesk@-hrlfE[agf, 'cs!0 Noida - 201 301 (U.P.) lClcl Bank Ltd. 8527690537 Centralized Pension Processing Centre 12 lClCl Bank lGlCl Bank tower, Chandivali Farm Road, Powai Mumbai - 400072. Ms. Pradnya(Mgr)-022'66908489 Asst. General Manager Centralized Pension Processing Centre PH:022-66908405 lDBl Bank Ltd., Govt.Business Operations 13 IDBI Unit No.2, Corporate Park [email protected] Sion Trombay Road [email protected] Near Swastik Chambers v Chembur, Mumbai - 400071' 49 [email protected] 044-25210317 The General Manager 14 lndian Bank Centralized Pension Procsesing Centre 66, 4th 15 25231756125231757 floor, Rajaji Salai, chennai {Tamilnadu) - 600002 [email protected] Chief Manager 044-28889383/28889384 Centralized Pension Procsesing Centre lndian Overseas Bank Central Office, 763, Anna Salai, Chennai (Tamilnadu) - 2851 9433 cooc(Oiobnet.co.in 6Q!q9?o 1 24 The General Manager 41 26379 (AG M) ( FAX) Centralized Pension Processing Centre 16 4126527(DGMI Oriental Bank Oriental Bank of Commerce of Commerce Corporate Office, Plot No.5, 01244126248 lnstitutional Area, Sect-32, Gurqaon (Haryana)' 1220!1011-882692744 Dy. General Manager Centratized Pension Processing Centre 1st Floor, Gurudwara Road, Karol Baug, 17 28751702 I 6703 Punjab 287s7840(FAX) Delhi - 110008. National Bank New [email protected] [email protected] bo4421(donb.co.in 18 Punjab & Sind Bank H.O.P&DDePartment Centralized Pension Processing Centre o11 -2527 1 585125281 21 0 cnoc@Psb'co,in A-25 (First Floor) Community Gentre Jwala Heri, Paschim Vihar Now l)alhi - {'l 0063 Chief Manager 19 Pension Processing Centre State Bank of Centralized Bikaner & State Bank of Bikaner & JaiPur Jaipur 0141-222775815172259 [email protected] 2nd floor, S.M.S. HighwaY [email protected] Jaipur - 302005 (Rajasthan) o Dy. General Manager 40 -23387 41 4 I 2338288 1 -882 Centralized Pension Processing Centre 2A State Bank of 1st floor, Methodist ComPlex, Hyderabad Opp. Chermas, Abids, Fax-040-23387562 [email protected] Hrrdarahad-O1 0824 -221 617 Genera! Manager 21 Centralized Pension Processing Centre State Bank of Manjusha Building, 2nd floor, Bejai, Mysore Mangalore, Karnataka - 575004 50 3 I 22',1 41 7 3 22',18775 Fax-2215173 0175-23028171 General Manager I State Bank of Patiala State Bank of Patiala 22 228332212280272 Centralized Pension Processing Centre 2280448 rPlot No.l14. Urban Estate Fax-2201144 I Phase-ll, Patiala' 147002, Punjab I !nfocppc@sbP-co'in 94460671 36/ Centralized Pension Processing Centre 23 State Bank of Travancore State Bank of Travancore 0471-2326525 Chembikalam Buildings 0471-2324217 [email protected] 3rd floor, Vazhuthacaud I lTrivandrum - 695014 0820-2575402 Asst. General Manager Centralized Pension Processing Centre 24 Syndicate Bank Central Accounts Dept, Syndicate Bank 2nd floor, 257119612574075 svndcPPc@svnd icatebank'co.in HO: ManiPal Karnataka-574104 General Manager 25 UCO Bank 033-44557964 UCO Bank, CPPC DePartment Fax-033-44557352 Mint Road, NagPur '444000 \. Mob.07387226663 022-228966771781 3hief Manager 22020242-/RJ' Centralized Pension Processing Centre 22896600t22838824 Government Banking Division, nkramachandran PBOD, 12th floor, Union Bank Bhavan 26 Union Bank of 239, Vidhan Bhavan Marg lndia Nariman Point @unionbankofindia'com qovtbusiness@unionbankofindia'com puneetrai@unionbankofindia'com Mumbai - 400021 bansal@unionbankofindia'com cppccivil@unionbanko 033-22622549 Chief Manager Centralized Pension Processing Centre 27 Fax-033-22422196 United Bank of 4th floor, Head Office-11, lndia 22133217 Hemanata Basu Surani, Kolkata - 700 001(West Bebgak) homail@unitedbank'co.i n [email protected] 080-25584644/066 Sr. Manager Centralized Pension Processing Centre 28 Vijaya Bank cmm bd@vi iavabank.co.i Merchant Banking Division, 7th floor, Head Office, 41l2,M'G. Road, Trinity Circle, Bangalore - 560001 m r bddgm@vi iavabank.co'i r mbd.pension@viiavabank'co'ir mobi lebankinq@viiavabank'co'ir 51 079 -23245s11 - 15 General Manager State Bank of lndia, Gandhi Nagar Centralised Pension Processing Centre (Gujarat) 6th floor, Gandhi nagar Zonal Office Opp. New SachivalaYa, Sector - 10'8, [email protected] General Manager State Bank of lndia, Banglore (Karnataka) Centralised Pension Processing Centre 12t13, LakshmaYYa LaYout' [email protected] Ganganagar (North) Banqlore (Karnataka) - 560024 075542067 45 / 2600836 / 37 General Manager State Bank of lndia, Centralised Pension Processing Centre Bhopal(M.P.) Gavindpura Branch Premises, Govindpura, BHEL, Near Working Women's Hostel, Bhopal (M.P.) - 462011 General Manager Stdte Bank of lndia, Centralised Pension Processing Gentre Bhubaneswar (Odissa) 067 4-2s72950 (FAX ) 1611162, CSD Building' t 2572170 Bomikhal, cmcPPc'zobhu@sbi'co.in Puri-Cuttack Road CentraJised Pension Processing Centre Panchkula (Haryana) Administrative Office Building, 2nd floor, Plot No.1/2, Sector - 5, 0172-4569231 I 2570755 ( FAX ) Panchkuta (Haryana) - 1341q9044 - 23772754 / 55 / 50 (FAX) General Manager State Bank of lndia, Chennai Centralised Pension Processing Centre 11214, Kalimman Koli Street, Virugambakkam, Chennai - 600092 52 9445865707 (AGM) 9444441634 ( Manager ) General Manager 23888324, 23888301 (AGM) State Bank of lndia, 35 New Delhi Centralised Pension Processing Centre SBI Chandani Chowk Branch Premises, 23888327, 23888309 I 302 2nd floor, Chandani Chowk, Delhi - 110006 [email protected] General Manager PH:0361 -2463104 State Bank of lndia, 36 Guwahati (Assam) Centralised Pension Processing Centre 6th floor, SethiTrust Building, G.S.Road, 9869451442 Bhangagarh, Dist - Kamrup Metro, 9435309683 Guwahati (Assam) - 781005 [email protected] General Manager State Bank of lndia, Centralised Pension Processing Centre 37 Hyderabad 1171387, GNR Heights, 1st floor, 040-27 67 01 49 ; 27 61 01 48 Murshidabad Main Road, Op.p. Guru Nanak Care Hospital, [email protected] Hvderabad - 520020 General Manager (NW-1) PH :033-22570827 State Bank of lndia, 38 Kolkata Centralised Pension Processing Centre 2nd floor, 83-1/A, Vivekananda Road, Kolkata (West Benqal) - 700006 [email protected] General Manager (NW-1) PH:0522-6542211 State Bank of lndia, 39 Lucknow (U.P.) Centralised Pension Processing Centre AGM (Mob.) -941s220752 Near Sahara State, Sector - 1, Jankipuram, Lucknow (U.P.) - 226021 0522-27350752 I 742; 27350762 (FAXI Chief Manager 022-41613200/3208 (fax) State Bank of lndia, Centralised Pension Processing Centre 40 NaviMumbai 27580963 Ms. Alka - 8454047004 5th floor, premises no. T-651 &T-751, l.T.C.Belapur, cppc.m um [email protected] CBD Belapur Railway Station Complex, Navi Mumbai - 400 614 53 \ General Manager (NW-1) 0612-26775701645 State Bank of lndia, 41 Patna (Bihar) Centralised Pension Processing Centre floor, Administrative Building, [email protected]'in Dy. General Manager (NCM-1) 0471-2326986187 State Bank of lndia, 42 Kerala ised Pension Processing Centre [email protected] Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala) - 695014 54 Annexure 44. ANNEXURE.XVII (See para 15.1 Page 1l) LIFE CERTIFICATE (lo be submitted by Pensioner once a year in November) certifiedthatlhaveseenthepensionerShri/Smt./Ms holder of Pension Payment Order No. (Name of Pensioner) and that he/she is alive on this date. Name Place: Designation of Authorised Officer Date: Seal 55 '7 i' Annexure - 8 J *sverfim*nt of Enejie Mi*istrY *f Fin*n** **Pertr:t*mt *{ HxP*sldituc-* {er:tr*i Fensisr: &ee**::ting *ffie* T"rike*t*E3. &?"tikali {ema F$eee F{*w *elffit {F&& jEeahl Gni*v* ;?€*Svi 3S 3*- Ag I :.!t)-'1 SB 1 ..:l::: .:.r..:, Ta i G*:-reiai i"1a riaqer l.iccai ciiicer Ari g!gss"3.#i t6 F*ra e5,? { F-tl *f Sci'ls*:t* ffi**ki*tet* fdit!+n' m**.e**e}*S".*b::tiss!c'r:*fLlfeCertif:*ate-regerriir:g S,-:i:;eci: S,nr*nqln:erTE 3'd foi- suk''misEi*n of Reierenre is invile,i tc Fara 15.2 0f scheme Bcoklel t': iaciiitaie iiie cri-lific=Ie i;'l l!*vernber each yeer 5r7 the pensii:ne:" in *r-der an:end*c l': is being 15,2 Pai'a peirsicners, by su*mission cf Ljfe cs€ificat* a9 rea'j ne ic lnciude prcvisii,-nS *f Rule 343 cf, ce;-;iral Tr*a:r;ry R'';icsr,c;R) ?ara i5.2ir; ParaL52i,islates: ,-^--ir^^r,^-* l*i'r':"i in A **nsi*;r*;" v,,h* pao{ilJC*s * iife c*riifi;at* ir: ih* pr*s*:-ibed !rfiivevei"' is exernpieci Arir:*Xr:re *XVll siSn*cI by ar:,r: p€rscil specifi*d her*i";nder, fi'on: persc:iai apPearance- - iilApei'scnex*rcis!ngthefe)+ierscfal-'4agisirateund*rlhe Crirnin*l Pr*cedure cnde ; (ii) A Regisirar ar Sub-Regislrar appointsd un*e:' lnciiai': R*grstrati*n Acl; G*vern;:ient se:"vant; {iii) A Gazetted --,^.- ,- *chaig* r.i p,.--rtic* Officer *+t b*icy.r the i'a::i< cf 5ub-ins*eclol- i1i ^k--*.r oi a A i;ri Fo!ice Slati0n; (u-ii A f-iass-I offlrer *f the Reserl,e *ank cf Inciia, ar: afficer- (inc!ucling eraiie iI oflic*t-i *f th* 5t*te Sank- of indra *r al iis s''tbsidiary; the psrvers cf a {viil *. pe:rslcndd *ff;i*r wh*, before relir*merii. exeriiseci magisfrate; A iusiire of P*ac*; (viii; 'ii=lAtsiockDevel*pm*ntCfficer,{tlu;"::if,T*hsiidai"cr. ir:' .A lieacj *f Viilag* Fenchay*t, Gran"r Fa*chayai' i xii fxecui:ve C*r*mjttee *f a Viiiaqe; A l'4tn-:ber *i Farlia:irei:t. cf State ieglsi*ir-ir*s -i ra l o n s' e r-i i,-: ry G * r,' * rn m e n t s i Ad ; n n s i r- (xii) ! i +;" tJa i i: "3--* !*r si i d a i'' ; Ga*n FanchaYat oi- cf ai.l legrslatu;-eS Cf r. rnion i Treasur'1r Clfficer. 'ffi=1 in the ca5€r:fapens!+n*rd;'*uvinghispensi*r'':l*rougi-railui':lic P*i:iic $ect*r Ear-rk i*e iife c*rLiiicai* may be l:6n*'* b"; ai: *ffjce;" cf * S*ctar *ank. Inth*casecfap*nsiun*ri-e:icling'=br'**iias:ddr"axin! hi: pensiol': thr*ugl"r '=ni: *iher bani< lnci*rJe* in i:ir* **cor':* Slhedi;i*: 56 .l _.-r, io ihe F.e.sene Bank fit'India Act, lgl4. lhe lifr ceriificf,iil nray h:e srgni:rl by arr officr,:r of lhe Bank, A pensioner qet exempli".il'r fr*m persr:nal appearance subjcct to producticn of Life Certiiicate signecJ hy lhe abo,rs nrenti*ned officer c,f tl-tr: ban k. A pensioner not resident in India in respect oF rryhom his ciuly authorlzed agent produces a life certificate signe<i by a Magistrale, a Nolary, a Bar"rker or a Diplomaiic Reprg59n63tive of India is exempteci frorr sperial a ppears nce. iir:c "lhe cori.enls cf 20il,I ) ti-rt,r Para L5.1 iP- Ll rf Srhein* slanrJs unalierecl B,:-,ckii.ri .xir' 'l,iiiicn, 3 il is reqi.resleLl that rriCe pr_i biiciiy ancl cir-ciLiaiicn i-li: gi',,en li: alt :j O i y.; u r- ba n k l'l; i- t.i Ct CO rrr p a n Ce. 'J t-a r.' C i't e S ' . t-he Ii Tiris [ias thr concr.trrence cf S/O Controller General of Accounts vicle uts {J.0.No.t.(7}(4)lzOt */TA/t.?1 dared t$il, A,prit }oL:t" anci .O, r{c. 1 { 7 } I CPAO/Schenre Book/ 2CI05/TAl 254 dr. eg.o6"Zs 1 1 t-,1 " " 1 (H.Atheii) 0c/. ffi 57 {$ntrolIer of Accounts Annexule - 9 : Process of getting digital life cerlif icate i!sued for Pensioners digital Life certificate Srep 1 : Pensioner needs to have an Aadhaar number for BettinB issued. himself/herself using one of Step 2 : Pensioner needs to enrol and biometrically authenticate the following methods a) from Download application prepared for generating digital life certificate jeerranpramaan,gov.inonanvAndroidTab|et/SmartphoneorV/inco.',;sPC. market and plu6 it Procure a low cost finger print scanner/iris scanner frorn the onUSBportoftheTablet/Smartphone/PC'Usingtheaboveapplication, pensioner will be abte to enrol and bio-metrically authenticate in real time from other detalls the comfort of their homes by giving his/her Aadhaar number and related'to their pension bank account' b) Government office Pensioner can visit a nearby cSC center, Bank Branch or any jeevanpramaan.gov'in a'nd whose details are provided under "locate cente/' orr authenticate in real time by Eiving his/her Aadhaar number and bio-metiically other pension details related to their pension bank account' c)lfthepensionerisalreadyenrolledontheSYstem,nexttimehegiveshis his bio-metric for Aadhaar number, he would only be required to authenticate updating date of his digital life certificate' pensioner will be sent d ims on step 3 : After successful submission of digital life certificate, to download his/her mobile giving the transaction ld. Pensioner will be able using this transaction cornputer generated life certificate from jeevanpramaan-gov'in id for their records. Step 4: life cenif icate in one Bank Branch can be fnformed about submission of your digital of the followlng waYs a) for Bank can login on ieevanparmaan-gov.in and.can search mantrally pensione/s life certificate eithdr by giving AadhEar number, Bank Account b) number or Transaction ld life core Banking Systems of Banks will be abte to automaticallY download update life certificate details frorn the digital life registratlon repository and status in Pensione/s bank account' c) pensioner's dtgitat Life certificate can be sent to ieSpective branch of the Bank bysendinganemailorforwardingthelinkthroughsmstodownloadlife certificate from the website. on Reminders through sms will be sent to the pensioners enrolled jeevanpramaan.gov.in for timely submission of their digital life certificates' 58 Annexure - 10 SFffifiIffiEN LETTER *F ijruOEF-T&Ki&*G BY THffi PHNSiCITER Date To The Branch Manager {Banki (Branch & addressi Dear Sir, througlr your ftank. Payment of pension under AJC No. ln consideration of your having, at my request, agreed to make payment of pension due to me every month by credit to my account with ycu, I the undersigned agree and undertake to refund or make good any amount to which I am not entitled or any amount which may be credited to my account in excess of the amount to which I am or would be entitled- I further hereby undeftake and agree to bind myself and my heirs, successor, executors and administrators to indemnify the bank from and against any loss, suffered or incurred by the bank in so crediting my pension to rny account under the scheme and to forthwith pay the same to the bank and also irrevocably authorise the bank to recover the amount due by debit to my said account or any other account/ deposits belonging to me in the possession of the bank. Yours taithfully, Signature: Name: Address: Witnesses: r1) Signature: (2) Signature: Name: Name: Address: Address: Date: Date: qo Annexure - 11 FORVI 5 rtles 59 ( 1) (c) & 6lt i )l iAlso see nries 5 (2). 12. 13 (3)" 1-tr ( i l iin{i l5 (3) olCentlal Civil Ser-l'ices: {Commutitticn o1'Petrsioni }iulesf See te81l Particuials to be obrained the date of his retirement Head oi Ofiice fi'otr. tlie retiring Govt'nuueui sci.i'ant sir rnrr:rths b,v the befot 1. Name 2. (a) Permanent Account Nuurber fbr lncome Tax {PAN) (b) Aadhaar No., if available 3. Speci$ a fe,,v marks of iclenti{ication, not less than two, if possible (i) (ii) 4. Height 5. Address after retirement/penlanent address for future correspondence: 6. tsank Accorint lr[o. to .,vhich pension is to be credited: (Joint account, either or survir,'or, rvith the spouse) (ln case tire Head of Office is satisfied that it is not possible for the retiring Govemment servant ic open a joint account for reasons beyond lris/her control, this requirement may be relaxed). 7. Name olihe Branch of Banii through which pension is to be drarvn (a) (b) BSR code of the branch IFSC code ofthe branch 8. Indicate whether farnily pension is also adinissible from any othei' source Govemment and/or a or a State Goveniment - - Militarv or State Public Sector Undefiaking/Autonomous bodyil-ocal Fund under the Centrai to conxrrute .. ",/" {up to 409ui,) of my superannuation pension in accordance u:ith thc provisions of the Central Civil Seryices (Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981. 9. i desire I atr arvare that frtu?e good conduct of the pensionerlfamily pensioner shall be an iilplied condition for every grant of pensiorllamily pension and its continuance. Enclosures as per checklist are enciosed. Signature: Designarion: Place : Date: MinistrylDepartment/Office: I\lobile No.: Email iD: Note 1: Commuration of pension is optional. ltem 9 rrray be siuck off if the retinng Government serr,'ant does not desire to com-mute a percentage of pension. Note 2: A separate apphcation for commutation of superannuation pension in Fonn I -A of Central Civil Services (Coumutation of Pension) Rules, 198 1 is required to be submitted in case the tetirir:g Govenrment senant desires to apptl'for Commutation of Pension after submission of this fonn but three months before retirement. Note 3: It is in ihe itterest oltire Gcvenrment senant to pror,ide E-mail ID anrl \4obile number, ',lhich fbcilitates futrire con espondence. AA Check List of Docriments to be submitted alor:g r,vith Form 5 S.No. Description of documents to be enclosed 1.ta) Trvo specimen siglratLrres (to be fumished in a separate sheet) Whether enclosed (b) Additional infbrmation (Only in case of an iiliter"ate or disabled Govenrnrent ser^vant.):Two slips each bearing the lett hand thumb and finger impressions diiiy attested may be furnisired l:y a person ra,ho is not literate and cannot sign iris name. If sticir a Govemmeilt servant on account of physical disabiiity is unable to _qive left hand thumb and finger impressions he may give thumb and finger inrpressions of the right iiand. Where a Govenunent servant has lost both rhe hands, he inay give his toe impressions. Impressions should be duly attested by a Gazelted Government seriiant. 2. Thlee copies of passport size j oint photograph with wife or husband. Where it is not possible lor a Govemnlent servant to submit a photograph with his r,vife or her husband. he or she may submit separate photographs. The photoglaphs shall be artested by the Head of Otfice. Thr-ee copies of passporl childlsiblings/dependent parents, Head of OfIice) if size photograph of disabled applicable. (To be attested by the J. Details of the farnily in Form 3. 4. Undertaking in Fomr 26, for tirose who served in Secutity-relared or Intelligence Organisations refemed to in rule 8 of the CCS (Pension) Rules. 1972 5. Written statement for coiurting if 6. of period of service under rule 59(1) (a). any Underlaking for reiunding any excess payment made by the pension disbursing Bank ibr granriry, CGEGIS and GPF itr Corun,rn Nomination 7. Nourination Fonn 8. Nomination tbr arrears of pension and cornmuted value of pension appiied for commutation of pension) in Common Nomination Form 61 (if Annexure - 12 retiring Govt. Servants ACTTVITY DUE DATE 1. Verification of qualifying service and issue of certificate (Rule 32) 2. Preparation of list of Govt. Servants due to retire within the next 12 to 15 months (Rule 56). Preparatory work on pension papers (Rule 58) retiring Govt. Furnish Servant a certificate regarding the length of qualifying service and emoluments/average emolu ments. (Rule 59) Direct the Govt. Servant to furnish reasons for non-acceptance within 2 months retiring Govt. Foruvard Servants form 5 for comPletion and return (Rule 59) Completion of pension papers Part1 of Form-7 (Rule 60) Forwarding the pension PaPers to the Accounts Officer (Rule 61) lssue of P.P.O. (Rule 65) On completion of 18 years of service and 5 vears before retirement 1't January/1" April/ 1"t July and 1't october SL. NO 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. to the to the Head of Department Head of Office One year before the date of retirement 8 months prior to the date of retirement Head of Office 6 months prior to the Head of Office date of retirement Head of Office 4 months prior to the date of retirement 4 months prior to the date of superannuation One month before the date of retirement lntimation to the Directorate of Estates for issue of NDC in respect of period preceding 8 months before the date of retirement. (Rule 57) 10. lntimation regarding recovery of Licence Fee from allottee in respect of the period prior to eight months of retirement (Rule 7 2({1) 11. lssue of No Demand Certificate (Rule 72X7) 9. AUTHORITY RESPONSIBLE Head of Office One year before the date of retirement 2 rnonths before the date of retirement Head of Office Accounts Officer I I I I I from the actual I date of vacation of Govt. I I oz Directorate of Estate I t /ittrin 1+ days accommodation Head of Office I I I Directorate of Estate Annexure - 13 I PRG FCIRMA Rule 10 I see Decision(Z], Subiect :- Restcration olcomtnrited poilion of pensions after i5 years Impiementation of the judgment of the Supreme Coul't. Sir. Kindly restore my cornmuted portion of pension in terms of Ministry of Personnei. Public Grievances and Pensions. Department of Pension and Fensioners'Weifare, O.it4. No. 34.2186P. & P.W., dated the 5th h4arch. 1987. 1. Requisite pafiici:1am are given belou,I{ame in Block letters 2. Date of retirement 3. PC,PPO NO, 4. Amount of original pension 5. Amount of pension commuted (if any) .u' Nanre of the Acconnts Officer, r,iz., the authorit.v r,vho , issued PC/PPO Name of the TreasuryiPosi Office/PP&{r'othei: pension disbursing agency Signature of Pensioner Date: Postal address : Particulars verified. Signatr:re Rubber Stamp of Pension Disbursing Authority' 63 Annexure - 14 l1 THF- C;\ZETTE OF INDi;\ : EXTRAOITDIN,{R1' "FORr,t lP,\Rr ll-Sr,.. .1ii)l 3 i5-.: rul*.tj 1l:)j *si;ii ls,:ri Fii:r-lih' i. ). 3. -1. Naine of the Gorenli:ii':1t -i.i1'aitt DesigraLirn Date of birth Detaiis of iirt" r-nembers of llurtili' Nii:.tres S. \o ol the ol tirmill' menbeLs Date oi as on-----------------------: Reii,.tionship Marital rvith the sliitus birtir Renraiks otTicer l t) i (5) (4) _1\ Dated signaiule ol Head of Oitlct' i al ) (7) 1 1.. -1. 4. 5. 6. 1. 8. 9. 10. I hereb,r,undenatr<e ro keep rhe above particulars up-to-date b1' notilfing 10 the Head L.f thi Oltiie anr ltlditi;.n oi rirelrtion. Signature ol Govemtnent ser..,ali Place : Date : Note 1., The or-iginai Form submitted b-v the Government. seiy,lnt is to L'e retained. All additionslalterations are to be recorded in this Ft:nn under the signature r.rfHr-ad olOflice in Clol 7. No nerv Form u,ili substitute the original Fonr, Horvcver- the rctirins Covel:rment. seiTant should subnit the detziils oi iamiiv afresh along rvith Fon-n 5^ - The dstails of spouse. all children and parsnts (u'hether eligible fi'rr fiur.iiil' pension or noti and disabied siblings (brothers alrd sistels) niay be givenNote 2, Note 3. - Thc. Head of Office shall indicate the date of receipt of communication regadin-q addition or alteraiion in the firmil-v in the 'Remarks' column. The lact regalding disability or change of marital status of a far.lily member should also be indicated in the 'Rernarks' column. Note.1. - Wif'e and husband shall include judicially separated 64 u,itt and hushand. Annexure - 15 .l THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: (') FXTRT\ORDINARY [Pnnr II-Sac. 3(il] FORh,I 14 [See rules 77 (3) anct 81 (?)J Form of application for famil3' peusioll on de;lth of a Covernmeni servailllirensiolterrtrnlilr' trttlsii,l:ci' 1 {i) . (ii) {iii) (iv) (v) 2 l{ame of the Got,errimenl sei'Yant in resped cf whom taraiiy pension is being claimed OfficeiDep:utnte*t/illinistry sen ed last Date of retirement of Govertinenl servant Date of death of Goventment sen antipensroner/ fanrill pensioner PPO No. of Government sen antlpensionei/ famiil pensitiner claimant- Name and other detaiis of Relatioirstrip with the deceased Governme*t servant of birth Name Date Postal Adciress 3. fn case the claimant is minor or sufferin-r fron: disoi'der or disabiljty of mind, includiir-q menial retardation, detail s of guardian/nominee, wherer,,er applicable- of birth Name Date i,vith Relationship u,ith minoil Relationship the mentaliv disabled .iai*arrt Postai Address the deceased Govenunent ser\/ant 4. Details o[ surviving u,idorv/u,idower, chiidren. dependent palents antl disabletl siblings o1'the deceased Governrlent ser\rant / pensioner ale enclosed in Form 3. 5. Account No., nan-re and BSR code of Branch of Bank to which family pension is to be credited: 6. Other source of family pension - h,{ilitary or State Government andlor a Public Sector Undertaking/ Autonomous body/Local Funp under the Central or a State Government, if an1'- I am aware that future good conduct of the claimtrnt/famiiy pensioner shall be an implied conditiott for every -qrant of famiiy pensicin and its continuance. Encl: As per the check-list. Signature or left hand thumb impression of the claimant/guardian tuIobile/Telephone No. Permanent Account Number tbr Incorne Tax (PAN). Aadhar No., Signatures of t*'o \tr/itnesses w'ith names and full if avaiiable addresses: (i) (ii) Note: Form i4 is not to be tilled if the spouse had a ioint account with the deceased pensioner. In such cases, family pension shall be alio..red by the Pension Disbur'sing Authority on the basis t--f an on plain paper. The permanently disabled chiidren/siblings and depenilent parents ro in the PPO of the pensioner will submit this Fonx to ihe Pension Disbursing Authority. application r.r,,hom tamii.v* pension has been authorised 65 tqTr ll-ra',]s I ii)l allId El {I-d'q>l Cireck List of Documents ro be subnlitted u,ith Fomt 1 : 3I{lTEf{-u] l4 Turo specimen signatures cf claimant (ro be furnishecl in a separate sheet) dlliy attested by a Gazetted Government servant. (Tlvo slips each bearing the leti hand thurnb and finger impressions duly attested may Lre iurnished by, a person who is uot literate tc sign his name. If such all on aL-count of physical disability is unabie to give reft hand thumb and finger impressions helshe may give tlrrinib anci fin_eer impressions of the riglrt hand. where a Government servant has lost both the irands. he/she may -eir,e toe implessions. Impressions sirouki be ciuiy attested b1,' a Gazetted Gor.enlment servant.) 2. Tr,vo copies of passport size photograpirs 3. Trvo slips showilrg the particnlars of heiglit and personal identitication mad<s duly attested by a Gazetred Govt. 4. Details of the family in Form 3. 5. Certificateis) of age shor,ving the dates of birth of the children. The certiticates should be fiom the Municipal atithorities or from the local panchayat rlr trorn the head of a recognized school err Central/State Board ol tlie ciaimant, duly aftested of Education. 6. Undertaking lbr refunding any excess paymenr made by the pension disbursing Bank 7, specimen signature or ieft hand thumb ant-l finger impressions of guardian duly attested, in rhe case of the guardian who is not lirerate enorigh to sign his or her irame 8. Trvo attested copies of passpofi size ptrotograph of gualdian/nominee tt . L Descriptir.e roll of the griardianlnominee. shorving the particuleu.s of height and identiiication marks^ dul1, attested" 1CI. Copy of PFO of previoris pensionerlfamily pensioner lt Proof of permanent address of the guardian. 12, Copy of death cerrificare of rhe pensioner/pLel,ious tarnily pensioner, 1J. Copy of pensioner, if deceasecl ;iliplcyee applicable_ document regarding ineligibiliry if or applicable. 66 of previous farrily Annexure - 16 N* . _4 / 2*/ 7A*8-rr& PW{n} Government of lndia Ministry *f P*rs*nn*l, Publi* *ri*va*ce* &?exxi*x* {Se partment cf Pension & P*nsian*rs' Weifare} 3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bharvan, Khan Market, {rtew Oelhi1'10 003, Dated orFrcE $ub.|e*t: Granl *f the 19th N*vemb*r,2*14. MF.lYrqRANpUM Fixerl Medieal *,ll*w**** {ff'/r}'} l* ih* fentrai Government Pensioners res,ding in areas not covered undcr CGHS The undersign*d is dir*cted i* say thai al presenl Fixed tJedlcatr hll*wan*e is granted to the Contral G*yernn"len? pen*i*n*r*l{amtly p*nxian*rx r*$rding ril areas not *av*r*d und*r esntral S*ver*ment Health $cheme adnrinistered by the Mini*try af Haalth & Yar*ily Wellare and corruspcnrirng h*alth schcme* sdminlslered by *l**r MinislrieslDepartmentx for lherr retrred emplay**x f*r *:e*ting *xp*nditt:rc rn their day-la-day n'l*dic*l expenses l*al d* R*t r*quiro hospitfilixa{irn. Ard*rx w*rc lssu*d virJe this Departrn*nt's 0.M. *l *v*n nc" daled 26 05.20i0 for enhane*rn*nt of the amount of FixeO lr4edicalAllorvance from Rs. 100i- to Rs. 300r-p m. vr.e f. "1 09 2008. 2. Th* dxrnan* fsr f*rth*r ***an**m*nl *l f\t14, has lleen xnd*r ***sid*rali*n *t the G*vernm*nt f*r s*mc tinx: past. $an*tion of lh* Pr*sidenf is h*reby conveyed for enhancement of the amount of trxecl Medical Allo'ry,:nce from Rs 3001 to Rs.500'" per monlh, ?he cther crnditi*ns t*r granl *f Fixed M*dical &ll*wa*c* shall contrnue to be as contained in thrs Dcpartments Olvls l"ilc 45'57/37-P&PW(C) dated 19.12.97, 24898301298and18899 3. 4. Thes* ard*r* wlll taise ef{qrlfr*m dal* *l is*ua *f this *.?'/t. Thes* *rd*r* are i*sued wit* th* q*t1ru{r*r\r* *f th* b"li*islqr of Frnance (Deptt. of Exp*ndil*r*j vid* their l D r'.Jote No 588llt Vl2t114 dated 223*"ZAM and ir c*n*ultali*n with the Coriptroller rr;'icl /rucirtor Senrral *t lrtdia vida their U0 Na. 174 Staff(Rules)r02-2y 'l dateo 12 112C14 5. l'{incii v*rsirn will {ali*ve . *,. ['*ruu (Hariit$ingh) Depilty &**r*lxry to the fi*a,t. of lndia TO Al I M i * is1 ri** I * *parl:ra*nls {ax p *r r:: *i Ii n g l1xt} fcpy tr: 1. Chiet C**lroller, Cenlral Pensron Acca*nNinrS Offic*. Trikaot-li, Bhik*ji Cama Plase" New Delhi- 11* *6& wiih the r€quest that suitable inslru*li*ns may be issu*d i* P*nniun Faying *a*ks t* impiement lh* abrve rrdar. 2. NlC. far publi*hi*g *n head circulars 3. sr-rb **?&?\ft'* W*bsite Ww!!.p*"UFtqnaIspoflelrrq&,tn head 'Fixeci lJedical A,towance'. under Hirtdr Section. Deptr oi Personne l and Trainrng I.rorth Btcck for Hindi version. 67 Annexure-17 'VARIOUS INVESTMENT AND INCOME TAX SAVING OPTIONS Mutual Funds A Mutual Fund is a professionally managed type of collective investment scheme that pools money from many investors and invests in stock, bonds, short term money market instruments and other securities. Mutual funds have a fund manager who invest the money on behalf of the investors by buying / selling stocks, bonds etc. Mutual fund in lndia follow a 3 tire structure. The sponsor who thinks of starting a mutual fund is the first tier. The sponsor creates a public trust as per the lndian Trust Act, 1882 and the Trust is the second tier. The Asset Management Company (AMC) which manages the investors' money is the third tier. New Fund Offer (NFO) : Once the three $rg structure is in place the AMC manages new schemes under the name of the trust after getting approval from the Trustees and Securities and Exchange Board of lndia (SEBI). The launch of a new scheme is known as New Fund Offer (NFO). Equity Funds: Equity funds are those funds which invest at least 65% of their corpus in lndian equity. Equity Funds can either be open ended or closed ended. An Open Ended Scheme allows the investors entry and exit any time. Whereas the closed ended scheme restricts the freedom of entry and exit. Long Term Capital & Short Term Gapital Asset: An equity mutual fund scheme held by the investor for more than 12 months is long term capital asset and held for not more than 12 months is short term capital asset. Long Term & Short Term Capital Gains : Capital gains means any profit or gains received on sale/transfer of a capital asset. Capital gain on sale/transfer of a long term equity mutual fund (held for more than 12 months) is exempt from income tax. lnvestors in all other schemes have to pay capital gains tax either short or lonE term. At the time of exiting the investor will have to bear security transactions tax @ 0.25% of the value of seiling price. Capital gains on sale / transfer of short term equity scheme is taxable at the marginal rate i.e. the capital gains are added to their income and the total income is taxed as per their applicable tax slab. Long term capital gains made by the investor in non-equity schemes, Tax is to be paid @ 10o/o or 20o/o depending on whether investors opt for indexation benefit or not. Equity Linked Saving Scheme ( ELSS ) : These" are Open Ended Schemes but have a lock in period of 3 years. This scheme serves the purpose of equity investment as well as Tax Planning. They may be low on safety but score full points on all other parameters. Here returns are high, income is tax free, investor is free to alter the time and amount of investment, the lock-in period of three years is the shortest among all tax-saving_investments ( like PPF where the Lock-in is for 7 years, TaxSaving Bank FDs- 5 years, etc. ) and the cost is only 2-2.5o/o ayear. Liquidity is higher if opted the 'Dividend' option and the cost gets lower if one go for the direct plans of these funds. ELSS is a MF Scheme which invests at least 65% of its corpus in Equity. An individual investor can invest ( with min. Locking period of 3 years ) upto Rs.1.5 L each year via the ELSS route to avail Tax benefits uiSection-80CC of lT Act. According to Value Research Data, while funds from several other MF categories have given higher returns than the ELSS over a 5 year period, they carry higher risks. FAQs on Mutual Fund Question 1 :- Whether to invest in a fund with a lower NAV (Net Asset Value). Answer - Many investors feel that the NAV of a MF is similar to market price of stocks and therefore, buying funds at low NAV is better. They believe that because the NAV is low, they can buy more units and hence, there is a higher potential for appreciation, as compared to a fund with a higher NAV. ln reality, a MF's NAV represents the market value of all its investments. Any appreciation in the NAV will depend on the price movement of its portfolio of companies. Say, investor invest Rs.1 0,000 each in fund A (whose NAV is Rs.1 0) & Fund B (whose NAV is Rs.25). He will get 1000 units of Fund A & 400 Units of 69 Fund B. Assume, both schemes have invested their entire corpus in exacfly same stocks in same proportions. lf these stocks combined together appreciate by the NAV of the two schemes willalso rise by 1o%to Rs.11 and Rs.27.5, resp. The reason why Fund B's NAV is higher than Fund A's, could be merely 10o/o, because, it was taunched much earlier than Fund A. Any subsequent rise and fall in the NAVs of both these funds will depend on how the underlying securities perform. Hence, the level of a scheme's NAV should not be considered at the time of purchase. Question 2 :- Dividends are an extra income. A Scheme that pays dividends is better than a scheme that doesn't. Answer - When MF announces dividend, the NAV is adjusted accordingly. lf investors opt for the dividend option, a part of the profits made by the scheme are distributed to lnvestors. The dividend is substracted from the NAV which drops down forthwith. So, a Fund which pays dividend is in no way better or worse than one that doesn't pay. Question 3 :- Do one need to open a demat account or online account to start investing in a mutualfund? Answer - To invest in a MF, one do not need any demat account. One needs to be KYC compliant.'Then all one need to do is fill up the relevant application form, attach a cheque of the amount one wish to invest and submit it at the MF office directly or through advisor. Once it's done, investor will get a statement showing details of investments. Question 4 Answer - :- MF invest only in Equities. lnvestors need to understand that there are various kinds of MFs. While some invest their corpus in equity, others invest into debt schemes and money market instruments, such as, Govt. bonds, Bonds issued by companies & Financial lnstitutions, etc. MFs, therefore, invests in all kinds of instruments and do not confine themselves to equity. 70 Question 5 Answer - :- Markets are at a peak, one should defer the investment. Research shows that any time is good to invest, provided one invest for the long term. lnvestor could also invest using SIP (Systematic lnvestment Plan) method which helps investor accumulate units in good bull and bear markets thereby optimizing his returns over a long period of time and creating wealth for him. Question 6 :- Mutualfunds with good performance in last Answer - 1 year are best choice. This a common misconception among the MFs investors. People believe that if ABC mutual fund has given 50% return in past year and XYZ has in. Past performance is one of the things to look at performance across market cycles and for longer durations of 7-10 years or even more and not just recent past. ln addition, given 30% return, the ABC is a better fund to invest investors should also consider the fund manager's experience, his track record and the fund house's track record. Unit Linked lnsurance Plans ( ULIP )- An ordinary ULIP is still a costly proposition for a buyer. But the online avatar of these market-linked insurance plans is a low-cost option far removed from what was mis-sold to investors a few years ago. The lnvest plan from HDFC Life, for instance, charges only 1 .35% a year for fund management. ULIPS can be used as a rebalancing tool by a savvy investor. He can switch from equity to debt and vice versa, without any tax implication. lnvestor can buy a ULIP only if he can pay the premium for the full term. Also, the investor can take a plan for at least 15 years. A short-term plan may not be able to recover the high charges levied in the initial years. Pubic Provident Fund ( PPF ) - Budget2Ol4 also hiked the annual investment limit in Public Provident Fund or PPF. Risk-averse investors can now stock away more in the ultra-safe scheme. PPF scores high on safety, taxability and costs but returns are not so attractive and liquidity is not very high. The scheme will give 8.7% this year, but may not guarantee in the following years. The interest rate on small savings schemes such as PPF is linked to the Government bond yield and is likely to come down in the coming years. 71 senior citizens' savings scheme - The senior citizens, saving scheme (SCSS) is an ideal tax-saving option for people above 60. The money is safe and the returns & liquidity are reasonably good. However, the interest income received form the scheme is fully taxable. lnterest rate is linked to Government bond yield. lt is one percentage point higher than the five-year Government bond yield. Unlike in the case of PPF, interest rate will remain unchanged till the investment matures. Bank FDs, NSCs - Bank Fixed Deposits (FDs) and National Savings Certificates (NSCs) score high on safety, flexibility and costs, but the tax treatment of income drags down the overall score. lnterest rates are slightly higher than what the Public Provident Fund, or PPF, offers but the income is fully taxable at the slab rate applicable to the individual. FDs and NSCs suit taxpayers in the 10% bracket (taxable income of less than Rs.5 lakh a year)" The big advantage is that these are widely available. Just walk into any bank branch and invest in its tax-saving fixed deposit. Pension Plans - Pension plans from insurance companies remain cosly investments that are best avoided. lnstead, it may be a better idea to go for the retirement fund offerings from mutualfunds. They give the same tax benefits but don't force the investor to annuitise the corpus on maturity. She/he is also free to remain invested bdyond the age of 60. Tilt now, all the pension plans were debt-oriented balanced schemes. lnsurance Plans - Traditional insurance plans are the worst way to save tax. They require a multi-year commitment and give very poor returns. The insurance regulator has introduced some customer-friendly changes but these plans still don't qualify as good investments. The only good thing is that the income is taxfree" But then, so is the income from the Public Provident Fund, or ppF, and taxfree bonds. Another positive feature is that you can easily get a loan against such policies, which gives some liquidity to the policy holder. 72 Exempt - Exempt - Taxable ( EET ) Rule :- 1. Three elements are taxable in a tax saving investment being invested, the lncome on lnvestment - The Amount & Redemption of amount invested in the future. 2. PPF is EET - The Investment is eligible for Tax Deduction, the lncome is exempt from Tax, and Redemption proceeds are not added to lncome in that year. 3. NSCs and 5 year bank deposits are EET. lnvestment is eligible for deduction, but the interest is taxable and redemptions have to be added back to taxable income. 4. Tax Saving Schemes of mutual funds are EET. lnvestment is deductible, dividend income is exempt, but redemption proceeds are taxable. 5. The interest and redemption proceeds that are taxable, calt, however, be used to make 80C investments in the year in which they are received to enjoy tax deduction benefits. 73 *