Guide to Ithumba Camp


Guide to Ithumba Camp
ABOUT ...............................................................................3
LOCATION & PARK FEES....................................................4
SUPPLIES, ESSENTIALS & SAFETY....................................6
VISITING THE ELEPHANTS.................................................7
THINGS TO DO...................................................................8
THINGS TO DO MAP...........................................................9
HELPFUL SUPPLIES LIST...................................................10
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Ithumba Camp is an exclusive and
stylishly rustic self-catering camp
designed for the intrepid traveller who
relishes being off the beaten track.
A small portion of the camp’s
accommodation fees are reserved for
the camp’s running and maintenance
costs, which is managed by the
DSWT whilst the rest of the funds are
Ithumba is where you can appreciate p a i d d i re c t l y t o t h e K W S f o r
the Great Big Skies, the star-studded conservation initiatives.
nights and the rich array of
fascinating species inhabiting this Wildlife of Ithumba
remote and wild habitat.
The animal and bird life in the
Northern Area of Tsavo is varied and
I t h u m b a C a m p w a s o n c e a exceptional, but since this is a
designated campsite of the KWS wilderness which has been closed to
before the DSWT was granted the general public since the creation
permission to create the current of the Park, way back in 1949, the
I t h u m b a C a m p , w h i c h w a s wildlife of the area is not habituated
completed in 2005 with the proceeds to vehicles or the presence of
from the BBC Elephant Diaries series. humans.
The camp was built as a conservation
initiative to support the Kenya Wildlife
Service in protecting and conserving
the Northern Area of Tsavo East.
The Northern Area of Tsavo is for the
connoisseur of pristine wilderness, a
person who is thrilled by the
intricacies of nature as a whole and
who will savour the unspoilt aspect of
a truly wild place, for this is one of
the last great wilderness areas on
Here, one searches for the
animals rather than expecting them
to be standing by the roadside and
one should be interested not just in
the Big Five, but in all aspects of
nature. The Northern Area is part of
Ts a v o E a s t N a t i o n a l P a r k
administered by the Kenya Wildlife
Ithumba Camp was built as a
self-catering eco-camp in an
effort to reveal the beauty of
the Northern Area of Tsavo
East to the discerning
traveller, whilst actively
supporting wildlife
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Ithumba Camp is hidden within the depths of the remote Northern
Area of Tsavo East National Park with a backdrop of the beautiful
Ithumba hill, boasting stunning views of the Yatta Plateau, which is
the longest lava flow in the world.
Ithumba Camp is 98 km from the Kibwezi turn-off
Ikutha Town is 47 km from Kibwezi
Kasala is 7 km from the Main Entrance Gate and 22 km from the
Main Entrance Gate to the Camp is 15 km.
Flying: Ithumba Airstrip
Latitude: South 2 degrees 13’02.28”
Longitude: East 38 degrees 23’13.69”
Non Residents US$65 (Adult) US$35 (Child)
East African Residents Ksh1,000/- (Adult) Ksh500/- (Child)
East African Citizen Ksh500/- (Adult) Ksh200/- (Child)
Entrance Fees and landing fees for the Northern Area of Tsavo East
National Park must be paid at the Park Headquarters.
Cash is
recommended as sometimes the Smart Card machine is not in operation.
wild elephant visits the stockades
All fees are subject to change so please contact the KWS for the most upto-date rates.
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With its cool Galana stone floors and The camp is equipped with the
beautiful thatched roofs Ithumba Camp following basic amenities;
consists of a comfortable messbuilding, including an open-plan dining • A sitting room area, chairs, couch
and Lamu day beds
and sitting room.
• A second sitting room situated
upstairs with carpets and soft
Above the central mess you will also
furnishings and a Lamu day bed.
find a relaxing lounge-area overlooking
the vast reaches of Tsavo where one • Two dining tables and camp chairs.
can enjoy spectacular sunsets and • Crockery, cutlery, glassware,
thermos flasks and kitchen utensils.
sunrises, often with Kilimanjaro visible
• The bedroom tents have twin beds,
above the distant Southern horizon.
bedside table, wardrobe, luggage
rack, linen and bedding. 2 double
The camp offers four en-suite safaribeds are available on request
style canvas tents under thatched
roofs with rustic rock bathrooms, flush • The fully equipped camp kitchen has
a gas operated cooker and two gas
toilets and hot water showers under
fridges with small freezer
the stars.
• A digital safe to store any valuables.
Three members of staff will be on duty
at the camp to assist guests with basic
tasks such as making up the beds,
laying the table, and washing up after
meals. It is important to note that they
a re n o t t r a i n e d c h e f s , b u t a re
competent in preparing basic meals.
Tipping is at your own discretion and
can be given to the staff directly on
Important Info
Since water is scarce and has to be
trucked in by a water-bowser, we do
not offer guests a full laundry facility.
Guests must use water sparingly.
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Supplies, Essentials & Safety
Guests must bring all their food and
drink requirements with them for their
entire stay at the Camp.
The nearest town for supplies is
Ikutha where a few basic provisions
can be purchased, including
Safaricom and Zain cards.
• Linen and Bedding
• Gas for the fridges and cookers
• 24/7 solar power throughout the
camp for light and the charging of
any appliances (do not use a
Essentials to bring:
• Binoculars
• Hat
• Sun Cream
• Mosquito Repellent both for the
tent and themselves
• Washing up Liquid
• Torches and Batteries
• Matches
• All food stuffs: including tea,
coffee, milk, salt, pepper,
condiments, butter, sugar,
perishables and non perishables,
tin foil and cling-film wrap.
• Basic First Aid Kit
• Bottled Drinking Water
Safety Precautions:
Please ensure that the Camp Staff
are fully aware of your intended game
drive routes and activities each day.
Please see the back of this booklet for
a helpful shopping list
Do not feed or approach any of the
wild animals
Always carry plenty of water with you
whenever you leave camp on a walk
or game drive.
Due to the danger of wild animals
never leave your vehicle to walk on
foot in non-designated areas, unless
you are escorted by 2 KWS rangers
Do not walk past the boundary of the
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Guests visiting the orphans at the stockades
Visiting the Elephants
By staying at Ithumba Camp and fostering one of the David Sheldrick Wildlife
Trust’s orphaned elephants you have the wonderful opportunity to spend time with
the Ithumba orphans at the stockades, which are located a short drive from the
camp. The routine of the elephants and their keepers varies from day to day, so the
following times act as a guideline for guests, who are welcome to visit the orphans
as often as they wish, only during these times:
6am - 8am at the stockades
11am - 1pm at the midday mud-bath
4pm - 6pm at the stockades
Visiting Rules:
Please respect and abide by the following precautions
One of the Ithumba Keepers
and an orphan
Please follow instructions from the Keepers at all times
Please do not approach the orphans as there may be wild elephants present
Please do not take any food items with you or leave food items in your car
Feeding of the elephants is not permitted unless special permission is granted
Walking in the bush with the elephants is not permitted due to the dangers of wild
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Things To Do
Ithumba is a wild and vast area which is best discovered by game-drives or
bush-walks escorted by KWS rangers. Behind the Camp is the beautiful
Ithumba Hill which one can climb to get amazing views of the expansive
wilderness of the northern area of Tsavo.
There are many game-drives that can be taken through the diverse northern
area including short and long circuits encompassing a variety of stunning
landscapes and wildlife viewing opportunities. The seasonal Tiva River is a
must-see sight, fringed by beautiful trees, flowing only during periods of
rainfall further upstream, offering spectacular game drives when flowing since
it is a focal point for all wildlife. A short drive to Ithumba’s seasonal dam,
Lesalau Dam, can also reveal some amazing wildlife including great
If you are going on a bush-walk you must be accompanied by 2 KWS Rangers
who can be booked at the camp. A cash fee of Ksh1,000/- per ranger per day is
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Things To Do
Discovering Tsavo East Map
Page 9
Helpful Supplies List
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