WCW_NEWSLETTER__2014_-2015 1.9 MB


WCW_NEWSLETTER__2014_-2015 1.9 MB
A Federated Women’s Club of Connecticut, Inc.
Organized 1896 - 1897
Kathy Anderson, Editor
May 2014 - May 2015
The purpose of this non-profit organization is to support, through volunteer and monetary fund raising, educational,
charitable and civic interests beneficial to the community.
At the end of the Club year, members of the Woman’s Club of Woodbury can look back on a successful year of
community service that benefit friends and neighbors directly and through contributions to organizations both
locally and in surrounding towns. We accomplish this by giving many hours of our time and talent to fund
raising activities and in-kind donations.
In May the Annual Luncheon was held at the Curtis House Inn. After the luncheon and meeting Ms. Mary Flynn,
GFWC/CT District 4 Director, installed the new officers.
President - Claudette Volage
1st Vice-President – Kathy Anderson. 2nd Vice-President – Nancy Mackey.
Treasurer – Norma Volk. Assistant Treasurer – Lori Kehoe.
Recording Secretary (Meetings) Marcy Jackson. Recording Secretary (Board) Janet Lewis.
Corresponding Secretary – Priscilla Steponaitis.
Directors Tina Richards. Grace Greene.
Janet Lewis was a dear friend and active member of our Club for many years. She held various positions
on the Executive Board, Standing and Ad Hoc Committees. Janet’s contributions and active participation
in meetings, and especially her lighthearted laugh after offering a comment or suggestion during a
discussion will be remembered and missed.
Bruce Elizabeth
Edie Kennedy
Edie Kennedy
after the annual meeting in May and the installation of new officers, the Club’s first community activity was the
Memorial Day Parade. Although it is a day to remember those who lost their lives in wars fought
for this nation and ending with a solemn memorial service at the Cannon Green, it is also a joyful
and happy day that reflects the freedoms we enjoy. It is fun to parade and to be greeted by the
towns’ residents who line the Main Street with their flags showing their patriotism. Alice Deluca
again generously offered to drive her convertible, and Grace Greene and Louise Keating sat in her
car while Club members, holding the WCW banner and wearing black T-shirts with the Club logo followed. By all
accounts everyone enjoyed being involved….and the weather was perfect.
Spring and summer (June – September) is a quiet and relaxing time for members who are not immediately
involved in preparations for the major fund raising event of the Club year…the Holiday House Tour. However
during this quiet ‘spell’ there is a great deal of activity for those involved in the challenge to find owners willing
to open their homes at the beginning of the holiday season. After a few disappointing responses from home
owners, by early October five homes and the Historic District #2 School on Main Street were committed to the
The Andrew Tuttle House
In September our meeting was opened with the first of six programs centered on the theme of local Woodbury
“Women of Achievement” and Co-Chaired by Bea Arneson and Linda Hamid. Ms. Douglas Bibbey, First Thursday
Co-Founder would present “Connecting the Dots”. Subsequent meetings would be “Tales of the Foreign
Service” with Leslie Lebi, “Literacy Volunteers, A Story of Hope: The Strength To Follow Your Dream.” with Fran
McDougal, “Fire Marshall Fire Chief Janet Morgan with “The Best Job in Woodbury”, “Who Do You Think You
Are?” with Penny Hartzel, and “Nature on Canvas- Landscape Painter’s Perspective” with Marija McCarthy.
In October our traditional meeting with Pot Luck luncheon was enjoyed. How amazing that so many different
and delicious main dishes and desserts, without being duplicated and without planning between members, can
be so successful….testimony to the culinary talents of our members!
In the observance of Veteran’s Day November 11, The Woman’s Club of Woodbury and the American Legion
Post No. 155, jointly sponsored a remembrance ceremony on November 15 to honor men
and woman who served and are serving our country in the U.S. Armed Forces. The
ceremony was held at the Cannon Green. President Claudette Volage was Master of
Ceremonies. The invocation and benediction was given by Greg Wellen of St. Paul’s Church
and Richard Koenig of the North Congregational Church. Wreaths, laid at each of the war
memorials by veterans, were designed by Tina Richards. The salute to the Flag was given
and recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. The public was invited to partake of cider and donuts compliments of
Joyce Drakeley. It was a lovely day and well attended by the town residents and a large number of veterans,
many wearing military clothing or accessories designating their branch of service.
In December all members of the Club are in high ‘gear’ in anticipation of the day of the ‘tour’. All is set in
motion and all ears and eyes are focused on the weather. We were truly blest this year with a wonderful clear
day (we would pay for this in the New Year) and good attendance, and the public seemed to appreciate the
different architectural periods of the homes, and commented how they enjoyed the owners being present.
In addition to the house tour, Priscilla Steponaitis organized a Wine Tasting Evening at the Curtis House, open to
the public to celebrate the Clubs’ twentieth consecutive year of hosting the Holiday House Tour. Marcy Jackson
and Linda Hamid worked with Priscilla and together with the Curtis Inn management organized a wonderful and
successful evening the Friday before the tour. Background music was provided by a local guitarist. Dorothy
Thurston organized a silent auction that complimented the wine tasting evening. Thank you to all who helped
Priscilla, Marcy, Linda and Dorothy. It was a fun evening, well attended and very successful.
There is lots of prior and unseen preparations that go into these two events. It culminates with a holiday
luncheon held this year at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. Materials and instructions for ‘the’ day are given to
everyone. Members who make this all possible is too numerous to mention individually. But “Thank you” and
‘Kudos’ to all who worked and supported in any way these two major events to make all our efforts such a
success. And a special thank you to our non-member friends always willing to be a part of our fund raiser as
hostesses, and to the Woodbury Historical Society for opening the Historic District No. 2 School, and the
gracious and wonderful cooperating home owners who make it all possible.
A few designers of the Holiday Kindling Baskets.
Barbara Perkinson, Priscilla, Carol, Dale, Grace, Kathy, Claudette, Tina, Norma, Bruce.
In June Claudette organized with several members a Mini Tag Sale at the Lions Club Car Show. It was held in the
Hollow and a perfect opportunity to raise funds and distribute information about our Club to increase the
publics’ awareness of our community involvement.
January. Snow, snow, and more snow caused cancellations and re-scheduling of meetings this month.
February. Cold and…snow, snow and more snow and more cancellations and re-scheduling of meetings.
REVISED CLUB HANDBOOK: Kathy Anderson, Carol Assenza and Claudette Volage reviewed the By-laws,
Standing Rules and the Constitution. The heritage and financial statement sections were omitted in the revision.
After several months of working on the revisions they were presented to the Board for review and approved;
then submitted to the membership and approved. Carol Assenza was responsible for the layout of the
handbook, printing and distribution to the membership. A large undertaken by Carol and job well done. Thank
THE ARTS AND CRAFTS SHOW. In March we thought we were welcoming spring but ….you guessed it….more
snow. However it didn’t deter holding our annual Arts and Craft Show at the Emergency Service Building.
Chairman Eva Jasper and Co-Chairman Lois Mosel were assisted by Club members in setting up the craft
displays. Barbara Paul of Roxbury judged the entries. Blue ribbons were awarded to Lois Mosel, Priscilla
Steponaitis, Dorothy Thurston, Gladys Burdick and Eva Jasper. Red ribbon awards to Eva Jasper, Priscilla
Steponaitis, Tina Richards and Kathy Anderson.
Best in Show was awarded to the Woman’s Club of Woodbury Arts and Craft Group.
This year new guidelines were adopted by the State for the Arts and Crafts Show. There would be no
competition at the local level or at the District 4 meeting in April. However there would be time set aside for the
viewing of arts and crafts brought by the Clubs. In May the Arts and Craft show competition at the State
Convention would require only one entry be submitted under each major and sub-major category. No blue
ribbons as in the past are needed to qualify. Awards for entries in the Arts and Crafts competition by our
members will not be made available until after this newsletter.
For the third consecutive year the WCW participated in the Mini Golf fund raiser for the Community Food Bank
sponsored by the Friends of the Senior Center. There were 15 World Class Golfers participating in this annual
event: Kathy Anderson, Jean Carnese, Nancy DeGrazia, Bruce Frey, Bonnie Gardella, Eva Jasper, Marcy Jackson,
Edie Kennedy, Nancy Mackey, Barbara Perkinson, Tina Richards, Claudette Volage, Dale White and Millie Uranus.
We didn’t take any prizes, but we sure had a fun morning being together.
Marcy, Nancy Mackey, Tina, Tina’s sister, and Bruce
FOOD BANK: Grace Greene reported a total of 626 pounds of food was collected throughout the year by
members and brought to the Food bank for distribution to families in the community.
VOLUNTEER HOURS: Bonnie Gardella reported 2,200 volunteer hours were given by members to various
charitable and community service organizations as well as to health care and retirement facilities.
WALK IN THEIR FOOTSTEPS. Kathy Anderson, Dorothy Thurston and Claudette Volage walked with hundreds of
volunteers who participated in the St. Vincent DePaul Mission’s “Walk/Race for Awareness” in Waterbury held
October 2014. They started their 2.5 mile walk at Library Park and through the streets of Waterbury so those
walking might become more aware of the effects of poverty and homelessness, and the work that is done in
response to this ever-growing problem. The route took the walkers through the Thrift Shop, Soup Kitchen, and
Homeless Shelter (sleeping quarters).
FRIENDS HELPING FRIENDS: Several members visited with patients at River Glen Nursing Home, and answered
the call for volunteers to help with their bazaar. They had a lot of fun being with this very special group of
individuals. Cards were sent to members experiencing ill health and those grieving the loss of a loved one;
wrote notes, and made phone calls to homebound members and non-members unable to venture out of their
SCHOLARSHIPS: Two one thousand dollar scholarships given in 2014 – 2015 Club year were awarded to
Nonnewaugh High School students Giovanna Biancini and Jonathan Nielson.
PURPLE HATS: - “Shaken Baby Syndrome”. Purple is the acronym for Peak of crying, Unexpected crying, Resists
soothing, Pain of crying, Long lasting, Evening. Members participate in this project by knitting purple hats for
infants. The color purple is a reminder to parents that early infant crying is normal. Parents learn to understand
normal increased early infant crying is a key trigger to ‘shaking’ a baby.
DONATIONS: Throughout the year we donated egg cartons to Well Spring, the Food Bank, and St. Vincent de
Paul Mission; knitted purple baby hats; made monetary donations to various non-profit organizations, and
scholarships to Regional 14 School District. Thanksgiving food boxes, and floral arrangements made by Tina,
were assembled by members at Tina’s home for six elementary school families. Stop ‘n’ Shop donated $25 and
Shop Rite $22 certificates to purchase additional food items for the baskets.
In January Claudette, Kathy and Dorothy attended the GFWC/CT State meeting held at the Holiday Inn in East
March 2015 – Claudette and Norma Volk attended the GFWC/CT Executive Board Meeting at Bell Terrace in
April 4, 2015 Claudette Volage, Carol Assenza and Dorothy Thurston attended the Spring District 4 meeting held
at the Elks Lodge #372 in Torrington. The theme of this year’s meeting was ‘Holidays’. Our Club provided a raffle
basket, table favors, and two table center pieces with Easter the theme assigned to our Club. Club Presidents
prepared a three-minute report on a topic of their choice. Claudette chose to speak on the town purchasing the
reservoir property and read the letter sent by the Club to the town planner supporting the grant for the
2015 GFWC/CT 118th Annual Convention was held in East Hartford and attended by Dorothy Thurston. Janet
Lewis was rememberd in the Memorial Service on Saturday which included her name, date of installation into
the Woman’s Club of Woodbury, and positions she held during her membership. A candle was lite by Dorothy
representating WCW in Janet’s memory.
RESERVOIR PROPERTY: The Club voted by a majority to have Claudette write a letter of support for the grant
application for the proposed purchase by the Town for the Reservoir Property.
Eileen Denver suggested that the Library be the repository of the Clubs’ Historical Documents currently stored in
the Towns’ Archive Building. They were moved to the Library for storage and eventual sorting and classification
by year to be saved on computer disks.
The Clubs’ web-site was updated featuring the homes on this year’s House Tour. The web-site generated
publicity and additional sale of tickets on-line.
Claudette ordered Club stationary with GFWC/CT logo for use on all club correspondence.
In March members visited The Great Hunger Museum of Irish History on the grounds of Quinnipiac College and
enjoyed a lunch at an Irish Pub.
Jeanne Birchfield received an art award at Pomperaug Woods in a private ceremony on September 26th.
The State is also encouraging Clubs to sign up for Facebook on their web site. A representative will be speaking
to the Club in the near future regards this project.
Claudette Volage gathered and organized the Clubs’ historical materials for the Woodbury Library display case.
Items included past handbooks, arts and crafts, newspaper articles, photos of our activities, awards,
advertisements, and GFWC pins.
This is the 125th Anniversary of the Federated Women’s Clubs. To commemorate this occasion a U.S. postage
stamp has been designed and is available for clubs and personal correspondence. If interested you can go online to their web-site and order them, or look for them at your local post office.
Bonnie Gardella, Chairman of the Annual Luncheon reserved the Curtis House for Monday, May 18 when the
new Board will be installed.
In March the Nominating Committee (Jean Carnese, Eva Jasper, Tina Richards, Priscilla Steponaitis and Dorothy
Thurston) presented to the membership their candidates for the 2015-2016 year. At the April meeting the
members voted to accept the following slate:
President Kathy Anderson.
First Vice President Claudette Volage. Second Vice president Dorothy Thurston.
Treasurer Norma Volk. Assistant Treasurer Lori Kehoe.
Recording Secretary (Board) Carol Assenza. Recording Secretary (Meetings) Marcy Jackson.
Corresponding Secretary Velma Pugliese.
Directors Joyce Drakeley and Tina Richards.
After the May spring luncheon and meeting at the Curtis House, the newly elected officers for 2015 – 2016 will
be installed.
As we approach the end of the 2014 – 2015 Club year, we express our appreciation to out-going President
Claudette Volage, who has been serving with dedication the Woman’s Club of Woodbury since being inducted as
a member in 2009.
Claudette was elected First Vice President in 2010-2011; elected President for two terms in 2011-2013 and
elected again in 2014-2015. She also served as chairman of the Holiday House Tour for two consecutive years,
and has been an active member in committee and activity groups.
Claudette has unlimited energies and a positive outlook. Nothing is impossible for Claudette. She’s a take
charge person. Her desire to build Club membership and recognition for its contributions to the community is
always paramount.
Many attributes can be said of Claudette as a Club member and of her reign as President. But they would only
be descriptive words. Her accomplishments are her legacy, and the Club will benefit as it has, from her many
talents, creative ideas, perseverance; her calm and rational approach to issues, and her continuing active
Claudette, the Woman’s Club of Woodbury thanks you, and appreciates the time and talents you have shared;
for your dedication, for your endless enthusiasm, and for your friendly and lively disposition that enlightens and
brightens our club.
A word of thanks and appreciation to my friends of the Woman’s Club of Woodbury.
Your out pouring of concern and support during my sudden illness has been emotionally overwhelming. I can’t
begin to tell you the effect of knowing that friends care. Your kindness for my welfare is a source of comfort and
healing. Bless you all for being there for me. Kathy Anderson