Complete - Oshkosh Public Library
Complete - Oshkosh Public Library
WRIGHT'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. 1893 ILPHABETICAL LIST OF NAMES. ABE 427 AND A. IBENSCHEIN Fred, lab. res. w. s. Caroline 3 n.Union. Abenschein Philip (Angle & Abenschein), res. w. s. Caroline 3 n. Union. Abram Bertha, domestic 226 Bond. Adams Edwin (Adams & Gary), res. w. s. Cedar 2 n. Wisconsin Av. Adams & Gary (Edwin Adams and Paul Gary), commission, n. s. Wisconsin Av. 5 w. Cedar. Adams Richard, weighmaster, n. w. cor. High and Bond. Adamson Hans B., molder, res. s. s. Caroline 3 e. Harrison. Akin Louis, papermkr. res. e. s. Plum 3 s. Cherry. Akin William, papermkr. res. e. s. Plum 3 s. Cherry. Albee George H., mech. eng. res. s. e. cor. The Av. and 1st. Allerton Elvira Miss, nurse Havilah Babcock. Althof Frederick, papermkr. res. w. s. Plum 2 n. Division. Amundson Anun H., teamster, res. n. s. Winneconne Av. 1 w. Harrison. Amundson Michael, shoemkr. res. Wisconsin Av. 6 w. Main. Anderson Andrew, molder, res. s. s. Wisconsin Av. 8 w. Church. Anderson Andrew, jeweler, res. s. s. Franklin Av. 3 e. Elm. Anderson Christ., hostler, res. 302 Cedar. Anderson Christian, molder, res. n. e. cor. Isabella and Main. Anderson Jacob, millwright, res. w. s. 3d 2 s. Forest Av. Anderson J. Lawrence, station agt. C. & N. W. deot, res. 418 Cedar. LINGNER & KRAFT'S BATH BRUSHES. PAUL OPPERMANN, SOE fGENL 419 BROADWAY, MILWAUKEE. AYL 428 AND Av. 3 e. Elm. Franklin Anderson Maria (wid. J.), res. s. s. Anderson May Miss, res. s. s. Franklin Av. 3 e. Elm. Anderson Matthew, carpenter, res. Union Hotel. Anderson Mary, domestic E. P. Marsh. Anderson Ole, milkman s. e. cor. Clark and 5th, res. same. Anderson Peter, lab. res. 302 Cedar. Anderson Rasmus, res. n. s. Washington Av. 3 w. Oak. Angle Fred (Angle & Abenschein), res. s. s. 3rd Av. 2 e. Waverly Place. Angle & Abenschein (Fred Angle and Philip Abenschein), stone quarry, e. s. Whitenick Road nr. Cecil. Angle Mary, domestic Daniel Barnes. Anklam Ida, domestic F. D. Lake. Anspach Charles, stonecutter, res. s. e. cor. Isabella and Washington. Anspach Herman F., clk. A. Billstein & Son., res. cor. Washington and Isabella. Appelfeller Herman, res. e. s. 2nd 4 n, Lincoln Av. Appermann Christian, boarding, res. e. s. Main 2 s. Harson. Arft Joseph, teamster, res. s. s. The Av. 4 e. 7th. Arndt Tillie, domestic Rev. John E. Chapin. Arnemann William, sodawater mnfr. and ice dealer e. s. Isabella 1 n. Winneconne Av. res. same. Arno Andrew, cooper, res. s. w. cor. The Av. and 6th. Asel Catherine (wid. George), res. n. s. Doty Av. 3 w. Oak. Asmus Annie, domestic Philip Gaffney. Asmus Herman, papermkr. res. w. s. Union 3 n. Monroe. Asmus William, papermkr. res. w. s. Union 3 n. Monroe. Augustine Sophia (wid. Jedliff), res. n. s. Washington Av. 2 w. Oak. Austin James, carp. contr. e. s. 2nd 3 n. Clark, res. same. Austin William, carpenter, res. w. s. 3rd 2 s. Hewitt. Aylward Ed. (Wm. Aylward & Sons), res. n. s. Monroe 1 w. Harrison. Aylward Kate, teacher, res. n. w. cor. Maine and Lake. Aylward Nellie Miss. music teacher, res. n. w. cor. Maine and Lake. DVERTIS E - -IN THE AILY V BEST RESULTS. NORTHWESTERN. JK \l AlREYUIT 11 YOAUU L(OOKING AURE a place to BUY CLOTHING CHEAP? For T hen goto PIXLEY & CO. 141 MAIN 8T., the great One-Price, One-Profit Clothiers. BAR 429 AYL Aylward William (Wm. Aylward & Sons), res. n. w. cor. Main and Lake. Aylward William Jr. (Wm. Aylward & Sons), res. n. w. cor. Main and Lake. Aylward William & Sons (Wm. Sr., Wm. Jr., and Edward Aylward), stove foundry w. s. Lake 1 n. Main. B. BACHELDER CARLTON, coal and wood and wholesale crockery w. s. Commercial Av. 1 n. new depot. Babcock Charles A., bookkpr. res. s. e. cor. Forest Av. and 5th. Babcock Havilah (Kimberly, Clark & Co.), res. s. s. Wisconsin Av. 3 e. Pine. Bailey Emma M. Miss, res. n. w. cor. Sherry and Isabella. Bailey Hamlin H. (Briggs & Bailey), res. s. s. Franklin Av. 5 w. Oak. Bailey Julia (wid. E.), res. n. w. cor. Sherry and Isabella. Bailey Robert S., papermkr. res. n. w. cor. Sherry and Isabella. Baird Clara Miss, teacher, res. s. s. Winneconne Av. 4 e. Waverly Place. Baird Mary Miss, teacher, res. s. s. Winneconne Av. 4 e. Waverly Place. Baird Robert, watchman, res. w. s. Church 2 n. Winneconne Av. BAIRD S. DENNIS, agent Northern Pacific Express and newsdealer, n. s. Wisconsin Av. 4 e. P. 0., res. s. s. Winneconne Av. 4 e. Waverly Place. Baird Thomas J., city treasurer and check clk. frt. dept. C. & N. W. R. R. res. s. s. 4th 3 n. Clark. Baker Catherine (wid. John). res. e. s. 1st 2 s. Forest. Baker Charles, papermkr. res. e. s. 1st. 3 s. Forest. Ballister Frank E., teller The National Bank, res. Russell House. Baltzer Anderson, papermkr. res. e. s. Church 2 n. Doty. Barclay Mrs. (wid.), res. n. w. cor. Cherry and Maple. Barlow Samuel, express agt. res. w. s. Bond 2 n. High. OLDE TRNEW THE NEW LEN EALE, 69 MAIN STREET, CORNER PEA, POPULAR PRICE CLOTHIER&i CLOTHIERS. WHY NOT SAVE THE JOBBERS' PROFITS. nishing E oods Housean' afford to sell goods as cheap as PIXLEY & COMPANY sell them at ,141 MAIN STREET. BAR 430 BEI Barnes Daniel, mason contractor n. s. Forest Av. 2 e. Webster, res. same. Barnes Edwin L., painter, res. 345 3d. Barnes Orrin, student, res. 345 3d. Barnett Elizabeth R. Miss, res. s. w. cor. Church and Doty Av. Barnett James R., physician s. s. Wisconsin Av. 2 w. Cedar, res. s. w. cor. Church and Doty Av. Barnett Maurice E., clk. Wildie & Gleason, res. e. s. Caroline 2 n. Isabella. Barnett Morris S., res. s. w. cor. Church and Doty Av. Baron Julius, lab. res. w. s. 2nd 3 s. The Avenue. Bart Charles, lab. res. e. s. 3rd 3 s. Forest Av. Bart Chris, res. s. e. cor. Clark and 3rd. Bart Joseph, res. s. e. cor. Clark and 3rd. Bart Napoleon, pailmkr. res. s. e. cor. Clark and 3rd. Bartels Henry, papermkr. res. s. w. cor. Harrison and Washington. Bartels William, papermkr. res. s. w. cor. Harrison and Washington. Barz Bertha, domestic A. H. F. Krueger. Barz Emelia (wid. Herman), res. w. s. Harrison 2 s. Washington. Batchelder Edward, barber, res. n. s. Wisconsin Av. 6 w. Main. Bauer Amelia, domestic Island House. Baumgarten Peter (Stroebel & Baumgarten), res. w. end Washington. Beach Ella Miss, res. s. w. cor. Cedar and Doty Av. Beach Joseph P., physician n. w. cor. Wisconsin Av. and Cedar, res. s. w. cor. Cedar and Doty Ad. Bear Henry, carpenter, res. 331 3rd. Beckmann William, furniture and undertaking, s. s. Wisconsin Av. 2 w. Church, res. n. s. Doty Av. 3 w. Cedar. Beier Carl, lab. res. s. s. The Avenue 2 e. 7th. Beisenstein Carrie Miss, paperlayer, res. n. e. cor. Central and Division. ASSORT ENTS Dresf Timminfs, LaGes, Luther Davies & Co. 163 MAIN STREET. THE Distilled. WHISKIES FOLLETT & CO., Props. C. E. ASSEMBLY BER 431 BEI Beisenstein Charles, engineer, res. n. w. cor Turner andW. Park. Division. Beisenstein Frank, lab. res. n. e. cor. Central and Division. and Central cor. e. n. res. lab. Joseph, Beisenstein Turner. w. 1 Park Beisenstein Leopold, res. s. s. W. Belharz Mary Miss, dressmkr. res. Vermont House. and IsaBell Della Miss, res. n. w. cor Winneconne Av. bella. and Bell Jerome, papermkr. res. n. w. cor. Winneconne Av. Isabella. Av. and Bell John G., teamster, res. n. w. cor. Winneconne Isabella. Bell Mary (wid. John), res. e. s. 4th 1 s. Lincoln. Co. res. Benedict Sidney A., bookkpr. Kimberly-Clark Russell House. Bennett Earl E., carp. res. e. s. Commercial 6 s. Railroad. Av. 2 Bennett James H., harnfessmkr. res. n. s. Franklin w. Oak. 3rd. Bennett Julia (wid. Walter), res. n. s. Clark 1 w. Railroad. s. 6 Commercial s. e. res. Miss, Bennett Sarah Bergman Martha, domestic John Fish. Bergmann Henry, lab. res. w., s. Ann 7 s. Brien. BergBergstrom Bros. & Co. (George 0. and Diedrich W. Main s. w. strom and Havilah Babcock), stove mnfrs. s. Harrison. w. cor. Bergstrom Charles H., carriage and wagon mnfr. n. Cedar and Race, res. 305 Cedar. res. n. Bergstrom Diedrich W. (Bergstrom Bros. & Co.), s. Caroline 3 w. Cedar. Bergstrom Edwin, student, s. e. cor. Main and Isabella. s. e. Bergstrom George O. (Bergstrom Bros. & Co.), res. cor Main and Isabella. Cedar. Bergstrom John N., student, res. n. s. Caroline 3 w. Lincoln. n. 2 3rd. s. w. res. molder. Bergstrom Joseph, Bergstrom Louis, molder, res. e. s. Sherry 2 s. Henry. River. Bergstrom Louisa (wid. Lars), res. n. s. Sago 3 e. 7th. e. 5 Avenue Berndt Fred, lab. res. s. s. The Berndt Herman, wiper, res. s. s. The Avenue 5 e. 7th. S AD DDYES PERUM PERFUMERIES t5 P · UL OPPERMLWANN'S, MILWAUKEE, WIS, POCKET CUTLERY } PAUL OPPERMANN, SCISSORS. 419 BROADWAY. MILWAUKEE. BER 432 BLA Berndt Joseph, tailor, res. s. s. The Avenue 5 e. 7th. Bertelson Bertel, papermkr. res. s. w. cor. Olive and Winneconne Av. Beyerman Lena Mrs., dressmkr. res. s. w. cor. Wisconsin Av. and Elm. Bidwell Harriett (wid. Asahel), res. n. e. cor. Elm and Columbian Av. Biller Anna Miss, res. e. s. N. Water 3 s. Railroad. Biller Ole, carpenter, res. e. s. N. Water 3 s. Railroad. Billstein Alexander (A. Billstein & Son), res. s. s. Doty Av. 3 w. Oak. Billstein Alexander & Son (Alexander and Moses Billstein), general store and elevator n. e. cor. Wisconsin Av. and Cedar. Billstein Moses (A. Billstein & Son), res. s. w. cor. Columbian Av. Bishop Adelia R. (wid. Thomas), res. s. s. Wisconsin Av. 1 e. Walnut. Bishop Amelia E. Miss, res. w. s. 5th 1 s. Forest Av. BISHOP ARTHUR, marble works n. s. Wisconsin Av. 2 e. C. & N. W. R. R. track, res. s. e. cor. Wisconsin Av. and Oak. Bishop Charles C., com. trav. res. w. s. 5th 1 s. Forest. Bishop Edith Miss, dressmkr. s. s. Wisconsin Av. 1 e. Walnut, res. same. Black Frank, clk. William Kellett & Co. res. n. w. cor. 5th and Hewitt. Blair & Huie (Thomas B. Blair and Oren L. Huie), job printers n. s. Church 2 n. Wisconsin Av. Blair Lucy B. (wid. Wells), res. s. s. Doty 1 e. Walnut. Blair Thomas B. (Blair & Huie), res. s. s. Doty Av. 1 e. Walnut. Blanchard Henry, lab. res. n. s. Smith 1 e. Ann. Blanchard Ora Miss, res. n. s. Smith 1 e. Ann. Blanchard Otis, miller, res. n. s. Smith 1 e. Ann. Blank Fred, res. w. s. Elm 2 Washington Av. Blank Gustav, papermkr. res. w. s. 4th 2 s. Forest Av. AND FOR NEAT COMMERCIAL PRINTING. GO TO THE HICKS PRINTING CO. PiXIey & Co. A BLE OsVJ*e9W YOUTHS' AND CLOTHING. 433 CHILDREN'S 141 MAIN ST. BRA Bleyholder Clara Miss, dressmkr. e. s. 3rd 1 s. Lincoln, res. same. Block Carl, lab. res. n. w. cor. Monroe and Henry. Block Emil, lab. res. s. s. Clark 2 w. 5th. Block John, papermkr. res. n. s. Columbian Av. 4 e. Elm. Block Marius, painter, res. s. s. Clark 2 w. 5th. Blohm August, lab. res. n. s. Washington Av. 4. e. Oak. Blum Anna (wid Wm.), res. e. s. Turner 1 s. South Park. Blum Edward, lab. res. e. s. Turner 1 s. South Park. Blum Henry, lab. res. e. s. Turner 1 s. South Park. Boelter Annie Miss, res. n. s. Franklin Av. 2 e. Elm. Boelter August, pipemkr. res, n. s. Washington 1 w. Oak. Boelter Bertha Miss, res. n. s. Washington Av. 1 w. Oak. Boelter Bertha (wid.), res. n. s. Franklin Av 2 e. Elm. Boelter John, lab. res s. s. Franklin Av. 2 e. Elm. Boersen Ole, lab. res. n. s. Sherry 3 e. Harrison. Boersen Tina Mrs., dressmkr. res. n. w. cor. Sherry and Cronkhite. Bohlmann Frank, lab. res. n. s. Washington Av. 2 e. Elm. Bondow Henry, lab. res. w. s. Caroline 1 n. Union. Booregaard Carl C. A., fireman, res. n. s. Washington 1 w. Henry. Boosier Annie, domestic H. H. Fish. BOOZER GEORGE, florist n. e. cor. Park and River Avs. res. same. Bornschine Clara Miss, res. Union House. Bornschine Lina Miss, dressmkr. res. Union House. Bornschine William, proprietor Union House and saloon w. s. Cedar 3 s. Bridge. Bosche Josheph, lab. res. Island House. Brady Thomas, machine tender, res. s. s. Hewitt 2 e. 2nd. Brandt August, res. s. s. Franklin Av. 3 w. Pine. Brandt Frank, pailmkr, res. s. s. Franklin Av. 3 w. Pine. Brass Louis, tinsmith, res. s. s. Doty Av. 4 w. Pine. Brass Philip L., lab. res. s. s. Doty Av. 4 w. Pine. Braun August, papermkr. res. w. s. Union 2 n. Sherry. Braun Theodore, cooper n. s. Wisconsin Av. nr. Oak, res. 255 Wisconsin Av. DEALCERS IN urniture . The Soper ur)iture Co. MAIN AND STREET. Nos. 43 STREET. MAIN' 43 41 Nos. 41 AND NEW, CLEAN, . FURNITURE. CHEAP. FURNITURE. CGOO pIfY[ &1 SAVE YOU THE ;JOBBERS' PROFIT ON GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. 1/lin UI IS BRE 434 BRO Breed Wilford W., superintendent Neenah B. & S. Mnfg Co. res. Russell House. Breitenreiter Fred, lab. res. w. s. 4th 3 s. Forest Av. BREITWISCH WILLIAM C., saloon e. s. Cedar 4 n. Canal, res. same. Bremer Albert, carp. res. n. s. Columbian Av. 2 e. Oak. Bretthauer Sophie, domestic Charles R. Smith. Brewster Edward W., carpenter and millwright, res. w. s. Center 2 s. High. Briggs Augustin C., res. s.s. E. Northwater 4 e. Commercial. Briggs & Bailey (Charles S. Briggs and Hamlin H. Bailey), fancy groceries 109 Wisconsin Av. Briggs Charles S. (Briggs & Bailey), res. 118 Wisconsin Av. Brillow Fred, lab. res. w. s. 3rd 1 n. Lincoln. Brinkerhoff Helen Miss, res 128 Forest Av. Brinkerhoff Jacob V., res. 128 Forest Av. Brodtke Ricka (wid. Charles), res. n. e. cor. Monroe and Henry. Brodtke Herman, lab. res. n. s. Washington Av. 2 w. Elm. Broecker Charles, lab. res. w. s. Bond 4 n. Sago. Broecker Gustav, blacksmith, res. w. s. Bond 3 n. Sago. Broecker Rudolph, lab. res. w. s. Bond 4 n. Sago. Broecker William, papermkr. res. w. s. Bond 4 n. Sago. Bromberg Henry, blacksmith, res. Union House. Bronson Gilbert, lab. res. e. s. 2nd 6 n. Lincoln Av. Bronson Knud, carpenter, res. s. e. cor. Washington and Isabella. Brougham Herbert, shoe laster, res. e. s. 1st 2 n. Forest Av. Brown Adam, mnfr. res. s. e. cor. Olive and Winneconne Av. Brown Albert, barber, res. n. s. Doty Av. 2 e. Oak. Brown Anna Miss, res. n. e. cor. Elm and Franklin Av. Brown Earl, papermkr. res. s. w. cor. 4th and Green. Brown Frank, papermkr. res. n. w. cor. Winneconne Av. and Isabella. Brown George, papermkr. res. n. w. cor. Oak and Doty Av. Brown Harry, papermkr. res. n. w. cor. Oak and Doty Av. Brown Helen (wid. John), res. 302 Winneconne Av. New Firm, New D[y Goods, LG 11 DEALING U U 1UTHER1 6DAIES C NO. 163 MAIN STREBMT. BEST DEPOT FOR U0.'S ASSEMBLY, THE WAUGOO BREWING PABST ST.. 15 ONIC BUT 435 BRO Brown John, hackdriver, res. 302 Winneconne Av. Brown John, lab. res. 418 Sherry. Brown John F., house mover 424 Sherry, res. same. Brown John W., live stock merchant, res. s. s. North Water 3 w. Commercial Av. Brown Maggie (wid. Henry), res. s. w. cor. 4th and Green. Brown Rilla Miss, res, n. w. cor. Oak and Doty Av. Brown Valentin, carpenter, res. n. e. cor. High and Center. Brown Valley E., papermkr. res. s. w. cor. 4th and Green. Brown William G., teller Manufacturers' Bank, res. 255 Wisconsin Av. Bruening Charles, teamster, res. w. s. Union 1 n. Monroe. Bruening Emma, domestic J. M. Thompson. Bryan Charles A., clk. res. e. s. Bond 1 s. Edna Av. Bryan John, express agt. res. e. s. Bond 1 s. Edna Av. Buckley Albert, dyer, res. s. s. North Water 6. w. Commercial Av. Buckley Joseph H., res. s. s. N, Water 7 w. Commercial Av. Buckley Martha A. Miss, dressmkr. res. s. s. North Water 7 w. Commercial Av. Buell Lottie Miss, res. 210 Doty Av. Buenger Charies, cooper, res. s. s. Caroline 1 e. R. R. track. Buenger William, lab. res. s. s. Caroline 1 e. R. R. track. Buerholt Sophie (wid. Jens), res. s, w. cor. Caroline and Harrison. Burbath Charles, lab. res. e. s. 5th 2 n. Hewitt. Burke Margaret (wid. Michael), res. e. s. LaGrange 2 s. Division. Burnham Samuel, engineer, res. n. e. cor. Sherry and Isabella. Burns Thomas, papermkr. res. 127 Columbian Av. Burton Maria (wid. Newton), res. 304 North Water. Bussian August, lab. res. n. s. Main 2 w. Lake. Bussian Wilhelmina (wid. Ludwig), res. n. s. Main 2 w. Lake. Butterfield Levi J., blacksmith n. s. Canal 1 e. Cedar, res. e. s. 3rd 1 s. Lincoln. Butterfield Martha Miss, dressmkr. e. s. 3rd 1. s. Lincoln. PAUL OPPERMANN } .IMPORTER, 419 BROADWAY, MILWAUKEE. HARDWARE SPECIALTIES, PAUL OPPERMANN,PAOAN 419 BROADWAY, MILWAUKEE. CAD 436 CHR C. ADE Henry J., carpenter, res. s. s Sago 4 w. Bond. Cade James, res. s. s. Sago 4 w. Bond. Callahan David, baggageman, res. e. s. 1st 1 n. Hewitt. Callahan John, res, e. s. 1st 1 n. Hewitt. Callahan John M., ticket agt. C. & N. W. R. R., res. n. s. High 2 e. Center. Callahan Thos. E., mngr. W. U. Tel. Co. res. 112 W. Doty. Campbell Merritt L. (Kerwin & Campbell), res. s. w. cor. Franklin Av. and Walnut. Carey Johanna Miss, fancy goods and notions e, s. Cedar 1 n. Wisconsin Av. res. Russell House. Carlberg Gunther (Sorley & Carlberg), res. 513 Cedar. Carman Elida Miss, teacher, res. 433 3rd. Carman James H., watchman, res. 433 3rd. Carman John A., papermkr. res. 433 3rd. Carney James, flagman, res. Neenah Hotel. Carrigan Mary (wid. Henry), res. s. s. Division 1 e LaGrange Av. Casperson Andrew, farmer, res. s. s. Washington 1 e. R. R. track. Casperson Anna, res. s. s. Forest Av. 3. e. Commercial. Casperson Casper, fireman, res. e. s. 4th 2. s. Lincoln. Casperson Martin, student, res. s. s. Washington 1 e. R. R. Casperson Nels., fireman, res. s. s. Forest Av. 3 e. Commercial. Casperson Ole, papermkr. res. e. s. 4th 2 s. Lincoln. Chalfant Scott J. (Fenton & Chalfant), res. s. s. Franklin Av. 4 e. Walnut. Chapin John E. Rev., pastor First Presbyterian Church, res. s. s. Washington Av. 2 w. Walnut. Charnley Charles, res. s. s. The Avenue 3 w. 2nd. Chase Harry, cooper, res. s. s. Smith 1 w. Isabella. Chase Luke J., res. 337 5th. Christensen Carrie, domestic J. R. Barnett. Christensen Emma. domestic Mrs. Carrie F. Clark. Christensen Gottfried, res. e. s. Main 1 n. Wisconsin. GO TO THE HICKS PRINTING CO., FOR ALL KINDS OF NEAT PRINTING. MilSI. wilt PIX1EY& CO., 141 M1lemenll e"Not 1111" CLE 437 CHR Christensen Jens, lab. res. s. s. Main 4 w. Lake. Christensen John, res. e. s. LaGrange Av. 2 n. Division. Christensen Lars, cooper, res. 319 Caroline. Christensen Laurina, tailor, res. 319 Caroline. Christensen Martin, lab. res. n. s. 2nd Av. 1 e. Waverly Place. Christensen Mary, domestic w. s. Cedar 2 n. Columbian Av. Christensen N. Chris, bartender, res. 302 Cedar. Christensen Peter, lab. res. n. e. cor. Sherry and Henry. Christiansen Hens P., lab. res. n. w. cor. Union and Monroe. Christiansen Mats, lab. res. n. w. cor. Union and Monroe. Christiansen Mogens, res, s. s. Washington 3 e. R. R. track. Christoffersen Christian, molder, res. e. s. Cronkhite 1 n. Caroline. Christofferson Hans, carpenter, res. s. w. cor. The Avenue and 5th. Christofferson Peter, molder, res. n. s. Sago 1 e. River. Christoph George, drayman, res. 302 Cedar. Christoph John, drayman, res. 217 Forest Av. Christoph Lorenz, lab. res. 126 Columbian Av. Clark Basil C. carp. contr. res. w. s. N. Division 1 s. Sago. Clark Carrie F. (wid. C. B.), res. 549 Wisconsin Av. Clark Eliza A. (wid. H.), res. s. s. Clark 1 w. 3rd. Clark N. Fred Rev., pastor Island Baptist Church, res. w. s. N. Division 1 s. Sago. Clark Samuel T., res. s. s. Clark 1 w. 3rd. Clark Theda Miss, res. 549 Wisconsin Av. Clark John N., boarding house and grocery e. s. Commercial 4 and 5 s. Railroad. Clarkson Charles B., shoemkr. res. n. e. cor. Winneconne Av. and Cedar. Clausen Carl, boots and shoes s. s. Wisconsin Av. 4 w. Church, res. n. w. cor. Smith and Brien. Clausen Harold H. (Wulff, Clausen & Co.), res. n. s. E. North Water 4 e. Commercial. Cleveland Ida Miss, res. s. s. Sherry 1 w. Union. Cleveland Iydia, domestic Neenah Hotel. THE NEW LDEN EA AND MEN MAIN ST., HERS 69 FURNISHERS. ,COR. PEARL, NEXT TO 1 IS 2-Pixley & Co. are 1 and you are 2. Other Manufacturers are 1, the Retailer is 2 and You are 3. See the difference? --141 MAIN STREET. CLE 438 CRA Cleveland Moses W., res. s. s. Sherry 1 w. Union. Coates Noel C., res. w. s. 4th 2 s. Lincoln. Coats Charles, stenog. res. s. s. Columbian Av. 3 w. Oak. Coats Evaline (wid. T.), res. w. s. Isabella 1 n. Monroe. Coats Fannie Miss, res. s. s. Columbian Av. 3 w. Oak. COATS HASKELL E., postmaster, res. s. s. Columbian Av. 3 w. Oak. Coats Sidney. T. (Kellogg & Coats), res. w. s. Isabella 1 n. Monroe. Cole Harriet (wid. T.), res. n. s. Winneconne Av. 3 w. Henry. Cole Walton E., sale stables e. s. Main 1 s. Brien, res. n. s. Winneconne Av. 1 e. Henry. Collins Pearl F., clk. S. D. Baird, res. 721 Plum. Conlin Daniel C., live stock dealer, res. s. s. North Water 3 w. Commercial Av. Connelly Michael, coachman F. D. Lake. Conrad Jane (wid. H. B.), res. s. s. Doty Av. 4 e. Church. Conradsen Neils P., lab. res. w. s. Cronkhite 2s. Caroline. Conroy James, scaler, res. s. s. The Avenue 2 e. 6th. Cook Albert, harnessmkr. res. e. s. LaGrange Av. 3. s. Cherry. Cook Lewis, harnessmkr. res. e. s. LaGrange Av. 3 s. Cherry. Cook Martin, harnessmkr. res. e. s. LaGrange Av. 3 s. Cherry. Cook Mary, harness and saddlery n. s. Wisconsin Av. 3 e dar, res. e. s. LaGrange Av. 3 s. Winneconne Av. Cook Sam A., sec. and treas. Neenah Paper Co. res. s. w. cor. Commercial and North Water. Cooke Jennie Miss, music teacher s. s. Wisconsin 2 w. Pine, res. same. Cooke Sarah, (wid. T.), res. s. s. Wisconsin Av. 2 w. Pine. Cooley Edward W., lab. res. Jasperson House. Courtney James, lab. res. w. s. 3rd 3 n. Lincoln. Cramer Amalia Mrs.. midwife, res. n. s. Wisconsin 8 e. Cedar. Ml u~nand hl~wils 'In large - SllaUld 0 UIIU Assortment Luther Davies & Co. 163 MAIN STREET. For IMPORTED WINES, THEY ARE THE LtLlW LIQUORS and CIGARS, CRA I l. 439 [[l L. W U. DAU Cramer Charles, meat market w. s. Cedar 3 n. Wisconsin Av. res. n. s. Wisconsin Av. 8 e. Cedar. Cramer Ernst, shoemkr. res. n. s. Wisconsin Av. 8 e. Cedar. Cramer Frederick A., livery and sale stable n. s. Canal 2 e. Cedar, res. 331 5th. Cramer John, butcher, res. n. s. Wisconsin 8 e. Cedar. Creedon Margaret (wid. M.), res. n. s. Main 3 w. Lake. Crohne Andrew, cook, res. n. w. cor. Columbian and Elm. Crozier William J., carpenter, res. Union Hotel. Curdy Jacob, res. e. s. 4th 3 s. Lincoln. Curran Charles L., shoemkr. res. e. s. LaGrange Av. 5 s. Cherry. Curtis Lillie Miss, res. 240 Smith. Curtis Lucia (wid. Solon), res. 240 Smith. D. AHLKE Herman C., molder, res. s. e. cor. Railroad and Bond. Dallmann Carl, papermkr. res. e. s. Plum 4 s. Cherry. Dallmann William, lab. res. e. s. Plum 7 s. Cherry. Danielson George, contractor, res. s. s. Winneconne Av. 1 w. Harrison. Danielson Martin, contractor, res. s. s. Winneconne Av. 1 w. Harrison. Danielson Peter, lab. res. s. s. 2d Av. 6 w. LaGrange Av. Danielson Peter Jr., lab. s. s. 2d Av. 5 w. LaGrange Av. Danke Mary, domestic John"Stevens. Darman & Merry (James A. Darman and Geo. H. Merry), bakery and restaurant e. s. Cedar 3 n. Wisconsin Av. Darman James A. (Darman & Mer3y), res. e. s. Cedar 3 n. : \i . Wisconsin. Dau Belle Miss, res. w. s. Commercial Av. 2 s. Sago. Dau Jep J. (Dau & Madson), res. w. s. Commercial 2 s. Sago. Dau & Madson (Jep J. Dau and George L. Madson), merchant tailors 113 Wisconsin Av. Dauck Henry, lab. res. e. s. 2nd 3 s. Forest Av. BUTCHER KNIVES and STEELS, nPERM ; 419 BROADWAY PAnill MILWAUKEE. , lUL UtI aI Oppernlann, g PE_'_1_1'1 _ 7 HOUSEHOLD _ GOODS, MILWAUKEE. DAV 440 DIL Davis David R. (Winnebago Paper Mills), res. s. s. Wisconsin Av. 3 e. Elm. Davis Eben S., carpenter, res. w. s. Harrison 4 s. Main. Davis George A., sec. and mngr. Neenah and Menasha Gas and Electric Co. res. s. s. Wisconsin Av. 4 e. Elm. Davis Jane (wid. J. R.), res. s. s. Wisconsin Av. 4 Elm. Davis Samuel, carpenter, res. w. s. Harrison 4 s. Main. Davis William L., sec. and treas. Winnebago Paper Mills, res. n. e. cor. Cedar and Washington. Deal Anna, dressmkr. 109 Wisconsin Av. res. same. Defnet Eli, bookkpr. res. e. s. Bond 1 n. Sago. DeGarmo Albert, res. w. s. Lake Shore Av. 2 n. River Av. Delamater Ida Miss, res. n. e, cor. Cedar and Church. Delamater Mary Miss, dressmkr. s. s. Franklin Av. 4 w. Oak, res. same. Delamater Melissa Miss, dressmkr. n. e. cor. Cedar and Church, res. same. DeLaMatyr Thankful (wid. H.), res. n. s. Winneconne Av. 3 w. Henry. Demeritt Newell, res. s. e. cor. Doty and Columbian Av. Dener John, cooper, res. e. s. 4th 2 s. The Avenue. Dener William, lab. res. e. s. 4th 2 s. The Avenue. Denhardt Wm., lab. res. n. w. cor. Monroe and Harrison. Denninger John F., photographer n. s. Wisconsin Av. 11 e. P. 0. res. s. s. North Water 2 w. Commercial Av. DePew Lynn, clk. Wm. Meissner, res. Russell House. Derby John, hostler, res. Neenah Hotel. Dickenson Mary, dressmkr. res. n. s. Wisconsin 4 e. Cedar. Dickhoff Herman, papermkr. res. e. s. Plum 6 s. Cherry. Dickhoff Herman Jr., lab. res. e. s. Plum 6 s. Cherry. Didriksen Peter, lab. res. n. s. Cherry 1 e Walnut. Dietz Dora Miss, teacher, res. n. e. cor. Caroline and Harrison. Dietz Henry, cooper, res. n. e. cor. Caroline and Harrison. Dietz Lina Miss, clk. A. Sklute, res. n. e. cor. Caroline and Harrison. Dietz William, cooper, res. e. s. 5th 2 n. Forest Av. Dilke Gottleib, mason, res. Union House. SUBSCRIBE THEDAILY NORTHWESTERN. PYixley iy Co's o's CHILDREN DEPARTMENT Always contains bargains that the Ladies appreciate NO. 141 MAIN STREET. DIM NEENAH] 441 [DIRECTORY. DUF Dimmick Jaman J., carp. contr. s. w. cor. Wisconsin Av. and Pine. res. same. Dobberke Amanda, domestic s. s. Main 1 w. city limits. Dobbertin Charles, watchman, res. s. e. cor. The Avenue and 6th. Doege William, lab. res. w. s. Ann 1 s. Brien. Dolan Anna Miss, res. w. s. Commercial Av. 3 n. Sago. Dolan Ellen Miss, milliner, res. w. s. Commercial 3 n. Sago. Dolan Jennie Miss, res. w. s. Commercial Av. 3 n. Sago. Dolan William. papermkr. res. w. s. Commercial 3 n. Sago. Doyle James, engineer, res. e. s. Commercial n. Railroad. Draheim August (Draheim & Son), res. s. w. cor. Franklin Av. and Elm. Draheim Charles (Draheim & Son), res. 117 Wisconsin Av. DRAHEIM & SON, (Charles and August Draheim), saloon and billiard hall 117 Wisconsin Av. Drysdale Margaret Miss, dressmkr. res. n. w. cor. Commercial Av. and High. Drysdale Thomas, foreman, res. n. w. cor. Commercial Av. and High. Dubois Albert, bkpr. Gas and Eiectric Co. res. 216 Cedar. DuBois Elvira (wid. George), res. n. e. cor. Elm and Columbian Av. Dubois Louis, saloon n. e. cor. Cedar and Canal, res. 216 Cedar. Dubrock Elisa (wid. Ludwig), dressmkr. res. s. s. Caroline 2 w. Henry. Dubrock Minnie Miss, res. s. s. Caroline 2 w. Henry. Dudley Buddie Miss, mngr. Postal Cable Tel. Co. res. Menasha. Due Henry, machine tender, res. e. s. Harrison 1 n. Washington. Due Katie, domestic Henry Sherry. Due Minnie Miss, res. e. s. Harrison 1 n. Washington. Duffy Duffy Duffy Duffy Alice Miss, res. s. s. Forest Av. 2 w. 3d. Frank, papermkr. res. s. s. Forest Av. 2 w. 3d. Ida Miss, res. s. s. Forest Av. 2 w. 3d. Peter H., machine tender, res. s. s. Forest 2 w. 3d. FEW EXPENSES ENABLE SMALL PROFITS to successfully operate, the business. Trade with The Soper Furniture Co., 41-43 Main St. 32-A buyCOLOTHING of PIXLEY & n 141 MAIINW MXT 141 V/IfIN g YOUcan C4OMPANY and save just 25 cents os ILTREEIT.every IIT '$1.00. EIS NE;ENAH] 442 [DIRECTORY. DUM Dumke Henrietta (wid. Ferdinand), res. n. w. cor. Church and Winneconne. Dumke Iouisa Miss, res. n. w. cor. Church and Winneconne Av. Dumke Otto, bartender, res. n. w. cor. Church and Winneconne Av. Dumke William, papermkr. res. s. s. Franklin 2 w. Pine. Dunham George W., lab. res. s. s. Franklin 1 e. Walnut. Dunham John L., res. s. s. Franklin Av. 1 e. Walnut. Dunn Michael, carp. res. s. w. cor. Smith and Isabella. Dunn Myron A., tinner, res. n. e. cor. Sherry and Isabella. Dunn Richard, foreman, res. s. w. cor. Smith and Isabella. E. EASTON David, res. w. s. 3d 3 s. Forest Av. Easton Fred, teamster. res. w. s. 3d 3 s. Forest Av. Eberlein Albert, baker, res. n. s. Smith 3 w. Brien. Eberlein August, lab. res. n. s. Smith 3 w. Brien. Eberlein Charles, teamster, res. n. s. Smith 3 w. Brien. Eberlein Emma Miss, dressmkr. res. n. s. Smith 3 w. Brien. Edgarton Mary J. (wid. Joseph), res. 131 Wisconsin Av. Edgarton Mary LI. Miss, pianos, organs and books 131 Wisconsin Av. res. same. Ehlert Edward, saloon e. s. Main 3 s. Wisconsin, res. same. Ehlert Edward Jr., barkpr. res. e. s. Main 3 s. Wisconsin. Ehlert Emma Miss, milliner, res. e. s. Main 3 s. Wisconsin. Ehrgott Adam, propr. Neenah Brewery e. s. Lake 2 n. Main, res. same. Ehrgott Andrew, lab. res. w. s. Main 5 s. Brien. Ehrgott Charles, teamster, res. e. s. Main 5 n. Isabella. Ehrgott Frank, saloon 131 Wisconsin Av. res. same. Ehrgott George, teamster, res. w. s. Main 5 s. Brien. Eichmann Fred, lab. res. n. s. 3d Av. 2 w. Waverly Place. Eichmann Fred Jr., switchman, res. n. s. 3d Av. 2 e. Waverly Place. Eichmann John, mach. res. n. s. 3d Av. 2 w. Waverly Place. Eisenach Albert Jr., cooper, res. n. s. Harrison, 2 e. Main. Eisenach Alexander, cooper, res. s. s. Caroline, 5 e. R. R. Dress Goods In large variety and Latest Styles at-. Davies & Co. Luther 163 MAIN STREET. TH eletIUed PIABSTS MIWKEE BEER 15 WAUQO ERD NEENAH] 443 [DIRECTORY. EIS Eisenach Arthur, porter, res. n. e. cor. Washington and Harrison. Eisenach Augusta Mrs., res. s. e. cor. The Avenue and 7th. Eisenach Charles, brickmkr. res. e. s. Harrison 3 s. Main. Eisenach Edith Miss, clk. A. Sklute, res. n. lineNeenah. Eichman Fred C., switchman, res. n. s. 3d Av. Ek Ella, cook Jasperson House. Eldredge Austin D., head bookkpr. H. Sherry, res. s. w. cor. Church and Caroline. Eldredge Edgar, bookkpr. The National Bank, res. s. w. cor. Church and Caroline. Elliott David, lab. res. w. s. 4th 2 n. Hewitt. Ellis Joseph F., baggagemaster C. & N. W. depot, res. s. e. cor. Commercial and North Water. Elms Cornelius, teamster, res. 424 Caroline. Elwers Ernst, res. s. s. Caroline 2 e. Henry. Elwers Frederick (Kimberly & Elwers), res. n. s. Doty Av. 3. w. Oak. Ely Anna Miss, res. w. s. River 2 s. High. Ely Calvin, res. s. s. Washingnon Av. 2 w. Walnut. Ely Frederick, painter, res. w. s. River 2 s. High. Ely Julia (wid. Fred), res. w. s. River 2 s. High. Emery Byron, res. 316 Pine. Emery Howard, teamster. res. 316 Pine. Engel Annie, domestic Charles H. Bergstrom. Engel Clara, domestic William C. Jacobs. Engel John, switchman, res. e. s. 1st 3 s. The Avenue. Engel Joseph, miller, res. n. s. Hewitt, 2 w. 2d. Engel Mathias, res. e. s. 1st 2 s. Hewitt. Engel William A., telegraph operator and ticket agt. Wis. Cent. depot, res. Russell House. Engelbretson Christian, lab. res. w. s. Union 1 n. Sherry. Engfer Carl. lab. res. n. e. cor. Elm and Franklin Av. Engle Augusta, domestic Thomas Higgins. Enos Florence Miss, teacher, res. s.s. Franklin Av. 4w. Oak. Enos Lucy (wid. John), res. s. s. Franklin Av. 4 w. Oak. Erdmann Edward, papermkr. res. n. s. Washington Av. 3 w. Elm. PAUL OPPERMANN CLOTHES BRUSHES, HAIR419and BROADWAY, MILWAUKEE. LINGNER & KRAFT'S PAUL BATH BRUSHES. ERI OPPERMANN, 419 BROADWAY. SOLE AGT, MILWAUKEE. NEENAH] 444 [DIRECTORY. FER Erickson Boeve, lab. res. n. s. Sherry 3 e. Harrison. Erickson Martin, painter, res. s. s. North Water 4 w. Commercial Av. Ermel Johanna (wid. Carl), res. e. s. Elm 2 n. Franklin Av. Ertel William, res. n. s. Forest Av. 2 e. 3d. Erwin William H., grocer, flour and feed, s. s. Wisconsin 6 w. Walnut, res. s. s. Franklin Av. 2 e. Walnut. Erwin William Jr., clk. res. s. s. Franklin Av. 2e.Walnut. Evensen Andrew, molder, res. w. s. Union 2 n. Caroline. F. FAHRENKRUG Arthur, cooper, res. s. s. Hewitt 2e. 3d. Fahrenkrug August, fisherman, res.s. s. Hewitt 2 e. 3d. Fahrenkrug Carl, res. n. s. Hewitt 1 e. 1st. Fahrenkrug Ernst, res. s. s. Hewitt 2 e. 3d. Fahrenkrug Fred, fisherman, res. s. s. Hewitt 2 e. 3d. Fahrenkrug Louis, farm hand. res. n. s. Hewitt 1 e. 1st. Fahrenkrug William, cooper, res. w. s. 2d 3 n. Lincoln. Fahs Carl, lab. res. n. w. cor. Clark and 5th. Fasel Peter, barber, res. n. s. Wisconsin 7 e. Cedar. Fehrmann Richard, lab. res. e. s. 2d 2 s. Hewitt. Felton Fred, teamster. res. e. s. Lake Shore rd. 2 s. Wisconsin Av. Felton John, res. w. s. Lake Shore rd. 6 s. Wisconsin Av. Felton Robert J., stone quarry w. s. Lake Shore rd. s. Wisconsin Av. res. same. Felton William, teamster, res. w. s. Lake Shore rd. 5 s. Wisconsin Av. Fenning James, cigarmkr. res. Jasperson House. Fenton Harriett (wid. Roger) res. 238 Franklin Av. Fenton Henry R., millwright, res. 238 Franklin Av, Fenton Merton 0., car accountant, res. 238 Franklin Av. Fenton Willis H. (Fenton & Chalfant), res. n. s. Washington Av. 3 e. Cedar. FENTON & CHALFANT (Willis H. Fenton and Scott T. Chalfant), coal and wood, n. s. Wisconsin Av. 1 e. N. W. R. R. track and cor. Caroline and Union. Ferguson Charles, lab. res. e. s. Plum 2 s. Cherry. ADVERTISE - - IN THE nAILY i ^BEST RESULTS. NORTHWESTERN. ARE A Yl Y1 t FER L¥I I A IP JU 1\ For a place to BUY CLOTHING CHEAP? Then go to P I XLEY &CO.. 141 MAIN ST., the great One-Price, One-Profit Clothiers. NRENAH] 445 [DIRECTORY. FUE Ferkey August, blacksmith, res. w. s. 3d 1 n. Forest Av. Fieweger Charles, elk. res. n. e. cor. Sherry and Union. Fischer Frederick A., cashier freight department C. & N. W. depot, res. Jasperson House. Fish Amy B. (wid. Selah), res. n. s. Forest Av. 2 e. Kewanna. Fish Flora Miss, res. n. w. cor. East N. Water and 1st. Fish Herbert H., cashier Wis. Central depot, res. s. s. Washington 2 w. Church. Fish John, station agt. Wis. Central depot, res. n. w. cor. East N. Water and 1st. Fitzgibbon John, commissioner poor, res. Neenah Hotel. Flint Charles C., postal clk. res. 402 Church. Foeltzer Dora (wid. Ludwig), res. w. s. LaGrange Av. 1 n. Division. Foeltzer Fred, res. 240 Doty Av. Foot Anna, domestic William H. Meeker. Ford Hattie (wid. John R.), res. 111 Franklin. Fowler Hiram, teamster, res. s. s. North Water 1 w. Wis. Central R. R. track. Fraser Alex., engineer, res. e. s. Commercial 3 s. Railroad. Fraser Jennie Miss, teacher, res. e. s. Commercial 3 s. Railroad. Freeman Launcelot H , clk. res. s. s. Sago 2 w. Bond. Freer Arthur S., tailor, res. 217 Sherry. Freitag August, lab. res. w. s. Lake Shore road 2 s. Wisconsin Av. Freitag Herman, lab. res. w. s. Lake Shore road 2 s. Wisconsin Av. French Byron, engineer, res. 321 5th. French Giles, res. wv. s. Bond 3 n. High. French Warren, machinist, res. s. s. Forest Av. 1 w. 1st. Fricke Henry, fireman, res. w. s. Cedar 2 n. Doty Av. Fritzen Frederick (Jersild & Fritzen), res. s. e. cor. Harrison and Washington. Frusch Emily, domestic Neenah Hotel. Fuchsgruber Katie, domestic Nic Simon. Fuechsel Ernst, baker n. s.Wisconsin 6 e. Cedar, res. same. TIIr NE GODEN EL ITHE 69 MAIN STREET, WODL PEARL, TE CORNER -C CE A POPULAR PRICE CLOTHIERS. CLOTHIERS. WHY NOT SAVE THE JOBBERS' PROFITS. nishing se cas can nishingcluGoods Goods House Ifford to sell goods as cheap as PIXLEY & COMPANY sell them at _-141 MAIN STREET. FUE NEENAH] 446 [DIRECTORY. GER Fuechsel Ernst Jr., baker, res. n. s. Wisconsin 6 e. Cedar. Fuerst Charles, brewer, res. Island House. Fulton Charles R., molder, res. n. s. Franklin Av. 1 e. Walnut. Funey Louis, lab. res. n. s. Columbian Av. 3 e. Cedar. G. GAFFNEY Charles, student, res. 213 Church. Gaffney Philip, general merchandise 103 Wisconsin, res. 213 Church. Gaffney William, clk. res. n. s. Washington Av. 3e. Cedar. Gagan Thomas, lab. res. e. s. Turner 3 s. Division. Galligan Eliza (wid. James), res. w. s. Church 2 s. Washington. Galligan Ella Miss, res. w. s. Church 2 s. Washington. Gannon Mary, domestic, res. e. s. Bond 3 s. Sago. Garfield Wallace J., cooper, res. s. s. The Avenue 2 w. 7th. Garfield William, cooper, res. s. s. The Avenue 2 w. 7th. Garrity John, lab. res. Union House. Garton Fannie Miss, res. w. s. Commercial Av. 4 n. Sago. Garton Josephine (Garton & Jenkins), res. w. s. Commercial Av. 4 n. Sago. Garton William J., watchman, res. w. s. Commercial Av. 4 n. Sago. Garton & Jenkins (Mrs. Josephine Garton and Mrs. Addie Jenkins), mnilliners 118 Wisconsin Av. Garvey John, bartender, res. Wisconsin Av. w. Main. Garvey Patrick, lab. res. n. s. Wisconsin Av. 3 w. Main. Gavin John J., lab. res. s. s. Doty Av. 1 e. Church. Gary Paul (Adams & Gary), res. w. s. Cedar 2 n. Wisconsin Av, Gehring Lewis, cooper, res. s. w cor. 2d and The Avenue. Gehring Mary (wid. Henry), res. w. s. 5th 3 n. Hewitt. Gensike Marie Miss, res. s. s. Washington Av. 1 e. Walnut. Gensike Trangott R. Rev., pastor German Ev. Luth. Trinity church, res. s. s. Washington Av. 1 e. Walnut. Gerhardt Charles F., insurance agt. s. s. Smith 4 e. Isabella, res. same. Dres rimmin,l cs, Luther Davies & Co. THE ASSORENTS w wv ASSORTMENTS MS -ME__ -_le 163 MAIN STREET. T f THEr AS rYE DLIY TQU A P GER lO V Is Headquarters for the FINEST DIYX WHISKIES Distilled. C. E. FOLLETT & CO., Props. NEEANH] 447 [DIRECTORY. GOO Gerhardt Emma Miss, dressmkr. res. n. s. Isabella 2 e. Main. Gerhardt Henry, miller, res. n. s. Isabella 2 e. Main. Gerhardt John, fruit store w. s. Commercial Av. 5 n. Sago, res. same. Gerhardt Martha Miss, clk. res. s. s. Smith 4 e. Isabella. Gerhardt Minnie (wid. John), res. n. s. Isabella 2 e. Main. Germanson Albert, lab. res. n. s. Washington 2 e. Walnut. Germanson Knud, lab. res. n. s. Washington 2 e. Walnut. Gibson Margaret, dressmaker, res. 112 Columbian Av. Gibson William, stockbuyer, res. w. s. Sherry 2 n. Henry. Giddings Carrie Miss, res. e. s. 3d 2 s. Lincoln. ,Giddings Ephraim, pension agt. res. e. s. Lake 4 n. Main. Giddings Esther Miss, nurse e. s. 3d 2 s. Lincoln, res. same. Giddings Harland, lab. res. e. s. 3d 2 s Lincoln. Giddings Hattie E. Miss, music teacher, res. w. s. Lake 4 n. Main. Gilbert Albert, sec. Gilbert Paper Co. res. n. w. cor. Forest Av. and 9th. Gilbert Theodore M., bookkpr. Gilbert Paper Co. res. n. w. cor. Forest Av. and 9th. Gilbert William, pres. Gilbert Paper Co. res. n. w. cor. Forest Av. and 9th. Gilbert William Jr., salesman, res. n. w. cor. Forest Av. and 9th. Gillingham Francis J. (Ulrich & Gillingham), res. n. s. Franklin Av. 2 w. Walnut. Gittins Watkins, carpenter and contracter, res. s. e. cor. Wisconsin Av. and Elm. Gleason Herbert J. (Wilde & Gleason), res. s. s. Columbian Av. 2 w. Cedar. Gleason Frances A. (wid James), res. 215 Caroline. Goertsch John, carpenter, res. Union House. Golloxson George, coachman Charles W. Howard. Goodman Edward, shoemkr. res. e. s. LaGrange Av. 3 s. Division. Goodman Fred, carpenter and contractor w. s. LaGrange 1 s. West Park, res. same. ND DYES PERFUMERIES lI8 NBYL PERFUME APAUL T - OPPERMANN'S, MILWAUKEE, WIS, POCKET CUTLERY AND SCISSORS. GOO t PAUL OPPERMANN, 419 BROADWAY. MILWAUKEE. NEENAH] 448 [DIRECTOY HAP Goodman John, teamster, res. e. s. LaGrange Av. 2 s. West Park. Gore Robert R., lab. res. w. s. Commercial Av. 1 n. Sago. Gotke Herman, papermkr. res. s. e. cor. Washington Av. and Chestnut. Gould Archibald, clk. res. e. s. Main 2 s. Isabella. Gould Carrie Miss, res. e. s. Main 2 s. Isabella. Gould Claude, foreman, res. e. s. Main 2 s. Isabella. Gould Jennie Miss, res. e. s. Main 2 s. Isabella. Gram Hans, res. s. w. cor. Wisconsin Av. and Elm. Gray Edward, drayman, res. w. s. 2d 1 n. Hewitt. Greenwood James, res. s. e. cor. The Avenue and 3d. Griffen David, papermkr. res. 127 Columbian Av. Grimm Louisa, domestic Northern Pacific Hotel. Griswold Edward W., drug clk. Wildie & Gleason, res. Russell House. Grube Hattie Miss, res. w. s. 2d 2 s. Hewitt. Grube Louis, lab. res. w. s. 2nd 2 s. Hewitt. Gruenwald Gustav, lab. res. s. s. Columbian Av. 2 w. Oak. Grunske Christian, hostler, res. Union House. Grunwald Albert, fireman, res. w. s. 3d 1 s. Clark. Guenther Henry, papermkr. res. w. s. Main 4 s. Brien. Guthormsen Gunlup, carp. res. s. w. cor. River and High. Guthormsen Tideman, carp, res. s. w. cor. River and High. H. HAAG Philip, lab. res. n. s. Union 3 s. Caroline. Haber' Lizzie, domestic Leonard West. Hackonsen Harold, teamster, res. e. s. River 1 s. Sago. Haertl Albert, plumber, res. e. s. Central 3 s. Wash. Av. Haertl Alois F., jeweler s. s. Wisconsin Av. 3 e. Main, res. e. s. Central 3 s. Washington Av. Haertl Anna Miss, res. e. s. Central 3 s. Washington Av. Haertl Henry, jeweler, res. e. s. Central 3 s. Wash. Av. Haertl Peter, framemkr. res. e. s. Central 3 s. Wash. Av. Hafermann August, lab. res. w. s. Main 2 n. Brien. Hafferv John H., marble cutter, res. s. s. Wisconsin Av. 1 e. Walnut. NEAT COMMERCIAL PRINTING, NR GO TO THE HICKS PRINTING CO. yPixl* eyI_ P ixley HAG &~ CoManufacturers ' UQ 0 G J C and Retailers of MEN'S YOUTHS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. 141 MAIN ST. NEENAH] 449 [DIRECTORY. HAN Hagstrom George, tailor, res. w. s. 3d 1 s. Lincoln. Hahl William, bartender, res. e. s. Cedar 4 n. Canal. Hale Edith Miss, res. n. s. North Water 1 e. Division. Hale Fannie Miss, stenographer. res. n. s. North Water 1 e. Division. Hale Shelton A., lumberman, res. n. s. North Water 1 e. Division. Haley Jack, papermkr. res. Jasperson House. Halsey Chester, oarsman, res. w. s. 5th 3 n. Clark. Halsey Nelson, engineer. res. s. s. Forest Av. 4 e. Commercial Av. Halverson Halver Mrs., res. n. s. Wisconsin Av. 7 w. Main. Halverson Halver D. (S. L. Oleson & Co.), res. s. s. Wisconsin Av. 2 e. Main. Halverson Harold, lab. res. e. s. Bond 3 s. High, Hamilton Joseph B., res, s. s. Doty Av. 3 e, Oak. Hanchette Alice Miss, teacher, res. n. s. Washington Av. 2 w. Walnut. Hanchette Oliver Mrs., res. n. s. Washington Av. 2 w. Walnut. Hanbach August, lab. res. s. s. 3d Av. 1 e. Waverly Place. Hand George, lab. res. e. s. 4th 3 s. Lincoln. Hanke Mathilda (wid. Fred), res. s. s. Smith 4 e. Isabella. Hanley May, domestic John L. Dunham. Hansen Anetta Miss, photographer, res. w. s. 6th 3 s. The Avenue. Hansen Annie Miss, res. s. s. 2d Av. 2 w. LaGrange Av. Hansen Christian, lab. res. n. e. cor. Clark and 3d. Hansen Daniel Mrs., res. n. s. Washington Av. 1 e. R. R. Hansen Dora Miss, res. w. s. Lake Shore road 8 s. Wisconsin Av. Hansen Eiler M., harnessmkr. s. s. Wisconsin Av. 5 e. Main, res. e. s. Sherry 4 n. Union. Hansen Ethel, domestic Neenah Hotel. Hansen Fred, carpenter, res. s. s. Brien 2 e. Ann. Hansen Fred H., molder. res. w. s. 6th 3 s. The Avenue. Hansen George, lab. res. 419 Doty Av. The Soper Furiture u e GQ Co, -ii ~ NOS. 41 AND 43 MAIN STREET, i STYLISH FURNITURE. "N".... GooD a COHAP. 33-A PIXEYv IALI HAN SAVE YOU THE JOBBERS' PROFIT On U. ON GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. 1/1 Min 141 NEFNAH] 450 [DIRECTORY. l HAN Hansen George, harnessmkr. res. s. s. Wisconsin Av. 5 e. Main. Hansen Goi, blacksmith, res. e. s. Cronkhite 2 n. Monroe. Hansen Hannah, domestic Peter D. Kraby. Hansen Hans, res. w. s. 6th 3 s. The Avenue. Hansen Hans, clk. 111 Wisconsin Av. res. Town of Neenah. Hansen Hans, grinder, res. s. s. 2d Av. 2 w. La Grange Av. Hansen Hans, lab. res. e. s. Church 2 n. Doty Av. Hansen Hans, patternmkr. res. e. s. 1st 3 n. Lincoln. Hansen Hans, shoemkr. res. s. s. Caroline 6 e. R. R. track. Hansen Hans C., miller, res. e. s. 2d 3 s. Lincoln. Hansen Hans P., lab. res. w. s. Union 1 s. Caroline. Hansen Jacob, papermkr. res. s. e. cor. Clark and 4th. Hansen Jens P., lab. res. e. s. Turner 2 s. Division. Hansen Laura, domestic J. J. Dimmick, Hansen Lena Mrs., res. w. s. 4th 3 n. Lincoln. Hansen Lizzie, domestic William Kellett. Hansen Louisa, domestic David Davis. Hansen Marcus Rev., pastor Danish Baptist Church, res. n. s. Caroline 2 w. Cedar. Hansen Martin, clk. 111 Wisconsin Av. res. Town of Neenah. Hansen Marts, lab. res. e. s. Cronkhite, 1 n. Monroe. Hansen Niels, papermkr. res. n. s. Wisconsin 10 w. Main. Hansen Ole, res. e. s. 4th 4 n. Clark. Hansen Peter, stavemkr. res. w. s. 4th 3 n. Lincoln. Hansen Peter, lab. res. s. s. 2d Av. 2 w. La Grange Av. Hansen Peter Mrs., res. s. w. cor. Washington and Cherry. Hansen Peter J., paper finisher, res. s. s. Forest Av. 3 w. 3d. Hansen Sophia (wid. James), res. w. s. Lake Shore rd. 8 s. Wisconsin Av. Hansen Soren, res. w. s. Lake Shore rd. 8 s.Wisconsin Av. Hansen Thorvald, molder, res. s. s. Caroline 2 w. ILabella. Hansen William, blacksmith. res. w. s. 5th 3 s. Lincoln. Hanson Christian, papermkr. res. n. s. 2d Av. 1 w. La Grange Av. Hanson Eva Miss, res. w. s. Bond 3 n. High. Hansen Jacob, bookkpr. N. Simon & Co. res. s. w. cor. Church and Washington. New Firm, New Drry oo0 'SQUARE DEALING N INU oB I O NO. 163 MAIN STREBT. THE ASSEMBLY, DEPOT FOR PBST S"BEST TONIC." TO. BREWING C 15 WAUGOO ST., HAN NEENAH] 451 [DIRECTORY. HEN Hanson John H., machinist, res. w. s. Bond 3 n. High. Harder John, lab. res. 307 3d. Hardt Charles, lab. res. n. e. cor. Monroe, and Harrison. Harlow Mary A. (wid. George), res. n. s. Harrison 1 e. Main. Harris James D., papermkr. res. 112 Olive. Harris Jennie S., teacher, res. 112 Olive. Harrison Emeline (wid. William K.), res. s. s. Isabella 2 e. Sherry. Hart Charles, lab. res. e. s. N. Water 2 s. Railroad. Hart Frederick, lab. res. e. s. North Water 2 s. R. R. Hart Maria (wid. John), res. 115 Church. Haskell Jane L. (wid. Eli), res. w. s. Isabella 1 n. Monroe. Haufe August C,, harness mnfr. n. s. Wisconsin Av. 2 w. Main, res. w. s. Cronkhite 1 s. Sherry. Haufe Otto cigarmkr. res. w. s. Cronkhite 1 s. Sherry. Haven Mina (wid. Michael), res. s. s. Doty Av. 2 e. Oak. Hawley John, bridge builder, res. s. e. cor. Smith and Isabella. Hawley Mary Mrs., grocer n. w. cor. Main and Brien. res. same. Hawley Thomas, clk. res. n. w. cor. Main and Brien. Hawkinson Camille Miss, res. e. s. 2d 1 n. Clark. Hawkinson Hans, paper finisher, res. s. s. Lincoln 1 e. 2d. Hawkinson Louis, papermkr. res. e. s. 2d 1 n. Clark. Haynes Eleanor (wid. Marshall), res. n. e. cor. North Water and River. Hayward Agnes Miss, stenog. res. w. s. Church 1 s. Smith. Hayward Anna C., dressmkr. res. w. s. Church 1 s. Smith. Hayward Emily (wid. Frank), res. w. s. Church 1 s. Smith. Healy Jacob H., trav, agt. H. Sherry, res. 304 North Water. Hedges James, lab. res. e. s. 1st 2 s. The Avenue. Heidger Peter, lab. res. Island House. Heinicke Emil, rag pedler. res. e. s. Whiteneck rd. 3 s. Columbian Av. Heinzen Rosa Miss. res. s. s. Washington Av. 3 e. Walnut. Heisler William, molder, res. s. s. Main 1 w. Lake. Henneger Frederick, lab. res. w. s. 5th 2 n. Hewitt. Henrichs Anthony, papermkr. res. w. s. Maple 1 s. Sherry. } PAUL OPPERMANN NN P AUL VM IMPORTER, 41 419 BROADWAY, MILWAUKEE PAUL OPPER MANN, HEN HARDWARE SPECIALTIES, 419 BROADWAY. MILWAUKEE. HOE Henry Lucius K., clk. res. s. s. Wisconsin Av. 2 e. Oak. Henry Lucius K. Jr., clk. rer. s. s. Wisconsin Av. 2 e. Oak. Herrick Charles, carriage painter, res. e. s. 3d 3 n. Clark. Herrick Charles N., millwright, res. s. s. E. North Water 2 w. 1st. Herrick Fred, papermkr. res. e. s. 3d 3 n. Clark. Herrick John, tinner, res. n. s. Forest Av. 1 w. 1st. Herziger Louis, clk. W. C. Jacobs & Son, res. e. s. Commercial 4 n. Forest Av. Herziger Louis, saloon e. s. Commercial 4 n. Forest Av. res. same. Hesse Alfred C., sec. and treas. Neenah Quartz Mills, res. Neenah Hotel. Hesse John, res. s. s. Caroline 2 w. Henry. Hesse Louis. res. 353 5th. HESSE WILLIAM H., proprietor Neenah Hotel, w. s. Cedar 3 s. of bridge, res. same. Hesselman John, lab. res. e. s. 1st 4 n. Lincoln. Hesselman Theodore, pailmkr. res. e. s. 1st 4 n. Lincoln. Hesselman William, pailmkr. res. e. s. 7th 2 s. The Avenue. Heymann August, tailor, res. s. e. cor. Washington and Henry. Heywood Martin, res. w. s. 5th 2 s. Forest Av. Hicks Samantha (wid. Sydney), res. e. s. Commercial 6 s. Railroad. Higgins Thomas, res. n. e. cor. Franklin Av. and Church. Hillmann Carl, res. n. e. cor. La Grange Av. and West Park. Hilton Clark, jeweler, res. e. s. Bond, 3 s. Sago. Hilton J. C., jeweler, n. s. Wisconsin Av. 9 e. Church. Hilton Lamar, jeweler, res. e. s. Bond 3 s. Sago. Hindler George, res. s. w. cor. Monroe and Cronkhite. Hindler Martin, lab. res. e. s. 3rd 6 s. Forest Av. Hinterthuer Charles, cooper, res. w. s. 9th 2s. The Avenue. Hodge Wayne, clk. Russell House, res. same. Hoeper August. cooper, res. s. s. Wisconsin Av. 2 w. Oak. Hoeper August, cooper, res. n. w. cor. Sherry and Henry. Hoeper Fred, clk. res. s. w. cor. Forest and Webster. Hoeper Fred, shoemkr. res. s. s. Wisconsin Av. 2 w. Oak. GO TO NEENAH] 452 [DIRECTORY. THE HICKS PRINTING 00..C FOR ALL KINDS OF NEAT PRINTING. Main Si. & CO., 141 wilh PIXLEY Middlemen re "NolI 1H" HOE NEENAH] 453 [DIRECTORY. HRU Hoeper Frederick, res. e. s. Main 3 s. Isabella. Hoeper Henry, cooper, res. s. s. Wisconsin Av. 2 w. Oak. Hoeper Henry, cooper; res. s. e. cor. Isabella and Sherry. Hoeper John, cooper, res. s. s. Wisconsin 2 w. Oak. Hoeper Louisa, domestic John N. Stone. Hoeper William, shoemkr. res. s. s. Wisconsin Av. 2 w. Oak. Hogan John, car inspector, res. e. s. Bond, 2 s. High. Hogan Maria Miss, res. s. s. E. North Water 2 e. Commercial. Hogan Melina Miss, res. e. s. 2d, 5 n. Lincoln Av. Hogensen Chris, res. s. s. Lincoln, 1 w. 3d. Hogensen Martin, lab. res. e. s. 2d, 5 n. Lincoln Av. Hogstad Anton, carpenter, res. s s. Forest Av. 1 e. Commercial. Hohnberger Charles, res. s. e. cor. The Avenue and 4th. Holbrook Edward N., cashier, M. & N. R. R. res. w. s. 9th 3 s. The Avenue. Holbrook Salem, res. w. s. Lake Shore Av. 1 n. River Av. Holcomb Samuel, carpenter, res. s. w. cor. Wisconsin Av. and Pine. Holley Orin, res. s. w. cor. Wisconsin Av. and Walnut. Holmes Wesley, foreman Menasha Wooden Ware Co. res. n. e. cor. 9th and Forest Av. Holmes William, papermkr. res. w. s. Bond 1 n. Sago. Houmann Andrew, mason, res. e. s. 3d 3 n. Lincoln. Houpt Frederick, papermkr. res. s. w. cor. Bond and Edna. Houpt Henry, engineer, res. s. w. cor. Bond and Edna Av. Houpt William, lab. res. s. w. cor. Bond and Edna Av. Howard Charles W., res. s. s. Wisconsin Av. 2 e. Elm. Howe Alfred, papermkr. res. s. e. cor. Bond and High. Howe George, fireman, res. 408 Isabella. Hrubecki Anton, cooper, res. n. w. cor. Main and Smith. Hrubecki John, bookkpr. Walter Bros. res, n. w. cor. Main and Smith. Hrubecki Joseph, cooper, res. w. s. 6.h 2 s. The Avenue. Hrubecki Mary Miss, dressmkr. 129 Wisconsin Av. res. n. w. cor. Main and Smith. Hrubecki William, lab. res. n. w. cor. Main and Smith. TE NEW GOLDEN EAGLE 69 MAIN ST., COR. PEARL, MEN'S AND lTHERS FURNISHElS NEXT TO 1 IS 2-Pixley & Co. are 1 and you are 2. Other Manufacturers are 1, the Retailer is 2 and You are 3. See the difference? . ·.. 141 MAIN STREET. HUG NE;EANH] 454 [DIRECTORY. JAC Hughes Arbilla (wid. Edward), res. s. s. Franklin Av. 2 w. Oak. Hughes Mary Miss, res. w. s. 2d 1 n. Lincoln. Hughes Sarah Miss, res. w. s. 2d 1 n. Lincoln. Hughes William, carpenter, res. 427 Wisconsin Av. Hughes Winnifred (wid. James), res. w. s. 2d 1 n. Lincoln. Huie Nina Miss, compositor, res. w. s. Commercial Av. 2 s. Abbey Av. Huie Orin L. (Blair & Huie), res. w. s. Commercial Av. 2 s. Abbey Av. Hull Cynthia (wid. B. P.), res. s. s. Winneconne Av. 4 e. Waverley Place. Hull Hiram, lab. res. w. s. 5th 2 n. Clark. Hunt John, farmer, res. s. s.Winneconne Av. 3 w. Harrison. Hunt John Jr., clk. P. Gaffney, res. s. s. Franklin Av. 2 w. Walnut. Hunt Mary R. (wid. John), res. e. s. Bond 1 s. Edna Av. Hunt Mollie Miss, clk. res. s. s. Winneconne Av. 3 w. Harrison. Hunt Wallace, bookkpr. res. s. s. Forest 2 e. Commercial. Hurley Thomas, livery s. s. Canal 1 e. Cedar, res. n. s. Hussey Mary (wid. Patrick), res. e. s. Bond 4 s. High. Forest Av. 2 e. Ith. Huxley H. E., milkman s. s. Main 1 w. limits, res. same. I. IHDE Annie, domestic Miss Emma Kimberly. Ilsing Andrew, molder, res. s. s. Cherry 1 e. La Grange. ISLAND HOUSE, John Regenfuss proprietor, e. s. Commercial 1 s. Railroad. Iverson Christina, domestic Charles Hurick. Iverson Annie (wid. Mathew), res. w. s. 2d 2 s. Forest Av. Iverson Peter, lab. res. w. s. s. 2d 2 s. Forest Av. J. JACKSON Lewis, papermkr. res. n. s. Columbian Av. 4 e. Walnut. Jackson William, lab. res. n. s. Columbian 4 e. Walnut. Cok S ant 1s I large - WI Assortment Luther Davies & Co, 163 MAIN STREET. For IMPORTED WINES, THEY ARE THE JAC IQUORS and CIGARS,. L . UlI U. JAN NEENAH] 455 [DIRECTORY. Jacobs Anna Miss, res. s. s. Smith 3 w. Isabella. Jacobs Emilia Miss, music teacher, res. s. s. Smith 3 w. Isabella. Jacobs Frank, engineer, res. n. s. Clark 1 w. 3d. Jacobs John P., res. s. s. Smith 3 w. Isabella. Jacobs Thomas L. (W. C. Jacobs & Son), res. n. e. cor. Forest and 2d. JACOBS W. C. & SON (William C. and Thomas L. Jacobs), grocers e. s. Commercial 6 n. Forest Av. Jacobs William C. (W. C. Jacobs & Son), res. n. e. cor. Forest and 2d. Jacobsen Christian, lab. res. n. e. cor. Ann and Smith. Jacobsen Mary, domestic William Davis. Jacobsen Peter, mason, res. 207 Winneconne Av. Jacobsen Soren A., carpenter, res. s. s. High 2 w. River. Jacobsen Carl, molder, res. 312 Cedar. Jacobson John, lab. res. s. s. The Avenue 3 e. 7th. Jacobson Lars, molder, res. e. s. Isabella 3 s. Washington. Jacobson Nettie, domestic s. e. cor. Main and Isabella. Jaeck Emma Miss, teacher, res. s. s. The Avenue 3 w. 2d. Jaeck Ora Miss, teacher, res. s. s. The Avenue 3 w. 2d. Jaeck Otto, engineer, res. w. s. Chestnut 2 s. Washington. Jaeck Rosina (wid. Ferdinand), res. s.s. The Avenue 3 w. 2d. Jagerson Albert E., lab. res. n. e. cor. Sherry and Harrison. Jagerson Andrew, molder, res. 414 Sherry. Jagerson Charles. molder, res. 414 Sherry. Jagerson Frank, plasterer, res. 414 Sherry. Jagerson George, molder, res. n. e. cor. Sherry and Harrison, Jagerson George A., molder, res. w, s. Harrison 3 s. Main. Jagerson George W., molder, res. e. s. Main 4 s. Isabella. Jagerson John S., papermkr. res. n. e. cor. Sherry and Harrison. Jamison Jeannette (wid. John), res. s. s. Sago 3 w. Bond. Jamison Robert, machine shop e. s. Cedar 2 n. Race, res. s. s. Sago 3 w. Broad. Jandrey Albertina, domestic w. s. Commercial 1 n. Sago. BUTCHER KNIVES and STEELS, flM 419 allDy n PAnU l UlL a BROADWAY MILWAUKEE. °l e manon, Paul Oppcrnlann 9"S HOUSEHOLD GOODS, JAN NEENAH] 456 [DIRECTOY. JAS Jandrey Charles W., clk. Wm. Kellett & Co. res. 402 Sherry; Jandrey Edward (Wm. Kellett & Co.), res. Russell House. Jansen Antonia Miss, dressmkr. res. n. w. cor. LaGrange and 2d Av. Jansen Bert, lab. res. s. w. cor. Main and Brien. Jansen Charles, stenog. res. 112 Columbian Av. Jansen Christ, tailor. res. w. s. 6th 1 n. Hewitt. Jansen Christ, apprentice, res. 112 Columbian Av. Jansen Daniel, enginear, res. n. w. cor. LaGrange and 2d. Jansen Evan, blacksmith, res. n. w. cor. LaGrange and 2d. Jansen Fred E., molder, res. n. s. Isabella 2 e. Sherry. Jansen Jens P., clk. res. e. s. 2d 2 n. Lincoln. Jansen John, lab. res. s. s. Smith 5 w. Isabella. Jansen Julius M., lab. res, s. s. Monroe 1 w. Union. Jansen Lina Miss, res. s. s. Monroe 1 w. Union. Jansen Lizzie Miss, res. w. s. 4th 2 n. Lincoln. Jansen Martin, bricklayer, res. n. s. Doty Av. 1 w. Pine. Jansen Mary (wid. Soren), res. w. s. 4th 2 n. Lincoln. Jansen Nettie Miss, dressmkr. res. n. s. 3d Av. 6 e. Waverly Place. Jansen Otto, machinist, res. n. w. cor. LaGrange and 2d. Jansen Peter 0., res. s. s. Monroe 1 w. Union. Janson John J., lab. res. w. s. Plum 1 s. Orange. Jape Anna Miss, dressmkr. w. s. Pine 2 s. Columbian Av. res. same. Jape Carl, lab. res. e. s. Elm 2 n. Franklin Av. Jape Emily Miss, res. 226 Bond. Jape Mary, domestic Elmer Wing. Jarrett Lorenzo, supt. Kimberly, Clark & Co. res. s. s. East N. Water, 2 e. Commercial. Jarrett Lorenzo Jr., papermkr. res. s. s. East N. Water 2 e. Commercial. Jarvis Azep, cooper, res. n. s. Forest Av. 2 e. 2d. Jarvis Louisa Miss, res. n. s. Forest Av. 2 e. 2d. Jaspersen Hans C. (Wulff, Clausen & Co.), res. 222 High. Jasperson J. Peter, propr. Jasperson House e. s. Cedar 2 s. Doty Av. res. same. SUBSCRIBE H DAILY NORTHWESTERN. Pixley A ^S CHILDREN DEPARTMIIENT Always contains bargains that the Ladies appreciate NO. 141 MAIN STREET. NE:NAH] 457 [DImECWoRY. JAS JER Jasperson Robert, miller, res. n. s. High 1 e. Centre. Jasperson Samuel P., miller, res. n. s. 2d 2 w. LaGrange. Jenkins Addie (Garton & Jenkins), res. n. w. cor. Sago and N. Division. Jenkins Edward, lab. res. n. w. cor. Sago and N. Division. Jenkins Edward Jr., papermkr. res. n. w. cor. Sago and N. Division. Jenkins Richard W,, watchman, res. n. s. Doty Av. 2 w. Church. Jensen Annie, domestic R. L. Jensen. Jensen Anton, lab. res. e. s. Cronkhite 1 n. Monroe. Jensen Caroline Miss, dressmkr. w. s. 1st 1 s. Hewitt, res. same. Jensen Christina, domestic s. s. N. Water 1 w. Commercial Av. Jensen Chris C., tailor 114 Doty Av. res. same. Jensen Hans, cooper, res. n. s. Sherry 1 w. Cronkhite. Jensen Hans P. L., engineer, res. 419 Washington. Jensen Helen, domestic n. e. cor. N. Water and Bond. JENSEN JENS P., stone yard e. s. C. & N. W. Ry. nr. Hewitt, res. w. s. 1st 1 s. Hewitt. Jensen John, lab. res. w. s. Union 4 s. Caroline. Jensen Lendor, machinist, res. 419 Washington. Jensen Louis, molder, res. 114 Doty Av. Jensen Nels (Madison & Jensen), res. 112 Columbian Av. Jensen Nels F., fireman, res. 515 Church. Jensen Peter, deliveryman, res. s. s. Washington 2 e. Henry. Jensen Peter, carpenter, res. w. s. Maple 3 s. Cherry. Jensen R. Louis, stonecutter, res. e. s. 2d 2 n. Clark. Jensen Samuel, carpenter res. e. s. Walnut 1 n. Cherry. Jensen Sophus, compositor, res. 419 Washington. Jergensen Annie (wid. Michael), res. n. s. Doty 3 w. Churh. Jergenson Augusta, domestic Wm. P. Peckham. Jergenson Christ, butcher, res. 312 Cedar. Jersild Bros. (Peter and Walter Jersild), confectionery w. s. Cedar 2 s. Bridge. Jersild Jens Rev., pastor Danish Luth. Church, res. n. w. cor. Isabella and Washington. THE SOPER FURNITURE COMPANY, 41 AND 43 MAIN. I UNDERTAKING ASPECIALTYEP TELEPONES HOUSE, NO 38 STORE, NO. 31. 34-A Tfl[ AYT MAIN141 JER buy CLOTHING of PIXLEY & COMPANY and save just 25 cents on every $1.00. NEENAH] 458 [DIRECTORY. JOH Jersild Peter (Jersid Bros.), res. n. s. Wisconsin Av. 2 w. Cedar. JERSILD PUBLISHING CO. (Danskeren), J. N. Jersild, H. C. Olesen and M. Madson, e. s. Cedar 1 n. Canal. Jersild Walter (Jersild Bros.), res. n. s. Wisconsin Av. 2. w. Cedar. Jersild & Fritzen (Walter Jersild and Fred. Fritzen), general store e. s. Main 2 s. Wisconsin Av. Jespersen Thomas, physician 103 Wisconsin Av. res. n. s. Doty Av. 1 w. Walnut. Jimerson Peter, teamster, res. e. s. 4th 2 n. Hewitt. Joergensen George K., molder, res. e. s. Lake 1 n. Main. Johnson Andrew, coachman, res. w. s. 2nd 2 s. Doty Av. Johnson Anna M.. domestic Andrew Michelson. Johnson Bernard, saloon Wisconsin Av. and Church, res. s. w. cor. Caroline and Henry. Johnson Carrie, domestic F. C. Shattuck. Johnson Charles, papermkr. res. n. s. Doty 3 w. Walnut. Johnson Charles W., clk. C. Bachelder, res. s. s. Isabella 2 w. Caroline. Johnson Emma Miss, clk. Johanna Carey, res. n. s. Washington Av. 2 e. Cedar. Johnson Emma Miss, paperlayer, res. w. s. 3d 1 n. Clark. Johnson Henry, missionary Seventh Day Adventists, res. w. s. Henry 2 s. Caroline. Johnson Ingolf E., repair machine shops on Race w. Cedar, res. s.s. Washington Av. 2 e. Cedar. Johnson John, mason, res. w. s. 3rd 1 n. Clark. Johnson John, millwright, res. n. w. cor. Cherry and Maple. Johnson John, papermkr. res. e. s. Church 2 s. Caroline. Johnson John, lab. res. n. e. cor. 3d and Lincoln. Johnson Karen (wid. John), res. s. s. 2d 6 w. LaGrange. Johnson Maggie C. Miss, res. w. s. 2d 4 n. Lincoln. Johnson Mary A. (wid. Swen), res. w. s. 2d 2 s. Doty Av. Johnson Nels, papermkr. res. w. s. 2d 4 n. Lincoln. Johnson Niels, lab. res. n. s. 2d Av. 3 w. LaGrange Av. Johnson S. L., pump manfr. and dealer in wind mills n. s. Wisconsin Av. 8 w. Main, res. Menasha. Buy U Your 'Yo~Ur~ UNDERWEAR, GLOVES, ETC. DAVIES CO. LUTHER 163 MAIN STREET. AS S MB Y Carries a CGLIFORNIR WINES AND BRANDIES, THEP 15 WAUGOO STREET. r line of TlE AOSSEMBLY1full JOH NEENAH] 459 [DIRECTORY. JUL Johnson Thomas, lab. res. foot 2d nr. Doty Av. Johnson William, machine tender, res. 127 Columbian Av. Johnson William T., elk. Sorley & Carlberg, res. 302 Cedar. Jolliffe Samuel Rev., pastor M. E. Church, res. n. s. Doty Av. 3 w. Oak. Jones Mrs., res. s. s. North Water 3 w. Commercial Av. Jones Arthur, res. 432 Doty Av. Jones Charles, shoe cutter, res. Russell House. Jones Elizabeth, domestic Mrs. Helen Brown. Jones Frank, elk. J. M. Thompson, res. s. s. Franklin Av. 4 w. Pine. Jones Henry M., carp. res. s. s. Franklin Av. 4 w. Pine. Jones Ivan, farmer, res. 527 Church. Jones Julia A. (wid. Wm.), res. s. s. W. North Water 3 w. Commercial Av. Jones Mamie Miss, res. w. s. Commercial Av. 6 w. Sago. Jones Mary Miss, res. s. s. North Water 3 w. Commercial. Jones Robert, farmer, res. 527 Church. Jones Samuel, clk. Russell House, res. same. Jones Stephen, engineer, res. w. s: Bond 5 n. Sago. Jones Thomas, ice dealer 432 Doty Av. res. same. Jorgensen Alfred W., clk. H. C. Jorgensen, res. s. s. Wisconsin Av. 7 w. Church. Jorgensen George H., chief police, res. n. e. cor. 4th and Clark. Jorgensen Hans C., furniture and undertaking, s. s. Wisconsin 7 w. Church, res. s. s. Wisconsin 6 w. Church. Jorgensen Hans F., cooper, res. w. s. 1st 1 s. E. North Water. Jorgensen Helga, domestic Edward N. Holbrook. Jorgensen Louis, machine hand. res. w. s. 1st 1 s. E. North Water. Jorgensen Martha, domestic Wm. Gilbert. Jorgensen Otto F., papermkr. res. w. s. 1st 1 s. E. North Water. Jourdain Lewis, bookkpr. res. 317 The Avenue. Julius Henry, beer agent Hartig & Manz; depot s. s. Wisconsin Av. nr. Main, res. w. s. Ann 6 s. Brien. NoUVeOl~lX OPPERMANN'S. AT PAULBROADWAY, No\elthis MILWAUKEE. 419 e SOLE PAUL OPPERMANN ,EW MILWAUKEE, JUR N LOH'S NEW WHITE WHITE *· METAL POLISH, NEENAH] 460 [DIRECTORY. KEL Jurgensen Olaf, engineer, res. s. s. Clark 2 e. 3rd. Jurgenson Otto, boat livery s. s. Clark 2 e. 3d, res. same. Just Christian, coachman, res. s. w. cor. Commercial and North Water. K. AESTNER Paul, saloonkpr. res. n. s. High 1 w. Water. Kalfahs Charles, ice pedler, res. e. s. Isabella 1 n. Winneconne Av. Kalfahs Gustav, general store 107 Wisconsin Av. res. s. s. Smith 2 e. Isabella. Kampe Emma Miss, res. s. s. Caroline 3 w. Henry. Kampe Ernest, miller, res. s. s. Caroline 3 w. Henry. Kaphingst Fred, res. 510 Cedar. Kaphingst Fred, millwright, res. n. e. cor. 3d and Forest. Kaye John W., bookkpr. C. Bachelder, res. Russell House. Keating John, compositor, res. n. w. cor. Union and Caroline. Keating Mary A. Miss, res. n. w. cor. Union and Caroline. Keating Peter, section foreman, res. n. w. cor. Union and Caroline. Kellett Aggie Miss, clk. res. n. w. cor. Church and Doty. Kellett Bertha Miss, res. n. w. cor. Church and Doty Av. Kellett William (Wm. Kellet & Co.), res. n. w. cor. Church and Doty. Kellet Wm. & Co. (William Kellett and Edward Jandrey), dry goods s. s. Wisconsin Av. 6 e. Church. Kellogg Arthur W. (Kellogg & Coats), res. s. s. Columbian Av. 3 w. Cedar. Kellogg Frank, bts driver, res. s. s. Columbian Av. 3 w. Cedar. Kellogg Fred F., clk. res. e. s. Park Av. 2 s. River Av. Kellogg Hattie Miss, res. s. s. Columbian Av. 3 w. Cedar. Kellogg Lucy M. (wid. Seth R.), res. e. s. Church 2 s. Caroline. Kellogg Maria (wid. Lewis M.), res. 115 Church. Kellogg & Coats (Arthur W. Kellogg and Sidney T. Coats), livery and sale stable e. s. Cedar 2 n. Doty Av. DVERTISE A - - IN THE I AILY_ 'BEST RESULT8, NORTHWESTERN. A. D ' I fin r FPor a place to BUY CLOTHING CHEAP? ^hengoto PIXLEY & CO., 141 MAIN ST., RE UYOU LJLOOKIN OOKINGA & the great One-Price, One-Profit Clothier.. A\AO KEL NEENAH] 461 [DIRECTORY. KIM Kelly Annie (wid. Daniel), res. s. e. cor. Hewitt and 1st, Kelly James, pailmkr. res. s. e. cor. Hewitt and 1st. Kelly Louisa Mrs., res. s. s. West Park 1 w. Turner. Kelly William, papermkr. res. s. e, cor. Hewitt and 1st. Kelly Thomas, wood turner, res. w. s. Isabella 1 s. Washington. Kenyon Wallace, loco. engineer, res, 127 Columbian Av. Kerwin James C. (Kerwin & Campbell), res. n. w. cor. Forest Av. and 6th. KERWIN & CAMPBELL (James C. Kerwin and Merritt L. Campbell), lawyers s. e. cor. Wisconsin Av. and Church. Kickhoefer Gustav F., pastor Emanuel Church, res. n. w. cor. Commercial Av. and North Water. Kiehl Herman, papermkr. res. s. w. cor. Washington Av. and Elm. Kienitz Carl, lab. res. n.w. cor. Maple and Orange. Kiley George, clk. 111 Wisconsin, res. w. s. Commercial 2 n. depot. Kiley Patrick, saloon w. s. Commercial Av. 2 n. new C. & N. W. depot, res. same. Kilger Henry, lab. res. e. s. 2d 3 s. ForestrAv. Kimball Clyde L., city editor Twin City News, res. s. e. cor. Church and Doty Av. Kimball Grace Miss. res. s. e. cor. Church and Doty Av. KIMBALL LEONARD H., publisher Twin City News, res. s. e. cor. Church and Doty Av. Kimberly Daniel LI., pres. Neenah B. & S. Co. res. s. s. Wisconsin Av. 2 w. Lake Shore Rd. Kimberly Emma Miss, res. n. s. Wisconsin Av. 2 e. Elm. Kimberly James, clk. res. n. s. Wisconsin Av. 3. e. Elm. Kimberly John, clk. res. n. s. Wisconsin Av. 3 e. Elm. Kimberly John A. (Kimberly-Clark Co.), res. n. s. Wisconsin Av. 3 e. Elm. Kimberly Lucius (Kimberly & Elwers), res. s. s. Wisconsin Av. opp. Park. Kimberly & Elwers (Lucius Kimberly and Frederick Elwers), druggists 105 Wisconsin Av. LEADERS IN LO PIW GOLDEN 69 MAIN STREET, COR.EAGL.E PEARL. WHY NOT SAVE THE JOBBERS' PROFITS. nshing Goods House can aftord to sell goods as cheap as PIXLEY & COMPANY sell them at -Fr _ 1141 MAIN STREET. KIM NEEANH] 462 [DI RECTORY. KRA Kimberly-Clark Co., J. A. Kimberly, pres.; H. Babcock, v. pres.; F. C. Shattuck, sec. and treas.. B. K. Thom, supt. paper mills, office w. s. Cedar. Klausener Christina (wid. Wendel), res. s. e. cor. The Avenue and 5th. Klayberg Celia, domestic Daniel L. Kimberly. Klein Henry, policeman, res. e. s. LaGrange Av. 2 n. Cecil. Klinke Mary, domestic Neenah Hotel. Klock Lena (wid. Isaac), res. s. s. Franklin Av. 2 w. Oak. Knudson Alfred, lab. res. s. s. High 1 w. River. Knudson Gustav, painter, res. s. e. cor. 4th and Hewitt. Knudson Hans Mrs., res. s. e. cor. Caroline and Harrison. Koehne Fred, lab. res. e. s. Main 2 s. Harrison. Koelsch Christian, res. n. s. Columbian Av. 2 e. Church. Koepelke Edward, lab. res. e. s. Maple 1 n. Division. Koepelke Emilia (wid. Charles), res. e. s. Maple 1 n. Division. Koepelke Fred, lab. res. n. e. cor. Division and Maple. Koepke Anna, housekpr. w. s. Ann 2 s. Brien. Koepke Fredericka (wid. William), res. e. s. 2d 3 n. Lincoln. Koepke Gustav, mill hand, res. e. s. LaGrange Av. 4 n N. Park. Koepke John, hostler, res. w. s. Ann 2 s. Brien. Koepsel August, wagonmkr. res. e. s. Main 4 n. Isabella. Koepsel John, wagonmkr. res. e. s. Main 4 s. Isabella. Koepsel William, butcher, res. e. s. Main 4 s. Isabella. Koerwitz Herman, carpenter, res. 415 Franklin nv. Kohrt Charles, lab. res. 416 Franklin Av. Kohrt Ernest, coachman, res. 416 Eranklin Av. Kordien Lewis, lab. res. w. s. 2d 2 s. The Avenue. Korotev Yarrow, cooper, res. s. s. The Avenue 3 e. 6th. Kox Joseph, papermkr. res. e. s. 4th 1 n. Hewitt. Kraby Andrew J., student, res. n. e. cor. 2d and Lincoln. Kraby Peter D., sheriff, res. n. e. cor. 2d and Lincoln. Krake Hattie Miss. res. w. s, Elm 2 s. Wisconsin. Krake Solomon G., carpenter contractor, res. w. s. Elm 2 s. Wisconsin Av. & CO. DAVIESf LaUTHER Stape and Fancy Dry Goods StaplAT 16.ANSRE. BEERD TE115 SELECT BOTTLED PRBST'S BOHEMIAN ST. WAUGOO WASSEMBY, KRA NrENAH] 463 [DIRECTORY. KRU Kramer Charles H., cutter, res. s. s. Franklin Av. 3 w. Walnut. Kraus William, lab. res. e. s. North Water 2 s. Railroad. Krause Fred, lab. res. s. e. cor. Sherry and Henry. Kreklow August, lab. res. s. s. Columbian Av. 3 w. Pine. Krempin Fritz, lab. res. w. s. LaG-range:Av. 1 s. Division. Kroepelien Louis, lab. res. s. s. Smith 4 w. Isabella. Kroeplin William, lab. res. s. s. 2d Av. 3 w. LaGrange Av. Kroll Albert, lab. res. s. w. cor. LaGrange and 2d Avs. Kroll Louisa (wid. August), res. s. w. cor. LaGrange and 2d Avs. Kroll Lucinda Miss, dressmkr. res. s. w. cor. LaGrange and 2d Avs. Kronberg Fred, res. w. s. Caroline 3 n. Union. Kronberger August, coachman Charles R. Smith. KRUEGER A. H. FREDERICK (Krueger & Lachmann), res. n. w. cor. Forest Av. and 2d. Krueger Albert, fireman, res. s. s. Columbian Av. 2 e. Elm. Krueger Henry C., miller, res. n e. cor. 1st and Lincoln. Krueger Henry F. (Win. Krueger & Co.), res. 117 Franklin. Krueger Julius, res. n. e. cor. Elm and Franklin Av. Krueger Louisa Miss, stenographer, res. n. w. cor. Forest Av. and 2d. Krueger M. William (Wm. Krueger & Co.), res. n. s. Franklin Av. 2 e. Cedar. Krueger Mathilda Miss, bookkpr. res. n. w. cor. Forest Av. and 2d. Krueger William (Wm. Krueger & Co.), res. n. s. Franklin Av. 2 e. Cedar. Krueger William, miller, res. n. w. cor. Forest Av. and 2d. Krueger William, section hand, res. n. e. cor. Elm and Franklin Av. Krueger Wm. & Co. (William, Henry F. and M. William Krueger), hardware, tinware and stoves 108 Wisconsin. KRUEGER & LACHMANN (A. H. Frederick Krueger and Edmund J. Lachmann), millers and grain dealers cor. Cedar and Water. Krutz Charles, machine tender, res. s. e. cor. 3d and Green. PRFIinmEIiS PERFUMERIES ANDDDYESIT OPPERMANN'S, PAUL T MILWAUKEE, WIS, L OPPERMANN'S, WIS POCKET CUTLERY AND SCISSORS. KUE } PAUL OPPERMANN, 419 BROADWAY. MILWAUKEE. NEENAH] 464 [DIRECTOY. LAR Kuehl Albert, papermkr. res. e. s. 2d 4 s. Lincoln. Kuehl Johann, res. e. s. Plum 7 s. Cherry. Kuehl Ottilia (wid. Herman), res. w. s. Plum 3 n. Division. Kuhn Edward, papermkr. res. n. s. Franklin Av. 2w. Pine. Kuhn Hulda, domestic William Gaffney. Kuhn William, hostler, res. n. s. Columbian Av. 3 e. Elm. Kummrow Elizabeth Miss, res. s. s. Franklin Av. 2w. Pine. Kunz Annie Miss, paper layer, res. 307 3d. Kunz Minnie Miss, paper layer, res. 307 3d. Kurtz Christoph, sexton Oak Hill Cemetery, res. s. s. Main 3 w. city limits. L. LACHMANN Catherine (wid. Jacob), res. s. e. cor. Wisconsin Av. and Lake Shore Rd. LACHMANN EDMUND J. (Krueger & Lachmann), mayor of Neenah, res. w. s. 2d 2 n. Lincoln. Lachmann Emma Miss, clk. res. s. e. cor. Wisconsin Av. and Lake Shore Rd. Lachmann Katie Miss, music teacher, res. s. e. cor. Wisconsin Av. snd Lake Shore Rd. Ladd Lewis, painter, res. n. s. Wisconsin Av. 6 w. Walnut. LaGrange Lewis, farmer, res. e. s. Lake Shore Rd. 4 s. Wisconsin Av. Laird Frank, tailor, res. e. s. Commercial 6 s. Railroad. Lake Frank D., bookkpr. Menasha Wooden Ware Co. res. e. s. 9th 2 n. Forest Av. Lampert Matt, mason, res. s. s. The Avenue 1 e. 3d. Lang Franz, res. n. w. cor. Columbian Av. and Elm. Langner Charles, res. 115 Church. Langner Emma Miss, teacher, res. 115 Church. Langner Minnie Miss, dressmkr. 115 Church, res. same. Lansing Cora Miss, teacher, res. 304 Caroline. Lansing Louisa Miss, res. 304 Caroline. Lansing Willard, bill poster, res. 304 Caroline. Lanson Gustav. lab. res. 126 4th. Larsen Mary, domestic e. s. Main 5 s. Isabella. Larsen Niels, compositor, res. H. C. Olson's. FO R NEAT COMMERCIAL PRINTING, GO TO THE HICKS PRINTING CO. Pixley xl1 Yh i &J LAR Manufacturers and Retailers of MEN'S, AND CHILDREN'S YOUTHS' Cl6 CLOTHING. *o., NJENAH] 465 141 MAIN ST. [DIRECTORY. LEM Larson Seneca, compositor, res, H. C. Olson's. Larson Andrew, res. 341 3d. Larson Andrew, clk. 107 Wisconsin, res. e. s. Sherry 3 n. Union. Larson Annie, doniestic Daniel L. Kimberly. Larson Annie, domestic William Z. Stewart. Larson Christian, shoemkr. res. s. w. cor. Franklin Av. and Oak. Larson Edward, papermkr. res. s. s. Clark 2 e. 3d. Larson Hans, watchman, res. s. s. The Avenue-2 w. 5th. Larson Hans P., engineer, res. s. s. Caroline 2 e. Harrison. Larson John, lab. res. s. w. cor. Franklin Av. and Oak. Larson Kittie (wid. Fred), res. n. e. cor. Walnut and Washington Av. Larson Louis, teamster, res. 412 Doty Av. Larson Marie, domestic D. W. Bergstrom. Larson Robert, nickel plater, res. 302 Cedar. Laudin Henry, res. w. s. Central 2 s. Division. Lauer Lena (wid. Joseph), res. n. s. Doty Av. 1 e. Walnut. Law Allie E. Miss, res. s. s. Winneconne Av. 1 e. R. R. Law Charles, bookkpr. res. s. e. cor. Bond and Sago. Law Ella Mrs., res. s. e. cor. Bond and Sago. Law Johanna (wid. James), res. s. e. cor. 4th and Hewitt. Law Robert, millwright, res. s. e. cor. Bond and Sago. Leavens Addie Miss, stenographer Winnebago Paper Mills, res. 403 Cedar. Leavens Albert, commercial traveler, res. n. s. Washington Av. 2 e. Cedar. Leavens Charles W., traveling agt. res. s. s. Sago 1 w. Bond. Leavens Frank A., clk. Winnebago Paper Mills, res. 403 Cedar. Leavens Lucy Mrs., res. 403 Cedar. Lee Charles, machinist, res. w. s. 5th 3 s. The Avenue. Lee Charles, papermkr. res. n. s. Sago 2 e. River. Lee Rollin R., telegraph operator C. & N. W. depot, res. Jasperson House. Lemmal John, foreman, res. w. s. 4th 1 s. Lincoln. Lemmal William, machinist, res. w. s. 4th 1 s. Lincoln. P tronie th+IAcI acrC Patronize te THE SOPER FURNITURE CO. MAIN STREET, 43 every week. PtoiehLedBargains 4eaers 1 AND offer Specsia 35-A lin PO SAVE YOU THE JOBBERS' PROFIT PDIYIFV 1ALE U. ON GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. 141 | LEM N]ENAH] 466 [DIRECTORY. LOE Lemmermann Francis, paper layer, res. w. s. Reed 1 s. E. Park. Lemmermann Henry, lab. res. w. s. Reed 1 s. E. Park. Lemmermann Laura Miss, paper cutter, res. w. s. Reed. Lempke Fred, lab. res. n. s. 3d Av. 4 e. Waverly Place. Lemke Lydia, domestic Charles W. Howard. Lenz Fred, foreman Kimberly-Clark Co. res. 553 Central. Lenz John, marble cutter, res. 302 Cedar. Le Roux Osanna, domestic A. C. Briggs. LeRoy Benjamin, watchman, res. w. s. Maple 2 s. Cherry. LeRoy Simon, lab. res. w. s. Maple 1 s. Cherry. LeTourneux George, boots and shoes n. s. Wisconsin Av. 4 · E. Cedar, res. 302 Winneconne Av. LeTourneux Isa Miss, teacher First Ward School, res. 302 Winneconne Av. LEUTENEGGER JOHN J., grocer, wines and liquors, wholesale flour and feed and saloon 104-108 Main, res. e. s. Main s. Brien. Lewis Richard, res. s. s. Isabella 2 e. Sherry. Leydig Frank, blacksmith, res. s. s. Wisconsin 8 w. Church. Lindsey Oscar (Sorley & Carlberg), res. e. s. LaGrange Av. 2 s. Cherry. Lindsey Oscar Jr., clk. res. e. s. LaGrange Av. 2 s. Cherry. Lingt Henricka (wid. T. O.), res. 411 Sherry. Lipke William, wagonmkr. res. s. s. Caroline 3 w. Isabella. Lippert Fred, shoe dealer, res. 110 Doty Av. Litton Mahela (wid. John), res. n. e. cor. 3d Av. and Waverly Place. Loehning Carl, papermkr. res. 432 Franklin Av. Loehning Ernst, res. 432 Franklin Av. Loehning Herman, lab. res. n. s. Monroe 5 w. Henry. Loehning William, lab. res. w. s. Ann 4 s. Brien. Lloyd Arthur, lab. res. w. s. Central 1 s. Division. Lloyd John, carpenter, res. w. s. Central 1 s. Division. Lloyd Margaret (wid. Thomas), res. w. s. Central 1 s. Division. Lloyd William, lab. res. w. s. Central 1 s. Division. Loetz Frank A., clk. Wildie & Gleason, res. 102 Wisconsin. SILKS, RIBBONS, FANCY GOODS, AT NOTIONS, ETC., the Newest in the Market, lutlhe nDuies o. 163 MAIN STREIT YOU CAN ALWAYS GET LON DADT'Q MILWAUKEE A BEER - -B The ASSEMBLY 15 NEENAH] 467 [DIRECTORY. WAUGOO ST. McI Longhurst George F., lab. res. e. s. 3d 2 s. Forest Av. Longhurst Johanna (wid. Wm. H.), res. e. s. 3d 2 s. Forest. Longhurst John, lab. res. e. s. 3d 2 s. Forest Av. Longhurst William H., lab. res. e. s. 3d 2 s. Forest Av. Ludeman Herman, clk. P. Gaffney, res. Jasperson House. Luebben Gerhard, teamster, res. e. s. Main 2 s. Brien. Luecke Mary, domestic Charles H. Kramer. Luedke Charles, stone cutter, res. Island House. Lund Christian, shoemkr. s. s. Wisconsin Av. 1 e. Main, res. e. s. Henry s. Caroline. Luth Frederick, lab. res. n. s. Monroe 2 w. Henry. Luttmann Charles G., bookkpr. Neenah Paper Co. res. s. s. Wisconsin Av. 3 e. Oak. Lynch John, marble cutter, res. Michelson House. Lynch John, lab. res. e. s. Main 4 s. Wisconsin Av. Lynch Mary, housekpr. res. e. s. Main 4 s. Wisconsin Av. Lynch Michael, shoemkr. res. e. s. Main, 4 s.Wisconsin Av. Lynch Patrick, papermkr. res. e. s. Main 4 s.Wisconsin Av. Lyng Halvar 0., stockman, res. n. s. High 3 e. Center. Mc. cALLISTER George, street car driver, res. s. s. The Avenue 2 w. 2d. McCaghery Frank, papermkr. res. s. e. cor. Commercial and Hewitt. McCaghery Patrick, papermkr. res. s. e. cor. Commercial and Hewitt. McCraley Kate (wid. George), res. w. s. Bond 1 n. Sago. McCullam Anna Miss, stenog. res. s. s. Sago 5 w. Bond. McCullam Murray, clk. res. s. s. Sago 5 w. Bond. McDermott John, yardmaster C. & N. W. R. R. res. n. s. * Forest Av. 1 e. Webster. McDonald Etta, domestic Wallace Hunt. McGetrick Henry, tailor, res. Neenah Hotel. McGinn James, Justice of the Peace, e. s. Cedar, 1 n, Wisconsin Av. res. w. s. Commercial 6 n. Sago. McGinnis John, machine tender, res. 127 Columbian Av. McIntosh William H., carpenter res. 110 Wisconsin Av. M EIMPORTER, PAUL OPPERMANN \UL } 419 419 BROADWAY, MILWAUKEE. PAUL OPPERMANN HARDWARE SPECIALTIES, 419 BROADWAY, MILWAUKEE. NEENAH] 468 [DIRECTORY. McI MAN McIntosh William H., cigarmkr. res. Jasperson House. McLeold Loyal, attorney, res. s. s. Sherry 2 e. Harrison. McMahon Jennie, dressmkr. res. s. s. Railroad 1 w. Bond. McMahon Thomas, res. s. s. Railroad 1 w. Bond. M. t ACE Ella Miss, res. s. s. Columbian Av. 2 w. Pine. Mace Frank, machine tender, res. s. s. Columbian Av. 2 w. Pine. Mace Walter, farmer, res. s. s. Columbian Av. 2 w. Pine. Mace Walter Jr., delivery boy, res. s. s. Columbian Av, 2 w. Pine. MADISON & JENSEN (R. P. Madison and N. Jensen), clothing, hats, caps and men's furnishing goods 121 Wisconsin Av. Madison Robert P. (Madison & Jensen), res. Russell House. Madsen Mads, lab. res. s. s. 2d 1 w. LaGrange Av. Madson Annie, domestic Frank Sensenbrenner. Madson George L. (Dau & Madson), res. Russell House. Madson Mads (Jersild Publishing Co.), res. Rev. J. N. Jersild's. Magnus Martin Sr., res. s. s. 3d Av. 4 e. Waverly Place. Magnus Martin Jr., expressman w.s. LaGrange Av. 1 n. 4th Av. res. same. Magnus Swan, saloon s. e. cor. Cedar and Canal, res. w. s. LaGrange Av. 1 n. 4th Av. Mahlik Rudolph, lab. res. e. s. 3d 6 n. Lincoln. Malchow Fred, lab. res. e. s. 5th 3 n. Hewitt. Malchow Fred Jr., lab. res. e. s. 5th 3 s. The Avenue. Malchow Herman, hoopmkr. res. e. s. 5th 3 n. Hewitt. Malchow Julia, domestic Havilah Babcock. Malloy Anna Miss, res. w. s. Lake Shore Rd. 7 s. Wisconsin Av. Malloy Michael. res. w. s. Lake Shore Rd. 7 s. Wisconsin. Manion John, papermkr. res. s. w. cor. Commercial Av. and High. Manion Mart, papermkr. res. s. s. East N. Water 1 e. Commercial Av. GO TO THE HICKS PRINTING CO., - FOR ALL KINDS OF NEAT PRINTING. Mlin Sl. 11' wilh PIXLEY & CO., 141 Midleme aire "No lon MAR Manley Ann (wid. Francis), res. n. s. Franklin Av. 2 e. Walnut. Manley Anna, dressmkr. n. s. Franklin Av. 2 e. Walnut. res. same. Manley Eliza Miss, clk. res. n. s. Franklin 2 e. Walnut. Manley John. res. n. s. Franklin Av. 2 e. Walnut. Manley May, nurse Chas. R. Smith. Manley Oscar, cheesemkr. res. n. s. Winneconne 2 w. Henry. Mann Hieronymus, res. w. s. Commercial Av. 2 s. High. Mansur Jefferson, res. s. w. cor. 3d and Waverly Place. Mansur Sidney, teamster, res. n. w. cor. Pine and Washington Av. Mantor Melvin, bookkpr. Ulrich & Gillingham, res. e. s. Ann 2 s. Doty Av. Marback Charles, carpenter, res. w. s. 3d 2 n. Forest. Marauardt Carl, lab. res. s. s. Columbian Av. 4 e. Elm. Marquardt Ulricka (wid. August), res. w. s. Main 6 s. Brien. Marsh Charles N., clk. 107 Wisconsin Av. res. s. s. Doty Av. 2 w. Elm. MARSH EDWARD P., druggist, books, pianos and organs, 107 Wisconsin Av. res. s. s. Doty Av. 2 w. Elm. Marsh Henry E., clk. res. s. s. Doty Av. 2 w. Elm. Marten Amelia, domestic John Stevens. MARTENS C. F. & CO. (Chas. F. Marten and August Paepke), grocers and saloon, china and glassware n. e. cor. Main and Brien. Martens Charles, res. s. w. cor. Ann and Brien. Martens Charles F. (C. F. Martens & Co.), res. n. e. cor. Main and Brien. Martens Julius, lab. res. w. s. Henry 1 s. Washington. Martens Lizzie, dressmkr, res. s. w. cor. Ann and Brien. Martens Robert, lab. res. s. w. cor. Ann and Brien. Martens Sophie (wid. Christopher) res. w. s. Henry 1 s. Washington. MARTIN CHAS. A., painter contractor w. s. Commercial Av. 1 n. Sago, res. same. Martin Edward, lab. res. e. s. LaGrange 2 n. West Park. Martin Esther (wid. Peter), res. n. s. Wisconsin 9 e. Cedar. MAN NEENAH] 469 [DIRECTORY. The NEW GOLDEN EAGLE, } Poiular PrielfTlors =Drlgs 69 MAIN STREET, COR. PEARL. "<U NEXT TO 1 IS 2-Pixley & Co. are 1 and you are 2. Other Manufacturers are 1, the Retailer is 2 and You are 3. MAR NEENAH] 470 See the difference? 141 MAIN STREET. [DIRECTORY. MAL Martin Silas W., painter, res. n. s. Wisconsin 9 e. Cedar. Matheson Lottie, clk. res. n. s. Doty Av. 4 w. Oak. MATHESON NELS, general store 111 Wisconsin Av. res. n. s. Doty Av. 4 w. Oak. Matson Lizzie (wid. John), res. n. e. cor. 3d Av. and Waverly Place. Matthews Ellen Miss, bookkpr Wm. Krueger & Co. res. e. s. Elm 2 n. Columbian Av. Mattews Jeannette D. (wid. Lorenzo), res. e. s. Elm 2 n. Columbian Av. Maxwell Imogene L. Miss, res. s. e. cor. Doty Av. and 1st Maxwell Sullivan J., carpenter contractor n. e. cor. Commercial and North Water, res. same. Maxwell William L., carpenter, res. s. e. cor. Doty and 1st. Mayer Agnes (wid. Joseph), res. s. w. cor. The Avenue and 3d. Mayer Bros. (Joseph and Frederick Mayer), brick yard s. s. Main 1 e. bridge. Mayer Frederick (Mayer Bros.), res. s.s. Main 1 w. Harrison. Mayer Henry J., bookkpr. Menasha Wooden Ware Co. res. w. s. 3d 1 s. The Avenue. Mead Ann (wid. Erastus), res. 127 Washington Av. Mears Mollie Miss, bookkpr. Neenah B. & S. Mnfg Co. res. n. s. Franklin Av. 3 e. Cedar. MEEKER WILLIAM H., dentist 135 Wisconsin Av. res. s. w. cor. Doty Av. and Wood. Megalsky Ignats, res. s. s. Main 5 w. Lake. Meigs Delia Miss. fancy goods w. s. Cedar 3 n. Doty Av. res. s. w. cor. Cedar and Caroline. Meissner Albert, marble agt. res. s. s. Wisconsin Av. 3 e. Walnut. Meissner William, agt. Singer Sewing Machines s. s. Wisconsin Av. 5 w. Church, res. same. Melcher Albert, papermkr. res. s. e. cor. Washington Av. and Elm. Melcher Emma Miss, res. s.e. cor.Washington Av. and Elm. Melchert Emil, lab. res. w. s. Ann 3 s. Brien. 0un~~~~~~~~ill [0w Plcesin ofind o 8 lJ~~uuw O [UO IS~OUR MOTTO ~ 13 MAIN STREET For IMPORTED WINES, ARE THE LLfJLIlO LIQUORS and CIGARS, THEY MEL P Fnilt . 1. lUl I NEENAH] 471 [DIRECTORY. n IU.. MIL Melchert Frank, lab. res. w. s. Ann 3 s. Brien Meltzer Elizabeth (wid. Christian), res. n. s. Sherry 2 e. Harrison. Mendenhall Mary (wid. Willoughby), res. s. w. cor. Caroline and Union. Merkley John, clk. l11 Wisconsin, res, same. Merry Edward, papermkr. res. n. s. Columbian Av. 1 e. Walnut. Merry George H. (Darman & Merry), res. e. s. Cedar, 3 n. Wisconsin Av. Merry James W., postal clk. res. n. s. Columbian Av. 1 e. Walnut. Merry Lillie Miss, teacher, res. n. s. Columbian Av. 1 e. Walnut. Mertes Anton, clk. 105 Wisconsin Av. res. s. w. cor. Doty Av. and Elm. Mertz Max, bartender, res. w. s. 2d 5 n. Lincoln. Messmer John, lab. res. w. s. 2d 3 s. Forest Av. Metz Otto, lab. res. e. s. Isabella 1 n. Winneconne Av. Meyer August, teamster, res. s. e. cor. The Avenue and 7th. Meyer Edward. lab. res. s. e. cor. The Avenue and 7th. Meyer Fritz, lab. res. s. s. Wisconsin Av. 3 w. Oak. Meyer John, bookkpr. Bergstrom Bros. & Co. res. e. s. Bond 2 s. Sago. Meyer John, tailor, res. s. s. Doty 2 e. Church. Meyer John A. F., lab. res. w. s. Main 3 s. Brien. Meyer William, lab. res. s. e. cor. The Avenue and 7th. Michel Daniel, brick layer, res. w. s. Cedar 1 n. Bridge. Michel Frederick, lunchroom w. s. Cedar 1 n. Bridge, res. same. Michel Jacob, carpenter, res. n. w. cor. Cedar and Doty Av. Michelson Andrew, boarding 302 Cedar, res. same. Michelson George, blacksmith, res. s. s. The Avenue 2 w. 5th. Mickelson James, mason, res. Jasperson House. Mielke Fred, carpenter, res. w. s. 2d 1 s. Hewitt. Millard Eva C. Miss, housekpr. res. 217 Sherry. nDpnlDiNNl 4 19 BROADWAY . BUTCHER KNIVES and STEELS, Pnil lUL UlMILWAUKEE. PaulI O ppe rma n n, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, MILWAUKEE. MIL NEENAH] 472 [DIRECTOY. MOR Millard John L., res. 217 Sherry. Miller Christ, teamster, res. s. e. cor. Franklin Av. and Elm. Miller Fred, papermkr. res. n. s. Isabella 2 e. Main. Miller Hannah (wid. Fred H.), res. w. s. 4th I n. Lincoln. Miller Julius, lab. res. s. s. Winneconne Av. 2 e. R. R. Miller Lena, domestic John A. Kimberly. Miller Mary, domestic Havilah Babcock. Miller Minnie Miss, res. n. s. Doty 2 w. Walnut. Miller Sadie, domestic William Thomas. Mills Andrew J., res. s. s. Winneconne 1 e. R. R. track. Milwaukee & Northern R. R., S. H. Vaughn agt. depot foot Sago. Monahan Eliza (wid. James), res. s. s. Doty 1 e. Churh. Mongan Thomas, lab. res. s. w. cor. The Avenue and 7th. Montgomery Allen, student, res. s. s. E. North Water 2 w. 1st. Montgomery Ida Miss, teacher, res. s. s. E. North Water 2 w. 1st. Montgomery Sylvia (wid. William), res. w. s. Doty Av. 2 e. Oak. Moore Nettie Miss, res. s. s. Smith 2 e. Isabella. Moore William H., res. s. s. Smith 2 e. Isabella. Morehouse Melchior R., mason. res. s. s. North Water 8 n. Commercial Av. Morehouse Mortimer V., steam pipe and boiler covering n. s. Canal 3 e. Cedar, res. n. w. cor. 5th and Lincoln. Morey Julius B., farmer, res. s. s. Winneconne Av. 4 e. Waverly place. Morgan Carrie E. Miss, teacher High school. res. s. s. Columbian Av. 2 w. Cedar. Morgan Stephen B., cashier Manufacturers, National Bank, res. 111 Franklin Av. Morrison Eugene C., civil engineer, res. w. s. Lake Shore Av. 2 n. River Av. Morrison Isabella D. Miss, res. w. s. Lake Shore Av. 2 n. River Av. SUBSCRIBE T DAILY NORTHWESTERN. Pixley vl ' DEPARTMENT Always Co's CHILDREN contains bargains that the Ladies appreciate P* f^ A Wf \U _v NO. 141 MAIN STREET. NEE NEENAH] 473 [DIRECTORY. Morteson Rasmus, lab. res. n. w. cor. Elm and Washington Av. Mott Florence B. Miss, clk. W. Mott, res. e. s. 3d 2 n. Lincoln. Mott Mayhew, student, res. e. s. 3d 2 n. Lincoln. Mott Wesley, lawyer over Post Office, res. e. s. 3d 2 n. Lincoln. Moulton Halsey, clk. res. w. s. 4th 1 s. Hewitt. Moulton Truman T., lime, cement, etc. s. s. Race 2 e. Cedar, res. w. s. 4th 1 s. Hewitt. Mucks Albert, blacksmith, res. Island House. Mueller Fred, section boss, res. n. s. Monroe 1 w. Isabella. Mueller Rasmus, hostler, res. 312 Cedar. MIURER FELIX, proprietor Northern Pacific Hotel and saloon s. s. Sherry opposite Wis. Central Pass. depot, res. same. Myhre Hilda Miss, dressmkr. res. s. w. cor. Caroline and Henry. Myhre Lena Miss, dressmkr. res. 318 Caroline. Mvhre Ole 0., blacksmith n. e. cor. Cedar and Race, res. 318 Caroline. MOR N. AGEL Wickell, mason, res. 424 Doty Av. National Bank The, Robert Shiells, pres.; J. A. Kimberly, v. pres.; John B. Shiells, cashier; s. w. cor. Wisconsin Av. and Cedar. NEEBLING GOTTLIEB, soap factory e. s. Lake 1 n. city limits, res. same. Neenah Boot and Shoe Manufacturing Co., D. L. Kimberly, pres.; D. W. Bergstrom, v. pres.; D. C. Van Ostrand, treas.; L. C. Oborn, sec. n. s. Race w. Cedar. NEENAH GAZETTE, H. A. Stone publisher, s. s. Wisconsin Av. 7 e. Church. NEENAH HOTEL, William H. Hesse proprietor, w. s. Cedar 3 s. Bridge. Neenah and Menasha Gas and Electric Co., Race w. Cedar. THE SOPER FURNITURE COMPANY, E NO. 41AND43 MAIN. I I UNDERTAKING ASPECIALTY. I I TELEPHONESHONES STORE 8. NO. 31. 36-A You can buy CLOTHING of PiXLEY & A1T1 141 IMAIN STREETIevery NEE $1.00. NEENAH] 474 [DIRECTORY. NEL Neenah Paper Co., Frank T, Russell, pres.; Sam A. Cook, sec. and treas.; n. s. Water 2 e. Cedar. NEENAH TIMES, J. N. Stone publisher, n. s. Wisconsin 10 e. Church. Neergord Arthur, lab. res. s. s. 2d Av. 4 w. LaGrange. Neergord Christian, lab. res. s. s. 2d Av. 4 w. LaGrange. Neergord Peter, lab. res. s, s. 2d Av. 4 w. LaGrange Av. Neergord Sophus, lab. res. s. s. 2d Av. 4 w. LaGrange Av. Neff Gilbert, teamster, res. s. s. Franklin 3 e. Walnut. Neff Joseph, drayman s. s. Columbian Av. 2 w. Walnut, res. same. Neitzel Emma Miss, dressmkr. res. s. s. Washington 2 w. Henry. Neitzel Wilhelmina (wid. Daniel), res. s. s. Washington 2 w. Henry. Nelson Andrew, cigarmkr. res. cor. Winneconne and Olive. Nelson Anna Miss, dressmkr. s. s. Wisconsin Av. 2 e.Walnut, res. same, Nelson Anton, hostler, res. n. s. Washington Av. 3 w. Pine. Nelson Anton, teamster, res. s. s. Forest 2 w. 2d. Nelson Axel, painter, res. s. s. Wisconsin Av. 2 e. Walnut. Nelson Caroline, domestic Joseph B. Hamilton. Nelson Carrie S., domestic James C. Kerwin. Nelson Charles, carpenter, res. 422 3d. Nelson Charles, hostler, ret. e. s. Cedar 2 n. Doty Av. Nelson Charles, painter, res. e. s. 3d 3 n. Clark. Nelson Chris, cabinetmkr. res. 441 Columbian Av. Nelson Christian, farmer. res. n. s. Winneconne Av. 3 w. Harrison. Nelson Christian Jr., millwright, res. s. e. cor. LaGrange Av. and Division. Nelson Edward, hostler, res. 302 Cedar. Nelson Fred, lab. res. n. s. Columbian Av. 3 e. Walnut. Nelson Hans, saloon n. s. Wisconsin Av. 7 w. Main. res. s. s. Wisconsin Av. 2 e. Walnut. Nelson Hans, lab. res. n. w. cor. Hewitt and 5th. Nelson Henry, painter, res. s. s. Clark 2 e. 4th. Nelson Henry, papermkr. res. s. s. Henry 2 w. Caroline. Buy Your HOSIERY OUNDESWA, DAVIES & CO. GkOVES, ETC, LUTHER 163 MAIN STREET. THE ASSEMBLY YL· AOE llLE Carries a 1full line of CALIFORNIA WINES AND BRANDIES, 15 WAUGOO STREET. NEY NEENAH] 475 [DIRECTORY. NEL Nelson Henry, shoemkr. res. 441 Columbian Av. Nelson James, coachman Henry Sherry. Nelson James, hostler, res. e. s. Cedar 2 n. Doty Av. Nelson James, hostler, res. 567 Doty Av. Nelson James F., lab. res. n. s. Clark 2 e. 3d. Nelson Kate Miss, res. s. s. Washington 1 e. R. R. track. Nelson Lars P., carpenter, res. n. s. Winneconne Av. 2 w. Harrison. Nelson Louis, papermkr. res. s. s. Henry 2 w. Caroline. Nelson Lawrence, blacksmith e. s. Main 3 n. Isabella, res. e. s. Harrison 2 s. Caroline. Nelson Ludwig, student, res. s. s. Washington 2 e. Walnut. Nelson Mary, domestic A. Newbert. Nelson Mary, domestic H. H. Plummer. Nelson Nels, lab. res. s. s. Doty Av. 2 e. Elm. Nelson Peter, papermkr. res. s. s. Henry 2 w. Caroline. Nelson Peter, painter. res. 302 Cedar. Nelson Rasmus, meat market s. s. Wisconsin Av. 8 e. Main, res. s. s. Washington Av. 2 e. Walnut. Nelson Sam P., miller, res. s. s. Washington Av. 1 w. Isabella. Nelson Sofus, painter, res. n. s. Columbian Av. 3 e. Oak. Nelson Stephen, lab. res. n. s. Columbian Av. 2 e. Elm. Nelson William O., jeweler 114 Wisconsin Av. res. same. Neubauer Julius, lab. res. n. s. 3d Av. 5 e. Waverly Place. Neubauer Wilhelmina (wid. Martin), res. w. s. Cronkhite 1 n. Monroe. Neubauer William, lab. res. n. s. 3d Av. 5 e. Waverly Place. Neubert Nettie Mrs., dressmkr. 112 Columbian Av. res. same. Neudeck Albert H., grocer 111 Wisconsin Av. res. same. Neudeck Emil, bookkpr. 111 Wisconsin Av. res. same. Neustetter Charles, cigarmkr. res. 129 Wisconsin Av. Neustetter Christian, cigar mnfr. 129 Wisconsin Av. res. same. Neutzel Emma, domestic Union House. Newbert Alden, electrician, res. 112 Columbian Av. Neyes John, carp. res. n. w. cor. Columbian Av. and Pine. AT Novelties es NoUve l II OPPERMANN'S. PAUL 419 BROADWAY, MILWAUKEE, PAUL OPPERMANN, MILWAUKEE, NIC SL AGENT LOWS NEW WHITE * METAL POLISH, NEENAH] 476 [DIRECTORY. OBO Nicholson Louise (wid. John), res. w. s. Lake Shore Road 1 s. Wisconsin Av. Nielsen Claus, molder, res. s. s. Main 2 w. Lake. Nielsen Esther, canvasser, res. n. w. cor. Union and Washington Av. Nielsen Fred, painter res, s. w. cor. Caroline and Harrison. Nielsen Jeppe C. Rev., pastor Seventh Day Adventist, res. n. w. cor Union and Washington Av. Nielsen Julius, blacksmith, res. 309 Harrison. Nielson Niels, res. w. s. Cronkhite 1 s. Caroline. Nielsen Niels, carpenter, res. n. w. cor. Ann and Smith. Nielsen Theodore, molder, res. s. s. Main 2 w. Lake. Nielson Maria Miss, dressmkr. res. s. s. Washington Av. 2 e. R. R. track. Nielson Niels, lab. res. s. s. Washington 2 e. R. R. track. Nielson Niels Jr., lab. res. s. s. Washington 2 e. R. R. Nitzel Sophie (wid. Frederick J.), res. s. s. Cherry 2 e. LaGrange Av. Northern Pacific Express, S. S. Baird agt. n. s. Wisconsin 5 e. Caroline. NORTHERN PACIFIC HOTEL, F. Murer, proprietor, s. s. Sherry opposite Wis. Central Pass. depot. Northwestern Sewer Pipe Co., n. s. Wisconsin Av. 3 e. C. & N. W. R. R. track, John Proctor superintendent. Nussbicker William H., bookkpr. J. Strange Paper Co., res. n. e. cor. Cedar and Church. Nymann August, papermkr. res. e. s. Oak 1 n. Columbian. 0. 'BRIEN Catherine (wid. Michael), res. s. s. Railroad 1 w. Commercial Av. O'Brien Eugene, machine tender, res. s. s. High 2w. Bond. O'Brien Maria (wid. John), res. n. e. cor. Elm and Washington Av. Oberle Henry, lab. res. s. s. Division 1 w. Reed. Oberle Margaret (wid. Val.), res. s. s. Division 1 w. Reed. Oborn Lewis C., sec. Neenah B. & S. Mnfg. Co. res. w. s. Cedar 2 n. Columbian Av. ADVW ERTISEC - - IN THE A-L BEST RESULTS. NORTHWESTERN. 1\A OHD AYOU_O I ARKIG For a place to BUY CLOTHING CHEAP? 141 MAI NST., Then go to PI XLEY & CO., the great One-Price, One-Profit Clothiers. O KING NEENAH] 477 [DIRECTORY. OTT Ohde Charles, bakery e. s. Cedar 2 s. Canal, res. Doty Av. Olds Gershom, res. s. s. Forest Av. 2 e. 4th. Olds Robert, millwright, res. s. s. Forest Av. 2 e. 4th. Oleson Adolph, pailturner, res. 341 3d. Oleson Andrew, carpenter, res. w. s. 3d 4 n. Clark. Oleson Christian, butcher, res, 312 Cedar. Oleson Christian P., book agt. res. 419 Doty Av. Oleson Elias A., shoemkr. res. s. s. Wisconsin 3 w. Elm. Oleson Halver, lab. res. 406 5th. Oleson Hans W., papermkr. res. 414 3d. Oleson Jeanette (wid. Olaf), res. e. s. 3d 4 s. Lincoln. Oleson John, stone mason, res. 422 3d. Oleson Ole, millwright, res. 406 5th. Oleson S. L. & Co., (Sam L. Oleson and Halver D. Halverson), saloon s. s. Wisconsin Av. 2 e. Main. Oleson Sam L. (S. L. Oleson & Co.), res. s. s. Wisconsin Av. 2 e. Main. Oleson William, lab. res. 419 Doty Av. Olmstead Lizzie Miss, teacher, res. n. e. cor. Sago and Bond. Olmstead Lucy Miss, stenog, res. n. e. cor. Sagoand Bond. Olmstead Orrin L., real estate and loan agt. n. e. cor. Sago and Bond, res. same. Olsen Hans, blacksmith e. s. Main 1 n. Wisconsin. Olsen Hans C. (Jersild Publ. Co.), res. s. s. Washington 3 e. Walnut. Olsen Jacob, res. n. e. cor. Isabella and Main. Olsen Lauritz, carpenter, res. s. s. Winneconne Av. 2 e. Waverly Place. Olsen Louis, carpenter, res. e. s. 1st 2 n. Lincoln. Olsen Mentz, molder, res. s. s. Main 1 w. Lake. Olsen Ragnhild (wid. Gilbert), res. s. s. High 1 w. River. Olsen Ole, res. s. s. Main 3 w. Lake. OPPERMANN PAUL, cutlery importer and hardware specialties, 419 Broadway, Milwaukee. Ost August, lab. res. n. s. Main 2 w. Lake. Otto Albert, florist n. s. Main 1 w. city limits, res. same. Otto Lewis, gardner s. e. cor. 5th and Lincoln, res. same. 1 WPRICES IN LEADERS I NEW PEARL STREET, COR.EAGLE, 69 MAINGOLDEN WHY NOT SAVE THE JOBBERS' PROFITS. N oEGclu oveHatand H ur afford to sell goods ascheap as PIXLEY & COMPANY sell them at 141 MAIN STREET. OWE NEIRNAH] 478 [DIRECTORY. PAU Owens David J., janitor City Hall, res. Jasperson House. Owens Henry, papermkr. res. w. s. Pine 2 s. Columbian. P. pAEPKE August (C. F. Martens & Co.), res. n. s. Brien 1 e. Main. Paepke Charles Mrs., milliner P. 0. block, res. n. s. Brien 1 e. Main. Paepke Charles, clk. res. n. s. Doty Av. 4 w. Church. Paepke Doris (wid. Fred), res. n. s. Doty Av. 4w. Church. Paepke Hattie (wid. Henry), res. w. s. Central Av. 2 s. Division. Pagh Christian, lab. res. s. s. Franklin Av. 2 e. Elm. Pagh Martin, lab. res. s. s. Franklin Av. 2 e. Elm. Pagh Martin, coachman, res. 549 Wisconsin Av. Paine Hattie M. Miss, res. s. s. Washington 2 w. Walnut. Paine James E., confectioner, res. e. s. Bond 2 n. Sago. Palm Carl J., lab. res. n. e. cor. Waverly Place and 2dAv. Palmer Olive (wid. ), res. 316 Pine. Palmer William F., trav. agt. res. n. w. cor. Church and Sherry. Pansy Emma, domestic Charles R. Smith. Parker Albert, carpenter, res. s. s. 3d 3 e. Waverly Place. Parker George S., principal High School, res. n. s. Wisconsin Av. 1 e. Elm. Parks Cora, dressmkr. res. e. s. Isabella 2 s. Washington. Parks Hannah (wid. Morris), res. e. s. Central 4 s. Washington. Parks John E., lab. res. e. s. Isabella 2 s. Washington. Paschen Henry, shoemkr. and confectioner e. s. Main 2 n. Isabella, res. same. Paschen Charles, clk. res. e. s. Main 2 n. Isabella. Patzel John, res. n. s. Winneconne 4 w. Harrison. Patzel Mary, housekpr. n. s. Winneconne 4 w. Harrison. Patzel Joseph, merchant tailor 116 Wisconsin Av. res. s. w. cor. High and Bond. Paul Albert, clk. res. s. s. Columbian Av. 2 e. Oak. Staple and Fancy Dry Goods LOsWAT LPRICES LUTHERE3 DAVIESS&GO. MAI 163 MAIN 8TRET. PAtBST'S PAU IFTD aGTHE ASSEMBLY, DI IBDOTTI~fl R 1l4!T DW 15 WAUGOO ST. BER BOHEMIAN SELET BOTIUI LED NEFNAH] 479 [DIRECTORY. PET Paul Charles, general store n. s.Wisconsin Av. 10 e. Church, res. s. s. Columbian Av. 2 e. Oak. Paul Clara Miss, clk. res. s. s. Columbian Av. 2 e. Oak. Paul Ellen Miss, clk. res. s. s. Columbian Av. 2 e. Oak. Paul E. Louis, res. s. e. cor. Isabella and Sherry. Paul Joseph, papermkr. res. s. e. cor. The Avenue & 3d. Paulsen Inga Miss, res. s. s. Monroe 3 w. Union. Paulsen John, papermkr. res. s. s. Monroe 3 w. Union. Paulsen Ole, papermkr. res. s. s. Monroe 2 w. Union. Payne Edley, farmer, res. n. e. cor. Park and Wisconsin. Pearson William, lab. res. Vermont House. Peck Alice Miss, bookkpr. res. s. w. cor. Washington and Henry. 'Peck Edward, papermkr. res. n. e. cor. Henry and Washington. Peck Fred, propr. Russell House, res. same. Peck Grace Miss, res, s. w. cor .Washington and Henry. Peck Herbert, papermkr. res. s. w. cor. Washington and Henry. Peck John W., res. s. w. cor. Washington and Henry. Peck Lucy Miss, dressmkr. res. s. w. cor. Washington and Henry. Peck Maurice, student, res. s. w. cor. Washington and Henry. Peckham Laura Miss, teacher Second Ward School, res. s. e. cor. Church and Caroline. Peckham William P., s. e. cor. Church and Caroline. Pendleton Ida Mrs., dressmkr. e. s. Cedar 2 n. Canal, res. same. Perry Alanson T., cooper, res. 412 Cedar. Peter Hans, papermkr. res. s. s. The Avenue 2 w. 5th. Peters Michael W., molder, res. 303 Caroline. Petorsen Albert, lab. res. e. s. Church 2 n. Doty. Petersen Andrew, lab. res. n. s. Sherry 2 e. Harrison. Petersen Ann (wid. Peter), res. e. s. Church 2 n. Doty Av. Petersen Axel, carpenter. res. e. s. Church 2 n. Doty Av. Petersen Christian, papermkr. res. e. s. Maple 1 s. Orange, Petersen Hans Mrs., res. n. s. 2d Av. 4 w. LaGrange Av. PERFUMERIES AND DYES ' L TUlf PAUT OPPERMANN'S, MILWAUKEE, WIS, POCKET CUTLERY AND SCISSORS. PET } PAUL OPPERMANN, 419 BROADWAY. MILWAUKEE. NEENAH] 480 [DIRECTOY. PIN Petersen Helen (wid. Christian), res. e. s. Harrison 1 s. Sherry. Petersen Henry, lab. res. n. w. cor Sherry and Harrison. Petersen Lorenz, molder, res. n. s. Doty Av. 3 w. Church. Petersen Sarah, domestic David Davis. Petersen Stena, domestic Albert Leavens. Peterson Anna Miss, res. w. s. Caroline 2 s. Henry. Peterson Anna, domestic A. D. Eldridge. Peterson Edward, paper-finisher, res. 302 Cedar. Peterson Everett, lab. res. 412 Doty Av. Peterson Fred, lab. res. w. s. Whiteneck Rd. 2 s. Columbian Av. Peterson James, lab. res. 312 Cedar. Peterson Jennie, domestic T. T. Moulton. Peterson John, lab. res. n. s. Winneconne Av. 1 e. Isabella. Peterson John, baggageman, res. w. s. Caroline 2s. Henry. Peterson Marcus, lab. res. e. s. Whiteneck Rd. 1 s. Columbian Av. Peterson Mary, domestic Charles W. Johnson. Peterson Soren, tailor, res. 108 Main. Pfeiffer Adolph, real estate s. e. cor. Columbian Av. and Church, res. same. Phetteplace Luther A., foreman E. F. Wieckert, res. s. w. cor. Commercial Av. and Sago. Piepenburg Ferdinand, lab. res. n. s. Franklin Av. 4 e. Elm. Piepenburg Herman, lab. res. w. s. Harrison, 2 s. Washington. Pieper Charles, brewer, res. e. s. 7th 2 s. The Avenue. Pieplow Theodore A., mngr. Wisconsin Telephone Co. res. n. s. Washington Av. 3 e. Walnut. Piller Herman, lab. res. w. s. 5th 3 n. Lincoln. Pingel Fred, compositor, res. 117 Wisconsin Av. Pingel Ida Miss, tailoress, res. 117 Wisconsin. Pingel John, tailor, res. 117 Wisconsin. Pingel Maria (wid. John), res. 353 5th. Pingel Mary (wid. John), res. 117 Wisconsin Av. Pingel Mary Mrs., res. e. s. Plum 5 s. Cherry. Pingel William, lab. res. e. s. Main 2 s. Harrison. FOR NEAT COMMERCIAL PRINTING, GO TO THE HICKS PRINTING CO. i x lCoely Pixley PIN ^ 00 Manufacturers and Retailers of MEN'S. CHILDREN'S YOUTHS' AND »CLOTHING. ° 9- 141 MAIN ST. NEENAH] 481 [DIRECTORY. PRI Pinkerton Ralph M. L., reporter, res w. s. North Division 1 s. Sago. Piper William, oil dealer, w. s. Commercial 3 n. North Water, res. same. Plummer H. Harrison, lime dealer. res. n. e. cor. Hewitt and 2d. Plummer Zilpha Miss, res. n. e. cor. Hewitt and 2d. Polk James K., barber s. s. Wisconsin Av. 4 e. Main, res. same. Pope Helen, domestic P. C. Shattuck. Pope Henry, clk. A. Billstein & Son, res. s. s. Wisconsin Av. over Kellet's store. Porath August, papermkr. res. n. e. cor. Monroe and Henry. Porter Elizabeth Miss, res. e. s. 3d 2 n. Lincoln. POST OFFICE, H. E. Coats postmaster, n. e. cor. Wisconsin Av. and Church. Postal Cable Telegraph Co., Buddie Dudley mngr. n. s. Wisconsin Av. 6 e. Post Office. Powers Peter, trav. agt, res. s. s. Caroline 2 e. R. R. track. Prange Diedrich, papermkr. res. n. s. Washington Av. 2 e. Oak. Prange William, papermkr. res. n. s. Washington Av. 2 e. Oak, Pranske Otto, teamster, res. w. s. Main 5 s. Brien. Prebensen James P., photographer s. s. Wisconsin Av. 3 w. Church, res. n. s. Forest Av. 1 w. 1st. Prebensen Julia Miss, dressmkr. s. s. E. North Water 1 v. 1st, res. same. Prebensen Maria (wid. John), res. s. s. E. North Water 1 w. 1st. Prebensen Peter, photographer, res. n. s. E. North Water 3 e. Commercial Av. Prenzlow Ernestina (wid. Julius), res. s. w. cor. 2d and The Avenue. Prenzlow George, lab. res. s. w. cor. 2nd and The Avenue. Price Gertie Miss, clk. res. 122 Wisconsin Av. PRICE JOSEPH H., notions and fancy goods 122 Wisconsin Av. res. same. PatironiZe Ce erso 41 AND 43WAIN STREET, offer Paronz'te Lade every week. Special .Brins 37-A 1MyLV PRI (f fn SAVE YOU THE JOBBERS' PROFIT I U. ON GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. 11 I *nf RAS NExNAH] 482 [DIRECTORY. Price Thomas G., mason, res. e. s. Turner 1 s. Division. Price William, mason, res. e. s. LaGrange Av. 2 n. West Park. Pride Delbert, baggage man, res. 129 Columbian Av. Priebnow Charles, mason, res. Union House. Proctor Anna L. Miss, bookkpr. res. 317 Doty Av. Proctor John, mngr. N. W. Sewer Pipe Co., res. 317 Doty. Q. UINN James. res. s. e. cor. Cedar and Washington. R. AAEN Walter G., clk. George Schmid & Son, res. s. s.. Olive 1 e. Cedar. Rabe Frederick, mason, res. w. s. Ann 8 s. Brien. Rabe Henry, mason, res. e. s. Harrison 1 s. Washington. Radin August, papermkr. res. e. s. North Water 4 s. Railroad. Radin Wilhelmine (wid. William), res. e. North Water 4 s. Railroad. Raney Jane Miss, res. n. s. Winneconne 3 w. Harrison. Rank Annie, domestic I. H. Wright. Ranslaben Carl, res. Union House. Raprager August, mason, res. s. e. cor. LaGrange Av. and West Park. Rasmussen Christian, foreman, res. s. s. Brien 1 e. Main. Rasmussen Hans, clk. res. n. s. Washington Av. 3 w. Oak. Rasmussen Hans, papermkr. res. 416 Caroline. Rasmussen James, coachman, res. s. e. cor. Doty and 2d. Rasmussen James, coachman, res. n. s. Wisconsin Av. 2 e. Park Av. Rasmussen Mary (wid. Chas.), res. s. s. Doty 3 w.Walnut. Rasmussen Minnie, res. s. e. cor. Caroline and Cronkhite. Rasmussen Minnie, domestic, s. w. cor. Church and Smith. Rasmussen Nettie (wid. James), res. s. w. cor. Franklin Av. and Pine. Rasmussen Peter, lab. res. s. s. Washington Av. nr. Pine. SILKS, RIBBONS, FANCY GOODS, AT luhl NOTIONS, ETC., the Newest inthe Market, Da is o 163 MAIN 8TREET YOU CAN AD T' MILWAUKEE BEER ) ALWAYS GET PABSTS Th A NEENAH] 483 [DIRECTORY. RAS MB A-, Te 15 WAUGOO ST, ROB Rasmussen Rose, domestic George Davis. Rasmussen William, carpenter, res. w. s. 6th. 1 n. Hewitt. Ray James, papermkr. res. s. w. cor. 2d and The Avenue. Ray Robert, millwright, res. Neenah Hotel. Rayfeldt Ricka, domestic Edward Lachmann. Rayfeldt Fred, lab. res. s. e. cor. Brien and Ann. Rea Maud Miss, teacher, res. s. e. cor. Smith and Isabella. Rea Walter H., res. s. e. cor. Smith and Isabella. Redel Annie Miss, res. n. s. Washington Av. 1 w. Oak. Redel Ida Miss, res. n. s. Washington Av. 1 w. Oak. Redlin William, fireman, res .s. Doty Av. 3 e. Walnut. REGENFUSS JOHN, proprietor Island House, res. same. Rehfeld Charles, lab. res. w. s. Ann 4 s. Brien. Reichel Libby, domestic, res. s. w. cor. Commercial and North Water. Reimer Annie (wid. Paul), res. w. s. Lake Shore Road 4 s. Wisconsin Av. Rein William, teacher, res. s. s. Cherry 1 n. Washington. Retza Carl, mason, res. Union Hotel. RHOADES EDWIN A., gardner e. s. Lake Shore Road 3 s. Wisconsin Av. Rhymer Joseph, lab. res. w. s. Chestnut 4 s. Washington. Rich Annie (wid. Charles), res. e. s. Whiteneck Road 2 s. Columbian Av. Rich William, tinsmith, res. e. s. Whiteneck Road 2 s. Columbian Av. Richards Ida Miss, res. 113 Wisconsin Av. Richards Willinm II., commercial trav. res. 113 Wisconsin. Ritten Anna Miss, res. w. s. Commercial 1 n. Sago. Ritten Anton, papermkr. res. w. s. Commercial 1 n. Sago. Ritten Casper, lab. res. w. s. Commercial Av. 1 n. Sago. Rivers George, machinist, res. Neenah Hotel. Robedeau Alex., butcher, res. 312 Cedar. Roberts John, proprietor Roberts Resort s. e. end Doty's Island, res. same. Robinson Amy Miss, res. n. e. cor. Cedar and Doty Av. Robinson Daniel, conductor. res. n. e. cor. Cedar and Doty. } PAUL OPPERMANN 0I1PEMA NN 1PAMUL, 419 BRIMPORTER. ,BROADWAY, 419 MILWAUKEE. PAUL OPPERMANN, ROB NEENAH] HARDWARE SPECIALTIES, 419 BROADWAY, MILWAUKEE. 484 [DIRECTORY. SAW Robinson Francis M., gardener s. s. Doty Av. 2 e. 2d. res. same. Robinson Frank H., student, res. n. e. cor. North Water and River. Robinson George, mason, res. s. s. Franklin Av. 2 w. Elm. Robinson Luke M., engineer, res. n. e. cor. Cedar and Doty. Robinson Nathanon S., physician 107 Wisconsin Av. res. 204 Forest Av. Robinson William A., mason, res. s. s. Franklin 2 w. Elm. Rodgers Etta A. Miss, milliner, res. 112 Wisconsin Av. Roe Thomas, tailor, res. 127 Columbian Av. Roland Michael, saloon 113 Wisconsin Av. res. same. Ruden Herman, lab. res. s. w. cor.'Church and Washington. Ruh Frederika (wid. Samuel), res. e. s. Main 3 n. Isabella. Rusch Anna Miss, res. e. s. 2d 2 s. Forest Av. Rusch Wilhelmine Miss, res, e. s. 2d 2 s. Forest Av. Rusch William, lab. res. e. s. 2d 2 s. Forest Av. Russell Frank T., pres. Neeenah Paper Co. res. 311 Cedar. RUSSELL HOUSE, Fred Peck proprietor, s. e. cor.Wisconsin Av. and Cedar. Russell John, res. e. s. Commercial n. Railroad. Russell John E., papermkr. res. 311 Cedar. Russell Patrick, foreman Neenah Shoe Factory, res. e. s. Walnut 2 n. Washington. Ryan Henry, electrician, res. 127 Columbian Av. S. SACHOL John F., lab. res. e. s. Center 1 s. High. Sammons Mary (wid. John), res. e. s. 3d 2 s. Forest. Sampson Fred, telegraph operator, res. Jasperson House. SANDERS BYRON, attorney at law and notary public P. 0. block, res. n. s. Columbian Av. 3 e. Church. Sandie George E., millwright, res. 717 LaGrange Av. Sanford Elmer, tubmkr. res. s. s. The Avenue 2 e. 5th. Sanford Herbert, hoopmkr. res. s. s. The Avenue 2 e. 5th. Sanford Luther, tubmkr. res. s. s. The Avenue 2 e. 5th. Sawyer Charles, carpenter, res. n. w. cor. Doty and Cedar. GO TO THE HICKS PRINTING CO., ---- FOR ALL KINDS OF NEAT PRINTING. Mail Sl. Wilh PIXLEY & CO., 141 Middlemen re "Nolt 111" SAW NEENAH] 485 [DIRECTORY. SCH Sawyer Wallace, teamster, res. s. s. Caroline 2 e. R. R. Schatzmann Daniel, lab. res. w. s. Lake Shore Road 3 s. Wisconsin Av. Schenke Gustav, foreman L. Henke brickyard, res. e. s. Lake 2 n. city limits. Schenke Lina, domestic Neenah Hotel. Schimpf Henry C. F., harness and passage agt. n. s. Wisconsin 5. w. Main, res. 121 E. North Water. Schlichting Anna (wid. Chris.), res. s.s.Wisconsin 2 w. Oak. Schlichting Annie (wid. Christian), res. e. s. Central 4 n. Division. Schlueter August, papermkr. res. n. s. Columbian Av. 2 w. Elm. Schmid Adeline Miss, clk. res. n. s. Wisconsin 7 e. Church, Schmid Emma Miss, clk. res. n. s. Wisconsin 7 e. Church. Schmid George (George Schmid & Son), res. n. s. Wisconsin Av. 7 e. Church. Schmid George M. (George Schmid & Son), res. n. s. Wisconsin Av. 7 e. Church. Schmid George & Son (George and George M. Schmid), restaurant and confectioners n. s. Wisconsin Av. 7 e. Church. Schmidt Christian, lab. res. 333 3d. Schmidt William, carpenter, res. 333 3d. Schneider Fred, papermkr. res. s. s. Doty 3 e.Walnut. Schoenemann Ernst, brewer, res. Island House. Schoenrock Herman, fireman res. n. s. Washington Av. 3 e. Oak. Schreiber Frank, cooper, res. w. s. 5th 2 s. The Avenue. Schroeder Christian, lab. res. n. s. Columbian 2 e. Cedar. Schroeder Tillie, domestic John Hunt Jr. Schultz Charles, cigar mnfr. 115 Wisconsin Av. res. same. Schultz Ernst, cooper, res. n. e. cor. Hewitt and 5th. Schultz Frank, lab. res. w. s. Harrison 1 s. Washington. Schultz Henry, lab. res. s. s. Caroline 1 w. Harrison. Schultz Mamie Miss, res. s. e. cor. Division and Temple. Schultz William, carp. res. s. e. cor. Division and Temple. Schultz William, lab. res. s. e. cor. Division and Temple. The NEW GOLDEN EAGLE,} Popul PfiCeTI1oTs 1 Drers 69 MAIN STREET. COR. PEARL. < U L . NEXT TO 1 IS 2-Pixley & Co. are 1 and you are 2. Other Manufacturers are 1, the Retailer is 2 and You are 3. See the difference? - -_ SCH NEENA.H] -. 141 MAIN STREET. 486 [DIRECTORY. SHE Schultz William, section hand, res. n. s. Hewitt 2 w. 4th. Schulz Emma, domestic n. w. cor. Church and Sherry. Schumaker Jessie Miss, res. s.s. Columbian 2 w. Cedar. Schumaker Lucy (wid. Charles), res. s. s. Columbian Av. 2 w. Cedar. Schumann August, lab. res. n. e. cor. Oak and Washington. Schumann Herman, clk. 107 Wisconsin Av. res. 406 Sherry. Schumann William. blacksmith and agricultural implements e. s. Main 1 n. Isabella, res. 406 Sherry. Schumann William Jr., blacksmith, res. 406 Sherry. Schwartz Anton, shoemkr. res. w. s. Church 3 n. Winneconne Av. Schweitzer Philip, beer pedler, res. w. s. Ann 7 s. Brien. Scofield Abbie Miss, res. w. s. Central 1 s. Washington. Scofield Charles, carp. res. w. s. Central 1 s.Washington. Scott Charles, commercial traveler, res. s. e. cor. Commercial and Forest Av. Scott George E., agricultural implements res. 118 Olive. Scott Gilbert R., agt. res. e. s. Commercial 2 s. Railroad. Seatoft William, hardware 129 Wisconsin Av. res. Jasperson House. Seefeld Fred, papermkr. res. e. s. LaGrange Av. 3 n. W. Park. Selden, Jane, housekpr. s. w. cor, Main and Harrison. Sensenbrenner Frank, bookkpr. res. n. s. E. North Water 2 e. Commercial. Serie William, coachman J. R. Barnett. Severson Sarah, domestic Gunther Carlbergr. Sexton John, res. s. w. cor, 4th and Forest Av. Sexton Martin, lab. res. w. s. 3d 3 n. Lincoln. Sexton Michael, lab. res. w. s. 3d 3 n. Lincoln. Shattuck Frank C. (Kimberly-Clark Co.), res. 541 Wisconsin Av. Shay Mamie, domestic Martin Heywood. Shea Patrick, res. e. s. LaGrange Av. 5 n. West Park. Sheerin Thad, engineer, res. s. e. cor. Hewitt and 2d. Sherman Charles, meat market and grocer e. s. Sherry 5 n. Union, res. same. Oulily 1111 Ili4I in [lo 10 OR DRY GOODS MOO S OUR _MINSEET MOT LUTHER DtVIES &RO. 1 163 MAIN STREET For IMPORTED WINES, it THEY ARE THE LLIJLIO LIQUORS and CIGARS, SHE C E 1Ull L. NEENAH] 477 [DIRECTORY. nlIell VIn & U. SMI Sherman Frank, engineer, res. s. s. Caroline 4 e. R. R. Sherman William, teamster, res. w. s. Lake 2 n. Main. Sherry Edward, res. s. s. Wisconsin Av. 2 e. Pine. Sherry Henry, lumber mnfr. n. w. cor. Wisconsin Av. and Church, res. s. s. Wisconsin Av. 2 e. Pine. Sherry Thomas, clk. Neenah Hotel, res. same. Shiells John P., cashier The National Bank, res. s. s. Doty Av. 2 w. Oak. Shiells Robert, pres. The National Bank, res. s. s. Doty Av. 2 w. Oak. Shiells Robert & Son (Robert and John P. Shiells), insurance s. w. cor. Wisconsin Av. and Cedar. Shoemaker Hiram, carpenter, res. 111 Franklin Av. Siewert Otto H., meat market s. s. Wisconsin Av. 4 e. Cedar, res. n. s. Doty Av. 3 e. Walnut. SIMON N. & CO. (Nicolas Simon and G. L. Fieweger), wholesale dealers and manufacturers cheese n. e. cor. Sherry and Union. Simon Nicolas (N. Simon & Co.). res. n. s. Sherry 2 w. Church. Simpson John, lab. res. n. s. Sherry 4 e. Harrison. ), res. s. s. Olive nr. cor. WalSimpson Martha (wid. nut and Cherry. Simpson Albert S., merchant, res. s. s. Olive, cor. Walnut and Cherry. Sindahl Emilie Miss, housekpr. res. s. s. 2d Av. 5 w. LaGrange Av. Sindahl Oscar, mason, res. s. s. 2d Av. 5 w. LaGrange Av. Sklute Abraham, general store n. s. Wisconsin Av. 2 and 3 e. Post Office, res. s. e. cor. Doty and Walnut. Sklute Simon, clothing, res. s. e. cor. Doty and Walnut. Smiles Benjamin D., watchman, res. s. s. Franklin Av. 1 e. Oak. Smith Albert, molder, res. Jasperson House. Smith Albert, lab. res. w. s. Whiteneck Road, 1 s. Columbian Av. Smith Alfred, barber e. s. Cedar 2 n. Wisconsin Av. res. 12?7 Columbian Av. BUTCI ER KNIVES and STEELS, I APA111 Aflnl11 ilL U IIYflIfI, 419 BROADWAY, MILWAUKEE. GOODS, n OppermhalnHOUSEHOLD PaIl__________6 __n_ n * ____ MILWAUKEE. a 1 SMI 7 NEENAH] 488 [DIRECTOY. SOL Smith Carrie (wid. Benjamin P.), res. n. e. cor. Hewitt and 2d. Smith Charles F., res. s. w. cor. Church and Smith. Smith Charles R., treas. Menasha Wooden Ware Co. res. n. s. Forest Av. 2 w. 9th. Smith Frank, fireman, res. s. s. Green 2 w. 4th. Smith George, well digger, res. e. s. Oak 2 n. Franklin. Smith H. F. & Son (Henry F. and Oscar W. Smith), sporting goods and barbers n. s. Cedar 1 n. Wisconsin. Smith Hattie Miss, res. e. s. Main 5 s. Isabella. Smith Henry F. (H. F. Smith & Son), res. 112 Wisconsin. Smith Hiram, pres. Manufacturers, National Bank, res. e. s. Main 5 s. Isabella. Smith Iva Miss, res. 127 Columbian Av. Smith James, oarsman. res. 127 Columbian Av. Smith Jennie Miss, res. w. s. Whiteneck Road 1 s. Columbian Av. Smith Mark, foreman, res. w. s. Commercial 3 n. North Water. Smith Minerva Mrs., boarding, res. 127 Columbian Av. Smith Niel, lab. res. s. s. Doty Av. 1 e. Elm. Smith Oscar W. (H. F. Smith & Son), res. 112 Wisconsin. Smith Pearl, domestic C. W. Leavens. Smith Peter P., painter, res. s. s. Winneconne Av. 2 e. Waverly Place. Smith Rockworth, oarsman, res. 127 Columbian Av. Smith Sarah (wid. Edward), res. s. w. cor. Church and Smith. Smith Seymour P,, res. s. e. cor Main and Isabella. Smith Wright, carpenter, res. w. s. Whiteneck Road 1 s. Columbian Av. Solomon Charles, mason, res. 503 Central. Solomon Emma Miss, res. n. e. cor. Oak and Columbian Av. Solomon Fred, cooper, res. 503 Central. Solomon Fred, teamster, res. 503 Central. Solomon John, lab, res. 503 Central. Solomon John H.. cooper, res. n. e. cor. Oak and Columbian Av. SUBSCRIBE THE DAILY NORTHWESTRN. Pixley SOM A C s'oC CHILDREN DEPARTIVMENT Always S contains bargains that the Ladies appreciate NO. 141 MAIN STREET. NEENAH] 489 [DIRECTORY. SPR Sommer Joseph, molder, res. n. e. cor. 3d and Hewitt. Sommerhalder Mary, domestic M. H. Wheeler. Sorensen Andrew, merchant, res. n. s. Caroline 1 e. Cronkhite. Sorensen Andrew Jr. (Sorensen & Son). flour and feed s. s. Wisconsin Av. 8 w. Church, res. e. s. Harrison 2 n. Washington. Sorensen Annie Miss, res. n. s. Caroline 1 e. Cronkhite. Sorensen Charles (Sorensen & Son), res. 135 Wisconsin. Sorensen Christian, papermkr. res. e. s. Walnut 1 n. Cherry. Sorensen Joseph, flour packer, res. n. s. Washington 2 e. Henry. Sorensen Lars, lab. res. s. e. cor. 2d Av. and Waverly Place. Sorensen Louis, saloon s. s. Wisconsin Av. 6 e. Main, res. same. Sorensen Mary (wid. Soren), res. s. s. Washington 1 w. Isabella. Sorensen Soren, clk. Andrew Sorensen, res. e. s. Harrison 2 n. Washington. Sorensen & Son (Andrew and Charles Sorensen), furniture and undertaking 135 Wisconsin Av. Sorenson Hans, lab. res. w. s. 4th 3 n. Lincoln. Sorenson Henry, shoe cutter, res. s. e. cor. Columbian Av. and Elm. Sorenson Jeppe, milk man s. e. cor. Columbian and Elm. Sorenson Nels, painter, res. w. s. 2d 5 s. Forest Av. Sorenson Sam, shoemkr. res. s. s. Doty Av. 3 w. Walnut. Sorley Annie Miss, res. 610 Cedar. Sorley August, clk. Sorley & Carlberg, res. 610 Cedar. Sorley Martin A. (Sorley & Carlberg), res. 611 Cedar. Sorley Michael E., painter contractor 610 Cedar, res. same. Sorley Nellie Miss, bookkpr. Sorley & Carlberg, res. 610 Cedar. SORLEY & CARLBERG (Martin A. Sorley and Guenther Carlberg), general store 104 Wisconsin Av. Spear Emanuel, com. trav. res. s. s. Franklin Av. 3w. Oak. Spivak Samuel, fruits e. s. Cedar 2 n. Canal, res. same. Spreen Gustav, lab. res. e. s. North Water 5 s. Railroad. THE SOPER FURNITURE COMPANY, NO. HuE, 41 AND 43 MAIN. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. TELEPHONES TEESTORE, 38. NO. 31. 38-A AT 141 MAIN STREET SQU You can buy CLOTHING of PIXLEY & OCOMPANY and save just 25 cents on every $1.00. NEENAH] 490 [DIRECTORY. STI Squires Hiram, res. s. w. cor. Smith and Isabella. Staeben Fred, bartender, res. s. w. cor. Wisconsin Av. and Church. Staeben Herman, saloon s. w. cor. Wisconsin Av. and Church, res. same. Staffeld Albert, lab. res. w. s. Harrison 2 s. Main. Staffeld Elizabeth (wid. Fritz), res. w. s. Harrison 2 s. Main. Staffeld Fred, teamster, res. s. w. cor Union and Sherry. Stanton James S., confectioner, res. 111 Wisconsin Av. Stecker Joseph Mrs., res. w. s. Ann 5 s. Brien. Steffenhagen Augusta Mrs., res. w. s. Plum 1 n. Division. Steffenlagen Caroline (wid. Fritz), res. w. s. Plum 1 n. Division. Steffenhagen Fred, lab. res. e. s. Central 2 n. Division. Stein John H., lab. res. s. s. The Avenue 3 w. 2d. Stengel Albert, plasterer, res. n. w. cor. Sago and North Division. Stevens John, lumberman, res. 104 Wisconsin Av. Stevenson Peter, postal clk. res. e. s. Sherry 2 n. Isabella. Stewart William Z. (Kimberly-Clark Co.), res. 433 Wisconsin Av. Stickney M. Adeline Miss, res. n. e. cor. N.Water and River. Stielow August, tailor, res. w. s. Turner 1 s. Division. Stielow Richard, lab. res. w. s. Turner 2 s. Division. Stierle Frances Miss, res. s. s. N.Water 2 w. Commercial. Stiles Joseph M., flour and feed 109 Wisconsin, res. 504 Cedar. Stiles Lulu Miss, bookkpr. 109 Wisconsin res. 504 Cedar. Stiles Stella Miss, dressmkr. w. s. Cedar 3 s. Caroline, res. same. Stiles Winifred Miss, res. n. s. Harrison 1 e. Main. Stilp John Sr., shoemkr. n. e. cor. Commercial and Forest Av. res. 314 Commercial. Stilp John Jr., shoemkr. res. w. s. 1st 2 s. Hewitt. Stilp Stephen, clk. Kimberly-Clark Co. res. 314 Commercial Av. Buy OYou r ~U HNSDERAR ^\ASGLOVES, ETC. LUTHER DAVIES & CO. 163 MAIN STREET. T~Fl AIV Mpl 1THIE B ASSLJEM IL STO I Carries a full line of CALIFORNIA WINES RND BRANDIES, 15 WAUGOO STREET. NEENAH] 491 [DIRECTORY. SUM STONE HERBERT A., proprietor Neenah Gazette, res. n. s. Doty Av. 4 e. Walnut. Stone John N.. publisher Neenah Times, res. n. s. Doty Av. 4 e. Walnut. Stowe Clemania (wid. Artemus), res. Vermont House. Stowe Lovell, propr. Vermont House, res. same. Stowe Lowell W., justice of the peace and notary public n. s. Wisconsin Av. 9 w. Main, res. Vermont House. Stowe May Miss, res. Vermont House. Stowe Wallace, tinsmith. res. Vermont House. Stramm Louis, teamster, res. e. s. Main 2 s. Harrison. Strate Elizabeth (wid. Lothrop B.), res. 127 Washington. Strey Albert, lab. res. n. w. cor. Plum and Division. Stridde August, tailor, res. 226 Bond. Stridde August Jr., tailor, res. 226 Bond. Stridde Charles, tailor, res. 226 Bond. Stridde Lina Miss, clk. res. 226 Bond. Stridde William, filer, res. s. s. The Avenue 1 e. 9th. Stroebel Fred (Stroebel & Baumgarten), res. s. s. Wisconsin Av. 7 e. Church. Stroebel Kate (wid. Joseph), res. s. s. Wisconsin 4 w. Oak. Stroebel & Baumgarten (Fred Stroebel and Peter Baumgarten), hardware, etc. s. s. Wisconsin Av. 7 e. Church. Strohmeyer Henry, lab. res. s. w. cor. Washington Av. and Chestnut. Struss Albert, cooper, res. s. s. Columbian Av. 1 e. Oak. Struss Albert Jr., machinist, res. s. s. Columbian 1 e. Oak. Struss Anna Miss, res. s. s. Columbian Av. 1 e. Oak. Struss Lena Miss, paper layer, res. s.s. Columbian 1 e. Oak. Struss Mamie Miss, res. s. s. Columbian Av. 1 e. Oak. Struss Stena Miss, dressmkr. s. s. Columbian Av. 1 e. Oak. Sturgeon Helen Miss, res. s. s. Franklin Av. 4 e. Walnut Sturm Charles, saloon e. s. Main 3 s. Brien, res. same. Sturm John, res. 119 Wisconsin. Sturm John Jr., saloon 119 Wisconsin Av. res. same. Sturm Sophie (wid. Fritz), res. s. s.Washington 2 w. Henry. Sumerton Alonzo 0., merchant, res. s. s. Winneconne Av. 3 e. Waverly Place. Novelties OPPERMANN'S, AT PAUL MILWAUKEE. e 419 BROADWAY, iII -E sPAUL LOH'S PAUL OPPERMAON, OPPERMANNIAE * MILWAUKEE SVE A NEW WHITE METAL POLISH, NEENAH] 492 [DIRECTORY. THO Svensen Anton, papermkr. res. w. s. Union 3 n. Caroline. Swane Lewis, tinner, res. n. w. cor. Caroline and Cedar. Swendson Hans, lab. res. e. s. 2d 2 s. Lincoln. Sykes Sidney M., City Clerk, res. n. s. Lincoln 1 w. 2d. Sykes Leslie, lab. res. n. s. Lincoln 1 w. 2d. T. ALAROWICZ Frank, cigarmkr. res. 115 Wisconsin Av. Tatro Peter, lab. res. s. s. Green 1 w. 9th. Taylor Alex, papermkr. res. s. s. Forest Av. 3 w. 3d. Taylor Charles, piano tuner, res. Union House. Taylor Edward, sewing machine agt. res. s.s. Doty 2 e. Oak. Terrel Rebecca (wid. Alfred), res. s. s. Forest Av. 2 w. 1st. Tessendorf Anna, domestic Vermont House. Tessendorf Charles, lab. res. n. e. cor. LaGrange Av. and Division. Tessendorf John, lab. res. w. s. Church 2 n.Winneconne. Av. Tessendorf Louis, engineer, res, n. s. 3d Av. 1 w. Waverly Place. Tessendorf Rosa Miss, res. n.e. cor. LaGranZe and Division. Theby Alvina Miss, clk. D. Meigs, res. s. s. Doty Av. 3 w. Cedar. Theby Edward R., barber 120 Wisconsin Av. res. s. s. Doty Av. 3 w. Cedar. Theby George, res. s. s. Doty Av. 3 w. Cedar. Theby George Jr., cigarmkr. res. s. s. Doty Av. 3 w. Cedar. Theby Paulina Miss, tailoress, res. s. s. Doty 3 w. Cedar. Thiel Laws, expressman, res. n. w. cor. Sherry and Union. Thielecke Louisa Miss, dressmkr. n. w. cor. Washington Av. and Walnut, res. same. Thielecke William, hardware s. s. Wisconsin 5 w. Walnut, res. n. w. cor. Washington Av. and Walnut. Thomas Charles, barber, res. n. s. Doty Av. 2 e. Oak. Thomas, William, plasterer, res. s. s. Doty 2 e. Walnut. Thompson Eugene, clk. res. w. s. Lake 3 n. Main. Thompson George F., carpenter, res. w. s. Lake 3 n. Main. Thompson Grace Miss, res. w. s. Lake 3 n. Main. A YOU WANT THI DVERTISE W L >\SUDIOU A ILY11_vIFBEST RESULTS. i -- N THE ^ NORTHWESTERN. YIll!IIKIl~Then AlRE L VOOKING ARE YOAU THO For a placeto BUY CLOTHING CHEAPt go to PIXLEY &CO., 141 MAIN ST., the great One-Price, One-Profit Clothiers. NEENAH] 493 [DIRECTORY. TOM Thompson Hawkin, molder, res. n. w. cor. Henry and Washington. Thompson James, mason, s. s. Brien 1 e. Main. Thompson John P., mason, res. s. s. Wisconsin Av. 2 w. Elm. Thompson Joseph M., flour and feed w. s. Cedar 2 n. Doty Av. res. s. w. cor. Wisconsin Av. and Walnut. Thompson Nels, lab. res. n. e. cor. Waverly Place and 2d. Thompson Orin, dentist, res. s. w. cor. Wisconsin Av. and Walnut. Thomsen Mary (wid. Niels), res. n. s. Smith 2 w. Brien. Thomson Anna Miss, res. 312 Cedar. Thomson Fred T., wagonmkr. n. w. cor. Cedar and Franklin Av. res. 312 Cedar. Thomson Margaret (wid. Christian), res. n. s. Edna Av. 1 e. River. Thomson Stena Mrs., boarding 312 Cedar, res. same. Thomson Thorwald, res. n. s. Edna Av. 1 e. River. Thornton Charles, lab. res. w. s. 9th 1 s. The Avenue. Thornton Leonard, res. n. w. cor. Hewitt and 4th. Thornton Scott, lab. res. n. w. cor. Hewitt and 4th. Thueson Laura Miss, res. e. s. 1st 3 n. Lincoln. Thueson Louis, lab. res. e. s. 1st 3 n. Lincoln. Thurmansen George, papermkr. res. n. s. Smith 2 e. Ann. Thurmansen Max, blacksmith n. s. Wisconsin Av. 4 w. Main, res. n. s. Isabella 1 w. Ann. Thurston Eugene W.,machinist, res. w. s. Bond 1 n. Sago. Tieman Gunda Miss, housekpr. res. s.s.Caroline 3 w.Henry. Timm John, fireman, res. s. w. cor. 5th and Lincoln. Tobey John W., carpenter and contractor n. s. Main 4 n. Lake, res. same. Todd Elmer C., dentist 118 Wisconsin Av. res. same. Toeppler Julius, lab. res. w. s. Cronkhite 1 n. Monroe. Tohms Albert, papermkr. res. e. s. 4th 2 n. Clark. Tohms Henry, papermkr. res. e. s. 4th 2 n. Clark. Tohms William, papermkr. res. e. s. 4th 2 n. Clark. Tolverson Christian, lab. res. 418 3d. Tomaschke Emma, domestic N. Demeritt. Tomaschke Fred, lab. res. n. s. Washington Av. 2 w. Oak. LEADERS INLOW GOLDEN EAGLE, NEW SLEAER I69MAIN STREET, COR. PEARL IL WHY NOT SAVE THE JOBBERS' PROFITS. No ishing.v G Goods Hatouse House ca cam afford to sell goods as cheap as PIXLEY & COMPANY sellnishing them at 141 MAIN STREET. TON NTE ENAH] 494 [DIRECTORY. VAN Tonson Fred, lab. res. s. e. cor. Washington and Cronkhite. Torsrud Annie, paper layer, res. e. s. 2d 1 s. Lincoln. Torsrud Hans, papermkr. re. e. s. 2d 1 s. Lincoln. Torsrud Martin, painter, res. e. s. 2d 1 s. Lincoln. Tratz Ida, domestic M. L. Campbell. Truscott Richard P., mason, res. e. s. Bond 4 s. High. Truscott Richard P. Jr., lab. res. e. s. Bond 4 s. High. Turner Thomas, lab. res. 108 4th. TWIN CITY DAILY NEWS, of Neenah and Menasha, L. H. Kimball proprietor, n. s. Wisconsin Av. bet. Cedar and Church. U. ULRICH George, butcher, res. w. s. 1st 1 n. Forest. Ulrich Gottfried (Ulrich & Gillingham), res. s. s. Wisconsin Av. 6 e. Church. Ulrich May (wid. Alois), res. n. s. Doty 4 w. Walnut. Ulrich Oswald, meat market e. s. Commercial 5 n. Forest Av. res. w. s. 1st 1 n. Forest Av. Ulrich William, butcher, res. n. s. Doty 4 w. Walnut. Ulrich & Gillingham (Gottfried Ulrich and Francis J. Gillingham), meat market s. s. Wisconsin 6 e. Church. Utley Ida Miss, teacher, res. w. s. 4th 3 s. Lincoln. Utley Theodore L., apiarist w. s. 4th 3 s. Lincoln, res. same. V. WANDEHEI Frank, barber e. s. Commercial 3 n. Forest Av. res. e. s. Commercial 4 n. Forest Av. Van de Loo Pete., cooper, res. e. s. 5th 2 s. The Avenue. Vandenmark James, pulpmkr. res. n. w. cor. Columbian Av. and Walnut. Van der Hyden Anna Miss, res. e. s. 4th 2 n. Hewitt. Van der Hyden Frank, res. e. s. 4th 2 n. Hewitt. Van der Hyden Frank Jr., bartender, res. e. s. 4th 2n. Hewitt. Van der Hyden Laura Miss, res. e. s. 4th 2 n. Hewitt. A LIUTHER3DAVIES CO. Staple and Fancy Dry GoodsPLGods MAIN & STREET. 163 MAIN 8TREiT. PRBST'S UOEMItN SE1LECT BOTTLED BEER S ST. 115 WAUGOOY, WAR Van Middlesworth Henry, res. s. w. cor. Main and Harrison, Van Middlesworth Mary J. Miss, res. w. s. Harrison 4 s. VAN NEENAH] 495 [DIRECTORY. Main.' Van Olinda Mary G. Miss, teacher High School, res. n. s. Wisconsin Av. nr. Park. Van Ostrand D. C., treas. Neenah B. & S: Mfg. Co. res. s. s. Church 2 e. Cherry. Van Slyke Ephraini H., insurance agt. res. n. s. Sherry 2 w. Church. Van Tassel Erastus B., res. n. s. Franklin 2 e. Church. Verbreck Charles, cigarmkr. res. Jasperson House. Vermont House, Lovell Stowe prop. n. s. Columbian Av. 3 w. Cedar. Vogt Henry, cigarmkr. res. s. s. Smith 2 n. Church. Voss Louis, shoemkr. res. s. s. Main 4 w. Lake. W. ACHHOLZ Christian, res. s. w. cor. Winneconne and WA LaGrange Av. Wachholz Mary Miss, dressmkr. res. s. w. cor. Winneconne and LaGrange Av. Wachholz Richard, expressman, res. s. s. Winneconne Av. 1 e. Waverly Place. Wage Charles, papermkr. res. e. s. Waverly Place 1 s. 3d Av. Wage Lina, domestic n. e. cor. Sago and Brien. Walker Joseph, barber, res. e. s. 1st 3 s. Forest. Walker Mary Miss, res. e. s. Park Av. 2 n. Wisconsin Av. Walker Phebe (wid. Henry), res. e. s. Park Av. 2 n. Wissin Av. Walker William, student, res. e. s. Park 2 n. Wisconsin. Walters John, papermkr. res. n. e. cor. LaGrange Av. and Cecil. Waltmann Louis, street commissioner, res. n. s. Sherry 1 w. Union. Ward William T., saloon s. s. Wisconsin Av. 2 e. Cedar, res. 133 Wisconsin Av. ANDU DSA PAUL OPPERMANNYS, PERFMEES IIUl T IMILWAUKEE, WIS, POCKET CUTLERY t AND SCISSORS. WAR NEINAHJ PAUL OPPERMANN, 419 BROADWAY. MILWAUKER. 496 [DIRECTOY. WHE Warnecke Ludwig, lab. res. Jasperson House. Warner George, telegraph operator, res. Jasperson House. Watts Fred, teamster, res. n. s. Columbian 2 e. Walnut. Watts George, teamster, res. n. s. Columbian 2 e. Walnut. Watts Lillie Miss, telegraph operator n. w. cor. Wisconsin Av. and Cedar, res. n. s. Columbian Av. 2 e. Walnut. Watts Mamie Miss, dressmkr. n. s. Columbian Av. 2 e. Walnut, res. same. Webber Charles L., painter n. s. Wisconsin Av. 2 w. Walnut, res. P. 0. block upstairs. Webber Irwin, clk. res. 217 Sherry. Webber Norman W., commercial traveler, res. s. s. Doty Av. 2 w. Cedar. Weber August, shoemkr. res. n. w. cor. Waverly Place and 2d Av. Weber Louis, carpenter and contractor s. s. Wisconsin Av. 4 w. Elm. Weckner Charles, lab. res. n. s. Monroe 4 w. Henry. Weckner Fred, lab. res. n. s. Monroe 3 w. Henry. Weckner Herman, lab. res. n. s. Monroe 4 w. Henry. Weckner William, shoemkr. res. n. s. Monroe 3 w. Henry. Weil August, res. n. w. cor. Hewitt and 2d. Weinke Charles, lab. res. e. s. 5th 2 s. Hewitt. Weisner Mathew, butcher, res. 127 Columbian Av. Welch Daniel, lab. res, e. s. 3d 2 n. Hewitt. Wellenhofer John, papermkr. res. n. s. Washington Av. 3 e. Elm. Wells David, engineer, res, n, s. E. North Water 6 e. Commercial Av. West Leonard, res. s. w. cor. 3d Av. and Waverly Place. West Leonard Jr., fireman, res. n. s. Doty 2 e. Walnut. Westberg Andrew, lab. res. 311 Smith. Western Union Telegraph Co., Thomas. E. Callahan mngr. 111 Wisconsin Av. Wexem Frank, barber n. s. Wisconsin 7 e. Cedar, res. same. Whedon Mary (wid. Jones J.), res. s. s. Smith 1 w. Isabella. Wheeler Bert, res. s, e. cor. Forest Av. and Webster. R NEAT FO COMMERCIAL PRINTING, GO TO THE HICKS PRINTING O0. r IJPixley WHE lx i 2i & e jYOUTHS' O Co., Manufacturers and Retailers of MEN'S. AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. 141 MAIN ST. NEWNAH] 497 [DIRECTORY. WIL Wheeler Calvin J., res, n. w. cor. Clark and 4th. Wheeler Caroline (wid. Uri), res. e. s. Park Av. 1 s. River. Wheeler Miles H., lumberman, res. s. e. cor. Forest Av. and Webster. Whiteneck Samuel J., supt. Davis Bros. res. n. w. cor. Sherry and Isabella. Whiting George A,, paper mnfr. res. s. e. cor. Forest Av, and 5th, Wickeham August, blacksmith, res. w. s. 3d 3 s. Hewitt. Wieckert Ernst F., planing mill n. s. Race 1 e. Cedar, res. n. w. cor. High and Center. Wiesant John, peddler, res. w. s. Chestnut 3 s. Washington. Wildfang Charles, res. n. s. Edna Av. 1 w. River. Wildfang Henry, general store and sewing machines 115 Wisconsin Av. res. n. s. Edna Av. 1 w. River. Wildfang Mathilda Miss, dressmkr. res. n. s. Edna Av. 1 w. River. Wildfang Nellie Miss, res. n. s. Edna Av. 1 w. River. Wildfang William, clk. 115 Wisconsin Av. res. n. s. Edna Av. 1 w. River. Wildie Ferdinand A. (Wildie & Gleason), res. Milwaukee. WILDIE & GLEASON, (Ferdinand A. Wildie and Herbert J. Gleason), druggists n. w. cor. Wisconsin Av. and Cedar. Wilkinson Annie .(wid. Patrick), res. e. s. 5th 1 n. Forest. Wilkinson James, lab. res. e. s. 5th 1 n. Forest Av. Wilkinson Rosie Miss, paper layer, res. e. s. 5th 1 n. Forest. Will Fred, stonecutter, res. w. s. Reed 2 s. E. Park. Willard Helen Miss, res. n. s. Doty Av. 4 e. Walnut. Williams Edward D., mason contractor n. e. cor. Oak and Franklin Av. res. same. Williams Edward R.. clk. J. J. Leutenegger. res. n. s. Wisconsin Av. 5 w. Main. WILLIAMS EDWIN A., insurance, real estate and notary public P. 0. blk. res. s. e. cor. Church and Caroline. Williams Elbridge T., com. trav. res. 114 Elm. Williams Ellen (wid. John), res. 427 Wisconsin Av. FEW EXPENSES ENABLE SMALL PROFITS to successfully operate the business. Trade with The Soper Furniture Co., 41-43 Main St. 39-A ALI WIL: &IYIV7 OU. P S SAVE YOU THE JOBBERS' PROFIT 11 Min' ON GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. ff|| NIFNAH] 498 [DIRECTORY. if WRU Williams Frances (wid. Robert), res. n. s. Wisconsin Av. 5 w. Main. Williams Harry, mason, res. Union House. Williams William, res. e. s. LaGrange Av. 1 n. Cecil. Williamson Hans, drayman, res. e. s. 3d 3 s. Lincoln. Williamson Nellie Miss, res. w. s. Bond 2 n. High. Wilson Anna (wid. Soren), res. n. s. Winneconne Av. 1 w. Harrison. Windle Kirby E., dentist 135 Wisconsin, res. Russell House. Wing Elmer, street sprinkler, res. n. s. Washington Av. 3 w. Pine. Wing Sam, laundry e. s. Cedar 3 n. Canal, res. same, Wingrove George, engineer, res. n. e. cor. Forest and 4th. Wingrove William, machine tender, res. n. e. cor. Forest and 4th. Winnebago Paper Mills, D. R. Davis, pres.; W. L. Davis, sec., treas. and superintendent foot of Main n. of Wisconsin Av. WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES, J. J. Fish agt. passenger depot n. w. cor. Sherry and Union, freight depot foot Wisconsin Av. Wisconsin Telephone Co,, T. A. Pieplow. manager, n. w. cor. Wisconsin Av. and Cedar. Witt Henry, saloon s. s. Wisconsin 7 e. Main. Wittpam Fred, lab. res. n. s. 3d Av. 3 e. Waverly Place. Wohld Daniel, clk. 105 Wisconsin, res. Union. Wohlwender George, butcher, res. 127 Columbian Av. Wolf Frank, teamster, res. s. e. cor. 5th and Lincoln. Wolff Johanna (wid. Ferdinand), res. s. s. Wisconsin Av. 5 e. Oak. Wolff Tina Miss, res. s. s. Wisconsin Av. 5 e. Oak. Worth Bertha, domestic John A. Kimberly. Wright Isaac H., physician s. s. E. North Water 5 e. Commercial, res. same. Wright James, supt, Kimberly-Clark Co. res. s. s. E. North Water 5 e. Commercial. Wruck Bertha Miss, res. s. s. Smith 6 w. Isabella. Wruck Herman, lab. res. s. s. Smith 6 w. Isabella. Dress Goods ------- _--1 large variety nd at" - . Luther Davies & Co. h M STEStyles 163 'MAIN STREET, THE PrBST'S MILWAUKEE BEER ASSEBLY Geleble~~~~~~~~THE n WUL l ubllll n15 WAUQoo ST. NEENAH] 499 [DIRECTORY. ZIC Wulff, Clausen & Co. (Oscar Wulff, H. H. Clausen and H. C. Jasperson), City Flour Mills, Race w. Cedar. Wulff Oscar (Wulff, Clausen & Co.), res. Salt Lake City, Utah. Y. YDBERG Caroline, domestic Rev. Jens Jersild. Young Archibald M., engineer, res. s. e. cor. Cedar and Olive. Young David, machine tender, res. n. e. cor. North Water and Bond. Young Gavin, lab. res. n. e. cor. Sago and Division. Young Harvey P., machine tender, res. s. s. North Water 5 w. Commercial Av. Young Helen (wid. Gavin W.), res. s. s. North Water 5 w. Commercial Av. Young Henry E., machine tender, res. s. s. North Water 5 w. Commercial Av. Young Jennie M. Miss, dressmkr. res. s. e. cor. Cedar and Olive, Young John C., millwright, res. s. s. North Water 1 w. Commercial Av. Young Russell E., shoemkr. res. s. e. cor. Cedar and Olive. Yvaas Halvor, clk. A. Billstein & Son, res. s. s. Church 1 w. Washington. Z. ZACHOW Augusta, domestic Mrs. Minerva Smith. Zachow Frederick. lab. res. s. e. cor. Forest and 3d. Zachow Minnie, domestic Thomas Higgins. Zader William, coachman Philip Gaffney. Zemlock Andrew, cooper, res. cor. 1st and Columbian Av. Zemlock Andrew G., papermkr. res. cor. 1st and Columbian. Zemlock Helen A. Miss, dressmkr. cor. 1st and Columbian. Zemlock Stephen, cooper, res. e. s. Central 2 s.Washington. Zick Reinhold, carpenter, res. s. s. Cherry 2 w.Washington. PAUL OPPERMANN, CLOTHES BRUSHES, HAIR419and BROADWAY, MILWAUKEE. LINGNER & KRAFT'S BATH BRUSHES. ZIE PAUL OPPERMANN, 419 BROADWAY, NEENAH] 400 [DIRECTORY. SOLE GENI, MILWAUKEE. ZIM Ziegert August, mason, res. w. s. 5th 2 n. Lincoln. Ziegert Reinhold, stavemkr. res. w. s. 5th 2 n. Lincoln. Ziemann Fred, papermkr. res. n. s. Franklin Av. 4w. Pine. Ziemann Gustav, tub turner, res. s. w. cor. Hewitt and 3d. Ziemann Johanna (wid. Fred), res. n. s. Franklin 4w. Pine. Zimmermann Charles engineer, res. s. s. Green 2 w. 9th. Zimmermann Lloyd L., mason contractor s. s. Smith 3 e. Isabella, res. same. LANDGRAF'S HOTEL, DEUTSCHES HOTEL. VAL. LANDGRAF, Proprietor. First Class SAMPLE ROOM For TRAVELING PUBLIC. 'B US LI N E-I have a first class 'Bus, and furnish free transportation to and from trains. 'Bus let for funerals and other purposes at moderate prices. Single and Double Rigs for the accommodation of guests and the general public. Good barn and stabling accommodations. The patronage of Farmers respectfully solicited. THE BEST ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THE TRAVELING PUBLIC. COR. MAIN AND TAYCO STREETS, MI-_IENASHA, WIS.
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