World Explorers Challenge Badge


World Explorers Challenge Badge
World Explorers Challenge Badge
Create your own passport and join us for a journey round the world
sampling new cultures along the way!
This badge is divided into five zones each zone representing
one of the five regions of the World Guide movement. Each
section has a range of games, crafts and activities.
The trefoils are given as an idea of what activities are suitable
for what age group however feel free to do any of the activities
to count towards your badge.
Rainbows: 4 activities
Brownies: 5 activities
Guides: 6 activities
Senior Section: 7 activities
Each section must try to do 1 from each zone
These can be done individually, in patrols/sixes or as a whole
Once the activities are completed you can have a badge
Well Done
Please Print in Block Capitals:
Unit Name: ……………………………………………………………………………
Contact Name: ………………………………………………………………………
Address to send badges to: ……………………………………………………
Postcode: ………………………………
Number of Badges required (£1 each) : …………
Postage and Packaging add £2 per order
Payment enclosed: ……………………….
Cheques made payable to
5th Melton Guides Fundraising Account
All monies goes towards Buzzing Explorers Jailbreak Challenge,
please order by the end of July
Send to:
Sue Mayhew
28 Delamare Road
Melton Mowbray
LE13 1PL
Create a Kwanzaa Place Mat, you need two
pieces of construction paper one needs to
be folded in half lengthways and the other
needs to be cut into strips, these stripes
need to then be woven into the first piece
of paper.
Create an African mask or colour
in the one provided. Have a look
at some Africa masks to give you
some ideas.
Research one country in Africa and design
a poster on it.
Create your own African drums, get 2 plastic drink cups
and stick the bottoms together. Cover the whole thing in
masking tape even covering the holes at both ends, now
Why not try and fill in the names of all the
countries on the African continent using the
blank map .
Arab Zone
Game : Marbles
The game of marbles is enjoyed by children in Mauritius. In the
sand and in alleyways, children enjoy non-sponsored
competition among themselves playing the recreational game of
Play a game of marbles in sixes and patrols and then play off for
a winner!
Activity: Bahrain
Learn the promise the girls make in Bahrain, compare their laws
and find out 3 interesting facts about Guiding in Bahrain
Crochet and knitting are popular in Tunisa. Can you learn to do one of
these and make squares into a blanket to give to someone in the
Craft: Egyptian Collar
Collar Necklace Craft
You will need: An old T shirt and fabric paints
Cut a curve from one shoulder to the other shoulder of an old tshirt.
Europe Zone
In Italy they are known for their church's, why not make stained glass window
out of card and cut holes. After that fill the holes with tissue paper. Hold it up to
the light and see the light shining through.
Four Corner Game: Get the leader to write four countries on pieces of paper place
these in each corner of room, now get the leader to shout out things that are
associated with any of the countries, girls then run to which corner they think it is.
Craft :
Have a go at making some Maracas and playing them!!
The daffodil is a symbol of Wales, which is part of the United Kingdom.
You can make a simple daffodil pin with egg cartons, orange tempera paint, safety pins,
glue, yellow card paper and tape. Ask the children to cut out the compartments from
paper egg cartons. Make sure the cups are clean. Next, have the children paint the egg
compartments orange and set these aside to dry. Cut out flower shapes from the
yellow card paper and glue the dry egg compartments to the card paper so the cups
make the daffodils' trumpets. Let these dry and have the children tape safety pins on
the back of the flower card papers so they can wear the badges.
Asia Zone
Wooden Spoon Dragon Craft
Can you make a wooden spoon
Anzac biscuits
A typical Australian biscuit. Have ago at making some.
Recipe and instructions in the appendix
Salt dough
Make some salt dough, mould the salt dough around a
plastic cup and when dry remove the cup and then paint.
Learn some Indian dancing
Western Hemisphere Zone
Game: Four Squares
This is a game played in America
Craft: Mexico Piñata
Make a Piñata and have fun whacking
it until the sweets come out!
Cooking: Jamaica
Fruit Kebabs
Choose all your favourite fruits, prepare and slide onto
a wooden skewer – very healthy
Activity: Canada day is 1st July
Can you make an easy bracelet
African Mask Template
Wooden Spoon Dragon
• A wooden spoon
• Green paint
• Green craft foam
• Scraps of red, yellow and orange craft foam
• Green glitter glue
• PVA glue
• Wiggle eyes
• Black permanent pen
1. Paint the spoon with green paint and leave to dry.
2. Fold the green foam in half. Draw a wing shape with the bottom along
the fold. Cut around the wing shape. Unfold and decorate the wings
with the glitter glue.
3. Draw around the bowl of the spoon onto green foam. Cut out and
glue to the spoon at the base of the handle (this is the lower part of
the jaw).
4. Glue the eyes to the back of the spoon, and draw on the nose with
black pen.
5. Cover the middle of the wing piece with the glue and wrap it round
the spoon (you may need to tape in place with low mask tape to hold
it while the glue dries)
6. Now cut an arrow-shaped tail from green foam, decorate with glitter
glue and glue to the end of the spoon.
7. Finally cut a flame shape from yellow foam, a slightly smaller one
from orange foam and an even smaller one from yellow foam. Glue
them together in a pile and stick to the bottom of the dragon’s
Anzac Biscuits
Here is another Aussie Recipe that Australian Children enjoy making
usually around Anzac Day (April 25th) when towns all over Australia hold
marches for returned soldiers and hold memorial services for those who
did not return.
1 cup plain flour
2/3 cup white sugar
1 cup rolled oats
1 cup desiccated coconut (dried coconut)
125g unsalted butter
1/4 cup golden syrup
1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda (baking soda)
1 Tablespoon boiling water
Wash hands and collect all ingredients, Pre heat oven to 180 C.
Line a biscuit tray with baking paper
Sift flour and sugar into large mixing bowl. Add oats and coconut. Make a
well in the centre.
Combine butter and golden syrup in small pan. Stir over low heat until
butter is melted and mixture smooth. Remove from heat.
Dissolve Bicarbonate soda in water; add immediately to butter mixture. It
will foam up instantly.
Add butter mixture to dry ingredients. Mix with spoon until well
Roll one level Tablespoon of mixture into balls and flatten slightly on tray.
Allow room for spreading.
Bake for 20 minutes or until just browned.
Remove from oven and transfer onto cooling rack.
Map of Africa
Marble Games
• Rings - A circle is drawn in the ground and marbles put in you take turns to knock
them out.
• 3 Hole - 3 holes are dug, 3 or 4 players they stand at one end and pitch the
marble to the other end and try to get it in the hole in one, if they do they try for
the 2nd hole , if they get it they go for the 3rd one, then go back down to the 2nd
one then 1st one then, repeat the first step again, if a hole is not made on the
first try turns are taken. the first person to come back up the 2nd time is the
How to Make Homemade Maracas
Things you need
Toilet tissue holder
Dried Beans
Use a funnel to insert about half a cup of beans into the balloon. Blow up the
balloon, making sure not to swallow the beans, and tie it in a tight knot.
Take the toilet tissue tube and cut a fringe about two inches long in half-inch
intervals. Tape the toilet tissue tube to the underside of the balloon. Stuff
newspaper into the toilet tissue tube and tape it shut.
Cover the balloon and toilet tissue tube with paper mache. Paper mache can be
made with equal parts water and flour. Mix the flour and water together. When the
mixture is smooth, dip newspaper strips into the paper mache and cover the balloon
and toilet tissue tube. Be sure to let the homemade paper mache maraca dry before
Embellish the homemade paper mache maraca with paint, stickers, markers, or
construction paper
Four Squares - What You Need
The only things you need to get started in a game of Four Squares are some chalk,
a patch of concrete somewhere, a bouncy ball like a soccer ball or volleyball and at
least four people. With the chalk, draw a large square at least six feet wide and
divide this big square into four equally sized small squares. Each of the four
squares should be numbered 1 to 4 and should look like this:
Four Squares - How To Play
Each player stands in one of the four squares.
To start the game, the player in square four serves the ball by bouncing it in their
square once and then hitting it towards one of the other squares. The receiving
player then hits the ball to any other player in one of the other squares.
The ball must bounce in another player's square, and they must hit it to another
player before it bounces a second time.
A player may hit the ball before it bounces, if they choose to do so.
If a player hits the ball so that it misses another player's square, or fails to hit the
ball before the second bounce after it has landed in their square, they are "out".
When a player is out, the other players move up to take their place, and that
player moves to the last square, or to the end of the line, if there are more than
four players.
The object of the game is to move up to and hold the server's position.
You could vary this game by naming the squares Ace, King, Queen, President!