BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA FEDERACIJA BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA UNSKO-SANSKI KANTON OPĆINA VELIKA KLADUŠA JU OŠ “1.MART” VRNOGRAĈ BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA FEDERATION BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA THE UNA-SANA CANTON MUNICIPALITY OF VELIKA KLADUSA PRIMARY SCHOOL «1.MART» VRNOGRAĈ Vrnograĉ bb, 77231, tel.1./fax1.-037 710 481 / tel.2/fax 2. – 037 711 241 / http:/ /www.os1.mart-vrnograc.com Broj : 174/16 Datum : 25.03.2016.god. KANTONALNO TAKMIĈENJE IZ ENGLESKOG JEZIKA I KNJIŽEVNOSTI UĈENIKA VII i VIII RAZREDA OSNOVNIH ŠKOLA USK-a ŠKOLSKE 2015/16. godine Školska 2015/16.godina Osnovna škola „1.mart“ Vrnograĉ Općina Velika Kladuša Velika Kladuša je grad i središte općine na krajnjem sjeverozapadu Bosne i Hercegovine, a najstariji pisani dokument o gradu datira iz 1280.godine. S južne strane graniči sa općinama Unsko – sanskog kantona Bužim i Cazin, a sa zapada, sjevera i istoka Republikom Hrvatskom, odnosno općinama Cetingrad, Vojnić, Topusko, Glina i Dvor na Uni. Teritorija općine iznosi 331,55 km2, što velikokladušku općinu uvrštava u najgušće naseljene prostore Bosne i Hercegovine. Od ukupne površine zemljišta najveći procenat predstavlja poljoprivredno zemljište - 22.375 hektara ili 67,48 % ukupne teritorije. Prepoznatljivosti Velike Kladuše svakako su doprinijeli Agrokomerc" sa poljoprivrednom i prerađivačkom proizvodnjom, "Saniteks" u tekstilnoj industriji i "Grupex" u građevinarstvu i proizvodnji betonskih konstrukcija. Do sada izvršenim geološkim istraživanjima utvrđene su pojave i ležišta nemetalnih i metalnih mineralnih sirovina. Od nemetalnih mineralnih sirovina značajnija su nalazište barita (intenzivna eksploatacija od 1948. godine), krečnjaka i dolomita. Metalne mineralne sirovine su nedovoljno istražene i eksplatisane na području općine, iako se procjenjuje da se ležišta mangana na ovom području mogu svrstati među najveća u Evropi. Na području Općine Velika Kladuša djeluje deset osnovnih škola kao i tri srednje škole. Mnogi Veliku Kladušu nazivaju „Kapijom Bosne“. Vrnograĉ, 25.03.2016.godine Osnovna škola „1.mart“ Vrnograĉ Osnovna škola “1.mart” Vrnograč Na 163 m nadmorske visine, na istočnom djelu općine Velika Kladuša prostire se područje Vrnograča. Okružen brežuljcima ispod kojih izviru vode i brojni potoci, močvare i rječice, plodno zemljište pogodno za uzgoj žitarica i povrtlarskih kultura, pogodne klimatske karakteristike, stanovništvo Vrnograča, sve su to parametri za osnivanje Osnovne škole u Vrnograču. Odlukom Zemaljske vlade Bosne i Hercegovine daleke 1880.godine škola u Vrnograču je otpočela sa radom. U školu pod nazivom „Narodna osnovna četverorazredna škola“ upisano je prvih 30 učenika. Iz godine u godinu kroz školu su prolazili i usvajali znanja mnogi učenici. Tokom svog postojanja škola je promijenila više naziva. 1960./61. godine naziva se Osnovna škola „Bratstvo-Jedinstvo“ 1985./86. godine u školi se otvaraju dva odjeljenja srednje škole, jedno tekstilne, jedno poljoprivredne škole. 1995.godine škola mijenja naziv „Bratstvo-Jedinstvo“ u Osnovna škola „7.august“. Decembra 2006.godine škola dobiva novi naziv Osnovna škola „1.mart“ po datumu kada su se građani Bosne i Hercegovine izjasnili za samostalnu i nezavisnu domovinu Bosnu i Hercegovinu. Vrnogračka škola postaje ustanova šireg kulturnog uticaja. Učiteljski kadar u vrnogračku školu dolazio je iz svih krajeva Bosne i Hercegovine i s područja bivše Jugoslavije, i tu su se svi osjećali kao domaćini. Učitelji formiraju kulturno – prosvjetna društva a jedno od najpoznatijih je Kulturno-prosvjetno društvo „Gajret“, zatim Kulturno-umjetničko društvo „Vrnograč“, uzimaju učešće pri osnivanju Učiteljskog društva bihaćkog okruga kao i Islamske kiraethane (čitaonice), biblioteke, privredna udruženja i sportskih klubova. Već godinama škola u Vrnograču postaje i ostaje uporište mnogim manifestacijama, kao što su „Kladuški dani poljoprivrede“, „Biciklijada kroz Vrnograč“, razne kulturno-sportske manifestacije. Kolektiv škole uključen je u sva dešavanja i organizacije svih vidova kulturnog života, od svih vrsta takmičenja na svim nivoima, zatim u raznim projektima kojima osvajamo mnogobrojne nagrade, humanitarne akcije gdje svojim dobrovoljnim prilozima i volonterskim radom pomažemo mnogim porodicama slabog socijalnog statusa, tu su učešća na mnogim manifestacijama općine gdje izdvajamo „Kladuški dani borbe protiv ovisnosti“, „Svjetski dan zaštite voda“ i mnogi drugi, što potvrđuju mnogi članci o našem djelovanju u raznim pisanim medijima, kao i ljetopis naše škole. Naši nastavnici, vrsni stručnjaci, osvajaju mnogobrojna priznanja i plakete. Vrnograĉ, 25.03.2016.godine Osnovna škola „1.mart“ Vrnograĉ Tokom postojanja škole u Vrnograču, istu je pohađalo na desetine hiljada djece. Obrazovali su se mnogi istaknuti naučnici, dokazani profesori raznih univerziteta, vrsni i veoma dobri ljekari, advokati, ekonomisti, nastavnici i mnoge druge istaknute ličnosti sa područja Općine Velika Kladuša, ali i mnogo šire, sa područja Bosne i Hercegovine. U svom sastavu škola u Vrnograču pored centralne posjeduje i 6 područnih škola: PŠ Poljana, PŠ Glinica, PŠ Elezovići, PŠ Šestanovac, PŠ Gradina i PŠ Bosanska Bojna. Šk. 2010./11.godine OŠ „1.mart“ u Vrnograču dobiva novi izgled. Sredstvima koje je donirala općina Velika Kladuša na školi je urađena velika rekonstrukcija. Uložena su ogromna sredstva da bi naša škola sada već imala bolji izgled, bolju funkcionalnost i naravno bolje uvjete za rad. 23.februara 2012.godine škola dobiva i veliko priznanje „Plaketu općine Velika Kladuša“. Pored mnogih pohvala i diploma koje osvajaju naši učenici, zahvalnica i certifikata koje osvajaju naši nastavnici, ova plaketa nam je još jedna od veoma dragih potvrda i priznanja našeg predanog rada koje će krasiti zidove i hodnike naše škole. Škola uživa povjerenje mnogih značajnih ličnosti koji vjeruju u naš trud i rad, vjeruju u našu djecu, a mi to opravdavamo kroz razne vidove vannastavnih aktivnosti, postižući dobre rezultate i školu predstavljajući na najbolji mogući način. Postoji dosta toga postignutog u ovih 136. godina postojanja na što se svaki naš bivši učenik, učenik koji pohađa i koji će se tek upisati može ponositi i hrabro gaziti već dobro utrtim stazama uspjeha. Kolektiv OŠ “1.mart” Vrnograč – 01.03.2010.godine Vrnograĉ, 25.03.2016.godine Osnovna škola „1.mart“ Vrnograĉ Organizacioni odbor takmiĉenja R.br. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ime i prezime Ćamil Ĉuturić, direktor Eldina Goletić-Keranović, pedagogica Smajo Sulejmanagić, struĉni savjetnik Ejub Alagić, struĉni savjetnik Sabahudin Husić, nastavnik Institucija OŠ “1.mart” Vrnograĉ OŠ “1.mart” Vrnograĉ Pedagoški zavod USK Pedagoški zavod USK OŠ “1.mart” Vrnograĉ Komisija za pregled i ispravku testova R.br 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. VII razred Ime i prezime Irija Stanisavljević Mersija Sadiković Makić Mersiha Elma Bešić Jasmina Šušnjar Jasmina Hadžić Elvira Praĉalić Amel Sijeĉić Općina Velika Kladuša Cazin Bosanska Krupa Bužim Bihać Bosanski Petrovac Kljuĉ Sanski Most Komisija za žalbe R.br. 1. 2. 3. Ime i prezime Islada Šertović – Merdanić Tijana Bišĉević Admir Arnautović Testatori: 1. 2. 3. 4. Buljubašić Medina Kasupović Sebila Elezović Vesna Oruĉević Saneta Vrnograĉ, 25.03.2016.godine VIII razred Ime i prezime Mirsada Mekanović Edina Bajramović Aida Kanurić Almir Kauković Nedžada Jusufhodžić Jasmina Piralić-Karajić Dijana Šević Admira Smajlović Osnovna škola „1.mart“ Vrnograĉ Učenici koji su prijavljeni za kantonalno takmičenje iz engleskog jezika za VII razred ENGLESKI JEZIK VII razred 25.03.2016.godine OŠ “1.Mart“ Vrnograĉ R.Br Ime i prezime učenika Škola Općina Mentor 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Amila Pordid Humejd Grošid Ajla Pajalid Lejla Muzaferovid Sumeja Mušeljid Alina Šarid Jasmin Osmanagid Nadir Džaferovid Sara Muratovid Bilal Šabid Eldin Ponjevid Belmin Šakanovid Vladimir Novakovid Anida Crnkid Mubina Džafid Amra Vehab Esma Ramid Belma Lulid Semina Mustedanagid Erna Prošid Maid Nuhid Ismar Mahmutovid Ammar Draganovid Mirza Demirovid Faris Spahid Rujja Softid Ena Henid Ismar Muslid Dino Muslid Amar Redžepagid OŠ "Bužim" OŠ "Bužim" OŠ "Konjodor" OŠ "Jezerski" Druga osnovna škola Prva osnovna škola Druga osnovna škola Prva osnovna škola OŠ "Crvarevac" OŠ "1.mart" Vrnograč OŠ "Todorovska Slapnica" OŠ "Podzvizd" OŠ "Ahmet Hromadžid" Prva sanska škola OŠ "Fajtovci" OŠ "Hasan Kikid" Prva sanska škola OŠ "Tržačka Raštela" OŠ "Cazin II" OŠ "Doralidi" OŠ "Ostrožac" OŠ "Cazin II" OŠ "Ključ" OŠ "Sanica" OŠ "Sanica" OŠ "Harmani I" OŠ "Harmani I" OŠ "Harmani I" OŠ "Harmani II" OŠ "Harmani II" Bužim Bužim Bužim Bosanska Krupa Bosanska Krupa Bosanska Krupa Bosanska Krupa Velika Kladuša Velika Kladuša Velika Kladuša Velika Kladuša Velika Kladuša Bosanski Petrovac Sanski Most Sanski Most Sanski Most Sanski Most Cazin Cazin Cazin Cazin Cazin Ključ Ključ Ključ Bihad Bihad Bihad Bihad Bihad Elma Bešid Elma Bešid Almir Kaukovid Aida Kanurid Islada Šertovid-Merdanid Mersiha Makid Ernes Halilovid Aida Čelan Edina Latid Dijana Ševid Zehra Murgid Najla Bajraktarevid Emina Husagid Melisa Rešid Admira Smajlovid Amel Siječid Melisa Rešid Armela Kolčakovid Suzana Bašagid Amela Hadžid Mersija Sadikovid Suzana Bašagid Suzana Bašagid Indira Smajid Indira Smajid Alma Ramid Jasmina Šušnjar Alma Ramid Tijana Biščevid Tijana Biščevid Vrnograĉ, 25.03.2016.godine Osnovna škola „1.mart“ Vrnograĉ Učenici koji su prijavljeni za kantonalno takmičenje iz engleskog jezika za VIII razred ENGLESKI JEZIK R.Br 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. VIII razred 25.03.2016.godine OŠ “1.Mart“ Vrnograĉ Ime i prezime učenika Škola Općina Mentor Meris Šahinovid Dženita Pajalid Merima Šahinovid Faris Šehid Adna Harčevid Zlatan Badnjevid Salem Grošid Armin Galijaševid Azra Džanid Adnan Omerdid Hadis Zahirovid Emrah Delanovid Anida Kahrid Denis Dehid Amina Sarhatlid Imad Huremovid Lejla Jakupovid Hana Hozdid Salen Begid Amra Akmadžid Džejlan Nadarevid Eman Prošid Hana Mistrid Iman Sefid Sureja Čajid Tarik Derviševid Dino-Uli Muhamedagid Harun Hodžid Deni Kulenovid Arnes Poprženovid OŠ "Bužim" OŠ "Konjodor" OŠ "Bužim" OŠ "Otoka" OŠ "Jezerski" Prva osnovna škola Druga osnovna škola OŠ "Sead Dehid" Grahovo OŠ "25.novembar" Prva osnovna škola OŠ "Sead Dehid" Grahovo OŠ "Donja Vidovska" OŠ "Ahmet Hromadžid" OŠ "Hasan Kikid" OŠ "5.oktobar" Prva sanska škola Prva sanska škola OŠ "Cazin I" OŠ "Stijena" OŠ "Cazin I" OŠ "Tržačka Raštela" OŠ "Ostrožac" OŠ "Ključ" OŠ "Sanica" OŠ "Sanica" OŠ "Gornje Prekounje - Ripač" OŠ "Harmani II" OŠ "Gornje Prekounje - Ripač" OŠ "Harmani I" OŠ "Harmani II" Bužim Bužim Bužim Bosanska Krupa Bosanska Krupa Bosanska Krupa Bosanska Krupa Velika Kladuša Velika Kladuša Velika Kladuša Velika Kladuša Velika Kladuša Bosanski Petrovac Sanski Most Sanski Most Sanski Most Sanski Most Cazin Cazin Cazin Cazin Cazin Ključ Ključ Ključ Bihad Bihad Bihad Bihad Bihad Rijalda Dizdarevid Almir Kaukovid Aida Dizdarevid Admir Arnautovid Aida Kanurid Sabaha Oraščanin Ernes Halilovid Mirsada Mekanovid Rialda Đogid Jasmina Karalid-Piralid Mirsada Mekanovid Amra Dufurovid Emina Husagid Amel Siječid Mirnesa Nasid Amela Zukid Amela Zukid Edina Bajramovid Emina Blaževid-Kolid Edina Bajramovid Amela Kolčakovid Mersija Sadikovid Elvira Pračalid Elvira Pračalid Elvira Pračalid Esmeralda Iftid Nedžada Jusufhodžid Esmeralda Iftid Alma Salihodžid Nedžada Jusufhodžid Vrnograĉ, 25.03.2016.godine Osnovna škola „1.mart“ Vrnograĉ Rezultati učenika VII razreda R.Br Ime i prezime učenika Škola Općina Mentor Šifra Broj bodova Poredak 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Lejla Muzaferovid Ena Henid Maid Nuhid Dino Muslid Anida Crnkid Erna Prošid Rujja Softid Nadir Džaferovid Mubina Džafid Belma Lulid Semina Mustedanagid Ismar Mahmutovid Ammar Draganovid Bilal Šabid Sumeja Mušeljid Amar Redžepagid Amila Pordid Sara Muratovid Belmin Šakanovid Humejd Grošid Alina Šarid Amra Vehab Ismar Muslid Eldin Ponjevid Faris Spahid Jasmin Osmanagid Mirza Demirovid Esma Ramid Ajla Pajalid Vladimir Novakovid OŠ "Jezerski" OŠ "Harmani I" OŠ "Ostrožac" OŠ "Harmani II" Prva sanska škola OŠ "Doralidi" OŠ "Harmani I" Prva osnovna škola OŠ "Fajtovci" OŠ "Tržačka Raštela" OŠ "Cazin II" OŠ "Cazin II" OŠ "Ključ" OŠ "1.mart" Vrnograč Druga osnovna škola OŠ "Harmani II" OŠ "Bužim" OŠ "Crvarevac" OŠ "Podzvizd" OŠ "Bužim" Prva osnovna škola OŠ "Hasan Kikid" OŠ "Harmani I" OŠ "Todorovska Slapnica" OŠ "Sanica" Druga osnovna škola OŠ "Sanica" Prva sanska škola OŠ "Konjodor" OŠ "Ahmet Hromadžid" Bosanska Krupa Bihad Cazin Bihad Sanski Most Cazin Bihad Velika Kladuša Sanski Most Cazin Cazin Cazin Ključ Velika Kladuša Bosanska Krupa Bihad Bužim Velika Kladuša Velika Kladuša Bužim Bosanska Krupa Sanski Most Bihad Velika Kladuša Ključ Bosanska Krupa Ključ Sanski Most Bužim Bosanski Petrovac Aida Kanurid Jasmina Šušnjar Mersija Sadikovid Tijana Biščevid Melisa Rešid Amela Hadžid Jasmina Šušnjar Aida Čelan Admira Smajlovid Armela Kolčakovid Suzana Bašagid Suzana Bašagid Elvira Pračalid Dijana Ševid Islada Šertovid-Merdanid Tijana Biščevid Elma Bešid Edina Latid Najla Bajraktarevid Elma Bešid Mersiha Makid Amel Siječid Jasmina Šušnjar Zehra Murgid Indira Smajid Ernes Halilovid Indira Smajid Melisa Rešid Almir Kaukovid Emina Husagid 440 410 425 431 411 353 403 427 460 424 439 432 462 446 433 417 419 418 426 405 445 459 461 423 438 454 452 404 412 428 46 + 11 46 + 10 46 + 9 45 44 44 44 43 43 43 43 42 42 41 40 40 39 39 39 38 38 38 38 37 37 36 36 34 31 28 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. 5. 6. 6. 6. 6. 7. 7. 8. 9. 9. 10. 10. 10. 11. 11. 11. 11. 12. 12. 13. 13. 14. 15. 16. Vrnograĉ, 25.03.2016.godine Osnovna škola „1.mart“ Vrnograĉ Rezultati učenika VIII razreda R.Br Ime i prezime učenika Škola Općina Mentor Šifra Broj bodova Poredak 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Deni Kulenovid Hana Hozdid Emrah Delanovid Armin Galijaševid Amina Sarhatlid Harun Hodžid Hadis Zahirovid Imad Huremovid Arnes Poprženovid Adnan Omerdid Dino-Uli Muhamedagid Azra Džanid Lejla Jakupovid Meris Šahinovid Dženita Pajalid Denis Dehid Eman Prošid Salen Begid Amra Akmadžid Iman Sefid Zlatan Badnjevid Adna Harčevid Tarik Derviševid Džejlan Nadarevid Hana Mistrid Sureja Čajid Merima Šahinovid Faris Šehid Anida Kahrid Salem Grošid OŠ "Harmani I" OŠ "Cazin I" OŠ "Donja Vidovska" OŠ "Sead Dehid" Grahovo OŠ "5.oktobar" OŠ "Gornje Prekounje - Ripač" OŠ "Sead Dehid" Grahovo Prva sanska škola OŠ "Harmani II" Prva osnovna škola OŠ "Harmani II" OŠ "25.novembar" Prva sanska škola OŠ "Bužim" OŠ "Konjodor" OŠ "Hasan Kikid" OŠ "Ostrožac" OŠ "Stijena" OŠ "Cazin I" OŠ "Ključ" Prva osnovna škola OŠ "Jezerski" OŠ "Gornje Prekounje - Ripač" OŠ "Tržačka Raštela" OŠ "Ključ" OŠ "Ključ" OŠ "Bužim" OŠ "Otoka" OŠ "Ahmet Hromadžid" Druga osnovna škola Bihad Cazin Velika Kladuša Velika Kladuša Sanski Most Bihad Velika Kladuša Sanski Most Bihad Velika Kladuša Bihad Velika Kladuša Sanski Most Bužim Bužim Sanski Most Cazin Cazin Cazin Ključ Bosanska Krupa Bosanska Krupa Bihad Cazin Ključ Ključ Bužim Bosanska Krupa Bosanski Petrovac Bosanska Krupa Alma Salihodžid Edina Bajramovid Amra Dufurovid Mirsada Mekanovid Mirnesa Nasid Esmeralda Iftid Mirsada Mekanovid Amela Zukid Nedžada Jusufhodžid Jasmina Karalid-Piralid Nedžada Jusufhodžid Rialda Đogid Amela Zukid Rijalda Dizdarevid Almir Kaukovid Amel Siječid Mersija Sadikovid Emina Blaževid-Kolid Edina Bajramovid Elvira Pračalid Sabaha Oraščanin Aida Kanurid Esmeralda Iftid Amela Kolčakovid Elvira Pračalid Elvira Pračalid Aida Dizdarevid Admir Arnautovid Jasmina Hadžid Ernes Halilovid 458 416 457 415 409 463 402 408 407 451 414 450 437 434 413 429 443 401 436 455 449 441 406 330 442 421 420 435 444 456 96 95 + 17 95 94 94 94 91 91 91 90 90 89 89 87 87 87 87 85 85 85 84 83 83 82 80 79 77 75 72 69 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. 4. 5. 5. 5. 6. 6. 7. 7. 8. 8. 8. 8. 9. 9. 9. 10. 11. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Vrnograĉ, 25.03.2016.godine Osnovna škola „1.mart“ Vrnograĉ Učenici koji su se plasirali na FEDERALNO takmičenje – VII RAZRED 1. mjesto – Muzaferović Lejla – OŠ “Jezerski” – Bosanska Krupa 2. mjesto – Hanić Ena – OŠ “Harmani I” - Bihać 3. mjesto –Nuhić Maid – OŠ “Ostrožac” - Cazin Učenici koji su se plasirali na FEDERALNO takmičenje – VIII RAZRED 1.mjesto – Kulenović Deni – OŠ “Harmani I” - Bihać 2.mjesto - Hozdić Hana – OŠ “Cazin I” - Cazin 3.mjesto - Delanović Emrah – OŠ „Donja Vidovska“ – Velika Kladuša Učenicima koji su ostvarili plasman na federalno takmičenje želimo puno sreće i uspjeha. Dostavljeno: - Osnovnim škola USK-a - Pedagoškom zavodu USK-a - a/a Direktor škole ______________________ /Ćamil Ĉuturić, prof./ Vrnograĉ, 25.03.2016.godine Osnovna škola „1.mart“ Vrnograĉ CANTONAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE COMPETITION – Primary schools 2016 Bihać,28th March 2016 Class 7 INSTRUCTIONS : The test has three sections: - Reading - 10 questions (10 points) - Grammar - 20 questions (30 points) - Vocabulary - 20 questions (20 points) TOTAL: 50 questions (50 points) The time allowed: 90 minutes Read the questions carefully. For each question choose only one answer. Each correct answer carries a point! Good luck! Code: _________________ Total points:_________/60 Vrnograĉ, 25.03.2016.godine Osnovna škola „1.mart“ Vrnograĉ No.of points: In this age of texts and tweets, it is easy to send messages. You just press a few buttons, and boom! Your message is sent. The person to whom you sent it will get it in just a few seconds. Distance is no longer an issue. But things weren't always so easy. In 1848 gold was found in California. Thousands of people rushed there to get some. Many people liked living there and decided to stay. But there wasn't a whole lot between California and Missouri, where the nearest trains ran. The train line to California wasn't finished until 1869. It took a long time to ride a horse to Missouri. _____________/10 The Pony Express had 184 stations along the trail. The stations were around ten miles apart. This is about how far a horse could run at a gallop before tiring. The rider would switch to a new horse at each station. He would only take his mail pouch with him. Every 75-100 miles, the rider would get to a home station. At each home station, riders would rest. Before resting, he would give his mail pouch to a new rider. The mail never stopped moving, even while the horses and riders rested. It was tough to ride for the Pony Express. Each rider had to weigh less than 125 pounds. Speed was the key. Most of the riders were teenage boys. They rode at a fast pace for up to 100 Imagine that it is the year 1860. You have miles a day. If there were an emergency, one moved to California to open a shop. Most of might have to ride 200 miles in a day. The ride your family stayed back East. Your shop is could be rough and dangerous. Attacks by doing well and now you want to your family to Native Americans were common. But in its join you. How do you get news to them? time running, the Pony Express only lost one There's no phone, no train, and you can't leave mail pouch. your shop for too long. What do you do? Well, you could use the Pony Express. The Pony Express filled an important role for a time, but it did not last. The Civil War started In 1860 and 1861, the Pony Express was the in April of 1861. This was bad news for the fastest way to get news to and from the West. owners. The worst for them was yet to come. The trail that they rode was around 2000 miles On October 24th, 1861, the first telegraph line long. It took most people weeks or months to to California was finished. This linked them to ride that far. The Pony Express could make the the rest of the country. People could send trip in just ten days. Those speeds were messages in an instant. Two days later the unheard of at the time. So how did they do it? Pony Express closed. But the lore of the brave Well, they had a good system. riders lives on even today. Vrnograĉ, 25.03.2016.godine Osnovna škola „1.mart“ Vrnograĉ 1. Which happened first? a. Settlers rushed to California to find gold. b. The Pony Express was started. c. The train line to California was finished. d. The first telegraph line to California was finished. 2. Which best explains why Pony Express riders had to weigh less than 125 pounds? a. Heavier men were more expensive. b. Horses were scared of heavier men. c. Heavier men scared customers. d. Horses could move quicker with lighter men. 3. How fast could the Pony Express take a letter from California to Missouri? a. 24 hours b. ten days c. twenty days d. one month 4. Why were the Pony Express stations about ten miles apart? a. This was about as far as a man could walk in a single day. b. This was as far as a man could ride on a horse in a day. c. This was so the riders wouldn't get so lonely at night. d. This was as far as a horse could run without getting tired. 5. Which was probably not a requirement to be a rider for the Pony Express? a. You had to be light. b. You had to be an expert horse rider. c. You had to be able to read and write. d. You had to be brave in the face of danger. 6. Which best describes that main idea of the fifth paragraph? a. It is about how many Pony Express stations there were. b. It is about how the Pony Express carried mail so quickly. c. It is about how the Pony Express riders slept in the stations. d. It is about how far the Pony Express riders would go in a day. 7. Which of these ended the Pony Express? a. The telegraph b. The Civil War c. Wars with Native Americans d. The train line 8. About how far did Pony Express riders travel on a usual day? a. 10 miles b. 200 miles c. 100 miles d. 2000 miles 9. How many mail pouches did the Pony Express lose? a. The Pony Express never lost a mail pouch. b. One c. Two d. Too many to keep track 10. Which title best describes the author's purpose in writing this? a. Out of Touch: Why Phones are Faster Than Horses b. The Pony Express: Stories of Their Bravery in Battle c. Back in Touch: Why We Should Use Horses to Deliver the Mail d. The Pony Express: About the 1860's Fastest Mail Service end of the reading section Vrnograĉ, 25.03.2016.godine Osnovna škola „1.mart“ Vrnograĉ Grammar section: No of points: ______/20 1. Anne speaks two languages. What languages ____? a. b. c. d. Do you speak You speak Speak you Did you speak a. b. c. d. 2. Let's go to the park ___? a. b. c. d. 3. ____ is my brother Jethro.- How do you do? 4. That This These There 5. I'm going to tell you a secret. You ____tell anyone. a. b. c. d. Have to Must Needn't Mustn't Can run Might run Could run Used run 9. Could I have _____ in my coffee, please? a. b. c. d. Was waiting, stoped Is waiting, stops Waited, stopped Is waiting, is stopping was asking is asking Has been asking has asked 8. When he was young he ___very fast. a. b. c. d. He ________for the 12 o'clock train which ___________here. a. b. c. d. Won't feel Don't feel Feel Will feel 7. You better hurry!. Your boss ___just____about you. a. Will we b. Shall we c. Don't we d. Might we a. b. c. d. 6. If you _____well tomorrow, you will stay home. Some sugar Any sugar No sugar Sugar 10. She hopes the letter ____the following Sunday. a. b. c. d. Arrived Will have arrived Has arrived Will arrive Vrnograĉ, 25.03.2016.godine 11. Your English has improved. You speak _____ last year. a. b. c. d. Much fluently than More fluently than Very fluently Fluently a. b. c. d. 12. They got married ______. a. b. c. d. Seven years ago For seven years Since seven years Seven years yet a. b. c. d. a. b. c. d. did you Do you Were you You were Neither Both Either Every Will I go Whether I go If I will go I will go 19. What's the name of the man ______? a. b. c. d. 15. I asked two men how to get to the local history museum but _____of them could help me. a. b. c. d. Too much Too many Not many Not enough 18. I do not know _____to the party. – furniture Some furniture A furniture Any furniture 14. Why _____late this morning? a. b. c. d. From falling Of falling To falling To falling 17. My French homework is really difficult today. There are ______new words to learn. 13. We've just moved into our flat and haven't got ______. a. b. c. d. Osnovna škola „1.mart“ Vrnograĉ 16. The road was very slippery, so we walked very carefully. We were afraid ____ His umbrella you borrowed Which umbrella you borrowed You borrowed his umbrella Whose umbrella you borrowed 20. He could not find his ticket. He realized that he had left ____in ____car. a. b. c. d. it/his His /his It/him its/his ***end of the grammar section*** Vrnograĉ, 25.03.2016.godine Osnovna škola „1.mart“ Vrnograĉ Vocabulary section: Number of points: ____/20 1. He is different ____his brother. a. From b. To c. Than d. Of 6. Tell me you are joking. Please don't pull my______. a. Eye b. Hand c. Hair d. Leg 2. I never pay much attention to the weather _____as it is usually wrong. a. Prediction b. Forecast c. News d. Warning 3. It is a friendly village, you will like it there. People are extremely _______. a. Concrete b. Down-to-Earth c. Hospitable d. Greedy 4. Humans _____are rare. a. Which live long b. Live longer c. Live long d. Who live longer 7. The special effects were so scary that it was a ________-raising moment. a. Heart b. Hair c. Blood d. Hand 8. It's really wet outside, it's ____cats and dogs. a. Falling b. Raining c. Pouring d. Spilling 9. 5. Water was slowly ______from the broken pipe. a. Spilling b. Gushing c. Leaking d. Rolling Smoking should be ____from schools once and for good. a. Cut b. Banned c. Allowed d. Out 10. They are romantically involved. I believe it was a love _______sight. a. At moment's b. At long c. At first d. At without Vrnograĉ, 25.03.2016.godine Osnovna škola „1.mart“ Vrnograĉ 11. It may sounds cheap but if you add ____all other expenses it will be quite expensive. a. In b. With c. From d. Into 16. She made me so angry, I thought my blood ______. a. Boiled b. Cooled c. Cooked d. Froze 12. I really want to ________ this play. a. Take place in b. Take part of c. Take part in d. Participate 17. This morning several prisoners tried to ______ the prison. a. To break out of b. To break in c. To break up d. To break down 13. You are _____the worst player ever. I do not know how you got into the team. a. Impossibly b. Impossible c. Possibly d. Possible 14. Please, open the door. I want to enter. Let me ______. a. Out b. In c. On d. Off 15. The test is coming up. I have butterflies in my belly. I am so _______. a. Sleepy b. Nervous c. Tired d. Relaxed 18. We had a ______time last night. It was the best birthday party ever. a. Huge b. Great c. Big d. Large 19. We need to get there in time. Please get______the bus. a. Up b. In c. On d. Back 20. I asked for a pen, but he refused to _____me one. a. Get b. Let c. Borrow d. Lend Vrnograĉ, 25.03.2016.godine Osnovna škola „1.mart“ Vrnograĉ CANTONAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE COMPETITION – Primary schools 2016 Bihać, 28thMarch 2016 Class 7 INSTRUCTIONS FOR ADDITIONAL QUESTION : Time allowed: 30 minutes Read introductions carefully Each correct answer carries a point Good luck! Vrnograĉ, 25.03.2016.godine Osnovna škola „1.mart“ Vrnograĉ Code: __________________ Number of points: ___________/18 1. Read and write the names for the variety of food items. Example: These vegetables are long and green. green beans 1 They‟re orange vegetables and they grow under the ground. ____________ 2 They‟re very small, round, green vegetables. We often buy them in packets from the freezer at the supermarket. ____________ 3 This is the kind of meat from a young cow. ____________ 4 They aren‟t fish, but they live in the sea. They‟re pink when they‟re cooked. 5 It‟s a large green vegetable. We eat the flower, not the leaves. 6 This green vegetable is used for salad. We don‟t cook it. ____________ ____________ ____________ 7 This is the main food of Asia. It's small, white, round. It‟s grown in fields with lots of water.__________ 8 They‟re red fruit eaten in summer. They grow on the ground, not on trees. ___________ 2. Complete with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Spending his free time in front of the TV was starting (0)to get (get) boring for Mick Richardson, a seventeen-year-old student from California. He was tired of (1) ______________ (go) out with friends and playing computer games, so he decided to do something more creative. He (2) ___________ (write) a book! „Wonderful World‟, Mick‟s first novel, (3) ___________ (publish) a few months ago and (4) _______(be) a great success. „I was never particularly good at writing,‟ says Mick. „I used (5) ________________ (be) a reporter for the school magazine but I had never thought of becoming a writer. In fact, I was really surprised when I (6) ________________ (hear) that my book was going to be published. ‟Mick (7) ___________________ (just/finish) writing his second book. It (8) _________________ (publish) in less than a year. Don‟t forget to buy it when it (9) ______________ (come) out.We‟re sure you (10) _______________(love) it. Vrnograĉ, 25.03.2016.godine Osnovna škola „1.mart“ Vrnograĉ CANTONAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE COMPETITION PRIMARY SCHOOLS 2016 BIHAĆ , 3 March 2016 Class 7 Guidance for the Commissions: Dear all, All students must be given a code of your choosing. These codes will be used on the tests as a source of their identification. Please remind the students of the following: - To use the washrooms before entering the classrooms as they will not be permitted to leave the classrooms once the competition starts - Not to bring unauthorized material in the classrooms (dictionaries, papers, etc) - To switch off their cell phones prior to entering the classrooms - Talking is NOT allowed at any time during the competitions - Not to turn the tests over before your explicit instructions (to ensure equality) - If they have a question to raise the hand and teacher will come to them - To stop writing immediately when the teacher says it is the end - Not to leave the school's premises before the results are announced Good luck and Thank you! Vrnograĉ, 25.03.2016.godine Osnovna škola „1.mart“ Vrnograĉ MUNICIPAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE COMPETITION PRIMARY SCHOOLS 2016 BIHAĆ , 3rd March 2016 Class 7 TOTAL POINTS:60 Reading section: 1. a 2. d 3. b 4. d 5. c 6. b 7. a 8. c 9. b 10. d Grammar section: 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. b 5. d 6. b 7. c 8. c 9. a 10. d 11. b 12. a 13. d 14. c 15. a 16. b 17. b 18. c 19. d 20. a Vocabulary section: 1. a 2. b 3. c 4. d 5. c 6. d 11. a 12. c 13. c 14. b 15. b 16. a 7. b 17. a Vrnograĉ, 25.03.2016.godine 8. c 18. b 9. b 19. c 10. c 20. d Osnovna škola „1.mart“ Vrnograĉ MUNICIPAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE COMPETITION PRIMARY SCHOOLS 2016 Bihać, 28th March 2016 Class 7 KEY FOR ADDITIONAL QUESTION: TOTAL POINTS: 20 Question 1 :5 points (in case where more verbs are possible only one correct answer is accounted for) 1 carrots 2 peas 3 veal 4 Prawns or shrimps 5 6 broccoli lettuce 7 rice 8 strawberries Question 2: 15 points 1 going 2 wrote 3 published 8 will be published 4 has been 9 comes 5 to be 10 will love Vrnograĉ, 25.03.2016.godine 6 heard 7 has just finished Osnovna škola „1.mart“ Vrnograĉ Školska 2015/16. godina CANTONAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE COMPETITION Primary Schools 8th grades Code: _________ INSTRUCTIONS The test has three sections: - Reading - 3 questions (25 points) - Vocabulary - 25 questions (25 points) - Grammar - 25 questions (50 points) TOTAL: 100 questions (100 points) - The time allowed: 90 minutes - Read the questions carefully - Answer the questions on the Answer Sheet - For each question choose only one answer (the best alternative) - Do the Answer Sheet as in the example below: Example: We _________________ a test now. A) did B) had done C) are doing D) do Vrnograĉ, 25.03.2016.godine Osnovna škola „1.mart“ Vrnograĉ CANTONAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE COMPETITION Primary Schools Code: _________ INSTRUCTIONS The test has three sections: - Reading - 3 questions (25 points) - Vocabulary - 25 questions (25 points) - Grammar - 25 questions (50 points) TOTAL: 100 questions (100 points) - The time allowed: 100 minutes - Read the questions carefully - Answer the questions on the Answer Sheet For each question choose only one answer (the best alternative) -- - Do the Answer Sheet as in the example below: - Example: A)did We _________________ a test now. B)had done C) are doing D)do Vrnograĉ, 25.03.2016.godine Osnovna škola „1.mart“ Vrnograĉ READING COMPREHENSION Blind date next door 1 Dan 2 Dan 3 Dan 4 Dan 5 Dan 6 Dan 7 Dan Romance magazine talked to Dan who tells us about how he found the love of his life. ___ Actually, we met at three very different times in our lives. We were both born in Bath and we actually grew up in the same street. Jess‟s parents ran an art gallery across the road from our house. We knew each other as children but not well. Six years is a big age difference when you‟re a kid. ___ After school I started university in Oxford. My best friend there was Paul. We‟re still very close: he‟s like a brother to me. One day I went round to see him for coffee. He introduced me to his cousin who was visiting. She was so attractive she took my breath away. ___ She was very chatty and funny. As the evening progressed, I liked her more and more. To be honest, I was quite disappointed when I found out she was just 16 – I thought she was too young for me. I was just starting my Master‟s degree in English, so I was 22 then. ___ No, I didn‟t – not then. One summer Paul and I visited my old home town. We were staying with my parents. Over dinner, Paul mentioned something about the art gallery his uncle owned across the road. That‟s when I realized who Jess was. ___ No, we didn‟t. We met years later. I went on a chatroom website, and I started exchanging messages with a very nice, 21-year-old girl. We sent each other links to songs and videos on the net that we both liked, we talked about the best places in Bath to go out to eat, that sort of thing. It took me some time to get the courage to ask her out on a date. ___ We agreed to meet outside the Assembly Rooms, and go from there to an Indian restaurant close by. But as I was leaving home, I ran into Jess in the street. We talked a bit, then she said she was in a hurry because she had a blind date with someone. Of course, that someone was me. ___ Yes and no. It was the beginning of my happiest relationship. But it wasn‟t really a blind date – I have known her all my life! Vrnograĉ, 25.03.2016.godine Osnovna škola „1.mart“ Vrnograĉ 1. CIRCLE THE CORRECT LETTER How old was Dan when he went on his first date with Jess? a) 21 b) 16 c) when they were both children d) 27 1 point for each correct answer _____/1 2. COMPLETE THE INTERVIEW WITH THE MISSING QUESTION! a) Where were you planning to go together? b) Was It the best blind date you have ever had? c) When did you meet your wife for the first time? d) Did you realize you knew Jess from childhood? e) Where did you see her again? f) What was she like? g) Did you meet in Bath when you were there with Paul? 2 points for each answer _______/ 14 3. WRITE TRUE (T) OR FALSE (F)! a) Dan and Jess both grew up in Bath. _________ b) Paul is Jess`s brother. __________ c) Jess was 16 when Dan met her in Oxford. ________ d) Paul and Dan visited Paul`s uncle in Bath. ________ e) Jess and Dan chatted online about music. ________ 2 points for each answer _______/10 Vrnograĉ, 25.03.2016.godine Osnovna škola „1.mart“ Vrnograĉ VOCABULARY SECTION Choose the correct word or phrase for each question. 1. a) b) c) d) My grandma is old. She ______ glasses. carries wears holds takes 2. a) b) c) d) My brother`s daughter is my _______. cousin sister nephew niece 3. a) b) c) d) Jack is a very____ driver. He never drives fast. careless careful badly good 4. a) b) c) d) Wear your gloves! It is _____ outside. sunny rainy freezing foggy 5. a) b) c) d) She doesn`t eat anything. She lost _____. fat kilos weight diet 6. a) b) c) d) Did you give ___ smoking? off up to on 7. a) b) c) d) Come in! ______yourself at home! do make feel stay 8. It was the most _______________ holiday I have ever had. a) relaxing b) relaxed c) surprised d) bored 9. a) b) c) d) He is different _______________ hisbrother. from to than of 10. I have forgotten to inform them to come to the meeting. It is my ______. a) guilt b) blame c) culprit d) mistake 11. The profit of the company only increased _____________ and the marketing director was fired. a) significance b) insignificantly c) insignificance d) significantly 12. Leaders often have to make __________ decisions for the benefit of their groups. a) popularity b) impopular c) unpopularly d) unpopular 13. The factory is _______________ in a suburb of Manchester. a) place b) situated c) built d) surrounded Vrnograĉ, 25.03.2016.godine Osnovna škola „1.mart“ Vrnograĉ 14. a) b) c) d) Which words describe females? niece / aunt / sister-in-law / lioness cow / ram / rooster / nephew hen / poetess / chicken / billy-goat doctor / teacher / architect / son-in-law 15. To end a relationship with a wife, a husband or a boyfriend is _______________. a) to break out b) to be angry c) to discomfort d) to break up 16. He is _______________ the most understanding teacher of our school. I don't know how you got on his bad side. a) possibly b) impossible c) impossibly d) possible 17. The place where we met was very _______________. a) romantically b) romanic c) romance d) romantic 18. ___________ I saw that Mary was a better mathematician __________ John. a) than - then b) then - then c) than - than d) then – than 19. If he keeps _______________ the teacher, no one will understand the lesson. a) interrupt b) interruptions c) interrupting d) interruption 20. a) b) c) d) Which pair is the same? 21. a) b) c) d) Which of the following verbs is not possible? 22. a) b) c) d) It was very______________excursion. 23. a) b) c) d) Which word is misspelled? selfish - unselfish brave - courageous hardworking - lazy fat – slim drive a bike ride a bike get off a bike repair a bike education educational educated uneducated politician seeson typical engineer 24. Earth is the only __________ we know in the universe that can support human life. a) situation b) place c) position d) site 25. Most people are born with the natural ability to__________ stories, but only a rare few have the determination to become professional authors. a) say b) tell c) speak d) announce Vrnograĉ, 25.03.2016.godine Osnovna škola „1.mart“ Vrnograĉ GRAMMAR SECTION Read the questions carefully and choose the correct answer. 1.Mia _____ my letters a few months ago. a) answers b) answer c) answered d) has answered 8. Which irregular plurals are correct? a) men / feet / tooth / mice / knifes b) men / foot / teeth / mouse / knifes c) man / feet / teeth / mice / knives d) men / feet / teeth / mice / knives 2. "I __________ here for 5 years." a) live b) am living c) have lived d) lived 9. Could you bring me _____ glass of water, please? a) the b) a c) some d) – 3. They got married ___________. a) six years ago b) since six years c) for six years d) six years 4. Tim ________ television when the rain________. a) watched / begins b) is watching / begin c) watches / begun d) was watching / began 5. I _____________ the doctor at 4.30 on Saturday. a) will see b) am seeing c) am going to see d) saw 6. If I _______ you, I _________ go to college. a) am / will b) were / won`t c) am / wouldn`t d) were / would 7. I think you _________ leave early. a) should b) had to c) must d) are going to 10. ___ BGE are ____ very old rock group. a) - / a b) The / a c) The / d) The / the 11. Mark took his pet ____ his Science class. a) to b) at c) in d) into 12. I can't stand ________ in cities. a) live b) living c) to live d) lives 13. I like your new car.___________really fast! a) Its b) It's c) It d) There is 14. Have you ever been to___________? a) Canada or United States b) the Canada or the United States c) Canada or the United States d) the Canada or United States Vrnograĉ, 25.03.2016.godine Osnovna škola „1.mart“ Vrnograĉ 15. I'm tired. I think I __________ to bed. a) am going b) go c) will go d) went 16. Which past participle forms are correct? a) come / written / said / played / read b) came / wrote / said / played / read c) came / written / sayed / played / read d) come / write / said / played / red 17. Mira is _________ to drive a car. a) oldest b) old enough c) older d) older enough 22. Jack comes to stay ____ Christmas. a) at b) off c) in d) of 23. Have you got ____ shampoo? a) some b) any c) d) many 24. There were only _____ people at the meeting. a) a little b) a few 18. The German ___________ classes are using the c) much new material. d) many a) teacher's b) teachers 25. My mum works in _______________. c) teacher a) a clothes shop d) teachers' b) clothes shop c) shop clothes 19. Malik is __________________ than his sisters. d) shop's clothes a) the oldest b) more old c) older d) the most old 20. She looks very ________________. a) nice b) nicely c) nicer d) nicest 21. That juice ___________ you like from Scotland. a) where b) who c) which d) what comes THAT`S ALL FOLKS!!! Vrnograĉ, 25.03.2016.godine Osnovna škola „1.mart“ Vrnograĉ ANSWERS Reading: Vocabulary: Grammar: 1. d 2. a-6 b-7 c-1 d-4 e-2 f-3 g-5 3. a-T b-F c-T d-F e-F 1. b 2. d 3. b 4. c 5. c 6. b 7. a 8. a 9. a 10. d 11. b 12. d 13. b 14. a 15. d 16. a 17. d 18. d 19. c 20. b 21. a 22. b 23. b 24. b 25. b 1. c 2. c 3. a 4. d 5. b 6. a 7. a 8. d 9. a 10. b 11. a 12. b 13. b 14. c 15. c 16. c 17. b 18. a 19. c 20. a 21. c 22. a 23. b 24. b 25. a Vrnograĉ, 25.03.2016.godine Osnovna škola „1.mart“ Vrnograĉ Školska 2015/16. godina CANTONAL ENGLISH COMPETITION 8TH GRADES ADDITIONAL TEST Vrnograĉ, 25.03.2016.godine Osnovna škola „1.mart“ Vrnograĉ 1. LOOK AT THE TEXT IN EACH QUESTION! WHAT DOES IT SAY? MARK THE CORRECT LETTER! a) No more than three items in the changing rooms. A There are three changing rooms in this shop. B You cannot change any items bought in this shop. C You can try on a maximum of three things at a time. b) When there is no one at the Reception Desk, please ring the bell. A If necessary, ring the bell for attention. B There is no one working here at the moment. C Please ring the bell when you arrive at the desk. c) For large parcels just use windows 9,10 and 11. A This post office does not accept large parcels. B Large parcels can only be sent from some windows. C You must take all parcels to windows 9,10 and 11. d) To: Harry From: Mom Harry- Sam can`t go to the cinema this Saturday because he is going away for the weekend. He`ll phone you next week to arrange anither day. What is Sam going to do? A go to the cinema at the weekend B call Harry on Saturday C make a new arrangement e) NON-SWIMMER DO NOT PASS THIS POINT A Non-swimmers need a pass to enter this pool. B If you can`t swim, You mustn`t use all of the pool. C Wait at this point if you are having swimming lessons. 2 points for each answer ________/10 Vrnograĉ, 25.03.2016.godine Osnovna škola „1.mart“ Vrnograĉ 2. CHOOSE THE CORRECT OPTION! 1. Why....to the class yesterday? a) didn`t he go b) didn`t go he c) he didn`t go 2. Next month we ... buy a new car. a) go to b) are going to c) going to 3. They often ... late. a) arrive b) are arriving c) do arrive 4. ... I`d phone the police. a) When I am you, b) If I were you, c) If you were me, 5. 10.000 pair of jeans ... in this factory next year. a) will produced b) will be produced c) are produced 1 point for each answer _________/5 3. COMPLETE THE WORDS! a) b) c) d) e) Can you e_________ a lot of money in your job? Please lo_________ af_________ the baby while I`m out! The children were bor_________. It was a long journey. I`ve ap__________ for a job in Rome. The plane to_________ o________ 2 hours late. 1 point for each answer ___________/ 5 ANSWER SHEET 1. a) C b) A c) B d) C e) B 2. 1 a 2b 3a 4b 5b 3. a) earn b) look after c) bored d) applied e) took off Vrnograĉ, 25.03.2016.godine