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click to view the 2016 conference brochure
MLA 2016 Conference: Building Bridges
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Resort and Conference Center at Hyannis
35 Scudder Avenue
Hyannis, MA 02601
MLA Conference Committee
WilliamAdamczyk • Director • Milton Public Library
Diane Annunziato • Senior Reference Librarian • Parker Memorial Library
Laura Bernheim • Reference Librarian • Waltham Library
Nora Blake • Director • Emily Williston Memorial Library
Michelle Filleul • Conference Co-Chair • Head of Circulation • Reading Public Library
Esmé Green • Conference Co-Chair • Director • Goodnow Library
Virginia Johnson • Director of Library Services • East Bridgewater Public Library
Ellen MJ Keane• Conference Co-Chair • Access Services Librarian • UMass Lowell Libraries
Kathleen Kenny • Literacy Prog Coordinator/Ref Lib • Nevins Memorial Library
Jessica LaMarre • Children’s Librarian • Duxbury Free Library
JoanneLamothe • Director • Sandwich Public Library
Laurie Lessner • Assistant Director for Technology Services-SAILS Library Network
Katie Lewis • Law Library Assistant • Boston College Law Library
Kristy Lockhart • Head of Reference & Adult Services • Weymouth Public Libraries, Tufts
Joe Logue • Manager, Collins Branch • Cambridge Public Library
Anna Mickelsen • Reference Librarian • Springfield City Library
Nanci Milone Hill • Director • MG Parker Library, Dracut
Eric Poulin • MLA President/Coord of Lib. Serv. • Greenfield Community College
Betsy Rajotte • Director • Sutton Free Public Library
Danielle Savin • Conference Co-Chair • Assistant Director • Acton Memorial Library
Allison Sloan • Senior Library Associate • Reading Public Library
Sara Slymon • Director • Brookline Public Library
Hank Sway • Assistant Director for Technology • Brookline Public Library
Jennie Wiley • Director • Cotuit Library
MLA Representatives to the Conference Committee
Kristen Collins, CMP • Conference Manager
Sharon Shaloo • Massachusetts Center for the Book Liaison
Lauralee Taddeo • Registration Support
Jennifer Zolkos • Association Manager
Special Thanks to MLA Officers
Eric Poulin • MLA President/Coord of Lib. Serv. • Greenfield Community College
Nanci Milone Hill • Vice President • M.G. Parker Memorial Library
Maureen Ambrosino • Past President • Westborough Public Library
Debby Conrad • Secretary • SAILS Library Network
Jennifer Pike • Treasurer • Worcester Public Library
Should you require assistance on-site at the conference,
please see a representative at the conference registration desk.
Monday, May 16
9:00am - Grand Ballroom Foyer
Registration opens
11:00am-12:00pm • Bass River
The Library as Safe Haven During Crisis
Baltimore erupted in protests on April 27, 2015 after the funeral of Freddie Gray,
an African American man who died in police custody, primarily outside the Enoch
Pratt Free Library’s Pennsylvania Avenue Branch. Come hear Branch Manager
Melanie Townsend Diggs discuss the decisions she and CEO Dr. Carla Hayden
made to keep the library open during the unrest while protecting the patrons,
and the outpouring of support from the community and donors from across
the country.
Speaker: Melanie Townsend Diggs, Branch Manager, Pennsylvania Avenue Branch, Enoch Pratt Free
Library, Baltimore, MD.
12:15pm-1:30pm • Osterville A
Down and Dirty Social Media with Laura Solomon!
Sponsored by: Intellectual Freedom/Social Responsibility Committee
Laura Solomon, author of The Librarian’s Nitty-Gritty Guide to Social Media and Doing Social Media So
It Matters: A Librarian’s Guide, will pull us up out of the quagmire of social media and set us on the
path of clear policies and organized, streamlined practices. Bring questions.
Speaker: Laura Solomon, MCIW, MLS, Library Services Manager for the Ohio Public Library Information
Network and former Web Applications Manager for the Cleveland Public Library. A web developer and
designer in public libraries for over 15 years, Laura is also an independent consultant.
12:15pm-1:30pm • Orleans
Lightning Outreach
Representatives from five public libraries present--at lightning speed!--innovative projects that took
them outside their walls and into their communities. Come be inspired and find your next great idea
for outreach.
Speakers: Joanne Szelag, Adult Services Librarian, Palmer Public Library; Kristy Lockhart, Head of
Circulation, Lucius Beebe Memorial Library; Sara Collins, Director, Rachel Theriault, Head of Adult
Services & Lori Dumont, Head of Circulation Services, Manchester-by-the-Sea Public Library; Joseph
Logue, Branch Manager, Cambridge Public Library, Collins Branch; Kelly Linehan, Director, Waltham
Public Library.
12:15pm-1:30pm • Centerville
Priceless Programming: Collaborating to Make the Most of Your Budget
Five librarians with experience in planning programs present a session on adult programming,
beginning with a general toolkit that encourages librarians to look to their communities for resources
and collaborative opportunities. We will make suggestions for specific local and national
organizations to work with and discuss ways to stretch and expand budgets, including finding grants
and negotiating with presenters, as well as sharing informationabout successful and easily replicated
programs—including low-cost leads, DIY programs, and no-cost programs.
Speakers: Meena Jain, Director, Bacon Free Library; Margaret Perkins, Director, Medway Public Library;
Liz Reed, Adult and Information Services Librarian, Morrill Memorial Library; Gina Wise, Reference and
Programming Librarian, Public Library of Brookline; Heather Backman, Adult Services Librarian,
Hopkinton Public Library
Monday, May 16
12:15pm-1:30pm • Cape Cod
The Focus Factor: Bringing the Power of Mindfulness to Work
In increasingly fast-paced, always-on, complex work environments, we face constant pressure to
increase productivity and performance. This pressure can create imbalances in our emotional,
mental, and physical well-being. The potential of the mind is vast. We can train ourselves to become
more focused, fully present, higher performing, and at ease—even in the midst of busy work life.
Mindfulness training is a centuries-old tradition which has been adapted to address the challenges
of modern work life by enhancing your ability to manage your mind even the midst of a busy work
environment to increase focus, clarity, and results.
Speaker: Moira Garvey, Organizational Development Consultant, Jupiter Consulting Group.
12:15pm-1:30pm • Osterville B
Organizing a Maker Faire
Samantha Duckworth, Head of Science and Technology at Portland Public Library, will discuss how
she organized and ran their first ever highly successful Maker Faire in April 2015.
Speaker: Samantha Duckworth, Head of Science and Technology, Portland Public Library, Portland, ME.
1:30pm-2:45pm • Bass River
Lunch and Speaker Program
Update on the ALA Center for the Future of Libraries
Libraries have always looked to align collections, work, and services to the future needs of users.
But lately, conversations about the future of libraries have taken on an increased sense of urgency.
Why is right now such an important time to think about our future and to think about it differently?
Miguel Figueroa will share some of what he is learning from the development of the American Library
Association’s Center for the Future of Libraries, including some of the trends that are shaping our
communities and the expectations of our users, the foresight and featuring strategies that might
help us better plan and prepare for changing times, and insights from experts and innovative thinkers
outside of our profession.
Speaker: Miguel Figueroa, Director of the CFFOL, ALA Center for the Future of Libraries.
1:30pm-2:45pm • Cape Cod
MLS Board Meeting
2:45pm-4:00pm • Osterville A
Libraries and Social Services: Access and Responsibility
Sponsored by: Intellectual Freedom/Social Responsibility Committee
Libraries are being sought out as non-threatening, knowledgeable places for individuals to begin their
journey into the world of social services. Our panel will discuss available resources, what’s needed,
collaboration successes and failures, when to refer someone, and how to do it.
Moderator: Susan Pizzolato, Director, Mattapoisett Free Public Library, Mattapoisett, MA;
Speakers: Diane Rodriguez, Adult Services Librarian, Norwell Public Library, Norwell, MA; Elizabeth
Murphy, Assistant Director/YA TI Librarian, Turner Free Library, Randolph, MA; Kirsten Underwood,
Head of Reference/Literacy Director, Nevins Memorial Library, Methuen, MA; Maureen Flatley, Child
Advocate & Boston-based Government Relations Consultant, an Architect of the Adoption & Safe
Families Act of 1997.
Monday, May 16
No Desk at All: Desk-less Reference Service
More and more, the public is finding answers to questions only reference librarians were once able to
provide. Yet we maintain the reference desk model. Come hear a lively discussion on how to discover
patrons’ questions and provide more resources without a reference desk.
Speaker: Maxine Bleiweis, Consultant, Maxine Bleiweis and Associates and former director of the
Westport, CT Library.
2:45pm-4:00pm • Centerville
Thinking about Diversity is Thinking about the Future
Changing user demographics have been a core argument for diversity in our profession for a while
now, and remain incredibly important. But prioritizing diversity might be particularly important for the
future of our institution and profession, especially when we consider how it might improve
innovation and community engagement. This session will focus on the many ways that diversity is
key to the future of libraries and will consider how it might change our understanding of recruitment,
retention, discourse, and professional competencies.
Speaker: Miguel Figueroa, Director of the CFFOL, ALA Center for the Future of Libraries.
2:45pm-4:00pm • Cape Cod
Implementing Core Competencies Standards for Your Library Staff
Come hear how one library has successfully implemented a staff competency training. Penny Talbert,
Executive Director of the Ephrata Public Library, will review the steps she and her staff used to
implement an 11-week training program designed so that everyone on staff could learn to help
patrons with any library service confidently and competently.
Speaker: Penny Talbert, Executive Director, Ephrata Public Library, Ephrata, PA.
Osterville B
Providing Assistive Technology is Not Enough
Providing assistive technology for people with sight loss is a wonderful thing, but unless you teach
people how to use it, libraries find it doesn’t get used. Join staff members from Brooks Free Library,
Harwich, to learn about their successful instructional program that utilizes volunteer tutors to teach
people with sight loss to use assistive technology.
Speaker: Carla Burke, Assistive Technology Coordinator, Brooks Free Library, Harwich, MA.
2:45pm-4:00pm • Hyannisport West
Jacquelyn Mitchard Book Discussion
Sponsored by Gale, Cengage Learning
One Book, One Conference: Two if by Sea by Jacqueline Mitchard
Join us in our second annual conference-wide read! Two if by Sea is an epic story of courage and
devotion that spans three continents and the entire map of the human heart. A suspenseful novel on
a grand scale, it is about the best and worst in people and the possibility of heroism and even magic
in ordinary life. Whether you want to air your views, share your reaction, delve into themes, or just
listen, be sure to join in on the discussion. This won’t be your average discussion group—where else
will you have the opportunity to sit down and talk about a book with the author and fellow librarians
from across the state?
Speakers: Jacquelyn Mitchard, Author; Kelly Linehan, Director, Waltham Public Library, Waltham, MA. 4
Monday, May 16
Bass River
MLS Board Meeting
The Pros and Perils of Innovation
Corinne Hill was named Library Journal’s 2014 Librarian of the Year. By instituting a culture of
change and innovation, she transformed nearly every aspect of the city library in ways that made the
library community sit up and take notice. She soon discovered, however, that rapid change and
innovation often comes with serious challenges, some that threatened to undermine the amazing
work she and her team had done. Ms. Hill will frankly discuss the highs and lows of such a major
transformation, and the lessons she learned in the process.
Speaker: Corinne Hill, Executive Director, Chattanooga Public Library, Chattanooga, TN.
5:30pm-6:30pm • 35 Lobby Lounge
Networking Reception
Bass River
Dinner with Jacquelyn Mitchard
Jacquelyn Mitchard will discuss her new novel, and this year’s One Book One Conference selection,
Two if by Sea. Jacquelyn Mitchard’s first novel, The Deep End of the Ocean, was named by USA Today
as one of the ten most influential books of the past 25 years, second only to the Harry Potter series
by J.K. Rowling. The Deep End of the Ocean was also chosen as the first novel in the book club made
famous by the TV host Oprah Winfrey.
8:15pm-10:30pm • Bogey’s Pub
Trivia Night will be a little different this year; a less formal trivia battle will be held inside the bar
area. Nora Blake will still present questions, but the rules will be more relaxed (use of devices to look
up answers is still prohibited). This event is free and teams can be any size or shape you want! So
please join us for some relaxation and FUN in the bar!
Tuesday, May 17
Grand Ballroom Foyer
Registration Opens
Bass River
Hot Buffet Breakfast
8:30am-9:45am • Osterville A
Steal This Idea: YSS Programs & Annual Meeting
Sponsored by: Youth Services Section
Need a new idea in children’s or teen services? Come hear librarians breaking the mold with
alternative rewards at summer reading, process art, fandom science, and more in table talk format,
including a brief review of what YSS has been up to this year and officer nominations.
Speakers: Melissa McCleary, Youth Services Librarian, Pembroke Public Library, Pembroke, MA; Amy
Greil, Children’s Librarian, Plainville Public Library, Plainville, MA; Jennifer Struzziero, Youth Services
Librarian, Ventress Memorial Library, Marshfield, MA; Edward McCoy, former Branch Supervisor,
Springfield City Library, Springfield, MA; Casey Chwiecko, Teen Librarian, Lucius Beebe Memorial
Library, Wakefield, MA; Paula Sharaga, Children’s Librarian, Coolidge Corner Library, Brookline, MA;
Teresa Lloyd Deluca, Middle School Librarian/Media Specialist, Furnace Brook Middle School, Marshfield,
Develop Your Collection and Show It Off: TSS Annual Meeting
Sponsored by: Technical Services Section
Want to get better acquainted with your collection and your patrons’ tastes? Join us to talk about
merchandizing techniques that create “buzz” for browsers in the library. Learn to better use your
creative lens both on the floor and behind the scenes to entice your patrons and increase your
circulation. There will also be a brief meeting at the conclusion of the program to hear what TSS
has been up to and vote on the slate of officers for next year.
Speakers: Torrance Dunbar, Library Associate, Cambridge Public Library, Cambridge, MA; Julie Roach,
Manager of Youth Services, Cambridge Public Library, Cambridge, MA.
8:30am-9:45am • Centerville
Staff Development: Bridging the Gap
Sponsored by: Paralibrarian Section
Are you looking for a way to encourage professional development at your library? Tight budget
holding you back? Where does the PARA Certification fit in? Have you heard about Project SET?
Did you implement Bite Sized Learning? Get charged up about the no-cost staff development
program implemented at Sturgis Library and learn how Karen Horn mentored staff through the
process. A short MLA Paralibrarian Section Annual Meeting will lead the program.
Speaker: Karen Horn, Head of Circulation, Sturgis Library, Barnstable, MA; Panel: MLA Paralibrarian
Section Board.
Cape Cod
Reference in the Digital Age
Sponsored by: Reference and User Services Section
What is the future of print reference collections? Do we still need them at all? What are libraries
using as an alternative?
Speakers: Linda Dyndiuk, Head of Adult Services, Robbins Library, Arlington, MA; Cathie Ghorbani,
Head of Adult Services, Cary Memorial Library, Lexington, MA; Demetri Kyriakis, Reference
Supervisor, Morse Institute Library, Natick, MA; Alex Lent, Director, Millis Public Library; Millis, MA.
Tuesday, May 17
Osterville B
Backyard Astronomy: Introducing the Library Telescope Program
Your patrons can be gazing at the stars and participating in the exploration of space with
telescopes they check out from your library! Acquire telescopes through grants or a modest
purchase plan. Each telescope comes with on-site training for your staff and ongoing
maintenance for the telescope. Enjoy continuing support for community summer reading
programs and stargazing events.
Speakers: Jim J. Zebrowski, President, Aldrich Astronomical Society; John Root, Aldrich
Astronomical Society; Cynthia Randall, Executive Director, Cornerstones of Science; Sarah A.
Millstead Post, Program and Library Support Manager, Cornerstones of Science.
10:00am-10:45am • Grand Ballroom
Exhibit Hall Grand Opening and Exclusive Exhibit Time
10:45am-12:00pm • Osterville A
Connecting our Communities: Public and School Librarians Working Together
Sponsored by: Youth Services Section
Wondering how to forge a strong connection with your local schools? Panelists will discuss the
various ways that school and public librarians are successfully collaborating on projects.
Speakers: Kendall Boninti, Library Teacher, Waltham High School; Joanne Geneva, Trustee/
School Library Media Specialist, Sutton Public Library/Sutton Middle/Senior High School; Jess
Bacon, former Teen Librarian, Marlborough Public Library; Laura Bernheim, Head Reference
Librarian, Waltham Public Library; Betsy Rajotte, Director, Sutton Public Library.
10:45am-12:00pm • Orleans
Cosplay in the Library
Sponsored by: Youth Services Section
An informative panel discussion on how to integrate cosplay, or costumed characters from
media of all kinds, into the library through programming, maker workshops, and comics events.
The panel includes members of the charity cosplay group the Boston Super Heroes.
Speakers: Robin Brenner, Teen Librarian, The Public Library of Brookline; Sarah Hodge-Wetherbe,
Library Associate, Springfield City Library; Anthony Ferranti, Founder, The Boston Super Heroes;
Sean Derr, Member, The Boston Super Heroes; Luisa Earle, Member, The Boston Super Heroes.
10:45am-12:00pm • Centerville
Community Engagement: Holistic Programming for Public Libraries
This program will discuss the “big picture” integrated approach to library programming and
community engagement that allows financially restricted libraries to provide quality
programming at minimum financial cost while fostering community collaboration and
developing long lasting bonds with community members.
Speakers: Jed T. Phillips, Head of Technology and User Experience, Ames Free Library, Easton,
MA; Ian Dunbar, Assistant Director, Ames Free Library, Easton, MA.
Tuesday, May 17
Cape Cod
Digital Impact on Library Spaces
Sponsored by: Reference and User Services Section
We continue to reinvent our libraries to reflect our changing culture. How has the shift to digital
content and personal reading devices impacted library space planning and design? There are many
new libraries throughout the Commonwealth, and just as many that are adjusting and reworking the
space they have. Let’s look at some inspiring examples together and talk about the impact of this
trend on our future planning.
Speakers: Cheryl Bryan, Consultant, Orleans, MA; Deb Dejonker Berry, Director, Eastham Public
Library; Beth Kramer, Director, West Tisbury Public Library; Leslie Morrissey, Director, Falmouth Public Library.
Osterville B
Elephant, Monkey, Rabbit, Bird: Developing Creative and Cohesive Teams through Play
A library depends on teams for its success. A well-functioning and healthy team provides the best
service to library patrons and community and a supportive working environment for each other.
Attendees will participate in team-building exercises during the presentation.
Speakers: Jennie Wiley, Library Director, Cotuit Library, Cotuit, MA; Nancy Wiley, MSW, LICSW,
Agency Director, Odonata Psychotherapy and Retreat Center.
Osterville A
Tools of the Mind: Bringing Early Childhood Curricula into Youth Services
Sponsored by: Youth Services Section
The concept of “tools of the mind” comes from Vygotsky, who believed that just as physical tools
extend our physical abilities, mental tools extend our mental abilities, enabling us to solve problems
and create solutions in the modern world. When applied to children, this means that to successfully
function in school and beyond, children need to learn more than a set of facts and skills. They need
to master a set of mental tools—tools of the mind.
Speakers: Barbara Wilder-Smith, Director of Content Development for Tools of the Mind; Elizabeth
Billings-Fouhy, Director of Early Childhood Special Education, Lexington Public Schools; Kerry Wang,
Special Education Preschool Teacher, Lexington Children’s Place, Lexington, MA; Ashley Waring,
Children’s Librarian, Reading Public Library, Reading, MA.
12:15pm-1:30pm • Orleans
Internet Privacy for Library Patrons: At What Risk?
Sponsored by: Intellectual Freedom/Social Responsibility Committee and Technical Services Section
What are the risks to patrons if libraries don’t provide secure, anonymous internet access? What are
the local and national risks if we do? An informed discussion addressing the role of libraries in
supporting secure, private internet access for patrons, and the risks involved.
Moderator: Jackie Rafferty, Director, Paul Pratt Memorial Library, Cohasset, MA.
Speakers: Alison Macrina, Director, The Library Freedom Project; Kade Crockford, Director of
Technology, American Civil Liberties Union - Massachusetts; Sean Fleming, Director, Lebanon (NH)
Public Libraries; Nima Fatemi, Tor Project.
Tuesday, May 17
12:15pm-1:30pm • Centerville
Welcome to the Graveyard
Sponsored by: Paralibrarian Section
The Gravestone Girls make cemeteries fun! Take an evolutionary tour of cemetery gravestones, art,
history, genealogy, and symbolism. From 17th century colonial burial grounds to 21st century styles
and stones, participate in a cemetery experience.
Speaker: Brenda Sullivan.
12:15pm-1:30pm • Cape Cod
Answering Legal Questions at the Reference Desk
Sponsored by: Reference and User Services Section
Answering legal reference questions in non-law libraries can be tricky. Navigating and finding the
resources can present a challenge, as well as tempering patrons’ expectations about the help you
can provide. Learn about legal resources and the services provided by the public Massachusetts Trial
Court Law Libraries.
Speakers: Joan Shear, Legal Information and Law Librarian, Boston College; Suzanne Hoey, Head Law
Librarian, Barnstable Law Library (Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries).
12:15pm-1:30pm • Osterville B
Girls Who Code in the Library
Sponsored by: Youth Services Section
Girls Who Code is a national organization whose mission is to inspire, educate, and equip girls with
computing skills to pursue 21st century opportunities. Learn how two libraries facilitated this
community-driven program and discover best practices for bringing Girls Who Code to your library.
Speakers: Jennifer Forgit, Teen Services Manager, Cary Memorial Library, Lexington, MA; Liz Rowland,
Teen Librarian, Newton Free Library, Newton, MA.
Hyannisport West
Get involved with LibraryReads!
Public library staff, learn how to get involved with LibraryReads: “The top ten books published this
month that librarians across the country love.” Founding steering committee member
Alene Moroni will review the LibraryReads program and offer tips for obtaining Advance Reader
Copies (ARCs), nominating titles, writing reviews, and using the lists to inform collection
development and displays in your library.
Speaker: Alene E. Moroni, Information Services Librarian, Forbes Library, Northampton, MA.
1:30pm-2:30pm • Grand Ballroom
Boxed Lunch in Exhibit Hall
1:30 - 2:30pm • Grand Ballroom Foyer
Guerrilla Storytime and YA Slam
Sponsored by: Youth Services Section
Spend lunch with YSS as we share stories, songs, and great programs for teens and children’s
services, led by a shepherd. Bring your ideas, a notepad, and your singing voice.
Speakers: Erin Daly, Youth Services Coordinator, Chicopee Public Library, Chicopee, MA; Rachel Keeler,
Children’s Librarian, Parker Hill Branch of the Boston Public Library, Roxbury, MA; Ashley Waring,
Children’s Librarian, Reading Public Library, Reading, MA.
Tuesday, May 17
2:30pm-3:45pm • Osterville A
MOBYfun: Libraries Collaborating around STEM Activities
Sponsored by: Youth Services Section
How did three libraries share an LSTA grant and manage the planning and staffing? My Own
BackYard (MOBY) is a collaboration between three small libraries, focusing on STEM activities for
students in grades 3-8 and their families. Learn about community engagement, STEM backpacks,
and programs with local science experts.
Speakers: Gail Roberts, Library Director, Plumb Memorial Library, Rochester, MA; Elisabeth O’Neill,
Library Director, Elizabeth Taber Library, Marion, MA; Susan Pizzolato, Library Director, Mattapoisett
Free Public Library, Mattapoisett, MA; Elizabeth Sherry, YA Services, Mattapoisett Free Public Library,
Mattapoisett, MA; Jeanne McCullough, Children’s Librarian, Mattapoisett Free Public Library, Mattapoisett,
MA; Michelle Cusolito, Author, Rochester, MA.
2:30pm-3:45pm • Orleans
Weed This, Not That!
Sponsored by: Technical Services Section
Weeding is a continuous task at all libraries. Sometimes staff must sweep through quickly to clear
shelf space, other times we can mindfully check circulation and other resources. Expert weeders will
share tips and tricks for both methods, and several in between, as well as communication and
education ideas for staff, trustees, and community members.
Speakers: Anna Mickelsen, Reference Librarian, Springfield City Library, Springfield, MA; Alene
Moroni, Information Services Librarian, Forbes Library, Northampton, MA.
2:30pm-3:45pm • Centerville
Maximum Leverage: Spinning Your PR Award Into Gold
Sponsored by: Public Relations Committee
Congratulations on that PR Award! But what do you do with it next? Past MLA PR Award winners give
tips on making the most of their new exposure. Learn to leverage visibility in your community, raise
awareness with your funding bodies, and bolster patron support with your public relations
opportunity. Pick up tips from winning experts to give you an edge for your PR entry next year!
Speakers: Celeste Bruno, Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners; Esme Green, Director,
Goodnow Library, Sudbury; Luke Kirkland, Teen Specialist, Waltham Public Library; Lauren Marshall,
Harvard Art Museum.
2:30pm-3:45pm • Cape Cod
Coming Out of the Wikipedia Closet
Sponsored by: Technical Services Section
Wikipedia is the 10th most visited website on the web and is typically on the first page of search
results. In this session we will demonstrate why it is time for librarians to fully embrace Wikipedia as
a reliable source. We will discuss who is using it for research, how editors verify content, what
resources and tools are available to editors, and how professors are using it as a teaching tool. The
program will include ways to engage users and improve Wikipedia through edit-a-thons and volunteering.
Speakers: Sara Marks, Instruction and Outreach Librarian, University of Massachusetts Lowell;
Winifred Flint, Community Planning Librarian, Pollard Memorial Library, Lowell, MA.
2:30pm-3:45pm • Osterville B
New Administrators Forum
There are a lot of new directors in Massachusetts! This is an informal roundtable for new directors
to share experiences and build connections. Attendees will be asked to sign up for the New Directors
Listserv to facilitate communication between new administrators post-conference.
Speakers: Alex Lent, Director, Millis Public Library; Peter Struzziero, Director, Belmont Public Library.
Tuesday, May 17
2:30pm-3:45pm • Hyannisport West
Creating an Online Children’s Illustrator’s Auction
Learn from our experience of how to create a successful online Children’s Illustrators Auction,
including information on requesting and receiving donations, pros and cons of auction sites versus
online auctioneers, promoting your auction, and sending items to the winners. There are so many
variables but the best part is “meeting” illustrators and being a small part of this amazing
community. And, it’s a great fundraiser!
Speakers: Meena Jain, Director, Bacon Free Library, Natick; Jennifer Gehly, Software Project Manager.
Grand Ballroom
Exclusive Exhibit Hall Time
4:15pm-5:30pm • Osterville A
The Montessori Prepared Environment and Youth Services
Sponsored by: Youth Services Section
Montessori’s idea of the prepared environment was that everything the child came in contact with
would facilitate and maximize independent learning and exploration. Learn how to add six principles
of the Montessori Prepared Environment theory into the children’s room.
Speakers: Martha Morgan, Head of Children’s Services, Saugus Public Library, Saugus, MA;
Diane Sullivan, Teacher, Kingsley Montessori School, Boston, MA.
4:15pm-5:30pm • Orleans
No Flying No Tights Comics Panel
Sponsored by: Youth Services Section
Want to learn more about the latest manga, anime, and comics for teens? Join writers from the
famous review website No Flying No Tights as they share what’s new in graphic novels!
Speakers: Robin Brenner, Teen Librarian, The Public Library of Brookline, Brookline, MA; Emma
Weiler, Children’s Supervisor, Wellesley Free Library, Wellesley, MA; Roy Mackenzie, Reference
Librarian, The Public Library of Brookline, Brookline, MA.
4:15pm-5:30pm • Centerville
Persuasion: Or, Using ARIS Statistics to Your Library’s Advantage
A panel of public library directors discuss ways they have used statistics from the ARIS and
Financial Reports to increase funding and staffing for their library. MBLC staff will also demonstrate
how to create useful custom reports from these statistics.
Speakers: Liz Babbitt, State Aid Specialist, MBLC; Robert MacLean, Director, Weymouth Public
Libraries, Weymouth, MA; Marcia Rich, Director, Acton Memorial Library, Acton, MA;
Bernadette Rivard, Director, Bellingham Public Library, Bellingham, MA.
4:15pm-5:30pm • Hyannisport West
Is That Data Massage Worth the Cost?
Sponsored by: Technical Services Section
Collection management software like CollectionHQ, Edelweiss Analytics, and Decision Center can help
you make selection decisions, pinpoint areas that need weeding or expanding, and compare your
collections’ performance with that of peer libraries. That’s all well and good, but is it enough to justify
the price tag? Join us for a live demonstration of multiple collection management software products
and bring your questions and experiences to the discussion.
Speaker: Colin Wilkins, Supervisor of Collection Development, The Public Library of Brookline.
Tuesday, May 17
4:15pm-5:30pm • Osterville B
Project SET
Learn about “Project SET: Skills, Empowerment, Talent,” and how the Massachusetts Library
System (MLS) is identifying and cultivating new talent in your library community. Hear how MLS
staff planned, implemented, and assessed this professional engagement program. We will share what
we learned from our successful 2015 pilot and what our plans are for the future of Project SET. Past
participants will discuss their experiences.
Speakers: Amanda Fauver, Event Coordinator and Project Manager, Massachusetts Library System; April
Mazza, Youth and School Library Services Advisor, Massachusetts Library System; Kelly Jo Woodside,
Academic Libraries Advisor, Massachusetts Library System.
4:15pm-5:30pm • Cape Cod
YSS Readers’ Advisory Discussion
Sponsored by: Youth Services Section
What’s new? What’s trending? Come share your thoughts on collection development, diversity
initiatives, and your favorite books for all ages with the Youth Services Section.
Speakers: Larissa Farrell, YA/Reference Librarian, Duxbury Free Library, Duxbury, MA; Noelle Boc,
Children’s Librarian, Tewksbury Pubic Library, Tewksbury, MA.
5:45pm-6:30pm • Bass River Deck
President’s Reception
Sponsored by Tech Logic
Awards Gala
Bass River
Join us for the third annual Awards Gala to honor outstanding Massachusetts library folks. Honors will
be presented to the MLA Hall of Fame Award recipients, Paralibrarians, and scholarship winners. We
will also have fun watching the Book Cart Drill Team Competition!
Emcee: Michael Colford, Director of Library Services, Boston Public Library.
Bi-annual MLA Hall of Fame Awards
Every other year, Massachusetts libraries are invited to submit their nominees for people who have
positively impacted libraries in Massachusetts over a period of at least ten years. Winners are
selected by the PR Committee.
MLA Paralibrarian Awards
Presentation of the 2016 MLA Paralibrarian Section Outstanding Library Support Staff Award and
the Award for Library Support Staff Advocate. Honor the recipients and the amazing, talented group
of nominees who are superstars in our libraries.
Moderators: Hermayne Gordon, Rowley Library; Anna McGrath, Rowley Library; Gael Nappa, Haverhill Library.
MLA PARA Certification
Paralibrarian Recognition of Achievement (PARA) Certificates will be presented to accomplished
Massachusetts paralibrarians who have earned a PARA in Levels I, II, III and IV, and demonstrated
commitment to library careers, support for libraries, and skill in five areas of librarianship. Under the
umbrella of MLA and the MBLC.
Moderators: Karen Horn, Sturgis Library, Barnstable; Lori Salotto, Middleboro Library; Joyce Senior,
Newburyport Library.
Book Cart Drill Team Competition • Sponsored by Demco
Three cheers for the fabulous Massachusetts BCDT performers, who bring creativity, teamwork,
and WoW to their libraries. A new format for 2016 includes video presentations and audience voting.
Oh, how we love to be entertained by our favorite library teams!
Moderators: Allison Sloan, Reading Public Library; Gerry Deyermond, Memorial Hall Library, Andover.
Wednesday, May 18
7:30am • Grand Ballroom Foyer
Registration opens
7:30am-8:30am • Bass River
Continental Breakfast
8:30am-9:45am • Osterville A
Understanding and Promoting the Christian Fiction Genre
Many librarians and patrons have misconceptions about this genre and what the books are like,
shying away from recommending or reading them for fear that they may be preachy or poorly
written. Nothing could be further from the truth. Learn about the trends in the genre, appeal
factors to consider when recommending these books to patrons, and major authors that
should be in every collection.
Speaker: Christine Sharbrough, Head of Reader Services and Circulation, Chelmsford Public Library
and Christian Fiction Columnist, Library Journal.
8:30am-9:45am • Centerville
Developing Mentor/Mentee Relationships For the Library Professional
Sponsored by: Education Section
Librarians present on their experience with mentor/mentee relationships.
Speakers: Meaghan Thompson, Library Director, Randolph Public Library; Christine Schonhart, Library
Director, Carlisle Public Library.
8:30am-9:45am • Cape Cod
Film Forum - Reviving Art House Cinema at the Library
Participate in a program that combines the best of art house cinema and a library specialty, the book
club. Film Forum is a big success in one small library, attracting a population not previously served
and providing a place for entertainment, learning, and laughter. We will screen a short movie,
Un Chien Andalou, and discuss the mechanics of running a program, how to choose challenging
movies, and good resources for film criticism.
Speaker: Cynthia Zeman, Media Librarian, Swampscott Public Library.
8:30am-9:45am • Osterville B
Service Meets Design: How the Boston Public Library Designed Their New
Children’s Library to Provide Modern-Day Services for Kids
Library renovations can be as much about renewed program offerings as they are about the physical
transformation of an architectural space. Learn how Boston Public Library shaped the final design
features of its new Children’s Library and Teen Central to foster greater public engagement through
a new series of programs, interactive features, and spatial details while simultaneously building upon
the overall identity of the institution.
Speakers: Laura Koenig, Central Children’s Library Team Leader, Boston Public Library; Sydney Thiel,
Major Projects Coordinator, Boston Public Library.
8:30am - 9:45am • Orleans
Planning for the Plan An MLA Information-Gathering Session
The Strategic Plan for the Massachusetts Library Association is undergoing an update, and your input
will be needed to make it as valuable to our libraries as it can be. Join MLA President Eric Poulin and
Mills Public Library Director Alex Lent as they lead an information-gathering session to help inform
the Association’s long-term plan. MLA can only work to support your professional needs if we know
what they are!
Local Author Power
Wednesday, May
May 18
Bass River
Massachusetts authors have a long tradition of high quality work. The talent and range of the three
authors on this exciting panel is truly top notch, including mystery/thrillers, bold, topical drama, and
biography. They are sure to provide a good sense of how living in New England has informed their work.
Boston Public Library’s Reader Services Librarian will moderate a discussion with the authors as they
talk about their new books.
Speakers: Jennifer Haigh; Pamela Wechsler.
Jennifer Haigh is the author of four critically-acclaimed novels: Faith, The Condition,
Baker Towers, and Mrs. Kimble, winner of the PEN/Hemingway Award for debut
fiction. In her latest novel, Heat and Light, she returns to the Pennsylvania town at
the center of her iconic novel Baker Towers in an ambitious, achingly human story
of modern America and the conflicting forces at its heart -- a bold, moving drama of
hope and desperation, greed and power, big business, and small-town families. She
lives in Boston, MA.
Pamela Wechsler grew up in the Boston area and is a graduate of Tufts
University and Boston University School of Law. After spending years as a
local, state and federal criminal prosecutor at the local, state, she was a legal
consultant and writer for the television shows, Law and Order; Law and Order:
Criminal Intent, Conviction, and Canterbury’s Law. Wechsler is now consulting
on the CBS drama, Doubt. In Mission Hill, her gripping debut, upper crust
Boston DA Abby Endicott is assigned a murder case both politically charged
and intensely personal. One night, Abby is awakened very late by a phone call
from her favorite detective, who reports that there has been a horrific
murder but is vague about the specifics. When she arrives at the crime scene
and discovers the identity of the victim, she knows the terror and tragedy of
this death are only the beginning.
10:45am-11:15am • Grand Ballroom
Exclusive Exhibit Hall Time
11:15am-12:30pm • Centerville
New Director Social
Sponsored by: Massachusetts Library System
The Massachusetts Library System (MLS) welcomes new directors to visit with us at MLA and learn
more about the services MLS provides. Staff will be on hand to share information and news on MLS
signature services like statewide delivery, resource sharing (including ILL and the Commonwealth eBook
Collection), professional development and advisory services, and the Summer Library Program. You’ll
also have the chance to network with other new directors and participate in some fun surprises.
11:15am-12:30pm • Orleans
Emergency Response for Library Collections
Sponsored by: Education Section
Disasters can affect any collection, and the best protection is to be prepared through training and disaster policies. Emergency management recommendations and tools for recovery will be discussed, with
a demonstration of salvage methods for wet books and documents.
Speaker: Eva Grizzard, Preservation Specialist, Northeast Document Conservation Center.
Wednesday, May 18
11:15am-12:30pm • Osterville A
Survival of the Cardigan-Clad Fittest
Working in a library is intense. From programs to patrons to politics, there’s a lot to think about.
Whether you are a front-line librarian or a roll-up-your-sleeves-library manager, there are lots of ways
to find or facilitate support. This presentation will offer practical tips and advice for library workers
of all stripes to build networks, brainstorm quality programming, and be the best we can be.
Speaker: Jazmin Idakaar, Generalist Librarian, Mattapan Branch, Boston Public Library.
11:15am-12:30pm • Cape Cod
UX: Ugly Xylophone? Ululating Xenophile? NO! It’s User (e)Xperience!
Sponsored by: Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners
Learn how you can improve your library by seeing the world through your patrons’ eyes. We’ll talk
about how user experience and design thinking work, and explore both digital and physical
applications for librarians.
Speakers: Callan Bignoli, Web Coordinator, MBLC; Lauren Stara, Library Building Specialist, MBLC.
11:15am-12:30pm • Osterville B
Simplify! Patron Services, Staff Productivity and Workflow, and the One Desk
Model/Reference and User Services Section Annual Meeting
Sponsored by: Reference and User Services Section
Cary Library is undertaking a major improvement project to use existing space more efficiently,
enhance customer service, and meet future needs of their diverse patron groups. Millis Public Library
now has a one-desk service model, a cross-trained staff, a reference collection that circulates, and
a data collection plan that is easy to follow, statistically valid, and robust. This discussion will place
Millis within the larger context of the changing world of reference services and highlight the
components of Cary’s “Transformative Spaces Plan,” with a focus on why we decided to combine our
traditionally separate Circulation and Reference functions at one main desk. The panel discussion will
follow a brief meeting of the Reference and User Services Section.
Speakers: Linda L. Carroll, Reference Librarian, Cary Memorial Library, Lexington MA; Lisa Mucciarone,
Library Associate, Cary Memorial Library, Lexington MA; Alex Lent, Director, Millis Public Library, Millis, MA.
11:15am-12:30pm • Hyannisport East
Mini Career Fair
The Career Center will be holding a Mini Career Fair where job-seekers can drop off resumes and ask
questions of a selection of employers looking to fill positions.
12:30pm-2:00pm • Bass River
Business Lunch
2:15pm-3:30pm • Centerville
Thinking of Becoming a Library Director?
Do you have what it takes to be a library director? Do you feel the need to drive the bus, or are you
content to be a passenger? What skills should you be working on right now to prepare? A few new
and seasoned library directors will offer their perspectives on what it takes and the challenges and
rewards that await you. This workshop is designed for those who are not currently library directors
but who are considering that career path. Interested participants will be assigned their own library
director to follow up with.
Speakers: Koren Stembridge, Director, Cary Memorial Library, Lexington, MA; Kathleen Mahoney,
Director, Mashpee Public Library; Maureen Ambrosino, Director, Westborough Public Library.
Wednesday, May
May 18
2:15pm-3:30pm • Orleans
Staff Readers’ Advisory Book Groups
One of the great tools of readers’ advisory is creating RA/genre study groups within your own staff.
Not only does this increase the skill set of your staff, it also breaks down boundaries and walls
between library departments, MLS and non-MLS staff, and full- and part-timers. Genre studies are
also the cornerstone of the LSTA Readers’ Advisory grant. Hear from two libraries with very
successful programs.
Speakers: Laura Bernheim, Head Reference Librarian, Waltham Public Library; Louise Goldstein, Head
Circulation Librarian, Waltham Public Library; Pat O’Leary, Circulation Assistant, Waltham Public
Library; Beth Radcliffe, Reference Librarian, Lucius Beebe Library, Wakefield; Jackie Powers, Lucius
Beebe Library, Wakefield.
2:15pm-3:30pm • Osterville A
Let’s Be Partners! What can Boston Public Library Offer Your Library?
As the Library for the Commonwealth, Boston Public Library is a great resource to supplement your
library’s holdings and services. We want to share our research, career, and computer curriculum with
you. Tell us what subject guides we could create to help you! Use our e-cards to access digital
magazines and electronic databases like JSTOR, Learning Express, and the Historical Boston Globe.
Learn about new online classes and ILL services. Meet our enthusiastic staff, and bring your questions!
Speakers: Anna Fahey-Flynn, Collaborative Library Services Manager, Boston Public Library;
Gianna Gifford, Manager of Reference and Instruction, Boston Public Library.
2:15pm-3:30pm • Cape Cod
At the Kitchen Table: Exploring Food-Centered Initiatives in Public Libraries
How can we grow food in a sustainable way? How can we eat more locally? How do we stop the
growing problem of hunger and food insecurity in our communities? The speakers on this panel will
discuss successful food-focused library projects and programs, including community gardens,
educational programs, seed libraries, and summer meal programs.
Speakers: Tricia Ford, Director, Truro Public Library, Truro, MA; Tara Laidlaw, Seed Library Point
Person, Cape Cod Food Hub; Cate Merlin, Teen & Special Projects Librarian, Peabody Institute Library,
Peabody, MA; Maggie Hanelt, Truro Public Library.
2:15pm-3:30pm • Osterville B
Getting Down to Business: Resources and Strategies for Better Business Reference
Sponsored by: Reference and User Services Section
Have you heard these before: “I found these stock certificates in my Dad’s attic...Are they worth
anything?” or “I want to start my own business but I don’t know where to start” or “Can you tell me
if this contractor is reliable?” Helping these patrons can be daunting, but it can be a lot of fun, too!
Learn about resources to share with your business-minded patrons and strategies to support their
growth and education. Topics include financial literacy, small business/entrepreneurship, consumer
education, and business research.
Speaker: Amber De Angelis, Reference Librarian, Boston Public Library.
Bass River
Libraries at the Intersection of Creepy Lines and Compelling Futures
Sponsored by: Education Section
The future of library innovation may be found at the intersection of new roles and capabilities that
feel creepy to some, compelling to others. We will explore unique changes in the world around us
that might push libraries to innovate around creepy lines and compelling futures.
Speaker: Garry Golden, Futurist, New York, NY.
Featured Programs
MLA Basket Raffle
Mon - Grand Ballroom Foyer
Tue - Wed • Grand Ballroom/Exhibit Hall
Relish the creativity of your fellow member libraries and bid on the amazing array of baskets that
they’ve created! Raffle tickets will be available throughout conference at a cost of $10 for 5 and
$20 for 12. Tickets will be drawn on Wednesday during the Business Meeting. All proceeds support
the programs of the Massachusetts Library Association.
MLA Mentoring/Buddy Program
Minimal Investment, Maximum Benefit! MLA is pleased to welcome new members and new conference
attendees at our annual conference. We look forward to meeting more of our colleagues and want
to do all that we can to make conference an enjoyable experience for them right from the start! If
you did not have a chance to sign up to be a mentor or mentee in advance, check at the registration
table for more information!
Career Center
Hyannisport East
Monday 11:00am-3:00pm
Tuesday and Wednesday 10:00am-3:00pm
The Career Center will be open every day of the conference and will offer resources for those looking
to take the next step in their profession. Attendees can drop by to speak with a career
counselor or book an appointment for more in-depth discussion or resume review.
Contact Kristy Lockhart at [email protected], 504-432-8306, to schedule an appointment.
Networking Reception! On Monday from 5:30-6:30pm, the Career Center will host a Networking
Mixer to give conference attendees the chance to make helpful connections.
Mini Career Fair! On Wednesday from 11:15am-12:30pm, join us at the the Mini Career Fair where
job-seekers can drop off resumes and ask questions of a selection of employers looking to fill positions.
Participating organizations will include: Boston Public Library, Worcester Public Library, Springfield
Public Library, Beverly Public Library (Bookmobile), and Bibliotemps!
Featured Programs
Aldrich Adopt a Library Telescope Program
Mon - Wed • Grand Ballroom Foyer
Come see solarscopes and telescopes provided by the Aldrich Astronomical Society. Learn how your
library/school can become an active STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) center
through the programs available to put telescopes in the hands of your patrons. Learn about grant
funding and purchase opportunities. This program has received the “Out of the World Outreach
Program Award” sponsored by Astronomy Magazine.
One Book, One Conference: Two if by Sea by Jacqueline Mitchard
Sponsored by: Gale, Cengage Learning
Join us in our second annual conference-wide read! All conference attendees are invited to read
Two if by Sea by Jacquelyn Mitchard, participate in a discussion, and attend Monday night’s dinner
featuring Mitchard as our guest speaker.
Whether you want to share your reaction, delve into themes, or just listen, be sure to join in on the
discussion session on Monday at 2:45pm. This won’t be your average discussion group—where else
will you have the opportunity to sit down and talk about a book with the author and fellow librarians
from across the state?
Purchase your copy of Two if by Sea and get it autographed by Mitchard at the Titcomb’s Bookshop
table on Monday from approximately 4-6:30pm outside Bass River.
Vinyl Cutter
Mon - Wed - Grand Ballroom Foyer
Stop by and see how fun a vinyl cutter is! Staff from the Goodnow Library will be demonstrating
many of its 1,000 uses for STEAM programming. Great for programming and Makerspaces, vinyl
cutters have the wow factor without the learning curve of a 3D printer.
Adult Coloring Books!
Mon - Wed - Grand Ballroom Foyer
Take a break and join your fellow adult coloring book enthusiasts in this fast-growing hobby.
Supplies provided.
Mon - Wed • Grand Ballroom Foyer
Find some time to stop by the TARDIS and snap a pic to share with your fellow Dr. Who fans.
Hotel Floor Plan
Conference Center - Lobby Level
Second Floor Meeting Rooms
Schedule At - A - Glance
Osterville A
Osterville B
REGISTRATION OPENS (Grand Ballroom Foyer)
OPENING SESSION: The Library as Safe Haven During Crisis with Melanie Diggs (Bass River)
Down and Dirty
Social Media with
Laura Solomon!
Organizing a Maker
The Focus Factor
LUNCH WITH GUEST SPEAKER: Update on the ALA Center for the Future of Libraries with Miguel Figuroa
(Bass River)
Libraries and
Social Services: Access and
Session: ALA
Center for Future of
Libraries: Diversity
No Desk At All
Providing Assistive
Technology is Not
GENERAL SESSION: The Pros and Perils of Innovation with Corinne Hill (Bass River)
Career Center
MLS Board
1:30 - 4:00pm
Mitchard Book
DINNER WITH GUEST SPEAKER: One Book, One Conference: Two if By Sea by Jacquelyn Mitchard Sponsored by Gale, Cengage Learning (Bass River)
Osterville A
Cape Cod
Osterville B
REGISTRATION OPENS (Grand Ballroom Foyer)
BREAKFAST (Bass River)
Steal This Idea: YSS
Programs & Annual
Bridging the Gap
Reference in the
Digital Age
Cosplay in the
Digital Impact on
Library Spaces
Monkey, Rabbit, Bird:
Tools of the Mind
and the Prepared
Internet Privacy for
Library Patrons: At
What Risk?
Welcome to the
Answering Legal
Questions at the
Reference Desk
Girls Who Code in
the Library
BOXED LUNCH (Grand Ballroom) Guerrilla Storytime and YA Slam (Grand Ballroom Foyer)
MOBYfun: Libraries
around STEM
Weed This, Not
Leverage: Spinning
Your PR Award
Into Gold
No Flying No Tights
Persuasion: Or, Using ARIS Statistics
to Your Library's
Coming Out of
the Wikipedia
Creating an
Online Children's
Montessori Prepared
YSS Readers'
Is That Data
Massage Worth
the Cost?
Project SET
PRESIDENT’S RECEPTION Sponsored by Tech Logic (Bass River Deck)
Osterville A
Cape Cod
Osterville B
and Promoting
the Christian
Fiction Genre
Planning for
the Plan
Service Meets Design:
How the Boston Public
Library Designed Their
New Children's Library
Film Forum:
Reviving Art House
Cinema at the Library
Survival of the
Response for
New Director
BREAKFAST (Bass River)
REGISTRATION OPENS (Grand Ballroom Foyer) 7:30-8:30
Career Center
Connecting Our
Get Involved
the Library
Telescope Program
Develop Your
Collection and Show
it Off:
TSS Annual Meeting
UX - Ugly
Ululating Xenophile?
No! It’s User (e)
Simplify! The One Desk
Model/Reference and User
Services Section Annual
Let’s Be Partners!
What can Boston
Public Library
Offer Your
Staff Readers’
Advisory Book
Thinking of
Becoming a
At the Kitchen Table:
Exploring FoodCentered Initiatives in
Public Libraries
Getting Down to Business
BREAK (Bass River Foyer)
CLOSING SESSION: Libraries at the Intersection of Creepy Lines and Compelling Futures with Garry Golden (Bass River)
Career Center
Mini Career Fair
Cape Cod
Organization NameWebsite
Booth #
3M / Bibliotheca
Assabet Interactive
ABDO Association Book Exhibit
Basch Subscriptions, Inc & The Reference Shelf, Prenax Companies Boston Public Library
Britannica Digital Learning
Capira Technologies
Children’s Plus, Inc.
The Creative Feast
Drummey Rosane Anderson, Inc.
EBSCO Information Services
FTG Technologies
Gravestone Girls History Educators
Junior Library Guild
LEGO Education
Finegold Alexander Architects
Gale, Cengage Learning Happometer Corporation
Konica Minolta Business Solutions, US
Massachusetts Center for the Book
Perkins Library and Perkins Solutions
Plymouth Rocket, Inc.
Sebco Books
Red Chair Press Servicestar Microform & Book Scanners Pingitore & Associates Playaway Pre-Loaded Products Simmons College School of Library and Information Science
University of Rhode Island-Grad School Library & Information Studies
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
sitecues by AiSquared Talking Information Center Network
Tech Logic
TEI Landmark Audio
Tucker Library Interiors, LLC
Exhibit Hall Map
Exhibit Hall Hours
Tuesday - 10:00am - 5:00pm
Wednesday - 8:30am - 3:00pm
Grand Ballroom
Thank you to our sponsors
Western Mass
Library Advocates
Download the
conference app!
Program Design by: Douglas A. Sirois Illustration