Document1 (Page 2) - Nostalgic British Cars
Document1 (Page 2) - Nostalgic British Cars
Bristol 0117 923 2523 Manchester 0161 480 6402 TECHNICAL ADVICE This Kit Is For 13 Inch Wheels Only: 997 Cooper MT5411 9F/Sa/H101 6 Pot Vented Big Brake Kit. For 13” wheels where a no compromise front brake setup is required our big disc conversion can be used. This combines a one piece 6 pot caliper with a 265x18mm vented disc with separate alloy mounting bell. Supplied with fast road pads and front braided brake lines. This is a competition oriented brake upgrade as the calipers are not fitted with dust seals. Identification Numbers Engine Identification Numbers 09 To 2637 except 19201 To 20410 (became 1070S). 998 Cooper (January 1964 On) 9FA/Sa/H 9FD/Sa/H 9FD/Xe/H 99/-/H MkI Austin pre closed circuit breathing. MkI Morris up to engine number 1934, all Austin Mk2 closed circuit breathing and Morris MkII from engine number 1935-33660 with closed circuit breathing. 4 syncro gearbox introduced. Last of manufacture 1969. Cooper S Variants 850cc 970cc 8A 8MB 8AM 8AH 8AJ 8AK 8WR 8AC 85H/101 Austin Up To 25000. Morris Up To 25000. Austin & Morris 25000 On. Austin & Morris Automatic. Austin & Morris closed circuit breathing. Austin & Morris automatic with closed circuit breathing. Wolseley Hornet & Riley Elf. Moke. All variants (1969-On). Note: Third suffix letter denotes compression type, L = Low, H = High, e.g: 8AM/U/H101 denotes high compression. 998cc 9WR 9AD 9AE 99H/-101on 99H/791 99H/997 99H/A97P 9F/Sa/X 9FD/Sa/X 9FE/Sa/X 9F/Sa/X Engine numbers 29001-29003 with Tecalamit filter. Closed circuit breathing introduced with Tecalamit filter. Closed circuit breathing, oil filter with oil light switch introduced. Engine numbers 29039-30029 Purolator oil filter with oil light switch and closed circuit breathing. 1070cc 9F/Sa/H 9FD/Sa/H Engine numbers 26501 To 33660 and 19201 To 20410. Engine numbers 33661 To 33948 with closed circuit breathing and oil light switch in oil filter head. 1275cc Wolseley Hornet & Riley Elf MkII, pre closed circuit breathing. Austin, Wolseley Hornet & Riley Elf MkII with remote type gearbox and closed circuit breathing. Wolseley Hornet & Riley Elf MkIII. Wolseley, Riley, Mini 1000, Clubman 1000 (1970-On) & MkIII with dished piston. Mini (1974-On) with dished piston. (1980-On) A+ block, flat top pistons, economy fitment with 2.95 final drive. A+ block with dished pistons, pre-A+ gears, 3.44 final drive & 12” wheels. 998 A+ block with centre locating tag in main cap, 1985 onwards, Flat top piston with circlip gudgeon pin retention. 99H/B81 99H/C20 99H/997 Up To engine number 127431. Up To engine number 105023. From engine number 127422 with 2.95 final drive99H/A35P. 9F/Sa/Y 9FD/Sa/Y 9FE/Sa/Y 9F/Sa/Y 12H397 12H398 Engine numbers 31001 To 31504 pre closed circuit breathing with Purolator oil filter. Closed circuit breathing with oil light switch on filter housing after engine no.32178. Closed circuit breathing with oil light switch on Purolator filter housing and piston design change. From engine number 32378 onwards, closed circuit breathing with Purolator filter with oil light switch, Aeg510 camshaft introduced at engine number 40006, crossdrilled EN40B crank at engine number 42730 and metal dipstick tube at engine number 42548 onwards. Cooper S MkIII with dynamo, negative earth and Tuftrided EN16T crankshaft. Cooper S MkIII with alternator, negative earth and Tuftrided EN16T crankshaft. Note: Only Cooper S engines with prefix ‘9F’ had EN40B forged steel, nitrided crankshafts. All other A-series engines had EN16T steel crankshafts which were only Tuftrided on MkIII ‘S’ and Austin 1300GT (ADO16) and were stamped 12G1683. 1275cc Solid Wall Block (No Tappet Chest Covers) Flat top piston with press fit gudgeon pin 99H/B81 99H/C20 99H/D80 From engine number 127432. From engine number 105024. Flat top pistons with press fit gudgeon pin, lead-free cylinder head 99H/G30 or G32 or G33 99H/F15 or F16 99H/E20 or E21 99H/D81 LBB10089 12G/Ta/H 12H379 12H380 12H389 12H390 12H706 12H397 12H398 12H/-/ 12H610/635 12H719/832 ADO17 shape Wolseley, Riley, MG & Vanden Plas fitted with S rods. 1275GT with dynamo, negative earth, electric fuel pump and remote gearbox. 1275GT with alternator, negative earth, electric fuel pump and remote gearbox. 1275GT with dynamo, negative earth, mech. fuel pump and remote gearbox. 1275GT with alternator, negative earth, mech. fuel pump & remote gearbox. 1275GT with alternator, negative earth, mech. fuel pump & rod change gearbox. Cooper S MkIII with dynamo and negative earth. Cooper S MkIII with alternator and negative earth. 1275 Austin ADO16 & Allegro. Innocenti Mini with duplex cam drive gears and 11-stud head. Innocenti Mini with simplex cam drive gears and 11-stud head. Dished pistons with circlip gudgeon pin retention 99H/B83P 99H/B84P Up To engine number 102908. Up To engine number 100216. Dished pistons with press fit gudgeon pin 99H/B83P 99H/B84P From engine number 102909. From engine number 100217. Dished pistons with press fit gudgeon pin, lead-free 99H/G31 99H/E22 LBB10175 1275cc 1990 Onwards (12A Numbers) 12A/2A 12A/2B 12A/2D 12A/E Carburettor type. Carburettor and catalyst type. Spi (Single Point injection - Tbi, throttle body injection) with 9.4-1 CR. Spi (Tbi - throttle body injection) with 10-1 CR. With the following suffixes: 1100cc (1098cc) 10AMW/Ta 10H791 10H/-/H 10GR/Ta/H 10GRB/Ta/H 10V/Ta/H Clubman Estate and Austin 110 (ADO16 shape). Clubman Saloon. All Austin 1100 2 & 4 door derivative Saloons (ADO16 shape). MG1100 (ADO16 shape). MG1100 & Wolseley 1100 (ADO16). Vanden Plas 1100 (ADO16 shape). F53 F75 F76 F77 G01 G03 G04 G05 10.0-1CR, 3.105 final drive, catalyst, oil cooler. 9.4-1CR, spi, 3.105 final drive, closed loop catalyst. 9.4-1CR, automatic with closed loop catalyst. 10.0-1CR, spi Cooper, 3.2 final drive, closed loop catalyst. 10.0-1CR, 3.105 final drive, catalyst, no oil cooler. 9.4-1CR, 3.105 final drive, catalyst, (May 1992-On). 9.4CR, 2.76 final drive, catalyst, French only spec. 9.4-1CR, automatic with catalyst. 10 IDENTIFICATION London 020 8867 2020 Bradford 01274 539 999 Factory Replacement Engine Reference Numbers 8G199E (i.e. New, Gold Seal Units) 38G559E 8G28 8G35 8G45 GSE1101E RKM1101E BHM1307E 8G18 8G29 8G36 8G33 8G40 8G42 8G49 GSE1103E RKM1103E 8G57 GSE1102E RKM1119E BHM1232 BHM1377 BHM1458 BHM1460 LBB10089 8G156E RKM1150E RKM1151E BHM1042 BHM1229 8G38 8G41 8G46 8G133 8G153 8G145 8G154 8G155 8G174 38G464 8G200 38G527 RKM1130E RKM1152E RKM1112E BHM1220 850cc - Oil feed to primary gear type crank with 1.375-inch tail shaft. 850cc - Deva bush conversion type crankshaft with 1.375-inch tail shaft. 850cc - Gold Seal, 1.5-inch self oiling primary gear/crankshaft type. 850cc - Gold Seal unit. 850cc - Silver Seal unit. 850cc - Gold Seal unit, 85H prefix replacement. 997cc Cooper - Oil feed to primary gear type crankshaft. 997cc Cooper - Deva bush type primary gear and crankshaft. 997cc Cooper - Oil feed converted primary gear and crankshaft. 998cc Cooper - Fitted with 28G193 (12G202) cylinder head. 998cc Cooper - 28G222 (12G295) cylinder head introduced. 998cc Cooper - Closed circuit breathing rocker cover and side plates. 998cc Cooper - Purolator oil filter with oil light switch introduced. 998cc Cooper - Gold Seal unit, was RKM1120E Silver Seal. 998cc Cooper - Silver Seal unit. 998cc - New from 1969 and exchange for all pre-A+ (To 1981). 998cc -Gold Seal unit, was RKM1119E Silver Seal unit, pre-A+ (To 1981). 998cc - Silver Seal unit, replaced by RKM1102E, pre-A+ (To 1981). 998cc - Low compression dished piston, CAM6267 camshaft, early cylinder head and crankshaft main bearings with side locator tag, A+. 998cc - High compression flat top piston, CAM4717 camshaft, early cylinder head and crankshaft main bearings with side locator tag, A+. 998cc - Low compression piston, CAM6267 camshaft, late A+ cylinder head and crankshaft main bearings with central locator tag, A+. 998cc - High compression press-fit wrist pin piston, CAM4717 camshaft, late A+ cylinder head and crankshaft main bearings with central locator tag, A+. 998cc - Low compression press-fit wrist pin piston, CAM6267 camshaft, lead free late A+ cylinder head and crankshaft main bearings with central locator tag, A+. 1100cc - Clubman, Special and Austin 1100 (ADO16). 1100cc - Silver Seal unit for Clubman and Special. 1100cc - Silver Seal unit for Clubman and Special. 1100cc - New and Gold Seal units for Clubman and Special, (1974-80). 1100cc - New & Gold Seal units for Clubman & Special, A+ Block, (1980-On). 970cc - Gold Seal unit, pre closed circuit breathing, Cooper S. 970cc - Gold Seal unit with closed circuit breathing side plates, Cooper S. 970cc - Gold Seal unit with oil light switch in filter housing, Cooper S. 1070cc - Gold Seal unit, pre closed circuit breathing, Cooper S. 1070cc - Gold Seal unit with closed circuit breathing side plates, Cooper S. 1275cc - Pre closed circuit breathing unit, Cooper S. 1275cc - Closed circuit breathing side plates unit, Cooper S. 1275cc - Oil filter housing with oil pressure light switch, Cooper S. 1275cc - Fitted with AEG510 camshaft, Cooper S. 1275cc - Introduced in 1970, most were fitted with EN16 Tuftrided crankshaft. 1275cc - New and Gold Seal units Clubman 1275GT. 1275cc - New and Gold Seal units for engine numbers prefixed 12H706, 12H707 and 12H831 for Clubman 1275GT. 1275cc - Silver seal unit, was RKM1112E, for Clubman 1275GT, pre-A+. 1275cc - Silver Seal unit for Clubman 1275GT, pre-A+. 1275cc - Silver Seal unit for Clubman 1275GT, pre-A+. 1275cc - A+ unit for Clubman 1275GT. GSE1109E RKM1133E BHM1209E 1275cc - Gold Seal unit with Duplex cam drive gears for 1300GT (ADO16) and Innocenti 1300, 11-stud cylinder head. 1275cc - Gold Seal unit with Simplex cam drive gears for engine numbers prefixed 12H719 and 12H832, for 1300GT (ADO16) and Innocenti 1300, 11-stud cylinder head. 1275cc - Gold Seal unit for 1300GT (ADO16) and Innocenti 1300, 11-stud cylinder head. 1275cc - Silver Seal unit for 1300GT (ADO16) and Innocenti 1300, 11-stud cylinder head. 1275cc - Gold Seal unit, replaced all Innocenti 1300 engines from engine numbers prefixed 12H610, 12H635 and 12H832. Note: All engines pre-fixed with ‘GSE’ or ‘RKM’ were of UNIPART origin when BL split it’s parts organisation. ‘E’ at the end of a part number denotes it is a reconditioned, service unit only (basic engine assembly with no ancillaries). ‘N’ at the end of a part number denotes a brand new unit. Standard Production Crankshaft Identification Below is a list of crankshaft identification data by forging or stamped numbers - yes, contrary to what many say/express, all cranks are forged. None are cast. They wouldn’t last 2 minutes in an engine if they were cast - they’d be way too brittle. The differences are in the material used, finish machining detail and any heat treatments applied. It is by no means complete and utterly correct/infallible since Austin/Morris, British Leyland, Leyland cars, Austin Rover, rover, et al were seriously prone to not adhering to specifications and applications lists. But it is better than nothing at all! 22A62 22A63 22A298 12A670 12A298 12A375 12A595 12A1451 BHM1436 12G82 AEG330 AEG171 AEG315 AEG316 AEG479 AEG480 AEG623 12G1287 12G1288 12G1505 12G1683 CAM6232* 850cc - Early type with oil feed for primary gear, 1.375” dia. tail. 850cc - Early type with oil feed for primary gear, 1.375” dia. tail. 850cc - Early type thin-nose crank, 1.375” dia. tail. 850cc - Later type with 1.5” dia. tail. 997cc - Original Cooper crank. 997cc - Cooper crank with oil feed hole for primary gear. 998cc - Early EN16T spec. 998cc - Later, pre-A+ EN16T spec. 998cc - A+ spec, 1985 on (12A1451 forging). 1100cc - Standard across the board transverse A-series EN16T spec. 970cc - EN40B forged, non-cross drilled. 1071cc - EN40B forged, non-cross drilled. 1275cc - Cooper S, EN40B forging, Nitrided, 1.625” dia. big ends, non-cross drilled. 1275cc - Cooper S, EN40B forging, Nitrided, 1.625” dia. big ends, non-cross drilled. 1275cc - Cooper S, EN40B forging, Nitrided, 1.625” dia. big ends, cross drilled. 1275cc - Cooper S, EN40B forging, Nitrided, 1.625” dia. big ends, cross drilled. 1275cc - Cooper S, EN16T forging, Tuftrided, 1.625” dia. big ends. 1275cc - Non-S, EN16T with 1.625” dia. big ends. 1275cc - Non-S, EN16T with 1.625” dia. big ends. 1275cc - Non-S, EN16T with 1.75” dia. big ends. 1275cc - 12G1505 forging, non-S, EN16T with 1.75” dia. big ends, Tuftrided. 1275cc - Rolled-fillet radius on bearing journals, A+ with 1.75” dia. big ends. Bristol 0117 923 2523 Manchester 0161 480 6402 *Note: This crankshaft was used in all 1275cc, A+, transverse engines including the MG Metro Turbo. There are various unconfirmed opinions on the subject of whether the material was any different, or whether it was heat treated differently. It would appear that early Turbos had just the standard spec, EN16T, non-heat treated type fitted. Later examples certainly appear to have been heat-treated, probably an up-to-date, emissions-friendly version of ‘Tuftriding’ (a recognised ICI registered process) - possibly a forerunner to Nitro-Carburising. These crankshafts have a distinctly charcoal-grey/black finish - mostly detectable on the webs, water pump/alternator pulley end and in the rolled fillet radii. The later being fairly ‘deep’ and very even. Compression ratio is hugely important too and engines performance, work out your compression ratio and the combustion chamber volume you need, make sure the head you are buying especially if its of the shelf - has the right volume. David Vizards book ‘Tuning the a series engine’ has invaluable information in it concerning this. Valve sizes are no guarantee of flow, just because it has big valves does not mean it flows big, take a valve out and look into the port, the guide should be bullet nosed, and is the seat unnecessarily wide, maybe a wide ‘pre cut’ to the seat? Are the seats cut accurately for height, run your fingers across inlet and exhaust differences - are they the same for all the chambers? Look down into the ports, is there a raised section around the guide (a boss), all our heads have these removed for full flow is the finish consistent across all the ports, and not highly polished - a polished finish can actually reduce power due to fuel being drawn out of the air, due to surface tension. Hold a suitable gasket up to the manifold and chamber faces, have the chambers and ports been accurately modified? Usually on cheaply modified heads the ports are flared out to meet the gasket giving the appearance but not performance. Cylinder Head Casting Numbers Number Inlet Dia. Exhaust Dia. Nom. cc Standard fitment 2A628 2A629 12A1456 12G202 CAM4180 12G206 12G295 12A185 AEG163 12G940* 1.0625”/26.99 1.0625”/26.99 1.0625”/26.99 1.156”/29.36 1.0625”/26.99 1.218”/30.93 1.218”/30.93 1.401”/35.6 1.401”/35.6 1.312”/33.33 1.00”/25.4 1.00”/25.4 1.00”/25.4 1.00”/25.4 1.00”/25.4 1.00”/25.4 1.00”/25.4 1.22”/31.0 1.22”/31.0 1.15”/29.2 24.5 24.5 24.5 26.1 25.5 28.3 28.3 21.4 21.4 21.4 12G940 1.401”/35.6 1.15”/29.2 21.4 12G940* 1.401”/35.6 1.15”/29.2 21.4 850, 998 Mini & 948 Sprite 948, A35 & Morris Minor 850, 998 Mini & 948 Sprite 997 Cooper, Austin 1100 Mk 998 Mini A+ (80 on) & lead free Early 998 Cooper, MG1100 998 Cooper, MG1100 First MkI Cooper S Later MkI & MkII Cooper S 1275GT, Austin 1300, late A+ model inc. Turbo not MG Metro 12G1805 Stamped on flat area by thermostat MG1300, 1300GT & MkIII Cooper S as above plus MG Metro *Note: A+ head castings - despite having the same 12G940 casting number - are considerably different in appearance, loosing the flat area behind the thermostat housing and around the rest of the rocker/head stud areas to a sculptured look - where these areas are replaced by a ‘sunken’ cast finish. The A+ castings were introduced with the appearance of the Metro in 1980, although some late 1275GTs (1979-on) had them fitted. Generally they are easily recognised by their colour - a putrid yellow on the small-bore castings and bright red on the large-bore ones, a paint finish that is VERY difficult to remove, even in a chemical tank. The MG Metro Turbo shares the same valve sizes with the other non-’big valve’ 12G940 variants but has 8mm valve stems, sodium-filled exhaust valves. A+ heads generally have three collet grooves in the valves, collets are 14-degree cone taper instead of the 10-degree on single groove collets (so parts are not interchangeable) and the topcaps have a raised ridge around the collet hole. IDENTIFICATION 11 12 London 020 8867 2020 Bradford 01274 539 999 ENGINE Car Identification Engine Numbers Cars Produced Up To 1979 Cars Produced Between 1980-84 Cars Produced After 1984 The engine number is located immediately above the alternator. The commission number can be found on a red plate fitted to the bonnet slam panel. In 1980 the use of the vehicle identification numbers was introduced. The V.I.N. plate is located on the left hand flitch, in front of the radiator. The V.I.N. plate can be found fitted to the right hand flitch, near the bonnet prop locating bracket. Replacement Engines ill Part Number Description 1 8G57E ENGINE, 998cc, rebuilt distributor and re-set the ignition timing. Req. Details Cylinder Block Components 1 pre A+ 3 4 CAM150 CAM151 TAM1617 TMG10864 MGS10864 AHT280 STUD, cylinder head, long STUD, cylinder head, short STUD, cylinder head STUD KIT, competition STUD KIT, competition STUD KIT, competition 5 2K8169 AEC876 AEH592 2K1345 TAM2009 CHS2613 LYG10008 BH605301 2A265 2A113* CHS2515 CORE PLUG, (1 5/8”) CORE PLUG, (1 5/16”) CORE PLUG, 1.647 PLUG, oil release PLUG, oil release STUD, filter head to block SCREW, filter head to block BOLT, filter head to block PLATE, fuel pump blanking GASKET, fuel pump/blanking plate STUD, fuel pump Engine Units (Lead Free) Abbreviations for replacement engines: HC = High Compression, LC = Low Compression 1 2 LBB10175N LBB10175E LBB10089N LBB10089E LBB10399E MT1101 MT1102 MT1103 MT1104 ENGINE, 998cc, new ENGINE, 998cc, exchange ENGINE, 998cc, new ENGINE, 998cc, exchange ENGINE, 1275cc, exchange ENGINE, 1293cc, exchange ENGINE, 1293cc, exchange ENGINE, 1380cc, exchange ENGINE, 1380cc, exchange 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LC A+ LC A+ HC A+ HC A+ Cooper 1.3 & SE A+ A series A+ A series Note: Old units must be clean and in rebuildable condition. Old units will be checked before refunding any surcharge. If you wish to convert to lead free fuel, you will need to replace the 6 7 8 9 10 4 5/4 1 1 1 1 4 5 4 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 qty. reduced with TAM1617 when coil bracket fitted 9 studs & nuts (Kent Cams) 11 studs & nuts (Kent Cams) { 11 studs and nuts EN24 } Nickel Chrome moly pre A+ models all A+ models Cooper S (To 1985) (1985-On) all 998cc models Cooper 1300 paper element when fitting electric pump Bristol 0117 923 2523 Manchester 0161 480 6402 SH505071 BOLT, fuel pump/blanking plate 2 Cooper 1097 (All models except vehicles prior to engine number 12a/15633. Also suitable for pre A+ engines if used with original type blanking plate). 11 GHF332 WASHER, locking 2 12 GHF201 NUT 2 14a 2A54 COLLAR, main cap location 6 all 998cc models 14b 12G1268 DOWEL, main cap 6 Cooper 1300 15 1A1964 RESTRICTOR, camshaft oil feed 1 16 12A1910 BOLT, main cap 6 all 998cc models 12G1398 BOLT, main cap 6 Cooper 1300 17 6K927 LOCKTAB, main bearing 6 pre A+ 998cc only CMS1000 MAIN STRAP, centre 1000 1 main cap to be machined (Comes with longer high tensile bolts). CMS1300 MAIN STRAP, centre 1300 1 main cap to be machined (Non S comes with longer high tensile bolts). 18 53K2853 PLUG, blanking 1 19 3H576 TAP block draining 1 alternative to 53K2853 20 6K638 WASHER 1 21 12G619* GASKET, front plate 1 without tensioner GUG705554GM GASKET, front plate 1 with tensioner 22 GHF120 SCREW, front plate to main cap 2 998cc 53K2016 SCREW, front plate to main cap 2 Cooper 1300 AEA687 SCREW SET, front plate to main cap 2 when duplex fitted 23 GHF332 WASHER, locking 2 998cc WE600041 WASHER, locking 2 Cooper 1300 24 12G2506 TIMING COVER, pre tensioner 1 998cc pre A+ CAM4904 TIMING COVER 1 998cc A+ 25 CAM4640 TIMING COVER, pad type tensioner 1 998cc CAM4868 TIMING COVER, with breather 1 Cooper 1300 LJR10168 TIMING COVER, with breather 1 (1991-On) 26 12A956* GASKET, timing cover 1 without tensioner 27 GUG705554GM GASKET, timing cover 1 with tensioner 28 12A1148 OIL THROWER 1 29 SH604031 SCREW, cover to front plate 6 30 GHF300 WASHER 6 31 GHF331 WASHER, locking 6 32 GHF120 SCREW, cover to block 5 33 GHF301 WASHER 5 34 GHF332 WASHER, locking 5 { (1991-On) 35 88G561* OIL SEAL, timing cover 1 } 998cc model LUF10006 OIL SEAL, timing cover 1 1300cc (1991-On) 36 12A1212 TAPPET COVER, with breather 1 { 37 12A1386 TAPPET COVER, no breather 1 | (1991-On) 38 12A1175* GASKET, tappet cover 2 | 998cc models 39 BH605101 BOLT, tappets cover 2 | 40 12A1177 CUP WASHER 2 } 41 12A1176* SEAL 2 MRC1980A* SEAL 2 { alternative to 12A1177 & } 12A1176 *Note: Gaskets and seals marked are included in the gasket sets shown below. GUG1543CS GUG1543CSZ GUG1509CS GUG701615CS AJM206Z GUG701619CS CCEP3A GASKET SET, conversion GASKET SET, conversion GASKET SET, conversion GASKET SET, conversion GASKET SET, conversion GASKET SET, conversion ENGINE PAINT, BMC green 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 998cc pre A+ 998cc pre A+ 998cc A+ 1275 1275 Cooper 1300 spray can ENGINE 13 Engine Mountings ill Part Number Description 1 21A1902 21A1902X 21A1902P 22A21018 22A917 SH605051 SH505061 GHF332 GHF120 GHF332 GHF201 ENGINE MOUNT, manual only ENGINE MOUNT, easy fit ENGINE MOUNT, poly ENGINE MOUNT, auto ENGINE MOUNT, auto SCREW, fine, SCREW, coarse WASHER, locking SCREW, mounting to subframe WASHER, locking NUT 2 3 4 5 6 Req. 2 2 2 2 1 3 3 3 4 4 4 Details captive nuts left hand side right hand side mount to radiator bracket engine mount to fly wheel { not required when using } 21A1902X Auxiliary Engine Stabilisers A range of auxiliary engine stabilisers and uprated steady bar bushes are available, please see accessories for details. GAC8414X GAC8414SX EL59 EL60 GAC8415X GAC8415SX GAC8444X GAC8445X STABILISER, thermostat, bulkhead 1 1275 rhd to 90 (Only fits thermostat housing not thermostat housing & sandwich plate, gives ultimate engine stabilisation). STABILISER, thermostat, bulkhead 1 1275 rhd S/S to 90 (Only fits thermostat housing not thermostat housing & sandwich plate, gives ultimate engine stabilisation). STABILISER, thermostat, bulkhead 1 1275 inj. rhd spi (Gives ultimate engine stabilisation (not mpi). STABILISER, thermostat, bulkhead 1 1275 inj. rhd S/S spi (Gives ultimate engine stabilisation (not mpi). STABILISER, thermostat, bulkhead 1 850 - 1098 rhd (Gives ultimate engine stabilisation). STABILISER, thermostat, bulkhead 1 850 - 1098 rhd S/S (Gives ultimate engine stabilisation). STABILISER, thermostat, bulkhead 1 1275 lhd (Gives ultimate engine stabilisation). STABILISER, thermostat, bulkhead 1 850 - 1098 lhd (Gives ultimate engine stabilisation). Top Steady Bar 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 CRC5329 CRC5329SP C-STR630 C-STR630P 21A1108 31G1085 21A1109 KAD3283 21A2387 BH505181 SH505051 GHF332 BH606181 GHF302 GHF333 GHF202 BUSH, steady bar POLY BUSH, steady bar BUSH SET, steady bar H/D BUSH SET, steady bar, poly SLEEVE, spacer in bush SLEEVE, spacer in bush STEADY BAR STEADY BAR BRACKET, steady bar to block BOLT, long, bracket to block SCREW, short, bracket to block WASHER, locking BOLT, steady bar to bulkhead WASHER, plain WASHER, locking NUT 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 steady bar to block steady bar to bulkhead alloy adjustable 14 London 020 8867 2020 Bradford 01274 539 999 ENGINE Lower Near Side Rear Bar ill Part Number Description Req. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 21A2569 21A2763 CRC5329* 31G1085* PWZ306* GHF302* GHF333* BH606181* STEADY BAR BRACKET, gearbox BUSH, steady bar SLEEVE, spacer in bush WASHER, large plain WASHER, plain WASHER, locking BOLT 1 1 4 2 3 2 2 2 33 GHF202* NUT 2 Details 2 3 4 5 6 { steady bar to bracket and } sub-frame 7 8 9 Lower Off Side Rear 10 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 21A2785 21A2787 21A2787K CRC5329* 31G1085* PWZ306* GHF302* GHF333* BH606181* BRACKET, on clutch housing STEADY BAR STEADY BAR KIT BUSH, steady bar SLEEVE, spacer in bush WASHER, large, plain WASHER, plain WASHER, locking BOLT 1 1 1 4 2 3 2 2 2 48 GHF202* NUT, Nyloc 2 { steady bar to bracket and } sub-frame 11 12 Lower Off Side Front 50 52 53 54 NAM3760 KKU10080 FAM2758 KKH10013 CRC5329* 31G1085* BH606181* BRACKET, on clutch housing BRACKET, on clutch housing STEADY BAR STEADY BAR BUSH, steady bar SLEEVE, spacer in bush BOLT 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 55 56 57 58 GHF333* PWZ306 GHF302 GHF202* WASHER, locking WASHER, large WASHER, plain NUT 2 1 1 2 51 998 models 1300 models 998 models 1300 models 13 14 15 16 17 18 { steady bar to bracket and } sub-frame 19 20 21 22 *Note: These items are the same for both ends of the steady bar. Oil Control 1 GLP142 GLP142Z GLP139 OIL PUMP, pin drive OIL PUMP, pin drive OIL PUMP, slot drive 1 1 1 998cc pre A+ 998cc pre A+ 998cc A+ 23 24 25 26 27 GLP138 GLP110X GUG705560GM BH604141 TAM1174 12G926 12H865 12H865X 6K853 6K853C 6K431 12A1851 12A116 LQM100380 GAC8457X GAC8458X TAM2106 MT1501 MT9101 MT9101 OCHK100 OCHK102 OCHK103 OCHK104 OCHK105 OCHK106 OCHK101 2A715 AED172 LZB10017 OIL PUMP, slot drive 1 1300 A+ OIL PUMP, slot drive 1 turbo GASKET, oil pump 1 BOLT, oil pump 3 998cc BOLT, oil pump 4 998cc LOCK WASHER, pin drive pumps 1 VALVE, oil release 1 VALVE BALL, oil release 1 no more sticking valves SPRING, oil valve 1 SPRING, oil valve 1 use with 12H865X WASHER, copper 1 CAP, oil pressure release valve 1 DIPSTICK 1 pre A+ DIPSTICK 1 A+ without tube DIPSTICK, blue 1 A+ DIPSTICK, red 1 A+ OIL PIPE, block to filter 1 Cooper, no oil cooler OIL PIPE, block to filter, braided 1 12a (1990-On) OIL PIPE, block to turbo 1 braided oil feed pipe OIL PIPE, block to oil gauge 1 braided oil feed pipe OIL PIPE KIT, rubber 1 oil cooler pipe kit (To 1979) OIL PIPE KIT, stainless steel 1 oil cooler pipe kit (To 1979) OIL PIPE KIT, rubber 1 oil cooler pipe kit (1979-84) OIL PIPE KIT, stainless steel 1 oil cooler pipe kit (1979-84) OIL PIPE KIT, rubber 1 oil cooler pipe kit (1985-On) OIL PIPE KIT, stainless steel 1 oil cooler pipe kit (1985-On) OIL PIPE KIT 1 oil cooler pipe kit clubman BANJO BOLT, oil pipe to block 1 WASHER, sealing 2 OLIVE SEAL 2 collapsible olive seal (For standard metal injection oil feed pipe). TAM2119 ADAPTOR, oil pipe to housing 1 TAM2097 HOUSING, filter head 1 GUG705553GM GASKET, filter housing to block 1 GHF333 WASHER, locking 2 GHF202 NUT 2 GFE103 OIL FILTER, element 1 early GFE166 OIL FILTER, canister 1 all models GFE280 OIL FILTER, canister 1 mpi (1996-On) GFE104 OIL FILTER, element 1 auto GHF101 SCREW, bracket to g/box case 2 22A1365 LOCK TAB 1 22A343 BRACKET, oil pipe support 1 22G1150 PIPE, oil suction 1 GAC8448X PIPE, oil suction 1 (Central pick up required too ensure constant oil delivery under cornering). 22A542 GASKET, pipe to gearbox case 1 SH604031 SCREW, strainer to bracket 2 22A388 LOCK TAB 1 22A341 O RING 1 22A335 STRAINER, oil suction 1 Bristol 0117 923 2523 Manchester 0161 480 6402 Breather Hose & Fittings 40 41 998cc Models ill Part Number Description 28 29 12A1735 GHC507 GHC406 HOSE, breather, tappet CLIP, large, hose CLIP, small, hose Req. Details 1 1 1 chest to carburettor to tappet chest to carb 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 t/cover to ‘Y’ piece Cooper 1300 & SE Models 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 12A1735 12G2134 GHC406 LLH10056 LLH10057 GHC507 LLC10047 GUG705551GM SH505061 GHF332 GHF201 TE505091 HOSE, breather ‘Y’ PIECE CLIP, hose HOSE, breather, HOSE, breather, HOSE CLIP OIL SEPARATOR GASKET, oil separator SCREW, oil separator WASHER, locking NUT STUD, separator on housing ENGINE WTB100760 MAQ10008 CANISTER CHARCOAL, with bracket assy. 1 SWITCH, carburettor vacuum 1 15 for carburettor Minis thermostatic controlled Note: There are three types of oil separator fitted to the Mini, if you require one of the types not shown, please contact your local branch. Injection Models 42 43 44 45 46 LLC10051 LLH10082 LLH10132 LLH10135 LLH102240 OIL SEPARATOR HOSE, breather HOSE, breather HOSE, breather HOSE, breather 1 1 1 1 1 1 { } { } auto and mpi metal rail to throttle body metal rail to timing cover metal rail to clutch cover metal rail to throttle body top inlet mpi metal rail to throttle body top inlet spi 47 LLH101830 HOSE, breather ‘Y’ piece to carb ‘Y’ piece to oil separator 48 LLP10026 flywheel housing 49 LLP100300 to flywheel housing 50 51 52 53 MAH10035 AUU1503 JZV1223 JZV1224 PIPE, metal 1 (Metal supply pipe to hoses runs behind rocker cover box spi). PIPE, metal 1 (Metal supply pipe to hoses runs behind rocker cover box mpi). HOSE 1 hose to purge valve PURGE VALVE 1 TUBE PLASTIC, purge valve 1 CLIP, purge valve tube 1 16 London 020 8867 2020 Bradford 01274 539 999 ENGINE Internal Engine Components ill Part Number Description 1 8G2733 8G2733R BHM1436 12A1451 CAM6232 BBB5554 CRANKSHAFT CRANKSHAFT CRANKSHAFT CRANKSHAFT CRANKSHAFT CRANK, balanced Req. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Details 998cc (To 1984) 998cc to 1984 inc. bearings 998cc (1985-On) 998cc Cooper 1300 { Cooper 1300, Tuftrided and } supplied with shells 4 Note: These crankshafts are also available on an exchange basis, they are supplied with bearings and thrust washers to the appropriate size. Please refer to the Moss price guide. 2 3 8G2198 8G2198/10 8G2198/20 8G2198/30 8G2198/40 8G2553 8G2553/10 8G2553/20 8G2553/30 8G2553/40 8G2332 8G2332/10 8G2332/20 8G2332/30 8G2332/40 BHM1573 BHM1573/10 BHM1573/20 BHM1573/30 BHM1573/40 LEB10001CN LEB10002CN LEB10001HE LEB10002HE BEARING SET con rod, std BEARING SET con rod, 0.010” BEARING SET con rod, 0.020” BEARING SET con rod, 0.030” BEARING SET con rod, 0.040” BEARING SET con rod, std BEARING SET con rod, 0.010” BEARING SET con rod, 0.020” BEARING SET con rod, 0.030” BEARING SET con rod, 0.040” BEARING SET, main, std BEARING SET, main, 0.010” BEARING SET, main, 0.020” BEARING SET, main, 0.030” BEARING SET, main, 0.040” BEARING SET, main, (std) BEARING SET, main (0.010”) BEARING SET, main (0.020”) BEARING SET, main (0.030”) BEARING SET, main (0.040”) BEARING, upper/red BEARING, lower/red BEARING, upper/green BEARING, lower/green 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 { | | | } { | | | } { | | | } { | | | } { | | | 998cc 5 Cooper 1300 LEB10001FM LEB10002FM BEARING, upper/yellow BEARING, lower/yellow CDU4062 CDU4065 CDU4063 CDU4063/10 CDU4066 CDU4066/10 CDU4064 CDU4067 BHM1292 BHM1292/3 BHM1292/10 BHM1292/30 BHM1293 BHM1293/03 BHM1293/30 22A1493 DAM8888 22G1053 DAM8890 CSTR122 BEARING, upper/red 3 BEARING, lower/red 3 BEARING, upper/green 3 BEARING, upper/green+0.010” 3 Cooper 1300 (Not Sets) BEARING, lower/green 3 BEARING, lower/green+0.010” 3 BEARING, upper/yellow 3 BEARING, lower/yellow 3 THRUST WASHER SET (4) std) 1 THRUST WASHER SET (4) 0.003”) 1 all 998cc models THRUST WASHER SET (4) 0.010”) 1 THRUST WASHER SET (4) 0.030”) 1 THRUST WASHER SET (4) std) 1 THRUST WASHER SET (4) 0.003”) 1 Cooper 1300 THRUST WASHER SET (4) 0.030”) 1 PRIMARY GEAR, 24 teeth 1 998cc pre A+ PRIMARY GEAR, 29 teeth 1 998cc A+ PRIMARY GEAR, 24 teeth 1 1275 pre A+ PRIMARY GEAR, 29 teeth 1 Cooper 1300 PRIMARY GEAR, 22 teeth 1 1275 straight cut EVO (Use with EVO idler CSTR30/A/T/TA and input CSTR230/240/250). PRIMARY GEAR, 23 teeth 1 1275 straight cut EVO (Use with EVO idler CSTR30/A/T/TA and input CSTR230/240/250). PRIMARY GEAR, 24 teeth 1 1275 straight cut EVO (Use with EVO idler CSTR30/A/T/TA and input CSTR230/240/250). CSTR123 998cc A & A + (To 1984) locating lip on both halves 998cc A + (1984-On) these bearings were used until the introduction of colour coding 998cc (Not Sets) engine No: 99HD81/105361 On 99HE20/111592 On 99HE21/102215 On CSTR124 3 3 | | } { | | | | | | } { | | } { | } 99HE22/104631 On 99H F15-F16-F32-G30 G31-G32-G33-G34-G39 Note: EVO drop gears are interchangeable to give different ratios. Easier than changing differential ratios. 5A 6 22G109 DAM8887 DAM8889 DAM8889X MRAC104 MRAC105 22A321 22A322 BUSH REAR, primary gear BUSH FRONT, primary gear BUSH FRONT, primary gear BUSH FRONT, primary gear DROP GEARS S/C, straight cut set DROP GEARS S/C, straight cut set THRUST WASHER (0.110/0.112”) THRUST WASHER (0.112/0.114”) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 small bore large bore large bore floating 1-1 ratio 1275 A+ 1-1 ratio 1275 A { | Bristol 0117 923 2523 Manchester 0161 480 6402 7 8 9 22A323 22A324 22A450 DAM6490 DAM6486 DAM6487 DAM6488 DAM6489 22A319 88G549 BHM1211 BHM1210 10 12G123 12G126 12A1997 12A1999 11 BHM1137 AEG624 12 2A660 13 12G2217 CAM6126 13a LFH10006 MGS10880 TMG10781 14 CAM6263 15 CPS1009 CPS1008 CPS1011 CPS1010 CPS1012 CPS1012/20 CPS1013 CPS1314 CAJJ3382/20 CAJJ3382/40 CAJJ3382/60 CAJJ3378/20 CAJJ3378/40 CAJJ3378/60 CAJJ3379/20 CAJJ3379/40 CAJJ3379/60 THRUST WASHER (0.114/0.116”) 1 | all 998cc models THRUST WASHER (0.116/0.118”) 1 | THRUST WASHER (0.118/0.120”) 1 } THRUST WASHER (0112/0.114”) 1 { THRUST WASHER (0.114/0.116”) 1 | THRUST WASHER (0.116/0.118”) 1 | Cooper 1300 THRUST WASHER (0.118/0.120”) 1 | THRUST WASHER (0.120/0.122”) 1 } ‘C’ CLIP, primary gear retainer 1 THRUST WASHER, rear 1 BEARING SET, camshaft* 1 all 998cc models BEARING SET, camshaft* 1 Cooper 1300 (*998cc engines use 1 bearing, 1300cc engines use 3 bearings). CON ROD, numbers 2 & 4 2 { 998cc with CON ROD, numbers 1 & 3 2 } ‘floating’ gudgeon pin CON ROD, numbers 2 & 4 2 { 998cc A+ with CON ROD, numbers 1 & 3 2 } ‘press fit’ gudgeon pin CON ROD, (set of 4) 1 Cooper 1300 CON ROD, single 4 Cooper S 1.625 big ends LOCK TAB 4 { pre 998cc + BOLT, big end 8 } BOLT, big end 8 998cc A+ BOLT, big end 8 Cooper 1300 BOLT, big end uprated (car set inc. nuts) 1 Cooper S 1275cc 12G eng BOLT, big end uprated (car set inc. nuts) 1 Pre A+ 1275cc 12H eng NUT, big end bolt 8 Cooper 1300 PISTON SET, (8.3;1 CR) 1 { 998cc, 4 ring, PISTON SET, (10.3;1 CR) 1 } circlip pin PISTON SET, (8.3;1 CR), dished 1 { 998cc, 3 ring PISTON SET, (10.3;1 CR), flat 1 } circlip pin PISTON SET, (10.3;1 CR), flat 1 { 998cc, 3 ring PISTON SET, + 20 (10.3;1 CR), flat 1 { 998cc, 3 ring +20 PISTON SET, (8.3;1 CR), dished 1 } press fit pin PISTON SET, (10.1;1 CR) 1 Cooper 1300 PISTON, flat top +20 PISTON, flat top +40 PISTON, flat top +60 PISTON, 6.5 dish +20 PISTON, 6.5 dish +40 PISTON, 6.5 dish +60 RING SET, +20 RING SET, +40 RING SET +60 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1275 sold singular 1275 sold singular 1275 sold singular 1275 sold singular 1275 sold singular 1275 sold singular for 3382/3378 +20 pistons for 3382/3378 +40 pistons for 3382/3378 +60 pistons ENGINE 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 16 35 CAM4717 CAM6648 KMD266S KMD276S KMD286S KMD296S KMD310S KMD266KS KMD266M KMD276M KMD286M KMD296M CAMSHAFT, pin drive 1 CAMSHAFT, slot drive 1 (Engine codes: 99H/B83P/B85P/D83P/E22). CAMSHAFT, slot drive 1 (Engine codes:99H/B81P/B82P/D80P/D81P). CAMSHAFT, slot drive 1 CAMSHAFT, fast road, star drive 1 CAMSHAFT, road/rally, star drive 1 (Very good street cam). CAMSHAFT, rally, star drive 1 (Max street cam). CAMSHAFT, race, star drive 1 CAMSHAFT, full race, star drive 1 CAMSHAFT KIT, fast road, star drive 1 CAMSHAFT, fast road, slot* drive 1 CAMSHAFT, road/rally, slot* drive 1 (Very good street cam). CAMSHAFT, rally, slot* drive 1 (max street cam). CAMSHAFT, race, slot* drive 1 998cc pre A+ 998cc A+ Cooper 1300 smooth idle in 1275+ slightly lumpy idle in 1275 slightly lumpy idle in 1275 1380+ lumpy idle in 1380 smooth idle in 1275+ smooth idle in 1275+ slightly lumpy idle in 1275 slightly lumpy idle in 1275 1380+ *Note: Slot Metro drive. KMD266P KMD276P KMD286P KMD296P KMD286SPS KMD296SPS KMD310SPS KMD286SPM KMD296SPM CAMSHAFT, fast road, pin drive CAMSHAFT, road/rally, pin drive (Very good street cam). CAMSHAFT, rally, pin drive (Max street cam). CAMSHAFT, race, pin drive CAMSHAFT, scatter, star drive (Max street cam). CAMSHAFT, scatter, star drive CAMSHAFT, scatter, star drive CAMSHAFT, scatter, metro drive (Max street cam). CAMSHAFT, scatter, metro drive 34 36 998cc A+ 1 1 smooth idle in 1275+ slightly lumpy idle in 1275 1 slightly lumpy idle in 1275 1 1 1380+ slightly lumpy idle in 1275 1 1 1 1380+ lumpy idle in 1380 slightly lumpy idle in 1275 1 1380+ AHU2379 GHF117 GHF321 2A85 12G4337 CAJJ3323 CAJJ3324 CAJJ3325 CAJJ3327 TMG10828 CAJJ3328 BELTBELT BEATSEAL1 BEATSEAL2 8G549 CAMSHAFT, scatter, metro drive 1 lumpy idle in 1380 KEY, cam gear locating 1 KEY, cam gear locating 1 1° offset KEY, cam gear locating 1 2° offset KEY, cam gear locating 1 3° offset KEY, cam gear locating 1 4° offset KEY, cam gear locating 1 5° offset KEY, cam gear locating 1 6° offset KEY, cam gear locating 1 7° offset KEY, cam gear locating 1 8° offset KEY, cam gear locating 1 9° offset (These offset keys make getting the best out of your camshaft easier. Please see manufacturers data for correct timing figures). PLATE, camshaft locating 1 SCREW, plate retaining 3 all 998cc models WASHER, locking 3 GEAR, camshaft 1 GEAR, camshaft 1 998cc A+ & Cooper 1300 DUPLEX KIT, cast 1 quieter than simplex gears DUPLEX KIT, cast lightened 1 fast road DUPLEX KIT, steel lightened 1 road/race DUPLEX KIT, adjustable steel 1 race DUPLEX KIT, vernier adjustable 1 Kent Cams kit DUPLEX KIT, adjustable belt 1 race BELT, replacement timing belt 1 SEAL, small seal 1 crank to timing housing SEAL, large seal 1 camshaft to timing housing RING, tensioner rubber 1 use with 2A85 Note: Camshaft gear 2A85 is no longer available. If you require a new gear you must purchase the later type 12G4337, although it is possible to replace the rubber damper rings 8G549. Note: Pistons are only available in sets of 4. Oversize pistons are also available. Find the standard size part number listed above in the price guide and you will find all sizes & prices. Due to the variance in piston manufacturers we do not supply piston rings. 8G712 CAM6267 KMD310SPM WKN505 MSG108251 MSG108252 MSG108253 MSG108254 MSG108255 MSG108256 MSG108257 MSG108258 MSG108259 17 6K629 2A759 3H2127 2H4905 6K836 6K628 8G725 12G2621 12G2629 12G4499 12G3560 2A13 TMG10709 2A14 AEG314 CAM6323 AHU1878 AEA312 TAM2019 12A398 TAM2020 NUT, camshaft LOCK TAB, camshaft TIMING CHAIN, simplex TIMING CHAIN, duplex KEY, crank gear SHIM, crank gear SPROCKET, crankshaft TENSIONER, timing chain PIN, tensioner pivot SPINDLE, distributor drive SPINDLE, distributor drive CAM FOLLOWER CAM FOLLOWER, lightened PUSH ROD PUSH ROD PULLEY, crank, no damper PULLEY, crank, with damper BOLT, crankshaft pulley BOLT, crankshaft pulley LOCK TAB, crankshaft pulley LOCK TAB, crankshaft pulley 1 1 1 1 1 a/r 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 A+ A+ 998cc pre A+ 998cc A+ & Cooper 1300 40 gram with oil drain hole all 998cc Cooper 1300 998cc pre A+ 998cc A+ & Cooper 1300 998cc pre A+ 998cc A+ & Cooper 1300 998cc pre A+ 998cc A+ & Cooper 1300 18 London 020 8867 2020 Bradford 01274 539 999 ENGINE Valve Gear Cylinder Head Components ill Part Number 1 12A1455 CAM6812 TAM2168 LDF10213 MT1110 MT1109 MT1108 MT1107 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 Description Req. Details CYLINDER HEAD, new, bare 1 998cc pre A+ CYLINDER HEAD, new, bare 1 998cc HC A+ CYLINDER HEAD, new, bare 1 998cc HC lead free A+ CYLINDER HEAD, new bare 1 Cooper 1300 lead free A+ CYLINDER HEAD, 16v twin cam 1 road. 1275cc CYLINDER HEAD, 16v twin cam 1 race. 1275cc Cooper S & A+ ENGINE MANAGEMENT KIT 1 race spec. INSTALLATION KIT 1 (Contains radiator hoses, top radiator bracket, exhaust manifold and system, clutch breather pipe, alternator pulley and modified fibreglass bonnet for cam pulley and inlet system clearance). MT3108 WEBER DCOE KIT 1 AHT347 CYLINDER HEAD, new bare 1 { alloy head casting with } improved water jackets CAHT347LOAD CYLINDER HEAD, new 1 alloy head (As cylinder head above but supplied with 33mm and 29mm valves and springs installed). GCG1001A CYLINDER HEAD ASSEMBLY, recon 1 all 998cc GCG1007 CYLINDER HEAD ASSEMBLY, recon 1 all 998cc unleaded GCG1009 CYLINDER HEAD ASSEMBLY, recon 1 all 1275cc unleaded TMG10802 CYLINDER HEAD ASSEMBLY, Stage 2 1 1275 unleaded TMG10803B CYLINDER HEAD ASSEMBLY, Stage 3 1 1275 unleaded TMG10824B CYLINDER HEAD ASSEMBLY, Stage 4 1 1275 CHS2515 STUD, thermostat housing 3 998cc models CHS2524 STUD, thermostat housing 3 Cooper 1300 51K885 STUD, rocker cover (long) 2 CHS522 STUD, rocker post (short) 2 53K402 STUD, heater valve 2 { GHF331 WASHER, locking 2 | 998cc models GHF200 NUT 2 } TAM1368 SCREW, heater outlet 2 all models (1989-On) 12G1111 VALVE GUIDE 8 all models 12G1963 VALVE GUIDE, tapered nose 8 all models TMG10819 VALVE GUIDE, bronze 1 set for use with S/S valves 6K808 PLUG, brass, oil hole 1 998cc pre A+ RU612123 RIVET, oil hole 1 998cc A+ CDU2601 RIVET, oil hole 1 12G2092 PLUG, water hole 3 AEA771 PLUG, water hole 2 12G3503 PLUG, head cleaning 2 53K487 STUD, manifold 6 all models AMS1 STUDS SET, manifold 1 stainless steel 998cc Models 17 18 20 21 22 CAM6391 CAM6391Z 12G3034 12A1987 88G459 88G616 AEA311 CAM6520 VALVE, inlet VALVE, inlet VALVE, inlet VALVE, exhaust COTTER, valve cap retainer CAP, valve VALVE SPRING SHIM, valve spring 4 4 4 4 16 8 8 8 { } { | | | } 99H353EH302624 31mm 998 Cooper & 1098 99H353EL291101 99H353PH824 99H503RH19766 99H791P?* To 538152 *Note: Question mark indicates an unknown introduction point. NLA. 17 19 18 20 21 CAM6502 CAM6505 CAM6503 ADU4905 88G459 88G617 12G1015 VALVE, inlet VALVE**, exhaust, lead free VALVE, exhaust SEAL, valve guide COTTER CAP, valve VALVE SPRING 4 4 4 8 16 8 8 { | | | | | } 99H791P538153 On 99H997P/100/101 99H998P/100101 99HA53P100101 - 110783 99HA941100101 - 100997 99HA97100101 - 100427 **Note: Exhaust valve CAM6503 was only fitted on these engines: 99H791P 538153 on, and 99HA97P100101 to 100427. 17 19 18 20 21 21 TAM1062 CAEG588 TAM1770 CAEG587 ADU4905 CAM6975 AHU1897 12G1015 AEA311 VALVE, inlet VALVE, inlet 31.7 mm VALVE, exhaust VALVE, exhaust 26.5 mm SEAL, valve guide COTTER, valve cap retainer CAP, valve VALVE SPRING VALVE SPRING 4 4 4 4 8 16 8 8 8 { | | | | | | | } high flow 850 - 1098 99HA539P 110784 On high flow 850 - 1098 high flow 850 - 1098 99HA94P 100998 On 99HA97P 100428 On + for engine no codes; B83, B84, B85, D83, E22, G31 Valve Gear Cooper 1300 Models 17 TAM1058 AEG592 TAM1061 TAM1061Z CAEG569 CAEG544 VALVE, inlet VALVE, inlet VALVE, exhaust VALVE, exhaust VALVE, inlet 33.3 mm VALVE, inlet 35.6 mm 4 4 4 4 4 4 33mm lead free 35mm high flow 1275 high flow 1275 Bristol 0117 923 2523 Manchester 0161 480 6402 19 18 20 21 CAHT55 CAHT110 MST2021 MST2022 CAEG106 CAEG107 MST2011 MST2012 ADU4905 CAM6975 88G459 AHU1897 TMG10816 12G1015 TMG10807 TMG10808 VALVE, inlet 37.2 mm VALVE, inlet 37.7 mm VALVE, inlet 35.6 mm VALVE, inlet 36.57 mm VALVE, exhaust 29.4mm VALVE, exhaust 31.0 mm VALVE, exhaust 29 mm VALVE, exhaust 31 mm SEAL, valve stem COTTER COTTER CAP, valve TOP CAPS SET, alloy SPRING VALVE SPRING SET, dual spring set SPRING SET, dual spring set 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 16 16 8 8 8 1 1 high flow 1275 high flow 1275 rimflo comp 1275 rimflo comp 1275 high flow 1275 high flow 1275 rimflo comp 1275 rimflo comp 1275 high flow valves half the weight of steel road use race use Note: Original rockers are now no longer available, they were either cast (2A533) or pressed steel (2A964). They can be replaced by either a sintered steel rocker (CAM289) or forged rocker (12G1221). It is advisable to replace in sets due to the difference in weight when compared with the original rocker. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 12A1950K CAHT436 AHT437 AHT438 TMG10848 AHT439 AHT440 12A1950 TMG10817 12G1926 12G1927 CAM289 12G1221 2A21 12A1215 AEG167 12H3376 6K654 51K1178 6K555 6K556 CAEG392 2A258 2A515 51K1193 GHF302 CAM4545 GUG197HG GUG702560HG AHT188 GUG702560HG CSTR1057* ROCKER ASSEMBLY, rebuilt ROCKER ASSEMBLY, high lift 1.5 ROCKER ASSEMBLY, roller rockers ROCKER ASSEMBLY, roller rockers ROCKER ASSEMBLY, roller rockers ROCKER ASSEMBLY, roller rockers ROCKER ASSEMBLY, roller rockers SHAFT, rocker SHAFT, rocker POST, rocker, (with oil feed) POST, rocker (tapped) ARM, rocker, sintered ARM, rocker, forged BUSH, rocker arm SCREW, adjusting SCREW, adjusting SCREW, adjusting NUT, adjuster locking NUT, adjuster locking SPACER WASHER SPRING, rocker spacing SPACER SET ROCKER, solid PEG, rocker shaft locating PLATE, rocker shaft peg locating NUT, cylinder head WASHER NUT, cylinder head GASKET, cylinder head GASKET, cylinder head GASKET, cylinder head GASKET, cylinder head GASKET, cylinder head 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 A/R 3 1 1 1 9 9 9 1 1 1 1 1 1275 EN16 drop forged1.5 ratio 1275 1.3 ratio 1275 1.5 ratio 1275 1.5 ratio 850-1098 1.3 ratio 850-1098 1.5 ratio tuftride shaft post nos. 1, 3 & 4 post no 2 998cc A+ & Cooper 1300 not illustrated use with 2A964/2A533 use with 12G1221 use with CAM289 use with 2A964/2A533 use with 12G1221 & CAM289 { pre A+ engines } A+ engines all 998cc Cooper 1300 Copper composite comp. metro turbo group A turbo. *Note this gasket is only for a bore of 1275cc (2.780) +.040 (2.82). This gasket has an extra reinforced fire ring that requires machining the block to the following DATA: Fire ring recess OD in block top Fire ring recess depth in block top = = 39 40 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 AJM601 12A1530 LDR10074 WPA9007X WPA9008X GAC4068P GFE6003 8G612CP 8G612 2A150 12H2557 WPA9029X 1B2925 1A2156 12A1358 GUG705009VC GHF201 GHF222 GHF301 GUG701149HS GUG701152HS GUG1089HS AJM1141X AJM1140 GUG701113HS GASKET, manifold to cylinder head ROCKER COVER ROCKER COVER ROCKER COVER, alloy ROCKER COVER, alloy ROCKER COVER, alloy FILLER CAP FILLER CAP, chrome FILLER CAP, matt steel NUT, rocker cover NUT rocker cover (with stud) NUT, knurled rocker nuts (pair) SPACER CUP WASHER GROMMET, rocker cover GASKET, rocker cover NUT, rocker pedestal NUT, nyloc, rocker pedestal WASHER, rocker pedestal GASKET SET, top end GASKET SET, top end GASKET SET, top end GASKET SET, top end GASKET SET, top end GASKET SET, top end 3.060 0.027/0.029 To VIN290002 From VIN290003 ribbed ribbed, slanted plain for alloy rocker covers for alloy rocker covers all 998cc models Cooper 1300 { alternatives } 998cc pre A+ 998cc A+ Cooper 1300 1300 with AF460 gasket 1300 injection head set ENGINE 19 20 COOLING London 020 8867 2020 Bradford 01274 539 999 Bristol 0117 923 2523 Manchester 0161 480 6402 Radiator & Hoses ill Part Number Description 1a 1c 12G103 12G103Z PEQ10010 PEQ10019 PEQ100650 2 2b PEQ100690 PEM10036 PEG100030 HOUSING, thermostat 1 HOUSING, thermostat 1 HOUSING, thermostat 1 HOUSING, thermostat 1 HOUSING, thermostat 1 (Front mounted radiator). HOUSING, thermostat 1 PLATE, thermostat housing 1 PLATE, thermostat housing 1 (12mm drilling for GTR206 temp sensor). PLATE, thermostat housing (10mm outlet) 1 WASHER, 3 WASHER, locking 3 NUT 3 BOLT, thermostat housing 3 GASKET, thermostat a/r THERMOSTAT, 74*c (165f) 1 THERMOSTAT, 82*c (180f) 1 THERMOSTAT, 88*c (190f) 1 RADIATOR 1 RADIATOR 1 RADIATOR, front mounted 1 RADIATOR, 2 core, road & race 1 RADIATOR, 2 core, road & race 1 (With fan switch). RADIATOR, 4 core, grass track 1 RADIATOR, alloy 1 1b 2c 3 4 6 7 8 9 9a PEG10002 GHF301 GHF332 GHF201 DAM7760 GTG101 GTS102 GTS104 GTS106 GRD210 GRD172 GRD974 GRD4442 GRD4443 GRD4444 MT3104 Req. Details all 998cc models all 998cc models std 1300 (1990-On) Cooper 1300 mpi (1996-On) 10 ARP1174 PGK10034 11 SH604031 12 GRC111 GRC110 GRC207 13 CAM4619 12G617 12G617S PCU10135 14 12A361 15 HBZ534 16 12A2153 17 ARP1073 18 BH605261 19 SH605051 20 CAM4414 11G227 21 CAM4415 11G228 12A1985 22 GHF117 CAM4618 24 GRH244 GRH245 GRH247 GRH469 GRH1140 GRH1212 24a GRH1465 GRH1216 25 GRH240 GRH468 26 GRH1139 27 GRH1159 GRH1242 27b GRH1466 28 29 30 31 31a GHC507 GHC608 GHC913 PCF10060 PCF101240 32 33 34 35 36 37 41 sandwich plate mpi (1996-On) sandwich plate housing & sandwich plate summer standard (To 1985) standard (1985-On) all 998cc models Cooper 1300 mpi (1996-On) high performance radiator high performance radiator high performance radiator RADIATOR, alloy, race 1 Mini miglia race radiator (Front mounted (L. 600mm H. 260mm Core 32mm inlet/outlet LH side). COWLING, radiator 1 COWLING, radiator 1 SCREW, radiator to cowl 4 RADIATOR CAP, 13lb 1 998cc (To 1976) RADIATOR CAP, 15lb 1 998cc (1976-On) EXPANSION CAP 1 Cooper 1300 BRACKET, radiator top mount 1 All 998cc BRACKET, radiator top mount 1 1275 & S BRACKET, radiator top mount 1 1275 & S, stainless steel BRACKET, radiator top mount 1 Cooper 1300 models BRACKET, radiator to engine 1 all models BOLT, bracket to gearbox 2 BRACKET, lower radiator mtg. 1 SPACER 1 BOLT, cowl to bracket 1 SCREW 2 GROMMET, upper radiator mtg. 2 all 998cc models GROMMET, upper radiator mtg. 2 SLEEVE, for grommet 2 SLEEVE, for grommet (11G227) 2 SLEEVE, for grommet (11G227) 2 replaces 11G228 SCREW 2 BUSH, top mounting 2 Cooper 1300 + SE TOP HOSE 1 Mini (1959-67) TOP HOSE 1 all 998cc models TOP HOSE 1 1275 and S TOP HOSE 1 1275GT TOP HOSE 1 Cooper 1300 TOP HOSE 1 Cooper spi TOP HOSE 1 mpi (1996-On) (Front mounted radiator fitment). HOSE 1 { spi thermostat to manifold } and heater BOTTOM HOSE 1 all 998cc models BOTTOM HOSE 1 clubman BOTTOM HOSE 1 Cooper SE 1300 BOTTOM HOSE 1 Cooper 1300 BOTTOM HOSE 1 Cooper spi BOTTOM HOSE 1 mpi (1996-On) (Front mounted radiator fitment (water pump/rad/expansion tank/water valve/thermostat). HOSE CLIP, heater outlet hose 1 (To 1989) HOSE CLIP, heater outlet hose 2 (1990-On) HOSE CLIP, top & bottom hose 4 EXPANSION TANK 1 EXPANSION TANK 1 { mpi (1996-On) front } mounted radiator fitment GRH1213 UKC3803 GRH1001M ARA951 KRD10009 GHF332 HOSE, expansion tank CLIP, expansion hose PIPE, overflow CLIP, overflow pipe to cowling SEAL, rubber, radiator to flitch WASHER, spring 1 2 1 2 1 4 21 { Cooper 1300 } { all 998cc models } Cooper 1300 Water Pump spi Note: Aluminium radiators are made to high specification, aluminium radiators are substantially more efficient then the original unit in which they replace. This leads to an overall increase in performance and reliability. MT3105 COOLING GWP134 GWP187 GWP188 MT3101 MT3102 MT3103 42 43 44 88G215 12A2075 SH605141 TAM1180 45 SH605101 TAM1178 46 GHF332 47 12G2077 48 CAM6239 CAM6408 48a PEZ100100 48b PQR10028 49 12A312 50 SH604041 51 GHF331 52 12G1305 12G2129 2A998 53 GZA2083 54 3H2963 CAM4126 55 GCB10813 GCB10838 GCB10825 GMB50920 WATER PUMP 1 all 998cc models WATER PUMP, no bypass outlet 1 Cooper 1300 WATER PUMP, no alternator lug 1 mpi Mini (1996-On) WATER PUMP, electric 1 CONTROLLER, EWP 1 WATER PUMP, electric small 1 (Nylon pump body with push on connections. Sealed bearing motor with magnetic drive to centrifugal pump Use with EWP pump if impaired heater performance is experienced). GASKET, water pump 1 ADAPTOR, on cylinder head 1 { all 998cc models BOLT, pump to block (long) 2 } BOLT, flanged, Pump to block long 2 Cooper 1300 BOLT, pump to block (short) 2 all 998cc models BOLT, flanged, pump to block short 2 Cooper 1300 WASHER, locking 4 DOWEL, pump to block 2 PULLEY, water pump 1 (To 1985) PULLEY, water pump 1 (1985-On) PULLEY, water pump, multi V belt pulley 1 mpi (1996-On) PULLEY TENSIONER 1 mpi (1996-On) SPACER, fan to pulley 1 SCREW, fan to pump 4 WASHER, locking 4 FAN, ‘11 blade’ plastic 1 narrow blades FAN, ‘11 blade’ plastic 1 1.5” thick blades FAN, 6 blade metal 1 export and performance HOSE bypass 1 { 998cc models CLIP, bypass hose 2 | PLUG COVER 1 } (Covers bypass tube on cylinder head or water pump when bypass not being used). FAN BELT, (813mm long) 1 (To 1985) FAN BELT, (838mm long) 1 A115 alternator (1981-85) FAN BELT, (825mm long) 1 A127 alternator (1985-On) FAN BELT, multi groove 1 mpi (1996-On) Electric Cooling Fan 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 65a 65b 65c 66 67 PGF10038 PGU10006 YWL10010 PYF10040 YMV10069 PGG10046 PGL10008 PGU10007 PGG10046FK YWL10009 GVS188 GTR185 GTR206 PYF10036 MDY100040 PGG10058 PGG100890 GAC8411X2 FAN BRACKET, cowl to inner wing THERMAL SWITCH & SEAL WASHER, sealing HARNESS FAN long SHIELD BRACKET, fan to inner wing MOUNTING KIT, fan to flitch THERMAL SWITCH THERMAL SWITCH TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTER TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTER WASHER, sealing WASHER, sealing FAN ASSEMBLY FAN ASSEMBLY (Front mounted radiator fitment). FAN KIT, electric 10” 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 { | | | } { | | | | | | | } Cooper SE models Cooper 1300 spi (1991-On) mpi Mini (brown) mpi for GTR206 (1991-96) mpi (1996-On) kenlowe electric fan kit 22 London 020 8867 2020 Bradford 01274 539 999 EXHAUSTS Manifolds & Fittings LP4031 ill Part Number Description 1 2 3 3a 3b 12G3279 CHS2616 CAM6618 LKB10477 LKB106930 GAC8464X MANIFOLD 1 998cc models STUD, carb to manifold 2 MANIFOLD, Inlet 1 Copper 1300 + SE MANIFOLD, inlet 1 spi (1991-On) MANIFOLD, inlet 1 mpi (1996-On) MANIFOLD, inlet 1 high flow alloy inlet (For 1.5” and 1.75” carburettors). MANIFOLD, inlet 1 high flow alloy inlet (For 1.5” and 1.75” carburettors). MANIFOLD, inlet 1 high flow alloy inlet (For 1.75” carbs, the larger ports make this manifold ideal for large capacity engines e.g. 1380cc). MANIFOLD, inlet 1 for twin SUs (HS2 OR HS4) MANIFOLD, inlet 1 for twin SUs (HS4 or HS6) THROTTLE BRACKET 1 for twin SU’s MANIFOLD, inlet 1 (Single Weber inlet manifold 10cm (4 inch) long. Will require bulkhead modifications). MANIFOLD, inlet 1 (Single Weber inlet manifold 15cm (6 inch) long. Will require bulkhead modifications). MANIFOLD, inlet 1 (Single Weber inlet manifold 15cm (6 inch) long. Supplied complete with direct acting throttle linkage. Will require bulkhead modifications). MANIFOLDS, pair, inlet 1 (Allows the use of split Weber carbs for competition use). GMC3000 CAHT771 LP4012 C-AEG489 AEG349 TT10850 TMG10850 TWM0071 MGS10850 Req. Details 4 5 6 6a 6b 12G297 CHS2514 CHS2516 CAM6745 LKC10090 LKK10025 GAC8463X GAC8463S WPE1000X MT6502 MT6503 MT6504 MT6505 7 MT6501 MT6502 GHF261 LINKAGE KIT 1 Weber single carburettor (Single cable, these are very easily installed and offer smooth operation). RING, manifold locating 2 STUD, short 2 STUD, long 2 MANIFOLD, exhaust 1 Copper 1300 + SE MANIFOLD, exhaust 1 spi and mpi (1991-On) HEAT SHIELD 1 spi & mpi (1991-On) (For injection manifold) MANIFOLD LCB 1 (Maniflow long centre branch exhaust manifold for applications up to 100bhp includes primary pipes and Y piece with clamps). MANIFOLD LCB 1 (Maniflow long centre branch exhaust manifold stainless steel ideal for applications up to 100bhp inc. primary pipes and Y piece with clamps). MANIFOLD LCB 1 (Long centre branch exhaust manifold stainless steel includes primary pipes and Y piece with clamps). MANIFOLD LCB 1 (Long centre branch manifold with link pipe to catalyst, carb model). MANIFOLD LCB 1 (Long centre branch manifold with link pipe to catalyst, carb model S/S). MANIFOLD LCB 1 (Long centre branch manifold with link pipe to catalyst, injection model). MANIFOLD LCB 1 (Long centre branch manifold with link pipe to catalyst, injection model, stainless steel). MANIFOLD, Cooper freeflow 1 MANIFOLD, Cooper freeflow 1 stainless steel NUT, brass, manifold to cyl head 6 all models Bristol 0117 923 2523 Manchester 0161 480 6402 8 9 10 GHF301 12A1211 AJM601 GUG4008MG TMG10836 WASHER, plain 2 WASHER, plain 4 GASKET, manifold to cyl head 1 GASKET, manifold to cyl head 1 ERA turbo GASKET, manifold to cyl head 1 (Large bore allows fitment of performance exhaust manifolds with larger primary pipes). Exhausts & Fittings 11 GEX106 GEX154 GEX154SS GEX177 GEX1285 GEX1562 12 GEX12052 WCP10021 GEX12017 GEX12043 13 14 15 GEX7779 GEX8025 GEX8069 FX110041 GEX7761 GEX33479 GEX33515 GEX33516 C-STR811 C-STR811S 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 GEX33519 GEX33679 GEX12098 GEX7046 GEX7488 GEX7526 GEX7088 GEX7053 SH605051 GHF301 GHF331 GHF201 GEX7081 GEX7081P SH605051 GHF332 GEX7082 GEX7273 GEX7778 GEX7248 GHF201 SH605071 GEX7251 GEX7251P GEX7084 GEX7778 GEX7249 GHF120 GEX9551 GEX7661 GEX7661P GEX40FK GEC40RC EXHAUST SYSTEM, single box 1 saloon EXHAUST SYSTEM, painted steel 1 { twin box saloon models EXHAUST SYSTEM, stainless steel 1 | twin box saloon models EXHAUST SYSTEM, aluminised 1 } twin box saloon models EXHAUST DOWNPIPE 1 front repair section (For single box GEX1562 (from exhaust manifold to side exit kink at front of rear subframe). REAR BOX 1 rear repair section (For GEX1285 includes rear box and tail pipe). DOWNPIPE, single pipe 1 carb std to catalyst SAMPLE PIPE 1 { C/O sample pipe attaches } To GEX12052 DOWNPIPE, twin pipes 1 Cooper 1300 to catalyst DOWNPIPE, twin pipes 1 { with flat face flange1300 } spi and mpi to catalyst GASKET 1 for GEX12043 CATALYST ASSEMBLY, Nickel free 1 Germany only CATALYST ASSEMBLY 1 spi and mpi (1991-On) NUT, catalyst 4 GASKET, catalyst flange 2 TWIN BOX, rear 1 Cooper 1300 (From catalyst back to vin 22123). TWIN BOX, rear 1 Cooper 1300 (From catalyst back from vin 22124). TWIN BOX, rear 1 Cooper spi from cat back SINGLE BOX, rear 1 RC40 rear box (With intermediate pipe from catalyst). SINGLE BOX, rear 1 S/S RC40 rear box (With intermediate pipe from catalyst). TWIN BOX, rear 1 std spi from catalyst back TWIN BOX, rear 1 mpi from catalyst back TRIM 1 mpi tail pipe finisher CLAMP, pipe to manifold 1 all 998cc models CLAMP, pipe to manifold 2 Cooper 1300 + SE BRACKET, gearbox to front pipe 1 2 bolt fixing BRACKET, gearbox to front pipe 1 3 bolt fixing CLIP, front pipe to g/box bracket 1 SCREW, clip to bracket 2 { 998cc models WASHER 2 } WASHER, locking 7 NUT 2 MOUNTING, centre (rubber) 1 MOUNTING, centre poly 1 SCREW, mounting to subframe 2 WASHER, locking 2 STRAP, centre, (twisted) 1 998cc models STRAP, centre (twisted) 1 van, pick up and estate STRAP, centre, (twisted) 1 Cooper 1300 + SE STRAP, centre (twisted) 1 1275GT, S and RC40 NUT 1 SCREW, strap to centre clip 1 MOUNTING, bobbin rubber 1/2 MOUNTING, bobbin poly 1/2 CLIP, rear mount, (twisted) 1 998cc models STRAP, twisted, rear 1 Cooper 1300 + SE STRAP, rear 1 1275GT, S and RC40 (Fits to sub frame via two bobbins). SCREW, clip 1 FITTING KIT, exhaust 1 998cc models EXHAUST HANGER, rubber 2 late type exhaust EXHAUST HANGER, poly 2 late type exhaust EXHAUST FITTING KIT 1 fitting kit for RC40 exhaust EXHAUST SYSTEM, sports 1 RC40 two box system (Includes intermediate pipe to downpipe). Performance Exhausts Note: Also see accessories catalogue for full range of sports exhausts. GEC50RC MPE101 MPE102 EXHAUST SYSTEM, sports 1 stainless steel RC40 (Two box system includes intermediate pipe to downpipe). REAR BOX PECO, exhaust 1 upswept tailpipe (Standard small bore 32.5mm entry pipe). REAR BOX PECO, exhaust 1 straight tailpipe (Standard small bore 32.5mm entry pipe). EXHAUSTS MPE103 MPE105 MPE106 MPE107 PM34 MT6501 PMSS-O.E. PMSS-S AN180V WPE2002X WPE2003X WPE2004X WPE2005X WPE2006X WPE2007X WPE2008X WPE3001X WPE3002X WPE3003X WPE3004X WPE1104X 23 REAR BOX PECO, exhaust 1 upswept twin tailpipes (Standard small bore 32.5mm entry pipe). REAR BOX PECO, exhaust 1 upswept tailpipe (Large bore 46mm entry pipe). REAR BOX PECO, exhaust 1 straight tailpipe (Large bore 46mm entry pipe). REAR BOX PECO, exhaust 1 upswept twin (Large bore 46mm entry pipe). LINK PIPE, stainless steel 1 to rear boxes CARBON FIBRE REAR BOX 1 (1992-On) late type hangers (Carbon fibre box with stainless steel end caps, weighs just 3.7kg). REAR BOX, stainless steel 1 central box (With two exits either side, requires tail pipes (PMSS-S x 1). OVAL TAIL PIPE KIT 1 for PMSS O.E. rear box INTERMEDIATE PIPE 1 (Connects direct from Cooper freeflow manifold to performance rear boxes, requires shortening for LCB manifolds). REAR BOX 1 centre exit single tailpipe (With outward rolled lip). REAR BOX 1 centre exit twin tailpipe (With straight cut). REAR BOX 1 side exit single tailpipe (With outward rolled lip). REAR BOX 1 centre exit single tailpipe (With inward rolled lip). REAR BOX 1 centre exit twin tailpipe (With inward rolled lip). REAR BOX 1 centre exit twin tailpipe (With DTM style upswept straight cut). REAR BOX 1 side exit single tailpipe (With inward rolled lip). FITTING KIT 1 FITTING KIT 1 FITTING KIT 1 FITTING KIT 1 BLANKING PLUG 1 for WPE1103X link pipe 24 London 020 8867 2020 Bradford 01274 539 999 FUEL & AIR FILTERS Fuel Tank & Pump ill Part Number Description Req. GAC8436Q2 21A291 21A291Z WLD10027 21A2109 AAU8340 2H1082 21A304 AB614101 21A305 AB614061 Details Note: 5.5 gallon fuel tanks are no longer available. Use ARP1043 with 21A2838 strap. 1 2 2a 2b 3 3a 4 5 6 7 8 ARP1043 21A2838 XNB10007 WFX10045 WFX100810 ARA1502 EDP9317 ARA1501 GWW202M WLD10027 WLD100310 21A2109 14A7057 37H7148M 21A2183 21A2185 MT3121 GAC8436X FUEL TANK 1 STRAP 1 SENDER UNIT, fuel tank 1 PUMP & SENDER 1 PUMP & SENDER 1 RING, sealing, sender unit 1 SEALING RING 1 RING, locking, sender unit 1 PIPE, tank vent a/r FUEL CAP, non locking 1 FUEL CAP, locking 1 SEAL, fuel cap 1 SEAL, filler neck to body 1 PIPE, fuel, tank to pump a/r FUEL TANK 1 FUEL TANK, alloy 1 FITTING KIT 1 FILLER NECK KIT 1 (If you want the right hand tank look without neck is the answer, complete with neck seal). 7.5 gallons spi mpi NECK SEAL FUEL TANK, van/estate/pickup FUEL TANK, van/estate/pickup FUEL CAP, non locking SEAL, fuel cap SENDER UNIT GASKET, sender unit NUT, large SCREW, large NUT, small SCREW, small 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 dummy seal for GAC8436X use only vented cap use only vented cap vented fits at rear of tank for 21A304 fits at rear of tank for 21A305 Note: For the main feed pipe 4 metres is required. This can then be cut to the correct length. 37H7615M per metre HOSE, fuel, rubber a/r per metre Note: 37H615M is only sold in metre lengths and must be cut to the following lengths: Tank to main pipe 11”, main pipe to pump 3”, pump to pipe 3”, pipe to carburettor 3”. per metre Cooper S R/H tank 5.5 gal Cooper S R/H tank 5.5 gal R/H tank fitting kit the tank, this dummy filler 9 10 11 ACB8474 RFN403 GGT101 GGT102 GGT104 GGT105 GGT106 GROMMET GROMMET HOSE, fuel, braided HOSE, fuel, braided HOSE, fuel, braided HOSE, fuel, braided HOSE, fuel, braided 1 1 a/r a/r a/r a/r a/r fuel pipe through floor tank vent pipe through floor 2.5” long 6.75” long 10.0” long 11.75” long 14” long Bristol 0117 923 2523 Manchester 0161 480 6402 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ACH5854 AZX1817 AZX1818 12G4520 AUB5012 GUG705603GM 12G3494 GUG705779GM CHS2515 GHF332 GHF201 AUF214 AUF214Z AUB6106 AUB633 AUB676 AUB617 WZX1701 21A632 CLIP, for braided hose FUEL PUMP, mechanical FUEL PUMP, mechanical SPACER, pump to block SPACER, pump to block SPACER, pump to block GASKET, mechanical pumps GASKET, mechanical pump STUD, for mechanical pump WASHER, locking NUT FUEL PUMP, electric FUEL PUMP, electric CONTACT SET BANJO SEALING WASHER FILTER VALVE KIT CLAMP, fuel pump a/r 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 A/R 1 1 1 FUEL & AIR FILTERS all 998cc models Cooper 1300 KNE2601 KNE9001 KNE9172 1 1 1 1 1 1 998cc direct servo Cooper 1300 + 1300 FILTER FILTER FILTER 1 1/2 1 HS4 and HIF38 HS2 single or 2 for twin carb injection cars, spi & mpi Bolt-On Air Filters point type (To 1970) point type (To 1970) KN57-0082 KN56-9128 KN56-9142 KN56-9222 KN56-9320 KN56-9327 KN56-9330 KN62-1010 KN62-1330 KN99-0621 KN99-11311 for AUF214 These pumps can be mounted either at the front or rear of the car. FUEL PUMP KIT, negative earth FUEL PUMP KIT, positive earth FUEL PUMP KIT, negative earth FUEL PUMP KIT, negative earth DUCT, warm air DUCT, warm air Air Filter Elements Interrupter Fuel Pump Kits TMG2930K TMG2930P MGS2930K TT2930 TAM2419 CAM6767 18 gal/hr flow 4.0 psi 18 gal/hr flow 4.0 psi 25 gal/hr flow 5.0 psi 38 gal/hr flow 6.5-7.0 psi Solid State Fuel Pump Kits These pumps are required to be fitted within 12 inches of the fuel supply (tank) and below the fuel outlet because they rely on gravity feed. AIR FILTER KIT (Complete with cold air ducting kit). AIR FILTER AIR FILTER, oval (7” wide x 5” high x 13/4” deep). AIR FILTER, oval AIR FILTER, tapered AIR FILTER, tapered AIR FILTER, tapered FILTER FILTER CLEANING FLUID FILTER OIL 1 spi performance filter kit 1 1 HS4 11/2 SU HS6 13/4 SU with offset hole 1 1 1 1 A/R A/R 1 1 HIF 13/4 SU with offset hole HS4 11/2 SU HS6 13/4 SU HIF6 /44 13/4 SU engine breather filter 1/2 inlet engine breather filter HS4 Stub Stacks SFR430 SFR430R SFR430B SFR2 SFR8 STUB STACK STUB STACK STUB STACK STUB STACK STUB STACK 1 1 1 1 1 30mm silver polished 30mm red anodised 30mm blue anodised period style short period style long 1 1 1 1 1 silver polished red anodised blue anodised period style short period style long 1 1 1 silver polished red anodised blue anodised 1 1 1 1 HS2 HS4 HS6 HIF44 HS6 Stub Stacks TMG2931K MGS2931 FUEL PUMP KIT, negative earth FUEL PUMP KIT, negative earth 1 1 18 gal/hr flow 4.0-5.5 psi 25 gal/hr flow 6.0- 7.0 psi Note: We recommend that you fit an in line pressure regulator/filter. PRO53 PRO54 TT2927 TT2927 C41220A PRESSURE REGULATOR PRESSURE REGULATOR FILTER/REGULATOR (67mm deep glass bowl, 6mm unions). FILTER/REGULATOR (85mm deep glass bowl, 8mm unions). INERTIA SWITCH (Cuts electrical supply to pump). 1 1 1 1/4 unions 5/16 unions Road, Competition 1 Road, Competition 1 inline switch SFR650 SFR650R SFR650B SFR3 SFR9 STUB STACK STUB STACK STUB STACK STUB STACK STUB STACK HIF SU’s Stub Stacks SFR4430 SFR4430R SFR4430B STUB STACK STUB STACK STUB STACK K&N Stub Stacks Fuel Pump Unions FPA903B MOC1604 FPA904 MOC1841 FPA902A FPA902B A/R A/R A/R A/R A/R A/R Pipe 1/4 (6mm) 5/16 (8mm) 3/8 (10mm) 5/16 (8mm) 5/16 (8mm) 3/8 (10mm) Thread 1/8 npt 1/8 npt 1/8 npt 1/8 npt 1/4 npt 1/4 npt UNION, pair A/R 1/4 (6mm) 1/8 npt Req. Details UNION, straight UNION, straight UNION, straight UNION, 90 degrees UNION, 90 degrees, pair UNION, 90 degrees, pair Fuel Filter Unions TT2932A Air Filters ill Part Number Description 19 12G4298 TAM2138 GFE1008 GFE1096 GFE1143 12G1811 12A1436 12A1437 AIR FILTER AIR FILTER ELEMENT, air filter ELEMENT, air filter ELEMENT, air filter WING NUT, filter casing WASHER, steel WASHER, fibre 20 21 22 23 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 998cc non servo 998cc direct servo fitted all 998cc models Cooper 1300 + SE injection cars spi & mpi Note: If you require a high performance air filter, see accessories catalogue for K&N range of air filters. 24 25 26 27 28 29 12G1812 CAM4694 12A1433 12G2125 12H4271 12G3210 12H4344 LKM10002 12G3213 ELBOW, filter case to carb’ ELBOW, filter case to carb’ SEAL, elbow to filter seal GASKET, elbow to carb’ GASKET, elbow to carb’ CONTROL, air temperature HOSE, (cut to length) HOSE, (cut to length) DUCT, warm air 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 25 all 998cc models Cooper 1300 + SE all 998cc models Cooper 1300 + SE all 998cc models 998cc non servo & Cooper 998cc direct servo 998cc non servo KN85-5038 KN85-5039 KN85-5040 KN85-5041 STUB STACK STUB STACK STUB STACK STUB STACK 26 London 020 8867 2020 Bradford 01274 539 999 CARBS & CONTROLS HS4 HIF44 Single Point Injection Multipoint Injection Carburettors & Controls 4 HS2 Carburettor ill Part Number Description Req. Details AUD327T GAC6153X AUD662T CARBURETTOR REBUILD KIT, single CARBURETTORS, pair 1 1 1 HS2 HS2 HS2 CARBURETTOR, plain jet CARBURETTOR, Waxstat jet CARBURETTOR, Waxstat jet CAP & DAMPER, dashpot SPRING, dashpot, red 1 1 1 1 1 (1973-76) (1976-82) (1982-On) HS4 Carburettor 1 2 3 FZX3012 FZX3014 FZX3013 AUC8103A AUC4387 NZX4005 NZX4008 CUD1002 NEEDLE, (ADE) NEEDLE, (ADH) NEEDLE, (AAC) 1 1 1 Note: Due to the number of different types of needle we have been unable to list all the carburettor tag numbers, (the number is on a tag on the dashpot cover screw) when ordering needles please check the three letter code stamped around the top of the needle. Please contact your local Moss branch for help. 5 6 7 8 AUD9451A LZX1111A WZX1100A WZX1300 GAC9201X WZX1852X JET ASSEMBLY 1 JET ASSEMBLY, waxstat cap 1 FLOAT VALVE KIT, needle & seat 1 FLOAT, plastic 1 GROSE JET 1 (superior replacement for original style needle & seat). SERVICE KIT 1 single HS4 pre waxstat (Includes Instructions, diagrams, new main jet, needle valve, gaskets and washers). Bristol 0117 923 2523 Manchester 0161 480 6402 WZX1865 9 CRK219 CRK227 CRK121 SERVICE KIT 1 single HS4 waxstat (Inc. Instructions, diagrams, new main jet, needle valve, gaskets and washers). REBUILD KIT 1 plain jet (Includes All service items and throttle shaft, throttle disc, 2 screws and 2 bushes (Needles not included). REBUILD KIT 1 plain jet (With over run throttle disc includes all service items and throttle shaft, throttle disc, 2 screws and 2 bushes (Needles not included). REBUILD KIT 1 waxstat jet (Includes All service items and throttle shaft, throttle disc, 2 screws and 2 bushes (Needles not included). CARBS & CONTROLS 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 MLB10028 MMJ10003 MMJ10004 WJH104300 WJH104310 AUU1503 JZV1223 JZV1224 GFE7059 EDP9976 NPC10001 NNS10001 THROTTLE BODY THROTTLE POTENTIOMETER INJECTOR ASSEMBLY HOSE, fuel supply HOSE, fuel return PURGE VALVE TUBE, purge valve CLIP, tube FILTER, fuel SEAL FUEL TRAP PEDAL SWITCH 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 27 spi includes injector spi spi seal at fuel filter HIF38 Carburettor Multi Point Injection FZX3004 CARBURETTOR 1 HIF44 Carburettor 10 FZX1531 GAC8100 CRK167 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 LZX2085 AUD4355 NZX8071 WZX1453A WZX1099A WZX1509A WZX1505A CARBURETTOR 1 SERVICE KIT 1 (Includes Instructions, new main jet, needle valve, gaskets and washers). REBUILD KIT 1 (Inc. All service items and throttle shaft, throttle disc, 2 screws and 2 bushes). CAP & DAMPER, dashpot 1 SPRING DASHPOT, red 1 NEEDLE, (BFY) 1 JET 1 FLOAT VALVE KIT, needle & seat 1 FLOAT, plastic 1 KIT, gasket & seals 1 HIF6 Turbo Carburettor FZX1435 CARBURETTOR, turbo 73 74 75 76 MJY100460 MHN10004 MJN100670 BAU5325 FUEL INJECTOR CLIP, hold fuel injector FUEL DELIVERY RAIL SEAL 2 2 1 2 77 78 79 80 MYP100300 WJH103900 WJH103910 MHB000480 MT3601 MT3602 AUU1503 JZV1223 JZV1224 GFE7059 EDP9976 MHK100490 MHK100600 BOLT HOSE, fuel supply HOSE, fuel return THROTTLE BODY, plastic THROTTLE BODY, alloy THROTTLE BODY, alloy PURGE VALVE TUBE, purge valve CLIP, tube FILTER, fuel SEAL SENSOR, manifold pressure SENSOR, manifold pressure 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 NITROUS OXIDE KIT NITROUS OXIDE KIT 1 1 67 68 69 70 71 81 82 mpi mpi mpi { mpi O ring seal fuel delivery } & return pipes to fuel rail fuel hose to delivery rail mpi 48mm mpi replacement 48mm mpi replacement 52mm seal at fuel filter mpi To VIN 169693 mpi From VIN 169693 1 Nitro Kits Twin Carburettor Kits MST017A FZX3052 AUD662T MST017B FZX3054 TWIN CARB KIT 1 HS2 (Includes Manifold, heat shields, carbs, linkages, air filters). TWIN CARB KIT 1 HS2 (Includes Manifold, heat shields, carbs, linkages etc (except air filters). TWIN CARBS ONLY, pair 1 HS2 TWIN CARB KIT 1 HS4 (Includes Manifold, heat shields, carbs, linkages, air filters). TWIN CARB KIT 1 HS4 (Includes Manifold, heat shields, carbs, linkages etc (except air filters). MT3111 MT3112 Engine Controls 52 Carburettor Fixings 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 AEC2083 12H1389 12G766 GHF333 NT606041 ACC5062 GHF502 12A4 21A839 1E5537 GHF200 GHF300 88G429B MAX10001 GUG5611GM CAM4942 GHF332 NT605041 GASKET, carb to manifold SPACER, carb to manifold BRACKET, cable & spring WASHER, locking, carb to manifold NUT, carb to manifold LEVER PIN SPLIT PIN TAG, return spring on lever SPRING, throttle return SPRING, throttle return NUT WASHER GASKET, carb to manifold SPACER, carb to manifold SPACER, carb to manifold BRACKET, cable WASHER, locking NUT, carb to manifold 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 4 4 { | | | | HS4 carburettors | | | | | | } { | | | HIF44 carburettors | } HS4/6 Dash Pot Covers SFR150 SFR23 SFR23R SFR23B COVER, dash pot COVER, dash pot COVER, dash pot COVER, dash pot 1 1 1 1 chrome polished red anodised blue anodised 1 1 1 1 chrome polished red anodised blue anodised HIF44/6 Dash Pot Covers SFR175 SFR24 SFR24R SFR24B COVER, dash pot COVER, dash pot COVER, dash pot COVER, dash pot Single Point Injection 61 LZV1101EVA SPACER, throttle body 1 single twin 55 56 57 60 NAM7914 CAHT85 ACCELERATOR CABLE 1 all 998cc models ACCELERATOR CABLE 1 special tuning cable (Nylon inner sleeved to create smoother action. 5 inches longer making it ideal for Weber fitment). SBB10099 ACCELERATOR CABLE, RHD 1 { 1300 Cooper MCR104 ACCELERATOR CABLE, RHD 1 } SBB10099 alternative SBB10126 ACCELERATOR CABLE, LHD 1 1300 Cooper SBB102510 ACCELERATOR CABLE, RHD 1 late spi VIN 604847 On SBB103400 ACCELERATOR CABLE, RHD 1 mpi (1996-On) SBB103720 ACCELERATOR CABLE, LHD 1 mpi (1996-On) NNS10001 SWITCH, ECU 1 accelerator pedal switch (Input (ECU) electric control unit spi). 11H1172 CLIP, cable to pedal 1 { From VIN253000 } To VIN303802 DCP7342 CLIP, cable to pedal 1 From VIN303803 On 21A1202 CHOKE CABLE 1 MkI & MkII 21A2329 CHOKE CABLE 1 998cc To VIN278182 SBF10027 CHOKE CABLE 1 998cc From VIN278183 SBF10031 CHOKE CABLE 1 { Cooper 1300 MCR105 CHOKE CABLE 1 } SBF10031 alternative AUE34 NIPPLE, cable end 1/2 qty. reduced for 998cc CZK6491 CLIP, choke cable to bracket 1 SAB101220MUN PEDAL ACCELERATOR, assembly 1 bright finished (Accelerator pedal inc. bracket (std on cooper injection easy retro fit). 28 London 020 8867 2020 Bradford 01274 539 999 CLUTCH SYSTEM Clutch & Clutch Housings Diaphragm Clutches To 1984 ill Part Number Description 1 2 GCK100AF GCP204AF GCP596 GCC103 GCC481 GCC482 GRB238 22A598 CAHT230 2A3657 GHF323 2A3658 2A3659 2A3512 GHF302 12G3014 CAEG619 CLUTCH KIT 1 contains items 2, 3, 4 CLUTCH PLATE 1 CLUTCH PLATE, road rally 1 CLUTCH COVER, (diaphragm) 1 CLUTCH COVER, road rally 1 CLUTCH COVER, rally race 1 RELEASE BEARING 1 PRESSURE PLATE 1 PRESSURE PLATE 1 lightweight 3.56.lbs SCREW 3 diaphragm to plate WASHER, shake-proof 3 STRAP, driving 6 road use or 9 for race/rally SCREW, strap to flywheel 3 LOCKTAB, for above 3 WASHER 3 FLYWHEEL 1 FLYWHEEL, steel 1 super light 8.38lbs (For 107 tooth ring gear with inertia starter motor). FLYWHEEL, steel 1 super light 8.38lbs (For 129 tooth ring gear with pre-engaged starter motor). FLYWHEEL, steel 1 light weight 11lbs (For 107 tooth ring gear with inertia starter motor). FLYWHEEL, steel 1 light weight 11lbs (For 129 tooth ring gear with pre-engaged starter motor). RING GEAR 1 wide type (Standard manual transmission 107 tooth). RING GEAR 1 thin type (As used on race fly wheels 107 tooth) KEY, flywheel to crankshaft 1 BOLT, flywheel 1 LOCKTAB, flywheel bolt 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 CAEG620 CAEG421 CAEG420 15 12G676 22G2613 16 17 18 88G508 22A747 22A1155 Req. Details Verto Clutches 1984 On Note: Verto manufactured clutches were first used on the Metro range in 1983, to counter problems with clutch judder and reliability. They were built as an assembly and dynamically balanced to reduce these problems. Although it is possible to purchase component parts, we only offer the assembly as it promises less maintenance and reduces the risk of a juddering clutch. 20 GCU90107 CLUTCH ASSEMBLY 1 inertia starter GCU90115AF GCU90122AF GCU90121AF 20a GCP90311AF GCP204AF GCP596 20b GCK149AF GCK149AFZ 21 22 23 24 25 26 GRB239 AHU1564 DAM5922 DAM5923 DAM2821 12G2445 PSF10003 27 28 BAU2319 BAU2320 BAU4716 13H7848 DAM3745 AHU1707 AAU8424 2A3643 13H2934 LUF10005 88G300 22A2237B BH605141 DAM7758 GHF103 FNZ505 GHF332 DAM7755 ADU4026 GHF301 GHF332 22A1299 22A180 DAM1955 29 30 31 33 34 35 36 38 39 41 42 43 46 CLUTCH ASSEMBLY 1 pre-engaged starter CLUTCH ASSEMBLY 1 Cooper 1300 & SE CLUTCH ASSEMBLY 1 (1991-On) spi CLUTCH PLATE 1 1000cc CLUTCH PLATE 1 1300cc CLUTCH PLATE, road rally 1 CLUTCH KIT 1 1000cc (181mm centre plate, diaphragm and release bearing). CLUTCH KIT 1 1275cc (190mm centre plate, diaphragm and release bearing). RELEASE BEARING 1 THRUST SLEEVE 1 BOLT, with lock-washer 1 KEY, crankshaft to fly wheel 1 DUSTSHIELD, primary gear seal 1 RING GEAR, 107 teeth 1 inertia starter RING GEAR, 129 teeth 1 pre-engaged starter (Verto or pre-Verto fly wheel with pre-engaged starter). BOLT, cover fixing 6 WASHER, cover fixing 6 BOLT & WASHER 6 BEARING, idler gear 1 1.065” OD-0.750” ID BEARING, idler gear 1 1.375” OD-0.750” ID BEARING, idler gear 1 1.375” OD-0.875” ID BEARING, 1st motion shaft spigot 1 SPRING RING, for above 1 OIL SEAL 1 OIL SEAL, improved seal 1 standard (1991-On) COVER, with timing hole 1 GASKET, housing to transmission 1 SCREW, housing to block 3 long BOLT, Flanged, housing to block 3 long SCREW, housing to block (short) 3 NUT, housing (stud from g/box) 9 WASHER, locking 9 SCREW, cover to housing 7 SCREW, cover to housing 1 WASHER, plain 1 WASHER, spring 1 use with DAM7755 PLATE, dowel retaining 1 PLUNGER, clutch (press fit) 1 (To 1979) PLUNGER, clutch (floating fit) 1 (1979-84) Note: Always renew DAM2413 when replacing release bearing. 47 DAM2413 RING, locking, plunger to bearing 1 Bristol 0117 923 2523 Manchester 0161 480 6402 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 DAM5353 AAU2866 22A427 NT610041 22A2204 DAM5355 DAM5355Z CLZ628 GHF302 GHF502 GHF101 FNZ604 CLZ518 2A3601 GHF301 GHF502 1G5999 2A3600 18G8086 PLUNGER 1 Verto clutches O’ RING, plunger to bearing 1 use with DAM5353 STOP, plunger 1 NUT, plunger stop locking 1 LEVER, clutch release (long) 1 diaphragm clutches LEVER, clutch release (short) 1 Verto clutches LEVER, clutch release (short) 1 Verto clutches CLEVIS PIN, clutch pivot 1 WASHER 1 SPLIT PIN 1 For CLZ628 SCREW, clutch lever stop 1 LOCKNUT 1 CLEVIS PIN 1 SPRING PLATE, lever end 1 WASHER 1 SPLIT PIN 1 SPRING, clutch arm return 1 SPRING PLATE, slave cyl end 1 LOCK TAB SET 1 (This set contains all lock tabs required for re-assembly of the flywheel housing, on later cars shouldered bolts are used instead of studs, these replace the lock tabs as they are self locking). Clutch Hydraulics & Pedal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 GMC1008 GRK3004 GRK3004Z GRK3007 GRK3007Z 513123A 31G279 FNZ505 GHF332 GPP12AA GPP32AA GVP1020 21A2234Z GAC0080 GAC8446X 10 GVP1009 GVP1009Z GAC8447X MASTER CYLINDER, clutch 1 SEAL KIT, 2 ring seals 1 early spec SEAL KIT, 2 ring seals 1 early spec SEAL KIT, 1 ring seal, 1 cap seal 1 late spec SEAL KIT, 1 ring seal, 1 cap seal 1 late spec CAP, fluid reservoir 1 WASHER, under master cylinder 1 NUT, master cylinder to bracket 2 WASHER, locking 2 PIPE, master cylinder to hose 1 RHD PIPE, master cylinder to hose 1 LHD HOSE, pipe to slave cylinder 1 diaphragm clutches HOSE, pipe to slave cylinder 1 (To 1980) HOSE, pipe to slave cylinder 1 stainless steel braided (From master cylinder to slave cylinder eliminates use of solid intermediate pipe, diaphragm clutches). HOSE, pipe to slave cylinder 1 (To 1983) S/S braided (Diaphragm clutches). HOSE, pipe to slave cylinder 1 Verto clutches HOSE, pipe to slave cylinder 1 Verto clutches HOSE, pipe to slave cylinder 1 (1983-On) S/S braided CLUTCH SYSTEM MT2401 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 17 19 20 2K8686 WE600101 C5192A 3H550 233220A GSY110 GRK4008 GRK4008Z GSY118 GRK4001 3H2428 13H396 (Banjo end, Verto clutches). HOSE, pipe to slave cylinder 1 (1983-On) S/S braided (From master cylinder to slave cylinder, Banjo both ends, Verto clutches). NUT, pipe to bulkhead 1 WASHER, locking 1 BOLT, banjo, hose to cylinder 1 { Verto clutches WASHER, copper, large 1 } WASHER, copper, small 1 SLAVE CYLINDER 1 { diaphragm clutches SEAL KIT 1 | hose screw into body SEAL KIT 1 } hose screw into body SLAVE CYLINDER 1 { Verto clutches SEAL KIT 1 } banjo holds hose to body BLEED NIPPLE 1 PUSH ROD 1 Note: For clevis pin and fittings please see hardware pages 66 to 68. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 SH506101 GHF105 GHF333 DAM5992 GHF165 GHF333 SH604141 GHF331 ADU7036 2A3034 2A5880 GHF222 CLZ512 GHF503 GPR104 GPR107A SZU10001 SCREW, slave cylinder to housing SCREW, slave cylinder to plate WASHER, locking PLATE, slave cylinder SCREW, plate to housing WASHER, locking BOLT, plate to housing via spacer WASHER, spring SPACER BUSH, in pedal PIVOT PIN NUT, nyloc CLEVIS PIN, pedal to master cylinder SPLIT PIN RUBBER, brake & clutch pedal RUBBER, brake & clutch pedal RUBBER, brake & clutch pedal 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 To fit GSY110 To fit GSY118 { | | | use with GSY118 | } for brake & clutch (To 1976) (1976-90) (1990-On) Clutch & Brake Fluids GBF4102 GBF4103 GBF4104 ABF3 ABF4 GBF5102 GBF5103 29 BRAKE/CLUTCH FLUID, dot 4 BRAKE/CLUTCH FLUID, dot 4 BRAKE/CLUTCH FLUID, dot 4 BRAKE/CLUTCH FLUID BRAKE/CLUTCH FLUID BRAKE/CLUTCH FLUID, dot 5 BRAKE/CLUTCH FLUID, dot 5 a/r a/r a/r a/r a/r a/r a/r 500ml 1 litre 5 litre silicone 500ml silicone 1 litre racing 500ml racing 1 litre 30 London 020 8867 2020 Bradford 01274 539 999 GEARBOX Thrust Washers For A+ Gearbox Internals ill Part Number Description 1 22G943 CSTR30 CSTR30T GEAR, idler 31 teeth, shaft dia 0.75” GEAR, idler 30 teeth, shaft dia 0.75” GEAR, idler 30 teeth shaft dia 0.75” (Timken bearing). GEAR, idler 37 teeth, shaft dia 0.875” GEAR, idler 30 teeth, shaft dia 0.875” GEAR, idler 30 teeth, shaft dia 0.875” (Timken bearing). DROP GEARS S/C, straight cut set DROP GEARS S/C, straight cut set DAM2924 CSTR30A CSTR30TA MRAC104 MRAC105 Req. Details 1 1 1 pre A + pre A+ straight cut EVO pre A+ straight cut EVO 1 1 1 998cc A+ & Cooper 1300 A+ straight cut EVO A+ straight cut EVO 1 1 1-1 ratio 1275 A+ 1-1 ratio 1275 A 22A1545 22A1546 22A1547 22A1548 22A1549 DAM4822 THRUST WASHER, idler, (green) THRUST WASHER, idler, (black) THRUST WASHER, idler, (white) THRUST WASHER, idler, (blue) THRUST WASHER, idler, (red) THRUST WASHER, idler, (no code) CSTR240 CSTR250 Thrust Washers For Pre A+ 2 3 DAM4823 DAM4824 DAM4825 22G849 DAM2925 CSTR230 4 5 a/r a/r a/r a/r a/r a/r 0.130-0.131” 0.132-0.133” 0.134-0.135” 0.136-0.137” 0.138-0.139” 0.131-0.133” 6 7 8 9 10 MRAC104 MRAC105 ADU7619 22G850 22G851 DAM4000 2A3548 22G1093 2A3643 CHM172 22G927 THRUST WASHER, idler, (yellow) a/r 0.134-0.135” THRUST WASHER idler, (red) a/r 0.136-0.137” THRUST WASHER idler, (blue) a/r 0.138-0.139” GEAR, 1st motion, 24 teeth 1 pre A+ GEAR, 1st motion, 29 teeth 1 998cc A+ & Cooper 1300 GEAR, 1st motion, 23 teeth 1 straight cut EVO (Can be used with different primary gear to change gear ratio). GEAR, 1st motion, 24 teeth 1 straight cut EVO (Can be used with different primary gear to change gear ratio). GEAR, 1st motion, 25 teeth 1 straight cut EVO (Can be used with different primary gear to change gear ratio). DROP GEARS S/C, straight cut set 1 1-1 ratio 1275 A+ DROP GEARS S/C, straight cut set 1 1-1 ratio 1275 A BALL BEARING, 1st motion 1 CIRCLIP, bearing 1 { alternatives CIRCLIP, bearing 1 } LOCK TAB, washer 1 NUT 1 SHAFT, 1st motion 1 { CIRCLIP, 1st motion shaft 1 | holds nose bearing in place BEARING, needle 1 | LAYGEAR, (15, 20, 25, 29 teeth) 1 | Bristol 0117 923 2523 Manchester 0161 480 6402 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 22A1371Z 22G931 13H9513 CHM141 22G1852 22G825 22G833 22G1095 22G1094 22G1096 22A413 DAM3092 2A3643 13H9513 DAM3169 DAM3187 13H9513 22G855A DAM3189 DAM8046 22G825 TUJ10001 DAM168 DAM7484 22G1095 22G1094 22G1096 DAM2679 DAM5927 DAM3167 DAM4930 2A3643 13H9513 DAM4931 DAM3187 13H9513 22G855A TUB10020 DAM8046 TUJ10001 DAM7484 DAM4933 DAM4932 22G1096 DAM2679 DAM2808 DAM6140 22G48 DAM7485 LAYSHAFT 1 | 3 sync gearbox LAYSHAFT 1 | engine No ranges To BEARING, n/roller, small end 1 | 99H829P/871 BEARING, n/roller, large end 1pr | 99H889AJ/423 GEAR, reverse idler 1 | 99H889V/2864 + BUSH, reverse gear 1 | To 99H791P/320664 SHAFT, 3rd motion 1 | SPEED GEAR, 3rd 1 | SPEED GEAR, 2nd 1 | SPEED GEAR, 1st 1 | PINION, final drive (3.44;1) 1 } SHAFT, 1st motion 1 { CIRCLIP, 1st motion shaft 1 | holds nose bearing in place BEARING, needle roller 1 | LAYGEAR (15, 20, 25, 29 teeth) 1 | LAYSHAFT 1 | BEARING, n/roller, small end 1 | A+ engine ranges BEARING, n/roller, large end 1 | 99H829P/872 On GEAR, reverse idler (1 bush) 1 | 99H889AJ/4234 On GEAR, reverse idler (2 bush) 1 | 99H889V/2865 On BUSH (for DAM3189) 1 | 99H791P/320665 On BUSH (for DAM8046) 2 | To 99H791P/Z500101 SHAFT, 3rd motion 1 | To 99HA53/P100101 SHAFT, 3rd motion 1 | GEAR, 3rd speed 1 | GEAR, 2nd speed 1 | GEAR, 1st speed 1 | PINION, final drive (3.44;1) 1 | PINION, final drive (2.95;1) 1 } SHAFT, 1st motion 1 18 teeth 1275GT SHAFT, 1st motion 1 { 17 teeth CIRCLIP, 1st motion shaft 1 | holds nose bearing in place BEARING, needle roller 1 | LAYGEAR (15, 21, 26, 30 teeth) 1 | A + engine ranges LAYSHAFT 1 | 99H791P/Z500101On BEARING, n/roller, small end 1 | 99HA53P/100101 On BEARING, n/roller, large end 1 | all 99HB81P, B83P, GEAR, reverse idler (1 bush) 1 | B84P, B85P, C20P, GEAR, reverse idler (2 bush) 1 | D80P, D81P, D83P, BUSH, reverse gear 1/2 | E20, E22, F15, F16, SHAFT, 3rd motion 1 | G30, G31, G32, G33 GEAR, 3rd speed 1 | and all Cooper 1300 GEAR, 2nd speed 1 | GEAR, 1st speed 1 | PINION, final drive (3.4;1) 1 | PINION, final drive (3.1;1 / 3.2;1) 1 } LOCK TAB, pinion to 3rd motion shaft 1 NUT, pinion 1 (Use with 3rd motion shaft 22G833 & DAM168). NUT, pinion 1 (Use with 3rd motion shaft DAM7484). GEARBOX Crown Wheels For Pre A+ 47 22G856 22G857 22G858 22G859 T/WASHER, laygear (0.123-124”) T/WASHER, laygear (0.125-126”) T/WASHER, laygear (0.127-128”) T/WASHER, laygear (0.130-131”) a/r a/r a/r a/r DAM6327 DAM2806 DAM5925 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 43 44 45 46 DAM3180 DAM3181 DAM3182 DAM3183 22G860 DAM8038 22G2033 DAM7456 BLS107 22G2262 AAU1816 22G947 22G839 DAM7455 AAU1815 22G837 AAU1365 22G72 2A3714 2A3715 DAM2377 SH505071 ATA7043 ATA7385 T/WASHER, laygear (0.121-123”) T/WASHER, laygear (0.124-126”) T/WASHER, laygear (0.127-129”) T/WASHER, laygear (0.130-132”) T/WASHER, laygear large SHAFT, reverse idler gear BAULK RING HUB, 3rd & 4th synchro’ BALL BEARING, synchro hubs SPRING, synchro hubs BEARING, 2nd & 3rd gear THRUST WASHER, 3rd gear THRUST WASHER, 2nd gear HUB, synchro, 1st & 2nd BEARING, needle roller JOURNAL, 1st gear BALL BEARING, 3rd motion shaft SPRING RING, 3rd motion bearing SHIM, 0.002” SHIM, 0.010” LOCK TAB SCREW, retainer BOLT, crown wheel to cage LOCK TAB, crown wheel bolt CBTA1001 CBTA1002 CBTA1003 CBTA1004 CBTA1005 CBTA1006 CBTA1007 CBTA1250 CBTA1248 CBTA1252 CBTA1246 CBTA1251 CBTA1249 CBTA1253 47a MRAC106 CAJJ3385 CAJJ3387 51 52 53 (3.07-3.12mm) (3.10-3.20mm) (3.22-3.27mm) (3.30-3.35mm) all gears 3 per hub 3 per hub needle roller CAJJ3387A CAJJ3387B ATA7378 BTA101 22G1952 DAM3114 CBTA1262 CBTA1263 CCN122 54 56 a/r a/r a/r a/r 1 1 4 1 6 6 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a/r a/r 2 4 6 3 CROWN WHEEL, 62 teeth, 3.4;1 CROWN WHEEL, 62 teeth, 3.4;1 1 1 18 tooth pinion 17 tooth pinion CROWN WHEEL, 59 teeth, 3.1;1 CROWN WHEEL, 61 teeth, 3.2;1 CROWN WHEEL, 59 teeth, 2.95;1 1 1 1 19 tooth pinion 19 tooth pinion 20 tooth pinion Competition Crown Wheel And Pinion Sets (3.12-3.14mm) (3.17-3.20mm) (3.22-3.25mm) (3.30-3.32mm) Thrust Washers For A+ 22A411 DAM2677 Crown Wheels For A+ Thrust Washers For Pre A+ 23 31 22G2688 2A7015 DAM6624 57 2A7062 DAM5071 58 22G2583 C-BTA166 59 RPS1418 60 AHU1856 61 2A3535 2A3534 DAM3108 DAM3109 62 TRK10004B 63 CHM85 63a 2A3538 64 GHF332 65 SH505101 66 ADU5738 CROWN WHEEL + PINION, 3.46:1 1 (Stronger semi helical cut teeth for std or cross pin differentials). CROWN WHEEL + PINION, 3.76:1 1 (Stronger semi helical cut teeth for std or cross pin differentials). CROWN WHEEL + PINION, 3.93:1 1 (Stronger semi helical cut teeth for std or cross pin differentials). CROWN WHEEL + PINION, 4.07:1 1 (Stronger semi helical cut teeth for std or cross pin differentials). CROWN WHEEL + PINION, 4.31:1 1 (Stronger semi helical cut teeth for std or cross pin differentials). CROWN WHEEL + PINION, 4.57:1 1 (Stronger semi helical cut teeth for std or cross pin differentials). CROWN WHEEL + PINION, 4.67:1 1 (Stronger semi helical cut teeth for std or cross pin differentials). CROWN WHEEL + PINION, 3.46:1 1 (Stronger semi helical cut teeth for limited slip differentials only). CROWN WHEEL + PINION, 3.76:1 1 (Stronger semi helical cut teeth for limited slip differentials only). CROWN WHEEL + PINION, 3.93:1 1 (Stronger semi helical cut teeth for limited slip differentials only). CROWN WHEEL + PINION, 4.07:1 1 (Stronger semi helical cut teeth for limited slip differentials only). CROWN WHEEL + PINION, 4.23:1 1 (Stronger semi helical cut teeth for limited slip differentials only). CROWN WHEEL + PINION, 4.31:1 1 (Stronger semi helical cut teeth for limited slip differentials only). CROWN WHEEL + PINION, 4.67:1 1 (Stronger semi helical cut teeth for limited slip differentials only). DIFF UNIT, cross pin 1 four planet gears DIFF UNIT, cross pin 1 four planet gears EVO DIFF UNIT, race limited slip differential 1 (90/35 ramped Evolution LSD is an upgraded version of the popular Salisbury clutch type LSD). DIFF UNIT, rally limited slip differential 1 45/45 ramp DIFF UNIT, rally limited slip differential 1 90/50 ramp BUSH 2 diff housing & crown wheel THRUST WASHER, fibre 2 SHAFT, differential output 2 pre A+ SHAFT, differential output 2 all A+ SHAFT, differential output 2 { limited slip diffs only for } pot joints (GCV1102) SHAFT, differential output 2 { ltd slip diffs only for Hardy } Spicer joints (27H7880) CIRCLIP, LSD output shaft 2 { required to hold output } shafts to diff side plate CIRCLIP, output shaft 2 PLANET GEAR 2 pre A+ PLANET GEAR 2 all A+ T/WASHER, planet gear to cage 2 no lip T/ WASHER, planet gear to cage 2 with lip DIFF PIN 1 DIFF PIN, competition 1 ROLL PIN, cross pin to differential cage 1 BEARING, differential cage 1 SHIM, differential bearing (0.002”) a/r SHIM, differential bearing (0.003”) a/r SHIM, differential bearing (0.006”) a/r SHIM, differential bearing (0.010”) a/r GASKET, output shaft cover 2 HOUSING, output shaft 2 BUSH, output shaft housing 2 WASHER, locking 10 SCREW 10 bearing to diff housing SEAL, output shaft housing 2 32 London 020 8867 2020 Bradford 01274 539 999 GEARBOX Gearbox Internals Gear Lever & Fittings Gearbox internals (Continued) ill 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 Gear Lever & Fittings Part Number Description Req. Details AHU1082 22A1616 22A1881 DAM2905 2A3624 DAM8488 2A3628 22A862 GHF331 SH504071 2A3720 DAM6028 22G1858 22G1844 22G1854 DAM7425 DAM7426 TSP100400 22G2595 BLS110 22G2083 22G1870 22G1417 DAM3022 AHU1672 CAJJ4014 CSTN76 CSTN77 GAC8448X SEAL, output shaft housing 2 Hardy Spicer S type SEAL, output shaft housing 2 auto pre pot joint PINION, speedo 17 teeth 1 (To 1984) (10” wheels) PINION, speedo 16 teeth 1 (12”wheels) BUSH, metal seating 1 ADAPTOR, speedometer 4 cable to pinion housing GASKET 1 FORK 1 WASHER, locking 1 SCREW, fork retaining 1 SPINDLE, speedo drive (6 teeth) 1 10” wheels SPINDLE, speedo drive (7 teeth) 1 blue gear 12” wheels SHAFT SELECTOR 1 INTERLOCKING SPOOL 1 SHAFT SELECTOR 1 for selector forks SELECTOR FORK, 1st & 2nd 1 SELECTOR FORK, 3rd & 4th 1 SELECTOR FORK, 3rd & 4th 1 ROLL PIN, (fork to rod) 3rd & 4th 1 DETENT BALL 1 DETENT SPRING 1 DETENT SLEEVE 1 O’ RING, for sleeve 1 GAITER, rod change oil seal 1 SEAL, oil, rod change 1 GEAR KIT, remote 1 straight cut GEAR KIT, rod 1 straight cut GEAR KIT, rod A+ 1 straight cut PICK UP PIPE, central 1 (To ensure a constant supply of oil during hard corning). ill Part Number Description 1 2 3 4 22G1930 42H1116 RPS1416 22A1936 DAM5067 UKN10032 BT605161 GHF301 LNZ105 WA112081 GHF275 42H1199 DAM3670 42B413 DAM2670 22G2277 22G2792 22G389 DAM8621 22G2026 BT606281 LNZ106 22G2205 21A956Z EXTENSION ROD, to gear lever COUPLING, for extension rod ROLL PIN STEADY ROD, g/box to g/lever STEADY ROD, g/box to g/lever STEADY ROD, g/box to g/lever BOLT, steady rod to gearbox WASHER, locking NUT WASHER, star NUT ROD, eye support-small type HOUSING, gear lever BUSH, housing steady RETAINER PIN, long, gear lever RETAINER PIN, short, gear lever EYE, extension rod BUSH SEAT BASE PLATE, gear lever housing BRACKET, floor to housing BOLT, bracket to housing NUT, locking MOUNTING, bracket to housing MOUNTING REAR 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 GHF332 GHF201 22G1434 22A1932 MRAC1751 KAD1013218 DAM4440 CZH4278 FJN10003 GHF426 WASHER NUT RETAINER, gear lever ASSEMBLY, gear lever GEAR LEVER, quick shift GEAR LEVER, quick shift KNOB, gear lever GAITER, gear lever RETAINER, for gaiter SCREW, gaiter retainer 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Req. Details coupling & extension rod 998cc (To 1985) 1300cc (1985-On) gear lever locator cup seat bottom of g/ lever { remote gear housing to } under floor bracket rod type remote type Bristol 0117 923 2523 Manchester 0161 480 6402 GEARBOX 33 Gearbox Externals Gearbox Externals ill Part Number Description 1 2 18G8085 GHF102 GHF101 BH604141 12A1150 2H983 GHF300 GHF200 GHF331 FHS2410 12H1824 TAM1617 22G1834 GHF332 FNZ506 FNZ505 22A152 53K547 22A153 22A97 22A13 42H500 22A251 2A3505B 2A3506B 22G1836B GAC8000 KIT, gearbox lock tabs 1 BOLT, long, block to gearbox 5 SCREW, short, block to gearbox 5 BOLT, rear dowel 1 COLLAR, rear of block 1 DOWEL, hollow block to g/box 1 rear WASHER, locking 1 NUT, plain, block to gearbox 1 WASHER, spring 1/4” 13 STUD, thin flange block 2 A+ models DOWEL, block to gearbox, 1 (front) STUD, long 4/2 STUD, short 2 WASHER, locking 6 NUT, diff housing stud 3/8” UNF 4 NUT, diff housing stud+front cover 6 5/16” UNF STUD, flywheel housing, long 6 STUD, flywheel housing, short 3 DOWEL, diff housing 2 DOWEL, flywheel housing 2 DOWEL, speedo drive housing 2 LOCKTAB, diff housing 1 LOCKTAB, diff housing 1 GASKET, upper, diff housing 1 GASKET, lower, diff housing 1 pre rod change GASKET, lower, diff housing 1 rod change RTV SILICONE COMPOUND 1 (Rover now use silicone in place of these gaskets for upper and lower differential housing). BEARING, idler gear 1 (1.065” O/D, 0.750” I/D) BEARING, idler gear 1 (1.375” O/D, 0.750” I/D) BEARING, idler gear 1 (1.375” O/D, 0.875” I/D CIRCLIP, ( when 13H7848 fitted) 1 COVER, speedo drive housing 1 GASKET, drive housing 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 13H7848 DAM3745 AHU1707 51K3565 DAM5219 22A541B Req. Details 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 GUG5503GM 12G1318 12G1319 6K9012 2A3606 22A542B 2A3637 MS3313 GASKET, speedo drive case plate 1 ADAPTOR PLATE, rad’ mounting 1 SCREW, adaptor, gearbox casing 1 WASHER, locking 1 O RING, oil suction 1 case to block GASKET, oil drilling 1 PLATE, oil drilling blanking 1 MAGNETIC TRAP 1 (Replaces plate with magnetic sump plug extra safety in oil delivery pipe). 2K4874 LOCKTAB 1 BH604131 BOLT, blanking plate to block 2 DAM7335 DRAIN PLUG, magnetic 1 AED172 WASHER, drain plug 1 GUG3007SG GASKET SET, gearbox to engine 1 GUG3007SGA GASKET, gearbox to engine 1 front gasket GUG3007SGB GASKET, gearbox to engine 1 { rear gasket with hole for } oil pipe AHU1959 SEAL 1 { crescent front of crank AHU1959Z SEAL 1 } to gearbox case 13H7286 BUSH, gear lever steady rod 1 SH504061 SCREW, adaptor plate to housing 2 GHF331 WASHER, spring 2 GUG708010TS GASKET SET, gearbox 1 GUG708010TSZ GASKET SET, gearbox 1 Reconditioned Gearboxes MT2101 MT2102 GEARBOX, reconditioned (exchange) GEARBOX, reconditioned (exchange) 1 1 rod type remote type 34 London 020 8867 2020 Bradford 01274 539 999 SUBFRAMES Front Subframe Rear Subframe Front Subframe ill Part Number Description 1 NLA 21A2774 FRONT SUBFRAME, dry suspension 1 (To 1975) (21A2570) FRONT SUBFRAME, dry suspension 1 (1974-76) (Lower steady bar fitted to LH rear of subframe). FRONT SUBFRAME, dry suspension 1 (1976-On) FRONT SUBFRAME, repro 1 998cc FRONT SUBFRAME, genuine 1 Cooper 1300 FRONT SUBFRAME, complete 1 (1976-98) (Lower steady bar fitted to RH front of subframe. Includes Hubs, brakes, drive shafts, suspension cones). FRONT SUBFRAME, assembly 1 1275cc MkIV (Radiator front mounted. Includes Hubs and brakes). FRONT MOUNTING, teardrop 2 FRONT MOUNTING, teardrop 2 FRONT MOUNTING, teardrop 2 poly FRONT MOUNTING, teardrop 2 alloy FRONT MOUNT KIT, teardrop 1 alloy solid front mounts SCREW, mounting to valance 2 WASHER, locking 2 WASHER 2 NUT 2 PACKING a/r (Subframe to front valance standard fitment 96 on required when fitting 13 inch wheels or 165/60/12 tyres to 4.5 + wide wheels to space the front panel slightly forward). EYEBOLT 2 alternatives EYENUT, towing eye 2 female fitment BOLT 2 alternatives WASHER, plain 2 WASHER, locking 2 NUT 2 BOLT, subframe tower mounting 2 WASHER 2 BUSH, bolt to crossmember 2 BUSH, bolt to crossmember 2 BUSH, bolt to crossmember 2 poly BUSH, alloy, bolt to crossmember 2 solid subframe mounting (Eliminates front subframe movement). BUSH KIT, alloy kit (4) 1 solid tower mount kit (Replaces both top & bottom pads between cross member & subframe). PAD, rubber, subframe to body 2 PAD, alloy, subframe to body 2 solid subframe mounting (Eliminates front subframe movement). KGB10022 FAM8108Z KGB10027 HMP241001 HMP241003 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 21A2624 21A2624Z 21A2624P 21A2624X CSTR641 GHF103 GHF332 GHF301 FNZ505 2A4292 21A1241 KPU100160 GHF105 GHF302 GHF333 FNZ506 21A2596 53K3755 21A2597 KGE100050 KGE100050P KAD1013297 CSTR640 16 21A2598 21A2598X 18 SH605061 PAD, poly, subframe to body REAR MOUNTING REAR MOUNTING REAR MOUNTING, poly REAR MOUNTING, pair (Eliminates front subframe movement). SCREW 19 20 21 WC108051 GHF332 GHF201 WASHER, plain WASHER, locking NUT 17 Req. Details KGE100060P 21A2599 21A2599Z 21A2599P CSTR642 2 2 2 2 1 8 solid steel subframe mount { Mounting to toe board and } subframe 8 12 8 Rear Subframe 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 KHB10024 HHMP241002 FAM6292Z 2A5818 2A5818P CSTR638 21A2560 CSTR639 21A2560P 21A1440 PWZ207 LNZ207 SH605181 GHF332 BH605101 BH605201 GHF301 GHF222 21A195 21A197 WPT90021 WPT9002X GHF120 GHF332 GHF301 2A5819 WPT9006X 21A2558 WPT9007X REAR SUBFRAME, O.E. 1 latest type REAR SUBFRAME, complete 1 MkIV (1976-On) (Includes Rear radius arms, suspension cones and brakes). REAR SUBFRAME, repro 1 MOUNTING BUSH, split type 8 (To 1976) MOUNTING BUSH 8 (To 1976) MOUNTING BUSH KIT, 1 (To 1976) MOUNTING BUSH, one piece 4 (1976-On) MOUNTING BUSH KIT, 1 (1976-On) MOUNTING BUSH, poly 2 (1976-On) SUPPORT PIN, front mounting 2 WASHER 4 NUT, nyloc 4 SCREW, trunnion to heel board 4 WASHER, locking 4 BOLT, rear trunnion, short 2 BOLT, rear trunnion, long 2 WASHER 4 NUT, nyloc 4 BRACKET, radius arm RH 1 BRACKET, radius arm LH 1 BRACKETS, radius arms pair 1 adjustable camber plates BRACKETS, radius arms pair 1 negative camber brackets (Add 1.5 degrees more negative camber than what you have already). SCREW, bracket to rear subframe 8 WASHER, locking 8 WASHER 8 TRUNNION, stepped 4/2 (To 1976) (Quantity reduced post 76 (2A5819 x 2 and 21A2558 x 2). TRUNNION KIT, alloy 1 (To 1976) light weight alloy TRUNNION 2 (1976-On) TRUNNION KIT, alloy 1 (1976-On) light weight alloy Bristol 0117 923 2523 Manchester 0161 480 6402 STEERING Steering Racks Steering Column RHD Steering Rack Note: See accessories catalogue for our full range of steering wheels. ill Part Number Description Req. Details 13 1 GSR371 GSR626E CAJJ1570 STEERING RACK, aftermarket STEERING RACK, O.E. STEERING RACK, quick rack 1 1 1 new reconditioned 2.2 turns lock to lock 14 15 LHD Steering Rack 2 GSR158E GSR1163 GSR163Z CAJJ1571 STEERING RACK, O.E. STEERING RACK, aftermarket STEERING RACK, aftermarket STEERING RACK, quick rack 1 1 1 1 reconditioned new 2.2 turns lock to lock Gaiters All Models 3 4 5 6 7 8 GSV1153 GSV1153= GRG205 GRG210Z GRG205 GAITER KIT, for O.E. racks GAITER KIT GAITER KIT, for O.E. racks GAITER KIT, aftermarket racks GAITER KIT, for O.E. racks 17H6298 CCA35 ACH5854 GSJ734 GSJ734Z GSJ158 GAITER, O.E. racks only 2 CLIP, large 2 CLIP, small 2 TRACK ROD END 2 TRACK ROD END 2 TRACK ROD END 2 slightly longer in thread (Use when lowering car and or adding negative camber). NUT, nyloc, imperial 2 { track rod end NUT, nyloc, metric 2 } to steering arm. GHF223 NY210041 1 1 1 1 1 2 boots & 4 metal clips 2 boots & plastic ties 2 boots & 4 plastic ties 2 boots & 4 plastic ties { 2 boots, 2 packs of grease, | 2 small metal clips and 2 } large plastic ties. single, no clips gaiter to rack casing gaiter to track rod Note: Due to Rover changing sources on the track rod ends, the pin thread can vary. Please check before ordering, nuts with imperial threads use a 9/16” AF spanner. 9 10 11 12 FNZ208 2A6208 21A2553 GHF222 LOCK NUT, t/rod end to track rod U BOLT, rack mounting to body PACKING PIECE, nylon strip NUT, nyloc 2 2 2 4 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 21A2252 GSV1095 NAM8553 GSV1127 NAM8563 NAM8527 QMB101550PMA 21A30 BH604111 GHF331 GHF200 21A2463 GAC8426X 21A2666 51K4006 51K4002 21A2464 21H295 18G8892 BHM7107 BHM7107Z BHM7107ZQ BHM7252 QRF100750 51K4001 18G8803 13H3737 GHF711 BHM7085 AT606084 GHF711 AC606051 ACH6001 QYH10007 53K3480 QYF10005 HORN PUSH, centre BUSH, column top BUSH, column top BUSH, column lower, felt BUSH, column lower COLUMN COLUMN ASSEMBLY SEAL, rack to body BOLT, pinching clamp WASHER, spring NUT BRACKET, clamp to body DROP BRACKET, steering column CLAMP, column to bracket SHEARBOLT, column clamp SHEARBOLT, bracket to body NUT PLATE, bracket to body NUT, column clamp LOCK, steering, key in side LOCK, steering, key facing driver LOCK, steering, key facing driver LOCK, steering, key facing driver LOCK, steering, key facing driver LOCK, steering SHEARBOLT, steering lock COWLING, (with steering lock, single stalk) SCREW, cowl to column SPIRE CLIP, on column COWLING, twin stalks, Black SCREW, cowl to column CLIP, on column SCREW, cowling (twin stalks) NUT, steering wheel retaining NUT, steering wheel retaining WASHER, shakeproof WASHER, shakeproof 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 4 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 35 Mini motif MkII & MkIII To VIN 380107 From VIN380108 On To VIN 380107 From VIN380108 On fits all models (To 1996) mpi (1996-On) 2.69” long 1.45” long (To 1976) (1976-On) (1976-On) (1976-On) less shear bolt Mini 25 mpi (1996-On) { | | (To 1976) } { | (1976-On) | } 1 5/16” AF 1” AF Use with ACH6001 Use with QYH10007 36 London 020 8867 2020 Bradford 01274 539 999 DRIVE Drive Shafts Drive Flanges ill Part Number Description 1 GCV1104 GCV1103 GCV1100 GCV1101 GCV1105 17H8600R GCV1013 GSV1185 GSV1185Z GDG233 GSV1053 GDG202 AKF1457 37H8706 17H8597 27H7880 GCV1102 GCD101 QL5000 GUJ101 DRIVE SHAFT RH, no inner joint DRIVE SHAFT LH, no inner joint DRIVE SHAFT RH, no inner joint DRIVE SHAFT LH, no inner joint CV JOINT, outer CV JOINT, outer CV JOINT, outer GAITER KIT, heavy duty, O.E. GAITER KIT, heavy duty GAITER KIT, standard duty, O.E. GAITER KIT, heavy duty, O.E. GAITER KIT, standard duty, O.E. GREASE, separate sachet CIRCLIP, inner CV thick section CIRCLIP, outer CV tin section HARDY SPICER JOINT, inner POT JOINT, inboard COUPLING, drive shaft, rubber COUPLING, nylon COUPLING REPAIR KIT (Repair kit for Hardy Spicer (27H7880). GAITER KIT GAITER KIT GAITER GAITER KIT, heavy duty, O.E. GAITER KIT, heavy duty, O.E. GAITER KIT, standard duty, O.E. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 GSV1192 GSV1192Z 21A963 GSV1073 GSV1073= GDG234 Req. 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 a/r 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Details { } { } drum brakes (To 1984) disc brakes (1984-On) drum brake models drum brake models recon disc brake models { | To fit GCV1105 } { To fit GCV1013 } 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 auto & Cooper S 19 early Mini upgrade to GCD101 auto and Cooper S 20 sliding joint to drive shaft sliding joint to drive shaft sliding joint to drive shaft 21 { | To fit GCV1102 } 21A231 21A1270 21A2695 NAM6450F SF604061 BTA370 NAM6472 2A4295 FAM9270 2A7323 BTA249 21A79 GHK1140 GHK1018 GHS101 GHS173 2A4361 21A1307 BTA339 21A2064 88G322 113087 FAM5701* FAM3721* FAM2563* NAM9075 DRIVE FLANGE DRIVE FLANGE DRIVE FLANGE DRIVE FLANGE SCREW, drive flange to disc BOLT, drive flange to disc BOLT, drive flange to disc COLLAR, oil seal COLLAR, outer, tapered WASHER, outer, plain NUT, hub 1 5/16” AF NUT, hub 1 1/8” AF HUB BEARING KIT, includes seals HUB BEARING KIT, includes seals OIL SEAL, outer OIL SEAL, inner with shield SPACER, 0.094” seal to bearing SPACER, 0.229” seal to bearing STUD, 1.1875” (30mm) shaft length STUD, 1.375” (35mm) shaft length WHEEL NUT, round chamfer WHEEL NUT, 600 chamfer angle WHEEL NUT, round chamfer WHEEL NUT, 600 chamfer WASHER, for wheel nut WHEEL NUT 2 2 2 2 8 8 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 8 8 2 16 16 16 16 drum brakes 7.5in disc brakes Cooper S disc brakes 8.4in disc 8.4in disc brakes vented 7.5in disc brakes Cooper S 8.4in disc brakes disc 8.4in disc brakes vented drum brakes disc brakes drum brakes disc brakes drum brakes disc brakes drum brakes disc brakes drum brakes disc brakes drum brakes standard 10” road wheels standard 12” road wheels 10” with hub caps 12” with hub caps Cooper 1300 *Note: If your car is fitted with wheel trims retained by the wheel nut, then you will require the wheel nuts marked with an asterisk. Care must be taken when ordering as ‘radius’ and ‘chamfered’ wheel nuts are not interchangeable! Bristol 0117 923 2523 Manchester 0161 480 6402 Front Suspension (Dry) ill 1 Part Number Description HMP841016 CONE, STRUT & KNUCKLE KIT 2 inc. items 1, 2 & 4 (Manufactured to original specification from original tooling). RUBBER CONE (metric thread) 2 COIL SPRING KIT, blue 1 { softer, front & rear spring } kit, replaces rubber cone COIL SPRING KIT, red 1 { firmer, front & rear spring } kit, replaces rubber cone STRUT 2 HILO, suspension kit 1 adj. height kit front & rear HILO TRUMPET 1 adjustable height cones kit (Includes 2 x Hilo cones and 2 x 21A423). ALLEN BAR, front 1 adj. suspension heights ADJUSTA-RIDE, suspension kit 1 adjustable height kit front WASHER, packing a/r to raise ride height (Cars with 12” wheels require 1 packing washer per side). KNUCKLE JOINT 2 CUP 2 suspension knuckle cup GAITER 2 suspension knuckle gaiter SHOCK ABSORBER 2 SHOCK ABSORBER 2 SPAX, standard height SHOCK ABSORBER 2 SPAX, lowered height SHOCK ABSORBER 2 KONI, standard height SHOCK ABSORBER 2 KONI, lowered height SHOCK ABSORBER 2 GAZ, standard height SHOCK ABSORBER 2 GAZ, lowered height SHOCK ABSORBER KIT 1 SPAX, coil over kit, standard (Adjustable front and rear kit standard height). SHOCK ABSORBER KIT 1 SPAX, coil over kit, lowered (Adjustable front and rear kit lowered height). BUSH, shock absorber 4 SLEEVE 4 { shock absorber WASHER 8 } bush NUT, nyloc, 2 top mount MOUNTING, RH 1 { shock absorber MOUNTING, LH 1 } top SCREW, bracket to inner wing 8 WASHER, locking 8 PIN, lower shock absorber mount 2 BOLT, lower shock absorber mount 2 { alternatives to SPACER (use with BH606321) 2 } item 13 FAM3968 FAM3968X FAM3968HX 2 3 4 5 21A530 GAC8437X GAC84371 GAC84374 GAC8432X 21A1845 GSV1118 21A423 21A425 GSA71541 GAC8401X GAC8402X GAC8405X GAC8406X GAC8401X GAC8402X SPCK19 SPCK20 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 21A1230 21A504 AJD7162 GHF223 21A471 21A474 GHF117 GHF331 2A4337 BH606321 21A2694 Req. Details SUSPENSION 16 GHF223 17 18 GHF302 21A2690 21A2691 2A4325K 2A4326 2A7324 2A7327 GHF335 FNZ508 2A4327 SH604051 GHF331 88G302 UHN445 21A371 21A372 FAM2390 FAM2391 GSJ166 FNZ507 GHF334 BTA377 2A4240 2A4238 21A370 2A4315 2K5377 BTA896 BTA897 FAM6924 UHN400 21A1879 21A1881 WPT9001X WPT90012X WPT90013X C-AJJ3363 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 37 NUT, nyloc 4/2 (Quantity reduced when item 14 (BH606321) is used). WASHER 2 UPPER ARM, RH 1 UPPER ARM, LH 1 REPAIR KIT, top fulcrum shaft 2 THRUST COLLAR 2 THRUST WASHER 2 SEAL, rubber ring on top arm 4 WASHER, locking, shaft end 4 NUT, shaft end 4 PLATE, shaft retaining 2 SCREW, plate retaining 4 WASHER, locking 4 NEEDLE ROLLER, top arm 4 GREASE NIPPLE, top arm 2 HUB CARRIER, RH 1 { drum brakes HUB CARRIER, LH 1 } HUB CARRIER, RH 1 { disc brakes HUB CARRIER, LH 1 } SWIVEL PIN KIT (per side) 2 NUT, high tensile 4 WASHER, locking 4 DUST COVER 4 SHIM, 0.005” (0.127mm) a/r LOCKTAB 4 SPRING 2 BOLT, steering arm to hub carrier 4 LOCKTAB, steering arm 2 STEERING ARM, RH 1 STEERING ARM, LH 1 DOWL, steering arm locating 4 GREASE NIPPLE, swivel pin 4 LOWER ARM, RH 1 LOWER ARM, LH 1 LOWER ARMS, neg camber 1 see accessories catalogue LOWER ARMS, neg camber 1 see accessories catalogue LOWER ARMS, neg camber 1 see accessories catalogue LOWER ARMS, adjustable 1 sold in pairs (1 piece, forged, spherical-jointed rod end, adjustable lower arms (with joint) to allow adjustment for camber. Heat tested and crack tested). 38 London 020 8867 2020 Bradford 01274 539 999 SUSPENSION Front Suspension (Dry) (Continued) ill Part Number Description 45 46 47 48 2A4362 GHF333 FNZ506 2A4294 21A1882 21A1882P 21A450 8G4249 WPT9003X 31G1155 31G1155H 31G1155VH C-STR629 31G1155P PWZ207 2A4328 GHF224 53K1031 FULCRUM PIN, lower WASHER, locking NUT BUSH, lower arm BUSH, lower arm BUSH, lower arm TIE BAR TIE BAR KIT TIE BARS, pair, heavy duty BUSH, tie bar end BUSH, tie bar end BUSH, tie bar end BUSH KIT, tie bar BUSH, tie bar end WASHER, tie bar end WASHER, cup tie bar end NUT, nyloc tie bar end BOLT, tie bar to lower arm 49 50 51 52 53 54 Req. 2 2 2 4 4 4 2 2 1 4 4 4 1 4 2 2 2 2 Details (Pre 1965) straight hole tapered hole poly see accessories catalogue rubber road harder spec. rubber race harder spec. rubber race harder spec. poly race harder spec. 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 GHF332 FNZ505 2A4332 GHF331 GHF200 21A1598 WASHER, locking NUT BUMP STOP, 2 stud fixing WASHER, locking NUT REBOUND BUFFER FAM2764 FAM2764P FAM2767 GHF331 GHF200 2A4267 2A4267P 13H2776 21A1577S CCG001 BUMP STOP, 1 stud fixing 2 BUMP STOP, 1 stud fixing 2 PACKING, bump stop 2 WASHER, locking 2 NUT 2 BUFFER, rebound 2 BUFFER, rebound 2 poly SCREW, buffer retaining 4 HYDROLASTIC PIPE, suspension 2 universal replacement GAUGE, caster/camber 1 (This gauge allows you to correctly set up your suspension to get the best from your Mini where it excels most (the corners). TOOL, cone compressor 1 GAC9424X 2 2 2 4 4 2 (To 1975) { fits hydro suspension } cars fitted to top arm (From 1976) poly, (From 1976) 12” wheel models only Bristol 0117 923 2523 Manchester 0161 480 6402 Rear Suspension (Dry) ill Part Number Description 1 FAM3968 HMP841017 RUBBER CONE (metric thread) STRUT KIT, per side FAM3968X FAM3968HX 2 21A1684 GAC8437X GAC84371 GAC84372 3 4 5 6 GAC84373 GAC8433X 21A1845 GSV1118 21A423 21A425 21A640 GSA71542 GAC8403X GAC8404X GAC8407X GAC8408X GAC8403XG GAC8404XG SPCK19 SPCK20 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 21A2325 21A1314 21A1314P GZS1477 GZS1477P 21A639 GHF273 21A504 21A1230 AJD7162 GHF223 GSV1125 Req. 2 2 Details { inc. FAM3968, 21A1684 } & GSV1118 COIL SPRING KIT, blue 1 softer, (Front & rear coil spring kit that replaces the rubber cone). COIL SPRING KIT, red 1 firmer, (Front and rear coil spring kit that replaces the rubber cone). STRUT 2 HILO, suspension kit 1 adj. height kit front & rear HILO TRUMPET 1 adjustable height cones kit (Includes 2 x Hilo cones and 2 x 21A423). RODS, pair, extension 1 { used with GAC84371 when } fitting to rear suspension ALLEN BAR, rear 1 adjusting suspension height ADJUSTA-RIDE, suspension kit 1 adjustable height kit rear WASHER a/r packing to raise ride height KNUCKLE JOINT 2 CUP 2 suspension knuckle cup GAITER 2 suspension knuckle gaiter COVER, top s/abs mounting 2 SHOCK ABSORBER 2 SHOCK ABSORBER 2 SPAX, standard height SHOCK ABSORBER 2 SPAX, lowered height SHOCK ABSORBER 2 KONI, standard height SHOCK ABSORBER 2 KONI, lowered height SHOCK ABSORBER 2 GAZ, standard height SHOCK ABSORBER 2 GAZ, lowered height SHOCK ABSORBER KIT 1 SPAX, coil over kit (Height adjustable front and rear kit standard height). SHOCK ABSORBER KIT 1 SPAX, coil over kit (Height adjustable front and rear kit lowered height). WASHER, lower bush retaining 2 BUSH, lower top, s/absorber 2 BUSH, lower top, s/absorber 2 poly BUSH, upper top, s/absorber 2 BUSH, upper top, s/absorber 2 WASHER, upper bush retaining 2 NUT, nyloc, top s/abs mount 2 SLEEVE, bottom s/abs bush 2 BUSH, bottom s/abs mounting 2 WASHER 2 NUT, nyloc 2 REPAIR KIT 2 radius arm fulcrum pin (We also supply special removal and installation tools for this kit). SUSPENSION 17 18 19 20 ACA9099 UHN400 FNZ508 LWZ208 2A7327 SHAFT, radius arm GREASE NIPPLE, fulcrum pin NUT, fulcrum pin WASHER, locking SEAL, radius arm 39 2 2 4 4 4 Rear Hub & Stub Axle 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 21A2023 RLH10021 21A2064 21A1278 GHK1352 GHB212 BTA672 GHK1548 GHS227 NL610041 FNN2410 ATB4098 2A7351 2A7351Z 2A7364 2A7364Z 2A7352 21A1520 21A1517 34 NAM7162R NAM7163R 18G582 18G583 18G583B 18G588 18G588A 21A1577S CCG001 HUB, with short studs 2 10” wheels, (To 1984) HUB, with long studs 2 12” wheels, (1984-On) WHEEL STUD, short 8 10” wheels, (To 1984) WHEEL STUD, long 8 12” wheels, (1984-On) HUB BEARING KIT, ball bearing 2 { standard BEARING, rear hub 4 } WASHER, hub 2 HUB BEARING KIT, (uprated) 2 taper rollers SEAL, grease 2 all models NUT, RH hub 1 NUT, LH hub 1 GREASE CAP 2 For information on wheel nuts see accessories catalogue and page36. STUB AXLE, RH, rear 1 STUB AXLE, RH, rear 1 STUB AXLE, LH, rear 1 STUB AXLE, LH, rear 1 CIRCLIP, stub axle retaining 2 BUMP STOP 2 (The larger cone type which is the bump stop rubber). BUMP STOP 2 (This is the flatter type rear rebound rubber on hydrolastic cars, uses exactly the same metal base plate as 21A1520 which is the larger cone type which is the bump stop rubber). RADIUS ARM L/H, reconditioned 1 surcharge on this item (Old unit required). RADIUS ARM R/H, reconditioned 1 surcharge on this item (Old unit required) BEARING REPLACER 1 BEARING REMOVER 1 ADAPTOR FOR 18G583 1 REAMER 1 { required to ream bushes } after install GUIDE, for reamer 1 HYDROLASTIC PIPE, suspension 2 universal replacement GAUGE, caster/camber 1 (This gauge allows you to correctly set up your suspension to get the best from your Mini where it excels most (the corners). Very easy to use supplied with instructions). 40 London 020 8867 2020 Bradford 01274 539 999 BRAKES Front Disc Brakes 7.5 (10” Wheels) Front Drum Brakes 1964-84 Twin Leading Shoe (10” Wheels) ill Part Number Description 1 37H2013 37H2014 21A1299 GHF332 GBS733AF AAU8243 GWC102 GWC102Z GWC103 GWC103Z GWC126 GWC126Z GWC127 GWC127Z BACK PLATE, RH BACK PLATE, LH BOLT, backplate to hub WASHER, locking BRAKE SHOES, set of four SPRING, brake shoe return WHEEL CYL. RH, 0.8125 bore size WHEEL CYL. RH, 0.8125 bore size WHEEL CYL. LH, 0.8125 bore size WHEEL CYL. LH, 0.8125 bore size WHEEL CYL. RH, 0.9375 bore size WHEEL CYL. RH, 0.9375 bore size WHEEL CYL. LH, 0.9375 bore size WHEEL CYL. LH, 0.9375 bore size 2 3 4 5 6 Req. 1 1 6 6 1 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Details use SH605051 asbestos free MkI only, early back plate MkI only, early back plate MkI only, early back plate MkI only, early back plate Note: When replacing the wheel cylinders you will probably need to replace the bolts (items 10 and 12). 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 GRK2002 3H2428 37H3833 7H7520 GHF331 SH605051 GHF332 27H3753 GDB105 CMZ407 REPAIR KIT, wheel cylinder BLEED NIPPLE GASKET, w/cylinder to back plate BOLT, w/cyl to back plate (small) WASHER, spring BOLT, w/cyl to back plate (large) WASHER, spring SPRING, retaining, shoe to cylinder BRAKE DRUM SCREW, brake drum retaining 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 Front Disc Brakes 7.0 27H4656 27H4657 GRK5006 17H8626SS 3H2428 GBP103AF GBP103G GBP103KV 8G8996 GBD101 SF604061 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 SEAL KIT, per caliper PAD SET, EBC green PAD SET, Kevlar DISC SCREW, disc to drive flange 2 1 1 2 8 1 1 2 4 2 1 1 1 1 2 8 1275GT & S (To 1974) 1275GT & S (To 1974) S and GT S and GT Front Disc Brakes 1984-On (12” Wheels) Note: Calipers not Available. GRK5009 GBP102G GBP103KV BTA193 CMZ407 CALIPER RH CALIPER LH SEAL KIT, per caliper PISTON, stainless steel BLEED NIPPLE PAD SET PAD SET, EBC green PAD SET, Kevlar PAD SET, M1144 DISC SCREW, disc to drive flange 15 16 17 18 GBC141 GBC1049E GBC138 GBC1048E GRK5008 17H7960 3H2428 GBP307AF GBP90307AF GBK1010 17H7963 17H7963X 17H2460 53K1048 GHF333 GBD90806 GBD90806= GBD90806Z BTA370 21A2613 21A2617 21A2614 21A2618 PMZ308 WL700101 GHF206 BTA1208 BTA1209 CALIPER, RH, new CALIPER, RH, rebuilt, exchange CALIPER, LH, new CALIPER, LH, rebuilt, exchange SEAL KIT, per caliper PISTON, caliper BLEED NIPPLE PAD SET, set of four pads PAD SET, set of four pads SPLIT PIN, car set SPRING CLIP, anti rattle SPRING CLIP, anti rattle SHIM, anti squeal BOLT, caliper to hub WASHER, spring DISC, 8.4” diameter DISC, Lockheed DISC, non genuine BOLT, disc to hub BACK PLATE, RH top BACK PLATE, LH top BACK PLATE, RH lower BACK PLATE, LH lower SCREW, backplate WASHER, locking NUT BRACKET, back plate RH BRACKET, back plate LH 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 1 1 1 2 2 4 4 4 2 2 2 8 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 1 1 asbestos free O.E. Bristol 0117 923 2523 Manchester 0161 480 6402 Front Disc Brakes (4 Pots) ill Part Number Description KAD1013294 MS0509 MS0509B MS0509G MS0509S MS0509SB MS0509SG KAD1013296 GBD496 KADDISC10 MS0508 MS0508S KADDISC12 GRK5003 GBP258 TMG309474 Req. Details 10” DISC BRAKE CONVERSION KIT 1 12” discs to 10” discs (Includes All parts to convert 12” discs to 10” discs, except brake pads). CALIPER ALLOY, pair 4 pots 1 vented 10” wheel BRAKE CALIPERS, pair 1 vented anodised silver BRAKE CALIPERS, pair 1 vented anodised blue BRAKE CALIPERS, pair 1 vented anodised gold BRAKE CALIPERS, pair 1 solid anodised silver BRAKE CALIPERS, pair 1 solid anodised blue BRAKE CALIPERS, pair 1 solid anodised gold CALIPER ALLOY, pair 4 pots 1 vented 12” wheel BRAKE DISC 2 vented std BRAKE DISCS, pair 1 vented 10” wheel BRAKE DISCS, pair 1 vented 7.9” (For 10” wheel and MS0509 vented calipers). BRAKE DISCS, pair 1 solid 7.9” (For 10” wheel and MS0509 solid calipers). BRAKE DISCS, pair 1 vented 12” wheel SEAL KIT, ERA / metro 4 pots 2 and KAD calipers PAD SET, set of four pads 1 standard PAD SET, set of four pads 1 competition Rear Brakes 34 35 36 37 GDB105 GDB105Z GDB106 GDB106Z MS0507 CMZ407 SF604121 GBS834AF 21A1058 21A1060 BRAKE DRUM BRAKE DRUM BRAKE DRUM, with spacer BRAKE DRUM, with spacer BRAKE DRUM, with spacer SCREW, brake drum SCREW, brake drum BRAKE SHOES, car set of 4 shoes BACK PLATE, RH BACK PLATE, LH 41 Note: Only one type of back plate is now available. When replacing a back plate, you may need to drill a new hole for the wheel cylinder locating roll pin. Warning: Do not split the caliper into two halves. GAC8462X BRAKES 2 2 2 2 1 4 4 1 1 1 10” wheels, (To 1984) 12” wheels, (1984-On) 12” wheels, (1984-On) alloy superfins To fit GDB105 To fit GDB106 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 17H8092 17H7621 SMN10005 17H7612 17H7619 17H7618 17H7620 GWC1126 GWC1126Z GWC1131 GWC1131Z GWC1101 GWC1101Z GWC1102 GWC1102Z GWC1134 BHM7015 GRK2003 GRK2014 8G8801 8G8801Z 513118A 3H2428 17H7949 37H4642 21A1669 21A1670 GHF103 GHF332 GHF201 21A1507 21A1512 21A1513 21A2454 KAD1013282 SPRING, upper shoe return SPRING, lower shoe return LEVERS, pair, h/brake operating DUST SEAL, lever aperture ADJUSTER WEDGE ADJUSTER TAPPETS ADJUSTER KIT, per side WHEEL CYLINDER, O.E. diagonal system WHEEL CYLINDER, diagonal system WHEEL CYLINDER, O.E. diagonal system WHEEL CYLINDER, diagonal system WHEEL CYLINDER, O.E. WHEEL CYLINDER WHEEL CYLINDER, O.E. WHEEL CYLINDER WHEEL CYLINDER, O.E. (Japan/Norway). REPAIR KIT, wheel cylinder REPAIR KIT, wheel cylinder REPAIR KIT, wheel cylinder REPAIR KIT, wheel cylinder REPAIR KIT, wheel cylinder BLEED NIPPLE BLEED NIPPLE CIRCLIP, w/cylinder retaining GASKET, w/cylinder to back plate BRACKET, RH, handbrake cable BRACKET, LH, handbrake cable SCREW, back plate to radius arm WASHER, locking NUT QUADRANT, handbrake THRUST WASHER SPIRE CLIP QUADRANT, handbrake QUADRANT, handbrake, pair 2 2 1 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 6 6 6 2 2 2 2 1 set of 2 inc. tappets & adjusters not UK (1976-77) not UK (1976-77) not UK (1976-77) not UK (1976-77) (To 1967) (To 1967) (1967-On) (1967-On) no locating pin To fit GWC1126 To fit GWC1131 To fit GWC1102 To fit GWC1101 To fit GWC1101 All except GWC1131 To fit GWC1131 only hydro suspension dry suspension dry suspension 42 London 020 8867 2020 Bradford 01274 539 999 BRAKES Type A Type B + C Type D Brake Master Cylinders All Models Type A: Single Line System 6 ill Part Number Description 1 GMC153 GMC171 GMC172 GRK1028 BRAKE MASTER CYL. 0.75 bore 1 round metal reservoir BRAKE MASTER CYL. 0.70 bore 1 round metal reservoir BRAKE MASTER CYL. 0.70 bore 1 large round reservoir REPAIR KIT, 0.70 1 (For GMC171 + 172 one end cap seal one ring seal). REPAIR KIT, 0.70 1 (For GMC171 + 172 one end cap seal one ring seal). REPAIR KIT, 0.70 1 (For GMC171 + 172 two ring seals). CAP 1 2 GRK1028Z GRK1006 513123A Req. Details 7 8 9 10 31G279 31G840 FNZ505 GHF332 CLZ512 GHF502 TT3949 18G8938 Type E GASKET, single line master cyl 1 GASKET, dual master cyl 1 NUT, master cylinder to bracket 2 WASHER, locking 2 CLEVIS PIN, pedal to push rod 1 SPLIT PIN 1 SERVO REMOTE 1 (As MkIII S, can be used as conversion on Minis, comes as complete kit). REPAIR KIT, servo 1 for TT3949 Type B: Front To Rear Split System 3 2 GMC159 GRK1019 GRK1019Z AAU3815 BRAKE MASTER CYLINDER REPAIR KIT REPAIR KIT CAP 1 1 1 1 round plastic reservoir 1 1 1 1 round plastic reservoir 1 1 1 square plastic reservoir 1 1 1 square plastic reservoir Type C: Diagonal Split System 3 2 GMC160 GRK1019 GRK1019Z AAU3815 BRAKE MASTER CYLINDER REPAIR KIT REPAIR KIT CAP Type D: Diagonal Split System 4 2 GMC167 GRK1002 AAU8240 BRAKE MASTER CYLINDER REPAIR KIT CAP Type E: Front To Rear Split System 5 2 GMC227 GRK1035 AEU1796 BRAKE MASTER CYLINDER REPAIR KIT CAP, with failure switch Front To Rear Split System With Direct Acting Servo 11 Note: Between 1980 and 1985 the Mini had 4 different types of master cylinder fitted, these being part numbered GMC173 and GMC198 having a pressure failure switch fitted to the body of the cylinder and GMC192 and GMC195 with a fluid level switch fitted to the cap, all these cylinders are superseded by GMC227. As the cylinder is manufactured with metric fittings the conversion pipes must be used in conjunction with GMC227 when replacing an original master cylinder. Although it is possible to rebuild the original master cylinder with a repair kit. BAU5654 BAU5655 PIPE CONVERSION KIT PIPE CONVERSION KIT 1 1 RHD LHD 13 GMC242 GMC90376 GRK1032 GRK6009 GSM119 14 15 16 17 GSM120 NAM8568 NAM8540 PS104221 12 BRAKE MASTER CYLINDER 1 BRAKE MASTER CYLINDER 1 REPAIR KIT 1 CAP, with float switch 1 SERVO UNIT 1 (Not remote attached to master cylinder). REPAIR KIT 1 VACUUM HOSE, with return valve 1 CLEVIS PIN, bell crank 2 SPLIT PIN 2 metric fittings, (1989-On) (1989-On) Bristol 0117 923 2523 Manchester 0161 480 6402 BRAKES Brake Pipes 27 Brake Pipes For Single Line Brakes (Drum Brakes) *Note: If replacing these pipes ensure the correct ones are used, see note on previous page. ill Part Number Description 1 2 3 4 5 GPP14AA 3H2424 GPP18AA GPP46AA GBH170 GAC8412X MT5105 BRAKE PIPE CONNECTOR, 3 way BRAKE PIPE, 3 way BRAKE PIPE BRAKE HOSE, front flexible BRAKE HOSES, (4) stainless steel BRAKE HOSES, (5) stainless steel (Includes GAC8447X clutch hose). BRAKE HOSES, (5) stainless steel (Includes GAC0080 clutch hose). WASHER, copper, brake to cylinder BRAKE PIPE, front hub bridge pipe BRAKE PIPE BRAKE PIPE BRAKE PIPE REGULATOR VALVE BRAKE HOSE, rear flexible BRAKE HOSES, rear stainless steel BRAKE HOSES, rear stainless steel (From subframe to wheel cylinder). NUT, locking, hose to radius arm WASHER, locking NUT BRAKE PIPE WASHER, locking NUT, locking to subframe RH/LH NUT, locking to subframe RH/LH WASHER, copper UNION, 2 way banjo UNION 2 WAY, UNF WASHER, copper BOLT, banjo for brake light switch UNION, female UNF thread UNION, male UNF thread BOLT, 3 way connector to bulkhead WASHER CLIP, pipe to subframe MT5401 6 7 8 9 10 11 233220A GPP10AA GPP102AA GPP6AC GPP26AC 21A2031 GBH250 MT5101 MT5104 12 13 14 15 16 17 NT606041 GHF323 GHF202 GPP10AC WE600101 21A228 2K8686 18 3H550 19 11D5263 21A654 20 233220A 21 7H7995 22 TN606031 23 TM606031 24 GHF101 25 GHF331 25a 11K9181 Req. Details 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 front & rear front & rear 1 front & rear 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 a/r a/r 1 1 a/r master cyl. to 3 way union union to banjo connector banjo conn. to LH front hose GPP13DD* GPP30DD PIPE, m/cyl to PDWA (tandem) PIPE, m/cyl to PDWA 1 1 29 30 31 32 33 34 3 way union to reg. valve reg. valve to RH rear hose reg. valve to LH rear hose mounted on rear subframe pair pair rear brake hose to wheel cyl. long, RHD long, LHD GPP29DD 13H5905 FAM7821 GPP9DD BMK2466A GPP10AD GPP44AA 11K9181 GBH170 GBH249 GBH246 GBH246Z GAC8412X MT5102 MT5105 MT5401 35 36 37 38 38 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Brake Pipes For Split System - Front To Rear 26 28 GPP10DD* 48 49 50 52 53 54 55 56 233220A GPP10AA GPP97AD 3H2424 SH604091 GHF331 GHF200 GPP6AC GPP26AC GBH250 MT5101 MT5104 GPP10AC C5192A WE600101 21A228 2K8686 3H550 11D5263 233220A NT606041 GHF323 GHF202 TN606031 TM606031 PIPE, m/cyl to PDWA (tandem) 1 PIPE, master cylinder to PDWA 1 FAILURE SWITCH, 4 way (P.D.W.A.) 1 P.D.W.A. 1 (Pressure Differential Warning Actuator). BRAKE PIPE, P.D.W.A. to connector* 1 CONNECTOR, in-line 1 BRAKE PIPE, connector to banjo 1 BRAKE PIPE, banjo to LH front hose 1 CLIP, pipe to subframe 2 BRAKE HOSE, front 2 BRAKE HOSE, front 2 BRAKE HOSE, front flexible 4 BRAKE HOSE, front flexible 4 BRAKE HOSES, (4) stainless steel 1 BRAKE HOSES, (2) stainless steel 1 BRAKE HOSES, (5) stainless steel 1 (Including GAC8447X clutch hose). BRAKE HOSES, (5) stainless steel 1 (Including GAC0080 clutch hose). WASHER, copper, 2 BRAKE PIPE, front bridge pipe 2 BRAKE PIPE 1 T PIECE 1 SCREW, T piece to rear subframe 1 WASHER, locking 1 NUT 1 BRAKE PIPE 1 BRAKE PIPE 1 BRAKE HOSE, rear flexible 2 BRAKE HOSES, rear stainless steel 1 BRAKE HOSES, rear stainless steel 1 BRAKE PIPE, rear hose to w/cylinder 2 BOLT, banjo 1 WASHER, locking 2 NUT, locking to subframe 1 NUT, locking to subframe 1 WASHER, copper 1 UNION, 2 way banjo 1 WASHER, copper 3 NUT, locking, hose to radius arm 2 WASHER, locking 2 NUT 2 UNION, female UNF thread a/r UNION, male UNF thread a/r 43 short, RHD short, LHD (To 1975), LHD All RHD & LHD (From 1975) *in-line connectors drum disc ERA turbo twin feed ERA turbo non genuine front & rear front, pair front & rear front & rear brake hose to cylinder P.D.W.A. to rear T piece T piece to RH rear hose T piece to LH rear hose pair pair, subframe to wheel cyl. { RH/LH } 44 London 020 8867 2020 Bradford 01274 539 999 BRAKES Brake Pipes for Diagonal Split System (RHD) ill Part Number Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 GPP10AD GPP34AD 3H2424 GHF101 GHF331 GPP18AA GPP20AA GBH170 GAC8412X MT5102 MT5105 BRAKE PIPE BRAKE PIPE UNION, 3 way SCREW, `T’ piece to bulkhead WASHER, locking BRAKE PIPE BRAKE PIPE BRAKE HOSE, front BRAKE HOSES, (4) stainless steel BRAKE HOSES, (2) stainless steel BRAKE HOSES, (5) stainless steel (Inc. GAC8447X clutch hose). BRAKE HOSES, (5) stainless steel (Inc. GAC0080 clutch hose). BRAKE PIPE, w/cyl bridge pipe BRAKE PIPE, RH BRAKE PIPE, LH CONNECTOR, rear pipes BRAKE PIPE BRAKE HOSE, rear BRAKE HOSES, rear stainless steel BRAKE HOSES, rear stainless steel NUT, locking, hose to radius arm WASHER, locking NUT BRAKE PIPE MT5401 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 GPP10AA GPP122AD GPP118AD BMK2466A GPP8CD GBH250 MT5101 MT5104 NT606041 GHF323 GHF202 GPP10AC Req. Details 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 way union to RH front hose 3 way union to LH front hose drum brakes front & rear front, pair front & rear 1 front & rear 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 m/cyl. to RH 3 way union m/cyl. to LH 3 way union 17 18 19 20 21 22 BRAKE PIPE, RHD BRAKE PIPE, LHD BRAKE PIPE, RHD BRAKE PIPE, LHD BRAKE PIPE BRAKE PIPE CONNECTOR BRAKE PIPE BRAKE HOSE, front 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 GPP10AA GPP96CT GPP120CT GBH250 MT5101 MT5104 GPP10CT 13H5905 BAU1704A 2 1 1 1 1 disc brakes front, pair front & rear front, pair front & rear 1 front & rear 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 drum brakes only fail. switch to RH rear hose fail. switch to LH rear hose pair pair, subframe to wheel cyl. Brake and Clutch Fluids When Did You Last Change Your Brake Fluid? rear connector to hose DOT 3 fluid ought to be completely discarded, DOT 4 (‘GBF4’) should be installed and replaced every 2 years, as recommended by manufacturers. pair pair, subframe to wheel cyl. rear hose to wheel cylinder With Failure Switch (illustrated) GPP10AT GPP30TT GPP10AA GPP32AA GPP17AA GPP29AA BCA4002 GPP17AA GBH170 MT5401 BRAKE HOSE, front BRAKE HOSES, (2) stainless steel BRAKE HOSES, (4) stainless steel BRAKE HOSES, (2) stainless steel BRAKE HOSES, (5) stainless steel (Including GAC8447X clutch hose). BRAKE HOSES, (5) stainless steel (Including GAC0080 clutch hose). BRAKE PIPE, wheel cylinder bridge BRAKE PIPE, BRAKE PIPE, BRAKE HOSE, rear BRAKE HOSES, rear stainless steel BRAKE HOSES, rear stainless steel BRAKE PIPE, rear hose to w/cyl FAILURE SWITCH REPAIR KIT, failure switch 3 way union to LH rear conn. 3 way union to RH rear conn. Brake Pipes For Diagonal Split System (LHD) 16 GBH249 MT5103 GAC8412X MT5102 MT5105 { | m/cyl. to failure switch | } fail. switch to RH front hose failure switch to connector connector to LH front hose drum brakes An alternative, especially if you are replacing master cylinders, brake calipers and/or wheel cylinders, is to thoroughly flush out the pipes and install Silicone fluid (DOT5 ‘ABF’), which is ‘Non-Hygroscopic’, so it doesn’t promote rust problems in the hydraulic system. The bonus is that it won’t damage paint work. When silicone is in use it will provide years of trouble free braking and an end to the monotonous and expensive pastime of repairing or replacing worn or leaking hydraulic components. Racing Fluid (DOT 5.1 ‘GBF5’) really is the ultimate in brake fluid. Its anti-boil properties mean that even when the brakes get hot the fluid will remain efficient, rather than boiling locally (such as in the calipers) into useless vapour. Ideal on the race track or when the brakes are used to their limits. Due to its high ‘Hygroscopic’ nature, DOT 5.1 Racing fluid should be replaced annually otherwise the quality and effectiveness will be drastically reduced. GBF4102 GBF4103 GBF4104 ABF3 ABF4 GBF5102 GBF5103 BRAKE/CLUTCH FLUID, dot 4 BRAKE/CLUTCH FLUID, dot 4 BRAKE/CLUTCH FLUID, dot 4 BRAKE/CLUTCH FLUID, dot 5 BRAKE/CLUTCH FLUID, dot 5 BRAKE/CLUTCH FLUID, dot 5.1 BRAKE/CLUTCH FLUID, dot 5.1 a/r a/r a/r a/r a/r a/r a/r 500ml 1 litre 5 litre silicone 500ml silicone 1 litre racing 500ml racing 1 litre Bristol 0117 923 2523 Manchester 0161 480 6402 Handbrake Cables And Fittings ill Part Number Description 30 31 32 33 2A5858* PWZ204* ACH8508* GVC1022 NUT, cable adjusting WASHER SPRING, adjuster tension CABLE, handbrake (Dry suspension saloon). CABLE, handbrake (Hydrolastic suspension saloon). CABLE, handbrake (Van, estate and pick up). FORK, cable end NUT, cable adjusting CLEVIS PIN, CABLE CABLE (Pick up, van or estate). COMPENSATOR CABLE QUADRANT CLEVIS PIN WASHER, waved SPLIT PIN CLEVIS PIN GUIDE, cable through floor SEAL, cable guide to floor SCREW, guide retaining WASHER, locking NUT GVC1021 GVC1020 34 35 36 37 FAM628 31G5049 CLZ513 GVC1035 FAM625 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 FAM621 GVC1034 21A2454 CLZ549 AWZ105 GHF502 CLZ409 ACA5522* 21A385* SE910201* WL700101* GHF206* Req. Details 1/2 4 1/2 2 twin cable system 2 twin cable system 2 twin cable system 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 2 1/2 1/2 2/4 2/4 2/4 fork to handbrake lever lever to compensator between wheels For CLZ549 & CLZ409 cable to brake levers *Note: Quantity increased when twin cables fitted to early cars. MT5501 HGB1017 HGB1018 HGB4991 HGB4882 HGB4999 HGB4999L HGB5001 HGB5002 HGB5002L HGB5007 HGB5008 HGL5008 HGB5014 BRAKE PIPE, stainless steel 1 (pair) (Servo mounted master cylinder to valve on bulk head, because pipes are flexible this allows the master cylinder and servo unit to be removed and repositioned, without separating brake hoses). BRAKE PIPE SET 1 Cooper MkI & S BRAKE PIPE SET 1 Cooper MkII & MkIII BRAKE PIPE SET 1 single line (To Aug 1969) (Dry cone suspension). BRAKE PIPE SET 1 single line (From Aug1969) (Dry cone suspension). BRAKE PIPE SET 1 front/rear split (1980-89) BRAKE PIPE SET, LHD 1 front/rear split (1980-89) BRAKE PIPE SET 1 single line (To Aug 1969) (Hydrolastic suspension). BRAKE PIPE SET 1 single line (From Aug 1969) (Hydrolastic suspension). BRAKE PIPE SET 1 single line (From Aug 1969) (Hydrolastic suspension lhd). BRAKE PIPE SET 1 (1978-On) (Van, estate dual system). BRAKE PIPE SET 1 front/rear split, (1978-80) (Imperial master cylinder) BRAKE PIPE SET 1 front/rear split, (1978-80) (Imperial master cylinder lhd). BRAKE PIPE SET 1 front/rear split, (1977-78) BRAKES 45 46 London 020 8867 2020 Bradford 01274 539 999 ELECTRICAL Starter Motors AAU3956A ill Part Number Description 1 GXE4404 HMP240016E GXE4404X 2 3 GSB105 67H5010 BAU5781 13H5952 GXE4527 NAF10004 BAU5448 YWB10032 SH506101 GHF332 GHF302 STARTER MOTOR, inertia, rebuilt 1 (To 1985) STARTER MOTOR, inertia, rebuilt 1 (To 1985) STARTER MOTOR, high torque 1 (Powerful internal steel clutch gears for increased torque, straight replacement for O.E. weighs just 3.9kg. Huge increase in cranking power therefore essential for engines with increased compression ratios). BRUSH SET, 35J type starter 1 PINION, 9 teeth 1 { alternatives PINION, 10 teeth 1 } SOLENOID, inertia starter 1 STARTER MOTOR, pre-engaged 1 (1985-On) SOLENOID, pre engaged starter 1 BRUSH SET, pre-engaged starter 1 RELAY, pre engaged starter 1 SCREW, starter to housing 2 WASHER, locking 2 { for both types WASHER, plain 2 } starter motor 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Req. Details Alternators 12 13 14 GXE2337 GXE8211 GEU250 12G1054 BAU1461A C37222A ALTERNATOR,16 ACR, rebuilt 1 { (To 1981) ALTERNATOR,17 ACR, rebuilt 1 } alternatives PLUG, cable end 1 PULLEY, 2.750” diameter 1 PULLEY, 2.500” diameter 1 FAN, alternator 1 use with 12G1054 (ACR types; 23640, 23725, 23774, 23750, 23748 & 23804). FAN, alternator (ACR type: 23802). ALTERNATOR, A115/45, rebuilt ALTERNATOR, A127/45, rebuilt ALTERNATOR, multi groove belt PULLEY, alternator (A115/45) PULLEY, alternator (A127/45) ALTERNATOR BELT, (813mm long) ALTERNATOR BELT, (838mm long) ALTERNATOR BELT, (825mm long) ALTERNATOR BELT, multi groove FAN, alternator (A115/45) FAN, alternator (A127/45) BRACKET, rear mounting BRACKET, rear mounting SCREW, bracket to block WASHER, locking BOLT 1 use with BAU1461 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 (1981-85) from (1985-On) (1996-On) fitment mpi, use with GXE2257 use with GXE2297 (To 1985) A115 alternator (1981-85) A127 alternator (1985-On) mpi (1996-On) use with GXE2257 use with GXE2297 pre A+ engines A+ engines GHF332 GHF201 WC108051 12G289 SH606111 WASHER, locking NUT, plain 5/16” UNF WASHER, plain PILLAR, adjustment link SCREW, 3/8” 2 2 1 1 1 TAM1645 GHF202 GHF333 GHF302 GHF223 12G2627 SPACER, adjusting link NUT, plain, 3/8” UNF WASHER, locking WASHER, plain NUT, nyloc LINK, alternator adjustment 15 GXE2257 GXE2297 15a GNU2521 16 BAU5819 ADU7778 GCB10813 GCB10838 GCB10825 GMB50920 17 ADU4354 AUU1097 18 12G1053 CAM4853 19 GHF120 20 GHF332 21 BH605131 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 2 2/1 2/1 2/1 1 1 { alternator to rear bracket } + water pump { | } { | } pre A+ engines A+ engines engine front plate to alternator link quantity reduced with SH606111 not used with SH606111 Bristol 0117 923 2523 Manchester 0161 480 6402 Distributors Part Number Description 1 BAU1962 ADU3766 DISTRIBUTOR (45D) 1 998cc pre A+ DISTRIBUTOR (45D) 1 998cc A+ (Use prior to AAU9142 or ADU4049). DISTRIBUTOR (59D) 1 998cc A+ (For engine codes: 99H/791P/792P/A97P/B83P/B84P/B85P/D83P/E22). DISTRIBUTOR (59D) 1 998cc A+ (For engine codes: 99H/997P/998P/A53P/A94P/B81P/B82P/C20P/D80P/D82P). DISTRIBUTOR (59D) 1 998cc A+ lead free DISTRIBUTOR, electronic 1 Cooper 1300 + SE DISTRIBUTOR 1 performance distributor (With fast road ignition curve, with vacuum unit for A series only). DISTRIBUTOR 1 performance distributor (With fast road ignition curve, without vacuum unit for A series only, side entry cap fitted). DISTRIBUTOR 1 performance distributor (With fast road ignition curve, without vacuum unit for A series only). DISTRIBUTOR 1 performance distributor (With fast road ignition curve, without vacuum unit for A+ only). O’ RING, distributor 1 VACUUM UNIT, Lucas 1 (To 1976) VACUUM UNIT, Lucas 1 (1976-89) (Use with distributor AAU9142). VACUUM UNIT, Lucas 1 (1980-89) (Use with distributor ADU4049 & ADU5789). VACUUM UNIT, Ducellier 1 VACUUM UNIT, Lucas 1 Cooper 1300 (Use with distributor AUU1536). MODULE, electronic ignition 1 Cooper 1300 + SE CLAMP, distributor 1 A (To 1985) CLAMP, distributor 1 A+ (1985-On) BOLT, distributor clamp 1 A (To 1985) BOLT, distributor clamp A+ (1985-On) ADU4049 ADU5789 AUU1536 TMG10871 TMG10873 100AYS 100AYP 2 7 513682A 37H8225 37H8414 37H8226 BAU5252 BAU5309 8 10 11 NJC10001 613857A TAM1671 CAM6105 TAM1706 Req. Details Ignition System Service Parts 12 GDC136 GDC214 GDC156 GDC156BLUE GDC156RED CAP, distributor CAP, distributor CAP, distributor CAP, distributor CAP, distributor GDC156CLEAR GRA2114 GRA123 GRA2123 GRA2143 14 GSC2109 GSC113 15 GCS2118 GCS119 GCS2124 16 37H4229M 16a MAQ10008 13 ill AAU9142 ELECTRICAL 1 1 1 1 1 Lucas 45D & 59D Ducellier distributor Cooper 1300 + SE Cooper 1300 + SE blue Cooper 1300 + SE red 16b 17 18 19 MAW10001 12B2062 12B2095 GCL110 GCL132 GCL143 19a GCL204 20 12G2994 JZV1347 JZV1348 21 SH605041 22 GHF332 23 WC108051 GHT7003 24 GHT241 GHT241Z 24a GHT289 25 BP6ES BP5ES BPR4EVG BPR6ES 26 8G727 27 AUU1104 28 BHM773 29 BHM1675 BHM1676 NJT10004 NJT10012 GDS101 GDS102A 30 13H6461 47 CAP, distributor 1 Cooper 1300 + SE clear ROTOR ARM 1 Lucas 45D & 49D ROTOR ARM 1 Ducellier distributor ROTOR ARM 1 Ducellier distributor ROTOR ARM 1 Cooper 1300 + SE CONDENSER 1 Lucas 45D & 59D CONDENSER 1 Ducellier distributor CONTACT SET 1 Lucas 45D CONTACT SET 1 Ducellier distributor CONTACT SET 1 Lucas 59D VACUUM PIPE 1 sold per meter VACUUM SWITCH 1 (1992-On) (Thermostatically controlled vac switch fits in thermostat housing). WASHER 1 seal vacuum switch CONNECTOR, vacuum pipe 1 angled CONNECTOR, vacuum pipe 1 straight COIL 1 (To 1982) COIL, Ballast resistor 1 all (1982-On) COIL, electronic 1 COIL, coil pack 1 (1996-On) mpi BRACKET, coil mounting to head 1 Lucas coil BRACKET, coil mounting to head 1 Bosch coil BRACKET, coil mounting to head 1 Ducellier coil SCREW, coil to bracket 2 WASHER, locking 2 WASHER, plain 2 HT LEAD, right angle 4 (1968-69) HT LEAD SET 1 { 1275cc HT LEAD SET 1 } HT LEAD SET 1 (1996-On) mpi SPARK PLUG, non resistor 4 998cc (To 1986) SPARK PLUG, non resistor 4 998cc (1987 To Sept 89) SPARK PLUG, resistor (lead free) 4 998cc (October 1989-On) SPARK PLUG, resistor 4 1275cc Cooper carb & TBI COVER, coil 1 not fitted as standard COVER, distributor 1 { VIN 315055 COVER, moulded plastic (grille) 1 } Van SHIELD KIT, ignition system 1 From 315056 SHIELD KIT, ignition system 1 SHIELD KIT, ignition system 1 Cooper SE SHIELD KIT, ignition system 1 Cooper 1300 SHIELD KIT, ignition system 1 Clubman SHIELD KIT, ignition system 1 Small saloon TURN BUTTON, shield retaining 3 48 London 020 8867 2020 Bradford 01274 539 999 ELECTRICAL Batteries & Cables ill Part Number Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 GBYM4 5L877 14A7776 HAM2457 5L1158 5L1159 GHF200 GHF300 078447A 5L885 AUU1089 5L924 5L1137 5L925 2K8645 GHF2750 GHF2755 BATTERY, wet (shop callers only) COVER, battery STRAP, battery cover retaining BAR, battery retaining HOOK BOLT, rear HOOK BOLT, front NUT, hook bolt WASHER, plain PACKING STRIP CABLE, battery to solenoid CABLE, battery to solenoid CABLE, battery earth CABLE, engine earth CABLE, solenoid to starter SCREW, cable to battery terminal CLAMP, battery terminal, -VE CLAMP, battery terminal, +VE 11 12 13 14 19 Req. 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Details all models cut to length inertia starters pre engaged starters 606253A 505158A RTC440A AFU3103 25 AB610081 AB608031 GFU2125 GFU2124 GFU2204 GFU2218 GFU2208 BHA4780 BHA4780X GHF425 { | as required } use with RTC440A use with 606253A cars with repeater lamps cars without repeater lamps two pin includes bracket three pin hazard warning Note: R-Numbering of Horns. 51 *Note: Fuse boxes do not come with fuses. 1 1 24 50 FUSE BOX, (2 fuses required)* 1 (To 1976) COVER, fuse box 1 FUSE BOX, (4 fuses required)* 1 (1976-On) FUSE BOX 1 (1996-On) mpi (Located inside car under dash in drivers footwell). 18 518995A COVER, fuse box 18a YQH100720PMA COVER, fuse box 21 22 23 FUSES, 15A, pack of five 1 FUSES, 25A, pack of five 1 FUSES, 35A, pack of five 1 NUT, insert in bulkhead 1/2 (Qty. increased for fuse box RTC440A). SCREW, self tapping 2 SCREW, self tapping 1 FLASHER UNIT 1 FLASHER UNIT 1 FLASHER UNIT, hazard lights 1 FLASHER UNIT 1 FLASHER UNIT 1 CLIP, square flasher unit (Lucas) a/r CLIP, round flasher (Tex) a/r SCREW, clip to bulkhead a/r Horns inertia starters only Fuse Box, Fuses And Flasher Units 15 16 17 17a 20 GFS3015 GFS3025 GFS3035 GHF1030 (1996-On) mpi GGE101 GGE164 GGE165 607950A GGE124 HORN, high tone, single terminal HORN, high tone, twin terminal HORN, low tone, twin terminal BRACKET BRACKET 1 1 1 1 1 France, To Vin 175685 To VIN175685 From VIN175685 Note: Brackets may require modification due to metric threads on horns. 52 53 54 YWC10050 YWB10022 YWB10012 RELAY, dim dip control 1 RELAY, spi and mpi 1 engine management relay RELAY, multi use A/R (Headlamps, horn, driving lamps, direction indicator lamps, cooling fan, oxygen sensor, starter). Bristol 0117 923 2523 Manchester 0161 480 6402 Windscreen Wiper System ill Part Number Description 1 GEU7708 GEU7708Z WIPER MOTOR WIPER MOTOR 18 Req. Details 1 1 less drive gear rebuilt units Note: Due to the motor assembly being used in many different cars, the drive gear is not supplied with an exchange assembly, it must be retained from the original. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 ELECTRICAL RTC198A 520160A 37H3694 608092A 37H4836 13H4718 AB612051 SE604051 GHF300 GHF1029 AAU1909A DKJ10004 RTC202A 37H7200 37H7201 17H8769 14A7091 WPA9022X BRUSH KIT PARK SWITCH FERRULE, wiper motor GEAR (110 degree) 46 teeth STRAP, motor to bulkhead PAD, wiper motor to bulkhead SCREW, strap retaining SCREW, strap retaining WASHER, plain NUT, insert in bulkhead TUBE KIT, wiper rack guide TUBE KIT, wiper rack guide WIPER RACK WIPER WHEEL BOX WIPER BUSH KIT WIPER WHEEL BOX NUT PLUG, Unused wiper Holes WIPER ARMS AND BLADES KIT 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 WPA9023X WIPER ARMS AND BLADES KIT 1 13H5629 13H5626 CZH4331 CZH4173 WIPER ARM, s/steel, LH side, RHD WIPER ARM, s/steel, RH side, LHD WIPER ARM, black, LH side, RHD WIPER ARM, black, RH side, LHD 2 2 2 2 GWB219Z GWB911 GWB377 DKB101480 DKB101490 GWB341 GWW102 GWW125 BLADE, wiper, s/steel BLADE, wiper, black BLADE, wiper, black WIPER ARM, hook fitting RHD WIPER ARM, hook fitting LHD BLADE, wiper, hook fitting WASHER PUMP, manual WASHER PUMP, electric 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 WASHER PUMP, electric WASHER PUMP, electric WASHER PUMP, electric BOTTLE (1 litre) WASHER POUCH WASHER POUCH, and motor BRACKET, washer pouch WASHER BOTTLE, with lid BRACKET, washer bottle CAP BRACKET SCREW, bracket to bulkhead NUT, insert in bulkhead BOTTLE & CAP 1 1 1 1 24 25 26 27 28 GWW1069 GWW1080 GWW1192 GWW906 GWW917 GWW917X BHA4919 GWW918K 13H232 GWW951 CZH1624 GHF423 GHF1030 GWW935 1 1 2 2 1 29 GWW940 BOTTLE & CAP 1 30 31 32 33 34 35 GWW973 GWW130 GWW202M GWW601 GWW401 GWW804 GWW842 GWW829 CAP, washer bottle WASHER PUMP, fitted in bottle TUBING VALVE, in bottle T-PIECE JET JET, black JET, grey 19 20 21 22 23 self tapping machine thread not illustrated cut & flare to fit LHD VIN396449 On cut to fit { } { } RHD includes GWB219Z x 2 and 13H5629 x 2 LHD includes GWB219Z x 2 and 13H5626 x 2 49 { | (1990-On) } { remote mounted } (1976) To VIN107477 (1980-On) (1989-On) mounted on bulkhead as fitted to early Minis as fitted to early Minis plastic, MkI & MkII 1 1 a/r 1 1 2 2 2 { } { | } VIN 107478 To 396448 mounted on flitch VIN 396449 To 504653 mounted on flitch with direct acting servo. per metre (1980-On) MkIII (To 1978) (1978-80) (1980-On) 50 London 020 8867 2020 Bradford 01274 539 999 ELECTRICAL Column Switches 6 ill Part Number Description 1 2A6215 SWITCH, indicator 1 47H5200 LENS, green 1 13H7779 21A2658 21A2660 BAU5345 XPC100200PMP 37H8285 37H8286 BAU5346 XPE100420PMP SWITCH, indicator with horn & dip SWITCH, indicator, RH side SWITCH, indicator, LH side SWITCH, indicator, LH side SWITCH, indicator, LH side SWITCH, wipers, LH side SWITCH, wipers, RH side SWITCH, wipers, RH side SWITCH, wipers, RH side 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2a 3 3a Req. Details { } { } MkI with indicator warning lamp on the end of stalk for MkI indicator warning lamp (To 1976) RHD, (1976 To VIN 196212) From VIN196213-290002 VIN290003 On (1996-On) mpi RHD, (1976 To VIN196212) From 196212-290002 VIN290003 On (1996-On) mpi Note: For manual washer pump fitted prior to 1976 please see previous page. Note: Between 1976 & 1984 BL Cars bought switches from both Lucas and Bonnella. Only Lucas switches are currently supplied, so when replacing a Bonnella switch both Lucas switches must be purchased as the two makes are not compatible. To quickly identify which is fitted to your car, Lucas type wash/wipe is fitted to the indicator switch by a hex-headed self tapping screw whereas the Bonnella type is rivetted. Dash Switches 4 5 13H6343 13H6444 13H6342 SWITCH, wipers, single speed SWITCH, wipers, two speed SWITCH, lights YUF101030 ADU4778 7 ADU4791 8 YUF101020 9 ADU4794 10 13H8725 YUF101660 11 GLB921 12 YUF101090 12a YWN10002 SWITCH, lights SWITCH, lights SWITCH, fog lights SWITCH, heated rear screen SWITCH, brake check switch SWITCH, hazards SWITCH, hazards BULB, illuminating switches SWITCH, heater control L.E.D. LIGHT, burglar alarm 12b 12c 12d 12e SWITCH, headlamp level KNOB, rotary switch WARNING LAMP SWITCH, sunroof SWITCH PANEL { Lucas terminals | (To 1976) } 1 1 1 1 1 { | | | pin terminals | (From 1976) | } { alarm indicator L.E.D. light } fits into dash rotary switch seat belt indicator fitted to British open classic 5 switch holes Miscellaneous Switches 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 1 1 YUK100140 YUM10002 XHC100010 YUC10004 FBX10012 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a/r 1 1 YUE10003 GAE191A 22A1613 13H3735 BMK1903A C16062A GTR101 GTR143 GPS133 MAV10021 21A2252 SWITCH, door courtesy light SWITCH, reverse lights LOCK NUT, reverse light switch SWITCH, brake lights NUT, locking SWITCH, brake lights, SENDER UNIT, water temperature SENDER UNIT, water temperature SWITCH, oil pressure VALVE, anti run-on HORN PUSH 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 mechanical type hydraulic type all 998cc models Cooper 1300 Cooper 1300 MkII & MkIII Bristol 0117 923 2523 Manchester 0161 480 6402 ELECTRICAL Centre Binnacle Instruments ill Part Number Description 1 ADU2341 ADU2343 13H4442 13H4442M 13H4444 13H4444M C34770A 13H2133 13H4460 13H4460W 13H4459 13H4459W 21A804 11B2037 24K4936 CHA600 ACA5420 MT9102 AAU1818 LUSIB703 CAM4202 GLB987 24A2702 14A9907 14A9796 GAC8460X GAC8461X GAC8468X GAC8469X GAC8469XNF GAE120 GAE121 GAE122 GAE123M GAE123X GAE124M GAE124X GAE125X GAE127X SPEEDOMETER, MPH, 90MPH 1 3.4 final drive SPEEDOMETER, KPH, 140KPH 1 3.4 final drive SPEEDOMETER, MPH, 130MPH 1 Cooper S SPEEDOMETER, MPH, 130MPH 1 Cooper S Magnolia face SPEEDOMETER, KPH, 200KPH 1 Cooper S SPEEDOMETER, KPH, 200KPH 1 Cooper S Magnolia face VOLTAGE STABILISER 1 BR1310/00 FUEL GAUGE 1 GAUGE, water temperature 1 GAUGE, water temperature 1 Magnolia face GAUGE, oil pressure 1 GAUGE, oil pressure 1 Magnolia face OIL PIPE, gauge to hose 1 NUT 1 SEALING WASHER 1 OIL HOSE 1 OIL HOSE 1 OIL HOSE 1 braided 4ft long OIL HOSE CLIP 2 HOSE (plastic), oil gauge 1 alternative, with fittings OIL PIPE, hose to cylinder block 1 BULB, dash illumination a/r BINNACLE, 3 clocks 1 centre clocks FINISHER TRIM, centre binnacle 1 CLIP, trim to binnacle 14 BINNACLE, crinkle black, single aux. 1 for 80mm gauge BINNACLE, crinkle black, two aux. 1 for 80mm + 52mm gauge BINNACLE, crinkle black, single aux. 1 for 52mm gauge BINNACLE, crinkle black, two aux. 1 for 52mm gauge BINNACLE, unfinished, two aux. 1 for 52mm gauge GAUGE, dynamo ammeter 1 black half face 52mm GAUGE, alternator ammeter 1 black half face 52mm GAUGE, voltmeter 1 black half face 52mm GAUGE, capillary oil pressure 1 magnolia half face 52mm GAUGE, capillary oil pressure 1 black half face 52mm GAUGE, electric water temperature 1 magnolia half face 52mm GAUGE, electric water temperature 1 black half face 52mm GAUGE, 0-7000 tacho 1 black full face 80mm GAUGE, dual w/temp + o/press 1 black two face 52mm (Capillary water temp and capillary oil pressure). GAUGE, clock 1 magnolia full face 52mm GAUGE, clock 1 black full face 52mm 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 GAE128M GAE128Z Req. GAE129M GAE130A GAE130M Details GAUGE, oil temperature GAUGE, 0-10000 tacho GAUGE, 0-8000 tacho 1 1 1 51 magnolia half face 52mm black full face 80mm magnolia full face 80mm All Saloons After 1980 (Smiths Only) 12 ADU2281 ADU2283 ADU6142 BAU5402 BAU5403 ADU1197 BAU5404 13H5894 ADU6455 SPEEDOMETER, MPH SPEEDOMETER, KPH SPEEDOMETER, MPH (From VIN122249 To VIN290002). SPEEDOMETER, KPH (From VIN122249 To VIN290002). SPEEDOMETER, KPH (From VIN277263 To VIN290002). SPEEDOMETER, MPH SPEEDOMETER, KPH TACHOMETER TACHOMETER FUEL GAUGE FUEL GAUGE 1 1 1 1 1 1 BAU5405 13H5893 ADU6456 FUEL GAUGE TEMPERATURE GAUGE TEMPERATURE GAUGE 1 1 1 BAU5406 37H4881 BAU1930 CDU3247 YAH100750 BMK1539A GLB2132 13H5270 GSD101 GSD102 GSD415 GSD402 GSD487 MT9501B MT9501G MT9501M MT9501R MT9501S MT9501W MT9501Y GAC8453X TEMPERATURE GAUGE PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD VOLTAGE STABILISER BULB, dash illumination BULB HOLDER DRIVE CABLE, speedometer DRIVE CABLE, speedometer DRIVE CABLE, speedometer DRIVE CABLE, speedometer DRIVE CABLE, speedometer GAUGE FACE KIT, blue GAUGE FACE KIT, green GAUGE FACE KIT, magnolia GAUGE FACE KIT, red GAUGE FACE KIT, silver GAUGE FACE KIT, white GAUGE FACE KIT, yellow CENTRE BINNACLE KIT ADU6144 BAU5340 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 1 1 { HL models } To VIN122248 HLE, Mayfair & Ritz 1 HLE & Mayfair only 1 Ritz only 1 1 1 1 1 1 a/r a/r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 { From VIN290003 } To VIN290002 From VIN290003 To VIN122248 { From VIN122249 } To VIN290002 From VIN290003 To VIN122248 { From VIN122249 } To VIN290002 From VIN290003 2 clock pod 3 clock pod 3 clock pod (1989-96) 3 clock pod (1996-On) centre binnacle To VIN122248 From VIN122249 LHD all models (1989-On) Nippon Seiko, (1989-On) Nippon Seiko, (1989-On) Nippon Seiko, (1989-On) Nippon Seiko, (1989-On) Nippon Seiko, (1989-On) Nippon Seiko, (1989-On) Nippon Seiko, (1989-On) see accessories catalogue 52 London 020 8867 2020 Bradford 01274 539 999 ELECTRICAL Heater Unit & Ducting ill Part Number 1 1a 1b 2 JGC10008 JGC100110 JEC101790 37H7216 BAU5043 JEF10005 2a 3 3a 3b 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 Description Req. Details MOTOR, with fan 1 To VIN073750 MOTOR, with fan 1 From VIN073751 MOTOR, twin speed, with fan 1 mpi From VIN 134455 HEATER MATRIX, 0.50” bore 1 To VIN212068 HEATER MATRIX, 0.625” bore 1 From VIN212069 HEATER MATRIX, 0.625” bore 1 plastic casing (Inlet and outlet unions are not supplied with matrix). BAU1924 CONTROL PANEL, air distribution 1 fits all JFC101620PMA CONTROL PANEL, air distribution 1 (1996-On) mpi JGM100100 RESISTOR, speed controller 1 (1996-On) mpi (For twin speed heater JEC101790). BAU1923 KNOB, air distribution control 1 GHF243 NUT, heater to bulkhead 2 GHF302 WASHER, plain, for above 2 AB610071 SCREW, heater to parcel shelf 2 WL700101 WASHER, locking 2 GHF306 WASHER, plain 2 GHF713 SPIRE NUT 2 JKA10012 DUCT, air intake behind grille, RH 1 JPC6876 SEAL, duct to flitch 1 EAM7437 HOSE, duct to air box 1 CZH632 CLIP, air hose to flitch 1 To VIN290002 JCG10001 CLIP, air hose to flitch 1 From VIN290003 GHF200 NUT 2 WE702101 WASHER, locking 2 CZH1717 SEAL, hose to air box 1 To VIN336452 JPC6876 SEAL, hose to air box 1 From VIN336543 CZH1951 AIR BOX, No face vents 1 CZH1755 AIR BOX, With face vents 1 To VIN504653 JKQ10002 AIR BOX, With face vents 1 From VIN504654 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 WE702101 ANZ103 CZH693 CZH1717 JPC6877 CZH700 346999A CZH1318 GHF306 AB608031 JCG10001 EAM7097 CZH624 JKC10025 AB610051 JKC10017 JKC10024 14A9988 24A2738 CHM373 JFF10003 WASHER, locking NUT SEAL, air box to face vent SEAL, air box to flitch SEAL, air box to flitch HOSE, air box to RH face vent HOSE, air box to heater DUCT, air intake, LH WASHER SCREW, self tapping CLIP, HOSE LH HOSE, nozzle to face vent, LH NOZZLE, screen demister NOZZLE, screen demister SCREW, nozzle to dash HOSE, heater to nozzle HOSE, heater to nozzle CABLE, heater CABLE, heater, 29” CABLE, heater, 30” CABLE, heater, 30” 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 JFF10048 JFD10039 JFF10051 JFF100910 MCR101 MCR102 MCR103 24A1882 53K1016 24G1485 AUE34 CABLE, heater, 30” (less motif) MOTIF, knob (for above) CABLE, heater 40” CABLE, heater CABLE, heater CABLE, heater CABLE, heater GROMMET SCREW, cable to water valve TRUNNION, cable end TRUNNION, cable end 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 To VIN336542 From VIN336543 air intake to front panel From VIN073751 To 5740 To VIN073750 From VIN073751 To 5740 From VIN073751 To 5740 To VIN073750 From VIN073751 To 5740 orig. Bakerlite type knob { From VIN369449 To } VIN463230 From VIN463231 not TBI (1991-On) mpi, remote heating valve (To 1989) (1989-On) option for JFF10003 30” option for JFF10048 cable through bulkhead { tap on head } remote tap Bristol 0117 923 2523 Manchester 0161 480 6402 ELECTRICAL Heater Hoses 998cc To VIN 396448 15 ill Part Number Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 ADU9102 88G221 53K402 GHF331 GHF200 GRH1006M 7 GRH906 GRH906Z WATER VALVE, 0.50” bore 1 GASKET, heater tap 1 STUD, heater tap 2 WASHER, locking 2 NUT 2 HOSE, valve to heater 1 (1974-89) per metre (0.50” bore, cut to length RHD = 29” & LHD = 26”). HOSE, heater return 0.50 bore 1 per metre HOSE, heater return 0.50 bore 1 per metre 16 17 18 17 18 19 20 Req. Details Note: (0.50” bore) for LHD cut to 35” length. 6 BMP366 7 GRH905 BMP366 8 9 CAM4412 CAM4412Z GHC507 GHC709 HOSE, inlet RHD & LHD 1 (1984-89) (Stepped bore 0.5”/0.625”, cut to length RHD = 29” & LHD = 26”). HOSE, heater return RHD 1 (1984-89) (Stepped bore 0.5”/0.625”). HOSE, heater return LHD 1 (1984-89) (Stepped bore 0.5”/0.625”). CONNECTOR, 1 { heater return to bottom CONNECTOR, 1 } hose CLIP, hose 0.500” a/r CLIP, hose 0.625” a/r Heater Hoses 998cc From VIN 396449 On 10 11 12 13 14 12G2534 88G221 TAM1368 NAM8677 PEU10016 WATER OUTLET, cylinder head GASKET, water outlet to cylinder head SCREW, water outlet to cylinder head HOSE, outlet to water valve CLIP, heater hose to rocker cover 1 1 2 1 1 JJB10011 JJB100260 CDU2153 JHB10002 JHC10004 GRH1211 GRH1219 PCP10006 GHC709 WATER VALVE, remote mounted WATER VALVE, remote mounted CLIP, hose to hose HOSE, valve to heater In HOSE, heater return HOSE, valve to heater In HOSE, heater return CONNECTOR CLIP, hose 0.625” 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a/r mpi { } { } 998cc models To VIN504670 998cc models From VIN504671 heater return to bottom hose Heater Hoses Cooper 1300 Models 21 22 23 24 25 12G2534 88G221 TAM1368 PEH10021 PEH10022 WATER OUTLET, cylinder head GASKET, water outlet to cylinder head SCREW, water outlet to cylinder head HOSE, water outlet to manifold HOSE 1 1 2 1 1 26 27 JHB10017 JJB10011 JJB100260 CDU2153 JHC10004 JHC10007 PCP10006 HOSE, heater outlet to valve WATER VALVE, remote mounted WATER VALVE, remote mounted CLIP, hose to hose HOSE, thermostat to heater, RHD HOSE, thermostat to heater, LHD CONNECTOR (Heater return to bottom hose). CONNECTOR (Heater return to bottom hose). CLIP, hose 0.625” 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 28 29 30 PCP10095 31 GHC709 1 a/r 53 { manifold to } valve & bottom hose To VIN031529 To VIN134454 From VIN134455 To VIN504670 From VIN504671 54 London 020 8867 2020 Bradford 01274 539 999 ELECTRICAL & LAMPS HAM1301 HAM1286 HAM1924 HAM2920 HAM2846 HAM 3065 HAM3835 HAM3834 YMD10258 HAM3836 YMD10259 YMD10502 Front Wiring Looms YMD10744 ill Part Number Description 1 5L1332 MAIN & TAIL LOOM 1 (1959-60) (850 Coil on bell housing, No temperature gauge). MAIN LOOM 1 MkI COOPER LHD (1275 with oil filter light). MAIN & DASH LOOM 1 (1972-75) (Comm no.N20S165797A To N2OS 320000A (alternator fitted). MAIN & DASH LOOM 1 (1976-77) (Comm no.N20S320001A To N2OS 358125. 2 column stalk switches and mechanical brake switch). MAIN & DASH LOOM 1 (1978) (Comm no. N20S358126 To N2OS 363841. Reverse lamps 4 Fuse box). MAIN & DASH LOOM 1 (1979-81) (Comm no. N20S363842 To N2OS 122248. Fog lamps and offset instrument binnacle). MAIN & DASH LOOM 1 City E models UK only (VIN122249 - 179627. No reverse lamps). MAIN & DASH LOOM 1 City E models not UK (VIN 122249 - 179658). MAIN & DASH LOOM 1 City E models UK only (VIN179628 On). MAIN & DASH LOOM 1 City E models not UK (VIN 179659 On). MAIN & DASH LOOM 1 HL models (Up To VIN 107477). MAIN & DASH LOOM 1 HL models (VIN107478 - 122248. Washer pump in bottle). MAIN & DASH LOOM 1 HLE, Mayfair, Sprite (VIN 122249 - 179630. Tachometer included). MAIN & DASH LOOM 1 HLE, Mayfair, Sprite (VIN 179631 onwards). MAIN & DASH LOOM 1 All LHD Models (VIN253000 To VIN345417. Pre-engaged starter & repeater lamps). MAIN & DASH LOOM 1 All RHD models (VIN 253000 To VIN 328623). MAIN & DASH LOOM 1 All LHD models (VIN 345418 - 396448. Dim & dip head lamps, large indicator lamps). MAIN & DASH LOOM 1 All RHD models (VIN 328624 To 396448. Dim & dip head lamps). MAIN & DASH LOOM 1 All RHD models (From VIN396449 To VIN426487 (approximately). MAIN & DASH LOOM 1 All LHD models (From VIN396449 To VIN426487 (approximately). MAIN & DASH LOOM 1 All RHD models (VIN426488 (approximately) To VIN504653). MAIN & DASH LOOM 1 All LHD models (VIN426488 (approx.) to VIN 504653) MAIN & DASH LOOM 1 All manual cars (VIN 504654 On with dim/dip head lamps). MAIN & DASH LOOM 1 All manual cars (VIN 504654 On without dim/dip head lamps). MAIN & DASH LOOM 1 RHD Cooper 1300 MAIN & DASH LOOM 1 RHD Cooper SE MAIN & DASH LOOM 1 LHD Cooper 1300 & SE 5L518LHD 5L1331 HAM1199 HAM1487 HAM2174 HAM2859 HAM2921 HAM3683 HAM 3682 HAM2315 HAM2705 HAM2861 HAM3684 HAM4074 HAM4385 HAM4625 HAM4626 YMC10201 YMC10202 YMC10654 YMC10655 YMC11768 YMC11769 YMC11428 YMC11388 YMC11389 Req. Details Rear Wiring Looms 2 5L875 BODY LOOM 1 (1972-75) (Comm no. N20S165797A to N2OS 320000A. Use with 5L1331). BODY LOOM 1 (1976-77) (Comm no. N20S320001A To N2OS 358125. Use with HAM1199). BODY LOOM 1 (Comm no. N20S35126A To N2OS 435211). BODY LOOM 1 (Comm no. N20S358126 (VIN unknown), XL25IN100001 To N2OS 675453). BODY LOOM 1 (City E export To VIN 228613, City Europe & Sprite RHD VIN122249 On). BODY LOOM 1 (City Export VIN 228614 On, 1000cc & HL models XL25IN675454 On, City Europe & Sprite RHD VIN 140358 - 252999, Mayfair UK VIN 100720 - 147143). BODY LOOM 1 Mayfair UK (VIN 147144 - 252999). BODY LOOM 1 City E UK & Ritz LHD (VIN 25300 - 441904). BODY LOOM 1 Mayfair & Ritz RHD BODY LOOM 1 All RHD models (VIN 441905). BODY LOOM 1 All LHD models (To VIN 442929). BODY LOOM 1 (VIN 442930 On). BODY LOOM 1 Sprite, Mayfair, Cooper (To VIN057167). BODY LOOM 1 Sprite, Mayfair, Cooper (To VIN057168). Interior Lamps 37 39 41 40 13H8919 EAM1650 AFU3003 37H5923 24G3389 GLB254 AB606051 INTERIOR LAMP, clear cover INTERIOR LAMP, white cover INTERIOR LAMP, in headlining LENS, for lamp 13H8919 LENS, for lamp EAM1650 BULB, festoon SCREW, lamp retaining 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 (To 1976) (1976-85) (1985-On) RHD, Lucas RHD, Wipac RHD, replaceable bulb type RHD, Wipac RHD, crystal halogen, not road legal. No dip pattern. RHD, crystal halogen, not road legal. No dip pattern. inc. headlamp, level motor chrome ring & wire harness LHD, inc. headlamp, level motor & wiring harness LHD LHD, Wipac Headlamps & Fittings 1 13H7922 BHM7198 GAC4023 GAC4023Z GAC4600 HEADLAMP, sealed beam HEADLAMP, sealed beam HEADLAMP KIT, halogen HEADLAMP KIT, halogen HEADLAMP KIT, halogen 2 2 1 1 1 GAC4615 HEADLAMP KIT, halogen 1 XBC103220 HEADLAMP, levelling type 2 XBC105230 HEADLAMP, levelling type 2 BAU1177A WPS4699 HEADLAMP, bulb type HEADLAMP KIT, bulb type 2 1 { } { } { } { } Bristol 0117 923 2523 Manchester 0161 480 6402 LAMPS 55 Note: BAU1177A is supplied with white bulbs, GLB411 is for French specification cars. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 13H3471A 27H5981A GLB410 GLB411 GLB233 GLB6501 009403 SML3 SML3P BHM7058 27H6481 SML4 515218A AB606021 ADU4278 GHF426 GHF713 BAU2111 BAU2111X 500929 RTC465 37H7421A SEALED BEAM UNIT LENS UNIT BULB, headlamp, white BULB, headlamp, yellow BULB, side lamp, bayonet BULB, side lamp, capless SEAL, bucket to body BUCKET, headlamp, metal BUCKET, headlamp, plastic ADJUSTER KIT MOUNTING RING, inner, plastic MOUNTING RING, inner, metal RIM, retaining SCREW RIVET, lamp to wing SCREW SPIRE CLIP ADAPTOR, headlamp wire ADAPTOR, headlamp wire RIM SCREW, headlamp rim CLIP, headlamp rim 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 6 8 8 2 2 2 2 2 RHD { | France only | } RHD { | | Lucas type | } { | alternatives } RHD LHD Rear Lamp Assemblies MkI 31 BHA4228 BHA4229 47H5363 47H5358 47H5362 47H5355 GLB380 GLB382 37H5459 37H5452 47H5360 57H5401 57H5400 57H5399 47H5356K 47H5359 47H5356 47H5356 REAR LAMP, RH REAR LAMP, LH STOP/TAIL LENS, RH STOP/TAIL LENS, LH FLASHER LENS, RH FLASHER LENS, LH BULB, stop/tail, dual filament BULB, flasher, single filament SOCKET, double contact SOCKET, single contact PAD BASE, RH BASE, LH PAD LENS SCREW SET SCREW, stop/rear light lens SCREW, long, flasher lens SCREW, short, flasher lens 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 { amber lens } REAR LAMP, RH REAR LAMP, LH SEAL, RH lamp to body SEAL, LH lamp to body REAR LAMP, RH REAR LAMP, LH REAR LAMP, RH REAR LAMP, LH LENS, RH, no reverse lights LENS, RH, no reverse lights LENS, LH, no reverse lights LENS, LH, no reverse lights GASKET, lens to lamp LENS, RH, stop/tail & flasher LENS, LH, stop/tail & flasher LENS KIT, L/H and R/H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 { } { } { } { } { | | } { amber } amber MkII On 25 26 Front Indicator & Side Repeater Lamps 17 CHM13 2A9013 18 508162 19 37H5528 20 GLB382 21 37H8130 37H5520 22 7H5182 22a AFU3389 22b CDU3374 CDU3374W 22c GLB382 GLB343 23 24 24a 24b GHF421 AK606021 AAU3296A AHU2592 AHU2592W 24c DCP8004 24d AFU3112 24e GLB501 GLB501X LAMP, indicator (plastic amber lens) 2 LAMP, indicator (glass amber lens) 2 SEAL, rubber 2 HOLDER, bulb 2 BULB, single filament 2 LENS, amber plastic 2 LENS, amber glass 2 RIM, lens retaining 2 LAMP, indicator (screw on lens) 2 LENS, amber, screw fixing 2 LENS, white, screw fixing 2 BULB, single filament 2 BULB, amber, single filament 2 (Required when fitting clear indicator lens). SCREW, lamp to body 6 SPIRE CLIP, on body 6 REPEATER LAMP 2 REPEATER LENS 2 REPEATER LENS, white 2 HOLDER, bulb 2 SEAL, bulb holder 2 BULB 2 BULB, amber 2 (Required when fitting clear indicator lens). { (To 1986) } alternatives 28 29 { alternatives } { | (1987-On) | | } 30 { | | (1986-On) | | } SPOTLAMPS, pair FOGLAMPS, pair SPOTLAMPS, pair FOGLAMPS, pair BRACKET, spot lamp BRACKET, pair, spot lamp LAMP BAR KIT, stainless steel 1 1 1 1 2 1/2 1 31 GAC8496X LENS KIT, L/H & R/H GAC8497X BULB KIT, L/H & R/H GAC8497XRED BULB, twin filament 1 1 2 GLB343 BULB, amber, single filament 2 XFJ10028 XFJ10029 AAU4946 AAU4947 GLB380 GLB382 37H4963 37H4964 LENS, RH, reverse lamp LENS, LH , reverse lamp LENS, RH, with reverse LENS, LH, with reverse BULB, stop & tail BULB, indicator & reverse lights LENS, stop/ tail LENS, indicator 1 1 1 1 2 2/4 2 2 { } { } { } without reverse light use only with lamps 13H6479 & 13H6480 reverse lamps with 1 piece lens reverse lamps with 2 piece lens for lamp 13H6479 for lamp 13H6479 for lamp 13H6479 for lamp 13H6479 for use with above only use with lamp ADU2474 use with lamp ADU2475 clear lens kit replace stop/ tail and flasher lens clear lens kit for clear lens kit red stop & tail light bulb for clear lens kit required when fitting clear indicator lens use with lamp ADU2474 use with lamp ADU2475 For ADU2478 For ADU2479 Mini van Mini van NCA Rear Fog Lamps angel eye, chrome body angel eye, chrome body std pattern, chrome body std pattern, chrome body XFE10006 XFE10007 GLB382 SE604051 GHF331 GAC4612 GAC9400X FOG LAMP, rear, with bracket FOG LAMP, rear, with bracket BULB SCREW, bracket to body WASHER, locking BRACKET, stainless steel BRACKET 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 stainless steel original works type GAC4608 GAC4609 FOGLAMP, stainless steel REVERSE LAMP, chrome 1 1 Driving Lamps GAC4601 GAC4602 GAC4610 GAC4611 XBU10044 GAC4612 GAC4616 27 13H6479 13H6480 37H2690 37H2689 ADU2478 ADU2479 ADU2474 ADU2475 37H4837 37H4837Z 37H4838 37H4838Z 37H6778 XFJ10026 XFJ10027 GAC4617 RHD LHD { relocates fog lamp when } fitting bumper/overrider kit 56 London 020 8867 2020 Bradford 01274 539 999 BODYWORK BodyShells 3 British Motor Heritage Bodyshells 4 ill Part Number Description Req. Details If your car needs major bodywork repairs a new bodyshell may be the best option. The cost is less than you think, by the time you add in the labour cost of fitting body parts it may well be the cheapest option. British Motor Heritage bodyshells are built using the original assembly jigs. Long life is ensured by the use of zinc coated steel in rust prone areas, the shells are finished in motor industry standard black electrocoat. The shells are completely immersed in an electrically charged tank of anodic etch primer. This ensures the best possible coverage and paint ingress into all area of the body. The bodyshells listed below come with doors, bonnet and bootlid, they are also available without these bolt-ons please contact your branch for details. 4a 5 6 Bodyshell policy 1. Body shells are purchased with a 30% deposit as a special order item and customers must pay all delivery charges. 2. When body shells are received, the customer will be notified and delivery will take place within 14-21 days. 3. There will be storage charge (call) per day drawn from the deposit beginning on the 22nd day following notification if the customer is unable to take delivery. 4. If delivery is not taken within 30 days, the remaining deposit money will be returned to the customer and the order cancelled. 6b Clubman bodyshell The Heritage Clubman bodyshell is a direct replacement for 1976 on Clubman models with rubber mounted subframes. It can be used for earlier cars with some modifications, 1972-1976 cars will need the subframes replacing with the rubber mounted versions, 1969-1972 models had a different gear shift mechanism that will need some modifications to the bodyshell. CZH594 BODYSHELL, Clubman 1 8 For Mk IV models with rod change and rubber mounted subframes from 1976-1989. As with the Clubman shell this can be fitted to 1972-1976 models by changing to rubber mounted subframes. For earlier models more modifications will be necessary. BODYSHELL, MkIV 1 MkV bodyshell These bodyshells are for cars produced from 1989 onwards, available to either standard or Sports Pack specification. Latest specification brackets for airbag sensor, alarm and boot mounted washer bottle are not included. Compatible with front mounted radiators. AAA360200 AAA360210 BODYSHELL, MkV Standard BODYSHELL, MkV Sports-Pack 1 1 Front Body Panels 1a 14A8308 MBP9026 ALA8619 ALA8619Z ASJ36002 ASJ360070 CZH563 2 2a 2b AAM1022 AAM1022Z BMP103 CZH3059 ALA4583 24A1918 2c 2d CZH149 CZH155 FRONT PANEL FRONT PANEL FRONT PANEL FRONT PANEL FRONT PANEL FRONT PANEL FRONT PANEL, lower (Solid mount front subframe). FRONT PANEL, lower FRONT PANEL, lower BUMPER MOUNTING RAIL SLAM PANEL, replacement SLAM PANEL SUPPORT SLAM PANEL SUPPORT (Allows room for oil cooler). SLAM PANEL SLAM PANEL SUPPORT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REPAIR PANEL, lower front panel REPAIR PANEL, lower front panel BONNET BONNET BONNET BONNET BONNET BONNET BONNET BONNET BRACKET, bonnet moulding WING, RH WING, LH WING, RH WING, RH WING, LH WING, LH WING, RH WING, RH WING, LH WING, LH WING, LH 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 HMP441024 HMP441025 WING, RH WING, LH 1 1 14A6693 CZH408 CZH408Z CZH409 CZH409Z CZH120 CZH120Z CZH121 CZH121 ALA6279 ABD36007 ABD360190 HEADLAMP RING WING, RH WING, RH WING, LH WING, LH HEADLAMP PANEL, RH HEADLAMP PANEL, RH HEADLAMP PANEL, LH HEADLAMP PANEL, LH INNER WING, LH INNER WING, LH INNER WING, LH 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ABD36006 14A6498 2H7274 PUB10001 INNER WING, RH COWL, radiator BUFFER STONE GUARD 1 1 2 1 RH LH (1959-67) van & pick up, (1972-83) (1967-69) (1970-96) (1970-96) (1997-On) (1997) Clubman (To 1986) (To 1986) { | | } { | | } { } no repeater hole with repeater hole, (1986-On) no aerial hole with repeater hole with repeater hole { with aerial hole & } repeater hole { | | } { | | } Clubman Clubman Clubman Clubman Clubman Clubman Clubman Clubman (1976-89) latest specification { mpi front radiator therefore } no grill or fan hole latest specification inner wing fan aperture Note: The current flitch panel supplied by Rover is to the latest specification, it has a large circular hole to accommodate the electric cooling fan. If fitting the flitch to an earlier car with fluted cooling holes the stoneguard (PUB10001) must be fitted to protect the radiator. This bodyshell comes with front wings without repeater holes, roof without aerial hole, slatted inner wing for side mount radiators and the MkIV grille panel. The dashboard bulkhead panel includes the large ‘rotodip’ aperture making access to the centre binnacle easier. Rear seatbelt mountings are fitted and the front seatbelt mountings are in the pre-1977 locations. The doors are supplied with side impact bars fitted. BMP343 7 7a 7b 7c 7d MkIV bodyshell 1 6a MBP9001 MBP9002 24A1182 ALA8430 ALA7455 CZH455 CZH455Z BKA360070 BKA360110 CZH2609 ALA6664 14A7240 14A7241 14A6476 14A6476Z 14A6477 14A6477Z BMP454 BMP454Z BMP455 BMP455Z ASB360010 (1964-75) (To 1976) (1976-89) (1976-89) (1990-96) (1996-On) { Clubman (1970-76) | | Clubman (1976-83) } Clubman (1976-83) vertical diagonal Clubman Clubman 9 14A8346 14A8346Z 14A8347 14A8347Z 9a 14A6901 14A6901Z 14A6902 14A6902Z 9c ALA5660 ALA5660Z ALA5661 ALA5661Z 10 ALA6472 MBP9003 ALA6473 MBP9004 10a ALA5686 ALA5687 11 HMP441001 MBP9005 MBP9006 11a 14A6675 11b BMP201 12 14A8348 14A8349 MBP9007 MBP9008 13 BKD360030 14 24A859 15 GFK7344 CZH209 16 BMP348 BMP349 MSSK019 17 PWZ204 18 GHF200 19 JRC7898 A PANEL INNER, RH A PANEL INNER, RH A PANEL INNER, LH A PANEL INNER, LH A PANEL OUTER, RH A PANEL OUTER, RH A PANEL OUTER, LH A PANEL OUTER, LH A PANEL, RH A PANEL, RH A PANEL, LH A PANEL, LH A POST, inner panel, RH A POST, inner panel, RH (repro) A POST, inner panel, LH A POST, inner panel, LH (repro) BOXING PANEL BOXING PANEL REPAIR PANEL REPAIR PANEL, RH REPAIR PANEL, LH DASH RAIL, top DASH RAIL, bottom GUSSET PANEL, RH GUSSET PANEL, LH REPAIR PANEL, closing, RH REPAIR PANEL, closing, LH STAY, bonnet CLIP, stay to bonnet (metal) CLIP, stay retaining (plastic) CLIP, stay retaining (metal) HINGE, bonnet, RH HINGE, bonnet, LH HINGE KIT, quick release WASHER NUT SEAL, bonnet, front 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 { | | } { | | } { | | } (1959-69) (1959-69) (1959-69) (1959-69) (1959-69) (1959-69) (1959-69) (1959-69) (1970-On) (1970-On) (1970-On) (1970-On) windscreen lower panel windscreen lower corner windscreen lower corner top of A post top of A post { flitch to scuttle } { alternatives } Bristol 0117 923 2523 Manchester 0161 480 6402 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 14A9010 JRC7008 14A6586 FPQ10001 ADA458 ND606041 AAM1206 AAM1223 SH604051 GHF331 4G2494 ALA7608 MCR108 GAC8425X MRAC202 SEAL, bonnet, rear sponge 1 (To 1991) SEAL, bonnet, rear 1 PIN, bonnet 1 SPRING 1 SPRING CUP 1 LOCK NUT 1 CATCH 1 GUIDE 1 SCREW, catch & guide to body 2 WASHER, locking 2 SPRING, catch return 1 HOOK 1 CABLE, bonnet release 1 BONNET RELEASE KIT 1 BRACE BARS, pair 1 (Required when removing front end to replace with fibre glass front). BODYWORK 57 58 London 020 8867 2020 Bradford 01274 539 999 BODYWORK Side & Rear Body Panels ill Part Number 1 Description Req. 14A9534 14A9534Z 14A9535 14A9535Z BHM3 BHM4 1a 14A9026 14A9026Z 14A9027 14A9027Z 2 BHM9 BHM9Z BHM10 BHM10Z 2a HMP441004 HMP441005 CZH2669 3 BHM11 BHM11Z BHM12 BHM12Z 3a CZH2675 CZH2675L CZH2675R 3b 14A8374 14A8375 3c 14A8994 14A8995 HMP441008 3d HMP441007 HMP441006 4 MBP9023 MBP9024 24A2186 5 14A8336 14A8337 6 MBP9015 MBP9016 7 BHM13 8 MBP9017 MBP9018 9 ALA5666 ALA5667 10 HMP441014 HMP441015 MBP9019 MBP9020 11 HMP441010 14A9558 MBP9021 HMP441010 14A9559 MBP9022 14A6617 14A6618 12 MBP9009 13 HMP441016 MBP9010 14 MBP9011 MBP9012 15 14A5497 CZH3353 15a 14A8154 14A8154Z 15b 14A6908 14A6908Z 14A6909 14A6909Z 14A7552Z 14A7552SS 15c HMP441019 GAC8452X SILL PANEL, outer, RH SILL PANEL, outer, RH SILL PANEL, outer, LH SILL PANEL, outer, LH SILL PANEL, outer repair, RH SILL PANEL, outer repair, LH SILL PANEL, outer repair, RH SILL PANEL, outer repair, RH SILL PANEL, outer repair, LH SILL PANEL, outer repair, LH FLOOR PANEL, front, RH FLOOR PANEL, front, RH FLOOR PANEL, front, LH FLOOR PANEL, front, LH FLOOR PANEL, RH FLOOR PANEL, LH FLOOR PANEL, both sides FLOOR PANEL, rear, RH FLOOR PANEL, rear, RH FLOOR PANEL, rear, LH FLOOR PANEL, rear, LH CROSSMEMBER CROSSMEMBER, RH half side CROSSMEMBER, LH half side CROSSMEMBER EXTENSION, RH CROSSMEMBER EXTENSION, LH POCKET BASE, RH POCKET BASE, LH HEELBOARD HEELBOARD HALF, LH HEELBOARD HALF, RH REPAIR PANEL, floor edge, RH REPAIR PANEL, floor edge, LH PLATE, seatbelt mount BRACKET, jacking point, RH BRACKET, jacking point, LH REPAIR PANEL, RH REPAIR PANEL, LH DOORSTEP PANEL, repair REPAIR PANEL, RH REPAIR PANEL, LH SIDE PANEL, RH SIDE PANEL, LH REAR QUARTER PANEL, RH REAR QUARTER PANEL, LH REPAIR PANEL, lower rear, RH REPAIR PANEL, lower rear, LH REPAIR PANEL, RH REPAIR PANEL, RH REPAIR PANEL, RH REPAIR PANEL, RH REPAIR PANEL, LH REPAIR PANEL, LH REPAIR PANEL, RH, outer section REPAIR PANEL, LH, outer section REPAIR PANEL BOOT FLOOR REPAIR PANEL, boot floor edge REPAIR PANEL, RH, boot floor corner REPAIR PANEL, LH, boot floor corner REAR VALANCE REAR VALANCE REAR VALANCE, centre REAR VALANCE, centre VALANCE CORNER, RH VALANCE CORNER, RH VALANCE CORNER, LH VALANCE CORNER, LH NUMBER PLATE HOLDER NUMBER PLATE HOLDER REAR PANEL LAMP PANEL KIT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10d HMP441009 16 ALA5528 ALA8623 ALA5524 ALA5525 ALA5532 ALA5533 MBP9013 BOOT HINGE PANEL CLOSING PANEL, RH CLOSING PANEL, LH CLOSING PANEL, RH CLOSING PANEL, LH BRACKET, RH bump stop BRACKET, RH bump stop REPAIR PANEL, RH 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Details { | | } { } { | | } standard replacement 6” wide van, estate & pick up stainless steel 17 19 20 MBP9014 14A6609 14A6610 14A6611 14A6612 14A6499 14A6499Z 14A6499K CZH3058 CZH3060 CZH3061 28G110 8G9270 14A6466 14A6467 { front to rear includes sill } complete inc. inner sills 21 { (1970-On) | } { between inner & outer sill } { rear pocket base } { | } 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 { door step/rear wing } { rear sub frame front } mount { lower section below } window line turret section of inner arch outer section of wheel arch inner rear wheel arch turret section of inner arch outer section of wheel arch inner rear wheel arch inner rear wheel arch shock absorber turret complete inc. battery box (1959-69) (1980-On) inc. fog lamp fit { } { Mini van, estate & pick up | | } { Mini van & estate } { retro fit MkI lamps into } MkII & MkIII body { includes rear subframe } rear mounting bracket 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 GAC8438X 14A6468 14A7625 BMP339 BMD36001 BLL1000X BMB360040 BMB360050 MT8101 BMP401 BMP402 SG604051 GHF300 GHF331 GHF200 14A6584 CKE10018 14A6585 14A6740 MCR107 JRC2844 JRC2843 JRC8182 CZH1747 SE910281 SE910161 PWZ203 WL700101 GHF206 14A5996 PMZ307 WF702101 GHF425 14A5503 CZH3293 14A8096 14A8097 14A6903 14A6904 REPAIR PANEL, LH 1 BRACKET, RH 1 { repair panel for rear of BRACKET, LH 1 } rear subframe mount CLOSING PANEL, RH 1 { front of rear wheel arch CLOSING PANEL, LH 1 } BATTERY BOX 1 BATTERY BOX 1 BATTERY BOX 1 inc. 14A7776 cover strap HINGE PANEL, boot 1 LAMP PANEL, rear, RH 1 LAMP PANEL, rear, LH 1 BOOT LID 1 early MkI cross braced BOOT LID 1 MkI & MkII double skinned (To act as luggage carrier). HINGE, RH number plate 1 early swinging plate hinge (Allows number plate to be read when boot is open). HINGE, LH number plate 1 early swinging plate hinge (Allows number plate to be read when boot is open). MOUNTING KIT, number plate MkI 1 NUMBER PLATE HOLDER 1 saloons, (1959-69) BUFFER 2 BOOT LID 1 (1970-89) BOOT LID 1 genuine Rover, (1990-On) LINER PANEL, boot lid 1 HINGE, RH 1 HINGE, LH 1 HINGES, pair 1 chrome plated boot hinges GASKET, upper hinge 1 GASKET, lower hinge 1 SCREW 4 WASHER 4 WASHER, locking 4 NUT 4 SEAL, boot lid (fitted to boot lid) 1 To VIN 398599 SEAL, boot lid (fitted to body) 1 From VIN 398600 CLIP, seal to boot lid a/r use with seal 14A6584 CABLE, boot lid check strap 2 CABLE, boot lid check strap 2 HANDLE, boot lid, chrome 1 (To 1980) HANDLE, boot lid, black 1 (1980-84) HANDLE, boot lid, nimbus 1 (1984-On) SEAL, handle to boot 1 SCREW, cable to body 2 SCREW, cable to boot lid 2 WASHER, plain 6 WASHER, locking 6 NUT 6 LATCH, boot Lock 1 SCREW, latch to boot lid 2 WASHER, locking a/r SCREW, self tapping 2 ROOF PANEL 1 TAIL GATE 1 Mini pick up DOOR REAR, RH 1 { DOOR REAR, LH 1 | Mini van & estate DOOR SKIN, RH, rear 1 | DOOR SKIN, LH, rear 1 } Bristol 0117 923 2523 Manchester 0161 480 6402 BODYWORK 59 60 London 020 8867 2020 Bradford 01274 539 999 BODYWORK Doors, Door Glass & Fittings ill 1a 1 2a 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Part Number Description 14A8306 BMP326 BDA360100 14A8307 BMP327 BDA360110 14A5498 14A5498Z 14A5498A 14A5499 14A5499Z 14A5499A CZH3300 CZH3300A CZH3300Z CZH3300AL CZH3301 CZH3301A CZH3301Z CZH3301AL CZH3121 14A6818KA BMP134 BMP135 37H3043 37H3044 CZH202 CZH203 CZH212 ALA6381 GHF221 SF604061 14A764 14A6744 14A6745 DOOR, RH DOOR, RH DOOR, RH, with door bar DOOR, LH DOOR, LH DOOR, LH, with door bar DOOR SKIN, RH DOOR SKIN, RH DOOR SKIN, alloy RH DOOR SKIN, LH DOOR SKIN, LH DOOR SKIN, alloy LH DOOR SKIN, RH DOOR SKIN, RH DOOR SKIN, RH DOOR SKIN, alloy RH DOOR SKIN, LH DOOR SKIN, LH DOOR SKIN, LH DOOR SKIN, alloy LH BRACKET, check arm HINGES SET GASKET, large GASKET, small BUSH, hinge repair PIN, hinge repair HINGE, upper, RH HINGE, upper, LH HINGE, lower SHIM, (hinge adjustment) NUT, nyloc, (hinge to body) SCREW, hinge to door BRACKET, check strap BRACKET, check strap BRACKET, check strap Req. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 4 4 4 1 1 2 a/r 8 10 4 2 2 Details (1959-69) external hinge less hinges (1990-On) (1959-69) external hinge less hinges (1990-On) { (1959-69) external hinge | } { (1959-69) external hinge | } with mirror rivnuts fitted 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 with mirror rivnuts fitted (1959-69) external hinge (1959-69) (1959-69) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 per strap 29 30 31 ALA1221 14E4289 DC3005M DC3005P ADA5671 CLZ412 GHF500 BMP480 CZH4052 CZH4053 CGE10038 CGE10039 CZH627 CZD1184 CZD1185 CZG5254 CZD1351 CZD1350 SF604051 CZH628 CZH3528 CZH3529 ZCT410 13H2899 CZH616 CZH617 GHF1021 AB608031 CZH611PA CZH640 CZH641 SE910101 WL700101 GLZ119A JPC8387PA CZH762 PMP308 WE702101 CFB10047 CHECK STRAP, black CHECK STRAP, red CHECK STRAP, red CHECK STRAP, grey CHECK STRAP, door CLEVIS PIN, check strap to body SPLIT PIN SEAL, check strap SEAL, check strap, RH SEAL, check strap, LH SEAL, check strap, RH SEAL, check strap, LH STRIKER, door lock STRIKER PLATE, RH STRIKER PLATE, LH STRIKER PLATE BUFFER, door to striker plate RETAINER, door buffer SCREW, striker to B post PLUG, B post (behind catch) LOCK ASSEMBLY, RH LOCK ASSEMBLY, LH SCREW, lock to door LINK CLIP LOCK CONTROL, RH LOCK CONTROL, LH NUT, plastic SCREW, self tapping BEZEL, lock control, (plastic) RELEASE MECHANISM, RH RELEASE MECHANISM, LH SCREW, release mechanism to door WASHER, locking HANDLE, opening HANDLE, opening, black HANDLE, door pull SCREW, release handle to spigot WASHER, locking SEAL, door aperture, black 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 4 2 1 1 8 4 1 1 4 4 2 1 1 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 early { To VIN 324224 } { From VIN 324225 } (1990-On) door lock to frame sliding windows plastic Bristol 0117 923 2523 Manchester 0161 480 6402 32 CZH886 CZH887 CZH886/7 CZH1784S WPA9019X CZH1785LB HANDLE, locking, chrome, RH HANDLE, locking, chrome, LH HANDLES, pair chrome HANDLE SET, chrome HANDLE SET, chrome BARREL SET 1 1 1 1 1 1 EXTERIOR 61 (1970-On) includes keys (1970-72) (1972-On) (1970-On) inc. doors & boot Note: We supply exterior lock sets with matching keys. 33 34 35 36 37 38 JRC2841 JRC2842 JRC8180 JRC8181 PMZ306 WL700101 GHF306 ALA5795 CZH1729 CZH646 CZH647 HANDLE, locking, black, RH HANDLE, locking, black, LH HANDLE, locking, nimbus, RH HANDLE, locking, nimbus, LH SCREW, exterior handle to door WASHER, locking WASHER GASKET, handle large GASKET, handle small REGULATOR, RH REGULATOR, LH 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 { grey } Note: See accessories catalogue for electric window kits. Windscreen, Side & Rear Glass 39 ill Part Number Description 28 24A1887 24A2236 CZH4048 MS85 CZH4092 CCB10011 JRC2671 CCB100130 WINDSCREEN, Toughened WINDSCREEN, Laminated WINDSCREEN, Laminated WINDSCREEN, Laminated SEAL, front SEAL, front SEAL, front, (universal) SEAL, front (Helps keep those leaks at bay). FILLER STRIP (Chrome) CLIP, filler strip end finisher REAR SCREEN, clear REAR SCREEN, tinted SEAL, rear screen QUARTER LIGHT, clear, RH QUARTER LIGHT, clear, LH GLASS, quarter light, clear QUARTER LIGHT, green, RH QUARTER LIGHT, green, LH GLASS, quarter light, green FRAME, quarter light, RH Black LH GLASS, (opening quarter light) GLASS, (opening quarter light) RUBBER, glazing SEAL, (opening quarter light) SEAL, (fixed quarter light) GLASS, (fixed quarter light) 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 CZA7109 YGA4330 ZKC3317 CZH701PA GAC8495X ALA5723 CZH4007 PAM3076 PAM3077 ALA5746 ALA5747 EJU10003 GHF1560 PAM1014 PAM1015 HMP841007 ADA3809 MS67 MS68 13H743 14A7167 14A7167Z EAM8530 EAM8531 24A88 24A1303 24A1304 24A1194 24A1195 24A1196 24A1197 24A1198 14A8151 14A7065B RMP307 14A7176 14A7167 24A1140 24A1141 24A2083 24A2083S 24A1834 24A1835 PMZ308 24A1140LB 14A6832 14A6833 14A6835 24A2143 24A2144 24A2145 24A2146 14A7194 14A7210 14A7361 14A7362 14A7362 14A7363 HANDLE, window winder 1 HANDLE, window winder 1 late type SCREW, window winder handle 2 HANDLE SURROUND, black 2 HANDLE SET, alloy 1 8 piece set (Includes winders, openers, door pulls and lock bezels). DOOR GLASS, clear 2 DOOR GLASS, green tint 2 RUBBER SEAL, glass upper RH 1 RUBBER SEAL, glass upper LH 1 CHANNEL, lower glass front 2 CHANNEL, lower glass rear 2 WEATHER STRIP, inner 2 with moulding CLIP, inner weatherstrip a/r WEATHERSTRIP, outer, RH 1 stainless steel WEATHERSTRIP, outer, LH 1 stainless steel WEATHERSTRIP KIT 1 stainless steel (Includes both sides outer moulding and clips). CLIP, outer moulding a/r CHROME TRIM SURROUND, RH 1 (1970-On) CHROME TRIM SURROUND, LH 1 (1970-On) CLIP, for trim 12/24 CHANNEL UPPER 2 { CHANNEL UPPER 2 | WEATHER STRIP, RH 2 | WEATHER STRIP, LH 2 | CHANNEL, lower 2 | CHANNEL PLATE, RH 1 | CHANNEL PLATE, LH 1 | CATCH, RH, front 1 | (1959-69) CATCH, LH, front 1 | CATCH, RH, rear 1 | CATCH, LH, rear 1 | GASKET 4 | CHROME BOSS 4 | WASHER, for chrome boss 4 | SCREW 4 | KICK PLATE, RH 1 | KICK PLATE, LH 1 } DOOR HANDLE, RH locking 1 { (1959-67) DOOR HANDLE, LH non locking 1 } DOOR HANDLE, RH locking 1 (1967-69) DOOR HANDLE SET 1 (1967-69) three piece set (Includes boot handle). BOSS 2 { SEAL, boss 2 | SCREW, boss 2 | BARREL SET 1 | (1959-69) STRIKER PLATE 2 | BUFFER, nylon 2 | BUFFER PLATE 2 } DOOR LATCH, RH with safety catch 1 LHD, (1959-69) DOOR LATCH, LH with safety catch 1 RHD, (1959-69) DOOR LATCH, RH no safety catch 1 RHD, (1959-69) DOOR LATCH, LH no safety catch 1 LHD, (1959-69) HANDLE, boot lid 1 (1959-69) SEAL, rear door windows 2 Mini van & estate CHANNEL, front 2 estate rear side windows CHANNEL, rear 2 estate rear side windows CHANNEL, upper 2 estate rear side windows CHANNEL, lower 2 estate rear side windows 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 24A1466 JPC2017 13H7323 CZH4013 JRC2674 CZH3522 CZH3523 JRC5142 CZH4010 CZH4011 JRC5143 CZH3537 CZH3538 JRC5142 JRC5143 47H9535M PAM1019 JRC2673 CZH1315 Req. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 Details Green tint top tint toughened screen laminated screen both types of screen latest wide type seal pre-cut for front & rear { heated } clear green 62 London 020 8867 2020 Bradford 01274 539 999 EXTERIOR Front Grille & Fittings ill Part Number Description 1 24A2158 24A2159 GRILLE, stainless steel 1 GRILLE, stainless steel 1 (With full slats for internal bonnet release). RELEASE KIT 1 MOUSTACHE KIT, complete 1 MOUSTACHE 1 MOULDING, right hand 1 MOULDING, left hand 1 CLIP 3/6 GAC8425X 14A7781FK 14A7781 14A7782 14A7783 ADA3583 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Req. Details 10 12 MkI Morris Cooper MkI Morris Cooper 13 14 internal bonnet release kit includes end mouldings for 14A7781 for 14A7781 for left/right end mouldings 24A198 14A7299 ALA6654 ALA6654Z HMP841003 DHB10150PME CZH4015Z DHB10087PMD PAM1878 JRC7058LMY ALA6668 ALA6668Z ALA6669 GRILLE 1 Austin MkI Cooper & S GRILLE 1 Austin MkI wavy grille GRILLE, chrome 1 (To 1977 & Mini 30) GRILLE, chrome 1 (To 1977 & Mini 30) GRILLE KIT 1 inc. ALA6654 & surrounds GRILLE, black 1 (1977-81) GRILLE, black 1 (1977-81) GRILLE, black 1 (1981-81) GRILLE, black with shield 1 (1981-84) GRILLE, nimbus 1 (Mini 25 & 1984-On) GRILLE, ‘Cooper’ 1 Cooper 1300 + SE GRILLE 1 Cooper MkII GRILLE 1 Cooper MkII (Internal bonnet release). 8B12502 GRILLE 1 Cooper MkII stainless steel (With 6in holes for spot lamp fitment, external bonnet release access). 8B12503 GRILLE, stainless steel 1 Cooper MkII (With 6in holes for spot lamp fitment, internal bonnet release). GAC8434X GRILLE KIT 1 inc. 8B12502 grille & lamps GAC8420X GRILLE KIT 1 inc. 8B12503 grille & lamps 8B12504 GRILLE, stainless steel 1 Cooper MkII (External bonnet release access). 8B12505 GRILLE, stainless steel 1 Cooper MkII (Internal bonnet release). 8B12507 GRILLE, stainless steel 1 as Austin wavy MkII (External bonnet release access). 8B12508 GRILLE, stainless steel 1 as Austin wavy MkII (Internal bonnet release). DHB102150MMM GRILLE, ‘Cooper’ 1 Cooper 1.3i GAC8421X GRILLE BUTTON KIT 1 GAC8439X BONNET LOCK, black 1 fits externally (Covers access to bonnet release). GAC8425X RELEASE KIT, cable bonnet 1 internal bonnet release kit WPA9003X WPA9004X JRC7084 JPC9935 DAH10003 CDU1266 AB606031 ALA6508 ALA6508Z ALA6509 ALA6509Z NUDGE BAR SET, stainless steel NUDGE BAR SET, black BADGE, grille, ‘Austin’ BADGE, grille, ‘Mini’ BADGE, grille, ‘Mini’ SCREW, self tapping SCREW, self tapping SURROUND, RH MOULDING RH SURROUND, LH MOULDING LH 1 1 1 1 1 4 8 1 1 1 1 front & rear inc. all fixings front & rear inc. all fixings No Longer Available Mayfair & City top of grille to body side edges of grille to body { all except } Designer AB606028 37H8108M ALA6559 ALA6659Z 24A2708 ALA6747 HMP841009 CZH4372 CZH1200 CZH3552 CZH3553 FIXING SCREW, SEATING STRIP, chrome FINISHER, Grille Top MOULDING TOP SURROUND seating strip (29”) PLUG, grille MOULDING KIT GRILLE, Clubman GRILLE, GT SURROUND, RH SURROUND, LH 13 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 surrounds & top per metre includes ALA6508/9/59 Bumpers & Fittings 15 16 17 18 19 DPB10166 14A6779Z 14A6779SS EAM9219 CZH4341 DPB10085PMG JRC8268 JRC8268Z CZH600 CZH605 14A7550 EAM9248 CZH900 CZH901 GHF200 PWZ204 WC108051 GHF331 GHF332 SH605051 14A9923 14A9924 14A9877 14A9878 14A9919 14A9920 14A7598 SH605101 37H9871M 14A9879 GHF102 GHF117 WPA9006X 14A8738 14A7598 SH605101 37H9871M WPA9005X GAC9400X BUMPER, stainless steel 2 BUMPER, chrome 2 alternative BUMPER, stainless steel 2 BUMPER, black 2 HL, HLE & Mayfair BUMPER, black 2 BUMPER, black 2 BUMPER, nimbus 2 (1984-88 & Mini 25) BUMPER, nimbus 2 (1984-88 & Mini 25) BUMPER, front 1 Clubman BUMPER, rear 1 Clubman BUMPER, quarter, chrome 2 Mini van BUMPER, quarter, black 2 Mini van BUMPER, RH quarter 1 clubman BUMPER, LH quarter 1 clubman NUT, plain (1/4”) 6 { all bumpers WASHER, plain (1/4”) 6 } except EAM9219 WASHER, plain (5/16”) 8 for bumper EAM9219 WASHER, spring (1/4”) 6 all except EAM9219 WASHER, spring (5/16”) 8 { for bumper BOLT, bumper to body (5/16”) 8 } EAM9219 OVER RIDER 2 MkI (With holes for corner bars. Right hand front and left hand rear). OVER RIDER 2 MkI (With holes for corner bars. Left hand front and right hand rear). CORNER BAR, RH front 1 CORNER BAR, LH front 1 CORNER BAR, RH rear 1 CORNER BAR, LH rear 1 BRACKET 4 for fitment of over rider BOLT 4 for fitment of over rider SEATING RUBBER 1 sold by the metre DISTANCE PIECE 4 bumper to corner bar BOLT 4 bumper to corner bar BOLT 4 over rider to corner bar OVER RIDER AND BUMPER KIT 1 (Kit includes 2 bumpers pre drilled 4 corner bars, 4 over riders and all fixings). OVER RIDER 4 MkII plain over riders (No holes for corner bars). BRACKET 4 for fitment of over rider BOLT 4 for fitment of over rider SEATING RUBBER 1 sold by the metre OVER RIDERS ONLY KIT 1 (Contains over riders and fixings (no corner bars). BRACKET, fog lamp relocation 1 { required when fitting over } riders and corner bars Bristol 0117 923 2523 Manchester 0161 480 6402 EXTERIOR Mouldings & Finishers ill Part Number Description 20 21 BMP127 BMP124 BMP125 8B12400 8B12401 BMP128 BMP128MS BMP129 GHF1560 GZF105 GZF107 GZF108M MOULDING, front seam MOULDING, rear seam, RH MOULDING, rear seam, LH MOULDINGS, pair front MOULDINGS, pair rear CLIP CLIP MOULDING, rear arch to seam CLIP, moulding (all seams) MOULDING, w/arch, chrome MOULDING, w/arch, chrome MOULDING, w/arch, black 22 23 24 MRAC401 MRAC405 Req. 2 1 1 1 1 A/R A/R 2 a/r 2 2 8 63 ARCH KIT, Group 2 ARCH KIT, Group 5 1 1 MIRROR, RH door MIRROR, RH door MIRROR, LH door MIRROR, LH door MIRROR, chrome RH MIRROR, chrome LH MIRROR, chrome RH MIRROR, chrome LH MIRROR, LH plastic MIRROR, RH plastic MIRROR, LH plastic 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 diamond white old English white diamond white old English white convex glass convex glass flat glass flat glass convex 1 1 1 2 2 1 unpainted MkIII metal body chromed MkIII metal body chromed MkIII Details stainless steel stainless steel for body seam moulding for body seam moulding fluted flat fluted (per metre) Note: Wheel arch extensions are available in sets, please see accessories catalogue. 26 27 YGA1106 YGA1107 JRC8260LP JRC8261LP GAC8494X DBE10006PMD DBE10006LMP MOULDING, roof gutter, black, RH MOULDING, roof gutter, black, LH MOULDING, roof gutter, nimbus, RH MOULDING, roof gutter, nimbus, LH MOULDING, roof gutter CLIP, roof moulding joint CLIP, roof moulding joint 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 piece chrome plastic black nimbus Sill Protectors EBN100010 EBN100040 Mirrors 43 TREADPLATES, pair TREADPLATES, pair 1 1 Mini Logo Mini winged motif MUDFLAPS, pair MUDFLAPS, pair 1 1 Cooper Mini HUB CAP HUB CAP 4 4 10” wheels 10” wheels Mudflaps CAT10044 AJM164 Hub Caps 88G337 88G337Z CRB10184NAL CRB10184NNX CRB10185NAL CRB10185NNX GAM215A GAM216A GAM217X GAM218X JPC9837 JPC9848 JPC9849 Wheel Arch Extensions AJM1117 AJM1117Z CZH4312 CZH4313 CZH4314 CZH4315 CZH4312Z CZH4313Z CZH4314Z CZH4315Z CZH4316Z AJM1117GZ JRC8437 JRC8438 JRC8496 JRC8497 GAC8449X GAC84491X ARCH KIT, black ARCH KIT, black EXTENSION, wheel arch, black, RH EXTENSION, wheel arch, black, LH EXTENSION, wheel arch, black, RH EXTENSION, wheel arch, black, LH EXTENSION, wheel arch, black, RH EXTENSION, wheel arch, black, LH EXTENSION, wheel arch, black, RH EXTENSION, wheel arch, black, LH SILL FINISHER ARCH KIT, grey EXTENSION, wheel arch, nimbus, RH EXTENSION, wheel arch, nimbus, LH EXTENSION, wheel arch, nimbus, RH EXTENSION, wheel arch, nimbus, LH ARCH COVER SET, stainless steel SILL FINISHERS, stainless steel 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Front Front Rear Rear Front Front Rear Rear Front Front Rear Rear fits over std. plastic arches Number Plate Lamp 32 33 34 35 13H6900 MT9331 GAC4614 PRC1230A GLB239 13H6010 BODY, number plate lamp BODY, number plate lamp BODY, number plate lamp LENS, number plate lamp BULB, Festoon GASKET, lamp body to boot lid Note: Wheel arch extensions are also available in sets. See accessories catalogue for full details. 42 CZH4316 JRC8267LP DYQ100140 DFJ100240LML MOULDING, black 2 between arch extensions MOULDING, nimbus 2 between arch extensions RIVET, arch extension to body a/r EXTENSION, wheel arch 1 front, RH, sportspac Mini (As fitted to Rover sportspac Minis, made from rubber. They protrude 3.5”. The metal arch require modification for fitment of 13” wheels). DFJ100250LML EXTENSION, wheel arch 1 front, LH, sportspac Mini (As fitted to Rover sportspac Minis, made from rubber. They protrude 3.5”. The metal arch require modification for fitment of 13” wheels). DFK100460LML EXTENSION, wheel arch 1 rear, RH, sportspac Mini (As fitted to Rover sportspac Minis, made from rubber. They protrude 3.5”. The metal arch require modification for fitment of 13” wheels). DFK100470LML EXTENSION, wheel arch 1 rear, LH, sportspac Mini (As fitted to Rover sportspac Minis, made from rubber. They protrude 3.5”. The metal arch require modification for fitment of 13” wheels). GAC4606 SPORTSPAC ARCH KIT 1 complete set (As fitted to Rover sportspac Minis, made from rubber. They protrude 3.5”. The metal arch require modification for fitment of 13” wheels). DDJ10002 SILL FINISHER 2 rubber strip (Fits along the sill between the front and rear arch extensions). Badges ill Part Number Description 24A71 24A72 ADA3580 24G1201 14A6837 14A6802 24A23 24A997 14A6853 24A1401 BADGE, bonnet BADGE, bonnet BADGE, bonnet BADGE INSERT, bonnet BADGE SURROUND, bonnet BADGE, boot BADGE, boot BADGE, boot BADGE, boot BADGE, boot, small Req. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Details Austin Cooper & S MkI Morris Cooper & S MkI Morris Mini MkI Austin MkI Austin insert surround Austin script MkI Cooper script MkI Mini script Seven script S script 64 London 020 8867 2020 Bradford 01274 539 999 EXTERIOR & INTERIOR Badges (Continued) ill 43 44 45 46 47 Part Number Description 24A1402 24A24 ADA3730 ALA6622 ALA6694 ALA6695 ALA6696 ALA6519 ALA6514 ALA6515 ALA6542 ALA6513 ALA6518 ALA6511 ALA6517 ALA6536 ALA6537 ALA6538 AVB191/2 CZH1220 CZH4016 CZH1269 CZH4154 CZH1220 CZH1381 CZH4378 CZH1305 KPC1002 DAB10076 DAB10079 DAB101130 DAB10038 DAB10085 DAH100410 DAH100590MMM GHF1531 BADGE, boot, large BADGE, boot BADGE, boot BADGE, boot BADGE, boot BADGE, boot BADGE, boot BADGE SURROUND, bonnet BADGE INSERT, bonnet BADGE INSERT, bonnet BADGE SURROUND, boot BADGE INSERT, bonnet BADGE SURROUND, bonnet BADGE INSERT, bonnet BADGE SURROUND BADGE INSERT, boot BADGE INSERT, boot BADGE INSERT, boot BADGE BADGE, front grille BADGE, boot BADGE, boot BADGE, boot BADGE, boot BADGE, boot BADGE, bonnet BADGE, bonnet BADGE, bonnet BADGE, bonnet BADGE, bonnet BADGE, bonnet BADGE, bonnet BADGE, bonnet BADGE, boot BADGE, boot, self adhesive CLIP, badge retaining Interior Mirror & Fittings Req. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 Details ill Part Number Description S script Morris Cooper script Mini Minor script Austin Mini script 850 script 1000 script 1275 script Cooper S MkII Austin Cooper S MkII Morris Cooper S MkII Cooper S MkII Austin Cooper MkII Austin Cooper MkII Morris Cooper MkII Morris Cooper MkII Cooper S MkII Austin Cooper MkII Morris Cooper MkII MkII script clubman GT red Mini Special 1275 GT 1275 GT late GT, red MkIII Cooper S To VIN 349159 blue on silver VIN349160 To 463576 VIN 463577 To 493180 Cooper models Italian job Checkmate Rover ‘Mini’ in white as Italian Job Mini winged badge (1997-On) 39 CZH4000 CZH4130 MT9141 CRT10004 RMZ308 MIRROR, interior (dipping) MIRROR, interior MIRROR, interior stainless steel SUCTION PAD SCREW, mirror to cant rail Decals DAE10119NMN JRC2679NMN DAE10119PMA DAF10380NMN DAF10380PMA DAF10402NMN DAF10403NMN DAF10402PMA DAF10403PMA JCA9017X JCA9018X JCA9012X JCA9013X JCA9014X DAF104090RHR DAF104090RHS COACHLINE, white COACHLINE, white COACHLINE, black COOPER LAUREL, white COOPER LAUREL, black BONNET STRIPE, RH, white BONNET STRIPE, LH, white BONNET STRIPE, RH, black BONNET STRIPE, LH, black BONNET STRIPE, white BONNET STRIPE, black STICKER PACK HOLDER, tax disc STICKER, window BOOT BOOT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A/R 1 1 1 1 DAF104520RAU DAF104530RAU DAF104540RAU DAF105120 1 1 1 1 BOOT BODY SIDE BONNET ROOF DECAL CHASSIS PLATE CHASSIS PLATE 1 1 Miscellaneous AERIAL, stainless steel HEADLAMP EYEBROWS, pair CAR COVER SUMPGUARD, Cooper LOAD LINER, boot 1 1 1 1 1 Wood Kit Countryman Estate HMP341002 HMP841001 1 1 1 1 2 Carpet Sets As any Mini owner is aware it can get very noisy when driving at speed. The carpet set we supply has been designed with this in mind. The front sections of carpet feature 12mm thick sections of sound deadening laminated to the backing of the carpet to keep the sound levels as low as possible. Carpet set includes all fittings. CSA9000X CSR9000X CSF9000X CARPET SET, black CARPET SET, red CARPET SET, grey 1 1 1 We can also offer a moulded carpet set produced by the original manufacturer. Unfortunately these carpet sets do not have sound deadening backing material, but do not despair, we can also offer a sound deadening kit of the same material as fitted to the above carpet sets. See Sound Insulation listed below. CSA9001X CSA9002X CSA9002Z CSF9002X CSF9002DZ CSF9002Z CSN9001X CSN9001Z CSR9002X CSR9002Z 610624 GHF600 2H8445 14G8736 CARPET SET, black, moulded CARPET SET, black CARPET SET, black CARPET SET, grey CARPET SET, dark grey CARPET SET, grey CARPET SET, blue CARPET SET, blue CARPET SET, red CARPET SET, red FASTENER, fitted to floor RIVET, for 610624 CLIP, carpet to floor RING, spiked, through carpet 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 (To 1973) budget type, beaded edge (To 1973) budget type, beaded edge budget type, beaded edge (To 1973) budget type, beaded edge (To 1973) budget type, beaded edge Keeping the volume of noise in your Mini down to a minimum can be a problem, any of the products listed below should help to solve the problem. GAC8417X GAC8429X WOOD TRIM KIT FIXING KIT, wood trim 1 1 INSULATION KIT (engine bay) INSULATION KIT (interior) 1 1 bonnet & bulkhead under carpet The following list of sound deadening panels are genuine Rover items used on the latest Minis to keep the volume of noise in the cabin as low as is possible. John Cooper signature John Cooper signature Italian Job for white cars { Italian Job for green, } red or black cars Italian Job for white cars { Italian Job for green, } red or black cars Monte Carlo Monte Carlo Monte Carlo Union Jack Chassis Plates EEP11Z GAC7999X GAC8431X KRH10003 EBF100150 Details Sound Insulation Kits DAF104160RHR BODY SIDE DAF104160RHS BODY SIDE CRCP314 CRCP316 40 41 Req. Austin (not stamped) Morris (not stamped) KPC2359 ETD101590 EAM7507 ETD101640 ETD101570 ETD10094 ETD10095 PAM2626 INSULATION, bulkhead (engine bay) INSULATION (engine bay) INSULATION, bulkhead (interior) INSULATION, bulkhead (interior) INSULATION, bulkhead (interior) INSULATION (floor to bulkhead) INSULATION (floor to bulkhead) FOAM PAD, gear lever gaiter 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 RHD LHD centre binnacle RHD, offset binnacle LHD, offset binnacle RHD LHD Boot Floor Kit Tidy the boot area of your Mini with one of these carpeted wood false floors. When installed they provide a flat floor that not only tidies the boot area, but also helps to protect the battery and spare wheel. BFK9001X BFK9002X BFK9003X BFK9004X FLOOR KIT (5.5 gallon) FLOOR KIT (7.5 gallon) BRACKET SET, boot floor BRACKET SET, boot floor 1 1 1 1 (1974-79) (1980-On) 145 section tyres 165 section tyres 1 1 1 1 1 Speedo only 3 gauges no vents 3 gauges With vents 2 & 3 gauge, RHD 2 & 3 gauge, LHD 1 1 1 1 central binnacle Dash Panel Kits DPK9000X DPK9001X DPK9002X DPK9003X DPK9004X DASH PANEL KIT, centre speedo DASH PANEL KIT, centre binnacle DASH PANEL KIT, centre binnacle DASH PANEL KIT, offset binnacle DASH PANEL KIT, offset binnacle Parcel Shelf Kits DPK9010X DPK9010CARDS DPK9011X DPK9012X LINER KIT, parcel shelf DASH LINER SUPPORTS LINER KIT, parcel shelf LINER KIT, parcel shelf offset binnacle RHD offset binnacle LHD Bristol 0117 923 2523 Manchester 0161 480 6402 Trim Panel Kits INTERIOR SFK9001X SFK9002X SEAT FOAM, rear squab SEAT FOAM, rear cushion 65 1 1 Designed to enhance the interior of your Mini, available in Black, Red or Nimbus (grey). These high quality trim panel kits feature a horizontal seam welded design styled on the original Cooper design of interior trim. Note: To avoid any confusion, please check the type of seat fitted to your car. There are no exact change points for each seat type. ill Sports Seats 1993 Part Number Description TKF9000X TKF9008X TKR9000X TKR9008X TKA9008X TKA9042X TKR9042X TKF9042X GHF1222X YGA452 TRIM PANEL KIT, deluxe, grey TRIM PANEL KIT, std, grey TRIM PANEL KIT, deluxe, red TRIM PANEL KIT, std, red TRIM PANEL KIT, std, black TRIM PANEL KIT, black TRIM PANEL KIT, red TRIM PANEL KIT, grey CLIP, trim panel to door POCKET, door, plastic Req. Details 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a/r 2 MkI & II MkI & II MkI & II MkI & II MkI & II MkIII On MkIII On MkIII On MkIII On MkIII On Headlining & Sun Visors If your headlining showing signs of old age, then why not replace it? We can supply a ready stitched vinyl replacement main section with all loops stitched in place. The kit also contains a pair of rear pillar covers in matching material. HLK3000C HL3010C PAM5401AP PAM5401LNG HLK3012P HLK3012W EEB100060 EEB100070 EEB100080 EEB100090 EEB100100 YGX4173LNG YGX2394LNG GAC8465X GAC8466X HEADLINING, cream crackle 1 MkI HEADLINING, cream 1 MkII HEADLINING KIT, white 1 MkIII On (Includes both rear C post material panels, shape rods not included). HEADLINING KIT, grey 1 MkIII On (Includes both rear C post material panels, shape rods not included). HEADLINING KIT, light grey 1 HEADLINING KIT, white 1 HEADLINING RAIL 1 number 1 HEADLINING RAIL 2 number 2 and 3 HEADLINING RAIL 1 number 4 HEADLINING RAIL 1 number 5 HEADLINING RAIL 1 number 6 SUN VISOR, light grey 1 drivers side SUN VISOR, light grey 1 passengers side (mirror) VISOR, black 1 no mirror VISOR, black 1 with mirror Miscellaneous 24A1169 14A8009 24A1538 8D2490 MT9301 FINISHER, rear pocket FINISHER, dash ASHTRAY, flat lid ASHTRAY, slotted lid AIR VENT COVERS, chrome 2 1 1 1 1 105-461 105-463 105-464 105-465 105-467 HOLDER, tax disc VALVE CAPS VALVE CAPS, anti theft HANDLE, hand brake CARBON FIBRE SHEET 1 1 1 1 1 { includes vent surrounds & } adjuster knob covers ‘Mini’ logo ‘Mini’ logo ‘Mini’ logo ‘Mini’ logo Trim Adhesive UBS110 UBS203 ADHESIVE (0.5 litre) ADHESIVE (370g aerosol) a/r a/r Seat Cover Kits ill Part Number Description Req. Details These seat covers have been styled to complement the range of trim panels we are able to supply. The kit contains a full set of vinyl seat covers and foams for both front seats, and rear squab and cushion vinyl covers. Rear seat foams are not included in the kit, as they usually remain in good condition, but we can supply these separately, please contact your local branch. SCA9001X SCR9001X SCF9001X SCA9002X SCR9002X SCF9002X SCA9003X SCR9003X SCF9003X SEAT COVER KIT, black SEAT COVER KIT, red SEAT COVER KIT, grey SEAT COVER KIT, black SEAT COVER KIT, red SEAT COVER KIT, grey SEAT COVER KIT, black SEAT COVER KIT, red SEAT COVER KIT, grey 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 { | } { | } { | } Non Reclining seats Reclining seats no headrest Reclining seats with headrest Note: The seat cover kits for cars with headrests contain replacement covers for the headrests. CZH3551 CZH1787 DIAPHRAGM, squab DIAPHRAGM, cushion 2 2 Black With Black Piping We are able to supply seat cover sets to re-trim ‘1993 on’ seats in Black Leather. Designed to complement our range of trim kits, the seat cover sets are a direct replacement for the covers fitted to the current Rover seat. If however, your car was produced before 1993, then we can offer fully trimmed seats assemblies ready to fit directly to the existing mounting brackets. It is also possible to have the rear seats in the same style, by using the rear cover sets to re-trim your existing frames. Or, as with the front seats, complete trimmed rear seat assemblies ready to fit. SAA9101X SAA9102X SCA9100X SAA9104X SCA9103X SEAT ASSEMBLY, front, RH SEAT ASSEMBLY front, LH SEAT COVER SET, front SEAT ASSEMBLY, rear SEAT COVER SET, rear 1 1 1 1 1 TOOL BAG, black hardura JACK BAG, black hardura 1 1 Tool Rolls GAC8418X GAC8419X { | | Sport 1993 seats | } 66 General Hardware & Fixings Following is a listing of the common fasteners used on Triumph cars. These fasteners are for general use and are not intended to replace those listed for specific applications elsewhere in this catalogue. To aid identification by terminology, a screw is threaded for its full length. A bolt is only part threaded with a plain unthreaded shank area between the head and the thread. The part number two letter prefix of SH means that the item is a Screw with a Hexagon head. The prefix BH means a Bolt with a Hexagon head. The first number defines the thread type, UNF = 6, UNC = 5. The second and third numbers give the thread diameter in increments of 1/16”, e.g. 04 = 1/4”, 05 = 5/16”, 10 = 5/8”. The fourth and fifth digits show the length in increments of 1/8”, e.g. 04 = 1/2”, 16 = 2”, 23 = 2 7/8”. The last digit defines finish, 1 = zinc plated. This coding system is only applicable to bolts and screws; nuts & washers are coded by a similar system that follows some of the above principles. 3/16” UNF Bolts & Set Screws Hexagon Headed 3/8” A.F. Spanner Size Bolt N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Length 3/8” 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 7/8” 1” Set Screw HU503 HU504 HU505 HU506 HU507 HU508 1/4” UNF Bolts & Set Screws Hexagon Headed 7/16” A.F. Spanner Size Bolt N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A BH604081 BH604091 BH604101 BH604111 BH604121 BH604141 BH604161 BH604181 BH604201 BH604241 Length 3/8” 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 7/8” 1” 1 1/8” 1 1/4” 1 3/8” 1 1/2” 1 3/4” 2” 2 1/4” 2 1/2” 3” Set Screw SH604031 SH604041 SH604051 SH604061 SH604071 SH604081 SH604091 SH604101 SH604111 SH604121 SH604141 SH604161 N/A N/A N/A 5/16” UNF Bolts & Set Screws Hexagon Headed 1/2” A.F. Spanner Size Bolt N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A BH605091 BH605101 BH605111 BH605121 BH605141 BH605151 BH605161 BH605181 BH605201 BH605221 BH605241 Length 3/8” 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 7/8” 1” 1 1/8” 1 1/4” 1 3/8” 1 1/2” 1 3/4” 1 7/8” 2” 2 1/4” 2 1/2” 2 3/4” 3” Set Screw SH605031 SH605041 SH605051 SH605061 SH605071 SH605081 SH605091 SH605101 SH605111 SH605121 SH605141 SH605151 SH605161 SH605181 SH605201 SH605221 SH605241 3/8” UNF Bolts & Set Screws Hexagon Headed 9/16” A.F. Spanner Size Bolt N/A London 020 8867 2020 Bradford 01274 539 999 GENERAL HARDWARE Length 3/8” Set Screw SH606031 N/A N/A N/A N/A BH606081 BH606091 BH606101 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 7/8” 1” 1 1/8” 1 1/4” SH606041 SH606051 SH606061 SH606071 SH606081 SH606091 SH606101 BH505101 BH505111 BH505121 BH505141 BH505161 BH505181 BH505201 BH505241 1 1/4” 1 3/8” 1 1/2” 1 3/4” 2” 2 1/4” 2 1/2” 3” SH505101 SH505111 SH505121 SH505141 N/A N/A SH505201 N/A 3/8” UNF Bolts & Set Screws Hexagon Headed 9/16” A.F. Spanner Size 3/8” UNC Bolts & Set Screws Hexagon Headed 9/16” A.F. Spanner Size Bolt BH606111 BH606121 BH606141 BH606161 BH606181 BH606201 BH606221 BH606241 BH606281 BH606321 Length 1 3/8” 1 1/2” 1 3/4” 2” 2 1/4” 2 1/2” 2 3/4” 3” 3 1/2” 4” Set Screw SH606111 SH606121 SH606141 SH606161 SH606181 SH606201 N/A N/A N/A N/A 7/16” UNF Bolts & Set Screws Hexagon Headed 5/8” A.F. Spanner Size Bolt N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A BH607121 BH607141 BH607161 BH607181 BH607201 BH607241 Length 5/8” 3/4” 7/8” 1” 1 1/8” 1 1/4” 1 3/8” 1 1/2” 1 3/4” 2” 2 1/4” 2 1/2” 3” Set Screw SH607051 SH607061 SH607071 SH607081 SH607091 SH607101 SH607111 SH607121 SH607141 SH607161 SH607181 N/A BH607241 1/2” UNF Bolts & Set Screws Hexagon Headed 3/4” A.F. Spanner Size Bolt N/A N/A N/A N/A BH608141 BH608161 BH608181 BH608201 BH608241 Length 1/2” 5/8” 1” 1 1/2” 1 3/4” 2” 2 1/4” 2 1/2” 3” Set Screw SH608041 SH608051 SH608081 SH608121 SH608141 N/A N/A SH608201 N/A Bolt N/A N/A N/A BH506081 N/A N/A BH506111 BH506121 BH506141 BH506161 BH506181 BH506201 BH506241 Length 1/2” 3/4” 7/8” 1” 1 1/8” 1 1/4” 1 3/8” 1 1/2” 1 3/4” 2” 2 1/4” 2 1/2” 3” Set Screw SH506041 SH506061 SH506071 SH506081 SH506091 SH506101 SH506111 SH506121 N/A SH506161 N/A N/A SH506241 Size Length AB604021 AB606021 AB606031 AB606041 AB606061 AB606081 AB608041 AB608061 AB608081 AB610041 AB610061 AB610081 AB612041 AB612061 AB612081 AB614061 AB614081 No.4 No.6 No.6 No.6 No.6 No.6 No.8 No.8 No.8 No.10 No.10 No.10 No.12 No.12 No.12 No.14 No.14 1/4” 1/4” 3/8” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 3/4” 1” B C 1st digit 2nd/3rd digit 4th/5th 6th = = = = = = 3/16” UNF 3/16” UNF 1/4” UNF 5/16” UNF 3/8” UNF 7/16” UNF 1/2” UNF 9/16” UNF 5/8” UNF 1/4” UNC 5/16” UNC 3/8” UNC 3/8” 5/16” 7/16” 1/2” 9/16” 5/8” 3/4” 7/8” 15/16” 7/16” 1/2” 9/16” N/A N/A JN2107 JN2108 JN2109 JN2110 JN2111 JN2112 JN2113 JN2157 JN2158 JN2159 Nyloc Self Locking Nuts Full Nut YN2905 YN2907 YN2908 YN2909 YN2910 YN2911 YN2912 YN2913 Thread Size 3/16” UNF 1/4” UNF 5/16” UNF 3/8” UNF 7/16” UNF 1/2” UNF 9/16” UNF 5/8” UNF Spanner Size 5/16” 7/16” 1/2” 9/16” 5/8” 3/4” 7/8” 15/16” Half Nut N/A GHF271 TN3208 TN3209 TN3210 TN3211 TN3212 TN3213 ‘Aero’ Or All Metal, ‘Phillidas’ Self Locking Nuts Self Tapping Screws Pan Head HN2005 GHF206 HN2007 HN2008 HN2009 HN2010 HN2011 HN2012 N/A HN2057 HN2058 HN2059 Countersunk Head AC604021 N/A N/A AC606041 AC606061 AC606081 AC608041 AC608061 N/A AC610041 AC610061 AC610081 AC612041 N/A AC612081 N/A AC614081 Full Nut Pan Head Countersunk Head thread type (coarse or fine) diameter length in 1/8” increments finish (1 = zinc plated) Full Nut Thread Size GHF261 GHF262 GHF270 GHF269 5/16” UNF 3/8” UNF 5/16” UNC 3/8” UNC AN3507 AN3508 AN3509 AN3510 AN3511 Thread Size 1/4” UNF 5/16” UNF 3/8” UNF 7/16” UNF 1/2” UNF Spanner Size 7/16” 1/2” 9/16” 5/8” 3/4” Half Nut N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Slotted Nuts Full Nut Thread Size ND606041 3/8” UNF ND607041 7/16” UNF ND608041 1/2” UNF ND609041 9/16” UNF ND610041 5/8” UNF Spanner Size 9/16” 5/8” 3/4” 7/8” 15/16” Half Nut LN2209 NL607041 LN2211 LN2212 NL610041 Plain Brass - Manifold Nuts Spanner Size 1/2” 9/16” 1/2” 9/16” 1/4” UNC Bolts & Set Screws Hexagon Headed 7/16” A.F. Spanner Size Cross Slot Screws Bolt N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A BH504091 N/A BH504111 BH504121 N/A BH504161 BH504181 BH504201 Pan Head Size Length PMZ204 PMZ208 PMZ304 PMZ305 PMZ306 PMZ307 PMZ308 PMZ310 PMZ312 PMZ314 PMZ316 SE604041 SE604051 SE604061 N/A SE604081 SE604121 SE605061 SE605081 1/4” 1/2” 1/4” 5/16” 3/8” 7/16” 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 7/8” 1” 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 7/8” 1” 1 1/2” 3/4” 1” Length 3/8” 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 7/8” 1” 1 1/8” 1 1/4” 1 3/8” 1 1/2” 1 3/4” 2” 2 1/4” 2 1/2” Set Screw SH504031 SH504041 SH504051 SH504061 SH504071 SH504081 SH504091 SH504101 SH504111 SH504121 SH504141 N/A SH504181 N/A 5/16” UNC Bolts & Set Screws Hexagon Headed 1/2” A.F. Spanner Size Bolt N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Length 3/8” 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 7/8” 1” 1 1/8” Set Screw SH505031 SH505041 SH505051 SH505061 SH505071 SH505081 SH505091 No.6 UNC No.6 UNC No.10 UNF No.10 UNF No.10 UNF No.10 UNF No.10 UNF No.10 UNF No.10 UNF No.10 UNF No.10 UNF 1/4” UNF 1/4” UNF 1/4” UNF 1/4” UNF 1/4” UNF 1/4” UNF 5/16” UNF 5/16” UNF Spring/Spire Nut Countersunk Head CMZ204 N/A N/A CMZ305 CMZ306 CMZ307 CMZ308 CMZ310 CMZ312 N/A CMZ316 SF604041 SF604051 SF604061 SF604071 SF604081 SF604121 SF605061 SF605081 Plain Nuts Full Nut HN2003 Thread Spanner Half Nut Size Size No. 6 UNF 5/16” N/A Flat Type GHF700 GHF701 GHF702 GHF703 GHF704 Screw Size No. 6 No. 8 No. 10 No. 12 No. 14 ‘U’ Type GHF711 GHF712 GHF713 GHF714 N/A Captive Nuts Captive nuts consist of a square nut and cage which we supply individually as required. Always match nut and cage A.F. sizes. Part Number NQ2707 NQ2708 CN4 CN5 Description Nut, 7/16” AF Nut, 5/8” AF Nut, fits CN3 cage Nut, /2” AF Thread Size 1/4” 5/16” 1/4” 5/16” Part Number Description CN2 CN3 600032 Cage, square Cage, oblong Cage, square Spanner Size (AF) 7/16” 7/16” 1/2” Bristol 0117 923 2523 Manchester 0161 480 6402 Shake-Proof Washers Internal Star Hole Size WF704061 WF702101 WF600041 WF600051 WF600061 WF600071 WF600081 WF600091 WF600101 No. 6 3/16” 1/4” 5/16” 3/8” 7/16” 1/2” 9/16” 5/8” External Star WE704061 WE702101 WE600041 WE600051 WE600061 WE600071 WE600081 WE600091 WE600101 Spring Type Locking Washers Single Coil WL700061 WL700081 WL700101 GHF331 GHF332 GHF333 GHF334 GHF335 GHF336 Hole Size No. 6 No. 8 3/16” 1/4” 5/16” 3/8” 7/16” 1/2” 5/8” Double Coil N/A N/A AJD7721 AJD7722 AJD7731 AJD7742 N/A N/A N/A Plain Washers TE506161 TE506201 TE506361 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” GENERAL HARDWARE 2” 2 1/2” 3 1/2” Note: The following list is of studs have fine (UNF) threads at both ends. Part Number Diameter TE604081 TE604091 TE604101 TE605101 TE605111 TE605121 TE605131 TE605141 TE605151 TE605181 TE605201 TE605221 TE605251 TE605291 TE606101 TE606111 TE606121 TE606141 TE606151 1/4” 1/4” 1/4” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” Overall Length 1” 1 1/8” 1 1/4” 1 1/4” 1 3/8” 1 1/2” 1 5/8” 1 3/4” 1 7/8” 2 1/4” 2 1/2” 2 3/4” 3 1/8” 3 5/8” 1 1/4” 1 3/8” 1 1/2” 1 3/4” 1 7/8” CLZ415 CLZ416 CLZ417 CLZ427 N/A N/A CLZ510 CLZ511 CLZ512 CLZ513 CLZ514 CLZ515 CLZ516 CLZ517 CLZ518 15/16” 1” 1 1/16” 1 11/16” 1/2” 9/16” 5/8” 11/16” 3/4” 13/16” 7/8” 15/16” 1” 1 1/16” 1 1/18” 1/4” 1/4” 1/4” 1/4” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” Part Number 556508A 608400A 27H7166 Thread Size 3/8” UNF 10mm metric 3/8” BSF Pipe Clips Part Number GHF1191 GHF1192 624155 Capacity SINGLE, 3/16” SINGLE, 1/4” DOUBLE, 3/16” Petrol Pipe Clips (Metric) (‘Enots’ Type) Split Pins Part Number GHF500 GHF501 GHF502 GHF503 GHF504 GHF505 GHF506 Bleed Screws Length 1 1/2” 1 1/2” 1 1/2” 2 1/4” 2 1/4” 2 1/4” 2 1/4” Diameter 1/16” 5/64” 3/32” 7/64” 1/8” 9/64” 5/32” Brake & Fuel Pipe Part Number GGT1108X GGT1109X GGT1110X GGT1111X GGT1112X GGT1113X GGT1114X GGT1115X GGT1116X GGT1117X To Suit Diameter 8mm 9mm 10mm 11mm 12mm 13mm 14mm 15mm 16mm 17mm (Supplied in 25 foot rolls) Standard Type N/A N/A GHF306 GHF300 GHF301 GHF302 GHF303 GHF304 N/A N/A Hole Size No. 6 No. 8 3/16” 1/4” 5/16” 3/8” 7/16” 1/2” 9/16” 5/8” Repair Type WP3 WP4 WP5 WP120 WP105 WP130 WM69 N/A WP12 PWZ110 Hole Size WF505 GHF342 GHF343 GHF344 GHF345 GHF346 GHF347 GHF348 3/16” 1/4” 5/16” 3/8” 7/16” 1/2” 9/16” 5/8” Copper Washer N/A GHF361 GHF362 GHF363 GHF364 GHF365 N/A N/A Studs A stud is a length of round bar threaded at both ends. The length of thread at each end of the stud may vary for specific applications. Note: The following studs have fine (UNF) threads at one end and course (UNC) at the other. Part Number Diameter TE504081 TE504131 TE505091 TE505111 TE505121 TE505131 TE505141 TE505151 TE505161 TE505181 TE505201 TE505221 TE505241 TE505261 TE505271 TE505281 TE505341 TE506101 TE506131 TE506141 1/4” 1/4” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” Part Number Diameter 101442 058688 115696 058917 102474 107055 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” Overall Length 1 5/8” 1 11/16” 1 13/16” 1 15/16” 2 1/16” 2 3/8” Dowels Sealing Washers Fibre Washer Note: The following studs have course (UNC) threads at both ends. Overall Length 1” 1 5/8” 1 1/8” 1 3/8” 1 1/2” 1 5/8” 1 3/4” 1 7/8” 2” 2 1/4” 2 1/2” 2 3/4” 3” 3 1/4” 3 3/8” 3 1/2” 4 1/4” 1 5/16” 1 5/8” 1 3/4” Part Number Diameter DP204 DP205 DP306 DP407 DP408 DP410 DP411 DP414 DP508 DP514 DP608 DP610 DP610 1/8” 1/8” 3/16” 1/4” 1/4” 1/4” 1/4” 1/4” 5/16” 5/16” 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” Overall Length 1/4” 5/16” 3/8” 7/16” 1/2” 5/8” 11/16” 7/8” 1/2” 7/8” 1/2” 5/8” 1 3/16” Hose Clips (‘Jubilee’ Type) Part Number GHF513 MPKF125 MPKF225 MPKF325 EF125 EF225 EF325 Material 3” Cupro-nickel Cupro-nickel Cupro-nickel Steel Steel Steel Diameter 5/16” 3/16” 1/4” 5/16” 3/16” 1/4” 5/16” Grease Nipples Part Number UHN400 UHN445 LN30041 144825 056935 125361 056934 Thread Size 1/8” BSP 1/8” BSP 1/8” BSP 1/8” BSP 1/4” BSP 1/4” BSP 1/4” BSP Angle straight, short 450 angle 900 angle straight, long straight 450 angle 900 angle Thread Size 3/8” UNF 10mm x 1mm 3/8” BSF 7/16” UNF 7/16” UNF 1/2” UNF Pipe Nuts - Male, Brass Part Number 108326 PJ8504 CLZ307 CLZ308 CLZ309 CLZ310 CLZ311 CLZ312 CLZ313 CLZ314 CLZ315 CLZ316 CLZ317 N/A N/A CLZ408 CLZ409 CLZ410 CLZ411 CLZ412 CLZ413 CLZ414 Part Number AEHU1 AEHU2 AEHU3 AEHU7 Length 1/2” 3/8” 7/16” 1/2” 9/16” 5/8” 11/16” 3/4” 13/16” 7/8” 15/16” 1” 1 1/16” 3/8” 7/16” 1/2” 9/16” 5/8” 11/16” 3/4” 13/16” 7/8” Diameter 1/8” 3/16” 3/16” 3/16” 3/16” 3/16” 3/16” 3/16” 3/16” 3/16” 3/16” 3/16” 3/16” 1/4” 1/4” 1/4” 1/4” 1/4” 1/4” 1/4” 1/4” 1/4” Thread Size 3/8” UNF 10mm x 1mm 3/8” BSF 7/16” UNF Pipe Bore 3/16” 3/16” 3/16” 3/16” 1/4” 5/16” Pipe Bore 3/16” 3/16” 3/16” 1/4” Pipe Nuts - Female, Steel Part Number TN606031 SU2A SU4A HU41A Thread Size 3/8” UNF 10mm x 1mm 7/16” UNF 1/2” UNF Pipe Bore 3/16” 3/16” 1/4” 5/16” Pipe Nuts - Female, Brass Part Number AEHU1A AEHU2A AEHU4A Thread Size 3/8” UNF 10mm x 1mm 7/16” UNF To Suit Diameter 3/8” - 1/2” 7/16” - 5/8” 1/2” - 3/4” 5/8” - 7/8” 3/4” - 1” 5/8” - 1 1/8” 1” - 1 3/8” 1 1/8” - 1 5/8” 1 3/8” - 2” 1 1/2” - 2 1/4” 2” - 2 3/4” 2 3/4” - 3 1/2” 3 1/4” - 4” 3 3/4” - 4 1/2” 4 1/8” - 5” Stainless Steel (Metric) Clevis Pins (Measured from under head to end) Part Number GHC304 GHC405 GHC406 GHC507 GHC608 GHC709 GHC811 GHC913 GHC1015 GHC1217 GHC1622 GHC2228 GHC2632 GHC3036 GHC3340 Hose Clips (‘Jubilee’ Type) Pipe Nuts - Male, Steel Part Number TM606031 TM110051 LK21994 BCA4370 BHA4706 AUSU40A Mild Steel (Imperial) Pipe Bore 3/16” 3/16” 1/4” Part Number GHC10408 GHC10410 GHC10411 GHC10412 GHC10413 GHC10414 GHC10415 GHC10416 GHC10417 GHC10418 GHC10419 GHC10420 GHC10421 To Suit Diameter 8 - 12 mm 12 - 18 mm 8 - 16 mm 12 - 20 mm 16 - 25 mm 20 - 32 mm 25 - 40 mm 32 - 50 mm 46 - 60 mm 50 - 70 mm 60 - 80 mm 70 - 90 mm 80 - 100 mm Hose Clips (‘Supergrip’ Type) (With Single Slotted Hexagon Head) Part Number CS4009 CS4011 CS4012 CS4013 CS4014 CS4016 CS4017 CS4018 CS4020 CS4022 CS4023 CS4024 CS4025 CS4026 To Suit Diameters 7/16” - 9/16” 1/2” - 11/16” 9/16” - 3/4” 5/8” - 13/16” 11/16” - 7/8” 3/4” - 1” 13/16” - 1 1/16” 7/8” - 1 1/8” 1” - 1 1/4” 1 1/8” - 1 3/8” 1 1/4” - 1 7/16” 1 5/16” - 1 1/2” 1 3/8” - 1 9/16” 1 7/16” - 1 5/8” 67 68 London 020 8867 2020 Bradford 01274 539 999 GENERAL HARDWARE CS4028 CS4029 CS4030 CS4032 CS4034 CS4036 CS4037 CS4038 CS4039 CS4040 CS4041 CS4042 CS4048 CS4052 1 9/16” -1 3/4” 1 5/8” - 1 13/16” 1 11/16” - 1 7/8” 1 7/8” - 2” 1 15/16” - 2 1/8” 2 1/16” - 2 1/4” 2 1/8” - 2 5/16” 2 3/16” - 2 7/16” 2 1/4” - 2 7/16” 2 5/16” - 2 1/2” 2 3/8” - 2 9/16” 2 7/16” - 2 5/8” 2 13/16” - 3” 3 1/16” - 3 1/4” Note: Original “Supergrip” clips were supplied with a with single slotted round-head screw. The modern replacement comes with a hexagon headed screw. For the authentic look we have resourced the original type screw, (sold separately). CS4099 (Round-Head Screw). ‘P’ Clips - Imperial Part Number PCR207 PCR307 PCR309 PCR311 PCR407 PCR409 PCR411 PCR507 PCR509 PCR511 PCR607 PCR609 PCR611 PCR707 PCR709 PCR711 PCR807 PCR809 PCR811 PCR813 PCR1007 PCR1009 PCR1011 PCR1207 PCR1209 PCR1211 PCR1407 PCR1409 PCR1411 PCR1607 Cable Diameter 1/8” 3/16” 3/16” 3/16” 1/4” 1/4” 1/4” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” 7/16” 7/16” 7/16” 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” 5/8” 5/8” 5/8” 3/4” 3/4” 3/4” 7/8” 7/8” 7/8” 1” Hole Size 7/32” 7/32” 9/32” 11/32” 7/32” 9/32” 11/32” 7/32” 9/32” 11/32” 7/32” 9/32” 11/32” 7/32” 9/32” 11/32” 7/32” 9/32” 11/32” 13/32” 7/32” 9/32” 11/32” 7/32” 9/32” 11/32” 7/32” 9/32” 11/32” 7/32” ‘P’ Clips - Metric Part Number CP105081 CP108101 CP108121 CP106161 CP108165 Cable Diameter Fixing Hole Size 8mm 5mm 10mm 8mm 12mm 8mm 16mm 6mm 16mm 8mm Steel Balls Part Number BLS106 BLS108 BLS110 BLS112 BLS28 Diameter 3/16” 1/4” 5/16” 3/8” 7/16” Pop Rivets - Open End Type Part Number RA607096 RA608126 RA608176 RA608236 RA608253 Diameter 2.9 x 5mm 1/8” x 3/16” 1/8” x 1/4” 1/8” x 5/16” 1/8” x 3/8” Pop Rivets - Closed End Type Part Number RU608123 RU608313 RU612123 Diameter 1/8” x 3/8” 1/8” x 1/2” 3/16” x 5/16” Cable Ties Part Number GHF1265 GHF1266 RTC222A GHF1267 GHF1268 Length 3 1/2” 5 1/4” 6” 8 3/4” 11”
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