Newsletter - Erneuerbare Energien Hamburg


Newsletter - Erneuerbare Energien Hamburg
HMC/Michael Zapf
October 2014
> Speaker of panel discussion: Andreas Nauen, Senvion SE, Reinhard Meyer, Minister for Economics Schleswig-Holstein, Dr Markus Tacke, Siemens Wind Power,
Hamburg‘s Senator for Economics, Transport and Innovation Frank Horch and Dr Norbert Zeschky, Nordex SE
WindEnergy Hamburg 2014, the
highlight of the year, is behind
us. With 33,000 visitors and
1,250 exhibitors, the event has
broadly established itself as a
leading international trade fair.
We welcomed 24 delegations
from 22 countries.
We held a series of top-class
events as the Renewable Energy Hamburg Cluster. Including:
a panel discussion with Hamburg’s Senator for Economics
Frank Horch and Schleswig-Holstein’s Minister for Economics
Reinhard Meyer as well as three
CEOs from Nordex, Senvion and
Siemens Wind Power. Whether
and how the significance of the
windy coastal region of North-
ern Germany has changed with
the amendment to the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG)
were discussed. The innovative
capacity of the industry in particular was addressed and how
the political landscape can support companies was highlighted.
>Award-winning: Innovations for future energy supply –
Renewable Energy Hamburg Cluster presents German Renewables Award 2014 in four categories
>Battery charging when the wind blows – HHLA enters crunch
In the course of “The Blue” exhibitor evening, we awarded
the “German Renewables Award
2014” to four representatives
and projects. Further activities
included: visits by economic
and political delegations and a
workshop organised together
with the General Korean Consulate in Hamburg. Following the
difficult phase brought by the
amendment to the Renewable
Energy Sources Act (EEG), the
industry in Germany evidently
has become greatly appealing
once again to many international market players.
mode with Battery Electric Heavy-Load Vehicles in Intelligent
Container Terminal Operation research project
>New Members in October 2014
Jan Rispens
Managing Director
Renewable Energy Hamburg
Erneuerbare Energien Hamburg Clusteragentur GmbH · Wexstraße 7 · D-20355 Hamburg · Phone +49 (0)40 69 45 73-12 · Fax -29
[email protected] · · V.i.S.d.P.: Jan Rispens · Contact: Astrid Dose
October 2014
Renewable Energy Hamburg Cluster presents German Renewables
Award 2014 in four categories
Award-winning: Innovations
for future energy supply
hristian Maaß, Simon Hover, Jan Rispens, Irina Lucke, Dr. Kai Hünemörder, Detlef Bengs, Jenny Bünger, Andreas Schröter, Henrik Stiesdal, Martin Oldeland,
Norbert Hennchen, Rüdiger Theophil (left to right)
For the third time the Renewable “Innovative drive and a pioneerEnergy Hamburg Cluster present- ing spirit are indispensable in an
ed the German Renewables Award
industry like the renewable enfor innovations and pioneering ergies industry – and these are
achievements in wind energy. An our strengths in Hamburg and
independent jury selected four throughout Germany. The German
winners from 61 submissions and
Renewables Award is a particunominations in the categories “Pro- larly good reflection of the inspiraduct Innovation of the Year”, “Pro- tion and passion with which smart
ject of the Year”, “Student Thesis of people in our country devote
the Year, Wind Energy” and “Life- themselves to a clean and sustime Achievement, Wind Energy”. tainable future,” said Frank Horch,
At the Exhibitor Evening “The Blue” Hamburg’s Senator for Economics,
of the leading international trade Transport and Innovation.
fair WindEnergy Hamburg 2014 on
23 September 2014 the jury pre- “The prize winners this year are
sented the awards in front of 1,200
impressive proof of the vigour
guests. The association Verein
with which the renewable energy
Neue Energie e.V. jointly present- sector is making the generation
ed the prize for the best final pa- plants more and more cost-efper in the area of renewable ener- ficient and integrates them into
gies by a Hamburg based student. the energy supply system with
outstanding technical features. To
increase the percentage of renewable energies in the energy supply in Germany from 28% today
to 40 to 45% in the year 2025, as
announced by the federal government, precisely such innovations
are called for,” said Jan Rispens,
Managing Director of the Renewable Energy Hamburg Cluster.
mens Wind Power in 2004 he remained Chief Technology Officer.
Henrik Stiesdal is seen as one
of the major players in the wind
power scene worldwide. The 28
nominations in the category “Lifetime Achievement, Wind Energy”
ranged from managers and members of associations through to engineers from Germany and abroad.
The “Lifetime Achievement”
The “Product Innovation of the
Year” category
Henrik Stiesdal built his first little wind turbine as early as 1976.
He started his professional career
at Vestas A/S. He then worked as
technical manager at Bonus Energy, from 2000 onwards as their
Chief Technology Officer. After
the acquisition of Bonus by Sie-
Hamburg-based Qreon GmbH
together with Freqcon GmbH developed the Q82 wind turbine of
2 MW capacity with an integrated
energy storage system. The innovative energy storage system
supports the power grid and enables the implementation of many
Erneuerbare Energien Hamburg Clusteragentur GmbH · Wexstraße 7 · D-20355 Hamburg · Phone +49 (0)40 69 45 73-12 · Fax -29
[email protected] · · V.i.S.d.P.: Jan Rispens · Contact: Astrid Dose
October 2014
different grid-based applications,
because it can also be used without a voltage signal from the power grid. Nine companies submitted entries in the category “Product Innovation of the Year”.
The “Project of the Year” category
120,000 average private households with electricity. It only took
14 months to construct. Wind farm
and innovative acoustic mitigation measures were used during
construction. There were 18 submissions in the category “Project
of the Year”.
15 km off the North Seas island The “Student Thesis of the Year”
of Borkum you find the first com- category
mercial wind farm in the German
Six students applied for the
North Sea: Riffgat. The 30 Siemens
wind turbines in the 3.6 MW class “Student Thesis of the Year, Wind
Energy” award. Jenny Bünger, dihave a total capacity of 108 MW
ploma graduate in Industrial Engiand are able to supply some
neering/Electrical Engineering at
RWTH Aachen, emerged as the
winner. On behalf of FGH GmbH
she looked into current concepts
of generation systems on medium and high voltage level that
take into consideration fluctuations and disturbances in the grid,
which are seen as a challenge.
The award winner analysed the
protection concepts in a practical
context and developed effective
The German Renewables Award
is under the auspices of Sena-
tor Frank Horch, president of
the Economics, Transport and
Innovation authority of the Free
and Hanseatic City of Hamburg.
The Renewable Energy Hamburg
Cluster has been presenting the
awards every year since 2012.
The German Renewables Award
is presented with the generous
support from the following companies who acted as main sponsors: IABG and Siemens AG.
HHLA enters crunch mode with Battery Electric Heavy-Load Vehicles
in Intelligent Container Terminal Operation research project
Battery charging when the
wind blows
This is where efforts are initially
concentrated in the BESIC project, which HHLA is working on
together with AGV manufacturer
Gottwald/Terex, Vattenfall and
three universities. The project
involves the development of a
battery management system
that determines suitable charging periods by exchanging data
with load forecast systems of
Vattenfall and the terminal control system of CTA. This means
that wind and solar energy can
be utilised where abundantly
Automated heavy-load vehicles
in battery operation – a vision
of the future or an existing reality? Ten Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) are already operated
at the Altenwerder Container
Terminal (CTA) of Hamburger
Hafen und Logistik AG (HHLA).
The Battery Electric Heavy-Load
Vehicles in Intelligent Container
Terminal Operation (BESIC)
research project has been attempting to identify the optimal
point in time for battery charging from an operational and
ecological perspective since the
beginning of 2013. The project
is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs
and Energy.
The approx. twelve tonne batteries are exchanged in a changing
station in a fully automated process. As the AGVs are mobile for
around 17 hours on a single battery charge, yet the charging process takes just seven hours, the
time of charging can be selected
relatively freely without hindering operation.
In addition to practical feasibility, the project also focuses on
efficiency. This may also appeal
to companies that use batterypowered vehicles to transport
heavy loads in a clear circuit.
In recognition of the innovative
contribution to energy transition
expected of the BESIC project,
the German government awarded the project flagship status for
electromobility back in May 2013.
Erneuerbare Energien Hamburg Clusteragentur GmbH · Wexstraße 7 · D-20355 Hamburg · Phone +49 (0)40 69 45 73-12 · Fax -29
[email protected] · · V.i.S.d.P.: Jan Rispens · Contact: Astrid Dose
October 2014
Renewable Energy Hamburg Cluster
New members in
October 2014
Buckstay GmbH
NOTUS energy Nordwest
GmbH & Co. KG
organise more events with the
Renewable Energy Hamburg Cluster going forward.
Based in Hamburg, Buckstay
numerous customers including
GmbH is an internationally op-
Bilfinger Marine and Offshore
erating consultancy firm in the
Systems GmbH and Büttner En-
energy and construction sectors. Contractors and contracting
authorities turn to Buckstay for
CJR Renewables
Deutschland GmbH
ergie- und Trocknungsanlagen
GmbH. Its services include brand
specialised consultancy services
sponsive web design, trade fair
and project services in contract
concepts and events.
and claims management and in
project and risk management.
Through its membership, the
company hopes to participate
in intensive knowledge sharing
discussions and to forge partnerships and build new business.
bine capacity. The company’s
primary scope of duties includes
the Hamburg metropolitan area,
panies and institutions are or-
employees is based in Altona.
Stromnetz Hamburg GmbH
in the wind energy industry. Its
two employees based in Ham-
burg-Neustadt hope to get in-
Cuxhaven e.V. (HWG) chaired by
volved in knowledge sharing and
Hans-Peter Zint coordinates the
networking in the Renewable En-
interests of its member compa-
ergy Hamburg Cluster.
nies from all areas of the maritime industry. Offshore wind is
is a Europe-wide expert net-
national and international com-
installed 500 wind turbines in
bly and installation. The Portu-
work for carbon fibre-reinforced
plastics (CFRP). More than 100
cus on wind energy. Notus has
foundation construction, assem-
than twelve years of experience
CFK-Valley Stade e.V., based in
the development and utilisation
of renewable energies with fo-
Its Hamburg office with three
Hafenwirtschaftsgemeinschaft Cuxhaven e.V.
guese parent company has more
CFK-Valley Stade e.V.
ning and services company for
Germany and Europe since 2001.
CJR Wind has already surpassed
2,000 MW of installed wind tur-
NOTUS energy is a traditional
project development and plan-
Werbeagentur GmbH
one of its focal areas. The pri-
As owner of the power distribution grid and grid systems in
Hamburg, municipal Stromnetz
Hamburg GmbH is responsible
mary objective is to communi-
for all work associated with op-
cate the strengths and potentials
erating the distribution grid. The
of the location. Its approx. 140
company’s area of responsibility
member companies include Am-
includes grid designing and de-
bau, Cuxport GmbH, CuxHafEn
velopment and the public charg-
GmbH, OMM Offshore Marine
ing infrastructure for electric
the entire value chain from train-
The Hamburg-based B2B agen-
Management, the Sea Survival
mobility. 139 employees work to
ing and production to the dis-
cy, headquartered in Hamburg-
Center Cuxhaven and the Otto
ensure successful and efficient
posal of CFRP structures. Along-
Altona, is renowned for its ex-
Wulf GmbH & Co..
operation while safeguarding a
side mobility industries, the wind
pertise in the maritime industry
energy sector is now also in the
and in plant engineering. The
spotlight. CFK-Valley hopes to
company’s employees look after
ganised in the network, covering
high supply quality.
Erneuerbare Energien Hamburg Clusteragentur GmbH · Wexstraße 7 · D-20355 Hamburg · Phone +49 (0)40 69 45 73-12 · Fax -29
[email protected] · · V.i.S.d.P.: Jan Rispens · Contact: Astrid Dose
October 2014
+ + + Newsticker
Renewable Energies + + +
+ + Prototype successfully anchored in the North Sea + +
The “SuctionBucketJacket” prototype developed by DONG Energy
has been successfully installed in the North Sea. The innovative
foundation consists of a tripod jacket structure with three bucket
foundations that are sucked into the sea bed, anchoring the structure. The 57-m high foundation is particularly suitable for water
depths of 30 to 60 m. The installation of a 3.6 MW wind turbine is to
follow in October.
(DONG Energy, PR dated 28 August 2014)
+ + + Siemens awarded contract for grid connection
for British offshore wind farm + + +
> Booth of Renewable Energy at WindEnergy Hamburg 2014
(Siemens SE, PR dated 4 September 2014)
+ + + Vattenfall orders nine gearless Siemens wind
turbines for the Juktan project + + +
An order has been placed with Siemens Energy by Vattenfall for the
Juktan onshore wind farm in Sweden. Siemens is to supply 9 SWT3.2-113 model gearless wind turbines with a rated capacity of 3.2
MW each. In order to optimise the turbines for the climatic conditions prevalent in Northern Sweden, Siemens is equipping the rotor
blades with an active de-icing system.
(Siemens AG, PR dated 26 September 2014)
EEHH GmbH/Bölter
Siemens is to supply ready for use the full equipment specification
for power transmission including two substations for the Dugeon
offshore wind farm, in addition to 67 directly powered wind turbines.
Clients are Norwegian energy suppliers Statoil and Statkraft, who
are together constructing the offshore wind farm off the cost of the
UK. On completion, the offshore wind farm is expected to supply
power to approx. 410,000 British households.
> Hamburg’s mayor Olaf Scholz talking with Jan Rispens, managing director of Renewable Energy Hamburg
Successful premiere: first wind energy trade fair in Hamburg
Renewable Energy Hamburg Cluster presented itself at WindEnergy Hamburg 2014
Top-class panel discussion, bestowal of the German Renewables Awards, German-Korean Wind Forum – the Renewable Energy Hamburg Cluster had plenty to draw
on at the WindEnergy Hamburg 2014 premiere. The network was presented at the event from 23 to 26 September, together with nine sub-exhibitors: Get A Head
AG, Fichtner Water & Wind GmbH, Fraunhofer ISIT, Hanseatic Power Cert GmbH, HAW Hamburg, Norton Rose Fulbright LLP, Osborne Clarke law firm, Universität
Hamburg and Hamburg University of Technology.
The topic of the panel discussion with windcomm schleswig-holstein e.V. was “The German wind energy market – international catalyst for new technologies and
innovative market solutions”. Panel speakers were: Frank Horch, Senator for Economics, Transport and Innovation of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg; Reinhard Meyer, Minister for Economics, Employment, Transport and Technology of the Federal State of Schleswig-Holstein; Andreas Nauen, CEO Senvion SE; Dr Markus
Tacke, CEO Siemens Wind Power; and Dr Jürgen Zeschky, Nordex SE.
The speakers shed light on the South Korean wind market at the German-Korean Wind Forum on 25 September. Presented by Dr Axel Röpke of the German Wind
Energy Association, Hamburg State Association, Dr Rim-Taig Lee, Chairman, Korea Wind Energy Industry Association; Chul-Kyun Bae, CEO, Irehengineering CEO;
and Hyuk-Jun Kwon, Director of Global Agent, Imjin ST, introduced their industry.
Erneuerbare Energien Hamburg Clusteragentur GmbH · Wexstraße 7 · D-20355 Hamburg · Phone +49 (0)40 69 45 73-12 · Fax -29
[email protected] · · V.i.S.d.P.: Jan Rispens · Contact: Astrid Dose