Rappahannock Record GridIron 2012
Rappahannock Record GridIron 2012
GRIDIRON A 4-page review of our 2012 local football teams that you can pull out and save. RAPPAHANNOCK RECORD August 30, 2012 +ILMARNOCKs6IRGINIA THE ROSTER LANCASTER RED DEVILS COACH: Fred Birchett (4th year, 28-15) BASIC DEFENSE: 4-3. ASSISTANT COACHES: Ashley Wilmore, Damien Crissey, Irvin Nickens, Marcus Ferguson, Draper Washington TOP RETURNERS: T/DE Kai Antonio, QB Kedrick Lee, RB TreVaughn Davis, G/LB Devonte Haskins, WR/DB Ricky Gibson, TE Brian Moody, DE Javonte Smith. LAST YEAR: 2-3 in the district, 5-6 overall. hen folks glance at LanW caster’s roster and take count, they may count the Devils out of the district and state hunts. Not so, according to coach Fred Birchett. Numbers can be deceiving. “It’s not what people think when they see our numbers. Most everybody is going to play in most games,” he said smiling. “It’s a very good but unusual situation.” What Birchett means is all 26 of his players have talent and will play. Bench warmers don’t have a spot on this team. “I think this is a very cohesive group of young men,” said Birchett. “They’re very coachable and it’s a pleasure to coach each and every one of these guys.” Lancaster made an impressive showing in its first test, a scrimmage against Sussex and Southampton two weeks ago. “Our aggressiveness on defense [was a surprise],” said Birchett. “We didn’t back down and delivered as much as we got.” Lancaster scored twice, both times in the air. “We worked on our base offense, which is half run and half passing,” said Birchett. “We were pleased.” Despite making the Virginia High School League’s new sectional playoffs in Division 2 last year, the Devils went 5-5 during the regular season and had a disappointing 2-3 run against Northern Neck District teams. Offense Senior Kedrick Lee, who started in every game last season, August 31 will return to his role under center play at various times. Among in the Devils’ spread formation. them are veterans Brian Moody Lee threw two touchdown passes and Gibson, both seniors. Senior in Lancaster’s opening scrim- Taj Smith played more defense mage, connecting with junior last season but will make the receiver Ricky Gibson on strikes move to end and get some time playing catch. Senior Chris of 40 and 55 yards. Lee will start in the role, but Turner and junior Kaliq Noel, will get pushed by Gibson for a JV grad, will also play at the ends. some playing “We have time. to be more Obviously consistent maturing into o ff e n s iv e ly the role of play in moving caller, Lee the football,” “was very cool said Birchett, under pressure who thinks at the scrimhis group of mage,” said receivers will Birchett. help the Devils Gibson is a mix up the utility player offense. that “can be Snapping used in multithe ball will ple positions,” be senior said Birchett. center Danny He’ll be one Coach Fred Birchett McGrath and of a host of Birstarting at chett’s receivers, play safety and return kicks and tackle and guard will be senior Kai Antonio and junior Devante punts. Most of the toting duties will Haskins, respectively. Both are go to senior returner TreVaughn returners. Playing tackle at various times Davis, who saw considerable playing time last year, and soph- will be freshmen Tyler Barksomore DeVante Stewart, who dale and Sam Bouis and junior had some special teams’ play last Michael Vickers. All are JV grads. season. Also vying for the guard spot “Both are hard runners,” said Birchett. “It’s a nice change up will be junior Brad Smith and going from the big runner to the sophomore Dominique Taylor. “I’m looking for ones that smaller one. “The key here is understanding grasp the offensive philosophy,” the offense and what their roles said Birchett. “Whoever gets it are in the offense,” he added. first will get a spot.” Unfortunately, Birchett lost Birchett suits up several qualified receivers, all of which will junior Bridell Carter, who would 2012 Lancaster at Northampton Mathews at Middlesex Colonial Beach at Charles City Northumberland at Nandua Surry at Rappahannock Essex at Caroline Washington & Lee at King George Sussex Central at Arcadia West Point at Windsor New Kent at King William September 7 Middlesex at Lancaster West Point at Northampton King & Queen at Northumberland Mathews at Rappahannock Essex at King William Franklin at Southampton Sussex at Greensville West Point at Northampton Windsor at Nandua Manassas Park at Arcadia TOP NEWCOMERS: C Danny McGrath, G/LB Brad Smith, T Sam Bouis, LB Taj Smith, LB Chris Turner, DB Kaliq Noel, DB Kwanza Moody. BASIC OFFENSE: Spread formation. have been a third year returning lineman. Carter is out for the season with an injury. “The offensive line will have to learn to react, not think then react,” said Birchett. “We have a bunch of new kids and they have to learn to work together. It takes a little while.” Defense A lot of Birchett’s players will start on both sides of the ball, with Taylor, Bouis, Vickers, McGrath and senior Charlie Reynolds vying for inside tackle spots on the defensive line. “The object is once everyone understands their roles to rotate more often,” said Birchett. Playing at the ends will be senior returners Jovonte L. Smith and Antonio. Haskins will make the move to inside linebacker and join sophomore Vince Stewart. Pushing for time in that spot will be Davis. Playing outside linebacker will be T. Smith, B. Smith and Turner. With “a multitude of receivers who can play defensive back,” Birchett will put Noel and senior Kwanza Moody deep along with Gibson, who’ll play safety. Junior Demetrick Lee will also play safety. Special teams Gibson will replace graduated Sam Somers as punter, but as of now there is no replacement for Lancaster’s lost kickers. Opponents should expect the Devils to go for two. Gibson returns to bring back kicks and punts and is joined by Lee, who had that special teams position on last year’s JV team. LANCASTER RED DEVILS Jersey Name 66 Kai Antonio 74 Tyler Barksdale 70 Sam Bouis 28 TreVaughn Davis 3 Ricky Gibson 75 Devonte Haskins 85 Tyrell Henderson 54 James Joyner 62 Cameron Kenner 80 Demetrick Lee 7 Kedrick Lee 68 Elijah Lewis 51 Daniel McGrath 4 Brian Moody 8 Kwanza Moody 25 Kaliq Noel 38 Keondra Owens 55 Charles Reynolds 52 Brad Smith 30 Jovonte L. Smith 14 Taj Smith 1 DeVante Stewart 16 Vince Stewart 64 Dominique Taylor 9 Chris Turner 78 Michael Vickers Grade 12 9 9 12 11 11 10 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 10 10 10 12 11 Position T/DE T/DE T/DT RB/LB QB/DB T/DE E/DB G/DE G/DE E/DB QB/DB G/DT C/DT E/DB E/DB E/DB E/DB G/DT G/LB RB/LB E/LB RB/DB RB/LB G/DT E/LB T/DT POWERANALYSIS Lancaster’s numbers are down and coach Fred Birchett lost some key players to graduation, but he’s happy with who he’s got back and how they are performing so far. The Devils have talent but a lot depends on how quickly the younger players learn their roles, said Birchett. Lancaster went 5-6 last season with a loss in the Division 2 playoffs to Altavista. The Devils had a disappointing 2-3 run in the Northern Neck District. Despite that, Lancaster has earned respect from area coaches and most of the league leaders have picked the Devils to finish in the top three. QUARTERBACK RUNNING BACK Kedrick Lee TreVaughn Davis Grade: Senior Jersey number: 7 Grade: Senior Jersey number: 28 Height: 5’11” Weight: 174 LBS Height: 5’11” Weight: 211 LBS Also plays: Defensive back Also plays: Linebacker All stories by Lisa Hinton-Valdrighi Photos by Lisa Hinton-Valdrighi and Shannon Rice NORTHERN NECK • TIDEWATER SEASON SCHEDULE Northampton at Windsor September 14 Lancaster at Franklin Essex at Arcadia Rappahannock at Middlesex Mathews at Northumberland Nandua at Washington & Lee Colonial Beach at Sussex King & Queen at Surry Charles City at West Point Windsor at Southampton King William at Caroline September 21 Mathews at Lancaster Sussex at Northumberland Colonial Beach at King & Queen Franklin at Rappahannock King William at Washington & Lee Charles City at Middlesex King William at Washington & Lee Surry at West Point Arcadia at Nandua September 28 Surry at Lancaster Northumberland at Charles City Rappahannock at King & Queen Washington & Lee at Windsor Mathews at Colonial Beach Northampton at Essex Middlesex at Sussex West Point at Franklin King William at Nandua Rappahannock County at Arcadia October 5 Northern Neck District: Lancaster at Washington & Lee Essex at Northumberland Colonial Beach at Rappahannock Tidewater District: West Point at Middlesex Mathews at King & Queen Northampton at King William Tri-Rivers District: Charles City at Windsor Franklin at Surry Eastern Shore District: Northampton at King William October 12 Northern Neck District: Washington & Lee at Northumberland Rappahannock at Lancaster Colonial Beach at Essex Tidewater District: Middlesex at Surry King William at Mathews King & Queen at West Point Tri-Rivers District: Sussex at Windsor Franklin at Charles City Eastern Shore District: Snow Hill at Northampton Arcadia at Nandua October 19 Northern Neck District: Lancaster at Essex Colonial Beach at Northumberland Washington & Lee at Rappahannock Tidewater District: King William at Middlesex Franklin at King & Queen Mathews at West Point Tri-Rivers District: Charles City at Sussex Windsor at Surry Eastern Shore District: Northampton at Nandua October 26 Northern Neck District: Northumberland at Rappahannock Lancaster at Colonial Beach Essex at Washington & Lee Tidewater District: Middlesex at King & Queen West Point at King William Nandua at Mathews Tri-Rivers District: Surry at Charles City Sussex at Franklin Eastern Shore District: Arcadia at Northampton November 2 Northern Neck District: Washington & Lee at Colonial Beach Northumberland at Lancaster Rappahannock at Essex Tidewater District: Middlesex at Mathews King & Queen at King William Tri-Rivers District: Windsor at Franklin Arcadia at Charles City Eastern Shore District: Nandua at Northampton November 9 Eastern Shore District: Northampton at Arcadia s!UGUST GRIDIRON RAPPAHANNOCK RECORD +ILMARNOCKs6IRGINIA THE ROSTER NORTHUMBERLAND INDIANS Jersey Name 1 Zach Newman 2 Aaron Lewis 4 Willie Taylor 7 Jordan Lee 8 Tyler Costley 9 Zach Kent 10 Kyle Elmore 11 Wesley Jackson 14 Jarrett Timberlake 21 Jacob Newsome 22 Trevor Deihl 23 Noah Kramer 24 Trevor Cantrell 31 Kyle Hanks 33 Ameer Veney 40 Kevin Headley 41 Jacob Hughes 50 Keith Fisher 52 Clinton Carter 54 Alex Boughan 55 Dakota Galves 57 Phillip Harrison 58 Kenneth Dawson 60 Jay Hall 64 Paul Lamb 66 John Brown 68 Garrett Gibson 9 88 Collin Donovan 11 Grade 12 12 12 12 10 9 12 11 11 9 11 10 9 9 10 10 10 9 11 9 11 10 9 10 9 10 OL/DL TE/DL Position QB/DB WR/DB RB/LB RB/LB RB/DB QB/DB QB/DB RB/DB WR/DB TE/DL TE/DL RB/LB RB/LB RB/DB RB/DB RB/LB WR/DB OL/DL OL/LB OL/DL OL/LB OL/LB OL/DL OL/DL OL/DL OL/DL POWERANALYSIS There’s excitement in the Indian camp with new head coach William “Ed” Webb and several new assistants. But will that enthusiasm be enough to breed success? The Indians are young; NHS graduated 14 seniors and returns only seven total starters in offensive and defensive positions. A lot will depend on the quick maturity of Webb’s young offensive and defensive lines and how fast the players pick up the new offensive and defensive formations. Most area coaches think this year will be a learning and rebuilding year for Northumberland and have picked the Indians to finish near the bottom of the six-team pack. COACH: Wlliam “Ed” Webb (1st year). ASSISTANT COACHES: Brian Hahn, Matt Carney, Chip Hempsher, Zach Kues, Charlie Thompson. LAST YEAR: 7-3 overall. BASIC OFFENSE: Split back. BASIC DEFENSE: 3-5-3. TOP RETURNERS: QB Zach Newman, WR/DB Kyle Elmore. WR/DB Aaron Lewis, RB/LB Willie Taylor, RB/LB Jordan Lee. TOP NEWCOMERS: C Dakota Galves, RB/DB Wesley Jackson, OL Phillip Harrison, LG/DL John Brown, OL/DL Clinton Carter. Supporting Our Local Teams! General Insurance P.O. Box 226 • 51 Factory Lane Callao, VA 22435 (804) 529-6226 (877) 778-3536 [email protected] We Support All Area Teams! Garner’s Produce Farm Fresh Fruits, Vegetables & much more Family Owned & Operated Rt. 3 Nomini Grove • Westmoreland Co., VA 804-761-2412 www.garnersproduce.com NORTHUMBERLAND INDIANS William “Ed” Webb has returned to the Northern Neck as promised. But this time he’ll be wearing green and gold. Webb’s first teaching and coaching jobs were at Lancaster High School, where he was an assistant football and baseball coach for three years. When he left LHS to earn his master’s degree at Muskingum College in Ohio, he vowed he’d come back. And now he has, as the new head football coach at Northumberland High School. Webb, who was raised in Louisa County, graduated from Patrick Henry High School and played football at Virginia Military Institute before taking his first job as a history teacher at LHS. He served as a graduate assistant for Muskingum’s football team before returning to Louisa as an assistant coach for six years. “I’m excited to be back in the Northern Neck,” said Webb. “I said I’d come back. “Being a first-time head coach is exciting, but it’s very trying and very taxing,” he added. Webb takes the reins from former NHS coach John “JP” Poindexter, who helped turn the Indian program around. Poindexter struggled through some winless district campaigns, but last season went 7-3 overall for a regional playoff berth. Unfortunately, only a handful of players return on the 28-man roster. But Webb said he’s happy with the work ethic he’s getting out of his young players at camp. “They work hard,” he said. “I’m used to prima donnas, but not these guys. They don’t mind working hard.” To say Webb’s Indian squad is young is an understatement. He will be starting three freshmen and returns only four starters on offense and three on defense. “For putting in a new offense and defense, they are picking it up quick,” he said. He also hopes the momentum from last year’s playoff trip will carry over. “This senior group and juniors know with a little hard work they can make the playoffs. Anything is possible,” said Webb. The Indians will have to work hard with a regional schedule that includes Mathews and Sussex Coach William “Ed” Webb Central. They also open Northern Neck District play with Essex. Offense Senior Zach Newman is one of Webb’s four starters returning on offense and will take the helm as the play caller in his split back formation. Newman’s back up quarterback will be freshman Zach Kent. “Zach is dedicated,” said Webb. “He’s here even when we’re not. He’s got what I call a lot of ‘wantto.’ He wants to be the best player on the field and he’s working hard for that.” Senior Jordan Lee returns to the backfield and senior Willie Taylor makes the move from the offensive line to ball carrier. Although he’s got playing experience, he’s new to the position, said Webb. They’ll be joined by junior running back Wesley Jackson. “We’re going to hang our hats on those three big guys and hope they get the job done,” said Webb. The offense’s most experienced players are senior receivers Aaron Lewis and Kyle Elmore, a two-some that Webb calls “special.” “Any one of those guys, whether it be the running backs or the receivers, can score for us,” he said. “They can go 70 or 80 yards. They can score from any spot on the field.” Webb’s o-line is young and inexperienced, a problem that historically has plagued Northumberland. Playing in the tackle spots are sophomore Phillip Harrison (6’0”, 185 lbs.) and junior Clinton Carter (5’9”, 190 lbs.). In the guard positions are heavy hitters John Brown, at 5’10” and 215 lbs., and Jay Hall, at 6’1” and 250 lbs. Brown is a sophomore; Hall is a freshman who has never played before. Snapping to Newman will be junior center Dakota Galves (6’0”, 200 lbs.). “If our offensive line comes together, we can win a few football games,” said Webb. “And I think we can make a little bit of a run.” Defense Webb is looking for his secondary to be the best part of his defensive unit. Coming back to play left corner is Lewis, and Elmore returns to play right corner. Jackson will play free safety. “We have some incredible athletes back there,” said Webb. “By far, that’s going to be the strength of our team.” Like a lot of other Northern Neck teams, Webb will be forced to keep a majority of his players on the field to start on both sides of the ball. Starting on the line in his 3-5-3 defense will be Brown at nose, juniors Collin Donovan at left end and Trevor Deihl at right end. “Most of them have never played in those positions and there has to be a lot of learning for them for this defense to be good,” said Webb. His linebackers include Taylor, RUNNING BACK Jordan Lee Grade: Senior Jersey number: 7 Height: 5’9” Weight: 185 LBS Also plays: Linebacker Carter, Galvez, Harrison and Lee, and Webb says “they want to hit somebody. All of them are young, but that’s good for the future.” Special teams Webb is still looking for his punter and kicker among his 28 players. He has secured his return men in Elmore, Lewis and Jackson. Good Luck Area Teams! Seamless Gutters & Custom Awnings 3010 Northumberland Highway Lottsburg, Virginia allisonsacehardware.com Good Luck & Good Health to all Student Athletes. LAW OFICES HUBBARD, TERRY, & BRITT A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION Good Luck to All Area Teams Have a Safe Season! Randy’s Dunn-Rite Automotive Burgess and Kilmarnock Dunn-Rite Auto Sales Kilmarnock Call now in advance to schedule your Fall service work. "URGESSs+ILMARNOCK Start Saving NOW on Your Next Car from Dunn-Rite Auto Sales. WIDE RECEIVER Aaron Lewis Grade: Senior Jersey number: 2 Height: 6’0” Weight: 185 LBS Also plays: Defensive Back 293 Steamboat Road P.O. Box 340 Irvington, VA 22480 Telephone: (804) 438-5522 Facsimile: (804) 438-5003 B.H.B. Hubbard, III Matson C. Terry, II Raymond L. Britt, Jr. William B. Hubbard Wesley M. Charlton Direct: (804) 438-5063 Direct: (804) 438-5064 Direct: (804) 438-5077 Direct: (804) 438-5773 Direct: (804) 438-5784 +ILMARNOCKs6IRGINIA GRIDIRON RAPPAHANNOCK RECORD !UGUSTs ESSEX TROJANS THE ROSTER ESSEX TROJANS Jersey Name 1 Dominek Broaddus 2 Rahiem Rolling 3 Dartanious Jones 4 DeAndre Baylor 5 Sterling Hammond 7 Tyrell Ware 8 James Green 9 Isaac Gray 11 DJ Ashlock 12 Lathan Johnson 14 Keith Bundy 16 Jamar Kelly 20 Leo Gaskins 22 Trauminique Gray 23 George Pierce 24 Anthony Jones 27 Malik Martin 28 Gregory Shoukas 40 Mario Howie 44 Dameon Brooks 50 Jordan Baldwin 52 Kenneth Gillis 54 Aaron Wilson 55 James Ayers 58 Anthony Johnson 60 Deiondre Dancy 61 Peyton Brooks 63 Alexander Balderson 67 Anthony Shoukas 68 Andrew Balderson 69 Isaiah Parker 73 Jason Compton 74 Graham Champion 76 Markius Lucas 77 Dondre Harris 78 Calvin Carey 88 William Kelly Grade 10 12 11 11 10 12 12 12 11 10 11 11 10 12 12 11 9 12 11 9 9 10 11 11 11 12 11 11 10 11 11 12 12 10 10 12 11 Position QB / DB RB / LB WR / DB WR / DB WR / DB WR / LB RB / LB QB / DE WR/DB WR / DB WR / DB WR / DB WR / DB RB / LB RB / DB WR / DB WR / DB WR / DB WR / LB WR / DB G / DT G / DT T / DT C/ DT G / DT G / DT T / DT T / DE C/ DE T / DE T / DT K / DE C/ DT T / DT T / DT T / DT WR / DB COACH: John Fulks (2nd year, 4-7). ASSISTANT COACHES: Robbie Jenkins, CJ Balderson, Kenny Waters, Tuck Martin, Mike Patterson, Stewart Braswell. LAST YEAR: 4-7 overall. BASIC OFFENSE: Spread. BASIC DEFENSE: 4-3. TOP RETURNERS: OL Deiondre Dancy, RB/LB James Green, OL/DL Graham Chapman, WR/DB Sterling Hammond, WR/LB Tyrell Ware, QB/DB Dominek Broaddus, WR, DE Alonzo Tompkins, WR Keith Bundy. TOP NEWCOMERS: LB/RB Rahiem Rolling, WR Tyrell Jones. RUNNING BACK James Green QUARTERBACK POWER- RAPPAHANNOCK RAIDERS ANALYSIS POWERTHE ROSTER ANALYSIS Last year was a rocky one for new head coach John Fulks. The Trojans have an established winning tradition that included a Division 2 state championship three years ago. Then two years ago, 14-year coach Todd Jones left and the Trojans still managed a 6-4 record and 4-1 district mark. If Essex High’s season opener — a 41-18 upset of defending state champion Gretna — is an indication, things are about to turn around for Fulks. The Trojans got five passing touchdowns from sophomore quarterback Dominek Broaddus. Broaddus was 14-of-19 for 302 yards. “It was a really good start,” said Fulks. “It gets us off in the right direction, a good start coming out of the gate. I’m very, very excited about our potential, but we’ve got a lot of tough teams still to play.” Broaddus, who started in only three games last season, will be the starting quarterback in Fulks’ spread offense. Junior Keith Bundy was the big play maker Friday and will be one of several capable wide receivers including DeAndre Baylor, Dartanious Jones, Tyrell Jones and Tyrell Ware. Bundy had TD receptions of 67 and 51 yards against Gretna. Deiondre Dancy should be fun to watch as a return specialist. He took a kick back 55 yards for a touchdown in the opener. “Caroline and King William will really test our offense,” said Fulks of the Trojans’ non-district schedule. “After Friday’s game, I think defensively, the [other teams] will know what to look for.” Despite the fact Essex returns only five offensive starters, including its young QB, and only four defensive starters, most coaches have picked the Trojans as the team to beat. “I like our chances in the district if we can stay healthy for the midseason play,” said Fulks. Rappahannock joins a few other Northern Neck District teams in the lack of experience category. Coach William West brings back only two offensive starters and four on defense. After having one of the most experienced squads in many years last season, this year he has one of the youngest. Senior Will Hoover returns to the key spot of starting quarterback and senior Aaron Rock comes back to play tight end and defensive back. Jaquan Thompson is only a sophomore but will get most of the carries. “He’s young but we’re expecting a lot of him,” said West. Senior Quante Jones did “some serious work over the summer,” said West, who expects Jones to anchor the offensive and defensive lines. And speaking of the offensive line, that’s going to be the big question mark. West has confidence in his skill players but “the success is going to be all on the offensive line,” he said. “They are going to have to give us time to throw the ball. “And ball control is key,” he added. “If we can throw it around we’re going to, but we’re also going to run just as much.” West is putting in a new defensive formation this year, changing from a 4-3 to a 3-5. Senior Tevin Fisher, junior Marquise Lanier and sophomore Tylek Sorrell return as defensive backs and senior linebacker Tyler Spear comes back. “Most of our returners are in our secondary,” said West, “so that should be a strength for us. “Overall, the defense is coming together and they’re learning the new system,” he added. The Raiders’ schedule looks L u d c o k o G Dominek Broaddus Grade: Senior Jersey number: 8 Grade: Sophomore Jersey number: 2 Height: 6’1” Weight: 185 LBS Height: 5’9” Weight: 120 LBS Also plays: Linebacker Also plays: Defensive Back RAPPAHANNOCK RAIDERS Jersey Name 1 Jaquan Thompson 7 Romeo Jackson 9 Will Hoover 10 Tylek Sorrell 12 Tevin Fisher 20 Marcus Byrd 21 Devin Sumiel 22 Marquise Lanier 24 Devonta Brown 29 Domonique Fletcher 30 Javon Gillis 31 Zach Thompson 32 Andre Brown 33 Derrick Sumiel 42 Ryan Martin 44 Ben Shepherd 50 MaliekVeney 52 Austin Hall 53 John Gillis 54 Casey Roane 55 Quante Jones 56 Kenny Perry 60 Jacob Jewell 70 AJ Darby 72 George Jenkins 73 Brandon Morris 77 Chris Brown 78 DeAndre Wood 81 Tyler Spear 82 Aaron Rock 84 Jarrett Gordon 90 Ken Pierson 91 Bryan Carey Grade 10 9 12 12 11 10 10 11 11 11 9 9 10 12 9 9 10 11 12 9 12 10 10 9 11 12 12 12 12 12 9 10 12 Position RB/LB RB/DB QB/DB RB/DB WR/DB WR/DB TE/LB WR/DB WR/DB RB/DB RB/LB RB/DB RB/LB RB/LB RB/LB TE/LB OL/DL OL/DL OL/DL OL/DL OL/DL OL/DL OL/DL OL/DL OL/DL OL/DL OL/DL OL/DL TE/LB TE/DB TE/LB TE/LB WR/LB COACH: William West (12th year). ASSISTANT COACHES: Rick Harmon, James Carey, Jareese Commock, Brandon Fauntleroy. LAST YEAR: 6-5 overall, 2-3 Northern Neck District. BASIC OFFENSE: Multiple formations. BASIC DEFENSE: 3-5. TOP RETURNERS: QB Will Hoover, RB/DB Tylek Sorrell, TE/DB Aaron Rock, OL/DL Quante Jones. TOP NEWCOMERS: WR Marquise Lanier, DL/OL Quante Jones, RB Jaquan Thompson. a lot like it did last year, when they went 6-1 before dropping three games in a row in the Northern Neck District to Essex, Washington & Lee and Northumberland. They’ll play Surry, King & Queen and Middlesex, all teams that they beat last season. Last year’s playoff appear- ance in the Eastern Section, Division 1 was the first postseason play for the Raiders since they lost to Sussex Central in a first-round game in 2004. But the loss of veteran leadership has most district coaches picking Rappahannock to finish low in the standings. Good Luck to all area teams for the coming season! HARVEY’S AUTO PARTS “YOUR BUMPER TO BUMPER DEALER” (804) 580-5900 Teams 8513 Northumberland Highway, Heathsville Performance apparel recommended for football +++++ We Support Our Local Teams! under armour® GO! FIGHT! WIN! 2IÀFHVLQWKH1RUWKHUQ1HFN0LGGOH3HQLQVXODDQG:LOOLDPVEXUJ 800-434-1181 ZZZFKHVEDQNFRP ©2011 Chesapeake Bank Equal Housing Lender Member FDIC SPORTS CENTRE >Ê-ÌÀiiÌ]Ê>ÀV]Ê6ÊUÊ{Îx£Ó££ s!UGUST GRIDIRON RAPPAHANNOCK RECORD WASHINGTON & LEE EAGLES THE ROSTER Washington & Lee Eagles Jersey Name 1 D.J. Weldon 2 Dexter Thompson 3 Eric Mason 4 Davon Hamilton 6 Kwame Gray 7 Ryan Taylor 8 Alex Lane 9 Milan Bullock 10 Dwayne Cherry 11 Nick Brown 15 Kevin Monroe 17 Chris Graham 18 Sam McGill 21 Jerry Thompson 22 Hudson Hutt 25 Kaleel Pratt 28 John Jims 32 Tyler Isabell 34 DaQuan Doggett 36 Jaquan Ball 44 Travis Diggs 50 Riney Brown 53 Juandre Wise 55 D.J. Jackson 58 Kenneth Ashdown 60 Baine Self 71 Gabe Loesel 72 Kevin Jackson 74 Markeyse Thompson 75 Kenny Taylor 77 Michael Redmond 78 A.J. Turner 80 Jhamari Kelley 81 Linwood Newman Grade 9 10 12 11 12 11 11 11 12 11 12 10 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 9 11 12 12 12 10 11 10 10 10 9 11 11 11 10 Position RB/DB RB/DB WR/DB WR/DB RB/DB TE/DE QB/DB RB/LB QB/LB K WR/DB QB RB/DB WR/DB K/P WR/LB WR/LB FB/LB FB/LB FB/DL P OL/DL OL/LB OL/DL OL/DL OL/DL OL/DL OL/DL OL/DL OL/DL OL/DL OL/DL WR/DB WR/DB Supporting All Area Teams Crab Meat, Oysters, Fresh Fish, Scallops, Clams, and Specialty Deli Items Tuesday - Saturday 10 am - 6 pm 804-435-3530 #HESAPEAKE#OMMONS3HOPPING#ENTERs+ILMARNOCK6IRGINIA Go Fight Win! 804.443.5392 Good Luck to All Area Teams! KEVIN H. BRAY, Owner COURTESY SERVICE STATION Automobile Repairs Highway 360, P.O. Box 386 Heathsville, VA 22473 (804) 580-8888 THE ROSTER Coach Scott Foster POWERANALYSIS Although the Drifters only graduated eight players, their roster reads like the underclassmen index of the yearbook. Scott Foster’s team is young again. Foster, who took over the reins at Colonial Beach last year after serving as defensive coordinator under longtime coach Jeremy Jack, suits up only nine seniors on his team of 29. Most are sophomores and freshmen. Among last year’s graduates was the Northern Neck District’s defensive player of the year, linebacker and all-district center Josh Sanford. That means Foster has young, relatively inexperienced returning players from a team that only won one game in the Northern Neck District and picked up only three wins overall. They will have to mature and learn quickly, especially his two sophomore quarterbacks, Nick Graves and Ryan Thomas. Foster graduated last year’s QB, Kiante Dickerson. The Beach’s non-district schedule again includes Charles City, King & Queen and Sussex. The Drifters picked up last year’s wins against regional opponents. They open tomorrow night against the Panthers. Most coaches pick the Drifters to finish low in the standings. COLONIAL BEACH DRIFTERS Jersey Name 10 Carlos Bermudez 71 Brandon Buzby 68 TJ Coleman 58 Matt Collins 88 Devin Davis 55 Aaron Fisher 5 Carter Foster 1 Dion Gonzales 16 Nick Graves 51 Devanta Harris 25 Marquel Harris 14 Cameron Headley 8 Sidney Horton 61 Frankie Jacobo 56 Darin Jones 76 Saki Lucus 50 Mike McGorda 69 Mike Mothershead 13 DezJohn Parker 31 Brandon Phillips 59 Stevie Preston 17 Nick Putman 7 Shamar Shanks 52 Mark Singleton 60 Jacoby Smith 3 Josh Thomas 4 Ryan Thomas 57 Andrai Turner 64 Jason Vick 85 West Virgil Grade Position 10 10 11 12 12 10 12 10 11 10 9 12 11 10 9 12 9 10 11 9 12 11 12 9 12 10 10 12 10 OL/LB OL/DT OL/DT WR/CB OL/DT FB/DE RB/LB QB/CB OL/DT WR/CB RB/LB WR/SS OL/DT OL/DT OL/DT OL/DT WR/CB RB/LB RB/CB OL/DE WR/CB WR/CB OL/DT FB/DT TE/LB QB/CB RB/CB OL/DT TE/DE k c u L d o o G ! s m a e T a A re Enjoy one FREE soda with this coupon one per person per visit. N BLETT APPLIANCE & PROPANE PROUD SUPPORTER OF LOCAL ATHLETIC PROGRAMS Since 1939 Main & Augusta Streets, Kilmarnock 804-435-1111 1-800-535-0084 Coach Antron Yates +ILMARNOCKs6IRGINIA COLONIAL BEACH DRIFTERS POWERANALYSIS Antron Yates has some big shoes to fill as Washington & Lee’s new head coach. Yates replaces Northern Neck District icon Malcolm Lewis, who led the Eagles for 14 years and brought the school a state championship in 2001. “Antron is a W&L guy and he brings the energy, the exuberance that is so vital to motivating today’s players,” said Lewis, who will continue his role as athletic director. “I know coach Yates will put in the time, make strong connections with our kids and be a great role model.” Yates is a 1996 graduate of Washington & Lee, where he was a two-way starter at linebacker and center. During his playing days at Bridgewater College, the school won two ODAC championships and advanced to the Division III National Championship. He has been an assistant for the past nine years with stints at King George, C.D. Hylton and Freedom. As a member of Lewis’s first W&L team, he understands the Eagle football tradition. “The cornerstone of my program will be hard work,” said Yates. “The success will come from the student athletes that can make the commitment to the program in the classroom, at home, in the weightroom, and on the field. On the field our players will be hardnosed. They will play clean, play fast, and be relentless.” Yates returns only seven starters, including five on offense and two on defense. However, his newcomers are already showing promise. Yates got his first win on the Eagle sideline last Friday when W&L opened the regular season with a 21-17 win over Group AA Spotsylvania. Sophomore rusher Dexter Thompson scored three touchdowns and the Eagles did some power running in the second half for the win. Yates also will rely on another sophomore to lead the team in quarterback Chris Graham, who scored W&L’s only touchdown in a scrimmage against Group AA Warhill. “On offense, we’re doing what they learned to do with coach Lewis. I’m not changing a whole lot. The program has been winning and I’m just trying to uphold the standard,” said Yates. “I’m just going to try to put my own imprint on it.” Although the Eagles have a new coaching staff, winning is a tradition and the tradition is expected to continue. Most area coaches have picked the Eagles to again duke it out with Essex for the top spot in the district. www.noblett.com
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