
„Because a man without passion
bores his soul”
MD, Ph.D.
An outstanding scientist, having on his account
5 patents and numerous awards granted from
places such as in Geneva and Brussels. He
developed a unique method of acquiring
collagen which fully maintains its structure.
This discovery has completely changed modern
cosmetics and its effects.
Professor Frydrychowski - Chairman of the
wellU scientific council is associated with the
company since 2003 and for 10 years has been
researching, improving and creating the most
effective anti-aging preparations in the world.
Professor Frydrychowski is also a holder of
patents concerning non-invasive methods of
assessing brain trauma. Significant publications for science were published in this matter,
such as:
Pluciński J., Frydrychowski A.F. New
aspects in assessment of changes in
width of subarachnoid space with
near-infrared Transillumination / backscattering sounding, part 1: Monte Carlo
numeric modelling. Journal of Biomedical
Optics. 2007; 12(4): 1-10 IF=3.084.
Frydrychowski A.F., Wszędybył-Winklewska M., Gumiński W., Przyborska A.,
Kaczmarek J., Winklewski P. Use of Near
Infrared Transillumination
Sounding (NIR-T/BSS) to
assess effects of elevated intracranial
pressure on width of subarachnoid space
and cerebrovascular pulsation in animals.
Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis. IF=
Frydrychowski A.F., Kaczmarek J., Juzwa
W, Rojewski M., Pluciński J., Gumiński W.,
Kwiatkowski Cz., Lass P., Bandurski T.
(NIR-TI) - a New Non-invasive Tool for
Exploration of Intracranial Homeostasis
and Monitoring of Its Impairments.
Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 1999a; Vol.19, Number 2: 99-108.
Frydrychowski A.F., Wszędybył-Winklewska M., Bandurski T., Winklewski P.
Flow-induced changes in pial artery
compliance registered with a non-invasive method in rabbits. Microvascular
Research. 2011, 82(2): 156-162.IF=
He was awarded a number of distinctions
and prizes during professional work such as:
The gold medal with distinction at the
Brussels Eureka 97 exhibition for
“Systeme pour le monitoring non-invasif
de l'espace du cerveau et de la pulsation
The special prize of the Flemish Minister
of Finance, Budget and Public Health at
the very same exhibition for “Systeme
pour le monitoring non-invasif de
1'espace du cerveau et de la pulsation
The gold medal at the 26 Salon
International des Inventions - Geneve
98 for “System pour le monitoring non-invasif du volume du cerveau”.
Grand Prix at INNOVATIONS 98 1st
International Exhibition of Inventions
for the “System of non-invasive monitoring of changes in the brain volume”.
He is an active member of Polish Philosophical Society.
He is also involved with Polish Acupuncture
Association where he holds the following
Member of the National Board
Chairman of the National Commission
for Acupuncture Science
President of the Pomorski Branch
The latest discoveries of the group of
scientists under the leadership of Prof.
Andrzej Frydrychowski, MD, Ph.D.
The wellU Group scientists, as first in the
world, discovered a method of extraction
which allows acquiring a whole range of
biologically active oligopeptides and
polypeptides from the skins of chosen
species of fish. Larens cosmeceuticals are
enriched with the complex of these unusual
substances. Our preparations contain
several hundred biologically active natural
peptides that mostly come from these
three groups of proteins: decorin, lumican
and histones. They are mostly small
peptides, 7-29 amino acids.
The wellU Group scientists developed the
world’s only complex of bioactive oligoand polypeptides. Preparations from the
Nano Collagen series contain as much as
100 times more peptides than the products
of other brands.
Preparations created by the wellU
Group were found exceptional and
awarded a number of prizes such as:
From the many distinctions received, one of most meaningful is the silver medal at the 55th World Exhibition of
Innovation, Research and New Technologies BRUSSELS EUREKA 2006.
Only breakthrough discoveries on a global scale in the field of science receive this prize!
We invest
in science
We are one of the few companies in
the world that work in the MLM
system, having such a solid
scientific background.
10 years of research
Anti-ageing Masters
The philosophy of Anti-ageing Masters
was developed into a cult of health,
beauty and high quality of life dripping
with passion, focusing on reversing the
biological clock, and materializes in,
among other things, Larens cosmeceuticals, which are the culmination of a
decade of our work and favour expressed
towards our clients. We invest maximum
care, accuracy and precision in
everything that leaves the WellU walls
like no one else that we know, so that the
effectiveness and fast tangible effects
would be synonymous with reliability and
trust. The efficiency and effectiveness
would be of little value without safety;
therefore, we have chosen nature as an
ally in our company, to reverse its laws.
As our name results from our calling, we
don't want to rule over you or pass you
from hand to hand - we know how to
surround you with complex, holistic care,
and the challenges that you have placed
before us act like fuel to keep us going.
That is the way we are - perfect, unyielding and uncompromising in the fight to
turn back the biological clock, which is
confirmed by decades of research,
patents and most importantly - your
long-term trust and loyalty. With
undisguised pride we give to you tools to
subdue the ageing process.
With this in mind, we welcome you to the
world of revolution without a scalpel.
Scientific publications
MTT cytotoxicity test
Markings made using the SIROL method.
Research on cultured cells taken from the
palate. The research was performed at the
Medical University of Wroclaw in the fourth
quarter of 2012.
The whole world of science seeks to
ensure that in developed active
substances the observed cytotoxic
effect is eliminated while the
desired activity remains. This is a
very difficult task, especially when
synthetic substances are being
used that only act selectively.
Similar preparations
Ab Measurements
average Ab
% control
MTT 25.10.12
Similar preparations
The increase of collagen even by 671%!
The scientists at the wellU Group
were able to create a complex of
natural fish peptides which, on the
one hand stimulate the synthesis of
collagen, while significantly slow
down the cytotoxic activity on the
other hand.
No preparation in the world can
compare with these results.
% control
MTT 12.11.12
% control
% of collagen control
% control
The increase of collagen [%]
Ab Measurements
average Ab
% control
- the future of health and care
NUTRIVI water is nano and hexagonal
The proof for NUTRIVI water
Comparison of growth of the three strains of dwarf French beans:
Złota Saxo
NUTRIVI water is an excellent carrier and solvent for active
NUTRIVI water penetrates into most cells, providing
hydration to the deep layers of the skin
NUTRIVI water ensures high absorption of active
The water in the body is a carrier and storage of information because
it is a substance capable of carrying information via a mechanism in
the form of an electromagnetic matrix.
NANO - a very small water molecule, has the tremendous ability to
penetrate any cell, even mutant cells, to stimulate the natural
processes of self-regeneration.
Nutrivi water helps the skin to almost completely absorb active
substances and nutrients contained in LARENS cosmetics, strengthening and nurturing the skin with incomparably better results. It is
an excellent carrier of other substances, facilitating their transport.
Research on the blood supply of the hands
conducted after 7 days of drinking "revitalization"*
water using the ADR system by Dr Adrian Wosiński.
The expanded "revitalization water"* system, based on inventions by
Dr Adrian Wosiński, Dr Diana Wojtkowiak and Professor Andrzej
Frydrychowski is used in the production of Nutrivi water.
Nutrivi water is the base of all LARENS cosmetics. The hexagonal and
organized structure of Nano water is the essence of moisturizing and
daily care of all skin types. Nutrivi water has the tremendous ability
to penetrate all skin cells, even damaged cells. It intensely moisturizes, stimulates the regeneration of damaged structures, strengthens natural defences and soothes irritation.
Bioactive collagen
The latest technology generators used in
water production on the basis of which
Larens cosmeceuticals and Nutrivi nutraceutics are produced. The generators are
an extraordinary invention that allow
changing the water structure. The most
important benefits of using Nutrivi water in
the production of Larens and Nutrvi preparations include:
Due to its unique capabilities, collagen creates a
protein net on the skin, the skin does not lose
moisture and cells become firm and energized.
They begin to produce their own collagen. The
skin becomes more smooth and delicate, its
flexibility and tension improves. It regains its
firmness, elasticity and healthy appearance much
faster. It smooths wrinkles, slows down the ageing
process. In the collagen formation process
besides protein we obtain chains of peptides and
free amino acids. The main function of peptides is
to facilitate “communication” between cells and to
stimulate natural physiological processes in the
skin. Moreover, polypeptides reinforce the
protective film of the skin, preventing the
influence of harmful factors. Amino acids have the
capability for retaining moisture, they are the NMF
(Natural Moisturizing Factor) component, which is
the natural moisturizing factor of the skin. They
moisturize, increasing the hygroscopic effect of
other NMF components. They soften the skin and
make it more flexible.
A significant improvement in the
transport of nutrients contained in
Larens and Nutrivi preparations deeper
into the skin and in the human body
(analysis of preparation effectiveness).
Aligning energy disturbances in humans,
measured along acupuncture canals,
which was confirmed by the RYODORAKU
Faster regeneration in people exposed to
increased physical effort (study of heart
Removing excessive concentrations of
heavy metals from the human body
(research by Dr Wosiński using the ADR-4
system in the USA, carried out by Trace
Elements Inc.).
Collagen is the most important protein to the
human body. It represents 30% of the total
protein mass in the human body and is responsible
for the flexibility, firmness, proper moisture level
of the skin and the continuous renewal of its cells.
With age, the body loses its capability to
regenerate collagen which effects we observe by
watching our skin condition grow worse.
One of the methods for slowing/preventing skin
ageing caused by the decreased production of
collagen is to supply it from the outside. Attempts
at initial synthetic collagen usage and bovine
collagen application did not produce the desired
effect in cosmetics and implantology. This is
mainly because the biologically active collagen in
amino acid chains identical to humans has not
been acquired so far.
The discovery of the method of obtaining fish
collagen, which maintains the structure of the
triple helix - specific to the proteins of living
organisms - has become one of the most
interesting discoveries in biochemistry in the
twentieth century. According to many, it is
probably one of the greatest discoveries of
worldwide cosmetology and biotechnology of
As a result, this work has appeared on the market
as unique preparation proteins showing strong
corrective skin properties, which is successfully
used by a huge consumer base in many countries
of the world.
It is one of the few preparations that directly
deals with the causes of skin ageing (collagen
deficiency) as opposed to the thousands of other
cosmetics that instead deal with the
The most effective anti-ageing
products in the world
FISH PEPTIDES The future of worldwide cosmetology
Biologically active “bomb” of natural oligopeptides and polypeptides.
Peptides are organic chemical compounds
formed by the peptide bond combining amino
acid molecules.
skin barrier and penetrate into the deeper layers
of the skin due to much smaller particles composed of several to a dozen amino acids.
Peptides act directionally, stimulating certain
processes in the skin:
Oligopeptides – are short chains consisting of
several amino acids.
increase the thickness of the dermis and
Polypeptides – are longer chains, consisting of
several amino acids.
increase the flexibility of the skin,
Peptides are mostly responsible for the regulation of cellular processes and intercellular
communication, which has a significant impact on
the functioning of the skin. Oligo- and polypeptides have a strong anti-ageing action. Peptides
are also used in the treatment of dermatological
diseases due to their properties such as stimulation of skin protein synthesis.
Peptides, unlike proteins, can pass through the
the shallowing of wrinkles
inhibitors of neurotransmitters known as
neuropeptides loose muscles responsible for
the formation of the wrinkles
peptides transporting active substances into
the skin
removal of imperfections caused by fotoageing which is skin discoloration.
The increase in cohesiveness, density and
firmness of the skin is determined by 3 different
peptide performance mechanisms, which depending on the biological activity can be divided into:
signal peptides that stimulate the activity of
fibroblasts to produce skin supporting fibres collagen and elastin, therefore contribute to
Damaged skin
Regenerated skin
The parameter responsible for the biopeptide therapeutic effect
is its appropriate content in the formula and this is a huge asset
of LARENS products.
Peptides are used to carry active ingredients into the skin. They
have energizing properties -stimulating skin cells to produce
collagen and elastin. They help fight skin discolourations brightening and evening the skin tone. The effect of their use in
cosmetics is an elastic body, filling in fissures and unevenness as
well as prevents sagging skin.
Peptides - the future of cosmetology
and medicine
Transporting - reaching biological activity areas, connecting
them with other substances and transporting them to the deep
layers of the skin,
The benefits for your skin and body:
They carry active components into the skin,
They stimulate the production of collagen, elastin and
hyaluronic acid,
They provide the necessary building blocks for collagen
regeneration in many organs such as: joints, cartilages,
nails, hair, eyeballs and liver,
They inhibit the activity of metalloproteinases (ageing
They relieve pain, alleviating the effect of a harsh climate
as well as mechanical and chemical environmental factors,
Signalling – they give a signal that the collagen is damaged - they
stimulate fibroblasts for the production of collagen and elastins,
They are anti-inflammatory,
Relaxing - “an iron for wrinkles” blocking the impulses of nerve
cells, loosening muscles responsible for mimic wrinkles, provide
the “Botox” effect.
They inhibit the secretion of interleukin - which causes
prolonged acute inflammation,
Biopeptide Complex - dermatology
and cosmetology in action
The effect of their use in cosmetics is an elastic body, filling
in fissures and unevenness as well as prevention of sagging
Peptides are short chains of proteins, composed of several to 29
amino acids. They penetrate the skin. They are absorbed from the
digestive system. They are very beneficial for the whole organism
and not only the skin. Fish skins contain many active substances
that have a beneficial impact on both our beauty and health.
They help fight discolorations - brightening and evening
skin complexion,
They regulate the angiogenesis process - the formation of
strony 20-21
strony 14-26
strony 12-13
LARENS cosmeceuticals labelled ORGANIC PLUS are free from parabens
and PEGs. They contain only safe preservatives and are free of mineral
oils, artificial colours and flavours.
LARENS cosmeceuticals labelled SLIM FORMULA stimulate the burning of
fat tissues as well as solve the problem of annoying cellulite.
Dermo Wash Face & Body
Dermo face and body cleanser based on a Biopeptide Complex and Nutrivi water formula. This product is
designed for everyday care of skin prone to acne, with allergy problems and sensitive skin. The combination of BIOPEPTIDE COMPLEX, ectoines, allantoins, argan oil and aloe extract ensures perfect moisturization, soothes irritation and redness. The preparation has a sebo-regulating effect and effectively protects
cells from the effects of harmful factors, with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory actions. It leaves a
feeling of long-lasting moisturization. This product has been developed according to the Organic Plus
formula - it is odourless, free from parabens, SLS, SLES and mineral oils. It is produced using only safe and
natural preservatives.
Biopeptide Complex - a valuable combination of oligopeptides
and polypeptides, providing immediate and long-lasting
moisturization in all the layers of the skin as well as prevents
sagging. Peptides are used to carry active ingredients deep into
the skin, resulting in deeply nourished skin, an elastic and firm
body, filling in fissures and unevenness. They also have energizing
properties, stimulating skin cells to produce collagen and elastin.
They help fight discoloration, effectively brighten and even skin
Ectoine - has a protective and stabilizing action. As a natural
substance it has strong actions protecting DNA and human cell
membranes. It protects against the negative influence of external
phenomena: extreme temperatures, UV radiation, the effects of
ever-present viruses and bacteria. In addition to strong
protective properties, ectoine is also used to relieve allergy
symptoms. This ingredient is also used in dermatology, where it
plays an important role in treating and relieving symptoms of
atopic dermatitis, psoriasis and acne. Inhibits the development of
inflammation and regulates the activity of sebaceous glands.
Studies that used Ectoine confirmed that the molecule, due its
unique properties to bind water, moisturises the skin, slows down
the ageing process as well as reduces itching and rough skin.
Allantoin - facilitates the healing of wounds, soothes symptoms
of psoriasis, has anti-inflammatory actions and accelerates skin
regeneration. Allantoin is used primarily as a means to stimulate
granulation tissue, i.e., the emergence of a new connective tissue,
containing a rich network of capillaries as well as accelerates the
healing of wounds. Easily penetrates the skin. It softens and
12 | Larens Peptidum | Dermo | 250 ml
removes dead cells. It protects the skin from minor injuries,
damages, abrasions and sunburns.
Argan oil - one of the most regarded oils in the world, known as
the "Gold of Morocco" and has obtained remarkable recognition
in modern medicine and cosmetology. It is obtained from the fruit
of the argan tree by cold pressing. The richness of argan oil
comes primarily from its unique composition - it contains a
unique composition of fatty acids, which has properties
stimulating intracellular oxygenation, restoring lipid protection
as well as ensures sufficient moisturization of the skin. In
addition, it has an anti-wrinkle action and slows down the ageing
processes of the skin, which is due to the high level of vitamin E,
which is one of the strongest antioxidants with moisturizing
actions. It stimulates intracellular oxygenation and restores the
proper lipid protection as well as provides sufficient moisturization of the skin. This beneficial anti-wrinkle action is reinforced by
the high vitamin E content, which moisturizes and is one of the
most powerful natural antioxidants in the fight against free
radicals. The vitamin E contained in it protects cell membranes
against the oxidation of lipids and thereby slows down the ageing
process of the skin.
Aloe extract - an ingredient with highly moisturizing, smoothing
and firming actions. It naturally stimulates fibroblasts to increase
collagen production. Accelerates the healing and scaring of
wounds, has an antibacterial effect - protects against Staphylococcus aureus and E. coli, thanks to which it soothes acne
symptoms. Aloe has moisturizing, astringent and regenerating
actions as well as delays the skin's ageing process.
Dermo Face Cream
Revolutionary Dermo Face Cream with unique Organic Plus formula. Free from parabens, mineral oils, SLS and SLES, dyes
and flavourings, containing only safe and natural preservatives. The cream is intended for daily care of skin exposed to
harmful external factors: bacteria, viruses, UV radiation, extreme temperatures and stress. It is ideal for treatment of
sensitive and problematic skin as well as skin prone to allergies, struggling with atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. The
cream due to the combination of ectoines, allantoins, jojoba oil and hyaluronic acid provides a high level of moisture as
well as delays the skin's ageing process. Soothes skin irritation, reddening and itching. Exhibits a soothing effect on the
skin and regulates the activity of sebaceous glands.
Ectoine - has a protective and stabilizing action. As a natural substance it
has strong actions protecting DNA and human cell membranes. It protects
against the negative influence of external phenomena: extreme
temperatures, UV radiation, the effects of ever-present viruses and
bacteria. In addition to strong protective properties, ectoine is also used to
relieve allergy symptoms. This ingredient is also used in dermatology,
where it plays an important role in treating and relieving symptoms of
atopic dermatitis, psoriasis and acne. Inhibits the development of
inflammation and regulates the activity of sebaceous glands. Studies that
used Ectoine confirmed that the molecule, due its unique properties to bind
water, moisturises the skin, slows down the ageing process as well as
reduces itching and rough skin.
Vitamin E - slows down the skin ageing process, deeply moisturizes,
smooths and softens the skin. Reduces the harmful effects of sunlight on
skin cells and neutralizes free radicals. Allows maintaining the skin's
youthful appearance.
Allantoin - facilitates the healing of wounds, soothes symptoms of
psoriasis, has anti-inflammatory actions and accelerates skin regeneration.
Allantoin is used primarily as a means to stimulate granulation tissue, i.e.,
the emergence of a new connective tissue, containing a rich network of
capillaries as well as accelerates the healing of wounds. Easily penetrates
the skin. It softens and removes dead cells. It protects the skin from minor
injuries, damages, abrasions and sunburns.
Ginkgo biloba - (Japanese Ginkgo biloba). Due to the presence of numerous
flavonoids, ginkgo has a beneficial effect on skin microcirculation and
strengthening of vessel walls, preventing the formation of so-called "spider
veins". Due to the presence of flavonoids and terpenes, ginkgo delays the
skin's ageing process. Flavonoids increase the synthesis of fibroblasts in
the skin, and by protecting vitamin C from oxidation, increase the synthesis
of collagen and improve the stability of connective tissue. Terpenes inhibit
the active factors activating allergic reactions and releasing free radicals.
Hyaluronic acid - used as a natural film covering, protecting the stratum
corneum against the penetration of chemicals and bacteria. It is
responsible for the proper hydration of collagen, the building material of
fibres supporting the skin. It has the unique capacity to retain water in the
epidermis, provides the skin with an adequate level of moisture and
protects it from losing elasticity.
Hydromanil - a vegetable moisturizing component, using sugar compounds
rich in galactomannan, obtained from the fruits of the Tara tree (Caesalpinia spinosa), which grows wild in Andean forests, especially in Peru, in a dry
climate, in sandy and rocky soil. Hydromanil has excellent application
properties, creating on the skin's surface a very delicate, non-sticky film.
Hydromanil exhibits an immediate moisturising action, which remains on
the skin for a long time.
Calmosensine - has a soothing action, reduces the skin's sensitivity to
external factors. It affects the neuroreceptors, reducing the feeling of skin
irritation, giving the feeling of comfort and relaxation.
Collagen - guarantees rejuvenation of the skin and slows down the ageing
process. Provides the skin with long-term protection against moisture loss,
improves its elasticity and smooths wrinkles. Its systematic use effectively
inhibits the loss of natural collagen contained in the skin.
Jojoba oil - obtained from the pressing of seeds from the goat nut shrub,
known also as Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis). It is perfectly absorbed by
the skin, strengthens the intercellular cement layer, which in turn prevents
dry skin. Used on every skin type and especially recommended for
inflammation, sunburn and acne.
Squalane - provides nutrients, deeply moisturizes and oxygenates the skin,
prevents damage caused by UV and the formation of age spots, stimulates
cell growth and possesses anti-bacterial properties. Gives the skin a
smooth and soft appearance.
50 ml | Dermo | Larens Peptidum | 13
Face Gel
Peptide gel for the face, neck and neckline with lifting and anti-wrinkle action. Product based on a unique
BIOPEPTIDE COMPLEX and NUTRIVI water formula, so its impact reaches the deepest layers of the skin.
The ingredients selected with the utmost care make the gel a multi-functional product: the high concentration of collagen effectively inhibits the ageing process while stimulating the body to produce natural
collagen. The beneficial properties of silicon cleanses excess sebum from the skin and resolve acne
problems. Additionally, it accelerates the healing of wounds and burns. Joined together with vitamin C it
makes the blood vessels more durable, which is helpful in fighting erythema, vascular changes and
discolorations. The preparation leaves the skin deeply hydrated, oxygenated and radiant.
Biopeptide Complex - a valuable combination of oligopeptides and polypeptides, providing immediate and
long-lasting moisturization in all the layers of the skin as
well as prevents sagging. Peptides are used to carry active
ingredients deep into the skin, resulting in deeply
nourished skin, an elastic and firm body, filling in fissures
and unevenness. They also have energizing properties,
stimulating skin cells to produce collagen and elastin. They
help fight discoloration, effectively brighten and even skin
Collagen - a youth guarding component. Provides the skin
with long-term protection against moisture loss, improves
its elasticity and smooths wrinkles. Its systematic use
effectively inhibits the loss of natural collagen contained in
the skin and slows down the ageing process.
Silicon - is the element of beauty and health, it helps
maintain skin firmness and elasticity. Participates in the
biosynthesis of collagen and slows down the skin ageing
14 | Larens Peptidum | 30 ml
process. Due to its adsorption properties, it controls the
secretion of sebum, cleans sebaceous glands and has
anti-acne actions. Reduces the formation of inflammation
and burns, including sunburns and rosaceous skin. It
accelerates the healing of wounds.
Vitamin C - an effective weapon fighting skin discoloration,
erythema and vascular changes, improves the condition of
the blood vessels. Visibly reduces wrinkles, but also
perfectly nourishes, oxygenates and lightens the skin,
thanks to which it becomes smooth, elastic and radiant.
Lactic acid - stimulates fibroblasts to produce collagen
and helps in the absorption of peptides and other active
substances. Smooths and reduces wrinkles, leaving the
skin firm and elastic. Unclogs skin pores and has
antibacterial action, thus preventing the formation of
inflammations, i.e. all kinds of pimples and blackheads.
Regulates the pH of the skin and is a natural preservative.
Silver Face Gel
A peptide face gel, which thanks to the high concentration of colloidal silver and silicon meets the needs
of sensitive and problematic skin. The products is distinguished by its particularly effective antibacterial
and anti-inflammatory actions, while the formula based on BIOPEPTIDE COMPLEX and Nutrivi water
begins the recovery process from the deepest layers of the skin. The combination of collagen and vitamin
C effectively prevents the skin ageing process and moisture loss, and also stimulates the body to produce
natural collagen. In addition, vitamin C solves the problem of breaking blood vessels and erythema.
Through the regular use of the product the level of sebum release is regulated and the skin is less susceptible to the negative effects of free radicals and bacteria.
Biopeptide Complex - a valuable combination of oligopeptides and polypeptides, providing immediate and
long-lasting moisturization in all the layers of the skin as
well as prevents sagging. Peptides are used to carry active
ingredients deep into the skin, resulting in deeply
nourished skin, an elastic and firm body, filling in fissures
and unevenness. They also have energizing properties,
stimulating skin cells to produce collagen and elastin. They
help fight discoloration, effectively brighten and even skin
Collagen - a youth guarding component. Provides the skin
with long-term protection against moisture loss, improves
its elasticity and smooths wrinkles. Its systematic use
effectively inhibits the loss of natural collagen contained in
the skin and slows down the ageing process.
Colloidal silver (silver nanoparticle) - also known as the
element of life. It is a highly effective anti-bacterial and
anti-inflammatory substance and a remedy for acne and
problematic skin. Regenerates and moisturizes, soothes
the skin, alleviating skin irritations. It is a powerful weapon
in the fight for young and healthy skin.
Silicon - is the element of beauty and health, it helps
maintain skin firmness and elasticity. Participates in the
biosynthesis of collagen and slows down the skin ageing
process. Due to its adsorption properties, it controls the
secretion of sebum, cleans sebaceous glands and has
anti-acne actions. Reduces the formation of inflammation
and burns, including sunburns and rosaceous skin. It
accelerates the healing of wounds.
Vitamin C - an effective weapon fighting skin discoloration,
erythema and vascular changes, improves the condition of
the blood vessels. Visibly reduces wrinkles, but also
perfectly nourishes, oxygenates and lightens the skin,
thanks to which it becomes smooth, elastic and radiant.
Lactic acid - stimulates fibroblasts to produce collagen
and helps in the absorption of peptides and other active
substances. Smooths and reduces wrinkles, while leaving
the skin firm and elastic. Unclogs skin pores and has
antibacterial action, thus preventing the formation of
inflammations, i.e. all kinds of pimples and blackheads.
Regulates the pH of the skin and is a natural preservative.
30 ml | Larens Peptidum | 15
Hair & Body Repair Gel
Peptide body, hair and nail gel with repair, regenerating and nourishing properties, created from a unique
formula of BIOPEPTIDE COMPLEX and NUTRIVI water. The carefully prepared formula is used for skin
imperfections, hair that is damaged and falling out as well as brittle fingernails. Biopeptide Complex
stands out as it is particularly effective in the fight against skin lacking firmness, burdensome cellulite and
stretch marks, leaving the skin firm, smooth to the touch and evenly smoothed. Vitamin C brightens
discoloration and evens pigmentation, while biotin, also known as the beauty vitamin, aside from its
beneficial properties on the skin is helpful in caring for the hair and nails. This ingredient eliminates the
problem of hair loss and baldness as well as effectively strengthens the nail plates.
Biopeptide Complex - a valuable combination of oligopeptides and polypeptides, providing immediate and
long-lasting moisturization in all the layers of the skin as
well as prevents sagging. Peptides are used to carry active
ingredients deep into the skin, resulting in deeply
nourished skin, an elastic and firm body, filling in fissures
and unevenness. They also have energizing properties,
stimulating skin cells to produce collagen and elastin. They
help fight discoloration, effectively brighten and even skin
Collagen - a youth guarding component. Provides the skin
with long-term protection against moisture loss, improves
its elasticity and smooths wrinkles. Its systematic use
effectively inhibits the loss of natural collagen contained in
the skin and slows down the ageing process.
Vitamin C - an effective weapon fighting skin discoloration,
erythema and vascular changes, improves the condition of
the blood vessels. Visibly reduces wrinkles, but also
16 | Larens Peptidum | 100 ml
perfectly nourishes, oxygenates and lightens the skin,
thanks to which it becomes smooth, elastic and radiant.
Biotin - known as vitamin H and called the beauty vitamin.
Improves the functioning of the natural skin barrier with an
anti-wrinkle effect and improves the overall skin condition.
Has a beneficial effect on increasing hair flexibility,
prevents premature hair loss and greying. Hair regains its
natural shine and healthy appearance. In addition, the
substance improves nail plate thickness. It increases the
flexibility of nails due to increased lipid synthesis and thus
reduces the nail’s fragility.
Lactic acid - stimulates fibroblasts to produce collagen
and helps in the absorption of peptides and other active
substances. Smooths and reduces wrinkles, while leaving
the skin firm and elastic. Unclogs skin pores and has
antibacterial action, thus preventing the formation of
inflammations, i.e. all kinds of pimples and blackheads.
Regulates the pH of the skin and is a natural preservative.
Serum Face Repair Spray
A groundbreaking serum peptide for the face, based on a unique formula of BIOPEPTIDE COMPLEX and
NUTRIVI water. The serum is additionally enhanced with ectoine, creates a strongly regenerating and
nourishing multifunctional cosmeceutical. Provides long lasting protection against external factors.
Exhibits a soothing effect and regulates the activity of sebaceous glands. Accelerates natural skin repair
processes, provides essential nutrients in the deep layers of the skin. The bioactive molecules contained
in the SERUM intensively and long-lastingly increase the moisture content and firm the skin.
Biopeptide Complex - contains a valuable combination of
oligopeptides and polypeptides, which provide immediate
and long-lasting moisturization in all the layers of the skin,
and also prevents sagging. Peptides are used to carry
active ingredients deep into the skin, resulting in deeply
nourished skin, an elastic and firm body, filling in fissures
and unevenness. They also have energizing properties,
stimulating skin cells to produce collagen and elastin. They
help fight discoloration, effectively brighten and even skin
Ectoine - has a protective and stabilizing action. As a
natural substance it has strong actions protecting DNA
and human cell membranes. It protects against the
negative influence of external phenomena: extreme
temperatures, UV radiation, the effects of ever-present
viruses and bacteria. In addition to strong protective
properties, ectoine is also used to relieve allergy
symptoms. This ingredient is also used in dermatology,
where it plays an important role in treating and relieving
symptoms of atopic dermatitis, psoriasis and acne. Inhibits
the development of inflammation and regulates the activity
of sebaceous glands. Studies that used ectoine confirmed
that the molecule, due its unique properties to bind water,
moisturises the skin, slows down the ageing process as
well as reduces itching and rough skin.
Allantoin - facilitates the healing of wounds, soothes
symptoms of psoriasis, has anti-inflammatory actions and
accelerates skin regeneration. Allantoin is used primarily
as a means to stimulate granulation tissue, i.e., the
emergence of a new connective tissue, containing a rich
network of capillaries as well as accelerates the healing of
wounds. Easily penetrates the skin. It softens and removes
dead cells. It protects the skin from minor injuries,
damages, abrasions and sunburns.
Vitamin C - visibly reduces wrinkles, perfectly nourishes,
oxygenates and lightens the skin, making it smooth and
radiant. This ingredient also strengthens capillary blood
vessels and stimulates collagen production.
Biotin - called the beauty vitamin, helps in maintaining
healthy looking skin, hair and nails. Strengthens and
nourishes, prevents split ends and hair loss. Hair becomes
less brittle, regaining its smoothness and natural shine.
Colloidal silver (silver nanoparticle) - is a highly effective
antibacterial and anti-inflammatory ingredient. This
element of life regenerates and moisturizes, soothes the
skin, alleviating all skin irritations. It is a powerful weapon
in the fight to maintain young and firm skin.
Collagen - guarantees rejuvenation of the skin and slows
down the ageing process. Provides the skin with long-term
protection against moisture loss, improves its elasticity
and smooths wrinkles. Its systematic use effectively
inhibits the loss of natural collagen contained in the skin.
100 ml | Larens Peptidum | 17
Serum Hair & Body
Repair Spray
A revolutionary serum peptide for the body and hair, based on a unique formula of BIOPEPTIDE COMPLEX
and NUTRIVI water. This is a multifunction cosmeceutical with holistic action, providing a complex of
natural peptides combined with vitamin C and biotin. The preparation exhibits strong nutritional, regenerative and moisturizing actions. It oxygenates the skin, restores its softness and elasticity, and it also frees
it from breaking blood vessels, discoloration and redness. The preparation also provides a protective
barrier against the adverse effects of external factors: extreme temperatures, wind, UV radiation,
bacteria and free radicals. Recommended for problematic and dry skin or skin subject to the influence of
artificial lighting and air conditioning. The high concentration of colloidal silver enriches it with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory actions. Thoroughly moisturizes and refreshes, making the skin elastic, supple
and radiant.
Biopeptide Complex - a valuable combination of oligopeptides and polypeptides, providing immediate and
long-lasting moisturization in all the layers of the skin as
well as prevents sagging. Peptides are used to carry active
ingredients deep into the skin, resulting in deeply
nourished skin, an elastic and firm body, filling in fissures
and unevenness. They also have energizing properties,
stimulating skin cells to produce collagen and elastin. They
help fight discoloration, effectively brighten and even skin
Vitamin C - an effective weapon fighting skin discoloration,
erythema and vascular changes, improves the condition of
the blood vessels. Visibly reduces wrinkles, but also
perfectly nourishes, oxygenates and lightens the skin,
thanks to which it becomes smooth, elastic and radiant.
18 | Larens Peptidum | 250 ml
Biotin - known as vitamin H and called the beauty vitamin.
Improves the functioning of the natural skin barrier with an
anti-wrinkle effect and improves the overall skin condition.
Has a beneficial effect on increasing hair flexibility,
prevents premature hair loss and greying. Hair regains its
natural shine and healthy appearance. In addition, the
substance improves nail plate thickness. It increases the
flexibility of nails due to increased lipid synthesis and thus
reduces the nail’s fragility.
Colloidal silver (silver nanoparticle) - also known as the
element of life. It is a highly effective anti-bacterial and
anti-inflammatory substance and a remedy for acne and
problematic skin. Regenerates and moisturizes, soothes
the skin, alleviating skin irritations. It is a powerful weapon
in the fight for young and healthy skin.
Perfect Body Cream (slim formula)
Multifunction body cream intended for combating skin imperfections and unwanted centimetres. Product
based on a unique formula of BIOPEPTIDE COMPLEX and NUTRIVI water. The key ingredient REGESTRIL®
effectively eliminates stretch marks, while interaction with marine algae and LIPOUT™ stimulates the burning
of fat and solves the problem of annoying cellulite. The skin becomes smooth, deeply hydrated and supple. The
lotion also soothes irritation resulting from tanning and depilation. Due to the natural collagen contents, it
quickly regenerates, strengthens and smooths the skin, effectively slowing down the ageing process. The
product intensively moisturizes the skin, restores its softness and flexibility.
Biopeptide Complex - contains a valuable combination of
oligo and polypeptides, which provide immediate and
long-lasting moisturization in all the layers of the skin. The
effect of their use in cosmetics is an elastic body, filling in
fissures and unevenness as well as prevents sagging skin.
Peptides are used to carry active ingredients deep into the
skin. They have energizing properties, stimulating skin
cells to produce collagen and elastin. They help fight
discoloration, brighten and even skin colouring.
Lipout™ - a pure form of unicellular algae extract (Tisochrysis lutea) with a unified content of xanthophyll and rich
amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids. With these
ingredients Lipout™ is capable of stimulating the fat
burning process, which results in the reduction of subcutaneous fat tissue in both women and men.
• activates the fat burning process in subcutaneous fat
tissue, reducing its excess and improving the body's
• solves the problem of annoying cellulite
• perfectly moisturizes and tones the skin - the effects
are visible after one month of regular use
Collagen - guarantees rejuvenation of the skin and slows
down the ageing process. Provides the skin with long-term
protection against moisture loss, increases its tension and
smooths wrinkles. Its systematic use effectively inhibits
the loss of natural collagen contained in our skin.
Regestril® is a substance on the base of peptides, rutin
and bean extract. Accelerates collagen synthesis, protects
the skin against free radicals, and also stimulates its
renewal, so it becomes noticeably younger. Existing
wrinkles are noticeably shallower, and the skin obtains
extra protection against signs of ageing. REGESTRIL® is a
revolutionary substance which effectiveness in the fight
against skin imperfections has been proven in numerous in
vivo and in vitro scientific tests. The 3% concentration of
this ingredient visibly reduces existing stretch marks (up
to 72%) and also effectively prevents the formation of new
Calmosensine - affects the neuroreceptors, reducing the
feeling of skin irritation, giving the feeling of comfort and
Hyaluronic acid - acts as a humidifier in cosmeceuticals binds water, protects against dryness, smooths the skin,
promotes protective properties.
Vitamin E and avocado oil - slow down the ageing processes of the skin, protecting it against the adverse effects of
free radicals, helping it to retain a youthful appearance and
healthy colouring for longer. D-panthenol, Allantoin and
Shea Butter - these ingredients cause the skin to regain its
appropriate level of moisture, for it to look fresh and
200 ml | Larens Peptidum | 19
GLA Face Cream
Intensive regenerating and firming cream for the face, neck and neckline with a complex of with natural
peptides. The cream is intended for all skin care types, especially sensitive and demanding skin. Recommended for use when intensive repair treatment is needed. The product is distinguished by the highly
concentrated, corrective, nourishing and regenerating properties, and the high content of GLA Complex
stimulates skin to rebuild cells. The combination of hyaluronic acid and borage oil increases for a long time
the level of hydration and cares for its proper level. Vitamin E protects the skin from free radicals and
bacteria, and avocado oil enhances protection from the destructive effects of UV radiation. Ginkgo biloba
extract constitutes a panacea for breaking blood vessels, while the soothing impact of D-panthenol and
aloe brings soothing to even particularly problematic and tired skin.
Biopeptide Complex - a valuable combination of oligopeptides and polypeptides, providing immediate and
long-lasting moisturization in all the layers of the skin as
well as prevents sagging. Peptides are used to carry active
ingredients deep into the skin, resulting in deeply
nourished skin, an elastic and firm body, filling in fissures
and unevenness. They also have energizing properties,
stimulating skin cells to produce collagen and elastin. They
help fight discoloration, effectively brighten and even skin
GLA Complex (Gamma-linolenic acid) - belongs to the
omega-6 group of unsaturated fatty acids Insufficient
levels of GLA can cause skin problems such as skin
dryness, loss of elasticity, hypersensitivity, formation of
discoloration, seborrheic dermatitis, acne, allergies and
psoriasis. Applied directly to the skin it supplements
shortages of natural GLA, corrects any irregularities in the
functioning of cells and improves the skin's resistance to
the adverse effects of external factors.
Collagen - a youth guarding component. Provides the skin
with long-term protection against moisture loss, improves
its elasticity and smooths wrinkles.
Borage oil - exhibits strong moisturizing, regulating and
nourishing properties. Eliminates skin flaking and
effectively soothes irritations.
20 | Larens Peptidum | Intensiv | 50 ml
Vitamin E - exhibits a strong antioxidant effect. It protects
the lipid layer of the epidermis, improves blood circulation,
supports the treatment of acne and seborrheic dermatitis,
stabilizes and improves the permeability of cell membranes. It nourishes the skin, neutralizing the negative effects
of UV radiation.
D-panthenol - this substance reduces water loss, stimulates cellular division and thus accelerates the skin renewal
process. Soothes and relieves irritation.
Avocado oil - a natural sun filter, rich in vitamins A, E, K and
PP as well as chlorophyll and unsaturated fatty acids.
Perfectly moisturizes and lubricates, it is the ideal care
solution for extremely dry, damaged and sensitive skin.
Wheat germ oil - prevents skin dehydration, protects it
from the destructive effects of UV light, bacteria and free
Ginkgo Biloba extract - a panacea for breaking blood
vessels as well as dry, sagging skin. Exhibits firming and
smoothing properties.
Aloe - possess strong conditioning and moisturizing
Hyaluronic acid - cares for the proper moisturizing of the
epidermis and prevents excessive water loss. Smoothes
and cares for the skin.
Hyaluron Serum
Intensive moisturizing hyaluronic serum for the face, neck and neckline with a complex of with natural peptides.
The serum is intended for all skin care types, especially skin that is tired and lacks firmness. Recommended for
use when intensive moisturizing treatment is needed. The low molecular weight of hyaluronic acid protects
against processes leading to the ageing of skin, perfectly binds water and intensely moisturises the skin as well
as the deeper layers of the skin. The high molecular weight of hyaluronic acid creates a natural film reinforcing
the skin's lipid barrier, at the same time intensely moisturizes and prevents transepidermal water loss. The
product is additionally enriched with active ingredients, e.g.: BIOPEPTIDE COMPLEX, retinol, vitamin E, allantoin, vitamin C, collagen and squalane. Thanks to the content of Nutrivi water the active ingredients penetrate the
deepest layers of the skin, maximally moisturizing and strengthening the skin, and causing faster reconstruction of damaged structures. The skin becomes smooth, soft and naturally supple, free of discoloration, erythema and problems with breaking blood vessels.
Hyaluronic acid - a mucopolysaccharide connecting
together collagen and elastin fibres in the dermis. Hyaluronic acid acts as a humidifier - it binds water, protects
against dryness, smooths the skin, promotes protective
properties. This component is also used as a natural film,
covering the stratum corneum of the skin (to protect it
against the penetration of chemicals and bacteria). It also
fulfils the role of a medium, i.e. making it easier for other
components to penetrate deeper into the skin.
Biopeptide Complex - a valuable combination of oligopeptides and polypeptides, providing immediate and
long-lasting moisturization in all the layers of the skin as
well as prevents sagging. Peptides are used to carry active
ingredients deep into the skin, resulting in deeply
nourished skin, an elastic and firm body, filling in fissures
and unevenness. They also have energizing properties,
stimulating skin cells to produce collagen and elastin. They
help fight discoloration, effectively brighten and even skin
Retinol - shows strong anti-wrinkle and regeneration
actions. It helps to tighten the pores, corrects imperfections and evens the skin tone.
Vitamin E - exhibits a strong antioxidant effect. It protects
the lipid layer of the epidermis, improves blood circulation,
supports the treatment of acne and seborrheic dermatitis,
stabilizes and improves the permeability of cell membranes. It nourishes the skin, neutralizing the negative effects
of UV radiation.
Allantoin - is characterised by soothing, moisturizing and
anti-inflammatory activity. It smoothes and softens by
gently removing dead skin cells and unclogs pores. It helps
to maintain proper skin moisture by creating on its surface
a natural barrier which prevents water loss.
Vitamin C - an effective weapon fighting skin discoloration,
erythema and vascular changes, improves the condition of
the blood vessels.
Collagen - a youth guarding component. Provides the skin
with long-term protection against moisture loss, improves
its elasticity and smooths wrinkles.
Squalane - a compound thoroughly nourishing the skin,
prolongs the activity of vitamins A and E as well as
coenzyme Q10. Its characteristics enhance skin moisturization and oxygenation as well as reduce acne scars,
prevent wrinkles and loss of radiance.
50 ml | Intensiv | Larens Peptidum 21
Hydro Balance Face Cream
Universal, ultra moisturising cream with a complex of natural peptides, designed to care for all types of
skin. The advanced formula deeply nourishes and moisturizes the skin. Hydro Balance Face Cream, thanks
to its very light texture, perfectly absorbs, strengthens the skin's lipid layer against moisture loss,
protects from the adverse effects of external factors, and also eliminates the effects of stress and fatigue
on the condition of the skin. The cream, thanks to its complex of natural peptides, active ingredients and
vitamins (which play a key role in the revitalization process), is perfect in the prevention and protection of
the skin: intensely moisturizes, regenerates, slows down the ageing process, has a soothing effect and
also protects it against free radicals. After application it gives an immediate smoothing effect, leaving a
comfortable, non-greasy film. The skin retains an optimum level of moisture throughout the day, rapidly
regains balance, becomes flexible, smooth and radiant.
Biopeptide Complex - contains a valuable combination of
oligopeptides and polypeptides, which provide immediate
and long-lasting moisturization in all the layers of the skin.
The effects of its use in cosmetics are supple skin, filling in
fissures and unevenness as well as it prevents the sagging
of the skin. Peptides are used to carry active ingredients
deep into the skin. They have energizing properties,
stimulating skin cells to produce collagen and elastin. They
help fight discoloration, brighten and even skin colouring.
Collagen - guarantees rejuvenation of the skin and slows
down the ageing process. Provides the skin with long-term
protection against moisture loss, improves its elasticity
and smooths wrinkles. Its systematic use effectively
inhibits the loss of natural collagen contained in our skin.
Hyaluronic acid - smooths the skin, supports protective
properties and retains water. It is also used as a natural
film, covering the stratum corneum of the skin to protect it
against the penetration of chemicals and bacteria.
22 | Larens Peptidum | 50 ml
Hydromanil - a substance with a strong moisturizing
Colloidal silver (silver nanoparticle) - is a highly effective
antibacterial and anti-inflammatory ingredient. This
element of life regenerates and moisturizes, soothes the
skin, alleviating all skin irritations. It is also a powerful
weapon in the fight to maintain young, firm skin.
Vitamin C - visibly reduces wrinkles, but also perfectly
nourishes, oxygenates and lightens the skin, making it
smooth and radiant. This ingredient also strengthens
capillary blood vessels and stimulates collagen
Squalane - provides nutrients, deeply moisturizes and
oxygenates the skin, prevents wrinkles and loss of
Allantoin - intensively moisturizes the skin, regenerates,
soothes irritations and aids in restoring damaged skin.
Lifting Face Cream
An exclusive anti-wrinkle cream based on Biopeptide Complex and Nutrivi water, designed for mature skin
care. The advanced formula rich in hyaluronic acid deeply nourishes and moisturizes the skin. The high
concentration of vitamin E protects it from harmful external factors: UV radiation and free radicals.
RonaFlair LDP known as a wrinkles filler, Regestril and Pepha-tight® are responsible for smoothing the
skin, reducing wrinkles and fissures as well as raising the oval of the face. Lifting Face Cream gives an
immediate lifting and smoothing effect, leaving a comfortable, non-greasy film. The cream is an excellent,
nutritious base under make-up.
Biopeptide Complex - a valuable combination of oligopeptides and polypeptides, providing immediate and
long-lasting moisturization in all the layers of the skin as
well as prevents sagging. Peptides are used to carry active
ingredients deep into the skin, resulting in deeply
nourished skin, an elastic and firm body, filling in fissures
and unevenness. They also have energizing properties,
stimulating skin cells to produce collagen and elastin. They
help fight discoloration, effectively brighten and even skin
colouring. Collagen - a youth guarding component.
Provides the skin with long-term protection against
moisture loss, improves its elasticity and smooths
wrinkles. Its systematic use effectively inhibits the loss of
natural collagen contained in the skin and slows down the
ageing process.
Hyaluronic acid - a substance used as a natural film
covering, protecting the stratum corneum against the
penetration of chemicals and bacteria. It is considered to
be one of the most valuable moisturizing ingredients in
cosmetics. It cares for the proper moisturizing of the
epidermis and prevents excessive water loss. Smoothes
and cares for the skin.
Regestril® is a substance on the base of peptides, rutin
and bean extract. It protects the skin against free radicals,
accelerates collagen synthesis and also stimulates its
renewal, so it becomes noticeably younger. Existing
wrinkles are noticeably shallower and the skin ageing
process is slowed down.
Pepha-tight® - an extract obtained from Nannochloropsis
oculata microalgae, constituting a well-balanced mixture
of polysaccharides, amino acids, vitamins and
antioxidants. This component gives quick and long-lasting
skin tension, a firming effect as well as stimulates collagen
synthesis. In addition, it protects the skin against the
influence of free radicals.
Vitamin E - called the “Elixir of Youth” by the experts. It is
characterised by a strong antioxidant effect. It protects
the lipid layer of the epidermis, improves blood circulation,
supports the treatment of acne and seborrheic dermatitis,
stabilizes and improves the permeability of cell membranes. It nourishes the skin, neutralizing the negative effects
of UV radiation. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous actions, and increases the elasticity of connective
tissue. It smoothes and moisturizes the skin. Its deficiency
causes keratosis and premature ageing of the skin as well
as delayed healing of wounds.
RonaFlair LDP - a wrinkles filler, gives the optical effect of
smoothing by filling in fissures and wrinkles, makes the
skin smooth and flexible. Reduces the problem of skin
shining and gives the skin a more natural appearance.
50 ml | Larens Peptidum | 23
Lifting Eye Cream
Intensive regenerating eye cream with a strong anti-wrinkle and moisturizing action, based on the unique
formula of Biopeptide Complex and Nutrivi water. The rich formula supplied with Eyeliss® and Phycosil®
instantly reduces swelling, brightens shadows and makes the skin smooth, firm and radiant with an even
tone. Disperses the effects of fatigue and stress. Due to the cream's high accumulation of natural
peptides, active ingredients and vitamins it comprehensively responds to the needs of the skin: it
nourishes, moisturizes, regenerates and protects against free radicals. Effectively slows down the skin
ageing process.
Biopeptide Complex - a valuable combination of oligopeptides and polypeptides, providing immediate and
long-lasting moisturization in all the layers of the skin as
well as prevents sagging. Peptides are used to carry active
ingredients deep into the skin, resulting in deeply
nourished skin, an elastic and firm body, filling in fissures
and unevenness. They also have energizing properties,
stimulating skin cells to produce collagen and elastin. They
help fight discoloration, effectively brighten and even skin
Eyeliss® - a complex of peptides and sweet orange
extract. Venous and lymphatic circulation is improved
thanks to these components. They prevent the sagging of
tissues and reduce the permeability of capillaries. Eyeliss
reduces swelling and smoothes the eye contour,
brightening and maintaining the elasticity of the skin.
Reduces the effects of fatigue.
Phytodermina Lifting® - a component improving the
surface tension of the skin, giving an immediate lifting
effect. The skin becomes smoother and takes on a natural
Phycosil® 2000 - a red algae extract, highly nourishing,
moisturizing and regenerating the particularly demanding
skin around the eyes. Exhibits soothing effects.
Collagen - a youth guarding component. Provides the skin
with long-term protection against moisture loss, improves
24 | Larens Peptidum | 15 ml
its elasticity and smooths wrinkles. Its systematic use
effectively inhibits the loss of natural collagen contained in
the skin and slows down the ageing process.
Hyaluronic acid - used as a natural film covering,
protecting the stratum corneum against the penetration of
chemicals and bacteria. It is considered to be one of the
most valuable moisturizing ingredients in cosmetics. It
cares for the proper moisturizing of the epidermis and
prevents excessive water loss. Smoothes and cares for the
Vitamin E - called the “Elixir of Youth” by the experts. It is
characterised by a strong antioxidant effect. It protects
the lipid layer of the epidermis, improves blood circulation,
supports the treatment of acne and seborrheic dermatitis,
stabilizes and improves the permeability of cell membranes. It nourishes the skin, neutralizing the negative effects
of UV radiation. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous actions, and increases the elasticity of connective
tissue. It smoothes and moisturizes the skin. Its deficiency
causes keratosis and premature ageing of the skin as well
as delayed healing of wounds.
Avocado oil - a natural sun filter, rich in vitamins A, E, K and
PP as well as chlorophyll and unsaturated fatty acids.
Perfectly moisturizes and lubricates, it is the ideal care
solution for extremely dry, damaged and sensitive skin.
Face Milk
Micellar Lotion
Aqua Spray
Gentle milk for removing make-up as well as face
and eye care, based on a BIOPEPTIDE COMPLEX
and NUTRIVI water formula. Perfectly removes
make-up and impurities, protecting the skin from
moisture loss. Soothes irritation and facilitates
the ability of the cells to regenerate.
Gentle milk for removing make-up, based on a
formula. Triple action: thoroughly cleans and
refreshes your skin, removes make-up as well as
firms the skin. This product is intended for all skin
types, soothes, refreshes and restores the
proper moisture level.
Refreshing and moisturising face mist. A unique
formula based on BIOPEPTIDE COMPLEX and
NUTRIVI water. Aqua Spray naturally restores
skin vitality and elasticity. The product can be
used on make-up.
200 ml
200 ml
100 ml
Larens Peptidum | 25
Hand Cream
SOS Skin Care Lip Balm
Intensive regenerating hand cream with a
complex of natural peptides, designed for the
care of damaged and dry hand skin. A unique
formula based on BIOPEPTIDE COMPLEX and
Nutrivi water. The cream provides the appropriate
level of moisture and protection against external
factors. Repair Hand Cream soothes irritation and
accelerates the regeneration of the epidermis
and fingernails.
intensive regenerating body cream with a
complex of natural peptides, designed for the
care of dry and damaged skin. Formula based on
Nutrivi water provides in-depth and long-lasting
hydration, while ingredients such as collagen,
Ginkgo biloba and aloe come to the rescue and
relive even the most dried and demanding skin,
soothing irritations and also protecting against
the harmful effects of external factors. The
preparation is especially recommended for
Lip care with a complex of natural peptides. A
unique formula based on BIOPEPTIDE COMPLEX
and Nutrivi water. Intensely nourishes the lips,
giving them softness, smoothness and an adequate level of moisturization.
50 ml
200 ml
4,1 g
26 | Larens Peptidum
500 ml
After Shave
Moisturizing and soothing collagen cream gel provides comprehensive protection for a man’s face.
Immediately alleviates the burning and irritation effects of shaving. The product provides intensive skin
moisturization, leaving it smooth and soft. Right after the first application facial features are visibly
smoothed and the skin is toned. Easily absorbs and leaves no oily layer on the skin. The moisturising
cream gel is intended for all men’s skin types. Non-greasy, light and restores skin comfort. Effectively
combats signs of dryness and damage caused by daily shaving. Supports the skin’s natural healing
process in the event of minor cuts and injuries. Intensively moisturizes and regenerates damaged skin.
The cream gel has also strong anti-wrinkle and smoothing properties. Strongly nourishes the skin and
makes it soft and gentle to the touch. Absorbs very quickly, leaving a feeling lightness and freshness.
Clamosensine - a dipeptide that is involved in the release
of pain killing neuro-intermediaries (neurocosmetics) by
which it softens the feeling of uncomfortable sensations
caused by: technical aggressions (sun, wind, cold), manual
aggression (clothing, salt, sand, shaving) and chemical
aggression (soap). There was an interesting research
performed on this component confirming its anti-irritant
Matrixyl 3000 - contains matrikines, i.e. a peptide carrier
of information from degraded extracellular matrix,
stimulating the synthesis of macromolecules, playing a
vital role in the reconstruction of skin tissue. Due to the
endogenous nature, the matrikines are completely safe for
use in cosmetics. The biological activity of matrikine leads
to effective action against skin ageing. The effect is visible
and measurable after two months of use.
Hamamelis virginiana extract (witch-hazel) - contains
toning properties. Witch-hazel extract has anti-inflammatory, refreshing, antibacterial and antihemorrhagic
Allantoin - soothes skin irritations.
Collagen - increases the skin tension, smooths wrinkles
and slows down the ageing process. Protects the skin from
moisture loss.
Hyaluronic acid - guarantees the appropriate level of the
skin’s moisture and firmness.
Vitamin E - effectively slows down the ageing process and
protects against the influence of free radicals. Maintains a
youthful look.
Squalane - natural, from Olea leaves, an oil component
with very good soothing properties.
75 ml | Larens Men | 27
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