Chisago County in Three Wars
Chisago County in Three Wars
Chisago County in Three tUevi8ed. w ars ltliliiary InforDlation on £hisago £ooniy Serri~eDle·n Who Served in THE CIVIL WAR THE SPANISH.AMEHI£AN WORLD WAR I £ompiled hy EARL W. LEAF WAR CHISAGO COUNTY IN THREE WARS Civil \\far Spanish-American '\far World War I Sketches of 497 Civil War Participants Sketches of 40 Spanish-American Participants Information on 725 "'orld \Var I Participants Compiled and Published by Earl \V. Leaf New London, Minnesota 1998 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Front Men Who Died in Three Wars Front Sketches of civil War Participants civil War Participants By Military units Spanish-American Participants World War Listed War I Participants 1 - 76 77 - 87 89 - 96 97 - 112 INTRODuc'rrON The main emphasis in this book is on the young men with Chisago County connections who served in the civil War. I have found 497 of them. Not all of them entered military service from Chisago County. Some fought in units from other states and later mov2d to this county, where they raised their families and were burieQ in county +• ceme\...erles. The main sources of information are ~he following: for participants in the civil War Minnesota in the civil and Indian Wars The Minnes8ta Adlutant General's Rencrts, 1861-13G6 The Veterans' Census Rpport. 1890 Cemetery Tombstones Newspaper reports of draft orders, enlistments, departures retLrning veLerans and Almost all veterans of the Spanish-American War were found in the bock, Minnesota in the SDanish-bmeri can v~c:r and PhiliDgin~ I~surrection. The baok, Chisaao CounLV in the World War, was used to alphabetize all the veterans of ~hat war. Over 1,250 young ffisnparticipated in the three wars covering six decades of the county's early history. about F~r many of the Civil War participants I have not included family information. That information can be found on the pages indicated in two other books written recently: Swedish Pioneers in Chisaao County and Non-Swedish Pioneers of Chisago County. The Honor Roll of men who paid the supreme sacrifice while serving their country can be found on the back of this page. The list may or may not be complete. There could be two or three ci vi I vJar veterans from the county who died but whose connection with the county could not be established. MEN WHO DIED IN CHISAGO CIVIL WAR Allen, Joseph M. Anderson, Andrew Berg, Jonas Burt, George Carlson, Peter Jonas Church, Harrison Clendening, Joseph Colby, Andrew J. Cron, Nils Peter Dahlstrom, Anders Jonason Ellison, August Garlick, Dr. Carmi P. Hamilton, Matthis Hellison, Jeremiah F. Isaksson, Ola Kelsey, John Lammers, George Larson, Abraham Liljegren, Olof Lonquist, John Lovejoy, Leander Lundquist, Andrew Magnus, John Makrill, Edward McKinzie, Duncan McLinn, William Melander, John Mobeck, Peter Ludwig Monson, Magnus Nilsson, Sven Olson, J6ns Pehrson, Erland Peterson Hakan John Peterson, Magnus Peterson, Sven? Ryan, Dennis Samuelson, Johannes Samuelson, Solomon? Schular, Henry Simmons, George W. Smith, John H. Smith, Dr. Lucius B. Stemshorn, Frederick Striker, Enos Swenson, John Tollberg, Edward? SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR Herreid, Edwin N. Sommers, otto J. COUNTY'S FIRST THREE WARS WORLD WAR I Anderson, Ernest w. Belden, Harry 0, Bengtson, Ben E. W. Bengtson, Morton L. Christenson, Arnold F. Clover, George M. Dahlquist, John A. Y. Daly, Fred W. Ekstrom, Axel H. Erlandson, Gustaf F. Gustafson, Carl E. Gustafson, David G. Hawkinson, Carl W. Holmgren, Edmund E. Johnson, Ernest B. Larson, William o. Leaf, C. Henning Linnel, Carl M. Lyon, Bert E. Masson, William C. Mattson, Perry M. Medin, CarlO. Melin, Harry W. Nelson, Adolph M. Palmer, Albin F. Peterson, Albert c. Peterson, Ernest w. Peterson, Gunnard A. Peterson, Severine K. H. Robinson, Ray W. Sederberg, John A. G. Simpson, Arthur F. stromgren, George E. Swenson, Walter R. Wilcox, Ralph o. Williams, Herman A. Civil War Sp.-Am. War World War I Total Deaths 46 2 36 84 A COMPLETE LISTING OF MEN FROM CHISAGO COUNTYIN WORLDWAR I NAME ** TOWN PARENTS Almelund Lindstro m st. Croix Falls Rush City Rush City Rush City Taylors Falls Fish Lake Stacy North Branch North Branch Born in Sweden Rush City Rush City Rush City Fish Lake Otto & SOphia F•W. and Willa Frand & Hilda C.J. & Anna C.J. & Anna Justus Helen C. J.P. s sophia John John E. John E. ? Died in service Abrahamson, Anfred Abrahamson, Howard B. Abrahamson, John G. Abrahamson, Reynold E. Abrahamson, Simon E. Abrahamson, Walter Agrell, Floyd R. Alexis, Robert W. Allquist, Bert R. Alvin, Everett R. Alvin, Oliver W. Anderson, Adolph N. Anderson, Adolph R. Anderson, Albert Anderson, Alex H. Anderson, Arnold C. Anderson, Carl August? Anderson, David W. Anderson, Ellsworth G. Anderson, Elmer T. Anderson, Emmett W. Anderson, Engnar F.? Anderson, Ernest B. Anderson, Ernest W. Anderson, Ernest W. ** Anderson, Floyd L. Anderson, Harold C. Anderson, Harry Anderson, Harvey W. Anderson, Herman Anderson, John Arthur? Anderson, John E. Anderson, Reuben O. Anderson, Tennie Anderson, William R. Andrews, Marvel W. Andrews, Raymond C. Anton, Hamphon C. Aphelin, Lewis C. Artig, Frank V. Asklund, Wallace F. Banta, Herman B. Banta, William D. Bartley, Albert Bartley, Walter J. ? Linwood Rush City Fish Lake Lindstrom Portage, Wis. Lindstrom North Branch Rhinelander, Wis. Lindstrom Lindstrom Fred s Emrna Herman & Augusta ? ? Frank W. & Hulda Ida Mrs. Louise M. August C. & Helen ? Mary P.J. Samuel ? Emil & Mathilda Nels J. Ida John & Betsy ? ? Hja1mer& Amanda John & Ida Oscar & Ellen John & Christina Ellen C. Charlie & Anna ? Mathilda Clara wyoming Wyoming Lindstrom Lindstrom Isaac & Caroline Isaac & Caroline S.L. S.L. Chisago City Taylors Fans Rush City Taylors Falls Harris Rush City Lindstrom Sunrise Chisago City ? stacy Rush City 97 CHISAGO COUNTY MENIN WORLDWARI (continued) . NAME TOWN PARENTS Belden, Harry O. ** Bengtson, Ben E. W. ** Bengtson, Eli F. Bengtson, Enoch N. Bengtson, Morton L. ** Bennett, Paul V. Benson, Cad M. Benson, Ernest H. Benson, Ferdinand F. M. Benson, George L. Benson, Gilbert L.? Benson, Lief W. G. Benson, Walter W. Berg, Axel H. Berg, Frank O. Berg, Hans M. Bergfalk, Eugene C.? Berglund, Cad L. H. Berglund, Jonas A. M. Bergquist, Clarence W. Bergren, Sidney E. Berntson, Malthe L Bjxk, Eddie B. Bj:>rk, Oscar R. Blomgren, Paul Bloom, Arthur J. Bloom, Carl A. Bloom, Ead R. Bloom, George E. Bloom, Gustaf E. Bloom, Wenzel A. Bloomberg, Otto H. Bloomquist, Gust W. Bloomquist, John J. Boeck, Cad John Bogart, George D. Bogart, Lester W. Booton, Vietor E. Booton, Wesley A. Borgen, RasmusNelson? Brandt, Herman L. Broeker, Alfred H. Bruce, Herman L Rush City Sunrise ? Rush City Kost Wolf Creek, Wise Lindstrom Grandy Center City Center City Fred S. & Martha E. Elias "1 Louise Elias Alfons & Ida Jim M. & Anna Frank & Alma F. N.Benson . Fred ? ? ? C. J. & Marie C. J. & Marie ? John T. & Josephine Zacharias ? William & Alice A.D. s Amanda Anton & Augusta Peter s Anna Peter & Anna Knute E. & Lizzie ? Hilda J.A. & Ida ? C.J. & Helen Alfred & Minnie William s Gustava C.A. & Anna C.A. & Anna Cadmus, Ralph F. CampbelL Lloyd C. Carison, Bernhard W. carlson, Carl G. Cadson, Cad J. Sunrise Sunrise Center City Center City ? Center City Born in Sweden ChisagoCity Born CannonFalls, MN Harris North Branch North Branch Sunrise ? North Branch ChisagoCity Rush City Franconia ChisagoCity Fish Lake North Branch North Branch ? North Branch North Branch Shafer Shafer ? ChisagoCity Lindstrom North Branch B.E. & Laura B.E. & Laura L. & Adelia L. & Adelia ? Peter s Cecelia Mrs. Fred C. Charles North Branch Lindstrom North Branch Taylors Falls Fish Lake Alice M. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. N.P. & Mathilda J.E. & Helena Chas. G. & Olivia 98 CHISAGO COUNTY MENIN WORLD WAR I (continued) NAME TOWN PARENTS Carlson, Ernest R. Carlson, Esphen D. Carlson, Fredrick A. Carlson, George E. Carlson, George T. Carlson, Glen W. Carlson, Gottfrid S. Carlson, Harry O. Carlson, Herman W. Carlson, Hjalmer J. Carlson, John A. Carlson, John A. H. Carlson, Leonard O.? Carlson, Nels W. Carlson, Oscar E.? Carlson, Ralph L. Carlson, Robert V. Carlson, William E. Caza, Freddie J. Caza, James J. Cedergren, Oscar Chaleen, Frank J. Chaleen, George W.? Che1lquist, Gustaf H. Christenson, Alvin Christenson, Arnold F. ** Christenson, Nels G. Christenson, Sigfred O. Christenson, Walter G. Clover, George M. ** Clover, GUy J. Colberg, Arthur J. Colberg, Arvid J. Collins, Joseph B. Collins, Matthew L. Collins, Patrick R. Coste, Charles R. Coste, Robert Center City Harris Lindstrom Lindstrom Lindstrom Lindstrom Harris Lindstrom Lindstrom ,Fish Lake Sunrise Rush City Algot & Hilda Anna Mr. & Mrs. Chas. F. Dahlquist, Dean F.? Dahlquist, John A. Y. ** Dahlstrom, Arthur nahlstrorn, Herman J. Daly, Frank O. Daly, Fred W. ** Danger, John F. Deming, Lloyd P. Dittes, Geotge Fredrick? Doberstein, Frank W. Lindstrom Lindstrom Rush City Shafer Rush City Rush City Rush City Nessel North Branch Rush City Rush City Born in Denmark Rush City Braham (born at Nessel) Harris Harris Born Minneapolis Born Minneapolis Rush City Rush City Rush City Rush City Rush City Chisago City Center City Center City Wyoming Wyoming ? Harris Rush City 99 ? Mrs. Charlotte Mr. & Mrs. C. E. Aaron Mrs. Helen August W. & Matl)ilda William & sarah John M. Herman & Emma David & Ellen Mr. & Mrs. Ludwig ? Mr. & Mrs. chas, E. Mr. & Mrs. H. A. Mrs. Helen C. Herman & Josephine Mrs. Emma Daniel & Christine Mr. & Mrs. M. ? Mrs. Ida Adolph Mrs. Martha Hans & Stina Adolph Olof & Jacobine ? ? Charles F. Charles F. Mrs. Frank Mrs. Frank Mrs. Josephine Mr. s Mrs. chas, E. Mr. & Mrs. Chas. E. ? Mr. s Mrs. Cad Peter & Christine Peter & Christine Nels & Parnella Nels & Parnella ? Mrs. Jessie ? Albert & Tina CHISAGO COUNTY MENIN WORLD WAR I (continued) NAME TOWN PARENTS D~ John E. Drews, Alonzo F. Dykman, Howard Oliver Born Calmar, Iowa North Branch H. A. & Mathilda Adolph & Dora ? Eastlund, Edward? Ebert, Paul A. Edelstein, David E. Edman, Arthur W.? Edstrom, Barney W. Ekman, Emil Ekstrom, Axel H. ** Ekstrom, Cad E. Eksktrom, John A. Elfstrand, Edgar W. Elfstrom, Henry W. Engelson, Clarence A. Erhart, Raymond L. Erickson, Conrad E. Erickson, Erick H. Erickson, Fred H. Erickson, Godfrey S. Erickson, J. Alfred Erickson, Joseph W. Erickson, Oscar E. Erickson, Paul A. Erlandson, Gustaf F. ** Fagerstrom, Clifford P. Falk, Byron A. Fallt, Gust. E. Fallt, John G. Farnell, Carl E. Fernlund, Elie! D. Ferren, David H. Ferren, Fred A. Ferren, Robert E. Finnie, IJ.oyd G. Fitch, Frank L. Flink, Cad E. Flodeen, Joseph E.? Folsom, Clarence E. Foley, Steve Franklin, Ferdinand E. Frans, Bert A. Fredeen, Daniel G. Fredeen, Everett L. Fredell, Cleary C. J. FredricKson, Cad W. Freed, Carl E. Born Iroquois, SD North Branch North Branch Kerkhoven, MN Chisago City Chisago City Chisago City Lindstrom Chisago City Center City Born at Hinckley Rush City Stanchfield Lindstrom Rush City Rush City Rush City Lindstrom Rush City North Branch North Branch Taylors Falls North Branch North Branch Center City Lindstrom Shafer Shafer Shafer Rush City ? North Branch sunrise Born in Hungary Harris Fish Lake Taylors Falls Taylors Falls Center City Born in st. Paul Shafer 100 Peter & Emma John L. & Elizabeth S. E. & Ethel. Mrs. John Moberg Mrs. Mathilda Mr. & Mrs. L. P. Mr. & Mrs. John John & Sofie John & Sofie Wilhelm & Elin August. William Swen & Anna James & Louise Israel & Ida Louis & Sigrid John Mrs. Ida J. ? E. G. John Israel & Ida Gertrude Maria O. W. & Minnie Andrew & Elizabeth Andrew & Anna Andrew & Anna Frank & Emma Gustaf s Carrie Fred A. & Mary Fred A. & nary Fred A. & Mary John ? Mrs. Sophia ? Mrs. ? & Mrs. W. A. Oscar & Louise Mr. & Mrs. Erick Louis P. & Abigail Frank s Louise John & Hilda John ? CHLSAGOCOUNTY MENIN WORLD WARI (continued) NAME TOWN PARENTS Freedlund, John O. A. Friedstrom, William Grandy Chas. P. ? Gabrielson, Walter E. C. Gerdes, Paul E. Gilbertson, Raymond G. Taylors Falls Harris Born Brooten, MN ? John H. & Dora Mrs. Carrie Gorham, Frank, Jr. Gustafson, Andrew F.? Gustafson, Axel. E. custafson, Carl E. ** Gustafson, Carl W. Gustafson, David G. ** Gu..etafson,Harry A. Gustafson, Jacob Gustafson, John A. Gustafson, John H. Gustafson, Oscar M.? Rush City Goldstrand, Gustaf? Hagstrom, Edward O. Hagstrom, James M. Hakes, Lloyd A. Hallberg, Ernest M. L. Hallstrom, Carroll O. Hamrnarberg, Abner Hansen, Roy H. Hanson, Willis C. A. Hasselquist, Harry HaWkinson, Carl W. ** Hawkinson, Clarence E. Hawkinson, Ferdinand HaWkinson,Fred M.? Hawkinson, Wilhelm O. Heath, Errold E. Heath, Paul C. Heim, Frank L. Henrikson, Carl H. Henrikson, Paul F. Herberg, Arthur A. W. Herberg, Elmer C. Herberg, Oscar A. Herberg, Sanford Herman, Sam E. Hesse, Albert R. Hetherington, Frank? Holm, Fredrick W. Holmes, Larry L. Holmgren, Edmund E. ** Holmgren, Everett A. 'Lindstrom Chisago City Chisago City Rush City Center City Center City North Branch Chisago City Chisago City Chisago City North Branch Lindstrom Braham Shafer ? Shafer Center City Chisago City Center City Chisago City Harris Center City Center City wyoming Lindstrom LiIditrom Shafer Shafer Taylors FaIls Shafer ? Born Lesueur, MN Fish Lake wyoming Chisago City Chisago City 101 s Mathilda ? Frank & Constance ? Mr. s Mrs. N. B. Mrs. Stina C. P.J. s Jennie Peter & Augusta Mrs. Stina C. Mrs. Stina C. C.G. & Eella P.J. & Jennie ? Gust Gust ? Mrs. Alma Walley Merman & Ida Gust & Maggie Mr. & Mrs. Peter Henning s Stina P.J. s Christina Bengt s Caroline Charles & Hilda Bengt & Caroline Mr. & Mrs. P. M. ? Grant & Bertha Grant & Bertha AdamJ. C.H. & Emma C.H. & Emma August & Mathilda Mrs. Ingrid Andrew & Ida Mrs. Ingrid ? ? ? Mrs. George Lester John W. & Emrna R. John W. & EmmaR. CHISAGO COUNTY MENIN WORLDWARI (continued) NAME TOWN PARENTS Holt, George H. Holt, Henry H. Hultgren, Fred E. Hultman, Gustaf A. Hummel.,Floyd F. Lindstrom North Branch Harris Lindstrom Rush City John & Amelia Mrs. Julia August Peter & Mathilda Mrs. E. M. Ingberg, Axel A. Ingberg, Myron M. Isaacson, Johan A. Sunrise Sunrise North Branch Amatius & Sofia Amatius & SOfia Isaac & Anna Jackson, Elon A. Jackson, Emory R. Jacoway, William N. Jarvis, Charles E. Jarvis, William J. Jesperson, Harris O. Johnson, Albert B. Johnson, Albert F. Johnson, Albin W. Johnson, Arthur F. Johnson, Arthur G. Johnson, Arthur M. Johnson, Arthur R.? Johnson, Arthur R.? Johnson, Carl A. E. Johnson, Carl E. Johnson, Carl E. Johnson, Carl O. E. Johnson, Cad R. Johnson, Collis G. Johnson, David E. Johnson, Earl A. P. S. Johnson, Emery Johnson, Ernest B. ** Johnson, Ernest R. Johnson, Ernest R. Johnson, Francis V. Johnson, Gustaf F. Johnson, Harry F. Johnson, Herbert R. Johnson, Herman W. Johnson, Hjalmar Johnson, Homer W. Johnson, Hugo M. Johnson, Jean W. Johnson, John Johnson, John A. Johnson, John M. Johnson, Joseph A. Shafer Born Langford, SD Rush City Born st:. Paul.,HN Born St. paul., HN Lindstrom Rush City Center City Shafer Stacy Taylors Falls Rush City J.A. & Almina John A. & Rose J.C. & Emma William & Rose William & Rose Mr. s Mrs. P. W. Gust Frank G. & Gustava Andrew & Tilda S.G. & Mathilda Frank G. & HannahC. Mr. & Mrs. J. P. John E. & Mary ? Salomon & Elizabeth Mr. & Mrs. C. G. John & Annie Peterson Oscar & Ella Lindstrom Center City Born in Sweden Franconia Born in Sweden Taylors Falls Chisago City Taylors Falls Rush City Lindstrom Rush City Center City Center City Born in Sweden Sunrise Chisago City Harris Shafer Center City Grandy Born in Sweden Shafer Lindstrom Born in Sweden Center City 102 ? Mrs. Li2zi.e Carl G. & Anna Oscar A. & Eda C. Gust Mr. & Mrs. Carl J. Gust Algot s Hulrlah John A. & Ella V. Anders & Bengta Mrs. Mary Johnson August & Hilda Albert & Hilda Frank J. Frank G. & Gustava Rev. J.A. & EmmaC. Mrs. Mathilda Frank J. Mrs. Annie L. Oscar & Anna Anderson C.J. & Mary CHISAGO COUNTY MENIN WORLDWAR I (continued) NAME TOWN PARENTS Johnson, Uewellyn E. Johnson, Oscar R. Johnson, Otto W. Johnson, Philip A. Johnson, RaymondJ. D. Johnson, Reuben F. Johnson, Robert E. Johnson, Roy A. Johnson, Theodore Johnson, Theodore A. Johnson, Theodore L. Johnson, Victor Johnson, Vietor T. Johnson, Waldo R. Johnson, William F. Johnston, Telferd L. Jonson, Ernest W. Jonson, Leonard Junker, Henry Center City Center City ? Harris Center City Born Stillwater Chisago City Rush City Lindstrom Rush City Center City Born in Sweden Born St. Paul Rush City Rush City Center City Center City Center City Lindstrom John A. & Ella V. Mr. & Mrs. C. J. ? C.J. & Emma John A. & Ella V. Mr. & Mrs. John A Carl G. & Anna O.H. & Annette Elias & Mary Peter E. s Sophia W. C. J. John A. & Hulda Mr. & Mrs. Emanuel Mrs. Eugenia A. Mr. s Mrs. J. P. John & Helen Mr. & Mrs. C. J. Mr. s Mrs. C. J. William & Rose Kask, Herbert F. Kask, Leonard J. Kask, Oscar E. Keane, Joseph M. Keiser, Louis D. Kipperberg, Peter M. Kline, Frank W. Kluker, Arnold O. Knaff, Henry J. Kofod, Einar W. Kest, Ead D. Krans, Ragner A. Krause, Cad W. Kroonblawd, Evald L. Kroonblawd, LUdwig W. Kuckler, Ernest M.? Shafer Shafer Shafer St. Paul Rush City Born in Norway Lindstrom Born Wood Lake, MN Born st. Pau! Born in Denmark ? Harris Mankato Lindstrom Lindstrom John P. J. P. John P. Mrs. Hannah Samuel & Agnes ? John E. & Ida C. ? Henry & Regina Christian & Catherine ? Mr. & Mrs. P. J. Martin Charles & Anna Charles & Anna Conrad Lamson, Roy S. Lander, Olof S. Langerman, Fred Langerman, Henry W. Lantz, Milton J. Lantz, Paul O. Larson, Alex A. Larson, Arthur W.? Larson, Arvid Larson, Ejner A. Larson, Ephriam C. Larson, Ernest H. Born St. Paul Born in Sweden Rush City Rush City Lindstrom Lindstrom Rush City N.H. and L M. Olof & Albina Rudolph Henry & Margaret Mr. & Mrs. Gust Mr. & r1rs. Gust Andrew & Augusta ? Mrs. Martha E. August & Annie August & Annie Lars & Anna Maria Harris Rush City Rush City AImelund 103 CHISAGO COUNTY MENIN WORLD WAR I (continued) NAME TOWN PARENTS Larson, Lewis W. Larson, Martin L. Larson, Oscar R. Larson, Victor E.? Larson, Wallace W. Larson, William O. ** Leaf, Arvid E. Leaf, C. Henning ** Leaf, Helmer C. Lenski., Joseph Andrew? Lent, Arnold W. Lent, Walter L. Lifgren, Rodney W. M. Lind, Algert W. Lind, Carl H. Lind, Hugo Lindall, Cad O. Lindbloom, Carl W. Lindbloom, Ernest C. W. Lindgren, Simon A. Lindholm, Theodore F. Lindmark, Oscar Lindo, Charles E.? Lindquist, Carl E. Lindquist, Cad H. Lindquist, John A. Lindquist, John O.? Lindstrom, Clarence Lindstrom, Clarence A.? Lindstrom, Gunnard E. Lindstrom, Reynold D. Linn, William E. Linnel, Carl M. Linner, John H. Lofdahl, Ralph W. Lofgren, Esais Lofgren, George W. E. Lofgren, Martin A. Long, Reuel J. Lovejoy, Wayne H.? Lund, Ole K. Lundberg, Richard T. Lundeen, Arthur R. Lundeen, John A. Lundeen, Victor E. Lunderberg, Albin Lundgren, Olof R. Lundgren, Oscar A. Lundgren, Swen Lundin, Hjalmar ? Center City Rush City ? Peter &. Hannah P.A. ? Lindstrom Alfred &. Jennie Harris Andrew &. Minnie Chisago City Otto &. Emma Chisago City Otto &. Emma ? ? ? Stacy Mrs. Dora Stacy Mrs. Carrie Ballweber Franconia Charles &. Amanda ? ? Pine City nr, , Mrs. Alfred Rush City Swen &. Charlotte Franconia Gust W. & Ida North Branch SVen & Kristina Kost ? Lindstrom Gustaf &. Augusta Harris ? Taylors Falls John & Emma ? Chisago City Charlie & Jennie Moose Lake (born Sweden) AUgust Taylors Falls Frank & Johanna ? Fish Lake Mr. &. Mrs. Peter Charles L & Elizabeth Born in Sweden ? Lindstrom Mr. & Mrs. O. F. Chisago City Frank & Helen Franconia G.W. & Caralina North Branch Mrs. Marie Center City William & Annie Chisago City Leonard & Harris Charles A. & Augusta Chisago City Mr. & Mrs. August Taylors Falls Mr. &. Mrs. Jesse R. L.P. &. Anna Born in Norway Mindolf Steelrud Taylors Falls Mr. & Mrs. H. Harris C. J. & Anna Harris C. J. & Anna Harris Magnus s Christine Born Winthrop, MN Alfred Rush City Oscar & Minnie Taylors Falls John & Emma Rush City Swen & Minnie Lindstrom G. A. Lundin 104 CHISAG0 COUNTY MENIN WORLD WARI (continued) NAME TOWN PARENTS . Lundquist, Aaron W. Lundquist, Axel T. Lyon, Bert E. ** Born Sterling, WI Shafer Born Payton, IA Joseph & Ellen John P. & L. E. WilsonJ. s Mathilda MacLean, Harold H. Magney, Axel. G. Magnuson,John o. Maguire, Thomas S. Malrn,James Martin, Ernest L. Martin, Swen A. Martindale, .ress L1ewalyn Martinson, Axel E.? Martinson, Arthur W. Martinson, Harry W.? Martinson, Herbert T. Masson,William C. ** Mathisen, Raymond Walter Mattson, Alexander H. Mattson, Carl Mattson, Harry A. Mattson, Perry M. ** McClintick, Harry J. McGee, Richard A.? McGuire, Marcus McKeon, Merle McNeely, Earl F. Medin, CarlO. ** Medin, Lief S. Melander, Reuben L. Melin, Harry W. ** Melin, John N. Melin, Carl R. M~ Francis O. Menard, Ambrose A. Miller, Cad A. Mobeck, Morris W. Moberg, Carl E. L. Moe, John M. Mobeck, Reyland L. Moen, Alfred T. Holine, Eddie L. Monson, Oscar Morin, Herbert C.? Morris, Harry F. Mortenson, Julius A. Houlton, Clarence L Born St. Paul Born in Sweden Born Winthrop, MN Born St. Paul Harris 'Rush City Born St. James, MN Lindstrom "1 Mrs. Anna Mrs. Ernrna C. Mr. s Mrs. Bernard Charles s Sophie Henry s Elizabeth "1 ? Andrew & Anna Shafer Peter ? Shafer Peter Minneapolis Chades & Mary Marine Mills Mrs. Jennie Born Two Harbors, MN ? ? ? Taylors Falls Alvin & Mathilda ChisagoCity Mrs. Martha Born Easton, C. E. McClintick Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Rush City Mr. & Mrs. D. McGuire Rush City Henry & Delia Born Minneapolis William Lindstrom Pete & Mathilda Lindstrom Pete & Mathilda Shafer Mrs. Johanna Lindstrom Mrs. L. c. Harris Mrs. Alfred Chisago City Mrs. L. C. ? ? Rush City Fred & Malina Born Sturgeon Lake, MN ? North Branch Frank O. Taylors Falls C. P. Moberg Wyoming Mr. & Mrs. O. J. Taylors Falls Frank Oscar Stacy Mr. & Mrs. S. Moen Rush City Erick & Lizzie Fish Lake Mrs. Elsa n. Born Sioux City, IA Born Clarissa, MN Born Oronoco, MN 105 ? George & Sophie J. W. Mr. s Mrs. F. L. CHISAGO COUNTY MENIN WORLD WARI (continued) NAME TOWN PARENTS Neander, Eddie R. Nelson, Adolph M. ** Nelson, Albert L. Nelson, Albert L. Nelson, Bert C. Nelson, Cad A. Nelson, Charles Nelson, Dan R. Nelson, George R. Nelson, Elliot A. Nelson, Emanuel C. Nelson, Ernest Nelson, Frank A. Nelson, Hedean H. Nelson, Henry A. Nelson, Jesse Nelson, John M. Nelson, Joseph E. Nelson, Louis A. Nelson, Nils Nelson, Oscar S. Nelson, Paul E. C. Nelson, Paul G. Nelson, Reinhold V. E. Nelson, Reuben A. Nelson, Reuben E. Nelson, RayS. Newlander, Cad A. Newstrom, Elmer A. Nicklason, Oscar A. Nicolaus, Earl W. Nicolaus, Frank O. Nicolaus, Otto F. Nordin, George W. Norris, Albert W. Nyline, Arvid W. Nyquist, Aaron G. Nyquist, Edwin H. Harris Center City Center City Shafer Shafer Harris Rush City Shafer Taylors FaDs ? North Branch Fish Lake Harris Rush City Kost Kost Harris Center City Lindstrom Stanchfield Lindstrom Lindstrom Harris Born in Sweden Lindstrom Rush City Kost Lindstrom North Branch Born in Sweden Rush City Rush City Rush City Lindstrom Rush City Rush City Sunrise Sunrise Mrs. Jennie Reed C. J. & Mathilda Peter Nelson Mrs. Olivia August & Anna Frank Nelson John M. s Mary Mrs. Mary Nelson John A. & Annie "1 L.C. & Botilda "1 Frank Nelson Aaron F. & Ida R. P.K. & Hattie P.K. & Hattie N.O. & stanza C.J. & Mathilda ? Mr. & Mrs. Olof Allied & Ida C.G. & Christine Mr. & Mrs. N. O. ? Alfred & Ida Cad G. & Christine P.K. & Hattie Mr. & Mrs. E. G. John & Amelia Frank & Josephine Fred A. & Emma Fred A. s Emma Fred A. & Emma Charles A. & Ida Mr. & Mrs. Charles Axel. F. & Anna L. Lars Lars Oberg, Edward W. Oberg, William S. Odin, Oscar W. Ogren, Arthur E. Ogren, Arvid A. Ogren, Charles R. Ogren, Leslie A. Okerson, Carl Olson, Arvid O. Olson, Barthold T. North Branch Center City Bern in Sweden Rush City Shafer Harris Rush City Harris Grandy Stacy 106 C. E. Oberg Mrs. Emma P.A. & Christine C. P. & Louisa Frank s Hilda Charles & Amelia Mrs. Sophie Victor & Hilda 010f & Anna Axel. T. & Wallie CHISAGO COUNTY MENIN WORLD WAR I (continued) NAME TOWN PARENTS Olson, Bennie V. Olson, Cad A. Olson, Carl J. Olson, Ernest R. Olson, Fred Olson, Forte S. Olson, George C. Olson, Harry H. Olson, John A. Olson, Leslie A. Olson, Melvin Olson, Otto F. Olson, Dan C. O'Rourke, George E.? O'Rourke, Louis H.? Osterbauer, Matt A. Otis, Angus L. Overman, Herbert C. Overman, Walter H. Rush City North Branch Born in st. Paul John & Emma Mrs. August stone Otto Sa Ellen Born in Sweden Stark North Branch William Louis Sa Alice Paul & Sigrid Charles F. Sa Anna C. Grandy Rush City S.A. Olson Mrs. Sophie Shafer Born Homer, 1A Peter Sa Caroline Mr. and Mrs. C. L ? ? Joseph & Anna Palmer, Albin F. ** Palmer, Conrad Palmer, Karl Arthur Palmer, Reuben N. Palmquist, Alfred J. Palmquist, Carl A. Palmg;uist, Carl H. Palmquist, Frank A. Parkander, Joseph A. Parker, Glenn E. Paul, Bernard R. Paulson, George A. Paulson, John E. Pearson, Arthur G. W. Pearson, Hja1mer S. Pearson, John E. Pehrson,' Cad V. H. Pehrson, Melver E. Person, Elmer Peterson, Albert C. * * Peterson, Albert F. Peterson, Arthur H. Peterson, August T. Peterson, Carl A. Peterson, Carl O. Peterson, Carl O. Peterson, Cad W. Peterson, Chester R. Peterson, Chester R. ? ? ? Forest Lake Lindstrom Rush City Rush City Chisago City ? Chisago City Chisago City Born in Sweden Franconia Shafer Amador Born in Sweden Rush City Wyoming Center City Born Davenport, 1A Born Winthrop, MN Born in Sweden Nessel Lindstrom Born Winthrop, MN Nessel Stacy Fish Lake Chisago City Chisago City Harris Lindstrom Chisago City North Branch Born at Litchfield Chisago City 107 ? ? ? ? Henry Carl Henry Carl C.A. Sa Emrna J. ? Charles A. & Emma J. Charles A. & Emma J. Mrs. Mathilda Albert & Emrna John August & Hannah August & Anna F.A. & Helen Edwin & Carrie Mrs. R. W. Briggs Mrs. Elina Mrs. Paul Paulson ? ? August & Julianna Mr. & Mrs. Loth ? August & Julianna Louis C. & sorine Mrs. Eva Charles A. & Emma Mrs. Emma C.R. & Hannah Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mr. & Mrs. Anton Andrew & Mary ? Charles J. & Minnie CHISAGO COUNTY MENIN WORLDWAR I (continued) NAME TOWN PARENTS Peterson, Elmer Peterson, Emerine G. Peterson, Emil F. Peterson, Ernest C. Peterson, Ernest W. ** Peterson, Eugene F. Peterson, Frank Peterson, Frank C. Peterson, George O.? Peterson, Gunnard A. ** Peterson, Henry Peterson, Henry J. Peterson, Herman R. Peterson, John E. Peterson, John M. Peterson, Leonard K. Peterson, Milton J. Peterson, Oscar H. Peterson, Raymond? Peterson, Reuben S. Peterson, Severine K. H. ** Peterson, Victor P. Peterson, Walter Peterson, v1 alter N. Peterson, Willia rn C. Phelps, Everett Dyer? Pierson, Ernest J. Piette, LeRoy O. Pilgrim, Fritz T. Poechmann, Lawrence A. Porter, Andrew R. Porter, Joseph A. Porter, \'1ilbur C. Priebe, Albert H. Priebe, Edward E. Prosa, Fred Charley? Stacy Lindstrom Chisago City Stacy Chisago City Rush City Amadoc Stacy ? Gust & Mathilda Albert s Anna Dod Louis & Larine Charles A. & Emily C. Mrs. E. C. August & Hilda Mr. & Mrs. L. C. ? Alfred & AUgusta Elof & Christine Mrs. Anna Swan & Amanda J. August Mr. & Mrs. F. A. Julius & Emrna John A. & Augusta ? ? John G. John E. & JohannaS. Jonas Force, Stanchfield Charles Nels & Louise Mrs. Emma ? Charles O. J. Piette Rev. & Mrs. P. A. Mattias & Dorothy Frank & Anna F. A. s Carolina Frank A. & Anna Louis & Eme1ia Louis & Eme1ia ? Ramberg, Carl V. Ramberg, John A. Reed, Cad E. Reick, Oscar A. Reinhold, Enock Reinhold, John H. Ringstrom, Arvid Rinqscrom, Hugo Robinson, Elmer L. Robinson, George F. Robinson, Laurence R. Robinson, Ray W. ** Robinson, William L. Stacy Stacy Lindstrom North Branch Forest Lake Lindstrom Chisago City Stacy Lindstrom Center city Center City Rush City North Branch Born Minneapolis Born at Spring, WI Rush City Hugo Harris Rush City Center City Center City Center City Stacy Stacy Harris Harris Taylors Falls Stacy North Branch North Branch Center City Amador Rush City Sunrise Sunrise Rush City Stacy 108 C.A. & Annie C.A. s Annie Andrew & Johanna Gustaf Charles & Eva Charles & Eva Herman & Anna Herman & Anna C.M. & Minnie ? George John s Emma Mrs. Katie E. CHISAGO COUNTY MENIN WORLD WAR I (continued) NAME TOWN PARENTS Roche}, Henry J. Rogers, George B. Rohlf, Adolph F. Rohlf, Ernest F. Rohlf, Fritz H. Rohlf, Henry H., Jr. Ralig, George P. Roos, Frank Rosell, Andreas E. Rosell, Joseph A. Rowe, Blaine M. Rowe, Francis W. Rud, Clarence J. Rumple, Fred Ryberg, Clarence L. Ryberg, Victor A. Ryden, Edward L? Born in St. Paul Born Florence, Mont. Ne$el Rush City Ne$el Rush City Center City Harris Rush City .Rush City Rush City Rush City St. Croix Falls, WI Nessel Stanchfield Almelund ? ? sampson, Harry W. samuelson, Cad E. sandahl, Axel W. sandberg, Justus A. sandberg, Walter A. sandquist, Arthur G. sandquist, Eddie W. sausen, Earl C. savage, David L. Saxe, John C. Schmidt, John Schultz, Louis W. Scott, Edwin Sederberg, Gilbert E. Sederberg, Herbert B. R. Sederberg, John A. G. ** Sedlund, Hjalmar A. Sellman, Anfrid sellman, Bernard J. Sellman, Carl C. sellman, Hjalmer D. Shaleen, Edwin A. Sherman, Harry Lent Shock, John M. Shogren, Herman T. Shoquist, Ernest. W. snorrocks, Rollin A. silane, Elmer Simpson, Arthur F. ** Sinnot, Frank W. Sinnot, James H. Smiley, John M. Herman s Alvina Henry & Rosie Herman s Alvina Henry s Rosie? ? J. A. Roes Karl Karl Mrs. sarah Mariah Mrs. Sadie John C. & Carrie Mrs. Amelia Andrew & Laura Mr. & Mrs. N. A.' ? North Branch North Branch White Bear Lake Taylors Falls Shafer Lindstrom Grandy Center City Stacy Forest Lake Mr. & Mrs. Gust August s Mary Mrs. Jennie C.V. & Ida Otto Mrs. Sara John & Ellen P. G. Moses Ben & Magdalene Rush City Born Clarion, IA North Branch North Branch North Branch Center City Taylors Falls Taylors Falls Taylors Falls Center City Lindstrom Stacy Legonier, Ind. Harris Chisago City Linwood August & Ida Mrs. T. Kie-ier, Morris, IL John s Emma Peter A. & Hilda Peter A. & Hilda O.L. & Elmira C.V. & Annette C.V. & Annette C.V. & Annette Elof & sevia Mrs. Mathilda A.W. & Eva L. Mrs. Chades Mrs. Jenny Born Minneapolis Franconia Franconia Rush City Jacob & sarah James & Katherine James & Katherine Walter E. ? ? 109 ? ? Henry ? CHISAGO COUNTY MENIN WORLD WAR I (continued) NAME TOWN PARENTS Smith, Arthur W. Smith, James A. W. Sommer, Henry J. Stark, Arvid M. Stark, Raymond K. Starr, William H. Stedt, Elmer D. Steffend, Blair L. Stenberg, Arthur R. Stone, Royal E. J. Storm, August E. Stowe, Edwin L. Stowe, Lewis R. Strand, Laurence O. Streasick, Joseph Stromgren, Everett A. R. Stromgren, George E. ** Stromgren, Ralph E. D. Stromberg, James O. H. Stromberg, Walfred J. Stromquist, Axel W. Stromquist, Harry C. succo, Julius E. Sundin, Per E. Swanlund, Arthur E. Swanson, Albert D. Swanson, Arnie B. C. Swanson, Arvid N. Swanson, Deliner E. Swanson, George H. L Swanson, Gottfred E. Swanson, Harry A. Swanson,James K. L. Swanson, Leonard E. Swanson, Oscar Swanson, Robert E. Swenson, Frank A. Swenson,Henry J. Swenson,Herman L. Swenson,Hjalmer A. Swenson, Leonard B. Swenson,Philip Mannie Swenson,Silas E. Swenson,Walter R. ** Sybrant, Fredrick U. Sybrant, George L. Sybrant, James W. Szymonski.,Lodge Lindstrom Lindstrom Rush City Shafer Center City Born Marshall, MN Taylots Falls Born in Sweden Center City Forest Lake Chisago City Rush City Rush City Lesueur, MN ? Center City Center City Center City Lindstrom Lindstrom Born in Sweden Franconia Franconia Center City Franconia Lindstrom Lindstrom Harris Lindstrom Lindstrom Lindstrom Shafer Lindstrom Shafer Lindstrom Lindstrom Otisco Stacy North Branch Harris Lindstrom Born Minneapolis Center City Stacy Harris Harris Harris North Branch P. J. , Anna Mr. , Mrs. Nels J. A. SOmmer ? E. w. Stark Mrs. Ida C. AUgust & Lizzie 110 ? ? Mrs. Mary Dahlberg C. A. & Hilma Dr. A. J. Dr. A. J. Mrs. Louise Pehrson ? Charles & Mathilda Edward & Jennie C. F. s Mathilda Oscar & Nannie Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Pete & Emma Frank & Emma Albert & Martha C. G. , Anna O. C. & Anna Frank B. & Matilda Hr. & Mrs. J. John Swanson Mr. & Mrs. J. Mr. & Mrs. J. August & Caroline Swan & Caroline Mr. & Mrs. August Swan s Caroline Mr. & Mrs. LUdwig August & Caroline Mr. & Mrs. August John A. & Jennie Elo Swenson Mrs. Ida Mr. & Mrs. August Mrs. Annie J. Videen Henry E. John A. & Jennie George W. & Florence sam & Alice sam , Alice Frank & Mary CHISAGO COUNTY MEN IN WORLD WAR I (continued) NAME TOWN PARENTS Tangen, Warren A. Teeman, John A. Thomquist, Arthur W. Thornquist, John A. Tillman, Cad E. Tillman, David Tallberg, John S. Torador, Max Truesdell., Owen P. Tunberg, Joseph R. Turner, Henry S. Tuttle, Clarence W. Taylors Falls Harris Wyoming wyoming M.A. & Lena Mrs. Anna ? Mr. & Mrs. otto Henry Henry E.P. s Elsa Mrs. Marian Mrs. Carrie Oscar & Jennie Mrs. Hanna M. W. & Alice Vaughn, Clarence C. Vaugnc, victor VIDe, Cad J. Vietor, Albin F. Vietor, Arvid T. Victor, Hugo B. Victor, Karl Oscar Vitalis, Adolph H. Vitalis, Alford N. Vitalis, Axel Vitalis, Cad Vitalis, C hades W.? Vitalis, Earl L. Vitalis, Edwin A. Wagner, James G.? Wahlstrand, Harry L. vlahlstrom, Elmer A. Waller, Reginald M. Warndahl, Cad A. warner, Uno H. Weske, Joseph P. Weslander, Hjalmar V. Wes1ander, John A. West, Edgar B. Wester, Cad O. Westlin, Ed win Westling, Paul. R.? Westlund, Adrain P. Westlund, Ernest O. M. Wiberg, Arthur W. Wiberg, Fredrick H. Wicksten, Emil Widell, Fred J. Wiksten, Gustaf H. Wilcox, Ralph O. ** Grandy Grandy North Branch Chisago City Center, Neb. Born in Sweden Shafer Lindstrom Born FinlaySOn, MN Born Somerset, KY Born in Denmark Lindstrom Lindstrom Lindstrom Lindstrom Franconia Shafer Born in Sweden Born in Sweden Franconia Shafer Born in Willmar Taylors Falls Stacy Shafer Born in Minneapolis Rush City Shafer Shafer Center City Born Rock Creek, MN ? Center City Harris Born in Sweden Hanis III Mr. " Mrs. Rasmus Mr. & Mrs. C. A. Charles Alfred, Johanna C.A. & Johanna Charles A. & Johanna Elof & Alice Mrs. Emma Otto, Johanna Anderson Otto, Johanna Anderson Mrs. Emma Elof & Alice Johannes & Emrna ? J. A. Wahlstrand Mrs. Mathilda Mr. & Mrs. E. C. Cad s Helen Hr. & Mrs. Charles Mrs. Joseph Mrs. Ida Mrs. Ida Charles s Carrie Mrs. Mary Ahlstrom Peter & sadie ? Mrs. Christina Center City Born St. Paul Born sandstone, ? J0hI! & Mathilda Mr. " Mrs. B. G. ? MN C. J. & Frances Mr. & Mrs. C. J. Wiberg ? Charles s Mary Erick & Emma Bert O. & Ellen C. CHISAGO COUNTY HEN IN WORLD WAR I (continued) NAME Wilde, Arthur A. Will, Henry A. Willberg, Charles J. Williams, Clarence S. Williams, Herman A. ** Wright, John Young, Archie G. Young, samuel D. Youngquist, Edward B. Youngquist, John H. B. Zeien, Maurice P. TOWN PARENTS Chisago City Mrs. J. Blander Frank' Emma Harris Taylors Palls Hartin Born MiDaDeapolis Taylors PaDs LindstroII ? North Br:anch Born Delaware, IA North Branch North Braoch ? William H. & Jennie Comelius , Louisa Andrew && Louise North Branch Thomas 112 Charles & Lydia Frank E. , Nora E. & Mary
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