Athletic Handbook - GC


Athletic Handbook - GC
Commodore Student Athlete Handbook
Athle c Staff & Campus Map
Commodore History
GC Sports Medicine Team
Athlete Injury Protocol
Registra on
Scholarship & Housing Informa on
Athlete Eligibility
NJCAA-NCAA Informa on
Code of Conduct
Social Networking & Parking
Drug Educa on/Tes ng
Lightening Policy
Student Right to Know
Appendix A
NCAA Transfer 101
Athle c Office Phone: 850/872-3831 Fax: 850/873-3530
Gregg Wolfe, Athle c Director
[email protected]
office 872-3830
cell 832-3704
Debra Gipson , Exec. Admin. Assistant
[email protected]
office 872-3831
cell 276-5867
Stefanie Kindt, Athle c Trainer
[email protected]
office 769-1551 ext.3369
cell 850/276-7590
Carl Kleinschmidt, Aqua cs
[email protected]
Kyle Peck, Coach
[email protected]
office 769-1551 ext.3362
Women’s Basketball
Roonie Scovel, Coach
[email protected]
Aus n Mefford, Asst. Coach
ameff[email protected]
Men’s Basketball
Jay Powell, Coach
[email protected]
Brendan Walker, Asst. Coach
[email protected]
Sco Jackson, Asst. Coach
[email protected]
So ball
Beth Wade, Coach
[email protected]
Kendra McDaniel
[email protected]
769-1551 x5029
Mike Kandler, Coach
[email protected]
Jerico Weitzel Asst. Coach
[email protected]
Commodore History
Commodore Alma Mater
Near the shores of clear blue water,
Touched by silver sands,
Cooled by so Gulf breezes,
Our Alma Mater stands.
Hail to thee, our Alma Mater,
Proudly standing strong and bold,
Hail to thee, our Alma Mater,
Hail to thee, blue, white gold.
What Is a Commodore?
Commodore is a naval rank used in many Navy’s that is superior to a navy captain, but below a rear admiral. Tradi onally, “commodore” is the tle for any officer assigned to command more than one ship at a me.
In November of 1960, Jim Whitaker suggested the name Commodores because the College began in the Wainwright Shipyard, its proximity to the naval base and the high ranking of that par cular naval tle.
First Winning Record
Gulf Coast State College began its inter-collegiate program March 11, 1959. Following that same day was the
first Commodore victory, lead by the Golf team. On December 1, 1960 the Commodore Basketball team played
in their first conference game against Chipola. In 1963-64, Commodore Basketball team beat Chipola and Pensacola for the first me., The Commodore baseball team of 1961-62 started their winning record, bea ng
Apalachee Correc onal Ins tute 16-0.
Gulf Coast Regional Medical Center
Gulf Coast Regional Medical Center (GCRMC), is a 218-bed acute care hospital located at 449 West 23rd Street in Panama City, Florida. The hospital has served pa ents in Bay and surrounding coun es since 1977. There are more than 1,000 employees at
GCRMC, which contributes more than $78 million annually to the local economy. Its medical staff includes more than 400 physicians who represent more than 40 special es. The hospital was named a Top 100 Hospital by Truven Health Analy cs and was
awarded an "A" ra ng by The Leapfrog Group for three consecu ve years. The hospital is also an affiliate of the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Cancer Care Network and earned the Advanced Accredita on for Oncology Care (ACOS). For the third
consecu ve year, Gulf Coast Regional Medical Center earned the Top Performer on Key Quality Measures from the Joint Commission. As part of its regional strategy, Gulf Coast Regional Medical Center has formed clinical affilia on partnerships with Northwest
Florida Community Hospital (Chipley, FL), Doctors Memorial Hospital (Bonifay, FL) and Jackson Hospital (Marianna, FL). Through the
affilia ons, the hospital has created a network to extend services into the surrounding rural communi es it serves. Through the
efforts of a dedicated team, Gulf Coast Regional Medical Center is the healthcare provider of choice for the region. This includes
caring for the pa ent and families that reside between Tallahassee and Fort Walton and up to Dothan. Gulf Coast Regional Medical
Center’s partnership with Seawind Medical Clinics in Panama City and Panama City Beach allows us the opportunity to enhance our
services, while con nuing to provide quality and convenient care to the pa ents and employers we serve across Northwest Florida.
GCRMC’s ability to meet the needs of the Gulf Coast State College (GCSC) student athlete will be supported by the GCRMC Sports
Medicine team. The team consists of: Physicians (Southern Orthopedic Specialists, Bay Radiology, and Gulf Coast Regional Medical
Center ER physicians), State of Florida Licensed and Cer fied Athle c Trainers, Diagnos c/Imaging specialist, and Rehabilita on
specialist consis ng of all disciplines: Physical, Occupa onal, and Massage Therapist. These members have provided services to Bay
County athletes for more than 10 years.
Athle c Trainer
Stefanie Kindt, MS, ATC serves as the Head Athle c Trainer for Gulf Coast State College. Originally from Mobridge, SD, she a ended North Dakota State University in Fargo, ND gradua ng with a Bachelor of Science in Athle c Training. She obtained her Masters
in Exercise and Sports Science from the University of Florida in Gainesville, FL. Stefanie is a Cer fied Athle c Trainer and a Cer fied
Strength and Condi oning Specialist and has also taught group cycling classes and boot camp fitness classes. She most recently
worked in Lincoln, Nebraska caring for the athletes at two high schools. Previous to that she worked as the Head Athle c Trainer
and Assistant Professor at Doane College in Crete, NE – a posi on she held for 13 years.
Team Physicians
Chad Mitchell, MD and Michael C. Noble, MD of Southern Orthopedic Special es serve as Team Physicians for Gulf Coast State
College. Southern Orthopedic Specialists is North Florida's leader in Orthopedic and Sports Medicine care. Our team of eight (8)
physician specialist, advanced imaging and a durable medical equipment department, all from our convenient campus environment centrally located on Harrison Avenue in Panama City, Florida.
Team Chiropractor
Mark D. White, DC serves as the Team Chiropractor. Born and raised in New York, Dr. White graduated from the State University of
New York at New Paltz with a Bachelor of Science. He then a ended graduate school at the City University of New York at Queens
College, where he earned his Master's degree.
Dr. White moved to Marie a, Georgia to a end Life Chiroprac c College and was awarded his Doctor of Chiroprac c degree in
1988. While a ending Life Chiroprac c College, Dr. White was elected Senior Class President, Vice President of the Student Government Associa on, and served as Editor of the campus newspaper "Life Force."
Upon gradua on, Dr. White associated with Dr. Joe Teal in Dallas, Georgia for one year, and then moved to Panama City Beach.
Since 2004, Dr. White has served as Team Chiropractor for the Gulf Coast State College Commodores. Chiroprac c care reduces
recovery me from injuries and allows athletes to improve their performance on the court or field of play.
Having trained in many different methods of chiroprac c adjus ng, the techniques Dr. White most frequently employs are Diversified Full Spine, Gonstead, Palmer Method, Thompson Drop Table and Ac vator. Since everyone is different, Dr. White will use the
technique that works best for you. Dr. White is a member of The American Chiroprac c Associa on and The Florida Chiroprac c
Associa on. Locally, Dr. White is ac ve in the Panama City Beach Rotary Club and supports many local chari es.
Gulf Coast State College Sports Medicine Team
Gulf Coast Medical Center and Southern Orthopedic Special es providing Sports Medicine services to GCSC
Head Athle c Trainer Stefanie Kindt, MS, ATC
Team Physicians Chad Mitchell, MD and Michael C. Noble, MD
Team Chiropractor Mike White, DC
Athlete Injury Protocol
If you get hurt during a scheduled prac ce or game you should inform your coach and see the athle c trainer as
soon as possible so appropriate care can be provided and so that an accident report can be completed (this must
be on file in the athle c office before a doctor’s appointment can be made). The sooner injuries are taken care of
the sooner you can return to ac vity.
Doctor’s appointments are scheduled through the athle c trainer. If you choose to seek athle c care outside the
athle c protocol, it is your responsibility to communicate care results directly to athle c trainer. Make sure you
have your primary insurance card or informa on with you at the me of your appointment.
College Insurance Coverage for Student-Athletes (secondary policy only)
The athle c insurance is an accidental insurance policy that covers injuries during a recognized or scheduled pracce, condi oning or game only. It does not cover personal illness, medica ons, dental problems unless it is due to
an injury.
Compliance with Insurance Company Requests
It is the student-athletes and his/her parent(s)/guardian(s) responsibility to understand the condi ons that apply
to their policy and comply with any requests for informa on, etc. from the primary insurance company. Any delinquent bills resul ng in bad credit due to non-compliance with insurance company requests will be the responsibility of the student-athlete and/or his/her parents(s)/guardian(s).
Personal Insurance Policy Changes
The Athle c Department Administra ve Assistant (room 109) MUST receive any changes to your personal insurance policy as soon the changes are made. If proper no fica on is not received, the GCSC athle cs department
will not be responsible for any delays in payment, collec ons no ces, credit reports, etc. that occur.
If a cancellaƟon of a policy occurs without proper noƟficaƟon, all bills incurred during that period will be the
responsibility of the student-athlete and/or his/her parent(s)/guardian(s).
Interna onal Student-Athletes
In order to be enrolled in classes at any United States college, interna onal students must provide verifica on of
personal insurance that complies with standards set by the federal government.
Medical Bills
In the event that a student-athlete should receive a bill/statement for an injury that occurred as a direct result of
par cipa on in intercollegiate athle cs at GCSC, the student-athlete must submit the bill/statement to the Athle c Department Administra ve Assistant (room 109) within 5 days of receipt. Bills received a er 5 days may be
the responsibility of the student-athlete and/or the student-athlete’s parent(s)/guardian(s).
When moving out of town complete a “change of address” card with the post office so bills are not missed.
While it is the administra ve assistant’s responsibility to oversee the claims process and submit claims to the secondary insurance policy, it is the student-athlete’s responsibility that the physician’s office is provided the forms.
Step 1
Complete an admissions applica on.
Step 2
Request high school or college transcripts (if transferring to GCSC from another ins tu on) to be sent to the
Enrollment Services. All transcripts required for eligibility.
Step 3
Take the placement test or provide ACT or SAT scores.
Step 4
Your coach will either advise you or send you to an Academic Advisor depending on your program. Once
advising is completed, your coach will then be able to register you for classes.
Step 5
If you are not on an athle c tui on scholarship: pay tui on fees and pick up your class schedule at the Business
Office or Bookstore.
Due to eligibility restric ons, you MUST consult with your coach in order to drop and/or add courses.
Due to eligibility restric ons, you MUST see the Athle c Director.
Student-athletes cannot ini ate a withdrawal. All withdrawals other than those ini ated by a faculty member
need to be approved by the Athle c Director. All withdrawal no ces are sent to the Athle c Director and your
Head Coach.
Withdrawals by an instructor may be done for those whose absences exceed that which their instructors deem
appropriate in order to receive credit (this could be as few as 3 absences in some courses). Excessive absences
will result in a “W” or “F” grade.
To request your OFFICIAL transcript sent to another ins tu on: Login to Lighthouse using your student ID# as
your “User ID” and PIN# and request your transcript from the Student/Student Records menu.
Effec ve January 2, 2013, there will be a $5.00 fee for each transcript request submi ed. Transcripts must be
ordered and paid for online.
To request that another ins tu on send your OFFICIAL transcript to GCSC, complete and mail or fax an OFFICIAL
TRANSCIPT REQUEST FORM-INCOMING to each school you have a ended.
One Year Scholarship
All student athlete scholarships are for one year. If you are on an athle c scholarship, you may or may not be
renewed for the following school year, this is at the discre on of your head coach.
Scholarship Books
Student athletes receiving books, will receive a book voucher from their coach prior to the first day of classes for
each semester provided books from the previous term have been returned.
A restric on will be placed on your college records to include your transcripts and a $25.00 late fee will be
charged for books not returned to the ATHLETIC OFFICE by the posted due dates for each semester. You are
responsible for lost or stolen books. DO NOT GIVE YOUR BOOKS TO YOUR COACH OR A FRIEND TO RETURN.
Meal Scholarship
If you will be receiving an in-house meal plan (stated on your scholarship - check with your coach if you are not
sure), your meals will be provided by Cabin Creek, in the Student Union Cafe, Monday-Thursday, when the college
cafeteria is open to all faculty, staff, and students. Meals are not provided during regular school holidays or
whenever the college is closed. It is up to you to get to the cafeteria on me. You will be required to show your
GCSC picture ID with your meal card to iden fy yourself as an athlete when you pass through the cash register
NOTE: Purchases from the cafeteria meal plan are ONLY for the student athlete on the meal card. The sharing or
purchasing of food/drink for someone else is prohibited and a viola on of scholarship guidelines and could result
in the loss of all meal plan privileges. These examples are not all inclusive.
If you are receiving a dinner and/or weekend s pend, you may pick up your meal s pend at the Business Office,
your coach will determine when your s pend can be picked up. (ONLY YOU CAN PICK UP YOUR MEAL STIPEND
Money not picked up for the current week will not carry over to the next week.
Equipment and Uniforms
Equipment and uniforms will be distributed at the beginning of your specific sports’ season. It is your
responsibility to take care of all uniforms and equipment in your possession. If any equipment or uniform parts
are lost or stolen, you must report the loss to your head coach immediately.
Scheduled Travel and Meals
Scheduled Travel and Meals
Student athletes who travel to away games, whether on a scholarship or not, are allowed a travel meal allowance.
There are two op ons for the head coach to provide meals for you during travel.
Team meals
The head coach can determine a dollar amount for each team meal not to exceed the college per diem
$ 6 when travel begins before 6 a.m. and extends beyond 8 a.m.
$11 when travel begins before 12 noon and extends beyond 2 p.m.
$19 when travel begins before 6 p.m. and extends beyond 8 p.m.
The head coach can set a maximum expenditure per student athlete and pay the final bill or a cash s pend will be
distributed to each of the student athletes.
The Head Coach will have a form for each student athlete to sign any me a cash s pend or a meal is paid for during athle c travel. The signature form is turned in to the Business Office at the conclusion of each trip.
Note: It is the responsibility of the student athlete to sign only for what they received, if you are asked to sign for
a meal or a cash s pend that you did not receive please no fy the Athle c Director.
Travel provided by Sunshine Shu le
GC Student ID #
GULF COAST STATE COLLEGE (referred to hence forth as GCSC) has agreed to award you assistance to further your education at GULF COAST
STATE COLLEGE. The term and conditions of the award are as follows:
The student athlete understands that this scholarship is awarded for one academic year.
The GCSC Athletic Department reserves the right to approve or refuse an NJCAA transfer waiver.
The student athlete must comply with all admission requirements set forth in the GCSC catalog and must maintain progress toward a d
The student athlete must comply with all academic advising recommendations established by his/her academic advisor.
The student athlete must comply with all the conditions of both the college’s student handbook and the student athletic handbook. The
student athlete must conduct him or herself as a good citizen and serve as a college ambassador to the local STATE.
The student athlete will be required to adhere to the conditions of the college drug testing program which includes random drug testing
and additional testing at the request of the Athletic Director.
The student athlete MUST submit, to the Athletic Department, a completed GCSC Physical Examination form signed by a qualified health
care professional licensed to administer physical examinations and a GCSC Insurance Information form signed by the student athlete’s
parent or legal guardian prior to the first day of conditioning and/or practice.
In the event of illness or an injury resulting from participation in intercollegiate athletics at GCSC, which causes the student athlete to forego further participation, this scholarship will continue to be honored for the remainder of the academic year.
The student athlete must remain on the athletic team for which this grant in aid is awarded and complete the regularly scheduled season
and post-season competition. The student athlete understands that should he/she voluntarily decide not to participate in the designated
sport after receiving this athletic grant in aid or should he/she be dismissed from the designated sport or from the college for disciplinary
reasons, the student athlete may be responsible for repayment to the business office of the college for any athletic grant in aid funds paid
during the academic year of this award.
10. The student athlete agrees to attend study halls and athletic meetings and to follow training rules as required by his or her coach.
11. By signing this document, the student athlete gives GCSC permission to release transcripts to the NJCAA and FCCAA (Buckley Amendment – Public Law 93-380).
12. The student athlete must matriculate on or before
August 24, 2015
Student athletes on a housing scholarship, where rent is being paid by GCSC, will be required to pay a non-refundable fee.
A $25.00 late fee will be charged for loaned books not returned by the posted due date.
This is to certify that I have read the above agreement and that I have a clear understanding and agree with the conditions which
this athletic scholarship is awarded. I herby accept this scholarship and I understand that this agreement will be honored as long as
I abide by the terms set forth in this contract. It is further understood that if I fail to fulfill the terms of this agreement that the college
may terminate all or part of this scholarship at any time and further disciplinary action could be taken by the college effective as of
the date of my breach of the agreement.
Scholarship Recipient ____________________________
Date ____________________________
Coach _________________________________________
Date ____________________________
Athletic Director _________________________________
Date ____________________________
President or Designate ___________________________
Date ____________________________
Student Athletes on a Housing Scholarship
Per your scholarship, a $100.00 non-refundable fee required annually and due before the last Friday of
September. No personal checks accepted.
You will be required to sign a “Housing Agreement” sta ng the rules set by the Athle c Department and also be
expected to abide by the apartment rules set forth by the apartment complex you are living at. U lity bills in
excess for electric, gas and water/sewage will be your responsibility (excess $ amounts will be stated on your
individual housing contract) will be divided and charged to each athlete in that apartment. Also, any damages to
the college apartment/property will be the financial responsibility of the athlete and a restric on will be placed
on your college records to include your transcripts un l this debt is paid.
understand that if I do not abide by the following Gulf Coast State College
housing rules it will jeopardize my scholarship and/or opportunity to participate in intercollegiate athletics
at the college.
No visitors are permitted. Random checks will be performed by the Athletic Director and the
coaching staff.
The following are PROHIBITED on or near college housing property or inside apartments: alcohol,
tobacco, drugs and/or firearms.
Athlete curfew, if one is required, will be determined by the coach.
College apartments and property (furniture, household goods, etc.) will be maintained and kept
clean at all times. Random searches and inspections will be performed by the Athletic Director
and the coaching staff.
Noise levels of any form will be kept at a minimal (apartment/vehicle).
No pets are permitted.
Damages to the college apartment/property will be the financial responsibility of the athlete. An
administrative restriction will be placed on your college records to include your transcripts until
this debt is paid.
A $100.00 non refundable housing fee is required and will be due by the last Friday of
The following utility bills are in excess and will become the responsibility of the student athlete
and will be divided accordingly: electric exceeding $200.00 per month, gas exceeding $80.00 per
month and water/sewage quarterly exceeding $90.00.
Athlete Signature _____________________________
Date ____________________
Coach Signature ______________________________
Date ____________________
Apartment Address
Apartment Number ___________
*Local # ______________________
(*These numbers are very important)
*Cell #_______________________
Email Address ______________________________________
The determina on of athle c eligibility is a complicated process. The following are highlights from the NJCAA
and FCCAA rules governing your eligibility. Do not rely on your interpreta on of these rules? Direct all ques ons
concerning eligibility to your head coach or the athle c director.
★ A minimum of 12 semester hours is established as the term requirement for par cipa on. Thus, 12
semester hours becomes “full- me” when defining eligibility.
★ Prior to the second full- me term, a student-athlete must have passed 12 credit hours with a1.75 GPA or
★ In all other terms, a student-athlete must pass a minimum of 12 semester hours with at least a 2.00 GPA in
order to be eligible for a succeeding term.
★ A student may establish eligibility for a term by an accumula on of semester hours equal to 12 mes the
number of terms of full- me enrollment with at least a 2.00 GPA.
★ To be eligible for a second season of par cipa on, a student-athlete must have accumulated a minimum of
24 semester hours with at least a 2.00 GPA.
★ In compu ng GPA for the purpose of eligibility, all (not best) courses will contribute to the calcula on of the
14.2 Seasons of Competition: Five-Year/10 Semester Rule. The student-athlete shall
not engage in more than four seasons of intercollegiate competition in any sport. An
institution shall not permit a student-athlete to represent it in intercollegiate competition
unless the individual completes all of his or her seasons of participation in all sports within
the time periods specified below:
14.2.1 Five-Year Rule—Division I. The student-athlete shall complete his or her seasons
of participation within five calendar years from the beginning of the semester or quarter in
which the student-athlete first registered for a minimum full-time program of studies in a
collegiate institution, with time spent in the armed services of the U.S. Government being
excepted. For foreign students, service in the armed forces or on an official church mission of
the student’s home country is considered equivalent to such service in the United States. Determining the Start of the Five-Year Period. For purposes of starting the
count of the time under the five-year rule, a student-athlete initially registers in a regular
term of an academic year for a minimum full-time program of studies, as determined by the
institution and attends the student’s first day of classes for that term.
14.2.2 Ten-Semester Rule—Division II and III. The student-athlete shall complete his or
her seasons of participation during the first 10 semesters or 15 quarters in which the student
is enrolled in a collegiate institution in at least a minimum full-time program of studies, as
determined by the regulations of that institution. For an institution that conducts
registration other than on a traditional semester or quarter basis, the NCAA Academic
Requirements committee shall determine an equivalent enrollment period. Utilization of Semester or Quarter. A student-athlete is considered to have
utilized a semester or quarter under this rule when the student is officially registered in a
collegiate institution in a regular term of an academic year for a minimum full-time program
of studies, as determined by the institution and attends the first day of classes for the term.
All NJCAA institutions should be aware of these rule differences, as they may later affect
those student-athletes transferring to four (4) year institutions.
This informa on is provided for your use and is subject to change — see your coach for specific
ques ons.
The NJCAA only charges a season of compe on for par cipa on in regular season or postseason play. The NJCAA does not charge a season of eligibility for par cipa ng on a scrimmage
basis. However, the NCAA regula ons charge eligibility for taking part in a “contest”. As per
the regula ons of the NCAA, located in By-Law Ar cle 17.02.2, a contest is described as
17.02.2 Contest. A contest is any game, match, exhibi on, scrimmage or joint prac ce
session with another ins tu on’s team, regardless of its formality, in which compe on in a
sport occurs between an intercollegiate athle cs team or individual not represen ng the
intercollegiate athle cs program of the same member ins tu on. (revised: 1/10/91)
17.02.3 Contest, Countable, Ins tu onal. A countable contest for a member ins tu on, in
those sports for which the limita ons are based on the number of contests, in any contest by
the member ins tu on against an outside team in that sport, unless specific exemp on for a
par cular contest is set forth in this bylaw. Contest, including scrimmages, by separate squads
of the same team against different outside teams shall each count as one contest.
17.02.4 Contest, Countable, Individual Student-Athlete. A countable contest for an
individual student-athlete in a sport is any contest in which the student-athlete competes
while represen ng the member ins tu on individually or as a member of the varsity, sub
varsity or freshman team of the ins tu on in that sport, unless a specific exemp on for a
par cular contest is set forth in this bylaw.
This sec on essen ally means that a student-athlete that only scrimmages at the NJCAA level,
will be charged with a season of compe on at the NCAA/NAIA level.
Another area with a major difference between the organiza ons relates to seasons of
compe on. The NJCAA does not limit the student-athletes to period of me or create an age
limita on. The NCAA, at the Division I Level u lizes the five (5) year rule, and the ten (10)
semester, fi een (15) quarter rule for Division II and III.
A basic principle of NJCAA athle c compe on is to develop and foster respect for fellow par cipants,
coaches, officials and spectators. The following handbook sec on applies to all athle c events involving
NJCAA member ins tu ons, conferences and regions. Sport rule books may apply rules and regula ons
that are more restric ve than those found in this sec on.
A. Par cipants will recognize their responsibility for proper conduct before, during and
a er every contest.
B. Coaches and Athle c Directors will recognize and assume responsibility for the behavior
of themselves, players, staff, game management personnel and representa ves of the
respec ve NJCAA member ins tu on.
Sec on 1. Ejec ons: (The Ejec on Form can be found in the “Forms” sec on of the Handbook/
A. Ejec on for violent behavior:
1. Violent behavior is defined as:
a. An act in which physical contact or an a empt to make physical contact occurs with
the purpose to do damage, harm, in midate, incite a fight or otherwise injure a player,
coach, referee, spectator, game management personnel or damage property.
b. An act in which any bench personnel other than the head coach (or in the absence of
the head coach the ac ng head coach) leave the bench area when a fight may break out
or has broken out.
2. The following penal es will be assessed if a game official ejects a player, coach,
team personnel, staff member, or game management personnel for violent unsportsmanlike behavior:
a. Immediate ejec on and removal from the venue.
b. Mandatory ejec on and removal from the venue for any bench personnel other than
the coaching staff who leaves the bench when a fight may break out or has broken out.
c. A two contest suspension to be served during the next two regularly scheduled or
post season contests. Suspension of a coach or player at the end of a season of play
shall carry over to the following season.
d. Should the player, coach or team personnel be ejected for violent behavior a second
me during the season, that individual shall be prohibited from par cipa ng in athle c
contests of that ins tu on for the remainder of the academic year, including postseason play.
e. Penal es shall be imposed automa cally by the offending ins tu on with suspensions to be in effect for the next two regularly scheduled contests as appearing on the
published schedule of the ins tu on at the me of the ejec on.
f. The referee may end the contest.
g. Failure to report and/or comply will result in:
1. For the first occurrence, the penal es will double, with the head coach serving the double por on of the penalty and a le er of reprimand shall be sent to the Director of Athle cs and the President of the ins tu on.
2. For the second occurrence, the penal es will double and a sanc on of probaon shall be given to the offending ins tu on for that sport in that year.
3. Games played during the me of failure to report and/or failure to comply
with Ar cle XVIII, Sec on 2.A must be forfeited.
Ejec on for non-violent unsportsmanlike behavior:
1. Non-violent unsportsmanlike behavior is defined as profanity, vulgar gestures, trash talking, taun ng or
abusive language directed at players, coaches, referees, game management personnel and/or
spectators. The use of tobacco or alcohol during NJCAA sponsored events is prohibited within this
2. The following penal es will be assessed if a game official ejects a player, coach, team personnel, staff
member, or game management personnel for non-violent unsportsmanlike behavior:
a. Immediate ejec on and removal from the venue.
b. For the first non-violent ejec on of the sport season, a one contest suspension to be served during the
next regularly scheduled or postseason contest(s). Suspension of a coach or player at the end of
the season of play shall carry over to the following season. For the second non-violent ejec on of
the sport season, a two game suspension shall be served. For the third non-violent ejec on of
the sport season, a four game suspension shall be served. Each subsequent ejec on will result in
a doubling of the suspension previously served.
c. Penal es shall be imposed automa cally by the offending ins tu on with suspensions to be in effect for
the next regularly scheduled contest as appearing on the published schedule of the ins tu on at
the me of the ejec on.
d. Failure to report and/or comply will result in:
1. For the first occurrence, the penal es will double, with the head coach serving the double
por on of the penalty and a le er of reprimand shall be sent to the Director of Athle cs
and the President of the ins tu on.
2. For the second occurrence penal es will double and a sanc on of proba on shall be given to
the offending ins tu on for that sport in that year.
3. Games played during the me of failure to report and/or failure to comply with Ar cle
XVIII, Sec on 2.A must be forfeited.
C. Entering spectator area is prohibited: No player, coach or bench personnel may leave the
playing area and enter into the spectator area of the facility to engage in any type of verbal or
physical conflict. Penalty for viola on of this rule shall be immediate ejec on from the contest
and suspension from all intercollegiate athle c contests of that ins tu on for the remainder of
the academic year including playoffs.
D. Ejec on of the coach: the game shall be terminated and a forfeit declared if the head coach is
ejected and there is no assistant coach or other college staff contractually bound to the ins tuon willing to assume responsibility for the team.
E. Repor ng structure
1. The Athle c Directors of the member ins tu ons involved in the contest shall no fy, in
wri ng, their respec ve Region Director (or designee) following the ejec on/s by noon local me
of the first business day following the event. (Note: Repor ng procedures must be followed for
all regular and post season compe on)
2. The Region Directors (or designee) shall keep a record of all ejec ons in their respec ve
region. The record shall include the name and ins tu on of the person ejected, the date of the
ejec on, the reason for the ejec on, and the penalty imposed.
3. The Region Director or designee shall supply an end of the year report of the ejec ons occurring in the Region. The report shall include the number of ejec ons and the penal es assessed
by sport. Copies of the end of
the year report shall be given to the Region, the Sport Commi ee, and the Standards and Ethics Commi ee by June 15 of that academic year.
F. Appeals
1. Par cipants in all NJCAA cer fied sports are subject to the penal es listed for the ejecons.
2. There is no appeal of a game (s) suspension resul ng from an ejec on by a game official
a. When there is the college’s irrefutable game video evidence that the wrong studentathlete/coach was ejected. If the wrong student-athlete/coach was ejected, the penalty will be
assessed to the student-athlete/coach in viola on and he/she will serve the complete suspension.
b. All game suspensions will be in effect during the appeals process.
c. Only the ins tu on of the student-athlete (s)/coach (s) that was ejected can appeal.
d. The NJCAA Na onal Office will rule on all appeals.
NOTE: The level of the ejec on can not be appealed (violent vs. non-violent).
Sec on 2: Suspensions:
Personnel and athletes suspended under these NJCAA rules shall not be allowed in the facility/gym/field
complex before or during the contest and may not coach or par cipate before the game, during play, or at
half- me. Suspended coaches may travel with the team. Suspended athletes may not travel with the team
while serving a suspension.
Policy 1—Behavior Rule
Penal es:
An individual ejected for a violent or flagrant act in baseball or so ball by an official shall not
be eligible to par cipate for the next four (4) contests during the regular and/or post season play.
NOTE: If the individual is a baseball pitcher at a Ɵme of the ejecƟon that individual shall not
parƟcipate in the next four (4) contests nor pitch in the next nine (9) contests during regular
and/or post season play.
Should a coach or athlete commit a violent or flagrant act they shall be ejected immediately
from the contest by an official. The individual ejected for a violent or flagrant act shall not be eligible to parcipate for the next three (3) contests during the regular and/or post season play.
Should an individual be ejected for violence a second me during the same season of par cipa on, the NJCAA Behavior rule shall apply. The individual may request a hearing to determine their status
with the FCSAA. Should an individual be ejected a second me for violence in separate seasons of par cipaon with the FCSAA, a hearing by the CAA Execu ve Board can be held to determine if the individual shall
be prohibited from par cipa ng in any further intercollegiate athle cs within the FCSAA.
NOTE: Hearing requests must be made in wriƟng to the Council for AthleƟcs Chair within seven (7) calendar days of the second violent ejecƟon.
Code of Conduct
Gulf Coast State College has established regulations governing student conduct that are considered necessary
to preserve and maintain an environment conducive to learning, to ensure the safety and welfare of members
of the College community, to encourage students in the development and practice of good citizenship and selfdiscipline, and to protect property and equipment of the College. The Student Code of Conduct is published in
the Student Handbook. Each student, by registration, assumes the responsibility to become familiar with and to
abide by College regulations and acceptable standards of conduct. Students who fail to observe college regulations or to maintain acceptable standards of personal conduct on the campus or at College sponsored functions
or facilities are subject to disciplinary action.
Gulf Coast State College has developed procedures for the administration of the student conduct system
and procedural rules for the conduct of Student Disciplinary Hearings. The Vice President of Student
Affairs shall have original jurisdiction over all cases involving an alleged violation of the Student Code of
Conduct established by the District Board of Trustees.
B. Decisions made by the Vice President of Student Affairs shall be final, pending the appeal process as
outlined in the Disciplinary Hearing Process.
Jurisdiction of the College Student Code of Conduct
The College Student Code of Conduct is in effect on College premises, on properties owned by the Gulf
Coast State College and at functions sponsored by or participated in by the College regardless of the
If a student is formally charged with a felony, or with a delinquent act which would be a felony if committed by an adult, for an incident which allegedly occurred on property other than College premises, or
a function sponsored by or participated in by the College regardless of location, and if that incident is
determined to have an adverse impact on the educational program, discipline, or safety and welfare of
the College, then the College has the right to suspend the student pending final adjudication. If the student is adjudicated guilty, then the student may be recommended for expulsion through the normal expulsion procedure. With this exception, the College will not ordinarily impose sanctions on a student
who is subject to criminal prosecution for off campus activity.
The Student Code of Conduct is published in the Student Handbook.
Each student shall be responsible for his/her conduct from the time of application for admission through
the actual awarding of a degree, even though conduct may occur before classes begin or after classes
end for the term, as well as during the academic year and during periods between terms of actual enrollment. The Student Code of Conduct shall apply to a student’s conduct even if the student withdraws
from school while a disciplinary matter is pending.
Infractions / Misconduct
Any student found to have committed or to have attempted to commit the following misconduct is sub
ject to the disciplinary sanctions.
Alcohol/Drugs: The student shall not knowingly possess, use, transmit, or be under the influence of
any narcotic drug, hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana, any other controlled or
counterfeit substance defined in FS 893.03, or substitute for such, alcoholic beverage, inhalant or intox
icant, on the campus either before, during or after school hours or off the College grounds at a College
activity, function or event. Also, a student shall not possess, have under his/her control, sell or deliver
any device, or contrivance, instrument or paraphernalia containing the substance or substances de
scribed in this paragraph or any residue of such substance or devices intended for use or used in inject
ing, inhaling/inhalant/huffing, smoking, administering, or using any of the foregoing prescribed drugs,
narcotics, or stimulants. Use of a drug authorized by a medical prescription from a registered physician f
or a specific student shall not be considered a violation of this rule.
Arson: Intentionally setting or attempting to set a fire.
Bomb Threat: Any communication which has the effect of threatening an explosion to do malicious, d
estructive or bodily harm to College property, at a College function or extra-curricular/co-curricular ac
tivity or to the person(s) in or on that property or attending that event.
Bullying: An aggressive behavior that is intended to cause distress or harm, exists in a relationship in
which there is an imbalance of power or strength, and is repeated over time. Examples include but are not
limited to: hitting, teasing, obscene gestures, rumors, getting someone else to bully, cyber-bullying.
Burglary: Entering or remaining in a structure or on a conveyance with the intent to commit an offense
therein unless the premises are at the time open to the public or the person is licensed or invited to enter.
Computer Fraud: Accessing or breaking into documents that are unauthorized.
Cyber Attack: Introducing unwarranted programs or tools into network server.
Disorderly or Disruptive Conduct: Creation of disorder at any College property, College sponsored or
related event, or on any College sponsored transportation.
Extortion: The willful or malicious threat of harm, injury or violence to a person, property or reputation of
another with the intent to obtain money, information, services or items of material worth.
False Fire Alarm: The willful and/or malicious activation of a fire alarm system or the willful and/or malicious reporting of a false fire.
False and Misleading Information: Providing false, misleading or invalid statements, making false accusations, and/or withholding valid information.
Felony Transfer: Suspension proceedings against any enrolled student who is formally charged with a felony or with a delinquent act which would be a felony if committed by an adult, for an incident which allegedly occurred on property other than College property if that incident is shown to have an adverse impact
on the education program, discipline or welfare of the College or College Community.
Fighting: Physical contact between two or more individuals where the participation is not mutual or equal,
or a weapon is used, or in which injury that requires immediate first aid or subsequent medical attention
Force or Violence against College Employee: Use of force or violence upon or against any employee of
the College.
Gross Insubordination or Open Defiance: Willful refusal to submit to or comply with authority; exhibiting contempt or open resistance to a direct order.
Harassment: Any threatening, insulting, or dehumanizing gesture, use of data or computer software, or
written, verbal, or physical conduct directed against a student.
Hazing: Any action or situation that recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health or
safety of a student for purposes including, but not limited to, initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or as
a condition for continued membership in a group or organization.
Inciting, Leading or Participating in a Major Student Disorder: The willful act of inciting, leading or
participating in a disruption or disturbance which interferes with the educational process or which can result
in damage or destruction to public or private property, or cause personal injury to participants and others.
Intentional Damage of College Property/Personal Property: Destruction or defacing of College/
personal property.
Other More Serious Miscellaneous Conduct: Conduct which is not listed as a specific infraction but
which results in more serious injury, damage to property, or other serious harm.
Sexual Battery: Any sexual act directed against a person, forcibly or against the person’s will, or not forcibly against the person’s will where the victim is not capable of giving consent because of his or her youth or
because of temporary or permanent incapacity.
Sexual Harassment: Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other inappropriate
oral, written or physical contact of sexual nature when such conduct substantially interferes with a student’s academic performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive College environment, Sexual
harassment may include, but are not limited to the following: verbal harassment or abuse, pressure for
sexual activity, repeated remarks to a person with sexual or demeaning implications, unwelcome or inappropriate touching, suggestive or demanding sexual involvement accompanied by implied or explicit
Sexual Offenses: Exposing or exhibiting one’s private areas in public in a vulgar or indecent manner. Intentionally touching in a lewd or lascivious manner in clothed private areas of another.
Theft: The taking of property of another without permission of the owner.
Trespassing: Entering upon or remaining on any property, a structure or conveyance without being
authorized, licensed or invited to do so and being warned by the owner or owner’s agent or by notice pursuant to Florida Statute §810.09, or, in the case of entry upon or remaining on College
grounds or buildings, not having legitimate business on the campus or authorization, license or invitation to be there or being under suspension, alternative placement or expulsion.
Unauthorized Use of Other Person’s Name or Signature: Using the name, identifying number
or symbol or signature of another person of any purpose without that person’s authorization or permission with the intention of deceiving a College employee or under circumstances which could be
reasonably calculated to deceive the employee.
Vandalism: Intentional damage to or destruction of College property causing substantial damage.
Victimization/Extortion or Threats/Intimidation of a More Serious Nature: A person who
willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly follows and/or harasses with intent to place that person in reasonable fear of death or bodily injury.
Weapons: Except as allowed by law, possession of any weapon defined by Sections 790.001(4),(6),
(13), Florida Statutes, is not permitted on any College campus or at any College function, or in any
College sponsored transportation.
Disobedience to Officials: Failure to comply with directions of any college official (whether the
request is by mail, email, telephone, or in person) when that official has identified himself or herself
and is acting within the course and scope of their duties. Cooperation includes, but is not limited to,
responding to requests for conferences on matters pertaining to the student at the college and/or
presentation of college identification.
Fee Payment: Failure to pay fees, deferred fees, traffic penalties, library penalties, student loans,
and other financial obligations to the college will be handled as an administrative procedure with the
appropriate department initiating a hold on the student’s records through the office of enrollment
services. Students who present bad checks (insufficient fund checks) will be referred for record holds
and/or other disciplinary action.
Trespass: Unauthorized entry onto, or into, the property of others or the college. Property of others
includes buildings, rooms, computers, computer accounts, and computer systems.
Do not be late or miss class.
Consult your coach or the athle c director for personal problems or any difficulty that hinders or restricts
your personal success.
Be a en ve in class, answer ques ons, make appropriate comments, and be respec ul to instructors and
fellow students.
Academic dishonesty, including all forms of chea ng on exams and plagiarism is against college policy.
College telephones are not here for your use!!! Misuse of college telephones is a state offense and
punishable by law.
Unauthorized entry of any college building or office is prohibited.
Your responsibility as a GCSC student athlete is that of a student—first and foremost. Your responsibility is to the
classroom—a endance, punctuality, par cipa on, etc. No less is expected or accepted.
Your second responsibility is that of an athlete. You are expected to a end all prac ces and games and to exhibit
good sportsmanship and team dedica on.
Electronic Devices
All cell phones, pagers, cameras & other personal electronic devices must be turned off and out of sight in
classrooms, labs, the library, study spaces & any other academic se ngs or college events and other reasonable
areas where privacy is expected.
CHAD MERIDITH ACT (HAZING) - effec ve 7/1/05
What is HAZING, the pressuring or coercing of a student into viola ng state or federal law. Hazing is a
criminal act and punishable by law.
Harassment is considered to be any repeated or unwelcome verbal or physical abuse which causes the
recipient discomfort or humilia on or which interferes with the recipient’s academic performance.
The President of the College may act directly or through a designee to inves gate and report harassment
Some specific acts of misconduct which are unacceptable:
Significant, severe or repeated viola ons of team rules.
Viola on of athlete apartment rules (that includes NO visitors).
Viola on of NJCAA, FCCAA or GCSC rules and regula ons governing athle cs.
The use, possession of or selling illegal drugs; the use of tobacco products on or in college facili es; or the
use of alcohol on or off the college campus; or by a minor at any me.
Conduct unbecoming an athlete on or off the court/field. Such conduct shall include but not be limited to
those items listed in the Student Disciplinary Code.
Failure to prepare for, a end and/or par cipate effec vely in academic classes. Class work missed because
of illness or away games MUST BE MADE UP.
Arrangements for make-up work or future assignments are your responsibility and must be made prior to
your trip. Your coach will not intercede on your behalf with any instructor to allow you to circumvent an
assignment or class requirement due to the fact that you are a member of an athle c team.
Prior no ce to instructors that a trip is planned will prevent conflicts or a miss communica on in most
Failure to prepare for, a end and/or par cipate effec vely in prac ces, scrimmages or games. NJCAA and
FCCAA guidelines will be followed for preliminary ac on, with addi onal ac on to be determined by the
Athle c Director on an individual basis.
Zero tolerance policy for student athlete ejec ons.
Each sport will have a set of team expecta ons that govern conduct, housing restric ons, and other applicable
ma ers. Your coach will explain the rules, specific to your sport, which he or she expects you to follow. If you
don’t feel that your ac ons and a tude can stand up to the scru ny of your family, your team mates, your
coach, your college, and your community then DON’T DO IT!
“The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don't play together, the club won't be worth a dime.” Babe Ruth
As a student-athlete, I realize that because I am an ambassador to Gulf Coast State College (GCSC), I am subject
to a higher code of conduct than my student counterparts. Therefore, in order to preserve my electronic presence*, I am commi ed to:
Pos ng only appropriate personal informa on to my profile
I will omit my phone number or address in my profile
I will only list appropriate e-mail addresses and nicknames
I will not include my schedule, spring break plans, or any other
informa on that will allow poten al stalkers to know my whereabouts.
Monitoring electronic photo albums
I will not take photos that would be considered inappropriate**.
If an inappropriate photo is taken, I will ask the photographer to refrain from pos ng the pictrue on the internet or, at the very least, to exclude me when tagging pictures individuals.
I will frequently check my tagged photos. If I find an inappropriate photo
tagged to my name, then I will un-tag it and ask the photographer to delete the picture from
their album.
I will set all personal photo albums to “visible to friends only.” This will help protect me from
poten al stalkers and will limit the exposure of any inappropriate photos that I may have uninten onally included in the pos ng process.
Monitoring pos ngs
I will ensure that the pos ngs on my “wall” are appropriate
I will not post any message that is considered inappropriate
Allowing only friends and acquaintances to join my group of friends.
Se ng parameters so that only people I accept as friends may view my profile.
Monitoring social network usage among my teammates
I realize that a team is only as successful as its weakest link and therefore, I am commi ed to ensuring
that my team does not make choices that could result in team-affec ng consequences, due to improper
social networking website usage.
If I do not feel comfortable with confronta on, then I will discuss the issue with my coach or another
teammate and have him or her resolve the issue.
Joining only appropriate groups
A er joining an appropriate group, I will con nually monitor it to ensure that the group name or focus
does not become inappropriate.
I will not create a group that is inappropriate
Using social networking sites in a way that is non-malicious.
I will not use social networking sites in a way that will harm others, especially coaches or teammates.
I will not use social networking sites to disrespect my opponents.
Staying up to date on new website features and making a consistent effort to ensure that these new evolu ons do
not compromise me or GCSC.
Represen ng myself in a professional manner while using social networking sites.
As a student-athlete, I realize that I am an ambassador to GCSC, and because of this great
responsibility, I must conduct myself in a proper manner while on these websites.
I realize that poten al employers, graduate school program administrators, and others outside of my
peer group may view my profile, and that what I post may have an effect on my future employment or
professional reputa on.
*Electronic presence refers to a student-athlete’s involvement in an electronic community.
**Inappropriate content is anything that is illegal, or that Gulf Coast State College and/or athle c department may deem as
inappropriate. This list may include but is not limited to: par al or total nudity, underage consump on of alcohol, hazing
ac vi es, tobacco use, obscene gestures, derogatory statements or vulgar language.
If you have your own vehicle, you are responsible for picking up your student parking decal in the Admissions
Building Room 124, this is at no cost to you. You must show photo ID, printed class schedule & vehicle tag
number. This decal must be located on the lower le corner of your back window.
BEWARE…. there are reserved parking areas established for no parking, employees and handicapped by either
a posted sign or curb color.
Reserved parking areas:
Green curb—employee parking
Blue curb—handicapped parking
Yellow curb—no parking
All vehicles must be parked in designated areas (this includes motorcycles). It is illegal to drive or park a vehicle
on the sidewalks or grass at any me.
FSU Police monitors the parking lots. If they see any vehicle parked in a reserved area or without a student decal,
the vehicle will be cketed.
The college shall assume no responsibility for damage occurring to any vehicle or other forms of transporta on
including bicycles and/or other privately owned property while on campus.
Parking in the
right place is
Follow the rules
and you will be
Introduc on
Student athletes face enormous pressures, both on and off the court or field, as they strive to excel academically
and athle cally. The rigors of classroom instruc on at Gulf Coast State College places a significant intellectual
and emo onal stress on our student athletes, compounded by the intense nature of the physical ac vity
experienced during prac ce and compe ve events. The purpose of this program is to promote healthy lifestyle
choices and provide a conducive learning environment for student athletes, free from pressures and risks
associated with the use of illegal drugs.
Drug Educa on
All student athletes will be required to a end educa onal sessions involving the promo on of healthy lifestyle
choices and the nega ve consequences of poor decisions. Included will be discussions on the college’s policies
and procedures for illegal drug screening/tes ng and the consequences of posi ve test results. In addi on,
discussions of state and federal laws regarding possession and use of illegal drugs will occur.
Drug Screening/Tes ng Program Overview
All student athletes will par cipate in a random sample drug screening/tes ng program throughout the
All student athletes will be required to submit to addi onal tes ng under reasonable cause.
Any student athlete tes ng posi ve two mes will be removed from his/her scholarship and athle c
par cipa on.
Gulf Coast State College Drug Tes ng Policy
The abuse of drugs and alcohol is currently a serious problem in our na on. Drugs and alcohol
have a nega ve and some mes deadly effect on those who abuse them and those around them.
This abuse is disrup ve to individual lives and to our en re society. The department of Wellness
and Athle cs at Gulf Coast State College firmly believes that the use of drugs and alcohol can
have a nega ve effect on performance of the student-athlete in the classroom and in sport. Gulf
Coast State College is a drug-free campus and work place (Manual of Policy (MOP) 6.105). The
poten al for drug abuse threatens the viability of collegiate athle cs, the public’s confidence in
the athle c departments and the academic reputa on of colleges and universi es. Increased drug
and alcohol educa on and counseling, although cri cal, are not sufficient by themselves. Drug
tes ng is necessary to deter drug use and to detect use that does occur, so that drug abusers, and
the threat of injury they represent to themselves and to others, may be removed from the athle c
department. A principal mo va on for drug tes ng, aside from a concern for the health of
student-athletes, is that drug abusers are not physically nor mentally fit for the rigors of
intercollegiate sports and may pose a risk of serious injury to themselves and others in the course
of prac ce or compe on (MOP 7.038). Moreover, drug abuse undermines the integrity of Gulf
Coast State College’s athle c programs.
The Athle c Department believes that random drug tes ng and tes ng based on reasonable
suspicion are appropriate to ensure the health, safety and welfare of our student-athletes, to
promote fair compe on in intercollegiate athle cs, to affirm compliance with applicable rules
and regula ons on drug and alcohol abuse, to iden fy student-athletes who are improperly using
drugs and alcohol, and to assist them before they harm themselves or others. Furthermore, the
Athle c Department recognizes its responsibility to provide educa onal programming that will
support a posi ve decision making process.
The intent of these policies is to prevent substance use and abuse by student-athletes through
educa on, tes ng and professional guidance.
Educa on- providing the student-athletes and athle c staff with accurate informa on about the
problems associated with substance use in sport, and to promote health and safety in sport
Tes ng- analyzing biological specimens to detect prohibited substances student-athletes may
introduce to their bodies and puni ve consequences resul ng from use
Professional Referral- facilita ng appropriate treatment and rehabilita on of student-athletes
Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Educa on
Par cipants who are educated about substance use in sport are more likely to make informed and
intelligent decisions about use. GCSC will conduct a drug and alcohol educa on program for
student-athletes at least once a year. The educa onal programs will be designed to review the
athle c department, ins tu onal, conference and na onal governing body policies related to
alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. Appropriate educa onal materials will be made available to all
par cipants including all the drug tes ng policies, the penal es for a posi ve test and a list of
banned substances. All student-athletes are required to a end. Make-up sessions are available for
par cipants who miss a scheduled session for an approved reason (approved by the athle c
Consent to Par cipate
Condi onal to par cipa on in intercollegiate athle cs at GCSC, each student-athlete will be
required to sign a consent form agreeing to undergo drug and alcohol tes ng (Appendix A). A
copy of this consent will be kept on file in the Director of Athle cs office. Failure to consent or
to comply with the requirements of this policy will result in a suspension or termina on of
eligibility to par cipate in intercollegiate athle cs at GCSC. Each student-athlete will receive a
copy of this policy and will be required to par cipate in the educa onal sessions.
Alcohol Policy
GCSC does not condone the illegal or otherwise irresponsible use of alcohol. It is the
responsibility of every member of the college community to know the risks associated with
alcohol use and abuse. This responsibility obligates student-athletes to know relevant college
policies and federal, state and local laws and to conduct themselves in accordance with these
laws and policies. This policy extends to the recruitment of prospec ve GCSC student-athletes.
Prospec ve student-athletes visi ng campus and socializing with current students are expected to
par cipate in all ac vi es without the influence of alcohol. It should be understood that
possession or consump on of alcoholic beverages by individuals under the age of 21 is a
viola on of state liquor laws. Likewise, it is illegal for anyone to supply alcoholic beverages to
persons under the age of 21.
The Athle c Department will address each of the following on a case by case basis; upon
convic on or plea of guilty to the following:
1. Driving under the influence (DUI/DWI) or other motor vehicle viola ons involving alcohol
or drugs
2. Public intoxica on
3. Drunk and disorderly
4. Other viola ons of law involving alcohol or drugs, including possession
Tobacco Policy
Gulf Coast State College is a tobacco free campus including athle c housing paid by the
college.( MOP 5.290) The use of tobacco products is prohibited by all game personnel (e.g.
coaches, student-athletes, athle c trainers, managers and game officials) in all sports during
prac ce, compe on, travel and in any other capacity while officially represen ng GCSC. The
athle c department will address viola ons involving tobacco use on a case-by-case basis.
Dietary Supplements
GCSC Department of Athle cs personnel will not distribute or encourage the use of any dietary
supplements or ergogenic aids. Many dietary supplements or ergogenic aids contain banned
substances O en mes the labeling of dietary supplements is not accurate and is misleading.
Terms such as “healthy” or “all natural” does not mean dietary supplements do not contain a
banned substance or are safe to take. Using dietary supplements may cause a posi ve drug test.
Student-athletes who are currently taking dietary supplements or intend to take any are required
to review the product with the Head Athle c Trainer.
Prohibited Drugs/Substances
The drug screening process may include analysis of, but is not limited to the Na onal Collegiate
Athle c Associa on’s (NCAA) list of banned-drug classes (See Appendix B). For an ongoing
updated lis ng of the banned-drug list view the NCAA’s web site at Note that the
banned lists are not all inclusive. GCSC reserves the right to test for any and all prohibited
substances, including anabolic steroids (See Appendix C). GCSC requires that all student GCSC
athletes keep the athle c training staff and/or team physician aware of any prescribed drugs and
dietary supplements that he or she may be taking.
Selected Types of Drug Tes ng
Unannounced Random Tes ng
All student-athletes who have signed the ins tu onal drug-tes ng consent form and are listed on
the ins tu onal team list are subject to unannounced random tes ng.
The Director of Athle cs or his/her designee will select student-athletes from the official
ins tu onal team lists by using a computerized random number program. Urinalysis and/or
saliva tes ng procedures may be used for unannounced random tes ng.
Reasonable Suspicion Screening
A student-athlete may be subject to tes ng at any me when the Director of Athle cs or his/her
designee determines there is individualized reasonable suspicion to believe the par cipant is
using a banned substance. Such reasonable suspicion may be based on objec ve informa on as
determined by the Director of Athle cs, Head Coach, Assistant Coach, Head Athle c Trainer, or
Team Physician, and deemed reliable by the Director of Athle cs or his/her designee.
Reasonable suspicion may be found, but not limited to 1) observed possession or use of
substances appearing to be prohibited drugs, 2) arrest or convic on for a criminal offense related
to the possession or transfer of prohibited drugs or substances, or 3) observed abnormal
appearance, conduct or behavior reasonably interpretable as being caused by the use of
prohibited drugs or substances. Among the indicators which may be used in evalua ng a student athlete's
abnormal appearance, conduct or performance are: class a endance, significant GPA
changes, athle c prac ce a endance, increased injury rate or illness, physical appearance
changes, academic/athle c mo va onal level, emo onal condi on, mood changes, and legal
involvement. Note: The possession and/or use of illegal substances may be determined by means
other than urinalysis or saliva tes ng. When an individual is found to be in possession and/or
using such substances, he/she will be subject to the same procedures that would be followed in
the case of a posi ve drug test (e.g., using on-site saliva tes ng products to determine alcohol
consump on).
Follow-up Tes ng
A student-athlete who has returned to par cipa on in intercollegiate sports following a posi ve
drug test under this policy may be subject to follow-up tes ng. Tes ng will be unannounced and
will be required at a frequency of approximately 30 days as determined by the Athle c Director
or his/her designee in consulta on with the counselor or specialist involved in the student athlete's
Suspected Manipula on
A student-athlete who is suspected of manipula ng his/her urine or saliva sample will be
considered to have a posi ve test and will be subject to follow-up tes ng. Manipula on can
include the use of masking agents (See Appendix D) or by over-hydra ng to manipulate or dilute
the test.
GCSC Drug Tes ng Policy
7/29 2014
No fica on and Repor ng for Collec ons
The Director of Athle cs or his/her designee will no fy the student-athlete of the date and me
to report to the collec on sta on and will have the student-athlete read and sign the Prescrip on
Verifica on Form (See Appendix E).
The Director of Athle cs or his/her designee will be in the collec on sta on to cer fy the
iden ty of the student-athletes selected. Student-athletes shall provide picture iden fica on
when entering the drug-tes ng sta on as well as their social security number or student ID. The
Director of Athle cs or his/her designee must remain in the collec on sta on un l all student athletes
complete the collec on process.
Frequency of Tes ng
20% of each team will be tested on a rota onal basis determined by the Athle c Director. The
standard schedule will be as follows (see appendix F). Adjustments may be made based on
schedule conflicts, funding etc.
Specimen Collec on Procedures
1. Student-athletes are chosen randomly by Quest Diagnos cs. Once the names are chosen, the
Head Athle c Trainer will no fy the student-athletes to arrive at the college for tes ng
2. Refusal to be drug tested is considered a posi ve test and penal es will result.
3. The athlete will have an empty mouth and not having eaten or drank anything (water is
permi ed) in the last 30 minutes and will follow instruc ons for oral swab collec on (See
Appendix F).
4. Once the specimen is collected, the student-athlete is free to leave.
5. Results of the test will be posted to the online college account accessible by password by the
Athle c Director and Head Athle c Trainer.
Refusal to submit to a drug test, leaving the drug tes ng facility, not showing up for the drug test
or providing false informa on according to protocol is cause for the same ac on(s) as evidence
of use of a banned substance. The Director of Athle cs or his/her designee will inform the
student-athlete of these implica ons (in the presence of a witness) and will record this on the
student no fica on form.
Repor ng Results
Saliva samples will be collected and sent to an independent, SAMHSA approved laboratory for
analysis (Quest Diagnos cs). Each sample will be tested to determine if banned drugs or
substances are present. A test result confirmed as posi ve by the laboratory automa cally
iden fies the student-athlete as having engaged in prohibited drug or alcohol use. Results will be
made available to the Head Athle c Trainer and Athle c Director. If the laboratory reports a
specimen as subs tuted, manipulated or adulterated, the student-athlete will be deemed to have
refused to submit to tes ng and treated as if the test were posi ve for a banned substance.
Penal es
•Refusal to sign a consent form prohibits a student-athlete from par cipa ng in any
intercollegiate sport at Gulf Coast State College.
•Any student-athlete who is found guilty of serious criminal misconduct (e.g., drug trafficking;
driving while impaired resul ng in serious injury or death) will not be permi ed to par cipate in
any intercollegiate sport at Gulf Coast State College.
•Any student-athlete who tests posi ve for a banned substance or who refuses to submit to a
required drug test as described in this policy shall be subject to the following sanc ons:
First Offense
The Head Athle c Trainer will report the posi ve drug test finding(s) to the Director of
Athle cs. The Director of Athle cs will schedule a confiden al mee ng with the student-athlete
and the head coach. The Director of Athle cs or his/her designee shall, if appropriate, no fy the
student-athlete’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s) by telephone and in wri ng. The student-athlete
will be required to a end a drug counseling assessment session at the GCSC Counseling Center.
The counselor will ask the student-athlete to discuss the nature and extent of his/her involvement
with prohibited drugs and/or alcohol. The counselor shall determine the appropriate form(s) of
interven on and rehabilita on needed by the student-athlete, based on the circumstances of the
case. If the GCSC counselor deems necessary, the student-athlete may be referred for counseling
or treatment from an off-campus provider, at the student-athlete’s expense. The student-athlete
may or may not be allowed to par cipate in games, prac ces and condi oning sessions. The
student-athlete will be subject to follow-up tes ng and will be required to a end mandatory
counseling sessions as scheduled by the colleges cer fied drug counselor. Tes ng will be
unannounced and will be required at a frequency determined by the Director of Athle cs or
his/her designee. If the athlete does not comply with all counseling sessions and follow-up
tes ng, it will be considered a second offense and all scholarship privileges will be terminated.
Second Offense
The Head Athle c Trainer will report the second posi ve drug test finding(s) to the Director of
Athle cs. The Director of Athle cs will schedule a confiden al mee ng with the student-athlete
and the head coach. The Director of Athle cs or his/her designee shall, if appropriate, no fy the
student-athlete’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s) by telephone and in wri ng. The student-athlete
will be immediately terminated from par cipa on and loss of scholarship privileges at GCSC.
Medical Excep on Process
Gulf Coast State College recognizes that some banned substances are used for legi mate medical
purposes. Accordingly, GCSC allows excep ons to be made for those student-athletes with a
documented medical history demonstra ng a need for regular use of such a substance.
Excep ons may be granted for substances included in the following classes of banned drugs:
s mulants, beta-blockers, diure cs and pep de hormones.
The student-athlete is required to inform the Head Athle c Trainer of all medica ons he or she is
taking. GCSC will ask for documenta on from the student-athlete’s prescribing physician that
documents the student-athlete’s medical history demonstra ng the need for regular use of such a
drug. The le er should contain informa on as to the diagnosis (including appropriate
verifica on), medical history and dosage informa on.
In the event a student-athlete tests posi ve, the Head Athle c Trainer in consulta on with the
Team Physician will review the student-athlete’s medical record to determine whether a medical
excep on should be granted. and
(a) S mulants
amiphenazole doxapram nikethamide
amphetamine ephedrine pemoline
bemigride ethamivan pentretrzol
benzphetamine ethylamphetamine phendimetrazine
bromantan fencamfamine phemetrazine
caffeine* meclofenoxate phentermine
chlorphentermine methamphetamine picrotoxine
cocaine methylphenidate pipradol
cropropamide meclofenoxate prolintane
crothetamide methamphetamine strychnine
diethylpropion methylene-dioxymethamphetamine (Ecstasy)
dimethylamphetamine methylphendiate ^^and related compounds
(b) Anabolic Agents
anabolic steroids dromostanolone oxandrolone
androstenediol fluoxymesterone oxymesterone
androstenedione mesterolone oxymetholone
boldenone methandienone stanozolol
clostebol Methenolone testosterone**
dehydrochlormethyl- methyltestosterone ^^and related compounds
testosterone Nandrolone
dehydroepiandrosterone norandrostenediol Other anabolic agents:
(DHEA) norandrostenedione clenbuterol
dihydrotestosterone (DHT) norethandrolone
c) Diure cs
acetazolamide ethacrynic acid metolazone
bendroflumethiazide Flumethiazide polythiazide
Benzthiazide Furosemide quinethazone
Bumetanide hydrochlorothiazide spironolactone
Chlorothiazide hydroflumethiazide triamterene
Chlorthalidone methyclothiazide trichlormethiazide
^^and related compounds.
(d) Street Drugs
Heroin THC
Marijuana*** (tetrahydrocannabinol)***
(e) Pep de Hormones and Analogues
chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG – human chorionic gonadotrophin)
cor cotrophin (ACTH)
Growth hormone (HGH, somatotrophin)
All the respec ve releasing factors of the above-men oned substances also are banned.
erythropoie n (EPO) sermorelin
(f) Defini ons of posi ve depends on the following:
* For caffeine- if the concentra on in urine exceeds 15 micrograms/ml.
** For testosterone – if the administra on of testosterone or the use of any other manipula on has the result of
increasing the ra o of the total concentra on of testosterone to that of epitestosterone in the urine to greater
6:1, unless there is evidence that this is due to a physiological or pathological condi on.
*** For marijuana and THC – if the concentra on in the urine of THC metabolite exceeds 15 nanograms/ml.
^^The term “related compounds” comprises substances that are included in the class by their pharmacological
ac on
and/or chemical structure. No substance belonging to the prohibited class may be used, regardless of whether it
specifically listed as an example.
No ce: Effec ve August 1, 2002, phenylpropanolamine (PPA) will be an NCAA banned substance under the
category of s mulants. This drug is an ingredient used in many over-the-counter (OTC) and prescrip on cough
and cold medica ons as a decongestant and in OTC weight loss products. Advance no ce is being given before
the ban is implemented to provide an opportunity for athletes to remove products that contain PPA from their
supply of cough and cold medica ons.
Prohibited: drug class may not be used.
Restricted: drug class may be used under special circumstances defined by the NCAA.
Allowed: category may be used, assuming the use is legal, appropriate
The environment for today’s student-athlete enables easy access to products, which are available over-thecounter at
retail outlets and through the internet, but contain substances banned by the NCAA. Many student-athletes assume if
these products can be easily purchased in retail stores and over the internet, then they must be allowed under
The student-athlete who uses a nutri onal substance without checking the ingredients with the Sports Medicine
Department or the Strength and Condi oning coach and tests posi ve for banned substances will be held in violaon of
Bylaw (Ineligibility for Use of Banned Drugs). Student-athletes who test posi ve are subject to at least a
one-year suspension and loss of eligibility.
the use of tobacco products is prohibited for coaches, game officials and student-athletes in all sports during pracce
and compe on. A student-athlete who uses tobacco products during prac ce or compe on is automa cally
disqualified for the remainder of that prac ce or game.
You are solely responsible for what you consume.
If you use, you use at your own risk!
Expanded Steroid Panel (Order Code 21791N):
Common name - Brand name
Androsta-1,4,6-triene-3,17-dione (ATD) Novedex
1-Androstendiol 1-AD
Androstendiol (Δ4- and Δ5-androsten-3β,17β-diols) Adiol
Androstendione (Δ4- and Δ5-androsten-3,17-diones) Androsten
Bolasterone (7α,17α-dimethyltestosterone) Myagen
Boldenone (1-dehydrotestosterone) Equipose, Parenabol, Vebonol, Dehydrotestosterone
Bolandiol (see 19-nor-Androstenediol)
Boldione (androsta-1,4-dien-3,17-dione) Equi-Bolan
Calusterone (androst-4-en-7β,17α-dimethyl-17β-ol-3-one) Methosarb
Clenbuterol Spiropent
Clostebol (4-chlorotestosterone) Alfa-Trofodermin, Clostene, Steranabol, Turinabol
Danazol (17-ethynyl-17β-ol-4-androsteno[2,3-d]isoxazol) Cyclomen, Danatrol
Dehydrochloromethyltestosterone Oral-Turinabol, DHCMT
Dehydroepiandrosterone DHEA
Desoxymethyltestosterone (5α-androst-2-en-17β-ol) Ergo Max LMG
Dihydrotestosterone 5α-DHT, Anabolex, Andrac m, Pesomax, Stanolone
Drostanediol (Androstanediol) Xenabol
Drostanolone (2α-methyl-5α-dihydrotestosterone) Drolban, Masterid, Masterone, Permastril
Epitestosterone (4-androsten-17α-ol-3-one) > 200 ng/mL
Estra-4,9-dien-3,17-dione FiniGenX Magnum
Ethylestrenol Maxibolin, Orabolin, Durabolin-O, Duraboral
Fluoxymesterone (9α-fluoro-17α-Me-11β-OH-testosterone) Anadroid-F, Halotes n, Ora-Testryl
Formebolone (formyldienolone) Esiclene, Hubernol
Formestane (4-hydroxyandrostendione) Lentaron
Furazabol Miotolon
6α-Methylandrostendione Formadrol, M-1-P
Mestanolone (17α-methylandrostan-17β-ol-3-one) Androstanolone
Methandienone (Methandrostenolone) Dianabol, Metabolina, Nerobol, Perbolin
Methasterone (2α,17α-dimethyl-5α-androstan-17β-ol-3-one) Methyl Masterdrol, Superdrol
Methenolone (1-Methyl-5α-androst-1-en-17β-ol-3-one) Primobolan, Primobolan Depot, Primobolan S
Methandriol (17α-Methyl-5-androsten-3β,17β-diol) Sinesex, Stenediol, Troformone
Methyl-1-testosterone (17α-Methyl-5α-androst-1-en-17β-ol-3-one) M-1-T
Methylnortestosterone (Normethandrolone) Lutenin, Matronal, Orgasteron
Methyltestosterone (17α-Methyltestosterone) Android, Oreton, Testred, Virilon
Mibolerone (1α,17α-Dimethyltestosterone) Cheque, Matenon
Nandrolone (19-Nortestosterone) Deca-Durabolin, Durabolin
19-Norandrostendiol (Δ4- and Δ5-androsten-3β,17β-diols) Bolandiol, Nandrodiol
19-Norandrostendione (Δ4- and Δ5-androsten-3,17-diones) Norandro
Norclostebol (19-nor-4-chlorotestosterone) Anabol-4-19, Lentabol
Norethandrolone (17α-Ethyl-19-nortestosterone) Nilevar, Solevar
Oxabolone (4-Hydroxy-19-nor-testosterone)
Oxandrolone (2-Oxa-17α-methyldihydrotestosterone) Anavar, Lonavar, Provitar, Vasorome
Oxymesterone (4-Hydroxy-17α-methyltestosterone) Anamidol, Balnimax, Oranabol, Oranabol 10
Oxymetholone (17b-OH-2-hydroxymethylen-5α-DHT) Anadrol-50, Adroyd, Anapolon, Anasteron, Pardroyd
Probenecid, masking agent Proben, Benemid
Prostanozol (5α-androstano-17β-ol-3-one-[2,3-c]pyrazol) Orastan-E
Quinbolone (1-dehydrotestosterone 17-cyclopent-1’-enyl ether) Anabolicum Vister
Stanozolol (5α-androstano-17α-methyl-17β-ol-3-one-[2,3-c]pyrazol) Stromba, Winstrol, Winstrol-V
Stenbolone (2-Methyl-5α-androst-1-en-17β-ol-3-one) Anatrofin
Testolactone (D-homo-17α-oxaandrosta-1,4-dien-3,17-dione) Teolit, Teslac
1-Testosterone (5α-androst-1-en-17β-ol-3-one) 1-Test; 1-T
Testosterone (T/E ra o > 6) Android-T, Androlan, Depotest, Delatestryl
Trenbolone (Androsta-4,9,11-trien-17β-ol-3-one) Finaplix-S, Finajet, Parabolan
Sports Diure c Panel: (masking agents)
Acetazolamide Bendroflumethiazide
Bumetanide Canrenone/Spironolactone Chlorothiazide
Ethacrynic Acid
Hydrochlorothiazide Hydroflumethiazide
Gulf Coast State College Wellness and Athle c Department Lightning Policy
Chain of Command
The responsibility for termina ng an athle c ac vity in the event of lightning, severe weather, and/or storm lies with the Gulf
Coast State College (GCSC) incoordina on with game umpires/officials the cer fied Athle c trainer and the GCSC game/prac ce/
event administrator
Note: The Administrator is defined as The GCSC Athle c Director, Head Coach,
Assistant Coach, Event Coordinator or Supervisor depending on who is present
and in charge at the site.
This is a general protocol depending on the event and who is on site and in charge.
A GCSC cer fied athle c trainer will communicate with the GCSC game Administrator, the head coach and game officials/ umpires of the poten al for a lightning strike, severe weather, and/or storm, and will make the recommenda on that all ac vi es
stop immediately.
• If the head coach is not present, an assistant coach will assume
• If a coach and/or game official(s) / umpire(s) make the decision to con nue to prac ce and/or con nue with a game or other
ac vity despite a Na onal Weather Service Severe Weather Warning and/or the verbal instruc on by a GCSC cer fied athle c
trainer or GCSC game administrator, they will be doing so against the recommenda ons of the GCSC Wellness and Athle c
Department, and will be personally liable for any and all injuries.
Criteria for Evacua on of the Prac ce/Game Area
The policy of GCSC Wellness and Athle c Department will be as follows:
1) A GCSC Cer fied Athle c Trainer or GCSC Administrator will inform the visi ng team’s athle c trainer and/or coach and game
officials/umpires of GCSC’s policy with regards to lightning, severe weather and/or storms.
2) A GCSC Cer fied Athle c Trainer or GCSC Administrator will monitor the lightning detector via phone applica on or hand held
detector and will watch for lightning and listen for thunder and will be responsible for keeping track of the “flash/bang” count.
3) A GCSC Cer fied Athle c Trainer or GCSC Administrator will also monitor local weather radar and media outlets for severe thunderstorm, tornado, and/or other severe weather watches/warnings.
4) When the flash/bang count reaches 40 seconds, the 8-20 mile alarm indicator is illuminated on the lightning detector, and/or a
severe weather watch has been issued, a GCSC Cer fied Athle c Trainer or GCSC
Administrator will no fy the following persons•
The game official/umpire (at a break in the ac on)
• The head coach
The visi ng team’s athle c trainer and/or coach
• GCSC game administrator
5) When the flash/bang count reaches 30 seconds or less, the 3-8 mile alarm Indicator illumina ng on the lightning detector, and/
or a severe weather warning has been issued; a GCSC Cer fied Athle c Trainer or GCSC Game Administrator will no fy the following persons• The game official/umpire
• The head coach
• The visi ng team’s athle c trainer and/or coach
• GCSC game administrator
At this point, all game/prac ce ac vi es are to cease immediately and all personnel are to evacuate to a safer structure or loca on.
6) A safe structure or loca on is defined as – “any sturdy, fully enclosed, substan al, and frequently inhabited building that has
plumbing and/or electrical wiring that acts to electrically ground the structure.” Examples of loca ons that do not meet the criteria
include• Baseball/so ball dugouts
• Baseball/so ball ba ng cages
• Outside storage sheds
• Canopy/awnings/tents
• Golf carts
7) In the absence of a sturdy, fully enclosed, substantial and frequently inhabited location, a secondary structure such as a fully enclosed vehicle with a hard metal roof, rubber tires and completely closed windows. Golf
carts, do not provide a high level of protection and cannot be considered safe.
8) Avoid using land-line phones, taking showers, using hot tubs, or whirlpools. A cellular and/or portable remote phone is a safe alternative to land-line, if the person is located in a safe structure or location.
9) If no safe structure or location is available within a reasonable distance, personnel should find a thick grove
of trees surrounded by taller trees or by a dry ditch. Stay away from the tallest trees or objects, metal objects,
individual trees, standing pools of water, and open fields. Everyone should assume the lightning safe position,
a crouched position on the ground with the feet together, weight on the balls of the feet, head lowered, and
ears covered. DO NOT LIE FLAT! Minimize the body’s surface area and minimize contact with the ground.
10) In situations where thunder and/or lightning may or may not be present, yet someone feels there hair stand on end and
skin tingle, LIGHTNING IS IMMINENT! Therefore, all persons should assume the lightning safe
12) All individuals should have right to leave a site or activity, without fear of repercussion or penalty, in order to seek a safe
structure or location if they feel that they are in danger from impending lightning activity.
Criteria for safe return to the practice/game area
1) Personnel should not return to the practice/game area until 30 minutes have passed after the flash/bang count is greater
than 30, the last lightning flash or the last sound of thunder and/or the lightning detector indicates that lightning is greater
than 20 miles away.
2) Each time the flash/bang count goes below 30, lightning is observed
and/or thunder is heard the 30 minute clock is reset.
3) Blue skies in the local area and/or a lack of rainfall are not adequate
reasons to breach the 30 minute return-to-lay. Lightning can strike up to
ten miles away from the rain shaft of a storm.
Student Right to Know
Student Persistence Rules/Placement Rate of Vocational Completers: Information regarding graduation rates and
placement are available as required by the Student Right to Know Act (Public Law 101-542) in the Office of Institutional
Effectiveness on the Panama City Campus.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA): The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act affords students
certain rights with respect to their educational records. These rights include:
The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day Gulf Coast State College receives a request for access. Students would submit to the Registrar’s Office written requests that identify
the record(s) they wish to inspect. The Registrar will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the
time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the Registrar’s Office
the student shall be advised of the correct official to who the request should be addressed.
The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes is inaccurate.
Students may ask Gulf Coast State College to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate. They should write
the Registrar, clearly identify the part of the records they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate. If Gulf
Coast State College decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the student shall be notified of
the decision and advised as to his or her right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.
The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception which permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a
person employed by Gulf Coast State College in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support
staff position (including law enforcement personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom Gulf Coast
State College has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, collection agent, degree conferral & transcript processing agent, document managing agent, and placement sites for internship or similar student work/study opportunities); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; a student serving on an official committee, such as a
disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks; consultants, volunteers or other outside parties to who Gulf Coast State College has outsourced institutional services or
functions that it would otherwise use employees to perform. A school official has a legitimate educational interest
if the official needs to review an education records in order fulfill his or her professional responsibility. As allowed
with FERPA guidelines, Gulf Coast State College may disclose education records without consent to officials of
another school, upon request, in which a student seeks or intends to enroll.
The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Gulf Coast
State College to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office administers FERPA
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-5901
What conditions apply to disclosure of information in health and safety emergencies?
a. Gulf Coast State College may disclose personally identifiable information from an education record to
appropriate parties, including parents of an eligible student, in connection with an emergency if
knowledge of the information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals.
b. Nothing in the 20 U.S.C. 1232g (b)(1)(l) and (h) or this part shall prevent Gulf Coast State College from:
c. Including in the education records of a student appropriate information concerning disciplinary action
taken against the student for conduct that posed a significant risk to the safety or well-being of that student, other students, or other members of the school community;
d. Disclosing appropriate information maintained under paragraph (b)(1) of this section to instructors and
school officials within Gulf Coast State College who have been determined to have legitimate educational
interests in the behavior of the student; or
e. Disclosing appropriate information maintained under paragraph (b)(1) of this section to instructors and
school officials in other schools who have been determined to have legitimate educational interests in the
behavior of the student.
f. In making a determination under paragraph (a) of the section, Gulf Coast State College may take into account the
totality of the circumstances pertaining to a threat to the health or safety of a student or other individuals. If Gulf
Coast State College determines that there is an articulable and significant threat to the health or safety of a student
or other individuals, it may disclose information from education records to any person whose knowledge of the information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals.
At its discretion, Gulf Coast State College may provide Directory Information in accordance with the provisions of the
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act. Directory Information is defined as that information which would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. Designated Directory Information at Gulf Coast
State College includes the following:
Student’s name
Date of birth
Major field of study
Enrollment status
Participation in recognized activities and sports
Weight and height of athletic team members
Dates of attendance
Degrees, awards, and previous schools attended
Students may withhold Directory Information by notifying the registrar in writing; please note that such withholding
requests are binding for all information to all parties other than for those exceptions allowed under the Act. Students
should consider all aspects of a Directory Hold prior to filing such a request.
Health or Safety Emergency (FERPA)
In an emergency, FERPA permits school officials to disclose without student consent education records, including
personally identifiable information from those records, to protect the health or safety of students or other individuals. At such times, records and information may be released to appropriate parties such as law enforcement officials,
public health officials, and trained medical personnel. See 34 CFR § 99.31(a)(10) and § 99.36. This exception to
FERPA's general consent rule is limited to the period of the emergency and generally does not allow for a blanket
release of personally identifiable information from a student's education records. In addition, the Department interprets FERPA to permit institutions to disclose information from education records to parents if a health or safety
emergency involves their son or daughter.
Notification of Social Security Number Collection and Usage
In compliance with FL Statute 119.071(5), Gulf Coast State College (GCSC) issues this notification regarding the
purpose of the collection and use of your Social Security Number (SSN).
GCSC collects your Social Security Number for use in performance of the College’s duties and responsibilities. To
protect your identity GCSC will secure your Social Security Number from unauthorized access. GCSC will never release your Social Security Number to unauthorized parties, and each student/employee at GCSC will be issued a
unique student/employee identification number. Your unique ID number is used for all associated employment and
educational purposes at GCSC including registration, access of your online records, etc. You are not required to dis-