cfiilds oPH - Groman Mortuary
cfiilds oPH - Groman Mortuary
INC, 830 W. Washington Blvd. Los Angeles, Ca. 90015 FD 696 7 (2r3J7\8-0893 1 (800) 371 - 0893 Over 80 years of caring, Harry cfiilds oPH TIONS dignified service to the entire community. Groman Founder Richard Groman President PRICE LIST (ADTILT) These prices are tffective FEBRUARY 01.2016 Subject to change without notice. 1258.4 StatemeDt ofDisclosure of Pre.need AgreeDent Business and Professions Code Sectior 7685(b) 'Prior to draJting qr.y co troct for goods or services,lhe tespotsible patty or the decedent's survivor who is handling lhe faleral attangements is enlitled to receire a copy of any pre-need agreement i lhe possession of the funeral establishrnent that has been signed and paid Jor, in full or in patt, by or on behaI oJ the decedent." FOR MORE INFORMATION ON CEMETERY, TUNERAL AND CREMATION MATTERS, CONTACT: CEMETERY AND FUNERAL BUREAU 1625 N.MARKET BLVD.SUITE S-208, SACRAMENTO, CA.95834 (916) s74-7870 PTTONE (916) 928-7988 FAX - e-mail address GENERAL PRICE LIST W€ are please to furnish th€ following infor atiotr relating to th€ various services that ws offer so that yorr may b€ better inform and tbus etrable to make those importalt decisio[s in ! way which is dost beneficial to you. The folloving prices ,nd itrformatiotr ar€ mad€ available rs required by the Federsl Trade ComEission. Itr certaijr lnstanc€., the Federal Trade Commission requires us to use defitrite and specific wording. Some of these phrsses miy trot always apply to Groman Mortuary, Itrc. Itr such case yorr rortrselor wiU try to explritr atry item that you fitrd €onfusing. How.ver, trothing th€ counselor or atryon€ else may say shoEld be taken as modifying of differing from the written words below rnd otr the contract statemeat describing the funeral goods atral servic€s selected. The cotrtract rvill show a simple form as possible, yorr seleclions, pric€s, snd goods a[d services yhich are inclu.led. Yolr will b€ given the opportrnity to r€view the cotrtr.ct belore sigtritrg it a copy will be giYen to you. The goods and s€rvices shown are those we can provid€ to our customers. You may choose only the items you il€sire. tf legal or other regulations r€quire that you must buy auy items that you did ,rot specifically or ask for! we will €rplaitr the reasotr in ryriting on the statemetrt se providc for descrilrillg the fun€ral goods aDd services you selected. However, any lutrer.l arrarg€merts you s€le€t will inclrd€ r charg€ for our seryices. (This list does Dot inelude certain items thrt you mry ask us 1o obtain on your behalf- The prices for those items will be shovtr on the contrrct or state etrt describitrg th€ funeral gooils and services yor have sel6ct€d) A ba6ic fo€ is charged to €very family for our profsssiotral expertise in a!sisting them witt their prefererIces. It itrcluder a proportionate share of lhe business eipens.s required 10 serve the public. The follofiing gro[p of servic€s atrd facilities incluil€s the usual items *hich make up the compl€te trad itiotra I fr neral s€rvicer. Such basic fee ir consid€red and alefined as indecliBable cherge sorDetimes term as: MORTUARY OVERTTEAD $795.00{TNDECLINABLE) It includes a proportionate share ofthe busircss expeDses requircd to serve the prblic. MINIMUM SERVICES The fee for our basic services will be added to the tolal cost off,meral anangements you selected. This fee includes the following: Personnel available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to rcspotrd to initiat call. Arragement Oonfeience Coordinating services plans with cemetery, qematory, aod/or olher parties involved in the finai disposition of ttre deoeased. Clerical assistance in the completioa ofvadous forms and permits associated with a fineml. Also covers overhead, including facilif rraiutenance, equipment and invetrtory cost insu.ance aod adminishatiou expenses, and goverDment compliaace. Sales tax rill be added where applicable by law Our Casket Prices range from $240.00 to $13,000.00 (ADWT) which is detailed ftrther in our Casket Price List (CPL) Our Urn Price Rarges from $85.00 to $575.00 Our Casket Prices range from $195.00 to $1,900.00 (INFANT) which is detailed turther in our Infant Casket Price List (CPL) Our Alternative Containers Pt'ice R.nge from $250.00 to $600.00 Our Rental Casket Price Range from $450.00 up to $550.00 our Other Burial Container Price Range $550.00 to $2,900.00 Our Casket Panels Price Range from $ 150.00 to $ 200.00, Our Burial Clothing Price RaEge for $ 150.00 to $ 250.00. 2 COMPITTETRADMONALSERYICES(ADI,]LN $2"5OO.OO * Pasomel available 24-lous a day for emergency assisEnce; traosf€riry deeased to croman Motusy, Inc. rcmains, embaimiry, hBirdressing ard cosmetics ifrequesred; atd casketing. + Care and prepaation ofhumau + Use ofMotuary building/ ft.iliry. i Services ofarmagemeit coEnselor for cotrsultatiotr regarding vital stdistics and aranging and coordiMti4 service derails. * Usheriry, care and arnngi.g offlowers al ci"pel ard conmittal site; the fmeral service including fimeral director and assistants al chapel md intermerf site, care and maidemnce, use of chapel facilities and crucifix * Registration book (50) pmyer cards,& (l)ducifix for calholic extra item will be charge ro family. + This charge does trot include cemetery chaxges for such items as cemeiery properi,, htermeDt oper,itrg and closing recordine cbarges. outer contaiDer, memorial iable! etc. SATURDAY, SUNDAY OR EOLIDAY SERVICE ADDITIONAL CEARGE OF' $ 375.00 CRYPTSIDE/GRAVESIDESERYICES(ADULD $2.2OO.OO * PersoDnel arailable 24-loErs a ilay for eBergercy assistance; fansftrring aleceased to croman Mofiuey. Inc. * CarE atrdFEptrdimofhrnarI,nainsjhairdBsiDg@dcosmetics ifrcqfre$e4 dEssiDe ad€aslciing *Use ofmortuary hapel and buildine/ ecilfty. * Services ofmemorial arangemeEt counselor for consultation regardhg vital statistics, arangiag and coodinating se.vice details * Usual ard necessary clerical suppoit * Usherinj, care and aftngitrg offlowe$ at comEittal site; the ftmerdl s€rvice inchding furcral dircctor at intermetrt site. Rei{rdirbook(50)Fa/E € ib ald(qEiftlif ffii &rrdra}tageb&mlily)This charge does trot include cemetery charges for such items as ceiretery propear, interm€nt, operinE aod closing" recording charges, outer cotrtain€r, memorial lablel etc. SATURDAY, SUNDAY OR HOLIDAY SER!'ICE ADDIT]ONAL CSARGE OF $375.00 DIRECT BURIAL (ADULT (lnm€diate bu ) $ 2.OOO.OO al withort viewitrg or ceremont) * Perso.ncl available 24-hours a day emergency assistance, rransfening deceased to Groman Mortuan,Inc. * Care and preparatjon of huma,1rcmains. hairdrcssing and cosmedcs ifreque$ed; dressing and caskering. * Use of monuary chapel and building/ facility. (ID ONLY) + Services of memorial anangemenl coimselor for consultation re$rding vital siaristics and arrangirg and coordinating * Usual and necessarl clerical support. does nor include cemeErl, charges foi such items as cemelery proper6'- inrermenr. openmg and ctosing. recording charges. outer container, memorial iablet. etc- * This charge SATURDAY, SUNDAY OR HOLIDAY StrRYICE ADDITIONAL CI{ARCE OF $375.00 SHIP OUT WITIIFUNERAL SERYICE (ADIJ'I,T) $ 2.5OO.OO * Persorlel available 2,t-hoxrs a day emergeDcy assistance; raffferring deceased m Grcman Mortuafl,_ Inc. ard transfer to crematory and piace ofdisposilion. * Care and preparation ofhuman remains. han dressing and caskeling ifrequesred. * Use of monudl- building/ facillt!. ' Deli\ er ro locdl + Services ai?o.r $ irhin a )i mile rddru. ofmemorial anangemcnl counselor for consnltaiion regardillg vitai sladstics and ara4ing and coordinatrnq * Usual and necessar-a clerical suppofl. * care and aranging of flowers. The memorial senice incldlng funeral director aDd assista s at chapel, care and rnaintenance ofchapet. * Shipnrenl otdeccased liom LAX io the nearest receiving ailport or por of enrr'-v (does Dot itrclude funerat service. casket or shipping container, shipp g clarses or outside shipping coniainer. and receiying mortuary charges) . Memorial prayer booklets for use at the funeral service, regisrahon book, (50) pra),er cards & ( t.)crucitu for Catholic. extm irem will be charge lo lhnily. SATURDAY! SUNDAY OR HOLIDAY SERVICE CHARGE 5375.OO ADDITIONAL DIRECT * PersoDnel available 24-houn a day emergency assistancer transfering deceased to cmman Monuary. lnc. and transfer to crematory aDd place of disposition. +C3rc and prepamtion ofhuma! remains. hair dressing and casketing if requested. *Use of mortuary buiidi[ri/ faciiity. 'Deh!er ro localar,?on qrftjr a:\-mrre radiLr\ *Se,icesofmermrialarrargementcouseicrforcoNrlatiorrcgardmgvitdsdieicJadardngingandcoGdinating$wicede6ils. *Usual and necessary cledcal suppon. *Direcr shipnent of deceased tuom LAX to the nearest receiyrng ai.port or por of enrrf (does nor inclnde funeral sewice. casket or shipping coDtainer- shipping charges or outside shipping container, and receiving mortuart charge, SHIP IN WITH SER\TCE {ADULT) $2"2OO.OO * Personnel avaiiable 24-bours a day eDergency assistance; raDsferring deceased .o croman Moltuary'. lnc. and ransfer to cemeter), crematory and other place ofdisposition. - ar C.are and prEparatior ofhuman rcmains, han drqssing and casketing ifrequesred &essi4 casketucs. +Use ofmortuary chapel facilities. + S(rviclsofmdncrialmargemdcculseloriorcorrs alionrceading vibl srisics ard amrgiDg ml coodimting se-lice deaih + Usual and necessary clerical support. * Ushering, care and aranging oI flowers. The mernorial service including tuneml director and assistaffs at chapel, ctu-e and mainlenance ofchapel * RegistratjoD book for use at the tuneral opcning and closing. * This charge does not include cemetery charges for such items as cemelert' properq,, ifterme openiDg and closmg rccordmg charges, outer container, memorial tablel e&. SATI]RDAY. SUNDAY OR HOLIDAY SERVICtr CHARGE DIRECT C S375.OO ADDITIONAL 100. UL' * Pe$0nnel available a day emergency assistance; transfening deceased to Gromar Mortua,-y, Inc. and AaDsler to $ematory aod place ofdisposition. * Use ofmortuary chapel and building/ G.iliry. * Sewices ofmemorial arrmgemert cotmselor for consultation rcgarding vital statistics and arranging service details. Usud aDd necessary .ledcal support. The chargs of regular cremation is S2€q0g O 250 LBS.) Plus $850 State Surcbrrg€ and coodi0ating The €harge of oversize clemation over 250 LBS.) ADDmONAI OF $1.50/LBS PIus $850 State Surcharg€ same Dav Cremation/rush Crematiotr: (R€m.hs Bust be at th€ crcmatory before 9:00 AM and win b€ complete by 4:00 P.M- the same dsy) Adilitioml chars€ of$100.O0 (ReEularsize)2solBs & BOLOW / $150.00 (Oversize) ABOVE 250 LBS Next Dav Crematiotr : ( Remains mtrst be at the crematory before 12:00{. ad be completed by 4:00 P.}rL the next day) Additioml charse of $75.00 We can arratrge for the crenated rematus to be scattered : Scetteritrg ashes at sea (IIlINBliSlll) up to 6 people y is $595,00 / Sauriilay !tril Sundry ollly is fi95.00 Scattering at ser is g!5qlQq on Tuesday and W.dn€sday r No \lrITNEssING) Scstterins ash€s at the c€metery garden is $29qq0]L!I0JaMESqU jG) wi o 4 CREMATION WITII MEMORIAL SERVICES (ADULT) $2.5OO.OO I PersonDel available 24-hoDrs a da,v energercy assistance; r!'ansf.rring deceased ro C,mman Mortuary, lnc. and tansfer to ffematory and place of disposition. * Care add prepantion ofhuman remains. + Services ofmemorial arrangement counselor for coisultation regardinS vital statistics aad arranging and coordinating service detajls+ Use ofmorruary chapel facility. '* Usual ard necessary clerical support. UsheriDg, care and arrargrDg of flowers, The rEeEorial s€rvice including fi$eral dir€cror and assistants at chapel. care and marotenance ofcbapel. * Registration book and (50) Fayer cards, ffucifix (ifrequ€sted by famiry). * This does not inciude cemetery charges for such items as cemetery properry, interment, openiDg and clositrg recording charges, outer contarner. meoorial tablets, etc. The charge of reg ar crenation is $25qqg (1 - 250 LBS.) Plus $8.50 State Surcharge Th€ ch.rg€ ofoversize crsnation OVER 250 LBS,) $1.50/LB ADD'L CIIARGE Plus $8.50 Sttre Surchrrge Sape Dsv Crematiotr / RUSH CREMATION (RemaiEs must be at th€ clemrtory before 9:00 AM atrd will be coEplete by 4;00 P.M. the sane &y/RUSID Addiiiohal chrrp€ of Sl00.00 /ResuLr) 250 LBS&BELOWS!00.00 (Overstze) ABOVE 250 LBS Next D&v Cremation: (Remains must be atthe cr€matory bcfore 12:00 P.M. and will be completed by 4:00 P.M- the next dxy) Additionel chlre€ of 375-00 We can armtrge tor the crem2t d remains ao be scattercd: Scatt.rhg ssh€s at s€a S[MEEqlNg up to 12-20 people on Tuesday and W€dngday only is $5 95.m / Saturday aud Sunday only is DIRDCT SHIP IN (ADULN $ @IRECT INTERMENT WITIIOUT CEREMONY) * lersonDel availabie 24-hours a alay emsrgercy assistancc; t'atrsfening '* 1.5OO.OO deceased to Groman Mortuary, Inc. Care aDd preparatiotr ofhumatr rernains. Ilair dressing and casketing ifrequested. * Use ofmornrarl, chapel facilities. * Services ofmemorial alraDgement counselor for consultation regarding vital statistics and arranging and coordinating service detaiis. * Usual alld necessary cle cal support. * This aharge does not include cemetery charges for such items as cemetery property, interment opening and closing, recording charges, outel container, memoria.l tablet. etcEMBALMING (AUTOPSIED .. . $450.00 EMBALMING (REGULAR CASE) ... $350.00 EMBATMING (OVERSIZE CASE) ... $650.00 Expected itr certain cases, embatming is NOT REQUIRED by law. Embalming may be necessary how ever, ifyou select cefiairl funeEl arrangement that embalming is not rcquked such as direct crcmation or irdmediate burial, without coremorry. If embalming is declined and the final disposition is not completed within 8 hours from the time of death, ,i,,e require retigemtion. 5 DOCUMENTATION $175.00 Obtaining necessary hospitaV coroner release. Obtaining the signatue ofthe attending physician or the coroner on tie deaft certificaE. Cmrpletirg Se vital satisia dEIe on fte death ed the budal peEnit as we[ as any other doanmos required for tlre disposidon of$e remairs. Usual md necessay clerical s-pport Notification of the Social Secudty Administration if requested. LIMOUSINE $475.00 Gromatr Mortuary Inc. c{n provide, at the r€qu6t of the ff,mily, a limousine. This charge provide! for 3 hours or 75 miles (time end mileige is calculated fot1tl tbe bome base of tbe yebicle) or part thereof. Each additional hour or 75 miles (or p{rt thereoo charged at the rate 6f $.!.!qg@B OTEER PREPARATTON OF TIIE BODi Cosmetology e grooming ..-....,.,,..-. $100.00 Dr6siryandcaskethg..........-..S150.00 Sp€cialuseofPreparatiotrRoom(otrsileofsulopsiesotrcligioosril€s)......-........-......950,00 Actual crematory cbsrge subcontructed by Groman ...... $175,00 ID SET Ilp TDENT|T'ICATION.....-...........-.....-.---..$100.00 NEXT DAY SER}TCE AFTER PREV]OUS \'ISIT. SIsO.OO/HR VIEWING OR ATI USE OF F (min portion for 4 hours or rny th€reo0,..$500.00 Chrpel ll Visit tion Room Chapel I (nin of4 hours @€pctrdiEg otr avaitability) ...-..- $150.00 BORNOWINC OI] R FACILITIES FOR FT'NERAL Cf,REMONYOF ANOTI{ER FT]NERAL IIOME Visit lion Rn Ch I I (l io 75 itr ,ttendance) .-...... $500-00 Chapel I O ro 200 iD rtt€ndsncc) '...... S750-00 RTATION/ Funeral coacb/ Itearse (*'ithin 25 mile redius)... $350.00 Altermtiv€ V.hiclc/ VaE (if use for service wilhitr 20 nile radius) .......J15(L00 Flower Truck (within 20 mile mdius) ...,.......,.$150.00 Fun€rslCorcborAltemrtiv€V€hicleforpickupordeliv€ryto|oc.Iairport.....,.,,....................ff]50.00 ........$375-00 Rental ofllesrselyith oEr o*T driver in cxc€ss of 20 mil€ rsdius ** ErcldfleageChrgedets ralef $i:5pcrmih **** OTIIER CREMATION ACCOMMODATION In beh.[ of tte family we cstr subcontrrct th€ fouowiog type of servicet: Witoessing at cr€matory ..,.,.....,....-...... $375,00 Scatt€ring sshes ,l ses (WITNESSING) uP to 12-25 people otr Tuesdry atrd Wednesday only is ...$595.00 Satutdry and Sundsy only is ..................5795.00 Scsttering of ashes at CEMETERY {NO WITNES$ 900.m SCATTERING OF ASHES AT SEA (No WITNESS) $rs0'0o PRICES ARE S[IBJECT TO CIIANGE WITHOTIT NOTICE Itr order to better serve your needs, Groman Morturrr'lnc. mnkes the following items rvailable to you. The charge for e3ch depends on the cost chang€d to rs of that particular item. When yotr reqo€st any of these it€ms, the estimat€ or emct charge will be shown otr the statemcnt (cootract) that yorr funeral cou$elor will provide h addition to (he items below, in somc cases it is tr€cess.ry to advrDc€ csnetery chrrgcc comoer fec'E chrrg€s for spe.ial services or charges from other mortuaries and ill be charge to you accordingly. PRIEST/ PASTOR Many families wbh us to hsve the Pri€st/ Pastor at tbe servic€. Church / PriesvPastor specify th€ir fee's t pon request to use their service. We stmply iDcl de this lee on our coDtrrca and presetrt the omciating Pri€s, Pestor $itb a check rt the time of the service. The fanily has optiou to contract and pay their own Priest/ Pastor directly. OBITUARIES We are able to assist the family on composhg an obituary [otice to E)pear rn any pubhcation Our slatrdard placement includes a two line notice in the Los Angeles Tiraes aod oiher newspa?ers to be charge in their co ract ifthey request€d Placemerfs itr oths publicaion wi[ vEy, d€peoding on 6ei. a.lual chges, to be cha€e ro yotrr contacl PRAYER CARDS/MEMORIAL FOLDER MEMORIAL FOI-DER Black & arlored wlite - S1.25 each S2-50 each PRAYERCARI) Black & Wlite - $50.00/100 pieces Colored $75.00/100 piec€s REMOVAL Removal ofrcmains to motuaxy wj&in 25 mite radius $350.00. Over 25 mile radius wil be oharged al a rale of$1 25 per loaded mile. The 350-00 fee is iacluded in fre Professional Service Charge. This does not includs distances beyond 25 miles. Ove6ize RemovBls ftom 300 lbs aDd over: Charses $ 650-00 Remains witholn embaiming can be kept tu EftgEration for 62-00/a day or a maxim]rm of$750.00/ 15 dals. Picking up clothing, geni.g documents signed, delivery of creDains. delivery ofdeatl cerhficates. elc. is $85.00 $idrin 25 mile limii Beyond 25 mile limit will be charged at a ra& of S 125 per mile one way. a SHIPOUT Sf,R\TCES ofBuriall Ship out documenls a! Latin Amcrican Consolaic is a minimum char-qe of$l75.00. Once the cerficate ard burialltrarsir permir is being oblained, our slaff lrsl go !o the corresponding consuiate 10 presenrthose documents and pa,v the necessaD fees ro oblah the transit documenlation- lfthe deceded is exitiDgtbeU.S. died ofa non-contagious disease; our staff must ger a letter of apprcval hom the local Health Department lith a S10.00 fee ofthe said documenr, which has to be attacied and presented ro the consulate office requiring said doc inents. lf the decedent is to leave to a Latin Amencan countT, like N4exi.o- our staffmust traNlare al1the documents, Apostille and subnit slatiotr DF Mexico ship out requires them all rogether to the consulate. however, on1,v some consulate requie (Mininun ofS175.00) charges vary on different consulate offices and our collnseior will documenrs. Charge ,{postille give rhe charges. t Family could requ€st fclr ovemighx seflices including the serices of a comselor rcsponsibility for the seffice atrd a security guad provided is a charge of$1,0o0-00/ per ovemight strvice. This arpoutrt is addlhonal to the actual servic€ charqe in the contracl AIRLINE CEARGES ARD ESTIMATED * fefiy @y rcqu€st a SatEday, S'day cr Hdliday servicq l,hich Gronatr lvlortuar'/, Inc., o wil provide arending pemonnel \f,ork overtime sup€rvising $e service. Tb6re t{flI be no additionEl charge if s€rvic€s is otr rcgular da)t SATIJRDAY, SITNDAY & HOLIDAY ADDITIONAL CTIARGf, AFTER TEE PROFESSIONAL Ff,E OF $375.00 CEI}RCE SER1ACE r.EE ADDIIIONAL OF......... S25O.OO ADD'L CI{ARGED FOR EXTRA HOUIS .....-.$15O.OO/IIR (SER!1CE BEFORI BURIAL & ATTERPRI!'IOUS !'ISrI $15O.OO /HR)