High Holiday 2015


High Holiday 2015
Winner of a Solomon Schecter Award for Excellence in Synagogue Bulletins
Elul /Tishrei 5776
Volume 70, Number 2
Simchat Torah
2015 Honorees
Sept/Oct 2015
Erev Rosh Hashana
Sunday, September 13
Ma’ariv Service
1st Day of Rosh Hashana
Monday, September 14
K-12 Programming
Mincha & Ma’ariv
2nd Day of Rosh Hashana
Tuesday, September 15
Family Services
K-12 Programming
Mincha & Ma’ariv
Erev Yom Kippur
Tuesday, September 22
6:45pm Sharp! Kol Nidre
K-7 Programming
Yom Kippur
Wednesday, September 23
K-12 Programming
Ma’ariv & Havdalah
7:37pmShofar is blown
FROM THE RABBI’S STUDY Rabbi Adam Wohlberg
The concept of Jewish pride is a relatively recent phenomenon. In the middle of the
last century, one of the defining aspects of Jewish life was the rush to eliminate one’s
connection to Judaism. People were discomforted by their Jewish roots; they recognized the barriers that overt Jewish identification created for them, and they sought,
first and foremost, to scale those barriers in order to succeed. Levis were changed to
Lanes, Goldbergs to Greens. We can credit a range of factors, including anti-Semitism
and the desire to succeed in American culture, but the result was that Judaism was not
something to cherish, but to escape. (Michael H. Steinhardt, Contact: The Journal of the Steinhardt Foundation for Jewish Life, Vol. 16, No. 1, Spring 2014)
Thankfully, what Steinhardt describes, is not something that I experienced while growing up in the 1970’s and
1980’s, but I imagine that his description will touch a nerve with those a generation or two older than I am.
Maybe because I grew up in a home in which Judaism was part and parcel of who I was, I was sheltered from
the idea that there were Jews looking to “escape” Judaism. Or perhaps we were immune to such things in
the shtetl of Harrisburg. In any event, I have always felt proud of my Jewishness and I don’t recall as a young
person encountering anyone who felt otherwise.
Rabbi better.
Adam As an adult, I have come to know of people who, though born Jewish, would prefer not
Today I know
to carry that label. They may not have changed their names, but they have no desire to affiliate with a synagogue or connect to the Jewish community, let alone live a Jewish life.
Fortunately, it would appear that this group represents a very small segment of Jews in this country.
Citing the 2013 Pew Research Center Survey of U.S. Jews, Steinhardt, writes: “Now along comes Pew, which
tells us something that would have been mind-boggling just 50 years ago: 94 percent of Jews are “proud to be
Jewish.” The reason for this enormous change is a subject unto itself – whether it is pride in Israel or a gradual
recognition of Jewish achievement that allows Jews to participate in almost every industry and profession.
Regardless, one point remains clear: This pride is unprecedented in Diaspora Jewish history . . . .”
That is an assessment that fills me with optimism! At a time when so many in the Jewish world are lamenting declining affiliation rates and the toll that assimilation has taken on the Jewish population in this country
and elsewhere, it is exciting to learn that such a large percentage of Jews are happy to be counted among the
Jewish community. That pride may derive from a number of sources and it may exhibit itself in a variety of
ways – some less than conventional (e.g. a Jewish singles white-water rafting trip) – but that fact that it exists
in the hearts and minds of so many is a very positive finding.
As we approach the start of the Jewish New Year, I ask you to consider what it is that makes you proud to be
Jewish. Is it our people’s unique history? The teachings and the values that Judaism has offered the world?
Special moments that you have shared with your family on Shabbat or on a Yom Tov? Being in synagogue and
hearing your child or grandchild chant the Shema? If you want to share something meaningful at your Rosh
Hashanah dinner, let others know what makes you proud to be Jewish, and then ask them to do the same.
Shira, Tamar, Hana and I wish you a shanah tovah u’metukah – a happy and a sweet new year! May it be a
good year and a year of good health for all of us. And may we be blessed here, in Israel and throughout the
world with peace.
CANTOR’S CORNER Cantor Stephen Freedman
I love summer! It’s relaxing, rejuvenating, and reinvigorating. It’s a chance for me to
ride my bike, walk the beach, visit friends and family, do a few chores, or do nothing
at all. It’s a chance to recharge the internal batteries that can get drained during the
course of the year just past.
Summer is also a time to look ahead to the coming year. And there is so much to look
forward to here at Temple Sinai!
Much of what happens in the months to come will be informed by the fact that this is our congregation’s 75th
anniversary year, an exciting and significant milestone for our community. From its humble beginnings in the
West Oak Lane neighborhood of Philadelphia to its move here some thirty-seven years ago, Temple Sinai has
remained one of the most highly-regarded Conservative congregations in the metropolitan Philadelphia area.
We have a lot to be proud of, a lot to celebrate, and we will do so in grand style throughout the year.
One exciting project that will be happening over the coming year is the recording of a companion c.d. to the
“Shabbat Shalom!” c.d. which I recorded in 2010. This new recording will focus on songs of the Jewish holidays, and like its predecessor, is geared toward our Preschool aged children.
I’m also working to create a music page on our synagogue web site which will be a source for a variety of recordings, from Torah readings to prayers, from Cantor’s Café concerts to Haftarot. – and more.
Three activities which are “near and dear” to me are our Adult and Junior Choirs, and our “Yad Squad” Torah
reading club. If you are over the age of Bar/Bat Mitzvah and like to sing, there’s a place for you in the Adult
Choir. We rehearse weekly on Tuesday evenings and sing regularly at services on both Shabbat and Yom
Tovim. If you are younger than that, then there’s a place for you in the Junior Choir, which is open to students
in grades 3-7. We rehearse weekly on Sunday mornings and sing monthly on Friday nights as well as in concert
at other times of the year.
And then there’s Yad Squad, our Torah reading club which meets on Sundays following Religious School. Open
to students in grades 5-7, Yad Squad provides training in the ancient skill of reading from the Torah. Students
will have the opportunity not only to read Torah, but also to read part of Megillat Esther on Purim.
As we anticipate the arrival of another New Year, I pray that it will be the best of years for each of us. May it
be a year of good health, of happiness and of purpose. May it be a year of strengthened connections to family,
friends, and our Temple Sinai community. May it be a year of renewed dedication to tikun olam, to repairing
our world, through our support of those institutions and organizations which represent our personal beliefs
and ideals. May it be a year of continued support for the State of Israel and a year in which Israel’s safety and
security are assured. May it be all this – and more.
Randi and our children join me in wishing you a Shana Tova U’metuka – a good and sweet New Year.
Edwin Altman
I hope that all of you have been able to enjoy the summer months, to relax, get away
and de-stress. While the summer is a quieter time within the synagogue, for the office,
custodial and accounting staffs, we start early getting ready not only for the High Holidays but for the entire year ahead.
The planning process begins in May when we hold the Annual Calendar meeting which
creates the footprint for the majority of our activities and events from September
through June of the following year. A considerable amount of troubleshooting happens
prior to this meeting where overlapping events get identified, questions are answered and conflicts resolved.
At the Calendar Meeting, representatives of all areas of the synagogue collectively review the year’s schedule
of events week by week, sometimes trading slots, looking for synergies and re-arranging previously proposed
plans. By mid-June the official Temple Sinai calendar is pretty much complete and serves as our guide for the
many hundreds of event held within our building.
This up-coming year holds the promise of being one of the most exciting ever. Temple Sinai will be celebrating its 75th Anniversary, an extraordinary milestone marking the accomplishments of countless people
from founding members to our newest members and the leaders who have shaped our past and future. A
fabulous Gala is being planned for February 20th that will be sure to entertain and to also delight everyone
with very special guests of honor.
We are also actively getting ready for the Safrai Israel Art Show and Festival to be held in mid- November.
This will be an amazing event featuring over 1,500 works of art by more than 100 Israeli artists with something for every taste and price range. In addition to the opportunity to acquire beautiful artwork, each day of
the Show will feature a variety of specialty dishes , drinks and themed entertainment.
Our year would not be complete without the annual PLAY produced by our Temple Sinai Players. The PLAY is
one of the most anticipated programs of the year. Months of planning, preparation and rehearsal culminate in
an unbelievable display of energy and talent front and center on our stage. The coming together of so many
individuals, of all ages, in song, dance and acting is not to be missed!
We can all look forward to The Tour de Shuls, Movie Nights, Makor/Kadima and USY programming, Camp Fair,
Veterans Day Brunch, Scholar in Residence weekend, Creative Crafting, Adult Ed classes, the Rummage Sale ,
Ladies Night Out, Family programs in celebration of Chanukah, Purim and Simchat Torah, Project HOPE, Yom
Ha’atzmaut …, and so much more.
Not only can we anticipate amazing programming but we are also working on a number of physical upgrades
within our facility as well. Hazak has funded a beautiful refresh of the front entrance garden area, Sisterhood
has provided funding for renovations to the library and conference room and Men’s Club has made possible
an upgrade to our wireless network throughout the building. We are exceptionally thankful for their generosity and all they bring to our synagogue family.
As always in closing, I want to express my personal appreciation to those whom I work alongside each and
every day: Jodie, Suzanne, Marcy, Ellen, Leonard, Gene Sn, Gene Jr, and Spencer. In so many ways they form
the backbone of our operations, providing essential support through all the year’s activities.
And of course I want to again extend a very warm welcome to Beth Rabinowitz, our new ECE Director, a valuable addition to our team.
Ann and I wish each and every one of you a New Year filled with the blessings of contentment and happiness.
L’shana Tova,
As disappointing as it may be, with what seemed to have been the blink of an eye,
the summer months are behind us, summer vacations are soon to be a distant pleasant memory and the new school year is in its infancy. While it is hard to believe, as I
write this article, the High Holidays are just a few weeks away. Looking back over the
summer months, much was happening at Temple Sinai. Camp Maccabee had another
wonderful summer and we had two unique Shabbat Under the Stars programs. We
welcomed our new Early Childhood Education Director, Beth Rabinowitz, who has been
hard at work since early July preparing for the upcoming Preschool year. Also, during
the summer we held daily minyan, weekly Shabbat services, and Devotion by the Ocean. The summer would
not have been complete without the annual performance by the Israeli Scout Caravan. This performance was
not only highly entertaining, but also an opportunity for us to show our support for Israel.
The quiet of the summer gave us a chance to spend some time digesting the results from our Membership
Survey. I am pleased to report that our Survey results were very positive overall and the level of participation
was quite significant. You will be hearing more about what we as a Synagogue will be doing in response to
the Survey results. For now, the primary Survey takeaways are a focus on Temple Sinai community, improved
openness to innovation and change as well a hard look at the types, quantity and quality of programs offered
by Temple Sinai are being explored. We also used the summer months to start planning two great events for
the fall and winter – our Safrai Art Gallery event in November and the Temple Sinai 75th Anniversary Gala in
February. Volunteers are welcome for both planning committees.
Over the past few months, we have performed and planned for some well needed maintenance in our facility.
Repairs (including new flooring) have been started in the Library which will soon be enhanced for multiple
uses, new flooring will be installed in the conference room, an upgraded Wi-Fi network is in the process of
being installed throughout the Synagogue and landscaping improvements are in the works for the front entrance. We have also been working diligently in the planning and design efforts for new, handicapped accessible, bathrooms in the front lobby. We hope to be in a position to start the renovations of the bathrooms
toward the end of the year.
Our building, like our own homes, requires a great deal of constant upkeep and, from time to time, significant
improvements. Our Sisterhood, Men’s Club and Hazak are supportive in funding many of these efforts and
we are very lucky to have this generous financial support. Unfortunately, this funding alone is not enough
and given the age of our facilities, you can be assured that additional improvements will be required. Each of
us should think of Temple Sinai as being a second home and a place that we should be proud of. It is in our
collective interest to make sure that our Synagogue is well maintained, our physical plant is up to date and our
facilities are physically appealing. Please keep this in mind as you consider your Annual Appeal pledge this
year. Thank you in advance for your financial support and commitment to Temple Sinai.
The High Holidays provide us not only with the opportunity to celebrate and reflect, but also the opportunity
to reconnect with your Temple Sinai friends and family. There is nothing better than spending a few minutes
catching up with friends during the High Holidays, whether out in the hallway, on the walk in from the parking lot or after services conclude. I encourage you to take full advantage of our High Holiday services and
programming. Please also keep an eye out for our new members and guests and be sure to greet them and
welcome them to our Temple Sinai family.
I look forward to seeing you at High Holiday services and I will do my best to greet as many of you as possible.
From my family to yours, L’Shanah Tovah Tikatevu – May you be inscribed (in the Book of Life) for a good year.
Shana Tovah from our
Herma Abramson & Family
Flossie Albert and Family
Lynn & Charles Alexander and Family
Myrna & Lawrence Allen
Ed & Ann Altman
Linda and Mitchell Barrer
Cheryl and Joseph Baum
Diane and Howard Becker and Family
Michelle and David Berk and Family
Beth and Michael Berkowitz and Family
Shelley, Allan, Matthew and Lauren Bilsky
Ilene, Arthur and Marcia Blatman
Roselyn (Judy) Blumberg
Marilyn, Jody Brittany, Zach and Cory Borgman
Leonard and Doreen Brown
Susan and Alan Budman and Family
Nadine, Neil, Brian and Jessica Canter
The Cantos Family
Judy and Jerry Caplan
Marilyn and Joseph Carp and Family
Cantor Nathan and Beverly Chaitovsky
Beth Ellen Chernoff
Marcia, Steve, Brian and Lauren Cherry
Howard and Audrey Cohen and Family
Carol and Ed Cohen and Family
Robyn and Alan Cohen and Family
Harriet Cohn and Family
Andrea & Samuel Domsky and Family
Debra, Barry and Joshua Drossner
Vicki and Howard Edelman and Family
Betty Gross Eisenberg and Barry Bressler
and Families
Don and Diane Factor and Family
Nancy and Bruce Fagan
Debbie and Dan Fein and Family
Helene and Gerald Feldman and Family
Judi Field, Gabrielle, Matthew and Steven
Renata Fisher and Family
Ilene and Stu Fredd
Cantor Stephen and Randi Freedman and Family
The Gabbay Family
Gilda Gispan
Lauren and Jeff Gladstone and Family
Marcy and Mark Gohen and Family
Jeff, Nancy Matthew and Rachel Gordon
Hilda Greenberg and Family
Sally and Len Grossman
Jill, Jeff, Hannah and Brian Hampton
Terry and Gene Heller
The Herzberg/Kurland Family
Dan and Beth Heyman and Family
Aileen and Irwin Hollander
Cindy and David Horowitz and Family
Enid and Mark Horowitz and Family
Janet, Larry and Ali Isaacman
The Izes Family
Becky and Roy Jackel and Family
Beth, David, Rebecca, Samuel and Sarah Joseph
Donna and Sheldon Kamp
Bonnie and Bill Kanefsky
Sheila and Alan Katz
Alex and Debbie Kaufman and Family
The Kepniss Six
Ellyn and Bob Klein
Joyce and Peter Klugherz
Frannie Kohen and Dan Isaacman
Karen and Bill Kramer
Debbie and Alan Krochtengel and Family
Temple Sinai Family 5776
Erica, David, Hannah and Jared Lamberg
Faye Laveson
Jodie Levinson and Family
Sondra and Mitch Levinson
Clifford and Lenore Lipkin
Marge Listman
Barbara and Stephen London and Family
Nadine and Neil Lubarsky and Family
Janet & Eric Lynn and Family
Karen & Michael Mann and Family
Audrey & George Marcus
Jay & Judy Marku
Benne & Bill Marmer and Family
Laurie & David Matez
Ellen & Charlie McGrother
David & Gladys Menaker and Family
Jeffrey & Rebecca Miller and Family
Joan and Bob Parkin and Family
Pam and Marty Pearlmutter and Family
Karen and Bill Petkun
Carol Phillips
Rob and Stacy Pressman
Beth & Marc Rabinowitz and Family
Mary and Nathan Relles
Frank, Roz, Sara and Adam Romanoski
Betty and Bernie Roseman
Barbara and John Rosenau and Family
Nancy and Bob Rosenthal and Family
Ed and Sally Rosenthol
Sally and Joel Rosenwasser and Family
Linda and Jonathan Roth and Family
Faith Rubin
Debra and David Schachter
Marjorie and Len Schwartz and Family
Monna and Barry Schwartz
Ruth and Steven Segal and Family
Sara Segal
Mindy and Jules Shamberg and Family
Liz and Aby Shamir
Shelly and Howard Shotel
Merle, Mark and Sara Silverman
Rich and Dottie Singer
Arlene Smuckler
Gertrude Solkov and Family
Ellen and Garry Spear
Renee Starr and Marc Shapiro and Families
Meryl and Larry Stern and Family
Marilyn and Heshy Stock
Maxine and Asher Stutman
Charla and Mark Sussman and Family
Sharon and Bill Taylor
Susan and Steve Teich and Family
Suzanne and Chris Teleha
Ellen and Buzzy Walters and Family
Ina Weiner and Alan Shore, Beth and Eric, Adam and
Harriet and Phil Weinstein and Family
Gail and Marty Weiss
Shira and Coby Weissbach
Sara and Bob Wenger
Jayne and Norman White
Harriet Winokur and Family
Joan Winokur
Rabbi Adam and Shira Wohlberg and Family
Rhonda and Michael Yanoff and Family
Jeri and Len Zimmerman and Family
Beth Rabinowitz
School is about to start and though I am sad summer is about to end I know a great year
is ahead for the Ann Newman Preschool. Over the summer I met so many wonderful
parents and adorable children. My favorite evening was to see so many families come
out for a summer night for Popsicles on the Playground. What a great feeling of community there is in our school.
Over the last few weeks I have been meeting with teachers, ordering new materials
and planning some very exciting programming. We will also have a new friend coming to each Shabbat to sing,
dance and learn with her new preschool friends. She can’t wait to meet everyone in September. There are
so many beautiful holidays over the next few weeks. What a perfect time to enjoy them with family and the
Temple Sinai community. Be on the lookout for a schedule of services and programming for young children.
With Preschool opening on August 31st, I can’t wait to see the school in action and meet all of you. Know that
my door is always open.
Although the students are busy with their summer activities and the hallways are
quiet on Sundays and Tuesdays, I have been hard at work planning for the upcoming
school year. I have had the pleasure of visiting Camp Ramah in the Poconos twice
this summer and was thrilled to see our many happy TS campers there. The power of
Jewish summer camp is transformational and I’d love to speak with any family interested in learning more. I’ve been working with the religious school teachers to finalize
curricular plans for the year, meeting with the Rabbi and Cantor to revise our tefillah
(prayer) goals, Shelly and I are coordinating the High Holiday programming, and so much more!
This year we are going to continue with the Road to 18 incentive program and are offering a new array of
Shabbat programming to enhance the experience of both the students and families. As a reminder, the Road
to 18 is an incentive program that gives points to every program your child participates in. At the end of the
year all of the students that have earned the 18 points will be eligible for a special trip. For example, students
can earn points for attending youth group events, doing various mitzvot, or attending Shabbat services. This
year we will be having a brunch book club program meeting late in the morning and family Shabbat programming at the end of Shabbat (on Saturday afternoon), culminating with the Havdallah ceremony. These new
programs promise to be engaging, exciting, and meaningful for everyone who participates.
Our new high school Hebrew High School program for teens in grades 7-10, Sinai High, will officially launch
next month. This program is going to be amazing complete with stellar teachers, engaging programs, and a
diverse choice of elective classes. Registration can be completed quickly and easily using chaverweb.
Our opening day of school is Sunday, September 20th. A full calendar of the days in session for the year can
be found on the Temple Sinai website http://www.tsinai.com/education/religious-school/calendar-2/. One
special note on the calendar…this year we will have class during Sukkot, on Tuesday, September 29th. We ask
that the students come without their electronics, books, etc on September 29th in recognition of the holiday,
as we have special holiday programming planned.
I can’t wait to see everyone back on our opening day!
Brachot, Books, and Brunch
We are excited about our newest program, Brachot, Books and Brunch. Children
in grades 3-6, will meet eight times a year from 11:30 - 1:30 to discuss an array
of short stories and books. These books will teach morals and/or values derived
from our Weekly Torah Portions. The variety of short stories - all with a Jewish element - and the diversity of the children’s ages will guarantee compelling
brunch discussions and Shabbat friendly crafts and games.
Come as you are and bring your friends to celebrate Shabbat together!
New members are always welcome!
Israeli Art Festival & Show
Arranged by Safrai Fine Art Gallery, Jerusalem
November 18th - November 22nd
Featuring over 1500 original works of art for sale by
more than 100 Israeli artists. You will find
something for every taste and every price range.
Proceeds from sales will benefit Temple Sinai
Temple Sinai
Yom Kippur Martyrology
Wednesday, September 23
We are looking for hosts for our
11th Annual
Temple Sinai Sukkah Hop
Sunday, October 4
It’s the first Mitzvah of 5776
Open your Sukkah and
let everyone join in the fun!
“Shards” Reflections On The Holocaust
Presented by Dr. Daniel Gilles
Dr. Daniel Gilles is Professor Emeritus in Greek and Roman History and Literature at
Haverford College. He is author of books and poetry and has taught Holocaust Education
and sponsored Yiddish Festivals at Haverford College. His works include “Vita” with
poetry based on the Kaddish and “Shards” fourteen essays on Holocaust reflections
including Anne Frank. He is a personl friend of Anne Franks’ father and stepmother.
When can you open your sukkah?
Times available:
Please contact
Len Schwartz
[email protected]
Each year, on Simchat Torah, our congregation honors members who through their participation and/or leadership have
made significant contributions to our synagogue.
This year, our Hatan & Kallat Torah (the designation given to the individuals who are called to the Torah for the reading
of the final aliyah in the Torah) will be Frank & Betsy Lewinson.
Born in Berlin, Germany 1935, Frank survived underground with his mother and sister throughout WWII. Frank was
transported to NYC in 1946 on a US Army troop ship. Frank served in the US Army 1960-62 in the MP Detachment. In
addition to his duties in France, Frank worked alongside the Jewish chaplain in outreach to holocaust survivors.
Betsy grew up in East Orange, NJ. She attended Douglass College of Rutgers where she met her late husband, Norman
Meyers. Norman and Betsy had 3 children: Neil, Amy and Ron.
Betsy and Frank married in 1981. Betsy was already very active in her synagogue - Congregation B’nai Israel in Tom’s
River, NJ – and Frank became active, as well. Betsy taught in the Religious School; was Sisterhood Program VP and President; served as chair of the Religious Committee; and was on the Board of Directors. She was also a “substitute” summer rabbi and presented mini courses and book reviews. Frank chaired the Adult Education Committee, creating many
innovative programs and organizing a variety of bus trips. At Temple Sinai, he has continued running bus trips for Hazak
and is a faithful member of Cantor Freedman’s Adult Choir, and has served on the Cantor’s Café Committee. Betsy is the
immediate past-President of our Hazak chapter. Since coming to Temple Sinai, Betsy and Frank have become involved in
all manner of activities and attend Shabbat services every week.
Betsy formerly taught in both public and private schools and created curricula for the gifted/talented program in a
school district of 1200 students. Frank worked as a credit executive for companies in both NY and NJ and for the past 30
years has maintained his own collection agency. They are the proud grandparents of Jonathan, Adina and Naomi.
Alan & Susan Budman will be called to the Torah for the first aliyah as we begin once again the reading of Sefer Bereshit
(The Book of Genesis) and thus will be honored as our Chatan & Kallat Bereshit.
Both Susan & Alan grew up in Philadelphia. Until her recent retirement, Susan worked for more than 35 years for the
Department of Defense and obtained a Masters in Science while being employed with the Federal Government. At
Temple Sinai, Susan has been very active in Sisterhood and has held a number of positions including Program Chair. She
currently serves as Treasurer for Torah Fund. Susan can also be found regularly volunteering in the Sisterhood Gift Shop.
Outside of Temple Sinai, Susan devotes time to her Hadassah Group. At present, she is the group’s Treasurer after having
held the office of President as well as Membership and Programming Chair.
Alan attended Central High, Penn State University and Delaware Law School. He is currently an attorney in Abington and
taught at Penn State for 28 years. He was President of the Central Alumni Association and Chair of the American Heart
Association Philadelphia Development Committee. Alan’s commitment to the synagogue, to our Men’s Club and to the
Federation of Jewish Men’s Club (FJMC) – regionally and nationally – is noteworthy. Having served as Temple Sinai’s
Men’s Club President, he is now co-chair of Men-in-the-Kitchen a very impressive and dedicated group of volunteers
who provide catering for a variety of events in the congregation. Alan has also served as President of FJMC’s Middle
Atlantic Region and as co-chair of the FJMC Keruv Committee, and he is currently the FJMC International Vice President
for Programs. A past chair of the Temple Sinai’s Membership Committee, Alan was also the founder of the synagogue’s
Keruv Committee (outreach to interfaith families).
Susan and Alan have been married for 34 years and have two daughters: Traci (fiancé Dustin) and Heather (significant
other Chris).
We hope that you will join us on the morning of Simchat Torah (Tuesday, October 6) to help us honor these very worthy
members of our congregation.
Now that the summer vacations are done, kids are back from camp and the weather
is starting to get cooler, it’s back to business for all. For me, summer was a busy one.
From being inducted as the Men’s Club President, to event calendar meetings, Executive Board meetings and flying down to attend the International Federation of Jewish
Men’s Clubs Convention in Miami, summer was all about business.
My time in Miami was a very educational and rewarding experience. The breakout sessions and informal conversations gave the six members in attendance plenty of time
to brag about all the great things we are doing here at Temple Sinai. We were presented again with the Quality Club Award — for the 10th year in a row! I was very excited to accept this award, as we were one of four
Men’s Clubs within the FJMC to win this award since its inception. This award shows how much dedication
and hard work we put in year after year.
Temple Sinai Men’s Club was also the recipient of two Torch Awards — a gold for the Oy’lympics event, and
silver for the Tie Swap held during the World Wide Wrap event this past year. From my conversations with
some of the Torch Award judges, the Oy’lympics was up for best in convention. It ended up losing to a Men’s
Club that created a Sefer Torah for a synagogue in a third world country. How do you compete with that?
As we embark into the new year, we reflect on all the great events we have done this past year, such as the
Daddy Daughter Dance, Tailgating in the Sukkah and our ever-popular Pub Nights. I am looking forward to all
the great events that are planned for this coming year. We are starting off the year by working closely with
the religious school and Shira Weissbach on a Back to School BBQ (sponsored by the Men’s Club). This will be
held on Sunday, September 27, immediately following an opening program for all Religious School parents.
This family event is free of charge. We hope to see you there.
We also are planning three Pub Night events that will be held in September, November and April. The first
will be held at the Buffalo Wild Wings in Horsham on September 10. All are welcome and the first round is
on the Men’s Club!
The popular Steak and Scotch event in the Sukkah will be held on October 1. Past year themes have included
a Wing Eating Contest and an Eagles viewing party. This year’s theme is currently being finalized but will be
lots of fun.
The good times will continue in the cold winter when we will be hosting two date night events at a local restaurant. And, when we defrost, this Spring will see the return of the award-winning Second Biennial Oy’lympics
I am looking forward to seeing all of you during the High Holiday services and at the great events scheduled
throughout the year. Wishing all of you L’Shanah Tovah and a happy and sweet New Year.
Liz Shamir & Karen Mann
As we Jews know, fall--not spring--is the season of renewal. Summer is “a hot
flash, a bath of light and air. Summer is the child in us, but even children get
bored with play. After a vacation from ourselves we find that absence has
made the heart grow fonder.”*. We are ready for new beginnings. Just in time:
Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, the rush of back-to-school, and Sisterhood’s new programs.
In the next few weeks, the Sisterhood Brochure should be arriving by e-mail and by “snail mail” so check your
mailboxes! Peruse the brochure and see the list of activities already planned for the New Year. Mark your
calendars and note the number of events in the month of October:
• For those who want to come again and for those who missed it, the Challah Baking Workshop—Sunday,
October 11, 10 AM-- is back by popular demand. Not only do you learn how to bake Challah, you get to go
home with two loaves ready to be baked!
• Later that same day—Sunday, October 11, 1 PM—the Jewish Film Festival is previewing the movie, Brundibar
Revisited. The next day, Monday, October 12, starting at 7:30 PM is the formal kick off of Sisterhood’s 75th
• Our Opening Event features Dr. Shuly Rubin Schwartz, Professor of American Jewish History at the Theological Seminary speaking on The History of Jewish Clothing from Jewess, Jeans, to Juicy Japs. With its clever title,
this program is worth attending on name alone but it offers much more. Dr. Schwartz, a respected expert on
American Jewish culture, will explore the messages conveyed, the stereotypes created, and the societal attitudes reflected through clothing over different periods in American Jewish History.
• Later in the month on Wednesday, October 28th is Sisterhood’s Fall Theater Trip to the highly acclaimed
Broadway hip-hop musical, Hamilton.
Sisterhood is a wonderful way to deepen existing friendships, to make new ones, to participate in community
service projects, and to learn more about Judaism--all while having fun.
Membership is only $40. Because it is our 75th Anniversary we also have two other membership options.
Become a Good Will Member for $50 or a Diamond Anniversary Member for $75. Both options include the
membership fee, while the Diamond Anniversary Membership also includes a free dinner at the Paid Up
Membership event in December.
Please know that everyone is “deputized” to spread the work and to recruit new members. Now is a great
time to invite neighbors, friends, “soccer mom” acquaintances, or colleagues. Feel free to reach out directly
or we can do it for you.
Want to get more involved? All are welcome to Sisterhood Board Meetings and feel free to contact Karen
Mann, [email protected], 215-205-0116 and/or Liz Shamir, [email protected], 610-389-5324.
----------------------------------------------------------* Inspired by Anatole Broyard’s essay in the NY Times, “In Fall, New York is the Land of Promise,” November
15, 1978.
is Coming to Temple Sinai
It’s going to be “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”!
The Temple Sinai Players are pleased to announce their 2016 production of Mary Poppins! Fresh
from Broadway, this classic tale of a nanny who transforms the lives of a London family with equal
parts wisdom and magic is sure to delight. With well-known songs like “A Spoonful of Sugar” and
“Chim Chim Cher-ee”, this show will be as much fun to perform as it will be to watch.
All Temple Sinai members (3rd grade and up) are welcome
to participate, on stage or off. Plenty of parts for ALL AGES,
no one is turned away! If you’ve never been part of a
theatrical production, you’ve been missing out on the
experience of a lifetime! Come form lasting friendships
and experience the exhilaration of creating something
truly magical.
Show Dates:
March 9, 10, 12 & 13
1st Auditions:
Sunday, December 13th
1pm-4 pm
2nd Auditions/Call-backs:
Monday, December 14th
Don't want to be on
Bring your family and friends to see your
fellow congregants and devoted community
members put on a production that consistently
rivals the area’s best community theaters. You
get a great night of entertainment, and support
Temple Sinai at the same time!
Come help build, paint, sew, fundraise,
organize or publicize, play in the pit,
learn to operate the lighting or sound
boards, hand out props or move sets…
there’s a place for every interest and
every schedule in this important
Temple Sinai fundraiser.
I am so surprised by how quickly the Jewish year 5775 has gone by and that we
are getting ready to usher in another Jewish New Year in just a few short weeks.
In preparation for the 5776 High Holidays, the Makor and Kadima Groups are joining together for our opening activity on the morning of Rosh Hashannah Eve, September 13, 2015 from 8:45 am to 12:15 pm. We will be going apple picking and
then will visit the residents of the Abramson Center to play “Name that Tune”
with the talented Adam Weitz of A Sharp Production (see flyer for more details).
The first youth trip is just one example of ways we can make meaningful memories and moments
in our Jewish journey. I am thrilled to be creating more wonderful opportunities for the whole congregation this year. I have planned three exciting and extra special programs that will coincide with
three FAVORITE Jewish holidays: Simchat Torah on Monday evening, October 5, 2015; Chanukah
on Sunday late afternoon, December 6, 2015; and Purim on Wednesday evening, March 23, 2016.
Please plan to celebrate altogether and feel free to bring extended family and friends with you!
These programs are designed to help us to connect across age groups and interests as well as a way for each of
us to connect to the synagogue, our culture, and our Jewish life. I believe that we have something for everyone
and you will reap both individual and group rewards each and every time you participate in a Temple Sinai event.
I hope you will take the time to look at the Youth Engagement trifold. It includes information about
all of our youth groups: Makor (Gr 3-5); Kadima (Gr 6-7); Rosh Hodesh: It’s a Girl Thing! (Girls Gr
6-12); Shevet Achim: The Brotherhood (Boys Gr 8-12); USY (Gr 8-12). There is also information about
Tot Shabbat for our Preschoolers (and their families) and wonderful Shabbat services for all families.
Temple Sinai has a long, wonderful history of nurturing and sustaining a strong sense of community. I encourage you to join a new group or event this year that you may not have in the past so that you can take advantage of all this wonderful community has to offer!
Singing in the Sukkah
Sunday, September 27
4:00pm - 5:45pm
Karaoke • Dinner • Dessert
In the HUT
I would like to start by wishing you and your families L’Shana Tova, for a good year. Our
planning for Hazak’s upcoming 2015-2016 year is almost complete. If you have not yet
mailed in your $20 dues per person please do so or you will miss out on the discount
on all our wonderful offerings. Remember you can invite your friends who are not
members of Temple Sinai to join Hazak too. The program discount this year continues
to be $12 in advance for members, but the price for members who do not have a reservation and for all non-members who just come on the day of the program, the price has
increased to $17. This increase was necessary because the Hazak catering committee
was not able to accurately predict how much food to purchase and wants to incent people to reserve in advance. There were times when we ran out of food and other times when we ordered more than was needed.
If more people reserve in advance, there will be less food shortages or waste and the correct amount of tables
and chairs will be setup which will benefit all of us and the Temple Sinai staff.
Our opening program this year will be on September 27th. We will open with a native Philadelphian, Irv
Slifkin, a teacher, writer and author with a lifelong love for movies.
September 27th Power of Comedy I Sunday Brunch
“Movie Irv” Slifkin’s program is entitled “Jewish Humor Goes to the Movies”. In this program the audience will
witness a fun-filled, hour-long salute to cinema comedy and relish the Jewish influence in the film world. The
program will focus on an influential group of performers with Jewish roots, and spans from early silent movies
to recent times. Molly Picon, Groucho Marx, The Three Stooges and Barbra Streisand are just a few of the
talents to be showcased. Film clips, funny anecdotes and interesting facts are to be featured in this celebration
of Hollywood laughter. Don’t be sorry because you missed our opening event. Send in your reservations.
October 15th Power of Cinema – Hot Dog Dinner and a Movie 4:00PM-7:30PM
Professor Peter Decherney will be showing “The Great Dictator”, Charlie Chaplin’s best picture and his first
talkie. This historic comedy which reveals the true intentions of Hitler, Mussolini and others was very controversial at the time it was produced as it was done prior the Allied Powers entering WWII. Peter Decherney, U.
of P. Professor of Cinema and English has been an Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science Scholar and has
won multiple teaching awards at Penn. He is also known for writing books about Hollywood and the future of
Internet Communications.
Future Programs in 2015:
November 15th Power of Military – Fred Miller Music- Our Annual Veterans Day Brunch
December 13th Power of Sports Brunch - Carol Polis – First Female Boxing Judge
Future Trip in 2016:
April 11, 2016 - All Day Trip to NYC Museums
Visit the 9/11 Memorial and Museum and visit the Jewish Heritage Museum for a Kosher lunch and tour.
A Charter Bus will take us from Temple Sinai to the museums and back. More information will follow.
Sunday, September 27 - Erev Sukkot
Mincha & Ma’ariv............................... 6:00pm
Monday, September 28 - First Day of Sukkot
Shacharit............................................ 9:30am
Mincha & Ma’ariv............................... 6:15pm
Tuesday, September 29 - Second Day of Sukkot
Shacharit............................................ 9:30am
Mincha & Ma’ariv............................... 7:00pm
Wednesday, September 30 - Third Day of Sukkot
Morning Minyan ............................... 7:00am
Thursday, October 1 - Fourth Day of Sukkot
Morning Minyan................................ 7:00am
Friday, October 2 - Fifth Day of Sukkot
Morning Minyan................................ 7:00am
Mincha/Ma’ariv................................. 6:00pm
Saturday, October 3 - Sixth Day of Sukkot
Shabbat Services ............................... 9:30am
Sunday, October 4 - Hoshana Rabbah
Morning Minyan................................. 8:00am
Sunday, October 4 - Erev Shemini Atzeret
Ma’ariv & Yizkor................................. 6:00pm
Monday, October 5- Shemini Atzeret
Shacharit & Yizkor.............................. 9:30am
Monday, October 5 - Erev Simchat Torah
Preschool Simchat Torah
Happening....................................... 6:30pm
Mincha & Ma’ariv/Hakafot................ 7:00pm
Tuesday, October 6 - Simchat Torah
Shacharit............................................ 9:30am
Mincha & Ma’ariv............................... 6:45pm
Sisterhood Jewish Living September 5776 by Joan Winokur
It’s time to say “Farewell” to summer and look forward to a new year. 5776, Here We Come! As Jews, however we don’t just party, we take stock, we look where we’ve been, what we’ve done, with whome, to whom.
We take time to rate our goals and our accomplishments. We take time to right ourselves, to set our course
anew and reframe our aims.
You know “Al Het” really means “for the times we have missed the mark, erred along the way”. You need
goals, marks to aim for, Judaism gives them, mitzvot.
Judaism gives us slate cleaners, too. All in the penitential season. We right ourselves with people so we can
right ourselves with G-d.
I take this opportunity to ask your forgiveness for hurts or slights I have wittingly or unwittingly commited
this past year.
The High Holy Days bring us together for communal confessions that clear the way to go on spiritually refreshed and renewed ready for a life of good health, good deeds, nachas and joy, with peace in our hearts,
working and praying for a world of peace.
Good 5776!
S nder
U tars
he S
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
7 : 0 0 P M - W E LC O M E & R E F L E C T I V E WA L K
8 : 0 0 P M - H AV DA L L A H & R E F R E S H M E N T S
8 : 3 0 P M - S E L I C H OT S E R V I C E W I T H T H E C A N TO R S
“ T O G E T H E R T H E Y S H A L L C O N F E S S A N D R E C I T E S E L I C H O T & I W I L L A N S W E R T H E I R P R AY E R S . ”
B’nai Mitzvah
Maxwell & Tess Klugherz children of Michelle Ecker & Bruce Klugherz
September 5
Tess and Max are 8th grade grade students at Wissahickon Middle School. Both attended Temple Sinai preschool and religious school. Max and Tess will continue their
studies at Gratz Hebrew High School.
Tess is an avid gymnast and competes with the Hatboro YMCA Twisters team. She also enjoys field hockey,
and plays the violin in school orchestra. Tess has sung in the Temple Sinai Junior Choir, and continues to sing
in the Wissahickon Middle School Select Chorus. Tess spends part of her summers at Camp Chateaugay in
the Adirondack mountains. In winter she enjoys skiing and snowboarding. For her Bat Mitzvah project, Tess
is helping to coach gymnastics in the Abilities class at the Hatboro Y, for students with learning disabilities.
Max plays soccer for the Upper Dublin travel and Wissahickon Middle School teams, and also runs track. He
plays trumpet in the Wissahickon Black Dog jazz band, and french horn in the Wind Ensemble. Like his sister,
Max sang with the Temple Sinai Junior Choir, and sings in the Wissahickon Middle School Select Chorus. Max
also attends Camp Chateaugay where he’s developed an interest in sailing. He, too, is an avid skier. For his Bar
Mitzvah project, Max is assisting a senior resident at Normandy Farms in the planting and maintenance of the
facility’s gardens.
Tess and Max are celebrating their simcha with their parents Bruce and Michelle, older siblings Julia and Sam,
grandparents Peter and Joyce Klugherz, and Bart and Barbara Ecker, and several aunts, uncles, cousins, and
LILLY SOLLBERGER daughter of Rachel Sollberger
September 26
Lilly is a 7th grader at Wissahickon Middle School. She is an accomplished Field Hockey and Lacrosse player and looks forward to playing both for her school this year. She
also dances at Addicted to Dance. In the summers, Lilly is a camper at Camp Saginaw
in Oxford, PA.
Her enjoyment of camp inspired her mitzvah project. She raised money and held an equipment drive for
Golden Slipper Camp for Boys and Girls in the Poconos. In conjunction with this she volunteered at the camps
“barn raising” in May. Lilly and her family participated in a day of community service to help get the camp
ready for campers.
Lilly has been studying, working hard with Marjorie and looks forward to becoming a Bat Mitzvah on September 26th. She will be celebrating with her parents, Grace, her sister, Bubby and Poppy and all of her friends
and family.
B’nai Mitzvah
NICOLE ZAPPIN daughter of Robin & Greg Zappin
October 3
Nicole will be turning 13 on November 29th 2015. She currently attends Barrack
Hebrew Academy and will be entering 7th grade this fall. Nicole’s school experience
has helped foster her Jewish identity and her trip to Israel in December 2013 (part
of a Federation led family mission to Israel) was very influential. Outside of school she is an avid tennis and
softball player, and also loves dance. She plays tennis for the school team and softball for Lower Gwynedd
township, and plans to continue both activities throughout high school. Her favorite time of year is the summer when she attends Camp Blue Ridge in Wayne County PA - she is in her fourth year. Camp has helped
Nicole become more independent and confident, and she has made some great friendships.
ETHAN FRANKEL son of Jodi Frankel & Shane Frankel z”l
October 10
Ethan is a 7th grader at Sandy Run Middle School. He started his Jewish education
at the age of three at Adath Jeshurun Preschool and Infant Center. Ethan continued
his Jewish education at Temple Sinai starting in first grade. He is a member of Yad
Squad and is very active in Temple Sinai youth group activities.
Ethan loves camp and attends two. He has been attending Diamond Ridge Day camp for 8 summers and finished his second summer at Lake Owego Camp. Ethan enjoys Hip Hop, playing the baritone, lacrosse, reading and spending time with his friends. For the past few years, Ethan has been volunteering with The Gia
Nicole Angel Foundation. For his mitzvah project he will continue to volunteer and raise money for children
with special needs from low income families.
Ethan looks forward to becoming a Bar Mitzvah and celebrating with his mother Jodi, his sister Dani, his
grandparents and all of his friends and family. His father Shane will proudly be watching over him in spirit.
BRANDON SHER son of Debbie Zumoff-Sher
October 10
Brandon Sher is an 8th grade student this fall at Log College Middle School. He began
his Jewish Education at Temple Sinai Ann Newman preschool and continued in the
religious school. Brandon completed his Jewish Education at Chabad of Doylestown
before returning to Temple Sinai this past winter. He is also an Alumna of the Temple Sinai Junior Choir and
has been and continues performing in his 5th season with the Temple Sinai Players. Brandon enjoys spending
time with his family and friends. He likes watching sports, bike riding, long boarding and creating and building
projects. Brandon is very excited and dedicated in his studies to becoming a Bar Mitzvah. He is sharing this
Simcha with his mom, sister, family and friends.
B’nai Mitzvah
EDEN GOLDBERG daughter of Jami & Steve Goldberg
October 17
Eden is extremely excited to celebrate her bat mitzvah at Temple Sinai. Eden is currently a 7th grade student at Sandy Run Middle School who enjoys playing softball,
basketball, and participating in school plays. In addition to these interests, Eden also
loves to experiment in the kitchen, cooking and baking for her family members, including her two dogs.
For her mitzvah project, Eden combined her love for baking and animals by working with Sam’s Hope, an organization that is dedicated to saving the lives of companion pets by providing assistance to their owners in
order to keep them together. Eden has baked hundreds of yummy and kosher homemade bone biscuits. These
biscuits were donated the the food pantry to be distributed to families and dogs in need. Eden, also spent time
volunteering in the food pantry helping to distribute pet supplies and her bone biscuits to the families she is
Eden’s love for Judaism has helped steer her towards her favorite place, Camp Ramah in the Poconos. After
several summers at Ramah Day Camp, Eden is looking forward to spending her fourth summer at Ramah Poconos with all of her special camp friends!
Eden is looking forward to sharing her bat mitzvah with her parents, Jami and Steve, her brother Sam, her
dogs Syd and Kugel, grandparents, as well as with all of her family and friends.
SARAH FREEDMAN daughter of Emily Freedman
October 24
Sarah is a 7th grader at Wissahickon Middle School. She began her Jewish education
at Temple Sinai and attended preschool here since the age of 2. She continued her
Jewish education at Temple Sinai’s Religious School and was a member of the Junior
Choir for 2 years.
Sarah is a strong student and has maintained Distinguished Honor Role throughout middle school. She loves
to read and enjoys all of her subjects especially math and science. Sarah has shown many interests over the
years including horseback riding, gymnastics, cheerleading, and the arts. She has been playing lacrosse for the
last few years and is a wonderful team player.
For her Mitzvah project, Sarah has decided to volunteer at Kitty Cottage in Blue Bell. When Sarah was 2 years
old, she and her sisters adopted two kittens from Kitty Cottage. Sarah has shown in a commitment in caring
for her animals as well as a desire to care for other animals in need of care, love and a forever home.
Sarah shares this special day with her mother, Emily, her sisters, Maddy and Steph and her grandparents, Judy
and Bob Cheren. She is also supported and loved by her aunts and uncles and all her cousins as well as her
many friends from childhood to present.
B’nai Mitzvah
ERIC AND HALEY REED children of Nina & Evan Reed
October 31
Haley and Eric are in seventh grade at Wissahickon Middle School. They began their
Jewish education at the Ann Newman Preschool at the age of two, spent several
summers at Camp Maccabee and currently attend the religious school.
Haley loves being active and playing sports. Two of her favorites are soccer and basketball which she plays
for the WRA Travel program. She also enjoys playing lacrosse and softball. Haley also started running 5K’s in
Kindergarten and has participated in many races. In her free time, Haley enjoys art projects, shopping, going
to the beach during the summer, and spending time with her friends and family.
Eric loves playing and watching sports. He plays soccer for the WRA Travel program. He also enjoys playing
basketball and baseball. Eric loves participating in Fantasy Football leagues and March Madness brackets
with his friends. Most years he comes out as the winner! When Eric is not reading the sports page or watching ESPN, he enjoys time at the beach and spending time with friends and family.
For their mitzvah project, Haley and Eric partnered with friends from Beth Or and Kenneseth Isreal to plan a
Basketball Skills event. They chose this project because of their common love of basketball and desire to help
kids in the hospital. The money raised will benefit children at CHOP. Haley and Eric are also volunteering at
the Kitty Adoption Team to help care for and socialize kittens and cats waiting to be adopted as part of their
mitzvah project.
Haley and Eric are looking forward to celebrating their b’nai mitzvah with their parents, Nina and Evan, their
grandparents, Brenda and Howard Reed and all of their extended family and friends.
AMANDA KENDALL daughter of Stacy & Jordan Kendall
November 7
Amanda is a seventh grader at Murray Avenue School in Huntingdon Valley. She
began her Jewish Education at Temple Siani in the third grade. Amanda enjoys many
activities. She began dancing at the age of 3 and is currently a member of the Dance
Company Team at Dance With M.E. in Southampton. She also plays soccer for HVAA, takes piano lessons and
enjoys spending time with her family and friends.
She enjoys her summers at Camp Kweebec and spending time at the shore with her many cousins.
For the past several years, she has enjoyed volunteering at the Jewish Relief Agency with her family, packing
and delivering boxes of food to those in need. She also volunteers at the Mitzvah Circle Foundation, making
packages of food and necessities to help families experiencing times of crisis.
Amanda is excited to share her special day with her parents, Stacy and Jordan, her sister Marisa, her brother
Zachary, her grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends.
Contributions: Thank You For Your Support
Boy Scout
In Memory of
Rochelle Carlton............................................. Arlene Carlton
Steven Altman ........................................................................
Daniel Altman .........................................................................
Douglas Altman ................................................ David Altman
Risé Bressler Chesed
In Honor of
Engagement of Amanda Pauker to Michael Freiberg ...........
.............Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg & Families
.........................................................Nadine & Neil Lubarsky
In Memory of
Israel Chernow .......Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg
Rose Gross Solomon ........................ Betty Gross Eisenberg
Gail Shusman.........................................................................
Irene Cohen ............................................... Dennis Shusman
Helene Dublisky ....................................... Leonard Schwartz
Ruth Levinson ............................................Mitchell Levinson
Morton Ceaser ....................................... Ralph & Ellen Levin
Cantor’s Charity
In Honor of
Cantor Stephen Freedman ................. The Kaminsky Family
Engagement of Lindzy Kofsky to Jake Sokol ........................
......................................................... Vicki & Howie Edelman
In Memory of
Morris Freedman ........................ Cantor Stephen Freedman
Mort Ceaser .................................... Diane & Howard Becker
Herman Frank Goldstein ................................... Janet Rosen
Cook For A Friend
In Memory of
Israel Chernow ............................ Bernard & Betty Roseman
Sam Lederman............................ Betty & Bernard Roseman
Lilly Dubin Children’s Garden
In Memory of
Rudy Leis ........................................................ Rochelle Leis
Florence & Rubin Dworkin Scholarship
In Honor of
Birth of Ryan Frank Bartfeld .......... Jackie & Stan Silverman
Engagement of David Targan to Hollie Elgart .......................
........................................ Jackie & Stan Silverman & Family
In Memory of
Rubin Dworkin .......................... Dina & Hal Rovner & Family
Herbert L. Goldfine Scholarship
In Honor of
Sherryl & Buzz Mustin's 55th anniversary .............................
.................................................. Marilyn Keesal & Mel Yudis
In Memory of
Hyman Goldfine ............................................Marilyn Keesal
Martyn S. & Fannie Goldstein Minyan
In Honor of
Birth of Gregory Sebastian Lavenberg ..................................
......................................................Barbara & John Rosenau
Speedy recovery for Rose Beck ............. Bob & Joan Parkin
...............................................................Don & Diane Factor
.................................................................... Edith & Iz Milner
Speedy recovery for Rose Beck ............... Herma Abramson
............................................................. Jack & Ada Fishman
........................................................................ Joan Winokur
................................................................Marty & Gail Weiss
...................................................... Maxine & Asher Stutman
................................................... Temple Sinai Daily Minyan
Don Factor ............................. Ruth & Leon Visnov & Family
The Temple Sinai Daily Minyan ........ The Josselson Family
In Memory of
Karl Katz................................................................. Alan Katz
Perry Stutman ............................... Asher & Maxine Stutman
Jeanne Schwartz....................................Diane & Don Factor
Marilyn Gitterman ...................................Don & Diane Factor
Mort Ceaser ...........................................Don & Diane Factor
............................................................. Don & Marlene Rush
............................................................. Karen & José Castel
...................................................................... Marge Listman
...................................................... Maxine & Asher Stutman
................................................................Marty & Gail Weiss
...............................................................Myrna & Larry Allen
Martyn S. & Fannie Goldstein Minyan
In Memory of
Edythe Kushner ........................................ Herma Abramson
Fred Goldstein ....................................... Larry & Meryl Stern
Israel Richman ................................................. Marcie Cohn
Abood Franco.........................................................................
Bertha Brown ......................................... Meryl & Larry Stern
Rabbi Greenberg Scholar-in-Residence
In Memory of
Mort Ceaser .................................................... Faye Laveson
Sylvia Belmont ......................................... Maxine Weinstein
Handicap Accessibility
In Honor of
Birth of Ilana Chana Newman ................................................
Birth of Jackson Carter Merrion .............. Susan & Paul Bratt
In Memory of
Mort Ceaser ............................................ Susan & Paul Bratt
Richard Harris Memorial
In Memory of
Mort Ceaser ................................................Rebecca Singer
......................................................... Renee & David Sackey
Holocaust Education
In Memory of
Sidney J. Stein ............................. Audrey & George Marcus
Israel Chernow ..................................... The Borgman Family
Rochelle Miller........................................................................
Sara Dembowski ............................... The Handfinger Family
Imagine 613
In Memory of
Sidney J. Stein .......... Frank, Roz, Sara & Adam Romanoski
........................................................... Jeffrey & Jill Hampton
Israel Chernow .......... Frank, Roz, Sara & Adam Romanoski
Harriet Jacobs Education
In Memory of
Barbara Albert .............................. Gladys & David Menaker
Mort Ceasar ......................................... Rich & Dottie Singer
Martin Josephs Library
In Memory of
Joyce Flacker .....................................................Sheryl Stern
Ann Kay Adult Education
In Memory of
Jean Setleis............................................................Lisa Blum
Petluck Memorial
In Memory of
Sidney J. Stein ..............................Barbara & John Rosenau
Bessie Abrams ............................................. Stephen Kasloff
Cissy Plotnick Scholarship
In Memory of
Leonard Levine ............... Nadine & Neil Lubarsky & Family
Prayer Book
In Memory of
Rose Lipkin ......................................................Clifford Lipkin
Jacqueline Hirshberg .............................................................
Steven Daniel Josselson.................... The Josselson Family
Rabbi’s Charity
In Honor of
Rabbi Adam Wohlberg ...................................... Beth Waxler
......................................................... Gloria Ceaser & Family
............................................................ The Kaminsky Family
Engagement of Steven Marku to Meredith Reitz ...................
..........................................................Jonathan & Linda Roth
In Memory of
Mort Ceaser ...................................................... Betsy Tabas
.................................................................. Betty & Bill Pollen
....................................... Ellen & Norman Graulich & Family
............................................................. Jack & Ada Fishman
......................................................... Joyce & Fred Kempner
........................................................... Mary & Nathan Relles
........................................................................ Renata Fisher
............................................... Ruth & Leon Visnov & Family
Mary L. Alexander‑Eck.......................... Celia & Larry Frank
Rabbi’s Charity (continued)
In Memory of
Mort Ceaser ...........................................................................
Sidney J. Stein ............................................... Doris & Si Izes
Aaron Brodsky ................................................ Enid Horowitz
William Cohen ................................................. Gilbert Cohen
Bertha "Bunny" Stein ..... Joanne & Bruce Shanzer & Family
Israel Chernow .................................... Larry & Shelley Hahn
Harvey K. Lickstein .............................................. Nina Reed
Sara Gitlin ..........................................................Zena Cohen
Ruth & Budd Rockower Dues Assistance
In Memory of
Yetta Herman ............................................... Shira Goodman
Albert & Rose Rubenstein Children’s Library
In Memory of
Albert Rubenstein ..................................................................
Anna Rubin ...............................Lucille Rubenstein & Family
Faith Rubin Scholarship
In Honor of
Birth of Gregory Sebastian Lavenberg ..................................
Birth of Drew Aaron Marmer ..................................................
..............................................Ruth & Steven Segal & Family
In Memory of
Mort Ceaser .......................... Bert Zaslow & Carole Esterlitz
............................................................. Evie & Marty Snyder
Hannah T. Grossman...................................... Judith Caplan
Steven Daniel Josselson .......................................................
Jacqueline Hirshberg .............................................................
Mort Ceaser ...........................................................................
Sara Dembowski ....................................................................
Rochelle Miller....................................... Judy & Jerry Caplan
Mort Ceaser ........................................... Karen & Bill Petkun
............................................................... Ruth & Harold Katz
................................. Susan, Alan, Heather & Traci Budman
Bennett Solomon Ramah Scholarship
In Memory of
Nathan Stredler .......................................... Howard Stredler
Sidney J. Stein .................................. Mary & Nathan Relles
Ruth Lacks ............................................................................
Max M. Lacks ..................................................Stanton Lacks
Temple Sinai General
In Honor of
Engagement of Lindzy Kofsky to Jake Sokol ........................
...................................................... Barbara & John Rosenau
...............................................................Karen & Bill Kramer
Birth of Layla Pearl Vandestouwe ........................................
...................................................... Phyllis & Steve Warshaw
In Memory of
Mort Ceaser ...................................... Bonnie & Bill Kanefsky
............................................................. Carrie & Joel Fromer
..........................................................................Elaine Coren
........................................................ Harriet & Phil Weinstein
............................................................ Sid & Helen Feinberg
Molly Hamburger....................................................................
Bessie Erdos ..........................................................................
Hyman Hamburger.................................................................
Mort Ceaser .........................................................Sara Segal
Israel Chernow ......................................... Ed Field & Family
................................................ Marsha Alent, Jeffrey & Seth
.......................................................... Steven & Janet Rosen
............................................................. The Hampton Family
Joseph H. Levine .......................... Sidney & Helen Feinberg
Pearl & Ted Weitz Scholarship
In Memory of
Sheeya Grunberger .......................................... Edith Milner
Mort Ceaser ............................................. Marci & Stu Weitz
Bruce Winokur Memorial
In Memory of
Mort Ceaser ................................................. Harriet Winokur
Aaron Milner ...................................................... Israel Milner
Bruce Winokur .......................................................................
Mort Ceaser ...........................................................................
Ida Gelman.............................................................................
Chassie Goldfarb ............................................ Joan Winokur
Nathan M. Carp................................................. Joseph Carp
Bruce Winokur ............................................. Steven Winokur
In Memory of
Jack Shapiro .............................................. Bonnie Adelman
Rita Weiner ......................................................... Ina Weiner
Philip Rosenau .............................................. John Rosenau
Mort Ceaser .................................................. Joyce Brodsky
Frederick Gohen ............................................... Mark Gohen
Florence Anko .............................................. Mary Friedman
Mildred Adelman ....................................... Michael Adelman
Alvin Seymour Seltzer ...........................................................
Bella Seltzer ............................................ Roslyn Romanoski
Bernard Zilberfarb .......................................... Saul Zilberfarb
George M. Cohen ..................................................................
Maxwell H. Cohen........................................ Sheila Newman
Gertrude Spelkoman..............................................................
Ruth Malamed .......................................................................
Aaron Sokoloff .......................................................................
Herman J. Sokoloff ................................................................
Jenny Sokoloff .......................................................................
Joseph Spelkoman ................................................................
Norman Spelkoman .................................. Sylvia Spelkoman
On Sunday, June 28, Rabbi Adam & Shira went
to Camp Ramah in the Poconos to attend
the dedication ceremony for the refurbished
Guest Houses and staff housing. Mary &
Nathan Relles, pictured above with their
children and grandchildren, were the
generous benefactors of the project and
members of the Relles, Astorino and Vogel
families were the first guests to stay in the
new Guest Houses over the course of a rainy
but glorious Shabbat!
Join us for Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah!
Sunday, October 4
Erev Shemini Atzeret
Ma’ariv & Yizkor
Monday, October 5
Shemini Atzeret
Shacharit & Yizkor
Monday, October 5
Erev Simchat Torah
Simchat Torah
Happening for Preschoolers and Families
Mincha-Ma’ariv/Hakafot 7:00pm
Tuesday, October 6
Simchat Torah
Shacharit 9:30am
Mincha-Ma’ariv 6:45pm
We are pleased to welcome the following
new congregants to Temple Sinai
Jeff & Jamie Alper
Glenn & Melissa Barenbaum
Evan & Melissa Chizik
Jarred & Florina Handel
Cindy Kay
Ronald & Pamela Knopman
Alan & Chantal Levin
Scott & Jennifer Lissansky
Ira & Charlene Rosenbloom
Joshua Sarner & Amy Kalenscher
Darin & Wendy Steinberg
Ilan & Stephanie Sussan
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Attention George’s Dreshertown
Shop n Bag Shoppers
Once again we are selling scrip for
George’s Dreshertown Shop n Bag,
available in $100 gift cards.
Temple Sinai receives 5% of all scrip sales.
It’s an easy and wonderful way
to help the Synagogue.
Come to the Accounting Office to purchase scrip.
Don’t go shopping without it!
In Honor Of:
• Family Celebrations
• Joyous Milestones
• Bar/Bat Mitzvahs
• Engagements
• Weddings
• Birthdays
• Births
• Graduations
We invite you to purchase a “leaf” on the Stredler Family Tree of Life
located in our central lobby
Life Cycle Events
Eve Hela krakauer, daughter of Mark & Elaina Krakauer
Ilana Chana Newman, daughter
of Scott
& Rena Newman,
of Barbara Newman
God Comfort)
Jackson Carter Merrion, son of Chris & Robin Merrion, grandson of Barbara Newman
Bari Emma London, daughter of Scott & Brooke London, granddaughter of Barbara & Stephen London
Engagements & Weddings
Judy & Jay Marku on the engagement of their son, Steven Marku to Meredith Reitz
Sidney J. Stein, father of Joanne (Bruce) Shanzer, grandfather of Naomi and Rebecca Shanzer
Israel Chernow, father of Harris (Amy) Chernow, husband of Charlotte Chernow, grandfather of, Cara, Ada
and Allison Chernow
Marilyn Gitterman, sister of Carl (Germaine) Polsky
Stanley Polsky, brother of Carl (Germaine) Polsky
Norma Shanzer, mother of Bruce (Joanne) Shanzer, grandmother of Naomi and Rebecca Shanzer
William David, uncle of Bob (Marci) Hackel
Philip Weinstock, uncle of Alan (Sheryl) Stern
When you have a family death please call the synagogue office (215) 643-6510 ext 103
so that we may inform the clergy and be of assistance. After business hours,
please call the main phone number and press star *
The Beautiful Torah Fund Pins Have Arrived!
Receive the Torah Fund Pin for 5776 as
n recognition of your generous support.
Your Torah Fund contribution strengthens and
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Donation of $300
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Refuah Shelamah
Barry Goldstein
Bill Kanefsky
Ken Goodrich
Rose Beck
With grateful appreciation,
I should like to thank our
many friends for their get
well wishes, various contributions, cards and phone calls
I received during my recent
It was most heartwarming to
know that you all care and acknowledge your feelings with
your warm sincerity.
Once again, my many thanks
to everyone. Beverly joins me
in extending a warm Shanah
Tovah to all for the coming
New Year!
Cantor Nathan Chaitovsky
Call the main office to advertise
your business here
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Melissa and Jay Freedman and Rene and Adam Weiner
Temple Sinai Member to Participate in the World Zionist Congress in Jerusalem.
The World Zionist Congress established by Theodor Herzl in 1897 in Basel, is the legislative authority of the
World Zionist Organization. It determines the leadership of the WZO and makes critical decisions about funding, resources and policies that directly impact Israeli society and Jewish communities around the world.
In mid-October the WZO will convene the 37th World Zionist Congress in Jerusalem where representatives
from various slates from around the world will vote to decide the policies of the WZO and the Jewish Agency
in Israel.
Temple Sinai member Barbara Rosenau has been slated to participate in the WZC election as part of the
MERCAZ USA slate. “I was delighted to have been nominated and am thrilled to have been selected to attend
the Congress as an alternate delegate representing MERCAZ USA, the Zionist arm of the Conservative/Masorti
Movement. The overriding mission of the Zionist Conservative movement is to support and advance religious
pluralism in Israel and strengthen the connection between Israel and the Diaspora.
The MERCAZ USA slate’s platform seeks official recognition in Israel of all the major streams of Judaism along
with the right of our rabbis to officiate in regard to all issues of personal status, on such matters as marriage,
conversion, divorce and burial. The Conservative platform champions religious pluralism and religious freedom in the State of Israel.
Barbara noted that recent progress on behalf of religious pluralism in Israel has come about as a result of
decision at previous World Zionist Congresses. “In October we will continue the work to strengthen Israel
as a Jewish, Zionist and Democratic state. The US delegation looks forward to productive meetings with their
Zionist counterparts from around the world, in the hopes of creating a stronger Zionist movement.”
Barbara Rosenau is co-chair of Israel Advocacy Committee at Temple Sinai. She serves on the National
Boards of MERCAZ USA, the American Zionist Movement and the Israel Committee for WLCJ.
7 Labor Day / Offices and
School Closed
9:30am Religious School
10:00am Hazak Power of
12pm Men’s Club Welcome
Back BBQ
4:00pm USY Karaoke in
6:00pm Mincha/Ma’ariv in
6:31pm Candle Lighting
28 Sukkot I / Offices
Closed / Preschool OPEN
9:30am Sukkot Services
6:15pm Mincha Ma’ariv
8:00am Tour de Shuls
9:30am First Day of Religious
10:30am Adult Ed Book Club
13 Erev Rosh Hashanah 14 Rosh Hashanah I
10am Makor/Kadima Opening 8:30am Services
7:15pm Mincha Ma’ariv
6:15pm Ma’ariv Service in
September 2015
29 Sukkot II / Offices
Closed /Preschool / RS
School OPEN
9:30am Sukkot Services
4:30pm Religious School
6:45pm Sinai High
7:00pm Mincha / Ma’ariv
7:29pm Havdallah
6:39pm Candle Lighting
6:45pm Kol Nidre
22 Erev Yom Kippur
Office/School Closing at
8:30am Services
7:30pm Mincha Ma’ariv
15 Rosh Hashanah II
7:00am Minyah Sukkot III
30 Sukkot III (Chol
9:00am Services
7:37pm Shofar is blown
7:45pm Break the Fast /
Reservations Required
23 Yom Kippur
8:00pm Board Meeting
16 Tzom Gedalia / Fast
Candle Lighting 7:11pm
Candle Lighting 6:36pm
Candle Lighting 6:48pm
Candle Lighting 7:00pm
8 Mitzvah Food Pantry
Collection Begins
7:00pm Executive Comm. Mtg 8:00pm Men’s Club Pub Night
8:00pm Adult Choir Rehearsal
8:00pm Men’s Club Board Mtg
8:30am Preschool Eat & Greet
8:00pm Adult Choir Rehearsal
~ September 2015 ~
Sundays ………..8:45am
26 Bat Mitzvah of Lilly
Sollberger (PM)
9:30am Shabbat Services
9:30am Shabbat Services
9:30am Shabbat Services
5 B’nai Mitzvah of Maxwell &
Tess Klugherz
9:30am Shabbat Services
7:00pm Selichot Services
Sundays (@TBI)…7:00pm
Daily Minyan Times (unless otherwise indicated)
25 No Religious School
8:45am Jr Choir Rehearsal
9:30am Religious School
10:30am Adult Ed Book Club
12:00pm Yad Squad
1:30pm Creative Crafting with
Faith Rubin
1:30pm Creative Crafting with
Faith Rubin
7:30pm Sisterhood Opening
4:30pm Religious School
6:45pm Sinai High
8:00pm Adult Choir Rehearsal
4:30pm Religious School
6:45pm Sinai High
8:00pm Adult Choir Rehearsal
13 Rosh Hodesh Heshvan
7:00am Minyan
4:30pm Religious School
6:45pm Sinai High
6:45pm Confirmation Class
8:00pm Adult Choir Rehearsal
Candle Lighting 6:24pm
2 Sukkot V
7:00am Minyan
10:30am Adult Ed with Faith
10:30am Adult Ed with Faith
4:00pm Hazak Movie Night
17 Bat Mitzvah of Eden
Goldberg (PM)
9:30am Shabbat Services
10:30am Family Service with
Rabbi & Cantor
7:15pm USY Sky Zone Event
10 Bar Mitzvah of Ethan
Bar Mitzvah of Brandon Sher
9:30am Shabbat Services
11:30am Brachot, Books,
3 Sukkot VI
Bat Mitvah of Nicole Zappin
9:30am Shabbat Services
11am Tot Shabbat
Sundays (@TBI)…7:00pm
24 Bat Mitzvah of Sarah
9:30am Shabbat Services w/
Adult Choir
6:30pm PS Shabbat Happening 11:30pm Brachot, Books,
Candle Lighting 5:52pm
7:00pm Kadima Teen Night Out
31 B’nai Mitzvah Eric & Haley
9:30am Shabbat Services
11:30am Brachot, Books,
Candle Lighting 5:43pm
Candle Lighting 6:02pm
7:00am Cook for a Friend
10:30am Adult Ed with Faith
8:00pm Men’s Club Board Mtg
Candle Lighting 6:13pm
1 Sukkot IV
7:00am Minyan
10:30am Adult Ed with Faith
Rubin in the Sukkah
6:00pm Men’s Club in the
Sisterhood Theatre Trip
10:30am Adult Ed with Faith
9:30am Adult Ed with Rabbi
1:30pm Red Cross Blood Drive
9:30am Adult Ed with Rabbi
8:00pm Board Mtg.
14 Rosh Hodesh Heshvan
7:00am Minyan
9:30am Adult Ed with Rabbi
6:00pm Preschool Back to
School night
7:00pm Executive Comm. Mtg.
6 Simchat Torah / Offices 7
Closed / PS Open
Last Day of Mitzvah Food
9:30am Simchat Torah Service
6:45pm Mincha / Ma’ariv
7:17pm Havdallah
5 Shmini Atzeret / Offices
Closed / PS Open
9:30am Shacharit / Yizkor
5:45pm Simchat Torah Family
Social Dinner
6:30pm Preschool Simchat
7:00pm Mincha / Ma’ariv /
4 Sukkot VII
8:00am Minyan Hoshanah
9:30am Religious School
9:30am Men’s Club Donuts with
9:30am USY Car Wash
1:00pm Sukkah Hop offsite
6:00pm Erev Shmini Atzeret /
6:19pm Candle Lighting
8:45am Jr Choir Rehearsal
10:00am Sisterhood Challah
9:30am Religious School &
Open House
12:00pm Makor Event
12:00pm Yad Squad
1:00pm PJFF Film Screening
1:30pm Creative Crafting with
Faith Rubin
7:30pm Sisterhood Board Mtg
~ October 2015 ~
October 2015
Sundays ………..8:45am
Daily Minyan Times (unless otherwise indicated)
Temple Sinai
1401 North Limekiln Pike
Dresher, PA 19025
E-mail: [email protected]
Main Office: 215.643.6510 / Fax: 215.643.9441
Jodie Levinson / Executive Director’s Assistant
Suzanne Teleha / Rabbi’s Assistant
Marcy Lyons Gohen / Accounting
Ellen McGrother / Accounting
Religious School215.643.7626
Beth Berkowitz / RS Assistant
Ann Newman Preschool
Gift Shop
Be sure to follow us on
Pinterest for great holiday
recipes and ideas!
x 113
Professional Staff
RabbiAdam Wohlbergx106
Founding Rabbi
Dr. Sidney Greenberg
CantorStephen Freedmanx108
Cantor Emeritus
Nathan Chaitovsky
Executive Director
Edwin Altman
Director of Education
Shira Weissbach
Early Childhood
Education Director
Beth Rabinowitz
Coordinator of
Enhanced Education
Faith Rubin
B’nai Mitzvah
Marjorie Schwartz
x 107
Director of
Family Engagement
Shelly Shotel
USY Advisor
Cari Cantor
Temple Sinai Officers
Jeffrey Hampton
Executive Vice President
Jeffrey Gordon
Vice President/Education
Robert Milrod
Vice President/Fundraising
Larry Florin
Vice President/Membership
Janet Lynn
SecretaryRobert Moskovitz
SecretaryErica Rubenstein
TreasurerDavid Weiss
ComptrollerGary Klazmer
Immediate Past President
William Kramer
Sisterhood President
Men’s Club President
Hazak President
Karen Mann & Liz Shamir
Greg Fisher
Steven Rosen
Make All Contributions
Pay Your Bill
View Congregant Directory
Register & Pay for Events
You may log in to Chaverweb via our
website at www.tsinai.com.
On the top right corner, click the yellow link
that says Members Login
If you forgot your password, simply click
the link under the login to reset it. You will
receive a temporary password via email.
Copy and paste that when you go to log
back in. After that you can change the
password to something easier to
remember. All Passwords must contain at
least 7 characters and one must include
the Shift Key (ie: !,@,#,$,%,^,&,*).
If you have ANY questions, please don’t
hesitate to call the main office.