Spring Catalog - Guilford Art Center
Spring Catalog - Guilford Art Center
ENJOY THE PROCESS & RESULTS OF CREATING ART! BECOME A MEMBER NOW! SAVE 10% ON CLASSES & WORKSHOPS PLUS… • 10%OffAllShop&GalleryPurchases • 10%DiscountatArtEmporium,Old Saybrook • InvitationstoAllSpecialEvents • FreeAdmissiontoJuly’sCraftExpo Share a Meal… MEET THE ARTISTS Linda Edwards, Metalsmithing, Weaving • Anita Griffith, Pottery FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 5:30-7PM Join us for our series of presentations by Guilford Art Center artist-instructors. Each gatheringfeaturesartistsindifferentmediadiscussingtheirownwork,inspirations,influences and enthusiasms. Learn more about the Art Center and the talented instructors who make our classes great! Free and open to currently-registered students. Please bring a dish to share. And please feel free to bring a friend! Become a member as you register and immediately activate these benefits! REGISTER NOW! Register online at guilfordartcenter.org or by calling (203) 453-5947. HOURS Office: Mon-Fri, 9AM to 5PM Shop:Mon-Sat,10AM-4PM,Sun12-4PM FINANCIAL AID Financial aid is available for adults and children based on need and interest. Forms, available at the GAC office, must bereturnedbyMarch21,2016. CANCELLATIONS Students notified and full tuition refunded if a class cancelled. Those who withdraw from a class up to 2 weeks before the first class are eligible for a full refund.Upto1weekbeforethefirstclass, students who withdraw are eligible for a credit, less a $25 registration fee. After that, no consideration given without a written medical excuse. Students missing a regularly scheduled class will not receive a refund or makeup class. Please note: Students may or may not be permitted to join a class after the first session has taken place, at the discretion of the instructor. Tuition cannot be pro-rated. GAC reserves the right to change/cancel classes. GAC is handicapped accessible. COVER ART: Fabio Pizzol WITH GRATITUDE TO OUR SPONSORS & DONORS Shop for Spring… DESIGNERS CIRCUS A Pop-Up Shopping Event APriL 15, 10AM-6PM • APriL 16, 10AM-6PM • APriL 17, 11AM-3PM Designers Circus is setting up in the gallery and filling it with a great selection of unique and creative clothing and accessories for the spring. Designers Circus is a Boston-based under-the-radar creative fashion and accessories event, with items by more than 70 designers andwholesaleprices50-90%belowretail.Theshopwillalsobeopen.Aportionofproceeds from sales will benefit Guilford Art Center’s educational programs. Admission is free. Color Outside the Lines… 2ND ANNUAL BLACK & WHITE GALA “Black & White in Color” to Benefit Guilford Art Center Pine Orchard Yacht and Country Club FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 6:30PM Join Guilford Art Center for our annual, elegant Black & White soiree, and this year get on the bandwagon with the adult coloring book craze. Color outside the lines, while enjoying cocktails, sumptuous food, music and dancing, live and silentauctions.Ticketsare$125perperson,with proceeds benefiting the Art Center’s educational and community outreach programs. For more information about any of these upcoming events, contact the Art Center, 203-453-5947 or [email protected]. $10,000+ The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven The Stoddard Family Foundation $5,000-$9,999 Anonymous NewAlliance Foundation Prospector Partners $1,000-$4,999 The Herman Abbott Family Foundation Deb Abildsoe & Irving Schloss Eder Brothers Andrew Geaslin Joseph & Cindy Goldberg Guilford Savings Bank Richard & Yvette Howard Jane Kammerer Madison Polymeric Engineering Raymond B. & Kathleen V. Rudy, in honor of Nina V. Donnelly Allan Starr Stonycroft Farm Alpacas Yale New Haven Health $500-$999 Bailey, Murphy & Scarano, LLC CK Architects Arlene & Marshal Elovich Green Homes Kebabian’s Oriental Rugs The Marketplace at Guilford Food Center MIX Design Store SPRING CLASSES Full class and workshop descriptions can be found online. Classes are open to all levels unless otherwise noted. Beading LARIAT NECKLACE [workshop] Viola Galetta Saturday, April 23 10:00AM - 1:00PM Easy knotting technique in combination with wire wrapping, using various type of beads: crystals, lamp work, stones and metal findings. Fee payable with tuition $25.00 Tuition $36.00 Members $32.40 ORGANIC COPPER PENDANT & BEAD NECKPIECE [workshop] Marcy LaBella Sunday, April 24 10:00AM - 4:00PM We will create an organic pendant from copper using basic metals techniques. Experiment with colorful patinas such as guilders paste and more. Students will make a hand crafted clasp and closure. Neck pieces will be made using a combination of bead and wire techniques and by using natural stone beads on waxed linen using a traditional hand knotting technique. Learn three fun and beautiful techniques in one workshop. Fee payable with tuition $20.00 Tuition $72.00 Members $64.80 Monte Financial Group Rea Algonquin Industries Stony Creek Quarry $250-$499 Richard Chorney Clo & Stephen Davis Stephanie Dietz Rebecca Hoblin Page Hardware & Appliance The Stone Agency Cyndi & Richard Tuchman MEDIA SPONSOR Shore Publishing WIRE WRAPPED BRACELET [workshop] Viola Galetta Saturday, May 7 10:00AM - 1:00PM Learn to wrap and hammer copper wire, while incorporating one-of-a -kind beads to create your very own fun and artistic bracelet. Fee payable with tuition $25.00 Tuition $36.00 Members $32.40 LEATHER WRAP BRACELET [workshop] Viola Galetta Saturday, May 21 10:00AM - 1:00PM Learn a technique for creating the most popular bracelet these days, called a Chan Lou leather wrap, made with leather and small beads combined with artful stitching. Anyone can learn this intriguing technique, to wear or to give as a memorable gift. Instructor will supply all materials. Fee payable with tuition $25.00 Tuition $36.00 Members $32.40 VIKING KNIT BRACELET [workshop] Viola Galetta Saturday, June 4 10:00AM -1:00PM Viking knit is an ancient wire knitting technique developed and used mostly in Northern Europe. We have adapted Viking knitting to make beautiful jewelry, enhancing them with beads. In this workshop you will learn, easily and quickly, to make a silver wire bracelet enhanced with the choice of your beads. Fee payable with tuition $25.00 Tuition $36.00 Members $32.40 ORGANIC COPPER & BEADED EARRING [workshop] Marcy LaBella Sunday, June 12 10:00AM - 3:00PM Create an organic form fold earring with beautiful beaded elements. Simple basic techniques will be used - great for beginning metal workers who want to learn to incorporate beads into their projects. Bead and wire work will be covered as will be making different types of handcrafted headpins. You will have time to create several pairs of earrings. Fee payable with tuition $20.00 Tuition $60.00 Members $54.00 Blacksmithing INTRO TO BLACKSMITHING [workshop] OPEN FORGE Mace Vitale Saturday-Sunday, May 14-15 10:00AM - 4:00PM Mace Vitale SESSION A: 4 Wednesdays, beginning April 6 SESSION B: 4 Wednesdays, beginning May 4 SESSION C: 4 Wednesdays, beginning June 8 6:00PM - 9:00PM Open to students with blacksmithing experience. Here is a chance for Blacksmithing and Bladesmithing students to continue projects they have started, or start a new project they have been wanting to do under the guidance a working smith. Projects will be tailored to the individual student. Students will need safety glasses, leather work gloves, and should wear jeans andnon-flammablecottonshirt,andboots or leather shoes. ( Pre-requisite of a beginner blacksmith or bladesmith class). Fee payable with tuition $20.00 Tuition$150.00 Members $135.00 INTRO TO THE HAND FORGED BLADE [workshop] Mace Vitale Saturday-Sunday, April 2-3 10:00AM - 4:00PM This weekend workshop will cover the basics of forging, grinding, heat treating, and sharpening of a small utility knife. The instructor will discuss fit and finish, overall knife design, how to sharpen and care for knives, and how to begin making knives on your own. Students should expect to forge several blades over the weekend, and get at least one to the point of a usable knife. Students should bring safety glasses and leather work gloves. The instructor can be contacted prior to the class if there are any questions or special needs: [email protected] Fee payable with tuition $45.00 Tuition $200.00 Members $180.00 This workshop will introduce students to the basics of forging steel to shape using a hammer and anvil. Points, tapers, curls, scrolls, twists, and hot punching will be covered. Students will make an assortment of small useful items. Fee payable with tuition $45.00 Tuition $200.00 Members $180.00 For students who see pots and think food. Learn wheel throwing, designing and glazing techniques with an eye to the function of the pot. Sometimes the function of the pot is to open the potter to the sheer power and element of unpredictability inherent to the firing process, so students will participate in a last-class raku firing. Fee payable with tuition $30.00 Tuition $330.00 Members $297.00 EXPRESSION IN CLAY Matt Parkinson Saturday-Sunday, May 21-22 10:00AM - 4:00PM David Frank 10 Tuesdays, beginning March 29 1:00PM - 4:00PM Open to students with blacksmithing experience. In this exciting class student will make all the tools needed to inlay copper silver or gold into steel. Starting with a light chasing hammer suitable for inlaying or hammer engraving, next a set of graver chisels and setting punch. Using the tools made in the class the basics of carving a channel undercutting and inlaying will also be covered. Fee payable with tuition $40.00 Express yourself making a wide variety of pottery forms. Both hand building and throwing skills will be used. Extra attention will be spent on decoration with clay, slips, and glazes. Fee payable with tuition $30.00 Tuition $200.00 Members $180.00 Ceramics Student’s clay must be purchased in class ($29 or $32/bag); tool kits ($14 + tax) also available. Please bring cash or check. Lab and clay fees cover costs of firings and glaze materials. Tuition includes bench time. FOCUS ON FUNCTION Alice Chittenden 10 Mondays, beginning March 28 9:30AM - 12:30PM In this weekend workshop students will learn how to forge several types of arrow heads. Forging to shape, sockets, tangs, clean up, and heat treat will be covered. Fee payable with tuition $20.00 Tuition $200.00 Members $180.00 Tuition $330.00 Members $297.00 Mace Vitale Saturday-Sunday, April 16-17 10:00AM - 4:00PM Deborah Staub Luft 10 Mondays, beginning March 28 7:00PM - 10:00PM GRAVERS & HAMMER INLAY [workshop] This class will focus on the considerations made when creating functional ceramic ware. Applications for wheel thrown and hand built work will each be addressed through teacher demonstrations and examples. Instruction in working on the wheel and hand building techniques will be group, as well as individual instruction. Glazing basics will be taught along with more specialized surface treatments. Students will have the opportunity to participate in a raku firing held during the last class. Fee payable with tuition $30.00 FORGED ARROW HEADS [workshop] FROM FORM TO FOOD Tuition $330.00 Members $297.00 INTRODUCTION TO THE POTTER’S WHEEL Claudia Schiavone 10 Tuesdays, beginning March 29 6:30PM - 9:30PM Make your first pots from start to finish. Participants will learn the basics of centering clay and throwing bowls and cylinders on the wheel. Basic surface decoration and glazing techniques will also be demonstrated. For beginning and continuing students. Wear clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty! Fee payable with tuition $30.00 Tuition $330.00 Members $297.00 CORINNE MCMANEMIN CERAMIC SCULPTURE Lisa Wolkow 10 Wednesdays, beginning March 30 9:30AM - 12:30PM Open to students with clay experience who would like to work sculpturally in clay, taking full advantage of everything that a ceramics studio can offer. Learn ways of experimenting, working and thinking as sculptors, as well as techniques for constructing forms, building surfaces and firing. Students with a background in wheelwork may explore hand building skills in conjunction with thrown forms. Fee payable with tuition $30.00 Tuition $330.00 Members $297.00 HOW TO MAKE POTTERY Anita Griffith 10 Wednesdays, beginning March 30 6:00PM - 9:00PM Learn about pottery shapes and uses, from cups, bowls and plates to vases, bottles and teapots. Beginners will make pottery on the potter’s wheel or with hand building techniques. Intermediate and advanced students will design independent projects with guidance and demonstrations from instructor. Glaze and surface design included. Fee payable with tuition $30.00 Tuition $330.00 Members $297.00 POTTERY ON & OFF THE WHEEL Stephen Rodriguez 10 Thursdays, beginning March 31 7:00PM -10:00PM This is a chance for beginners to intermediate students to both develop and push ahead with techniques in forming and glazing pottery. Explore shape making on andoffthewheel,workwithstonewareor porcelain, look at classical pottery forms and see what we can borrow for your own work. Fee payable with tuition $30.00 Tuition $330.00 Members $297.00 BASICS & BEYOND Robert Parrott 10 Fridays, beginning April 1 9:00AM - 12:00PM A comprehensive survey of hand building and wheel throwing, with an emphasis on form, function, and development of personal style. Beginners are welcome and will learn all the basics of forming and glazing. Intermediate and advanced students will be challenged to work toward more refined products on the wheel and to throw more difficult forms, such as plates, lidded containers, teapots, etc. Each class will include demonstrations and access to the resources of the GAC pottery studio. Fee payable with tuition $30.00 Tuition $330.00 Members $297.00 Drawing Fiber DRAWING IN COLOR FASHION SEWING & TAILORING Karen Bartone 7 Tuesdays, beginning March 29 1:00PM - 3:30PM Isabelle Gasser 10 Mondays, beginning March 28 9:30AM - 12:30PM For those wishing to advance their use of value and color in their drawings. Includes the exploration of working on toned paper, working with color media such as water color pencils and pastels, and the development of a personal approach to drawing. Have you always wanted to sew and do your own alterations, or learn to make your own clothes? Learn the basics of sewing and more depending on your level. Choose from a base of European pattern books, or a commercial US pattern and learn to cut, sew, and build a garment usingdifferenttechniques.Learntousethe sewing machine, fabric properties, take measurements and do fitting. Tuition$175.00 Members $157.50 BASIC DRAWING Karen Bartone 7 Wednesdays, beginning March 30 1:00PM - 3:30PM Learn to depict objects through proportion, perspective and placement using pencil, charcoal and pastels. Achieve volume through the use of light and dark values, beginning with basic shapes and advancing to still life. More advanced students may bring pastels to first class. Tuition$175.00 Members $157.50 FEARLESS DRAWING Marcy LaBella 8 Thursdays, beginning March 31 6:30PM - 9:30PM Intimidated by traditional drawing classes? Can’t draw a straight line? Experiment with drawing and mark making exercises. Learn to create expressive drawings and move into paint. For beginners and those who want to loosen up and tap into their creativity. Tuition: $240.00 Members $216.00 CHARCOAL DRAWING FOR BEGINNERS [workshop] Tuition $300.00 Members $270.00 TEXTILE PRINTING EXPLORATIONS Claudia Mathison 5 Fridays, beginning April 1 9:30AM - 12:30PM Glass Be a fabric designer and transform cotton and linen textiles with delightful patterns using hand carved stamps, stencils and nature items. Basic printing techniques as well as fabric selection, fabric weight and color theory. Emphasis on exploring techniques, tools and printing styles. Fee payable with tuition $15.00 STAINED GLASS FOR BEGINNERS Tuition$150.00 Members $135.00 MACHINE SEWING TECHNIQUES Claudia Mathison 5 Fridays, beginning May 6 9:30AM - 12:30PM This is an opportunity for beginning and experience sewers to learn new skills or improve existing techniques: sewing zippers, embellishing pillows with piping trim or designing and sewing simple lined pouches. Sewing machines provided. Fee payable with tuition $10.00 Dolores Marchese Saturday, April 2 12:00PM - 4:00PM Tuition$150.00 Members $135.00 Get the illusion of the three dimensional using charcoal to create volume through light and dark. Good for those who have done some drawing in the past. Fee payable with tuition $10.00 FELTED SILK INLAID SCARF [workshop] Tuition $40.00 Members $36.00 Judy Pascale Saturday, April 16 11:00AM - 4:00PM Learn to depict a still life in values of light and dark. Work from still life using charcoal and white soft pastel, then move into color using oil pastel or soft pastel. Create a scarf that is an interesting combination of a traditional wet felted scarf with a Nuno silk insert. While the Nuno silk insert provides the spice and splash of the scarf, the surrounding felted wool forms an enhancing dramatic border. In the designing process, colors coordinating with the Nuno silk or beads can be added to the borders. In addition, the bottom of the scarf will have various finishing options such as lattice, fringe or leaf designs. Fee payable with tuition $20.00 Tuition $40.00 Members $36.00 Tuition $50.00 Members $45.00 COLOR [workshop] Dolores Marchese Saturday, April 16 10:00AM - 2:00PM CLAUDIA MATHISON Fabio Pizzol 10 Saturdays, beginning April 9 9:30AM-12:30PM Learn to create vibrant and colorful stained glass works using the copper foil technique. Students will create at least one stained glass panel during the class, as well as gain the ability to create additional works independently. Kit fee of $85 due to instructor upon first class. Additional glass purchased separately. Tuition $250.00 Members $225.00 LAMP WORKED GLASS BEADS [workshop] Stephanie Maddalena Saturday-Sunday, June 4-5 10:00AM - 4:00PM Students will learn to use a torch to melt glass rods, creating personalized colorful beads. Many decorating techniques will be demonstrated, including enamels, metal foils,flowersandmore.Fee payable with tuition $25.00 Tuition$190.00 Members $171.00 Metals Tuition includes bench time METALSMITHING Linda Edwards SESSION A: 10 Tuesdays, beginning March 29 9:30AM - 12:30PM Learn through demonstration, discussion, and hands on, how to create works of art made of fine metals. From jewelry to small sculpture, students will be introduced to the tools and techniques to manipulate copper, brass and silver. Students will learn sawing, filing, cold connections, soldering, surface textures, forming, fabricating, stone setting, and finishing. Other techniques will be introduced according to class interest. Guidance will be given to encourage creativity and develop design skills.Thisclassisofferedtothebeginneras well as the more advanced student. Please be sure to attend the first class and bring a note book and writing utensil. Fee payable with tuition $30.00 Tuition $330.00 Members $297.00 In the Gallery February 26-March 10 CONNECTICUT BLACKSMITHS March 21-April 9 SHORELINE ARTS ALLIANCE IMAGES JURIED PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITION April 15-17 DESIGNERS CIRCUS April 22-May 14 GALLERY ONE GROUP EXHIBITION May 20-June 5 HIGH SCHOOL INVITATIONAL EXHIBITION June 17-July 31 BOWLS: NATIONAL JURIED EXHIBITION August 12-September 4 POTTERY RESIDENT EXHIBITION: JASMINE GONZALEZ JEWELRY FABRICATION: PART 1 METALS: BEYOND BASICS Linda Edwards 5 Tuesdays, beginning March 29 6:30PM - 9:30PM Linda Edwards 10 Thursdays, beginning March 31 9:30AM - 12:30PM This course will involve the exploration of fundamental jewelry making techniques. Demonstrations will include these basic fabrication skills: sawing, filing, hammer texturing, soldering, and finishing. Beginners will be guided by demonstrations and an assigned project. Students with experience may work on their own designs, and obtain guidance as needed. Fee payable with tuition $15.00 For the student with previous metalsmithing experience. Focus on enriching design vocabulary and addressing artistic intent. Students who wish to expand their design skills may participate in demonstrations and exercises or investigate independent concepts. Bring a sketch book to class. Fee payable with tuition $30.00 Tuition$165.00 Members $148.50 JEWELRY FABRICATION: PART 2 Linda Edwards 5 Tuesdays, beginning May 3 6:30PM - 9:30PM This course will focus on contemporary jewelry making techniques. Emphasis will be on fabrication skills including: surface embellishment, cold connections (rivets), forming, and patina coloring. Beginners will be guided by demonstrations and an assigned project. Students with experience may work may on their own designs, and obtain guidance as needed. Fee payable with tuition $15.00 Tuition$165.00 Members $148.50 JEWELRY & METALSMITHING Lanette Barber SESSION B: 10 Wednesdays, beginning March 30 9:30AM - 12:30PM SESSION C: 10 Wednesdays, beginning March 30 6:30PM – 9:30PM Learn through demonstration, discussion, and hands on, how to create works of art made of fine metals. From jewelry to small sculpture, students will be introduced to the tools and techniques to manipulate copper, brass and silver. Students will learn sawing, filing, cold connections, soldering, surface textures, forming, fabricating, stone setting, and finishing. Other techniques will be introduced according to class interest. Guidance will be given to encourage creativity and develop design skills to students of all levels. Please be sure to attend the first class and bring a note book and writing utensil. Fee payable with tuition $30.00 Tuition $330.00 Members $297.00 Tuition $330.00 Members $297.00 LOST WAX CASTING [workshop] Lanette Barber Saturday-Sunday, April 2, 3, 9, 10 9:30AM - 5:00PM Lost wax casting is a method where a wax form is made, stabilized in a plaster mold, the wax is melted out in a kiln, metal is forced into the cavity, the mold is washed away and you are left with your work of art. This class will take you through constructing works out of wax and the basic method of steam casting. Learn through demonstration and hands-on experience. Basic metals experience helpful. Those with no metalsmithing experience will be guided to projects requiring less technical skill. Fee payable with tuition $45.00 SETTING STONES IN PRECIOUS METAL CLAY [workshop] Nancy Karpel Sunday, May 22 10:00AM - 4:00PM Prerequisite: at least one other PMC workshop. Take your PMC designs to the next level! Add color and brilliance to your pieces by learning to set natural and labgrown stones in PMC. Learn which stones canbefiredinthekilnandhowtoflush-set stones to fire in PMC-3. Learn the special considerations for bezel setting stones in PMC using fine-silver wire, PMC Flex, and pre-formed settings. Demonstrations/ discussion of the slip-syringe for setting, prong setting, and channel setting will be included as time permits. Materials fee of approx.* $115.00 includes sufficient PMC, supplies and significant handouts to complete class projects. Inexpensive faceted and cabochon stones, and pre-formed settings will be available for purchase at the workshop.*Feeisbasedonmaterialscost at time of ordering. Basic PMC tools, including portable work-surface, are required and will not be provided. (A small tool kit may be rented in class for $4.00) Tuition$100.00 Members $90.00 Painting Tuition $300.00 Members $270.00 Tuition includes open studio time: Thursdays, 1:00pm-4:00pm, in Studio 6 DISCOVER PRECIOUS METAL CLAY [workshop] WATERCOLOR YOUR GARDEN Nancy Karpel Saturday, April 16 10:00AM - 3:30PM It looks like clay, but is actually pure silver in an organic binder and requires no previous jewelry-making experience. Learn all the basics for forming, surface texturing, firing, and finishing PMC, and have the opportunity to finish and take home your unique pieces of silver jewelry. Class will also include flush setting of lab grown gems to fire in PMC! Great for beginners (no jewelry making experience necessary), jewelry students, clay artists, bead makers, and others! Materials fee of approx. $100.00*ispayabletoinstructoratclass, and includes PMC, use of tools, supplies, and handouts. *Cost of PMC fluctuates with the metals market. McCrady Axon 10 Mondays, beginning March 28 1:00PM - 4:00PM Fresh, nuanced color, compositional use of white space, and calligraphic mark making are the elements that make inspiring watercolors. It is a classical pastime to the English, who love to document the garden isle they inhabit. Watercolor is a process and a method, and once you learn the mechanics you can proceed to the expression of spirited paintings of vitality while documenting your environment. Tuition $300.00 Members $270.00 Tuition$100.00 Members $90.00 GALLERY HOURS: Monday-Saturday, 10AM – 4PM Sunday, 12 – 4PM. MARCY LABELLA CONTEMPORARY PAINTING & DRAWING McCrady Axon 10 Mondays, beginning March 28 6:30PM - 9:30PM PAINTING FUNDAMENTALS Corinne McManemin 8 Thursdays, beginning March 31 9:00AM - 12:00PM Tuition $300.00 Members $270.00 Let’s study building a painting using water base oil paints and techniques handed down to us from the great masters. With exercises exploring color mixing and matching, value and light, under-paintings, contour, proportion, composition, you will learn to see more clearly, render more accurately and have the understanding needed to start your practice as a fine artist. We will study still life and weather permitting, landscape. This class will prepare you for more advanced classes or can be used to brush up on your skill. DRAWING FOR PAINTERS Tuition $240.00 Members $216.00 Brush up your painting and drawing skills or begin anew, using acrylic, oils, or pastel in a lively, small group. Start with quick exercises, colorful still life, landscape and interior scenes of your choice. Learn clean and vivid color mixing skills, painterly layering, glazing techniques, strong composition and problem solving. Plenty of studio painting time with critique. Leonard Moskowitz 7 Wednesdays, beginning March 30 9:30AM - 12:30PM For students of all levels to develop new approaches in painting and drawing and new ways in which to use them both, alternating painting and drawing week by week. My approach to drawing is very playful and basic, centered in the joy of movement and line. Work with all manner of subjects and motif, including photos, still life, and looking out the window. Tuition$210.00 Members $189.00 ABSTRACT & CONTEMPORARY PAINTING Dolph LeMoult 10 Wednesdays, beginning March 30 1:00PM - 3:00PM Prominent gallery painter, Dolph LeMoult, conducts an ongoing workshop on how to see things differently and realize them in paint. Working with students in a variety of media and styles, he stresses creative risk-taking and individuality. Prepare to challenge your comfort zone. Tuition $200.00 Members $180.00 CALLING ALL GAC STUDENTS! Sell Your Work at the Craft Expo! CraftExpo2016 On the Guilford Green July15-17,2016 The Student Tent is a great opportunity to promote our school, inspire prospective students, and have fun while helping support the Guilford Art Center and this great summer event. For more information, contact Maureen Belden at mbelden@ guilfordartcenter.org. DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY BOOT CAMP [workshop] Open To All Ages Ted Culotta Saturday, April 2 10:00AM - 4:00PM INTRO TO 3D PRINTING [workshop] Spend six hours getting a solid grounding in how your camera functions, making it easier for you, rather than your camera, to control the results when you press the shutter release. Attendees should have a digital camera with the ability to manually control the elements of picture taking. If you are considering a camera, guidance can be provided in the buying process prior to the class. Sean Hackett Sunday, May 22 1:00PM – 3:00PM Tuition $60.00 Members $54.00 Tuition $25.00 Members $22.50 INTRODUCTION TO PHOTOSHOP [workshop] Photography Shannon Gale Saturday, May 7, 14 10:00AM -12:00PM DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY PRIMER Prerequisite: students must have basic computer skills. This introductory Photoshop class will teach students the basics of image editing. Learn to crop, rotate and color correct your photos. Understand the basics of resizing images and how to export your photo for future use in another program. The final element of the class will have students arranging their images in a collage format using Photoshop layers. Please bring with you 3-5 digital images you would like to work on. 2 important notes: All students must bring a laptop to class, with the free, 30-day trial of Adobe Photoshop already downloaded. Before downloading, please wait to hear from Guilford Art Center via email or phone. To download, go to www.adobe.com and follow instructions to download the free trial of Photoshop. If you encounter any difficulties in this process, please contact the GAC. Ted Culotta 10 Tuesdays, beginning March 29 10:00AM - 12:00PM Are you interested in learning to use your digital camera or would like to gain more control over your image creation? Learn terminology, the workings of your camera, elementsofexposure,howsettingsaffect finalimages,effectivecomposition,complementary tools and software, preparation for posting and/or printing your images, and more. Attendees should have a digital camera, preferably an SLR although “prosumer” level point and shoot with manual override capabilities will work as well. A laptop with software to view your images as part of hands-on review is beneficial, but notrequired.Classwillnotmeeton4/12. Tuition$160.00 Members $144.00 INTRODUCTION TO PHOTOGRAPHY Shannon Gale 3 Mondays, beginning April 11 6:30PM - 8:30PM Tuition $45.00 Members $40.50 Sculpture Whether you use a smartphone, point and shoot camera or semi-pro gear, there are basic principles in lighting and composition that will get you the shot you seek. This course is a combination of lecture & demonstration on composition, lighting, staging and gear involved in photography from the beginner to semi-pro level. Bring your own cameras, including mobile devices, to practice. A perfect opportunity for to learn more about photography for personal and professional purposes. Bring your gear and your questions! SCULPTURE IN STONE: INDEPENDENT STUDIO Tuition $60.00 Members $54.00 Tuition $275.00 Members $247.50 See also SPECIAL INTEREST: Photograph Your Art Karl Kaufmann 8 Saturdays, beginning April 2 9:00AM to 1:00PM Students will learn the basics of direct carving of stone. This is a hands on class where students physically participate in the drilling, splitting, carving, flaming, cutting, grinding, and polishing of the stone to create sculpture. Fee payable with tuition $25.00 Learn about the hardware and software that comprise 3D printing, including basics of computer animated drafting (CAD) and design items which can be printed at the Guilford Free Library. Bring a computer and mouse. Instructions for software sent after registration. Special Interest COLOR THEORY Karen Bartone 7 Mondays, beginning March 28 1:00PM - 3:30PM Design principles are explored through the investigation and understanding of color interaction, color theory and color mixing. Emphasis is on pigment mixing, control of3propertiesofcolor,andvisualeffects of specific color combinations. Tuition$175.00 Members $157.50 INTRO TO HAND PAPERMAKING Chris Penry 3 Tuesdays, beginning March 29 6:30PM-8:30PM Learn the basic techniques of Western Papermaking. Using a mold & deckle and vats of colored pulps, exploring the infinite possibilities of lamination, embedding and collage. Create papers for journals, booklets, or painterly pieces suitable for framing using over-beaten pigmented pulps—an art form known as Pulp Painting. Fee payable with tuition $25.00 Tuition $60.00 Members $54.00 JOOMCHI & BEYOND [workshop] Jiyoung Chung Saturday-Sunday, April 9-10 10:00AM - 4:00PM Joomchi is a Korean traditional way of making textured handmade paper using water and eager hands. Learn its history and practice, as well as techniques and adaptations into contemporary art form. Joomchi creates strong, textural and painterly surfaces by layering and agitating Hanji (Korean mulberry papers). It can be incorporated into surface design, collage, wearable art, and more. Fee payable with tuition $30.00 Tuition $250.00 Members $225.00 COLLAGE & MIXED MEDIA [workshop] PHOTOGRAPH YOUR ART [workshop] AGES 2 ½ - 3 ½ Ake Arnerdal Saturday-Sunday, April 23-24 10:00AM - 4:00PM Jonathan Weekes Saturday, May 21 10:00AM-1:00PM CREATIVE LITTLE HANDS Explore the intriguing and contemporary world of collage and mixed media. We will explore a series of themes and subjects in a relaxed and supportive atmosphere, with the opportunity to investigate your personal interests. We will also examine historical and contemporary collage and mixed media methods. Incorporating shape, color and texture, we’ll use a wide range of materials, including ready-made and painted elements, photos, and fabric combined with traditional painting and drawing to create the artwork. Small objects can be challenging to light and photograph. Artists need great quality photographs for portfolios, promotion, and online sales. This workshop will go over some basic techniques for lighting and photographing small objects on a budget. Useful for photographing pottery, jewelry, vintage thrift store goods or any small item for artist portfolios or listing on ETSY/ eBay/online. Bring an object to be photographed (nothing too large, it must fit on a table). Digital point-and-shoot, SLR, or iPhone cameras are all OK. Tuition$120.00 Members $108.00 Friday Night Art Socials FRIDAY, NIGHT ART: POTTERY [workshop] Claudia Schiavone SESSION A: Friday, April 15 SESSION B: Friday, May 13 SESSION C: Friday, June 10 6:30PM - 9:30PM Join us for one or for all three of these fun introductory evenings in the pottery studio. Create a unique one-of-a-kind piece of pottery using simple techniques working with clay. Various tools and engobes will be used to add texture and color. Come have fun with friends and get a little messy. Feel free to bring your own wine or beer or refreshment. Tuition $45.00 Members $40.50 ART NIGHT OUT: DRAWING & PAINTING [workshops] McCrady Axon SESSION A: Colorful Collage of the Botanical Environment: Friday, April 15 SESSION B: Colorful Spring Pastel: Friday, May 13 SESSION C: Paint A Garden: Friday, June 10 6:30PM - 9:30PM Enjoy a social group class for one session thatoffersclassicartskillsinarelaxedsetting, for beginner and continuing artists. Adifferentmediumandsubject,andall materials, are provided each time. Inexpensive framing method taught so you can hang your new art on an empty wall in a flash!Cuttingcolorfulformsfromglossy pages, add oil crayon, pastel or paint, like Matisse. BYO beer, ginger ale, wine. Tuition $40.00 Members $36.00 Tuition $36.00 Members $32.40 Weaving Tuition includes bench time. FLOOR LOOM WEAVING Lucienne Coifman SESSION A: 10 Tuesdays, beginning March 22 9:00AM - 12:00PM Beginners will learn the fundamentals of weaving by designing a warp, dressing a loom and weaving a sampler of plain and patterned weaves. A second project, of the student’s choice and tailored to their skill, will complete the term. Intermediate and advanced students receive individualized instruction and are encouraged to explore the diversity of the craft on four or eight harness looms.Classwillnotmeet5/10. Tuition $300.00 Members $270.00 FLOOR LOOM WEAVING Linda Edwards SESSION B: 10 Saturdays, beginning March 26 9:30AM - 12:30PM Beginning students will create a sampler using plain and patterned weaves. Learn to select material, wind a warp, dress a loom and some finishing techniques. A second project of the student’s choice, and tailored to your skill, can complete the term. Continuing students receive guidance in designing and weaving projects of their choice. Students explore a wide range of weaving styles: traditional pattern weaves, rug weaving, and tapestry weaving. Beginners samplerfeeof$12.00payableinclass. Tuition $300.00 Members $270.00 Claudia Mathison 8 Tuesdays, beginning March 29 9:30AM - 11:00AM Little ones and their care givers will explore a variety of art materials in a warm and nurturing environment. With spring as our theme, we’ll use colorful paints, squishy clay, textural papers and soft fabrics. Time for clay play. Seasonal stories and outside exploring on the GAC campus. Tuition$150.00 Members $135.00 Ages 3 ½ - 5 ART EXPLORERS Claudia Mathison 8 Thursdays, beginning March 31 9:30AM - 11:30AM What better way to celebrate spring than with beautiful works of art! Paint flowers,sculptanimalswithclay,design paper kites and build wooden structures. Children will experiment with a variety of materials and techniques. Time for clay play, spring stories and outside exploring on the GAC campus. Tuition$176.00 Members $158.40 Ages 5 – 7 EXPLORATORY ART Marcy LaBella 8 Mondays, beginning March 28 4:00PM - 5:30PM In a studio arts format through a series of guided projects, we try a little bit of everything in this art class for the younger set. Clay, paint, pastels, collage, fiber arts and more! Projects follow a seasonal theme and allow children to experience a wide variety of art mediums. STUDENT ARTWORK TOUR THE WORLD’S GREAT MUSEUMS Amy Peters 8 Wednesdays, beginning March 30 4:00PM - 5:30PM Studentswilllearnaboutadifferentmuseum—from NYC’s Metropolitan Museum of Art and Museum of Modern Art, to Europe’s Prado, Tate, Louvre, and more. Make art in the style of artists featured at the museums. Projects will use clay, paints, pastels, charcoal, and more. Tuition$150.00 Members $135.00 SPRING CLAY PLAY Betsy Chichester 8 Thursdays, beginning March 31 4:00PM - 5:30PM Make critters for the garden, bird feeders, flowers and weed pots. Using terracotta clay, learn about hand building techniques - slabs, coils, and pinch pots. Use nature to decorate pottery, and learn to glaze before the final firing. Tuition$150.00 Members $135.00 APRIL VACATION [workshops] Tuition$150.00 Members $135.00 Claudia Mathison Tuesday-Thursday, April 12-14 9:30AM-11:30AM PAINTING FOR KIDS SESSION A: Clay Creations Tuesday, April 12 Marcy LaBella 8 Tuesdays, beginning March 29 4:00PM - 5:30PM SESSION B: Painting The Masters Wednesday, April 13 For kids who love to paint - explore different painting mediums - create awesome works of art in this fun studio arts class. Through a series of structured projectswewilluseandmixdifferent media - color and creativity abounds. SESSION C: Build It! Thursday, April 14 Tuition$150.00 Members $135.00 Tuition (per session) $25.00 Members (per session) $22.50 Open to ages 5-9. Join your friends for a fun, creative morning of painting, drawing and crafts. Bring a snack! PRINTING WITH NATURE [workshop] Betsy Chichester Saturday, April 30 10:00AM - 12:00PM Now that spring has sprung, we will use foliageandflowersforourinspiration.Students will learn how to print with nature to create a beautiful t-shirt and stationery. Wear old clothes. Tuition $25.00 Members $22.50 SATURDAY, PAINT & DRAW [workshop] Dolores Marchese Saturday, June 4 1:00PM - 3:00PM Using water based paints, pastels and pencil, young artists will work from their imaginations and still life. Emphasis will be on personal expression. Tuition $25.00 Members $22.50 Ages 8 – 12 POTTERY MAKING Alice Chittenden 8 Mondays, beginning March 28 4:00PM - 6:00PM Learn the many ways to make pottery. Lessons are geared to be comfortable for beginners while allowing experienced students to sharpen skills. Spend time hand building and using the potter’s wheel, then learn to apply engobes and glazes. Tuition$176.00 Members $158.40 KID’S DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY Ted Culotta 8 Mondays, beginning March 28 4:00PM-6:00PM FUN WITH METAL DRAWING & PAINTING Connie Pfeiffer 8 Tuesdays, beginning March 29 4:00PM - 6:00PM Marcy LaBella 8 Thursdays, beginning March 31 4:00PM - 6:00PM Stamp, hammer, fold, bend, cut, twist, shape, and heat metal to make jewelry and mini sculpture. Students will play with copper and brass sheet metal and wire to create 2 and 3 dimensional objects and forms from nature to wear or hang. Explore using basic hand tools, such as, hammers, mallets, saws, cutters, files, pliers, and torches (one-on-one with instructor) to have fun with metal! Fee payable with tuition $15.00 We will be working with colored pencils, graphite, pastel, watercolor and acrylics. Kids will draw and paint from observation and improve technical skills. Non- observational drawing will be used as a balance and to gain dynamic mark making skills. Tuition$176.00 Members $158.40 PAINT LIKE A MASTER Constance Manna 8 Tuesdays, beginning March 29 4:00PM - 6:00PM From da Vinci to Van Gogh to Modernism, students will learn how to paint in the style of the masters. Students will create their own works in each of the featured painting styles: Classical, Pointillist, Fauve and Modernist. Instruction will include an introduction to the artists who worked in these styles and techniques. We will also touch upon the eras in Art History in which they lived. Student input and desire are considered in determining which artists/pieces they will study. Tuition$176.00 Members $158.40 CREATURE FEATURE Jackie Heitchue 8 Wednesdays, beginning March 30 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM Dragons, ogres, and gremlins, oh my! In this class we’ll bring to life a menagerie of silly, scary, and beautiful beasts to express our own personal stories, hopes, and dreams. Use paints, papers, fabric, metal and more to create two and three-dimensional creatures. Fee payable with tuition $10.00 Classwillnotmeeton4/13. Learn the basic elements of digital photography in an environment that encourages them to simply explore with their cameras. Classroom component covers basics with plenty of time to just take pictures. Students will also be able to print their best to share with their families. Any camera, including a smartphone, will work: the best camera is the one in your hands! Tuition$150.00 Members $135.00 Tuition$176.00 Members $158.40 Learn basic sewing machine techniques, make new friends and design beautiful fabric creations. Sew a spring scarf, head band, sleep over bag and more. Hand sewing and embroidery techniques will be taught as well. Fee payable with tuition $10.00 LET’S GET SEWING Claudia Mathison 8 Wednesdays, beginning March 30 4:00PM - 6:00PM Tuition$176.00 Members $158.40 Tuition$176.00 Members $158.40 MAD SCIENCE TOONS [workshop] Matt Ryan Saturday, April 23 1:00PM-3:00PM Learn to draw using simple shapes and gestures and then create your own cute or creepy new cartoon creature! Creativity is encouraged! Perfect for kids who love to create strange creatures and love cartoons! Tuition $50.00 Members $45.00 Teens TEEN BLACKSMITHING Mace Vitale SESSION A: 4 Wednesdays, beginning April 6 SESSION B: 4 Wednesdays, beginning May 4 SESSION C: 4 Wednesdays, beginning June 8 3:30PM - 5:30PM Open to ages 13+. Learn basic forging techniques. Students will learn how to build and maintain a coal fire, and use the new skills to make several small projects such as hooks, fire pokers, and hand forged jewelry. Students will need safety glasses, leather work gloves, and should wear jeans andnon-flammablecottonshirtandboots or leather shoes. Fee payable with tuition $10.00 Tuition$110.00 Members $99.00 Home Schoolers Ages 9 - 13 NATURE DRAWING YOUNG ARTISTS PAINTING & DRAWING [workshop] Stasia Penkofflidbeck 8 Wednesdays, beginning March 30 10:00AM - 12:00PM Using water based paints, pastels and pencil, the class will work from their imaginations and still life. Some perspective will be taught. Opentoages10-16.Bringthefieldsofart and science together. Learn techniques to draw from what you see. Examine specific skills needed to create accurate and aesthetically pleasing drawings of natural subjects using graphite, pen and ink, and colored pencils. Feel free to bring a snack to share. Fee payable with tuition $30.00 Tuition $25.00 Members $22.50 Tuition$176.00 Members $158.40 Ages 10-14 THE POTTER’S WHEEL FOR HOME SCHOOLERS Dolores Marchese Saturday, May 7 1:00PM to 3:00PM EXPRESSIVE CLAY CONCEPTS FOR TWEENS, TEENS Jasmine Gonzalez 8 Wednesdays, beginning March 30 3:45PM - 5:45PM Explore the variety of techniques and ideas thatclayhastooffer,focusingmoreonthe concept of form, than on making perfect forms. Use the wheel and/or develop or expand hand building skills, as well as decorative applications. Beginners can focus on basic skills as a means to express themselves in clay. Students with some experience encouraged to create fun and freeing objects that make you think outside the box. Fee payable with tuition $30.00 Tuition$176.00 Members $158.40 Stasia Penkofflidbeck 8 Thursdays, beginning March 31 10:00AM - 12:00PM Opentoages10to18.Newstudentswill learn the basics of how to make simple forms on the wheel. Returning students will improve on the techniques they already know in order to create more complex pieces such as mugs with handles and pots with lids, and learn more advanced glazing and finishing techniques. Feel free to bring a snack to share! Fee payable with tuition $30.00 Tuition$176.00 Members $158.40 Non Profit Org U.S. Postage Permit No. 380 PAID NEW HAVEN, CT P.O. Box 589 411 Church Street Guilford, CT 06437 t: 203.453.5947 f: 203.453.6237 e: [email protected] www.guilfordartcenter.org SPRING 2016 SPRING 2016 GUILFORD ART CENTER CLASSES + WORKSHOPS Beading Blacksmithing Ceramics Drawing Fiber Glass Metals Painting Photography Sculpture Special Interest Weaving Youth Program NEW! Friday Night Art Socials Plus: Upcoming Events & Gallery Exhibits See complete descriptions and register online @ guilfordartcenter.org today!