2011 - LaGrange Engine Club
2011 - LaGrange Engine Club
February 2011 Dear Club members, 2010 was a great year for the LaGrange Engine Club. The Barn project was in its final stage of completion and the painting and lofts were completed in time for the Show. Thank you, to all those who worked so many hours to bring this project to an end. Our spring warm up was blessed with great weather. We had many tractors in the field and a good size display of engines. Every year this becomes larger as people are anxious to start the engine show season. Thank you Gordon family, for opening your barns and fields for this event. Please check our web site for the date of this year’s warm up or contact one of the board members. This year’s Lorain County Fair was one of the best ever. The weather was great and the crowds were large. The Club had a large display of working engines and tractors. The people that came through the Barn were very impressed. If you have never displayed at the Fair consider doing so this year. We enjoy the visitors and have a great time showing our equipment. The 2010 Engine Show was probably our largest show ever. The grounds were filled to near capacity and there was something for everyone. On Saturday we experienced some traffic problems which we hope to address before the 2011 Show. I want to thank Jim Schmitkons for his many years of service as Chairman. He has guided the Club through the Barn Project and brought us into the computer age. With his help we secured our 501c3 Tax Exempt status. He has worked behind the scenes providing his expertise and talents for the good of the Club. Jim has graciously agreed to serve in an advisory capacity for the Club. Once again THANK YOU. Please continue to promote our Club and our Show. Thank you for your support John Baker Club Chairman 2011 EXECUTIVE BOARD John Baker Colin Coshway Barb Baker Laurie Spahr Doug Brubaker Andy Weigel Patti Brubaker Chairman Vice Chairman Secretary Treasurer Director Director Fair Board Liaison (440) 734-3124 (440) 356-8990 (440) 734-3124 (440) 327-6916 (440) 309-8316 (440) 309-5372 (440) 309-8316 2011 DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATORS Antique Tractor Pull Auction 2011 CALENDAR OF EVENTS January 13 February 10 March 10 April 14 May 1 May 12 June 9 July 14 August 11 August 22-28 September 8 Sept. 16-17-18 October 13 October 16 November 10 December Meeting (7:30 PM) Meeting (7:30 PM) Meeting (7:30 PM) Meeting (7:30 PM) Spring Warm Up (at Gordon Farms) Meeting (7:30 PM) Meeting (7:30 PM) Meeting (7:30 PM) Meeting (7:30 PM) Lorain County Fair (Set-up Aug. 19-21) Meeting (7:30 PM) Meet at Barn LaGrange Engine Show Cancelled Meet at Barn on the 16th Fall Potluck (Heritage Barn 1:00 PM) Meeting (7:30 PM) No Meeting in December Please Note: We are having the September & October meetings at the fair barn. Camping Concessions Featured Equipment Flea Market Farm Tractor Games Gas Engines Indian Motocycles Modelers Publicity Steam Engines Toy Show Tractors Web Site Security Traffic Control Advertisements American Truck Historical Society Lorain County Wood Carvers Blacksmithing Lorain County Vintage Motor Scooter Club Antique Automobile Club of America Don Crawford Andy Suvar (440) 774 6045 (419) 929-8487 or (800) 765-8301 Chris Farnsworth (440) 225-3336 Colin Coshway (440) 356-8990 Doug Brubaker (440) 775-4707 Carol Schmitkons (440) 233-6828 Mike Hengartner (440) 610-1237 John Baker (440) 734-3124 Harold Hartman (440) 647-3723 Bill Oser (440) 734-5258 Ed Maynard (419) 929-0828 Bob Schworer (440) 926-3144 Jim Smith (440) 371-7330 Doug Brubaker (440) 775-4707 Jim Schmitkons (440) 233-6828 Bill Hasse (419)945 2090 Mark Fundak (440) 459 8990 Ed Maynard (419)929 0828 Don Burge (440) 934-6100 Les Gerken Anne Hovanec (440) 967-3605 (440) 826-3734 Allan Murphy (440) 233-7717 Alex Heyd (440) 365-8873 2010 Election News We had election of officers in November and Jim Schmitkons made the decision to step down. Jim has been Chairman since 1997 and has guided the Club through the Barn project. He was instrumental in securing the 501c3 non profit status for the Club. Jim has been instrumental in bringing us into the world of computers and makes it all seem so easy. He has assured us that he will continue to provide our members with his expertise in the running of the Club . John Baker will be taking over as Chairman and will continue to work for the good of the Club. As you know John has been instrumental in setting up the Small Engine Area and working with the Heritage Barn project. We know that he will do a good job. 2010 Flea Market Wrap Up Report In 2010, the flea market had its best year to date, 428 sites were sold to 219 vendors. This was the first year that we have run out of spaces and actually turned a few people away. This happened in spite of adding several more spaces throughout the flea market area and expanding the area to the north all the way to the 4-H horse show ring. 2011 contracts will be mailed to current vendors and those who requested them at the show in mid-April. An aerial map of the flea market area is posted on the club website, www.lagrangeengineclub.com, for those who wish to see where their site is or to determine an area they would like to be moved to. The 2011 contract will also be available on the website after the current vendor contracts are mailed and may be downloaded by new vendors. Returning vendors, please use the form mailed to you as it already has your address and site information on it. Also we would appreciate it if you would include a contact phone number so you may be contacted should questions arise. Also, we have started receiving phone calls from visitors after the show looking for particular vendors to buy more items. If you do not list what you are selling on your form we have no way of directing them to the right person. Please remember that if you wish to be moved to a new site in 2011 spaces are assigned in the order payments are received and that returning vendors are assigned before new vendors. Returning vendors must have their money in by July 31 or risk losing their current spaces when re-assignments begin in early August. Since we are starting to run out of space before the show starts and prime spaces or blocks of spaces go fast, don’t wait until the last minute to reserve your spaces. Beginning in 2011, should we sell out of sites, we will be starting a waiting list for those desiring to attend if someone has to give up a spot at the last minute. The policy will be that these spaces will return to their original vendor the next year if they were paid for before the show began but contracts will be extended to those who were placed on them in their absence. IF YOU LOVE THE SHOW, WHY NOT TRY SOME OF THE OTHER GREAT EVENTS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR? LORAIN COUNTY FAIR Fair week was great fun for the Club. The Heritage Barn is nearing completion and we had many exhibits both in and around the Barn. The weather was great and the Fair set record attendance numbers. We welcome our members exhibits and hope you will consider displaying at the Fair next year. SPRING WARMUP The Gordon Family Farms was the place to be on April 24th. Tractors and teams of horses were busy plowing the fields. Engines were running and the air was filled with their sounds. We had a large crowd for the potluck lunch. This is the beginning of the Show season and the talk is of the coming shows and a chance to exhibit the projects that filled the winter months. If you have not attended the warm-up please put this on your to do list this spring. This year the date is May 1 at Gordon Farms. Directions and additional information is on our web site www.lagrangeengineclub.com FALL PICNIC October 17th we had the Fall picnic at the Heritage Barn. The Club provided the pork roasts and we had many delicious side dishes. About 50 members enjoyed the day and great fellowship. Put this on your schedule for next Fall. Interested in blacksmithing? Experienced blacksmith or just interested in learning how to do it, call Anne Hovanec at (440) 826-3734 LEC WEB SITE Check out the engine club on the world wide web at http://www.lagrangeengineclub.com. The site has up-to-date information on the show, the spring warm-up and other club events. This year’s newsletter and pictures from former shows are in color there along with other items of interest. "Red White & Cruise" Car Show & More On July 8,9,10 the Lorain County Fairgrounds is hosting an event with something for everyone. - Flea Market / Swap Meet Saturday and Sunday 10am-6pm Car show 10am-4pm Saturday Bike Show 2pm - 8pm Saturday Band In The Park behind the grandstand 7pm Saturday More entertainment on Sunday Vendors, 10'x10' flea market spots are $15.00 inside or out, first come first serve. Pre-register at www.loraincountyfair.com Camping is available $40.00 for the three days (includes water and electric) Antique Spark Plugs For More information see: www.loraincountyfair.com FEATURED RESTORATION Working on a unique project this year? Would you like to share it with the club? We would love to include a featured restoration in next year’s newsletter. If you would like your project to be highlighted, write up a short article about your project including pictures and send them to [email protected] or send to the club’s PO Box and maybe you will be the star of next year’s newsletter! AUCTION The consignment auction on Saturday was very successful again this year. Andy Suvar and his team did a great job organizing and conducting the auction. As we had hoped the auction is growing each year as the word about it spreads and we expect it to be even bigger in 2011. For more information or early consignments contact: Andy Suvar Auctions (419) 929-8487 or 1-800-765-8301 SHOW SAFETY RULES • NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ALLOWED ON THE FAIR GROUNDS • ANYONE DRIVING IN A UNSAFE MANNER OR AT HIGH SPEED WILL BE BARRED FROM THE GROUNDS. • • ANYONE OPERATING MACHINERY MUST HAVE A LICENSE & INSURANCE. YOUTHS ON MOVING EQUIPMENT MUST HAVE DIRECT ADULT SUPERVISION AT ALL TIMES. No exhibit may be left running without supervision. • Each exhibitor should bring appropriate fire protection equipment. • No open campfires on the grounds. All fires must be contained. • No driving on the racetrack. • No bicycles or motorcycles, operated by anyone under 18. • No roller blades, skateboards or ATV's permitted. • All pets must be on a leash and controlled at all times. • Horses use the racetrack early each morning. Please give them plenty of room and let them have the right of way. Parents, please understand that you are responsible for all minors you bring to the show. No one without a valid drivers license and insurance is permitted to operate any vehicle anywhere on the fairgrounds. This means minors may not operate any type of vehicle without direct adult supervision. You must be riding with them or in control at all times. This includes mini bikes, garden tractors and any motorized vehicle. The police have been instructed to stop anyone under age. Parents who make no effort to heed police warnings may be asked not to return to the show next year. CONSIGNMENT FEES: $100 or less 20% $101 to $1000 15% $1001 to $3000 10% $3000 & up 5% CONSIGNMENTS AT FAIR GROUNDS: Thursday, September 16 - Noon to 5: 00 Friday, September 17 - Noon to 7:00 Saturday, September 18 - 7:00 am - 9:00 Consign early to get your item advertised. FEATURED RESTORATION By Bob Baumann My fascination with tractors and engines began as a small boy on a farm in Henrietta, Ohio. My grandfather with whom we lived in the large farmhouse was my mentor. He was 71 years older than I was and semiretired. I say “semi” because he was the “fix-it man” for all the maintenance and repairs on the farm. My father was too busy milking cows, making hay and crops and operating 23 acres of orchard to teach my brother and me to be mechanics. After graduating in agriculture from OSU, my farming career was interrupted by the draft. I enlisted in the Navy, became a diving officer and was assigned to a heavy repair ship. I was placed in charge of one of five shops to repair ships of all types. My division was hull repair that included all the piping, ducts, steel plating, woodwork, canvas and underwater hull. At 2010 Show Due to a barn fire while I was in the Navy, my father sold the cows and my career path changed again. On release from the service, I returned to OSU to become a veterinarian. Now, I was spending 70-80 hours a week repairing animals instead of tractors and ships. This demanding schedule postponed my hobbies in woodworking and fixing and restoring equipment. Now, semi-retired myself, my hobbies take front stage and I still have the 1936 John Deere I learned to drive when I was 5 years old. Last year, I purchased a Jaeger cement mixer with a 1½ H.P. Hit-n-Miss engine. The engine was a Hercules model S manufactured in 1921. The engine was rough looking due to all the grease and oil collecting the cement and sand dust. Being nested tightly in its own compartment made service and cleaning difficult. I removed the engine from its compartment being unable to get it to run. Once I cleaned the gas line and reseated the check valve, she started and ran fairly well, but the gas problems didn’t end there. The varnish was so thick in the tank that the filling tube was 90% clogged and the check valve continued to malfunction. It ended with a new fuel tank. I began to work on the layers of grease and dirt with kerosene to soften it and a putty knife to scrape it off. I accumulated about a pint of this concretion using kerosene and an old paintbrush to remove all the dirt from the gears, shafts, castings, etc. I was finally able to see the color of the paint and pin stripes. I cleaned 8-10 tablespoons of rust combined with oil that had leaked into the cooling tank. The drip oiler had a cracked glass and the drip pipe passes through the cooling tank to the cylinder. I replaced the drip oiler after completely disassembling, cleaning the glass (inside and out), polishing the brass, and recoating and reassembling it. Now it is down to the fine tuning, sandblasting and painting. Here is where my expertise and equipment is lacking. I turned to a club member who does this for a living. Hence, Bill Hassee to the rescue and he did an outstanding job. While he was painting and putting it all together, I built a skid to mount the engine. The “Before” and “After” pictures tell the whole story of the restoration. Now it is on to the next projects of the cement mixer, plow, treadmill, post drill press and a forge blower. 2010 Bill Benton Memorial Tractor Pull Results We pulled 112 tractors this year Class A - 4500 lbs 3 MPH Sponsored by Dunlap Engraving 1st –Joe Lajti272.4 feet 2nd –Ted Regal162.7 3rd- Frank Osborn 156.0 4th- Scott Miller 135.8 5th- Andrew Barns 133.8 International 350 Diesel MM Z 1952 JD B 1957 JD B Class J - Semi Modified 6500 lbs 5 MPH Sponsored by Polen Implement 1st- Todd Litten 295.1 feet 2nd- Phillip Niedemier 291.1 1937 JD G 3rd- Rick Manbeck 279.8 1952 Farmall Super M 4th- Glen Thompson 256.8 1958 Farmall 460 5th- Elwood Dick 240.3 Cockshutt 50 Class B - 4500 lbs Semi Modified Sponsored by Sponsored by SafeWay Pest Control Rochester 1st- Aaron Niederier 248.2 feet 2nd- Joe Adams 217. 1956 Oliver Super 88 3rd- Eric Manbeck 208.5 1947 JD A 4th- Dave Henny 169.1 1956 Oliver Super 88 5th- Dale Schneiter 123. Ford 2000 Class F - 8500 LBS 85 HP Sponsored by Fehlan Insurance LaGrange & Grafton 1st- Jarrod Lance 289.4 feet 1967 Massey F 180 2nd- John Hircover 285.0 1967 Case 830 3rd- Cody Webster 261.0 1967 JD 2510 4th- Casey Moore 238.11 1959 JD 730 5th- Carl Schlechter 231.5 1939 JD G Class C - 5500LBS 3 MPH Sponsored by Wellington Implement 277.4 feet 1st- Adam Briekranz 2nd- Eric Manbeck 235.7 1944 Farmall M 3rd- John Sword 233.6 Farmall M 4th- Bill Yonkof Jr 232.6 1950 Case DC 5th- Dave Howman 209.9 1957 JD 520 Class G - 10,500 LBS 105 HP Sponsored by Born Implement 252.5 feet 1st- Drew Hartley 2nd- Frank Wysocki 252.0 3rd- Matt Hignett 243.9 4th- Joe Knoble 243.0 5th- John Hricover 220.3 Class D - Semi Modified 5500LBS 5 MPH Sponsored by Rollin Hog and Grain Farm 1st- Don Crawford 236.5 feet 1948 Farmall M 2nd- Rick Manbeck 226.1 1951 Farmall M 3rd- Ryan Niedemier 213.4 1936 JD A 4th- Philip Niedemier 212.6 1937 JD G 5th- Gail Niedemier 207.1 1936 JD A Class H- 13,000 LBS - 130 HP Sponsored by Brubaker Farms Oberlin OH 1st- Chad Arcaba 309.0 feet 1969 Mini Mo 2nd- Jake Dovin 265.1 1968 JD 5020 3rd- Eddie Nagel 243.1 IH 1456 4th- Matt Hignett 234.5 1967 JD 4020 5th- Jared Koening 231.3 1969 IH 1256 Class E - 6500 LBS 3 MPH In Memory of Ken Farnsworth 1st- Rick Manbeck 232.3 2nd- Ted Payne 231.6 215.6 3rd- Joe Lajti 4th- Joe Lajti 210.4 5th- Matt Hogrefe 190.5 Class I- 16,000 LBS- 160 HP Sponsored by Born Implement 1st- Kevin Smarsh 263.3 feet 2nd- Dave Beriswell 248.3 3rd- Eddie Nagel 237.4 4th- Jared Koening 236.5 5th- Jeff Czarny 188.7 1951 Farmall M 1956 JD 60 International W400 International W400 1955 JD 60 JD 4020 1969 Case 1030 1967 JD 4020 1967 JD 4020 1968 Case 1030 1969 Mini Mo 1968 JD 5020 IH 1456 1969 IH 1256 Mickey MacDonald Award Best Show Display 1st Sami Grills - Pink John Deere 2nd George Britnell – Model Engines Congratulations on two excellent displays!!! LaGrange Engine Club FFA & 4H Fair Restoration 2010 Large: 1st 2nd Medium: 1st 2nd Small: 1st 2nd Ed Alexander John Deere 4020 (No award Given) Sami Grills John Deere B Rob Pete John Deere B Joel Miller John Deere B John DeChant Ford 9N Rob Pete John Deere B Pitchfield Pals 4H Firelands FFA Firelands FFA Firelands FFA Tri City Critters 4H Sami Grills John Deere B Ed Alexander John Deere 4020 John DeChant Ford 9N Joel Miller John Deere B 2012 NEWSLETTER Have an idea for 2012? Drop us an email at [email protected]. We’re always looking for new and exciting content to keep the readers on the edge of their seat. FEATURES Ford: Did you know that in the early 20’s over 70% of the tractors in the world were built by Henry Ford? Henry wanted a tractor that would replace a team of horses on the family farm. He priced his tractor to cost no more to own than the team and as a result sold for much less than his competition. The other result was in the 20’s he ran the tractor business at a loss, which probably didn’t mater since at the time he was probably the richest man in the world, thanks the Model T. Hercules: In the first half of the 20th century Hercules was one of the largest engine manufacturers in the world. Founded in 1917 they concentrated on heavy-duty industrial engines. During the war they produces over one million engines for jeeps, trucks and all type of equipment. They survived the war, building engines until the end of the century. Get ready for next year, the show features will be John Deere tractors and Novo engines!!! LEC TRACTOR GAMES The Tractor Games were just for the sport of it. There were no winners or losers, or records kept. There were eight tractors that came out to play this year. Everyone who played had a ball. The games were fun and went smoothly. There were three volunteers from the club to run the games and keep it safe, Mel Hale, Bob Bauman and Mike Hengartner. Come give it a try next year. Barrel Roll Slow Race See who can be the last to reach the finish line - 50 feet away - without stopping or stepping on the clutch. Fast Race Line up tractors with engines shut down and drivers facing the front of their machines. At the start, drivers get on tractors, start them, and go as fast as they can - 50 feet to the finish line. Back to the Post The post is tippable with a ball on top. Tractors begin facing the post. The driver turns the tractor around Back to the Post and back the drawbar against the post without knocking off the ball. Timed event. Blind Farmer The driver drives blindfolded through an obstacle course in the lowest gear possible. A navigator standing on the drawbar directing the driver through the course without hitting any markers. Wagon Backing Back a wagon into the back of a tapered space without going out of the boundaries. Measure how far the operator is able to get in. Barrel Roll The driver must roll a barrel 50 feet between two boundaries. No backing up is allowed. This is a timed event. We have a better barrel this year so come & try it. Egg Balance A tablespoon is clamped to the driver's drawbar. With an egg placed in the spoon, the driver must drive through an obstacle course without losing the egg LORAIN COUNTY VINTAGE MOTOR SCOOTER CLUB A Letter from Allan Murphy, Scooter Club President The Lorain County Vintage Motor Scooter Club first became part of the LaGrange Engine Club show at the Lorain County Fairgrounds the year that they moved from LaGrange to Wellington, 1992. We began with a small area and only five scooters. This past September there were nearly 30 scooters at the fairgrounds. All were not in our now enlarged area, but with Engine Club members and their displays. Our club started with only seven members in the summer of 1992 after the Lorain International Festival Parade. We now have in excess of fifty members. Some of our older members are no longer physically able to show their scooters, but we still get a good of assortment of several different models of Cushman, Vespa and Whizzer Motor Bikes. Some years it is not unusual to find a Smith or Briggs & Stratton Motor Wheel or even a Lambretta. Our members have some of the nicest restored scooters you will find anywhere. A few on display have won national trophies through the Vintage Motor Bike Club. ASSOCIATED GROUPS & CLUBS AMERICAN INDIAN MOTOCYCLE CLUB The American Indian Motocycle Club displays cycles north of the grandstand (Saturday & Sunday only). For information contact, Harold Hartman (440) 647-3723. AMERICAN TRUCK HISTORICAL SOCIETY The American Truck Historical Society shows antique trucks of all sizes. They are located just north of the small engines. For information, Don Burge (440) 934-6100. LORAIN COUNTY VINTAGE MOTORSCOOTER CLUB The motor scooter group has several interesting units on display in the small engine area. Contact person for this group is Allan Murphy (440) 233-7717. TOY SHOW This area is located in Building 17, Vendors selling toys & a large model train display. for information contact Jim Smith (440) 647-3966 GRAFTON ENGINE WORKS These men restore large stationary engines and put on a great display. See them and their engines in the small engine area. BLACKSMITHS A group of blacksmiths will be demonstrating their craft in the small engine area. Be sure to see this interesting demonstration. COMMODORE PERRY CHAPTER OF THE A.A.C.A. The Commodore Perry Chapter of the Antique Automobile Club of America displays antique automobiles located behind the grandstand. For information contact Alex Heyd (440) 365-8873 LORAIN COUNTY WOOD CARVERS ASSOCIATION The Lorain County Wood Carvers in Building 36 are a local group of very talented carvers. For information contact Les Gerken (419) 588-2479 THE BARN IS DONE! In the spring of 2006 our club was asked by the Lorain County Fair Agricultural Society (Fair Board) to participate in a joint project to move a turn of the century barn to the Fairgrounds. The barn was one of the display barns on the original Lorain Country Fairgrounds in Elyria. At first appearance it looked beyond saving, but it was structurally sound. After much discussion we agreed to the project The barn was disassembled and reconstructed in its current location. The first phase moved the barn and replaced the roof. At that point it looked like a pavilion without sides or floor. That winter there was some concern that a good storm could blow it over, but it survived. The second phase poured the concrete floor. Last summer, we got the walls up and this summer finished the inside and painted the outside. Volunteers from our club did much of the work. Here are some pictures start to finish. Original Location Elyria, Ohio More pictures of the barn can be seen at www.lagrangeengineclub.com 2010 2006 PLEASE SHOW YOUR APPRECIATION TO OUR SPONSORS Andy Suvar – Our Auctioneer Krystowski Tractor Sales – Loan of Equipment Linden Propane – Propane For the Large Engines Lorain County Fair Board – Use of Equipment Lorain County JVS- Help Setup & Teardown Radio Link – 2-Way Radios For Our Staff Wellington Chapter of the VFW – Flag Raising ♦ Wellington Implement - Loan of Equipment ♦ RSVP - Gate ♦ White House Artesian Springs – Water Coolers ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ VINTAGE TRACTOR PULL SPONSORS ♦ Dunlap Engraving ♦ Fehlan Insurance Agency Elyria, LaGrange, Columbia Station ♦ Chet n Frans ♦ Polen Implement ♦ Brubaker Farms Oberlin ♦ Born Implement ♦ B.C.M PULLING TEAM ♦ Newell Equipment Inc Gallon ♦ Hignett Trailer Sales Grafton ♦ The Benton Family ♦ Wellington Implement ♦ Scott and Sandy Miller & Family Kipton ♦ Safe Way Pest Control Rochester SYMPATHY EXTENDED The LaGrange Engine Club wishes to extend its sympathy to the families and friends of club members who passed last year. We will sorely miss them all. Richard Buckingham - Charles Buckingham - Scott Grills - Gilbert L. Stadler.Sr. - Dean W. Rollin -Donald J. Brubaker - Philip Linden - Lois Wohlever - Willard A. Smith - Gary Herrmann - Irving Thompson - Kenny Farnsworth - Richard Novosielski -Francis Grim. Ken Farnsworth When Ken Farnsworth passed away in August 2010 the club lost an active Director. He was involved in the Heritage Barn restoration from the beginning and was an enthusiastic supporter of the Consignment Auction. His laughter always made folks smile. Ken in 1996 Parade PPPParade FLIER Double Front Page FLIER Double Back Page LaGrange Engine Club Word Search GAS FORD TOYS STEAM JOHN BAKER AUCTION CARS SEPTEMBER NOVO HERCULES FLEA MARKET TRACTOR GAMES FAIRGROUNDS CHAINSAWS JOHN DEERE BARN LAGRANGE Thanks to those who supplied pictures for the newsletter!!!! LaGrange Engine Club Inc. P.O. Box 91 LaGrange, Ohio 44050-0091 http://www.lagrangeengineclub.com 2011 Show Sept. 16-17-18