PDF document - Laetus in Praesens
PDF document - Laetus in Praesens
Intellectual Disciplines and Sciences section reproduced from Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential (1976) as published by Mankind 2000 and Union of International Associations (see http://www.un-intelligible.org/docs/initiate.php) The section is described in the following pages, followed by an index of disciplines (14 p.), and entries (68 p.) The whole PDF document has been rendered searchable. Note however that using the index to search for references to entries, it is preferable to use the number portion of the reference (rather than include the preceding letter) since the letter and spacing has not been recognized as consistent Example: D0021 Aeronomy, search for 0021 not D0021, or simply search for Aeronomy or aeronomy. However the number portion may also be common to that of other entities cross-referenced, and “D” may be recognized as “0”. Discipline entries have codes indicating cross-references to: Hierarchical relationships from a discipline: • 50: to others of which it is a component part. Total 1417. • 51: to others which are component parts of it. Total 1417. Inter-disciplinary relationships between discipline:s • 56: (other than discipline/subdiscipline relationships). Total 983. Inter-series networks: relating the discipline entries to entries in other sections • 30: to world problems (P Series) Total 1282 • 31: to international periodicals (S Series) Total 1440 • 70: to international organizations (A Series).Total 481 . • 71: to occupations (J-Series) Total 572. • 78: to human development concepts (H-Series). Total 22. • 79: to integrative concepts (K-Series). Total 54. Totals: • Discipline entries: 1845 • Intra-series relationships: 2400 • Inter-series relationships: 3851 Intellectual Disciplines and Sciences D Contents Introduction Intent Significance Definition Identification procedure Preliminary results Possible future improvements Previous, parallel or related initiatives References Entry content and organization Numbered entries (Pages with alphabetical margin mark) Index Discipline name index See also Subject/Keyword Index (at end of publication) H INTERRELATIONSHIPS OF INFORMATION SERIES INCLUDED Cross-references : Yearbook of International Organizations Annuaire des Organisations lnternationales Annual International Congress Calendar HUMAN DEVELOPMENT CONCEPTS 228 HUMAN VALUES 704 INTEGRATIVE TRANSDISCIPLINARY CONCEPTS ~ 421 w INTERNATIONAL AGENCIES ASSOCIATIONS 3300 Cross-references : United Nations Treaty Series League of Nations Treaty Series European Treaty Series A w INTELLECTUAL DISCIPLINES AND SCIENCES 1845 MULTILATERAL TREATIES ANO AGREEMENTS 931 0 MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS 606 0 INTERNATIONAL PERIODICALS SERIALS 1197 • ECONOMIC INDUSTRIAL SECTORS 132 OCCUPATIONS JOBS PROFESSIONS 428 ( +311 *) I e • I I I I I I I I I I a Cross-references : International Standard Industrial Classification (U.N.) TRADED COMMODITIES PRODUCTS 241 I I I I Cross-references : Standard International Trade Classification (U.NJ HUMAN DISEASES 77 (+698*) WORLD PROBLEMS 2553 ( +4791 ·i 0 Cross-references : International Standard Classification of Occupations O.L.OJ I G I I I Cross-references : International Standard Classification of Diseases (W.H.0.) Explanatory notes: 1. Each rectangle corresponds to one information series in this publication. 2. The letter in each rectangle is the same as that in the margin of the sequence of numbered entries of the corresponding series. It may be used to locate the series since the margin marks are in alphabetical order. 3. The number in each rectangle is the total number of entries in the series in question. (Where there is a number asterisked within brackets, this indicates the number of additional entries cross-referenced within the same series, but which have not yet been allocated their own reference number). 4. The relationships indicated between series are not all present in this edition. 5. This diagram appears at the end of the Introduction to each section, facing the explanation of the contents and organization of the entries in that section. ENTRY CONTENT AND ORGANIZATION Entry content and organizationThe entries are divided into the following parts: 1 Entry number (and order): This number (and the order of the entries) has no special significance. The number has been allocated arbitrarily as a ·convenient method of identifying the discipline (particularly for indexing purposes), of filing information on it. and as an identifier to wh ich cross-references from other entries (possibly in other sections) can refer. 2. Discipline name: This is a name associated with the discipline and which is commonly used to identify it. 3. Alternative discipline names: These are listed, if known, in · · parenthesis following the first discipline name. 4 . Description : This is obta ined by selecting, restructuring and rewording existing definitions, usually from dictionaries (and mainly from Webster's Third New International Dictionary) . It is not a formal definition . Where very different ways of describing or defining the discipline exist, these are included as separate points. 5: Relationships to numbered entries in each series: The crossreferences may be (1) toother organizations entries in this 0-Series, or (2) to entries in other series in this publication. 5 . 1 To other discipline entries (in D-Series) 5. 1. 1 Hierarchical relationships Code 50: a discipline, whose name and entry number (e.g. 01 234) in this 0-Series are given, of w hich this discipline is a part. Code 51 : a discipline, w hose name and entry number (e. g. 04567) in this 0-Series are given, which is a part of this discipline. 5. 1.2 Inter-disciplinary relationships Code 56: a discipline, w hose name and entry number (e .g. 01 299) in this 0-Series are given, to which this discipline is related 5 . 2 To entries in other series Code 70: an international organization, whose name and entry number (e.g. A2 121 ) in the A-Series are given, which is ex'plicitly concerned with this discipli ne (possibly as an academ ic society) · Code 71 · an occupation or profession, whose name and entry number (e.g. J 1233) in the J-Series are given, which is the major user of this discipline Code 78: a human development concept. whose name and entry number (e.g. H01 45) in the H-Series are given, w hich is a concern of this discipline Code 79: an integrative concept, whose name and entry number (e .g. K032 1) in the K-Series are given, which is a concern of this discipline. INTRODUCTION lntent 1. Identify the complete range of bodies of principles and theories which may be termed intellectual disciplines or sciences as a preliminary to determining their relationship to one another, to entries in other sections of this publication , but specially to the world problems for which thosespecific intellectual skills may be required. 2. Provide sufficient description of each discipline to give some indication of its nature and scope. 3. Provide a context for information on intellectual disciplines which are used in essentially different and frequently non-interacting sectors of society, without excluding those bodies of principles and theories (as recognized by their proponents) which are not recognized (and possibly rejected) by the proponents of the disciplines conventionally practised in universities. 4. Clarify the distinction between an intellectual discipline (as a body of theories and principles) and a subject area or area of study, given that a discipline is always a subject area, but that as an area of study it does not necessarily constitute a discipline. 5. Identify relationships between the disciplines included as a basis for further work on the nature of interdisciplinarity. 6. Identify specific world problems with which the disciplines included are in some way concerned as a preliminary (a) to obtaining some understanding of the · degree of mismatch between the network of disciplines and the network of problems and (b) to predicting the emergence of problem-related disciplines. 7. Identify relationships between the disciplines included and entries in other sections of this publication. 8. Clarify the degree of legitimacy or professionalization of the discipline as indicated by such information as existence of an international professional body, publication of an international periodical, first establishment of a university faculty (or chair) specifically concerned with the discipline, as well as some indication of the number of practitioners (or graduates) of the discipline. 9. Ensure a relationship between the information supplied and an international classification of subjects (in terms of which literature is ·categorized within document information systems). Significance Intellectual disciplines are the means whereby observations and concepts are ordered so as to plan and organize any subsequent focus on matters of concern. Many disciplines are called upon in some way in attempting to master specific world problems, and as such may be related to entries in the world problems section of this publication. Whether individually or in combination, such disciplines function as organizing frameworks for the marshalling of intellectual resources to be brought to bear on individual problems or groups of problems. As noted by Richard Cellarius and John Platt (1): It is not enough to have the problems expressed in general terms, whether gloomy or hopeful; there must be lists showing what each branch of science can do. Thus it is clear that population control requires biologists working on reproduction, chemists working on the development of contraceptives and the structure of biochemical compounds involved in human reproductive control, economists studying the costs and benefits of various approaches in all parts of the world, sociologists examining attitudes and the acceptability of various approaches in different cultures and groups, and educators and communications scientists looking for the most effective means of public information and policy making. To compare such a list with the 'science as usual' research in most universities today is to see how far we are from mobilizing our resources for these urgent needs.' Although many disciplines can be related directly to the world problems for whose control or solution they are required, others can be more closely associated with entities in other sections in this volume, and only indirectly with specific world problems, if at all : A-Series (international agencies and associations): where the advancement of learning associated with the development of the discipline is the main concern of an organization - C-Series (internationally traded commodities): where the discipline has a particular commodity as its main subject matter. - E-Series (economic and industrial sectors): where the discipline has an economic sector as its main subject matter. H-Series (human development concepts): where the discipline is closely associatec with some pa rticular concept of human development J-Series (jobs and occupations): where the discipline, through institutionalization, has given rise to a distinct profession K-Series (integrative and transdisciplinary concepts): where the discipline is closely associated with some particular integrative concept or is integrated by some inter-discipline. - P-Series (world problems): where, as indicated above, the discipline is of central importance to the application of intellectual resources to the solution of the problem. In some cases, misapplication of a discipline may itself constitute a problem. Q-Series (human diseases): where the discipline is primarily concerned with the study or prevention of a particular disease. - S-Series (international periodicals and serials): whereby a vehicle is provided fo.r information on the discipline and its development - T-Series (multilateral treaties): where the practice of the discipline is regulated by a multilateral treaty (e.g. genetic engineering, biomedicine) - V-Series (human values): where the discipline is concerned with the study of a particular value-related topic (e.g. peace research) In addition to the relationships described above, each discipline is effectively embedded in a network of relationships amongst disciplines as described by C.F.A. Pantin (2): 'When considering the relationship of the various sciences it at first sight seems convenient to place them in a serial order.. But an attempt to arrange the various sciences in such a linear series is unsatisfactory because it cannot be made to include them all or to display all their relationships ... The relationships of the sciences can in fact only be displayed by a multidimensional network which is highly inconvenient for the administrative machinery of our minds, accustomed as it is to reduce understanding to linear arguments and dichotomous classifications capable of development by deductive logic. Any divisions we make in t~e range of natural phenomenon are in part a matter of our convenience The relationships implied by such a network perspective have only been mapped systematically to the extent that disciplines are allocated to precise positions in standard classifications of subjects (e.g. the Universal Decimal Classification system) which imply hierarchical relationsh ips between subjects. In some cases specialized studies have been made of the flows of information from practitioners of neighbouring disciplines to practitioners of a particular core discipline. Citation analysis can be used for this kind of study. At this point in time it is therefore useful to attempt to show how the disciplines relate to one another and to particular world problems in order to indicate systematically: - which disciplines may be used to focus intellectual resources on which problems. the degree of interrelationship amongst a group of disciplines required for a single problem or a group of related problems, namely the extent to which problems are matched by disciplines or research programs, and relationships between problems are matched by relationships between their counterpart disciplines. - whether it is possible to predict with any precision the manner in which the network of disciplines will develop. - which disciplines merit additional research funding by the nature of the focal role they perform in critical parts of the network (e.g. at interdisciplinary focal points). This section has been included as a step in the direction of such understanding. Definition No satisfactory, unambiguous definition of a discipline was found which could serve as a basis for building up a comprehensive listing of disciplines. The process of identifying disciplines also necessitated modification of various lists of preliminary criteria for inclusion or exclusion, as border-line and exceptional cases were encountered. 1. Inclusion: The notion of discipline according to which items were included is indicated by the following: H' a. System of thought, namely a collection of predictive rules, hypotheses, etc. for handling subject matter, and therefore distinct from it. b. Principles of logically scientific or disciplined thinking, which may be represented in formulae, equations, graphs, musical notes, or other notations, dealing with a variety of abstract and concrete variables and classes of concepts. c. A specific body of teachable knowledge with its own background of education, training, procedures, methods and content areas. Disciplinary activity results incessantly in formulations and reformulations of the present body of knowledge about that subject matter. d. The specialized scientific exploration of a given homogeneous subject matter producing new knowledge and making obsolete old knowledge. e. A set comprising three types of elements: (i) observable and/ or formalized objects, both manipulated by means of methods and procedures; (ii) phenomena that are the materialization of the interaction between these objects; (iii) laws (whose terms and / or formulation depend on a set of axioms) which account for the phenomena and make it possible to predict how they operate. The items in this set, which have internal and/or external relationships, are revealed through phenomena which subsequently confirm or invalidate the axioms and laws. f. Suffixes which suggest the existence of a discipline include: -ics (the science or art of), -ism (a doctrine, theory, system or principle) , -logy (science, theory, study of), -pathy (as a system of treating disease), sophy, -metry, -graphy. g. Since the list is intended, in part, to serve as a means of identifying (and even predicting) the emergence of inter-disci plines, particular value is attached to compound disciplines, e.g. military sociology, mathematical anthropology, bionics. etc. h. Study of art or practice of ... ; Science of .. 2. Exclusion: The following criteria were used as a basis for exc luding items from the list of disciplines: a. Those ·isms which have any of the following senses: action, practice or process; a state or condition of being; a characteristic behaviour or quality; a distinctive usage or feature, especially of language. b. Those rational systems which are basically procedural and associated with occupations such as bookkeeping, house building, nursing, and ship sailing . c. Occupations in general are excluded as occupations, although lists of occupations may include professions which are identified with particular disciplines (e.g. chemist and chemistry). Disciplines are considered distinct from the profession to which proponents of the system may belong. Disciplines are not likely to be found in association with the following occupation categories: clerical and sales; service; farming ; fishery; forestry; processing; machine trades; bench work; structural work; and other such categories. d. Systems holding that....: Descriptions of....; Systems of ethics .... ; Philosophies of...., Belief systems (e.g. federal theology); Principles (e.g. federalism); Treatments; Doctrines; e. Art or practice of ... ; Art or process of .. f. Theory about ... ; Theory of... (in both cases where this is part of the definition of the discipline, although not in cases such as number theory) g. Those -ologies which deal with a limited human group (.e.g sinology, esquimology) h. Some -metries and -metrics, depending on other factors. i. lhose specialized by object in compound disciplines (e.g. automotive medicine) but those specialized by process (e.g. biomedical computing) were included. j. Those specialized by geographical region (e.g. Asian studies) . k. Most forms of therapy. I. Those based on collection where the study component is not emphasized (e.g. deltiology, argyrothecology), namely collection as a hobby. Where the study component is emphasized they have been included (e.g. philately, numismatics). m. Occupations which would appear to be based on a valid discipline, but where none such was found (e.g. termitologist). n. Subjects as distinct from disciplines, although subject lists include lists of disciplines as subjects. Where no clear criteria as to eligibility could be found, the tendency has been to include rather than exclude . Disciplines versus subjects Disciplines may be considered as systems of concepts and subjects as systems of facts. A subject can be developed by one mind, a discipline can only be developed by the interplay of two or more. A subject constitutes an assembly of facts, whereas a discipline sorts them out and evaluates them, leading to general statements from particular instances. This distinction is not clear-cut and the interrelationship between a subject and any discipline counterpart may vary with the nature of the discipline, giving levels such as the following: - the subject independent, not associated with a particular discipline or theory. the subject independent with a secondary association w ith theory, wh ich is of lesser importance. - the subject of approximately equal importance to the discipline or theory used. the subject of some interest but less than that of the theory or discipline. - the subject matter only referred to in order to test any theory. Only disciplines relating to the last three levels would be included. To clarify the relationship between a discipline and its subject matter, the following may be distinguished: (a) the material field of a discipline which comprises the set of objects in an understanding on the common sense level (e .g. zoology is concerned with animals); (b) the subject matter of a discipline, resulting from the manner in which the point of view of the discipline looks upon the material field and cuts out a certain sector of all possible sets of observables offered by the material field (to a certain degree the subject matter depends on axiomatics, namely predecisions concerning conceptualization, theory construction, and methodology). These matters have been reviewed in a recent OECD Publication (3) Identification procedure Comprehensive check lists of disciplines were sought but not found. A number of partial lists were used to build up a preliminary comprehensive list. This was still inadequate in terms of the objectives. A systematic search was then made through Websters Third New International Dictionary to supplement the original list and to provide the basis for an indicative description of the concerns of the disciplines. This list was then amended during the systematic search for international periodicals and serials, which were cross-referenced to the disciplines where appropriate and therefore highlighted the presence of new disciplines not identified in the earlier searches. A difficulty occasionally encountered was that of distinguishing between an 'intellectual discipline' and a 'subject area'. Each such occurrence necessitated the extension of the inclusion I exclusion criteria on the basis of which selection was made. Another difficulty noted was that the areas of concern of disciplines with id ent ical names (including sociology, and psychology) vary significantly from country to country. A further complication arises from the fact that in the English language the same word may be used for two quite distinct fields of study. Preliminary results 1 Entries: The number of entries in this section is 1845. This may be compared with the results of a 1 g59 study which gave a total of 1150 sciences. 2. Inter-disciplinary networks: The attempt at interlinking the discipline entries within this series gave the following results: 2. 1 Hierarchical relationships: Code 50: relationships of a discipline to others of which it is a component part. Total 14 1 7. Code 51 · relationships of a discipline to others which are component parts of it. Total 14 1 7. 2.1 Inter-disciplinary relationships: Code 56: relationships between disciplines (other than discipline/ subdiscipline relationships). Total 983. 3. Inter-series networks: The attempt at relat ing the discipline entries to entries in other sections of this publication gave the following results: Code 70: relationships of disciplines to internationa l organizations (ASeries). Total 481 . Code 71 . relationships of disciplines to occupations (J-Series) . Total 572. Code 78: relationships of disciplines to human development concepts (H-Series). Total 22. Code 54 : relationships of disciplines to integrative concepts (K-Series). Total 54. 4. Totals : Intra-series relationships: 2400 Inter-series relationships: 3851 Possible future improvements 1. Inclusion in each discipline entry, where appropriate, of an indication of the special function or contribution of the disc ipline, defined not in its own terms (e.g. science for science's sake) but rather in terms of what it contributes to other disciplines and through its applications, to society as a whole. 2. Inclusion in each discipline entry, where appropriate, of an indication (possibly in the form of quotations) of the special unifying perspective provided by that discipline (e.g. the interrelationship of factors of production, consumption, labor and capital as understood through economics; and the interrelationship between the existing species and their environment as understood through ecology). Such unifying perspectives rarely emerge clearly and explicitly in any explanation of a discipline's concerns, although they may well be implicit in the understanding of the practitioners and diffused throughout a collection of specialized documents. 3. Inclusion in each discipline entry, where such critical statements have been made, of an indication of the socia l irresponsibility involved in the conventional practice of the discipline (e.g. genetic engineering , or disciplines concerned with weapons research, etc.). Critical statements concerning the social irrelevance of current practice of the discipline could also be included (e.g. Margaret Mead's criticism of the practice of psychiatry at the 1975 convention of the American Psychiatric Association). 4. Inclusion in each discipline entry, possibly associated with the previous point and only where such critical statements have been made, of an indication of how the widespread social application of the discipline's special perspective has seriously reduced social sensitivity to other significant factors and seriously reduced ability to counteract the momentum of this tendency (e.g. economics and the quality of life issue; and accusations such as those formulated by Ivan Illich with regard to education and with regard to medicine). 5. Inclusion in each discipline entry, possibly associated with the previous point and only where such critical statements have been made, of an indication of how the professionalization and institutionalization of the discipline has led to practices, and benefits to the practitioners, which are not· in the interests of the wider society which the profession supposedly serves. (Being principally related to the professionalization of the discipline, this information might be better associated with the JSeries entries on jobs and occupations, where it is discussed further) . 6. Inclusion, where relevant within the entries on each discipline, of some indication of the number of people who actively practise, or are conversant with the practice of, the discipline (4) . 7. Development of the system of interrelationships between the disciplines, in terms of their hierarchical relationships (discipline/ subdiscipline) and in terms of their functional relationships or dependencies on one another. (Analysis of patterns of interrelationships could lead to the possibility of predicting the emergence of inter-disciplines, particularly when done with data on the information exchange between particular di scipline areas, such as from citation analysis). Previous, parallel or related initiatives The following initiatives were noted: 1. The National Science Foundation of the USA has developed a Specialities List for use with the National Register of Scientific and Technical Personnel. This list includes approximately 1300 specialities or areas of science (including social sciences) to enable an individual scientist to indicate his areas of competence. Many of the entries are consequently not disciplines but subject areas, in terms of the distinction made above. The classification is multifaceted in some places and some entries are repeated in several places where they are of an interdisciplinary nature. The listing was developed in cooperation with the major scientific societies of the USA as a basis for surveying scientific manpower. The results of the survey were last published in American Science Manpower 19 70 (Washington, National Science Foundation , 1971 ). This programme has been discontinued. As part of the development of an alternative system for assessing national scientific manpower, the National Science Foundation of the USA, through its Management Information System User Advisory Group Subcommittee for Field of Science and Field of Application Codes, is developing (October 1974) a classification of fields of science and engineering. 2. A comparable list to that mentioned in the previous point was developed by the American Council of Learned Societies in 1953 but apparently has not since been updated. 3. A catalogue, listing all the sciences then in existence (namely 1150) was published by J T Thykouner in 1959. (The existence of this work was only discovered after this section had been completed , following extensive inquiries. Further bibliographical details have not yet been obtained). 4. A directory of '-isms' and '-ologies' has been produced by the Sheffield Public Library (England) . 5. Within the UNISIST Project and w ith Unesco support, the International Federation for Documentation, through a working group, has elaborated the content and arrangement of a Broad System Ordering. The BSO is designed to serve as a standard subject-field reference code for interconnecting information systems and sources on a world-wide scale: to facilitate switching or transfer of blocks of information between specializaed information sources (learned bodies, libraries, documentation centres, etc) at relatively broad levels of subject-field coverage . A subject-field is assumed to be a recognized range of activities reflected in at least one independent, organized information source. Some 2000 subfields have provisionally been grouped within 76 subject-fields. No distinction is made between a discipline and the broader notion of a subject-field. 6. Classifications of occupations identify practitioners of many of the major disciplines. The International Labour Organisation publishes the International Standard Classification of Occupations. Under the category of professional, technical and related workers some 330 occupations are listed. A number of these do not relate to disciplines as understood in this section . 7. Other sources of information include library lists of subject headings (e.g. the Library of Congress Subject Headings), guides to university courses and departments, and other guides which in some way mention university departments (e.g. European Research Index) , and directories of periodicals of disciplines (e.g. Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory). 8. Extrapolating with the aid of available national and international data, a tentative list of the number of individuals oriented towards the terminology of each of some 110 disciplines has been produced. The results are presented in terms of: primary users having full knowledge of the terminology; secondary users having partial knowledge; and tertiary users having limited understanding only.(4) References 1. Richard A Cellarius and John Platt. Councils of urgent studies. Science, 177, pp670-676 2 . C F A Pantin. The Relations Between the Sciences. Cambridge U P, 1968, pp2-3 3 . Centre for Educational Research and Innovation. lnterdisciplinarity. Paris, 1972; particularly Heinz Heckhausen, Discipline and interdisciplinarity (pp81-89) and Marcel Boisot, Discipline and interdisciplinarity (pp89-97) 4 . Tentative listing of discipline 'speakers'. In: Languages terminologies and mind-sets. International Associations, 26, 1974, 4, pp224-225. DISCIPLINE NAME INDEX A D0001 D072 1 D0721 D0002 D0003 D 1594 D0004 D0750 D0357 D 1059 D0005 D0006 D0007 D 1727 D0337 D 1219 D 1573 D0850 D 1728 D 1181 D 1372 D0797 D0575 D0008 D09 19 D 1762 D0009 D 1388 D 1651 D 1013 D0888 D 0756 D 1222 D0010 D0011 D0013 D 16 19 D0012 D0014 D 1223 D0016 D0017 D 1224 D0018 D 1225 D 1226 D0019 D 1391 D0631 D0020 D0021 D 1227 D 1228 D 1392 D 1758 D0951 D0969 D 1229 D 1230 Doog9 D0022 D 1122 D0401 D0024 D0457 D0460 D0458 D0025 D0026 D0122 D 0207 D024g D 0321 D 1231 D 0358 D 1232 D0031 D 0597 D 0761 Abiology Abnormalities, anatomic Abnormalities, physiological Acarology Accounting Acetylene, pressure reactions Acology Acoustic phonetics Acoustical engineering Acoustical psychophysiology Acoustics Acoustics, architectural Acoustics, atmospheric Acoustics, audioAcoustics, electroAcoustics, living beings Acoustics, psychoAcoustics, radioAcoustics, sonic Acridology Act psychology Action, human Actuarial mathematics Actuarial science Actuarial statistics Acupuncture Adenology Administration, business Administration, hospital Administration, p~blic Administration, social Aerial photographs, geology Aerobiology Aerodonetics Aerodynamics Aerodynamics, hypersonic Aerodynamics, super Aerodynamics, supersonic Aerodynamics, transonic Aerogeology Aerography Aerolithology Aerolit ics Aerology Aeromechariics Aeromedicine Aerometry Aeronautical engineering Aeronautical navigation Aeronautics Aeronomy Aerophilately Aerophysics Aerospace engineering Aerospace medicine Aerospace telemetry Aerospace thermodynamics Aerostatics Aerothermodynamics Aesthetic values Aesthetics Aesthetics, normative Aetiology Agathology Ageing.. ._ Ageing Ageing, diseases Agmatology Agnoiology Agricu lt ural Agricultural Agricultural Agricultural Agricultural Agricu ltural Agricultural Agricultural Agricultural Agricultural bacteriology chemistry climatology ecology economics engineering geology meteorology meteorology physics D 1235 D 0033 D 0033 D 0027 D 1233 D 1234 D 1206 D 0028 Cl 1205 D 0029 D 1232 D 0030 D0031 D 0032 D 0033 D 0034 D 0702 D 1235 D 0112 D 1583 D0019 D0436 D0018 D 1228 D 001g D 1226 D 1226 D 1226 D 1226 D 1222 D0020 D 0630 D0020 D 0212 D 0035 D 1433 D 0037 D0042 D 155g D0202 D 0038 D 0039 D0040 D0041 D 1263 D 1073 D 0036 D0044 D 1127 D0451 D 0187 D og79 D0042 D 1541 D 1236 D 1236 D0620 D0748 D 05g3 D 154g D0043 D0043 D 1339 D 0127 D0481 D0045 D 1207 D 1130 D 1166 D 1377 D 0046 D 1426 D0047 D0048 D004g D 0651 D 1587 D 1588 D og27 Dog40 Agricultural products processing Agricultural sciences Agriculture A9riolo9y Agrobiology Agroclimatology Agroecology Agroeconomics Agrogeography Agrogeology Agrogeology Agrology Agrometeorology Agronomy Agrosciences Agrostology Agrostology, paleoAgrotechny Air Air and water mixture Air contaminants Air, geography Air, phenomena of free Air, physics Air properties A ir travel, epidemiological problems A ir travel, pathological disturbances A ir travel, physiologi.cal disturbances Air travel, psychological disturbances A irborne m icroorganisms A ircraft construction A ircraft navigation A ircraft operation A lbumin Alchemy A lchemy, hermetism Alethiology Algae Algae Algae. desmids Algebra Algebra, boolean A lgebra, homological Algebra, linear A lgebra. matrix Algebra, multivariate A lgebra of classes A lgebra of relations Algebra of structures A lgebraic geometry ~Al gebra i c operations Algebraic topology Algology A limentary canal Allergology Allergy A llomorphs Allophones, phonemes A lloys, structure A lloys, structure A lt imetry Alt itudes, measurement Amino acids Ammunition Amphibians Amphibiology Analysis Analysis, Analysis, Analysis, Analysis, Analysis, Analysis, Analysis, Analysis. Analysis, Analysis, Analysis, Analysis, Analysis, asVmptotic cluster factor f unctional group linguistic logical multivariate numerical qualitative quantitative stochastic systems D 1177 D 0359 D 0920 D 1240 D 0051 D 0698 D 0052 D 0201 D 0247 D 0462 D 0053 D0486 D 1500 D0054 D 1593 D 0868 D 0055 D 1593 D 0056 D 0057 D 0058 D0061 D 1367 D 1154 D 0974 D0376 D 1360 D 0146 D 1154 D 1001 D 1154 D 1148 D 0140 D0427 D 1304 D 1221 D 1557 D 0461 D 03g7 D 1243 D 0655 D 1154 D 1540 D 0738 D 0719 D 1001 D 1220 D 1101 D 1148 D 1244 D 0618 D 0486 D 1008 D 1031 D 0709 D 0167 D 035 1 D0144 D 0 178 D 1283 D 1007 D 1419 D 1274 D 1419 D 0624 D 0629 D 0115 D 0711 D 0934 D0972 D 1245 D 1123 D 0062 D 0429 D 1271 D 0063 D 0064 D 0065 D 0066 D 0067 D 0070 D 1202 Analysis, tensor Analytical engineering Analytical statistics Analytics Anatomy Anatomy, Anatomy, Anatomy, Anatomy, bones comparative descriptive developmental Anatomy, gross Anatomy, human Anatomy, m icroscopic Anatomy, neuroAnatomy, pathological Anatomy, regional Anatomy, soft parts Anatomy, surgical Anatomy, topographical Anatomy, veterinary Anemology Anesthesiology Angiology Animal behavior Animal breeding Animal breeding, domestic Animal disease Animal diseases Animal distribution, , geographical Animal genetics Animal health Animal housing Animal husbandry Animal life, chemistry Animal life, distribution Animal life, dust effects Animal life, earth chemicals Animal life, floating Animal life, ice Animal lore Animal mechanics Animal nutrition Animal nutrition Animal organisms, drugs Animal originated drugs Animal parasites Animal pathology Animal product biosynthesis Animal production Animal production Animal psychology Animal structure Animal tissues Animals Animals, ancient Animals. ancient environments Animals, diseases of the lower Animals, early growth Animals, environment Animals, environment Animals, existing Animals, geographical distribution Animals, germ free Animals. marine Animals, microbioflora Animals, muscular makeup Animals, natural h istory Animals, organs Animals. paleontology Animals, surgery Animals, taxonomy Anthoecology Anthropogeography Anthropography Anthropological geography Anthropological linguistics Anthropology Anthropology, applied ~nthropology, crim inal Anthropology, Anthropology, Anthropology, Anthropology, cultural doctrinal educational evolutionary D0068 D0069 D 0071 D 0705 D0072 D 0074 D 0073 D0889 D0075 D0077 D 1210 D0078 D 1246 D 0512 D 0881 D0512 D0881 D 0318 D 0335 D 1519 D 0625 D 1448 D0800 D 1556 D0080 D008 1 D 0081 D0082 D0083 D0084 D0084 D0084 D0085 D 1247 D 1248 D0242 D 1016 D0086 D0087 D0088 D0089 D0090 D oog1 D 12og D0092 DOog3 Doog4 D 1064 D 0975 D0006 D 1204 D0975 D0095 D 1464 D0096 D0935 D 1250 D0442 D 124g Doog7 D03g2 D0100 D 1072 D 1264 D0038 D 1076 D0022 Doog9 D 0318 D0510 D 0751 D 12og D 1844 D 1251 D 1771 D 1252 D 1017 D 0076 D0101 D 1215 D0102 D 0103 D0104 D 1211 Anthropology, forensic Anthropology, geographical Anthropology, medical Anthropology, Anthropology, Anthropology, Anthropology, paleo physical prehistoric psychological Anthropology, social Anthropometry Anthroponomy Anthroponymy Anthroposociology Anthroposophy Antibodies Antibodies Antigens Antigens Antiquities, church Antiquities, egyptian Antiquities, prehistoric Ants Ants Anus, diseases Apes Aphnology Apiculture Apiology Apologetics Approximation theory Arachnidology Arachnids Arachnology Araneology Archaeogeology Archelogy Archeological chronology Archeological prospecting Archeology Archeology, classical Archeology, environmental Archeology, industrial Archeology, neolithic Archeology, paleolithic Archeology, prehistoric Archeology, salvage Archeology, settlement Archeology, underwater Archeometry Architectonics Architectural acoustics Architectural engineering Architectural science Architecture Architecture, landscape Archology Area determination Area research Areal geology Areal linguistics Areology Arheological findings Aristology Arithmetic Arithmetic, modular Arithmetic relations Armorial designs Art Art appreciation Art, church Art, symbolic Articulatory phonetics Artifacts, prehistoric Arts, fine Ascidiology Assembly engineering Association ism Assyriology Astrionics Astrodynamics Astrogation Astrognosy Astrolithology Astrology Astrology, judicial Discipline name index 01211 0 1212 0 1253 00105 0 1392 0 0632 00106 0 1260 0 0076 0 1260 0 0107 0 1254 0 0762 0 0108 01169 0 0109 0 1546 01137 0 1546 0 1268 0 1591 0 1601 01135 0 1613 0 1613 00110 •O 1136 00111 01138 01019 01020 01130 00016 0 1023 0 0021 00007 0 0209 0 0682 0 0596 0 1276 0 1702 0 0133 00112 0 0502 0 1255 0 1551 00650 0 0763 0 1709 0 1551 0 1551 0 1255 01189 0 1727 00113 00114 0 1256 00279 0 1259 0 1731 0 1259 00116 00117 00020 0 1343 00580 01103 00983 0 1343 00118 0 1258 01163 00119 00120 Astrology, mundane Astrology, natural Astrometeorology Astrometry Astronautical engineering Astronautical navigation Astronautics Astronautics, biological Astronautics, electronics Astronautics. medical Astronaut ics, military Astronomical geography Astronomical physics Astronomy Astronomy, gamma ray Astronomy, geodetic Astronomy, gravitational Astronomy, infra-red Astronomy, physical Astronomy, radar Astronomy, radio Astronomy, sidereal Astronomy, solar Astronomy, spherical Astronomy, spherical Astronomy, statistical Astronomy, ultraviolet and optical Astrophysics Astrophysics, high energy Astroscience Astrotechnology Asymptotic analysis Atmosphere Atmosphere, motions and forces Atmosphere, upper Atmospheric acoustics Atmospheric chemistry Atmospheric optics Atmospheric phenomena Atmospheric phenomena, living beings Atmospheric physics Atmospheric pressure Atmospheric sciences Atmospheric water Atomic energy, applied Atomic energy development Atomic nucleus Atomic physics Atomic spectroscopy Atomics Atomics Atomistics Atoms, physics Audioacoustics Audiology Audiometry Autecology Automatic control systems Automatic guidance Automotive engineering Autonetics Autonumerology Auxology Aviation Aviation Aviation mechanics Aviation medicine Aviation toxicology Avionics Axiology Axiomatics Axioms, logic Axonometry Azoo logy B 0 1017 00606 0 1569 0 1678 00121 0 0122 0 0123 00124 0 1553 0 0125 0 1678 0 0126 0 0127 Babylonia Bacteria Bacteria Bacteriological taxonomy Bacteriology Bacteriology, agricu ltural Bacteriology, medical Bacteriology, pharmaceutical Bacteriology, phytoBacteriology, sanitary Bacteriology, systematic Bacteriology, veterinary Ballistics 0 1349 0 1375 00128 0 1376 00129 00130 0 1012 00131 00132 00133 00130 00134 00135 0 1562 0 0256 00022 01448 00081 00590 0 0896 0 1478 0 1379 01214 01677 0 1455 0 0819 0 0838 01214 0 0577 00814 00824 0 0495 00860 0 0838 0 1828 0 1639 00150 00806 0 0695 00841 00136 0 0674 00278 0 0191 0 1461 0 1285 0 0988 0 1432 0 0137 0 1217 0 0138 0 1346 0 1273 01260 0 1219 0 1218 0 1024 00419 0 0583 0 1851 0 0961 00140 0 1662 0 1647 0 1734 0 1318 0 1661 00141 0 1666 0 1574 00142 0 0143 0 1218 0 1660 00144 00145 0 1220 01164 0 1221 0 0146 01141 0 0147 0 0142 0 1275 00210 0 1798 0 0457 01171 0 1274 00764 Ballistics. electron Ballistics. exterior Ba ll istics, forensic Ba ll istics, interior Ba llistocardiography Ba lneology Banking , money Barodynamics Barology Barometry Baths, mineral Bathymetry Batology Beards Beatles· Beauty Bees Bees, honeyBees. study Behavior, collective Behavior, culture-determined Behavior, dynamic interplay Behavior, emotional forces Behavior genetics Behavior, human Behavior, human and infrahuman Behavior, individual and social Behavior, mental processes Behavior, personality Behavior, psychobiology Behavior, psychology Behavior, purposive Behavior, reflexes Behavior, social and individual Behavior therapy Behavior topological psychology Behavioral biology Behaviora l disorders Behavioral disorders, childhood Behavioral dysfunction Behavioral science Being , nature and relation Beliefs, customary Bells Bible history Biblical canon Bi blical interpretation Biblica l interpretation Bibliography Bibliography, analytic 8ibliology Bibliotherapy Bibliotics Bio-astronautics Bioacoustics Biocenology Biochemical evolution Biochemical genetics Biochemical medicine Biochemical pharmacology Biochemical therapeutics Biochemistry Biochemistry, cel lular Biochemistry, clinica l Biochemistry, environmental Biochemistry, microscopical Biochemistry, molecu lar Biochemistry, physica l Biochemistry, plant Biochemistry, psychoBiochemorphology Bioclimatology Biocoenology Biodeterioration Bioecology Bioenergetics Bioengineering Biofeedback Biogeochemistry Biogeography Biognosy Biolinguistics Biological action Biological activity, mechanical bases Biological chemistry Biological engineering Biological groups, dying Biolog ica l interrelationships Biological oceanography Biologic.al physics 0 1823 0 1743 0 0866 0 1081 0 0225 0 0166 0 1262 0 0149 0 1222 0 1233 0 0150 01094 0 0151 0 0153 0 1329 0 0171 0 0152 0 1362 00154 0 0407 0 0163 0 0155 0 0156 0 0146 0 0157 0 1656 0 1441 0 1452 0 0158 00164 0 1674 0 1482 0 0606 0 1095 00159 0 0638 0 1819 0 1837 0 1813 0 1095 00706 00160 0 0161 0 0168 0 0173 0 1096 00814 0 1098 00852 0 1791 0 1605 00165 0 0169 00162 00172 01100 0 0164 0 1275 0 1759 0 0360 0 0148 0 1276 0 0165 0 0166 0 1663 0 0168 01777 0 1277 0 1272 0 1278 00182 0 1756 0 1279 0 0169 0 0170 0 1220 0 0171 00172 0 1280 0 0741 0 0690 0 0675 0 1524 0 0188 0 1502 0 1498 0 0656 0 0989 0 0478 0 1429 0 0917 Biological psychiatry Biological psychology Biologica l rhinology Biologica l sciences Biological systems Biological systems, engineering Biologica l systems, low temperature Biology Biology, aeroBiology, agroBiology, behavioral Biology, cell Bio logy, developmenta l Biology , economic Bio logy, electroBiology, engineering Biology, environmental Biology, ethnoBiology, evolutionary Biology, exoBiology, experimenta l Biology, functional Biology , genetic Biology, geographical Biology, historical Biology, human Biology, hydroBiology, idioBiology, marine Biology, mathematics Biology, membrane Biology, meteoroBiology, microBiology, molecular . Biology, morphological Biology, neuroBiology, neuroBiology, nuclear Biology, oral Biology, organismic Biology, paleoBiology, pathological Biology, philosophica l Biology, physics Biology, plant Biology, population Biology, psychoBiology, radiation Biology, radioBiology, reproductive Biology, socioBiology, statistics Biology, statistics Biology, systematic Biology, telemetry Biology, transplantation Biomathematics Biomechanics Biomedical computing Biomedical engineering Biomedicine Biometeorology Biometrics Bionics Biophysical chemistry Biophysics Biophysics, mathematical Biophysiography Biopo litics Biopsychology Biorheology Biosciences, mathematical Biosociology Biostatistics Biostratigraphy Biosynthesis Biotechnology Biotelemetry Biotypo logy Bird migration, climate Birds Birds' eggs Birds, fossi l Birds' nests Birds' nests Birds, young Birth Blindness Blood Blood circulation Blood pressure 00061 0 1243 0 0862 0 1369 0 0063 0 0530 0 0529 0 0868 0 1688 0 0995 0 1551 0 0698 00003 00138 0 0547 00039 00175 00173 00177 0 0777 01271 00174 0 0390 0 1667 01672 0 0175 0 0707 0 1670 0 0176 00177 00177 00204 0 1786 0 1309 0 0939 0 0643 00344 0 0135 0 0183 0 0179 0 0180 0 0181 0 1492 01430 0 1282 0 1282 0 1428 0 0095 0 0975 0 1685 00060 01204 0 1204 0 0627 0 0669 0 1687 0 1388 01724 0 0384 0 0570 0 0534 Blood vessels Bodies, equilibrium and motion of animal Bodies, relative motion Body control Body mind interrelationships Body motion, dynamics Body motion. nonlinguistic Body parts, soft Body types Bogs, swamps Bombs, atomic Bones Bookkeeping Books Books Boolean algebra Botanical medicine Botany Botany, classification Botany, descriptive Botany, descriptive Botany, economic Botany, ethnoBotany, experimental Botany, geoBotany, medica l Botany, paleoBotany, radiation Botany, structural Botany, systematic Botany, taxonomic Brain Brain sciences Brain, skull surface Brain-storming Brain surgery Brain waves Brambles Breeding stock, inferior Bromatology Brontology 8ryology Bryology Bryophyta Bryozoa Bryozoology Bugs Building design Building design Building , erection Building, town planning Buildings, construction Buildings, engineering Buildings, sacred Buses, omniBusiness Business administration Business economics Business ethics BusinesS management Butterflies, moths c 0 0183 0 0561 00184 0 0185 00412 0 0301 01474 0 0186 0 0036 00044 0 0187 0 1087 01177 0 0188 0 0189 00190 0 1284 0 0191 0 0282 0 1097 0 1097 0 0537 0 1285 00116 0 0192 0 0129 0 0193 Cacogenics Calculation, arithmetical Calcu lus Calculus, differential Calculus, functional Calculus, geometry Calcu lus, infinitesima l Ca lculus, integral Calcu lus of classes Calculus of relations Calculus, operational Calculus, propositional Calculus, tensor Caliology Calisthenics Calorimetry Cameralistics Campanology Cancer, cytology Cancer research Cancerology Canon law Canonics Car numbers Carcinology Cardiography, bal listoCardiology Discipline name index 01810 0 0343 0 1808 0 19og 0 17g3 0 1807 0 01g4 0 1814 0 01g5 0 01g6 0 01g7 0 01g9 0 1288 0 01gg 0 129g 001gg 0 115g 00401 0 og15 0 12go 0 0108 00111 00105 00101 0 1546 0 1085 00111 0 1268 0 15g1 0 ogg7 0 1253 0 1546 0 1613 01og4 0 1318 00418 00526 01462 0 12g5 1l 0281 0 0281 0 0282 0 133g 00485 01320 0 1662 018 10 0 1288 0 15g7 0 1283 01308 0 12g1 00203 00203 00843 00204 0 1625 00205 00886 00468 01305 0 03gg 0 0801 0 0758 0 12g2 01314 0 01g5 0 1587 01588 00754 0 1621 0 0531 0 0361 01025 0 0420 0 1688 0 0531 0 1585 0 0661 0 1803 0 1555 0 168g 0 og57 0 0531 0 1618 01015 00142 0 0224 01463 Cardiology, cellular Cardiology, electroCardiology, electroCardiology, molecular Cardiology, pediatric Cardiovascular surgery Caricology Caries research Carpology Cartography Cartometry Casuistry Catabiotics Catacoustics Catallactics Cata phonics Catastrophe mathematics Causation Caves Cecidiology Celestial bodies Celestial bodies, chemistry Celestial bodies, measurement Celestial bodies, motion Celestial bodies, motion Celestial bodies, orbits Celestial bodies, physics Celestial bodies, radar waves Celestial bodies, radar waves Celestial bodies, uranology Celestial bodies, weather Celestial mechanics Celestial sphere, astronomy Cell biology Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell chemistry genetics nuclei nuclei characteristics nucleii Cell pathology Cell structure Cell study Cells, animal and vegetable Cells, living Cells, tissues Cellular biochemistry Cellular cardiology Cellular senescence Cellulose chemistry Cenozoology Cephalometry Ceramic engineering Ceramics Ceramography Cerebral surgery Cerebrology Ceremonies, ancient Cetology Change in society Character analysis Character, bodily shape Character, human Character, individual Character traits, skull formation Characterology Characters, acquired Chartology Chemical analysis, qualitative Chemical analysis, qµantitative Chemical changes, radiant energy Chemica l changes, surface Chemica l dynamics Chemical engineering Chemical evolution Chemical genetics Chemical instrumentation Chemical kinetics Chemical metallurgy Chemical oceanography Chemical pathology Chemical phenomena, pressure Chemical physics Chemical reaction, heat Chemical reactions, rate Chemical reactions, stoichiometry Chemical sciences Chemical structure Chemical systems Chemical systems, rate of change 0 15gg 0 1221 0 0223 0 1536 0 15g5 0 0206 0 0207 0 0208 0 02og 0 0210 0 1663 0 1286 0 15g7 0 0211 0 0212 0 13 18 0 0338 0 15g3 0 1736 0 0213 00421 0 15g9 0 0214 0 144g 0 0512 0 1776 0 15g5 0 0215 0 0216 0 0213 00140 0 0564 0 0217 0 1465 0 1712 0 0218 01477 0 021g 00610 0 0220 0 0636 0 0221 0 0222 01403 0 1536 0 1537 0 0223 0 1337 00224 0 0225 0 1666 0 1555 0 1681 0 0226 00227 015g4 015g4 0 0228 0 022g oog12 oog25 0 15go 0 1621 00230 00231 oog57 009g4 0 0267 00232 00233 00233 0 12g4 00725 00725 00725 00807 0 12g5 0 0845 0 0727 0 05g5 0 05g5 0 1532 0 11gg 0 11gg 0 0807 0 og45 0 0234 0 139g 0 0235 0 0236 0 0237 0 0238 Chemical thermodynamics Chemicals, earth Chemicals, medicinal Chemicals, petro· Chemic<ils production Chemistry Chemistry, Chem istry, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry, agricultural analytical atmospheric biological biophysical capillary cellulose clinical colloid cytoelectroelectroanalytical environmental forensic geoheterocyclic high temperature iatroimmunoimmunohisto industrial inorganic interfacial legal life processes macromacromolecular magnetomarine medicinal metametallurgic micro microbiological neuronuclear organic paper and pulp petropetro-rocks pharmaceutical photosynthetic physical physiological Chemistry, phytoChemistry, piezoChemistry, plant Chemistry, quantum Chemistry, radiation Chemistry, radioanalytical Chemistry, reppe Chemistry, sanitary Chemistry, solid state Chemistry, spectraChemistry, stereo Chemistry, sulfur Chemistry, surface Chemistry, technical Chemistry, theoretical Chemistry, thermoChemistry, ultramicroChemistry, universe Chemosurgery Chemotherapeutics Chemotherapy Chemurgy Child care Child development Child diseases Child psychiatry Child psychology Child psychotherapy Child study Childhood, behavioral disorders Childhood, mental disorders Children, dental care Children, emotionally disturbed Children, mentally retarded Children, psychiatric treatment Children, tecnology Chirology Chiropody Chiropractic Choreography Chorology Christ 0 1625 0 0238 0 023g 00240 0 0526 0 1321 0 12g5 00241 0 0242 0 1og2 0 0243 0 0463 0 0244 0 0318 0 0318 0 0543 0 152g 0 0537 0 14go 0 1625 0 12g7 0 159g 0 12g7 0 0245 0 12g3 0 1311 0 172g 0 0612 0 0435 00400 0 12g9 0 og99 00060 0 12g9 0 0362 0 0538 0 0246 0 0717 0 0036 0 1281 0 0558 0 og43 0 0741 0 1234 0 1482 0 0143 0 0708 0 0741 0 0248 00248 0 024g 0 1234 0 0250 0 0251 0 0252 0 0611 0 0708 0 0253 0 1554 0 0254 0 1026 0 0253 0 1647 0 0211 0 17go 01172 0 0765 0 0634 0 1166 00443 0 og37 0 12gg 0 1311 0 0255 0 1740 0 0653 0 0256 0 09g5 0 0838 0 0212 0 0257 0 0257 0 0257 00240 0 023g 0 082g 0 0576 0 0576 01300 0 1774 Christian creeds Christology Chromatics Chromatology Chromosome structure Chromosomes, cytotaxonomy Chromosomology Chronology Chronology, archeological Chronology, Earth's history Chronology, ecclesiastical Chronology, glottoChronometry Church antiquities Church art Church courts Church fathers Church government Church mission Churches, doctrinal differences Cinchona Cinchonas Cinchonology Cinematography Cinetics, reaction Ciphers, codes Circuit theory Circuits, electronic Cities, geography Citizenship Citizenship City life, problems City planning Civics Civil engineering Civil law Civilization Clairvoyance Classes, algebra Classification Classification, principles Classification, scientific Climate, bird migration and breeding Climate, crop adaptation Climate, living beings Climate, living matter Climate, past ages Climate, plant flowering and fruiting Climates Cl imatology Climatology, agricultural Climatology, agroClimatology, analytical Climatology, applied Climatology, medical Climatology, micro~ Climatology, paleoClimatology, physical Climatology, phytoClimatology, regional Climatology, synoptic Climatophysiology Clinical biochemistry Clinical chemistry Clinical research Cliometrics Cloud physics Clouds Cluster analysis Coal geology Coastlines, bays, surveying Coccidology Codes, ciphers Codicology Cognitive psychology Coins, tokens. medals Coleopterology Collective behavior Collective psychology Colloid chemistry Colorimetrics Colorimetry Colour comparison Colours Colours, optics Combat behavior Combinations, permutations Combinatorial analysis Combinatory logic Combustion science 0 1027 0 1687 01301 01301 00430 00325 00430 00539 0 15g5 0 1302 0 1526 00260 0052g 0 1573 00263 0 0516 00258 00572 oog4g 0 1218 00288 oogo3 oogo4 00322 01105 0 1648 0 15g5 0 1578 0 1336 0 1753 00261 0 175g 01481 00957 0 1068 00262 0 0797 0 1542 001g9 0 1066 01304 001g9 0 1580 00474 0 1373 0 1252 0 13go 004g1 00540 0 1685 0 11g7 013g3 00362 00263 0 1373 oog35 0 125g 0 1343 0027g 0027g 0 102g 00365 0 1306 01845 00265 00341 00265 00766 00267 00268 0025g 00270 01648 00271 00272 0 130g 01012 01511 00273 00065 00541 00818 00808 00728 00273 0 1234 Cometology Commerce Commercial geography Commodities Commodities, distribution Commodities. economics Commodities, production Common law Communication, art of Communication engineering Communication, gestures Communication, interstellar Communication, nonlinguistic Communication, psychoacoustics Communication symbols and themes Communication transmission Communications Communications, mass Communications, teleCommunities, natural Communities, origin and nature Communities, rural Communities, urban Community, environment Community health Comparative cosmology Composition, principles and rules Comprehension, culturally determined Computer design Computer mathematics Computer science Computing, biomedical Concepts, empirical knowledge Concepts, ultimate Concepts, words Conchology Conduct, human Conduct, human Conduct, right or wrong Configuratio.nism Coniology Conscience, ethics Conscious states, mental processes Consciousness Consciousness, introspection Consciousness, introspective analysis Conservation Constitutional history Constitutional law Construction Construction, engineering Construction engineering Construction enterprises Content analysis Content psychology Contours, surface Control systems Control systems, aviation Control systems, electronic Control systems, human Control theory Controls design Corpuscular philosophy Corrosion technology Cosmecology Cosmic electrodynamics Cosmic phenomena, earth Cosmic physics Cosmochemistry Cosmogony Cosmography Cosmology Cosmology, comparative Craniology Craniometry Craniotopography Credit finance Crickets Crime Criminal anthropology Criminal law Criminal psychology Criminal responsibility Criminals Criminology Crop adaptation, climate Discipline name index D0030 D 0032 Do5g7 D 1233 D0192 D 1262 D0274 D 13 10 D0275 D 1311 D 1312 D 1313 D0276 00277 D 1044 D 1313 D 1314 D 13 15 ci 1410 D 1422 D0066 003g3 D 1384 D0428 D 1071 D 1316 D0278 D0394 D 1365 D0392 D0027 Do3g1 D0242 D0278 D 1018 00500 D0542 D 03g9 D 1383 D 1787 D 027g D 1749 D 131 7 D 1318 D 0280 D 131g D 1320 D0281 D 1673 D0282 D 1775 D 0784 D 0283 D 1321 D 1109 Crop Crop Crop Crop production production, f ield production, meteorology production, soil Crustacea Cryobiology Cryogenics Cryology Cryopedology Cryptography Cryptology Crystallogeny Crystallography Crystallography, mathematical Crystals Crystals, formation Ctetology Culicidology Culinary customs Cultivation Cultural anthropology Cultural behavior Cultural development Cultural geography Cultural learning Cultural phenomena, history Culture Cultures, comparative study Cultures, description Cultures, development Cultures, non-literate Cultures, origin Cultures, prehistoric Culturology Currents. ocean Currents, waters, tides Customary law Customs, manners Customs, traditional Cybernetic medicine Cybernetics Cybernetics, educational Cynology Cytochemistry Cytogenetics Cytogeography Cytohistology Cytology Cytology, clinical Cytology, exfoliative Cytology, neuroCytology, plant Cytopathology Cytotaxonomy Cytotechnology D D 0284 D 1322 D 0284 D 028g D 1503 D 0236 D 0285 D0918 D 0261 D 0950 D 1030 D 0955 D 1022 D 0286 D 055g D 0558 D 05g4 D 0287 D0288 D 029g D 02go D 02g1 D 1514 D og5 2 D 02g2 D 0703 D 1532 D 0293 D 1766 D 1811 D 0803 D 181 2 D 1353 D 0 2g4 Dactyliology Dactylography Dactylology Daemonology Damselflies Dance movements Darwinism Data, numerical Data processing, electronic Data transmission Datology Death, somatic Debate Decision making Deduction, logic Definition, principles Deformities Demography Demology Demonology Dendrochronology Dendrology Dendrology, paleo Dental therapeutics Dentistry Dentistry, children Dentistry, children Dentistry, forensic Dentistry, geriatric Dentistry, preventive Dentistry, prosthetic Dentistry, psychosomatic Dentistry, pulp diseases Dentistry, veterinary D 0295 D 0910 D 1443 D 0872 D 1750 D 1323 D 02g5 D 02g7 D 1732 D 0379 D0848 D 1770 D og52 D 0202 D 0382 D 1384 D 1841 D ogo3 D 1725 D 0151 D 1824 D 1657 D 0300 00300 D 0259 D 0302 D 1575 D 0432 D 1332 D 1131 D0266 D0303 D 1788 00304 D06g3 D 0545 D0305 D086 9 D0298 D0887 D 02gg D og7g D0100 D 0306 D 1075 D 1046 D 1548 D 082g D 1116 D 11 53 D 135g D 1022 D 0376 D 0283 D 1548 D 0586 D 0586 D 1418 D0434 D 1451 D 11 73 D 051 3 D0774 D 0376 D 1082 D 0233 D 0582 D 0856 D 15g3 D 0586 D0054 Doo5g D 1630 D 1436 D 05g g D 1643 D 1522 D 1545 D 1360 D 0725 D 0647 D 1421 D 1460 D0458 D0648 D 072 1 D 1347 D og50 D 15g7 Deontology Deposition, electrolytic Deposition, erosion Deposits, sediments Depth psychology Dermatoglyphics Dermatology Dermatology, veterinary D 0933 D 1106 D 1003 D 0471 D.1600 D 0325 D 1431 D 1178 Desalination Deserts Design, engineering Design engineering Design in nature Desmidiology Destiny, mankind Development, cultural Development. human Development rural Development studies Developmental biology Developmental medicine Developmental psychobiology Devils Diabolo9y Diachronistics Diacoustics Diagnostics, psychoDialect geography Dialectical materialism Dialectical science Dialectics Dialectology Dialysis, transplantation Dianetics Diction Dictionary making Didactics Diet analysis, scatology Dietetics Dietetics, nutrition Dietotherapy Differential topology Dining Dioptrics Diplomatics Dipterology Disability, diagnosis and treatment Discipline, military Disciplines, changing Disciplines, integrative Disciplines, interscience Discourse, argumentative Disease, animal Disease, cellular Disease, diagnosis and treatment Disease, environmental factors Disease, genetic factors Disease, geographic factors Disease, geographical factors Disease, iatrophysics Disease immunity, genetic makeup Disease, immunology Disease, pathophysiology Disease, plant Disease prevention Disease prevention, chemicals Disease prevention, nonsurgical Disease, radiology Disease, regional anatomy Disease, social factors Disease, structural changes Disease symptoms Disease, syphilis Disease, tissue changes Disease, tissue structure Disease. venereal Diseases, ancient Diseases and remedies, man's Diseases, animal Diseases, child Diseases, classification Diseases, geopathology Diseases, nonsurgical Diseases, old age Diseases, orderly relating Diseases, pathology Diseases, plants Diseases, remedies Diseases, rheumatic D 1213 D0104 D ogo9 D 0907 D 1156 D 0307 D0067 Dog59 D 1273 D 1033 D 0308 D 1317 Do1g4 D03og D03og D 1503 D 0671 D 1540 D0738 D0004 D 1266 D0842 D 1161 D 073g D0738 D0778 D 1115 D 1304 D 0295 D 0311 00011 D 0531 D 0340 D 0312 D 0426 D 1344 D 1847 D 1427 D 049g D 0313 D 1494 D 1540 D 1567 D 0886 D 0314 D og41 D 0315 D 1641 00183 Diseases, surgery Diseases, tropical Diseases, virology Diseases, women's Diseases, X-rays Dismal science, the Dissent Distribution function, parameter values Divination Divination, stars Divine agency, salvation Divine wisdom Divinity Docimology Doctrinal anthropology Doctrinal theology Documents, genuineness Dogmatics Dogmatism Dogs Dosage, medicine Dosiology Dosology Dragonflies Dreams, interpretation Drugs, animal organisms Drugs, animal origin Drugs, curative Drugs, hereditary constitution Drugs, mental states Drugs, nervous system Drugs, pharmacology Drugs, plant origin Drugs, plant physiology Drugs, therapeutic Dust, atmospheric Duty, ethics Dynamics Dynamics, aeroDynamics, chemical Dynamics, electroDynamics, fluid Dynamics, geoDynamics, geometroDynamics, geophysical fluid Dynamics, group Dynamics, hydroDynamics, molecular Dynamits, myoDynamics, pharmacoDynamics, population Dynamics, social Dynamics, structural Dynamics, systems Dynamics, topological Dynamics, trophoDysgenics E D0701 D 0700 D 1254 D 0265 D og49 D 1420 D 1424 D0441 D 1415 D0317 D0615 D 1444 D0874 D 17 16 D 1357 D 08 74 D 08 73 D042 1 D og91 D 0436 D 141 6 D 0422 D 1410 00243 D 1470 D0543 D 031 8 D 031g D 0316 D 0 199 D 1257 Ear diseases Ear, ear diseases Earth, celestial bodies Earth, cosmic phenomena Earth deformation Earth forms, genesis Earth, habitableness Earth history Earth materials Earth sciences Earth tremors, feeble Earth, waters Earth waves Earthquake engineering Earthquake shocks Earthquakes Earthquakes, description Earth's crust Earth's crust, movements Earth's exterior Earth's formation Earth's surface Eating, good Ecclesiastical chronology Ecclesiastical history Ecclesiastical law Ecclesiology Eccrinology Echinology Echoes Ecological communities D 1624 D 0320 D 0321 D 1206 D 124'5 D0416 D0322 D0323 D 01og D0785 D 126g D0178 D0324 D 1686 D 0153 D0174 D 0430 D 1090 D04go D 0325 D 1186 D 1009 D 0325 D 1231 D 0028 D 1724 D 1650 D0326 D0327 D032g D0328 00324 D0330 D 1036 D0331 D 1726 D0324 D 1325 D 1688 D0332 D 0333 D 1531 D 1765 D 0334 00070 D 174g D0822 Do0g7 D 0633 D 1568 D 1328 D 1328 D 0335 D 0336 D 1058 D 0805 D 1351 D0015 D0340 D 1193 D 0363 D0342 D 1086 D 1352 D 0338 D 1331 D 0337 D 15g3 D 1329 D0343 D 1808 D 1696 D 15g5 D0338 D 033g D0340 D0341 D0342 D0344 D 1408 D 1331 D 1782 D 0345 D 11 g5 D001 5 Dog 10 D 134g D 1350 D 1394 Dog14 D0346 Ecological interdependence Ecology Ecology, agricultural Ecology, agroEcology, f lowers Ecology, genetics Ecology, human Ecology, marine Ecology, paleoEcology, plant Ecology, radioEcology, zooEconometrics Economic activity Economic biology Economic botany Economic geography Economic geology Economic history Economic sciences Economic sciences Economic zoology Economics Economics, agricultural Economics, agroEconomics, business Economics, health Economics, home Economics, housing Economics. macroEconomics, mathematical Economics, mathematics Economics, medical Economics, microEconomics,- regional Economics, social Economics, statistics Economy, social statics Ectomorphic body type Education Education, comparative Education, formal Education, physical Education, religious Educational anthropology Educational cybernetics Educational psychology Educational sociology Eelworms Egg, embryonic structures Ego ideal Egopsychology Egyptology Eidolology Ekistics Elections, psephology Electric charges Electric circuits Electric currents, interactions Electric field, light Electrical engineering Electrical interactions Electricity Electricity, applications Electricity, chemical changes Electricity, motion Electroacoustics Electroanalytical chemistry Electrobiology Electrocardiology Electrocardiology Electrochemical kinetics Electrochemical thermodynamics Electrochem istry Electrochemistry, mathematical Electrodynamics Electrodynamics, cosmic Electrodynamics, quantum Electroencephalography Electroforming Electrokinetics Electromagnetic metrology Electromagnetism Electromechanical engineering Electromechanics Electrometallurgy Electron ballistics Electron optics , Electronic engineering Electronic spectroscopy Electronics Discipline name index 0 0076 00347 00612 0 0348 0 1730 01086 0 1193 00349 0 1351 0 1352 0 0035 0 0883 01203 0 0247 00351 01676 0 0352 00844 El ectron ics, astronautics Electronics. medical Electronics, microElectronics, quantum Electronics, solid-state Electrons, protons Electrooptics Electrophysiology Electrostatics Electrotechnology Elixir of life Emblems, seals Embriology, comparative Embryo, anatomy Embryology Embryology, insect Embryology, veterinary Emotional disorder, psychotherapy 0 0806 0 1214 00584 0 1528 0 0354 0 0355 0 0637 0 1353 0 1353 01688 0 1194 0 0337 0 0578 0 1255 0 0338 0 0337 0 0338 01477 0 0760 0 0849 0 1048 0 1705 0 0145 0 1692 01194 0 0498 0 0356 0 0357 0 1391 0 1392 0 0358 0 0359 01204 01771 0 1392 0 1731 0 1798 0 0166 0 0171 0 0360 0 1291 0 0361 0 0362 0 1302 0 1393 0 0848 01770 0 1716 0 0363 0 1196 0 1394 0 0364 0 1767 0 1195 0 1200 01414 0 1395 00444 0 1396 0 1722 0 1769 0 1356 0 0365 00366 01454 0 1354 00367 01401 0 1754 0 0368 0 1799 0 1397 Emotional disorders Emotional forces, behavior Emotional processes Emotions, passions Endocrinology Endocrinology, clinical Endocrinology, neuroEndodontia Endodontics Endomorphic body type Energetics Energy, acoustic Energy and forces Energy, applied atomic Energy, chemical Energy, electric Energy, electric Energy mass relation Energy, matter Energy, quantum theory Energy, radiant Energy, radiant Energy relations, living organisms Energy, solar Energy, transformations Energy transmission Engineering Engineering, acoustical Engineering, aeronautical Engineering, aerospace Engineering, agricultural Engineering, analytical Engineering, architectural Engineering, assembly Engineering, astronautical Engineering, automotive Engineering, biological Engineering, biological systems Engineering, biology Engineering, biomedical Engineering, ceramic Engineering, chemical Engineering, civil Engineering, communication Engineering, construction Engineering design Engineering, design Engineering, earthquake Engineering, electrical Engineering, electromechanical Engineering, electronic Engineering, environmental Engineering, evaluation Engineering, fuel Engineering, genetic Engineering, geodetic Engineering, geological Engineering geology Engineering, geophysical Engineering, geotechnical Engineering, heat Engineering, highway Engineering, human Engineering, hydraulic Engineering, illuminating Engineering, industrial Engineering, marine Engineering, materials Engineering mathematics Engineering, mechanical Engineering, medical Engineering, metallurgical 01483 00369 0 0370 0 0353 01721 0 0371 01720 0 0372 0 1398 01405 0 1768 0 0373 0 0823 0 1706 0 1192 0 0855 0 0374 0 1603 01722 0 1617 0 1197 0 0942 01710 0 1638 0 0375 00350 0 1617 0 1357 0 1358 0 0667 0 1028 0 1675 0 1515 00144 0 0322 00404 0 0839 00320 00144 00088 0 1734 0 0125 0 1736 00364 00445 0 1733 0 1735 01364 01174 0 1658 0 0023 00210 0 1338 00376 01074 00377 0 0378 0 1345 0 1360 0 1360 0 1685 0 0379 0 0380 0 0381 01443 0 1564 0 0382 0 1361 0 1078 0 1604 0 0383 0 0384 0 1078 0 0385 0 1079 0 0386 0 0387 00388 0 0389 0 1362 0 0390 0 1363 0 1364 0 0391 0 1365 0 0392 0 0393 0 0394 0 0704 0 1032 0 0395 0 0396 Engineering, Engineering, Engineering, Engineering, Engineering, methods military mining municipal naval Engineering, nuclear Engineering, ocean Engineering, petroleum Engineering physics Engineering, power Engineering, process Engineering, production Engineering psychology Engineering, radiation Engineering, radio Engineering, railway Engineering, sanitary Engineering, social Engineering, soil Engineering, stationary Engineering, structural Engineering, systems Engineering, telecommunication Engineering, tool Engineering, traffic Engineering, value Engines, stationary Engysseismology Enigmatology Enology Entomology Entomology, economic Entomology, paleoEnvironment, animals Environment, community Environment, human wellbeing Environment, mind Environment, organisms Environment, plants Environmental archeology Environmental biochemistry Environmental biology Environmental chemistry Environmental engineering Environrnental geology Environmental physiology Environmental pollution Environments, races Enzyme kinetics Enzyme physiology Enzymology Enzymology Epidemiological psychiatry Epidemiology Epigraphy Epiphytology Epistemology Epistemology, genetic Epizoology Epizootology Erection, building Eremology Ergology Ergonomics Erosion, deposition Errors, polemics Eschatology Esthesiophysiology Ethical justification Ethical values, social philosophy Ethics Ethics, business Ethics, foundations Ethics, medical Ethics, normative Ethics, political Ethics, sexua l Ethics, social Ethics, totalitarian Ethnobiology Ethnobotany Ethnogeny Ethnogeography Ethnography, anthropology Ethnography, ethnology Ethnohistory Ethnolinguistics Ethnology Ethnology, pareo- Ethnomethodology Ethnomusicology Ethnopsychiatry 0 1366 00397 • 0 0398 0 1367 00399 00400 00401 00402 0 1368 00403 0 1369 0 1035 00404 0 1767 0 0290 0 0742 0 0792 0 1024 . 0 1025 0 1659 00154 0 0405 0 1289 0 086g 01461 0 1371 0 1746 0 1342 0 1374 0 0406 0 0407 0 0742 0 0163 0 0454 0 1578 0 1629 01801 0 0687 0 0678 Ethnopsychology Ethnozoology Ethography Ethology, an imal behavior Ethology, character Ethonomics Ett61ogy Etymology Euclidian geometry Eugenics Eukinetics Eumentics Euthenics Evaluation engineering Events dating Events, observable Evil , doctrine of Evolution, biochemical Evolution, chemical Evolution, organic Evolutionary biology Evolutionary theory Exchange science Excrement, scatology Exegesis · Exegetics Existential psychiatry Existential psychoanalysis Existe ntial psychology Existentialism Exobiology Experience, reality Experimental biology Exploration geophysics Expression, culturally determined Expressions, formal relations Extrasensory perception Eye defects Eyes F 0 1377 0 0742 0 1625 0 0957 0 0782 0 0326 0 0415 0 1294 0 0948 0 1007 0 1584 0 0869 0 1561 Factor analysis Facts, observable Faith, Christian Faith, interpretation Faith, pistology Family, home management Family pedigrees Farm products, industrial use Faulting, tectonics Faunology Feather arrangement Fecal droppings, scatology Feet, morphology and 01034 D 1011 0 0079 0 1220 0 1378 0 1378 00846 0 1232 0 0032 0 0936 0 1379 0 0846 0 0245 0 1012 0 1284 01844 0 1322 00284 0 1781 0 0781 00508 0 1513 0 0781 01002 00884 0 0020 0 0780 0 1381 01400 0 1245 0 1847 00312 0 1619 0 0498 0 1780 Felicitology Fermentation Fermentation processes Fermentation processes Fermentology Ferments, yeasts Ferns Fertilizers, mineral Field crop production Field surveying physiology 0 1442 0 0499 0 1382 0 1191 0 0948 0 0929 0 1366 0 1384 0 1383 0 0179 0 0655 0 0299 0 1389 0 0507 0 0578 0 0311 0 1324 0 0524 0 0068 0 0128 0 0213 0 0293 0 1385 0 0808 0 0825 01792 0 1022 00410 0 1065 00411 0 1031 0 1524 0 050·7 0 0702 0 1515 0 0705 0 0706 0 0707 0 0711 01514 0 1522 0 0613 01723 0 0025 0 0986 00045 0 0275 0 0275 0 0791 01400 0 0195 0 1195 0 1300 0 0046 0 0155 0 0412 0 1119 0 0185 0 0186 0 0412 0 0606 0 0623 0 1569 0 1290 0 1168 Fluids, equilibrium and motion Fluids, motion Fluviology Flying objects, unidentified Folding, tectonics 0 1408 0 1124 0 1169 0 1539 0 0578 00011 0 1229 0 0346 0 1225 0 0787 0 1327 01409 0 0413 01410 0 0212 00414 00464 0 1319 0 0415 0 0416 0 1412 0 1752 00737 Galvanoplastics Game theory Gamma-ray astronomy Gas, geology Gaseous bodies Gaseous fluids Gaseous fluids, equilibrium Gases, electrons Gases, equilibrium and motion Gases, mechanical properties Gases, mechanics Gastroenterology Gastrology Gastronomy Gelatin Gemology Gems Gene complexes Genealogy Genecology General semantics General topology Genes, development mechanisms Folk lore Folk psychology Folk psychology Folklore Food science Food substances Food therapy Foot care Footprints, fossil Forces and energy Forces, dynamics Forces of equilibrium Foreign policy Forensic anthropology Forensic ballistics Forensic chemistry Forensic dentistry Forensic medicine Forensic psychiatry Forensic psychology Forensic sciences Forensics Forest pathology Forest trees Forestry Fossil animals Fossil birds Fossil footprints Fossil grasses Fossil insects Fossil man Fossil organisms Fossil plants Fossil remains Fossil trees Fossils, ancient diseases Fossils, microFracture mechanics Fractures Friction, interacting surfaces Frogs, toads, newts Frost action Frozen ground Fruit cultivation Fruit growing Fruit structure Fuel engineering Function symbols Functional analysis Functional biology Functiona l calculus Functionalism Functions, mathematical Functions, mathematical Functions, propositional Fungi Fungi Fungi Fungi, plant galls Futurology G Field theory Filicology Films Finance Finance, public Fine arts Fingerprints Fingers, sign language Fire research Fish culture Fishes Fishes, fossil Fishing, fish culture Flag design Fleas, siphonaptera Flight science Flora, interrelations Floristics Flower growing Flowers, ecology Fluid dynamics, geophysical Fluid motion Fluid, very low density Fluidics Fluidics Discipline name index 0 0 156 0 1200 01345 0 1173 Genetic biology Genetic eng ineering Genetic epistemology Genetic makeup, disease immunity 0 0827 Genetic psychology 00854 Genetic systems, radiobiology 0 0417 Genetics 01340 Genetics, applied 01677 Genetics, behavior 00419 Genetics, biochemical 0 0418 Genetics, cell 00420 Genetics, chemical 0 1435 Genetics, histo01644 Genetics, human 0 1173 Genetics, immune0 1757 Genetics, medical 0 0737 Genetics, pheno0 0759 Genetics, phyla0 1272 Genetics, politics 01102 Genetics, population 0 1576 Genetics. psycho00854 Genetics, radio01280 Genotypes, organisms 01672 Geobotany Geochemistry 00421 0 1719 Geochemistry, marine 00422 Geodesy 00423 Geodesy, physical 00424 Geodesy, satellite 00425 Geodesy, theoretical 00109 Geodetic astronomy 0 1414 · Geodetic engineering 00518 Geodetic instrumentation 0 1414 Geodetic surveying 0 0426 Geodynamics 01415 Geog nosy 01416 Geogony 01250 Geographic area study 00069 Geographical anthropology 01804 Geographical medicine 00427 Geography 0 1205 Geography, agro0 0429 Geography, anthropological 01254 Geography, astronomical 00146 Geography, bio0130 1 Geography, commercial 00428 Geography, cultural 01319 Geography, cyto00432 Geography, dialect 00430 Geography, economic 01364 Geography, ethno0043 1 Geography, h istorical 01417 Geography, history 0 1123 Geography, human 0 1355 Geography, industrial 0 0432 Geography, linguistic 00433 Geography, mathematical 00434 Geography, medical 01850 Geography, paleo0 1533 Geography, pedo00436 Geography, physical 00776 Geography, phyto 01672 Geography, plant 0 0435 Geography, political 0 0437 Geography, population 0 0438 Geography, regional 01779 Geography, social 00439 Geography, urban 0 1417 Geohistory 00440 Geohydrology 00310 Geological change 0 1395 Geological engineering 0 0663 Geological oceanography 0 1088 Geological sciences 00756 Geological structures Geology 00441 0 1223 Geology, aero0 1232 Geology, agricult ural 00029 Geology, agro0 1247 Geology, archaeo00442 Geology, areal 00443 Geology, coal 003 10 Geology, dynamic 01090 Geology, economic 00444 Geology, engineering 00445 Geology, environmental 00448 Geology, geotectonic 00446 Geology, glacial 01092 Geology, historical 01 443 Geology, hydro0 1715 Geology, marine 0 1714 0 1489 0 1516 0 1521 0 1539 0 0756 0 1547 0 1552 0 1713 00447 00448 0 1091 0 05 19 0044g 0 1170 0 1170 01418 0 1640 Geology, mathematical Geology, mining Geology, paleo- 0 1261 0 0683 0 1182 01344 0 0450 0 0451 0 1238 0 1238 00301 0 1368 0 1128 0 1607 0 1628 0 1420 0 0452 0 1517 0 1421 0 1396 0 1847 0 0453 00454 0 1718 0 0455 0 1422 0 03 17 0 1849 0 1423 01722 01424 0 1425 0 0448 0 0448 0 1711 0 1711 0 0457 0 1766 00809 0 0458 00460 01066 0 1526 00446 0 0461 00009 0 0354 00010 0 0456 0 055 1 00463 0 0551 00464 0 0459 01101 01419 01496 0 085 1 00024 00540 00465 0 1013 00790 Geometric forms Geometrical optics Geometries, multidimensional Geometrodynamics Geometry Geometry, algebraic Geometry, analytic Geometry, coordinate Geometry, differential Geometry, Euclidian Geometry, riemannian Geometry, solid Geometry, synthetic Geomorphogeny Geomorphology Geomorphology, paleo- Geology, paleont ologic Geology, petroleum Geology. photo Geology, physical Geology, physiographic Geology, quaternary Geology, stratigraphic Geology, structural Geology, urban Geomagnetic instrumentation Geomagnetism Geomathematics Geomatics Geomedicine Geometric configurations, topology 0 1298 0 1156 0 1298 0 1565 00435 0 1566 00466 0 1632 00200 00644 0 0467 Geopathology Geophysical engineering Geophysical fluid dynamics Geophysics Geophysics, exploration Geophysics, marine Geopolitics Geoponics Geosciences Geosciences Geostrategy Geotechnical engineering Geotechnics Geotechnology Geotectology Geotectonic geology Geothermal research Geothermics Geratology Geriatric dentistry Geriatric psychiatry Geriatrics Gerontology Gestalt psychology Gestures. communication Glacial geology Glaciology Glands Glands, ductless Gliding Glossematics Glossology Glott ochronology Glottology Glyptology Gnosiology Gnotobiology Gnotobiotics God, nature Goniometry, radio- Good, the Government Government, comparative Government functions Government institutions and processes Government, local Government, moral Government. national Government, politics Government units Governments, ethical duties Grammar Grammatical relations Grape production Graph ic representation Graphics 00468 0 0034 0 0702 0 1181 0 15 11 0 0 132 0 1546 0 0422 0 1426 01427 0 0897 0 0469 0 1741 0 0896 0 0905 0 1606 0 0 11 7 0 0954 0 0730 0 0 189 0 0722 0 0471 00470 Graphology Grasses Grasses, fossil Grasshoppers Grasshoppers Gravitation Gravitational astronomy Gravity, terrestrial Group analysis Group dynamics Group life, education Group psychotherapy Group psychotherapy, sociometry Groups, human interaction Groups, interrelation patterns Groups, social analysis Growth Gulfs and se~s. thalassography Gums, teeth Gymnastics Gynecological pathology Gynecology Gyroscopics H 0 0478 0 0472 0 0987 0 0473 0 0234 0 0468 0 1273 0 0512 0 0881 0 0937 0 1764 0 1308 0 1650 0 1216 0 1216 0 0586 0 0582 0 1082 0 1475 0 1348 0 1399 0 0374 0 1105 0 1457 0 0005 0 01 13 0 0 11 4 0 1573 0 0193 0 0129 0 1230 0 1230 0 0967 00910 0 1769 0 0368 0 0853 0 0190 0 0967 0 0971 0 0968 0 0997 0 0474 0 0475 0 0476 0 1683 00477 0 0478 01806 0 0479 0 1299 0 1428 0 1429 00480 01430 01076 00194 0 1266 00403 00417 0 0280 01 43 1 0 1432 Haematology Hagiology Hair, scalp Hamartiology Hand Handwriting Handwriting Haptens Haptens Harbors, surveying HarmoniCs Head measurement Health economics Health, group Health, individual Health, individual and community Health maintenance Health maintenance Health. mental Health. occupational Health physics Health, public Health, public Health, workers Hearing Hearing Hearing acuity Hearing, psychoacoustics Heart Heart performance Heat action, air Heat action, gases Heat, chemical reaction Heat, electrometallurgy Heat engineering Heat generation Heat generation, radiothermics Heat measurement Heat, physical changes of state Heat science Heat, thermodynamics Heavens. uranology Hedonics Heliology Helminthology Helminthology, plant Helminthology, veterinary Hematology Hematology, immunoHematology, veterinary Hemiptera Hemipterology Hemodynamics Heortology Hepaticology Heraldry Herbs, sedges Hereditary constitution, drugs Hereditary qualities, improvement Heredity mechanisms Heredity, variation Heresiology Hermeneutics 0 1433 0 048 1 0 1698 0 1434 0 0483 0 1356 0 0484 0 0482 0 0485 0 1435 0 0486 0 1320 0 0487 0 1436 0 1437 0 0157 0 043 1 0 1092 01438 0 1439 0 1530 00488 00489 00489 0 0489 00491 0 1470 0 0490 0 1417 0 1458 0 1655 0 0629 0 1075 0 1738 0 0492 00488 0 0493 0 1285 0 0326 0 0494 01440 0 0040 0 0081 00495 0 0496 00484 0 0482 01400 0 1651 0 032 7 0 0239 0 0797 00489 0 1326 0 0053 0 0246 0 1387 00077 0 0278 0 1455 0 1603 0 1656 0 1688 0 0075 0 0906 0 0588 0 0399 0 0383 0 0745 0 0797 0 1542 0 0246 01841 00322 0 0365 00077 01644 0 1123 0 0896 0 0813 0 1542 0 0528 0 0745 0 0287 00062 0 ·1590 0 04 97 0 1209 0 1362 00148 Hermetism Herpet~logy Heterocyclic chemistry Heuristic Hierology Highway engineering Hippology Hippopathology Histochemistry Histogenetics Histology Histology, cytoHistology, veterinary Histopathology Histophysiology Historical biology Historical geography Historical geology Historical materialism Historical sociology Historical theology Historiography Historiography Historiology History History, constitutional History, ecclesiastical History, economic History, geoHistory, intellectual History, literature History, natural History, official documents History, philosophy of History, social History writing Holonomics Holy scripture Home economics Homeopathy Homiletics· Homological algebra Honeybees Hormic psychology Horology Horses Horses. pathology Horticulture Hospital administration Housing economics Hue, saturation Human action Human activities Human acts, psychological causes Human anatomy Human aspirations Human association Human behavior Human behavior Human behavior Human beings, management Human biology Human body-build Human body measurement Human body, somatology Human body, space flight Human character Human character and conduct Human conduct Human conduct Human conduct Human culture Human development Human eco logy Human engineering Human environment Human genetics Human geography Human groups, interaction Human motivation Human motivatio n Human movement Human nature Human populations Human race, distribution Human races Human relations Human remains, fossilized Human societies, primitive Human survival. abnormal env ironment Discipline name index 00404 01060 0 1071 0 1071 0 1447 0 1422 01148 00366 004g9 01441 0 0222 0 04gg 0 1466 01443 01444 oog37 00500 0 150g 01445 00520 0 100g 0 0501 00440 0 1760 0 1518 01442 0 0502 0 1654 0 0503 01446 00504 0 1457 01475 0 1785 0 1216 01447 01448 00505 00844 00506 0144g 01450 01451 00461 01310 0 0507 00508 0 1513 005og 00510 00511 01458 00258 0 1623 00511 01452 0 1453 00734 00026 01454 005og oog13 00512 0 1173 0 1171 0 1806 01776 00513 0 1037 00514 0 1816 00001 0032g 00515 00838 01455 012g2 01456 0000g 01595 01354 0 1355 01457 00570 0 164g 005g9 00828 00857 Human wellbeing Humanistic psychology Humanistic sciences Humanities Humidity Husbandry Husbandry, animal Hydraulic engineering Hydraulics Hydrobiology Hydrocarbons Hydrodynamics Hydrodynamics, magneto- Hydrogeology Hydrognosy Hydrographic surveying Hydrography Hydrography, oroHydrokinetics Hydrologic instrumentation Hydrological sciences Hydrology Hydrology, geoHydrology, medical Hydrology, paleoHydromechanics Hydrometeorology Hydronautics Hydroponics Hydrostatics Hyetology Hygiene, industrial Hygiene, mental Hygiene, tropical Hygienics Hygrology Hymenopterology Hypnology Hypnosis, psychotherapy Hypnotism latrochemistry latromathematics latrophysics Ice accumulation Ice, snow lchnology Ichthyology Ichthyology, paleIconography lconology Ideas Ideas, evolution of Ideas. expression and exchange Ideas, relations of Ideology ldiobiology ldiomology Igneous petrology Ignorance Illuminating engineering Images, sacred Images, spectroscopy lmmunochemistry lmmunogenetics lmmunogenetics, serology lmmunohematology lmmunohistochemistry Immunology Immunology, neurolmmunopathology lmplantology, oral Inanimate objects Income and output Indexing Individual behavior, social groups Individual psychology Individuality, character Inductive logic Industrial archeology Industrial chemistry Industrial engineering Industrial geography Industrial hygiene Industrial management Industrial medicine Industrial meteorology Industrial psychology Industrial radiology 0 09g9 0 og94 0 1355 0 1686 004g7 0 1581 000g0 0 12g5 01455 01474 00516 00516 0 15g3 00808 00710 01074 0 1676 0 1535 01028 01028 00256 0 1515 01501 0 12go 01046 004g2 004g2 004g2 0143g 00365 0111g 0 0517 0 1688 0 0518 0051g 0 0520 0 1646 0 0521 0 0522 0 0523 00517 00008 Industrial sociology Industrial toxicology Industries, location Industry Industry, human relations Industry, psychological methods Industry, sociology Infant psychology 0 1012 0 1708 0 1140 0 1518 01461 Inferiority feelings Infinitesimal calculus Information scienCe Information theory Injury, reg ional anatomy Insan ity, law Inscriptions, ancient Inscriptions, ancient Insect morphology, embryology Insect pests lnsectology Insects Insects, coleoptera Insects, fossil Insects, net-w inged Insects, plant galls Insects, w inged Institutions, cultural Institutions, economic Institutions, social Institutions, social Instrument design Instrumental psychology Instrumentation Instrumentation, chemical Instrumentation, geodetic Instrumentation. geomagnetic Instrumentation, hydrologic Instrumentation, medical Instrumentation, meteorological Instrumentation, oceanograph ic Instrumentation, seismic Instruments Insurance mathematics, statistics Integrals, mathematics Integrative disciplines Intentional ism lnterlinguistics International relations Interpretation, exegetics lnterscience disciplines Interstellar communication Intestines, diseases Introspection, mental data Introspective analysis, consciousness Investment finance Ion physics Ionosphere physics Irrigation, ancient systems lsagogics 01114 0 1265 00408 0 0525 0 1237 0 1385 Jaws and mouth surgery Joints, mechanical support Journalism Jurisprudence Jurisprudence, analytical Jurisprudence. medical 00186 0 1153 01372 0 145g 00524 0 1371 0 135g 0 0260 014og 0 123g 0 1252 J K 00526 0 1462 00042 0 14gg 0 0527 0 052g 00528 0 0531 0 0530 0 1331 0 16g6 0 1174 01445 0 0532 0 1463 01577 0 0531 0 12g3 0 0378 Kariology Karyosytematics Kelps Kidneys Kinematics Kinesics Kinesiology Kinetics, chemical Kinetics, dynamics Kinetics, electroKinetics, electrochemical Kinetics, enzyme Kinetics, hydroKinetics, particle Kinetics, physics Kinetics, psychoKinetics, reaction Kinetics, reaction Knowledge 0 og45 01 481 0 1207 Knowledge, applied Knowledge, empirical Knowledge, factors and principles Knowledge, idiographic D 1144 01143 00716 Knowledge, systematic 0 0870 oog44 0 045g 0 0533 0 1304 Knowledge, Knowledge, Knowledge, Knowledge, Koniology 0 054g D 0500 0 0436 0 0452 0 1464 0 1464 0 0047 0 0553 0 1478 00456 0 0466 D 1453 0 145g 0 0744 D 0565 0 og32 0 05g3 0 0620 D 0551 0 0303 00463 0 124g 0 0753 0104g 0 15g9 0 15g9 0 0536 00068 0 0537 0 0538 0 053g 0 1747 00540 0 0541 0 0542 0 0543 0 1748 D 1237 D 0525 0 0808 0 1126 0 0525 D 00g2 0 0870 0 04g3 0 0332 0 0213 0 0536 0 0626 0 0534 0 0535 0 0535 0 0276 D 0276 0 1510 0 0545 0 0546 01071 00547 00544 0 0407 0 0407 0 0474 00140 01141 00001 0 11g3 D 0757 00752 01467 00681 0 0683 0 0306 01454 0 054g 0 0550 Lakes, ponds Lakes, rivers, seas Knowledge, nomothetic overview systematized teaching theory of theory of L Land, geography Land relief Landscape architecture Landscape design Language Language Language, behavior Language, glossemes Language, grammar Language, idiom Language, interLanguage, literature Language, macrolinguistics Language, optional variations Language, pronunciation Language structure Languages Languages, dialects Languages, evolution Languages, origin Languages, speech sounds Laryngology Laryngology, rhinoLarynx. nose Law law, anthropology Law, canon Law, civil Law. common l aw. comparative law. constitutional Law. criminal law , customary law, ecclesiastical Law. international Law. logical structure law. philosophy Law. psychiatry Law, public Law, science Laws. fundamental social Laws, scientific Law s, universal Learning, education Legal chemistry Legal science Legends, sagas Lepidopterology Leprology Leprosy Leptology leptonology Letters, spelling Lexicography Lexicography liberal arts library science Lichenology Life, extraterrestrial Life in space Life. organic Life processes. chemistry Life sciences Lifeless matter Light, electric field Light intensity Light, Jiving beings Light, magnetic field light, optics l ight reflection, refraction Light refraction Lighting systems Limnology Limnology, comparative 0 0041 0 0047 0 07g5 0 0432 0124g 0 1664 0 0551 0 1271 0124g 0 0552 0 03g3 0 0553 00554 0 145g 0 0565 0 0555 0 1478 0 1834 0 1578 0 09g5 0 0578 01446 0 1445 0 1327 0 1655 0 1077 0 1132 0 1303 00744 0 0556 0 0556 0 0017 0 0103 00557 00548 00181 0 1430 005g7 0121g 0 1276 0 0752 0034g 00023 01411 0 1og5 0014g 01081 00168 00843 01 181 00558 0 1240 01163 01300 004og 0 1456 0 1386 0055g 00560 0 1155 0055g 00048 0 1623 0 1070 005g4 00561 00562 0 0563 0 1157 00065 oog95 01084 00788 00061 0 1817 Linear algebra Linguistic analysis Linguistic expressions, semiotics Linguistic geography Linguistic innovations Linguistic philosophy Linguistics Linguistics, anthropological Linguistics, areal Linguistics, descriptive Linguistics, ethnoLinguistics, general Linguistics, historical Linguistics, interLinguistics, macro· Linguistics, mathematical Linguistics, meta· Linguistics, neuroLinguistics, psychoLinguistics, socioLiquids Liquids at rest Liquids, kinetics Liquids, mechanic Literary history Literary works, analysis Literature Literature, comparative Literature, language Lithoidology Lithology Lithology, aeroLithology, astroLiturgies Liturgiology Liverworts Liverworts Livestock production, meteorology Living beings and sound Living beings, atmosphere Living beings, radiant energy effects Living bodies, electric phenomena Living cells, enzymes Living matter Living matter, physiochemistry Living organisms Living organisms Living organisms, physics Lobotomy Locusts. migratory Logic Logic, analytics Logic, axioms Logic, combinatory Logic, formal Logic, inductive Logic, material Logic, mathematical Logic, military Logic, normative Logic, symbolic Logical analysis Logical argument Logical concepts Logical syntax, mathematics Logistic Logistics Logopedics .Logotherapy lombroso Lubrication, interacting surfaces Lunar sciences Lungs Lymphatics Lymphology M 00365 00171 0 1638 00368 00564 0 032g 0 0565 0 0566 0054g 0 1433 0 1467 Machine design Machine man adjustment Machine planning Machine production Macrochemistry Macroeconomics Macrolinguistics Macrophysics Magic Magic Magnetic fields, light Discipline name index 0 1468 0 0567 0 0345 00449 00422 00449 0 1467 0 1465 0 1466 0 1468 0 0574 0 0568 0 1469 0 1469 0 0953 0 0569 01118 0 0569 0 1520 00704 0 0705 0 1123 00136 0 .0171 0 1246 0 0798 0 0673 0 0381 0 0570 0 1354 0 0382 0 0398 0 1213 0 0255 0 1525 0 0196 0 0433 0 0755 00433 01274 00316 00158 0 1712 00323 0 0367 0 1719 0 1715 0 1718 00599 00571 00097 0147 1 0 0572 01324 0 0945 01332 0 1438 0 1401 0 1777 0 1756 00277 00328 0 0339 0 0433 0 1714 0 0555 0 0559 0 0746 0 0767 01744 0 1183 0 0899 0 0921 01334 0 0574 0 0575 01413 00164 0 1159 0 1753 01170 0 1754 01450 00008 OQ594 00164 00594 00594 01473 00864 00760 0 1306 Magnet ic fields, stationary Magnetism Magnetism, electro- Magnetism, geoMagnetism, terrestrial Magnetism, terr.estrial Magneto-optics I Magnetochemistry Magnetohydrodynamics Magnetostatics Magnitudes, numbers Malacology Malaria Malariology Malformations Mammals Mammals, eutherian Mammology Mammology, paleoMan, early prehistoric Man, fossi l Man, geographical distribution Man in society Man machine adjustment Man, nature of Man, prehistoric Man, psychosomatic unity Man, working environment Management Management, scientific Mankind, purpose and destiny Manners, customs Mantology Manuscripts, early Manuscripts, papyrus Map-i'naking Map projections Mapmaking, photogrammetry Maps, earth Marine animals and plants Marine animals, echinoderms Marine biology Marine chemistry Marine ecology Marine engineering Marine geochemistry Marine geology Marine geophysics Marine meteorology Marine science Mars Martyrology Mass communications Material bodies, equi librium Material culture Materialism, dialectical Materialism, historical Materials engineering Mathematica l biophysics Mathematical biosciences Mathematica l crystallography Mathematical economics Mathematica l electrochemistry Mathematica l geography Mathematica l geology Mathematica l linguistics Mathematical logic Mathematical philosophy Mathematical physics Mathematical psychology Mathematical sciences Mathematical sociology Mathematical statistics Mathematical taxonomy Mathematics Mathematics, actuarial Mathematics, applied Mathematics, biology Mathematics, catastrophe Mathematics, computer Mathematics, Earth Mathematics, engineering Mathematics, iatroMathematics, insurance Mathematics, logical syntax Mathematics, medicine Mathematics, metaMathematics, phi losophy Matrix mechanics Matter, deformation and f low Matter, energy Matter, minute particles 0 1146 0 1839 0 1299 00605 0 0368 0 1198 00578 0 1225 0 0579 0 1243 00580 0 1546 00015 01327 0 1723 01442 0 1473 0 1330 00867 01149 0 0581 01772 0 1751 00071 0 0123 0 0175 0 0252 00330 0 0347 0 1799 0 0385 0 1757 00434 0 1760 0 1646 0 1385 0 0607 0 1703 01107 00494 0 1680 00577 0 0858 01111 0 1082 0 0900 0 0922 0 0573 01110 01010 00223 00218 0 0582 0 0582 0 0582 0 1226 0 1758 0 1103 0 0583 0 0175 0 1787 0 1824 0 1385 0 1418 0 1804 0 1649 0 1460 00164 0 1800 0 1645 01104 0 1815 0 1795 0 1548 0 1801 00810 00584 0 0585 01151 0 0586 0 0588 0 1796 0 0587 01106 0 0589 0 1805 01021 0 1165 0 0590 0 1674 0 0812 0 1239 Matter, radiation Maxillofacial surgery Mealybugs Measures, weights Mechanical engineering Mechanical sciences Mechanics Mechanics, aeroMechanics, analytic Mechanics, animal Mechanics, aviation Mechanics, celestial Mechanics, electroMechanics, fluid Mechanics, fracture Meehan ics, hydroMechanics, matrix Mechanics, quantum Mechanics, rock Mechanics, soil Mechanics, statistical Mechanics, structural Mechanics, terraMedical anthropology Medical bacteriology Medical botany Medical climatology Medical economics Medical electronics Medical engineering Medical ethics Medical genetics Medical geography Medical hydrology Medical instrumentation Medical jurisprudence Medical microbiology Medical physics Medical physiology Medical practice, homeopathy Medical primatology Medical psychology Medical radiology Medical recording Medical sciences Medical sociology Medical statistics Medical technology Medical technology Medical zoology Medicinal chemicals Medicinal chemistry Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine, aeroMedicine, aerospace Medicine, aviation Medicine, biochemical Medicine, botanical Medicine, cybernetic Medicine, developmenta l Medicine, forensic Medicine, geoMedicine, geographical Medicine, industrial Medicine, internal Medicine, mathematics Medicine, military Medicine, nuclear Medicine, occupational Medicine, oral Medicine, perinatal Medicine. physica l Medicine, psionic Medicine, psychoanalytic Medicine, psychological Medicine, psychosomatic Medicine, rehabilitation Medicine, social Medicine, space Medicine, sports Medicine, systematic Medicine, tropical Medicine, veterinary Medicine, visual Medicines Meditation, applied Melittology Membrane biology Mental activity, psychic Mental data, introspection 00841 0 1575 00844 00806 00695 00843 01475 0 1835 0 1475 00304 00811 0 0336 00814 00834 00840 00646 0 1572 0 0815 0 1476 00584 01214 0 1580 00842 0 1523 0 1687 0 0591 0 1688 0 1078 01477 0 1213 0 0307 0 1478 0 0593 0 0219 0 1397 00592 0 1585 00910 01402 01549 01846 0 1586 0 1070 0 0592 g~m 00594 0 1612 00595 0 1479 01480 01481 00017 01224 00103 0 1083 01482 00521 00614 00684 0 0596 00031 00597 0 0031 0 1253 0 1023 0 0502 00598 0 0599 0 0591 00600 00601 0 0602 0 0603 0 0938 00604 0 1014 0 1483 0 0605 0 1782 0 0612 0 0220 0 0606 0 0607 0 0608 0 1669 0 0609 0 0610 0 06 11 0 1036 0 0613 Mental Mental Mental Mental Mental Mental Mental disorder disorder diagnosis disorder, hypnosis disorders disorders, childhood disorders, surgery health Mental hea lth, occupational Mental hygiene Mental illness, dianetics Mental illness, social factors Mental imagery Mental life, biology Mental life, psychology Mental measurement Mental phenomena Mental phenomena Mental phenomena, mind Mental philosophy Mental processes Mental processes, behavior Mental processes, conscious states Mental states, drugs Mentality, ancient unconscious Mercantile activity Mesometeorology Mesomorphic body type Meta-ethics Metachemistry Metagnomy Meta l assaying Meta linguistics Metallography Metallurgic chemistry Meta llurgica l engineering Meta llurgy Meta llurgy, chemical Meta llurgy, electroMetallurgy, nuclear Meta llurgy, physical Meta llurgy, powder Metallurgy, pyroMeta logic Meta ls, ores Metals, structure Metals, structures Metamathematics Metaphysical phi losophy Metaphysics Meta politics Metascience Metempirics Meteorites Meteorites, stony Meteoritic stones Meteoritics Meteorobiology Meteorological instrumentation Meteorological, microMeteorological optics Meteorology Meteorology, agricultural Meteorology, agricultural Meteorology, agroMeteorology, celestial bodies Meteorology, dynamic Meteorology, hydroMeteorology, industrial Meteorology, marine Meteorology, mesaMeteorology, polar Meteorology, radio Meteorology, rocket Meteorology, satellite Meteorology, synoptic Meteorology, tropical Methodology Methods engineering Metrology Metrology, electromagnetic Micro-electronics Microbiological chemistry Microbiology Microbiology, medical Microbiology, sanitary Microbiology, soil Microbiology, veterinary Microchemistry Microclimatology Microeconomics Microfossils 01484 0 1485 00614 00121 01222 00613 0 1487 0 1189 00486 00615 01488 00237 00107 00369 00560 01800 00562 00829 0 1053 0 1631 00829 00063 00839 00511 00645 0 1571 0 0815 0 1577 0 1576 0 0646 00813 00370 0 1396 00130 00616 0 0629 0 1291 00616 00370 01489 00956 01490 00002 0 1290 0 1661 0 1095 0 1809 0 0313 00740 0 1707 00915 01189 00568 01012 00953 00876 00875 00911 01084 01040 00383 00295 0 1542 0 1542 01491 01491 00402 00617 01420 00159 00618 00452 01676 00619 0 1632 0 1287 0 1287 00620 00620 0 1315 00181 01492 0 0534 00527 00311 01577 0 0862 0 0245 01636 0 0813 0 1542 Micrology Micromeritics Micrometeorology Microorganisms Microorganisms, airborne Micropaleontology Microphonics Microphysics Microscopic anatomy Microseismology Microsociology Migrations, organisms Military astronautics Mi litary engineering Military logic Military medicine Military personnel Military psychology Military science Military tactics Military training Mind body interrelationships Mind, environment Mind, ideas Mind, laws Mind, mathematical cognition Mind, mental phenomena Mind, motion Mind, origin Mind study Mind, unconscious Mineral deposits Minera l deposits Minera l waters, baths Mineralogy Minerals, natural history Minerals, nonmetallic, ceramics Minerals, properties Mining engineering Mining geology Miracles, performance Missiology Mites Mites, plant galls Molecu lar biochemistrY Molecular biology Molecu lar cardiology Molecular dynamics Molecular pharmacology Molecular physics Molecular spectroscopy Molecules, physics Moll uscs Money, banking Monstrosities Moon, astronomy Moon, physical geography Moon, physics Moon science Moral character Moral duty Moral obligation Moral philosophy Moral science Moral theology Morals Morphemes Morphemics Morphogeny, geoMorphological biology Morphology, biology Morphology, geoMorpho logy, insect Morphology, language Morphology, language Morphology, phytoMorphology, plant Morphonemics Morphophonemics Mosquitoes Mosses Mosses Moths, butterflies Motion, acceleration and ve locity Motion and equilibrium Motion, mind Motion of bodies, relative Motion-picture photography Motion-time study Motivation, human Motivation, human Discipline name index 0 0669 0 0691 0 1609 0 1508 00928 00528 01359 00049 0 0353 0 0624 0 1265 0 1495 0 1275 01494 00621 00621 0 0622 0 0395 0 14g3 0 1764 0 1493 0 0622 0 03g5 0 0623 0 1652 0 14g4 0 0624 0 1495 0 0625 0 0626 0 0626 Motorbuses Mountains Mountains, drainage Mountains, mountain systems Mouth disorders Movement, human Multidisciplinary sciences Multivariate analysis Municipa l engineering Muscles Muscles, mechanical support Muscu lar action Muscular activity Muscu lar contraction Museology Museums Music, ana lysis Music, non-european Music writing Musical sounds Musicography Musicology Musicology, ethno- Mycology Mycology, veterinary Myodynamics Myology Myophysics Myrmecology Mythology Myths N 0 0672 01210 0 0627 00628 00524 00930 00871 00629 00270 0 1390 01425 01000 01052 014g5 00952 00120 0 112g 01000 01550 0025g 0 1737 01721 00571 00630 00631 00632 01601 00633 00633 0124g ooogo 0 1497 0 1498 0 0634 0 0634 0 1499 0 1500 00640 0 1161 0 1576 0 0638 0 0641 0 0643 0 0636 0 1176 0 1627 0 1500 0 0638 0 1819 0 1820 00636 0 1775 0 0637 0 1037 0 1834 0 0638 0 1830 0 1821 Names, origin and form Names, persona l Naology Nasology National foreign policy National policies. strategy Natural forces Natural history Natural processes Natural resources Natural resources, utilization Natural science Natural science Natural theology Nature, design in Nature, inanimate Nature, philosophy of Nv~ure, physiography NSture, purpose in Nature, whole order of Naturopathy Naval engineering Navigation Navigation Navigation, aeronautical Navigation, astronautical Nebulas, stars Nematodes Nematology Neotinguistics Neolithic archeology Neontology Neossology Nephelognosy Nephology Nephrology Nervous system Nervous system, diseases Neivous system. drugs Nervous system, mind Nervous system, neurology Neivous system, psychiatry Nervous system, surgery Nervous tissues, chemistry Network analysis Neural synapses Neuroanatomy Neurobiology Neurobiology Neurobiology, pediatric Neurochemisty Neurocytology Neuroendocrinology Neuroimmunology Neurolinguistics Neurology Neurology, experimelital Neurology, pediatric 0 0639 00640 01161 0 1160 00641 0 0635 0 0642 01501 0 1838 0 1825 0 1475 0 0643 0 1822 00408 0 1502 0 1163 0 1633 00644 0 0645 01061 01080 0 0646 0 1122 0 1155 0 1201 0 1078 0 0701 0 1598 0 0865 006i8 014 18 00647 00648 00460 0 1837 00221 00371 01645 0 1402 00768 00227 0 0650 0 1755 0 0574 0 0652 0 1072 0 0651 0 og19 00644 0 0652 00653 0 0653 00298 0 0887 01641 0 1682 0 0655 Neuroophthalmology Neuropathology Neuropharmacology Neurophysiology Neuropsychiatry Neuropsychology Neuropsychopharmacology Neuropterology Neuroradiology Neurosciences Neurosis prevention Neurosurgery Neurosurgery, pediatric News editing Nidology Noetics Nomenclature Nomography Nomology Non-pathology Nonliving materials Noology Normative aesthetics Normative logic Normative science Normative utterances Nose diseases Nose, larynx Nose, rhinology Noses Nosogeography Nosography Nosology Nostology Nuclear biology Nuclear chemistry Nuclear engineering Nuclear medicine Nuclear metallurgy Nuclear physics Nuclear radiation Nucleonics Number theory Numbers, magnitudes Numbers, occult significance Numbers, properties of real Numerica l analysis Numerical data Numerical relations Numerology Numismatics Numismatology Nutrition, dietetics Nutrition, dietetics Nutrition, dynamics Nutrition, plant Nutritional science 0 0 0656 0 og75 0 0657 0 0658 0 1433 0 1348 01104 0 1835 0 0901 0 1783 0 0937 0 1616 01720 0 1717 0 1616 0 0522 0 0659 0 1274 0 0661 0 0662 01018 0 0663 00664 0 1616 00659 0 1503 0 0665 0 0666 0 0697 0 0667 00728 0 153g Obstetrics Obstetrics , tocology Obstetrics, veterinary Occu lt sciences Occultism Occupational health Occupationa l medicine Occupationa l mental hea lth Occupational sociology Occupationa l therapy Ocean bed, surveying Ocean bottom, topography Ocean engineering Ocean management Ocean waters Oceanographic instrumentation Oceanography Oceanography, biological Oceanography, chemical Oceanography, descriptive Oceanography, dynamic Oceanography, geological Oceanography, physical Oceanography, static Oceanology Odonatology Odontography Odontology Odors Oenology Offenders, rehabi litation Oil, geology 0 1396 0 0458 01504 0 0668 0 1505 0 1506 0 1507 0 0669 0 0670 0 0670 0 1797 0 0671 0 0671 0 1068 0 0672 0 0672 0 0674 0 0675 0 1831 0 0676 0 0676 0 0677 0 0677 01840 0 og53 0 0678 0 067g 0 0639 0 1818 0 0680 0 0681 0 0682 0 1350 0 0683 0 1467 0 0684 0 0685 0 0686 0 0687 0 0687 0 1813 0 1816 0 1815 0 1113 01114 0 1085 0 0236 0 0688 0 0688 0 1396 0 0691 0 05g2 0 165g 0 111g 0 1095 0 0673 0 0947 0 1321 00143 0 132g 0 0145 0 0320 0 1256 0 0706 0 075g 0 1280 0 0417 0 1452 0014g 00773 01081 0 141g 0 0953 0 0237 0 0285 0 011g 0 0815 0 0285 0 0982 0 14g7 0 1281 00815 0 1624 00802 00462 00618 0 0319 ooog5 0068g Oils, underground deposits Old age Olericulture Olfactology Oligochaetology Ology Ombrology Omnibology Onchology Oncology Oncology, surgical Oneirocritics Oneirology Onomasiology Onomastics Onomatology Ontology Oology Operational psychiatry Operational research Operations research Ophidology Ophiology Ophthalmic surgery Ophthalmologica l therapeutics 0 0690 0 1524 0 1508 0 150g 00691 00692 0 0693 0 1199 01510 0 1836 0 1622 0 0694 0 05g5 01511 0 05g5 0 1265 0 0616 0 05g7 0 1512 0 0698 0 05g9 0 0701 0 0700 0 0701 0 0329 Ornithology Ornithology, pale- 0 0703 0 0058 0 1513 0 0702 0 0705 0 0706 0 0707 0 0708 01514 0 0709 0 1515 00704 01850 0 1516 0 1517 0 0710 0 1518 ooog1 0 1519 0 1520 0 1521 0 0711 0 0712 0 0613 0 0713 0 1522 00714 0 1517 0 1523 0 1524 0 1031 0 0654 0 0715 0 0716 0 1403 0 1525 0 1038 01449 0 1333 0 1039 0 0717 01801 0 0718 0 0633 0 0719 00804 00476 0 0719 0 1355 00720 0 0532 0 1043 0 1189 0 0212 0 1485 0 1526 0 1528 0 0830 0 1527 0 1528 0 0054 00160 00774 0 0831 Paedodontics Pain relief Ophthalmology Ophthalmology, forensic Ophthalmology, neuroOphthalmology, pediatric Ophthalmology, veterinary Optics Optics, atmospheric Optics. electron Optics. geometrica l Optics, magnetoOptics, meteorological Optics, physical Optics, physiological Optology Optometry Oral biology Oral implantology Oral medicine Oral surgery Oral surgery, jaws Orbit theory Orchesography Orchidology Orchids Ore deposits Oreology Ores, meta ls Organic evolution Organism, adaptive responses Organismic biology Organismic psychology Organisms Organisms, classification Organisms, climate Organisms, electrical phenomena Organisms, energy changes Organisms, environment Organisms, environment Organisms, fossi l Organisms. genetics Organisms, genotypes Organisms, heredity Organisms, individuals Organisms. living Organisms, living Organisms, living Organisms, living Organisms, malformations Organisms, migration Organisms, morphology Organisms, parasitic Organisms, physical environment Organisms, physiology Organisms, poisons Organisms, recent Organisms, relationships of Organisms. social environment Organisms, symbiosis Organs and parts, artificial Organs, macroscopic structure Organs, phylogenetic development Organs, secretory Origins, doctrine Orismology Orography Orohydrography Orology Orthodontics Orthoepy Orthogenics Orthography Orthomolecu lar psychiatry Orthopedic surgery Orthopedics Orthopsychiatry Orthopterology Orthoptics Orthotics - Oryctology Osmics Osteography Osteology Osteopathy Otolaryngology Otology Otorhinolaryngology Output and income p Paleichthyology Paleoagrostology Paleoanthropology Paleobio logy Paleobotany Paleoclimatology Paleodendrology Paleoecology Paleoentomology Paleoethnology Paleogeography Paleogeology Paleogeomorphology Paleography Paleohydrology Paleolithic archeology Paleology Paleomammology Paleontologic geology Paleontology Paleontology, invertebrate Paleontology, microPaleontology, quantitative Paleopathology Paleopedology Paleophysiography Paleopsychology Paleornithology Paleozoology Palmistry Palynology Pantology Paper chemistry Papyrology Parabiology Paracelsus Paradigmatology Paraphysics Parapsychology Parapsychology Parascience Parasites, nematology Parasites, organic Parasites, protozoa Parasitic worms Parasitology Parasitology, veterinary Paroemiology Particle kinetics Particle physics Particles, elementary Particles, molecular Particles, soil physics Pasimology Passions, emotions Pastoral psychology Pastoral theology Pathognomy Pathologica l anatomy Pathological biology Pathological physiology Pathological psychology Discipline name index 00721 00721 0 1803 0 1763 01761 00410 01421 00722 01436 00514 00640 01061 0 1522 01347 0 1668 0 1347 00891 00723 00724 00167 00774 00832 01529 0 1529 01057 0 1531 00305 0 153 1 0 1793 01820 01 82 1 0 1822 01 8 18 0 0807 0 0859 0 1794 00725 0 1789 0 0703 0 1532 0 1533 00726 00727 00714 00273 00728 00086 0 1384 0 0729 01040 01 795 00730 0 0730 00576 0 1534 0 0577 0 0469 0 0813 0 1475 0 1575 00801 01534 00472 00119 0 1535 0 1535 01047 0 1536 0 1536 01538 00731 00372 01539 00732 00733 00734 00735 00736 00741 01305 001 24 0 0223 0 1021 0 1540 0 1266 0 0738 0 0738 00739 0 1851 00740 01161 00642 Pathology Pathology 00778 00842 0 073g 0 1827 01115 0 0139 0 1541 0 1541 01041 0 0737 0 0741 0 0259 Pathology, chemical Pathology, clinical Pathology, experimental Pathology, forest Pathology, geoPathology, gynecological Pathology, histoPathology, immunoPathology, neuroPathology, non- Pathology, Pathology. Pathology. Pathology. paleophytophytoplant Pathology, Pathology, Pathology, Pathology, social surgical veterinary zoo- Phaenology 00405 0 1306 0 0833 0 0742 0 0743 0 1227 00744 0 0161 0 0959 0 0745 00050 0 0747 0 1306 00406 0 1664 00746 00594 0 1476 0 1612 01542 0 1129 0 1738 0 1739 0 1604 01610 00748 00748 00402 0 0749 0 0750 0 0751 0 1543 0 0005 0 0199 0 0753 0 0681 0 0752 0 0754 0 0756 0 0755 01404 0 0755 0 0756 0 0757 0 1337 0 0758 01544 00042 0 0759 0 1545 00072 0 1546 00141 0 0967 0 0224 0 0253 0 1765 0 0423 00436 0 1547 01548 01549 0 0664 0 0685 01080 0 1463 Pharacter, psychology Pharmaceutical bacteriology Pharmaceutical chemistry Pharmaceutics Pharmacodynamics Pharmacogenetics Pharmacognosia Pharmacognosy Pharmacology Pharmacology, biochemical Pharmacology, molecular Pharmacology, neuroPharmacology, neuropsycho- 0 1784 0 1550 0 0760 0 1228 0 0761 0 0762 01702 0 0763 00764 00168 0 1689 0 0765 Pathophysiology Patristic psychology Patristics Patrology Peace, war Pedagogics Pedagogy Pedagogy Pediatric cardiology Pediatric neurobiology Pediatric neurology Pediatric neurosurgery Pediatric ophthalmology Pediatric psychiatry Pediatric radiology Pediatric surgery Pediatrics Pediatrics, tropical Pedodontics Pedodontics Pedogeography Pedology Pedology Pedology, paleoPenal treatment Penology Peoples, extinct Peoples, primitive Perastadics Perfectionistics Perinatal medicine Periodontics Periodontology Permutations, combinations Personalistic psychology Personality, behavior Personality changes Personality development Personality disturbances Personality evaluation Personality, individual Personality, individual Persons, sacred Perspective representation Pestology Pests, insect Pet·facilitated psychotherapy Petrochemicals Petrochem istry Petrogeny Petrography Petroleum engineering Petroleum geology Petrology Petrology, Petrology, Petrology, Petrology, experimental igneous metamorphic sedimentary - L/ Pharmacology, phytoPharmacology, psychoPharmacopedics Pharmacopsychiatry Pharmacy Pharmacy, veterinary Pharyngology Pharynx Phenixology Phenogenetics Phenology Phenomena, development over time Phenomena, interrelatedness Phenomena, natural Phenomenological psychology Phenomenology Philately Philately, aero- Philology Philosophical biology Philosophical theology Philosophy Philosophy, analytical Philosophy, comparative Philosophy, corpuscular Philosophy, existential Philosophy, linguistic Philosophy, mathematical Philosophy, mathematics Philosophy, mental Philosophy, metaphysical Philosophy, moral Philosophy, natural Philosophy of history Philosophy of science Philosophy, social Philosophy, speculative Phonemes, allophones Phonemics Phonetics Phonetics Phonetics, acoustic Phonetics, articulatory Phoniatrics Phonics Phonocamptics Phonology Photics Photobiology Photochemistry Photogeology Photogrammetry Photographic science Photographs, aerial Photographs, aerial Photometry Photosynthetic chemistry Phrenology Phthisiology Phycology Phylogenetics Physianthropy Physical anthropology Physical astronomy Physical biochemistry Physical change, heat Physical chemistry Physical climatology Physical education Physical geodesy Physical geography Physical geology Physical medicine Physical metallurgy Physical oceanography Physical optics Physical sciences Physical systems, rate of change Physical therapy Physicotheology Physics Physics, aeroPhysics, agricultural Physics, astronomical Physics, atmospheric Physics, atomic Physics, biological Physics, biology Physics. chemical Physics, cloud 0 0766 0 1398 0 0453 0 1399 01451 01708 01140 0 0566 0 0767 0 1703 0 1707 0 0768 01043 0 0769 01042 00770 0 1056 01 704 0 0890 0 1486 0 0 77 1 01044 0 1653 0 0981 00772 0 0986 0 0115 0 1552 0 0436 01000 0 0452 0 1517 0 0225 0 0686 00834 0 0225 00964 00773 0 1679 00349 0 1733 0 1658 0 1361 01 41 1 0 1437 011 07 0 11 60 00774 0 14 11 0 1802 0 0147 00775 0 0834 01784 0 1553 0 1666 0 1554 00776 0 0777 0 0173 0 1287 0 1347 0 1668 00778 0 0779 0 0 780 0 1208 0 1555 0 0781 0 0782 0 1556 00980 0 0936 0 0769 0 1045 0 1045 0 1045 00911 0 1557 0 0783 0 1666 0 0173 0 0974 01681 0 0780 00784 0 0376 00377 0 1347 00146 0 0785 00741 Physics, cosmic Physics. engineering Physics, geoPhysics. health Physics, iatroPhysics, ion Ph.ysics, ionosphere Physics, macroPhysics, mathematical Physics, medical Physics, molecular Physics, nuclear Physics, particle Physics, planetary Physics, plasma Physics, precipitation Physics, psychoPhysics, radiation Physics, social Physics, soil Physics, solar Physics, solid-state Physics, space Physics, tectonoPhysics, terrestrial Physics, triboPhysics, zooPhysiographic geology Physiography Physiography Physiography, geomorphology Physiography, paleoPhysiological chemistry Physiological optics Physiological psychology Physiological systems Physiological therapeutics Physiology Physiology, Physiology, Physiology, Physiology, Physiology, comparative electroenvironmental enzyme esthesio- Physiology, general Physiology, histoPhysiology, Physiology, Physiology, Physiology, Physiology, Physiology, Physiology, medical nervous system pathological protoplasmic renal speech veterinary Physiopsychology Physiotherapy Phytobacteriology Phytochemistry Phytoclimatology Phytogeography Phytography Phytology Phytomorphology Phytopathology Phytopathology Phytopharmacology Phytoserology Phytosociology Phytotomy Piezochemistry Piscatology Pistology Pithecology Place-names, toponymy Plane surveying Planetary physics Planetary science Planetology Planets Planets, physics Planktology Planning theory Plant biochemistry Plant biology Plant breeding, domestic Plant chemistry Plant communities Plant cytology Plant disease Plant diseases Plant diseases Plant distribution, geographical Plant ecology Plant flowering, climate 0 1287 0 1290 0 1672 0 0503 0 1233 0 1683 00140 0 0427 01304 0 1221 0 1557 00461 0 0390 0 1287 0 0655 0 1233 0 1682 0 0738 0 1347 0 0778 0 1220 0 1147 0 1665 0 1670 0 0779 0 0618 0 1287 0 0777 0 0972 00174 00779 0 0173 0 1208 0 0709 0 1553 0 1554 0 0351 00144 0 0707 01274 0 0629 0018 1 01400 0071 1 00776 01 381 00544 00977 01042 0 1558 0 1559 00325 01560 00786 0 0787 00788 0 1389 01561 0 1562 0 1563 0 1267 00982 00600 0 1564 0 1057 0 0930 0 1250 0 0386 00435 00789 00835 0 0790 0 0923 0 0789 0 1566 01272 00455 0 1565 0 1380 0 1479 0 0715 0 1735 0 1700 0 0791 0 0549 0 0792 01096 0 1567 01102 0 0437 00287 0 1286 Plant form Plant galls Plant geography Plant growing, hydroponics Plant growth Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant helminthology life, chemistry life, distribution life, dust effects life, earth chemicals Plant life. floating Plant life, ice Plant lore Plant morphology Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant nutrition nutrition nutrition originated drugs pathology Plant physiology, drugs Plant product biosynthesis Plant production Plant protection Plant radiobiology Plant serology Plant structure Plant structure Plant taxonomy Plant taxonomy Plant utilization Plant viruses Plants Plants, anatomy Plants, ancient environments Plants, bacteriology Plants, bioclimatology Plants, early growth Plants, environment Plants, fossil Plants, marine Plants, natural history Plants, nonflowering Plants, ornamental Plants, paleontology Plants. phytogeography Plants, plant groups Plants, thallophytic Plants. topology Plasma physics Plastic surgery Plutology Plutonomy Pluviography Pluviometry Pneumatics Pneumology Podiatry Podology Pogonology Poimenics Point set topology Poisons, toxicology Polar meteorology Polemics Polemology Policy support, strategy Political area study Political ethics Political geography Political parties Political psychology Political science Political statistics Politics Politics, ethics Politics, genetics Politics, geoPolitics, government Politics, international Politics, metaPollen, spores Pollution, environmental Polymer science Pomology Ponds, lakes Ponerology Population biology Population dynamics Population genetics Population geography Populations, human Pores, very small Discipline name index )1615 D 030g 007g4 00743 D 07g5 D 1846 007go D 1551 01405 D 0368 D 07go 007g5 D 07g7 0 07g7 00770 01801 00074 0 07gs D 1555 D 07sg D 1118 D 1680 D 1248 D og73 00728 D 0836 D 079g D og3g D 0676 D 04g7 D 0574 D 1358 D 1768 00800 D 0373 D 1354 D 1125 D 113g 0 1375 D 0127 00467 0 05g3 D 1087 00801 D 1016 00803 00802 00803 D 1339 D 156g 01086 01411 00606 D 155g 00804 00720 00805 0 1570 D 1801 0 1571 00806 D 1574 0 1823 00807 D 1338 003g5 D 1746 D 182g DOBOS ooaog 00641 D 1831 005g5 D 1836 00807 D 1827 00811 00813 00812 00843 00812 D 1572 D 1573 00813 D 1342 00810 D 1574 00814 D 1657 D 1575 00905 D 1214 Porifera Posology Posology Postage stamps Potamology Powder metallurgy Power and society Power, atomic Power engineering Power generation, mechanical Power in society Pragmatics Praxeo logy Praxiology Precipitation physics Precognition Prehistoric anthropology Prehistory Pressure, chemical phenomena Pressure groups Primat.ology Primatology, medical Principles, first Principles, organized Prison management Prison psychology Probability theory Problem-solving Problems, complex Problems, human Problems, quantitative Problems, unsolved Process engineering Proctology Production engineering Productivity Programming, linear Programming, non-linear Projectile behavior Projectiles, powder propelled Projections, mathematical Pronunciation Propositional calculus Prosopography Prospecting, archeological Prosthetic dentistry Prosthetics Prosthodontics Protein science Protistology Protons, electrons Protoplasmic physiology Protozoa Protozoa Protozoology Proverbs Psephology Pseudoscience Psionic medicine Psycheometry Psychiatry Psychiatry, biochemistry Psychiatry, biological Psychiatry, child Psychiatry, epidemiological Psychiatry, ethnoPsychiatry, existential Psychiatry, experimental Psychiatry, forensic Psychiatry, geriatric Psychiatry, neuroPsychiatry, operational Psychiatry, orthoPsychiatry, orthomolecular Psychiatry, pediatric Psychiatry, pharmacoPsychiatry, social Psychic mechanisms Psychic research Psychic symptoms Psychical research Psychics Psychoacoustics Psychoanalysis Psychoanalysis, existential Psychoanalytic medicine Psychobiochemistry Psychobiology Psychobiology, developmental Psychodiagnostics Psychodrama Psychodynamics 0 1576 0 0717 01801 01577 D 1578 D 0841 0 0073 00584 D 15g2 D 1185 D og24 D 0840 D ogg2 D 0815 D 1742 D 1372 0 123g D 1244 D 0816 0 1252 0 1574 0 1743 D 12g5 D 0817 D 0838 0 081g 0 1305 0 1373 00820 0 0818 0 1750 00821 0 1326 0 0822 0 0823 0 1366 0 1374 0 0824 0 1366 0 1384 0 0825 0 0826 0 0827 0 1066 0 04g5 01060 0 1455 0 0828 0111g 0 1067 D 1744 00577 D 082g 00635 D 0673 D 1523 D 0717 D 0830 D 0831 D 0832 D 1534 D 0833 00834 D 0835 D 0836 D 1384 D 0837 D 1745 D 0838 D 1843 01120 D 1639 0 1158 D 163g 0 1278 00840 0 083g 00841 0 0842 0 0642 0 1056 0 105g 0 1475 0 157g 0 1812 00585 D 0673 00584 0 1580 0 0843 0 1063 0 1581 Psychogenetics Psychokinesis Psychokinesis Psychokinetics Psycholinguistics Psychologic dysfunction Psychological anthropology Psychological medicine Psychological reactions Psychological sciences Psychological statistics Psychological trends Psychological typology Psychology Psychology, abnormal Psychology, act Psychology, analytic Psychology, animal Psychology, applied Psychology, association Psychology, biochemistry Psychology, biological Psychology, child Psychology, clinical Psychology, collective Psychology, comparative Psychology, constitutional Psychology, content Psychology, counselling Psychology, criminal Psychology, depth Psychology, developmental Psychology, dynamic Psychology, educational Psychology, engineering Psychology, ethnoPsychology, existential Psychology, experimental Psychology, folk Psychology, folk Psychology, forensic Psychology, general Psychology, genetic Psychology, gestalt Psychology, hormic Psychology, humanistic Psychology, individual Psychology, industrial Psychology, instrumental Psychology, laboratory Psychology, mathematical Psychology, medical Psychology, military Psychology, neuroPsychology, organismic Psychology, paleoPsychology, paraPsychology, pastoral Psychology, pathological Psychology, patristic Psychology, personalistic Psychology, phenomenological Psychology, physiological Psychology, political Psychology, prison Psychology, race Psychology, religious Psychology, school Psychology, social Psychology, sports Psychology, structural Psychology, topological Psychology, transpersonal Psychology, vector Psychology, vital processes Psychometrics Psychonomics Psychopathology Psychopharmacology Psychopharmacology, neuroPsychophysics Psychophysiology, acoustical Psychosis prevention Psychosociology Psychosomatic dentistry Psychosomatic medicine Psychosomatic unity Psychosomatics . Psychostatics Psychosurgery Psychosynthesis Psychotechnology D 0577 0 1582 00844 D 0845 D 0304 D 046g D 1063 D 1047 D 1063 D 1583 D 0846 D 1584 D 1013 D 0374 D 1105 D 0362 D 0137 D 1403 D og17 D 1550 D 0382 D 0847 01774 D 1586 D 1740 Psychotherapeutics Psychotherapeutics Psychotherapy Psychotherapy, child Psychotherapy, dianetics D 1587 D 0848 D 1588 0 0226 0 0342 0 0348 0 1330 D 1146 D os4g 0 1713 D 1180 D 158g Qualitative analysis, chemistry Quality control Quantitative analysis, chemistry Quantum chemistry Quantum electrodynamics Quantum electronics Quantum meChanics Quantum mechanics, new Quantum theory Quaternary geology Queuing theory Quinology D 0078 0 075g 00403 0 1384 0 1364 0 1363 0 1364 0 15go 0 03g1 003g4 0 1366 0 0183 0 075g oog72 0 15go 0 11g2 0 1268 0 15g1 01048 D 1705 D 0852 D 0754 Race Race evolution Race improvement Race psychology Races , environments Races, evolution Races, geographical distribution Races, human Races, origin Races, origin and relations Races, psychology Racial deterioration Racial history Raciation, taxonomy Raciology Radar Radar' astronomy Radar waves, celestial bodies Radiant energy Radiant energy Radiant energy, biology Radiant energy, chemical changes Radiant energy, disease Radiant energy effects Radiant energy, quanta Radiant energy, quanta Radiant energy, spectroscopy Radiation, applied Radiation biology Radiation botany Radiation chemistry Radiation engineering Radiation, matter Radiation physics Radiation, radioactive Radiations, ecological communities Radiations. electromagnetic Radio astronomy Radio-ecology Radio engineering Radio meteorology Radio waves, direction Radioacoustics Radioactive materials, biology Radioactive substance, ecology Radioactive substances Psychotherapy, group Psychotherapy, integrative Psychotherapy, pet-facilitated Psychotherapy, synthetic Psychrometry Pteridology Pterylology Public administration Public health Public health Public works Publications, classification Pulp chemistry Pulse, pulse beats Purpose in nature Purpose, mankind Pyrgology Pyrodynamics Pyrometallurgy Pyschology, cognitive Q R D 0856 0 0752 D 084g 0 1330 D og13 D 1705 D 1ogs 0 1670 D 0227 D 1706 D 1146 D 1704 D 139g D 126g D 15g1 D 1591 D 126g D 11g2 D 0601 D 0851 D 0850 D 0852 0 1269 D 0221 D 0856 D 15g4 D 0852 D 1670 D 0221 00854 D 0851 D 0856 D 0857 D 0858 D 1838 D 0859 D 0346 D 1048 D 0853 D 0855 D 0855 D 0504 D 1507 D 1560 D 0786 D 16g1 D 1406 D 12g3 D 0861 D 1294 D 12g3 D 15g2 D 15g2 D 1346 D 0742 D 05g5 D 1062 D 0558 D 0861 00800 D 1133 D 0860 D 1310 D 0331 D 0438 D 1151 D 11g9 00044 D 0862 D 1188 D 1188 D 0863 D 07g3 0 0863 0 0483 D og57 D 1033 D 0334 00082 D 0480 00837 oogo2 00863 0 1307 0 1527 00004 oog6o 01802 0 1788 0 117g 0 15g4 0 17g1 00481 01434 013go 0 1425 00788 D 1634 00864 D 0182 D 15g5 D 15g7 D 15g7 D 15gs D 0865 D 0866 D 15gg D 15gg D 0538 D 0548 D 07g5 00500 D 1356 D 1050 0 1537 Radioactive substances Radioanalytical chemistry Radiobiology Radiobiology, plant Radiochemistry Radiogenetics Radiogoniometry Radiology Radiology, industrial Radiology, medical Radiology, neuroRadiology, pediatric Radionics Radioscopy Radiothermics Railroad engineering Railway engineering Rain Rain Rain precipitation Rainfall measurement Raman spectroscopy Range management Rate studies Ratiocination Raw materials, organic Reaction kinetics Reactions, psychological Reactology Reading materials, psychiatry Reality, experience Reality manifestations Reality therapy Reasoning Reasoning Rectum, diseases Reductionism Reflexology Refrigeration Regional economics Regional geography Rehabilitation medicine Rehabilitation, retarded children Relations, algebra Relativity Reliability analysis Reliability theory Religion, comparative Religion, institutional activities Religion, science of Religious beliefs Religious beliefs Religious doctrines Religious education Religious faith, defence Religious festivals Religious psychology Religious sociology Religious systems Religious truth Religious workers Remedies Remedies, diseases Renal physiology Renal technology Renewal theory Reppe chemistry Reproductive biology Reptiles Research, empirical Resources, natural Resources utilization. natural Respiratory organs Revelation, theology Rheology Rheology, bioRhetoric Rheumatic diseases Rheumatology Rhinolaryngology Rhinology Rhinology, biological Rhythmics Rhythms, biological process Rights, private Rites, public worship River studies Rivers, seas, lakes Road planning and maintenance Robotics Rock chemistry Discipline name index D0867 D0441 D0448 D 0602 D 0556 D 0731 D 1538 D 0732 D 1600 D 0633 D 0903 D 0903 D 0903 D 1642 Rock mechanics Rock science D0472 D 0483 D0472 D 0626 D0092 D 1156 D0908 D 0125 D0228 D 0374 D 1105 D 1121 D0868 D0424 D0603 D 1045 D 1085 D 1268 D 1299 D 0987 D0869 D 1745 D0870 D0945 D 0136 D 1456 D 1542 D 1000 D 1201 D 1480 D 0718 D 1739 D 1778 D 1370 D 1825 D 1080 D 0893 D0909 D0943 Sacred persons Sacred things Sacred writings Sagas. legends Salvage archeology Salvation Salvation, divine agency Sanitary bacteriology Sanitary chemistry Sanitary engineering Sanitary science Sanitary science Sarcology Satellite geodesy Satellite meteorology Satellites, natural Satellites, orbits Satellites, radar waves Scales Scalp, hair Scatology School psychology Science Science, applied Science, behavioral Science, empirical Science, moral Science, natural Science, normative Science of science Science, paraScience, philosophy of Science, tropical Sciences, exact Sciences, neuroSciences, physical Sciences, social Sciences, space Scientific classification, principles Sciosophy Scriptures, interpretation Sea, geography Sea, navigation Seals, emblems Seals, history and functions Seas and gulfs, thalassography Seas, takes, rivers Seaweeds Secretary organs Sedges, herbs Sedimentary petrology Sedimentology Sediments, deposits Seed science Seed structure Seismic instrumentation Seismography Seismology Seismology, engysSeismology, long distance records Seismology, microSeismology, teleSelenography Selenology Self-realization Semantic development, words Semantics Semantics, general Semasiology Sematology Semeiology Semiology Semiology Rock structure Rocket meteorology Rocks Rocks, classification Rocks, origin Rocks, petrology Roentgenology Roundworms Aural communities Aural development Rural sociology Rusts, mycology s D 0871 D 1371 D0436 D 0571 D 0883 D 1602 D0954 D 0500 D0042 D 0319 D0194 D 0736 D0872 D 0872 D 1671 D 0195 D 0523 D 0873 D 0874 D 1357 D 0990 D 0615 D 0990 D 0875 D 0876 D 1040 D 0402 D0877 D 1412 D 0877 D 0877 D 0879 D 0059 D 0879 D 0878 D 1288 D 0058 D 1361 D 1361 D 1374 D 0880 D 0880 D 1440 D0881 D 1171 D0779 D 0881 D 0882 D 0882 D 0093 D 1051 D 0387 D 0885 D 0262 D 0630 D 1601 D 0883 D 0800 D 0234 D 0284 D 0516 D 1602 D 0879 D 1629 D 0878 D0877 D0879 D 0796 D 1065 D0473 D 0884 D0242 D 0887 D 0887 D 0869 D 0694 D 1622 D0885 D 0296 D 1323 D 0271 D 0758 D0272 D 1309 D 0505 D 0506 D 0668 D 0697 D0677 D 0504 D 1310 D 1560 D 0888 D 0889 D 1488 D0841 D 0886 D 1726 D 1603 D 0383 D 0278 D 1779 D 1606 D 0838 D 0492 D 1279 D 1439 D 0586 D 0991 D 0891 D 0890 D 1604 D 0890 D 0811 D 0838 D 0898 D 0894 D 1387 D 0893 D 0892 D 1325 D 0889 D0894 D 0991 Semiotics Senescence, cellular Sensation,-loss of Sensation, physiology Sense organs Sensory experience Sermonology Sermons Sermons Serology Serology, immunogenetics Serology, phytoSerums Set theory Sets, theory of Settlement archeology Sexology Sexual ethics Shadows, x-rays Shells Ship navigation Sidereal astronomy Sigillography Sigmoid colon, diseases Sign language Sign language Signal transmission Signets, seals Signifies Signs, formal relations Signs, function Signs, meaning Signs, semeiology Signs, semiotics Si Ivies Sin Siphonapterology Sites, archeological Sitiology Sitology Skatology Skeletal deformities Skeletal deformities Skiagraphy Skin disease Skin patterns Skull Skull conformation Skull measurement Skull surface Sleep Sleep, hypnotic Smell Smell sense Snakes Snow Snow, ice Snow precipitation Social administration Social anthropology Social behavior, microSocial disorganization Social dynamics Social economics Social engineering Social ethics Social forms Social geography Social groups, analysis Social groups, individual behavior Social history Social interaction Social life Social medicine Social organism. diseased Social pathology Social phenomena, laws Social philosophy Social physics Social psychiatry Social psychology Social relations, industrial Social relationships Social relationsh ips Social sciences Social statics Social statics Social structure, nonliterate societies Social studies Social types D 1741 D 0889 D 1605 D 0886 D 0894 D 0890 D 0892 D 1605 D 1250 D 0905 D 1606 D 0895 D 0896 D 1316 D 0897 D 1387 D 1439 D 0898 D 0899 D 0900 D 1488 D 0901 D 0780 D 1579 D 0902 D 0903 D 1842 D0904 D 0905 D 1741 D 1722 D 1533 D 0032 D 1233 D 0597 D 1149 D 1669 D 1486 D 0726 D 0030 D 1232 D 1232 D 0714 D 1135 D 1692 D0771 D 1225 D 1607 D 1730 D 1044 D 1773 D 0578 D 0926 D 0955 D 1435 D 0584 D 0906 D 1688 D 1728 D0907 D 1150 D 0908 D 0005 D 1219 D 0753 D 0749 D 0850 D 0302 D 1573 D 1055 D 1487 D 1764 D 0729 D 1368 D 0588 D 1215 D 1653 D 0909 D 1142 D 1607 D0106 D 1085 D 0909 D0911 D 0972 D 1256 D0416 D 1609 D 0912 D 1609 Sociatry Societies, nonliterate Society, biology Society, change in Society, functioning of Society, quantitative study Society, stable Sociobiology Sociocultural area study Sociodrama Sociography Sociolinguistics Sociology Sociology, cultural Sociology, educational Sociology, formal Sociology, historical Sociology, industrial Sociology, mathematical Sociology, medical Sociology, microSociology, occupational Sociology, phytoSociology, psychoSociology, religious Sociology, rural Sociology, subterranean Sociology, urban Sociometry Sociometry, group psychotherapy Soil engineering Soil geography Soil management Soi l management, crops Soil management, meteorology Soil mechanics Soil microbiology Soil physics Soi l science Soils Soils, character Soils, origin Soils, past geological ages Solar astronomy Solar energy Solar physics Solid bodies, equilibrium and motion Solid geometry Solid-state electronics Solid-state physics Solid state technology Solids Solids, geometry Somatic death Somatic variation Somatics, psychoSomatology Somatotypology Sonics Sophiology Sophrology Soteriology Sound Sound and living beings Sound changes, phonology Sound production, speech Sound, radio reproduction Sound, refracted Sound sensations Sound, ultrasonic Sounds, low or weak Sounds, musical Space flying Space, geometry Space medicine Space navigation Space physics Space sciences Space technology Space, three-dimensional Space travel Spacecraft, orbits Spaciology Spatiography Speciation, taxonomy Species, environment Species, genetic variants Spectres Spectrochemistry Spectrology D 0913 D 1709 D 0914 D 0915 D 1691 D 1473 D 1611 D 1610 D 0563 D 1543 D 0551 D0744 D 1637 D 0749 D 1358 D 0147 D 0753 D 0916 D 1510 D 1602 D 0917 D 0085 D 0084 D 0643 D 0235 D 0289 D 1609 D 1572 D 1614 D 1615 D 1615 D 0715 D 1796 D 1843 D 0470 D 0892 D 1227 D 0743 D0212 D0104 D0102 D 1601 D 1566 D 1324 D 1351 D 1229 D 0892 D 1325 D0110 D 0581 D 0970 D 0918 D 0919 D 0920 D 0165 D 0169 D 1377 D0008 D 0921 D 0922 D 0'049 D 1178 D 0923 D 0924 D 0925 D 0926 D 1270 D 0927 D 1618 D 0413 D 1409 D 0928 D 0929 D 0930 D 0930 D 1423 D0447 D0375 D 1772 D 1120 D 1120 D 1127 D 1149 D 0131 D0822 D0932 D0452 D 1015 D0206 D0912 D 1842 D 1833 Spectroscopy Spectroscopy, atomic Spectroscopy, electronic Spectroscopy, molecular Spectroscopy, Raman Spectrum lines Speculation, theology Speculative philosophy Speech defects Speech defects Speech, human Speech, human Speech intonation Speech, linguistics Speech, obscure Speech physiology Speech science Speleology Spelling Sphragistics Sphygmology Spiders Spiders, scorpions etc Spinal cord surgery Spinal manipulation Spirits, evil Spirits, visible disembodied Spiritual phenomena Splanchnology Sponges Spongiology Spores, pollen Sports medicine Sports psychology Stabilization, gyroscopes Stable society Stamps, airmail Stamps. postage Starch Stars, divination Stars, fixed Stars, nebulas States, ethical relations Statics Statics, electroStatics. gaseous fluids Statics, social Statics, social Statistical astronomy Statistical mechanics Statistical thermodynamics Statistics Statistics, actuarial Statistics, analytical Statistics. biology Statistics, biology Statistics, factor analysis Statistics, insurance Statistics, mathematical Statistics, medical Statistics. multivariate Statistics. non-parametric Statistics, political Statistics, psychologicalz Stereochemistry Stereography Stereology Stochastic analysis Stoichiometry Stomach care Stomach diseases Stomatology Storiology Strategics Strategy Strategy Stratigraphy Street planning Structural mechanics Structural psychology Structuralism Structures, algebra Structures. foundations Structures, heavy Student selection Stylistics Submarine reli ef Substances, chemical properties Substances, composition Substances, spectra Subterranean sociology Suicidology Discipline name index 0 1690 Sulfur chemistry Sun, physics 00771 00475 Sun science 0 1619 Superaerodynamics 0 0658 Supernatural agencies Supernatural forces 00871 00649 · Supernatural powers Supersonic 01055 01620 Supersonics 00935 Surface area determination Surface chemistry 0 1621 0 0986 Surfaces, interacting 0 0933 Surgery 0 1807 Surgery, cardiovascular 0 0843 Surgery, cerebral 0 0232 Surgery, chemo01114 Surgery, jaws and mouth 0 1839 Surgery, maxillofacial 0 0643 Surgery, neuro01840 Surgery, ophthalmic 0 1113 Surgery, ora I 0 1622 Surgery, orthopedic 0 1794 Surgery, pediatric 0 1558 Surgery, plastic 0 0843 Surgery, psych<;>01684 Surgery, thoracic 0 0934 Surgery. veterinary 00055 Surgical anatomy 0 1797 Surgical oncology Surgical pathology 00723 0 0965 Surgical therapeutics 00935 Surveying 0141 4 Surveying, geodetic 00937 Surveying hydrographic 00755 Surveying, photogrammetry 00936 Surveying, plane 00995 Swamps, bogs 0 1623 Syllogistics 0 1065 Sylvics 0 1624 Symbiotics 0 0559 Symbolic logic 01625 Symbolic theology 0 1625 Symbolics 01626 Symbology 0 1625 Symbols, ancient 0 0878 Symbols, function 0 1626 Symbols, interpretation 0 0039 Symbols, primitive 0 1412 Symbols. words 0 0059 Symptomatology 0 0059 Symptomology 0 1627 Synapses, neural 0 1627 Synaptology Synchronistics 0 0264 00774 Syndrome, pathophysiology 0 1257 Synecology 0 0939 Synectics . 0 0938 Synoptic meteorology 0 1629 Syntactics Syntax, language 0 1632 0 1630 Syphilis 01630 Syphilology 0 0162 Systematic biology 00177 Systematic botany Systematic medicine 0 0587 0 128 1 Systematics 0 1462 Systematics, karyo00940 Systems analysis 0 0941 Systems dynamics Systems engineeri ng 00942 T 0 1632 0 1631 00943 00177 00943 0 1678 0 0972 0.1321 0 1334 0 0777 0 0305 0 0944 0 1531 0 0332 0 0689 0 0945 0 1145 0 1145 0 0945 Tactics. grammar Tactics, military Taxology Taxonomic botany Taxonomy Taxonomy, bacteriological Taxonomy, classification Taxonomy, cytoTaxonomy, mathematical Taxonomy, plant Teaching Teaching Teaching Teaching, education Technical terms, definition Technicology Technological sciences Technological sciences Technology 01054 01845 0 1352 0 1425 01581 01773 01142 0 0946 0 0947 00975 00948 0098 1 00292 00692 0 1113 0 0803 00666 00730 0 0665 0 1710 0 0949 00950 0 095 1 00172 0 095 2 0 0717 0 0990 0 1192 0 0995 0 1305 0 1305 0 0274 01177 0 0953 0 1633 0 1751 0 0772 0 082 2 01077 06954 0 0955 0 0956 00993 00957 0 0958 0 1530 0 1491 0 1496 0 1527 0 1563 00959 0 1550 0 0793 0 1634 0 1611 0 1625 0 1307 0 1570 0 0960 0 096 1 0 0962 01108 0 0963 0 0964 0 1582 0 0965 0 0099 0 1828 0 1346 0 0299 0 1783 0 1784 0 1784 0 0844 0 1062 0 0589 0 171 1 0 0966 0 0966 0 0967 00968 0 1230 0 0969 0 1699 0 1695 0 0970 0 0971 0 0569 0 1684 0 0973 00409 Technology assessment Technology, Technology, Technology, Technology, corrosion electrogeopsycho- Technology, solid state Technology, space Tecnology Tectology Tectonics Tectonics. geology T ectonophysics Teeth Teeth, abnormalities Teeth and gums, surgery Teeth, artificial Teeth diseases Teeth, gums Teeth, structure Telecommunication engineering Telecommunications Telemetry Telemetry, aerospace Telemetry, biology Teleology Telepathy, mental T eleseismology Television Telmatology Temperament, organic function Temperament, psychology Temperatures, very low Tensor analysis Teratology Terminology Terramechanics Terrestrial physics Tests, psychological Textual criticism Thalassography Thanatology Thaumatology Theological typology Theology Theology, doctrinal Theology, historical Theology, moral Theology, natural Theology, pastoral Theology, pastoral study Theology, ph ilosophical Theology, physicoTheology, practical Theology, revealed Theology, speculative Theology, symbolic Theology, systematic Theories, unscientific Therapeutics Therapeutics, biochem ical Therapeutics, dental Therapeutics, experimental Therapeutics, ophthalmological Therapeutics, physiological Therapeutics, psychoTherapeutics, surgical Therapeutics, veterinary Therapy, behavior Therapy, biblioTherapy, food Therapy, occupational Therapy, physical Therapy, physioTherapy, psychoTherapy, reality Theriatrics Thermal research, geoThermionics Thermions Thermochemistry Thermodynamics Thermodynam ics, aeroThermodynamics, aerospace Thermodynamics, chemical Thermodynamics, electrochemical Thermodynamics, statistica l Thermology Therology Thoracic surgery Thought Thought forms 0 1163 0 1523 0 0907 0 0558 0 1270 0 0974 0 0701 00180 00002 0 1635 0 0500 0 101 8 0 1635 00411 00241 0 0244 0 0496 0 1636 00118 0 1436 0 1099 0 1437 0 1558 0 1320 0 0485 0 0462 D 0699 0 0976 0 0976 0 1637 0 1637 0 1638 0 0368 0 1593 0 0936 0 1517 0 1552 0 0315 0 1639 0 0978 0 0977 0 1261 0 0979 0 1752 0 1640 0 1267 0 0980 0 038g 0 0060 0 0847 0 0982 0 0983 0 0984 0 0985 0 022 1 0 0375 0 1356 0 1162 0 1184 0 1100 0 1788 0 11 52 0 0291 00410 0 02go 0 1065 0 1514 0 1630 0 1241 0 0986 0 0986 0 0987 01 241 0 1242 0164 1 0 0655 0 1785 0 1106 00604 0 1789 0 1778 0 0988 0 0037 0 1544 0 0670 0 1251 0 0991 0 0989 0 0991 0 0992 0 0993 Thought. laws of Thought modes, ancestral Thought system Thought, validity Three-dimensional properties Thremmatology Throat diseases Thunder Ticks Tides Tides. currents, waters Tides. ocean Tidology Timber management Time computing Time measurement Time measurement Time-motion study Timology Tissue changes, disease Tissue culture Tissue function Tissue transfer Tissues. cells Tissues. living Tissues, macroscopic structures Tissues, structural damage Tocology Tokology Tones Tonology Tool engineering Tool production Topographical anatomy Topographical surveying Topography, ancient Topography, geology Topological dynamics Topological psychology Topology, algebraic Topology, botany Topology, combinatorial Topology, differential Topology, general Topology, mathematics Topology, point set Toponymy Totalitarian ethics Town planning Towns Toxicology Toxicology, aviation Toxicology. industrial Toxicology, veterinary Tracer studies Traffic engineering Traffic operations Traffic studies T ransdisciplinary sciences Transplantation biology Transplantation, dialysis Transportation Trees Trees, diseases Trees. events dating Trees, forest Trees fossil Treponema pallidum Triangles. mathematica l relations Tribology Tribophysics Trichology Trigonometry Trigonometry, analytic Trophodynamics Trophology Tropical hygiene Tropical medicine Tropical meteorology Tropical pediatrics Tropical science Tropology Truth Tuberculosis Tumours Tunicates Types. social Typhlology Typology Typology, psychological Typology, theological u 01 191 00994 0 1055 0 1523 0 0 267 0 0 268 Ufology Ultramicrochemistry Ultrasonic Unconscious mentality, ancient Universe, chemical composition Universe, origin and development 0 0270 00996 00996 00997 00997 00904 0 0353 00439 0 1091 0 0904 0 1167 0 0 998 0 1642 00999 0 0999 00999 Universe, origin and structure Universe, universology Universology Uranography Uranology Urban communities Urban construction Urban geography Urban geology Urban sociology 0 1701 0 0346 0 0350 0 1187 00118 0 1187 0 1604 0 0280 0 1435 0 0972 0 1639 01400 0 0486 0 1504 01643 0 1643 0 1643 00056 0 0126 00294 0 0297 0 0352 00477 0 0479 0 0487 0 0589 0 0609 0 1652 0 0657 0 0680 0 1335 00724 0 0 139 00775 0 1001 0 0934 0 0099 0 0985 0 1002 0 1620 0 0973 0 1003 0 0606 0 1003 0 1569 0 1614 0 0696 0 0696 0 1805 0 0149 01081 0 1852 00200 0 1004 0 1004 Vacuum science Vacuums, electrons Value engineering Value systems Values Values Values, social phi losophy Variation, heredity Variation, somatic Variation, taxonomy Vector pyschology Vegetable grow ing Vegetable tissues Vegetables Venereal diseases Venereology Venerology Veterinary anatomy Veterinary bacteriology Veterinary dentistry Veterinary dermatology Veterinary embryology Veterinary helminthology Veterinary hematology Veterinary histology Veterinary medicine Veteri nary m icrobiology Veteri nary mycology Veterinary obstetrics Veterinary ophthalmology Veterinary parasitology Veterinary pathology Veterinary pharmacy Veterinary physiology Veterinary science Veterinary surgery Veterinary therapeut ics Veterinary toxicology Urbanology Urbiculture Uredinology Urinary tract, female Urogenital tract, male Urology v Vexi llology Vibrations, supersonic Views, organized Virology Viruses Viruses Viruses Viscera Vision defects Visual habits, defective Visual medicine Vital processes Vital processes Vitaminology Viticulture Volcanology Vulcanology w 0 1057 0 1448 0 11 34 0 1583 0 0502 War, peace Wasps Waste management W ater and air mixture W ater, atmospheric Discipline name index 0 1441 00501 00134 0 1732 00501 00501 01089 Water, biology Water circulation Water Water Water Water depth desalting distribution properties Water, properties and distribution 01518 01443 00440 0 1232 0 1396 0 1382 0 1616 00500 01018 0 1620 00080 0 1559 0 0596 0 1482 0 0938 0 1253 0 0256 0 0132 0 0605 0 0995 0 0205 01407 0 1455 01049 0 0057 0 0667 01192 0 1246 0 0471 01006 0 0619 00877 00402 00546 0 1068 00672 01412 01005 0 1457 0 0381 0 0362 0 1505 0 0476 0 0557 0 0548 0 0931 0 1358 0 0710 0 0137 00472 Water supply, ancient systems Water, surface and ground Water, underground Water, underground Water, underground Watercourses Waters, ocean Waters, tides, currents Waves, ocean Waves, supersonic Wealth Wealth, theoretical economics Weather forecasting Weather, living beings Weather observations, synoptic Weather, stars Weevils Weight Weights, measures Wet lands, physiography Wha les Wildlife management Will-to-power Windpipe diseases Winds Wine, winemaking Wireless Wisdom, human Women's diseases Wood structure Word formation Word meaning Words Words Words, concepts Words, origin and form Words, symbols Work study Workers' health Working environment, man Works, public Worms, annelid Worms, parasitic Worship, forms and practice Worship, public Writing, analysis of author's Writing, obscure Writings, ancient Writings, classification Writings, sacred x 0 0885 01112 0 0856 01600 01006 X-ray photography X-ray technology X-rays, radiology X-rays, roentgenology Xylology y 0 1378 Yeasts, ferments 0 0178 01031 0 1007 0 1007 0 1282 01008 0 1277 01oog 00397 01010 01031 0 0167 0 013g 001 .15 0 1069 01154 01154 00099 Zoo-ecology Zoo-paleontology Zoogeography Zoography Zooids, complex z Zoology Zoology, Zoology, Zoology, Zoology, Zoology, descriptive economic ethnomedical paleo- Zoopathology Zoopharmacy Zoophysics Zoosemiotics Zootechnics Zootechny Zootherapy 01011 00079 Zymology Zymurgy 00027 D0001 Abiology D0016 Aerography Study of non-living matter 50 00215 inorganic chemistry St udy of atmospheric conditions 30 Pt 245 dust 50 00596 meteorology D0002 Acarology Branch of zoology dealing with mites and ticks 30 Pt 766 ticks as pests P3639 50 01008 zoology 71 J8900 Science dealing with meteorites 50 00112 D0003 Accounting Body of principles. conventions and procedures underlying the system of classifying, recording and summarizing business and financial transactions in books of account and analyzing, verifying and reporting the results 30 P0203 P0858 31 $0121 S0186 lack of international standards of financial accounting and reporting international double taxation Internationa l Journal of Accounting Education and Research Business Periodicals 1ndex 50 OtOt 2 71 Jt tOt J 1109 finance accountant (general) other accountants J2195 J3300 Jt t02 auditor D0004 Acology Study of curative drugs medicine 50 00582 D0005 Acoustics Sound; phonics D 121 9 Ot 764 7t JOt 25 J8600 J9500 bioacoustics D 15 73 transmission, reception and Acustica catacoustics electroacoustics microphonics audioacoustics acoustical engineering acoustical psychophysiology psychoacoustics harmonics sound physicist broadcasting station and sound equipment operators and cinema projectionists bricklayers, carpenters and other construction workers acoustics 00095 architecture D0019 Aerometry Measurement of properties or contaminants of air 30 PO t t g air pollution POt 55 plant-pathogenic air pollutants biological air pollutants P1271 chemical air pollutants air pollution by automobile exhaust emissions atmospheric sciences D0020 Aeronautics Aviation Science dea ling w ith operation of aircraft; art or science of flight aircraft noise P1575 unsafe aircraft 30 Pt355 P2435 sonic boom generated by supersonic aircraft World Aviation Directory and World Space Directory 3t 50t t7 50tt8 lnteravia S0120 Aerospace International International Aerospace Abstracts 50t32 atmospheric sciences 00356 engineering 50 00tt2 aerodonetics 00729 perastadics 51 oooto 01343 avionics astronautics 00580 aviation mechanics 56 00t06 aeronautical engineering 0139t Netherlands Aeronautical Research Institute 70 A1627 J0414 fight navigator aeronautical engineer 7t J0246 J04t5 flight engineer J3500 transport and communications supervisors J7900 tai lors, dressmakers, sewers, upholsterers and related workers machinery fitters, machine assemblers and precision·instrument makers J8400 J8500 J9500 (except electrical) electrical fitters and related electrical and electronics workers bricklayers, carpenters and other construction workers D0021 Aeronomy 50 00112 atmospheric sciences D0022 Aesthetics D0007 Atmospheric acoustics 50 00005 Branch of meteorology dealing with phenomena of the free air as revealed by kites, balloons, aeroplanes and clouds 50 00596 meteorology Science dealing with physics and chemistry of the upper atmosphere D0006 Architectural acoustics 56 00005 atmospheric sciences D0018 Aerology P0450 P1426 50 00112 budgeting and accounting manager bookkeepers, cashiers and related workers Science that treats of the production. control, effects of sound and of the phenomena of hearing 30 P0659 deafness and impaired hearing 3t 50t 82 Acoustics Abstracts 50227 50 00760 physics 00t9g 51 0000 7 atmospheric acoustics 00302 diacoustics 00337 00850 radioacoustics Ot487 01620 supersonics Ot727 Ot 728 sonics 00357 56 00006 architectural acoustics D 1059 00750 acoustic phonetics glass formers, potters and related workers D0017 Aerolithology mites Branch of philosophy dealing w ith beauty and the beautiful; philosophy or science of art. artistic phenomena and aesthetic experience 30 P02 t 7 art drain P0323 theft of works of art acoustics DOOOS Actuarial science Mathematics and statistics with special reference to calculation of insurance and annu ity premiums. reserves and dividends P1955 deterioration of the physial condition of art objects P2337 P3087 50 00745 5 t 00098 70 A2482 art censorship art propaganda philosophy art appreciation lnt 5oc Education Art D0010 Aerodonetics 71 J1319 J1325 J1613 J 1619 J 1622 J 1914 other university and higher education teachers fine arts teacher (second level) painter, artist other sculptors, painters and related artists commercial artist art gallery and museum curator Gliding D0023 Enzymology 31 50572 50 00574 Scandinavian Actuarial Journal mathematics 009t8 statistics 56 00575 actuarial mathematics 00919 actuarial statistics 71 J0825 actuary D0009 Adenology Study of the glands 50 00773 physiology 50 00020 aeronautics 70 A26t 5 lnt Gliding Research Institute D0011 Aerodynamics Branch of dynamics dealing with motion of air and other gaseous fluids and the forces acting on bod ies in motion re lative to such fluids 50 003 t t dynamics 5 1 00012 00014 70 A3420 71 J0122 supersonic aerodynamics 000 13 transonic aerodynamics 01619 Von Karman Institute Fluid Dynamics mechanics physicist hypersonic aerodynamics superaerodynamics A2526 lnt 5oc Art Psychopathology Branch of science dealing with complex proteinaceous substances, produced by living cells, and their chemical nature, biochemical activity and biological significance 50 Ot 094 cell biology 5t Ot378 fermentology 56 00140 biochemistry OOt 49 biology 00206 chemistry 01174 enzyme kinetics 0 t 6 58 enzyme physiology Science or doctrine of t he good 50 00383 ethics aerodynamics D0025 Agmatology Science of fractu res 50 00933 surgery D0013 Hypersonic aerodynamics 50 OOO t t art forgery D0024 Agathology D0012 Supersonic aerodynamics 50 OOO 11 P2382 aerodynamics D0014 Transonic aerodynamics D0026 Agnoiology 50 OOO t t Branch of philosophy- concerned with ignorance 30 POOt 7 ignorance Pt 982 50 00745 philosophy aerodynamics D0015 Electromechanics Branch of electrodynamics dealing with the mechanical forces involved in electric circuits 50 00340 electrodynamics 56 01196 electromechanical engineering political ignorance D0027 Agriology Comparative study of the customs of non-literate peoples 50 00063 anthropology Entry content exp lanation at end of Section Introduction I 00028 00028 Agroeconomics Agricultural economics 31 S0112 S0122 International Journal of Farm Building Research World Agricultural Economics and Aural Sociology 56 00033 agrosciences 00325 economics 0044 1 geology 00029 Agrogeology Agricultural geology 56 00033 agrosciences P0949 P1 4 16 31 50 56 70 71 soil pollution P00 77 soil infertility lack of crop protection radioactive contamination of soils and plants soil erosion soil compaction Pl 224 herbicide damage to crops P1440 soil deterioration P2223 lack of genetic diversity in crops P2266 soil deficiency P31 4 5 P3 146 P3150 P3574 P35 77 P3668 P3698 SO 106 00033 D1206 A4033 J0512 excessive number of crop varieties introduction of high-yield crop varieti es crop damage by wildlife pesticide hazards to soil fauna and micro-organisms fungicide damage to crops P3584 fumigant damage to crops metal contamination of soils P3695 insecticide damage to crops lack of crop rotation P3699 soil transmitted diseases World Crops agrosciences agroecology Commonwealth Bureau Soils botanist J0532 agronomist P2581 pesticide damage to crops 00031 Agrometeorology 56 00033 agrosciences 00596 meteorology 00032 Agronomy Branch of agriculture dealing with field crop production and soil management 30 P0052 50 00033 70 A1059 A1083 71 J0532 J0549 J 1316 J6100 soil mismanagement P1052 soil deterioration agrosciences Inter-American Cmt Agricuitural Development Tropical Cnt Training Research agronomist other life sciences technicians teacher in agricultural science (third level) farmers 00033 Agrosciences Agriculture Agricultural sciences 30 P0946 P094 7 P1508 P2062 P2771 P2890 3 1 50078 S0108 S0109 50 01145 51 00030 00121 004 11 00791 0 1235 D1406 01671 56 00028 00031 00207 00321 00597 00761 01231 01589 70 A 1145 A 1248 A1475 A1'675 A3174 7 1 J 1327 rusts of grasses and cereals systematic botany P2234 smuts of grasses and cereals 00035 Alchemy Medieval chemical science aiming to transmute base metals into gold, to discover universal.cure for diseases and prolong life indefinitely 50 00658 01015 56 01433 78 H0221 occult sciences chemical sciences hermetism alchemy 00745 philosophy logistic 00037 Alethiology Studies of or relating to truth logic 00038 Algebra Branch of mathematics using letter symbols to represent numbers, variable quantities or entities in order to explore arithmetical relations 3 1 507 52 50 00574 51 0003 9 00041 0 1073 0 1263 56 00187 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra mathematics boolean algebra 00040 linear algebra 00046 multivari ate algebra 01127 matrix algebra operational calculus 01 238 homological algebra functional analysis algebra of structures analytic geometry 00039 Boolean algebra A deductive system of theorems derived from a set of undefined primitive symbols and related axioms 50 00038 algebra 00040 Homological algebra 50 0003 8 algebra 00041 Linear algebra 31 S0753 50 00038 linear Algebra and its Applications algebra 00042 Algology Phycology Study or science of algae 31 50037 50 DO 17 3 70 A 1520 A2439 71 J6400 Phycologia S0039 Journal of Phycology botany lnt Cmsn Algology A2358 lnt Phycological Soc lnt Seaweed Symposium fishermen, hunters and related workers 00043 Altimetry Science of measuring altitudes 50 00936 plane surveying 00044 Algebra of relations Calculus of relations Branch of symbolic logic dealing with relations and the forming of logical products, sums and complements 50 00561 lagging transformation of agriculture in developing countries gerontocracy in developing country agriculture non-handicapped, non-settled refugees living outside camps agricultural surpluses agricultural mismanagement of housed farm animals domestic agricultural price policy difficulties in developing countries International Association of Agricultural Librarians and Oocumentalists World Agriculture; Agriculture dans le monde OECO Agricultural Review 50115 Asian Agriculture technological sciences agrology 00032 agronomy bacteriology 00200 viticulture 00667 oenology forestry 01148 animal husbandry pomology agrotechny 0 1400 horticulture range management 01422 geoponics seed science 00029 agrogeology agroeconomics 00122 agricultural bacteriology agrometeorology agricultural chemistry 00249 agricultural climatology 00358 agricultural engineering agricultural ecology agricultural meteorology 00726 pedology, soil science 01205 agrogeography agricultural physics agricultural economics 01233 agrobiology quinology Eupn Agricultural Aviation Cnt lnt Asn Agricultura l Medicine lnt Cnt Information Agriculture Forestry lnt Fed Technical Agronomists Scandinavian Agricultural Research Workers' Asn agricultural science teacher {second level) 00034 Agrostology Branch of systematic botany dealing with the grasses 30 P2233 50 00177 50 00 561 50 0055 8 00030 Agrology Branch of agriculture dealing with soils and their relation to crop production 30 P0058 P0660 P0710 00036 Algebra of classes Calculus of classes Branch of symbolic logic dealing wi th classes and the forming of logical products, sums and complements logistic 00045 Amphibiology Branch of zoology dealing with the amphibia 50 D1008 zoology 00046 Functional analysis Investigation of problems by algebraic methods 31 S0738 S0748 50 00038 Functional Analysis and its Applications Journal of Functional Analysis algebra 0004 7 Linguistic analysis 30 P2619 P3324 P34 70 51 00456 56 00551 corruption of language underprivileged linguistic minorities unwritten language glossematics linguistics D1207 analysis 00048 Logical analysis 56 00558 logic D 1207 analysis 00049 Multivariate analysis Multivariate statistics Analysis involving a number of independent mathematical variables 3 1 S0750 50 01207 79 K0036 Journal of Multivariate Analysis analysis multivariate analysis 00050 Analytical philosophy 50 00745 51 01070 philosophy metalogic 00051 Anatomy Branches of morphology dealing with structure of animals (histology) and plants (phytotomy) 31 S0070 S0138 50 00618 51 00052 0020 1 00462 00698 01 500 D1614 56 00054 00056 Acta Anatomica Excerpta Medica.Section 1: anatomy, anthropology, embryology and history morphology, biology comparative anatomy 00053 human anatomy descriptive anatomy 00247 developmental anatomy gross anatomy 00486 histology osteology 00868 sarcology neuroanatomy 01593 regional anatomy splanchnology pathological anatomy 00055 surgical anatomy veterinary anatomy 00365 human engineering Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction 00082 D0699 71 J0522 osteopathy anatomist D0064 Applied anthropology 50 00063 D00 52 Comparative anatomy 50 D0051 anatomy 50 D0273 56 D0063 D0053 Human anatomy 50 D0051 56 D0528 anatomy kinesiology D0906 somatology D0054 Pathological anatomy Branch of ana1omy dealing with structural changes accompanying disease 31 50142 Excerpta Medica. Section 5: General pathology and pathological anatomy 56 D0051 anatomy DO 721 pathology D09 3 3 surgery D1001 veterinary science D0055 Surgical anatomy 56 D0051 anatomy D0056 Veterinary anatomy 56 00051 anatomy 70 A34 72 World Asn Veterinary Anatomists anthropology D0065 Criminal anthropology Branch of criminology based on Lombrosian anthropological doctrines 31 50 51 56 S0504 D0063 D0801 D0086 Ethnology anthropology prosopography archeology 56 D0063 anthropology anthropology 56 D0063 D0070 Educational anthropology D0058 Anesthesiology Branch of medical science dealing with induced loss of sensation ~ pain 70 A3200 A3534 Scandinavian Sac Anaesthesiologists World Fed Socs anaesthesiologists D0059 Symptomatology Semiology; symptomology Branch of medical science dealing with symptoms of diseases medical sciences 31 S1106 51 D0075 56 D0063 D0365 30 P261 6 31 S0099 50 D0072 50 D1058 56 D1058 70 A1826 A3089 71 J021 3 S0559 EAROPH News and Notes International Federation for Housing and Planning Bulletin ekistics ekistics lnt Fed Housing Town Planning Permanent lnt Cm.t Underground Town Planning Construction town planner D0061 Angiology Science dealing with the blood vessels and lymphatics 30 31 50 70 P2654 S0771 DO 77 3 A2686 lymphatic system diseases Angiologica physiology lnt Union Angiology S0924 Angiology anthropology genetic engineering D0063 Anthropology Study of man's body and mind and their interelationships 30 P1823 31 S0104 S0138 S1099 50 D0489 D0894 51 D0027 D0064 D0067 D0077 D0399 00889 D1202 56 D0065 D0069 D0071 D0073 D0429 D1271 70 A1426 A2687 71 J1310 J1924 D0427 geography anthropology D0332 education anthropology D0582 medicine archaeological and anthropological looting African Studies Excerpta Medica .Section 1: anatomy, anthropology. embryology and history International Journal of Sociology history D0893 social sciences social studies Dl 096 population biology agriology D0062 anthropography applied anthropology D0066 cultural anthropology doctrinal anthropology D0074 prehistoric anthropology anthroponomy D0391 ethnography ethology D0705 paleoanthropology social anthropology D0991 typology evolutionary anthropology criminal anthropology D0068 forensic anthropology geographical anthropology D0070 educational anthropology medical anthropology D0072 physical anthropology D0078 anthroposociology psychological anthropology anthropological geography D1246 anthroposophy anthropological linguistics lnt Bureau Differential Anthropology lnt Union Anthropological Ethnological Sciences university and higher education teachers anthropologist Race anthropometry anthropology human engineering D0272 D0271 D0773 craniometry craniology physiology anthropology D0815 psychology D0074 Prehistoric anthropology anthropology D0075 Anthropometry Science of measuring the human body, its parts and functional capacities physical anthropology D0076 Astrionics Science of electronics applied to astronautics 56 D0106 astronautics D0346 electronics D0077 Anthroponomy System of laws governing human behavior and environment 50 D0063 D0062 Anthropography Branch of anthropology dealing with distribution of the human race as distinguished by physical character, language, institutions, customs 50 D0063 56 01200 law D0073 Psychological anthropology 56 D0063 50 D0063 urban decay Parametro D0536 D00 71 Medical anthropology D0060 Town planning City planning Organized arrangement or layout in the building and extension of tow ns w ith a view to general convenience, attractiveness of appearance and encouragement of healthier living 50562 ethnology D0072 Physical anthropology Comparative study of human evolution, variation and classification through measurement and observation International Anesthesiology Clinics Anesthesia and Analgesia physiology 56 D0063 56 D0063 Excerpta M edica . Section 24: Anesthesiology Anaesthesia S0829 50 DO 77 3 50 D 1082 D0394 D0069 Geographical anthropology wind damage $0773 Civilisation• anthropology atmospheric sciences S0770 S1096 D0068 Forensic anthropology 50 00112 31 50161 constitutional history D0067 Doctrinal anthropology 30 P1334 30 P0643 D0491 D0066 Cultural anthropology Division of anthropology deal ing w ith culture, using methods, concepts and data of archaeology, ethnology, sociological and psychological sciences 50 00063 D0057 Anemology Study of winds criminology anthropology anthropology D0078 Anthroposociology Sociological study of race by anthropological methods 30 P0006 P1047 P3326 P3327 P3328 P3329 P3330 P3334 P3352 P3683 P3684 56 D0063 racial discrimination P0684 racism P3093 racial discrimination in public services racial discrirnination in housing racial discrimination in education racial discrimination in politics racial discrimination in employment racial exploitation race as a reinforcement of nationalism legalized racial dis~riminat i on racial conflict anthropology D0896 lack of racial identity racist propaganda sociology D0079 Zymurgy Branch of applied ch emistry dealing with fermentation processes 50 D0206 chemistry DOOSO Aphnology Science of wealth 50 D0325 economics D0081 Apiology Apiculture Scientific study of honeybees 30 P0793 P1120 P1397 P1567 31 S0111 SO 1 14 50 D1028 aggressive honey bee long-term shortage of sugar and honey environmental hazards from sugar, sugar preparations and honey instability of trade in sugar, sugar preparations aad honey Journal of Apicultural Research Bee World SO 11 6 Apiacta entomology D0082 Apologetics Branch of theology devoted to defence of a religious fa ith from outside criticism 50 D0957 theology Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction [ 00083 D0083 Approximation theory 50 DO 106 astronautics Branch of mathematics based on continual approach to a correct result 31 S0744 Journal of Approximation Theory 50 005 74 mathematics 51 D1085 orbit theory D0102 Astrognosy D0084 Arachnology Arachnidology Branch of zoology dealing with spiders and other arachnids 50 01008 zoology Branch of astronomy dealing with the fixed stars 50 DO 108 astronomy D0103 Astrolithology D0085 Araneology Science dealing with meteoritic stones 50 01083 meteoritics Branch of zoology dealing with spiders D0104 Astrology 30 P3473 Supposed influences of the stars upon human events by positions and aspects of the stars 31 S1183 Astrology St 185 50 00658 occult sciences 01213 51 01211 judicial astrology 01212 56 DI 253 astrometeorology 70 A2472 lnt Sac Astrological Research 71 J 1996 astrologer and fortune teller 78 H0552 astrology endangered species of spiders, scorpions (arachnida) 50 01008 zoology D0086 Archeology Scientific study of extinct peoples and of past cultural phases of historic peoples 30 P1823 archaeological and anthropological looting New World Antiquity 31 S0102 historiography 50 00488 classical archeology 00088 environmental archeology 51 00087 industrial archeology 0000g 00090 neolithic archeology ooog1 paleolithic archeology 00092 salvage archeology 00094 underwater archeology 00093 settlement archeology 00710 paleography 00335 e9yptolo9y archeological prospecting 01017 assyriology 01016 prehistoric archeology 01519 paleology 01209 D0242 archeological chronology 56 00066 cultural anthropology 00392 ethnohistory D0087 Classical archeology 50 00086 archeology D0088 Environmental archeology 50 00086 archeology D0089 Industrial archeology 50 00086 archeology archeology archeology D0093 Settlement archeology 50 00086 archeology D0094 Underwater archeology 31 50359 International Journal of Natural Archeology and L!nderwater Research 50 D0086 archeology D0095 Architecture Art or science of designing and building structures in accordance with esthetic, practical or material considerations 30 P0867 monotonous and unaesthetic architecture and design P1925 31 50098 monolithic architecture International Union of Architects Bulletin 50 51 56 7t 50099 01145 0084 7 00006 D1058 J0212 Parametro technological sciences pyrgology architectural acoustics ekistics building architect World Review of Animal Production 50 DO 108 astronomy D0106 Astronautics Science dealing with construction and operation or interstellar space travel 31 SOI 18 lnteravia 51 00101 astrodynamics DI 142 01 21 5 astrogation 01260 56 00020 aeronautics 00076 00107 military astronautics D1392 70 A1125 Orbital lnt laboratory A2163 of vehicles for interplanetary space technology bio-astronautics astrionics astronautical engineering lnt Institute Space Law astronautics 01053 military science 01370 D0105 D0268 D0876 00997 D1045 D1084 exact sciences astrometry cosmogony selenology uranography 00108 Astronomy D0092 Salvage archeology 50 D0086 31 50105 56 D0106 archeology D0091 Paleolithic archeology 50 D0086 00105 Astrometry Branch of astronomy dealing with measurements of the celestial bodies and determination of their positions and movements 00107 Military astronautics D0090 Neolithic archeology 50 D0086 affairs; foretelling terrestrial Kosmos divination natural astrology S0100 Architecture Plus 0062 7 naolo9y D 1204 arch itectural engineering J0325 architectural draughtsman Science dealing with celestial bodies Astrophysical Journal 31 S0096 50 D1080 physical sciences 51 00102 astrognosy 00111 astrophysics heliology 00475 spatiography D0911 D1027 cometology meteoritics 01083 DI 135 solar astronomy 01136 ultraviolet and optical astronomy 01137 infra-red astronomy radar astronomy D1268 sidereal astronomy D1601 56 D0109 geodetic astronomy D0630 navigation D1254 astronomical geography 70 Al 125 Orbital lnt Laboratory A3878 Boyden Observatory 71 J0135 astronomical scientist planetology lunar sciences DI 169 D1591 D1613 DOI 10 D0762 gamma-ray astronomy radio astronomy metaphysical philosophy statistical astronomy astronomical physics A1382 lnt Astronomical Union D0422 geodesy D0918 statistics D0109 Geodetic astronomy 56 D0108 astronomy DO 11 0 Statistical astronomy D0096 Archology 56 D0108 The doctrine of origins 50 00745 philosophy 51 01464 landscape architecture DO 111 Astrophysics astronomy Branch of astronomy deal ing with physical and chem ical natures of celestial bodies, their origin and evolution D0097 Areology 31 S0095 Astrophysics and Space Science Scientific study of the planet Mars 50 01 045 planetology S0096 50 DO 108 51 DO 771 Astrophysical Journal astronomy solar physics D0098 Art appreciation 01138 71 J0135 high energy astrophysics astronomical scientist Recognition 31 S0097 50 00022 71 J1513 of aesthetic values Studio International aesthetics critic 01001 veterinary science D0100 Aristology Art and science of dining 50 00655 astrotechnology ufology D0112 Atmospheric sciences D0099 Zootherapy Science of veterinary therapeutics 56 D0960 therapeutics DI 020 D1191 nutritional science D0101 Astrodynamics Branch of astronautics dealing with the dynamic flight behavior of space vehicles Sciences dealing with the gaseous mass enveloping a celestial body 30 P1676 radio noise of natural origin 31 S1144 Atmospheric Technology SI 148 Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences S1149 Ozone Data for the World earth sciences 50 D0317 aerolithology 51 D0017 D0019 aerometry D0021 aeronomy 00020 aeronautics D0057 anemology D0132 barology D0133 barometry 00180 brontology climatology D0596 meteorology 00248 01702 atmospheric physics 56 D0209 atmospheric chemistry D1276 biometeorology D1304 coniology D1847 geophysical fluid dynamics Entry content.explanation at end of Section Introduction 00142 D0113 Audiology Medical science dealing with hearing; therapy of individuals with impaired hearing 31 50323 50324 50833 50 D1032 51 D0114 70 A2527 56 D03 11 British Journal of Audiology Voice of Silence; Vais du silence Audiology, audiologie ethnomethodology audiometry 50 DO 112 lnt Soc Audiology audiology D0115 Zoophysics Scientific study of physical principles underlying the structure and uses of animals' organs 56 D0760 physics Dl 008 zoology D0116 Autonumerology Science of car numbers unbalanced growth organismic biology geometry 50 D0033 D0606 51 D1553 56 D0122 D0125 70 A1633 71 J0525 biological warfare P2 226 bacterial plant diseases pesticide hazards to soil fauna and micro·organisms Excerpt• Medica. Section 4: Microbiology: bacteriology, mycology and parasitology agrosciences D0582 medicine microbiology phytobacteriology 01678 systematic bacteriology agricultural bacteriology D0123 medical bacteriology sanitary bacteriology 00126 veterinary bacteriology lnt Cmt Nomenclature Bacteria bacteriologist agrosciences bacteriologist DO 121 bacteriology bacteriology bacteriologist D05B2 medicine bacteriologist D0125 Sanitary bacteriology 56 D0121 70 A4223 bacteriology D12t6 lnt Asn Medicine Biology Environemtn hygienics D0126 Veterinary bacteriology 30 P2731 bacterial animal diseases 56 D012t 7t J0525 bacteriology bacteriologist Dl 001 veterinary science D0127 Ballistics Science of motion of powder-propelled projec1iles in fl ight 50 00369 5t D1375 56 D012B military engineering existential psychology forensic ballistics D1376 interior ballistics D0128 Forensic ballistics 56 D0127 ballistics 00536 law 31 S0620 50638 cardiology therapeutics management botany 50 51 56 Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences Journal of the History of Behavioral Sciences S0646 Small Group Behavior S 1080 International Behavioural Scientist S1109 S1110 DOB 15 01379 00150 Dl B2B A1407 Social Behavior and Personality Social Change psychology fieldtheory behavioral biology behavior therapy lnt Brain Research Org Dt 833 D1677 suicidology behavior genetics behaviour modification D0137 Bibliography History, identification or analytical and systematic description or classification of writings or publications 30 P3075 P3076 inadequate government publications international official publications 31 50079 S065 7 50 D013B 51 D1217 Inter-American Review of Bibliography Bibliographical Society of America Papers bibliology analytic bibliography D0138 Bibliology History and science of books as physical objects in all aspects; bibliography in its widest sense 31 S0660 50 010 71 51 D0137 56 01 001 31 S0047 50049 S0050 S005 1 S0054 S0206 51 D1024 D1647 D1662 56 D0023 D0206 D04B5 D0961 D1574 D1734 70 A2697 A3069 71 J0523 56 00140 . D0130 Balneology Science of therapeutic application of baths and natural mineral waters 50 D0960 50 D05 71 Bibliophilie humanistic sciences bibliography veterinary science Dt 115 pharmacy International Journal of Biochemistry FEBS Letters European Journal of Biochemistry Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Pan B: comparative biochemistry Life Sciences. Part 2: biochemistry, general and molecular biology Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology biochemical evolution D1318 cytochemistry clinical biochemistry 01661 cellular biochemistry enzymology D0141 00419 chemistry D05B3 histochemistry 010B1 biochemical therapeutics 01666 psychobiochemistry environmental biochemistry D1B51 lnt Union Biochemistry Pan American Pharmaceutical Biochemical biochemist molecular biochemistry physical biochemistry biochemical genetics biochemical medicine biological sciences plant biochemistry biochemical pharmaeology Fed DO 141 Physical biochemistry D0129 Ballistocardiography Study of heart performance 50 D0193 D0134 Bathymetry Depth measurement of water in oceans, seas and lakes and information derived therefrom D0140 Biochemistry The chemistry of plant and animal life; chemistry in relation to life processes D0124 Pharmaceutical bacteriology 7t J0525 machinery fitters, machine assemblers and precision-instrument makers {except electrical) D0139 Zoopharmacy Science of veterinary pharmacy D0123 Medical bacteriology 56 D0121 71 J0525 International Abstracts of Biological Sciences atmospheric sciences 71 J8400 78 H0663 D0122 Agricuhural bacteriology 56 D0033 7t J0525 31 S0133 70 physical sciences D0121 Bacteriology Study of microorganisms and their relations to medicine, industry, agriculture 30 POl 95 P3574 31 S0141 physics 50 DO 112 ethics D0120 Azoology Science of inanimate nature 50 D1080 DO 1 t 2 D0136 Behavioral science Deals with human action and aims at establishing generalizations of man's behavior in society D0119 Axonometry Perspective representation of figures, axes, measurement 50 D0450 atmospheric sciences D0133 Barometry Science or process of measuring pressure of atmosphere 50 D0173 D0118 Axiology Timology Study of values, intrinsic and instrumental, the manner in which they can be known or experienced, their nature and kinds, and their ontological status 50 D0383 D0578 mechanics D0135 Batology Study of brambles D0117 Auxology Science of grow1h 30 P04 79 50 Dt 095 dynamics D0132 Barology Science of weight and gravitation D0114 Audiometry Testing and measuring hearing acuity for variations in sound intensity and pitch and for tonal purity 50 DOl 13 D0131 Barodynamics Mechanics applied to behavior of heavy structures liable to failure because of their own weight biochemistry D0760 physics D0142 Biochemorphology Study of the relationship between chemical structure of a compound and its biological action 50 D0618 56 00149 morphology, biology biology Entry contenf explanation at end of Section Introduction D0206 chemistry I 00143 00143 8ioclimatology Science dealing with direct and indirect impact of climate or other geographical factors on living matter; interrelation of an organism and climate 51 01554 56 00149 phytoclimatology biology J0542 J1313 J1323 biological technician teacher in life and medical sciences (third level) natural science teacher (second level) 00150 Behavioral biology 00248 climatology 31 80068 Behavioural Biology Abstracts. Section A: animal behaviour 00144 Bioecology 56 D0136 behavioral science Science dealing with interrelation of plants and animals with their common environment 00151 Developmental biology 30 P0155 P0710 56 00149 plant-pathogenic air pollutants radioactive contamination of soils and plants biology 00320 ecology Branch of biology dealing with energy relations in living organisms and energy changes produced by them Journal of Bioenergetics biology bioenergetic analysis biology chorology zoogeography linguistics D0776 D1319 phytogeography cytogeography Pediatric Research 50 D0149 biology morphological biology 50 D0149 biology 00155 Functional biology 50 00149 biology 00156 Genetic biology biology 00157 Historical biology D0773 physiology Branch of medical science dealing with human beings' capacity to survive and function in abnormal environments Physics in Medicine and Biology Biomedicine Computer Programs in Biomedicine medical sciences biomedical engineering 30 P3656 50 D0149 wind erosion biology 00158 Marine biology 31 50058 50506 50 D0149 70 A2948 A2985 71 J0519 Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology FAQ Fisheries Synopsis S0507 Fishing News International biology Mediterranean Asn Marine Biology Oceanology Nordic Cl Marine Biology other biologists, zoologists and related scientists 00149 Biology 00159 Morphological biology Science of living organisms and vital processes 50 D0159 51 00153 79 K0884 30 P0450 P1175 P2594 31 50054 50491 50 D1052 51 D0145 D0151 D0154 D0156 00158 D0161 D0163 D0280 D0351 D0417 D0606 00719 D0852 D1093 D1095 D1101 D1222 D1280 D1314 D1419 D1452 D1569 D1656 D1791 56 00023 D0143 D0150 D0165 D0169 D0182 00741 00814 D1096 D1171 D1221 D1260 Dl 274 01278 01362 01743 01813 01823 70 A2698 A4035 A4074 71 J0511 J0519 50973 00153 Economic biology 50 D0149 00148 Biomedicine 31 50245 50835 S0840 50 D1082 56 00360 Excerpta Medica. Section 21: Developmental biology and teratology Growth biology lnt Soc Development Biologists D0154 Evolutionary biology 00147 Biolinguistics Physiology of speech 56 00551 31 $0158 50862 50 DO 149 70 A2539 50 D0159 00146 Biogeography Geographical biology Branch of biology dealing with geographical distribution of animals and plants 50 00149 51 00237 01007 biology 00152 Environmental biology 00145 Bioenergetics 31 50062 50 00149 78 H0652 D0149 biological air pollutants biological contamination of water biological contaminants of food Life Sciences. Part 2: biochemistry, general and molecular biology Ecology 51066 Journal of Natural History natural science D1081 biological sciences bioenergetics D0146 biogeography developmental biology D0152 environmental biology evolutionary biology D0155 functional biology genetic biology D0157 historical biology marine biology D0160 pathological biology philosophical biology D0162 philosophical biology experimental biology D0173 botany cytogenetics D0281 cytology embryology D0407 exobiology genetics D04 78 hematology microbiology D0618 morphology, biology parasitology D0752 photobiology radiobiology D1038 parabiology molecular biology D1094 cell biology organismic biology D1100 transplantation biology gnotobiology D1218 biocenology aerobiology D1275 biomechanics biotypology D1290 cecidiology ctetology D132g electrobiology gnotobiotics D144 1 hydrobiology idiobiology D1557 planktology protistology D1599 rhythmics human biology D1674 membrane biology reproductive biology D1837 nuclear biology enzymology D0142 biochemorphology bioclimatology DOl 44 bioecology behavioral biology D0164 biomathematics biometrics DO 168 biophysics biostatistics D0171 biotechnology biorheology D0588 space medicine phonology D0764 biological physics psychobiology D0866 biological rhinology population biology D1098 radiation biology immunogenetics, serology D1219 bioacoustics biogeochemistry D1233 agrobiology bio-astronautics D1262 cryobiology biological oceanography D1276 biometeorology biopsychology D1279 biosociology ethnobiology 01482 meteorobiology biological psychology D17g9 biological engineering oral biology D1819 neurobiology biological psychiatry Fed Enteric Phage Typing Commonwealth Institute Biological Control lnt Cnt Biological Research biologist(general) other biologists, zoologists and related scientists morphological biology economic biology morphology D0159 morphological biology 00160 Pathological biology 50 D0149 biology 00161 Philosophical biology 50 DO 149 biology 00162 Systematic biology 50 D0149 biology 00163 Experimental biology 31 S0059 50 DO 149 Journal of Experimental Biology biology 00164 Biomathematics Principles of ma1hematics that are of special use in biology and medicine 50 D0574 56 D0149 70 A2553 mathematics biology lnt Soc Mathematical Biology D0582 medicine 00165 Biometrics Statistical study of biological observations and phenomena 31 S1123 56 D0149 Biometrika biology 71 J0813 statistician (applied statistics) D0918 statistics 00166 Bionics Application of data on the functioning of biological systems to solution of engineering problems 50 D1359 interscience disciplines 51 D1050 79 K0935 robotics bionics 00167 Zoopathology Branch of pathology dealing with diseases of the lower animals 50 D0721 pathology 00168 Biophysics Physics of living organism.s; application of physical principles and methods to biological problems 31 50043 S0049 S0164 56 D0149 D1663 Quarterly Review of Biophysics FESS Letters Excerpta Medica. Section 27: Biophysics, bioengineering and medical instrumentation biology biophysical chemistry D0760 physics 01777 mathematicBI biophysics 00169 Biostatistics Statistical processes and methods applied to the analysis of biological phenomena Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction 00196 56 00149 71 J0813 biology statistician (applied statistics) 00918 statistics D0170 Biostratigraphy Branch of paleontology dealing w ith condilions and order of deposi1ion of sedimentary rocks 50 00711 paleontology D0172 Biotelemetry D0173 Botany Phytology; plant biology Branch of biology dealing with plants and plant life abuse of plant drugs P0714 inadequate plant quarantine 30 P0022 introduction of new plant and animal species ?1617 P229t poisonous plants Planta S0030 Planf Science l etters 3t S0029 biology 50 00149 algology 00135 batolo9y 5t 00042 00176 structural b<?tany DOt74 economic botany 00194 caricology bryology D018t 0029t dendrology 00202 desmidiology epiphytology 00544 lichenology 00377 mycology 00707 paleobotany 00623 phytography 00846 pteridology 00777 01 t47 plant production 00977 topology, botany phytotomy 01347 plant pathology 01208 Dt430 hepaticology 01665 plant protection Dt667 experimental botany 01672 geobotany medical botany DOt77 systematic botany 56 00175 00390 ethnobotany 00290 dendrochronology 00688 orchidology 00629 natural history 01245 anthoecology 00974 thremmatology biophysiography 01304 coniology 01277 01668 phytopathology plant biochemistry 01666 Ot681 plant chemistry 01670 plant radiobiology plant nutrition 01683 plant helminthology 01682 botanist 7t J05t2 J1313 teacher in life and medical sciences (third level) natural science teacher (second level) Jt323 D0174 Economic botany Ot 281 systematics Branch of ecology dealing with t he relation of animals to their environment and to other animals 50 00320 ecology 7t J05t3 zoologist Food science 30 P036 t irradiated food P0382 undernutrition and undernourishment P0487 Pt t 8g food additives food fads P141 1 P1441 P1683 P1694 P2223 environmental hazards from food and live animals decline in food nutritionalquality instability of trade in food preparations (miscellaneous) chemical contaminants of food lack of genetic diversity in crops P0811 P2253 food grain spoilage vulnerability of food chains 50 00655 nutritional science gastronomy 01852 vitaminology lnt Union Food Science Technology organic chemist J0294 food and drink technologist other engineering technicians D0180 Brontology St udy of thunder 50 00112 atmospheric sciences Branch of mathematics involving calculation; division of symbolic logic 50 00561 logistic 00574 mathematics 51 00185 differential calculus 00186 integral calculus 01177 56 00187 tensor calculus operational calculus 014 74 infinitesimal calculus DO 185 Differential calculus Branch of mathemat ics dealing with rate of change of functions with respect to the variables on which t hey depend 50 00184 calculus D0186 Integral calculus Branch of mathematics dealing with indefinite integrals of functions and the evaluation of definite integrals 50 00184 calculus D0187 Operational calculus Branch of mathematics using symbols of operation and of magnitude for purposes of algebra ic operations 00184 calculus 56 00038 algebra D0188 Caliology Study of birds' nests 30 P2018 bird netting 50 00690 ornithology DO 189 Calisthenics Art and practice of systematic health-improving gymnastic exercises 50 00582 medicine Science of making bells; art of bell ringing 50 01145 technological sciences 30 P0372 P0972 Pl 239 Pl 783 P34 72 environmental hazards from fish, crustacea and molluscs instability of trade in fish, crustacea and molluscs carcinogenic chemicals and physical agents long-term shortage of fish, crustacea and molluscs (and preparations thereof) endangered species of crustacea 50 0 1008 zoology D0193 Cardiology Study of the heart, its action and its diseases 30 P0448 heart diseases 31 50155 S0838 50 D1 t07 51 001 29 D1808 Dt810 J0525 bacteriologist Excerpta Medica. Section 18: Cardiovascular diseases and cardiovascular surgery American Journal of Cardiology Cardiology medical physiology ballistocardiography electrocardiology cellular cardiology 56 01793 pediatric cardiology 70 A2533 71 J06 t 2 lnt Provisional Cl Cardiology specialised physician S1023 Cor et Vasa 00343 electrocardiology D 1809 molecular cardiology D01 g4 Caricology Study of perennial grasslike herbs and sedges 50 OOt 73 botany 7 1 J0799 St t 6 7 Food Irradiation 81200 Journal of Texture Studies 51 01 4 10 70 At 610 7t JOt12 J0399 D0184 Calculus S0797 D011g Bromatology food spoilage biological contaminants of food Confructa Journal of Food Science Study of racial deterioration and inferior breeding stock 50 01095 organismic biology Branch of zoology dealing w ith the crustacea botany D0178 Zoo-ecology P2243 P2594 31 S0511 Sl 169 rheology D0192 Carcinology D0177 Systematic botany Taxonomic botany Botanical classification 51 00034 agrostology 56 DOt 73 botany 00864 D0183 Cacogenics Dysgenics D0191 Campanology medicine D0176 Structural botany 50 DO t 73 Biorheology biology M easurement of quantities of heat 50 00474 hedonics D0175 Medical botany Botanical medicine 00582 31 S0252 56 00149 D0190 Calorimetry Division of botany dealing with plant utilization botany 50 DOt 73 7 t J.05 t 2 botanist botany lnt Cl Botanic Medicine Branch of botany dealing w ith nonflowering plants comprising mosses and liverworts 31 S0041 Bryologist 50 00173 botany 5t Ot492 muscology D0182 Biorheology D0171 Biotechnology Application of biological and engineering data to problems relating to m utual adjustment of man and machine biology 00945 technology 56 D0t49 78 H0616 biotechnology 56 00173 70 At 735 D0181 Bryology other medical, dental, veterinary and related workers D0195 Carpology Branch of plant morphology dealing with fru it and seed structure plant morphology 50 Ot 287 D0196 Cartography Chartology Science or art of making maps 30 ?0398 inadequate international map of the world 31 50522 Cartographica 50 00427 geography 56 00755 photogrammetry Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction 00197 70 A1447 A2213 71 J0326 lnt Cartographic Asn lnt League Dermatological Socs cartographical draughtsman 00197 Cartometry 00198 Casuistry Study and doctrine dealing with cases of conscience and questions of right or wrong in conduct 56 00383 ethics 00957 theology 00199 Catacoustics Cataphonics; phonocamptics Branch of acoustics concerned wi1h echoes 50 00005 acoustics 00200 Viticulture Branch of agricultural science dealing with culture and production of grapes 30 P3611 31 50089 50 00033 phylloxera OIV Bulletin agrosciences 00201 Descriptive anatomy Anatomy dealing with the character, form, size and position of organs and parts 50 00051 anatomy botany 00203 Ceramography Ceramics Study or description of ceramics 31 50192 50 01 145 lnterceram technological sciences 56 01291 ceramic engineering ceramics and glass technologist other engineering technicians 71 J0292 J0399 J8900 00206 chemistry 50207 Talanta Branch of chemistry dealing w ith analysis 31 50203 50 00206 Analytical Chemistry chemistry long-term change in atmospheric chemistry atmospheric sciences 00206 chemistry 56 00206 chemistry 00249 agricultural climatology 00211 Clinical chemistry glass formers, potters and related workers 31 50852 50 00206 70 A 1890 30 P0763 P0992 cerebral palsy brain diseases and injuries (cerebrovascular diseases) brain sciences 70 A1407 A2601 A3485 lnt Brain Research Org lnt Study Group Cerebral Circulation World Cmsn Cerebral Palsy Clinica Chimicta Acta chemistry lnt Fed Clinical Chemistry 00212 Colloid chemistry Branch of chemistry dealing with surfaces and large molecular particles. and gelatinous. albuminous or starch like substances 50 00206 chemistry 00213 Forensic chemistry Legal chemistry 00205 Cetology Chemistry applied to legal questions Branch of zoology dealing with whales 56 00206 zoology Bureau lnt Whaling Statistics fishermen, hunters and related workers chemistry 00536 law 00214 High temperature chemistry 31 $021 7 50 00206 00206 Chemistry Composition, structure and properties of substances, and their transformations, processes and phenomena P0508 agrosciences 00210 Biological chemistry Enzymology 50 01 786 P0535 P0538 P0570 P0619 Pl 164 Pl 192 Pl 239 P1261 P1271 P1483 P1670 P1694 P2416 50 01015 01370 51 00079 00211 00214 00216 00221 00226 00228 00231 00338 00531 00610 00912 00967 01293 01337 01477 01537 01587 01595 sulfur chemistry cellulose chemistry immunohistochemistry biochemistry agricultural chemistry biological chemistry medicinal chemistry microbiological chemistry physical chemistry chemosurgery cosmochemistry chemical genetics neurochemistry molecular biology cytochemistry magnetochemistry biophysical chemistry chemical instrumentation chemical thermodynamics marine chemistry chemical pathology 00208 Analytical chemistry 30 Pl 234 56 001 12 Study of the brain 30 P0500 01690 01697 01776 00140 00207 002 10 00218 00220 00224 00232 00267 00420 00636 01093 01318 01465 01663 01688 015g9 01712 01803 00209 Atmospheric chemistry 00204 Cerebrology 50 01 OOB 70 A2811 71 J6400 surface chemistry radioanalytical chemistry heterocyclic chemistry enzymology biochemorphology atmospheric chemistry forensic chemistry metallurgic chemistry pharmaceutical chemistry physiological chemistry chemotherapy chemical engineering geochemistry chemical oceanography biogeochemistry iatrochemistry chemical metallurgy plant chemistry chemical physics polymer science environmental chemistry lnt Asn Chemical Socs chemist. general 00207 Agricultural chemistry 56 00033 00202 Desmidiology Branch of botany dealing w ith unicellular or colonial green algae that belong to the order Zygnematales 50 00173 01621 015g4 01698 56 00023 00142 00209 00213 00219 00223 00225 00233 00361 0042 1 00661 0122 1 01449 01585 016B1 0 1689 01700 01736 70 A2767 71 J01 11 instability of trade in chemical elements and compounds corrosion chemical contamination of water instability of chemical and petrochemical industry environmental hazards of chemicals and petrochemicals industries instability of chemicals trade chemical and biological warfare environmental hazards from chemicals carcinogenic chemicals and physical agents long·term shortage of chemicals chemical air pollutants underdevelopment of chemical and petrochemicals industries chemical contaminants of the environment (environmental pollutants} chemical contaminants of food restrictive practices in trade in chemicals chemical sciences 01052 natural science exact sciences zymurgy 00208 analytical chemistry clinical chemistry 002 12 colloid chemistry high temperature chemistry 002 15 inorganic chemistry interfacial chemistry 00217 macromolecular chemistry 00222 organic chemistry nuclear chemistry quantum chemistry 00227 radiation chemistry 00229 solid state chemistry sanitary chemistry 00257 colorimetry theoretical chemistry electrochemistry 00512 immunochemistry chemical kinetics 00564 macrochemistry microchemistry 00754 photochemistry spectrochemistry 00925 stereochemistry thermochemistry 00994 ultramicrochemistry reaction kinetics 01294 chemurgy photosynthetic chemistry 01403 paper and pulp chemistry metachemistry 01536 petrochemistry petrochemistry, rocks 01555 piezochemistry qualitative analysis 01 588 quantitative analysis industrial chemistry 01 618 stoichiometry High Temperature Science chemistry 00215 Inorganic chemistry Branch of chemistry dealing w ith chemical elements and their compounds, excluding hydrocarbons and their derivatives 31 5019 7 $0211 50 00206 51 00001 71 J011 3 Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry lnorganica Chimica Acta chemistry abiology inorganic chemist 00216 lnterfacial chemistry 50 00206 chemistry 00217 Macromelecular chemistry 31 $0220 50221 50 00206 Journal of Macromolecular Science. Part A: chemistry Journal of Photochemistry chemistry 00218 Medicinal chemistry 31 SOl ga 56 00206 Journal of Medicinal Chemistry chemistry 00582 medicine 00219 Metallurgic chemistry 31 5021 5 56 00206 Journal of Organometallic Chemistry chemistry 005g2 metallurgy 00220 Microbiological chemistry 56 00206 chemistry 00606 microbiology '0 0221 Nuclear chemistry Radiochemistry Branch of chemistry dealing with radioactive substances and phenomena including tracer studies 31 5019 7 50 00206 71 JOl 14 Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry chemistry physical chemist 00222 Organic chemistry Branch of chemistry dealing chiefly w ith hydrocarbons and their derivatives 30 P0754 hydrocarbons as po)lutants Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction 00256 31 S0214 50 00206 71 J0112 Journal of Organic Chemistry chemistry organic chemist S02 16 Synthesis 50 D0257 00223 Pharmaceutical chemistry Research in medicinal chemicals and their production 56 00206 7 1 J0119 chemistry other chemists D1021 00239 Chromatics Branch of optics deali ng with properties of colours; branch of colorimetry dealing with hue and saturation pharmaceutics colorimetry D0681 optics 00240 Chromatology Science of colours 50 D0548 liturgiology 00224 Physical chemistry Branch of natural science applying physical methods and theory to the study of chemical systems 00241 Chronology The science of measuring or computing time by regular divisions or periods, and assigning events their proper dates 51 D1286 56 00206 71 J01 14 50 D0489 history 56 00242 archeological chronology 00243 ecclesiastical chronology dendrochronology D0463 glottochronology capillary chemistry chemistry physical chemist D1080 physical sciences D0290 00225 Physiological chemistry Branch of natural science dealing with chemical aspects of physiological and biological systems 56 D0206 01081 chemistry 00773 physiology biological sciences 00242 Archeological chronology Classification of archeological sites or preh istoric cu ltures accordi ng to thei r time relationship by stratigraphy, typology or dating 56 00086 archeology 00226 Quantum chemistry 56 D0241 3 1 50218 International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 50 00206 chemistry 00244 Chronometry Science of measuring ti me 00227 Radiation chemistry Branch of chemistry dea ling with chemica l effects of nuclear and other radiations on matter 30 P0842 nuclear wa r Pl 584 nuclear reactor pollution P220 1 P3493 3 1 50260 50 00206 nuclear and thermonuclear weapons testing accidents to nuclear weapons systems International Journal for Radiation Physics and Chemistry chemistry 00228 Sanitary chemistry 50 00206 chemistry 00229 Solid state chemistry 31 S0226 50 00206 D0241 chronology D0957 theology 00243 Ecclesiastical chronology Journal of Solid State Chemistry chemistry chronology 30 P2621 multiplicity of time standards 50 01145 71 J8400 technological sciences machinery fitters, machine assemblers and precision-instrument makers (except electrical) 00245 Cinematography Art or science of motion-picture photography 50 01145 technological sciences 70 A 1483 A2782 lnt Cnt Films Children Young People lnt Motion Picture Cng 71 J0393 J 1513 J 1636 J 1732 time and motion study technician critic J 1614 motion picture camera operator actor J 1743 cartoonist motion picture producer 00230 Technical chemistry 00246 Civilization The descriptive inventory of the whole of the advances of human culture and aspirations beyond the purely animal level 50 00230 51 D0230 technical chemistry technica l chemistry 50 01071 70 A2144 7 1 J0142 chemistry technician humanistic sciences lnt Institute Differing Civilizations 00231 Theoretical chemistry 00247 Developmental anatomy Anatomy of the embryo or fetus 50 00206 50 00051 chemistry 00232 Chemosurgery 56 D0206 chemistry 00933 surgery 00233 Chemotherapy Chemotherapeutics Prevention or treatment of infectious disease in man, animals or plants by using chemical agents 31 S119 2 56 00206 70 A3915 Chemotherapy chemistry lnt Soc Chemotherapy 00960 therapeutics 00234 Chirology Science of the hand and of sign language 50 00258 communications 00773 physiology 30 P0918 overheating of planet P1288 P1404 P1984 50 00112 irresponsible or inadvertent weather and climate modification climatic cold P17 44 long term climatic changes short term cl imatic change P2460 climatic heat atmospheric sciences 51 D0250 regional climatology 00708 01234 56 D0143 00253 paleoclimatology agroclimatology bioclimatology physical climatology 71 J0134 meteorological scientist 56 00033 30 31 50 71 50 D0248 spine diseases and disabilities ACA Journal of Chiropractic medicine chiropractor humanistic sciences 71 J 1325 J 1722 fine arts teacher (second level) choreographer 00249 agricultural climatology DO 74 1 phonology 00249 Agricultural climatology 00248 agrosciences 00210 biological chemistry DO 760 physics climatology climatology 50 D0248 climatology 00252 Medical climatology 56 00582 medicine 00253 Physical climatology J1723 56 00248 dancer 50 DO 146 biogeography 70 A 1112 A2469 A3161 Provisional Intergovernmental Cmt Movement Migrants (Europe) lnt Migration Service Research Group Eupn M igration Problems 00238 Christology Branch of theology dealing with the person and work of Christ theology applied climatology microclimatology synoptic climatology 00251 Applied climatology 00237 Chorology Branch of biogeography dealing with migrations and areas of distribution of organisms 50 00957 D0251 00611 01026 00250 Analytical climatology 00236 Choreography Orchesography Compositi on and arrangement of dance movements and the art of representing dancing by signs 50 01071 analytical climatology 00254 00235 Chiropractic Study and practice of healing by scientific manipulation and adjustment of the spinal column and body structures P2626 S0761 00582 J0793 anatomy D0248 Climatology Investigation of the phenomena and causes of cl imates ' climatology 00254 Regional climatology 50 00248 climatology 00255 Codicology Science of early manuscripts 50 00710 paleography 00256 Coleopterology Branch of zoology dealing with the largest order of insects, primari ly beetles and weevils 30 P1679 beetles asinsect pests 50 D1008 zoology Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction I 00257 00257 Colorimetry Colorimetrics Science and practice of determining and specifying colours; quantitative chemical analysis by colour comparison 00268 Cosmogony Branch of astronomy dealing with the origin and development of the universe and its components 50 00206 51 00239 50 00108 chemistry chromatics 00548 liturgiology 00258 Communications Communications theory The effective expression and exchange of ideas in speech or writing or th rough the graphic or dramatic arts prejudice against communication by visual imagery 30 P0076 31 S0186 S0286 50289 S0291 50 00516 51 00234 00529 00949 01311 01528 56 00263 01596 70 A2627 A4622 79 K0265 Business Periodicals Index 50285 Communications Research Journal of Communication Communication Arts International Communications information science chirology kinesics telecommunications cryptography 00516 00572 00950 01526 information science mass communications telemetry pasimology pathognomy content analysis 01573 psychoacoustics rhetoric lnt Telecommunications Satellite Consortium Sierra Club communication physica l sciences 00260 Interstellar communication 56 01020 01666 astrotechnology plant biochemistry D1302 communication engineering 00261 Computer science Electronic data handling technology, information processing and problem solving, and the study of control and communication in machines 30 P23 76 data pollution 31 50293 50294 $0295 $0296 $0297 $0298 S0299 S0302 $0303 $0304 $0305 Telecommunication Journal Computer and Information Systems Computer International Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Computers and Electrical Engineering Computers and the Humanities Computers in Biology and Medicine Datamation IBM Journal of Research and Development International Association for Analog Computation Proceed ings International Journal of Computer and Information Science S0311 S0676 Simulation Law and Computer Technology 50 0031 7 earth sciences 00270 Cosmology Systematic philosophy dealing w ith the character of the universe by combining speculative metaphysics and scientific knowledge; the processes of nature and the relation of its parts; the origin, structure and space-time relationships of the universe D0259 Diachronistics Study of phenomena as they occur, change or develop over a period of time 50 01080 astronomy 00269 Cosmography Science deal ing with the whole order of nature and the relation of all its parts 50312 Software World 31 50 51 56 51184 01307 00265 00267 00766 79 K0502 Cosmobiology International systematic theology cosmecology cosmochemistry cosmic physics cosmology 01648 comparative cosmology 00595 metaphysics 01080 physical sciences 00271 Craniology Science dealing with variations in skull size, shape and proportions, particularly as characterizing different races 56 00072 physical anthropology 01095 organismic biology 00272 Craniometry Science dealing with measuring the skull to determine dimensions and proportions characteristic of particular races, sex, developmental stage or somatotype 50 00072 physical anthropology D0273 Criminology Scientific study of crime as a social phenomena, of criminals and criminal investigation, and of penal treatment 30 P0001 crime P0733 P0808 31 50317 decline in crime detection rate international crime rings P2343 International Annals of Criminology S0318 50 51 56 70 organized crime Criminology S0320 S0321 International Journal of Criminology and Penology International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology S0322 Police World S 1319 International Halfway House Association Newsletter 00896 00065 00818 A1012 sociology criminal anthropology crim inal psychology HowardAsn A2345 lnt Penal Penitentiary Foundation 00728 penology A2537 lnt Soc Crimfnology A2952 Meeting Specialized Agencies NGOs Prevention crime Treatment Offenders 50840 51074 50 00516 51 01125 01336 Computer Programs in Biomedicine Computer Studies in the Humanities and Verbal Behavior information science linear programming 0 1139 non-linear programming computer design 00274 Cryogenics Branch of physics relating to production and effects of very low temperatures 56 00279 cybernetics 31 50251 01753 71 J0239 J0349 J0842 J8500 79 K0626 computer mathematics 01759 biomedical computing other electrical and electronics engineers other electrical and electronics engineering technicians computer programmer J3400 computing machine operators electrical fitters and related electrical and electronics workers linear programming K0836 computer program 01124 game theory 00262 Conchology Branch of zoology dealing with shells 31 S0005 Journal of Conchology 50 01009 economic zoology 30 P1485 56 00258 lack of commitment to common symbols (lack of common ethic) communications 00877 semantics 70 A 1576 lnt Cmt Breaking Language Barrier 00264 Synchronistics Study of the complex of events existing in a limited time period and ignoring historical antecedents D0265 Cosmecology Science dealing with the earth in relation to cosmic phenomena cosmology 00266 Dialectics Systematic reasoning, exposition or argument that juxtaposes opposed or contradictory ideas and seeks to resolve their conflict 00267 Cosmochemistry Study of the chemical composition and chemical changes in the universe 56 00206 chemistry S0367 S0539 S0540 reporter Jl 922 sociologist Cryogenics Cryogenics and Industrial Gases Journal of Refrigeration World Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 50 00760 51 01310 56 00275 physics cryology cryogenics 71 J0249 other mechanical engineers D0275 Cryopedology Study of frozen ground and intensive frost action 00263 Content analysis Study and analysis of manifest and latent content of types of communication through tabulation, classification and evaluation of their key symbols and themes in order to ascertain their meaning and probable effect 50 00270 71 Jl 593 00270 cosmology 30 P0274 56 00274 cold disorders cryogenics P2244 00726 frost pedology, soil science 00276 Crystallography Leptology; leptonology Science dealing wi th the system of forms among crystals, their structure and aggregation 31 S0208 Acta Crystallographica. Sections A and B 50209 50 00760 51 01313 Journal of Applied Crystallography physics crystallogeny 56 00277 mathematical crystallography 70 A2708 71 JOl 14 Provisional lnt Crystallographic Cmt physical chemist 00277 Mathematical crystallography 56 00276 crystallography 00574 mathematics 00278 Culture Culturology Study of the total pattern of human behavior and its products and artifacts; the , body of customary beliefs, social forms and material traits constituting a distinct complex 30 P1071 P1351 P2548 P3408 preservation of cultural variety cultural deprivation P2331 cultural invasion inadequate appreciation of culture Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction cultural barriers 00303 50 00893 social sciences 56 D0815 psychology D08g6 sociology periods by study of the sequence and differences between growth rings in trees and aged wood · D0279 Cybernetics 56 00173 Comparative study of automatic control systems formed by human nerves and brains and by electronic communication mechanisms D0291 Dendrology 3 t 50301 Cybernetica 50306 50307 50 01359 International Journal of Control International Journal of Man-Machine Studies interscience disciplines 30 P1642 P3585 P3586 destruction of hedges and hedgerow trees pests and diseases of trees insect pests of trees and timber 50 00173 51 D1006 botany xylology 51 D1259 autonetics 56 00261 computer science D1029 control theory 0 1787 cybernetic medicine 70 A 1187 A 1862 79 K0230 lnt Asn Cybernetics lnt Fed Automatic Control cybernetics D0574 D1749 mathematics educational cybernetics chronology Study of trees D0292 Dentistry 31 S0935 S0939 50944 Branch of biology dealing with the study of heredity and variation by methods of both cytology and genetics Cytogenetics biology cytology 00241 Science and practice of treating diseases of the teeth and associated tissues A 1778 World Cybernetics 5ytems Org D0280 Cytogenetics 31 S0843 50 D0149 56 D0281 botany D0417 genetics D0281 Cytology Branch of biology dealing with study of cell structure, function, multiplication, pathology and life history 31 50024 50 D01 49 51 D0282 D0784 Dl 296 56 D0280 Dt 77 5 70 A1128 Cytologia biology exfoliative cytology plant cytology chromosomology cytogenetics neurocytology lnt Academy Cytology 71 J0519 other biologists, zoologists and related scientists 50 01032 51 00665 D0692 D0730 00803 01353 D 1811 D181 4 56 00293 D0962 D181 3 71 J0630 J0633 J0644 FOi Newsletter S0936 ethnomethodology odontography orthodontics periodontics prosthodontics endodontia preventive dentistry caries research forensic dentistry dental therapeutics oral biology dentists public health dentist dental hygienist 00666 00703 D0802 D1113 01532 01812 01 81 6 00294 01766 01815 J0632 J0642 S0070 Acta Anatomica D0526 01109 D1 673 00283 kariology cytotechnology clinical cytology D0293 Forensic dentistry 31 S0937 International Journal of Forensic Dentistry cytopathology 56 00292 dentistry A2476 lnt Cng Experimental Cytology D0294 Veterinary dentistry 56 00292 International Dental Journal Journal of Dental Research Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research dentistry odontology pedodontics prosthetics oral surgery pedodontics psychosomatic dentistry oral imptantology veterinary dentistry geriatric dentistry oral medicine specialised dentist dental assistant 00536 law D 10 0 1 veterinary science D0282 Exfoliative cytology D0295 Deontology Study of cells shed from body surfaces, primarily to identify cancerous condition Theory or study of duty or moral obligation; the ethics of duty 50 D0281 70 A3052 D0296 Dennatology cytology Pan American Cancer Cytology Soc Branch of pathology dealing with manifestations of disease at the cellular level cytology 00721 pathology D0284 Dactyliology, dactylology Study of sign language with special reference to use of fingers 50 00551 . linguistics D0285 Darwinism Study of the process by which a living organism or group of organisms has acquired its morphological and physiological characters 50 00405 evolutionary theory Branch of psychology dealing with factors and processes involved in taking decisions control theory D0287 Demography Statistical study of characteristics of human populations and their social and economic conditions 30 P1020 P1021 P1022 P1023 P1260 P3304 31 50080 ineffective population control opposition to population control religious opposition to population control government opposition to population control segregation of poor and minority population in urban ghettoes expropriation of land from indigenous populations Europe:in Demographic Information Bulletin S0103 Manking Quarterly 50 599 International Migration Review 50 00896 5 1 0 1567 population dynamics population geography 00455 population biology lnt Union Scientific Study Population Latin American Demographic Cnt statistician (applied statistics) geopolitics medical physiology veterinary dermatology lnt Sac Tropical Dermatology specialised physician D0297 Veterinary dermatology dermatology specialised physician 01001 veterinary science D0298 Dietetics Science or art of applying the principles of nutrition to the feeding of individuals or groups under different economic conditions or for hygienic or therapeutic purposes 30 P0715 POBOO 31 S1170 vitamin deficiencies in diet dietary deficiencies in developed countries Nutrition 50 00655 nutritional science 51 00299 71 J0691 dietotherapy dietitian (general) J0699 J 1310 S1172 Vegetarian other dietitians and public health nutritionists university and higher education teachers D0299 Dietotherapy Branch of dietetics concerned with t herapeutic uses of food and diet dietetics Study of the devil or belief in devils 50 00863 comparative religion D0301 Differential geometry Branch of geometry involving calculus in its development 3 1 S0746 50 00450 Study and theory of the origin and nature of communities sociology Journal of Differential Geometry geometry D0302 Diacoustics Branch of acoustics dealing w ith refracted sound D0289 Demonology Daemonology 50 00005 Study of popular beliefs or superstitions about demons or evil spirits 50 00595 lack of worker participation in decision-making acne Excerpta Medica. Section 13: Dermatology and venereology Dermatologica International Journal of Dermatology D0300 Diabology D0288 Demology 50 D0896 P3662 31 SOl 50 S0844 S0945 50 01107 56 00297 70 A2573 71 J0612 50 00298 sociology 56 00437 01096 70 A2676 A2867 71 J0813 30 P0574 56 00296 71 J0612 D0286 Decision making 50 01029 ethics Branch of medical science dealing with the skin, its structure, functions and diseases D0283 Cytopathology 56 D028 1 50 D0383 metaphysics D0290 Dendrochronology Science of dating events, time intervals and variations in environment in former acoustics · D0303 Dialectology Systematic study of varieties of language used by particular groups of persons having features of vocabulary, grammar or pronunciation distinguishing them from other varieties used by other groups Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction [J 00304 31 S0706 50 00551 D0319 Eccrinology Branch of physiology dealing with secretion and secretary organs Orbis linguistics D0304 Dianetics An exlrascientific system likening the brain to a computing machine and holding that engrams which cause mental illness can be eradicated by psychotherapy 30 P0300 mental illness 31 50 70 78 Oianetic Journal Notes medical sciences lnt Cmt against Mental Illness dianetics S0606 01082 A1574 H0106 P0989 mental illness in adolescents D0305 Didactics Study of teaching, pedagogy or systematic instruction 50 00332 71 J1310 J13 29 education university and higher education teachers other secondary education teachers D0306 Dioptrics Branch of optics dealing with refraction of light 50 00681 optics D0307 Docimology Science of metal assaying 50 00593 metallography philosophy D0309 Dosiology Dosology; posology Branch of medical science concerned with dosage 50 00739 pharmacology D0310 Dynamic geology Branch of geology dealing with causes and processes of geological change 50 0044 1 56 0154 7 geology physical geology D0311 Dynamics Branch of mechanics dealing with forces and their relation to motion and equilibrium of bodies of matter 50 00578 51 00011 00314 00530 56 00131 00531 01344 mechanics aerodynamics 003 13 structural dynamics 00527 kinematics kinetics barodynamics 00315 topological dynamics chemical kinetics geometrodynamics 00941 01494 systems dynamics myodynamics molecular dynamics D0312 Fluid dynamics Branch of fluid mechanics dealing with flu id motion (flow and wave motion) 50 01327 51 01847 flu id mechanics geophysical fluid dynamics dynamics D0314 Structural dynamics 31 $0351 Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics 50 00311 dynamics D0315 Topological dynamics 56 00311 dynamics 009 77 topology, botany D0316 Echinology Branch of zoology dealing with a phylum of radially symmetrical coelomate marine animals 50 01008 zoology D0317 Earth sciences Geosciences Sciences dealing with the Earlh or with one or more of its parts 31 S032 5 50 00870 Earth Science Reviews science 5 1 DO 11 2 atmospheric sciences 00426 00453 01089 01420 56 00870 01424 70 Al 278 geodynamics geophysics hydrological sciences geomorphogeny science geotechnics lnt Asn Engineering Geology 00269 00441 01088 01416 01849 01184 D0318 Ecclesiology Science or study of church art and antiquities 50 00863 51 00627 56 00627 comparative religion naology naology environments 31 S0061 Journal of Ecology S0491 Ecology 50492 Ecosphere 00323 marine ecology 51 00178 zoo-ecology 004 16 genecology 00709 paleoecology 00780 phytosociology 00785 plant ecology 01256 autecology 01257 synecology 01407 wi ldlife management 00321 agricultural ecology 56 00144 bioecology 00436 physical geography 01095 organismic biology 01096 population biology 01206 agroecology anthoecology 01245 0 1269 radio-ecology 01390 conservation 70 A 1190 lnt Asn Ecology A1529 Indian Cl Agricultural Research A2524 lnt Sac Tropical Ecology A2654 lnt Union Conservation Nature Natural Resources A4300 Institute Ecology 71 J0513 zoologist 79 K0950 ecology 30 P2205 56 00033 agricultural wastes agrosciences 00320 ecology D0322 Human ecology Branch of sociology dealing with relationship between a human community and its environment; study of spatial and temporal interrelationships between men and their economic, social and political organization 31 S0496 80601 50 00896 70 A3937 71 J 1314 J 1933 Human Ecology Researches on Population Ecology sociology Commonwealth Human Ecology Cl teacher in mathematics (third level) culture centre worker D0323 Marine ecology 30 P1117 P1647 P3666 31 80058 50 00320 70 A1117 marine pollutions vulnerability of marine ecosystems marine dumping Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology ecology Convention Facilitation lnt Maritime Traffic D0324 Econometrics Application of mathematical form and statistical techniques to testing and quantifying economic theories and solving economic problems 31 80406 56 00325 71 J0813 J0901 Econometrica economics statistician (applied statistics) economist (general) 00921 mathematical statistics D0325 Economics Economic sciences; dismal science; plutonomy Social science dealing with production, distribution and consumption of D0313 Molecular dynamics 50 00311 physiology D0320 Ecology Branch of science dealing with interrelationships of organisms and thei r D0321 Agricultural ecology D0308 Dogmatism Philosophy grounded in principles mainly established by reason to the neglect of recourse to experience 50 00745 50 00773 cosmography geology geological sciences geogony geosciences transdisciplinary sciences commodities 30 P0002 economic stagnation control of national economic sectors by multinational enterprises P0042 economic inviability of small developing countries P0068 rural underdevelopment P0306 economic stagnation in developing countries P0439 inadequate domestic savings in developing countries P0465 limits to economic growth P0495 concentration of power by multinational enterprises P0766 imbalances in distribution of costs and benefits of economic integration P0794 underdevelopment of industrial and economic activities P0880 instability of economic and industrial production activities P1217 cyclic business recessions P1792 economic warfare P1277 economic discrimination P2157 undisclosed control of national by limited number of individuals P2344 weakness in trade between different economic systems P2724 differences in trading principles and practices between different economic P2952 systems weakness in trade between socialist and developed market economies P2954 instability of commodity prices and developing country earnings P2968 P30 11 economic intimidation P3044 economic stagnation of mature society P3165 communist economic imperialism P3166 capitalist economic imperialism economic competition in communist systems P3167 economic imperialism P3233 economic revolution P3198 economic dictatorship P3240 inadequacy of economic doctrine P3395 economic war P3446 31 S0081 Economics Selections 80186 Business Periodicals Index Cooperative America 80408 Economica S0405 Journal of International Economics S0413 Metroeconomica 8041 7 Review of Income and Wealth S0414 Review of World Economics 80422 Journal of Public Economics 504 19 Entry content explanation at end of Section Introducti on 00347 S0516 50 D0893 51 D0080 D0327 D0331 D1036 D1559 D1724 56 D0028 D0328 D0455 D1009 D1650 D1726 71 J0901 OECD Economic Outlook social sciences aphnolo9y housing economics regional economics microeconomics plutology business economics agroeconomics mathematical economics geopolitics economic zoology health economics social economics economist (general) D0894 D0326 D0329 D1012 D1289 D1687 D1725 D0324 D0330 D0490 D123 1 D1686 social studies home economics macroeconomics finance catallactics business J0902 economist (speciali$ed) development studies econometrics medical economics economic history agricultural economics industry 00326 Home economics Study and research on formal subjects and practical skills necessary for good home management and family life 30 P0149 3 1 50551 50 D0325 family poverty in developing countries Consumers' Research Magazine 50552 economics 71 Jl 319 J 1932 other university and higher education teachers social welfare worker Journal of Home Economics economics D05 74 mathematics 00329 Macroeconomics Study of the economic system as a whole, the general level of output and income and interrelations among sectors of the economy 50 D0325 economics 00330 Medical economics 31 S0884 56 00325 Medical Economics economics medicine education 00863 70 A4085 Multimedia lnt 71 J 1324 social studies teacher (second level) comparative religion 00335 Egyptology Study of Egyptian antiquities 50 D0086 I archeology 00336 Eidolology Study of mental imagery 50 DOS 1 5 psychology 00337 Electroacoustics Science dealing with transformation of acoustic energy into electric energy or 31 50445 50 D0005 IEEE Transactions acoustics 31 50204 50210 50 D0206 51 01693 Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry and lnterfacial Electrochemistry Electrochimica Acta chemistry electroanalytical ch~mistry 56 00339 01695 mathematical electrochemistry electrochemical thermodynamics 01696 70 A 1 609 electrochemical kinetics lnt Soc Electrochemistry 56 00338 electrochemistry 005 74 mathematics 00340 Electrodynamics Branch of physics dealing with effects arising from interactions of electric currents with magnets, with other currents or with themselves Regional Studies economics 00332 Education Field of study dealing with principles and methods of teaching or of learning 30 P0021 P0084 P0190 P0432 P0443 P0759 P0932 P0996 P1266 P1526 P1530 P153 1 P1 716 P1896 P2051 P2155 P2163 P3122 P3328 P3356 P3434 P3459 31 S0281 S0425 $0428 S0429 S0430 S0431 S0433 S0436 S0438 S0716 51064 50 D0893 51 D0305 01298 D1765 56 D0070 D0822 0 14 12 D1 749 70 A1212 · A1 2 17 A1876 A3906 71 J081 3 J1 3 10 . 78 'H0945 discriminatory effects ofreligious and denominational education 56 00332 00339 Mathematical electrochemistry D0582 00331 Regional economics 31 S0564 50 D0325 00334 Religious education 30 P3356 00338 Electrochemistry Science dealing with relation of electricity to chemical changes and with the ' interconversion of chemical and electrical energy economics Inter-American Savings Loan Union 00328 Mathematical economics 56 D0325 Comparative Education . education vice versa J 1993 home economist 00327 Housing economics 50 D0325 70 A 1108 00333 Comparative education 31 S0427 50 D0332 50 D0760 51 00015 physics electromechanics unsatisfied need for continued ed ucation 00341 Cosmic electrodynamics barriers to transfer between educational facilities discrimination against women in education excessive specialization in educat ion irrelevance of educational curricula 31 S0095 50 D0340 inadequate sex education excessive institutionalization of education abuse of civic education inappropriate selection and examination procedures in education educational authoritarianism P1527 educational elitism unequal access of rural youth to education inappropriate education in developing countries cosmic electrodynamics Astrophysics and Space Science electrodynamics 00342 Quantum electrodynamics Quantum mechanics applied to electri cal interactions as between nuclear particles 50 01330 quantum mechanics 00343 Electrocardiology 50 D0193 educational wastage 00341 cardiology inequality of access to education within countries inadequate educational facilities for gifted children 00344 Electroencephalography Study of methods of detecting and recording brain waves repetition of educational stages inequality of access to education denial of the right to education in capitalist systems racial discrimination in education discriminatory effects ofreligious and denominational education P3441 segregation in education inequality in education discrimination in education International Journal of Early Childhood Education Caribbean Educational Bulletin Educational Documentation and Information Educational Media International International Association of Universities Bulletin International Institute for Education Studies Bulletin International Understanding at School Paedagogica Historica S0437 Society and Leisure S0594 UNESCO Courier World and the School S1054 Lumen Vitae Current International Journal of Educational Sciences social sciences didactics D0333 comparative education civics D1531 pedagogy physical education educational arithropology 00334 religious education 00897 educational sociology educational psychology general semantics D1745 school psychology educational cybernetics lnt Asn Advancement Educational Research lnt Asn Evaluation Educational Achievement Sacred CongregatiOn Seminaries Universities lnt Cl Education Teaching statistician (applied statistics) university and higher education teachers education 3 1 50799 S0848 50 D0773 70 A2008 American Journal of EEG Technology Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology physiology lnt Fed Socs Electroencephalography Clinical Neurophysiology 34500034 5 Electromagnetism Branch of physical science dealing with the physical relations between electricity and magnetism 50 D0760 56 01 782 physics electromagnetic metrology 00346 Electronics Radionics Branch of physics dealing with emission, behavior and effects of electrons in vacuums and gases and with utilization of electronic devices 3 1 50440 S0442 S0450 S1017 50 D0760 51 00348 D134 g 01730 56 00076 00914 70 A 1799 71 JOl 27 Electron Technology S044 1 Electronics Letters Electronics Today International International Journal of Electronics British Journal of Radiesthesia and Radionics physics quantum electronics D0612 micro-electronics electron ballistics D1 350 electron optics solid-state electronics astrionics D0347 medical electronics electronic spectroscopy D1394 electronic engineering lnt Electronics Asn electronics physicist 00347 Medical electronics 3 1 S0834 50883 56 D0346 Biomedical Electronics Medical and Biological Engineering electronics 00582 Ent ry content explanation at end of Section Introduction medicine 00348 71 J0249 J8100 78 H0276 79 K0707 00348 Quant um electronics 31 50444 50 00346 IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics electronics 00349 Elect rophysiolo9y Branch of physiology dealing wilh electric phenomena associated with living bodies and involved in their functional activity 50 00773 physiology 00350 Value engineering 50 00356 engineering 71 J0289 other industrial engineers Journal of Embryology and Experimental Morphology Acta Anatomica zoologist embryology 0 1001 veterinary science Institution of Municipal Engineers Journal Municipal Engineering engineering Excerpta Medica . Section 3: Endocrinology General and Comparative Endocrinology Acta Endocrinologica 5094 7 Hormones medical sciences clinical endocrinology neuroendocrinology lnt 5oc Endocrinology physiologist endocrinology physiologist 00356 Engineering Science by which the properties of matter and the sources of energy in nature are made useful to man in structures, machines and products 30 P0508 31 50296 50369 503 7 1 50372 50380 50 011 45 51 00020 00353 00364 00369 003 72 003 74 00848 01220 01354 01401 01454 0161 7 01 721 0173 1 01768 01 771 56 0035 7 00359 00361 00365 00370 00444 00942 01196 01204 01 391 01 394 01 396 01398 01 654 01 7 16 0 1754 01 799 70 A3353 S0110 01 770 00033 A 1548 J0293 Land and Water International design engineering agrosciences 00356 lnt Cmsn Agricultural Engineering agricultural engineer J0399 engineering corrosion P1904 mechanical failure Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Engineering International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering International Journal of Engineering Science Technometrics technological sciences aeronautics 00350 value engineering municipal engineering 00362 civil engineering environmental engineering 00368 mechanical engineering military engineering 0037 1 nuclear engineering 00373 production engineering petroleum engineering sanitary engineering 00498 hydraulics quality control 0 1195 fuel engineering bioengineering 01302 communication engineering 01393 construction engineering industrial engineering 01405 power engineering materials engineering 01 551 physicotheology illuminating engineering 01 706 radiation engineering stationary engineering naval engineering 0 1722 geotechnical engineering automotive engineering 0 1767 evaluation engineering 01 769 heat engineering process engineering assembly engineering acoustical engineering 00358 agricultural engineering analytical engineering 00360 biomedical engineering chemical engineering 00363 electrical engineering human engineering 00367 marine engineering mining engineering 003 75 traffic engineering engineering geology 00823 engineering psychology systems engineering 0 1058 ekistics 0 1198 mechanical sciences electromechanical engineering architectural engineering 01291 ceramic engineering 0 1392 astronautical engineering aeronautical engineering 01 395 geological engineering electronic engineering geophysical engineering 01 39 7 metallurgical engineering engineering physics 01 4 14 geodetic engineering hydronautics 01 710 telecommunication engineering earthquake engineering 01 720 ocean engineering engineering mathematics 0 1798 biological engineering medical engineering Union lnt Engineering Orgs A3522 World Fed Engineering Orgs engineering other engineering technicians 0 0 359 Analytical engineering 56 00356 engineering 31 50446 S0778 56 00148 00355 Clinical endocrinology 50 00354 71 J0524 31 51 56 70 71 biology comparative embriology veterinary embryology 00354 Endocrinology Science dealing with the discharges of ductless glands 3 1 50140 50861 50946 50 D1082 51 00355 56 0063 7 70 A2541 71 J0524 Audio Engineering Society Journal acoustics 00356 sound physicist 00360 Biomedical engineering 00353 Municipal engineering Branch of engineering dealing with construction and maintenance operations and problems of urban life 31 5038 7 50654 50 00356 31 S 1120 56 00005 71 JOl 25 Excerpta Medica.Section 1: anatomy, anthropology, embryology and history 00352 Veterinary embryology 56 00351 00357 Acoustical engineering 00358 Agricultural engineering 003 51 Embryology Branch of biology dealing with development of the individual from egg to birth or hatching, and the early stages of growth and differentiation in animals and seed plants 31 50060 50070 50138 50 00149 51 01203 56 00352 71 J0513 other mechanical engineers cabinetmakers and related woodworkers human engineering human engineering 01207 analysis IEEE Transactions International Journal of Biomedical Engineering biomedicine 00356 engineering 00361 Chemical engineering Branch of engineering dea ling with development and application of manufacturing processes in which materials undergo changes in properties 3 1 S0267 S0381 S0383 56 00206 71 J0251 J0361 J0362 Nuclear Engineering and Design Chemical Age International International Chemical Engineering chemistry 00356 engineering chemical engineer (general) J0252 chemical engineer (petroleum) chemical engineering technician (general) chemica l engineering technician (petroleum) 00362 Civil engineering Branch of engineering dealing with public works and large-scale private constructional enterprises 3 1 S01 77 S026 7 S0384 S0388 50 00356 51 00366 01197 71 J0220 J0222 J0223 J0224 J0226 European Civil Engineering Abstracts Nuclear Engineering and Design European Civil Engineering International Civil Engineering Monthly engineering hydraulic engineering 008 55 structural engineering 01 356 civil engineers J0221 building construction engineer highway and street construction engineer railway construction engineer J0 225 soil mechanics engineer J0 22 9 railway engineering highway engineering civil engineer (general) sanitary engineer other civil engineers 00363 Electrical engineering Branch of engineering dealing with practical application of electricity 31 S029 7 S0439 S0449 51 01192 56 00356 71 J0230 J0233 J0340 Computers and Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineer International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education radio engineering 01 72 g circuit theory engineering 01086 electricity electrical and electronics engineers power distribution and transmission engineer electrical and electronics engineering technicians 0 0364 Environmental engineering 3 1 S0395 50 00356 Environmental Engineering engineering 50504 Ethnology 0 0365 Human engineering Science drawing upon physiology, anatomy, physical anthropology, applied psychology in order to design and position machines, instruments and controls so that they may be used with maximum eHiciency by human beings 30 P20 20 5 1 Dl 388 56 0005 1 00356 008 16 economic insecurity administration anatomy engineering applied psychology 000 72 00773 physical anthropology physiology 0 0366 Hydraulic engineering Branch of civil engineering dealing with use and control of flowing w ater 3 1 S0110 50 00362 71 J0220 Land and Water International civil engineering civil engineers 00367 Marine engineering Branch of engineering dealing with construction and operation of power plant and other mechanical equi pment of sea-going craft, docks and labor installations 31 50474 50475 50478 56 00356 7 1 J0244 International Shipbuilding Progress Marine Technology Shipbuilding Marine Engineering International 005 7 1 management engineeri ng marine engineer J0432 marine engineer officer Entry content explanat ion at end of Section Introduction 00391 D0368 Mechanical engineering Branch of engineering dealing with generation, transmission and utilization of heat and mechanical power and with production of tools, machinery and their products 31 S0267 50398 50399 50400 50 D0356 Nuclear Engineering and Design International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer International Journal of Mechanical Sciences International Journal of Multiphase Flow D0377 Epiphytology Science dealing with character, ecology and causes of outbreak of plant diseases 30 P3596 50 D0173 51 D0376 plant disease vectors botany epidemiology D0378 Epistemology Study of the theory, method and grounds of knowledge, and its limits and validity engineering 56 01751 terramechanics 71 J0232 J0241 J0242 J0243 J0244 J0247 J0248 J0351 J8300 power generation engineer J0240 mechanical engineers mechanical engineer (general) industrial machinery and tools engineer mechanical engineer (motors and engines, except marine) marine engineer J0246 aeronautical engineer automative engineer heating, ventilation and refrigeration engineer mechanical engineering technician (general) blacksmiths, toolmakers and machine-tool operators 30 P0166 50 51 56 70 barriers to international flow of knowledge and educational materials P0204 unbalanced distribution of knowledge P0703 P0901 P1953 P3050 excessive cost of knowledge and information inadequate organization of knowledge inaccessibility of knowledge tax barr.iers to dissemination of technical knowledge D0745 D120 7 D1163 A4162 philosophy analysis noetics lnt Asn Synthesis 79 K0320 01258 axiomatics D1345 genetic epistemology organization of knowledge D0369 Military engineering An and practice of designing and building offensive and defensive military works and of building and maintaining lines of military transpon D0379 Eremology Science dealing with deserts and their phenomena 31 S0377 50 D0356 51 D0127 30 P2285 P2506 50 D0452 Military Engineer engineering ballistics S1153 Logistics Review D0370 Mining engineering Branch of engineering dealing with location and evaluation of mineral deposits, the survey of mining areas, layout and equipment of mines and supervision of mining operations 30 Pl 858 P2278 31 51156 SI 157 56 D0356 71 J0271 J0273 J0274 J0279 J7100 underdevelopment of mining and quarrying industry mine disasters International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences Mining Engineer S1158 Mining Engineering engineering D0616 mineralogy mining engineer (general) J0272 coal-mining engineer metal-mining engineer petroleum and natural gas engineer other mining engineers miners, quarrymen, well drillers and related workers D0371 Nuclear engineering 3 I S0258 50267 50268 50 D0356 71 J0240 J0359 Euronuclear Nuclear Engineering and Design Nuclear Engineering International Petroleum Engineer engineering D0373 Production engineering 3] S0379 50732 Production Engineer S0730 CIRP Annals International Journal of Production Research 50 D0356 engineering 71 J0392 production engineering technician ergonomics time-motion study D0381 Ergonomics Study of man in relation to his working environment 30 P0140 P1476 31 50 51 70 P3520 S0370 D0901 D0380 A 1066 A 1808 excessive hours of work inadequate working conditions in developing countries heat stress at work Ergonomics occupational sociology ergology D1005 Inter-American Cnf Social Security lnt Ergonomics Asn D0374 Sanitary engineering Branch of civil engineering dealing with maintenance of environmental conditions conducive to public health 30 P1 225 P1412 P2040 lack of sanitation in rural areas of developing countries environmental hazards from electricity, gas, water and sanitary services underdevelopment of electricity, gas, water and sanitary services 50 D0356 51 D1134 71 J0225 engineering waste management sanitary engineer D0382 Eschatology Science or study of the ultimate destiny or purpose of mankind and the world, and things of final importance to mankind philosophy World Academy Art Science 30 P3398 50 D0745 51 D0024 D0295 D0388 D0797 D1187 56 D0198 D0386 D1078 D1566 inadequacy of social doctrine philosophy agathology deontology social ethics pragmatics values casuistry political ethics meta-ethics politics, ethics D0118 axiology D0384 business ethics D0389 totalitarian ethics D1040 perfectionistics Dl248 archelogy D0385 medical ethics D0387 sexual ethics D1079 normative ethics D0384 Business ethics 50 D0383 ethics D0385 Medical ethics 30 P2697 unethical experimentation with drugs and medical devices 56 D0383 ethics D0383 medicine D0790 political science DI051 sexology D0386 Political ethics D0375 Traffic engineering Branch of highway engineering dealing with street planning and design and efficient control of traffic 56 D0383 31 S0458 50471 Containerisation International Traffic Engineering and Control D0388 Social ethics 50 56 70 71 highway engineering engineering World Touring Automobile Org traffic planner D1356 D0356 A3586 Jo2g5 work study D0383 Ethics Branch of philosophy dealing with human character and conduct, with what is good or bad, and with moral duty and obligation mechanical engineers other mechanical engineering technicians D0372 Petroleum engineering 31 S1189 50 D0356 D0380 Ergology 50 D0381 51 D1636 50 D0745 70 A3449 engineering degradation of desert oasis ecosystems advance of deserts P2520 desert nomaqism geomorphology D1162 traffic studies ethics D0387 Sexual ethics 56 D0383 ethics 30 P148 5 lack of commitment to common symbols (lack of common ethic) 50 D0383 ethics D0389 Totalitarian ethics 50 D0383 D0376 Epidemiology Science dealing with incidence, distribution and control of disease in animal or plant populations 30 P2774 P3596 inadequate disinfection of pastureland after disease outbreak plant diseas.e vectors 31 S0655 S0656 50 D0377 56 D1338 70 A 1806 PAHO Weekly Epidemiological Report WHO Weekly Epidemiological Record epiphytology D1008 epidemiological psychiatry lnt Epidemiological Asn zoology ethics D0390 Ethnobotany Systematic study of plant lore of a race or people 56 DOI 73 botany D0394 ethnology D0391 Ethnography Anthropology Branch of anthropology dealing with the historical origin and filiation of races and cultures 30 P2114 31 S0567 50 D0063 destruction of cultural heritage Journal of Ethnic Studies anthropology Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction [ 00392 0 0392 Ethnohistory Study of the development of cultures and interpretation of the significance of archeological findings by means of documentar\' material 56 00086 archeology 00394 ethnology 0 0393 Ethnolinguistics Study of relations between linguistic and non-linguistic cultural behavior 56 003g4 ethnology 00551 linguistics 003 94 Ethnology Science dealing with the division of mankind into races. their origin, distribution and relations and the peculiarities that characterize them. including the comparative and analytical study of cultures 30 P1071 Pl 523 P3315 P3331 31 50076 50102 $0599 50 0111 7 51 00704 01363 01383 56 00066 00392 00395 00397 01364 70 A2484 A2687 71 J1924 P3291 P3316 P3686 ethnic disintegration isolation of ethnic groups ethnic discrimination Quarterly Check-List of Ethnology and Sociology New World Antiquity 50103 Manking Quarterly International Migration Review social anthropology paleoethnology ethnogeny folklore cultural anthropology ethnohistory ethnomusicology ethnozoology ethnogeography lnt Soc Ethnology Folklore 01032 ethnomethodology 01365 ethnography 015go raciology 00390 ethnobotany 00393 ethnolinguistics 003g5 ethnopsychiatry 01362 ethnobiology 01384 folk psychology lnt Union Anthropological Ethnological Sciences anthropologist 00395 Ethnomusicology 56 00394 00622 musicology 00806 psychiatry ethnology 00408 Journalism editorial or bu siness mana gement of a news m edium 30 P3035 erosion of journalistic immunity P3036 harassment of journalists P3071 journalistic irresponsibility P3072 restriction on direct news coverage of parliamentary affairs P3073 restriction on news coverage of legal affairs P3081 denial of access to news 31 50661 Gazette S0663 50 00516 71 J 131 7 J1·590 J1592 Journalism Quarterly information science teacher in languages and literature (third level) authors, journalists and related writers not elsewhere classified editor, newspapers and p_eriodicals 00397 Ethnozoology Systematic study of the animal lore of a race or people 56 00394 ethnology 01008 zoology 00398 Ethography Study and description of manners and customs 50 00896 sociology 00399 Ethology Character Systematic study of the formation of human character 50 00063 anthropology 00400 Ethonomics Study of citizenship 50 00790 political science 00401 Etiology Aetiology Science or doctrine of causation or of the demonstration of causes of particular phenomena 50 00558 logic 00402 Etymology Branch of linguistics dealing with history of words or morphemes, tracing their phonetics. graphic and semantic development, transmission and interrelations 50 00551 linguistics 51 00980 toponymy 71 J 1952 philologist IPI Report 00409 Formal logic System of logic that abstracts th e forms of thought from its content to establish abstract criteria of consistency 31 S0756 Notre Dame Journal of Formal logic 50 00558 logic 30 P3585 pests and diseases of trees 50 01347 plant pathology Science of developing , caring for or cultivating forests and management of growing timber 30 P0174 underdevelopment of forestry and logging industry P0459 instability of forestry and logging P0739 forest fires inadequate water supply in developing country rural communities P1204 P1264 environmental hazards of forestry and logging insect pests of trees and timber P3586 31 50083 Commonwealth Forestry Bureau Card Title Service 50514 Commonwealth Forestry Review S0515 Forest Science 50517 World Wood agrosciences 50 00033 silvics 51 01065 lnt Asn Wood Anatomists 70 A1372 lnt Technical Tropical Timber Asn A2621 lnt Union Forestry Research Orgs A2721 Princes Risborough Research l aboratory A3285 A4034 Commonwealth Forestry Bureau 71 J6300 forestry workers 00412 Functional calculus Branch of symbolic logic that uses quantifiers in order to deal with propositional functions in addition to the unanalyzed propositions of propositional calculus 50 00561 logistic 00413 Gastrology Science or art of caring for the stomach. medically or gastronomically 30 P1599 gastric disorders 56 00582 medicine 00403 Eugenics 00414 Gemology Science dealing with improvement of hereditary qualities in a series of generations of a race or breed, primarily by social control of mating and reproduction Science of gems 31 50573 Gems and Gemology 30 P1091 P2379 lack of eugenic measures consanguineous marriage 00415 Genealogy 50 01095 organismic biology P2153 eugenic discrimination 50 D 1088 01410 gastronomy geological sciences Study and methods of investigation of family pedigrees 31 50521 Genealogy and Heraldry 00404 Euthenics Science dealing with development of human wellbeing and efficient functioning through the improvement of environmental conditions 56 00838 social psychology 01123 human geography 70 A2079 lnt Geographical Union A4294 A4 306 50662 00411 Forestry 00396 Ethnopsychiatry 56 00394 Branch of biology dealing w ith extraterrestrial life 50 00149 biology Branch of plant pathology dealing with diseases of trees International Folk Music Council Bulletin ethnology existential psychology 00410 Forest pathology Study of the music of non-European cultures 31 S1163 Ethnomusicology 51164 01374 00407 Exobiology Academic study concerned with the collection and editing of news or the preservation of cultural variety race mixture ethnic segregation ethnocide 00406 Existentialism Existential philosophy Philosophy involving a phenomenological approach that emphasizes the analysis of critical borderline situations in man's life, stating tha1 his individual existence precedes his essence and stressing his responsibility for fashioning his self 56 00742 phenomenology 00745 philosophy Caribbean Youth Cmt Human Environment lnt Youth Cnf Hunian Environment 00405 Evolutionary theory The process of the whole universe conceived as a progression of interrelated phenomena 51 00285 danwinism 56 00745 philosophy 00896 sociology 79 KOSO 1 evolution 50 01071 71 J 1929 humanistic sciences other sociologists, anthropologists and related scientists 00416 Genecology Branch of ecology dealing with the species and genet ically variant subdivisions, w ith their position in nature and with the controlling genetic and ecological factors 50 00320 ecology 00417 Genetics Branch of biology dealing with heredity and variation of organisms and with mechanisms by which these are effected 30 P0776 P1408 irresponsible genetic manipulation lack of genetic diversity in animals Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction 00441 P2389 P3581 31 50017 50 D0149 51 D0418 D0759 D1340 D1644 56 D0280 D0420 D1200 D1272 D1576 D1757 70 A2076 71 J0512 genetic defects and diseases inadequate plant genetic resources conservation Human Heredity biology cell genetics phylogenetics applied genetics human genetics cytogenetics chemical genetics genetic engineering biopolitics psychogenetics SOO 18 Heredity D0737 D1102 D1435 phenogenetics population genetics histogenetics D0419 D0827 D1266 D1345 Dl 677 biochemical genetics genetic psychology pharmacogenetics genetic epistemology behavior genetics medical genetics lnt Genetics Fed botanist A4143 J0528 Scandinavian Asn Geneticists animal scientist genetics Biochemical Genetics 56 D0140 biochemistry chemistry Geochemistry International chemistry marine geochemistry geography unity 50343 D0441 lithos geology Bibliographia Geodaetica lnternationale IUGG Chronicle applied mathematics physical geodesy D0424 theoretical geodesy geodetic astronomy D0518 geodetic engineering lnt Union Geodesy Geophysics geophysical scientist satellite geodesy 56 D0427 70 A254 5 30 P2120 imbalance in city sizes within a country P2616 50 D0427 71 Jt925 urban decay geography geographer 30 P0954 50 51 56 71 00425 Theoretical geodesy geodesy Pl 597 P3487 D042 7 D0795 Dl 382 D0320 Jl 925 persistence of boundary obstructions to land planning radiological contamination inequitable allocation of rights to exploit sea-bed and marine resources ill-considered land drainage geography potamology D0875 selenography Dt 508 orography fluviology ecology D0452 geomorphology geographer 50 D042 7 geomorphology Geographical Analysis 50525 IGU Bulletin Pan·American Institute of Geography and History Revista Geografica social studies 01071 humanistic sciences cartography D0428 cultural geography mathematical geography D0435 political geography physical geography D0438 regional geography urban geography D1301 commercial geography industrial geography Dl 533 pedogeography social geography D0429 anthropological geography geographical anthropology D0432 linguistic geography historical geography medical geography D0437 population geography geopolitics Dt205 agrogeography area research D1254 astronomical geography D1417 geohistory ethnogeography geopathology university and higher education teachers social studies teacher (second level) geographer 00428 Cultural geography geography 00429 Anthropological geography 56 D0063 anthropology D042 7 geography D042 7 geography 00439 Urban geography 00427 Geography Science dealing with the Earth and its life. description of land. sea . air and the distribution of plant and animal life including man and his industries. and the mutual relations of all these elements 50 D042 7 uneven population distribution reservations demography 00438 Regional geography 00426 Geodynamics Study of dynamic forces or processes within the Earth 50 0031 7 earth sciences 01250 medicine 00436 Physical geography Physiography Branch of geography dealing with exterior physical features and changes of the Earth in land . sea and air P1300 geodesy D0582 00435 Political geography Branch of geography dealing with human governments, boundaries and subdivisions of political units and situations of cities geodetic instrumentation geodesy geography lnt 5oc Ge09raphical Pathology 00437 Population geography DI 364 D1421 71 J 1310 J1324 J 1925 linguistics 00434 Medical geography Study of relation between geographic factors and disease 30 P0167 P3305 56 D028 7 31 50524 50527 50 00894 5 1 DOI 96 D0433 D0436 D0439 Dl 355 DI 77g 56 D0069 D0431 D0434 D0455 D0551 geography astronomical geography 00424 Satellite geodesy 56 D0452 history 50 D042 7 51 D1254 50 D0422 50 D0422 D048g genetics 00423 Physical geodesy 50 D0422 geography D04 1 7 00422 Geodesy Branch of applied mathematics that determines by observations and measurements the exact positions of points and the figures and areas of large portions of the Earth's surface, the shape and size of the Earth, and the variations of terrestrial gravity and magnetism 31 50086 50328 50 Dl 413 51 D0423 00425 56 00109 01414 70 A2722 71 J0132 56 D0427 00432 Linguistic geography Dialect geography Study of local or regional variations of a language or dialect genetics 00421 Geochemistry Science dealing with chemical composition of the Earth's crust and actual or possible chemical changes in it 31 50326 56 D0206 O1719 00431 Historical geography D04 1 7 00420 Chemical genetics 56 D0206 economic dependence of developing countries on primary commodity exports overproduction of primary commodities in developing countries underproduction of primary commodities in developing countries Economic Geography economic geography economic geography geographer 00433 Mathematical geography Branch of geography dealing with the figure and motions of the Earth , its seasons and tides, its measurement and its representation on maps and charts by various methods of projection 0 0419 Biochemical genetics 31 50813 30 P2893 P2967 P3042 31 50523 50 00430 51 00430 71 J 1925 56 D0427 71 K0039 0 0418 Cell genetics 50 D041 7 00430 Economic geography Branch of geography dealing with relations of physical and economic conditions to the production and distribution of commodities geography 30 P0384 P0958 50 D0427 7 t J0213 shortage of urban land transitional urban settlements geography town planner P0426 urban traffic congestion 00440 Geohydrology Science dealing with character. source and mode of occurrence of underground water 56 D0441 geology D0501 hydrology 00441 Geology Science dealing with the history of the Earth and its life, particularly as recorded in rocks 31 50345 50346 International Union of Geological Sciences Geological Newsletter Modern Geology 50 00317 earth sciences 51 D0310 D0443 D0446 D0448 dynamic geology coal geology glacial geology structural geology tectonics urban geology aerogeology archaeogeology hydrogeology physiographic geology agrogeology geohydrology geological oceanography biogeochemistry paleontologic geology 00948 D1091 D1223 0124 7 Dl 443 Dl 552 56 D0029 D0440 D0663 D1221 D152 t D 1 714 mathematical geology Entry content expla nation at end of Section Introduction D0442 D0445 D0447 D0461 Dt090 Dt092 D1232 D1415 D1516 Dt713 D0421 D0444 D0756 D1395 D171t D1715 areal geology environmental geology stratigraphic geology glaciology economic geology historical geology agricultural geology geog nosy paleogeology quaternary geology geochemistry engineering geology photogeology geological engineering geothermics marine geology 00442 71 J0149 J 1323 other physical science technicians natural science teacher (second level) ( D0442 Areal geology 50 00441 51 01423 56 00287 00427 geology D0443 Coal geology 30 P1 054 50 00441 71 J0272 soil deterioration geology coal-mining engineer Association of Engineering Geologists Bulletin Engineering Geology engineering 00441 geology D0445 Environmental geology 50 00441 geology D0446 Glacial geology 50 00441 geology D0447 Stratigraphic geology Stratigraphy Branch of geology dealing with ofigin, composition, distribution and succession of strata 31 51173 50 0044 1 71 J0133 Lethaia geology geological scientist D0448 Structural geology Geotectonic geology; geotectology Branch of geology dealing wi th form, arrangement and internal structure of rocks 31 50337 50 0044 1 56 00452 Geotectonics geology geomorphology 50355 Tectonophysics 0154 7 physical geology D0449 Geomagnetism Terrestrial magnetism Branch of geophysics dealing with phenomena of the Earth's magnetic condition 30 P1588 P2407 50 00453 56 00519 70 A1292 7 1 J0132 geomagnetic reversal P1661 geomagnetic field anomalies geophysics geomagnetic instrumentation lnt Asn Terrestrial Magnetism Electricity geophysical scientist geomagnetic storms D0450 Geometry Branch of mathematics dealing with measurements, properties and relationships of points, lines, angles, surfaces and solids 31 50749 50 005 74 51 DO 119 0 11 28 01368 0 1628 56 00630 01238 79 K0621 Journal of Geometry mathematics axonometry Riemannian geometry Euclidian geometry synthetic geometry navigation analytic geometry projective geometry 00301 01 182 01607 differential geometry multidimensional geometries sclid geometry 00683 01344 geometrical optics geometrodynamics D0451 Algebraic geometry Analytic geometry in which graphs or curves are represented by algebraic equations 50 01238 analytic geometry D0452 Geomorphology Physiography Science dealing with land and submarine relief featu res of the Earth's surface, seeking a genetic interpretation of them through using the principles of physiography in its descriptive aspects and of dynamic and structural geology in its explanatory phases 51 00379 56 00426 00448 71 J0133 eremology geodynamics structural geology geological scientist geostrategy demography geography 00325 00790 economics political science D0456 Glossematics Linguistic analysis based on distribution and interrelationship of glossemes, the smallest units that signal a meaning in a language D0444 Engineering geology Branch of geology dealing with application of geology to engineering 3t S0331 S0335 56 00356 D0455 Geopolitics Study of the influence of physical factors such as geography, economics and demography on the politics and foreign policy of a state 01 51 7 00436 paleogeomorphology physical geography 50 0004 7 linguistic analysis D0457 Geratology Scientific study of ageing and its phenomena, particularly as exhibited in biologica l groups nearing extinction 30 P0027 P0096 P0202 P0276 P04 77 P3517 P3518 56 01081 70 A2454 increasing proportion of aged people lack of protection of the aged in emergency inadequate recreative facil ities for the aged inadequate housing for the aged human ageing social disadvantage of the aged social withdrawal of the aged biological sciences 01082 medical sciences lnt Senior Citizens Asn D0458 Geriatrics Branch of medicine dea ling w ith problems and diseases of old age and ageing people 30 P0027 P0512 P0633 31 50157 S0531 50532 50 00582 56 00809 increasing proportion of aged people inadequate medical care for the aged loneliness in old age P1966 Excerpta Medica. Section 20: Gerontology American Geriatrics Society Journal Geriatrics S0533 medicine geriatric psychiatry 01766 inadequate old age pensions and geriatrics Gerontologia Clinica geriatric dentistry D0459 Gnosiology Philosophic theory of knowledge, its basis, nature, validity and limits 50 00745 philosophy D0460 Gerontology Nostology Scientific study of phenomena of ageing and problems of the aged 30 P0512 31 S0157 50530 50534 50 00896 70 A 1293 inadequate medical care for the aged Excerpta Medica. Section 20: Gerontology and geriatrics Aging and Human Development International Association of Gerontology, European Social Research Committee Information Bulletin sociology D1082 medical sciences lnt Asn Gerontology A3955 lnt Cnt Social Gerontology D0461 Glaciology Science dealing with causes and modes of accumulation of ice and with ice action on the Earth's surface; branch of geology dealing with glacia l epochs, glaciation and the effects of ice in modifying the Earth's surface and in affecting the life and distribution of plants and animals 30 P1289 P2498 31 50338 50 00441 51 01310 71 J0132 icebergs ice-blocked seaways Glaciological Notes geology cryology geophysical scientist P1393 P3142 50341 ice accretion river ice Journal of Glaciology D0462 Gross anatomy Branch of anatomy dealing with macroscopic structure of tissues and organs 50 00051 anatomy D0463 Glottochronology Study of the time during which two or more languages have evolved separately from a common source 56 00241 70 A3124 chronology Permanent lnt Cmt Linguists 50551 linguistics D0464 Glyptology Study of the art or process of carving or engraving, particularly on gems D0453 Geophysics Physics of the Earth, including the fields of meteorology, hydrology, oceanography, seismology, volcanology, magnetism, radioactivity and geodesy D0465 Comparative government Study and analysis of the general structure of governments throughout the world 31 50328 S0350 50352 50 0031 7 51 00449 00981 56 0 1396 71 J0 132 31 S0104 50582 S0647 5065 1 50 00790 IUGG Chronicle Anna ls of the International Geophysical Year Geoexploration earth sciences geomagnetism 00454 exploration geophysics tectonophysics D1718 marine geophysics geophysical engineering geophysical scientist D0454 Exploration geophysics 31 50353 50 00453 Geophysical Prospecting geophysics African Studies S05 79 Parliamentarian Government Publications Review /ULA Newsletter 00894 political science Government and Opposition social studies D0466 Grammar Branch of lingu istic study dealing with the classes of words, their inflections or other means of indicating relation to each other, and their functions and relations in sentences, including phonology, prosody, language history, orthography, orthoepy, etymology, semantics 50 0055 1 linguistics Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction 00493 D0467 Graphics Science or art of representing three-dimensional objects on two-dimensional surfaces in accordance with mathematical rules of projection 30 p 1488 P1810 P211 7 50 D 1183 tobacco and cigarette advertising proliferation of direct mail advertising liquor advertising mathematical sciences 50985 50 00844 56 01426 70 A 1743 Grou? Psychotherapy and Psychodrama International Journal of Group Psychotherapy psychotherapy group analysis lnt Cl Group Psychotherapy sociatry mechanics D0471 Gynecology Branch of medicine dealing with women's diseases, hygiene and medical care 30 POl 58 P0173 P0272 31 S0147 $0775 $0856 50863 50954 50955 50 00582 56 00722 70 A1927 A2762 71 J0612 induced abortion P0 15g illegal induced abortion spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) need for legal induced abortion Excerpta Medica. Section 10: Obstetrics and gynecology International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics Journal European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology Cynecologic;: Investigation Acta Obstetricia et Gynaecologica Scandinavica International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics medicine gynecological pathology lnt Fed Gynecology Obstetrics lnt Liaison Cmt Professional Orgs Gynecologists Obstetricians specialised physician D0472 Hagiology History or description of sacred writings or of sacred persons 56 00489 history 00863 comparative religion D0473 Hamartiology Branch of theology dealing with the doctrine of sin 50 0095 7 psychology calorimetry lnt Soc Study Origin Life D0475 Heliology Science of the sun 50 DO 108 astronomy D0476 Helminthology Branch of zoology dealing with parasitic worms, particularly those that parasitize the intestine of a vertebrate 31 S0135 S086g 50 01008 56 00477 70 A4037 Helminthological Abstracts. Series A. animal and human helminthology Journal of Helminthology zoology veterinary helminthology 01683 plant helminthology Commonwealth Institute Helminthology D0477 Veterinary helminthology 56 004 76 helminthology D100 1 veterinary science D0478 Hematology Haematology Branch of biology dealing with the blood and blood-forming organs 30 P0585 31 S0162 S0764 S0864 S0908 50 00149 56 004 7g 70 A 1868 A2546 71 J0543 hypertension (high blood pressure) Excerpta Medica. Section 25: Hematology Acta Haematologica S0836 Blood Haematologia Scandinavian Journal of Haematology biology veterinary hematology 01806 immunohematology lnt Fed Bloodgivers Orgs A2532 lnt Soc Blood Transfusion Eupn Soc Hematology medical science technician D0479 Veterinary hematology 56 004 78 hematology 01001 endangered species of reptiles Journal of Herpetology zoology ophiology veterinary science D0480 Heortology Study of history and meaning of seasons and festivals of the church year and religious calendars hippology 00721 pathology D0483 Hierology A body of knowledge of sacred things and the litera ry or traditional embodiment of the religious beliefs of a people comparative religion D0484 Hippology Study of the horse 50 01 008 56 00482 zoology hippopathology D0485 Histochemistry Science dealing with chemical constitution of living cells and tissues by combining the techniques of biochemistry and histology 56 00140 biochemistry 00486 histology D0486 Histology Microscopic anatomy Branch of anatomy dealing with the minute structure of animal and vegetable tissues as discernible with the microscope 31 S0070 SOl 38 00051 00485 A24 76 J0512 50 56 70 71 Acta Anatomica Excerpta Medica.Section 1: anatomy, anthropology, embryology and history anatomy histochemistry 00487 veterinary histology lnt Cng Experimental Cytology botanist J05 13 zoologist D0487 Veterinary histology 56 00486 histology D1001 veterinary science D0488 Historiography Principles and theory of history writing based on critical examination of sources. selection of particulars from authentic materials and synthesis of particulars into a narrative that w ill stand the test of cri tical methods 50 00489 51 00086 0 1075 theology D0474 Hedonics Branch of psychology deal ing with pleasant and unpleasant states of consciousness and their relation to organic life 50 008 15 51 00190 70 A4099 56 00484 50 00863 01741 D0470 Gyroscopics Branch of mechanics dealing with gyroscopes and their use in control and stabilization 50 00578 P0604 S0004 01008 00677 D0482 Hippopathology Pathology of the horse psychology D0469 Group psychotherapy Psychotherapy in which directive, inspirational, didactic or analytic means are used to bring about favorable personality changes in a group of patients 31 S0610 burdensome cost of religious ceremonies comparative religion D0481 Herpetollogy Branch of zoology dealing with reptiles and amphibians 30 31 50 51 D0468 Graphology Study of handwriting for purposes of character analysis 50 00815 30 P3313 50 00863 history archeology diplomatics 0 1074 epigraphy D0489 History Historiology Branch of knowledge that records and explains past events as steps in the sequence of human activities, and studies the character and significance of such events 30 P2082 31 S0544 S0545 50 00894 51 00063 00488 56 0043 1 00490 00863 01458 01655 0173g 71 J1324 J1926 79 K0725 biased and inaccurate history textbooks Journal of Interdisciplinary History Journal of World History social studies 01071 anthropology 00241 historiography 00492 historical geography 00472 economic history 00491 comparative religion 01417 intellectual history 01470 literary history 0 1738 philosophy of science social studies teacher (second level) historian history humanistic sciences chronology social history hagiology constitutional history geohistory ecclesiastical history philosophy of history D0490 Economic history 3 1 S0407 S0542 50546 56 00325 71 J 1926 Economic History Review Explorations in Economic History Scandinavian Economic History Review economics 00489 historian history D0491 Constitutional history 56 00065 criminal anthropology 00489 history D0492 Social history Branch of history dealing with social, economic and cultural institutions of a people 31 S0541 50 0049g 71 J1926 The Americas history historian D0493 Holonomics Scientific study of universal laws as a whole 50 00536 law Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction 00494 D0494 Homeopathy System of medical practice that treats a disease by administering minute doses of a remedy that would in healthy persons produce symptoms of the disease treated 31 S0795 50 00582 70 A2106 31 50 56 71 S0951 01081 00505 Jl 799 International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis biological sciences hypnology other performing artists D0507 lchnology Study of fossil footpri nts American Institute of Homeopathy Journal medicine lnt Homeopathic League 50 0124 7 archaeogeolo9y D0495 Hormic psychology Psychology dealing with the purposive factor or force in behavior D0508 Ichthyology Branch of zoology dealing with fishes 50 0081 5 30 P0372 P1535 P3602 31 S0508 50 01008 51 01513 71 J0513 psychology D0496 Horology The science of measuring time 31 S0574 Horological Journal 50 01145 technological sciences D0497 Human relations Study of human problems arising from organizational and interpersonal relations in industry 31 50 70 71 S1050 00838 A2117 Jl 942 J2198 Teilhard Review social psychology Japan Institute Labour A354 7 Units Service personnel specialist industrial relations and personnel manager D0498 Hydraulics Fluidics .. Branch of science dealing with practical applications of water or other liquid in motion 31 S0393 50 00356 70 A1193 Fluid Power International S0488 engineering lnt Asn Hydraulic Structures Research Journal of Hydraulic Research D0499 Hydrodynamics Branch of hydromechanics dealing with motion of fluids and forces acting on solid bodies immersed in fluids and in motion relative to them 50 01442 56 01466 hydromechanics magnetohydrodynamics 71 J0122 mechanics physicist D0500 Hydrography Study, description, surveying, sounding and charting of seas, lakes, rivers and other waters, including measurement of tides and currents as an aid in navigation 30 P1241 31 S0358 S0487 50 01089 51 01509 70 A2115 militarization of the.deep ocean and sea-bed International Hydrographic Review International Hydrographic Bulletin hydrological sciences orohydro9raphy lnt Hydrographic Bureau A3923 North Sea Hydrographic Cmsn D0501 Hydrology Science dealing with properties, distribution and circulation of water, including precipitation, stream flow, snow melt, groundwater storage and evaporation 30 P0516 31 50 51 56 70 71 Pl 125 P1204 P2040 S0360 0 1089 0 1444 00440 01654 A 1340 J0132 J6400 J9600 uncoordinated int river basin development use of recycled water Pl 173 long-term shortage of water inadequate water supply in developing country rural communities underdevelopment of electricity, gas, water and sanitary services Journal of Hydrology S0489 Nordic Hydrology hydrological sciences hydrognosy 0151 8 paleohydrology geohydrology D0520 hydrologic instrumentation hydronautics 01 760 medical hydrology lnt Asn Scientific Hydrology geophysical scientist fishermen, hunters and related workers stationary engine and related equipment operators D0502 Hydrometeorology Branch of meteorology dealing with water in the atmosphere 50 00596 meteorology D0503 Hydroponics Science of plant growing in nutrient solutions with or without sand, gravel or other inert medium to provide mechanical support 50 01147 70 A2819 plant production lnt Working Group Soilless Culture D0504 Hyetology Branch of meteorology dealing the precipitation of rain and snow 50 00596 meteorology 30 P21 97 31 $0951 56 00506 sleep disorders International Journal of Clinical and hperimental Hypnosis hypnotism 00773 physiology D0506 Hypnotism Study, act or practice of inducing a state that resembles normal sleep by suggestion and other operations of a hypnotizer 30 POl 39 D0509 Iconography Study of icons or sacred images venerated in churches and homes of Eastern Christianity 50 0 1071 abuse of barbiturates, non-barbiturate hypnotics, sedatives and tranquilizers humanistic sciences D0510 lconology Description, history or analysis of symbolic art or of artistic symbolism 50 0 1071 humanistic sciences D0511 Ideology Branch of knowledge dealing with the origin and nature of ideas, objects of the mind existing in apprehension, conception or thought 30 p2g14 P3325 P3362 P3388 P3389 P3402 P3431 50 00745 56 01458 70 A4263 ideological corruption P3231 ideological revolution underprivileged ideological minorities threatened ideological movements and minorities ideological conflict and rivalry ideological influence P3401 lack of ideological unity inadequate integration of ideology into society ideological war philosophy intellectual history lnt Soc History Ideas D0512 lmmunochemistry Branch of chemistry dealing with substances as antibodies, antigens or haptens, and with reactions as concerned in phenomena of immu.nity-antibody production 50 00206 chemistry D0513 Immunology Science dealing with the phenomena and causes of immunity in relation to disease 31 S0014 S0131 S0163 S0855 S0909 50 00774 51 0 1173 56 00514 0 1806 70 A4222 Medical Microbiology and Immunology International Archives of Allergy and Applied Immunology Excerpta Medica. Section 26: Immunology, serology and transplantation European Journal of Immunology Scandinavian Journal of Immunology pathophysiology immunogenetics immunopathology 01037 neuroimmunology immunohematology lnt Union Immunological Socs D0514 lmmunopathology 3 1 S0921 56 005 13 Vox Sanguinis immunology 00721 pathology D0515 Indexing Science, art and techn ique of compiling accurate and comprehensive alphabetical listings serving to identify pertinent topics, subjects and names incorporated in printed or written works 31 S0682 S0685 56 005 16 0054 7 70 A324 1 Catalogue and Index Indexer information science bibliography Soc Indexers S0683 S0688 00547 FIO News Bulletin Journal of Documentation library science D0516 Information science Information theory Science or theory using statistical techniques in dealing with the effect of encoding on the efficiency of processes of signal transmission and of communication between men or between men and machines or between machines and machines 30 P0075 P0362 D0505 Hypnology Scientific study of sleep and hypnotic phenomena environmental hazards from fish, crustacea and molluscs endangered species of fishes introduction of new species of fish as pests lchthyologica zoology paleichthyology zoologist P0458 P1289 P1456 Pl 715 P2002 P3080 P3095 31 S0294 S0302 proliferation and duplication of United Nations information systems proliferation and duplication of international nongovernmental information systems proliferation and duplication of international information systems icebergs P1298 proliferation of information inadequate integration of international information systems vulnerability of computer information systems conflict of information conflict of laws on international restriction of information false information P3096 misleading information Computer and Information Systems Datamation Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction 00538 S0305 S0309 50 00258 51 00258 00408 01030 56 00515 70 A3884 71 J0239 International Journal of Computer and Information Sciience Management Informatics S0686 Information Sciences 00261 computer science library science communications communications journalism datolo9y 0054 7 indexing Eupn Asn Scientific Information Dissemination Cnts other electrical and electronics engineers 00517 Instrumentation Branch of science dealing with development, manufaciure and use of instruments 31 50300 50569 51151 Control and Instrumentation Institute of Measurement and Control Journal technological sciences 56 00518 00520 geodetic instrumentation hydrologic instrumentation 00523 seismic instrumentation 01688 chen1ical instrumentation 50521 meteorological instrumentation 00519 00522 01646 geomagnetic instrumentation oceanographic instrumentation medical instrumentation 70 A2250 lnt Measurement Cnfed 71 J0239 J0349 other electrical and electronics engineers other electrical and electronics engineering technicians 00518 Geodetic instrumentation 56 00422 geodesy 00517 instrumentation 0051 7 instrumentation 00519 Geomagnetic instrumentation 56 D0449 geomagnetism hydrology 00517 S051 7 P1209 P1595 P2016 31 S0433 S0438 S0589 S0590 S0591 S0592 .S0594 S0596 S0598 S0599 50 00790 51 01053 70 A2936 71 J0902 UNESCO Courier S0587 AWR Bulletin Peace and Freedom S0595 S0597 UNESCO Chronicle World Politics D1057 polemology 56 00536 00543 civil law constitutional law customary law law ecclesiastical law 00530 kinetics Journal of Documentation humanistic sciences caterpllars, lepidoptera radioscopy 00535 Leprology Study and treatment of leprosy 30 P0721 31 50781 50 D 1082 70 A2224 A4207 A4272 leprosy (Hansen's "disease) International Journal of Leprosy and other Microbacterial Diseases medical sciences lnt Leprosy Asn East African Leprosy Research Cnt Asn French Language Leprologists 00536 Law Legal science Department of knowledge dealing with the whole body of customs, practices or rules prescribing the nature and conditions of existence of a state or other organized community 30 P0161 31 50 51 56 P1268 P3080 P3357 P3692 S0176 S0671 S0676 01071 00493 01747 01792 00068 00213 00525 00825 . A2136 A2189 J1290 56 00525 00539 00541 01237 00537 00745 common law criminal law analytical jurisprudence canon law philosophy Branch of cytology dealing with the minute anatomy of cell nuclei and the nature and structure of chromosomes cytology chemistry dynamics direct foreign investment by multinational enterprises as a restrictive business practice P2637 martial law inequality before the law conflict of laws on international restriction of information discriminationreligious influence on the law discrimination against men before the law European Law Digest Bulletin of Legal Developments Law and Computer Technology humanistic sciences holonomics 01126 public law 01748 international law comparative law forensic sciences forensic anthropology 00128 forensic ballistics forensic chemistry D0293 forensic dentistry jurisprudence 00808 forensic psychiatry forensic psychology 01385 forensic medicine lnt Institute Unification Private Law lnt Law Asn jurist (except lawyer or judge) • 00537 Canon law Codified body of rules and regulations for the government of a Christian church 00526 Kariology 50 00281 50 D0206 56 00311 71 Science or philosophy of law 00540 D0542 00531 Chemical kinetics Chemical dynamics; reaction kinetics Branch of chemistry dealing with the rate of chemical reactions, with factors influencing such rates and with applications of rate studies to elucidate the mechanism of reactions 70 00525 Jurisprudence 51 00538 hydrokinetics enzyme kinetics electrochemical kinetics 30 P3649 50 01048 International Associations Yearbook of International Organizations International Studies Quarterly Journal of Peace Research S0593 World Federalist World Union International Migration Review political science military science Lions lnt economist (specialised) 01445 D1174 D1696 seismology jurisdictional conflict and aritagonism between international nongovermental organizations · lack of legal provision for international nongovernmental organizations proliferation and duplication of international nongovernmental organizations and coordinating bodies misuse of nongovernmental organizations as front organizations by government inadequate funding of international nongovernmental organizations and programmes national insecurity and-vulnerability jurisdictional conflict and antagonism within international nongovernmental organizations inadequate coordination of international nongovernmental organizations and programmes ineffectiveness of international nongovernmental organizations and programmes inadequate facilities for international nongovernmental organizations International Understanding at School World and the School dynamics particle kineti_cs chemical kinetics psychokinetics 00874 Branch of political science dealing ·with relations between political units of national rank, concerned primarily with foreign policies and their underlying factors P0741 50 00311 51 00532 56 00531 01577 00534 Lepidopterology Branch of en1omology dealing with order of insects comprising butterflies and moths 00524 International relations P1149 P1169 00530 Kinetics Dynamics Branch of dynamics dealing with effects of forces upon the motion of material bodies oceanography 00523 Seismic instrumentation P0436 communications 00659 00522 Oceanographic instrumentation P0069 P0179 Systematic study of nonlinguistic body motion in its relation to communicaiion 00533 Theory of knowledge machinery fitters, machine assemblers and precision-instrument makers (except electrical) · 30 P0064 00529 Kinesics 31 50688 50 01071 71 J8400 instrumentation restriction on international freedem of movement for national adv:antage human anatomy D05 78 mechanics instrumentation meteorology 56 D0517 30 P0351 56 00053 50 00530 " kinetics 56 00596 instrumentation Study of the principles of mechanics and anatomy in relation to human movement instrumentation 00521 M eteorological instrumentation 56 D0517 dynamics 00528 Kinesiology 0 0532 Particle kinet ics 00520 Hydrologic instrumentation 56 00501 50 00311 50 D0258 Instrumentation Technology 50 01145 00527 Kinematics Branch of dynamics dealing with aspects of motion, acceleration and velocity apart from considerations of mass and force jurisprudence 00863 comparative religion 00538 Civil law Body of law dealing with private rights and legal proceedings in connection with them ' 30 P0284 P0513 P1148 P2383 50 00525 71 J1210 infringement of the right of privacy denial of rights of children and youth denial of rights of mental patients denial of right of assembly jurisprudence lawyers Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction P3121 denial of human rights ', [ 00539 00539 Common law 00549 Limnology System of unwritten law governing the rights and duties of persons having general application, as distinguished from written statute laws enacted by parliament and from other specific systems of law Scientific study of physical; chemical, meteorological and biological conditions in fresh waters, ponds and lakes 50 00525 jurisprudence 00540 Constitutional law Area of law dealing with the subject matter, interpretation and construction of the sovereign powers, nature and organization of government 30 POtt4 P0t57 P02g2 P03 t 7 P0340 P0401 P06g8 P0737 P1818 p1go2 P2001 P202g p2gf1 p2g25 p2g27 P3055 P3074 P3075 P3186 31 S0673 50 00525 71 J2000 J3100 rivalry and competition between states tendential government information low government deference to world community values and procedures domination of government policy-making by short-term considerations distortion of international trade resulting from discriminatory preference agreements inability of government to regulate family size military government distortion of international trade by state-trading and government monopoly practices inadequate control over the government administrative process excessive government participation in economies of developing countries single party state · distortion of internationale trade as a result of government participation in trade unjust allocation of government contracts over-restricted distribution of confidential government information government secrecy government expropriation of private property government propaganda inadequate governm~nt publications foreign dictatorship Journal of Constitutional Law 50677 Public law jurisprudence administrative and managerial workers government executive officials 30 31 50 51 56 70 50 00549 Criminal Law Quarterly jurisprudence lnt Asn Penal Law lawyers S0674 Study of human speech and the nature. structure and modification of languages 30 P0178 P0825 P1518 p1g54 3 l S0074 S0077 50 51 Journal of Criminal Justice 56 00542 Customary law ' 50 00525 70 Al 143 jurisprudence lnt·African Law Asn 00543 Ecclesiastical law Law established by a church or religious denomination and administered in its courts 56 00525 jurisprudence 00863 comparatiVe religion 00544 Lichenology Branch of botany dealing with lichens, complex thallophytic plants made up of an alga and a fungus growing in symbiotic association 50 00173 botany 00545 Lexicography 71 New Language Dictionary linguistics S0104 so5g7 S0701 S0711 01071 00284 00402 00545 00552 00554 00617 00620 D068g 00744 0074g oog32 01453 01478 01632 00047 003g3 00555 01271 015g5 01664 S0463 J1317 J1320 multiplicity of languages insufficient translation into minority languages . multiplicity of languages in a national setting linguistic purism Quarterly Check-List of linguistics MLA International Bibliography of Books and Articles on Modern languages and literatures African Studies so5g5 Foundations of Language General linguistics S06ga Glossa language and Style S0703 Linguistics Recall humanistic sciences dactyliology 00303 dialectology etymology 00466 grammar lexicography, dictionaries 00546 lexicography, linguistics descriptive linguistics 00553 general linguistics historical linguistics 00565 macrolinguistics D061g morphology, language morphemics morphophonemics 00672 onomastics 005g3 orthoepy orismology philology 00748 phonemics oog31 stylometry phonetics stylistics 0124g neolinguistics idiomology 0145g interlinguistics metalinguistics 01510 orthography tactics, grammar 01637 tonology linguistic analysis 00147 biolinguistics ethnolinguistics 00432 linguistic geography mathematical linguistics 00878 semiotics anthropological linguistics 01578 psycholinguistics rhetoric 01633 terminology linguistic philosophy 01834 neurolinguistics glottochronology teacher in languages and literature (third level) secondary education teachers 00552 Descriptive linguistics 50 00551 linguistics 00553 General linguistics Study of phenomena, historical changes and functions of language without restriction to a particular language or to a particular aspect of language 31 50 51 70 Principles and practices of dictionary making 31 S0705 50 00551 limnology 00551 Linguistics Glossology; glottology 00541 Criminal law S0672 00525 A1324 J 1210 modification of the environment by the creation of dams and takes Journal of Marine Research hydrological sciences comparative limnology conservation lnt Asn Theoretical Applied Limnology 00550 Comparative limnology Branch of jurisprudence dealing with crimes 31 50 70 71 P0767 50361 D1oag 00550 01390 A 1362 so5g4 00551 01143 A3222 Archivum Linguisticum linguistics nomothetic knowledge Societas linguistica Europaea 00546 Lexicography 00554 Historical linguistics Branch of linguistics dealing with derivation, signification and application of words 50 00551 30 P1950 50 00551 71 J1 g52 reading disabilities linguistics philologist Study, principles and practice of library care and administration 30 P01 l8 shortage of books and textbooks in developing countries P0703 excessive cost of knowledge and information P1538 international delivery delays for books and publications P2126 untransferability of books between countries and cultures 31 S0087 Africana Library Journal 50684. • Focus on International and Comparative librarianship 50687 1.nternational library Review 50689 Journal of Library Automation .so5go Library Quarterly so5g1 LIBRI so5g2 UNESCO Bulletin for Libraries 50 00516 information science 56 00515 indexing' 70 A4038 Commonwealth Library Asn 71 Jl319 other university and highe~ education teachers J1513 critic , . J1 590 authors, journalists and related writers not elsewhere classified J 1622 commercial artist J 1912 librarian 00548 Liturgiology History, doctrine and interpretation of liturgies or series of rites, observances or procedures prescribed for public worship 50 oog5 7 51 00240 theology chromatology 00257 colorimetry Lingua idiographic knowledge linguistics 00555 Mathematical linguistics 31 507 10 56 00551 0054 7 Library science S0702 01144 Prague Bulletin of Mathematical linguistics linguistics 00574 mathematics 00556 Lithology Lithoidology Study of rocks and rock formation in terms of structure, mineral composition, colour and texture 50 01088 geological sciences 00557 Liturgies Branch of practical theology dealing with forms of worship and their practice . 30 P2330 50 oog5 7 70 A3223 animal worship theology Societas Liturgica 00558 Logic Science dealing with canons and criteria of validity in thought and demonstration, principles of definition and classification, correct use of terms and correct predication 50 00745 51 0003 7 004og 00560 D1014 01240 0 1456 56 00048 01116 Entry content explanation at end of Section philosophy alethiology formal logic military logic methodology analytics inductive logic logical analysis changing character of disciplines lntroduc~ion 00401 0055g 00861 0 !1 31 Dl386 0, 623 etiology mathematical logic reasoning dialectical science material logic syllogistics 00578 01155 01183 01476 normative logic . mathematical sciences mental philosophy 01163 01 432 noetics hermeneutics 00559 Ma1hematical logic Symbolic logic Science of developing and representing logical principles by means of symbols to provide an exac1 canon of deduction based on primitives. postulates and formation and transformation rules 31 50 56 7g 50735 00558 01124 K0446 Annals of Mathematical Logic logic game theory symbolic logic 30 3) 50 51 56 P1486 50361 01145 00134 00367 01712 01718 71 J0245 sea traffic congestion Journal of Marine Research technological sciences bathymetry marine engineering marine chemistry marine geophysics ship construction engineer logic 0561 Logistic P0040 50663 00258 A 1197 00573 Medical technology 50 01183 51 00036 00184 01087 31 50670 50 00582 00044 00412 01300 algebra of relations functional calculus combinatory logic 00562 Logistics Military science in its handling and planning of personnel, materiel, facilities and related factors 50 01053 military science 00563 Logopedics Scientific study and treatment of speech defects 31 50876 50 01082 70 A1306 Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders medical sciences lnt Asn Logopedics Phoniatrics 00564 Macrochemistry Chemistry studied or applied without the use of microscope or microanalysis 50 00206 chemistry 00565 Macrolinguistics Study of phenomena connected in any way with language 50 00551 linguistics 00566 Macrophysics Branch of physics dealing with bodies large enough to be directly and individually observed and measured 50 00760 physics 00567 Magnetism Science dealing with physical phenomena that includes the attraction for iron observed in lodestone and a magnet 31 50233 50 00760 56 01465 01467 International Journal of Magnetism physics magnetochemistry 01466 magneto-optics magnetohydrodynamics environmental hazards from fish, crustacea and molluscs instability of trade in fish, crustacea and molluscs long-term shortage of fish. crustacea and molluscs (and preparations thereof) endangered species of molluscs (mollusca) zoology 00569 Mammology Therology 00574 Mathematics Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 31 50737 International Journal of Mathematical Educatio·n in Science and Technology 50742 50743 . International Mathematical News 51059 Centaurus mathematical sciences 50 01183 actuarial science 00038 algebra 51 00008 00164 biomathematics approximation theory 00083 calculus 00450 geometry 00184 00594 metamathematics 00576 combinatorial analysis 00746 00882 set theory mathematical philosophy 01072 arithmetic 01170 geomathematics analytic geometry 01241 trigonometry 01238 01413 01640 topology. mathematics applied mathematics general topology 0175 2 mathematical crystallography 00279 cybernetics 56 00277 mathematical economics 00339 mathematical electrochemistry 00328 mathematical linguistics 00575 ___actuarial mathematics 00555 mathematical phySics OOB§Hf mathematical sociology 00767 mathematical statistics 00921 01116 changing character of disciplines mathematical sciences 01334 mathematical taxonomy 01183 psycheometry 01571 0 1714 mathematical geology mathematical psychology 0 1753 computer mathematics 01744 engineering mathematics 01756 mathematical biosciences 01754 mathematical biophysics 01777 mathematician (pure mathematics} 71 J0822 mathematics teacher (second level} J1322 79 K042 1 mathematics actuarial science 005 74 mathematics 00576 Combinatorial analysis Mathema1ical study of permutations and combinations of finite sets of objects 31 50745 50 005 74 Journal of Combinatorial Theory mathematics 00577 Medical psychology Theories of personality and behavior, not necessarily derived from academic psychology, 1hat provide a basis for psychotherapeutics in psychiatry and in general medicine Branch of zoology dealing with mammals Pl 326 01008 01520 J051 3 American Journal of Medical Technology medicine Science dealing with the relationship and symbolism of numbers and magnitudes, including quantitative operations and the solution of quantitative problems 56 00008 Branch of zoology dealing with molluscs· 30 50 56 71 I 00575 Actuarial mathematics 00568 Malacology 30 P0372 P0972 Pl 783 P34 78 50 01008 marine meteorology marinegeology marine geochemistry lack of media control Journalism Quarterly communications lnt Asn Mass Communication Research Science or art of calculating mathematical sciences algebra of classes calculus propositional calculus 00599 0 1715 01719 00572 Mass communications 30 31 50 70 00560 Military logic 50 00558 00571 Marine science Science dealing with navigation or commerce of the sea endangered species of mammals zoology paleomammology zoologist 31 50 56 70 00570 Management 51011 00815 00582 A4076 Psychiatry in Medicine psychology 00806 psychiatry medicine lnt Catholic Asn Study Medical Psychology 00578 Mechanics Systematic technology dealing with the executive function of planning, organizing, coordinating, directing, controlling and supervising any industrial or business project or activity with responsibility for results Branch of physical science dealing with energy and forces in their relation to the equilibrium, deformation or motion of solid, liquid and gaseous bodies 30 P0046 31 50186 $0309 50725 50726 S0727 50728 50 01388 56 01388 70 A 1 131 A3924 71 J 1310 J2111 J2192 J~l 94 J2 l 98 79 K0867 31 50296 50373 50394 50399 50402 50 01080 51 00311 00579 01194 01324 01442 01772 56 00131 00580 01198 70 A2788 A3510 lack of management skills in developing countries Business Periodicals Index 50189 International Management Management Informatics 50724 Association Management International Journal of Management and Organization lnternatiOnal Management Information International Studies of Management and Organization Management Science 50729 UNIAPAC International administration administration lnt Academy Management Pacific Asian Fed Industrial Engineering university and higher education teachers legislative official research and development manager administration manager industrial relations and personnel manager management Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering International Journal of Non Linear Mechanics Applied Mechanics Reviews International :Journal of Mechanical Sciences Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics physical sciences dynamics 00470 gyroscopics analytic mechanics 00787 pneumatics energetics Ot225 aeromechanics statics 01327 fluid mechanics hydromechanics 01723 fractu r~ mechanics structural mechanics 00528 kinesiology barodynamics aviation mechanics 00581 statistical mechanics 013 30 quantum mechanics 'mechanical sciences lnt Union Theoretical Applied Mechanics World Power Cnf Entry content explanation at end of SectiC?n lntroducti.on 0 0579 0 0579 Analytic mechanics 00587 Systematic medicine Theoretical mechanics as treated by the methods of infinitesimal calculus 50 D0582 50 00578 51 01546 00588 Space medicine mechanics gravitational astronomy 01474 infinitesimal calculus medicine 00580 Aviation mechanics Branch of medicine dealing with physiologic and biologic effects on the human body of rocket or jet flight beyond the Earth's atmosphere 56 D0020 71 J8400 aeronautics D0578 mechanics machinery fitters, machine assemblers and precision-instrument makers 50 D0582 56 D0t49 medicine biology (except electrical) 70 A 1126 lnt Academy Aviation Space Medicine 00581 Statistical mechanics 00589 Veterinary medicine Theriatrics Branch of physics dealing with application of principles of statistics to the mechanics of a system consisting of a large number of parts having motions that differ by small steps over a large range 00590 Melittology 50 D0760 56 D0578 physics mechanics statistics 00582 Medicine Current Work in History of Medicine 50299 Computers in Biology and Medicine S0766 S0887 Acta Modica Scandinavica Medical World News S 1084 51 D0004 00189 00458 Clio Modica World Medical Journal D0121 D0235 D0471 D0573 D0588 D07.9 4 D0928 D0999 D1104 D1151 D1548 D1598 D1645 D1758 Dl 796 D1805 bacteriology chiropractic gynecology medical t~chnology space medicine posology stomatology urology occupational medicine rehabilitation medicine physical medicine rhinolaryngology nuclear medicine aerospace medicine sports medicine visual medicine D0t23 DOl 75 D0252 D0347 D0434 D0583 D0589 D0810 D0900 D1 t07 D1265 D1449 D1589 D1703 DI 759 DI 787 01799 D1815 medical bacteriology medical botany medical climatology medical electronics medical geography biochemical medicine veterinary medicine psychoanalytic medicine medical sociology medical physiology orthotics iatrochemistry quinologY medical physics biomedical computing cybernetic medicine medical engineering oral medicine 00582 medicine Social Science and Medicine medical sciences acology calisthenics geriatrics D0494 homeopathy 00587 systematic medicine D0725 D0800 D0933 01103 podiatries proctology surgery aviation medicine 01106 01418 tropical medicine geomedicine DI 597 DI 630 rheumatology syphilology 01649 01795 01800 01824 industrial medicine perinatal medicine military medicine developmental medicine 56 D0071 DO 164 00218 00330 D0413 D0577 00585 00607 . D0858 00922 01260 01385 D1451 01646 01757 D1760 01790 01801 70 A3971 71 J061 0 S0839 S0922 medical anthropology biomathematics medicinal chemistry medical economics gastrology medical psychology psychosomatic medicine medical microbiology medical radiology medical statistics bio-astronautics forensic medicine iatrophysics medical instrumentation medical genetics medical hydrology clinical research psionic medicine Pan American Medical Cnfed medical doctors 00583 Biochemical medicine 56 D0140 biochemistry 00584 Psychosomatics Psychological medicine Branch of medical science dealing with interrelationships between mental or emotional and somatic processes 30 PI 967 31 51002 St 012 50 01082 56 00585 psychosomatic illness Journal of Psychosomatic Research Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics medical sciences psychosomatic medicine 00585 Psychosomatic medicine 5 t Dt 164 56 D0582 70 A4072 biofeedback DI 236 medicine 00584 lnt College Psychosomatic Medicine allergology psychosomatics 00586 Social medicine Organized investigation of social , genetic and environmental factors influencing human disease and disability; promotion of methods of prevention of disease and health measures to protect individual and community 31 SOl 54 S0882 S0913 56 00893 70 A3904 Excerpta Medica. Section 17: Public health , social medicine and hygiene MALTHUS Scandinavian Journal of Social Medicine social sciences 01082 medical sciences lnt Cnf Social Science Medicine 01001 veterinary science entomology 00591 Mesometeorology 50 D0596 31 S0082 medicine physiology Branch of entomology dealing with the study of bees 50 DI 028 D0918 Science and art dealing with maintenance of health and prevention, alleviation or cure of disease, particularly the nonsurgical treatment of disease 50 01082 56 00582 D0773 meteorology 00592 Metallurgy Science and technology dealing with extraction of metals from their ores, refining and preparing them for use, and studying the structure and properties of metals 30 P0243 P0353 P0508 P0553 P0824 P0942 P0948 P1406 P1852 P1859 P3668 31 St 135 51 D0910 D1846 56 D0219 Dt 145 D1402 71 J0262 J0269 J0372 environmental hazards from basic metal industries long-term shortage of metalliferous ores and metal scrap corrosion instability of trade in metalliferous ores and metal scrap long-term shortage of non-ferrous metal ores underdevelopment of metal products, machinery and equipment industries toxic metal pollutants instability of trade in non-ferrous metals instability of metal products, machinery and equipment industries environmental hazards from metal products, machinery and equipment industries ·metal contamination of soils Acta Metallurgica St t39 Metallurgia electrometallurgy D1549 physical metallurgy powder metallurgy metallurgic chemistry D1088 geological sciences technological sciences D1397 metallurgical engineering nuclear metallurgy D1585 chemical metallurgy extractive metallurgist J0263 physical metallurgist other metallurgists . extractive metallurgy technician 00593 Metallography Study of the structure of metals and alloys 31 S1138 50 D06 t 6 51 D0307 Metallography mineralogy docimology 00594 M etamathematics The philosophy and logical syntax of mathematics 50 00574 mathematics 00595 Metaphysics Division of philosophy dealing with relations obtaining between the underlying reality and its manifestations, and including ontology and cosmology; the more abstruse philosophical sciences 31 50 51 56 S1 t 80 00745 00289 00270 D1476 79 K0441 Occult Commentary philosophy demonology cosmology mental philosophy metaphysics St 181 PSI D06 74 D06 74 D1612 ontology ontology metaphysical philosophy 00596 Meteorology Science dealing with the atmosphere and its phenomena, and with weather and weather forecasting 30 3t 50 51 P0293 Sl 150 00112 00016 D0502 D0591 D0600 D0602 D0604 D0634 D0938 D1507 56 00031 00521 00597 D0684 D1482 71 J0134 J8500 bad weather WMO Bulletin atmospheric sciences aerography D0018 aerology D0504 hyetology hydrometeorology D0598 industrial meteorology mesometeorology polar meteorology D0601 radio meteorology rocket meteorology D0603 satellite meteorology D0614 micrometeorology tropical meteorology D0786 pluviometry nephology synoptic meteorology D1023 dynamic meteorology ombrology D1560 pluviography agrometeorology mete9rological instrumentation D0599 marine meteorology agricultural meteorology D1253 astrometeorology meteorological optics meteorobiology meteorological scientist el ectrical fitters and related electrical and electronics workers 00597 Agricultural meteorology Branch of meteorology dealing with relationship of weather and climate to crop and livestock production and to soil management Entry content expl anation at end of Section Introduction 00625 31 S1142 56 00033 71 J6100 Agricultural Meteorology agrosciences farmers 00596 meteorology J6124 livestock farmer D0598 Industrial meteorology 50 005g5 meteorology D0599 Marine meteorology 56 00571 management 00596 meteoroldgy D0600 Polar meteorology 50 00596 70 A4065 meteorology lnt Polar Motion Service D0601 Radio meteorology 50 00596 meteorology D0602 Rocket meteorology 50 00596 meteorology D0603 Satellite meteorology D0616 Mi~eralogy Oryctology Science dealing with minerals, their attributes and formations, their crystallography, physical and chemical properties generally, their classification and the ways of finding and distinguishing them 30 PO 141 P0508 P0877 P0890 P1353 P1712 P1851 P2599 31 S0343 50 01088 51 00593 56 00370 70 A2264 71 J013g restrictive practices ·in mineral fuels trade corrosion instability of trade in mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials environmental hazards from non-metallic mineral products industries long-term shortage of crude fertilizers and crµde minerals long-term shortages of mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials underdevelopment of non-metallic mineral products industries instability of non-metallic mineral products industry Lithos S1155 American Mineralogist geological sciences metallography mining engineering D062g natural history lnt Mineralogical Asn Other physical scientists D0604 Tropical meteorology D0617 Morphemics Branch of linguistic analysis dealing with a meaningful linguistic unit, whether a free form or a bound form, that contains no smaller meaningful parts 50 D05g6 50 00551 50 00596 meteorology meteorology D0605 Metrology Science of measurement and of weights and measures 31 50376 50569 S1152 50 01145 56 D 1782 71 J31 00 Journal of Engineering Physics Institute of Measurement and Control Journal Metrology and Inspection technological sciences electromagnetic metrology government executive officials D0606 Microbiology Branch of biology dealing with microscopic forms of life, bacteria, protozoa, viruses and fungi 30 P0508 P34 75 31 50141 50 0014g 51 00121 0166g 56 00220 00609 70 A1314 A3474 71 J0525 corrosion endangered species of protozoa Excerpta Medica. Section 4: Microbiology: bacteriology, mycology and parasitology biology bacteriology 00608 sanitary microbiology soil microbiology microbiological chemistry 00607 medical microbiology veterinary microbiology 00632 astronautical navigation lnt Asn Microbiologists World Asn Veterinary-Microbiologists ltnmunologists Specialists Infectious Diseases bacteriologist D0607 Medical microbiology 3 I S0866 56 00582 Journal of Antibiotics medicine 00606 microbiology microbiology D0609 Veterinary microbiology 56 00606 microbiology D1001 veterinary_science D0610 Microchemistry Chemistry dealing with the manipulation of very small quantities for purposes of preparation, characterization or analysis 50 00206 chemistry D0611 Microclimatology Study of microclimates; climatology of restricted areas 50 00248 climatology D0612 Micro-electronics Branch of electronics dealing with miniaturization of electronic circuits and components 31 S0454 50 00346 Microelectronics and Reliability electronics D0613 Micropaleontology Study of microfossils 31 SOS I 4 Sl 174 50 0071 I 71 J0133 Journal of Embryology and Experimental Morphology Acta Morphologica Neerlando-Scandinavica biology anatomy .DOI 42 biochemorphology tectology 01287 plant morphology promorphology pedology morphology D061 !i Morphology Language Study and description of word formation in a language, including inflection, derivation and compounding 50 00551 79 K0884 linguistics morphology D0620 Morphophonemics Morphonemics Study of phonemic differences between allomorphs of the same morpheme and the structure of a language in terms of the total class of these differen.ces so described, classified and compared 50 00551 30 31 50 71 P1985 S1159 01071 J 1914 linguistics meteorology lack of access to cultUral heritage Museum S1160 humanistic sciences art gallery and museum curato_r SAMAS D0622 Musicology Study of music and the historical and theoretical investigation and analysis of specific types of music 31 S0072 S 1161 S 1165 50 01071 56 003g5 71 J1513 Quarterly Check-List of Musicology Acta Musicologica S 1162 Crescendo. International International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music humanistic sciences ethnomusicology DI 764 harmonics critic D0623 Mycology Branch of botany dealing w ith fungi and their properties 30 P2455 31 S0038 S0084 S0124 50141 50 51 56 70 Bibliography and Index.of Micropaleontology Micr<ipaleontology paleontology geological scientist D0614 Micrometeorolog,,y Study of meteorological characteristics of a local site often confined to a shallow layer of air next to the ground 50 00596 31 S0060 S0767 50 00149 51 00051 oog4 7 01568 56 01561 79 K0884 D0621 Museology Science of museum organization, equipment and management D0608 Sanitary microbiology 50 00606 linguistics D0618 Morphology Biology Branch of biology dealing with form and structure of animals and plants, studying the relations, metamorphoses and phylogenetic development of organs apart from their functions 001 73 01642 01652 A 1532 A4039 A4105 71 J0512 mycosis Mycological Papers Bibliography of Systematic Mycology Review of Medical and Veterinary Mycology Excerpta Medica. Section 4: Microbiology: bacteriology, mycology and parasitology botany uredinology veterinary mycology lnt Cmsn Eupn Mycological Cngs Commonwealth Mycological Institute lnt Mycological Asn botanist D0624 Myology Scientific study of muscles and the muscular makeup of animals 30 P2610 50 00773 56 014g4 muscle diseases physiology myodynamics D0615 Microseismology Branch of .seismology dealing with feeble rhythmically recurring earth tremor that is not directly perceptible, detected only by means of specially constructed apparatus, caused by an earthquake or storm at sea D0625 Myrmecology Branch of entomology dealing with scientific study of.ants 50 00874 50 01028 seismology entomology Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction 01495 myophysics I 00626 D0626 Mythology D0640 Neuropathol9gy Branch of knowledge dealing with legends, sagas or myths ostensibly relating historical events and explaining some practice, belief or institution 50 01071 humanistic sciences Study of abnormalities and diseases of the nervous system 31 50768 D0627 Naology 56 00638 71 J0526 Study of sacred buildings 50 00318 56 00095 ecclesiology architecture ecclesiology Scientific study of noses physiology D0629 Natural history botany zoology 00616 mineralogy D0630 Navigation Science of determining position, course and distance traveled over surface of the Earth by the principles .o f geometry and astronomy and by reference to devices designed as aids to conducting ships or aircraft from one place to another P1839 ship and oil tanker disasters 30 P1110 ship collisions astronomy 00450 geometry 56 00108 aeronautical navigation 00631 00632 astronautical navigation lnt Union Inland Navigation 70 A2660 aircraft pilot (except transport) 71 J0413 ship's navigating officer J0424 ship pilot J0423 J1319 ' other university and higher ~ducation teachers J3500 transport and communications supervisors D0631 Aeronautical navigation 56 00630 71 J04 14 navigation fight navigator microbiology pathology 31 $0977 American College of Neuropsychiatrists Bulletin 50980 56 00638 Behavioral Neuropsychiatry neurology 00806 psychiatry 56 00638 neurology 00842 psychopharmacology D0643 Neurosurgery Branch of surgery dealing with brain. spinal cord, nerves or other nervous structure 30 P0270 P0992 P1635 P2626 31 50145 50999 56 00638 01822 70 A2955 71 J0613 neurosis brain diseases and injuries (cerebrovascular diseases) anxiety spine diseases and disabilities Excerpta M edica. Section 8 : Neurology and neurosurgery Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry neurology 00933 surgery pediatric neurosurgery Middle East Neurosurgical Soc specialised surgeon A3530 World Fed Neurosurgical Socs D0644 Nomography Theory, use and making of graphic representation of numerical relations by any of various systems mathematical sciences D0645 Nomology Science dealing with the laws of the mind 50 00815 00630 navigation D0633 Nematology Branch of zoology dealing with roundworms, eelworms or nematodes, elongated cylindrical worms that are parasites of man, animals or plants 30 P2228 31 50001 50 D1008 00721 Branch of medicine dealing w ith mental, emotional or behavioral disorders in relation to the nervous system 50 01 183 00630 aeronautics D0632 Astronautical navigation 56 00606 neurology medical pathologist 00642 Neuropsychopharmacology Study, description and classification of animals, plants and minerals from an amateur or popular rather than a technical or professional point of view 56 00173 D1008 Acta Neuropathologica Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology D0641 Neuropsychiatry 00318 D0628 Nasology 50 ·DO 77 3 S 1OOO psychology D0646 Noology Science of phenomena regarded as purely mental in origin; the study of mind 56 00745 philosophy 00815 psychology D0647 Nosography nematoid plant diseases Nematologica zoology Description and classification of diseases 50 DO 721 pathology D0634 Nephology Nephelognosy D0648 Nosology Branch of meteorology dealing with study and observation of clouds Branch of medical science dealing with orderly relating or classification of diseases 50 00596 meteorology D0635 Neuropsychology 50 01082 Science correlating psychological and neurological facts D0649 Magic 31 50841 56 00638 Study and use of means that are believed to have supernatural power to control natural forces Cortex neurology 51006 00815 Neuropsychologia psychology medical sciences D0636 Neurochemistry 50 00658 Study of chemical makeup and activities of nervous tissue D0650 Nucleonics 31 50199 56 00206 Journal of Neurochemistry chemistry 00638 neurology Branch of physical science dealing with nucleons and with all phenomena of the atomic nucleus neurology 30 P0014 P0365 P1741 P2201 P2494 P3493 P3494 proliferation of strategic nuclear arms vulnerability of nuclear power sources monopoly of nuclear power techniques nuclear and thermonuclear weapons testing political stagnation accidents to nuclear weapons systems ease of manufacture of nuclear bombs 31 50228 50 01080 56 00768 CERN Courier physical sciences nuclear physics D0637 Neuroendocrinology 31 50891 50998 56 00354 71 J0524 Neuroendocrinology Journal of Neural Transmission endocrinology physiologist 00638 D0638 Neurology Neurobiology Scientific study of structure, function and abnormalities of the nervous system 30 P0270 31 50010 neurosis Journal of Neurobiology Pl 635 anxiety 50130 50145 50782 $0857 International Neuroscience Abstracts Excerpta Medica.Section 8 : Neurology and neurosurgery International Journal of Neurology European Neurology 50974 Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 50999 Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 50 ·0°1082 medical sciences ·51 01830 56 00635 experimental neurology neuropsychology 00637 neuroendocrinology 00640 00642 neuropathology neuropsychopharmacology 0103 7 O 11 61 neuroimmunology neuropharmacology 01819 70 A3529 71 J0524 neurobiology World Fed Neurology physiologist 00636 00639 00641 00643 01160 01775 01821 neurochemistry neuroophthalmology neuropsychiatry neurosurgery neurophysiology neurocytology pediatric neurology neurology ophthalmology nuclear metallurgy Techniques and methods for obta ining numerical solut ions (exact or approximate) to mathematical problems 31 S0758 50 01183 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis mathematical sciences D0652 Numerology Study of the occult significance of numbers 50 00658 occult sciences D0653 Numismatics Numism~tology Study of coins, tokens, medals, paper money and objects closely resembling them in form or purpose 80549 00678 01402 D0651 Numerical analysis 31 S054 7 50548 D0639 Neuroophthalmology 56 00638 occult sciences 5b 01071 European Numismatics International Bank Note Society Magazine World Coins huirlanistic sciences Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction 00678 00654 Palmistry 00665 Odontography Study. art and practic.e of reading a person's character or aptitudes and his past and possible future from the general character and shape of his hands and fingers and the lines and marks on the palm 50 00658 occult sciences Scientific description of the teeth and t heir gross structure 50 D0292 dentistry 71 J1996 astrologer and fortune teller 00655 Nutritional science Trophology Study of processes by which an animal or plant takes in and utilizes food substances 30 Pl472 naturally occurring poisonous substances in food-stuffs P2073 dumping food products as waste Nutrition ·Abstracts and Reviews 31 50128 Food Science and Technology Abstracts 50137 Environmental Physiology and Biochemistry 50493 50512 Food·Research Institute Studies in Agricultural Economics, Trade and 50 51 56 71 50556 51089 51166 51168 51170 51171 51199 01082 00100 00298 01339 01682 J0692 Development International Food and Cookery Review Action for Development Ideas and Action Bulletin Ecology of Food and Nutrition International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research Nutrition Nutrition Reports International Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology medical sciences aristo!ogy dietetics protein science plant nutrition public health nutritionist 00179 bromatology 00887 sitology 01641 trophodynamics 00656 Obstetrics Branch of medical science dealing with birth and its antecedents and sequels 30 P1020 31 50775 ' ineffective population control International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics Journal 50856 European Journal.of. Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 50954 50955 Acta Obstetricia et Gynaecologica Scandinavica lnternation.al Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 50 01082 56 0065 7 70 At480 A2560 71 J0612 medical sciences Science dealing with teeth, their structure, development and diseases teeth disorders 30 P1185 31 50929 Acta Odontologia Scandinavica 50944 50 D0292 7b A3193 Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research dentistry Scandinavian Odontological Soc 00667 Oenology Enology International Wine Review 50 D003 3 70 A2744 agrosciences lnt Union Oenologists 00668 Olfactology Scientific study of smells and the sense of smell 50 DI 107 medical physiology 00669 Omnibol~gy Science dealing with automotive four-wheeled public vehicles designed to carry a comparatively large number of passengers 50 0 1152 transportation 71 J8400 · machinery fitters, machine assemblers and 00670 Oncology Onchology St udy of tumours · 31 50893 Oncology 50 D0774 pathophysiology 56 D1797 surgical oncology 00671 Oneirology Oneirocritics The interpretation of dreams 56 D0658 occult sciences obstetrics D1001 veterinary science 00673 Organismic psychology 00674 Ontology Branch of metaphysics dealing w it h nature and relations of being 31 51207 Ontological Thought 50 D0595 metaphysics 56 D0595 metaphysics 00675 Oology Branch of zoology dealing w it h birds' eggs 50 D1008 zoology 01018 DI 635 D0663 DI 274 Dt847 70 A2948 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea Journal Journal of Marine·Aesearch hydrological sciences descriptive oceanography dynamic oceanography tidology oceanographic instrumentation geological oceanography biological oceanography geophysical fluid dynamics 50366 Oceanology International D0954 D16 16 D1717 D0661 D0664 D1720 thalassography static oceanography ocean management chemical oceanography physical oceanography ocean engineering Science dealing with animal and plant inhabitants of ocean waters 00661 Chemical oceanography chemistry D0659 oceanography 00662 Descriptive oceanography 50 D065g geology geological scientist D0659 oceanography 00664 Physical oceanography Branch of oceanography dealing with physical properties of ocean water and the topography and composition of the ocean bottom 31 51147 Journal of Physical Oceanography 56 D065g oceanography D0760 physics 70 Al 223 lnt Asn.Physical Oceanography A3001 71 J0132 Nordic University Group Physical Oceanography geophysical scientist 30 P0364 31 S0134 50310 50757 complex interrelationship of world problems International Abstracts in Operations Research Operational Research Quarterly Operations Research interscience disciplines 70 A1g55 lnt Fed Operational Research Socs 7 1 J0824 79 K0540 operations research analyst operations research 00677 Ophiology Ophidology Branch of herpetology dealing wit h the study of snakes herpetology 50 D0481 00678 Ophthalmology oceanography 00663 Geological oceanography 56 D0441 71 J01 33 00676 Operations research Operational research Application of scientific and mathematical methods to the study and analysis of complex problems that are not t rad itionally considered to fall within the field of scientific enquiry 50 01 359 Mediterranean Asn Marine Biology Oceanology 00660 Biological oceanography 56 D0206 psychic research Study of man as a psychosomatic unity 50 D0815 psychology . 51 D1534 personalistic psychology Science dealing with the ocean and its phenomena 30 P208) destructive changes in ocean characteristics 56 00522 D0812 Science or study of origins and forms of words and proper names of persons or places Revue internationale d'onomastique 31 50712 50 D0551 linguistics 51 Dl210 anthroponymy 70 A4068 lnt Cmt Outer Space Onomastics 00659 Oceanography Oceanology 50361 makers lnt Cnt Humanae Vitae lnt Soc Obstetrical Psycho-Prophylaxis specialised physician Studies and practices dealing with matters regarded as involving the act ion or influence of supernatural agencies or some secret knowledge of t hem, including alchemy, astrology, magic, palmistry, numerology 30 PI 392 unidentified flying objects 31 51180 Occult Commentary 51 00035 alchemy DO 104 astrology 00649 magic 00652 numerology 00654 palmistry 56 00671 oneirology D1433 hermetism 31 50357 precision~instrument (except electrical) 00672 Onomastics Onomatology 00658 Occult sciences 50 DI 089 51 D0662 I Science dealing with wine and winemaking 31 50088 veterinary obstetrics 00657 Veterinary obstetrics 56 00656 00666 Odontology Branch of medical science dealing w ith f unctions, structure and diseases of the eye 31 50 149 Excerpta Medica. Section 12: Ophthalmology 50956 Archives of Ophthalmology 50958 Contacto so95g Experimental Eye Research 50960 Eyelights sog51 International Ophthalmology Clinics 50964 Ophthalmologica 50 D1082 medical sciences 51 D067g forensic ophthalmology 00680 veterinary ophthalmology 56 D0639 neuroophthalmology D0963 ophthalmological therapeutics 01818 pediatric ophthalmology D1840 ophthalmic surgery 70 Al9 ~7 lnt Fed Ophthalmological Socs Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction 00679 A3048 "71 J06 12 Pan American Cng Ophthalmology 00694 Orthopedics specialised physician 00679 Forensic ophthalmology Study, correction or prevent ion of deformities, particularly of the skeletal structures in children 50 00678 31 50966 Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica 56 00774 01622 70 A4186 pathophysiology D0774 orthopedic surgery Western Pacific Orthopaedic Asn anatomy 71 J0613 JSOOO specialised surgeon J0795 shoemakers and leather goods makers orthopaedic technician ophthalmology 00680 Veterinary ophthalmology 56 00678 ophthalmology D1001 veterinary science 00681 Optics Light; photics Science dealing with light, its genesis and propagation, effects that it undergoes and produces, and related phenomena Optica Acta 50275 Vision Research 3t 50272 50963 50 00760 5 t D023g D0682 DQ6g6 DOgt 3 56 D0683 D0687 70 A1525 71 J0752 Manufacturing Optics International physics chromatics atmospheric optics orthoptics spectroscopy geometrical optics optology lnt Cmsn Optics optometrist D0306 D0685 D0757 D11 g3 00684 D1467 dioptrics physical optics photometry electrooptics meteorological optics magneto-optics J0753 dispensing optician 00682 Atmospheric optics 50 D0681 optics J8400 mach'inery fitters, machine assemblers and precision-instrument makers (except electrical) 00695 Orthopsychiatry Prophylactic psychiatry dealing particularly w it h inci pient menta l and behavioral disorders in childhood and youth 30 P0586 hypertension (high blocd pressure) P0989 mental illness in adolescents 31 50978 American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 50 00806 psychiatry 00696 Orthoptics Study and treatment of defective visual habits, defects of binocular vision and muscle imbalance 31 SO 14 7 Excerpta Medica. Section 10: Obstetrics and gynecology 50 D0681 71 J0752 optics optometrist 00683 Geometrical optil:s 00697 Osmics Branch of optics dealing with thos.e phenomena of reflection and refraction that can be mathematically deduced from simple empirical laws 56 D0450 geometry 00681 optics 30 P1413 malodorous fumes 50 D0773 physiology 00698 Osteology 00684 Meteorological·optics 56 00596 meteorology 00681 Branch of anatomy dealing with the bones optics 00685 Physical optics Branch of optics dealing w ith description and explanation of all optical phenomena in terms of physical theories 50 D0681 optics 71 JOI 24 light physicist 00686 Physiological optics 31 50957 Science dealing with the sense of small and the study of odors British Journal of Physiological Optics 00687 Optology Optometry Science and art of examing the eye for defects and faults of refraction and the prescription of correctional lenses and exercises but not including use of drugs or surgery 31 50965 Optometric World 56 0068 1 optics D0774 pathophysiology lnt Optical League 70 A2305 71 J0752 optometrist J13t0 university and higher education teachers 00688 _Orchidology ·JO P22 70 diseases of metabolism 31 508~2 50 D0051 51 D1512 Journal of Osteopathy anatomy osteography 00699 Osteopathy Medical science and practice based on the theory that diseases are due chiefly to a loss of structural integrity in the tissues and that this integrity can be restored by manipulation of the parts supported by use of medicines, surgery, proper diet and other therapy 30 P2270 diseases of metabolism 31 50535 $0967 British Naturopathic and Osteopathic Review American Osteopathic Association Journal 56 00051 71 J0612 anatomy specialised physician D0774 pathophysiology JQ7g2 osteopath 00700 Otology Science dealing with the ear and its diseases 30 P2567 ear diseases 31 50968 Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Layngology 50 00701 otolaryngology Branch of botany or horticulture dealing with orchids 56 DOI 73 botany Ot400 horticulture 00701 Otolaryngology Otorhinolaryngology Medical. science dealing with the ear, nose and throat and their diseases 00689 Orismology 31 50 148 50898 Excerpta Medica. Section 11: Otorhinolaryngology Practica Oto-Rhino-laryngologica 50 01082 51 D0700 70 A1970 A3049 71 J061 2 medical sciences otology D1049 laryngology lnt Fed Oto-Rhino-Laryngological 5ocs Pan American Asn Oto-Rhino-Laryngology BronchoEsophagology specialised physician Science of defining technical terms 50 D0551 linguistics · 00690 Ornithology Branch of zoology deal ing with birds 30 P0332 endangered species of birds 00702 Paleoagrostology Pl 111 threat of birds to aircraft safety Pt 689 bird pests P2749 wild bird vectors of animal diseases P3601 bird vectors of plant disease 31 50042 50 D1006 51 00188 D1502 70 A1722 71 J0513 La Mevo xylology caliology nidology lnt Cl Bird Preservation zoologist D1498 D1584 A2332 Branch of paleobotany dealing with fossil grasses 50 00707 paleobotany neossology pterylology lnt Ornithological Cng 00703 Pedodontics Paedodontics Branch of dentistry dealing with dental care of children 50 00292 dentistry 70 A4080 lnt Asn Dentistry Children 71 J0632 specialised dentist 00704 Paleethnology Branch of ethnology dealing with early prehistoric man 50 D0394 ethnology 00691 Orology Oreology Science of mountains 30 P1908 depopulation of mountainous regions 00705 Paleoanthropology 50 D1088 geological sciences Branch of anthropology dealing with fossil man 50 D0063 anthropology 00692 Orthodontics Branch of dentistry dealing with irregularities of the teeth and abnormalities of their relati ons with surrounding parts and with t heir correction 3 1 50938 International Journal of Orthodontics 50 Do2g2 dentistry 71 J0632 specialised dentist 00693 Orthoepy Study of diCtion and pronunCiation of a language 50 D0551 linguistics 00706 Paleobiology Branch of paleontology dealing with fossi ls as organisms rather t han as features of historical geology 50 DO 71 1 paleontology 00707 Paleobotany Branch of botany dealing with fossil plants 31 51177 Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 50 DOl 73 botany Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction 00730 51 D0702 70 A2327 paleoagrostology lnt Org palaeobotany D1514 paleodendrology 00708 Paleoclimatology Branch of climatology dealing with 1he clima1e of past ages · 31 51175 50 D0248 Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology climatology 00709 Paleoecology Branch of ecolcigy dealing with iden1ification and interpretation of the rela1ion of ancient plants and animals to 1heir environment and with characteristics of ancient environments 31 51175 50 D0320 71 J0513 Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology ecology zoologist 00710 Paleography Study of ancient modes and manners of writing and deciphering and identifying ancient wri1ings and inscriptions 50 D0086 51 D0255 archeology codicology D1525 papyrology Science dealing with the life of past geological periods, being based on study of fossil remains of plams and animals and elucidating 1he phylogeny and relationships of modern plants and animals, as well as the Earth's chronological history Lethaia biostratigraphy paleobiology quantitative paleontology paleornithology geological sciences paleomammology lnt Paleontological Union geological scientist D0613 D0712 D1031 micropaleontology invertebrate paleontology D1og5 D1521 organismic biology paleozoology paleontologic geology 00712 Invertebrate paleontology 50 D0711 paleontology 00713 Quantitative paleontology 50 DO 711 paleontology 00714 Paleopedology Branch of pedology dealing wi1h soils of pas1 geological ages 50 D0726 pedology, soil science 00715 Palynology Branch of science concerned with study of pollen and spores whether living or fossil 31 S1177 50 D1081 70 A1585 Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology biological sciences Int Cmt Palynology Systematic view of all branches of knowledge 01071 philosophy D0870 science humanistic sciences 00717 Parapsychology Science dealing with investigation of events that are apparently not accounted for by natural law and hence evidence of mental telepathy, clairvoyance and psychokinesis 31 51178 50 D081 5 56 01801 Journal of Parapsychology psychology psionic medicine science 0071 g Parasitology Branch of biology dealing with parasites and the parasitic habit, organisms living in or on another living organism, obtaining from it all or part of its · organic nutriment 30 P0982 31 S0141 S0772 S0776 S0858 50 Do14g 56 01335 70 A2877 infectious and parasitic diseases Excerpta Medica. Section 4: Microbiology: bacteriology, mycology and parasitology Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology International Journal for Parasitology Experimental Parasitology biology veterinary parasitology Latin American Fed Parasitologists 00720 Paroemiology DO 721 pathology 00723 Surgical pathology 71 J0526 5 6 DO 721 71 J0520 medical pathologist pathology D1001 veterinary science bacteriologists, pharmacologists and related scientists , 00725 Pediatrics Branen of medicine dealing with child development, care and diseases 30 P0131 P01g6 P0233 P0550 P0590 P0838 P1307 P2058 P2085 P2584 P3281 P3302 31 50144 S0276 S0279 S0280 S0283 sog10 50 D0582 51 Dl 79g 56 D085g 01794 D1820 D1!122 70 A2336 A38gO 71 J061 2 J1g39 51 DO 714 56 00033 D1088 70 A2568 ' 71 J0525 inadequate care for children of prisoners physically handicapped children lack of child welfare • state custody of deprived children adoption of children P0622 cruelty to children retardation of psychomotor development in refugee children inadequate child day-care facilities child beating and physical abuse annulment of adoption P3282 sham adoption of children Excerpts Medica. Section 7: Pediatrics Child Care Quarterly . S0278 Children Today International Child Welfare Review World's Children S0969 Journal of Pediatrics 50973 medicine tropical pediatrics pediatric radiology 01793 pediatric surgery D1818 pediatric neurobiology D1821 pediatric neurosurgery lnt Paediatric Asn A2653 Eupn Sac pediatric ReSearch J 1g32 specialised physician other social workers children's diseases children refusal ~f adoption Children in the Tropics Acta Paediatrica Scandinavica Pediatric Research pediatric cardiology pediatric ophthalmology pediatric neurology I lnt Cnf Social Work social welfare worker paleopedology agrosciences geological sciences lnt Cnf Pedology bacteriologist D1149 soil mechanics 00275 cryogenics D1390 conservation J0535 soil scientist 00727 Pedology Child study Science and study of life and development of children isolation. of parent-child relationship Child Development Journal of Youth and Adolescence Child Study Journal orthogenics iecnology D10g5 · organismic biology 00728 Penology Branch of criminology dealing with prison management and treatment of offenders and their rehabilitation 30 P0520 Pl 464 P2932 31 S0320 S1319 50 D0273 70 A237g A2952 7 1 J 1g22 inadequate prison conditions and penal systems inadequate punishment of war criminals psychiatric prison-hospitals International Journal of Criminology and Penology International Halfway House Association Newsletter criminology lnt Prisoners Aid Asn Meeting Specialized Agencies NGOs Prevention crime Treatment Offenders sociologist J 1g32 social welfare worker 00729 Perastadics 50 00020 humanistic sciences aeronautics 00730 Periodontics Periodontology 00721 Pathology Study of the essential nature, causes and development of diseases, and anatomic and physiological deviations from the normal 31 S0142 S0785 gynecology Science of space flying Study of proverbs 50 01071 56 D04 71 30 P0600 3 1 50277 50282 S0426 51 D11 g9 56 Dog45 00718 Parascience 50 D0870 D 00722 Gynecological pathology 00726 Pedology Soil science Science dealing with soils 00716 Pantology 56 D0745 medical sciences zoopathology D064 7 nosography ' paleopathology Dl 761 experiiriental patho.logy clinical pathology pathological anatomy D0283 cytopathology hippopathology D0514 immunopathology neuropathology D0722 gynecological pathology veterinary pathology D0831 pathological psychology psychopathology D142 1 geopathology phytopathology D1803 chemical pathology lnt Cl Socs Pathology medical ·pathologist. teacher in life and medical sciences (third level) 00724 Veterinary pathology 00711 Paleontology 31 S1173 51 D0170 D0706 D0713 D1524 56 D1088 D1520 70 A2337 71 J0133 50 01082 51 00167 D1522 D1763 56 D0054 D0482 D0640 D0724 00841 D1668 70 A1756 71 J0526 J1313 Excerpta Medica. Section 5: .General pathology and pathological anatomy International Pathology S0823 American Journal of Pathology Branch of dentistry dealing with diseases of supporting structures of teeth 30 31 50 71 P3503 sog42 D0292 J0632 periodontal diseases Journal of Periodontology dentistry specialised dentist Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction J' 00731 00731 Petrography 00744 Philology Microscopic study, description and systematic classification of rocks 50 D0732 petrology Study of human speech, language and literature 31 S0284 Classical Philology S0694 S0704 Modern Philosophy S0708 50 D0551 linguistics 51 D0753 phonology Dl 068 00732 Petrology Science dealing with origin, history, occurrence, structure , chemical composition and classification of rocks 31 S0342 Journal of Petrology S0343 lithos 50 01088 geological sciences 51 DO 731 petrography 00733 experimental petrology D0734 igneous petrology 00735 metamorphic petrology D0736 sedimentary petrology 70 A3106 Permanent Cl World Petroleum Cng 71 J0133 geological scientist 00733 Experimental petrology 50 D0732 petrology petrology 00735 Metamorphic petrology 50 D0732 petrology 00736 Sedimentary petrology 50 D0732 J1g52 petrology 00737 Phenogenetics Branch of genetics dealing with mechanisms of development and the differentiation of concrete qualities controlled by the genes 50 D04 17 . genetics 00738 Pharmacognosy Pharmacognosia Branch of pharmacology dealing with composition, production, use and history of drugs of plant and animal origin 30 P0022 abuse of plant drugs 50 D0739 pharmacology 0073g Pharmacology Pharmacopedics Science of drugs including composition of medical remedies, toxicology and therapeutics, and the properties and reactions of drugs Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part A: comparative physiology 31 S0012 and pharmacology Life Sciences. Part 1: physiology and pharmacology S0055 Excerpta Medica. Section 30: Pharmacology and toxicology S0167 International Journal of the Addictions S0784 Research Communications in Chemical Pathology and Pharmacology S0904 S1190 Acta Pharmacologica et Toxicologica Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Sl 193 Drug Intelligence and Clinical Pharmacy S1194 Drugs Sl 195 European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology Sl 196 European Journal of Pharmacology Sl 197 Pharmacology S1202 medical sciences 50 D1082 dosiology 51 D0309 D0738 pharmacognosy molecular pharmacology D1297 cinchonology D0740 D1540 pharmacodynamics D1161 neuropharmacology phytopharmacology 56 D0778 D1827 pharmacopsychiatry pharmacogenetics D1266 biochemical pharmacology D1851 lnt Union Pharmacology 70 A3918 pharmacologist 71 J0527 teacher in life and medical sciences (third level) J1313 philologist 00745 Philosophy S 1041 S1129 International Journal of Philosophy and Religion Man, Society, Technology S1204 Creative Intelligence S1205 Idealistic Studies International Philosophical Quarterly 51 D0022 D0035 D0096 D0378 D0383 D0511 D0595 D074 7 Dl 129 D1431 D1542 aesthetics alchemy archology epistemology ethics ideology metaphysics comparative philosophy natural philosophy heresiology moral philosophy 01853 56 00405 00525 demonstrative philosophy evolutionary theory jurisprudence DO 71 6 D0959 pantology philosophical theology 01116 changing character of disciplines 30 P2 720 non-investigation of phenomena by science biology D0248 climatology 00742 Phenomenology Branch of science dealing with description and classification of observable facts or events, items of experience or reality 30 P2720 non-investigation of phenomena by science 50 D0870 science 56 00406 00863 existentialism comparative religion 70 A3913 79 K0741 Husserl E phenomenology 00833 phenomenological psychology existentialism noology sophiology university and higher education teachers other secondary education teachers 79 K0341 philosophy thought corpuscular philosophy metempirics speculative philosophy D1604 social philosophy D1664 linguistic philosophy 00746 Mathematical philosophy 50 00574 mathematics D0745 philosophy 00747 Comparative philosophy Study of philosophies from various cultures, nations and epochs philosophy 50 D0745 00748 Phonemics Branch of linguistic analysis dealing with the study of phonemes and their allophones 31 S0714 Spelling Progress Bulletin 50 00551 linguistics 00749 Phonetics Study and systematic classification of sounds produced by the organs of speech as they register on the ear and on instruments, and the practical application of this science to understanding and speaking languages 31 S0699 International Phonetic Association Journal 50709 50 D0551 Phonetica linguistics 51 00751 56 00750 articu latory phonetics acoustic phonetics 00750 Acoustic phonetics 56 D0149 00406 D0646 DOgo7 71 J 131 0 J 1329 56 D0005 Branch of biology dealing with relations between climate and periodic biological phenomena, bird migration and breeding, plant flowering and fruiting agnoiology analytical philosophy dogmatism eschatology gnosiology logic mathematical philosophy anthroposophy metaphysical philosophy philosophy of history lnt Fed Socs Philosophy 00740 Molecular pharmacology 00741 Phenology Phaenology D0026 D0050 D0308 D0382 D0459 D0558 D0746 D0973 Dl 306 D1481 D1610 D1246 Dl 612 Dl 738 70 A2011 50 D0739 pharmacology onomasiology teacher in languages and literature (third level) Study of the principles of human nature and conduct, being a science comprising all learning except technical precepts and practical arts 31 50085 Bibliography of Philosophy S0566 Diogenes S 1206 00734 Igneous petrology 50 D0732 71 J 1317 Archivum Linguisticum Philological Quarterly acoustics D0749 phonetics 00751 Articulatory phonetics 50 D0749 phonetics 00752 Photobiology Branch of biology dealing w ith effects on living beings of light and other forms of radiant energy 31 S0202 Photochemistry and Photobiology 50 DO 149 biology 70 A 1615 lnt Cmt Photobiology 00753 Phonology Science of speech, including history and theory of sound changes in a single language or in two or more related languages for comparative purposes 50 D0744 philology 56 Dl 543 phoniatrics 71 J 1952 philologist 00743 Philately 00754 Photochemistry Study and collection of postage stamps and postal stationery that has passed through the mail 31 S0550 World Stamps 50 01071 humanistic sciences Branch of chemistry dealing with effects of radiant energy in producing chemical changes 30 P3663 smog (photochemical smog) 31 50202 Photochemistry and Photobiology 51 D1227 70 A2355 aerophilately lnt Phil atelic Fed 50 D0206 S0221 . Journ al of Photochemistry chem istry Entry content explanation at end of Section !ntroduction 00778 00755 Photogrammetry Science of making reliable measurements in surveying and mapmaking, primarily using aerial pho1.°graphs 31 S0528 56 DOl 96 70 A24g6 Photogrammetna cartography lnt Sec Photogrammetry D0756 photogeology 71 J0315 photogrammetrist J0326 cartographical draughtsman 00756 Photogeology Identification of geological structures and geological interpretation of aerial photographs 56 D044 1 geology DO 7 5 5 71 J 1639 other photographers and cameramen photogrammetry 00757 Photometry · Branch of science dealing with measurement of intensity of light 50 D0681 optics 00758 Phrenology Study of the conformation of the skull as indicative of mental faculties and traits of character 50 D0773 physiology 00759 Phylogenetics Branch of genetics dealing with the racial history of a specified kind of organism, and the evolution of a race or genetically related group of organisms 50 D04 17 79 K0516 50231 50232 50235 S0246 S0266 50 01052 01370 51 D0005 D0276 00345 D0566 corrosion Fields and Quanta International Centre for Theoretical Physics Monthly Bulletin International Journal of Applied Physics International Journal of Theoretical Physics Physics in Technology Journal of Physics natural science 00581 statistical mechanics DO 76 5 cloud physics 00772 terrestrial physics 00862 00966 DOg86 Dl 042 Dl 044 relativity thermionics tribology plasma physics solid-state physics 01140 ionosphere physics 01228 aerophysics 01351 electrostatics D1446 D1466 hydrostatics magnetohydrodynamics 01 468 01701 magnetostatics vacuum science Dl 707 56 DOl 15 DOl 68 D0664 00762 00764 00767 D076g Dl 451 Dl 689 Dl 703 70 A2768 71 JOl 21 JOl 23 JOl 26 S0263 Journal of Physics D1080 physical sciences exact sciences acoustics crystallography electromagnetism macrophysics molecular physics zoophysics biophysics physical oceanography astronomical physics biological physics mathematical physics planetary physics iatrophysics chemical physics medical physics lnt Union Pure Applied Physics physicist (general) ' heat physicist D0274 cryogenics D0340 electrodynamics D0346 electronics D0567 magnetism D0681 optics D0770 precipitation physics D085 1 radiogoniometry D0864 rheology D0968 thermodynamics D103g para physics D1043 particle physics D1086 electricity D118g microphysics D1331 electrokinetics D139g h.ealth physics D1447 hygrology D1467 magneto-optics D1486 soil physics Dl 704 radiation physics Dl 708 ion physics D0141 physical biochemistry D0253 physical cli matology D0761 agricultural physics D0763 atomic physics D0766 cosmic physics D0768 nuclear physics D1398 engineering physics D1495 myophysics D1700 polymer science JOl 22 JOl 24 mechanics physicist light physicist electricity and magnetism physicist agrosciences DO 7 60 physics DO 7 60 physics ·00762 Astronomical physics 56 DOl 08 ·astronomy 00763 Atomic physics 31 S0254 Atomic Data 51 01 255 atomistics 56 D0760 Dl 551 physics physicotheology 71 JOl 28 nuclear physicist 50264 Journal of Physics 01330 quantum mechanics biology 00765 Cloud physics 50 DOT60 physics 31 50239 Sl 229 Journal of Mathematical Physics Communications in Mathematical Physics 56 D0574 mathematics D0760 physics D0760 physics 00768 Nuclear physics 3 1 50269 51 Dl 705 56 D0650 Nuclear Physics applied radiation nucleonics 01 330 70 A2849 71 J0125 quantum mechanics Joint Institute Nuclear Research sound physicist 56 D0760 physics J0128 nuclear physicist Dl 045 planetology 00770 Precipitation physics 50 D0760 physics 00771 Solar physics Branch of astrophysics dealing w il h the conslitution of the sun 50 DO 111 astrophysics 70 A2835 Inter-Union Cmsn Solar-Terrestrial Physics 31 5023 7 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 50 D0760 physics 00773 Physiology . , Branch of biology dealing wilh processes, activities and phenomena of life and living organisms, the functions of living matter and the physical and chemical phenomena involved 31 S0008 50055 50139 50206 50 Dl 095 51 D0009 D0061 D0319 D0349 D0628 D0758 D0860 D1308 D1322 D1361 D141 1 D1 437 D14g5 D1679 56 D0072 Journal of Physiology Life Sciences. Part 1 : physiology and pharmacology Excerpta Medica: Section 2: Physiology Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology organismic biology adenology angiology eccrinology electrophysiology nasology phrenology reflexology cephalometry dactylography esthesiophysiology general physiology histophysiology myophysics comparative physiology physical anthropology D0058 D0234 D0344 D0624 D0697 D0774 DOg55 D130g D1 323 D1369 D142g D1494 D1562 D1802 D0147 anesthesiology chirology electroencephalography myology osmics pathophysiology thanatology craniotopography dermatoglyphics eukinetics hemodynamics myodynamics pogonology renal physiology biolinguistics 00225 physiological chemistry 00365 human engineering D0505 D0 77 5 D0906 D1093 Dl 160 hypnology veterinary physiology somatology molecular biology neurophysiology D0588 D0834 D0964 Dl 107 Dl 561 space medicine physiological psychology physiological therapeutics medical physiology pedology 01658 enzyme physiology 01733 environmental physiology botanist J0524 physiologist 71 J0512 00774 Pathophysiology Pathological physiology Physiology of abnormal states; fu nctional changes that accompany a particular syndrome or di~ease 50 D0773 51 D0513 D0989 Dl 73 7 56 D068 7 D0699 D1265 physiology immunology typhlology naturopathy optology osteopathy orthotics 56 D077 3 71 J0 513 D0760 physics physiology zoologist D0670 Dl 4 69 oncology malariology D0694 D0834 orthopedics physiological psychology 01001 veterinary science 00776 Phytogeography Biogeography of plants 50 DO 146 5 1 Dl 381 biogeography floristics 00777 Phytography Descriptive botany and planl taxonomy botany botanist 00778 Phytopharmacology Study of 1he influence of drugs on physiological processes of planl s 56 D073g 70 A 1201 pharmacology lnt Asn Plant Physiology Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction I · 00769 Planetary physics 50 D01 73 71 J05 12 00764 Biological physics 56 DOl 49 physics 00767 Mathematical physics 00775 Veterinary physiology 00761 Agricultural physics 56 0003 3 Astrophysics and Space Science cosmology D0760 00772 Terrestrial physics genetics ontogenetic recapitulation of phylogeny 00760 Physics Science dealing with matter and energy and their interactions 30 P0508 31 S0230 00766 Cosmic physics 31 s oog5 56 D0270 Dl 405 power engineering 00779 00779 Phytoserology Branch of serology dealing with plants, plant products and plant viruses 30 P3600 insect vectors of viral diseases of plants 50 00881 serology 00780 Phytosociology Branch of ecology dealing with in1errelations among flora of particular areas and with plant communities 50 00320 ecology 00781 Piscatology Science of fishing and fish culture 30 P0743 P0972 P1424 P1783 P2138 50 01008 70 At 023 A1537 71 J0525 J6400 J7700 environmental hazards from fishing indl:JS1ry instability of trade in fish, cruStacea and molluscs instability of fishing industry long-ter,m shortage of fish, crustacea and molluscs (and preparations thereof) underdevelopment of fishing industry zoo1ogy Inda-Pacific Fisheries Cl lnt Convent ion N W Atlantic Fisheries bacteriologist fishermen, hunters and related workers food and beverage processers 31 50 51 56 71 00790 Political science 00782 Pistology Social science dealing with description and analysis of polilical and governmental institulions and processes, making use of factual material and methods selected from other social sciences and undertaking an analysis of · power in society Branch of theology dealing with faith 50 00957 theology 00783 Planning theory · 31 50191 50 -01359 70 A2881 A2943 Long Range Planning interscience disciplines Latin American Institute Economic Social Planning Mankind 2000 A3958 Commonwealth Asn Planners 00784 Plant cytology 50 00281 30 P0436 31 cytology 00785 Plant ecology 31 50026 50 00320 71 J0512 Vegetatio ecology botanist 50 51 00786 Pluviometry Branch of meteorology dealing with measurement of rainfall 50 00596 meteorology 00787 Pneumatics mechanics. 70 71 misuse of nongovernmental organizations as front organizations by government concentration of power by multinational enterprises balance of power P2692 abuse of scientific power political pressure inadequacy of political doctrine Comparative Political Studies European Journal of Political Research International Journal of Politics Social Research social sciences ethonomics 00465 comparative government 00789 politics international relations 01013 public administration strategy dialectical materialism 01479 metapolitics politics, goverriment political ethics 00455 geopolitics area research 01272 biopolitics lnt Political Science Asn political scientist P0766 Pl 969 P3209 P3394 S0577 S0578 S0580 S 1083 00893 00400 00524 00930 01332 01565 00386 01250 A2369 J1927 001g1 Pomology 00788 Pneumology Science of fruit cultivation and the growing, storing, processing and marketing of fruits Scientific study of the respiratory organs 30 P0637 J 56 Branch of mechanics dealing with mechanical properties of gases 50 00578 P3015 civilian detainees misclassification of political prisoners P3020 P3114 conflicting roles of money in capitalist systems lack of internal political independence P3194 political barriers P3202 power politics P3201 underutilization of political rights P3203 P3209 political pressure P3215 lack of political integration P3216 lack of political unity P3218 class discrimination in politics religious discrimination in politics P3220 pcilitical discrimination in politics P3221 P3222 , political discrimination based on illiteracy language discrimiation in politics P3223 political alienation P3227 non-violent political revolution P3228 P3237 political revolution P3238 .political oligarchy P3329 racial discrimination in politics P3425 political inequality 50584 Political Theory 50716 Current political science 00790 01380 internati9nal politics 00835 00923 political statistics political psychology J1927 political scientist lungs 0079g Politics 30 31 50 71 Branch of political science dealing with the activities of political parties and pressure groups Branch of theology dealing with the doctrine of evil 31 S 1024 Scandinavian Journal of Respiratory Diseases 50 01107 medical physiology 30 P0032 P0181 P0181 P0297 P0368 P0422 P0544 P0548 P0562 P0655 P0752 P0796 P1001 Pl 123 Pl 646 Pl 787 P1833 Pl 868 Pl 886 P1907 P1919 P2031 P2180 P2181 P2361 P2492 P2494 P2628 P2677 P2910 P2912 P2931 P2933 P3013 P3014 political intervention by multinational enterprises political torture P0181 political torture political torture lack of political independence political conflict c' religious 'influence in politics imbalance in distribution of political awareness in developing countries · inadequate political parties in developing countries political prisoners unequal political representation unjust financing of political parties lack of political integrity P0842 n.uclear war discrimination against women in politics personality cults in politics • · political instability of developing countries espionage in domestic politics inadequate urban political machinery internationalpolitical es'pionage · political kidnapping P1897 political opportunism plitical lag P1917 political apathy P1982 political ignorance political repression political appointees lack of participation in politics P2182 political pluralism political injustice pqlitical schism political influence and influencing politics 1.. political stagnation political opposition to administrative action political instability forced participation in politics political blackmail P2929 political dossiers unfair choice of political candidates political purges · P2938 political intimidation political trials military political prisoriers i;tnd detainees P1013 50520 00033 J0533 long-term shortage of fruit and vegetables (and preparations thereof) Fruit Varieties Journal agrosciences horticulturist. 001g2 Ponerology 50 0095 7 theology 00793 Practical theology Branches of theological study dealing with institutional activities of religion 50 0095 7 theology 007g4 Posology Branch of medicine dealing with dosage 50 00582 medicine 00795 Potamology Study of rivers 30 P0516 P3142 50 00436 uncoordinated int river basin development river ice physical geography 001g6 Pragmatics Branch of semiotics dealing with the relation between signs or linguistic expressions and their users 50 00878 semiotics - 007g7 Praxeology Praxiology Study of human action and conduct 50 00383 ethics 00798 Prehistory Study of prehistoric men 50 01071 70 A2755 humanistic sciences lnt Cng Prehistoric Protohistoric Sciences 0079g Probability theory 31 50759 50 01183 79 K0677 Theory of Probability and its Applications mathematical sciences probabilistic system Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction ( 00815 00800 Proctology Branch of medicine dealing with structure and diseases of the anus, rectum and sigmoid colon 31 50825 American Journal of Proctolog\t 50 00582 medicine 00801 Prosopography Study and description of individual personality, appearance, character and career 50 00066 cultural anthropology 00802 Prosthetics Branch of surgery and dentistry dealing with artificial replacement of missing parts 31 S0894 S102il 50 002g2 70 A4010 Orthotics and Prosthetics Bulletin of Prosthetics Research dentistry lnt Soc Prosthetics Orthotics 00933 surgery 00803 Prosthodontics Prosthetic dentistry Branch of dentistry dealing with making artificial replacements of missing parts of mouth and jaws ' 50 00292 71 J0632 dentistry specialised dentist 00804 Protozoology Branch of zoology dealing with protozoa, a phylum or subkingdom of animals with acellular structure that include parasitic forms that plague man and domestic animals 31 S0002 50 D1008 Journal of Protozoology zoology unjust election administration limitations on right to vote P2906 unjust election timing P2919 political discrimination based on illiteracy politics, government manipulation of elections unfair election campaigns 00806 Psychiatry Branch of medicine dealing with mental, emotional or behavioral disorders 30 P0584 P2932 31 SOl 69 S0976 S0988 S0999 S1009 S1011 50 01082 51 005g5 00811 01746 01831 56 00396 00641 00809 01338 01827 70 A2949 A3571 A3986 abusive treatment of patients in psychiatric hospitals psychiatric prison-hospitals Excerpta Medica. Section 32: Psychiatry Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica International Journal of Psychiatry Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry Psychiatry Sl 010 Psychiatry Digest Psychiatry in Medicine medical sciences0 orthopsychiatry · social psychiatry existential psychiatry operational psychiatry 00807 01346 D1829 D1836 00577 D0808 00844 01823 ethnopsychiatry neuropsychiatry geriatric psychiatry epidemiological psychiatry pharmacopsychiatry Mediterranean Asn Psychiatry lnt Soc org World Psychiatric Cngs Inter-American Cl Psychiatric asns child psychiatry bibliotherapy experimental psychiatry orthomolecular psychiatry medical psychology forensic psychiatry psychotherapy biological psychiatry 00807 Child psychiatry Pediatric psychiatry Psychiatry applied to treatment of children 30 P0989 31 S0623 S09 7 5 50 00806 70 A1180 mental illness in adolescents P1222 autistic children Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines Acta Paedopsychiatrica psychiatry lnt Cmt Child Psychiatry 00808 Forensic psychiatry Application of psychiatry in courts of law for determination of criminal responsibility or liability to commitment for insanity 56 00536 law D0806 psychiatry 00806 psychiatry 00809 Geriatric psychiatry 31 S0996 56 00458 Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry geriatrics 00810 Psychoanalytic medicine 31 S0979 56 00582 Association for Psychoanalytic Medicine Bulletin medicine 00813 psychoanalysis 00811 Social psychiatry Branch of psychiatry dealing with influence of social and cultural factors on causation, course and outcome of mental illness 30 P0300 31 50990 S101 3 50 00806 5 t 00812 mental illness P0989 International Journal of Social Psychiatry Social Psychiatry psychiatry psychic research lnt Cmt against Mental Illness psychiatric social worker 00812 Psychic research Psychical research Investigation of phenomenan that appear contrary to physical laws and suggest mental ac~ity apart from body ·31 S1179 S 1182 50 0081 1 56 00671 70 A2581 78 1:!0981 Light Society for Psychical Research Journal social psychiatry oneirology lnt Spiritualist Fed psychic research 00813 Psychoanalysis Depth psychology Study and investigation of psychic content and mechanisms not readily accessible to voluntary exploration by the conscious ·mind, including a body of empirical findings and a set of theories on human motivation, behavior and personality development 31 S0715 S0993 50 01071 51 D1342 56 00810 D145 5 78 H0951 American Imago International Review of Psychoanalysis humanistic sciences existential psychoanalysis psychoanalytic medicine 01426 individual psychology psychoanalysis group analysis 00814 Psychobiology Study of mental life and behavior in relation to other biological processes 31 S0783 51 01657 56 0014g International Journal of Psychobiology developmental psychobiology biology 0081 5 psychology 00815 Psychology Science of mind and mental phenomena, processes and activities, and study of interactions between biological organisms and their physical and social 00805 Psephology Scientific study of elections 30 P2649 P2904 P2907 P3222 50 0 1565 70 A1574 71 J 1935 mental illness in adolescents environments 30 P0147 P0989 P1721 P1722 31 S0071 S0502 S0612 S0617 50618 S0642 51 00136 00468 00495 D0645 DO 71 7 D0817 00820 D0824 00829 0083 6 00839 00844 00992 Dl 060 D106 7 01120 01214 01252 01295 Dl 328 Dl 372 01523 01592 01740 D1 750 56 00073 00635 00814 00822 00825 00830 00833 00835 00841 00863 00924 D1244 01305 01384 0 1475 D15 71 01 574 D15 77 0157g 01 743 D1 745 71 J1923 psychological alienation , P0421 psychological inertia mental illness in adolescents anti-social personality disorders psychosis Quarterly Check-List of Psychology Acta Psychologica International Journal of Altered States of Consciousness International Psychologist International Journal of Psychology Psychologia behavioral science 00336 eidolology graphology 00474 hedonics 00577 medical psychology hormic psychology nomology . 00673 organismic psychology parapsychology 00816 applied psychology clinical psychology 00819 comparative psychology counselling psychology 00821 developmental psychology experimental psychology 00826 general psychology military psychology 00832 patristic psychology prison psychology 00838 social psychology psychonomics 00840 psychometrics oogo5 sociometry psychotherapy psychological typology 01035 eumentics humanistic psychology 01066 gestalt psychology laboratory psychology 0111g functionalism structuralism 01158 transpersonal psychology psychodynamics 01239 analytic psychology association psychology 01292 characterology child psychology 01326 dynamic psychology egopsychology D1366 ethnopsychology act psychology 01373 content psychology paleopsychology 01580 psychostatics reactology 01639 topological psychology cognitive psychology 01742 abnormal psychology depth psychology 01843 sports psychology psychological anthropology 00278 culture neuropsychology 00646 noology psychobiology 00818 criminal psychology educational psychology 00823 engineering psychology forensic psychology 00827 genetic psychology pastoral psychology 00831 pathological psychology phenomenological psychology 00834 physiological psychology political psychology 00837 religious psychology psychopathology 00843 psychosurgery comparative religion 00893 social sciences psychological statistics Dt095 organ·ismic biology animal psychology 01278 biopsychology constitutional psychology 01374 existential psychology folk psychology · 01455 individual psychology mental hygiene 01476 mental philosophy psycheometry 01573 psychoacoustics psychobiochemistry 01576 psychogenetics psychokinetics 01578 psycholinguistics psychosociology 01581 psychotechnology biological psychology 01744 mathematical psychology school psychology psychologist Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction [ 00816 00816 Applied psychology 00835 Political psychology 31 50 56 70 56 D07B9 S0621 DOB 15 00365 A 1253 Journal of Applied Psychology psychology human engineering lnt Asn Psychotechnics 00817 Clinical psychology 31 50603 British Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 50 DOB 15 psychology 51 00840 psychometrics 56 DOB2B industrial psychology criminology J 1943 Journal of Counseling Psychology psychology Developmental Psychology psychology Journal of Educational Psychology education DOB 15 psychologist psychology vocational guidance counsellor psychology 50640 50 DOB 15 56 DOB2B Journal of Experimental Psychology Multivariate Behaviora·1 Research DOB 15 law psychology Journal of General psychology Psyc~ology 00827 Genetic psychology 31 S0609 56 D04 17 Genetic Psychology Monographs S0629 genetics DOB 15 Journal of Genetic Psychology psychology 00828 Industrial psychology Application of findings and methods of experimental, clinical and social psychology to industrial problems 31 S066B 56 DOB1 7 DOB3B 71 J 1923 Occupational Psychology clinical psychology social psychology psychologist DOB24 experimental psychology psychology Pastoral Psychology psychology 56 D0404 70 A4267 71 J1923 euthenics DOB2B Eupn Asn Experimental Social Psychology psychologist S1116 Sociometry industrial psychology D0839 Psychonomics Branch of psychology dealing with laws relating the mind to the organism's (:. internal and external environment 50 DOB 15 psychology 00840 Psychometrics Branch of clinical or applied psychology dealing with use and application of mental measurement and of quantitative devices for assessing psychological trends psychology DOB 17 clinical psychology 00841 Psychopathology Study of psychologic and behavioral dysfunction occurring in mental disorder or in social disorganization 30 P0799 mental depression P0919 mental disorders of the aged P1587 mental deficienc'f P3309 social disintegration pathology DOB 15 psychology 56 00642 neuropsychopharmacology 30 P1951 abusive psychosurgery 56 DOB 15 psychology D0933 surgery 00844 Psychotherapy Branch of psychology dealing with treatment of mental or emotional disorder or maladjustment by hypnosis, psychoanalysis or reeducation 31 S0643 S 101 2 50 DOB 15 51 D0469 D104 7 Psychotherapy Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics psychology group psychotherapy pet-facilitated psychotherapy DOB45 D1063 child psychotherapy psychosynthesis D0960 therapeutics psychotherapeutics 56 DOB06 psychiatry 70 A24 78 lnt Soc Clinical Experimental Hypnosis A4046 7B H0003 lnt Cnt Medical Psychological Hypnosis psychotherapy 00845 Child psychotherapy 31 S061 3 50 DOB44 00830 Pastoral psychology 3 1 S064 1 56 DOB15 human relations 01582 00829 Military psychology Application of psychological methods and principles to problems of military training, discipline and combat behavior 50 DOB 15 Journal of Social Psychology psychology 51 00497 00843 Psychosurgery Cerebral surgery and lobotomy used for treatment or relief of mental disorders, tension and psychic symptoms 00826 General psychology 3 1. S062B 50 DOB 15 S0637 50 DOB 15 00842 Psychopharmacology Study of effects of drugs on mental states 00825 Forensic psychology 56 D0536 comparative religion social alienation P2496 social breakdown social apathy P3452 social deviation British Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology European Journal of Social Psychology International Journal of Group Tension 56 D0721 psychology industrial psychology psychology theology 30 P2130 P3412 31 50603 80607 80614 50 DOB 15 DOB15 00824 Experimental psych~logy Branch of psychology considered as the science and study of behavior 31 S0627 00863 00838 Social psychology Collective psychology Study of personality, attitudes, motivations and behavior of the individual as they influence and are influenced by the structure, dynamics and behavior of the social groups he interacts with Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology psychology engineering social welfare worker psychology 00823 Engineering psychology 56 D0356 psychology 71 J1932 DOB 15 00822 Educational psychology Application of objective psychological methods and standardized tests to such problems as selection of students, assessment of progress and development of more effective instruction 3 1 S0626 56 D0332 71 J 1923 psychiatric prison-hospitals 50 DOB15 5 6 DOB 15 D095 7 00821 Developmental psychology 31 S0605 50 DOB 15 30 P2932 psychodiagnostics 00820 Counselling psychology 3 1 S0624 50 DOB 15 psychology 01575 00819 Comparative psychology Branch of psychology dealing with human behavior as revealed by its similarities with and differences from infrahuman behavior 31 S0625 50 DOB15 DOB 15 00837 Religious psychology 00818 Criminal psychology 56 D0273 politics D0836 Prison psychology D1527 pastoral theology lniernational Journal of Child Psychotherapy psychotherapy 00831 Pathological psychology D0846 Pteridology Filicology Study of ferns 30 P172 1 anti-social personality disorders 50 D01 73 56 D0721 pathology DOB 15 psychology botany 00847 Pyrgology 00832 Patristic psychology 50 D0095 50 DOB15 D0848 Quality control Initial critical study of engineering design, materials, processes, equipment and workmanship, followed by periodic inspection and analysis, to ensure adequate quality in manufactured products psychology 00833 Phenomenological psychology 31 S0634 56 D0742 Journal of Phenomenological Psychology phenomenology DOB15 psychology 00834 . Physiological psychology Physiopsychology Branch of psychology dealing with effects of normal and pathological physiological processes on mental life 3 1 S0901 56 D0773 DOB15 Psychophysiology physiology psychology D0774 D17B6 pathophysiology brain sciences architecture 30 P1435 deterioration in product quality 50 D0356 engineering 71 J0115 analytical chemist D0849 Quantum theory Extensive branch of physical theory based on concept of radiant energy subdivided into finite quanta and applied to a large number of processes Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction 00873 involving transference or transformation of energy in an atomic or molecular scale ' 50 01087 propositional calculus 00850 Radioacoustics Study of production, transmission and effects of sounds as carried and reproduced by radio 50 00005 71 J8600 acoustics broadcasting station and sound equipment operators and cinema projectionists 00851 Radiogoniometry Science of measuring the direction from which radio waves come 50 00760 physics 00852 Radiobiology Branch of biology dealing with interaction of biological systems and radiant energy or radioactive materials 31 50 51 56 51021 00149 00854 01670 Radiobiology biology radiogenetics plant radiobiology technological sciences 00854 Radiogenetics Branch of radiobiology dealing with genetic systems 50 00852 Studies in Comparative Religion Zygon S1054 Lumen Vitae 00318 00483 009 5 7 004 72 00537 00742 00837 ecclesiology hierology theology hagiology canon law phenomenology religious psychology 00902 religious sociology humanistic sciences diabology heortology sermonology religious education history ecclesiastical law psychology sociology hermeneutics 00864 Rheology Science dealing with deformation and fl ow of matter 31 S0248 S0253 50 00760 56 00182 Society of Rheology Transactions Rheologica Acta S1200 physics biorheology 71 J0122 mechanics physicist 31 50 56 70 S0968 015g5 00866 A2415 Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Layngology rhinolaryngology biological rhinology lnt Rhinologic Soc 00866 Biological rhinology 56 00149 radiobiology biology 00865 · rhinology 00867 Rock mechanics 00855 Railway engineering Branch of civil engineering dealing with location, construction and maintenance of railways (railroads) 31 5034 7 Rock Mechanics 50 01088 geological sciences 30 31 50 71 00868 Sarcology Branch of anatomy dealing with the soft parts P1098 50468 00362 J0224 rail traffic congestion Railway Engineering Journal civil engineering railway construction eng ineer S04 70 Railway Gazette International 50 00051 00856 Radiology , Science of radioactive substance~, X-rays and other high-energy rad iations and use of sources of radiant energy in diagnosis or treatment of disease 31 50151 S1022 Excerpta Medica. Section 14: Radiology Radiologia Clinica et Biologica 50 01082 medical sciences 51 00857 D1600 56 00858 01og5 industrial radiology roentgenology medical radiology radiation biology 01838 01048 radioscopy 00859 01269 pediatric radiology radio-ecology neuroradiology 70 A1568 lnt X-Ray Radium Protection Cmsn A3196· 7 1 J0770 Scandinavian Radiological Sac medical x-ray technicians J 1310 university and higher education teachers J7400 chemical proCessers and related workers 00858 Medical radiology 51 00885 skiagraphy 56 00582 · • medicine 70 A2566 lnt Soc Radiology 00856 radiology 00859 Pediatric radiology 31 S0972 56 00725 Pediatric Radiology pediatrics 00856 radiology 00860 Reflexology S1udy and interpretation of behavior in terms of simple and complex reflexes, acts performed automatically and without conscious volition 50 DO 77 3 physiology 00861 Reasoning Ratiocinati on The use of reason and the drawing of inferences and conclusions and underlying explanatory principles 50 00558 logic 00862 Relativity Study of the relative motion of bodies and of associated phenomena 50 00760 79 K0286 physics relativity 00863 Comparative religion Science of religion Comparative study of the origin, development and interrelations of religious systems of mankind and the descriptive study and examination of all religions phenomenologically, historically, psychologically and sociologically 30 P3353 P3363 P3404 31 S1041 S1042 S1045 50 01008 zoology 00870 Science Branch of study dealing with observation and classification of facts, the establishment of verifiable general laws and the accumulated and accepted knowledge that has been systematized and formulated with reference to .the discovery of general truths or the operation of general laws S 1058 lack: of credibility of science and technology waste paper P1602 scientific hoaxes and fraud anti·science non·investigation of phenomena by science scientism Zygon S1056 Advancement of Science American Scientist S1059 Centaurus S1063 S1067 ICSU Bulletin New Scientist S1070 S1077 Science and Technology Fields within Fields within Fields 31 S1053 radiology anatomy 00869 Scatology Skatology Study and analysis of animal diet by examination of excrement, fecal droppings 30 P0770 P1152 P2685 P2720 P3366 00857 Industrial radiology 50 00856 Journal of Texture Studies 00865 Rhinology Branch of medicine dealing with the nose and its diseases 00853 Radiothermics Science of heat generation by radiofrequency currents or by radio waves 50 D 1145 s104g S1053 50 01071 51 00300 00480 00880 56 00334 00489 00543 00815 DQ8g6 01432 S1065 S1068 S1071 ISIS 00718 00909 parascience space sciences physical sciences technological sciences stereology 51 0031 7 00742 earth sciences phenomenology 01015 01082 01201 01480 01570 56 0031 7 00893 01081 01116 01739 70 A3044 chemical sciences 01080 medical sciences 01145 normative science 01270 metascience 01506 pseudoscience 01778 earth sciences 00716 social sciences 01080 biological sciences 01082 changing character of disciplines philosophy of science Pacific Science Asn A3080 79 K0011 science Ph ilosophy of Science Science Progress ology tropical science pantology physical sciences medical sciences Pan Indian Ocean Science Asn 00871 Sciosophy Knowledge of natural or supernatural forces systematized by tradition or imaginative invention and generally considered unfounded 50 01071 humanistic sciences 00872 Sedimentology Description, classification and interpretation of sediments, material or mass of materials deposited by water, wind or glacier 31 S0348 Sedimentary Geology 50 O1088 geological sciences 70 A 1342 lnt Asn Sedimentologists S0349 Sedimentology banned religious sects P3355 religious rivalry religious.conflict between sects lack of religious unity lnternati~nal Journal of Philosophy and Religion Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 00873 Seismography Description of earthquakes and registering shocks and undulatory movements of earthquakes Numen 50 00874 S1047 Soundings seismology Entry content explan ation at end of Section Introduction I 00874 00874 Seismology Science dealing with earthquakes and their phenomena, including study of artificially produced elastic waves in earth materials A2743 A4030 71 J0692 lnt Union Nutritional Sciences Commonwealth Bureau Nutrition public health nutritionist earthquakes DOBBS Soclal administration 31 $0354 International Seismological Centre Bulletin 50 01088 geological sciences 51 00615 microseismology 30 P04 76 P0834 P3.433 P3437 P3440 31 S0565 S0571 S1ogo 50 00893 30 P0201 00990 56 00523 70 A 1189 A 1344 A4064 71 J0132 008 73 01357 seismography engysseismology 01716 earthquake engineering A3216 Seismological Sac S W Pacific teleseismolo9y seismic instrumentation lnt Asn Earthquake Engineering lnt Seismological Bureau lnt Seismological Cnt geophysical scientist excessive size of social institutions inadequate social welfare services discrimination in social services unequal distribution of social services segregation in social services UN International Social Development Review International Social Security Review Applied Social Studies social sciences 00875 Selenography 00889 Social anthropology Science dealing with physical features and geography of the moon Study of social structure of non literate societies 50 00436 30 P0822 physical geography 00876 Selenology 31 S0504 50 00063 70 A1534 Branch of astronomy dealing with the moon 50 DO 108 astronomy inadequate development of new social structures in developing countries countries Ethnology anthropology lnt Cmsn History Social Movements Social Structures 00877 Semantics Semasiology; sematology 00890 Social physics Historical and psychological study and classification of changes in meaning of words ·or forms viewed as factors in linguistic development, and the relations between signs and what they refer to Science of social phenomena subject to invariable natural laws, and the quantitative study of human society, with use of social statistics 31 S1076 50 00878 51 00879 ETCA Review of General Semantics semiotics semeiology 56 00263 content analysis 71 J1952 79 K0542 philologist semantics D 1412 50 D0893 51 00886 ·social sciences social dynamics 00892 social statics 00891 Social pathology general semantics Study of social problems viewed as diseased condi.tions of the social organism 50 D0893 71 J1922 social sciences sociologist 00878 Semiotics 00892 Social statics General philosophical theory of signs and symbols, dealing with their function in artificially constructed and natural languages, comprising the three branches of syntactics, semantics and pragmatics Branch of social physics dealing with fundamental laws of the social order and equilibrium of forces in a stable society 30 P1485 31 SO 713 51 00796 01629 56 D055t lack of commitment to commoo symbols (lack of common ethic) Semiotica pragmatics 008 ?7 semantics syntactics linguistics 01602 sphragistics 00879 Semeiology Semiology; signifies 00893 Social sciences semantiCS' 00880 Sermonology Study and knowledge of sermons, religious discourses delivered in public 50 00863 comparative religion 00881 Serology Science dealing with serums, antibodies, antigens and haptens and. their reactions and properties 31 50 51 56 50163 01107 00779 01171 71 J0543 Ex.cerpta Medica. Section 26: Immunology, serology and transplantation medical physiology phytoserology immunogenetics, serology 51 medical science technician 00882 Set theory Theory of sets 50 005 74 mathematics 56 00883 Sigillography Branch of spliragistics dealing with the study of seals, devices, emblems or symbols used to identify and authenticate written matter 50 01602 ~,D0884 sphragistics 70 Siphonapterology Branch of entomology dealing with fleas 30 P3572 P3643 50 01028 flea resistance to insecticides fleas entomology 71 Study of social relationships and the functioning of society D0885 Skiagraphy medical radiology 00886 Social dynamics Branch of social physics dealing with laws, forces and phenomena of change in society 30 P2195 50 00890 lack of social mobility social physics S1073 S1078 S1081 S1082 S1084 S1086 S1103 s112g 00063 00325 001go 00890 009g4 00944 01168 01185 01603 00586 00870 01105 01604 01841 A1588 A2466 A4250 J1310 irresponsible social science Dissertation Abstracts International. Section A: humanities and social sciences American Studies S1075 Contemporary Social Sciences Human Relations International Social Science Journal Savanna · S108 3 Social Research Social Science and Medicine S1085 Social Science Information Society S1088 Theory and Decision New Society S 11 04 Plural Societies Man, Society, Technology anthropology 00278 culture 00332 education economics 00888 social administration political science 00891 social pathology social physics social studies 00896 sociology teaching 00956 thaumatology futurology 01180 queuing theory psychological sciences 01186 economic sciences social engineering social medicine 00815 psychology 01071 humanistic sciences science public health 01184 transdisciplinary sciences social philosophy 01605 sociobiology human development lht Cmt Social Sciences Documentation lnt Social Science Cl Latin American Social Science Cl university and higher education teachers 00894 Social studies Science, art or act of depicting or projecting shadows, particularly by means of X-ray photography 50 00858 social insecurity in developing countries social physics Branches of science dealing with the institution and functioning of human society and with interpersonal relationsh.ips of individuals as members of society 30 P1237 31 S0179 Study or art of signs 50 00877 30 P1650 50 000go P3236 social revolution 31 S1090 S1094 50 00893 51 00063 00427 00489 D1298 56 D1250 71 J 1324 Applied Social Studies 51092 International Social Work social sciences anthropology 00325 00465 geography 00896 history civics area research social studies teacher (second level) International Forum economics comparative government sociology 00895 Sociolinguistics 00887 Sitology Sitiology Science of nutrition and dietetics 31 S0697 56 00896 30 P0287 P1189 50 00655 70 A 1002 A1035 Systematic study and scientific analysis of development, structure and function of human groups conceived as processes of interaction or as organized patterns of collective behavior nutritional diseases P0446 calorie intake deficien.cv food fads nutritional Science Group Eupn Nutritionists Institute Nutrition Central America Panama Entry content explanation General linguistics sociology S 1113 Sociolinguistics Newsletter 00896 Sociology ~tend of Section Introduction 00918 31 S0076 S0716 s1og7 s1og8 s1ogg S1114 50 000g3 51 00273 00288 003g9 008g8 oogo3 oogg9 01316 01427 01488 01624 56 00078 00405 000g5 000gg 00902 0127g 01726 70 A2162 A2863 71 J1324 J1g22 Quarterly Check-List of Ethnology and Sociology 51095 Acta Sociologica Current International Journal of Comparative Sociology International Journal of Contemporary Sociology International Journal of Sociology Sociology and Social Research social sciences 009g4 social studies criminology 00287 demography demology 00322 human ecology ethography 00460 gerontology oogo1 occupational sociology industrial sociology oogo4 · urban sociology rural sociology urbiculture 01167 urbanology 01387 formal sociology cultural sociology 0143g historical sociology group dynamics microsociology 0 1606 sociography symbiotics 01842 subterranean sociology anthroposociology 00278 cul ture evolutionary theory 00863 comparative religion sociolinguistics 009g7 educational sociology mathematical sociology oogoo medical sociology religious sociology 01058 ekistics 0157g psychosociology biosociology social economics lnt Institute Sociology • A2575 Latin American Asn Sociology social studies teacher (second level) sociologist Int Sociological Asn 00897 Educational sociology Study of educalional objeclives and organization in the lighl of analysis of group life as a whole 3 1 Sl 115 56 00332 Sociology of Education education 00896 sociology 00898 lndustriafsociology Sociological analysis of instilutions and social relationships wilhin and largely conlrolled or affected by induslry 50 008g6 71 J 1g22 sociology sociologist 00905 Sociometry S1udy of palterns of interrelalions existi ng in a group of people, by means of 1es1s, psychodrama , sociodrama 31 S0615 S 111 6 50 00815 56 01741 International Journal of Sociometry and Sociatry Sociometry psychology sociatry 00906 Somatology Science of lhe human body 30 Pl 044 P2559 51 01608 56 00053 human diseases (human illness) mutilation and deformation of the human body somatotypology human anatomy 00773 physiology 00907 Sophiology Sys1em of thoughl and lheology based on divine .wisdom 56 00745 philosophy theology 00909 Space sciences Spaciology 31 S0095 SO 11 7 50120 S0132 50 00870 51 01019 56 00969 Astrophysics and Space Scien~e World Aviation Directory and World Space Directory Aerospace International International Aerospace Abstracts science astroscience 01653 space physics aerospace thermodynamics 00910 Electrometallurgy Branch of melallurgy dealing wilh application of eleclric current eilher for elec1roly1ic deposi1ion or as source of heal 50 005g2 51 01055 metallurgy ultrasonics 00911 Spatiography Science dealing wilh space beyond lhe Earlh's almosphere and 1he description of physical characleristics of moon and planels 00899 Mathematical sociology 50 DO 108 D0912 Spectrochemistry Journal of Mathematical Sociology mathematics D08g6 sociology 00896 sociology sociology ergonomics 00902 Religious sociology 31 Sl 111 56 00863 70 A1684 Social Compass comparative religion lnt Cnf Sociology Religion D08g6 sociology 00903 Rural sociology Rural development Branch of sociology dealing with sludy of ru ral communi1ies and rural ways of life 30 P0056 P1og5 P1225 P1517 P1530 3 1 SOl 22 Sl 107 50 009g5 70 A1083 A2313 A3456 A4056 rural depopulation P0306 rurar underdevelopment decline in rural customs and traditions in developing countries lack of sanitation in rural areas of developing countries inadequate rural housing in developing countries unequal access of rural youth to education World Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology Rural Sociology sociology Tropical Cnt Training Research A2g51 Institute Social Studies lnt Org Rural Development World Assembly Youth lnt Research Cnt Rural Cooperative Communities 00904 Urban sociology Branch of sociology dealing with developmenl of urban communities and 1heir effecl upon society 30 P0008 P0056 POl 34 P0442 P0958 P1260 P1551 P1563 P1833 P1 988 P3488 P3490 31 Sl 118 50 D08g6 71 J0213 chemistry D0913 Spectroscopy Science of spectroscopic phenomena, series of images formed when a beam of radian1 energy is subjecled 10 dispersion and brought to focus so lhat componenl waves are arranged in order of 1heir wave lengths 00901 Occupational sociology 50 009g5 51 0038 l astronomy Branch of chemislry based on study of speclra of substances 50 00206 00900 Medical sociology medicine theology Branch of 1heology dealing wilh salva1ion as the effecl of divine agency 50 oog5 7 3 1 Sl 102 56 00574 56 00582 oog57 00908 Soteriology flooding the urban labour market in developing countries rural depopulation urbanization in developing countries urbanization transitional urban settlements segregation of poor and minority population in urban ghettoes urban unemployment in developing countries ii'nbalance between urbanization and industrialization in developing countries inadequate urban political machinery urban guerrillas urbanization in developed countries urban underemployment Urban and Social Change Review sociology town planner 31 50241 50 00681 51 00915 01709 56 00914 Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiation Transfer optics molecular spectroscopy 01691 Raman spectroscopy atomic spectroscopy electronic spectroscopy 00914 Electronic spectroscopy 56 00346 electronics oog 13 spectroscopy D0915 Molecular spectroscopy 3 1 S0271 50273 50 oog 13 Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy Spectrochimica Acta. Part A: molecular spectroscopy spectroscopy D0916 Speleology Scien1ific s1udy and syslematic exploration of caves 31 S0333 50340 50 01088 70 A2580 Caves and Karst International Journal of Speleology geological sciences lnt Speleological Union D0917 Sphygmology Science of 1he pulse, pulse beats and blood pressure 30 P0585 50 01107 hypertension (high blood pressure) medical physiology D0918 Statistics Science dealing wi1h collection, analysis, inlerprelation and presentalion of numerical data 30 P0510 P2622 31 S 1124 Sl 125 50 01183 51 00008 D13 7 7 56 DO 110 00169 00919 00921 .00923 00970 ~ deficiencies in national statistics incomparability of international statistics Bulletin of labour Statistics International Statistical Review matherilatical sciences actuarial science 01178 factor analysis statistical astronomy 00165 biostatistics 00581 actuarial statistics oog20 oog22 mathematical statistics oog24 political statistics statistical thermodynamics Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction non-parametric statistics biometrics statistical mechanics analytical statistics medical statistics psychological statistics I 00919 70 A1102 A2590 71 J0811 J0813 J0849 J1314 Inter-American Statistical Institute 00934 Veterinary surgery World Fertility Survey statistican, general statistician (applied statistics) other statistical and mathematical technicians teacher in mathematics (third level) Branch of surgery dealing with domes1ic animals 50 00933 71 J0651 00935 Surveying 00919 Actuarial statistics 56 00008 actuarial science 00918 statistics 00920 Analytical statistics 56 00918 statistics 01207 analysis 00921 Mathematical statistics 56 00324 00918 71 J0812 J0849 econometrics 00574 mathematics statistics mathematical statistician other statistica l and mathematical technicians 00922 Medical statistics 56 00582 medicine politics psychology D1413 00936 01414 J0311 J0313 J0319 JOS 13 applied mathematics plane surveying geodetic engineering surveyor, general mine surveyor other surveyors statistician (applied statistics) oog37 hydrographic surveying J0312 J0314 J0332 land surveyor hydrographic surveyor quantity surveyor 00936 Plane surveying Ordinary fi eld and ·topographical surveying in which curvature of the Earth is disregarded 0091 8 statistics 50 00935 51 00043 71 J0312 00918 statistics Branch of surveying dealing with coastlines, bays, harbors and the ocean bed 00925 Stereochemistr\t Branch of chemistry dealing with spatial arrangement of atoms and groups in molecules 50 00206 50 5t 56 71 statistics 00924 Psychological statistics 56 00815 Branch of applied mathematics dealing with the de1ermination of the area of any portion of 1he Earth's surface, the lengths and di rections of 1he bounding lines and the contour of the surface 00918 00923 Political statistics 56 00789 surgery veterinarian (general) chemistry surveying altimetry land surveyor 00937 Hydrographic surveying 50 00935 71 J0314 surveying hydrographic surveyor 00938 Synoptic meteorology 00926 Stereography Branch of meteorology dealing with weather observations and charts affording a general view fo r diagnosis, study and forecasting of weather Branch of solid geometry showing the construction of all solids that are regularly defined 50 005g5 00939 Synectics 50 01607 Theory or system of problem-stating and problem-solution based on creative 1hinking 1hat involves free use of metaphor and analogy in informal interchange wi1hin a carefully selecled small group of individuals of diverse personality and areas of specialization solid geometry 00927 Stochastic analysis 31 $1072 50 01183 Stochastic Processes and their Applications mathematical sciences 00928 Stomatology Oralogy Branch of medicine dealing with the mouth and its disorders 50 00582 70 A 1188 A2089 medicine lnt Asn Dental Research lnt Group Scientific Research Stomatology 00929 Storiology Study of folk lore 50 01071 70 A2484 humanistic sciences lnt Soc Ethnology Folklore 00930 Strategy Strategics Science and art of using political, economic, psychological and military forces of a nation or group of nations to afford maximum support to adopted policies in peace or war 30 P1452 P2171 50 00790 30 P0625 P0631 P0666 P0863 P0904 P1046 Pl 077 P1089 P1467 P14 78 P1572 P1645 P1819 P19t0 P2549 P2669 lack of national political independence nazism 50 01 359 79 K0767 political science meteorology inadequate statistical information and data on problems general obstacles to problem alleviation inadequate standardization of procedures and equipment inadequate technical cooperation on problems governmental resistance and inertia in response to problems inadequate public information concerning problems inadequate research on problems inadequate rehabilitation facilities inadequate planning of action against problems inadequate application of available knowledge against problems lack of well-researched projects against02 P1572 = lack of well-researched projects against problems inadequate legislation relating to action against problems inadequate coordination of action against problems tribalism P2335 agnosticism shortage of equipment and materials needed to act against problems inadequate buildings, services and facilities for organized action against problems interscience disciplines synectics 00931 Stylometry 00940 General systems analysis Study of the chronology and development of an au1hor's work, based especially on recurrence of particular turns of expression or trends of thought Study of an activily lypically by mathematical means in order to determine its desired or essential end and how this may most efficiently be attained 50 00551 31 S0294 S0308 S1062 50 01359 56 00941 71 J0234 J0842 7 9 K1OOO linguistics 00932 Stylistics Study of optional variations in sounds, forms or vocabulary of a language as characteristic of different users of the language, different situations of use or differenl literary types 50 00551 linguistics 00933 Surgery Branch of medicine dealing wilh diseases or condition s requiring or amenable to operalive or manual procedures 31 S0146 S0787 S1016 S1029 51034 50 00582 51 00025 00934 01558 01788 01839 56 00055 00643 00965 0 1794 01840 70 A2019 71 J061 t Excerpta Medica. Section 9: Surgery Computer and Information Systems International Journal of Systems Science General Systems Bulletin interscience disciplines systems dynamics 00942 telecommunications engineer J0830 computer programmer general systems theory 00941 Systems dynamics 56 003 t 1 79 K0426 dynamics system dynamics International Surgery 00942 Systems engineering American Journal of Roentgenology, Radium Therapy and Nuclear Medicine 31 S0287 S0733 56 00356 79 K0710 European Surgical Research International Society of Surgery Bulletin medicine agmatology veterinary surgery plastic surgery renal technology maxillofacial surgery surgical anatomy neurosurgery surgical therapeutics pediatric surgery ophthalmic surgery lnt Fed Surgical Colleges general surgeon 00802 01114 01684 01807 prosthetics oral surgery, jaws thoracic surgery cardiovascular surgery systems engineering systems analysts Systems Technology Journal of Systems Engineering engineering systems engineering 00940 general systems analysis 00940 general systems analysis 00943 Taxonomy Taxology Study of general principles of scientific classification 50 01359 56 00972 01334 71 J0513 interscience disciplines taxonomy, classification mathematical taxonomy zoologist 01321 cytotaxonomy 00232 00843 01622 01797 orthopedic surgery surgical oncology A2571 J0613 lnt Sac Surgery Science and prac1ice of imparting knowledge, guiding studies and training by precept, example or experience s~ecialised surgeon 50 00893 chemosurgery psychosurgery 00944 Teaching social sciences Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction 00970 D0945 Technology Technicology . . Science of applying knowledge to practical purposes, and the totality of means employed by a people to provide itself with the objects of material cu lture 30 P0770 lack of credibility of science and technology Pl 152 waste paper P1174 Pl 227 Pl 276 P1489 uncontrolled environmental impact of technology lack of technological integration reduction in demand for primary commodities due to technological change dependence of developing countries for capital equipment and technological knowledge · science, technology and machinery in capitalism technological revolution Dissertation Abstracts International. Section B: physical sciences and technology Industrial Archeology 80246 Physics in Technology 81070 Science and Technology Centaurus P3105 P3234 31 80180 80187 S1059 81077 81087 Fields within Fields within Fields Technology and Culture 81127 50 01145 technological sciences 51 Dl 773 56 D0171 Dl 686 solid state technology biotechnology industry 70 A4241 lnt Institute Management Technology D1845 D1581 Eurotec corrosion technology psychotechnology D0946 Tecnology humanistic sciences 56 D0727 pedology, child study morphology, biology Branch of geology dealing with earth deformation, folding and faulti ng 50 D044 1 geology D0949 Telecommunications Science dealing with communication at a distance, by cable, radio, telegraph, telephone, television or satellite telephone delays 30 Pl 698 S0291 00258 01710 J0343 J2197 J3500 S0292 Telecommunication Journal Communications communications telecommunication engineering telecommunications technician operations manager (postal or telecommunications services) transport and communications supervisors D0950 Telemetry Science of data transmission by wire, radio 50 00258 51 00951 communications aerospace telemetry 31 80287 56 D0745 United Bible Societies Bulletin comparative religion apologetics hamartiology liturgies ponerology soteriology tropology dogmatics canonics hoiniletics missiology myophysics historical theology terminology casuistry religious psychology philosophical theology D0238 D0548 D0782 D0793 D0958 D0993 Dl 156 D1307 D1461 D1491 D1527 D1550 Christology D0243 D0907 D1470 ecclesiastical chronology liturgiology pistology practical theology doctrinal theology theological typology divinity systematic theology isagogics moral theology pastoral theology physicotheology sophiology ecclesiastical history university and higher education teachers workers in religion (other) theology polemics Systems Technology philosophy S0288 Telecommunications D09 5 7 theology Branch of medical science dealing with application of remedies for diseases American Journal of Therapeutics and Clinical Reports medical sciences 51 D0130 balneology D1108 D1784 56 D0099 D0844 experimental therapeutics occupational therapy zootherapy psychotherapy D0962 00964 dental therapeutics physiological therapeutics Dl 828 behavior therapy 70 A2789 lnt Union Therapeutics 71 J0691 dietitian (general) Dl 062 D1783 reality therapy occupational therapy D0233 D0961 D0963 D0965 chemotherapy biochemical therapeutics ophthalmological therapeutics surgical therapeutics other medical. dental, veterinary and related workers D0961 Biochemical therapeutics Drugs biochemistry D0953 Teratology 56 D0678 Study of nature and orig in of malformations, monstrosities or serious deviations from normal type in growing organisms 31 8005 2 Teratology D0964 Physiological therapeutics dentistry 56 D0773 ophthalmology physiology D0965 Surgical therapeutics organismic biology 56 D0933 D0954 Thalassography Branch of oceanography concentrating on seas and gulfs oceanography 50 D0659 70 A1356 lnt Asn Thalasotherapy D0955 Thanatology Study or description of the phenomena of somatic death 30 P0072 death P0192 indeterminacy of death decreasing mortality rates inadequate international map of the world P0462 31 80608 50 D0773 fear of death Pl 885 Foundation of Tnanatology Archives physiology cot deaths D0960 therapeutics D0960 therapeutics D0960 therapeutics surgery D0960 therapeutics D0966 Thermionics Branch of physics dealing with phenomena and devices relat ing to thermions, electrically charged particles emitted by an incandescent substance 50 D0760 physics D0967 Thermochemistry Branch of chemistry dealing with relations existing between heat and chemical reaction or physical changes of state · 50 D0206 chemistry D0968 Thermodynamics Heat Branch of physics dealing with mechanica l action or relations of heat and relevant processes and phenomena physics 50 D0760 51 D09 71 thermology D1230 aerothermodynamics 56 00969 aerospace thermodynamics D0970 statistical thermodynamics D0956 Thaumatology Study of the performing of miracles social sciences D0957 Theology Analytical and historical study of religious beliefs and the interpretation of religious faith, practice and experience in relation to contemporary thought and life, with a descriptive study of concepts relating to matters of ultimate concern; study of and concern for the relations between man and God 31 81035 Sack to Godhead S 1036 British Israel World Federation National Message 81037 Christian Endeavor World 81038 therapeutics D0963 Ophthalmological therapeutics Excerpta Medica. Section 21: Developmental biology and teratology P0333 P0398 D0960 D0962 Dental therapeutics 56 D0292 50 00893 Studia Theologica Watchtower speculative theology Philosophical study of evidences of design in nature 50 Dl 129 natural philosophy 79 K0642 teleology 50 Dl 095 Reformed World 31 50826 50 01082 31 81195 56 DO 140 telemetry D0952 Teleology S0158 Ecomunical Review 81046 81048 81052 D0960 Therapeutics J0799 D0951 Aerospace telemetry 50 D0950 Watchtower 81040 D0959 Philosophical theology D0948 Tectonics Geology 31 50 56 71 Convergence Journal of Theological Studies Lutheran World Soundings D0958 Doctrinal theology 50 D095 7 51 Dl 564 D0947 Tectology 50 D0618 56 71 Science of teaching and studying children 50 D1071 50 51 81039 81043 81044 81047 8105 1 81055 D0863 D0082 D0473 D0557 D0792 D0908 D0988 D1033 D1285 D1440 D1490 D1496 D1530 D1634 DOl 98 D0837 D0959 D1611 J1310 J1490 Concilium 01695 01699 71 JOl 23 electrochemical thermodynamics chemical thermodynamics D1711 geothermics heat physicist D0969 Aerospace thermodynamics 56 00909 space sciences 00968 thermodynamics 00968 thermodynamics D0970 Statistical thermodynamics 56 D0918 statistics Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction 00971 00971 Thermology 00985 Veterinary toxicology Heat science 56 00982 30 P1609 P2460 50 00968 71 J0123 P2398 P3520 waste heat climatic heat heat disorders heat stress at work thermodynamics heat physicist Systematic classification of plants and animals according to their presumed natural relationships, forming a basic biological discipline including study of mechanisms underlying speciation, raciation, variation 50 01081 56 00943 70 A 1202 A249 7 71 J0513 79 K0045 biological sciences taxonomy, taxology lnt Asn Plant Taxonomy lnt Soc Plant Geography Ecology zoologist taxonomy P1691 P1712 31 S0396 S0403 50 00760 instability of trade in mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials environmental hazards from use of mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials friction P1701 wear long-term shortages of mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials Industrial Lubrication and Tribology Tribology: lubrication, friction and wear physics 00987 Trichology 31 S0045 50 01 107 The intellectual product or organized views and principles in particular periods, places, groups or individuals denia.I of freedom of thought philosophy Science of breeding animals and plants under domestication 30 P2744 excessive use of domestic animals for breeding purposes P2745 56 00173 excessive inbreeding of domestic animals botany 01008 70 A4032 Commonwealth Bureau Plant Breeding Genetics zoology 00975 Architectonics Tectonics Trichologist medical physiology 00988 Tropology Biblical interpretation stressing a moral meaning inhering in the metaphorical character of language 50 0095 7 00974 Thremmatology theology 00989 Typhlology Scientific study of blindness, its causes, effects and control 30 P0542 inadequate welfare services for the blind P0568 50 00774 70 A 1224 A316 7 blindness pathophysiology A2024 lnt Asn Prevention Blindness Royal Commonwealth Soc Blind A349g Science of architecture · or construction in relation both to use and to artistic design of buildings D0990 Teleseismology 30 Pl 936 building and construction noise 50 00874 56 01058 71 J0212 ekistics building architect 01145 technological sciences Science and practice of obstetrics 00977 Topology Botany Department of botany dealing with localities where plants are found botany 5 1 01159 catastrophe mathematics 01267 56 00315 point set topology topological dynamics Seismology dealing with records obtained at long distances seismology D0991 Typology 50 00063 79 K0484 medical physiology 50 00173 lnt Fed Blind World Cl Welfare Blind Study and analysis or div ision of human ity in terms of social types; classification based on comparative study of types 00976 Tocology Tokology 50 01107 veterinary science Scientific comparative study of hair and scalp 00973 Thought 30 P32 t 7 50 00745 01001 Branch of physics dealing with friction and lubrication in respect of interacting surfaces 30 P0877 P1346 00972 Taxonomy Classification toxicology D0986 Tribology Tribophysics 01261 combinatorial topology anthropology typology 00992 Psychological typology 50 008 15 psychology 00993 Theological typology 50 0095 7 theology D0994 Ultramicrochemistry D0978 Algebraic topology Chemistry dealing with very minute quantities of substances 50 01640 30 P3685 50 00206 topology, mathematics 00979 Differential topology 50 01640 D0995 Telmatology topology, mathematics Branch of physiography dealing with wet lands, peat bogs or swamps D09SO Toponymy 50 01 OOO Etymological study of place-names of a region or language .50 00402 ethnic conflict chemistry etymology physiography 00996 Universology Science of the universe D0981 Tectonophysics 50 0 1080 Branch of geophysics dealing with forces responsible for movements in and deformation of the Earth's crust D0997 Uranography Uranology 50 00453 geophysics ' physical sciences Branch of science dealing with study and description of the heavens and the celestial bodies 00982 Toxicology 50 00108 Science dealing with poisons and their effects on living organisms and with the clinical, industrial, legal or other problems involved 00998 Urbiculture 30 P0105 poisoning P0122 hazards of storing toxic substances P0561 food poisoning P11 15 toxic substances P1398 P1472 P2291 P2393 31 S0167 S0493 S0860 S1190 S11 98 dumping toxic wastes , naturally occurring poisonous substances in food-stuffs P2349 pesticide intoxication poisonous plants noxious fumes P2501 poisonous algae Excerpta Medica. Section 30: Pharmacology and toxicology Environmental Physiology and Biochemistry Food and Cosmetics Toxicology Acta Pharmacologica et Toxicologica European Journal of Toxicology S1203 50 01082 5.1 00984 56 009B5 Toxicology medical sciences industrial toxicology veterinary toxicology 70 A1284 A23 5 1 lnt Asn Forensic Toxicologists lnt Pharmaceutical Fed 71 J0527 pharmacologist 00983 Aviation toxicology 50 D 1226 aeromedicine 00984 Industrial toxicology 50 009B 2 toxicology astronomy Problems and practices peculiar to city life 30 P2616 50 00896 urban decay sociology D0999 Urology Branch of medicine dealing w ith the organs of excretion and reproduction in the male and the urinary tract in the female 30 P2307 31 S0165 SOSSO S0914 S0918 50 005B2 70 A2574 urinary bladder disorders Excerpta Medica. Section 2B: Urology and nephrology Journal of Urology Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology Urologia lnternationalis medicine lnt Soc Urology D1000 Physiography . Science dealing with description of nature or natural phenomena in general 50 01359 interscience disciplines 51 00995 telmatology D1001 Veterinary science Branch of science dealing with prevention, cure or alleviation of disease and injury in animals, including normal biology as well as pathology thereof 31 50480 S048 1 Bulletin of Epizootic Diseases of Africa Veterinary Bulletin Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction 01017 56 00056 DO 1 2 6 00294 00352 004 79 . 00589, veterinary anatomy veterinary bacteriology veterinary dentistry veterinary embryology veterinary hematology veterinary medicine veterinary obstetrics 00657 00724 veterinary pathology 00985 veterinary toxicology 01148 animal husbandry 01652 veterinary mycology 00099 00139 00297 00477 00487 00609 00680 00775 01082 01335 zootherapy zoopharmacy veterinary dermatology veterinary helminthology veterinary histology veterinary microbiology veterinary ophthalmology veterinary physiology medical sciences veterinary parasitology 70 A3606 lnt Veterinary Cngs A4027 71 J0520 J0651 Commonwealth Bureau Animal Health bacteriologists, pharmacologists c;ind related scientists veterinarian (general) J0652 public health veterinarian J0659 other veterinarians J 1313 teacher in life and medical sciences (third level) 01002 Vexillology Study of flag design 50 D10 71 0 1011 Zymology Science dealing with fermentation 50 D1094 cell biology 01012 Finance Syste m that includes circu lation of money, g ranting of credit, making investments and provision of banking facilities · 30 P0203 P0291 P0673 P0836 POB.92 P0964 P1466 P1477 P1791 P1911 P2032 P2124 humanistic sciences 01003 Virology Branch of science deali ng with causative agents of infectious dis.eases 31 50015 lntervirology $0141 50174 50919 50 0 1082 Excerpta Medica. Sect ion 4: Microbiology: bacteriology, mycology and parasitology Excerpta Medica. Section 47: Virology Virology medical sciences 01004 Volcanology Vulcanology Branch of science dealing with volcanic phenomena JO PJ568 volcanic eruptions 50 01088 70 A 1369 71 J0t32 geological sciences lnt Asn Volcanology Chemistry Earth's Interior geophysical scientist Work Study 50 D0381 71 J0283 J0393 ergonomics time and motion study engineer time and motion study technician 01006 Xylology Branch of dendrology dealing with the gross and the minute structure of wood 50 00291 dendrology 5 t 00690 ornithology 71 J0299 other engineers J0399 other engineering technicians 01007 Zoogeography Zoography; faunology Branch of biogeography dealing with geographical distribution of animals 30 P2279 disruption of animal migration and movement patterns 50 DO 146 biogeography, 70 A2711 lnt Union Directors Zoological Gardens 01008 Zoology Branch of organismic biology dealing with animals as individuals and classes. animal life and animal morphology 31 50007 Acta Zoologica 50 01095 · organismic biology 51 00002 acarology 00045 amphibiology 00084 arachnology 00085 araneology 00192 carcinology 00205 cetology 00256 · coleopterology . 00316 echinology 00376 epidemiology 00476 helminthology 00481 herpetology 00484 hippology 00508 ichthyology 00568 malacology 00569 mammology 00633 nematology 006 75 oology 00781 piscatology 00804 protozoology 00869 scatology D101 0 medical zoology 01028 entomology Dl 243 animal mechanics 01251 ascidiology 01282 bryozoology 01283 cenozoology 01299 coccidology 01317 cynology 01360 epizoology 01367 ethology 01505 oligochaetology 01556 pithecology 56 00115 zoophysics 00397 ethnozoology 00629 natural history 00974 thremmatolo~ D1009 economic zoology 01069 zoosemiotics Dt 244 animal psychology 01277 biophysiography D1304 coniology 70 A2711 71 J0513 J1313 J 1323 lnt Union Directors Zoological Gardens zoologist J0528 . animal scientist teacher in life and medical sciences (third level) natural science teacher (seCond level) conchology economics 01010 Medical zoology 50 D1008 zoology 56 D1082 medical sciences inequitable tax systems in developing countries tax discrimina.tion against investment in a foreign country tax discrimination against non-residents of a country inadequate inte"rnational fiscal measures for charitable organizations taX barriers to dissemination of technical know ledge insufficient creditworthiness of developing countries export credit risks export credit race (export credit competition) capitalist investment financing outflow of.financial resources from developing countries P3045 hoarded monetary gold Local Finance 50092 International Monetary Fund: staff papers 50409 Euromoney Bulletin for International Fiscal Documentation European Taxation 00325 00003 A 1395 J0902 economics accounting lnt Banking Research Institute economist (specialised) J 1590 J4400 authors, journalists and relat0d w riters not elsewhere classified insurance, real estate, securities and business services salesmen and auctioneers 01013 Public administration Branch of political science dealing with structure and workings of agencies charged with administration of governmental functions 30 P0673 P1466 P1477 P1791 P2124 P2335 P3046 P304 7 P3048 P3049 31 50649 50650 50 D0790 51 01284 71 J 1319 tax obstacles to international investment tax evasion inequitable tax treaties between developed and developing Courltries lack of harmonization between national tax systems ineffectiVe tax systems in developing countries P2370 tax havens agnosticism inequitable tax systems in developing countries tax discrimination against investment in a foreign country tax discrimination against non-residents of a country inadequate international fiscal measures for charitable organizations Public Administration Public Administration Newsletter political science cameralistlcs D1298 civics other university and higher education teachers 01014 Methodology Branch of logic that analyzes the principles and procedures that should guide enquiry in a particular field ; a body of methods, procedures, working concepts, rules and postulates employed by a science, art or discipline 30 P0654 P0673 P 15 71 P1922 P2032 P2344 P2370 mal-investment of savings within developing countries tax obstacles to international investment corporation secrecy undisclosed control of national economies by limited number of corporations distortion of corporation financ,ial statements undisclosed control of national by limited number of individuals tax havens 50 00558 logic 01359 interscience disciplines 01015 Chemical sciences Sciences dealing with composition, structure and properties of substances and related processes and phenomena 31 50380 Technometrics 50 00870 51 00035 science alchemy 01025 00206 chem istry chemical evolution 01016 Archeological prospecting 01009 Economic zoology 51 00262 56 00325 abuse of credit P3046 P304 7 P3048 P3049 P3050 P3054 P3065 P3067 P3104 P3134 50423 · 50424 01005 Work study 31 50669 P2166 31 50090 50 51 70 71 lack of international standards of financial account ing and reporting inadequate investment within developing countries tax obstacles to international investment private international trade and investment disputes distortion of international trade by restrictive controls over foreign investment bank failure P 1462 ineffective tax systems tax evasion inequitable tax treaties between developed and developing countries lack of harmonization between national tax systems financial and economic disputes between states and nationals of other states distortion of corporation financial statements ineffective tax systems in developing countries D1615 spongiology D1008 zoology 30 P0232 lack of incentive for financial investment w ithin developing countries 50 00086 archeology 01017 Assyriology Science or study of history, language and antiquities of ancient Assyria and Babylonia archeology 50 00986 Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction D 01018 D1018 Dynamic oceanography Branch of oceanography dealing with ocean waves, currents and tides 50 D0659 oceanography ethnology audiology space sciences D1020 Astrotechnology 30 P3397 50 D0957 50 DO 111 56 00260 D 1 034 Felicitology astrophysics interstellar communication D1021 Pharmaceutics The science of preparing, using or dispensing medicines 30 P1274 distortion of international trade by discriminatory formulation of health and 31 50 56 70 71 P2390 S0129 51200 D1082 D0223 A3069 A3880 J0680 sanitary regulations for agricultural and pharmaceutica l products irresponsible and misleading, pharmaceutical advertising International Pharmaceutical Abstracts Journal of Texture Studies medical sciences· pharmaceutical chemistry Pan American Pharmaceutical Biochemical Fed Commonwealth Pharmaceutical Asn pharmaceutical assistants D1022 Forensics S1udy or arl of argumen1a1ive discourse and debate 50 01359 interscience disciplines · meteorology 50 Dl 008 51 DOOB 1 D0625 Dl 046 D1315 D1448 Dl 503 D151 5 01675 70 A2309 A3097 A4036 71 J05 13 comets astronomy private international arms dealers diseases of beneficial insects insect vectors of animal diseases endangered species of insectivores (insectivora) insect invasions (introduction of new insect species) insect vectors insect vectors of viral diseases of plants scale insects insect vectors of plant disease insect vectors of human disease insect bites and stings insect damage to stored and manufactured goods Review of Applied Entomology. Series A: agricultural abstracts and reviews Review of Applied Entomology. Series B: medical and veterinary ab~tracts and reviews zoology apiology D0590 melittology myrmecology 00884 siphonapterology dipterology D1181 acridology culicidology D1428 hemipterology hymenopterology D1501 neuropterology D1511 orthopterology odonatology D1535 pestology paleoentomology economic entomology D1 676 insect morphology lnt Biological Control Permanent Cmt lnt Cng Entomology Commonwealth Institute Entomology zoologist Control and Instrumentation Institute of Measurement and Control Journal mathematical sciences 01359 interscience disciplines decision making D1259 autonetics cybernetics neurology biology physics ethics Journal of Plasma Physics physics 5024 7 Nuclear Fusion physics D 1 044 Solid-state physics Branch of physics dealing w ith the properties, structure or reactivity of solid material and the arrangement or behavior of ions, molecules, nucleons, electrons and holes in the crystals of a substance 31 50234 50265 50 D0760 7 1 JOl 29 International Journal of Magnetism Journal of Physics physics Other physicists D1045 Planetology Planetary science Science dealing with planets and natural satellites 30 31 50 51 56 P091 B 50094 DO 108 D009 7 DO 76 9 overheating of planet Earth and Planetary Science Letters astronomy areology planetary physics D1046 Dipterology Branch of entomology dealing w ith an order of w inged or rarely w ingless insects (diptera) 50 D1028 entomology D1047 Pet-facilitated psychotherapy 30 P2094 50 00844 abandoned animals and pets psychotherapy P2689 proliferation of pets D1048 Radioscopy Study and observation of objects opaque to light by means of some other form of rad iant energy 50 D0856 51 D0534 radiology lepidopterology D 1 049 Laryngology Branch of medical science dealing w ith study and treatment of diseases of the respiratory passage and the alimentary canal of air-breathing vertebrates 30 31 50 51 P2653 50968 D070 1 0 1660 laryngitis Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Layngology otolaryngology biodeterioration D1050 Robotics Study of artificial intelligence 50 D0 166 information science paleontology primatology D0638 D1040 Perfectionistics Study of the ethical doctrine that self-realization or the perfection of moral character constitutes man's highest good 50 D0760 D1031 Paleozoology Zoo-paleontology Branch of paleontology dealing with ancient and fossil ani.mals 50 D0 71 1 51 D1 11 B immunology DO 1043 Particle physics climatology D1030 Datology Scientific study of data and data processing 50 00516 56 D0513 D1042 Plasma physics D1029 Control theory 31 50300 50569 50 01183 51 D0286 56 D0279 economics D1038 Parabiology 31 50240 50 D0760 chemical sciences D1028 Entomology lnsectology Branch of zoology dealing with insects 30 P2107 P2284 P2748 P3479 P3592 P3597 P3600 P3612 P3631 P3632 P3636 P3657 31 S0125 50126 50 00325 D1037 Neuroimmunology 50 D0383 D1027 Cometology Branch of astronomy dealing with nebulous celestial bodies having eccentric orbits and commonly a luminous tail turned away from the sun 30 P3564 50 DO 108 psychology D1036 Microeconomics Study of economics in terms of individual areas of activity (cl macroenomics 00329) D 1041 Phenixology biochemistry D1026 Synoptic climatology 50 D0248 50 DOB 15 50 D0760 D1025 Chemical evolution 50 01015 inadequacy of religious doctrine theology D1035 Eumentics Study of the fulfilment of human potentialities and happiness 50 DOl 49 D1024 Biochemical evolution 50 DOl 40 dentistry D1039 Paraphysics D1023 Dynamic meteorology Branch of meteorology dealing with motions of the atmosphere and the forces that cause them 50 D0596 D0292 D1033 Dogmatics Branch of theology dealing with religious doctrines D1019 Astroscience 50 00909 D1032 Ethnomethodology 50 D0394 51 DO 1 13 bionics D1051 Sexology Study of sex and the relations between the male and female divisions of organic beings 30 P0759 Pl 128 Pl 892 P2687 inadequate sex education imbalance in the human sex ratio human sexual inadequacy P2198 sexual immorality P3260 Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction sexual deviation lack of sexual satisfaction 01078 P3271 P3277 31 S0636 S1105 50 01og5 56 00387 sexual exhibitionism trans-sexualism (change of sex) Journal of Sex Research Private organismic biology sexual ethics P3276 sexual violence S0792 Archives of Sexual Behavior S1108 Sexology 01052 Natural science Branches of science that deal with matter, energy and their interrelations and transformations, and with objectively measurable phenomena 5 1 0014g 00760 biology physics 00206 chemistry 56 0 1790 70 A284 7 7 1 J 1323 clinical research Joint Cmt Natural Science Research C1s Scandinavia natural science teacher (second level) Strategy and Tactics 50 00524 international relations 5 1 00562 logistics 56 00107 7 1 J 1319 military astronautics other university and higher education teachers Quality 50 01145 70 A4100 technological sciences lnt Soc Technology Assessment 50 00744 01631 5 6 01 008 IEEE Transactions D 1056 Psychophysics Science dealing with problems common to physics and psychology 56 01059 _./1 acoustical psychophysiology 01057 Polemology Science dealing with problems of war and peace 30 po5g3 war P0727 lack of war relief P0747 P1454 war crimes war and crime P0842 P1869 nuclear war civil war P2091 P3092 war disabled war propaganda P3057 P3100 war debt cold war P3431 50 00524 ideological war international relations P3446 economic war 70 A 1276 lnt Asn Educators World Peace A2128 A3416 A4012 Int Institute Peace Universities Quest Peace Peace Research Soc (lnt) A2341 lnt Peace Research Asn A343g A4110 Addams Jane AFS-Ewopa A4133 Nordic Cooperation Cmt lnt Politics Peace Conflict Research [ psychology philology 01069 Zoosemiotics tactics, military zoology 01065 silvics 01070 Metalligic Branch of analytical philosophy dealing with critical examination of the basic concepts of logic abstracted from any meaning given them in the systems ' studied 50 00050 Acoustics Abstracts S0447 electrometallurgy World Fed Ultrasound Medicine Biology psychology Gestalt 01068 Onomasiology Study of words and expressions having similar or associated concepts and a basis for being grouped 01055 Ultrasonics Supersonics Science dealing with phenomena having a frequency above the audibility range of the human ear (greater than about 20,000 cycles per second) 31 S0182 50 00910 70 A4075 zoosemiotics 01066 Gestalt psychology Configurationism Study of perception and behavior from the standpoint of the organism's response to configurational wholes 01067 Laboratory psychology 01054 Technology assessment Science of evaluating the application of knowledge to practical purposes 31 S1131 OECO Economic Outlook forestry 56 01069 50 00815 defence research (military research and development) 3 1 Sl 154 31 50516 50 00411 50 00815 7g K0781 D 1053 Military science The known principles underlying military conflict 30 P0012 01065 Silvics Sylvics Study of life history and characteristics of forest trees and their environmental influences analytical philosophy 01071 Humanistic sciences Humanities; liberal arts Branches of learning having primarily a cultural character 31 $0179 50298 50568 51074 51 00138 00246 00427 005og 00533 00551 00622 00653 00743 00813 00871 oog46 01076 01371 014g3 01602 01626 56 00716 01116 70 Al 728 Dissertation Abstracts International. Section A: humanities and social sciences Computers and the Humanities S0566 Diogenes Journal of the History of Ideas Computer Studies in the Humanities and Verbal Behavior bibliology 00236 choreography civilization D0415 genealogy geography 0048g history iconography D0510 iconology theory of knowledge 00536 law linguistics D0621 museology musicology 00626 mythology numismatics D0720 paroemiology philately 007g9 prehistory psychoanalysis sciosophy tecnology heraldry exegetics musicography sphragistics D0863 D0929 D 1002 D1132 D 1434 D1572 D 1609 comparative religion storiology vexillology literature heuristic psychics spectrology symbology 01844 pantology D0893 changing character of disciplines lnt Cl Philosophy Humanistic Studies fine arts social sciences 01058 Ekistics Science dealing with human settlements involving research and experience in architecture, engineering, town planning and sociology 01072 Arithmetic Branch of mathematics dealing with properties and relationships of real numbers and of computations with them 50 00574 51 01264 mathematics modulararithmetic 56 01238 analytic geometry 31 SOl 78 Ekistic Index S0561 50 01359 Human Settlements interscience disciplines 51 00060 town planning 56 00060 00356 00975 70 A3581 7g K0225 50560 Ekistics town planning 00095 architecture 01073 Multivariate algebra engineering 009g5 sociology 50 00038 architectonics acoustics numbertheory algebra 01074 Epigraphy Science and study of deciphering and interpreting ancient inscriptions World 5oc Ekistics ekistics 50 00488 01059 Acoustical psychophysiology 56 00005 01755 01056 psychophysics historiography 01075 Diplomatics Critical study of official documents of history 01060 Humanistic psychology 30 P3099 abuse of international cultural, diplomatic and commercial exchanges 30 P0425 production in developed countries of commodities exported by developing countries 50 00488 historiography 50 0081 5 psychology 78 H0771 humanistic psychology 01061 Non-pathology D 1076 Heraldry Branch of knowledge dealing with the history and practice of bearing and displaying armorial designs, and with the art of describing them 31 50521 Genealogy and Heraldry 01062 Reality therapy 50 D1071 humanistic sciences 50 oog6o 01077 Textual criticism Critical study of literature and close reading and analysis of literary works to establish original texts therapeutics D 1063 Psychosynthesis Branch of psychotherapy dealing with the integrative or synthetic process as contrasted with the abreactive or cathartic 3 1 51015 50 00844 78 H0002 World Journal of Psychosynthesis psychotherapy psychosynthesis 01064 Archeometry 50 01132 literature 01078 Meta-ethics Foundations of ethics with special reference to the nature of normative utterances and ethical justification 56 00383 ethics Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction Dl 201 normative science 01079 01079 Normative ethics 50 01602 56 00383 sphragistics ethics 01080 Physical sciences Natural sciences dealing primarily with non living materials 31 S0180 S0330 50 00870 51 00108 00259 00650 00996 01692 56 00224 00870 Dissertation Abstracts International. Section B: physical sciences and technology Pacific Science S0380 Technometrics science astronomy diachronistics nucleonics universology solar energy science physical chemistry science 00120 00578 00760 01463 00270 D1 184 azoology mechanics physics kinetics cosmology transdisciplinary sciences O1081 Biological sciences Sciences relating to life. living organisms and vital processes 31 S0330 50 Dt t 41 5t 00149 D0715 · 56 DOt 40 D0457 D1184 D 1841 Pacific Science life sciences biology palynology biochemistry geratology transdisciplinary sciences human development D0506 D0972 D0225 D0870 D1605 hypnotism taxonomy, classification physiological chemistry science sociobiology 01082 M edical sciences Sciences dealing wiih the maintenance of health and the prevention, alleviation or cure of disease 30 P0716 deterioration in physical health 31 S0553 Hospital International 50554 S0555 International Hospital Caterer International Hospital Review S0845 Diabetologia S0850 Epilepsia S0865 Haemostasis S0870 Journal of International Medical Research S0881 Lactation S0905 50910 50928 Respiration Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases Thrombosis Research .S0952 International Nursing Review S0984 50 D0870 51 D0059 00304 00460 D0563 IESA Information science symptomatology dianetics gerontology logopedics 00584 psychosomatics D0648 D0656 D0701 D0739 D0856 D0982 nosology obstetrics otolaryngology pharmacology radiology toxicology D1021 01111 pharmaceutics medical recording D1 1 15 pharmacy Dl 161 O 1348 neuropharmacology occupational health Dl 541 D1643 D181 7 56 D045 7 D0870 Dt010 D14 75 01651 7 t J0526 J 1313 pharyngology venereology lymphology geratology science medical zoology mental hygiene S0895 Paraplegia D0148 biomedicine D0354 endocrinology D0535 leprology D0582 medicine D0638 neurology D0655 nutritional science D0678 ophthalmology D0721 pathology D0806 psychiatry D0960 therapeutics D1003 virology D1110 medical technology D1112 X-ray technology D1157 logotherapy D1216 hygienics D1389 chiropody D1545 physianthropy D1762 acupuncture D1825 neurosciences D0586 social medicine D1001 veterinary science D1184 transdisciplinary sciences D1650 health economics instability of trade in electric energy health risks to electricity, gas, water and sanitary services workers long-term shortage of electric energy electrical power failures environmental hazards from electricity, gas, water and sanitary services inadequate electrical power supply in developing countries excessive exposure to radiation from consumer goods and electronic devices underdevelopment of electricity, gas, water and sanitary services 50 D0760 51 D1352 physics electrotechnology 56 D0363 71 J0126 J0323 J7400 J8500 electrical engineering electricity and magnetism physicist electrical draughtsman chemical processers and related workers electrical fitters and related electrical and electronics workers 01087 Propositional calculus Fundamental branch of symbolic log.ic dealing with propositions or statements as wholes. with their combinations. with the connectives that interrelate them and with their transformation rules · 50 D0561 51 D0849 logistic quantum theory 01088 Geological sciences Sciences dealing with the Earth's composition. structure, surface features, processes and history 31 S1 176 Quaternary Research 50 D031 7 earth sciences 5 t D0414 D06 t 6 DO 732 D0872 D091 6 D1538 56 D0592 gemology mineralogy petrology sedimentology speleology petrogeny metallurgy D0726 70 A2723 71 J0133 pedology, sOil science lnt Union Geological Sciences geological scientist D0556 D0691 D0867 D0874 D1004 D07tt D1497 lithology orology rock mechanics seismology volcanology paleontology neontology 01089 Hydrological sciences Sciences dealing with properties, distribution and circulation of water and relevant physical factors 31 S0483 50485 S0486 50 D031 7 5 t D0500 D0549 01732 Aqua European Federation for Protection of Waters Information Bulletin Hydrological Sciences Bulletin earth sciences hydrography limnology D0501 D0659 hydrology oceanography desalination science 01090 Economic geology Branch of geology dealing with geological materials of economic utility 31 S0334 Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists 50 0044 1 51 D1489 geology mining geology Dt 539 petroleum geology 01091 Urban geology 50 D044 1 geology 01092 Historical geology Branch of geology dealing with the chronology of events in the Earth's history 50 D044 t geology medical pathologist teacher in life and medical sciences (third level) 31 S0049 hospital administration astronomy astrolithology D1224 aerolitics 01084 Lunar sciences Sciences dealing wilh the moon 31 S0093 50 DO 108 30 P0744 Pl 159 Pl 216 Pl 341 Pl 412 P 1900 P1909 P2040 01093 Molecular biology Branch of biology dealing with the ultimate physiochemical ·organization o{ living matter 01083 Meteoritics Science dealing with phenomena or appearances in the atmosphere produced by small particles of solid matter in the solar system , and with solid particles from interplanetary space that survive flight through the Earth's atmosphere 50 DO 108 51 D0103 01086 Electricity Science dealing with the phenomena and laws of a fundamental ent ity of nature consisting of negative and positive kinds composed respectively of electrons and protons 50054 S005 7 50 D0149 56 D0206 31 S0023 50 D0149 51 D0023 Dl 288 56 D13t8 70 A 1463 A3966 0 1085 Orbit theory Study of paths described by celestial bodies, ·artificial satellites or spacecraft when revolving around another body 30 P0089 P0545 Pl 520 accumulation of aerospace .hardware in earth orbits limitation on geostationary satellite orbits damcige caused by objects launched into space 50 DOl Ot astrodynamics S0053 Molecular Biology Reports biology chemistry D0773 physiology DtOtl D1099 D1320 Dt32t A2997 zymology tissue culture cytohistology cytotaxonomy 01094 Cell biology D1097 Moon astronomy FESS Letters Life Sciences. Part 2: biochemistry, general and molecular biology Journal of Molecular Biology Experimental 'Cell Research biology enzymology cancer research catabiotics cytochemistry lnt Cell Research Org Eupn Cell Biology Org Nordic Soc Cell Biology 01095 Organismic biology 50 DOl 49 51 DO 11 7 biology auxology 00403 eugenics D0953 Dt 05 t 56 D0271 teratology sexology craniology Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction 00183 cacogenics DO 77 3 D1008 physiology zoology D0320 ecology 01125 D0711 D0815 D1497 70 A1781 D0727 D1305 pedology, child study psychology 01107 Medical physiology constitutional psychology neontology I nt Cyto·Cybernetic Cnt A3888 Eupn Molecular Biology Cnf 5.1 Do1g3 D0668 D0881 D0976 D1409 D1544 56 D0582 D1543 paleontology 01096 Population biology 51 D0063 56 D0149 D0320 anthropology biology ecology D0287 demography P3506 occupational cancer 01097 Cancer research Cancerology Study of cancer cardiology olfactology serology tocology gastroenterology phthisiology medicine phoniatrics DQ2g6 D0788 D0917 D0987 D14gg D1627 D0773 D1786 dermatology pneumology sphygmology trichology nephrology synaptology physiology brain sciences 01108 Experimental therapeutics 30 P0092 cancer 31 50153 50779 Excerpta Medica. Section 16: Cancer International Journal of Cancer 50917 50 D1094 UICC Bulletin cell biology sog23 European Journal of Cancer 70 A2648 lnt Union Cancer A3179 Scandinavian Cancer Union 31 S1193 50 D0960 Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics therapeutics A3549 lnt Agency Research Cancer A4119 lnt Study Group Detection Prevention Cancer 50 D0281 cytology 01110 Medical technology 50 01082 medical sciences 01111 Medical recording 01098 Radiation biology 50 01082 medical sciences 31 50064 International Journal of Radiation Biology and related studies in Physics, Chemistry and Medicine 01112 X-ray technology 56 D0149 biology 50 01082 D08.56 [J 01109 Cytotechnology radiology medical sciences 01099 Tissue culture Act. process or technique of making body tissue grow in a culture medium outside of the organism 01113 Oral surgery Branch of dentistry dealing with diagnosis and treatment of oral conditions requiring surgical intervention 50 D1094 cell biology 71 J0543 medical science technician 31 sog41 50 D0292 70 A 1788 Journal of Oral Surgery dentistry lnt Dental Fed 71 J0632 specialised dentist 01100 Transplantation biology 30 P0985 50 DO 149 yellow fever (yellow Jack; vomito amarilli) biology 01101 Gnotobiology Raising and study of animals in an environment containing one or a known few kinds of organisms 50 D0149 70 A2801 A3458 biology lnt Veterinary Asn Animal Production World Asn Animal Production International Journal of Fertility 50 D04 17 genetics medicine 51 01226 aeromedicine Journal of Occupational Medicine Society of Occupational Medicine Journal 50 D0582 medicine 50654 51 D1121 56 D0893 D1121 70 A1049 A1835 A3060 A4288 71 J0614 J0692 J0794 medical sciences zoopharmacy 71 JOll 9 other chemists 01116 Changing character of disciplines Branches of learning or fields of study with the object of intellectual enquiry, subject to modification as a result of historical and analytical research 56 D0558 D0745 logic philosophy D0574 D0870 mathematics science humanistic sciences 01118 Primatology S1udy of eutherian mammals other than recent man 50 D1031 51 D1680 01105 Public health Sanitary science Science dealing with protection and improvement of community health by organized community effort, including preventive medicine and sanitary and social sciences 30 P1038 Pl 159 31 S0154 5043 7 S0536 S0652 50653 Drug Intelligence and Clinical Pharmacy 56 D0139 01071 01104 Occupational medicine 31 50871 50915 surgery 0111 5 Pharmacy Art or practice of preparing and dispensing drugs, discovering new drugs through research, and synthesizing organic compounds of therapeutic value 50 D 1082 01103 Aviation medicine Branch of medicine dealing with the study, prevention, alleviation and cure of diseases and ailments connected with development and operation of heavierthan-air aircraft 50 D0582 50 D0933 31 S1194 01102 Population genetics 31 50780 01114 Oral surgery Jaws Branch of surgery dealing with conditions of the jaws and mouth structure underemphasis of health care in family planning health risks to electricity, gas, water and sanitary services workers Excerpta Medica. Section 17: Public health, social medicine and hygiene Society and Leisure International Journal of Health Education International Digest of Health Legislation International Solid Waste and Public Cleansing Association Information Bulletin Municipal Engineering 50902 Public Health sanitary science social sciences D1117 preventive medicine sanitary science Pan American Sanitary Cnf lnt Institute Natural Psychosomatics Pan American Sanitary Bureau African Medical Research Foundation public health physician J0633 public health dentist public health nutritionist J0710 professional nurses sanitarian 01106 Tropical medicine Branch of medicine dealing with tropical diseases and other special problems of tropical regions 3 1 50772 50827 50879 50916 Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Tropical and Geographical Medicine 50 D0582 70 A170 1 medicine lnt Cngs Tropical Medicine Malaria paleozoology medical primatology 01119 Functionalism Instrumental psychology A .psychology in which mental or behavioral processes are viewed as adaptive responses of the whole organism 50 D081 5 79 K0232 psychology functionalism 01120 Structuralism Structural psychology Introspective analysis of consciousness 30 Pl 935 structural violence 50 D081 5 psychology 79 K0560 structuralism 01121 Sanitary science 50 D1105 56 D1105 public health public health 01122 Normative aesthetics 50 01201 normative science 01123 Human geography Anthropogeography Study of man's geographic distribution 56 D0404 euthenics 01124 Game theory Application of mathematical logic to determine which of several strategies is likely to maximize one's gain or to minimize one's loss in a game, a business situation, or a military problem in which one's opponent also can choose between several strategies 31 50741 56 00261 International Journal of Game Theory computer science 00559 01125 Linear programming 50 00261 computer science Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction mathematical logic 01126 0 11 26 Public law Division of law that adjust~ the relations of individuals with the state and regulates the organization and conduct of the machinery of government 01144 ldiographic knowledge Aspect of knowledge relating to, involving or dealing with the concrete, individual or unique (cl 01143) 3t 50675 _ Journal of Public Law 50 _00536law - - - 50 00553 50677 Public Law /~01 1 27 Algebra of struct"[es 50 D0038 algebra 01128 Riemannian geometry A non-Euclidian geometry 50 D0450 geometry 01129 Natural philosophy Study of nature in general 50 D0745 51 D0952 philosophy teleology D 1130 Asymptotic analysis 50 Dl 207 analysis 01131 Dialectical science Systematic reasoning, exposition or argument that juxtaposes opposed or contrary ideas, seeking to resolve their conflict 50 D0558 logic - D 1132 Literature 30 P1183 deliberate misrepresentation in educational materials Pl 384 immoral literature 31 50077 50 51 56 7t 50658 50704 50720 D1071 Dt077 D1303 Dt655 J1317 J 1320 J MLA International Bibliography of Books Qnd Articles on Modern Languages and Literatures Books Abroad 50659 Interchange Review of Books 50718 Literature and psychology Modern Philosophy Poetics 50721 International Poetry Review humanistic sciences textual criticism comparative literature literary history Dl 273 bibliotics teacher in languages and literature (third level) secondary education teachers 0 1133 Reductionism Theory or procedure of reducing complex data or phenomena to simple terms 01134 Waste management 30 P0575 industrial wastes and effluent P0712 Pl 242 P2073 50 00374 71 J7400 radioactive waste disposal Pl 180 radioactive wastes Pl 398 dumping food products as waste sanitary engineering chemical processers and related workers plastic waste dumping toxic wastes 01135 Solar astronomy 50 DO 108 31 S0374 50 D0870 51 0003 3 DO 191 D0244 00356 0051 7 D0605 D0945 01152 D 1188 D 1408 01685 56 D0592 Dl 184 31 S0107 50336 50 01183 56 Dl 751 01147 Plant production 31 50127 50 DO 1 7 3 5 t D0503 astronomy astronomy 01 138 High energy astrophysics astrophysics 01139 Non-linear programming 31 S0316 S0495 S0500 S0501 S0570 50 00261 51 01735 56 01734 Nature and Resources S0490 Atmospheric Environment Environmental Resource S0498 IYF European Bulletin International Journal of Environmental Studies Science of the Total Environment Remote Sensing of Environment S1082 Savanna computer science environmental pollution environmental biochemistry 01736 environmental chemistry 01140 'Ionosphere physics Branch of physics dealing with the Earth's atmosphere between the altitudes of 25 to 250 miles and more 50 D0760 physics 01141 Life sciences Biognosy 31 S0181 51 01081 71 J1313 Bioresearch Index biological sciences 01659 organic evolution teacher in life and medical sciences (third level) 01142 Space technology 50 00106 astronautics 01143 Nomothetic knowledge Aspect of knowledge · relating to, involving or dealing with the abstract, recurrent and universe! (cl 01144) 50 D0553 general linguistics Plant Breeding Abstracts botany hydroponics 01148 Animal husbandry Animal production Branch of agriculture dealing with production and care of domestic animals, and the scientific study of relevant problems 50 51 56 71 00033 01154 01001 J 1316 agrosciences zootechnics, zootechny veterinary science teacher in agricultural science (third level) 01149 Soil mechanics Study of physical properties and utilization of soils, parti.cularly in planning foundations for structures and highways 30 31 50 70 71 Pl 230 50386 D0726 A2509 J0222 structural failure Geotechnique pedology, soil science lnt Sac Soil Mechanics Foundation Engineering building construction engineer analysis D 1151 Rehabilitation medicine 01 137 Infra-red astronomy 50 DO 111 International Society of Soil Science Bulletin Geoderma mathematical· sciences terramechanics 01150 Sophrology astronomy 01136 Ultraviolet and optical astronomy 50 DO 108 International Journal of Nondestructive Testing science agrosciences D0095 architecture campanology D0203 ceramography D0245 cinematography chronometry D0496 horology engineering D0571 management instrumentation D0853 radiothermics metrology D1054 technology assessment technology transportation reliability theory and analysis D1484 micrology galvanoplastics construction D1774 combustion science metallurgy D0975 architectonics D1424 geotechnics transdisciplinary sciences 01146 Quantum mechanics New quantum mechanics A general mathematical theory dealing with the interactions of matter and radiation in terms of observable quantities only 50 Dl 207 50 DO 108 general linguistics 01145 Technological sciences Sciences dealing with the totality of means employed by a people to provide itself with the objects of material culture 30 P1oag 31 50786 50791 50851 50906 50911 50 D0582 70 A2501 A4237 inadequate rehabilitation facilities International Rehabilitation Review Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Europa Medicophysica Rheumatology and Rehabilitation Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases medicine lnt Symbol Access A4098 lnt Cl Goodwill Industries Eupn Asn Technical Orthopaedics Orthopaedic Rehabitation D 11 52 Transportation 30 P0490 P0496 P0501 P0543 P0620 P0664 P1048 P1369 P1388 P1436 P1495 P2111 , P2123 P2403 P2487 P2525 3 1 50459 50460 50462 50464 50467 50470 50476 504 79 inadequate road and highway transport facilities inadequate rail transport facilities environmental hazards from use of machinery and transport equipment inadequate road and highway transport -f acilities in developing countries instability of trade in machinery and transport equipment lack of integration of transport systems between neighbouring developing countries inadequate facilities for transport of electrical energy inadequate urban transport facilities inadequate transportation facilities in developing countries long-term shortage of machinery and transport equipment inadequate transportation facilities insect resistance to insecticides inadequate facilities for transport of sanitary wastes incompatibility of transport modes inadequate inland waterway transport facilities excessive land usage by transportation systems Defense Transportation Journal International Freighting Weekly Transportation 50463 Review of the UITP Automobile International S0466 European Railways International Railway Journal S0469 Rail International S04 73 ICHCA Journal Railway Gazette International Safety at Sea International S04 77 Scandinavian Shipping Gazette International Journal of Physical Distribution Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction 01187 50 01145 51 00669 70 A2765 A3062 A3071 A3112 technological sciences omnibology Permanent -kit Tramways Union 01162 A2887 traffic studies Latin American Railways Asn Pan American Highway Cngs Permanent South American Railway Cng Asn Permanent lnt Asn Road Cngs A4126 lnt Institute Transport Law interscience disciplines 01154 Zootechnics. zootechny Science and technology of maintaining and improving animals under domeslication including breeding, genetics, nutrition and housing 30 Pl 201 P1331 P1767 P2763 P2765 long-term shortage of animal feedstuffs environmental hazards from animal feedstuffs instability of trade in animal feedstuffs inadequate housing of domestic animals inadequate feeding of animals 31 50482 50 01148 Zootechnia animal husbandry 70 A2255 lnt Meeting Animal Nutrition Experts A2589 A4026 Commonwealth Bureau Animal Breeding Genetics animal scientist J6124 livestock farmer J6100 S1069 Pursuit astronomy 01170 Geomathematics Geomatics Mathematics of the Earth 50 00574 mathematics 01171 lmmunogenetics Serology Study of biological interrelationships by serological means 50 01173 immunogenetics 56 0014g biology 00881 serology D 117 2 Cliometrics lnt Standing Cmt Physiology Pathology Animal Reproduction 71 J0528 Futurist Futures social sciences futures research 01169 Gamma-ray astronomy 50 00108 01153 Integrative disciplines 50 01359 S106 1 Sl 128 50 009g3 79 K0450 farmers 01173 lmmunogenetics Branch of immunology dealing with the interrelation of immunity to disease and genetic makeup 50 00513 immunology 51 01171 immunogenetics, serology 01155 Normative logic 01174 Enzyme kinetics 50 01601 sidereal astronomy 56 00023 56 00558 logic 01156 Divinity Science of divine things, dealing with God, his laws and moral government, and the way of salvation enzymology 00530 kinetics 01175 Combinatorial analysis Mathematical study of permutations and combinations of finite sets of objects 01176 Network analysis 50 oog57 theology 50 0120 7 71 J1414 religious worker (member of religious order) 01177 Tensor calculus Tensor analysis analysis 01157 Logotherapy 50 00184 50 01082 medical sciences 78 H0416 logotherapy 01178 Non-parametric statistics Branch of statistics in which the estimation of parameter values of a distribution function is not involved 01158 Transpersonal psychology 31 50639 50 00815 78 H0916 Journal of Transpersonal Psychology psychology transpersonal psychology 50 oog 18 topology, botany $0848 56 00638 70 A2008 locust plagues entomology 70 A2841 Joint Anti-Locust Anti-Aviarian Org neurology 00773 physiology lnt Fed Socs Electroencephalography Clinical Neurophysiology Neuropharmacology medical sciences neurology Traffic Management transportation 56 00375 traffic engineering 70 A2600 lnt Study Cmsn Traffic Police 00739 5046 2 epistemology 00558 50 00585 psychosomatic medicine biofeedback training Transportation 01029 01179 56 00558 01184 70 A224 7 Networks graphics mathematics numerical analysis statistics control theory renewal theory logic 00561 00644 00799 00927 01146 logistic nomography probability theory stochastic analysis new quantum mechanics 00574 mathematics transdisciplinary sciences lnt Mathematical Union 56 00317 01080 01082 01183 earth sciences physical sciences medical sciences mathematical sciences 00893 01081 01145 social sciences biological sciences technological sciences 01185 Psychological sciences Social sciences concerned with elucidation and interpretation of mental phenomena psychological sciences 01166 Cluster analysis analysis 01167 Urbanology rural depopulation geometry 01184 Transdisciplinary sciences lnterscience disciplines 01165 Applied meditation 30 P0056 50 00450 005 7 4 00651 0091 8 01164 Biofeedback Scientific study of methods of alleviating stress conditions 78 H0765 grasshoppers D 1183 Mathematical sciences Sciences dealing with operations or processes and relations and symbolism concerned with numbers and magnitudes 31 S0755 51 0046 7 logic P3642 01182 Multidimensional geometries pharmacology 01163 Noetics Logical doctrine of axioms or of the laws of thought 50 01207 social sciences 30 P0725 50 01028 31 S0461 50 01152 50 01185 50 00893 Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology 01162 Traffic studies 56 00378 mathematical sciences Journal of. Neurophysiology 01161 Neuropharmacology Branch of medical science dealing with action of drugs on and in the nervous system 31 S1201 50 01082 56 00638 50 D 1183 D 1180 Queuing theory 01181 Acridology Study of migratory locusts and other grasshoppers 01160 Neurophysiology Physiology of the nervous system 31 50009 statistics 01179 Renewal theory D 1159 Catastrophe mathematics Branch of topology dealing with analysis and explanation of discontinuous phenomena (sudden changes in the course of events) 50 00977 calculus P0426 urban traffic congestion 50 00893 social sciences 51 01165 70 A2764 applied meditation lnt Cl Psychologists P2616 urban decay P3488 urbanization in developed countries 01186 Economic sciences The social sciences concerned with material resources sociology 50 00893 50 00896 01 168 Futurology Systematic forecasting of the future by study of present day trends in human affairs 31 S 1060 Documentation Bulletin on Future Research social sciences 01187 Values. value systems The system of established values, norms or goals existing in a society 50 00383 79 K0356 ethics value theory Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction [ 01188 01188 Reliability theory and analysis 01203 Comparative embriology 50 Dl 145 50 D0351 70 A3278 technological sciences 001189 Microphysics The physics of molecules, atoms and elementary particles 50 D0760 physics 01190 Animal psychology Study of the psychological behavior of animals other than man 01 191 Ufology Study of unidentified flying objects 50 DO t 11 interference in radio and television communications radio interference allocation of television frequency bands for satellite transmission Radio and Electronic Engineer electrical engineering lnt Television Cmt other electrical and electronics engineers other electrical and electronics engineering technicians J 1590 authors, journalists and related writers not elsewhere classified J1637 television camera operator · J 1734 J1744 motion picture, radio and television director radio and television producer electrical fitters and related electrical and electronics workers broadcasting station and sound equipment operators and cinema projectionists radio and television transmitting equipment operator J8612 01193 Electrooptics Branch of optics dealing with the effects of an electric field upon light traversing it 50 D0681 optics D 1194 Energetics Branch of mechanics dealing with energy and its transformations 31 S0256 S0259 S0368 50 D05 78 Energy International S0257 Euro-Spectra International Atomic Energy Agency Bulletin Energy Systems and Policy Sl 187 Energy Sources mechanics 01 195 Fuel engineering 30 P0141 P0877 Pl 346 31 S0538 50 D0356 71 J0259 J0369 restrictive practices in mineral fuels trade instability of trade in mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials environmental hazards from use of mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials Institute of Fuel Journal Sl 187 Energy Sources engineering other chemical engineers other chemical engineering technicians 01196 Electromechanical engineering 56 00015 electromechanics 00356 engineering 01197 Structural engineering Branch of civil engineering dealing with design and construction of buildings, dams, etc 30 P1936 31 S0267 S0392 50 D0362 building and construction noise Nuclear Engineering and Design Structural Engineer civil engineering fluidics engineering D0578 mechanics 01199 Onhogenics Rehabilitation of emotionally disturbed and mentally retarded children 30 P0914 50 D072 7 79 K0236 mentally retarded children pedology, child study orthogenesis Pl 222 autistic children 01200 Genetic engineering 56 D0062 78 H0357 anthropography human genetic improvement D04 17 genetics 01201 Normative science Science that tests or evaluates and not merely describes or generalizes facts 50 D0870 51 01122 56 Dl 078 science normative aesthetics meta-ethics architecture 00356 engineering Standing lnt Cnf Building Cnts building construction engineer bricklayers, carpenters and other construction workers agrosciences D0427 geography D0320 ecology 0 1206 Agroecology 56 D0030 agrology 01207 Analysis The resolution of knowledge into its fundamental factors or original principles and reduction of physical, phenomenal or abstract entities to their source or elements 30 31 50 51 P0440 S0736 D0378 D0049 Dl 150 Dl 176 56 D0047 D0359 71 JOl 15 Jogo3 analytical stagnation Applicable Analysis epistemology multivariate analysis sophrology network analysis linguistic analysis analytical engineering analytical chemist market research analyst D1130 Dl 166 asymptotic analysis cluster analysis D0048 00920 J0824 logical analysis analytical statistics operations research analyst 01208 Phytotomy Anatomy of plants 50 D0173 botany D 1 209 Prehistoric archeology Study of prehistoric human evidences such as artifacts and fossilized human remains 50 D0086 archeology 01210 Anthroponymy Branch of onomastics dealing with the study of personal names 50 00672 onomastics 01211 Judicial astrology Mundane astrology Branch of astrology concerned with foretelling the fate and acts of nations and individuals 50 D0104 astrology 01212 Natural astrology Branch of astrology concerned with prediction of events in inanimate nature and partly bearing on astronomical science 50 DO 104 astrology 01213 Divination Mantology; metagnomy Art or practice that seeks to foresee or foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge 51 DO·l 04 astrology 01 214 Psychodynamics Study, explanation or interpretation of behavior in terms of mental or emotional forces or processes 30 P3128 50 D0815 01198 M echanical sciences Sciences concerned with theories, hypotheses and practices based on mechanics and machinery 51 Dl 780 56 D0356 56 00095 70 A2700 71 J0222 J 9 500 56 D0033 J0349 J8500 J8600 01204 Architectural engineering Art and science of engineering and construction as practised in buildings 01205 Agrogeography astrophysics 01192 Radio engineering Branch of electrical engineering dealing with construction, operation and maintenance of equipment for transmission and reception of electric impulses or signals by means of electric waves without a connecting wire 30 P1671 P2045 P3703 31 50456 50 00363 70 A2628 71 J0239 embryology Standing Cmt lnt Embryological Cnl politically emotive words and terms psychology D 1 215 Astrogation Science or art of space navigation 50 00106 astronautics 01216 Hygienics Science dealing with the establishment and maintenance of health in individuals and groups 30 P1533 Pl 555 P2459 31 S0154 S0536 50 01082 51 Dl 785 56 D0125 negative effects of television on values, knowledge, health and behaviour excessive sanitary regulations in international travel (excessive health regulations; Animal quatrantine) inadequate personal hygiene Excerpta Medica . Section 17: Public health, social medicine and hygiene International Journal of Health Education medical sciences tropical hygiene sanitary bacteriology D 1 217 Analytic bibliography 50 DOl 37 bibliography 01202 Evolutionary anthropology 01218 Biocenology Biocoenology Branch of biology dealing with natural communities and interactions of their members 50 D0063 50 Do14g anthropology biology Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction 01249 . 01219 Bioacoustics Branch of science dealing with relations between living beings and sound 56 00005 acoustics 00149 biology 01220 Bioengineering Branch of engineering dealing with the biosynthesis or processing of animal or plant products and with fermentation processes 31 50164 Excerpta Medica. Section 27: Biophysics, bioengineering and medical 50 00356 engineering instrumentation · 01221 Biogeochemistrv Science dealing with relation of earth chemicals to plant and animal life in a given area 56 00149 0044 1 biology geology 00206 chemistry 01234 Agroclimatology Branch of climatology concerned w ith the relationship between crop adaptation and climate 31 S1143 50 00248 Agroclimatolo9ical Bulletin climatology 01 235 Agrotechny Branch of agriculture dealing with the conversion of agricultural products into manufactured articles on or near farms 30 P3143 50 00033 inadequate packaging of agricultural products agrosciences 01236 Allergology Scientific study of exaggerated or pathological react ion to substances, situations, or physical states that are without comparable effect on the average individual 01222 Aerobiology Branch of biology dealing with occurrence, transportation and effects of airborne microorganisms or biological objects 30 P1017 50 00585 psychosomatic medicine 31 50497 50 00149 70 A 1251 lnt Asn Allergology IBP Aerobiology Newsletter biology 01223 Aerogeology Study of geological features by aerial observation and aerophotography 50 00441 geology meteoritics 01225 Aeromechanics Branch of mechanics dealing with equilibrium and motion of gases and of solid bodies immersed in them 50 00578 mechanics 01226 Aeromedicine Branch of aviation medicine dealing with diseases and disturbances arising from air travel, and the resulting physiological, psychological, pathological and epidemiological problems 50 01103 51 00983 70 A 1148 aviation medicine aviation toxicology lnt Radio Air Safety Asn A 1149 lnt Civil Aviation Cnf 01227 Aerophilately Study and collection of airmail stamps and flown covers 50 00743 philately 01228 Aerophysics Branch of physics dealing with the design, construction and operation of devices that move rapidly through the air; physics of the air 50 00760 50762 allergy International Archives of Allergy and Applied Immunology Acta Allergologica 50830 Annals of Allergy 01 23 7 Analytical jurisprudence Study and examination of law in terms of its logical structure 50 00525 jurisprudence 01238 Analytic geometry Coordinate geometry Branch of mathematics dealing with geometric properties by means of arithmetic and algebraic operations upon symbols defined in terms of a coordinate system 01224 Aerolitics Science dealing with stony meteorites 50 01083 31 S0131 physics 50 00574 mathematics 51 00451 56 00038 algebraic geometry algebra 01 0 7 2 00450 geometry arithmetic 01239 Analytic psychology Analysis and classification of mental data by introspection 31 50644 50994 50 0081 5 Quadrant Journal of Analytical Psychology psychology 01240 Analytics Science of analysis especially as subdivision of logic 30 P0440 analytical stagnation 50 00558 logic 01241 Trigonometry Branch of mathematics dealing with relations holding among the sides and angles of triangles and related magnitudes, and with methods of deducing from given parts other required parts 50 005 74 mathematics 51 01242 analytic trigonometry O1229 Aerostatics Branch of statics dealing with the equilibrium of gaseous fluids and of solid bodies immersed in them 01 242 Analytic trigonometry Branch of trigonometry deali ng with the relations and properties of trigonometrical functions 50 01324 50 01241 statics 01230 Aerothermodynamics The mechanical action or relations of heat with reference to gases and air 50 00968 50 01008 thermodynamics O1231 Agricultural economics , Scientific study of methods, practices, conditions and policies affecting agriculture 31 50122 50512 50513 56 00033 70 A1850 A4025 71 J0902 World Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology Food Research Institute Studies in Agricultural Economics. Trade and Development Food Research Institute Studies in Agricultural Economics, Trade and Development agrosciences 00325 economics lnt Fed Agricultural Producers Commonwealth Bureau Agricultural Econ6mics economist (specialised) 01232 Agricultural geology Agrogeology Branch of geology dealing with the character and origin of soils, the occurrence of mineral fertilizers and the behavior of underground water 30 P0760 P0790 P0806 P0997 P1300 P1353 P1514 instability of trade in crude fertilizers and minerals environmental hazards from fertilizers and pesticide production instability of trade in manufactured fertilizers long-term shortage of manufactured fertiliZers radiological contamination long-term shortage of crude fertilizers and cru.de minerals environmental hazards from use of fertilizers 50 00441 geology 01233 Agrobiology 'Study of plant nutrition and growth, and crop production in relation to soil management 56 00033 agrosciences 00149 biology trigonometry 01243 Animal mechanics Study of the laws of equilibrium and motion in the animal body zoology 01244 Animal psychology Science dealing with the psychological behavior of non-human animals 56 00815 psychology 01008 zoology 01245 Anthoecology Study of flowers as related to their environment 56 00173 botany 00320 ecology 01246 Antllroposophy Knowledge of the nature of man; human wisdom 56 00063 anthropology 00745 philosophy 01247 Archaeogeology Geology of the most ancient periods 50 0044 1 51 00507 geology ichnology 71 J 131 0 J 1324 university and higher education teachers social studies teacher (second level) J 1924 anthropologist 01248 Archelogy Science of first principles 50 00383 ethics 01249 Neolinguistics Areal linguistics Study of the transmission through space of linguistic innovations between languages that are not of common origin, denying the existence of phonetic laws without exceptions and questioning the value of attempts to trace individual languages back to a common ancestral language Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction D 01250 50 00551 linguistics 01250 Area research Interdisciplinary research in a distinct geographic, sociocul1Ural or political area aimed al a scien1ific understanding of lhe area as an entily and at relating it to other areas 56 00427 00894 geography social studies 00790 political science 01251 Ascidiology Branch of zoology dealing with the order of tunicates comprising simpte, compound and atypical pelagic compound tunicates 50 D1008 zoology 01252 Association psychology Associationism Study of ideas or content of consciousness in terms of combination of sensory and perceptual elements known chiefly through introspective analysis 50 00815 psychology 01253 Asirometeorology Study of supposed relations between celestial bodies and the weather 56 00104 astrology 005g5 meteorology 01254 Astronomical geography Branch of mathematical geography dealing with the Earth in its relations to other celestial bodies 50 00433 56 00108 mathematical geography astronomy 00427 geography 01255 Atomistics Branch of science dealing with the atom; the art of applied use of atomic energy 30 P0913 50 00763 70 A1302 unhealthy emotional responses to atomic energy atomic physics lnt Asn Legal Science A2 7 64 Int Cl Psychologists 01256 Autecology Branch of ecology dealing with interrelations between individual organisms or species and their environment 30 P0380 P1 320 P1 395 P1617 Pl 656 international trade in endangered species endangered polar bear species endangered species of plants and animals introduction of new plant and animal species endangered species of seals P1762 endangered species of marsupials Pl 763 endangered species of cats P3158 P3159 P3160 P34 71 P34 72 P34 73 P3474 P34 7 5 P34 76 endangered endangered endangered endangered endangered endangered endangered endangered endangered species species species species species species species species species of of of of of of of of of Pl 713 endangered species of animals P2326 endangered species of insects marine invertebrates aschelminthes segmented worms arthropoda crustacea spiders, scorpions (arachnida) platyhelminthes protozoa sponge {porifera) P34 77 endangered species of bryozoa (polyzoa) P34 78 P34 79 P3480 P3481 P3482 P3483 P3603 endangered endangered endangered endangered endangered endangered endangered 50 00320 species species species species species species species of of of of of of of ecology epistemology 0102g control theory 01260 Bio-astronautics Medical and biological aspects of astronautics 50 00106 56 00149 astronautics biology 00582 arithmetic 31 soag4 56 00582 Orthotics and Prosthetics medicine 00774 pathophysiology 01266 Pharmacogenetics Study of the interrelation of hereditary constitution and response to drugs 56 00417 genetics 00739 pharmacology 01267 Pointset topology Study dealing with structure and properties of point sets as based on neighborhood 50 00977 topology, botany 01268 Radar astronomy Branch of astronomy dealing with investigations of celestial bodies and artificial satellites in the solar system by comparison of direct and reflected radar waves 50 00108 astronomy 01269 Radio-ecology Study of interac1ion of ecological communities and radiations or radioactive substances 30 P022g P0710 P1206 P1371 P1431 P2441 56 00320 radioactive contamination P0314 ·radioactive fallout · radioactive contamination of soils and plants radiation damage to materials P1242 radioactive wastes radiation damage to the human body radioactive contamination of marine environment and fisheries products radioactive contamination of water ecology 00856 radiology 01270 Stereology Branch of science dealing with development and testing of inferences about the 1hree-dimensional properties and reactions of objects or matter ordinarily observed from a two-dimensional point of view 50 DOS 70 70 A2510 science lnt Sac Stereology 01271 Anthropological linguistics 31 S0693 Anthropological Linguistics 56 00063 anthropology 00551 linguistics 01272 Biopolitics Study and application of genetics in relation to politics genetics 00790 political science literature 30 P3158 endangered species of marine invertebrates 56 D014g biology 00659 oceanography 01275 Biomechanics Study of principles and relations involved in the mechanical bases of biological activity, particularly muscular 31 S0867 Journal of Biomechanics 50 00149 biology 01276 Biometeorology Science dealing with the relationship between living beings and atmospheric phenomena 31 S 1146 International Journal of Biometeorology 56 00112 70 A2531 atmospheric sciences lnt Sac Biometeorology 00149 biology 01008 zoology 01277 Biophysiography Descriptive zoology and botany medicine 01261 Combinatorial topology Study dealing with geometric forms based on their decomposition into combinations of the simplest geometric figures 50 oog77 50 D10 72 01265 Orthotics Branch of mechanical and medical science dealing with support and bracing of weak or ineffective joints or muscles 01274 Biological oceanography Science dealing with animal and plant inhabitants of ocean waters ecology cybernetics matrix mechanics 01264 Modular arithmetic Arithmetic dealing with whole numbers where the numbers are replaced by their remainders alter division by a fixed number 50 01132 01259 Autonetics Branch of knowledge dealing with automatic guidance or control systems 50 00279 algebra 51 01473 01273 Bibliotics Scientific study of handwriting, documents and writing materials, particularly to determine genuineness or authorship 01258 Axiomatics The study and theory of propositions, principles, rules or maxims that have found general acceptance 50 003 78 50 00038 56 00417 molluscs (mollusca) insectivores (insectivora) hares and rabbits rodents (rodentia) carnivores bear edentates (edentata) 01257 Synecology Branch of ecology dealing with structure, development and distribution of ecological communities 50 00320 01263 Matrix algebra Generalized algebra dealing with operations and relations among matrices topology, botany 56 00173 botany 01278 Biopsychology Psychology as related to biology or as part of vital processes 56 00149 biology 00815 psychology 01262 Cryobiology Study of effects of extremely low temperatures on biological systems 0 1279 Biosociology Study of social interaction by analogy with the vital processes of living organisms 56 00149 56 00149 biology 01310 cryology biology Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction DQ8g6 sociology 01310 01280 Biotypology Study of all the organisms sharing a specified genotype 50 00149 biology 012g7 Cinchonology Branch of pharmacology dealing with cinchona and its derivatives 50 00739 pharmacology 01281 Systematics Science of classification and study of organisms with regard to their natural relationships 5t Dt462 karyosytematics 56 DO 177 systematic botany 79 K0045 taxonomy 01 298 Civics Study of the operation of national and local government and training in citizenship 30 pogo3 inefficient civil administration in developing countries pog95 abuse of civic education P1833 inadequate urban political machinery 00894 social studies 50 00332 education 01013 public administration 70 A2736 lnt Union Local Authorities 01282 Bryozoology Branch of zoology dealing with the bryozoa, a small phylum of aquatic animals that reproduce by budding and consist of complex zooids 50 D1008 zoology 01283 Cenozoology The zoology of existing as opposed to extinct animals 50 D1008 zoology 01300 Combinatory logic Branch of symbolic logic dealing with the notion of substitution and the eliminability of variables in favor of special function symbols 50 00561 ·logistic 01284 Cameralistics Science of public finance 50 01013 public administration 70 A2158 A2329 lnt Institute Public Finance lnt Org Supreme Audit Institutions 01299 Coccidology Branch of zoology dealing with the superfamily of Hemiptera including scales and mealybugs 30 P3612 scale insects 50 01008 zoology 01285 Canonics Division of theology dealing with the origin, history and authority of holy scripture 50 00957 theology 01286 Capillary chemistry Branch of physical chemistry dealing with phenomena in very small pores 50 00224 physical chemistry 01287 Plant morphology Phytomorphology Branch of biology dealing with the form and structure of plants 31 S00,35 Phytomorphology 50 00618 morphology, biology 51 00195 carpology 70 A2564 lnt Sac Plant Morphologists 01288 Catabiotics Study of the degenerative biological changes that accompany cellular senescense 50 01094 cell biology 0128g Catallactics Political economy as the science of exchanges 50 00325 economics 01301 Commercial geography Geography dealing with commodities according to their places of origin and their paths of transportation 30 P0463 P0651 P1554 P2892 P2893 P2898 P2951 P2967 P3042 P3315 50 00427 70 A1850 71 J4100 012g1 Ceramic engineering Branch of engineering dealing with treatment of earthy nonmetallic minerals by fire or heat; design and operation of plant and equipment for ceramic production 56 00203 ceramography 00356 engineering 012g2 Characterology Study of the aggregate of qualities which constitutes personal or national individuality and their differences in different individuals 50 0081 5 psychology 01293 Reaction kinetics Cinetics Branch of chemistry dealing with the rate of chemical reactions and the influencing factors; application of rate studies to elucidate the mechanism of reactions 50 00206 chemistry 01204 Chemurgy Branch of applied chemistry dealing with industrial utilization of organic raw materials, particularly from farm products 50 00206 chemistry 70 A2403 lnt Reclamation Bureau 71 J0536 farming adviser J6100 farmers 012g5 Child psychology Study dealing with mental phenomena and behavior of infants and children 30 P0490 P0989 inadequate road and highway transport facilities mental illness in adolescents · P3501 infanticide 31 S0623 50 00815 Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines psychology 012g6 Chromosomology Branch of cytology dealing with study of chromosomes, being the chromatin of a cell nucleus 50 00281 cytology geography lnt Fed AgriculttJral Producers working proprietors (wholesale and retail trade) 01302 Communication engineering Engineering concerned with sending and receiving signals by means •of electrical or electroacoustic devices and electromagnetic waves 50 00356 engineering 56 00260 012go Cecidiology Branch of biology dealing with galls produced on plants by insects, mites and fungi 50 00149 biology instability of the commodities trade hoarding of primary commodities lack of processing industry for primary commodities in developing countries undiversified economies of developing countries economic dependence of developing countries on primary commodity exports reduced Consumer demand for primary commodities because of rising living standards . weakness in primary commodity trade amongst developing countries overproduction of primary commodities in developing countries underproduction of primary commodities in developing countries ethnic segregation interstellar communication O1303 Comparative literature Study of interrelationships of literatures of differing national cultures and languages 31 S0717 Comparative Literature S0719 Mosaic 50 01132 literature 01304 Coniology Koniology Science dealing with atmospheric dust and its effects on plant and animal life 30 Pt 245 dust ·56 00112 atmospheric sciences 00173 botany 01008 zoology 01 305 Constitutional psychology Explanation of psychological variables such as temperament and character in terms of bodily shape and organic function 56 0081 5 psychology DI 095 organismic biology 01306 Corpuscular philosophy Philosophy that accounts for phenomena of nature by motion, figure. rest, position of minute particles of matter 50 00745 philosophy 01307 Systematic theology Branch of theology aiming to reduce all religious truth to statements forming a self-consistent and organized whole 50 0095 7 theology 51 00270 cosmology 01308 Cephalometry Science of measuring the head. determining dimensions and proportions characteristic of a particular race, sex or somatotype 50 00773 physiology 01309 Craniotopography Science dealing with relations of skull surface to parts of the brain 50 00773 physiology 0131 O Cryology Science of refrigeration; study of snow and ice 50 00274 cryogenics 0046 1 glaciology 56 01262 cryobiology 70 A2159 71 J0248 lnt Institute Refrigeration heating, ventilation and refrigeration engineer Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction D 01311 J0355 J8400 J9500 heating, ventilation and refrigeration engineering technician machinery fitters, machine assemblers and precision-instrument makers (except electrical) bricklayers, carpenters and other construction workers D1311 Cryptography Science of devising methods of preparing or reading messages in codes or . ciphers for purposes of secrecy 50 00258 communications 5 t 0131 2 cryptology cryptography crystallography D 1314 Ctetology Branch of biology dealing with origin and development of acquired characters 50 0014g biology D1315 Culicidology Study of mosquitoes 30 P1923 P3582 P3621 P3623 50 01028 mosquitoes mosquito resistance to ins~icides yellow-fever mosquitoes · · P3622 common house mosquitoes entomology Fluid Power International mechanics fluid dynamics 50401 Journal of Fluid Mechanics D1328 Egopsychology Study of the ego with regard to mechanisms of defence, transference, realitytesting and attainment of the ego ideal psychology D1329 Electrobiology Branch of biology dealing with the electrical phenomena of living organisms D1313 Crystallogeny Branch of crystallography dealing with formation of crystals 50 00276 31 S0393 50 005 78 51 00312 50 00815 D 1312 Cryptology Scientific study of cryptography and cryptanalysis 50 01311 D1327 Fluid mechanics Branch of mechanics dealing with the special properties of liquids and gases malaria mosquitoes 50 0014g biology D1330 Quantum mechanics Mechanics of phenomena to which may be applied the branch of physical theory based on the concept of radiant energy subdivided into finite quanta and involving transference or transformation of energy in an atomic or molecular scale 51 00342 quantum electrodynamics 014 73 matrix mechanics 56 00578 00768 mechanics nuclear physics 00763 atomic physics D1331 Electrokinetics Branch of physics dealing with motion of electricity and with motion of electrified particles in electric and magnetic fields 50 00760 physics · D1316 Cultural sociology Sociological study of historical processes involved in cultural phenomena D1332 Electromechanics Branch of electrodynamics dealing with the mechanical forces involved in 31 51100 51109 51119 50 008g6 electric circuits International Journal of Sociology of the Family Social Behavior and Personality Working Papers in Cultural Studies sociology 50 0079.0 51 01438 D1333 Paradigmatology D1317 Cynology Scientific study of the dog and its natural history 30 P0359 P0360 50 01 008 79 K0235 stray dog populations inhumane methods of destruction of stray dogs zoology P3354 00140 00206 A1581 56 00574 accumulation and misuse ofchurch property biochemistry chemistry 01094 cell biology lnt Cmt Histochemistry Cytochemistry 56 00719 70 A3463 56 00376 biogeography D1320 Cytohistology Integrated study of cells and tissues cell biology 01 og4 cell biology D1322 Dactylography Scientific study of fingerprint,s as a means of identification physiology 01 7g2 forensic sciences physiology radio noise of natura l origin 50 00578 51 01229 mechanics aerostatics chemistry epidemiology 00806 psychiatry 30 P0331 P0339 P0363 P1085 P1916 P2758 P314 7 50 00655 protein-calorie malnutrition in infants and early childhood protein-calorie malnutrition protein-calorie malnutrition in vulnerable groups protein malnutrition during pregnancy and nursing inadequate protein supply inefficient use of proteins in factory farming protein deficiency in cereals nutritional science D1340 Applied genetics genetics D 1342 Existential psychoanalysis 50 00813 psychoanalysis D1343 Avionics Development and production of electrical and electronic devices and control systems for use in aviation 01325 social statics D1325 Social statics Study of an economy that is active but unchanging in its fundamental relationships 30 P1976 50 01324 computer science D 1341 Genetic engineering D1324 Statics Branch of mechanics dealing with the relations of forces that produce equilibrium among material bodies 30 P1676 s~ience D1338 Epidemiological psychiatry 50 0041 7 D1323 Dermatoglyphics Study of skin patterns 50 00773 parasitology 01001 veterinary World Asn Advancement Veterinary Parasitology D133g Protein science Study of naturally occurring complex combinations of amino acids containing elements that are essential constituents of all living animal and vegetable cells D1321 Cytotaxonomy Study of natural relationships and classification of organisms by methods combining classical systematic techniques with comparative studies of chromosomes 50 00773 taxonomy, taxology D1337 Photosynthetic chemistry 50 00146 taxonomy, taxology oog43 D1336 Computer design 50 00261 50 00206 56 00943 mathematics D1335 Veterinary parasitology D1319 Cytogeography Branch of biogeography dealing with distribution of gene complexes among related populations 50 01094 paradigmatology D1334 Mathematical taxonomy D 1318 Cytochemistry Chemistry of cells; microscopical biochemistry 30 50 56 70 political science historical materialism disreQard for internationally imposed economic sanctions statics 31 50118 50 00020 lnteravia aeronautics D1344 Geometrodynamics 56 00311 dynamics 00450 geometry 0041 7 genetics D1345 Genetic epistemology 56 00378 epistemology D1326 Dynamic psychology Psychology which explains and predicts human acts through analysis of previous experiences and motivational states of the organism instead of the objective stimuli temporarily preceding such acts D1346 Bibliotherapy Science and practice of reading materials used as therapeutic adjuvants in psychiatry 50 0081 5 50 00806 psychology psychiatry Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction 01365 01347 Plant pathology Phytopathology Branch of botany dealing with diseases of plants plant diseases P2224 environmental plant diseases 30 P0555 fungal plant diseases P2226 bacterial plant diseases P2225 P2228 nematoid plant diseases viral plant diseases P2227 plant diseases due to storage and transit P3587 P3593 dissemination of plant diseases by man plant disease vectors P3596 plant vectors of plant disease P3599 P3600 insect vectors of viral diseases of plants bird vectors of plant disease P3601 insect vectors of plant disease P3631 deficiency diseases in plants P3653 Review of Plant Pathology 31 50123 botany 50 00173 forest pathology 51 00410 Regional lnt Org Plant Protection Animal Health 70 A3154 botanist 71 J0512 o1348 50953 50 01082 occupational ~iseases P0502 occupational rheumatism health risks to agricultural and livestock production workers health risks to construction industry workers health risks to commerce workers health risks to service industries workers health risks to electricity, gas, water and sanitary services workers occupational deafness excessive occupational exposure to radiation health risks totransport, storage and communication workers health risks to factory workers asbestos health hazards P3506 occupational cancer Excerpta Medica. Section 35: Occupational health and industrial me·d icine International Archives of Occupational Health Occupational Health medical sciences 51 01457 industrial hygiene 70 A3092 71 J0710 Permanent Cmsn lnt Asn Occupational Health professional nurses 01349 Electron ballist ics Branch of electronics dealing w ith motions of free electrons or other elect ric particles in electric or magnetic fields 50 00346 electronics 01350 Electron optics Branch of electronics dealing w ith properties of beams of electrons that are analogous to the properties of rays of light 50 00346 electronics O13 51 Electrost atics Branch of physics dealing with phenomena due to attractions or repulsions of electric charges but not dependent on their motion 50 00760 physics 01352 Electrotechnology Science dealing with practical application of electricity 31 50443 Electrotechnology 50 01086 electricity 01 353 Endodontia Endodontics Branch of dentistry dealing with diagnosis and treatment of diseases of t he pulp 31 50933 British Endodontic Society Journal 50 00292 dentistry 70 A101 5 lbero-American Endodontic Fed A3509 World Endodontics Cnfed 01354 Industrial engineering Study and application of engineering principles and techniques of scientif ic management to the maintenance of high levels of productivity at optimum cost in industrial enterprises 30 ·p1107 underproductivity 31 50 51 70 S0731 003 56 01 483 A 1033 A3924 A39 56 79 K0807 Industrial Engineering engineering methods engineering 016 38 Institute Management Sciences Pacific Asian Fed Industrial Engineering World Cnfed Productivity Science industrial engineering tool engineering 01 357 Engysseismology Branch of seismology dealing w ith records of earthquake shocks reg istered in or near the region of disturbance 50 008.74 seismology 50 01359 interscience disciplines 01 3 59 lnterscience disciplines Multidisciplinary sciences 31 50434 S1077 Journal of Human Resources S0435 Fields within Fields w ithin Fields Minerva 51 00166 bionics cybernetics planning theory general systems analysis 006 76 00939 00943 oper-ations research synectics taxonomy, taxology 01014 01029 methodology control theory 01153 integrative disciplines 0137g 01424 field theory geotechnics 0 1848 environmental sciences 56 01633 terminology 79 K0280 interdisciplinarity 00279 00783 00940 01000 01022 01058 01358 01390 01476 physiography forensics ekistics enigmatology conservation mental philosophy 01 360 Epizoology Epizootology Science dealing w ith factors involved in the occurrence and spread of animal diseases 30 P2728 fungal animal diseases P2729 w ild anima ls as vectors of domestic animal diseases P2730 viral animal diseases P2731 bacterial animal diseases P2735 parasitic animal diseases P2 739 soilborne animal diseases P2740 weather as a factor of animal disease P2741 airborne animal diseases P2746 domestic animals as vectors of animal diseases P2 747 snail vectors of animal diseases P2748 insect vectors of animal diseases P2749 wild bird vectors of animal diseases P2750 worm vectors of animal diseases P2751 vectors of animal diseases P2752 spread of animal diseases through factory farming P2755 international movement of animals as factor in animal diseases P2764 insanitary penning conditions as factor in animal diseases P2775 difficulty in identifying vectors of animal diseases P2776 disease in wild animals P2777 importation of infected carcass meats as factor in animal dieases P2778 inadequate carcass disposal of diseased animals P2780 confusion of symptoms in animal diseases P2784 human vectors of animal diseases P2787 waterborne animal diseases 50 01008 zoology 70 A2295 lnt Office Epizootics A3 154 Regional lnt Org Plant Protection Animal Health . A3474 World Asn Veterinary M icrobiologists Immunologists Specialists Infectious A3475 Diseases World ~sn Veterinary Pathologists 0 1361 Esthesiophysiology Branch of physiology dealing w ith sensation and sense organs 50 00773 physiology 01 362 Ethnobiology 01355 Industrial geography 30 P1494 P1695 P2735 locational maladjustments of industry in developing countries derelict industrial wastelands parasitic animal diseases 50 0042 7 geography 01 356 Highway engineering Branch of civil eng ineerin g dealing wi t h planning, location , desi gn , construction and maintenance of highw ays, and with regulations and control devices used in traffic operations traffic congestion inadequate road and highway transport facilities Investigation or analysis of obscure speech or w rit ing or unsolved problems Branch of biology dealing with relationship betw een primit ive human societies and plants and animals of their environment 56 001 49 biology • 00394 ethnology Branch of geography dealing with location of industries and their development , raw materials used in them, and distribution of their finished products 30 P00 78 P0490 nationalism inadequate road and highw ay transport facilities in developing countries air traffic congestion P079 1 road hazards sea traffic congestion road and highway traffic congestion Public Roads civil engineering traffic engineering highway and street construction engineer traffic planner transport and communications supervisors material handling and related equipment operators, dockers and freight handlers 0 1358 Enigmatology Occupational health 30 P0215 P0524 P0526 P0688 P0875 P1159 P1361 P1500 P1581 P1605 P3001 31 S0172 S0774 31 50 51 71 P0534 P0543 P0689 P1486 P2106 50391 00362 00375 J0223 J0295 J3500 J9700 01 363 Ethnogeny Branch of ethnology dealing w ith the evolution of races 50 00394 ethnology 0 1364 Et hnogeography Study of the geographical distribution of races or peoples and their relation to th eir environments 56 00394 ethnology 00427 geography 0 1365 Ethnography Ethnology Branch of ethn ology dealing with descript ion of cult ures rather th an compari son and analysis 50 00394 ethnology Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduct ion K [ 01366 O1 383 Folklore 01 366 Ethnopsychology Folk psychology Branch of psychology dealing with races and peoples 3t 50103 Manking Quarterly 50 0081 5 psychology 70 A2494 lnt Sac Normal Abnormal Ethnopsychology A comparative science that investigates the life and spirit of a people or of peoples as revealed in their traditional customs and tales 50 00394 ethnology 70 A2484 lnt Soc Ethnology Folklore 01367 Ethology Animal behavior 01384 Folk psychology Race psychology Scientific study of animal behavior 3 t 50006 Behaviour 50 DI 008 zoology 70 A1817 lnt Ethological Cmt Study of mind and behavior, particularly of primitive peoples, through analysis of human factors involved in their cultural and technological development 30 POl 28 race consciousness P3099 56 00394 01368 Euclidian geometry abuse of international cultural, diplomatic and commercial exchanges ethnology 00815 psychology 01385 Forensic medicine Medical jurisprudence Geometry based on Euclid's axioms and definitions concerning space, lines and angles 50 00450 geometry Science dealing with the relation and application of medical facts to legal problems 01369 Eukinetics 31 50950 International Microform Journal of Legal Medicine 56 00536 law Science of well -controlled body movement 50 00773 physiology 0 1370 Exact sciences Sciences whose laws are capable of accurate quantitative expression 51 00108 astronomy 00206 chemistry 00760 physics 'D 13 71 Exegetics Science of interpretation, especially of the scriptures 50 01071 humanistic sciences 0 1372 Act psychology lntentionalism Psychology conceived as the study of the individual act, especially for meaning and intent 50 DOB 15 psychology 01373 Content psychology Study of the components and constituents of consciousness by introspective methods 50 0081 5 psychology 01374 Existential psychology A psychology that emphasizes sensory experience as its object of study 31 50645 Review of Existential Psychology and Psychiatry 56 00406 existentialism 00815 psychology O13 7 5 Exterior ballistics Science dealing with factors affecting behavior of a projectile after it leaves the muzzle of the firing weapon 50 00127 ballistics 01376 Interior ballistics Branch of ballistics dealing with combustion of powder in a gun , the pressure developed, and the motion of the projectile along the bore of a gun 50 00127 ballistics 01377 Factor analysis Statistical method for the identification of each of several statistical variables that fluctuate together and for the determination of their relative contribution to a mingled influence 50 oog 18 statistics 79 K0344 factor analysis 01378 Fermentology Science dealing with agents capable of bringing about chemical change accompanied by effervescence and suggestive of changes produced in organic materials by yeasts 50 00023 enzymology 01379 Field theory Method of analysis in behavioral science that describes actions or events as the resultant of dynamic interplay among sociocultural , biomechanical and motivational forces 50 00136 behavioral science 79 K0333 classical field theory 01359 interscience disciplines internationalpolitical espionage 31 50186 Business Periodicals Ind ex so5g 7 50 00789 World Politics politics 50588 Cooperation and Conflict Branch of phytogeography dealing with plants and plant groups from the numerical standpoint 50 00776 phytogeography 01382 Fluviology 01387 Formal sociology Branch of sociology dealing with recurrent social relationships that are _, conceived to exist in any type of human association 50 00896 sociology 01388 Administration Business administration Principles, practices and rationalized techniques used in achieving the objectives or aims of an organization 31 50648 50 00365 International Review of Administrative Sciences human engineering 51 005 70 management 56 00570 71 J0281 J2194 management 01651 industrial efficiency engineer (general) administration manager hospital administration 01389 Chiropody Podiatry Care and treatment of the human foot in health and disease 30 P264 7 31 S0828 50 01082 foot diseases and disabilities American Podiatry Association Journal medical sciences 70 A1512 lnt College Podology 71 J0799 JBOOO other medical, dental, veterinary and related workers shoemakers and leather goods makers O1390 Conservation Field of knowledge dealing with coordination and plans for practical application of data from ecology, limnology, pedology and other sciences that are significant to preservation of natural resources soil deterioration Pl 445 wi ldlife conservation 30 Pl 052 P2160 conservatism P3043 disparity between countries in natural resources endowment P31 08 resource wastage in capitalist systems P3486 vu lnerability of wetlands 31 S0313 International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Bulletin International Waterfowl Research Bureau Bulletin 50314 International Wildlife S0316 Nature and Resources 50315 IYF European Bulletin 50498 interscience disciplines 50 01359 56 00320 ecology 00549 limnology pedology, soil science 00726 70 A2125 lnt Institute Conservation Museum Objects lnt Youth Fed Study Conservation Nature A2827 A3608 A4203 A4234 A4292 A4303 A4307 World Wildlife Fund East African Natural Resources Research Cl lnt Cmsn Southeast Atlantic Fisheries Caribbean Conservation ASn A4299 Friends Earth lnt Asn Game Fish Conservation Commissioners Ocean Resources Conservation Asn 01391 Aeronautical engineering aeronautics 00356 aeronautical engineer aeronautical engineering technician engineering 01392 Astronautical engineering Aerospace engineering 56 00106 astronautics 00356 engineering S0390 Materials and Structures 01393 Construction engineering O1381 Floristics Science dealing with watercourses 50 00436 physical geography medicine Logic that is valid w ithin a certain universe of discourse or field of application because of certain peculiar properties of that universe or field 50 00558 logic 56 00020 71 J0246 J0353 01380 International politics 30 P1868 00582 01386 Material logic 31 S0389 International Construction 50 00356 engineering 70 A117 7 A1855 lnt Asn Bridge Structural Engineering lnt Fed Asian Western Pacific Contractors' Asns 01394 Electronic engineering 31 S0290 S0456 56 00346 Institution of Electronics and Telecommunications E.ngineers Journal Radio and Electronic Engineer electronics 00356 engineering Entry conten t exp_ lanation at e_nd of Section Introduction 01426 71 J0231 J0341 50 01107 70 A1047 A3563 electronics engineer (general) electronics engineering technician (general) D1395 Geological engineering 56 00356 engineering 00441 geology D1396 Geophysical engineering Branch of engineering dealing with scientific methods of locating and studying underground deposits of ores, minerals, oils, gas or water 56 00356 engineering 00453 geophysics D1397 M etallurgical engineering 31 5113g 56 00356 Metallurgia engineering Metals Engineering Quarterly metallurgy 00760 physics D1398 Engineering physics 31 50375 Journal of Engineering Physics 56 00356 engineering D1399 Health physics Physics dealing with the medical and hygienic aspects of exposure to radioactive radiations 30 P0229 radioactive contamination P0314 radioactive fallout Pl 119 Pl 206 radioactive contamination of animals and animal products radiation damage to materials P1371 radiation damage to the human body 50 00760 physics D 1400 Horticulture Science and art of growing fruits, vegetables, flowers or ornamental plants 30 pog51 P1284 P2587 p35g1 P3607 31 50518 5051g 50 00033 51 01504 56 00688 70 A2488 71 J0533 J054g J6100 instability of trade in fruit and vegetables environmental hazards from fruit and vegetables instability of fresh fruit and edible nut trade deciduous fruit pests and diseases fruit flies Horticultural Research Journal of Horticultural Science agrosciences olericuhure orchidology lnt Soc Horticultural Science horticulturist other life sciences technicians farmers D 141 0 Gastronomy Science or art of good eating; culinary customs or style 50 0017g 56 00413 bromatology gastrology D1411 General physiology Protoplasmic physiology Branch of physiology dealing with basic functional activities of living matter 50 00773 S 1140 005g2 medical physiology Inter-American Asn Gastroenterology World Org Gastroenterology physiology D 1412 General semantics Educational discipline aiming at improving habits of response of human beings to theic environment and to one another by better and more critical uses of words and other symbols 31 506g5 56 00332 ETC education 70 A2486 78 H0585 Sac General Semantics general semantics 7g K0033 polymathy 008 77 semantics D1413 Applied mathematics 31 S0402 Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics 50 00574 51 00422 mathematics geodesy 71 J0823 mathematician (applied mathematics) oog35 surveying D1414 Geodetic engineering Geodetic surveying Surveying in which account is taken of and corrections made for curvature of the Earth's surface 56 00356 oog35 71 J0312 engineering surveying land surveyor 00422 geodesy D1415 Geognosy Branch of geology dealing with the materials of the Earth and its general exterior and interior constitution 50 0044 1 J6127 horticultural farmer geology D1416 Geogony Science or theory of the formation of the Earth D1401 Materials engineering 50 00317 31 S0243 S0723 Sl 130 Materials Science and Engineering Material Management Journal and Review Materials Engineering D 141.7 Geohistory History interpreted on the basis of geographic factors 50 00356 engineering 70 A2784 lnt Union Testing Research Laboratories Materials Structures D1402 Nuclear metallurgy 56 005g2 metallurgy 00650 nucleonics D1403 Paper and pulp chemistry 30 P0795 P1136 P1152 P1425 long-term shortage of pulp and waste paper underdevelopment of paper and printing industries waste paper environmental hazards from paper and printing industries P1 616 paper shortage Pl 639 P1669 instability of trade in pulp and waste paper paper deterioration 50 00206 chemistry 71 J0299 other engineers J0399 56 00427 geography 70 A3065 Pan American Institute Geography History 0049g history D1418 Geomedicine Nosogeography Branch of medicine dealing with geographic factors in disease 50 00582 medicine D1419 Gnotobiotics Field of study dealing with growing living things by themselves or in association with other organisms which can be completely specified (and therefore including study of both germ free animals and animals whose microbioflora can be completely specified) 50 0014g other engineering technicians earth sciences biology D1420 Geomorphogeny Science dealing with the genesis of earth forms D1404 Photographic science 50 00317 71 J 1328 D1421 Geopathology Science dealing with relation of geographic factors to peculiarities of specific diseases technical education teacher (second level) D1405 Power engineering 31 50031 50 00356 56 00778 Plant Physiology engineering phytopharmacology 50455 Power Engineering 71 J0233 J0240 power distribution and transmission engineer mechanical engineers 56 00427 earth sciences geography 00721 D1406 Range management 50 00033 ~6 ~gg~~ D 1423 Geostrategy Branch of geopolitics dealing with strategy ;~~~~~i~~~e~ange Management agrosciences D1407 Wildlife management 50 00455 50 00320 D1424 Geotechnics Science of making the Earth more habitable ecology D1408 Galvanoplastics Science of electroforming 50 01145 50 01359 56 00317 technological sciences D1409 Gastroenterology Study of the stomach and the intestines, their diseases and pathology 30 Pl 599 31 S0175 S0765 S0800 S0825 gastric disorders P2250 gastritis Excerpta Medica. Section 48: gastroenterology Acta Hepato-Gastroenterologica American Journal of Gastroenterology American Journal of Proctology 5084 7 Digestion S0907 Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology pathology D1422 Geoponics Husbandry Science or art of cultivating the earth geopolitics interscience disciplines earth sciences 01145 technological sciences D1425 Geotechnology Application of scientific methods and engineering techniques to exploitation and utilization of natural resources 30 P3108 resource wastage in capitalist systems 70 A 1730 lnt Management Cng D1426 Group analysis Application of psychoanalysis to group psychotherapy 56 D046g group psychotherapy Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction 00813 psychoaoalysis I 01427 01427 Group dynamics Study of forces and processes operating within a relatively small human group, considered as a sociological whole with dynamic properties of its own which can be objectively analyzed and accurately measured 50 D0896 79 K0954 sociology group dynamics 01428 Hemipterology Branch of entomology dealing with the order of insects comprising the true bugs and various related insects that are more or less flattened, having mouthparts adapted to piercing and sucking 30 P3615 50 D1028 bugs entomology P3626 church bugs physiology 01430 Hepaticology Branch of botany dealing with class of bryophyta comprising the liverworts 50 D0173 botany 01431 Heresiology Study of dissent from a dominant theory or opinion in any field or to generally accepted beliefs 50 D0745 philosophy mechanics hydrodynamics 01443 Hydrogeology Branch of geology dealing with occurrence and use of surface and ground water, and with functions of water in modifying the earth by erosion and deposition 30 pog4g 50 D0441 70 At2g7 soil erosion geology lnt Asn Hydrogeologists P3656 wind erosion 01444 Hydrognosy History and description of the waters of the Earth 50 D0501 01429 Hemodynamics Branch of physiology dealing with circulatory movements and the forces involved in circulation of the blood 50 DO 77 3 50 D0578 51 D0499 hydrology 01445 Hydrokinetics Branch of kinetics dealing with liquids 50 D0530 kinetics 01446 Hydrostatics Branch of physics dealing with characteristics of liquids at rest 50 D0760 physics 01447 Hygrology Branch of physics dealing with the phenomena of humidity 30 P24 74 50 D0760 5 t D1583 humidity physics psychrometry 01432 Hermeneutics Study of methodological principles of interpretations and explanation, particularly biblical interpretation 01448 Hymenopterology Branch of entomology dealing with an order of highly specialized insects including bees, wasps, ants and related forms 56 00558 79 K0545 50 D1028 70 A 1522 71 J6 100 logic integrational analysis 00863 comparative religion 01433 Hermetism System of ideas relatrng to or characterized by occultism, alchemy, magic or whatever is obscure and mysterious 30 P13g2 56 D0035 71 J1753 unidentified flying objects alchemy magician P3311 D0658 magic occult sciences O1434 Heuristic Science or art of stimulating or conducting empirical research though unproved or incapable of proof 50 01071 humanistic sciences 7g K0126 heuristic 01435 Histogenetics Branch of genetics dealing with genetic significance and basis of somatic variation 50 D0417 71 J0526 medical pathologist 01437 Histophysiology Branch of physiology dealing with function and activities of tissues 50 D0773 physiology O1438 Historical materialism Part of dialectical materialism dealing with history of society and holding that ideas and institutions develop as the superstructure of a material economic base 50 01332 dialectical materialism 0 1439 Historical sociology Branch of sociology dealing with study of origins, stages and Jaws of social life and social institutions 31 Sl 101 50 D08g6 International Review of Social History sociology 50 Dog57 56 D0206 theology other specialised farmers chemistry D0582 medicine 01450 latromathematics The use of astrology in conjunction with medicine 01451 latrophysics The use of physics combined with medicine in the 1 7th century to explain disease and the activities of the body 56 D0582 medicine D0760 physics 01452 ldiobiology Branch of biology dealing with study of organisms as individuals biology 01453 ldiomology The study of idiom, the language proper or peculiar to a people or to a district, community or class 50 D0551 linguistics 01454 Illuminating engineering Branch of engineering dealing with planning the lighting systems of new buildings and outdoor areas, and the study and correction of old lighting systems 3t S045t 5045 2 50453 50 D0356 7 t Jo23g Jo34g International Lighting Review Light and Lighting and environmental design Lighting Research and Technology engineering other electrical and electronics engineers other electrical and electronics engineering technicians 01455 Individual psychology A psychoanalysis emphasizing feelings of inferiority and a will to power as primary motivating forces in human behavior 31 S06t 1 50631 56 D08 t 3 70 A4og5 01440 Homiletics Branch of theology dealing with homilies or sermons J6129 01449 latrochemistry Chemistry combined with medicine based on the teachings of Paracelsus, used in 1 6th and 1 7th centuries 50 DO 14g genetics 01436 Histopathology Branch of pathology dealing with tissue changes characteristic of disease entomology lnt Cmsn Bee Botany farmers Individual Psychology Newsletter Journal of Individual Psychology psychoanalysis DOB t 5 lnt Survey Library Asn psychology 01456 Inductive logic Branch of log ic dealing with methods and reasonings of empirical science 01441 Hydrobiology Biology of bodies or units of water 30 Pl 175 biological contamination of water 50 D0558 31 50063 50505 50508 lnternationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie African Journal of Tropical Hydrobiology and Fisheries lchthyologica 01457 Industrial hygiene Science dealing with protection and improvement of health and well-being of 50509 505 10 50 D014g 71 J0519 logic International Whaling Statistics workers in their vocational environment World Fishing biology other biologists, zoologists and related scientists 30 P0526 P0646 P0688 P08 75 P1581 Pl 605 31 50664 01442 Hydromechanics Branch of mechanics dealing with the equilibrium and motion of fluids and of solid bodies immersed in them health risks to construction industry workers industrial accidents health risks to commerce workers health risks to service industries workers health risks totransport, storage and communication workers health risks to factory workers Annals of Occupational Hygiene Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction 01489 50 01348 occupational health 71 J0710 professional nurses 01458 Intellectual history Branch of history dealing with the rise and evolution of ideas 56 00489 history 00511 ideology 01459 lnterlinguistics Study of interlingual similarities and relationships 50 00551 linguistics 01460 Internal medicine Branch of medicine dealing with diagnosis and treatment of nonsurgical diseases 31 50143 50788 70 A2551 Excerpta Medica. Section 6: Internal medicine Archives of Internal Medicine 50831 Annals of Internal Medicine lnt Sac Internal Medicine O1461 I sagogics Branch of theology that is preliminary to actual exegesis and deals with the literary and external history of the Bible 50 0095 7 theology o 1462 Karyosytematics Branch of systematics that seeks to determine natural relationships by the study of karyotypes. being the sum of the specific characteristics of a cell nucleus including chromosome number, form. size and points of spindle-fibre attachment 50 01281 systematics 01463 Kinetics Physics A physical science dealing with the rate of change in a physical or chemical system 50 D1080 physical sciences 01464 Landscape architecture Landscape design Branch of architecture dealing with planning and design of a portion of land or territory that the eye can comprehend in a single view including all the objects to seen 30 P1637 P2122 31 50563 50 00096 71 J0214 landscape disfigurement from open-cast mining landscape disfigurement J 1613 painter, artist 01465 Magnetochemistry Branch of science dealing with the relation of magnetism to chemical phenomena 56 00206 chemistry 00567 magnetism 01466 Magnetohydrodynamics Branch of physics dealing with phenomena arising from the motion of electrically conducting fluids in the presence of electric and magnetic fields 50 00760 56 00499 physics hydrodynamics physics magnetism magnetism 00681 optics 01468 Magnetostatics Branch of physics dealing with properties of stationary magnetic fields 50 00760 physics 01469 Malariology Scientific study of malaria malaria 50 00774 pathophysiology 70 A1701 lnt Cngs Tropical Medicine Malaria P3622 malaria mosquitoes World Fed Mental Health 71 J1935 psychiatric social worker 78 H0296 mental hygiene A4121 lnt Union 5ocs Mental Health 01476 Mental philosophy Psychology, logic and metaphysics in a single discipline or area of study or instruction 50 01359 56 00558 00815 interscience disciplines logic 00595 metaphysics psychology 01477 Metachemistry Branch of chemistry dealing with substances capable of releasing abnormally large amounts of energy in relation to their mass 50 00206 chemistry 01478 Metalinguistics Branch of linguistics dealing with relation of language to the rest of culturedetermined behavior 30 P1533 negative effects of television on va lues , knowledge, health and behaviour 50 00551 linguistics 01479 Metapolitics Theoretical or philosophical political science political science 01480 Metascience A theory or science of science 50 00870 science 01481 Metempirics Study of concepts and relationsh ips conceived as beyond and yet related to knowledge gained empirically 50 00745 philosophy 01482 Meteorobiology Science dealing with effects of weather and climate on living beings P1288 56 00149 bad weather irresponsible or inadvertent weather and climate modification biology 00596 meteorology 01483 Methods engineering Branch of industrial engineering dealing with analysis of methods and improvement and standardization of methods, equipment and work in g conditions 31 50734 50 01354 71 J0282 Quality and Quantity industrial engineering methods engineer 50 D 1145 50 01486 00957 technological sciences 01485 Micromeritics Science dealing with small particles with special application to soil physics 01470 Ecclesiastical history martyrology history 70 A3514 01484 Micrology Science dealing with handling and preparation of microscopic objects for study 30 P0616 51 01471 56 00489 neurosis fragmentation of the human personality mental illness in adolescents P1635 anxiety anti-social personality disorders American Journal of Mental Deficiency International Journal of Mental Health International Mental Health Research Newsletter Journal of Mental Health World Federation for Mental Health Bulletin Community Mental Health Journal occupational mental health psychology 01082 medical sciences 30 P0293 00567 01467 Magneto-optics Branch of physics dealing with the influence of a magnetic field upon light 50 00760 56 00567 30 P0270 P0911 P0989 P1721 31 S0821 S0986 S0991 S0997 S 1014 S1091 51 01835 56 00815 50 00790 Landscape Architecture archology landscape architect 01475 Mental hygiene Science of maintaining mental health and preventing development of psychosis, neurosis or other personality disturbance theology soil physics 01486 Soil physics 01471 Martyrology , Branch of ecclesiastical history dealing with lives and sufferings of martyrs 50 00760 physics 51 01485 micromeritics 50 01470 01472 Biomathematics Principles of mathematics that are of special use in biology and medicine 01487 Microphonics Science dealing with the microphone and with the means of increasing the intensity of low or weak sounds 01473 Matrix mechanics A quantum mechanics based on application of postulates connecting frequencies and intensities of spectrum lines by using matrix-involving algebra 01488 Microsociology Study of small systems of social behavior 50 01263 50 00896 ecclesiastical history matrix algebra 01330 quantum mechanics 50 00005 acoustics sociology 01474 Infinitesimal calculus Either differential or integral calculus 01489 Mining geology Branch of economic geology dealing with application of geology to mining 50 00184 calculus 50 01090 economic geology 51 00579 analytic mechanics 71 J0133 geological scientist Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction J0381 mining technician (general) [ 01490 D1 4 90 M issiology Study of the church's mission, particularly with respect to the nature, purpose and methods of its missionary activity 50 0095 7 theology D1507 Ombrology Branch of meteorology dealing with rain 50 00596 meteorology D 1 508 Orography Branch of physical geography dealing with mountains and mountain systems D1491 M oral theology Branch of theology dealing with morals 50 00436 30 P2187 P3259 P3349 lack of moral development double standards in sexual morality amoralism P3379 D 1 509 Orohydrography Branch of hydrography dealing with relation of mountains to drainage 50 0095 7 theology moralism, moralizing 50 00500 D1492 Muscology Branch of bryology dealing with mosses 50 DO t 8 t bryology humanistic sciences 71 J1712 composer physiology dynamics 00624 physiology myology 00760 myology physics D1496 Natural theology Theology deriving its knowledge of God from .the study of nature independent of special revelation 50 009 5 7 theology D1 497 Neontology Study of recent organisms, in contrast with paleontology 56 01088 geological sciences 01095 organismic biology D1498 Neossology Branch of ornithology dealing with young birds 50 00690 $0914 50 01107 70 A2599 kidney disorders Nephron P2272 Bright's disease medical physiology lnt Studies Cnf restrictive instability instability instability practices in trade in animal and vegetable oils and fats of trade in animal and vegetable oils and fats of trade in fixed vegetable oils and fats of trade in fruit and vegetables long-term shortage of fruit and vegetables (and preparations thereof) long·term shortage of animal and vegetable oils and fats environmental hazards from fruit and vegetables instability of vegetable trade anatomy D1501 Neuropterology Branch of entomology dealing with neuroptera, net-winged insects that have holometabolous development 50 01028 entomology crickets entomology D 1 512 Osteography Descriptive osteology 30 P2270 diseases of metabolism 50 00698 osteology D 1 513 Paleichthyology Branch of ichthyology dealing with fossil fishes 50 00508 ichthyology D 1514 Paleodendrology Branch of paleobotany dealing with fossil trees 50 00707 paleobotany D 1 51 5 Paleoentomology Branch of entomology dealing with fossil insects entomology D1511\ Paleogeology Branch of geology dealing with geologic features exposed at the surface during a past epoch or period but now buried beneath rocks formed in subsequent times 50 00441 Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology D1500 Neuroanatomy Study of the structure of nervous tissue and the nervous system 30 P0478 P0735 P0861 P0961 P1013 P11B8 P1284 P1711 50 00051 linguistics 50 01028 ornithology D1499 Nephrology Science dealing with structure, function and diseases of the kidneys 30 P2053 31 50890 instability of orthographic standards 50 00551 30 P3641 50 01028 D1495 Myophysics Branch of physiology dealing with muscular action 50 00773 56 00624 30 P0552 D1511 Orthopterology Branch of entomology dealing w ith the orthoptera, insects with mouthparts fitted for chewing , two pairs of wings or none , and an incomplete metamorphosis, such as grasshoppers and crickets D1494 Myodynamics Branch of physiology dealing with muscular contraction 50 00773 56 00311 hydrography D 1 51 0 Orthography Branch of linguistics dealing with letters and the art of spelling D1493 Musicography Science or art of writing music 50 01071 physical geography geology D1517 Paleogeomorphology Paleophysiography Branch of geomorphology dealing with ancient topographic features now either concealed beneath the surface or removed by erosion 50 00452 geomorphology D1518 Paleohydrology Branch of hydrology dealing with study of ancient use and handling of water for irrigation or urban water supplies 50 00501 hydrology 70 A 1562 lnt Cmsn Irrigation Drainage A280 7 lnt Water Supply Asn D 1 51 9 Paleology Study or knowledge of prehistoric antiquities 50 00086 archeology D1520 Paleomammology Branch of mammology dealing with mammal life in past geological periods 56 00569 mammology 00711 paleontology D1502 Nidology Branch of ornithology dealing with study of birds' nests D 1 521 Paleontologic geology Branch of geology dealing with the succession and significance of past life 30 P201 B 50 00690 56 00441 bird netting ornithology D1503 Odonatology Branch of entomology dealing with odonata , insects characterized by aquatic larvae, such as dragonflies and damselflies 50 01028 entomology D1504 Olericulture Branch of horticulture dealing with production, storage, processing and marketing of vegetables 50 01400 71 J0533 horticulture horticulturist D1505 Oligochaetology Bra.nch of zoology dealing with annelid worms of the class Oligochaeta 50 D1008 zoology D1506 Ology A branch of knowledge or science 50 00870 science geology 00711 paleontology D1522 Paleopathology Branch of pathology dealing with diseases of former times as revealed in fossil or other remains 50 00721 pathology D1 523 Paleopsychology Study of remotely ancestral modes of thought and desire as if still operative in unconscious mentality 50 0081 5 psychology D1 524 Paleornithology Branch of paleontology dealing with fossil birds 50 00711 paleontology D1525 Papyrology Study of papyrus manuscripts 50 00710 70 A 1323 paleography lnt Asn Papyrologists Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction .0 1553 J9700 01526 Pasimology Study of gestures as a means of communication 50 00258 communications 01527 Pastoral theology Study of the theological bases and the practical implications of the professional activities of religious workers 50 DOg 5 7 51 D1563 56 D0830 71 J1412 J 1414 J6100 theology poimenics pastoral psychology minister of religion religious worker (member of religious order) J6124 livestock farmer farmers communications 01529 Patrology Patristics Branch of historical theology dealing with the teachings of the fathers of the Christian church 50 DI 530 o1530 historical theology theology patrology D1625 symbolics 01531 Pedagogy Pedagogics Science and study of principles and methods in teach ing and formal education 50 D0332 education 01532 Pedodontics Branch of dentistry dealing with dental care of children 50 Do2g2 71 J0643 geography organophosphorus insecticides as pollutants P2109 P2254 insect resistance to insecticides sugar cane pests and diseases flies asinsect pests P3572 P3576 P3578 P35 79 P3582 P3583 P3586 P3634 P3696 flea resistance to insecticides louse resistance to insecticides blackfly resistance to insecticides cockroach resistance to insecticides mosquito resistance to insecticides house-fly resistance to ihsecticides insect pests of trees and timber insect pests of plants P3695 pest resistance to pesticides 50 DI 028 P2218 coffee pests and diseases P253 7 rodents as pests insecticide damage to crops entomology 01536 Petrochemistry Petrochemicals Branch of chemistry dealing with the production of chemicals isolated from petroleum or natural gas or a derivative produced from such a substance by chemical reaction 30 P0538 P05 70 P1483 instability of chemical and petrochemical industry environmental hazards of chemicals and petrochemicals industries underdevelopment of chemical and petrochemicals industries 31 51188 50 D0206 Europe and Oil che111istry 71 J0112 organic chemist 01537 Petrochemistry Rocks Science dealing with the chemistry of rocks 50 D0206 chemistry 01538 Petrogeny Science of the origin of rocks 50 01088 medical sciences 01542 Moral philosophy Moral science Study of the motivations and principles of human conduct 30 P1948 motivational death 50 D0745 56 DI 566 philosophy politics, ethics 01 543 Phoniatrics Study and treatment of speech defects 30 P2265 31 5085g speech disorders Folia Phoniatrica Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders 56 D0753 phonology 70 A 1306 71 J0799 lnt Asn Logopedics Phoniatrics other medical, dental, veterinary and related workers D1107 medical physiology O1544 Phthisiology Study, care and treatment of tuberculosis 30 P0566 50 Dt 107 tuberculosis medical physiology 70 A2651 lnt Union Tuberculosis medical sciences 01546 Gravitational astronomy Physical astronomy; celestial mechanics Application of methods of analytic mechanics to determination of motions of celestial bodies under the action of gravitation 50 00579 56 D0310 pests pog93 insecticides as pollutants excessive use of chemicals to control pests carbamate insecticides Pl 439 insect pests plant pests 30 Pt 630 ~ insect pests beetles asinsect pests Pt 59g bird pests P2104 P2217 pharmacology analytic mechanics 01547 Physical geology Branch of geology combining dynamic and structural geology Journal of Personality organismic psychology 01535 Pestology Branch of science dealing with insect pests 30 P0728 Pl 207 P1282 Pt 627 Pt 57g 50 01082 50 01082 O1 534 Personalistic psychology Organismic psychology that emphasizes the self or individual personality 31 50633 50 D0673 50 D073g D 1 545 Physianthropy Study of the constitution of man, his diseases and their remedies dentistry school dental assistant 01533 Pedogeography The geography of soils 50 D0427 organisms 50876 Historical theology 50 Dog5 7 51 D152g 01540 Pharmacodynamics Branch of pharmacology dealing with reactions between drugs and living structures, and the experimental study of the action and fate of drugs in animal 01541 Pharyngology Branch of medical science dealing w ith the pharynx and its diseases 01528 Pathognomy Study or recognition of emotions and passions through their outward signs or expressions 50 00258 material handling and related equipment operators, dockers and freight handlers dynamic geology D0448 structural geology 01548 Physical medicine Branch of medicine dealing with diagnosis and treatment of disease and disability by physical means 30 P0716 P2og 1 deterioration in physical health war disabled P3461 31 50156 S0791 50824 discrimination against the disabled Excerpta Medica. Section 19: Rehabilitation and physical medicine Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation American Journal of Physical Medicine 50851 50 D0582 Europa Medicophysica medicine 70 A 1978 A2311 71 J0619 lnt Fed Physical Medicine Rehabilitation lnt Liaison Cmt Medical Physics other medical doctors 01549 Physical metallurgy Branch of metallurgy dealing with physical properties and structure of metals and alloys 50 D0592 71 J0263 J0373 metallurgy physical metallurgist physical metallurgy technician 01550 Physicotheology Theology illustrated or enforced by evidences of purpose in nature 50 Dog5 7 theology 01551 Atomics Science of atoms with special reference to development and utilization of atomic energy for bombs or power 30 P0913 P1505 P3494 unhealthy emotional responses to atomic energy inrrational rejection of nuclear power ease of manufacture of nuclear bombs 31 50255 50 D0356 56 D0763 Atomic Energy Review engineering atomic physics 71 J0240 mechanical engineers 01552 Physiographic geology Branch of geology dealing with topography geological sciences 01539 Petroleum geology Branch of economic geology dealing with the origin, occurrence and exploitation of oil and gas 50 D044 1 geology American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 01553 Phytobacteriology Branch of bacteriology dealing with organisms associated with or pathogen ic for plants 50 DI 090 economic geology 30 P2226 bacterial plant diseases 71 J0133 geological scientist 50 DOI 21 bacteriology 31 Sl 186 J0259 other chemical engineers Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction [ 01554 01569 Protistology Branch of biology dealing with protista, unicellular and acellular organisms comprising bacteria, protozoa, many algae and fungi and some viruses 01554 Phytoclimatology Bioclimatology of plants 50 DO 143 bioclimatology 01555 Piezochemistry Branch of chemistry dealing with the effect of pressure on chemical phenomena 30 P 1312 P1612 P250 1 P3577 introduction of extra-terrestrial infectious diseases and bacteria fungicides as pollutants P2227 viral plant diseases poisonous algae P2730 viral animal diseases fungicide damage to crops 50 00206 50 0014g 70 A248g biology lnt Cng Botany chemistry 01556 Pithecology Study of apes 50 D1008 01570 Pseudoscience System of theories, assumptions and methods erroneously regarded as scientific zoology 01557 Planktology Branch of biology dealing with plankton, animal and plant life floating or weakly swimming in a body of water 50 DO 14g biology 31 SO 1 71 51025 $1032 Excerpta Medica. Section 34: Plastic surgery Acta Chirurgiae Plasticae Scandinavian Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 50 oog33 surgery 70 A 1649 A4282 lnt Asn Plastic Surgeons Asian Pacific Section lnt Cnfed Plastic Reconstructive Surgery 01559 Plutology Scientific study of wealth or theoretical economics 50 00325 economics meteorology 01561 Podology Scientific study of morphology and physiology of the feet morphology, biology 00773 lnt Fed Podology lnt Soc Medico-Surgical Podology physiology physiology pastoral theology doctrinal theology 01565 Politics Government Science or art dealing with government, the regulation and control of men living in society and the organization, direction and admin istration of political units in internal and external affairs 31 50583 $0585 50 00790 51 00805 Parliamentary Affairs political science psephology corruption in politics Pl g43 political burglary P2181 P301 7 political injustice false political evidence 3 t 50586 56 00383 Amnesty International Monthly ethics S 1093 50 00287 56 00005 008 15 56 00140 00815 acoustics 00258 PQ7g6 P2030 p2g 12 01542 lack of political integrity political bribery political blackmail moral philosophy overpopulation Population Studies biochemistry psychiatry 00815 psychology 50 0081 7 clinical psychology O1 5 7 6 Psychogenetics Study of origin and development of mind and mental factors operating through the central nervous system genetics 00815 psychology kinetics 00815 psychology 01578 Psycholinguistics Study of linguistic behavior as conditioning and conditioned by psychological factors such as culturally determined categories of expression and comprehension 31 50697 50700 General Linguistics Journal of Psycholinguistical Research 56 00551 linguistics 00815 psychology 01579 Psychosociology Study of problems common to psychology and sociology 56 008 15 psychology DQ8g6 sociology psychology O1 581 Psychotechnology Application of psychological methods arid results to solution of practical problems, particularly in industry 56 008 15 psychology 00945 technology O1 582 Psychotherapeutics Science and art of psychotherapy 50 00844 psychotherapy 01 583 Psychrometry Science dealing with physical laws governing air and water mixture 50 D1447 hygrology O1 584 Pterylology Study of the arrangement of feathers in defined areas of growth 50 DQ6gQ ornithology 01585 Chemical metallurgy International Planned Parenthood News demography 51 01586 56 00206 pyrometallurgy chemistry 71 J0113 inorganic chemist 00592 01 568 Promorphology Study of the organization of the egg with special reference to localization of subsequently developed embryonic structures D 1 586 Pyrometallurgy Chemical metallurgy depending on heat action 50 00618 50 01585 morphology, biology communications psychology O1 5 7 5 Psychodiagnostics Science or practice of personality evaluation or mental disorder diagnosis by techniques of clinical psychology 50 008 15 01567 Population dynamics Branch of knowledge dealing with sizes of populations and factors involved in their maintenance, decline or expansion 30 P0035 31 50600 humanistic sciences 01 580 Psychostatics Study of the conditions of mental processes and conscious states ·studies jn Comparative Communism 01566 Politics .Ethics Branch of ethics dealing with the state or social organism as a whole rather than the individual person, being also a division of moral philosophy dealing with the ethica l relations and duties of governments or other social organizations 30 P0116 psychology 01573 Psychoacoustics Branch of science dealing with hearing, the sensations produced by sounds and problems of communication 56 00530 01564 Polemics Branch of Christian theology dealing with the refutation of errors 50 oog59 00815 01577 Psychokinetics Science dealing with production or alteration of motion by influence of the mind without somatic intervention in objects discrete from the subject's body 01563 Poimenics Study or application of pastoral theology 50 01527 50 01071 56 0041 7 01562 Pogonology Study of beards 50 00773 mathematics O1 5 72 Psychics Study of purely psychic, mental or spiritual phenomena or laws O1 5 74 Psychobiochemistry Biochemistry applied to psychological and psychiatric problems 01560 Pluviography Branch of meteorology dealing with automatic registration of precipitation (of rain or snow) 56 00618 70 A 1980 A2555 science O1 5 71 Psycheometry Theory or science of the mathematical cognition of the human mind 56 00574 01558 Plastic surgery Branch of surgery dealing with repair or restoration of lost, injured or deformed parts of the body, chiefly by transfer of tissue 50 005g5 50 00870 chemical metallurgy Entry content explanation at end of Section lntro~uction metallurgy 01619 01587 Qualitative analysis Branch of chemistry dealing with detection and characterization of elements or radicals in a pure substance or identifying the components of a mix\ure 50 00206 chemistry r 7 t J0115 analytical chemist 50 00108 astronomy 51 01155 normative logic 01602 Sphragistics Science of seals, signets, their history, age, distinctions of types, manners of use and legal functions 01588 Quantitative analysis Branch of chemistry dealing with determination of amounts of elements or groups in a pure substance or the percentage of components in a mixture 50 0 1071 humanistic sciences 51 00883 56 00878 sigillography semiotics 50 00206 71 J0115 01603 Social engineering Management of human beings as regards their place and function in society, being applied social science chemistry analytical chemist 01589 Quinology Science dealing with cultivation, chemistry and medicinal use of the cinchonas, genus of trees native to the Andean region of northwestern South America 56 00033 agrosciences 00582 medicine 01590 Raciology Study of human races 30 P1199 31 50103 50 00394 30 P095 7 harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation on the human body 50 00108 70 A2833 astronomy Inter-Union Cmsn Allocation Frequencies Radio Astronomy Space Science 71 J0135 astronomical scientist 01592 Reactology Scientific study of psychological reactions 01593 Regional anatomy Topographical anatomy Branch of anatomy dealing with regions and levels of the body with special reference to diagnosis and treatment of disease or injury 50 00051 anatomy 01594 Reppe chemistry Branch of industrial chemistry based on reactions of acetylene under pressure and products so obtained 50 01595 industrial chemistry 01595 Industrial chemistry Chemistry in its industrial applications, and to processes in manufacturing and the arts and commercial production of chemicals 31 50195 50 00206 51 D1594 Chemistry and Industry chemistry reppe chemistry 56 00258 communications 00551 linguistics ' 50906 50912 .f occupational rheumatism l P0873 arthritisJ 1 rheumatic fever ..,_,. Excerpta Medica. Section 31: Arthritis and rheumatism Arthritis and Rheumatism Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases Rheumatology and Rehabilitation medicine 70 A3255 South East Asia Pacific League against Rheumatism 01598 Rhinolaryngology Branch of medicine dealing with nose and larynx and their diseases 50 00582 51 00865 medicine rhinology 01599 Rhythmics Science or theory of rhythms, re'gularly recurrent quantitative change in a variable biological process 50 D0t49 50 00896 biology 01600 Roentgenology Branch of radiology dealing with use of X-rays for diagnosis or treatment of disease 31 S1016 American Journal of Roentgenology, Radium Therapy and Nuclear Medicine 50 00856 radiology 01601 Sidereal astronomy Branch of astronomy dealing with the origin, nature and relationship of stars and nebulas 00893 social sciences social sciences 01081 biological sciences sociology 01607 Solid geometry Branch of geometry dealing with figu res of three-dimensional space geometry stereography 01608 Somatotypology Study of body types and classification of human body-build in terms of relative development of ectomorphic, endomorphic and mesomorphic components 50 00906 somatolo9y O1 609 Spectrology Study of spectres, visible disembodied spirits 50 01071 humanistic sciences 0161 0 Speculative philosophy Theoretical as opposed to demonstrative philosophy 50 00745 philosophy 01611 Speculative theology Theology founded on and infl uenced by speculation or metaphysical philosophy theology 01612 metaphysical philosophy 00745 philosophy 01612 Metaphysical philosophy 56 00595 0 1611 metaphysics speculative theology 01613 Spherical astronomy Branch of astronomy dealing with problems relating to the celestial sphere astronomy 01614 Splanchnology Branch of anatomy dealing with the viscera 50 00051 anatomy 01615 Spongiology Study of sponges, marine animals constituting the phylum Porifera 30 P34 76 50 D 1009 Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology 50 00582 Social Theory and Practice philosophy 01606 Sociography Branch of sociology dealing with descriptive analysis of social groups 50 00108 01597 Rheumatology Branch of medicine dealing with rheumatic diseases 30 P0502 P0920 31 50168 50793 S0832 56 00893 56 0095 7 01596 Rhetoric Study of principles and rules of composition formulated by ancient critics and interpreted by classical scholars for application to discourse in the vernacular, and the art or practice of writing or speaking as a means of communication or persuasion social sciences social innovation 01 605 Sociobiology Study of society using the methods and concepts of biological science 50 00450 5 t 009 2 6 psychology normative ethics 01604 Social philosophy Study and interpretation of society and social institutions in terms of ethical values rather than empirical relations 3 t S 111 2 56 00745 inferior average intelligence of certain racial groups Manking Quarterly ethnology 01591 Radio astronomy Branch of astronomy dealing with electromagnetic radiations of radio frequency received from outside the Earth's atmosphere, or with investigation of celestial bodies by means of radar waves 50 0081 5 50 00893 79 K0167 01079 endangered species of sponge (porifera) economic zoology 01616 Static oceanography Branch of oceanography dealiflg with physical and chemical properties of ocean waters and the topography and composition of the ocean bottom 50 006 59 oceanography 01617 Stationary engineering Branch of engineering dealing with operation of stationary engines and related equipment 50 00356 engineering 01618 Stoichiometry Branch of science dealing with application of laws of definite proportions and of conservation of matter and energy to chemical reactions and processes 50 00206 chemistry 01619 Superaerodynamics Study of mechanical properties of a fluid of such low density that the mean free path of its molecules is large in comparison with the dimensions of a body moving in the fluid 50 OOO 1 t aerodynamics Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction K• [ 01620 01620 Supersonics Science of waves and vibrations having a frequency above the audibility range of the human ear or greater than about 20,000 cycles per second 50 00005 acoustics 01621 Surface chemistry Branch of chemistry dealing with properties of surfaces or phase boundaries and with chemical changes occurring at a surface or interface 3 t so24g 50 00206 Surface Science chemistry 01622 Onhopedic surgery Branch of surgery dealing with correction or prevention of deformities of skeletal structures by surgical means 30 31 56 70 P22g8 SOl 70 005g4 A2561 skeletal system disorders Excerpta Medica. Section 33: Orthopedic surgery orthopedics oog33 surgery lnt Soc Orthopaedic Surgery Traumatology O1623 Syllogistics Branch of logic dealing with logical argument in three propositions, two premises and a conclusion that follows necessarily from them, and with the explanation of rela.tions of ideas in accordance with syllogistic principles 50 00558 logic 01624 Symbiotics Field of study dealing with symbiosis, the living together in more or less intimate association of two dissimilar organisms and mutual cooperation between persons and groups in a society when ecological interdependence is involved 50 000g5 sociology 01636 ·Time-motion study Systematic observation, measurement and analysis of separate steps in performance of a specific job to establish standard time for each performance for purpose of improving procedures and increasing productivity 50 00380 7 1 J0283 J0393 ergology time and motion study engineer time and motion study technician 01637 Tonology Comparative or historical science of tones and speech intonation 50 0055 t linguistics 01638 Tool engineering Branch of industrial engineering dealing w ith .planning the processes of manufacture, developing tools and machines and integrating facilit ies required for producing particular products with minimal expenditure of time, labor and materials 50 01 354 industrial engineering 71 J0242 industrial machinery and tools engineer 01639 Topological psychology Vector psychology Branch of psychology that describes individual or group behavior in terms of relations between objects within a life space abstracted from exact quantitative measurement 50 008 15 psychology 01640 Topology Mathematics Branch of mathematics dealing with properties of a geometric configuration that are unaltered if th e confi guration is subjected to any one-to-one transformation continuous in both directions 50 005 74 5 t oog 79 7g Kog45 mathematics algebraic topology topology 01625 Symbolics Symbolic theology Historical theology dealing with Christian creeds and confessions of faith, with the study of ancient symbols and ceremonies and with the doctrinal differences of churches as found in creeds 01641 Trophodynamics The dynamics of nutrition 30 P3364 lack of unity amongst organized religions 50 00655 50 01530 historical theology 30 P1485 lack of commitment to common symbols (lack of common ethic) 3 1 S0616 International Journal of Symbology 50 01071 humanistic scieqces geometry 01629 Syntactics Branch of semiotics dealing with formal relations between signs or expressions in abstraction from their signification and their interpreters semiotics 01630 Syphilology Branch of medicine dealing with syphilis, a chronic contagious and often congenital disease caused by a spirochete (treponema pallid um) 30 P2300 50 00582 syphilis medicine linguistics linguistics 01359 interscience disciplines 01634 Revealed theology Theology based on and attainable from revelation only 50 oog5 7 theology 01635 Tidology Science or theory of tides 30 P0033 50 0065g tsunamis oceanography genetic defects and diseases Manking Quarterly Excerpta Medica. Section 22: Human genetics genetics 01645 Nuclear medicine 3 1 S0160 S 1016 S101 8 50 00582 70 A2862 Excerpta Medica. Section 23: Nuclear medicine American Journal of Roentgenology, Radium Therapy and Nuclear Medicine International Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Biology medicine Latin American Asn Socs Nuclear Biology Medicine S0885 56 0051 7 Excerpta Medica. Section 27: Biophysics. bioengineering and medical instrumentation Medical Instrumentation Journal instrumentation 00582 medicine 01647 Clinical biochemistry military science 01633 Terminology Field of study dealing with nomenclature and technical or special terms or expressions used in a business, art, science or special subject 56 00551 Excerpta Medica. Section 13: Dermatology and venereology medical sciences lnt Union Venereal Diseases Treponematoses 01646 Medical instrumentation 01632 Tactics Grammar Study of grammatical relations within a language, including morphology and syntax and the structure of combinations of morphemes into larger constructions as to order, selection of allomorphs, agreement and concurrent stress, pitch and rhythm patterns 50 00551 rusts of grasses and cereals mycology 01644 Human genetics 30 P2389 3 t SO103 SOl 59 50 004 t 7 31 S0164 01631 Tactics Military Science and art of disposing and maneuvering troops, ships or aircrafts in relation to each other and the enemy and of employing them in combat 50 01053 30 P2233 50 00623 31 50150 50 01082 70 A2650 medical physiology O1628 Synthetic geometry Elementary or projective geometry as distinguished from analytic geometry 50 00878 nutritional science 01643 Venereology Venerology Branch of medical science dealing with venereal diseases 01627 Synaptology Scientific study of neural synapses 50 00450 differential topology 01642 Uredinology Branch of mycology dealing with the rusts 01626 Symbology Study of interpretation of symbols 50 01107 oog7g 3 1 S0 166 50 00140 Excerpta Medica. Section 29: Clinical biochemistry biochemistry 01648 Comparative cosmology 50 00270 cosmology 01649 Industrial medicine 30 P0646 31 S0172 S0665 50 00582 7 t JO 1 t g industrial accidents Excerpta Medica. Section 35: Occupational health and industrial medicine Industrial Medicine and Surgery medicine other chemists 01650 Health economics 3 1 SOl 73 56 00325 71 J0813 Excerpta Medica. Section 36: Health economics and hospital administration economics D1082 medical sciences statistician (applied statistics) 01651 Hospital administration 3 1 501 73 56 0108 2 70 A2 tog Excerpta Medica. Section 36 : Health economics and hospital administration medical sciences 01388 administration lnt Hospital Fed Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction 01687 01652 Veterinary mycology 01675 Economic entomology 30 P2455 31 50124 mycosis Review of Medical and Veterinary Mycology 56 00623 mycology 31 50020 50021 50 D1028 01001 veterinary science Journal of Economic Entomology Bulletin of Entomological Research entomology 01653 Space physics 01676 Insect morphology, embryology 31 50119 50 D1028 50 00909 Comments on Astrophysics and Space Physics space sciences 01654 Hydronautics 56 D0356 engineering D0501 hydrology Annals of Human Biology Quarterly Check~Ust of Literary History history D1132 31 50016 50 DO 121 literature 01656 Human biology 50 D014g 70 A 1296 biology Wenner Gren Foundation Anthropological Research 01657 Developmental psychobiology 50 D081 4 psychobiology Enzyme enzymology D0773 physiology Evolution life Sciences 31 50011 50012 50 DO 77 3 International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology bacteriology Journal of Comparative Physiology Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part A: comparative physiology and pharmacology physiology Journal of Medical Primatology primatology D 1681 Plant chemistry 31 S0032 56 D0173 31 S0032 56 00173 International Biodeterioration Bulletin laryngology Plant and Soil botany 31 S0136 56 D0173 Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry: acta biocatalytica biochemistry D1662 Cellular biochemistry Plant and Soil botany Science or study of building or erection Biophysical Chemistry D0206 chemistry biophysics other bacteriologists, pharmacologists and related scientists 01664 Linguistic philosophy D0745 philosophy 01665 Plant protection 31 S0040 50 DO 173 70 A3927 FAO Plant Protection Bulletin botany Plant Protection Cmt S E Asia Pacific 01666 Plant biochemistry Phytochemistry 31 S0036 56 D0140 00260 Phytochemistry biochemistry interstellar communication D01 73 botany Phytopathology botany D0721 pathology 01669 Soil microbiology 31 S0032 50 D0606 Radiat ion Botany botany 01671 Seed science ~6 ~gg~~ ;~~:s~~~ec:~e and Technology 70 A2452 lnt Seed Testing Asn 01672 Geobotany Plant geography 30 31 50 70 P0714 S0026 D0173 A24g 7 inadequate plant quarantine Vegetatio botany lnt Soc Plant Geography Ecology 01673 Clinical cytology 31 50025 50 D0281 Acta Cytologica cytology 01674 Membrane biology 31 S0022 50 D014g Journal of Membrane Biology biology instability of construction industry health risks to construction industry workers environmental hazardS from the construction industry Asian Building and Construction Building Research and Practice; bc'.itiment international L'Entreprise europeenne technological sciences quantity surveyor other civil engineering technicians plumbers, welders, sheet-metal and structural metal preparers and erecors bricklayers, carpenters and other construction workers 01686 Industry P1563 P1845 p1g80 P1 g87 p1gg8 P2238 Plant and Soil microbiology 01670 Plant radiobiology Radiation botany 31 S0028 56 D01 73 30 P0509 P0526 P1407 31 S0183 S0184 S0185 50. 01145 71 J0332 J0339 J8700 J9500 30 P0111 P0880 P1337 Phyton botany 01668 Phytopathology 31 S0033 56 D0173 01685 Construction Systematic economic activity 01667 Experimental botany 31 S0034 50 DO 173 nutritional science Ex.cerpta Medica. Section 15: Chest diseases, thoracic surgery and tuberculosis Annals of Thoracic Surgery Scandinavian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery surgery Scandinavian Asn Thoracic Surgery 01663 Biophysical chemistry Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry: acta biocatalytica biochemistry linguistics 00655 D 1684 Thoracic surgery 31 S0152 31 S0044 56 D0168 71 J0529 56 D0551 chemistry Helminthologica l Abstracts. Series B: plant helminthology botany D0476 helminthology S1027 S1033 50 Dog33 70 A4145 31 S0046 50 D0140 D0206 01683 Plant helminthology 01661 Molecular biochemistry 31 S0046 50 DO 140 genetics D 1682 Plant nutrition 01660 Biodeterioration 31 50065 50 D104g 0041 7 01679 Comparative physiology 31 S0003 50 D11 18 01659 Organic evolution 31 S0066 50 01141 Behavior Genetics behavioral science 01680 Medical primatology 01658 Enzyme physiology 31 S0067 56 D0023 31 50019 56 DO 136 01678 Systematic bacteriology Bacteriological taxonomy 01655 Literary history 31 S0069 50073 56 D048g entomology 01677 Behavior genetics D0852 radiobiology P2667 p2g16 p2g21 31 S0187 S0188 S0666 S0667 56 D0325 environmental hazards from economic and industrial activities underdevelopment of industrial and economic activities inappropriate transplantation of industrial society methods to deve loping countries imbalance between urbanization and industrialization in developing countries uncontrolled industrialization depressed regions in developed countries (underdevelopment in industriallzed countries) excessive protection of industries by customs duties family poverty in industrialized countries inadequate increase in employment in manufacturing industries in developing countries infection of industrial water supplies corruption in industry and commerce industrial esprionage Industrial Archeology Industria l Research and Development News Industrial Relations International Studies in Industrial Democracy economics 00945 technology D 168 7 Business Commercial or mercantile activity 30 P0071 POl 60 P0271 P0346 Pl 277 Pl 865 P2563 P2916 31 SOl 90 50 00325 excessive concentration of business enterprises harrassment of the press distortion of international trade by restrictive business practices restrictive business practices in relation to patents and trademarks cyclic business recessions inadequacy of commercial sector in developing countries irresponsible business practices corruption in industry arid commerce Journal of International Business Studies economics Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction [ 01688 70 A 1067 71 J1310 Inter-American Cl Commerce Production university and higher education teachers D1707 Molecular physics 31 S0264 50 D0760 7 1 J0128 D1688 Chemical instrumentation 31 80193 56 D0206 Chemical Instrumentation chemistry 0051 7 instrumentation D1708 Ion physics D1689 Chemical physics Experimental and theoretical research involving problems of both a chemical and a physical nature 3 1 S0270 50 D0760 31 SOI 94 56 D0206 3 1 S0274 50 D0913 Chemical Physics chemistry S0238 DO 7 60 Journal of Chemical Physics physics sulphur dioxide as a pollutant instability of trade in sulphur International Journal of Sulfur Chemistry, Parts A,B and C chemistry Journal of Raman Spectroscopy spectroscopy 31 S0290 56 00356 71 J0234 Institution of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineers Journal engineering 00949 telecommunications telecommunications engineer D1711 Geothermics Geothermal research 3 1 S0329 56 D0206 Photochemistry and Photobiology physical sciences lnt Solar Energy Sac Geothermics geology Marine Chemistry chemistry 3 1 S0332 50 D0441 70 A2663 Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry and lnterfacial Electrochemistry electrochemistry 31 S0205 50 D0206 D1 715 Marine geology Journal of Radioanalytical Chemistry chemistry 31 S0344 5 6 D044 1 D1695 Electrochemical thermodynamics D0968 thermodynamics D0530 kinetics D1696 Electrochemical kinetics 56 D0338 electrochemistry Marine Geology geology 3 1 S0351 56 D0356 31 S0356 50 D065g Hydrospace oceanography S0365 Ocean Management S0363 Marine Geophysical Researches 005 71 management D065g oceanography D1718 Marine geophysics D1698 Heterocyclic chemistry 31 S0344 50 D0453 56 D0571 Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry chemistry D1699 Chemical thermodynamics Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics chemistry DOg68 management Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics engineering D0874 seismology D1717 Ocean management Cellulose Chemistry and Technology chemistry D05 71 D1716 Earthquake engineering D1697 Cellulose chemistry 31 50219 56 D0206 management International Association for Mathematical Geology Journal geology D05 7 4 mathematics 31 S0212 50 D0206 31 S0213 50 D0206 D0571 D1 714 Mathematical geology 31 S0339 5 6 D044 1 electrochemistry thermodynamics Boreas geology lnt Union Quaternary Research D1694 Radioanalytical chemistry 56 D0338 DOg68 D1 713 Quaternary geology D1693 Electroanalytical chemistry 31 50204 50 D0338 Spectrochimica Acta. Part B: atomic spectroscopy spectroscopy D1712 Marine chemistry D1692 Solar energy science 31 S0202 50 D1080 70 A3244 D1709 Atomic spectroscopy 31 S032 7 56 D044 1 D1691 Raman spectroscopy 31 50200 50 D0913 International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Physics physics D1710 Telecommunication engineering D1690 Sulfur chemistry 30 Pl 210 P2000 31 50196 50 D0206 Journal of Physics physics nuclear physicist Marine Geology geophysics management D1719 Marine geochemistry thermodynamics 31 S0344 56 D0421 Marine Geology geochemistry D1700 Polymer science D1720 Ocean engineering 31 S0222 50223 50224 50225 S0575 56 D0206 71 JOl 12 31 S0364 56 D0356 Polymer Journal of Polymer Science. Part A-1: polymer chemistry Journal of Polymer Science. Part A-2: polymer physics Journal of Polymer Science. Part B: polymer letters Journal of Applied Polymer Science chemistry D0760 physics organic chemist Ocean Engineering engineering D1721 Naval engineering 31 S0378 50 D0356 7 1 J0245 Naval Engineers Journal engineering ship construction engineer D1701 Vacuum science D1722 Geotechnical engineering Soil engineering 31 S0236 S0242 50 D0760 70 A2677 31 S0385 50 00356 70 A3258 International Union for Vacuum Science News Bulletin Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology physics lnt Union Vacuum Science Technique Applications D1702 Atmospheric physics 31 S0237 50 DO 11 2 70 A 1312 Medical Physics Physics in Medicine and Biology medicine D0760 physics D1704 Radiation physics 31 S0260 50 D0760 International Journal for Radiation Physics and Chemistry physics D1705 Applied radiation Application of the combined processes of emission, transmission and absorption of radiant energy 31 S026 1 S 1020 50 D0768 International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes Radiation Effects nuclear physics D1706 Radiation engineering 31 S0262 50 D0356 International Journal of Radiatiori Engineering engineering International Journal of Fracture mechanics D1724 Business economics 30 P2 591 31 S0404 50 D0325 D1703 Medical physics 31 S0244 S0245 56 D0582 D1723 Fracture mechanics 31 S0397 50 D05 78 Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics atmospheric sciences lnt Asn Meteorology Atmospheric Physics Geotechnical Engineering engineering South East Asian Soc Soil Engineering business bankruptcy Business Economist economics S0415 Multinational Business D1725 Development studies 30 P0433 P3339 31 S0410 S0411 S0412 S0420 S042 1 S0529 S0565 S0581 S1057 S 1089 S 1096 50 00325 70 A4149 A4250 opportunistic biases in public discussion and research on development lack of participation in development International Development Review International Journal of Cooperative Development Journal of Developing Areas Survey of International Development World Development S0516 OECD Economic Outlook Pacific Viewpoint UN International Social Development Review Journal of Development Studies Africa Action for Development Ideas and Action Bullet in Civilisations economics Union Middle East Mediterranean Paediatric Socs Latin American Social Science Cl Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction 01762 D1726 Social economics D1743 Biological psychology 30 P0539 31 50418 56 D0325 31 S0622 56 Do14g economic and social underdevelopment Review of Social Economy economics D08g6 sociology D1727 Audioacoustics 31 S0445 50 D0005 IEEE Transactions acoustics S0558 Journal of Mathematical Psychology mathematics D0815 psychology Sac Multivariate Experimental Psychology (Europe) D1745 School psychology D1728 Sonics Acoustics in its technological and supersonic aspects 31 S0447 50 D0005 Community Development Journal 30 P0529 31 S0635 56 D0332 premature school leaving Journal of School Psychology education D1729 Circuit theory D1746 Existential psychiatry 31 50448 International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications 50 00363 electrical engineering 31 S0645 sog93 50 D0806 D1730 Solid-state electronics 31 S0457 50 D0346 31 50678 S0680 S0681 50 D0536 Journal of Automotive Engineering engineering Desalination hydrological sciences D1733 Environmental physiology 31 50493 56 00773 Environmental Physiology and Biochemistry physiology 01848 environmental sciences D1734 Environmental biochemistry 31 50493 56 00140 Environmental Physiology and Biochemistry biochemistry 01139 non-linear programming D1735 Environmental pollution 30 P0058 P011 g P0155 P0983 Pl 143 Pl 223 P1426 P1584 P1612 P2023 P2376 31 S0494 50 01139 70 A 1539 A 1540 A2243 A2503 A2683 A4302 P0062 water pollution soil pollution P0120 pesticides as pollutants air pollution plant-pathogenic air pollutants P1117 marine pollutions insecticides as pollutants P1166 pollution herbicides as pollutants pollution of inland waters air pollution by automobile exhaust emissions nuclear reactor pollution Pl 609 waste heat fungicides as pollutants pollution in developing countries data pollution Environmental Pollution S0502 Acta Psychologica non-linear programming lnt Cmsn Protection Sarre against Pollution lnt Cmsn Protection Rhine against Pollution lnt Maritime Cmt lnt Sac Research Civilisation Diseases Vital Substances lnt Union Air Pollution Prevention Asns lnt Asn Pollution Control A4304 lnt Cnf Automotive Pollution D1736 Environmental chemistry 31 50499 S0503 56 00206 International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry Water Research chemistry D1139 non-linear programming D1737 Naturopathy System of treatment of disease emphasizing assistance of nature and sometimes including use of various medicinal substances and certain physical means 31 50535 50 D0774 History and Theory history D0745 philosophy history D0870 lnt Union History Philosophy Science science inadequate social discipline in developing countries loss of traditional forms of social control in developing countries International Journal of Sociometry and Sociatry group psychotherapy D0905 sociometry D1742 Abnormal psychology 31 S061 g 50 D0815 Journal of Abnormal Psychology psychology American Journal of International Law International and Comparative Law Quarterly law Hague Cnf Private lnt Law A 1032 Institute lnt Law lnt Grotius Foundation Recall cybernetics 00332 education Dl 146 new quantum mechanics D1750 Depth psychology 31 S0718 50 D081 5 Literature and psychology psychology D1751 Terramechanics 31 S0722 56 00368 Journal of Terramechanics mechanical engineering D 1 7 52 General topology 31 so73g S0760 50 D0574 General Topology and its Applications Topology mathematics D1753 Computer mathematics 31 S0740 56 00261 International Journal of Computer Mathematics computer science 00574 mathematics D1754 Engineering mathematics 31 50747 56 00356 Journal of Engineering Mathematics engineering 00574 mathematics D 1 7 55 Number theory Advanced arithmetic devoted to study of the properties of numbers 30 PO 143 31 S0751 50 D1072 innumeracy Journal of Number Theory arithmetic D 1 7 56 Mathematical biosciences 3 1 S0754 56 D0574 Mathematical Biosciences mathematics D1757 Medical genetics Acta Geneticae Medicae et Gemellologiae genetics D0582 medicine 31 50769 50815 50 D0582 Aerospace Medicine Aerospace Medicine and Biology medicine D1759 Biomedical computing International Journal of Bio-Medical Computing computer science 00582 medicine D1760 Medical hydrology Cognition psychology D1741 Sociatry _ Group psychotherapy through the use of sociometric techniques 30 P0095 P0144 31 S0615 56 D046g American Journ91 of Comparative Law International and Comparative Law Quarterly International Commission of Jurists Review law D 1 749 Educational cybernetics 31 S0711 56 D027g 31 50777 56 00261 D1740 Cognitive psychology 31 S0604 50 D0815 Review of Existential Psychology and Psychiatry Existential Psychiatry psychiatry D1758 Aerospace medicine D1739 Philosophy of science 56 D048g 10 A2786 3 1 S067g S0680 50 D0536 70 A1006 A2086 31 S0763 56 D0417 British Naturopathic and Osteopathic Review pathophysiology D1738 Philosophy of history 31 S0543 56 D048g educational wastage psychology D1748 International law D1732 Desalination science 31 S0484 50 D108g P1716 D081 5 D1747 Comparative law Solid-State Electronics electronics D1731 Automotive engineering 31 50465 50 D0356 psychology D1744 Mathematical psychology 31 S0632 56 D0574 70 A3231 IEEE Transactions acoustics Journal of Biological Psychology biology D0815 31 S078g 56 D0501 70 A2554 Archives of Medical Hydrology hydrology lnt Soc Medical Hydrology D1761 Experimental pathology 31 so7go 50 D0721 Archives of Pathology pathology D 1762 Acupuncture 31 S0796 50 Dl 082 70 A2525 American Journal of Acupuncture medical sciences lnt Soc Acupuncture Entry content expl anation at end of Section Introduction D0582 medicine I 01763 01763 Clinical pathology 01783 Occupational therapy 31 S0798 50 00721 70 A3466 31 50822 50892 50 00960 70 A3531 American Journal of Clinical Pathology pathology World A~n Socs Anatomic Clinical Pathology 01764 Harmonics Doc1rine or science of musical sounds 56 00005 ac0ustics 71 J0763 J 131 0 00622 musicology 78 H0596 American Journal of Occupational Therapy Occupational Therapy therapeutics World Fed Occupational Therapists occupational therapist university and higher education teachers occupational therapy 01765 Physical education 01784 Physiotherapy Physical therapy 31 50 70 71 78 30 P01 g5 P0774 31 S0896 50 00960 70 A3489 71 J0762 51121 00332 A 1834 J 1329 H0575 Athletics Arena International education lnt Fed Physical Education other secondary education teachers physical education 01766 Geriatric dentistry 31 S0801 56 00292 J 1310 American Society for Geriatric Dentistry Journal dentistry 00458 geriatrics 31 SOB02 50 00356 Evaluation Engineering engineering university and higher education teachers American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Journal of Tropical Medicin~ and Hygiene hygienics D 1 7 86 Brain sciences 01768 Process engineering 31 SOB03 50 D0356 31 5083 7 51 00204 56 00834 Process Engineering engineering Brain Research cerebrology physiological psychology 01769 Heat engineering 01787 Cybernetic medic_ine 31 S0804 50 00356 71 J0248 J0355 31 S0842 56 00279 70 A2538 Heat Engineering engineering heating, ventilation and refrigeration engineer heating, v~ ntilation and refrigeration engineering technician 01770 Design engineering 31 SOB05 50 00358 Design Engineering agricultural engineering S1126 Design Engineering News 01790 Clinical research 31 S0853 S0854 56 00582 71 J0526 structural failure Journal of Structural Mechanics mechanics Clinical Science European Journal of Clinical Investi gation medicine 01052 medical pathologist J1923 D 1791 Reproductive biology 31 S0856 S0863 50 00149 Solid State Technology technology 01774 Combustion science Pyrodynamics 31 S0868 S0949 50 00536 51 01322 71 J0526 01775 Neurocytology 00638 neurology 01776 lmmunohistochemistry 31 S0811 50 00206 SOB 12 00168 A2766 J0529 Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics biophysics 00574 mathematics lnt Union Pure Applied Biophysics other bacteriologists, pharmacologists and related scientists Tropical Science science Geo Abstracts. 0: social geography geography pediatrics Journal of Pediatric Surgery pediatrics 00933 Pan American Asn Pediatric Surgery surgery Journal of Perinatal Medicine medicine Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness medicine lnt Fed Sportive Medicine 01797 Surgical oncology 31 S0878 56 00670 Fluidics mechanical sciences Journal of Surgical Oncology oncology 00933 surgery 01798 Biological engineering 01781 Fire research 30 P0739 P1631 P2211 31 S0819 50 01774 70 A2617 71 J5800 00725 01 796 Sports medicine 01780 Fluidics 31 S0818 50 01198 Journal of Pediatric Ca rdiology cardiology 01795 Perinatal medicine 31 S0877 50 00582 70 A2013 01779 Social geography 31 S0817 50 00427 31 S0874 56 00725 70 A3050 31 S0875 50 00582 01778 Tropical science 31 S081 6 50 00870 Medicine, Sci ence and the Law D 17g4 Pediatric surgery 01777 Mathematical biophysics 31 56 70 71 ' Journal of Forensic Sciences S0888 Forensic Science Society Journal law dactylogra phy medical pathologist 01793 Pediatric cardiology 31 S0873 56 00193 lmmunohistochemistry chemistry natural science psychologist European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology Cynecologic Investigati on biology 01792 Forensic sciences Combustion Science and Technology technological sciences fire research Journal of Neurocytology cytology medicine Environmental Child Health pediatrics D 1773 Solid state technology 31 S0810 56 00281 D0582 Dialysis and Transplantation surgery 3 1 S0808 50 00945 31 S0809 50 01145 51 01781 medical physiology 01 788 Renal technology 31 50846 50 00933 31 S0849 50 00725 Assembly Engineering engineering 01772 Structural mechanics 30 P1230 31 S0807 50 005 78 Cyberneti c Medicine cybernetics lnt Sac Cybernetic Medicine 01107 01789 Tropical pediatrics 01771 Assembly engineering 31 S0806 50 00356 Physiotherapy 01785 Tropical hygiene 31 5082 7 80879 50 01216 01767 Evaluation engineering physically handicapped children physically and mentally handicapped Physical Therapy S0897 therapeutics World Cnfed Physical Therapy physiotherapist forest fires inadequate safeguards against fire urban fires P2229 fire blight Fire Research Abstracts and Reviews combustion science lnt Technical Cmt Prevention Extinct ion Fire protective service workers 31 S0883 56 00149 Medical and Biological Engineering biology 00356 31 S0883 S0886 56 00356 70 A 1829 Medical and Biological Engineering Medical Research Engineering engineering 00582 lnt Fed Medical Electronics 01782 Electromagnetic metrology 01800 Military medicine 31 S0820 56 00345 31 S0889 50 00582 Electromagnetic Metrology Current Awareness Service electromagnetism 00605 metrology engineering 01 799 Medical engineering Military Medicine medicine Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction medicine 01845 0 1801 Psionic medicine Medicine dealing w ith the aggregate of parapsychological functions of the mind, including extrasensory perception, precognition and psychokinesis 31 50900 Psionic Medicine 56 D0582 medicine D0717 parapsychology 01802 Renal physiology 31 S0903 50 D0773 Renal Physiology physiology Research Communications in Chemical Pathology and Pharmacology chemistry D0721 pathology Tropical and Geographical Medicine 01805 Visual medicine 31 S0920 50 D0582 Vax Sanguinis hematology psychiatry 31 50982 Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology 50 D0582 medicine 70 A2310 lnt Org Medical Cooperation 31 50987 50 Dl 082 International Journal of Neuroscience medical sciences 56 D183B neuroradiology 31 50992 International Pharmacopsychiatry 56 D0739 pharmacology [ D0806 psychiatry 01828 Behavior therapy Visual Medicine medicine 01806 lmmunohematology 31 S0921 56 D04 78 D0806 01824 Developmental medicine 01827 Pharmacopsychiatry 01804 Geographical medicine 31 50916 Biological Psychiatry biology 01825 Neurosciences 01803 Chemical pathology 31 50904 56 D0206 01823 Biological psychiatry 31 S0981 56 D0149 D0513 immunology 31 50995 56 00136 Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry behavioral science D0960 therapeutics 78 H0795 behaviour therapy 01829 Experimental psychiatry 01807 Cardiovascular surgery 31 50995 Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 50 D0806 psychiatry 31 50925 S1033 50 D0933 Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery Scandinavian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery su rgery 01830 Experimental neurology 70 A 1100 Inter-American Sac Cardiology 31 51 OOO Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology 50 D0638 neurology 01808 Electrocardiology 01831 Operational psychiatry 31 S0926 50 D0193 Journal of Electrocardiology cardiology 31 S 1001 Journal of Operational Psychiatry 50 D0806 psychiatry 71 J0799 other medical, dental, veterinary and related workers 01833 Suicidology 01809 Molecular cardiology 30 P041 7 suicide 31 S0927 50 D0193 31 51004 50 D0136 70 A 1210 Life-Threatening Behavior behavioral science lnt Asn Suicide Prevention Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology cardiology D 181 0 Cellular cardiology 31 S0927 50 D0193 01834 Neurolinguistics Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology cardiology 01811 Preventive dentistry 31 50930 American Society for Preventive Dentistry Journal 50 D0292 dentistry American Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry and Medicine Journal dentistry D1813 Oral biology 31 S0932 56 D0149 70 A1188 Archives of Oral Biology biology lnt Asn Dental Research linguistics 31 50 70 71 S 1007 D1475 A 1634 J 1923 D0292 dentistry Caries Research dentistry Orthomolecular Psychiatry psychiatry 01837 Nuclear biology 31 S1018 International Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Biology 50 DO 149 biology 01838 Neuroradiology 31 S1019 56 D0856 31 S0940 56 D0292 71 J0644 01839 Maxillofacial surgery 00582 medicine 01816 Oral implantology 31 S0943 50 D0292 neurological sciences Occupational Mental Health mental hygiene lnt Cmt Industrial Mental Health psychologist 01815 Oral medicine Journal of Oral Medicine dentistry dental hygienist D1832 01836 Orthomelecular psychiatry 31 S1008 50 D0806 D1814 Caries research 31 S0934 50 D0292 Neurolinguistics 56 D0551 O183 5 Occupational mental health D1812 Psychosomatic dentistry 31 50931 50 D0292 31 S 1005 Neuroradiology rad iology 31 S 1030 Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery 50 D0933 surgery ,D1825 neurosciences D0933 surgery 01840 Ophthalmic surgery Oral lmplantology dentistry 31 S1031 56 D0678 01817 Lymphology Ophthalmic Surgery ophthalmology 01841 Human development 31 S0948 Lymphology 50 01082 medical sciences 31 S1079 Impact S1180 Occult Commentary 70 A2552 lnt Sac Lymphology 56 00893 social sciences D 1081 biological sciences 01818 Pediatric ophthalmology 01842 Subterranean sociology 31 S0962 56 D0678 31 S 111 7 Subterranean Sociology Newsletter pediatrics 50 D0896 sociology neurology 31 S 1122 50 D0815 Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology ophthalmology D0725 D 1843 Sports psychology 01819 Neurobiology 31 $0998 Journal of Neural Transmission 56 D0149 biology 01820 D0638 pediatric neurobiology 01844 Fine arts D1820 Pediatric neurobiology 31 50971 Neuropaediatrie 56 D0725 pediatrics D1819 neurobiology D1821 Pediatric neurology 31 50971 Neuropaediatrie S0982 56 D0638 Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology neurology D0725 pediatrics 01822 Pediatric neurosurgery 31 S0971 56 D0643 Neuropaediatrie neurosurgery International Journal of Sport Psychology psychology D0725 pediatrics 31 S1132 S1134 50 D1071 71 J1325 J1513 International Theatre Theatre Research humanistic sciences fine arts teacher (second level) critic 51133 D 1845 Corrosion technology 30 P0508 P1811 31 S 1136 corrosion corrosion in tropical climates Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials 50 D0945 71 J0114 technology physical chemist Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction Modern International Drama 01846 01846 Powder metallurgy 31 $1137 International Journal of Powder Metallurgy S 1141 50 D0592 Powder Metallurgy International metallurgy 01847 Geophysical fluid dynamics 31 S1145 50 D031 2 Geophysical Fluid Dynamics fluid dynamics 56 001 12 atmospheric sciences 70 A3420 Von Karman Institute Fluid Dynamics 00659 oceanography 01849 Geosciences Sciences dealing w ith the earth 31 S1175 Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 50 003 17 earth sciences 51 D1850 paleogeography 01850 Paleogeography 31 S1175 50 D1849 Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology geosciences 01851 Biochemical pharmacology 3 1 S1191 56 D0140 70 A24 73 Biochemical Pharmacology biochemistry D0739 Eupn Sac Biochemical Pharmacology pharmacology 01852 Vitaminology 30 P07 15 P2538 vitamin deficiencies in diet P2380 scurvy xerophthalmia 31 S 1199 Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology 50 DO 17 9 bromatology 01og8 Radiation biology 015g7 Rheumatology Branch of medicine dealing with rheumatic diseases Entry content explanation at end of Section Introduction
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