Oct2014 Newsletter – Web - Cape-Atlantic Marine Corps League


Oct2014 Newsletter – Web - Cape-Atlantic Marine Corps League
News from
The Bunker
Marine Corps League
Detachment #194
731 Great Creek Road, Oceanville, NJ, Across
Meetings are on the 2nd Thursday of every
from Lily Lake
month at 1900 hrs. We're located on the web at:
The mailing address for Cape Atlantic
Capeatlanticmcl.org We're also on Facebook at
Detachment is: PO Box 118, Absecon, NJ 08201 Cape-Atlantic USMC League
Published by: Bill McCrudden, Photos by Paul Robinson
Newsletter for October, 2014
Commandant: Joe Patrick
Marines, the 40th Dinner dance was a big success , GOOD FOOD , GOOD COMPANY and
GREAT MUSIC. Thanks to Pat Scannell for putting me onto THE LEGENDS OF SONG.
I, along with Charles Fields attended the Stand Down in Cherry Hill for homeless vets. There
were over 200 vets who came for help, a very good event to give a hand to Vets who are in need. Hope
to have more participation next year.
Mo Loveland and I attended The Modern day Marine in Quantico Va. from the 21th to the
23th. of September. If you have never attended, make it at point to go .You will love it. The
Contractor's Show as always was a big success , Ron Powell did a outstanding job as always.
Thanks to all who helped Honor the fallen on 9/27/2014 and thanks to Bob McCarty who keep
us informed on date and time. The same day we had the Kerback run for Toys for Tots. Thanks to all
who help. A special thanks to Charles Fields this year’s coordinator. Sadly, I attended the Funeral on
the 27th for Jim Wentzell, Commandant Semper Fi Detachment. Jim, a good Marine and a very
good man; He will be missed.
Bill McGinley and I attended a meeting at the Atlantic County Food Bank to see if we can
coordinate with other Social Agencies on how to give toys for Christmas. More Info. at the Monthly
Oktoberfest just past again, my thanks to all who helped. Inspire of the rain we had a good
News from
The Bunker
The SOS/ Pancake Breakfast is just around the corner, If you can help please, e-mail Jim
Dickson or let him know at the Monthly meeting. Good news we have a Building for Toys For Tots.
October 11th and 12th is IRISH week end at the Smithville. We are able to sell Roses. All the
IRISH may attend. Uniform of the day will be red polo’s and khaki trousers. IRISH Marines, green
polo’s and khaki trousers. Marine Corps Ball Info will be available at the meekly meeting
Joe Patrick , Commandant
Senior Vice Commandant: Bill McCrudden
Marines, I participated in the "Run for the Fallen" in September. What a special event it was to
see all the runners, motorcycles and vehicles coming up Route 9. When they got to my station, they all
stopped and conducted a short ceremony for Sgt. Brian D. McGinnis, a fallen Marine. Although the
ceremony was only a few minutes, it was very moving. I had the privilege of holding the American
flag while one of the runners read a short summary of Sgt. Brian D. McGinnis's life. Then the runners
and the caravan were off to the next stop. The whole ceremony only lasted a few minutes but left a
lasting impression on me. I hope that next year, we can get the whole Detachment to come out and
participate for our fallen brother marines.
Semper Fi
Bill McCrudden, Senior Vice
Sgt. McGinnis's Hero marker
News from
The Bunker
Junior Vice Commandant: Jim Dickson
Marines, thank you for the kind words and prayers for my nephew Bryon Dickson, the State
Trooper who was murdered in northeast PA. The funeral at the cathedral, procession to the cemetery,
and services at the cemetery were the most fantastic show of respect I have ever seen for one man. The
entire town of Scranton lined the streets to show their respect and support. It was a wonderful tribute
for a fine young man, who served as a Marine and as a State Trooper. Please keep his family in your
prayers until they catch his murderer.
Thank you to all who manned a location for the Run for the Fallen. It was my first and it made
me proud to be an American. I am sorry I didn’t make the 40th Anniversary Party and the annual
Kerbeck Corvette Toys for Tots Run. I know all who could did. That is what makes our detachment
God Bless and Semper Fi,
Nothing new to report
The troop went camping and canoeing at Bodine Field in September. The troop is going to the
Autumn Camporee on October 3 & 4 at Egg Harbor City Lake Campground. Brian Houf, the son of
our Scoutmaster finished his Eagle Scout project. It was placing signs/markers along the Wading River
to let people know their location in case of emergency. As fate would have it the system was utilized
within two weeks and helped with a rescue. Brian and the troop are to be recognized at a Washington
Township Council meeting in the near future. There also should be an article in the AC Press on
Wednesday October 7th; congratulations for a job well done. The troop is planning on helping out as
always with the upcoming SOS/pancake breakfast in October.
Semper Fi, Bob McCarty
Sick &Distress
Ron Powell's wife was ill and was in the hospital for awhile.
New Members
No new members this month
News from
The Bunker
Volunteers are always needed in the kitchen. Let Lou know if you can help. A kitchen Team
with meeting & event setup, take-down, Mess and kitchen clean-up duties needs to be formed. The
more members we get on the team, the lest work they will all have to do. Team work pays off and
benefits everyone.
Road Clean-Up
The next road clean-up is Saturday, Oct 10 at 0830, rain or shine. We meet at the "Bunker" and
walk around Lily Lake about 1.5 miles. The Community Clean-up is scheduled for Saturday Oct 25 at
0830, we meet at the Forsythe Wildlife Refuge for that one. They usually have coffee, bagels & donuts
prior to the start. Also, afterwards if you wait they have pizza & soda at lunchtime. You walk maybe a
mile but please wear sturdy shoes as most of the walking is on uneven ground. Always bring bug spray
for all clean-up activities. Hope to see you at both events.
Semper Fi
Bob McCarty
Upcoming events
November Growl - 11/30/2014
January Growl - 1/11/2015
News from
The Bunker
Good of the League
NJ Run For The Fallen 2014: The Run For The Fallen was Saturday, September 27, the Detachment
was represented at all five sites in Atlantic County to honor fallen Marines. Thanks go to the following
for participating: Jim & Jeanine Dickson, Rich Tuthill, Bob Fudala, Tom Walsh, Fred Devinney, Ed
Link & his daughter, Bill McCrudden, Mo Loveland, Bob McCarty, Ron Powell, Dick Bullock and
Doug Rattazzi.
Semper Fi,
Bob Mc
Run For The Fallen Runners
Cape Atlantic Detachment's Marines: Bill McCrudden, Bob
Fudala, Ed Link and his daughter, Melissa
The Cape Atlantic Detachment recently celebrated its 40th. anniversary at a gala affair.
Some of our notable guests included NJ State Commandant Rosemary Fleming, NJ Junior Past
Commandant PDC Tony Modzelewski and Jim Tuohy, National Jr. Past Commandant.
Jimmy Olsen (ala, Paul Robinson) took many pictures during the evening (over 100). Not to
slight anyone and leave their picture out, use this link https://mcl40thbirthday.shutterfly.com/
to view all 125 pictures.
News from
The Bunker
Upcoming Events
News from
The Bunker
Cape Atlantic is participating along with the four other Marine Corps league
Detachments in South Jersey to put on this Birthday Ball. All our members are encouraged to
attend along with their significant others. What a great way to celebrate the Corps 239th.
Birthday, then with Marines from all over South Jersey...SEMPER FI!
News from
The Bunker
If you want to be a booster, or have your business card in the Birthday Ball Booklet, print out this form
and mail it in ASAP.
News from
The Bunker
This is the ninth year that this Marine Corps birthday celebration has been held at the Sea Oaks
Country Club. If you would like to play golf, or just attend the luncheon, complete the form on the next
page and mail it to Doug Rattazzi ASAP
News from
The Bunker
News from
The Bunker
The 2014 Toys For Tots Campaign kicked off with the annual UTCA Convention
Pictured left to right - back row: John Gangloff, Jim Dunbar, Mo Loveland, Ed Link, Joe Hiers, Mario
Silvistrini. front row: Norma Jean Whittaker, Ron Powell, Paul Robinson, Bob Moran, Bob Fudala,
Rich Tuthill
News from
The Bunker
Oktoberfest - Smithville
Manning our tent at the Oktoberfest fund raising event in Smithville are: Commandant
Joe Patrick, Chaplain Dan Ball, Charles Fields, Ed Link and John Gangloff
John Gangloff & Bob Moran selling roses
Ed Link, Charles Fields & Ron Powell
News from
The Bunker
Cape Atlantic Coming Events 2014
Oct. 4/5th.......Oktoberfest, Smithville, NJ
Oct. 9th.........1900 hours...Cape Atlantic regular Meeting
Oct. 11th........Road Cleanup...0830 hours, meet at the Bunker
Oct. 11/12th...Irish Weekend at Smithville. We will be selling roses
Oct. 25th........Community Clean-up, Edwin Forsythe Refuge
Oct. 26th........Famous SOS/Pancake Breakfast
Nov. 8th.........US Marine Corps Birthday Ball...6 to 10 PM at the Ramada Inn in
Vineland...more info to follow
Nov. 10th.......USMC Birthday
Nov. 13th.......1900 hours...Cape Atlantic regular Meeting
Dec. 4/5th......Toys For Tots - Storybook Land - 1600 to 2100 hours
Dec. 5th.........Toys For Tots - Hamilton Mall - 0930 to 1900 hours
Dec. 11th.......1900 hours...Cape Atlantic regular Meeting
Dec. 14th.......Christmas brunch at Smithville
Web Site
Our Web Site is up and running. You can go to capeatlanticmcl.org and take a look at it. If
you have any suggestions please contact our webmaster Bill McCrudden at [email protected]
Annual Membership Cost
Dues for Cape-Atlantic are $35.00 to join
the Detachment initially for new members and
$35.00 to renew yearly. You can also become a
life member at the same time by paying the life
member dues for your age. See chart.
Life Membership Dues
Age Group
65 & over
Please notify Adjutant Bill McCrudden if you move, change your address
or e-mail
Phone #609 296-4616, or [email protected]
News from
The Bunker
Current Detachment Officers
Senior Vice:
Jr. Vice
Judge Advocate:
Public Affairs
Web Sergeant
Joe Patrick
Bill McCrudden
Jim Dickson
Mo Loveland
Pat Scannell
Dan Ball
Paul Robinson
Bob Fudala
Bob McCarty
Rich Tuthill
Paul Robinson
Bob Moran
Joe Hiers
Bill McCrudden
609 296-4616
Our Sponsors
News from
The Bunker
Your Ad can appear here
Cape Atlantic Newsletter..........$25.00 per year
Cape Atlantic Web page............$25.00 per year
$50.00 per year for both