Density Evaluation - The City of Mandeville


Density Evaluation - The City of Mandeville
Density Evaluation
Density – the numbers (net)
Port Marigny – 52.4 acres
Detached Single Family
Attached Single Family (townhomes)
5.6 Acres
134 Units
24 Units/Acres (Cluro: not to exceed 24)
4.8 Acres
70 Units
14.58 Units/Acre (Cluro: not to exceed 16)
9.9 Acres/191 Units
19.29 units/acre
CLURO: minimum density of all residential
shall be at least 4 units/acre
R-2, Two Family
 5,000 sf land area/unit
 8.7 Units/acre
R-3, Multi-Family
 3,000 sf land area/unit
 14.5 units/acre
B-3, Old Mandeville
 5,500 sf land area/unit
 7.92 Units/Acre
Total Attached Residential
R-1, Single Family
 10,800 sf land area/unit
 4 Units/Acre
Mixed Use
4.3 Acres
57 Units
13.3 Units/acre (Cluro: not to exceed 24)
Attached Residential (apts)
31.1 Acres
156 Units
5 Units/Acre (CLURO: not to exceed 8)
CLURO comparables by zoning district
TC, Town Center
 2,000 sf land area/unit
 21.78 units/acre
Net: 52.4 acres
Botanica – 228 Units/14.77 acres (net)
15.4 units/acre (2913 sf la/unit )
Chenier – 13.56 acres/261 units = 19.2 units/acre
(2,263 sf la/acre)(net)
Chenier – PCUD 5.32 acres/27 dwelling units =
5 units/acre
30 commercial units – 35,800 sf retail space
Mariner’s Village
Mariner’s Village – Mariner’s Island (Parcel K) 4.41 acres.
48 Units = 10 Units/Acre (4009 sf la/unit)
Mariner’s Village Parcel J (Tops’l) 2.59 Acres/37 Units =
14.2 Units/acre 3,050 la/unit
Mariner’s Village (“East”) – 9.28 acres
164 units = 17.6 units/acre (2,464 sf la/unit)
Mariner’s Village – Harborview 6.8 Acres 61 units = 8.9
Units/acre (4,870 sf la/unit)
Parcel D (vacant): 14.46 acres 209 units =
14.5 units/acre (gross) ~ 167 units/acre (net)
Mariner’s Village, Parcel A (vacant)
6.16 Acres =89 units - 14.5 units/acre
~75.9 units (net)
Kleber St: 150 lots/20.97 acres
7.15 units /acre (6089 sf land area/unit)Net
Zoned R-1 –density allowed is 4 units/acres
Tammany Park: Hutchinson St – 16.4 acres =
63 lots: (2) B-1 (5) R-2 and (56) R-1 residential lots
Tammany Park: Hutchinson St – 16.4 acres =
66 units – 4.2 units/acre
Chinchuba Creek Garden Homes 60 units /7 acres =
8.57 units/acre 5,082 sf la/unit
Cedarwood: 133 units/9.89 acres =
13.44 units/acre or 3239 sf la/unit
Mandeville Lakes: (Parish) 286 units/12.5 acres
=22.88 units/acre or 1,903 sf la/unit (gross)
~26 units/acre (net)
TC District– 14.5 acres – 315 units
Northern edge: 3.2 acres = 70.4 units or 21.7 units/acre (2000 sf la/unit)
Central blocks: 1.21 acres = 26 units/2000 sf la/unit
General Summary - Density
City’s highest density (22 units/acre or 2000 sf la/unit in TC zoning
Other communities/including St. Tammany Parish allow for 29
units /acre or 1500 sf la/unit. (ie: Mandeville Lakes)
City’s multi-family is 3,000 sf la/unit or 14.5 units /acre.
Port Marigny – 52.4 acres (net).
416 dwelling units proposed or 7.9 units/acres for entire site.
41 acres of residential use = 10.1 units/acre
44.5 acres (including mixed use area) = 9.3 units/acre
Port Marigny attached (green) = 24 units/acre.
If R-3 (14.5 units/acre was applied to attached = 81 units
If TC 21.78 units/acre (2,000 sf la/unit was applied to attached =
121.9 units (134 proposed)
Port Marigny: Proposed Density
Detached Single Family
 31.1 Acres
 156 Units
 5 Units/Acre (CLURO: not to exceed 8)
Attached Residential (townhomes)
 4.3 Acres
 57 Units
 13.3 Units/acre (Cluro: not to exceed 24)
Attached Residential (apts)
 5.6 Acres
 134 Units
 24 Units/Acres (Cluro: not to exceed 24)
Mixed Use
 4.8 Acres
 70 Units
 14.58 Units/Acre (Cluro: not to exceed 16)
Total Attached Residential
 9.9 Acres/191 Units
 19.29 units/acre
CLURO: minimum density of all residential shall be at least 4 units/acre
General Summary:
Residential uses by type:
416 total residential units proposed:
 156 single family = 37.5% of total residential use
 57 attached single (townhomes) = 13.7%
 134 attached (apts) = 32%
 70 mixed use = 16.8 %
Single family/townhome = 213 units / 51%
General Summary:
Residential uses by acre:
41 acres of Residential use proposed
 31.1 acres of single family residential = 75%
44.5 acres of Residential use including mixed
 9.9 acres of Attached (apts)/mixed use = 22%
○ 5.6 acres of attached (apts) = 12%
 4.8 acres mixed use = 11%
 31.1 acres of single family = 70%
 4.3 acres of townhomes (attached single) = 7%
52.4 acres total =59% of total development is
single family

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