Hewlett-Packard Company - Action for a Better Community


Hewlett-Packard Company - Action for a Better Community
May, 2010
Hewlett-Packard Company
―45 Years of Action - 45 Years of Results ―
Hewlett-Packard Company
Annual Report
2009 — 2010
Celebrating Our 45th Anniversary
A Community Resource for 45 Years
Action for a Better Community, Inc. (ABC) was incorporated in December 1964. ABC is one of more than
1,000 nationally recognized Community Action Agencies (CAAs), established under the Economic Opportunity Act to fight America’s War on Poverty. The agency began offering services in 1965. Today, ABC serves
more than 28,500 individuals annually, helping them to achieve self-sufficiency.
45 Years of Action:
45 Years Of Results
Page 2
―45 Years of Action - 45 Years of Results ―
A Message From Our CEO and Board Chair
As we celebrate our 45th Anniversary in 2010 and all of the services we provide for people
in the Greater Rochester area, one theme stands out that describes who we are and what we
do: ABC: 45 Years of Action - 45 Years of Results.
For four and a half decades ABC has been a resource in our community, working tirelessly
to help people overcome the challenges that living in poverty presents and to overcome the
barriers barring the way to self-sufficiency.
James H. Norman
President & CEO
During the past eighteen months, our nation has been faced with an unprecedented economic downturn. The recession has hurt us all, but ABC was very fortunate to receive $8.2
Million in federal aid this past year through President Barack Obama’s Stimulus Bill.
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) was enacted to assist those who
have been negatively affected by the recession. ABC was able to hire 12 interns through
ARRA funding. Implemented as part-time positions and now expanded to full-time, the
internships are providing much needed jobs and training to people ranging from college students to individuals who have lost their jobs through downsizing.
Jerome H. Underwood
Board Chair
Through ARRA funding, we have also been able to assist a part of the population that is
sometimes overlooked by agencies assisting low-income people - those living in the suburbs. ABC created a new program this year called Connecting Area Resources and Enhancing Services (CARES). CARES was designed to assist individuals and families in suburban
towns with accessing available services to help obtain and sustain employment. Little did
we know that the program would also help with housing issues for the homeless as well as
helping them obtain everyday household items. The address may not be in the city, but the
issues are the same.
The hard work of our Board of Directors, supporters, community partners, and employees
has produced more results in the past year than we can mention. Some of the results worth
The Weatherization program received $4.59 million in new funds through ARRA, enabling ABC to provide energy efficient upgrades to 928 local single and multi-unit residences, an increase of 639 homes over last year.
Twelve area youth graduated from our first 10-week course in computer repair and
maintenance (also funded by ARRA), held at ABC’s Micrecycle facility, preparing
them for jobs in the IT industry.
ABC dispensed more than 7,000 free books to over 1,400 Head Start students and their
parents, through a partnership with First Books and additional generous support from
M&T Bank. 12,000 more books were donated through First Books for distribution in
the coming year.
For 45 years ABC has strived to make a difference in our community. We will continue to
be a results driven agency, shifting directions as needed to serve our customers as the situation warrants. It’s been an amazing journey. Let’s hope the next 45 years are just as exciting and meaningful to our community.
―45 Years of Action - 45 Years of Results ―
ABC Early Childhood Services
Action for a
One Agency
Three Divisions
The challenges facing
people living in poverty are often complex, requiring multiple solutions. Although not a one-stop
– as ABC makes
referrals to other
agencies – the agency
does provide a comprehensive spectrum
of services that together address many
of the needs of customers to assist them
in increasing their
From quality child
care to job readiness
training and placement, ABC offers
solutions designed to
support the successful
transition to selfsufficiency.
This comprehensive
approach is reflected
in the agency’s programmatic organization, with three distinctly defined divisions: Early Childhood Services, Community Services, and
Employment & Economic Development,
with many customers
benefitting from services from more than
one division.
Early Childhood Services Division
The Early Childhood Services Division (ECS) of ABC oversees the Head Start
and Early Head Start programs, serving 1,435 low-income children and their
families. Programming includes early childhood education, both at home and in
the classroom, family development activities, and outreach to ensure that children with disabilities and children who are homeless have access to services.
Division Highlights
A total of 19,000 new books, having a collective value of over $80,000,
was donated from the national program First Books to create home libraries for all 1,435 children enrolled in ECS programs.
A $5,000 grant from M&T Bank will purchase additional books in the
coming school year.
Several new collaborations were formed to assist in meeting the health
needs of ECS children, including partnerships with
Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired to conduct vision
Dental providers to conduct dental screenings at Head Start centers
and develop oral health educational materials for parents;
Greater Rochester Coalition to Prevent Lead Poisoning, Jordan
Health Center and ACM Lab provided lead testing at Hart and
Hudson Head Start centers.
ABC Head Start is in the forefront in promoting wellness for children. In
addition to ABC’s 1+2+3 project, which works toward a healthy weight
through increased physical activity and good nutrition, ECS also conducted trainings on the Head Start initiative I Am Moving, I Am Learning
for child care providers throughout Monroe County.
―45 Years of Action - 45 Years of Results ―
ABC Early Childhood Services
—Success Stories
―I was a single parent
with twins enrolled in
ABC’s Head Start program. When I let my
Family Developer know
that I wanted to find employment, she referred
me to ABC’s Employment and Economic Development Department.
With help from Job Club
sessions, I obtained a
position as a counselor
with ABC’s Summer
Youth program. From
there, I was hired by
Head Start, first as a
substitute teacher and
now as a full-time Family Developer. My next
goal is to continue my
education and earn my
Masters degree. Thank
you, ABC, for helping
me to succeed!”
“I was expecting my
second child when I entered ABC’s home based
program, offered
through the Early Childhood Services Division.
The program provided
information for a
healthy pregnancy and
recovery. My Home
Visitor meets with my
children and me weekly
at my house. She brings
activities that I can do
with my son and daughter to help them learn
and grow. We attend
the socialization group
activities so that my
children can be with
other children their age
and I can talk with other
Home-Based parents.
For the past two years, I
served as President of
the Home-Based Parents
Committee. I’m happy
to give back to ABC for
all the support they are
providing in helping my
young children get a
head start in life so that
they will succeed in
school. Thank you,
“My next goal is to
continue my education
and earn my Masters
degree. Thank you,
ABC, for helping me to
―45 Years of Action - 45 Years of Results ―
ABC Community Services
Community Services Division
The Community Services Division works with individuals, families, and
other service providers, advocating on behalf of the poor in order to develop
new programming that meets community needs. The division emphasizes
strengthening networks and support services in the community so that individuals and families can obtain the necessary skills and tools to achieve selfsufficiency. Four distinct programs are organized under the community services division: Action Front Center (AFC), fighting to reduce the spread of
HIV/AIDS in the African-American and Latino communities; Community
Building in Action (CBA), using a variety of tools to build the capacity of
neighborhood organizations in order to bring about change; New Directions,
offering individual and group counseling and supportive services to individuals and families facing alcohol addiction and substance abuse; and the division’s newest program, Connecting Area Resources and Enhancing Services
(CARES), providing information and referral to individuals and families in
suburban towns (currently, Greece, Irondequoit, and Henrietta).
Division Highlights
AFC tested 668 individuals for HIV/AIDS; 4 positives found.
AFC launched Project Start, a pilot project designed to reduce the recidivism rate of inmates returning to the community.
New Directions provided counseling support services to over 120 individuals - 13 of whom successfully completed the program with all goals met, and were connected to an Employment Coordinator to secure training and/or employment.
The CARES outreach program connected 82 individuals to community resources and assisted 6
individuals with obtaining/sustaining employment.
CBA developed and launched FOCUS, a family self-sufficiency project.
―45 Years of Action - 45 Years of Results ―
ABC Community Services
—A Success Story…..
Samuel Thomas
Samuel Thomas had been in
New York State since 2004
and had tried a number of
drug treatment programs
without success when he
learned about ABC’s New
Directions program right after New Year’s Day 2009.
Having celebrated his 50th
birthday on January 2, he was
resolved to conquer his decades old drug and alcohol
addictions once and for all,
realizing it was time to do
From the outset, Mr. Thomas
noticed that the New Directions program was different
from other programs he had
tried. The counselors involved participants in group
sessions, encouraging everyone to contribute to discussions. Knowing he would be
called upon to speak, Mr.
Thomas made sure he was
alert. ―This is not a program
where you can just sit in the
back of the room and daydream,‖ he explains. ―You
need to pay attention. When
I shared something, I wanted
it to be meaningful, so I’d
really give thought to what I
was about to say.‖ He also
took advantage of activities
hosted by the program, including luncheons and a picnic where he won a raffle.
When he learned that ABC’s
Action Front Center was giving free tests for HIV/AIDS,
he got tested and, for doing
so, was rewarded with a gift
card, which he gave to his
mother, with whom he was
then living, to help out with
household expenses.
As his weeks staying clean
and sober stretched into
months, Mr. Thomas became
increasingly engaged in activities outside the program,
choosing pursuits that would
help him avoid drugs and
alcohol while reaching new
goals. The YMCA awarded
him a scholarship, through
which he pays only $18 a
month for a membership.
Working out became part of
his regular routine, helping
him stay busy while getting
into the best shape he’s been
in years. He took several
classes offered by RochesterWorks!, including computer
classes, to enhance his employment opportunities.
In September, he landed a job
as a crossing guard after noticing a guard every morning
on his way to the bus stop
and asking her what he
needed to do to secure a similar position. The part-time
position enabled him to continue in the New Directions
program, graduating this past
will enable him to explore
other employment options,
among them driving a taxi or
a job in medical transportation. He is also interested in
obtaining his license as a
PCA (Personal Care Assistant). The computer skills he
acquired while attending
New Directions is helping
with his job search too. He
has an e-mail account and
regularly conducts job
searches on-line.
He has not forgotten New
Directions and the help he
received through the program, and has returned to
speak to new classes of participants. ―These days, I take
things nice and easy,‖ he
explains. ―This is the longest
I’ve ever been clean. I deal
with stress a lot better. I
sleep really well and get up
early, so that I’m able to accomplish everything I want to
each day. Sometimes, people
need help. It’s important to
talk to folks. There are people in our community who
are willing to help. We can
recover. I’ve learned that.
Today, I’m making it. It
feels good.‖
Samuel Thomas
“Sometimes, people
need help. It’s
important to talk to
folks. There are
people in our
community who are
willing to help.”
Today, Mr. Thomas is proud
to be living in his own apartment, going to work, setting
new goals, and making plans
for the future. He would like
to have a car and is saving
money to pay off about
$1,000 in old tickets, something he needs to do in order
to obtain a license. Doing so
―45 Years of Action - 45 Years of Results ―
ABC Employment & Economic Development
Employment and Economic Development
Employment and Economic Development (E&ED) provides a variety of services
ranging from job readiness, financial fitness, youth intervention/enhancement
and employment programs. The department’s mission is to provide opportunities for low to moderate income individuals, families and youth to obtain the
skills and knowledge necessary for self-sufficiency.
Programs within E&ED include Coaching and Service Coordination; Training
Services; Employment Services; Micrecycle, providing quality refurbished computers at nominal cost to low income customers; Milestones, a youth intervention program; Youth Enrichment Services; and the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program.
Division Highlights
Micrecycle implemented Tech Jobs for Youth, training youth for employment in the information technology field. Two classes have graduated with
plans to offer two additional classes by September 30, 2010.
E&ED, in Collaboration with Finger Lakes Community College, conducted a
pilot program in Summer 2009 to train individuals as Direct Support Professionals. Following the successful completion of the pilot, E&ED entered
into a partnership with FLCC to offer additional classes. The program includes employment guarantees from three local health care providers. ABC
is the only agency in western New York offering Direct Support Professional
training and the only in-class DSP training in the country. The program is
currently in the third phase of the New York State accreditation process.
―45 Years of Action - 45 Years of Results ―
ABC Employment & Economic Development
—Success Stories
“When I was released from prison, I
wasn’t really doing
anything…just sitting around the
house. I began running with the wrong
crowd and getting
into fights. My parole officer recommended ABC’s Milestones program. The
program helps guide
young people as they
try to leave gangs,
drugs and the street
life. Milestones prepared me for what I
needed to do instead
of thinking about the
negative things I was
doing already. In
August 2009, I
graduated from the
Milestones program
and landed a job
with ABC’s Weatherization program.
I want to say thank
you, ABC. With
your help I know
which way to go in
life and which way
not to go.”
with writing a resume, successful interviewing…putting
my best foot forward. Before coming to ABC, I was
already volunteering
in the community,
working with youth.
But, it was during an
employer presentation for E&ED’s Job
Club that I had the
opportunity to share
my career aspirations with an employer; that em-
ployer hired me. I
am now looking
forward to celebrating my one year
anniversary in my
position with a local human services
organization. I
want to say thank
you, ABC. You
were there for me
when I needed some
extra help.”
“In February 2009, I
hit a rough spot in
my life; I was unemployed and wasn’t
sure what I should
do next. I was referred to ABC’s Employment & Economic Development
department for job
readiness training
and help with landing a job. I had
some skills but I
knew I needed to improve my job seeking
skills; assistance
“I want to say thank
you, ABC. You were
there for me when I
needed some extra
―45 Years of Action - 45 Years of Results ―
ABC Energy Conservation Program
In addition to its three program divisions, ABC also operates the Weatherization program, established to reduce heating and cooling costs for low-income
families, particularly for the elderly, people with disabilities, and children, by
improving the energy efficiency of their homes and ensuring their health and
Program Highlights
ABC’s weatherization
program is “one of the most
beautiful programs we’ve
ever seen.”
Weatherized 303 homes
Served 343 families
Installed 940 windows, 135 high efficiency furnaces and hot water
tanks, and over 120,000 pounds of cellulose insulation blown into
City of Rochester homes
Expected savings is 3 to 1 energy saving over the life of the installed
What Difference Does it Make?
nie can now enjoy retirement comfortably in her
Annie is a retiree, enjoying own home in a neighborlife as a homebody after 60 hood that needs more long
term resident homeowners
years of working, most of
that time as a home health like Annie.
aide. Ready to enjoy stayFlorin and Edna
ing at home, Annie was
having difficulty paying
her utility bills, which, at
Florin and Edna say that
times, were as high as
ABC’s weatherization pro$600 per month. ABC
gram is ―one of the most
replaced Annie’s furnace
beautiful programs we’ve
and door and blew insula- every seen.‖ When an
tion into her home. With
ABC furnace technician
these improvements, Anvisited their home, he denie says that her utility
tected a dangerous carbon
bills are ― a lot better, a lot monoxide leak; the fire
cheaper‖ with a highest
and police departments
bill of $300 for the very
were called. A cracked
coldest winter month. An- heat exchanger in the fur-
nace was emitting high
levels of carbon monoxide.
ABC’s visit saved their
lives. Florin says, ―We
never would have known
that we were in danger.‖
Prior to the work ABC did
in their home, including
installation of a new furnace, hot water heater, and
insulation, their utility bills
were $400 per month –
now their highest monthly
bill is about $230. Of
course, one of the first
things ABC did was to
install a carbon monoxide
detector. Their home is
now the center of their
extended family, with
grandchildren stopping by
after school.
―45 Years of Action - 45 Years of Results ―
ABC Financials –Year Ending September 30, 2009
Revenue and Expense
Grants and Contracts
Community Services Block Grant
Fee for Service
Foundation and Corporate Support
In-kind Support
Total Revenues
Personnel Costs
Other Operating Expenses
In-kind Expenses
Total Expenses
Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets
Action for a Better Community, Inc. Revenues for Year
Ended 9/30/09
Fee for Service
Foundation and
Action for a Better Community, Inc.
Expenses for Year Ended 9/30/09
Personnel Costs
Other Operating
In-kind Expenses
―45 Years of Action - 45 Years of Results ―
Special Thanks to our Donors
Friends of ABC
Directors Circle ($350 and
Gerald Archibald
Marietta Avery
Dr. William Halsey Barker*
Christopher Bell
Kenneth Bell
Melva Brown
Jacqueline D. Campbell
Cannon Industries
Donna Dey
Ken & Peggy Donaldson
Doyle Security Systems*
Emerson Fullwood
Randolph B. Henderson*
Woodruff L. Hudson*
Nancy Kirby
Loretta Kruger
Elliott Landsman
Lewis Tree Service*
Patricia Lloyd
Tim O. Mains
Janelle McClain
Monroe Plan for Medical Care
New Bethel C.M.E. Church
Ted & Kathy Nixon
James & Lois Norman
Darryl W. Porter*
Brian L. Roulin*
Loretta C. Scott
Naimah I. Sierra
Jerome H. Underwood*
Paulette Washington
Aaron Wicks
Investors ($135-349)
Maryanna Bartell
Vince Carfagna
Jacqueline Cowans
Joan Favata
Karyn Herman
Cassandra Kelley
E. R. Lane
Millard Latimore & Son
Darrell Laurant
Elaine & James Michael
Daniel R. Nowak*
William Porter
Bill Schwappacher
Victoria C. Scott*
Delia Smith
Patricia Stevens
James Winston
Century Club ($100 - 134)
Matthew Augustine
Susan A. Baird*
Ute Barber
Linda Bryant
Hai Choktrakunchai
Larry Glazer
Andre Harper
Gregory Hassett
Tammi T. Johnson*
Marian H. Kwiatkowski*
David McBride
Garfield Martin
Genesee Baptist Church
Yolanda Mendez
Sharon Minigan-Price
Lauriston O'Connor
Susan Ottenweller
Cynthia Powell
Prescod Leadership Enterprises
Mary Pulvino
Stewart Putnam
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Richards
Christine M. Sands*
Carol C. Shuherk*
Bryant E. Smith*
Spiritus Christi Church
Linda Strickland-Wyatt
Kathy M. Sweetland*
Rodney Washington
Ann Weintraub
Kathleen Wink
Michael Winterhalter
Other ($1 - 99)
Dr. & Mrs. G.R. Abbott
Deborah Ajewole
Toyin Anderson
Sharlene Banks
Baha'i Faith
Diane Bardeen
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Barker
Michelle Berger
Richard Bird
Robert Blanding
Mr. & Mrs. David Broadbent
Deborah Brown
Edgar Brown
Freddie Caldwell
Dale H. Chanaiwa*
Christina Clark
Paula Clark
Scott Clason
Alberta Collier
Maryann Connolly
Allen Cooper
Elmer Davis
Randisha R. Davis*
Peter P. DeSantis*
Alexandra M. Dimatteo*
Sonjia Edwards
William Faucette, Sr.
Jane E. Ferris*
Ms. Dione L. Fluitt*
Karen Freeman
Shawn Futch
Joann Gardner
Daisy Giles
Ms. Linda Alpert-Gillis*
Dana Gooding
B.J. Granite
Jon Greenbaum
Natalia Golub*
Elizabeth Hallmark
Gloria Henderson
Willie Henderson
Chanel Hernandez
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Herz
Barbara Higgins
Mia Hodgins
Jasmine N. Holliman*
Terrance Holmes
Ann Howell
Calvin Hubbard
Tyronda James
John Johnson
Aretta Jones
Barbara Jones
Deborah D. Jones*
Geoffrey Kramer
Cynthia Kaleh
Jennifer Leonard
Christopher LeStorti
Shaylon Maye
Quintan J. MCCullough*
Paul McFadden
Jermaine McKinnon
Lisa M. Maxey*
Joseph Monds*
Jasmine Moody
Midas Muffler
Dana Miller
Ted Murray
Guy Mustgray
David Nesbitt
Robert Norris
Nelida Ortiz
Betty Penn*
Darrell Porter
Cynthia Powell
Jessie Puritt
Jorge Rivera
Cynthia Robinson
Lynnette Robinson
Antonio Rooks
Lashannod Rooks
Angel Rosado
Howard Rosenborough
Christina Ruffin
Cheryl Sanders
Paul J. Schacht*
Kristine Shanahan*
Nate Sheppard
Beck Sollane
Joretha Spann
Elaine Steele
Tanya Thurman
Frances Torres
Steve Turner
Wanda Vargas
Alex Voineac
Neo Walton
Colleen Williams
Darlene Williams
Steven Wilson
Johnette Woods-Davis
George Yeadon*
Barbara Zuber
*Contributions made through SEFA
and United Way donor designations
Special thanks to Emerson
U. Fullwood, Chair of the 2009/2010
Friends of ABC Campaign and to
WDKX - 104FM for its support in the
Friends of ABC radio campaign.
―45 Years of Action - 45 Years of Results ―
Special Thanks to our Donors
Signature Luncheon 2009 Sponsors
James McCuller Memorial Golf
Outing Sponsors
Bene-Care, Inc. - $6,000 Premium Sponsor
Landsman Development Corp. - $5,000 Birdie
Rose & Kiernan - $3,000 Award Sponsor
$1,500 Corporate Foursome Sponsors
Monroe Plan for Medical Care
Providium Consulting Group
$1,000 Foursome Sponsors
Cannon Industries
DG&M Agency, Inc.
FW Construction
Merzbach Law Office
Ted & Kathy Nixon
Urban League of Rochester
Gold ($2,500)
Landsman Development Corp.
Silver ($1,000)
Cannon Industries
Monroe Plan for Medical Care
Bronze ($500)
Eric Mower & Associates
M&T Bank
Rose & Kiernan
Unity Health System
Urban League of Rochester
Corporate & Foundation Program Support
Early Childhood Services
First Books Rochester— 19,000 new books ($80,000 value)
M&T Bank - $5,000
Greater Rochester Health Foundation - 2nd year of $307,841 three-year grant
Lead Resource Center
Greater Rochester Health Foundation - 2nd year of $380,000 three-year grant
Micrecycle Program
Citizen’s Bank - $4,000
Fred & Floy Willmott Foundation - $4,000
Glover-Crask Foundation - $10,000 (2nd year of $20,000 two-year grant)
Additional Support from the Following Individuals:
John Boettcher - $1,000
William Murtha - $2,000
Milestones Program
Spiritus Christi Church - Tithing Account - $1,895
Fifth Sunday Church Appeal Supporting Milestones Program
Church of Love Faith Center, Inc - $500
Mount Vernon Missionary Baptist Church - $600
Second Baptist Church of Mumford - $300
2010 Essay Contest Underwriters
Jim & Donna Brady
Harter Secrest & Emery LLP
Linda Strickland-Wyatt
We apologize if we have inadvertently omitted or misspelled your
name. Please contact the ABC
Foundation Office at 585-295-1729
so that we may correct the error.
―45 Years of Action - 45 Years of Results ―
ABC Board of Directors
ABC Board of Directors
Jerome H. Underwood, Chair
Randy Henderson, 1st Vice Chair
Patricia Stevens, 2nd Vice Chair
Maryann Connolly, Secretary
Emeterio Otero, Ph.D., Treasurer
Sharlene Banks
LaShana Boose
Gloria Gaines
Ciaran Hanna
Cynthia Kaleh
Maureen Nealon
Christopher LeStorti
Vincent McIntyre
Dana Miller
Lynnette Robinson
Brian L. Roulin
Brad Rye
Victoria C. Scott
Mary Sutton
Catherine Wilson
Johnette Woods-Davis
ABC Foundation Board of Directors
Theodore Nixon, President
Tim O. Mains, Secretary
Marietta Avery, Treasurer
Kenneth Bell
Melva L. Brown, Ph.D.
Vincent Carfagna
Emerson U. Fullwood
Elliott Landsman
Elaine Michael
James H. Norman
Ray Santana
William Schwappacher
Loretta C. Scott
―45 Years of Action - 45 Years of Results ―
ABC Administrators & Directors
Executive Staff
James H. Norman, President & CEO
Patricia Lloyd, Assistant to the President
Ruby Austin, Executive Administrative Assistant
Nancy Kirby, CPA, Chief Financial Officer
Aaron Wicks, Ph.D., Director of Planning and Evaluation
Paulette Washington, Director of Human Resources
Community Services Division
Naimah Sierra, Deputy Director for Community Services
K. Jerald Noble, Action Front Center Program Director
Karyn Herman, CCAP, Community Building in Action Program Director
Judith Quinones, Connecting Area Resources and Enhancing Services Outreach
Linda King-Bronner, LMSW, CASAC, New Directions Program Director
Employment and Economic Development
Christopher Bell, Director of Employment and Economic Development
Amy MacCallum, Micrecycle Program Director
Regina Maye, Employment Services Coordinator
Janelle McClain, Training Coordinator
Paul McFadden, Youth Intervention Services Coordinator
Linda Strickland-Wyatt, Operations Manager
Delia Smith, Youth Enrichment Services Coordinator
Early Childhood Services Division/Head Start
Loretta Kruger, Deputy Director for Early Childhood Services/
Head Start Director
Sharon Minigan-Price, Assistant to the Deputy Director
Maxine Smith, Education and Disability Services Manager
Deborah Ajewole, Health and Nutritional Services Manager
Dawn Breitung, Early Head Start Manager
Andre Harper, Family Services and Operations Manager
Peter Ochi, Center Director – Clifford Avenue
Mustapha Berhan, Center Director – Hart Street
Jannie Hill, Center Director – Hudson Avenue
Priscilla Wilson, Center Director – Jefferson Avenue
Joan Favata, Center Director – North Street
Energy Conservation Program
Rodney Washington, Program Director
Darlene Williams, Office Manager
Internship Program
Deborah Brown, Internship Coordinator
Action for a Better Community Foundation, Inc.
Donna Dey, Executive Director
―45 Years of Action - 45 Years of Results ―
550 East Main Street
Rochester, New York 14604
(585) 325-5116
(585) 325-9108—Fax
Special thanks to Panther Graphics and
to Ella Dean for her significant contributions to the copywriting, graphic design and layout of this publication.