1984 - Maine Running Photos
1984 - Maine Running Photos
123. 124. Stephen Cileron 125. Bob Currier 126. Joyce Cook 31229 31145 32:10* Terri Morris I28. Richard Lenieux 1.29. Doug Brom 13o. Robert Galvez 13I. Patrick McBride I32. Stephanie Peters 133" Bill whitten 134. fin Tarlton I35. Judith Coburn 136. Linda Mccorrill I37. John stedtne 138. Jessica Theena 139. John M. Foley, Jr. 140" Paul Mayer L41. Jennifer Defili.po 142. Jiles Jorda 143. Libby Ross 144. Bernard Ross I45. Mark Cushmil 146. Brenda Cushna 147. Dee Nicely 148. N. E. Lazette, Jr. 149. R.S. Duant 1.27. 32r4L' 32256 32:57 33:08 33:15 33:17 33:33 34tL7 34:2Lt 34t22t 34t39 34:54r 34:56 34t37 34:59r 35:09 35:23t 35t24 35:33 35:33r 35:35r 35:53 35:59 150. 151. Frank I€ng 152. Janes Pledger 153. Meris Bickford 36:39 36:58 37:32' 154. wiUim Parsons 155. Kandyleigh Provencher 156. Gail York 157. Judy Nasse 158. cerald Davis 37242 37:50r 39:o2r 39:12r 39:15 Results courtesy of Georqe Towle Portland High school t rl*ttttrltaaltitt GASPING GOBBLER lOK Augusta Nov 22nal 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. f0. fl.. L2. 13. 14. f5. 16. L7. 18. 19. 20. 2L. 22. 2324. 25. 26. 27. 29. 29. 30. 31. 3233. 34. 35. cerry Clapper stanley Bickford John Fitzgerald 14 Mi -h.al 3'7. 38. 39. 40. 4l-. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. cary weber 37: Michael- O'Connor Joseph Meehan Todd olsen 37:27 30: 29 30: 58 Peter I€ssard Brian 32:01 IZ: JO Warren 32t32 33 :04 Ralph Duquette Jeffrey Meserve Michael Leighton Floyd wilson JJ:IO SJtZZ ceorge Bockus 33 :40 SJiCZ 33 r43 Greg Nelson Alan Decosta Eric McNett Brian 33r44 33:54 Steven Russell 34r04 34: l0 John Hallee Mccrea John condon Dana Maxin Rusty Taylor 34:L9 Philip Stuart Bob Peacock 38 :04 Michael Thompson Jorge Leon 38: 06 Donald Harden 38: Mek J6:t/ Mert Dearnley 16lz) cerry Mirabile Oskar Feichtinger Travis w@d Bruce williils 51 38:58 39 :01 Ray Johnson 39: 04 39: l0 39 :14 Ton wells Stephen Salter Ed MiUe! Christopher Bovie Jvito Jtazq 39 t27 39 t28 5ta zo Jtizt Richard MacDomld Rick stlout 46 44 45 Steve lilorton ualtin Schiff Iarry Fortin 39:38 Don White 39 :43 Kevin Dunn 39;46 Harry Schnitke 46 39 249 Diane wood 39:5O. 39:56 Hollingsrcrth Ralph ThoEs 39: 59 48 Willie Baltlert uickey Iackey 40:Ol 40: 03 40: 11. 40 Christopher Bryant CAris Caneron Linda Roberts Francis o'Hara charles wel'Douth 40rL2 40: l4r 40: L5 40: 17 43 Mlchael cook 45 Bruce Bell Jeffrey Preble 4QzL7 40:21 4Q:22 40229 40: 30 40: 34 Ray Quinby willim sayres skip tiofle Call Bowcn 52 53 4O: 36 40:40 Robert Rines carl Lrtl 40r4I 43 Ben Street John Barrington 40: 45 40: 56 40: 58 41: 01 ?1 :03 41 :13 41: 15 5- Warren Neston Tm Fortier Nathan Street Dick MacDonald 49 wyatt Anderson L00. Patrick Roy lot. Joe washbum 40 102. sheldon Belnain 103. Byron I04. 38: 43 Bruce Fenlason Janes Leonard Matthew 4Lt23 4Lt28 43 41: 30 Cook DePrez 105. Dick cwinqs Ron 4l:32 40 41:33 47 106. Peter Connell 107. David Sargent I08. JilI 41: 40 4l :45 Sheive 4 109. Dean Sciaraffa L A- Daniel cmpbell David Barrington -!- -^ Paul Thonpson Steve ciles II2. Denise t^Ihelton Todd Guit€ Jb: )o 42 ,33i 42 :34 i 42 : 351 Bryant .1ri ,"-1 i:43l 42t59 43 :00 43:0? CJ:I! 43224 43: 48 I33. David Gugan 48 134. Jerry saint Anand 43: l5?. Robert whitten 5l 158. Edeard cochrane 41 159. Charlotte Sayres 160. Allen Herson 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. Robert Lutz Daniel Force sayres 50 thoMs Daggett 166" Patricia Kennedy (waddle?) 167. Bi1l Atkins 168, 169. I7O. 171. wendy 37r06 L. Dean Rasmussen AIIen Pierce Rj.chard Harper Il Catherine cocks sarah Roy 37 :47 37:48 David Burgess Michael simoneau Kevin way Files Peter Bastow J/:)b Andrew 48 38: 03 442 442 44: 44t 44240 44r41 44 442 44:58 45 :08 45:09 45: I0 4): II 45 :13 45:15 q)ir/ q): l, 45:35 45: 45:50 46t07 46: I8 46t 46r40 46 46249 Ron Paquette 46: 46: 46:tJ 43 174. Richard LelFre 43 54 Randy Inndry Ja.nes Steelnil 46 :53 45 :56 47:08 47 :13 47:I4 45 4'7 t 41 220 41 t 181. Albert cloutier Race i:l i:it-:::*.,i' 184. ., Stephen Bolduc 47 412 4't 48 48:14 48: hl ')- | l9o. scott Nichols 191. Patty Jacobs I92. Richard wagner 53 193. Dora Anne Mills 194. Mike Schriver 196. l-97. 198. 199. 200. 48r 48r 49 49 49:l 49: I I95. Brooke Jansen 37:41 43: Nivan saada 4l 43 Datrir 4324'l Nancy Stetson Rick Lane Gary Cochrane 34 43r43 41 135. Michael Case 136. James Booth 137. Don Brewer 138. Rohnie Dunn 42 139. Lisa Meade 140. Malk Oullette 141. Paul McFarland 40 40 L42- Gary Barrett 143. David cilbert 144. Nornand Rodrigue 145. Fran Brennan 48 146" Melissa st. Pierre 147. Deb Hewson 148. Donald wiser 149. Gard Rand 48 150. Leon Mooney 151. Russell Martin 152. wesley Fjeldhelm 153. Tinothy Holland 154. claig Haggett 155. George Anes 43 155. Philip Street 18O. Eddie cochrane 36: tz)i 132. John Bell 35:23 35:28 35:30 Steve Dubord zzi i 1.2I. Richard Spellnan 122. Marti.n McALeer 123. Noman St. Pierre 124. Russ Mooney 125. Bill Gayton 44 126. Brian Stebbins 127. Thonas Hart 128. Jmes Moore, Jr. 4l 129. Jmes Moore fII 130. Jmes Mansir Raynond '::i 42 12O. Roger Johrlstone l3L. :09, ..1 42 119. Rick Landry L76. 177. John Nichols 178. Scott sanford 179. Jeff vliUims Ton Thibeau :09i ll-4. Jack Hodgkins 1!5. Ed Atlee 45 116. Scott Printz ll7. David ctrristie lI8. Leon Hadialis 34253' 34:57 35r04 35r42 36:33 .nrl 113. Michael cameron I75. , Thankssiving Day Road --- 4l 110. ceorge Jacobson 111. Noman 9uirion L12" J. Fraser cocks 173. Fred Brown 42 6^-r-r^ 5ta Jz 35: 36 Dan Pennock Michael Gordon Scott wagner 1:48r 4Lt52 Ladner Joseph Kingeter 1.8 38:2I simpson 34: 39 John Mathieu Brian 49. 50. 51. 52. 53, 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65" 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 7L. 7273. 7475. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. A7. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 49t Fred wingate 492 Lori 49t 49t 49t 49t 49t Mooney Margaret Brlggs David capella Allen Ryan 42 20I. Jeffrey Nichols 202. Amy Rolnj.ck 203. Dick Mercier 4L 49r 46 49t 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. qi. )a 50: 28* 50: 38 5O: 40 50: 4 5t Craig Phillips 209. Bill Tozier 210, Heather Deveau 211. Paula Lepore 212. Eddie Brissette ,11 50: 0lr 50: O6* Lynn-Marie Kikotis susan welch John McAleer 61 Kari Richardson M:ri^ria 57 5L:06* )1:U/ 63 F^r^a 51: 09* 2I4. charles clapper 55 5I: 5It24 215. Frank wingate 216. Jaes carland 21?. Joanne Martin 46 218. cail schade 219. sharon Beaudoin 220. Patricia Kennedy 51r 31. 51 : 39r 52 r 04* 52tl-4t 52t2I' 52: 3Ir 22I. cheryl Harrington 222. victoria Snall 52r24* >z? >1 ZZJ. PEEET sMAII )J: U) r 12' 224. Derek Schmitke " 225. Margaret Guthrie 226. Richard sabol 46 227. Dennis Harnish 4I 228. ceorgianna Hogerty 229. Dawn Hesel-ton 230. Ri.chard cook 4L 231. Jmes Mitchell 41 232. carol l"inker 4L 233, Jackie Pelletier 234. Michael Levey 40 235. Carol Nichols 236, Penny tucas 237. Mardie Brom 67 239. Jeffrey Johnson GASPINC GOBBLER IJ 53 53:53 55 : 02* 55: 08* >)i zz 56:49 lr01:2Ir 1: 01:23r f:ut,zo 1:01:33i I : 06: I0r 1: 13 : 25* ItL4:20 2 MILE 1. Jason Greenleaf 2. 3. Alex Hamer 10: 29 Michael Bard Robert wranosky 10: 29 Brian Corcoran 10r52 5. Dean warren 48 't. Gene Roy a Todd Pokrifka I€e Stover 10. 11. q+anhah 1O: 1.1 : 1I: 07 11: 20 frr'5ar III Roberts 13. Michael sargent 1.4. Gary Grady 15. 16. Dale Gmage Mi!a L2:L2 L2r]-7* I7. Annie Bl-wer Jeff Holmes 19. 4i^ r ii+1af 29. Christopher Mcloon L2225 iala 2r. Steve Roberts 22. .laffrart 23. Rick Grenier Lenora Felker 21 . 11:32 11:46 11:49 alrhhar 18. 26. 04 ll:ub Robert Cuthbertson Rit 4l LZI M^^ra 12:40 L2:42* L2:49 43 Paul. Dall John Leonard chris Atlee Don Celler 5L LZISJ LZa)d 13:0O l?.n? 41 David Chanbers 30. 31. 32. Lary wilson Roy Amstrong John Hodgkins 13:14 Jf . Ray MacFarland Lucien Lessard 3'7. lrhi a Hrl hari 42 44 6 Amstrong 4I chris Lee IJ: JC 13 :41 13:52 13 :56 14:02 38. 39. Ken .10. Rick cranholn 14:04 4L. 42. 43. Aaron Newton E1len Spring Jerone Gamache 14222 ahri L4r29 45. c+^6h6r Ronald P^rt Cook Brran Starie Jessie Lawrence 48. 49. 51. Joanna ilahhar Lee canage Jason Turner Brian 53. Dall Fart1, Wood HoIIy Gmage rsistin cook )). Diane Dolnam 56. Andrew Ryan 14 :04 L4 | 28* !4:29 14:30 14:30 14:33* 14:33* 14 : 39* 43 Lessard 15:03 sara Fenlason Childs 4A Jilie wilson Brendan Lee Bertrand Gendron 54 Roger Katz Roger Hewson 51 Julia Nord Jennifer Btennan Jessica st. Pierre Eric welmouth Ben Brom Leona clapper 54 Eroll Arsenault Chip Clark Allison Dall Erin Force Darren Lee Arthur Granholm 45 Nat Cluk Jason sinpson John cuon Andrew Leonard Penny snyder Margaret Cook Sandra Brom 41 Gai.t Bm M. Hanley cocks Tfubthy simoneau Arny Spenciner Rona Granholm Gary white Ruth Jacobs Jo-Ann turner Dlright Desjardin Karlee skelton Allison childs Dana 15:05* 15:06 MADISON DRAMA CLUB ROAD RACE 4.2 Miles Madison Dec 1st 15 : 15 15:19 !5122 15:23 Chri-s Bovie Fred Judkins 1. 2. 22250 23 rO7 warren Dean L5228 Dean Rasmussen L5t29' Bruce Fenlason L5t32* !5:33* 15:33 15:34 15:38* 15:46 L5:52 15:59* Martin schiff 26:34 Jerry saint Jaes Moore 28:10 10. claudia sarah Takacs 29 r55 Roy 30: 02 Donna Jean Pohlmn Doug Malloy Ron Korzeniouski 1a lo Berit Freeling 17:OI* l7rO9r 3Lz 49 39, L2 Results courtesy of the Central Maine eiri 16:53r 16:55 ?1 .l ? (and dog Ginger) 16:35r L6t47' 28: 50 29rO4 Lucien Lessard l6z27t 16:36* 28:50 Alan cilpbell 13. 16:00 16:03 16:05 16:20 15:25 Anand Bob Nicholson Bob Hagopian 11 15:59r 16115 ta. ?q Patrj-ck Roy Paul Da1l 1- i t t d-tc * ttlt*it*tr * *ait 17:16 17:19* I7:23r L7t34 l7:34r 17r51r Cynthia Murray-Beliveau 17:54i Bob Chanbers 48 Marc welmouth Mary Saunders Sarah cook lOO. Robbie Cuthbertson l-8:O2 lO2. Constance lloore 103. Aaron st. Pi.erre IO4. Lauren simpson lO5. charlotte Hewson 50 106. lny Fortin 107. Theresa Fortin 108. christine ThomPson LO9. Jocelyn Bessey l1O. Peggy !4ansir 111. Joyce Amstrong 50 lI2. Lynn Gagnon I13. Melissa welmouth 114. Eleanor weymouth 115. Michael RoLnick 4g 116. Linda Buskin 117. stephanie clark 118. Katie Clark 119. Frances sacerdote 50 l2O. Patricia wall l2t. Mary Itu NePtune I9:O8r 1o1. Aaron cuthbertson 18:03 18:08* 18:51i 18152 18:54 19:18 19:43i 19r45* 19:57* l9r59r 20:3Ii 20:31r 20:54* 2L:l8r 2L:29' 22237' 22:5Q' 23224 23:24' 23:31r 23:33* 24t!8* loopc. Tnilr tlut meander part lome of the m6t bcautiful mountain rccncry imaginable, with tenain for all levels of ability. Attnctive rclar hcatcd lodge over. l@lrir{ Srgtlof Mofidt. Cqnphie rortal rhop r Gfaeria o Vaxing area o Tnil inlormatian center with 25tL2* mapr. PS.I.A'E. inrtruction o Citi' 252L9* zcn! Results courtesy of Dave Josdry. Cliff Fletcher and Barbara Godfrey Maine'r lugat rki torring facility, with over 105 km. of double tracked Raca. Olympic lizcd rketing rink with night lighting o I milc rcuth of SugarlcflUSA. 49 Lindholm Ronald Corey Maine Road Panblers 52 Bobby Gray 34. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63, 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70, 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 7A. 79. 80. 81. A2. 83, e4. 85. 86. 8?. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. L4:42 14t42 L4 t 4'1 L4 t 49* 14: 51* 14: 56* r**ttit*tlt t**tttt Gnabasctt Valley Torrring G'ntcr Carraba$ctt Vallcy. Maine 04947 (2071217-2205 <{.
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