Agenda Packet - Recent Notices
Agenda Packet - Recent Notices
CURRITUCK COUNTY BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Historic Currituck County Courthouse Boardroom December 8, 2011 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Call to Order Item 1 Roll Call Item 2 Approval of November 10, 2011 Minutes Approval of November 10, 2011 Orders Item 3 BOA 11-11 RENEE Y. LYNN MINOR: Conditional use permit to allow a bed and breakfast at 116 Swan Circle in Point Harbor, Parcel 132C-0000015-0000, Poplar Branch Township. Item 4 BOA 11-12 BARRY NELMS: Appeal of administrator’s decision that a private campground requires a special use permit for property located in Walnut Island, Parcels 0107-000-0064-0000 and 0107-000-0065-0000, Poplar Branch Township. Item 5 Old Business BOA 11-06 MARK & KELLI THOMPSON: Appeal of administrator’s decision that a heavy equipment operation is not allowed in a residential zoning district and is in violation of Chapter 2, Section 2.5 of the Currituck County Unified Development Ordinance, located at 2040 Ocean Pearl Road in Carova, Parcel 099C-000-0013-0000, Fruitville Beach Township. Item 6 Adjournment 11/10/11 BOA Minutes: Page 1 CURRITUCK COUNTY BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT REGULAR MEETING November 10, 2011 REGULAR MEETING The Currituck County Board of Adjustment met on November 10, 2011 at 7:30 p.m. in the Historic Currituck County Courthouse. The following members were present: Bryan Bass, David Palmer, Christian Conner, Theresa Dozier, Donald Ferebee, and Cameron Tabor. The following member was absent: Ralph Jones. Brad Schuler, Planner; Tiffany Sanders, Planning Technician; Stacey Smith, Code Enforcement Officer; and Benjamin Gallop, Board of Adjustment Attorney; were also present. Mr. Bass called the meeting to order and announced a quorum had been met with four regular members and one alternate member. Ms. Dozier was called upon to act as a voting member. APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER 8, 2011 MINUTES Mr. Conner motioned to approve the September 8, 2011 minutes with no changes. Mr. Ferebee seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. BOA 11-10 ANDREW COPELAND: Appeal of administrator’s decision that more than one storage container is being stored on a vacant residential lot, which is in violation of Chapter 3, Section of the Currituck County Unified Development Ordinance. Located at 1617 Caratoke Highway in Moyock, Parcel 0023-000-033H-0000, Moyock Township. Mr. Schuler and Ms. Smith appeared before the board and were sworn in. Ms. Smith presented the following memo to the Board: MEMORANDUM To: Board of Adjustment From: Planning Staff Date: October 25, 2011 Re: BOA 11-10 Andrew Copeland Appeal Andrew Copeland is appealing the administrator’s decision that: *Minutes are not official until approved by the board. 11/10/11 BOA Minutes: Page 2 o The placement of an accessory building on a lot where no residential dwelling is located, but where one is intended to be built, for the storage of equipment related to the upkeep of that lot is permitted. (Chapter 3, Residential Accessory Uses (G)) In this case, there are two accessory buildings located on the property and equipment stored outside the buildings. The ordinance only allows for one accessory building to be located on a lot of which there is intent to build, and it can only be used for the storage of equipment used for the upkeep of the property. Generally this is mostly, lawn mowers, racks, bush hogs, etc. Mr. Copeland would have to remove one of the accessory buildings and store all the outside equipment in the one allowable accessory building. The property is located at 1617 Caratoke Highway in Moyock, Parcel 0023-000-033H-0000; Moyock Township. The County submits the following attachments: o Attachment 1: Appeal application submitted October 03, 2011 by Andrew Copeland, property owner. o Attachment 2: Notice of violation sent September 20, 2011 from Stacey Smith, Code Enforcement Officer. o Attachment 3: Photos of site. DISCUSSION Mr. Conner questioned the allowance of two storage buildings. Ms. Smith stated the violation case that was heard in August was in regards to an outdoor storage use as a commercial use and the current violation was in regards to a residential use. Mr. Palmer asked if the appeal was a separate UDO violation. Ms. Smith explained the difference between a commercial use of the storage buildings and the residential use of accessory structures. Mr. Bass questioned the reference in the ordinance that pertained to the use of accessory structures on a residential lot. Ms. Smith explained the allowance of accessory buildings on a vacant residential lot. She stated accessory structure use was in Chapter 3 of the UDO. She explained that once the single-family dwelling had obtained a certificate of occupancy the applicant would be allowed to have more than one accessory building on the lot. Mr. Palmer questioned if the single-family dwelling would have to be occupied or would the certificate of occupancy allow more than one accessory building to be located on the property. *Minutes are not official until approved by the board. 11/10/11 BOA Minutes: Page 3 Ms. Smith stated once the certificate of occupancy is issued having more than one accessory building located on the property is allowed. Mr. Conner questioned the UDO reference that regulated accessory buildings on a vacant residential lot. Ms. Smith stated the reference was in Chapter 3. Ms. Donna Conner appeared before the board and was sworn in. Ms. Easter Dozier and Rev. Little Joe Powell appeared before the board and affirmed. Ms. Conner handed out a packet of information to the board (attached as Exhibit #1). She explained to the board her concern with the violation being similar to the violation that was heard at the August 11, 2011 meeting. She referenced items that had previously been removed from the property. She stated that it would only be a short amount of time until there would be an established residence on the property. Ms. Smith stated that a tractor with a bush hog had been removed from the property as required. Mr. Palmer asked if Ms. Conner was an owner of the property. Ms. Conner stated yes she was also a property owner along with Mr. Copeland. She felt that the complaint should have been taken to superior court since a similar violation had already been heard and a decision had already been made on August 11, 2011. She referenced that accessory structures are allowed on a residential property as shown in the UDO in the permitted uses table. Mr. Bass questioned the requirement for residential accessory structures. Ms. Smith said there could not be an accessory use on the property if there was no established dwelling. Ms. Smith stated that the original violation in regards to the storage containers was for outdoor storage and this was a separate violation for the storage containers being used as accessory structures on a lot that does not have an established dwelling. Ms. Easter Dozier said she would like to know what was stored in the accessory buildings. Ms. Conner stated that everyone was invited to see what was in the storage containers. Rev. Little Joe Powell stated he was the pastor of the church that was adjacent to the appellant’s property. He stated his concern with the appellant’s intentions for the property. He expressed his concern with the residential lot being used for commercial *Minutes are not official until approved by the board. 11/10/11 BOA Minutes: Page 4 purposes. He asked if the agenda of the meeting was to vote on the removal of the storage containers. Mr. Bass stated the decision would be to uphold the administrator’s decision or to reverse the administrator’s decision. Rev. Powell asked how many accessory buildings would be allowed on the property once the dwelling had been established. Ms. Smith stated an application for an accessory building would be required and a review of the primary use verses an accessory use would be done such time. Rev. Powell asked what would need to be included for the proposed modular to be considered a dwelling unit. Mr. Schuler said there would need to be some alterations done to the modular trailer in order for it to meet building requirements. He stated the question should be addressed to the Chief Building Inspector, Spence Castello, for further explanation. Ms. Smith said she was aware of modifications that had been proposed to the modular trailer in order for it to meet building code for a dwelling. She stated the application was public record and Rev. Powell was welcome to review the permit application. Mr. Bass questioned if the square footage of the accessory structures was a violation or just that there were two buildings on a vacant residential lot. Ms. Smith stated the violation was for the number of accessory structures located on the property. She said the accessory structure was for storage of items that were necessary for only the upkeep of the property. Ms. Conner stated that she would allow anyone to see the items that were stored in the containers at any time. She gave a brief description of the items stored in the containers. Mr. Bass asked if the items that were in the storage containers were germane to the case. Ms. Smith said in order to correct the violation she would need to remove the second accessory building and that the items in the accessory structure were only supposed to be for the upkeep of the property, not for household items. Ms. Conner said that Donna Voliva told her that some furniture would be allowed to be stored in an accessory building. She stated that the ordinance referenced an accessory building was allowed and there was no statement indicating it couldn’t be more than one building. *Minutes are not official until approved by the board. 11/10/11 BOA Minutes: Page 5 Rev. Powell said that his issue was not with what was being stored in the containers but the fact that the appellants have had previous violations. Mr. Palmer moved to close the public hearing. Mr. Ferebee seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. ACTION Mr. Palmer moved to uphold the administrator’s decision. Mr. Ferebee seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. PROCEDURAL BUSINESS Mr. Palmer moved to authorize the chairman of the board to execute the order on behalf of the Board. Mr. Ferebee seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss Mr. Ferebee motioned for adjournment. Mr. Conner seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:19 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Tiffany B. Sanders/s/ Planning Technician *Minutes are not official until approved by the board. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CASE ANALYSIS Meeting Date: Case Number: Applicant/ Property Owner: PIN: Address: Zoning District: Township: December 8, 2011 BOA 11-11 Renee’ Y. Lynn Minor 132C-000-015A-0000 116 Swan Circle, Point Harbor Residential (R) Poplar Branch Request Conditional use permit to allow a bed and breakfast in the (R) zoning district, pursuant to the Table of Permissible Uses of the Currituck County Unified Development Ordinance. Narrative 1. The applicant is proposing operate a bed and breakfast from her residence at 116 Swan Circle. Of the six bedrooms in the dwelling, three will be used for the bed and breakfast. 2. The only improvement to the site beside the installation of bufferyards, will be the improvement of one parking space under the dwelling. Conditional Use Permit Criteria and Staff Findings The Board must find that the applicant meets all criteria in order for a conditional use permit to be approved. Following is the staff suggested findings for each criterion (as is required by the UDO). In granting a conditional use permit, the Board of Adjustment may attach to the permit such reasonable requirements in addition to those specified in this ordinance as this will ensure that the development in its proposed location meets the following: (a) The application is complete. 1. The application is complete. (b) The proposed use is among those listed in the Table of Permissible Uses as a conditional use indicated with a “C.” 1. The proposed use is among those listed in the Table of Permissible Uses as a conditional use indicated with a “C.” BOA 11-11 Minor Bed & Breakfast CUP Page 1 of 3 (c) The conditions proposed meet or exceed the minimum requirements of this ordinance. 1. The conditions proposed meet or exceed the minimum requirements of this ordinance. (d) The conditional use will not endanger the public health or safety. 1. The proposed use should have no impact on public heath or safety. (e) The conditional use will not injure the value of adjoining or abutting property and will be in harmony with the area in which it is located. 1. The proposed location is surrounded by residentially zoned property. The use will not injure the value of the adjoining property and will be in harmony with the area. 2. The surrounding land uses include: a. North: Undeveloped b. South: Currituck Sound c. East: Undeveloped d. West: SFD (f) Zoning District: R Zoning District: N/A Zoning District: R Zoning District: R The conditional use will be in conformity with the Land Use Plan and other officially adopted plans. 1. The 2006 Land Use Plan classifies this property as Limited Service within the Point Harbor subarea. The Limited Service area and Point Harbor subarea both emphasizes that community character be preserved with respect to nonresidential uses. (g) The conditional use will not exceed the county’s ability to provide adequate public facilities. 1. The proposed use will not exceed the county's ability to provide adequate public facilities. TRC/Staff Recommendation: The Technical Review Committee and staff recommend approval of this request subject to the findings of fact as presented above and the following: Requirements: 1. All necessary approvals are obtained from Albemarle Regional Health Services. BOA 11-11 Minor Bed & Breakfast CUP Page 2 of 3 BOA 11-11 Minor Bed & Breakfast CUP Page 3 of 3 li.QIES. -PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN A F.I.R.M. ZONE A6(10') (SUBJECT TO CHANGE BY F.E.M.A.) -AREA -16,728sq.ft.(COORO) COVERED AREA -5,652sq.ft. -MIN. BUILDING LINES PER CURRENT ZONING -CURR. CO. PIN# 132C-000-0015-0000 (LOT 15) VICINITY MAP NTS PK IN Cl O P.C. 1Z ~sl:~~6 __..__,. . .-,~:~1 · · ~p~:_s L···_··.___ <, <CONc. : - . ' ~ :0 ~ IRF SHORELINE 18' ~ ® (TIE LINE ONLY) --~1'00"W ..... I au~fAD ~·~el_· _ _ O io It) I ___ _ \_ o~~;@~m~.. r· ~ \._ \.. WOOD BULKHEAD UllLS. PED. O WAlER METER @ MANHOLE P1rJE: TR.f;E:. ()AK. T"6e; E '!.15T!N6, <iii; tJr:,J PAL.M I O \ Z.O EJ "E: PALM I 0W1'lf:llS CURRITUCK SOUND '\_ '- \_'\_ .... """" '- """\ \. '- ---- \.. '- ""\. \_ SURVEY FOR: POLE • © '\_'\_ "'\_ PK NAIL 8 20' PROTECTION--a:2f '\_'\_ @ ® IRF \!:J SHORELINE/ """\. \_ • \_ '""\. \ _ \.. -. \ ._ ""\. \.. """\. \ _ """\. \.. ""\. SHORELINE \.. \ _ \.. \.. ""\. \.. ""'\ \. PROTECTION IRON ROD/PIPE CONC. MON. C"tb UllL _J 110.23'-- 8 H I C..l..E:; 10·~~0' ~i-l"t'E:.£.~ Vt t\ I(. LE::: MARK Q.. M!NOR & RENEE Y. LYNN MINOR AS REC.: P.C. H SL. POINT HARBOR SCALE 1"=J0' LOT 15A ERMA GRIGGS SINGLETARY & 336 RAYMOND F. SINGLETARY POPLAR BRANCH TWSP. FllE NO. 2200 CURRITUCK CO. CADO FIL.£ 2200£ DATE N. CAROLINA J/18/4 BARNETI'E INTEGRATED LAND DEVELOPMENT POB 7159 KOH, NC 27948 (252)441-5154 BOA 11-11 Minor CUP Site Plan Conditional Use Permit Review Process I Contact Information Currituck County Planning Department 153 Courthouse Road, Suite 110 Currituck, NC 27929 I Step 1 Phone. 252.232.3055 Fax: 252.232.3026 Website: http: II / Plonning .d m Pre-application Meeting The applicant must schedule a pre-submittal meeting with county staff to discuss the use, prellmlnary assessments regarding the proposed use and the adopted ordinance and plans, and process. I Step 2 Application Submittal The applicant must submit a complete application packet on or before the application submittal date. A complete applkatlon packet consists of the following: o Completed Currituck County Conditional Use Permit Appllcation. o Appllcatlan Fee ($150). o A narrative explaining the proposed use, description of any processes to be utilized, equipment used as part of the operation, proposed days/hours of operation, and any Information which wlll be useful in considering this application. o An accurate site plan of the property drawn to scale (1 "=50') In a professional like manner, unless waived by the administrator. The site plan shall Include the following: o General Information Including, but not limited to: vicinity sketch; north arrow; engineering scale ratio; acreage; title of the development; date of the plan; gross floor area of all buildings; name and address of owner/developer and person or firm preparing the plan; and zoning setback lines. o Locatlon(s), dlmenslon(s), and arrangement of all: vehicular entrances, exits, drives and fire lanes; automobile parking spaces, width of aisles and bays, angle of parking and number of spaces; truck unloading docks, ramps and spaces; refuse collection (dumpster) container space(s); bulldlng(s) with exterior dimensions; fences, walls, docks, ramps, pools, patios, and surface areas; water tap(s) denoting slze(s) of line(s) or well area; sewer tap(s) denoting slze(s) of lines or septic system location, Including repair area; electrical service connection(s); existing and proposed fire hydrant; easements and rights-of-way; slze(s) of all public utility lines (water, sewer and storm sewer) within all adjacent public rights-of-way and easements. o Drainage plan, Including a drainage narrative with calculations, site surface drainage, pipe size, yard drains, catch basins, curb Inlets, and topographic plan that Indicates location and elevation changes above or below natural grade (shown In one foot intervals) within the past six months and contains the following certificate: J I.Renee I )WD MJDQliowner/agent do hereby certify that I will develop the property In accordance with the approved plans which will be constructed or maintained so that surface waters from such development are not unreasonably collected and channeled onto lower adlacent properties at such locations or at such volumes as to cause substantial damage to such lower adlacent properties. In addition, the development will be constructed or maintained so that It will not unreasonably Impede Conditional Use Permit Application Page 1 of6 9/10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 the na al flow of water from higher or adjacent prope across such development, ! t~ ?JCb higher adjacent properties. thereby rea ably causing substantial dama Owner/Agenh.-.~ -~,.,.,_bJ tunu.....,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date, Curb an g er alignment, including street wld~storm drainage, if necessary. Bufferyard/Landscape plan, Including the following Informations o Existing and proposed buildings, drives, parking areas, exterior storage areas, dumpsters, stormwater detention areas (If applicable) and accessory structures; o All existing and proposed planting areas and vegetation that will be used to comply with the bufferyard requirements, Including the species, height, caliper (for single stem trees only) and spacing of all vegetation; o Existing and proposed physical barriers to be used to comply with the bufferyard requirements; o All surrounding existing land uses; and, o Adjoining property lines and names and address of adjoining property owners. Site distance triangles of 1O' x 70' shall be Indicated at the Intersection of all pubffc right-of-way lines, and site distance triangles of 1O' x 35' shall be Indicated at the Intersection of a right-of-way and driveway. Comparison of how the proposed development relates to the maritime forest guide, if applicable. The flood zone(s), Including boundary lines and finished floor elevations, where applicable. A lighting plan compliant with the Currituck County Unified Development Ordinance. A copy of an executed NCDOT Street and Driveway Access Permit Application and Encroachment Agreement, If necessary. Any additional Information as may be required by the reviewing agents. NCDENR, DWQ, stormwater permit application for projects with 10,000 square feet or more of built upon area proposed. NCDENR, Land Quality, Erosion and Sedimentation Control permit application for prolects with one acre or more of land disturbance proposed. Number of Coples Submitted 5 Coples of conceptual site plans 5 Hard copies of ALL documents 1 PDF digital copy (ex. Compad Disk - e-mail not acceptable) of all plans AND documents NOTE: NCDENR PERMITS AND APPROVED PLANS ARE REQUIRED PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION OR COMMENCEMENT OF PROPOSED USE IF A BUILDING PERMIT IS NOT REQUIRED, Step 3 Technical Review Committee Review and Recommendation The plaMlng staff will submit the plan to the TRC and prepare a written report that will Include any outstanding concerns with the proposed request or layout of the plan. After the TRC meeting, the planning staff will prepare the staff report and recommendation. A copy of the report will be provided to the appllcant In advance of the Board of Adjustment meeting. I Step 4 Adjoining Property Owner Notification It Is the planning staff's responsibility to mall a notice to all adjacent property owners within 200 feet of the subject property at least 10 days but not more than 25 days prior to the Board of Adjustment meeting date. I Step 5 Board of Adjustment Meeting The Planning staff will present the request to the Board of Adjustment. The applicant must attend the Board of Adjustment meeting to answer any questions the board or public may have about the proposed projed. The Board of Adjustment shall conduct a quasi-fudiclal hearing that Is subjed to procedural rules set forth by the courts, including the requirement of a formal evidentfary hearing, and may require reasonable and appropriate conditions be attached to the approval of the application. Such conditions should relate to the relationship of the proposed use to surrounding property, proposed support fadltties such as parking areas and driveways, pedestrian and vehicular circulation, screening and buffers, phasing of development, Infrastructure Improvements, and other matters that the board may find appropriate or the applicant may propose. The Board may approve or deny the permit, or the board may continue the hearing until a subsequent meeting. Conditional Use Permit Application Page2of6 9/10 OFFICIAL USE ONLY: Case Number: Date Filed: Gate Keeper: Amount Paid: Conditional Use Permit Application I Contact Information APPLICANT: Name: Address: PROPERTY OWNER: Renee Y. Lynn Minor 116 Swan Circle Name: same as applicant Address: Pojnt Harbor, NC 27965 Telephone: 202/391-5210 Telephone: Fax Nurnberi Fax Number: E-Mall Address: [email protected] E-Mail Address: LEGAL RELATIONSHIP OF APPLICANT TO PROPERTY OWNER: I _S_am_e_________________ Property Information Physical Street Address,"""".. C""i_.r . .....c..,1....e_______________________ Location: Point Harbor NC Parcel Identification Number(s), 132c-ooo-001s-oooo Total Parcel(s) Acreage: Exlstilg Land Use of Property, I Private Residence Request Proposed Use of the Property, _B_r_e_a_d_&__B_r_e_a_k..f_a_s_t__________________ . Total square footage of land disturbance activity: Total lot coverage, Existing gross floor area, The Bread &Breakfast will not create a disturb nee 16, 728 sq ft 5, 652 sq ft 1, 000 sq ft Total vehlculor area, Proposed gross floor area, _n/_a_ ______ The owner is requesting to change this residence into a Bread and Breafast. Three (3) of the six (6) bedrooms would be used for the Bread and Breakfast. Purpose of Conditional Use Permit and Protect Narrative, Conditional Use Permit Application Page3of6 9/10 The applicant shall provide a response to the each one of the following issues. The Board of Adjustment must provide specific findings of fact based on the evidence submitted. All findings shall be made In the affirmative for the Board of Adjustment to Issue the conditional use permit. A. The use will not materially endanger the public health or safety. Public health and safety will not be endangered. The Bread and Breakfast will be cleaned and kitchen and bathroom standards in accordance with county and state regulations. B. The use will not substantially lnJure the value of adjoining or abutting property. The use will not injure the value of adjoining or abutting pro,perty. C. The use wlll be In harmony with the partlcular neighborhood or area In which It Is to be located {even though the proposed use and surrounding uses are generally permissible In the same district and therefore usually compatible). · The Bread &Breakfast is in a residential neighborhood and the owners will be residents in the home. Therefore, the use will be in harmony with the particular neighborhood. D. The use will be In general conformity with the land Use Plan or other plan officially adopted by the board. The use will be in conformity with the Land Use Plan of a Bread &Breakfast E. The use will not exceed the county's ability to provide adequate public facllltles, Including, but not limited to, schools, fire and rescue, and law enforcement. The use will not exceed the county's ability to provide adequate public facilities, including, but not limited to. schools, fire and rescue, and law enforcement. I, the undersigned, do certify that all of the information presented in this application Is accurate to the best of my knowledge, Information, and belief. Further, I hereby authorize county officials to enter my property for purposes of determining zoning compliance. All Information submitted and required as part of this appllcation process shall become public record. Conditional Use Permit Application Page4of6 9/10 I Hearing Dates and Procedure for Continued Requests Conditional Use Permit Hearing Dates and Procedure for Continued Requests Bed and Breakfast Requesh Application Submlttal Date1 October 27, 2011 Technical Review Committee Meeting Date: November 8, 2011 Board of Adfustment Meeting Datea December 8, 2011 Procedure for Delayed Request Please initial each slafement. ~If you wish to continue your request to a later date, you must appear before the appropriate committee/board on the scheduled meeting date, state the reason for continuance, and the meeting date you wish the request to be heard. ~There Is a $100 processing fee for each delayed request. This must be paid prior the delayed meeting date. n J: lit1 If you wish to delay your request at a Board of Adiustment meeting, you are responsible for re-advertising ~your request In a newspaper of general clrculatlon In Currituck County for the approved date. The notice shall Include the date, time, place, and nature of the application and shall be advertised at least 10 days, but not more than 25 days, prior to the hearing. You must provide the Planning Department with a copy of the newspaper In which that advertisement occurred and an affidavit of publication provided by the newspaper llstlng the advertisement and advertisement date(s) prior to the Board of Adlustment meeting. ~ \ A request may only be continued by an applicant a total of two times during the entire review process. If the request Is not acted upon by the appropriate committee/board at the second delayed meeting date because of the applicant's request for continuance, the application will be voided and returned to the applicant. A new submittal, lndudlng submittal fees, will be required to place the Item on an agenda. The request will process as a new submittal as If It has not been reviewed by any convnlttees/boards. Nole: In the event of an emergency, the administrator may process the continuance without it being counted toward the maximum number of two continuances allowed. f I, - .'-l~l!l.::::;...=:.:,~~L:J...u.~:.?: £. =-- - - - - - - 6 acknowledge the meeting dates listed above and representative must be present at each meeting. If I wish to continue my request, I must follow that I or my author the procedures list above. Conditional Use Pennit Application Page5of6 9/10 Currituck County Department of Planning 153 Courthouse Road, Suite 110 Currituck, North Carolina 27929 252-232-3055 FAX 252-232-3026 MEMORANDUM To: Board of Adjustment From: Donna Voliva, Planner II Date: November 30, 2011 Re: BOA 11-12 Barry Nelms Barry Nelms is appealing the administrator’s decision that a private campground on property located in Walnut Island (PIN: 0107-000-0064-0000 and 0107-000-00650000) requires a special use permit. In accordance with Chapter 2, Section 2.5 Permitted Uses Table, a special use permit is required for a campground to be established. In response to the appeal, the County submits the following: 1. Attachment 1: Application 2. Attachment 2: Determination Request dated October 24, 2011 from Barry C. Nelms. 3. Attachment 3: Letter of Determination dated October 25, 2011 from Donna Voliva. 11-12 Nelms Appeal Page 1 of 5 Attachment 1 OFFICIAL USE ONLY: Case Number: \\- \ Date Filed: \\ -C ~ Gate Keeper: ~ Amount Paid: • ()') 2 APPEAL INTERPRETATION Application ! Contact Information PROPERTY OWNER: ~ Name: Address: Telephone: <f:'0 - W S3 Telephone: Fax Number: ~~~ Fax Number: E-Mail Address, --::&,,,; LEGAL RELATIONSHIP OF APPLI ~ i ~./,fvt-( E-Mail Address: NH CHROPERn::ER: - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - -- Property Info rmation Physical Street Address: Location: ! Request D An interpretation of the zoning map. Appeal - Interpretation Application Page 2 of 5 9/ 10 11-12 Nelms Appeal Page 2 of 5 Appellant Statement State the facts you ore prepared to prove to the Boord of Adjustment that should lead the board to conclude that the decision of the administrator was erroneous. cL I, the undersigned, do certify that all of the information presented in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. Further, I hereby authorize county officials to enter my property for purposes of determining zoning compliance. All information submitted and required as port of this application process shall become public record. Appellant/Applicant Dote If the person who is requesting the Boord of Adjustment to toke action on a particular piece of property is not the owner of the property, or under contract to purchase, then the actual owner of the land must complete this section. If the owner is the appellant/application please do not complete this section. Dear Sir or Madame: hereby authorize - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- -- , . ' - - - - - - - - - - - - to appear with my consent before the Boord of Adjustment in order to request appeal or interpretation at the above location. I authorize you to advertise and present this matter in m ame as the owner of the property. If you hove any questions, you may contact me at the followin listed on this application. the address, phone number, or email address ore me, this the _ _ day of - - - - - - - - - - ~ 20_ _. Notary Public Appeal • Interpretation Application Page 3 of 5 9/ 10 11-12 Nelms Appeal Page 3 of 5 Attachment 2 October 24, 2011 To: Currituck County Zoning Department Currituck, North Carolina From: Barry C.Nelms, Owner 169 Walnut Island Blvd. Grandy,North Carolina Request: I am requesting a Determination for the use of my property at 169 Walnut Island Bvd. Grandy, N.C. for Commercial Use of-Camping, Motor Home Use, and RV Camping Use Including Use by Commercial Vendors for Special Events that are presently allowed. Property to be effected include: Parcels 1 & 2, 3.02 acres on 169 Walnut Island Blvd. Map 0107-000-0064-0000, and 9.54 acres on property described as East of Walnut Island- Map 0107-000-0065-0000. Thank you, ' Barry C. Nel s, Owner Barry's on Walnut Island Restaurant, Lodge, Sport Center 169 Walnut Island Blvd. Grandy, N.C. 27939 11-12 Nelms Appeal Page 4 of 5 Attachment 3 ,,ucK eel)~ "' J; Currituck County ' '' Department of Planning 153 Courthouse Road, Suite 110 Currituck, North Carolina 27929 252-232-3055 FAX 252-232-3026 166& October 25, 2011 Mr. Barry C. Nelms 169 Walnut Island Boulevard Grandy, NC 27939 Re: Camping Dear Barry: I received your request for determination regarding camping on your property located in Walnut Island (PIN 0107-000-0064-0000 and 0107-000-0065-0000). The property in question is zoned RR (Residential/Recreational) and a private campground requires the issuance of a special use permit. Since county records do not indicate an approved camping operation exists for the property, an approved special use permit is required for camping to occur at this location. You may appeal the administrator's decision to the Board of Adjustment within ten days from receipt of this letter that camping on PIN 0107-000-0064-0000 and 0107 000-0065-0000 requires a special use permit and is not considered a nonconforming use or this decision is considered final. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, Donna W. Voliva 11-12 Nelms Appeal Page 5 of 5 Currituck County Department of Planning Post Office Box 70 Currituck, North Carolina 27929 252-232-3055 FAX 252-232-3026 MEMORANDUM To: Board of Adjustment From: Brad Schuler, Planner I Date: November 30, 2011 Re: BOA 11-06 Mark & Kelli Thompson At the June 9, 2011 the Board heard BOA 11-06 Mark & Kelli Thompson appeal of the administrator’s decision that a heavy equipment operation is not allowed in a residential zoning district and is in violation of Chapter 2, Section 2.5 of the Currituck County Unified Development Ordinance, located at 2040 Ocean Pearl Road in Carova, Parcel 099C-000-0013-0000, Fruitville Beach Township. At the meeting, the Board affirmed the following administrator’s determinations: 1. Determination that the applicants are operating an impermissible heavy equipment business on the property within an RO2 zoning district. 2. Determination that the applicant’s were storing several unlicensed, uninspected and unregistered motor vehicles stored on the property outside of a fully enclosed structure in violation of the Currituck County UDO. The Board also modified the above administrator’s determinations allowing the applicant to correct the violations by the December 8, 2011 BOA meeting and shall be reviewed by the BOA at the December 8, 2011 meeting. A recent site visit by staff confirmed that the site has been brought into compliance with the UDO in regards to the storage of unlicensed, uninspected and unregistered motor vehicles on the property outside of a fully enclosed structure. Attached is the order from the June 9, 2011 meeting. BOA 11-06 Thompson 1 of 3 Currituck County Department of Planning Post Office Box 70 Currituck, NC 27929 252-232-3055 /Fax 252-232-3026 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED CURRITUCK COUNTY BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ORDER AFFIRMING AND REVERSING IN PART A DECISION OF THE ADMINISTRATOR Date Filed____________________ Meeting Date: Case Number: Applicant/Owner: PIN: Address: Zoning District: Township: June 9, 2011 BOA 11-06 Mark & Kelli Thompson 099C-000-0013-0000 2040 Ocean Pearl Road Outer Banks Limited Access Residential Zoning District (RO2) Fruitville Beach The Currituck County Board of Adjustment held a public hearing on June 9, 2011 to consider BOA 11-06 Mark & Kelli Thompson: Appeal of administrator’s decision that a heavy equipment operation is not allowed in a residential zoning district and is in violation of Chapter 2, Section 2.5 of the Currituck County Unified Development Ordinance. Having heard all of the evidence and arguments presented at the hearing, the Board makes the following FINDINGS OF FACTS: 1. The applicants are operating a heavy equipment business from their property located at 2040 Ocean Pearl Road (the “Property”). Heavy equipment business are not a permitted use of property in the RO2 Zoning District. 2. There does not exist an excessive amount of trash, litter, and debris on the Property. 3. The applicants have several unlicensed, uninspected and unregistered motor vehicles stored on the Property outside of a fully enclosed structure. 4. The applicants are seeking to obtain access to another parcel of property upon which to operate their heavy equipment business and expect to be able to acquire such access within six (6) months of the public hearing before the Board of Adjustment. 5. The applicants can have the unlicensed and unregistered motor vehicles stored on the Property moved within a fully enclosed structure or removed from the Property within six (6) months of the public hearing before the Board of Adjustment. The board moved to uphold the zoning administrator’s decision based on the following CONCLUSION: BOA 11-06 Thompson 2 of 3 1. The applicants are in violation of the Currituck County Unified Development Ordinance (“UDO”) because they are operating a heavy equipment business from the Property without a permit and doing so is not a permitted use of property in the RO2 Zoning District. 2. There is insufficient trash, litter or debris on the Property to conclude that the applicants are operating an impermissible junkyard on the Property which would not be a permitted use of property in the RO2 Zoning District. 3. The applicants are in violation of the Currituck County UDO for having several unlicensed, uninspected and unregistered motor vehicles stored on the Property outside of a fully enclosed structure. 4. Six (6) months is a reasonable time for the applicant’s to bring the Property into compliance with the Currituck County UDO. THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that the decision of the administrator is hereby: A. AFFIRMED with regard to the administrator’s determination that the applicants are operating an impermissible heavy equipment business on the Property within an RO2 Zoning District. The same is MODIFIED to require that the applicants shall have until the December 8, 2011 Currituck BOA meeting to correct the aforementioned violation and the same shall be reviewed by the Currituck BOA at its December 8, 2011 meeting. B. REVERSED with regard to the administrator’s determination that the applicants have an excessive amount of trash, litter and debris on the Property causing it to be classified as a junkyard. C. AFFIRMED with regard to the administrator’s determination that the applicant’s were storing several unlicensed, uninspected and unregistered motor vehicles stored on the Property outside of a fully enclosed structure in violation of the Currituck County UDO. The same is MODIFIED to require that the applicants shall have until the December 8, 2011 Currituck BOA meeting to correct the aforementioned violation and the same shall be reviewed by the Currituck BOA at its December 8, 2011 meeting. Ordered this 9th day of June, 2011 ________________________ Staff to the Board ______________________________ Chairman of the Board of Adjustment If you are dissatisfied with the decision of this board, an appeal may be taken to the Superior Court of Currituck County within 30 days after the date this order is received by you. BOA 11-06 Thompson 3 of 3
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