Ma rantz SA- I 5 SZIPM- I 5 52 Limrted Edilion (fzoootfzooo)
Ma rantz SA- I 5 SZIPM- I 5 52 Limrted Edilion (fzoootfzooo)
ru I552 MarantzSA-I5SZIPMLimrtedEdilion(fzoootfzooo) 15'Premium Range'audio havebeenworkedoverby These Series components models Marantz's Kenlshiwata to createtwo ratherspecialLimitedEditionaudiophile Review: JohnBamfordLab:PaulMiller usic may indeed be the food of love, but when playedthrough a hi-fisystemnot all of it has the same nutritionalvalue. Electroniccomponent selection,layout and mechanicalintegrity can all play a part in separatingthe good from the great. And this is the premiseof these brand new Limited Editionoroductsfrom Marantz. Its 'BrandAmbassador'and designer extraordinaire, Ken lshiwata, celebrated his 30th anniversaryof working at Marantz a couple ofyears ago by producingthe sumDtuousKl Pearlcombinationof SACD playerand amplifier[HFNSept'09]. Manufacturingwas limited to just 500 sets. Then last year lshiwatafollowed up with a couple of significantlymore affordable specials,the SA-KIPearlLite playerand PM-KIPearlLite amplifier,each priced under E1000. I've not heardthe amplifier in my system, however the Pearl Lite SACD playerhas visitedmy home on a couple of occasions.Lite it may be, but it's certainly no lightweight performer,being one of the best bargainson the market for budding audiophileson a tight budget: I love it! SO DOES HE EIIER SLEEP? hastimeto sleep QuitewhenI'shiwata I'm not sure.lf there's an important hi-fi exhibitionunderwayanywherein the world, Kenwill be there. Perhapsmost of his shut-eyeis undertakenat 35,000ft. Nevertheless, this year he hasfound time to breatheon Marantz'sSeries15 componentsfrom the company'sPremium Range.The SA-15 two-channelSACDplayer and PM-15stereo integratedamplifier were first introducedin 2005. lmproved 52 versionsappearedin the autumn of 2 0 0 9 p r i c e da t a r o u n dE 1 7 0 0 e a c h .l t ' s l"E'spower supplyemploys RIGHT: The SA-15S2 a torcidal transformer.The discmechanism is mounted on 2mm-thicksteel,designedto reduce the etrect of vibration from the spindle 50 i DECEMBER 2011 t h e s e ' 1 5 S 2m o d e l st h a t l s h i w a t ah a sn o w spent time tweaking to within inchesof their lives,resultingin the Limited Edition versionswe have here. They come only in black,but certainly look handsomethanksto a silkyfinishto 'Limited' t h e a l u m i n i u mc a s e w o r ka n d insigniason their fascias.Eachproduct is housedin a 1.2mm-thickchassis'environmentally-friendly chrome-free', saysthe company- with an additional 3mm bottom plate and substantialdiecast aluminiumvibration insulators,'footed' with felt padsto protect the shelvesof your equipment racks. Evenbefore one considerswhat's under the is clearfrom the high quality of fit and finishthat you're getting a great deal for the money here. The SA-1552LEfeaturesthe familiar SACD-10 d i s cm e c h a n i s mw, i t h i t s l o a d i n g tray made from employsCirrus Logic'sCS4398 Delta-SigmaDACwith two filter-settingsswitchablevia the player's remote handset.Filter2 is in fact the 'conventional'steep roll-offdigital filter while filter 1 (the player'sdefault setting) offers a slower roll-off characteristic. Playbackof MP3 and WMA files on CD-R/RW media is supported. The power supply'sdual-shielded toroidal transformerhas separatewindings for the player'sdigital and analogue sections,the front panel display,and the final audio output stage.Circuit componentssuch as film capacitors,main electrolyticsand decouplingcapacitorsin this LEversionare similarto those used in % Marantz'shigh-end(circaf 5k)SA-7S1 SACD player,asarethe company'sproprietary HDAMand HDAM-SA2 amplifiermodules in the output stage.Theplayer'soptical andcoaxialdigitaloutputscanbe disabled, ascanthe display, whilean opticalinput allowsthe playerto be usedasa DAC for an externaldigitalsource(upto 24Theheadphonesocketis driven bit/96kHz). by a discreteoutput circuit. The 18.5k9PM-15S2 LEfeatures bass/ treblecontrolsthat aresubtle-acting and defeatable andbalancecanbe setvia menu-controlled trim settings. A standout featureof all ampsin Marantz's Premium Rangeis the abilityto cascadethem for bi-or tri-ampingandusein multichannel systems. Again,viathe set-upmenuthe SA-15S2 LEcanbe assigned to be a 'master' 'slave', or numbered in conjunction with a sliderswitchon the rearpanelthat should be left setto-Stereofor normaluse. In particularit's the attentionto detail in the amplifier'spowersupplythat differentiates this LimitedEditionversion fromthe standardPM-1552. Employing gorgeous techniques firstusedin Marantz's MA-9monoblocks, the transformeris carefullyshielded,whilethe supply'smain electrolyticcapacitorsare now the same proprietarydesignsfeaturedin the Kl-Pearl amplifier.lshiwatasaysthe discreteHDAMSA2and SA3amp moduleshavebeen speciallyoptimisedhere. ASOVE: Bluefront panellighting,wtrkh can be sitched on/off, adds a touch of luuryto desilky bhckfinish of these timited Editions extremely refined, full-bodied and rounded, with delicate and sweet high frequencies that rarely grated even when playing brash pop/rock recordings.The modern electronica of Chase& Status'sNo More ldols CD [Mercury 27451351is typical of the genrewith its dense,impenetrable In the past I've described sound.Despitethe the SA-KIPearl Lite player compression, this LE as soundingdetailed playermanagedto and precise,with the makegood senseof the cacophonyasthe mountingtorrent of easy-going nature. room-shaking bass AndthisnewSA-15S2 LEsoundssimilaily floodedmy listening spacewhenlistening explicitwith good detaildefinition,but to the track'BlindFaith'.SingerLiam addsa creamy,luxuriousflavourto the Bailey's vocalswere portrayedmostvividly, mix.Auditionedthroughmy MarkLevinson hisvoiceseeminglypulledout from the mix No.383amplifierthe SA-1552 LEsounded with plentyof spacearoundit to aid clarity. And again,when referencinghow I've perceivedthe soundof the PearlLitedisc playerin the past,I can hearthat this Marantz's Xen lshiwata takes a holistic approach when tuning the sound of disc SA-l5S2LEpossesses a velvetysmoothness players and amplifiers to maximisetheir potential. For him it's not simply about that polishesoff the edgessomewhat. selecting more costly, higher specification internal components, or beefing up Soif you'reafter a sharply-etched, crisp power supplies.Nor is it solely about circuit topology, or heavy-dutychassis you mightnot be and'brilliant'sound, construction to avoid vibration of electronic circuits. Rather,he is looking to find thrilledby thisSpecial is highly the'sweet-spot'where elementsof a product'sdesignseemto work in harmony vividin the criticalmidband,however. with each other. His passionis for musicality alongside wide and deep soundConsequently, vocalsare alwaysexplicit staging. SaysKen:'Prefered tonal balance will always be a personal matter, of and easyto decipher,whilethe player's course.We have individual tastes, so some people mayfind the Marantz sound weightyandvigorousbassstopsand starts too warm, for example.'Wecouldn't agree mone.Indeed,how can one possibly with great precision. accountfor the balanceof an enthusiastlistener'smonitors? Raising the barwith a discof audiophile quafity,the hybridSACDof TheLookOf O @nrrnncREAM 'Theplayermade goodsenseof the mountingtorrentof room-shakrns bass' 3:l*:HT::l:ffi:''' DECEMBER 2O11 || 51 '//t /z MARANTZ SII-$SZIPM -ISSZLE(14k) ABOVE: Connectaonsare singleended (RCA)via gold-plated sockets.Amplifier hasa high quality MM/MC phono stage prc/povuerin/out and WBTspeakerterminals Love by Diana Krall [Verve 589 507-21soundedsumptuous. Swappinglayersshowed clear differentiation between CD and SACDsound quality,the soundstage captured by this recordingopening up considerablywhen playingthe hi-resoption. The basswas rich and extendedand the accompanying strings and piano were focused beautifullyto create a wonderful 'picture'. Krall'svoice was delivered with a sensualwarm glow. woody and full-bodied,and Jenny Carr'spiano accompanimentwas eerily lifelike,thanksto the senseof spacearound the instruments. TheseSeries15 Limited Editions have an abilityto cut right to the heart of the music played.A great exampleof this came with the marvellous'FeelCood lnc'from the 2005 Corillaz album Demon D a y s[ P a r l o p h o n 0e 9 4 6 3 1 1 6 9 1 ] , the infectiousbassline served up wonderfullyby this Marantz pairing.The vital (Crammyawarded) AMP WIIII ATM{ORIIY contributionto the song by the A u d i t i o n i n gt h e P M - 1 5 5 2L Ea m p l i f i e r Americanhip-hoptrio De La Soul in isolation- a line input fed from was most specific- where so many Chord Electronics'QBDT6HDDAC systemcomponentsfail to resolve and musicfrom my digital library the variousindividualelements. - proved that, like its partnering Thesetwo new designsfrom the disc player,it has a refinedand handsof Ken lshiwatadeliversound easy-on-the-ear sounds that's alsoextremelyvalve-like, muscularand authoritativetoo, with w h i c h w i l l u n d o u b t e d l yb e ' m u s i c spaciousstereo imagerythat really to the ears'of many.But seriously comesto the fore when listeningto ... mellifluous,smooth and silky, powerful orchestralmaterial.I was and with an intelligibleand vivid able to reallywind it up without it midband.Engagingin spades,and soundingstressedor on the edge. easyto listento for hourson end... And with more delicate materialMightn't I be describingmany a for example,the frail voice and solo valve-drivencombo? These'1 5S2 piano of RadkaToneff's'TheMoon LEcomponentsreallydo sound ls A Harsh Mistress'from Fairytales deliciouslysweet.O [Odin CD-03]- it was evident that this is an amplifiercapableof subtletyand grace in equal measure. Deliveringholographic image 'l Pairedup, these Series 5 Limited perspectives and extremely Editionssoundedcalm and unforced fine and polished sound, with enchantingdepth-layering these Marantz Limited Edition of stereo images. Resolutionof components are nothing short of instrumental textures was excellent delightful to listen to. Given the too, especiallywhen listeningto attention to detail in their build SACDS, despitea warm tonality quality, they clearly represent givingthe impressionof indifference excellentvalue for money and to the analysisof fine detailsin can be highly recommended. recordingswith forensicprecision. Certainlythey could form the 'Lilac Wine' from BarbJungr'sJust basis of a fabulous hi-fi system for LikeA Woman SACD[Linn AKD 309] lessthan a king's ransom. brought a lump to my throat, with her intimate, rather huskyvoice Sound 0uatity: 850/o soundingfull of passion.Danny Thompson'sstring basssounded €Hffi,0 Let'skick-offwith the SA-15S2LE player.Unusually,it's Marantz's Filter 1 option that offers a slow HFroll-off,trading reduced ringingand group delayin the audiobandfor a poorer attenuation of stopband (aliasing)images.Filter 2 offers the more traditional 'brickwall' cutoff (-78d8 at z4kqzvs. -24d8 at 24kHzwith 48kHzdigitalinsand -22d8 at 5 1kHzvs.-6dB at 5 1kHzwith 96kHz digital ins).Howeve( the frequency responsewithin the passbandis unaffectedby filter setting: -O.26dB/2okHz(44.1kHz CD),-O.24dBl2OkHz(BkHz digital in) and - l.9dB/45kHz(96kHzdigitalin).On the other hand, the Filtersettingsdo impact on the practical responseof SACD replay,with Filter i the 'flatter' extendingout to -1 9dB/100kHz vs.-45dBi l OOkHzwith Filter 2. Jittershowsthe sameslightly untidy pattern observedwith recent Marantz playersat -400psec with CD/SACD but rather higher at 228opsecvia the digitalinput with 48kHzmedia[seeGraph2, below]. Maranfz'spartnering amplifier exceedsits 90W rating at 'l4OW 2xl lOry8ohm and offersa full 250W and 410W into 8, 4 and 2ohm loadsunderdynamicconditions[seeGraph1]. Distortionis low throughthe bassand midrangeand increases gently with output from O.0018%at 1W to 0.0037%at 10W and 0.0 1%at 100W. THD necessarilyincreasesat higher frequencyto just O.O17% at 20kHz/10W. Responseis very extended:just -0.7d8/1ookHzbut with an unusualsubsonic bassboost of +7.5d8 at 3Hz. Readersmay view comprehensive QC Suitetest reports for Marantz'sSA/PM-I5S2LECD/SACD player/DACand amp by and clickingon the red 'download'button. PM E l E 3 o I g Dyrmic Powtr Outp|lt >> E ABOVE:Dynamicpower output versusdistortion into 8ohm (blacktrace), 4ohm (red),2ohm (blue) and lohm (green)speakerloads E 2 3500 << Jltlar Fleqnncy >> trI ABOVE:High resolutionjitter spectrum for SA-15S2LE: SACD(blackspectrum)and 24-bit/48kHz digital input (red spectruml - jitter is higher at 48k than 96k Power output (<1%THD,8/4ohm) Dynamic power (<l%THD, 8i4l2/lohm) 138W/2s0W/410W/114w Freq.resp. (20H2-l00kHz,SACD/amp) +0.2d8to -0.7d8/+0.2d8 to -l8dB r 0 8 . s d B( 0 d B F t/ 8 9 . 3 d 8( 0 d B W ) o.oo2-0.005% (row) / 0.05-0.02% .tifter (CD/SACD/48k di9 in/96k dig in) 6W/325w @ 2x90W(3sw idle) 4 4Ox123x419 | 4 40x"l23x4 44 mm DECEMBER20ll !| 53