Netties 2005


Netties 2005
Netties 2005
12 - 15 October
Government Quarter
St. Pölten
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Scope of the Conference
The 10th International Netties Conference will be held at St. Pölten
University of Applied Sciences, Austria, from 13th – 15th October, 2005.
The conference will comprise a mix of research sessions, panel
discussions and lectures, bringing together academics and researchers
interested in the technologies of the future. NETTIES 2005 is planned as
a three-day event on various theoretical, methodological and practical
aspects of the organisation and application of telecommunications and
In keeping with the three main subject areas of St. Pölten University of
Applied Sciences – Social Sciences, Economics and Technology –
Netties 2005 will focus on interactive media applications. The modern
interactive media open up a large number of possibilities. To apply these
media successfully, however, one must consider the needs of the
potential users, the technical potential and the economic benefit alike.
The conference thus addresses the question of e-inclusion and interprets
it in a wider sense as including strategies for the dismantling of
technological and economic barriers.
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Wednesday, 12 October 2005
Conference Registration
Welcome Address
Prof. Ing. Dr. Johann Günther
President EATA
Dipl. Ing. Dr. Erwin Pröll
Governor of Lower Austria
Elisabeth Gehrer
Minister of Education, Science and Culture, Vienna
Dipl. Ing. Dr. Erwin Pröll
Governor of Lower Austria
Welcome Adress
Ján Figel
EU Commissioner
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Key Note - Speaker
Dr. habil. Caroline Y. Robertson - von Trotha
Director of Centre of Applied Cultural Studies and Studium
Generale, University of Karlsruhe (TH), Germany
21 July 2004
Habilitation at Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Karlsruhe
Since 1 July 2002
Director of Centre of Applied Cultural Studies and Studium Generale at University of
Student of Sociology, Philosophy and History at University of Karlsruhe
1972 – 1974
Student of Political Science and Sociology at the University of Heidelberg
Scottish Higher Level Examinations
Born in Glasgow, Scotland.
Dr. Georg Pölzl
Generalmanager T-Mobile, Austria
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Thursday, 13 October 2005
08.00 – 09.00
Conference Registration
09.00 – 09.30
Prof. Ing. Dr. Johann Günther
President EATA
Mag. Matthias Stadler
Mayor of St. Pölten
09.30 – 10.00
O. Univ. Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. h.c. mult. Hermann Maurer
Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science, Graz University of
Technology, Austria
Student of Mathematics at the Universities of Vienna (Austria) and Calgary (Canada)
from 1959. System Analyst with the Government of Sasketchewan (Canada) in 1963.
Mathematician-programmer with IBM Research in Vienna 1964-1966. PhD in
Mathematics from the University of Vienna 1965. Assistant and Associate Professor
for Computer Science at the University of Calgary 1966-1971. Full Professor for
Applied Computer Science at the University of Karlsruhe, West Germany, 1971-1977,
and Visiting Professor at SMU, Dallas, and University of Brasilia (Brazil) for three
months each, and at the University of Waterloo during the same period. Full
Professor at Graz University of Technology. First Dean of the newly formed Faculty
of Computer Science of Graz University of Technology. Adjunct Professor at Denver
University 1984-1988; Professor of Computer Science at the University of Auckland,
New Zealand, in 1993 (on leave from Graz), then Honorary Adjunct
'How do we protect ourselves from a disastrous breakdown of
computer networks?'
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10.00 – 10.20
Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Manfred Tscheligi
Business Informatics (University of Vienna), Director and co-founder
of Cure, Austria
Manfred Tscheligi holds a master degree in Business Informatics (University of
Vienna) and a PhD in Social and Economic Science (University of Vienna,
specialisation in Applied Computer Science). After being an Associate Professor of
Applied Computer Science at the University of Vienna (Institute of Computer Science
and Business Informatics), he is now Full Professor for Human-Computer Interaction
& Usability at the University of Salzburg's newly established Center for Advanced
Studies and Research in Information and Communication Technologies & Society
10.20 – 10.45
Coffee Break
Session 1
10.45 – 11.05
Istvan Bessenyei
University of Western Hungary (Nyugat-Magyrországi Egyetem),
Institute of Business Informatics (Gazdasági Informatikai Intézet),
Sopron, Hungary
'My eLearning blog'
11.05 – 11.25
Thomas Nárosy, MAS
Director e-LISA academy, Vienna, Austria
'How to build an e-Learning-Network for Teachers: Vision –
Strategies – Experiences'
11.25 – 11.45
Ken Brown
Lecturer, Engineering, Letterkenny Institute of Technology, Ireland
Nancy O’Donnell
Lecturer, Legal Studies, Letterkenny Institute of Technology, Ireland
Averil Meehan
Lecturer, Computing, Letterkenny Institute of Technology, Ireland
'A Pilot Programme to Prepare the Way for the Introduction of
11.45 – 12.05
Anna-Liisa Mattila
Oulu Polytechnic Institute of Technology, Oulu, Finland
Timo Löhönen
Oulu Polytechnic Institute of Technology, Oulu, Finland
'Idea Enricher – a Pedagogic Process'
12.05 – 12.25
Renate Potzmann, MA
Pedagogic Institute of the City of Vienna, Austria
F. Bobek-Kuchar
Sacre Coeur Grammar School, Vienna, Austria
'Teach the Teachers – online!'
12.25 – 14.00
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Session 2
Interactive Application
By means of interactive media such as television, mobile devices, the Web and tangible user
interfaces, applications can be made available to a large part of society. In this connection
both the technical possibilities of such applications and their economic potential are worthy of
consideration. Special attention should be paid to real applications of interactive media, in
order to share experiences of implementation and use.
14.00 – 14.25
Dipl.-Verk.-wirtsch. Marcus Einbock
Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration,
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Kummer
Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration,
'Telematics – is it really a Chance for Transport and Logistics?'
14.25 – 14.45
Dipl. Ing. Dorothea Erharter
Lecturer at St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, St. Pölten,
'Diversity in Interactive Applications'
14.45 – 15.05
Marc Fabri
Senior Lecturer in Computing, Innovation North, Leeds Metropolitan
University, Leeds, UK
David Moore
Innovation North, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK
'Is empathy the Key? Effective Communication via Instant
Coffee Break
15.05 – 15.30
15.30 – 15.50
Markus Seidl
Lecturer at St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, St. Pölten,
“Didactical and technical aspects of a Blended Learning
Scenario with Moodle“
15.50 – 16.10
Vadym Kramar
Polytechnics of Oulu, Pehr Brahe Software Laboratory, Oulu,
Alexander Smirnov
Heli Helaakoski
VTT Electronics, Pehr Brahe Software Laboratory, Oulu, Finland
'Multi-channel Solutions for Interactive Services: Channels and
their Rates of Interactivity'
16.10 – 16.30
Tamás Réz
Assistant Professor, University of Technology and Economics,
Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Department of
Information and Knowledge Management, Budapest, Hungary
'The Key Usability Issues of Designing a User-friendly, Easily
Manageable and Valuable PDA Application'
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16.30 – 16.50
16.50 – 17.00
17.00 – 17.30
17.30 – 18.30
Dipl. Ing. Hannes Raffaseder
Lecturer at St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, St. Pölten,
'SoundTableTennis – an Interactive sound installation'
Session Summary
Dipl. Ing. Hannes Raffaseder
Lecturer at St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, St. Pölten,
Introducing the Sound Tower, St. Pölten
Visit to Sound Tower, St. Pölten
Built in 1996 by architect Ernst Hoffmann. The facade of the Sound Tower consists of
1,000 sqm of glass supported by a 650-ton steel frame. Becoming narrower towards
the top, the tower is almost 67 metres tall (77.17 metres including radio aerial). From
the foyer 280 steps lead up to the viewing platform which is at an altitude of 46.88
metres. The Sound Tower is conceived as a landmark for acoustic art in Austria and
wants to convey acoustic art as a complex experience of the senses. Extending over
several floors and including spherical audiozones, it involves the visitors and is
furthermore committed to presenting projects by Austrian artists as well as work
especially produced for the Sound Tower by international artists. There is an
information centre on the ground floor.
Friday, 14 October 2005
09.00 – 09.15
Prof. Ing. Dr. Johann Günther
President EATA
'The Liberalisation of Telecommunications in Austria'
09.15 – 9.45
Dr. Wolfgang Streitenberger
Councillor to the Director General, Directorate-General Information
Society and Media, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium
1970 – 1976 Student of Political Science and History (Dr.phil., 1976) and Economics
(Mag.rer.soc.oec., 1974) at the University of Vienna; Sorbonne, Paris 1974/75.
1975/1976 Post-gradual training in European Business at Collège d’Europe in
Brügge, Belgium.
1976 – 94 Business editor, ORF television, head of planning, ORF general
management, presenter of talkshow 'Nachtstudio'
1990 – 91 Head of Public Relations, EXPO VIENNA AG
1991 – 94 Member of Board of Directors, Niederösterreichische Landeshauptstadt
Planungsgesellschaft m.b.H. St. Pölten
1996 – 2001 Head of European Commission's Representative Office in Austria
2001– 2003 Councillor, European Commission, Directorate-General Press and
Since April 2003 Councillor, European Commission, Directorate-General Information
Society and Media
'Interactive eGovernment'
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09.45 – 10.15
Rick Wolk
Instructor, Management & Entrepreneurship, Alaska Pacific
University, USA
'Telecommunications Liberalisation in the USA'
Rick brings to APU’s Business Administration Department almost 20 years of handson management and marketing experience in the United States and in Canada. He is
a co-founder of the successful outdoor recreation magazine, Alaska Coast, and is
also the Sam Walton Free Enterprise Fellow at APU. Rick is also the Executive
Director of Alaska InvestNET, a non-profit organisation founded to nurture
entrepreneurship in Alaska for both entrepreneurs and investors.
10.15 – 10.45
Dr. Gennady Yanovsky
Head of Telecommunications Networks Department, Saint
Petersburg State University of Telecommunications, Saint
Petersburg, Russia
'The Current State of Russian Telecommunications'
10.45 – 11.15
Coffee Break
11.15 – 11.45
Zhu Shengjiao
Director, International Programmes, Jianghan University, China
'The Situation of Telecommunications in PRC'
11.45 – 12.05
Peter Sereinigg
Lecturer of Information Science and Project Management at FH
Joanneum University of Applied Sciences, Austria
Dr. James Miller
Lecturer of English and International Relations at FH Joanneum
University of Applied Sciences, Austria
Kathrin Lind
Student at FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences, Austria
'Intercultural Communication'
12.05 – 12.25
Dipl. Ing. Grischa Schmiedl
Lecturer at St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, St. Pölten,
'Forged Information in the World Wide Web'
12.25 – 14.00
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Session 3
Intercultural Communication and Digital Societies
People’s use of interactive media applications is determined not only by their individual style
of communication but also by their specific cultural background. This must be taken into
account in the development of interactive applications. The new mode of communication in
turn changes cultures, economies and societal groups. How will these changes manifest
themselves? How important are they, and how will we be able to cope with their impact?
14.00 – 14.20
Dr. tech. Manne Hannula
Medical Engineering R & D Center, Institute of Technology, Oulu
Polytechnic, Oulu, Finland
'What is your own Stress Equation?'
14.20 – 14.40
Dipl. Ing. (FH) Barbara Hofer
Andrew U. Frank
Institute of Geoinformation and Cartography, Vienna University of
Technology, Vienna, Austria
'A Human Centered Perspective on Web Mapping Services'
14.40 – 15.10
Harald Hoffmann
Friedrich Lachmayer
Metadat, Vienna, Austria
'Legal Text and its Visualisation in an Inter-cultural Context'
15.10 – 15.30
Coffee Break
15.30 – 15.50
Jori Karppinen
Alexey Tchougounov
Oulu Polytechnic, Pehr Brahe Software Laboratory (PBOL), Oulu,
'Personalisation in Mobile Advertising Systems'
15.50 – 16.10
Dr. Savvas A. Katsikides
Jean Monnet Chair, Department of Social and Political Science at
the University of Cyprus, Cyprus
'Society and Technology in Eastern Europe'
16.10 – 16.30
Mag. Walter Sedlacek, MSc MBA
Lecturer, Danube University, Krems, Austria
'Escalation Management with the Help of Open Source Tools in
a Local Area Network and Server Environment'
16.30 – 16.50
Prof. Yevgeniy Sulema, PhD
Director of E-Education Center at National Technical University of
Ukraine “Kiev Polytechnic Institute”, Kiev, Ukraine
'Multimedia in Computer Networks: Technologies and
16.50 – 17.10
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Markus Schranz
technical director pressetext.austria, Austria
“Setting the pace for networked news business in Europe”
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Session 3 - simultaneous
Intercultural Communication and Digital Societies
People’s use of interactive media applications is determined not only by their individual style
of communication but also by their specific cultural background. This must be taken into
account in the development of interactive applications. The new mode of communication in
turn changes cultures, economies and societal groups. How will these changes manifest
themselves? How important are they, and how will we be able to cope with their impact?
14.00 – 14.20
Andrea Gorra
PhD student, Leeds Metropolitan University, School of Information
Management, Leeds, UK
'Mobile Technologies Cross Traditional Boundaries between
Work and Leisure'
14.20 – 14.40
Ken Brown
Dr. Averil Meehan
Letterkenny Institute of Technology, Letterkenny, Ireland
'Computer Programming and Learning Management Systems'
14.40 – 15.10
Amir Malik
Mohammed Ali Jinnah University, Islamabad, Pakistan
'Internet Security'
15.10 – 15.30
Coffee Break
15.30 – 15.50
Ao Univ. Prof. Dipl. Ing. Dr. techn. Peter Purgathofer
Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Design and
Assessment of Technology, Vienna, Austria
Graduation from Vienna University of Technology, Dipl. Ing. in Informatics; member
of university staff since 1992; fields of interest: user interface design, hypertext and
aspects of socially acceptable design of technologies. Since 1996 head of 'uid lab', a
co-operation of the Institute of Design and Assessment of Technology and
gregerpauschitz f.o.p.; a.o. projects with ars electronica center, the cd-labor für
software research and the German Sparkassen-Informatikzentrum.
Co-winner of an award at prix ars electronica 2000 in the category .net for
the project telezone, with erich berger, volker christian and others.
'Design at the Core'
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Session 4
Interactive Applications
By means of interactive media such as television, mobile devices, the Web and tangible user
interfaces, applications can be made available to a large part of society. In this connection
both the technical possibilities of such applications and their economic potential are worthy of
consideration. Special attention should be paid to real applications of interactive media, in
order to share experiences of implementation and use.
15.50 – 16.10
Vasilios Kolyvas
Post-Graduate at Department of Automation,Technological
Educational Institute of Piraeus, Greece
'LANs: Technology Analysis and Protocol Deployment Issues'
16.10 – 16.30
Dr. Franz Lackinger
Account Manager Global Education & Research, Sun Microsystems
GesmbH, Vienna, Austria
'Welcome to the Sun Grid'
16.30 – 16.50
Edvard Musiyenko
Oulu Polytechnic, Raahe Institute of Technology and Business,
Raahe, Finland
'Wireless Control System for Industrial Robots'
16.50 – 17.10
Günther Schmatzberger
Student of Media Management, St. Pölten University of Applied
Sciences, St. Pölten, Austria
'E-Learning Management at Universities'
17.10 – 17.30
MMag. Victor Mihalic
Head of EBC*L Representative Office, Vienna, Austria
'EBCL – European Business Computer Licence'
17.30 – 17.55
Plenary Session and Closing
Prof. Ing. Dr. Johann Günther
Executive Director, St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, St.
Pölten, Austria
Risto Kimari
Institute of Technology, Oulu, Finland
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General Assembly EATA
(for EATA members exclusively)
General Assembly EBCL
European Business Computer Licence
Univ. Prof. Dr. Dr. Gerhard E. Ortner
Fernuniversität Hagen, Germany
Studied Economics, Law and Educational Sciences; habilitation as founder of the
'Science of Educational Institutions'. Gerhard E. Ortner has worked in teaching and
research at a number of universities and public research institutes and is a
successful political and business consultant of many years' standing. He holds a
chair of Business Administration at the Fernuniversität Hagen, specialising in
Personnel Management and Business Communication, and teaches regularly as an
honorary professor at the Freie Universität Berlin and the Danube University Krems,
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Meeting of Partner Universities and Fair
10.15 – 12.25
Meeting of Partner Universities and Fair
Meeting between St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences’ partner
institutions. Discussion and exchange of experiences.
Afterwards: Fair
Possibility for partner universities to present their home institution
and to meet representatives of other higher education institutions
and students.
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Saturday, 15 October 2005
Alternative Programme
Daytrip to Mariazell
Departure from St. Pölten train station:
8.23, train E 6837 'Ötscherbär', including the colourful 'Tohuwabunti' coach.
The Mariazell railway line is a remarkable narrow-gauge line (760mm) in eastern
Austria. Besides its historical significance, it remains an important means of transport
for the local population and is also a well-loved tourist attraction.
Arrival in Mariazell:
Mariazell has been one of the most important places of pilgrimage in central Europe
for almost 850 years and attracts thousands of pilgrims from every corner of Europe
every year. The foundations of the basilica (erected in 1157) were laid when a
Benedictine monk from Sankt Lambrecht built a 'cell' (hence the name Mariazell) for
his beloved statue of the Virgin Mary. The oldest part of the building is presumed to
date back to the days of Margrave Henry of Moravia. The Gothic chancel began to be
built in 1340, the grandiose nave in 1260. King Ludwig I of Hungary subsidised the
building work considerably. Both on the inside and outside the church represents a
perfect union of Gothic and Baroque: the imposing Gothic central tower with its
opulent stone ornaments is flanked by two Baroque towers; the cupola overarches
the east wing, and the high windows and terracotta pilasters in front of the white walls
give the building a special character. Smaller chapels were added to the side of the
nave and the galleries above them lead to the old and the new treasury.
Return from Mariazell:
16.47 , train E 6842
Arrival at St. Pölten train station:
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The EATA (European Association for Telematic Applications) is an international nongovernmental organisation with the objective of encouraging the wider distribution
and application of info-communication as well as telecommunication technologies in
the European Union. The Association seeks to foster good practices in education on
TA, to improve the understanding of this technological research subject on the part of
the European Union and to determine suitable criteria in order to establish common
standards on TA. Moreover, EATA promotes TA for the improvement of living and
working conditions: it establishes mechanisms for industrial participation and
contributes to the initiatives of the European Commission relating to education and
research in universities and other higher education institutions. Correspondingly,
EATA encourages the exchange of staff and students between co-operating
Organisation Committee
Johann Günther, Kati Förster, Daniela Kaser,
St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, Austria
Programme Committee
Graham Orange, Leeds Metropolitan University, United Kingdom
Risto Kimari, Oulu Polytechnic, Finland
Hardy Hannapi, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Johann Günther, St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, Austria
Gregory Zeibekakis, Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus, Greece
Savvas Katsikides, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Josef Hochgerner, Centre of Social Innovation, Vienna, Austria
Alena Ilavsky, University of Svolen, Slovakia
Michael Wagner, Danube University, Krems, Austria
Alois Frotschnig, St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, Austria
Wolfgang Franta, St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, Austria
Angela Fritz, St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, Austria
Karl Dvorak, St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, Austria
Do It All in Austria
Austria is a popular destination for visitors from all over the world, who appreciate its
beautiful landscapes, rich culture, distinctive local cuisine, hospitality and safety. Do it
all in Austria, the country that offers something for everyone! Sport and nature lovers
will appreciate the mountains, rivers, lakes and forests. History lovers will marvel at
the palaces, cathedrals and castles. Art lovers will admire the hundreds of museums.
Music lovers will revel in the tunes of one of the world’s richest contributors to the
international music scene. Gourmets will savour the fine local cuisine. Everything the
world holds in store for travellers can be found in charming perfection in Austria.
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Even More So in St. Pölten …..
The largest province, Lower Austria, offers a large diversity of landforms: hilly areas
alternate with broad plains, alpine regions with the idyllic Danube landscape. St.
Pölten is the oldest city in Austria, and at the same time the youngest provincial
capital of the country. It is home to more than 50 educational institutions, among
them the University of Applied Sciences, one auf Austria’s youngest and most
modern university establishments. The provincial capital of Lower Austria with 50,000
inhabitants uniquely combines historical and contemporary architecture, apart from
offering numerous cultural events throughout the year. The old Baroque town centre
has its own very special charm, conveyed by historical buildings as well as numerous
shops and restaurants. In contrast, the biggest names in contemporary architecture
have left their signatures in the Government Quarter, an impressive place with a
lively art and cultural scene. Institutions like the Provincial Museum, the Festival Hall
and the Sound Tower offer interesting and varied events, shows and exhibitions.
St. Pölten is centrally located, within easy reach of a whole variety of attractions.
Within an hour of our city you can enjoy the urban life of Vienna, the refreshment of
beautiful lakes and forests, the culinary delights of the nearby wine-growing regions
and historical sites such as the monastery in Melk.
University of Applied Sciences, St. Pölten
St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences offers students a vocationally orientated
and academically sound training that prepares them to meet the challenges of the
professional world. Each course combines a solid grounding in the subjects with a
specialisation, ensuring that graduates are equipped to fulfil a variety of professional
tasks in their future careers. Alongside they acquire additional training in subjects
such as business administration, law, foreign languages, and interpersonal skills.
Students can choose to acquire international certificates (e.g. Cisco, Microsoft,
Cambridge). Work placements ensure that they gain hands-on experience in the
workplace even before graduation. After being awarded their academic degree,
graduates can choose to continue studying for a Master or doctorate.
As a participant in international academic exchange programmes, St. Pölten
University of Applied Sciences encourages students to spend a semester studying or
working abroad. There is a lively exchange of students and lecturers with partner
universities in Europe and beyond.
St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences has taken part in a number of national and
international research projects (e.g. Equal, FHplus, Interreg). Research and
Development is organised with a major participation of lecturers and students in the
projects. This ensures that research and instruction are directly linked. R&D puts
special emphasis on co-operations with partners in and outside Austria and is
committed to an interdisciplinary approach. An academic journal is published
St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences also co-operates with private businesses,
non-profit organisations and the public sector. A process-orientated quality
management system has been established to maintain high quality standards at all
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Map of St. Pölten
Regierungsviertel (Landhausviertel)/Government Quarter
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Map of St. Pölten
Fachhochschule/University of Applied Sciences
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Registration Form
First Name:
Last Name:
Telephone no.:
Fax no.:
Hotel Metropol, Schillerplatz 1, 3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: 0043 - 2742 - 707 00, e-mail: [email protected]
Hotel Seepark, Bimbo Binder-Promenade 5, Ratzersdorfer See, 3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: 0043 - 2742 - 25 15 10, e-mail: [email protected]
Gasthaus Winkler, Mühlweg 64, 3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: 0043 - 2742 - 36 49 44, e-mail: [email protected]
Gasthaus Keferböck, Ratzersdorfer Hauptstr. 56, 3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: 0043 – 2742 – 25 35 49
Booking via Verkehrsbüro St. Pölten:
Tel.: 0043 – 2742 - 368210-0, e-mail: [email protected]
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Participation Fee:
The participation fee includes:
- Access to all presentations and lectures
- Pre-proceeding materials
- Post-proceeding materials in printed and multimedia format
- Opening dinner
- Daily lunches and snacks
- Transfer between hotels and conference site
- All applicable taxes and fees
Participation fee:
- EUR 190,-- for full length
- EUR 90,-- for one day
Video Streaming:
The entire conference will be streamed on the Internet.
Hand out:
Beside manuscripts every visitor will get a book from Prof. Maurer,
key note-speaker on Thursday morning
FAX: 0043-2742-313228-209
e-mail: [email protected]
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