The American Adventure - Disney Parks Earchive
The American Adventure - Disney Parks Earchive lllumiNations Must See! The American Adventure • presented by GE presented by Coca-Cola and American Express • A spectacular extrava ganza over World Showcase Lagoon, bursting with lights, lasers, fireworks, and magnificent music. Nightly at 9:00pm A ·must see" in World Showcase at Epcot is The American Adventure. This 30-minute animated look at the history of America is highlighted by astonishingly detailed sets and sophisticated Audio-Animatronic~. Ben Franklin walks up stairs and Will Rogers spins yarns and his rope! An evocative multimedia presentation only at Epcot! r·LJ:~tlno Wonders of Life presented by MetLife Guest Performers America Gardens Theatre Sunday 1:35pm - Florida Memorial College Gospel Choir.Ambassador Chorale , and Jazz Band, Miami, Florida Saturday 1:35pm - Celebration II, Seminole, Florida idure the fun. America Gardens Repertory Season America Gardens Theatre Bring all your magical moments home with Kodak Gold film or a Kodak Fun Saver 35 camera. Kodak Gold film is a great choice for superior color reproduction in bright or low light, with unsurpassed sharpness. The Kodak Fun Saver 35 camera i.s convenient, easy-to-use, and loaded with a 27-exposure roll of Kodak Gold 400 film. Don 't forget to visit Wonders of Life, presented by MetLife. Wonders of Life looks at health, fitness, and modern lifestyles. Highlights include Body Wars, Cranium Command, "Goofy about Health," Coach 's Corner, and "The Making of Me." Body Wars To enjoy your pictures right owoy, be sure to ask for 2-hour processing at a Photo Express Center. Kodak Gold and Ni Savel are lrodemarb ~ Kodak Campony, 1994 This spectacular thrill ride through the human body propels you beyond the pounding chambers of the heart as you race against time in this action-packed adventure. An ever-changing program of exciting and diverse live entertainment performances. Experience Latin rhythms, the world of jazz, entertainment for kids and by kids, foot-stompin' country music and dancing, and much more. "Latin Rhythms" will continue through September 21 . This week featuring: "SalsaMania" with Carlos Oliva & The Judge's Nephews and the Augmar-Montilla Dancers Sunday - Tuesd ay 4:00, 5:30, 6:45 & 8:00pm " Merengue Madness with 'lnmensidad"' Frida y & Saturday 4:00, 5:30, 6:45 & 8:00pm Entertainment subject to change or cancellation without notice. lnnoventions Update Compete in a race to find the most dinosaur eggs (and fight off a pesky pterodactyl in the process). Or become the cue ball in the toughest game of pool you' ll ever play, all through the technology of virtual reality at lnnoventions. In addition to "Dactyl Nightmare 11--Race for the Eggs· and · cue View; guests can tour the tomb of Queen Nefertari. venture even farther back in time to the ancient Caves of Lascaux, or examine St. Peter's Baslllca in virtual detail. Other lnnoventions marvels: Home Automation , "Tonight Show with Jay Leno· experience. and Pico system for kids. Merchandise Personalization Gateway Gifts at the base of Spaceship Earth and World Traveler at International Gateway can personalize select Walt Disney World merchandise ranging from caps and T-shirts to Jackets, dress shirts, and plush toys. Initials and first names can be embroidered in either block or script fonts in your choice of ten colors. In addition , two logos, Mickey Mouse and Spaceship Earth, are also available. Prices vary. This service is available from 11 :OOam until closing. Preview Center presented by GM Don' t miss the spectacular 3,000-square-foot mural painted by French artist Catherine Feff which provides the backdrop for the new Automobile Preview Center, presented by GM. On display are a host of the latest GM automobiles. The center will be transformed in late spring 1997 into a thrilling new attraction, "Test Track; which is currently under construction. Got a question that's "out of this world"? Epcot Discovery Center is the ultimate information resource. Featuring Information on topics ranging from Aeroponics to Zorro. the center is staffed by knowledgeable research assistants who can provide answers to all of your Disney-related questions. Epcot Discovery Center is located on the west side of lnnoventions, facing Spaceship Earth. Character Dining Meet Mickey and your Disney friends for great food and fabulous fun at Garden Grill Restaurant in The Land . Mickey's Garden Breakfast Daily from Park opening to 11 :30am Adult, $1 4.95; Child (3-11), $7.95 Mickey's Garden Lunch Dally from 11 :45am to 4:00pm Adult, $16.95; C hild (3- 11), $9.95 Disney's Garden Get-Together Dinner Daily from 4:00 to 7:50pm Adult. $16.95; C hild (3- 11), $9.95 Character Discoveries The American Adventure Celebrate I Love America with your favorite Disney charac ters In The American Adventure Garden dally at 11:25am. 12:35•. 3:10 & 5:05pm ·Not perfo rmed Monday World Showcase Disney characters appear daily at Germany, Morocco, the United Klngdom, International Gatev.tay, and Showcase Plaza. See times under Live Entertainment inside. Wonders of Life Join Sp ort Goofy for a refreshment break at Pure and Simple dally at 9:30 & 10:30am Centorium Disney c harac ters appear daily from 6:00 to 9:00pm & 9:30 to 9:55pm Artistry GERMANY Goebel master painter Gaby Forkel will demonstrate her artistic talents Sunday through Wednesday and Saturday throughout the day at Glas und Porzellan. Behind-the-Scenes Tours THE LAND BACKSTAGE TOUR Discover amazing things about p lants , pest management , hydroponics, b iotechnology, and fish farming during this 1-hour walking tour with an agricultural specia list who will take you backstage in The Land greenhouses a nd labs. $6 adults; $4 children (ages 3-9). Sign up at the podium near the Green Thumb Emporium on the lower level of The Land. English only. GARDENS OF THE WORLD Travel World Showcase with an expert Disney horticulturist a nd find out how Epcot landscaping Is designed, selec ted, and themed to each nation. This three-hour tour is offered Tuesday & Thursday. HIDDEN TREASURES OF WORLD SHOWCASE Three tours exploring the art, arc hitec ture, c ostumes , and entertainment that bring World Showc ase to life. Hidden Trea sures East - Tuesday (2 hours) Hidden Trea.5Ures East & West - Wednesday (5 hours) Hidden Treasures West - Saturday (2 hours) Gardens of the World and Hidden Treasures of World Showcase begin at 9:30am. Two-hour tours are $25 per person; five-hour tour is $65 per person and includes lunch. For same-day reservations, visit the Tour Garden on the west side of the Main Entranc e Plaza; to bo ok In adva nce, call (407) WOW-TOUR. Art of Disney Epcot Visit the new Art of Disney Epcot gallery o n the second floor of the Centorium in lnnoventions. This new gallery features a unique selec tion o f Disney collec tib les including animation art, lithographs, decorative figurines, a nd furniture. Disney Youth Markets Markus Engel a nd Sigrid Schaller. from Engel Puppen, will c usto mize your d oll purc hases Wed nesday through Saturday throughout the day at Der TeddybOr. Wa lt Disney World offers year-round group programs that Include educational experiences, scout programs, performance opportunities, and special youth group rates. For Information, contac t Disney Youth Markets at 1-800-833-9806. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW worn at all times. Guest Relations, located Employment lnfonnation - Call at INNOVENTIONS, is (407) 828-1000. headquarters for: First Aid - At the Odyssey • WorldKey interactive terminals for making same-day lunch Center in Future World. or dinner priority seatings Lockers - Attended lockers are located on the west side of • Disney Resort reservations Spaceship Earth. Unattended • Disney Character greeting lockers are at International information Gateway, and oversized lockers • Dining information at Bus Information. • Lost children NOTE: Walt Disney World is not responsible for lost o r stolen items. • Personal translator units in Spanish, French, or German Package Pick-up - At Gift Stop at the Entrance Plaza. Purchases • Guidemaps in Spanish, delivered here may be picked Portuguese, French, German, up as you exit the park or delivand Japanese ered to your Walt D isney World • Information and special audio/visual materials for guests resort. This is a free service. Picnics - Food and drink may with disabilities not be brought into Epcot. • Disney Dollar exchange Stamps - A stamp machine is • Foreign currency exchange located on the west side of • Disney Vacation Club inforSpaceship Earth. Stamps are mation also sold at Heritage Manor at • Information on behind-theThe American Adventure. scenes educational and profes- Transportation - Boats are sional programs available in World Showcase. Baby Changing/Nursing Monorail Station provides Located in the Odyssey Center express service to the in Future World. Hosted by Transportation and licket Center. Buses provide transCarnation Baby Formulas. portation throughout Walt Baby Strollers - Rentals availDisney World. able on the east side of Wheelchairs - Limited quantiSpaceship Earth and at ties available for rent for guests International Gateway. with disabilities on the east side Banking - Automatic Teller of Spaceship Earth and at Machines are located on the International Gateway. For east side of the Entrance Plaza guests needing wheelchairs, and at the east side of the this symbol~ on the map Future World Fountain. indicates areas where guests Provided by SunTrust, N.A. may remain in wheelchairs at Cam era Center - Camcorder all times. To experience attracrentals available at the base of tions marked with this symbol Spaceship Earth. Presented by 0 ~ guests in motorized Kodak. For two-hour processvehicles must transfer to an ing, drop your film where you available wheelchair. This see the PHOTO EXPRESS sign. symbol means guests must CJ Pick up your prints at the leave wheelchairs to enter the Camera Center. attraction. Ask for the Credit Cards - The American Guidebook for Guests with Express• card is the Official Disabilities at Guest Relations. Card of the Walt Disney World ~Smoking - Smoking is Resort. Traveler's checks, cash, 0 prohibited in any building, MasterCard•, Visa•, and The dining area or waiting area. Disney Credit Card are also accepted (includes some Please refrain from drinking or counter-service food areas). eating on any attraction or in Dress - Shirt and shoes must be any wa iting area. Thank you. PHOTO TIPS FROM KODAK 1 Add depth to your pictures 6 Concentrate on your by " framing" the subject with a foreground object such as an arch or tree branch. subject by moving in close, filling the entire viewfinder (check your camera manual for minimum subject distance). Or capture interesting details with a telephoto lens or Kodak FunSaver Telephoto 35 camera. 2 Personalize your pictures by including friends or family members. 3 For natural pictures of people, have them involved in fun activity rather than staring at the camera. 4 Make title pictures by photographing identifying signs. 7 For good flash pictures be sure to keep your subject within the flash distance range for your camera. Flashes are not functional for subjects beyond 50 feet. 5 When the action or a scenic 8 When light is low and a view is larger than your camera can handle, try a wide angle lens or the Kodak FunSaver Panoramic 35 camera. NEW! ExtraTERRORestrial Alien Encounter A sinister experiment brings a horrifying alien creature within claw's reach of you! The most spine-tingl ing attraction ever created. FILM SPEED AND USES Kodak offers several film types so you can plan out your "day in film" and be ready for all the Walt Disney World photo fun! NEW! " Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame--A Musical Adventure" 400 KODAK ROYAL GOLD 400 Film is an enhanced multi-purpose film for a wider range of light and action. It's Kodak's most versatile fi lm. Great for clear shots of moving objects and in low light conditions. Ideal for use with flash. Examples: Biergarten Oktoberfest show, Chinese acrobats. 200 KODAK GOLD Super 200 Film is a multi-purpose film that delivers the sharpest images in general lighting conditions. Examples: Future Corps, Torii Gate at Japan Showcase. 1 00 KODAK ROYAL GOLD 100 Film has outstanding clarity, sharpness and flesh tones in bright sunlight. Great for shooting attraction exteriors and family photos outside. Examples: Spaceship Earth, Disney Character outdoor appearances. Stay In the Middle of the Magic! Mal(e Disney Resort hotel reservations at Guest Relations in lnnoventions, Cards any ·aa telephor}e location, or bv caning (407) W-DISNEY (934-7639). The Official Card of Walt Disney World• flash is inappropriate, you can use fast films such as Kodak Gold Plus 400 or 1000 films. MAGIC KINGDOM A cast of medieval-style puppets, 19 live performers, and a series of elaborate set changes bring the story of the bell-ringer Quasimodo and the beautiful Esmeralda to life. Songs from the film were recorded by the London Symphony Orchestra specially for the 32-minute show, presented only at the Disney-MGM Studios. Also, noN through October 6, come celebrate the Golden Age of animation at Disney's Animation Celebration. W()RLD LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Anacomlcal Players Hilarious sketches about life & health at Wonders of Life Daily at 10:55 & 11 :35am, 12:15, 12:55,2:30,3:20 & 4:15pm Disney Character Discovery Disney c harac ters appear at the Centorium daily from 6:00 to 9:00pm & 9:30 to 9:55pm. Join Sport Goofy daily at 9:30 & 10:30am and enjoy Pure and Simple refreshments at Wonders of Life. Additional appearanc es take plac e throughout Wonders of Life at 11 :55am. 1:50, 2:45, 3:40 & 4:25pm Dreamfinder DREAMFINDER and his faithful c ompanion FIGMENT appear outside Journey into Imagination Monday - Fridayat9:30, 10:30& 11:30:m, 1 2:30,2:30&3:~ Future Corps Tuesday - Saturday Spac eship Earth 8:30 & 9:30am lnnoventions Breezeway (west side) 10:30 & 11 :30am. 1:3o· . 2:3o· & 3:30pm· ·Not perfo rmed Thursday The Epcot Acting Company You never know w hen these Musicians, Scientists. and Athletes will make YOU the focus o f the ir resea rch Intermittently from 11 :OOam t o 5:00pm d a ily JAMMitors Sanitational symphony and comedic c acophony of sound Sunday - Thursday Main Entrance 8: 15am; lnnoventions Breezeway (west side)9:10, 10:10 & ll :lOam, 1:10· & 2:1 0pm•; lnnoventions Breezeway (east side) 9:20, 10:20 & 11:20am, 1:20· & 2:20pm· · No t performed Sund a y EpBOTS Dro id-to-guest interfacing c urrently beta-testing at lnnoventions Plaza Tuesd ay - Thursday & Saturday 12:45, 2: 1O. 4:20. 5:40 & 6:55pm Kristos Visiting alie ns p e rfo rm unearthly stre ng th ballet a t lnno ventions Logo Plaza Tuesday - Saturday at 4:05, 5:05, 6:20, 7:20 & 8:20pm Cirikli (Stilt Birds) Daily A nomadic troupe o f birds t ra veling around World Sh owca se looking fo r a p la ce to n est 4:35pm at Morocco; 4:45pm at France; 4:55pm at Canada: 5: 15pm at Mexico: 5:30pm at Chino: 5:40pm at Germany: 5:50pm at Ja p an Disney Character Discovery Showcase Plaza daily at 1O:OOam World Class Brass C omic music ians on the move Tuesday at 11 :55am at Mexico and at 1:35pm at Village Traders Tuesday - Saturday at 11 :05am at Showc ase Plaza Junkanoo Bus Sounds of the C aribbean at Showc ase Plaza Sunday at 1: 10, 3:35. 4:45, 6:35 & 7:45p m Zip Code Man Put his amazing memo ry to the test at Showcase Plaza Tuesday - Saturday at 4:45, 5:55.6:35. 7:05. 7:35 & 8:20pm Tzigantzi Gyp sy ban d of music ians and dancers Tuesday - Saturday 3:3o·, 4:25. & 8:30pm at Italy: 5:30 & 6:45pm at France; 7:45pm at Canada · No t perfo rmed Wednesday or Thursday D---MEXICO i:::==-i Los Carnales A variety o f Latin Americ an music Sunday & Wednesday - Friday 12:45, 1:45, 2:45. , 3:45. , 5:30, 7:00 & 8:00pm ·No t p erfo rmed Wed nesday Mariachi Cobre Sunday - Wednesday O utside the pyramid at 11 :05am & 12:05 Inside the pyramid at 1:05. 2:05. 3:05· ,4:05. 5:o5+ & 6:05pm+ ·perfo rmed Wednesday only +No t p erfo rme d Wednesday D--- NORWAY - - World Class Brass Tuesday - Saturday at 11 :55am· . 12:45 & 1:25pm· ·No t p e rformed Tuesday D CHINA-- SIZhu Traditional Chinese flute ,zither,o r dulc imer p erformanc es Daily inside the Temp le of Heaven 11 :35am . 12:20. 1:25, 2:05· , 3:40· . 4:25· & 5:05pm· Not performed We d nesday Pu Yang Acrobats A varie ty of t hrilling a c ts p e rfo rmed o n the promenade Sunday, We d nesday. Frid ay & Saturday 1:50, 2:50. 4:00. 5:50 & 6:50pm Tuesday at 3:20, 4:40, 6:20, 7:20 & 8:15pm Flying Dragon Variety Troupe Sunday, Monday & Wed nesday - Saturday 3:20. 4:40, 6:20, 7:20 & 8:15p m SH()VVCASE mysteries of the East through Circle-Vision 360. MEXICO "Oragon: Ruler of the Wind and B Rfo clel TI - ii through the Wavetf' - Exhibit featuring artifacts from Imperial China. River of lime. k 0 Restaurants Art of Mexico -"Reign of Glory.w Hosted by China Pavilion Restaurants Exhibition Corporation. San ArP Inn Restaurante -TraditionaVregional Mexican food, mar- • Nine 0r.w>ns Restaurant Cantonese, S"zechuan, Hunan and garitas, beers. Lunch, dinner. Table Mandarin cuisine. Chinese wine service. Priority seating requested. and beer. Lunch, dinner. Table serUntina de San Angel - Grilled vice. Priority seating requested. chicken tacos, churros, beer, and • Lotus Blo9lorn Cafe - Eggrolls, margaritas. Counter service. stir-fried dishes. Lunch, dinner. Shopping Counter service. l'laza de las Amigos - Leather, blankets, pinatas, sombreros, onyx, Shopping Yang Feng ShantJdian - Palatial maracas, ceramics, clothing, food department store. Presented by products and tequila. China Pavilion Exhibition Corp. Arlesanlas Mexicanas - Candles home decor, glass blowing, pottery. D Outpest Presented by Arribas Brothers. La Familia Fashions - Silver, jewelry, Vilage Traders - Gifts from Africa, clothing and fashion accessories. India and Australia. B R.anc:hito del Norte - Toys, hats, Refaeshment Outpost souvenirs and personalized rings. GERMANY D NORWAY Restaurants Maelstrom - Tricky trolls send you into a North Sea storm. A theater presentation follows. , Stwe Ouch - Exhibit Travel Information - Norwegian Tourist Board. • Bierpten - Oktoberfest dining and entertainment. Beck's Beer and H. Schmitt SOhne wines. Lunch, dinner. All-you-can-eat buffet. Priority seating requested. Sonmeefest - Bratwurst, pref.Zeis, desserts. Counter service. Restaurants • Restaurant Akershus - All-youcan-eat buffet with hot and cold seafood and meats. Lunch, dinner. Priority seating requested. Krinlda Bakeri og Kafe - Pastries, sandWiches. Norwegian Ringnes beer. Counter service. Shopping ~ - Cookies, chocolates, candies. Presented by Bahlsen of America, Inc. Weiukeller - Wines, pewter beer steins. Presented by H. Schmitt SOhneGmbH. Glas und Porzellan - Hummel and Goebel items. Presented by W. Goebel Porzellanfabrik. Shopping 1"e Puffin's Roost - Trolls, toys. Die Weihnac:hts Ec:ke - Nutcrackers, Christmas items. Volcslcunst - Hand-painted eggs, cuckoo clocks, steins. Der BOdlerwurm - Books, gifts. Der Teddyblr - Toys, dolls, bears. Kunstarbeit in Kristal - Crystal. Presented by Arribas Brothers. · JAPAN I FRANCE Bijubu-kan Gallely - Art forms. .,lmpe9Sions de Franc:e" - A breath- Restaurants taking wide-screen motion- icture tour with glorious music. ~ Hosted by Mitsukoshi U.SA., Inc. Teppanyaki ~ Rooms - Grilled meats, seafood, Kirin beer. Lunch, dinner. Table service. Priority seating requested. Tempura klw - Sushi, batter-fried meat, seafood, vegetables. Lunch, d inner. Table service. Matsu No Ma lounBe - Sushi, appetizers, specialty drinks. Yaldtori House - Japanese-style beef, chicken. Counter service. Restaurants Hosted by Chefs de France of chocolates. Presented by Perugina. II Bel Cristalo - Capodimonte florals and figurines, gifts, jewelry. La Cucina ltaliana - Gounnet foods, wines, cooking accessories. Dolls, kimonos, Japanese handicrafts. Presented by Mitsukoshi. Mitsulrmhi Kiosk - Mementos. Orlando, Inc. <liefs de France - Award-winning cuisine. Lunch, dinner. Table service. Priority seating requested. Bilbo de Paris - Rack of lamb, salmon tartare, bouillabaisse. Dinner only. Table service. Priority seating requested. Au Petit Cafe - Soups, salads, baguette sandwiches. Lunch, dinner. Table service. Boularpie Pi_..tme._._ie - Pastries, quicheS, Colombian coffee. Counter service. ml MOROCCO Plume et Palette - French art, 16111 THE AMERICAN ADVENTURE "Treasures of Moroc:m"' - Art. Fez House - Early architecture. Travel Information - Courtesy of the Moroccan National Tourist Office. comeanion-assisted Restroom Facihty crystal, Limoges porcelain. La CalSelOle - French art. Guertain Boutique - Cosmetics. La §iip1ature - Perfumes. La Maison du V111 - Fine wines presented by Barton & Guestier. Galerie des Hales - A large selection of merchandise from "The Hunchback of Notre Dame.w Art Fest - Portrait artists. Presented by Rubio Artist Co. DI ITALY Restaurant L'Originale Alfredo cl Roma Ristorante - World-famous fettucine, veal, seafood, pasta. Lunch, dinner. Table service. Priority seating requested. Shopping Delizie ltaliane - Cookies, Shopping Mitsulrmhi Deputment Store - Presented by American ExpresSand Coca-Cola. An Audio-Animatronic~ show Restaurant depicting America's incredible Reslalnnt Marrakesh - Lamb, struggles and triumphs. America Ganlens Theatre - Stage.~ chicken, couscous. Traditional entertainment. Lunch, dinner. Table Restaurant service. Priority seating requested. Hosted by Coca-Cola. Liberty Inn - Burgers, hot dogs, Shopping Usablanca Carpets chicken, apple pie. Lunch, dinner. Maltcetplace in the Medina Counter service. Leather goods and straw bags. Shopping Tangier Traders - Clothing. Heritage Manor Gifts - Red, white The Br.m Bazaar & blue all-American gifts. Postage Medina Arts and Berber Oasis c;tamps available. Treasures of Morocco. Kodak Kiosk - Accessories and drop-off for two-hour film processing. Pick up prints at Camera Center. Presented by Kodak. Shopping INTERNATIONAL GATEWAY Stroller & wheelchair rental, transportation to selected Epcot Resorts. Shopping Kt>rld Tr.nieler - Disney fashions and Kodak cameras. Drop-off point for two-hour film processing. Stroller wheelchair and ECV rentals. UNITED KINGDOM VILLAGE TRADERS - - Tam Tams Rhythms o f Africa Tuesd a y - Saturday a t 2:30, 3:30.4:30, 6:00, 7:00 & 8:00pm Oktoberfest Musikanten Dinner show in the Bie rgarte n Daily at 2: 15. , 3:05*,4:05". 5:30, 6:35, 7:35 & 8:30pm ·1n the C ourtyard; no t perfo rmed Mo nday or Tuesd a y Alpine Trio Bring ing "GemOt lic hkeit" to the Bierg arten Dally at 12: 15. 1:00. 1:45, 2:30,4:30, 5:05 * & 5:40p m· ·1n t he Courtyard; not p erfo rmed Wednesday Disney Character Discovery The Bro the rs G rimm first recorded Snow White with a collectio n o f other fairy tales Daily at 11 :15am , 12:05. 1:00, 2:35, 3:30 & 4:30p m See opposite panel for more entertainment Information. Entertainment and Information subject to c hange. ·--- Restaurants Hosted by Bass Export Ltd. • ROie & Crown DininR Room Excellent British fare ancl afternoon tea, served inside or on the terrace. Lunch and dinner. Table service. Priority seating requested. ROie & Crown Pub - Bass Export Ltd. and Guinness-Harp beers and ales and other spirits. Shopping The Tea Caddy - Teas, teapots, biscuits, candy. Presented by R. Twinings and Company, Ltd. 1he Made ofWales - Gifts poese IB:I 17,t CJeo.eoprnen Board d Rini Wales. The Queen's Table - Fragrances and cottage collectibles. Pringle of Sc:odand - Lambswool sweaters, tartan kilts, woolens, golf accessories. Presented by Pringle of Scotland, Ltd. The Crown & Crest - Pubware, tobacco, family name histories. 1he10y Solmr- British games cnf Df.i. DJ CANADA 0 Canada! - Circle-Vision 360 showcases the nation's beauty. ~ Restaurant Le cellier - Buffeteria-style familr favorites. Lunch, dinner. Seasona . Shopping Northwest Mercantile - Indian, Inuit, and Canadian crafts. La Boutique des Provinces - Gifts, jewelry. Disney Traders - (left side of Showcase Plaza) International Disney character mementos. ltJtt al&rlly - (right side d Showcase Plaza) Unique ChrislmaS gifts from around the ~ featuring the Disney characters. Chalk Artists Tuesday - Saturday intermittently from 12:00 to 8:00pm 16111- THE AMERICAN ADVENTURE Voices of Liberty Song s of Ame ricana inside t he Rotunda Sunday & Saturday 11:55am, 12:40, 1:25, 2:05 & 3:35pm Monday - Friday 11 :15 & 11:55am, 12:40, 1:25, 2:05 ,2:50 & & 3:35pm *Not p e rformed Friday Sons o f Liberty Colonia l Fife a n d Drum Sunday, Monday & Thursday - Sa t urday 11 :30am, 12: 15, 1:00, 2:25. 3:15, 4:25. & 5:10p m · *Not performed M onday Disney Character Discovery C elebra te ·1 Love Am erica· w ith your fa vorite Disne y c haracters a t the Na tive America n Gard e n Da ily a t 11:25a m . 12:35. ,3:10 & 5:05pm · Not performed Monday Add itiona l charac ter appeara nces ta ke plac e daily a t 1:30 & 4:05p m . 16111- AMERICA GARDENS THEATRE America Gardens Rep e rto ry Seaso n Now featuring "La tin Rhythms. For a list of g roups a nd performa nce time s. plea se see b a ck p a ne l. Ill C fg * •• ID First Aid/Baby Services Festival Marra kesh The courtyard becomes a festiva l Da ily a t 12:30· . 2:00· , 3:00, 4:00. 5:30, 6:30 & 7:40p m Not performed Saturday Automatic Teller Machine, presented by SunTrust, N.A. Guest Relations 0 Stroller/Wheelchair Rental & Replacement (Notes: Germany provides replacement only. Gift Stop The Houzali Troupe acroba ts. fearless fire eaters, and a n Incredible c ontortionist p e rform u~nqtu~al a~d de:ath~etyin~ feats Tuesday - Saturday at 1.40 , & 7:20pm · Not performed Tuesday Amazin ~ rents & replaces wheelchairs only.) Lockers Kennel Club, hosted by Friskies Disney Character Discovery Morocco is t he perfec t setting fo r the characters from Aladdin taken from The Arabian Nights Da ily at 11 : 1Oa m, 12:00, 1:00, 2:30. 3:30 & 5:00pm • WorldKey Information Satellite (Priority Seating for Dining) Disney Character Discoveries Telephone: Touch *88 for toll-free Disney hotel reservations D!J N ~ llay'l7 Low-fat, low-cholesterol meals available Kodak "Photo Spor for prime picture-taking location Two-hour Photo Express Service lllumiNations Vie wing Area m Disney Character Discovery Daily a t 11:20om, 12:20. 1:20,3:00, 4:00 & 5:00pm N TED Shopping Gift Stop - Lost and Found and package pickup. Wheelchair rental. Im HORIZONS A look at life in the 21st century through the eyes of visionaries from the past. I& PREVIEW CENTER Presented by General Motors General Motors' pavilion will reopen in late spring 1997 with a behind-the-scenes look at the amazing world of proving and if~1nbNtD~~esOF LIFE Presented bY Mekite. Bodv Wars - Continuous turbulent thrilf ride through the human body. Health and other boarding ~au tions. Minimum age 3 to ride. , I GOO Caledonia Bagpipes Sunda y, Monda y, Wed nesday & Thursday a t 4:00pm Boarding Information - Health, age, a nd size a re importanf considera tions a t these altractions. Please observe wa rning signs as some restrictions apply. Pa re nts with young children may take turns experiencing the ride. Please see a host or hostess for additional information. - Services for American Express• Cardmembers. Travel arrangements, fi na ncial services, foreign currency and Travelers Cheques. Presented by America n Express. INTERNATIONAL GATEWAY-- Beauty & the Beast was a favo rite tale at the French court Mail drop Assistive listening devices which amplifv the audio mav. be used at these locations ana a re avail· able at Guest Relations. Xmerican &press travel service FRANCE - - Le Clown Gordoon M ischief and merry-making Sunday & Wed nesd ay - Saturda y 12:00, 12:55, 1:50,3: 15. 4: 10 & 5:05pm Accordionist Monday,Thl.xsday & Friday 2:55,4:35,5:40.6:35, 7:30 & 8:25pm Amplified Telephones Ill Entrance Plaza MOROCCO - - Restaurant Marrakesh Casabla n ca-Fez belly dance rs a n d m usicia ns. Belly Dancer begins 10 m inutes after show sta rts Daily at 12:20. 1:20, 2:20, 4:05, 5:15, 6:15, 7: 15, 8: 15 & 9:15pm Rest Rooms/Water Fountains FUTURE WORLD JAPAN - - - One Wo rld Taiko A d ynamic Japanese d rum d uo Sunday & Monday at 12:00, 1:15.2:05,3:45.4:40 & 6:0Qpm Tuesd ay & Wednesday at 1l: l Oom.1 2:00, 1:15 & 2:o5pm Sa turda y a t 3:40, 4:40, 6:00. 7: 10 & 7:45pm Matsuriza Tra dition al Jaf anese d rumming Tuesda y & Wednesday a 3:40.4:40.6:00. 7:1 0 & 7:45p m Thursda y & Friday a t 12:00, 1:15, 2:05.3:45.4:40 & 6:00pm Sa turday a t 1l :lOam, 12:00, 1:15 & 2:05p m Cirikli (Stilt Bird s) Expe rie nce the rit ual danc e of these nomadic birds Da ily at 8:30p m LEGEND Iii ITALY--- I Cantanapoli An It a lia n qua rte t fills the courtya rd w ith song _ Tuesday & Wednesday at 2:00,3:00.3:00,5:00,6:25 & 7:35pm Thursday at 3:00, 3:50, 5: 15 & 5:55pm Rondo Veneziano European New-Age Musicia ns Sunday, Monday & Thursda y - Sat urday 3:30, 4:15.4:55, 5:35, 6:15 & 7:30pm m Plaza Towers Jon Armstrong Ma gic a n d Illusion at the Rose & Crow n Pub Monday & Saturday at 4:20, 5:35.6:10, 7:05,8:00 & 9:20pm ft Pnnted on recycled paper "fll 0 Disney 0 D LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Cranium Convnand - Hilarious look at the workings of a 12-yearold's brain with celebrity miests. Shows every 15 minutes.~~ "The Making of Me" - Sensitive film on the beginning of life. Discretion recommended. Shows eve ry 18 minutes.~~ AnaComical Pl.ayers Improvisational skits.~ Met Lifestyle Revue - Health survey. Coach's Comer - Pros judge your baseball, golf, and tennis swings. Frontiers of Medicine - Research. Worlderq-des - Exercise. "Goofy About Health" - Animation. Sensory Funhouse - Test your senses. Restaurant • Pure and Simple - Low-fat, nutritious waffles, sandwiches, salads, yogurt. Counter seivice. Shopping Well & Goods Limited - Sports, health, and Goofy merchandise. · UNIVERSE OF ENERGY ltlJ INNOVENTIONS Discover tomorrow's technology • today inside this hands-0n exposition of the world's newest products and inventions. Visit a house of the future, step into cyberspace, learn about and test the latest developments in computers, explore breakthroughs in virtual reality and communications technology, play the hottest new video games! lnnoventions is divided into two showcases, one on each side of the fountain. Be sure to visit both! 'Y Epcol Discovery Center Educational resources for teachers and learners of all ages. Questions about the past, present, and future of Disney and Epcot are answered here. Restaurants • Electric Umbrella Restaurant Chicken sandwiches, burgers, salads. Lunch and dinner. Counter service. Hosted by Coca-Cola. • Pasta Piazza Ristorante Breakfast; pizza and pasta for lunch and dinner. Counter service. Hosted by Coca-Cola. Fountain View Espresso and Bakery - Espresso, cappuccino, pastries, desserts. Shopping Restaurant The Art of Disney Epcot - Gallery featuring Disney animation art, lithographs, and other collectibles. Centorium - Epcot memorabilia and Disney Character merchandise. Field Trips - Gifts for education and d iscovery. • Coral Reef - Fresh seafood and a superb underwater view. Lunch, dinner. Table service. Priority seating requested. m SPACESHIP EARTH Presented by AT&T. Spiral 18 stories through a dramatic history of communication.lil Global Neighborhood - Interactive activity center. Shopping IPJJ Camera Center - Camcorder rental, processing, photo pick-up, complimentary video-battery recharging. Presented by Kodak. DJ Gateway Gifts - Character merchandise. Personalization also available. m THE LIVING SEAS Shopping Sea Base Alpha -Aquatic gifts. BI THE LAND Presented by Nestle. The Circle of Life - Your Lion King friends in an environmental film fa ble at the Circle of Life Theater. ~~ food Rodes - A nutritious concert ~~ Living with the Land - A boatJide through amazing agriculture. ~O ~ The Land Backstage! Tour - A onehour walking tour. Reservations near Green Thumb Emporium. ~ Restaurants • The Garden Grill Restaurant Revolves above "Living with the Land." Breakfast, luncfi, dinner. Table service; family-style character dining. Priority seating requested. • Sunshine Season Food FairFeaturing sandwiches, salads, barbecue, pasta, ice cream, bakery, beer and wine. Counter service. Presented by Exxon. Temporarily closed for refurbishment. Scheduled to reopen in mid September. 0 1s5] ~ Presented by United Technologies. View tropical fish, sharks and manatees while exploring an incredible man-made coral reef. ~ Shopping Green 1humb Emporium - Environ- mental kitchen anCt garden gifts. fD JOURNEY INTO IMAGINATION Presented by Kodak. Journey Into Imagination - A wondrous ride through the magical world of ideas.11 Honey, I Shrunk the Audience You won't believe your size in this hysterically funny adventure. Located in the Imagination lnstiMe.~~ The Image Worlcs - A creative playground.~ Dreamfinder and F~t Shopping Cameras & Film - Kodak products, Disney Character merchandise featuring Figment. 111'11 PB ODYSSEY CENTER Lii First Aid Center Baby Care Center - Infant clothing, accessories, medicines, baby-care products, feeding/changing stations. Hosted 17,t Carnation Baby Foonulas. Ask your host of hostess about shipping to your home or complimentary package delivery to your Walt Disney World Resort hotel. We feature FedEx as the Official Express Delivery Service of the Walt Disney World Resort. Pam Brody Pub p ianist and vivacious enterta iner Sunday & Tuesday - Friday intermittently from 4:30 to 9:30pm Epcot Acting Company Street Theater w it h audience g uest stars Sund ay - Tuesd ay & Thursday - Saturday 12:30· . l :3o· . 3:25. 4:35. 5:45, 6:40 & 7:35pm Wednesday 12:30, 1:30,3:25 & 4:20p m ·Not p e rformed Sunday, Monday. or Tuesday The British Invasion Fea t urin g music from the '60s Sunda y - Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 4: 10, 5: 10, 6:05, 7:00 & 8:00pm Saturday a t 3: 10, 4:10, 5:05 & 6:00pm Disney C hara c ter Disc o very Discover the stories of the United King dom Da ily at 11 :20a m , 12:05, 1:00, 2:55, 3:55 & S:OOp m The Pipes of Scotland Friday & Saturday a t 4:00pm DJ-CANADAC a ledonla Bagpipes Sund ay - Thursday 12:00. 12:40, 1:30,2:20, 3:55· , 5:35+ & 6:45pm+ •performed Tuesd ay only; +Not p erforme d Thursda y Canadian Comedy Corps featuring the Epcot Ac ting Company & Wo rld Class Brass We dnesday - Saturday at 2:40, 3:45 & 4:40pm Canidanse C a na dian folk danc ers & musicians Da ily a t 3:15. 4:15,5:1 5,6:25. 7: 15 & 8:05pm The Pipes of Nova Scotia Friday & Saturday at 12:00, 12:40. 1:30, 2:20, 5:35 & 6:35pm See opposite panel for more entertainment information. Entertainment and Information subject to change.
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