Regional Price Index - Department of Regional Development
Regional Price Index - Department of Regional Development
Regional Price Index 2013 Weights and Basket of Goods Compendium Contents 1 Introduction 3 Commodity Weights 7 2013 Basket of Goods and Services Department of Regional Development Level 2, Gordon Stephenson House 140 William Street PERTH WA 6000 Telephone: (08) 6552 1800 Facsimile: (08) 6552 1850 Freecall: 1800 049 155 (Country Only) PO Box 1143 WEST PERTH 6872 Email: [email protected] Web: Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is for general information only. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information, information referred to in this publication may include or be based on data provided to the Department of Regional Development (DRD) from other sources or organisations. Any person who uses or seeks to rely on this information, including for comparative purposes, should obtain appropriate professional advice relevant to their particular circumstances. Neither DRD nor the State of Western Australia (including their employees, officers and agents) make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of the information or take responsibility for any errors or omissions in the information. DRD and the State of Western Australia (including their employees, officers and agents) do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred or suffered by any person as a result of the information contained in the document or it being used or relied upon by any person, or it being used or relied on for comparative purposes. Regional Price Index 2013 Introduction The Regional Price Index (RPI) by design and structure compares the cost of a ‘basket’ of goods and services between a number of regional locations and Perth. The RPI is based on identifying how much it costs a person living in Perth to buy a selection of commonly used goods and services, and then pricing these goods at different regional locations throughout Western Australia. It is the most appropriate measure available for calculating the differentials in costs between Perth and the regions in Western Australia. The Regional Price Index 2013 – Weights and Basket of Goods Compendium is a complementary publication to the Regional Price Index 2013, providing a detailed summary of both the basket of goods and the system of weights that underscore the index numbers presented in the major report. The Basket of Goods The Basket of Goods used in the 2013 Regional Price Index (RPI) is based on the commodity categories used by the Australian Bureau of Statistics in the compilation of the Consumer Price Index (CPI). These categories were modified into eight Commodity Groups for use in the RPI: Food Alcohol and Tobacco Clothing Housing Household Equipment and Operation Health Transport Recreation and Education Unlike the CPI, which is based on capital city populations and their purchasing habits, the Regional Price Index addresses the purchasing behaviour of much smaller regional communities and the retail and service options available to them. As a consequence the basket of goods used in the RPI is tailored to reflect the availability of goods and services in regional Western Australia. Since the production of the first RPI in 1998, the range of goods and services offered in regional communities has increased, creating a broader variety of products suitable for comparison with Perth. New models, sizes and products, such as the replacement of the VHS tapes by DVDs, or the introduction of widespread internet access, necessitate the updating of the basket of goods on a regular basis. In 2013, the basket consisted of 504 goods and services. A methodology paper for the Regional Price Index is available on the Departments website. Commodity and Location Weights The Regional Price Index is a weighted spatial index. A common basket of goods is priced at different locations and contrast against a common base (Perth = 100) in the same twoweek time period. The relative difference is captured in terms of index numbers above or below the value for Perth. For example, for the entire basket of goods, the Kimberley region’s index number was 114.7, 14.7 index points above Perth. The RPI incorporates a particular set of commodity weights to address the differences in the frequency of consumption and relative importance of various goods to consumers. All items have proportionate weights assigned to them. These weights assist in determining the degree that the products influence the calculation of the index. The weights assigned to the eight commodity groups reflect the expenditure patterns of Western Australian consumers and was based on the HES (2003-04) and adjusted by the Australian National Accounts-HFCE reports for Western Australia as at December 2010 to capture current expenditure patterns. Table 1 illustrates the weights assigned to each of the Page 1 Regional Price Index 2013 eight categories. Food; cigarettes, tobacco and alcoholic drinks; housing; household equipment and operation; health; transport; recreation and education all have relatively high weights. In addition, weights were assigned to each subgroup, with high weight apportioned to more common/essential purchases. For example, in the dairy sub-group, milk had a higher weight than cheese or ice-cream as it was considered to be a more essential/common purchase. These weights must be considered when interpreting the impact of the various commodity groups on the regional price indices. A commodity group with a relatively greater weight, such as housing, food and household equipment and operation will have a greater impact on the regional price indices than a commodity group with a smaller weight. Table 1 Commodity Weights – RPI 2013 Category Weights Food 16.5% Alcohol and Tobacco 3.6% Clothing 3.1% Housing 29.5% Household Equipment and 15.5% Operation Health 4.8% Transport 13.2% Recreation and Education 13.9% 100.0% Population weights were also used in the calculation of index numbers for each region. A price index is an average of prices that reflect majority consumption patterns. Therefore when a number of localities are located in the same region, the index numbers from these localities are weighted to reflect majority consumption patterns. Regional population figures (ABS Page 2 estimated resident population) are used to ensure that majority consumption and prices are reflected in the final Regional Price Index numbers. For example, the index number for Carnarvon was 108.5 and Exmouth 113.6, whereas the index number for the Gascoyne region was 110.0, lower than an arithmetic average and closer to the Carnarvon (which has the greater population). 1. FOOD CATEGORY Other food Non-alcoholic drinks and snack food Fruit and vegetables Meat and seafood Bread and cereal products Dairy and related products SUB- CATEGORY 0.11% 0.10% Eggs Jams, honey and sandwich spreads 1.04% Snacks and confectionery 2.32% 0.82% Soft drinks waters and juices 1.14% 0.41% Fish and other seafood 1.86% 0.51% Other fresh and processed meat Vegetables 0.10% Bacon and Ham 1.05% 0.58% Poultry Fruit 0.24% 0.12% Lamb and mutton Pork 2.19% 0.18% Other cereal products 0.64% 0.22% Breakfast cereals Beef and Veal 0.69% Cakes and biscuits 2.61% 0.64% Bread 0.30% Ice cream and other dairy products 1.73% 0.33% WEIGHTS Cheese 1.21% WEIGHTS 0.59% 16.45% WEIGHTS Milk EXPENDITURE ITEM commodity weights Regional Price Index 2013 Page 3 Page 4 4. HOUSING 3. CLOTHING 2. ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO CATEGORY Utilities Rents Other housing / Home Ownership Women’s and Girl’s clothing Men’s and Boy’s clothing Alcoholic drinks Cigarettes & Tobacco Meals out and takeaway foods SUB- CATEGORY 0.03% 0.66% Gas and other household fuels Water and sewerage 7.94% 4.08% 4.77% Electricity Rents 2.27% House repairs and maintenance 7.94% 1.36% Property rates and charges 10.77% 1.78% 7.13% 29.49% 1.78% 1.29% Mortgage Interest Rates Women’s and girl’s wear Men’s and Boy’s wear 1.29% 0.35% Spirits 3.07% 0.52% Wine 0.94% 1.77% 2.64% Beer Tobacco 2.49% Takeaway and fast foods 0.94% 2.04% 1.33% Food Misc. Restaurant meals 0.40% 0.15% Food additives & condiments 3.59% WEIGHTS Fats and oils 4.53% WEIGHTS 0.21% WEIGHTS Tea, coffee and food drinks EXPENDITURE ITEM Regional Price Index 2013 Insurance services Financial services / Consumer Credit Services SUB- CATEGORY 6. HEALTH Pharmaceuticals Health services Communication Household Services Household Supplies Household appliances utensils and tools Furniture and furnishings 5. HOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT AND OPERATION CATEGORY 1.20% 0.90% Dental services Pharmaceuticals 0.14% Optical services 1.20% 2.53% 0.73% Internet 3.58% 3.24% Telecommunication Hospital and medical services 0.14% 4.11% 0.82% Postal Hairdressing and personal care services 1.81% Toiletries, Personal care products and Other Household Supplies 0.82% 2.49% 0.47% Household utensils Household cleaning agents 0.96% Small electric household appliances 4.30% 1.41% Major household appliances 2.84% 2.54% 0.89% 5.13% WEIGHTS 0.89% 3.44% 0.89% 5.13% WEIGHTS Furniture 4.78% 15.51% WEIGHTS Manchester Insurance services Credit Card charges EXPENDITURE ITEM Regional Price Index 2013 Page 5 Page 6 Private motoring SUB- CATEGORY 100.0% 100.0% 1.90% 1.92% Other recreational activities Preschool, primary and Secondary 1.16% Pets, pet food and supplies, Pet Services including veterinary 1.90% 2.43% 0.70% Sport participation and recreational equipment Toys, games and hobbies 6.22% 4.90% 0.46% Newspapers and magazines Audio, visual and computing equipment and services 0.43% Books 100.0% 2.26% Other motoring charges 4.90% 2.44% Motor vehicle repairs, parts & acc. 0.88% 3.73% WEIGHTS Automotive fuel 13.22% WEIGHTS 4.79% 13.90% 13.22% WEIGHTS Motor vehicles EXPENDITURE ITEM Based on Australian National Accounts Household Final Consumption Consumer Expenditure, Household Expenditure Survey and Consumer Price Index. ALL GROUPS Education Sport and other recreation Audio, visual and computing Books, newspapers and magazines 8. RECREATION AND EDUCATION 7. TRANSPORTATION CATEGORY Regional Price Index 2013 Regional Price Index 2013 2013 Basket of Goods and Services 1. FOOD DAIRY PRODUCTS (Sub-Group) MILK (Expenditure Class) 1001 - Milk, Whole Milk (fresh) Pura / Brownes 2 Litre 1002 - Milk, Whole Milk (fresh) Pura 1 Litre 1003 - Milk, Light Start (fresh) Pura 2 Litre 1004 - Milk, Carton Long life Devondale 2 Litre 1005 - Milk, Carton Long life Devondale 1 Litre 1008 - Cheese, block Bega 500g 1009 - Cheese, processed, sliced Coon 24 pack 1010 - Cheese, shredded Mainland 500g 1011 - Single cheese slices Kraft 24 pack 1014 - Milk, powdered, full cream Diploma 750g 1015 - Cream (thickened or light) Bulla 300ml 1016 - Sour Cream (Full fat) Bulla 300ml 1017 - Yoghurt Yoplait 6x175g 1018 - Yoghurt Ski D’lite 6x200g 1019 - Butter Western Star 500g 1020 - Ice Cream Vanilla Bulla 2 Litre 1021 - Ice Cream Vanilla Peters 2 Litre Cheapest 650g- 750g 1028 - Biscuits Family Assorted Cream Arnott’s 500g 1029 - Biscuits - SAO Arnott’s 250g 1030 - Biscuits - Tim Tam Original Arnott’s 200g 1031 - Biscuits Shapes Crackers Arnott’s 200g 1032 - Rice Crackers Sakata 100g 1033 - Crackers Salada Crackers Arnott’s 250g 1034 - Apple Pie Nana’s 600g 1035 - Cheese cake, oven baked Sara Lee 410 g CHEESE ICE CREAM AND OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS CEREAL PRODUCTS BREAD 1025 - Bread, white, sliced, sandwich CAKES AND BISCUITS Page 7 Regional Price Index 2013 BREAKFAST CEREALS 1038 - Weet-bix Sanitarium 1.3 kg 1039 - Weet-bix Sanitarium 750 g 1040 - Nutrigrain Kellogg’s 805g 1041 - Nutrigrain Kellogg’s 560g 1042 - Cornflakes Kellogg’s 775g 1043 - Cornflakes Kellogg’s 280g 1046 - Flour, self-raising White Wings 2kg 1047 - Flour, self-raising White Wings 1kg 1048 - Rice, long grain Koala 2Kg 1049 - Rice, long grain Koala 1kg 1050 - Pasta Penne, packet San Remo 500g 1051 - Spaghetti, packet San Remo 500g 1055 - Roast Beef- topside Supermarket 1kg 1056 - Roast Beef- topside Butchers 1kg 1057 - Rib eye or Scotch Fillet steak Supermarket 1kg 1058 - Rib eye or Scotch Fillet steak Butchers 1kg 1059 - T-bone / Porterhouse Fillet steak Supermarket 1kg 1060 - T-bone / Porterhouse Fillet steak Butchers 1kg 1061 - Rump Fillet steak Supermarket 1kg 1062 - Rump Fillet steak Butchers 1kg 1063 - Chuck steak, diced Supermarket 1kg 1064 - Chuck steak, diced Butchers 1kg 1065 - Silverside corned Supermarket 1kg 1066 - Silverside corned Butchers 1kg 1067 - Minced beef best quality Supermarket 1kg 1068 - Minced beef best quality Butchers 1kg 1071 - Cutlets Supermarket 1kg 1072 - Cutlets Butchers 1kg 1073 - Loin chops Supermarket 1kg 1074 - Loin chops Butchers 1kg 1775 - Forequarter chops Supermarket 1kg 1076 - Forequarter chops Butchers 1kg Supermarket 1kg OTHER CEREAL PRODUCTS MEAT AND SEAFOOD BEEF AND VEAL LAMB AND MUTTON PORK 1079 - Fillet Page 8 Regional Price Index 2013 1080 - Fillet Butchers 1kg 1081 - Loin chops Supermarket 1kg 1082 - Loin chops Butchers 1kg 1083 - Leg roast Supermarket 1kg 1084 - Leg roast Butchers 1kg 1087 - Frozen pieces Ingham 1kg 1088 - Pre packed drumstick pieces Cheapest 1kg 1089 - Frozen whole chicken Ingham 1kg Primo 250g 1095 - Shaved leg ham Primo 100g 1096 - Sausages Beef thin barbecue Supermarket 1kg 1097 - Sausages Beef thin barbecue Butchers 1kg 1098 - Beef corned Plumrose / Harper Hamper 340g 1101 - Salmon pink John West 210g 1102 - Tuna in brine John West 425g 1103 - Fish fingers packet of 15 Birds Eye 375g 1104 - Fish fingers packet of 16 I and J 800g 1105 – Crumbed Fish Birds Eye 425g 1109 - Oranges Navel 1kg 1110 - Apples Royal Gala 1kg POULTRY BACON 1092 - Bacon /Shortcut Middle Rindless OTHER FRESH AND PROCESSED MEAT FISH AND OTHER SEAFOOD FRUIT AND VEGETABLES FRESH AND PROCESSED FRUIT 1111 - Bananas 1kg 1112 - Peaches canned sliced SPC 825g 1113 - Pineapple canned sliced in syrup Golden Circ. 450g 1114 - 100% orange juice Berri 2 litres 1115 - 100% orange juice Golden Circ. 2 litres 1118 - Potatoes Nadine 1kg 1119 - Tomatoes Field 1kg 1120 - Cherry Tomatoes Perfection 250 g 1121 - Carrots 1 bag 1kg 1022 - Onions Brown 1kg FRESH AND PROCESSED VEGETABLES Page 9 Regional Price Index 2013 1123 - Lettuce Iceberg Each 1124 - Cucumber Continental Each 1125 - Cabbage Green Each 1126 - Pumpkin Butternut 1kg 1127 - Capsicum Green 1kg 1128 - Mushrooms Button 1kg 1129 - Tomatoes tinned - crushed Edgell 400g 1130 - Potato chips frozen McCain 1kg 1131 - Potato chips - oven fry Birds Eye 1kg 1132 - Potato chips - oven fry Birds Eye 1kg 1133 - Peas - frozen - garden Birds Eye 800 gram 1134 - Peas green Edgell 420 gram 1135 - Beetroot sliced/diced/whole Golden Circ. 450 gram 1136 - Tinned Red Kidney beans Edgell 420 gram 1137 - Corn - whole kernels Edgell 420 gram 1140 - Plastic bottle Coca Cola 2 litre 1141 - Plastic bottle Coca Cola 1.25 litre 1142 - Plastic bottle Schweppes 1.25 litre 1143 - Can - warm off the shelf Coca Cola 375 mls x 15 1144 - Can - warm off the shelf Club Lemon 375 mls x 10 1145 - Can - warm off the shelf Pasito 375 mls x 10 1146 - Cordial - Orange Cottee’s 1 litre 1147 - Water - bottled Mt Franklin 1.25 litre 1148 - Water - bottled Mt Franklin 12 / 600ml 1151 - Chocolate Mars Bar 53g 1152 - Chocolate Kit Kat 45 gram 1153 - Chocolate milk block Dairy Milk 200g 1154 - Potato Chips (Foil Packet) Smiths 175g 1155 - Cream Cheese Dips Philadelphia 250g 1156 - Lollies Allen’s Minties 200g Free range 700g Cottee’s 500 gram DRINKS, SNACKS AND CONFECTIONERY SOFT DRINKS, WATERS AND JUICES SNACKS AND CONFECTIONERY OTHER FOODS EGGS 1160 - Eggs 1 dozen JAMS, HONEY, SANDWICH SPREAD 1163 - Jam - strawberry Page 10 Regional Price Index 2013 1164 - Jam - Apricot IXL Conserve 250 gram 1165 - Yeast extract- Vegemite Vegemite 150 gram 1166 - Peanut butter - crunchy Kraft 375 gram 1167 - Honey - liquid Wescobee 500 gram 1170 - Food drink - non malted Milo 450g 1171 - Coffee - Blend 43 Nescafe 250g 1172 - Coffee - International Roast Nestle 500g 1173 - Coffee beans Lavazza 200g 1174 - Tea bags Lipton 100 packet 1175 - Tea bags Bushells - Blue Label 100 packet 1178 - Sugar white CSR 2kg 1179 - Tomato sauce Master foods 500ml 1180 - Barbeque sauce Master foods 500ml 1181 - Pasta Sauce Dolmio 550 1182 - Salt - table Saxa 750g 1183 - Pepper - black Saxa 50g 1184 - Pepper - white Saxa 50g 1185 - Rosemary Spice- dried Spencer 30g 1186 - Parsley- dried Spencer 10g 1187 - Basil leave-dried Spencer 10 g 1188 - Chicken Stock Campbell’s 1 litre 1189 - Mayonnaise Praise 365 g 1190 - White Vinegar Cornwell 375ml 1191 - Soy Sauce Kikkoman 150ml 1194 - Vegetable oil (bottled) Crisco 750ml 1195 - Margarine, polyunsaturated Devondale 500g 1196 - Olive Oil- Extra Virgin Bertolli 500ml TEA, COFFEE, FOOD DRINKS FOOD ADDITIVES AND CONDIMENTS FATS AND OILS PACKAGED PRE-PREPARED, FROZEN, CANNED AND MISCELLANEOUS FOOD 1199 - Baby food Heinz 110g 1200 - Baked Beans in Tomato Sauce Heinz 420g 1201 - Canned Soup Campbell’s 420g 1202 - Bolognaise sauce - jar Leggo’s 575g 1203 - Puff Pastry- Frozen Pampas 10 sheets 1204 - Meat Pies- Frozen Four n Twenty 4 pk - 700g 1205 - Frozen Pizza- Supreme McCain 500g Page 11 Regional Price Index 2013 MEALS OUT AND TAKEAWAY FOOD RESTAURANTS 1209 - Sirloin/T-bone Steak, chips, salad Large 1210 - Fish, chips salad/vegetables Large TAKEAWAY FOODS 1213 - Hamburger with salad and mayo Roll or bread 1214 - Bacon and Egg Sandwich White bread 1215 - Chicken sandwich with salad and mayo White bread 1216 - Cheese Ham and Tomato sandwich White bread 1217 - Meat pie Mrs Macs 200g 1218 - Milkshake Vanilla Standard 1219 - Coffee-cup/takeaway Flat white Regular 1220 - Tea - cup/ takeaway Normal milk Regular 1221 - Can - cold Coke 375 mls 1222 - Can - cold Pepsi 375 mls 1223 - Juice Berri 500 ml 1224 - Water Mt Franklin 600ml 2001 - Cigarettes - single packet B&H 1 pkt of 25 2002 - Cigarettes - carton Winfield 1 Carton 2003 - Tobacco - roll your own Drum 50g 2004 - Cigarette papers Tally Ho 1 pkt of 50 2005 - Cigarettes - single packet Longbeach 1 pkt of 40 2006 - Cigarettes - single packet Horizon 1 pkt of 50 2007 - Cigarettes - carton Peter Jackson 1 carton 2010 - Cans 375 ml full strength VB Carton x 24 2011 - Cans 375 ml full strength VB Carton x 30 2012 - Stubbies 375 ml full strength VB Carton x 24 2013 - Cans 375 ml full strength Carlton Carton x 24 2013B - Cans 375 ml full strength Carlton Carton x 30 2014 - Stubbies 375 ml full strength Carlton Carton x 24 2015 - Cans 375 ml full strength Tooheys Carton x 24 2015B - Cans 375 ml full strength Tooheys Carton x 30 2016 - Stubbies 375 ml full strength Tooheys Carton x 24 Houghton 750 ml 2. CIGARETTES, TOBACCO, ALCOHOLIC DRINKS CIGARETTES AND TOBACCO ALCOHOLIC DRINKS ALCOHOL - BEER WARM CARTON WINES 2018 - Red - Shiraz Page 12 Regional Price Index 2013 2019 - Red - Cabernet Sauvignon Wolf Blass 750 ml 2020 - Red - Merlot Lindeman’s 750 ml 2021 - White - Chardonnay Rosemount 750 ml 2022 - White - Sauvignon/Semillon Blanc Jacobs Creek 750 ml 2023 - White - Riesling Rosemount 750 ml 2024 - White - Sparkling Wine Yellow glen 750 ml 2025 - Wine cask Cheapest 4 litre 2028 - Vodka Smirnoff 700 ml 2029 - Scotch Whiskey J Walker 700 ml 2030 - Rum Bundaberg 700 ml 2031 - Bourbon Whiskey Jim Beam 700 ml 3001 - Men’s’ socks - business Bonds Size 6 -10 3002 - Men’s socks - wool blend Store Brand - e.g. Joe Boxer, Dickies Size 6 -10 3003 - Men’s cotton brief Store Brand - Maxx, Fruit of Loom any size 3004 - Men’s cotton brief Bonds Original 3005 - Men’s under shirt - white cotton Bonds or store brand any size 3006 - Men’s Collar/Work Shirt Store brand e.g. David Taylor, Heritage Nation any size 3007 - Men’s Shirt - Tee short sleeved Store Brand e.g. Joe Boxer, Route 66, Dickies any size 3008 - Men’s Shirt - Tee long sleeved Store Brand e.g. Joe Boxer, Route 66, Dickies any size 3009 - Men’s Shirt - Tee hoodie Store Brand e.g. Converse, Mossimo, Route 66 any size 3010 - Men’s Shirt - Tee polo Store Brand e.g. Converse, Mossimo, Route 66 any size 3011 - Men’s Long Pants - Cargo pockets Store Brand e.g. Basic Editions, Wrangle any size 3012 - Men’s Denim Jeans Store Brand e.g. Target any size 3013 - Men’s Jeans - Better quality Brands e.g. Levi, Jeanswest any size 3014 - Men’s Black Pants - Business Store Brand e.g. Target any size 3015 - Boy’s socks - sports Bonds C6218w 3016 - Boys’ briefs - all cotton plain Bonds any size 3017 - Boy’s singlet - white cotton Store Brand - e.g. Basics, Essentials Sizes 6-8 3018 - Boy’s jeans Brand e.g. Levi, Jeanswest 3019 - Boy’s Pants Store Brand e.g. Piping Hot 3020 - Boy’s Dress Pants Store Brand e.g. Piping Hot, Target 3021 - Boy’s Shirt - cotton hooded top Store Brand e.g. Spalding, Travisty, Target 3022 - Boy’s Shirt - double sleeve tee shirt Store Brand e.g. Piping Hot SPIRITS 3. CLOTHING MEN’S AND BOYS’ CLOTHING MEN’S CLOTHING WOMEN’S AND GIRLS’ CLOTHING WOMEN’S CLOTHING 3026 - Women’s socks Bonds C7211W Page 13 Regional Price Index 2013 3027 - Women’s briefs - bikini Bonds Any size 3028 - Women’s briefs - hipster Bonds Any size 3029 - Women’s pantihose Kolotex Sheer 3030 - Women’s pantihose Razamatazz Sheer 3031 - Women’s bra - sports Store Brand Size 12-16 3032 - Women’s bra - underwire Store Brand Size 12-16 3033 - Women’s bra - everyday Bonds Any size 3034 - Women’s dress Store Brand Size 16-26 3035 - Women’s Collar/Work Shirt Store Brand Size 8-16 3036 - Women’s plain top Store Brand Size 16-26 3037 - Women’s plain top Store Brand Size 8-16 3038 - Women’s printed top Store Brand Size 16-26 3039 - Women’s printed top Store Brand Size 8-16 3040 - Women’s Skirt Store Brand Size 8-16 3041 - Women’s Track pants Store Brand Size 8-16 3042 - Women’s black work pants Store Brand Size 8-16 3043 - Girls’ socks Bonds C6939W 3044 - Girls’ briefs - bikini Bonds Size 2-3/4-6 3045 - Girls’ briefs - pure cotton Store Brand / Rio Size 4-6/8-10 3046 - Girls’ stripped track pants Store Brand 3047 - Girls’ Plain track pants Store Brand 3048 - Girls’ printed dress Store Brand 3049 - Girls’ hooded print tee shirt Store Brand 3050 - Girls Jeans Store Brand 4. HOUSING HOME OWNERSHIP MORTGAGE INTEREST RATES 4001 - Mortgage interest rates Median LOCAL GOVERNMENT RATES AND CHARGES 4004 - Local government rates and charges Incl. rubbish HOUSE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE 4007 - Plumber Call out fee Hourly rate 4008 - Electrician Call out fee Hourly rate 4009 - Interior polyfilla Selley’s 4010 - Nails - bullet Atta 4011 - Aquadhere - woodworking repairs Selleys 4012 - Paint - Interior Easycoat - Sealer Primer Undercoat Taubmans 15 litre 4013 - Paint - 3 in 1 Sealer Primer Taubmans 15 litre 4014 - Paint - living proof silk Taubmans 4 litre Page 14 Regional Price Index 2013 4015 - Paint - low sheen wash & wear Dulux 4016 - Paint brush Cheapest 4017 - Claw Hammer Cheapest 4 litre PRIVATE RENTS PRIVATE RENTS 4020 - Brick and Tile home 3x1 brick and tile 4021 - Brick and Tile home 4x2 brick and tile UTILITIES ELECTRICITY 4025 - Electricity Charges Per Kilowatt GAS - BOTTLED 4028 - Gas - bottled non delivered 45 Kilo bottle WATER 4031 - Water charges first 150 kill CONSUMER CREDIT CHARGES CONSUMER CREDIT CHARGES 4035 - Credit Card Charges average INSURANCE SERVICES HOME AND CONTENTS INSURANCE 4039 - Owner Occ. ,House & Contents $500,000 building and $50,000 contents 4040 - Owner Occ. ,House & Contents $370,000 building and $40,000 contents 5. HOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT AND OPERATIONS HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND FITTINGS BEDDING FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS 5001 - Bed - ensemble, Type 1 $300-$900 Queen 5002 - Bed - ensemble, Type 2 $901-$1500 Queen 5003 - Bed - ensemble, Type 3 $1501-$2200 Queen 5004 - Bed - ensemble, Type 4 $2201-$3000 Queen 5005 - Bed - ensemble, Type 5 $3001-$6000 Queen 5006 - Pillowcases - Standard Cheapest Pack 2 5007 - Bed sheets - 1 fitted Cheapest Queen 5008 - Doona cover Cheapest Queen 5009 - Mattress protector Cheapest Queen 5010 - Bath Towel - Medium Cheapest Thread count Page 15 Regional Price Index 2013 HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES UTENSILS AND TOOLS MAJOR HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES 5014 - Washer- Top Loader Fisher & Payk. 5.5 kg 5015 - Dishwasher Bosch 2400W 5016 - Microwave Samsung 28 Litre 5017 - Electric Heater Delonghi HS25F 5018 - Gas Heater - portable Rinnai Titan 151 5019 - Barbeque - gas Manly 5020 - Fridge Fisher & Payk. 380 Litres 5022 - Toaster - 4 slice Kambrook KT60 5023 - Toaster - 2 slice freestyle Breville BT320 5024 - Toaster - 4 slice freestyle Breville BT340 5025 - Toaster Sunbeam TA1210 5026 - Toaster Sunbeam TA4200 5027 - Toaster Tefal Deflni 5028 - Kettle - cordless Kambrook KAK35 5029 - Kettle Sunbeam KE7350 5030 - Kettle - cordless Sunbeam KE2350 5031 - Kettle Sunbeam KE6300 5032 - Kettle Russell Hob. RHK2 5033 - Kettle Tefal KI101 5034 - Iron non-stick Silverstone Breville SS700 5035 - Iron Sunbeam Silverstone 5036 - Iron Tefal Primaglide 5037 - Iron Sunbeam SR3100 5038 - Iron Kambrook KI750 5039 - Iron Breville SS720 5040 - Food mixer Sunbeam 5041 - Vacuum cleaner - barrel Miele 5042 - Ceiling fan Logan 120cm 5045 - Non-stick frying pan Cheapest 25cm 5046 - Glass casserole dish - round w lid Pyrex 6001024 5047 - Wok Cheapest 30cm 5048 - Dinner set (4 x 4) Cheapest 1 set of 16 5049 - Cutlery Set (4 x 4) Cheapest 1 set of 16 5050 - Drinking Glasses - Tumbler Cheapest 1 pack of 4 5051 - Wine Glasses - White Cheapest 6 pack 5052 - Plastic bucket Specify brand 9.6 -10 litre SMALL ELECTRONIC APPLIANCES KITCHEN AND HOUSEHOLD UTENSILS Page 16 Regional Price Index 2013 HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES HOUSEHOLD CLEANING AGENTS 5056 - Fabric softener - concentrated Cuddly 2 litre 5057 - Fabric softener - refill Fluffy 500 ml 5058 - Pre wash cleaner - spray Preen 300 ml 5059 - Laundry powder Omo 1.5 kilo 5060 - Laundry Liquid Surf 1 litre 5061 - Dishwashing liquid Palmolive 500 ml 5062 - Dishwashing liquid Earth Choice 500 ml 5063 - Scourer/ Sponges Scotchbrite 2 pack 5064 - Paper Towel Handee 2 pack 5065 - Spray and Wipe - Multi Ajax 500 ml 5066 - Bleach White King 1.25 kg 5067 - Window Cleaner Windex 500ml 5071 - Cling Wrap Glad 30m roll 5072 - Aluminium Foil Multix 30m roll 5073 - Garbage Bags Kitchen Glad Roll of 30 5074 - Paper Plates Deeko 1 pkt of 8 5075 - Paper cups Deeko 1 pkt of 20 5076 - Plastic Knives Deeko 1 pkt of 10 5077 - Plastic Fork Deeko 1 pkt of 10 5078 - Plastic Food Container Multix 1000ml 5 pack 5079 - Matches 50’s Redheads Pkt of 10 5080 - Insect repellent flying insects Aero guard 300g 5081 - Facial Tissues Kleenex pkt of 220 5082 - Toilet paper 200 sheet rolls Kleenex Pkt of 6 rolls 5083 - Toilet paper extra thick Sorbent Pkt of 12 rolls 5084 - Batteries Energizer 4 x AA 5085 - Torch Eveready MK6 5086 - Power extension lead Cheapest 3 metres 5087 - 4 Outlet Electrical Power Board Cheapest 5088 - Light Bulb/ Globe Phillips Single 5089 - Pest Control Mortein 300g 5090 - Mosquito Coils Hovex 1 pack of 2 5091 - Air Fresheners Glade 200g 5092 - Sunscreen - Every Day Banana boat 200g 5093 - Door Mat Cheapest 40 x 560 cm 5094 - Water Hose - Garden Cheapest 30 metres 5095 - Esky/ Ice box Cheapest 60 Litres 5096 - Chopping board Cheapest TOILETRIES AND OTHER HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES Page 17 Regional Price Index 2013 5097 - Can Opener Cheapest 5098 - Oven Glove Cheapest 5099 - Tea Towel - checked pattern Cheapest 1 pack of 2 5100 - Colander Cheapest 26 cm 5101 - Garlic Crasher/Press Cheapest 5102 - Kitchen Knife Wiltshire 5103 - Baby soap Johnson’s 1 pack of 2 5104 - Bath soap Palmolive 1 pack of 2 5105 - Hand wash - antibacterial pump Dettol 250ml 5106 - Baby Powder Johnson’s 400g 5107 - Shampoo Pantene 200ml 5108 - Conditioner Pantene 200ml 5109 - Toothpaste Colgate - Total 110g 5110 - Tampons Carefree 20 5111 - Sanitary napkins Libra 14 5112 - Pain relief tablets Nurofen 24 pkt 5113 - Pain relief tablets Panadol 24 pkt 5114 - Disposable nappies Huggies 10-15kg 24 pack toddler 5115 - Disposable nappies Huggies 6-11kg 30 pack crawlers 5116 - Baby Wipes Huggies 80 pk 5117 - Lozenges Strepsil 16 pkt 5118 - Cough mixture Nyal 200 ml 5119 - Antiseptic cream Savlon 75 gram 5120 - Antiseptic liquid Dettol 250 ml 5121 - Vitamins and Supplements Blackmore / Cenovis 1 bottle of 50 / 62 5122 - Deodorant/ Anti perspirant Rexona 150 g can 5123 - Razors and blade- Disposable Gillette 1 pack of 3 5124 - Shaving cream Gillette 250g can 5125 - Bandages/plasters Band Aid 20 pkt 5126 - Cotton tips/ buds Swisspers 400 pk 5127- Tooth brush Colgate 3 in a pack 5128 - Moisturiser lotion Dove 375ml 5129 - Stockings Razzamatazz Opaque 5130 - Hair removal cream Nair 150g 5131 - Hair Dryer Cheapest 1800 watts HOUSEHOLD SERVICES HAIRDRESSING SERVICE 5135 - Men’s standard/regular trim 5136 - Student hair cut 5137 - Women’s trim, wash & Blow dry Short hair 5138 - Women’s trim wash & Blow dry Long hair Page 18 Regional Price Index 2013 POSTAL AND TELEPHONE SERVICES POSTAGE SERVICES 5142 - Standard letter 5143 - Parcel - domestic up to 250 g 5144 - Parcel - domestic up to 500 g 5145 - Parcel - domestic 500 g - l kilo 5146 - Parcel - international (London) up to 250 g TELEPHONE SERVICE 5149 - Telephone call - std 5 minutes per minute 5150 - Telephone call - 1300 number standard call per minute 5151 - Telephone call - mobile per min per minute 5152 - Telephone call - international (UK) 5 minutes per minute 5155 - Telstra standard rate- broadband Per month 500gb 5156 - Telstra bundle rate Per month 5gb Item No 3 15 min INTERNET 6. HEALTH AND PERSONAL CARE HEALTH SERVICES HOSPITAL AND MEDICAL 6001 - GP standard consultation fee 6002 - Basic Hospital Cover - single annual 6003 - Top Hospital Cover - single annual 6004 - Basic Hospital Cover - families annual 6005 - Top Hospital Cover - families annual OPTICAL 6008 - Exam. for contact lens prescription 10918 6009 - Cons. for disposable contact lenses 10900 6010 - Standard set of single vision 852 DENTAL 6013 - Initial oral examination Item 011 6014 - Periodic oral examination Item 012 6015 - Scaling and cleaning Item 111 6016 - Simple removal of permanent teeth Item 311 6017 - Amalgam filling - permanent teeth Item 511 6018 - Amalgam filling - permanent teeth Item 512 6019 - Resin filling - posterior tooth Item 531 Page 19 Regional Price Index 2013 PHARMACEUTICALS PHARMACEUTICALS - PRESCIPTION AND OVER THE COUNTER 6024 - Amoxicillin Antibiotics Cilamoax 500mg 6025 - Salbutamol - Asthma medication Ventolin 5mg 6026 - Metformin - Diabetes medication Formet Tablets 6027 - Atorvastatin - Heart medication Lipitor Tablets 6028 - ACEI - Blood Pressure medication Ramipril Tables 6029 - Pain relief- Paracetamol/Codeine Panadeine Capsules 6030 - Anti-Depressants Mirtazapine Tablets 6031 - Sleeping Tablets Temazepam 10mg 6032 - Cold & Flu tablets Codral 48 Pack 6033 - Antihistamine Telfast 30 Pack 6034 - Cough Mixture Robitussin 200ml 6035 - Heartburn relief Zantac 14 Pack 6036 - Pain Relief Panamax 1 box 6037 - Antifungal Cream Canesten 50g 7001 - Toyota Corolla manual sedan Ascent, hatchback, 1.8 ltr pre-delivery 7002 - Toyota Hilux - SR 4x4 double Cab Manual Petrol 7003 - Holden Commodore Omega Sedan Manual Petrol 7004 - Holden Cruze CD Manual Petrol 7005 - Ford Falcon XT manual Sedan Manual Petrol 7006 - Mazda3 neo sedan Manual Petrol 7010 - Automotive fuel Leaded Per litre 7011 - Automotive fuel Unleaded Per litre 7012 - Automotive fuel Diesel Per litre 7013 - Motor Engine oil 20W/50 5 litre 7014 - Coolant Cheapest 5 litre 7. TRANSPORTATION PRIVATE MOTORING MOTOR VEHICLES AUTOMOTIVE FUEL AND OIL FUEL MOTORING CHARGES - TYRES, PARTS & SERVICES MOTORING CHARGES - TYRES 7018 - Goodyear GA 195/65 R15 7019 - Goodrich 195/65 R15 7020 - Bridgestone - include balance and fit 195/65 R15 7021 - Spark plugs - suit Holden Champion Pkt 4’s N9YC 7022 - Auto wash Selley’s 750 ml 7023 - Oil filter Ryco Z334 Page 20 Regional Price Index 2013 7024 - Oil filter Repco ROF-16 7025 - Car protector Armorall 500 ml 7026 - Mechanic Call out fee + hourly rate Hourly rate MOTORING FEES AND INSURANCE OTHER MOTORING CHARGES 7030 - Drivers licence fee 1 year 7031 - Drivers licence fee 5 year 7032 - Vehicle licence fee Cost $3000 Stamp duty 7033 - Vehicle licence fee Cost $3000 Transfer fee 7034 - Vehicle licence fee Cost $15000 Stamp duty 7035 - Vehicle licence fee Cost $15000 Transfer fee 7036 - Vehicle licence fee Cost $25000 Stamp duty 7037 - Vehicle licence fee Cost $25000 Transfer fee 7038 - Comprehensive car insurance SGIO, HBF Male, 24 7039 - Comprehensive car insurance SGIO, HBF Male, 35 7040 - Comprehensive car insurance SGIO, HBF Male, 65 8. RECREATION AND EDUCATION BOOKS, NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES BOOKS, NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES 8001 - West Australian 8002 - Sunday Times 8003 - New Idea 8004 - Australian Women’s Weekly 8005 - Cosmopolitan 8006 - CLEO 8007 - Better Homes and Gardens AUDIO, VISUAL AND COMPUTING ELECTRONIC APPLIANCES 8011 - Television- Plasma “40 inch” Panasonic 8012 - Television- LCD “40 inch” Samsung 8013 – Blu-ray player $0-$300 8014 – Blu-ray player $301-$600 8015 - Digital Camera Panasonic 8016 - X-box 360 Console Console only 8017 - Laptop Computer Toshiba 8018 - Any Top 20 CD 8019 - Blank Compact Disc CD-R TDK 25 pack 8020 - Blank DVD+R Sony 25 pack 8021 - Blank Compact Disc CD-R TDK 50 pack 8022 - Blank DVD-R Sony 50 pack Page 21 Regional Price Index 2013 8023 - New release Blu-ray Blu Ray 8024 - New release game- Playstation 3 8025 - Apple I-pod player 2 GB 8026 - 2 GB USB Verbatim 8027 - 4 GB USB Verbatim 8028 - 8 GB USB Verbatim Shuffle SPORT AND OTHER RECREATION SPORTING EQUIPMENT, ACTIVITIES AND PARTICIPATION 8032 - Swimming Pool day - Child Public Pool 8033 - Swimming Pool day - Adult Public Pool 8034 - Recreation centre/ gym annual - Adult Local club 8035 - Horse Races general admission Local club 8036 - Golf Course day Admissions Local club 9 holes 8037 - Tennis Court one day admission Local club membership 8038 - Tennis Club membership Local club annual 8039 - Football Club- Adult season Local club seasonal 8040 - Netball club season Local club seasonal 8041 - Cricket Club season - Adult Local club seasonal 8042 - Cricket Club season - Child Local club seasonal annual TOYS, BOARD GAMES AND HOBBIES 8045 - Football, size 5 Sherrin AFL 8046 - Netball, size 5 Mitre 8047 - Soccer ball Mitre 8048 - Tennis racquet - Adult Wilson 8049 - Tennis balls - set of 3 (Hard-court) Cheapest 8050 - Golf ball - pack of three Spalding 8051 - Frisbee disc Cheapest 8052 - Pack of cards - 52 deck Cheapest 8053 - Matchbox Toy Car series Model 1 - 75 8054 - Scrabble - original Spears 8055 - Monopoly - original Parker Bros VETERINARY AND PET FOOD 8058 - Consultation - normal hours 8059 - Vaccination - dog 8060 - De-sexing female Cat 8061 - Dog food can Pedigree 1.2kg 8062 - Dog food Chum 3kg 8063 - Dog biscuits Pedigree 3kg 8064 - Cat food - any meat variety Whiskas - Biscuits 1kg 8065 - Cat food - any meat variety Whiskas -Tin 400g Page 22 Regional Price Index 2013 VIDEO/DVD HIRE 8068 - Overnight hire - latest release DVD 8069 - Overnight hire - Weeklies 8070 - Cinema/ Outdoor movies tickets 8071 - Overnight hire - Latest release game EDUCATION FEES SCHOOL CARE AND GOVERNMENT FEES 8075 - Out of School Hours Care Per session 8076 - Vacation care Per session 8077 - Pre-school Care Per session 8078 - Parents - for Pre to Year 7 8079 - Parents - for 8 - 10 Year Page 23 The Department of Regional Development acknowledges the contribution of the Western Australian Community Resource Network in preparation of the 2013 Regional Price Index.
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the cutting edge and minimises the chance of crushing the thin tube in the vice/ clamp.