October 2015


October 2015
Volume 24, Issue 10
October 2015
Nisqually Trail News
A publication produced by the Nisqually Chapter of BCHW
The 2016 Back Country Horsemen of Washington, Nisqually Chapter membership
application is enclosed. After October 10th it will include membership for 2016 as well
as for the remainder of 2015. Give one to every equine person you know so they may
join and be a member for an additional quarter of a year for
free. Current members may renew now for 2016 as well.
Non-members may attend
up to two meetings / Board / Chairs 2
The next Nisqually
chapter activities per year. Presidential
Invite other horsey folks
Chapter meeting will
to come with you.
be held at The
Chapter Ride
The Puyallup parade
Moose, in Yelm,
started off the Washington
Wednesday, October
State Fair in fashion. 24 Member News 7
riders from different
7th, at 7:00pm.
chapters and the Pierce
County Mounted Sherriff
Posse rode while three pack mules and horses bought in
canned goods. Sondra Johnson was there with Vice-President Kathy Talbot. Jerry
Salzgeber posted some pictures in the facebook group.
Our auction is Oct 16th at Moose, 6pm silent auction and 7 pm is live and the public is
welcome. A saddle has already been donated! Bring your auction items to the meeting.
2016 Membership Application Inside!
“Keeping trails open for all.”
Nisqually Chapter Officers and Chairs
Jan Connors 360-458-2740
Hoof Prints Chair
Diana Spandel 360-894-4039
Kathy Talbot 360-485-8473
[email protected]
Trail Camp Scout
Leah Smith 360-438-6931
[email protected]
Kelly Pankau 360-446-5958
[email protected]
Web Manager (ncbchw.com)
Carol Hill 360-458-5521
[email protected]
Gary Skinner 360-280-7872
[email protected]
Sun Shine Chair
Lynne Wurzer 253-531-2750
NC Director to BCHW
Laura Lluellyn 253-208-4548
[email protected]
NC Alternate Director to BCHW
Stan Jackson 360-742-6778
[email protected]
Trail Maintenance Coordinator
Alan Pankau 360-446-5958
[email protected]
Chief Trail Scout
Position is Vacant
Please contact Jan Connors, President
Volunteer Hours Coordination Chair
Kim E. Merrick 253-261-6188
[email protected]
Nisqually Trail News Publicity and
Advertising Chair
Kathy Talbot 360-485-8473
[email protected]
Membership Chair
Mary Brady 360-894-5855
[email protected]
Hospitality Chair
Barb Veal 253-209-8524
[email protected]
Leave No Trace Chair / News Distribution
Stan Jackson 360-742-6778
[email protected]
Ways and Means
Jan Connors 360-458-2740
Newsletter Editor
Amanda (Mandy) Biles 253-843-9541
[email protected]
32509 10th Ave. S
Roy WA 98580
Are you a member? Join the facebook group:
President’s Ponderings...
Jan Connors, NCBCHW President
First and foremost consider this a reminder to bring
donations to the meeting October 7th for our annual
auction on October 16th. I will have a trailer awaiting
collection and would like to see it full of auction items.
The Chapter Steak Ride at Elbe, September 19th, went
well as it looked like everyone had a good time; the
weather was wonderful. Many thanks to Frank and Alan for cooking; the potluck
turnout was good. It was nice to see some new faces. Keep inviting your comrades
to our chapter events.
Elections are coming up. Also, there is a vacancy for webmaster. Thanks to Carol
Hill for fulfilling this position for some time now. Chief Trail Scout is vacant. Please
consider taking a position. Everything is up for election. The more active our
membership is in participating will create a healthier environment for our chapter.
Now go enjoy the remainder of the good weather, have fun on the trails and a good
time in general. I have a horse to go work on. This is his second rescue occasion.
He is on the mend and will be out on the trail soon. Be looking for this very tall,
gaited black gelding.
On another note, please keep an eye out for a reasonably priced three horse slant
bumper pull trailer. I will be on the lookout for one in the near future. Thanks!
Happy Trails!
Jan Connors, President
BCHW Nisqually Chapter Meeting Minutes
Yelm Moose Lodge, September 2, 2015
I. Call to order: 7:08 p.m. Full reading of mission statement. Introduction of board members.
II. Introductions: New members, Carrie and Barry Russell (Tennessee Walkers) and guests Janet
Brundige and her granddaughter, Summer Lambert (Quarter Horses).
III.Approval of Minutes: M/S/C.
IV.President—Jan Connor: Correction of dates from the newsletter: the auction is October 16, and the
Steak Ride is September 19. The silent auction is from 6:00 to 7:00, with the live auction starting at
7:00. Arlene sent in almost new riding boots that don’t fit, if anyone wants them. Also, Mary Brady
is present with membership cards. We are still looking for a new trail scout.
V. Vice President—Kathy Talbot: She and Jerry Salzgeber will be riding with the BCHW group in
the Puyallup parade, September 11, for the food drive.
VI.Secretary—Kelly Pankau: Still working on business cards.
VII.Treasurer—Gary Skinner: Read all account balances. See him for transactions for last few
VIII.Director—Laura Lluellyn: Did get the permit for Elbe—we’re good to go for the Steak Ride.
Pierce County is doing the Puyallup parade. They are looking for flag holders, etc. She still has state
fliers from the last director meeting and the newest form for donations. They will be useful for auction donations.
IX.Trail Maintenance—Alan Pankau: Working on JBLM training area 23. Waiting for dozer work.
X. JBLM Parking Lot—Kay Brown: Update on JBLM training area 23 parking lot work. The dates
for the bulldozer are September 12 and 13, delivery time, 9:00. Need someone to pick up the water
trailer the Friday night before—Kenny DiGiacomo volunteered. Need about 7 people again. Kathy’s
son will be back-up dozer driver. Got okay for the new access point, but need to make sure there is
no brush that interferes with visibility. Still working on the dig permit.
XI.Newsletter Editor—Mandy Biles: There is a new phone number for Laura Lluellyn. Misprinted
some dates. There is a new application form coming out. The deadline for articles, etc., is the 15 th
each month.
XII.Volunteer Hours—Kim Merrick: Volunteer report. She sent in the quarterly report to state on
September 10. Cumulative hours for this year: 205 hours for trail work, 31 hours for education, 798
hours for administration and meetings, 168.5 for travel time, for a total of 1205.5 hours at a value of
$27,281.38. The total for miles was 5068, value $4814.60 and total stock days was 24, value $2400.
XIII.Ways and Means—Jan Connors: Reminded us that the auction is our primary fundraiser. She
asked if everyone could donate at least one nice item for the live auction, and one for the silent auction.
XIV.Hoofprints—Diana Spandel: Explained about our mileage program—Tack Room Too is our
sponsor. She has forms for signing up.
XV.Steak Ride—September 19: Kelly Pankau passed around a sign-up sheet for the Steak Ride—the
cutoff date on RSVPs is the 14th so steaks can be ordered. Steaks and beverages will be provided
with a voluntary potluck for the rest. No host ride with dinner at 4:00. Jan will be bringing plates,
XVI.Good of the Order: Kathy Richardson noted that Mandy Biles is now a published author—it is a
study guide on tying up in horses. Sondra Johnston is a hero—she related her adventure today with
Jerry Salzgeber and bees and how she caught his horse on the fly. Dian Jackson has a neighbor who
needs to give up four thoroughbreds—they are free. Mary Anne Coleman knows of a mountain horse
available on free lease. Mary Brady has a friend with a 19-year-old appaloosa for sale.
Meeting adjourned: 7:57. Members: 30. Guests: 2. Moose: 2.
Respectfully submitted,
Kelly Pankau, Secretary
Fall Ride with Friends
Greetings fellow Nisqually Chapter members! After a hot dry summer, full of closures to our rides, we will have a
ride on Sunday, October 4th! Our ride will be at Capitol Forest, from the Margaret McKinney Campground. If
you have never ridden at Capitol Forest, you are in for a real treat! Beautiful fall colors of changing vine maples
and mossy tunnel-like trails are awaiting you! The trails are well-maintained due to the hard work of our sister
chapters Scatter Creek, Capitol Riders, and the Friends of Capitol Forest. There are some hills, but no major
mountain climbing. The ride will be about 2 hours long and will showcase the trails that are open during the winter months. The route will include some trails that will be closed starting November 1st to equine use. You will
get a map to show you which trails are open for the winter.
If you are new to our chapter, here are the basics of our rides. We mark the route with ribbons that are pink,
white, and blue. Always keep the ribbons to your right. Occasionally you may see ribbons on both sides of the
trail. This indicates that you go in and out on the same trail. Three ribbons grouped closely together indicates a
change in direction, so stop and look for the continuing ribbons at the intersection. On obvious trails that do not
have intersections, the ribbons will be placed more sparsely. Newly established trails, reroutes around damage, or
brushy trails will be marked more heavily.
You may ride out with your friends, by yourself, or form small groups at the trailhead. Generally, the horses are
better behaved in smaller groups and with horses that travel at the same rate of speed. Be careful not to speed up
on the rear of other horses and be courteous to other user groups. Capitol Forest cyclists and hikers are generally
very well-educated about yielding to horses. When encountering other users, please be sure to speak to them to
get them talking. This will help your horse to recognize them as humans! Don’t forget to thank them for letting
you pass safely!
Use LNT Principle: “Plan Ahead and Prepare.”
You will need a Discover Pass to park at the trailhead. These are available at places where fishing and hunting
licenses are sold, or order one when you renew your vehicle registration. Cost is $30 and they are valid for one
Wear some blaze orange, as hunting season is open!
Dress for the weather- carry raingear!
No Dogs or stallions on chapter rides please!
First rider out at 11AM, Last out at 11:30! Our drag riders will need to pick up ribbons as they ride, so if you
come late, the ride may not be marked and you may get lost.
Trails are good but there are some rocks, so if you are a barefooter, carry your boots.
Snack share in the parking area after the ride! Have fun!
Directions to Margaret McKinny Campground on page 6.
Happy Trails!
Ride October 4th!
Kristine Thompson
Nisqually Chapter Calendar
Auction Item
4 Chapter Ride – Margaret McKinney at
Capitol Forest Discover Pass required
7 Chapter Meeting – Present Candidates
and Confirm 2016 Chapter Budget
12 Holiday – Columbus Day
13 Board Meeting
19 Chapter Auction at Moose Lodge
26 National Mule Days
31 BCHW Fundraiser Wine Ride - Zillah
31 Halloween
1 Daylight Savings Time Ends
4 Chapter Meeting – Elections
8 Chapter Ride Ft Lewis Areas 8, 9
11 Holiday- Veteran’s Day
17 Board Meeting
26 Holiday – Thanksgiving Day
30 Last day to ride Capitol Forest
2 Chapter Meeting – Dinner/Awards 6pm
4 USFS Meeting – Ellensburg Fairgrounds
5 BCHW Director Meeting – Ellensburg
5 Yelm Christmas Parade
13 National Day of the Horse
15 Board Meeting & Info Transfer
25 Holiday – Christmas Day
31 All board and committee members
must have next year’s dues paid.
(from page 5, Chapter Ride)
From Tacoma: Go South on I-5 to Littlerock exit.
Go straight thru Littlerock (.8 mile) to stop sign.
Turn right on Waddell Creek Road. Go about 1
mile. Watch for Margaret McKinney sign on right
side (the sign is right across from the entrance).
Turn Left into Margaret McKinney camp.
From Yelm: Turn onto SR 507 towards Rainier. Go
through Tenino. Turn right on Wicman Road at
sharp bend. Go to stop sign at Tilly Road. Turn
right. Go to Maytown Road SW just before RR
tracks. Turn left. Go through Maytown to stop sign.
Turn right. Go straight thru Littlerock (.8 mile) to
stop sign. Turn right on Waddell Creek Road. Go
about 1 mile. Watch for Margaret McKinney sign on
right side (the sign is right across from the entrance).
Turn Left into Margaret McKinney camp.
Montana Dreamin’
… and What the Hey
It seems odd that already owning a great horse, that I would find myself at Lone Mountain
Dude Ranch and loving it! Rich had the idea that instead of the same old same old vacations that
maybe we should try something different. This place seemed to fit the bill. It offered 3 blue ribbon
flying fishing streams near by and riding in Yellowstone Nation Park. Joe, Rich's cousin and his wife
jumped at the idea too. Joe and Susan are backcountry riders with a cabin in Joseph Oregon, but
they were ready for an adventure too.
While the guys went fishing, Susan and I had our first 45 minute ride where one of the
wranglers culled out the "dudes" who say they are experienced riders. Once we crossed that hurdle
(it wasn't hard), we were put in the advanced group and because it was the off season, there were
not many of us.
Most of the time, it was just Susan and I with a wrangler. We would ride 2hrs in the morning
and 3 in the afternoon. All of the wranglers wanted to guide us because they could relax and enjoy
the ride too. Our two horses were strictly ours for the week. We could have asked for different ones
but What the Hey (my horse a gray) and Susan's horse Jack ( a sorrel) were both responsive to our
commands and surefooted which we definitely needed when we rode the Sky Rim in Yellowstone.
This ride was 5hrs and 14 breathtaking miles long where we ended up having to bush whack a
new trail when a tree had blown down on the original one, riding the ridge with 40 mph winds and
gusts of 50, and descending steep hills on the return trip. I really had a lot of confidence with What
the Hey and if I could have afforded another horse, he definitely would have come home with me.
Back at the ranch, we had a BBQ cooked by the ranch hands that made me want to stay
another week so I could just be there on Sunday night again, and on Thurs. morning they cooked
a ranch breakfast cooked on an old cast-iron stove that they literally had to build the cabin around!
I have to say one of the highlights of being at the dude ranch was no barn chores and preparations to ride were all taken care of. The guys on the other hand, had no highlights since the "blue
ribbon" fish weren't interested in entertaining any of the anglers that week.
Oh well, next time, it will be riding and golf in Arizona so Rich can just hit that little white ball
around 18 holes (maybe a hole in one?), and hopefully I'll get another horse like What the Hey.
Mickie Hattrup
Please support our advertisers!
Certified Weed Free Hay & Grain
Eastern WA Orchard Grass Alfalfa
Triple Crown Senior, Complete, Growth Horse Feed
Equis Senior & Complete Horse
WABA for Alpacas
Chicken Layer Pellets & Scratch
Barnyard Buffet 80lb
Dog & Cat Food
Lots of Saddles, Bridles, Halters, etc.
In Stock Now!
Donate Money to NCBCHW by Buying an Ad in the Nisqually Trail News
Ad deadline is the 15th of the month for the following month’s issue. Email ads to: [email protected]
Ads must meet publishing standards. All ads are printed
in black and white. Camera ready and sized to fit art is
preferred. Electronically provided ads must be PDFs or
JPGs. Payment in full must accompany advertisement.
The publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertising.
Advertisers and agencies assume all liability for content of
their advertisement. Publisher and agent bear no financial
responsibility for errors or delays in publication.
Make payment payable to NCBHCW.
Send check along with ad to:
Advertising Rates
Ad Size
Ad Dimensions
Ad Cost
1x Insertion
Ad Cost
12x Insertion
Full Page
10”H x 7½”W
Half Page
4¾”H x 7½”W
Halt Page
10”H x 3⅝”W
Nisqually Chapter BCHW
C/O Kathy Talbot, Advertising
Quarter Page 4¾”H x 3⅝W
14035 86th Lane SE Any advertising questions please
contact Kathy: 360-485-8473
Yelm WA 98597
2”H x 3⅝”W
[email protected] Card
Articles which appear in the Nisqually Trail News (NTN) do not
necessarily reflect the position, opinion or endorsement of the
Nisqually Chapter Back Country Horsemen of Washington
(NCBCHW), its officers or committee chairs. NCBCHW is not
responsible for the accuracy of all material and advertisements.
Appearance of an advertisement in the NTN does not constitute a
recommendation or endorsement by NCBCHW of goods or
services offered herein. Prices subject to change without warning.
NCBCHW and its management shall not be held responsible for
any typing errors or omissions other than a correction in the next
available issue.
The Nisqually Trail News is the official publication of the
Nisqually Chapter Back Country Horsemen of Washington.
The Nisqually Trail News (NTN) is published monthly by
NCBCHW. Annual membership dues include a subscription to
NTN in electronic or postal mailed form.
Editorial: Articles are accepted as well as photos. Photos must
be accompanied by the location, name(s) of the person(s) in
photo and the name of the photographer. Inclusion into the
newsletter will be based on space availability. Please submit to:
Amanda Biles, NTN Editor
[email protected]
32509 10th Ave. S
Roy WA 98580
As a 501(c)(3) organization, the Nisqually Chapter Back Country Horsemen 253-843-9541
of Washington follows the policy: Back Country Horsemen of Washington does
Article, photo and ad deadline is the 15th of the month prior to
not endorse or oppose any political candidate, donate or contribute to any
the publication month of the newsletter.
political candidate's campaign, participate or engage in political fund raising
events, distribute statement for or against particular political candidates, nor
For advertising information please contact Kathy Talbot.
engage in any other activity that may constitute favoring or opposing a political [email protected]
candidate. The forgoing applies to the official position of BCHW, it does not
restrict or discourage individual members from representing themselves in
If you have any corrections please contact the editor, above.
support of a candidate.
Volume 24, Issue 10
October 2015
Nisqually Trail News
A publication produced by the Nisqually Chapter of BCHW
Nisqually Chapter BCHW
PO Box 641
Yelm WA 98597-0641
<member mailing label>
The purpose of Backcountry Horsemen of Washington is to perpetuate the legal and moral
claim by the American people to use horses and mules for recreation on public lands.
Nisqually Chapter BCHW Mission
To perpetuate the common sense use and enjoyment of horses in America’s back country and wilderness.
To work to insure that public lands remain open to recreational stock use.
To assist the various government and private agencies in their maintenance and management of said resource.
To educate, encourage and solicit active participation in the wise use of the back country resource by horsemen and the
general public commensurate with our heritage.
To foster and encourage new members in Nisqually Chapter Back Country Horsemen Washington.
Back Country Horsemen of America...
...is dedicated to keeping trails open for all.