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SPRING TENT SALE APRIL 8-11 Unique Pet Boutique & Grooming Salon 10% off accessories 10-15% off road bikes GET YOUR SPRING GROOM ON! US 6 831 2 B Road Nappanee, IN 46550 nd Beech Rd. Burlington Bike Shop N Nappanee W E 2nd B Rd. Burlington Bike Shop S TUESDAYS & WEDNESDAYS BEST OF Marshall County 10% OFF GROOMING Diamondback 4 Miles West of Nappanee, BMC 1/4 Mile South, and a 1/8 Mile East on 2nd B Road. Cannondale Marin 2014 WITH COUPON | EXPIRES 4/29/15 1st Place GROOMING OF $35 OR MORE $ Country Chiropractic Center 414 West Plymouth Street, Bremen, IN (next to the tanning salon, across from Pizza Hut) M: 9-1 & 3-7 • T: Closed • W: 9-1 & 3-5 Thurs: 9-1 & 3-7 • Friday: 9-1 Closed Sat and Sun 574-546-3173 ~April 26, 2015 ~ FREE PRST STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #99 BREMEN, IN Serving Marshall County Plus Lakeville and Walkerton *******ECRWSS*** Postal Customer Bremen, IN 46506 FIND A VEHICLE HERE Used Cars of Plymouth ‘12 NISSAN MAXIMA ‘14 HYUNDAI TUCSON ‘13 CHEVY MALIBU LT ‘12 KIA OPTIMA LX 3.5 S, Xtronic CVT, FWD, 6 Cyl. $225/month Limited, Auto, Blue, AWD $314/month Auto, Silver Ice Metallic $239/month Auto, Metal Bronze, FWD, 4 Cyl $181/month ‘10 BUICK ENCLAVE ‘14 CHRYSLER 200 LX ‘14 CHEVY CRUZE ‘12 HONDA PILOT LX CXL, Automatic, AWD $304/month Auto, FWD, 4 Cyl $211/month Blue Ray Metallic, Automatic, 4 Cyl. $210/month 5 Speed Automatic, 6 Cyl. $267/month Stock #K2376 Stock #K2388 Stock #E1769 Stock #K2353 Stock #E1505 Stock #K2410 Stock #K2428 Stock #K2440 ‘14 CHEVY MALIBU LT ‘13 HYUNDAI TUCSON ‘05 CHEVY MOTE CARLO Auto, Champagne Silver Metallic $244/month Limited, Diamond Silver Metallic $247/month Supercharged SS, 6 Cyl., Auto $164/month ‘15 CHEVY SONIC LTZ ‘14 BUICK VERANO ‘14 NISSAN MAXIMA Black Granite Metallic, FWD, 4 Cyl. $217/month Convenience Group, Auto, 4 Cyl. $262/month Navy Blue, Automatic, 6 Cyl. $300/month Stock #K2247 Stock #E1737 Michael Wireman Michael Wireman has been with Mike Anderson’s for two years. Michael takes a great deal of pride in bringing his customers the knowledge and satisfaction of finding the right vehicle for them! Stock #K2339 Stock #E1728 BEST OF Marshall County NOW AVAILABLE Massage Therapist, Teresa Cox 574-209-0215 License Esthetician Lucy Allen doing facials, pedicures and manicures 574-276-6628 All patients are asked to arrive 15 min prior to closing in order to be seen 2011 N. Michigan St., Plymouth, IN • 574-936-8080 • Visit us on Facebook Hours: Monday & Thursday 9-8 • Wednesday & Friday 9-5 • Saturday 8-4 • Closed Tuesday and Sunday 20 for adults 10 for children $ Stock #E1737 Stock #K2395 75 months | $2000 Down | 1.99% 2600 N. Michigan Street Plymouth, Indiana 574-540-2009 Page 2 – Marshall • The Shopper April 26, 2015 Spring Special BEAT THE HEAT! No Credit? Bad Credit? NO CREDIT CHECK! No Down Payment! GET A NEW SYSTEM TODAY! Starting as low as e Sav 28.75 a week or Now 115 a month $ $ Professionally Trained Technicians Call the one who cares about your system Call Now! 69 $ Be Prepared! AC 19 pt system clean & check *Includes first pound of freon and we check all pressures accurately Refer a friend and get an additional $10 off! Expires 5-31-15 ALL SEASON HEATING & COOLING Plymouth: 936-9911 Knox: 772-7772 Rochester: 223-9911 Also Serving the Warsaw area Marshall • The Shopper April 26, 2015 – page 3 Community Calendar SUNDAY, APRIL 26 • String students from Clara Woolley’s Music Studio will be playing violin duets and solos with piano accompaniment from 1:30-2:30 p.m. in the Laramore Rooms. The public is welcome to attend to enjoy the music and learn about the value of music education. • The Rev. Earl L. Reifel will be at The First Presbyterian Church, 401 N. Walnut St. in Plymouth for the morning service beginning at 9:30 a.m. In addition there will be a “Seminar on Islam” beginning at 1 p.m. at the church. • Kali Rose, 2013 Inspirational Country Music Awards Entertainer of the Year and Plymouth resident, will be performing at Poplar Grove United Methodist Church, located on State Road 10 (7 miles west of Argos/ 3 miles east of Culver) at 9:15 a.m. Everyone is welcome and the cost will be a free-will donation. • The Michiana Gem and Mineral Society will meet at 2 p.m. in the basement of Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, 805 S. 29th St. (29th and Wall St.) South Bend. Doors open at 1:30 p.m. MGMS can be found on the web at MONDAY, APRIL 27 • Bremen Cemetery is holding its an- nual clean-up. All flowers, containers, decorations, worn or unsightly items will be disposed of. Anyone wishing to save items must have them removed by Monday, April 27. Items attached to the monuments will not be removed. If you have any questions, please call the cemetery office at 574-546-5216. • A support group is being held for women who are suffering from depression, stress, anxiety or disorders. The next meeting will be at 7 p.m. at the Bremen Missionary Church which is located on the corner of Elm and 3rd Road at 2958 Elm Road in Bremen. If you have any questions, please call 574-546-4830 or 574-546-4071. • Pickleball will be offered at the Webster Center from 1-3 p.m. The public is invited. TUESDAY, APRIL 28 • City of Plymouth police pension board will meet at 2:30 p.m. in council chambers, 124 N. Michigan St., Plymouth (Garro Street entrance). • Bremen senior citizens will meet at the Pines at 11 a.m. Bring a dish to share and a story to tell. • St. Paul’s Lutheran Preschool, located at 605 S. Center St. in Bremen, will be making some significant schedule 1150 Special Notices ROSIE’S POSIE’S 18325 Ironwood Rd. Argos. NOW OPEN!! Hanging Baskets & Bedding Plants. (574)892-5413 To Advertise Call 936-3101 Today! 1300 Pets & Supplies 18HP 42’ w/bagger Craftsman riding mower & Above ground pool items: solar heater, robot cleaner, other parts. (574)936-1100 Garage Sales 1325 Garage Sales RUMMAGE AND BAKE SALE at the Lakeville United Methodist Church located at 610 N. Michigan Street in Lakeville on Saturday, May 2 from 8:30am-1:00pm. Starting at noon - $3 a bag sale (items must fit inside the bag/box). Lunch available: Soups, sandwiches, desserts and drinks. Circle T Custom Butchering and Retail Our customers are #1 to us! Hamburger • Rib Eye • T-Bone Pork Steak • Pork Cutlet • Sausage Pork Chops Call for appointments of custom butchering! 9842 SR 331, Bourbon • 574-780-0303 or 574-342-0635 Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. • Saturday 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. (Formerly Beatty Locker) Henry Tibbs, Owner Local Checks, Cash or Credit Card/EBT The Shopper Vol. 50 April 26, 2015 No. 17 Marketing Director . . . . . . . . Cindy Stockton Group Editor . . . . . . . . Diona Eskew Production/IT Manager. . . . .Greg Hildebrand Circulation Manager . . . . . . . . Adrien Prochno Business Manager . . . . . . . . Michele Louderback USPS 436-440, 214 N. Michigan St. Plymouth, IN 46563, 574-936-3101 Periodical postage paid Plymouth, IN 46563 1330 Articles for Sale 25-GAL LAWN sprayer, $100. 175-lb lawn spreader, $100. 4x4 drag-harrow, $100. (574)767-0288 1390 Wanted to Buy 1340 Household Furnishings BUYING COIN Collections, Silver & Gold Items (574)209-1001 BROWN LEATHER couch, 3 years old, $800. Good shape. Call (219)448-9354 (Plymouth) 1440 Boats & Accessories 1343 Medical Equip/ Supplies LIKE NEW: Remote controlled recliner (grey). Paid $1,300, asking $750. Call (574)248-1190 1990 - 24' BASS TRACKER PARTY BARGE $4,000 includes 50 hp motor. (574) 248-5767 14FT. A L U M I N U M boat w/trailer. All redone, electric motor, new battery. (574)773-2091 (574)305-0494 FISH FRY SATURDAY, MAY 2 Pine Creek Church of the Brethren At the corner of Pine & Stanton Roads ALL YOU CAN EAT!! Adults & Carry Outs $8.50 Children 6-10 $4.00 • Under 6 Free Drinks & Desserts with the Meal Serving from 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. FISH FRIED BY THE FAMOUS TYNER IOOF LODGE Get your tickets from any church members or buy them at the door From LaPaz or Walkerton on Hwy. 6 to Pine Road, then North to Stanton or from US 31, take Stanton Rd. west to Pine Rd and the Church RENTOWN WILL BE CLOSED APRIL 27-MAY 2. Re-Opening at our new location on May 4! 1533 3rd Rd., Bremen, IN • 574-546-9010 OPEN: Mon.-Fri. 8-6 Sat. 8-5 Page 4 – Marshall • The Shopper April 26, 2015 Community Calendar changes for the 2015-16 school year. Preschool will be open five mornings a week for all children. Families may choose to send a child two, three, four or five days. Extended care will be available every day before and after preschool. An open house will be held from 5-7:30 p.m. for preschool through eighth grades. Those unable to attend the open house may call 574-546-2848 or 574-546-2790 to make an appointment. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29 • A member of Congresswoman Jackie Walorski’s staff will be holding office hours to assist constituents with casework and official business from 1-4 p.m. at Plymouth City Hall (Common Council Chambers), 124 N. Michigan St. (enter through the Garro Street entrance), Plymouth. • Pickleball will be offered at the Webster Center from 1-3 p.m. The public is invited. THURSDAY, APRIL 30 • Pinwheels for Prevention will be held at 7 p.m. at the Hoosier Old Wheels Pavilion on Randolph Drive, Centennial Park, Plymouth. Join the Indiana Department of Child Services, Prevent Child Abuse Indiana and the Kids First Trust Fund to recognize the role of the community in protecting Indiana’s most SPRING SPECIAL SAVINGS Country 220426 Auto Center Service Direct 574-780-2101 or 574-936-2115 vulnerable youth. SATURDAY, MAY 2 • Lakeville United Methodist Church, 610 N. Michigan St., Lakeville is holding a rummage and bake sale, from 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Starting at 12 p.m., there will be a $3-a-bag sale (items must fit inside the bag/box). Soups, sandwiches, desserts and drinks will also be available. • The Friends of the Argos Public Library will be holding their annual plant sale from 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Along with the plant sale, the library will also be holding a bake sale and used book sale. Donations are needed of plants and baked goods. To donate, please call the library at 574-892-5819. • Pine Creek Church of the Brethren, corner of Pine and Stanton Roads, North Liberty, is hosting an all-you-can-eat fish fry from 4-6:30 p.m. Drinks and dessert are included. Fish will be fried by the Tyner IOOF Lodge. Cost for adults and carry-outs is $8.50; $4 for children ages 6-10; and free for children younger than 6. Tickets are available from any church member or at the door. • Argos United Methodist Church, 570 N. Michigan St., Argos, will hold its annual bake sale from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Proceeds of this bake sale will be used to fund summer camp scholarships. HOP INTO SERVICE s ar t 2705 N. Michigan n &P ice nt ope and v r Plymouth, IN Seepartmeursdaysays! D Th aturd S 7pm ‘til Noon ‘til Save $7 on Lube, Oil & Filter Service Combo LOF and Tire Rotation Save $10 HOP INTO PARTS Save 10% on counter retail sales Expires 5/16/15 appts@[email protected] Courteous - Convenient - Quality Service - Everytime... No matter where you bought your vehicle. Bargain Hunters where every item, every day is $50 or less! 1155 Bargain Hunters 1155 Bargain Hunters 1155 Bargain Hunters 40”X64” DINING table w/leaf & 4 matching chairs $50 574-892-6335 ANTIQUE DOOR 70" X 24" $40 (574) 936-4921 BALL&KERR CANNING jars. Pint/quart $1 each 574-229-3158 COMPAQ PC tower /vista/wired office $40. (574)936-9133 DRESSER 6 drawers, great condition $50 574-540-1941 DELUXE EDITION game scrabble dictionary $25 574-780-3677 DOUBLE LAZY boy love-seat recliner/ dark blue/nice condition $50 574-935-0240 KOHLER CAST iron double kitchen sink. Cream porcelain $50 574-936-2456 LADIES GOLF shoes. Nike size 10. $5 574-784-3652 RABBIT CAGE, 3 section $15 574-305-0910 MARBLE SWIRL 61” bathroom vanity top, delta faucet $50 574-936-2456 PRETTY BOY & girl turkey dekos spare tails $50 574-767-0288 SINGLE METAL bed frame w/mattress, linen, etc. $50 574-540-1941 Classified Ads pay for themselves. 574-936-3101 Real Estate 1200 Apartments for Rent 1200 Apartments for Rent 3 BEDROOM apartment with attached garage across from the hospital in Plymouth. 574-936-6239 ARGOS: 1BR, w/washer/dryer hook-up. $425/month. ARGOS: 2BR, $450/month. Call: (574)276-9481 No Pets BREMEN, Lake of-the Woods. 1&2BR in quiet neighborhood. $115 to $125/weekly. (269)240-7734 EASTOWN VILLA Apartments: Efficiencies $390/month. 2BR, $565/month. $200 deposit. Heat included. No pets. 1651 E. Market Street, Nappanee. Call (574)533-1481 NICE PLYMOUTH 2BR apartment. Water/trash furnished. 1BR utilities included. No smoking/pets. Deposit. 574-952-3155 1205 Houses for Rent PLYMOUTH SCHOOLS: 2 bedroom, $600 month (574) 633-4635 HUD Approved 2 BR, 1 BR, Studios FREE RENT Specials! (574) 936-3496 1205 Houses for Rent PLYMOUTH BEAUTIFUL, 4-bedroom home! $800/month+utilities Search> Housing "114 S. Liberty" 574-341-0755 (Non-Smokers-Only) To Advertise Call 936-3101 Today! 1230 Office Space/Rent/ Lease FREE 1ST MONTH Beauty-Shop Office. Walnut Street Center Plymouth (574)935-5418 NO LEASE 1255 Homes for Sale 3BDR 2BA Modular home. Marshall county- 2085 Roy St. on the corner of US 6 and Quince. 1/2 acre $87,500 574-936-8645 HOUSE & Barn on 5acres at 362 Douglas Rd., Bremen. (574)546-5907 (574)546-3640 DO I REALLY NEED A CLEANING? Gingivitis warning signs • Gums that bleed easily • Red, swollen, tender gums • Gums that have pulled away from the teeth The good news is that beginning stage of gum disease, gingivitis, is preventable and reversible! On the other hand, the effects of advanced gum disease, periodontitis, are permanent and may be irreversible. Gum disease can lead to bone loss and tooth loss, as well as contribute to heart disease and other serious health issues. This means that gum disease at any stage can no longer be considered just a minor issue! Don’t ignore the warning signs! Gingivitis develops when bacteria multiple and build up between your teeth and gums. If you notice repeated bleeding in your gums when you brush or eat, this signals a problem. Gingivitis is usually painless and most patients don’t even realize they have a gum infection until it’s diagnosed in our office. The sooner it’s detected, the easier it is to treat and heal. Gingivitis is initiated by bacteria found in dental plaque and gum pockets. The problem is this film of bacteria re-forms almost as soon as you remove it! However, plaque build-up can be disrupted by brushing and flossing preventing it from causing gum disease. Seventy-five percent of American adults have some form of gum disease. You may have a gum infection and not even know it! Bremen Family Dentistry welcomes new patients! Call today to schedule a cleaning! Bremen Family Dentistry, PC 1712 W. Plymouth St. Bremen, IN 46506 574-546-2851 Earn $ Extra Money$ ON CALL DELIVERY DRIVERS NEEDED! Deliver open paper routes when needed. Must have dependable transportation. For more information call Adrien in our Circulation department 574-936-3101 Marshall • The Shopper April 26, 2015 – page 5 PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday, April 25, 2015 5:00 p.m. (Central time) Located: 8460 East State Road 10, Knox, Indiana Items: Antique seed cleaner, canopy framed & tie downs (no tarp); Blue ball pint jars with glass lids; dishes; canner; pictures; fishing poles; Coke pop cases & much much more. Hanselman’s Auction Service 8460 East State Road 10, Knox • 574-772-9965 Auctioneer: Leroy Hanselman #AU19600047 Auctioneer: Donna Hanselman #AU19800015 Visit us on #14741 for pictures & updates PENROD PERSONAL PROPERTY PUBLIC AUCTION 10886 UPAS RD. - PLYMOUTH, IN Location: Southwest of Plymouth 4 ½ miles on State Road 17 to 10B Rd. (Union Church) then west 2 miles to Upas Rd then south ½ mile to auction. Watch for Ball Auction signs on: MONDAY – MAY 4, 2015- 4:00 P.M. 4 WHEELER – POWER EQUIPMENT – BICYCLES – BURNER ***TO SELL AT 5:30 P.M.*** 1994 Polaris 400 4x4 4 wheeler 1356 indicated miles; Category 5 4000 Watt portable generator; MTD yard machine 5 h.p. 24” snow blower, lights, E. start, 2 stage 12” impeller, 6 forward/2 reverse; Craftsman 8 h.p. shredder; Craftsman 5 h.p. 17” tiller; Pullman vacuum w/ B&S 4 h.p. engine; B&S power washer w/ 6.5 h.p engine; Dirt Packer w/ gas engine; C&H 100# E. air compressor; Craftsman 2 h.p. 125 PSI 20 ga portable compressor; Excalibur 3000# engine hoist; 3 bicycles; . American Harvest Corn & Pellet burner. SHOP – LAWN – GARDEN Accura dust vacuum; acetylene torch w/ tanks & cart; Hobart Handler 140 115V wirefeed welder, 25-140 amp output; Ryobi portable planer (new); Craftsman 10” radial arm saw; Craftsman shop vac; Craftsman 10” 3 h.p. miter saw; Craftsman 15” 12 spd 1 h.p. floor model drill; Duracraft floor model grinder; Craftsman table model router; Craftsman 6” belt sander/grinder; Craftsman table model ban saw; Craftsman 20” E. edge trimmer; battery power hand sprayer; Stanley E. heater; (New) MVP 4000# floor jack; 2 hyd jacks; 2-2Ton ratchets; Vale 1 Ton chain fall; battery charger; tractor lawn sprinkler; 3-5 gal gas cans; Stihl Farm Boss 24” chain saw; Blue Max chain saw sharpener; Werner 300# folding ext ladder; alum 6’ step ladder; Stanley 8’ metal step ladder; 3 creepers; tree trimmer; assort of garden tools; trailer hitch & balls; approx 60 “C” clamps; 40 metal flower pot hangers; tarps; chain binders; ext cords; semi straps; misc lumber; welding helmets; 36”x79” ext door w/ leaded glass; patio set w/ table, 6 chairs and umbrella; Ball fruit jars; Coleman battery powered tool set; very large assortment of hand and power tools including wrenches, socket sets, hammers, power tools of all sizes and models (some new). FISHING & CAMPING EQUIPMENT ***TO SELL AT 6:00 P.M.*** Mercury 25 h.p. boat motor; approx 50 rod and reels; ice fishing poles; ice house; Hummingbird Wide fish finder; tackle boxes full of tackle; 2 camping stove; 4 camping tens; lanterns; Vivitar 25x75x sporting scope; Char-Broil E. smoker; Rubbermaid 12V cooler/Freezer; 4 cooler chest; 3 stainless cooking pots; 2 E. cookers. HOUSEHOLD – ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES (2) matching upholstered love seats (nice); 2 matching upholstered rocker/recliners (nice); 3 pc matching glass top end tables and coffee table; Upholstered lift chair; 6 shelf large wood bookcase; 4 drawer chest; (4) swivel bar stools; misc tables; plant stand; The Old Curiosity Shop & Colonial Homestead by Royal misc dishware; Oil paintings; picture frames; large wooden goose; assort of lamps; candle holders; 10 matching angels w/ glass feet & hands; large assortment of figurines & knick knacks; misc record albums; misc books; (2) Eden Pure Heaters; Delonghi heater; Haier microwave; Duracraft Dehumidifier; Cuisinart coffeemaker; Warning Pro Food slicer; Tea Drop tea maker; Kalorik mixer; fondue set; Showtime Rotisserie & BBQ; GE 42 Cup coffee urn; Food dehydrator; Food saver w/ bags; Oster bread maker; 10 pc cookware set; misc pots & pans; misc knives; hand mixer; misc small appliances; laminator; cookie jars (Pig, Apple, Santa Claus); (2) matching punch bowls; 3 pc canister set; large serving platters; set of SS mixing bowls; iron skillets; assort of rugs, linen; large assortment of material, sewing supplies & buttons; stuffed animals; wooden hangers; drapes; duffle/travel bags; Men’s Right handed golf clubs (Titleist & Adams) w/ bag and accessories; Women’s Right handed golf clubs (Macgregor) w/ bag and accessories; golf umbrellas; collection of walking canes; walker; DP Air Gometer exercise bike; Christmas decorations; angel wing pins; assort of hats; hair clippers; Tom Tom GPS; Garmin GPS; Regency monitor radio/scanner; Sony Handy cam; emachines desktop computer; Compaq printer; Jason Rotary Power telescope; Focal Tri-pod. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: Round Oak table w/6 chairs; Birds Eye Maple 6 Drawer Dresser; Fairbanks Morse 1 ½ h.p. 500 RPM hit & miss engine; Lard press; 2 wooden wine kegs; child’s sleigh; Barbie’s; Baby bed for doll; Kewpie Doll; assortment of dolls; lithograph of ship; assortment of 48 Die Cast Cars; Wash Bowl & Pitcher Set; Shirley Temple Blue glass; butter churn; mantel clock; Crocks; salt dish (cracked); copper/brass vase; binoculars; 1940’s & 50’s postcards; Lenox Vase; hand painted plates/bowls; old wooden boxes; rotary style phone; (2) anniversary clocks; stick pins; lighters; pocket knives; watches; dress form mannequin, costumes; collection of 1980’s style patterns. AUCTION NOTE: The late Glen Penrod was a steel worker/welder by trade. The majority of this auction consists of the tools that he used in his work. This is a very condensed auction list of the many hand and power tools. Be with us on auction day to see what we find. SALE ORDER: 2 Rings starting with HOUSEHOLD & SHOP with other items to sell at time indicated. Mrs. Glen (Patricia) Penrod - Owner Ball Auction & Realty, Inc. 302 E. Center St, Bourbon, IN 46504 574.342.8299 or AC39500040 AUCTIONEERS: DARYL BALL – MIKE BERGER - LARRY WATTENBARGER AUCTION ACTION ADVERTISE YOUR AUCTION HERE! Call one of our sales representatives today! 936-3101 PUBLIC AUCTION –––––– NORTH LIBERTY, INDIANA –––––– Sunday, May 3 • 12:00 noon (EST) Location – 65637 SR 23 1 mile south of North Liberty General Household Furniture • Collectibles • Power Chair Misc. Household • Misc. Items Tools Power Tools • Lawn & Garden • Misc. Tools Terms: Cash or good check Refreshments • Not responsible for accidents or merchandise after sold Jack (Hazel) Holmes Estate Doug Holmes & Paula Vergon, Co-Administrators Kaser’s Auction Service Col. Carl Kaser #AU01016783 • Jason Kaser #AU08900156 North Liberty • 574-656-4532 #12642 • 574-656-9088 DOUD REAL ESTATE AUCTION 25 +/- ACRES BARE LAND IN 3 TRACTS JOHN GLENN SCHOOLS Tuesday, May 5, 2015 6:00 p.m. Auction Location: 3 miles west of Plymouth, IN on US 30 to LaPorte/Plymouth Trail (road to Swan Lake), then northwest 2 1/2 miles to N. Spruce Trail, then north 1 mile to W. 5th Road, then west 3/4 mile at 18796 W. 5th Road, Plymouth, IN (The Kaser Property) Property Location: 3 miles west of Plymouth, IN on US 30 to LaPorte/ Plymouth Trail (road to Swan Lake), then northwest 2 1/2 miles to N. Spruce Trail, the north approx. 1 mile. Watch for signs. Parcel A: 5.42 acres w/approx. 525’ frontage on Spruce Trail. The north side is the Lemert-Powell ditch. It is all tillable with a small amount in set aside. Parcel B: 7.09 acres, all tillable w/470’ frontage. Parcel C: 12.41 acres, mostly tillable with NO frontage & the north side is the same ditch as Parcel A. This property is a SWING TRACT & must be purchased by the buyer of Parcel A or B or an adjoining land owner. Note: The land has been rented for the 2015 crop year. Parcel A will have a drainage easement across the west end if Parcel B is sold by itself. Some of the land has been bored for housing. The parcels can be walked on & viewed but if planted be courteous to the farmer. Look at our web site to view the acreage and the way the parcels are divided. –REAL ESTATE TERMS & CONDITIONS– Procedure: The property will be offered in individual tracts or combination thereof. There will be open bidding on all tracts during the auction as determined by the Auctioneer. Bids on tracts the total property may compete. The property will be sold in the manner resulting in the highest total sale price, subject to seller’s confirmation. Down Payment: A 10% down payment on the day of the auction with the balance in cash at closing will be due. The down payment may be made in the form of cash, cashier’s check or corporate check. Your bidding is not conditional upon financing, so be sure you have arranged financing, if needed, and are capable of paying cash at closing. Acceptance of bid prices: All successful bidders will be required to enter into purchase agreements at the auction site immediately following the close of the auction. All final bid prices are subject to approval by the Sellers. Evidence of title: Seller shall provide an Owner’s Title Insurance Policy in the amount of the purchase price. Deed: Sellers shall provide Warranty Deed(s). Closing: The balance of the purchase price is due at closing approximately 30-45 days. Tim & Misti Doud, Owners Hahn Auctioneers, Inc. Visit us at: Office 574-773-8445 • Nappanee, IN • AC39800021 Phil Hahn 574-535-3783 IN Lic #AU01012967 Tree ~ Shrub ~ Plant PUBLIC AUCTION –––––– NORTH LIBERTY, IN –––––– Saturday, May 2 • 9:00 a.m. 30201 Smith Rd. Take St. Rd 23 1/2 way between North LibErty & Walkerton to Sweetbriar Rd.,go south to Smith Rd. Maple Oak Crabapple Pear Serviceberry Redbud Locust Magnolia SHADE TREES Dogwood Birch Willow Gingo Hawthorne Cleveland Select EVERGREENS White Pine Hemlock White Spruce Junipers Norway Spruce SHRUBS Barberry Yew Burning Bush Rhododendrom Zebra Grass Forsythia Lilac Weigela Boxwood Fountain Grass Spirea ROSES.....DAY LILYS.....HOSTAS.....MISC. All sizes- Items potted, balled or bare root. Flats of annuals & vegetables. >>>>>>>>>Loading...Delivery...Installation available<<<<<<< TERMS: Cash or good check, MC & Visa • Refreshments Not responsible for accidents or merchandise after sold. Blue Spruce Arborvitae JM TREE FARM,LLC Joel Martinez, owner Kaser’s Auction Service Col. Carl Kaser #AU01016783 • Jason Kaser #AU08900156 North Liberty • 574-656-4532 #12642 • 574-656-9088 Back Living Estate Auction Walkerton, IN Located: 1059 Lake Street (SR 23) – Walkerton, IN From Walkerton, IN take SR 23 south, past elementary school/Miller’s Merry Manor to site. Watch for Markley’s Triple M Auctions signs on: SATURDAY – May 2, 2015 10:00 A.M. (EDT) Household – Antiques/Collectibles Household: Whirlpool Clean Top Gas Stove; Kenmore Refrigerator/Freezer; Roper Washing Machine; Maytag Centennial Gas Dryer; Maple Drop Leaf Dining Table w/2 Leaves; (6) Dining Chairs; Maple Buffet; Maple China Hutch; (2) Piece Bedroom Suite inc. Queen Bed, 9 Drawer Dresser; Full Size Bed; (6) Drawer Dresser w/Mirror; Queen Anne Upholstered Chair; Hope Chest; (2) Children’s Rockers; Jenny Lyn Drop Leaf Side Table; Wall Cabinet; Secretary; (2) Upholstered Sofa; (2) Upholstered Chairs; Glider Rocker; Lamp Stand; Night Stand; (3) End Tables; Rocker/Recliner; Leather Swivel Chair w/Ottoman; Fireplace Set; Rudolph Wurlitzer Piano & Bench; Waltham Wall Clock; Buffet; Collector Plate Shelf; Sewing Machine w/Cabinet; (2) Sewing Machines; (11) Table Lamps; Lg. Wall Mirrors; Jewelry Box; Magnavox TV; Sanyo TV; Samsung VCR; Magnavox DVD; Portable Stereo; Emerson TV; Throw Pillows; Linens; Heaters; Large Asst. Books; Misc. Wall Hangings/Décor; Dinnerware Set; Large Asst. Glassware; Glasses; Cups; Mugs; Mixing Bowls; Cutlery; Pots & Pans; Toaster Oven; Misc. Electrical Appliances; Cooking Utensils; Thermos’s; Vases; Platters; Curtains; Rugs; Ottoman; Canning Jars; Cups & Saucers; Binoculars; X-Mas Tree; X-mas Décor; Easter Décor; Stuffed Animals; Encyclopedias; Exercise Bike; Tables; Antiques/Collectibles: Victor Adding Machine; Baby Buggy; Doll House; Rocking Horse; Baby Cradle; Marble Top Hall Stand; Plant Stand; Secretary/Curio Cabinet Combo; Wood Ironing Board; Fisher-Price Children’s Toys; Silver Pieces inc. Candle Holder, Pitchers, Salt & Pepper, Cream & Sugar, Platter, Hand Mirror, Brush; Books (Antique, Guns, Pottery, Glassware, Doll, Toys); Tye/Beanie Babies; Porcelain Head Dolls; Collector Dolls; Camelot “American Rose China Set (12 place); Gemini 1355 Fine China (12 place); Milk Glass Collection; Rogers 8 place Silverware Set w/Case; Lg. Silverware Set w/Case; Carnival Glass Bowl; Pink Depression Glassware; Green Depression Glassware; and more. Lawn – Garden - Shop Red Line Model 500D Portable Air Compressor; Rem Line Tool Chest; 6v/12v 10 amp Battery Charger; (2) Milwakee Drills; Craftsman Circular Saw; 6” Bench Grinder; Work Bench; Extension Cords; Allen Wrenches; Socket Sets; Crescent Wrenches; Staple Guns; Misc. Hand Tools; Hatchets; Misc. Hardware; Wrenches; Screwdrivers; Hammers; Files; Hand Saws; Funnels; Aluminum Extension Ladder; (3) Aluminum Step Ladders; Wood Step Ladders; Dolly Cart; Creeper; Myers Pump; Axe; Hand Sprayer; Lawn Spreader; Lawn Cart; Weed eater 2540 Leaf Blower; Lawn-Boy Weed eater; Misc. Lawn & Garden Tools; Patio Furniture; Lawn Chairs; (2) Gas Grills; Porch Swing; (2) Patio Benches; and more. Auction Note: A partial listing of a nice, large auction. We will be starting at 10:00 with the Household/Antiques/Collectibles, followed by Lawn/Garden/Shop. Check our website for updates and photos at Terms: Cash, Good Local Checks Only, Credit/Debit Cards (3% Buyers Premium on Card Purchases Only) Food & Restroom Available • Not Responsible for Accidents Olive Back Living Estate – Owner Voted #1 Favorite Auction Co. and #1 Favorite Auctioneer Best of Marshall County 2014! MARKLEY’S TRIPLE M AUCTIONS, INC. AU30700057 4315 17 B Road Tippecanoe, IN • 574-952-6572 Auctioneers - Brent Markley • AU10300011 Mark Lee Visit Us on the Web: Page 6 – Marshall • The Shopper April 26, 2015 Community Classifieds 574-936-3101 AUCTION ACTION ADVERTISE YOUR AUCTION HERE! AL’S EXCAVATING • Fence Row Cleaning • Land Clearing • Ponds • Building Sites Call one of our sales representatives today! 936-3101 FARM AUCTION –––––– LAKEVILLE, INDIANA –––––– Monday, May 4 • 9:00 a.m. Location - 23801 Stanton Rd. Take Old US 31 1 mile north of Laville High School to Stanton Rd., go west 2 miles (corner or Oak & Stanton) COMBINE John Deere 9500D combine w/ spread duals,643 (6 row narrow) corn head, 620(20’) grain table, wagon head cart & high speed head cart; TRACTORS Case 1070D w/duals & cab; Oliver 1800D w/ Hydra-Power drive & High speed rear(16X9X34 tires); Oliver 770D; Oliver 770G; Oliver Super 55G Oliver 60; DRILL & PLANTER John Deere 8000 (16’) grain drill; John Deere 1250 planter (6 row narrow); John Deere 7000-4 row wide planter w/ disc openers, dry fertilizer & bean units; HAY EQUIPMENT New Holland 851 round baler; John Deere 14T (small retangular) baler; Oliver No,5 -3 pt sickle mower; (2) Case IH 1190 -9’ haybines; 3 pt 4 wheel hay rake; 16’ bale conveyor; Oliver flail chopper; PICKER-FEED MILL-TILLAGE 327 New Idea 2 row wide corn picker; nice Farm Hand Hydra 35 portable feed mill; Krause Mod. 1537 22’ disk w/ rake; White 285 24’ field cultivator; Oliver 565 (5 bottom) plow; Oliver chisel plow; WAGONS (2) MW “Little Red” GRAVITY WAGONS (350 bu.); Oliver gravity wagon; (2) gravity wagons w/ cover(1 w/ auger); (2) gravity wagons w/ extensions; wagon feed rack; 10’ flatbed trailer; (3) flatbed hay wagons (1 w/ steel bed); BACKHOE & MISC. Kelly 3 pt. backhoe; 3 pt. 5’ brush hog; 34’ corn elevator; 16’ 4” auger (electric); electric corn drag; (2) sets 38” clamp-on duals; (2) 8 hole 26” X 18” tires & rims; wagon of misc ( air compressor, chain saw & misc tools); TERMS-CASH or good check Refreshments Not responsible for accidents or merchandise after sold. Chad Stump, owner Kaser’s Auction Service Col. Carl Kaser #AU01016783 • Jason Kaser #AU08900156 North Liberty • 574-656-4532 #12642 • 574-656-9088 Call Lavern Martin or Alson Martin 574-223-6713 Start planning your garage sale Let us bring you the customers! Advertise with us! Prices for every budget! Call classifieds and ask about our garage sale specials! 574-936-3101 or place online at and click classifieds Marshall • The Shopper April 26, 2015 – page 7 Check out these professionals for your next project Lawn seeding and fertilizing schedule Restoring lawns and gardens back to their pre-winter glory is high on many a homeowner’s landscaping todo list. In much of the country, the best times to tackle lawn projects are when temperatures are moderate, like in spring and fall. These seasons also mark the best time to seed and fertilize. Planting and fertilizing new grass seed should be done when frost is no longer a concern and before frost arrives if you are planting in autumn. According to Roger Cook, a landscape contractor and contributor to This Old House magazine, sowing lawn seed should be done when the soil is warm, the daytime temperatures are moderate and you can keep the new seeds quite moist at all times. While grass seed can be applied in the summer, it is more challenging to get the seeds to take root and thrive at this time, as water is more likely to evaporate under the hot sun. Also, many weeds germinate in the heat of summer. As a result, the weeds can infiltrate areas of the lawn where you planted, compromising the look of your lawn. The process of reseeding and fertilizing your lawn is relatively similar if you decide to do so in late spring or early fall. • Rake the parts of the lawn you plan to seed and remove any debris or rocks. • Apply fertilizer to the cleared planting area. Use a rake or tiller to break up the soil and distribute the fertilizer to a depth of roughly two to four inches. Speak with a landscaper about which type of fertilizer you will need depending on where you live. Many fer- Seed and fertilize when temperatures are moderate tilizers contain extra phosphorous to stimulate root and soil is warm. Remember to keep new grass seed growth in the lawn. moist with frequent watering. • Moisten the prepared area and let the soil settle. You want the soil damp but not so wet that it causes allel rows and then repeating the process again in rows set at a right angle to the first series of rows for the best the newly applied fertilizer to run off. • Begin to sow the grass seed according to the rate chances of seed coverage. The seeds then can be raked indicated on the seed bag for the type of grass you into the soil, covered with a little more soil and patted will be growing. Choose a grass seed that will thrive down. • Water to keep the seeds damp. This may require in your climate. Certain seeds are more tolerant of watering twice or more per day until the seeds begin drought and sunlight, while other species are better to germinate. Covering the seeds with about 1⁄4 inch for shady areas or damper climates. Again, if you of straw also can help keep the seeds moist, deter seed have any questions, consult with a lawn and garden scavengers and prevent soil erosion. Remove the straw center. once the grass begins to grow. • Spread the seed with a broadcast spreader. Some • Roughly four weeks after the seeds have started to lawn experts recommend spreading the seed in par- Find what you are looking for in The Shopper Prestige™ Yard Tractor Citation XT™ Zero Turn Mower Treat yourself to a premium experience! Mow like the pros. These mowers have all the The exclusive Simplicity Suspension Comfort features professionals demand... ease-of-use, System™ uses innovative tractor technology heavy-duty construction, patented suspension utilizing front and rear springs to reduce the system and of course, a precision cut. Now impact felt.** with a limited lifetime mower deck warranty+ STOP IN TO YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD SIMPLICITY® DEALER TO TEST DRIVE A SIMPLICITY TRACTOR OR ZERO TURN MOWER TODAY! Hoffman Outdoor Power Equipment, Inc. 574-858-9322 · 127 West State St. · Etna Green • grow, apply another round of fertilizer to replenish the top layer of soil with nutrients that may have washed away from the constant watering. Homeowners can employ a similar process to overseed a lawn in the hopes of producing a thicker, more attractive landscape. Any thatch and debris should be raked away, and the top layer of the lawn surface can be gently aerated. Top dress the lawn with a very thin layer of new soil and compost. Broadcast the seed over the prepared lawn and lightly rake the new seeds to help them settle into the soil. Apply fertilizer and water the lawn frequently to keep the new seeds moist. Once the seed has established itself, you can water the lawn for longer periods and less frequently to help develop strong roots. Wait for the lawn to reach a height of three to four inches before the first cut of the season. Many homeowners like to take on the challenge of seeding and preparing their lawns. But some may find the task is best left to the professionals. Make Mac’s Your Bulk Garden Seed Headquarters 10% off Bulk Garden Seeds Cow Poo (No Bull!) Potting Soils Peat Moss • Mulch Seed Potatoes • Onion Sets Bulk & Pack Vegetable & Flower Seeds Mother’s Day Hanging Baskets! Large Sweet Vidalia, Candy, Walla Onion Plants Walla, Big Daddy, etc. Present this ad for 10% off Bulk Garden Seeds Good through May 15, 2015 US HWY 6&31 • LaPaz 574-784-3275 Page 8 – Marshall • The Shopper April 26, 2015 Check out these professionals for your next project Watering tips to produce healthy lawns Summer is a season for landscaping, and homeowners who live in regions that get especially hot in the summertime often worry that their lawns won’t make it through the dog days of summer looking lush. But lawns don’t have to succumb to the sizzling summer sun. Oftentimes, the right watering strategies can help homeowners nurse their lawns through the hottest months of the year, ensuring the lawns make it to autumn looking as green as they did back at the height of spring. • Reconsider when you’re watering. Come summertime, homeowners may want a glass of water at high noon, when temperatures seem to be at their hottest. But you and your lawn are different, so the best time to satiate your thirst is not necessarily the best time to water your lawn. Watering in the middle of the day is often ineffective, as water tends to evaporate quickly in the afternoons when temperatures are peaking. Night- time watering can contribute to the growth of fungus, which can create an entirely new set of headaches for homeowners. Morning watering sessions tend to be most effective during the summertime, as temperatures tend to be cooler in the morning, leading to less evaporation. Less evaporation means all that watering isn’t going to waste. • Reconsider your sprinkler. If you can’t afford an in-ground irrigation system, which many landscaping professionals feel is the most effective and efficient way to water a lawn, then you likely will rely on a sprinkler to keep your lawn looking lush through the summer months. When choosing a sprinkler, look for one that shoots water out horizontally as opposed to vertically. A vertical sprinkler system is more vulnerable to wind and evaporation than one that shoots water out horizontally, so make sure your sprinkler system is sending water into your lawn and not into summer breezes. • Avoid overwatering. How much water your lawn needs in the summertime depends on a host of factors, including where you live and how often rain falls in that region. Overwatering can promote the growth of fungus and adversely affect your lawn’s root system, making it difficult for roots to grow deep. Speak with a local landscaping professional to determine how often you should water your lawn each week. • Strategically position your sprinklers. When choosing where to put down your sprinklers, hook them up to your hose, turn them on and then watch to see where the water is going. Areas that exposed to sun are most in need of water, so make sure the bulk of your water isn’t going to shaded areas beneath trees. In addition, make sure you aren’t wasting water on sidewalks, patios and driveways. Sprinklers should be positioned so none of the water they’re shooting out is landing on surfaces that don’t need water. It sounds simple, but too often homeowners drop their sprinklers down, turn them on and then walk away without waiting to see where the water is landing. Position sprinklers or adjust sprinkler heads so all the water is landing on your lawn. Keeping a lawn lush and green at the height of summer requires homeowners to adopt effective strategies. Such a strategies can make the difference between a lush landscape and one that succumbs to summer heat. NOW OPEN 770 N Michigan Rd. Argos, IN 46501 Store Hours: Tues. - Sat.: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (574)-892-5790 Now Open for the Season! Cold Crop, Onion Sets, Seed Potatoes, Pansies Perennials, Hanging Baskets and Planters AND MUCH MORE Open 7 days a week 8am to 6 pm We accept check, Cash, Visa, Mastercard and Discover Perennials Galore Greenhouse Largest Walk Thru Showroom in Northern Indiana Open 7 days a week • 8 a.m.-6 p.m. CST Check out our website for a complete list of plants & prices 1000's of Hanging Baskets Over 500 varieties of Perennials Annual & Vegetable Flats Thrifty Thursday When you pay with cash get 10% off your entire purchase! (Main Location ONLY) Largest Selection of quality packaged seeds & much more! Tropicals Have Arrived We are well worth the drive! 5652 SR 4 LaPorte, IN 219-369-9413 6 miles E of LaPorte & 10 miles W of N. Liberty on SR 4 Over 125 Varieties Home of the $1.00 Perennials HAHN’S GREENHOUSE 2132 Sage Rd., Walkerton 4 1/2 miles west of 6 and 31 on hwy 6 Present This Coupon For $25 off a potted tree with a value of $100 or more Valid until 5/31/15 Hours: Mon-Sat 8:00-4:30 Just 11/2 Mile North of Hwy 30 on King Rd. 7880 King Rd Plymouth, IN 574-936-4459 Marshall • The Shopper April 26, 2015 – page 9 Argos Open Routes The Pilot News has motor routes open in the Argos area. Must have dependable transportation. For more information call our circulation department 936-3101 Celebrating 20 Years In Business 574-936-4723 Unbeatable Rates Addies Dog Grooming & Boarding County Line Hobbies 881 Lincolnway E Plymouth, IN 46563 RC Truck Backyard Bash Build Now With... Saturday, May 2 Saturday, June 6 10 a.m.-5 p.m. EST Demo a hobby grade off road truck. New Redcat RC trucks in stock. Post Frame Buildings • Concrete Work Free Quotes • Great Rates • Quality Workmanship Residential • Agricultural • Commercial 1-800-747-6516 “Trustworthy People & Buildings” 316 Woodies Lane, Bremen, IN 46506 Phone: (574) 546-3494 • For more info contact Bob at: County Line Hobbies 11960 E. 500 N., Grovertown • 574-540-1123 [email protected] M-F 10 a.m.-3 p.m. • Sat call for appt. These deals won’t last long, so hurry in! 2014 DISCOUNT + REBATE New 2014 Dodge Charger RT RWD HUGE DEALS! New 2014 Ram 1500 4x4 Quad Cab Maximum Steel, Limited Slip, Ram Cargo Box, Wheel-to-Wheel Side Steps, Backup Camera, Trailer Tow Pitch Black, Sport Leather Seats, Chrome Wheels, Power Sunroof, 5.7 Hemi, Backup Camera 37,320 -3,004 $ 34,316 $ EH340991 Rebate Great Lakes Bonus $ MSRP 37,930 2014 Discount -3,738 Rebate -1,000 -2,500 -1,000 30,816 $ New 2014 Chrysler 300 S AWD New 2014 Chrysler Town & Country Plus Gloss Black, S Package, All-Wheel Drive, Light Group, Heated Leather Seats, 8-Speed Automatic MSRP 2014 Discount 33,192 $ ES244005 Brilliant Black, Heated Leather Seats, Cross Path Detection, Navigation 39,780 -3,030 MSRP 2014 Discount $ 36,750 35,682 $ Rebate EH383715 $ -4,250 32,500 $ CHRYSLER • DODGE • RAM • JEEP w w w. b r a u n ch r y s l e r d o d g e j e e p. c o m 38,655 -2,973 $ Rebate ER470427 -4,250 31,432 $ Darwin Knebel • Levi Baker • SERVICE: Jeff Reed 1109 S. Monticello St., Winamac • 888-242-0225 or 574-946-7501 © 2015 Pulaski County Press MSRP 2014 Discount Page 10 – Marshall • The Shopper April 26, 2015 Find what you are looking for in SUMMER SERVICE DIRECTORY MAY 10-JUNE 28 Reach over 36,000 readers weekly Advertise your Summer Service Lawn - Landscaping - Garden Tilling Septic - Air Conditioning - Roofing 1x2 & 2x2 ads at budget prices Call Stephanie or Jordin to place your ad next week 936-3101 The Shopper Chic ken Satu BB Q r 574-936-2442 day, S Bour erving May 2nd bon N o Ame on Post rican L ? 424 egio 20 Host 2 S n ed b . y La Ma di in es A Gift Certificates Available Professional Nail Care for Ladies and Gentlemen uxili ary Mon-Fri: 9:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m. Sat: 9:30 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Sun: Closed Walk-ins Welcome Deadlines Tuesday for following week 2289 N. Oak Drive, Plymouth 495 DRIVES AWAY* $ *Cash or trade on select vehicles Many vehicles as low as $495 to Drive Away* *With approved credit # 1? Both Quality & Selection Buy Here - Pay Here Finance Program Flexible Pay Day Payment Plans FREE Vehicle History Reports Short Loan Terms No Hidden Fees Free Warranties & Oil Changes All Vehicles Inspected & Serviced Rebuild Your Credit with Credit Bureau Reporting! 2007 Pontiac G6 $ 89 2011 Ford Focus $ WEEKLY 100 WEEKLY 2008 Jeep Compass $ 95 WEEKLY 2010 Ford Fusion $ 2011 Chevy Impala $ 95 WEEKLY 100 WEEKLY 2010 Chevy Colorado $ 110 WEEKLY $ 495 This week’s featured vehicles... Economy Auto DELIVERS Why is Economy Auto Sales We finance your future not your past 300 North U.S. Highway 35, Knox (1/2 Mile North of Knox) (574) 772-6646 • Hours: Tues-Fri 9-6 • Sat 9-3 Marshall • The Shopper April 26, 2015 – page 11 SPORTS QUIZ By Chris Richcreek --1. Who was the last player before Houston’s Jose Altuve in 2014 to have multiple stolen bases in four straight games? 2. Name two of the three major-leaguers who played in four decades between the 1930s and the 1960s. 3. In 2013, Pitt tailback James Conner set a school bowl rushing record with 229 yards. Who had held the mark? 4. Who was the last NBA center before Chicago’s Joakim Noah in the 2013-14 campaign to lead his team in assists for a season? 5. Name four of the six athletes who played for the Montreal Canadiens and were inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame between 2000 and 2013. 6. When was the last time before 2014 that Costa Rica’s men’s soccer team made it to the round of 16 at the World Cup? 7. How many title defenses of the WBA heavyweight title did Jimmy Ellis have after winning the belt in 1968? Answers 1. Cleveland’s Ray Chapman, in 1917. 2. Mickey Vernon, Ted Williams and Early Wynn. 3. Tony Dorsett had 202 yards in the Sugar Bowl in 1977. 4. San Antonio’s David Robinson, in the 1993-94 season. 5. Denis Savard (2000 induction), Rod Langway (2002), Dick Duff (2006), Patrick Roy (2006), Doug Gilmour (2011) and Chris Chelios (2013). 6. It was 1990 in Italy. 7. Ellis had one defense -- defeating Floyd Patterson in 1968 -- before losing to Joe Frazier in 1970. (c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc. Pilot News SPRING NEW SUBSCRIBER SPECIAL NO HASSLE S PRICE NO HASSLE S PRICE 2009 JEEP WRANGLER UNLTD. SAHARA Must be a New Subscriber (60 days or more without a subscription) 2012 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY 4 dr., 3-piece hard top, bright blue, new tires, 57,000 mi. $25,500 3 MONTHS FOR $20 #SUV-16-228186 Heated leather seats, Stow ‘N Go, navigation, backup camera, stone white, Cross Path Detection, 47,000 mi. $21,900 NO HASSLE S PRICE NO HASSLE S PRICE SUVs NO HASSLE S PRICE 2012 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LTD. 4x4, Max Steel, V6, new tires, panoramic sunroof, navi., heated leather., 52,000 mi. $28,900 #SUV-5-228186 2011 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO 2008 BUICK ENCLAVE CXL 4x4, deep cherry red, 50,000 mi. $22,200 #SUV-18-228186 AWD, dark brown, heated leather, rear seat video, sunroof, remote start, 128,000 mi. $14,900 #SUV-8-228186 2012 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY TOURING Blackberry, navi., rear seat video, dual P/leather, 38,000 mi. $21,400 2012 CHRYSLER 200 TOURING NO HASSLE PRICES #SUV-7-228186 SOLD 2005 BMW X5 4.4i AWD, heated leather, sunroof, 75,000 mi. $13,400 #SUV-9-228186 Inferno red, 71,000 mi. $14,400 $12,900 #A-11-228186 #T-12-228186 NO HASSLE S PRICE NO HASSLE S PRICE SOLD 2012 JEEP WRANGLER SAHARA 2 dr., 4x4, remote start, 3-piece hard top, dozer yellow, 31,300 mi. $26,900 2007 DODGE CHARGER R/T DAYTONA Interior addition, sublime, Hemi, very Ltd. Ed., spoiler, sunroof, heated leather, 32,000 mi. $16,900 #A-17-228186 NO HASSLE S PRICE NO HASSLE S PRICE 2007 DODGE MAGNUM SXT 3.5L V6, deep TW, granite color, 75,000 mi. $10,900 #A-15-228186 NO HASSLE S PRICE SOLD 2011 DODGE DURANGO CITADEL 4X4 2006 DODGE CHARGER R/T Pitch black, Hemi, spoiler, sunroof, 80,000 mi. $12,400 #A-14-228186 Deep cherry red, 17,000 mi., 5.7 Hemi, rear seat video, sunroof, heated leather seats, chrome wheels, navigation, backup camera, Cross Path Detection, tow package $31,900 CHRYSLER • DODGE • RAM • JEEP braunchr 888-242-0225 or or 574-946-7501 574-946-7501 888-242-0225 2012 RAM 1500 CREW CAB SPO SPORT 5.7L Hemi, tube steps, raised hood, sunroof, navi., 4x4, spray-in liner, only 13,000 mi., chrome whs., SRG, tow pkg., bucket seats. $33,500 #T-2-228186 1109 S. Monticello St., Winamac Darwin Knebel • Levi Baker Service: Jeff Reed These are just a few of the reasons you should subscribe to The Pilot News! Great Articles about Local Government and School News! Coverage of Local Sports, Scores, and Pictures from around our area. Money Saving Deals - Inserts & Coupons 2010 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SXT Remote start, heated cloth seats, 34,000 mi. #T-10-228186 $26,900 NO HASSLE S PRICE NO HASSLE S PRICE NO HASSLE S PRICE 2012 FORD EXPLORER LTD. Silver, FWD, navi., heated leather, sunroof, loaded, 53,000 mi. NO HASSLE S PRICE NO HASSLE S PRICE NO HASSLE S PRICE CARS / VANS 2012 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LTD. True blue, trailer tow, panoramic sunroof, navi., heated leather, 14,000 mi. $32,900 #SUV-6-228186 Stay connected to your community and subscribe today! 574-936-3101 Offer valid through April 30, 2015 Page 12 – Marshall • The Shopper April 26, 2015 Strange but True by Samantha Weaver --* It was American playwright Wilson Mizner who made the following sage observation: “Copy from one, it’s plagiarism; copy from two, it’s research.” * If you went into a restaurant for breakfast in the 1930s and ordered “cluck and grunt,” the server would know to bring you ham and eggs. * Irish mom Maria JonesElliott holds the distinction of having twins with the longest interval between the two births. In 2012, she went into labor almost four months before her due date. After two days of labor, one of the girls was born, but then the contractions stopped. While Amy, born weighing just 1 pound, 3 ounces, continued to improve in the neonatal intensive care unit, her sister Kate continued to grow in utero -- for another 87 days. Against all odds, both twins survived and are now thriving toddlers. * If you’re like 60 percent of American pet owners, your pet sleeps with you. * A recent study conducted by researchers at the Nara University of Education in Japan found that music affects people’s generosity. Specifically, if you’re listening to music you enjoy, you’re likely to be more generous than if there were no music playing at all. In this scenario, the inverse is also true: If you’re listening to a song you dislike, you’re more likely to be stingy. * The next time you travel to Sweden for a vacation, try to catch a Kaninhoppning competition; you’ll be treated to a spectacle of rabbit show jumping. * You might be surprised to learn that seven out of What is new at our place? Just in! Heartland Wholesale seconds Nice gifts! Various Kinds of Crackers - 59¢ Cereal on discount rack - 99¢ Little Debbies - 99¢ WOW ! Stocked fresh every Tuesday Come shop Pine Hill where serving you is our pleasure! ~Mary pine hill Discount Store 1800 5th Road, Bremen, IN • 574-546-2117 Hrs: Mon-Fri 9 a.m.-5 p.m. • Sat 9 a.m.-3 p.m. • Closed Sun & Wed Located 1 1/4 Miles East of Highway 331 in Bremen 3 off - $20 $ 5 off - $35 $ 10 off - $60 $ Good April 1-30 eight battle deaths suffered by all countries participating in World War II were suffered by the Russians and the Germans. *** Thought for the Day: “Never bear more than one trouble at a time. Some people bear three kinds -- all they have had, all they have now, and all they expect to have.” -Edward Everett Hale (c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc. NIFF-TONE DIST. INC. YOUR METAL SIDING DISTRIBUTOR * Metal Siding * Roofing * Windows * Doors * Insulation * Door Track And Rail * Fiberglass * Recycled Plastic Call NIFF-TONE FOR ALL YOUR RESIDENTIAL & FARM BUILDING NEEDS. Mentone – 574-353-7701 1-800-458-0840 Marshall • The Shopper April 26, 2015 – page 13 1170 Help Wanted Culver Marina is seeking and experienced technician for a full time position. Duties include diagnosis and repair of vintage to current production marine gasoline engines and marine systems. Marine experience is not required but is a plus. Technician must also have his/her own tools to perform their duties. Contact Culver Marina for Application, stop in for Application form, or go online to . Must be 18 years old to apply. 3000 East Shore Drive • Culver, IN 46511 (574) 842-3375 • SERVICE TECHNICIAN 1170 Help Wanted 1170 Help Wanted BAY VALLEY Foods is Hiring! Seasonal work could last through October. Machine operators, general labor, and stackers. 1st and 2nd shift. $8.00 to start - up to $10.10 per hour. Apply 1430 Western Ave, Plymouth M-Th 8-11 am CYLINDER DELIVERY DRIVER: Class-B CDL w/hazmat. Good pay/benefits. No weekends. Berger Welding Supply, 574-784-3045 Bremen Public School Cafeteria is in need of P.T. staff, for this school year and next. Hours will vary from 3-6 hours per day. Hours would be between 7:30-2:00. • High School Diploma or GED required If interested, please contact the administrative office to fill out an application or fill one out on line at BPS requires all;employees to have a criminal background check and a drug test before first day of employment. There is a no cost to you for background check/ drug test. You can also reach me by phone with any questions at 574-546-3554. X2021 “USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer” HIRING: FULL OR PART TIME SERVERS. ABOVE AVERAGE EARNINGS. WILL TRAIN APPLY: AT 7290 MICHIGAN ROAD 9:00 AM TILL 5:00 PM EV & JAYNE’S IRISH INN BLARNEY STORE RESTAURANT Casey's General Stores is seeking a full-time Service Technician. This position is responsible for performing a variety of work duties in servicing, maintaining and repairing equipment at store locations in Plymouth, IN and surrounding northern Indiana communities. Duties include testing and evaluating equipment performance; repairing and servicing kitchen equipment, plumbing, electrical, refrigeration, and fuel dispensers. Qualified applicants MUST possess current EPA type 2 or Universal certification card and have working knowledge of refrigeration and HVAC. Fuel dispenser experience is not necessary, but a plus. Must reside in the Plymouth, IN area. Some overnight travel required. No weekend or on call hours! Pre-employment drug screen required. Competitive compensation and benefits package, including excellent 401(k) with Company match. Apply online at or send resume to [email protected] Casey's General Stores PO Box 3001, Ankeny, IA 50021-8045 EOE NOW HIRING - Bremen/Plymouth area! DSP (Direct Support Professional) 1st/2nd/3rd/Weekend/Sub shifts available NEED PART-TIME baby-sitter for a 3-1/2y/o. Must be reliable, dependable and have transportation and excellent references. (574)952-6008 Full time & Part time Great benefits! Free health clinic! We work with school ICE programs & college schedules Not many places pay you to have fun! We do! CNAs - 1:3 ratio! SHIFT PRODUCTION Manager in a growing open mold fiberglass facility. Looking for dedicated individual to lead 60 plus employees on night shift. Fiberglass experience required. Excellent benefits and pay. Please send resume to: P.O. Box 82, Plymouth, IN 46563 Topp Industries, Inc. a leading manufacturer of septic and sewage basins for the waste water industries is looking for a Compression Molding Supervisor for our Argos Facility. The supervisor is responsible for achieving company objectives related to safety, product quality, productivity and manufacturing costs. The top candidate will have proven leadership and supervisory experience. Previous experience in compression molding is a definite plus and consideration will be given to those candidates. Solid mechanical aptitude and a willingness to learn as well as a passion for growth and continuous improvement are also required. The ability to communicate with all levels of the organization is essential. We offer a competitive wage and benefits. Please apply in person, 8am to 3:30pm or submit a resume for consideration. Topp Industries, Inc. 420 N St Rd. 25 Rochester, IN 46975 [email protected] Apply online: 510 W. Adams Street, Suite 220 - Plymouth IMMEDIATE OPENINGS! MAINTENANCE MECHANIC! MACHINE OPERATORS! INTERNATIONAL WIRE in Bremen is hiring! Must be 18 years of age and willing to work any of our 3 shifts. (Shifts: Mon-Fri: 7a-3p, 3p-11p, or 11p-7a) Are you looking for a stable company with staying power? Would you like to work for a company with a good insurance plan? LOOK NO FURTHER! We offer our employees: • Safe working environment • Competitive wages plus monthly incentives • Profit sharing • Paid holidays plus a vacation plan • Excellent benefits (medical, dental, vision and life insurance), and matched 401(k) INTERNATIONAL WIRE 833 Legner St., Bremen In business 70+ years. ISO Certified. EOE. Please apply in person, M - F, 8a - 4p We’Re open! open every day from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. HaHn’s GreenHouse 2132 Sage Rd., Walkerton 4 1/2 miles West of 6 and 31 on Hwy 6 Page 14 – Marshall • The Shopper April 26, 2015 1170 Help Wanted 1170 Help Wanted PRN RECEPTIONIST Doctor’s Hospital The Doctor’s NeuroPsychiatric Hospital has an opening for a receptionist on an (PRN) as needed basis. Must be reliable and dependable and be able to work a flexible scheduled including nights and weekends. Interested candidates should apply online at PRN HOUSEKEEPER Doctor’s Hospital The Doctor’s NeuroPsychiatric Hospital has an opening for a PRN housekeeper (PRN) on an as needed basis. Must be reliable and dependable and be able to work a flexible scheduled including nights and weekends. Interested candidates should apply online at Make money by Making a difference. When you donate blood plasma at Octapharma Plasma, you help in the creation of life-changing medicines, while putting a little extra money in your pocket. New donors earn up to $250 for the first five donations. 2102 S. Michigan St., South Bend • 574.234.9568 Must be 18-64 years of age & in good health • Have valid picture ID, proof of Social Security number & current residence postmarked within 30 days SOUTH BEND Tribune is hiring for early morning routes: Grovertown, $195/weekly, Argos, $150/weekly. Tyner, $110/weekly. Must have dependable transportation and clean driving record. 574-936-1324 Looking to Make A Change? For more information call our circulation department 936-3101 SIGNATURE HEALTHCARE OF BREMEN is now hiring for the following position: Dietary Aide/Cook Part-Time Evenings & Weekends If you want to join the revolution and help change the landscape of long term care forever, come and join our team! We would love to share our wage and benefits package with you! Please apply in person see Jamie or Carrie: 316 Woodies Lane, Bremen, IN 46506 574-936-3101 Part-time Environmental Services Position is responsible for general to deep cleaning of assisted living apartments and private Sister's areas; public dining areas; bed making; dusting; sweeping; windows; scrubbing & waxing floors; shampooing carpets & upholstery; hanging drapes; etc. Ability to climb ladders required, along with occasional lifting and moving of furniture. Hours are 6:00a.m. - 2:30p.m, including required weekends and holiday coverage. Part-time and PRN Dietary Aides Position is responsible for washing dishes, pots & pans; general cleaning & sanitation; putting away stock; preparation/deli very of breaks, trays, and supplements. Must be able to operate a cash register. Hours and shifts vary. On-Call (PRN) Receptionist Position Position is responsible for multiline switchboard and paging system. Must have strong communication skills, the ability to process mail, good computer skills and excellent phone courtesy along with the ability to work a flexible schedule. High school diploma or equivalent is required. Previous experience is desired but not required. On-Call (PRN) Retreat Staff Assistant Position is responsible for welcoming groups and presenting information about the facilities through PowerPoint presentation. Will give tours and interact with all guests and visitors. Will open and close Lindenwood bookstore. High school diploma or equivalent is required. Must have basic understanding of computers, especially MS Office. We offer a friendly, caring work environment in a Christian oriented, mission based atmosphere. We also offer an excellent benefit package. Apply online @ or application forms may be requested by mail, phone, fax or e-mail. The Center at Donaldson Attn: Human Resources The Pilot News Group is looking for people to sample papers in the Marshall County area. Must have dependable transportation. The community classifieds can help! If part-time work is what you are interested in, The Center at Donaldson has what you are looking for!!! P.O. Box 1, Donaldson, Indiana 46513 • Phone: 574-936-9936 / Fax: 574-935-1735 E-mail: [email protected] • EOE PAPER SAMPLING Growing manufacturing plant in Plymouth is looking for a machine operator and an assistant. The work is for 1st shift with hours scheduled for (4) 10-hour days (some Friday work is required). Benefits Include: • Medical Insurance • Paid 85% employee coverage • Health Savings Account • Life Insurance - $50,000.00 Company paid • Dependant coverage available • Hourly Incentive Pay • Profit Sharing (100% company paid) • Quarterly Cash Bonus (100% Company paid) • Paid Holidays Requirements Include: • Must be able to read/comprehend English • Must be able to read a tape measure • High School degree or equivalent • Good mechanical aptitude • Ability to lift 50 lbs. Please send resume to: [email protected] or deliver in person at 2526 Western Avenue between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Applicant must possess strong motivation, good judgment, sense of urgency and the ability to work in a fast-paced, team oriented manufacturing environment. BUYERS OF STANDING TIMBER FAMILY OWNED 4 GENERATION BUSINESS FREE NO OBLIGATION APPRAISALS BY A GRADUATE FORESTER MINIMUM OF 5 ACRES OR MORE 574-586-7925 WALKERTON, IN Marshall • The Shopper April 26, 2015 – page 15 1175 Drivers Wanted 1172 Medical/Health Care DENTAL ASSISTANT Warsaw, IN. Set up & turn over operatories, take impressions, assist in crowns, bridge & some dental surgery. 30+ hrs/wk. EFDA preferred. Great pay + bonus. Resumes can be sent to [email protected] 1173 Industrial Trade FIBERGLASS: Final Finishers, Rollers, Choppers, Grinders, Jellers and Mold Makers. Apply At: Bremen Composites 425 Industrial Drive, Bremen, IN 46506 HIRING EXPERIENCED truck drivers with a Class A CDL. New equipment! Home 3 nights per week and on weekends, up to 42¢ per mile, $20 drop. Safety and recruiting bonuses available. 2,800 miles plus per week. Apply in person at Oasis Lifestyle, 1400 Pidco Drive, Plymouth 1180 Jobs Wanted REASONABLE RATES! Looking for yards to mow. Call for more information (574)948-1982 Rosa’s Resale Couches • Furnaces Games • Chairs Tables • Knick Knacks Jake Washers & Dryers Large & Small Appliances Records • Tapes • Movies • Books Some Furniture • Crafts • Toys Floral Arrangements Porcelain Dolls Several Army Uniforms Household Items DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED NOW! 1-800-882-7364 574-896-4020 Now Selling Refrigerators & Freezers 1175 Drivers Wanted Learn to drive for US XPRESS. Earn $850 per week! No experience needed! Be trained and based locally! US Xpress can cover costs! 204 Lane St., North Judson Hrs: Mon-Fri 11 to 5 Sat 10 to 2 Jake is a sweet boy, about a year old, whose owners no longer wanted him. He gets along well with dogs, cats and children. He is housebroken. Jake prefers to not be left alone often as he does exhibit some anxiety when he isn’t with his people. Jake is neutered, up to date on his vaccines, microchipped, heartworm tested and on prevention. His adoption fee is $200. For more information about adopting or fostering this dog; please contact Heartland Small Animal Rescue at e-mail [email protected] or call (574)360-2948 or (574)261-9668. Special Racks of Clothes – $1 each! Stoves Will pick up used appliances in working order free of charge and leave a $25 Rosa’s Gift Certificate Summer For Camps KIDS Places to keep your kids active while having fun this summer Searching for a great family getaway? Look no further than Fort Wayne! Fort Wayne, Indiana’s second largest city, offers families outstanding activities, shopping, and entertainment – and it’s one of the most affordable and convenient destinations in the Midwest! Any trip to Fort Wayne starts at the Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo. Named one of the top ten zoos in the nation, the Children’s Zoo offers over 1,500 animals on 42 acres – and countless activities to fill the day. The best part - there are rides in every part of the zoo! Families are encouraged to “tickle their tress in the treetops” on the Sky Safari in the African Journey, travel through the Australian Outback on a river log ride, and more! And in the evening, you’ll want to head downtown to one of Fort Wayne’s favorite entertainment options – a TinCaps baseball game. Set in a breathtaking downtown park setting, a TinCaps game is truly fun for the Continued on page 17 MAPLE RIDGE CAMPGROUND “Formerly Beaver Ridge” 65777 Maple Road, Lakeville, IN 46536 574-784-8532 • NEW OWNERS: NEW WEEKEND ACTIVITIES The campground is located just off Highway 4 with an in-ground pool, playground, pull-thru and wooded sites. Seasonal sites are available. 25% off base rate on overnight camping Offer includes water and 30 amp electric hook-up and pool. Reservations are required. Please bring this ad at check-in. Restrictions: 4 people to a site or immediate family. Discount valid for a maximum of three nights. Not valid on holiday or special event weekend. Subject to site availability. Offer expires October 15, 2015 Summer Camp Starting June 5th Extra Activities June 5th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 29th 30th Kroc Center @ South Bend Fiesta Day Swimming @ Plymouth Pool USA Skate Center @Mishawaka Swimming @ Plymouth Pool Sky Zone @ Ft. Wayne Hawaiian Day Swimming @ Plymouth Pool Strikes & Spares @ South Bend Swimming @ Plymouth Pool Petting Zoo / Pony Rides Mini Golf Camp @ Swan Lake Swimming @ Plymouth Pool Fossils w/Mr. Snyder Swimming @ Plymouth Pool Zao Island @ Valpo Swimming @ Plymouth Pool Mini Golf Camp @Swan Lake July 1st 2nd 3rd 6th 7th Ultra Zone (Laser Tag) @ Ft. Wayne Swimming @ Plymouth Pool Closed 4th of July Holiday Closed Closed 8th 9th 10th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st August 3rd Pizza Day & Talent Show 4th Summer Awards Day only 80/ ! 20/ $ $ day rate Closed Closed Closed Treasure Hunt Swimming @ Plymouth Pool Silly Safari Swimming @ Plymouth Pool Curious Kids Museum / Discovery Zone @ Michigan South Bend Cubs Game @ South Bend Swimming @ Plymouth Pool Park Day Wagon Wheel Theatre @ Warsaw (The Addams Family) Swimming @ Plymouth Pool Water Day Swimming @ Plymouth Pool Fox Island @ Elkhart (Nature Center) Swimming @ Plymouth Pool Ft. Wayne Zoo @ Ft. Wayne wk Many daily activities: Gym Activities, Park Play, Arts & Crafts, Cooking Activities, Gardening, Natural Playground Setting Must pack/bring own lunch, snacks & drinks (water available) Mon - Fri 7 a.m.-6 p.m. • Ages 5 and up For more information and to register call Deb Friar, Operator for Small Wonders Daycare at 574-952-4446 Located at National Guard Armory on Madison St., Plymouth Page 16 – Marshall • The Shopper April 26, 2015 Summer For Camps KIDS Places to keep your kids active while having fun this summer Plymouth Family Taekwondo Summer Camp 2015 June 8-July 2 • July 13-31 • Weekly Field Trips Trips have included: Laser Tag, Children’s Museum, Science Central and MANY MORE! • Daily Martial Arts Classes • Games • Swimming • Outdoor Time (weather permitting) • Theme Weeks • Camp T-Shirt • Fun and Games • Self-Defense Training • Valuable Character Lessons • Develop Self-Confidence • Develop Leadership Skills Theme Weeks May Include: Science Week, Baseball Week, Basketball Week, Martial Arts Weapons Week, Nerf Wars Week, Animal Week, Water Week $70 per week For Grades Completed K-5 Hours: 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. • Registration Fee: $25 (Lunch provided through the Summer Food Program) Plymouth Family Taekwondo 2135 Western Ave., Plymouth 574-936-6600 • Day Camp @ Centennial Park June 8 ~ July 31 Resident Rate: $60.00/week Non-Resident Rate: $70.00/week Day Camp Hours are: 7:15 a.m. ~ 5:30 p.m. Ages 5 ~ 12 Activities include: Crafts, Daily Swimming, Hikes, Sports and More! to pportunity o e , th ts n n e re t Day Dear Pa to be giv this year a n ry excited e re v d il re h a c r in e W know you ssistance to a t r e u g o y d r n a fo ment ask you have fun uld like to mp environ o a c w y e a d W ! n d p fu Cam is, we nee a safe and th te h a s li re p c m s o u to acc n the helping n. In order hild/childre re c d r il u h c o y r u h o ur it for y y camp. O cussing w a is d d g y n b ri u lp d ected parks your he aviors exp ll that our h a e e b z li d ti n u a g, rules t camp is to xploring, discoverin a re e h y h e long rough philosop children th tionships a e la g re a g e n iv e it s to offer build po festyle. g. We will hy active li lt in a y e la h p a d g n a livin d promote the way an DAILY SCHEDULE 7:15-9:00 a.m. Arrival and preparation 9-11:30 a.m. Arts/Crafts/Explore/Create/Play 11:30-12:30 p.m. Lunch @ Plymouth High School 1-4:30 p.m. Pool/Centennial Park/Special Activity 12:30-5:00 p.m. LifePlex (TUESDAY & THURSDAY ONLY) 3:00 p.m. Snack 3:30-5:30 p.m. - Pickup @ Horse Barn/ LifePlex (Tuesday & Thursday Only) 14639 Lincoln Highway West, Plymouth, IN (574) 936-4007 email: [email protected] Sharon Grigsby, Owner & Director Marshall • The Shopper April 26, 2015 – page 17 Summer For Camps KIDS Places to keep your kids active while having fun this summer Fort Wayne Continued from page 15 whole family – and seats on the grass start at just $5. Find amazing hotel packages, coupons, contests and deals at, or give us a call at 1-800-767-7752 to request a Visitors Guide and start planning today. We can’t to help you design your next great family getaway this summer! Big City.Bigger Heart. You'll love family getaways in Fort Wayne! Explore Indiana’s second-largest city this summer, and discover a heart-warming family escape! Reconnect with your family – and make memories together – in Fort Wayne, Indiana! ® Find getaway ideas, overnight packages, and deals at: • 1-800-767-7752 Page 18 – Marshall • The Shopper April 26, 2015 Business & service Directory Reach over 98,000 potential customers every week in the Community Classified Business & Service Directory for as little as $115.00 a month. Call 574936-3101 or 800-933-0356 to place your ad today! 498 Audio/Video 510 Cleaning Services TV ANTENNAS I NSTALLED MARKLEY SERVICES We are here to help with all your cleaning needs. TROUBLE SHOOTING TV TOWERS PAINTED TV T OWERS REMOVED 530 Decks JL Home Improvements CleanRite Cleaning Service %ST s """ s #HAMBER -EMBER Homes, Businesses, Apts & Windows )NSURED s "ONDED 574-586-9614 574-274-2424 Benefiel’s Carpet Cleaning Services Residential & Commercial Carpet & Upholstery Professional Cleaning 574-780-2723 Plymouth Owner - Operator (574) 300-9903 574-546-4583 This & That, Remodel & Build, Decks & Fences, Power Washing & Hauling. “Why pay more?” BEST OF Marshall County 2014 1st Livinghouse Construction 2EMODELING s (OME )MPROVEMENT !DDITIONS s (OME -AINTENANCE 'ENERAL #ARPENTRY 3ERVICES 574-936-1119 New construction, additions, remodels, roofs & more! Servicing Since 1993 505 Carpets/Rugs 565 HomeRemodel Improvement/ DON’T MOVE, IMPROVE! 574-216-8079 574-721-9794 David Benefiel 525 Contractors (574)936-4818 Place Dawn Gorby-Verhaeghe - Owner (574)304-4743 583 Miscellaneous Services ❝ When you are looking for a deal, be sure to check your classifieds. To Advertise Call 936-3101 Today! ELKHART PINBALL INC. Buy, Sell, Repair (574)298-9800 ❞ 525 Contractors Fish For Stocking: Most Varieties Pond Lakes LAGGIS’ FISH FARM 545 Excavating EXCAVATING SEPTIC PUMPING SEPTIC SYSTEMS s 3EWER $RAIN #LEANING 269-628-2056 Days 269-624-6215 Evenings 585 Paint/Wallpaper Jay Stone 14501 Lincoln Hwy. Plymouth, IN 46563 (574) 935-5456 POWERWASHING WOOD DECKS CLEANED AND SEALED Classified Ads pay for themselves. 574-936-3101 574-935-4060 Woodland Variety Store butter quarters co-jack longhorn $ 1.99 lb. $ french fries (house style) 1.95 lb. 35 ¢ BREMEN 1250 N $ Hepto 6th Rd BOURBON 19 ETNA GREEN N County Road 800 W US 30 9.99 case 19 Marshall County Line Road 331 lean gourmet meals (rice & beans or 3 cheeseziti marinara) $ 69 2 hot dogs w/jalapeno ready to go. Microwavable (orange & Lime) 100% Juice n Rd (bacon, egg & cheese) 2.00 case (12-9.5 oz.) ¢ 4 ct $ green peas 50¢ lb or $ 9.99 30 lb. case sour cream 1.29 16 oz. hot deal boneless/ skinless chicken thighs fresh $ lb. or $ 1.49 1.39 lb. 40 lb. case deli Harvey & Gloria Chupp off any deli meat 4133 E Marshall County Line Rd Bremen, IN 46506 from the $ 1.00 per pound from the bakery 574-773-0303 ext. 1 HOURS peanut butter cookies Mon - Sat 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. $ 2.99 doz. Most items are while supplies last! 650 Tree Services Manns Paving & Seal Coating LLC Residential and Commercial $RIVEWAYS s &ARM ,ANES s ,OTS s #HIP 3EAL 0ARKING s !SPHALT -ILL 2EPAIR s !SPHALT 2EGRINDS &REE %STIMATES s &ULLY )NSURED Hooters Tree Service Tree trimming, topping, stump removal, fire wood, top soil, demolition, excavating/trucking. Fully Insured. 574-936-5818 Serving all of Northern Indiana 605 Roof/Siding/Gutter Johnny’s Roofing “Serving Marshall County since 1972!” Shingle & Flat Roofs Roof Repairs Spend a little now, save a lot later. 574-892-5007 SHORTTÕ S ROOFING RESIDENTIAL•SHINGLE• FLAT ROOFS•METAL ROOFS •FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED & BONDED 574-930-6796 / 574-936-5177 629 Small Appliance Repair Markley Appliance Repair Servicing most brands 574-546-4583 Certified Technician Classified Ads pay for themselves. 574-936-3101 28EXPERIENCE YEARS Tree & Stump Removal Tree Trimming FREE ESTIMATES 574-930-0576 574-930-0581 553 Financial Services BANKRUPTCY: FREE CONSULTATION $25.00 to Start. Payment Plans Available. Ch. 13 No Money Down. Filing fee not included. Call Collect 574-269-3634, Warsaw, IN. Sat. & Even. Appt. Available. Debt Relief Agency under Bankruptcy Code. Classifieds... connecting you to the customers you want to reach. To find out more about advertising in your local classifieds, call a local sales representative at 936-3101. MOULDY SAYS... SAVE $100’S! OUR STORE IS OVERSTOCKED! high end moulding At low end Prices! 50¢ 4 bars (banana) twin dog w/jalapeno tyson breakfast bowls 69¢ 3.50 16-24 ct 2.50 16 ct (10 oz. each) frattar freezer bars 8” - Feeze & Thaw (96 ct & 4 oz. each) 1350 N Woodland Variety Store lb. 1.99 each 6.00 case of 6 luigi’s sorbet NAPPANEE 3 B Rd $ each 24 or more 19 US 6 $ pecan pie $ 50¢ each or walnut creek walnut creek baby back ribs shortening $ 4.89 lb. $2.69 3 lb. 331 50 ¢ Accepting Debit, Credit & EBT Cards light n’ fit dannon yogurt drinkable yogurt $ blue bonnet margarine frozen 100% concentrate apple juice 59¢ lb. or *Insured* 590 Paving Prices Good April 27-May 2 We will no longer be open until 8:00 p.m. on Wednesdays NOW OPEN SUNDAYS Select Grade Mouldings: Solid Pine • MDF • Primed Poplar • Red Oak • Tongue & Groove Items And of course we stock factory seconds ALL@ discounted prices AND MUCH MUCH MORE! Add a decorator’s final touch with these impressive solid wood mouldings THE MOULDING OUTLET E. LINCOLNWAY Al’s Super Market Moudling Outlet N 720 E. Lincolnway • LaPorte, IN STORE HOURS 219-324-0373 MONDAY thru FRIDAY 8-4:30 • SAT 8-5 Marshall • The Shopper April 26, 2015 – page 19 or f e tim n i t fun! Jus r e m sum Pre-owned ...and our selection has never been better! 2014 LINCOLN MKT LOADED, PANORAMIC VISTA ROOF, 6-YR 100,000 MILE FULL WARRANTY COVERAGE FI N A N CE F O R $475/MO R2873 CERTIFIED! +tax for 72 mos. @ 4.00% APR PRICES GOOD THRU MAY 9th 2013 FORD ESCAPE TITANIUM FRONT-WHEEL DRIVE, CLEAN, 1-OWNER, LOADED FI N A N CE F O R $320/MO 2013 FORD FOCUS SE 2013 FORD EXPLORER XLT 16462A +tax for 72 mos. @ 4.00% APR FI N A N CE F O R +tax for 72 mos. @ 4.00% APR WA S $ 2 2 . 3 4 5 .. .. N O W FI N A N CE F O R AUTOMATIC, 42 MPG R2870B FI N A N CE F O R $188/MO 2010 FORD MUSTANG R2859A +tax for 72 mos. @ 4.00% APR AUTOMATIC, SUMMER FUN GREAT FUEL ECONOMY $231 R2854 +tax for 72 mos. @ 4.00% APR 2006 CHRYSLER 300 FI N A N CE F O R /MO 1665A +tax for 60 mos. @ 4.50% APR 2011 FORD FLEX LTD CLEAN, FULL-SIZE SPORTY SEDAN FI N A N CE F O R $138 $348/MO CERTIFIED! R2869B +tax for 60 mos. @ 5.00% APR 2013 FORD F150 LARIAT FI N A N CE F O R $336 +tax for 72 mos. @ 4.00% APR 2012 FORD FIESTA LS - VERY CLEAN, FULL-SIZED LUXURY! 7-PASSENGER, NAVIGATION, DVD, FULLY LOADED, 6 YR, 100,000 MILE FULL WARRANTY E2885 AUTOMATIC, FULLY LOADED & TURBO-CHARGED! R2842 ‘11 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS /MO FI N A N CE F O R 2012 MINI COOPER $19,940 $209/MO 4X4 XLT, great equipment $490/MO HATCHBACK, WITH ALL THE GOODIES! $209/MO See more online at R2628 +tax for 72 mos. @ 4.00% APR EVERY OLIVER PRE-OWNED VEHICLE COMES WITH: SUPERCAB, 4X4 LARIAT, MOONROOF, NAVIGATION, HEATED & COOLED SEATS WA S $ 3 6 , 4 5 0 ... . N O W $33,550 2014 FORD TAURUS LTD LOADED! R2882 FI N A N CE F O R $348/MO R2846 +tax for 72 mos. @ 4.00% APR • FREE washes for life • Convenient Concierge Service • FREE shuttle service when your vehicle is serviced • FREE AutoCheck Report, so the history is no mystery! ...and the CONFIDENCE of working with a dealership you’ve known since 1955 1001 E. Jefferson - Plymouth, IN • 800-448-8292 • AUTOPARK.COM AUTOPARK.COM AUTOPARK.COM AUTOPARK.COM AUTOPARK.COM AUTOPARK.COM ABOUT 250 vehicles under $250 We take trades of all kinds! ATVs - Boats - Motorcycles - RVs - and More! $ 283'10/MO.Ford Edge $ 215/MO. $ AWD, One Owner #15507 $ Low Miles, Great MPGs #15119B ‘13 Kia Soul Manual, Fuel Efficient #15005 $ 300 /MO. ‘11 Ford Edge SEL $ 193 /MO. ‘12 Dodge Gr. Caravan $ 221 /MO. ‘11 Chevy Equinox $ 176 /MO. ‘06 Cadillac SRX $ AWD, Local Trade #14853B $ $ $ $ 442/MO. $ 193 /MO. '08 Saturn Vue XR $ 231/MO. ‘08 Saturn Outlook XE $ Affordable, Auto, FWD #15020 Leather, Cruise, MP3 Hookup #15327 207 /MO. ‘09 Jeep Patriot Ltd. $ 256 /MO. ‘14 Ford Fusion $ 1000 OFF TRADE-IN VOUCHER SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS. $ 138 /MO. ‘02 Ford Mustang $ 238 /MO. ‘14 Ford Focus SE 199 /MO. ‘08 Saturn Outlook $ Fuel Efficient, Automatic #15653 One Owner, Clean #15327 184 /MO. ‘12 Chevy Malibu LS $ 194 /MO. ‘13 Chevy Malibu SE $ One Owner, Great MPG #15129 $ 274‘14/MO. Ford Fusion $ 280 /MO. ‘12 Ford Escape XLT $ $ 187/MO. '12 Chevrolet Malibu LS $ Great MPGs, FWD, Clean #15129 4x4, Crew Cab, Cummins #15004 492/MO. ‘12 Dodge RAM TRUCK $ Low Miles, One Owner #15644 Manual, GT, Leather #15591A $ Rare Color, Front, Auto #15644 168 /MO. ‘11 Ford Fusion Stylish, FWD, Automatic #14327C 296 /MO. '14 Ford Fusion Roomy, Good MPGs #15643 $ $ ‘11 GMC Sierra 2500HD 4x4, Lifted, Aftermarket Whls. #15425B Roomy, Leather, Heated Seats #14985 Loaded, Sunroof, 3rd Row #15477A 135‘05/MO.Scion tC Sunroof, Hatchback, Auto #15433A 157'10/MO.Ford Focus Very Clean, Heated Leather #15335 Roomy Family Vehicle #15376 $ 336‘09/MO. Ford F-150 4x4, Tool Box, Crew Cab #15092A Leather, Navigation, Loaded #15325 $ 201 /MO. '10 Chrysler Sebring 184/MO. Auto, 4x4, Moonroof #15591A Texas Truck, 4WD, Auto #14924 $ ‘08 Volkswagen Beetle Good MPGs, Sun/Moonroof #15288 449/MO. $ 245 /MO. '10 Ford Ranger XLT $ 454/MO. ‘11 Dodge RAM TRUCK $ 4x4, 5 Spd. Manual #15447 4x4, Crew Cab, Automatic #15681 294'10/MO. Ford F-150 4WD, Awesome Truck #15449 449/MO. SRW, Lariat, Crew, 4x4, Leather #15039 149 /MO. ‘09 Toyota Corolla Fuel Efficient, Local Trade #14466A 492 /MO. ‘12 Ram 2500 ST ‘08 Ford Super Duty F-250 $ AWD, Hemi, Beats by Dre Audio #15215A 237'12/MO. Ford Escape Clean, Sunroof, Roomy #15406 231 /MO. ‘13 Dodge Avenger Fuel Efficient, One Owner #14961 184/MO. ‘12 Chrysler 200 Touring Classy, FWD, Automatic #15128 Low Miles, Great Mileage #14420 $ ‘14 Dodge Charger R/T /month! 210'11 /MO. Kia Soul Good MPGs, Fun Ride #15532A 290 /MO. ‘12 Ford Mustang Convertible, Leather, RWD #15692 $ 143 /MO. ‘06 Buick Rainier Leather, All Wheel Drive #14303 Over 700 Vehicles SERVICE CENTER in Stock! 201 AIRPORT ROAD, PLYMOUTH · 574-935-6600 Apply e nlin O for financing @ IT'S TAX SEASON! LET THE AUTO PARK SERVICE CENTER HELP YOU SAVE YOUR MONEY WITH OUR IN STORE REBATES $20 PER TIRE UP TO $80 Courtesy shuttle with any repair! repair $40 $25 PER AXLE ON BRAKE BATTERY REPLACEMENT UP TO $80 REPLACEMENT ASK US ABOUT OUR REFERRAL PROGRAM! Includes vehicle history report and 30 day/3,000 mile warranty. 100% EMPLOYEE OWNED! 1829 W. JEFFERSON, PLYMOUTH 574-948-0002 wal-mart centier bank oak rd. Credit programs available for nearly everyone.Payment is figured on a 2.9% interest rate for 72 months and $500 down with approved credit. 30 n W. Jefferson dairy queen AUTOPARK.COM AUTOPARK.COM AUTOPARK.COM AUTOPARK.COM AUTOPARK.COM AUTOPARK.COM AUTOPARK.COM AUTOPARK.COM AUTOPARK.COM AUTOPARK.COM AUTOPARK.COM AUTOPARK.COM AUTOPARK.COM AUTOPARK.COM AUTOPARK.COM AUTOPARK.COM AUTOPARK.COM AUTOPARK.COM AUTOPARK.COM AUTOPARK.COM AUTOPARK.COM AUTOPARK.COM AUTOPARK.COM AUTOPARK.COM Page 20 – Marshall • The Shopper April 26, 2015
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