2014 Annual Report - Chicago Rockford International Airport
2014 Annual Report - Chicago Rockford International Airport
2014 Annual Report greater rockford airport authorit y Fiscal Year ending April 30, 2014 Rockford, Illinois CHICAGO ROCKFORD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT 2 Table Contents of 42+58+z financial data accomplishments service & development Community events & Operations CHICAGO ROCKFORD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT 3 a letter from the director The Greater Rockford Airport Authority staff and Board We are grateful for the relationships and partnerships of Commissioners, continue to make great strides in we have been able to establish throughout the region. airport growth. As the Executive Director, it is my privilege Keeping our airport operating safety is one of our highest to oversee the same dedication and forward thinking in priorities and we take great pride in doing so. 2013 that has been demonstrated in the past, whether it be with new or continued projects. We were successful in returning to the airport and our region the 2014 AirFest. We continue to support michael p. dunn executive DIRECTOR The Airport celebrated the tenth year of the return of the community by participating in other events passenger service this past fiscal year and the highest throughout the year. Be sure to read about them in the month on record for passengers boarding flights. We following pages. are now up to eight regular and seasonal vacation destinations. Our customer service is exemplary and Thank you for your continued support of one of the we even improved upon it by introducing our Airport greatest assets to this region that we call the Chicago Ambassador program, which has been a huge success. Rockford Airport Authority. RFD received an award from the Illinois Division of Aeronautics for the 2013 Primary Airport of the Year. BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 4 GRAA Board of commisioners Ray Wetzel Kenneth Edward Copeland Treasurer Secretary [email protected] [email protected] paul R. cicero Chairman [email protected] Thomas Myers Vice Chairman [email protected] Tom dal santo Commissioner Thomas J. Lester Legal Counsel [email protected] Hinshaw & Culbertson patrick derry [email protected] Commissioner [email protected] BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 5 42+58+z financial data On behalf of the Board and staff, I would like to thank you for conformity with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles taking the time to review our Popular Annual Financial Report (GAAP). The Authority has received GFOA’s Certificate of (PAFR). Whether you are a resident, passenger or a business, Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for the you are to be commended for taking the time to gain a greater CAFR for 17 consecutive years. A copy of the CAFR can be understanding of the Greater Rockford Airport Authority. found at the Authority website. The goal in producing this report is to communicate the Authority’s financial operations in a straightforward and easyto-read format so that you may obtain a better understanding of the airport. download THE CAFR The information in this report is derived from the Authority’s AMY M. OTT DEPUTY DIRECTOR Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2014, which was audited by Baker Tilly Virchow Krause LLP and received an unmodified opinion. The CAFR is a highly detailed financial report that is prepared in BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 6 42+58+z financial data economic condition The financial condition of the Authority is primarily dependent The Authority is not immune to the global economic crisis with upon the amount of aircraft utilization at the Chicago Rockford the cargo continuing to decrease. However appears that International Airport (RFD). That utilization, in turn, is dependent activity levels have stabilized and forecasts plan for a slight upon several factors: the amount of cargo that is sorted at the increase in the following year. Cargo loads decreased by United Parcel Service hub; the number of passenger airlines that 8.55% the result of very limited if any charter cargo activity service RFD; the number of passengers that use the airport; the during the year as we have had in the past. Both the statistics national economy, which influences buying and subsequent and the revenue reflect these decreases. The most recent FAA shipping habits; and, the local economy that influences the cargo reports state RFD is the 25th largest cargo airport in the willingness of the consumer to purchase air travel. United States. The national trend was flat or slight decreases. The nature of our cargo in that it does not include any Passenger growth continues with a 4.5% increase from the international cargo which helped stabilize the decreases in prior year. As the volatility of the passenger airlines continues it domestic cargo for many other US cargo airports. Cargo is a is important for RFD to diversify the base of airlines that operate leading indicator and we fully believe that as the economy at RFD. Currently Allegiant Air offers service to Las Vegas, begins to grow, so will our cargo activities. Orlando/Sanford, Clearwater/St Pete, Punta Gorda/Ft Myers, and Phoenix/Mesa. Apple Vacations offers seasonal service The Chicago Rockford International Airport still remains a to Cancun, Puerto Vallarta and Punta Cana. Allegiant Air viable economic engine for the region and state. This last fall accounts for 80% of all seats currently available at RFD. the State of Illinois issued the most recent economic impact (continue) BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 7 42+58+z financial data report for all Illinois airports. RFD continues to be a driving force industrial skills. A recent study by The Pathfinders (Dallas TX), with $994.5 million in annual economic impact being the third polling area employers on existing workforce characteristics, highest commercial service airport, second and third only found that labor-shed actually consists of a five-county to O’Hare and Midway. Our combination of various business region with a population of over 807,000 individuals and strengths and our international grade facility position us well that the workforce was over 435,000 people. This number for future growth. far exceeds the federal government’s assumption of a twocounty MSA population of approximately 350,000 people The economic condition and outlook for the region has and a labor force of about 175,000. The region’s low cost of improved slightly over the prior year. Employment needs are living and competitive wage rates benefit both employer increasing slowly but greater than the needs in the last two and employee. prior years and the unemployment rate decreased from 9.8% to 9.1%. The region continues to expand and diversify its industrial base and employment opportunities. The Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) is over 350,000 people and is the fastest growing MSA in the state of Illinois and has been for two consecutive years. This growth is expected to continue. The region is a community that still understands shift work and values companies that need employees with BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 8 42+58+z financial data assets BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS Financial Highlights % FYE 2014 FYE 2013 FYE 2012 2014 current assets - unrestricted 9,526,300 8,164,684 10,370,053 16.7 (21.3) current assets - net 107,111,847 111,862,425 107,294,716 (4.2) 4.3 investments for long-term purposes 348,000 2,095,322 538,032 (83.4) (17.4) deferred charges 233,222 206,606 200,755 12.9 2.9 TOTAL ASSETS $117,219,369 $122,329,037 $120,403,556 (4.2) 1.6 change 2013 9 42+58+z financial data liabilities net position BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS Financial Highlights % FYE 2014 FYE 2013 FYE 2012 2014 current liabilities 1,837,540 1,144,460 1,522,093 60.6 (24.8) long-term liabilities less current maturities 7,167,324 6,359,472 6,869,757 12.7 (7.4) TOTAL liabilities $9,004,864 $7,503,932 $8,391,850 19.9 (10.6) net investment in capital assets 102,196,797 107,937,425 103,205,716 (5.3) 4.6 unrestricted 3,090,110 3,749,228 5,666,680 (17.6) (33.8) total net position 105,286,907 111,686,653 108,872,396 (5.7) 2.6 total net liabilities & net position 117,219,369 122,329,037 120,403,556 (4.2) 1.6 change 2013 10 42+58+z financial data Financial Highlights The financial schedules presented in the PAFR have been The Statement of Net Position presents information on all the summarized and combined from assorted financial Authority’s assets and liabilities, with the difference between statements in the CAFR. This report is not intended to replace the two reported as net position. Over time, increases or the full disclosure financial statements that can be viewed in decreases in net position may serve as a useful indicator of our CAFR. Rather, by reading this report, you will be able to the Authority’s financial position. The tables on the following gain a general understanding and summary of the Authority’s pages show that, as of April 30, 2014, assets exceeded financial activities and position for the fiscal year ended liabilities by $105.3 million. By far, the largest portion of the April 30, 2014. Authority net position, which is 97 percent or $102.2 million, reflects its investment in capital assets, less any outstanding In order to receive an Award for Outstanding Achievement debt used to acquire those assets. The Authority uses these in Popular Annual Financial Reporting, a government capital assets to provide services to users of the airport. unit must publish a Popular Annual Financial Report Consequently, these assets are not available for future (PAFR) that conforms to program standards of creativity, spending. The remaining three percent or $3.1 million presentation, understandability and reader appeal. An represents unrestricted net position and available to meet Award for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual any of the authority’s ongoing obligations. Financial Reporting is valid for a period of one year only and this is the second year the Authority has received this award. The Greater Rockford Airport Authority believes our current report conforms to the Popular Annual Reporting requirements. BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 11 42+58+z financial data FYE 2014 revenue operating revenue FYE 2013 expenses $4,482,831 $4,906,708 operating expenses net position $18,173,364 18,429,128 (8.6)% Change other revenues $4,384,377 $4,140,012 other expenses $8,867,208 $9,046,720 BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 12,597,496 (76.2)% Change $90,201 $400,831 (77.5)% Change TOTAL EXPENSES (2.0) % Change $2,996,611 (1.4)% Change 5.9% Change total revenues Capital Contribution $18,263,565 $18,829,959 Change in Net Positions (3.0) % Change $(6,399,746) $2,814,257 (327.4)% Change 12 42+58+z financial data How the Authority is Funded Revenues are derived from many sources that include the Staff concentrates its efforts to increase the amount of day-to-day operations of the airport and include aircraft fixed revenue over variable revenue as a high percentage landing fees; aircraft fuel flowage fees, hangar leases, land of variable revenue could be financially catastrophic in leases, building leases, airport service fees, AirFest revenues, an airport economic downturn. Lease revenue and other operating grants, and Foreign Trade Zone Fees. Other revenue revenue (fixed revenue) will serve as a hedge in possible future sources include tax levy, state replacement tax revenue, economic downturns. Staff continues efforts to investigate new Passenger Facility Charges and interest income. Property taxes opportunities to grow the revenue sources. are levied to cover certain operating expenses. The total levy is approximately $.1043 per $100 of assessed valuation that results in an annual cost of $36 to the homeowner of a $100,000 home. Passenger Facility Charges are based on the number of passengers flying out of the airport. view next page for revenue chart BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 13 42+58+z financial data REVENUE SHOWN REVENUE 23+77+z 20+80+z 8+92+z 42+58+z 6+94+z 1+99+z 23% 20% 8% 42% 6% 1% AIRPORT FEES LEASE REVENUE SERVICES FOR AIRSHOW, & OTHER REVENUE TAXES PROPERTY & CORPORATE PASSENGER FACILITY CHARGES OTHER INCOME BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 14 42+58+z financial data How we Operate the Authority Expenses are also categorized between operating and non- works to hire the best most highly qualified and motivated operating. Operating expenditures are those expenditures that people. Contractual services are 41% of the total expenses are incurred as a result of the direct operation of the airport, and include all contracted services and utilities. Commodities and are further broken down by operating departments; make up only 14% of total expenses. The other category is 4% Finance and Administration, Operations, Facilities and of total expenses and is for those costs not included in the other Maintenance, Marketing and Communications, Terminal sections and includes the glycol retention treatment facility, Services, landfill and environmental costs and other payments. Interest AirFest, Cargo Development, and Passenger Development. Non-operating expenditures are expenditures expense makes up only 1% of total expenses. for debt service interest. Personnel Services accounts for 46% of expenses and is traditionally one of the largest costs for the Authority. The Authority views the employees as its most important asset and View next page for expenses chart BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 15 42+58+z financial data EXPENSES SHOWN EXPENSE 46+54+z 14+86+z 35+65+z 1+99+z 3+97+z BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 46% 14% 35% 1% 4% PERSONNEL & BENEFITS COMMODITIES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES INTEREST EXPENSE OTHER 16 accomplishments wins award for annual report RECOGNIZED IN NATIONAL PUBLICATION Recognized by the Government Finance Officers Association The Rockford Airport is in the national spotlight. (GFOA) for the 17th consecutive year for Certificate of featured in Airport Business Magazine in a special report Achievement in Financial Reporting. The 16th consecutive called, “Rockford Gets It Right.” The publication highlighted year for the Distinguished Budget Presentation award. The RFD’s high passenger numbers, which set a record last year. second year for the Outstanding Achievement in Popular Not only that, it says a majority of RFD flights are at least 89% Annual Financial reporting. full. It says cargo business is central to RFD’s success since it It was offers clients quick-in, quick-out access. BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 17 10 YEARS OF PASSENGER SERVICE Labeled “Chicago’s Best Kept Secret” primary airport of the year Chicago Rockford International Airport (RFD) was flying high as The secret is out about Chicago Rockford International Airport The Illinois Division of Aeronautics has announced that the it announced an important milestone in its history. The airport (RFD) as International magazine Airports of the World highlights Chicago Rockford International Airport (RFD) has been celebrated 10 years since the return of passenger service in RFD in its October cover story, Chicago’s Best-Kept Secret. named the 2013 Primary Airport of the Year. This honor was 2003. For the nearly 1.8 million fliers that have passed through RFD’s focus on affordable leisure destinations combined with formally presented to the airport at the annual Illinois Aviation RFD’s gates over the past 10 years, it’s hard to imagine a time simple amenities such as free parking, free wireless and short Conference Luncheon held on May 16, 2013 in Moline, IL. The when passenger service wasn’t an option. RFD has consistently processing times, has led to record passenger growth. As RFD selection of “Airport of the Year” is based on a number of criteria broken its own passenger numbers. In March 2013, RFD had celebrates the ten-year return of passenger service, more including cooperation and coordination with the Division of its highest month on record with 35,453 passengers boarding than 1.8 million passengers have passed through its gates - Aeronautics and Federal Aviation Administration, the facility’s flights. Demand for flights has brought in new airlines and new statistics that caught the attention of Airports of the World and safety record, aeronautical events, and maintenance of the destinations. Over the past decade, RFD has been served prompted the in-depth story on RFD’s formula for success. RFD facility. The accomplishments that contributed to this award by 12 airlines and flown to more than 19 leisure destinations, serves nine non-stop destinations including Cancun, Denver, include completing two phases of runway construction on including five international locations. The economic impact Ft. Myers, Las Vegas, Orlando, Phoenix, Puerto Vallarta, Punta Runway 1/19, Rockford AirFest 2012, work with Illinois Jobs Now of the airport has been impressive as well. RFD’s air service has Cana and Tampa Bay. capital funding of parking lot expansion, and partnering with brought in more than $60 million in federal and state investment the City of Rockford and the Illinois Department of Commerce grants, representing a $300 million economic impact on the and Economic Opportunity on a 70 acre solar farm. In addition, Rock River Valley region. Additionally, RFD has a direct impact RFD hosted numerous special events and was successful in on approximately 5,200 jobs, which is an increase of about maintaining a safe operating facility. 1,300 jobs in the past 10 years. BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS accomplishments 18 primary airport of the year BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS accomplishments 19 service & development Puerto Vallarta Service Partnership between RVC and RFD Today the Greater Rockford Airport Authority approved an In a move designed to promote economic development agreement with Apple Vacations to provide nonstop service and position a more strongly aligned workforce, the Greater to Licenciado Gustavo Díaz Ordaz International Airport (PVR) Rockford Airport Authority (GRAA) and Rock Valley College in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Puerto Vallarta is home to several (RVC) have combined efforts to create an expanded Aviation major tourist attractions including El Pitillal, The Marieta Islands, Maintenance Technology Program. The agreement, having Las Ánimas Beach, and Los Arcos National Marine Park. In been in the works for months, promotes the shared community addition to the flights to Puerto Vallarta, Apple Vacations is vision and value of workforce development and economic adding a second weekly flight to Punta Cana out of RFD. growth that is vital for the region’s future. As a part of the These destinations have drawn solid bookings at RFD with proposed lease, GRAA will lease land to RVC to build a state- flights consistently at or near capacity. of-the-art 40,000 square foot Aviation Maintenance Training facility on Airport grounds to house the RVC educational Destination Sunshine Heats up Winter Travel for RFD Fliers Don’t put away your swimsuits just yet! Chicago Rockford International Airport (RFD) hosted the 5th annual “Destination Sunshine” travel fair on November 9th in the main terminal. course of study for aeronautical maintenance and repair. Currently, the program is taught in a 9,800 square foot building. The new facility will allow RVC to significantly increase the quantity of students both participating and graduating from the program. This event, presented by Camelot World Travel and Apple Vacations, featured discounted vacation packages to Cancun, Puerto Vallarta, and Punta Cana. BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 20 community events & OPERATIONS Disaster Response Exercise Aviation Week The Chicago Rockford International Airport (RFD) held You could earn your wings at Chicago Rockford International emergency training and disaster response exercises on Airport (RFD) as it showcased the most influential military Saturday, May 4 in Rockford and Stillman Valley. The exercise aircraft of the last century during Aviation Week, July 19-27. included 150 local volunteers acting as injured passengers. Many offerings from EAA AirVenture, known as the world’s The U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Transportation greatest aviation celebration, were celebrated here in our and Security Administration, Federal Aviation Administration, region. Guests experience mission flights, ground and cockpit local police, hospitals, and Airport Rescue and Fire Fighter tours and viewing opportunities from various flying wonders (ARFF) crews participated along with Greater Rockford from World War II, the Korean War, and Vietnam. Take off in Airport Authority staff. All of the participating agencies were the beautifully restored B-17G Flying Fortress “Aluminum evaluated by a team of experts at the site. In accordance Overcast.” One of only 13 Fortress’s still flying, experience with FAA requirements, the airport conducts a full-scale exceptional flight and ground tours aboard one of World disaster response exercise every three years. Exercise War II’s most vital and magnificent aircrafts. Boeing B-29 objectives included testing communications, fire and police Superfortress bomber, FIFI, the last remaining flying example response, emergency medical response, multiple casualty of the aircraft in the world flew on July 22. Aviation Week hospital plans, inter-agency coordination and the incident culminated with the largest gathering of Bonanza aircraft command system. in the world. BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 21 community events & OPERATIONS Four-Legged Passengers Trot the Tarmac A Boeing 727 operated by H.E. Tex Sutton Equine Transportation number of grooms or assistants to accompany their horse landed Thursday at Chicago Rockford International Airport when traveling, helping assure safe handling by someone (RFD). On board were eight thoroughbred horses all bound familiar with the individual animal from stall to stall. for The Arlington Million Race, one of this country’s largest and most famous horse races. The Boeing 727 special freighter, First Class Equine Air Travel, is based in Lexington, Ky. Ultimate Tug-of-War: 757 vs People - Annual UPS plane pull affectionately called “Air Horse One”; the aircraft can carry 21 horses and 15 passengers. Flight crew members are trained How many people can say they’ve pulled a 757 aircraft with to be sensitive to the travel needs of its equine passengers their bare hands? Rockford residents got the opportunity in and operate the aircraft accordingly; avoiding steep ascents September for a United Way fundraiser sponsored by UPS. This and descents, steering clear of adverse weather conditions, was a unique opportunity to pull an aircraft weighing over putting a premium on smooth, uneventful landings and 200,000 pounds 20 feet across the tarmac - the equivalent minimizing time between stops all add up to stress free and of approximately 100 elephants, 57 automobiles or 40 blue comfortable travel in a climate controlled environment. whales! Teams were timed, with the quickest team taking Aircraft configuration permits customers to include a limited home the trophy. BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 22 community events & OPERATIONS North Pole Comes to RFD: Special Toys for Tots Celebration RFD Lights up the Holidays The Chicago Rockford International Airport (RFD) main The Loves Park Chamber’s Light up the Parks Parade terminal was transformed into a winter wonderland on celebrated its 16th stroll down Elm Street on November 24. December 14th as it hosted 30 families in a very special Toys The parade featured several RFD vehicles, including an E1 fire for Tots event. Currently celebrating its 66th year, Toys for truck, plow truck and a snow blower. Airport staff and their Tots provides joy and a message of hope to less fortunate families were seen aboard the RFD shuttle distributing candy children through the gift of a new toy or book during the to the crowds. Celebrating 25 years of community sponsored holiday season. Last year, toys were distributed to more than light displays; the Festival of Lights showcase was unveiled 7.2 million children across the nation who might not have December 6th at Sinnissippi Park. Participating sponsor, RFD, otherwise experienced the magic of the holidays. Santa and has featured a display every year, starting as one of only Mrs. Claus arrived on a UPS 747 to excited children. Christmas eleven displays in the late 1980’s to one of more than fifty cookies, milk and toys were given to each child. Each family in 2013. This year’s display, depicting the beloved Santa on received a plush blanket as well. his sleigh pulled by his charming reindeer, utilizes sustainable LED lights and was built by the airport’s maintenance staff. BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 23 community events & OPERATIONS RFD to Celebrate First Year of Ambassador Program Chicago Rockford International Airport (RFD) honored more than 30 airport ambassadors in a special thank you dinner on November 12. Designed to enhance the passenger experience, airport ambassadors provided accurate, friendly, courteous information and assistance to RFD travelers. Since the program’s inception in November 2012, airport ambassadors have logged 2,098 hours of volunteer service. Duties include curbside luggage assistance, ground transportation, way finding, customer service and airport special events support. BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 24 directory CHICAGO ROCKFORD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT mAIN TERMINAL ADDRESS LOOKING FOR MORE INFORMATION? 2 airport circle rockford, il 61109 Our administration offices are open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. We can be reached at 815-969-4000 or you may email us at [email protected]. If you have any questions about your flight status or airline aDMINISTRATION OFFICE policies, please feel free to contact the airline directly. 60 airport dr. rockford, il 61109 PH: (815) 969-4000 fax: (815) 969-4001 email: [email protected] Hours: mon-fri 8-5pm BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS flyrfd.com 25 CHICAGO ROCKFORD BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT 26
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