Inland Ontario Lakes Designated for Lake Trout
Inland Ontario Lakes Designated for Lake Trout
Inland Ontario Lakes Designated for Lake Trout Management July 2015 . ISBN 978-1-4606-6257-1 (PDF) Fisheries Section Species Conservation Policy Branch Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry P.O. Box 7000, 300 Water Street Peterborough, ON K9J 8M5 “A prerequisite to the effective management of a resource is a knowledge of the distribution and magnitude of that resource.” Introductory sentence from “The Distribution and Characteristics of Ontario Lake Trout Lakes” (Martin and Olver 1976). ii Abstract Lake Trout lakes are rare. Only about one percent of Ontario’s lakes contain Lake Trout, but this represents 20-25% of all Lake Trout lakes in the world. The province, therefore, has a great responsibility to manage them wisely. OMNRF efforts to develop a coordinated strategy to protect Lake Trout populations in Ontario requires a comprehensive list of lakes currently designated for Lake Trout management. This report lists the inland Ontario lakes (exclusive of the Great Lakes) that are currently designated for Lake Trout management. In addition, the list classifies the lakes as to whether they are to be managed for naturally reproducing populations (‘Natural’ lakes) or as put-grow-take (‘P-G-T’) lakes. ‘Natural’ lakes include those lakes that may have lost populations but have been identified for rehabilitation. ‘P-G-T’ lakes are managed to provide recreational fishing opportunities and/or to direct angling effort away from more sensitive ‘Natural’ lakes. OMNRF policies or guidelines may be applied differently depending on the lake classification, or in other cases may be applied to both classifications in a similar manner. Individual Lake Trout lakes are listed alphabetically in tables organized by OMNRF Administrative Regions. Most lakes managed for Lake Trout will have been identified previously in other resource management plans. This list supersedes previously published lists and will be subject to revision from time to time, as updated scientific assessment and inventory data become available. Subsequent revisions will be posted on the EBR Registry for public notice and comment. More detailed information on individual lakes may be available from local OMNRF offices. iii Table of Contents Introduction.................................................................................................................................................... 1 Lake Trout Lakes in Ontario .......................................................................................................................... 1 Lakes Designated for Lake Trout Management ............................................................................................ 2 Appendix I: Provincial Summary of Inland Ontario Lakes Managed for Lake Trout by the OMNRF ............ 3 Appendix II: Map of OMNRF Southern Region Lake Trout Lakes ............................................................... 4 Appendix III: Map of OMNRF Northeast Region Lake Trout Lakes ............................................................. 5 Appendix IV: Map of OMNRF Northwest Region Lake Trout Lakes ............................................................ 6 Appendix V: Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Southern Region, OMNRF .......................................................... 7 Appendix VI: Put-Grow-Take Lake Trout Lakes in Southern Region, OMNRF ......................................... 15 Appendix VII: Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northeast Region, OMNRF ..................................................... 17 Appendix VIII: Put-Grow-Take Lake Trout Lakes in Northeast Region, OMNRF ....................................... 34 Appendix IX: Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northwest Region, OMNRF ..................................................... 37 iv Introduction The Lake Trout is the only major, indigenous sport fish species in Ontario that is adapted to oligotrophic lakes (i.e. lakes with low levels of nutrients, high dissolved oxygen levels, and typically deep areas with very cold water). Its slow growth, late maturity, low reproductive potential and slow replacement rate make it susceptible to a variety of stresses. It is an important component of Ontario’s rich biodiversity, because of the unique character of the species and the unique gene pools of many of its individual stocks. Because the Lake Trout is a sensitive species that is adapted to a narrow range of environmental conditions, it is an excellent indicator of the health of fragile aquatic ecosystems. Lake Trout lakes are rare. Only about one percent of Ontario’s lakes (i.e. ~ 2,300) contain Lake Trout, but this represents 20-25% of all Lake Trout lakes in the world. The Lake Trout is an important fishery resource in Ontario. It is a preferred species among many anglers, both resident and non-resident, and provides a diversity of fishing opportunities. The province, therefore, has a great responsibility to manage them wisely. There has been a general decline in both the quality of the sport fishery for Lake Trout and in Lake Trout habitat in many lakes. Lake Trout lakes are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of human activities, including exploitation, enrichment from cottage septic systems, acidification, species introductions, and habitat destruction. Because of their high sensitivity to disturbance, special protection is required for these lakes and their Lake Trout populations. Approximately 5% of the province's Lake Trout populations have already become extinct; 43% of the extinct populations were in southeastern Ontario (Martin and Olver 1976; OMNR 1990). Lake Trout Lakes in Ontario Martin and Olver (1976) documented the (at the time) known distribution and characteristics of 2000 inland Lake Trout lakes (exclusive of the Great Lakes) in Ontario. This total included 1709 native populations, 195 introduced populations, 96 populations of unknown origin and 74 extinct populations. They recognized that additional populations would likely be found (especially in northwestern Ontario) as additional surveys were conducted. During the Lake Trout Community Synthesis exercise, Martin and Olver’s (1976) survey of Lake Trout lakes was updated and included an evaluation of the likely status of each Lake Trout population provided by local resource managers (OMNR 1990). The updated list totaled 2318 Lake Trout lakes, of which 1827 were identified as native populations, 222 introduced populations, 83 populations of unknown origin, 122 extinct or lost populations, and 64 lakes with a population status of ‘other’ (OMNR 1990). Gunn et al. (2004) used 1998 resource management agency data (from Ontario, Quebec, Minnesota, and New York) to update locations, surface area, maximum and mean depths, conductivity and secchi depth of Lake Trout lakes across the Boreal Shield. They provided data for 2255 Ontario Lake Trout lakes (excluding lakes > 10,000 ha) and acknowledged that at the time of publication they lacked locational data for approximately 100 additional Ontario Lake Trout lakes. While these previous efforts have been valuable in characterizing Ontario’s Lake Trout resource, the resulting lists include lakes which may have supported Lake Trout populations at one time, but are no longer being actively managed for Lake Trout. A coordinated strategy to protect Lake Trout populations in Ontario requires a comprehensive list of Lake Trout lakes currently designated for Lake Trout management. 1 Lakes Designated for Lake Trout Management This report lists the inland Ontario lakes (exclusive of the Great Lakes) that are currently designated for Lake Trout management. In addition this list classifies the lakes as to whether they are to be managed for naturally reproducing populations (‘Natural’ lakes) or as put-grow-take lakes (‘P-G-T’ lakes). ‘Natural’ lakes include those lakes that may have lost populations but have been identified for rehabilitation. For example, restoration efforts of acid damaged lakes in the Sudbury area have improved water chemistry and allowed for the reintroduction of Lake Trout in order to re-establish viable populations. ‘P-G-T’ lakes are stocked and managed to provide recreational fishing opportunities and/or to direct angling effort away from more sensitive ‘Natural’ lakes. OMNRF policies or guidelines may be applied differently to designated Lake Trout lakes depending on the lake classification (e.g. sport fishing regulations are generally less restrictive on P-G-T lakes; adjacent land management or land use policies may differ according to designation). In other cases, policies or guidelines may be applied to ‘Natural’ and ‘P-G-T’ lakes in a similar manner (e.g. the application of a dissolved oxygen criterion for the protection of Lake Trout habitat; the application of timber management guidelines to protect Lake Trout habitat (OMNR 1988)). In most cases, lakes managed for Lake Trout will have been identified previously in either local resource management plans (e.g. Fisheries Management Plans, District Land Use Guidelines, District Fisheries Management Plans) or regional resource management plans (e.g. Inland Lake Trout Management in Southeastern Ontario, OMOE and OMNR 1993). However, since the publication of most of these plans, there have been lakes for which the fisheries role has changed, usually as a result of more recent inventory or assessment data. This list of Lake Trout lakes has been reviewed by local OMNRF fisheries management staff and supersedes previously published lists (including lists in the District Fisheries Management Plans). The list excludes lakes which may have been listed as Lake Trout lakes at one time, but which are no longer managed for Lake Trout. It includes lakes which may have been absent from previous lists, but for which recent information has confirmed the presence of Lake Trout populations. Appendix I provides a summary of ‘Natural’ & ‘P-G-T’ lakes by OMNRF Administrative Regions and Districts. Maps illustrating the distribution of Lake Trout lakes across each of the three OMNRF Administrative Regions are presented in Appendices II, III, and IV. The list of Lake Trout Lakes as presented in Appendices V, VI, VII, VIII, and IX, will be subject to revision from time to time, as updated scientific assessment and inventory data become available. Subsequent proposed revisions to the list of designated Lake Trout lakes will be posted on the EBR Registry for public notice and comment. Administrative updates will also be made to the list as required which may result in changes to the information associated with a listed lake (e.g. waterbody name, district, township). Individuals may contact their local district office to obtain more detailed information on individual lakes including confirmation of a lake’s unique ‘Waterbody Identifier’ number. Lake names in brackets denote an unofficial name. 2 Appendix I Provincial Summary of Inland Ontario Lakes Managed for Lake Trout by the OMNRF OMNRF District Natural Put-Grow-Take Total Southern Region Algonquin Park Aurora Aylmer Bancroft Guelph Kemptville Midhurst Parry Sound Pembroke Peterborough Regional Subtotal 149 1 0 135 0 2 1 50 11 18 367 0 0 0 47 0 2 0 27 12 1 89 149 1 0 182 0 4 1 77 23 19 456 Northeast Region Chapleau Cochrane Hearst Kirkland Lake North Bay Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Timmins Wawa Regional Subtotal 28 4 0 22 118 325 207 27 84 815 8 16 11 12 11 4 16 16 2 96 36 20 11 34 129 329 223 43 86 911 Northwest Region Dryden Fort Frances Kenora Nipigon Red Lake Sioux Lookout Thunder Bay Regional Subtotal 145 280 139 70 107 21 132 894 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 145 280 139 70 107 21 132 894 2,076 185 2,261 Provincial Total 3 Appendix II Map of OMNRF Southern Region Lake Trout Lakes 4 Appendix III Map of OMNRF Northeast Region Lake Trout Lakes 5 Appendix IV Map of OMNRF Northwest Region Lake Trout Lakes 6 Appendix V Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Southern Region, OMNRF Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Southern Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Geographic Township OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier Allan Lake Allen Lake Alluring Lake Alsever Lake Anstruther Lake Ashby Lake Aylen Lake Bailey Lake Balfour Lake Baptiste Lake Barker Lake Barnard Lake Basshaunt Lake Bear Lake Beaver Lake Bella Lake Big Clear Lake Big Crow Lake Big Hawk Lake Big Porcupine Lake Big Rideau Lake FITZGERALD HARCOURT; DUDLEY NIVEN CLANCY ANSTRUTHER ASHBY BURNS; DICKENS ASHBY DICKENS HERSCHEL ASHBY ASHBY GUILFORD LIVINGSTONE ANSTRUTHER; CAVENDISH SINCLAIR LOUGHBOROUGH; BEDFORD FRESWICK STANHOPE; SHERBORNE LIVINGSTONE; LAWRENCE BASTARD; BURGESS; ELMSLEY; NORTH CROSBY LOUGHBOROUGH; BEDFORD LONGFORD; ANSON BISHOP; MCLAUGHLIN BIGGAR; WILKES LOUGHBOROUGH; BEDFORD RIDOUT BISHOP ANSON; LUTTERWORTH BEDFORD; SOUTH SHERBROOKE LAWRENCE MACAULAY PRESTON PRESTON STANHOPE ANSTRUTHER; CAVENDISH SNOWDON MILLER HUNTER PROUDFOOT BEDFORD; LOUGHBOROUGH; PITTSBURGH BANGOR SINCLAIR MILLER; ABINGER GRIFFITH MCLAUGHLIN; HUNTER OSLER; BISHOP BURLEIGH Algonquin Park Bancroft Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Bancroft Bancroft Bancroft Bancroft Bancroft Bancroft Bancroft Bancroft Bancroft Parry Sound Bancroft Parry Sound Peterborough Algonquin Park Bancroft Algonquin Park Kemptville Big Salmon Lake Big Trout Lake Big Trout Lake Biggar Lake Birch Lake Blue Chalk Lake Blue Lake Bob Lake Bobs Lake Bonnechere Lake Bonnie Lake Boot Lake Booth Lake Boshkung Lake Bottle Lake Bow Lake Brule Lake Brûlé Lake Buck Lake Buck Lake Buck Lake Buck Lake Buckshot Lake Burns Lake Burnt Island Lake Burntroot Lake Buzzard Lake 17-7101-51085 17-7159-49996 17-7226-50740 18-2667-50631 17-7210-49580 18-3150-49957 18-2779-50548 18-3147-49993 18-2721-50571 18-2642-49981 18-3129-49983 18-3058-49997 17-6994-49995 17-6796-50231 17-7149-49577 17-6539-50341 18-3843-49346 17-6991-50783 17-6779-50032 17-6867-50357 18-4040-49580 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 46.10056 45.12028 45.78611 45.68333 44.74333 45.09444 45.60222 45.12472 45.63111 45.09861 45.11611 45.12611 45.12306 45.34139 44.7425 45.44583 44.55778 45.82917 45.15861 45.45083 44.77583 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -78.2817 -78.2539 -78.1375 -77.9925 -78.2072 -77.3583 -77.8361 -77.3567 -77.9242 -77.9903 -77.3831 -77.47 -78.4639 -78.7083 -78.2858 -79.0306 -76.4558 -78.4342 -78.7375 -78.6067 -76.2164 Peterborough Bancroft Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Peterborough Parry Sound Algonquin Park Bancroft Peterborough Algonquin Park Parry Sound Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Bancroft Bancroft Bancroft Bancroft Algonquin Park Parry Sound Peterborough 18-3807-49325 17-6635-49768 17-6849-50701 17-6610-50894 18-3782-49339 17-6620-50068 17-6804-50712 17-6745-49756 18-3741-49489 17-6889-50367 17-6367-49998 17-7193-50542 17-7191-50596 17-6789-49924 17-7154-49597 17-6926-49688 18-3388-49903 17-6705-50558 17-6427-50610 18-3856-49326 44.5375 44.92972 45.75944 45.94139 44.54639 45.19833 45.77278 44.91639 44.68389 45.46472 45.14028 45.60833 45.66444 45.06417 44.76 44.84833 45.04972 45.6375 45.69 44.53861 -76.5017 -78.9269 -78.6242 -78.9183 -76.5414 -78.9386 -78.6786 -78.7839 -76.5867 -78.5842 -79.2611 -78.1908 -78.1981 -78.7303 -78.2781 -78.5631 -77.0478 -78.8122 -79.1669 -76.4386 Bancroft Parry Sound Bancroft Pembroke Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Bancroft 18-2851-50189 17-6573-50283 18-3369-49845 18-3360-50201 17-6840-50576 17-6801-50811 17-7216-49499 45.29306 45.39167 44.99194 45.3175 45.64889 45.85694 44.67056 -77.74 -78.9911 -77.0717 -77.0908 -78.6464 -78.6711 -78.2044 7 Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Southern Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Geographic Township OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier Cache Lake Calumet Lake Camp Lake Canisbay Lake Canoe Lake Canoe Lake Carl Wilson Lake Carson Lake Cashel Lake Catchacoma Lake Catfish Lake Cauchon Lake Cauliflower Lake Cavendish Lake Cedar Lake Chandos Lake Charleston Lake Charlotte Lake Chickaree Lake Clean Lake Clear Lake Clear Lake Clear Lake Clearwater Lake Clinto Lake Costello Lake Cradle Lake Cross Lake Crotch Lake Crotchet Lake Crow Lake Crystal Lake Crystal Lake Daisy Lake Davis Lake Deer Lake Delano Lake (Delphis L.) Desert Lake Devil Lake Diamond Lake Dickey Lake Dickson Lake Dixon Lake Drag Lake Eagle Lake Eagle Lake Eels Lake Effingham Lake Eighteen Mile Lake CANISBAY FRESWICK FINLAYSON CANISBAY PECK BEDFORD LISTER; BOYD JONES; SHERWOOD CASHEL CAVENDISH LISTER BOYD; PENTLAND CLYDE CAVENDISH BOYD; DEACON; LISTER CHANDOS LANSDOWNE; ESCOTT BRUDENELL BOWER HAVELOCK PERRY OAKLEY STANHOPE; SHERBORNE MORRISON MCCLINTOCK SPROULE LAWRENCE LYELL PRESTON LONGFORD; ANSON OSO; BEDFORD ASHBY GALWAY BUTT; MCCRANEY LUTTERWORTH CARDIFF CANISBAY DUDLEY LOUGHBOROUGH; BEDFORD BEDFORD RADCLIFFE LAKE DICKSON LIMERICK DYSART; DUDLEY GUILFORD OLDEN; HINCHINBROOKE CARDIFF; ANSTRUTHER EFFINGHAM FRANKLIN; MCCLINTOCK; SINCLAIR BETHUNE; PERRY OSLER; PENTLAND MONMOUTH; DUDLEY Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Parry Sound Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Peterborough Algonquin Park Pembroke Bancroft Bancroft Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Bancroft Algonquin Park Bancroft Kemptville Pembroke Algonquin Park Bancroft Parry Sound Parry Sound Bancroft Parry Sound Parry Sound Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Bancroft Algonquin Park Bancroft Peterborough Bancroft Bancroft Algonquin Park Bancroft Bancroft Algonquin Park Bancroft Peterborough Peterborough Pembroke Bancroft Algonquin Park Bancroft Bancroft Bancroft Peterborough Bancroft Bancroft Parry Sound Parry Sound Algonquin Park Bancroft Emsdale Lake Erables Lake Esson Lake 8 17-6886-50457 17-6895-50843 17-6637-50337 17-6881-50495 17-6782-50464 18-3773-49386 17-6852-50986 18-2845-50435 18-2987-49765 17-7116-49585 17-6896-50895 17-6765-51031 17-7147-50305 17-7152-49568 17-6953-50993 18-2645-49676 18-4196-49317 18-3098-50298 17-6931-50703 17-6940-50133 17-6358-50403 17-6561-49891 17-6797-50055 17-6389-49628 17-6671-50198 17-7089-50526 17-6890-50379 18-2697-50311 17-7265-50594 17-6623-49804 18-3719-49514 18-3065-49990 17-6995-49588 17-6602-50581 17-6812-49620 17-7288-49909 17-6877-50428 17-7066-49983 18-3738-49330 18-3847-49367 18-3013-50268 18-2831-49628 17-7171-50733 18-2939-49797 17-7042-49937 17-6973-50011 18-3651-49486 17-7269-49741 18-3122-49855 17-6595-50273 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 45.54056 45.88889 45.43861 45.575 45.55389 44.58611 46.0225 45.51472 44.915 44.75361 45.93889 46.05944 45.39667 44.73444 46.02278 44.81889 44.54 45.39583 45.76139 45.24583 45.50528 45.04028 45.18139 44.80694 45.31361 45.59722 45.47167 45.39722 45.65917 44.96028 44.70444 45.12361 44.75833 45.66111 44.79083 45.03722 45.51528 45.10972 44.5425 44.57803 45.36861 44.78722 45.77972 44.94306 45.07667 45.13778 44.68083 44.88611 44.985 45.38278 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -78.585 -78.5583 -78.9086 -78.5889 -78.7175 -76.5494 -78.6081 -77.7608 -77.5503 -78.3219 -78.5633 -78.7225 -78.2567 -78.2803 -78.4697 -77.9714 -76.0017 -77.4311 -78.5161 -78.5317 -79.2611 -79.0183 -78.7128 -79.2436 -78.8667 -78.3203 -78.5822 -77.9422 -78.0944 -78.9422 -76.6178 -77.46 -78.4797 -78.9428 -78.7103 -78.0964 -78.5978 -78.3733 -76.5864 -76.4446 -77.5369 -77.7428 -78.2053 -77.6117 -78.4072 -78.49 -76.7 -78.1258 -77.36 -78.9625 17-6408-50417 17-6715-50963 17-7149-49887 45.51611 46.00083 45.02139 -79.1967 -78.7875 -78.2708 Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Southern Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Geographic Township OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier Eustache Lake Eyre Lake Faraday Lake Farquhar Lake Fifteen Mile Lake Fishtail Lake Flaxman Lake Fools Lake Fox Lake Fox Lake Foys Lake Fraser Lake Galeairy Lake Garter Lake Gillies Lake Glamor Lake Gliskning Lake Godda Lake Gold Lake WHITE EYRE FARADAY HARCOURT FRANKLIN HARCOURT CHRISTIE MCLAUGHLIN ASHBY; DENBIGH BETHUNE GUTHRIE NIGHTINGALE AIRY; NIGHTINGALE BEDFORD LINDSAY GLAMORGAN; MONMOUTH AIRY PRESTON ANSTRUTHER; BURLEIGH; CAVENDISH HAVELOCK BOYD LOUGHBOROUGH HARCOURT; DUDLEY BARRON; STRATTON BUTT PROUDFOOT BARRON LUTTERWORTH HARBURN STANHOPE BUTT BOWER LAWRENCE; CANISBAY HAVELOCK CANISBAY SPROULE FRESWICK DUNGANNON RYERSON; CHAPMAN CARDIFF PROUDFOOT BURLEIGH; METHUEN Algonquin Park Bancroft Bancroft Bancroft Parry Sound Bancroft Parry Sound Algonquin Park Bancroft Parry Sound Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Peterborough Midhurst Bancroft Bancroft Algonquin Park Bancroft DUNGANNON FARADAY SINCLAIR HUNTER; HUNTER; PECK; PECK EFFINGHAM LIMERICK HAVELOCK BANGOR; RADCLIFFE; SHERWOOD DYSART; MINDEN Goodwin Lake Gouinlock Lake Gould Lake Grace Lake Grand Lake Graphite Lake Grass Lake Greenleaf Lake Gull Lake Haliburton Lake Halls Lake Hambone Lake Happy Isle Lake Harness Lake Havelock Lake Head Lake Hiram Lake Hogan Lake Holland Lake Horn Lake Hudson Lake Island Lake Jack Lake (Sharpe’s Bay basin only) Jamieson Lake Jeffrey Lake Jerry Lake Joe Lake Joeperry Lake John Lake Johnson Lake Kamaniskeg Lake Kashagawigamog Lake 17-7235-50905 17-6962-50147 18-2699-49935 17-7196-49958 17-6596-50236 17-7203-50025 17-5920-50206 17-6920-50600 18-3164-49965 17-6483-50456 18-2760-50735 17-7088-50445 17-7110-50392 18-3771-49403 17-4736-50056 17-7075-49817 17-7180-50452 17-7155-50569 17-7162-49553 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 45.92944 45.26028 45.05861 45.08694 45.34944 45.14389 45.33417 45.66972 45.0974 45.54917 45.78028 45.52444 45.47611 44.6075 45.20556 44.96083 45.52778 45.63528 44.72 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -78.1122 -78.4986 -77.9214 -78.2 -78.9656 -78.1994 -79.8267 -78.5361 -77.331 -79.0928 -77.8781 -78.3258 -78.2997 -76.5478 -81.3353 -78.3694 -78.2083 -78.2347 -78.2717 Bancroft Algonquin Park Peterborough Bancroft Algonquin Park Parry Sound Parry Sound Algonquin Park Bancroft Bancroft Bancroft Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Bancroft Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Bancroft Parry Sound Bancroft Parry Sound Bancroft 17-6844-50137 17-6815-51013 18-3747-49260 17-7178-49945 18-2820-50842 17-6485-50660 17-6400-50597 18-2715-50845 17-6755-49685 17-7045-50074 17-6774-49973 17-6576-50594 17-6941-50691 17-6928-50423 17-6857-50178 17-6903-50431 17-6980-50572 17-6942-50832 18-2806-49968 17-6179-50580 17-7255-49943 17-6372-50605 17-7358-49530 45.255 46.04417 44.47972 45.07083 45.87667 45.73472 45.68083 45.87806 44.85389 45.19889 45.11056 45.6725 45.74806 45.50889 45.29278 45.51889 45.64111 45.86667 45.09333 45.67 45.06667 45.68806 44.69486 -78.6494 -78.6528 -76.5725 -78.2331 -77.8017 -79.0925 -79.2019 -77.9486 -78.7767 -78.3956 -78.7464 -78.9772 -78.5117 -78.5311 -78.6317 -78.5639 -78.4603 -78.4997 -77.79 -79.4883 -78.1347 -79.2392 -78.0357 Bancroft Bancroft Parry Sound Algonquin Park Bancroft Bancroft Bancroft Bancroft Bancroft 18-2885-49933 18-2733-49889 17-6474-50270 17-6781-50506 18-3188-49757 18-2816-49795 17-6865-50150 18-2891-50334 17-6900-49852 45.06389 45.02111 45.38389 45.585 44.91444 44.9375 45.26528 45.43056 44.99472 -77.6864 -77.8739 -79.1128 -78.7131 -77.2981 -77.7678 -78.6222 -77.6969 -78.5883 9 Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Southern Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Geographic Township OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier Kathlyn Lake Kawagama Lake CANISBAY HAVELOCK; LIVINGSTONE; MCCLINTOCK; SHERBORNE SPROULE HAVELOCK CANISBAY GUILFORD; HAVELOCK LIVINGSTONE BRUTON BOULTER; PENTLAND; WILKES LAWRENCE BARRIE LOUGHBOROUGH DYSART; GLAMORGAN STANHOPE STRONG SEBASTOPOL HUMPHREY; MEDORA FRESWICK; BISHOP ANGLIN; DICKSON; WHITE LAWRENCE; NIGHTINGALE MEDORA; MONCK; MUSKOKA; WOOD BRUNEL; FRANKLIN; MCLEAN; RIDOUT; SHERBORNE CANISBAY CARDWELL; HUMPHREY; MEDORA; WATT BROCK; GEORGINA; INNISFIL; MARA; NORTH GWILLIMBURY; ORILLIA; ORO; THORAH; VESPRA; WEST GWILLIMBURY MCCLURE FARADAY LAUDER; PENTLAND BOYD FARADAY LAWRENCE DENBIGH CASHEL; LIMERICK MAYO CANISBAY EYRE; HAVELOCK MINDEN; STANHOPE BOYD BEDFORD LAWRENCE FRESWICK DICKSON STANHOPE PECK HUNTER HAVELOCK FITZGERALD; MARIA Algonquin Park Parry Sound Kearney Lake Kelly Lake Kenneth Lake Kennisis Lake Kimball Lake Kingscote Lake Kioshkokwi Lake Kirkwood Lake Kishkebus Lake Knowlton Lake Koshlong Lake Kushog Lake Lake Bernard Lake Clear Lake Joseph Lake La Muir Lake Lavieille Lake Louisa Lake Muskoka Lake of Bays Lake of Two Rivers Lake Rosseau Lake Simcoe Lake St. Peter L'Amable Lake Lauder Lake Laurel Lake Lavallée Lake Lawrence Lake Leatherroot Lake Limerick Lake Limestone Lake Linda Lake (Little Black L.) Little Boshkung Lake Little Cauchon Lake Little Clear Lake Little Coon Lake Little Crow Lake Little Dickson Lake Little Hawk Lake Little Island Lake Little Joe Lake Little Kennisis Lake Little Lake 17-6924-50523 17-6767-50182 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 45.59861 45.29417 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -78.5381 -78.7453 Algonquin Park Bancroft Algonquin Park Bancroft Parry Sound Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Bancroft Peterborough Bancroft Bancroft Parry Sound Pembroke Parry Sound Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Parry Sound 17-7001-50500 17-6868-50133 17-6904-50423 17-6858-50095 17-6818-50232 17-7185-50089 17-6636-51050 17-6914-50393 18-3289-49744 18-3717-49235 17-6983-49826 17-6741-49945 17-6257-50660 18-3287-50341 17-5998-50031 17-6869-50771 17-7137-50829 17-6968-50383 17-6201-49898 45.57639 45.25056 45.51 45.21583 45.34167 45.21417 46.07056 45.4825 44.90444 44.45306 44.96944 45.09444 45.73611 45.44111 45.17639 45.82417 45.86806 45.47222 45.05361 -78.4358 -78.6197 -78.5617 -78.6414 -78.6775 -78.2331 -78.8906 -78.5508 -77.1672 -76.6133 -78.4833 -78.7928 -79.3833 -77.19 -79.73 -78.5942 -78.2458 -78.4825 -79.475 Parry Sound 17-6567-50131 45.25389 -79.0058 Algonquin Park Parry Sound 17-6966-50501 17-6112-50030 45.57917 45.17389 -78.4803 -79.5847 Aurora 17-6327-49193 44.44167 -79.3633 Bancroft Bancroft Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Bancroft Algonquin Park Bancroft Bancroft Bancroft Algonquin Park Bancroft Bancroft Algonquin Park Peterborough Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Bancroft Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Bancroft Algonquin Park 17-7333-50217 18-2783-49885 17-6674-51109 17-6847-51035 18-2687-49805 17-6935-50408 18-3264-50044 18-2934-49742 18-2974-49942 17-6867-50535 17-6952-50140 17-6795-49895 17-6812-51026 18-3804-49340 17-6883-50339 17-6980-50762 17-7196-50760 17-6802-50021 17-6847-50441 17-6799-50523 17-6890-50140 17-7233-51100 45.31194 45.01806 46.12889 46.06278 44.94278 45.49639 45.17361 44.89611 45.07263 45.61139 45.25389 45.03806 46.05417 44.55111 45.43528 45.81389 45.80583 45.15472 45.52639 45.60556 45.25361 46.10861 -78.0231 -77.8125 -78.8439 -78.61 -77.9308 -78.5217 -77.2094 -77.6036 -77.5728 -78.6056 -78.5122 -78.7194 -78.6633 -76.5039 -78.5936 -78.4522 -78.1697 -78.705 -78.6367 -78.6931 -78.5942 -78.1117 10 Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Southern Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Geographic Township OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier Little Lake Joseph Little Redstone Lake Little Salmon Lake Little Trout Lake Littledoe Lake Livingstone Lake Lobster Lake Long Lake Long Lake Long Lake Longbow Lake Longer Lake Lorne Lake Lost Dog Lake Loucks Lake Loughborough Lake Louie Lake Lower Hay Lake Lower Mazinaw Lake Loxley Lake Loyst Lake Luckless Lake Lucky Lake Lynx Lake Macdonald Lake Madawaska Lake Maggie Lake Manitou Lake Maple Lake Margaret Lake Marsden Lake McCauley Lake McCraney Lake McFadden Lake McGarvey Lake McIntosh Lake McKaskill Lake McKenzie Lake Mephisto Lake Merchant Lake Mink Lake Miskokway Lake Miskwabi Lake Mississagua Lake Moose Lake Mosque Lake HUMPHREY; MEDORA GUILFORD; HAVELOCK LOUGHBOROUGH; BEDFORD DEVINE HUNTER LIVINGSTONE AIRY DUDLEY BURLEIGH PROUDFOOT DEVINE BISHOP BALLANTYNE; WILKES BALLANTYNE BURLEIGH LOUGHBOROUGH; PITTSBURGH LIVINGSTONE SABINE BARRIE BOYD SHEFFIELD LISTER MILLER LISTER HAVELOCK EYRE; CLYDE FINLAYSON WILKES PENTLAND RIDOUT EYRE; GUILFORD; HAVELOCK MURCHISON; AIRY MCCRANEY MCCLINTOCK LAWRENCE HUNTER CLANCY LYELL; MCCLURE; SABINE CASHEL FRESWICK; BOWER PENTLAND HARRISON; BURTON DUDLEY CAVENDISH; HARVEY GUILFORD; HARBURN CLARENDON; MILLER; SOUTH CANONTO MINDEN CARDIFF PENTLAND BURNS ROSS; WESTMEATH PECK BOWER Parry Sound Bancroft Peterborough Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Parry Sound Bancroft Bancroft Bancroft Parry Sound Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Bancroft Peterborough Parry Sound Bancroft Bancroft Algonquin Park Peterborough Algonquin Park Bancroft Algonquin Park Bancroft Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Bancroft Bancroft Bancroft Algonquin Park Parry Sound Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Bancroft Bancroft Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Parry Sound Bancroft Bancroft Bancroft Bancroft Bancroft Bancroft Algonquin Park Pembroke Pembroke Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Mountain Lake Mountain Lake Mouse Lake Murphys Lake Muskrat Lake Namakootchie Lake Nepawin Lake 11 17-6034-50057 17-6910-50096 18-3793-49329 17-6633-50646 17-6787-50546 17-6786-50252 17-7190-50465 17-7076-49910 17-7242-49521 17-6412-50632 17-6650-50692 17-6808-50747 17-6505-50931 17-6478-50906 17-7202-49511 18-3873-49226 17-6785-50286 17-7188-50317 18-3276-49710 17-6827-51039 18-3441-49393 17-6872-50907 18-3412-49900 17-6873-50890 17-6916-50119 17-7050-50228 17-6662-50396 17-6548-50975 17-6685-50984 17-6666-50011 17-6961-50115 17-7254-50470 17-6637-50481 17-6685-50221 17-6909-50339 17-6735-50597 17-7300-50677 17-7331-50275 18-2966-49782 17-6920-50712 17-6710-51031 17-5602-50551 17-7109-49919 17-7123-49536 17-6995-50027 18-3494-49857 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 45.20417 45.20833 44.54167 45.71806 45.62333 45.36056 45.53917 45.04417 44.68722 45.70944 45.75861 45.8 45.97972 45.95444 44.6813 44.44667 45.38972 45.40972 44.87634 46.06583 44.59222 45.94639 45.04694 45.93194 45.23639 45.33083 45.4925 46.01556 46.01944 45.14528 45.22861 45.54222 45.56889 45.33417 45.43472 45.67139 45.72 45.36333 44.93278 45.77139 46.0625 45.64917 45.05028 44.70917 45.15056 45.01056 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -79.6861 -78.5711 -76.5181 -78.9014 -78.7025 -78.7178 -78.1944 -78.3636 -78.1781 -79.1875 -78.8714 -78.6686 -79.0589 -79.0911 -78.2224 -76.4072 -78.72 -78.2053 -77.1818 -78.6364 -76.9639 -78.585 -77.0156 -78.5836 -78.5592 -78.3842 -78.8725 -79.0006 -78.8244 -78.8828 -78.5036 -78.1117 -78.9017 -78.8481 -78.5597 -78.7697 -78.0389 -78.0244 -77.5778 -78.5294 -78.7933 -80.2278 -78.3236 -78.3178 -78.4617 -76.9061 17-6807-49834 18-2646-49772 17-6758-50987 18-2810-50600 18-3511-50603 17-6744-50426 17-6970-50733 44.97444 44.91167 46.02222 45.66139 45.6825 45.52056 45.78778 -78.7128 -77.9819 -78.7281 -77.8133 -76.9117 -78.7717 -78.4644 Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Southern Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Geographic Township OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier North Depot Lake North Grace Lake North Lake North Lake North Raven Lake North River Lake North Tea Lake Nunikani Lake Oblong Lake Opeongo Lake FITZGERALD LAWRENCE HARBURN PROUDFOOT OSLER DEACON BALLANTYNE; WILKES SHERBORNE HARBURN BOWER; DICKSON; PRESTON; SPROULE ASHBY FOLEY MCLAUGHLIN ANGLIN; DEACON CANISBAY MCCLINTOCK PALMERSTON; SOUTH CANONTO WICKLOW; BANGOR LAWRENCE CARDIFF; FARADAY BURNS; SHERWOOD NIGHTINGALE HARBURN ANGLIN LAWRENCE HARCOURT OAKLEY AIRY; NIGHTINGALE; SPROULE CANISBAY HUNTER NIGHTINGALE BOWER BANGOR CARDIFF; MONMOUTH DEACON LAWRENCE; LIVINGSTONE; PECK MCCRANEY EFFINGHAM BUTT PECK; CANISBAY SHERBORNE RIDOUT SHERBORNE; HAVELOCK BOWER GUILFORD GUTHRIE NIGHTINGALE DEVINE DICKSON; PRESTON RICHARDS; HAGARTY CLANCY CAVENDISH PROUDFOOT Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Bancroft Parry Sound Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Bancroft Bancroft Algonquin Park Bancroft Parry Sound Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Parry Sound Bancroft Bancroft Algonquin Park Bancroft Pembroke Algonquin Park Bancroft Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Bancroft Parry Sound Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Bancroft Bancroft Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Bancroft Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Bancroft Parry Sound Bancroft Algonquin Park Bancroft Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Pembroke Algonquin Park Bancroft Parry Sound Otter Lake Otter Lake Otterslide Lake Owenee Lake Owl Lake Oxtongue Lake Palmerston Lake Papineau Lake Pardee Lake Paudash Lake Paugh Lake Pen Lake Percy Lake Philip Lake Phipps Lake (Pine L.) Pine Lake Pinetree Lake Pog Lake Potter Lake Prottler Lake Proulx Lake Purdy Lake Pusey Lake Radiant Lake Ragged Lake Rain Lake Rainy Lake Ralph Bice Lake Raven Lake Raven Lake Red Chalk Lake Red Pine Lake Redrock Lake Redstone Lake Robitaille Lake Rock Lake Rosebary Lake Round Island Lake Round Lake Roundbush Lake Salmon Lake Sand Lake 12 17-7101-51050 17-6940-50350 17-7033-50133 17-6403-50645 17-6717-50926 17-7021-51069 17-6524-50894 17-6779-50074 17-7017-50059 17-7048-50649 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 46.07222 45.44472 45.24611 45.72194 45.95944 46.0875 45.94028 45.20056 45.17944 45.71528 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -78.2814 -78.5186 -78.4097 -79.1956 -78.7833 -78.3853 -79.0467 -78.7333 -78.4314 -78.3683 18-3117-49924 17-5810-50147 17-6876-50640 17-7053-50935 17-6846-50524 17-6628-50250 18-3549-49862 18-2795-50249 17-6927-50412 17-7323-49829 18-2894-50519 17-7049-50366 17-7080-50094 17-7012-50882 17-6902-50388 17-7180-49960 17-6521-49919 17-7094-50474 17-6987-50494 17-6733-50536 17-7086-50365 17-7024-50723 18-2858-50244 17-7193-49920 17-7100-50965 17-6839-50376 17-6619-50545 18-3160-49741 17-6600-50619 17-6834-50510 17-6686-50085 17-6612-50058 17-6806-50080 17-6966-50710 17-6934-50060 18-2764-50628 17-7039-50418 17-6616-50692 17-7183-50679 18-3030-50572 18-2676-50647 17-7019-49656 17-6425-50540 45.0625 45.27528 45.70694 45.96111 45.6025 45.35278 45.01139 45.34111 45.49472 44.96417 45.59028 45.45278 45.20917 45.92417 45.47861 45.08587 45.065 45.55056 45.57389 45.61556 45.45361 45.77694 45.34278 45.04833 45.99417 45.47806 45.63111 44.89889 45.69444 45.58917 45.20611 45.18889 45.20639 45.76694 45.17361 45.68333 45.50833 45.76 45.7325 45.63917 45.69889 44.82056 45.62639 -77.3914 -79.9708 -78.5933 -78.3514 -78.6325 -78.9167 -76.8497 -77.815 -78.5378 -78.0569 -77.6997 -78.3736 -78.3514 -78.4056 -78.5661 -78.2297 -79.0714 -78.3172 -78.4531 -78.7747 -78.3317 -78.3961 -77.7331 -78.2147 -78.2886 -78.6367 -78.9186 -77.3297 -78.9456 -78.6494 -78.8517 -78.9489 -78.7 -78.4719 -78.5358 -77.87 -78.3972 -78.9217 -78.1953 -77.5231 -77.9861 -78.4456 -79.1717 Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Southern Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Geographic Township OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier Sawyer Lake Sec Lake Shall Lake Sharbot Lake Sherborne Lake Shirley Lake Silent Lake Sisco Lake Skeleton Lake MCCRANEY MASTER PRESTON; CLANCY OSO STANHOPE; SHERBORNE PRESTON CARDIFF BALLANTYNE CARDWELL; STEPHENSON; STISTED; WATT HAVELOCK PECK SINCLAIR PECK; CANISBAY BRUTON Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Peterborough Bancroft Algonquin Park Bancroft Algonquin Park Parry Sound FINLAYSON HAVELOCK MINDEN COWPER LOUNT DYSART STRATTON; MASTER STANHOPE; SHERBORNE HAVELOCK BURLEIGH GLAMORGAN ANSTRUTHER MCLAUGHLIN; HUNTER SPROULE PECK NIGHTINGALE CHANDOS PECK; CANISBAY FINLAYSON PECK HUNTER LAKE COWPER; FOLEY WILKES BUTT HUNTER HUNTER EAST BURPEE MINDEN DUDLEY ABINGER; BARRIE MURCHISON; CLANCY CLANCY BURTON; MCKENZIE PENTLAND CLARA DEACON ASHBY; CASHEL; EFFINGHAM Slipper Lake Smoke Lake Solitaire Lake Source Lake South Little Mink Lake South Tasso Lake South Wildcat Lake Soyers Lake Spider Lake Spring Lake Spruce Lake St. Andrews Lake St. Nora Lake Stocking Lake Stoplog Lake Stormy Lake Sucker Lake Sunbeam Lake Sunday Lake Swan Lake Sylvia Lake Tallan Lake Tanamakoon Lake Tasso Lake Tea Lake Tepee Lake Thanet Lake Three Legged Lake Three Mile Lake Tim Lake Timberwolf Lake Tom Thomson Lake Trout Lake Twelve Mile Lake Two Islands Lake Upper Mazinaw Lake Victoria Lake Vireo Lake Wahwashkesh Lake Waterclear Lake Waterloo Lake Wendigoes Lake Weslemkoon Lake 17-6636-50569 18-3016-50772 17-7288-50586 18-3668-49582 17-6737-50047 17-7239-50633 17-7321-49771 17-6492-50918 17-6216-50117 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 45.64833 45.82 45.64444 44.76833 45.17556 45.68472 44.91222 45.96472 45.25222 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -78.9006 -77.5572 -78.065 -76.6872 -78.7897 -78.1172 -78.0614 -79.075 -79.4664 Bancroft Algonquin Park Parry Sound Algonquin Park Algonquin Park 17-6809-50176 17-6811-50426 17-6558-50282 17-6834-50477 17-7254-50094 45.28833 45.5125 45.39194 45.55861 45.20417 -78.6942 -78.6806 -79.0103 -78.6536 -78.13 Parry Sound Bancroft Bancroft Parry Sound Parry Sound Bancroft Algonquin Park Bancroft Bancroft Bancroft Bancroft Bancroft Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Bancroft Algonquin Park Parry Sound Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Bancroft Parry Sound Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Parry Sound Bancroft Bancroft Bancroft Bancroft Algonquin Park Parry Sound Algonquin Park Pembroke Algonquin Park Bancroft 17-6622-50326 17-6894-50214 17-6883-49881 17-5733-50114 17-6023-50734 17-7007-49926 18-2913-50800 17-6706-50023 17-6818-50162 17-7195-49479 17-7043-49833 17-7171-49602 17-6792-50595 17-7025-50524 17-6789-50403 17-7074-50446 17-7329-49698 17-6855-50457 17-6615-50354 17-6768-50415 17-6774-50515 18-2809-49622 17-5769-50127 17-6625-50948 17-6534-50681 17-6711-50607 17-6768-50553 17-5651-50482 17-6807-49881 17-7067-49934 18-3257-49760 17-7326-50560 18-2681-50678 17-5747-50629 17-6719-51015 17-7166-51172 17-6989-50933 18-3085-49890 45.43 45.32222 45.02167 45.25833 45.80861 45.06111 45.84056 45.15417 45.2775 44.65306 44.97639 44.76444 45.66 45.59667 45.495 45.52694 44.84583 45.54194 45.45889 45.50917 45.59556 44.78139 45.26611 45.98889 45.75472 45.68139 45.63 45.58583 45.02583 45.065 44.93722 45.62083 45.72944 45.72278 46.04833 46.17556 45.96139 45.02722 -78.9261 -78.5839 -78.6061 -80.0656 -79.6794 -78.4533 -77.6867 -78.8294 -78.6822 -78.2306 -78.4133 -78.255 -78.6939 -78.4056 -78.7106 -78.3439 -78.0525 -78.6283 -78.9356 -78.7339 -78.725 -77.7678 -80.0211 -78.9019 -79.0258 -78.8044 -78.7292 -80.1653 -78.7028 -78.3789 -77.2125 -78.0164 -77.9828 -80.0353 -78.7786 -78.1936 -78.4356 -77.4242 13 Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Southern Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Geographic Township OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier Whiskyjack Lake White Partridge Lake White Trout Lake Whitebirch Lake Whitefish Lake Whitefish Lake OSLER NIVEN BISHOP; HUNTER; MCLAUGHLIN PENTLAND HUMPHREY CANISBAY; NIGHTINGALE; SPROULE BOWER; SPROULE CLANCY FITZGERALD; CLARA WOLLASTON Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Parry Sound Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Algonquin Park Pembroke Bancroft Whitegull Lake Wilkins Lake Windigo Lake Wollaston Lake 14 17-6785-50835 17-7244-50795 17-6812-50651 17-6692-51029 17-5960-50159 17-7010-50468 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 45.88444 45.83417 45.72278 46.05944 45.29111 45.54361 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -78.7069 -78.1031 -78.6686 -78.8114 -79.7789 -78.4172 17-6985-50590 18-2727-50635 17-7092-51120 18-2756-49689 45.65806 45.6875 46.13167 44.84111 -78.4514 -77.9169 -78.2925 -77.8358 Appendix VI Put-Grow-Take Lake Trout Lakes in Southern Region, OMNRF Put-Grow Take Lake Trout Lakes in Southern Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Geographic Township OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier Ashby White Lake Bark Lake Bay Lake Beech Lake Big Gibson Lake Big Mink Lake Big Ohlmann Lake Bigwind Lake Bitter Lake Blackstone Lake Buckskin Lake Camp Lake Cherry Lake Concession Lake Cox Lake Crane Lake Darlington's Lake Devil's Lake Diamond Lake Dotty Lake Duck Lake Fairholme Lake Fairy Lake Fletcher Lake Forget Lake Fortescue Lake Fourcorner Lake ASHBY; DENBIGH BANGOR; JONES; LYELL; WICKLOW FARADAY STANHOPE MARIA MCCLURE MILLER OAKLEY GUILFORD CONGER MONMOUTH MILLER BURLEIGH GALWAY BURLEIGH CONGER MCDOUGALL LUTTERWORTH CARDIFF; HERSCHEL SINCLAIR; FINLAYSON CHRISTIE HAGERMAN BRUNEL; CHAFFEY LIVINGSTONE; MCCLINTOCK CONGER; FOLEY GLAMORGAN; CAVENDISH BRUTON; DUDLEY; HARBURN; HARCOURT LAKE BROUGHAM ANGLESEA; EFFINGHAM; GRIMSTHORPE CHAFFEY STANHOPE GUILFORD CHAFFEY; STISTED BROUGHAM GUILFORD ANSTRUTHER Bancroft Pembroke Bancroft Bancroft Pembroke Bancroft Bancroft Parry Sound Bancroft Parry Sound Bancroft Bancroft Bancroft Bancroft Bancroft Parry Sound Parry Sound Bancroft Bancroft Parry Sound Parry Sound Parry Sound Parry Sound Parry Sound Parry Sound Bancroft Bancroft LUTTERWORTH CLARENDON MAYO ABINGER MILLER MONMOUTH; DUDLEY PROUDFOOT FERGUSON; HAGERMAN; MCKELLAR MCCLINTOCK Freen Lake Green Lake Grimsthorpe Lake Harp Lake Kabakwa Lake Klaxon Lake Lake Vernon Limestone Lake Lipsy Lake Little Anstruther Lake Little Bob Lake Little Green Lake Little Mayo Lake Long Mallory Lake Long Schooner Lake Loon Lake Loon Lake Lorimer Lake Lower Fletcher Lake 18-3141-50021 18-2782-50364 18-2749-49893 17-6815-49938 17-7182-51266 17-7292-50149 18-3420-49908 17-6532-49909 17-6904-50047 17-5878-50090 17-7214-49821 18-3457-49937 17-7181-49488 17-7008-49507 17-7176-49514 17-5830-50066 17-5757-50240 17-6707-49705 17-7334-49952 17-6571-50360 17-5937-50257 17-5856-50474 17-6425-50209 17-6738-50244 17-5859-50115 17-7023-49679 17-7139-50042 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 45.14833 45.44056 45.02389 45.07694 46.26 45.25694 45.05472 45.05583 45.17139 45.23083 44.95897 45.08167 44.66139 44.68002 44.68389 45.21 45.36694 44.86944 45.075 45.46167 45.37917 45.57639 45.33111 45.35306 45.25389 44.83833 45.16083 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -77.3628 -77.84 -77.8581 -78.6944 -78.1681 -78.0811 -77.0064 -79.0578 -78.5764 -79.8811 -78.1937 -76.9589 -78.2489 -78.4741 -78.2525 -79.9425 -80.0328 -78.8394 -78.0347 -78.9906 -79.8006 -79.9031 -79.1775 -78.7764 -79.9058 -78.4425 -78.2783 Bancroft Pembroke Bancroft 18-2825-49594 18-3492-50132 18-3108-49715 44.75722 45.25833 44.87389 -77.7478 -76.9208 -77.3931 Parry Sound Bancroft Bancroft Parry Sound Pembroke Bancroft Bancroft 17-6460-50265 17-6740-49978 17-6862-50035 17-6337-50206 18-3556-50120 17-6857-50049 17-7247-49674 45.37917 45.11417 45.16194 45.32833 45.24861 45.17583 44.82639 -79.1347 -78.7872 -78.6306 -79.2939 -76.8392 -78.6433 -78.1572 Bancroft Bancroft Bancroft Bancroft Bancroft Bancroft Parry Sound Parry Sound 17-6749-49712 18-3513-49801 18-2954-49923 18-3294-49850 18-3443-49962 17-7067-49878 17-6387-50586 17-5806-50435 44.8725 44.95972 45.05583 44.99528 45.10167 45.01583 45.66944 45.53778 -78.7833 -76.8842 -77.5981 -77.1558 -76.9778 -78.3764 -79.22 -79.975 Parry Sound 17-6699-50230 45.34028 -78.8269 15 Put-Grow Take Lake Trout Lakes in Southern Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Geographic Township OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier Loxton Lake Mackie Lake Maple Lake Mary Lake Mayo Lake McGee Lake McSourley Lake Monmouth Lake Moore Lake Morrow Lake North Pigeon Lake Oxbow Lake Ottawa River (Des Joachim Generating Station downstream to Highview) Pencil Lake Peninsula Lake BALLANTYNE MILLER STANHOPE BRUNEL; STEPHENSON MAYO BURLEIGH HEAD MONMOUTH LUTTERWORTH MATAWATCHAN LUTTERWORTH FINLAYSON CLARA; HEAD; MARIA; ROLPH Parry Sound Bancroft Bancroft Parry Sound Bancroft Bancroft Pembroke Bancroft Bancroft Pembroke Bancroft Parry Sound Pembroke CAVENDISH BRUNEL; CHAFFEY; FRANKLIN; SINCLAIR CONGER; HUMPHREY BEDFORD RAGLAN LONGFORD; ANSON ANSTRUTHER SINCLAIR LANSDOWNE MILLER; SOUTH CANONTO LIMERICK MILLER BARRIE LUTTERWORTH RIDOUT HUMPHREY OSO; SOUTH SHERBROOKE ASHBY CHRISTIE HUMPHREY BURLEIGH JONES; SHERWOOD ASHBY MCDOUGALL MARIA BROUGHAM RADCLIFFE MAYO MONMOUTH WATT Portage Lake Potspoon Lake Raglan White Lake Rainy Lake Rathbun Lake Rebecca Lake Red Horse Lake Reid Lake Robinson Lake Round Schooner Lake Shabomeka Lake Sheldon Lake Shoe Lake Silver Lake Silver Lake Simpson Lake Star Lake Sucker Lake Triangle Lake Trout Lake Trout Lake Trout Lake Valiant Lake Wabun Lake Wadsworth Lake Whyte Lake Wilbermere Lake Young Lake 17-6384-50899 18-3435-49932 17-6833-49961 17-6369-50115 18-2962-49902 17-7244-49474 18-2708-51225 17-7216-49764 17-6734-49625 18-3402-50088 17-6756-49720 17-6587-50339 18-5481-50460 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 45.94985 45.07444 45.09472 45.23972 45.03694 44.64694 46.21917 44.90833 44.79889 45.21639 44.88167 45.43861 46.25389 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -79.2168 -76.9847 -78.6739 -79.2622 -77.5875 -78.17 -77.9708 -78.1922 -78.8089 -77.0361 -78.7769 -78.9667 -78.3044 Bancroft Parry Sound 17-7095-49652 17-6488-50221 44.8125 45.34333 -78.35 -79.1056 Parry Sound Peterborough Pembroke Bancroft Bancroft Parry Sound Kemptville Bancroft Bancroft Bancroft 17-5942-50071 18-3743-49398 18-3030-50161 17-6648-49788 17-7213-49618 17-6537-50324 18-4143-49324 18-3476-49924 18-2854-49764 18-3434-49981 45.21444 44.6025 45.2725 44.94583 44.77722 45.43028 44.54139 45.0698 44.91111 45.11806 -79.8003 -76.5833 -77.5111 -78.9111 -78.2031 -79.0344 -76.0825 -76.9302 -77.7181 -76.9889 Bancroft Bancroft Parry Sound Parry Sound Kemptville Bancroft Parry Sound Parry Sound Bancroft Pembroke Bancroft Parry Sound Pembroke Pembroke Pembroke Bancroft Bancroft Parry Sound 18-3313-49730 17-6703-49682 17-6643-50080 17-5943-50084 18-3735-49648 18-3110-50029 17-5975-50201 17-6035-50114 17-7178-49498 18-2856-50410 18-3086-50023 17-5801-50304 17-7236-51207 18-3562-50096 18-2982-50348 18-2959-49931 17-7201-49873 17-6139-50064 44.89083 44.84611 45.20833 45.22444 44.8275 45.15667 45.32972 45.25111 44.66833 45.48889 45.14833 45.42361 46.20528 45.22667 45.43444 45.06306 45.00694 45.20417 -77.1386 -78.8414 -78.9083 -79.7989 -76.5992 -77.4033 -79.7561 -79.6806 -78.2517 -77.7397 -77.435 -79.9775 -78.1025 -76.8325 -77.5758 -77.5906 -78.2064 -79.5489 16 Appendix VII Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northeast Region, OMNRF Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northeast Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Geographic Township OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier Abbott Lake Acheson Lake Achigan Lake Acid Lake Adelaide Lake Affleck Lake Agawa Station Lake Aikens Lake Aileen Lake Airport Lake Alces Lake Alexander Lake Alice Lake Allan Lake Allen Lake Alma Lake Almonte Lake Alto Lake Anahareo Lake Anelia Lake Anima Nipissing Lake MONCRIEFF ACHESON MARNE KILLARNEY BRULE; OLSEN CARTON; EWEN BARNES; STONEY JACKSON PHYLLIS; TORRINGTON; VOGT GERVAIS OLINYK HUGHSON GAUDRY BELFAST HUGHSON CLARY; DEMOREST STONE LEHMAN; BUCKLES DOUCETT MCCONNELL BANTING; BRIGSTOCKE; COLEMAN; KITTSON NEBONAIONQUET; REDSKY; RESTOULE ANTRIM WHITSON; VAN NOSTRAND HANDLEMAN HEMBRUFF; HUGHSON Sudbury Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Wawa Sault Ste. Marie North Bay Sudbury Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie North Bay Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Wawa Sault Ste. Marie Wawa Sudbury North Bay Anjigami Lake Antrim Lake Anvil Lake Anvil Lake Applesauce Lake (Aquatuk L.) Archambeau Lake Archibald Lake Army Lake Arrowhead Lake Augusta Lake Avery Lake Axe Lake Bagpipe Lake Bamoos Lake Banana Lake Banks Lake Bark Lake Barmac Lake Barn Lake Barnet Lake Barter Lake Bassoon Lake Basswood Lake Bay Lake PONCET; HUGHSON FOULDS YAREMKO LEHMAN FRECHETTE; LAMPMAN GOULD LAFLECHE; ALTON VALIN BANKS; TRETHEWEY; WALLIS; WHITSON ASSAD; ASSEF; FABBRO ASTON GERVAIS LEASK; LAMPMAN COLE DIEPPE DAY; GLADSTONE; KIRKWOOD TIMMERMANS 17-4486-51793 17-4304-51587 16-7134-51997 17-4657-50979 16-7046-52151 17-3069-52350 16-6849-52810 17-3264-51630 17-5748-51919 17-4143-51877 17-4129-51783 17-3812-51598 17-2851-52237 17-5604-52073 17-3876-51569 17-5330-52032 16-6725-52872 17-3887-51504 16-6707-53872 17-5279-52009 17-5827-52344 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 46.76833 46.58 46.92083 46.03583 47.06056 47.24167 47.6575 46.59833 46.87861 46.83333 46.75528 46.58694 47.12806 47.02 46.55833 46.98361 47.72639 46.495 48.62306 46.96306 47.26028 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -81.6736 -81.9047 -84.1964 -81.4436 -84.305 -83.5511 -84.5372 -83.2725 -80.0178 -82.1197 -82.1397 -82.5439 -83.8269 -80.2011 -82.4664 -80.5625 -84.6961 -82.4444 -84.6842 -80.6325 -79.9039 Wawa 16-6809-53004 47.85111 -84.5833 Sudbury North Bay Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Cochrane Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Wawa Timmins Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Wawa Timmins North Bay 17-4523-51979 17-5552-52523 17-3094-52159 17-3801-51606 16-6588-60271 17-3902-51615 17-3244-52261 17-3713-51911 17-3905-51513 16-6219-53229 17-4823-52210 17-3146-51506 17-4278-52035 16-5474-54071 17-5029-52263 17-5452-52595 46.93361 47.42306 47.07139 46.59056 54.36861 46.61083 47.165 46.86361 46.50833 48.04972 47.14556 46.48556 46.98917 48.81694 47.19222 47.48417 -81.6258 -80.2706 -83.5094 -82.5656 -84.555 -82.4419 -83.3092 -82.6914 -82.4353 -85.3642 -81.2269 -83.4156 -81.9631 -86.3542 -80.9625 -80.4003 Sault Ste. Marie North Bay Sudbury Timmins North Bay Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie 17-3874-51976 17-5684-52247 17-4165-51920 17-4865-52251 17-5674-52374 17-4704-51180 17-3164-51328 17-3525-51431 46.92306 47.17278 46.87861 47.18278 47.28889 46.21111 46.32972 46.42722 -82.4725 -80.0975 -82.0958 -81.1761 -80.1069 -81.4064 -83.395 -82.9197 17 Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northeast Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Geographic Township OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier Bear Lake DIEPPE; HANSEN; ROOSEVELT; TRUMAN NOTMAN; HAMMELL LEHMAN BEANGE Sudbury North Bay Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Wawa Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie North Bay Wawa Sudbury Sudbury North Bay Kirkland Lake North Bay Timmins Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Wawa North Bay Sault Ste. Marie Wawa Chapleau Wawa Wawa North Bay Sault Ste. Marie North Bay Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Wawa Sault Ste. Marie Wawa Sudbury Wawa North Bay Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Bear Lake Bear Lake Beaver Lake Beavercross Lake Becor Lake Beecher Lake Beland Lake Belanger Lake Bell Lake Bell Lake Benner Lake Bergeron Lake Best Lake Beulah Lake Bevans Lake Beyond Lake Bierce Lake Big Horseshoe Lake Big Lake Big Moon Lake (Big Trout L.) Big Trout Lake Big Trout Lake Bigwood Lake Bijou Lake Bilton Lake Birch Lake Black Beaver Lake Black Duck Lake Black Lake Black Trout Lake Blackfish Lake Blackington Lake Blackspruce Lake Blue Lake Blue Sky Lake Bluesucker Lake Bluewater Lake Bobowash Lake Boland Lake Bonamico Lake Bone Lake Bonhomme Lake Boomerang Lake Boomerang Lake Borzoi Lake Bouchard Lake Boulder Lake Boulton Lake Boumage Lake (Boundary L.) CARTON MONTGOMERY HEBERT; SOUTH LORRAIN ASSELIN PONCET GOSCHEN DUNDEE VAN NOSTRAND BRIGSTOCKE BEULAH SAGARD TWEEDLE; WORTON WISEMAN; THORP LECARON ALBANEL; KAMICHISITIT TIMMERMANS FONTAINE CADEAU LECARON; SLIEVERT KITCHENER OTTER VIEL MEREDITH GREENWOOD; LABONTE BEST LECARON BAILLOQUET COPENACE RABAZO BEAUDRY MCAUSLAN SAGARD DUNDEE CRAIG RAIMBAULT FABBRO; LANDRIAULT LEHMAN; GAIASHK TUPPER AYLMER WINKLER FIDDLER; MANESS MANDAMIN CHENARD RIDDELL FONTAINE ROLLINS; VILLENEUVE 18 17-4652-51149 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 46.18583 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -81.45 17-6069-51648 17-3921-51464 17-3663-51518 16-5919-54706 17-3085-52414 17-3361-51423 17-6155-52122 16-6613-52771 17-3941-51575 17-4836-51079 17-5288-52236 17-5557-52556 17-5881-52330 17-4700-52347 17-3657-51687 17-3675-51848 17-3521-51843 17-3430-51737 17-3480-51543 17-3557-51418 17-3962-51891 17-4025-51298 17-3459-51754 17-4936-51883 17-3095-51641 17-3767-51706 17-2736-51548 16-6882-52534 17-5914-52234 17-3444-51662 16-6609-53243 16-7142-53440 16-6616-53064 16-7016-52804 17-6295-51774 17-3648-51657 17-5298-52239 17-4415-51793 17-3635-51568 17-3841-51846 17-3938-51448 16-7090-51872 17-5216-51846 16-5454-54576 17-3450-51921 16-6922-53218 17-4157-51481 16-6743-53628 17-5988-52076 17-3914-51928 17-3296-51949 46.63028 46.46444 46.50833 49.38556 47.30472 46.41722 47.05528 47.62944 46.56472 46.12833 47.16722 47.45306 47.24667 47.26694 46.66028 46.805 46.7975 46.70028 46.52694 46.4125 46.84917 46.31556 46.71833 46.84389 46.605 46.68194 46.51111 47.40889 47.15833 46.63667 48.06111 48.21556 47.89194 47.64778 46.74 46.63972 47.16944 46.77278 46.55278 46.80639 46.45278 46.80639 46.8175 49.27139 46.87194 48.02278 46.48333 48.39639 47.00806 46.88278 46.88806 -79.6028 -82.405 -82.7425 -85.7356 -83.5364 -83.1414 -79.4761 -84.8531 -82.3811 -81.2053 -80.6206 -80.26 -79.8361 -81.3964 -82.7567 -82.7361 -82.9344 -83.0531 -82.9814 -82.8797 -82.3611 -82.2647 -83.0172 -81.0928 -83.4875 -82.6161 -83.9508 -84.5061 -79.7903 -83.0297 -84.8378 -84.1153 -84.8397 -84.3161 -79.3047 -82.7572 -80.6067 -81.7736 -82.7806 -82.5175 -82.3761 -84.2653 -80.7122 -86.3753 -83.0389 -84.4206 -82.0986 -84.6453 -79.7014 -82.4178 -83.2361 Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northeast Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Geographic Township OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier Boundary Lake Bowland Lake Brant Lake (Brewer L. (Fabbro L.17)) Bridge Lake Broker Lake (Buckles L. 11) (Buckles L. 33 (SSM 186 L.)) Buhl Lake Bull Lake Burke Lake Burns Lake Burnt Lake Burwash Lake JUILLETTE; TIMMERMANS HOWEY PALMER FABBRO; FONTAINE Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie VARLEY ATTLEE BUCKLES BUCKLES (Butcher L. 13) (Butcher L. 21) (Butcher L. 24) Byrnes Lake Campover Lake Canyon Lake Caribou Lake Caribou Lake Carpenter Lake (Carton L. 27) Cascaden Lake (Casper L. (Rioux L. 59)) Cassels Lake Castra Lake Caswell Lake Centre Lake Chaillon Lake (Chambers L. 37) Chambers Lake Chance Lake Charcoal Lake Charley Lake Charon Lake Chiblow Lake Chief Lake Chiniguchi Lake Chrysler Lake (Chub L. (SSM 184 L.)) Chub Lake Chubb Lake Chuggin Lake Cirrus Lake Clarice Lake Clayton Lake TURNER KILLARNEY VARLEY ROYAL COTTON; LEASK; MCNAMARA; VALIN BUTCHER BUTCHER BUTCHER BRIDGLAND PICHE GUNTERMAN; JOUBIN COOPER; ABRAHAM LEHMAN; BUCKLES TRONSEN CARTON CASCADEN RIOUX CASSELS; RIDDELL VARLEY AYLMER STOBIE ALLOUEZ CHAMBERS CHAMBERS GAMBLE OUELLETTE KEHOE JUILLETTE; MONTGOMERY; PATTON; SCARFE BRODER; TILTON MCCONNELL; TELFER OGILVIE BEANGE GOULD GAUDRY KELLY PONTIAC GAIASHK 17-3499-51427 17-5120-52145 16-6835-52133 17-3890-51895 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 46.42333 47.08694 47.04944 46.8525 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -82.9525 -80.8419 -84.5833 -82.4558 Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie 17-3344-51584 17-5002-51098 17-3844-51513 17-3885-51522 46.56139 46.145 46.50778 46.51639 -83.1617 -80.9947 -82.5067 -82.4525 Wawa North Bay Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Timmins 16-5501-54593 17-5317-52165 17-4630-50974 17-3382-51620 17-3434-52003 17-4965-52193 49.28639 47.10361 46.03111 46.59444 46.94028 47.13111 -86.3111 -80.5825 -81.4792 -83.1142 -83.0583 -81.0481 Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Wawa Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie 17-2988-52294 17-2985-52280 17-2985-52261 17-3092-51389 17-3878-51671 17-3792-51405 16-6415-53841 17-3909-51461 16-7055-52294 17-3126-52369 17-4617-51569 17-3288-51779 47.19 47.1775 47.16 46.37938 46.65833 46.41 48.59611 46.46444 47.1875 47.26111 46.56861 46.73472 -83.655 -83.6581 -83.6572 -83.4793 -82.4619 -82.5706 -85.0794 -82.4308 -84.2878 -83.4767 -81.5117 -83.2403 North Bay Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Sudbury Wawa North Bay North Bay North Bay Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Wawa Sault Ste. Marie 17-5970-52137 17-3323-51600 17-5229-51902 17-5189-52102 16-6550-52845 17-5805-52197 17-5780-52177 17-5340-52479 17-4332-51750 17-2728-51648 16-5724-54965 17-3423-51340 47.06972 46.57444 46.86417 47.0475 47.69917 47.11722 47.10833 47.38528 46.72778 46.59667 49.61944 46.34722 -79.7233 -83.1892 -80.7083 -80.7517 -84.9353 -79.9353 -79.9739 -80.5489 -81.8742 -83.9592 -85.9942 -83.0383 Sudbury Sudbury Timmins Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Wawa Kirkland Lake Sudbury 17-4987-51346 17-5240-51985 17-4919-52573 17-3635-51479 17-3172-51540 17-2854-52191 17-5377-51779 16-5620-54179 17-6090-53547 17-3924-51429 46.36194 46.93667 47.47111 46.47306 46.51028 47.09472 46.75556 48.9125 48.3375 46.43222 -81.0172 -80.6967 -81.1075 -82.7769 -83.3842 -83.8278 -80.5067 -86.1533 -79.5297 -82.4053 19 Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northeast Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Geographic Township OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier Clear Lake Clear Lake Clearview Lake Clearwater Lake Clearwater Lake Cloudy Lake ANTOINE SHEDDEN LECLAIRE JARVIS BELFAST; ARMAGH ABERDEEN ADDITIONAL; JOHNSON; LAIRD; MEREDITH CARTON SAGARD TIMMERMANS MCCARTHY HILL; MARSHALL; PANET; STRATHEARN DAGLE; SHINGWAUKONCE GRASETT; PARKINSON HAUGHTON ELDRIDGE; HEBERT; SOUTH LORRAIN SCRIVEN GAIASHK; JOUBIN NICHOLAS TIMMERMANS PATTERSON JARVIS MONTGOMERY; JUILLETTE ROYAL TORRINGTON; YATES AWERES; TARENTORUS TWEEDLE MACBETH SCHOLES GOULD MICHIE; ROBERTSON MCAUSLAN OTTER GOSCHEN; HANSEN MCCONNELL HAMBLETON; ODLUM WINKLER MCMURRAY MCGIFFIN; GAMBLE DENNIE OTTER PONCET; HUGHSON PARDO DAUMONT; WHITMAN MACKELCAN; MCCONNELL BRIGSTOCKE CANTON; MEDINA; SHELBURNE JOHNSON ALBANEL WINKLER BRUYERE; COPENACE; RIGGS; North Bay Sudbury Wawa Sault Ste. Marie North Bay Sault Ste. Marie Clove Lake Cobre Lake Coffee Lake Colin Scott Lake Como Lake Conacher Lake Constance Lake Cooper Lake Cooper Lake Cork Lake Corner Lake Crazy Lake Cream Lake Crooked Lake Crooked Lakes Crosby Lake (Cross L.) Cross Lake Crystal Lake Crystal Lake Cucumber Lake Cummings Lake Cumming's Lake Currie Lake Cut Lake Darragh Lake David Lake Davis Lake Dayohessarah Lake Daystar Lake Deep Lake (Dees L.) Dennie Lake Desayeux Lake Deschamp Lake Deschamps Lake Devil's Lake Dewdney Lake Diabase Lake Diamond Lake Diamond Lake Dobie Lake (Doehead L.) Dog Lake 17-6580-51459 17-3909-51202 16-6659-53426 16-7205-51738 17-5533-52097 17-2746-51468 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 46.45 46.22833 48.21028 46.68389 47.04056 46.43917 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -78.9425 -82.4128 -84.7764 -84.1186 -80.2961 -83.9342 Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Chapleau 17-3114-52360 17-3627-51660 17-3535-51443 17-5379-51863 17-3120-53099 47.25194 46.63611 46.43833 46.83028 47.91083 -83.4928 -82.7944 -82.9067 -80.5036 -83.5233 Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie North Bay 17-3097-51710 17-3290-51439 17-3033-51548 17-6138-52123 46.66778 46.43 46.52083 47.05972 -83.4875 -83.2244 -83.5594 -79.5061 Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie North Bay Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie North Bay Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie North Bay North Bay Sault Ste. Marie Timmins North Bay Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Sudbury Wawa Sault Ste. Marie Wawa North Bay Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury North Bay Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury North Bay North Bay Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Wawa 17-2906-52364 17-3899-51448 17-3558-51622 17-3540-51419 17-5890-50995 16-7208-51720 17-3399-51422 17-3498-51957 17-5788-51912 16-7118-51658 17-3626-51758 17-5521-51877 17-5605-51996 17-3191-51490 17-5172-53366 17-6323-51802 17-3039-51641 17-4776-51097 17-5241-52013 16-6447-54048 17-3465-51920 16-6702-53151 17-5371-52429 17-4313-51958 17-3037-51580 17-3903-51589 17-5603-51797 17-2752-51845 17-5254-51902 17-5747-52333 17-5580-52276 17-2760-51448 17-3450-51565 17-3453-51907 16-7139-53538 47.25694 46.4425 46.57917 46.42056 46.04306 46.67056 46.40972 46.90028 46.87028 46.61444 46.72389 46.84444 46.94806 46.47944 48.18389 46.76389 46.60417 46.13972 46.96139 48.78222 46.86389 47.96889 47.34028 46.91556 46.54917 46.57694 46.77 46.77806 46.87194 47.25278 47.20278 46.42167 46.54583 46.85417 48.30417 -83.7639 -82.4383 -82.8897 -82.9017 -79.8372 -84.1106 -83.0925 -82.9711 -79.9631 -84.2347 -82.7981 -80.3161 -80.2061 -83.3606 -80.7672 -79.2672 -83.5586 -81.2925 -80.6764 -85.0322 -83.015 -84.7197 -80.5086 -81.9022 -83.5633 -82.4253 -80.2097 -83.9444 -80.6475 -80.0064 -80.2422 -83.9142 -83.0219 -83.0294 -84.1078 20 Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northeast Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name (Dolly-B-Doo L. (Butcher L. 14)) Dollyberry Lake Donald Lake Dougall Lake Dougherty Lake Dow Lake Dubbelewe Lake Dunlop Lake Duthorne Lake Duval Lake Eaglerock Lake Eaglet Lake Ear Lake East Caribou Lake East Twin Lake Edna Lake Edna Lake Einar Lake Elboga Lake (Elbow L.) Elbow Lake Eleven Mile Lake Elinor Lake Elissa Lake Ellen Lake Elliot Lake Emerald Lake Emerald Lake Endikai Lake Ess Lake Esten Lake Evans Lake Evelyn Lake Ezma Lake Fairbank Lake Fearless Lake Fern Lake (Ferrier L. 34) Ferrier Lake Fifty Dollar Lake Finn Lake First Justin Lake Five Star Lake Flack Lake Flagg Lake Florence Lake Folson Lake (Fontaine L. 15 Geographic Township OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier Latitude (Decimal Degrees) Longitude (Decimal Degrees) STOVER; WEST BUTCHER Sault Ste. Marie 17-2999-52296 47.19167 -83.6414 Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie North Bay Wawa Wawa Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Timmins Sudbury North Bay Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Wawa Sudbury North Bay Wawa Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie North Bay Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie 17-3633-51558 17-5370-51830 17-3470-51698 17-5253-52060 17-4113-51624 17-3746-51867 17-3673-51503 17-3773-51525 17-3432-51760 17-5571-51960 16-6252-53354 16-6735-52992 17-3320-51621 17-3390-51571 17-4828-52138 17-5381-51884 17-5211-52284 17-4518-52073 17-3457-51556 17-3357-51692 16-6991-52643 17-3946-51679 17-5340-52501 16-6192-53335 17-3690-51389 17-3555-51294 17-5515-51958 17-3445-51613 17-2775-51553 46.54167 46.80028 46.675 47.01139 46.60889 46.825 46.49694 46.51639 46.72111 46.92639 48.16167 47.8275 46.59361 46.55861 47.07972 46.85184 47.21028 47.02028 46.53528 46.65833 47.50389 46.65778 47.40583 48.14556 46.3925 46.30389 46.91583 46.59028 46.51528 -82.7781 -80.5147 -82.9953 -80.6669 -82.16 -82.6456 -82.7328 -82.5964 -83.0519 -80.2558 -85.3164 -84.6775 -83.1917 -83.1014 -81.2267 -80.495 -80.7208 -81.6358 -83.0167 -83.1467 -84.3564 -82.3764 -80.5494 -85.3981 -82.7097 -82.8781 -80.3233 -83.0289 -83.9017 Sault Ste. Marie 17-3726-51338 46.34833 -82.6544 Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury 17-3717-51503 17-5312-51934 17-3580-51562 17-4672-51457 46.49583 46.89444 46.54667 46.46583 -82.6711 -80.5897 -82.8514 -81.4269 Wawa Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Timmins Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie North Bay Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Wawa North Bay Sudbury Sudbury 16-5940-53862 17-2815-51794 17-3206-52280 17-4769-53206 17-3039-52174 17-3358-51768 17-5838-52437 17-3931-51855 17-3634-51607 16-7024-52966 17-5335-52315 17-4026-51425 17-3962-51921 48.62417 46.73472 47.18333 48.03917 47.09139 46.72694 47.34611 46.81889 46.58778 47.79167 47.24111 46.43111 46.87694 -85.7244 -83.86 -83.3667 -81.3108 -83.5833 -83.1486 -79.8917 -82.4031 -82.7803 -84.2978 -80.5661 -82.2669 -82.3619 RAIMBAULT; BEANGE MCCARTHY; KELLY LECARON STOBIE; DEMOREST STRAIN YAREMKO BEANGE; BOUCK BOUCK LECARON; SLIEVERT SCHOLES LEGARDE; LEGARDE ADDITIONAL REDSKY; NAVEAU JACKSON; VARLEY VARLEY FRECHETTE; SWEENY MCCARTHY SELKIRK MULDREW ALBANEL SAYER CANNARD; CORBOY PLOURDE GAMBLE; BREWSTER GUNTERMAN; BOLGER MACK AFTON ALBANEL ABERDEEN ADDITIONAL; MEREDITH BOLGER; ESTEN; GUNTERMAN; MCGIVERIN BOUCK MACKELCAN; MCCONNELL NICHOLAS DENISON; DRURY; FAIRBANK; TRILL LABERGE; BROTHERS CURTIS; WHITMAN FERRIER ENGLISH HANDLEMAN; HOFFMAN SIMONS COLEMAN FONTAINE RAIMBAULT SAMPSON DUNDEE; PARKER GEROW FONTAINE 21 Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northeast Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name (Banana L.)) Forge Lake (Foucault L. 40) (Foucault L. 42) (Foucault L. 43) Fourbass Lake (Fox L.) Fox Lake (Foxwell L. (Hoffman L. 9)) Foy Lake Fraleck Lake Franks Lake Fraser Lake Frederick Lake Friday Lake Friday Lake Fullerton Lake Gaff Lake Gamble Lake Gamitagama Lake Garden Lake (Gaudry L. 21 (Moon L.)) Gawasi Lake Geiger Lake George Lake (Gervais L. 13) (Gervais L. 9) Gibberry Lake Gibson Lake Gilbert Lake Gimlet Lake Goetz Lake Goldie Lake Goldie Lake Gong Lake Gord Lake Gorrie Lake Goulais Lake Gould Lake Grace Lake Granary Lake Grant Lake Grays Lake Great Mountain Lake Grebe Lake Green Lake Greenwater Lake Grey Owl Lake Grey Trout Lake Geographic Township OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier Latitude (Decimal Degrees) Longitude (Decimal Degrees) COWIE FOUCAULT FOUCAULT FOUCAULT SOUTH LORRAIN SCRIVENER VENTURI GAUDRY; HOFFMAN Wawa Sudbury Sudbury Sudbury North Bay Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie 16-6888-53388 17-4018-51884 17-4009-51893 17-4004-51884 17-6117-52162 17-3662-51947 17-4429-51586 17-2937-52230 48.17667 46.84389 46.85167 46.84389 47.09028 46.89556 46.58917 47.13056 -84.4586 -82.2875 -82.2997 -82.3056 -79.5261 -82.7561 -81.7417 -83.7189 FOY FRALECK MACKELCAN FULTON; GLADWIN; IRIS STOBIE; DEMOREST RHODES; DUNBAR ROYAL; WINKLER RAIMBAULT NICHOLAS GAMBLE ASSELIN; BARAGER; STONE; TIERNAN HURLBURT GAUDRY Sudbury Sudbury Sudbury Chapleau Sudbury Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie North Bay Wawa 17-4809-51809 17-5089-51954 17-5267-51920 17-3876-52227 17-5228-52091 17-4734-51994 17-3477-51958 17-3672-51583 17-3543-51567 17-5339-52492 16-6678-52804 46.77611 46.915 46.88139 47.15 47.03806 46.96306 46.89583 46.57167 46.55333 47.39833 47.6575 -81.2511 -80.8825 -80.6444 -82.4825 -80.6986 -81.3428 -82.9933 -82.7411 -82.8911 -80.5503 -84.7653 Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie 17-2933-51822 17-2853-52180 46.765 47.0825 -83.7067 -83.8281 KELLY; MCNISH BUCKLES; HUGHSON KILLARNEY GERVAIS GERVAIS RAIMBAULT; BEANGE OLINYK; MONESTIME GILBERT RYAN ESQUEGA; CORBIERE DAMBROSSIO; DUMAS D AVAUGOUR; DELMAGE; DRUILLETTES; HORNELL HANDLEMAN; MCILVEEN CARTON SOUTH LORRAIN BUTCHER; HOFFMAN SAMPSON CURTIN MACK; STRIKER ESQUEGA; FIDDLER RORKE; WHITSON HANSEN HUGHSON HESS; CARTIER SPEIGHT; VAN NOSTRAND RUNNALLS SAGARD; VIEL Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Sudbury Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Wawa Wawa Chapleau 17-5446-51774 17-3860-51538 17-4690-50971 17-4171-51922 17-4140-51917 17-3625-51552 17-4083-51760 17-4307-51870 16-6786-52100 16-6751-53308 16-6633-53556 17-2842-53251 46.755 46.53056 46.03056 46.88 46.87556 46.53722 46.73389 46.83472 47.02139 48.11111 48.33444 48.04722 -80.4233 -82.4867 -81.4003 -82.0878 -82.1286 -82.79 -82.2 -81.9078 -84.6506 -84.6497 -84.7969 -83.8997 Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie North Bay Sault Ste. Marie Wawa Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Wawa North Bay Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Kirkland Lake Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie 17-3074-52158 17-3085-52432 17-6104-52196 17-2975-52266 16-7033-52984 17-4535-51088 17-3585-51264 16-6843-53260 17-5467-52535 17-4723-51114 17-3813-51617 17-4614-51736 17-5561-52598 16-7118-52382 17-3706-51682 47.07833 47.315 47.12194 47.1575 47.81028 46.13333 46.27556 48.06111 47.43528 46.15722 46.59944 46.72056 47.49111 47.26435 46.65639 -83.5333 -83.5386 -79.545 -83.6669 -84.2853 -81.6011 -82.8408 -84.5278 -80.38 -81.3594 -82.5517 -81.5058 -80.2564 -84.197 -82.6919 22 Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northeast Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Geographic Township OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier Griffin Lake Grimard Lake Gull Lake Gull Lake NORBERG GAIASHK; JOUBIN SHERRATT; BUTCHER CLEMENT; JOAN; PHYLLIS; SCHOLES BOLGER BRIGSTOCKE HAENTSCHEL ULSTER; ANTRIM PICHE ECHUM MCCALLUM; OLIVE; TORRINGTON CURTIN; FOSTER; ROOSEVELT; TRUMAN PONCET; HUGHSON LONG POULIN GALBRAITH ESQUEGA TUPPER; ARCHIBALD Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie North Bay Gullbeak Lake Gullrock Lake Haentschel Lake Halfway Lake Hammer Lake Hand Lake Hangstone Lake Hannah Lake Harold Lake Hastie Lake Hat Lake Havilah Lake Hawk Lake Hawk Lake Hawley Lake Helen Lake Helen Lake (Hess L.) Hider Lake Highland Lake Hilltop Lake (Hoffman L. 8 (Lower L.)) Horner Lake Hough Lake Hound Lake Hubert Lake (Hughson L. 20) (Hughson L. 23) (Hughson L. 27) (Hyphen L. (Beange L. 22)) Irish Lake Iron Lake Iron Lake Iron Lake Iron Lake Ishmael Lake Island Lake Jackpine Lake Jarvey Lake Jarvis Lake Jeanne Lake Jerry Lake Jim Christ Lake Jim Edwards Lake Jimmy Kash Lake 16-6971-52177 17-3898-51411 17-3006-52333 17-5618-51964 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 47.08556 46.42111 47.22306 46.91667 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -84.4042 -82.4397 -83.6333 -80.1906 Sault Ste. Marie North Bay Sudbury Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Chapleau North Bay Sudbury 17-3645-51403 17-5804-52398 17-5057-52285 17-4514-51934 17-3828-51735 16-7178-53397 17-5845-51854 17-4564-51144 46.40361 47.30917 47.21139 46.89444 46.70667 48.17472 46.82222 46.18389 -82.7636 -79.9358 -80.9217 -81.6381 -82.53 -84.0714 -79.8908 -81.5653 BEAUMONT CURTIN; ROOSEVELT JUILLETTE JASPER; BEEBE JACKSON RABAZO HOFFMAN Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Wawa Sault Ste. Marie Cochrane Sudbury Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Wawa Sault Ste. Marie 17-3902-51596 17-3625-51213 17-3509-51716 17-2927-51504 16-6813-53264 16-7106-51960 16-6538-60420 17-4925-52070 17-4563-51062 17-3474-51372 17-4152-52021 17-3298-51596 16-6636-53071 17-2979-52232 46.59167 46.23444 46.67556 46.47722 48.06722 46.88639 54.49684 47.01889 46.11028 46.37389 46.96944 46.57 47.89861 47.13361 -82.4331 -82.7772 -82.9431 -83.7014 -84.5664 -84.2361 -84.6446 -81.0978 -81.5619 -82.9831 -82.1144 -83.2211 -84.8114 -83.6639 SHINGWAUKONCE JOUBIN EWEN; HANDLEMAN LARSON; HOME HUGHSON HUGHSON HUGHSON RAIMBAULT; BEANGE Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Wawa Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie 17-3062-51715 17-3851-51403 17-3055-52250 16-6933-52436 17-3871-51555 17-3870-51546 17-3806-51612 17-3642-51544 46.67139 46.40889 47.15139 47.325 46.54611 46.53806 46.59639 46.53167 -83.5331 -82.4942 -83.5644 -84.4417 -82.4717 -82.4733 -82.5581 -82.7706 MACKELCAN AFTON KEATING MEREDITH TUPPER CURTIN MCILVEEN BANTING; CHAMBERS CHARBONNEAU JARVIS BEEBE CORLEY; GAMBLE RAIMBAULT SELBY LEVESQUE; MACASKILL Sudbury North Bay Wawa Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie North Bay Wawa Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury North Bay Sault Ste. Marie North Bay Wawa 17-5318-51902 17-5491-52005 16-6285-53427 17-2748-51543 16-7109-51920 17-4542-51063 17-3084-52126 17-5808-52217 16-6242-53523 16-7175-51737 17-4099-51964 17-5263-52458 17-3675-51601 17-5431-52386 16-6437-53384 46.87278 46.95778 48.22667 46.50722 46.84833 46.11056 47.0425 47.145 48.31333 46.68361 46.92361 47.36694 46.58361 47.30167 48.18417 -80.5792 -80.3547 -85.2703 -83.935 -84.2381 -81.5922 -83.5197 -79.9344 -85.3247 -84.1553 -82.1878 -80.6531 -82.7292 -80.4308 -85.0664 23 Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northeast Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Geographic Township OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier Jobammageeshig Lake Johnnie Lake (Johnnie's L.) Jumbo Lake Jumping Cariboo Lake Kabiskagami Lake Kakakise Lake Kalaco Lake Kamenisa Lake Kanichee Lake Kashbogama Lake Kathleen Lake Katzenbach Lake Kearney Lake Keelor Lake Kennedy Lake Kennedy Lake Kerr Lake Kettle Lake Kettyle Lake Killarney Lake Kindiogami Lake Kings Lake Kirk Lake Kirkpatrick Lake Kittson Lake Klinestiver Lake Kokoko Lake Kukagami Lake GOULD; CASSON Sault Ste. Marie CARLYLE; GOSCHEN WINKLER; WISEMAN Kumska Lake Kwinkwaga Lake (L. 27) (L. 37) La Cloche Lake Labelle Lake Lac aux Sables Lac Cherie Laderoute Creek Lady Dufferin Lake Lady Sydney Lake (Lake #8-Eaton Twp. (aka Trout Lake)) Lake Duborne Lake Manitou Lake One Lake Panache Lake Talon OLIVE; LAW MOSAMBIK CARLYLE; KILLARNEY MARSHAY MARSHAY STRATHY FULTON D AVAUGOUR ST GERMAIN MATTAWAN JOGUES; KAMICHISITIT HOBBS GILBERT; STRALAK DUNLOP ETHEL; COMOX MCCARTHY KILLARNEY WINKLER; WISEMAN PROCTOR LECARON LECARON; SAYER KITTSON CYNTHIA DAVIS; KELLY; RATHBUN; SCADDING HUTTON; WISNER FLOOD; MAGONE; MIKANO KELLY AYLMER HARROW ROOT FONTAINE; FOUCAULT; LEFEBVRE; MONESTIME NAHWEGEZHIC; PINE SPRAGGE DONOVAN LEO; VAN NOSTRAND EATON; EDIGHOFFER COBDEN; MACK; STRIKER ASSIGINACK; BIDWELL; BILLINGS; SANDFIELD; SHEGUIANDAH AWERES; JARVIS BEVIN; CAEN; DIEPPE; FOSTER; GOSCHEN; HANSEN; TRUMAN BONFIELD; CALVIN; OLRIG; PHELPS 17-3152-51548 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 46.52306 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -83.4092 Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Wawa North Bay Wawa Sudbury Timmins Timmins North Bay Chapleau Chapleau Wawa North Bay Sault Ste. Marie North Bay Sudbury Sudbury Sudbury Sudbury Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie North Bay Wawa North Bay Sudbury 17-4826-51036 17-3504-51917 16-5902-53838 17-5933-51926 16-6792-53960 17-4750-51010 17-4702-52245 17-4697-52235 17-5882-52189 17-3861-52198 17-2820-53190 16-6239-53245 17-6629-51334 17-3500-51516 17-5680-51750 17-4369-51883 17-4325-51399 17-3897-52094 17-5356-51847 17-4723-51015 17-3509-51882 17-3828-51348 17-3414-51701 17-3400-51692 17-5787-52433 16-5388-54811 17-5733-52151 17-5344-51754 46.08694 46.86444 48.60278 46.87806 48.69333 46.065 47.175 47.15889 47.11806 47.12639 47.98889 48.06361 46.33667 46.50333 46.72611 46.8475 46.41111 47.02556 46.81194 46.06889 46.8325 46.35889 46.66778 46.65861 47.33972 49.48333 47.09111 46.7325 -81.225 -82.9619 -85.7769 -79.7764 -84.5647 -81.3197 -81.3928 -81.3903 -79.8394 -82.5022 -83.9217 -85.3364 -78.8831 -82.9572 -80.1106 -81.8275 -81.8778 -82.4558 -80.5383 -81.3556 -82.9547 -82.525 -83.0736 -83.0889 -79.9539 -86.465 -80.0344 -80.5508 Sudbury Wawa Sudbury Sudbury Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury 17-4975-51827 16-6225-54072 17-5368-51807 17-5224-51913 17-4169-51104 17-3401-51997 17-3988-51823 46.79639 48.81444 46.77889 46.8765 46.14444 46.92417 46.79 -81.0478 -85.3286 -80.5319 -80.714 -82.0761 -83.1042 -82.3183 Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Kirkland Lake Kirkland Lake Chapleau 17-2937-52086 17-3767-51229 17-5221-52550 17-5599-52502 47.00056 46.2525 47.45333 47.40361 47.278 -83.7128 -82.5978 -80.7061 -80.2056 -82.705 Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury 17-3523-51234 17-4235-50696 46.25028 45.7775 -82.9156 -81.9836 Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury 16-7130-51713 17-4743-51217 46.66361 46.25611 -84.2161 -81.3275 North Bay 17-6497-51295 46.30444 -79.0561 24 Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northeast Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Geographic Township OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier Lake Temagami ASTON; BELFAST; BRIGGS; CANTON; CYNTHIA; HOBBS; JOAN; LE ROCHE; PHYLLIS; SCHOLES; STRATHCONA; STRATH BUCKE; DYMOND; HARRIS; HEBERT; LORRAIN; SOUTH LORRAIN PATENAUDE SELBY HEARST; MCFADDEN; MCGARRY; MCVITTIE HAENTSCHEL; HOWEY; MARCONI MCCONNELL LONG; STRIKER SCARFE LEASK LEASK; VALIN LEHMAN North Bay Lake Timiskaming Lance Lake Landers Lake Larder Lake Laundrie Lake Laura Lake Lauzon Lake Lear Lake (Leask L. 44) Leask Lake (Lehman L. 24 (Deerhead L.)) (Lehman L. 30) (Lehman L. 39) Lepha Lake Lillybet Lake Linger Lake Lingo Lake Little Agawa Lake Little Bear Lake Little Burwash Lake Little Chiblow Lake (Little Dayohessarah L.) (Little Dennie L.) (Little Dobie L.) Little Huck Lake Little Lafoe Lake Little Laundrie Lake (Little McGiverin L.) Little Pickerel Lake Little Pogamasing Lake Little Prune Lake Little Quinn Lake Little Quirke Lake Little Sister Lake (Little Touch L.) (Little Trout L.) Little Trout Lake Little Turkey Lake (Little Venetian L.) Lizotte Lake (Lockeyer L. 1) Lodestone Lake Lonely Lake 17-5700-52061 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 47.00639 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -80.0794 North Bay 17-6178-52207 47.13139 -79.4464 Chapleau North Bay Kirkland Lake 17-3069-52475 17-5390-52352 17-6010-53265 47.35491 47.27306 48.08389 -83.5572 -80.4781 -79.6347 Sudbury Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Timmins Timmins Sudbury 17-5110-52189 17-5301-51990 17-3592-51192 17-3445-51313 17-4929-52250 17-4933-52284 17-3926-51513 47.12556 46.94583 46.21472 46.31778 47.18028 47.21056 46.50917 -80.8544 -80.6036 -82.8203 -83.0194 -81.0933 -81.0861 -82.3997 LEHMAN LEHMAN AULD ALBANEL; NICHOLAS SEAGRAM STOBIE LARSON ROOSEVELT MCNAMARA PATTON; MONTGOMERY ODLUM Sudbury Sudbury North Bay Sault Ste. Marie North Bay Sudbury Wawa Sudbury Timmins Sault Ste. Marie Wawa 17-3951-51502 17-3955-51500 17-5714-52652 17-3511-51570 17-5367-52152 17-5152-52045 16-6981-52469 17-4603-51135 17-4930-52197 17-3360-51357 16-6466-54051 46.49972 46.49806 47.53861 46.55194 47.09194 46.99583 47.3475 46.17611 47.12972 46.35361 48.78361 -82.3667 -82.3606 -80.0517 -82.9417 -80.5153 -80.7997 -84.3764 -81.5072 -81.0925 -83.1319 -85.0042 DENNIE ALBANEL Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Wawa Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury 17-4303-51975 17-3442-51557 16-5536-54293 17-3201-51669 17-5145-52182 17-3653-51279 17-3224-51502 17-4318-52011 46.92917 46.53889 49.01466 46.64056 47.12139 46.29389 46.48417 46.95139 -81.9153 -83.0317 -86.2545 -83.3414 -80.8097 -82.7481 -83.31 -81.8997 Timmins Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Sudbury Wawa Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie 17-4919-52250 17-2855-52329 17-3770-51544 17-3813-51665 17-3923-51852 17-3961-51866 16-6169-53102 16-6969-52130 17-4840-51983 17-3874-51449 17-3992-51542 17-3078-52210 17-2758-51519 47.18028 47.21417 46.53889 46.64306 46.81361 46.82667 47.93722 47.0425 46.94056 46.45056 46.53611 47.11417 46.48972 -81.1078 -83.8403 -82.6014 -82.55 -82.4114 -82.3619 -85.4361 -84.4086 -81.2092 -82.47 -82.3142 -83.535 -83.9239 DAGLE; WAGG MARCONI MCGIVERIN GRASETT LAFLECHE; DENNIE LEASK BRACCI; WLASY BOUCK; HEMBRUFF; HUGHSON PICHE FONTAINE FONTAINE WISHART BOTHA BUCKLES; JOUBIN LEHMAN; LOCKEYER; TEASDALE HANDLEMAN MEREDITH 25 Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northeast Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Geographic Township OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier (Long L.) Long Lake (Longhaul L.) Loonskin Lake (Lost Canoe L.) Lowell Lake Lower Bass Lake Lower Green Lake Lower Griffin Lake Lower Mace Lake Lower Matagamasi Lake Lower Shakwa Lake (Lower Twin L.) Lower Twin Lake Lulu Lake Lumsden Lake MacGregor Lake Maconner Lake Madawanson Lake Madoson Lake Maggie Lake Magrath Lake Makobe Lake Mamainse Lake Manitou Lake Manitowik Lake MORNINGSTAR FONTAINE LANDRIAULT ESQUEGA; CORBIERE RAIMBAULT STRATHCONA BELFAST ATHLONE NORBERG JOGUES MCCARTHY Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Wawa Sault Ste. Marie North Bay North Bay Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury OSHELL MCILVEEN RIDDELL; ASKIN CLIFFORD; BISLEY KILLARNEY PEEVER LAFORME REDDEN; STRAIN; TEASDALE Marina Lake Marion Lake Marjorie Lake Marten Lake Mashagama Lake Maskinonge Lake Matachewan Lake Matagamasi Lake Matchinameigus Lake Mather's Lake Matinenda Lake May Lake McCabe Lake McCarrel Lake McCarthy Lake McClung Lake McConnell Lake McCool Lake McCormick Lake McCulloch Lake McEwen Lake SELKIRK CUTHBERTSON MCGIFFIN; TRETHEWEY; WALLIS PALMER; RYAN CLEMENT BIRD; BRUYERE; COWIE; DEBASSIGE; FIDDLER CORLEY MCCONNELL MCCONNELL GLADMAN; KENNY; MCLAREN; SISK RENWICK; ROLLINS KELLY; MCCARTHY; MCNISH BADEN; CAIRO; POWELL MACKELCAN; MCCARTHY; RATHBUN ECHUM; DOLSON BOLGER JUILLETTE; MACK; SCARFE; TIMMERMANS JOUBIN GUNTERMAN; JOUBIN ABERDEEN ADDITIONAL; MEREDITH DEAGLE; PROCTOR VILLENEUVE MCAUSLAN GAIASHK LALIBERT CORLEY; ELLIS BEAUPARLANT 17-3541-52050 17-3933-51911 17-3845-51805 16-6761-53288 17-3644-51580 17-5912-52067 17-5601-52035 17-4455-52033 16-6961-52174 17-3574-51509 17-5393-51873 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 46.985 46.87417 46.77 48.08583 46.56389 47.00917 46.98389 46.99444 47.0825 46.49722 46.83611 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -82.9183 -82.405 -82.5125 -84.6383 -82.7686 -79.7997 -80.2086 -81.7194 -84.42 -82.8617 -80.4844 Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie North Bay Kirkland Lake Sudbury Wawa Chapleau Sudbury Wawa North Bay Sault Ste. Marie North Bay Sault Ste. Marie North Bay Wawa 17-4261-51776 17-3068-52133 17-5960-52035 17-5830-53532 17-4665-50976 16-6850-52397 16-7182-53233 17-4096-51627 16-5611-54166 17-5253-52254 17-3088-51846 17-5430-52549 16-6811-52113 17-5548-51889 16-6953-53376 46.74972 47.04694 46.97972 48.32861 46.02528 47.28694 48.02917 46.61167 48.90167 47.19194 46.79111 47.44556 47.03278 46.85361 48.16417 -81.9667 -83.5431 -79.7375 -79.8803 -81.4331 -84.5533 -84.0739 -82.1797 -86.1664 -80.6736 -83.5061 -80.4203 -84.6158 -80.2811 -84.375 North Bay Sudbury Sudbury North Bay 17-5258-52493 17-5330-51995 17-5292-51958 17-5953-51723 47.39778 46.95028 46.91 46.69944 -80.6586 -80.5742 -80.6206 -79.7644 Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Kirkland Lake Sudbury 17-3213-51987 17-5427-51794 17-5243-53180 17-5305-51809 46.92111 46.77361 48.04 46.77389 -83.3447 -80.4403 -80.7003 -80.6056 Chapleau Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie 16-7135-53359 17-3638-51369 17-3525-51387 48.14944 46.375 46.38639 -84.1242 -82.7728 -82.9253 Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie 17-3852-51434 17-3797-51421 17-2753-51476 46.43222 46.42333 46.445 -82.4839 -82.5658 -83.9239 Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie North Bay Sudbury Wawa North Bay Wawa 17-3877-51310 17-3272-51926 17-6268-51774 17-3918-51442 16-6570-53423 17-5226-52411 16-7153-52806 46.32528 46.86222 46.73972 46.44556 48.21611 47.32444 47.645 -82.45 -83.2567 -79.3397 -82.4078 -84.8867 -80.7006 -84.1336 26 Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northeast Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Geographic Township OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier McFadden Lake McGiffin Lake McGiverin Lake McGown Lake McGuey Lake McKenzie Lake McMahon Lake Megisan Lake Memesagamesing Lake Mendelssohn Lake Meniss Lake Meteor Lake Mewburn Lake Michaud Lake Michi Lake Mickey Lake Midlothian Lake Mijinemungshing Lake Mike Lake Millen Lake Millerd Lake Ministic Lake Mirror Lake Mishi Lake Mishibishu Lake Missinaibi Lake LONG MCGIFFIN MCGIVERIN MCCONNELL; SHEPPARD DUNLOP SPEIGHT ABERDEEN; MCMAHON CARTON; EWEN HARDY Sault Ste. Marie North Bay Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Sudbury Kirkland Lake Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie North Bay SPEIGHT Mississagi Lake Moccasin Lake Molybdenite Lake Mongoose Lake Moonshine Lake (Moose L. (Butcher L. 30)) Morgan Lake Morrison Lake Mountain Lake Mountain Lake Mozhabong Lake Munroe Lake Muskasenda Lake Muskwash Lake Mystery Lake Narvik Lake Neault Lake Nellie Lake Nelson Lake Nemegosenda Lake BEULAH WINKLER; WISEMAN TYRONE MCCARTHY; SHEPPARD MIDLOTHIAN STONE SPECHT MANDAMIN HALIFAX; LAURA; SECORD; TILTON CASCADEN; ERMATINGER; TRILL BUTCHER ABIGO; BALTIC; BARCLAY; BRACKIN; CALAIS; KILDARE; LANG; LEESON; MISSINAIBI IRIS LANDRIAULT ANDRE VIBERT VANCE BUTCHER MORGAN NAHWEGEZHIC; LUNKIE FINAN BEST; BRIGSTOCKE ALTON; BEEBE; DEL VILLANO; HOTTE; JASPER SPEIGHT BARTLETT; ENGLISH WARDLE; WINKLER HANDLEMAN; MCILVEEN VARLEY VALIN ROOSEVELT WISNER; BOWELL CHEWETT; COLLINS; MCGEE; PATTINSON 17-3613-51250 17-5401-52454 17-3678-51289 17-5328-52011 17-4331-51413 17-5586-52672 17-2851-51570 17-3090-52347 17-5779-50969 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 46.26111 47.36083 46.3025 46.96417 46.42444 47.55722 46.53417 47.24889 46.02167 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -82.7986 -80.4678 -82.7164 -80.5667 -81.87 -80.2178 -83.8025 -83.5236 -79.9994 Kirkland Lake Sault Ste. Marie Timmins Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Wawa Sudbury Kirkland Lake Wawa 17-5595-52642 16-7233-51592 17-4698-52386 17-3504-51925 17-4821-51845 16-5821-52883 17-5395-51925 17-5001-53061 16-6718-52845 47.52806 46.55083 47.3025 46.87073 46.81857 47.74556 46.885 47.90861 47.69333 -80.2097 -84.0878 -81.3986 -82.9658 -81.2393 -85.9006 -80.4825 -80.9942 -84.7103 Chapleau Sudbury Sudbury Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Wawa Wawa Chapleau 17-4266-52165 17-4113-51461 17-5045-51248 17-4564-51563 17-3019-52319 16-6222-53262 16-6184-53256 17-3006-53592 47.10472 46.46444 46.27806 46.55806 47.2125 48.07944 48.07472 48.35889 -81.9681 -82.1556 -80.9425 -81.5731 -83.6161 -85.3589 -85.4097 -83.6853 Chapleau Sault Ste. Marie Wawa Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie 17-3842-52259 17-3811-51776 16-6520-53237 16-7124-52271 17-3778-51798 17-2956-52289 47.17806 46.74306 48.05083 47.16194 46.76278 47.18444 -82.5256 -82.5581 -84.9606 -84.1881 -82.6006 -83.6975 Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Wawa North Bay Sudbury 17-4777-51687 17-2857-52090 16-6887-53553 17-5885-52314 17-4175-51987 46.67306 47.00194 48.32472 47.23028 46.94861 -81.2906 -83.8186 -84.4536 -79.8272 -82.0883 Kirkland Lake Timmins Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Timmins Sudbury Sudbury Chapleau 17-5606-52675 17-4773-53267 17-3412-51900 17-3079-52141 17-3353-51609 17-5009-52285 17-4594-51088 17-4928-51746 17-3426-53189 47.56 48.09222 46.84556 47.05389 46.58722 47.21167 46.13333 46.72583 48.005 -80.1944 -81.3044 -83.0825 -83.5294 -83.1442 -80.9878 -81.5256 -81.0939 -83.1106 27 Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northeast Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Geographic Township OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier Net Lake Niccolite Lake Nina Lake Ninegee Lake (NL) (NL) (NL) Nook Lake Nordic Lake Norris Lake North Hubert Lake (North Raft L.) Northland Lake Norway Lake Nushatogaini Lake O.S.A. Lake Obabika Lake BEST; CASSELS; STRATHY VAN NOSTRAND HUGHSON PATENAUDE LARSON LAFLECHE; ALTON LAFLECHE LEHMAN; BUCKLES ESTEN; GUNTERMAN OLIVE LARSON North Bay Kirkland Lake Sault Ste. Marie Chapleau Wawa Sudbury Sudbury Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie North Bay Wawa Cochrane Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Chapleau Sudbury North Bay Ogas Lake Old Woman Lake (Olinyk L. 21) Olympus Lake Onaping Lake Osbourne Lake Oshawong Lake Ouellette Lake Pagwachuan Lake Pancake Lake Papineau Lake Paradise Lake Parkin Lake Path Lake Pathfinder Lake Patten Lake Patterson Lake Patterson Lake Peak Lake Pearl Lake Pecors Lake Pedro Lake Penelope Lake Peshu Lake Petauguin Lake Peter Lake Philbrick Lake Piano Lake (Piche L. 9) Pickle Lake Pilgrim Lake Pilon Lake Pilon Lake Pine Lake DEROCHE; JARVIS CARLYLE; KILLARNEY CARRUTHERS KILLARNEY AFTON; ARMAGH; BELFAST; DELHI; LE ROCHE; SCHOLES REDSKY ASSELIN; BARAGER OLINYK NICHOLAS DUNBAR; EMO; FAIRBAIRN; MUNSTER; RHODES KITCHENER MARSHAY BUCKLES NICOLET; KINCAID PAPINEAU STOBIE; TELFER FRALECK; PARKIN MULDREW BEANGE; JOGUES ABERDEEN; MCMAHON TRONSEN BUTCHER; GAUDRY; HOFFMAN MACK JACKSON; VARLEY GAIASHK; JOUBIN SHEPPARD SNOW ROOT; MARTEL GALBRAITH GOSCHEN SPEIGHT SPECHT; ALTON PICHE MARSH; COPENACE DUNDEE; SELKIRK LEHMAN LEASK; MCNAMARA GILLIES LIMIT; LORRAIN 17-5909-52183 17-5562-52573 17-3871-51590 17-3097-52494 16-6933-52454 17-4281-52070 17-4290-52054 17-3887-51486 17-3782-51358 17-5862-51895 16-6930-52450 16-6458-60417 16-7200-51762 17-4759-51035 17-3169-52406 17-4691-51000 17-5566-52101 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 47.11306 47.46806 46.57667 47.3725 47.33556 47.01389 47.00611 46.47917 46.36222 46.85528 47.33028 54.50417 46.70583 46.08722 47.28861 46.05333 47.03861 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -79.8042 -80.2536 -82.4739 -83.5211 -84.4419 -81.9469 -81.9233 -82.4422 -82.6022 -79.87 -84.4447 -84.7486 -84.1219 -81.3089 -83.4217 -81.3981 -80.2589 Wawa Wawa Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury 16-6738-52944 16-6710-52766 17-4116-51795 17-3595-51584 17-4620-52125 47.78306 47.6225 46.765 46.57472 46.96167 -84.6703 -84.7242 -82.1575 -82.8353 -81.4947 Sudbury Timmins Sault Ste. Marie Wawa Sault Ste. Marie North Bay Sudbury Sudbury Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Kirkland Lake Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Chapleau North Bay Sudbury Timmins North Bay 17-4881-51899 17-4728-52266 17-3851-51472 16-5657-55074 16-6807-52155 17-6747-51167 17-5176-52025 17-5105-51914 17-4487-52064 17-3570-51488 17-2880-51572 16-7045-52307 17-2936-52244 17-3579-51304 17-3300-51609 17-3872-51356 17-5352-51958 17-3091-51898 17-3371-52041 17-2961-51542 17-4836-51150 17-5585-52656 17-4255-52114 17-3852-51731 16-7205-53464 17-5259-52267 17-3926-51503 17-4860-52213 17-6046-52356 46.86583 47.19528 46.47056 49.7175 47.06972 46.18333 46.9775 46.87861 47.00833 46.47889 46.53528 47.20833 47.13694 46.31417 46.58171 46.3875 46.91639 46.83667 46.97083 46.51167 46.19 47.54167 47.05417 46.70389 48.23472 47.19528 46.49528 47.14722 47.26944 -81.1636 -81.3625 -82.4914 -86.0886 -84.6267 -78.7369 -80.7683 -80.8622 -81.67 -82.8611 -83.7636 -84.2989 -83.7319 -82.8408 -83.2204 -82.4619 -80.5375 -83.5033 -83.1403 -83.6572 -81.2139 -80.2217 -81.9803 -82.5008 -84.0283 -80.6583 -82.4006 -81.1847 -79.6183 28 Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northeast Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Geographic Township OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier Pine Lake Pipe Lake Pivot Lake (Plourde L. 7 (Ian L.)) (Pocket L.) Pogamasing Lake PARDO; DANA HAUGHTON COWIE PLOURDE; PRESCOTT OLSEN ATHLONE; DENNIE; GILBERT; LAFLECHE; MORSE; STRALAK GAUDRY HEMBRUFF PONCET AFTON TWEEDLE; VANCE; WORTON; YAREMKO PICHE KELLY LEFEBVRE CUDNEY CARRUTHERS SHINGWAUKONCE SHIELDS; MARNE LEASK MCGIVERIN; BOLGER DAVIEAUX; OLSEN BOUCK; BUCKLES; JOUBIN ASKIN; ELDRIDGE; RIDDELL SCHOLES KAMICHISITIT MICHIE; ROBERTSON BOWELL JOLLINEAU; MENARD; REILLY; SNOW MCFADDEN North Bay Sault Ste. Marie Wawa Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Point Lake Polar Bear Lake (Poncet L. 38) Pond Lake Portelance Lake (Pot Hole L.) Potvin Lake Poupore Lake (Pozzo L.) Prairie Grass Lake Primeau Lake Prugh Lake Prune Lake Quimby Lake Quintet Lakes Quirke Lake Rabbit Lake Rachel Lake Rackey Lake Radisson Lake Rand Lake Ranger Lake Raven Lake Ravine Lake Rawhide Lake Rawson Lake Red Pine Lake Red Rock Lake Red Squirrel Lake Reed Lake Regal Lake (Regan L.) Regan Lake (Reilly L. 5) Restoule Lake Reuben Lake Rib Lake River Lake Robb Lake Robert Lake Robertson Lake (Robin L. (SSM 169 L.)) Rochester Lake 17-5566-51724 17-3088-51523 16-6879-53337 17-3987-51708 16-7085-52215 17-4364-52017 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 46.70444 46.49861 48.12444 46.68583 47.11611 46.96778 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -80.2592 -83.4903 -84.4747 -82.3239 -84.2506 -81.8356 Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury North Bay Sault Ste. Marie 17-2857-52221 17-3735-51561 17-3933-51548 17-5525-51994 17-3688-51840 47.11667 46.54694 46.54083 46.94889 46.79889 -83.8256 -82.6489 -82.3911 -80.3092 -82.7178 Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Sudbury Wawa Chapleau Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Timmins Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie North Bay North Bay Sault Ste. Marie Timmins Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie 17-3831-51668 17-5396-51819 17-3931-51815 16-6879-53885 17-3155-52376 17-3033-51689 16-7133-51952 17-4902-52259 17-3659-51361 16-7098-52235 17-3810-51468 17-6031-52053 17-5560-52001 17-3445-51523 17-5180-53389 17-4885-51790 17-3053-51969 46.64667 46.79167 46.78194 48.62333 47.26722 46.64639 46.87889 47.18639 46.36806 47.12611 46.48972 46.99639 46.95167 46.50806 48.21611 46.76889 46.89528 -82.5264 -80.4803 -82.405 -84.4503 -83.4361 -83.5697 -84.2083 -81.1331 -82.7425 -84.23 -82.5519 -79.6436 -80.2622 -83.0264 -80.7575 -81.1494 -83.5547 PICHE; VIEL MCCONNELL; SHEPPARD HURLBURT TIERNAN ASTON; BANTING; CYNTHIA MCMURRAY ALBANEL; VARLEY ALBANEL ELLIS REILLY PATTERSON RIDDELL; ASKIN BEST; GILLIES LIMIT THORP SAYER PLOURDE; PONCET VANKOUGHNET WAGG Kirkland Lake Wawa Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Wawa North Bay Wawa Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie North Bay Sault Ste. Marie North Bay North Bay North Bay Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie 17-6079-53230 16-5972-54118 17-3764-51679 17-5330-51961 17-3014-51804 16-6650-52869 17-5740-52232 16-6705-53130 17-3402-51626 17-3422-51630 17-5170-52317 17-3054-52033 17-5950-51006 17-5994-52009 17-5972-52300 17-3527-51815 17-3357-51721 17-3953-51641 16-7087-51842 17-3224-51657 48.05083 48.85333 46.65444 46.9175 46.75 47.72806 47.15833 47.95458 46.60056 46.60389 47.24167 46.95694 46.05472 46.94667 47.21889 46.77861 46.68444 46.625 46.78111 46.62333 -79.5508 -85.6756 -82.6122 -80.5667 -83.6 -84.8092 -80.0253 -84.7087 -83.0833 -83.0608 -80.7675 -83.5567 -79.7744 -79.6964 -79.7169 -82.9319 -83.1486 -82.3675 -84.2653 -83.3197 BUCKLES Sault Ste. Marie 17-3843-51532 46.52556 -82.5136 29 Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northeast Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Geographic Township OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier (Rockey L.) Rodd Lake Rogers Lake Roland Lake Rollo Lake Rooster Lake (Root L. 27 (Livingstone L.)) (Root L. 35) Roothouse Lake Rosemarie Lake Rottier Lake (Ruddyduck L.) Rushbrook Lake Russian Lake Ruth-Roy Lake (Sailor Trout L. (Vance L. 54)) Sam Martin Lake Samreid Lake Sand Lake Sasaginaga Lake Savage Lake Saymo Lake Scotia Lake Scott Lake Seabrook Lake Seagram Lake Selkirk Lake Semiwite Lake Sesabic Lake Seymour Lake Shakwa Lake Shanguish Lake Shelden Lake Shillington Lake Shoepack Lake Silvester Lake Sinaminda Lake KAMICHISITIT DUNDEE JACKSON; WAGG BOWELL ROLLO HUGHSON ROOT Sault Ste. Marie North Bay Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Chapleau Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie ROOT; WARDLE SAYER PICHE SAGARD; VIEL ROOT OUELLETTE OLINYK; MONESTIME CARLYLE VANCE TELFER; AYLMER RAIMBAULT RESTOULE; STONEY BUCKE; COLEMAN SHIBANANING MCILVEEN; REILLY SCOTIA; DUNBAR ESQUEGA MAECK SEAGRAM SELKIRK HEMBRUFF; RAIMBAULT RENWICK RIOUX; SIMONS OSHELL FULTON MORIN CHOWN; SHILLINGTON VANCE; LANDRIAULT MACKELCAN DEL VILLANO; DENNIE; GILBERT; HOTTE PICHE; VIEL CUTHBERTSON; STURGEON JACKSON BANKS; SPEIGHT PHYLLIS; SCHOLES PICHE; VIEL SLIEVERT SLIEVERT GUNTERMAN; BOLGER REILLY CORLEY CORLEY; DONOVAN SELKIRK Sister Lake Skintent Lake Skirl Lake Skull Lake Skunk Lake Skunk Lake (Slievert L. 21) (Slievert L. 8) Slipper Lake Small Island Lake Smith Lake Smoothwater Lake Solace Lake 17-3445-51545 17-5274-52242 17-3264-51648 17-4899-51755 17-3767-53044 17-3838-51579 17-3387-51985 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 46.5275 47.17278 46.61583 46.73472 47.88306 46.57278 46.9225 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -83.0278 -80.6378 -83.2581 -81.1328 -82.6414 -82.5111 -83.1181 Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Sudbury Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie 17-3359-51948 17-3365-51655 17-3822-51676 17-3706-51687 17-3385-52017 17-4302-51759 17-4067-51796 17-4806-51039 17-3706-51754 46.88917 46.62444 46.65556 46.665 46.94917 46.73556 46.76056 46.09028 46.72222 -83.1536 -83.1406 -82.54 -82.6844 -83.12 -81.9122 -82.2211 -81.2506 -82.6931 Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Wawa North Bay Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Timmins Wawa Sault Ste. Marie North Bay North Bay Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Chapleau Sault Ste. Marie Kirkland Lake Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Sudbury 17-5156-51907 17-3658-51570 16-6855-52885 17-5981-52505 17-4226-51406 17-3086-52062 17-4713-52126 16-6745-53296 17-3256-52078 17-5351-52163 17-5188-52241 17-3712-51594 17-3197-52031 17-3298-51798 17-4248-51802 17-3867-52169 17-3014-51622 17-5265-52901 17-3799-51829 17-5267-51883 17-4277-51933 46.86972 46.55472 47.72528 47.40167 46.4125 46.98333 47.07806 48.09861 47.00028 47.10083 47.17167 46.57722 46.95917 46.75194 46.77083 47.09194 46.58917 47.76139 46.79389 46.84139 46.88583 -80.795 -82.75 -84.5258 -79.6983 -82.005 -83.5167 -81.3803 -84.6567 -83.2964 -80.5369 -80.7517 -82.6819 -83.3697 -83.2303 -81.9867 -82.4939 -83.5919 -80.6428 -82.5714 -80.6453 -81.9392 Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Kirkland Lake North Bay Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Kirkland Lake North Bay North Bay 17-3799-51662 17-3117-51838 17-3283-51579 17-5550-52620 17-5640-51968 17-3789-51715 17-3441-51810 17-3460-51823 17-3700-51361 17-3046-52008 17-5182-52469 17-5243-52488 17-5225-52251 46.64 46.78472 46.555 47.5125 46.92 46.68722 46.76667 46.77917 46.36806 46.94 47.37806 47.39556 47.17583 -82.5692 -83.4656 -83.2392 -80.2697 -80.165 -82.5817 -83.0408 -83.0164 -82.6903 -83.5647 -80.7578 -80.68 -80.7017 30 Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northeast Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Geographic Township OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier (Soul L.) South Iron Lake Spence Lake (Spider L.) Sportsman Lake Spring Lake Spring Lake Spruce Lake Squirrel Lake St. Anthony Lake St. Leonard Lake (Star L. (Fabbro L. 61)) Star Lake (Starfire L.) Stouffer Lake Stover Lake Stranded Lake Strawberry Lake Strickland Lake Stringer Lake Stull Lake Sugar Lake Sugarbush Lake Summers Lake Sunrise Lake Survey Lake Surveyor Lake Susan Lake Sutton Lake Teardrop Lake Teasdale Lake Telephone Lake Telfer Lake Ten Mile Lake Tenfish Lake Thieving Bear Lake Thor Lake Three Lakes Threenarrows Lake Threetrails Lake Tikamaganda Lake Till Lake Tip Top Lake Toobee Lake Toodee Lake Toosee Lake Torrance Lake Town Line Lake Trapper Lake Treeby Lake (Trethewey L. 27) Trethewey Lake LEVACK VOGT JUILLETTE VIBERT LEFEBVRE; FONTAINE MCAUSLAN BEANGE DAVIEAUX DEL VILLANO; DENNIE; LAFLECHE SKEAD FOSTER FABBRO; FONTAINE Sudbury North Bay Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury North Bay Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Kirkland Lake Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie PONCET LANE DEMOREST; MARCONI; TURNER SAYER; VARLEY MICHANO; ISAAC REILLY STRICKLAND; ODLUM VARLEY ELLIS; MCLEOD DANE FAIRBAIRN BEANGE CASSELS; RIDDELL HEMBRUFF OLINYK HUGHSON Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Wawa Sault Ste. Marie Wawa Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury North Bay Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie North Bay Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Cochrane Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie North Bay Timmins Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury North Bay Wawa Wawa Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Wawa North Bay North Bay KILLARNEY BUCKLES MORSE TELFER BEANGE; NICHOLAS; RAIMBAULT SAGARD BEST FRECHETTE; LAMPMAN WARDLE HANSEN; KILLARNEY; ROOSEVELT MCAUSLAN EAKET LARONDE; ALLOUEZ PLOURDE; PRESCOTT THORP SIMONS SLIEVERT EWEN SAYER; SIMONS REILLY RABAZO TRETHEWEY TRETHEWEY 31 17-4756-51648 17-5723-51858 17-3479-51385 16-7190-52261 17-3919-51837 17-6316-51797 17-3618-51491 16-7140-52235 17-4285-52017 17-5962-53128 17-4507-51189 17-3877-51861 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 46.63833 46.82606 46.385 47.15417 46.80278 46.76 46.48361 47.13167 46.9675 47.96528 46.22361 46.82139 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -81.3183 -80.0511 -82.9797 -84.1106 -82.4139 -79.2769 -82.7953 -84.1811 -81.9425 -79.7114 -81.6386 -82.4714 17-3955-51626 17-3395-52177 17-5228-52105 17-3349-51649 16-7021-53225 17-3106-52001 16-6497-54012 17-3364-51553 17-5134-52341 17-5670-52431 17-4569-52032 17-3662-51463 17-6014-52109 17-3702-51629 17-4158-51784 17-3866-51573 16-6500-60140 17-4678-50995 17-3849-51482 17-4397-51960 17-5165-51976 17-3629-51531 17-3635-51676 17-5889-52256 17-4787-52200 17-3398-51886 17-4670-51065 17-6320-51770 16-7128-52654 16-6559-52901 17-3993-51687 17-3580-51785 17-3342-51796 17-3484-51824 17-3096-52319 17-3338-51748 17-3062-52029 16-6606-53045 17-5391-52563 17-5381-52549 46.61111 47.09472 47.06583 46.61806 48.02583 46.92944 48.74861 46.53917 47.26194 47.3375 46.98833 46.45861 47.04528 46.60833 46.76056 46.56167 54.25389 46.04472 46.47944 46.91667 46.94583 46.5225 46.64778 47.17944 47.13472 46.82444 46.07722 46.73528 47.50806 47.7475 46.67278 46.74611 46.75139 46.78 47.21333 46.70778 46.95361 47.87667 47.46083 47.44778 -82.3644 -83.1144 -80.6828 -83.1556 -84.2889 -83.4872 -84.9658 -83.1383 -80.8203 -80.1094 -81.5694 -82.7472 -79.6661 -82.6956 -82.1064 -82.4797 -84.6978 -81.4128 -82.4989 -81.7933 -80.7883 -82.7883 -82.7692 -79.8264 -81.2811 -83.1008 -81.4708 -79.2717 -84.1697 -84.9183 -82.3153 -82.8569 -83.1703 -82.9919 -83.5147 -83.1742 -83.5472 -84.8514 -80.4808 -80.4917 Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northeast Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Geographic Township OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier Trollope Lake Trotter Lake Troupe Lake Trout Lake FRECHEVILLE KEHOE DUNPHY CHERRIMAN; COSBY; HOSKIN; SERVOS AWERES; DUNCAN DABLON FERRIS; WIDDIFIELD MISSINAIBI COMMON; HUNT; TEDDER NORBERG; WISHART COLE ESTEN; SPRAGGE PHELPS; BONFIELD CLEMENT; SCHOLES TUPPER VANCE MCCONNELL; DEMOREST ATTLEE; HUMBOLDT; SALE ASSAD; COMOX; ETHEL BELFAST FULTON ATHLONE STRAIN FRALECK; CREELMAN KINCAID HOTTE TUPPER; SHIELDS MCILVEEN RIDDELL; STRATHCONA LANDRIAULT BUCKLES VANCE VARLEY SAGARD SWEENY; BOTHA SPEIGHT; VAN NOSTRAND WHITEHEAD; KALEN VIEL VILLENEUVE Kirkland Lake Sault Ste. Marie Wawa Sudbury BECKETT; WHITEHEAD NORMAN GISBORN CASSON; GOULD; JACKSON ROOSEVELT; TRUMAN MACLENNAN; NORMAN; RATHBUN; SCADDING CONNAUGHT CONNAUGHT VIBERT YATES; LAW MCEVAY; NORDICA; SHEBA; Trout Lake Trout Lake Trout Lake Trump Lake Tukanee Lake Turkey Lake Turner Lake Turtle Lake Turtle Lake Turtleshell Lake Twab Lake (Twin L.s) Twin Lakes Tyson Lake Upper Bark Lake Upper Bass Lake Upper Green Lake Upper Green Lake Upper Klondyke Lake Upper Mowat Lake Upper Pancake Lake Upper Shakwa Lake Upper Sheppard Lake (Upper Twin L.) Upper Twin Lake (Uppermost L.) Uranium Lake (Vance L. 51) Varley Lake Vasseau Lake Venetian Lake Verdi Lake Vezina Lake (Viel L. 25) (Villenue L. 3 (Black L./29, L.)) Wabus Lake Waddell Lake Wagong Lake Wakomata Lake Walker Lake Wanapitei Lake Wanatangua Lake Waonga Lake Wart Lake Wasaksina Lake Watabeag Lake 17-5969-53816 16-7291-51626 16-6814-53519 17-5317-51186 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 48.58194 46.58111 48.29889 46.225 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -79.6908 -84.0108 -84.5508 -80.5986 Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie North Bay Chapleau Wawa Sault Ste. Marie North Bay Sault Ste. Marie North Bay North Bay Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Sudbury Sudbury North Bay Chapleau Sudbury Sudbury Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie North Bay Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Kirkland Lake Chapleau Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie 16-7106-51670 16-7228-52127 17-6290-51301 17-3033-53528 16-6315-53885 16-6958-52136 17-5695-52367 17-3716-51254 17-6406-51290 17-5573-51927 16-7098-51955 17-3719-51782 17-5304-52013 17-4910-51070 17-3855-52054 17-5579-52068 17-3840-52215 17-4452-52066 17-4154-51623 17-5051-51938 16-6806-52194 17-4263-51850 16-7121-51939 17-3065-52139 17-5947-52066 17-3848-51810 17-3871-51523 17-3708-51767 17-3352-51590 17-3644-51685 17-4810-51976 17-5569-52597 17-3223-52615 17-3745-51714 17-3290-51944 46.62611 47.03222 46.31556 48.3 48.64028 47.04833 47.2825 46.27694 46.30226 46.88917 46.88139 46.7475 46.97 46.11694 46.98361 47.01472 47.13667 47.01222 46.61056 46.90278 47.10111 46.81083 46.86056 47.0525 47.0075 46.77444 46.5175 46.73361 46.56778 46.65778 46.94611 47.49056 47.48389 46.68722 46.88222 -84.24 -84.0675 -79.3183 -83.6519 -85.2111 -84.4194 -80.0811 -82.6728 -79.1716 -80.2475 -84.2456 -82.6761 -80.6097 -81.1164 -82.5008 -80.2339 -82.5311 -81.7211 -82.1042 -80.9428 -84.6194 -81.9653 -84.2261 -83.5475 -79.7544 -82.5086 -82.4722 -82.69 -83.1464 -82.7756 -81.2478 -80.2453 -83.3586 -82.64 -83.2439 Chapleau Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Sudbury 17-3223-52536 17-5097-51760 17-3547-52257 17-3191-51595 17-4608-51161 17-5191-51772 47.41639 46.74093 47.17028 46.57528 46.19694 46.73722 -83.36 -80.8719 -82.9164 -83.3606 -81.5106 -80.7436 Timmins Timmins Sault Ste. Marie North Bay Kirkland Lake 17-4657-52747 17-4663-52723 16-7174-52272 17-5842-51980 17-5314-53425 47.62694 47.60528 47.16333 46.93167 48.23694 -81.4561 -81.4481 -84.1278 -79.8917 -80.5767 32 Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northeast Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Waterhole Lake Wauquimakog Lake Wavy Lake Wawa Lake Wawiagama Lake Wawiashkashi Lake Weashkog Lake Weckstrom Lake Weequed Lake Welcome Lake Wensley Lake West Bay West Morgan Lake Whiskey Lake White Bear Lake White Lake White Oak Lake White Owl Lake White Pine Lake White Rock Lake Whitefish Lake Whitewater Lake Wiggly Lake Wigwas Lake Wilkie Lake Williamson Lake Wilson Lake Windermere Lake Windy Lake Winnie Lake Wolf Lake Wolf Lake Wolfe Lake Woodrow Lake Woods Lake Wright's Lake (Yaremko L. 73) Yorston Lake (Yorston River Pl.) Geographic Township TERRY; TOLSTOI VARLEY WILSON; EAST MILLS BEVIN; EDEN; TILTON CHABANEL; MCMURRAY ARMAGH MACBETH; MCNISH JARVIS SHIELDS ERMATINGER LEASK; STULL; VALIN HOTTE FOSTER; TRUMAN LEVACK; MORGAN GAIASHK; GEROW; LEHMAN SAYER ATIKAMEG; BROTHERS; BRYANT; LABERGE HALIFAX; TILTON FULTON; GUINDON; IRIS; MCKEOUGH MCLEOD MCNIE GAIASHK ASTON; BANTING; BRIGSTOCKE; COLE LEHMAN DUNCAN NICHOLAS; RAIMBAULT MONTGOMERY ALBANEL; VARLEY BLISS; D AVAUGOUR; DRUILLETTES; GILLILAND; PETERS CASCADEN; DOWLING SPECHT; ALTON MACKELCAN HEMBRUFF TUPPER; SHIELDS PARKINSON; WELLS MACBETH; AFTON MCKINNON YAREMKO SEAGRAM; CLARY TURNER OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier Latitude (Decimal Degrees) Longitude (Decimal Degrees) Sault Ste. Marie North Bay Sudbury Wawa North Bay North Bay Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury Timmins Sudbury Sudbury Sudbury Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Wawa 17-3377-51571 17-5779-50835 17-4923-51272 16-6699-53200 17-5476-52058 17-5514-51832 16-7183-51703 16-7186-51904 17-4523-51581 17-4971-52299 17-4246-51860 17-4563-51199 17-4771-51698 17-3974-51436 17-3393-51732 16-6003-54025 46.5475 45.90306 46.3025 48.00861 47.00028 46.80222 46.65222 46.82694 46.57645 47.21917 46.82583 46.23528 46.67444 46.43972 46.69917 48.76944 -83.1044 -79.9961 -81.0925 -84.7294 -80.3819 -80.3192 -84.1469 -84.1497 -81.6221 -81.0419 -81.9878 -81.5658 -81.305 -82.3353 -83.1069 -85.6353 Sudbury Chapleau 17-5000-51272 17-3798-52237 46.29889 47.15778 -80.9978 -82.5864 Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury North Bay 17-5128-52363 17-3197-52134 17-3944-51408 17-5756-52313 47.28194 47.05139 46.41333 47.23167 -80.8306 -83.3733 -82.3747 -80.0014 Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Chapleau 17-3936-51522 16-7240-51577 17-3598-51620 17-3332-51424 17-3405-51601 17-2934-53143 46.51806 46.53694 46.59611 46.41972 46.5775 47.95194 -82.3856 -84.0772 -82.8236 -83.1697 -83.0814 -83.7686 Sudbury Chapleau Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie North Bay Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie North Bay North Bay 17-4664-51605 17-4194-52131 17-5279-51902 17-3722-51561 16-7105-51946 17-3207-51418 17-5505-51928 17-4300-51062 17-3764-51881 17-5349-52132 17-5322-52174 46.59917 47.07083 46.85278 46.54861 46.87361 46.40972 46.88806 46.10722 46.8375 47.06722 47.11139 -81.4386 -82.0614 -80.6319 -82.6664 -84.2458 -83.3331 -80.3364 -81.9053 -82.6197 -80.5356 -80.57556 33 Appendix VIII Put-Grow-Take Lake Trout Lakes in Northeast Region, OMNRF Put-Grow-Take Lake Trout Lakes in Northeast Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Geographic Township OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier Arnott Lake Azure Lake Bass Lake Beauty Lake Big Caribou Lake (Big Chief L.) Big Skunk Lake Birch Lake ARNOTT INVERGARRY STRIKER CORKILL MCCONKEY KLOCK ARNOTT; MCEWING GOUGH; MAY; SHAKESPEARE GARIBALDI CALDER; CLUTE; COLQUHOUN; LEITCH BOYLE AUDEN GEROW; BOON HAENTSCHEL NANSEN EVELYN GLACKMEYER MCEWING COX DUFF WHITESIDES; KEEFER Hearst Timmins Sault Ste. Marie Kirkland Lake North Bay Kirkland Lake Hearst Sudbury Blackie's Lake Blue Lake (Boyle 8 L.) Brave Lake Bull Lake Cedar Lake Clear Lake Clearwater Lake Commando Lake Corine Lake (Cox L. 29) Crawfish Lake Dana Lake Dead Otter Lake Doucette Lake Duck Lake Elizabeth Lake Elmer Lake Emerald Lake (Ericson L. 15) (Flipper L.) Fortune Lake Geneva Lake Gowganda Lake Harry Lake Hearst Lake Hogsback Lake Horseshoe Lake (Jerry L.) Jerry Lake Kasasway Lake Kecil Lake Ketchini Lake Kingston Lake Kitt Lake Kwitosse Lake (Lake 15F-47) Little Serpent Lake MORTIMER WILSON FOSTER DOON BORDEN ERICSON MOODY; GALNA FORTUNE HESS; MONCRIEFF MILNER; NICOL; VAN HISE WHIGHAM GILLIES LIMIT FOLEYET; OATES CADEAU; DEAGLE TWEED MACMURCHY REGAN; WIGLE VICTORIA; SHEDDEN WHALEN; WIGLE CANE KITTSON; COLEMAN BURROWS LAUGHTON DEAGLE 16-6730-54966 17-4344-52564 17-3536-51201 17-5305-52643 17-5718-50868 17-5681-52589 16-6764-54957 17-4246-51279 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 49.59944 47.46 46.22111 47.53333 45.9325 47.48194 49.59028 46.30222 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -84.6058 -81.8697 -82.8981 -80.595 -80.0683 -80.0958 -84.5589 -81.9794 Timmins Cochrane 17-4669-52549 17-4802-54481 47.44861 49.18722 -81.4394 -81.2714 Hearst Hearst Sudbury Sudbury Hearst Timmins Cochrane Hearst Sudbury Cochrane Timmins Wawa Cochrane North Bay Sudbury Kirkland Lake Chapleau Hearst Cochrane Timmins Sudbury Kirkland Lake Chapleau North Bay Chapleau Sudbury Cochrane Timmins Timmins Sudbury Timmins Kirkland Lake North Bay Timmins Cochrane Sudbury 17-4043-55224 16-6909-55255 17-4085-51426 17-5104-52287 17-4106-54561 17-5002-53926 17-4986-54342 16-6739-54918 17-5198-51108 17-4912-54112 17-4437-53579 16-5894-54131 17-5263-54178 17-5783-50817 17-4512-51212 17-5125-53027 17-3340-53046 17-3454-54224 17-5532-54084 17-4339-53837 17-4583-51789 17-5160-52748 17-3892-53167 17-5940-52379 17-3929-53528 17-3960-51305 17-5489-54853 17-4888-52702 17-4304-53073 17-4001-51234 17-4322-53002 17-5677-52702 17-5812-52445 17-4714-52923 17-5198-54552 17-3964-51279 49.84806 49.85361 46.43194 47.21386 49.25306 48.68833 49.06222 49.55583 46.16667 48.85556 48.37361 48.86611 48.91417 45.88639 46.24333 47.87972 47.875 48.9175 48.82833 48.60453 46.76444 47.63694 47.9925 47.28972 48.32111 46.32222 49.52028 47.58694 47.9175 46.26333 47.85028 47.58833 47.35333 47.785 49.25083 46.29861 -82.3314 -84.3447 -82.1867 -80.8623 -82.2281 -80.9972 -81.0192 -84.5953 -80.75 -81.12 -81.7603 -85.7806 -80.6411 -79.9906 -81.6347 -80.8325 -83.2194 -83.3875 -80.2747 -81.8986 -81.5461 -80.7881 -82.4875 -79.7567 -82.4447 -82.3508 -80.3242 -81.1492 -81.9317 -82.2947 -81.9064 -80.0942 -79.9228 -81.3811 -80.7283 -82.3453 34 Put-Grow-Take Lake Trout Lakes in Northeast Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Geographic Township OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier Long Lake Long Lake Long Lake Loon Lake Loon Lake Lulu Lake Macfie Lake Makada Lake McNab Lake Memoir Lake HARROW BRODER; EDEN; WATERS BLAIN; GROSS; SHARPE MERRITT; FOSTER BAYFIELD; BEATON CORLEY; DONOVAN CABOT WATERS BEST LYNCH; NEELANDS; STROM CHESTER; NEVILLE; SOMME; WHALEN NICOL FREELE SAGARD; VIEL NANSEN AURORA; CALVERT MORRISETTE NOTMAN REAUME; DUFF DUFF MICHAUD KENNING STULL SWEENY; BEAUMONT MCCALLUM; MCLAREN; SISK; THISTLE ARNOTT ROOT; ROYAL; RUSTON; WARDLE; WINKLER GILLIES LIMIT HARROW IVANHOE STETHAM SEMPLE ECHUM; KEESICKQUAYASH; LAFORME MARSHAY; BEULAH EDWARDS HOWELLS BRAGG PATTERSON DUNMORE; SHEBA LOCKEYER GLADMAN; LYMAN; NOTMAN SOUTH LORRAIN MOODY AWERES REGAN BAYLY; MARTER BORDEN Sudbury Sudbury Kirkland Lake Sudbury Wawa Kirkland Lake Timmins Sudbury North Bay Chapleau Mesomikenda Lake Miller Lake Mistango Lake Mount Lake Nansen Lake Nellie Lake Nettie Lake Noble Lake (Paddy L.) (Pallet L.) Perry Lake (Pine L.) Plier Lake Post Lake Red Cedar Lake Redpine Lake Rocky Island Lake Roosevelt Lake Round Lake Saw Lake Secret Lake Semple Lake Shikwamkwa Lake Shoofly Lake Sibbald Lake Smith Lake (Starvation L.) Stormy Lake Sunny Lake Tee Lake Tilden Lake Tooth Lake Traill Lake Upper Island Lake Upper Kasasway Lake Wendigo Lake Westover Lake 17-4236-51138 17-4936-51346 17-5555-53074 17-4455-51177 16-6613-54274 17-5184-52500 17-4702-52882 17-4872-51347 17-6007-52240 17-3507-52629 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 46.175 46.37222 47.91944 46.215 48.98167 47.40611 47.74833 46.36235 47.16333 47.50361 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -81.9892 -81.0817 -80.2569 -81.7064 -84.7931 -80.7572 -81.3967 -81.1544 -79.6708 -82.9814 Timmins 17-4340-52773 47.64 -81.8794 Kirkland Lake Cochrane Sault Ste. Marie Hearst Cochrane Kirkland Lake North Bay Cochrane Cochrane Kirkland Lake Cochrane Timmins Sudbury North Bay 17-5208-52783 17-5396-54407 17-3674-51703 17-4108-54557 17-5152-54045 17-5751-53413 17-6110-51620 17-4899-54142 17-4914-54102 17-5661-53749 17-5795-54548 17-5026-52366 17-4835-52068 17-5812-51735 47.66056 49.11944 46.675 49.24944 48.79528 48.22278 46.60514 48.8825 48.84667 48.52806 49.2425 47.28472 47.02293 46.70278 -80.7236 -80.4572 -82.7333 -82.2253 -80.7928 -79.9883 -79.5521 -81.1375 -81.1169 -80.1044 -79.9083 -80.965 -81.1966 -79.9383 Hearst Sault Ste. Marie 16-6775-55006 17-3460-51979 49.63389 46.91704 -84.5417 -83.0222 North Bay Sudbury Chapleau Timmins Timmins Chapleau 17-5975-52342 17-4232-51131 17-3882-53338 17-4476-52921 17-4776-53163 16-7128-53305 47.25583 46.16917 48.14944 47.7825 48.00556 48.09417 -79.7117 -81.9953 -82.5028 -81.6986 -81.3028 -84.1425 Timmins Cochrane Hearst Cochrane North Bay Kirkland Lake Sudbury North Bay 17-4713-52302 17-5312-54060 17-4287-55286 17-5395-54732 17-5947-51034 17-5348-53340 17-4054-51496 17-6035-51636 47.22924 48.80861 49.90778 49.41194 46.08028 48.16056 46.49556 46.62687 -81.3808 -80.5742 -81.9931 -80.4553 -79.7739 -80.5322 -82.2325 -79.6601 North Bay Cochrane Sault Ste. Marie Timmins Kirkland Lake Chapleau 17-6130-52261 17-5509-54115 16-7101-51724 17-4305-53104 17-5977-53024 17-3380-53074 47.18278 48.85639 46.67278 47.94472 47.86944 47.90139 -79.5086 -80.3056 -84.25 -81.9303 -79.6933 -83.1678 35 Put-Grow-Take Lake Trout Lakes in Northeast Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Geographic Township OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier (Whigham L. 41) Young Lake Zinger Lake WHIGHAM ARNOTT POTTER Chapleau Hearst Cochrane 17-3856-53100 16-6686-54955 17-5187-54742 36 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 47.93472 49.59083 49.42222 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -82.5317 -84.6672 -80.7425 Appendix IX Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northwest Region, OMNRF Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northwest Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name (5PB10-125, L.) (5PB10-93, L.) 5PB17-82, L. Abamategwia Lake Abbess Lake Abigogami Lake Adele Lake Adventure Lake Aegean Lake Aerobus Lake Agnes Lake Aiabewatik Lake Ajax Lake Aldridge Lake Alonghill Lake (Als L.) Anders Lake Anishinabi Lake Anstey Lake Antoine Lake Apps Lake Argo Lake Aronson Lake Arrow Lake Athelstane Lake Atik Lake Atikwa Lake Atlantic Lake (Audrey L.) Augite Lake Azure Lake (Back Lawrence L.) (Bad L.) Bad Vermilion Lake Badwater Lake Balmain Lake Balmoral Lake Barbara Lake Baril Lake Bartley Lake Basket Lake Basswood Lake Bat Lake Batchewaung Lake Beak Lake Beamish Lake Bear Trap Lake Beatty Lake Beauty Lake Beaverhouse Lake Geographic Township GRUMMETT; CATHCART HARDWICK GTP BLOCK 2 BRIDGES TUSTIN; BRIDGES LAHONTAN LEDUC; WALTERS OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier Fort Frances Fort Frances Fort Frances Dryden Fort Frances Thunder Bay Fort Frances Red Lake Red Lake Kenora Fort Frances Dryden Fort Frances Thunder Bay Fort Frances Red Lake Thunder Bay Kenora Fort Frances Fort Frances Red Lake Fort Frances Fort Frances Thunder Bay Thunder Bay Thunder Bay Kenora Sioux Lookout Kenora Dryden Red Lake Fort Frances Kenora Fort Frances Fort Frances Dryden Dryden Nipigon Thunder Bay Fort Frances Dryden Fort Frances Fort Frances Fort Frances Dryden Red Lake Nipigon Nipigon Kenora Fort Frances 15-5729-54366 15-5727-54414 15-6070-54327 15-5795-55014 15-5970-53925 16-3670-54288 15-6189-54492 15-3695-56411 15-3758-56302 15-4712-55760 15-6228-53450 15-5385-54784 15-4691-54639 16-2999-55570 15-4866-54374 15-4384-56032 16-3600-54270 15-4674-55871 15-4502-54405 15-6095-53746 15-4128-58107 15-5888-53453 15-5023-54519 15-7025-53379 15-7050-54058 15-7097-53434 15-4602-54790 15-6100-55667 15-4384-55016 15-4487-55234 15-3869-58827 15-4763-54581 15-4327-55016 15-5236-53978 15-5772-53711 15-4469-55244 15-5840-54616 16-4420-54651 15-6650-54018 15-4633-54470 15-5711-55030 15-6055-53263 15-4855-54345 15-6103-53911 15-5542-54588 15-3670-56298 16-4621-54126 16-4566-55070 15-4119-55702 15-5662-53769 37 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 49.07972 49.12306 49.03991 49.65694 48.68167 48.99611 49.18389 50.90972 50.81222 50.33778 48.24222 49.4575 49.32861 50.14222 49.09694 50.57944 48.98167 50.43917 49.11667 48.52472 52.44278 48.26222 49.23194 48.16472 48.77528 48.21139 49.46333 50.24417 49.66556 49.86198 53.08389 49.27971 49.665 48.735 48.49056 49.86944 49.30528 49.33806 48.74861 49.18028 49.66833 48.08556 49.0625 48.66444 49.28222 50.80889 48.85972 49.71583 50.2775 48.54528 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -92.0019 -92.0036 -91.5362 -91.8953 -91.6797 -88.8203 -91.3689 -94.8531 -94.7633 -93.4047 -91.3458 -92.4706 -93.4214 -89.78 -93.1881 -93.8703 -88.9128 -93.4614 -93.6814 -91.5272 -94.2706 -91.8117 -92.9669 -90.2764 -90.2025 -90.1769 -93.5464 -91.4567 -93.8539 -93.7146 -94.6858 -93.3167 -93.9328 -92.6828 -91.955 -93.7442 -91.8403 -87.7983 -90.7658 -93.5022 -92.0131 -91.5669 -93.1897 -91.5122 -92.2542 -94.8983 -87.5183 -87.6019 -94.2336 -92.1008 Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northwest Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Geographic Township OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier Bee Lake Bell Lake (Belmont L.) Below Bow Lake Bending Lake Benstewart Lake Berry Lake TUSTIN GTP BLOCK 7 Dryden Dryden Dryden Fort Frances Dryden Fort Frances Kenora Bert Lake Bethune Lake Bethune Lake Big Bear Lake Big Canon Lake Big Island Lake Big Jet Lake Big Joe Lake Big Sandy Lake Big Trout Lake Big Vermilion Lake Bigshell Lake Birch Lake Black Sturgeon Lake (Block 5 L. 8) Blue Lake (Blueberry L.) Bluff Lake Bluffpoint Lake Bornite Lake Boulder Lake Bow Lake Box Lake Boyer Lake Bradley Lake Brent Lake Bretz Lake Brightsand Lake Brooks Lake Brown Trout Lake Bruin Lake Buckingham Lake Buddell Lake Bukemiga Lake Bulging Lake Bunny Lake Burchell Lake Burke Lake Burnt Island Lake Burt Lake (Burton L.) Cache Lake WILLINGDON; DEVONSHIRE PRISKE TANNER HARTMAN; MACFIE; MCAREE DRAYTON; GTP BLOCK 10; JORDAN; LOMOND; VERMILION; VERMILION ADDITIONAL SMELLIE SENN MACNICOL MOSS 15-4406-55214 15-6500-55194 15-5830-54638 15-5986-54297 15-5627-54632 15-5008-54467 15-4302-54803 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 49.84389 49.80278 49.32306 49.01472 49.33139 49.17417 49.47361 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -93.8242 -90.9117 -91.8575 -91.6522 -92.1361 -92.9892 -93.9639 Kenora Fort Frances Fort Frances Nipigon Kenora Kenora Kenora Fort Frances Dryden 15-4283-55451 15-6049-54231 15-4528-54361 16-4846-54110 15-4455-55462 15-4298-55335 15-4263-55335 15-5685-54110 15-5463-55189 50.05583 48.95389 49.07917 48.85472 50.06833 49.955 49.95056 48.84639 49.81972 -94.0014 -91.5669 -93.6475 -87.2094 -93.7625 -93.9825 -94.0297 -92.0597 -92.3531 Sioux Lookout Sioux Lookout 15-6978-59597 15-5556-55428 53.745 50.03639 -89.9992 -92.2167 Red Lake Red Lake Nipigon Fort Frances Dryden Red Lake Kenora Fort Frances Kenora Fort Frances Fort Frances Fort Frances Dryden Kenora Fort Frances Fort Frances Dryden Fort Frances Dryden Kenora Fort Frances Sioux Lookout Thunder Bay Red Lake Red Lake Thunder Bay Fort Frances Thunder Bay Fort Frances Kenora Fort Frances 15-4010-56940 15-5452-56951 16-3634-54687 15-5916-53473 15-4641-55274 15-3860-56146 15-4056-55392 15-4725-54467 15-4670-55751 15-5850-53704 15-6071-54377 15-4402-54257 15-5320-54804 15-3794-55972 15-5989-53503 15-4933-54429 15-6869-55111 15-4583-54519 15-4631-55092 15-4349-55230 15-6279-53787 15-5840-56575 16-3411-55531 15-3634-56451 15-3940-56284 15-6747-53842 15-6136-53287 15-6584-54061 15-6075-53504 15-4436-55044 15-6439-53791 51.38889 51.40694 49.35806 48.27417 49.90444 50.67314 49.99611 49.17111 50.32889 48.48444 49.06 48.98444 49.47806 50.51389 48.30306 49.14278 49.72528 49.22056 49.74222 49.85944 48.54667 51.06222 50.11278 50.94417 50.79944 48.59389 48.10444 48.79139 48.28611 49.69139 48.54833 -94.4181 -92.3506 -88.8806 -91.7656 -93.4936 -94.5997 -94.3269 -93.3814 -93.4572 -91.8606 -91.5692 -93.8111 -92.5583 -94.7081 -91.6853 -93.0925 -90.4067 -93.5728 -93.5122 -93.9067 -91.2608 -91.8003 -89.2258 -94.9364 -94.5031 -90.6328 -91.4758 -90.8403 -91.5489 -93.7822 -91.0475 38 Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northwest Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Cairngorm Lake Calder Lake Call Lake Calvert Lake Cameron Lake Cameron Lake Camp Lake Campbell Lake Campus Lake Caribou Lake (Carl L.) Carleton Lake Carling Lake Carp Lake Castle Lake Castle Lake Catlonite Lake (Cave Trout L.) Cavern Lake Caviar Lake Cecil Lake Cedarbough Lake Cedartree Lake Chepahyee Sahkaheekahn/Onepine Lake Cherrington Lake Church Lake Cirrus Lake (Cisco L.) Clare Lake Clearwater Lake Clearwater West Lake Cleveland Lake Cliff Lake Cliff Lake Cloven Lake Cobble Lake Cobham Lake Cobourg Lake Cole Lake Collins Lake Como Lake Cone Lake Confederation Lake Confusion Lake Conifer Lake (Constellation L.) Cooney Lake (Cornpicker L.) Cosgrave Lake Coubran Lake Couture Lake Geographic Township HARDWICK HARDWICK DORION PICKEREL; VERMILION COLDWELL; GRAIN MACNICOL MCNEVIN; CATHCART BRIDGES; DOCKER; SMELLIE DENT; GOODALL; KNOTT; MITCHELL OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier 16-5042-54260 15-4922-54538 15-4115-56321 15-4587-54496 15-7164-53390 15-4499-54575 15-6896-54026 15-4503-54318 15-5934-54510 16-3495-55900 15-4776-55506 15-5117-54665 15-6217-56090 15-6254-53267 16-3663-55543 15-7176-53418 16-4995-54471 15-6095-54330 16-3778-54100 15-4431-54685 15-6164-54885 15-5581-55367 15-4375-54620 15-3875-57398 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 48.98361 49.23861 50.83333 49.20278 48.16972 49.26972 48.74917 49.04 49.21389 50.44528 50.10917 49.35444 50.62306 48.09639 50.13194 48.19472 49.18111 49.04066 48.83139 49.36972 49.54056 49.97944 49.30972 51.8 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -86.9411 -93.1072 -94.25 -93.6456 -90.0906 -93.6836 -90.4203 -93.6756 -91.7181 -89.1178 -93.3133 -92.8406 -91.275 -91.3083 -88.8728 -90.0683 -87.0081 -91.5151 -88.6664 -93.7911 -91.3903 -92.1936 -93.86 -94.6317 Nipigon Fort Frances Red Lake Fort Frances Thunder Bay Kenora Thunder Bay Fort Frances Dryden Thunder Bay Kenora Fort Frances Sioux Lookout Fort Frances Thunder Bay Thunder Bay Nipigon Fort Frances Thunder Bay Kenora Dryden Sioux Lookout Kenora Red Lake Red Lake Thunder Bay Fort Frances Nipigon Kenora Dryden Fort Frances Red Lake Kenora Nipigon Dryden Dryden 15-3718-58269 15-6795-53776 15-5747-53824 16-5317-54056 15-4315-55181 15-4689-55111 15-5755-54281 15-4364-57983 15-4785-55574 16-3700-54355 15-6292-54506 15-4552-55258 52.56667 48.5275 48.59306 48.80315 49.81389 49.75389 49.00139 52.33028 50.16917 49.0425 49.19667 49.88833 -94.8989 -90.5689 -91.9881 -86.5825 -93.9531 -93.4317 -91.9692 -93.9397 -93.3025 -88.7786 -91.2261 -93.6186 Red Lake Fort Frances Fort Frances Thunder Bay Fort Frances Fort Frances Red Lake 15-3940-58578 15-4596-54321 15-5900-53914 16-3277-55707 15-6228-53964 15-5940-53465 15-5210-56629 52.86111 49.04472 48.66778 50.26444 48.70944 48.27222 51.11861 -94.5744 -93.5514 -91.77 -89.4208 -91.3311 -91.7389 -92.6914 Red Lake Kenora Red Lake Thunder Bay Red Lake Nipigon Nipigon Dryden 15-4187-56135 15-4270-56011 15-3774-56568 16-3260-55298 15-4153-56788 16-4324-54532 16-5387-54105 15-6679-55535 50.67111 50.55611 51.04851 49.89694 51.25611 49.22972 48.84389 50.11472 -94.1553 -94.025 -94.74 -89.4233 -94.2142 -87.9283 -86.4753 -90.65 39 Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northwest Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Cox Lake Cox Lake Crabclaw Lake (Crayfish L.) Crevasse Lake Crook Lake Cross Lake Crossroute Lake Crowrock Lake Cry Lake Crystal Lake Cull Lake Curve Lake Dad Lake Dakota Lake Daniels Lake Darkwater Lake Dash Lake Dashwa Lake David Lake Davidson Lake Davis Lake De Lesseps Lake Deception Lake Deer Lake Delaney Lake Denmark Lake Derby Lake Dewan Lake Dibble Lake Dicker Lake Dimple Lake Disraeli Lake Doan Lake Dogfly Lake Dogpaw Lake Dogtooth Lake Domain Lake Doman Lake Donald Lake Doré Lake Dorothy Lake Dorothy Lake Double Lake Douglas Lake Dovetail Lake Dowswell Lake (Dragon L. (NL)) Dragon Lake Draper Lake Dryberry Lake Ducell Lake Dummy Lake Geographic Township BRIDGES; DOCKER LAMPORT TUSTIN STREY MCTAVISH DEWAN COYLE; KIRKUP; LE MAY; MCMEEKIN MCLARTY MULCAHY; BALL WORK OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier Kenora Dryden Dryden Fort Frances Thunder Bay Fort Frances Kenora Fort Frances Fort Frances Thunder Bay Fort Frances Nipigon Thunder Bay Fort Frances Thunder Bay Dryden Fort Frances Fort Frances Fort Frances Fort Frances Nipigon Fort Frances Sioux Lookout Thunder Bay Red Lake Kenora Kenora Fort Frances Dryden Dryden Kenora Dryden Nipigon Fort Frances Fort Frances Kenora Kenora Red Lake Fort Frances Red Lake Fort Frances Fort Frances Fort Frances Fort Frances Red Lake Fort Frances Kenora Red Lake Fort Frances Fort Frances Kenora Nipigon Kenora 40 15-4311-55431 15-5572-54761 15-4559-55166 15-6087-54396 16-3297-55263 15-5634-54343 15-4115-55351 15-4674-54480 15-5858-54247 16-3557-55322 15-6263-53964 16-4307-54463 16-3520-55558 15-4520-54331 15-7039-53810 15-4399-55286 15-5893-53500 15-4559-54377 15-5921-54203 15-5450-53588 16-4892-54151 15-4879-54458 15-6620-56188 16-3712-53869 15-4198-58335 15-4250-55493 15-4546-54695 15-4508-54427 15-6123-54618 15-5704-54495 15-4332-55321 15-5777-54539 16-3551-54440 15-6062-54453 15-4908-54386 15-4342-54693 15-4148-55077 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 50.03917 49.43394 49.80111 49.09947 49.8675 49.06361 49.96472 49.18722 48.97139 49.92639 48.71361 49.17389 50.13333 49.05083 48.55111 49.90139 48.29972 49.09314 48.92972 48.38167 48.88861 49.16694 50.7 48.62417 52.64778 50.09028 49.37806 49.13722 49.30028 49.19639 49.93944 49.23389 49.13667 49.15306 49.10167 49.36944 49.71833 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -93.9636 -92.208 -93.6047 -91.5065 -89.3692 -92.1331 -94.2336 -93.4456 -91.8306 -89.0111 -91.2717 -87.9511 -89.0667 -93.6569 -90.2364 -93.8353 -91.7967 -93.6012 -91.7475 -92.3925 -87.1489 -93.1769 -90.7061 -88.7467 -94.185 -94.0481 -93.625 -93.6742 -91.4567 -92.0353 -93.9308 -91.9328 -88.9864 -91.545 -93.1275 -93.9008 -94.18 15-3893-56463 15-5019-54252 15-3664-56554 15-6143-53839 15-4464-54293 15-5315-54662 15-6424-53401 15-4108-56510 15-5704-54143 15-3786-56088 15-3862-56199 15-5828-54131 15-6021-53763 15-4395-54864 16-4895-54163 15-3912-55526 50.96139 48.98139 51.04083 48.59833 49.01333 49.35444 48.19944 51.00528 48.88 50.61917 50.72167 48.8675 48.5375 49.52917 48.90028 50.11833 -94.5706 -92.9758 -94.9153 -91.4492 -93.7456 -92.5742 -91.0903 -94.2717 -92.04 -94.7186 -94.6125 -91.8728 -91.6181 -93.8369 -87.1369 -94.5214 Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northwest Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Dumpy Lake Eagle Lake Eagle Rock Lake Earngey Lake East Hardtack Lake Echoing Lake Eden Lake (ELA L. 188) (ELA L. 310) (ELA L. 322) (ELA L. 385) (ELA L. 467) (ELA L. 629) (ELA L. 664) Elbow Lake (Elephant Head L.) Elevation Lake (Ella L.) Ellis Lake Elm Lake Elsie Lake Emarton Lake Embryo Lake Emerald Lake Emery Lake Entwine Lake Esker Lake Esox Lake Ethelma Lake Eva Lake Eye Lake Eyelid Lake Factor Lake Fahey Lake Faircloth Lake Fallingsnow Lake Favel Lake (Fawn L.) Feather Lake Feist Lake Ferguson Lake Fernow Lake (Fish L.) Fish Lake Fisher Lake Flegg Lake Flora Lake (Fly L.) Fly Lake Fog Lake Ford Lake Geographic Township AUBREY; DOCKER; LANGTON; MUTRIE; TEMPLE MACNICOL WEAVER PRISKE MCMEEKIN DEVON TUSTIN FERNOW MACNICOL ASMUSSEN BOWERMAN; EARNGEY; MITCHELL OSAQUAN OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier 15-4238-55746 15-4950-55030 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 50.31917 49.66308 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -94.0681 -93.1483 Kenora Dryden Fort Frances Kenora Fort Frances Sioux Lookout Kenora Kenora Dryden Dryden Dryden Kenora Kenora Kenora Fort Frances Red Lake Thunder Bay Kenora Nipigon Nipigon Fort Frances Red Lake Red Lake Fort Frances Fort Frances Fort Frances Nipigon Fort Frances Kenora Fort Frances Fort Frances Fort Frances Fort Frances Fort Frances Nipigon Thunder Bay Kenora Dryden Fort Frances Dryden Fort Frances Nipigon Dryden Dryden Dryden Kenora Fort Frances Kenora Red Lake 15-5212-54524 15-4363-55211 15-6012-54215 15-5492-60415 15-3599-56139 15-4430-54945 15-4535-55013 15-4510-54968 15-4563-55069 15-4456-55010 15-4389-55110 15-4466-54970 15-6460-54008 15-3887-56248 15-6577-53565 15-4420-55046 16-4879-54129 16-3710-54376 15-5909-54484 15-4907-56260 15-4044-56455 15-6315-53307 15-5824-54442 15-5231-54423 16-5078-54343 15-4810-54373 15-4306-55046 15-6340-53970 15-5915-54149 15-4981-54501 15-5688-53944 15-4964-54421 16-4168-56676 16-2930-53355 15-4299-55381 15-5834-54555 15-4483-54282 15-4398-55176 15-6367-53715 16-5680-55298 15-4419-55113 15-5968-54495 15-4599-54900 15-4343-55259 15-5762-54014 15-4341-55407 15-5228-56544 49.22444 49.84056 48.94194 54.52222 50.66111 49.60101 49.66359 49.6218 49.71352 49.65037 49.74902 49.62318 48.74306 50.76424 48.34556 49.69306 48.86917 49.08056 49.18583 50.78667 50.95611 48.12389 49.14889 49.1425 49.06389 49.09028 49.69528 48.71556 48.8825 49.20528 48.70444 49.12778 51.15666 48.14083 49.99333 49.24889 49.00639 49.80944 48.48361 49.91833 49.75333 49.19694 49.56222 49.88333 48.76278 50.01694 51.045 -92.7161 -93.8872 -91.6169 -92.2369 -94.9789 -93.7947 -93.635 -93.6715 -93.6108 -93.7645 -93.8348 -93.7438 -91.0111 -94.5691 -90.8722 -93.8044 -87.1661 -88.7706 -91.7522 -93.1328 -94.3611 -91.2392 -91.8708 -92.6867 -86.8931 -93.2525 -93.9633 -91.1733 -91.7514 -93.0258 -92.0597 -93.0375 -88.1866 -89.7828 -93.9778 -91.8542 -93.7069 -93.8381 -91.1553 -86.0531 -93.8067 -91.6689 -93.5558 -93.9125 -91.9647 -93.92 -92.6792 Fort Frances Dryden 15-4645-54542 15-5851-54731 49.23361 49.40667 -93.4911 -91.8267 41 Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northwest Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Forget Lake Forgotten Lake Fork Lake Forsberg Lake Forty Mile Lake Fourbay Lake Fourstar Lake Fox Lake Foxtail Lake French Lake Furlonge Lake Gamble Lake Game Lake Gardnar Lake Gargoyle Lake Gates Lake Geejay Lake Geordie Lake (George L.) Ghost Lake Gibi Lake Gibraltar Narrows (Gibson L.) Gibson Lake Glacier Lake Glenn Lake Gneiss Lake Gnome Lake Goodwill Lake Gooseneck Lake Gordon Lake Gordon Reid Lake Graham Lake Granite Lake Grant Lake Grave Lake Green Lake Green Lake Greenhedge Lake Greenwater Lake Greenwich Lake Grehan Lake Grey Trout Lake Grimshaw Lake Grouse Lake Gulliver Lake Gullwing Lake Gunflint Lake Gunter Lake Gussie Lake Gustauson Lake Haggart Lake Geographic Township GTP BLOCK 9; BENEDICKSON BRIDGES; DOCKER LAVAL BROWNRIDGE WORK; CODE BRIDGES MCLARTY BOYS HAINES; BEGIN CATHCART BROWNRIDGE; DROPE; STOKES; WEBB OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier 16-3697-54362 15-4028-55463 15-6696-53978 15-5949-54175 15-5993-55460 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 49.06889 50.06472 48.71194 48.90556 50.06056 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -88.7853 -94.3558 -90.6939 -91.7036 -91.6133 Nipigon Kenora Thunder Bay Fort Frances Sioux Lookout Dryden Fort Frances Kenora Fort Frances Fort Frances Fort Frances Fort Frances Dryden Dryden Fort Frances Fort Frances Dryden Nipigon Kenora Dryden Kenora Fort Frances Dryden Thunder Bay Fort Frances Red Lake Thunder Bay Thunder Bay Thunder Bay Kenora Dryden Nipigon Fort Frances Kenora Fort Frances Fort Frances Dryden Dryden Nipigon Thunder Bay Thunder Bay Nipigon Fort Frances Fort Frances Thunder Bay Fort Frances Dryden 15-6523-55501 15-4866-54636 15-3721-55362 15-4923-54691 15-6363-53918 15-4723-54386 15-6104-54451 15-4546-55219 15-5375-55206 15-6384-54394 15-4878-54439 15-4437-55142 16-5379-54088 15-4196-55443 15-5240-55204 15-4182-54953 15-4758-54588 15-4426-55113 16-3401-55853 15-6325-53417 15-3832-56403 15-6635-53388 16-3272-55793 16-4173-55724 15-3704-55440 15-4490-55266 16-4271-56531 15-4464-54294 15-3654-55075 15-4920-54470 15-4981-54403 15-4684-55017 15-5355-54750 16-4701-54424 15-6904-53837 16-3638-54070 16-5271-54815 15-5670-54304 15-4951-54235 15-6812-53794 15-6218-54485 15-5293-55287 50.08861 49.3275 49.96194 49.37722 48.66556 49.10194 49.15083 49.84944 49.84167 49.09556 49.14528 49.77861 48.8325 50.0475 49.83722 49.61278 49.28139 49.75333 50.4 48.21556 50.90611 48.18083 50.34476 50.29993 50.03694 49.89083 51.02667 49.01083 49.70944 49.17806 49.11694 49.66917 49.42861 49.13528 48.57861 48.81 49.49028 49.02389 48.96972 48.54361 49.18139 49.90417 -90.8742 -93.1853 -94.7847 -93.1164 -91.1394 -93.3728 -91.4867 -93.6328 -92.4792 -91.1025 -93.1647 -93.7797 -86.4911 -94.1231 -92.6667 -94.1308 -93.3428 -93.7969 -89.25 -91.2278 -94.6625 -90.8025 -89.4332 -88.1609 -94.8103 -93.7106 -88.0394 -93.7344 -94.8675 -93.1125 -93.025 -93.4372 -92.5097 -87.4097 -90.4311 -88.8592 -86.6244 -92.0839 -93.075 -90.5431 -91.3222 -92.5875 Thunder Bay Thunder Bay Fort Frances Dryden Red Lake 15-6725-53298 16-2948-55306 15-4778-54335 15-5826-54970 15-3615-56383 48.10139 49.89333 49.05556 49.62306 50.86694 -90.695 -89.8603 -93.3036 -91.8558 -94.9808 42 Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northwest Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Geographic Township OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier Hammell Lake Hammerhead Lake (Hanging L.) Hansen Lake Hardtack Lake Harris Lake Hatchet Lake Hawk Lake Hawkcliff Lake Hawkeye Lake Hector Lake Hectorine Lake Helder Lake Helena Lake Herb Lake Herb Lake Heuston Lake Hickerson Lake High Lake Highwind Lake Hill Lake Hillock Lake Hilma Lake Hilton Lake Holger Lake Holland Lake Hollingsworth Lake Holmes Lake Holstein Lake Home Lake Hood Lake Hope Lake (Horn L.) Hornberg Lake Hornblende Lake Hornick Lake (Horseshoe L.) (Horseshoe L.) Horseshoe Lake Horseshoe Lake Howie Lake Huronian Lake Huston Lake Icarus Lake India Lake Indian Lake Innes Lake Inspiration Lake Irene Lake (Isabelle L.) Isinglass Lake Islets Lake Jackfish Lake Jackfish Lake FAIRLIE; GRAVES; TODD Red Lake Red Lake Red Lake Red Lake Fort Frances Fort Frances Red Lake Kenora Dryden Thunder Bay Fort Frances Fort Frances Kenora Fort Frances Fort Frances Kenora Fort Frances Fort Frances Kenora Kenora Fort Frances Kenora Thunder Bay Red Lake Sioux Lookout Thunder Bay Thunder Bay Fort Frances Fort Frances Thunder Bay Thunder Bay Kenora Kenora Fort Frances Nipigon Thunder Bay Dryden Kenora Dryden Kenora Thunder Bay Thunder Bay Kenora Thunder Bay Kenora Dryden Thunder Bay Thunder Bay Fort Frances Kenora Kenora Dryden Fort Frances Fort Frances 15-4269-56605 15-3706-56518 15-4261-58211 15-3805-56428 15-5996-54211 15-4845-54485 15-4098-56485 15-4279-55138 15-4624-54987 16-3199-53954 15-4746-54627 15-4758-54643 15-4153-55778 15-4597-54397 15-5913-54428 15-4222-55250 15-5760-54440 15-4866-54214 15-3457-55073 15-4345-55065 15-4666-54568 15-4350-55001 16-3752-53979 15-4503-59412 15-5995-55749 16-3661-55827 16-3616-56066 15-5587-54132 15-4650-54480 15-6539-53616 15-6735-53727 15-4445-54729 15-4287-55480 15-4514-54404 16-4719-54180 16-3326-55334 15-4476-55297 15-4380-55114 15-5833-54665 15-4323-55298 16-3601-56035 15-6641-53950 15-3498-55846 15-6814-53436 15-3909-55505 15-5965-54891 16-3750-54094 16-3567-55633 15-6015-54420 15-4698-55819 15-4500-54658 15-5533-54518 15-4563-54208 15-5849-54406 MULCAHY MACNICOL; DESMOND FOWLER JACKMAN EWART MCTAVISH GOUR DORION 43 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 51.09028 51.00972 52.53389 50.92222 48.93556 49.18528 50.98306 49.77417 49.64306 48.68917 49.31861 49.33194 50.34778 49.11139 49.13278 49.87361 49.14611 48.94778 49.70056 49.70583 49.26417 49.65278 48.72361 53.61944 50.31972 50.37963 50.58889 48.86889 49.18833 48.39111 48.48556 49.40667 50.08194 49.1221 48.91444 49.93222 49.91873 49.75389 49.34472 49.91889 50.56821 48.68917 50.39528 48.21833 50.09861 49.53917 48.82667 50.20528 49.12833 50.39028 49.34417 49.21972 48.94056 49.11444 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -94.0369 -94.8494 -94.1081 -94.7006 -91.6394 -93.2008 -94.285 -94.0014 -93.5175 -89.4414 -93.3503 -93.3433 -94.1903 -93.5522 -91.7486 -94.0817 -91.9578 -93.1836 -95.1333 -93.9164 -93.4597 -93.9 -88.6972 -93.7517 -91.6031 -88.8797 -88.9544 -92.1953 -93.4775 -90.9214 -90.6539 -93.7664 -93.9967 -93.6605 -87.3797 -89.3319 -93.7299 -93.8608 -91.8542 -93.9456 -88.9757 -90.7775 -95.1144 -90.5569 -94.5253 -91.6658 -88.7011 -89.0056 -91.6094 -93.425 -93.6858 -92.2719 -93.5961 -91.8367 Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northwest Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name (Jake L.) James Lake (Jason L.) Jason Lake Jean Lake Jeff Lake Jessie Lake Jim Lake Jim Lake (Jorgenson L.) Joyce Lake Kagianagami Lake Kahabeness Lake Kahnahmaykoosaysensikahk/ Valhalla Lake Kahshahpiwi Lake Kaiashkons Lake Kakagi Lake Kamikau Lake Kaminni Lake Kaopskikamak Lake Kaoskauta Lake Kapesakosi Lake Kasakokwog Lake Kashabowie Lake Katimiagamak Lake Kawawiag Lake Kay Lake Keechewahweeyaykahmahk/ McCusker Lake Keefer Lake Keemle Lake Kennewapekko Lake Kenny Lake Kenny Lake Kershaw Lake Kett Lake Kettle Lake Keys Lake Kilburn Lake Kilgour Lake Killala Lake Kilvert Lake King Lake Kingfish Lake Kinmoapiku Lake Kinnyu Lake Kishkutena Lake Knowles Lake Konigson Lake Kowastigiman Lake Kushog Lake (L. 20) (L. 26) Geographic Township KILLRAINE BOOTH; PURDOM GODSON; PHILLIPS HAINES GODSON GRUMMETT MCMEEKIN; DESMOND MCLARTY MCMEEKIN; DESMOND OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier 15-3893-56327 15-4953-54441 15-4247-55403 16-4741-54101 15-5958-53772 15-6177-53358 16-4028-54500 15-6008-53925 15-3982-55510 15-4433-55118 15-6113-53468 16-4393-56423 15-4987-54454 15-4223-56844 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 50.82842 49.15611 50.01222 48.84639 48.54278 48.16361 49.19694 48.67944 50.10806 49.75778 48.26389 50.92 49.16278 51.31 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -94.5856 -93.0533 -94.0511 -87.3536 -91.7028 -91.4164 -88.3344 -91.6289 -94.4178 -93.7875 -91.5147 -87.8606 -93.0197 -94.1069 Red Lake Fort Frances Kenora Nipigon Fort Frances Fort Frances Nipigon Fort Frances Kenora Dryden Fort Frances Nipigon Fort Frances Red Lake Fort Frances Fort Frances Kenora Thunder Bay Fort Frances Fort Frances Fort Frances Dryden Fort Frances Thunder Bay Fort Frances Fort Frances Dryden Red Lake 15-6126-53450 15-4710-54335 15-4390-54514 15-6986-53540 15-5013-54633 15-5116-54405 15-4895-54697 15-4760-54731 15-5896-53865 15-6913-53983 15-4479-54411 15-5104-54512 15-6111-54547 15-3845-57222 48.24444 49.05944 49.21472 48.30972 49.3225 49.11861 49.38111 49.41556 48.62472 48.70611 49.12444 49.21361 49.23556 51.64528 -91.4811 -93.3878 -93.8372 -90.3211 -92.9794 -92.8411 -93.1339 -93.33 -91.7928 -90.3992 -93.7128 -92.8583 -91.4731 -94.6689 Fort Frances Nipigon Dryden Nipigon Dryden Thunder Bay Fort Frances Thunder Bay Kenora Red Kenora Nipigon Nipigon Kenora Nipigon Fort Frances Dryden Fort Frances Fort Frances Fort Frances Fort Frances Red Lake Kenora Fort Frances Fort Frances 15-6162-53525 16-4188-54594 15-5320-54689 16-4479-54007 15-5334-54745 16-2939-55252 15-6017-53337 16-3589-55329 15-4268-55431 15-3954-56165 16-4348-54546 16-5341-54366 15-4257-55053 16-4358-54036 15-5758-54387 15-5723-54610 15-5281-54545 15-4440-54320 15-5097-54550 15-4871-54526 15-5158-58183 15-4309-55096 15-5624-54422 15-5628-54415 48.30389 49.28361 49.37139 48.75889 49.42389 49.84528 48.14917 49.93219 50.03556 50.68502 49.24306 49.08 49.68611 48.78361 49.09778 49.295 49.245 49.03556 49.25889 49.22833 52.51389 49.74972 49.12889 49.1225 -91.4461 -88.1164 -92.5633 -87.7089 -92.5361 -89.8667 -91.6347 -88.9592 -94.0197 -94.481 -87.8964 -86.5267 -94.0258 -87.8733 -91.9614 -92.0067 -92.6083 -93.7797 -92.8811 -93.1778 -92.7603 -93.9594 -92.1372 -92.145 44 Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northwest Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name (L. 39) (L. 42) Lac des Iles Lac la Croix Lake Nipigon Lake of Bays Lawrence Lake Leano Lake Lee Lake Leitch Lake Lennan Lake (Leonard L.) Lift Lake Lilac Lake Lindholm Lake Linge Lake Linklater Lake Little Caribou Lake (Little Crayfish L.) Little Dogtooth Lake (Little Entwine L.) Little Gordon Lake Little Grey Trout Lake Little Gull Lake Little Irene Lake Little Jet Lake (Little Joe L.) Little Kishkutena Lake (Little Long L.) Little Moraine Lake Little Pic Lake Little Raleigh Lake (Little Round Lake) Little Sandford Lake Little Santoy Lake (Little Scattergood L.) Little Sparkling Lake (Little Trout L.) Little Vermilion Lake (Little Woman L.) Loch Erne Loch Lomond Long Lake Longlegged Lake Loonhaunt Lake Louisa Lake Lower Manitou Lake Lower Moosehide Lake Lower Stewart Lake Luella Lake Lyne Lake Mabel Lake Geographic Township DOROTHEA; EVA; INNES; KILKENNY FACTOR; GTP BLOCK 8 MULCAHY; KILLALA MULCAHY; KILLALA TUSTIN; BRIDGES MACNICOL; TUSTIN COYLE; DESMOND TUSTIN SENN; MCLARTY ILSLEY SYINE DRAYTON; JORDAN; PICKEREL; VERMILION DENT HAINES BLAKE TUSTIN KILLRAINE OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier 15-5620-54384 15-5615-54371 16-3103-54530 15-5630-53553 16-3921-55210 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 49.095 49.08444 49.20972 48.36361 49.87861 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -92.165 -92.1597 -89.6164 -92.1403 -88.4972 Fort Frances Fort Frances Thunder Bay Fort Frances Nipigon Dryden Fort Frances Red Lake Red Lake Red Lake Kenora Red Lake Dryden Fort Frances Thunder Bay Red Lake Dryden Thunder Bay Fort Frances Kenora Fort Frances Dryden Fort Frances Fort Frances Fort Frances Kenora Kenora Fort Frances Dryden Thunder Bay Nipigon Dryden Red Lake Fort Frances Nipigon Fort Frances Dryden Kenora Sioux Lookout 15-6207-55385 15-4729-54570 15-3985-56261 15-4176-56429 15-4170-56459 15-4142-55736 15-4151-56399 15-4460-55234 15-5464-53494 16-3495-55832 15-4101-56795 15-4385-55243 16-3508-55857 15-6071-54396 15-4232-55112 15-5218-54481 15-4452-55268 15-5687-54337 15-6024-54365 15-6005-54371 15-4264-55321 15-4682-55795 15-4403-54276 15-5823-54593 16-3657-54310 16-5264-54678 15-5800-54783 15-4171-58167 15-6016-54393 16-5063-54057 15-5192-54632 15-6993-55238 15-4222-55387 15-5581-55389 49.98889 49.26694 50.78139 50.93611 50.96083 50.30611 50.90979 49.86167 48.29556 50.37639 51.25389 49.8725 50.38455 49.09824 49.7532 49.18694 49.8925 49.05417 49.07417 49.08083 49.93694 50.36861 48.99722 49.28278 49.02056 49.36444 49.45361 52.51496 49.10167 48.80667 49.32306 49.83389 49.9975 50.00361 -91.3164 -93.3303 -94.4392 -94.1672 -94.1808 -94.2067 -94.2068 -93.7522 -92.3817 -89.1094 -94.2897 -93.8575 -89.0748 -91.5171 -94.0613 -92.7011 -93.7567 -92.0608 -91.5978 -91.6242 -94.0253 -93.4472 -93.8086 -91.8689 -88.8378 -86.6369 -91.8961 -94.224 -91.6058 -86.9147 -92.7358 -90.2264 -94.0856 -92.1897 Red Lake Thunder Bay Thunder Bay Dryden Red Lake Fort Frances Fort Frances Fort Frances Dryden Dryden Nipigon Nipigon Fort Frances 15-5163-56621 15-6946-53876 16-3272-53473 15-5477-54774 15-4172-56262 15-4632-54287 15-6250-53348 15-5023-54567 15-5871-54555 15-4454-55169 16-3792-56718 16-4734-54128 15-5942-54463 51.11194 48.61361 48.25806 49.44801 50.78889 49.01639 48.15694 49.26361 49.24833 49.80444 51.18944 48.86694 49.15806 -92.7672 -90.3572 -89.3289 -92.3398 -94.1728 -93.5 -91.3222 -92.9697 -91.8031 -93.7589 -88.7219 -87.3636 -91.715 45 Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northwest Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Geographic Township OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier MacIntosh Lake Mackay Lake MacKenzie Lake MacKenzie Lake Maggotte Lake Magnetic Lake Malaher Lake Malette Lake Mameigwess Lake Mang Lake Manomin Lake Margon Lake Marion Lake Mark Lake Marl Lake Mather Lake (May L.) McAlpine Lake McAree Lake McCaulay Lake McCormick Lake McCrea Lake McDougall Lake McEwen Lake McGruer Lake McIntyre Lake McKay Lake McKinstry Lake McLaurin Lake McLean's Lake McNiece Lake Meddick Lake Medicine Lake Medicine Stone Lake Meggisi Lake Mermaid Lake Merpaw Lake Metionga Lake (Mexican Hat L.) (Middle Bow L. (Central Basin)) Milk Lake Miner Lake Minnitaki Lake DORION Thunder Bay Red Lake Thunder Bay Thunder Bay Thunder Bay Thunder Bay Red Lake Red Lake Dryden Fort Frances Dryden Nipigon Fort Frances Kenora Fort Frances Red Lake Kenora Fort Frances Fort Frances Fort Frances Nipigon Sioux Lookout Fort Frances Fort Frances Sioux Lookout Fort Frances Nipigon Dryden Thunder Bay Nipigon Fort Frances Red Lake Dryden Red Lake Fort Frances Kenora Nipigon Dryden Red Lake Fort Frances Mirror Lake Missus Lake Mister Lake Mix Lake Moar Lake Mold Lake Moose Lake Moose Lake DORION; MCTAVISH ILSLEY; BRADSHAW SYINE MCLARTY LAHONTAN TUSTIN KILLALA ASMUSSEN DORION BENEDICKSON; DRAYTON; JORDAN; MCAREE; PICKEREL DESMOND ROBBINS 16-3752-54002 15-3590-58314 16-3699-53994 16-3530-55684 16-3237-55525 15-6663-53296 15-3580-57547 15-3766-57420 15-5853-54894 15-5081-54510 15-4466-55121 16-4988-54124 15-6298-53936 15-4239-55321 15-4416-54350 15-3590-56330 15-4240-55414 15-6008-53882 15-5787-53500 15-5752-53953 16-4330-54075 15-6908-56374 15-6158-53674 15-6348-53492 15-6472-58717 15-6027-53429 16-5406-54956 15-4696-54950 16-3511-55649 16-4671-54133 15-6151-53432 15-4291-58135 15-4432-55232 15-4227-56424 15-5287-54593 15-4220-55436 16-3637-57235 15-6824-55113 15-3839-56363 15-6019-54324 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 48.745 52.62917 48.735 50.25556 50.10105 48.10528 51.92417 51.81722 49.56167 49.20861 49.75917 48.8724 48.68389 49.94306 49.06167 50.83389 50.02194 48.63444 48.30056 48.71028 48.82024 50.85972 48.44722 48.28972 52.97639 48.23639 49.61333 49.60861 50.22 48.87472 48.23139 52.46917 49.86083 50.92806 49.28889 50.04139 51.64917 49.71722 50.86717 49.03645 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -88.6967 -95.0767 -88.77 -89.0556 -89.4655 -90.7592 -95.0539 -94.7903 -91.8236 -92.8953 -93.7392 -87.0183 -91.2367 -94.0653 -93.8022 -95.0025 -94.0611 -91.6228 -91.9392 -91.9689 -87.9118 -90.2886 -91.4394 -91.1819 -90.8078 -91.6158 -86.4381 -93.4206 -89.0858 -87.4447 -91.4625 -94.0439 -93.7897 -94.1031 -92.605 -94.09 -88.9692 -90.4675 -94.6365 -91.6108 Fort Frances Thunder Bay Sioux Lookout 15-5796-54019 16-3803-54067 15-5735-55360 48.76114 48.80361 49.97389 -91.9193 -88.6286 -91.9753 Kenora Fort Frances Fort Frances Red Lake Red Lake Dryden Thunder Bay Fort Frances 15-4301-55137 15-4815-54449 15-4811-54430 15-5274-57646 15-3534-57628 15-5282-55495 15-7171-53313 15-5181-54639 49.77583 49.16139 49.14417 52.03804 51.99806 50.09926 48.10444 49.32972 -93.9722 -93.2514 -93.2533 -92.6055 -95.1356 -92.6064 -90.0772 -92.7503 46 Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northwest Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Mooseland Lake Moraine Lake Morgan Lake Moss Lake Mount Lake Mountain Lake Mountain Lake Mountain Lake Mowe Lake Musclow Lake Myrt Lake (Mystery Lake (Lake 80, Bat Lake)) Nalla Lake Namaygoos Lake Namego Lake Nameiben Lake Narrow Lake Neilson Lake Nemakwis Lake Nest Lake Nevison Lake Niobe Lake Niven Lake (NL) (NL) (NL) (NL) (NL) (NL) (NL) (NL) (NL) (NL) (NL) (NL) (NL) (NL) (NL) (NL) (NL) (NL) (NL) (NL) (NL) (NL) (NL) (NL) (NL) (NL) (NL) No Man Lake Nolan Lake Nora Lake Geographic Township ROBBINS BAKER ASMUSSEN DORION OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier Thunder Bay Thunder Bay Thunder Bay Nipigon Fort Frances Thunder Bay Kenora Thunder Bay Thunder Bay Red Lake Thunder Bay Fort Frances Thunder Bay Dryden Kenora Thunder Bay Fort Frances Fort Frances Red Lake Fort Frances Fort Frances Fort Frances Fort Frances Red Lake Red Lake Fort Frances Fort Frances Red Lake Red Lake Red Lake Dryden Red Lake Red Lake Dryden Kenora Kenora Dryden Kenora Red Lake Dryden Red Lake Kenora Dryden Dryden Kenora Dryden Dryden Fort Frances Dryden Dryden Fort Frances Thunder Bay Dryden 47 15-7155-54743 16-3644-54282 16-3641-55513 16-4132-53876 15-5600-54290 15-7072-53309 15-4210-55298 16-3388-55667 15-6672-53552 15-3646-56968 15-6681-53680 15-5580-54406 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 49.38806 48.98667 50.10427 48.63861 49.01556 48.11056 49.91889 50.23083 48.32361 51.40361 48.44972 49.11667 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -90.0208 -88.8514 -88.9056 -88.1769 -92.1736 -90.2286 -94.1053 -89.2556 -90.7378 -94.9444 -90.7253 -92.2 16-3680-53921 15-5718-54592 15-3934-55525 16-3458-55570 15-5913-53921 15-4903-54495 15-5136-58183 15-6079-53338 15-5828-54113 15-6228-53982 15-5734-54018 15-3695-56428 15-3798-56123 15-5703-54319 15-6059-54221 15-4111-56079 15-4008-56924 15-3917-56201 15-4489-55054 15-3540-56417 15-4126-57254 15-5809-54648 15-4398-55104 15-4262-55461 15-4482-55044 15-4397-55127 15-3826-57293 15-4500-55045 15-3910-56213 15-4389-55126 15-5749-54582 15-6518-55413 15-4446-55051 15-4511-55061 15-5852-54555 15-6077-54352 15-5907-54581 15-5864-54585 15-6302-53333 16-3742-54014 15-5842-54507 48.66944 49.28444 50.12028 50.1475 48.67748 49.195 52.505 48.14833 48.85194 48.72361 48.77444 50.92389 50.65044 49.0366 48.94472 50.61667 51.37639 50.72444 49.69806 50.91028 51.67353 49.33333 49.7425 50.06667 49.69028 49.76361 51.70944 49.69306 50.73528 49.7675 49.2755 50.00459 49.69611 49.70472 49.25266 49.06098 49.26667 49.27315 48.14194 48.75444 49.205 -88.7928 -92.0106 -94.4928 -89.1583 -91.761 -93.1211 -92.8014 -91.5442 -91.8703 -91.3325 -92.0003 -94.8569 -94.708 -92.0448 -91.5536 -94.25 -94.4258 -94.5344 -93.7081 -95.0769 -94.2653 -91.8833 -93.835 -94.0333 -93.7161 -93.8386 -94.7018 -93.6869 -94.5447 -93.8431 -91.9719 -90.8833 -93.7667 -93.6778 -91.8427 -91.5265 -91.75 -91.8127 -91.2503 -88.7122 -91.8431 Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northwest Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name North Arabi Lake North Lake North Mawn Lake North Trout Lake North Whalen Lake North Wind Lake Northern Light Lake Norway Lake (Notellum L.) Noxheiatik Lake Nydia Lake Nym Lake Obonga Lake (Ojala Lake) Olifaunt Lake Olive Lake Oliver Lake Onamakawash Lake One Island Lake Onnie Lake Oooowee Sahkaheekahn/McInnes Lake Opichuan Lake Optic Lake O'Sullivan Lake Other Man Lake Otisse Lake Otterskin Lake Otukamamoan Lake Owl Lake Owl Lake (Paddy L. (ELA L. 529)) Paddy Lake (Page L.) Paguchi Lake Paint Lake Pangloss Lake Panorama Lake Passover Lake (Patty L.) Paull Lake Peak Lake Pekagoning Lake Penassi Lake Penassi Lake Perch Lake Pete Lake (Peterson L.) Pettit Lake Pic Lake Pickerel Lake (Pidlubney L.) Pillar Lake Pineneedle Lake Geographic Township MEADER; BARBARA SCOBLE MULCAHY STREY JACKMAN; DESMOND WALTERS SENN; MENARY GTP BLOCK 8 MARKS OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier Dryden Thunder Bay Dryden Red Lake Thunder Bay Nipigon Thunder Bay Fort Frances Kenora Dryden Fort Frances Fort Frances Thunder Bay Thunder Bay Fort Frances Red Lake Thunder Bay Thunder Bay Kenora Red Lake Red Lake 15-6566-54931 15-6844-53328 15-6866-54968 15-4518-58612 16-3133-55504 16-4308-55224 15-6723-53466 15-6261-54379 15-4264-55879 15-5416-54762 15-6418-53991 15-6136-53934 16-3346-55390 Nipigon Red Lake Nipigon Fort Frances Nipigon Kenora Fort Frances Nipigon Fort Frances Kenora Dryden Red Lake Dryden Nipigon Thunder Bay Fort Frances Dryden Kenora Red Lake Dryden Fort Frances Dryden Fort Frances Kenora Thunder Bay Red Lake Fort Frances Kenora Fort Frances Kenora Thunder Bay Red Lake 48 15-6144-53765 15-4096-56873 16-3081-53489 16-3145-55756 15-4708-55595 15-4109-56434 15-4501-57850 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 49.57611 48.12139 49.59472 52.90861 50.07389 49.85881 48.25167 49.07722 50.44028 49.44417 48.72833 48.69889 49.98167 48.532 48.53472 51.3325 48.26444 50.30556 50.19222 50.93361 52.2075 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -90.8344 -90.5292 -90.42 -93.7206 -89.6006 -87.9505 -90.6792 -91.2711 -94.0367 -92.4322 -91.0758 -91.4578 -89.3089 -90.573 -91.4506 -94.2931 -89.5869 -89.6028 -93.4025 -94.2669 -93.725 16-4452-56767 15-3932-56417 16-4960-55853 15-6375-53394 16-4890-54142 15-4531-54543 15-5100-54230 16-5000-54272 15-5940-53910 15-4276-55164 15-5701-54572 15-4044-56534 15-6056-54920 16-4496-55086 16-3358-55142 15-4398-54235 15-4826-54857 15-4313-55449 15-3834-56252 15-5264-54828 15-5590-54442 15-6300-55346 15-4887-54610 15-3903-55478 16-2870-53613 15-4059-56513 15-5537-54222 15-4141-55473 15-6146-53867 15-4414-55011 16-3477-55610 15-4085-56132 51.2406 50.93 50.42861 48.19306 48.88278 49.23667 48.95972 48.995 48.66667 49.79342 49.26611 51.02639 49.56806 49.73083 49.76333 48.96111 49.5175 50.05444 50.76917 49.49167 49.14472 49.95028 49.30139 50.07389 48.37083 51.0075 48.95417 50.07481 48.62833 49.662 50.1825 50.66528 -87.7859 -94.5197 -87.0536 -91.1508 -87.1489 -93.6406 -92.8586 -87.0136 -91.7219 -94.0125 -92.0342 -94.3631 -91.5494 -87.6942 -89.2778 -93.8275 -93.2394 -93.9597 -94.6536 -92.6356 -92.1919 -91.1833 -93.1531 -94.5322 -89.8769 -94.3406 -92.2711 -94.2022 -91.4344 -93.8122 -89.1358 -94.2875 Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northwest Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Pipestone Lake Plough Lake Plummes Lake Pluto Lake Poacher Lake Pond Lake Ponto Lake Poohbah Lake Popeye Lake Populus Lake Porcus Lake Prairie Lake Premier Lake Priam Lake Price Lake Pringle Lake Prospect Lake Quetico Lake Rail Lake Raleigh Lake Ram Lake Rawlinson Lake Rawn Lake (Rawson L.) Raynar Lake Red Deer Lake Red Lake Red Paint Lake Redfox Lake Redhead Lake Richard Lake Richardson Lake Rieder Lake Riverview Lake Robbie Burns Lake Robinson Lake (Roddy L.) Rogers Lake Roland Lake Ronny Lake Rose Lake Ross Lake Ross Lake Rostoul Lake Roughstone Lake Route Lake Rowan Lake Rowdy Lake Royd Lake Geographic Township GOODALL TUURI MACNICOL; TUSTIN ILSLEY RAYNAR; BAIN BAIRD; BALL; BALMER; BATEMAN; DOME; FAIRLIE; GRAVES; HEYSON; KILLALA; MCDONOUGH; MULCAHY; TODD MACNICOL GTP BLOCK 10 WAUCHOPE BREITHAUPT OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier Fort Frances Fort Frances Thunder Bay Dryden Fort Frances Fort Frances Fort Frances Fort Frances Dryden Kenora Kenora Nipigon Red Lake Fort Frances Fort Frances Nipigon Nipigon Fort Frances Kenora Dryden Fort Frances Dryden Fort Frances Dryden Nipigon Kenora Red Lake Fort Frances Thunder Bay Thunder Bay Kenora Sioux Lookout Sioux Lookout Fort Frances Dryden Fort Frances Kenora Dryden Fort Frances Kenora Thunder Bay Thunder Bay Dryden Red Lake Fort Frances Dryden Kenora Red Lake Red Lake 49 15-4595-54375 15-6351-53343 15-6686-53595 15-5972-55017 15-6191-53284 15-5816-53498 15-5097-54551 15-5975-53595 15-5821-54650 15-4557-54838 15-4390-55083 16-5211-54299 15-5213-56724 15-4745-54662 15-4952-54624 16-3708-54345 16-5105-54115 15-5780-53794 15-4365-55203 15-5786-54755 15-6095-53783 15-5380-54589 15-6293-53806 15-4478-55014 16-5363-55355 15-4168-55418 15-4335-56548 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 49.09639 48.14611 48.36806 49.66333 48.08639 48.29806 49.26 48.37889 49.33417 49.50611 49.725 49.02528 51.20417 49.35222 49.31028 49.05278 48.85805 48.56417 49.82806 49.42417 48.54556 49.28361 48.56889 49.66425 49.97306 50.02528 51.04278 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -93.5522 -91.1822 -90.7242 -91.6539 -91.4039 -91.8994 -92.8461 -91.6828 -91.8706 -93.6097 -93.8453 -86.7089 -92.6944 -93.3553 -93.0606 -88.7667 -86.8529 -91.9475 -93.8822 -91.9094 -91.5142 -92.4775 -91.2492 -93.7232 -86.4939 -94.1561 -93.9483 15-6171-54337 15-6569-53648 16-2890-55711 15-4345-55213 15-5670-55575 15-5748-60832 15-6208-54398 15-4455-55326 15-5995-53387 15-4474-55027 15-4505-55066 15-5855-53461 15-4086-55352 15-6923-53304 15-6528-53582 15-4870-55428 15-3759-56455 15-5539-54298 15-5270-55450 15-4593-54629 15-3949-56006 15-3759-56575 49.04306 48.41778 50.2631 49.84194 50.16889 54.89361 49.10028 49.94222 48.19306 49.67639 49.71056 48.26083 49.96608 48.10667 48.3625 50.03833 50.96222 49.02028 50.05694 49.32861 50.55833 51.05407 -91.3969 -90.8822 -89.9702 -93.9078 -92.0558 -91.8294 -91.3469 -93.7611 -91.6633 -93.7292 -93.6925 -91.8489 -94.2724 -90.42 -90.9353 -93.1778 -94.7658 -92.2528 -92.6175 -93.5506 -94.4767 -94.767 Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northwest Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Geographic Township OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier Rudge Lake Ruffle Lake Rushbay Lake Rutter Lake Saganaga Lake Saganagons Lake Sakwite Lake Sanctuary Lake Sandbeach Lake Sandford Lake Sandhill Lake Sandstone Lake Santoy Lake (Saphire L. (ELA L. 532)) Sark Lake Savant Lake AMES Thunder Bay Nipigon Thunder Bay Fort Frances Thunder Bay Fort Frances Fort Frances Thunder Bay Fort Frances Fort Frances Fort Frances Thunder Bay Nipigon Kenora Fort Frances Sioux Lookout Fort Frances Fort Frances Nipigon Kenora Fort Frances Kenora Red Lake Red Lake Fort Frances Fort Frances Fort Frances Fort Frances Dryden Fort Frances Dryden Red Lake Fort Frances Nipigon Dryden Dryden Thunder Bay Kenora Fort Frances Kenora Kenora Dryden Kenora Fort Frances Red Lake Fort Frances Fort Frances Kenora Thunder Bay Fort Frances Kenora Dryden Scattergood Lake Schistose Lake Schmoo Lake Schultz Lake Scotch Lake Scotty Lake Seagrave Lake (Seahorse L.) Seahorse Lake Secret Lake Secret Lake Sedgwick Lake Seggemak Lake Serpent Lake Seseganaga Lake Sesikinaga Lake Shade Lake Shaver Lake Shaw Lake Shaw Lake Shawanabis Lake (Sheila L.) Sheridan Lake Sherwood Lake Shingwak Lake Shiny Lake Shrub Lake Side Lake (Sidious L.) Silence Lake Silver Lake Silver Lake Silver Lake Silvertip Lake Silvery Lake Six Mile Lake TUURI DESMOND BENNER; CONANT; JUTTEN; MCGILLIS; POISSON; SAVANT; SMYE MANION; BERTRAND GIDLEY; BRODERICK GTP BLOCK 8 PETTYPIECE MCTAVISH MACNICOL 50 15-6659-53963 16-5208-54346 16-3324-55671 15-5581-54358 15-6547-53441 15-6508-53496 15-5073-54306 15-7008-54035 15-5586-54227 15-5955-54404 15-4545-54478 15-7053-53459 16-5087-54120 15-4258-55141 15-6173-53543 15-6825-55952 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 48.695 49.06389 50.23333 49.07222 48.24472 48.30472 49.02167 48.75389 48.95222 49.11306 49.18306 48.23417 48.86278 49.77468 48.34139 50.48222 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -90.7344 -86.7106 -89.35 -92.2064 -90.9219 -90.9228 -92.9069 -90.2681 -92.1981 -91.6878 -93.6231 -90.2369 -86.8819 -94.0178 -91.4242 -90.4272 15-5206-54600 15-4562-54445 16-3673-54344 15-4694-55607 15-6345-54482 15-4244-55773 15-5576-56820 15-3621-56501 15-4781-54384 15-5266-54645 15-5627-54364 15-5706-54405 15-5370-54703 15-6089-54300 15-6890-55500 15-5595-56666 15-6165-53376 16-3636-54827 15-6035-54589 15-6714-55226 16-3240-55701 15-4424-55064 15-6253-53286 15-3644-55142 15-4491-54608 15-6279-55307 15-4351-55357 15-6090-53375 15-4096-56216 15-6207-53435 15-4564-54361 15-4153-55253 16-3737-53877 15-5536-54324 15-4354-55159 15-6522-55386 49.28861 49.16 49.04946 50.19806 49.17389 50.34528 51.28472 50.98178 49.10028 49.33417 49.07944 49.11083 49.38528 49.01444 50.07444 51.135 48.1825 49.49278 49.27472 49.83333 50.25833 49.70917 48.10389 49.77222 49.30778 49.91667 49.97333 48.18583 50.74111 48.2425 49.07833 49.87444 48.63056 49.04278 49.7925 49.98222 -92.7092 -93.6158 -88.8205 -93.4294 -91.1544 -94.0556 -92.1703 -94.9592 -93.3006 -92.6333 -92.1386 -92.0322 -92.4853 -91.5117 -90.3586 -92.1167 -91.4472 -88.8936 -91.5811 -90.6167 -89.4694 -93.7992 -91.3222 -94.8856 -93.6986 -91.22 -93.9061 -91.5347 -94.2814 -91.3689 -93.5969 -94.1783 -88.7139 -92.2772 -93.8981 -90.8769 Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northwest Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Sixth Lake Slender Lake (Slush L.) Smoothrock Lake Snook Lake Snowshoe Lake Soho Lake South Lake South Lake South Otterskin Lake (South Peterson L.) South Trout Lake South Wapageisi Lake Sox Lake Sparkle Lake Sparkling Lake Sphene Lake Spoonbill Lake Spring Lake Springpole Lake Spruce Lake Squeers Lake Stanbury Lake (Star L.) Stetham Lake Stewart Lake Stoat Lake Store Lake Stormy Lake Strange Lake Strong Lake Sturgeon Lake Sullivan Lake Sumach Lake Summit Lake Sun Lake Sunbeam Lake Sunbow Lake Sunday Lake Sunset Lake Sunshine Lake Superb Lake Surprise Lake Sword Lake Sydney Lake Syenite Lake Syndicate Lake T Lake Tadpole Lake Talon River Taylor Lake (T-Bone L.) Teggau Lake Telescope Lake Geographic Township DEWAN KILLRAINE; LAHONTAN HODGSON AMES STIRLING GTP BLOCK 7 LISMORE OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier Kenora Fort Frances Fort Frances Thunder Bay Kenora Thunder Bay Fort Frances Thunder Bay Dryden Fort Frances Fort Frances Red Lake Dryden Nipigon Fort Frances Dryden Fort Frances Red Lake Fort Frances Red Lake Dryden Thunder Bay Fort Frances Fort Frances Thunder Bay Nipigon Dryden Sioux Lookout Dryden Fort Frances Fort Frances Dryden Fort Frances Kenora Dryden Nipigon Thunder Bay Thunder Bay Fort Frances Thunder Bay Fort Frances Nipigon Thunder Bay Kenora Red Lake Nipigon Fort Frances Kenora Dryden Red Lake Dryden Kenora Dryden Red Lake 15-3791-55635 15-4489-54311 15-5244-54481 16-3266-55997 15-3795-55615 16-3646-55478 15-5921-53889 15-6824-53301 15-6163-54669 15-4544-54517 15-5731-54335 15-4541-58591 15-5449-54565 16-4689-54139 15-6161-54458 15-7031-55216 15-4753-54261 15-3697-57331 15-5469-53527 15-5600-56874 15-5612-54761 15-6804-53764 15-4551-54497 15-5322-54462 15-6708-53937 16-3876-54173 15-4614-54940 15-5944-55905 15-5503-54708 15-5108-54527 15-4851-54232 15-6600-55380 15-4696-54465 15-4321-56018 15-5250-54810 16-5303-54739 15-6885-53406 15-6843-53443 15-6170-53296 16-2818-53430 15-5219-54678 16-5004-55935 16-3120-55738 15-3724-55393 15-3980-56120 16-4866-54161 15-4903-54532 15-4278-55293 15-4785-54790 15-3705-56160 15-5285-54705 15-4357-55095 15-4531-55044 15-4007-56429 51 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 50.215 49.03306 49.1875 50.52444 50.19694 50.06667 48.64889 48.10056 49.34583 49.21944 49.04925 52.88278 49.26167 48.87556 49.15778 49.81417 48.98861 51.73472 48.32694 51.33444 49.44306 48.51861 49.19417 49.16972 48.67556 48.9 49.59333 50.46139 49.38417 49.22889 48.965 49.97472 49.1725 50.56639 49.48333 49.41861 48.19194 48.22722 48.11028 48.20556 49.36389 50.49389 50.28917 49.99167 50.655 48.89556 49.23194 49.91583 49.46639 50.71779 49.38806 49.73639 49.69083 50.93056 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -94.695 -93.6989 -92.6647 -89.4469 -94.6906 -88.9 -91.7469 -90.5294 -91.3978 -93.6292 -91.9995 -93.6714 -92.3833 -87.4294 -91.4022 -90.1769 -93.3372 -94.8856 -92.3672 -92.1489 -92.1558 -90.5542 -93.6233 -92.5583 -90.6814 -88.5333 -93.5397 -91.6764 -92.3017 -92.8514 -93.2064 -90.7686 -93.4167 -93.9519 -92.6544 -86.5828 -90.4633 -90.5178 -91.4272 -89.9364 -92.6894 -86.9992 -89.6372 -94.7764 -94.4461 -87.1833 -93.1289 -94.0125 -93.2997 -94.7357 -92.6075 -93.8925 -93.6503 -94.4092 Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northwest Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Geographic Township OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier Tent Lake Tent Lake (Terrier L.) That Man Lake This Man Lake Thompson Lake Thunder Lake Thundercloud Lake Tilly Lake Tinto Lake Titmarsh Lake Tom Lake Tompkins Lake Toronto Lake (Tote L.) ASMUSSEN Fort Frances Kenora Kenora Fort Frances Fort Frances Fort Frances Dryden Dryden Thunder Bay Thunder Bay Thunder Bay Kenora Fort Frances Fort Frances Red Lake (Tourist L.) (Triangle L.) (Trout L.) Trout Lake Trout Lake Trout Lake Trout Lake Trout Lake Trout Lake Troutfly Lake Troutfly Lake Tuck Lake Tully Lake Tunnel Lake Turtle Lake Twinhouse Lake Underbrush Lake Uneven Lake (Unnamed (Northwest of Serpent)) Uphill Lake (Upper Bow L.) (Upper Hatchet L.) Upper Lawrence Lake Upper Manitou Lake Upper Medicine Stone Lake Upper Moosehide Lake Upper Roslyn Lake Upper Shebandowan Lake Upper Stewart Lake (Val L.) Vale Lake Valjean Lake Van Nostrand Lake Vane Lake (VE40-11, L.) Vermilion Lake Veronica Lake ZEALAND LAMPORT MCLARTY BELANGER; BOWERMAN; MITCHELL COYLE GIDLEY LAVAL MULCAHY HAINES TUSTIN; BRIDGES OSAQUAN 15-5796-54056 15-4255-55296 15-4335-55496 15-6276-53314 15-6332-53357 15-5527-53591 15-5241-55137 15-5352-54684 15-6508-53878 15-7029-53799 15-6832-53585 15-4238-55430 15-4464-54275 15-4891-54476 15-5153-56509 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 48.79611 49.91361 50.09694 48.12333 48.16333 48.38444 49.77778 49.36806 48.62667 48.54111 48.35361 50.03639 49.00722 49.18389 51.01111 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -91.9272 -94.0394 -93.9297 -91.2889 -91.2072 -92.2869 -92.6653 -92.5086 -90.9569 -90.2547 -90.5281 -94.0642 -93.7419 -93.1614 -92.7819 Kenora Red Lake Red Lake Red Lake Kenora Fort Frances Kenora Dryden Kenora Nipigon Dryden Fort Frances Sioux Lookout Thunder Bay Fort Frances Thunder Bay Red Lake Thunder Bay Fort Frances 15-3789-55696 15-3662-56388 15-3674-56515 15-4784-56717 15-4185-55144 15-5485-53484 15-3634-55652 15-4651-55115 15-3706-55191 16-3692-57289 15-5396-55220 15-6028-53374 15-5974-55920 16-3378-55707 15-5770-54220 15-6587-53594 15-4114-56359 16-2947-55385 15-6046-54301 50.26861 50.88543 51.00034 51.19861 49.77889 48.28972 50.22472 49.75194 49.81194 51.69972 49.85222 48.17972 50.47028 50.26752 48.94972 48.36917 50.87053 49.96194 49.01548 -94.6992 -94.9145 -94.8903 -93.3092 -94.1314 -92.3422 -94.9156 -93.4856 -94.7986 -88.8914 -92.4489 -91.6253 -91.6247 -89.2757 -91.9492 -90.8542 -94.2593 -89.8619 -91.5704 Fort Frances Fort Frances Red Lake Fort Frances Fort Frances Red Lake Dryden Nipigon Thunder Bay Dryden Kenora Thunder Bay Dryden Fort Frances Fort Frances Dryden Kenora Kenora 15-5175-54670 15-6096-54362 15-4065-56473 15-4724-54519 15-5149-54725 15-4255-56385 15-5886-54545 16-4648-54545 15-6867-53877 15-4477-55182 15-4205-55446 16-3421-55611 15-5835-54705 15-6419-54342 15-4817-54223 15-4443-55076 15-3884-55442 15-4385-55043 49.35639 49.0638 50.97167 49.22111 49.40694 50.89444 49.23917 49.24444 48.63351 49.81611 50.05 50.18333 49.37639 49.04722 48.9575 49.72083 50.04528 49.69111 -92.7589 -91.4766 -94.3319 -93.3769 -92.7953 -94.0586 -91.7833 -87.4833 -90.4461 -93.7272 -94.1106 -89.2117 -91.8442 -91.0533 -93.2506 -93.7736 -94.5581 -93.8528 52 Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northwest Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name (VF40-13, L.) (VF41-48, L.) (VF41-66, L.) (VF41-67, L.) Viaduct Lake Vickers Lake Victoria Lake Vista Lake Voltaire Lake Vooges Lake Wabakimi Lake Wabaskang Lake Wabindon Lake Wabinosh Lake Wahshaykahmeesheseek/Ro derick Lake Walker Lake Walkover Lake Walleye Lake Walmsley Lake Walotka Lake Walt Lake Walter Lake (Wanda L.) Wapageisi Lake Wapisipi Lake Warclub Lake Warner Lake Washagomis Lake Washeibemaga Lake Wasp Lake Watershed Lake Waweig Lake Weikwabinonaw Lake Weiseieno Lake Welkin Lake (West Pennock L.) (WF15-26) White Otter Lake Whiteclay Lake Whitesand Lake Whitewater Lake Whitewater Lake Wiggins Lake Wigwasan Lake Willard Lake Williams Lake Wilson Lake Windermere Lake Windigoostigwan Lake Wine Lake Winkle Lake Winnange Lake Winston Lake Geographic Township MACNICOL KILLRAINE; PRISKE GOODALL; HONEYWELL ALDINA KILLRAINE DORION JACKMAN; MACNICOL TUSTIN BRIDGES OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier Dryden Dryden Dryden Dryden Kenora Fort Frances Dryden Fort Frances Thunder Bay Thunder Bay Thunder Bay Kenora Thunder Bay Thunder Bay Red Lake Nipigon Thunder Bay Dryden Dryden Thunder Bay Fort Frances Fort Frances Kenora Dryden Red Lake Kenora Fort Frances Red Lake Dryden Fort Frances Thunder Bay Thunder Bay Thunder Bay Dryden Red Lake Thunder Bay Dryden Fort Frances Thunder Bay Nipigon Dryden Thunder Bay Thunder Bay Thunder Bay Kenora Dryden Kenora Dryden Fort Frances Kenora Fort Frances Dryden Nipigon 53 15-4440-55065 15-4411-55137 15-4432-55103 15-4424-55102 15-4304-55166 15-5017-54457 15-6048-54975 15-4943-54343 16-3401-55086 16-3562-55352 16-3020-56135 15-4880-55820 15-7076-53374 16-3576-55491 15-4041-57141 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 49.71056 49.775 49.74444 49.74417 49.80722 49.155 49.62444 49.06333 49.71417 49.95 50.65353 50.39194 48.15806 50.08333 51.57194 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -93.7764 -93.8181 -93.7875 -93.7989 -93.9706 -92.98 -91.5433 -93.0767 -89.2228 -89 -89.7524 -93.1689 -90.2058 -89 -94.3847 16-4779-54086 16-3657-55587 15-4820-54820 15-5300-54789 16-3483-54344 15-5904-54434 15-6058-53782 15-4266-55406 15-5472-54633 15-5136-58165 15-4475-54833 15-5654-53962 15-5225-56766 15-5346-54737 15-5956-54324 15-6815-53784 16-3500-55543 15-6958-53562 15-4793-54737 15-3697-56327 16-2832-53599 15-5131-55535 15-5816-54402 16-3769-56381 16-4720-54109 15-5275-54864 16-3455-56307 16-3738-54079 16-3383-55532 15-4299-55210 15-5103-55661 15-3558-55954 15-4417-55173 15-6508-53978 15-4760-55892 15-5010-54289 15-4495-55118 16-4703-54259 48.83194 50.16806 49.49528 49.45972 49.04556 49.13861 48.55484 50.015 49.32222 52.49056 49.5 48.71814 51.24889 49.4175 49.04528 48.53583 50.12754 48.33056 49.4175 50.83472 48.35694 50.13237 49.10444 50.88645 48.8525 49.5325 50.80972 48.81222 50.10389 49.84306 50.24917 50.49333 49.80861 48.70333 50.45694 49.01472 49.73333 48.98722 -87.3006 -88.8808 -93.2431 -92.5881 -89.0753 -91.7572 -91.5751 -94.0244 -92.3506 -92.8078 -93.7239 -92.1126 -92.6747 -92.5261 -91.6953 -90.5411 -89.1001 -90.3589 -93.2864 -94.8517 -89.9267 -92.8341 -91.87 -88.7457 -87.3817 -92.6219 -89.1931 -88.7181 -89.2611 -93.9675 -92.8558 -95.0317 -93.8083 -90.9744 -93.3403 -92.9864 -93.7 -87.4053 Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northwest Region, OMNRF. Lakes are listed alphabetically by lake name. Lake Name Geographic Township OMNRF District Waterbody Identifier Woman Lake Wonderland Lake Worth Lake Wreck Lake Wrist Lake Wyder Lake Wye Lake Yellowhammer Lake Yoke Lake Yucca Lake Yum Yum Lake Zarn Lake GOODALL; DENT Red Lake Kenora Kenora Kenora Red Lake Kenora Thunder Bay Thunder Bay Fort Frances Nipigon Fort Frances Sioux Lookout Sioux Lookout Zeemel Lake GTP BLOCK 9; BENEDICKSON 54 15-5179-56721 15-4198-55480 15-3736-55400 15-4185-55443 15-3772-56364 15-3895-55970 15-6550-53632 15-6896-53457 15-4664-54431 16-5268-54713 15-6139-53394 15-6023-55439 Latitude (Decimal Degrees) 51.20472 50.08 50.00278 50.0475 50.87 50.515 48.405 48.2375 49.14528 49.38667 48.20583 50.04556 Longitude (Decimal Degrees) -92.7439 -94.1192 -94.7647 -94.1372 -94.7442 -94.5544 -90.9056 -90.445 -93.4606 -86.6292 -91.4764 -91.5714 15-6768-58283 52.57778 -90.3858
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