The Ap/Bp stars
The Ap/Bp stars
The origin of magnetic fields in massive and intermediate-mass stars Jon Braithwaite Bonn University 29th August 2013 Biarritz The origin of magnetic fields in massive and intermediate-mass stars Subject of this talk (and the next few) Early-type Subject of loads of talks the last couple of days late-type Early-type stars: classification spectral type Subset (~10%) Rest of population early F, A and late B O and early B (intermediate mass) (massive) Ap/Bp stars 200G < B < 30kG steady, large-scale Magnetic fields are: 200G - 30kG, time-constant & large-scale The Ap/Bp stars α2 CVn (Kochukhov et al 2002) 53 Cam (Kochukhov et al 2004) Early-type stars: classification spectral type Subset (~10%) Rest of population early F, A and late B O and early B (intermediate mass) (massive) Ap/Bp stars 200G < B < 30kG steady, large-scale Early-type stars: classification spectral type Subset (~10%) Rest of population early F, A and late B O and early B (intermediate mass) (massive) Ap/Bp stars 200G < B < 30kG steady, large-scale 200G < B < 5kG steady, large-scale O and early B: magnetic subset Fields similar to those in Ap/Bp stars 200G - 5kG? Field topology of τ Sco, a B0 main-sequence star (MV=2.8) (Donati et al. 2006, using Zeeman-Doppler imaging) Early-type stars: classification spectral type Subset (~10%) Rest of population early F, A and late B O and early B (intermediate mass) (massive) Ap/Bp stars 200G < B < 30kG steady, large-scale 200G < B < 5kG steady, large-scale Early-type stars: classification spectral type early F, A and late B O and early B (intermediate mass) (massive) Subset (~10%) Ap/Bp stars 200G < B < 30kG steady, large-scale 200G < B < 5kG steady, large-scale Rest of population ~1G fields found in two brightest A stars Probably present in all of these stars........ The "non-magnetic" A and late B stars Fields < 10 gauss No stars with fields 10 to 200 G? (Aurière et al 2007) Recent detection of weak fields in A stars Vega and Sirius: 0.6 and 0.2 G • • (Lignières et al 2009, Petit et al 2010, 2011) • Time variability & geometry uncertain (Very small-scale field would not be detected) Go to Lignières' talk this afternoon Early-type stars: classification spectral type early F, A and late B O and early B (intermediate mass) (massive) Subset (~10%) Ap/Bp stars 200G < B < 30kG steady, large-scale 200G < B < 5kG steady, large-scale Rest of population ~1G fields found in two brightest A stars Probably present in all of these stars........ Early-type stars: classification spectral type early F, A and late B O and early B (intermediate mass) (massive) Subset (~10%) Ap/Bp stars 200G < B < 30kG steady, large-scale 200G < B < 5kG steady, large-scale Rest of population ~1G fields found in two brightest A stars No direct detection, but indirect suggestions of Probably present in all of magnetic activity these stars........ O and early B: rest of population No large-scale field above 200G Various observational phenomena discrete absorption components (DACs) line profile variability (LPV) wind clumping solar-like oscillations red noise photometric variability X-ray emission Could be caused by magnetic activity at surface wind shocks, caused by line-deshadowing instability likely: both (DACs: Kaper, Henrichs et al. 1999) Huib's talk right after mine! Early-type stars: classification spectral type early F, A and late B O and early B (intermediate mass) (massive) Subset (~10%) Ap/Bp stars 200G < B < 30kG steady, large-scale 200G < B < 5kG steady, large-scale Rest of population ~1G fields found in two brightest A stars No direct detection, but indirect suggestions of Probably present in all of magnetic activity these stars........ Early-type stars: classification spectral type Subset (~10%) early F, A and late B O and early B (intermediate mass) (massive) Ap/Bp stars 200G < B < 30kG steady, large-scale 200G < B < 5kG steady, large-scale What theory? What theory? Rest of population ~1G fields found in two brightest A stars No direct detection, but indirect suggestions of Probably present in all of magnetic activity these stars........ Nature of fields in magnetic subset Core dynamo? core is good location for dynamo figure from MacGregor & Cassinelli 2002 16 Nature of fields in magnetic subset Core dynamo? core is good location for dynamo, but: same fields seen in pre-MS stars figure from MacGregor & Cassinelli 2002 17 Nature of fields in magnetic subset Core dynamo? core is good location for dynamo, but: same fields seen in pre-MS stars Subsurface convection? Not enough energy Meridional circulation? Not enough energy figure from MacGregor & Cassinelli 2002 18 Nature of fields in magnetic subset Core dynamo? core is good location for dynamo, but: same fields seen in pre-MS stars Subsurface convection? Not enough energy Meridional circulation? Not enough energy Fossil field? Field is in stable equilibrium "Fossil" remnant from some earlier time: pre-MS convective dynamo merger event parent cloud But do stable equilibria exist? figure from MacGregor & Cassinelli 2002 19 Fossil fields - finding stable equilibria Analytic studies 1950-1980: (Prendergast 1956, Markey & Tayler 1973, 74, Wright 1973 inter alia) two steps: find equilibrium check stability simplifying assumptions, e.g. axisymmetry Mixed poloidal-toroidal axisymmetric equilibrium probably stable Unstable! (e.g. Prendergast 1956 and Wright 1973) (Tayler 1973, Markey & Tayler 1973, Flowers & Ruderman 1977) 20 Fossil fields - finding stable equilibria Analytic studies 1950-1980: (Prendergast 1956, Markey & Tayler 1973, 74, Wright 1973 inter alia) two steps: find equilibrium check stability simplifying assumptions, e.g. axisymmetry Numerical methods (Braithwaite & Spruit 2004, +) evolve arbitrary initial field watch formation of stable equilibrium (note: one step) 21 Simulations of magnetic relaxation to equilibrium figures from Braithwaite 2008 Simulations of magnetic relaxation to equilibrium Axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric equilibria Axisymmetric equilibria Simulations (Braithwaite 2008) Braithwaite & Nordlund 2006 Axisymmetric equilibria Simulations (Braithwaite 2008) Braithwaite & Nordlund 2006 α2 CVn (Kochukhov et al 2002) Non-axisymmetric equilibria Simulations (Braithwaite 2008) Non-axisymmetric equilibria Simulations (Braithwaite 2008) τ Sco (Donati et al. 2006) Fossil fields - finding stable equilibria Analytic studies 1950-1980: (Prendergast 1956, Markey & Tayler 1973, 74, Wright 1973 inter alia) two steps: find equilibrium check stability simplifying assumptions, e.g. axisymmetry some types of equilibria found to be unstable Numerical methods (Braithwaite & Spruit 2004, +) evolve arbitrary initial field watch formation of stable equilibrium (note: one step) Analytic studies since 2000: solve Grad-Shafranov equation (axisymmetric, barotropic EOS) include neutron-star physics, e.g. Hall effect, general relativity 26 Fossil equilibria: recent analytic work Gourgouliatos et al 2013 Duez & Mathis 2009 1.5 Fossil equilibria: recent analytic work 1 z 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 R 2.5 3 3.5 4 Fujisawa & Eriguchi 2013 j0 = 2.5E-3 2 1.5 1.5 1 1 0.5 z z 0.5 0 0 -0.5 -0.5 -1 -1 -1.5 -2 -1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 R 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 R Early-type stars: classification spectral type Subset (~10%) early F, A and late B O and early B (intermediate mass) (massive) Ap/Bp stars 200G < B < 30kG steady, large-scale 200G < B < 5kG steady, large-scale Theory: fossil field (?) Theory: fossil field Rest of population ~1G fields found in two brightest A stars No direct detection, but indirect suggestions of Probably present in all of magnetic activity these stars........ Early-type stars: classification spectral type Subset (~10%) early F, A and late B O and early B (intermediate mass) (massive) Ap/Bp stars 200G < B < 30kG steady, large-scale 200G < B < 5kG steady, large-scale Theory: fossil field (?) Theory: fossil field Rest of population ~1G fields found in two brightest A stars No direct detection, but indirect suggestions of Probably present in all of magnetic activity these stars........ What theory? Evolution of magnetic field in absence of driving Vega and Sirius: first need to think about how fossil fields form Evolution of magnetic field in absence of driving Equilibrium in a non-magnetic star: 0= 1 rP + g ⇢ Evolution of magnetic field in absence of driving Adding a magnetic field: du = dt U2 1 1 rP + g + (r ⇥ B) ⇥ B ⇢ 4⇡⇢ c2s v↵2 2 vA Evolution of magnetic field in absence of driving Comparing terms in radial direction: du = dt U2 1 1 rP + g + (r ⇥ B) ⇥ B ⇢ 4⇡⇢ c2s v↵2 Balanced 2 vA Evolution of magnetic field in absence of driving Comparing terms on spherical shells: du = dt U2 1 1 rP + g + (r ⇥ B) ⇥ B ⇢ 4⇡⇢ c2s v↵2 Balanced 2 vA Magnetically-induced motion happens on Alfvén timescale Evolution of magnetic field in absence of driving Comparing terms on spherical shells: du = dt U2 1 1 rP + g + (r ⇥ B) ⇥ B ⇢ 4⇡⇢ c2s v↵2 Balanced 2 vA Magnetically-induced motion happens on Alfvén timescale Equilibrium reached on Alfvén timescale: e.g. 10 years if B~1kG What happens if we add rotation? Evolution of magnetic field in absence of driving Comparing terms on spherical shells: du = dt U2 1 1 rP + g + (r ⇥ B) ⇥ B ⇢ 4⇡⇢ c2s v↵2 2 vA Balanced In regime Ω << 1/τA , evolution on timescale τA 2⌦ ⇥ u (L⌦)U Evolution of magnetic field in absence of driving Comparing terms on spherical shells: du = dt U2 1 1 rP + g + (r ⇥ B) ⇥ B ⇢ 4⇡⇢ c2s v↵2 2 vA 2⌦ ⇥ u (L⌦)U Balanced In regime Ω >> 1/τA , evolution on timescale τA2 Ω Reference: Braithwaite & Cantiello 2013 Evolution of magnetic field in absence of driving Comparing terms on spherical shells: du = dt U2 1 1 rP + g + (r ⇥ B) ⇥ B ⇢ 4⇡⇢ c2s v↵2 2 vA 2⌦ ⇥ u (L⌦)U Balanced In regime Ω >> 1/τA , evolution on timescale τA2 Ω Equating age of star to evolution timescale gives 15 and 5 gauss, in cases of Vega and Sirius Reference: Braithwaite & Cantiello 2013 Failed fossil theory If field in Vega was ever greater than 15G, impossible to decay below 15G in its lifetime Pre-MS convective dynamo B>>15G Field lower at surface than in interior Reference: Braithwaite & Cantiello 2013 Early-type stars: classification spectral type Subset (~10%) early F, A and late B O and early B (intermediate mass) (massive) Ap/Bp stars 200G < B < 30kG steady, large-scale 200G < B < 5kG steady, large-scale Theory: fossil field (?) Theory: fossil field Rest of population ~1G fields found in two brightest A stars No direct detection, but indirect suggestions of Probably present in all of magnetic activity these stars........ Theory: failed fossil? Early-type stars: classification spectral type Subset (~10%) early F, A and late B O and early B (intermediate mass) (massive) Ap/Bp stars 200G < B < 30kG steady, large-scale 200G < B < 5kG steady, large-scale Theory: fossil field (?) Theory: fossil field Rest of population ~1G fields found in two brightest A stars No direct detection, but indirect suggestions of Probably present in all of magnetic activity these stars........ What theory? Theory: failed fossil? Subsurface convection in massive stars Convective layers near surface caused by iron opacity bump (Langer's talk on Monday) Dynamo activity? Cantiello et al. 2008 Subsurface convection in massive stars Dynamo-generated field reaches surface via buoyancy Subsurface convection: simulations Pencil Code Setup: piecewise polytropic (stableunstable-stable) Cartesian grid 128 x 128 x 256 Fcon/Frad ~ 0.3 Re ~ 80 (Brandenburg & Dobler 2002) Shown is vertical velocity field (Cantiello, Braithwaite, Brandenburg et al. 2011) Field strengths expected Assuming equipartition in convective zone (B2/8π ~ ρu2/2) B (G) 0 500 1500 2500 150 1000 0 500 0 1500 00 35 MSun 2000 2000 10 5.5 1000 120 MSun 6.0 500 5.0 Log L 1000 20 MSun 4.5 4.0 10 MSun 3.5 3.0 4.8 500 0 GAL 7 MSun 4.6 4.4 logTeff Cantiello & Braithwaite 2011 4.2 4.0 Field strengths expected Assuming equipartition in convective zone (B2/8π ~ ρu2/2) B (G) and B ~ ρ2/3 on way to surface 0 6 But small-scale fields not directly detectable 10 120 MSun 20 40 80 320 160 40 160 > 320 1020 5 80 Effect on wind 35 MSun 40 5 20 Log L 5 20 MSun 10 4 5 10 MSun 3 4.8 GAL 7 MSun 4.6 4.4 logTeff Cantiello & Braithwaite 2011 4.2 4.0 Spots on surface? Magnetic features in a radiative star are brighter than surrounding photosphere Making simple assumptions: B ~ 100 G causes a temperature increase ΔT ~ 1000 K at photosphere Spots on surface? Spot in convective star Spot in radiative star? Spots in a O8V star? HD 46149 (Degroote et al. 2010, using CoRoT) Spots in a B0.5IV star? HD51756 (Pápics et al. 2011, using CoRoT) Spots in a B0.5IV star? HD51756 (Pápics et al. 2011, using CoRoT) Summary spectral type Subset (~10%) early F, A and late B O and early B (intermediate mass) (massive) Ap/Bp stars 200G < B < 30kG steady, large-scale 200G < B < 5kG steady, large-scale Theory: fossil field (?) Theory: fossil field Rest of population ~1G fields found in two brightest A stars No direct detection, but indirect suggestions of Probably present in all of magnetic activity these stars........ Theory: subsurface convection? Theory: failed fossil? (?) = probable ? = plausible, & absence of other theories