Rights List Spring 2016 - Matthias Grünewald Verlag
Rights List Spring 2016 - Matthias Grünewald Verlag
Rights List Spring 2016 The publishing group that captures the spirit of life rightslist_fj_2016.indd u1 03.03.16 (09) 11:54:24 EDITORIAL 2 Dear friends and colleagues, We are delighted to present to you our new rights list for Spring 2016 and would like to invite you to find out more about the latest titles as well as strong backlist titles of our imprints Patmos – Thorbecke – Grünewald – Eschbach – Schwaben Our list offers a wide range of titles, covering psychology, self-help, memoirs, parenting, spirituality, religion and theology, as well as gift books and children’s books. While we have a rich tradition in publishing religious children’s books, we have recently ventured into publishing general children’s books, including fiction, encouraging children to become more aware of values and what really matters in life. Our imprint Thorbecke specializes in books on cookery, lifestyle and gardening, on the one hand, as well as books on history and cultural history, on the other hand. To find out more about our authors and titles, please visit our foreign rights website at www.verlagsgruppe-patmos.de/foreign_rights.php. A click on the logo of the respective imprint on the right-hand side will take you to the specific rights section of each imprint, for example, www.patmos.de/foreign_rights.php for titles published by our imprint Patmos. Using the navigation bar on the left-hand side, you can select individual titles from different categories. You will then be able to view English summaries, key selling points, up-to-date information on rights sold as well as biographies of our authors, illustrators and photographers. Also, there are information sheets, synopses and sample translations available for download. A detailed search function will help you find the information you need even faster! Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like to receive advance materials, reading copies or any further information on our titles and upcoming co-editions. We would also be delighted to discuss our list with you at the London Book Fair (table 4N10K in the NEP area). Please don’t hesitate to contact us to arrange a meeting. We look forward to hearing from you! With best wishes, Foreign Rights Department Sonja Wieland-Hartlieb and Luisa Lehnerer [email protected] t: +49 711 4406 148 f: +49 711 4406 177 Verlagsgruppe Patmos in der Schwabenverlag AG Patmos – Eschbach – Grünewald – Thorbecke – Schwaben Senefelderstr. 12 73760 Ostfildern Germany www.verlagsgruppe-patmos.de rightslist_fj_2016.indd u2 03.03.16 (09) 11:54:28 CONTENTS 3 CONTENTS rightslist_fj_2016.indd 3 Memoir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Parenting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Self-Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Analytical Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Loss & Grieving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Religion & Spirituality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Religion & Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Theology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Eugen Drewermann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Children´s Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Gift Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Cooking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Do It Yourself & Gardening . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Historic Gardens & History . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Our Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 03.03.16 (09) 11:54:28 MEMOIR 4 Hans Jürgen Herber / Ulrich Beckers The Long Goodbye When my wife was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s at 40 ISBN: 978-3-8436-0625-7 | Patmos | Hardcover with dust jacket | 188 pages with numerous pictures | 14 x 22 cm | €19.99 A promise for life When a woman is diagnosed with an incurable illness ss at the age of forty and her husband pledges to stand by her eem side through everything and anything, it may seem self-evident. ming Hans Jürgen Herber recounts bravely and with disarming openness what it means to gradually lose his young wife and the mother of his son to Alzheimer’s disease. He describes the journey of a relationship that is touching, but may be irritating or even provocative. Perhaps it will even ook inspire you to search for unusual solutions. This is a book that will never let you go Carola Thimm with Diana Müller My Life Without Me How I Experienced Five Years in a Coma ISBN: 978-3-8436-0570-0 | Patmos | Hardback with jacket | 240 pages | 14 x 22 cm | € 19.99 5 years in a coma - A sensational life story Carola Thimm was five months pregnant when an aneugetarysm in her brain burst. She fell into a persistent vegetative state, was artificially fed, could not speak and didd not rth of respond to stimuli. She didn’t even experience the birth ondiher daughter. For five years she remained in this condition, until she slowly became conscious again. er exIn her astonishing book, Carola Thimm describes her periences and feelings during this period of time, ass well as how she has managed to master her life anew since then. rightslist_fj_2016.indd 4 03.03.16 (09) 11:54:28 MEMOIR 5 Despite Everything: My Way To Life A Helena Neudek Ann U Utterly Alone T The scars of my childhood and how I fo found my way in life IISBN: 978-3-8436-0728-5 P Patmos H Hardcover with dust jacket cca. 200 pages 114 x 22 cm cca. € 19.99 A Ann Helena Neudek was born in Lower SSaxony in 1976. She studied product design and business studies and acts as brand si aand communication manager. Moreover she is an author and children’s book illussh trator and lives close to Frankfurt on the tr Main. M “The beating had stopped. I cowered in the small tub. My mother sat in front of me and cried as she massaged her swollen hands hands.”” For years, Ann Helena Neudek was beaten and humiliated by her parents. From the outside they seemed to be a well-to-do, storybook family, but behind the facade violence and fear reigned. Depression and suicidal thoughts accompanied her into adulthood. In this very personal and poetic book, Ann Helena Neudek delves into the horrors of her childhood, which still overwhelm her like a bolt of lightning at times. Therapy, love for her husband, and the power of words are helping her let go of all the trauma and trust in life. The story of her journey into her past inspires us to have courage, trust ourselves, and find our way to life. rightslist_fj_2016.indd 5 03.03.16 (09) 11:54:29 MEMOIR 6 Our Succesful Memoirs 4 TH Susanne Preusker Susa er N E D IT IO Seven Seve Hours in April ISBN: ISB BN 978-3-8436-0038-5 -00 038-5 April 2009: At her workplace, the prison prrison psychologist Susanne psych ne Preusker was held captive for seven hours by an inm inmate. capti mate. Preusker provides an unvarnishedd acPreus count of the unimaginable, the fearr for coun her life, li but also how she survived after trauma. the tr Susa Susanne Preusker Whe When Happiness Wags Its Tail ISBN: ISB BN 978-3-8436-0208-2 Emmi is an attack dog, but fortunately, Emm she ddoesn’t know it. She also doesn’t know that Susanne spent seven hours at the mercy of a sex offender and, severely traumerc matized, found her life had completely matiz changed. But Emmi helped Susanne rechan gain her health. Sold:: Dutch, Italian, Korean | English samp p translation available sample . 4 0 ,0 0 0 Beate & Olaf Hofmann The Siren Call of Life ISBN: 978-3-8436-0328-7 Beate and Olaf Hofmann gave up everything in Germany to spend a year in the wide-open spaces of western Canada, together with their ten-year-old daughter. Their story will encourage you not to ignore the siren call of unrealized dreams. This book is an invitation to live life now! Gudrun Pflüger Wolf Spirit ISBN: 978-3-8436-0141-2 Gudrun Pflüger lives in the Canadian wilderness, follows the trail of the coastal wolves, and spends an entire afternoon in the midst of a pack of wild wolves – a true sensation. When diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumor, she trusts in her own powers of self-healing and overcomes her illness. Freddy Leck with Uli Beckers Not Every Stain Has to Come Clean ISBN: 978-3-8436-0408-6 Berlin cult laundromat owner Freddy Leck loves his washing machines – and his customers! Freddy shares bizarre stories from his Laundromat in a comic yet loving way. This book is as funny and sad as life itself. Zuhal Soyhan Unbroken ISBN: 978-3-8436-0145-0 At the age of three, Zuhal Soyhan was diagnosed with brittle bone disease; around a hundred broken bones and countless operations followed over the years. Today, she is a popular TV journalist. A gripping life story of a strong woman who realized her dreams. rightslist_fj_2016.indd 6 CO P IE S Andy Holzer zer SOLD Balancing Act ISBN: 978-3-8436-0043-9 3--8436-00443 -99 Andy Holzer zer cannot see the mountains. Still, thee blind mountaineer er Andy Holzer has climbed the world’s highest mountain peaks. He overcomes obstacles created by his disability through mental strength and unbridled optimism. Sold: Italian, Korean Tj Tjerk Ridder & Peter Bijl In Search of a Trailer Hitch! IISBN: S 978-3-8436-0422-2 Dutchmen Tjerk Ridder and PeDu ter Bijl hitchhike from Utrecht to Istanbul for three months with a camping trailer – but without a car! Along their route, they are completely dependent on other people. The book is full of inspiring stories and photos, a ggem to savor. Felix Klieser with Céline Lauer Footnotes ISBN: 978-3-8436-0477-2 As a four-year-old, Felix Klieser announced: “I want a French horn!”, despite the fact that he was about as ill-suited for that instrument as he could possibly be: He was born without arms. Sabine Mehne Light Without Shadows ISBN: 978-3-8436-016 IS 978-3-8436-0162-7 1622-77 When the pain became unbearable, Sabine Mehne left her body. Suddenly she saw herself from above, lying in a hospital bed. This book is an authentic report of a near-death experience and life thereafter. Sold: Complex Chinese Sold: Czech Sold: English (World) 03.03.16 (09) 11:54:30 MEMOIR 7 Pete Schmidt Peter This Connection Is Not in Service An A Autistic at Work ISB ISBN: BN 978-3-8436-0517-5 | Patmos | Hardback with jacket | 2466 pages with numerous photographs | 14 × 22 cm | € 19.99 The T he new book by the best-selling author on autism and work For P Peter Schmidt, earning his degree in geophysics was a breeze. But when he want wants to turn his passion into a profession, the problems begin. He doesn’t recogni ognize his colleagues’ faces, and he is so honest with clients that he undermines his bboss’s marketing strategy. This is because Peter Schmidt has autism. He does doesn’t let this stop him and builds a career in the field of Information Technology. Peter Schmidt A Valentine’s Day Cactus Autism and love ISBN: 978-3-8436-0211-2 | Patmos | Hardback with jacket | 224 pages with numerous photographs | 14 x 22 cm | € 19.99 Autism and love: the story of a lived contradiction! He prefers to observe people from behind, because trouser seams are more interesting than faces. Presumably, he would not recognize his wife if hee saw nderher on the street. Peter Schmidt is a person with autism. He cannot understand others’ feelings, nor can he interpret their facial expressions. For him, n his small talk represents a balancing act, a choice of which foot to put in evermouth. All this doesn’t exactly make him Prince Charming, but he is nevertheless happily married with children. Sold: Polish, Slovak, German paperback rights, Film rights optioned, EngEng-lish sample translation available Pete Peter Schmidt The Boy From Saturn How an Autistic Child Sees the World ISB ISBN: BN 978-3-8436-0390-4 | Patmos | Hardback with jacket | 2400 pages with numerous photographs | 14 x 22 cm | € 19.99 This T hiss book is a pleasure to read and will surprise you! Pete is a strange boy. When he is happy, he flaps his arms like a bird or he studies Peter fleck flecks of light on the wall for hours, because it emits such gleeful sounds. Pete Peter Schmidt’s recollections of his childhood with Asperger’s syndrome are one of a kkind. He remembers not only the first years of his life, but even the hour of his birth! b For these unusual perceptions, he has created his own language, which is fas fascinating and surprisingly plausible. Sold: S old d Polish, German paperback rights rightslist_fj_2016.indd 7 03.03.16 (09) 11:54:36 PARENTING 8 Monika Specht-Tomann What Is That Monster Doing Under the Bed? Understanding and overcoming children’s fears ISBN: 978-3-8436-0644-8 | Patmos | Paperback | 180 pages | 14 x 22 cm | € 14.99 Fear of the dark, of saying goodbye, or difficulties in preschool or school – children live through many troubling experiences that they have to master in the course of their development. The experienced psychologist Monika Specht-Tomann demonstrates how parents can lovingly help their children and tame the monster under the bed together. Monika Specht-Tomann. 8 TH N E D IT IO Karl Gebauer / Gerald Hüther (eds.) Children Need Roots ISBN: 978-3-8436-0017-0 Increasing numbers of children today are anxious, unable to concentrate, and fixated solely on themselves. This classic book thoroughly describes the reasons for odd and problematic behavior of children, and experts present a variety of possible solutions. Karl Gebauer / Gerald Hüther (eds.) Children Need Trust ISBN: 978-3-8436-0568-7 Having a basic trust in existence is decisive for a happy and successful life. Children are born with this fundamental trust, but it can only continue to develop if it is continually strengthened by parents, caregivers and teachers. Karl Gebauer No One Figures It out Alone ISBN: 978-3-8436-0163-4 Experienced educator Karl Gebauer is convinced that only loving attention really makes children smart. Successful learning happens in a stimulating, sympathetic environment, be it with the family, in childcare settings or at school. Jochen Metzger The Kids Are in Charge ISBN: 978-3-8436-0083-5 What would happen if the children were given full responsibility for the family for a month? Jochen Metzger and his wife dared to find out … Now a major TV movie in Germany! Felicitas Römer Chill Out, Mom! ISBN: 978-3-8436-0528-1 Felicitas Römer, herself a mother of four children who are now grown, describes how parents can make it through their children’s puberty with ease and shows that this time can be a great opportunity for everyone to make positive changes in themselves. Rita Steininger The Basics of Fighting Fairly ISBN: 978-3-8436-0468-0 In this guidebook, Rita Steininger, uses typical examples drawn from everyday family life and lots of concrete tips to demonstrate how parents can resolve conflicts with school-age children. Rita Steininger The Little Anti-Anger Book ISBN: 978-3-8436-0556-4 Coping with children’s rage costs parents a lot of nerves. And it is anything but easy not to react aggressive or with anger. Rita Steininger, the mother of two sons, explains what anger and aggression mean for children’s development. This little book has a great impact! Elisabeth Raffauf How to Protect Children from Sexual Abuse ISBN: 978-3-8436-0213-6 Elisabeth Raffauf, psychologist, agony aunt, and a mother of two, shows what sensible prevention of sexual abuse looks like and describes what parents and educators can do to make children strong. rightslist_fj_2016.indd 8 Sold: Italian Sold: Italian, Korean Sold: Dutch, Korean, Romanian 03.03.16 (09) 11:54:38 PARENTING 9 The Bestseller In A Newly Revised Edition! 8 TH N E D IT IO Christine Rankl Sleeping Through the Night at Last Understanding and solving difficulties with sleep ISBN: 978-3-8436-0748-3 Paperback ca. 230 pages 14 x 22 cm € 14.99 Sold: Lithuanian, Italian One in four young children has difficulty sleeping through thro the night. And that means their parents’ sleep is interrupted afte night. That is tryinterrupted, night after ing and exhausting, for children and parents alike. What causes this, and what truly helps? Christine Rankl has a solution for every kind of sleeping issue, from infants to schoolchildren. This is not about following a certain program or method for better sleep, but instead gently and lovingly strengthens children’s ability to regulate themselves. And that takes place step by step. This knowledgeable guide will result in peaceful, restful nights, at long last. 10 TH N E D IIT IO Chri Christine Rankl How to Soothe Your Baby ISBN: ISBN N 978-3-8436-0060-6 Babies who cry a lot often leave their parents feeling helpless and Babie frustrated. Psychotherapist Christine Rankl explains the causes frustr crying in babies and provides useful advice that really for severe se helps. helps Sold:: Italian, Latvian, Chinese (simplified) Josephine Schwarz-Gerö Baby, Why Won’t You Eat? ISBN: 978-3-8436-0033-0 When a baby doesn’t want to eat or drink, parents worry about the well-being of their child. Their desperate attempts to get their baby to eat often trap them in a vicious cycle. And this, although the baby knows what the solution is, if only its signals could be correctly interpreted! Sold: Italian rightslist_fj_2016.indd 9 03.03.16 (09) 11:54:42 SELF-HELP 10 Heinz-Peter Röhr I Trust My Own Perception ISBN: 978-3-8436-0590-9 People who experienced sexual or emotional abuse as children can often suffer from anxiety and depression or may be at risk of committing suicide, even decades later. Best-selling author and psychotherapist Heinz-Peter Röhr provides useful advice and gently shows steps toward healing. Heinz-Peter Röhr ciating The Art of Appreciating Yourself TH ISBN: 978-3-8436-0391-1 03391-1 ED5IT IO N Heinz-Peter Röhrr shows how it is possible too develop appreciation for oneself eself and find a way to create a happy ppy and successful life. Over 10,000 0,000 copies sold in Germany. Sold: Complex Chinese, Czech, Polish Sold: Czech, French (World) Heinz-Peter Röhr 11 TH N E D IT IO ss of The Happiness elf Loving Yourself ISBN: 978-3-8436-0036-1 4336-0036-1 Patmos Using the fairyy tale The Devil With the Three Golden ld Hairs, Heinz-Peter Röhr shows what keeps us from being truly happy in life. He explains how to replace a negative self-image with a positive one. Hein Heinz-Peter Röhr Path Pathways to Happiness ISBN: ISB BN 978-3-8436-0195-5 Heinz-Peter Röhr shows us what Hein we ccan do to delete old thought patterns that make life difficult patte ffor us, strengthen our feelings of self-worth and thus find greater happiness in life. Sold: Czech Sold: Complex Chinese, Czech 5 TH Heinz-Peter Röhr N E D IT IO Addiction – g Background and Healing ISBN: 978-3-8436-0054-5 436 36-0054-5 Based on decades des of experience working with sufferers ufferers from various addictions, Heinz-Peter Röhr sensitively provides advice and suggestions for understanding and overcoming addictive behavior. Sold: Czech, Polish rightslist_fj_2016.indd 10 Heinz-Peter Röhr Paths Out of Dependency ISBN: 978-3-8436-0640-0 Analyzing the Grimm Brothers’ fairytale The Goose Maid, Heinz-Peter Röhr explains the causes of chronic dependency personality disorder and typical behavioral patterns of those affected. He also demonstrates how to overcome this self-abnegating behavior. Heinz-Peter Röhr Narcissism ISBN: 978-3-8436-0047-7 People with narcissistic personality disorder feel trapped inside an inner prison and desperately seek a way out – often using strategies that only increase their lack of freedom. This book is about the origin of narcissism, its progression and healing possibilities. English translation available Sold: Czech, Hungarian, Korean Hein Heinz-Peter Röhr Ove Overcoming Borderline Pers Personality Disorder ISBN: ISB BN 978-3-8436-0247-1 Heinz-Peter Röhr uses the Hein Grimm fairy tale Hans My Grim Hedgehog to illustrate key characteristics of this illness and shows helpful coping strategies for those affected Sold: Dutch Udo Rauchfleisch Living (and Loving) with Borderline Personality Disorder ISBN: 978-3-8436-0636-3 Udo Rauchfleisch helps friends and partners of people with a borderline disorder to understand this serious psychological illness. The psychotherapist gives many suggestions for making it possible to live with each other in spite of difficulties. Christian Firus with Hans-Hermann Firus An Appointment with Happiness ISBN: 978-3-8436-0572-4 Losing a job, an illness or separation from a beloved person – all of these are life experiences that challenge us. People who cultivate their strengths and abilities have some means with which to counter such difficult events. 03.03.16 (09) 11:54:44 Jo Eckardt Talking is Gold – How Conversation Strengthens Love SELF HELP SELF-HELP 11 ISBN: 978-3-8436-0746-9 | Patmos | Softcover | ca. 128 pages | 12 x 19 cm | € 12.99 A unique way to strengthen intimate relationships! Silence at the breakfast table, only the bare minimum iss dison is cussed, frustrated withdrawal – a lack of communication tners especially common in long-term relationships. The partners have nothing more to say to each other, the emotional connection suffers and that leads to more silence. Jo Eckardt demonstrates how this vicious circle can be broes for ken. It is not just a matter of providing general guidelines oanacommunication, according to this experienced psychoanalyst. Instead, her book provides practical instructions for how ersacouples can become closer again through intensive conversaings, tions. Focused questionnaires on topics such as hurt feelings, needs, intimacy, money and power open up a space for partners to interact at a deep level and get to know each other anew. In this way it is possible to rediscover love thoughtt lost and to strengthen relationships. Christian Firus Finding Land Again Facing depression with courage and determination ISBN: 978-3-8436-0742-1 | Patmos | Softcover | ca. 136 pages | 12 x 19 cm | € 12.99 The most helpful strategies to counter depression! Health insurance companies confirm it: depression is on n the presrise. In Germany, one in five people will suffer from depression at some point in their life. It can happen to anyone! The good news is that there is effective help. Christian Firus highlights the most important strategies. His sion approach: the first and most important step out of depression is to take good care of yourself, and to recognize where you have freedom to act. This involves simple things such as what you eat, exercise and helpful rituals, but also knowing your nforown values, limitations and when to say no. The latest inforsion mation on psychotherapy and medications for depression round out this compact and insightful handbook. rightslist_fj_2016.indd 11 03.03.16 (09) 11:54:50 SELF-HELP 12 Jörg Fengler The Little Anti-Burnout Book ISBN: 978-3-8436-0332-4 Jörg Fengler, a renowned expert on burnout and burnout prevention, has put together 25 quick, simple and effective measures that can help us prevent burnout. Rita Steininger The Little Be-Good-toYourself Book ISBN: 978-3-8436-0642-4 Stop constantly criticizing yourself, have the courage to try something completely new – many women between 40 and 50 would like to be kinder to themselves. Rita Steininger gives her readers lots of tangible tips for framing this time of change with energy and joy. Sold: Dutch, Italian, Latvian, Romanian . Rosa Rechtsteiner Family Baggage ISBN: 978-3-8436-0656-1 Our family of origin affects us far more than we are aware of. In this book, Rosa Rechtsteiner conveys to us how we can consciously unearth the rules in our own families and use that insight to promote powerful processes of change. Holger Feindel Hooked on the Internet ISBN: 978-3-8436-0655-4 Online gaming, surfing or chatting – what begins as a way to pass the time or as a hobby can get out of control. When constantly being online leads to people neglecting the real world – friends, work, sleeping and eating – then the Internet has become an existential problem. Karin Bonner 7 TH IO N No More Fear off Flying EDIT ISBN: 978-3-8436-0189-4 6-- 0189-4 Racing pulse, sweating, eating, fear of dying – as soon as the door to the plane is shut, the terror starts for people with a fear off fl flying. In this book, experienced psychologist and flight attendant Karin Bonner presents a 6-step program to help those afraid of flying. Hans Morschitzky/ Sigrid Sator When the Soul Speaks Through the Body ISBN: 978-3-8436-0377-5 This guide introduces the most common psychosomatic disorders and offers a great deal of support to those affected. Hans Morschitzky/ Thomas Hartl Understanding and Overcoming Fear of Illness ISBN: 978-3-8436-0153-5 A guidebook for people suffering from excessive fear of illness featuring a self-help program in seven steps for those affected. Hans Morschitzky/ Thomas Hartl Coming Out of Your Shell ISBN: 978-3-8436-0025-5 This book portrays various forms of social anxiety. It also includes exercises to strengthen self-confidence and provides advice for coping with social fears. Sold: Czech, Portuguese (World) Sold: Complex Chinese, Italian, Romanian Sold: Italian Hans Morschitzky/ Sigrid Sator The Ten Faces of Anxiety ISBN: 978-3-8436-0049-1 This practical guide introduces the ten most important anxiety disorders and offers a comprehensive self-diagnosis guide based on case studies and questionnaires. It also provides an effective seven-step therapy program helping those affected. Gabi Rimmele Trade Chaos for Ease ISBN: 978-3-8436-0638-7 Drawers full of “stuff ”, clothing that has never been worn, books that no one reads anymore. Why is it so incredibly difficult to part with unnecessary things? This book provides lots of encouragement for clearing out your home and letting go of what is weighing you down. Sold: Korean Sold: Czech, Korean rightslist_fj_2016.indd 12 03.03.16 (09) 11:54:51 13 SELF-HELP Beate Hofmann / Olaf Hofmann Just Get Out! How to draw strength from nature ISB 978-3-8436-0715-5 | Patmos | embossed Paperback | IISBN: 20 08 pages | 14 x 22 cm | € 16.99 208 For an extra dose of Vitamin N(ature)! Just get out! Step out of entrenched habits and ways of thinking, out of frustration traps, out of the office and into the wilderness just outside your door. Risking adventure even in everyday life and usin using nature as a resource increases mental resilience. This book show shows how “green resilience” makes it possible to live more fully, to act more m mindfully, and to revitalize your creativity. In an a entertaining style, Beate and Olaf Hofmann link their own life experiences to recent findings in psychology, pedagogy and nature sociology. Beate Hofmann Simply Good! 978-3-8436-0589-2 Live a More Fulfilling Life, with Ease Kur Mosetter / Reiner Mosetter Kurt Be Pain-free Faster with the KiD Method Flex Flexibility in muscles and connective tissue ISB ISBN: B 978-3-8436-0740-7 | Patmos | Paperback | ca. 168 pages wit th many photos | 14 x 22 cm | € 14.99 with Newly New w revised edition! Chr Chronic pain often originates from muscular tension or improper post posture and strain. The unique stretching exercises of the KiD met method (“strength training in stretched positions”) release these tens tensions, improve mobility, and lead to a more observant way of rela relating to your own body. This leads to quick and effective reduction of chronic pain. One key factor is training focused on the connective tissues. Stre Strengthening them results in pain-free motion. Many optimized exer exercises and illustrations guide you to your own personal, attentive training routine. rightslist_fj_2016.indd 13 03.03.16 (09) 11:54:55 14 ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY Ver Verena Kast The Shadows in Us The subversive life force N EW LY D RE VI SE N! ED IT IO ISBN: ISB BN 978-3-8436-0738-4 073 738-4 | Patmos | Paperback Pap | 144 pages | 14 x 22 cm | € 14.99 Sold: S old d Romanian ““Where Wh h there is light, there is also shadow” The same is true of the human personality. We present certain aspects of ourselves in dayl daylight, while other aspects are suppressed in our subconscious. The shadows are that whic which a person does not want to be, but nonetheless is. cIn this classic book on the Jungian concept of shadows, the renowned Jungian analyst and psychotherapist Verena Kast demonstrates that when we are ready to take responsibility for our dark side, the shad shadows become a source of power that makes us more human and more vital. Verena Kast On the Path to Your Best Self ISBN: 978-3-8436-0634-9 Verena Kast’s work revolves around themes that have to do with the adventure of self-realization. It’s a matter of developing into an autonomous person who at the same time can form relationships; of becoming who one truly can be. 7 TH N Verena Ka Kast st E D IT IO Dreams ISBN: 978-3 3-8436-0373-7 978-3-8436-0373-7 In this book,, the renowned Jungian analyst Verena Kast explores the fascinating ing language of our subconscious from various scientific perspectives. Sold: Czech, Greek, Italian V Verena Kast G rowing Beyond Yourself Yourself Growing ISBN: IS SBN: 978-3-8436-0591-5 978-3-8436-059 5911-55 The emotions envy and jealousy T are taboo. Verena Kast argues ar convincingly that we are not takco ing advantage of a great opportunity for our personal development when we deny these unpleasant feelings. She encourages us to consciously perceive our own envy and jealousy. 9 TH Verena Kastt N E D IT IO The Creative e Leap ISBN: 978-3IS 978-3-8436-0192-4 8436-0192-4 In this book, Verena Kast illustrates several types of crisis. Via numerous case se histories she explains how psychotherapists and analysts can guide patients experiencing crisis situations Sold: Czech Sold: Sold Sol d: C Czech, zech, h K Korean, orean, Rom Roman Romanian an nian ni an Verena Kast Engagement and Boredo om Boredom as Sources of Creative Energy ISBN: 978-3-8436-0086-6 Verena Kast describes in vivid detail how the basic emotions of engagement and boredom are pathways to vitality. Verena Kast Imagination ISBN: ISBN IS BN:: 97 978978-3-8436-0156-6 8 33 84 8436 36-0 -015 1566 -66 In this classic book, well-known Jungian analyst and psychotherapist Verena Kast demonstrates that imagining is an important means of self-care that leads to greater vitality. Sold: Czech, Portuguese (Brazil) 8 TH N E D IT IO Verena Kastt The Dynamic cs of Symbols Symbo ols Dynamics ISBN: ISBN IS BN:: 97 978978-3-8436-0301-0 8 33 84 8 8436-0301-0 In this classic introduction to analytical psychology, ology, best-selling author Verena Kast offers a clear overview of Jungian terminology and concepts, drawing on case studies from her counseling practice. Sold: Czech, Portuguese (World) Ver Verena rena Kast Dep pth Psychology Depth Acc cording to C. G. Jung According IISBN: SB 978-3-8436-0558-8 Verena Kast elucidates the most Ver important aspects of the analytical psychology of C. G. Jung in a comprehensible way. This book provides a concise and extremely competent introduction to depth psychology.. Sold: Portuguese (Brazil) rightslist_fj_2016.indd 14 03.03.16 (09) 11:54:58 ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY 15 A New Perspective On Aging Verena Kast Aging – Always Good for a Surprise ISBN: 978-3-8436-0736-0 Patmos Hardcover 176 pages 12 x 19 cm € 16.99 There’s no doubt about it: everyone is getting older. The sometimes difficult changes that come along with the aging process provide lots of new challenges to master. We have to learn to be flexible in responding to situations over which we have little or no control. Verena Kast, in her early 70s herself, demonstrates that in our older years, more than ever, it is important to accept the surprises life brings our way – including delightful ones – and deal with them in creative ways. How to go about this is what the renowned Jungian analyst describes in this new book. rightslist_fj_2016.indd 15 Verena Kast is a former Professor of Psychology at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. Today she is a lecturer and teaching analyst at the C. G. Jung Institute in Zurich, as well as a psychoanalyst in private practice. She has published numerous books on subjects including emotional psychology, principles of psychotherapy, and the interpretation of fairy tales and dreams. Her works – many of them long-sellers – have been translated into numerous languages. For further information, please visit the author’s website at www.verena-kast.ch. 03.03.16 (09) 11:55:03 ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY 16 Brigitte Dorst Resilience Building inner strengths ISBN: 978-3-8436-0632-5 | Patmos | Hardcover | 176 pages | 12 x 19 cm | € 14.99 Stress on the job, fear for your sick partner, conflict with the neighbors – burdens like these completely derail some people. In this book, Brigitte Dorst elucidates the definition of resilience from the perspective of depth psychology and explains why we need it, especially in difficult times. By means of many effective techniques, the experienced Jungian analyst and psychotherapist enables readers to strengthen the resilience of their spirit. ED IN TO TR AN SL AT U AG ES 14 LA N G Jolande Ja Jacobi acobi The Psychology Psych hology of C. G. Jung Ju ung ISBN: 978-3-8436-0159-7 ISBN 978 -33 -8436 8436-0159-7 0159 7 This classic ic work, written by a student and nd close associate of Jung, provides a clear introduction to Jungian psychology. Brigitte Dorst (ed.) Brig C. G. G Jung – Writings S on Spirituality and T Tran Transcendence ISBN: 978-3-8436-0222-8 ISBN For this anthology, Brigitte Dorst has selected C. G. Jung’s most important thoughts on spirituality and transcendence. Sold: Portuguese (World), Spanish (World) Renate Daniel Taking the Fear from the e Night ISBN: 978 ISBN 978-3-8436-0389-8 3 8436 0389 8 Psychotherapist Renate Daniel offers competent help for dealing with nightmares by helping readers to understand the message behind the nightly images, thus also gaining new perspectives for everyday life. Stephan Marks Shame ISBN: ISBN IS BN: 97 978-3978-3-8436-0052-1 3 84 8436 36-00 05 0522-11 This book demonstrates impressively that many conflicts among people become understandable when viewed from the perspective of the question of shame – and they can be resolved as well. Sold: Sold Sol d: E English ngli lish h 4 TH Helen I. Bachmann Animals as Symbols ISBN: 978-3-8436-0478-99 The JJungian Th i analyst l H Helen l I. I Bachmann provides clear explanations of animal symbols and demonstrates, by means of myths, fairy tales and examples of dreams, both how deeply they have influenced human history, and the impact they can have on the psychic development. rightslist_fj_2016.indd 16 Ingrid Riedel Mirror, Mirror on the Wall Wa all ISBN: 978-3-8436-0220-44 IIn this hi collection, ll i the h wellll known Jungian analyst Ingrid Riedel interprets five fairy tales, demonstrating how envy and resentment can be overcome, and how people can achieve a benevolent sense of co-existence. N E D IT IO Ingrid Riede Riedel el The Inner Fre Freedom eedom of Aging ISBN: 978 ISBN 978-3-8436-0374-4 3 84 8 4366-0374-4 0374 4 Ingrid Riedel – aged over seventy – writes about b t ageing i with ith great warmth and wisdom. Ageing means both living life to the fullest and letting go. Ingrid Ing grid Riedel Love Lovve Is as Strong as Death ISBN: ISB BN: 978-3-8436-0436-9 The iinterpretations Th t t ti off th the wellll known Jungian and theologian kno IIngrid Riedel and the impressive pictures of Renate Gier reveal the Bible’s Song of Solomon in an entirely new light. 03.03.16 (09) 11:55:04 Marianne Meister The Key to the Self Understanding yourself through deep psychological astrology ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY 17 ISBN: 978-3-8436-0646-2 | Patmos | Hardcover with dust usst jacket | 264 pages | 14 x 22 cm | € 24.99 Fate is NOT written in the stars, as popular horoscopes would ould have you believe. A serious approach to astrology insteadd deent a scribes the special abilities and possibilities for development person has, which can be lived out in very different ways. The anne experienced Jungian analyst and astrologist Marianne Meister combines this rigorous approach to astrology with the analytical psychology of C.G. Jung. In her analytic psychological astrology, she works out various fundamental patover terns of the personality, which allow her readers to discover their own unique interests, inclinations, needs, gifts andd pom the tential. This book includes many examples drawn from cogpractice of astrology and deep psychology that help us recognize and better understand ourselves. N EW LY D RE VI SE N ED IT IO Ingrid Riedel ! man The Wise Woman ms The archetype of the wise old woman in fairy tales, dreams and the history of religion ISBN: 978-3-8436-0752-0 | Patmos | Paperback | ca. 192 pages | 14 x 22 cm | € 16.99 Just because someone is old doesn’t necessarily mean theyy are an or wise. But there is an archetypical image of the old wise man woman inside each of us, which impacts our experience off being old as well as our relationships to older women and men. In this book, Ingrid Riedel examines the various forms off the archetype of the wise old woman in the Grimms’ fairy tales d” as “The Goose-Girl at the Well” and “The Nixie in the Pond” verywell as in dreams, in the history of religion, and in the everyday life of contemporary women. ningRiedel, a renowned Jungian analyst, explains how meaningful it is to get in touch with the archetypical image of the wise periwoman. This book demonstrates convincingly that experitribencing the various aspects of feminine wisdom can contribnity. ute to imbuing old age with new meaning and greater dignity. rightslist_fj_2016.indd 17 03.03.16 (09) 11:55:08 LOSS & GRIEVING 18 8 Monika Specht-Tomann Supporting Grieving Children What parents can do ISBN: 978-3-8436-0750-6 | Patmos | Softcover | ca. 128 pages | 12 x 19 cm | € 12.99 Some children withdraw and refuse to talk when they are mourning. Others can hardly be soothed and cry continuously. It is also not unusual for grieving children to be aggressive. And many of them ask the most astonishing questions. The empathic approach of this book opens new perspectives and helps children and adults alike to find their footing and a new direction. Willi Butollo / Gabriele Pfoh When Time Alone Doesn’t Heal ISBN: 978-3-8436-0386-7 Willi Butollo and Gabriele Pfoh show how to distinguish the complex courses of grief from typical mourning, and which therapeutic methods can be used to lessen the afflictions. This book is indispensable for grief counselors, pastoral caregivers and therapists. Tullio Aurelio We Die and Don’t Know What’s Next ISBN: 978-3-8436-0578-6 How do you imagine life after death? Do you think there’s an “afterlife” or a “heaven”? Or does everything simply end with death? Tullio Aurelio considers these questions, motivated by the palpably real threat of his own death. Mechthild Schroeter-Rupieper Changed Forever ISBN: 978-3-8436-0245-7 This book offers a great deal of support for families in times of grief and loss. It includes helpful suggestions and individual ideas for parents and children to honor their grief together. Claudia Cardinal Anything But Child’s Play ISBN: 978-3-8436-0223-5 Experienced grief counselor Claudia Cardinal reveals many ways to support grieving children and teenagers, thus giving parents, relatives and friends advice on how to best help them cope. Angelika Daiker/ Judith Bader-Reissing Making Peace with Death ISBN: 978-3-8436-0531-1 Patmos This book develops the spiritual and existential meaning of the last seven words of Jesus and connects them with experiences that occur daily in hospices and hospitals. Thus the authors develop a new approach to palliative care providing valuable inspiration for professionals. Carmen Birkholz Until My Life Sprouts New ew Buds ISBN: 978-3-8436-0594-6 Almost all partings, whether they are sudden or descend upon you or are freely chosen, leave behind painful empty places. Carmen Birkholz finds words that gently and carefully provide the gift of a new springtime. Her book invites people to not only read, but to stay a while. Ralf T. Vogel Death Is Great, We Belong Belo ng to It ISBN: 978-3-8436-0593-9 Death remains a forbidden topic. But more and more people want to come to terms with death in order to live their lives more purposefully. This book offers the possibility to discover their own understanding about death and dying, knowledge that lies deep in the soul. Hubert Böke The Mourning Clinic ISBN: ISBN IS B : 978-3-84 978-3-8436-0409-3 436 36-0 -040 409-3 Hubert Böke knows from decades of experience which questions most concern people in mourning. In this book, he offers sensitive companionship and perceptive advice to people who are grieving. rightslist_fj_2016.indd 18 03.03.16 (09) 11:55:09 LOSS & GRIEVING 19 Anemone Zeim / Madita van Hülsen Never Forget Structuring grief with memories ISBN: 978-3-8436-0705-6 | Patmos | Paperback | 144 pagess with 99 numerous photos, four color throughout | 14 x 22 cm | € 14.99 Grief can become a friendly monster and a companion No one can truly understand grief before they have experienced nced it tion in personally. And then suddenly you are immersed in a situation hat rewhich everything you could previously rely on fails you. What mains are the memories. Consciously turning to your ownn treaely ensure trove of memories, sorting through them and creatively gaging with them, helps us find a personalized and healingg path rience through grief. Anemone Zeim and Madita van Hülsen experience this daily in their work accompanying people through the mournmories ing process. What this process can look like and why memories are so important is the subject of this book. Hubert Böke My Heart Is Like April Stories of mourning and of life ISBN: 978-3-8436-0707-0 | Patmos | Hardcover with embossed cover | 96 pages | 12 x 19 cm | € 12.99 The range of experience of grieving varies from bitter cold and darkness all the way to the opening of tender buds in the first mild brightness of spring. Seen from this perspective, Aprill enke no compasses the emotional world of those who are grieving like other time. Pastor and grief counselor Hubert Böke takes up this experience and weaves it into his stories like a red thread. His ness wise and poetic tales express the bitter cold and winter darkness of the path of grief, but also the new awakening of vitality – cautious like the first harbingers of springtime, but not to be dismissed. They encourage readers to embrace mourning, andd not or, it to lose hope. Because when spring quietly knocks on the door, is time to grasp trust and dare to live again. rightslist_fj_2016.indd 19 03.03.16 (09) 11:55:16 RELIGION & SPIRITUALITY 20 Peter Müller The Soul S Prefers to Walk My pil pilgrimage guide for at home and underway ISBN ISBN: N: 978-3-8436-0721-6 | Patmos | Softcover with flaps | 144 p pa | 12 x 19 cm | € 14.99 144 pages In his new book, Peter Müller invites us to pursue the trail of pilgrims’ wisdom. He finds these insights in his own pilgrimage experience riences and those of other pilgrims, but above all in meaningful stories and sayings from a diverse range of religions and cultural circles circles. With this t selection of more than forty stories and fifty aphorisms, as well wel as simple mindfulness exercises and meditative texts, he opens a gateway to the eternal questions of one’s own being and journe journey. The open spaces in the book invite us to record our own observ observations and insights. Peter Müller Let’s Go on a Pilgrimage! – Yours Truly, James The Pilgrimage Book for Home and Abroad ISBN: 978-3-8436-0502-1 Andrea Schwarz Greetings from God 52 discoveries ISBN: 978-3-8436-0709-4 | Patmos | Hardcover with a reading d ing m| band | 96 pages with numerous b/w illustrations | 12 x 19 cm € 12.99 How a teacup can structure your day, why a picture frame can change our image of God, or finding that a pair of scissorss undrea leashes a feeling of gratitude... In her latest book, Andrea Schwarz took a close look at ordinary objects in her home. And nary. she soon became aware that nothing is everyday and ordinary. Through our thoughts and a new perspective, valuable lifee lesnted. sons can be discovered in things we often take for granted. Greetings from God is a perpetual guide through the yearr for contemporary people, occasionally profound, but above alll encouraging, heartfelt and freeing. rightslist_fj_2016.indd 20 03.03.16 (09) 11:55:17 RELIGION & SPIRITUALITY 21 Harald Lesch / Christian Kummer How Amazement Came Into Being A physicist and a biologist on small flowers and enormous stars ISBN: 978-3-8436-0723-0 Patmos Hardcover with dust jacket 192 pages, four colors throughout 14 x 22 cm € 17.99 What do a biologist and an astrophysicist find equally astonishing? In this case, it is an unassuming blue flower. Sparked by their fascination with the grape hyacinth, the two scientists become conscious of the sources of their awe – and in the process are continuously astonished. With humor and an eye for detail, the scientists explain the development from the Big Bang to a small flower to the complexities of the brain in an impressive overview. In the process, they make themselves and their readers aware of evolutionary processes and just happen to simultaneously celebrate the miracle of life. This is a fascinating book about amazement that will inspire awe in you, too. rightslist_fj_2016.indd 21 Harald Lesch, Ph. D., is professor of theoretical astrophysics at the Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics at the Ludwig-Maximilian-University in Munich and the expert on astrophysics in the DFG (German Research Society). Additionally, the confessed Christian teaches natural philosophy at the Jesuit University for Philosophy in Munich. Christian Kummer, Ph. D., is a biologist and philosopher. He was professor at the Jesuit University for Philosophy in Munich. The professor emeritus is director of the Institute for Scientific Issues related to Philosophy and Theology. 03.03.16 (09) 11:55:19 RELIGION & SPIRITUALITY 22 Lothar Zenetti It Will Be Like a Dream ISBN: 978-3-8436-0725-4 | Patmos | Hardcover with an audio CD, featuring the author (Length: 65 min.) | 88 pages | 16 x 21 cm | € 16.99 Lothar Zenetti is a master of language. His poems, prayers and song lyrics are among the classics of modern Christian literature. And they are the expression of a faith in which people today find themselves. Zenetti speaks about our dreams and the longing for love and belonging. Whether you are listening to his reflective pieces or critical ideas, you are always aware that the texts have their source in a deep trust in God. Peter Wild Moments of Perception – Moments of Meaning ISBN: 978-3-8436-0538-0 In this spiritual companion, Peter Wild describes the experiences enabled by our senses as a way to access the dimension of the divine, which at the same time is always eluding our comprehension. Heribert Arens / Martino Machowiak You Turned My Mourning into Joyful Dancing ISBN: 978-3-8436-0657-8 No one is spared painful experiences. This is a book that encourages people to trust life again, to become more secure and attain new vitality until mourning turns into joyful dancing (Psalm 30). Martina Kreidler-Kos/ Niklaus Kuster/Ancilla Roettger Letting My Life Shine ISBN: 978-3-8436-0595-3 Francis and Clara of Assisi were praying people. Martina Kreidler-Kos, Niklaus Kuster and Ancilla Roettger, three noted experts on Franciscan spirituality, have translated the most beautiful prayers of the two saints anew. Anselm Grün Treating Yourself Well ISBN: 978-3-7867-2614-2 -33-7867-2614-2 In this successful ccessful and long-selling book, Anselm Grün demonstrates how we can learn to act compassionately toward ourselves, our fellow human beings and all of creation. Anse Grün Anselm Trus Trusting in Change ISBN: IS SBN 978-3-7867-2647-0 Anselm Grün inspires his readAnse ers to trust in the continual transformation of their inner spiritual path rather than feeling pressure to bring about change themselves. Sold: Czech, Italian, Korean, Ukrainian Sold: French (World), Spanish (Spain) Paul J. Kohtes Meister Eckhart ISBN: 978-3-8436-0501-4 With the aid of the magnificent aphorisms and instructions of Meister Eckhart, the experienced meditation teacher Paul J. Kohtes takes his readers along on a journey of discovery of themselves. This is a moving book that encourages thoughtfulness and thinking in new ways. Dietmar Mieth (ed.) Meister Eckhart – One with God ISBN: 978-3-8436-0494-9 Dietmar Mieth has collected and commentated on Meister Eckhart’s most important writings in this Eckhart reader that has yet to meet its match. Featuring an extensive introduction by the distinguished Eckhart scholar. Hildegard Gosebrink With Meaning and Purpose ISBN: 978-3-8436-0658-5 Spirituality in the daily life of a manager, where it’s all about goals, results, sales targets that have to be met? Hildegard Gosebrink invites us to discover everyday routines, between personal and financial decisions, discussions with colleagues, meetings and workshops, as a spiritual force field. ED IN TO TR AN SL AT AG ES 9 LA N G U rightslist_fj_2016.indd 22 Sold: Korean 03.03.16 (09) 11:55:20 RELIGION & SPIRITUALITY 23 Mar Martina Kreidler-Kos Star Starry Nights and a Shimmer of Hope Tho Thoughts toward a restful night ISB ISBN: BN 978-3-8436-0713-1 | Patmos | Hardcover with a reading ribbon | 1444 pages with several b/w illustrations | 12 x 19 cm | € 14.99 “Som “Sometimes, I feel an inner restlessness. I can’t shake questions such as: Will I ma manage to do everything that’s running through my head? What will the futu future bring?” When your mind won’t allow you any peace, it is hard to fall aslee asleep. For moments like these, Martina Kreidler-Kos has scripted texts to ponder and guide your thoughts, which make it possible for you to focus on yourself, turn your gaze inward, to gather yourself, to experience stillness, to trust your yourself and let go of burdens. Erni Kutter The Years That Are Granted to Us A spirituality of aging for women ISBN: 978-3-8436-0717-9 | Patmos | Paperback | 144 pages | 14 x 22 cm m| € 14.99 Erni Kutter develops a spirituality of growing older with special consideraderanjoy tion for the experiences and needs of women who want to consciously enjoy male and make the most of the years they have been given. She discovers female ks of role models in history and mythology as well as in life and the networks socially engaged women today. The result is a model of an aging culturee for f-dewomen who say an undaunted “yes” to strengths and weaknesses, to self-dets of termination and the need for support, to the bright and the dark aspects the autumn of life. Jose Epping Josef So Full F of Life Expe Experiences on the trail of Jesus ISBN 978-3-8436-0719-3 | Patmos | Paperback | 96 pages | 12 x 19 cm | ISBN: € 9.9 9 € 9.99 How and where can we experience God today? Josef Epping has a very special kknack for discovering glimmers of the divine in everyday life, in nature, in ar art, in music and literature. Observant and thoughtful, he perceives them and transforms them into enjoyable meditations, always keeping in mind the biblical b perspective and connections to the stories of Jesus. One can right rightly say that Josef Epping represents a timely, inspiring, and healing spiri spirituality, entirely in the spirit of a contemporary Christian. rightslist_fj_2016.indd 23 03.03.16 (09) 11:55:26 24 4 RELIGION & SOCIETY Paul M. Zulehner Discontinued Model In what direction is Pope Francis taking the Church? ISBN: 978-3-8436-0668-4 | Patmos | Hardback | 176 pages with ca. 30 b/w-illustrations | 14 x 22 cm | € 16.99 Sold: Czech Beginning with the pope’s life, Paul M. Zulehner demonstrates his core concerns: his commitment to a Church of the poor and a new culture of interaction within the Church – as for example during the preparation and conduct of the synod of bishops on the family. Both ranges of topics are explored deeply through contributions by recognized experts. This is a passionate plea to play a part in steering the ship Church in a new direction, with a new understanding and changed practices. Khola Maryam Hübsch Under the Veil of Freedom ISBN: 978-3-8436-0473-4 Khola Maryam Hübsch cleverly holds a mirror to our society: How free and equal are women really in our highly sexualized society? This is a shrewd and contentious book that calls common clichés into question and opens new perspectives into Islam. Renate Schoof Secrets of Christianity ISBN: 978-3-8436-0545-8 As soon as we look at Christian works of art from a different religious perspective, they begin to speak to us anew. Renate Schoofs brings to light unexpected and astonishing perspectives, which helps encourage new insights. Josef Imbach The Horned Moses and a False Madonna ISBN: 978-3-8436-0667-7 Why does Moses have horns on his head? What is a peacock doing on the roof of the stable in Bethlehem? Such curious “additions” to Christian works of art are not just a whim of the artists. How did these symbols become part of religious art? And what do they mean? Tullio Aurelio God, Gods and Idols ISBN: 978-3-8436-0696-7 A name is restricting, and all creatures that have a proper name are limited – because they are confined within it – and become extinct. Gods who are named have become extinct. Or they can be found in myths of the past: dead gods that only lived in people’s imaginations, such as Zeus, Isis or Thor. So what about Yahweh? Hubertus Halbfas Never Stand Still ISBN: 978-3-8436-0665-3 For more than half a century, Hubertus Halbfas has had a decisive impact on religious education –assertive and controversial, systematic and creative. This is his autobiography. Hermann-Josef Frisch Instead of Conserving Ashes, Pass Along the Fire ISBN: 978-3-8436-0664-6 In order for parishes to have a future, dramatic change in the role of priests and dedicated Christians is urgently needed. Encouragement for this can be found in the life of Jesus and in early Christianity. The author demonstrates how this can succeed, in practical terms. Karl-Josef Kuschel Feastin at the Heavenly Table ISBN: 978-3-8436-0366-9 Celebrating special meals establishes a connection between Jews, Christians and Muslims, according to Karl-Josef Kuschel. This previously unrecognized bond is of great significance for interreligious dialogue. Francis of Assis Dear Brother Francis ISBN: 978-3-8436-0446-8 What would Francis of Assisi have to say to Pope Francis? In fictitious letters, the great saint from Assisi encourages the Pope and all believers to initiate the long-overdue reform of the Church with new confidence. rightslist_fj_2016.indd 24 Sold: Korean 03.03.16 (09) 11:55:28 RELIGION & SOCIETY 25 Paul M. Zulehner Set Aside Your Fear! Refugees and the Christian occident ISBN: 978-3-8436-0760-5 Patmos Softcover 168 pages 12 x 19 cm € 12.99 For months, refugees have been coming to us in huge numbers numbers: women, men, young children. That generates emotions in the populace th that run in very different directions. Some feel anger, others worry, and yet others are optimistic. Those who are angry tend to be defensive, while the optimists are ready to pitch in and help. They can be found volunteering at train stations, working alongside civic organizations and church congregations. But how is it that some are defensive while others get involved, some attack and others help? A recent survey demonstrates that the difference has to do with each individual’s personality structure. It is a person’s fears that prompt that defensiveness or helpfulness. In this timely interjection, Paul M. Zulehner explores the origins of these fears as well as possible ways to overcome them. By the same author: Paul M. Zulehner Dowry ISBN: 978-3-8436-0542-7 Paul M. Zulehner is one of the most noted theologians in Europe. In his autobiography, his spiritual and theological life story appears to be a golden thread, on which significant social and church themes of the past decades are strung like pearls. Paul M. Zulehner Religion and Industrial Society ISBN: 978-3-8436-0731-5 On the alienation between the church and the workforce: A historical and empirical study rightslist_fj_2016.indd 25 03.03.16 (09) 11:55:33 THEOLOGY 26 A Tribute To A Bold Christian Who Has Witnessed An Entire Century Jürgen Moltmann / Eckart Löhr Hope for an Incomplete World ISBN: 978-3-8436-0755-1 Patmos Softcover ca. 96 pages 12 x 19 cm ca. € 14.99 Jürgen Moltmann is known as the political theological with socia social and religious relevance. His very unique profile, his special powers of conviction and ability to convince others, and last but not least, his comprehensive body of theological work (Theologie der Hoffnung, Gott in der Schöpfung, Der lebendige Gott and die Fülle des Lebens) have had considerable impact on thought and actions in German society and internationally for decades. Now he sets priorities, once again. Eckart Löhr reflects with Jürgen Moltmann on Moltmann’s eventful theological and political life. Openly and warmly, Moltmann provides insight into his roots, his political awakening, and his efforts toward a contemporary theology for our time. Current questions and a look into the future of our society are at the forefront of their conversation. rightslist_fj_2016.indd 26 Jürgen Moltmann, Ph. D., was professor for systematic theology at the University of Tübingen from 1967 until 1994. He has held numerous visiting professor positions and lectures internationally. Jürgen Moltmann holds several honorary doctorates and has received various international prizes. Eckart Löhr is a specialized freelance journalist. His thematic main focus concentrates on the interface between science and philosophy. 03.03.16 (09) 11:55:35 THEOLOGY 27 On The Occasion Of The 500Th Anniversary Of Reformation Walter Cardinal Kasper Martin Luther An ecumenical perspective ISBN 978-3-8436-0769-8 Patmos Hardcover with book ribbon 96 pages 12 x 19cm € 8.00 Sold: English, Hungarian, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish On October 31st 2016, Pope Francis and top representatives of o the Lutheran World Federation will lead the ecumenical commemoration ceremony in Lund, Sweden (place of foundation of the Lutheran World Federation) on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of Reformation. “Many Christians are rightly expecting that remembrance of 500 years of Reformation will bring us one step forward ecumenically to reaching the goal of unity. We must not disappoint those expectations.” With these words Walter Cardinal Kasper starts his essay on Martin Luther and coming from the German-born Cardinal, such words are a clear signal. Walter Cardinal Kasper, born in 1933, doctorate and professor of dogmatic theology, 1989-1999 Bishop of the diocese Rottenburg-Stuttgart, 2001–2010 President of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity. In this volume, the President Emeritus of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity frees Luther from preconceived opinions of past and present Luther anniversaries: Luther, his world and his message are at first strangers in the contemporary time. The exposure of “ Luther as a stranger” leads to an ecumenical surprise: “The reason, why Luther and his message are strangers to us, paradoxically points to his significance for ecumenical efforts today.” Kasper´s thesis develops and culminates into a committed plea, expressed in the last chapter´s headline: For an “ecumenism of mercy”. This book derives from a highly respected discourse, held by the author at Humboldt University in Berlin in 2016. rightslist_fj_2016.indd 27 03.03.16 (09) 11:55:35 28 8 THEOLOGY Bernd J. Hilberath Trusting Faith? Encouragement ISBN: 978-3-7867-3063-7 | Grünewald | Hardcover | 160 pages | 12 x 19 cm | € 14.99 The Christians of the future will either be those that have experienced what keeps them firm in their faith, or they will no longer be Christians. Being a Christian is made possible by experiences that lead us to faith, or reinforce our faith. Bernd Jochen Hilberath thus explores biblical and poetic texts as well as everyday expressions for experiences that invite us to a viable and theologically responsible faith, even today. 5 TH IO N Meinrad Limbeck imbeck EDIT Farewell to Sacrificial Death ISBN: 978-3-7867-2945-7 -78867 6 -2945-7 In this bestselling elling title, Meinrad Limbeck argues that Jesus’s sacrificial death cannot be the central message of Christianity and develops the basic outline of a Christian faith that places the message of a loving and liberating God at its center. Stefan Knobloch The Absence of God? ISBN: 978-3-7867-2979-2 Stefan Knobloch urges us to take people´s search for transcendence seriously, yet without appropriating it as a dedicated search for “God”. That way, people can experience the divine – even today. Stefan Knobloch Life Signs ISBN: 978-3-7867-3019-4 Stefan Knobloch makes a case for a new, contemporary understanding of the sacraments that is based on people´s everyday needs, experiences and longings because only then can the sacraments once again become life signs – signs of the presence of God in the world. Sold: Portuguese (SA), Korean Me Meinrad Limbeck Fa Farewell to Evil IISBN: SB 978-3-7867-3043-9 What is the source of evil? W Whence suffering, oppression, W exploitation and wars? Limbeck thus looks for clues in the freeing and healing message of Jesus. He finds unaccustomed, biblically grounded answers and in so doing, motivates us to believe that we can live and act in beneficent, healing ways. Theodor Schneider What We Believe ISBN: 978-3-7867-3008-8 Through the confession of faith, Theodor Schneider reveals the foundational tenets of Christian faith and interprets them from the perspective of contemporary theology. This enables us to find new ways to access these “old” formulations that are meaningful in today’s world. Ottmar Fuchs God Torn Apart ISBN: 978-3-7867-2992-1 Ottmar Fuchs subjects the harmonious conception of the Trinity to pointed critique and develops other approaches to thinking about a Trinitarian understanding, sensitive to suffering, of the God who as Jesus Christ radically exposed himself to the world. Margit Eckholt Going to the Margins ISBN: 978-3-7867-3046-0 Margit Eckholt recalls the secular-religious forays of the Second Vatican Council, the creation of “contextual theologies” and the often dramatic paths of the liberation theologians. She develops prospects for ways that theology can take its intercultural responsibilities seriously. Hans-Joachim Sander Topological Dogma ISBN: 978-3-7867-3021-7 The function of dogma is to give deeper expression to the words of God in light of tradition and contemporary signs of the time. Hans-Joachim Sander presents a new version of dogma that rises to these challenges. This is an innovative, sustainable new approach to systematic theology. rightslist_fj_2016.indd 28 03.03.16 (09) 11:55:36 THEOLOGY 29 Stef Knobloch Stefan Bord Border Crossings Bibli Biblical experiences of faith as the key to today’s search for mean meaning ISB ISBN: BN 978-3-7867-3076-7 | Grünewald | Paperback | 1599 pages p | 14 x 22 cm | € 14.99 Faith seems to be in dire straits these days, at least if you look at the llevel of engagement of people in local parishes. Is it a lack of inter interest in faith? Rampant individualism? Drowning in the virtual world of mega-data? This pessimistic, black-and-white thin thinking, however, does not do justice to the reality. Life is varied! Stefan Knobloch therefore investigates today’s threatening uuncertainties, but also the hopeful initiatives for authentic and life-enriching l forms of faith. Chr Christoph Heil / Rudolf Hoppe (editors) Ima Images of People – Images of God Und Understanding the parables of Jesus ISB ISBN: BN 978-3-8436-0605-9 | Grünewald | Paperback | ca. 2 2 ca. 256 pages | 14 x 22 cm Jesus parables were never purely about God or reassurance Jesus’ abou about the existence of an afterlife. His proclamations about God are always based in actual, real life. When referring to God God, he never loses sight of humankind. In its exegesis of the para parables, therefore, this workbook to accompany the Munich New Testament concentrates on the relationship between the imag image of God and the image of humankind. The kingdom of God, his justice and mercy are addressed as well as love of neighbors, selfishness and forgiveness. This clear clearly structures, readily understandable exegesis of the parables of Jesus invites us to make new and unexpected discoveries. rightslist_fj_2016.indd 29 03.03.16 (09) 11:55:41 EUGEN DREWERMANN 30 Matthias Beier/Eugen Drewermann The Biography ISBN: 978-3-8436-0601-1 | Patmos | Hardback with jacket | ca. 400 pages | 14 x 22 cm | ca. € 29.99 The first biography about Eugen Drewerman Eugen Drewermann is one of the most sought after theologians of our time. His books have been translated into many languages, and his frequent lectures are always given to large audiences. The media value him as a competent and engaging conversation partner. What makes Drewermann so special that – despite resistance from the mainstream church – countless people continue to be touched by his ideas? Matthias Beier God Without Fear ISBN: 978-3-491-72543-0 In this profound and popular introduction to Drewermann’s writings, Matthias Beier explains the key content of the renowned theologian’s works and highlights links between texts. Sold: Dutch Eugen Drewermann Doing the Right Thing in Life ISBN: 978-3-8436-0349-2 For years, Eugen Drewermann has been addressing existential questions on the radio program Freedom of Speech. This book reflects the spectrum of human hopes and fears and helps us live. Sold: Korean rightslist_fj_2016.indd 30 Jörg Fündling/Heribert Körlings (eds.) The Eugen Drewermann Reader ISBN: 978-3-491-50107-2 This first anthology of Drewermann’s vast body of work covers all the key themes of his books. The passages included have been selected for readers who want to discover his writings and their relevance to the world of today. y Eugen Drewermann We Believe Because We Love ISBN: 978-3-8436-0032-3 Like few other theologians, Eugen Drewermann is able to crystalize the meaning of Christian faith in simple words and has guided many people to a new, life-affirming practice of faith. This book explains his most impportant themes and thoughts. g Eugen Drewermann Jan Hus – With God’s Fire ISBN: 978-3-8436-0649-3 Jan Hus criticized the power seeking and greed of the Church in his day; he set Christ above the papacy. His teachings were condemned at the Council of Constance. Dialogue between Jürgen Hoeren and Eugen Drewermann reveals how current the thought g of Martin Luther’s ppredecessor is. Eugen Drewermann The Most Important in Life ISBN: 978-3-8436-0603-5 “It is the most important thing we can possibly learn in life: to find one’s own being and remain true to it.” In the year of his 75th birthday, now there is finally a readily accessible collection of Drewermann’s most important thoughts and most beautiful writings. Eugen Drewermann Words of Freedom ISBN: 978-3-8436-048 IS 978-3-8436-0486-4 4866-44 In this book, popular theologian Eugen Drewermann vividly illustrates the eight Beatitudes of Jesus by means of exemplary life stories. His exegesis offers a spiritual foothold in many life situations. Eugen Drewermann That Even the Lowest Among You Is My Brother ISBN: 978-3-8436-0235-8 In this book, Drewermann interprets the religious dimension in the work of Dostoyevsky. It is an indispensable read for anyone who wants to understand a central facet of the Russian author’s work. 03.03.16 (09) 11:55:42 31 EUGEN DREWERMANN Eugen Drewermann Turning Points or What Does Christianity Actually Mean? ISBN: 978-3-8436-0540-3 | Patmos | Hardback with jacket | 544 pages with 8 color tables | 14 x 22 cm | € 35.00 Sold: Dutch In his new book, Eugen Drewermann puts theology back on its feet again, instead of its head, and leads it back to what Jesus of Nazareth wanted and what Christianity actually means. He criticizes explicitly the conviction that it is possible to objectively determine how we must understand God and what salvation through Christ means – a conviction that has had powerful consequences in church history. This book is indispensable for everyone who wants to understand faith better and more deeply. Eugen Drewermann/ Michael Albus Ways Out of the No-Man’s-Land ISBN: 978-3-8436-0482-6 Eugen Drewermann and Michael Albus describe many areas of tension in thinking, feeling and behavior and demonstrate that there are ways to reconcile conflicting needs, so that the soul can once again find a home. Eugen Drewermann/ Michael Albus The Big Questions ISBN: 978-3-8436-0143-6 Using a series of essential terms as stepping stones, Eugen Drewermann and journalist Michael Albus probe the human longing for a fulfilling life. This is an important book that offers readers orientation and meaning. Eugen Drewermann Border Crossers ISBN: 978-3-8436-0663-9 In the Greek myths, Sisyphus and other rebellious heroes are often punished gruesomely by the gods of the underworld. Christianity, on the other hand, conveys a healing counter-image. Eugen Drewermann demonstrates how the fear in the human soul can be overcome through g trust in this merciful God. Eugen Drewermann Love, Suffering and Death ISBN: 978-3-8436-0347-8 Legends and myths are an integral part of the Western European culture. In this book, Eugen Drewermann explores with a perspective honed by depth psychology, why love, suffering and death – three constants in human existence – are the predominant themes in manyy ancient myths. Eugen Drewermann Landscapes of the Soul, or What Trust Can Do, Vol. 1 ISBN: 978-3-8436-0616-5 Grimms´fairy tales interpreted in light of depth psychology: The Girl Without Hands, Mary’s Child, The Drummer, Brother and Sister, Clever Else, Mother Hulda Eugen Drewermann Landscapes of the Soul,, or How Love Enchants Us, Vol. 2 ISBN: 978-3-8436-0617-2 Grimms´fairy tales interpreted in light of depth psychology: Sleeping Beauty, Snow White and Rose Red, The Golden Bird, The Crystal Ball, Rapunzel, The Godfather, Godfather Death, Foundling Bird Eugen Drewermann Landscapes of the Soul,, or How to Overcome the Fear, Fe ear, V l Volume 3 ISBN: 978-3-8436-0618-9 Grimms´fairy tales interpreted in light of depth psychology: Hansel and Gretel, Cinderella, The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats, The Wolf and the Fox Eugen Drewermann Landscapes of the Soul, or How We Become Man and W l Woman, V Volume 4 ISBN: 978-3-8436-0619-6 Grimms´fairy tales interpreted in light of depth psychology: Snow White, The Two Brothers , The Frog Prince rightslist_fj_2016.indd 31 03.03.16 (09) 11:55:47 32 CHILDREN’S BOOKS Sohelya Sadr Trampolina ISBN: 978-3-8436-0628-8 | Patmos | Hardcover | 24 pages, 4-c | 22 x 24 cm | € 12.99 A wonderful story of being different and learning to fly! Polina doesn’t have it easy. Her teacher threw her out of ballet class: “I’m sorry, Polina, but you’re not getting anywhere. You’re just too clumsy,” she said. What she’d really like is to be as light as a butterfly; she dreams of being able to fly. One day, a circus comes to town. Polina visits the acrobats the very next morning – and experiences the wonder of her lifetime: in a single, brilliant moment clumsy Polina actually becomes Trampolina, who can fly like a butterfly! Soheyla Sadr Anne and Peach ISBN: 978-3-8436-0495-6 Anne calls her grandma Peach. When she sits on grandma’s lap and listens to her stories, the words go straight to her heart …This is a wonderful story about the inviolable core of every person that gives us comfort and security, even when life is difficult sometimes. Soheyla Sadr Luisa, Mrs. King and the Golden Heart ISBN: 978-3-8436-0562-5 While taking a walk through the park, Luisa meets Mrs. King. Mrs. King is sitting on a park bench in the middle of the snow. She is wearing strange clothes, and although her name is King, she has no crown. The wondrous old lady is nonetheless something very special… Marlene Fritsch Of Scared Dragons, Half Cloaks and Tame Wolves ISBN: 978-3-8436-0209-9 Petra Fietzek Everything Is Different for Lulu Now ISBN: 978-3-8436-0521-2 This book brings together the most beautiful legends of the saints in one collection – related in an engaging style aimed at children, with gorgeous illustrations. For children aged 6 and up. Everything is just fine in Lulu’s world. But suddenly, nothing is the way it used to be. That makes Lulu sad and very angry… This lovingly illustrated picture book helps children cope with radical changes in their lives, such as death, illness and divorce. rightslist_fj_2016.indd 32 Helmut Walch/ Angela Holzmann I Would Do Anything For You! ISBN: 978-3-8436-0584-7 Simone Jörger/ Fariba Gholizadeh God Is Like Raspberry Ice Cream ISBN: 978-3-8436-0582-3 The big bear Paul has hurt himself. Now he is lying in bed and is terribly sad. When his friends find out about this, they visit him at home. They think of all kinds of things to try to cheer him up. But nothing helps until the shy, gentle little sheep has an idea … Anna has a question. “Mom, what is God like, actually?” Mom has to think about that for a while. “God is like everything that makes you happy.” “The good Lord is like raspberry ice cream?” Anna asks, astonished. Because she likes raspberry ice cream more than anything in the whole world … Petra Fietzek A Sun for Grandma ISBN: 978-3-8436-0310-2 Fariba Gholizadeh Max the Knight ISBN: 978-3-8436-0320-1 Tim’s grandmother lives in a nursing home. When Tim comes to visit, she always laughs and says, “Here comes my sunshine!”. One day, grandma dies, but Tim knows she is always with him in the light of the sun. A tender, honest children’s book about the death of a loved one. Little Max loves tales of knights and their adventures. One day, he learns what chivalry really is about … This picture book conveys values in a cheerful way that appeals to children. For children aged 3 and up. 03.03.16 (09) 11:55:52 33 CHILDREN’S BOOKS The Power of Words Jochen Weeber What on Earth Is Wrong with Gisbert? Illustrated by Fariba Gholizadeh ISBN: 978-3-8436-0701-8 Patmos Hardcover 24 pages, four color throughout 22 x 24 cm € 12.99 For ch chil children ildr dren en ages age gess 4 and and up Gisbert has lots of friends and feels very comfortable in his giraffe skin. One day he hears two hyenas whispering behind his back about his brown spots, and suddenly he feels smaller! Then the hippo comments that his hrinks a little more. This continues trumpet playing is terrible – and he shrinks hat he can even crawl underneath the and gets worse, until he feels so small that ve a piece of cake and a card on his sofa. But one day, when his friends leave doorstep, Gisbert finally knows what iss wrong with him. Jochen Weeber, born in Vaihingen, Germany, in 1971, is an author of books and radio plays. In addition, he is the inventor of the AUTHORMAT (a poetry-reading vending machine), plays the accordion, is married and has two children. He regularly holds (musical) readings in schools. P le a s e as co - e di t k f o r io n s! Einmal kamen seine Freunde vorbei bei und stellten ihm eine Kleinigkeit vor die Tür. Langsam fühlte er sich besser. Und als seine Eltern noch einmal fragten, antwortete er: „Jetzt weiß ich es.“ Und dann erzählte erzähl ä te Gisbertt alles, alle al lllles, s was wa as ihm ih hm auf hm au a uff dem de d em Herzen em Herzen en lag. „Das a Kleinsein Klein i sein ist gar nicht das Schlimmste. Das D Erdmännchen Erdmännchen ist ja auch klein. Und die Maus. Und Un die Ameisen. Aber b ich i – ich habe mich so schwach sc schwach c und u traurig traurig gefühlt“, sagte e er, er, und aus. atmete ein paarmal tief eff a e us. Als er fertig war mit Erzählen, ging ess ihm schon h viel besser. besse ss r. 07018_inhalt.indd 18 rightslist_fj_2016.indd 33 16.11.15 16.11.15 / 08:39 07018_inhalt.indd 19 16.11.15 16.11.15 / 08:39 03.03.16 (09) 11:56:05 CHILDREN’S BOOKS 34 Martina Steinkühler / Anne Fröhlke The Story of the Good King The Lord’s Prayer ISBN: 978-3-8436-0671-4 | Patmos | Hardback | 24 pages, 4-c | 24 x 22 cm | € 12.99 For children 3 years and up Many children are not familiar with the Lord’s Prayer, or they recite the words but don’t understand what they mean. This picture book tells the story of God the good king in an entirely new way – and very simply. This makes it easy for readers young and old to find a way to understand this central prayer of the Christian faith. Martina Steinkühler Why St. Francis Spoke With the Animals ISBN: 978-3-8436-0509-0 A little lark accompanies Saint Francis on his travels and tells us stories of his life: how he tamed the world, brought about peace among people, gave bread to the poor, and more. This is a beautiful picture book about a remarkable saint. Marlene Fritsch How St. Martin Shared His Cloak ISBN: 978-3-8436-0403-1 This book tells the story of Saint Martin, who shared his cloak with a poor beggar, in simple words and colorful pictures. A pleasure to look at and read aloud to children 3 years and up. Sold: Danish, Hungarian Sold: Hungarian Martina Steinkühler Bible Stories for Little Ones ISBN: 978-3-8436-0229-7 Mrs. Bibleyarn likes to tell stories from the Old Testament to the two siblings in the story and all children who hear it ... This is a beautifully illustrated book for the very young with a lively framing story, which makes these Bible stories relevant to children’s everyday life. rightslist_fj_2016.indd 34 Martina Steinkühler Jesus Stories for Little People ISBN: 978-3-8436-0551-9 Mrs. Bibleyarn is back! This time she retells a potpourri of Bible stories from the New Testament for to the two siblings in the framing story and all young children who hear it. With beautiful illustrations that appeal to children aged 3 and up. Marlene Fritsch Why St. Nicholas Gives Gifts Secretly ISBN: 978-3-8436-0549-6 In simple words and colorful pictures, this book tells the legend of Saint Nicholas gave his gold to a poor family to save them from poverty and hardship. It is a joy for the youngest children aged 3 and up to listen to this familiar story retold in a new way! Martina Steinkühler / Angela Holzmann How Nice That You Found Me! ISBN: 978-3-8436-0395-9 “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” – But what is actually meant by it? With this cheerfully illustrated picture book, even very young children can understand that God is taking good care of us people and is with us when we are afraid. Sold: Sol d: Slo Sloven Slovenian, venian ian, Hungarian H Hung ungari arian an Sold: English (World), Finnish Peter Spangenberg The Big and Little Peopl le People Bible ISBN: 978-3-7966-1489-7 Peter Spangenberg retells the stories of the Bible in a way suitable for young readers, with detailed and cheerful illustrations. Included in the 2012 list of Recommended Children’s Bibles. Sandra Salm / Elli Bruder How Rebecca Almost Slept Through Christmas ISBN: 978-3-8436-0631-8 One night, Rebecca overhears her sister Maria talking with an angel! The angel tells her that she is going to have a child. Rebecca is disappointed when Maria, highly pregnant, begins her journey to Bethlehem with Joseph – and without her. 03.03.16 (09) 11:56:12 35 CHILDREN’S BOOKS The Bible for First Communion Albert Biesinger My First Communion Bible With his granddaughter, Sarah Biesinger ISBN: 978-3-8436-0565-6 Patmos Hardcover 122 pages Four color throughout 16 x 24 cm € 12.99 He is a religious educator, she is a child taking First Communion – together they are an ideal team for a First Communion Bible! Together with his granddaughter, Sarah, Albert Biesinger tells the stories of the Bible in a new way. Both of them discover that God is always there for us. He comforts us when we are sad, he helps us when we have an argument with a friend, and nly during the time before and after he is glad when we are happy. And not only our First Communion, but every day off our lives. rful gift for First Communion that My First Communion Bible is wonderful will be a trusted companion long after the celebration. P le a s e as co - e di t k f o r io n s! Petra Postert My Very Special Day The First Communion Memory Bookk B 978-3-8436-0461-1 rightslist_fj_2016.indd 35 Peetra Postert Petra M Myy Very Special Day Th he First Communion FriendThe ship hhip B Bookk (f (fill-in ll journal) l) 978-3-8436-0621-9 78-3-8436-062 6 1-9 03.03.16 (09) 11:56:24 GIFT BOOKS 36 Gett Getting Old Is the Only Way to Li Live a Long Life ISBN: ISBN N 978-3-86917-465-5 The new Eschbach gift book ok on of growing older. the subject s r. Encouraging thoughts, little discovcoura scoveries and surprising words off wisdom provide motivation to live well for a long time, and to love life. Ulri Peters Ulrich Time Doesn’t Pass By, Time Is Created ISBN: ISBN N 978-3-86917-466-2 Travel with Ulrich Peters on a Trave journey inside time. He follows in journ footsteps of Momo, the sympathe fo thetic figure from Michael Ende’s novel, who always has time and novel does one thing best of all: Momo listens. This is a book full of beaulisten tiful moments and inspirational thoughts. thoug Christa Spilling-Nöker A Basketful of Happiness ISBN: 978-3-86917-365-8 With her words, Christa Spilling-Nöker expresses in a nutshell what it means to her to write thoughts, encouragements and wishes about life. Christa Spilling-Nöker From My Pantry ISBN: 978-3-86917-247-7 It is Christa Spilling-Nöker’s passion to regularly fill her inner “pantry” with perersonal thoughts and experiences. In time, lots of encouraging words come together, making everyday life easier. Christa Spilling-Nöker Greetings From a Rose ISBN: 978-3-86917-209-5 This book is a very special rosarium for the soul: a bouquet of good thoughts and encouraging messages, lovingly arranged by Christa Spilling-Nöker. Christa Spilling-Nöker I Wish You All the Colors of Autumn ISBN: 978-3-86917-329-0 Every season brings with it rich blessings, including autumn. Christa Spilling-Nöker senses the unique power of this season and shares the gift of blessings in wonderful autumn colors. Christa Spilling-Nöker Stay As You Are ISBN: 978-3-86917-289-7 To recreate yourself anew based on your ur very own personal life goals is what this his special collection of texts and Barbara Trapp’s illustrations w Ulrich Peters Live Your Life’s Dream ISBN: 978-3-86917-248-4 With great imagination and spirit, Ulrich Peters tells four fairy tales filled with the idea of a better, more humane world. They are stories that encourage us to continually change and explore new paths. rightslist_fj_2016.indd 36 03.03.16 (09) 11:56:26 GIFT BOOKS 37 Mandalas: Gifts for Your Soul Recharging through coloring ISBN: 978-3-86917-469-3 | Eschbach | Softcover | 84 pages | 19 x 19 cm | € 9.99 Follow ancient tradition and journey to the andcenter of your own being by coloring handpledrawn mandalas. The mandalas are compleielle mented by spiritual texts by Marielle oroEnders, Bruno Dörig, Pierre Stutz, Dorothee Solle, Erich Fried, Lao-Tse, Raaria bindranath Tagore, Wilhelm Raabe, Maria Sassin, Gabriela Paydl and more. Ulrich Peters Affairs of the Heart Wishes and good thoughts from the Little Prince ISBN: 978-3-86917-398-6 | Eschbach | Hardback | 48 pages, 4-c | 12 x 19 cm | € 7.99 For millions of people, the Little Prince has become a coman, he panion for life. Part child-like philosopher, part magician, acter. tells wonderful life stories and is a keen judge of character. All this makes him a friend, adviser and guide. Ulrich Peters rediscovers him in this light, and with his entertainingg and sensitive perspective, fondly takes a new look at the Little Prince. rightslist_fj_2016.indd 37 03.03.16 (09) 11:56:30 COOKING 38 The Latest Trends For The Health Conscious! Helene Holunder The Vegan Family – We Are What We Eat! Recipes to bring more vegan into everyday life ISBN 978-3-7995-1040-0 | Thorbecke | Hardcover er | 136 pages with numerous photos | 19 × 24 cm | € 19.99 Ideal for families with different food likes and disslikes, intolerances, or special diets In many families nowadays, people have different erent uirefood preferences, allergies, special dietary requirements, or specific nutritional plans that seem to conflict with each other. The question is, “What’s left that egan we can all eat together?”. But there really are vegan recipes that everybody likes! Blogger Helene Holunder aims to generate more curing to osity about and demand for vegan food according the motto: “More vegan for everyone more often!”” Christina Hess What’s Christina Making? Vegetarian. Delicious. Different. ISBN 978-3-7995-1039-4 | Thorbecke | Hardcover err | 136 pages with numerous photos | 19 × 24 cm | € 19.99 A completely different approach to vegetarian food! od! Christina Heß has been a vegetarian for 10 years, and ency while she spends her days in a government agency n for Monday through Friday, she expresses her passion cooking, photography and thinking outside the box through her blog “What’s Christina Making?” Her recipes are innovative, healthy and personal. Her delicious creations will make you want to try them yourself. ecial These innovative recipes organized in a very special way: orite Head: Tasty & healthy; Nose: Exotic; Heart: Favorite recipes; Belly: Soul food; Hands: Mixing & bakingg rightslist_fj_2016.indd 38 03.03.16 (09) 11:56:31 COOKING 39 Enjoy Good Food Outdoors And On The Go! Gourmet to Go Delicious foods for picnics, parties and underway ISBN 978-3-7995-1022-6 | Thorbecke | Hardcover err | 136 pages with numerous photos | 19 × 24 cm | € 17.99 Food simply tastes better outside at a picnic or a garden party than at home seated at the dining table! The nery unfamiliar surroundings, sunshine and fresh greenery sure. are a feast for our eyes, providing double the pleasure. And yet, many people think it’s not possible to eat just ns of as well on the go as you can at home. Generations ould boring brownbag lunches and office sandwiches could speak volumes – but not anymore! Hea Healthy Herbal Delights Heav Heavenly food with fresh herbs ISB ISBN BN 978-3-7995-1024-0 | Thorbecke | Hardcover | 64 ppages with numerous photos | 19 × 19 cm | € 12.99 It is iimpossible to imagine cooking without herbs and wild herbs. At one point, however, herbs were almost comp completely out of fashion, with the exception of a hand handful of the most popular, such as basil, thyme, sage and oregano. Luckily that’s not the case nowadays. Tho Those basic herbs may still dominate the culinary stage stage, but many other herbs and wild herbs add to the profu profusion of fresh and vitamin-rich seasonings and med medicines. rightslist_fj_2016.indd 39 03.03.16 (09) 11:56:33 40 0 COOKING Stefanie Knorr The Pantry Cookbook Delicious and healthy recipes for every day ISBN: 978-3-7995-0546-8 | Thorbecke | Hardback | 136 pages with numerous photos | 19 x 24 cm | € 19.99 These recipes will allow you to make fabulous, healthy meals that everyone will enjoy! Do you want to quickly get a healthy meal on the table after work? Do you want to eat a varied, healthy diet without going shopping every day? This book shows you how to do it! You can make sauces, chutneys and cordials when you have time, and then simply reach into your pantry for them when you’re in a hurry. The Veggie Lunchbox Vegetarian and Vegan Food for Lunch ISBN: 978-3-7995-0617-5 A lunchbox is quickly perpared, can be filled with delicious, homemade foods, and there are so many possible variations that it never becomes boring. It is easy to eat well at work and on the go! Chandima Soysa Vegetable Soups for Gourmets ISBN: 978-3-7995-0871-1 Vegetable soups are healthy and versatile – and naturally delicious! The fabulous recipes collected here will surprise you with unusual combinations that tickle the palate. Chandima Soysa Bite-Sized Delights! ISBN: 978-3-7995-0562-8 These foods may be small in size, but they meet the most discriminating standards! Chandima Soysa tickles your palate with special recipes from around the world – ideal for your next party, a buffet, as appetizers or when you’re simply hungry for a little something. Alexandra Medwedeff/ Juliana Neumann Seasonal Cooking, Fresh from the Market ISBN: 978-3-7995-0876-6 Using fresh, local ingredients, the authors of this lovely cookbook conjure up delicious and sometimes truly unusual culinary creations. Selected as Best First Book at the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards. Carina Seppelt Finally, It’s Pumpkin Season ISBN: 978-3-7995-0674-8 These delicious, bright orange squashes are definitely one of the best parts of autumn. In addition to time tested classics such as pumpkin soup – but with a new twist – this collection includes lots of recipes that you’ve probably never tried before! Ira König Homemade for You ISBN: 978-3-7995-0875-9 Whether it is homemade jam, freshly baked bread, chocolates, cookies or a jar of pickles – with this book and a little time you can create all kinds of unique, thoughtful presents for family and friends. The recipes will inspire you to cook, bake and delight your friends. Sabine Fuchs/ Susanne Heindl Christmas Presents from Your Kitchen ISBN: 978-3-7995-0671-7 With these recipes for fabulous holiday gifts from the kitchen, Sabine Fuchs and Susanne Heindl deliver lots of luscious ways to spoil your family and friends. Pure holiday joy! Sold: Italian Markus Wagner/Petra Forster Rootworks ISBN: 978-3-7995-0236-8 Root vegetables are not only healthy, but can also be used in incredibly varied ways. In addition to well-explained recipes, this book includes a lot of information about the healthful benefits of their ingredients. rightslist_fj_2016.indd 40 03.03.16 (09) 11:56:35 COOKING 41 Claud Dreizler Claudia Aunt Lene’s Preserves The fresh fr fruit kitchen: jams, chutneys and jellies ISBN N 978-3-7995-0691-5 | Thorbecke | Hardcover | 88 pa ag with numerous photos | 16 × 21 cm | € 14.99 88 pages This T his iss an inspiring book all about preserves that simply makes m akess you happy! “You’r just like Aunt Lene,” said Claudia’s family time “You’re and ag again. That’s because Aunt Lene always had a thousand ccreative ideas for using the bounty of her garden. Claud Claudia Dreizler has followed in her footsteps: tomatoes and gr grapes, pears and thyme, blackberries and lavender all make ma delicious combinations in her jams and jellies, and ar are a coveted treat from her small shop. Claudia Dreizler makes m sure she uses only local fruits in seasonal combinatio binations. And just like her Aunt Lene, she leaves nothing unuse unused: jam leftovers can be found in her delicious Linzer Torte or other handmade treats. Hildegard Möller Soda, Spritzers and Fizz Do it yourself sparkling drinks ISBN 978-3-7995-1025-7 | Thorbecke | Hardcover | 999 120 pages with numerous photos | 16 × 21 cm | € 16.99 In summertime drinks need to be refreshing! Instead of buying drinks filled with sugar, try making king ee of your own sodas, fizzes and spritz drinks. They are free lowartificial flavors and preservatives, using delicious floweterers, herbs and fruit instead. And best of all, you can deteromemine for yourself how much sugar they contain. Homeerent made drinks can be conjured up in so many different pritz flavors. Strawberry-rhubarb fizz, calendula-orange spritz or raspberry-lemon balm soda – there is something here for everyone! rightslist_fj_2016.indd 41 03.03.16 (09) 11:56:42 42 COOKING Ulrike Schneider/Jutta Schneider Bread Fresh baking from the oven and the grill ISBN: 978-3-7995-0587-1 | Thorbecke | Hardcover | 136 pages with numerous photographs | 19 x 24 cm | € 19.99 New and creative ideas for home-baked bread Baking bread is a wonderful old tradition that used to be experienced with the hands. In this age of mixing machines and electric ovens, Jutta and Ulrike Schneider breathe new life into traditional bread baking with their modern interpretation. The basic recipes can be varied according to your heart’s desire, and so every household can create its own favorite baked goods to delight families and friends. Marco Seifried Crunchy, Hearty, Fresh from the Oven ISBN: 978-3-7995-0618-2 In this book, food journalist Marco Seifried reveals his best recipes for pizza, quiche, spicy cakes, pies, savory strudels and muffins, potato pockets and much more. These hearty delicacies are the highlights of any buffet. No one can resist these amazing aromas! Marco Seifried Cool in the Kitchen ISBN: 978-3-7995-0527-7 Each of the delicious recipes in this collection can be made without any baking. Here’s a chance for beginning cooks to impress with their mastery of “baking” and for experienced bakers to surprise their guests! Rosemarie Donhauser Girls’ Night ISBN: 978-3-7995-0560-4 No matter whether it’s brunch, afternoon coffee, a themed buffet or a girls’ night in, Marie Donhauser has collected the best recipes to impress her girlfriends not only with the latest news, but also with the most delicious food. Anke von Heintze/Hester Wilde For the Love of Apples ISBN: 978-3-7995-0549-9 What to do with an abundant crop of apples? In this book you will find a wealth of savory and sweet recipes to turn these redcheeked vitamin bombs into culinary delicacies. Each recipe tastes even more amazing than the previous one. Mirja Hoechst Mia’s Sweet Little Somethings ISBN: 978-3-7995-0585-7 The foods in this collection not only look good, they are also uncomplicated to recreate at home and sure to be in high demand. Good food doesn’t have to be rocket science! Stefanie Knorr St Sweet Sw Treats in Glass ISBN: 978-3-7995-0859-9 ISB These elegant ideas for cakes and desserts will inspire you to invite friends over for coffee and dessert soon. The delicious recipes are complemented by gorgeous photographs. Ira König Fresh from the Oven ISBN: 978-3-7995-0763-9 Fresh from the Oven contains 40 delicious tray bake recipes for every taste and every occasion. Whether sweet or savory, when the delicious aroma spreads throughout your house or apartment, at the very latest, everyone will look forward to the first piece! Chandima Soysa Spectacular Cakes Made Easy ISBN: 978-3-7995-0733-2 The 35 delicious recipes in this carefully composed collection are not difficult to make, but the results are fantastic. They are sure to make anyone’s mouth water! Sold: Latvian Sold: Latvian rightslist_fj_2016.indd 42 03.03.16 (09) 11:56:44 COOKING 43 Antje Küthe K Glamo Glamour Mug Cakes Creativ Creative mug cakes with wow effect ISBN 9978-3-7995-1034-9 | Thorbecke | Hardc co | 64 pages with numerous photos | Hardcover 19 × 199 cm | € 9.99 Quick Q uick mug m cakes made in the microwave are all the th he rage! rage ge And no now there is a new twist to these small, lightning-fas ning-fast minute-cakes: imaginative toppings and special ingredients will bring a smile to our face and our friends’, as well. In just a few moments, mug cakes can be turned into a fantastic f birthday cake, spontaneous treats when friends f drop by, or appealing homemade gifts. G Give them a try! Magical mug cakes are now just minutes min away! Carina Seppelt Breakfast Grains & Porridge Happiness on a spoon ISBN 978-3-7995-1026-4 | Thorbecke | Hardcover | 64 pages with numerous photos | 19 × 19 cm | € 9.99 Cereal is out – breakfast grains and porridge are in! They are easily digestible, satisfy you for a long time without distressing the body, and deliver enough energy and vitamins for the healthiest possible start to your day. Breakfast grains and porridge are incredibly flexible – the recipes can be prepared as you like them, hot or cold, with upermilk (cow’s, oat, rice or soy) as well as with water. Supermins foods such as chia or matcha provide a boost in vitamins and nutrients. And best of all, they are just incrediblyy demeal, licious! Enjoy recipes such as blueberry oatmeal, quinoa-coconut porridge or buckwheat groats with pears and poppy seeds, among many others. rightslist_fj_2016.indd 43 03.03.16 (09) 11:56:51 44 4 DO IT YOURSELF Kat Katharina Bodenstein/ Jutt Jutta Schneider Natu Natural Cosmetics from My Own Garden ISBN: ISBN BN 978-3-7995-0743-1 Kath Katharina Bodenstein presents simple basic recipes for natural cosmetics that can be varied by using different plants. Alm Almost all of the recipes can be made with ingredients from your garden and kitch kitchen, things you already have at hand. Sold: S old d Slovenian Gabriela Nedoma Natural Cosmetics to Make at Home ISBN: 978-3-7995-0625-0 Fresh and natural, and with as few animal products as possible – that’s the trend in healthy nutrition today. But natural cosmetics available in stores unfortunately are not all that.The solution is to make your own pure, raw mixtures. Ira König Lemon Grass and Rose Petals ISBN: 978-3-7995-0237-5 With this book, you can bring wonderful scent experiences into your home and enjoy the smell of fragrant oils, precious flowers and aromatic spices. With step-by-step instructions. Sold: Italian Susanne Oswald Let’s Go Outside! IISBN: IS BN: 978-3-7995-0619-9 Craving nature? Then let’s get started! Whether you’re underway with young explorers, artists, snackers or just playful children, nature offers nearly unlimited opportunities. rightslist_fj_2016.indd 44 Stephanie Hauschild/ Christina Kratzenberg My Windowsill Herb Garden ISBN: 978-3-7995-0862-9 Fresh herbs are a very special pleasure in the cold months of the year. The thorough descriptions and lovely photographs in this book show you how to grow and maintain various plants throughout the colder seasons on your windowsill. Also available as a little gift book! Katharina harina Bodenstein/ Jutta ta Schneider The Little Book of Pampering ISBN: 978-3-7995-0536-9 Sold: Slovenian Stephanie Hauschild/ Melanie Wagner Green under Glass ISBN: 978-3-7995-0716-5 This book thoroughly explains how to plant Wardian cases: how to select the rights plants, mix the proper potting soil, where they will best thrive and how to take care of your low-maintenance miniature indoor garden. Sold: Czech C Conny Marx/Lulú Marx Fl Flower Chains and Ba Bark Boats ISBN: 978-3-7995-0877-3 Playing in nature can be so simple! Simple instructions will motivate you to play in gardens, forests and fields, and make nature accessible for parents and children alike. The gorgeous photographs make this book truly special and invite you to bask in nature in all its glory. Annette Villacorta Kienzle Nothing But Kids’ Stuff ISBN: 978-3-7995-0567-3 Annette Villacorta Kienzle presents little sewing projects that can be made with simple cuts and not too much trouble – guaranteed to make children and mothers smile. Annette Villacorta Kienzle Girl Stuff ISBN: 978-3-7995-0766-0 30 charming ideas for handsewn gifts, such as a smartphone case, a shoulder bag, or a baby bib, appealingly photographed, are presented in this bestselling title. Also suitable for people with no sewing experience. 03.03.16 (09) 11:56:53 GARDENING 45 Dorothée Waechter Organic Gardening in the Wink of an Eye 50 simple projects for natural gardens ISBN 978-3-7995-1038-7 | Thorbecke | Hardcover | 136 pages with numerous photos | 19 × 24 cm | €19.99 Through small projects, each requiring just a few hours or maybe a day, your garden will become increasingly natural. From choosing just the right soil and plants to creating natural play areas for children, from establishing colorful flower meadows for butterflies to constructing nesting boxes for birds and bats. Elke Bachorz, photos by Martin Staffler For the Love of Roses Floral ideas for bouquets, wreaths and arrangements ISBN 978-3-7995-0694-6 | Thorbecke | Hardcover | 136 pages with numerous photos | 19 x 24 cm | € 19.99 Roses are undoubtedly among the most beautiful flowers of all, and are the star of every floral arrangement. From simple to more demanding, from romantic dreams to summer colors, in this book you will find just what you need for every occasion. Beautiful table decorations, small arrangements or charming ideas for your garden. Dorothée Waechter A Potpourri of Flowers IISBN: IS BN: 978-3-7995-0615-1 How to put together the best combinations, what to take into consideration, and how to complement the lovely field of flowers with just the right shrubs or bulb flowers is explained by popular author and gardening expert Dorothée Waechter in her book. rightslist_fj_2016.indd 45 Dorothée Waechter Do Gardening (Almost) Without Ga Watering Wa ISBN: 978-3-7995-0526-0 In her book, Dorothée Waechter addresses the intelligent use of water and skillful planning with plants that require little water or are able to survive dry periods. Sabine Zeller Wild Bouquets ISBN: 978-3-7995-0523-9 Conjure beautiful flower arrangements from nature without a lot of money, or an opulent garden. In this book, multiple bouquets for every month are presented in beautiful, full-page photographs. The plants used in each arrangement are identified and described in a separate picture. Elke Bachorz Passionate About Roses ISBN: 978-3-7995-0846-9 This book helps you to create magical arrangements with roses for every occasion. Magnificent photos and great attention to detail will heighten your appreciation for “the queen of flowers”! 03.03.16 (09) 11:57:00 HISTORY 4 46 Thomas Freller The Count of Saint Germain – Alchemist or Imposter? A biography ISBN: 978-3-7995-0669-4 | Thorbecke | Hardback with dust jacket | 248 pages | 14 x 22 cm | € 24.99 You had to have seen the man to understand our gullibility – that’s how contemporaries said about the Count of Saint Germain, who claimed to possess many secrets. How did this man manage to create such a career out of thin air? Thomas Freller unpacks the image of an epoch that was splendid and curious, but simultaneously deeply uncertain, greedy for new saviors and self-declared wise men and scholars, who were both praised to the heavens and persecuted as charlatans. Hans-Dieter Otto Our King is Crazy! Mad Rulers from Caligula to Ludwig II ISBN: 978-3-7995-0443-0 | Thorbecke | Hardback with jacket | 248 pages with illustrations | 14 x 22 cm | € 24.99 Sold: Lithuanian, Polish, Czech, Latvian Everywhere in the world and at the most diverse times there have been mentally ill rulers. In his book, Hans-Dieter Otto examines nine cases of famous rulers, such as Henry VI of England, Joana of Castile and Eric XIV of Sweden. Using these examples, he explains how mental illness was dealt with in their time period and what effect their illness had on the politics of their respective countries. Niklaus Kuster Francis and Clare of Assisi Assiisi ISBN: ISBN IS BN: 978-3-7867-2801-6 978-397 3 78677-22 80 8011-66 Niklaus Kuster presents a comprehensive biography of the two saints from Assisi and provides moving insights into two life stories that are still important today. Sold: French, Spanish (ES) rightslist_fj_2016.indd 46 Hans-Dieter Otto “After Us, the Deluge” ISBN: 978-3-7995-0858-2 In this book, Hans-Dieter Otto provides a thorough and informative, yet highly enjoyable and entertaining, overview of one of the most intriguing eras of European history – the dazzling time of Absolutism. Annerose Sieck Female Mystics ISBN: 978-3-7995-0856-8 Annerose Sieck offers a thorough and fascinating overview of the multiple facets of medieval women through biographies of the most significant female mystics. Hans-Dieter Otto Astonishing Victories ISBN: 978-3-7995-0848-3 Analyzing the most significant surprise victories in human history, Hans-Dieter Otto explores how, again and again, the weaker side has been able to overcome much stronger opponents. Sold: Polish Sold: Czech 03.03.16 (09) 11:57:06 HISTORIC GARDENS 47 Christine Amalia Bischoff Herbal Knowledge from the Monastery ISBN: 978-3-7995-0616-8 | Thorbecke | Hardback with jacket | 152 pages with numerous illustrations | 13 x 21 cm | € 19.99 Using things that grew in monastic herb gardens and the knowledge of their predecessors in antiquity, medieval monks and nuns were able to alleviate or even heal many human afflictions. Based on medieval sources, the author examines which healing properties were attributed to various plants, how they were used, and explains how herbs can be used today – in teas, infusions, compresses, smoothies and more – to increase our overall well-being. A Monastic Garden Full of Herbs ISBN: 978-3-7995-0583-3 | Thorbecke | Hardback with quarter binding | 48 pages with numerous illustrations | 19 x 19 cm | € 12.99 There is an herb to ease every malady! The monastic gardens of medieval monks were a treasure trove of natural medicine in which dozens of different herbs from around the known world at the time were cultivated – each one of them with its unique healing properties. This wonderful gift book introduces many herbs and their effects. The texts are accompanied by detailed historical illustrations. Josh Westrich/Dorothé Westrich/Dorothée ée Waechter Bulbs ISBN: 978-3-7995-0768-4 A very special coffee table book for avid gardeners, full of unique photographs of historical bulbs taken by award-winning photographer Josh Westrich. Winner of the 2013 German Gardening Book Award. rightslist_fj_2016.indd 47 Brigitte Wachsmuth Bri Historical His Flowers ISBN: 978-3-7995-3571-7 ISB This book opens the doorway to a world of wonderful old varieties of flowers for the garden, depicted in historical plant illustrations and brilliant photographs. The author also shows you how to cultivate and nurture them in your own garden. The Flower Clock ISBN: 978-3-7995-0715-8 In this gift book readers will find out which plants open and close their blossoms at what times, how to recognize them, and where to find them. Curious hobby gardeners can also plant their own flower clock. Kriemhild & Aloys Finken The Monastery Garden ISBN: 978-3-7995-0680-9 Today we consider monastery gardens to be places of stillness, something we often yearn for in the hectic pace of modern life. Journey to the most beautiful monastery gardens in Germany through the exquisite photographs in this illustrated book. 03.03.16 (09) 11:57:10 China: Hercules Business & Culture GmbH Cai, Hongjun t: +49 6101 407 921 f: +49 6101 407 922 [email protected] Israel: The Book Publishers Association of Israel Beverley Levit t: +972 3 561 41 21 f: +972 3 561 19 96 [email protected] Italy: For titles published by Grünewald: Eulama S.R.L. 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Taiwan: jia-xi books co., ltd. Pai, Kim t: +886 2 2321 45 45 f: +886 2 2321 69 14 [email protected] Turkey: ONK Agency Ltd. İdil Pisgin t: +90 212 241 77 00 f: +90 212 241 77 31 [email protected] We would be delighted to meet you at the London Book Fair (table 4N10K in the NEP area)! Contact: Sonja Wieland-Hartlieb and Luisa Lehnerer Foreign Rights Department t: +49 711 4406 148 f: +49 711 4406 177 [email protected] Verlagsgruppe Patmos in der Schwabenverlag AG Patmos – Eschbach – Grünewald – Thorbecke – Schwaben Senefelderstr. 12 73760 Ostfildern Germany www.verlagsgruppe-patmos.de Cover photograph: © Masson/shutterstock.com Our Agents: wm0379.2016 rightslist_fj_2016.indd 48 03.03.16 (09) 11:57:15