THE HOG PEN - Nashville H.O.G.


THE HOG PEN - Nashville H.O.G.
APRIL 2009
Sponsor: DANNY & MIKE BOST Owners
The APRIL 13th 2009 meeting is being held at
THE VFW HALL on 7220 Charlotte Pike
Primary Officers for 2009
Chapter Director:
Gordon “Bull” Sutton
Assistant Director:
Jay Wallace
David Parkes
Michelle Lynch
Safety Officer:
Glenn Cunningham
Head Road Captain:
Earl Phillips
Madelyn Cunningham
Joey Coker
Membership Director:
Bob Ribe
Ladies of Harley/Activity:
Linda Ribe
Newsletter Editor:
Gwen Preveau
[email protected]
Time is here (when Mother Nature is not raining, snowing, or freezing) for us to ride. There is
a lot planned for the chapter and dealership during this month. We have a chapter ride on the
18th to Fayetteville and Lynchburg. Fayetteville is a small town with many little stores in the
downtown area. We will stop there for approximately 1 to 2 hours and then travel to
Lynchburg. There ride will depart from Bost at 0900. The total ride will be approximately 200
The five chapter mileage contest winner was presented at Murfreesboro on 8 March. The
following are the results:
Mile per rides
Total Miles
Music City
This shows us that the chapter as a whole is not getting out and riding. Getting out and riding
is what HOG is all about. Let’s set a goal and double our miles this year.
May 16th is a chapter scheduled ride for May. This ride will be to support the families of fallen
Special Forces Soldiers. The SF memorial ride will start point Appleton’s in Clarksville.
Registration is scheduled for 0930-1145 with a departure time of 1200. The cost is $20 perperson. The money goes to Families of fallen SF members. There will be a Poker Run with
60% Best / 40% Worst, door prizes/food/drinks/live entertainment at the ending point which is
the Holiday Inn Express off of I-24 Exit 86 in Kentucky on Hwy 41A. There are limited
blocked Rooms if you want to stay the night. Reserve a room by May 9th – 270-439-0022. Jay
Wallace and others participated in the ride last year and had a great time.
We’re looking for volunteers to help support the TN State Rally during 03-06 June at
Murfreesboro. If you have time and want to volunteer please send an e-mail to Jay or myself
on the date and times that you would like to work. Let’s show support to our State HOG Rally.
David Parkes had an impromptu ride on 4 April. There was a good turnout for the ride. In the
event that there isn’t a scheduled ride on any particular day does not mean that we can’t get
together and have a good ride. Do like David and send out a message. Let’s get out and ride!
Gordon “Bull” Sutton
Chapter Director
You are greatly missed.
You shared your big smile, huge heart and the
the gentleness of your spirit
with everyone.
everyone. You always had a big hug and smile for us when we went
into the Dealership. We
We had some great talk s about life,
life, love of Harleys
and everything in between.
between. It is with great sadness that we say “good“goodbye …until we meet again on the other side.”
Gwen & Ralph
Off the Beaten Path
Written by Tim O’Brien
Shared by Madelyn Cunningham
Well before we start our ride, I thought I would share a little history about “the plant that eatin’ Tennessee.
It’s called kudzu (pronounced cud-zoo) you see growing all over the roadsides throughout Tennessee. The large
hairy leafed, bright green invasive vine is also known as the mile-a –minute vine and the vine that ate the South. It
grows as much as a foot a day or 60 feet in summer in good weather and can take up to a decade to kill. It is said
that Southerners keep their windows shut at night to keep out the kudzu.
Kudzu was introduced to the US in 1876 at the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia by the Japanese.
During the Great Depression of the 1930’s, the Soil Conservation Service promoted kudzu for erosion control, and
hundreds of men planted it on roadsides throughout the south. Farmers were paid by the government to plant fields
of the vines in the 1940s.
It does control erosion, but it also runs rampant and kills virtually everything in its path and climbs anything
it contacts, including telephone poles and trees. Where it grows, kudzu has the ability to out-compete and eliminate
native plant species and upset the natural diversity of plant and animal communities.
The vine has been known to kill entire forests by preventing the trees from getting light. During warm
weather, the plant, classified a weed by the government in 1970, bears 6 to 10 inch spikes of small, fragrant purple
flowers. The state has been having some success eradicating the vine by using various tools available. Methods
include mechanical treatment (usually brush hogs and shredder- mulchers), prescribed burning, herbicides, and
biological control. The emphasis is on persistent and consistent attempts to eradicate kudzu.
Don’t be tempted to dig up any of the plants to take home with you. They will soon become a nuisance, and
you’ll spend the rest of your life trying to get rid of it!
Now when you ride and you pass by a group of trees, shrubs, poles and the like covered on the side of the
road, you’ll have a better understanding why and how it happened. Thank the Japanese for introducing it to us!
We were going to talk about the parks this week but, I discovered there are a lot of activities going on in the
month of April and, if the weather co operates, you may want to take a ride and enjoy an event.
Mule Day— April 2-5--Columbia One of the biggest mule celebrations in the world, this includes mule
sale, mule pulling, mule shows, pancake breakfast, flea market and parade.
Wooly Day---April 4-- Rocky Mount Museum, Piney Flats-Rocky Mount’s annual spring event focuses on
18th Century wool processing and other agricultural activities. Sheep shearing, spinning and weaving, and living
history tours of the Cobb House and grounds.
Wildflower Weekend—April 4-5----Fall Creek Falls State Park, Pikeville—Explore the park and see
wildflowers and breathtaking views. Features a variety of hikes, workshops, driving tours and more.
Mardi Gras Ride----April 16-19-- East Fork Stables, Jamestown—Cajun food, Cajun music, Mardi Gras
parade, costume prizes, beads, and bingo.
Spring Mile Long Yard Sale and Excursion Train—April 18—Watertown—Ride the train to the huge
yard sale, which features arts and crafts, entertainment, and more.
4 bridges Arts Festival—April 18-19---Chattanooga—Enjoy a wide array of original, unique fine art and
fine crafts, excellent food, kids art activities and live music.
World’s biggest Fish Fry—April 20-26—Paris—More than five tons of catfish are on order to serve
thousands of visitors at this fish fry. Includes IPRA rodeo, parade,
catfish races and more.
13th Annual National Cornbread Festival—April 25-26—South Pittsburg—Live entertainment, juried
arts and crafts, and food. This festival honors cornbread with the National Cornbread Cook-Off. Sample
cornbreads and main dish recipes.
Casey Jones Days—April 30—Jackson--/celebrate the anniversary of the legend of Casey Jones, the
world’s most famous railroad engineer,. Tour his original 1890’s home in Casey Jones Village. The restaurant has
an awesome buffet as well.
Well, that should be enough to keep you busy or peak your interest at least. There is always something to
do in Tennessee. Take advantage of your own back yard and enjoy a day out at one or more of these events. I just
hope the weather co operates!!
Happy riding and hope the kudzu doesn’t eat it before you get a chance to sample it. Until next time…..
Gordon Sutton
Nick Teasley
Tim (Ray) Guy
Dave Robertson
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Apprriill 2
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THANKS to the Volunteers that are always so
Anyone willing to help with the donuts please let us
know at the meeting Monday night…Volunteers always
Any member that has NOT been receiving the Newsletters from Gwen please email her at
[email protected] and let her know. A continuing effort to ensure that you will receive all
future Newsletters is underway and with your help that can be achieved.
at Select the "Newsletters" link on the right side of the page
then select the Newsletter you would like to open and view on the left side of the page. Let
David Parkes know if you have any problems.
And, by the way,
You’re always working to improve our Chapter. We appreciate all that you do!
We heard that David Parkes & a friend braved the Nashville temp of 22 degrees (not counting
wind chill) to head down to Daytona Bike Week. It was COLD on the trip down, but with his
heated gloves (a life saver) and the warm
Florida temps he was able to thaw out and
enjoy the week.
If you have a story of an adventure you took on your Harley let me know and I’ll put a blurb about it in our Newsletter. It’s
great to hear of fun times our members have had on their Harleys.
The first Chapter ride of the riding season was on March 12th. We did not have many participate
on the ride, just David and Michelle, Wanda and Earl and Geri and JR, but we all had fun. All met
in West Nashville next to Loveless Cafe and rode from there thru Fernvale, Leiper's Fork, Fly and,
eventually, to the new Columbia, TN H-D dealership. Left there and headed back to Franklin
where we ate an early dinner at The Chop House on Hwy. 96. Then everyone split up from there
and headed home. It was a great ride and everyone had a blast. Join us on the next Chapter ride
scheduled for April.
Mark your calendars.
Phil has invited our chapter to a cookout on June 14th.
It promises to be lots of fun. Plan to join us for a great time
This is NOT a chapter event.
David Parkes
I have had numerous requests for a membership directory and some may not want personal information
distributed. I would like to publish a directory with the below information but need your approval to do
so. Please respond only if you do NOT want this information distributed to the chapter. If I do not hear
from you by Monday April 6th, then I will assume it is acceptable to publish.
Spouse's Name
City, ST ZIP
Email Address
Home Phone
Cell Phone
I have some spouses names but not all of them, so, if you will please provide to me (whether you have
provided B4 or not) that would be great. For those whose spouses are a paying member then I have that
Thanks and I look forward to receiving your reply. This information would be great for those wanting to
communicate with others in the chapter including planning rides, etc. At some point, it would be my
desire to post this on the web in a future "Members Only" section of the site that is accessed by password,
but we will cross that at another time.
2009 Newsletters are now available for viewing on the website at Select the "Newsletters" link on the right side of
the page then select the Newsletter you would like to open and view on the left
side of the page. Let David Parkes know if you have any problems.
Anyone interested in taking First Aid and CPR to be a Road Captain for the Chapter, below are the
available dates:
March 28
April 4
April 18
April 25
When we get feedback for the most popular date, Bull will get this scheduled with the instructor. Both
classes will take about 4 hours to complete and costs $35 for CPR and $10 for First Aid.
Please contact me as soon as you can if you are interested.
JUNE 3-6, 2009
We want to get the word out about the TENNESSEE STATE RALLY. We need for
our members to pre-register. Pre-Registration will be ending April 15th. That just
gives us a couple of weeks to get our friends together, plan and pre-register. The
Rally Details have been updated and can be found on the rally page of the website
with a preliminary daily schedule. Please check it out at:
The organizers of the TN. State Rally need dedicated Harley folks interested in helping with
the rally to volunteer their services. The rally this year is in Murfreesboro, our own back yard.
If you are interested in volunteering to help us out please contact Randy Hoffman at
[email protected] or Jay Wallace at [email protected] .
Bob Ribe
We have several new members that have joined our chapter. We extend a hearty
WELCOME to all of you. I will gather a little bit of information from all of you so we can
introduce you to everyone through our newsletter. You’ve never seen our breathtaking
country until you’ve seen it from a Harley! We look forward with great anticipation to
riding with you, enjoying the awesome scenery our great state and great country have to
offer, as well as, getting to know all of you better in social times. We’ve all just made some
really great friends. WELCOME!!
Well, the weather appears to be giving in to spring slowly but surely. Daylight savings time is
here, which allows us to ride in the daylight a little longer each day. I’m glad to report we haven’t
had any incidents with our members lately that I know of. However, I can’t say that about Bike
Week in Daytona this year. It was reported that there was 7 bike related fatalities at this years
event. Although that number is down from previous years, it is still too many.
My resources tell me that most of these fatalities involved another vehicle such as a car or pickup
truck. Some drivers of cars and pickup trucks, as we all know, do not pay attention to or just
ignore motorcycles. This brings me to the point that each of us MUST be aware of our
surroundings when we are out enjoying a beautiful ride. Although we have the same motor vehicle
rights as they do, we simply are not big enough to challenge them.
When riding we need to wear something BRIGHT to be seen. Although Harley Black is cool, it is
difficult to see. Be sure your bike is well-lit, and that all of your lighting system is working
properly. Ride in the center of your lane so you can be seen by both approaching and oncoming
traffic. This also gives you an option of where to maneuver in case a vehicle crosses into your
lane, or a place to move to in case a vehicle wants to pass.
We all know these simple rules and we all ride safe, but this is just food for thought to try and make
your ride a safe one. One last thing to say: BE CAREFULL!
Ride often and ride safe,
Glenn Cunningham
Was a Great Success
Our thanks to all of the Chapter members who helped us on
Saturday, March 14th with our “Live to Ride” open house, sale
and fashion show. Despite the rain, we really had a good day
and could not have made it happen without all of your help.
THANKS to ALL for giving up your Saturday and helping the
dealership to make it a success.
Thanks again,
Danny & Mike Bost
Photograph by Joey Coker 3/2009
Below are more great photos that Joey Coker, our Chapter photographer, took at the open
Thanks for the great pics!
2009 Tennessee State H.O.G. Rally
Event: 2009 Tennessee State H.O.G. Rally
Where: Murfreesboro, Tennessee – Host Hotel: Clarion Murfreesboro
When: June 3-6
Information and Pre-registration:
We are gearing up for the party known as the Tennessee State H.O.G. Rally. In Tennessee we take pride in two
very important aspects of our rally. First, this rally is a party for the family, the H.O.G. family, that is. Second, the
Tennessee State H.O.G. rally is about riding and having fun (the H.O.G. mantra). Our rally also lasts more than the
standard three days of other state rallies. Painstaking steps were taken to make sure that so many activities were
planned for each event day, that it would take an extra half day to do it all. It is a challenge; if you can do all the
scheduled events each day, then the rally planners have not done their job.
The format for the Tennessee State H.O.G. Rally is really pretty simple: ride all day, party all night. We are
bringing back the 12-Pack-to-Go ride. Who knows—it might even be a “full case” this year. In conjunction with
the 12-Pack-to-Go we will be have guided rides to some of our favorite locations. There is going to be a poker run
that lasts the whole rally. Some of the 12 pack destinations may have poker run stops. If you are lucky, you may
go home with a little more cash. If you pre-register, you will also get an opportunity to win the $25,000 grand prize
with your poker run hand.
At night we have bands on stage and bands in the bar. Take your choice. There will be a private concert on
Thursday and Friday night. We will have bands in the semi-private bar at the host hotel Thursday, Friday, and
Saturday night. For you early arrivers there will be an early bird party on Wednesday evening.
There will not just be Rockin’, there will be Rollin’ too—with all the rides planned. This year on the same
Saturday as our party, the Nationwide boys will be in town for a down and dirty Saturday night NASCAR race.
This is an off-night for the Sprint Cup series. So, who knows who you might see? There will be beating and
bagging going on with the rockin’ and rollin’. The Rally has been given the opportunity to purchase tickets to this
race at a discounted price. We are passing that along to the people that pre-register for the rally.
Riding, partying, catching up with old friends, and making new ones; that is what the Tennessee State H.O.G. rally
is all about. If you seen anything written about H.O.G., family is always mentioned. This is the biggest family
reunion there is. The only difference is that you have something in common with everyone there. We all love and
ride Harley Davidson motorcycles.
Let it be known that you are not just invited to the party of the year – you are the guest of honor. Come ride and
have fun at the Tennessee State H.O.G. Rally.