August 2016 - Highlands Ranch Community Association
August 2016 - Highlands Ranch Community Association
News August 2016 Celebrating 35 years! Get More! Your Recreation Centers The HRCA provides over 270,000 square feet in four recreation centers for Highlands Ranch homeowners for their recreational usage. Each facility has a common theme with each offering swimming pools, work out areas, gymnasiums, and running tracks. Each one offers unique amenities to that facility. Eastridge has a climbing wall and steam room, Southridge offers a pottery studio and auditorium. Northridge has racquetball courts and indoor tennis, Westridge offers batting cages, cycling studio, and an indoor turf field. These different features offer a variety of activities for residents of all ages and stages to enjoy! The HRCA staff strives to maintain all four recreation centers in a first class manner. The facilities average close to 6,000 visits per day! Staff works hard to maintain the facilities throughout the year. In addition to the daily cleaning and maintenance, HRCA closes each facility for a week each year for in-depth cleaning and repairs. The maintenance weeks are staggered through the year. Only one facility is closed at a time, providing residents the opportunity to visit one of the other three facilities during this closure week. During these maintenance weeks, staff paints, drains the pools, hires contractors to perform routine and preventative maintenance, conducts annual fire inspections, and clean the facility from top to bottom. This week is very beneficial in keeping the facilities in excellent condition year-round. View the maintenance schedule online at Often times, we find that residents visit the recreation center that is closest to their home. We invite you to check out all the facilities and see what unique amenities each facility has to offer! Northridge Renovation: Northridge is our first and oldest recreation center which opened in 1982. Since then we have made many additions and improvements; however, it is now at a place where the outdated design and décor need to be renovated. After two years of input, space planning, and analysis, we have arrived at a conceptual plan for renovation. The plan will update the facility, complement our other three facilities, and embrace the long-term needs of the community. Our goal is to start construction in 2017 to transform Northridge into a more modern and welcoming facility by improving the entrance, usable space, ceilings, lighting, and flooring. You can find the link to the conceptual plans on the home page of our web site at Get HRCA! 9th annual Cotillion This fall, John D. Williams, Platinum Protocol, and HRCA are hosting the 9th Annual Cotillion program for third - eighth grades. This popular program has become a Highlands Ranch tradition. With roughly 60 third graders, 120 fourth - fifth graders, and 120 sixth - eighth graders, this program is one you don’t want your child to miss. Social dance is incorporated into our programs to break down inhibitions, teach physical respect, develop confidence, establish teamwork and cooperation, reinforce non-verbal and verbal communication, and teach students how to appropriately interact with the opposite gender in a structured and healthy environment. In today’s competitive society, those with well-developed social skills have a tangible advantage in virtually every aspect of their lives. These skills empower individuals to feel comfortable with themselves and others, communicate more effectively, promote personal growth, confidence, leadership, and character. Classes run October 23 - December 4 at the Southridge auditorium. The sixth - eighth graders will have their final dinner dance at the Highlands Ranch Mansion, making this an experience they won’t forget. For more information, visit or call 303-471-8928. Jerry Flannery CEO and General Manager HRCA|news is published monthly by the Highlands Ranch Community Association, Inc. HRCA|Event/Weather Line 303-471-8888 Board of Directors 303-471-8958 Scott Lemmon Greetings! Is it already time to go back to school? Didn’t we just wrap up another school year? Well, for many of us it is time to purchase school supplies and new clothes for the upcoming year. However, let’s not rush it just yet! We still have this month to have fun and enjoy the beautiful summer weather. Hopefully many of you have had the opportunity to take advantage of the activities this summer that HRCA and our Cultural Affairs Association have sponsored. There are still many events coming up so please check out our web site at for a full list of activities! Brock Norris What’s to do in August: The month of August has plenty of fun activities indeed. Melissa Park HRCA will have “Film in the Park” every Friday in August, except the 26th. The event is free and will be held at approximately 8:00 pm at Civic Green Park. If you are looking for a competitive work out, check out the Mountain Bike Race Series every Wednesday of this month! Jazz at the Mansion is August 11 at the Highlands Ranch Mansion showcasing Lannie Garrett's AnySwing Goes- songs from the swing and jump era. The Summer Concert Series has a rescheduled show on August 4 at Highland Heritage Regional Park featuring Tuxedo Junction, a big band/Sinatra style band. Remember that the Farmers Market is held every Sunday at Town Center through October! Jeff Suntken Dennis Seymour ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES at Eastridge 303-791-8958 9568 University Blvd. M-F: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. RECREATION CENTERS 303-791-2500 Recreation Center at Northridge 8801 Broadway M-Th: 5:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. F: 5:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Sa. & Su: 6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Recreation Center at Eastridge 9568 University Blvd. M-F: 5:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Sa: 6:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Su: 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Recreation Center at Westridge 9650 Foothills Canyon Blvd. M-F: 5:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Sa: 6:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Su: 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Reminders: We have been experiencing severe weather this summer and along with it very high numbers of applications for home improvements and hail damage! These improvements are a big reason property values stay so high in Highlands Ranch, so keep up the great work. The number of permits have been extreme and our staff are keeping up with the flow like champs. However, there are times when a phone call or response is delayed, so your patience is very much appreciated! Two recreation centers will be closed during August for annual maintenance. Northridge will be closed from August 8 - August 13 and Eastridge will be closed August 22 - August 27. Volunteer Shout Outs - Lisa Rider: Lisa has had at least one of her children swimming on the Highlands Ranch Seahawks Summer Swim Team for the past 16 years. She has done almost every volunteer position available over that time frame including for the past two years as a Parent Volunteer Coordinator. It takes several dozen parent volunteers to run a swim meet and having coordinators who are able to keep everyone organized is essential! Lisa has done an incredible job assigning parent volunteer positions, and she goes the extra mile in making sure that everyone is in the appropriate position. She has worked very hard to help and her leadership enables each summer season to run more smoothly! Thank you LISA! Recreation Center at Southridge 4800 McArthur Ranch Rd. M-F: 5:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Sa: 6:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Su: 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Copyright ©2016 Highlands Ranch Community Association, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is required to redistribute, reproduce, modify or republish information from Highlands Ranch Community Association, Inc, in print or electronically. 2 | August 2016 quarterly assessments The 3rd Quarter 2016 assessment was due 7/1/2016. Payments will be considered late if not received at the Eastridge Recreation Center by 7/30/2016. Please help HRCA save costs and the environment by signing up for E-Statements. To receive your invoice via email please visit the following link: Get Community News Neighborhood Impressions First impressions and the general appearance of neighborhoods are greatly influenced by the paint on your home, along with the general maintenance of landscaping. The Community Improvement Department is busy surveying and conducting follow ups on both paint and landscape issues. Paint Regular, timely painting of your home is good practice for more reasons than just to avoid receiving a paint notice from HRCA. Nothing perks up a home like a fresh coat of paint. Just be sure to get the color approved before buying the paint. Trees As neighborhoods mature, diseased and dead tree issues become more prevalent. Regular pruning and removal of dying trees and shrubs is recommended. Water Dry conditions are prevalent throughout Colorado and it is important for all home owners to use water efficiently. Follow these tips to help you reduce the amount of water needed in your landscape: • Water in the late evening to early morning hours. Evaporation loss occurs at a higher rate during the daytime hours. Only water when your yard needs it. • Water the lawn no more than two to three times per week. Deep, infrequent watering promotes deep roots and drought-tolerant grass. • Utilize horticultural best management practices. Aerate in the spring and fall. Fertilize three times during the season: spring, summer, and more importantly, fall. • Perform periodic checks of your irrigation system. Check for leaks and broken sprinkler heads and efficient coverage. Adjust your irrigation run times as the weather changes. • Use the cycle and soak method to reduce wasteful runoff. Break your watering times into five-minute cycles and wait an hour between each cycle to allow the water to soak in. • Install a rain sensor. Rain sensors can be added to your irrigation controller and will automatically shut off your sprinkler system when it rains. Creating a BRIGHTER FUTURE WITH Solar HRCA is pleased to be partnering with SunPower by Photon Brothers as the Preferred Provider of Solar Panels for the Highlands Ranch community and recommends Photon Brothers for those who are considering installing solar panels as a means to reduce electricity costs in an environmentally sustainable way. SunPower has over 30 years’ experience as a solar panel manufacturer. Photon Brothers is an Elite Dealer for SunPower solar panels which are the best, most advanced, energy-efficient solar panels in the world, producing up to 75% more energy than a conventional solar panel. As a give-back to the community, Photon Brothers will donate funds to the association’s non profits and to support HRCA’s green initiatives for every unit installed. In addition, homeowners will not only receive a discount on their installation, but will also receive a referral bonus for each referral they make to other homeowners. It’s a win-win partnership for the entire community. Visit for more information on putting our Colorado sun to work for you. | 3 hIGHLANDS rANCH dAYS Join us at the historic Highlands Ranch Mansion, September 8-10, 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. where the old west comes to life with a fur trapper, gold panning, life-sized tipi, horse drawn hay rides, a petting zoo, and much more! Entertainment features songs and dance performances by Native Americans, banjo music, and a raptor program. Hands-on exhibits and mansion tours will also be available. Tickets (available only at the gate) are $5 for adults (ages 13 and up) and $3 for children (ages 2 and under are free). Parking is not available at the Mansion on Saturday, September 10. Free shuttle rides to Highlands Ranch Days will be available on Saturday from Mountain Vista High School to the Mansion starting at 8:30 a.m. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, • September 8-10 • 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. • $5 per adult (ages 13 and up), $3 per child (ages 2 and under are free) at the gate • Highlands Ranch Mansion, 9950 E. Gateway Drive Cigar & Spirit Pairing Join us on the patio at the Recreation Center at Southridge as Davidsons liquors teaches us how to pair different varieties of cigars with various spirits and appetizers. Appetizers will be served from Whole Foods Market Highland Ranch. You must be 21+ to attend. IDs will be checked at the door. Saturday, September 24 • 5:00 8:00 p.m. • $30 in advance; $35 day of event, if not sold out. 4 | August 2016 Get ranch updates Want to Hear from your District Delegate? Opt-in to have communication with your district delegate. It’s easy! On the HRCA web site, go to “About-Us/Guides-Communication/Keeping-in-Touch.” Click on Delegate Communication link. An email will pop-up. Simply provide your street address in the email. Your information will then be added your District Delegate email list. Visit the HRCA web site and sign up today! Keeping Your Pets In Line Occasionally, we need to remind canine owners to please be mindful of others. Be aware of your dog’s excessive barking, and when taking your dog for a walk, be courteous; take a bag to clean up after your dog, and keep your pet on a leash at all times when walking in neighborhoods and parks. A New Addition to the HRCA Art Collection! Molly, Dieter and Susie, a bronze sculpture of three adorable Bassett Hounds by Pat Kennedy, has found a new home at the Recreation Center at Eastridge as a permanent exhibit. The sculpture was on display for the past year as part of Douglas County's Art Encounters program at the James LaRue Library in Highlands Ranch and was moved to Eastridge. Thanks to Jeff Sunkten and Dennis Seymour, members of the Board of Directors, Cultural Affairs Associaton, and to HindmanSanchez for their generous contributions that made this purchase possible. Art Encounters - Experience the Art with the Otocast App Otocast is a mobile app platform for narrated audio guides that let people explore and discover local points of interest. Load the Otocast app on your phone and experience Art Encounters in Highlands Ranch in a new way! Learn about the artist and the art. HRCA’s Farmers’ & Street Markets The Farmers’ Market offers the freshest, locally grown and produced foods. As summer progresses, the market explodes with all the colors, smells, and varieties of Colorado’s bounty. The Street Market has numerous vendors and offers treasures galore! The markets are adjacent to each other, so it will be truly a one-stop shop! Visit Events for a list of farmers and vendors. • Sundays, through October 25 • 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. • Town Center South Get Upcoming events Rescheduled Summer Concert Don't forget! The rescheduled show for Summer Concert Series is Thursday, August 4 featuring Tuxedo Junction, a big band, Sinatra-style band. Don't miss it! Thursday, August 4 • 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. • Highland Heritage Regional Park • Free Ladies' fishing on the fly The Highlands Ranch Cultural Affairs Association teams up with the Cutthroat Chapter of Trout Unlimited to teach ladies ages 16 and older the art of fly fishing. There are two classroom sessions and a field trip. Classroom sessions are Thursday and Friday, August 11 & 12 at 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. The outdoor classroom and field trip is Saturday, August 13 from 2:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Expert Instructors lead this workshop that covers all of the basics of fly fishing: casting, reading the water, entomology, conservation, tying, knots, landing and releasing, and plenty of hands-on practice. $30 in advance and $35 day of event, if not sold out.• Eastridge Jazz at the Mansion - featuring Lannie Garrett The Highlands Ranch Cultural Affairs Association once again brings singer/entertainer Lannie Garrett for an unforgettable performance at the Highlands Ranch Mansion. Lannie’s Swingin’ Big Band Show, AnySwing Goes, will feature songs from the swing and jump era played to perfection by her swinging’ 10-piece band. Join us for this indoor concert in the great hall. Thursday, August 11 • 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. • Highlands Ranch Mansion, 9950 E. Gateway Drive • Doors open at 5:30 p.m. for self-guided tours • Indoor concert at 6:30 p.m. • Cash bar available. • Tickets are $40 in advance, $45 day of the event, if not sold out. Summer's Sunset Concert Come celebrate the end to another wonderful Highlands Ranch summer with the Highlands Ranch Community Association’s and Highlands Ranch Metro District’s Summer’s Sunset Concert featuring 6 Million Dollar Band! They’ll be performing all your favorite 80s hits! Food trucks will be available. Come out and enjoy one of the final nights of summer here in the Ranch! Sorry, no dogs allowed in the park. Thursday, August 26 • 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. • Civic Green Park • Free Film-in-the-park Come and enjoy free family films at Civic Green Park. Set up your chairs and blankets at 7:45 p.m. for an 8:30 p.m. or dusk start-time of all movies. Feel free to bring your favorite picnic dinner or enjoy popcorn and shaved ice each week for purchase. For the showing of Star Wars - The Force Awakens, come dressed as your favorite character and meet Darth Vader, a Jedi Knight, and Chewbacca. Bring your cameras! Fridays • 8:30 - 10:00 p.m. • Free August 5: August 12: August 19: The Fox and The Hound Babe Star WarsThe Force Awakens* *Parental Advisory Sorry, no dogs allowed in the park. Upcoming events September 4-25 Farmers' and Street Market 8-10 Highlands Ranch Days 10 Doggie Splash & Pet Expo 16 Big Band Dance Night 17 Oktoberfest Celebration 24 Electronics Recycling & Paper Shredding 24 Cigar and Spirit Pairing Please check the web site for the most current event information. Purchase tickets online at | 5 Get Classes, camps & activities Soccer Shots at HRCA HRCA Therapeutic Recreation Programs for Special Needs Join us in August for Wednesday night sports fun at Southridge Recreation Center. Indoor Soccer time for athletes with special needs will be held from 5:15 - 6:00 p.m., August 3 -31. This program encourages teamwork and sportsmanship while focusing on the skills needed for each sport. Come out and join the fun! For information please visit For information about the Therapeutic Recreation Program offerings, class pricing and availability, please contact 303-471-7043 or saden@ If you’d like to join our volunteer team, we’re currently looking for those interested in helping with our current program offerings. ACT Test-Prep August 1 - 4, 9:00 a.m. - noon, we will be hosting our ever popular ACT test-prep class. Students will learn strategies that will help them raise their overall composite score with a National Board Certified Teacher. This class has been recommended by a number of high school teachers from all four of the Highlands Ranch High Schools, so be sure to register now. For more information, please call 303-471-8818. 6 | August 2016 NEW! Coming September 12 Kinder Kixx will be changing their name to Soccer Shots. HRCA is excited to bring this new curriculum to HRCA members. All coaches will remain the same as with Kinder Kixx the only thing changing is the program name and class format. Soccer Shots format will be eight-week classes and still provide the high quality, best in-class coaching you have come to expect with season prizes to encourage your child. For more information please call 303-471-8838 or email [email protected]. Blocktime Tennis at HRCA Reserve your courts now for fall and winter indoor tennis at Northridge Tennis Pavilion! Blocktime begins on Tuesday, September 6 and the first fifteen-week session runs through Tuesday, December 20. Purchasing blocktime means your court or courts will be reserved only for your use on the day and at the time you choose. Meet with players from your league teams, treat a friend to indoor court play, or rent the ball machine and get a great workout! Indoor court time doesn’t end on December 20! The next fifteen-week session runs from January - April 15 and the entire thirty-week session is also available for purchase in August if that fits your playing needs better. Pick up a blocktime application today at the Tennis Pavilion, or call 303-471-8940 for more information. Get your indoor tennis time booked now! What is SUP? Stand-Up Paddleboard (SUP) is the fastest growing water sport on the planet and is now available through HRCA! Partnering with Colorado SUP Sports, HRCA is Colorado’s exclusive source for indoor SUP training. SUP is great for folks of all fitness levels. The workout blasts the core and stabilizer muscles. Many athletes use SUP to cross train, develop their balance, and just have fun! Join the SUP Paddle Fitness Class and experience an hour of instability training on the moving surface of water. SUP Flow is a yoga influenced in-water class using the paddleboards. Participants wanting an introduction to paddling can join the SUP Paddle 101 Clinic to learn basic paddle technique and SUP skills. For more information visit, call 303-471-8935 or email [email protected]. Pint-Size Hikers Hiking in the Backcountry Wilderness Area is meant to be a family affair, and it’s important to pay special attention to the tiniest adventurers. Here are four tips for keeping trail time fun: The Importance of the Preschool Experience Whether you’re a full-time working parent or a stay-at-home parent of a 3-5 year old, it is valuable to consider the importance of the Preschool experience for your child. Research has proven that children develop their most fundamental skills between birth and 5 years. These skills are critical in your child’s overall success as they move into adolescence and adulthood. A diverse learning environment is part of the overall experience. By providing your child an opportunity to develop the essential fine and gross motor, cognitive, linguistic, social, and emotional skills with children their age, they are better able to cope, self-regulate, and be independent. HRCA offers a Preschool program for children ages 2½ - 5 at both Eastridge and Westridge. Our teachers are certified, caring and gentle professionals who will help your child through that experience. For more information, please call 303-471-8814. End of Summer Camps - Be realistic. If your independent toddler wants to walk the trail, rather than be toted in a backpack, be okay with a 100-yard hike from the trailhead. A football field-length hike will often take just as long as a two-mile walk, but you and your little explorer can take all the extra time to spot bugs and smell the flowers. - Bring rations. Snacks are paramount to kids on and off the trail. Pack a few tasty, energy-filled options like trail mix, granola bars, and fruit. Even more important than snack breaks are water breaks. Do your best to convince your busy kid to drink along the way. Before your kids head back to school, give them one more unforgettable experience! For the budding artist, get your child enrolled in the Colorado Camp run by Art for Life Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, August 1 - 5 from 9:00 a.m. - noon or the Monsters Camp from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. For the aspiring chef, try our Globe Trekking Desserts that runs Monday - Friday, August 1 - 5 with a morning or an afternoon session. For the little ones, get them soaking up the last of the summer sun in School has Started Mondays, August 8 - 15, 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., Mystery Theme Tuesdays and Thursdays, August 9 and August 11 from 9:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., or Super Heroes Wednesdays, August 17, 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. For the ambitious engineer or scientist in your family, try Robotics using LEGO®, Art and Architecture using LEGO®, Amusement Park Science, or Junkyard Robots. These science and engineering camps run the first two weeks of August for ages 5-11. For more information, please call 303-471-8928. - Know their limit. Little legs have Backcountry Wilderness Area Trail Etiquette - Try out Jr. Trekkers. Sign up With all the recent incidents regarding human involvement with wildlife, we wanted to remind folks of this simple wildlife philosophy: If You Care, Leave It There. While we understand that you may mean well, interfering is harmful to wildlife. If you stumble across a young animal, it can appear abandoned and frightened. Not to worry, mom is likely watching nearby. With deer, mom tucks her fawns away and they know to stay perfectly still to avoid attracting predators. Cottontail rabbits also to hide their young and return hours later to care for them. Juvenile birds found on the ground are often fledglings learning to fly. Keyword–learning. The adults will still care for birds outside of the nest. We appreciate the variety of wildlife Colorado has to offer; so "if you care, leave it there". to work double-time to keep up, but there’s nothing worse than your child declaring the end of a hike at the furthest point from the trailhead. So when you notice a slow-down, head back. your newbie hiker for our Jr. Trekker program: short, guided Backcountry hikes geared toward preschool- and Kindergarten-aged kids. The September - December Activity Guide will be hitting homes this month! Check out the new classes, camps & activities - Don't forget to register early! | 7 PRESORTED Standard US postage paid Highlands Ranch Co Permit #170 9568 University Boulevard, Highlands Ranch, CO 80126 Facility Closures August 6 Northridge outdoor pool: 8:30 a.m. - 10:30 p.m. Splash Mash Dash August 8-13 Northridge - annual maintenance August 22-27 Eastridge - annual maintenance Check the web site for the most up-to-date closure information. Postmaster: Time Sensitive Material. Please deliver by 07/31/16 Community Partners The HRCA’s ability to bring events to Highlands Ranch is made possible in part by our Community Partners, the Highlands Ranch Cultural Affairs Association (CAA), and the Scientific and Cultural Facilities District (SCFD). AUgust Events For event details, see page 5 or visit August 5 Film in the Park - The Fox and the Hound August 6 Splash, Mash, Dash Kids' Triathlon August 7-28 Farmers’ & Street Markets (Sundays only) August 8 Board Working Session* 6:00 p.m. August 3, 10, 17, 24 Mountain Bike Race Series August 11-13 Ladies' Fishing on the Fly August 11 Jazz at the Mansion August 12 Film in the Park - Babe August 16 Delegate & Board Meeting* 6:30 p.m. August 19 Film in the Park Star Wars: The Force Awakens August 20 Farm-to-Table Dinner - (Sorry, sold out) August 25 Summer's Sunset Concert The 6 Million Dollar Band * These meetings are open to our members.
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