Magnetic Monopoles in Spin Ice
Magnetic Monopoles in Spin Ice
Magnetic Monopoles in Spin Ice Claudio Castelnovo University of Oxford Roderich Moessner Max Planck Institut Shivaji Sondhi Princeton University Nature 451, 42 (2008) 25th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Amsterdam (NL), August 11, 2008 Outline I the spin-ice model I low temperature behaviour: from spins to monopoles I experimental evidence of deconfined monopolar excitations I conclusions Conventional vs frustrated (Ising) models Consider classical Ising spins, σi = ±1 P with exchange interaction: H = J hiji σi σj I J < 0: all the spins align ferromagnetically Conventional vs frustrated (Ising) models Consider classical Ising spins, σi = ±1 P with exchange interaction: H = J hiji σi σj I J < 0: all the spins align ferromagnetically I J > 0: antiferromagnetic order is frustrated H = J 2 4 X ⇒ Ngs = σi + const. i=1 for a single tetrahedron: ( 42 ) !2 P i σi = 0 = 6 ground states Conventional vs frustrated (Ising) models Consider classical Ising spins, σi = ±1 P with exchange interaction: H = J hiji σi σj I J < 0: all the spins align ferromagnetically I J > 0: antiferromagnetic order is frustrated H = J 2 4 X !2 σi + const. i=1 Degeneracy is the hallmark of frustration Zero-point entropy on the pyrochlore lattice I Pyrochlore lattice = corner-sharing tetrahedra !2 JX X Hpyro = σi 2 tet i∈tet I Pauling estimate of ground state entropy S0 = ln Ngs : Ngs = 2 I N 6 16 N/2 N 3 ⇒ S0 = ln 2 2 microstates vs. constraints; N spins, N/2 tetrahedra Mapping from ice to spin ice I In ice, water molecules retain their identity I Hydrogen near oxygen ↔ spin pointing in Pauling entropy in spin ice Anderson 1956; Harris+Bramwell 1997 Ho2 Ti2 O7 (and Dy2 Ti2 O7 ) are pyrochlore Ising magnets Pauling entropy measured by Ramirez as predicted The real (dipolar) Hamiltonian of spin ice I Siddharthan+Shastry The nearest-neighbour model Hnn for spin ice is not correct details I Leading term is dipolar energy (µ0 µ2 /4πa3 > J): H = Hnn + ~i · µ ~ j − 3(~ µi · r̂ij )(~ µi · r̂ij ) µ0 X µ 3 4π rij ij I Both give same entropy (!!!) Gingras et al. Wrong model → right answer . . . WHY??? The ‘dumbbell’ model (1) Dipole ≈ pair of opposite charges (µ = qa): I Sum over dipoles ≈ sum over charges: 2Ndip. H= X i,j=1 2Ndip. v (rij ) = X µ0 qi qj 4π rij i,j=1 The ‘dumbbell’ model (2) Choose a = ad , separation between centres of tetrahedra I v ∝ q 2 /r is the usual Coulomb interaction (regularised): µ0 qi qj rij 6= 0 4π rij q v (rij ) = ±vo ( µa )2 = ± J3 + 4 D3 (1 + 23 ) rij = 0, Origin of the ice rules Resum tetrahedral charges Qα = P i∈α qi : ( H≈ X ij v (rij ) −→ X αβ V (rαβ ) = µ0 Qα Qβ 4π rαβ 1 2 2 vo Qα α 6= β α=β Origin of the ice rules Resum tetrahedral charges Qα = P i∈α qi : ( H≈ X ij I v (rij ) −→ X αβ V (rαβ ) = µ0 Qα Qβ 4π rαβ 1 2 2 vo Qα α 6= β α=β Ice configurations (Qα ≡ 0) degenerate ⇒ Pauling entropy! Excitations: dipoles or charges? I Ground-state I I no net charge Excited states: I I flipped spin ↔ dipole excitation same as two charges? Excitations: dipoles or charges? I Ground-state I I no net charge Excited states: I I flipped spin ↔ dipole excitation same as two charges? Excitations: dipoles or charges? I Ground-state I I no net charge Excited states: I I flipped spin ↔ dipole excitation same as two charges? Excitations: dipoles or charges? I Ground-state I I no net charge Excited states: I I flipped spin ↔ dipole excitation same as two charges? Fractionalisation in d = 1 Excitations in spin ice: dipolar or charged? Single spin-flip (dipole µ) ≡ two charged tetrahedra (charges qm = 2µ/ad ) Are charges independent? ⇒ Fractionalisation in d = 3? Deconfined magnetic monopoles The dumbbell Hamiltonian gives E (r ) = − 2 µ0 qm 4π r I magnetic Coulomb interaction I deconfined monopoles I monopoles in H, not B I charge qm = 2µ/ad = (2µ/µB )(αλC /2πad )qD ≈ qD /8000 Experiment I: Stanford monopole search Monopole passes through ring ⇒ magnetic flux through ring changes ⇒ e.m.f. induced in the ring ⇒ countercurrent ∝ qm is set up Experiment I: Stanford monopole search Monopole passes through ring ⇒ magnetic flux through ring changes ⇒ e.m.f. induced in the ring ⇒ countercurrent ∝ qm is set up I I ‘Works’ for both fundamental cosmic and spin ice monopoles signal-noise ratio a problem How do we know if a particle is elementary? Experiment II: interacting Coulomb liquid I Monopoles form a two-component Coulomb liquid I [111] magnetic field acts as staggered chemical potential ~ B ⇑ =⇒ we can tune ρmonopole and T separately details Liquid-gas transition in spin ice in a [111] field I I Hnn predicts crossover to maximally polarised state dipolar H: first-order transition with critical endpoint Fisher et al. I observed experimentally Hiroi+Maeno groups I confirmed numerically Emergent particles and new order in spin ice Spin ice is an interesting model system (and material!) I frustrated magnet with ‘ground-state entropy’ I (emergent gauge structure; dimensional reduction in a field) Magnetic monopoles as excitations I fractionalisation / deconfinement in 3d material I magnetic Coulomb law (felt by external test particle) I would show up in monopole search Picture credits Iceberg: /images/NOAA iceberg jpg image.html 3 January 2008 | | £10 GEOPOLITICS Turf wars on the ocean bed ARCTIC CLIMATE Warming with altitude CANCER SUPPRESSION The Down’s syndrome link Levitation: /Levitation/levitation.html THE INTERNATIONAL WEEKLY JOURNAL OF SCIENCE 451, 1–106 3 January 2008 NATUREJOBS New Year’s resolutions Field lines: no.7174 POLES APART A magnetic north–south divide in spin ice 3.1 cover UK 1 NaCl: 01 9 770028 083095 18/12/07 4:31:29 pm [artwork by Alessandro Canossa] Kagome ice: dimensional reduction in a field Ising axes are not collinear I back [111] field pins one sublattice of spins ~ B ⇑ Kagome ice: dimensional reduction in a field Ising axes are not collinear back I [111] field pins one sublattice of spins I Other sublattices form kagome lattice ~ B ⇑ Kagome ice: dimensional reduction in a field Ising axes are not collinear back I [111] field pins one sublattice of spins I Other sublattices form kagome lattice I Kagome lattice: two-dimensional I How many dimensions are there? ~ B ⇑ Emergent gauge structure I Ground states differ by reversing spins around closed loops, for which the average h~ µi = 0 I Upon coarse-graining: low average h~ µi preferred ~ 2 ⇒ artificial ⇒ E ∼ (∇ × A) magnetostatics back Ansatz: upon coarse-graining, obtain energy functional of entropic origin: Z Z K ~ ~ 2 Scl = − Z = DA exp[Scl ], (∇ × A) 2 The resulting correlators are transverse and algebraic: 2 3 cos2 θ − 1 q⊥ ∝− 2 ↔ q r3 Energy scale hierarchy in spin ice materials (Dy, Ho magnetic moment ∼ 10µB ) Energy scales: I crystal field in the local [111] direction ∼ 200 K back Energy scale hierarchy in spin ice materials (Dy, Ho magnetic moment ∼ 10µB ) Energy scales: I crystal field in the local [111] direction ∼ 200 K I exchange interaction ∼1−2 K I dipolar interaction ∼ 2.5 K (at nn distance) back
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