Addition 2 to Géominpal Belgica. 5.2.: Presence of tubes of teredinid
Addition 2 to Géominpal Belgica. 5.2.: Presence of tubes of teredinid
Addition 2 to Géominpal Belgica. 5.2.: Presence of tubes of teredinid-like bivalves (Mollusca) in some petrified pieces of wood discovered in the Sint-Niklaas Phosphorite Bed (Marine Belgian Oligocene), with some reflections concerning the Systematic of the Orders Myoida and the Anomalodesmata. By Jacques Herman1, Hilde Van Waes1, Julien Van Nuffel2, Jacqueline Cloetens2, Eric Vanderhoeft4 and Thierry Vanderhoeft5 1 Herman J. & Van Waes H. : Mail: [email protected] Van Nuffel J. & Cloetens J. : Rue Jules La Haie 203, 1090 (Jette, Belgium) 4 Vanderhoeft E. : Rue Simonis 31, 1050 (Ixelles, Belgium) 5 Vanderhoeft T. : [email protected] 2 S.V.K. Clay Pit 4: B.G.S. Archives: N°: 42 W 394: Tubes of Teredinid Bivalvia (Mollusca) in a piece of petrified wood. Origin: Belsele (Western Flanders, Belgium) Scheerders Van Kerchove Claypit N°4 Sint Niklaas Phosphorite Bed. (Lower marine Oligocene) Diameter of the wood piece: 84 millimetres. Photographer: Hugues Doutrelepont. HERMAN Jacques Editor H Dedication: This work is dedicated to the memory of Hilde, Louise, Rachel Van Waes 05.10.1950 (Sint-Niklaas) – 25.06.2015 (Brussels) Philologist in Germanic languages - V.U.B. (1972), honorary citizen (Museology) of Sint-Niklaas-Waes, Professor of English and Dutch to the Belgian School of Kinshasa and subsequently to the Flemish Atheneum of Hoboken, Etterbeek and Vilvoorde, co-editor of Elasmobranches and Stratigraphy, Taphonomy of some Belgian Cenozoic levels, co-author of Géominpal Belgica and the wife who contemplated with the senior-author more than thirteen thousand sunrises and sunsets. In her garden at Beigem, in August 1995. Her husband Jacques Herman, and her friends: Eric Vanderhoeft, Thierry Vanderhoeft, Julien Van Nuffel and Jacqueline Cloetens. At Beigem, 25 Juny 2015 Jacques Herman,Eric Vanderhoeft, Thierry Vanderhoeft, Julien Van Nuffel and Jacqueline Cloetens. -2- Table of Contents 1. Summary - Résumé - Samenvatting - Kurzfassung - Resumen - Resumo - Резюме: p.: 5. 2. Introduction: p.: 7. 3. Introduction: p.: 7. 4. Introductie: p.: 7. 5. Phylum Mollusca: p.: 8. 5.1. Systematics: p.: 8. 5.2. Remarks: p.: 8. 6. Class Bivalvia: p.: 8. 6.1. Generalities: p.: 8. 6.2. Systematics: p.: 8. 7. Family Teredinidae: p.: 9. 7.1. Systematics: p.: 9. 7. 2. Sub-Family Teredinae: p.: 9. 7. 3. Sub-Family Kuphinae: p.: 15. 7. 4. Sub-Family Bankiinae: p.: 15. 7.5. Geographical distribution of the Family Teredinidae: p.: 19. 7.6. Geological range of the Family Teredinidae: p.: 19. 7.7. Ichnology and the Teredinidae: p.: 19. 7.8. References for Family Teredinidae: p.: 20. 8. Family Xylophagaidae: p.: 24. 8.1. Systematics: p.: 24. 8.2. Geographical distribution of the Family Xylophagaidae: p.: 25. 8.3. Geological range of the Family Xylophagaidae: p.: 25. 8.4. Ichnology and the Xylophagaidae: p.: 25. 8.5. References for Family Xylophagaidae: p.: 25. 9. Data furnished by the pieces of wood: p.: 26. 9.1. Nature of these pieces of wood: p.: 27. 9.2. Degradation of these pieces of wood: p.: 27. 9.3. Duration of their drifting: p.: 27. 9.4. First embedding: p.: 27. 9.5. Power of the dis-embedding flow: p.: 27. 9.6. Filling of the teredinid tubes: p.: 27. 9.7. Second embedding: p.: 28. 9.8. Geochemical alteration of this filling: p.: 28. 10. Conclusions: p.: 28. 10.1. Systematic conclusion: p.: 28. 10.2. Taphonomical interpretation: p.: 29. 11. Special adaptations of some Bivalvia: p.: 29. 11.1. General considerations: p.: 29. 11.2. Identic or different valves: p.: 29. 11.3. Advantages presented by the possession of identic valves: p.: 29. 11.4. Advantages presented by the possession of different valves: p.: 30. 11.5. Disadvantages presented by the by the possession of different valves: p.: 30. 12. Short examination of the principal data concerning the diverse Families phylogenetically considered as parents of the Teredinidae: p.: 30. 12.1. Motivation: p.: 30. 12.2. Recent revision : p.: 30. 12.3. Remarks: p.: 31. 12.4. Family Myidae: p.: 31. 12.5. Family Myochamidae: p.: 32. 12.6. Family Corbulidae: p.: 32. 12.7. Family Pandoridae: p.: 33. 12.8. Family Lanternulidae: p.: 34. 12.9. Family Lyonsiidae: p.: 35. 12.10. Family Periplomatidae: p.: 36. 12.11. Family Thraciidae: p.: 37. 12.12. Family Cuspidariidae: p.: 37. 12.13. Family Verticordiidae: p.: 39. 12.14. Family Teredinidae and Family Xylophagaidae: p.: 40. -3- 12.15. Family Hiatellidae: p.: 40. 12.16. Family Pholadidae: p.: 44. 12.17. Family Gastrochaenidae: p.: 45. 12.18. Family Clavagellidae: p.: 46. 12.19. Family Penicillidae: p.: 47. 12.20. Family Pholadomyidae: p.: 47. 13. Conclusions: p.: 48. 13.1. Generalities: p.: 48. 13.2. Concerning the systematic position of the extant and extinct teredinid taxa: p.: 48. 13.3. Concerning the systematic position of the fossils discovered in the Sint-Niklaas Phosphorite Bed: p.: 48. 13.4. Concerning the present conception of the generic taxa of the extant Myoidea and Anomalodesmata: p.: 49. 13.5. Concerning the present conception of the Order Anomalodesmata: p.: 49. 14. Plates 1 to 42: p.: 53. 15. Comments on the Plates: p.: 95. 16. Acknowledgements: p.: 101. Remind Electronic Series do not need Index -4- Summary (Hilde Van Waes) On examining for the first time, the fossils stored in the drawer: SVK - Vegetal Remains, it was surprising to realize that some of the silicified pieces of wood contained tubes of Teredinidae (Bivalvia, Mollusca), other ones traces of activities of larvae of xylophagous insects (Coleoptera, Insecta) and that the eleven elongated siderite concretions could be fragments of tubes of sabellid-like animals (Sabellida, Polychaeta, Annelida). This Géominpal Belgica is the second addition to the Publication* which focused on the study of the remains of Invertebrata discovered in the Sint-Niklaas Phosphorite Bed of Rupelian Age (Belgian Lower Oligocene). This fascicule is devoted to the examination of the teredinid tubes present in the majority of these petrified pieces of wood. *HERMAN, J. & VAN WAES, H. 2013: Géominpal Belgica. 5(2). Keywords: Belgium, Oligocene, Rupelian, Sands of Ruisbroek, Sint-Niklaas Phosphorite Bed, Teredinidae, Xylophagaidae, Terediniformes, Myoidea, Anomalodesmata, Bivalvia, Mollusca, Invertebrata. Résumé (Jacques Herman) En examinant, pour la première fois, les fossiles rangés dans le tiroir: SVK - Restes végétaux, grande fut la surprise de constater que certains morceaux de bois silicifiés étaient porteurs de tubes de Teredinidae (Bivalvia, Mollusca), d’autres de traces d’activités de larves d’insectes xylophages (Coleoptera, Insecta) et que les onze concrétions sidéritiques, y rangées, pouvaient être des fragments de tubes d’animaux sabelliformes (Sabellida, Polychaeta, Annelida). Ce Géominpal Belgica constitue la seconde addition à la Publication* ayant eu pour thème l’étude des restes d’Invertebrata découverts dans l’Horizon à Phosphorites de Sint-Niklaas d’âge Rupélien (Oligocène inférieur belge). Ce fascicule est consacré à l’examen des tubes de térédiniformes présents dans la plupart de ces fragments de bois pétrifiés. *HERMAN, J. & VAN WAES, H. 2013: Géominpal Belgica. 5(2). Mots-clés: Belgique, Oligocène, Rupélien, Sables de Ruisbroek, Niveau à Phosphorites de Sint-Niklaas, Teredinidae, Xylophagaidae, Terediniformes, Myoidea, Anomalodesmata, Bivalvia, Mollusca, Invertebrata. Samenvatting (Hilde Van Waes) Bij het eerste onderzoek van de fossielen die opgeslagen waren in de schuif: SVK - Vegetal Remains, was het een grote verrassing vast te stellen dat enkele gesilificiëerde houtstukken tubes van Teredinidae (Bivalvia, Mollusca) bevatten, andere sporen van activiteiten van larvae van hout etende insecten (Coleoptera, Insecta) en dat de elf lange sideriet concreties fragmenten van tubes van sabellid-achtige dieren (Sabellida, Annelida) zouden kunnen zijn. Deze Géominpal Belgica is het tweede supplement bij de Publicatie* die het onderzoek van de resten van Invertebrata gevonden in het Sint-Niklaas Fosforiet Bed van Rupeliaan Ouderdom (Belgisch Onder Oligoceen) tot doel had. Dit fasciculum is gewijd aan het onderzoek van de teredinid-tuben, die in het merendeel van deze versteende houtfragmenten aanwezig zijn. *HERMAN, J. & VAN WAES, H. 2013: Géominpal Belgica. 5(2). Sleutelwoorden: België, Oligoceen, Rupeliaan, Sint-Niklaas Phosphorite Bed, Teredinidae, Xylophagaidae, Terediniformes, Myoidea, Anomalodesmata, Bivalvia, Mollusca, Invertebrata. Kurzfassung (Detlev Thies) Eine erste Untersuchung der Fossilien in der Schublade kommt zu folgendem Ergebnis: SVK – Pflanzenreste. Einige silifizierte Holzreste werden von Bohrmuschel-Röhren (Family Teredinidae, Bivalvia, Mollusca) durchzo- zogen. Fraßspuren gehen auf Holz fressende Käfer (Coleoptera, Insecta) zurück. Bei elf länglichen Siderit-Konkretionen handelt es sich möglicherweise um Fragmente der Ausfüllungen von Wohnröhren sabellidartiger Anneliden (Sabellida, Polychaeta, Annelida). Diese Ausgabe von Géominpal Belgica ist die zweite Ergänzung zu Géominpal Belgica. 5(2)*, die sich mit der -5- Untersuchung der Invertebraten-Reste aus dem Rüpel zeitlichen Sint-Niklaas Phosphorit Bed (Belgien, UnterOligozän) beschäftigt. Diese Ausgabe behandelt die Wohnröhren von Bohrmuscheln (Family Teredinidae), die in der Mehrzahl der fossilen Holzreste vorhanden sind. *HERMAN, J. & VAN WAES, H. 2013: Géominpal Belgica. 5(2). Schlüsselworten: Belgien, Oligozän, Rupelium, Sande von Ruisbroek, Sint-Niklaas Phosphorite Bed, Teredinidae, Xylophagaidae, Terediniformes, Myoidea, Anomalodesmata, Bivalvia, Mollusca, Invertebrata. Resumen (Jacques Herman) Investigando por primera vez los fósiles en el cajón SVK - Vegetal Remains, tuvimos la sorpresa que unas de las piezas de madera silicificada contuvieran tubos de Teredinidae (Bivalvia, Mollusca) y otras, huellas de actividades de larvas de insectos xilófagos (Coleoptera, Insecta). Además once concreciones en siderita podrían ser fragmentos de tubos de sabellid animales (Sabellida, Polychaeta, Annelida). Este Géominpal Belgica es el segundo suplemento de la Publicación* dedicada a la investigación sobre los restos de los invertebrados encontrados en el Horizonte con Fosforitas de Sint-Niklaas de la época del Rupeliense. Este fascículo es dedicado al examen de los teredinid tubos presentes en la mayoría de estos fragmentos de madera petrificados. *HERMAN, J. & VAN WAES, H. 2013: Géominpal Belgica. 5(2). Palabras clave: Bélgica, Oligoceno, Rupeliense, Arenas de Ruisbroek, Sint-Niklaas Phosphorite Bed, Teredinidae, Xylophagaidae, Terediniformes, Myoidea, Anomalodesmata, Bivalvia, Mollusca, Invertebrata. Resumo (Jacques Herman) Examinando pele primeira vez a gaveta ‘Restes végétaux’, grande era a surpresa para notar que certos pedaços de madeira contiveram tubos de Teredinidae (Bivalvia, Mollusca), outros rastos de atividades de larvas de insetos xylophagous (Coleoptera, Insecta) e onze fragmenentos de concreções sideriticos de forma muito esticada de sabellid animais (Sabellida, Polychaeta, Annelida). Este Géominpal Belgica estabelece a segunda adição na publicação* tendo tido para tema o estudo dos restos dos Invertebrados descobriram dentro nele Horizon com Phosphorites de Sint-Niklaas de Rupélien (belga abaixe Oligoceno). Esta parte é consagrada ao exame dos teredinid tubos estão presentes na maioria dos fragmentos de madeira petrificada. *HERMAN, J. & VAN WAES, H. 2013: Géominpal Belgica. 5(2). Palavras chaves: Bélgica, Oligoceno, Rupeliense, Areias de Ruisbroek, Horizon com Phosphorites de Sint-Niklaas, Teredinidae, Xylophagaidae, Terediniformes, Myoidea, Anomalodesmata, Bivalvia, Mollusca, Invertebrata. Резюме (Evgeny Popov) Первое изучение ископаемых из ящика «SVK – растительные остатки» позволило с удивлением обнаружить, что некоторые из окремнелых кусков древесины содержат трубки моллюсков-древоточцев Teredinidae (Bivalvia, Molluska), другие – являются следами активности личинок насекомых-ксилофагов (Coleoptera, Insecta), и что двенадцать удлиненных сидеритовых конкреций могут быть фрагментами трубок сабелиидоподобных животных (Sabellida, Polychaeta, Annelida). Этот выпуск Géominpal Belgica является вторым дополнением к публикации*, сфокусированной на изучении остатков беспозвоночных, которые были обнаружены в фосфоритовом горизонте Синт Никлаас рюпельского возраста (нижний олигоцен Бельгии). Этот выпуск посвящен экспертизе трубок терeдинид, встреченных в большом количестве во фрагментах окаменевшей древесины. *HERMAN, J. & VAN WAES, H. 2013: Géominpal Belgica. 5(2). Ключевые слова: Бельгия, олигоцен, рюпель, пески Руисбрек, фосфоритовый горизонт Синт Никлаас, беспозвоночные, Teredinidae, Xylophagaidae, Terediniformes, Myoidea, Anomalodesmata, Bivalvia, Mollusca, Invertebrata. -6- 2. Introduction Discoveries of wood pieces bored by teredinid bivalves are relatively common in all the marine deposits of the Belgian Neogene. But, in these Formations, the wood fragments are not petrified. The presence of tubes of teredinid-like marine bivalves in these petrified pieces of wood implies that these drifted pieces of wood were petrified after a silicifying * phase in an epi-continental environment. *Induration, or petrification, is more correct because no chemical analysis certifies that it was a silicifying process. Later, these petrified pieces of wood were dis-embedded from their original level, or levels, and concentrated in the Sint-Niklaas Phosphorite Bed. It is the reconstitution of the precise succession of all these events which must allow a better understanding of the climatic variations of this period and the taphonomic complexity of this Horizon. The determination, even at the generic level, of these tube-builder bivalves is confronted with a complex and hazardous problematic. The zoological literature virtually furnishes no indications about diverse data which could help paleontologists. Some examples are: Is the cohabitation of diverse species of xylophagous molluscs in the same piece of wood conceivable? Do these xylophagous molluscs have selective vegetal host(s) or not? Is the form of the section of their tubes a valid criterion? Is a continuous rectilinear growth of their tubes a valid criterion? The senior-author admits that all these data could allow proposing a plausible generic determination of these teredinid remains, but without being absolutely certain that his proposal is correct. 3. Introduction Les découvertes de pièces de bois perforées par des bivalves térédiniformes sont relativement communes dans tous les dépôts marins du Néogène belge. Mais, dans ces Formations, les fragments de bois ne sont pas pétrifiés. La présence de tubes de mollusques marins térédiniformes dans des fragments de bois pétrifiés implique que ces pièces de bois flottées ont été indurées après avoir été perforées par ces invertébrés et qu’elles ont subi une silicification* en milieu épicontinental. *Induration, ou pétrification, est plus correct car aucune analyse chimique ne garantit qu’il s’agisse d’un processus de silicification. Ces pièces de bois indurées furent ensuite extraites d’une, ou de plusieurs strates, et reconcentrées dans l’Horizon à Phosphorites de Sint-Niklaas. C’est la reconstitution de l’ordre de succession de tous ces évènements qui devrait permettre d’essayer de mieux comprendre les variations climatiques de cette période et la complexité taphonomique de cet Horizon. La détermination, même au niveau générique, des bivalves qui ont construit ces tubes se heurte à une problématique complexe et hasardeuse. La littérature zoologique reste pratiquement muette en ce qui concerne des facteurs qui pourraient venir en aide aux paléontologistes. En voici quelques exemples. La cohabitation de diverses espèces de mollusques xylophages au sein d’une même pièce de bois est-elle concevable ? Ces xylophages s’attaquent-ils à tout bois flottant, ou à un groupe végétal précis ? La constance du diamètre de la section de leurs tubes est-t-elle un critère utile ? Ou encre, une croissance linéaire continue est-elle un indice ? Le senior-auteur admet que toutes ces données devraient permettre de proposer une détermination générique plausible de ces restes de térédiniformes, sans pour autant prétendre que celle proposée soit la bonne. Introductie Vondsten van houtfragmenten geboord door teredinid-achtige tweekleppige mollusken zijn relatief frequent in al de mariene afzettingen van het Belgische Neogeen. Maar, in deze Formaties, zijn de houtfragmenten niet versteend. De aanwezigheid van tuben van teredinid-achtige mariene tweekleppige mollusken in deze versteende hout frag- -7- menten betekent dat deze drijvende houtfragmenten versteenden na een silicificatie* fase in een epi-continentale omgeving. *Induratie, of petrificatie, is correcter omdat geen enkele chemische analyse garandeert dat het een silicificatie proces was. Later kwamen deze versteende houtfragmenten los uit hun originele laag, of lagen, en werden ze in het SintNiklaas Phosphorite Bed geconcentreerd. Het is de reconstitutie van de precieze successieve fenomenen die een beter begrip moet geven aan de klimatologische variaties van deze periode en aan de tafonomische complexiteit van dit Horizon. De determinatie, zelfs op niveau van het Genus, van deze tweekleppige tuben-makers is geconfronteerd met een complexe en dubieuze problematiek. De zoölogische literatuur geeft geen enkele indicatie over diverse gegevens die voor de paleontologen van groot belang kunnen zijn. Enkele voorbeelden zijn: Is het samenleven van diverse soorten van hout-etende mollusken in het zelfde houtfragment mogelijk? Kiezen deze hout-etende mollusken een bepaalde plantensoort of niet? Is de vorm van de sectie van hun tuben een betrouwbaar criterium? Is een constante en rechtlijnige groei van hun tuben een betrouwbaar criterium? De senior-auteur denkt dat al deze gegevens een geloofwaardige determinatie van deze teredinid fossielen mogelijk zou moeten maken, maar blijft twijfelen of zijn voorstel correct is. 5. Phylum Mollusca LINNAEUS, 1758 5.1. Systematics The Phylum Mollusca regroups the seven following Classes: Class Bivalvia LINNAEUS, 1758, Class Cephalopoda CUVIER, 1797, Class Polyplacophora de BLAINVILLE, 1816, Class Scaphopoda BRONN, 1862, Class Solenogastres GEGENBAUR, 1878, Class Gastropoda CUVIER, 1895, and Class Monoplacophora ORDNER, 1940. 5.2. Remarks In some Classifications, Aplacophora is used for Scolenogastres. Except for the Solenogastres, all these Classes are represented by extant and extinct taxa. Searching for recent systematics of diverse Families and Genera of Bivalvia, the senior-author has compared the more recent lists proposed by ADW, ITIS, MarBEF, Taxonomicom or WoRMS. Constating the huge difference of the interpretation of these systematic ranks proposed by some of these lists, the senior-author has choised a mixed interpretation for which he is the sole responsible. Therefore, in case of doubt, the senior-author use the conditional term, such as: This Genus could regroups the following extant specific taxa. WoRMS 2015 is in fact WoRMS 2013, but nothing was modified during these two years. 6. Class Bivalvia 6.1. Generalities The Class Bivalvia regroups a little more than a hundred Families, but only two are only represented by woodborers taxa. Their first records date from the Lower Cambrian Period*, they regroup more than 1200 Genera which include more than 10.000 living species inhabiting marine, brackish or fresh waters as well as all the continental environments. *Circa 510 million years ago. 6.2. Systematics Only two Families of the Order Myoida STOLICKA, 1870 (Class Bivalvia) are represented by strictly xylophagous* taxa: The Family Teredinidae RAFINESQUE, 1815 and the Family Xylophagaidae HAGA & KASE, 2013. *Which means that all their extant representatives and, so far as known, -8- all their extinct representatives feed, or fed, on vegetal remains. These two Families are included in the Order Myoida STOLICKA, 1870 which only comprises the four Families: Family Myidae de LAMARCK, 1809, Family Pholadidae de LAMARCK, 1809, Family Corbulidae de LAMARCK, 1818 and Family Gastrochaenidae GRAY, 1840. Systematic remark Some malacogists consider that the Family Hiatellidae GRAY, 1824 may be included in this Order. See also the Chapter 11 which details the recent proposal of the Order Anomalodesmata. References BIELER, R., CARTER, J. G. & COAN, E. V. 2010 : Classification of Bivalve families. Pp.: 113-133 In: BOUCHET, P. & ROCROI, J.-P. 2010: Nomenclator of Bivalve Families. Malacologia. 52(2): 1-184. Illustration One species of the type-Genus of these five Families is illustrated on the diverse comparison Plates. Comparison A maximum of the extant and extinct taxa of the Families Teredinidae and Xylophagaidae are examined in this Publication in accordance with their more recent classification. 7. Family Teredinidae RAFINESQUE, 1815 7.1. Systematics According to ITIS 2015 and WoRMS 2015, this Family regroups three Sub-Families: Sub-Family Teredininae RAFINESQUE, 1815, Sub-Family Kuphinae TRYON, 1862 and Sub-Family Bankiinae TURNER, 1966. All together they are represented by some fifteen extinct and extant Genera. This list is presented in function of the date on which each of these Sub-Families was proposed. 7.2. Sub-Family Teredininae RAFINESQUE, 1815 (Plates 9, 10, 15 and 19) Systematics According to ITIS 2015 and WoRMS 2015, this Sub-Family includes the ten extant Genera: Genus Teredo LINNAEUS, 1758, Genus Uperotus GUETTARD, 1770, Genus Lyrodus GOULD, 1870, Genus Bactronophorus TAPPARONE CANEFRY, 1877, Genus Neoteredo BARTSCH, 1920, Genus Teredora BARTSCH, 1921, Genus Teredothyra BARTSCH, 1921, Genus Psiloteredo BARTSCH, 1922, Genus Dicyathifer IREDALE, 1932 and Genus Zachsia BULATOFF & RJABSCHIKOFF, 1933. This list is presented in function of the date on which each of these Genera was proposed. Paleontological remark The Genus Teredina is a Genus proposed by de Lamarck in 1818 and based on the taxon Teredina personata (de LAMARCK, 1806) in which plenty of teredinid-like records encountered in European, Asian and northern American strata of Upper Cretaceous to Pliocene Ages were regrouped. The frequent lack of distinctive arguments that allow distinguishing these taxa from the extant taxa of the Family Teredinidae obliges the scientific community to consider some species attributed to this Genus as doubtful taxa. Singularities All the extant representatives of this Family possess a bivalve shell having lost its primordial function: the protection of the body of their owner. Their shell has evolved to become a perfect boring instrument of drifting pieces of wood and human wooden naval constructions. -9- Their galleries are protected by a calcareous tube of variable thickness, size and morphology. The extern side of their valves present small extern asperities oriented towards the wooden walls. By the combination of three factors: the suction their foot realises, the contraction of their retractor muscles and the swelling of the anterior part of their body, these molluscs bore their individual gallery. The alternative contractions and retractions of their two adductor muscles induce a permanent rotation of their valves along a central axis, which helps to rasp the piece of wood. The anterior part of their body is also able to turn regularly left and right, giving a perfect circular section to their galleries of which the posterior aperture may be closed by two bio-mineralized pallets. Such a sophisticated adaptation theoretically requires a very long time of evolution and important modifications of the genetic code. The modifications of the genetic code of the Teredinidae are responsible for the extreme reduction of the size * of their shell, the sudden passage from a filtering feeding mode to a strict xylophagous feeding mode, the construction of a very long calcareous tube protecting their hyper-elongated siphon and the formation of one pair of bio-mineralised appendices called pallets. *The length of shells of Myoida rises easily up to ten centimetres. Teredinid-shells are commonly millimetric-sized. Life cycle and feeding mode Life cycle This one may be summarized as follows: Egg - Larval drifting stage - Fixation on a wooden drifting support – Penetration into its support - Boring activity - Death. Feeding mode Contrarily to the extinct and extant representatives of the Family Pholadidae de L AMATCK, 1809 which bore vertical holes in organic or inorganic calcareous supports, all the members of the Family Teredinidae bore galleries which, after penetration into the wood, follow the structure of the wood they parasite. It seems that the ability to digest the cellulose of the wood of all the extant representatives of the Teredinidae only results from their symbiotic association with Bacteria, such as Teredinibacter turnerae DISTEL, MORRILL, MacLAREN-TOUSSAINT, FRANKS & WATERBURY, 2002. Growth The growth of the tubes of the diverse taxa of the extant representatives of this Family seems to be a resultant of diverse factors such as the hardness of the wood they bore and the salinity of the waters. For some African species, their size may increase from two to three centimetres in one month. Ecology All the extant populations of the Family Teredinidae feed upon pieces of wood drifting in marine or brackish waters. 1. Genus Teredo LINNAEUS, 1758 (Plates 9, 10 and 15) Systematics According to ITIS 2015, the Genus Teredo is based on Teredo navalis LINNAEUS, 1758 and could regroup the thirteen other species: Teredo modica DESHAYES, 1856, Teredo furcifera MARTENS in SEMON, 1894, Teredo clappi BARTSCH, 1923, Teredo mindanensis BARTSCH, 1923, Teredo bartschi CLAPP, 1923, Teredo fulleri CLAPP, 1924, Teredo johnsoni CLAPP, 1924, Teredo portoricensis CLAPP, 1924, Teredo somersi CLAPP, 1924, Teredo poculifer IREDALE, 1936, Teredo aegyptos MOLL, 1941, Teredo triangularis EDMONSON, 1942 and Teredo bitubula LI, 1965. Ecology and Geographical distribution All the extant populations of the Genus Teredo feed upon pieces of wood drifting in marine or brackish waters and all their individuals produce a protective calcareous tube. -10- The Genus itself has a world-wide distribution, but some populations of its representatives, such as T. mindanensis and T. portoricensis have, so far as known, restricted areas of distribution. Geological record From the Albian Stage (Upper Cretaceous) to the Present Times. References for Genus Teredo COE, W. R. 1933: Sexual phases in Teredo. Biological Bulletin. 65: 283-303. GRAVE, B. H. 1928: Natural history of shipworm, Teredo navalis, at Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Biological Bulletin. 55: 260-282. MILLER, R. C. 1924: The boring mechanism of Teredo. University of California Publications in Zoology. 26: 41-80. THOMPSON,W. 1847: Note on the Teredo norvegica (T. navalis, Turton, not Linn.), Xylophaga dorsalis, Limnoria terebrans and Cheluda terebrans, combined in destroying the submerged wood-work at the harbor of Ardrossan on the coast of Ayrshire. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 20: 157-164. TURNER, R. D. 1966: A survey and illustrated catalogue of the Teredinidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia). The Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge. 265 p. 2. Genus Uperotus GUETTARD, 1770 (Plate 18) Systematics According to ITIS 2015, the Genus Uperotus only regroups two extant species: Uperotus clavus (GMELIN, 1791) and Uperotus panamensis (BARTSCH, 1922). Fossil record None, except if the Belgian Eocene colonies discovered in the Belgian Lutetian could be attributed to this Genus. Geographical distribution The extant representatives of this Genus are inhabitants of the Eastern Pacific Ocean: Uperotus clavus seems to be endemic to some waters of New Zealand and Uperotus panamensis is an inhabitant of the western tropical waters of America. References for the Genus Uperotus MYRA, A. 1971: Sea Shells of Tropical West America: Marine Mollusks from Baja California to Peru. See p.: 281. OLIVER, W., R., B. 1915: The Mollusca of the Kermadec Islands. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute. 47: See p.: 556. 3. Genus Lyrodus GOULD, 1870 Systematics According to the researches of the senior-author, the Genus Lyrodus is represented by its generotype: Lyrodus pedicellatus (de QUATREFAGES, 1849) and, at least, by the four following extant species: Lyrodus bipartitus (JEFFREYS, 1860), Lyrodus floridanus (BARTSCH, 1922), Lyrodus takanoshimensis (ROCH, 1929) and Lyrodus medilobata (EDMONSON, 1942). Ecology and distribution The populations of these taxa are scattered off the coasts of Florida (U.S.A.), off these of New Zealand, off these of eastern Australia and in the Coral Sea. -11- Geological record Taxa attributed to this Genus are reported from strata of Upper Cretaceous Age to the Present Times. References for Genus Lyrodus CALLOWAY, C. B. & TURNER, R. D. 1983: Documentation and implications of rapid successive gametogenic cycles and broods in the shipworm Lyrodus floridanus (Bartsch) (Bivalvia, Teredinidae). Journal of Research Shellfish. 3: 65-69. COAN, E. V. & VALENTICH-SCOTT, P. 2012: Bivalve seashells of tropical West America. Marine bivalve mollusks from Baja California to northern Peru. 2 vols., 1258 p. DISTEL, D. L., BEAUDOIN, D. J. & MORRILL, W. 2002: Coexistence of multiple proteobacterial endosymbionts in the gills of the wood-boring bivalve Lyrodus pedicellatus (Bivalvia: Teredinidae). Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 68: 6292-6299. LUYTEN, Y. A., THOMPSON, J. R., MORRILL, W., POLZ, M. F. & DISTEL, D. L. 2006: Extensive variation in intracellular symbiont community composition among members of a single population of the wood-boring bivalve Lyrodus pedicellatus (Bivalvia:Teredinidae). Applied Environmental Microbiology. 72: 412-17. TURNER, R. D. 1966: A Survey and Illustrated Catalogue of Teredinidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia). Cambridge. Massachusetts: Museum of Comparative Zoology. 265 p. See p.: 78. 4. Genus Bactronophorus TAPPARONE CANEFRY, 1877 Systematics According to ITIS 2015, the Genus Bactronophorus seems to be represented by its generotype and single species Bactronophorus thoracites (GOULD, 1856). Ecology and distribution Its habitat was described in 1856 as the mud of mangrove swamps in the torrid South West Pacific and considered as a mobile boring herbivore by Gould, his inventor. Its pallets are made of phosphate calcium carbonate. Geological record None. References for Genus Lyrodus CALLOWAY, C. B. & TURNER, R. D. 1983: Documentation and implications of rapid successive gametogenic cycles and broods in the shipworm Lyrodus floridanus (Bartsch) (Bivalvia, Teredinidae). Journal of Shellfish Research. 3: 65-69. JEFFREYS, J. G. 1860: A synoptical list of the British species of Teredo with a notice of the exotic species. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. (3)6: 121-127. See p.: 123. MACINTOSH, H. 2012: Lyrodus turnerae, a new teredinid from eastern Australia and the Coral Sea (Bivalvia: Teredinidae). Molluscan Research. 32(1): 36-42. MOLNAR, J. L., GAMBOA, R., REVENGA, C. & SPALDING, M. 2008: Assessing the global threat of invasive species to marine biodiversity: Framing the big picture. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 6(9): 485492. QUATREFAGES, (de) A. 1849 : Mémoire sur le genre Taret (Teredo Linn.). Annales des Sciences Naturelles. (Zoologie Biologie Animale). 11: 19-64, pls.: 1-5. TURNER, R. D. 1966: A Survey and Illustrated Catalogue of Teredinidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia). Cambridge (Massachusetts): Museum of Comparative Zoology. 265 p. See p.: 86 and p.: 101. 5. Genus Neoteredo BARTSCH, 1920 Systematics -12- This monospecific Genus is based on Neoteredo reynei BARTSCH, 1920. Ecology and distribution The rare populations identified with certitude inhabit some tropical brackish * water areas of the western Atlantic coasts and bore stem and adventive roots of diverse extant taxa of the Family Rhizophoraceae P ERSOON, 1806 (Angiospermae). *As usual, in place of brackish species, WoRMS mentions: marine species. Geographical distribution As far as known, populations of this species were only observed in some tropical mangrove areas of the western Atlantic coasts. Geological record None. References for Genus Lyrodus ALVES, R. R. N. & DIAS, T. L. P. 2010: Usos de invertebrados na medicina popular no Brasil e suas implicacoes para conservaçao. Tropical Conservation Science. 3(2): 159-174. See p.: 171. AVIZ, D., FERREIRA de MELLO, C. & FERNANDES da SILVA, P. 2009: Macrofauna associada as galerias de Neoteredo reynei (Bartsch, 1920) (Mollusca: Bivalvia) em troncos de Rhizophora mangle Linnaeus durante o período menos chuvoso, em manguezal de Sao Caetano de Odivelas, Para (costa norte do Brasil). Boletim do Museu Emílio Goeldi. Ciencias Naturais. 4(1): 47-55. DE MORAES, D, T. & LOPES, S. G. B. 2003: Neoteredo reynei (Bartsch, 1920) (Bivalvia, Teredinidae). Journal of Molluscan Studies. 69(4): 311-318. FILHO, C. S., TAGLIARO, C. H. & BEASLEY, C. R. 2008: Seasonal abundance of the shipworm Neoteredo reynei (Bivalvia, Teredinidae) in mangrove driftwood from a northern Brazilian beach. Iheringia. Serie Zoologia. 98: 17-23. TURNER, R. D. 1966: A Survey and Illustrated Catalogue of Teredinidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia). Cambridge (Massachusetts). Museum of Comparative Zoology. 265 p. See p.: 73 and p.: 113. 6. Genus Teredora BARTSCH, 1921 Systematics and Distribution The Genus Teredora seems to regroup the two sole extant species: Teredora malleolus (TURTON, 1822), living in the Caribbean Sea and Teredora princesae (SIVICKIS, 1928), living in the western Pacific Ocean. Ecology Both species live in pieces of wood drifting in marine waters. Geological record None. References for Genus Teredora KILBURN, R. N. & RIPPEY, E. 1982: Sea Shells of Southern Africa. Macmillan South Africa. Johannesburg. 249 p. See p.: 205. LOCARD, A. 1886: Prodrome de malacologie française. Catalogue général des mollusques vivants de France. Mollusque marins. Lyon, H. Georg & Paris, Baillière. X + 778 p. STEYN, D. G. & LUSSI, M. 1998: Marine Shells of South Africa. An Illustrated Collector’s Guide to Beached Shells. Ekogilde Publishers, Hartebeespoort, South Africa, II + 264 p. See p.: 248. TURNER, R. D. 1966: A Survey and Illustrated Catalogue of Teredinidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia). Cambridge (Ma -13- -ssachusetts): Museum of Comparative Zoology. 265 p. See p.: 75. TURTON, W. 1822: Conchylia dithyra Insularum britannicarum. The bivalve shells of the British Islands. M.A. Natali, London, & Combe and son, Leicester. XLVII + 279 p., 20 pls. 7. Genus Teredothyra BARTSCH, 1921 Systematics The Genus Teredothyra could regroup the five extant species: Teredothyra excavata (JEFFREYS, 1860), Teredothyra dominicensis BARTSCH, 1921, Teredothyra matocotana BARTSCH, 1927, Teredothyra smithi BARTSCH, 1927 and Teredothyra remiformis LI, 1965. Ecology and distribution Details Shells of some populations of Teredothyra matocotana were collected in stranded pieces of wood along the western Australian coasts. Teredothyra smithi and Teredothyra remiformis are reported as fairly common in the Chinese waters. Presence of Teredothyra dominicensis are only reported from Caribbean waters and Teredothyra smithi seems to be a common inhabitant of the tropical waters of the western Pacific. Conclusion This Genus has a world-wide distribution, but its extant representatives inhabit specific or con-specific zones. Geological record None References for Genus Teredothyra JEFFREYS, J. G. 1860: A synoptical list of the British species of Teredo with a notice of the exotic species. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. (3)6: 121-127. TURNER, R. D. 1966: A Survey and Illustrated Catalogue of Teredinidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia). Cambridge 8. Genus Psiloteredo BARTSCH, 1922 Systematics According to ADW 2014, the Genus Psiloteredo regroups the three following species: Psiloteredo dilitata (STIMPSON, 1851), Psiloteredo megotara (HANLEY in FORBES & HANLEY, 1848) and Psiloteredo nana (TURTON, 1822), all previously attributed to the Genus Teredo. Ecology and distribution Eastern North Atlantic. Geological record None. References for Genus Psiloteredo DEFRANCE, J. L. M. 1804-1845: Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles dans lequel on traite méthodiquement des différents êtres de la nature. Paris Vol. 32. See p.: 361. TURNER, R. D. 1966: A Survey and Illustrated Catalogue of Teredinidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia). Cambridge (Massachusetts): Museum of Comparative Zoology. 265 p. See p.: 76. 9. Genus Dicyathifer IREDALE, 1932 Systematics According to ITIS 2015 and WoRMS 2015, -14- the Genus Dicyathifer is based on its single extant representative: D. mannii (WRIGHT, 1866). Ecology and distribution D. mannii is commonly found in mangrove environments on the coasts of the Arabian Sea. Geological record None. References for Genus Dicyathifer DEY, A. 2006: Handbook on Mangrove Associate Molluscs of Sundarbans. XII + 96 p. TURNER, R. D. 1966: A Survey and Illustrated Catalogue of Teredinidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia). Cambridge (Massachusetts): Museum of Comparative Zoology. 265 p. See p.: 75 and p.: 98. 10. Genus Zachsia BULATOFF & RJABSCHIKOFF, 1933 Systematics This monospecific Genus is based on: Zachsia zenkewitschi BULATOFF & RJABSCHIKOFF, 1933. Ecology and distribution According to WoRMS 2015, the first representative individuals of Zachsia zenkewitschi were discovered in a marine environment. This species seems to have a world-wide distribution, in icy to tropical waters. Geological record None. Reference for Genus Zachsia TURNER, R. D. 1966: A Survey and Illustrated Catalogue of Teredinidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia). Cambridge (Massachusetts): Museum of Comparative Zoology. 265 p. See p.: 73 and p.: 129. 7.3. Sub-Family Kuphinae TRYON, 1862 Systematics This mono-generic Sub-Family is based on its single extant representative: Genus Kuphus GUETTARD, 1770. Genus Kuphus GUETTARD, 1770 (Plates 12, 15 and 18) Systematics According to WoRMS 2015, the Genus Kuphus regroups three taxa, two extinct ones: Kuphus incrassatus GABB, 1873 and Kuphus fistula LEA, 1843, and one extant species: Kuphus polythalamia (LINNAEUS, 1758). The diverse populations of the extant species, Kuphus polythalamia, may be encountered in various parts of the western Pacific Ocean, the eastern Indian Ocean and the Indo-Malaysian area, including the Philippines, Sumatra and Mozambique waters. The majority of the fossils attributed to the Genus Kuphus require revision. Diverse fossils Kuphus are in fact* tubes of carinate serpulid worms (Family Serpulidae JOHNSTON, 1865, Polychaeta, Annelida). *See the specimen illustrated as: Image for Genus Kuphus on -15- Fossils attributed to Kuphus polythalamia have been found in various sediments * of Oligocene Age and representatives of tropical and sub-tropical environments. *In Indonesia, Pakistan, Jamaica, Grenada, South Africa and Somalia. Fossils attributed to Kuphus incrassatus have been reported from sediments of Oligocene and Miocene Ages in Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Puerto Rico, Trinidad, Tobago, Florida (U.S.A.) and Mississippi (U.S.A.). They were also used for absolute dating of these rocks, using the relative proportions of two strontium isotopes. Fossils attributed to Kuphus fistula of Miocene and Pliocene Ages have been reported from diverse localities in Virginia (U.S. A.). Ecology and Geographical distribution The environment where the extant populations of the Genus Kuphus live is nearly similar to this where extant populations of the Genus Teredo live. All their extant individuals produce a protective calcareous tube. Ancestors Such as suggested by Ruth Turner in 1966, it is not sure that their ancestors were able to bore galleries into wood and maybe they simply lived embedded in soft sediments. References for Genus Kuphus DAUTZENBERG, P. 1929 : Contribution à l'étude de la faune de Madagascar: Mollusca marina testacea. Faune des colonies françaises. III (fasc. 4). Société d'Editions géographiques, maritimes et coloniales: Paris.321636, pls.: IV-VII. TURNER, R. D. 1966: A Survey and Illustrated Catalogue of Teredinidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia). Cambridge (Massachusetts): Museum of Comparative Zoology. IX + 265 p. See p.: 7. 7.4. Sub-Family Bankiinae TURNER, 1966 Systematics This Sub-Family includes the four extant Genera: Genus Bankia GRAY, 1842, Genus Nausitora WRIGHT, 1864, Genus Nototeredo BARTSCH, 1923 and Genus Spathoteredo MOLL, 1928. 1. Genus Bankia GRAY, 1842 (Plates 11 and 19) Systematics A comparison between two official lists seems obligatory. According to WoRMS The Genus Bankia is based on Bankia carinata (GRAY, 1827) and regroups the twenty-three other extant species: B. bipalmulata (de LAMARCK, 1801), B. bipennata (TURTON, 1819), B. carinata (GRAY, 1827), B. setacea (TRYON, 1860), B. brevis (DESHAYES, 1863), B. martensi (STEMPELL, 1899), B. gouldi (BARTSCH, 1908), B. australis (CALMAN, 1920), B. zeteki BARTSCH, 1921, B. orcutti BARTSCH, 1923, B. barthelowi BARTSCH, 1927, B. philippinensis BARTSCH, 1927, B. anechoensis ROCH, 1929, B. campanellata MOLL & ROCH, 1931, B. fimbriatula MOLL & ROCH, 1931, B. rochi MOLL, 1931, B. nordi MOLL, 1935, B. cieba CLENCH & TURNER, 1946, B. destructa CLENCH & TURNER, 1946, B. forsteri CLENCH & TURNER, 1946, B. gracilis MOLL, 1935, B. insularis MUNARI, 1979 and B. netzalia TURNER & MCKOY, 1979. As well as the three extinct taxa: B. turneri POWELL & BARTRUM, 1929, B. aemula LAWS, 1944 and B. cupedia LAWS, 1944. According to ITIS The Genus Bankia is based on Bankia carinata (GRAY, 1827) and includes the thirteen other species: B. bipennata (TURTON, 1819), B. brevis (DESHAYES, 1863), B. setacea (TRYON, 1863), B. martensi (STEMPELL, 1899), B. gouldi (BARTSCH, 1908), B. australis (CALMAN, 1920), -16- B. zeteki (BARTSCH, 1921), B. fimbriata MOLL & ROCH, 1931, B. sibirica ROCH, 1934, B. cieba CLENCH & TURNER, 1946, B. destructa CLENCH & TURNER, 1946, B. fosteri CLENCH & TURNER, 1946 and B. neztalia (TURNER & McKOY, 1979). Remark concerning the enormous difference between these two lists The responsible ones for ITIS mention only the extant taxa, but have taken in consideration the numerous publications which allowed reducing the number of the extant taxa from twenty-four to fourteen and the responsible ones for WoRMS simply ignore all these scientific works. Ecology and distribution All the representatives of the Genus Bankia are common drifting wood feeders. The principal zone of distribution of this Genus seems to be the West Indies. Its occurrence in the North Sea could result from the formation of the Gulf Stream. Geological record Fossil taxa attributedof this Genus have been reported from the early American Cretaceous. References for Genus Bankia COAN, E. V. & VALENTICH-SCOTT, P. 2012: Bivalve seashells of tropical West America. Marine bivalve mollusks from Baja California to northern Peru. 2 vols., 1258 p. COTTON, B. C. 1934: Pelecypoda of the Flindersian region, southern Australia. No. 3. Records of the South Australian Museum. 5(2): 173-178. JEFFREYS, J. G. 1860: A synoptical list of the British species of Teredo with a notice of the exotic species. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. (3)6: 121-127. SIPE, A. R., WILBUR, A. E. & CARY, S. C. 2000: Bacterial symbiont transmission in the wood-boring shipworm Bankia setacea (Bivalvia:Teredinidae). Applied Environmental Microbiology. 66: 1685-1691. TURNER, R. D. 1955: The family Pholadidae in the western Atlantic and the eastern Pacific, Part II: Martesiinae, Jouannetiinae and Xylophagainae. Johnsonia. 3: 65-160. TURNER, R. D. 1966: A Survey and Illustrated Catalogue of Teredinidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia). Cambridge. (Massachusetts). Museum of Comparative Zoology. 265 p. See p.: 80. TURNER, R. D. & MCKOY, J. L. 1979: Bankia neztalia n. sp. (Bivalvia: Teredinidae) from Australia-New Zealand, and its relationships. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand. 9: 465-473. 2. Genus Nausitoria WRIGHT, 1884 Systematics According to WoRMS 2015, the Genus Nausitoria * was proposed for a fresh water Teredinidae discovered in the Comer River, a branch of the Gange (India): Nausitoria fusticulus (JEFFREYS, 1860). According to WoRMS 2015, the Genus Nausitoria * includes also the extant marine species: Nausitoria aurita HEDLEY, 1899. *WoRMS, alternatively opts for Nausitora or Nausitoria. Nausitoria is the good option ! Ecology and distribution If the second generic attribution is correct, this Genus is adapted to a large spectrum of s alinity. Geological record Taxa attributed to this Genus have been reported from strata of Upper Cretaceous Age. References for Genus Nausitoria TURGEON, D. D., LYONS, W. G., MIKKELSEN, P., ROSENBERG, G. & MORETZSOHN, F. 2009: Bivalvia (Mollusca) of the Gulf of Mexico. Pp.: 711-744 In: FELFER, D. L. & CAMP, D. K. Eds. 2009: Gulf of Mexico-Origins, Waters, and Biota. Biodiversity. Texas A & M Press. See p.: 737. -17- TURNER, R. D. 1966: A Survey and Illustrated Catalogue of Teredinidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia). Cambridge. (Massachusetts). Museum of Comparative Zoology. 265 p. See p.: 93. 3. Genus Nototeredo BARTSCH, 1923 (Plate 11) Systematics According to ITIS 2014, the Genus Nototeredo is based on Nototeredo norvegica (SPENGLER, 1792) and includes, at least, the two following other extant species: Nototeredo edax (HEDLEY, 1895) and Nototeredo knoxi (BARTSCH, 1917). Ecology and distribution Nototeredo edax is an Indo-Pacific species. Nototeredo norvegica is a common species inhabiting the north-east Atlantic, from Iceland to the Mediterranean and Nototeredo knoxi is known by two western Atlantic populations. Morphology of the tubes of Nototeredo norvegica (Plate 11) It is the single extant taxon of the teredinid Bivalvia, the senior-author knows that some of its individuals build tubes presenting successive different sized cross-sections. Geological record None. References for Genus Nototeredo COAN, E. V. & VALENTICH-SCOTT, P. 2012: Bivalve seashells of tropical West America. Marine bivalve mollusks from Baja California to northern Peru. 2 vols. 1258 p. TURGEON, D. D., LYONS, W. G., MIKKELSEN, P., ROSENBERG, G. & MORETZSOHN, F. 2009: Bivalvia (Mollusca) of the Gulf of Mexico. Pp.: 711-744. In: Felder, D. L. & Camp, D. K. Eds. 2009: Gulf of Mexico-Origins, Waters and Biota. Biodiversity. Texas A & M Press. TURNER, R. D. 1966: A Survey and Illustrated Catalogue of Teredinidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia). Cambridge (Massachusetts): Museum of Comparative Zoology. 265 p. See p.: 78. 4. Genus Spathoteredo MOLL, 1928 Systematics According to the researches of the senior-author, the Genus Spathoteredo only regroups two species: Spathoteredo spatha (JEFFREYS, 1860) and Spathoteredo obtusa (SIVICKIS, 1928). Ecology and distribution All the populations of these two species were collected in mangrove environments of the north-western Atlantic coasts of America. Geological record None. References for Genus Spathtoteredo GOFAS, S.; LE RENARD, J. & BOUCHET, P. 2001: Mollusca. In: COSTELLO, M. J., EMBLOW, C. & WHITE, R. J. Eds. 2001: European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification. Collection Patrimoines Naturels. 50: 465 p. See: 180-213. JEFFREYS, J. G. 1860: A synoptical list of the British species of Teredo with a notice of the exotic species. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. (3)6: 121-127. TURGEON, D. D., QUINN, J. F., BOGAN, A .E., COHAN, E. V., HOCHBERG, F. G., LYONS, W. G., MIKKELSEN, R. J., NEVES, C. F. E., ROPER, G., ROSENBERG, B., ROTH, A., SCHELTEMA, F. G., THOMPSON, M., VECCHIONE & WILLIAMS, J. D. & TURNER, R. D. 1998: Common and scientific names of aquatic invertebrates from the United States and Canada: Mollusks 2d. Ed. American Fisheries Society. Special Publication. 26: 526 p. See p.: 78. -18- 7.5. Geographical distribution of the Family Teredinidae Principal data The larvae of all the taxa attributed to this Family being nectic organisms, its world-wide distribution is easy to understand, but the fact that many of its taxa only have restricted distribution zones remains unexplained. Singularities Some of its species are able to live in brackish water environments and even in fresh water environments, but the ones that live in fresh water environments can no more tolerate marine waters. 7.6. Geological range of the Family Teredinidae Problem of the validity of the Genus Teredina de LAMARCK, 1818 Systematics According to Paleobiology Database, the Genus Teredina is based on the extinct European taxon: Teredina personata (de LAMARCK, 1806) and includes also the Paleocene European taxa: Teredina oweni DESHAYES, 1856, and, at least, the three other extinct American taxa: Teredina fistula (LEA, 1843), Teredina laramiensis (WHITEFIELD, 1902) and Teredina neomexicana STANTON, 1916. Some tubes of Indonesian Teredinidae, discovered in Pliocene strata, were also attributed to this Genus. Paleoecology All the representative taxa of this extinct Genus are considered as feeders of drifting pieces of wood. Geological record From the Upper Cretaceous to the late Pliocene, in Europe, Asia and North America. Each member attributed to this extinct generic taxon requires a revision of its status. References for Genus Teredina GRAY, J. E. 1858: On the structure and position of the genus Teredina of Lamarck. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 3(2): 85-90. GRAY, J., E. 1858: Further observations on the genus Teredina, Lamarck. Journal of Natural History. 3(3): 162-163. LEA, H. C. 1843: Descriptions of Some New Fossil Shells, from the Tertiary of Petersburg, Virginia. Philadelphia. 12 p. LUDVIGSEN, R. & GRAHAM, B. 1997: West Coast Fossils: A Guide to the Ancient Life of Vancouver Island. P.: 107. TRYON (Jr.), G. W. 1863: Monograph of the Family Teredinidae. Proceedings of the Society for Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 9: 453-482. Extant north-western Atlantic associations of terediniformes Leroux (1983) signalised that Lyrodus pedicellatus (de QUATREFAGES, 1849), Teredo navalis LINNAEUS, 1758 and Nototeredo norvegica (SPENGLER, 1792) cohabit in the Gulf of Morbihan (Bretagne, France). 7.7. Ichnology and the Teredinidae Ichnologists have proposed diverse names to mention the discoveries of teredinid-like petrified structures, such as Teredolithes HERRMANNSEN, 1852, Teredolites clavatus LEYMERIE,1842 and Teredolites longissimus LEYMERIE,1842, Teredomorphus, HEINZE, 1943: Teredomorphus glaber (KRAATZ, 1895), Teredomorphus glaber (KRAATZ, 1895), Teredomorphus rufipes (KRAATZ, 1895) and Genus Teredon NORTON, 1869: Teredon bartschi CLAPP, 1936, Teredon cubensis CRESSON, 1865 and Teredon latitarsis CRESSON, 1865. -19- All these denominations only point out the presence of teredinid-like invertebrates in the strata in which they were discovered. 7.8. References for Family Teredinidae ADERADO VIDAL, J. M. & ALMEIDA ROCHA-BARREIRA, (de), C. 2009: Teredos (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Teredinidae) de um estuário do Nordeste brasileiro. Arquiyos de Ciencias de Mar. 42(2): 43-49. ARDOVINI, R. & COSSIGNANI, T. 2004: Conchiglie dell'Africa Occidentale (incluse Azzorre, Madeira e Canarie). English-Italian edition. L' Informatore Piceno.Ancona, Italy. 319 p. AVIZ, D., FERREIRA-de MILHO, C. & FERNANDO-da SILVA, D. 2009: Macrofauna associada às galerias de Neoteredo reynei (Bartsch, 1920) (Mollusca: Bivalvia) em troncos de Rhizophora mangle Linnaeus durante o período menos chuvoso, em manguezal de São Caetano de Odivelas, Pará (costa norte do Brasil). Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Naturais. 4(1): 10 p. (PDF on-line). BARTSCH, P. 1923: The status of Teredo beachi and Teredo navalis. Science. 57(1485): 692. BERNARD, F., R., CAI, Y.-Y. & MORTON, B. 1993: A Catalogue of the Living Marine Bivalve Molluscs of China: Critical Essays on Travel writing from the 1840s to the 1940. Hong Kong University Press. 146 p. BLUM, H. 1928: On the physiology of the pallet mechanism of the shipworm, Teredo navalis. Physiological Zoology. 1(3): 416-418. BOARD, P. A. 1963: Teredo investigations: River Hamble. Laboratory note: Central Electricity Research Laboratories. 1963: 45-63. BOARD, P. A. 1963: Teredo investigations: Rivers Stour and Orwell. Laboratory Reports. Central Research Laboratories, 1963: 119-163. BOARD, P. A. 1969: The effect of a warm effluent on the biology of shipworms. Part 1. Preliminary studies of the shipworms Teredo navalis L. and Lyrodus pedicellatus Quatrefages. Laboratory note: Central Electricity Research Laboratories. 1969: 10 p. BORGES, L. M. S. 2014: Biodegradation of wood exposed in the marine environment: Evaluation of the hazard posed by marine wood-borers in fifteen European sites. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation. 96: 97-104. BORGES, L. M. S. & COSTA, F. O. 2014: New records of marine wood-borers (Bivalvia: Teredinidae and Isopoda: Limnoriidae) from Sao Miguel, Azores, with a discussion of some aspects of their biogeography. ACOREANA. 2014. Suppl. 10: 109-116. BORGES, L. M. S., MERCKELBACH, L. M., SAMPAIO, Í. & CRAGG, S. M. 2014: Diversity, environmental requirements, and biogeography of bivalve wood-borers (Teredinidae) in European coastal waters. Frontiers in Zoology. 11:13-26. (PDF on-line). BORGES, L. M. S., VALENTE, A. A., PALMA, P. & NUNES, L. 2010: Changes in the wood boring community in the Tagus Estuary: a case of study. Marine Biodiversity Records. 7 p. (On-line published) BRUNEL, P., BOSSE, L. & LAMARCHE, G. 1998 : Catalogue of the marine invertebrates of the estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence. Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 126: 405 p. CARLTON, J. T. & RUCKELSHAUS, M. H. 1997: Nonindigenous marine invertebrates and algae. Pp.:187201 In: SIMBERLOFF, D., SCHMITZ, D. C. & BROWN, T. C. 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Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. 9(10): 1515-1518. CULLINEY, J. 1975: Comparative larval development of the shipworms Bankia gouldi and Teredo navalis. Marine Biology. 29: 245-251. DESCHAMPS, P. 1956: Contribution à l’étude des xylophages marins. Revue des Travaux de l’ Institut des Pêches Maritimes. 20(2): Freely on-line on ARCHIMER. DISTEL, D., L., BEAUDOUIN, D. & MORRILL, W. 2002: Coexistence of multiple proteobacterial endosymbionts in the gills of the wood-boring bivalve Lyrodus pedicellatus (Bivalvia: Teredinidae). Applied Environmental Microbiology. 68: 6292-6299. DISTEL, D., L., DELONG, E. F. & WATERBURRY, J. B. 1991: Phylogenetic characterization and in situ localization of the bacterial symbiont of shipworms (Teredinidae: Bivalvia) by using 16S rRNA sequence analysis and oligodeoxynucleotide probe hybridization. Applied Environmental Microbiology. 57: 2376-2382. DISTEL, D. L., MORRILL, W., MACLAREN-TOUSSAINT, N., FRANKS, D. & WATERBURY, J. 2002: Teredinibacter turnerae gen. nov., sp. nov., a dinitrogen-fixing, cellulolytic, endosymbiotic γ-proteobacterium isolated from the gills of wood-boring molluscs (Bivalvia :Teredinidae). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 52: 2261-2269. DIDZIULIS, V. 2011: Invasive Alien Species Fact Sheet – Teredo navalis. Online Database of the European Network on Invasive Alien Species. NOBANIS. 2011 ( DORE, W. & MILLER, R. 1923: The digestion of wood by Teredo navalis. University of California Publications in Zoology. 22: 383-400. EDMONSON, C. H. 1962: Teredinidae: Ocean Travellers. Occasional Papers of Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawaii. 23(3): 45-59. PDF freely on-line. EVANS, S. 1999: Wood-boring bivalves and boring lining. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark. 45: 130-134. FILHO, C. S., TAGLIARO, C. H. & BEASLEY, C. 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Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries of Washington. 37: 191-231. SIPE, A. R., WILBUR, A. E. & CARY, S. C. 2000: Bacterial Symbiont Transmission in the Wood-Boring Shipworm Bankia setacea (Bivalvia: Teredinidae). Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 66(4): 1685-1691. SORDYL, H., BÖNSCH, R., GERCKEN, J., GOSSELCK, F., KREUZBERG, M. & SCHULTZE, H. 1998: Development and reproduction of the Shipworm Teredo navalis. Deutsche Gewässerkundliche Mitteilungen. 42: 524-529. STREFTARIS, N., ZENETOS, A. & PAPATHANASSIOU, E. 2005: Globalisation in marine ecosystems: the story of non-indigenous marine species across European seas. Oceanography and Marine Biology. 43: 419-453. TAYLOR, R. D. 1966: A Survey and Illustrated Catalogue of the Teredinidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia). Museum of Comparative Zoology. Harvard University Press. 263 p., 64 pls. TUENTE, U., PIEPENBURG, D. & SPINDLER, M. 2002: Occurrence and settlement of the common shipworm Teredo navalis (Bivalvia: Teredinidae) in Bremerhaven harbours, northern Germany. Helgoland Marine Research. 56: 87-94. TURNER, R. D. 1966: A survey and illustrated catalogue of the Teredinidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia). Museum of Comparative Zoology. Harvard University Press. 263 pp. (PDF on-line). TURNER, R. D. 1972: Xyloredo, a new teredinid-like abyssal wood-borer (Mollusca, Pholadidae, Xylophagainae). Breviora. 397: 1-19. TURNER, R. D. & MCCOY, J. L. 2008: Bankia netzalia n.sp. (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Teredinidae) from Australia and New Zealand, and its relationhips. Iheringia, Série Zoologia. 98(1): 17-23. TSUNODA, K. & NISHIMOTO, K. 1972: Studies on the Shipworms I: The occurrence and seasonal settlement of Shipworms. Wood Research. 53: 1-8. TSUNODA, K. & NISHIMOTO, K. 1976: Studies on the Shipworms II: The monthly distribution of Shipworm larvae. Wood Research. 59/60: 33-39. VIKTORAS, D. 2007: Invasive Alien Species Fact Sheet Teredo navalis. On-line database of the North European and Baltic Network on Invasive species. NEOBANIS. 2007: 9 p. WATERBURY, J. B., CALLOWAY, D. B. & TURNER, R. D. 1983: A cellulolytic nitrogen-fixing bacterium cultured from the gland of Deshayes in shipworms (Bivalvia: Teredinidae). Science. 221: 1401-1403. WOLFF, W. J. 2005: Non-indigenous marine and estuarine species in the Netherlands. Zoologische Mededelingen. 79: 1-116. 8. Family Xylophagaidae HAGA & KASE, 2013 8.1. Systematics This mono-generic Family is based on its single extant representative: Genus Xylophaga TURTON, 1822. Genus Xylophaga TURTON, 1822 Systematics According to ROMANO, VOIGHT, PEREZ-PORTELA & MARTIN, 2014, this Genus regroups twelve extant species: X. dorsalis (TURTON, 1819), X. tipperi TURNER, 2002, X. multichela KNUDSEN, 1961, -24- X. depalmai KNUDSEN, 1961, X. guineensis KNUDSEN, 1961, X. mexicana DALL, 1908 (sensu TURNER, 2002), X. tipperi TURNER, 2002, X. bayeri TURNER, 2002, X. globosa SOWERBY, 1835, X. japonica TAKI & HABE, 1950, X. indica SMITH, 1904, and X. multichela ROMANO, VOIGHT, PEREZ-PORTELA & MARTIN, 2008. Taxonomical remarks According to WoRMS 2015, thirty-nine species must be added to this list, considered as to restrictive. It seems that until 2013, no researchers had realized that, in the Regnum Animalia, two Families have been proposed and accepted with identical names: The Family Xylophagidae (Order Diptera: Class Insecta) and the Family Xylophagidae (Order Myoida: Class Mollusca). Recent solution The Family Xylophagidae (Insecta: Diptera) having priority by anteriority, the name of the molluscan Family was modified, in 2013, into Family Xylophagaidae by Haga and Kase. Singularity The diverse extant and extinct representatives of this Genus are in possession of a Teredo-like shell but do not form a calcareous tube. 8.2. Geographical distribution of the Family Xylophagaidae All the extant representative taxa of this Family inhabit deep to abyssal waters, environments not compatible with the environment of all the deposits of the earlier Devonian to the Holocene of Belgium. 8.3. Geological record of the Family Xylophagaidae None 8.4. Ichnology and Xylophagaidae As far as known, traces of activities of the Xylophagaidae were never mentioned. They were surely confused with these of the Teredinidae. 8.5. References concerning the Family Xylophagaidae ANSELL, A. D. & NAIR, N. B. 1969: The mechanisms of boring in Martesia striata Linné (Bivalvia: Pholadidae) and Xylophaga dorsalis Turton (Bivalvia: Xylophaginidae). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B. 174: 123-133. BORGES, L. M. S., SIVRIKAYA, H., le ROUX, A., SHIPWAY, J. R., CRAGG, S. M. & COSTA, F. O. 2012: Investigating the taxonomy and systematics of marine wood borers (Bivalvia: Teredinidae) combining evidence from morphology, DNA barcodes and nuclear locus sequences. Invertebrate Systematics. 26: 572-582 CULLINEY, J. L. & TURNER, R. D. 1976: Larval development of the deep-water wood-boring bivalve, Xylophaga atlantica Richards (Mollusca, Bivalvia, Pholadidae). Ophelia. 15: 149-161. DISTEL, D. L. & ROBERTS, S. J. 1997: Bacterial endosymbionts in the gills of the deep-sea wood-boring bivalves Xylophaga atlantica and Xylophaga washingtona. Biological Bulletin. 192: 253-261. DONS, C. 1929: Zoologiske Notiser V. Xylophaga dorsalis I Norge. Det Kongelige Norsske Videnskabers Selskab Forhandlinger. 65: 196-199. GIRIBET, G. & DISTEL, D. 2003: Bivalve Phylogeny and Molecular data. In: LYDEARD, C. & LINDDBERG, D., R. Editors. Molecular systematics and phylogeography of mollusks. Washington, D., C. Pp.: 45-90. HAGA, T. & KASE, T. 2008: Redescription of the Deep-sea wood borer Neoxylophaga teramachii Taki & Habe, 1950 and its Assignment to the Genus Xyloredo (Bivalvia: Myoida: Pholadoidea) with Comments on Fossil Pholadoidae. Veliger. 50: 107-119. HAGA, T. & KASE, T. 2013: Progenetic dwarf males in the deep-sea wood-boring genus Xylophaga (Bivalvia: Pholadoidea). Journal of Molluscan Studies. 79: 90-94. HARVEY, R. 1996: Deep water Xylophagaidae (Pelecypoda: Pholadacea) from the North Atlantic with descriptions of three new species. Journal of Conchology. 35: 473-481. -25- JONES, W. J., JOHNSON, S. B., ROUSE, G. W. & VRIJHENHOEK, R. C. 2008: Marine worms (genus Osedax) colonize cow bones. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Biological Sciences. 275: 387-391. KNUDSEN, J. 1961: The bathyal and abyssal Xylophaga (Pholadidae, Bivalvia). Galathea Report. 5: 163-209. KUDINOVA-PASTERNAK, R. K. 1975: Xylophaga mollusks (Bivalvia, Pholadidae) found in a Scotia Sea shipwreck. Institute of Oceanology Research Publication. 103: 179-180. MONARI, S. 2009: Phylogeny and biogeography of pholadid bivalve Barnea (Anchomasa) with considerations on the phylogeny of Pholadoidea. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 54: 315-335. PURCHON, R. D. 1941: On the biology and relationships of the lamellibranch Xylophaga dorsalis (Turton). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 25: 1-39. ROMANO, C., VOIGHT, J. R., COMPANY, J. B., PLYUSCHEVA, M. & MARTIN, D. 2013: Submarine canyons as a habitat preferred for wood-boring species Xylophaga (Mollusca: Bivalvia). Progress in Oceanography. 118: 175-187. ROMANO, C., VOIGHT, J. R., PEREZ-PORTELA, R. & MARTIN, D. 2014: Morphological and genetic diversity of the wood-boring Xylophaga (Mollusca, Bivalvia): new species and records from deep-sea Iberian canyons. PLoS One, 9: e102887. SANTHAKUMARAN, L. N. 1980: Two new species of Xylophaga from Trondheimsfjorden, western Norway. Sarsia. 65: 269-272. SANTHAKUMARAN, L. N. & SNELI, J. A. 1984: Studies on the marine fouling and wood-boring organisms of the Trondheimsfjord (western Norway). Gunneria. 47: 1-36. SANTOS, S. M. L., TAGLIARO, C. H., BELEYAS, C. R., SCHNEIDER, H., SAMPAIO, I., FILHO, C. S. & de PAULA MÜLLER A. C. 2005: Taxonomic implications of molecular studies on northern Brazilian Teredinidae (Mollusca, Bivalvia) specimens. Genetics and Molecular Biology. 28: 175-179. SHIPWAY, R. J., BORGES, L. S., MÜLLER, J. & CRAGG, S. 2014: The broadcast spawning Caribbean shipworm, Teredothyra dominicensis (Bivalvia, Teredinidae), has invaded and become established in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Biological Invasions. 2014: 1-12. THOMPSON,W. 1847: Note on the Teredo norvegica (T. navalis, Turton, not Linn.), Xylophaga dorsalis, Limnoria terebrans and Cheluda terebrans, combined in destroying the submerged wood-work at the harbor of Ardrossan on the coast of Ayrshire. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 20: 157-164. TURNER, R. D. & CULLINEY, J. 1971: Some anatomical and life history studies of wood boring bivalve systematics. Annual Report of the American Malacological Union for 1970.1971: 65-66. TURNER, R. D. 1955: The fanily Pholadidae in the western Atlantic and the eastern Pacific. Part II – Martesesiinae, Jouannetiinae and Xylopagainae. Johnsonia. 3: 65-160. TURNER, R. D. 2002: On the subfamily Xylophagainae (family Pholadidae, Bivalvia, Mollusca). Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. 157: 223-307. VOIGHT, J. R. 2007: Experimental deep-sea deployments reveal diverse Northeast Pacific wood-boring bivalves of Xylophagainae (Myoida: Pholadidae). Journal of Molluscan Studies. 73: 377-391 VOIGHT, J. R. 2008: Deep-sea wood-boring bivalves of Xylophaga (Myoida: Pholadidae) on the Continental Shelf: a new species described. Journal of the Marine Biological Associon of the United Kingdom. 88: 14591464. VOIGHT, J. R. 2009: Near-shore and offshore wood-boring bivalves (Myoida: Pholadidae: Xylophagainae) of the deep Eastern Pacific Ocean: diversity and reproduction. Journal of Molluscan Studies. 75: 167-174. VOIGHT, J. R. & SEGONZAC, M. 2012: At the bottom of the deep blue sea: a new wood-boring bivalve (Mollusca, Pholadidae, Xylophaga) from the Cape Verde Abyssal Plain (subtropical Atlantic). Zoosystema. 34: 171-180. 9. Data furnished by the wood pieces -26- The data furnished by the examination of the fossil teredinid tubes discovered in the Sint-Niklaas Phosphorite Bed are summarised in the following paragraphs. 9.1. Nature of these pieces of wood Except for the fossil illustrated on Plate 8*, all the other pieces of wood are parts of Gymnospermae and, according to their wood structure, attributable to fossil representatives of the Order Pinales G OROZHANKIN, 1904. *The piece of wood illustrated on this plate could be a fragment of an adventive root of a mangrove vegetal taxon. The presence of the Order Pinales in this level of Lower Oligocene Age is confirmed by a detailed microscopic examination of one of these pieces of wood *, realised by Hugues Doutrelepont**, which will be published in the volume devoted to the study of the vegetal remains discovered in this level (Géominpal Belgica. 5.4.). *Precision: Genus Pinus, Family Pineaceae. **M.R.A.C., Tervuren, Belgium. Pinaceae are common trees on diverse continents, but also, independently of the climate, along a large variety of coastal zones. 9.2. Degradation of these pieces of wood These pieces of wood were originally parts of living trees. All these pieces of wood seem to have been parts of healthy trees. Only some of these present traces of activities of larvae of xylophagous Insecta *. *These traces will be described in: Addition 3 to Géominpal Belgica. 5.2. The scarcity of these traces, as well as the scarcity of fungal activities, allows suggesting that their death cannot be attributed to these continental living forms. Additionally, none of these pieces of wood present traces of fire, fact that allows considering that their death cannot be attributed to forest fires. The senior-author would not be surprised to discover that the event having caused their death, was simply a tsunami. Tsunamis are responsible for important land destructions, but also for the destruction of large areas of sandy coasts. During the Oligocene Period, the area, now named Belgium, is supposed only having had clayish and sandy coasts in a radius of forty kilometres of Sint-Niklaas. 9.3. Duration of their drifting Pieces of wood may drift for days to more than tens of years. The longer the duration of their drifting is, the longer the time is the teredinid bivalves dispose of to grow in these pieces of wood. But the average of growing varies for each specific taxon: as far as known, from some millimetres per year to three centimetres per year. 9.4. First embedding The pieces of wood carrying their teredinid hosts were dis-embedded from a first sedimentation place and on a beach where they were quickly covered by fine sediments. The quality of preservation of their tubes and this of the wood pieces are the arguments that allow supposing that this supposition is right. 9.5. Power of the dis-embedding flow Once petrified, these fossil wood-pieces are relatively heavy fossils*. But, if originally, embedded in silty-sandy deposits, the abrasive effect of a slow water stream may be sufficient to extract these fossils. *Only the siderite concretions enveloping the undetermined species of the Family Cerianthidae M ILNE-EDWARDS & HAIME, 1852 are heavier masses. 9.6. Filling of the teredinid tubes More or less shortly* after the wood pieces stranded, these pieces of wood dried and their hosts putrefied or mummified**. *The hotter and drier the surface temperature of the beach was, the more quickly they dried. **In the thin pieces of wood, a mummification was possible. The absence of small invertebrate* remains in these fossil tubes signifies that these ones did not have time en- -27- ough to reach this source of food, because the sedimentological enveloping was very rapid. Such as the cleaning of some tubes demonstrated, they were filled by fine sand cores which, principally, agglomerated around the anterior part of the body of their Teredo-like builders. 9.7. Second embedding All these teredinid tubes were discovered, in some petrified pieces of wood, in the southern part of the Clay Pit and extracted from the lower part of the Sint-Niklaas Phosphorite Bed. The senior-author is still searching a plausible explanation for the absence of drifted pieces of petrified wood in the upper part of the Sint-Niklaas Phosphorite Bed. The Sint-Niklaas Phosphorite Bed is a discontinued level constituted by large and irregular lenses of siderite concretions, which was formed shortly before the formation of the huge banks of the oysters Pycnodonte callifera de LAMARCK, 1819. It seems that the environment* was too enclosed to allow the entrance of animals larger than decapod crustaceans, some gastropod mollusks and some small teleostean fishes. *Top of large siderite concretions and large sandy places covered by marine to brackish waters during the tidal hours. 9.8. Geochemical alteration of the filling of the tubes Diverse fossils* contain, in variable quantity, iron-sulfides which may completely destroy them by oxidation. The filling material of the teredinid tubes may also be affected by this process, which explains the dark colour of their cross sections. *All the siderite concretions enveloping the emerging part of the cerianthid tubes, all the siderite concretions enveloping the burrows of diverse stomatopod crustaceans and all the vertebrate remains. This geochemical alteration of the sediment filling their tubes was an oxidation phase. This phenomenon is only possible when such specimens are out of the water, which means that it happened during the stranding phase or just after the filling phase. Just after the oxidization* of the sediment filling the teredinid tubes, these pieces of wood were covered by an accumulation of muddy and sandy sediments mixed with other heavy siderite concretions. *Partial: Some tubes contain unaffected cores. 10. Conclusions 10.1. Systematic conclusion The attempt to precise the systematic attribution of these rare fossils is, of course, an interesting aspect, but the existence of such fossils in older and younger strata being a certitude, their discovery is a relatively poor addition to the Natural History of these ultra-specialised bivalves. Their tubes are made of calcium carbonates. They are approximately rectilinear *, never scrolled or regularly curved. *Except when approaching a wood-node. The cross-section of these tubes is sub-circular. Their diameter varies from four to nine millimetres. The maximal length observed is 23,4 centimetres. The very restricted distribution zones of some extant generic taxa could allow excluding the possibility that these ones are related to the Belgian Lower Oligocene teredinids discovered in the Sint-Niklaas Phosphorite Bed. For example: The extant Genus Bankia is represented by two species endemic to the eastern Pacific Ocean. But during the Lower Oligocene*, a passage across Central America was possible for any hosted drifting pieces of wood as well as for larvae of any teredinid-species. *And this crossing remains possible till to the earlier Pliocene. Only one tube seemed * in possession of the pallets of its builder. The morphology of these pallets is very similar to this of the extant representatives of the Genus Bactrophorus TAPPARONE CANEFRY, 1877, but considering the -28- variation of the morphology of their pallets during the growth of their owner, the senior-author considers that an attribution to this Genus will also be doubtful. *In fact, these fossil remains were the cross-sections of the two valves of a little Bivalvia, having inhabited an empty tube. The extant Genera including species that inhabit fresh- or brackish- waters cannot be excluded because nobody knows when their first fresh- or brackish- members appeared. Only the deep to abyssal distribution of the extant representatives of the Family Xylophagaidae seems allowing to suppose they have no phylogenetic relations with the Belgian Lower Oligocene teredinids discovered in the Sint-Niklaas Phosphorite Bed. With so few data, the only honnest systematic approach seems to be: Family Teredinidae, Genus indet, sp. indet. The senior-author considers that the list of invalid teredinid taxa is sufficiently long to avoid adding one more taxon with the unique argument or diagnosis: It is a new teredinid taxon, thirty-two million years aged, of which the tubes may present obvious transversal rings. But, it seems possible to precise, a little more, the systematic position of these fossils (See further: Chapter 13). And the systematic position of two Families Teredinidae and Xylophagaidae, such as this of their nearest parents, need to be reconsidered. See further: Chapter 13). 10.2. Taphonomical interpretation The fact that none of these tubes are flattened allows suggesting that their petrification preceeded their first embedding. Their examination demonstrates that they were successively petrified, embedded, dis-embedded and regrouped in the lower part of some lenses of the Sint-Niklaas Phosphorite Bed. Some of these pieces of wood also present different traces of activities of larvae of xylophagous insects. The sole period during which these larvae had the possibility to feed upon diverse parts of these trees was when growing on emerged surfaces. 11. Special adaptations of some Bivalvia 11.1. General considerations The following morphological considerations may seem more than obvious but the senior-author points out these ones, because once genetically encoded, such significant morphological modifications are irreversible. After examination of some of these significant morphological modifications and their ecological implications, it will be interesting to know when* they appeared and which could be the extern causes ** of their apparition. *Geologically speaking. **Astrophysical causes. 11.2. Identic or different valves The majority of the extant and extinct, taxa of the Bivalvia possess two perfectly symmetric valves. But other ones, such as all the representatives of the Families * Ostreidae, Anomiidae and Pectinidae, possess two valves of different size and morphology and live in icy waters to equatorial waters from the intertidal zone to abyssal zones. *List non exhaustive. The fact that these Families are represented by many taxa in all parts of the world and at various depths allows supposing that the climate was never responsible for their morphological changes nor for their genetic code modifications. 11.3. Advantages presented by the possession of identic valves A symmetric morphology of the valves has for principal, if not unique, advantage the possibility to move regularly in the same direction in all types of sediments or bored supports. If stranded by storm turbulences, many of these molluscs seem to be able to escape from deshydration by a very rapid return in sediments covered by waters. -29- 11.4. Advantages presented by the possession of different valves The massive and deep ventral valve of the free-living* taxa of the Family Ostreidae allows a partial embedding in the sediment surrounding their shell and ensure a relative stability on the sea bottom. *Many other taxa of this Family live, or lived, strongly fixed on diverse inorganic or organic supports . The aerodynamic morphology of the valves of the extant and extinct Pectinidae allows them to realize a retropropulsion comparable to this of many cephalopods. The morphology of the shell of all the representative taxa of the Family Anomiidae allows them to realize different very efficient types of fixation on irregular supports. 11.5. Disadvantages presented by the by the possession of different valves If the turbulence of the water increases too much, the position of the shell of the free-living Ostreidae becomes unstable and can be inversed, which ineluctably induces the death of the animal. The formation of large banks allows reducing this risk, but never completely. The turbulence of the water has very few implications for the Pectinidae, but during their retro-saltation, the very large angle of their visibility remains insufficient to avoid some obstacles or other large predators positioned in their dead angle of visibility. The Anomyidae are sessile molluscs and depend essentially of the stability or the longevity of their support. 12. Short examination of the principal data concerning the diverse Families phylogenetically considered as parents of the Teredinidae 12.1. Motivation A short examination of the principal data concerning the diverse Families classically included in the Pholadomyoidea, Myoidea, Hyatelloidea, Thracioidea and Clavagelloidea allows suggesting that their systematic is not coherent. The systematic of the following Families: F. Myidae de LAMARCK, 1809, F. Myochamidae CARPENTER, 1860, F. Corbulidae de LAMARCK, 1818, F. Pandoridae RAFINESQUE, 1815, F. Laternulidae KING & BRODERIP, 1832, F. Lyonsiidae FISCHER, 1887, F. Periplomatidae DALL, 1895, F.Thraciidae STOLICZKA, 1870, F. Verticordiidae STOLICZKA, 1870, F. Cuspidariidae DALL, 1886, F. Teredinidae RAFINESQUE, 1815, F. Xylophagaidae HAGA & KASE, 2013, F. Hiatellidae GRAY, 1824, F. Pholadidae de LAMARCK, 1809, F. Gastrochaenidae GRAY, 1840, F. Clavagellidae d’ORBIGNY, 1843, F. Penicillidae BRUGUIERE, 1789 and F. Pholadomyiidae KING, 1844, is briefly reviewed and commented in the following paragraphs. 12.2. Recent revision In 2010, Bieler, Carter and Coan * proposed a new classification for the Bivalvia and suggested Pholadomyida NEWELL, 1965 in place of Anomalodesmata ** DALL, 1889, but the responsibles of WoRMS have choised the second option. *BIELER, R., CARTER, J. G. & COAN, E. V. 2010: Classification of Bivalve families. Pp.: 113-133 In BOUCHET, P. & ROCROI, J.-P. 2010: Nomenclator of Bivalve Families. Malacologia. 52(2): 1-184. **The first Anomalodesmata appeared during the Middle Ordovician Period, circa 560 million years ago. WoRMS 2015 also proposed to regroup into eigth super-Families all the extant representatives of the Anomalodesmata: 1.The super-Family Clavagelloidea, reprouping the two Families: Clavagellidae and Penicillidae. 2.The super-Family Cuspidarioidea, reprouping the two Families: Cuspidariidae and Spheniopsidae. 3. The super-Family Myochamoidea, reprouping the two Families: Myochamidae and Cleidothaeridae. 4. The super-Family Pandoroidea, reprouping the two Families: -30- Pandoridae and Lyonsiidae. 5. The super-Family Pholadomyoidea, based on the Family: Pholadomyidae. 6. The super-Family Poromyoidea, based on the Family: Poromyiidae. 7. The super-Family Thracioidea, regrouping the three Families: Thraciidae, Laternulidae and Periplomatidae. 8. The super-Family Verticordioidea, regrouping the two Families: Verticordidae and Lyonsiellidae. 12.3. Remarks Some malacologists add the Family Halonymphydae* SCARLATO & STAROBOGATOV, 1983 and the Family Protocuspidariidae** SCARLATO & STAROBOGATOV, 1983 in the super-Family Cuspidarioidea and the Family Euciroidae*** DALL, 1895 in the super-FamilyVerticordioidea. *The Family Halonymphydae SCARLATO & STAROBOGATOV, 1983 for the Genus Halonympha DALL & SMITH, 1886. **The Family Protocuspidariidae SCARLATO & STAROBOGATOV, 1983 for regrouping the two Genera: Protocuspidaria ALLEN & MORGAN, 1981 and Multitentacula KRYLOVA, 1995. ***The Family Euciroidae DALL, 1895 is proposed for regrouping the two Genera: Genus Euciroa DALL, 1881 and Genus Acreuciroa THIELE & JAECKEL, 1931. 12.4. Family Myidae de LAMARCK, 1809 Systematics According to WoRMS 20015, this Family regroups the six extant Genera: Genus Mya LINNAEUS, 1758, Genus Sphenia TURTON, 1822, Genus Platyodon CONRAD, 1837, Genus Tugonia GRAY, 1842, Genus Cryptomia CONRAD, 1848 and Genus Paramya CONRAD, 1860. Remark The validity of the Genus Tugonella JOUSSEAUME, 1891 remains subject of controversy. Morphological and environmental adaptations All the extant representatives of this Family possess symmetric valves and one pair of, more or less elongated, siphons. As far as known their extinct representatives also lived buried in the sediment. For the representative specific taxa of these Genera, the simplest and the best solution for escaping to extern physical aggressions seems to have been to live deeper and deeper in the sediment: The increasing of the mass of the sediments in which they live has for result the decrease of the possibility to enter into contact with all the particles able to damage their genetic code. An increasing of the size of their siphon and an enforcement of the power of their foot are sufficient to realize this performance. In Belgium, Paleoichnology demonstrates that since the Upper Eocene, some populations of extinct representtatives of this Family bored deeper and deeper * galleries. *Particularly in sandy sediments, because muddy sediments always offer a better protection against ionised or radioactive particles. Some references for Family Myidae BIELER, R., CARTER, J. G. & COAN, E. V. 2010: Classification of Bivalve families. See: 113-133. In: BOUCHET, P. & ROCROI, J.-P. 2010: Nomenclator of Bivalve Families. Malacologia. 52(2): 1-184. COAN, E. V. 1999: The eastern Pacific species of Sphenia (Bivalvia: Myidae). The Nautilus. 113(4): 103-120. Integrated Taxonomic Information System 2013: Myidae. LAMPRELL, K. & STANISIC, J. 1998: Myidae from Australian waters (Mollusca, Bivalvia). Molluscan Research. 19(1): 1-10. -31- MORRIS, R. H., ABOTT, D. P. & HADERLIE, E. C. 1980: Intertidal Invertebrates of California. XV + 690 p., 200 pls. Stanford University Press. OLIVIER, P. G. & CHESNEY, H. C. G. 1997: Taxonomy and descriptions of bivalves (Lucinoidea, Galeommatoidea, Carditoidea, Cardioidea, Tellinoidea & Myoidea) from the Arabian Sea. Journal of Conchology. 36(1): 51-76. PASTORINO, G. & BAGUR, M. 2011: The genus Sphenia Turton, 1822 (Bivalvia: Myidae) from shallow waters of Argentina. Malacologia. 84(1-2): 431-135. ZHANG, J. L., XU, F. S. & LIU, J. Y. 2012: The Myidae (Mollusca, Bivalvia) from Chinese waters with description of a new species. Zootaxa. 3383: 39-60. 12.5. Family Myochamidae CARPENTER, 1861 (Plate 24) Systematics According to the researches of the senior-author, this Family includes the four Genera: Genus Myochama STUTCHBURY, 1830, Genus Myadora GRAY, 1840, Genus Hunkydora FLEMING, 1948 and Genus Myadoropsis HABE, 1960. Ecology and environment According to WoRMS 2015, this Family only regroups taxa inhabiting marine waters. All their representatives were discovered in sandy to silty bottoms, from the coastal zone to the upper part of the continental shelf. Geographical distribution As far as known, all the extant representatives of this Family were discovered in the eastern Pacific, from Japanese waters to Australian and New Zealand waters. Geological record Upper Eocene to Recent Times. Some references for Family Myochamidae BEU, A. G. 2006: Marine Mollusca of oxygen isotope stages of the last 2 million years in New Zealand. Part 2. Biostratigraphically useful and new Pliocene to recent bivalves. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand. 36(4): 151-338. See p.: 311. FLEMING, C. A. 1948: New species and genera of marine Mollusca from the Southland Fiords. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand. 77: 72-92. See p.: 80. HABE, T. 1960: New species of molluscs from the Amakusa Marine Biological Laboratory, Reihoku-cho, Amakusa, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan. Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory. 8(2): 289-298. HUBER, M. 2010: Compendium of bivalves. A full-color guide to 3,300 of the world’s marine bivalves. A status on Bivalvia after 250 years of research. Hackenheim: ConchBooks. 901 pp. MARSHALL, B. A. 2002: Some Recent Thraciidae, Periplomatidae, Myochamidae, Cuspidariidae and Spheniopsidae (Anomalodesmata) from the New Zealand region and referral of Thraciareinga Crozier, 1966 and Scintillona benthicola Dell, 1956 to Tellimya Brown, 1827(Montacutidae) (Mollusca: Bivalvia). Molluscan Research. 22(3): 221-288. VERMEIJ, G. J. 2005: From Europe to America: Pliocene to Recent trans-Atlantic expansion of cold-water North-Atlantic molluscs. Proceedings of the Royal Society. Biological Sciences. 272(1580): 2545-2550. STUTCHBURY, S. 1830: On two new genera of testaceous mollusca,and five new species of the genus Anatina, lately discovered at Port Jackson, New South Wales. Zoological Journal. 5: 95-101, pl.: 42. 12.6. Family Corbulidae de LAMARCK, 1818 (Plates 27, 33 and 36) Systematics According to the researches of the senior-author, this Family could regroup the thirteen extant Genera: -32- Genus Corbula BRUGUIERE, 1797, Genus Lentidium de CRISTOFORI & JAN, 1832, Genus Anticorbula DALL, 1898, Genus Caestocorbula VINCENT, 1910, Genus Caryocorbula GARDNER, 1926, Genus Anisocorbula IREDALE, 1930, Genus Varicorbula GRANT & GALE, 1931, Genus Hexacorbula OLSSON, 1932, Genus Tenuicorbula OLSSON, 1932, Genus Panamicorbula PILSBRY, 1932, Genus Juliacorbula OLSSON & HARBISON, 1953, Genus Potamocorbula HABE, 1955 and Genus Apachecorbula OLIVEIRA, 2014. Systematic remarks The Genus Apachecorbula* OLIVERA, 2014 is not mentioned by WoRMS 2015, and the validity of the Genus Potamocorbula HABE, 1955 remains controversial. Reflexion of a paleontologist The extreme differences of the morphology * of the shell of the diverse extant species attributed to the Genus Corbula makes difficult to understand its malacological signification. *See Genus Corbula on the site Shell Encyclopedia. Morphological and environmental adaptations For the representative specific taxa of these Genera, the construction of a shell presenting two valves of different sizes, the left one being obviously of smaller size than the right one, allowed them to close strongly their shell, which considerably increased the protection of their body. The populations of the nine specific taxa attributed to the Genus Potamocorbula HABE, 1955 inhabit brackish waters. E.g.: C. amurensis (SCHRENCK, 1861) is a species inhabiting marine and brackish waters in the northern Pacific Ocean. Its distribution includes Siberia to China, Korea and Japan. In Belgium, it is only after the Eocene-Oligocene Transition, that diverse representative taxa of the Genus Corbula sensu BRUGUIERE, 1797 appeared. Some references for Family Corbulidae BOUCHET, P. & ROCROI, J.-P. 2010 : Nomenclator of bivalve families; with a classification of bivalve families by BIELER, R., CARTER, J. G. & COAN, E. V. Malacologia. 52(2): 1-184. COAN, E. V. & VALENTICH-SCOTT, P. 2012: Bivalve seashells of tropical West America. Marine bivalve mollusks from Baja California to northern Peru. 2 vols. 1258 p. KORNIUSHIN, A. V. & GLAUBRECHT, M. 2003: Novel reproductive modes in freshwater clams: brooding and larval morphology in Southeast Asian taxa of Corbicula (Mollusca, Bivalvia, Corbiculidae). Acta Zoologica. 84(4): 293-315. Integrated Taxonomic Information System 2014: Corbulidae. SHEPPARD, A. 1984: The molluscan fauna of Chagos (Indian Ocean) and an analysis ot its broad distribution patterns. Coral Reefs. 3: 43-50. 12.7. Family Pandoridae RAFINESQUE, 1815 (Plate 29) Systematics According to WoRMS 2015, this Family regroups the six extant Genera: Genus Pandora BRUGUIERE, 1797, Genus Cliodiophora CARPENTER, 1864, Genus Heteroclidus DALL, 1903, Genus Foveadens DALL, 1915, Genus Frenamya IREDALE, 1930 and Genus Coania VALENTICH-SCOTT & SKOGLUND, 2010. Systematic remark The huge morphological variability* of the shell of the specific taxa attributed to these Genera, such as this of numerous Genera of the Myoidea makes perplex any paleomalacologists. *E.g.: See Genus Pandora or Genus Corbula in the Shell Encyclopedia, published by Guido and Philippe Poppe. -33- Taxonomic remark The Genus Pandora is also a Genus of Fungi, Order Entomophthorales (Zygomycaeta). Another constation which illustrates the lack of contacts between Biologists. Generalities The Family Pandoridae is represented by species in possession of a strongly compressed shell. Their populations inhabit mostly cold marine waters from the littoral zone to areas of more than five hundred metres depth. These lasts* have a very thin and translucid shell. *Such as Pandora pinna (MONTAGU, 1803). Geographical distribution This Family is world-widely distributed. Geological records The first fossils attributable to this Family were discovered in strata of Ypresian Age (Lower Eocene). Some references for Family Pandoridae BOSS, K. J. & MERRILL, A. S. 1965: The family Pandoridae in the western Atlantic. Johnsonia. 4:181-215, pls. 115-126. CARPENTER, P. P. 1865: Contributions towards a monograph of the Pandoridae. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1864: 596-603. DOGAN, A., ÖNEN, M., ÖZTÜRK, B & BITLIS, B. 2008: On the presence of Pandora inaequivalvis (Bivalvia: Pandoridae) on the Levantine coast of Turkey. Marine Biodiversity Records. 1: Electronic publication. MORTON, B. 1984: The adaptations of Frenamya ceylanica (Bivalvia: Anomalodesmata: Pandoracea) to life on the surface of soft muds. Journal of Conchology. 31: 359-371. THOMAS, K. A. 1994: The functional morphology and biology of Pandora filosa (Carpenter, 1864) (Bivalvia: Anomalodesmata: Pandoracea). The Veliger. 37: 23-29. VALENTICH-SCOTT, P. & SKOGLUND, C. 2010: A review of the Recent Pandoridae (Bivalvia) in the Panamic Province, with descriptions of three new species. The Nautilus. 124(2): 55-76. VERMEIJ, G. J. 1987: Evolution and Escalation: An Ecological History of Life. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey. 527 p. YONGE, C. M. & MORTON, B. 1980: Ligament and lithodesma in the Pandoracea and the Poromyacea with a discussion on evolutionary history in the Anomalodesmata (Mollusca: Bivalvia). Journal of Zoology. 191: 263292. 12.8. Family Laternulidae KING, 1832 Systematics According to the researches of the senior-author, this Family is based on its generotype: Genus Laternula RÖDING, 1798 and only includes a second Genus: Genus Clistoconcha SMITH, 1910. Generalities The type-species of the Genus Laternula, L. elliptica (KING & BRODERIP, 1832) is a filter feeder. Its individuals inhabit lightly embedded in the sea bottom with their siphons extended to the surface. Geographical distribution The diverse populations of Laternula elliptica known live in the Southern Ocean, around Antarctica and the tip of Patagonia. It is usually found in shallow waters but the greatest depth at which it has been recorded is 360 metres. -34- They live in soft bottoms, constituted by muddy sand and gravel, in which they deeply embed. Their concentrations rise frequently up to a hundred individuals per square metre. Geological records Pliocene fossils of Laternula elliptica are very common in some sedimentary rocks on the Cockburn Island and the James Rock Island off the Antartic Peninsula. Some fossils of Rhaetian Age are considered as their oldest ancestors. Some references for Family Laternulidae HUBER, M. 2010: Compendium of bivalves. A full-color guide to 3.300 of the world’s marine bivalves. A status on Bivalvia after 250 years of research. Hackenheim: ConchBooks. 901 p. KING, P. P. 1832: Description of the Cirrhipeda, Conchifera and Mollusca, in a collection formed by the officers of H.M.S. Adventure and Beagle employed between the years 1826 and 1830 in surveying the southern coasts of South America, including the Straits of Magalhaens and the coast of Tierra del Fuego. Zoological Journal.5: 332 to 349. MELVILL, J. C. & STANDEN, R. 1914: Notes on Mollusca collected in the north-west Falklands by Mr. Rupert Valentine, F. L. S., with descriptions of six new species. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 8(13): 110-136, pl. 7. PETIT, R. E. 2009: George Brettingham Sowerby, I, II & III: their conchological publications and mollus- can taxa. Zootaxa. 2189: 1-218. 12.9. Family Lyonsiidae FISCHER, 1887 Systematics According to Gofas (2010), this Family regroups the four Genera: Genus Lyonsia TURTON, 1822, Genus Entodesma PHILLIPS, 1845, Genus Allogramma DALL, 1903 and Genus Bentholyonsia HABE, 1952. According to WoRMS 2015, this Family regroups the four Genera: Genus Lyonsia TURTON, 1822, Genus Entodesma PHILIPPI, 1845, Genus Mytilimeria CONRAD, 1837 and, with reserves, Genus Sinolyonsia* XU, 1992. All the fourtheen other Genera, proposed between 1822 and 1903, are considered as synonyms of the Genera Allogramma, Entodesma or Lyonsia. Singular taxonomic unprecisions According to WoRMS 2015, within Family Lionsyiidae, the Genus Hiatella is considered as a synonym of Genus Lyonsia, but when searching, on WoRMS-site, for Genus Hiatella, this Genus is considered as valid and regroups four extant species. Generalities All the extant representative taxa of this Family have inequivalve and oblong valves. Their right valve is more convex than their left valve.The ligament connecting their two valves is located in an internal groove. Geographical distribution The Family is world-widely distributed, but some of its specific taxa are endemic to, more or less, large areas: E.g.: Allogramma formosa (JEFFREYS, 1882), Entodesma brasiliense (GOULD, 1850), Entodesma patagonicum (d'ORBIGNY, 1846), Lyonsia californica CONRAD, 1837, Lyonsia floridana CONRAD, 1849, Lyonsia malvinensis d'ORBIGNY, 1846, Lyonsia norwegica (GMELIN, 1791), Lyonsia panamensis DALL, 1908 or Lyonsia taiwanica LAN & OKUTANI, 2002. Geological records Thanetian Age (Paleocene) to Present Times. -35- Some references for Family Lyonsiidae GOFAS, S., LE RENARD, J. & BOUCHET, P. 2001: Mollusca. In: Costello, M. J., EMBLOW, C. & WHITE, R. J. Eds.: 2001: European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification. Collection Patrimoines Naturels. 50: pp. 180-213. LAN, T. C. & OKUTANI, T. 2002: A new bivalve Lyonsia taiwanica from mangrove swamp near Tainan, Taiwan. Memoirs of the Malacological Society of Taiwan. 3: 26-29. MACSOTAY, O. & CAMPOS, R. Eds. 2001: Moluscos representativos de la plataforma de Margarita, Venezuela. Valencia, Venezuela, III + 280 p., 32 pls. PIMENTA, A. D. & OLIVEIRA, C. D. 2013: Taxonomic Review of the Genus Lyonsia (Pelecypoda: Lyonsiidae) from East Coast of South America, with Description of a New Species and Notes on Other Western Atlantic Species. American Malacological Bulletin. 31(1): 75-84. 12.10. Family Periplomatidae DALL, 1895 Systematics According toWoRMS 2015, this Family is based on the extant taxon: Genus Periploma SCHUMACHER, 1817 and includes the five other extant generic taxa: Genus Cochlodesma COUTHOUY, 1839, Genus Halistrepta DALL, 1904, Genus Offadesma IREDALE, 1930, Genus Albimanus PILSBRY & OLSSON, 1935 and Genus Pendaloma IREDALE, 1930. Genus Periploma SCHUMACHER, 1817 This Genus is supposed to regroup some thirty-one extant specific taxa*: P. margaritaceum (de LAMARCK, 1801), P. papyratium (SAY, 1822), P. leanum (CONRAD, 1831), P. lenticulare SOWERBY I, 1834, P. planiscula SOWERBY I, 1834, P. fragile (TOTTEN, 1835), P. inequale (ADAMS, 1842), P. compressum d’ORBIGNY, 1846, P. ovatum d’ORBIGNY, 1846, P. orbiculare GUPPY, 1882, P. aleuticum (KRAUSE, 1885), P. discus STEARNS, 1890, P. carpenteri DALL, 1896, P. stearnsii DALL, 1896, P. indicum MELVILL, 1898, P. andamanicum (SMITH, 1904), P. teevani HERTLEIN & STRONG, 1946, P. lagartillum OLSSON, 1961, P. fracturum BOSHOFF, 1968, P. coquettae VAN REGTEREN ALTENA, 1968, P. subfragilis SCARLATO & KAFANOV, 1988, P. rosewateri BERNARD, 1989, P. camerunense COSEL, 1995, P. sanctamarthaense ARDILLA & DIAZ, 1998, P. beibuwanse XU, 1999, P. multigranosum XU, 1999, P. nanshaense XU, 1999, P. hendrickxi VALENTICH-SCOTT & COAN, 2010, P. kaiserae VALENTICH-SCOTT & COAN, 2010 and P. skoglundae VALENTICH-SCOTT & COAN, 2010. Or, if referencing to WoRMS 2015, more than seventy specific taxa. But,the control of the highly controversed validity of these taxa is not the aim of this publication. Generalities The extant representatives of this Genus are middle-sized (two to four centimetres length) marine bivalves presenting a shell without hinge and inhabit shallow marine waters in diverse parts of the world. Geographical distribution The Genus has a very large dispersal, but many of its representatives are endemic to restricted areas, which some speficic names obviously indicate. E.g.: P. aleuticum, P. andamanicum, P. beibuwanse, P. camerunense, P. indicum, P. nanshaense and P. sanctamarthaense. Geological records The specimens of P. macphersoni MARWICK, 1931, discovered in New-Zealand, seem to be their oldest representatives. The Genus Offadesma IREDALE, 1930 is represented by some species discovered in diverse strata dating from the Miocene Age in Patagonia (Argentina). Some references for Family Periplomatidae -36- COAN, E. V. & VALENTICH-SCOTT, P. 2012: Bivalve seashells of tropical West America. Marine bivalve mollusks from Baja California to northern Peru. 2 vols, 1258 pp. GRIFFIN M PASTORINO G 2006: The Genus Offadesma Iredale, 1930 (Bivalvia: Periplomatidae) in the Miocene of Patagonia. The Veliger. 48(2): 75-82 . MARWICK, J. 1931: The Tertiary Mollusca of the Gisborne district. Journal Paleontological Bulletin of NewZealand. 13: 1-177. MAXWELL, P. A. 2009: Cenozoic Mollusca. Pp.: 232-254. In: GORDON, D. P. Ed. 2009: New Zealand inventory of biodiversity. Volume One: Kingdom Animalia: Radiata, Lophotrochozoa, Deuterostomia. Canterbury University Press, Christchurch. 12.11. Family Thraciidae STOLICZKA, 1870 (Plate 21) Systematics According to WoRMS 2015, this Family regroups the eleven extant Genera: Genus Thracia LEACH in de BLAINVILLE, 1824, Genus Cyathodonta CONRAD, 1849, Genus Asthenothaerus CARPENTER, 1864, Genus Bushia DALL, 1886, Genus Parvithracia FINLAY, 1926, Genus Lampeia MACGINITIE, 1959, Genus Trigonothracia YAMAMOTO & HABE, 1959, Genus Pseudocyathodonta* COHAN, 1990, Genus Skoglundia* COHAN, 1990, Genus Barythaerus MARSHALL, 2002 and Genus Pelopina HUBER, 2010. Systematic remark The validity of the five following extant Genera remains controversed: Genus Phragmorisma TATE, 1894, Genus Thracidora IREDALE, 1924, Genus Cetothrax IREDALE, 1949, Genus Thracidentula GARRARD, 1961 and Genus Thraciopsis TATE & MAY, 1900. Generalities The extant representatives of this Family are saltwater bivalves inhabiting cold waters. Their shell possesses no tooth on their hinge and their length varies from three to eigth centimetres. Geographical distribution The populations of its numerous specific taxa are scattered in the North Est Atlantic Ocean, including the North Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, in the North West Atlantic Ocean, including the Carribean Sea, and in the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean (Japan, New Zealand, Australia, Antarctic). Geological records Rhetian (Lower Triassic) to Present Times. Some references for Family Thraciidae FINLAY, H. J. 1926: A further commentary on New Zealand molluscan systematics. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute. 57: 320-485. HUBER, M. 2010: Compendium of bivalves. A full-color guide to 3,300 of the world’s marine bivalves. A status on Bivalvia after 250 years of research. Hackenheim: ConchBooks. 901 p. See: Thraciidae. MARSHALL, B. A. 2002: Some Recent Thraciidae, Periplomatidae, Myochamidae, Cuspidariidae and Spheniopsidae (Anomalodesmata) from the New Zealand region and referral of Thraciareinga Crozier, 1966 and Scintillona benthicola Dell, 1956 to Tellimya Brown, 1827(Montacutidae) (Mollusca : Bivalvia). Molluscan Research. 22(3): 221-288. SARTORI, A. F. & DOMANESCHI, O. 2005: The functional morphology of the Antarctic bivalve Thracia meridionalis Smith, 1885 (Anomalodesmata: Thraciidae). Journal of Molluscan Studies. 71: 199-210. 12.12. Family Cuspidariidae DALL, 1886 (Plate 21) Systematics -37- According to WoRMS 2015, this Family regroups the twenty following extant Genera: Genus Cuspidaria NARDO, 1840, Genus Myonera DALL in GRIFFITH & PIDGEON, 1834, Genus Cardiomya ADAMS, 1864, Genus Leiomya ADAMS, 1864, Genus Plectodon CARPENTER, 1865, Genus Vulcanomya DALL, 1886, Genus Rhinoclama DALL & SMITH, 1886, Genus Tropidomya DALL & SMITH, 1886, Genus Luzonia DALL & SMITH in DALL, 1890, Genus Pseudoneaera STURANY, 1901, Genus Austroneara POWELL, 1937, Genus Jeffreysomya NORDSIECK, 1969, Genus Rengea KURODA & HABE in KURODA, HABE & OYAMA, 1971, Genus Octoporia SCARLATO & STAROBOGATOV, 1983,Genus Bathyneara SCARLATO & STAROBOGATOV, 1983, Genus Nordonearea OKUTANI, 1985, Genus Soyomya OKUTANI, 1985, Genus Pseudogrippina MARSHALL, 2002 and Genus Krylovina VALENTICH-SCOTT, 2012. Remark The validity of the Genera Naera GRAY in GRIFFITH & PIDGEON, 1834, Plectodon CARPENTER, 1865 and Pseudoneara STURANY, 1901 remains controversed. Pictorial information Good illustrations of some taxa of the following Genera: Genus Cuspidaria NARDO, 1840, Genus Naera GRAY in GRIFFITH & PIDGEON, 1834, Genus Cardiomya ADAMS, 1864, Genus Halonympha DALL & SMITH, 1886, Genus Myonera DALL & SMITH, 1886, Genus Rhinoclama DALL & SMITH, 1886, Genus Tropidomya DALL & SMITH, 1886, Genus Protocuspidaria ALLEN & MORGAN, 1931 and Genus Austroneara POWELL, 1937 were published by Abbott and Dance in their: Compendium of Seashells (1998). Generalities This Family regroups a large number of small marine bivalves with a solid shell of 0,5 to 2,5 centimetres in length. Some of their populations were observed in brackish environments. The majority of its taxa inhabits coastal waters, but some of their representatives were collected at more than 2.000 metres depth. Geographical distribution This Family has a world-wide distribution, but some of its specific taxa are endemic to restricted areas, which is obvious when reading their name. E.g.: For the generotype: C. arctica (SARS, 1859), C. azorica (SMITH, 1855), C. capensis (SMITH, 1855), C. chinensis (GRAY in GRIFFITH & PIDGEON, 1833), C. Formosa VERRILL in BUSH, 1898, C. guineensis KNUDSEN, 1970, C. hawaiensis DALL, BARTSCH & REHDER, 1938 and C. kerguelensis (SMITH, 1885). Geological records Some fossils of Ladinian Age (Middle Triassic) are considered as their first representative taxa. Some references for Family Cuspidariidae ABSALAO, R. S. & DE CASTRO OLIVEIRA, C. D. 2011: The Genus Cuspidaria (Pelecypoda: Septibranchia: Cuspidariidae) from the Deep Sea of Campos Basin, Brazil, with Descriptions of Two New Species. Malacologia. 54(2):119-138. DALL, W. H. 1886: Reports on the results of dredging, under the supervision of Alexander Agassiz, in the Gulf of Mexico (1877-78) and in the Carribean Sea (1879-80), by the U.S. Coast Survey steamer Blake, Lieut.Commander C.D. Sigsbee, U.S.N. and Commander J.R. Bartlett, U.S.N. commanding. XXIX. Report on the Mollusca. Part 1: Brachiopoda and Pelecypoda. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoölogy at Harvard College. 12(6): 171-318, pls. 1-9. KNUDSEN, J. 2005: Anomalodesmata (bivalvia) from the Surinam Shelf, the Caribbean Region. Basteria. 69(46): 121-144. -38- OKUTANI, T. 1975: Deep-sea bivalves and scaphopods collected from deeper than 2,000 m in the northwestern Pacific by the R. V. Soyo-Maru and the R. V. Kaiyo-Maru during the years 1969-1974. Bulletin of the Tokai Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory. 82: 57-87, pls.: 1-3. PRESTON, H. B. 1916: Report on a collection of Mollusca from the Cochin and Ennur backwaters. Records of the Indian Museum. 12(1): 27-39. SCARLATO, O. A. 1972: New species of Cuspidariidae (Septibranchia, Bivalvia) from the seas of Soviet far east. In: MEDVEDEV, G. S. Ed. 1972: New species of terrestrial and marine invertebrates.Trudyi Zologicheskogo Instituta. 52: 121-128. STURANY, R. 1901: Expedition S.M. Schiff Pola in das Rothe Meer. Nördliche und südliche Hälfte. 1875/96 und 1897/98. XIV. Zoologische Ergebnisse. Lamellibranchiaten des Rothen Meeres. Denkschriften der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschafte. Wien. 69: 255-295, pls.: 1-7. 12.13. Family Verticordiidae STOLICZKA, 1870 (Plate 30) Systematics According to WoRMS 2015, this Family regroups the nine extant Genera: Genus Verticordia de SOWERBY, 1844, Genus Trigonulina d’ORBIGNY, 1842, Genus Laevicordia SEGUENZA, 1876, Genus Haliris DALL, 1886, Genus Halicardia DALL, 1895, Genus Spinosipella IREDALE, 1930, Genus Vertambitus IREDALE, 1930, Genus Vertisphaeara* IREDALE, 1930 and Genus Simplicicordia KURODA & HABE in KURODA, HABE & OYAMA, 1971. And two extinct Genera: Genus Kurinoa MARWICK, 1942 and Genus Pecchiola SAVI & MENEGHINI, 1850. *Spelling according to WoRMS 2015: List of the accepted Genera of the Family Verticordiidae. Generalities This Family regroups very small deep-waters bivalves with ribbed valves. Geographical distribution The Family has a world-wide distribution, but many of its representatives are endemic to some countries: E.g.: Verticordia australensis SMITH, 1885, Verticordia tasmanica THIELE & JAECKEL, 1931, Halicordia nipponensis OKUTANI, 1957 and Halicordia philippinensis POUTIER, 1981. Geological records This Family is represented by some taxa discovered in strata of Albian Age (Cretaceous Period). Some references for Family Verticordiidae ALLEN, J. A. & TURNER, J. F. 1974: On the Functional Morphology of the Family Verticordiidae (Bivalvia) with Descriptions of New Species from the Abyssal Atlantic. Philosophical Transactions - Biology. 268(894): 401-532. DALL, W. H., 1895: Scientific results of explorations by the U.S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross. XXXIV. Report on Mollusca and Brachiopoda dredged in deep water, chiefly near the Hawaiian Islands, with illustrations of hitherto unfigured species from northwest America. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 17 (1032): 675-733, pls.: 23-32. DOGAN, A., ÖNENEN, M., ÖZTÜRK, B. & BITLIS, B. 2009: Two Rare Deep-Sea Bivalve Species from the Levantine Coast of Turkey: Bathyarca philippiana (Nyst, 1848) and Verticordia granulata Seguenza G., 1860. Turkish Journal of Zoology. 33: 225-230. HEILPRIN, A. 1881: Remarks on the Molluscan Genera Hippagus, Verticordia and Pecchiolia. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 33: 423-428. IREDALE, T. 1930: More notes on the marine Mollusca of New South Wales. Records of the Australian Museum. 17(9): 384-407, pls.: 62-65. -39- KURODA, T., HABE, T. & OYAMA, K. 1971: The Sea Shells of Sagami Bay. Maruzen Co., Tokyo. XIX + 741 p. (Japanese text), 1-489 (English text), 1-51 (Index), pls.: 1-121. POUTIERS, J. M. & BERNARDe, F. R. 1995: Carnivorous bivalve molluscs (Anomalodesmata) from the tropical western Pacific Ocean, with a proposed classification and a catalogue of Recent species. In BOUCHET, P. Ed. 1995: Résultats des Campagnes MUSORSTOM, vol. 14. Mémoires Muséum national Histoire naturelle. 167: 107-187. 12.14. Family Teredinidae RAFINESQUE, 1815 and Family Xylophagaidae HAGA & KASE, 2013 Systematics The systematics of these two Families were detailed in precedent paragraphs. Taxonomic remark WoRMS 2015 still mentions Xylophagidae PURCHON, 1941. (No more comments) Morphological and environmental adaptations All the extant and extinct representatives of these two Families are xylophagous. The juveniles and the adults are protected by the wood they parasite, but the populations of all their taxa remain vulnerable during their larval nectic stage. 12.15. Family Hiatellidae GRAY, 1824 (Plate 26) Systematics According to WoRMS 2015, this Family only regroups the four valid extant Genera: Genus Hiatella BOSC, 1801, Genus Cyrtodaria REUSS, 1801, Genus Panopea MENARD de la GROYE, 1807 and Genus Panomya GRAY, 1857. Taxonomic remark According to WoRMS 2015, the eighteen other generic taxa proposed by diverse authors are considered as synonyms of these ones. Ecological remark Except for the species included in the Genus Hiatella, all the representatives of this Family seem to have been, such as the representatives of the Family Myidae, embedding mollusks. The juveniles and the adults are protected by the mass of the sediments in which, since the Eocene Period, they seem to live deeper and deeper embedded. Genus Hiatella BOSC, 1801 (Plates 17, 19 and 26) Systematics According to GOFAS, 2014, the Genus Hiatella regroups the six extant species: Hiatella rugosa LINNAEUS, 1767, Hiatella pholadis LINNAEUS, 1767, Hiatella australis de LAMARCK, 1818, Hiatella solida SOWERBY, 1834, Hiatella azaria DALL, 1881 and Hiatella arenacea SMITH, 1910. According to WoRMS 2015, the Genus Hiatella regroups the five extant species: Hiatella rugosa (LINNAEUS, 1767), Hiatella arctica (LINNAEUS, 1767), Hiatella australis (de LAMARCK, 1818), Hiatella azaria (DALL, 1881) and Hiatella arenacea SMITH, 1910. Remark Differences between the List of WoRMS and other scientific Lists, are common facts which must not disturb any searchers. Ecology -40- All the extant representatives of this Genus are nearly immobile individuals feeding on organic particles in suspension in marine waters. They inhabit rock cavities or cavities bored by other mollusks, such as these bored by representative taxa of the Genus Martesia. This squatter-comportment exists, at least, since the lowermost Miocene. Geographical distribution This Genus is represented by species having a world-wide distribution. H. arctica is considered to be represented by populations inhabiting Artic or Antarctic waters as well as subtropical and tropical zones, from coastal waters to zones of more than 150 metres depth. In subtropical and tropical zones, the extant taxa attributed to this Genus generally inhabit deeper waters than these living in polar zones. It seems they are, more or less, isothermal invertebrates. After a glacial period, many of their populations seem to split into two groups: One progressively inhabiting northern more areas, the other southern more areas. Geological records Representative populations of the Genus Hiatella are common fossils in many north-West European strata of Miocene and Pliocene Ages. Genus Cyrtodaria REUSS, 1801 Systematics According to Skaphandrus 2015, this Genus regroups the two extant species: Cyrtodaria siliqua (SPENGLER, 1793) and Cyrtodaria kurriana DUNKER, 1861. Ecology and environment The diverse populations of the two sole extant representatives of this Genus inhabit sandy bottoms in shallow marine and estuarian zones. Geographical distribution The populations of Cyrtodaria siliqua are scattered off the coasts of Labrador to these of Rhode Island. (Northern West Atlantic Ocean). The first populations of Cyrtodaria kurriana were discovered in the Sea of Beaufort (Artic coasts of North America). Some European geological records Shells, with valves in connextion, of specific taxa attributed to the Genus Cyrtodaria are common fossils of Belgian Miocene and Lower Pliocene strata. Fossil representatives of this Genus were also collected in the Miocene of the Netherlands. Remark These fossils demonstrate that this Genus seems to become endemic to northern America after the Pliocene Period. Genus Panopea MENARD de la GROYE, 1807 (Plates 25 and 26) Systematics According to WoRMS 2015, the Genus Panopea regroups the ten extant species: Panopea aldrovandi MENARD de la GROYE, 1807, Panopea glycimeris (BORN, 1778), Panopea australis (SOWERBY I, 1883), Panopea zelandica (QUOY & GAIMARD, 1835), Panopea abbreviata VALENCIENNES, 1839, Panopea generosa GOULD, 1850, Panopea japonica ADAMS, 1850, Panopea bitruncata (CONRAD, 1872), Panopea globosa DALL, 1898 and Panopea smithae POWELL, 1950. And two fossil taxa: Panopea abrupta (CONRAD, 1849) and Panopea worthingtoni HUTTON, 1873. Remark -41- This Genus is represented by numerous other fossil taxa and is fairly common in the Belgian Miocene. Ecology and environment Individuals of its specific taxa have been collected in muddy to sandy sea bottoms, From coastal zones to depths of more than four hundred metres. Geographical distribution This Genus is widely distributed in the southwestern and the northwestern Atlantic Ocean and in the northeastern Pacific Ocean. Geological record Cretaceous Period to Present Times. Genus Panomya GRAY, 1857 Systematics Accoording to WoRMS 2015, this Genus regroups the five extant species: P. norvegica (SPENGLER, 1793), P. priapus (TILESIUS, 1822), P. ampla DALL, 1898, P. nipponica NOMURA & HATAI, 1935 and P. aquaticavis TIBA, 1988. Ecology and environment All the populations of these taxa feed upon organic particles in suspension in the marine waters they inhabit. Geographical distribution These specific taxa inhabit diverse zones in the North Atlantic (E.g.: Norvegian coasts) and in the North Pacific (E.g.: Japanese coasts). Remark Geologically, such a present geographical distribution is difficult to explain. Geological record Fossil shells attributable to this Genus were discovered in Miocene deposits of Denmark. Some references for Family Hiatellidae BIELER, R., CARTER, J. G. & COAN, E. V. 2010: Classification of Bivalve families. Pp.: 113-133. In: BOUCHET, P. & ROCROI, J.-P. 2010: Nomenclator of Bivalve Families. Malacologia. 52(2): 1-184. BROWN, R. A. & THUESEN, E. V. 2011: Biodiversity of mobile benthic fauna in geoduck (Panopea generosa) aquaculture beds in southern Puget Sound, Washington. Journal of Shellfish Research. 30: 771-776. GORDILLO, S. 2001: Puzzling distribution of the fossil and living genus Hiatella (Bivalvia). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 165: 231-249. HUNTER, W. R. 1949: The structure and behaviour of Hiatella gallicana (Lamarck) and H. arctica (L.), with special reference to the boring habit. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Biological S. 63: 271-289. JANSEN, A. W. 1964: De E3 Scheldetunnel. Medelingen van de Werkgroep voor Tertiaire en Kwartaire Geologie. 4: 50-54. KANTOR, Y. I. & SYSOEV, A. V. 2005: Catalogue of Molluscs of Russia and Adjacent Countries. 627 p. KELLY, S. R. A. 1980: Hiatella-a Jurassic bivalve squatter? Palaeontology. 23: 769-781. RADWANSKI, A., FRIJS, H. & LARSEN, G. 1975: The Miocene Hagenør-Boerup sequence at Lillebælt (Denmark): its biogenic structures and depositional environment. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark. 24: 229-260. SCHNEIDER, S. & KAIM, A. 2012: Early ontogeny of Middle Jurassic hiatellids from a wood-fall association: implications for phylogeny and palaeoecology of Hiatellidae. Journal of Molluscan Studies. 78(1): 119-127. -42- SIGNORELLI, J. H. & ALFAYA, J. E. F. 2014: Panopea abbreviata (Bivalvia: Hiatellidae) in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean, taxonomic revision and anatomy. Malacologia. 57(2): 279-293. SIMONARSON, L. A. 1974: Recent Cyrtodaria and its fossil occurrence in Greenland. Bulletin of the Gelogical Society of Denmark. 23: 65-75. PDF on-line. STRAUCH, F. 1968. Determination of Cenozoic sea-temperatures using Hiatella arctica (Linné). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 5: 213-233. VADOPALAS, B., PIETSCH, T. W. & FRIEDMAN, C. S. 2010: The proper name for the geoduck: resurrection of Panopea generosa Gould, 1850, from the synonymy of Panopea abrupta (Conrad, 1819) (Bivalvia: Myoida: Hiatellidae). Malacologia. 52(1): 169-173. YAZIKOVA, O. V. 2001: Upper Jurassic and Cretaceous Hiatellidae (Bivalvia) of Siberia (morphology, variability, facies, confinement and stratigraphic range). Novosti Paleontologii i Stratigrafii, suppl. to Geologiya i Geofizika, 4:71-81. YONGE, C. M. 1971: On functional morphology and adaptive radiation in the bivalve superfamily Saxicavacea (Hiatella =Saxicava), Saxicavella, Panomya, Panope, Cyrtodaria). Malacologia. 11(1): 1-44. 12.16. Family Pholadidae de LAMARCK, 1809 (Plate 22) Systematics This Family seems to regroup the fourteen following extant Genera: Genus Pholas LINNAEUS, 1758, Genus Pholadidea TURTON, 1819, Genus Martesia de SOWERBY, 1824, Genus Barnea RISSO, 1826, Genus Jouannetia DESMOULINS, 1828, Genus Zirfaea GRAY, 1842, Genus Penitella VALENCIENNES, 1846, Genus Parapholas CONRAD, 1848, Genus Chaceia TURNER, 1855, Genus Cyrtopleura TRYON, 1862, Genus Diplothyra TRYON, 1862, Genus Netastoma CARPENTER, 1864, Genus Nettastomella CARPENTER, 1865 and Genus LignopholasTURNER, 1955. Taxonomic remarks The Genus Xylophaga TURTON, 1822, formerly included in this Family, is now considered as the generotype of the Family Xylophagaidae HAGA & KASE, 2013. The Genus Xyloredo TURNER, 1972 is, presently, considered as a member of the Family Xylophagaidae HAGA & KASE, 2013. Ecological adaptations This Family has for singularity the regrouping of partly embedding Genera, xylophagous Genera and lithophagous Genera. The extant taxa of the Genus Penitella are representative species of the Pholadidae living partially embedded. The extant taxa of the Genera Pholas and Lignopholas are representative species of the xylophagous Pholadidae. The extant taxa of the Genus Martesia are representative species of the lithophagous Pholadidae. Some references for Family Pholadidae ANSELL, A. D. & NAIR, N. B. 1969: The mechanisms of boring in Martesia striata Linné (Bivalvia: Pholadidae) and Xylophaga dorsalis Turton (Bivalvia: Xylophaginidae). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B. 174: 123-133. DISTEL, D. L., AMIN, M., BURGOYNE, A., LINTON, E., MAMANGKEY, G., MORRILL, W., NOVE, J., WOOD, N. & YANG, J. 2011: Molecular phylogeny of Pholadoidea Lamarck, 1809 supports a single origin for xylotrophy (wood feeding) and xylotrophic bacterial endosymbiosis in Bivalvia. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 61: 245-254. HOAGLAND, K. E. & TURNER, R. D. 1981: Evolution and adaptive radiation of wood-boring bivalves (Pholadacea). Malacologia. 21:111-148. NAIR, N. B. & ANSELL, A. D. 1968: The mechanism of boring in Zirphaea crispata (L.) (Bivalvia: Pholadidae). Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series B. 170: 155-173. SELIG, H. 1927: The kinetics of dark adaptation. The Journal of General Physiology. 10(5): 781-809. -43- TAPILA, L., ROBERTS, E. M., BOUARE, M., SISSOKO, F. & O’LEARY, M. A. 2004: Bivalve Borings in Phosphatic Coprolites and Bone,Cretaceous–Paleogene, Northeastern Mali. Palaios. 5(19): 565-573. TURNER, R. D. 1955: The family Pholadidae in the western Atlantic and the eastern Pacific, Part II: Martesiinae, Jouannetiinae and Xylophagainae. Johnsonia. 3: 65-160. TURNER, R. D. & SANTHAKUMARAN, L. N. 1989: The Genera Martesia and Lignopholas in the IndoPacific (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Pholadidae). Ophelia. 30(3): 155-186. 12.17. Family Gastrochaenidae GRAY, 1840 (Plates 18 and 29) Systematics According to WoRMS 2015, this Family regroups the eighth valid extant Genera: Genus Gastrochaena SPENGLER, 1783, Genus Rocellaria de BLAINVILLE, 1828, Genus Cucurbitula GOULD, 1861, Genus Spengleria TRYON, 1861, Genus Dufoichaena EAMES, 1951, Genus Eufistulana EAMES, 1951,Genus Lamychaena FRENEIX, 1979 and Genus Spenglerichaena CARTER, 2011. Morphological remark This Family regroups bivalve taxa having some of the strangest adaptations. Morphological and environmental adaptations The taxa attributed to this Family are borers of diverse calcareous materials, such as the extern sides of septaria or the very thick valves of some ostreid bivalves *. *See in Géominpal Belgica. 5.2.: Individuals and colonies of Martesia peroni COSMANN & LAMBERT, 1884 discovered into valves of Pycnodonte callifera (de LAMARCK, 1819). Paleocological singularities 1. Succesive inhabitants During the beginning of the sedimentation of the Sands of Edegem (lowermost marine Belgian Miocene Formation), many septaria were extracted by submarine erosion from the upper part of the Boom Clay Member. These ones constituted ideal anchorage places for diverse invertebrates*, but also relatively easy surfaces to bore for individuals of Martesia peroni COSMANN & LAMBERT, 1884. *Such as individuals of the little Anthozoa: cf. Genus Cariophylla de LAMARCK, 1801. Michel Girardot had mentionned * to the senior-author his ancient discovery: Three to four bivalves have successively inhabited these holes filled by fine glauconite and sand cores: one or two generations** of Martesia peroni followed by one individual of Hiatella arctica (LINNAEUS, 1767)*** and one individual of Coralliophila cf. lithophagella de LAMARCK, 1819***. On the verges of the E3, at Borgerhout (Antwerp Province, Belgium), fifty-two similar associations were rediscovered in 1969 by the senior-author. A dozen of bored septaria were stored in the repository of the B..G.S. *In September 1969. **The second one differing from the first by its obliged smaller size and its nearly smooth valves. ***Determination: Arie Jansen, 1964. Other common inhabitants of this sandy bottom were very large specimens of an uundetermined representative attributable to the Genus Flabellum LESSON, 1831 (Family Flabellidae BOURNE, 1905, Hexacorallia, Anthozoa). 2. Strange constructions Other taxa, such as the species of the Genus Cucurbitula, are builders of superposed loges constituted by walls of fine sand cores strongly cemented (See Plate 19). 3. Shell of a Cucurbitula cucurbitula fixed on gastropod shells See: Conchology Encyclopedia: photograph 631708 illustring a Cucurbitula cucurbitula fixed on the shell of a small gastropod. -44- Geographical distribution The diverse extant specific taxa of this Family are common inhabitants of warm marine waters. Geological record In the Paris Basin, its generotype, the Genus Gastrochaena, is represented since the uppermost Eocene by Gastrochaena ampullaria (de LAMARCK,1806). Enigmatic concretion (Plate 43) This huge* concretion was stored on the right side of the main entry of the former ** Musée royal d’Histoire Naturelle de Belgique. It is morphologically identic to the centimetric sized habitation of an extant individual of the species Cucurbitula cymbium (SPENGLER, 1783). *Of metric size. **Since 1948: Institut royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. Some references for Family Gastrochaenidae SPENGLER, L. 1783: Beskrivelse over en nye Slægt af toskallede Muskeler, som kan kaldes Gastrochæna, i tre foranderlige Arter, hvoraf hver boer i et forskielligt Ormehuus.. Nye Samling af det Kongelige Danske Videnskabers Selskabs Skrifter. 2: 174-183, pl.: 1. FELDER, D. L. 2009: Gulf of Mexico Origin, Waters, and Biota: Biodiversity, Volume 1. Texas A&M University Press. 1312 p. Search: Family Gastrochaenidae. KEEN, A. M. 1971: Sea Shells of Tropical West America: Marine Mollusks from Baja California to Peru. Stanford University Press. XXXp. Search: Family Gastrochaenidae. 12.18. Family Clavagellidae d’ORBIGNY, 1844 (Plate 31) Systematics According to WoRMS 2015, this Family regroups the five Genera: Genus Clavagella de BLAINVILLE, 1817, Genus Bryopa GRAY, 1847, Genus Dacosta GRAY, 1852, Genus Stirpulina STOLICZCA, 1870 and Genus Dianadema MORTON, 2003. Geographical distribution The diverse extant and extinct specific taxa of this Family were and remain common inhabitants of warm marine waters. Their extant populations inhabit sandy bottoms off the coasts of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Geological records The Genus Clavagella seems to be the first taxon to have fossil representatives. Its oldest specimens were discovered in levels of Cenomanian Age in California (U.S.A.). In Europe, they appeared during the Paleocene Age in the Franco-Belgian Basin. In Belgium, the senior-author has collected tenths of individuals of Stirpulina cf. bacillum (BROCCHI, 1814) in a sandstone block of the Sands of Lede Formation* (former Belgian Ledian Stage or lower part of the Upper Eocene). *Dejonghe Sandpit, at Meldert (Flemish Brabant, Belgium). Some references for Family Clavagellidae BIELER, R., CARTER, J. G. & COAN, E. V. 2010: Classification of Bivalve families. Pp.: 113-133. In: BOUCHET, P. & ROCROI, J.-P. 2010: Nomenclator of Bivalve Families. Malacologia. 52(2): 1-184. MORTON, B. 2007: The evolution of the watering pot shells (Bivalvia, Anomalodesmata: Clavagellidae and Penicillidae). Records of the Western Australian Museum. 24: 19-64. MORTON, B. & GREBNEFF, A. 2011: A new species and a new record of endobenthic Clavagellidae (Bival- -45- via: Anomalodesmata: Clavagelloidea) from the Oligocene and Miocene of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics. 54(1): 125-134. SMITH, B. J. 1971: A review of the Family Clavagellidae (Pelecypoda, Mollusca) from Australia, with descriptions of two new species. Journal of the Malacological Society of Australia. 2(2): 135-161. 12.19. Family Penicillidae BRUGUIERE, 1789 (Plate 31) Systematics According to WoRMS 2015, this Family regroups the six Genera: Genus Brechites GUETTARD, 1770, Genus Verpa RÖDING, 1798, Genus Foegia GRAY, 1842, Genus Humphreyia GRAY, 1858, Genus Nipponoclava SMITH, 1976 and Genus Kendrickiana MORTON, 2004. Principal taxonomic remarks Fide WoRMS 2015: The Genus Penicillus BRUGUIERE, 1789 is considered as a synonym of Genus Verpa RÖDING, 1798, but the name Family Penecillidae BRUGUIERE, 1789 is conserved. No comments. The Genus Aspergilllum de LAMARCK, 1818 is considered as a synonym of Genus Brechites GUETTARD, 1770. The Genus Clepsydra SCHUMACHER, 1817 is considered as a synonym of Genus Brechites GUETTARD, 1770. More important Some malacologists consider that the taxa attributed to the Families Clavagellidae and the Penicillidae may be regrouped into a single Family, the Family Clavagellidae. In this conception, it is a little easier to understand their Natural History. Generalities These bivalves have the most aberrant morphologies of the Class Bivalvia. Their juvenile shell presents a normal morphology, but quickly their valves unit together and initiate the building of an elongated tube presenting an upper multi-perforated, watering-pot closure. Geographical distribution All the extant generic taxa of this Family are endemic to some countries: The representatives of the Genus Brechites GUETTARD, 1770 inhabit the Red Sea. These of Genus Verpa RÖDING, 1798 inhabit some parts of the Philippines. The diverse populations of the Genus Foegia GRAY, 1842 are scattered along some western Australia and New-Zealand coasts. These representatives of the Genus Humphreyia GRAY, 1858 inhabit some coasts of New-Zealand. These representatives of the Genus Nipponoclava SMITH, 1976 inhabit some coasts of Japan, and these of the Genus Kendrickiana MORTON, 2004 are endemic to some southern Australian coasts. Geological records Oligocene to Present Times. Some references for Family Penicillidae HUBER, M. 2010: Compendium of bivalves. A full-color guide to 3,300 of the world’s marine bivalves. A status on Bivalvia after 250 years of research. Hackenheim: ConchBooks. 901 p. MORTON, B. 2004:The biology and functional morphology of Foegia novaezelandiae (Bivalvia: Anomalodesmata: Clavagelloidae) from Western Australia. Malacologia. 46: 37-55. MORTON, B. 2004: The biology and the functional morphology of Kendrickiana gen. nov. veitchi (Bivalvia: Anomalodesmata: Clavagelloidea) from southern Australia. Invertebrate Biology. 123: 244-259. MORTON, B. 2007: The evolution of the watering pot shells (Bivalvia, Anomalodesmata: Clavagellidae and Penicillidae). Records of the Western Australian Museum. 24: 19-64. SAVAZZI, E. 2005: The function and evolution of lateral asymmetry in boring endolithic bivalves. Paleon- -46- tological Research. 9(2): 169-187. TAN, S. K., TAN, S. H. & LOW, M. E. Y. 2011: A reassessment of Verpa penis (Linnaeus, 1758) (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Clavagelloidea), a species presumed nationally extinct. Nature in Singapore. 4: 5-8. 12.20. Family Pholadomyidae KING, 1844 (Plate 28) Systematics According to WoRMS 2015, this Family regroups the two Genera: Genus Pholadomya SOWERBY, 1823 and Genus Flabellomya ROLLIER, 1911. Principal taxonomic remarks WoRMS 2015, immediately after this assertion, mentions that Genus Flabellomya ROLLIER, 1911 is a synonym for Genus Pholadadomya SOWERBY, 1823. Try to understand. The extant Genus Panacca DALL, 1905 is generally included in this Family. Generalities Such as their extant representatives, all the fossil taxa of this Family were discovered in sediments deposited in shallow marine water environments. Geographical distribution The rare individuals of its extant representative taxon Pholadomya candida SOWERBY, 1823 were discovered in the Caribbean Sea. Geological records The Genus Pholadomya is represented by numerous fossil taxa discovered in strata of Lower Cretaceous Age, on both sides of the south Atlantic Ocean (Africa and Brazil). During the Upper Cretaceous Period, this Genus was still represented on both sides of the north Atlantic Ocean. The species Pholadomya candida SOWERBY, 1823, living in shallow waters of the Caribbean Sea, seems to be its sole extant representative. Some references for Family Pholadomyidae CAJUS, G. D. 2012: Palaeoecology, facies and stratigraphy of shallow marine macrofauna from the Upper Oligocene (Palaeogene) of the southern Pre-North Sea Basin of Astrup (NW Germany). Central European Journal of Geosciences. 4(1): 163-187. CAMPBELL, H. J. & GRANT-MACKIE, J. A. 1995: Jurassic Pholadomyidae (Bivalvia) from New Zealand and New Caledonia. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics. 38(1): 47-59. COAN, E. V. 2000: A new species of Panacca from Chile (Bivalvia: Pholadomyoidea: Parilimyidae). Malacologia. 42: 165-170. DIAZ, J. M. & BORRERO, F. 1995: On the occurrence of Pholadomya Candida Sowerby, 1823 (Bivalvia: Anomalodesmata) on the Caribbean Coast of Colombia. Journal of Molluscan Studies. 61(3): 406-408. DIAZ, J. M., GAST, F. & TORRES, D. C. 2009: Rediscovery of a Caribbean living fossil: Pholadomya candida G. B. Sowerby I, 1823 (Bivalvia: Anomalodesmata: Pholadomyoidea). The Nautilus. 123(1): 19-20. JAITLY, A. K. 2013: Comments on the Middle Jurassic Pholadomyoids of Kahchch, Western India. Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India. 58(1): 51-60. LAZO, D. G. 2007: The bivalve Pholadomya gigantea in the Early Cretaceous of Argentina: Taxonomy, taphonomy, and paleogeographic implications. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 52 (2): 375-390. MORTON, B. 1980: The anatomy of the ‘living fossil’ Pholadomya candida Sowerby, 1823 (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Anomalodesmata). Videnskabelige Meddelelser Fra Dansk Naturhistorik Forening I Kjøbenhavn. 142: 7-102. -47- TAKENORI, S. & TAKASHI, O. 2007: A new Species of Panacca (Bivalvia: Pholadomyoidea: Parilimyidae) from Kanesunose Bank, off Central Japan. Venus. 67(4): 372-375. ZINMEISTER, W. J. 1978: Review of the bivalve genus Pholadomya from the Tertiary of California and the description of two new species.Veliger. 21(2): 232-235. 13. Conclusions 13.1. Generalities The shell of the Bivalvia includes a very large diversity of morphological and ecological adaptations, allowing some of their taxa the common practice of lithophagy, xylophagy or blockhaus-building. Some of these adaptations look like ecological attempts to resist against extern aggressions which could be able to modify their genetic code, or which have modified the genetic code of their ancestors at diverse geological periods. 13.2. Concerning the systematic position of the extant and extinct teredinid taxa All the extant and, as far as known, all the extinct representatives of all the specific taxa attributed to the two Families Teredinidae and Xylophagaidae have the following characteristics in common. They possess a shell with two identic calcareous valves of reduced sizes, an elongated styloid apophyse *, an extremely elongated siphon and one pair of biomineralised organites called paletts. They feed upon drifting pieces of wood, mangrove roots or decayed vegetal remains which means they are all strictly lithophagous. *Intern narrow calcareous extension into the shell serving for the fixation of the pedal muscle. As far as known, their DNA presents strong affinities.The number of eggs produced by their females may rise up to one million. Their larvae are nectic and ensure a large distribution for the majority of their extant taxa. Many of their taxa have an oceanic, if not world-wide geographical distribution and the geographical dispersion of some of their taxa endemic to restricted areas may result from human maritime trades*. *References to the Portuguese and Spanish explorations, but also to the Phoenicians colonisations of the Atlantic coasts of southern Spain and northern Morocco in the Antiquity. All these common singularities seem to be sufficient for the senior-author, to propose a regrouping of these two Families in a distinct Order: Order Terediniformes Order nov. The possession of an elongated styloid apophyse allows supposing that their ancestors were Pholas-like bivalves and that the Genus Martesia is one of their nearest phylogenetic parents. In this conception, the Families* regrouping taxa being not in possession of a styloid apophyse may be considered as their farest phylogenetic parents. *Such as the Families Corbulidae, Hyatellidae, Lyonsiidae, Myidae, Pandoridae, Pholadomyidae, Thraciidae and Veticorbulidae. 13.3. Concerning the systematic position of the fossils discovered in the Sint-Niklaas Phosphorite Bed Even if the morphology of the tubes of the Terediniformes is not a sufficient specific or generic criterion, it seems obvious that all the teredinid tubes discovered in the petrified pieces of wood concentrated in this level were not built by individuals of a single species. Some of these tubes have a regular cylindrical shape1, others present bulbous parts2 and other ones3 have had their growth marked by obvious strentheninghs. 1. Specimen illustrated on Plate 1 Such regular cylindrical tubes are the result of the building activity of plenty of extant representatives of the large majority of the Terediniformes. Proposal -48- Consequently, for this type of tube, the senior-author proposes: Order Terediniformes, Family Teredinidae, sub-Family indet., Genus indet. and species indet. 2. Specimen illustrated on Plate 2 Such cylindrical tubes, constituted by a succession of lightly inflated parts, may result of the building activity of some extant representatives of the Genus Nototeredo (See: Plate 11). Proposal For this type of tube, the senior-author proposes: Order Terediniformes, Family Teredinidae, sub-Family Bankiinae, cf. Genus Nototeredo, species indet. 3. Specimen illustrated on Plate 4 The single extant Genus of the Family Teredinidae, as well as its American Paleocene representatives *, building tubes with a circular cross-section and some local over-thickness are attributed to the Genus Nototeredo**. *See TURNER, S. 1966: p.15: fig.3: A, F and G. **Taxon attributed to the sub-Family Bankiinae (Family Teredinidae). In western Europe, the presence of the sub-Family Bankiinae is attested by some fossil reprensentatives of the Genus Bankia, discovered in strata of Lutetian Age (Middle Lutetian) at Vandancourt (France). Proposal Consequently, for this type of tube, the senior-author proposes: Order Terediniformes, Family Teredinidae, sub-Family Bankiinae, Genus Nototeredo, species indet. 4. Future investigations These fossil remains were transmitted to Dr. Olev Vinn (University of Tartu, Estonia) for further examinations. 13.4. Concerning the present conception of the generic taxa of the extant Myoida and Anomalodesmata A short look on the plates illustring the variability of the morphology of the shell of some taxa attributed to some Genera, included in the Families Corbulidae, Myochasmidae and Pandoridae, must be sufficient to understand that the majority of their extant generic representatives require a complete systematic revision. The research for illustrations of the diverse species presently included in one extant Genus in the Shell Encyclopedia ( furnish plenty other examples of these incoherent generic conceptions. 13.5. Concerning the present conception of the Order Anomalodesmata The Order Myoida and the new Order Terediniformes, such as proposed, seem to constitute two homogenous bivalve groups, but the Order Anomalodesmata looks like a melting-pot without any phylogenetic signification. DNA analyses could certainly confirm this supposition, but a careful examination of the evolution of their larval representatives would be sufficient and less expensive. Some references for Anomalodesmata COAN, E. V. & VALENTICH-SCOTT, P. 2012: Bivalve seashells of tropical West America. Marine bivalve mollusks from Baja California to northern Peru. 2 vols, 1258 p. MORTON, B. 2002: Biology and functional morphology of the watering pot shell Brechites vaginiferus (Bivalvia: Anomalodesmata: Clavagelloidea). Journal of Zoology. 257: 545-562. MORTON, B. 2007: The evolution of the watering pot shells (Bivalvia, Anomalodesmata: Clavagellidae and Penicillidae). Records of the Western Australian Museum. 24: 19-64. SPRY, J. F. 1964: The sea shells of Dar es Salaam: Part 2: Pelecypoda (Bivalves). Tanganyika Notes and Records. 63. -49- PLATES Plate 1 to Plate 8 Fossil teredinid specimens discovered in the Sint-Niklaas Phosphorite Bed Plate 9 to Plate 41 Xylophagous living taxa. Living teredinids and their environments. Order Myoida and Order Anomalodesmata. Other Belgian Cenozoic pieces of wood bored by fossil teredinids. Plate 42 The largest enigmatica -50- Plate 1: S.V.K. Clay Pit 4: B.G.S. Archives: N°: 42 W 394: Oligocene: Sint Niklaas Phosphorite Bed: Piece of wood hosted by Teredo-like bivalves: 1: Detail of the tranversal section of a piece of wood presenting its central part, seasonal growth rings, the cross section of thirteen tubes of teredinid Bivalvia and the sediments filling these ones. Estimated diameter of this branch: 6,5 centimetres. Photographer: Hugues Doutrelepont. See comments. -51- Plate 2: S.V.K. Clay Pit 4: B.G.S. Archives: N°: 42 W 394: Oligocene: Sint Niklaas Phosphorite Bed: Piece of wood hosted by Teredo-like bivalves: 1: View of one side of a radial section of a silicified wood-piece presenting numerous tubes of an undetermined teredinid Bivalvia. Height of the wood-piece: 11,5 centimetres. Photographer: Hugues Doutrelepont. See comments. -52- Plate 3: S.V.K. Clay Pit 4: B.G.S. Archives: N°: 42 W 394: Oligocene: Sint Niklaas Phosphorite Bed: Piece of wood hosted by Teredo-like bivalves: 1a to 1c: Magnifications of three parts of the wood-piece illustrated on Plate 2. Photographer: Hugues Doutrelepont. See comments. -53- Plate 4: S.V.K. Clay Pit 4: B.G.S. Archives: N°: 42 W 394: Oligocene: Sint Niklaas Phosphorite Bed: Piece of wood hosted by Teredo-like bivalves: 1: Part of a silicified piece of wood presenting numerous tubes of an undetermined teredinid Bivalvia. Height of this piece of wood: 8,5 centimetres. Photographer: Hugues Doutrelepont. See comments. -54- Plate 5: S.V.K. Clay Pit 4: B.G.S. Archives: N°: 42 W 394: Oligocene: Sint Niklaas Phosphorite Bed: Piece of wood hosted by Teredo-like bivalves: 1: Magnification of the central part of the photograph of the piece of wood illustrated on Plate 4. Photographer: Hugues Doutrelepont. See comments. -55- Plate 6: S.V.K. Clay Pit 4: B.G.S. Archives: N°: 42 W 394: Oligocene: Sint Niklaas Phosphorite Bed: Piece of wood hosted by Teredo-like bivalves: 1a: Magnification of the lower extremity of another piece of wood. 1b: Magnification of the upper extremity of another piece of wood. Photographer: Hugues Doutrelepont. See comments. -56- Plate 7: S.V.K. Clay Pit 4: B.G.S. Archives: N°: 42 W 394: Oligocene: Sint Niklaas Phosphorite Bed: Piece of wood hosted by Teredo-like bivalves: 1a: Complete view of this piece of wood. Height of the wood-piece: 14,6 centimetres. 1b: Detail of the lower part of the same piece of wood. Photographer: Hugues Doutrelepont. See comments. -57- Plate 8: S.V.K. Clay Pit 4: B.G.S. Archives: N°: 42 W 394: Oligocene: Sint Niklaas Phosphorite Bed: Piece of wood hosted by Teredo-like bivalves: 1a: Detail of the upper part of the same piece of wood illustrated on Plate 7. 1b: Detail of the cross section of the piece of wood illustrated on Plate 7. On this magnification, the wood fibers are perfectly visible and identifiable. Photographer: Hugues Doutrelepont. See comments. -58- Plate 9: Crustacea (Isopoda, Family Limnoriidae) and Mollusca (Bivalvia, Family Teredinidae): 1: Adult male and female of Limnoria quadripunctata (MENZIES, 1957) - Gulf of Morbihan, France. 2: Nearly adult individual of Limnoria quadripunctata (MENZIES, 1957), boring in a wood piece of a pile. 3: Shell of and cast of the tube of one juvenile individual of Teredo navalis LINNAEUS, 1758. 4 and 5: Pieces of wood perforated by colonies of Teredo navalis LINNAEUS, 1758. Common source: . See comments. -59- Plate 10: General morphology of the shell and the tube of the extant Terediniformes: 1: Tubes of a Teredinidae discovered in an immerged piece of wood. Their extremely elongated bodies are protected by a calcareous tube they have secreted around their body. 2: View of the anterior extremity showing the small bivalve shell, the builder of this tube. 3: View of the shell. Common source: Auguste Le Roux. See comments. -60- Plate 11: Family Teredinidae: Genera Bankia, Kuphus and Nototeredo: 1: Views of the valves and one pallet of an individual of Bankia carinata (GRAY, 1827) 2: Side view of the tube of a senile individual of Kuphus sp. Length: 164 centimetres. 3: View of the extremity of the tube of a juvenile individual of Nototeredo norvegica (SPENGLER, 1792) 4: Views of two irregular tubes of Nototeredo norvegica (SPENGLER, 1792) Diverse sources. See comments. -61- 1 2 3 Plate 12: Morphological variability of thhe tubes of the Genus Kuphus 1. Kuphus sp. Origin: Mactan Island (The Philippines). Depth: Between 10 and 35 metres. Uncomplete tube. Fragment’s size: 62,3 millimetres. 2. Kuphus sp. Origin: Mactan Island (The Philippines). Depth: 8 metres. Nearly complete tube. Size: 187 millimetres. 3. Kuphus polythalamia (LINNAEUS, 1758) Origin: Coron (The Philippines). Depth: 8 metres. Nearly complete tube. Size: 240 millimetres. -62- Plate 13: Some feeding sources of the Terediniformes: 1: Rhizophora mangle LINNAEUS, 1753: A common mangrove tree with its adventive roots. Origin: Southern Florida (U.S.A.). 2: Massive accumulation of stranded parts of dead wood, already hosted or shortly before to be hosted by teredinid bivalves. Origin: Eastern Pacific coast, California (U.S.A.). Common source: See comments. -63- Plate 14: Mangrove trees of which parts of roots are commonly hosted by Teredo-like Bivalvia: 1: A very old specimen of Bruguiera cf. gymnorrhiza (LINNAEUS, 1752). Locality: coast of Bali. 2: View of an isolated Avicennia marina (FORSKALL, 1784). Locality: off southern Sri-Lanka. Common source: See comments. -64- Plate 15: Family Teredinidae RAFINESQUE, 1815 and Family Hiatellidae GRAY, 1824. 1: Family Teredinidae: Genus Teredo: Teredo navalis LINNAEUS, 1758. 2: Family Hiatellidae: Genus Hiatella: Hiatella arctica LINNAEUS, 1767. 3: Family Teredinidae: Genus Kuphus: 3a to 3f: Diverse tubes of Kuphus sp. Courtesy of Guido and Philippe Poppe. See comments. -65- Plate 16: Hosts of empty tubes, Mycelium and siphons: 1 and 2: Teleostei commonly inhabiting tubes of dead Teredinidae: Family Microdesmidae (Perciformes): 1: Oxymetopon cyanoctenosum KLAUSEWITZ & CONDE, 1981. 2: Nemateleotris magnifica FOWLER, 1938. 3: Mycelium damaging a piece of wood before its drift. 4: View of one pallet of a juvenile, of one pallet of an adult and of one pallet of a senile Kuphus sp. 5: Siphons of a colony of Kuphus sp., sub-Family Kuphinae, Family Teredinidae. Common source: See comments. -66- Plate 17: Examples of Habitat: 1: Camouflage of Cucurbitula cymbium (SPENGLER, 1783), an Anomalodesmata. Origin: The Philippines. Courtesy of Guido and Philippe Poppe. 2: Colony of Lithophaga lithophaga (LINNAEUS, 1758), a Mytiloida. Origin: Croatia, Pag Island, off Simuni. Photographer Jiri Novak. Source: See comments. -67- Plate 18: Family Teredinidae and Family Gastrochaenidae 1a to 2b: Family Teredinidae (Terediniformes): Genus Uperotus GUETTARD, 1777: Uperotus nucivora (GMELIN, 1791).1a: View of the pair of pallets. 1b: View of the two valves in living position. 1c: Intern and extern views of a left valve of the shell. 2a: Lateral view of a colony. 2b: Upper view of the same colony. 3: Family Gastrochaenidae (Anomalodesmata):: Genus Gastrochaena GRAY, 1840: Gastrochaena cuneiformis SPENGLER, 1783: Lateral view of one valve of an adult individual. Courtesy of Guido and Philippe Poppe. See comments. -68- Plate 19: Morphology of the shell of diverse borer bivalves: 1: Extern view of the two valves of Teredo navalis LINNAEUS, 1758. 2: Side view of the right valve of a Lithophaga truncata (LINNAEUS, 1758). Source: 3: View of the left side of the shell of Jouannetia cumingii (SOWERBY II, 1849). 4: Side view of the right valve of a Hiatella anophtelma RUFFO, 1957. 5: Side view of the right valve of a Lithophaga teres (PHILIPPI, 1846). Courtesy of Guido and Philippe Poppe. See comments. -69- Plate 20: Bivalvia - Family Myidae de LAMARCK, 1809 - Genus Mya LINNAEUS, 1758: 1: Side view of an adult individual of Mya truncata LINNAEUS, 1758: Size: 90,1 millimetres. Origin: 60 metres depth. Silver Pit, North Sea. 2: Side view of the left valve an adult individual of Mya arenaria LINNAEUS, 1758. Size: 88,7 millimetres. Origin: Off the coasts of Lancashire (Great-Britain). Courtesy of Guido and Philippe Poppe. See comments. -70- Plate 21: Morphology of the shell of some Genera of the Order Myoida: 1: Family Thraciidae: Genus Thracia: Thracia myopsis MÜLLER, 1842. Width: 16,3 milimetres. Origin: Finmark (Norway). 2: Family Cuspidariidae: Genus Cuspidaria: Cuspidaria nobilis (ADAMS, 1854): Width: 49,2 milimetres. Origin: Off Alguay Island (Philippines). Depth: circa 100 metres on sandy bottom. Courtesy of Guido and Philippe Poppe. See comments. -71- Plate 22: Order Myoida: Family Pholadidae: Variability of the morphology of its generic taxa: 1a-1b: Intern and extern sides of the valves of a Barnea candida (SOULEYET, 1843). Length: 72 millimetres. Origin: Phuket Island. Thailand. 2a-2b: Extern and intern sides of the valves of a Pholas dactylus LINNAEUS, 1758. Length: 61 millimetres. Origin: Mariakerke Beach (Western Flanders, Belgium). Photographer Eric Vanderhoeft. See comments. -72- Plate 23: Fossil and living representatives of the Genus Pholadomya SOWERBY, 1823: 1: View of the fourth individual of Pholadomya candida SOWERBY, 1823 ever found. Origin: Carribean Sea, off Santa Marta, Columbia. Source: See comments. 2: View of an adult individual of the fossil taxon Pholadomya puschii GOLDFUSS, 1840. Origin: Astrup, in a level of Oligocene Age, Germany. See comments. -73- Plate 24: Variability of the morphology of shells attributed to the Family Monochamidae: 1: Monochama anomioides STUTCHBURY, 1830: Size: 23 millimetres. Origin: off Tasmanian coasts. 2: Monochama tasmanica (WOODS, 1876): Size: 17,5 millimetres. Origin: Melville Island (northern Australia). 3: Monochama anomiodes STRUCHBURRY, 1830: Size: 23 millimetres. Origin: Off Tasmanian coasts . 1 to 3: Courtesy of Guido and Philippe Poppe. See comments. -74- Plate 25: Morphology of the shell of taxa of the Families Hiatellidae and Myidae: 1: Family Hiatellidae: Genus Panopea MENARD de la GROYE, 1807: Panopea generosa GOULD, 1850: Origin: off Hong-Kong (China). Source: Length of the shell: 11,6 centimetres. Photographer: Patrick Fischer. 2: Family Myidae: Genus Mya LINNAEUS, 1758: Mya arenaria LINNAEUS, 1758: Length of the shell: 10,8 centimetres. Courtesy of Guido and Philippe Poppe. See comments. -75- Plate 26: Morphology of the shell of some representatives of the Order Myoida: 1: Genus Sphenia TURTON, 1822: Sphenia hatcheri PILSBRY, 1899. 2 : Genus Panopea MENARD de la GROYE, 1807: Panopea generosa GOULD, 1850. 3: Genus Hiatella BOSC, 1801: Hiatella arctica (LINNAEUS, 1767). Courtesy of Guido and Philippe Poppe. See comments. -76- Plate 27: Difference of the morphology of shells attributed to the Genus Corbula: 1: Corbula fortisulcata SMITH, 1879. Size: 20,4 millimetres. Origin: The Philippines. 2: Corbula caribbea d’ORBIGNY, 1842. Size: 9,6 millimetres. Origin: Argentina. Courtesy of Guido and Philippe Poppe. See comments. -77- Plate 28: Family Gastrochaeniidae:Genus Gastrochaena SPENGLER, 1783: 1: Lateral view of the rigth valve of a Gastrochaena plicatilis (DESHAYES, 1855): Size: 2,7 centimetres. Origin: off Bohol, the Philippines. 2: Lateral view of the rigth valve of a Gastrochaena cuneiformis SPENGLER, 1783: Size: 1,7 centimetres. Origin: extracted from coral in the Rynie Park, South-Africa. 3: : Lateral view of the rigth valve of a Gastrochaena dubia (PENNANT, 1777) Courtesy of Guido and Philippe Poppe. See comments. -78- Plate 29: Morphological variability of the shells attributed to the Family Pandoridae: 1: Freanamya ceylanica (SOWERBY I, 1835). Size: 25 mm. Origin: Algoa Bay, South-Africa. 2: Pandora gouldiana DALL, 1896. Size: 20,9 mm. Origin: Jefferson Port (U.S.A.), circa 5 metres depth. 3: Pandora dissimilis SOWERBY III, 1894. Size: 37,4 mm. Origin: Algoa Bay, South-Africa. 4: Pandora pinna (MONTAGU, 1803). Size: 7,5 mm. Italy: off Anzio, South of Rome, at 200 metres depth. Courtesy of Guido and Philippe Poppe. See comments. -79- Plate 30: Variability of the morphology of shells attributed to the Family Verticordiidae: 1: Euciroa millegemmata KURODA & HABE, 1952: Size: 17,6 millimetres. Origin: Algoa Bay (the Philippines). 2: Euciroa elegantissima (DALL, 1881): Size: 24,4 millimetres. Origin: Off Florida coast (USA). 3: Acreuciroa rostrata (THIELE & JAECKEL, 1931): Size: 47 millimetres. Origin: 400 metres depth, off eastern China. 1 to 3: Courtesy of Guido and Philippe Poppe. See comments. -80- Plate 31: Some extreme adaptations of the shell of Anomalodesmata: 1: Brechites philippinensis (CHENU, 1843). Height: 20,8 centimetres. Origin: Western Australia. 2: Cucurbitula cucurbitula (SPENGLER, 1783). Height: 29 millimetres. Origin: Andaman Sea - Thailand. Courtesy of Guido and Philippe Poppe. See comments. -81- Plate 32: Other Belgian fossil piece of wood hosted by Teredo-like bivalves: Locality: Albert II Dock, Doel (Beveren), Eastern Flanders. Stratigraphy: Basal Grind of the Sands of Kattendijk Formation (Lower Belgian Pliocene). 1: Intern view of a drifted piece of wood. Total length: 20,5 centimetres. 1a: Magnification of one of its hosts, classically determined as: Teredo navalis LINNAEUS, 1758. 2: Extern view of another drifted piece of wood. Total length: 17,5 centimetres. Photographs Eric Vanderhoeft. See comments. -82- 1 Plate 33: DOEL - ALBERT II Dock - Top of the Sands of Merksem Formation: Uppermost Belgian Pliocene. 1: Lot of Corbula gibba OLIVI, 1792. Photographer: Eric Vanderhoeft. See comments. -83- 1 Plate 34: DOEL - ALBERT II Dock - Top of the Sands of Merksem Formation: Uppermost Belgian Pliocene. 1: Incrustations and content of diverse Corbula gibba OLIVI, 1792. Photographer Eric Vanderhoeft. See comments -84- 1 Plate 35: E3 Tunnel: Base of the Edegem Sands Formation: 1: Small septaria reworked from the top of the Boom Clay Member: Extern view. Size: 14,2 centimetres of width. Photographer: Eric Vanderhoeft. See comments -85- 1 Plate 36: E3 Tunnel: Base of the Edegem Sands Formation: 1: Half a part of a small septaria reworked from the top of the Boom Clay Member. One of its mollusks borers, Martesia peroni COSSMANN & LAMBERT, 1844 is visible. Heigth: 11,5 centimetres. Photographer: Eric Vanderhoeft. See comments -86- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Plate 37: Martesia peroni COSSMANN & LAMBERT, 1844: 1 and 4: Two views of one specimen with a part of its extern protection. 2 and 5: Two individuals perfectly preserved. 3: Intern view of a right valve. 6: Left view of another individual. 1 to 6: Photographer Eric Vanderhoeft. See comments. -87- 1 2 3 4 Plate 38: Second inhabitant which occupied some holes bored by the Martesia peroni COSSMANN & LAMBERT, 1844: 1 and 2: Intern and extern views of its left valve. 3 and 4: Extern and intern views of its right valve. 1 to 4: Photographer Eric Vanderhoeft. See comments -88- Plate 39: Other Belgian fossil piece of wood hosted by Teredo-like bivalves: 1: Cross section of a part of the drifted trunk of a palm tree-like vegetal. Total length: 22,4 centimetres. Locality: Lambrechts Sandpit, Neder-Okkerzeel, Flemish Brabant, Belgium. Stratigraphy: Fossil discovered at the top of the Brussels Sands Formation (Lower Lutetian). Photograph Eric Vanderhoeft. See comments. -89- Plate 40: Other Belgian fossil piece of wood hosted by teredinid-like bivalves: 1: Longitudinal section of a part of the drifted trunk of a palm tree-like vegetal. 1a: General view. Total length: 24,6 centimetres. 1b: Magnification of its lower part. Stratigraphy: Fossil discovered at the top of the Brussels Sand Formation (Lower Lutetian). Locality: Lambrechts Sandpit, Neder-Okkerzeel, Flemish Brabant, Belgium. Photograph Eric Vanderhoeft. See comments. -90- Plate 41: Other Belgian fossil piece of wood hosted by teredinid-like bivalves: 1a and 1b: Two magnifications of the specimen illustrated on Plate 40. Stratigraphy: Fossil discovered at the top of the Brussels Sands Formation (Lower Lutetian). Locality: Lambrechts Sandpit, Neder-Okkerzeel, Flemish Brabant, Belgium. Photograph Eric Vanderhoeft. See comments. . -91- Plate 42: Largest Belgian enigmatic concretion of unknown Age and Origin: 1a: Side view. Height: 125 centimetres. 1b: Lower view: Diameter: 88 centimetres. 1c: Upper view. Magnification: x 2. Repository: Public Parking I.R.S.N.B. (Brussels, Belgium). Photographer Eric Vanderhoeft. See comments. -92- 15. Comments on the Plates Plate 1 to Plate 8 These plates regroup photographs of all the fossil remains considered as teredinid remains discovered, between 1983 and 2004, in the sifting residues of the Sint Niklaas Phosphorite Bed, in its type locality: The S.V.K. Clay Pit N° 4, at Sint-Niklaas (Eastern Flanders, Belgium). One of the important taphonomical problematic is the estimation of the origin of these pieces of wood, another is the estimation of the duration they remained in marine waters. Their attribution to the Gymnospermales or the Angiospermales is a proposition made by Hugues Doutrelepont (Carpologist, M.R.A.C., Tervuren, Belgium) and, amazingly, confirmed and precised by the gardner of the senior-author. This gardner has studied Ebenistry and Marquetry, but for political reasons was forced to move away from his country. Comments on Plate 1 This piece of wood is supposed to be a fragment of a branch of a Gymnospermales of the Order Pinales. The specific taxon to which attribute this branch is difficult to ascertain without fine slides, but could be a coastal tree of the Genus Pinus. Trees of the Genus Pinus are abundant and common along all the coasts having a cold to warm temperate climate. Its seasonal growth rings are particularly obvious. The sediment filling the tubes is constituted by very fine sand and glauconite cores. The beginning of the oxysation of the iron sulphides is responsible for their greyish coloration. The tubes present a remarkable sub-circular section of nearly the same diameter what suggests their builders had the same age. Comments on Plate 2 This relatively large piece of wood only presents parts of five tubes what is not normal for pieces of wood having drifted more than one week. But, considering that this piece of wood is a transversal part of a thick branch, the concentration of individuals teredinids is similar to the concentration observed in the first one. These tubes present smooth walls with numerous constriction marks. But these ones could also be considered as successive modifications of the tunneling direction. This phenomenon is explainable by the successive changing of positions of a piece of wood immerged and balloted in marine waters, since a few days. The formation of the siderite concretion is considered as posterior to the drifting period. Comment on Plate 3 These magnifications offer better views of diverse parts of the tubes illustrated on Plate 2. Comments on Plate 4 This photograph is a magnification of another part of another piece of wood showing a teredinid tube avoiding what seems to have been a node of the wood * *Generally, the place of the insertion of a small branch. The thickness of the wall of this cylindrical teredinid tube and its sedimentary filling are perfectly visible. Comment on Plate 5 This plate presents a higher magnification of the central part of the preceding plate. If what seems to have been a node, really a node was, it was the insertion place of a branch with a diameter of a maximum of 15 mm. -93- The very high number of inflations of the teredinid tubes allows supposing that the wood encircling this node very hard was. This hardness could imply that this branch was not the first to grow at this place. Comments on Plate 7 This plate presents another elongated piece of wood with teredinid tubes. Some individuals have bored this one following the fibers of the wood, but others have pierced all its layers. On the wall of one of the tubes which follows the wood fibers, a hole is visible what means that it remained more or less empty. All the tubes having pierced all the layers of this piece of wood are filled by sediments. Comment on Plate 8 This plate presents magnifications of two parts of the piece of wood illustrated on Plate 7. Comment on Plate 9 Damages caused by the crustacean xylophagous isopod taxa and these caused by the molluscan xylophagous teredinid taxa have similar dramatic consequences for building and naval human activities. Pillars of wharfs and habitations or wood-ships were, and remain, very quickly destroyed by the boring activities of both groups. But, the damages caused on harbor constructions always were less dramatic than these caused on naval constructions. Comments on Plate 10 to Plate 18 These plates regroup photographs concerning the general morphology of the type species of the Genus Teredo, genotype of the FamilyTeredinidae,different morphologies of their tubes, pieces of wood bored by their extant representatives, some sources of wood they bore, interesting parts of their anatomy, mycelium present on dead woods and some inhabitants of tubes of dead teredinids. Comments on Plate 10 (Figure 1) The growing of the tubes, illustrated on this Plate, presents numerous, regularly spaced, interruptions. Such interruptions have been interpreted as a result of an annual growing cycles or, by other authors, as a result of a moonsoon growing cycles. These two hypothesis ignore the frequency the ancient sailors were obliged to change some essential pieces of their ship, completely injured by ship-worms. Some biologists have suggested that these growing interruptions could be attributed to a moon cyclus. Even if, it remains difficult to explain how a moon cyclus could be responsible of this phenomenon, force is to admit that this one better explains the frequency of the hull-cleaning operations of the ancient sailors. Additionally, this interpretation is in accordance with the data concerning the growing rate of the majority of the extant representatives of the Genus Teredo. (Figure 2) This photograph suggests that the extant representatives of the Genus Teredo are able to bore wood in diverse orientations without to be influenced by the structure of the wood. (Figure 3) This photograph illustrates the thin and perfectly symmetric shell with the first centimetre of its calcareous protective tube. Some references BLUM, H., F. 1922: On the effect of low salinity on Teredo navalis. University of California, Publications in -94- Zoology. 22(4): 348-368. PALVAST, P. & VAN der VELDE, G. 2011: Distribution, settlement, and growth of first-year individuals of the shipworm Teredo navalis L. (Bivalvia: Teredinidae) in the Port of Rotterdam area, the Netherlands. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation. 65(3): 379-388. Impact of the Terediniformes on human naval activities Before Humanity was able to build metallic hulls, the hull of the wood-ships was constantly and dramatically bored by teredinids molluscs; origin of their vernacular name: shipworms. This problem obliged all the captains, legal or pirates, to found secure places where the cleaning of the hull and the replacement of its to damaged elements possible was. But all the secure bays were not in possession of trees from which the resistance was this required to furnish some naval master-pieces. For all the marine trade-companies, the domination of some islands by the crown they depended became a priority. Historic reference WOODARD, C. 2008: The Republic of Pirates, being the True and Surprising Story of the Caribbean Pirates and the Man Who Brought Them Down. Marine Books. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. New-York. 383 p. ISBN: 978-0-15-101302-9. Importance of the Mycelium It is the lace-like and kilometric-sized mycelium-net which ensures the communication between all the specific taxa of trees and allows transmitting warnings about potential animal aggression’s. The mangrove trees are unable to transmit such warnings because of their lacking of a mycelium warning system. Mycelium cannot survive in any type of salt-waters, so low it is. The Teredinidae bore drifting pieces of dead wood and roots of mangrove trees. If stranded more than a sea-tide, the majority of them dye. Some references for Salinity and mangroves CINTRON, G., LUGO, A., E., POOL, D., J. & MORRIS, G. 1978: Mangroves of Arid Environments in Puerto Rico and Adjacent Islands. Biotropica. 10(2): pp. 110-121. CRUZ, M.,TORRES, G. & VILLAMAR, F. 1987: Estudio de los moluscos perforadores de la madera Rhyzophora harrisonii (Mangle) en la costa Ecuatoriana. Acta Oceanografica del Pacifico. 4(1): 121-160. LIANG, S., ZHOU, R, C., DONG, S. S. & SHI, S. H. 2008: Adaptation to salinity in mangroves: Implication on the evolution of salt-tolerance. Chinese Science Bulletin. 53(11): 1708-1715. Inhabitants of empty tubes of Teredinidae The juveniles of many species of the Family Microdesmidae R EGAN, 1912 (Order Perciformes, Teleostei, Pisces) are commonly encountered in tubes of dead Teredinidae and supposed to feed, partially, upon their decaying remains. The senior-author has observed three juveniles of Entelurus aequereus (LINNE, 1758) in one tube of a dead Neoteredo sp. in a piece of wood stranded at Newport (Western Flanders, Belgium) He also observed small colonies of isopods and small decapods in Senegal and in Bahia California (Mexico). Reference HENDY, I. W., EME, J., DABRUZZI, T. F., CONNOLLY, H. F., NEMBHARD, R., CRAGG, S. M. & BENNETT, W. A. 2013: Dartfish use teredinid tunnels in fallen mangrove wood as a low-tide refuge. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 486: 237-245. : Comments on Plate 11 The figure 1 allows understanding the tridimensional deformations necessary to jump from the morphology of the shell of a Myoida to the morphology of the shell of a Terediniformes. -95- The figure 2 illustrates one of the hugest tube of Nototeredo norvegica known. The figure 3 shows the paletts at the distal extremity of the tube of an individual of Nototeredo. The figure 4 presents a photograph of one individual of Nototeredo norvegica presenting a bifid tube. This anomaly could be interpreted as a genetic reminiscence of the original paired siphons, characteristic for all the extant and extinct representatives of the Order Myoida. Comments on Plate 12 This plate illustrates the very large variability of the morphology of the tubes of extant specific taxa of one teredinid Genus. Its aim is to convince paleontologist colleagues of the non-sense to continue to give a specific name to fossil specimens lacking of their pallets. Comments on Plate 13 (Figure 1) Example for local accumulation of drifted pieces of dead wood. If going back in marine waters, these pieces of partly degraded wood are ideal feeding sources for any taxon of the Family Teredinididae. (Figure 2) Mangrove wood is another important source of food, but only for some specific taxa of the Family Teredinididae. But, if stranded more than a sea-tide, the majority of them dye. Some references for Salinity and mangroves CINTRON, G., LUGO, A., E., POOL, D., J. & MORRIS, G. 1978: Mangroves of Arid Environments in Puerto Rico and Adjacent Islands. Biotropica. 10(2): pp. 110-121. LIANG, S., ZHOU, R, C., DONG, S. S. & SHI, S. H. 2008: Adaptation to salinity in mangroves: Implication on the evolution of salt-tolerance. Chinese Science Bulletin. 53(11): 1708-1715. Comments on Plate 14 This plate illustrates two other forms of mangrove environments. Only some taxa of the Order Terediniformes are able to feed upon roots of these ones. Comments on Plate 15 The figure 1 illustrates the two valves and one palett of a specimen attributed to the Genus Teredo. The figure 2 presents an oblique view of an individual of Hiatella arctica (LINNAEUS, 1767). The figures 3a to 3f illustrate the variability of the orientation of tubes of Teredo in diverse Philippine pieces of mangrove wood. Comments on Plate 16 The figures1 and 2 illustrate two common fish-skaters of empty teredinid tubes. The figure 3 illustrates a lace-like net of Mycelium which may reduce the hardness of wood pieces before drifting. But when lace-like nets of Mycelium are present, the communications between living trees are impossible. The figure 4 shows one palett of a juvenile, an adult and senile Kuphus sp. The figure 5 illustrates the siphons of a colony of Kuphus sp. Comments on Plate 17 This plate has for principal justification the illustration of a colony of lithophagous mytilid Bivalvia. The Order Myoida STOLICZKA, 1870 regroups all the extant and extinct xylophagous bivalves, but, the Order Mytiloida de FERUSSAC, 1822 includes some lithophagous taxa, such as these regrouped into the Genus Lithophaga RÖDING, 1798. The illustration of the morphology of the shell of a typical lithophagous Mytiloida seemed necessary to better understand the convergence of the morphologies resulting from similar habitat’s adaptation. -96- Some references for lithophagous Bivalvia HARPER, E. M., TAYLOR, J. D. & CRAME, J. A. Eds. 2001: The Evolutionary Biology of the Bivalvia. (Geological Society of London Special Publications). KLEEMAN, K. H. 1994: Mytilid bivalve Lithophaga in Upper Triassic coral Pamiroseris from Zlambach Beds compared with Cretaceous Lithophaga alpina. Facies. 30: 151-154. SMITH, S. D. A. 2011: Densities of the endolithic bivalve Lithophaga lessepsiana (Vaillant, 1865) in Pocillopora damicornis, Solitary Islands Marine Park, northern NSW, Australia. Molluscan Research. 31(1): 4246. Comments on Plate 18 This plate illustrates the difference of the morphology of a shell of the Genus Uperotus GUETTARD, 1770, a typical extant Terediniformes and the morphology of a shell of the Genus Gastrochaena SPENGLER, 1783, a typical extant Anomalodesmata. Comments on Plate 19 to Plate 31 These plates illustrate the morphology of the shell of some generic taxa of the Orders Myoida and Anomalodesmata. The present systematic conception of the two Orders Myoida and Anomalodesmata remains the subject of many controversies. In the Order Myoida itself, the conception of the Genus Mya LINNAEUS, 1758 itself is controversable. Mya arenaria LINNAEUS, 1758, its generotype has a bivalve shell which is not truncated, but Mya truncata LINNAEUS, 1758 has a truncated bivalve shell. E.g.: If discovered isolated, the valves of Mya truncata LINNAEUS, 1758 may easily be attributed to the Genus Myochama STUTCHBURY, 1830, the generotype of the Family Myochamidae C ARPENTER, 1861. The astonishing diversity of morphologies of the generic taxa attributed to the Order Anomalodesmata makes difficult to believe in its homogeneity. Some references concerning some taxa of the Order Anomalodesmata HARPER, E. M., DREYEr, H. & STEINER, G. 2006: Reconstructing the Anomalodesmata (Mollusca: Bivalvia): morphology and molecules. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.148: 395-420. PREZANT, R. S., SUTCHARIT, C., CHALERWAHT, K., KAKHAI, N.,DUANGDEE, T. & and DUMRONGROJWATTANA, P.. 2008: Population study of Laternula truncata (Bivalvia: Anomalodesmata: Laternulidae) in the mangrove sand flat of Kung Krabaen Bay, Thailand with notes on L. cf. corrugata. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. Suppl. 18: 57-73. ROJWATTANA, P.. 2008: Population study of Laternula truncata (Bivalvia: Anomalodesmata: Laternulidae) in the mangrove sand flat of Kung Krabaen Bay, Thailand with notes on L. cf. corrugata. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. Suppl. 18: 57-73. Comments on Plate 32 This plate presents two drifted pieces of wood discovered in the basal grind of the Kattendijk Sands Formation (Lower Belgian Pliocene) at Doel (East Flanders, Belgium). One of these piece of wood was completely disagreed, but one perfectly preserved tube of one teredinid bivalve has resisted again the corrosion. The scarcity of wood remains in all the Belgian Neogene strata prospected by the senior-author and his friends could result from the poorness of the vegetal implantation along the coasts of this period. Comments on Plate 33 and Plate 34 These plates presents photographs of some Belgian Pliocene shells of Corbula gibba (OLIVI, 1792), collected in the upper part of the Merksem Sands Formation at Doel (Albert II dock), in the summer 2003. -97- Their concentration rises up to twenty thousand individuals per square meter, and these ones were observable on areas of more than fifty ares. Dubblets and isolated valves of this species were concentrated in three successive sandy-glauconite levels, each separated by ten centimetres of blue clay. Each of these levels was separately prospected for its micro-teeth content. These sifting residues revealed the presence of numerous Squalus acanthias, at least, four species of Raja sp. and thousands of rajiformes dermal denticles. The procentage of teeth of Raja sp. increased notably from the lower accumulation to the upper one. This succession is the oldest Belgian wadden-sea-like deposit known. Comments on Plate 35 and Plate 36 These two plates presents two small septaria* reworked from the top of the Boom Clay Member. These were discovered in the basal grind of the Edegem Sands Formation at Edegem (Antwerp Province, Belgium) during the construction of the E3 Tunnel. *These ‘septaria’ do not present ‘septae; they are in fact small and massive subspheric calcareous concretions concretions which are fairly common, in the vicinity of Edegem, in the uppermost part of the Boom Clay. Many of these septaria were bored by colonies of Martesia peroni COSSMANN & LAMBERT, 1844 which covered the lower face of these concretions. The whole surface of these septaria had been bored by numerous small Porifera of the Family Clionidae and by some lithophagous Mollusca, such as these adult individuals of Martesia rugosa. Comments on Plate 37 and Plate 38 These plates regroup photographs of some individuals of Martesia rugosa BROCCHI, 1814 extracted from small septaria disembedded, during the Lower Miocene, from the upper part of the Boom Clay Member. After the dead of the individuals of this first population, the holes were inhabited by successive other populations of Martesia rugosa, Saxicava arctica LINNAEUS, 1767 and Coraliophylla lithophagella (LAMARCK, 1819)*. *According to the determinations of Dr. Arie Jansen (1964). Comments on Plate 39 to Plate 41 These three plates regroup diverse views and details of a large and unique fragment of the trunk of a palm-tree discovered in the Imbrechts Sandpit at Neder-Okkerzeel (Flemish Brabant, Belgium), in the uppermost part of the Brussels Sands Formation (Lutetian, Middle Eocene). The tubes of the individuals of the very dense populations of teredinids present in this trunk fragment have some morphological similarities with these of the extant Genus Uperotus GUETTARD, 1770. Reference TSUNODA, K. 1979: Ecological studies of shipworm attack on wood in the sea water log storage site. Bulletin of the Wood Research Institute of the University of Kyoto. 65: 44 p. Comments on Plate 42 This plate regroups some photographs of the larger enigmatica of the Invertebrate Collections of the I.R.S.N.B., which is presently abandoned on the public parking of this Institution. For decencies, this strange and massive concretion was stored on the left side of the main entrance of the fossil vertebrate’s room planified by Dr. Gilson and Dr. Dollo. The senior-author has tried, without success, to discover from where could came this fossil labelled as gyrolithes. Purchased by the Museum, gift of a private collector, donation of a Society or discovery, such a voluminous fossil must legally have been registered, but no trace of this acquisition was mentioned in any registers of the Museum*. -98- *Till to 1948, the Royal Institute for Natural Sciences of Belgium has the status of a Museum. Size, wegth, nature, walls, filling and epifauna Size and weigth This sandstone concretion has a height of 126 centimetres and 85 to 88 centimetres of diameter. Its weight was estimated between 450 and 500 kilograms. I.R.S.N.B. was not in possession of an instrument allowing to precise the weight of such an unstable mass when it was decided to displace this one. Nature It is not the shell, but the intern silicified mold of the habitat of a huge invertebrate, comprising three superposed whole rooms and a last one presenting singular apertures. Walls The walls of the shelly habitat were, probably, dissolved by a chemical process which only allows to suppose that their original thickness was comprised between 2,5 millimetres and 1 millimetre. Except for their sandstony touch, their surfaces are smooth. This thickness is suggested by the thin crystalline silicious substance which separates the successive rooms. Filling The fact the sediments filling the two lower rooms present an oblique stratification allows suggesting that, after the dead of its builder, the shell was in an oblique position. The filling of the shell is constituted by fine to very fine sands cores, interrupted by a very short phases of income of coarser ones. Epifauna The highly damaged shelly remains of the invertebrate incrustations consist on carinated tubes of Polychaeta and thecae of balanid Cirripedia. The tubes of carinated Polychaeta seem to be attributed to individuals of the Genus Spirobrachus* de BLAINVILLE, 1818 (Family Serpulidae JOHNSTON, 1865) and the basal prints of diverse thecae of balanid Cirripedia (Thoracia, Balaniformes) are of uncertain generic attribution. *WoRMS 2015: Genus Pomatoceros PHILIPPI, 1844 is a synonym of Genus Spirobrachus de BLAINVILLE, 1818. Other quite unperceptible and strongly abraded traces could be these of hydrozoan or bryozoan small colonies. Some small perforations are also visible. Today, all these invertebrates may be collected off, or along, the Atlantic * and the Mediterranean coasts, where they live fixed on hard organic or inorganic supports at various depths. *From northern Norway to southern Morocco. All together, these data allow supposing that it was discovered in shallow marine waters The presence of these extant taxa is not an argument allowing to attribute to this concretion an Holocene Age, it only demonstrates that the extern side of this concretion was a perfect anchorage mass for diverse sessile inver -tebrates during a part of this Period. If it was dradged on the North Sea bottom, the most plausible zone is this where the streams of the Thames River and the former Senne River intercrossed. The Hinder Banks* are a possible location point. *See Max Poll 1947: Les Poissons marins de la Belgique: map 2. Conclusion None of these data allows proposing any age to this fossil. Some possibile origins A sedimentary level of a geological succession of a foreign country surrounding the North Sea, a concretion trawled from the central part of the same Sea or a level located on another continent. -99- A concretion discovered in a foreign country surrounding the North Sea Since the years 1850, all the fossiliferous strata of the countries surrounding the North Sea have been so intensively prospected that it would be exceptional that similar fossils had never been observed or mentioned in none of these. A concretion trawled from the central part of the North Sea The bottom of the central area of the southern part of the North Sea is constituted by an accumulation of massive erratic stone blocs produced by the smelting of the last icepacks which covered the Baltic countries. This mass, called Eridan, contains diverse types of boulders of which some have a sedimentary origin. This concretion could have been extracted of one of these sedimentary levels. But, no similar concretion had been discovered in none of the sedimentary levels surrounding the Baltic Sea, an area so intensively prospected. A concretion carried by ship from another continent Another possibility is that the size and the morphology of this concretion have surprised a naturalist during his exploration of a far country and that he decided to ship this one to a European Institution. Violent storms are common events in the North Sea * and the number of sinked ships by these storms is very high. It is possible that the ship carrying this enigmatic concretion sunk during one storm and those fishermen discovered it in their net. Conscients of the singularity of their discovery, they give it to a man they appreciated: Dr. Gilson. *See: BAYENS, E. 2002: De verraderlijke Zee - Scheepsrampen in de Noordzee. 256 p. Lannoo. ISBN: 90 209 4997 4 A falsification False fossils have sometimes been produced as a joke* to test the knowledge of some pretentious specialists, but such a singular mass had none interests for any world-fame Belgian paleontologists of this period. *Such as the man of Pildown. Conclusion The geographical origin and the nature of this huge concretion remain mysteries. It becomes urgent to protect this unique ichnofossils again an ineluctable detoriation. -100- 16. Acknowledgements The authors are particularly greatfull to Anne ABREAR (AU), Lucia BORGES (D), Pieter DE SCHUTTER (B), Hugues DOUTRELEPONT (B), Robert MARQUET (B), Catarina PIMIENTO (U.S.A.), Guido and Philippe POPPE (B), Carsten RENKER (D), Janet VOIGTH (U.S.A.), Olev VINN (EE) and Argyros ZENETOS (EL). for their precious help. -101- The original PDF was sent, the 2 August 2015 to the Belgian royal Library, Legal Electronic dépôt Survey and, because of techinal problems, the 3 August 2015 to the following Institutions: In Belgium: I.R.S.N.B., S.G.B., U.L.B., V.U.B., R.U.G., U.Lg., M.R.A.C., K.M.C.A., Musée de Zoologie de l’U.L.B. and Musée d'Histoire naturelle de Mons. In other Countries: N.M.N.H. (GB), B.G.S. (GB), B.M.N.H. (GB), Naturalis Biodiversity Center Leiden (NL), M.N.H.N. (F), Musée d’Histoire Naturelle de Lille (F), Krahuletz-Museum Eggenburg (A), Bergbaumuseum Klagenfurt (A), Biozentrum Grindel und Zoologisches Museum, Hamburg (D), Geologisches Museum München (D), Niedersächsisches Landesmuseum Hannover (D), Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin (D), Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt (D), A.M.N.H. (USA), Auckland Museum (NZ), Field Museum of Chicago(USA),, KARLSRUHE Museum (D), Alexander von Humboldt Museum (D), and Museum de Genève (CH). And to the following colleagues and former field-collaborators: Alroy John, Amaru Kazuto, Baut Jean-Paul, Barrull John, Boel Jacques, Bonde Niels, Bor Taco, Boulvain Frédéric, Bourdon Jim, Bosselaers Mark, Case Gerard-Ramon, Collier Eric, Cunnny Gilles, Doutrelepont Hugues, Dusar Michiel, Dutheil Didier, Finet Yves, Fraije René, Garot Philippe,Gonzalez Gerardo, Grogan Ellen, Guenegues Serge, Hooker Jerry, Hovestadt Dirk, Kitamura Naushi, Last Peter, Lenglet Georges, Louwye Stephen, Lowe Ruth, Kedra Marika, Kriwet Jürgen, Kukuev Efy, Kupryanova Elena, Ishihara Hajima, Malakovski Svetlana, Migom Frédéric, Mollen Frederik, Pfeil Fritz, Pöllerspock Jürgen, Popov Evgeny, Poulicek Mathieu, Préat Alain, Rac-Lorenz Helen, Rees Tony, Romero Javier, Sabourin Nadine, Sebastiani Didier, Steurbaut Etienne, Sigurdsson Stein, Stehmann Matthias, Schlögel Jan, Telesh Irina,Tabachnikov Konstantin, Takada Koji, Tarifa Silva Eduardo, Taverne Louis, Taylor Paul, Thies Detlev, Udovichenko Nikolaï,Underwood Charlie, Van Bakel, Barry, Vandenberghe Noël, van Goethem Jackie, Viktoras Didziulis,Vinn Olev, Yabumoto Yoshikata,Ward David, Welton Bruce, Wesselingh Frank, Wille Eric,Winderickx Didier, Wirtz Peter and Zuber Pavel. Editeur responsable: Docteur Jacques Herman. I.S.S.N. : 2033 - 6365 Beigemsesteenweg 319. 1852 Beigem (Grimbergen). Belgique - België - Belgien. G-mail: [email protected] Website, freely accessible: -102-